A OBSERVATIONS Upon the 28. Act, 23. Parl. K. JAMES VI. AGAINST Dispositions made in defraud of Creditors, etc. By Sir George Mckenzie of Rosehaugh. EDINBURGH, Printed by His MAJESTY'S Printers: Anno DOM▪ 1675. THE PREFACE. THe easiest and plainest part of our Law, are our Statutes: for these are by Printing exposed to all men's view, and are drawn to instruct the vulgar in what they must obey. And this Statute against Bankrupts, must be presumed to be amongst the easiest and most intelligible; because it is founded upon the evident principles of equity, and reason, and was first drawn by the Lords of Session, and after some years' trial, was renewed by the Parliament, who would have plained what was obscure, and supplied what was defective: And yet I am afraid that albeit the Statute be very full, and my Observations upon it be very clear, that yet it will appear convincingly that the knowledge of the Law is not easy, and that none should pretend to it, but such as have illuminated their excellent natural parts with laborious Learning, and have polished that Learning by a long Experience. I have not debated fully the cases here related, that being fitter for Pleading then Treatises; nor have I set down all the cases that occurred, lest the Reader should think I industriously designed to confound him, the more to magnify the necessity of Lawyers. It cannot be denied but many now in my condition could have treated this Subject, both more profoundly, and delicately, but yet I may say that nothing here is against Law, since all these Sheets have had the approbation of one of the ablest Lawyers in our Nation, who can neither deceive, nor be deceived in his own profession. These Sheets are but a part of a greater work, wherein I resolve to clear, 1. What Acts are in desuetude, or abrogated. 2. How each Act is interpreted by the Lords decisions. 3. What new doubts may arise from each Act, though not yet decided. 4. Wherein our Statutes agree with the Civil Law, or Laws of other Nations. And thus I hope to make all our Acts of Parliament intelligible and plain. AN EXPLICATION OF THE Act of PARLIAMENT, 1621. AGAINST BANKRUPTS. The words of the Rubric, or Inscription of this Act, are, A Ratification of the Act of the Lords of Council and Session, made in July, 1620. against unlawful Dispositions and Alienations, made by Dyvours and Bankrupts. FOr the better understanding of the Inscripon or Rubric, it is fit to know, that the word Bankrupt, which is the translation of the Latin Banciruptor, is in the Original but a barbarous word, either derived from the French word Banque, or the Italian Banco, and the word rumpere: because when merchand's became Bankrupts, they broke, either the seat upon which they did sit; or the bank or table, at which they did sit, as Salmas. observes, in Pref. de usur. pag. 511. But now the word Banciruptor, is taken not only, pro mensulario; foro cedente, but for any Merchand, or any other person, who has contracted more debt, than he is able to pay, as Vegnern observes. pag 8. They are called likewise decoctores, quia rem suam coquendo diminuunt, decoquere signifying diminuere, Bud. ad l. si hominem §. quoties ff. deposit. In Italy they are called falliti, & cessantes, Boer. decis. 215. but in the Civil Law the true Latin word is fraudatores; l. 4. ff. de curate. bon. dand. They are likewise by this Rubric called Dyvour, or Dyour; from the Irish word Dyer, as I conceive, which signifies a knave; and they are likewise called bairman in our Law, l. burg. cap. bairman. 144. & de jud. cap. bairman 46. Though our learned Skeen does in the verb signif. verb. Dyvour, make Bankrupt to be the same with him who has obtained a cessio bonorum, & qui bonis cessit: yet these differ very much, for a Bankrupt is he only, qui foro cessit, sed qui bonis cessit, forum retinet, & bona creditoribus in solutum dedit, Hottoman. de verb. sig. verb. credere, caedere for● est facti, caedere bonis est juris, and he only who has lost his estate by accident, without his own ●ault, was allowed bonis caedere, bancciruptor dicitur, qui dolo casuve non solvendo factus est. Venger. ibid. How the word Bankrupt is taken in this Act, may be justly doubted, for by the Rubric of the Act, it would appear, that this Act strickes only against dispositions which are made by persons insolvent, and whose estate is not able to pay the debt due to the reducer; for the Rubric of the Act bears, to be against dispositions made by Bankrupts or Dyvours▪ so that these two, are made pares termini; and therefore, since a Dyvour is a person who is insolvent; it seems that this Act must only strike against Dispositions made by persons that are insolvent, per argumentum à rubro ad nigrum: for Lawyers are very clear, that where either the Rubric is an entire sentence, or where any term used in the Rubric, is explained by any equipolent, or exegetick word, that there the general term which is dubious, is to be interpret according to the import of both these terms; and therefore, since the word Dyvour is only applicable to persons insolvent, the word Bankrupt must be likewise interpret only of these; and so the Rubric running only against Dispositions made by persons that are insolvent, it must follow, that only such deeds are reduceable, as are done to the prejudice of Creditors by a person that is insolvent. 2. This seems likewise consonant to reason; for if the Creditor can recover his debt, he is not prejudged, and so the design of the Act fails; and it were most unreasonable to trouble a person who has got a Disposition, except there be an absolute necessity. 3. This is most suitable to the common principles of Law, whereby nunquam recurrendum ad remedium extraordinarium, quamdiu locus est ordinario, no more then in Physic, a member should be cut off where it can be cured; and therefore, a Creditor who may recover payment by ordinary diligences, such as by the comprysing, or arresting his Debtors Estate, ought not to be allowed to reduce all Dispositions made by his Debtor, since omnes actiones rescissoriae, and particularly actio Pauliana, sunt remedia extraordinariae, whereby the Magistrate has been by cheats of Debtors, and the fraudulent Dispositions of such as contract with them, forced to rescind and annul the private pactions of parties, contrary to the ordinar and general principles. 4. This seems to be further clear, by the narrative of the Act, which runs only against dispositions which elude all execution of justice, whereby Creditors are defrauded of all payment, and many honest families come to utter ruin; neither of which expressions are applicable to the case of Creditors, who may recover payment otherwise. Conform to which arguments, I find, that the Lords, upon the. 6. of March. 1632. in an Action at the Laird of Garthlands instance, contra Sir James Ker, upon this Act of Parliament did refuse to reduce an Infeftment; albeit a mere Donation, and made likewise by the Grandfather to his own Grandchild, and that because the granter of the Infeftment was neither at the time of the granting thereof Bankrupt, and non solvendo, nor was he become such since; neither had the Creditor done diligence for his debt; and yet it might have seemed in reason, that though dispositions, where there was an onerous cause, might have been sustained, there was no reason to allow the same privilege in favours of confident persons, for mere Donations. And upon the 10. February, 1665. the Lord Louvre, having quarrelled the Lady craig's Infeftment, as being an additional Jointure, granted betwixt Husband and Wife, to his prejudice who was a Creditor, and had comprised the Estate; It was answered, that the disponer was neither bankrupt, nor insolvendo, nor did the Compriser sustain any prejudice, seeing the Lady was content, that the Lord Louvre should be preferred to his Annualrents by virtue of his Comprysing, providing he would assign the Lady to his Comprising pro tanto, that she might recover as much for satisfaction of her additional Jointure; which answer the Lords found relevant, the Apprisers prejudice being purged, as said is: but they ordained the Compriser, not only to be admitted to have access to the comprised Lands, by assignation in manner forsaid, during the Legal, but they likewise declared, that if the Lady redeemed not within the Legal, the Lands should be irredeemable, and the Lady should be totally excluded; which though it was but a trysting Interloquetor, does confirm the former opinion. And though it may be alleged, that a Disposition being once valid, when it was first granted, cannot become thereafter null by the disponers becoming thereafter insolvent, yet this holds not in many cases in our Law; for we find, that Dispositions of less than the half of Ward-Lands, without consent of the Superior, become thereafter null, if as much of that Barony be thereafter disponed, as will amout to more than the half; But in my opinion, though the rubric of our Statutes may found a presumptive argument for explicating the Text; yet it is not authoritative, for the Rubric is not read in Parliament, and it is added to the Law, after it is past, carelessly without debate. Our Sovereign Lord, with advice and consent of the Estates: The legislative power of Scotland consists in the Parliament, that is to say, the King and three Estates of Parliament; and though some think it more proper in our Law to say, Our Sovereign Lord, and Estates of Parliament, as in all the Statutes, or Acts of the 18. Par. Ja: 6: then to say, Our Sovereign Lord, with advice and consent, etc. yet I conceive, the King Statutes, and they but consent, (though their consent be necessary) for his touching them with the Sceptre, and not the being voted, makes them Laws; and in England, the King statutes with consent of Parliament, and upon their supplication, and therefore I understand not Craig. who Diagoras. 8. affirms Statutes to be constitutiones trium Regni ordinum, cum consensu Principis: for that is just to invert the statutory words of this, and many other Acts. Our old Acts being all past the last day of the Parliament, did not express the statuting power in every Act; for in effect they were all but branches of one Act, and run, Item that, etc. and many of these Acts bear, It is statute by the Parliament, and the King forbids, as Acts. 13. 14. 1 Par. Ja. 1. which Intimats, that though the Parliament statutes suffragando & consentiendo, yet the King only doth statute sanciendo, & prohibendo. Sometimes our Acts bear, It is statute by the hail Parliament; and sometimes, It is statute and ordained, without mentioning either King or Parliament; sometimes also they bear the determination of Parliament, without speaking of the King, which was either where the King was to perform what was statuted, as 23. Act, Par. 1. Ja. 1. It is statute and ordained, that our Sovereign Lord shall gar mend his money. And by the 6 Act, 3 Par. Ja. 2. The Estates has concluded, that the King shall ride thorough the Realm; or else when the Estates are only to grant what is statuted, as in Commissions granted for uniting the two Kingdoms. But I find one Statute bear, the King statuting without mentioning the Estates of Parliament▪ viz. Act 19 Sess. 1. Par. 1. Ch. 2. but this is but mere inadvertance. Ratifies and confirms an Act of the Lords of Session, etc. This was originally an Act passed by the Lords of Session, when they do sit judicially, at which time it is marked in their books of sederunt, such and such men did sit. Thus the Hebrews disigned the books of the Old Testament, by the first words; and thus we still mark the Laws from the first words; and thus the old books of our Law are called Regiam Majestatem, because they begin so. His Majesty, at the first institution of the College of Justice, did allow the Lords of Session to conclude upon sick Rules, Statutes and Ordinances, as shall be thought by them expedient to be observed and keeped in their manner and order of proceeding, at all times, as they devise, conform to reason, equity and justice, his Grace shall ratify and approve the same. These are the words of the 43. Act, 5. Par. Ja. 5. to the which Act, I think this act relates: but it would appear, both by that Act, and by the power as here repeated, that the Lords of Session have only power to make orders relating to the regulation of their own house, and to the forms of Process. For this was indeed necessary for explication of their Jurisdiction, and possibly was employed in their very constitution, without any express warrant: arg. l 2. ff. de jurisdict. but it seems that this general power cannot authorise them to make Statutes, and Acts relating to the material distribution of Justice; such as, that all Writs should be null, except subscribed before witnesses, though they might have ordained, that Papers under the hands of their own Clerks, should be so subscribed: for if they could make Statutes, as to any thing else besides the forms of their own house, there needed no Parliament; for their Statutes might bind all the people in all things; and yet it may be objected, that by this argument the Lords of Session could not have made this Law, declaring Contracts amongst the lieges, to be null; that touching upon one of the fundamentals of humane society, albeit they might have declared such a nullity, receiveable by way of exception, for that concerned only form of Process. But the Answer to this is, that the Lords, in making this Act, did not introduce jus novum, a new Law; but only adapted to our practice, the old Roman or Civil Law, which they might have followed in their decisions, without making any new Act of sederunt, as they do in most cases where the Civil Law is founded upon equity; as here; and where they are not determined by either our former practice, or constitutions. And by the same principle, both the Lords of Session, and the Parliament did in this Statute declare, that their said Act should extend to causes depending, or to be intented: whereas Statues regularly are extended only to future cases; except where the Act declares what was Law formerly, as in this case. We may then conclude these differences betwixt these Acts of sederunt, and Acts of Parliament, that Acts of sederunt can only be made concerning the forms of procedure, or to fix a constant decision for the future, in cases which they might have so decided, before their own Act: and it is their prudence, and our happiness, that they should rather decide in hypothesi, then in thesi. But Acts of Parliament should mainly be made to regulat new substantial grounds of justice and commerce. But though this power of making orders for administration of justice, be properly, and principally their province, yet they have in this but a cumulative jurisdiction with the Parliament, who may and do likewise make such orders, but the Parliament ought to do so sparingly, since forms are better known to the Lords of Session, then to them: and therefore, it seems that the power of making Acts, relating to forms, or of regulating forms already made, belongs particularly to the Lords of Session, both because of their constitution, and experience. The Lords have been in use, not only to regulat their own Court by Acts of sederunt; but they have by the same power prescribed regulations to other Courts, and thus as to the Justice Court in anno, 1591. years, they made an Act, that women, and socii criminis, might be received witnesses, in cases of Treason: and we find, that they have likewise regulated inferior Courts, without any previous warrant, as is clear by the 19 Act, 23. Par. Ja. 6. where the Parliament ratifies an Act of Secret Council and Session, which did ordain and command, that no Process should be granted before inferior Judges, on the first Summons, but upon libeled Precepts, and citations of fifteen day's warning. And in anno, 1636. they made an Act of sederunt, appointing, that no consent of any inferior Court should bind the consenter, except it were subscribed by himself, and that the assertion of the Clerk of that Court was not sufficient. Nor should this extension of their power seem unwarrantable; for, since they may reduce the Decreets of inferior Courts, it seems most consequential, that they may regulat their procedure: but though the Lords of the Session pass the Bills before the Justices, and advocate Causes from before that Court, it may seem strange, that they should have power to make Acts of sederunt, for regulating that Court, the jurisdictions Civil and Criminal, being most distinct and different. It may likeways seem, both by the former Act allowing the Lords of the Session this power, and the Ratification of their Statute specified in this Act, that it is necessary, that all the Acts of sederunt, which relate not merely to the regulating their own forms, should be ratified by the Parliament, though in the interim of Parliaments, these Acts should bind. And yet, de facto, we see very many Acts of sederunt to have full vigour, and force, without any such confirmation. Before I begin to explain the words of the Act of Parliament, I shall offer this Analysis of it. Either the Creditors who are defrauded, are such Creditors as have done no diligence, or such as have done diligence: if they be such as have not done diligence, then either the Dispositions quarrelled are made to conjunct persons, or not; if they be made to conjunct, or confident persons, either they are made for necessary and onerous causes, or not; if they be made for an necessary and onerous cause, they are valid, though made to conjunct or confident persons. 2. If these Dispositions be made without an onerous cause, then either they remain with the conjunct confident to whom they were made, or not; if they remain with him, they are reduceable, either by way of exception, or reply. But if any third party, no way partaker of the fraud, has lawfully purchased any of the Bankrupts Lands, for a just and true cause, than the Right is not quarrelable, but the Receiver is only liable to make the same forthcoming to the Bankrupts true Creditors. 3. The fraud is probable by writ, or oath of the party receiver. 4. If the Creditors have done diligence by Inhibition, Horning, etc. Then the Bankrupt cannot in prejudice of these Creditors who have done diligence, dispone voluntarily any part of his Estate to defraud that diligence, in favours of another concreditor, who has done no diligence, or posterior diligence, or in favours of any interposed person to their behoof. And in this part of the Act, it is not considered, whether the interposed person be a person conjunct, or not. 5. The Bankrupts, the interposed persons, and all such as have assisted them, in advising, or practising these frauds, are declared infamous. Conform to the Civil and Canon Law, etc. BEcause the Act of Parliament and Act of sederunt bear, that they have in this Act followed the Civil and Canon Law; We may justly assert that it were ●●t the Lords of Session understood exactly the Civil Law, and that it is the great foundation of our Laws and Forms. Thus we see, that Robert Leslies Heirs, are by the 69. Act, Parl. 6. K. Ja. 5. ordained to be forefaulted for the crime of treason committed by their Father, according to the Civil Law; and forfaultor in absence, was allowed by the Lords of Session, in Anno 1669. because it was conform to the Civil Law: and falsehood is ordained to be punished, according to the Civil and Canon Law, Act 22. Par. 5. Q. M. And that the Civil Law is our rule, where our own Statutes and Customs are silent, or deficient, is clear from our own Lawyers, as Skeen, Annot. ad l. 1. R. M. c. 7. ver. 2. and by Craig, l. 1. Diagoras. 2. As also from our own Historians, Leslie, l. 1. cap. Leg. Scotor. Boet. l. 9 Hist. Camer. de Scot Doctr. l. 2. cap. 4. And the same is recorded of us by the Historians and Lawyers of other Nations; as For●a●. lib. 7. the gall. imper. Polid. lib. 1. Hist. Angl. Petr. d● amitis Geograph. Europe. tit. di Escosse: and Duck, de auth. jur. civ. lib. 2. cap. 10. And though the Romans had some customs or forms peculiar to the genius of their own Nation: yet their Laws, in undecided cases, are of universal use. And as Boet. well observes, Leges Romanas à Justiniano collect as, tanta ratione & sermonis venustate esse, ut nulla sit natio tam fera vel ab humanitate abhor●ens quae eas non fuerit admirata. And K. Ja. 5. was so much in love with the Civil Law, as Boet. observes, lib. 17. that he made an Act, that no man should succeed to a great Estate in Scotland, who did not understand the Civil Law, and erected two professions of it, one at St. Andrews, and another are Aberdene; and when K. James the second did, by the 48. Act, 3. Parliament, ordain, that his Subjects should be governed by no foreign Laws, he designed not to deny the respect due to the Roman Laws, but to obviate the vain pretences of the Pope, whose Canons and Concessions were obtruded upon the people, as Law, by the Churchmen of these times. It is also fit to know, that by the Civil Law many remedies were provided to secure Crditors against the cheats of their Debtors: As first, Actio Pauliana, so called either from Paulus the Praetor, who did introduce it, or from Paulus the Lawyer, who did first advise it: by which Action Creditors might recall either the Estate movable, or immovable, disponed by their Debtor to their prejudice. 2. Actio in sactum, by which bona incorporalia, such as jura, & servitutes were recalled, when alienated, l. 14. ss. quae in fraudem creditorum. 3. Actio faviana, whereby Patrons might revoke that which was done by their freed men, to the prejudice of that fourth part or legittim which was due to them by the Law. 4. Actio faviana utilis, by which Minors who were adopted or arrogated, might revoke what was done in prejudice of their fourth part due to them. But though Snedwine calls this utilis faviana, yet it is a mistake; for Hottoman, Gomezius, and others, do much more properly make this a species actionis Calvisia●ae 5. Actio Calvisiana, which was granted indifferently to Patrons and others. 6. Edictum fraudatorium, which was competent, when the Creditor was to revoke what the Debtor had alienated, and which belonged to another, and not to himself: as if a Tutor had alienated the goods belonging to his Pupil, which Pupil, and not himself, was Debtor. The Action competent by the Civil Law▪ was called Actio revocatoria, so called, because the Judge revoked what was done; and with us it is called an Action of Reduction, because the deeds so done are reduced or rescinded: And I find the word Reduction used by Civilians even in this sense, as by Panormitan, Concilio secundo, and others. And reducere does properly signify informam pristinam instaurare, as is clear by Ulp. l. 3. ss. de Itin. act privato §. 15 And therefore we have elegantly called this an Action of Reduction, because the Judge was to restore the thing alienated in prejudice of the Creditor to its former condition, whereas the Reduction of Decreets was a term unknown to the Civil Law, they using only Appeals, and Revisions; but Reductions of Sentences is used amongst the Doctors, even in the same term and sense that we use it, as is clear by Gail. lib. 1. observ. 141. & 150. And the reason why it was necessary for Lawyers to introduce the necessity of such Reductions or Revocations, was, because in the subtlety of Law, the alienation did ipso jure transferre Dominum, l. si sciens ss. de contra empt. And therefore it is that if such Reductions be not raised before the years of prescription, the alienation itself is valid, though within that time it might have been rescinded by this Action of Reduction. Though this Statute only declares all Alienations, Dispositions, Assignations and Translations whatsoever made by the Debtor, of any of his Lands, Teinds, Reversions, Actions, Debts, or Goods whatsumever, to be null; yet this is extended to Bonds granted, and to Tacks set by the Debtor, to the prejudice of his Creditor, for though neither Tacks, nor Bands, be comprehended under the Letter of the Law, yet the same parity of reason extends the Act to them; and in Laws which are founded upon the principles of reason, extensions from the same principles are very natural, and in Laws which are introduced for obviating of cheats, extensions are most necessary, because the same subtle and fraudulent inclination which tempted the Debtor to cheat his Creditors, will easily tempt him likewise to cheat the Law, if the wisdom and prudence of the Judge did not meet him where ever he turned. But yet Bands, in so far as they are personal, do not prejudge the Creditor, nor fall they under this Statute: but only in so far as they tend to, and may be the ground of legal Alienation, by Comprising, poinding, or other diligence to the prejudice of the Creditors, and by affecting the Debtors Estate. By the word Alienation, is meant not only an express transferring of the right, but any act whereby the dominium or property is loosed to the Debtor, as if the Debtor should in prejudice of his Creditor, habere rem pro de relicto ut alius ●um occupet, if he should relinquish any thing, upon design, that a conjunct or confident person might possess it. Discharges likewise by the Debtor, of a right competent to him, are reduceable upon this Act of Parliament, though the word Discharges be not expressed in the Act, for by the common Law, Competebat Pauliana, quando Creditor liberabat Debitorem suum acceptilatione vel per pactum de non petendo. Wherein l. 1. §. 2. ff. h. t. agrees with l. 5. Basil. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. I doubt not but upon the same parity of reason, if a Debtor suffered a Decreet to go against him, dolose, and connived so far in prejudice of his Creditor, as to omit a competent defence; but the Creditor might reduce that Decreet upon this Act of Parliament, if he could instruct the connivance and collusion, and verify the defences that were omitted, but without this collusion were clearly instructed, it were very hard to reduce a Decreet at the instance of a party, who needed not to have been called, I likewise think, that if the Debtor should in prejudice of his Creditor suffer the term to be circumduced against him for not compearing to depon, that Decreet were likewise reduceable: And this was so found at the instance of Marjory Halyburton contra Morison, where though Morison was a singular Successor, and had got an Assignation to the Decreet obtained by collusion against Watte, by his Brother, yet the Lords ordained Witnesses before answer to be led for proving the collusion, and reponed Watte to his oath, and ordained him to depon. But the difficulty there would be, how a Debtor could be compelled to swear▪ and I doubt not but in this case if the collusion were offered to be proven by the oath of him who obtained the Decreet, that the Decreet would be reduced, though the Debtor compeared not to depon: or if the Creditor pursued him, that ●o casu he would be forced to depon, and that if he refused, personal Action would be obtained against him, l. 3. §. 