〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, OR The Saints Rising Out of the Heap or Mass of dead Bodies contained in the Globe of the Earth and Sea, at the first blessed Resurrection Deciphered by Christ, Rev. 20.5. Whereunto, by way of Preface, is here prefixed, The Comprisal of the Substance of our former Parcels: With further, and more evident Discoveries, which may fitly be called, The Marrow of Divine Revelation Mysteries. Opened by that Key given By Christ himself for that use and purpose, Rev. 20. & 21. & 22. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. If by any means I might attain unto the Resurrection of the dead, Phil. 3.11. The rest of the Dead lived not till the thousand years were ended, Rev. 20.5. Now I say that Jesus Christ was a Minister of the Circumcision, for the truth of God, to confirm the Promises made unto the Fathers, Rom. 15.8. By William Sherwin, Minister of the Gospel. London, Printed 1674. The first Bodily Resurrection of the Saints a Thousand Years before the rest of the Dead, Rev. 20.5. 1. Proved four ways. 1. From the Text, with its dependency as a Revelation, and compared with Christ's Doctrine thereof, Luke 20.35, 36. 2. From the Context, as an explication of daniel's Vision of the same matter and time, Dan. 7.9, 10, etc. 3. From many other Scriptures, Reasons and Arguments (together with our whole System premised) proving the same. 1. Positively, that it is Bodily. 2. Negatively, that it is not spiritual, etc. 4. From sundry Texts in the Old and New Testament, speaking of the same thing of which this Revelation, ch. 20, etc. is a sure Explication, with Answers to sundry Objections. 2. Improved to divers uses. 1. For Information, in nine particulars. 2. By Reference to Uses of Terror and Consolation before. 3. For Admonition and Warning to all that profess Christian Religion, now in the due season to approve themselves as Wise Virgins, both in preparing and watching for the Bridegrooms coming, shortly approaching, Rev. 16.15. 4. For Exhortation also, to all such, to thankfulness, etc. The Comprisal of our whole work, and the Divine Mysteries therein explained and confirmed by many sorts of Arguments, deducted and drawn from the same Principles by way of Preface unto a following Tract on Rev. 20.5. DEar Christians, whose part shall be in the first blessed Resurrection, a thousand years before the rest of the Dead. We having been, by God's special Grace, formerly lead in the way of Discovery, as by many other useful distinctions contained in our Key, and applied in our whole work, so particularly by our Distinctions, Assert. 6. of the same, of the several senses of the come of Christ, and more especially having first thereupon been led on in the composing of our Practical Tract upon Rev. 22.20. setting forth Christ's second Personal coming to destroy Antichrist, 1 Thes. 2.8. Dan. 7.9, 11, 13, 14. many ways distinguished from his descending a thousand years after, at the last Trump and general Rapture, and glorious change of all the Saints, 1 Thes. 4.15, 16. & 1 Cor. 15.51, 52. For at the former he brings all the Spirits of the deceased Saints that sleep in Jesus with him: at the latter, they, and all the rest of the Saints, departed afterwards, shall in the twinkling of an eye be rapt up to meet him in the air. From the former Christ withdraws at the end of the thousand years; after the latter, they shall ever be with him the Lord. In the former, he comes in the Clouds, that through them mortal eyes may then behold him: upon the latter, all Clouds will be abolished, and Heaven and Earth will flee away before his face, and no plaee be found for them, Rev. 20.11. when the rapt Saints eyes and wicked men's then raised will be fitted to behold his glory on the great white Throne: at the former the wicked Quick will be judged with temporal destruction, viz. Turk and Pope, and such as do offend and work iniquity will be taken out of his Kingdom, Mat. 13.41. at the latter, the Saints will first be rapt up before the wicked rise to be judged: at the former, the Saints will be judged with a judgement of reward in this world in the thousand years, Rev. 11.19. having before there suffered for Christ, they shall then reign with him, upon the first said Resurrection: at the latter, they shall be joined with Christ in judging the wicked: at the former he comes from the right hand of his Father, to make his foes his footstool; at the latter, he is said to descend with a shout, and the voice of an Archangel and the Trump of God: at the first, he puts down all Rule, and all Authority, and Power that stood against him, 1 Cor. 15.24. at the latter, he destroys the last enemy, Death, v. 25. above a thousand years after: at the former, Ezekiel's Gog and Magog, ch. 38. 39 viz. the Turk and Pope will be destroyed. The Turk with a complication of Judgements, v. 22. the other, by the last Vial, Rev. 16. & Rev. 19 & Rev. 11. 19 before the New Jerusalem, called Jehovah Shamma, shall be set up, Ezek. 40. to the end of that book, wherein Daniel agrees, ch. 11.45. and ch. 12.1, 2, 3. at the latter, the last Gog and Magog shall be consumed with fire from God out of Heaven, Rev. 20.9. at the former will be the New Heavens, and the New Earth, being the time of the restitution of all things; at the latter, will be the end of the world, and the dissolution of all things: at the former, only the Saints will be raised, at the first bodily Resurrection which Christ brought with him; but at the latter, all the rest of the dead, viz. Saints departed since that former coming, and all the wicked at the last Trump. These, or the like we considered in the foresaid Tract. We also found from Acts 3.19, 20, 21. that God had spoken of things to be before in and after the said thousand years, as we have set down in 36. particulars in our first convincing Argument in the Word Written) by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world began, which we have in order made manifest from page 44. of our Irenic. but more especially in ch. 5,6,7,8. of the same, which may deserve your serious reading, and consideration, as being another Divine Foundation of the same Truths. Likewise upon the drawing up of those 16 Divine Theses, or Positions, page 3, 4, 5, 6. of the Irenicon, in the 11 and 12th of them is contained that needful Distinction of the two fold Consideration of Christ's execution of his three great Offices. 1. In respect of his Universal Church in the three great Periods of the world: as the work the Father gave him to do in all times of his Mediatorship. 2. In regard of the benefit always flowing from that undertaking to all Gods faithful people by the operation of the holy Spirit in their Souls, etc. The former we have handled in our next Practical piece on Gen. 3.15. confirmed therein by Scripture, Reason, Experience, with many improvements made thereof in the said Treatise, drawn up upon that said account, which I wish may be well considered by all Christians as another Foundation of them. In the next place we have as it were in some sort passed per saltum unto the 20th chap. of the Revelation: (many others having of late usefully handled things in the first 19 Chapters) by our Abridgements thereof, of the order of the times of the seven Seals, Trumpets and Vials; and of the Seal Prophecy, and Book Prophesy, and in the Scheme of the Contemporaries in both, all which we mentioned in our late account, which are almost accomplished, being all before the Date of the Man of Sin be expired: that we might so more speedily come to the consideration of the thousand years, ch. 20. wherein Christ will reign with his raised Saints in the world, as is plainly asserted by the representatives, Rev 5.10. which was our main drift, by God's gracious assistance, for the use of all his faithful people, whose concernment we are more and more ascertained it will shortly more and more appear to be exceedingly above what is usually by most Christians apprehended of it: And also by Abridgements of daniel's Visions for the Discovery of the Series, and order of both those Mystical Prophecies of Dan. and the Revel. and thereupon (as the 4th head of our method propounded ch. 1. of the Irenicon) we composed our Book of Parallels to manifest the Revelation to be a Divine Mystical Comment upon the sealed, or shut up parts or short hints in daniel's Prophesy; which our Saviour hath orderly (though Mystically) explained, as we have often said, (and it is a great truth of this nature to be known) whereby many former mistakes of many men are evidently discovered (as we hinted formerly, Assert. 5. of the Key) for he that once attains, but competently, to apprehend the subject, nature, order of times and scope of the book of the Revelation hath made a good progress in the study of that most excellent Divine book of Prophecy. I will thus for your benefit a little here touch upon them. 1. First the Subject thereof are the Fates and State of the Church, and her Enemies in the Roman Empire from Christ's Ascension to his coming again, to ch. 20. where first of the Asian Churches Declension, and the great Red Dragons 10 Persecutions till Constantine's time for above 300 years to the end of the 6th Seal, Rev. 6. And then come on God's Judgements upon the Empire for persecuting the Saints before, in ruining the Civil State thereof by the blasts of the 7 Trumpets, proceeding out of the seventh Seal; the 4 first whereof being the milder (yet by the barbarous Nations deadly wounded the Western part in the sixth head of the Emperors, ch. 8.) and about An. 600, The first Woe Trumpet the Saracens, Rev. 9.1. fell upon a great part of the Eastern Empire, being the King of the South, Dan. 11.40. and about 1100. the Turk began to overflow with his multitudes, Dan. 11.40. being the King of the North, and the 2d Woe Trumpet, Rev. 9.11. and the utter desolation of the last head who healed the deadly wound given to the former head will be at Christ's appearance and Kingdom, Rev. 11.15. 2. Secondly, The nature of this book is a double Scheme of these things that concern the Civil State and Ecclesiastical State, and accordingly twice running over the same times, in respect of each of them for about 1660. years and more. First in the Seal Prophecy, ch. 6, 7, 8, 9 And then again of the Ecclesiastic State in the little book, ch. 10. which gins ch. 12. with the said primative persecutions in the Battle with the Dragon, etc. and the Church's time, times, and an half from her entering into her wilderness condition: wherein the Lords two Witnesses feed her by their Ministry 1260. years, during Antichrists persecutions 42. months of years, (which are all the same time, ch. 13.) and as the true Church was nourished by the said Witnesses along her Wilderness condition; so by their Preaching shall Antichrist in the time of the seven Vials be consumed thereby as by the breath of Christ's mouth, ch. 14. which Vials are set down, ch. 15, 16. and explained and executed to ch. 20. about the time the last said Mystical Trumpet will sound, ch. 11.15. when the Kingdoms of the world shall become the Kingdoms of God, and of his Christ. 3. Thirdly for the order and times thereof; See our several Abridgements mentioned in our Account, p. 4. Inreference to the Parallel a Breviate of which ye may also observe afterwards in considering David's sure Mercies to be performed in Christ, after he as God's Commissioner upon his receiulng the Book with seven Seals given to him by the Father, Rev. 11.1. to open the Seals, and execute the Contents of the same, until he sit upon the Throne of his Father David, Luke 1.32. which will be David's sure Mercies respecting his Kingdom for ever. 4. Fourthly, as for the End, Drift and Scope of Revelation Prophecy, we have of late specially endeavoured to manifest it to be to show to the Church of Christ what advantage and benefit she shall have by means of her former sufferings for Christ, viz. to reign with him in his Davidical Kingdom in the world, which as it may be manifest by our 8 Convincing Arguments in the Word Written, and by our 12 Foundations of Faith: and our New Jerusalem upon Jer. 3.17. and also from our Key and account, yet we having of late obtained, by the same grace of God, some farther Discoveries to this purpose, concerning this farther Assertion respecting the drift and scope of Revelation Prophecy, namely, That ch. Rev. 20. with the Jerusalem State set forth, Rev. 21, & 22. are the great Key of all ancient revealed and promised Mercies to the faithful Forefathers and their spiritual Seed, chief to be fulfilled in that state and time of the said 1000 years; which that they shall be in the world, may appear by our 15 Reasons approved of by the Learned, in our New Jerusalem, page 9, 10, 11. which excellent useful Key, as it is Divinely fitted by our great Prophet the Lord Jesus Christ, the faithful and true witness, to make a strong, full and clear Discovery of the Wisdom, Power and Justice of God against his, and his Church's Enemies: so especially of the Mercy, Truth and Faithfulness of God towards his faithful Servants, as being revealed, carried on, and to be perfected; and that in many particulars, chief in those times which all true Christians should in these last times, wherein they draw on a pace to be fulfilled, know and be well instructed in, for their encouragement and comfort, at present, to glorify God aforehand in respect of their Faith of them, that so they may be better fitted and prepared hereafter so to do, when they shall find in the enjoyment of them from what ancient foundations of Faith, such manifold great happiness will be then derived unto them, in that world to come, Heb. 2.5. in the renewed state thereof; which I doubt not to manifest by the same Divine Assistance, very evidently to all serious unprejudiced and understanding Christians, in the following Systeme, of Gods most gracious Oeconomie or ordering his Household the Church in the same respects, of such revealed, promised, or convenanted Mercies, chief respecting those times; but passing thence to eternal blessedness, for on such, the second Death shall have no power, etc. Now as the glory of God's wonderful free Grace, first published by himself to Adam and Eve, Gen. 3.15. was by their faith applied as to redound to all their faithful Posterity; so hath God been graciously pleased to derive many rivulets of like grace from the same fountain head, running their several courses in their several times, but all falling in their fullest streams (Divine Wisdom and Goodness so ordering the same) as it were into those more narrow Seas or straits of the said 1000 years, and from thence passing into the vast Ocean of Eternity, whither they Saints shall all be conveyed in due time, order and manner from their happy enjoyments in that state appointed for them; wherein in the mean time his Wisdom, Mercy, Truth and Faithfulness will in such respects shine out gloriously to them in so great enjoyments as they shall then obtain, and will be thereby many ways more fitted (with the blessed Angels) to glorify God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in their rendering all due praise unto him for the same, both then, and for ever more: which they could never do if the raised Saints at the first said Resurrection of their bodies had not a part in all the happiness of that triumphant state of Christ's Church in the said 1000 years; and in all the benefits and privileges thereof, viz. of the said revealed Promises and Covenants to the Fathers of old and their spiritual Seed, which we hope to manifest in what follows, to be according to the word of Gods said Revealed Grace, etc. And to that purpose we now proceed to the said Systeme of Gods declared Mercy at the fall of Man, and in all the succeeding Millenniums, or thousands of years in order following. The System of Gods declared Mercy at the Fall for a thousand Generations, or seven thousand Years, as by the Divine Guidance of his Word and Spirit (which we shall ever humbly and thankfully desire to acknowledge to his Praise) he hath discovered to us, from the Fall of Man, to the end of the World: Especially as is further disclosed by a double Key. First, of daniel's Sealed hints of Prophecy to ch. 20. of Rev. Secondly, of Gods most ancient Revealed and Promised Mercies to the end of the Revelation. [Hinted also from daniel's Lot, Dan. 12.12.] Of the order of the latter in the first Millen, or thousand years. WHen God in the beginning had finished his great and good work of the World's Creation in six days, and made Man his Deputy Ruler in it: and the Devil maliciously, by the Serpent's subtlety, and upon the advantage of the woman's weakness, had brought about the woman's sin and man's fall: The Trinune Deity of his own mere grace, was mercifully pleased, to manifest his most glorious divine goodness, by a wonderful Declaration of his said free, and infinite mercy towards lost mankind, and by himself to publish that Foundation, of all future happiness (containing in the Womb of it) all future revealed and promised mercies and Covenants to his Church, and People in all succeeding times, by declaring that the seed of the Woman shall break the Serpent's head, Gen. 3.15. which Christ in his Mediatorship, from that time undertook and hath and doth, and will still carry on, until he shall make his Foes his Footstool, Psal. 101.1. eminently at the beginning of the 1000 years, by destroying Turk and Pope, and taking out of his Kingdom all things that offend, etc. And by binding Satan for that time, and totally and finally destroy all his Enemies at the end, Rev. 20. which is largely considered in our treatise, upon that Text: And will not these things greatly concern, the raised & living Saints too at that time? especially to see the last most obstinate and desperate Enemies, both taken of, and taken away for ever: Oh how will then the Heavens rejoice, and the Earth be glad: What hallelujahs will then be sung by Angels and men, etc. Secondly, When the old world was much heightened in wickedness: God also by Enoch the 7th. Adam his blessed translation, as a worker of Righteousness, excited men to well doing by Faith, and as a type of Christ, upon whose ascension all his Followers shall twice ascend by Christ: First, in this Souls by his powerful grace, during their natural Life: Secondly, In Soul and Body both together, at the first blessed bodily Resurrection of the just, and at the general Rapture of all the Saints at the last Trumpet, when the said 1000 years shall be ended: And may not real good Christians, by their first ascending into a state of grace, by Christ, guess what degrees of joy and happiness they shall rise unto in Kingdom and Glory with Christ, at the Resurrection and Rapture? And also by enoch's Prophetical Vision, of Christ's coming to Judgement in the first and second Act thereof; recorded by Judas v. 14. Lo he cometh with 10000 of his Saints, to execute Judgement, etc. to warn all men to avoid evil; the first judicial Act thereof is set down, Dan. 7. at the the beginning of the 1000 years, the second Rev. 20.11. after the 1000 years are ended; and will not all the said Saints magnify God's Holiness. Power, Justice and Truth, in both his so revealed, and then executed Acts of Judgement etc. In the 2d. millen or 1000 years. GOd about an 1656. did also by Noah a Preacher of Righteousness, 1. Typify, 2. Covenant, 3. Prophesy concerning these times, and things after he had warned the wicked world, then by his Preaching of Repentanae to them in the time of the Arks preparation 120. years, when their wickedness was arrived to the height; which Ark as it was for the saving of his own house then, or all such penitent or believing Sinners, that would then come into it, wherein safety then (as salvation at all times, is only to be had in the Church of Christ.) So Christ will be the true and safe Ark of his Church, or Family, when the the world in part, or in whole shall perish by Fire, at the beginning or end of the 1000 years; and will not the remembrance of Noah; Ark, illustrate Christ's glory then being the Antitype thereof, in doing such works for his Saints, how will he then be admired of them, etc. 2. God also made a Covenant with Noah, confirmed by the Rainbow, the Token thereof for the world's preservation, from drowning to the end, and also gave his blessings to men, and all sorts of Creatures upon the Earth, to make them fruitful, Gen. 8, & 9 whereby the world continues with its fruitfulness, ever since by Seed time and harvest, as the great Stage for all Gods future actings, in Mercies or Judgements, which his word testifieth have chiefly their fulfilings in the said 1000 years, after which time it must continue the little space of Satan's losing, And as the world will so long be the Stage for such actings of God, until the New Heavens and the New Earth shall cease, so its fruitfulness was to be the accommodation for all such purposes, but especially the Earth in those times, must power out its plenty in abundance, for the Churches-accommodation in that State, then saith the 67th. Psal. The Earth shall yield her increase of those times, etc. so Joel 3.18. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Mountains shall drop down with new Wine, and the Hills shall flow with Milk: [see more in our Key of Noah's Covenant.] And as the Saints grace, and God's goodness in the Earth's fruitfulness will be enlarged (after it's so many thousand years bearing Fruit before) so it will be much more fruitful in those last times of its being, (yet in its renewed condition) whence also the praises of the Saints will be enlarged, and their rejoicings also in such fulfilings, of such promised Mercies, etc. 3. For his prophecy when aftor the sin of that cursed Cham, occasioned by the heinous offence of his Father Noah, (for the best Saints have need of their Saviour) yet when he through grace was awakened, by Repentance from his drunkenness, God manifests his grace by him, in a like wonderful manner; not only to Shem at present, entitling him to himself to be the Lord his God: But also foreshews his purposed mercy to come to the Gentiles, the posterity of Japhet, and accordingly his word gives witness to a twofold call which they were after to have to dwell in the Tents of Shem, as Gen. 9.27. the first was foretold by Hos. ch. 1.10.23. and applied by the Apostle Paul, Rom. 9.25, 26. upon the rejection of the Jews after Christ's first coming, Acts. 13. which was the riches of the Gentiles, saith the same Apostle, ch. 11. which time of grace continues to the Gentiles, to Christ's 2 d coming; when upon the great Restauration of the Jews and Israelites, the Gentiles will have their 2 d call, when their great fullness will come in, which was foretold also by Moses in his excellent song for pesterity, Deut. 32.43. Rejoice ye Gentiles with his people: applied also by the same Apostle, Rom. 15. when Christ being the Minister of Circumsion, as he there styles him, v. 8. for the truth of God to confirm the Promises made unto the fore, fathers (as he there plainly tells us with several other Prophecies there, which shall also be thenfulfilled in the said 1000 years: And will not the Saints than be greatly affected in seeing the accomplishment of such a mercy, and greatly praise God for it when his glorious grace will shine out so abundantly to them therein, etc. In the third Millen or 1000 Years. WHen Lot about the year of the world 2440. had upon worldly allurements chosen Sodom, and after thereupon was captivated by his Enemies, but delivered by faithful. Abraham, God sent Melchiscdeck to bless him who had the Promises, as a Type of Christ's prevailing, perpetual Priesthoed to be of his order: to whom he then paid Tithes of all, as the payment of all due honour will be rendered unto Christ by all his Saints in the said 100 years, and by all Creatures also, Rev 5. but especially by all those, whose great High Priest he shall then appear to be (and probably will by a presential intercession appear to be then) for such as shall be in the natural life, viz. a Priest upon the Throne, as Zach. 6.13. and also the raised Saints security then and for ever: And as this Melchisedeck Priest of the most high God was also King of Salem; so also Christ will then be the great King of the New Jerusalem, Mat. 5.35. all the said 1000 years: And as Abraham was blessed by Melchisedeck after the slaughter of those Kings; so Abraham and his faithful Seed will appear really blessed, when Christ maketh his own and their Enemies his footstool; so the Saints will then find the mercies derived to them from many currents of long conveyances, and still more matter to them of praise and rejoicing, etc. When Abraham that righteous man, as by Esay he is called, was sent on his foot by God's Divine Call, Gen. 12. about the year of the World 2460. God was gracioufly pleased to make free Promises and Covenants, seven distinct times to and with Abrahans (as they are particularly set down in our Key) and after him to Isaac and Jacob successively, to give the Promised Land of Canaan personally to themselves: which Promise the Apostle declares, Heb. 11. they saw a far off by Faith, and died, not having received the same; wherefore as he also shown they did not in their lives seek to possess it, but as men expecting to have the said Promise of God made good unto themselves at the Resurrection of the just, they bought burying places there to have their bodies interred (as also joseph's bones after were) until they should all rise again then to possess it in the renewed state thereof: for they looked for an heavenly country, such as then that state will be, excellently fitted then by God for that their condition. At first also the said Promise was made to all Abraham's Seed, natural and spiritual, through that one Divine feed Christ (as the Apostle teacheth) to spring in time from Abraham's Loins according to the flesh, Gal. 3.16. by whom also all the spitual seed by faith should obtain their lot in that blessed state by Promise, v. 29. concerning which two sorts, the Scripture sets forth many differences. The natural Seed was to inherit the Promised Land after abraham's, isaack's, and jacob's death, 430 years after the Promise was first made: but the spiritual will be joint heirs not only with Abraham, but also with Christ in the said renewed state, when he shall sit upon his own Throne as the Son of David. The former were to be in Bondage long after the Promise, the spiritual are made free indeed by Christ the Son of God so soon as they are made the Sons of God by Adoption and Grace, besides what will after appear they shall be when Christ shall appear, 1 Joh. 3.2. The former were compared to the dust of the earth for multitude, Gen. 13.16. but the spiritual Seed was compared to the Stars of Heaven, not only for multitude, but excellency, Gen. 15.5. explained by the Apostle, Pom. 4.17, 18. and Gal. 3. the whole Chapter. The natural Seed entered into a Covenant with God in their own strength and broke it; but as for the other God makes a new Covenant with them, and undertakes the keeping thereof by them, that they shall not departed from him. The natural were delivered from an outward bondage, which they were many ways liable to fall under again; the other are not liable to be enslaved again by their spiritual enemies: the natural for their provocations, wandered in a worldly Wilderness long before they obtained the promised land: The other are in a spiritual Wilderness, amongst such sinners by whom they are persecuted for well doing: The natural had miraculous provision made for their bodies, yet through unbelief, that Generation came short, and they died in the Wilderness; but the spiritual are fed by the Sackcloth witnesses, who are appointed to feed the woman's Seed in her wilderness condition: the natural were brought into the land of Canaan long after Abraham, by Joshua the Son of Nun: The spiritual will be brought into its said renewed state by the Antitype of Joshua the true Jesus and their great Messiah at his second coming. The natural seed had a rest that was afterward polluted by their sin, and therefore God foretold them that rest should cast them out with a sore destruction, Mich. 2.10. (as after it did) but the spiritual shall be brought into that rest that remains for the people of God, viz. the Sabbatism of the world's continuance when Christ's rest there will be glorious all the said time, and when God will set to his hand the second time to recover his people, Isa. 11.10, etc. with many illustrations there and else where declared: for the natural a Jerusalem and Pemple were built by men for typical worship: the spiritual shall have a New Jerusalem whose maker and builder is God, where the Lamb will be the Temple of it: for the sin of the natural seed the Heathens entered and defiled the typical Temple, but no Canavite shall come into the New, or any unclean thing enter into it: And though the last Gog and Magog will wickedly, when Satan is loosed at the end of the 1000 years, attempt to besiege both the Holy City and the Camp of the Saints, yet they shall be destroyed by fire from God out of Heaven in that attempt which will bring on the utter destruction of them all By these and the like differences may be discerned that what the natural Seed obtained, were but dark shadows of those excellencies which the spiritual Seed by Faith shall inherit in that world to come, as the Children of Abraham; for as the Apostle Paul ye are all heirs according to promise, Gal. 3.29. viz. of the land of Canaan renewed, or in the New Jerusalem state to come in the world, which will be perfected in eternal blessedness in Heaven: And therefore God made it his memorial through all generations, that he was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in giving them personally that promised land in the said renewed state thereof, and to all their spiritual seed circumcised and uncircumcised, to inherit then the same, together with them, which Mr. Mede manifests to be the scope of our Saviour's Argument against the Saducees, Mat. 22.32. viz, that since he was the God of the living; they shall live again to inherit that promised land; and I doubt not but that these Divine Mysteries will then be found real verities; and how will the hearts of all those Saints (then) be enlarged from the said Covenants and Promises accomplished to them, with praises and rejoicings upon that account also, etc. Here also may be added baalam's Parable put into his mouth by God when be was hired by Balack King of Moah to Curse Israel, by turning his intended Curs into an eminent 〈…〉 foretelling of 〈…〉, of which 〈…〉 but a shadow 〈…〉 away (as was 〈…〉 ●●mb. 24.7, 8, 9 and v. 17. 