THE MANCHILD BROUGHT FORTH IN US: OR GOD MANIFEST IN FLESH. By JOHN LEWIN a member of the ARMY 2. Cor. 13.5. Know ye not that Christ is in you, except ye be Reprobates. LONDON, Printed for G C, at the west end of Paul's. THE MAN-CHJLD BROUGHT FORTH IN US: OR GOD MANIFST IN FLESH. 9 of Isaiah 6, 7. For unto us a child is borne, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his Name shall be called wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of peace. And of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, etc. THIS prophecy or promise is of a child, a son that shall be borne and given; which manchild, is God manifest in flesh, in the flesh of the Saints, as the Son; and then shall all these names be manifest to be God in flesh; wonderful Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of peace: And the loftiness of man shall be brought down, and the Lord alone exalted, in that day; this is for the comfort of Saints, such as wait for God, the glory of the Son to be revealed in them; and this glory shall be before we be a ware: Isa. 66.7. Before she traveled, she brought forth: before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. Which is the glory of the Son in the Saints, such as wait for the appearance of God; and then all other glories shall be destroyed, all other but God; Isaiah 66.1. Thus saith the Lord; The Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? There were glorious houses under the Law; and there were Churches under the Gospel; and now Saints are much troubled and busied about a house to God, and much at a loss in it, in their church-fellowships: Here saith God, Heaven is my throne, and the Earth is my footstool, where is the house that ye will build to me? That God that fills all creatures, his glory fills the Saints: & since you are a house, but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor & of a contrite spirit, there is the habitation of God. All these forms have been, and my hands hath made all these: But to this man will I look. This should take the people of God off from all forms and church-fellowships, and building of houses to God; because the weakest Saints, the least Saint, are the habitation of God; a poor contrite spirit, broken into pieces, ground to powder, one that sees no good in himself, one that trembles at every word of God, these God dwells in, and they are the habitation of God; therefore who will build God a house? Isa. 51.13, 14. He that puts his trust in me; That is, he that waits for God, for the appearance of God, as in the next verse, and shall say, cast ye up, that is, prepare a way for the Lord, as men do when they prepare a way, they cast up earth and stones, and so make a cauce-way for passing; and so saith the Lord, cast ye up, that is prepare for him, wait for him, and take away all stumblings, as men do all blocks when they prepare a way; that the Lord may dwell amongst us, what then? He shall possess the land, and inherit my holy mountain, what's that? Jer. 31.23. He shall call thee the habitation of Justice, and mountain of holiness: So that Saints are the mountain of God; and the Tabernacle of God is amongst the sons of men: There be many lets and stumblings that do hinder the appearance of God, not in respect of outward forms, Church fellowships; but in our own spirits; we think it wonderful that God should dwell in flesh, mortal flesh, sinful flesh; and other lets there are which do much hinder the way of God, or a manifestation of God in us: but God saith in the 15. verse of that 56. of Isa. Thus faith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is holy, I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of an humble and contrite spirit: that is, that God which dwells on high, in the lofty place, the holy one, the high one, he dwells in the contrite one, though he be high; yea in the weakest Saints, though they seem to be quite dead. Now when God is manifest in us, than his name shall appear to be wonderful, when the Man child is brought forth in us, his name shall be called wonderful in us, in his appearance, his name shall be read wonderful in the foreheads of the Saints, when he appears: David when he comes to see God filling all places, and all creatures, and all as one to God, he magnifies him, and says, Whether shall he go frrm God; in the 139. Psalm 13, 14. ver. For thou hast possessed my reins, thou hast covered me in my Mother's womb. I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvellous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well. That is, that God that fills all, and is wonderful in all whither shall I go from God? I am wonderfully made: which is the appearance of God in him. And in the 12. of the Revel. 1. There appeared a wonder in Heaven, a woman being with child, cried to be delivered: This woman here now that is spoken of in Heaven, it is the Saints who are in the Spirit, that wait for the appearance of God in them; and this is called a wonder: his name shall be called wonderful; his name shall be called wonderful to others; God in us shall. In the 13. of the Acts 41. Behold you despisers, and wonder, and perish: I work a work in your days which ye shall not believe, though a man even declare it to you: wonder and perish, for I work a wondrous work: that is, the bringing forth of God in flesh. Now as I said before, when this shall be manifest, all other glory shall fade, the most glorious things of all, all our living in forms, as in the 66. of Isaiah 3. ver. He that kills an Ox, is as if he slew a man, he that sacrificeth a Lamb, is as if he cut off a Dog's neck. All these were things that God commanded under the Law, and the antitype of these were under the Gospel; these signified some thing under the Gospel: now God when he appears, he will make these not only to be vain, but vile, as the offering of an Idol; these Ordinances shall be revealed so to be, when the Lord shall appear: and as our most glorious things, our greatests lights: as in the 60. of Isa. and the 19.21. Revelation 22. ver. and 22. of Revel. and 5. when God appears, the Jerusalem that comes down from above, the holy City, a City not forsaken; this is the appearance of God of God in the Saints: in the 21. Revel. 