1. h. t. which allows Action to the Creditors, Si data opera ad judicium non venerit. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Upon the same reason also, if my Debtor should by collusion prejudge his marches by a transaction, merely to prejudge me who was to secure his Estate to myself by a diligence for my debt; this transaction might be quarrelled, as done in defraud of me his Creditor, which agrees with l. 13. Basil. h. t. It is much debated amongst the Civilians, whether he is said to alienat in prejudice of his Creditors who refuses to acquire an Estate that he might acquire, to the advantage of his Creditors: As for instance, if he refused to accept of a Legacy, or to enter Heir, it would appear to me, that by the common Law, Actio Pauliana extends not to these cases, as is clear per l. quod autem ff. quae in fraud▪ qui autem cum possit aliquid qu●rere, non id agit, ut acquirat ad hoc edictum non pertinet & §. 2. p●oinde & qui repud●avit Haereditatem vel Legi●timam vel Testamentariam non est in eo casu ut huic ●dicto locum faciat. And the ordinary distinction allowed by the Doctors in this case is, that aut agitur de jure de lato & quaesito, & hoc debitum quaesitum Creditor repudiare non potest, aut agitur de jure non del●to, aut saltem nondum quaesito licet de lato, & non prohibetur illud repudiare. But yet this decision of the Civil Law seems unreasonable, for since the Law was to secure Creditors, it was just that it should have secured them against all frauds, and what fraud is more malicious, then to lie out of an Estate by which the Creditor might be paid: or not to fulfil a condition, by the fulfilling whereof, they might be put in a capacity to pay their Debt. And therefore our Law has much more justly by the 106. Act, 7 Par. Ja. 5. allowed, that the Creditor may charge his Debtor to enter Heir, whereupon the Estate may be apprised from the appearand Heir, in the same way, and manner, as if he had entered Heir. As also, by our Law, if a Legacy were left to my Debtor, if he designed to lie out of it merely to prejudge me, who am his Creditor; yet the Law would secure me against this malice, either by allowing me to arrest the Legacy left in the hands of the Executor, if the Executor did confirm that Testament wherein my Legacy was left, and so I might establish a right to the said Legacy in my own Person, by a Decreet to make forthcoming; or if the Executor should refuse or decline to confirm the Testament. I the Legators Creditor might confirm myself Executor, dative; and so in omnem eventum, secure myself against the fraud designed by my Debtor; but they are in a mistake who think, that I could have confirmed myself Executor to the Defunct, for the Defunct was not my Debtor, though he left a Legacy to my Debtor. The question is yet harder with us, in conditional obligations, whereof I shall give two instances; one is, if by contract betwixt my Debtor and Titius, Titius were obliged to pay my Creditor 5000 marks; and upon the payment thereof, my Creditor were obliged to confirm Titius as his Vassel, but my Debtor finding that the said 5000 marks would accress to me, should upon that head decline to fulfil. The question is, how could I settle in my own Person a right to the said 5000 marks? And it is thought that the proper way were to comprise from my Debtor, that right by which he could have confirmed Titius; and having thus put myself in a condition to fulfil the condition upon which the 5000 marks was payable, I could either arrest the money in Titius' hand, and force him to make it forthcoming, or else pursue an ordinary action against him, wherein I would conclude that he being obliged to pay 5000 marks to my Debtor, upon obtaining a confirmation from him, should be now discerned to pay me the said 5000 marks, as having come in place of his said Creditor, by having comprised his right, and so being capable to pursue, and fulfil the condition whereupon the said 5000 marks was payable. But it is thought that the last part of the Alternative will not hold, viz. that there may be a personal Action for payment; and that because, albeit the Creditor having comprised the right whereupon he may confirm, may fulfil the condition, yet he cannot have right to the conditional obligation, so that he may pursue for payment, unless it be settled in his Person by comprising, arrestment, or some other legal diligence. The second case is, if Titius be obliged to pay my Debtor 5000 marks, upon condition that my Debtor should build him a House: The question is, how I, if my Debtor be unwilling to fulfil, can establish a right to the said sum in my own Person. To which it may be answered, that either my Debtor was obliged expressly by way of mutual Contract, to build the said House to Titius: And then some think, that I may force Titius to asigne me to the Contract, and thereby I will force my Debtor to fulfil his part; but yet I see not how he may be forced to asigne me, or from what that obligation can be inferred. Others think, that I may arrest, and if when I pursue to make forthcoming, Titius shall allege that he cannot pay until the condition be fulfilled. I may eleid that allegiance by this reply, viz. sibi imputet, that he did not obtain the implement of that condition by registrating the Contract, and forcing my Debtor to fulfil. But I think the foresaid reply, sibi imputet, would not be relevant, seeing the Debtor is secure; and it cannot be imputed to him that he did not pursue for implement, and as the Creditor of the conditional Debtor would not be heard to say sibi imputet, so this Creditor who can be in no better case; cannot reply upon sibi imputet. But if my Debtor was not expressly obliged to build the said House, and that Titius was only bound to pay 5000 marks, when my Debtor should build him such a House. I conceive that eo casu, if my said Debtor designed to defraud me by not fulfilling the condition▪ our Law would allow me no remedy. To be intented by any true Creditor. A Creditor is he to whom we owe any thing; against which we cannot defend ourselves by a perpetual exception. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Basil▪ de verb signif. l. 10. By these words it clearly appears, that this Action is competent to all Creditors, whether they were Creditors for an onerous cause, or not. For though it would appear by the narrative, that this Law was only designed to secure such as were Creditors for an onerous cause; and albeit it would seem that the only reason why that this Law was introduced, was wanting here; since the Creditor did not lend out his money in this case, in contemplation his his Debtors Estate: Yet since in the construction of Law, even donations are good Rights, and the person to whom they are made becomes thereby Creditor; etiam donatarius est Creditor, post quam donatio est completa (except in the case where the donation is revockable) therefore this Action is likewise competent to them; and so it has been oft decided in our Law. Though Creditors whose term of payment is not come, differ from such whose Debt is suspended by some condition, the one being called Creditor conditionalis, and the other Creditor in diem; which two differ both by the Civil Law, and ours; yet whether either of them be comprehended under the general word Creditor, where that word is used in Statutes, is much debated. Cagn. adl. 1. ff. Si certum petetur is of opinion, that these are not true Creditors, because a Debtor is he who may be forced to pay, l. Debtor: ff. de verb. sign. with which Law the Basilicks do agree, for l. 66. tit. Basil. de Reg. jur. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, but so it is that he who owes to a day, or under a condition▪ cannot be forced to pay. 2. The Law called a conditional debt, the hoop only of a debt. Ex conditionali just. de verb. obl. 3. These are called Creditors in this title quibus ex quacunque causa cum debitore est actio, but so it is that before the condition be purified, or the term of payment, there can be no Action, l. caedere diem, & l. Creditores: ff. de verb. signif. But yet on the other hand, these are both Creditors, because the Law makes Creditor to be genus, the species whereof is Creditor purus, Creditor in diem, & Creditor sub conditione, l. Creditores ss: de verb. signif. 2. It is clear per l. Aquil. ss. ad l. Aquil. that a conditional Creditor may purlue to have his Debt paid, or secured, when the Term comes, though it be not yet come. 3. Ille vere est Creditor, qui perpetua exceptione non potest removeri, l. creditores, ss. de verb. sig. But so it is, that neither Creditor in diem, nor Creditor sub conditione, potest perpetua exceptione removeri. 4▪ In Reason it appears, that since when the condition is purified, the condition is drawn back to the date of the Contract; that therefore the conditional Creditor hath this remedy competent to him, glos in d. §. si quis in fraudem. This Action then, is competent to Creditors, to whom a Debt is conditionally owing; but is not to take effect until the condition be purified. As for instance, if Titius sell me his Lands with absolute warrandice, and thereafter dispone any part of his Estate, to a conjunct, or confident person, without an onerous cause, I might reduce that alienation as done in defraud of me, though the Lands sold to me were not evicted, and so the warrandice did not actually take place. Which case though it be not expressly decided in our Law, yet I find a reduction ex capite inhibitionis sustained in their very terms, but with this just caution, viz. that the reduction should take no place till distress should follow, which is likewise decided by the Civil Law, l. Potior ss. qui potiores in pig. §. 1 where also the former caution is used, & ubi conditio purificata est, ibi conditio retrotrahitur. 30. This Action is even competent to these Creditors whose term of payment is not come, though it may seem, that till then they are not true Creditors, The reason why both the Civil Law, and ours allow reductions in these cases, is commonly thought to be, lest the Creditor to whom the alienation is made, become insol. vendo, and so the action of reduction, if delayed till then, would then become useless. But if the Lands or others disponed, be still in their hands, it does not import whether they be insolvent or not, seeing reductions are in rem, and do affect the right disponed, whatever be the condition of the person who receiveth the right; and if they be disponed to a third person for an onerous cause, the reduction cannot be effectual; and for obviating that prejudice, the Creditor may inhibit. The true reason then for sustaining Reductions at the instance of Creditors in diem, or sub conditione, is, that though personal actions for payment, are not competent to such Creditors before the day, or the condition exist, yet they may obtain Declarator, that notwithstanding of such fraudulent rights, their Bonds shall be effectual to them, and their Debtors Estates liable to them, and to execution at their instance, as if those Rights were not granted, and upon the matter, Reductions are nothing else but Declarators to the effect foresaid. 4. By the common Law, such as were Creditors ex delicto, had this remedy, which though some Lawyers have contradicted, yet it is most clear in my opinion; l. 12. ff. de verb. sig. sed et si ex delicto debeatur, mihi videtur posse creditor is loco accipi: for though he only is a Creditor, whose faith we have followed, l. 1. ff. si certum petat: and that the party injured cannot be said to have followed the faith of the injurer, yet that Law expresses only one quality of a Creditor; and there are many Creditors whose faith we have not followed. And yet I have seen this debated in our Law, February 1674. Lindsay contra Grace of Haystoun▪ in which pursuit a Reduction was raised by Lindsay against Haystoun, of a Disposition made to Haystoun by him who had murdered her Husband, after the murder committed, to the prejudice of the assythment due to her, and thereafter discerned to her by the Exchequer: from which Reduction the Lords assoilzied, because Haystoun was not obliged in Law to know of the murder, nor did any Register put him in mala side, and singular Successors are only obliged to seek the Registers; and she having only the gift of the murderer's escheet (he being denounced in absence) for satisfaction of the assythment due to her; the Lords found she might pursue Declaratours of Escheet, but could not pursue real Actions. And generally with us in Scotland, he who commits a crime, is either only denounced fugitive, and in that case, his Escheet only falls, or he gets a remission, and then there is an assythment due, but in neither of these cases Reductions upon this Statute are sustained, or else the murderer dies, and then nothing is due even by way of assythment with us. But this first seems unreasonable, or at least severe, for if a person should commit a crime against me, and should thereafter to defraud me of that assythment, and just reparation that were due to me, dispon his estate to a conjunct or confident person; It seems very unjust that I should be disappointed of my just satisfaction by this voluntar deed of his. And as this is not suitable to the principles of equity, and justice; so neither seems it suitable to the Principles of Law, for tantum facit quis delinquendo, quantum facit se obligando, and therefore as I could have reduced any such voluntar Alienation, if another had expressly obliged himself to me, so ought I to have the same benefit when another l●●s committed a crime against me: And ●● we consider seriously the principles of either the Civil, or our Municipal Law; we will find; that not only are Creditors ex dilicto looked upon as Creditors, but that they have 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. or jus prelationis to all other Creditors, in swa far as concerns the necessary reparations. And thus it is with us expressly declared by the 25. Act 14. Par. K. Ja. 2. and the 174. act 13. Par. Ja. 6. that all remissions, or respites granted to any person till the party skaithed be first satisfied, shall be null. And by the 26. Act. 1 Par. Ch. 2. the party from whom goods are stolen, are to have reparation out of the first, and readiest of the thief's goods And the last part, viz. that nothing is due by way of assythment where the guilty person suffers, seems unreasonable for the Heirs of the person injured being put to great expenses in the pursuit oft times, and the wife, and children, being oft times beggared by the death of the person killed, it is unjust they should have no reparation; and the offender's death satisfies public justice, but not them. And I love bette● the Law's of Spain and France, which allows reparation even where the offender dies. For the better understanding of the general point, how far the Fisk becomes a Creditor, by the common Law, upon the Commission of a crime, and so may reduce posterior dispositions; It will be fit to distinguish these cases, first, before the crime be committed, the Fisk has no interest to reduce any Disposition made by any person whatsoever, except the Commmitter had disponed his Estate, upon design to disappoint the Fisk when the crime should be Committed; As for instrance, if a person who disigned to run in to the enemy, or to Kill the King, should immediately before dispon his Estate; I conceive that disposition would be quarrelable, as done in fraudem fisci. If this animus comm●ttendi crimen, & fraudandi siscum, could be made appear, by these, or such like presumptions, viz. If the disponer did immediately before the committing of the crime, and without any Onerous cause, grant the said Disposition, and made an Disposition omnium bonorum, for a particular Disposition of any small part, though made immediately before. and though gratuitous, could hardly be quarrelable ex hoc capite. 2. If the receiver of the Disposition was conscious to the disponers design of committing the crime, then if the crime was treason, the receiver is guilty of the crime; and so the Disposition, and all the receivers own Estate falls to the Fisk. And in these crimes a Disposition made to one who was conscious to the design, makes the disposition quarrelable whether it be made for an onerous cause, or not, or whether it be omnium bonorum, or not. 3. As to Dispositions made after the crime is committed, we must distinguish thus, viz. either the crime committed is treason, and all dispositions made after the perpetuating of this crime are null, though before citation, or condemnation, but there must still ensue a sentence, which sentence is drawn back to the committing of the crime. 4. In other crimes, Dispositions are either of heritage, or Movables; As to heritage, no disposition is quarrelable, because no crime confiscats Heritage, except treason. And yet quoad assythments to the party wronged, I think there is in reason (though our Law allows it not) so far jus quasitum, to them, that they may quarrel all gratuitous Dispositions, though made before citation, as made to their prejudice▪ who became lawful Creditors by the injury suffered in the same crime: but if the Disposition was for an onerous cause, I conceive it cannot be reduced ex hoc capite, or affected with the subsequent assythment because the buyer was in bonafide to buy, finding nothing against him in the Register of Hornings, or Inhibitions. And that though he knew the Disponer had committed the crime, because he was not obliged thereby to know that he was incapacitated in Law to dispon. 5. In other crimes, besides treason, Dispositions of Movables are quarrelable by the Fisk, if if made after sentence, and it may be, if after the party was cited for the crime, if the crime was such as did confiscate Movables. For though regulariter post commissum crimen, valet alienatio ante sententiam facta titulo oneroso neque revocatur nisi appareat contrahentium fraus. Angel. Ad. l. 1. Siquis C. de bon▪ proscript, yet there lies still a presumption, that all Dispositions made after an accusation are made me tu justae penae. Picus ad l. post contract. ibid. And all Lawyers are of opinion, that in neither of these cases, a delinquent may pay his former Creditors: And it is a received opinion amongst us, that all crimes which are capital do confiscate the commiters Movables, though there be no Act appointing that confiscation, as a part of the punishment, because Movables, sequuntur personam▪ And thus in the case of Waugh in Selkirk; The Lords found his Movables to fall under Escheet for theft, though there be no express Statute confiscating the Movables▪ for theft But though this be followed in some particular Nations, as France Ultrad. Council 17. yet Clarus tells us, in Quest. 78. that de consuetudine totus mundus servat quod bona mobilia non confiscantur nisi exdispositione statuti, vel consuetudinis, excepto crimine Heresis, & less Majestatis. And particularly in theft, Bossius is clear, that the Movables are not Escheet nisi vigore statuti. And why with us should it be declared by some Acts, that the committers life or goods shall be in the Kings will, and in others, that the committers Movables shall be Escheet to the King, if this hold in all cases? 6. Where the committer is declared punishable by confiscation of his goods, and his goods are confiscated ipso jure, there even after the committing of the crime some think, that the committer can dispon no part of his Movables, even before denounciation or citation. That being the effect of confiscation ipso jure, as is clear by the above cited Doctors. And it would appear, that confiscation ipso jure, must import somewhat more than the confiscation that results only consequentially from the nature of the deed itself. For else why needed the Law express this; and if the Law has confiscated them at the time when the crime was committed, it would appear that the dominium is thereby transferred to the Fisk, and that consequently the committer is devested of them nam duo non possunt esse domini in solidum. And if the committer be thereby devested of the property, he cannot dispon, for none can dispon but he who is proprietor. And yet even in that case the person injured, should have still action for his damage, and interest, for he is mor prejudged by the crime, than the Fisk; and consequently it is not just that he should be excluded by the Fisk, since the Fisk has only interest by him, and by the wrong which he has suffered. But I refer the reader to Peregrinus de jure fisci, who has treated this question most learnedly. 5. This action is not only competent to the Creditor himself, but to the Creditors Heir, for heres & defunctus sunt in jure una & eadem persona, and not only is it competent to the Creditors Heir, but in many cases, it is competent to his singular successor, to whom either the right is asigned, or who becomes singular Successor, ratione rei, as Donators to Escheets, and forefaulters etc. as was found, March 1636. 6. The Defuncts Creditors are allowed to reduce Alienations made to the prejudice of appearand Heirs, upon deathbed, when these Heirs were their Debtors, for though this privilege seems only introduced in favours of appearand Heirs, yet their Creditors may comprise from them omne jus quod in iis est, and so reduce, as having comprised, as was found at the instance of Balmerinochs Creditors contra the Lady Coupar, and the 4th. January, 1672. Roxburgh contra Beatty. And in this case it was found that even Creditors might pursue Declaratours and Reductions, upon this Act, though they had not yet Apprised, albeit it was then alleged, that none has interest by our Law to pursue Reduction of a real right, except such as have a real right standing in their Person to the Lands, whereof they crave the right to be reduced. It is in some cases, not only competent to such as were Creditores before the alienation quarrelled was made, but even to such as were Creditores futuri, and became Creditors only after the alienation quarrelled was made. And the Civilians mention two cases wherein this action is competent even to such as were not Creditors the time of the Disposition quarrelled: The first is, if the Disponer designed to borrow money before he made the fraudulent alienation, and did borrow the money upon design to break with it, for there though the Reducer was not a true Creditor, the time of the alienation, yet the fraudulent inclination respecting expressly this Creditor, or the borrowing of the money; made the disposition revocable and reduceable. Jason add jnst. hoc tit. num. 6. but here the design must be expressly proven, or at least must be necessarily inferred from convincing circumstances, and presumptions. The second case mentioned by them, is, if the Creditor did lend the money for paying prior Creditors; In which case, as they might have reduced the deed done in their prejudice, so may the posterior Creditors, since they come in place of the Creditors whom they paid; & surrogatum sapit naturam surrogati. But this last case does not (for aught I remember) take place in our Law, and seems not at all suitable to the Annalogy of our Law in other cases; for else he who had lent money to pay sums due upon an Inhibition, would have right to the Inhibition, or he who lent money to pay off comprisings, or Arestments, without being expressly asigned to either. And therefore I conceive, that either the Creditor who pays the Creditors who were prior to the alienation, takes assignations to these prior debts which these pays, and then they may reduce deeds done to the prejudice of that first debt, or else he pays only the money to the Debtor, and the Debtor pays the prior Creditors, which is the case meaned by the Doctors here, and in this case I conceive, the Creditor who so pays, would not have the privilege, and that because the debt which only had the privilege is extinguished, & non entis nullae sunt qualitates, nor can the maxim surrogatum sapit naturam surrogati, take place here, seeing that the debt in whose place it is surrogate, became extinct before the surrogation: and none of the parties could design to transmit this privilege, else the payer had taken Assignation; nor can he complain since sibi imputet, who did not that which he might have done for securing himself. As to the first of these cases, there was a famous decision extending their Reductions even to posterior Creditors, 2. July, 1673. at the instance of Street, and Jackson, Englishmen, against James Mason. The case whereof was this, James Mason having disponed his Lands to James Mason his son, the said Street, and Jackson raised a Reduction of the sons right, as granted in prejudice of them, who were lawful Creditors to him, by virtue of a Trade and correspondence which was begun long before the alienation; though the Bands wherein he became Debtor to them were of a date posterior to the alienation. To which it was answered, that the ground of the debt, being a bond, and the Bond being posteriour to the alienation, they were not Creditors the time of the alienation; and consequently the alienation was not reduceable upon this Act of Parliament 1621. To which it was replied, that this pursuit was not founded upon this Act 1621. only but upon the sure principles of the common Law, according to which the Lord's useed to decide before this Statute was made, and according to which, they are warranted to proceed by this Statute in cases that are new. Though the Debt was not constitute till after the Infeftment was granted, yet the pursuers having long before that time entered in a Trade with Mason, they did bona fide continue that Trade without any interruption, and under the colour of that Trade he had most fraudently bought with their moneys this Land, and did most fraudulently convey the same to his Son to their prejudice: which did clearly infer a designed fraud in the Father, and tended inevitably to ruin all Trade and Commerce which might be very easily disappointed by such fraudulent conveyances as this▪ Upon which debate the Lords ordained James Mason, the Father's count-books to be produced, that it might appear in what condition he was at the time when he made that Disposition to his Son; And whether the same was granted upon design to frustrate his Creditors, or not, like as they allowed witnesses to be adduced for either party, for clearing the Lords how far the Trade was continued betwixt the Father and their pursuers, before, and after the Sons right; After making of which report, the cause being again called, it was urged for the pursuer, that by the report it was clear, that there was a former Trade, and correspondence betwixt them, prior to the Sons Infeftment, dureing all which time he oftimes sold cheaper than he bought; and that when he went to take the Infeftment for his Son, he disguised himself, and road from, and to the Land, in a by-way, and caused so mark the Seizing in the Minut-book, that no man could know but that the Seizing was taken for the Father, and after the Seizing was taken, the Father still remained in actual possession. From all which it was argued, 1. That Mason elder having entered into a public and unterrupted Trade, and correspondence with the pursuers, the said Trade is to be considered with respect to its first beginning, and the Bonds, though posteriour to the Infeftment, yet are to be drawn back ad suam causam, viz. the Trade and Commerce from which they did result. 