portrait of Sir James Harrington View here his face from the Jngravers mint And in his works his life and Soul in Print The True Effigies of Sir James Harington Knight and Baronet. HORAE CONSECRATAE, OR Spiritual Pastime. CONCERNING Divine Meditations Upon the great Mysteries of our Faith and Salvation. Occasional MEDITATIONS and Gratulatory Reflections upon particular Providences and Deliverances, vouchsafed to the Author and his Family. ALSO A SCRIPTURE-CATECHISME Dedicated to the Service of his Wife and Children. AND NOW Published, together with other Treatises mentioned in the following Page for Common Use. By Sir JAMES HARRINGTON, Kt. and Baronet. London, Printed for the Author, 1682. The Contents of the Six Treatises I. Treatise. THe Vision, Exercise, and Triumph of Faith; In which is discovered from the Elevated and Holy Mount of Divine Contemplation. 1. The shadows of Faith, 2ly. The true Faith and its Object, God in Christ; more particularly: The Lord Jesus Christ in his Incarnation, Life, Death, Passion, Resurrection, Ascension, and coming to Judgement, with the Benefits accrueing from them, to every true Believer. 3dly, The lost and miserable condition of every man by Nature. 4ly, The Restauration of man by Grace; considered as accomplished by Christ, in and by his Priestly, Prophetical and Kingly Offices. 5ly. A Prospect of Eternal Life, considered in the Glorification of the Soul and Body; particularly, as to the Faculties and Affections of the Soul; and as to the Senses and Members of the Body, in the new Heaven and new Earth, during Christ's personal Reign upon Earth for a thousand years. 6ly. A Prophetical Vision of Faith, holding forth twelve great works of God, which will shortly begin to appear, and shall be fulfilled in their Respective Seasons; and to be ended in the Translation of the Saints to Heaven: The Compleatment of Scripture Prophecies; the particulars of which Twelve Magnalia Dei, View in the next page; all which is intermixed with Holy Soliloquies, and Divine Ejaculations, applicable and profitable to every true Believer. II. Treatise. A Scripture-Catechisme, contained in an Epistle, sent by the Author in the Name and Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, to his Wife and Children; wherein, in Scripture-phrases only, is held forth the Doctrine, and Duty of a true Christian; A work of excellent use for private Families, as an Appendix to Catechising. III. Treatise. Divine Meditations upon the Creation, Man's Fall, and Redemption by Christ; presented by the Author to his Parents, in the one and twentieth year of his Age. IV. Treatise. A Pillar of Praise, or Occasional Meditations upon many Remarkable Mercies and Deliverances vouchsafed by the Lord, to the Author and his nearest Relations. V. Treatise. The Lords days Preeminence above all other days held forth in an humble answer to a paper, or Quere given to the Author, by King Charles the First, concerning the Observation of the Lords day and Easter day. VI Noah's Dove, or an Epistle of peace directed by the Author to his Fatherly affected Brethren, the Presbyterians and Independents, as a probable means for their Agreement and Union. TWELVE MAGNALIA DEI: Or Heads, of the wonderful Works, and Actings of God on Earth, by the Lord Jesus Christ, during his mediatory Kingdom, (not yet Accomplished;) All which are Treated of, in three Tracts of this Volume. I. THe Raising of the Witnesses, Rev. 11.3. unto the 13th. II. The Victorious Kingdom of Christ, appearing in the Burning of the City of Rome, Rev. 18.8, 9 III. The Total and Final Ruin of the Papacy, and of the Papal Kings of the Earth, her Popish Supporter, Rev. 19.19, 20, 21. IV. The Return to Canan of the Ten Tribes, and the Jews, and their Conversion, Rom. 11.25. to the end. V. The total Overthrow of the Turkish Empire, by the Israelites, and the subduing of all open Enemies of the Saints, by the reformed