Ρ'ΑΧΙΤΙΔΟΛΟΓΙΑ OR A Tract of the Disease RHACHITIS Commonly called the RICKETS. Showing the Signs, Cause, Symptoms, and Prognostics: Together with a most accurate and ingenious Method of CURE. Written originally in Latin, (according to a new-framed Hypothesis) by that most learned Philosopher, and Famous Physician, Dr. John Mayow, late Fellow of All-Souls-Coll. in the Academy of OXON. And now (for the Benefit of his Countrymen) faithfully rendered into English. By W. S. To which is subjoined a profitable Appendix, touching WEIGHTS and MEASURES used in the Composition of Medicines and exhibition of Medicinal Doses. OXFORD, Printed by L. L. for Th. Fickus. 1685 TO The most Vigilant, Industrious and Expert MIDWIFE Mrs. MARY COOMES, the Translator Wisheth all Happiness. Worthy Patroness! IT was an inviolable Decree among the Egyptians, that every Physician should have but one Disease for his Province; whereby is meant, that he was to employ his utmost Industry, in order to improve his Faculty for the good of Mankind: And now adays too, it is so far from being thought an Absurdity so to do, that the best of Professors are not ashamed (but esteem it requisite and highly conducible) to make a particular Scrutiny into the knowledge of some one Distemper, eminently above others, according to the Inclination of their natural Genius. Our learned Author is not herein to be excepted; for albeit he was a person of extensive parts, and was blest with a more than ordinary Capacity; yet did he signalise his Practice by a more particular Enquiry into the true Cause and Cure of the RICKETS, an after long Observation and Experience (that others might reap advantage from his Labours and Study,) published a Tract of this Disease: I having perused the same and well weighed what was written, I was hearty solicitous to communicate it in our Mother-Tongue, to Posterity, that it might become more generally useful, and diffusive to the Intelligence of such as have the Care of Children, and particularly to Midwives who ought to be of good Understanding, and to abound with great Notion relating to Medicines exhibited to Children, touching whose Infirmities it is a most usual thing to have recourse to them. Now having (by the Divine Assistance) completed this Undertaking, I did after mature Deliberation, think fit to make a Dedication of this small Treatise to you, having so great esteem for you, that I blush not to acquaint the World in short, that in what you Profess, appertaining either to Women or Children, (before, or in, or after the Birth,) you are so well Experienced, Dextrous and truly Judicious, that you may be justly styled, the Oxonian LUCINA, or Complete Midwife, What I have done as to the Appendix of Weights and Measures, I nowise doubt but the same will prove more delightful and satisfactory, than what in the Writings of any other English Author is yet extant. So commiting the same to your Patronage, I subscribe myself Yours in all Sincerity WILLIAM SURY. TO THE READER. THose Things which are truly Glorious & highly Divine, do manifest this one grand Proof of their Excellency, in that they continue perpetually Immutable, not being subject to Alteration. Now whereas this is a very great Perfection, and to enjoy a long and prosperous Life is a superexcellent or surmounting and supreme Good; justly then, and not without cause do those Creatures, which are in a mortal State aspire thereat, and naturally desire to Be, and to Live. But since they cannot wholly and absolutely attain this; yet thus much have they acquired ' viz. to have, in some respect, a Perpetual being; not in Number, but in Species, which abideth ever. For which reason, the Birth and Procreation of Living Creatures are continuated by immutable Eternity, that what cannot be preserved in singular Substance, might at least persevere in Species. For it falls out on necessity, that every Individual, whereas it perceives itself to be mortal and dissoluble, wisheth to reserve something in its own Similitude, in its stead; in as much as in some degree it comforteth Languid and Declining Age, and by which as it were growing young and fresh again, it is in a manner perpetuated and made permanent. Hence ariseth that Lust or Desire of Begetting, which Nature hath imparted to all Living Creatures, that their Species might be forever preserved. Which being premised, we come next to consider, that as we want the absolute Perfection (in this humane State) of Immortality; So likewise we are deprived of the benefit of constant Vigour, Strength and Sanity, which not only Decaying Age gradually supervening, but a numerous Host of Diseases too, (which Sin hath entailed upon the Race of Adam) sufficiently confirm. If therefore we respect & ponder the Advantage, Force and Faculties of all Arts, none will be found more excellent, more worthy, or more to be wished for by the sons of men, than that of Physic; which (as the learned Fernelius defines) Est Ars ad humani corporis Sanitatem tuendam, profligandosque morbos, comparata. It is an Art ordained to preserve the Health of man's body, and to profligate Diseases. This great gift hath the Infinite Being, out of his boundless mercy bestowed on mankind, that, as he hath been pleased to necessitate a continuation of the Species, so also this Temporal Life might not be altogether burdensome; but by a seasonable Application of suitable Remedies, all Diseases and Dolours (from the Cradle to the Crutch) whether Internal or External, might be cured or at least alleviated. Certainly then whatever is written on this Subject viz. Medicine, (presupposing it to be rationally deduced from the Fountains of Learning and Experience) it must on necessity prove acceptable; and that worthy old Adage, Bonun quò communius eò melius, affords us a good and profitable Plea for Translation. For why should any thing that tends to a general Advantage, be hid from Vulgar Apprehension, Knowledge being the most delightful and commodious thing in nature. 'tis undoubtedly great Pity that a Secret should be secured and fettered by the Padlock of a foreign Language, whereas the same being ushered into the World by a Mother-Tongue, might arrive to some wonderful Improvement, and diffuse itself to the utmost Limits of Christian Charity. That Author merits but small commendation, who respecting more his proper Praise, than the common Good of Mankind, emits a Tract into the World, grudging his Works to be read by any others, than such as shall (being book-learned themselves) admire his Eloquence, and honour him with the Title of a Learned Man. Such a one (in my Opinion) is like to the Sun obnubilated, yielding most Light where there is least need of it. Tho a person of great Learning deems it a kind of Trespass on his Parts, so much to debase himself, as to commit his endeavours to public View in an inferior Language; yet, if some other is pleased to render the same easy to the Apprehension of a Multitude, which before was commodious but to few; it not only not derogates from the Author's Credit, but also may enrich the Understanding of many a one, whose aspiring Genius, otherwise perhaps might grow Languid, for want of a Recruit. A Judicious Brain is not hereditary to a Grecian or Latinist only. Various Examples of men famous in Physic, the Mathematics, yea most Arts and Sciences, who never were grounded in any but their Mother-Tongue, may be produced. Not being a Linguist, proves a man to be a mere Ignoramus; no more than the Language of the Beast, infers a good Conclusion to think or say, every one, that knows it, to be a Cicero. In truth, the Veneration I have always had for Charitable Intentions, was the strongest Motive that urged and inur'd me to this Enterprise. And we are bound to confess, (whatever praejudicial Spirits dare depose to the contrary) that Mankind can rarely be obliged with a more acceptable piece of Service, then that of reducing one Language into another. If therefore this noble Medicinal Art infer so great Commodity and Delectation; if likewise, (as I have made it apparent) from Translation so great Improvement accrue to most men, and (as I may boldly say) to all Nations; here mayest thou, Reader! divert thy Apprehension, and improve thy Knowledge, not with a mean, but remarkable and late discovery; viz. An Investigation of a Distemper called the RICKETS, incident to Babes and Infants only, whose Tenderness and Immaturity of Age and Understanding, as they impede the Exploration and Disquisition of the Diseases Origine, so likewise add difficulty to to the Cure. The famous Author (when living, much admired for his profound Knowledge, and secure Judgement) amongst his most ingenious Philosophical Tracts, which largely recommend his Worth, hath pitched upon a Scrutiny of this Eisease in all its parts Diagnostic, Prognostic and Therapeutic, as well Pharmaceutical as Chirurgical. To be brief, this Tract may justly bear the Title of Gemma Medica, the Glory of whose Splendour the most Nebulous Aspect of frowning Zoilus, cannot diminish or obumbrate. His Hypothesis, touching the Crookedness of the Bones is undeniable, and not to be paralleled, by the bravest Aesculapius this refined Age can produce. Accept hereof (kind Reader!) with as much Candour, as I have with Cheerfulness Translated it, and in so doing, thou wilt highly recompense me for my Pains, and encourage me to Publish something else shortly, which will not be less worthy thy perusal. In the mean time Farewell, and enjoy these Fruits of my Labour, which will tend both to thy Pleasure and Profit. Thine in all honest Endeavours W. S. ERRATA. PAge 26, Line 16. for 1. r. 2. p, 35. l. 17. r. grow not only. p. 35. l. 22. for inflicted, r. inflected. p. 47. l. 15. for to, r. too. p. 64. l. 14. for affect. r. effect. p. 75. l. 13. for half an Ounce, r. half a Dram. p. 76. l. 6. for a Scruple, r. half a Scruple, p. 90. l. 14. for efered, r. referred. fig. 1. fig. 2. fig. 3. fig 4. fig 5 fig. 6. fig 7 fig. 8. fig 9 fig 10 fig. 11. A Tract of the Disease RHACHITIS, commonly called the RICKETS The Proem. THe Renowned GLISSON is the only man (as far as I know) who hath wrote any thing touching the Rickets: which may seem to be very strange, since a Disease for the most part doth scarcely spread so much as the ill habit of writing concerning it. And truly, so accurate a Treatise of this Disease lately set forth by Dr. Glisson, and the Authority of so great a man, might deter me from writing, did I not believe him to be such an one as would willingly pardon a lover of the Truth, though now and then dissenting from him. Yet whereas I am making haste along with him to the same Goal, it must needs be that most an end I trace the same Footsteps. Wherefore by leave of so great a Person, I may lawfully repeat, (since it cannot be otherwise,) some things declared by him already. CHAP. I. Of the time when and Place where the Disease Rhachitis had its first Rise, and who are most subject thereto. THis Disease had its first rise in the Western parts of England, above Forty years ago: But afterwards (as it is the custom of Diseases and evils to spread themselves further) it infested the Cradles of Infants, (but more seldom in the Northern Countries, throughout all England. Therefore they are Infants who chief are sick of this disease; and they are more frequently vexed therewith, from the sixth month after the Birth to the eighteenth, and from a year and a half to the end of two years and a half so that for the most part the time of its Invasion, are those two years which presently ensue the age of six months from the Birth. CHAP. II. Of the Signs or Symptoms of the Disease. THe Diagnosis or knowledge of this Disease, (as of others,) doth depend upon the understanding of the Symptoms, which are these that follow. 