2. It was clear from the nature of Commerce in general, and from this report in particular, that former payments were still made the foundation of new credit: And if the making of such Rights during the dependence of such a continued Trade were allowed in favours of Children; no Merchand would give trust, or if they gave, they might be ruined by it, both which would be equally destructive to Trade. 3. If we consider the Analogy of our Law, we will find, that the Lords have still considered a continued, and uninterrupted Trade as very privileged in many cases; And therefore though other counts prescrive in three years, yet that Statute uses not to be extended to a continued Trade, and correspondance, and so far have privilegia mercatorum, & commercii, been allowed in our Law, that Bills of Exchange are allowed, though wanting the ordinary, and Statutary solemnities of witnesses and warrants; for payment of Bills of Exchange are sustained without the solemnity of intimation, against posterior Assignayes, and Arresters: and Annualrent is sustained betwixt Merchants, sine pacto, vel lege, and a Bill subscribed only by a mark, without either the subscryvers entire name, or the initial letters of it, was sustained, it being proven that the drawer of the Bill was in use so to subscribe. 4. By the common Law, Actio Pauliana was extended even to posterior Creditors, where animus fraudandi, prior to the alienation did appear, either by writ or presumptions, which are enumerate by Jason, ad inst. hic and are very far short of the presumptions formerly condescended on: and if the common Law, and natural reason allowed this remedy in the case of debts absolutely posterior; how much more ought it to be allowed in this case, where the debt, which is the ground of this pursuit, depended on a prior cause, and was the result and product of a correspondence entered into, before granting of the Sons Infeftment. 5. The Father had no Estate before this correspondance, and having drawn fraudently into his hands the pursuers goods, about the same time that he bought the Land, Law and Reason presumes that the price of their goods, did pay the price of their Lands: And that therefore this Land ought to be affected and burdened with their debts. To which it was duplied, 1. That though the common Law did allow Actio Pauliana to posterior Creditors, yet that was only in the case where the receivers of such Rights were participes fraudis which cannot be alleged here, since the Son was minor nec doli capax, and that especially being introduced in odium of the collusion, it cannot be extended to cases, where no collusion can be alleged upon the receivers part. 2. Commerce and Trade is founded upon personal trust, and Merchants follow the faith of those with whom they trade, without ever considering what real estate they have; so that their pursuers cannot be said to have been cheated in their expectation, since they cannot be said to have furnished their goods, in contemplation of the real Estate now controverted. 3. Either their pursuers did search the Registers, or not; if they did not, sibi imputent, qui sibi non vigilarunt; and if they did, they would have found that the Son was Infeft, his Infeftment being Registrate, and though the Minut-book did not specify, whether the Seizing was granted to Mason elder, or younger, yet they ought to have searched the Minut-book itself, whereof this is appointed to be but an Index, and the Son not having been particeps fraudis, could not have been prejudged by any cheat or contrivance of his Father: for the jus quesitum to him by the Infeftment, sine facto suo ab eo auferri nequit. 4. The pursuers did innovat their accounts by taking Bond for the product, and Mason had a discharge of all former accounts, and trade: so that at the time of the Disposition, he was not their Debtor upon the account of any prior Trade; and the pursuers were no more to be considered as Merchants, but as common Creditors: And it were a very dangerous consequence, to make debts that are innovated, retain all the privileges that they had ante jnnovationem & pernovationem prior obligatio perimitur. ●. 1. ff. de Novationibus. 5. It can be made appear, that Mason had other Trade, which would have furnished him the price of the Land, and that he was loser by the pursuers Trade. To which it was replied, that the common Law did only consider participes fraudis, in order to another effect, viz. If the Alienation was ex causa onerosa, than the Alienation could not have been reduced; unless the receiver had been particeps fraudis; but where it is ex causa mere lucrativa, as in this case fraus in eventu was sufficient. And even here the Disposition being made by the Father to his own Son who was in familia, the Son, was in as ill condition, as if he had been particeps fraudis: nor could he plead the same benefit as a stranger, contracting bonafide. Upon which debate, the Lords did reduce the Disposition, as being made to the Son, by the Father, who was a Merchant, during his public Trade and correspondance. Which Disposition could have no other rational design, but to cheat Creditors, the Father not having so much as reserved himself a liferent, or power to redeem. But since the Lords declared that this decision proceeded upon all these grounds jointly, it can hardly be extended to other cases. And I find that this public interest, and advantage of Trade and Commerce, has been sustained to reduce deeds done to the prejudice thereof: but yet not upon this Act, and Statute, but upon the general ground of fraud, inferred by most pregnant qualifications, as is clear by the decision betwixt Pot and Pollock. 12. Feb. 1669. The case whereof was this▪ John Pollock being Creditor to his Wife of a second marriage, for her life-rent provision, and to others to whom he owed money, they apprised his Estate, and assigned their rights to Pot, who thereupon intents Reduction of a Band granted by the defunct to James Pollock, his Son of the first marriage, for 5000. marks. The reasons of Reduction were, first, that this Band was granted by a Father to his own Son, without an onerous cause. To which it was answered, that they not being Creditors when this Band was granted, this Act of Parliament allowed them no Reduction of it, for this Act is only conceived in favours of prior Creditors, and since his Father might have gifted away his Estate to a stranger, and even that gift could not be quarrelled by posterior Creditors, because they had not then interest, and so their interest could not be said to be prejudged, there was no speciality as to him, why he might not be capable of the same donation; And whereas it was alleged, that this would ruin Commerce, because a Father might grant such a right, and thereafter keep it latent, and cheat his Creditors with whom he Traded, who could not know the condition of the Defunct. To this it was answered, that the Act 1621. introduced no such speciality in favours of Trade, but upon the contrair, such Dispositions, when made by Merchants, were less presumeable to be done in defraud of Creditors, then when made by such as had no Trade, nor Commerce, because Traders might grant Bands to their Children, in expectation of what they might gain, and when they ●ell thereafter insolvendo, that might be imputed to their loss by Sea, or Trade, and not to the donation in favours of children. Upon which debate, the Lords repelled the reason founded upon the Act 1621. The 2. reason was, that this Band was reduceable ex capite doli, as granted by collusion betwixt Father, and Son, in necem Creditorum, and to defraud their just interest: which dole, and fraud, was inferred from these circumstances, 1. That the Son being forisfamiliat, and provided, it could not be granted for any onerus cause. 2. The Band was kept latent till the Father died. 3. It did bear no annualrent, and the term of payment was delayed till after the Father's death. 4. Their debts were all contracted immediately after the granting of this Band; so that it appeared clearly, that he had designed to exhaust his Estate by this Band in favours of his Son, and then to contract debt freely, and to apply their money to the payment of this Band. Upon which qualifications of fraud, the Lords reduced the Band. The third reason was, that this Band granted by a Father to a Son, was but a legittim or portion natural, in the construction of Law, and therefore was revockable by the Father, and consequently by his Creditors; and legittims did only affect the the Defuncts free Gear; which reason was also justly repelled, for this being a Band granted to a son, who was foris familiat, and being delivered to himself, was found not to be of the nature of a Legittim. First, because it did not bear to be in satisfaction of his portion natural. And secondly, because it was an ordinary Band, and delivered in the ordinary way. There was another case decided 4th Decemb. 1673, Wherein the Lords reduced a Disposition granted by Reid of Daldilling to his Son, even at the instance of posterior Creditors, in respect that the Right was base, and that the Father continued still in possession, and acted still as absolute Fire, and that the Registers of that Shire were carried out of the country, so that they neither could, nor were obliedged to know the Son's Infeftment. And that, albeit it was alleged for the Son, that as fraud never ought to be presumed, so there is no ground for presuming it here, since this infeftment ought to be imputed to another cause, than a design to defraud Creditors, viz. to a prior Contract of Marriage; wherein his Father having gotten a great portion with his Mother, was thereafter obliedged to Infeft him in his Lands, and this being the ordinary way taken to secure ancient Families against prodigal Sons: And it being the ordinary remedy taken by provident men, when they give great portions with their Daughters▪ It were very dangerous to reduce such Dispositions at the instance of posterior Creditors▪ in whose favours nothing was provided, by the Act of Parliament, and the Sons Infeftment being registrat, did likewise take off all presumption of fraud. And though the Registers were taken away, that could not prejudge the Defender, or be a ground of Reduction here, no more, than it could defend him against a Reduction ex capite inhibitionis, or interdictionis, for the user doing omne quod in se est, and following the faith of public Registers, cannot be prejudged by an accident, to which he had no accession. And there was as good reason for reducing interdictions at the instance of posterior Creditors, as for reducing such base Infeftments: the not allowing of which would still force Sons thereafter to be at the great expense and trouble of public Infeftments, and even these public Infeftments, were liable to the same reason of Reduction, since lawful Creditors were in both cases prejudged; and a Son preferred to them. And though equity should be considered, where there is no Law; yet where there is an express statute, in which many cases are considered, casus omissus, habetur pro omisso. It was here observable, that the Contract of Marriage did not bind the Father to Infeft the Son in these Lands, but that hereby the Estate was only provided to the Heirs of Marriage, so that the Son behoved to have been served Heir, and so would have been liable to the Father's debt, if this new Infeftment which was here quarrelled, had not interveened. Not only deeds done to the prejudice of prior Creditors are reduceable, but even deeds done dolose to the prejudice of such as became Creditors, at the same time with the deed done, are reduceable. As for instance, one brother grants a Band to another, upon design to let the friends of her whom he is suiting in Marriage, see that he has an Estate, and immediately after the Contract, or about that same time, grants a Discharge to his brother, having engaged the woman's friends to give him a gerat Tocher in contemplation of that fallacious Band: this Discharge is reduceable, as given fraudulently to the prejudice of the woman who gave the Tocher. And who is Creditrix by that Contract, without respect to priority or posteriority of the debt. As was found in the case Henderson against Henderson; and Donald Foller being provided by his Father, in his Contract of Marriage; to the Conjunct●ee with his Wife, of a Tenement of Land, the Fee whereof was provided to the children of the Marriage, and the Father having fraudulently taken a tack from the Son at the same time; the Lords reduced the said tack, as done in defraud of the said Contract, & contra fidem tabularum nuptialium. And if this had been otherwise decided, all poor women might easily be cheated, and Contracts of Marriage, which are the obligations most privileged by Law, would become ineffectual and might easily be evacuated: And so favourable are such obligations in Contracts of Marriage, that Glencorsse having provided his Sons by several Bands of Provision, and having thereafter disponed his Estate to his Son in his Contract of Marriage, the Son having got a good Tocher in contemplation of this Estate; the Lords did find, that the Sons Fee could not be reduceable by, not affected with those Provisions, since they were but latent Rights, which neither the Son, nor they who contracted with him were obliged to know. The presumptions from which Lawyers conclude a design of cheating future Creditors, are those. 1. If the Debtor dispone all his Estate, assignatio omnium bonorum, especially if he reserve not his own Liferent, as in Mason's case, for it is presumed, that no man would denude himself of all means of subssistance without some malicious design, and if the Disposition be made without an onerous cause, l. omnes §. Lucius ss. de his quae in fraud: or for a less price, than the thing disponed was truly worth, Strach. tract. de decoct. part. 3. num. 2. but since licet contrahentibus in emptione vel venditione seinvicem decipere. It seems that this extension should not hold, except where the thing disponed is much under-rated. 2. If the Disponer be Bankrupt, or a Cheat. or deploratae vitae. Strach. num. 23. 3. If he borrowed immediately after the Disposition. 4. If he borrowed secretly, and desired to conceal his condition, as in Mason's case. And 14. Decem. 1671. Duff contra Culloddin this qualification of fraud, was sustained to reduce an Assignation made by one brother to another, viz. That the resigner desired the Resignation should be kept secret, and thereafter suffered his brother to continue in possession. 5 If he borrowed sums far above his fortune: and upon this last presumption, a Merchant in Paris was executed, having borrowed vast sums, with which he broke next morning after they were borrowed. To any conjunct or confident Person. THe reason why the Act suspects such, and is more unfavourable in the case of Dispositions, and Rights made to conjunct or confident persons; is, because these have easier occasions of making, and are more pron to make such Rights than any else. For what strangers would cheat Creditors for one another; and though a Debtor will be desirous to prefer his Creditors to Strangers; yet he will be ready to prefer his Friends to his Creditors. Which reason seems to be insinuate by that excellent Law, l. 27. C. de donat. Data jam pridem lege constituimus, ut donationes interveniente actorum testificatione conficiantur, quod vel maxime inter necessarias, conjunct asque personas convenit custodiri. Si quidem clandestinis ac domesticis fraudibus, facile quidvis pro negotii opportunitate confingi potest, vel id quod vere gestum est aboleri. And the Doctors have received as a brocard, that conjunctus presumitur scire facta conjuncti, l. octavi: ff. unde cognati: and therefore presumitur alienatio in fraudem facta, quando facta est donatio omnium bonorum vel conjuncta personae, Bart. ad l. post contractum, h. t. num. 30. Our Law has not fully determined who are repute conjunct persons, since this opens a door to arbitraryness in Judges, it had been fit the Law had obviated by a special definition, quo ad this Point the power of Judges, as well as the fraudulent conveyances of Creditors. But certainly Father and Son, and all degrees ascendant and descendant, are repute conjunct. And because these are the most near relations, therefore Dispositions made to them, are not only reduceable by this Statute; but such Dispositions, when made to such as might have been Heirs, make the receiver successor titulo luc rativo post contractum debitum. Which passive title was not extended against a Brother, though the Disponer was so old that he could not expect Succession whereby his Brother might be excluded, nor was the presumption of fraud so strong amongst collaterals, as to infer so odious a passive Title, but reserved Action upon this Act, 1621. in so far as the cause was not onerous, 7. Decemb. 1672. Spencer-field contra Kilbrakmont. 2. Brother and Brother are repute conjunct Persons. But whither this should be extended to the same degrees in affinity, as in consanguinity, has often been controverted; and it is certain, that in other Statutes, non idem est jus affinitatis, ac consanguinitatis; And thus the Statute forbidding Father, Son, or Brother, to judge in Actions of their correlati, is not extended so as to prohibit Fathers, Brothers, or Sons in Law, to judge in such cases; as was found in Moor's case against Gruibbit. But yet a Sister in Law was found to be a conjunct person, 5. July 1673. Hoom contra Smith. And a Brother in Law was repute a conjunct Person in the Reduction against Major Biggar, at Waughaps instance. And S●eidivin hoc tit, pag. 1209. tells us, that inter affines & conjunctas personas fraudes presumuntur. And since men will do as much for their Allies, as for their blood Friends, especially for Sisters, or Brothers in Law; and that the Law upon that same reason repels them from being witnesses: It seems most reasonable that they should be repute conjunct Persons. And it is not imaginable why the Law, which is jealous that an ally or affinis may perjure themselves for another, should not be much rather unwilling to assist them in such conveyances as their, to the prejudice of their Creditors, where the cheat is easier, and less dangerous. But whether a Bastard be such a conjunct Person, as that a Disposition made to him by his Father is Reduceable; may be doubted: for upon the one part, a Bastard patrem demonstrare nequit, and he who is of no blood, cannot be conjunct upon the account of Blood: And yet upon the other part, a Bastard is known to have much natural affection, and so may be presumed a person-willing to convey such frauds: and upon this account, the Law rejects him from being witness in favours of his natural Father, Marsil. singul. 273. And a Bastard with us is only received cum nota. And the Law hath allowed him action against his Father for aliment. And though the Law will allow him no advantage by his birth; yet it should not capacitate him to cheat others: and I think this distinction more reasonable then to say with Paleot: that Bastards are not conjunct upon the Father side, but on the Mother side. cap. 60. the not his, or to say with Alex. consil. 60. that these are to be accounted conjunct, in so far as concerns marriage only, so that a Bastard Brother cannot marry his Bastard Sister; for certainly, though these be not conjunct in strict Law, sunt conjunctis similes felin. ad cap. per tuas de probat. Who is understood to be a confident, seems more difficult, and it would seem that an ordinary Factor, or a domestic Servant must be said to be confident Persons, and an ordinary Agent was found to be such a confident Person, 26. June 1672. Moubra against Spence, and Immola ad h. t. leg. post contractum affirms that Amicus, magna amicitia conjunctus, is liable to this presumption, and the Law judges still of him as of conjunctus sanguine, and friendship is oftimes warmer than blood. Dispositions likewise omnium bonorum, are reduceable, though not made to confident Persons, but to a mere stranger: except the Disposition be made for an onerous cause, for the Law presumes as I observed formerly, that it is made to prejudge Creditors; and it were unreasonable that a mere gift should be preferred to poor Creditors, this was found the 18. November 1669. Henderson contra Henderson. Albeit it was there alleged, that this Act declares such deeds only reduceable, as are made in favours of conjunct or confident Persons, for though this Statute make that a presumption of fraud, yet it excludes not other presumptions, such as were in this c 〈…〉, viz. that it was assignatio omnium bonorum, and that it bears to be granted for a cause falsely narrated, viz. for the sum of two thousand marks, due by Howat the common Debtor to Anderson; whereas it was offered to be proven by Discharges under Howats own hand, that the far greatest part of this sum was paid before the Disposition. Since this clause of the Statute annuls deeds only done to the prejudice of confident or conjunct persons, it would seem, that such Rights when made to others who are not conjunct, nor confident, are not reduceable. And yet de praxi, all Rights made to any persons whatsoever, without an onerous or necessary cause, are reduceable by this Statute, and our Law considers the difference betwixt conjunct, or confident persons, and others; only in reference to the way of Probation, so that these must prove an onerous cause whereas others need not; this shows how misteriously our Statutes are conceived. Without true just and necessary causes, etc. TItulus onerosus, is when any thing is disponed with the burden of doing or paying somewhat, titulus lucrativus, is when the deed is merely gratuitus, and proceeds from mere favour. The Civil Law observed two Rules, in the difference betwixt an onerous, and lucrative cause, quoad this Action. The first was, that this Action was competent, even against these who had received such Rights for onerous causes, when both the giver and receiver were guilty of fraud, if they were partakers of the fraud, l. ait. praetor ff. h. t. And in that case the thing alienated was recalled without restoring the price. The second Rule was, that he who had received such a Right, ex causa lucrativa, was liable to restore▪ though he was not accessary to the fraudulent conveyance. nec particeps l. quod autem §. ij. ff. eod. Our Law likewise considers two cases, one is, if the Creditor had done no diligence; and than Rights made to their prejudice are only reduceable, if they be made to confident persons without an onerous cause: The other if the Reducer has as a Creditor done diligence, and ●hen the Rights done to his prejudice are reduceable, whether they be made ex titulo oneroso, or lucrativo. For by the last part of the Act, it is declared that the Debtor cannot prefer one Creditor to another, to the prejudice of any such diligences. How far children are Creditors to their Father, and may upon this Statute reduce deeds done by their Father in favours of other children after their Provisions, may be dubious in many cases▪ of which I shall only name a very few. The first is, a Father by his Contract of Marriage with the first Wife, provides the children of the first Marriage to ten thousand Pounds, and by the Contract with a second Wife, provides them to twenty thousand Marks, and by a Contract with a third Wife provides the children of that Marriage to ten thousand Marks. The question rises, whether the children of the first Marriage can reduce the Contract of the second Marriage, quoad the Provisions therein made: as made in prejudice of them who became lawful Credtors by the first Contract; or if the children of the second Marriage, may not do the same to the children of the third Marriage: and I conceive that if the Provisions be made to the Heirs of the Marriage, and if they enter Heirs, they cannot reduce, because tenentur prestare. But if the Contract bear children of the Marriage, some think that they may assign their Portions, and the assignay may reduce these Provisions made in the second Marriage. And just so the children of the second Marriage, may reduce the Provisions made to the children of the third Marriage: But I think, that either the children of the first Marriage are Infeft, and then certainly, the Father cannot prejudge them by posterior personal Provisions, or else where neither are Infeft, I conceive, that if there be an onerous cause, such as a Tocher paid by the Contracts of the second, or third Marriages, and then also the Contracts cannot be reduced upon this Statute: For these Contracts are not made to defraud Creditors, since they are made for an onerous cause. Yea though there be no Tocher, yet even the Marriage is an onerous cause; for who would marry if there were no Provision, and the design here, was not to prejudge true Creditors. The other case is, a man in his first Contract provides his Land, and ten thousand Marks to the Heir of the first Marriage, and in the Contract with his second Wife, he provides the children of that Marriage, to the conquest that shall be made during that Marriage. The question is, whether the Son of the first Marriage will be Creditor to the Father for ten thousand Marks, even though he be served Heir to his Father: For though here it seems, that confusione tollitur obligatio, the son of the first Marriage being both Debtor and Creditor. Yet conquest is still understood to be, illud quod super est deducto are alieno: and therefore the children of the second Marriage, can have no Right but with the burden of these ten thousand Marks. And in the case of Scot of Bavila contra Binning. The Lords found that the Heir might reduce the Provisions made to the Wife, and Bairns, of the second Marriage, in so far as concerned, the ten thousand Marks provided to the Heir of the first Marriage: but this may be doubted; for first it may be alleged that there was no debt, since the Pursuer was the Debtor himself. But secondly if the money with which the Land was bought, was conquest also in the second Wife's time, it seems against Law and Reason, that this should not be called conquest quoad an Heir of another Marriage, cui nihil deest, though if the money had been conquest in the first Marriage, it might be more properly called Aes alienum. A third case is this, a Father obliedged himself in his Contract of Marriage, with his first Wife, to provide the Bairns of the Marriage, to eight thousand Pounds: but before his death he provides one of the three Bairns to the whole eighth. The The question proponed was, whether the other two Daughters might raise a Reduction of the Disposition made to their sister upon this Act, and for these sisters it might be urged, that the brother became Debtor to them prorata, even as if he had granted Band to six men for a sum, each of them would had Right to a proportional part of it; at least, that each Child became Creditor to him, and so something was due to each of them. And consequently he defrauded them by his disponing all to to any one: but for the other sister, to whom the Disposition was made, it might be alleged; that the Father was Debtor only to the Bairns of that Marriage, tanquam stirpi, and so he satisfied his obligation by disponing his Lands worth that sum to any one of them, but was not Debtor to them in capita. 