CR HONI SOIT x MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms ❧ By Lord's justices and council. ❧ A Proclamation for the immediate fortifying of the city of Dublin, and the Suburbs thereof. W. Parsons. Jo-burlase. WHereas We the Lord's justices and council upon the Proposition, and the humble suit of the Maior, Aldermen, and Citizens of the City of Dublin, have consented and given directions, that Fortification should be immediately made about this City, and the Suburbs thereof, for the safety and the conservation of the said city and Suburbs, and his majesty's loyal Subjects therein. And for that it is requisite and reasonable, that all those that are involved in a common danger, should engage their persons and contribute some part of their Estates in a common defence, and for that it is necessary that works of that nature and consequence be effected with all expedition. We do therefore in his majesty's name require and command all and every person and persons of what quality or condition soever, as well Citizens as soldiers, and others, from the age of seventeen years and upwards, now dwelling, inhabiting, and residing within this City, or Suburbs thereof, within twelve hours after Publication hereof, to give their personal Assistances and Attendance (with all such shovels, spades, spitals, pickaxes, and other instruments and engines fitting for that work, as they have, or can procure) to such Officers and Engineers, and other persons as are, or shall be employed by Authority, for raising and making the said Fortification, and to perform such labour and duties therein, as the said Officers, Enginieers, and persons employed, shall direct; and to continue in the said service, until the work be fully perfected. And if any such person or persons by reason of infirmity, or for other reasonable cause cannot, or shall not attend the said service, for every day for each person so absent, shall be contributed and paid (the sum of six pence towards the Fortifications aforesaid, by each person for himself, and his servant or servants, attendant or attendants) to the hands of the Alderman of the Ward, or seneschal, or other chief Officer of the Liberties respectively, who shall give an account thereof to the chief governor and governors, and council here for the time being, requiring the same; nevertheless, We leave all persons well-disposed to this service to make such voluntary contribution and benevolence thereunto, as they shall think fit, and whosoevet shall not by himself, and his servants attend this service, or contribute thereunto as aforesaid, such person may justly be esteemed ill-affected, and shall suffer such punishment, as the Lieutenant general and council of War shall think fit to inflict. Given at His majesty's Castle of DUBLIN the 22. of November. 1641. Ormond Ossory. R. Dillon. Cha. Lambert. Ad. Loftus. Geo. Shurley. I. Temple. Cha. Coote. P. Crosby. Ja. Ware▪ Rob. Meredith. ❧ God save the King. ❧ Imprinted first at Dublin, and reimprinted at London, and are to be sold by Henry Walker in Buttler's alley in Moor-lane. 1641.