1. The proportion of the parts is irregular: viz. The Head bigger than it ought to be. 2. The Face over-fat, 3. The Wit too acute in respect of the Age. 4. The external Members, chief the musculous, lean and extenuated. 5. The Skin lose and flagging. 6. The Bones for the most part bowed, and those about the Joints standing out, and knotty. 7. The Spine or Backbone is varioufly inflected. 8. The Breast is strait or narrow. 9 The Extremities of the Ribs knotty. 10. The Abdomen somewhat puffed up, and stretched out. These things are outwardly observed, but inwardly. 11. The Liver is perceived over-large; as also most of the Parenchymaes, or fleshy substances. 12. The Ventricle and Intestines rise into a greater Bulk, than in those who are sound. 13. The Mesenterium is affected with Glandules too great; if not with Srumae or Waddles. These are the Symptoms within the Abdomen; within the breast, 14. The Lungs are discerned stuffed and tumid; and the same sometimes purulent, strumous, and very often growing fast to the Pleura. 15. The Jugular Veins, and Carotid Arteries, are sometimes found larger than their just proportion; but the Brain is faulty only as to its Proportion and massy Bulk. 16. Lastly, to these is added an Enervation of almost all the Parts; also a certain drowsiness and Impatience of Labour and Exercise: For, the little Children cannot play, except sitting, and with much ado can stand on their feet. And at last in the Progress of the Disease, the burden of their Head, can hardly be sustained by their weak neck. These are the so many and so great Symptoms of this Malady: In the next place we must search out what may be the fruitful (cause or mischief of so numerous an offspring. CHAP. III. Of the Cause of the Disease. That it consisteth not in the naughtiness of the Blood; nor in the depraved constitution of the Parts. FIrst, We suppose the Cause of this Disease not to consist in the vitiated Influx of the blood, for so the whole mass of blood would be corrupted, which since it is indifferently conveyed to every part, the more impure blood would affect all of them more or less; which notwithstanding in this infirmity never happeneth: For the Head, as also the Bowels are well disposed only more than usually great; yea, the very Parenchymaes which chief consist of affused blood, whereas they are found very much like to those of the Healthful, they in like manner argue the blood to be good and laudable. For it were absurd to assert I know not what Elective attraction, whereby the head and bowels well disposed, do attract all the good blood, but send away the bad into other parts: For this Attraction, (were there any) would be from all parts alike, since to every part there is a congruity and necessity of good blood, which are thought to bring to pass a motion of that kind. Secondly, we affirm the Foundation of that Affect, not to consist in the depraved constitution of the parts themselves; as if the parts molested with frigid and moist Intemperature; were unapt for receiving the Heart's influx: For, whence doth arise this so great an Humidity and Coldness of some parts, in comparison of the rest, since all of them are irrigated with the like hot blood and spirits alike? For neither do I suppose the frigidity innate to the parts, but to be preternaturally in them; neither truly must we believe the parts themselves to withstand their own nutrition. For those operate nothing in the Act of nutrition; but only receive the nutriment brought to them by toleration: So that I certainly believe, there is no other unaptness in the parts, whereby they become not nourished, except Obstructions only, by means whereof they cannot take Aliment: Wherefore the cause of this Malady, cannot be in the constitution of the parts themselves; nor is it reasonable to judge Humidity the cause of the disease, but rather the Effect. CHAP. IU. That the Nerves as well as the Blood do help to nourish; and this disease doth peculiarly depend upon the defect of the Nervous Influx. HOwever whereas the parts are really Cold. and (though largely supplied with blood good enough) are not nourished; We must altogether conclude that something else besides the blood alone, is requisite to heat and nutrition. Whatsoever this be there is a necessity that it be carried through some of the Vessels. The Arteries convey the blood, the Veins carry back that which is brought; and the Nerves only remain, which can convey the Liquor, or at least nutritious spirits. But, that no man may doubt whether the Nerves carry any thing necessary to nutrition, I shall allege an Experiment known to every body; to wit, if a Nerve serving to any part be cut off from it, not only the sense of that part, but also all manner of nourishment, is utterity lost, insomuch as the same for the time to come shall become as it were withered. But however, this nervous Liquor alone doth not perform, the whole duty of nutrition. For besides it, the blood diffused through the Arteries obtains not a small part as to nourishing. Forasmuch as the nervous juice being mingled with the blood doth cause a certain Effervescence or Heat, whereupon the matter meet for the nourishing of the parts, is precipitated; and through the defect of this nervous liquour's influx, though the blood in this affect be pretty laudable, yet wanting its due ferment, it is neither available te excite due heat in the parts, nor to execute the office of Nutrition. CHAP. V The Definition, or Description of the Rhachitis, together with the Cause thereof: Wherein is showed, that it proceeds not from the faultiness of the Brain; but from the obstruction of the spinal Marrow. FRom what hath been said, we need not be afraid to affirm, that The RHACHITIS is a Disease, arising from the unequal distribution of the Nervous Liquor through the defect or superabundance whereof, some Parts defrauded of Nutriment are attenuated, other parts being over-cloyed [therewith,] grow too bulky. But this Vice of inequality consists not in the Influx of the Brain; for, from this fountain being vitiated, meet nutriment would accrue to no part at all. and truly, the Head and other parts, which partake of the nerves that have their original from the Brain, do enjoy Nutriment laudable enough, though in too great abudance; yet whereas those Parts which have Nerves springing from the spinalis Medulla, do become lean; it is certainly manifest, that although in the brain, (as it were the public store-house, shop, or workhouse of the whole body,) an increase or store of vital spirits ample enough is elaborated; yet, the Spinalis medulla, as it were the Princely road or highway tending from that mart or empory is altogether overcharged and encumbered by thick and glutinous humours, whereby the Passage for the nervous nutriment is blocked up: whence it cometh to pass, that the Nerves which descend from the Spinal marrow, being destitute of that nutritious liquor, bring no aid at all to the languishing parts which they approach. Hence comes an Atrophy, and very great extenuation of those parts. So at last 'tis reasonable that we determine this to be the cause of this malady; and the rather, for that the reason of all the symptoms proper to this disease, may more clearly and easily be derived from this Fountain, as from what follows shall be manifest. CHAP. VI The Reason of the Symptoms, and first of the too great Augmentation of the Head. IN this affect it falls out, that the head is increased to an unreasonable bigness, which indeed from our supposition must needs be: For the nutritious liquor of the brain is wont in a great measure to be discharged on the Spinal Marrow; but that Passage now being stopped the whole is distributed to the nerves descended from the brain. Hereupon, whereas the head doth acquire too liberal an increase of nutriment from those nerves turgid with nutritious juice, it must on necessity be advanced to an extraordinary bigness. From this cause also, the countenance (in respect of the Age) is over-big and the wit too acute: for, as the spirits being exhausted, do render us dull and languid; in likemanner; plenty thereof congested in the brain, maketh us wise and witty. CHAP. VII. Of the swelling or puffing up of the Abdomen. THe inward Parts of the Abdomen are wont for the most part to exceed their just proportion: there is indeed the like reason or cause for this, as there is for the symptoms of the head; For 'tis very certain, that these Plexus or foldings of so many nerves, serving to the lower most belly, (as chief of the Wand'ring Pair and Intercostal Nerves,) are the Ofl, spring of those which are descended from the Brain: That now it is no wonder, if the aforesaid Viscera, enjoying more plentiful nourishment brought unto them by the said nerves, do grow larger. For although the Intercostal Nerves receive Branches from the spinalis medulla, such as can bring unto them no nutritious Liquor, yet, that too liberal influx of the brain doth abundantly recompense for this defect. As for the Liver, and the rest of the Parenchymaes, which seem principally to consist of affused blood, the nervous juice perhaps is not so necessary for their nutrition: yet, whereas the Muscles of the Abdomen spread over them, have nerves from the Spinalis medulla, which certainly can bring no nutriment from that dried fountain, hence it comes to pass that the Viscera or Bowels inwardly surging, do press the Muscles aforesaid, and cause them to be stretched out as not growing with equal pace. CHAP. VIII. Of strumous Glondules, or hard Kernels. FUrthermore it happens that the Mesentery is affected with great Kernels, and Strumous tumors. That the