2. The design of the parties Contracters, in such cases, is only to secure the sum to the Issue of that Marriage, without consideration of any division; for this Provision is made to secure against Children of other Marriages; but not to secure one Child against another, and there may be some reason to be jealous of the Father in the one case, but not in the other. 3. This restriction were contrair to the Fathers patria potestas, and the Law is never jealous of the Father's affection, but presumes that his division will be just, and what Judge should be juster to Children then a Father. 4. It were against the interest of the Commonwealth to restrain, or take away the Father's power, of Distribution in such cases, which is the great curb, that the Father has upon his Children, for making them good Children, or good Citizens, and were it not against reason, that if the two sisters had been very Vicious, and the third most Virtuous, that the Father should have been so bound up, that he could not gratify the one, or that he behoved to provide the other with Money to serve their lusts. 5. It is ordinar to provide expressly, that the Money so provided to the Children should be divided as the Father pleased, and the Law uses to decide general cases according to what is ordinarily pactioned, presuming that to be the tacit will of the parties, which is ordinarily the express will of other parties. Likeas if it had been controverted amongst the parties at the time when the Contract was to be subscribed, who should have had the Power of division? certainly, it had been allowed to the Father. To which last I incline, except it could be alleged that all were equally deserving, and that the Father, or Children preferred, had used indirect means in preferring one to the rest. For though there be no Testament quarela testamenti in officio si— with us, yet there may be some place perhaps, for the Judge to interpose in such cases. I find by the opinion of the Doctors, a Father Disponing to one Child a necessary Portion, is not said to defraud the rest of the Children, to whom he Disponed formerly, nam hoc potius tribuendum pietati quam fraudi. And it is clear, that for this reason, Libertus in fraudem patroni, filie dotem constituere poterat l. 1. §. sed si ff. si quid in fraud. patro, but it is not so with us in all cases, as has been formerly observed. It has been likewise debated, whether provisions by Parents to their Children, in their Contract of Marriage, be such onerous causes as may defend the Children against Reductions upon this Act, at the instance of Creditors, who crave Dispositions made to them in satisfaction of these obligations to be reduced. For upon the one part, it seems, that since they are Creditors who may pursue, and distress their Father, therefore their Father may dispone his Estate, and this is both a necessary and a prior Debt, and so falls not under the Act; which declares only such Rights reduceable, as are granted without true, just, and necessary causes. And Provisions of Children by Contracts of Marriage are the ordinary allowable remedies granted to such as paying Tochers with their Daughters, or providing their Sons, desire to see their Grand Children thus secured. But upon the other hand, it seems very hard, that such latent deeds as Contracts of Marriage, which Creditors cannot know, should be sustained as onerous Causes to seclude them; and that the Debtors own Children should be preferred to Creditors. And as there can be no debate as to this point, where the Provisions are made in favours of the Heirs of the Marriage, because there the Heirs must represent the granter, and so cannot reduce his deed, so where the Provision is made to Bairns of the Marriage, yet Creditors were preferred to them in the case of Bannerman of Elsick contra Haystoun. But upon the 3. July 1673. in an Action, Gordon contra Fraser: The Lords found, that a right to Movables made by the Father to his Children, was reduceable at the instance of Posterior Creditors; though it was made in satisfaction of the Mother's Contract of Marriage, except the Children would allege that the Father was not Bankrupt, but had an sufficient Estate to pay the pursuers; for they thought it much more reasonable, that the Children should lose by their Father, than the Creditors. It has been controverted, whether a Right made by a Father to his Son in law for a Tocher, be reduceable by an anterior Creditor, and if this be allowed in all cases, men may easily prefer their Children to their Creditors; and it would appear, that at least the Right so made, should only be esteemed onerous in quantum, it extends to such a value, as may be a suitable Tocher, for such a man's Daughter, or else it should be repute onerous, in so far as may answer to the Joyntur given by the Husband, or to the aliment that he is obliged to bestow upon her stante matrimonio, though he be by Contract obliged to no Joyntur, nor hath any Joyntur to give her, et it a does, est titulus onerosus, ex parte mariti, qui● datur pro oneribus matrimonii, sustinendis l. pro. oneribus C. de jur. dot. sed ex parte uxoris does, est titulus lucrativus. l. qu● liberos ff. de ritu nuptiar. l. sin. C. de dotie▪ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Basilic. l. 25. S. 1. hoc tit. And upon the other hand, a Joyntur to the Wife is titulus onerosus, in swa far as it is suitable to the Husband's Estate, as was found Novemb. 1665. contra Russel. But if the Husband should Dispone all his opulent Estate to his Wife, as a Joyntur, I think it might be reduced to a third, at the instance of prior Creditors, both because a Tierce is the Provision, that the Law allows a Wife if there be no provision; and so is the legal quota. And because Rights made by a man upon Death bed, to the prejudice of his Heir, is restricted to a Tierce; but if the Contract bear●, the Land to be Disponed to the Son in Law for love and favour, that narative proves titulum lucra tivum, though really no other Tocher was bestowed; and though a Jointure was given, as was found betwixt Graham and Stewart. How far a Wife is Creditrix by her Contract of Marriage, and may reduce Posterior deeds as done in defraud of it, is debateable in many cases, as to heritage▪ but these fall not properly under this Act, but under the Act 105. Par. 7. Ja. 5. And as to the Husband's Movables, I shall only mention one case, viz. Campbel contra Campbel, Decemb. 1674▪ which was this; Campbel by his Contract of Marriage, provided his Wife to the half of the Movables, that should pertain to him at his Death, and a little before his Death, he Disponed many of his Movables to his Brother; whereupon the Relict raises a Reduction of that Disposition upon this Statute. To which reason of Reduction, it wa● answered, that the reason was not relevant for the Relict was only Creditrix by this Contract, as to what Movables should belong to the Husband at his Death, which was but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, & spes successionis, but did not hinder the Brother to Dispon at any time, in his liege poustie, upon any part of his Movables. And as such Clauses providing a Wife to the third of the Movables, were most ordinar, so if this were sustained, the Husband could not gift to his Brother, or Relations, any Horse, or any thing else. To which it was replied, that if such Dispositions were sustained, the former, or the like Clauses would be Elusory, and might easily be Evacuated; for a Husband might Dispon a little before his Death all his Movables: this was not decided. But the Lords inclined only to sustain this Disposition, if made for some probable Cause: but if it had been made upon Deathbed, it was Reduceable, or if there had been great presumptions of fraud adduced to clear, that it was contrived as a mere cheat against the Relict. But were clear, that if the Donation, was only of one particular thing made in liege poustie, it could not be quarrelled upon this Act. It may be doubted, if when the onerous Cause expressed, is not true, or if there be no onerous Cause, but that the Right granted, bear expressly, to be for love and favour. If in either of these cases, it be not lawful to the granter to astruct his Disposition, when quarrelled upon this Statute, by offering to prove, true and real onerous Causes, prior to the Debts whereupon the Reduction is founded. And first, it is without all doubt, that if the Right bear no Cause, the user may condescend upon, and offer to prove the true and onerous Cause. 2. I find it decided, that where the writ did bear only love, and favour, though granted by a Man to his own Wife; she was allowed to astruct it, by founding it upon her Contract of Marriage, and ascribing it to make up the defects of the Lands, provided to her by her said Contract. January 1669. La. Brae, contra Chisholm. 3. Where the Disposition did bear love and favour, and other onerous Causes: Either the receiver of the Disposition was admitted to astruct the Disposition, by proving an onerous Cause adequat to the worth of the Land. In the case Naper contra Ardmore; which Decision may be debated, for why was love and favour insert, if the Cause was adequat, and this was a great presumption of the fraud, especially in a Disposition by the Father to the Son, for though, utile per inutile non vitiatur. And that this might have proceeded ex stilo, yet in suspect cases, where it is known that narratives are much considered, these Arguments are but weak. 4. Where the writ bears an onerous Cause, and that the Cause can only not be proven. Then it seems reasonable that the person to whom it was granted, may astruct his right, by offering to prove that there were other sums justly resting to him. 5. If the Disposition bear an onerous Cause; but if it be proven expressly, that the Cause expressed is not true, but is caluminously, and fictitiously expressed: I would conclude, that the user should not be allowed to astruct another true Cause, and that in odium falsi, & calumniae: even as if the date of an execution, or other diligence, be found to be false; the user is not allowed to astruct the same, by condescending upon another true date, and abiding at it. Without true and Competent. THe Doctors also condescendes upon a third kind of Title, different from both a lucrative, and an one rous Title; and this they call a mixed Title, titulum mixtum, l. apud Celsumꝰ. authoris ff. de except doli. vid. Jason ad l. nemo potest ff. legate: and an instance of this is given in an Alienation made in defraud of Creditors, for less than the true price. And even in this case, Reduction is competent for the Creditor, prejudged, in so far as the price received is below the true value; and thus, l. 7. Basil. h. t. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, si in fraudem Creditorum meorum, minore praetio fundum vendidero, revocatur quod gestum est, etiam non reddito praetio, but since, licet contrahentibus in emptione & venditione se invicem decipere, and that we see prices of Land very different, every man taking his advantage. It may seem strange, why the Law should prejudge so far the Buyer in this: and I conceive, that except the price be palpably made so low, upon design to cheat Creditors, (any of the Creditors having offered more) or that it is extraordinary low in itself; such prices cannot be challenged. As if a chalder of Victual, worth truly 3000. Marks, were sold for 2000 Marks: But yet I think not that it behoved to be ultra dimidium, below the just half; for than it might have been reduced by the Civil Law upon another head, and so this Action had been unnecessar. Whether if any Debtor buy a hazard (jactum retis, as Lawyers call it) v. g. if he buy a woman's Liferent at seven years' purchase, and dispone his Land for the price: if he die the next year, may not I reduce that Disposition, as done to the prejudice of me a lawful Creditor; even as a Minor might reduce such a bargain, if made by his Tutors. To which I conceive it may be answered, that it cannot be quarrelled, if it was made in the ordinary way, and for the ordinary advantage, for which a man would have transacted it, if he had no Creditors, and if no design to defraud, can be shown: and here that maxim holds, fraus & eventum, & consilium requirit: nor are the lieges put in mala fide to Contract with Debtors in such cases. Without just. IT is not sufficient, that the price or cause be onerous, but it must be just; that is to say, a price which the Law allows; as for instance, if a man should lose a great sum at Game, and for payment of it, should dispone his Lands, that Disposition might be quarrelled as made without a just price, because the Law allows not the payment of what is gained at Game, if it exceed 100 Pounds Scots. And since the Law would not sustain Action for it, at the gainers instance against the Debtor who loosed it, much less should it sustain a Disposition for payment of it against the Creditors, and yet this may be said to be an onerous cause; for the loser hazarded as much of his own, against what he gained, and so this Game was but the return of his Money: and like to emptio jactus retis. And though it may be alleged, that by the 13. Act, 23. Pa. Ja. 6. The superplus of what is gained at Game above 100 Pound, be ordained to be consigned for the poor of the Parish. And so the Disposition made for payment of it, must accresse to them; and is still an onerous and necessary debt, quoad the loser, and consequently is not reduceable at the instance of his Creditors; yet I conceive that such a Disposition would be reduceable at their instance, as not made for a just cause, since it is made for a cause, upon which the Law would not allow Action. And the Civilians number, what is gained at Game, amongst lucrative causes, Bald. adl. i C. si quid in fraud Patron. And generally what is acquired unlawfully, is by them said to be acquired, titulo lucrativo, Jason hic num. 8. and thus Dispositions granted ob turpem causam, etc. may be said to be reduceable also upon this Statute, as granted without an just and onerous cause: according to them; as it is granted without a just cause, to speak in the terms of this Act. And I think, we speak more properly than the Civilians here, for what is gained at Game, rather wants a just cause, than an onerous cause. And necessary causes. DIspositions made to conjunct or confident persons may be quarrelled, though they be made for an just and onerous cause; if they be not made for an necessary cause. For it may be fraudulent, and be designed to prejudice Creditors, except the cause be necessary, though it be onerous. As for instance, if a conjnuct, or confident person, knowing that his Debtor intends to frustrate his Creditors, and to go out of the Country, and yet presuming that a Right granted for an onerous cause cannot be quarrelled, should so far comply with his fraudulent design, as to buy Land from him, and to pay him the price upon that design, such a transaction may appear to be fraudulent, and liable to be questioned upon thus Act; and these words of it, without true just and necessary causes. To have been from the beginning; and to be in all time coming, null, and of none avail, force, strength, or effect; by way of action, exception, or or reply, without any further Declarator. BY this Paragraph of the Statute, the nullity arising from this Statute, is reduceable by way of exception, as well as action, open exceptionis, as our Practic terms it: and this was introduced in favours of the Pursuer, who is leised by the fraud's, whose advantage it is to have his interest sustained to him any way, and so to have his diligence thus shortened. For the clearer understanding of these words, we must consider, that by the common Law, nullities are either such as are received ipso jure, or open exceptionis. That is said to be null, ipso jure, where the thing is declared null by any express Law, as this is by this Statute, quod contra legem fit, pro infecto habetur, & ipso jure nullum est. l. non dubium C. de legib: that was nullum ope exceptionis, which was not receiveable, except the nullity had been proponed, by him to whom it was competent. But in our Law nullum ipso jure, & nullum ope exceptionis, are the same, & termini convertibiles: and with us the opposition is betwixt nullum ope exceptionis, & actionis; the reason of which difference proceeds from the favour designed by the Law, quoad the form of procedure. For if any thing be null by way of exception, it is received summarily against the pursuit, without raising an Action of Reduction, or Declarator: but what is only null by way of Action, needs Process of Reduction, or Declarator. By the common Law, either a Penalty was not adjected to the prohibitory Law, but the thing was simpliciter prohibited, and these things were ipso jure null. But if the Law proceeded further, and adjected a Penalty; then either the Penalty was adjected to the annulling of the deed: and then the deed whereby the Law was contraveened, and the Penalty, was both due, or else the deed was declared null, but so that it was some way allowed to subsist, but a remedy was appointed, and then it was not null ipso jure, but was reduceable by the way appointed; according to the principles of the common Law, this nullity was receiveable ipso jure, for quod contra legem fit, id ipso jure nullum est. But so it is that this alienation in defraud of Credirors, was declared null by the Law, and by this Statute being declared null, that nullity should be receivable open exceptionis. and yet by our practice the nullity arising from this Act, is ofttimes received only by way of Reduction, whereby the Lords have receded from the express words of the Law; and the only reason I can give for for it, is, that the Author or Disponer must be called to maintain his Right; which could not be if the nullity were receiveable open exceptionis: and if the Disponer were called, he might eleid the the pursuit, by alleging that the Debt, to the prejudice of which his Right was said to be granted, was paid, or discharged, or became extinct by compensation; neither of which could be known to the receiver. And yet I find in some cases, this nullity receivable, open exceptioviss, v. g. If the right bear, to be for love and favour; for here there needs no Probation that it is fraudulent, and it is a principle, that where the nullity is founded upon Law, and the subsumption is instantly verified, that ●o casu the nullity is receiveable open exceptionis. And in my humble opinion, where ever the fraud can be instantly verified, it ought to be received, open exceptionis, and the former and ordinary reason, viz. That the Disponer should be called, because he may allege the debt to be paid, seems not to be good, because that nullity is not competent to be proponed by way of exception, but where there is a competition betwixt the Creditor, and confident Persons, both pretending right to the Lands and others Disponed, which cannot be but where the Creditor has comprised; and though before comprysing, the Creditor ought to cite the Disponer in his Reduction, which is processus executivus, and previous to, and in order to execution by comprysing: yet after ultimat exeecution by comprysing, it is not necessary the Debtor should be cited upon that pretence, that he may question the Debt as satisfied. 2. I find that Dispositions of Movables, have been found null by way exception, though nullities of heritable Rights are not found thursdays, without Reduction or Declarator, and thus it was decided, 16. June, 1671. Bower contra the Lady Coupar: The reason of which distinction must proceed from this, viz. that mobilium vilis est possessio, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the Greek calls it, and therefore the Law requires not so much solemnity to their constitution, nor destitution, or revocation. 3. I find, that where the Right quarrelled, is parvi momenti, the Lords admit the nullity to be receiveable, open exceptionis, 5 January, 1669. But here the parties were poor, which I find they do also in nullities ex capite inhibitionis etc. in small matters, and betwixt poor parties, nam de minimis non curat lex, & deminimis summary jus dicit pr●tor. Since there the subject matter is not able to bear large expenses. 4. I have observed, that where the nullities did arise incidenter from another pursuit, depending, that there it was received, open exceptionis, lest the other Process should sister, as was found in the case Haliburton contra Morison. Where a Reduction being intented at Haliburtons' instance of Morisons Right, ex capite inhibitionis, it was alleged that Morisons Disposition depended upon a Right prior to the Inhibition. To which it was replied, that that Right was null by the Act 1621. Upon which debate the Lords sustained the quarrelling of this Right, by way of reply. But I should rather think, that where the Right is betwixt most confident persons, such as Father and Son, that eo casu the nullity should be receivable by way of exception, both because the cheat is easiest, and most unfavourable: and because the Father, or very near Friend, might have made all concur willingly to defend the Right, without the necessity of being called, which is the reason why Reductions are so necessary in other cases. And in case any of His Majesty's good Subjects (no way partakers of the Fraud) have lawfully purchased any of the Bankrupts Lands, for a just and competent Price, etc. IT is much debated amongst the Doctors, if Actio pauliana be Actio realis, or not. The Gloss and some Interpreters assert it to be only a personal Action: and they conclude so, because the Possessor of what is alienated in defraud of Creditors, is not liable to this Action, except he be particeps fraudis, or else have acquired the thing so alienated without any onerous Cause, that it is not the possession, but the deed of the possessor that is considered. Our Law agrees in this with the Civil Law, for by this Paragraph it is Statute, that all who have acquired the thing alienated in defraud of Creditors, shall not be liable to this Reduction, but such only as are partakers of the fraud, and have not paid a just price to the interposed Person. As for instance, one dispons his Estate to his other Brother, without any onerous Cause, which Brother Dispons it again to a Stranger who knew nothing of the Fraud; and who pays a just and adaequat price for it. In which case, a priorlawful Creditor, may reduce the first alienation made to the Brother, but he cannot reduce that alley nation that is made by the Brother to the Stranger: And yet if that Stranger did either know that the first conveyance was fraudulent (which the Act calls the being partaker of the fraud) or if he paid not an adequat price, then and in either of these cases, the Creditor may reduce even the Disposition made to the Stranger; he is said to be partaker of the Fraud, to whom it was intimate by the Creditor, that he should not buy, l. ait praetor ff. hoc tit, which is founded upon excellent reasons, and would certainly hold in our Law; though I remember not that it is already so decided. For this intimation would take away the bona sides, upon which the privilege granted by this Act to singular Successors is founded. But the third party's knowledge, that it was to the behoove of the Bankrupt, or of the confident, is still sufficient to take from him the benefit of his Clause; which being granted, because of the third parties bonafides, cannot reach to such, whose knowledge put them in mala side, as was found 22 January, 1669. Hamiltoun contra Hamiltoun, and the Viscount of Frendricht. As also, if the Disposition made to the first receiver, whom this Act calls the interposed Person, did bear love and favour, and was made to a confident Person; in that case, the Right is reduceable. For in that case, the third Person buying aught, to have known the nullity, & scire, & scire debere equiparantur; and this was found in the Reduction of a Tack, 1672. Hay contra Jamison. Though that Tack had past thorough many hands, and to singular successors, who had acquired their Rights for onerous Causes. I have heard it debated, that though a third Person, who acquires a Right from the Person interposed, for an onerous Cause, be not liable to this Action; yet a compryser, comprysing this Right from the interposed Person, had no such privilege. As for instance, a Right made by one Brother to another without an onerous Cause, is reduceable; and therefore if one of the Creditors of that Brother, to whom the Right was made, should comprise the Right so made to him: It was alleged, that as this Right would have been reduceable in the Person of the first acquirer, if it had continued with him; so it would have been reduceable from the Compryser; and that for these reasons, 1. A Compryser compryses only, omne jus quod in debitore erat, tantum, & tale: and therefore since it was reduceable in his Debtors Person, it ought to be so in his, even as it had been reduceable from his Creditor, ex capite inhibitionis, aut interdictionis, etc. 2. The express words of the privilege, given by this Paragraph, does not meet this case, for the words run thus; if any of His Majesty's good Subjects, shall by lawful bargains purchase. But so it is, that he who compryses, cannot be said to purchase by way of bargain; but though a comprysing be a legal Disposition, and Assignation, yet it is a sale by the Judge, and not a purchase, or Contract amongst the parties. 