MERLIN Revived: OR, An Old PROPHECY Lately found in a Manuscript in Pontefract-Castle in Yorkshire. MDCL.— 1650. WHen MDC shall join with L, In England things will not go well; A Body shall without an Head, Make all the Neighbouring Nations dread: The Lion's Whelps shall banished be, And seek their prey beyond the Sea. MDCLX.— 1660. But when that X the rest shall join, Restored shall be the Royal Line: Through England joy shall flow amain, To see the Lion's Whelps again. MDCLXVl.— 1666. M joined to th' number of the Beast, Let London then beware the Priest; Ignatius Brood disguised shall burn The City, and it to Ashes turn: Then some shall weep, others admire, To see the Vengeance of the Fire. MDCLXXX.— 1680. Ere time two Xes more doth add, Things will in England grow but bad: Those who before were well content, Shall moan their folly, and repent. A Man of Cole shall Plots design, And with the Jesuits Brood shall join; But the effect they ne'er shall see, But die upon a Triple-Tree. When Janock and the Truckle-Couch, With Horse-pride shall the same things vouch, And when the Valley of the Breast, Shall help to witness with the rest, Then Hellish Plots shall be made known, And th'Arts of wicked Rome be shown. The Son of Jane shall first relate, The Lies that dying men create: An Officer to tell his Tale, In Wooden House shall hither fail: Through Loophole shall a Lawyer look, And Vulcan's Son shall write a Book: A Willow to a Field shall change, And show things Dangerous and strange. Then shall a Price be strongly pressed, To buy the Valley of the Breast; And Mother-Midnight shall declare, She for Religion will make War. Janock, shall go nigh to be slain, And Knocked down in a dirty Lane: But Janock shall escape at last, And see the dangers he had past. Superstition shall have a fall, Its Trinkets hung out on a Wall: The Whore of Babylon's Attire, Shall by the Wall be burnt i'th' Fire. The Lion to the North shall go, And the Lov'd-Knight himself shall show: Great Joy his sight to some shall bring, Yet some shall mourn, whilst others sing: In every place great stir shall be, Members and Head shall disagree. The Sun Eclipsed from our sight, Shall give a weak and sickly light; The Moon shall be bestained with Blood, And Venus by the Sun be trod. Then from these three there shall arise A flaming Meteor in the Skies, Which shall to England threat much woe, And down the Mitre overthrow. MDCLXXXII.— 1682. Ere to the Letters writ before, Time shall have added two I's more, Two I's shall rise and shall contend, And for the Crown their Force shall bend. A Senate then shall end the strife, And Atropos shall cut a Life: Rome then from England fast shall fly, And Laws shall long imprisoned try: Under the Axe great men shall bleed, And others shall at last be freed. The Church and Crown shall flourish then, And happy Peace restored again. The Flower-de-luce shall lose a Stem, And the Old Eagle loud shall scream: The Half-Moon shall Victorious grow, And trample on a Northern Foe: The Orange shall begin to bear, Then Hogen to yourselves beware: A Triple-League shall then be made, And Rome of England be afraid: And he who lives till Eighty Three, All this to come to pass shall see, FINIS.