cause of this symptom may the better be known, I shall briefly premit the Origine of Glandules. The nervous Liquor being mingled by due fermentation with the Blood, doth pass into a nutritious carnal substance; but, if the Nerve being replete and turgid shall pour forth its liquor (which is very much like unto the white of an Eglantine,) into the interspaces of the flesh; the matter so effused doth not any more make flesh, through the defect of blood requisite hereto, but is congealed into a Glandulous body very much like unto itself; which from Observation is manifest: For being about to make an Experiment on a Dog, I pricked a nerve, whereupon the dog was afterwards miserably wrested with Convulsions, and about three months after, I found a Glandulous concretion remarkable enough, where that wound or Puncture before hand was inflicted, which seems to arise from the nervous liquor flowing from the Puncture of the Nerve. These things being premised; whereas so much nervous liquor is transfered from the repleted brain, through the Wand'ring Pair and Intercostol nerves, into the Abdomen, as cannot be changed into the substance of the Viscera that liquor is deposited into the interspaces of the Membranes, (whereof many occur,) and there procureth strumae or waddles in great number. Neither only in the Abdomen but wheresoever the nerves springing from the brain, (which grow turgid with that Liquor) do approach, there strumous tumors are to be seen; yet such as vanish away shortly after the Cure of the disease: For, the nervous Liquor, which, being effused in so great plenty from the Brain (through the nerves springing from thence) did abound to the Generation of the Strumoe, is now for the greatest part derived into the Spinalis medulla; so that those Strumoe, defrauded of nutriment, in a short time are dried away. CHAP. IX. Of the Crookedness of the Bones. Dr. Glissons Opinion touching the same, is set down. IN this Affect also the Bones are wont to be bowed more or less; especially those of the Cubit and Tibia: The joints also for the most part, bend outwardly: the Extremities of the Ribs (where they are joined with the Cartilages of the Sternum,) are knotty; The Bones of the joints protuberant; likewise the whole Spine is variously inflected, partly outwards, partly inwards. I do not conceive that this crookedness of the bones doth proceed from their Flexibility, sigh that Children afflicted with this malady, have rather greater and firmer bones than others, as shall more at large be declared: But since this incurvitie of the benes is so notable, we may be a little more prolix in the Disquisition thereof; and first I shall produce the Learned Glissons opinion, and then my own. We may compare the Bones (saith the famous man) to which this crookedness useth to happen, to a Pillar; and not unaptly, seeing that when they are erected, they resemble a Pillar: And from thence we deduce a demonstration that illustrates and makes the matter very plain. Let the Pillar therefore consist of three stones a. b. c. placed over one another Fig. 1. We suppose it such a one as is perpendicularly erected on every side, and of the same height: If therefore you shall fasten in a wedge on the right side between the stones a. b. through the line f. d. The head of the Pillar, namely the stone a. will of necessity be bended towards d. and will make an Angle in d. and the height of the Pillar on the right side will be higher than on the left, as may be seen in Fig 1. In like manner, if you drive in another wedge through g. e. into the stones b. c. the Pillar will be yet more bowed, and an Angle will be made in e. Now therefore the Pillar stands bend to the left hand, as you see in the same Figure. But if you build a Pillar of more stones, and betwixt every two, (as hath been said,) a wedge be interposed on one side, it will not resemble the Figure of a Pillar, but the proportion of a Bow, as is plainly perceived by the third Figure. Now that we may accommodate these things to the present business; if the bones aforesaid be more plentifully nourished, and therefore do grow out more on that, than the opposite side; there is a necessity, that that must grow crooked: For here the over-plentiful nutrition of that side hath the same power, after the same manner, to bow the Bones, as the interposed wedge hath to bow the Pillar; fave that the wedge is fastened only in some places of the side of the Pillar, and the over-plentiful nutrition of the side of the bone is commonly equally made, according to the whole length thereof, and because of this equal nutrition of the bone, the bowing thereof doth exactly represent part of a Circle without Angleses. CHAP. X. The Author's opinion. That the Bones in this Disease are sufficiently nourished; but not the musculous Parts, the extenuation whereof is the only Cause that the Bones are bowed; as is illustrated by Example. Of the inflexion of the Spine. Why the Bones of the Thigh and Shoulder are very seldom bowed. ACcording to this Hypothesis; to wit, the over-plentiful Nutrition of one side, the Famous man indeed by an ingenious Comment doth demonstrate the crookedness of the Bones. But, (by the leave of so great a Person,) how doth that over-plentiful nutrition of one side appear to us, when as the blood wherewith the bones are nourished, is not less equally dispensed in this Affect, than it is in such as are healthful? And were there any such inequality, the over-plentiful Aliment would be admitted in by the hinder-part of the Tibia or Shank-bone, as being less exposed to the Cold, and softer; and then the posteriour and elongated side of the bowed shank would be convex, and the anteriour concave: but it is quite contrary; for the shank in this Affect is wont to stand out forward. Yea further, we may gather from the very Figure or shape of the bowed bones, that they grow equally on both sides: For the bones are after the manner of the Fourth Figure, which may represent the Tibia, or shank-bone; where the concave part, a. is just as long as the convex part, b. For otherwise, if the Tibia were form as in the fifth figure, the Thigh-bone, b, placed above it, could not be sustained without a manifest Obliquity of the body, as may be seen in the said Figure. Let us then investigate some other cause of this crookedness; and that the matter may the more clearly appear, the following things are briefly to be premised. 1. We affirm that in this Disease, the Bones are not to be numbered omong the affected parts, in respect of Nutrition; for they are not nourished, or do they grow less, than in those that are healthy; as we have found by observation: For we find that the blood alone is sufficient for their nutrition, and that there is no need of the nervous Juice, as in the nourishing of the other parts. For since the bones are deemed to have no sense [or feel] as in themselves; it is withal to be thought that they have little or no commerce with the Nerves. 2. We take it for granted, that in this Affect, the musculous and nervous parts do in nowise wax bigger, by reason of the defect of the nervous Liquor that is requisite for their nutrition. These things being premised let, a. in the sixth Figure be the Shank-bone; b, the muscles affixed to it behind, and constituting the calf of the Leg. Whereas therefore the Shank-bone doth increase and grow longer; yet the same being held down (as it were with a string, (by the muscles which grow not with equapace, insomuch that it cannot grow strait; there is a necessity, that that bone should stand bend like a Bow, being stretched out by the Fibres of the muscles which are shorter. Let us illustrate this our Hypothesis by Example. If a Cord or String be fastened to a young growing Tree, at the top and towards the root; but in such manner as the same be not bend thereby, as in the seventh Figure is described; I no ways doubt but that Tree will become bowed as it grows, after the manner of the eighth Figure. For this demonstration doth depend, upon this Mathematical assertion; viz. If a Line [assigned to certain bounds,] be stretched out longer within the same bounds or limits, it must on necessity of a strait line become a crooked one: Which is the very same that happens to the bones in this Affect. And this may further be confirmed, in that bowed bones always respect [or bent towards] the muscle annexed to them on the concave part, as a Bow doth its string; as may be seen in a shank which beareth forward, and is Convex; but, in the hinder part that respects the Muscles it is concave: this same also doth take place in other bones, from a strong Argument, that the bones are not otherwise inflected by the Muscles, than a bow is by its string. From which a reason may be sought; why Women-Quacks are wont with success daily to rub the concave side of the bones, and not the convex: viz. The Muscle sited on the concave side of the bone is nourished and increaseth, the nutritious liquor being more plentifully called forth by this kind of Friction; that now it is no marvel, (the string being stretched out longer,) if the bone, extended and bowed by it, be withal relaxed, and become straighter. And from this cause, they that are cured of this disease, grow [for the most part] very tall in Stature; for the Bones grow not as in others; but also, whilst they become strait of crooked ones, they are much more elongated. The Spine also is variously in flicted, partly inwards, and partly outwards, which ariseth from the various Position of the Muscles in divers parts of the Spine; The Spine, to wit, in the Superior part, (by the muscles outwardly affixed,) is bowed inwards, but in the inferior part, (by the muscles Psoas inwardly annexed, and very strong,) it is bend outwards; as in the ninth Figure is showed, wherein, a. a. is the Spine, b. the Muscles affixed outwardly, and bowing the Spine in the superior part inwards; and, c. the internal muscles of the Loins called Psoas, bending the same outwards. In like manner also I suppose this cause or reason of Crookedness takes place, not only in this Affect, but likewise in other cases: For if at any time it falls out, in tender Age, that any muscle through defect of nutriment be extenuated; the bone to which the same is annexed, must needs be bowed thereby. In the Thighs, and Shoulders, where the Bones are equally restrained by muscles fastened on every side, those (being posited in aequilibrio, or equal poise) are rarely bowed in any part: but since they cannot be stretched out in length, they must (as they do) on necessity grow out in bigness, and sometimes also become knotty. CHAP. XI. Why the Breast grows strait or narrow, and accuminated. MOreover, it happens in this affect, that the