3. This case seems not to fall under the reason of the Act; for the Act privileges such, as having a good security, do in contemplation of that Right (which for aught they can know, is sufficient) lay out their money; and so follow the faith of that Right in the first constitution of their Debt. But the Compryser lent his money to his Debtor, without showing that he relied upon the Right now quarrelled, but finding thereafter that he could not recover his Debt, he comprised any thing he could find. 4. If this were allowed, it would open a wide door to fraud; for Rights might be made to confident persons, and then might be comprysed; which any Creditor might be induced to, whereas few would adventure to buy originally these Rights, as said is. This case was debated in July, 1666. betwixt Jack and Jack, but was not decided: and it did divide the opinions of very able Lawyers. It may be doubted also, whether the receiver of the Right from the interposed Person, knew not that the Right was fraudulent the time of the alienation, but knew before he received the thing sold, that the first alienation was fraudulent, whether this Right be reduceable or not. And it seems that if he knew either the time of the Vendition, or Tradition, that the Right was fraudulent, that he is particeps fraudis, and ought not to have the benefit of this exception; for traditionibus, & non venditionibus, transferuntur rerum dominia, and so he cannot be said to purchase a Right, bona side, who knew before Tradition, the fault of the Right Disponed, and he might have kept the price in his own hand till▪ Tradition, and so needed not have been prejudged. Likeas, it is a principle in Law, that bona sides requiritur in emptionibus; & tempore contractus, & tempore factae traditionis, l. 2. ff. pro empt. & l. Fin. ff. pro solut. Though the Doctors give as a rule that such alienations are reduceable, as are made without an onerous cause, and where the receiver is particeps fraudis: Yet they except two cases from this Rule, First, deeds done in favours of the Fisk, or of a City, or Incorporation, which they declare reduceable, though the receiver was not particeps fraudis, l. 2. C. de debitore Civitatis. But I think this most unreasonable; nor would it hold in our Law: for as the Act makes no exception in favours of the ●isk, so in dubio, semper contra siscum respondendum. And since this third party is only privileged, because of his bona sides, I see not why he should be prejudged by the Mala sides of his Author: or why he should lose his privilege where he can allege his bona fides. The second exception is in favours of a Patron, who might revock the Goods sold, though the Buyer was not particeps fraudis. l. 1. ff. si quis in fraudem patro: But in that case he was liable to pay the price, ibid. we have no use for this in our Law. And yet by our Law, Masters have no such a tacita hypotheca, in the Farms that grew upon their own Ground, that they may reduce any Disposition made thereof, even to a Buyer who was not particeps fraudis. So favourable likewise are singular successors, who are not particepes fraudis; that a Tack being craved, to be reduced ex capite fraudis, as granted and delivered Blank quoad the issue or▪ endurance, and in the Blank, eighth years being filled in: Whereas ninteen years were only communed upon; this was found relevant to reduce the Tack quoad the Tacks-man, who had acquired Right to the Tack for but not quoad a singular Successor, for an onerous cause, without being particeps fraudis. First Decem. 1671. Crichtoun contra Crichtoun and Hannans: and a Disposition being craved to be reduced, as granted by a person who was only a trusty, having given a Back-band; the Disposition, though made as said is, to a singular Successor, was found to be reduceable, if the Right was made without an onerous cause; or that the singular Successor knew of the Disponers Back-band; though it was but a personal obligement, and not in gremio juris; and consequently could not in Law have otherwise affected a singular Successor. 20 Novem▪ 1672. George Workman contra John Crafurd. And it has been often found in our Law, that though gifts of Escheat, taken to defraud Creditors▪ be reduceable in the persons of such as took them; yet they are sustained, when established by assignations in singular Successors, no ways partakers of the fraud: And an Assignay is not in Law obliedged to suffer his Cedent to swear in his prejudice, if his Assignation be made for an onerous cause; but if either the Assignation be granted without an onerous cause or be made upon design to preclude the Debtors from these just remedies: than whatever is competent against the Cedent, is competent against the Assignay; so that we may establish this general rule, viz. particepes fraudis, have never the privileges competent to singular Successors. If the Disposition has been made by the interposed person, for payment of a price, but the price is not equivalent to the thing sold, then in so far as the thing exceeds the price, the Disposition will be reduced, but it will stand in quantum; it exceeds even as a Disposition made to a conjunct person, will be valid in so far as it is onerous, for in either of these cases is the Disposition absolutely revockable. But either the conjunct person in the one case, or the singular Successor in the other, will be obliedged to make up the true and just price, as was found in the former case, Henderson contra Henderson, and the 12. Janu. 1632. Skeen contra Betson, which is likewise more fully clear by these words of the Act, viz. providing always, that so much of the said's Lands, Goods or Prices thereof, so trusted by Bankrupts to interposed persons, as hath been really paid, shall be allowed unto them, they making the rest forthcoming to the remnant Creditors: and the reason of this is, because the Law did not absolutely oppose the alienation; but only did reprobate it, in so far as it was done to the prejudice of Creditors. And therefore, the Law resolving not to pursue its revenge, further than its design, did reasonably ordain, that these Dispositions made in defraud of Creditors, should only be quarrelable, in so far as the price was not equivalent. This is likewise fit for Commerce; which is never restrained in so far as is absolutely necessary: and this is very suitable to the Analogy of Law in other cases; for thus, according to the common Law, he who had taken an obligation for more Annualrents than the Law allowed, did not thereby loose all his own Annualrents, but only loosed them in so far as they exceeded the quota prescrived by Law, l. Placuit ff. de usuris. And a Donation bearing a greater sum than the Law allowed, when the Donation was not insinuated or Registrated, did not lose the whole, but only quatenus superat definitionem legis l. sancimus, C. de donat. And in our Law, though it be by express statute appointed, that Tacks set by inferior beneficed persons, without the consent of the Patron, for longer than three years, shall be null; yet quoad these three years they are still sustained, and are not annuled in totum. And albeit by another Statute, all Bands and other Writs not subscribed by the party, or two Nottars for him, be declared null, if exceeding one hundred Pounds. Yet though granted for a greater sum, it will be valid, if he to whom it was granted restrict it to an hundred Pounds: And though Witnesses can prove nothing above an hundred Pounds; yet though the sum craved be greater, the pursuit will be sustained to be proven pro ut de jure, if restricted to an hundred Pounds. And yet I confess; that these Arguments from Analogy, do not in this absolutely hold, for in several of these instances, the deeds specified habent individuam, formam, prescribed to them by the Law, & ubi actus est individuus, ratione formae, ea non servata, actus omnino corruit, & utile per inutile vitiatur. But the Arguments taken from Donations, & ab usuris quadrat with this case or at least the Argument ab usuris does. But the receiver of the Price shall be holden to make the same forthcoming to the Bankrupts true Creditors, for payment of their lawful Debts. THough the interposed Person be particeps fraudis, yet he is not by the Act, liable to restore the Land, or others disponed to him simply, or the price thereof, if he has disponed, the same to a third Person: But there will be deduced, or allowed to him, so much either of the Land, or price, as he has given, or paid to lawful Creditors: and the superplus is to be forthcoming to the other Creditors, who wants their due payment; and that not without new diligence, by these who have reduced the Right granted to the interposed Person, by Arrestment, or otherwise. But if the Creditor who has prevailed in the Reduction, had not done diligence to affect the Land, or price, in the hands of the interposed Person, either by Comprysing, or Arrestment, he must notwithstanding the Decret of Reduction, affect the same: Otherwise, other Creditors doing diligence, will be preferable, seeing Reductions do not settle a Right upon the Creditors to their Debtors Estate, but they only sweep away such fraudulent Rights, as may stand in the way of their diligence, and execution; and hinder them thereby to get a Right to the Debtors Estate. And it shall be sufficient probation of the Fraud intended against the Creditors, if they, or either of them, shall be able to verify by Writ, or Oath of the party receiver, that the same was made without any true Cause, etc. FOr clearing of these words, it is fit to know, that the word Fraud, is variously used by Lawyers; it is taken pro poena capitali, l. eum autem ff. de Aedilit edict. pro periculo alicujus in commodi, l. 1. ff. ad l. falcid pro impostura, l. aliud est fraus ff. de reg. jur. pro privatione juris l. 2. ff. de his quae intest delen: But here, Fraud signifies the prejudice arising to the Creditors by unlawful alienations. And even in the Civil Law, it was taken sometimes pro damno pecuniario. l. is ff quae in fraud credit. And he is said to de fraud his Creditor, who prejudges him by that Alienation, without necessity of proving any previous design of cheating; for that design being a secret and latent Act of the mind, the Law which designed mainly the indemnity of the Creditor, would not burden him with so narrow, and difficult a Probation. But presumptione juris, & de jure, concluded that Alienation to be made in defraud of Creditors, which wanted an onerous Cause: and this is fraus in re, though not in consilio. And Lawyers have well distinguished, fraudem in re, a fraud in consilio, Accurs. ad §. in fraud just. quib. ex cause. manum. which is suitable to the distinction used by the Law itself, in the Title, de dolo. inter dolum ex proposito, & dolum ex re ipsa: for fraus, & dolus, differ only, as genus, & species. ●raus being more general than dolus, as is fully proved by Bargalius, de dolo lib. 5. c. 4. But albeit the Civil Law makes Alienations in conjunctam personam, to be only sufficient probation, si aleae presumptiones concurrant, l. si quis C. de bon. damnat. Burgal, de dol. c. 8. l. 5. num. 43. Yet our Law makes the want of an onerous Cause, per se, though nothing concur, to be a sufficient probation of the Fraud, against a conjunct, or confident Person. And albeit by the Civil Law, fraus, & eventum, & consilium desidera●. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Basil. l. 15. h. t. Yet our Law requires only fraudem ex eventu, without considering whether there was fraus in consilio; for albeit he who received the Disposition, knew not that the Disponer had Debt, or Creditors: Yet if the Estate of the Disponer was not able to pay his Debt, our Law will reduce that Disposition, if made without an onerous Cause; which is also expressly contrair to l. 6. §. 4. basil. h. tit. quae in fraud. cred. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. What probation shall be sufficient in Reductions, upon this Statute, is determined by this Paragraph; and though the Statute appoint the probation to be by the oath of the party receiver, or by writ, bearing no onerous Cause, or bearing to be for love and favour; yet the practies has in this point so varied, that it will be fit to reduce our present decisions into these conclusions. 1. Narratives, bearing the Disposition to be for true and onerous Causes, being but the assertion of the party granter, does not prove the Cause to be onerous; else it would be very easy to elude the Act. 2. Though the Narrative does not prove for the granter, yet it proves against him, nam verba narrativa, as Craig observes, pag. 145. licet sepe falsis sima probant tamen contra proferentem. And therefore, if the Disposition quarrelled, be made to a conjunct Person, and bear to be made for love and favour, it will be reduced, that though the Person to whom it is granted, should offer to prove the onerous Cause, as was found in the case Stewart contra Graham, nothing can prove better the design of the parties, than a writ under their own hands; for as this cannot fail, so if the receiver should be allowed to lead a subsequent Probation, for proving the onerous Cause, contrair to the writ produced, it is very probable, that he might use indirect means for proving the said onerous Cause, and this might both disappoint the Creditors, and open a door to Perjury; & sibi imputet, the pursuer who accepted of a writ, bearing such an Narrative. 3. A Right made by very conjunct Persons, such as Father and Son, are made to Persons against whom there lies a presumption of Fraud, either because of the relation, or because the receiver had no visible Estate, wherewith to acquire ex titulo oneroso, the Right disponed in that case, though the Right bear an onerous Cause: Yet the receiver must prove the onerous Cause, otherwise then by the Narrative. 4. If the Disposition bear, that the same was made for satisfying of Debts, owing by the Disponer, or for satisfying a Debt owing to the Receiver: he must prove the onerous Cause; as was found 23. March 1624. Duff contra Cullodin, though the Disposition there, was made only to a Brother in law, and the reason of this seems to be, because if there was any antecedent Debt, that Debt may be easily proven; and the Lords have proceeded, so far according to the presumptions of Fraud, which have appeared, that where Bonds have been produced, proving the Disponer to be Debtor, prior to the Disposition; they have yet ordained the onerous Causes of these Bonds to be proven. Because if confident persons design to cheat their Creditors, they may as easily grant Bonds bearing borrowed Money: and then Dispositions for payment of these Bonds; as they may simply grant Dispositions bearing onerous Causes. And as a Minors Disposition would not be found proven to be for an onerous Cause, though granted for payment of a preceding Bond, so neither should a Disposition granted by a Bankrupt; for a Bankrupt is as prone to cheat, as a Minor is to be cheated. And therefore, if the presumptions of fraud be very strong, they will ordain the party receiver to instruct the onerous cause, even of the preceding Bond, by the parties who received, and the Witnesses who were present; or else will ordain the concealed Bands to be produced, or at least the party receiver to depon thereupon, as was found, December 1671, Duff contra Brown, and December 1773. campbel against campbel. In which last case, a woman being Creditrix by her Contract of Marriage, as being provided to the half of the Movables which should pertain to her Husband, the time of his Death, and to 200. Marks out of the other half, pursued Reduction of a Disposition made to her Husband's Brother of his Movables, who defending himself by a Disposition, made for an onerous cause, viz. A Bond granted by his Brother to him, it was urged, that the Brother to whom the Disposition was made, should prove the onerous cause of that Bond, for though the Bond bore onerous causes, yet it is easy by such Bonds to cheat Creditors. And it was presumeable in this case, that the Bond was not granted for an onerous cause, since payment of Annualrent and Execution was deferred till the granters death. Notwithstanding of which presumption, the Lords allowed the receiver to give his Oath upon the onerous cause▪ especially seeing it was ordinar for Brothers to spare their Brothers, both as to Annualrent, and as to Execution: And much more when the Brother who granted the Bond was sick, and would die shortly in all humane probability. Nor did they think fit to burden the receiver with other Probation of the onerous cause, since the Disposition bore to be for onerous causes, and the Bond was produced, bearing to be for onerous causes also. So that to require a higher Probation backward, was dare progressum in infinitum. And it was well known that Brothers have such private Transactions, Trusts, and Lend, that they pay and receive Money, to, and from one another, without Witnesses. 5. When Bands are granted to Trafficqueing Merchants, who are Brothers in Law, or such Relations as are known to be men of integrity; it is hard to put them to prove the onerous cause, otherwise then by their Oath, for Merchants and others use to adhibite Witnesses to all their Bargains, and in many cases they cannot have Witnesses to their Bargains, being made abroad, and in Remote Countries; and to tie them not to make Bargains with their near Relations (with whom ordinarily they enter into Societies) were to ruin all Commerce. And though Movables use to be Disponed without Writ, nor does the Law require any Writ to their transmission; yet in the former case of Anderson, the Lords forced him to prove the onerous cause of his Disposition to Howats Movables, though he alleged that he could be in a worse condition by his having a Disposition, than he would have been without it: but so it is, that his Right to Movables would have been sufficient without Writ; but here there was a Disposition, but where there is no Disposition, it were hard to reduce a Right made to Movables, because I could not prove the onerous cause. As for instance, if I bought a horse, and paid the Money, no Creditor of the Sellers could force me to prove the price to be paid. 6. Sometimes the Lords use to suffer the receiver, to astruct the onerousnesse of the causes, by one or more Witnesses, and to give their Oaths in Supplement, and according as the relation is remote, or the presumption of the receivers honesty strong, they lessen the necessity of the strong adminicles. And thus the 5. July 1673. In the case of Margaret Home contra Smith, they sustained one Witness, deponing that he was Witness to such a Bond, and that he heard the granter of the Bond acknowledge that he was Debtor, to be sufficient adminicles, being joined to the Defenders Oath of Supplement. And in the case above cited, 18. November 1669. anderson's Disposition being quarrelled, as being omnium bonorum, and for a false cause, a great part of the sum for which it was granted, being paid before the Disposition; yet the Lords sustained the Disposition in swae far, as it was granted for Sums owing before the Disposition, to be proven by the Oath of Anderson himself, and of the persons to whom the Money was paid, and for what Sums were paid before diligence at the pursuers instance, though after the Disposition, to be also proven by the Oath of the common Debtors, and of these to whom the Debts were paid: And yet where the Disposition did bear, to be not in general for payment of the granters Debts, but particularly for payment of the Debts after specified, and some of the Debts being filled up with new and different Ink, the Lords would not allow these Debts, except the Defender would offer to prove, that these Debts were filled up before the pursuer did diligence as a Creditor, after which time, there being jus quesitum to him by his diligence, as no Disposition could have been made to his prejudice, so neither could he be prejudged by filling up other Creditors names, than these contained in the first Disposition; for else it were easy to cheat all Creditors by such Blanks. And yet here it was offered to be proven, that it was communed expressly, at the very time of the granting of the Disposition, that these Debts should be paid which was alleged to be sufficient, being proponed in fortification of the Disposition, which was prior to the Creditors diligence, 15. January, 1670. Lady Lucy Hamilton, against the Laird of Dunlap, and others. These remarks may reconcile the contrair Decisions that are to be found upon this head, such as the 22. January, 1630. Pringle contra Mr. Mark Ker. Wherein the Lords found no necessity to burden the Pursuer, that he should prove a true and onerous cause, otherwise then by his own Oath, because as is there observed, when parties borrow Money or Contract mutually, there is no other way to prove the borrowing or Contracting, but by the Writ then made and found expressly, that this was not a Negative which proves itself. And yet upon the 12. February, 1622. It was found that this part of the Act of Parliament: was a Negative, and proved itself. It seems likewise, that if the party who made the Right, was not able to pay the Debt otherwise, that then the Probation should be so much the stricter: And though the Oath of the receiver should not be taken as a full Probation; yet if the receiver of the Disposition have in any former pursuit, been forced to depon upon the onerousness of the Cause, that Oath ought to purge any presumption of fraud; for though that pursuit should not bind any other than the persons who were Pursuer or Defender there, as what was inter alios acta, quae aliis non nocet, yet the receiver having been put to swear, aught to have this advantage also, as he had that trouble. And that Oath being upon the same subject-matter, it ought to be still much respected; especially since this Oath is only required to clear the Judge, as to the truth of the Debt, and as to the onerousness of the Cause. Whether a Disposition procured by a Tutor to his Pupil may be quarrelled, as granted in defraud of lawful Creditors, and how the fraud may be proved, in that case may be doubted, for it may seem, that no man's Right can be taken away, without some Act of his own, and the Tutor's Oath cannot prejudge his Pupil, for a Tutor may make his Pupils condition better, but cannot make it worse. And yet there may be two distinct cases considered here, one is, if the Disposition be granted without an onerous Cause; and there is no doubt but such Dispositions may be quarrelled, for if the Minor cannot instruct an onerous Cause, his Disposition is null; and there should be no difference as to this, betwixt Majors and Minors: And in this sense is to be understood, l. 6. §. 10. h. t. Si quod cum pupillo gestem est, in fraudem creditorum, Labe● art, omnino revocandum esse quia pupilli ignorantia non debet esse captiosa creditoribus, & ipsi lucrosa, which agrees with l. 6. §. 6. Basil. h. t. though it be the more general 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. The second case is, when the Tutor paid a Price in the Pupils name, but knew it was granted to defraud the Disponners Creditors, it seems that though a Tutor cannot depone upon Rights not acquired by the Tutor himself, yet in Rights acquired by himself he may depone, and his Oath acknowledging the the fraud should annul the Pupils Right acquired by his Tutor, for quem sequitur commodum, eum sequi debit incommodum: and that there is no reason the poor Creditors should be prejudged by inserting the Pupils name, but he ought to pursue his Tutor. But yet I incline rather to think, that if any Tutor knowing that such a Debtor was to defraud his Creditors, did lend out my Money to buy Land in my name; that though his being partaker of the fraud might have annulled this Right, if it remained in his own person, yet his fraud being merely personal, cannot prejudge me who was innocent, no more, then if my Factor should collude with such a Debtor, would his collusion prejudge me. And so neither of their Oaths can prove against me, for their fraud is not relevant against me, except in so far as I have received advantage by the fraud of my Tutor, or Factor: In which case, deeds either done by the Minors self, or by his Tutor, are reduceable at the instance of lawful Creditors. l. 10. S. 3. Basil. h. t. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉▪ But if Minors sell any Lands in defraud of their Creditors, then if they sell without the consent of their Tutors or Curators, the alienation will be ipso jure null, and so needs not be reduced: But if the Disposition was made with the consent of Tutors and Curators, though it be reduceable upon minority and Laesion, yet the Minors Creditors cannot raise a Reduction, ex hoc▪ captic, for that reason is personal, nec egreditur personam minoris; but the Creditor in this case must comprise the Right or action competent to the Minor, and as having Right to the Action in manner forsaid, he may reduce the deeds done by the Minor. Whether a Defender in their Reductions ex capite fraudis, may be forced to depone whether he was particeps fraudis; my be doubted, and it appears that he cannot, for he being partaker of the fraud, by this Statute diffames all such as are guilty of it. And by our Law, no man is obliged jurare in suam turpitudinem. But yet I find, that the Lords have, ex nobili officio, obliegeded parties to be examined upon their accession to such contrivances, 7 Febr. 1673. Dame Elisabeth Burnet contra Sir Alexander Fraser. And even in Improbations, they examine, ex officio, the parties who are alleged to be Authors; though the hazard be greater there, then in their Reductions. And seeing reasons of circumvention are referred to Oath, why may not the being partaker of the Fraud, be referred to Oath? if the Lords, and His Majesty's Advocate, declare, that the deponers Oath shall not infer, infamiam juris, against him, which is a Criminal punishment; without which be secured to him, I conceive he is not obliged to depone. It may seem, that the Action of Reduction, founded upon this Act, against such as are partakers of the Fraud, should not prescrive, because this is a cheat which the Law ought not to maintain, nor assist, and this should no more prescrive, then actio falsi does; whereof this cheat seems but a branch, or which at least, it does much resemble. And by the Cannon Law (which as Craig observes, we prefer to the Civil Law in Scotland, where matters of Conscience are considered) he who is in mala fide, cannot prescrive, 6. sin. de prescript. And to allow the partaker of the Fraud a security of prescription, were to tempt him to cheat. Notwithstanding▪ of all which, certainly all actions upon this Act would prescrive: for neither our Act 28. Par. 5. I. 3. Which appoints the prescription of movable Rights, nor the Act 1617. Which introduced prescription in heritable Rights, makes any exception in favours of this Action. And our Law being desireous to secure all Persons in general, has drawn these Acts very comprehensively, & sibi imputent, such as are prejudged, who suffered so much time to elapse without diligence. Likeas the Civil Law, which considered malae fidei possessores, with a very unfavourable eye, does allow the benefit of even 30 years' prescription, mal● fidei possessori, for the same reason, as is clear, C. de. prescript. 