The Ranters Creed. Being a true copy of the Examinations of a blasphemous sort of people, commonly called RANTERS. Whose Names are herein particularised, together with the name of their pretended god almighty, and their false Prophet. Taken before Thomas Hubbert Esquire, one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex. With A Declaration of their fantastic gestures and deportments as they were coming before him, and in his presence. And now committed to the New Prison at Clarkenwell. 2 TIM. 3.6. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and led captive silly women laden with sins, lead away with divers lusts. LONDON, Printed by James Moxon, 1651. The PRINTER to the READER. Courteous Reader, SUch a madress hath surprised some men, that their own 〈◇〉 they account Oracles, pre●ending New Revelations, higher Dispensations, uttering nonsensical Parables and Mysteries, which neither their Auditors or themselves understand; esteeming highly their conceits, and derogating from, if not wholly denying the Scripture, that sacred Rule for all our actions. These creep into houses, leading captive silly women laden with sins, and lead away with every lust a 2 Tim. 3 6. . These lay wait as he that setteth snares, they set a trap, they catch men b Jer. 5.26. ; They deceive every one his Neighbour, and will not speak Truth; they have taught their tongues to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity c Jer. 9.5. ; and( Alexander-like) are so arr●gant, to deify( or rather Daemonize) themselves, that they may commit wickedness without control. Nor is it a matter of much Admiration, seeing it is no more then our Saviour foretold; If any man say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not: For there shall arise false Christs, and false Prophets d Matth 24.23, 24 . But embrace the Apostles rule, Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God; because many false Prophets are gone out e 1 John 4.1. to 4. . For this end( Courteous Reader) I have exposed these several examinations to the view of the World, that their stupidity being manifest, their folly may be avoided. thyme, J. M. The Examination of ELISABETH HAYGOOD, taken the 24th of May 1951. before THOMAS HUBBERT Esquire, one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex. WHo being taken in the Company of a blasphemous sort of people, commonly called Ranters, and examined; She confesseth, and saith, That John Robins is her God Almighty, and that he is the eternal God, and Father of Jesus Christ, and that Jesus Christ is now in the womb of Joan Robins, one of her society, and that he shall be born of her about five weeks hence; and she looks to be saved by none other God, but her God John Robins. And further she saith, That the said John Robins is the Mediator between God and her, and that Christ is the Mediator between John Robins and her. And further, she refuseth to set her name to this her Examination; for she saith, she will not take the Divel's Pen into her hand, or aclowledge the Divel's power. The Examination of MARGARET HOLLIS Spinster, taken the day and year abovesaid. WHo being then likewise examined, confesseth and saith; That the aforesaid John Robins is her only Deliverer, and God Almighty. The Examination of JOAN ROBINS taken as aforesaid. WHo confesseth and saith, That she lived with Joshua Garment ( by the Word of the Lord) as his wife three yeers; and that she hath lived with the abovesaid John Robins these three quarters of a year, as her Flesh and Bone; and that the said John Robins is her Deliverer; and that the Lord told her about four yeers since, that she should conceive of a child that should be great in the work of the Lord; of which child she is now big, and that the said John Robins begot it, and that about five weeks hence she expects to be delivered of it. The Examination of ELISABETH PENNY, taken as aforesaid. WHo likewise confesseth( with uncivil gestures, clapping her hands, and otherwise) That the aforesaid John Robins is her almighty and eternal God, and that she expecteth to be delivered by none other. The Examination of JOAN GARMENT, taken as aforesaid. WHo saith, That the aforesaid John Robins hath been ever her God, but not made known unto her till within these twelve moneths; and she believeth that he is her God almighty: and she further saith, that she believeth that Joan Robins will be delivered of that Christ that suffered without the gates of Jerusalem. The Examination of JOSHUA GARMENT, taken as aforesaid. WHo saith, That in the year 1631. as he was lying in his bed, the glory of the Lord did shine about him, and the Angels of the Lord appeared unto him, one especially speaking unto him, Fear not thou servant of the most high God, I am sent unto thee, to declare unto thee things that shall be suddenly done in the world; which is the gathering and deliverance of the twelve scattered Tribes, but the Religious men of the times must and shall oppose it; be thou silent, until thou art commanded to declare it to thy God. In the year 1647 ▪ the word of the Lord came to me to the ear, by the voice saying, Thou art within my new Covenant, I will teach thee. The day following the Lord told him, I the Lord have appointed thee to salvation from eternity, thou shalt eat of the bread of life, and shalt live; and brought him some bread, and he did eat. A voice came to him within few days following, saying, JOSHERBAH, JOSHERBAH, the time draws near that the Jews must be gathered and delivered. Then he saw the man John Robins riding upon the wings of the wind, in great glory and majesty; The word of the Lord came unto him in great power; This is thy Lord, Israels King, Judge, and Law-giver, He it is that must deliver the scattered Hebrews; proclaim his day; but he shall be opposed by all men, but they shall be brought in subjection to him by the word of his mouth, he being so set by his Creator. This Examinant confesseth and saith, That the said John Robins is his almighty God, so set by his Creator. And further saith, That Joan Robins is the mother of the Church, both of Jews and Gentiles, to bring forth that seed which was promised to Adam in the Garden; and the said John Robins is the same Adam that was in the Garden. His several Names written with his own Hand. Josherbah, Tangan, Tangan, Tangarden, Pesautaviah, Phstanvah, Jah, Acher, Absha● Ba, Ha: Jah, Moses, the servant of the Lord, Joshua Garment. The Examination of RICHARD KING, taken as aforesaid. WHo being examined concerning the aforesaid John Robins, he did confess and declare, That the said John Robins was one of the three that bear Record in hea●●; and that he is the Father of Jesus Christ. And being further examined with what the said Joan Robins was with child; he said, She was with child of Jesus Christ. The Examination of JOHN ROBINS taken as aforesaid. WHo being demanded what he was, he saith, That God his Creator did by his almighty power declare unto him, that his name shall be called Almighty. This Examinant further saith, That Joan Robins is his wife by the Lord; and that she is now with child with that child that was first called Abel, and then Jesus Christ the Righteous, and afterwards Jehovah Jah. And that he( this Examinant) shall judge us all at the Judgement seat. This Examinant denies to subscribe his Examination. THeir behaviours as they were bringing, was clapping of their hands, and hollowing and skreeking; and their God and Prophet crying out all the way they came, The glory of the Lord, the glory of the Lord. And before the Justice, the said Prophet( name Joshua Garment) prostrated his body on the ground at the feet of the god, and the women cast themselves down at his sides, and so lay; then the Prophet clasping his arms about the god's legs, cried out, deliver us, deliver us: whereupon the god stamped with his feet on the floor, and clapped his hands, saying, Arise and be hanged; whereupon they immediately arose, and said, Arise for ever. Exurgat Deus, & dissipentur inimici. FINIS.