A Memorial of the Protestants of the Church of England, presented to their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of ORANGE, contains as followeth: THAT their Highnesses cannot be Ignorant that the Protestants of England, who continue true to the Religion and Government as by Law Established, have been many ways troubled and vexed, by many Devices and Machinations of the Papists, carried on under pretence of Royal Authority, and things required of them, unanswerable, before God and Man: Several Ecclesiastical Benefices of Churches and Colleges taken from them, without any other reason given, than the King's Pleasure; themselves Summoned and Sentenced by Commissioners appointed contrary to express Law, deprived of their Free Choice of Magistrates, divers Corporations Dissolved, the Legal Establishment of their Religion and Liberty Established by King and Parliament, abolished and taken away by a pretended Dispensing Power; New and unheard of Maxims broached, That Subjects have no Right but what is founded and derived from the King's Will and Pleasure, the Militia put in the hands of Persons unqualified by Law, and a Popish Mercenary Army maintained in the Kingdom in times of Peace, point blank contrary to Law; Executing of Ancient Laws, against several Crimes and Misdemeanours, Obstructed and Prohibited; and the Statutes against Corresponding with the Court of Rome, against Papal Jurisdictions, and Popish Priests Suspended in the Courts of Justice; those Judges displaced, who Acquit any whom the Court would have Condemned, as happened to the Judges, Holloway and powel for Acquitting the Seven Bishops: The Free Choice of Members of Parliament wholly taken away, (notwithstanding all the Care and Provision made by the Law in that behalf) by the Quowarranto's against Charters, and Proposal of the Three Known Questions. All things Levelled at the Propagation of Popery, for which the Courts of England and France have now for a long time so strenuously bestirred themselves. Endeavours and Practices used to persuade their Highnesses to consent to the Liberty of Conscience, and Abolishing the Penal Laws and Test: (but therein fall short of their Aim) The Queen's being with Child first Proclaimed, and Divulged, by Popish Priests and in the sequel thereof a Child produced, without any Clear Proof, or Evidence, of Sufficient and Unsuspected Witnesses, besides that it cannot be believed that the said Child was ever Born of the Queen, by reason of Her known Sickness, and Indisposition, and many other Arguments, as not being confirmed by any certain foregoing Signs of Conception; the Place of Her Lying in being oft changed, and Her pretended Delivery Celebrated in the Absence of the Princess of Denmark; and while the English Ladies were at Church, in a Bedstead which was provided with a convenient passage in the side of it, by which means a Child was conveyed to the Queen by the Ladies L' Abadie and Teurair; that these be Matters to be left to the Discretion of the Laws in a Free Parliament. And that in the Name of your Highnesses and the whole Nation, the Queen may be desired to prove the Real Birth of the P— of W— by a competent number of Credible Witnesses, of both Sexes: Or, in case of a failure herein, That the Reports of any such Birth, may be suppressed for Time to come. That they Humbly Crave the Protection of their Highnesses in This Matter, as well as with Respect to the Abolition and Suspension of the Laws made to maintain the Protestant Religion, their civil Rights, Fundamental Liberties and Free Government and that their Highnesses would be pleased to insist that (besides the business of the P—) the Government of England according to Law, may be Restored; The Laws against Papal Jurisdiction, Priests, etc. be put in Execution; the Suspensing and Dispensing Power declared Null, and Void, and the Privileges of the City of London, Free Choice of Magis 〈…〉, and Privileges, as well of that, as other Corporations be Restored and 〈…〉ained. FINIS.