1-23. I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth, and I saw the holy City, the new Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband: and I heard a voice out of Heaven saying, behold the Tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and G●d himself shall be with them, and be their God: This new Jerusalem is God manifest in the Saints, the flesh of the Saints, the habitation of God, the tabernacle of God; when this is manifest, our most glorious things shall fade; as in the 22. ver. of this 21. Revel. I saw no Temple there, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb were the Temple of it, and the City had no need of the Sun nor the Moon, for the glory of God did lighten it: Ye know the Sun and the Moon are the ordinary means of light, in the world; so our ordinary means of light hath been the teachings of men; when God appears, we shall be all taught of God: knowledge shall cover the Earth, as water covers the Sea; we shall know God as we are known: So I say, as our most glorious things, so our confusions, our darkness, and misse-apprehensions of God, that is contrary to God; and in this his Name shall be called wonderful, the mighty God: his appearance in the Saints, destroys all things besides him, he is called a consuming fire, everlasting burn; the rod of his mouth, the breath of his nostrils, shall destroy all things, that now hinders a manifestation of him, the mighty God: 63. of Isa. 1. ver. when he cometh to appear he comes travelling in the greatness of his strength, mighty to save: when God appears in the saints, he will make an utter Consumption of all our Confusion, and darkness, every battle of the warrior is with a confused noise, but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire: for, unto us a child is born, all our backslidings, and disorders, and go back, our reel as a drunken man to and fro, 24. Isai. is not our condition such? now who is it that doth not reel and stagger, and knows not which way to look, knows not with what party to side? Is not the Earth removed as a cottage, and doth not the Lord visit the host of the high ones, & gathereth them stogether as into a pit, as prisoners? all this of the Lord. when the Lord comes to appear, all these our Confusions and staggerings, shall be Consumed: 24. Isai. 23. ver. when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount zion and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients Gloriously. when he shall reign in mount zion, that is, be all in all in the saints, they are called The Mountain of holiness; then will the Lord bring down the noise of strangers, as the heat in a dry place, even the heat with the shadow of a cloud, and the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low, and he will destroy in this mountain of holiness, the face of the covering, cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations: whatsoever it be; after the mark in the right hand, or in the forehead, our forms, or uniformities, or our most glorious appearances, shall fade: and they shall destroy no more in my holy mountain saith the Lord. Now when God will do this his work in the earth, he will make a short work of it; as in the 66. of Isai. 5. ver. Hear the word of the Lord, you that tremble at his word; your brethren that hated you, that cast you out, for my name's sake, said; let the Lord be glorious; but he shall appear to your joy, but they shall be ashamed▪ that is, that those that wait for the appearane of God in them, that wait for the glory that shall be revealed in them, they shall be hated of their brethren, they shall be hated for my name's sake; those Saints that bear up the name of God, and exalt the name of God, and would have the name of God read in them; they are hated of their brethren. I believe the people of God who live in the last times, they shall be brought into less compass than ever they were: it is said; your brethren shall hate you: under the law there was the great jewish Church, there a whole Nation were in fellowship: afterwards under the Gospel there were none but saints by calling: afterwards, when the spirit of Antichrist came in the night of darkness, and the Apostles power was gone, and the power of the beast came in with all manner of signs & lying wonders, than all the whole world, and Kingdoms were Christians, there was the Church of Rome, and the Church of Spain, and the Church of France, and the Church of Scotland, and England, than all were the Church of Christ; then, as Reformation came in, the Church grew less and less; then all the world were Popish; afterwards we came to be Protestants, and after that prophessers, then puritanes, and Separatists, and then to independants and antinomians; so that still the people of God come to be less and less still in number; so I believe the people of God that walk in the spirit, in the last times shall be fewer than before. Those that wait for God; for the appearance of God, that wait for the glory of the Son to be revealed in them: these are the fewest that ever were; take all that are one in fellowships and judgements, and they are more than those that wait for the glory of God; and therefore those that wait for his appearing are hated of their brethren: Therefore