Articles of War Agreed upon Between his Grace the Duke of Schonberg and Teige O. Reagan, for the Surrender of Charlemont The Twelfth of May, 1690. THat all the Garrison, viz. Governor, Officers, Soldiers, Gunners, and all other Inhabitants, (the Deserters only excepted, who run from us since the First day of September last) and all other Persons in the said Garrison, shall have their Lives secured, and March out with their Arms, Bag and Baggage, Drums beating, Colours flying, Match lighted, Bullets in their Mouths, each Officer and Soldier Twelve Charges of Powder, with Match and Ball proportionable, and their Horses, without any Molestation in their Bodies or Goods, now in their possession, not belonging to the Stores, upon any pretence whatsoever. That the said Garrison may March the nearest way to Dundalk, and not be compelled to March above Eight or Nine Miles a day. That the Sick and Wounded Officers and Soldiers, and other Persons that are not able to March at present, may remain within the said Garrison till able to March, and then to have a Pass to go to King james's next Garrison. That none of the Army under our Command shall enter the said Fort, except such who are appointed by us to take possession of the same, till the Garrison be clear marched out of the Gate. That there shall be a sufficient Escourt appointed for the said Garrison to Convey them to the Place . That they shall deliver wholly and fully, without any Embezelment or Diminution, all the Stores belonging to the said Fort, and that can Officer shall be immediately admitted into the Fort, to take a Remain of the same. That the Fort shall be put into the Possession of such Forces as we shall think fit, at Eight of the Clock on Wednesday next, being the Fourteenth of this Instant May, at which hour the said Garrison shall March out, and an hour before the Outward Gate shall be delivered to such Forces as we shall appoint, in case a Supply of One months' Provision for Eight hundred men be not brought into the Garrison, for the Relief between the Signing hereof, and the said Time. That the Articles shall be inviolably performed on both sides, without any Equivocation, mental Reservation, or Fraud whatsoever, according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof. Lastly, That all Acts of Hostility shall cease betwixt the said Garrison and Army, so soon as Notice can be given on both Sides. LONDON, Printed for Richard Baldwin, in the Old Bailie. 1690.