Proposals of a new Model for Re-building the City of LONDON, With Houses, Streets and Wharfes, to be forthwith set out by his Majesties and the City Surveyors: with the Advantages that will accrue by Building the same accordingly, Viz. I. The Owners satisfied for their Ground, the Builder for Building, and the Poor Inhabitants their Losses by the Fire. II. The City Built stately with large Streets, the Houses not in danger of Fire, and the ground all put to the best Profit. III. The People will walk easy and dry, the Houses of Office and Streets kept sweet and clean, and Goods delivered much cheaper. IU. Convenient Houses, Shops, Warehouses and Wharfes not dear. V Advanced to his Majesty by Fines. 372670 l. VI A Revenue for ever settled upon the Crown of per Ann. 223517 l. 10 s. I. ONe Row of buildings fronting towards the River of Thames from the Temple to Tower-dock, to be built Uniform with stone or brick, the front, backside, and partition walls, at least one brick and half thick from the bottom to the top, the Sellars arched with brick, or stone 10 foot high, and 15 foot wide, with two Vaults before each door in the Street of the same bigness, and shall stand at least 80 foot from the high water mark, and shall be all 30 foot in the front, and 25 foot deep, and 4 Stories high besides the Sellars and Roofs, the two first Stories 10 foot high each, and the two upmost Stories 8 foot high each, and there shall be no Garden, Yard, or Backside, belonging to them, but shall have houses built after the same manner close to the backside of them fronting towards the North, with a Shore between every two houses to the Thames, over which shall be to each house (both on the foreside and backside) an house of Office, and a Peyatsoe of 10 foot wide paved with free stone for people to walk dry and easy upon, with the houses continued over it, the Signs and Signposts to be of Iron or Copper, and an open newel of 6 foot wide and 20 foot long between every 4 houses, to give light to their several Stare Cases, in which their houses of Office shall be. II. Two Streets of 60 foot wide each, one from St. Dunston's Church in Fleetstreet to Tower-hill, and the other from Holborn-bridge and Goldsmith's Rents to Newgate, and then to Leaden-hall-street, with a Common shore in the middle of each, of 6 foot high and 4 foot wide, with houses and Peyatsoes on both sides built as before. III. Twenty two Streets of 30 foot wide each, and each a Common shore, 10 whereof shall go in length from the Temple to Tower-hill, 10 more whereof from Fetter-lane or Goldsmith's Rents, to the Old Bailie, and then towards Tower-hill and Crutchet Friars, and the other two from Shooe-lane towards Bishopsgate-street, between every of which shall be built houses after the same manner, with Peyatsoes on both sides of 5 foot wide, paved and built over as before. iv Six Cross Streets of 60 foot wide each, with each a Common shore as before, viz. One from Goldsmith's Rents by the Temple to the Thames, One from Smithfield down the Old Bailie to the Thames, One from Aldersgate to St. Paul's Church, and then to Paul's Wharf, One from Cripplegate to Queen-hive, One from Moregate to Dowgate-stairs, and one from Bishopsgate-street to London-Bridge, together with the houses on both sides of the Cut to have Peyatsoes of 10 foot wide built over as before. V Six other Cross Streets of 30 foot wide each, with each a Common shore as before, one leading from Shooe-lane to the Thames, one from Holborn Conduit to the Thames, one from Christ Church by the West end of St. Paul's Church to the Thames, one from the Middle of the Wall between Aldersgate and Cripplegate to the Thames, one from the Middle of the Wall between Cripplegate and Moregate to the Thames, and one from the Postern Gate in morefield's to the Thames, with Peyatsoes on both sides of them of 5 foot wide, paved and built over as before. VI A Cut of 30 foot wide for the Thames to run in, and Barges to swim in at high water, leading from Billingsgate up St. Mary-hill to Fanchurch-street, and so winding through Gratious-street to Broad-street, and then down Lowthbury to Holborne-bridge, and from Hockly-in-the-hole by Clerkenwell to Bridewell Dock, with Wharfes on both sides of 80 foot wide, (which Cutt will cost nothing digging, because that which comes out of it will be useful in the buildings) the stone of all the Churches burnt, and the bricks and rubbish lying upon the ground (except St. Paul's, St. Brides, St. Pulchers, Christ-Church and Bow) to be pulled down and taken towards making good the walls of the said Cutt. VII. The Owners of all the Ground to have their proportions respectively set out as near the place where it was, as may be, and to be enjoined to let the same to build at the rate of 3 s. per Foot per Ann. for every foot in the front, (which shall be 25 foot deep) for ever. VIII. The Builders to have 8 per Cent. for ever, for all the moneys they shall lay out in building, secured by a Rent-Charge upon the house or houses they shall build. IX. Each house in the Streets of 60 foot wide, and by the Thames, to be Let for 70 l. Fine, and 70 l per Ann. for 21 years, (which will cost but 250 l. a piece building, and each in the Strees of 30 foot wide, for 50. l. Fine, and 50 l. per Ann. for the like time (which will cost but 200 l. a piece building) and not for more or less; Out of which the ground Rent shall be first paid, which will be 4 l. 10 s. for every house, next the Builder his 8 per Cent., which will be for some houses 10 l. each, and or others 16 l. each, and the Remainder which will be 45 l. 10 s. for some, and 29 l. 10 s. for others, with all the Fines, shall be paid to the King, his Heirs, and Successors, towards the maintenance of his Forces by Sea and Land, out of which shall be first paid and satisfied to every person that hath lost by the Fire such a proportion as the Parliament shall ●hink fit. 223517 l. 10 s. There will be in the Great Streets, and by the Thames, 891 houses; In the Lesser 6206 and 800 Wharfes, which will Amount to per Ann. Besides the Ground Rent and the Builders. And the Fines for the Houses and Wharfes, will Amount to 372670 l. 20 Sept. 66. VAL. KNIGHT. LONDON, Printed by T. Leach, for Samuel Speed at the Rainbow in Fleetstreet, 1666.