royal blazon or coat of arms BY THE Lord Lieutenant AND COUNCIL. ORMONDE. Wwhereas' by several Proclamations Issued from this Board, all persons of the Popish Religion in this Kingdom, who had or kept any Halberds, Pikes, Muskets, Calivers, Fowling pieces, carbins, pistols, or other Guns whatsoever without Licence from the Lord Lieutenant, or other Chief Governor or Governors of this Kingdom, were required within a time therein limited, to bring or cause to be brought all such Arms into one of his Majesty's stores of Ordnance and munition, or deliver the same to such persons in the several Counties of this Kingdom as were by Us Authorized to receive the same▪ And all and every the Sheriffs & justices of the Peace of the several counties of this Kingdom, & all & every the Officers of his Majesty's Army, were also thereby required to Search for, and seize upon, & secure all such Arms as after the days therein Limited for bringing in the same, should be in the possession of, or belonging to any person or persons of the Popish Religion who, had no such Licences to keep the same. And whereas We are informed that several such Arms do now remain in the hands of divers persons of the Popish Religion in this Kingdom, either without any such Lycences or under pretence of such Lycences as have been granted to some persons for keeping the same, We have thought fit hereby to revoke and determine all such Lycences, as have been at any time heretofore granted by Us the said Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of this Kingdom, to any person or persons whatsoever of the Popish Religion in this Kingdom, to ride with, carry, buy, or keep in his or their house or houses, or else where any such Arms. And We do hereby require all and every such person and Persons of the Popish Religion, to whom any such Lycences have been granted, that within twenty days after the date of this Proclamation, upon pain of his Majesty's High displeasure, they do bring or cause to be brought all such Arms for which they have any such Lycences into one of his Majesty's Stores of Ordnance and Munition in this Kingdom, or deliver the same to such Persons in the several Counties of this Kingdom, as are by Us Authorized to receive the same, and at the same time do produce their said Licences or true Copies of them. And for the better Conveniency of such of His Majesty's subjects who are hereby required to bring in their said Arms, the several persons undernamed, or any of them are appointed by Us, in the several Counties of this Kingdom, to receive such Arms, as in pursuance of this Proclamation, shall be brought in or delivered to them, who as well at the Clerks of his Majesty's several Stores of Ordnance, and munition, are to give acknowledgements under their hands of such Arms as shall be brought to them, or any of them, expressing therein, the kind, qualities, and condition thereof, And also to mark the names of such persons upon the said Arms, within six weeks from the date hereof, and from time to time, after to give Us an Exact account of the Number and kind of Arms, expressed in the said Licences of what Arms they shall receive from the persons to whom such Licences were granted viz For the County and City of Dublin Sir Thomas Worsopp Knight, Captain Robert Moulsworth, and Philip Castelton, Esquires. For the County of Kildare, Robert Meredith, John Aylmer, and Maurice Keating, Esquires. For the County of Meath, Arthur Dillon, James Stopsord, Arthur Meredith, and Stafford Lightborne, Esquires. For the County of Wicklow, William Hoey, William Mathews, Henry Temple and Philip Packenham, Esquires. For the County of Catherlogh, Sir Thomas Butler Baronet, Henry Smithwick, and Henry Barkeley, Esquires. For the King's County, Sir Francis blundel Baronet, John Weaver, and Richard Warburton Esquires. For the Queen's County, William Bowen, Henry Gilbert, and Robert Hodges' Esquires. For the County of Longford, Sir Thomas Newcomen Baronet, Nicholas Dowdall, and Robert Choppin, Esquires. For the County of Westmeath, William Pierce, William Murry, James Leigh, and Robert Cook, Esquires, For the County and City of Kilkenny, Sir Henry Weymes, Sir Henry Ponsonby, Captain John Baxter, and Bryan Manser, Esquires. For the County and Town of Wexford, Sir Nicholas Loftus, John Tench, and William Ivory Esquires. For the County of Lowth, and Town of Drogheda, Sir William Titchburn, Richard Bolton, Thomas Bellingham, Thomas Moor, Esquires, and Alderman Edward Singleton. For the County of Clare, Giles Vandelure, Samuel Burton, Donnoch O Bryen, of Lineneagh, and Henry Leigh Esquires. For the County and City of Cork, Sir Richard Kerle, Sir Richard Hull, Emanuel Moor, Redmond Barry, Alexander Pigott, and Arthur Hid Esquires, For the County & City of Waterford, Nicholas Osborn, James Mutlow, and Andrew Lynn, Esquires. For the County of Kerry, Sir Thomas, Crosby Sir Francis Brewster, Anthony Reymond, Frederick Mullins, and Robert Blene●hassett, Esquires. For the County and City of Lymerick, Sir George Ingoldsby, Sir William King, Simon Eton, and Richard Magwire Esquire. For the County of Tipperary, Sir Robert Cole, Simon Finch, Bartholomew Fowkes, Stephen Moor, and Francis Legg, Esquires. For the County and Town of galway, Sir Henry Waddington, Charles Holcroft, Edward Eyres John Eyre's Junior, and Adam Purdon Esquires. For the County of Mayo, Sir George Bingham, Sir Arthur Gore, Gilbert Ormsby and John Crofton, Esquires. For the County of Sligoe, Charles Collis, Robert Gore, and Roger Smith, Esquires. For the County of Roscomon, Thomas Caulfeild, James King, and Edward Donollan Esquires. For the County of Leitrim, Bryan Connigham, Robert Galbraith, and Benjamin Fletcher Esquires. For the County of Down, William Hamilton, William Brett, and James Lesley, Esquires. For the County of Antrym, and Town of Carrickfergus, Francis Stafford, Arthur Uppton and William Lesley Esquires. For the County of Armagh, Sir George Atcheson, Arthur Brownlow, Edward Richardson, and Francis Chambers, Esquires. For the County of Tyrone, William Moor, Henry Mervin, and Matthew Combs Esquires. For the City and County of Londonderry, Colonel