Nations, Ezek. 38, 39 Chapters. Dan. 2.44, 45. VI The Binding and Casting of Satan, and his Angels into the Bottomless Pit, the Local Hell, for one thousand years, to begin (as I humbly conceive) about the six thousand year of the world, according to a true Chronology and Account, Rev. 20.1, 2, 3. VII. The Conversion of the whole World, to the profession of Christianity, Psal. 67. to the end, Rev. 11.15. VIII. The Peaceable Kingdom of Christ, to be exercised by his Saints in this World, for one thousand years, (the time of Satan's Imprisonment,) which will begin (as I humbly conceive) in the year of the World, six thousand and one, being daniel's first Monarchy, Rev. 2.44, 45. Chap. 7.17, 18.26, 27. Rev. 20.4. And the Church's Sabbatisme upon this Earth, Heb. 4.9. IX. The Losing, and the Re-casting Satan and his Angels into Hell, after the destruction of Gog and Magog by Fire, Rev. 20.7, 8, 9, 10. Together with the Consuming and Renewing of the whole Elementary World, at our Lords coming the second time to Judgement by the same Fire, 2 Thes. 2.7, 8, 9 X. Christ's coming to Judgement, under which, is comprehended the Change or Resurrection of all the Elect to Glory, 1 Thes. chap. 3. v. 13. to the end; And Christ's Remunerative Act of Justice to them in their Reigning with him upon the Renewed Earth a thousand years, Rev. 2.4, 5, 6. XI. The Raising of all the Wicked to Judgement a thousand years after the Elect, Rev. 20.5. and the Sentenceing them and the Wicked Angels, Rev. 20.11. XII. The Translation of all the Elect to Heaven, 2 Cor. 5.1. and the delivering of Christ's Mediator Kingdom to his Father, 1 Cor. 15.24.28. A Synopsis of the General Heads of this Treatise. THe Definition of Faith Page 3 Divers sorts of Faith, viz Historical 4 Temporary 8 Miraculous. 15 The Means of Faith 21 The Object of Faith, Christ 22 Christ Born of the Virgin Mary 24 Persecuted by Herod ibid. His Agony 27 His Condemnation by Pilate 28 Crucified 30 His Death 33 His Burial 34 His Victory over Hell 35 His Resurrection 36 His Ascension 38 I. Man by Nature miserable, in his Soul, viz. in his Mind in general 41 Understanding 42 Conscience ibid. Will 44 Affections 45 The disorder in them, namely, in Joy, which cannot be in Riches 48 Honours ibid. Pleasure's ibid. Wisdom 49 Fear 50 II. Man's misery in body In general 51 In particular, the sinfulness in his Eyes 53 Ears 54 Smell ibid. Taste 55 Touch ibid. Christ's Priests Office in general 57 Intercession in particular 60 Satisfaction by both 61 Of Justification 62 Forgiveness of sins 63 Imputative Righteousness 63 The Definition thereof 64 Proofs of our right to Christ's Imputative Righteousness by Scripture Demonstrations 65 General Questions and Objections, answered 67 A Dialogue between Christ and the soul 74 The souls particular eompalint Against the mind and understanding 74 Christ answ. 75 Against the Conscience 75 Christ answ. 75 Against hardness of heart 76 Christ answ. 77 Against the memories 78 Christ answ. 79 Against the will 80 Christ answ. 80 Against the affections viz. Love 81 Joy 81 Christ answ. 83 Her general complaint of her Universal unworthiness 84 Christ answ. 86 In particular respect of her Senses, Tongue, and Body 88 Christ answ. 89 Of Christ's Kingly Office. Christ's present Kingly Office, 93. viz. His Government 99 His excellent person 99 His Laws 101 commended from the Author God 102 Antiquity 102 Holiness 103 His Protection 106 particularly from Satan 107 Sin 108 viz. Adam's sin 109 Original 110 Actual 112 World 116 from Its 1 Dart-lust 117 2. Riches 118 3. Honours 119 4. Persecution 120 His conduct & encouragement against Covetousness 123 Sensual pleasures 124 Honour 126 Persecution 128 Death 130 Fear of Death 132 The pain and separation of soul and body 133 Comfort in the Resurrection 135 Christ's Kingly Office at the last Judgement 139 Of Eternal life, and Glorified state of Man in general 143 & 149 