LOVE WITHOUT DISSIMULATION: Or. The Letter & Directions of Robert Rich to M. John Raynes, For The Distributing his BENEVOLENCE TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES in LONDON. Mr. John Raynes, MY last to you was the 17th of February, with a Copy of the 19th of October 1665. both which were in answer to yours of the 13th of June, and 17th of October 1665. These may inform you, That in the month of December 1666, by the way of Ireland we received the sad and deplorable Intelligence of London's destruction by Fire, wherewith the Beauty and Glory of that City is (like Sodom) turned into ashe●, which when I had understood and throughly pendered, I did impart my thoughts to your Brother Mr. Francis Raynes to this effect, viz. That this Calamity would be so universal and extensive, that multitudes must of necessity be cast upon great Extremities of Want and Misery, and that now was a fit opportunity for all to hold out a hand of Charity towards their distressed Brethren: To which purpose I had you upon my Heart, to write unto you when our Fleet went, (which have been detained until now) to dispose of that 210 l. in your hands. Now Sir, as touching your proceed in this business of my Request, that these Seven Churches, with all others, might more fully discern the mind of my Lord in this figure of Love and Amity to them. I think it meet for to let you know that I have something already written to each of those seven Congregations: (which in the fullness of time, may be presented to their view) Holding forth the Everlasting Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Christ in us; the Saving health, and Universal free Grace of God (ready to revealed) to all Nation, S●●ts and People: Together with a Declaration, or Testimonial of that dear Love and Unity, which my Soul hath, to all that fear God and work Righteousness; and not only to such, but likewise to the Rebellious, Disobedient and worst of Sinners. Also something I have to offer concerning the New Creation (God's Workmanship in Christ Jesus) that which mine eyes have seen, and hands have handled of the Word of Life, of things that now are, and must shortly come to pass, when the Son in man, the New Birth shall more abundantly be revealed, which as yet is a great, Mystery to many, and hath been long hid from Ages and Generations of formal Professors of Godliness, that have wanted the Power of Love, or Christ Jesus that Spirit, working all their works in them and for them; but is now making himself manifest in all that are Borne again of his Spirit, and Baptised with that Water of Life which regenerateth and keepeth clean the heart; That chaste Virgin that only bringeth forth the Manchild; and second Adam, who is Heir of all things, and the Saviour of All that believe and follow him: Who enlightens every one (with the knowledge of good) that cometh into the World. This is he that was, and now is, and is yet to come to all succeeding Generations, of whom all the Prophets from Moses until John bare Record: Hallelujah: Whose day Abraham saw and rejoiced, as do all that have Christ the Unction in them, who only and alone openeth Mysteries, and doth ●each to sing the Song of Moses and the Lamb, Hallelujah; whose Star of old led, as his Spirit doth now lead all the wise in heart both to find and also to worship him acceptably, according to his Law, Mind and Will, written therein; Even him that is the Rock of Ages, whose Body and Blood our Fathers did (in the Wilderness as at Jerusalem) taste of; and which we their Children that are Heirs of the same promised Spirit, do now eat and drink the Bread from Heaven, which is not carnal, but nourisheth the Soul into a Life and Kingdom that fadeth not away, but endureth forever. Hallelujah. And now, dear Sir, Having (in part) acquainted you with the reason of my intended proceed, my next care is (what I can) to lessen your trouble, to which end I think it the best way to propound three of each sort of People, chief amongst them, as Overseers of the rest, men of good report, into whose hands the 30 l. may be delivered (as a sign of my Love) and by them be distributed amongst those of their way, who are in need, sickness, or any other kind of Adversity, which is according to the way first propounded, as also agreeable to a List herein enclosed to you. And because you formerly seemed to scruple the giving of 30 l. to the Roman Catholics, I have therefore written to three of my old Acquaintance, viz. to Mr. Bacon, Mr. William Blackborow, and Mr. Rawlinson, desiring their ear and pains in the disposing of that money, as also of the 30 l. given to the Church of the first born, according to the List aforesaid, who will (I doubt no) readily assist you in any service of Love, that concerns the Affairs of this business, whensoever you shall please to require it of them. Finally, When the whole sum shall be (according to my Request) disposed of, my earnest desire is, That you will be pleased to transmit unto me the names of those Persons who shall undertake to distribute the sum, that so I may have the fairer opportunity to bequeath to them those future Pledges and further Testimonies of my Love, which I have received from