〈◊〉 the Star out of Jacoh and Sceptre out of Israel that shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the Children of Seth, v. 18, 19 and out of Jacob shall come he that shall have the Dominion, and v. 24. she shows that the Ships of Chit, tim (the Roman Navy, Dan. 11.40, etc.) should afflict Ashur and Eber, being the Jews last oppressor, should perish for ever, or go into perdition, as Rev. 17. which will be fulfilled at Christ's appearance in destroying that man of Sin, when that evil Dominion shall cease in the world. Much more might be here added of Christ's unwalling the Children of Seth as a prevailing King, when he shall be the Prince of the Kings of the Earth, Rev. 1.5. and be that Star out of Jacob, and have the Dominion, v. 17.19. which will be eminently verified in his said 1000 years' Reign with his Saints, with other matters agreeing to the Judgement of Jewish Rabbis, and pious Christians respecting the same; but I study brevity, etc. This may suffice: Now can we think that when the living and raised Saints; shall in the said state see these things fulfilled, from such complicated evidences happily derived unto them, that they will not make suitable returns to God, for such incomes of his ancient declared goodness, etc. Moses also appears in his blessing of Judah, Deut. 33.7. to be directed by the Spirit of God, chiefly to respect Christ at that time, when God will bring him to his People to convert them, about his great appearance approaching, and that his hands shall be sufficient for him, then to be the Lord, mighty in Battle, Psal. 24. with many other expressions elsewhere; and that God would be an help to him against his Enemies, as Deut. 33.7. though some gradually applications hereof have in some sort been not unfitly made yet the chief appearance according to the tenor of Scripture, to be when he shall eminently make his Foes his Footstool, Psal. 110.1, v. 5, 6, 7. subduing the Potentates of the Earth, then found to oppose him, and especially that head over divers Countries for the Original 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is singular, not heads, but head, fitly expounded to be the Pope, who assumes himself an universal headship over divers Countries: So that hence it may be more and more manifest, that all such ancient predictions till David's Kingdom, and his sure mercies, in reference to Christ's said Kingdom; all not only refer to that time and State, but then shall have their chief fulfilings, when Christ shall then come to reign his and their Enemies, and reward his faithful Servants, Rev. 11.9. and 22.12. Come we now to consider that which appears to be the last, anciently revealed or contented mercy of this nature, wherein all Saints then shall be intercessed, and chiefly bears the Title of the Kingdom of Christ: For in the New Jerusalem, they shall be intercessed, as the faithful Spiritual Seed of Abraham, but in their Reign with Christ, as the meek and upright spiritual Children of David, whose Soul was as a weaned Child, Psal. 131. And such than shall inherit the Earth, and delight themselves in the abundance of Peace, Psal. 37.11. which yet they have not obtained, but shall saith our Saviour, Math. 5.5. having in that State that Portion and Lot, in this sure mercies of David, Isa. 55.3. In the fourth Millen or 1000 Years. TOwards the end of the third, and the beginning of the fourth Millen: We may place what concerns both David and Solomon, whose Buildings of the Temple is reckoned by Usher to be about the 3000th. year of the world, and about the middle of the time of the first 6000 years, (though (haply) the little space of Satan's losing, after the seventh Millen, may be allowed to make up some part of the sixth before it,) yet there are some differences, by several learned Persons discovered in Chronology, both under the Old and New Testament: And therefore Chronological Conjectures, aught to be in some probable Latitude, etc. Come we then in the next place to David's Kingdom, not as it was given him as the Son of Jesse; specially appointed thereunto by God's peculiar designment, to be Anointed by Samuel: But as by a new divine Character, it was by nathan's Message confirmed for ever, through his one divine seed Christ, 2 Samuel 7.8, 9 to 17. and accordingly by David's Faith, Thankfulness and Prayer, afterwards improved from v. 16. to the end of the Chapter: (which we largely considered in our seventh Foundation of Faith) which great and most excellent confirmation was, after David's grievous fall in the matter of Vriah, and his Repentance, and his many Scourges suffered upon that account, for a long time; (for the freeness and seasonableness of such, God's promised mercy to David, aught to be well observed by us) as in all the former said Examples, given from time to time) for the glory of God's divine Wisdom, Mercy, Truth and Faithfulness, to be then manifest throughout all Ages, and Generations of the world until the Saints; especially in those times, when they shall see and enjoy all their greatest accomplishments, both praising Gods holy name for the same, and exceedingly rejoicing in them, in their several conditions, of both such saved and newly raised Saints: Therefore by nathan's said Message to David, God took occasion upon David's good puopose, to build God an house (when David enjoyed peace after his former troubles, which God well accepted of as to the matter intended, but yet for some Reasons he assigned that work over to Solomon his Son; yet (I say) took occasion thereupon to make to David the largest Charter, and to give the greatest assurance of David's sure mercies, in respect of the several States of his Kingdom for ever; that was ever given to any mortal man, in many respects there observable, (as we shown) the one was conditional for his immediate natural Seed, his Son Solomon (if he stood upright) who was to build that same glorious Temple at Jerusalem, which after he did being therein a Type of Christ; yet afterwards did by his grievous fall, also cut off that long entail of his Kingdom (otherwise) to his natural race, which was soon after divided by the loss of ten Tribes, in his Son Rehoboams time; being then engaged in Idolatry upon politic accounts, the Cause of the misery and speedy captivity, which afterward was in both parts, by the succeeding provocations of others, taken away from Israel first, and after from Judah also. But the second was absolute to David's divine spiritual Seed Christ the Son of God, that was to become man, in an extraordinary way and most wonderful manner, by being born of that blessed Virgin, that was to come of David's Race, who as the Angel told her at his birth, should sit on the Throne of his Father David, Luke 1.32. as the Prophet Isaiah had foretold, that there should be no end of the increase of his Government, and Peace upon the Throne of David and upon his Kingdom, to order it and to establish it, with Judgement and with Justice for ever; (as he had promised in the said Message by the Prophet Nathan) to the end of the World, or as in Psal. 89.29. That his said Divine Seed shall continue for ever, and his Throne as the days of heaven, and that in the greatest extent over Sea and Land, with the highest Exaltation many ways illustrated, as for Gods first born higher than the Kings of the Earth, ver. 25, 27, etc. and to be then the Prince of the Kings of the Earth, as he is styled Rev. 1.5. And though for the successive great provocations of others also of David's natural Seed, and especially of Manisseh and Zedekiah, from whom that Crown was then last taken away with a manifold Declaration of God's heavy displeasure against him, the last of Davids said natural Seed, as the profane wicked Prince of Israel; saying by Ezekiel ch. 21. Remove the Diadem, take away the Crown, this shall not be, and I will overturn, overturn, overturn till hethat is Christ the spiritual Seed of David) come. Whereupon was that long interim, or interruption of David's Kingdom, in the four Monarchies following, revealed to Daniel twice, ch. 2. and ch. 7. (during the Gentiles Dominion all that time (probably) for the space of 2300 years. Dan. 8.26. for which observe the Reasons in our summary of Daniel; yet God did also there declare himself (even when the Tabernacle of David was falling) mindful of David's sure mercies, in and by his said blessed Seed [Christ] to come, (when all the said four mettle Kingdoms, at once shall pass away, as the chaff of the Summer threshing floor, Dan. 2.35.) saying, further by the Prophet Ezekiel; (with whom all other Prophets, some ways concur in the same matter,) when he whose right it is shall come, namely Christ, that he would give it him; who is now gone to Heaven to receive it, Luke 19 and when the 〈◊〉 long interim, of the said four Monarchies is passed (of which now but little remains) he will return, and the fallen Tabernacle of David, shall in him be raised up again, as the Prophet James applied, the Prophecy of Amos, ch. 9.11. at that famous Counsel at Jerusalem, Acts 15. with reference to the Gentiles great fullness under Christ's said Kingdom, then to come in also: By whose first coming to take man's nature in a Tabernacle of our Flesh, for at that time, God according to his prediction, Dan. 2.28. set up the spiritual Kingdom of the Stone, cut out of the Mountain without hands in the first State of it, in the time and height of the Roman Dominion, being one and the last of the said four Gentil Kingdoms, which by Daniel and Christ's one Revelation, was thence to continue above sixteen hundred years; wherein Gods said, spiritually powerful and prevailing Kingdom of the Stone; should Divinely (in the said time of the Dragon and Beast, after to come and continue, to act their parts so long) proceed powerfully by degrees, to bring on the ruin of that said last, of the four Monarchies, viz. the Roman and therewith all the broken parts of the three former which shall be certainly performed at Christ's appearance and Kingdom, as the Apostle Paul plainly declares. 2 Tim. 4.1. And then all Satan's Babilonisn designs in all his three Babets will come to utter confusion, viz. the confusion of tongues and divisions in the first, will then be dissolved by oneness of language and unity: Tyranny and Cruelty, by Meekness and Peacefulness: and the great Mystery Babylon fully be discovered, defeated, dissolved when the Mystery of God shall be finished; which we largely considered chap. 5. of our Irenicon of the said three Babel's: The foundation of all which was laid by Nimrod in Assyria; which Title of the Assyrian seems upon that account to be given to the Turk at his ruin, Mich. 5.5. This man [Christ] shall be our peace when the Assyrian shall come into our land, and v. 6. Thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian, etc. To which purpose In the fifth Millen or 1000 years GOd the Father in a glorious Vision of the substance of Revelation Prophesy both for the order and end thereof, Rev. 5. gives the book to the Lamb that had been slain and was alive again, to open the contents thereof under the seven Seals to that coming of Christ, and makes him also his Commissioner (as we noted) impowering him also to execute the same, as being that Lamb that hath seven horns, and seven eyes, that is, hath perfect power, and perfect wisdom, fully, by degrees in due order, to accomplish the same, according to the double Scheme of Prophecy contained in the Book of Revelation. First in the Seal-prophesie, for the ruin of the Civil State, which under the first five Seals, after rejected the offers of Christ, and bloodily persecuted his Saints in the time of the ten great Persecutions, with others, by Satan's prevailing power amongst them: who under the sixth Seal, as a great Red Dragon, was by Constantine the Great, after 320 years cast down from his heaven of Paganism-worship to the earth: since which time he hath sought upon a new design to pervert Christian Religion, and the Worship of the true God: First by Errors and Heresies against the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, above an hundred years following: and after that to Paganize Christian Religion itself, by his new design then of two Beasts, Rev. 13. giving thereunto his great power and authority to contrive and promote a new Paganism, or Idolatry, under a specious Visor of seeming and pretended Christianity; of which in the little Book ch. 10, etc. But from under the seventh Seal proceed the seven Trumpets, sounding out the wrath of God by degrees of Judgements against the Civil State of Rome; by the four first milder Trumpets to destroy it in the West; in Empire, City, and Senate: And after in the East by the first Woe Trumpet the Saracens to take away one half thereof, Rev. 9.1. from about An 600. and forward, being that King of the South, Dan. 11.40. that in the time of the Holy Wars, so called, seemed to push at the Roman Armies, etc. And in the sixth Millen or 1000 years. CHrist hath since according to the Fathers said Commission by that second Woe Trumpet of the Turk. [who is therefore Christ's Servant] as Nabuchadnezzar was said to be Gods] from about An. 1300. hath taken away by his overflowings with his multitudes, the other part of the Eastern Empire, being that King of the North, Dan. 11.40. described also in his actings, Rev. 3.11, etc. who is to continue his day, and hour, and month, and year, to destroy the third part of men in the same 396 years of his Date, till that Empire cease to be, v. 45. probably about An. 1700. with which the Beast was in great part to contemporate, with the Church's time, times, and half, in her wilderness condition, and also the two sackcloth Witnesses to feed the Church, and consume the Beast by their Prophecy 1260 years, as by the breath of Christ's mouth, till he at the end of the Beasts 42 months (all being of the same time) shall destroy the Beast and the false Prophet at the appearance of his said coming and Kingdom, 2 Thes. 2.8. 2 Tim. 4.1. To which purpose upon the Jews Captivity, and sad fall of David's said Tabernacle, God did in that time by his contemporary mystical Prophets, Ezekiel and Daniel, reveal the time of Israel's Restauration, more darkly by Ezekiel, ch. 37. also showing Gog and Magog must be removed, ch. 38, & 39 before the New Jerusalem should be set up, called Jehova Shamma, ch. 40. to the end of the Book. But then to Daniel God was pleased more fully and clearly to set forth the [interim] or time of the four Monarchies. 1. Of Babylon. 2. Medo-Persian. 3. Greece. 4. Rome, which were to pass in the said 2300. years before David's Tabernacle should be raised up again in Christ. But that the Kingdom of the Stone should first be set up, as God foreshowed, Dan. 2.28. which was done above 1600 years past, in the time and height of the last, or Roman Empire, utterly (as was said) to beat to dust the said four Mettle Kingdoms. And God shown the same to Daniel in Vision of the four Beasts destroying each other, until the last should be destroyed by Christ at his first act of Judgement against the Beast, Dan. 7.11. Whereupon he had the Vision of Christ's coming in the Clouds of Heaven, when the Kingdom and Dominion of all Nations should be given to him, and that under the whole Heaven, v. 13, 14, 27. which will be David's sure mercies for his Kingdom and Throne to continue for ever upon that raising again of his Tabernacle fallen above 2000 years before, and will be also Christ's Davidical Kingdom of his 1000 years' Reign with his Saints, revealed by himself, Rev. 20.4. whereby as was said God's wisdom, power, mercy, truth and faithfulness, will gloriously shine out to all those Saints in that respect (as in all the former before) both for his destroying the wicked then, as foretold, and so exalting his Saints to their great rejoicing and triumphant happiness in that excellent state of the New Jerusalem, and restitution of all things by Christ their great King, Saviour, and Messiah. In the seventh Millen or 1000 Years. 1. SAtan is bound for 1000 years, but to be loosed again for a little season when the 1000 years are ended, Rev. 20.3. 2. Christ Reigns with his then raised Saints at the first blessed bodily Resurrection the same 1000 years, v. 4, 5. 3. The said raised Saints remain in the happy enjoyment of the Vision of Christ's glory, Joh. 17.24. in his Kingdom given to him by God the Father in the New, Holy, Great, and Beloved Jerusalem, enjoying then happy communion with Christ their head, and with one another in that state, being so made perfect in one, as Christ prayed, Joh. 17. and as his Spouse or Bride one with himself, Rev. 19 and Rev. 21.9. and with the holy Angels, all joining with the inferior Creatures in their orders, to praise God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for his great and glorious work of Creation and Redemption (as by that glimpse of the end of Revelation Prophesy ch. 4, 5. may be discerned) being all then in an undisturbed, happy state in their several degrees, whilst Satan is bound and sealed up in the bottomless pit; that he may not tempt the nations any more till the 1000 years be ended, v. 3. all remaining in an happy peace, so long without being attempted against by any enemies. 4. Christ's Servants, viz. the raised Saints, chief will then serve him, Rev. 22.3. as their business and happiness so to do, ch. 7.15, 5. Christ will be their light to them both, spiritual and visible, and both glorious, in whose light, his Saints will then see light at the Revelation of all things, (probably) as to Mysteries, Creatures and Providences, when the mystery of God is finished, and the light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sun, and the light of one day, as the light of seven days. Is. 30. 6. The Nations of them that are then saved, will walk in the light of the said great holy and beloved Jerusalem, come down from God out of Heaven, all the said 1000 years, being the Spirits of just men, before made perfect, to receive then from Christ their spiritual Bodies, also Rev. 21.24. 7. The Kings of the Earth shall bring their Glory and Honour to it, in the same v. 8. Also they shall bring the Glory and Honour of the Nations to it, v. 26. 9 God will then dwell amongst them, and all Tears shall be wiped from their Eyes, ch. 21.3, 4, & 7, 16, 17. 10. All the glorious Privileges of the Paradise of God, of the Tree of Life, whose Leaves are for the healing of the Nations, and of the pure River, clear as Crystal, proceeding from the Throne of God, and of the Lamb, and all the glorious excellencies assigned and belonging to it; which all those happy raised Saints will then know by experience; how wonderful, great and excellent they are in their Fruition thereof, the said 1000 years. 11. And though Satan when he is loosed will seduce his last Gog and Magog, to attempt to besiege the beloved City, and the Camp of the Saints; yet Christ hath afore hand resolved them, that it shall only be an attempt, and the Devil and all his Agents shall then be consumed by Fire from God, out of Heaven in the said attempt, and the Fabric of the world shall suddenly then be dissolved, upon the sounding of the last Trumpet, and the general rapture and change of all the Saints, to meet Christ in the Air, coming to sit upon that great white Throne, at the last Judgement, Rev. 20.11. From whose Face, the Earth and the Heaven shall fly away, and no place shall be found, for them, Rev. 20.11. And hath not Christ himself revealed all these things in an evident manner: That may suffice all Christians, and rational men of their reality; and how then should all sound serious and conscientious Christians, from the consideration of these things, now hinted to them, with many more that might from God's word be set before them to such purpose, be stirred up to love the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Apostle professed for himself, with that great encouragement to all others, to partake with him of a Crown of Righteousness, 2 Tim. 4.8. 2. To long for his said appearance, when he cometh without sin, having fully satisfied for that at his first coming; but then only for salvation to his People, to deliver them from all their Enemies, and even the inferior Creatures with them; from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God, Rom. 8.21. And to have their own bodies redeemed from the Prison, and the corruption of the Grave, and have powerful grace, as the Angels in Heaven in their condition; and even those also in the natural Life, shall serve Christ in Holiness and Righteousness before him, all the days of their life, Luke 1.74, 75. 3. And that they may love his appearance, and long for it, let them labour continually to be fitted for it, etc. and this rather, because many ways; the time thereof seemeth to be near approaching, not only in regard that most of the preceding Predictions are fulfilled, but also because we find the computations of years; which the Holy Ghost seems to set down, of the Jews great Restauration, and of the destruction of the Church's Enemies, are shortly to be completed, of which two in Daniel, and two in the Book of the Revelations, appear very considerable to that purpose; which we shall endeavour here to set down, as some of the Grounds and Reasons of such our Conjecture: From those 4. Computations of the said mystical Numbers, formerly more fully explained in our Parallel of Daniel, and the Book of the Revelation, and upon the ruin and desolation of the Remane Monarchy as follows. The first is from the 2300. days of years, in Daniel 8, 26. by Palmomis or the secret Numberer, seeming to refer to the end of the Jews Captivity referring to the time of the end, v. 17. & to the last end of the indignation, viz. of God against that captivated People: The like to the same purpose is also observable, where Daniel declares the Roman Kingdom shall prosper till the same time, viz. until the indignation shall be accomplished, for (saith he) that that is determined, shall be done, Ch. 11.36. So again upon the same account; The Sacrifice and Oblation shall cease, for the over spreading of Abominations, he shall make Jerusalem [taken by Titus and Vespasian] desolate, even until the Consummation, and that determined, shall be powered out upon the desolate, Dan. 9.27. See many other Reasons upon Dan. 8.26. In our Summary of daniel's Visions: This Computation of 2300 years, was from the destruction of the Temple by Nebuchadnezzers Army, then carrying the Jews captive to Babylon, to their great Restauration at Christ's appearance, is by Scripture and Chronology thus computed: at Babylon 70. years under the Medes and Persians, about 80. years, till daniel's 70. weeks, when the Edict went out for building the City Jerusalem, about 3549; when is reckoned by their King's Reigns, to be about 80 years more, and daniel's weeks, to the end of the half week; when Christ had finished his Sacrifice of himself, for our sins; which was in all 640 years more, and from thence to about that year, which we reckon will be 1700. will so be made up 2300. years. Secondly, For the 2335. years, in Dan. 12. from the effectual taking away of Sacrifice, in Julian the Apostate Emperor's time, when not only many Heathen Idolatries, were encouraged by him, but he also in opposition to Christian Religion, allowed the Jews out of the public charge, to Rebuild their Temple for Sacrifice; whereupon Historians Record that God by miraculous Tokens of his displeasure, by Fire, Tempest, Earthquakes, &c destroyed such as were employed in the said work, and not only burnt up the very Tools they wrought with: But cast out the very Stones which they had laid for the Foundation thereof: Whereupon an Ancient observed that then Christ's words were fulfilled, that one Stone should not be left upon another, which should not be cast down, which times reckoned by Bishop Usher to be Anno Dom. 363. unto which if 1335. of daniel's said account be added, it is near about 1700. The two other Numbers in the Revelation are first the date of the man of sin, his forty two months, or 1260 years, conceived to begin before 420. when the ten Kings were up at one hour with the Beast, Rev. 17.12. to which said 420 years or less; if there be added the 20 or 30 years to come, being the remainder of the 6th Vial, they will all together amount to about 1700 at the time of Anti-christs' destruction. Lastly, As to the Turks day and hour, and month, and year to destroy the third part of man, computed by Mr. Mede 396 years, who is the second woe Trumpet, to destroy the Roman Empire in the East, Rev. 9.11. and Dan. 11.40. which being added to 1300 or somewhat more, when the Ottoman Family, according to Chronology, obtained the power; it will with the other 396 make up about 1700. All which computations though by Reason of some differences, in Chronology before Christ's birth, and since (as Bishop Usher observed) we may not attempt to determine day, or hour, or year; yet within a competent Latitude; the Spirit of God seems in these particulars, to give just ground of conjecture, that men of the world may be admonished of its fleeting state, to prepare for the great shake and changes, that seem shortly to draw near therein: By these Computations and other matters observable to such purposes, from the Book of God: Since the Jews Restauration is pointed out by the 2 former in Daniel, and the destruction of the Enemies of Christ, and his Church in the 2 latter; which the Holy Scripture declares will be the work of Christ, at his said great appearance now approaching. Whence also we made our Conjecture of the most literal sense of the Number of the Beast, Apoc. 13. 