this is for the comfort of the Saints: before she traveled, she brought forth, before her pain came, she was delivered▪ the sense I understand thus; that those that wait for God, the glory of God to be revealed in them, the Lord will appear before they be ware, not only in them, but afterwards in many more: before she traveled she brought forth; that is; unexpectedly and suddenly God will appear before we be ware, not only in them, but in many more: This deliverance; before she traveled; is the deliverance of a manchild; it is a bringing forth of Christ in us: this is in few words the meaning of it; that Christ is in us; Christ in our flesh, God in our flesh, in every Saint, in the least Saint, there God dwells; although not discovered, not manifested, yet is the child in the woomb; it is there, and hath a being, thought not brought forth; even so God dwells in us though not manifested; and when God is manifested in our flesh, than the Man child is brought forth; and this the Lord will do. It's true, there be some that travel to bring forth Christ; and some that be in pain to do it, but it shall not be so with all: for some shall have Christ brought forth in their flesh before they be ware: see a scripture or two; 16, of John, 20. ver. Verily, verily I say unto you, that ye shall weep and Lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy. A woman, when she is in travel, hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but assoon as she is delivered of the child, she remembreth no more the auguish, for joy that a man is born into the world. and ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your hearts shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you: the meaning is this; you shall see Christ in the spirit; as he saith unto them, in the 16: ver: A little while and ye shall not see me: and again a littile while, and ye shall see me: because I go to the Father: they should in a little while, see him; and they should not: what is that? they did not know: but Christ showeth them, what it was: when Christ was in the flesh they did see him; but when he was taken out of the flesh, they did not see him; but when Christ shall come in the spirit, they shall see him again: a little while, & this fleshly appearance shall vanish; but afterwards you shall see me again: When Christ was in the flesh, they looked upon him as one distinct from them, they did not see him in their flesh: they shall see God in their flesh, as he was in his flesh; saith Christ he that seethe me, seethe him: those that see Christ in truth, do not see that flesh only, but God in that flesh: he that seethe me, seethe the Father: so when we see Christ truly, we see not only that flesh; but God in that flesh: now saith Christ, when I go a way, the spirit shall come: that is in your flesh: and you shall see me again: as in the 16. of John 18, & 20. ver. I Will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seethe me no more, but ye see me: because I live ye shall live also, at that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. When Christ shall come again, we shall know him in the appearance of the Father: the flesh is nothing, but the manifestation of the Father; you shall know, that you are in Christ, and Christ in you: you in me as I am in the Father: as God was in his flesh, so God shall appear in your flesh: that God that was manifest in his flesh; shall be manifest in ours; and that is Christ. Before God was manifest in the Disciples flesh; Christ told them, they should weep and lament: but the world shall rejoice▪ the people of God in these times; before God was manifested in them, they did sorrow: before there was the appearance of God in them, we may see how sorrowful they were; they thought that Christ had been gone, and that they had lost their master: but saith he, I will see you again: so you shall rejoice; I will see you: that is to say, that God that was manifest in that flesh, shall appear in yours also: again in the 12. of Reve. & the 1. ver. And there appeared a great wonder in Heaven, a Woman clothed with the Sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars; and she being with child, cried, travelling in birth, and pained to be delivered. This woman that is here spoken of, in Heaven; it is the Saints that are in the spirit; even the weakest Saints; for God will appear in the weakest Saints: A woman was travelling, and at length, delivered of a manchild: and in the 5. ver. of the same Chap. The child was caught up to God, The bringing forth of Christ, is a bringing forth of God, that is, when God is reveled in us, and appears in us, and manifest in us; there is the manchild: This is for comfort and for joy, for those that wait for the appearance of God in them: Know this that God will appear before we be ware: this should encourage the people of God, and keep their hearts in remembrance of this truth, that we are the tabernacles of God, the place where God dwells; as in this book of the Rev. John saw a new Jerusalem, a City coming down from above; which is, nothing but God dwelling in us, the City of God, where he dwelleth: When God comes to appear and dwell in us; then shall that song be sung, as it is in the 12. Reve. and the 10. ver. And I heard a loud voice, saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ; for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. Now I say this should speak comfort to those that wait for the appearance of God, to those that love his appearance, and those that mourn for him: there be some that mourn for his appearance, and some that love his appearance: here is comfort for both; for before she travelled she brought forth and before her pain came she was delivered: it is much