In particular 1. In Soul The Understanding glorified 148 The Will glorified 149 The Memory glorified 150 The Affections in general 151 In particular Love glorified 151 Fear glorified 153 Zeal glorified 156 Anger glorified 160 Joy glorified 169 2. In Body In general 164. In special Its Spiritualness 169 Its Swiftness 169 Its Splendour 171 Its Incorruptibleness & Immortality 175 3. In the Senses In general 188. In particular The Sight glorified 195 The Hearing glorified 199 The Taste glorified 205 The Smelling glorified 210 Touching glorified 215 Of the Tongue the Organ of several senses 222 Twelve wonderful Actings, or Works of God to be fulfilled 239 Namely 1. The raising of the Witnesses 239 2. The ruin of Rome 239 3. The ruin of the Papacy 240 4. Israel's Conversion 240 5. The destruction of the great Turk 241 6. The binding of the Devil for a thousand years 241 7. The Conversion of the World 241 8. The destruction of all Christ's enemies 242 9 The Saints peaceable reign for a thousand years 243 10. The destruction of Gog, and Magog, and of the World by fire 243 11. The day of Judgement begun with reward to Saints, ends with judging the wicked 244 12. Christ's Mediatory-Kingdom ends, the Saints are translated to Heaven for ever. 246 Errata. IN the Titles of the Fourth and Fifth Pages, for Death, Read Faith Page 17. Line 25. f. Nebuchadonazzer, Read Nabuchadnezzar p. 26. in the mergine, for James r. Lamentations. p. 27. l. 29. f. thus, r. this, p. 29. l. 6. f. affliction r. affection. p. 33. l. 34. f. brawl r. crawl p. 39 l. 38. after the word Stephen, add ●ye. p 40 l. 28. leave out which. p. 42. l. 32. f. Lunary r. Lunacy, and l. 40 f. are r. were p. 48. l. 33. f. pleasure r. play sure. p 49. l. 8. f. Philosophers r. Philosophies. p 53. l. 12. for those excess r. whose excess. p 54. l. 30 f. inordinate r. inordinacy p. 64. l. 30. f. Nature r. Natures p. 66. l 28. f. halt r. half p 85. l. 30 f. Joshua r. Josiah p. 87. l 31. f. be thy r. be to thy. p. 89. l. 4. f. peculiarly r. in part. p. 90. l. 17. f. exhautasting r. exhausting. p. 92. l. 11. f. England r. Israel. p. 105. l. 1. f. of my mind r. of mind p. 116. l. 26. add i●, before descends. p 119. l. 33. f accenting ●. accepting. p. 130. l. 5. f. their r. these l. 40. f meat r. meal p. 134. l. 19 f. ●●nding r. bending, l. 40. f. yellowed r. Gelid, p. 153. l 19 f. lights r. light, p. 155. l. 15. f. eye r. eyes, p. 157 l. 6. f. preserved r. preserd, p. 159 l. 31. f. a spring r. aspiring, p. 161. l. 4. f. but its lip r. but in that life: l. 22 f. Beasts r. B●ats: l. 24 f. thought r. thoughts: p. 169 l. 20 f. Locamotion r. Locomotion: l 28 f. Port r. Part: p. 173 l. 12 f. immund r. immured: p. 181 l. 9 f. the r. their: p. 189 l. 3 f. substraction r. substratum: l. 8 f. Elixa r. Elixir: p. 193 l. 15 f. so what use r. what use: p. 210 l. 17 f. Na●al r. Nadab: p. 214 l. 26 f. with r. which: p. 235 l. 30 f. to r. so. p. 249 l. 13 f. I can proceed r. I cannot proceed. DIVINE MEDITATIONS ON FAITH: OR, The Vision, Exercise and Triumph of FAITH. WHere the Treasure is, there's the Heart, the thoughts, the affections also. Matth. 6.21. A judicious mind is virtuously ambitious, only being enamoured with that, whose true worth invites most its Contemplation, glaneing over inferior things with a superficial and general surview. The Soul of Man is never unemployed, though often misemployed, resembling in the perpetuity, though not in the quality of its motion, the ever and all-moving Creator; who as he ever was, so was he never idle, as being a most pure act. Is this true? Is the mind of Man never vacant? Art thou never idle O my Soul? Strive then not to be idly employed; that both in acting, and in acting well, thou mayst be more like thy Maker. And let the riches on which thou placest thy love, be Heaven and heavenly things: Where neither Moth nor rust corrupt, nor Thiefs break through and steal; Matth. 