THE Nation's Agrievance, (By way of Address from Loyal Subjects) Presented to his MAJESTY, THE King of Great Britain. For his Favour, Countenance and Regard, relating to the Country's Election of their Representatives in Parliament; and the due Execution of Justice, how they may be duly promoted according to the Regularity of Privileges, of both Prince and People. HUMBLY SHOWETH, 1. THat for as much as we, your Majesty's Loyal Subjects have been, and are, marvellously delivered and preserved from evitable danger of destruction that did attend us, and hang● over our Heads, by means of the most desperate subtle Designs, Plots, and Con●●ivances againt your Royal Person, Crown and Dignities thereunto belonging; to the subversion of the p●●ien Government as now established, in these your Majesty's Dominions: and to the bringing in upon us (as a Flood) all the Consequenses of mischief and miseries, th● most unavoidable have ensued such Designs (of horrid Je●uitrical and Papistical affected persons) we undern●●he consideration hereof, do look on ourselves obliged, for the Kingdom's safety and hanour (depending on your Majesty) thus to apply our Supplications and Address to your Princely favour for a speedy Remedy and Redress of the Nations Grievance. 2. That the Consequences attending the Hellish Designs of those Plotters and Contrivers of Evil and mischief un●o a Nations Ruin and destruction are by the deposing of their Loyal Prince, and usurping of his Authority to themselves; to have brought in Popery, Tyranny, and a Tirannical power over your Majesty's free born Subjects (in the room and ●ea● of Government they sought to change and ●ervert) which as it is contrary to the Constitution of a free People, could not be borne or impose: on them without Slaughter and great effusion of Blood. 3. that notwithstanding (by a timely prevention of a●ger in those evil and mischievous Designs) the Egg was Crush● before the Bird of Pray was hatched, upon wh●m ●a●e the Plotters and Designners of this contrived Evil and mischief; yet we look not on ourselves so safe and secure from the same, or dangers of the like kind; but that we have just Reason and occasion of Jealousy and fear that hidden sparks of the same Fire may yet break fo●●h into a worse and more furious Flame than ever, if any ways should be raked together in its Ashes that which covets Fuel (or a combustible matter) to feed its Hunger and Thirst after a Nation's Blood and misery. 4. That we your most loyal Subjects, for the future safety of your Royal Person, Crown and Dignities (and the preservation of all Bites thereunto belonging) are resolved, as looking on ourselves thus obliged, to give your Majesty our Assistance; that all Plotters and Contrivers of evil and mischief against such your Royal Person, and to the subversion of the present Government (in these your Majesty's Dominions established) may be brought to a speedy and condign punishment, (after a fair Trial at Law) answerable to the merit of their horrid Fact and Deserts. 5. That we are resolved (as loyal Subjects to such your Majesty) to endeavour the finding out all those the Plotters and Contrivers of such Evil and mischief (against your Person, Honour, Crown and dignities thereunto belonging, and to present them, together with other the Na●ions Grievances, (by our Representatives) before your Majesty; in Order to the bringing such Offenders to a fair Trial. 6. That we your Majesty's Li●●e people conceiving ourselves no ways Vassals of Tyranny, of to a Tirannical power, but Free Subjects to a Noble Prince and his Princely Government (upon which Tyranny and violent Assaulters have been so apt (in all Ages) to usurp) for these and many other Reasons (we say) especially considering your Majesty's wisdom to be such, as to affect and choose all those ways and means for the firm establishing of the Crown and Dignities of the Government (so in Peace and perfect Tranquillity) that may absolutely unite your Subjects hearty affections to serve you, in such the Government, subjecting with Delight, to the Yoke thereof; we on these Considerations, do think and believe we may justly expect from so Just and merciful a Prince, the Countenance of Justice upon your own and the Nations Enemies. 7. That as Loyal Subjects (ready to serve their Prince and Country) we are as confident as infallible in our Resolutions) to pursue un●o Justice all occasions of Evil and mischief in the Case before mentioned; and because a people's disaffection to the present State of Government established (in these your Majesty's Dominions, are hence made discoverable (when Climbers after Dignities are at highest under the Disguise of wrong, abuse, and injuries) which hath been and dayll are done to Justice in these Cases, reflecting upon ill occasions taken to heighten ill affected persons to such the present State of Government, by your Princely favours, we are bold of our acceptance, and because furthermore, whilst to them (who nevertheless they have been and are highly promoted and advanced unto Offices and great places of Trust, is no self security of holding and enjoying what they have climbed up unto, or are crept into; without a subversion and change in the Face of such that Government, which hath power to call them to Account for misapplying and mispending oppertunities put into thei● hands to have done both their Country and themselves good service. 