encouragement; that God, who, is the high and holy one, will appear before we be ware; before her pain came, she was deliured▪ who hath heard such a thing? that Kingdom should be born at once, suddenly and unexspectedly, God will appear, not only in us, but in many others. I know nothing but my own spirit; and speak nothing but my own experience: I will not lay any exhortation, upon any man's spirit: I have been a while, and not long, waiting for the appearance of God; that God might be manifested in my flesh, and do cry in pain to be belivered: Now in this time, my thoughts are carried out after too many things, and not upon this only, to wait for God; and this hath been my weakness: I have been and am so troubled at what one man, another, and the world will say, and how to answer all these, and the like: I say, this is our weakness. If we could but wait upon God until he be manifest; and then all men shall fall for, the loftiness of man shall be brought down and the Lord all one, shall be exalted, in that day: see what the prophet saith, in the 31. of Jerem. 21. ver. set thee up way-marks, make thee high heaps, set thy heart towards the highway, even the way which thou goest: the meaning is, take away all hindrances: Take away; that is, prepare for God: Then, turn again O! Virgin, daughter of Israel; turn again to these thy Cities: how long wilt thou go about? oh, thou back-sliding daughter: these are our back-slidings of flesh, when God is not presently revealed in us; we gad from one thing to another; and our thoughts rove up and down, and are careful to answer this man and the other; now we should do nothing, but turn to God: How long wilt thou go about, oh, thou back-sliding daughter. Behold the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth; a woman shall compass a man; a woman shall; that is, the weakest Saint: the Lord hath done it, it is in being already; it is no new thing, but only there wants a manifestation of it; the thing is done already; God is come, and hath dwelled in flesh, and taken it into union already with himself: A woman shall; that is, the weakest Saint, shall compass Christ, the manchild: they shall do it, this is not an uncertain word; but this word, Shall, holds forth the certainty of it all: Though a woman, the weaker vessel, that is the weakest Saint; yet there God, and and his great power will appear: this should keep our hearts from gadding, wandering, & going about; for God will appear, he will manifest himself: this is for our comfort; that when God shall thus appear, then shall that speech be used; When I shall turn back their Captivity: The Lord bless thee, oh, habitation of justice, and mountain of holiness: the Lord bless thee, that is the Saints, who are the habitation of God, and mountain of holiness: Although this proverb be not used as yet, it shall be used; when he shall bring again their Captivity; that is, when the Lord shall appear and be manifest in us: when the Lord shall arise to the prey, than they shall confess this; the Lord bless thee, oh, thou habitation of justi, and mountain of holiness? in whom the holy God dweleth: Upon this I awaked, and beheld, and my sleep was sweet unto me: it seems the prophet was in a sleep, yet he awaked, and it was very sweet unto him that God would appear at last: This is for comfort to those that wait upon God; for his appearance will be before we be ware: and I say, that as surely as God will appear in us, and manifest himself in us, so he will in many more: Who hath hard such a thing as this? That A Nation should be borne at once: we shall see many companions, that is a comfort to us; all though I confess, were there no man in this world that did wait for God, yet I should be quiet, silent and rest in the lot: I know the vision will speak, and will not tarry, it is but for an appointed time; and than God will appear; till than we should be quiet and wait for him, as Christ was; he tells his discipees, you shall all leave, me but the Father is with me; though you do leave me, yet I have the Father with me, I am not alone: if all the world do forsake us, yet if God live in us, we shall be satisfied; but nevertheless, if we wait upon God in deed, we shall see more that have the appearance of God in them: A Nation in one day; 60. Isa. 2, 3. ver. the the Lord shall arise on thee, and his Glory shall be seen upon thee; and then, the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising: lift up thy eyes round about; that is when God shall appear in Saints, than many more shall come in, and God will appear in them: When the name of God shall be read upon the Saints, that is the new name; and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name; and then the Gentiles shall see thy Righteousnss, and all Kings thy glory: that is, they shall clearly see God in them: Isa. 61. Chap. 19 ver. where the prophet saith, the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy Glory: Zacha. 