A Representation of the Popish Plot in 29 figures, as the manner of killing Sr. Edmond bury Godfrey, & their horrid designs to kill the King, and the manner of the Plotters Execution. Sold by Robert Greene, at the Rose and Crown in Budge Rome. The Plolt first hached at Rome by the Pope and Cardinals. London remember the 2d. of Septr. 1666. Sr. E.B. Godfrey taking Dr. Oates his depositions. Dr. Oates discovers the Plot to the King & Council Sr. E.B. Godfrey strangled Girald going to stab him. The dead body of Sr. E. B Godfrey conveyed out of Some mercet house in a Sedan. The body of Sr. E.B.G. conveyed to Primrose hill on a Hors. The Funeral of Sr. Edmond bury Godfrey. Prance discovers the murder of Sr. E.B. Godfrey to the King and Counsel. The Execution of the murderers of Sr Edmond bury Godfrey. Coleman giveth a Guiny to encourage the 4 Ruffians. The Irish Ruffians going for Windsor. Pickerin attempts to kill the King in St. James P. Coleman writing a declaration and Letters to la Chess Capt. Bedlom carring Letters to foreign parts Redding endevoring to corrupt Capt. Bedlow. Redding standing in the pillory. Mr. Everard imprison ᵈ in the Tower. The Execution of the 5 jesuits. Ashby receved instruction of White bread for the society to offer Sr. George Wakeman 10000 Ireland and Grove drawn to their Execution Coleman drawn to his Execution. Sr. Wilm. Waller burning Popish books and Images Pickering Executed. Gifford and Stub's gives money to a Maid to fire her Master's house. Capt. Berry and Alderman Brooks are offered 500 to cast the Plot on the Protestants Mr. Dugdale in Stafford Shire reading several letters relating to the Plot. Whitebread made Provintiall. The Lord Stafford Beheading.