666. [as Belshazzers Kingdom was numbered when it ended at his death] though other observations of the Number 1666. may also be consideder able to other purposes) but if we reckon the appearance of Christ, and his Kingdom to be about 1700. according to the the four said computations, at which said appearance of his presence, 2 Thess. 2.8. The Apostle saith he will destroy the man of Sin, then reckon backward for the Epoc. of his Number of 1666. (for it is agreed by learned men, that the whole Number of a thousand is there understood to be added) and it will fall out so to begin about Christ's Ascension, from whence to his descending again, will so be made up 1666 years, viz. about the said time conceived to be the Period, of the said four computations; and from our Saviour's birth, by the common account 1700, at the said Beasts destruction; and his Ascension, when Christ led Captivity captive, seems more suitable to point out by the said Number, his Visible conquest over the remaining Powers of the world that oppose him. About which time, not only will probably appear the most eminent fulfilings, of Gods most anciently revealed mercies, in his powerful, effectual and eminent breaking of the Serpent [Satan's] head, by taking away or destroying, such his Church's Enemies, and treading down Satan himself under the Saints Feet, as the Apostle Paul foretold, shortly or swiftly, Rom 16.20. in the order of accomplishment. First, By his binding, Rev. 20.2. and after by casting him (upon the ruin of his last Gog and Magog) into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone for ever, v. 18. And then God's Wisdom, Power, Mercy, Truth and Faithfulness, will gloriously appear towards both the Jews and Gentiles, as the spiritual Seed of Abraham, by the destruction of the Enemies of them both: But more especially then, in the raising up the Tabernacle of David in Christ his divine Seed, and in setting up of his said Kingdom; who as we have showed shall gloriously sit upon David's Throne, for ever to the end of the world, in a peaceful and blessed Estate: And if the word of God did not give Testimony, in all the said particulars from the said Predictions, promised Mercies and Covenants; it had been high presumption so to have asserted them: But since as we have pointed out thus briefly, yet very evidently his word doth largely, fully and clearly hold them out; Let men henceforth upon due consideration of these things, take heed of opposing and gainsaying these evident Truths, which he will shortly bring to pass; and no power of Men or Devils shall in the in the least hinder any of them; as Christ will manifest when the Mystery of God is finished, Rev. 10. and it is to be hoped when many serious and unprejudiced and judicious Christians, have sought God by Prayer, and due search of the Holy Scripture; from these Foundations well pondered by them, that they may be herein satisfied, that such a blessed rest and refreshment from the presence of the Lord. remaineth to the People of God; whereby such persons may evidently discern with me, that such precious Jewels of Revelation Mysteries, are highly to be valued, and it is ignorance of these things, which is the great Reason, why many esteem them not as they ought: and that this most sacred and divine Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ; by his beloved Servant and Disciple Saint John, (which is the Diamond in the golden Ring of Holy Writ) is not duly prized by them: and particularly in this respect, that it affords light and Lustre to all parts of Holy Script. without which men are not like otherwise rightly to discern the same; concerning the matters here rendered to them, as we by experience find more and more, to the Glory and Praise of that true Light, who lighteneth every man that comes into the World, according to that proportion he is pleased, to dispense the same, unto them. And thus much of our preparative Preface and Comprisal, both of our said former work and substance of the divine Mysteries contained therein, with what further discoveries God hath been graciously pleased to offer unto the present world, by the hand of so weak and unworthy an instrument by the help of the said last Key, of most ancient prophecy, Rev. 20.21, 22. (as before said) & to precede our intended Treatise on Rev. 20.5. Of the first bodily Resurrection of the Saints. The chief improvement we shall by God's assistance, endeavour here to make of what hath been said, briefly is, for information of Christians of the exceeding great usefulness, and manifold excellencies of all such ancient, revealed and promised Mercies and Covenants, made to and with the said fore Fathers and Saints, that have their particular and most eminent fulfilings, from the guidance of this said divine Key, and other parts of God's word; yet remaining to be gloriously accomplished by Christ himself, in the world to come, or 1000 years of his Reigh with his Saints; There is an Heavenly Treasure of happiness contained in them; for all such Saints at the first blessed resurrection to be given to them thereupon; so that if their said Promises and Covenants, be not by men extended to that said state, they exceedingly narrow the Mercy and Grace of God therein, and as much as in them is, deprive all such Saints of their right then in them: And this may further appear by touching a little upon the divers usefulness, and manifold excellencies of the same. First, They are most ancient, for they are all virtually contained in that most ancient one, Goe 3.15. which was not in the beginning (as Christ, the word was) but in the beginning of man's need of such Gospel Grace, God speedily revealed it, as the summary of all that followed and all the said branches that sprang out of that Root, are by the word of God manifest, to be of the same nature, having a tendency and that chiefly to those said last times. No sooner had Satan at the fall marred Gods work of Creation, but upon the trial of all the Offenders, the most glorious Declaration proceeds from Father, Son and Holy Ghost of restoring lost man, and the whole Creation of God in the Issue, as many ways since by God's word is evident, which by Christ and the holy Spirit are in all times since, carrying on to the end, a work that is every way wonderful that the Son of God should pay the Ransom in man's Nature, by dying for sin, who was perfectly Righteous, not to free man and the Creation from ruin only, but to redeem both it and him to himself; yea to restore both into a better state, to make him both surely and perfectly blessed, in a way and state unconceivable and unutterable; for Christ the Woman's Seed is not a Privative only, but a positive Saviour, nor a partial, but every way a perfect Saviour, and this short comprehensive Gospel contains all in it by Christ, to be obtained for his Saints for ever: Away with false Oracles and Fictions of vain Heathens, of their antiquities, here is only true antiquity, and the best antiquity to be found; and all the others issuing from this if a part ante they be not so ancient, yet a part post they shall be as lasting (as in their particulars we shown from God's word) but yet without this divine Key, we had not known where to fix them, etc. consider them particularly with reference thereunto, as we have given Scripture Foundation, and as we shall, by Divine assistance, further manifest, etc. The subduing of the last great Enemies, the Saints enjoying of the happiness of Christ's Davidical Kingdom, and of the New Jerusalem State, have all their infallible Grounds from some or more, of the said Foundations, as was particularly made to appear, etc. and that they were all as well as the first, freely and graciously given, did appear by occasions that God usually took to make them known, upon some sailing or troubles of his Servants or both, etc. 2. They are all uniform, answering fitly one to another in all such ways God was pleased to manifest his present or future Grace to all that were concerned in them, or should be, etc. 3. Most true as proceeding from the God of truth, Satan if he speak truth, it is not truth from him, because he purposeth thereby to deceive, but it is impossible for truth itself to lie or deceive. 4. They are also most wise, tending directly to the best end, and that in the surest and most prevalent powerful way and means, that cannot fail. 5. Most certain, as coming from the unchangeable God, and therefore neither the best of men nor the meanest of Saints, are not consumed, because by such ways of Grace saved by him that is unchangeable, etc. 6. Most comfortable, because they contain the consolations of God, which are not smali; yea the greatest for all said intentions, that such sinners are capable of for good. 7. These ancient Entails of all the said Saints are very delightful and pleasant, especially being not only upon good, but upon the best Securities that can be. I conceive none, upon due consideration, will be so bold as to say directly any of them is not the Word of God, nor that Christ by this Key hath not laid open the precious excellencies of them, if any wilfully turn away their eyes or ears: upon them will that deficience remain: the higher the points of Wisdom, the Children of Wisdom are exercised in, the more delight they shall find in them; the secret of the Lord is with such as he will show his Covenant unto; of which, these are a very great and excellent part: our Saviour gives his Key especially for that end as knowing their fitness for it. I can say much of the delight of them by experience, though men often slight them and me for them [At mihi plaudo Domi] upon a much better account than it was spoken; the Testimony of the faithful and true Witness Sealed by his Spirit answers all objections, their mention or meditation is cordial, in them is Christ and all his benefits, not only as he is set forth, as to his first coming to lay the foundation of all future good, as he became the Seed of the Woman, as set forth to the old world, and was of the Seed of Man, as of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, & David, in the new world for consolation to mankind, but specially made known of what Tribe namely of Judah at what time to w●t when the Sceptre was departed from it, in what place at Bethelem, of what person, of a pure Virgin of the lineage of David, which with other things in his Birth, Life and Death he fulfilled: But if we improve the intent of these promised ancient Mercies, respecting his second coming, and all concurrent Texts concerning both Jews and Gentiles, the holy Scriptures in such respects much more abound. It is true, the glorious Promises respecting all these at Christ's second coming, hath much misled the Jews, overlooking the humility of the first: and it was well if some Christians were not a farther stumbling-block to them in over looking the great Promises at Christ's second coming, and chief what respects the Jews and Israelites, Christ became a light to lighten the Gentiles upon the Jews rejecting of him at his first coming: but he will at his second be the glory of his people Israel, when all Israel shall be saved: the said time is coming a pace that great will be the day of Jezreel, she must lengthen her cords, and strengthen her stakes: It is a snare of Satan to make men by dim-sighted Reason to poor so much upon improbabilities as to over look such large security given by God to his ancient people, who are and will appear shortly to be beloved for their Father's sakes, God will make them the wonder of his mercy, in a wonerful way and manner (as is very probable) it is sad, men's prayers of late concur in that no more with God's promises, which spiritual allegorising will not answer in their true intent and literal meaning; yet the best and most excellent spiritual sense is carried on as the foundation of God's ancient people's enjoyments his Covenant is when he takes away their sin, and to them chief is promised to put his Law into their hearts, etc. with many more of the like nature, wherein we Gentiles have some part; but it is but a small part in comparison of them to whom they chief belong. God will not fail them in one of his Promises, and they are many and great, and proper to them in the first place and greatest degree; the children's hearts will effectually be turned to the Fathers, and generally too: though mistakes and prejudices with the currents of times carry many a contrary way: but there is enough in God's Promises to that purpose to answer all, let our faith be exercised in them, and our prayer will not then be wanting for them; a joyful and pleasant thing it is to know such a confluence of mercy to Jews and Gentiles is approaching when they shall both rejoice together, Deut. 33.43. and that when Christ's days will be prolonged in the world he shall so abundantly see his seed, and the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand, Isa. 53. 8. These said promised mercies so laid open to all his living or raised Saints, are of exceeding great and manifold usefulness for the present, and for future times, they are of a very comprehensive nature, intensively and extensively if rightly understood and applied: in or unto any times, places or condition for true Christians; they are abundant in blessings, as with Israel at his death, he had distinct blessings for all his Posterity: let but a believing soul consider how much comfort it can draw out now by faith and prayer from them, upon Christ's opening of them one by one as their virtue hath been derived to all Saints past, and may be to all now, and as certainly will be to all Saints hereafter: for they contain, upon that account, flowing streams of mercy, if by our Vessels of Faith, and exercise of grace, we will through Christ go to those waters of consolation, the Woman's promised Seed is breaking the Serpent's head continually, the Children of the Promise, circumcised, and uncircumcised, are travelling to the Promised Land, and New Jerusalem. David's spiritual and faithful Race shall have of David's sure mercies in his Kingdom under, and with Christ, Isa. 55.3. There is present comfort in them all by faith, as well as sure blessedness hereafter in fruition: but I must only point out these things at present, etc. others may be added upon due meditation of these, and the like. Many other improvements might here be made of these things: As, 1. To convince of many Errors and Misapprehensions of many men, but this hath been done by myself in many respects already, and likewise by others as we have particularly showed in our Treatise on Gen. 3.15. as pag. 19 of the Everlasting Gospel is to be seen. 2. This should admonish Christians to manifest, as there is great reason to do, a sober and pious acknowledgement of such Divine Truth and Grace herein laid open for their great advantage if duly pondered, and improved by them. 3. To stir them up to thankfulness for any degrees of such Divine Discoveries in these said respects tendered to them, that such a state upon such sure foundations is by the goodness of God, and the wonderful wisdom of Jesus Christ imparted to them, wherein all sorts of his Saints then living or raised will be so much concerned, as also in our following Tract of the first blessed Resurrection: we doubt not more fully to manifest to Christians Consciences by Divine Assistance. 4. To diligent Study and Meditation of the greatness of these mercies, and of every believing souls great concernment therein. 5. To excite them from all such considerations of so great mercies shortly approaching in Christ's said Kingdom to be attained unto; to labour more and more to be fitted for the same by exercise of a true faith from Gods own assurance, and of all Godly obedience in the due exercise of every grace both towards God and Men: which is also in good part done at the conclusions of all our former Practical pieces on Subjects of like nature, as on Gen. 3.15. Rev. 22.20. Jer. 3.17. and is farther intended, if God permit, on that ensuing, on Rev. 20.5. In doing of which, although we are restrained at present from much enlarging therein, yet when Foundations thereof are once well laid, as to Doctrinal Truths; the other may much be supplied by Christian Communion, Admonition and Conference upon all fitting opportunities. To which good purposes, the said unworthy Penman hereof, hereby declares his readiness upon any suitable and seasonable occasions, to be thereunto subservient. W. S. October. 30. An. Dom. 1673. FINIS. ERRATA. Title page read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. p. 4. r. Rev. 5.7. p. 13. col. 2. r. Ruin not Reign. and 4 lines after r. Covenaneed not Contented. and 4 lines after that, r. Interessed not Intercessed twice. p. 14. col. 1. r. Bishop Usher. l. 40 r. Charter not Character. in col. 2. l. 26. r. unto the Saints not until the Saines. p. 15. col. 1. r. their future. p. 18. col. 1. r. Rev. 9.11. ΕΧΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ OR The Rising out of the Mass of Dead Bodies, etc. REV. 20.5. This is the First Resurrection. WE having by the good hand of God been directed to premise divers things preparative by way of Preface, tending to manifest the first blessed Resurrection of the Just, or the Saints Bodily Resurrection to be here, that which in this Text is by Christ Jesus himself, entitled with this distinguishing Note from all others, namely, of the First Resurrection: that is, properly so called and so punctually and exactly deciphered here by him: which may these four ways following, by his Divine Assistance be made to appear to all serious unprejudiced and understanding Christians. 1. From the words of the Text, compared with other expressions of our Saviour in the Gospel to the same purpose. 2. From the Context, and occasion of these words. 3. From the Arguments and Reasons agreeable to both the former, etc. 4. From other portions of Scripture speaking to the same effect, both in Old and New Testament. First, From the words of the Text 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, where the Particle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this is Demonstrative: We may know what it means by putting the question What is it? and it will be resolved by what Christ was manifesting by his Servant John for the use of his Church, by a special Revelation of God's Divine way of graee concerning his secret Counsels and Purposes in their order to be executed according to the book with seven Seals delivered to himself, that Lamb with seven horns, and seven eyes, denoting his perfect Power and Wisdom, to fulfil the same, ch. 5. in their due order of accomplishment for the time to come to the end of this book: namely, the things that shall be hereafter, for we speak only here of the third head of John's Writings, ch. 1.19. to wit, such as began above 1600 years past, and now appear to be almost fulfilled to a very little space to the end of ch. 19 But the 20th ch. with the two following ch. are (as we have many ways sufficiently proved) and doubt not, by the same Divine Assistance, farther to manifest, that they are the same Holy man's Writings of that most excellent part of the same Divine Revelation for the time to come respecting the happy estate of that world, that the Children of the Resurrection, namely, of this first Resurrection, shall be counted worthy to obtain, as our Saviour himself Divinely taught, Luke 20.35, 36. and in this Revelation he teacheth by his Servant John, what that World and Resur. are, and in what order they should have their being; and it is observable, that as there is in the Text a remarkable emphasis in the Greek by the emphatical Article, there doubled, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, that Resurrection, even that first Resurrection. So our Saviour's expressions in Luke 20. of the same matter, are suitable to this Text, with its dependency: both of that World then to begin, called the World to come, Heb. 2.5. and also of the same Resurrection, and of the Saints themselves, and of their being counted worthy of that World, setting them all four down; 1. By way of Doctrine, and then again makes the same thing known by Revelation to his Servant John in respect of the time and order of fulfilling in this ch. which he had before taught and made known by way of Doctrine while he lived on earth. 1. Saith he, the Children of that World, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, in opposition to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to this present world, where the Children of it are Married, etc. but not so in the other, where the Children of the Resurrection shall be; which here also he teacheth shall be, when he destroys Antichrist, the Beast and false Prophet, and binds the Devil for 1000 years, ch. 19, & 20. that is that World which will then begin. 2. It is the same Resurrection spoken of here emphatically (even that) which our Saviour expresseth there by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, a Rising from amongst such dead bodies as then shall be left behind, being the same the Apostle strove to attain, which he calls 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, Phil. 3.11. a Rising out of the heap of the Dead (of which more afterwards) and speaks of it as a peculiar thing belonging to such as rise out of such heaps (〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, saith the Apostle of such Saints before dead) by the genitive possessive, as if the Holy Ghost would inform us further, it is the Resurrection only of such dead Persons to whom an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 properly belongs, viz. a Rising out of the heaps of the dead left behind. 3. Of the Saints themselves that are to Rise then, they are divers ways illustrated there by Christ, 1. by what they are reckoned or counted worthy of aforehand. 2. By what they are styled by our Saviour in two expressions: For the former, the word is very remarkable, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, they are such as are counted worthy of that World: the word is a decompound, denoting them to be counted worthy, as being Enrolled in ancient Record for it, viz. in the Lamb's Book of Life; and that they are consequently to obtain that World as upon Record for it: the words seem very forcible in their deciphering of the Saints blessed estate then by them to be obtained; so here, blessed and holy are they that have part, etc. v. 6. Again, our Saviour there gave them a twofold excellent stile, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, the Children of Gods and the Children of the Resurrection; so here they are the Spouse the Lamb's wife, being the Children of God, ch. 19 & 21. and this blessed Resurrection we speak of, is proper only to the Saints, those blessed Persons then. 4. Christ sets forth a twofold excellency of that estate of the Saints, they are immortal, they can die no more: so here, on such the second death shall have no power: yea 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they are like the Angels of God in Heaven; not only privatively, that they need not outward worldly helps to sustain them, etc. or not liable to suffering, but as here, blessed and holy, as the Angels of God in Heaven: and thus Christ by his spirit guided the Apostle John to set forth a practical Comment in this Divine Revelation of his former Heavenly Doctrine, Luke 20. so agreeable is all Divine Truth in what the Holy Spirit speaks any way of the same thing. To like purpose when our Saviour speaks of this first Resurrection in the Text, he expresseth it by these words, Joh. 5.29. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, they shall come forth to the Resurrection of life; they shall come out from the rest of the dead, they shall come into the Resurrection of life, which is also called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, the Resurrection of the Just, Luke 14.14. that is, theirs, properly and peculiarly belonging to them, as before: they are the Synonomous Expressions of the Holy Ghost, so exact is all Divine Truth delivered by him, if we consider it aright, as we see all these expressions suit admirably with the text in its expressions & dependency. Now come we to the thing deciphered out by Christ; 1. It is called a Resurrection. 2. The First Resurrection. 3. Demonstratively and Emphatically set down by this Resurrection: we have showed it to be properly the bodily Resurrection, which is only properly so called in Scripture: Regeneration (as some would have it) is improperly so taken; only by a Metaphor, neither is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, in that Text of Mat. 19.28. to be understood of Regeneration; but as learned Beza notes in five Copies, it is distinguished in the Original from the preceding words [you that have followed me] denoting that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, there was the New Genesis, or Christ's making all things New then, as Rev. 21.5. when he the Son of Man sits upon his Throne, that the Disciples that followed him shall then sit upon twelve Thrones, judging the twelve Tribes of Israel: or as it is remarkably explained, Luke 22.29, 30. ye are they that have continued with me in my tentations, I appoint unto you a Kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me etc. and yet if it could have been proved to be meant of Regeneration, yet so it is a Resurrection, only Metaphorical, not Proper, which is only bodily at that first, and also is peculiar to the Saints at that time only. 2. It is called the first Resurrection in opposition to the other, to distinguish it from that following, for the rest of the dead 1000 years after being both to be raised bodily in their due order and time, both properly so called, and to be actually performed by Christ in their appointed times to raise both sorts: first the said Saints bodies at the first, and the bodies of the rest of the dead 1000 years after: viz. such as died in the said 1000 years, and all the wicked at the last Trump. 