A Letter from Feversham, Giving a True ACCOUNT Of several Persons who were Taken, being Embarked with His MAJESTY In a Vessel which lay in a Creek near Feversham in Kent. Dated the 12 th'. of December, 1688. HIS Majesty having of late (to the great dissatisfaction of the whole Kingdom) thought it convenient, at this juncture, to withdraw Himself from White-Hall, in order, (as is supposed) to Transport Himself for some time beyond Sea, being Attended with several Gentlemen, of whom we shall proceed to give you an exact Account. His MAJESTY, in order to Prosecute His Intention, on the Eleventh of December Embarked Himself in a small Vessel, which lay in a Creek near Feversham, with these following Persons to Attend Him: Sir Edward Hales, Mr. Shelton, and some other Gentlemen, whose Names, as yet, we have no certain information off: But being on Board, lying for a fair Wind, to Convey them to the Place intended, were discovered, and the above named Gentlemen, who waited on His MAJESTY, were Seized by a Party in behalf of the Prince of Orange; upon which His MAJESTY thought it Convenient to omit his Passage, and countermand His Resolution to return to Town. We have likewise an Account that Baron Jenner, Graham, and others were likewise taken at Feversham. The Earl of Salisbury, and Mr. Hales, at Ashford. And also, old Obediah Walker, and other Jesuits at Sittingborn; who are now under the County Guards, in Order to the bringing of them with all convenient Speed to London. Printed for I. H. 1688.