A few WORDS to the KING And both HOUSES of PARLIAMENT, Worthy their Consideration in a weighty Concern; to wit, the effect of the Execution of the late Act, made against Meetings and Conventicles, so called; Through which very many of the Innocent People of God have, and do deeply suffer. AND this is very certain and observable (as one deeply concerned in suffering by the aforesaid Act, my mind became exercised in a consideration of the effects thereof) that it saddens the hearts of many, yea indeed the generality of all people, to see those they know to be honest Neighbours, and good Commonwealth's people in their Country, to have their known truly gotten Goods and Estates driven away and spoilt, and that for nothing but the tenderness of their Consciences towards God, and for worshipping him in Spiri● and Truth; it being so much contrary to the principle of Justice in all people, even those that have but morality and civility in any measure concludes is to be, and indeed cries it out to be a sad thing; that men and people the● live peaceably and harmlessly amongst their Neighbours, and under the Government, should be so pilledged and rob●●● their Estates, even to the Impoverishing many, both Widows and Fatherless; that how can you think 〈◊〉 to be a wo●k for God, or any thing like him or his service? or how can you think it to be a likely way to convince or bring people out of Errors or Heresies, if you conclude us to be such? or how can it be like to bring people from a false Church, if so, to a true? Since it is so unagreeable to the Spirits of all civil people, and that especially to the equal principle of God in all. And also it is observable, that the execution of it, is very burdensome and troublesome to the executioners; as we see by experience, the Constables and other Officers all up and down the Country cry out, what a trouble it is to them, to make such havack of their Neighbour's Goods, so that as several of them say, they can neither eat nor sleep for trouble to drive their Neighbours Horses and Cattle by droves to the Markets and Fairs, there to stand with them, and be as gazing stocks to the people; and then the people gather into Companies, and talk together and shake their heads, for very trouble to see such cruelty and barbarous work in so peaceable a Nation. And it is also observable, that many the Informers and putters on in this work are commonly of the most vilest, and wickedest, beggarly, profainest sort of all people, such as have either wasted their own Estates, or such as are slothful, Idle, Vagrant Fellows, that never had Estates, nor will not work; but having this advantage given them, and that by Authority, seek and choose rather to live upon the Ruins of other me●s Estates. Oh! will you consider, was ever the like advantage given to the very 〈◊〉 of a Nation; to vaunt themselves as they do, not only over the serious, engenious improving part of the Nation; but also over the Magistrates, if they do not readily execute the Wills of these Informers: such is their Impudence they being backed with Authority, as they perceive themselves to be by the late Act; Oh! how can you think that a Government, or a true Church, or a Nation can any way be advanced by such unequal works and wretched in's; truments, as have neither regard to God nor good Men, nor good Government, but to drive on their own wicked design, to mine honest men's Estates: and so, if the Diligent and Laborious People must be oppressed, that they cannot Improve, and the Idle and Slothful sort will not Improve, but waist and destroy the work of the Diligent, the World will become like a Wilderness. Written by one called a Quaker, who is a deep sufferer by the late Act against Meetings in the County of Chester, Rich. Milner. This 7th day of the 2d. Month called April, 1675. I Stand Convicted at this present, by Geoffery Shakerley Governor of Chester-Castle, in the sum of Fourscore and six pound five shillings, for myself and my Wife, by virtue of the late Act against Meetings: Besides, I had taken from me Twelve Kine Three or four years since month Forty pound, for a Fine of Twenty pound, by virtue of the same Act. There being Ten or Twelve Widows, and Fatherless Families, who have not left some them a skillet to boil their children Milk in; most of them have no Estates, but what they pay yearly for, R. M Printed in the year, 1675.