3. Now for farther resolution what the Demonstrative Article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 points out to us; that as we before noted in revealing the order of that matter to be fulfilled, he shows here that unto the ruin of the Beast and false Prophet succeeds the Rising of suffering Saints; for Christ and his Word, in that New World, as he explains ch. 21, 5. when in that Jerusalem State he makes all things New; they shall Rise to Reign with Christ in his Davidical Kingdom, which hath long been Entailed upon him, as we shown in our Systeme: and he went, upon his Ascension, to Heaven to receive it; and at his Return shall possess it, as Dan. 7.13, 14. and wherein the said Saints shall Reign with him the said 1000 years: and this is exactly set forth to be contemporary with Satan's binding the said 1000 years; and the times of both are so interwoven and linked together to make the said Revelation of both more evident: and yet he Reveals farther, v. 3. that Satan must after the 1000 years be loosed again for a little Season, who in the same order will be loosed, as v. 7, 8, &c: Now in reference to the Saints, St. John saw Thrones, and they sat upon them, for to them the Army of Heaven, ch. 19 in white, the relative expression evidently relates; 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, the souls of them that were beheaded, which were twice described in ch. 19.1. the As Bride or Wife of the Lamb, v. 7.2. As of the Armies in Heaven in white Linen, white and clean, after set forth by the New Jerusalem Inhabitants, metonimically, ch. 21.9. which are those that sat on the Thrones: the same Thrones in Dan. 7. which he saw set because of the great words the Horn spoke v. 11. which were pitched or set, as the Caldee word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies, or lifted up, as Arias Montanus renders it, till the Beast was slain, and his body given to the burning flame, v. 9, 11. and for whom were the Thrones set, but for the Saints at the time Christ came in the Clouds of Heaven, and received his universal Kingdom over all Nations under the whole Heaven, often mentioned in the Gospel; and v. 18. the Saints took the Kingdom then and possessed it: and again v. 22. Judgement, that is, Potestas judicandi, the power of Judging was given to the Saints: of the same our Saviour tells his Disciples they shall sit on Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel which is the same time and thing revealed in this place; but here two things farther are explained by our Saviour then were seen there by Dan. First the suffering, but then raised Sts. shall then have the said Kingdom & power. 2. That they shall have it with Christ 1000 years: these are his farther Revelations here of these things; namely, upon the destruction of the Beast: the Saints that suffered under him are raised bodily, etc. and power of judging is given to them, and they reign with Christ in his Davidical Kingdom 1000 years, and if our Systeme of Promised Mercies be considered well with its Scripture grounds, none of this will seem strange, etc. And though some make a stir upon that the Souls were said to live, we there showed in Scripture, Ideom souls were put for persons, Gen. 40.20. Psal. 16.10. Luke 12.19. besides, how they were represented to the Holy Man in Vision; as souls in taking their bodies is also considerable, for such expressions at that time, a like description he had Rev. 7.14. where they are said to be arrayed in white Robes: so ch. 6.11. and farther saith Mr. Mede, Animae in sacris literis non tantum person●●, sed cadavera denotant: Souls in Scripture are not only put for Persons, but for dead bodies: So Leu. 19.21. Ye shall make no cuttings in your flesh for the dead, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the same word ordinarily signifies the soul, but fitly here translated for the dead: the like ch. 21.1. none of Aaron's sons must be defiled for the dead among his people the; word used for the soul, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but here for a dead body. But above all, we may from the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, Souls, here take notice of the exact agreement of the expressions of the Holy Ghost here, and in ch. 6.9, 10. of the same persons, first of those that had suffered before under the Dragon, called souls here, and others that were after to suffer under the Beast, there styled, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, their fellow servants and Brethren: and here speaking of them both as rewarded, the first he styles souls, for they we separated souls then, when there they were said to cry to God under the Altar [as being before sacrificed] for Vengeance: where by the way, let us take notice how that suited to Moses' Prophecy, Deut. 32.41. I will render Vengeance, etc. and v. 42. from the beginning, of Revenges upon the Enemy, viz. [Antichrist] [here destroyed, Rev. 19.11. to the end] who before hindered the joyful Union of Jews and Gentiles, as in the very next words follows, Deut. 32.43. and the beginning of revenges seems to be the doubling double unto Babylon her cup of wrath before, Rev. 18.6. as also Daniel saw in his Vision, ch. 7. and so such ancient Prophecy will be fulfilled, and the same cry of the Martyrs will blood be particularly answered from under the Altar, which are the same souls which John here saw in Vision so rewarded as to live to reign with Christ the said 1000 years, when the body of the Beast, as Daniel speaks, was given to the burning flame: and to these said souls, the emphatical expressions 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, those souls of those men (before) beheaded have particular reference; but then the Holy Ghost speaks as distinctly of the other: by the cause of their suffering, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, etc. and those that worshipped not the Beast, nor his Image, etc. in the masculine gender being their fellow servants and Brethren afterwards then to be killed: and these also are here in the same manner rewarded, as Rev. 11.19. Thou hast rewarded thy Servants the Prophets, and thy Saints, etc. and all shortly to be fulfilled at Christ's appearance: And by these things we may again observe the special Divine Excellency, and exact suitableness both of the words and things contained in this sacred book. And now in this juncture of time, it is a thing very desirable for many good reasons, as much conducing to the honour of Christ, and the benefit of the Bride his Church, for which end this Love-letter was sent by him almost 1600 years past, to prepare for that approaching Marriage, Rev. 19 & 21. I say therefore it is henceforth very desirable that more than ordinary endeavours should be used in, and encouragement given to those Studies by all real Friends of Christian Religion, who may now expect much return from Christ thereupon: And I confidently believe that every degree of obstruction unjustly cast in the way thereof (upon whatsoever seeming good pretence) will by himself be reckoned, when he comes, as an acting for Antichrist, and against himself, and by how much the greater degrees the worse: and if young Students now begin early to apply their Studies thereunto, they may likely find by the assistance of the Spirit and Grace of Christ (I speak from Experience) a better foundation laid for their future Studies, than from many others formerly, etc. Now when he had thus deciphered the said Saints, or Souls, by their suffering before, and their living and reigning then with Christ; he speaks of the others dead that lived not again till the 1000 years were ended, both being so distinguished the former suffered, and lived, and reigned with Christ, but the other had no part therein: but of the former only that had part in all these he speaks in the words of my Text, This is the first Resurrection, viz. bodily, so long, namely, 1000 years before the other dead shall rise again bodily, which is also called the time of the dead to be judged with reward: and is the same time in that Parallel text, Rev. 11.19. and that thou hast rewarded thy Servants the Prophets, and thy Saints, and all that fear thy name both small and great, and all these at the same time when the last Vial was poured upon the Air of the Beast, Rev. 16. when the Prince of the power of the air is to be dejected from his Rule at the Beasts destruction, and he himself to be so securely bound, and shut up, and sealed, etc. then the Saints risen bodily and reigned with Christ: this is the time, order, cause and end of their rising then 1000 years before the rest of the dead; to whom only that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or rising out of the heap of the dead doth properly belong: and also our Saviour's 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a rising out of the state of such dead left behind, speaks the same thing: that the Saints rise 1000 years before the rest of the dead, which is this first Resurrection. And that the said time of 1000 years is not taken indefinitely but absolutely for itself, 1000 year is acknowledged by the learned, even among such as would understand them by way of Anticipation in the most unfit times of Satan's prevalency; as Paraus and others, which I doubt not but a clear laying down of the Truth will here sufficiently resolve: and such men also grant, that that whole number of 1000 years is always used for itself in Scripture, and not otherwise. But our blessed Saviour hath so exactly laid that down in this Revelation, so as he hath taken away all ground to pretend otherwise; both in laying down the said 1000 years absolutely, and relatively in regard of Satan's binding, and the Saints reigning, and in several respects what was before, what in the time, and what after the said 1000 years: so that no Parallel passage in holy Scripture, or other Writings I believe can be produced; and again so ofren repeated both absolutely what that time was, namely 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 three times 1000 years, and as often relatively, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, those, those, those 1000 years, in reference both to Saints and Satan: and shall vain men presume to pervert this sense of Christ which he hath so fastened upon them, yea I may say, Riveted into them all along, and so by all circumstances, Divinely & gloriously illustrated in this most excellent part of his Revelation more plainly and clearly laid down then all the rest (as Mr. Mede observes) wherein is contained the sure table of the best times of his Church in the world, and her Sabbatism of rest to come in it, as the Apostle speaks, Heb. 4.9. and thus much from the first consideration of the Text with its dependency. In the next place the Saints bodily Resurrection will appear to be the said first Resurrection from divers considerable passages observable from the Context, of which we gave divers hints long a go in our Appendix after the Irenio. page 100, 101, 102. And the first from the Antithesis or opposing the living of these to the not living of the rest of the dead till 1000 years after; so that look how these lived now, the other must not live again so, till that said time take it both ways, the others live not bodily till then, therefore these live bodily now, the others shall not live spiritually then therefore these live not spiritually now for they are opposed as the one living, the other not living again: opposita non sunt possunt simul esse vera. 2. In what respect the Saints were said to be dead, being such as were beheaded, in the same respect here they are said to live, but they were dead only in respect of their bodies; therefore they lived here only in respect of their Bodies: Again, their Souls were not at all dead since they suffered; therefore as to them, they are not said to live at that time when Satan was bound. 3. They were to live, as should be suitable to Christ's being the first Fruits of the Saints Resurrection, at his coming again; but he was so by his Bodily Resurrection; therefore they, as the whole Vintage, rise bodily at his said coming, suitable to the first Fruits of the same kind, 1 Cor. 15.23. Above 1600 years after (〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉) and then (〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉) cometh the end which our Saviour hath revealed, shall be above 1000 years, after his said second coming. 4. The Saints are then to live as will be suitable to Christ's personal Reign, to behold his Glory, and to behold the Vision of him, as the object of their Sense, (then) as Joh. 17.24. He willed that they should be with him, to behold his Glory, which the Father hath given him, which many ways appears by Scripture, must necessarily be then in his said Kingdom, where they shall Reign with Christ, etc. Christ also gave a praeludium or foreshowing example, of the first Resurrection of the Saints, at his own Resurrection, Mat. 27. by the Resurrection of many dead, etc. And the Apostle Paul speaks to that effect, 2 Cor. 4.14. That as God raised up the Lord, he would so raise them and present them together: But nothing of raising any wicked man till the last Trumpet. Quest. But is not this Resurrection meant of Regeneration, because such are said to be blessed, that have part in the first Resurrect. etc. Answer, Some persons at the first view, are apt to conceit so of it, not considering the drift of our Saviour in this Revelation, nor the Order of it: Besides all the incongruity of it, to what hath been said already, and as for the blessedness here assigned to it, it much better proves this to be the said bodily Resurrection of the Saints, when they obtain together a greater and much more eminent blessedness, than any regenerate Saints have in this life: all Tears are then wiped away from their Eyes for ever, and their grace perfected, and Souls and Bodies united in a blessed and holy State, v. 6. though not in such outward glory (probably) as they shall have at the general rapture, yet will have then blessed spiritual Bodies, suitable to such a middle State as Christ's Body was in after he risen again till he ascended, and it may be very congruous that as Christ's body was in such a state wherein he appeared and disappeared to his Disciples and others, before his was glorified; so all these Saints should first rise in such a state, to be the more useful to living Saints (then) before the said Rapture at the last Trump: Such also were the Saints Bodies, seen in the Holy City, Math. 27. And should not there be a suitableness of the Members to their Head? and will not the Communion of such as walk in the light of the New Jerusalem require the same? How did Moses' glimpse of glory trouble Israel of old, till his Face was vailed: Gods ways to his Saints will all appear to be full of Wisdom as well as goodness: But this is a condition of a new living, after men were dead or beheaded, and then no Regeneration is to be expected, that must be now in this Life or never: And it is also of such as were regenerate before they died, else they would never have been Martyrs of Jesus Christ: Again, if this living were Regeneration, than all regenerate men must be made such in a short compass of time, for all Saints till then that have died, shall then so live again; and if all regenerate men must live with Christ a 1000 years in Regeneration, what became of such as died before Christ took our nature; or when since did all such live with Christ 1000 years altogether in Regeneration. Again the purpose of this living was to be now revealed as a mercy not known before as to time, and many other things respecting the first said Resurrection, as we shall (God willing) show in many things, but Regeneration was an ancient Doctrine well known, that only concerned the living but not the dead, the absurdity of such a pretence is so palpable, it would be but superfluous here to write more upon it, or for the Reader to spend time in reading over again our said hints, or others like with further inlargements. But also many Scriptures show a necessity of the said Saints so living bodily then; for first, Christ promises to overcomers, that they shall rule over the Nations, Rev. 2.26. These overcomers by Faith are his suffering Saints that are dead; therefore they must rise again, whilst such Nations are to be ruled over: also, saith he, they shall sit on his own Throne distinct from his Fathers, Rev. 3.21. But Christ hath none such yet, but he shall have at his return from his Father's right hand, they shall therefore then sit thereon, The meek likewise shall inherit the Earth, and delight themselves in abundance of Peace, Psal. 37.11. They never did so yet, but our Saviour saith they shall Mat. 5.5. therefore such a time and state, for such, remains that they must live again, to enjoy these and many other like premises, in the time of Christ's Mediatory Kingdom, for they cannot in any other state hereafter, etc. Many other particular promises respecting the said state might here be added: But I proceed to that great consideration that contains many weighty Arguments and Reasons in it, namely, that this part of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is his own Key (as we have sufficiently proved in our said Preface) fitted by himself to unlock that great Cabinet of precious Jewels, concerning the revealed & promised Mercies to the Forefathers; chiefly to be performed to themselves and their spiritual Seed at this first Resurrection peculiar to the Saints, at the beginning of 1000 years, when they shall behold all the glorious Grace of Christ, (closed up till then in a great measure, in the Womb of those promises) which will then have their perfect birth, and speedy growth; whereupon great hallelujahs will be founded out to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit by themselves, Angels, men, and all other Creatures then living in the world, in their capacity, Rev. 5.10. etc. at the glorious restitution of all things, and they themselves and all the rest enjoy the good of them, together in the said 1000 years: Without which state, I may upon many good grounds assert the main parts of these great promises will never be performed, nor their chief ends attaine● 〈…〉 want thereof, but God on the one part should lose the 〈…〉 of his Justice, Holiness and Truth designed to be then manifest, (as by his word appears) in regard of his said predictions, against th●se greatest last Sinners, and Satan himself, etc. And also of his Wisdom, Mercy, Faithfulness and Truth then also declared, to be fulfilled towards the Saints, in and about the same 1000 years, as by considering those particulars before laid down, will easily appear to such as are not resolved to shut the light that God hath given them, as men, against the same: For hath God in his word so abundantly revealed such a time and state, and is there an excellent and suitable Harmony in these Revelations, from the beginning to the end of his word, so revealed; and do the most ancient Promises and Covenants, fitly & specially refer unto the said state and time, and that upon divers great accounts; and hath Christ particularly revealed how, in what ways his Saints shall be brought to receive the benefits therein, to be enjoyed and be fitted to perform the Service, which thereby they will be engaged unto, as well as to receive the happiness therein reserved for them; and shall not these things upon such excellent advantages be carried on effectually? What should hinder? yea they do all strongly concur to advance their great ends, God's word gives witness as we have showed to all these particulars, and not one of them shall fail: But Christ with his raised Saints shall Reign the said 1000 years, the blessed New Jerusalem state shall be set up, all Promises and Covenants that have their particular and chief reference to them, shall be in such respect fulfilled, Christ and his Saints shall have their just Rights appointed by God in that condition, whose good pleasure it is to give his little little Flock that Kingdom; Truth hath said it, and will not fail, the great God by his holy Spirit hath revealed them unto his Church, and our blessed Saviour hath at last set forth the time and place of their being in the World, in a very excellent and glorious manner, which all the said ancient Promises and Covenants have their special and chief reference very evidently unto; and what can be more done but to work upon men's minds and Spirits, due apprehensions of these things, and of the nearness of their approach; with true Faith to believe these things as revealed in the Gospel, as well as other parts thereof? That so God and Christ may have their due praise and glory in respect thereof, and his faithful Servants may have the happiness belonging thereunto. Now as all rational men that are of a sound mind, when they read the Story of the Creation of the World, how God had made the Fabric of the World, and all Creatures first, will acknowledge there was great divine Wisdom and Goodness, manifest in putting man into the possession thereof, who was made capable to discern and partake thereof, and to display the divine wisdom and goodness of God therein, whilst he enjoyed the benefit of the same, which should have been his Sabbaths work, had he continued in that condition: So when men but of ingenious tempers shall come to understand that God promised since man's fall, not only a deliverance from that sad condition, by the promised Seed of the Woman, and shows by degrees how it should be carried on and accomplished, and reveals from time to time, from that Foundation, particular mercies for the advantage and good of all men in the Old and New World; and these Mercies and Covenants have several respects to men, present and future as in a natural Life or Spiritual Estate, and by his holy Spirit instructs his Servants more and more rightly to know them, and the Son of God the wisdom of the Father in a wonderful divinely Mysterious way, sets them forth, so as the divine Excellency falls in with the blessed Revelation thereof: What can ingenious Spirits do less but acknowledge as these manifestations of Gods divine grace and goodness in disclosing of them, and of his Faithfulness and Truth in their gradual actual fulfilings: But how then are believing Christians, engaged also by the word to believe these, upon the aforesaid divine Foundations; and especially since they respect such a state as Christ hath set forth, is shortly approaching, and all faithful Souls and Persons are therein greatly concerned; yea Angels, men and all Creatures are interessed therein, as holy Scripture therein declares, and how fitly will a Sabbatism of rest, after Christ's finishing the great work of his Restitution of all things, and his making of all things new, succeed to be celebrated to his glory by his Saints in the World, who by being. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God and man in one person, hath so restored all, and being the Son of David according the Flesh, shall have the sure mercies of God, long since promised to David, by the enjoyment of his said Davidical Kingdom, many ways in the word of God secured to him, in the said thousand years, with all the said Saints in the Restitution of all things; these are no slight matters, though much over looked by men. We shall now a little touch upon the particulars in our said Systeme of God's Oeconomy, or ordering his household the Church, in regard of his mercies so made known, and so in the said thousand years to be fulfilled for his Saints; first in removing or destroying all their Enemies, and doing for them all revealed or promised good; either first as faithful men from Adam, or as Gentiles from Japhet, as Jews and Israelites from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as men after Gods own heart, meek and holy, &c as David, as faithful Servants and the Overcomers of the Lamb Jesus Christ, as Christian Martyrs to Reign with him then, and to enjoy the New Jerusalem state. First, at the beginning of the said State in the eminent breaking of the Serpents Satan's head as revealed to Adam and Eve; he will when he comes from the right hand of the Father eminently make his foes his footstool, when he will put down all Rule, all Authority, and Power, that stand in opposition to him, 1 Cor. 15.24. at his second coming; and perfect it after the end of the 1000 years, as we shown: and how will he thereby be glorified, and how will his Saints rejoice at this, as was said at Babylon's destruction, Rev. 18.20. Rejoice over her, thou Heaven, and ye holy Apostles and Prophets, etc. So likewise much more then, when root and branch and the whole body of the Beast will be given to the burning flame, Dan. 7.11. at the beginning, & also when after the end of the said 100 years the last Geg & Mogog shall be consumed by fire from God out of Heaven, Rev. 20.9. But how much more when the Saints then shall clearly discern that the Divine promised Seed of the Woman hath not only subdued the enemies, but by all his Offices hath purchased and procured so great good as will both then be enjoyed by them, and also provided for them to all eternity ensuing. And not here to insist on what was said of Enoch or his Prophecy, Judas 13.14. to encourage men in good in the world by his translation upon his walking with God, etc. or to warn them against evil by his foreshowing the Judgement at the said times to be after manifested concurring with the former, Gen. 3.15. therein as the sacred truth informs us. We shall in the next place, offer the consideration of Noah a worker of righteousness in a three fold respect, 1. as a Type of Christ. 2. Of the Covenant of God made with him for the New World. 3. Of his Prophecy. 