Breast becomes strait and accuminated; and this Symptom in like manner may easily be illustrated by our Hypothesis: For The Ribs cannot enlarge their Arches, unless the Intercostal muscles be also extended, as may be seen in the tenth Figure, where the Proportions of the Ribs, a. a. a. a. cannot be elongated, unless the intercostal muscles be likewise stretched out or enlarged. But we take it for granted that the said muscles, (in as much as nerves are imparted to them from the Spinalis Medulla,) cannot be lengthened through defect of Aliment. Ergo, neither can the Ribs, nor yet the Breast grow wider. For, whereas the Ribs are nonrished, yet being stayed by the said muscles, that they cannot be augmented as to longitude; they must needs (as it comes to pass) grow Knotty: But, neither is this Augment suitable to the provision or plenty of Aliment, wherefore the anteriour extremities of the Ribs are yet further lengthened to an edge, for there remains but this one way of increasing, as in the eleventh Figure is shown, wherein let, a, a, be the Ribs, whose extremities, b, b, grow outwardly to an edge; for they cannot be bowed inwards, since it would be much contrary to their natural Site. Likewise the Muscles of the Abdomen conduce not a little to the narrowness of the Breast, which, as we said, being extenuated and tighted do draw the inferior Ribs, to which they are fastened, downwards, and so straighten the Breast. With the self same reason may be demonstrated the vices of the other bones; to wit, whereas the joynt-bones in the Wrists and Ankles cannot be bowed by reason of their brevity, they do bunch forth into knots or nodes. But let what hath been said, touching the crookedness of the bones suffice. CHAP. XII. Of the Asthma, Pursiness, or shortness of Breath, in this Affect. IT is no wonder, if the Lungs, which have not room to dilate themselves, are stuffed with clotted blood, (as it falls out) and puffed up, by reason of the aforesaid straightness of the breast: Hereupon, sometimes they become purulent, and for the most part grow fast to the Pleura; and and from this cause the Asthma and difficulty of breathing, do afflict the Patients. CHAP. XIII. From what Cause the Imbecility or Feebleness of the Body doth arise. AS to the very great feebleness of the body in this Affect, and awkerdness to any motion; although the extenuation of the Muscles doth in some measure make way for this Symptom, yet this alone seems not efficacious enough, since the impairing of strength is greater than according to the Extenuation of the Muscles: For, the sick cannot stand on their feet, neither (in the Progress of the disease) are they able to sustain the weight of their head. Wherefore we must investigate some more remote cause of so great Imbecility, which indeed can be no other than the defect of the Animal Spirits inevitably ensuing the said obstruction of the Nerves: For, the Animal spirits are not requisite or necessary for nutrition alone, but also for motion. And so at length we have, (as it were from a Fountain,) deduced the Symptoms of this disease, from the obstruction of the Spinalis medulla. CHAP. XIV. Why elderly Persons, or those of riper years, are not molested with this Disease. BUt here may arise a Querie: How comes it to pass, that adult or Elderly Persons are never infested with this Malady; whereas they, as well as Infants, may suffer Obstructions of the Nerves, as it happens in the Palsy, and other the like distempers? I answer; although perhaps Children are chief obnoxious to this disease; yet those of riper years are sometimes troubled with this Affect under a different name. Nevertheless, because the aforesaid Symptoms for the greatest part do never befall Elderly People; this doth not arise from the difference of the Disease, but of the Age. For, whereas the massy Bulk of the Head, the crookedness of the Bones, and some other Symptoms proceed from the enormous augmentation of the Parts, it is altogether impossible that adult persons, and such as are grown to the highest Pitch, (to wit such as have attained their full growth) should grow irregularly; and for that reason the Bulk of the Head is not augmented beyond measure in elderly persons sick of this disease, as it is in Children; because the head is at full growth, which the Laws of Nature itself deny to exceed. But although the parts cannot be enormously augmented in those that are elderly; yet, the disease sufficiently discovers itself, by extenuating the same, which one thing in such [viz. adult Persons] it can only do. CHAP. XV. The Prognostic of this Disease comprehended in Seven Aphorisms. AS to the Prognosis, Prescience, or Prognostication of the Event of this Disease, of itself for the most part it is not mortal: yet sometimes the Symptoms waxing grievous, it degenerates into a Phthisis, Consumption, Hectick-Feaver, Dropsy of the Lungs, or Ascites; and so at length it proves deadly to the Patient. But a more easy Prognostic may be instituted from the Rules following. 1. If this Disease lay hold on the Patient before the Birth, or presently after; it is [then] most dangerous, and for the most part Lethal. 2. By how much the sooner after the Birth this Affect invades [the Infant,] it is so much the more dangerous. 3. By how much the more the Symptoms of the Disease grow worse and worse; viz. If there be to great a disproportion of the Parts, and very great extenuation; so much the more difficult is the Cure. 4. If this Affect have the aforesaid Diseases joined with it, it scarcely ever terminates in Health. 5. Whosoever are not cured before the fifth year of their Age, they are sickly all their life time afterwards. 6. The Scab or Itch coming upon this Disease, confers much to the Cure thereof. 7. We need not doubt of their Health, in whom the Symptoms of the Disease are not increased, but rather diminished. CHAP. XVI. The Method of Curing. AFter that we have made enquiry into the Cause and Prognostic of this Disease, it now remains that we come to its Precaution, or prevention, and cure. Whereas then the cause of this Affect doth consist in the obstruction of the Spinalis medulla, and the Imbecility of the nerves thence descended; the Principal Indications as well preservatory as curatory are, that the nerves be strengthened, and the Obstructions prevented, or taken away to this end, Medicaments Cathartick, Phlebotomy, also Digestives, Diuretics, Diaphoretics, and Specifics may be made use of, whose Forms and manner of Using, we shall set down below. As to what belongs to the Cure of the Disease, in the Institution thereof, we must begin with Purgation; which is so much the more convenient in this Affect, for that Phlegmatic Humours are for the most part congested in the lowest Belly in great abundance, and the inward parts of the Abdomen are frequently affected with strumous tumors. Purgation may be ordained by Clysters, Emetics, or Purging Lenitives. CHAP. XVII. The use of Clysters, and some Forms thereof. IF the Belly be Costive, or infested with Colical Torments, let Clysters be frequently made use of, which are not merely solutive, but moreover also, let them be compounded of Alterants and Corroboratives. We will describe some forms thereof. A Laxative, Anodyne, and Carminative, Clyster. Take of the Leaves of Mallows Mj. the Flowers of Melilot, Camomile, Elder, of each Pj. Annis-seds and Fennel seeds bruised of each, half a dram; Boyl them in a sufficient Quantity of new Cow's- milk. To 4.5. or 6. Ounces of the Colature, add Brown Sugar, and Syrup of Violets, or Roses, of each one Ounce, mingle them, make a Clyster to be injected Lukewarm, a long while after Meals. Another. Take the Root of Marsh mallow bruised, half an Ounce; the Leaves of Mallows, and Pellitory of the Wall, of eaeh, half a handful; the Flowers of Chammomil, and Elder, of each, a small handful; Carminative Seeds, two drams: boil them in a sufficient Quantity of Posset-Ale. To 5, or 6, Ounces of the Colature, add of the Lenitive Electuary, or Diacassia, half an Ounce: Fresh Butter six Drams: mingle them: make a Clyster to be injected lukewarm. Corroborant Clysters may be made after this manner. A Corroborant Clyster. Take of fresh Stone-horse dung one Ounce and an half; Flowers of Rosemary and Sage, of each, a small handful; of Juniper berries, two Drams; Annis-seeds and Fennel-Seeds, of each, half a Dram: Digest them warm and close stopped, with a sufficient quantity of Posset Ale. In 4, 5, or 6, Ounces of the Colature, Dissolve of brown Sugar, one Ounce, Fresh butter six Drams. mingle them; make a Clyster: Moreover, six Drams of Portuguese Manna may be added, if you see cause. Another. Take 20, or 30, washed Hog-lice: to which being bruised, pour on 4. or 5. Ounces of Posset-drink made with White-wine. In the Expression dissolve of Brown Sugar, one Ounce; Venetian Turpentine dissolved in the white of an Egg, one or two Drams. Mingle them, make a Clyster to be injected luke warm. CHAP. XVIII. The use of Emetics or Vomitory Medicines, and some Forms thereof. IF the Ventricle be loaded with vicious Humours, and they tend upward, let Emetics be exhibited; nevertheless so as in the Prescription thereof Consideration must be had of the tender Age. Let the Vomitories consist rather of Salt of Vitriol, and Wine of Squils', than of stibiated medicines; for that it is not so safe to exhibit them to Infants, for fear of Convulsions; albeit in some Cases stibiated Medicines may also be made use of. A Gentle Vomitory. Take of the wine, or Oxymel of Squils', from half an Ounce to an Ounce; which being taken, half an hour after, let the Patiented drink Posset-Ale in great abundance; then with a Feather, or Finger, thrust down the Throat, provoke Vomiting, and sometimes repeat it. Another. Take Oxymel of Squil's, from half an Ounce to an Ounce; If Vomiting succeed not, half an hour after, give half a Scruple, or fifteen Grains of salt of Vitriol, in a draught of Posset-Ale. If strength will permit, stronger Emetics may be used: As this that follows. A stronger Vomitory. Take of the Infusion of Crocus Metallorum well depurated by settlement, from one dram to two, according to the Age, and strength of the Patient; Oxymel of Squills, three drams, or half an ounce; simple-water of Walnuts, or of the lesser Gentory, six drams: Mingle them, make a Vomitory. CHAP. XIX. Some Examples of Cathartics, or Purging Medicines. A gentle Purgation (some days after a Vomitory, or else if Vomition be not requisite) may be ordained, and repeated by Intervals. A Gentle Purging Draught. Take the Cream of Tartar, from ten Grains to fifteen; Augustan Syrup, or Syrup of Succory with Rhubarb, from six drams to one ounce; mingle them: Let it be taken