8. Thot we are resolved in all Duty to our Liege Prince, to pursue your Majesty's Order and Command relating to our Election o● Choice of Members for the chief and great Counsel (to be holden by privilege of Parliament) v z to choose as the Kingdoms Representatives, Men fearing God, and having Covetousness, etc. And that may be no ways partial in their Counsel and advice to your Majesty, to present before you, the Common people's Grievances; for the remiding of which, and whatever else is or may be amiss, we implore their Zeal and fervency, under your Majesty's Countenance, to be managed with an Impartial hand towards all Offenders of what Degree or Quality soever. 9 That all Court-Officers, Militia-Officers, Pensioners, and other Indigent Officers, of what Degree or Quality soever, are not in the apprehension of the Common people and your Majesty's Loyal Subjects, accounted compitent in their Judgements for your Majesty's great Counsel and Advisors about such mighty matters and Cases wherein Parliaments ought to be employed and concerned, but upon Trial many of them have been found the Imbezelers' of your Majesties and the Nations Treasure, the exhausters of things, against which we are seeking a Remedy and Redress, the cause of grievances and daily complaints, the Countenancing of things attending to your Majesty's Indignity and the people's misery, so they also are made an inlet to future and further occasions of our fears and Jealousies. 10. That our Reasons why the beforementioned persons are not esteemed compitent in their Judgements for Counsel and a vice to your Majesty in State Affairs, are, because these having particular pentions from, or dependence upon your Majesty's favour and Charity, upon which account other places and Offices of Trust also have been and are committed to them, in the ordering and dispose of your Majesties and the Kingdom's Treasure, lest they should be called to astrict account, therefore they have found ways and means to evadean impartial and due Representation of things as they are, namely, the Nations Grievance; and to this end, do endeavour every one according to that wherein lies and depends his own particular concern and Interest, to put a stop to all due Execution of Justice (in these cases) whereby, as the cause by such is augmented, both your Majesty and good Subjects are wronged and abused, and complaints thereof daily multiplied and increased, the Consequences of which must of necessity end in a Nation's Destruction and Ruin; while the dirt of their dishonourable Actions, by many disaffected to the present Government, is so apt to be fling in and upon the Face of your Princely favour. 11. That notwithstanding, we have made our exceptions (upon good Grounds and Reasons beforementioned, against some unfit Members for your chief and general Counsel in so great a work, especially such as go under the Denomination of Papists; yet we neither crave or except in these Cases, any limitation to be put upon the Country's Choice, other ways than is expressed in your Majesty's Writs to them directed, which they ought to pursue in obedience to your Princely favours and Command therein, but we only offer these things unto your Majesty's favour and Countenance and to the Country, as matters reasonable and equal, and that for such Reason (according to Justice) we may expect will be heard and pursued by the Voters. 12. That as a free people, we request in all humble duty and submission to your Majesty's Royal Command, we may have our free Votes, in the Election and choice of a free Parliament, for our Representatives, and that those your most loyal Subjects shall be no ways overawed, threatened or bribed, to pleasure the Wills and humours of such whose Interest (though it be to Compliment and flatter your Majesty) runs Counter against ●ll true Service to their King and Country; and it being contrary to the Constitution of the Government, under which we live, and privileges that a free people may expect to enjoy, under so noble a Prince, to have any thing unequal or unjust, and violently imposed or forced on them, as to their free choice of a ●i●e Parliament if any such thing be perceive endavoured, so as to make another Club of Voters in the House of Commons; we think and believe, from so wise and just a Prince, we may justly expect what we herein humbly pray and beseech. These things premised, may it please your Majesty, we humbly offer by way of supplication, and do in all Duty to your Commands, Humbly pray, 1. That in tender Consideration of the Nations grievances, your Majesty will be pleased, not only to take notice thereof, and of our humble Address to your Majesty's favours, for the remeding and redress of these things, and all others amiss, in State Affairs, but in Order thereto you also will be further pleased in your Princely Care of your own and the Kingdom's safety, and for the preservation of your Crown and Dignities thereunto belonging, in a right line, to show and extend your Princely Favour and Countenance to the grieved, at the beforementioned miscarriages, by which our Ears are filled with the Cries and daily Complants of the burdened and oppressed, proceeding from Causes of a Nations misery. 