A LIST OF ALL THE CONSPIRATORS That have been seized,( and where Committed) since the Discovery of the Horrid and Bloody PLOT, contrived by the fanatics against the Lives of His MAJESTY and His ROYAL HIGHNESS. To which is Annexed, The Names of the Three late Famous Ignoramus Juries, &c. ARthur Earl of Essex, Cut his Throat in the Tower. William Lord Russel, Beheaded in Linc. Inne-fields. Capt. Tho. Walcot, Executed at Tyburn. ●… ohn rouse, Executed at Tyburn. William Hone joiner Executed at Tyburn. Captain William Blagg, tried, and Acquitted. 〈…〉. Howard of Escrick In Custody at Whitehall, ●… ol. John Rumsey, In Custody at Whitehall, In Custody of Messengers. Josiah Keeling, the first Discoverer, Zachariah Bourn, Sir Hugh Cambel, Sir George Cambel, Mr. Leigh, Mr. Lee a Dyer, Andrew Barber, Mr. Hoskin●. ‡ Francis Lascoe, Mr. Pascal, Mr. Hugh Westlack Mr. Hugh speak, Mr. Grange Brewer, In the Tower. Brandon L Gerrard Algern. Sidney Esq; Mr. Hambden, mayor Wildman. Fran. Charlton Esq; Mr. Trenchard, Mr. Booth, mayor Bremon, Aaron Smith, Hen. Dearam who let the L. Gray escape. In the Gate-house. Abraham Holmes, Pincol a Scotch Minister, and 6 Scotch peddlers, John Gibbons, D. of Monm. Foot-man, Robert Bayley, Sam. Johnson, Author of Julian the Apostate: Bailed. William Casteers a Scotch Preacher, In the Marshalsea, Mr. Monroe, mayor Hume, Mr. Robert West, Mr. Butler, alias Spence, Francis Frank, Edw. coal, Brewer, James Wood, John Nisbet, ‡ John Armiger, M. Bateman, Shaftsbury's chirurgeon. Robert Lock Master of the Ship which cary'd the L. Gray. Noice, a Draper. The Names of those mentioned in His Majesty's Proclamations; together with those which are Fled from Justice. The Names of those that are fled from Justice. Duke of Monmouth, Ford Lord Gray, Sir Thomas Armstrong, Edward Norton Esq;, Richard Nelthorp Esq; James Stiles Esq; Robert Ferguson, Rich. Rumbold maltster, William Rumbold Richard Goodenough, Francis Goodenough, James Burton, Cheesem. Nathaniel Wade, William Thompson, James Holloway Merch Joseph Elby, Samuel Gibbs, Joseph Tyley, John Ayloff, John Atherton glazier, Stephen lob Preacher, John Row, late Sword-Bearer of Bristol. For Apprehending The D. of Monmouth 500 l. Sir Tho. Armstrong, 500 l. Ford Lord Gray, 500 l. Robert Ferguson. 500 l. For Apprehending Rich. Nelthorp Esq; 100 l. William Thompson, 100 l. Rich. Goodenough, 100 l. Nathaniel Wade, 100 l. Rich. Rumbold 100 l. James Burton, 100 l. The Names of those that are under Bail. Lord Lovelace Sir Hen. Ingoldsby, Matth Mead, alias Richardson, Mr. Lands Barber, W. West Shoemaker. Sir J. Borlace, acquit. Mr. Shepherd Merc. Mr. freak, Tho. Green In-keep. Mr. Hunt Apothecary Mr. Shepherd E. of Shafts. servant, isaac Butler. The Names of those who are the Discoverers. Josiah Keeling, Colonel John Rumsey, Mr. Thomas Shepherd Lord Howard of Escrick, Mr. Robert West, Mr. 〈◇〉 Lee a Dyer. The Names of the Conspirators who were Indicted July 12. with the number of Witnesses against each particular person, ( viz.) Duke of Monmouth, 2 Ford Lord Gray, 2 Sir Thom. Armstrong, 2 Richard Nelthrop Esq; 3 Richard Rumbold, 4 Richard Goodenough, 4 Francis Goodenough, 4 Edward Norton Esq; 3 James Stiles Esq; 3 Robert Ferguson, 3 James Holloway, 3 James Burton Cheesem. 2 William Thompson, 2 Nathaniel Wade 3 The Names of the Grand Jury for the County of Middlesex, who without going from the Bar, found the Bill of Indictment against the Earl of Danby, upon the single Testimony of Ed. Fitz Harri●… in open Court, then a Prisoner at the Bar, and arraigned, afterwards Executed for high Treaso●… Sir Will. Roberts of Wilsdon Bar. Sir William Cowper Baronet. Henry Herbert Esq; Edward Boscowen Esq; Thomas Barnardiston Esq; Thomas Henslow Esq; Walter moil Esq; Josias clerk Esq; Thomas Austen Esq;, Thomas Marsh Esq; William Bourne Esq; Edward Hutchins gen: Joseph ratcliff gent. Crisp Grange gent. Henry Gerrard gent. Robert Breedon gent. George page. Gent. John Harwood Gent. John Raymond Gent. Christo. Dodsworth ge●… Henry Dealing Gent. Edward Watts Gent. Augustine bear Gent. The Names of the Grand-Jury for Edward Fitz-harris. Michael Godfrey of Edmonton, John Hill of Enfield, William Hundow of Enfield Gent. Thomas Curtis of the same, Gent. Elizeus Wyberd of the same, Gent. John read of tottenham Gent. Jeremiah Benton of the same, Gent John Young of Enfield, Gent. Edw. Johnson of South-Mims, Gen. John page. of Pinner, Gent. John blot of Hendon, Gent. Francis Peters of Great Stanmore, John Greenhil of Harrow o'th' Hill. John Newman of the same, Gent. Thomas Rance of the same, Gent. John bide of the same, Gent. John tailor of the same, Gent. James Marsh of Hendon, Gent. John Todd of Pinner, Gent. The Names of the Pery-Jury for Edward