very early in the morning, either by itself, or in a draught of Posset-Ale. Another. Take Portuguese Manna, from half an ounce to an ounce; Vitriolated Tartar from five Grains to ten; mingle them. Let the mixture be taken in the morning, in Broth, or Posset- Ale. A Purging Syrup. R. Of the Roots of Polypody of the Oak, sharppointed dock, each six drams; Bark of the Roots of Elder, Dwarf-Elder, of each half an ounce; Roots of Osmond-royal, Male-fern, Succory, of each, half an ounce; The Herbs Agrimony, Liver-wort, Speedwell, Hart's-tongue, Ceterach, of each, half a handful: Boyl them in three Pints of Spring-water, to the Consumption of the third part. Let the Liquor be strained into a Matrace, whereunto put of the Leaves of Senna, two ounces, Rhubarb, one ounce, Dodder of Time, yellow Sanders, of each, two drams; of Annis-seeds, Fennel-seeds, of each on? dram; Salt of Worm wood, one dram and a half: Infuse them warm, and close-stopt 12 hours; to the straining cleared by settlement, add an equal quantity of Sugar; and by the mere dissolution of the Sugar, or gentle boiling, make a Syrup according to Art. The Dose is from 1, to 3, spoonfuls, either by itself, or in some appropriate Liquor. A Purging Electuary. To the Purging Infusion, add of Cassia, and Tamarinds, extracted with part of the same Infusion, Portuguese Manna strained or purified, and of the best Sugar, of each I ounce and a half; Evaporate them with a gentle Heat to the Consistence of an Electuary. The Dose is, the Quantity of a Walnut, more or less according to its Operation. Purgative Pills. R: Of the Species of Hiera-Picra simplex, one dram; of the best Rhubarb powdered, half a dram; vitriolated Tartar, one scruple, Gun-ammoniac dissolved in Vinegar, fifteen Grains: With a sufficient quantity of Elixir Proprietatis of Paracelsus, let a Pilulary Mass be made, whereof let from half a scruple to a scruple be form into Pills, and given at the hour of sleep. A Bochet of Rhubarb, and yellow , made in proper distilled Waters, may be made use of. If the Patient be affected with Worms, or ●●●●mous Swell, or there b● any suspicion of the Venereal Evil, the following Bolus may be exhibited between while. A Purging Bolus. Take Mercurius dulcis, from six Grains to ten; Conserve of the Flowers of Succory half a dram; mix them, make a Bolus. Let it be given very early in the morning, the Patient drinking immediately after it a convenient Dose of the Purging Syrup, or Infusion. Another. R. Mercurius dulcis, from six Gr. to ten; Rosin of Jalap or Scammony, from two Grains to four; Chemical Oil of Juniper berries, one drop. Make a Powder, which reduce into a Bolus with one dram of the Pulp of a coddled [or roasted] Apple, or with Conserve of Violets. Let the Patient take it early in the morning. CHAP. XX. Chirurgical Remedies. AFter gentle Purgation, if the Patient be of a Sanguine Temper, Phlebotomy or Blood-letting takes place. The Empirics of our Nation, are wont to draw Blood in a small quantity by scarifying the hollow part of the Ear, which they perform with a bluntish Knife, rather than with a sharp Penknife, and that they repeat twice or thrice, interposing the space or interval of about seven days. Tho Practitioners do celebrate much this kind of Scarification, yet I cannot tell but that Leeches profit as much or more. Neither do I suppose that it is to be feared, that Leeches by their sucking would affect a greater Flux of Blood towards the Head. For what Blood soever (by reason of their suction) cometh near to the Part which they are applied to, the same is evacuated by the very suction: and as to the greater afflux of Blood, which is caused by the fullness of the Vessels, that also takes place in Phlebotomy. Moreover, Issues bring very great help in this Affect, and especially a Fontinel excited between the first and second Vertebrae of the Neck; for so the same being applied to the Origine of the Disease will be of more efficacy. The use of Fonticles chief cousists in that the same conduce to evacuate the superfluous Serositie of the Brain, and thereby to diminish its irregular magnitude, and also to dry up the too great humidity of the Spinalis Medulla, and consequently to corroborate the Nerves thence descended. A Seton may very well supply the place of a Fontinel. As for Vesicatories or Blisterplaisters, it is not to be doubted, but that they will bring help, being applied to the Vertebrae of the Neck, and behind the Ears. But their virtue is soon exerted, and the frequent use of them is too troublesome and painful for Children. Furthermore, Cupping-Glasses without Scarification applied according to the whole length of the Spine, seem to be of no small Moment to correct the Cold and moist temper of the Spinalis Medulla, and to take away the torpour of the Nerves: Yea sometimes also I suppose they may be applied near the uppermost Vertebrae of the Neck, with Scarification. CHAP. XXI. Specific Alterants, [or Remedies peculiar to this Disease, being such as alter and correct the Blood and Humours.] BEsides Purging and Chirurgical Remedies, specific alterant Medicines may also be used; to which Diaphoretics and Diuretics are sometimes to be added, some Examples whereof we will set down. Specific Remedies, which are found most effectual to cure this Malady, are either Simple, or Compound; and indeed among the Simple ones, these following are most approved. Specific Remedies. The Wood Guaiacum, and its Bark. Sassafras. Wood of the Lentick tree. Rosemary wood. The knotty parts [or tops] of the Fir-tree. Root of China. Sarsaparilla. The three sorts of Sanders. The Root of Osmond-Royal, or rather the Spikes or little Fibres of its Roots. The Roots of Male-Fern, or rather the Buds just bursting forth out of the Earth. Roots of, Grass. Asparagus. Eringo. Succory. Bur-dock. The Capillary Herbs, and especially the English black Maidenhair. Spleen-wort. Wall Rue or Tent-wort. Harts-tongue. Liver-wort. The Bark of Caper-roots. Male Speedwell. Agrimony. Brook-lime. Water-Cresses. The Leaves and Flowers of Sage. Rosemary. Archangel. Betony. Tamarisk. The preparation of Steel, as its Salt or Vitriol. Tartar. Castoreum. The Flowers of Brimstone. Earthworms. Hog-lice prepared. And the like. Whereof Compounds may be form after this manner. A Decoction. R. The Spikes of the Roots of Osmond-Royal, or the Roots of Male-Fern, or the Buds of its Roots scarce yet burst out of the Ground, one handful: Boyl the same in a Pint of Milk, or Spring water to the Consumption of the third part. Let the Colature be edulcorated with Sugar, and taken twice or thrice in a day. Another. Take Of the Leaves of Tee. one dram; of the flowers of Sage and of Betony, of each half a dram. Whereupon, the same being put into a fit Vessel, pour of Water, which hath boiled a while, one pint: Infuse them close stopped, and lukewarm, for about an hour's space. Let the Colature be edulcorated with Sugar, and drank as the other. A Bochet of the Roots of China Sarsaparilla, and Sassafras, boiled in Spring water, may be made use of. A Decoction. Take of the fibres or spikes of the Roots of Osmond-Royal, roots of Bur-dock, Grass-roots, and roots of Succory, of each one ounce; of the Herbs of Male-speedwel, Agrimony, Harts-tongue, Liver-wort, Maiden hair of each half a handful: Of the shave of Heart's horn, and Ivory of each half an ounce; stoned Raisins one ounce. Boyl them in four pounds of Spring-water, to the consumption of the third part; add thereto of White-wine or Rhenish, half a pound, and presently strain it into a fit Vessel; to which let there be put of the leaves of Brook-lime, Water-cresses, and of the Tops of the Fir-tree, of each half a handful; of Juniper-berries, half an ounce; make an Infusion Warm and close stopped for about two hours. Keep the Colature in Glasses well closed, and edulcorate it at your pleasure: The Dose is, two or three Ounces at medical hours. Medicated Ale. Take of the Wood of the Lentisk-tree, Rosemary; Roots of Sarsaparilla, of Osmond-royal, or of Male-fern, of each, three ounces; Herbs, Agrimony, Maidenhair, Speedwell, Harts tongue; Sage, Betony, of each Mij. Tops of the Fir-tree, Tamarisk, of each Mj. boil them in four Gallons of Ale to the Consumption of one; let the Colature Ferment or Work, and then repose it in a small Vessel, wherein hang a little bag, made of fine Linen and filled with the following things, viz. Hog-lice washed in white-wine, and lightly bruised No. 200. Juniper berries, ℥ ij. Nutmegs sliced No. 2 together with a piece of steel or Iron to sink the Bag. If there be any suspicion of the Seurvy, you likewise may put into the Vessel, the leaves of Brooklime, and Water-cresses, of each Mij. Let them remain there about a fortnight; and then let the Liquor be taken for ordinary drink. An Electuary. Take Conserve of the roots of Succory, and of the flowers of Betony, of each one ounce; Conserve of Rosemary-flowers, of the flowers of Tamarisk, and Rinds of Lemons, of each half an ounce; preserved Myrobalanes No. 2; of the compound powder of Crabs-claws, one dram; Cream of Tartar, and flowers of Salt. Armoniac, of each half a dram; of yellow , ℈ j with Syrup of Coral as much as is sufficient make an Electuary: Let the Patient take the quantity of a Nutmeg, in the morning, and at five a clock in the Afternoon, drinking thereupon a draught of some proper Liquor. A Powder. Take of the Powder of prepared Hog-lice, two drams; of Nutmegs half an ounce; of the flowers of salt Armoniac, two scruples; make a Powder; the Dose is from 8 Gr. to 15, in some Apozeme, Broth or any other convenient Liquor. Pills. This same Powder may be reduced into a Pilulary Mass, with a sufficient quantity of Capivius' Balsam, to be form into little Pills: The Dose is about a Scruple. A Powder. Take of the Roots of Osmond Royal, or of Male-fern, one dram and an half; of the Roots of Male Peony one dram; Wood of Sassafras, yellow Sanders, Seeds of Water-cresses, of each, one Scruple; candied Orange. Peel, two drams; make a Powder. The Dose is from half a Scruple to a Scruple as above. Lozenges or Tablets. Of the prescribed Powder you may form Lozenges with Seven times the weight of white Sugar dissolved in black cherry-water, and boiled to a tabulary consistence; each of them being in weight one dram: Let from half a dram, to a dram be taken twice in a day, drinking after it some appropriate Liquor. A Distilled Water. Take of the root of Cuckoo pint, Male Peony, Osmond-royal, or Male-fern, of each four ounces. Leaves of Sage, Betony Rosemary, water-cresses, Brooklime, Male-speedwell, Liver-wort, tops of the Fir-tree, of each, three handfuls; of green Walnuts half a pound; washed Hog-lice three ounces; cleansed Earthworms, one