30. & 40. annor. And the same is observed in France, Guid. Pap. quest. 199. And though we observe the Cannon Law, in case of Marriage, Teinds and such like, which are somewhat Ecclesiastical by their own nature; yet in prescriptions which had their original from the Civil Law, we follow the dictates of that excellent Law. Or the most part of the Price thereof was converted, or to be converted, to the Bankrupts profit and use. ANother presumption of the fraudulent Disposition of the Bankrupts Estate, is, if the price of the Debtors Estate was converted, or to be converted to the Debtors own use, and profit. And this proceeds upon the same reason, whereby the Rebels Escheat is declared null, if he be suffered to remain in Possession, Act 145. Par. 12. Ja. 6. And as by that Act, the suffering the Rebel's Wife or Bairns to remain in Possession, is equivalent, as if the Rebel himself remained in Possession; so if it can be proven, that the price of the Debtors Land was applied to the behoof of his Wife, and Children; I conceive it is equivalent, as if it were converted to his own behoof, though this Act do not expressly beat it. Upon this part of this Act, arose lately the ensuing debate; Hermistoun being obliged to pay the Lord Sinclar 8000 marks as an Annuity, and for his Aliment: This oblidgement was assigned to John Watt, and was by him transferred to George Cockburn, who did pay several Debts for my Lord, but finding that his payment, might thereafter be challenged by my Lords Creditors, as made in prejudice of them who were prior Creditors, he did take the gift of my Lord's Escheat, and gave a back-bond to the Exchequer, wherein he obliged him to count at the sight of the Exchequer, for the superplus that exceeded the payment of the Debt truly paid, or to be paid by him, for my Lord. The Creditors having quarrelled those payments upon this act, 1621. as made to their prejudice, because though it was free to the Exchequer, to gift my Lord's Escheat, and to burden it with any back-bond, yet this gift was granted truly to George, in contemplation of his former Right; which former Right was null, as made to defraud them, and for the use of their Debtor; and the Right made to him was null by this clause, of this Statute, by which all Rights made to any Person, are presumed fraudulent, if the price be converted to the behoof of the Debtor: and if this were allowed, poor Creditors might soon be cheated by so easy contriveances. And though His Majesty may prefer a Donator to the true Creditor, where that is chiefly designed by His Majesty, yet where the gift is taken only by a Person who had formerly defrauded Creditors, merely to pallial the fraud, in that case, the gift laborat eodam vitio, being also taken for the behoof of the Debtors, and so is null by the former Act 145. Par. 12. Ja. 6. But this was repelled, because the Lords found, that whatever might be said against the former Right, upon this Statute, yet the gift of Escheat did sufficiently defend him, for since any Superior might allow an aliment to his Vassal, being Rebel, and might grant his liferent Escheat for that effect, why should not this liberty be allowed to the King, 3. December, 1674. But if this gift had not interveened, it seems uncontraverted, that the obliegment to pay Sinclars Debts, though undertaken prior to any Action at the Creditors instance, was not sufficient to defend the undertaker against prior Creditors, for the Right being at first quarrelable at their instance, as done in defraud of them; it being a Right made for the behoof of the Debtor: it could not thereafter convalesce, by▪ undertaking the Debtors debts. For it was all one to pay the Money to Sinclars Debtors, as it would have been to have paid it to himself. And if the Money had been paid to my Lord, to the end he might have paid them, the payment might without doubt have been quarrelable. And yet a deed once quarrelable may thereafter convalesce, if their was no Fraud in the first contriveance, v. g. If an Uncle should Dispone his Estate to his Nephew, who knew not of his being insolvent, this Right might be Reduced upon this Statute. And yet if thereafter, the Nephew should bonafide undertake the Uncle's debts, before any diligences done by the Creditors, his Disposition would be sustained in so far as true Payment was made. They making the rest forthcoming to the remnant Creditors who want their due payment. SInce by this Act, the Disposition made by a Bankrupt to one who was partaker of the Fraud, is reduceable▪ so that the buyer will be forced to quite the Land, or thing bought fraudulently to the Bankrupts true Creditor: It may be doubted, whether the buyer, though partaker of the fraud, will get repetition of the price truly paid by him, from the Bankrupt to whom he paid it. And it may be argued, that he would not, because first, the Law never authorises, nor lends its assistance, to recover what is due by fraudulent, and unworthy obligations, for there is behoved to be the Minister of Iniquity, and to serve Vice in a mean, and sordid way, & ubi dantis, & accipientis turpitudo versatur, cessat repititio. l. 2. ff. de condict. ob. turp. cause. 20. The buyer in this case cannot complain of the Law, since he knew the hazard, and yet run upon it. 3. This were to invite men to commit cheats; whereas to deny them action of repartition upon the eveiction, were a ready mean to deter them, since the hazard would be so great. 4. This may be further clear, l. 1. C. de prescr. 30. annor. & l. high qui C. de rescind. vend. & l. fin. C. de litig. & l. si fundum sciens. C, de evict. & l. 25. Basil. de reb. auth. jud. possidend. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. But yet the contrair, viz that the fraudulent buyer ought not to have repartition from the Bankrupt Seller; may be urged by these reasons, First, Crimes and Frauds are extinguished by mutual compensation, and therefore, since as the Buyer would have had an action of eviction, if no fraud had interveened, so ought he to have the same action where the fraud is mutual, for there it is in the same condition, as if had never been; for it is extinguished, l. viro. ff. solut. matr. 2. If the Seller should not be obliged to restore the price, he should gain by his own cheat, for his Creditors would be paid, by prevailing against the buyer, and he would retain the price. 3. Where the buyer and seller are in the same condition, his condition is most favoured by the Law, who seeks only to secure himself against loss; in pari casu melior est conditio ejus qui certat de damno vitando, l. non debet ff. de reg. jur. And this is also clear, per l. 3. C. de his qui vi metusve cause. & l. sin. C. Common: the legate. I would rather perhaps incline to think, that because both have offended, therefore both should be punished; the one by being obliged to refound the price received, and the other by not get in git, though refounded: But that he should see it confiscated by public authority, like the Legacies left to unworthy Persons, who are uncapable of them; for these remain not with the Testator, nor yet go to the Legator, but fiunt caduca, and belong to the Fisk. It may be here doubted, if in these Reductions, the defender who is to restore what is disponed to him, will be obliged to restore the fruits of the thing sold, and whether he will be obliged to restore them from the date of the sentence, or from the time of Litiscontestation, or from the Citation. The Civil Law l. 25. §. 4. F. h. t. ordains not only the thing itself to be restored, but the fruits which were upon the ground at the time of the alienation, and these which were reaped after the action was intented, non solum autem rem ipsam restitui oportet, verum & fructus qui alienationis tempore terrae eohaerent, quia sunt in bonis fraudatoris. Item eos, qui post judicium inchoatum recepti sunt medio autem tempore preceptos in restitutionem non venire. But the Basilicks differ somewhat, for they say, qui post litem contestatem percepti sunt. As Fabrot translates them, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. But these may be reconciled, because though in our Law, Litiscontestation is only made by the decision of the points in jure, and the assigning a day to either party to prove, whereupon an Act is extracted: yet by the Civil Law, Litiscontestation was made how soon the Defender denied the thing craved, and so judicium inchoatum differed little with them, from Litiscontestation. Our Senate observe as a general rule in all Reductions, to decern fruits to be restored from the time that the possessor knew that his Right was not valid: and therefore when it was palpably unjust, they use to decern from the date of the citation, but not from the citation upon the first Summons, because these are but indorsations, where Copies are seldom truly given, and so the Defender could not thereby be put in mala fide. This was so decided, Howison contra Grace, February 1672. And yet this seems to authorise the belief that citations upon first Summons may be false, whereas since the Law commands them, it ought to believe them, and so punish the forgers, rather than discredit the form. If the nullity depend upon a debateable point, they decern from the Litiscontestation, because that nullity was not clear till then, v. g. if a Disposition were quarrelled as made to a Brother in Law, and he alleged that the Act extends not to Brothers in Law, if the Lords found the Statute to extend to Brothers in Law, eo casu, if it were referred to the Defenders Oath; the Lords use to decern from the Litiscontestation; because after that the Defender could not doubt of the nullity of his own Right, though before he might have doubted. But if the nullity depend upon extrinsic probation, which the Defender could not know before sentence; as for instance, if it should be denied by Act of Litiscontestation, that the Debtor became, and was insolvent; the Defender could not be in malafide till this were found proven, and so ought not to be liable in fructus, till sentence. I conceive that these generals may be likewise particularly applied to this Statute, by considering three different cases, relative to the three different parts of this Statute. The first is, that of the first part of the Act, by which all Dispositions made to confident, or conjunct persons, in defraud of lawful Creditors, without an onerous Cause, are so reduceable, that the alienation being reduced, the fruits extant are to be restored from the time of the intention of the cause, and not only from the time of Litiscontestation. And yet it would appear, that all the bygone profits, or fruits, aught to be restored; not only from the time of the citation, but from the date of his possession: Because, 1. By the express words of the Statute, all such alienations are declared to have been null from the beginning, and so are in the same case, as if they had never been made. But so it is, if they had never been made, the Possessor behoved to have restored all the fruits, whether extent, or not, and even from the time of his possession. 2. This seems most reasonable, for the Law having dicharged such alienations, he who Contracts in spite of, or to cheat the Law, ought not to be protected by it; and if the Debtor might thus prejudge his Creditors, for it is a prejudice to them to want the fruits and profits of their Debtors Estate, from the alienation, till the time of intenting an Action, which poverty, or absence, ignorance, or latency of the deed, may keep them from intenting: and which may be very considerable and were it not absurd, that a gratuitous Disposition of an Estate, often thousand Marks by year, should carry the receiver to five or six years' rent, extending to 50000. Marks, because these Rents were intrometted with prior, to the intenting of any Action of Reduction, and yet the Estate should not be able to pay all the Debts due to the many poor Creditors, who are Pursuers of the Reduction. The second case is, where the Disposition was made to one who was Particeps fraudis, and he is to restore even all the profits from the date of the alienation, whether they be fruits occasioned by his own industry, or brought forth by the nature of the thing possessed. For he who was partaker of the fraud, is malae fidei Possessor, and such are still discerned to restore all, fructus extantes rei vindicatione; & consumptos conditione sine causa, l. 3. C. de condict. ex leg. nor ought he in reason to reap advantage by his own cheat: and as he cannot blame the Law for severity to him, since he occasioned his own loss; so the Creditor might complain that such as cheated the Law, and him, were enriched by his loss. And the reason why bonae fidei possessor facit fructus consumptos suos, is, because he not knowing but these profits were his own, thought he might live accordingly, this reason is wanting in him who is partaker of the fraud, for he knew that these profits belonged to others, and so should not have spent them. And though it may be alleged, that all Dispositions made to confident, or conjunct persons, are reduceable by this Act, as fraudulent, and therefore the receiver cannot be called bonae fidei Possessor in no case for nothing is so contrair to bona fides, as Fraus. It is answered, that a Disposition may be made to a conjunct person, who knew neither that the Disponer had Creditors, or that his Estate was not able to pay them, and Fraus ex eventu, as I observed formerly, is not Mala fides. The third case, is of Creditors who got a Disposition from the common Debtor for payment of their Debt, but it is reduceable at the instance of other Creditors, who have done diligences; and these, I think, should according to the rules of Justice, and Reason, be only obliedged to restore the profits of the thing so disponed from the date of the sentence: for since they are more favourable than a conjunct perrson, who gets a Disposition without an onerous cause, and that he luoratur fructus ante citationem perceptos, they ought to have more favour. But I have not heard this debated, nor decided, and it is generarly believed that they would be liable after citation, but if he hath dolose received payment, and was particeps fraudis, even he, though a Creditor ought to restore all the profits received by him from the time of his possession. In all which restitutions the restorer will have detention of the profitable expenses bestowed by him, whether he be bonae fidei, or malae Possessor l. 5. de rei vindicat. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Basil. l. 10. §. 14. h. t. To which there is also added, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Et si quae aliae ex creditorum volunt ate factae sunt. The Civil Law ordained the fruits that were upon the ground, the time of the Disposition, to be restored, though these were consumed before citation, l. 25. §. 4. h. t. Because fructus pendents, were pars▪ soli, and so were to be restored; but this has not been craved with us: and since they use to be bona fide spent, there is no reason to restore them more than other fruits. I have heard it controverted, whether a person to whom a Disposition is made in defraud of Creditors, may when that Disposition is reduced, pursue by way of Action, for the expenses he bestowed necessarily in repairing the Lands, or houses disponed; and it may seem that this being once a Debt due to him, it cannot be taken away but by a Discharge● and yet Lawyers are clear, that though such expenses may be retained, or that the Defender in such Reductions may allege that his Right cannot be reduced, till all his expenses be repaid. Yet if he suffer his Right to be reduced without proponing upon his expenses, and meliorations, than he seems to have passed from them. For the Law presumes, that if he had any thing due to him, he would have craved it before he was dispossessed: And albeit the scolion ad l. 28. tit. Basil. de sumptibus in re aliena factis, asserts this only de malae fidei possessore, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉▪ & l. 46. ibid.! this is also asserted de bonae fidei possessore, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which agrees with l. sumptus de rei vind. & l. si in area de condict. indebit. But yet it is the opinion of some eminent Lawyers with us, that evenafter the Right is reduced, the person to whom the Right is made, may recover payment of what he necessarily bestowed even by way of Action: and Molineus ad consuetud. parisiens. t. i. gloss. 5. Is of their opinion, and asserts that the present customs of all Courts have receded as to this from the Civil Law, and yet it may seem in our Law, that this is competent and omitted, and so should rather be allowed in our Law, then in the Civil Law, especially seeing this is of the nature of compensation. For when the Pursuer craves the thing disponed to be restored, with the fruits and interests: it seems to be a sufficient ground of compensation, or at least an exception quae sapit naturam compensationis, that the Defender bestowed as much upon the thing craved to be reduced, as may compense the fruits, or a part of the Stock, and by express Act of Parliament, compensations are not receiveable after sentence, and therefore neither should it be lawful after sentence of Reduction, wherein this allowance might have been craved, to seek allowance by way of Action, for what was bestowed in Mellorations, or necessary expenses. And if in time coming, any of the said's Dyvours, or their interposed partakers of their Fraud, shall make any voluntar payment, or Right to any Person, in defraud of the lawful, and more timely diligence of another Creditor, having served Inhibition, or used Horning, Arrestment, Comprysing, or other lawful means duly to affect the Dyvours Lands, or Goods, or Price thereof to his behoof: In that case, the said Dyvour, or interposed Person, shall be holden to make the same forthcoming to the Creditor, having used his first lawful diligence, who shall likewise be preferred to the Creditor, who being Posterior to him in diligence, hath obtained payment by particular favour of the Debtor, or of his interposed confident, and shall have good action to recover from the said Creditor, that which was voluntarly paid, in defraud of the Pursuers diligence. ALbeit by the first part of the Act, all Dispositions be allowed, if made for onerous Causes, to conjunct or confident Persons, yet that only holds where Creditors have done no lawful diligence: But where Creditors have done lawful diligence against the Bankrupt, by Inhibition, Arrestment, Horning, Comprysing, or otherways in that case, the Bankrupt against whom the diligence is used, cannot make any voluntar Right of his Estate, to prefer thereby any Creditor he pleases, to the Creditor who has used diligence, and that though the Creditor who has got the Disposition, was likewise a lawful Creditor: but in that case the Creditor who is preferred, is declared by the Act to be liable to make forthcoming the price of what was disponed to him. By the principles of reason, he seems not to act fraudulently, who gets payment of what is due to him. But yet by the Civil Law, postquam Creditores a Magistratu in possessionem bonorum missi erant, their Debtors could not even pay any true Con-creditor, and so prefer one Crditor to another, suitaly to which, our Law has not allowed here the preferring one Creditor to another, after diligence done by Horning, Inhibition, etc. Which diligence we have equalled to the missio in possessionem by the Roman Magistrate: And in effect there can be no diligence done in Scotland, without the authority of the Magistrate; for no Inhibition, Horning, etc. can be raised without a warrant from the Magistrate. And as it was reasonable that a Creditor qui sibi vigilavit, by getting payment, should not be prejudged; so it was as reasonable, that payment made to him in prejudice of another Creditor, qui sibi vigilavit, by doing diligence should not be sustained. And thus we may reconcile this part of the Statute with l. 6. §. 6. h. t. which says that qui suum recipit nullam videtur fraudem facere, with which agrees l. 5. §. 2. Basil. h. t. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. From this part of the Act, it is first observable, that though voluntarly Rights are reduceable, at the instance of prior Creditors, who have done diligence; yet necessary Rights are not, and therefore, if the Bankrupt was obliged by a Minute to sell his Land, before he was put to the Horn, if for implement of that Minute, he should thereafter dispone his Lands, that Disposition may seem not Reduceable, at the instance of a Creditor who had used diligence, by Horning, or otherways after the Minute, though before the Disposition: because it may be alleged, that in this case, the Creditor cannot be said to have been voluntarly preferred by partial favour, as the Act bears, For that cannot be called voluntar, to which the Disponer might have been compelled. And in this case, as well as in Reductions, ex capite Inhibitionis, these Dispositions which depend upon necessary Causes, are drawn back, ad suam causam. But the doubt may be greater, if the cause upon which the Disposition depended, had no specific obligation in it, to grant the deed quarrelled, but only a general obligation, v. g. If Titius should only be obliged by a Minute, to Dispone Lands to Mevius; if Titius thereafter being put to the Horn, at the instance of Sempronius, should after he was put to the Horn Dispone Lands to Mevius; it may be doubted whether that Disposition would be Reduceable, since the Minute did not bear an express obligation to Dispone the specific Lands afterwards Disponed, but only to Dispone Lands in general: for it may be alleged, that quo ad these Lands, the Right was voluntar, seeing there was no specific obligation, quo ad these. And if such a Disposition as this might be sustained, all Dispositions, though made for onerous causes, might be sustained, Notwithstanding of all which, I conceive, that by voluntar Rights and payments in this Paragraph, are understood all such Rights and Payments, as are made without any previous diligence, though the Debtor could have been compelled to make them; and though there be a preceding cause, whereupon the Debtor might have been forced, to make the saids Rights and Payments, and so are necessary, quo ad the Debtor, if other Creditors had not been concerned; yet they are accounted voluntar, as to this Act and Statute, because the Debtor having other Creditors, who might have compelled him as much as the Creditor whom he has satisfied: Yet he voluntarly prefers and gratifies him in prejudice of their diligence. And even in the case here instanced, of a Minute bearing an obligation to dispone Land, if the Dyvour should after the diligence of other Creditors Dispone, that Disposition would be construed a voluntar Right, which the Bankrupt ought not to have granted in prejudice of his other Creditors, who had done diligence, and who might have affected the same Land, if the Disposition had not been made; notwithstanding of the personal obligation contained in the Minute. And it cannot be denied, that there is a great difference betwixt a Debtor inhibited only, and a Debtor Bankrupt: for a Debtor who is inhibited, Disponing what he was bound to, by an obligation prior to the Inhibition, does not contraveen the command of the Inhibition, which only forbids him to do any new deed, to the prejudice of the Inhibitor. But a Bankrupt not being able to satisfy all his Creditors, does contraveen this Law, in gratifying one, to the prejudice of others, and to the prejudice of diligences done by them. Especially since he could not have been compelled in Law, to prefer the Creditor who had done no diligence. It may be observed, that though voluntar Dispositions be only quarrelable by this part of the Act, at the instance of Creditors who have done diligence; yet, Dispositions made by notorious Bankrupts, are even quarrelable at the instance of Creditors who have done no dilligences. But in this case, the Disposition so made, is not absolutely reduceable, but is only reduceable to the effect the Creditors may have access to the Estate, not to affect it simply, for the whole sum, but to put them in the same case, as if the Disposition had been granted to them all, for payment of their sums, conform to their dilligences: and the ordinary qualifications quo ad this part of the Act, are, either that he was in meditatione fugae, or that he was in the abbey, or in Prison, or that there were very many Hornings, and dilligences against him: And therefore on the 18. December 1672. The Lords sustained Action upon this Act against the Laird of Kinfawns, at the instance of Tarsappies Creditors, though the Disposition made to Kinfawns, was made for the payment of the lawful Creditors; and that because Tarsappy the time of the Disposition, was fugitive in the abbey, and that his Debt did exceed his Estate, and that it was a Disposition omnium bonorum, made to an Uncle, though the Creditor here had done no diligence. Though this Clause bear generally, that Dispositions made in prejudice of such as have done lawful diligences, by Inhibition, Horning, Arrestment, or Comprising, shall be quarrelable: Yet it may be justly doubted, whether these words must be so interpret, as that any of these dilligences shall be a sufficient ground, promiscuously to quarrel any Disposition: So that the Law considers not so much the nature of the diligence done, as the Partial favour, and gratification of the Dyvour, or confident who has done no diligence, and the preferring him to one who has done diligence, though that diligence was not pierce▪ proper to affect. For if it had affected properly, there had been no necessity for this Act, or Statute, v. g. If the Creditor had inhibited, the Debtor could not have thereafter disponed in prejudice of that Disposition, but the Disposition would have been reduceable ex capite Inhibitionis. But if the Creditor not knowing that the common Debtor had Money lying by him, that could be affected with Arrestment, did ommit to Arrest, but did inhibit, it appears, that if the Debtor should, to gratify and prefer a Creditor, who has no diligence, give him that Money, this Law and Statute intended, that the Creditor who has done diligence by Inhibition, should not only have liberty to reduce all Dispositions ex capite Inhibitionis: For that was competent before this Law, but that he should have condictionem ex hac lege, to recover that Money; though the Inhibition be no proper way to affect it. And yet upon the other hand, it would seem absurd, that the using of an Arrestment should be a sufficient ground for the user to quarrel a Right made of Lands, for that were vitiosa transitio, de genere, in genus. But as in all general Clauses, so in this, the application must be, singula singulis: and therefore if after a Creditor has used any real diligence that may affect Land, such as Inhibition, or Comprising, his Bankrupt Debtor, shall to disappoint that diligence, dispone his Lands to a Con-creditor, who has done no diligence; then the Inhibiter or Appryser, may quarrel that Disposition; or if a Creditor has affected any of his Debtors sums, by Horning, or Arrestment, and if to disappoint that diligence, the Bankrupt Debtor should dispone upon his Movables in favours of a Con-creditor, eo casu, that Disposition to the Movables might be quarrelled by him who has used Horning, or Arestment: which are diligences proper to affect Movables in our Law. Which may be further urged, by these reasons, 1. Because Inhibitions and Comprisings are not proper diligences to affect Movables, no more than Arestment or Horning can affect heritage: and the Law never privileges a diligence, except where the diligence could affect. 