1. He saved his Family in the Ark, as Christ doth his Household the Church: and will be his people's true Ark to save them at the partial or total Consumption of the World by Fire, at the beginning, and after the end of the said 1000 years, of which the Saints will then have blessed experience in both respects. And 2dly. As the Saints will know that the World according to God's free Covenant with Noah, Gen. 8. & 9 was many thousand years preserved till then; 〈◊〉 that the most abundant fruitfulness of the earth was in wonderful manner according to God's Word reserved for that state and time; in the enjoyment or sight whereof all the said Saints will pay their due Tribute of Praise and Thanksgiving: wherefore they must then live to do it. But 3dly, and more especially, when according to Noah's Prophecy of Japhets' Posterity the Gentiles, that they should dwell in the Tents of Shem (though strangers before should become the people of God) which the Scriptures witness they have once fulfilled already to them (whereof at this day we have cause to rejoice and bless Gods holy Name for the same) ever since the Jews were rejected: But we, and all Saints hereafter, will have cause more abundantly to rejoice and praise his Name in those times to come, upon that account when Jews and Gentiles shall both rejoice together, according to Moses' Prophecy, Deut. 32.43. which the Apostle Paul applies, Rom. 15. with other texts (respecting the same time, and state) pointing out the truth of God therein, for the truth of God (saith he) to confirm the promises made to the Fathers, v. 8. how will the knowledge of that foundation, fitted to the top-stone of God's performance, then affect Gods Saints with joy, and redound to his own praise. And was not baalam's Parable clear in many things forenamed, which in part have been fulfilled, as respecting the Ships of Chittim, Dan. 11.30. and others, namely, setting forth the rise of the last Oppressor of the Jews that should perish for ever, or go into Perdition, Rev. 17. (as we shown) and other things in the 1000 years which Gods word witnesseth shall then be fulfilled, which the Saints will also rejoice in, and render unto God his due praise for them. And what in Melchisedeck was shadowed as a type towards faithful Abraham that had the Promises, will really and completely be fulfilled in Christ to faithful Abraham and all his spiritual Seed according to God's word, to the praise of the glory of his grace. But especially to Abraham and all his spiritual Seed with him, and also to Isaac, and Jacob, according to God's Promises and Covenants made to them and their spiritual Seed through their one Divine Seed Christ: But the mercy seems to be chief invested in Abraham's Covenant in seven Gradations, as we shown in our Key: who is thereupon (probably) styled the Father of the Faithful, and Heir of the world, Rom. 4.13. whose natural Seed failed in their first Covenant, and polluted their rest in the Typical Canaan, which therefore cast them out with a fore Destruction, Mich. 2.10. But the spiritual Seed of Abraham, by that one Divine Seed Christ, whose day he saw by Faith, Joh. 8. by Gods undertaking for them the conditions of this New Covenant which then will be manifest to the great glory of his so wonderful free Grace made known; and the benefit from that Foundation derived to them, as both his faithful Seed, circumcised and uncircumcised will evidently know and find the happy experience of in the New Jerusalem state (then) both filling their souls with joy, and making them break forth into praise unto God. But for David's Promise and Covenant upon whose interest the Title of Christ's Kingdom (then) doth immediately depend, and who must enjoy it as the days of Heaven upon earth all the 1000 years, though what he promised conditionally as respecting David's Kingdom in his natural Race was forfeited by them upon the fall of whose Tabernacle the Interim, or Interruption of his Kingdom took place in the four Gentile Kingdoms for (probably) 2300 years: yet the sure mercies of David, in Christ his Divine spiritual Seed, all will be performed for the the meek, faithful, up right, spiritual Children of David, who shall then have their sure mercies of David also, Esa. 55.3. in being then joint heirs with Christ in that blessed Kingdom, when they upon that account and foundation shall Reign with Christ in that state of the New Heavens and New Earth wherein will then dwell Righteousness to the superabundant glory of God, and happiness of all those Saints who shall have their portion then therein, with the representative living Wights, and 24 Elders to exult as they, Rev. 5.10. not only that in other respects they have been or shall be Kings and Priests unto God through the Lamb's Blood; but that they then will with them jointly Reign upon earth: when David's Tabernacle before fallen for the Sin of his natural Seed shall, by his Divine one Seed Christ be restored for himself and all his spiritual Seed in that so blessed state and condition to continue the said 1000 years, and after remain to the Saints so long as the Sun and Moon shall endure, Psal. 89.36, 37. (though once attempted against in vain) and after (probably) be translated into perpetual felicity; and were but the spiritual eyes and understandings of men exercised in these things from the grounds of them, so Divinely and graciously laid down in the Word, and did they but labour by Prayer and due means to acquaint themselves with the same, by degrees I doubt not, but God would really teach in some good measure, all rightly teachable spirits of men by Faith to believe them, and apply them to themselves, as finding (if they walk uprightly with him) their own peculiar interest therein, with all his Saints that then shall have their Lots there with them: both to be freed from all enemies, to serve him without fear of any, in holiness and righteousness before Christ then (if they be in the natural life, and walk in the light of the New Jerusalem) or if raised Saints then such his servants will serve him, Rev. 22.3. it will be found as well their happiness as their business so to do: God hath not made so great provision for the marriage of the Lamb, his only beloved Son, & that the Wedding be without Guests; yea, which is more, that the Wedding be without the Bride the Lamb's Wife: What a reproach would some men by ignorance and unbelief cast upon God the Master of the Feast, as if his great design to honour them who before had honoured him in the World should then be frustrate and utterly in vain? which must needs be, if those who are only capable of such happiness for time, and blessedness in both should not then have it, viz. the raised Sts. in the New Jerusalem state with those that walk shall then in the light thereof (probably) not fitted then to enjoy the same with them, neither could the Saints departed before, be capable thereof, were they not in their spiritual bodies prepared for the same; and how many sorts of Arguments might be drawn from every of the said Foundations particularly, let serious and judicious Christians consider: when I formerly found from God's word, what would be before, in, and after the 1000 years, I was satisfied that such things should be in their due time and order; fulfilled in 36 particulars in the first Argument of the Word Written. But it hath pleased God by this Divine Key, Rev. 20, etc. to show me that the chief drift of all his Revealed Promises, pitch upon such a state so revealed by himself, wherein all his Sts. interests and concernments concur for the best ends respecting God, themselves, & all Creatures in that state, in so many and great things, as we have manifested from the Word of God, whence I am as it were enforced to do that by Faith in my present employment, that I assuredly, from the same word, know those raised Saints, with others, will then do in the fruition thereof; affectionately desiring to set forth God's special mercy, like the Woman in Samaria, for others use and benefit also. For then the faithful Seed of Adam and Eve that had no other Promise, will see and know that the blessed Seed of the Woman hath broken the Serpent's head, and chief eminently at the beginning, and fully after the end of the 1000 years. Then also such as lived from Enoch shall know how both God's acts of Judgement will be carried on: then will all saved Saints of Japhets' Race see and acknowledge the grace of the last great call of Gentiles as well as the first: then all Saints from Noah, will praise God for the Earth's preservation and fruitfulness then in such abundance, as before promised, and then performed: Then they from baalam's Prophesied mercies then to take place, will find great matter of joy and praise to God: then they will from Moses his Prophecy know Christ's hands are sufficient for him when he is so happily come to his people: Then all Abraham's faithful Seed, through that one Seed Christ shall enjoy the Promised Land and City in that excellent Renewed State: then shall all meek and upright ones, with David, possess all the happiness of Christ's Davidical Kingdom, containing all the rest. But because some, like Thomas, though Christ was present before his eyes, had resolved not to believe; so these, upon the near approach of Christ's said Kingdom, Luke 21.28.31. unless he put his fingers in the holes of his wounds; when the Doctrine of it is become very evident, will not only not own it, but not with patience hear of the Doctrine of it; yea, think all such, like the two Disciples near Emaus, are but idle tales that are said thereof; yea, and say so too till God shall show them their errors, that they may give due praise to his holy name in regard thereof: We shall a little expostulate the case, and reason with such; that so we may convince them of their error, and leave them at least inexcusable, or rather satisfy them therein, if it may be. What, hath God written so much in his Word, and in so many particulars, as we have heard, all so fitly answering to each other, and all to no purpose, & c.? Hath God in unspeakable mercy and goodness been laying the soundation, and erecting a stately Structure, which should be as the Masterpiece of Christ's workmanship, and almost in the 6000 years past hath been carrying the same on, that his glory in the completing thereof, may shine out eminently before Angels and Men, and all Creatures, wherein that true Solomon's glory may in due time appear; and that his Saints may upon the discovery thereof, first by Faith, and after by actual fruition, receive the benefit thereof: and this the better to prepare them (with the glorious Angels) for that perfect and perpetual blessedness, immeadiately to succeed unto it; and all upon so many excellent accounts, and from such strong foundations thereof? And shall it be reckoned no better than Satan's three said Babel's, but worse? as if it, after so long preparation for it by God and Christ, and expectation from the Faith of it in the Saints so long ago; it would yet never at all appear in the world? Shall men's unbelief darken the lustre of so great an undertaking of Christ? Let God be true, and let all men of such unbelieving hearts be found to be liars. Did Christ pray for such a state, wherein all those that God had given him should be made perfect in one, as the Bride the Lamb's Wife, Rev. 19.19. & 21. and will men go about, now the Marriage day is near, to forbid the Banes? he willed before he died also, that all those which God had given him should behold his glory in his Kingdom, Joh. 17.24. given him by his Father; viz. his Mediatory Kingdom: and are all Divine Prophecies, of these things become as wind with these men? But let such beware, lest as the unbelief of the Israelites cut them short of enjoying the typical Canaan, so lest it be also found that many such shall come short of this heavenly City of Gods making through their unbelief: no obstacle like unbelief to Divine Mercies: and according to the ancient opinion of some Fathers, there will be mora in the Resurrection of the just, if men knew but competently the excellency and worth of such an estate they would take more pains and care to obtain it; and that early too: they would think every hour, every minute a great loss, wherein it might be attainable. And then also let such take notice that all Age's ftom Christ's first giving of this Revelation, have in some degree or other witnessed to these Doctrines; and Men or Devils could never so suppress it, but it still arose up again; and in these last days more than ever, now the performance of that state approacheth: and I doubt not as Divine Truth will more and more prevail with many, though (as it is probable) many will reject it, as the Scripture seems to foreshow (as in our 10th Assert of our Key is observable) yet Satan's seven Vials have not, nor shall destroy it, Prod. pag. 41, 42. It is true indeed, without a spetial Faith, like abraham's, david's, or the like, men were not like to see it of old, though couched in many Promises: neither in the New Testament, were men likely without an extraordinary spirit to conceive aright of much of these Doctrines; nor could satisfactory knowledge ordinarily be had without this Key of Christ's making, Rev. 20. & 21. & 22. that so fitly opens that (before to us) much locked Treasure; but thereby it is so laid open, that each Jewel may be seen and made good use of by Faith at present, etc. God's works of grace are most beautiful in their times, etc. And consider in the Creation, Was not God's Wisdom and Goodness therein made glorious, at first by putting man in possession of the Creatures, being made fit to glorify God in those his former works by keeping a Sabbath immediately thereupon, had he stood upright in his estate: and will not this great work of Christ's Restitution of all things, wherein Gods Divine Wisdom, Power, Mercy, Truth and Faithfulness will appear much more glorious (as the holy Scriptures teach) which hath been almost 6000 years in carrying on, and a yet more perfect work of Redemption of his said Saints, viz. of their Bodies, also Rom. 8.21, 23. with inferior Creatures, and then living persons from all enemies, Luke 1.74. Likewise, that all of them at length may enjoy that Sabatism of Rest remaining to them in such a blessed estate in that world of Christ's said Mediatory Kingdom, which he on casth affared his little little Flock they should have of God's good pleasure and free gift, with that New Jerusalem, the City of him the said igreat King, Mat. 5. which God hath prepared for the Forefathers also, Heb. 11.10, 16. Now what way soever the Revealed, Promised or Covenanted Right and Enjoyments, of the Saints in that state, or upon what account soever they shall find it, (for many Reasons may be grven, they will all clearly know it) whether as the faithful Seed of Adam and Eve, as men through the blessed promised Seed of the Woman, the great Redeemer of all men: Or as the Seed of Japhet, being Gentiles by their first or 2d. Calls aforesaid: or as that spiritual Seed of Abrah. Isaac or Jacob, by that one divine Seed Christ to come, as the natural and spiritual Israel also, or the spiritual Israel only, or as any ways having a Title by and with Christ, in his said Davidical Kingdom; they will upon all those or the like accounts or interests, whereby such divine goodness is conveyed to them, accordingly, magnify his name and all together, sound forth his praise for them all, (as Christ's mystical Members perfected) rejoicing in the happiness one of another, and all jointly exalt Christ their divine and glorious Head and Hus band, and both then, and for ever sound forth Praise and Glory to God the Father, the Lamb that was slain, and to the Holy Spirit for ever and ever; both jointly, and as upon their several accounts they are in possession of happiness and glory: It is want of information, and consequently of the Faith of these Truths, that is the Reason why many are at present no more affected with the hearing of them; the Reason whereof appears to be, because God was pleased so mysteriously to lay them down, that unless few by a special Faith foresaw them, (as we said) that sew others usually discerned much of them; and though we in the New Testament times, might see much in those ancient promises contained, as since in Old and New Testament hath been further by degrees explained; yet without this last said divine Key, given by Jesus Christ himself; we could never have been resolved and satisfied of, or concerning the time and place, and persons to enjoy them, nor how they should be fitted in such a state to obtain them, with many circumstances thereunto appertaining; which from this blessed last Revelation, Christ hath graciously resolved for his Servants present comfort and future happiness in that State, and for ever. And to lead unto the use of this said excellent Key, all the former parts of the whole Revelation, is made to be subservient through all those sad suffering times, to lead God's Servants to this triumphant state (in good measure) then next succeeding, as well as to teach the Sufferers before, that God had appointed them thereunto; but a Jerusalem state followed, as in the seven Epistles, and all parts following as we shown, Prod. p. 39.40. and so to occasion us to look unto what God revealed, of the state of his Church before by Daniel and others, under the four Monarchies; and so by looking back to the fall of David's Tabernacle, to consider what is foretold of the raising it up again; and so of all the said anciently revealed promises, one by one, to observe by the guidance of God's Word and Spirit, what they all related unto, till we came backward to the first divinely published Grace, Gen. 3.15. The Foundation and short comprisal of all the rest, yea of the whole Book of God; from whence as the Spring head, all the other Rivulets have flowed in their several courses, to empty themselves into those narrow Seas or straits of the 1000 years, to pass in their order and time from thence into the vast Ocean of Eternity, (as in our said Resemblance) and all in that time and manner before by God appointed. Many Arguments may hence from our whole Systeme be drawn for the Saints said blessed first Resurrection of their Bodies, being many ways their peculiar interest, arising from many ancient interests, besides manifold respects unto God himself therein: for these are no new Devices or Fancies of men, but ancient Foundations of Gods own laying, often confirmed, and much by degrees explained, but now by Christ irresistably evidenced, so as to leave all men inexcusable, to whom such Truth shall be thereupon tendered; and all that hear it ought to judge themselves greatly concerned, to inquire rightly and duly into it; that is, humbly, faithfully, diligently, earnestly, as being a truth of the Gospel, but now greater than at other times upon many accounts; and therefore they ought to hear, read, pray, ponder well and consider with pains and patience, and willingness to be informed in these things; though they may be good Teachers other ways: And in such a course men may be God's blessing, soon say as the Neighbours of the woman of Samaria, said unto her, now we believe these things; not because such or such told us of them, but now we find we are taught by Christ the same Truths, and rejoice likewise in them, etc. But I conceive so much hath been said upon this account, in our said Preface preparatory, and in this Tract also, with divers short intimations and hints, that considerate persons will not think of any of them, without respects to the Saints bodily Resurrection, revealed here by Christ in so many circumstances, that an Infidel in Reason shall hardly deny? But only take this along, Christ's last Revelation must be allowed to be a Revelation of something, not so known before, or else it had been useless; but it is of such great matters of concernment as none else could, and is of so great moment as became the Son of God, the Lamb that received the Book to open this seventh Seal to the uttermost, no other way otherwise to have been known: And therefore let us all give all praise due unto the Lamb, and bless the Father who gave the said Book to him, and acknowledge the gracious operation of the holy Spirit, who teaches us every degree of Divine wisdom; and so from our said Grounds, Reasons and Arguments, which have been also drawn from Scripture Foundations: We now proceed to our fourth way of proving this first Resurrection, to be the Saints said bodily rising, which Christ will bring with him at his coming in the Clouds of Heaven, to raise them in their spiritual Bodies, to enjoy the happiness of the New Jerusalem state, in the said 1000 years of their Reign with Christ, etc. But here a great Obstacle seems to lie in our way, for what other Text or Texts of, Scripture, may some say, teach these things? And for Revelation Mysteries they are obscure, and they may seem questionable, whether they be Argumentative or not, etc. for Answer to the first branch, That there are other Texts of Scripture, in Old and New Testament, that speak the same things in substance; though more darkly we shall by and by show; and we have before observed (and it ought here to be remembered) that the Doctrine of the Resurrection was long, but darkly delivered: our Saviour therefore proves the Resurrection by an inference from the Penteuch of Moses, against the Sadduces; being that part of holy Scripture, which that Sect only owned, and little is found of it in all the old Testament, at least that is clear and explicit; in the Gospel we read of the Resurrection of the just, and as before our Saviour spoke of the Children of the Resurrection in that World, but how few have taken notice of what World that was meant? So these remained for the most part still obscure; the Apostle Paul reveals a mystery of it, yea many Mysteries (as we hope to manifest) the Jews and Israelites civil Resurrection, that is near to it, and in Scripture adjoined to it, is likewise called a Mystery and rising from the dead, for the strangeness of it Ezek. 37. with Rom. 11. & Dan. 12.1, 2, 3. and both are again joined by our Saviour, Luke 21.28, 31. But our Saviour according to his Divine wisdom, hath given light to those and many other Texts of that nature; and should we in this cavil with our Mercy, and contend with our most Divine Teacher, as if we were wiser than he, or that Wisdom itself had erred therein! And indeed it is strange to hear men's perverse reasonning in these things, and the like; but we shall give other Scriptures that teach the same in substance or the like, after all (as we said) both in Old and New Testament: Only we would speak a word or two to the other branch of the Objection, in the first place: That the Book of the Revelation is mysterious, and men have been much mistaken, etc. Ans. It hath been in some things a secret, long but yet not such as were forbidden to inquire into; yea we are commanded to read it and search this, as other Books of the Gospel, viz. to understand it, and it is not as in daniel's hints of these things, when he was commanded to shut them up; but contrary, the Apostle John is commanded to leave them open, and not Seal them, Chap. 22. v. 10. Yea our Saviour pronounceth a blessing to such as read them as they ought, and he hath blessed many with very Remarkable Discoveries by degrees, (though Objectors are injuriously Critical against them,) instead of being thankful to God, and to them, for what they have in such kind discovered, and stumble more at a Conjecture or easy mistake, than profit by many precious and useful things, so tendered to them, all have but what measure they receive, to such purpose from God, in one respect or other, and God hath vouchsafed a special assistance in this kind one way or other; even sometimes by unexpected and unlikely means, and Instruments; somewhat I could say in that kind, but it may not be convenient, etc. did not Christ send his Spirit to lead his into all truth, and Revelation Truths are some of them, yea and very precious ones too: Though some mistakenly would persuade some good persons to the contrary, and God's Spirit hath not yet laid down that Office, Christ promised to send him for, though we expect no new Foundation Truths, but the spiritual and true Explications of old, and of such ancient Foundations especially as we have occasion now to speak of; for the Revelation is always of some (before) obscure and hidden Scripture Truths, and it is a great advantage (as we before noted in our Preface) to know the subject, nature, time and end of such Scripture Truths; so in this book revealed, as by this most precious Key that respects the happy estate fore Prophesied for God's people in the said 1000 years: it is true, it was long in those respects, mistaken by many and strangely misplaced, but now they are in a great measure made evident: it is true also, the times of the great Red Dragon, and the Beast were for a long time more dark and obscure, till their fulfilings in many things, have given more light to such things as yet remain unfulfilled; but particularly, as to these last things the said Key relates unto (as Mr. Mede well observes) the spirit of God speaks more clearly of these in ch. 20. of this Revelation, than in the times foregoing: and the two last chap. are in some measure an explication of the same matters, and times, and state of things in the said 1000 years; and that 20th ch. is an exact Table of such times, which if a man once discover what things it relates unto, he is in a good way to attain the end thereof; and it being once found to be Christ's Key of ancient revealed Mercies (as Scriptures make evident in many particulars) as I have, and doubt not, by the same guidance, to give farther and good account of from God's Word; which also I am well assured from Scripture, and satisfied, (whatever some may think otherwise) that for the substance, it will be approved by Jesus Christ the faithful and true Witness, and our Guide into these Truths, by the assistance of his Holy Spirit; and I shall ever resolve, with humble thanksgiving, to ascribe the praise thereof to his Divine Grace, for such a great mercy to such a poor weak much inwardly and outwardly shattered and broken Earthen Vessel: But as it is his work of Grace by a weak hand, so tendered, let none despise it: God stands in need of no man's parts, learning, esteem, or worldly advantage or interest whatsoever farther than he pleaseth. The slighting of this most Divine excellent and sacred Book is much in some men's minds and mouths; therefore I thought fit here to say thus much to it. Now let us proceed to the Symphony and agreement of this with other Texts of Scripture, for the Revelation (as we noted) is of some Divine Truth written before; yet if we know Christ spoke this of the first Resurrection of the Saints bodily, and spoke it so plainly in a good degree, it is presumption to seek a confirmation of his words; but because it is a Revelation, it is of some Scripture before though darkly delivered, as all the other parts were of daniel's short hints sealed or shut up before, and so is this of the subsequent Mysteries in Daniel, in respect of their time (as in part we shown) though much of this first Resurrection, we hope to manifest from other Scriptures likewise. We will begin with the Prophet Esay's Testimony, in that excellent Song, ch. 26. who having said of those Lords that had Dominion over the Jews, viz. the Heathen Tyrants, v. 13, 14. They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise: viz. at this first Resurrection, v. 19 but he declares there who shall live and rise (then) thy dead men, saith he, namely God's Saints, shall live; together with my dead body shall they arise: that is, at the said first Resurrection, which our Saviour hath here so fully explained: So David foreseeing, by the Spirit of Prophecy, that the Just shall have Dominion at that time, over such wicked men, in the morning of the Resur. and day of Judgement; it must needs follow as our Saviour explains the same; that the just must necessarily first rise to receive that Dominion, Psal. 49.14. and in this Daniel concurs also, for when the Thrones were set or placed, as the words signify (not cast down, as ours read them) at Christ's coming, then (as we shown) Judgement, or power of Judging was given to the Saints: it is the same time, and the same thing which the Apostle is trught here by Christ here to explain, at the end of the Roman Monarchy, in this 20th chapped. of Rev. who expressly shows that the suffering Saints before, then lived to Reign with Christ 1000 years: to this tends also the Apostle Paul's 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, or rising out of the heap of the dead (then) Phil. 3.11. and our Saviour's expression of those worthy ones to obtain that world by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, which we explained before to be a rising from them that were in a state of dead men in the grave: the same Apostle hath divers texts tending this way; where he, as being guided by the same Spirit of Christ, speaks evidently in the same sense, both of the times of both Resurrections, and other things, as the persons rising at both. 1. Consider 1 Cor. 15.21. where he shows, as Christ was the first fruits of his first Resurrection, so they must rise at his second coming, before the end; which Christ shows will be above 1000 years after (as was said) and before he hath put down all Rule, and Authority, and Power, to make way for his own Reign, v. 24, 25. and then, v. 51, 52. he shows that at the last Trumpet, the great change of all Saints shall be, which must be when all have come into Christ in the 1000 years, not before possible; for not one member of Christ can then be wanting, besides other Reasons: so of both said come. At first, he brings his Saints with him, that slept in Jesus, 1 Thes. 3. ult, 1 Thes. 4.14, 15. but (then) he speaks there of his descending from Heaven with a shout, etc. not out of Heaven (as when the New Jerusalem came from God out of Heaven) but of three forts then to be caught up to meet him in the Air, v. ●6 just as the Revelation tells us of the Saints raised in the Jerusalem state, and of the Nations of them that are saved, walking in the light of the said New Jerusalem, which being mortal, some of them die in the 1000 years, as Esa. 65.20. and so lie dead till the last Trump; so here, 1 Thes. 4.14, 15. of the two former, faith he, we that are alive and remain (viz. to the coming of the Lord to the last Judgement) so distinguishing both the living and the razed Saints remaining from the dead, and, saith he, the dead then in Christ shall rise first, that is, before the wicked (as the raised Saints also did before in the 1000 years) and so again in the former text, 1 Cor. 15. concerning the living Saints, then, saith he, we shall not all sleep, (viz. by dying before a natural death) for some will be found alive at the last Trump which he speaks of; but of such, and the raised Saints (saith he) we shall all be changed, and from both sorts he distinguisheth a third also; namely, such as are dead in Christ, at that time the Trumpet sounds, which he saith shall then be raised incorruptible, when both the other sorts shall be changed also in a moment, v. 51, 52. so agreeably the Spirit of God speaketh in all places to his own Oracles; and in the Revelation Christ gives us the best explication of all such Mysteries, for in the 1000 years the raised Saints, and they saved in the natural life will be of one Communion: all to be changed, and all said to live and remain till the the last Trump; but such as sleep, or are dead (then) are in both places distinguished from both the other, and in both Texts called the dead; in one the dead in Christ then, to distinguish them from all the wicked then dead, yet both said to be the rest of the dead that risen not till the 1000 years were ended, ch. 20.5. Now to prevent mistaking, the Apostle resolved the Thessalonians 2 Epist. 