pound; of the best Castoreum one dram. To these being cut and bruised pour six pounds [viz. three quarts] of Posset-drink made with white-wine: distil them in a Common Still, let the whole Liquor be mingled: The Dose is from one ounce to two ounces twice in a day, after the taking of some solid Medicine. CHAP. XXII. Chemical Specifics; Also of Sweeting and Bathing. AMong the Remedies. which are approved in this Affect, that which was invented by the honourable Boil called by the name of Ens Veneris) is exceeding famous. It is composed of Salt Armoniac, and edulcorated Colcothar, sublimed twice or thrice together. The Dose is from three Grains to six, in some convenient Liquor, at the hour of sleep: I suppose the efficacy of that Medicine chief ariseth from the Salt Armoniac, in as much as by reason of the very great tenuity of its parts, it is highly useful to take away the Obstructions that do procure this Malady: and it is likewise probable, that the Flowers of Salt Armoniac are sublimed together with the Colcothar, a certain narcotick Sulphur of the Colcothar, of an Earthy or Copper-like nature or Quality, doth ascend together with the Salt Armoniac: And that kind of Sulphur seemeth not very meet for this Disease. A certain Artificial Salt of an Armoniac quality, and of notable virtue, may be composed after this manner. Take of the Volatile Salt of Harts-Horne, Blood, or Urine, a sufficient quantity; upon which being put into a long Vial, pour rectified Spirit of Salt, or of Sulphur rectified per campanam, drop by drop, until Ebullition can no longer be excited; this Salt being resolved, let it be filtered, and by a gentle heat reduced to the dryness of a Salt. The Dose is three or four Grains very early in the morning, or at the hour of sleep, in some appropriated Liquor. Furthermore, those things which consist of Volatile Salt purely saltish, bring notable help in this Disease, in which rank are Spirit of Blood, of Heart's Horn, of Salt Armoniac, and the like: But above all, those Spirits being impregnated with Amber, or Castoreum. Elixir Proprietatis, with the Tincture of Salt of Tartar, or prepared after the vulgar manner, may also be made use of, for as much as it is not only a very good Digestive, but the same is likewise profitable to destroy Worms and to hinder the Corruption of Humours, and gently to subduce the Belly, the Dose is from six Grains to ten, in two Spoonfuls of a convenient Liquor. If the Lungs are stuffed (as they are wont to be) with Viscid Humours, and the Mesentery be affected with Strumous Glandules, the Balsam of Sulphur may be exhibited; whereof three or four Drops are to be taken in some convenient Liquor or Syrup. In some Cases also the use of Steel is necessary, inasmuch as it is endued with a notable opening Quality, and doth not only help Concoction, but also confirms and strengthens the tone of the Bowels, yet it is not to be used without caution; for in the Cough, Pleurisy, Obstruction of the Lungs, Hectic, Fevers, and other Diseases of that kind, we must altogether abstain from the use of Steel. Unto the aforesaid Medicines Diaphoretics, or such as provoke Sweat, may sometimes be added As the Decoction of Guaiacum, and others of that sort, which may be taken in Bed, and Sweat procured suitable to the strength of the Patient. Hitherto also may be referred the use of a natural Bath, such as the Bathonian Wells, which are much commended to provoke Sweat, and to strengthen the Nerves in this affect. And truly I have often found by observation, that the use of the aforesaid Baths doth very much conduce to allay the swelling of the Abdomen, which in this Malady is wont to be very remarkable: Likewise Artificial Baths made of Cephalick Herbs, and Tartar or Nitre boiled in Water, may be made use of. The following Fomentation is much approved; to wit, The sick Party being placed in a Vessel sufficiently large: Put Malt which has been a while infused in boiling Water, (as is usual in the Brewing of Beer, or Ale,) [or fresh Grains] round about him, lukewarm, and let the Patient, almost covered therewith, remain therein to Sweat. CHAP. XXIII. Of Remedies that correct the Symptoms. MOreover, consideration must be had of the Symptoms that are consequent to this Disease; of which the most frequent is the Looseness or Flux of the Belly; to the Cure whereof, the more gentle cathartics, (such as the infusion of Rhubarb, Tamarinds, and , or a Bolus compounded of them,) do principally conduce; But sometimes also we must come to Astringents, and Opiates, Purgation nevertheless and Vomiting being now and then premised; Forms whereof may be found here and there amongst Authors. Furthermore, Immoderate Sweat is wont to afflict the Patient in this Affect; which, if it come upon the Fit of a Fever, may be Critical, and ought not rashly to be restrained, but if the same flow inordinately and without cause, it is a sign that the Body is oppressed with Cacochymical Humours; and in such case that kind of Sweat is to be amended by Gentle Purgation administered between while. But let Purging be chief instituted of Rhubarb: Vomiting also may bring help here; neither are Aperitives, and such as help Concoction to be omitted. Laborious Dentition, or painful Breeding of Teeth, is familiar to this Disease, and often induceth a Fever. In which case, make gentle Evacuation, chief with Clysters; although sometimes Purgation, and Vomiting also, (which being gently provoked, is much approved) may be used. If a Tooth be about to cut the Gum, Nurses are wont to rub the same with a piece of smooth Coral; but the Root of Marsh-mallows, or of Sharp pointed Dock, may supply its stead: And sometimes it will be worth your while to make way for the Tooth ready to burst out by Section. Likewise Epispastic or drawing Plasters applied behind the Ears, bring ease. But if Dolour and Watchfulness do urge, Hypnoticks, such as Syrup of Poppies, to the weight of one or two Drams, may be exhibited. Besides internal Medicines and Chirurgical Remedies, External likewise are to be used; of which rank are all sorts of Exercise. If strength will bear, let walking be much used; or, at least, let the little Children play sitting, and be exercised by tossing them to and fro in the Nurse's Arms, and rocking him in the Cradle: For, by Exercise, the Influx of the Blood and Animal Spirits, is promoted to the Musculous Parts, where upon Heat is excited in the same ready to languish. The Mass of Blood too is stirred up to a swifter Morion by the constriction of the Muscles; and the same is worked up and down in the Lungs by reason of the more vehement Respiration caused by Exercise, and is impregnated with fermentative Particles; whereas, on the other side, the Blood by continual Rest grows grumous, thick, or as it were clotted, and so becomes more apt to cause Obstructions. Frictions (or rubbing of the parts) which are performed with warm Woollen-Clothes, are of no small moment in the Cure of this Disease. The Parts to be rubbed are the Backbone, (which doth principally suffer, as we have shown,) and the Musculous Parts; but with this Caution, that you must forbear to rub on that side of the Bones that stands outward, but the concave parts of the Bones may be rubbed more liberally, the Reason whereof we have assigned before. Hitherto also belongs the Contrectation of the Hypochondria, whereby the Bowels are sometimes lifted up, and sometimes depressed, by thrusting of the Fingers-ends now and then under the False-Ribs: For by this means we prevent the Liver and other Bowels from their preternatural growing to the Peritoneum, or otherwise, which happens not seldom in this Affect, by reason of the tension of the Hypochondria. Moreover, Ligatures fitted to the Thigh and Leg upon the Knee, and to the Arms upon the Elbow avail much; but they must be lose enough and foft, so as they may not hinder the increment or thriving of the Part whereunto they are applied: For the Utility of Ligatures consisteth in this; that they help to revel the afflux of Blood from the Head, & to deduce it towards the extenuated Parts To this Title may be efered Fasciation, or the Swathing of certain parts; as likewise button'd-Boots, which help much not only to strengthen the Parts, but further to correct the Crookedness of the Bones, and bending of the Joints. But in the use of these, care must be taken, that they press down a little the protuberant part of the Bone, but hardly touch the hollow part. To erect the Trunk of the Body, Boddice may be made of two Clothes sewed together, thick beset with Shingles, or Lath-like pieces of Whale-bone, which must be fitted to the Bodies of the Infants, so as the Spine be held upright, and the prominent Bones repressed. Neither must we here omit the Artificial Suspension of the Body by the assistance of a certain pendulous Instrument made after such a manner with Swathing-bands, that it crosseth the Breast coming under the Armpits, and goeth about the Head, and under the Chin, and then receiveth the Hands with two Handles, whereby the weight of the Body is sustained, partly by the Child's hands, partly by his head, and partly by his Armpits. Now at last let us set down some of those things which are outwardly to be applied. A Fomentation of any sort of Wine, as also of common Aqua vitae, doth avail much to corroborate the Nervous parts; apply the same to the debilitated Parts, and especially to the Spine, and then anoint those parts with proper Oil or Unguent, of which hereafter. In lieu of Wine, the following Decoction may be made use of as, A Fomentation. Take of the root of Osmond-royal and Male Fern, each three ounces; of the Flowers of Betony, Sage, Rosemary, Marjoram, Water-Cresses, each, one handful; of the Flowers of Chamomil, Melilot, and Elder, each a small handful; Bay-berries, Juniper-berries, of each, half an ounce. Boyl them in a sufficient quantity of Spring-water, to two pound; put thereto of White-wine, or common Aqua vitae, one pound. Keep the straining for use. An Ointment for the debilitated Parts. Take of the Leaves of Elder, Bay, Margerum, Sage, Rosemary, Betony, tops of Lavender, each two handfuls; Bay-berries, Juniper-berries, of ●ach, one ounce: Put these being cut and bruised into a convenient Vesiel, with three pound of May-butter, or fresh Butter unsalted, and half a pint of Aqua vitae; boylthem gent lyto the consumption of the Aqua vitae: To the expression being yet hot, add of Oil of Nutmegs made by expression, half an ounce; of Peruvian Balsam, one dram; mix them, make an Unguent: Instead of May-butter, Beef-marrow, or Deer's-suet, and Oil of Earthworms, or Fox-oyl, of each one pound and a half may be substituted. Apply Unguents pretty warm, before