Fitz-harris. Thomas Johnson of Mile-end, Esq; Lucy Knightly of Hackney, Gent. Ed. Wi●ford jun. of Enfield, Gent. Alexander Hosea of Hackney, gen. Martin James of Wapp●ng, Gent. John Vyner of Whitechappel, ●en. William Withers of Cripplegate, * William Cleive of the same, honest Thomas Goffe of Stepney, Ralph Far of the same. Samuel Freebody of St. John-street, John Lockyer of Westminster. The Names of the Grand-Jury for Stephen college the joiner. John Wilmore, Leather-seller. Will. Mackley, Strong-water-man. samson Puller, tailor. Thomas Cope, Upholster, Peter Mortimer, Confectioner, John Wood, brazier, Thomas Haynes, Carpenter. Thomas Fox, Apothecary. John red, Milliner. Mark Stretton, Apothecary. Edward Powel, Book-binder. Paul Dorrel, Servant to the Countess of Exeter, No Free-man. * Francis Lascoe, Druggist, * John Armiger, shoemaker. Samuel Totton, Mercer. John Pettit, Woolen-Draper. Samuel main, linen-draper. Caleb hook, Merchant. Robert Davies, Apothecary. The Names of the Grand-Jury for John Rouse. James Denew John Elwick, Thomas show. Richard Tilden. William Carbonel. Josias Smith. Joseph Jackson. Samuel Crisp. Humphrey Rogers. John Showel. John Loggins. Edmond Shermon. John Hamond. Joseph Web. Peter Essington. John Newton. isaac Delillers. Samuel Round. Henry Weade. The Names of the Grand-Jury for the Earl of Shaftsbury. Sir Samuel Barnardiston. John Morden. * Thomas Papillion. * John Dubois. Charles Hearle. Edward Rudge. Humphrey Edwin. John morris. Edmond Harrison. Joseph Wright. John Cox. Thomas Parker. Leonard Robinson. * Thomas Shepherd, Merch. now a Discoverer. John Flavel. * Michael Godfrey: Joseph Richardson. William Empson. Andrew Kendrick. John Lane. John Hall. The Presentment of the Grand-Jury at the Assizes held at Northampton, July 17. 1683. WE the Grand-Jury sworn to inquire for the Body of the Country of Northampton at the Assizes held at Northampton for the said County, &c. Have with great horror and Detestation received an account of the most Impious and Bloody Conspiracy against the persons of His most Sacred Majesty, and hi●… Royal Brother, which( thanks be to God,) He, by his providential Care has prevented, and brought to ligh●… their Hel●ish purposes; And not knowing how far their wicked Designs may proceed, We held it our Dut●… in this juncture of Affairs, to present, that we have strong apprehensions of great Danger from a dissaffecte●… party in this County, who d●d openly show their Principles, by presenting a Seditious Address to Miles Fleetwood and John Parkhurst Esq; at the last Election of Knights of the Shire, tending to the alteration of th●… Succession of the Crown, and an Intended Association in it to that purpose; with an assurance that they woul●… stand by them with their Lives and Fortunes, without any regard or notice taken of the Kings Authority or their Allegiance or Duty towards their Sovereign And having observed, that since that time, they hav●… had and held several Meetings, Clubs and Cabals, which We cannot but think was to carry on the said purposes, and other dangerous Designs against the Government; and their Discourses being notoriously bold, an●… their Party generally furnished with a proportion of Arms rather for some Dangerous Designs, than for the u●… of Private Persons, which, upon Search could not be found, but were hide and concealed. We therefore Pr●…s●nt it very Expedient and Necessary for securing the Peace of this County, that all Ill-affected Persons ma●… give Security for the Peace, and particularly, Ralph montague Esq; Sir William Langham. William harboured. John Thornton Nicholas Butler. Henry Rushton Miles Fleetwood. Charles Fleetwood. John Parkhurst. Edward Stratford. Edward Hopkins. Robert Haslerig. Francis Arun●el. Francis Grans Sir William raven Sa●athiel Lovel. John Coombs. Thomas Colthurst Edw. Knighton. Barth. Manning. William Welden Gerrard Gore. Will. Stratford. John Bridges. Thomas Freeman John Allen. Arthur Brooks. Henry hind. Luke Aburne. Francis St John of Longthrop Matth. Orliber. Fane Denny. Robert Mansel. Jo. Craddock. John Lee. Samuel Ekins. Francis Morgan Thomas Catesby. Sir Tho. Samwel Sir Sam. clerk Tho. Whitthorne William Tate. Tho. Andrews. Tobias Chancy Will. Wilmore. Capt. Ashby of Bugbrook. Edward Pier●. Rector of Cottesbrook. John Selby. John Lucas. Robert Ivory. William Lisle. To which Presentment as abovesaid, We the said Grand Jury have subscribed our Names as follows, ( viz.) John Egerton Bar. Lewis Palmer Bar. Goddard Pemberton Thomas elms. John Needham. Henry Benson. Moses Barhurst Esq; Nich. Steward Esq; Harvy Eakins Esq; Will. Randolph gen. Rich. ploughman gen. Rich. Wicks gent. Edw. Ladkin gent. W. Bateman gent. Anthon. Gibs gen. Tho Woodward ●ent. William cuthbert ●●nt.