2.2, 3. that the coming of the Lord was not at hand in those ages; for the great falling away, and revealing the Man of Sin was to be first, and Christ would destroy him with the appearance of his presence, etc. which is not yet done: but he was guided by the same spirit of Truth in these Texts, to speak according to these Revelation Discoveries (who also at his rapture into the third Heaven heard unspeakable words, of which these might be some) and I believe it was not possible to resolve the riddles in them without Christ's Revelation given for many such purposes; and here is one coming with all his Saints, which he brings with him: this Rev. 20. & 21. shows to be at the beginning of the 1000 years; and there is another after 1000 years, when all the Saints are come into the Church, and when all shall be rapt up in the twinkling of an eye to meet Christ in they air, which the Apostle calls a coming as well as a descending (which we have not till now observed) we that live and remain to the coming, viz. to the last Judgement; so three sorts shall then be rapt or caught to meet Christ that last time in the air; yea, and (saith he) we shall ever be with the Lord; which it is evident will be after the end of the 1000 years, for when Satan was loosed, they were not with him personally present. Two sorts are distinguished from the dead Saints at the time of that rapture in both Texts: of those in that to the Corinthians (saith he) we shall not all sleep: some Saints than will be mortal, but not all dead, but we shall all, even we all, viz. all Saints raised before, as well as those in the natural life shall then be changed: so in the Epistle to the Thessalonians, we that are alive and remain, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, we that so live, and we that are left for that long continuance: both the two Articles 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, and the original word seem to speak the like difference of two sorts of Saints (besides the dead Saints then) and both these Texts are cleared by Christ's Revelation, that tells us of the spirits of just men coming with him, as the New Jerusalem down from Heaven, after said to be the Lamb's Wife, and these lived having then their spiritual bodies from Christ; and also the Nations of them that are saved are then also said to walk in the light of that Jerusalem, from whose happy Communion, they will have much guidance and consolation in that state: and both these are by Christ also differenced from the rest of the dead Saints that lived not till the 1000 years were ended, ch. 20.5. that then are said to rise first, viz. at the last Trump and Rapture. Now if men would produce thousands of Expositors of another's mind, I must only in duty humbly Answer, I have Christ's Resolution in the case (as of daniel's hints before) from this Divine Revelation, and otherwise I believe no man had ever been able fully and truly to have opened these Texts, as St. Peter saith, by reason of such 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 contained in them, hard to be understood. Let all men therefore learn to praise God for this blessed Divine Book of the Revelation; and learn to have its Explications in exceeding great Veneration; for had it not been useful and necessary, it had never been so wonderfully adorned with so many glorious excellencies, which I believe the Saints in that world to come will acknowledge, to the honour and praise of Jesus Christ, whose that sacred Book is entitled to be, viz. the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Now if men were not prepossessed with other groundless notions of the General Resurrection, and General Judgement without respect unto Christ's Revelation, and other expressions of Scripture, in many respects agreeing therewith; these things were easy and familiar to such as were tolerably versed in the way and stile of that sacred Book: but it is hard to remove long settled misopinions of men upon some easy mistakes, as in this case the Scripture often speaks of them together without explication: but then we must grant the Spirit of God and Christ himself may, when and how, and by whom he pleases, make particular explications in any respects, and it is the usual manner in this Divine Book, first to hint generals, and after particularly to explain them: Christ will at the first act of Judgement, Judge quick and dead, 2 Tim. 4.1. viz. the wicked quick (as was said) by removing them out of the world, and then with a Judgement of reward to his Servants the Prophets, and his Saints, and all that fear his name, both small and great: as likewise at the latter act he will consume the last Gog and Magog, ch. 20.9, 10. as well as rap up the Saints at the last Trump, and raise the wicked then out of the Earth and Sea to be judged: the Saints to be pronounced then openly blessed; the other upon Trial to be declared cursed, etc. and the Devil will then also be cast into the Fiery Lake, though he was only bound, etc. in the 1000 years. Oh that Christians would humbly and diligently search these Scriptures, and endeavour to pray themselves into the right apprehensions of these things; then they might better expect God's Spirit would lead them into such fecret things of God, which he will so reveal unto his faithful Servants, which otherwise (haply) they may not be resolved of till the Appearance of Jesus Christ, which then his raised Saints will find true. Which course, if they would take, their Language and Expressions would not be so antiscriptural; nor their Explications of many Texts so hererodox to Christ's Explications of these, and some other matters, as sometimes they are; and so disorderly of Christ's being King, Priest, and Prophet (which first in due order is last.) And there is more weight in these things, (however any may slight them) than men usually (that have not learned otherwise from sacred Scripture) are (haply) ware of, whence many expositions are put upon some Texts, which I assuredly know, Christ Jesus will not allow of, besides their holding themselves so more engaged against the Truth: But to pass from this fourth way of proof of this first bodily Resurrection of the Saints, by so many Scriptures speaking to the same purpose, divers ways, with this Text and Context, whereby our Saviour here gives light and strength to them all: who is only that Doctor irrefragabilis that need not speak ex Cathedra (as they say) That great deluder of these latter days must do) or else he may err: But Christ's Revelations in all such kinds, are Divine Resolutions, that Christians ought not only, not to gain say, but to rest in, as their ultimate Determinations in the Case; though any, or many men should not own them. And thus much for the proof of the point in hand; namely, That this said First Resurrection, is the Bodily Resurrection of the suffering Saints here spoken of. And so we hope we have sufficiently manifested the same to the Consciences of serious and judicious Christians: first from the Text, with its dependency, and as the matter of the said Divine Truth is explained Doctrinally by Christ himself, and here again set forth by his own Divine Revelation, in the order, time, and way of the execution of the same; and that by variety of expressions in several places to this very purpose, fully agreeing with the Apostles 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, or rising out of the heap (as was showed before) wherein the curious exactness of the Spirit of God is very remarkable (if rightly considered.) Secondly, From the context, by divers Reasons therein observable, manifesting this particular Revelation, to be the Explication of daniel's Vision Chap. 7.9, 10, 13, 14. Of the Judgement set to destroy the Beast, and to give his Body to the burning Flame at Christ's coming, in the Clouds of Heaven, and his receiving his universal Kingdom over all Nations, under the whole Heavens; when he brings with him all his Saints that slept in him before, and and raiseth them in their order bodily to Reign with him; which we thirdly prove two ways: First positively to be a bodily Resurrection from several Scriptures and Reasons; and Secondly, on the Negative part, shown it could not be meant of a spiritual Resurrection, setting forth the many absurdities of such a pretence: whereunto we added divers particular branches in our Systeme of God's Oeconomy, in ordering his Household the Church from the beginning, in regard of those anciently revealed and promised Mercies and Covenants to the Fathers, remaining chiefly to be (altogether) fulfilled in that state of his said Davidical Kingdom, in the 1000 years' Reign with his Saints, and the New Jerusalem state the same time; which contain that inestimable Treasure of Grace, laid up therein of old for them, which now by our Saviour's Divine Key is laid open for them for the present, to be used by Faith for their great consolation, and whereby they shall also by the due improvement thereof: assuredly hereafter inlargedly receive the Frution of the same, without which Divine Key (though the said promises in the matter of them were sure) yet there could not have been any satisfactory account given, by Angels or men, unless from some other such special Revelation when, or how, or where, or to whom; or how long with all such circumstances by Christ here deciphered those said revealed and promised mercies should be so performed to the Saints, but by this Key they are all excellently and divinely resolved here by the Spirit of Christ, in his setting forth the times of the Restitution of all things; when he makes all things new; Chap. 21.5. also spoken of by all the Holy Prophets since the World began, Acts 3.19, 20, 21. Which will then be manifest to be Gods and Christ's most glorious work, whilst the WOrld shall continue, and the greatest matter of Glory and Praise, to the Divine Majesty by Angels and men, and even inferior Creatures (in their capacity) to be rendered to God the Father, to the Lamb that was slain, and to the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. And Fourthly, We have by sundry Texts in Old and New Testament, set forth a wonderful accord and agreement of them, with this said Revelation, which gives light to them all, and which could not otherwise have been known as was said by Angels or Men. And now I hope as Creation Atheists (as we may fitly call them) are generally exploded by all sober and prudent persons, who have unreasonably fancied that Atoms, so fell in one with another to make up all things at first in the world: So allpious Christians will more and more judge them, in some fort to be counted Creature-Redemption-Infidels at that time, or deniers of the Restitution of all things, that should profanely assert after so abundant evidence; that those and all parts of Holy Scripture, respecting these Truths, fell only in by the Fancies of the Penmen of them in all parts thereof; & that Christ's opening thusall such divine Mysteries, is but a mere Chimaera and Fantastical Fiction: Of which dangerous Error, let all Slighters and Opposers of these divine Mysteries, beware of being found guilty at Christ's appearance, now near approaching; for it is strange in this Case, to consider what a bold licentiousness of speaking, some men have dared to venture upon even to amazement, now in such times of Light, etc. Some such Objections we have already answered, which fell in our way, and should here answer many more, if many had not in our former parcels been answered before, and also by many others of late times, as we shown particularly in the everlasting Gospel, on Gen. 3.15. pag. 19 is to be seen. But one thing we shall here by way of prevention, resolve by Divine affistance: Lest some subtle Questionist, rather to obstruct these Doctrines, then to disprove them, should demand of us in the Case, what special words of direction have we, for such use of the said Key; whereupon such weight and stress is laid? We might briefly answer, the whole stress is not laid thereon; for before we had so well observed, and considered the use thereof, by the order of accomplishment of matters in the Book of Revalation which is of exceeding great use with the three others, we touched in our Preface, viz. the Subject, Nature and Scope of the Book: I say we had observed thirty six particulars before, respecting those times and things; but since upon the exactness of that Chap. respecting such a change in the World, relating to the ancient Prophets; whereby all circumstances are so set forth, and the sacred Scriptures before had brought things to such an height of suitableness, by searching through God's goodness, we found that which we hope we shall never lose again; that the 20. Chap. of Rev. etc. is the great Key of most ancient Prophecy: And as the whole Scripture is the interest of all and every Saint, and what ever benefit or comfort is therein already revealed, or hereafter shall be revealed, belongs to them all as such: So more especially those Scripture Foundations, which concern so great a Joint interest of all such said Saints together, are therefore more highly to be regarded, such as those are, which this Key evidently (upon Warrant from the word, as in good measure we have showed) so evidently relates unto: If a Father give his only beloved Son all his Estate, and House and Goods, and Treasures contained therein; though the Heir in his Nonage knew little of his Father's possessions, yet when he is pleased to show him some of his most precious Jewels, though he still reserves them; yet the Son knows those particularly shall be his; but yet when the Father sets down a time of sure enjoyment of them if the Father's security be good) the Son only waits for the appointed time: Now all God's adopted Children, (though but adopted by him with Christ to be his Sons) are both Heirs and joint-heirs with Christ in his Davidical Kingdom; yea then with him will be Heirs of all things, Rev. 21.7. All having therein one and the same interest, of which Christ hath set a time for the enjoyment, and which will not fail them; And let such a Questionist know, that when God hath once laid the Foundation of such ancient precious mercies, the gradual Revelation of them is only according to his own good pleasure, and as in his infinite wisdom and mercy to his People he sees good: It was so in his first laying the great Corner Stone in his House; Jesus Christ at his first coming it hath been so in respect of all his Offices, and all his Benefits held forth by the Gospel: But most of all in those matters, respecting both the Mysteries of his Spiritual Kingdom, till Christ's 2d coming; and also those Mystiries of his visible glorious Davidical Kingdom; with all the excellencies of that state, (both of which are the Contents of this Book) and in all Gods three chief Chronologers, Moses, Daniel, and the beloved John, their Chronicles are both of large extent of time, (as in Chap. 7. of our Irenic. is manifest) and mysterious; and to be considered as such: But above all the Divine Excellencies of this Book, which is the Revelation of both the other Chronicles as we have showed) are many ways wonderful; yet full of Divine sweetness to such of his, as Christ is pleased to open such Treasures unto, shortly from hence to be enjoyed by them; but yet more particulary as to this Divine Key, we are now speaking of, it is made most fit to open the Lock, which may largely appear by the Work in it, and the Wards fitted for it: if we consider them particularly. The mutual suitableness of them both evidently appears by [The Picture of the Divine Key] here ensuing. 1. In Predictions. 1. IF we respect the Enemies, or their Removal, Ruin and Judgement, as Gen. 3.15. and when, Psal. 110. 1. and Enoch's Vision of their Judgement, Jud. 13.14. both in the said first and second acts of Judgement, etc. 2. If we have respect to the Spiritual Seed of Adam and Eve; or the Spiritual Seed of the Divine Promised Seed of the Woman, Esa. 53. for whom a Paradise is to be procured by Christ, and restored to them at the Restitution of all things, etc. 3. If we look at Noah's Covenant for the Earth's Preservation and Fruitfulness. 4. If we respect Shems Blessing derived to his Spiritual Race Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, etc. with all the Repeated and Enlarged Promises of Canaan to their Spiritual Seed Christ, to inherit the same through that one Divine Seed Christ of their Lineage after to come according to the Flesh. 5. Or to such of Ahrahams, isaack's and jacob's Posterity, to be then in the natural Life, to whom many great Promises are then to be performed: and to the Gentiles likewise of Japhets' Race, then, at their second Call to be United in one Fold with that people of God, Deut. 32.43. 6. Or look upon it as the time of the Restitution of all things, as the end of Christ's undertaking in the world, viz. according to his Promise of the New Heavens and New Earth, Esa. 65.17, etc. as the first Adam, by the free gift of God, possessed all things for himself and his Seed if he had stood, etc. 7. If as a Sceptre or Dominion foretold by Balaam, etc. or of a Kingdom promised to the Son of David. for ever, 2 Sam. 7. of which there is very much in Scripture, and will then be a comprehensive mercy for all sorts of Saints then. 8. If it be enquired how all those Mercies should be fulfilled in that state at once to all sorts of Saints in all times both deceased and living, and upon what accounts to Jews, Israelites and Gentiles then, who it seems should all have their several conditions then to be enjoyed by them. 2. In Revelations. 1. THis Christ hath manifested, Rev. 19.11. to the end, in taking of the Beast, and false Prophet; and ch. 20.1, 2. in binding Satan, and in consuming the last Gog and Magog by Fire from Heaven: and lastly by casting the Devil into the Lake of Fire for ever, v. 8, 9, etc. 2. This is answered by the raised Saints eating of the Tree of Life in the midst of the Paradise of God, ch. 2.7. which is also said to grow in the midst of the street of the City, ch. 22.2. 3. It is answered with the 12 manner of Fruits growing upon the same Tree in each Month, with Leaves for the healing of the Nations then, ch. 22.2. 4. That is answered in this Key of Christ's, by the New Jerusalem state, Rev. 21. as the City prepared for the Forefathers, Heb. 11.10, 16. whose Maker and Builder is God: and for all the Saints to be raised then bodily, v. 40. 5. They are all comprised in Christ's said Key under the Nations of them that are saved, shall walk in the light of the said New Jerusalem, ch. 21.24. being such as are in the natural Life, etc. 6. It is answered by him that sits upon the Throne, ch. 21.5. who saith, Behold I make all things New at that time; and so the second Adam who hath a threefold right, Heb. 1.2, 3. is now appointed by God to be the Heir of all things, who will at the Restitution of all things also make all his said spiritual Seed or Overcomers by him and with himself to inherit all things, Rev. 22.7. 7. That is to be in Christ's Kingdom, or Reign with his Saints the 1000 years, Rev. 20.4, 6. which is of large consideration when the Kingdoms of the world are become the Kingdoms of our God, and of his Christ, ch. 11.15. 8. Christ hath resolved all those in the raising of his Saints which he brings with him, to raise their bodies in their order, ch. 20.4. when he will reward his Servants the Prophets, and his Saints, and all that fear his Name both small and great; whereby daniel's darker Vision of the same is enlightened: and by a strange, yet promised, both Civil and Spiritual Resurrection of Jews and Israelites, Ezek. 37. Dan. 12.1, 2, 3. & Rom. 11. when the Gentiles of Japhets' Race shall have their second most full and large Call, with performance of great Promises to them also. And is not there wonderful Divine Wisdom observable in such a Contrivance, and wonderful Goodness in giving such an excellent Key to his Church, so Divinely fitted to open those so ancient Prophecies and Promises? And will not much more wonderful Wisdom, Mercy, Truth and Faithfulness, with all other God's Excellencies shine out to the Admiration of all those Saints at that time in the said State, to their heightening then to a like wonderful Praise of the Divine Grace, with Angels, Men, and all other Creatures, as Rev. 5.10, to the end? Adam and Eve, and all Saints since them shall be present (then) at once, to see all their Interests, and well grounded Expectations (then) made good; and how the order of Times, and of all affairs, which have been suitably ordered and carried on (to which purpose, a Scripture Harmony might largely and profitably be written upon the account of this Key in all the particulars, from the beginning to the end of the Bible: whereby the Divine Wisdom and Goodness (with other Excellencies) might appear wonderful to a believing Soul (in any good measure enlightened in such Divine Mysteries:) Yea, if men would but rightly improve, and not unworthily pervert their very Reason in such things, they might discern much more than usually they do; and if they were but as forward to embrace what Evidences are set before them, upon due consideration of them; as they are studious to find stumbling-blocks in their own way, or cast them in the way of others, there would soon be more consent to, and enquiry after these divine Truths, than opposition and resistance of them: The Book given by the Father had seven Seals, and the Lamb is wise and powerful enough, to execute them in their due order, and so he hath done almost in all of them already; and what now remains may in a good degree appear to such as give their minds to, & duly use the means appointed for the understanding of them: But if others will not, and therefore are judged by Christ not worthy, so to be taught, because (as the unbeleiving Jews formerly) so they now also shut their Eyes, and turn away from such light of Truth, the fault will then be their own: And it is observable Christ's first revealing, and his Spirits teaching of these things, is in a different way from many other divine Doctrines: Yea, Christ questioneth whether he shall find faith of these things, Mat. 17.18. upon Earth when he comes (although his Spirit three times (as we noted) confirmed the truth of them,) chap. 19 and 21, 22. and yet of all the matters in that divine Book, no part so evident and clear (as was said) none so exact and distinct in all respects of order, time, place, persons, continuance, with all useful circumstances as this said 20th. chap. which hath many stamps of Divine Excellency set upon it, all very useful for the persons concerned; for the opening of this great mystery of God by the help of the said Key, being rightly used by them, in some, it hath pleased the divine Majesty, according to his infinite wisdom and grace reavealed, thus by degrees to set forth by Christ himself, the great concerns of himself and his Saints, the Lamb's Wife; then to be in such excellent Communion with him, as then will appear to them, 1 John 2.3. And let all such critical Persons against these Truths consider, Psalm 25.9, 14. The meek he will teach his way, and his secret is with such, etc. and the work of Faith must be his own in every branch of Divine truth, tendered to any from his written word: Such as all these matters are, (though somewhat mysteriously set down) we have I conceive spoken sufficiently to this purpose before; I shall therefore here add no more. Now for Application, We shall only endeavour to give some brief hints thereof, referring their inlargements to future opportunity, if God be pleased to afford it, for I cannot speak largby the Press, etc. 1. Use of Inform. This may inform all Preachers of the Gospel, and all wise and faithful Christians, that desire to be well and surely guided in these great things of God, respecting the said first Resurrection, of what concernment it is; to labour well to understand: First, the curious work of this Key, given by Jesus Christ, since he ascended unto the Father: And Secondly, the right Use and Improvement of it. The curious work in it, is that it is Divinely fitted for all ancient Prophecy, and indeed for all Prophecy respecting the general good of God's faithful Servants, throughout all the Bible, and of all times throughout the being of the World; all setting forth the necessity of the Saints said Resurrection; so revealed by our Saviour, as we shown, etc. And the excellent Improvement and Use thereof, is to show their special and peculiar interest, as well as the general, in all the revealed promised Mercies and Covenants, in the whole Book of God, viz. How, or under what capacity any such special Mercy, is derived to them, and made effectual to their Souls in such or such a Dispensation of Grace to them particularly; which hath not efficatiously reached to many others, at least, as yet; but in Charity and thankfulness, to endeavour truly that it may do so also, if it may be; and according to their understanding well the curious work of the said Key, and the due improvement thereof: All judicious Christians may find from thence, an excellent sure guidance; I say again, an excellent sure guidance by divine assistance, to judge of the true intent and meaning of all Prophetic Scripture; all hangs upon that one Hinge of such said breaking the Serpent [Satan] head, viz. both his head of Craft and Dominion, and all drive to the same end of Restauration, of men and Creatures in the World; as in the several branches of such revealed Mercies, may appear, if they be rightly considered; and all to be accomplished by the said promised Seed, within the time of his Mediatorship: Before those things shall be enjoyed, that Eye hath not seen, nor Ear heard, nor entered into the Heart of man to conceive; which will be in the highest Heavens afterwards: Whereas these mercies in the interim will be much of another nature; whilst Christ is redeeming and restoring Men and other Creatures, from the bondage of Corruption, unto that glorious liberty of the Sons of God: And though there be many particular and special Prophecies many times, yet they are in their drift and subserviency, to be reduced thereunto; and therefore the allegorising of any sorts of Prophecies, that have a direct tendency to any branch of such reavealed ancient Promises and Covenants, must needs be erroneous upon whatsoever fair pretences, such sense or senses are put upon them, by any man or men whatsoever. And therefore if we look unto what God declared in general to Adam and Eve, and for their Spiritual