the Spirit of Truth, for to distribute unto the several Tribes and Families of the earth, that all may know his name to be one, viz. (Love in Truth) as proceeding out of joseph's Storehouse, or rather from Jesus, that true and faithful Witness, who brought into Peace and Rest the whole Tabernacle of Witnesses, in all Ages, not only into the possession of the Gentilss; but also into Heaven itself, the full number of Sealed Ones, even one hundred and forty four thousand, the whole Land of Hallelujahs, (where he now appears in us, our Song and Crown, our Joy and Glory; Hallelujah) O. Emanuel, fill thou the breadth of thy Land, (even the whole Earth) with thy blessed Seed of Love to Enemies; which bruiseth the head of Enmity, Hallelujah; that they may stand as Saviour's on the Top of Mount Gerizim (which by Interpretation is as Mount Ziou, the Mountain of God, Love) there to Judge and Bless the Mount of Esau, viz. God's whole Creation, according to the same Pattern or Spirit of loving Kindness, wherewith God hath Judged and Saved us: So will the Kingdoms of this world be made the Lords and his Christ's, who must reign for ever: Hallelujah to God on high, on Earth peace and good will ●o all things that ever he made, who made the wicked for a day, Hallelujah to him who is and none else, where old things are passed away; and can behold all things made a new: Hallelujah to our King, who ruleth, who ruleth in every thing; Amen, Hallelujah. Now Sir, if you should complain that I have been tedious and troublesome in This work, I shall easily acknowledge both, and also humbly beg your pardon; yet withal must say, that he which Truly believeth, maketh not haste, but rather chooseth either to stay, or walk, even as the Principle of Faith, (the Grace of God) leadeth (which is something else besides the Letters teaching) and neither willeth nor runneth before that guide, who leedeth into all Truth; neither doth he desire to awaken his Beloved till himself pleaseth; to whom the lowest depth of silence (in the will of God) is as welcome as the most quickening motions, which mount the Soul in the Chariot of Aminadab: For to him who hath learned always, continually, and evermore to pray; (God's will be done) as well when he forsaketh, crucifieth, or tryeth, as when he makes alive, I say who can separate such an one from the Love of God, freely given and planted in the Soul? can a Life that is Carnal and Sensual? or can Death or Fear of Hell? I tell you nay; Love to good, is much more stronger than all these; doth conquer and cast them forth: So under the Vine, or Divine Teaching and Experience, resteth in Peace, as in Abraham's bosom, the Soul of Robert Rich. A Note or List of Direction, to Mr. John Raynes, after what manner to dispose of the 210 l. in his hands. I. Thirty pounds to the Professors of the Roman Catholic Religion, Inquire I pray (on the Exchange) for one Mr. Daniel Archur, or one Mr. Thomas Wise, Merchants; they can inform you who are the chief Confessors and Teachers in Queen Katharines ●rin the Queen Mother's Chapel; and give the Money to three of the chief of them, (as a sign of my dear love) entreating them to bestow the said Money on those that are in need, sickness, or any other kind of Adversity amongst them. II. Thirty pounds to the Episcopal Protestants. Give to Dr. Thomas Pierce, Dr. Pearson, Dr. Peter Guanel, Dr. Robert P●ry, Dr. Britten, Dr. Duckenson of St. Cloment Danes, to any t●ree of them, or any other three you judge more convenient (as a sign of dear love) entreating them to bestow the said money on such as are in need, sickness, or any other kind of adversity amongst them. III. Thirty pounds to the Prebyterian Professors. Give to Dr. Spurstow, Dr. Manton, Mr. Richard Baxter, Mr. Thomas Case, Mr. Samuel Clark; to any three of them, or to any three of that way you judge more convenient, (as a sign of my dear love) entreating them to bestow the said money on those that are in need, sickness, or any other kind of adversity amongst them. iv Thirty pounds to the Professors of Independency. Civet Dr. Owen, Dr. del, Mr. John Goodwin, Mr. Thomas Goodwin, Mr. Thomas Brooks, Mr. Feak; to any three of them, or to any other three of that way you judge more convenient, (as a sign of my dear love) desiring them to bestow the said money on such a● are in need sickness, etc. V Thirty pounds to the People called Anabaptists. Give to Mr. Thomas Lamb, Mr. John Rodgers, Mr. John Cooper, Mr. ●iff●n, Mr. Vavasor Powel, to any three of them, or to any three of 〈◊〉 way you judge more convenient, (as a sign of my dear love) entreating them to bestow the said money on such as are in need, etc. VI Thirty pounds to the People called Quakers. Give to Amos Stoddard, Simon Dring; John Bolton, Sam●el Newton, G●●rard Roberts, Henry Clark; to any three of them, or to any other three of that way you judge more convenient (as a sign of my dear love) desiring them to bestow the said money on such as are in need. VII. Thirty pounds to the Church of the Firstborn, who worship God in Spirit, and have their Conversations in Heaven. Give to Mr. Robert Bacon, Mr. William Rawlinson, and to Mr. Blackborow, he is a Leatherseller, and once lived in