a clear fire, and rub them on with a hot hand until they be dry; that it may penetrate the more, mix a little of some proper Liquor with the same, in the time of using. If the Abdomen be stretched out, and tumid, apply the following Ointment. A Lineament for the Swelling of the Abdomen. Take of the Oils of Capers, Wormwood, and Elder, each one ounce; of Vng. è succ. aperitivis, or the Unguent above prescribed, one ounce and a half; of Gum-Ammoniac dissolved in Vinegar, half an ounce: Make a Lineament; wherewith a little portion of the following Liquor may be mingled in the time of using it. A Decoction to be used with the Lineament. Take of the Root of White Briony, one ounce; of the Leaves of Wormwood, Centory, Sage, each, one handful; Flowers of Elder, and Melilot, of each a small handful; of Bay-berries, Juniper-berries, each two drams: Boyl them in three pounds of Spring-water, to the wasting of half; add thereto of Rhenish-wine half a pint. Keep the straining for your use. Whilst the Unguents are applied to the Hypochondria, let the Nurse handle the Viscera or Bowels, as is before directed. Emplasters also can in this part bring help; A Plaster for the Hypochondria. Take of the compound Emplaster of Melilot, as much as will suffice; spread it on tawed Leather, and apply it to the Hypochondria. If there be a Tumour near the Region of the Liver; add to one Ounce of the aforesaid Emplaster, of yellow powdered one dram; of Oil of Wormwood, and Wax as much as sufficeth to make an Emplaster. Another. Take the Juice of Brooklime, Water-cresses, Elder, and Wormwood, of each one Ounce; Let the clarified Juices be reduced by a gentle heat, to the consistence of an Extract; to which add of Gum-Ammoniac dissolved in Vinegar, and boiled to a thickness, two ounces; of Venice Turpentine one ounce; of Yellow powdered 2 drams, of Oil of Capers, and Wax as much as is sufficient: make a Plaster to be applied as before. If the Lungs be affected, Anoint the Breast with Unguent. Pectorale, or Dialthaea, or both mixed together, wherewith at the time of inunction, you must mix some oil of Nutmegs made by Expression. A Pectoral Unguent. Take of Green Liquorice, four ounces; of fresh unsalted Butter one pound, Bruise them together in a stone Mortar, and macerate them in a Bath four hours, then strain them; repeat this three times with an equal quantity of of fresh Liquorice, Let the Ointment clarified accerding to art, be kept for use: Where with in the time of using, you may mix an equal quantity of Vng. Pectorale, with a little Oil of Nutmegs made by expression. Forasmuch as this Disease doth arise from the obstruction and debility of the Spinalis Medulla, corroborating Fomentations, and Unguents, such as are now already prescribed, may be thereto applied, wherewith Balsam of Tolu may be mixed in a small quantity; such are Emplastrum Nervinum, de Betonicâ, as also that which follows. An Emplaster for the Spine. Take of the first prescribed Ointment, two ounces; Gum Ammoniac dissolved in Vinegar, and Burgundy-Pitch, of each half an ounce; Mastic, Frankincense, and Caranna, of each two drams; of Castoreum, half a dram; of prepared Earthworms, one dram and a half; of Salt Armoniac, two drams: Wax enough to make an Emplaster; spread a sufficient quantity of this upon taw'd-Leather, whose Form may be varied; for as the superior or inferior Parts are infirm, the Plaster is to be applied to the upper or lower part of the Spine, and sometimes according to the whole length of it: And so much for the Method of Curing the RICKETS. FINIS. AN APPENDIX TOUCHING WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Used in the Composition of Medicines, and in the Exhibition of Medicinal Doses. BY W.S. Gradibus venit Incrementum. OXFORD, Printed by Leon. Lichfield, Printer to the University, for Tho. Fickus Bookseller. 1684. An Appendix touching Medical Weights and Measures. I. Of MEDICAL WEIGHTS. THE Estimation or Value of all things is deduced from Number, Weight, or Measure. Now, as for Number, there is the same Reason and Account universally dispersed throughout all the Regions of the World: But, as to Weight or Measure, it is not so; for there is a vast Variety, every Government vindicating its proper Weight, and it's proper Measure, which beareth the Name or Title of its peculiar Country. And whereas, above all things, whatsoever is instituted for Medicinal use, it ought to be confined to sure and common Rules; certainly than Weights should be established certain and common to all men, that by a General Law and Custom, there may be a General Consent and Agreement among all Nations; it being a Matter of no small moment, if we rightly consider the Scope we aim at in the use of them: For upon these oftentimes depends the Life, or Death, of the Patient. Therefore, that a true Knowledge thereof may be had, we shall describe, First, What kind of Weights Physicians and Apothecaries do ordinarily use; Secondly, Their Contents or Ponderation, and their Marks, Notes or Characters; Thirdly, And Lastly, the whole Series shall be comprehended in a formal Scheme or Table adapted to the Memory: The like Method (as near as we can) shall be observed when we come to treat of Measures. 1. In the first place then, you must by the way take notice, that to effect the confirmation of a certain and common Rule as aforesaid, a Minute, or smallest Weight, (from which, as from a Springhead, being augmented by continual Addition, the rest do accrue) must be ordained; even as Geometry hath its Punctum, whence all Lines have their Rise or Beginning; and Arithmetic its Unity, from which the large Family of Numbers derive their Pedigree. The smallest Weight made use of in Physical Concerns, is termed a Grain, upon which the other Weights do rely, as their Basis; and it is fit and expedient, that the same should be constant, allowable and firm: Wherefore it cannot be a Grain of Barley, Wheat, Vetch or Pulse, (as some foolishly imagine) by reason that no Nation produceth them of equal Weight; but that Minute Money-weight which Goldsmiths call a Grain, (and in Latin may justly be termed Momentum, as well as Granum,) is rated and accounted the same in all Nations throughout the habitable Orb, which the sacred Hunger of Gold, and furious Lust after Riches, doth keep unviolated and uncorrupted, and that too by Marks and Patterns tranferred to all Places. From this Minute Weight, viz, a Grain, do arise the greater, (that is to say) the Scriptule or Scruple, the Drachm or Dram, the Ounce, and the Pound. Even as many Grains of Corn constitute an an Ear, and many Ears create a Crop for the painful Husbandman: So a more certain Addition of Grain-weights make up a Scruple, certain Scruples a Dram, and so forward, as I am about to set down. And no doubt for that reason, the word Granum is metaphorically attributed to the smallest Weight, from a discreet and gradual augmentation whereof (as from a Fountain) all the rest do flow: 2. Having thus laid the Foundation of our Work, we (loving method) come next to speak of the Scriptule or Scruple, formerly consisting of twenty four Grains, which the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, used by the Grecians pro scriptulo, doth plainly denote; and for that reason Scriptules or Scruples are called by them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, because a Scruple than did, and now aught to consist of as many Grains or Minute-weights, as they have Characters or Letters in their Alphabet: But now adays the same retains but Twenty Grains. So then 'tis not incredible that the ancient Weight hath been diminished and adulteraetd through the Avarice of Druggist's and others who buy their Commodities by the greatest Weight they can, and vend the same by as light ones as they dare. Next in order followeth the Drachm or Dram, in which are contained Three Scruples; and so consequently Sixty Grains. To this we subjoin the Ounce Weight, wherein are comprehended, Eight Drams, or Twenty four Scruples or Four Hundred and Eighty Grains. And lastly, the Physical Pound (which is Troy-weight) retains only Twelve Ounces, and by this most aqueous Liquors are measured, as shall be shown hereafter: But the Druggist's and Grocer's Pound (being Aver dupois-weight) doth consist of Sixteen Ounces; and is indeed generally made use of among the Apothecaries. Wherefore we contract the whole Series of our business in this manner. A Grain is the least Weight usually prescribed in Physic, and is thus noted, Gr. A Scruple hath Twenty Grains, and is marked thus, ℈. A Dram weigheth Three Scruples, and hath this Character, ʒ. An Ounce containing Eight Drams, beareth this Signature, ℥. A Pound-Troy, (of which we shall take notice in this place, as solely the jure bono appertaining to Medical Ponderation,) containeth Twelve Ounces, and is known by this mark, lb. 3. That I may not frustrate the Reader's expectation, it now remains that I present to his view the following Table of Troy-weight, and withal declare the use of it. The Table of WEIGHTS. The Characters ℥ ʒ ℈ Gr. 1 Pound contains 12 96 288 5760 1 Ounce contains 8 24 480 1 Dram contains 3 60 1 Scruple contains 20 This Table needs no Explication; but, as for its Use or Application, it shall be made manifest by Examples, for the sake of Tyroes and others who may stand in need thereof. I. Example. AN Apothecary made up a Pilulary Mass weighing one Pound and a half; he was requested by a Physician living in the Country, to convey the same to him (formed into Pills) in little Boxes, viz. a Dram in each Box. Now to know how many Boxes are required; or how many Drams the said Mass will produce. Seek the Denomination or Title I Pound (in words at length) towards the left hand, and this Character ʒ on the top, and at the Angle of meeting you will find 96 the Number of drams contained in I Pound; to which if you add 48 the half-number for the Half-pound, the Aggregate will be 144 the Number sought for. 2. Example. A Physician prescribed a Specific Powder, whose Composition weighed ℥ ij, ʒ iij, and ℈ iss. Half a Dram at a time thereof to be taken by the Patient in a proper Vehicle: The Quoery is, how many Doses were contained in the whole Composition? Looking into the foregoing Table in manner aforesaid, you will find the matter thus; having respect to the number given, if it transcend Unity. ℥ ij. contain 32 Doses or Half-Drams. ʒ iij. 6 ℈ iss. 1 In all 39 Doses. II. Of MEASURES. HAving discussed all ambiguity as touching Medical Ponderation, we shall with the more ease and brevity treat of Measures; so much dependence have they ou the former, that without the knowledge of those, no certain Rule can be given for these. 