2. The reason why the Law Privileges such Creditors as have used these diligences, is, because the Law presumes they might have affected the Bankrupts Estate by these diligences, and because it presumes that the Debtor disponed his Estate, to disappoint that diligence. But so it is, that neither could Inhibitions affect Movables, nor can Arrestments affect heritage; nor were these Dispositions made to disappoint such diligences, and therefore, etc. 3. When men are to buy Land, thy look only the Registers for Inhibitions, or Comprisings, but they never consider whether there be any Arestments used against the Seller. 4. Though this part of the Act be conceived in favours of Creditors, who have used Inhibition, Horning, Arrestment, Comprising, or other lawful diligence; yet this Clause must be so interpret, that the mere raising of an Inhibition or Horning is not sufficient except the Inhibition or Horning be execute, as was found February, 1671. in the Case betwixt Tynet, and Grahame of Creigie. For the Act of Parliament mentions serving an Inhibition, and using a Horning, and not the raising of either▪ But yet if the Bankrupt to disappoint his true Creditors, who have raised Letters of Inhibition, Horning, or Arrestment, should collude with his other Creditors who know the raising of these Letters, and they by express collusion, should make and receive such Dispositions, I conceive these Dispositions may be quarrelled upon this part of the Act, though the Letters were only raised; for else the Act might be absolutely disappointed, and immediately upon the raising of the Letters, such Dispositions might be made, and the Creditor who did exact diligence, & omne quod in se erat, should be prejudged by fraudulent conveyances, and by the nimious diligence of his cheating Debtor. Nor should the fraud of a Creditor, receiving such Dispositions, be of advantage to the Receiver, nam nemo debet lucrari ex suo dolo. But it is more difficult to resolve, whether a mere charge of Horning, without denounciation, be a sufficient diligence to make all deeds after the charge to be quarrelable upon this Act. And it may be alleged, that to charge upon the Horning, is to use a Horning, which is all that this Act requires. 2 The charge is properly the diligence, for thereby the Debtor is commanded under certification, that he will be denounced; whereas the denounciation is but the effect of the diligence: and the Debtor is denounced, because he did not obey. Which reasons incline me to believe, that the charge without denounciation, is a sufficient diligence in this case, and for the same reason, I believe that a personal charge upon an Inhibition, would operate the same effect, though the execution were not used at the Mercat Cross; because that is only necessary to put the Liedges in mala fide, in order to a Reduction ex capite Inhibitionis. And I conceive likewise, that the Inhibition being lawfully served, though not registrat, would be sufficient quoad the effect designed by this part of the Act, for the Registrating an Inhibition is different from the serving of it; and the serving of the Inhibition is all that this Act requires: And if the Creditor may reduce ex capite inhibitionis, before it be Registrat, if it be once served, that is to say, lawfully execute, much more should the execution of it, without Registration, be sufficient as to this Act. It may be likewise observed, that though this part of the Act, must be so interpret, as that proper and peculiar dilligences may only affect; that is to say. Arrestment Movables, and Comprysing Heritage: yet even in that case, Horning may be accounted a sufficient diligence, after the using whereof, the Debtor being a Dyvour, can neither Dispone Heritage, nor Movables, to the prejudice of the Creditor, who used the Horning▪ for a Horning is not only a diligence that may affect Movables, but it is likewise a step in diligence, necessary, previous in many cases to comprisings, which are real dilligences. By these words any other mean, is to be understood other Lawful dilligences, beside Inhibitions, Hornings, Arrestments, Comprisings, here expressed. As for instance, if a Creditor should raise a Precept of poinding, and should charge his Debtor thereupon, to disappoint which, the Debtor should Dispon his moveables to another Creditor, the raiser of the Precept might quarrel that Disposition upon this clause of the Act. 5. It is observable, that though in the first part of the Act, after the Law has declared all deeds done by Bankrupts, in favours of their Creditors, without an onerous cause, to be null, yet it subjoins immediately in another clause, that if a third party shall bona fide acquire a right to these fraudulent rights, these rights shall not be quarrellable in their person, except they were likewise partakers of the fraud. But here where the Law, in this clause, declares, that where diligence is done by a Creditor, the Debtor cannot thereafter in his prejudice; prefer another who is a Con-creditor, and Dispone the Land to him, though even for an onerous Cause. Yet the Law has not determined, whether if this Disposition made to a Con-creditor, shall be quarrellable in the Person of one, who bona fide has acquired that Disposition from the Con-creditor, in the same manner as if it would have been quarrelable in the Person of the Con-creditor himself. And though it may be alleged, that the clause subjoined to the first part of the Act, in favours of third parties, aught to be repeated here, for singular Successors in this case, not being partakers of the Fraud, ought not to be prejudged: yet if we consider the case somewhat inwardly, we will find that a Disposition made by the Bankrupt to a Con-creditor, and by the Con-creditor to a third Party, is quarrellable in the third Parties Person. For the Con-creditor could make no better Right nor he had himself; and there being jus quaesitum to the Creditor by the diligence, so that he might have quarrelled the Right made to one of the Con-creditors, by the common Debtor. This Right could not be evacuated by any Disposition, that the Con-creditor could make, and if it were otherwise, the Creditors diligence might be easily eluded, and disappointed: for the Con-creditor finding that the Right made to him was quarrelable, he might still transfer his Right to a third party, and there was great reason why the Clause conceived in favours of third parties in the first part of the Act, annuls only deeds, because made fraudulently; and therefore this nullity ought not to have been extended against third parties, who were not participes fraudis, for there deficiebat ratio legis: But this Clause of the Act annuls not these deeds upon any personal account, but because these deeds are contrary to diligences done by a lawful Creditor. And therefore the nullity here ought to be extended quo-ad all▪ because to whomsoever such Dispositions were transfered, they remain still to be deeds done in prejudice of diligences done by a lawful Creditor. And so the ground of the nullity here being real, it ought to be extended to all. But if after the Right is settled in the person of the confident, diligence be done against the Dyvour, which the purchaser from the confident, neither doth, nor is obliedged to know: he is in bona side to acquire, and his Right cannot be questioned upon pretence of diligences, as being real, & quae afficiunt fundum, in respect the diligence is not against the person, who stands in the Right, but against the Author who was denuded. Though the former conclusion holds in Disposions of Lands, yet it may be doubted, whether it should likewise ●hold in Movables, and it seems very prejudicial to, and destructive of all Commerce, that a third party buying bona fide Movables, should be quarrelled for them: because though they passed throw many hands, and were bought (it may be) in a public Mercat; yet they were originally Disponed by a Bankrupt, to a Con-creditor, in prejudice of another Creditors lawful diligence; and if this were allowed, no Person could be in bona fide, or in tuto, to Buy or to Trade. Upon this part of the Statute, may be raised this other doubt, viz. a Creditor comprises, and thereafter another Creditor gets a Disposition for payment of his Debt, and is Infeft. And last of all a third Creditor Comprises, and is Infest. The first Creditor who had Comprised, intents Reduction of the Disposition made to the second Creditor, as made after he had done diligence: in which Reduction the second Compriser compears, and desires to be preferred, because he is Infeft before the pursuer, though the first Compryser: and so would be preferred to him. And since qui vincit vincentem ● me, vincit & me; it follows clearly, that since the second Compryser would be preferred to the first, that thereafter he ought also to be preferred to the Creditor, who had got the Disposition, because the first Compryser would be preferred to him who had got that Disposition. It is answered, for the pursuer who is the first Compriser, that he must be preferred, and the Disposition made to the second Creditor must accress to him, because he had done diligence before his Disposition; and by this Statute, a Creditor to whom a Disposition is made in defraud of a true Creditors diligence, is obliged to make his Right forthcoming to the Creditor who has done diligence; whereas that Disposition would be preferred to the second Comprising, though Infeftment had not followed upon that Comprysing; because no diligence was done by that Compryser, when the Disposition was made, nor could the second Compryser be preferred; because he comprised only all Right that was in the Person of the Debtor: but so it is, that the Debtor was denuded, by the Disposition made to the Creditor or Trusty. And I think the first Compryser would be preferred; for this part of the Statute, ordains not the Disposition to be null, and not to prejudge the Creditors doing diligence, which if it had only done, the second Compryser would have been preferred; but it ordains the Right made to the other Creditor, in prejudice of the diligence, to be forthcoming to them who did diligence, as said is. It is here also observable, that if the Creditor who got the Disposition, had not been Infeft, the second Compryser had certainly been preferred, for he had the first real Right: nor had the Debtor been denuded by the Disposition. As to the argument, qui vincit vincentem me, vincit me. It may be answered, that this Brocard receives many restrictions; amongst which one is, that if he qui vincit me, use a privileged way for prevailing against me, which is not competent against another, then potest vincere me, & tamen non vincere vincentem me. And in this case we know, that there is a special privilege given by this Statute, to the Creditor who does diligence: and by virtue of this privilege, the first Compryser prevails here. And this leads me to another doubt in our Law, which is very considerable. There are three Creditors, whereof one has raised, and served an Inhibition: The second Compryses for debts, and upon Bonds posterior to the Inhibition, and is Infeft. The third Compryses also for debts prior to the Inhibition, and is also Infeft. The Inhibiter intents a Reduction, ex capite inhibitionis, against the first Compryser, and reduces his Right; and thereafter the Inhibiter Compryses also, and being Infeft, he compets for the Mails and Duties with the second Compryser, and craves to be preferred to him, because he has prevailed against the first Compryser who would have been preferred to him, he being but a second Compriser, & qui vincet vincentem, etc. 2. The second Compriser comprised from a person who was denuded, in swa far as the first Compriser denuded the Debtor by his comprising, whereupon In●e●tment followed. But on the other hand, it may be urged for the second Compriser, that the Inhibiter prevailed only against the first Compriser by virtue of his Inhibition, which did sweep away the posterior Debts, whereupon that first comprising was founded. But as to his Debts, whereupon he led the second comprising, they were Debts contracted prior to the Inhibition, and so were not liable to a Reduction ex eo capite. And as his Debts could not be quarrelled by this Compriser▪ so his real Right was also preferable to his, he having a prior Comprising, whereupon Infeftment followed. As no Bankrupt can prejudge his Creditors, who have done diligence, by preferring one of them to another: so neither can he make a Disposition to any confident person, with power to him to pay the Debt due to himself in the first place, and his Creditors in the next place, two instances whereof I remember lately decided. The first was, the 8. of January 1669. the case whereof was this, The Laird of Craigmiller being Debtor to Mr. John Prestoun his Brother, did dispon him his Estate for payment of his Debts particularly therein related; with power to the said Mr. John to pay any of the Creditors he pleased. And Mr. John being Infeft upon that Disposition, there was a competition for the Mails and Duties, betwixt Mr. John, and Captain Newman, who was one of the Creditors contained in the Disposition: In which Competition, Captain Newman craved to he preferred, notwithstanding of that Disposition granted to Mr. John, because the Disposition granted to Mr. John, was granted to the behoof of the said Captain his Debt, being one of the onerous Causes therein expressed. To which Mr. John answered, that he had power by the same Disposition to prefer any of the Creditors he pleased, and that the value of the Land was now exhausted by payment made to other Creditors: To which it was duplied by Newman, that this Disposition was fraudulent, and reduceable upon the Act of Parliament 1621., for as Craigmiller himself could not prefer any to the prejudice of him who had done diligence, so neither could he bestow that faculty upon any other. To which it was answered, that Craigmiller might have disponed his Estate to any person he pleased, for an onerous Cause, before Captain Newman did diligence. But so it is, that at the time of this Disposition, Newman had done no diligence. 2. This Disposition at least ought to be sustained, in so far as Craigmiller was Debtor to Mr. John, either for Debt due to himself, or for relief of Cautionry. To which answers, it was replied, that quo ad the first, it was not relevant, because though the Disposition was prior to the diligence done by Newman: yet the said Newman had done diligence, before payment made to any others of the Creditors; and consequently before the preferrence. Whereas by the forsaid Act, no Creditor could be preferred after diligence. And to the second Branch of the answer, it was replied, that though Craigmiller could have disponed his Estate to Mr. John, for his payment, or relief, expressly before newman's diligence; yet that was not done in this case: for this Disposition was only made in general terms, for payment of Craigmillers' Debts generally, and Mr. John had no advantage over others thereby, but in swa far as he had by preferring himself by virtue of the forsaid Clause, which was unwarrantable. And so the Disponers deed quo ad him, was null; Because quod sacere potuit non fecit, & quod fecit, sacere non potuit. Upon which debate the Lords preferred Mr. John only in swa far as concerned his own Debt, or Cautionry: but sustained not the preferrance, in swa far as concerned other Creditors. The other Decision was the 24. July, 1669. in which Young craved a Disposition made to Anderson, by Fleming, to be reduced, as done in his prejudice, he being a Creditor who had inhibit, and Comprised. It was answered by Anderson, that he had granted a Back-band, declaring that the Disposition was in Trust, for payment of the Debt due to Anderson himself. And in the next place, for payment of Flemings Creditors: and subsumed, that he had paid as many Creditors as would exhaust the price, which he was in bona fide to do, there being no diligence against him; nor could he be prejudged by any diligence against Fleming, Fleming being denuded, as said is. To which answer it was replied, that Anderson being but a Trustee, was fictione juris, in the same condition with Fleming; And as Flemnig could not disappoint him, as a lawful▪ Creditor; so neither could Anderson his Trustee: And if it were otherwise, the diligences of lawful Creditors might be rendered elusory, for the Debtor who resolved to disappoint the diligences of his Creditors, might still dispon his Estate to a Trustee; which Trustee, and Trust, the Debtors not knowing, they could not know against whom diligence was to be done. Likeas, in Law, this power to prefer Creditors, behoved to be interpret legittimo modo, & interminis habilibus: so that the Creditors could not be disappointed, but that they should be preferred according to their diligences, as they behoved to have been by the Debtor himself. In respect of which reply; the Lords preferred the Creditors, and found that voluntar payment made by the Trustee, could not prejudge the Creditors who had done lawful diligences, by voluntar payment. But the question here remains; whether if any of the Creditors had Arrested in anderson's hand, as Trustee, and had pursued an Action to make forthcoming against him: If in that case, Anderson was obliged to give in a qualified Oath, bearing that he was Trustee, but that there was other Creditors who had done more timeous diligence; or if he ought to have called the Creditors, who had done more timeous diligence, as said is. This Act is only conceived in favours of such as were Creditors, to those who granted such Dispositions, prior to the deeds controverted. But argumento hujus legis, and upon the same reason of equity, the Lords constantly sustain Declarators at the instance of Creditors of the Father concluding any Right, made even by strangers, to Children in familia, to be null, as being granted to their prejudice, without an onerous Cause, or as being acquired by the parents' means. Which presumptions are never otherwise elyded, then by alleging, that the procurer had an Estate aliunde, whereby he might have procured the Right controverted. As for instance, Sempronius being Debtor to Mevius, dispones not his Estate to his Son, but acquires an Estate in his Son's name from a stranger, this Disposition so acquired, can never be quarrelled by Mevius, the Father's Creditor, by way of Reduction, For the effect of a Reduction is nothing else but the annulling of the deed, and the taking it out of the way, or the bringing back of the Estate disponed, to the same condition it was in before; which would not be sufficient in this case, because the Estate which the Creditor desires to affect, was never in the Debtors person. And therefore it is necessary for the Creditor to raise a Declarator, wherein he must narate, that Sempronius being Debtor to him, did fraudulently acquire the Right of such and such Lands, in his son's name; and which must be presumed to be acquired by the Father's Estate: because they were acquired by a Son in familia, who is presumed to have no Estate, but what he derives from his Father, or else he must Lybel, that though the Disposition be procured by a Major, who is forisfamiliat, and Trafficking upon his own account, the same was truly acquired by the Debtors means, and the Disposition only acquired to be a colourable Title to disappoint his Debt. Therefore concludes, that the said Estate so bought, may be declared liable to his Debt, in the same manner, as if the Disposition had been taken in his Debtors name. The Common Law, and ours, does not only reprobate Dispositions, made by Debtors: in meditatione fugae, but both the one, and the other of these Laws, do likewise allow the summar apprehending of Creditors, who are suspected to be Bankrupts. And by our Law, though a man cannot be regularly Imprisoned for Debt, without Letters of Caption be formerly raised; Yet in Mason's case, the 5. November 1665. The Lords summarily, upon a Bill, issued out a warrant to apprehend him, tanquam Debitorem suspectum, & fugitivum. And though at first they doubted, whether their own power could extend this far, yet thereafter they found that it might: since even the Admiral grants such warrants, and yet there may be some speciality quoad the Admiral since the nature of his Jurisdiction allows a very sumar procedor: and since this his Jurisdiction is ordinarily exercised over Persons, who have an easy way to convey themselves out of the Country, and are ordinarily very little fixed to one place. But because this may open a door to great Arbitrariness, and may afford great occasion of prejudging the lieges, since upon this pretext, Merchants may, whilst they are going about great bargains, and others about urgent, and necessary affairs, be laid up in Prison upon this account. It will be fit to consider, what the common Law, and Lawyers have delivered as their opinion in this Point. Lawyers distinguish inter fugitivum, & suspectum de fuga, the one is guilty only of an Intention, but the other has actually fled. And I conceive, that meditatio fugae, so much considered by our Law, is a midst betwixt those two, for he who is in meditatione fugae, has cum suspecto designed a flight, and has cum fugitivo, done some extrinsic deed in order to his flight. He who is suspect, or fugitive, may be apprehended by the common Law, summarily by any Judge, who can cite that Person before him, qui potest recitare, id est personali coercitione coercere Debitores, they may be also apprehended by a Judge otherways incompetent: and he that is taken by an incompetent Judge, cannot object the incompetency. For as Lawyers observe, these Debtors who are Fugitive, or suspect of flying, may be apprehended by warrants, direct either by incompetent Judges, or by warrants direct in incompetent times, such as are vacand times, or holy days, gloss in l. si super C. de feriis. verb. ●ideijussionis▪ But with us, no Inferior, much less can incompetent Judges; can give such warrants. And it has been expressly decided, that an Arrestment laid on, even upon a Bankrupts Goods, by an incompetent Judge, was not valid, 5 December 1671. where the Arrestment was laid on in Pasley, by virtue of an Decreet obtained before the Bailie of Cunninghame, and so was found null, as extra districtum. Albeit the Bailie of Cunninghame, was alsò Sheriff of Renfrew, within which Sheriffdome Pasley lies.— Lawyers are likewise of opinion, that the Creditor may apprehend one who is Debtor, if he find him actually fleeing: for fleeing in this case, is a kind of crime. But if the flyer be not a Debtor by express Contract, he cannot be apprehended by the Creditor without a warrant, except either a Judge cannot be had, or that he be fleeing with the Debtors Money, Ang. in l. extat. ff. quoth met. cause. He who craves a warrant, to take a Debtor who is suspect, or fugitive, must lybel to the Judge, reasons why he suspects his fleeing, as that he was packing up his Goods, or was lurking, or denied himself when his Creditors were seeking him. And though by opinion of the Doctors, none who has an immovable, or Land Estate, can be thus proceeded against, because it is presumed, he will have so great care for his Estate, as not to leave it: and because his Land Estate is always a biding cautioner: yet if either the Land Estate be very small, or if it be affected with diligences that may exhaust it. I think that in these cases, such Heretors can have no privilege, nor are their summar warrants ever allowed to such as become voluntarly Creditors, after the Debtor was suspected; for these aught to blame themselves, who trusted a Person in that condition: but it is otherwise if they became Creditors ex delicto, vel quasi delicto: as for instance, if after he was suspected; he Robe, or Wound, or commit any Riot. For in that case, he who becomes so, his Creditor may have such a warrant for apprehending him; and these warrants are granted, not only for pure and liquid Debts: but even for conditional Debts, and for Debts whereof the terms of payment are not yet come; and though the Debts be small, except they be very inconsiderable, Cacialup. tract. de debit. susp. quest. 