the Old Change, but now (as I am informed) dwelleth in Aldersgate-Street, he I suppose knows the rest, and may help you to the speech of them, to whom I have written a few Lines, and sent them here enclosed (open that you may see what I have desired.) My further request to them is, That they would also receive this 30 l. of you, and therewith provide a Dinner or Supper, which I chief do for the raising of my dear Friend Lazarus, viz. The Love of God, which hath been long pining away through a tedious famine of Contention and Strife, even unto death; and invite to this Entertamment of Joseph, Love, and as his Passover from the Death of Enmity, to the Life of Love unfeigned, such as they shall apprehend to be born again into the new Life of Love, so as to have peace with God therein, and good Will towards each other, which is a Life and a World as yet to come to many an one) who with one heart and soul can meet and break bread in the singleness of their hearts, and behold my Spirit is with you from the beginning to the end, even with all or as many as shall meet together in the Name or Power of Love the Father, and of Love the Son, and in the pure Innocent, Powerful, Loving Spirit thereof, even with all that feel the Joy of the Lord their strength, or that have Christ Jesus, the Love of God, shed abroad in their Hear●s; all such are but one Bread, which the Father giveth for the Light and Life of the World. O eat and drink abundantly thereof, my Beloved Friend. Hallelujah. More particularly, I desire you to bid welcome the persons, or rather remember the Spirits, of certain Friends to the Bridegroom, who longed to see this day of the Son in Man; but could not, he vanishing out of their sight; and not appearing as he now doth in many, face to face, as bone of their bone, and flesh of their flesh; Hallelujah, viz. dear Saltmarsh, honest Erbury, Doomsday Sedgwick. Noble Sir Henry Vane, Dr. Everard, Dr. Gell, Samuel How, giles Randal, Thomas Venner, Mr. Jesse, Praise God Bare-bone, etc. Innocent and Patiented James Nailor, John Parrot, George Fox the younger, Humphrey Smith, honest William Tomblingson, Divine Webster, John Cordwell, John War, Cobb, Copp, and Coppin, Joseph Salmon, Joshua Sprig, the Lady Fines, Mrs. Brice, Mrs. waly and her Husband, Mrs. Calvert, Elizabeth Rook, the woman Robinson, etc. John Tauney, Roger Crabb, Francis Jennings, Elizabeth Porter and her Husband, Paul Bunting, etc. The whole Family of Love, Henry Nicolson, Jacob Behmes, Dr. Pordage, Humphrey Blundal; Russel, Whitlock and him that writ the Sabbath of Rest, etc. Ruishin●l Casamus, The Lord Montague, Brave Mr. Hobb●, Dr. Chalton, Mr. Owen Feltham, Dr. Broome, Dr. Comenius, Mr. George Withers, etc. Likewise certain others of my dear Friends or Acquaintances, viz. Mr. John Raynes, Mr. Francis Raynes, and Isabel his 〈◊〉, Mr William Deake, M. G. John Lambert, Col. Nathaniel Rich, Col. Richard Moss, Methusalah Turner, Mr. William Smith, Mr. John Jackson, Mr. William Potts, etc. Sincere Simon Dring, Robert Dring and their Wives, Joan Woodcock, and her Husband; Marry Erbery, Mary Leeks, John Watham, and Jane his Wife, Hannah and John Stringer, Henry and Darky Cook his Wife, William Wilson and his Wife, Ann and John Stanton, Luke Herbard, Sir Hugh Quiffin, etc. Many of which I know are fallen asleep: yet dying in the Faith of Good things to come, I have seen in the New Jerusalem, at the Forming and Transfiguration of Christ in me, as the Spirits of Moses and Elias) appear in the Holy City, amongst other Spirits of just men, perfect in their Generations, which Spirit, is the One Body of Christ, (which was dead, but behold now lives) whereof we are a part, and they without us not perfect: Wherefore let us in the Unity of Love; (that one spirit) meet and join together with all Saints, under any Dispensation or Form whatsoever, that so our Joy may be the fuller, when in our Feasts of Charity, we Feast with them, in remembering the good and virtue that was in them, for ever and ever. In which Innocent Spirit of Love there is no Spot nor yet Wrinkle, for it thinketh none ill to its Neighbour, and can do none: This is the Seed and Plant which our Heavenly Father alone planteth, will bless, and whom none can curse, the which must grow and increase into a great Tree, so that the Fowls of the Air, may lodge in the Branches thereof, (even All those Cares, Fears, and vain Imaginations which attend the Life of Man) whose Leaves are for the healing of the Nations: Hallelujah to God in the highest, on Earth Peace and Rest, to men of Good will; the which I most humbly offer to the God of the whole Earth; and Lord of the Spirits in all flesh, as a perpetual, eternal, everlasting Incense-Sacrifice, and Prayers of all Saints, to him who is our King, and hath made us Kings and Priests for evermore. Amen, Hallelujah. If any of this 30 l. be left unspent, my desire is, That it should be given to the Relic or Family of Giles Calvert, viz. That Harlot who (in his time and day) so kindly and readily did receive the New Light, viz. the Spiers out of that good Land which floweth with Peace and Rest. Hallelujah. Let the whole Earth rejoice in God's Salvation, as doth ROBERT RICH.