1. Whereas great and uncertain is the variety of them, the Use of many is, not without cause, utterly abolished; and instead of those Concave Bodies, wherewith the Ancients were wont to proportionate both Dry and Liquid Substances, the modern Physicians every where usurp Concave Measures, whose Contents are correspondent to Troy-weights, some whereof are capacious of one Poundweight, some of two Pounds, others of three or more Pounds; yea, others containing smaller Weights to wit, Ounces, or Ounce, and half-Ounce, to measure aqueous or oleous Liquids withal, referring Arid things to Weight: If lesser Proportion be exacted, a Guests may sometimes serve turn; where it is ineffectual or dangerous to confide to Conjectures, the same is precisely performed by small Weights, all things being duly balanced. 2. As in the Description of Weights, we began with the Grain, or smallest; so treating of Measures for Liquids', (those for Arids' being for the most part exploded) we deem it expedient to begin with the greatest, viz. the Wine Gallon; and for brevity's sake shall set down its Division, Sub. divisions, and Characters, as followeth. The Greater Measures. A Gallon Measure contains 2 Pottles or 8 Pounds. A Pottle 2 Quarts 4 Pounds. A Quart 2 Pints 4 Pounds. The Smaller Measures. The Pint measure contains 1 Pound-Troy, or 12 Ounces. The ½ Pint 6 Ounces. The ¼ Pint 3 Ounces. The ha'. ¼ P. 1 Ounce and ½. The Ounce 1 Ounce. The ½ Ounce ½ Ounce. The said Measures are usually expressed by the Marks or Characters of the Weights to which they are applicable; as by the subsequent Table (which likewise, as that of Weights preceding is sufficiently explanatory in itself,) doth manifestly appear. 3. And so we come gradually to the Mensuration-Table itself; and shall propose one Question, the Resolution whereof will give light enough, as touching the Use of it. A Table of MEASURES for Liquids'. lb. ℥ ℥ ß 1 Gallon is equivalent to 8 96 192 1 Pottle 4 48 96 1 Quart 2 24 48 1 Pint 1 12 24 ½ Pint 0 6 12 ¼ Pint 0 3 6 ½ Quarter 0 1½ 3 1 Ounce 0 1 2 ½ Ounce 0 ½ 1 A precious Liquor drawn off per Alembicum to the quantity of 3 Quarts, 1 Pint, 1 half. Pint, 1 quarter-Pint, was reposed unciatim or Ounce by Ounce for common Sale; now it is demanded, how many Ounce. Bottles were requisite for its reposition? Answer 93. For ℥ 2 Quarts or 1 Pottle is answerable to 48 In all 93 Ounces. 1 Quart 24 1 Pint 12 ½ Pint 06 ¼ Pint 03 ☞ Note, that Oil is lighter than Wine by a ninth part; and Honey is weightier than Wine by the half: So that whatever Measure containeth of Wine 9 Ounces, receiveth of Oil but 8 Ounces, and is capable to hold 13 Ounces and an half of Honey. POSTSCRIPT. IT may be expected, that I should add an Interpretation of the Grecian, Roman, and Arabian Weights and Measures, for the better understanding of some ancient Authors; but (they being in these days altogether obsolete,) I shall at present superlede. FINIS. The most difficult Terms of Art, belonging to the aforegoing Treatise and Appendix, Alphabetically Explained. ABdomen. The lowest Cavity of the Body called the Paunch or Belly, severed within, from the Breast by the Midriff, and bounden above by the Heart-pit, and beneath by the Share-bones. Aliment. Nourishment. Alterants or Alteratives. Medicines that change or alter the Discrasy or evil Disposition of the Blood. Anodyne. That easeth Pains. Aperients or Aperitives. Medicines that open, or take away Obstructions. Aphorisms: Short general Rules. Arteries. Mensbranous Spermatical Vessels, which by Pulsation convey away the Blood from the Heart to the Veins. Ascites: A kind of Dropsy wherein the Abdomen is swelled like a Bottle, from a watriss humour contained within the Cavity thereof. Dr. Willis. Asthma: It is a difficult & pursy Breathing, with a great shaking of the Breast, and for the most part without any Fever. D. W. Astringents. Binding Medicines. Atrophy: A Consumption of the Flesh, when the same wasteth away, and the Food taken in doth not nourish. Bolus: So much of an Electuary or other solid Medicine as the Patient may well take at one time in his Mouth. Cacochymical humours. i e. Evil or vicious humours. Carminative: That expelleth Wind. Carotid Arteries: Two Arteries in the Neck that go up to the Brain. Cartilege: It is a similar Part; Cold, dry and void of sense, flexible; and not so hard as a Bone; called also a Gristle or Tendrel, as of the Ear or Nose. Chirurgical: Belonging to Chirurgery. Colature: It is taken for any Liquor slrained, or separated from its Feculency, Sediment, or more gross Ingredients. Concoction: ' Digestion. Concretion: A gathering together or congealing of any substance. Corroborant or Corroborative: Strengthening, or confirming. Costive: Bound in Body. Cubit: The two Bones of the Arm; to wit, The lesser above called Radius, reaching from the Shoulder to the Elbow; and larger below called Ulna, reaching from the Elbow to the Wrist. Dentition: Breeding of Teeth. Diaphoreticks: Medicines that dissolve and send forth Humours by Transpiration or breathing through the Pores; that is to say, such as cause or procure Sweat. Digestives: Medicines that concoct, digest, or prepare the Humours to be corrected or evacuated. Diuretics: Medicines that provoke Urine; or cause to piss often. Dolour: Grief, Pain or Ache. Dose: A quantity of Physic to be given at one time. Edulcorated: Sweetened, or made sweet with Sugar, Honey, and the like. Emetics: Medicines causing a Vomit; called also Vomitories. Empiticks: Quacks, Post-doctors, or Mountebanks. Enervation: A weakening or enfeebling. Epispastic: Attractive, or Drawing. Fasciation: Swathing. Fonticles or Fontinell's: Issues. Friction: A rubbing of the Parts. Glandules: Kernels or soft spongy Substances in the Body appointed to receive excrementitious humours. Hypnoticks: Medicines that procure or conciliate Sleep. Hypochondria: That part of the Belly and Sides under the shorts Ribs. Hypothesis: The Cause, Ground, or Supposition, whereon we rely in the framing of an Argument. Intercostal Muscles: Muscles placed between the Ribs, in that form as in Fig. 10. Intercostal Nerves: The ninth or last Pair of Nerves so called because it marches down by the Roots of the Ribs, and betwixt every Rib it receives a Branch from the Spinal Marrow. Jugular Veins: Certain Veins in the Neck so called. Laxative: Loosening. Lineament: A soft Ointment. Ligature: Bandage, or Swathing of any I art. Medicament: A Medicine. Mesenterium: The Mesentery. It is a membranous Part, situate in the middle of the lower Belly, serving not only for conveying some Vessels to the Intestines, and others from them; but also it ties most of the Guts together so artificially, that for all their manifold Wind they are not entangled and confounded. The Veins it contains are called the Mesaraick Veins. Muscle: Is a dissimilar Part, [to wit, whose Portions are neither of the same Substance, nor the same Denomination, for it is composed of Flesh, Nervous Fibres, and a Tendon;] and the proper Instrument of Voluntary Motion. Nerve: It is a simple Spermatical part, called a Sinew. Nervous Liquor: It is the Nutritious Juice of the Nerves. Nutriment or Nutrition: Nourishment. Opiates: Meaicines wherein Opium is an Ingredient; and is often taken for any Medicine that procureth Sleep. Parenchyma: A fleshly Substance, and chief of the Liver, Spleen, and Lights. Peritonaeum: The inmost membranous Coat of the Belly. Phlebotomy: Breathing of a Vein, or Blood-letting. Phthisis or Physic: It is properly, a withering away of the whole Body, arising from an Ulcer, or other ill Formation of the Lungs. Dr. Willis. Pleura: A thin Membrane that investeth the Ribs on both sides. Prognostic A fore knowledge, or understanding of the future State of a Disease, founded on the due consideration of the present State. Psoas: Two great Muscles sited in the inward part of the Loins. Purulent: Mattery, or foul Corruption. Respiration: An Action whereby the Air is received in, and driven forth of the Lungs, called Breathing. Scarification: A cutting or Lancing. Serositv: Moisture. Specifics: Remedies proper to any one peculiar Disease. Spine: The Backbone. Spinalis Medulla: The Pith of the Backbone, called the Spinal Marrow. Sternum: The Breastbone. Strumae, and Strumous Swell: Hard Kernels, or Swell. Tibia: The Bone of the Leg, called the Shank or Shinbone. Veneral-Evil: The French-Pox, or Modish Disease. Ventricle: The Stomach. Vertebrae of the Neck. The 7 Bones of the Neck, behind the lowermost whereof is joined to the uppermost Vertebrae of the Back, which are in number 12. Vesicatories: Medicines that raise Blisters. Viscera: The Bowels, to wit, The Heart, Liver and Lungs. Ung. è Succ. aperitivis: An Ointment of Opening Juices. The Index, or Table of the CONTENTS. THE Proëme. Pag. 1 CHAP. I. Of the time when, and place where the Disease Rhachitis had its first Rise, and who are most subject thereto. Pag. 3 CHAP. II. Of the Signs or Symptoms of the Disease. Pag. 4 CHAP. III. Of the Cause of the Disease: That it consisteth not in the naughtiness of the Blood; nor in the depraved Constitution of the Parts. Pag. 8 CHAP. IV. That the Nerves, as well as the Blood do help to nourish, and this Disease doth peculiarly depend upon the Defect of the Nervous Influx. Pag. 11 CHAP. V. The Definition or Description of the Rhachitis; together with the Cause thereof: Wherein is showed, that it proceeds not from the faultiness of the Brain; but from the Obstruction of the Spinalis Medulla. Pag. 14 CHAP. VI The Reasons of the Symptoms; and first, of the too great augmentation of the Head. Pag. 17 CHAP. VII. Of the Swelling, or puffing up of the Abdomen. Pag. 18 CHAP. VIII. Of Strumous Glandules, or hard Kernels. Pag. 20 CHAP. IX. Of the Crookedness of the Bones. Dr. Glisson's Opinion touching the same is set down. Pag. 24 CHAP. X. The Author's Opinion etc. Pag. 28 CHAP. XI. Why the Breast grows strait or narrow, and acuminated. Pag. 38 CHAP. XII. Of the Asthma, Pursiness, or shortness of Breath. Pag. 41 CHAP. XIII. From what Cause the Imbecility of the Body doth arise. Pag. 42 CHAP. XIV. Why Elderly Persons are not molested with this Disease. Pag. 44 CHAP. XV. The Prognostic of the Disease. Pag. 46 CHAP. XVI. The Method of Curing. Pag. 49 CHAP. XVII. The Use of Clysters, and some Forms thereof. Pag. 51 CHAP. XVIII. The Use of Emetics or Vomitory Medicines, and Forms thereof. Pag. 55 CHAP. XIX. Some Examples of cathartics, or Purging Medicines. Pag. 57 CHAP. XX. Chirurgical Remedies. Pag. 63 CHAP. XXI. Specific Alteratives. Pag. 67 CHAP. XXII. Chemical Specifics; also of Sweeting and Bathing. Pag. 78 CHAP. XXIII. Of Remedies that correct the Symptoms. Pag. 84 In the Appendix. Of Medical Weights. Pag. 1 Of Measures. Pag. 12