William Scicill, George Phillips, and Thomas Dawson Esquires. For the County of Donegall, George King, William Dutton and Charles Hamilton Esquires. For the County of Monaghan, Thomas Cook, Michael Pockerdge, William Barton and James Curry, Esquires. For the County of Cavan, Humphrey Perrott, Samuel Townely, Thomas Gwilliams Esquires and Captain Francis Hamilton. For the County of Fermanagh, Sir Michael Cole, Sir Gerrard Erwin, Captain William Cos●y and Hugh Mountgomery, Esquires. And We do hereby also in his Majesty's Name ●●ar●e and require all and every the Sheriffs and justices of the Peace of the several and respective Counties in this Kingdom and also all and every the Commissioned Officers of His Majesty's Army, That they do forthwith search for, seize upon and secure all such Arms as they shall find reason to suspect, to be in the possession of or belonging unto any person or persons of the Popish Religion who have had no Licences from the Lord Lieutenant, or other chief Governor or Governors of this Kingdom, to keep or carry the same, and that from and after the expiration of the said Twenty days next ensuing the date hereof, they do also search for, seize upon and secure all such Arms as they shall find reason to suspect, to be in the possession of, or belonging unto any person or persons of the Popish Religion, who at any time heretofore have obtained any such Licences, and that they do also take care to have such persons in whose custody any such Arms shall be found contrary to this Proclamation, to be bound over with sufficient sureties to appear at the next Assizes or Sessions to be held for such County wherein such Arms shall be found, and there to be prosecuted for their said offence, and do also return the names of such persons to Us or the Clerk of the Council, and that all such Arms as shall be so seized upon or secured by them, be also brought into one of His Majesty's S●eres of Ordnance and Munition in this Kingdom, or delivered to some of the 〈◊〉 herein above mentioned, together with the names of such persons 〈◊〉 whom such Arms were taken. 〈…〉 We are informed, ●hat divers Arms belonging to persons of the Popish Religion, have been taken away, seized or secured ●n pursuance of the said former Proclamations by several persons who ha●e not sent up any account thereof to Us accordingly, as by the said former Proclamations they were required. We do hereby strictly charge and command all Sheriffs, justices of peace, Officers of the Army, Store keepers, and all other persons whatsoever, who have received, seized upon, taken or secured, or shall at any time hereafter receive, seize upon, take or secure any Arms by virtue of this or any former Proclamation, and have not yet sent up any account thereof, that they do within Thirty days from the date hereof, send up or deliver to Us, or the Clerk of the Council, an exact account of all such Arms as they or any of them have already so received or taken, and that they do also send up the like account of all such Arms as they or any of them shall at any time hereafter receive or take by virtue of this Proclamation within fourteen days after the receiving or taking thereof, together with the names of the persons from whom such Arms have been or shall be so received or taken, and the kind, quality and condition of such Arms, and the places where the same shall be kept at the time offending up such account; And hereof they are not to fail, as they will answer the contrary at their perils. And whereas we are also informed that some Protestants contrary to our former Proclamations have kept and concealed arms belonging to persons of the Popish Religion, We do hereby require all Protestants within this Kingdom, to forbear the keeping or concealing▪ any such Arms as do, or shall belong to any such persons of the Popish Religion, and to deliver the same up to the persons hereby appointed to Receive the same, as they will answer the contrary at their Perils. And whereas We are informed, that divers quantities of Gunpowder are now remaining in the hands and possession of divers Merchants, Shopkeepers, and other persons in this Kingdom; We do hereby likewise Charge and Command all persons of the Popish Religion, and all Merchants, Shopkeepers and Retailers whatsoever, as well Protestants as Papists, who have any quantity of above one pound of Gunpowder in their possession, That within twenty days after the date of this Proclamation, they do send unto Us or to the Clerk of the Council, a true, exact and particular account of what quantities of Gunpowder they or any of them have in their several hands or possessions, or in the hands of any others for their use or by their privity, and that they do also from time to time, in like manner, when any Gunpowder shall hereafter come to their hands, or be bought by them, send up likewise a particular account thereof, and in case any person or persons shall neglect or refuse to send up such an account as is hereby required of all such Gunpowder, as already is or hereafter shall come to their hands, We shall take a most strict and severe course for the seizeing, and securing, all such Gunpowder as shall be so concealed from Us; And We do hereby further declare, that We shall look upon all such persons who shall neglect or refuse to conform themselves to this Proclamation, and to yield Obedience thereunto, or who contrary to the Tenor thereof, shall keep or carry any Arms, or conceal any Gunpowder from Us, both as contemners of his Majesty's Royal Authority, and also as persons designing the disturbance of the public Peace of this Kingdom. Given at the Council-Chamber in Dublin the 29th, day of November, 1680. Mich. Armach. C. Jo: D●bli●. Bl●sinton. Grara●d. Lanesborough▪ Hen. Midensis. R. Coote. Rob. Fitz Gerald. Ca Dillon. Char. Meredith. Wm. Gore. John Keatinge. Herald Hene. Will. Stewart. Ol. St. George. John Cole. Theo. Jones. Walter Plu●ket. John Eyre. God save the King. Dublin, Printed by Benjamin Took and John Crook, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty; and are to be sold by Mary Crook at His Majesty's Printing-House in Skinner-row. 1680.