THE Quakers Advice TO THE PRESBYTERIANS. OR Their evil practices against the now established GOVERNMENT, BEING Friendly Admonitions to exhort them to Loyalty and Obedience. Written by an Eminent Quaker, and sent in a Letter to a Gentleman of the Black Cloak. By W.P. FRiend, I being moved by the secret impulse of the Spirit; for thy good I have thought it meet to Reprove thee and say unto thee, thy ways have been perverse, yea, thou hast walked in an unknown Path and the light is departed from thee: thou hast given up thyself to sow Sedition in the Nation, and art full of Pride, and Malice, since for which thy Counsellor the Old Serpent was tumbled headlong into the bottomless Pit; yea, I must tell thee plainly Satan has prevailed over thee, and thou hast gone astray like one of the Wicked? I say, thou art fallen from thy Obedience, and darkness has covered thy understanding: therefore, it is that I have Administered unto thee to show thee the right way which neither Jack Calvin thy Grandfather nor Oliver thy Father had the Honesty to do; woe be unto thee I say, for thou wouldst have cast off thy Yoke which thou oughtest to bear with Patience: thou I say hast murmered against thy Ruler, and hast endeavoured to turn aside the people: yea, I say thou hast turned them aside by teaching Rebellion amidst thy Congregation, and didst so terrify thy Flock with apprehensions of the sudden approach of Belzebub, Mahomet, and the Whore of Babylon, that all the Brethren in much Confusion ran to their Coffee-house Clubbs, whilst the kind Sisters sought shelter under the Skirts of thy Garments, where thou keepest them warm in the absence of their Yoakmates; woe be to thy upper Garment, I mean thy black Cloak: yea, the Abomination of Desolation is lodged there; there I say Hypocrisy has taken up her dwelling, and the Secret pleasures of the flesh are indulged: yea, thou hast often conspired to bring us into Bondage, and make us return again into Egypt: verily thy Locusts are come up, and almost darkened the face of the Land; thou like thy eldest Sister the Whore of Babylon delightest to conspire against thy Ruler; yea, the inward man doth say that thou lately sadlest thy Elephant to meet her, yea, and that thou hadst met her had not thy Girts broke and thou obstructed in thy design; therefore I say unto thee beware how thou fallest any more, lest thou fall into Perdition: Remember the sins of your Forefathers, Hewson, Oliver, Ireton, Bradshaw, Cook, etc. Those were the Men that taught thee to Rebel against thy Ruler, they were the true Sons of Babel that turned all things into Confusion and had like to have made me gone astray had not the inward man prevail against their Temptations. Those were the men that dipped their hands in the blood of their Ruler, whose Actions thou art so profane as to approve of, which shows thee to be of the Seed of the Serpent, and the very Seed-plot of all Conspiracy and Rebellion; yea, I am greatly moved at the evil of thy do: Remember the Holy cheat thou puttest upon the Holy Sisterhood, to draw in a Numberless quantity of Bodkins and Thimbles to maintain Rebellion against thy Ruler; which thou Hypocritically persuadest them was for the Good Old Cause: yea, I say let that Old Cause (which was the Root of Rebellion, and the main Instrument with which the Old Serpent works) perish, and all that seek its welfare, (that I) to ruin this Spot of Earth which our Creator has given us to live peaceably on; Yea, let it perish, for I well remember that Old Cause was once the cause of all our miseries, that Caused the losing of a Hundred Thousand Lives: that was the Cause that caused the Land to blush with Blood: it was the Cause that caused so many Widows and Orphans to water their Couches with Tears; O I shake, I quake, I tremble to think of that wicked Old Cause that caused so many troubles in our Nation, and put thy Ruler to flight; 'tis no wonder thy Ruler refused to unbridle thee, for had he done it thou wouldst soon have grown too Headstrong for his Rule, and have ventured another Race for the Cause, which would have caused a Thousand woes: nay, thou didst begin to Gallop, and hadst put on full speed, had he not held thee in in time. Thou knowest very well that thy Original falling out with those men called Bishops, and those Ceremonies used in the Church so called was, only the more unsuspectedly to gull the poor silly women from their Pence, but remember that those practices can be termed only Deceit and Robery, and that thy design is no more Adopted to disturb us, then that of Mahomet, to obtain the World's Empire as long as we have a peaceable Ruler over us. Well it is certain thou bearest a very evil mind, and wouldst feign be at the 41st. Year again; I have often reproved thee for it, but thou hast turned a Deaf Ear unto me: I once more Advise thee to be peaceable, and love thy Ruler, for he is merciful and thou knowest he has given thee a great deal of Toleration in thy Profession: therefore beware lest thou provoke him, and his hand falls heavy upon thee; ponder well what I have said. And so farewell. W. P. Printed for W. B. 1681.