3.7. ver. Thus saith the Lord of hosts; if thou wilt walk in my ways, and keep my charge, than thou shalt judge my house, and I will give thee places to walk in among those that stand by; what is that? It is to live in, and walk with God; only to wait for, and upon God; and only to be with God: What is his Courts? The place where God walks and dwells: If we continually wait for the appearance of God, and live in him; he will give us places, or walks among those that judge his house, among those that know him and live in him; he will give us places among the highest, we shall be as high with God as any are; there be some with God, that live only in God, if we wait upon him, we shall be among those, even the highst: hear now o Joshuah the high Priest, thou and thy fellows that sit before thee; for they are men wondered at, for behold, I will bring forth my servant, the branch. Hear Oh! Joshuah thou and thy fellows, that is, Christ and those who are Christ's, are men wondered at; as the word will bear it, monstrous men: those that live up to the glory of Christ, are men wondered at; but I will bring forth the branch, the manchild: Christ; that is the branch: behold God will appear in you, and not only in you, but in many othors also: a glorious appearance of God, is a bringing forth of the branch, a bringing forth of Christ in us. Isa. 60. Chap. 14. ver. the sons of those that afflicted thee, and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet, and they shall call thee, the City of the Lord, the Zion of the holy one of Israel: although Saints may be an afflicted people, a flock trodden down, & few; yet God shall he so manifest in them, that they shall be called the City of the Lord, the Zion of the holy one of Israel; though few, yet a City, and a most Glorious City: I will make glorious the place of my feet; the place of God's residents, the glory of Lebannon shall be given unto it, and I will make thee an eternal Excellency, in stead of our ordinary light, teachigs of men; the Lord will be unto us an everlasting light and thy God thy glory: this glory we wait for, to see God dweling in us, that men may see us the Tabernacles of God; for God to be our light and our glory, for God to dwell in the light of every one of us, and that all Nations may see his saving health, or his salvation; that we may see that light, reason, understanding and discretion, to be nothing but God; we are apt to think we had all these in us of our own: Reason understanding, and wisdom, are all of the Lord; if we could but see it, it is the very appearance of God: Acts. 17.23. That God (saith Paul) whom ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you: now all the world, in what forms soever, think they worshid God; some on way, and some another: this God (saith Paul) I declare, he made the worlds, and he dweleth in no Temple made with hands, nor is worshipped with men's hands, seeing he gives to all breath and life; he is not far from never one of you; if possible ye might feel, and find him; for in him we live, and move, and have our being. I know many are very zealous to worship God, in their way: this God is in us; and they shall see, when God appears, that he is not far from every one of us. And again, as it is comfort to see God in us; so it is, to see God working all things; all things that come to pass in the world are of him; our devisions, earthquakes, noises & thunderings; and our labouring in the fire, that which is most wearisome, e is also of the Lord; Hab. 2. Chap. 13. ver. Behold, is it not of the Lord of host, that men labour in the fire, and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity: All our crafts, trads, and policy, these are of the Lord; is it not of the Lord that men labour in the fire, in heat and trouble: O! how sweet would this be how calmly should we live; seeing no thing but God in all these actings, controversies & troubles; it is the Lord: and I think the is making an end of the kingdom of he man of sin; and gloriously to appear himself in the Saints, and to write his name, holiness in the earth; in that day there shall be upon all actions, & transactions, holiness to the Lord; and upon the bells of the horses, and upon every pot in Jerusalem; and in that day there shall be no more the cananite in the house of the Lord; not any thing that is vile or profane: now to see God in all this is much comfort: David when he see Gods appearing to him, cries out whom shall I fear? the Lord is my light, and my salvation, he is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? he doth not say, I had life, & light, and salvation, given me; but God is my light, and strength of my life: so when God appears, our life shall be more vigerous and fuller of God: our shadows, living in ourselves, and fancies shall vanish; and we shall only see our life in God, yea, a well-being in him: this life and glory will appear, if we wait for God: before we be ware the noise of God will be heard; arise my love, my fair one and come away. 85. psal. 8, 9 ver. I will hearken what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people; surly his salvation is nigh them that fear him, that glory may dwell in our Land. 35. Isa. 01. ver. and the Redeemed of the Lord shall return, & come to Zion with songs, and everlasting joy upon their heads, they shall obtain joy & gladnsse, and sorrow and sighing shall fly away. and God will be seen to come leaping upon the mountains, and skipping upon the hills: and we shall see the winter is passed away, and our darkest night to be a clear day; and our glory shall be God in us, as flowers adorn the earth: the time of rejoicing shall be as the singing of birds in the spring, & the noise of the turtle shall be heard in our Land; even groan of love: oh! blessed are they that wait for God, and the pure in hart, for they shall see God: they that wait upon God shall understand; those that wait since the daily sacrifice hath been taken away, till the end of the time that this abomination which makes desolate is set up, blessed is he that waits till the end, for he shall rest, and stand in the lot at the end of the days: and when God is manifest, it shall be said in that day, Lo this is our God, we have waited for him, he shall save us; this is the Lord, we have waited for him, we will be glad and erjoice in his salvation. Zeph. 3. Chap. 14. ver. Sing oh! daughter of Zion, shout oh Israel! be glad and rejoice, with all thy hart; oh daughter of Jerusalem, for the LORD, thy GOD, is in the midst of thee. FINIS.