3. Finally, the Lords declares, all such Bankrupts, and Dyvours, and all Interposed Persons, for covering, or executing their brauds; and all others, who shall give Council, and wilful assistance unto the said Bankrupts, in the devising, and practising of their said's Frauds, and godless deceits, to the prejudice of their true Creditors, shall be reputed, and holden dishonest, false, and infamous Persons, incapable of all Honours, Dignities, Benefices, and Offices; or to pass upon Inquests, or Assizes, or to bear witness in Judgement, or out-with in any time coming. FOr the better understanding of this part of the Act, concerning the punishment of Bankrupts, and of such as advise, or assist them. It is fit to observe with the Civilians, that Bankrupts, and Dyvours, are either such as are become insolvendo by their Misfortune, rather than Fault. And quo ad these, because they were guilty of no Crime, therefore no Corporal Punishment was appointed for them by the Law, omni corporali cruc●atu remoto saith l fin. Cod. qui. bon. ced. poss. Nor does Infamy follow them, Novella; and therefore this clause of the Act, cannot be interpret of such Bankrupts: and though the clause be general, without distinguishing Bankrupts: and that it might be therefore alleged, that ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos. Yet general Laws must receive their restrictive Interpretations from the Common Law. And since the design of this Act, was (as is very clear by the Narrative) to prevent, and punish Frauds and Cheats; it is just, that these general clauses should not be extended beyond the express scope, and design of the Act. The second kind of Bankrupts mentioned in the Law, are these; who only by their own fault become Bankrupts: qui suo vitio fortunas conturbarunt. And the third kind of Bankrupts, were such, as became Bankrupts, partly by their own, and partly by the fault of fortune. And both these last kinds of Bankrupts were denied the benefit of a cessio bonorum, nam hoc est miserorum subsidium, sed non presidiu●, dolosoruml. sin. h. t. & l. pen. ff. de jur. Dot. And with us, the Bankrups of both these Classes are denied the benefit of a cessio bonorum, except they wear the Habit: though such are spared from it; whom fortune without their own fault, has thrown into the necessity of seeking that miserable remeed. Nor does the granting of Dispositions that are reduceable upon this Act still infer infamy, for if a man grant a Disposition, whereby one Creditor is preferred to another who has done diligence, that Disposition would be reduceable, and yet if there remained as much as might have paid all the Creditors, that Disposition could not infer infamy. And by this Act, such only are declared infamous, as are guilty of fraud, and Godless devices. Such as give council are liable to the pains of this Act, which is likewise conform to the opinion of the Civilians, vid, Strach. de decotor: But they distinguish betwixt such as gave council, or advice to those who were resolved before to cheat their Creditors; and some Doctors do conclude, that such advisers, are not punishable, because the Bankrupt followed not here the advice of another, but his own inclination. And this opinion was first sounded upon the Gl●ss. inst. de oblige. que ex de lict. §. open, but others do more reasonably conclude, with Dynus ad reg. nullus de reg. jur. l. 166. That the advice is equally punishable, whether the Bankrupt was resolved to follow that advice, or his own inclination: Because the adviser did here all that in him was, to transgress the Law, others distinguish thus, either (say they) the principal offender designed only to have cheated a Bankrupt, but delayed till he got advice, and then the adviser is equally punishable with the principal, because there, the transgression was imputeable chiefly to the Adviser: Or else the principal Adviser had begun to defraud and cheat his Creditors; and the advice did but intervene, and was but supervenient: And then the Adviser is not equally punishable, especially where the contrivance is not otherwise probable, then by mere presumptions. Wilful assistance also in devising or practising these frauds, is also punishable by this Act, under which Lawyers comprehend such as transact betwixt the Bankrupts and interposed persons, such as lend him Horses to flee, if they knew his design, and such as carry the Goods of the Bankrupt, or such as rescue him when he is apprehended, or stop his being apprehended, Strach. de decoct. part. 2. The punishment appointed by this Act, is, that they shall be repute false persons: By which is not meant, that they shall be punished tanquam falsarii, but as cheats for cheating is a species of falsehood. And yet if a Bankrupt did call himself by the name of a Rich Merchant, thereby to get Credit: or if any treated for him under that name, I conceive they might be pursued tanqnam falsarii, and and might be punished accordingly. They are also declared uncapable of all Honours, or Dignities, and Offices, which are not distinct punishments from infamy, but are the natural consequences of it. For whosoever is declared infamous, is eo ipso uncapable of all Honours, Dignities, and Offices. They are also declared uncapable to pass upon Inquests, or Assizes. But this was also unnecessary, for Assysers have a mixed employment, and without being either Judges, or Witnesses, are both, and as to their capacity of Judges, they fell under the foregoing Clause, whereby all Bankrupts and their assistants are declared uncapable to be Judges. And as to their capacity of being Witnesses, they fell under the subsequent Clause, whereby such are likewise debared from being Witnesses. And I believe the reason why they were specially debared by this Act, was because our Law looks upon Assysers, as having an employment distinct, and differing from either a Judge, or a Witness, and medium participationis, betwixt the two. Though regulariter, in our Law, whatever debars on from being a Witness, debars him likewise from being an Assyser. And there is no surer legal topic with us, than an Argument drawn from a Witness, to an Assyser: And yet argumento hujus legis, an Assyser may be concluded different from both Judge, and Witness, and medium participationis, betwixt them. Bankrupts, and their assisters are likewise by this Act, declared uncapable to be Witnesses, and the reason of this exclusion certainly is, because the Law considers such as have cheated Creditors, as persons who would be ready to cheat Judges; that such as have been dishonest in their own Affairs, will never be honest in the Affairs of other men. And whereas this Clause, debars them from being Witnesses, in-with, or out-with Judgement, by Witnesses out-with Judgement, are meant Witnesses in Writs, as Bonds, Seasings, etc. But yet it may be doubted, whether in Bonds, or such like Writs, this can take place: For there, the Witnesses are presumed of Law to be admitted of consent, which excludes all objections against Witnesses; and therefore a man's servant, or brother, cannot be received judicially as Witnesses for him; yet they may be, and are sustained as Witnesses in Bonds granted to him. Nor did I ever hear, a Bond, Seizing, or any other Writ, reduced upon this head, viz. That it had only two Witnesses; one whereof was uncapable to be a Witness, because he was found by the Lords Decreet to have either granted fraudulent Dispositions, or to have been in accession thereto, except he was declared expressly infamous by the Lord's sentence, as Mason was. Though such an objection seems well founded upon this Clause of the Act. Not only such as defraud Creditors, are declared infamous by this Act, but even in Declarators founded upon the Common Law, the persons guilty will be declared infamous; as was found in Mason's case: And though it was alleged, that infamy could not be inferred without an express Law; yet it was found that this Act impowered the Lords, to decide conform to the Conmon Law in like cases, & à paritate rationis, and he was thereupon declared infamous. I have reserved to be debated in this last place, whether by virtue of the last Clause of this Act, whereby the advysers of frauds are to be punished: An Advocate may be examined upon his having given advice to his Client, to defraud his Creditors: or whether he may be examined against his Client, who in consulting with him, and taking his advice, has made him as his Advocate, privy to the fraud he has committed. And because these questions are of universal consequence, I am resolved to consider them in general terms, both with, and without relation to this Act. For if Advocats may be forced to depon against themselves, or their Clients in this point, or as to any other thing which is the subject-matter of their consultations, they may be as well forced in all things; for the parity of reason, and the public interest being the same. I see not why if the Judge may lawfully force them in the one, he may not as well obliedge them in all other cases. As to the first question, it would appear, that an Advocate cannot be obliedged to depon upon any thing which may bind a guilt upon himself, or which may defame him. As to the next question, it would appear, that it is the interest of the Commonwealth, to have the truth of all frauds and contrivances detected; and that he who conceals the truth, is as guilty as he who commits a falsehood: But to such as attentively and judiciously consider, they may probably find themselves inclined to the contrary opinion, by these considerations, 1. An Advocate, is by the nature of his employment tied to the same faithfulness that any Depositor is: For his Client has depositat in his breast, his greatest secrets; and it is the interest of the Commonwealth, to have that freedom allowed, and secured, without which, men cannot manage their affairs, and private business: and who would use that freedom, if they might be ensnared by it? This were to beget a diffidence betwixt such, who should of all others, have the greatest mutual confidence in one another; and this will make ignorant men so jealous of their Advocats, that they will lose their private business, or succumb in their just defence, rather than hazard the opening of their secrets to those who can give them no advice, when the case is half concealed, or may be forced to discover them, when revealed. As for instance, a Client not knowing that he can be defended against an pursuit for murder, by proving it was committed in self-defence, will conceal from his Advocate, that he killed at all, lest his confession, and his Advocats testimony, might be made use of against him. 2. This might afford to Advocats great matter of prevarication, and might occasion much prejudice to the Clients, for an Advocate having discovered the weakness of his Clients Cause, might discover it likewise to his adversary: and to cover his prevarication, he might suggest to his said adversary, that he might be examined, and so impute the discovering of these secrets, to the cogency of the Law, and not to his own private inclinations, which made Rob. Annaeus say, that si tamen de inceps, Advocato liceat, Clientium secreta pandere, & causarum arcana fidei suae commissa, palam & publice proferre eaque parum fido pectore effutire. In foro deinceps, non equitatis cognitio, sed latrocinium exercebitur: tribunalia murices erunt, quibus litigantium simplicitatem undique circumvenire, & imputare licebit. & in judicio, non templum ●hemidis, sed spoliarium erit, si clientes tacita confessionis side captare, & irretire permittetur. Whereas now, if a Clients secret be discovered, he can blame no man but his own Advocats, who are by their honour and interest, obliged to keep up a secret, whose discovery can be ascribed to none, but them. The design of all Probation is to convince the Judge, whereas because of the great Relation that is betwixt an Advocate, and his Client, Law and Experience cannot but presume, that hardly Truth can be discovered this way. And this way rather opens a door to lying, or gives occasion to fallacious, and ambiguous concealing of Truth, then helps the discovery of it. Upon which account, the Law has shunned to force men to depon against themselves, or Husbands against their Wives, or Children against their Parents in Criminal cases. And therefore Virgil equals those two, pulsatusve parens, & fraus innexaclienti. Upon which place, Servius observes that Clientes, quasi colentes, Patroni, quasi patres, tantundem ergo est Clientem, quantum filium fallere: and such was the respect due to Clients, that the Law allowed less liberty in deponing against them, then against Blood Relations: and thus M. Cato is brought in, by A. Gell. saying, adversus cognatos pro cliente testatur, testimonium adversus clientem nemo dicit. And the Law has still been rather inclined to evite the hazard of Perjury, then to follow too far the Interest of the Commonwealth; or of private Parties, since God Almighty suffers by the one, and men only suffer by the other. 5. The Law L. nimis grave C. de testibus, tells us, that Mandatis cavetur, ut presides attendant, ne Patroni in causa cui Patrocinium prestiterunt, testimonium dicant. And though Bartolus, and some others do expon this Law, so, as if a Judge were thereby only discharged to admit an Advocate to depon for his Client. This Gloss seems to be most absurd, both because the words of the Law are general, and since they extend to both cases, and that no Posterior Law has restricted them, there is no reason why both should not be equally comprehended: As also, Laws are presumed to be made still against the more doubtful case; but that Advocats could have been received to depon in favours of their Client, was so clearly against the whole Analogy of Law, that there needed no special Law to have been made against that case: but there was necessity to inform Judges, whether Advocats could be forced to depon against their Clients: which gloss is approved by the learned Heraldus de Rer. judicatar auctor. lib. 2. cap. 4 And conform thereto, the Parliament of Paris did find in December 1619. that an Advocate could not be obliged to depon against his Client, for clearing of a Fraud, for which his Client was pursued. By Justinians 80. Novel, cap. 8. It is appointed, that though witnesses may be forced to depone, both in Civil, and Criminal matters: yet those who had been employed as Mediators, who are called there, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, should not be forced to depone as witnesses, except both party's consent; for which no other reason can be given: but because the parties had entrusted their secrets to them. And accordingly the Senate of Savoy, decided the 23. November, 1596. as Faber observes, lib. 4. tit. 15. def. 56. and the reason there given, is, solent enim qui litigant, agere liberius cum istis mediatoribus, quasi cum confessore; & causae patrono. Then which nothing can be more convincing, Idem etiam in proxeneta observavit papiensis in form. jur. test. num. 15. And in this the Cannon Law agrees with the Civil: for by Can. statut. Caus. 2. quest. 6. It is ordained, that no Clergymen shall be obliedged, or can be compelled to bear witness in a case which has been referred to him, by two Laics. And therefore since that trust is held so Sacred, that the secrets even revealed to Arbiters, are not to be extorted from them, much less ought an Advocate, to whose patrociny, his Clients slay, and from whose faithfulness they seek protection, to violate that trust, and disappoint that confidence, sane id à Romana virtute, & animi magnitudine erat plane alienum. And how much secrecy they allowed to witnesses, who had got any thing entrusted to them, is clear, l. 1. §. 38. ff. deposit. si quis tabulas testamenti apud se depositas, pluribus presentibus legit, ait Labeo, depositi actione recte de tabulis agi posse, ego arbitror, & injuriarum agi posse, si hoc animo recitatum testamentum est, quibusdam presentibus, ut judicio secreta ejus qui testatus est divulgarentur. Nor can there be a solid reason given, why Confessors cannot be forced to discover the secrets revealed to them, sub sigillo confessionis, And yet Advocats shall be obliged to reveal what is consigned to them, under the sacred assurance of Trust, and Secrecy.: Especially seeing that Law which is alleged against them, does acknowlepge them to be juris & justittae Sacerdotes l. 1. ff. de just. & jur. Since the Common wealth is more concerned in the secrets of Affairs, then in secrets of Devotion; and there are greater temptations to provoke the Trustee to discover the one, than the other: for few can have advantage by what a Confessor can reveal, but many could gain by that an Advocate can discover. I must here beg leave to represent, that the rise of this great trust betwixt Clients, and Patrons, was, that first when Rome was founded, Romulus finding the error the Grecians had committed, in tyrannising over their Clients, (whom the Athenians called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, and the Thessalians 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, he did introduce a mutual Friendship and tye betwixt them. And as Aulus Gellius observes lib. 5. cap. 13. in officiis apud majores, ita observatum est, primum tutela, deinde hospiti, deinde clienti, tum cognato, postea affini. And as Dionis. halic. lib. 2. Antony's Rom. observes, the Patron was obliedged, clienti jura interpretari, & lights pro eo suscipere. And this was common to both, that they could never accuse nor bear Witness against one another 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. And on the Laws of the twelve Tables was, patronus si clienti fraudem fecerit, sacer esto. So sacrilegious a thing was it then held, to reveal the Client's secrets: But thereafter this mutual dependence, and friendship, became so suspect to the Roman Emperors, that none were allowed to be Patrons, but Lawyers, whose power the Magistrates needed not suspect; and who were presumed to be men, so legal, and of such integrity, that they would advice nothing, but what was just. And therefore, betwixt these continued the Trust, and mutual assurance that was required betwixt the old Patrons, and their Clients. Though Advocats be now known to antequaries, for distinction, under the term of patroni secundarii. Whereas it is urged, that it is the interest of the Commonwealth, that truth be discovered: To this it is answered, that it is indeed the interest of the Commonwealth to discover the truth, as far as that can be done, in a convenient and lawful way; for it is likewise the interest of the Commonwealth, not to unseal the secrets of private persons, and thereby to render all Trust, and Commerce suspect. And notwithstanding of this Argument, the Law has exempted men from deponing against themselves, and against many others, who are enumerat, l. 4. ff. de testibus and of which we have very many instances in our Law. Rei publicae quidem interest, crimina impunita non esse, sed rei publica quoque interest, pietatis & necessitudinis officia sarta tecta conservari, sine quibus nihil sanctum haberi potest, nec inviolatum. And Cicero lib. 3. the office. does elegantly affirm, non igitur patria prestabit omnibus officiis, sed ipsi patriae conducit, pios cives habere. Advocats are persons whose Breeding obliedges them to admire Justice, as Musicians do Music, or as a man does that Country in which he lives; and they having given their Oath de fideli, at their admission, to give their Client's advice according to the Laws: they cannot be presumed to have advised any thing against the Law. And it is known, that they offend in this so infrequently, if at all▪ that it may seem fiter not to inquire into such cases, that seldom occur, then by inquiry to introduce a jealousy betwixt parties, who need such strict intimacy. And as no Gentleman is desired to divulge his friends secrets, much less should the Law require this from Advocats, since it has obliedged them to employ Advocats: and to entrust them with their secrets. And though men may be suspect, when they debate for their own interest, and advantage, yet what interest can Advocats have here, save that of their Clients, for the Client and not the Advocate suffers by the discovery, and the Commonwealth being only a collective body of Clients; in effect the Commonwealth is prejudged, because Clients are prejudged. And though a Decision in the Parliament of Paris, be commonly alleged upon this point, 18. June 1580. in the case of one Barbine, yet all that was there decided, was, que l'advocat, & conseil, pourroit estre ouy par for me de tesmoinage. So that the Advocats have there been willing, but were not forced: And the parties objections were there reserved, for the Decision bears. Sauf a la party, ses reproaches: So that they were but examined before answer. Nor can an Advocate be thus said to conceal truth, since he is only said to conceal, who may be forced to depon. And if Clients know, that their Advocats may be forced to depon against them, they will keep their secrets, or propose their doubts under borrowed names; and thus the design of finding out truth will be disappointed. And the Argument altogether eluded, some urge, that Advocats may be forced to depon upon the having of their Clients Papers. And that by many Decisions they have been oft forced to give them up, after full debates: wherein a special privilege upon the account of their employment has been pretended; from which they infer, that they may be also examined upon what past betwixt their Clients and them. But to this, the easy, and just answer is, that an Advocate can be no further obliedged to deliver his Clients Papers, than the Client himself could have been, but neither the one, nor the other could be forced to deliver up any Papers, but such as the Pursuer is in Law allowed an interest in, and in so far as they are the pursuers Papers. Nor are such Papers as aught to be exhibited, to be accounted secrets, and Advocats are obliedged here, not as Advocats, but as ordinary Subjects. But I will not decide this weighty point. ACT XXVIII. A Ratification of an Act of the Lords of Counsel and Session, made in July 1620. against unlawful Dispositions and Alienations made by Dyvours and Bankrupts. OUR SOVEREIGN LORD, with advice and consent of the ESTATES, convened in this present Parliament, ratifies, approves, and for his Highness, and His Successors, perpetually confirms the Act of the Lords of Counsel and Session, made against Dyvours and Bankrupts, at Edinburg, the 12. day of July, 1620▪ and ordains the same to have, and take full effect, and execution, as a necessary and profitable Law, for the weal of all his Highness Subjects, Of the which Act the tenor followeth. THE LORDS Of Counsel and Session understanding by the grievous and just complaints of many of his majesties good subjects, that the fraud, malice, and falsehood of a number of Divours and Bankrupts, is become so frequent, and avowed, and hath already taken such progress, to the overthrow of many honest men's fortunes, and estates, that it is likely to dissolve, trust, commerce and faithful dealing amongst Subjects: Whereupon must ensue the ruin of the whole Estate, if the godless deceits of those be not prevented, and remedied; who by their apparent Wealth in Lands and Goods, and by their show of Conscience, Credit, and Honesty; drawing into their hands upon trust the Money, Merchandise, and Goods, of well-meaning and credulous persons, do no ways intend to repay the same: but either to live riotously, by wasting of other men's substance; or to enrich themselves, by that subtle stealth of true men's goods, and to withdraw themselves, and their goods, forth of this Realm, to elude all execution of Justice: And to that effect, and in manifest defraud of their Creditors, do make simulate and fraudful alienations, dispositions, and other securities, of their Lands, Reversions, Teyndes, Goods, Actions, Debts, and others, belonging unto them, to their Wives, Children, Kinsmen, alleys, and other confident and interposed persons: without any true, lawful, or necessary cause: and without any just or true price interveining in their said bargains: Whereby their just Creditors, and Cautioners, are falsely and godlesly defrauded of all payment of their just debts: and many honest Families likely to come to utter ruin. FOR remedy whereof, the said LORDS, according to the power given unto them by His Majesty, and His most Noble Progenitors, to set down Orders for administration of Justice: meaning to follow and practise the good and commendable Laws, Civil and Cannon, made against fraudful alienations, in prejudice of Creditors, and against the authors and partakers of such fraud; Statutes, ordains, and declares, That in all actions, and causes, depending, or to be intended by any true Creditor, for recovery of his just Debt; or satisfaction of his lawful action and right: They will decreet, and decern, all Alienations, Dispositions, Assignations, and translations whatsoever made by the Debtor, of any of his Lands, Teyndes, Reversions, Actions, Debts, or goods whatsoever, to any conjunct or confident person, without true, just, and necessary causes, and without a just price really paid, the same being done after the contracting of lawful Debts from true Creditors: To have been from the beginning, and to be in all times coming, Null, and of none avail, force, nor effect: at the instance of the true and just Creditor, by way of action, exception, or reply: without further declarator. And in case any of His Majesty's good Subjects (no way partakers of the said frauds) have lawfully purchased any of the said Bankrupts Lands, or goods, by true bargains, for just and competent prices, or in satisfaction of their lawful Debts, from the interposed persons, trusted by the said Divours. In that case, the right lawfully acquired by him who is no ways partaker of the fraud, shall not be annulled in manner foresaid. But the receiver of the price of the said Lands, goods, and others, from the buyer, shall be holden and oblished to make the same forthcoming to the behoof of the Bankrupts, true Creditors, in payment of their lawful Debts. And it shall be sufficient probation of the fraud intended against the Creditors, if they, or any of them, shall be able to verify by write, or by oath, of the party receiver of any security from the Divour or Bankrupt, that the same was made without any true, just, and necessary cause, or without any true and competent price: Or that the Lands and goods of the Divour and Bankrupt being sold by him who bought them from the said Divour, the whole, or the most part of the price thereof was converted, or to be converted to the Bankrupts profit and use. Providing always that so much of the said lands and goods, or prices thereof so trusted by Bankrupts to interposed persons as hath been really paid, or assigned by them to any of the Bankrupts lawful Creditors, shall be allowed unto them, they making the rest forthcoming to the remanent Creditors, who want their due payments. And if in time coming any of the said Divours, or their interposed partakers of their fraud; shall make any voluntary payment, or right to any person, in defraud of the Lawful, and more timely diligence of another Creditor, having served Inhibition, or used Hornining Arrestment, Comprising, or other lawful mean, duly to affect the Divours Lands, or price thereof to his behoof. In that case the said Divour or interposed person, shall be holden to make the same forthcoming to the Creditor, having used his first lawful diligence: who shall likewise be preferred to the Concreditor, who being posterior unto him in diligence, hath obtained payment by partial favour of the Debtor, or of his interposed confident: and shall have good action to recover from the said Creditor that which was voluntarily paid in defraud of the pursuers diligence. Finally, THE LORDS declares all such Bankrupts and Divours, and all interposed persons, for covering or executing their frauds, and all others, who shall give counsel, and wilful assistance unto the said Bankrupts▪ in the devising and practising of their said frauds, and godless deceits, to the prejudice of their true Creditors, shall be reputed and holden dishonest, false, and infamous persons, incapable, of all honours, dignities, benefices, and▪ offices: Or to pass upon Inquests, or Assizes: Or to bear witness in Judgement, or out▪ with in anytimes coming. FINIS▪