offspring, through Christ that said Divine Seed of the Woman, about 4000 years after to come in the Flesh: Both in respect of the evil to be removed and the good to be obtained, answerable to those divers times and divers ways after declared Mercies, to the good pleasure of God to the fore Fathers: Or consider aright the Covenant which God made with Noah, that Type of Christ for the preservation of the renewed Earth, as the Stage whereupon God would act in all future Mercies, to be known and performed in their due time and order, to the end of the World; and thereupon the Mercies then to his people were said to be as the Waters of Noah unto God himself, that was, sure and infallible; and by that Covenant, both all Creatures with men have their usual preservation and Provision, by Seed time and Harvest, etc. and their greatest fruitfulness, is especially reserved for those last times, when the Serpent's head shall be broken, both eminently at Christ's coming from the right hand of the Father, at the beginning, or when his shall sully destroy all his Church's Enemies with death the last, after the said thousand years: Or consider the blessings of Shem and his Race to Abraham, and thence especially to all Israel, the twelve Tribes, and so in Christ's lineage and forward; or the Predictions of the Calls of Japhets' posterity, the Gentiles since by holy Scripture explained and applied; Or as Jews and Gentiles both united under that one King Christ Jesus, which is that Son of David, that shall sit on David's Throne, so long as the Sun and Moon shall endure, according to David's sure mercies promised, respecting his said Kingdom; and all other Saint's interest therein through Christ; (for to them also belongs the sure Mercies of David, Esa. 55.3.) whereby they are also secured for Eternity; for such shall not be hurt by the second death, as rise then to Reign with Christ in that Kingdom, which only will continue to the finishing of his Mediatorship, but then is by him to be given up to the Father, 1 Cor. 15. And is that that must be during the World's continuance, as appears by our fifteen Reasons in the New Jerusalem, pag. 9, 10. when under him the said Saints glorious King, Head and Husband, who prayed in that sense before his death, that they should be so made perfect in one as his Bride or mystical Body, and willed they should behold his glory then, Joh. 17.21, 23, 24. when there will 〈…〉 very gracious and happy performance of all such promised mercies, in the 〈…〉 to the capacity of the Persons or Creatures, that are to be so blened, preserved or restored. So that they attend to this Issue, that Christ may be manifest in the world before all sorts of Creatures, to be as perfect, yea a much more perfect, yea an infinitely more perfect Restorer, and Redeemer than the Devil was or could be a dessolator and destroyer: as all those said predictions in their several times and kinds, with their subsequent Scripture Confirmations and explication sufficiently testify: being all opened by and accommodated unto this Divine Key of the Son of God the Wisdom of the Father: by whom the worlds were made, viz. the Old World, the New world, and the World to come shall be, Heb. 1.3. with Rev. 21.5. who hath, and doth, and will till then uphold all things by his Divine Power, as well as he hath Redeemed us by his Blood, who shall then accordingly inherit all things, answerably to this his said threefold right assigned by the Father unto him in his said Kingdom; and by him to his suffering Saints, Rev. 21.7. in the time of his said Mediatorship, or of his Davidical Kingdom, and said New Jerusalem state; upon which accounts the said Saints the Lamb's Wife shall then with him enjoy the same in their capacity; and the inferior Chreatures then also be restored to the glorious liberty of the Sons of God, Rom. 8.21, 23. all bowing the knee, and paying their Homage to him as Lord, Phil. 2.9, 10. And for the large measure of Divine Grace, which will abundantly then be poured out upon those in the natural life, who shall then walk in the light of that New Jerusalem when God will Circumcise the hearts of that his ancient people of Israel especially, as Deut. 30. to v. 11. particularly respecting the same time, as many other Scriptures do, for that is the Foundation of all their outward blessings promised to them (especially in those times) for unto Godliness are the Promises of that world to come made, so much more than to this, in regard in that state greater Promises of much larger measure of Divine Grace, are made in the Scriptures for those times more generally: so that it is a mere blinding of the Truth for any to say they conceive (that is, only by guessing) that a more spiritual Church state will be, and yet not yield the outward visible glory in the said time belonging thereto: for in reference to the fulfilling of all outward Promises, not only to the said Saints, but unto Christ himself as such a visible (then) glorious King of those raised Saints, will those large ●●●ward mercies be given together with th● large endowments of 〈…〉 in the natural Life: and the holy Scriptures thall not be broken in any of these things: but Christ will then most certainly raise the said Saints; and they as the Wife of him the Lamb shall then Reign with him, or as the members of that than his visible Body, whereof he will then be their visible glorious Head; that is, visible to themselves: and when also the then converted Jews first and especially, with all Israel that then shall be saved, Rom. 11. to whom also the great fullness of the Gentiles is after to come in, who being united into one fold with them, shall inherit all the said declared and promised Mercies, yea and inferior Creatures then obtain their liberty aforesaid, etc. So that the drift of all such Promised Mercies respecting the said Spiritual Seed of all times before, shows the necessity of such a Resurrection of the Saints in the time of Christ's Mediatorship, and the accommodation of this Divine Key unto them, many ways illustrates the glory of God, and that said happy estate of the Raised Saints, fitting themselves (with Angels) for a most blessed Eternity, when Christ's final Judgement is ended: and such as would deny such a state preceding the same, must blot out much in all parts of holy Scripture, besides the divinely useful accommodation of this Key of Christ Jesus, so fitted for all such ancient Prophecy, with all the subsequent carrying on the same design of God for these said happy times in the world; of which much may be groundedly said under every branch of the same, etc. yet all along answering fitly to the said necessary (revealed by Christ Jesus) first bodily Resurrection of the Saints. 2. Use of Inform. Since the said first blessed Resurrection of the Saints, is to Reign with Christ, and partake of the New Jerusalem State in that World, etc. This may inform all men of these three things, viz. Of the Antiquity, and Excellency, and Blessedness appertaining, or to the Doctrine to the said Kingdom and New Jerusalem state. First, For the Antiquity thereof, it is contained in God's first Declaration, as afterwards explained; expressed in baalam's Parable, but abundantly typified in david's and Solomon's Kingdoms; confirmed and explained by Moses, the Prophets and Psalms, etc. as in our Iren. chap. 5.6, 7, 8. And the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, was also contained in that first said publication, but particularly manifest to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; since explained largely in the Prophets and Psalms, and is that City the Apostle Paul saith is prepared for the Forefathers, whose Maker and Builder is God, Heb. 11.10.16. whose great Privileges have all along the Revelations been the suffering Saints encouragements. 2. The Doctrine is excellent, of a Divine and Heavenly Excellency; whereof david's and Solomon's Kingdom were but shadows: And the old Jerusalem was but a Type of the holy, great and beloved Jerusalem, shortly to be in the World; as it is gloriously described, both by the Prophets and Psalms likewise; but chiefly by our Saviour, Rev. 21. and his Kingly Office is many ways the most glorious part of Christ's Mediatorship, see the Treatise on Gen. 3.15. 3. That the Doctrine of them contains much blessedness and comfort in it, is manifest from the time, and occasion of the beginning and setting up of both, etc. the time is when Christ comes and brings his reward with him, and all his Saints also to be then rewarded by him, as he promised to such as come to him, to such as believe in him, and spiritually eat his Flesh, and drink his Blood, four times over, John 6. viz. That he will raise them up at the last day, which is at the said Resurrection of of the Saints, to be brought into the same State and Kingdom, and the large and great promises made to the same are big with variety of blessings, in the Old Testament; but in all this excellent Book of Revelations, all sorts of Sufferers in their times, have their consolations and encouragements from something, respecting that State and Kingdom, as in Prod. pag. 39, 40, 41. may particularly be seen, and then at the said Resurrection they will have the Dominion, Psal. 49.14. and rule over the Nations as was said, yea then saith the Psalm 149 (Consider the whole Psalmist) shall the Saints execute the judgement written, viz. by Moses, Deut. 33.40, 41. For there will never be such a time or occasion again to do it, as at the Armageddon Battle when Christ will wound that Head of many Countries, from the beginning of the Revenges upon that Enemy, [Antichrist] when God whets his glittering Sword, and makes it drunk with Blood, Deut. 32. ●2, etc. I do but touch upon these things, much more is said on Gen. 3.15. in the Everlasting Gospel. 3. Use of Inform. Men may likewise hence be informed of the exceeding great benefit, of this most excellent Key of all ancient Prophecy from Rev. 20. and 21. and 22. Which the whole Book before doth chiefly make the way for; indeed it is a great mercy to God's Church, both formerly and of late in all the said times of Christ's overcomers, of Dragon and Beast, that they have been encouraged therein from such Revelations; of what they should suffer was ordered by his Sovereign hand; so though wicked Men and Devils were the Instruments, yet they did suffer under them, according to the good will and pleasure of Almighty God, and by the strength of his Grace carrying them through all their Trials; and they found what helps and supports he had provided for them, both present then, and what is promised for the time to come, in the Epistles to the seven Churches of Asia, and all Sufferers after in order to these very times, as in the large paper in our Prodr. pag. 39, 40, 41. may be seen: But the benefit of this said Divine Key in the last part, is incomparably advantageous and comfortable, in showing from the beginning what Fonndations, of such wonderful anciently revealed and promised mercies, God hath so Divinely couched in them, for all Generations before and in the 1000 years, or New Jerusalem state; (together) in the World wherein everlasting happiness, will not only be entered upon, and secured to all Saints: (for none such shall be hurt by the second death) but by that State they will upon many advantages be fitted, more for Eternal happiness, and more to glorify God in the enjoyment of it, for evermore! Upon the abundant discovery (then) to be made of such wonderful ways, of Gods revealed, formerly, and then fully performed Grace in all branches thereof; which the said Key leads Christ's Servants to, by Faith till the time come of the fruition of the same, for the Spouse of Christ, the Lamb's Wife, Rev. 21.9. In whatsoever times before of the Church, they have lived, they will then drink afresh and unspeakably, more fully the Waters of consolation, by formerly revealed or promised goodness, in any measure or manner derived ro them, in their several Ages in the World, when they shall all together drink thereof; as the new Wine prepared for Christ's said Kingdom, in that world to come. First, For those of the Spiritual Seed of Adam and Eve, which (it is probable) knew little of any other Foundation of Faith, that the old world had; and it is to be hoped, that though all cain's cursed Seed perished in the Flood at last when their wickedness was grown to the height; yet that some of them by some special ways of mercy, manifest to them before, might be saved by the Application of the virtue of God's first published and declared grace in Christ the Seed of the Woman, (through whom good Abel's offering was first accepted) and that fundamental Revelation leads us to look foreminent, ultimate and perfect deliverance from all Enemies in Christ's said Kingdom, and the enjoyment of all good, reserved for the raised Saints in that state. And for all such as lived after Noah's time, when the said old World perished for their great provocations, they had (as we may say) a new string to their Bow, by God's blessing of Shem for the present and for the future, the Prediction of the mercy of Japhets' posterity in the calls of the Gentiles; afterwards more particularly made known, as was showed as another Conduit Pipe conveying also God's Grace unto them: Also such as had received yet more special mercy, from the Covenant to Abraham and his spiritual Seed, by that one Divine Seed Christ to come, by that new conveyance of such God's Grace to them, had still thereby a stronger Title thereunto, and also as isaac's and jacob's faithful Posterity, as a new entail of the said mercy, afterwards from the renewed manifestation of God's sure mercies to David, in respect of his Kingdom, which Christ shall as surely possess with his raised Saints in the thousand years; (amongst which it is probable will be found, many that came in as Proselytes, under all the said Dispensations of Grace) till the time of the public mercy of the Gentiles first came in, after Christ was come in our Flesh; according to all the former special Revelations and Confirmations of the same, for about 4000 years before; and according to all such several conveyances of God's mercy to them, in their several times they lived, (which in the 1000 years (it is probable) the Saints will largely know,) they will suitably glorify the same Grace, Faithfulness and Truth of God in the 1000 years, and be filled with rejoicing therein, in greater measure and manner than we can conceive, when they shall rejoice together as happy Members of the same mystical body, whereof Christ is the Head, and as the Lamb's Wife, at those Divine Nuptials then to be celebrated, Rev. 19.7. being the Inhabitants from that time of the New Jerusalem, whose Maker and Builder is God, Rev. 21.9. & Heb. 11.10. and the wisdom and goodness of God will many ways appear glorious to all sorts, of such Christ's Subjects, in his said Kingdom; when not only the raised Saints will so particularly know the revealed Foundations, of their thenceforth perpetual happiness; but the living Saints of all Nations that then shall be saved, and will walk in the light of the said New Jerusalem shall be assuredly satisfied in the security of all their present and future enjoyments, and in their measure add their hallelujahs to the raised Saints with Angels and all other Creatures likewise in their Capacities, Rev. 5.10, etc. at that time of the happy restitution of all things, and that ample revelation of all things in respect of Mysteries, Creatures and Providences past, when knowledge shall abound in the earth, as the waters cover the Sea, in all that is really good for either of them to know; and whereby they may more be engaged to sing forth the praises of the Lamb, etc. as is set before us in the said glimpse of that condition, Rev. 5.10, etc. which will be a School of Instruction for Angels and Saints more excellently to glorify God the Father, the Lamb that was slain and the Holy Spirit to all eternity; and enlarge the happiness of both sorts of such gloried Creatures accordingly for ever: and though this excellent Love-letter of Christ to his Spouse the Church in this his Divine Key, seems to some to be close folded up, and in Characters, that none but his Spouse shall comfortably read; yet in due time and manner, he hath, and doth teach his Beloved rightly to read in this world for her Faith and Consolation in some good measure, and fitly open it more and more fully for her in the fruition of that blessed state and condition in that world to come: of which, much more from Scripture might he added. 4. Use of Inform. Hence may all Saints be informed what will be then their New Jerusalem work and employment when they shall be raised at this first Resurrection, they will be much in praising God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, in, and for the work or Creation, Rev. 4 and especially be exercised in setting forth the Praise of Christ the Lamb many ways, in a joint and successive Choir of multitudes of Saints with Angels, and all other Creatures then in their Capacity, as Rev 5.1. where is, I say, a glymps of that glorious state represented us, v. 10. to the end. and they will be very helpful to all those Nations of them that are saved then, which shall walk in the light of the New Jerusalem to instruct them in what shall be useful for them to know, or do, to comfort and encourage them therein, etc. as revealed by Christ's Spirit and grace unto them; as one of the Elders comforted the Apostle John (when he wept) that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah had prevailed to open the Sealed Book, Rev. 5.5. Then will be a blessed Communion of Saints much above what is possible in our present state of things upon many advantages: there will be greater Grace shed forth, greater discoveries made, greater opportunities, heightened Charity, hindrances removed, powerful and useful helps afforded and made effectual, great delight in doing good to or for the said living Saints in one Sheep fold then; undisturbed peace, and security in well doing, and in enjoying all sorts of blessings useful for both sorts of Christ's said Subjects in his Kingdom promised, or that shall conduce thereunto, as God shall see good, etc. And hence we should now labour to act in conformity to the New Jerusalem state, as we desire our share therein, the New Covenant made with God's spiritual Israel then will be fufilled in the highest degree the Sons of Men that of are capable receiving: Yea, and it seems probable, grace will then be derived lineally to them, their Seed, and Seeds Seed for ever, as we have showed in p. 13, 14. of our Foundations of Faith: which will be proper to that state; therefore suitable means will be then by God provided for them and blessed by him accordingly when her watchmen shall never hold their peace day nor night: and when not only raised Saints and Angels will be near assistants upon all good opportunities, ready to do any good office for them, when all evil Instruments are removed; as other places of this Divine Book do declare, as ch. 7. another Elder informs the Apostle of the white Robed Palm bearers; and ch. 14.6. Angels or Messengers warned the Church, and threatened the Enemies: so ch. 17.6, 7. another discovers that Whore and Beast, and shows their destruction; and lastly, another Angel shows the Apostle all these glorious matters of the New Jerusalem state, and confirms them to be faithful and true, three times over, when the Apostle seemed so to be rapt with Admiration, that he would have worshipped the Angel, if he had not restrained him, ch. 19.10. & 22.8, 9 yea, and Christ himself will be the light of that City, in whose light they shall see light, immediately, or mediately, and why are things so deciphered in this most Divine Book but to make them known to his Church: and it is all according to the Prophets, if rightly understood, and applied, as Esa. 60. in Rev. 21. and other places as largely might be declared to divers purposes, etc. 5. Use of Inf●●●. This may also inform Christians why Satan hath so long been so eagerly bend from age to age against these Doctrines of the Davidical Kingd: of Christ, and the New Jerusalem state the said 1000 years, which will be the great privilege of all the faithful, jointly being made then perfect in one, when they shall behold Christ's glory there, Joh. 17.24 for it is observable that ever since those seven Vials were revealed to be poured out upon the Kingdom, Earth, Seas, Rivers, and Throne of the Beast, and lastly upon the Prince of the power of the Air too, ch. 16. he hath spitefully sought to pour out his seven Vials upon this Doctrine of Christ's said Kingdom, as we shown particularly, p. 41. & 42. of our Prodr. for indeed the coming of that Kingdom will not only end his for 1000 years, but when he shall attempt to restore it again, all his Vassals shall be utterly cashiered from the earth, and himself in the end cast into the lake of Fire and Brimstone: but that is not all, for his malice is most against it upon this account, that the Wisdom and Goodness of Christ is manifest by this Divine Key, framed and given by himself to his beloved Spouse, and fitted by him (in due time) to open this Cabinet of so precious Jewels, which were formerly so locked up in such anciently revealed Promises and Covenants; for that without it the Church of Christ could not have been resolved sufficiently when, or where, or by what means, or how long she should obtain the wonderful benefits therein contained: but this most excellent Key is so fitted for her use, that by the due improvement thereof, the Church cannot choose but see her great Treasure therein reserved for her against the marriage of the Lamb now coming on: the foresight whereof, provoked him formerly to great wrath against the Woman's Seed, Rev. 12.12, 17. when he entered upon his last design of the two fold Beast, Rev. 13. but how will this Doctrine enrage him the more, that shows his Kingdom's ruin to draw so near; hence, in these latter times, he stirreth up all sorts to plead against it with many groundless pretences, and many of them contrary to others, not only by ignorant, and mean, but by some great and learned too; and which is more sad, not only by enemies, and bad men, but sometimes by friends; in the main, and good men, upon interest or error, and one disadvantage or other, as in Assert. 10. of our Key: and yet so good news was never made known to mankind since the fall to be obtained whilst the world continues, as this will be (saving only the particular Salvation of every believing soul) I say, as this, which all such Saints shall together enjoy at the said second coming of Christ to Salvation, when our Saviour bids them lift up their heads, for their Redemption draweth nigh, Luke 21.28. yea, and this Kingdom of God also is then nigh at hand, v. 31. when he will send his Angel with a great sound of a Trumpet to gather his Elect from the four winds into his Kingdom, Mat. 24.31. This doth bring the Devil into an envious Hell of Torment, otherwise, long before his time, and will plague him with deadly dumps all the time of his long imprisonment the 1000 years in the bottomless pit; that like discontented Judas, or melancholy Saul, he would desparately make an end of himself if it were possible: it is not to be doubted but the Preaching of these Doctrines upon many considerations will sting him to the heart; and therefore wherever it is like to prevail, he will busily bestir himself by all means he can to hinder it: and we shall not need to wonder at it for the Reasons before said, etc. 6. Use of Inform. This should discover the exceeding greatness of the folly of all carnal, selfseeking, flesh-pleasing unregenerate persons in the world, who place all their happiness in the things of this present lise, and have no expectations of Good for Eternity: indeed in respect of what concerns the body, which they only, or chief look at, it must lie, like the beasts, in the dust above 1000 years to come; but if they depart the world in that condition, their Souls will immediately thereupon feel the horror of God's indignation, with misery unconceivable; but if they would wisely provide for the body, which they chief seem to regard, they should labour to get into a capacity of the blessed New Jerusalem state, with all the said Saints that will produce a speedy return, for the time draws near of the happiness of the whole man, Soul and Body: present or speedy possession is a great motive in earthly purchases; but much better is this, and that for a long enjoyment of 1000 years with Christ and his Saints, etc. which will also be perfected in Eternity: ordinarily men's hopes for body and soul together is not till the last Trumpet; but Christ, that is thebest Teacher hath evidently showed the Bodies of all that sleep in him, when he comes at the first Resurrection, will in their order be united with their Souls for that happy state 1000 years before: if worldly men were sure the present state of things would continue but half 1000 years, how would they be encouraged to lay out for Purchases for that time? but when there seems to be good▪ reason's that men may not groundedly hope it may continue the twentieth part of 500 years, how wary have they cause to be in laying out their Treasure in such a shaking, tottering, fading World: unto which the said New Jerusalem will suddenly succeed in that world to come whereof we speak: If men be born again by sound Regeneration spiritually, than they shall rise from the dead with the Saints bodily, a thousand years before the rest of the dead, Rev. 20.5. which is like to prove a speedy possession incomparably above all worldly enjoyments in the best way they can be had here; as we showed before in many particulars: but by the way which bad men love, pursue, or by God's long sufference enjoy the world; it were better not to have had a being in this world, than so to have had it without Repentance, for the abuse of what they have had therein; for all that such persons find in it is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life (the matter of their present sin) and the cause of their future misery; and now this world of itself is most vanishing, standing upon its last legs (as we say) and though that deluding old Harlot, like Jesabel or old, a little before her death, paints herself to hid her wrinkled face, and ghastly countenance; and adorns herself in gorgeous Attire, yet is she for very age ready to give up the ghost, and leave all her Paramours, like old Mystery Babylon the Mother of Harlots, to make them cry out there, Alas alas, alas alas, when all is lost and destroyed, ch. 18. Oh then for a Saints part in the New Jerusalem state, for so excellent, long, secured happiness which will end in eternal blessedness; what would such men give for it if it could be then had, and they had withal to purchase it? If men would befriend their bodies; what good policy would it prove to get them befriended there, and take advise speedily in that case; when God gins to shake not the earth only, but the Heavens also: the Scripture tells us (that he that ought to be) the desire of all Nations is about to come, and are there not great shake of both at this present time? & it seems from Script very probable that that next great shaking fit of the world is not far off, described, Esa. 2.17. to the end, with Rev. 16. Dan. 12.1. will shake most impenitent unreformed sinners from off the world's stage into the bottomless pit, to bear their Master company whose servants so they are, for that shaking Earthquake will be such as never was, mighty an Earthquake and so great, Rev. 16.18. and such a time of Trouble as men never saw, Dan. 12.1. I point out these things only, I cannot now press them saving by my Prayers, that God would set them home for good, that poor sinners may now at last be plucked like sire brands out of the fire. And let all sorts consider now they use the world at present (though they abuse it not as some sensual brutish persons, wallowing in grossly notorious courses of licentiousness, hardening and priding themselves in their gross impieties) yet what do they with their enjoyments? all that men have in the best way are Talents that God will have account of; how will the great trial be when Christ shall Judge at last; in as much as ye have not done it to the least of my Disciples, you have not done it unto me, Mat. 25. go therefore ye cursed, etc. If men would take off every yoke, and comfort the distressed, feed the hungry, cloth the naked, if less was spent in vanity, more bestowed on designs to promote works of piety and charity, men would make better accounts than it is to be feared most rich and great men will then do; who, if they pervert not their power and wealth to hinder good, and promote evil, yet will be condemned an guilty in Christ's day: for not hindering evil, and not promoting good, every Commandment of God hath a positive scope: but otherwise, let such look to have all pride and hautiness of men in honour, in wealth, in any worldly abundance to be humbled, and then driven from their Places and Possessions, or perish with them; when their perpetueties here will utterly end, their worldly honour will vanish so far as they have not honoured. God therewith, their great and costly buildings will tumble down upon their heads, or otherwise be destroyed or burnt up, and then they shall leave all their Treasure buried for ever in the world's sudden ruins, and neither they nor theirs have any good of those things that they would not suffer others to have good of before, Esa. 2.17, etc. and then will be no time to do it when those things shall be no longer theirs, nor any left to confer them upon within their reach; and yet must unavoidably be called to an account for them, and condemned, without early reformation: and our Saviour tells he comes as a thief in the night, and his coming will be as a snare upon the whole earth: but what then will become of those that by Rapine, or Violence have increased in wealth; that have abused their Power, and Authority, to Oppress, and Persecute? the plenty of God's Creatures to consume them in riot and excess in many sorts of sinful vanities, the heavier load will hereby lie upon them, that they are not only privitively evil, but positively also: make to yourselves then friends (sinners) as Christ your Judge formerly commanded of the unrighteous Mammon, whilst ye have time; but if ye will not quickly do it, Christ himself will provide for his meek ones, who shall then inherit the earth, and delight themselves in abundance of peace, Psal. 37. 