2. Than your severity towards Incorridgable, and obstinate Offenders, for whom all just Laws were made and provided, unto which, in and according to Justice, they are appointed, together with your Clemency and favour, in Mercy shown towards the penitent, may run parallel with the occasions for a due Administration of either justice or mercy, and that you would be pleased to extend your mercy and favour towards penitents, who under any Remorse of Gild are to apt to make an ingenious Confession and acknowledgement of their Crimes and Fact, acquittable, on these very terms and no other; and that then the Evidence and testimony of such may not be discountenansed, or made Invalued, for any Cause or sake, in any of your Majesty's Courts of Judicature. 3. That in your discountenance of the one by the Countenance of the other, your Majesty will be pleased according to such your Princely care, by the advice of your chief and great Counsel of Parliament, and your loyal Subjects Representatives, to appoint how shall be provided, the way and mean by which all these things man be speedily remedied and redressed, that are amiss; and that your favour and countenance for the future, may be no ways evil spoken of, misapprehended, and thus abused, your Majesty will be pleased to make a true distinction, as between Subjects of your pleasure and favour, or displeasure and frown, so also between obstinately guilty, and penitent Offenders against known Laws upon which the breach hath been made. 4. That in your Princely Care to prevent Conspiracies, Seditions, and seditious plots and plotters Contrivances and Contrivers, to subvert the present Government, as in these your Dominions established, with all other incendiaries to evil and mischief of this kind, against a Nation, Prince and his Authority; your Majesty will please to appoint and make provision of a way and means, how your displeasure and discountenance to such persons and practisers, may safely be distinguished from your favour and Countenance towards those that cleave close to you in the encounter against the same and that have been and are willing to labour and take pains for making a true discovery of these things as they are. 5. That as the only way truly to unite the hearts of your Subjects unto your Majesty for such your Princely favours, in Justice to these your Subjects, and that in these beforementioned causes of abuse unto the Country's Choice in your princely Wisdom and Care over your people's Rites and privileges, under an equal dependence with your own, upon the Royalty of your prerogarive, your Majesty will be pleased to take notice thereof, so as to check, discountenance, and put a stop to all growing evils, the ill consequenses of this distemper; and hence may you expect your Name famous in Generations to come. 6. That by taking notice of your Loyal Subjects Grievances, to the putting a check and restraint upon the occasion and occasioners thereof, and by allowing your Subjects just Rites and privileges as a free people, your Majesty will be pleased to manifest your tender care to maintain such the Rites between Prince and people, as may so●…mly establish your own Royal prerogative that as one man, with one consent, the hearty affections of your people and Subjects may be so kni● to you, and ready to serve you, that like a Bullwork, or City walled with B●ass, nothing that is hurthul may be able to pass or enter you● fortress, or make a breach upon so happy a League, under which your Crown and Dignites thereunto belonging, may be defended and preserved from Injuries of the like kind; as these lately attending us. 7. Th●● not only as our Physician, but as a healing Balm to our wounded minds with distractions your Majesty will be pleased to testity your Sympathy therewith, and a Ready Compliance with what ever may make for your own and Subject's safety, towards our Amendments and Recovery to our desired Health: and that in O●●er thereto, you will be pleased so to take Care, that a means may be provided to purge and take away from your privy Counsel, and ou●●f all Offices of Trust in these your Majesty's Dominions, the disaffected to Government, under what name or of what Degree and Quality soever, that your Majesty's integrity, as a Father to his Country may appear, in such Splendour and Brightness, that may dazzle the Eyes of the Malignant-spiritted, and stop the Mouth of all Gainsayers, and make Tyrants, or Usurpers upon your power, Crown and Dignities, to tremble and be ashamed of their Enterprises. 