CR DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms BY THE Lord Lieutenant AND Council of Ireland. ESSEX. WE the Lord Lieutenant and Council being informed, that both at the Assizes and Sessions held in several Counties of this Kingdom, divers sums of money have been of late years levied under Pretence of presentments from the Grand juryes in such Counties, in divers cases, where the same are not by Law warranted, with the payment whereof, his Majesty's Subjects have been unjustly charged, and the money so raised hath been many times converted to private uses, for Remedy whereof and for the Ease of his Majesty's good Subjects herein, we have thought sit hereby to require all judges of Assize and justices of Peace in the several Counties of this Kingdom, to take special Care at the several Assizes and Sessions to be held by them respectively, that no presentments of any Grand juryes be received or allowed of, nor any Orders given thereupon for the raising or leying any sums of money upon the Country, but in such Cases only where such presentments are by the Laws and Statutes of force in this Realm warranted. And we do hereby further declare, That incase any person or persons shall presume to give Order for the raising or levying any sum or sums of money upon the Country, under Colour of any such illegal presentments from any Grand juryes, that upon Complaint and due proof made thereof at this Board, We shall give Order for proceeding against them in such manner as the nature of so great an Offence doth require. Given at the Council Chamber in Dublin the 23th. of August 1676. Mich: Dublin Canc. Lanesborough. Ca: Dillon. Char: Meredith. Ro: Booth. I: Povey. Will: Stewart. God Save the King. Dublin, Printed by Benjamin took, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty; and are to be sold by Joseph Wild Book seller in Castlestreet. 1676.