7. Use of Inform. Hence all Christians may be instructed that many comfortable Doctrines may be drawn from the said Foundations of such consolations to be enjoyed in the same Jerusalem state to come, at the near approaching Resurrection, to answer the present wants of them in many particular cases now; what, are they here personally troubled and molested? then they shall have, yea delight themselves in the abundance of peace; they shall (saith the Apostle Paul) have rest with us when the Lord shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels, 2 Thes. 1.7. whilst those that troubled them shall have Tribulation rendered to them: Christ's Church now militant will begin from the entrance of that state to be more and more Triumphant: If they want the good company of such as excelled in virtue, but are now taken out of the world, they will shortly meet with them again with great advantage, perfected both in Soul and Body at the said first Resurrection of the Saints bodily: if they would have more inward grace, or outward supply; both will rightly be supplied in the Saints Reign with Christ the 1000 years on earth: (stumble not at that expression, I have it from Jesus Christ, however Satan barks at it.) Would you get much honour, achieve great things? this honour have all Christ's Saints, as ye heard, Psal. 149. the last, Thus you see by the help of this excellent Rey, the rich Cabinet is opened, that you may take out the Jewels one by one for your use: The study of these Doctrines to rightly believing Souls, concerning these things, will be to them a School of Pleasure, seconded with exceeding great Rejoicing: Christians, I speak it by experience, I wish you all partakers thereof with me, or that I might be helpful to enlarge your measure. 8. Use of Inform. Let all true Christians know, that the studying and promoting of these Truths will provean excellent and prevalent means to beat down Babylon, and the Kingdom of Satan; it is therefore no marvel that Satan's brood and Babel's brats are enemies thereunto upon any occasions; it must be expected it declares the ruin of both speedily; Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen almost in the order of accomplishment, and God (saith the Apostle) shall tread down Satan under your feet shortly, Rom. 16.20. and now his time of being bound is nigh at hand: it will much disturb both of them to hear much of that news; and it will put much courage in Christ's Champeons to fit them to fight Christ's Battles, under his own banner against his and their own enemies. 9 Use of Inform. Hence take notice what an enforcing necessity is now incumbent upon all Professors of Religion, especially in an higher degree than ordinary, to take care they fully answer the same, and especially to avoid the practical consutation thereof in their conversation: let them not be seeming Saints, but real Saints here; or else they will not be amongst the raised Saints at Christ's appearearance: they must pass through the first Resurrection spiritual (only proper to the Saints here) before they can have any possibility of any part of that first Resurrection bodily, of the Saints hereafter: if they be not first hear regenerate with them, it is most certain they will not then be raised from the dead with them: look to the catalogue of such as will be shut out of the blessed and holy society, Rev. 21.7. & 22.15. namely, the fearful, the unbelieving, the abominable, and Murderers, and Whoremongers, and Sorcerers, and Idolaters, and all Liars shall not only have no part of the Saints inheriting of all things, but shall be cast into the lake of Fire, etc. and again, without, viz. the Holy City, are Dogs, and Sorcerers, and Whoremongers, and Murderers, and Idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a a lie, though these last liars seem more especially to respect Idolaters and the promoters thereof, who have a lie in their right hand, yet the other speaking of all liars, includes all hollow deceitful, false hearted Hypocrites, that will pretend much love to God, Christ, and his Saints, but have no true love for them as such, unless they are carried on by some self respect or other, and all sorts that rest in a form of Godliness, either by a seeming high profession only, or the low practice of superstition, two dangerous ways of lying in the world in these evil days, whilst they both deny the power thereof: they both in their kinds hinder much good, and promote much evil, towards God and Men: God, his Religion, his Name is dishonoured by them both; their brethren are deluded, or seduced, or scandalised by them; these do God much disservice, but are the most useful servants of Satan; and especially the higher pitch of Devotion they pretend to, the greater scandal they are to true Religion: and how much better might it be for themselves and others, that they appeared only to be what they are, than to seem to be what, indeed, they are not; whereby they will be excluded out of the Holy City, etc. Much Doctrinal information may be had, if men seriously ponder these Truths, which we shall not here farther at present set down, etc. We should proceed to a word of Terror against all obstinate, impenitent, ignorant and hardened sinners; And also to a word of Consolation to poor, humble, despised, faithful Christians of all ranks, but these we have done in others of our Practical Parcels, upon other Texts of like nature: We shall now add a word of Admonition to all Christians briefly. Use of Adm. Let therefore all sorts of Christians, into whose hands the Papers may be delivered, and unto whose ears these Doctrines may have access, be hence admonished to make use of the short time remaining now to them in this decripit fading world, to labour the more speedily and earnestly, now to demean themselves, as wise Virgins, to provide to have Oil in their Cruse, and to have their Lamps burning: and carefully watch for the Bridegrooms coming: we have our Saviour's own enforcement here of now to be improved in its proper season about the sixth Vial, Rev. 16. Behold I come as a thief in the darksome night, of most sinners security, and haply in the time of the night also; and in the time men are least ware of; as Sodoms flames suddenly kindled by the fire of filthy prevailing Lusts: then blessed is he, saith Christ, that watcheth, and keepeth his Garments lest he walk naked, and they see his shame; for such as have not on them the spiritual Garments of Justification, and Sanctification (for the King's Daughter is all glorious within) yet together with a suitable holy Conversation, they will when the Bridegroom comes, be ashamed before Angels and Men: [and now we may observe the Egyptian Frogs are croaking in Kings Palaces, Rev. 16.15, etc.] otherwise they will not be admitted unto the happy marriage of the Lamb, near approaching: Wherefore Christians, now or never, ye must believe as Christians, act as Christians, love as Christians, seek peace as Christians, suffer as Christians, pray as Christians, rejoice as Christians, let your whole Conversations towards God and Man be ordered as becometh Christians; and then with the Spirit and Bride, say, come; and let him that heareth, say, come; and let him that is a thirst, come; and whosoever will not linger, and be lost, let him now, whilst it is called to day, take the water of life freely, chap. 22.17. For he that testifieth these things, saith, surely I come quickly: It is Verbum Diei in die suo, a word in its due season; for it appears to be in its due order of accomplishment, and the Links of the Revelatian Chain have been passing by above 1600 years, the last Link draws near, to which Christ's Kingdom will immediately succeed: Come in poor Sinners, get an interest therein and then you will be safe: I pity you all that prise it not; I pray God give you enlightened understandings, and sanctified affections now the world is vanishing with all her Vanities together: suppose it should continue twenty or thirty years longer, yet how soon may you die in your sins, or be cut off in God's wrathful displeasure in a moment, whether you be secret sinners, though nothing is secret to, or hid from Gods all seeing eye, or open sinners, to him all things are naked and open with whom you have to do; or if you be great sinners, none are so great but the least stroke of his displeasure will shatter them in pieces; or small sinners (though none that is not a Saint can be a small sinner in the sight of God, though (comparatively) in the sight of men he may: and such as have committed great sins, upon their Faith and Repentance may be pardoned as soon as the least: But you that are great sinners, and would fain think yourselves out of God's reach, and upon worldly advantages seem to bid defiance unto God, saying (as they) let him hasten his work that we may see it: or you that think with the Fool in the Gospel, you have enough for many years; or you have great Interests, great Alliances, great Relations, great Honour, Wealth, Authority, power to execute your will and pleasure, and what not: if you came well by them, than there is more reason you should serve God, and honour him with them the more; they are all Talents, and you must be accountable for every one of them; have you fed, clothed, visited Christ in his Disciples; if not, go ye cursed, Mat. 25. but if you came ill by them, and use them contrary to his will, the greater Vengeance hangs over your head for that reason, without Repentance: Yet to conclude, there is yet a time of Grace and Mercy to be had for you (great sinners) if you will improve it aright, before it be quite past; be wise therefore at last, now, now, now, whilst it is called to day; be not hardened any longer by the deceitfulness of Sin; then may your Souls safely, and comfortably join with Christ's Spouse in her hearty Amen for the Bridgrooms coming, saying with her also, verse 20. even so, Come Lord Jesus, Come quickly. Amen. Last Use. Lastly, for Exhortation to Thankfulness, to all that shall have part in this said blessed Resurrection of the just upon this particular account, & now more especially in these times; That Christ Jesus hath not only given this excellent Divine Key to his Church, opening the many great benefits of those ancient mercies, reserved to be accomplished in the said thousand years; and also so fitly agreeing with the Doctrine of the said blessed Resurrection of the Saints, with all the concomitants thereof: But now in these times is so graciously pleased to discover and vouchsafe unto us the comfortable Use and Benefit thereof, by Faith upon such excellent Divine ancient most sure Foundations, as those before set down, and also by holy Scriptures so explained and carried on to those intents in the said times, and that the said blessed Resurrection should be the inlet to all former Saints, to those happy enjoyments then for their Souls and Bodies in such a blessed Communion, many ways as the said Saints shall then attain unto: The abundant strong evidence whereof is not only sufficient, if duly weighed to stop the Mouths of gainsayers, but to convince all sound rational men, that God's great Provision for the marriage of the Bride and the Lamb, at the time so by his word declared and published, will not be in vain and lost; for God is not like men to change or be deceived in, or frustrated of his end: But what Thankfulness in these respects, do all such true Christians own to the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, that from all such said Foundations, he hath wrought Faith in their Souls to foresee with faithful Abraham, Christ's day to come by Faith and receive such comfort in so happy news of such manifold approaching mercy; wherein they have such particular interest and concernment; and all this so strongly founded upon evidences throughout the whole Scripture; so clearly explained by Christ, and by the Holy Spirit to be words faithful and true three times over; and delivered for their use by his Servant John: Besides the many renewed particular promises, since set down with sundry explications of them, both in Old and New Testament, which do evidently lead us to the use and benefit of this said divine Key, so given by Christ Jesus to his Church for such excellent purposes: how should the approaching reign of Christ with his said Sts. in the world in that time of the new Heavens and new Earth, fill such believing Christian's Souls with praise & thanksgiving? when a double advantage will redound unto them, first that the great last Enemies of Christ and his Church, will be removed and taken away, that so long have obstructed her joy and peace, but that the Church of Christ shall also enjoy the end of her hope, from all the said Foundations, and promised Mercies, then to be performed in the foresaid state to be upon the said blessed first Resurrection of the said Saints. And what stronger evidence than from that first most large comprehensive Foundation, given by God himself, Gen, 3.15. which about 3000 years after, had such a particular explication of Christ's carrying on the same upon his Ascension after his actual laying the Foundation of his Church's Redemption, by his sufferings at his first coming, which should so eminently be carried on by making his Foes his Footstool, at his second; when he shall come from the right hand of the Father, to judge the quick and the dead, at the same time of his appearance and Kingdom, according to that ancient divine Oracle, so often repeated, illustrated and explained in the New Testament. The Lord said unto my Lord sit thou on my right Hand, till I make thy Foes thy Footstool, Psal. 110.1. viz. at that said time as many Scriptures teach, 2 Thess. 2.8. 2 Tim. 4.1. Rev. 19 also consider Ezek. 38. and 39 Dan. 11.45. of the Turk, with many others, both respecting the ruin of Pope and Turk the first Gog and Magog before the said thousand years, and for the ruin of the last Gog and Magog after the said thousand years; Our blessed Saviour hath most orderly, exactly, and strongly confirmed the same in those many circumstances thereof, in the following part of this Chapter: when the last Enemy death will be destroyed, and the Devil cast into the Fiery Lake; and I hope no Conscientious knowing Christian of any rank will dare to deny or gainsay any particular, in this great Foundation so explained, carried on and applied all along in the word of God, etc. of which much more is said in our Everlasting Gospel, on Gen. 3.15. And enoch's Vision of the first Act of Christ's Judgement, Judas 14. also confirms the same as it is explained by Daniel 7.7, 8, 9 when the Judgement is said to be set and the Books opened to give the body of the Beast to the burning flame; which will be at the beginning of the said thousand years, as also Gog's [the Turks] destruction, Ezekiel 38. and 39 before the setting up of the New Jerusalem, chap. 40. to the end of that Book, with the taking away others that do offend then, Mat. 73.41. when also he will judge the Saints with reward, Rev. 11.19. so judging both the quick and dead then, 2 Tim. 4.1. and likewise Revelations 20.7, 8, etc. is contained Christ's last proceeding in his Judgement after the 1000 years, against the last Gog and Magog, as by Christ's Revelation is here explained, to judge those quick, and then the dead, when their Judgement is said again to be set, and the books opened: first by declaring the absolution of the Saints written in the book of Life, and pronouncing against all the wicked, a Sentence of condemnation to eternal death, etc. Of the first Act of Judgement, also Balaam speaks Numbers 24. when the Roman Kingdom should perish for ever, explained again by our Saviour, Revel. 17.8. when in the last Head it should go into predition: whereby an utter end will be put to the four mettle Kingdoms or the Gentiles Dominion, and so this Prophecy passeth in the same course with the former, as another Confirmation of the same Truth: How Christ will eminently at the beginning, and fully at the end of the said thousand years break the Serpents [Satan's] Head, etc. And these are strong and clear evidences from God's Word, of Christ's taking away the Enemies of himself and his Church in those times; and that state of things shortly coming on: to these we might add the Type of Abraham's subduing the five Kings, and rescuing Lot: And of David's overcoming all his Enemies at last, and leaving his Kingdom to Solomon his Son in a peaceable condition, etc. and as the Enemy's destruction will be a great matter of the Saints Praise and Rejoicing at their first said blessed Resurrection; so will also their enjoyment of the happy Vision of Christ's Glory in his Davidical Kingdom then be given to them; as John 17.24. with the happy communion with him, and one with another; and their inheriting all the promised Mercies of that time, and state of the New Jerusalem, Revel. 21. and 22. by the Divine promised Seed of the Woman, who shall then prolong his days in the world, and abundantly see his own Spiritual Seed; so that he will therein be satisfied when the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand, as foretold, Esa. 53. namely, when all Saints are come in at the general Rapture, and change of them all, 1 Cor. 15.51, 52. And that the earth might continue to be the stage for all such actings of God in the world, God upon his smelling a sweet savour from Noah's offering through Christ to come, makes a Covenant with him after the Flood for all Creatures, to that happy time; and that then there should be the greatest fruitfulness in it, his word is clear: and as in Noah, as a Type, was signified how Christ would be the safe Ark of his Church, in the beginning, and after the end of the said 1000 years; and also by his Prophecy of the Gentiles, Japhets Posterities, mercies at their foresaid first and second Call and Fullness, which last will be performed in the said 1000 years, when Jews and Gentiles shall both rejoice together, when all those many Promises concerning that state of the Gentiles happiness in the whole book of God will take their full effect. And as surely by virtue of God's Covenant with Abraham, shall all his spiritual seed through that his own divine seed Christ, then enjoy the many Promises still remaining in Old and New Testament to be made good to them in the natural life (then) whether circumcised or uncircumcised and such raised Saints then that are interessed therein, will also enjoy by the same Covenant that happy New Jerusalem state in that City prepared for them then, Heb. 11.10, 16. and also all the spiritual seed of Isaac and Jacob with them in all the privileges and benefits belonging to the same, which the said Saints shall then be raised to inherit, etc. as the spiritual seed of Abraham; and I doubt not but the greatest part of the Promises in Old and New Testament made to God's people as the spiritual seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, both circumcised and uncircumcised, will chief have their fulfilling in that state and time wherein all such their natural race will have the greatest share, and such promises as are made to all Israel, or to Ephraim, or Joseph jointly with Judah do especially refer unto (though not only unto them) of which if duly considered a large volume might profitably be written. And if lastly we look to that last sure foundation of David's sure mercies, concerning his Throne and Kingdom, which Christ the Son of David should enjoy as the days of heaven upon earth, or as long as the Sun and Moon shall endure, (though David's natural race had forfeited their interest before, Mic. 2.10.) yet God laid sure foundations for the other, 2 Sam. 7.8, 9 to the end, and Psal. 89. with multitudes of Scripture evidences to the same purpose, and all Believers, as Esay shows, shall also have their part in the same sure mercies of David, Chap. 55.3. appertaining then to that time and state, and very many other Promises were made to that end likewise: And the interest of Christ's said Davidical Kingdom seen by Daniel a long time passed in Vision to be at the end of the fourth Kingdom, chap. 7.13, 14. which at this time Christ continues in heaven to receive, and then to return, Luke 19.17. it is that that contains in it eminently all the other said mercies to all suffering Saints that must then reign with Christ the said thousand years, and jointly enjoy all the happiness thereof, and thence forth and for ever whatsoever things God hath provided for them, which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, etc. (though the things of this state may mostly be both heard and sten, as deciphered by God's Word:) Concerning which I conceive sufficient hath of late been said, by us and others, both to satisfy all serious judicious and well principled Christians that know how to value Divine Authority without respect to men, etc. and to convince many others, and what greater arguments could be used for strength and clearness to confirm such a long sealed or concealed truth, I know not: if God's Spirit shall at any time set them home upon their souls and consciences, which he is only able to do, viz. to work faith thereof, as in all other Divine (especially mystical parts of) Doctrines, that so they with all true Christians, both now by faith aforehand, and then by fruition of the same, may be better enabled thereby to render all honour, thanksgiving and praise, both now and then, due unto the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, upon all those manifold and great Scripture foundations and engagements upon account whereof Christ will then be so admired of all his said Saints, 2 Thes. 1.10. How glorious will Christ appear (then) in his wonderful, national, sudden Conversion of the Jews, and Uniting of the two Sticks of Ephraim and Judah, Ezekiel 37. which were as iscattered dry Bones before compared there, and Romans 11. to a Resurrection from the Dead: Shall not they have then the chief Dominion? Will not God then give Nations for them? Shall they not then lengthen their Cords and strengthen their Stakes? Will they not be God's Battle-Bow and Axe to cut down Enemies, who shall then be as Ashes under the sols of their feet? and all People be destroyed that will not serve or be subject to the Holy Jerusalem then? Many and great will be the Privileges of that ancient Inheritance of God, then saved by the Lord, when he takes away their Sin, and circumcises their Hearts, as anciently Moses foretold of that time, Deut. 30.1. to 11. it would requne a large Volume to set forth the many great and excellent privileges of that People of God at the same time, and as our faith of that Mercy should enlarge our thanksgiving and praise, so by both should Christians be stirred up to earnest Prayer for them for the hastening of their Mercy: the neglect of which is a great error and scandal too, in these our days, and the great neglect thereof cannot be answered to God or man, when Scripture Promises of the manifold enlarged mercies and goodness of God reserved for that now abject obstinate people at present, yet will, e'er long, be those that will meet with the most miraculous and wonderful, many ways enlarged and illustrated free grace of God in Christ that ever was showed to any people in the world, of which all the Prophets, and divers Texts in the New Testament declare great things shall be accomplished, and the Thanksgiving and Prayers of all faithful Christians ought, what in them is, to hasten them: It is God's way to bring on his revealed and promised Mercies, though he needs none such helps to mind or move him, yet he will so own both his Saints Graces, his own Ordinance, and gracious Promises: And the like may be said of all other the aforesaid great mercies then to be fulfilled, concerning which very much might here be added instead, whereof I only now add my Prayer to what hath been said already. The Lord God give his blessing to what according to his revealed Truth hath of these Divine Mysteries herein been delivered, for the glory of his own holy Name, and the real good, edification and comfort of all faithful Christians, Amen. This useful Treatise for all Christians, setting forth the Marriage of the Lamb with his Bride, Rev. 19.7. shortly to be Celebrated, may be had at the Turks Head over against the Royal Exchange: or at the Herne in Paul's Churchyard. FINIS. ERRATA. Page 22. col. 1. line 26. deal more. p. 24. c. 2. r. satisfied not fulfilled. and after r. men are not means. p. 28. c. 1. l. 9 r. mercy not merit. and l. 10. r. sad not said. p. 33. r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 & 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. & 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. & 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. p. 35. r. to them of the Army. p. 36. r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. p. 47. l. 39 to believe join unless he put his fingers, etc. p. 53. r. as we are not as were. p. 63. l. ult. deal Christ. p. 69. r. all tend not attend.