8. That in your Discountenance to your own and the Nations Enemies, your Majesty will be pleased to Countenance your loyal Subjects in every Act that attends to the making glorious and flourishing your Throne, Crown and Dignities thereto belonging; and to that end may be pleased to extend your Princely favour towards those that cannot connive and wink at things attending to the Nations Ruin, but are therefore Zealous to call to account the Exhausters and Imbezellers of your Majesties and your Country's Treasure, and other misdeeds, that they the Offenders do rest and reflect upon such your Majesty's favour under which, as ill affected persons to the present State of Government, many are unto such the Nations Grievance, climbed up high, and have crept into Dignities or Offices and places of great Trust who when thus promoted, do show their Venom and Sting, against what ever should check or put a stop to their extravigant Fancy. 9 That of the wrong, abuse and injuries done to your Princely Favours, Crown and Dignities, by ill Members of such your Countenance and of a Realm or Commonwealth, you in your Princely Wisdom will be pleased to take notice, and that these things are occasioned by such who endeavour to palliate and disguise all their Designs under the Habit of Ministers of State, and who under the wing and protection of that Government (unto whom they are utter Enemies) do Labour to sow the seditious seed before mentioned; because under the same they are thus Liable to be called to account for such the abuse of your Majesty's favour and power into their hands put and committed; which they have no ways to remedy or evade, and hold themselves secure in these Offices and great places of Trust, but by plotting and contriving the subversion or Change of such the present Government: And also we humbly pray and beseech, that your Majesty will be pleased to take Notice of the Reasons why your people and most Loyal Subjects do think they ought hereat to be concerned. 10. That not only allowing the Ancient privileges and Customs in these Cases provided of the people's Representatives, called Parliaments, but also their Authority, for the questioning of such miscarriages, before mentioned, wherein are not pursued the very express words directed by your Writs to all Voters in the Election (of such their Representatives) your Majesty will please to take notice of a way and means to prevent the abuse of such your Princely favour, by any that may covertly bandon themselves against the same (to the casting back on your Majesty the Reflection of their misdeeds) that by putting themselves to a Charge and expense (for the purchasing the favour of a Country's Votes in their behalf, is not that they may be in a Capasity to serve their King and Country; but rather is a means (by them contrived) that they may be the better able to serve themselves, by thus casting the Reflection of such their misdeeds on your Princely favours; and that unto a Nations Ruin●) while they are making an absolute Gain and Prey on your good subjects, who may not presently have their Eyes open to see the Evil attendancy of such Covert Bribery, who by perverting the prime and main end of an Election (for your Majesty's chief and great Counsel and the Country's Representatives) do in the main hereof, pursue a way whereby a stop is put to the very Current of Justice so perverted by Bribery) namely Gifts and Rewards; that end it most unavoidably in a Nation's Ruin, unless timely prevented. 11. That to prevent these miscarriages before mentioned, together with all false Returns which may be otherways made or the Erectors or Elections, upon your Writs for the purpose directed to the Sheriffs and other Officers of Counties, Cities, or Burroughs, etc. which also is a way to prevent the abuse of your Majesties and your Country's favour and trust relating to their Election of fit persons for their Representatives in Parliament that King's chief and great Counsel; your Majesty will be pleased that such Returns be made unto the Countries your good Subjects satisfaction certified under the hand of the Voters or Electors, in whom Resteth the Right or privilege of choosing the makers of such Laws unto whom they are contented to submit, and by the same in all Cases to be tried, and that thereby, such abuses as hath been both to your Princely favour towards Parliaments and of Parliaments themselves the Country's Representatives may be rectified and amended to the praise of your Majesty's fraternal Care and Regard over such your own and good Subject's Rites and privileges. That the before mentioned vast Charge of maintaining Feast and Riotting (in the several Counties of the Country of the Voters and Electors, coming under the consideration of gifts and rewards (from these expective voted, bestowed upon the Voters) to purchase the favour of such their Votes, seeing Gifts and Rewards are said to blind the eyes of the wise (may it please your Majesty) and as are all Gifts and Rewards for the purchase of Justice (in the strictest sense of things) deemed and accounted Bribery; so in like manner Briberies (unto the Laws Executioners) as they are made, by Gifts and Rewards, are by those that strive to be Law makers Briberies of the like kind; and is such a sort of Bribery, that perverts Justice as well as the due Execution thereof, in its very Root; Bribery being held and deemed the only means to pervert the due ordination, and put a stop to the right Execution of Justice in a Realm or Commonwealth. FINIS.