6.20. so shall such Treasure be, not the Prison, but the Paradise of thy heart. Amongst all those precious Graces heaped up in the boundless Storehouse of God's mercy, though each particular is to be admired, yet are there degrees of pre-eminence. For like as the beautiful Stones set in Aaron's Vestments; the Planets amongst the lesser Stars: So these three Divine Graces, Faith, Hope, and Charity, outshine the rest, attracting the eye of my Soul, and as much invite my Contemplation, as they necessitate my fruition. These, these are the Fundamental Graces, Superior to all other, both in respect of the Excellency of their Object, Christ Jesus, and of their Subject wherein they reside, a true Christian. The other, viz. Temperance, Fortitude, etc. being oftentimes bestowed by God on many natural Men, in whom they shine with a dim Light, never with a Sunlike splendour. They (like the Indians) possessing those Treasures, which Christians know best the right use of: Such Diamonds being then only truly placed, when set within a foil of Humility. Thus my Soul, through the free Grace of thy Heavenly Father, hast thou exhibited to thy view, and enjoying a Mine of Treasure, a Heaven of Happiness, Riches which exclude not, but command thee to covet. O follow thy Saviour's Counsel, be a joyful Man, and industrious Merchant. Matth. 13.44. Part with all thy sinful Lusts, Sell all thy worldly Vanities; purchase this Field, and Trade for these Pearls. Thy affections are the price; which that thou mightest disburse without delay, look more seriously into their worth, so shalt thou at once affect, and possess them. As the optic faculty is both weak, and useless to us, in the Discovery of things that are either too near, or too far distant, and so out of the command of its Power: so also if we suffer it at once distractedly to wander over several species (though within the strength of its speculation) it cannot give a true judgement, or description of any particular. The same Rules bound our understanding, the perspective of our Souls. For look we on God, that Infinite being, further than our limits in his gracious revelation, our sight is cataracted and dimned with ignorance. View we him too near in the attribute of his mercy, we grow presumptuously blind. Or place we terrene vanities in our affections as worthy to be equally gazed on with him, our reason will prove both purblind, and false-sighted; rendering an untrue and unprofitable discovery to our Souls. The last of these Rules let me first apply; then follow here the objects proposed to my present Meditation, which are the Principal and Evangelical Virtues. Shall I then at once superficially glance over them? No, rather view thou my Soul each grace apart, that so thou mayest better discern the dignity of each particular. And as Faith hath the pre-eminence amongst them, and the first place in us, at our regeneration; so in thy Contemplation. Philosophers are beholding to Aristotle for most of their Definitions; the Christians to the Scripture, as being the truth, and so no error in it; as being the Foundation, and therefore no building without it. Wouldst thou know then O my Soul what Faith is? Search the Scriptures and thou shalt find, Hebr. 11.1. that Faith is the Substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. O perfect figure, O true Effigies of that Heavenly Grace, drawn even to the Life by that only great Artsmaster, the Spirit of God Frail Mortals that we are, extraordinary need have we of such exact Descriptions; since like weak-sighted Men, we multiply our object, grasping frequently the shadow in stead of the substance. Thus being often times deceived in our judgements, by the many counterfeits of Faith, Let us upon some Professors thereof (that even falsehood may not want a witness) cursorily gaze, as Passengers use to do, on executed Traitors; learning wisdom from others harms, rather pitying their folly, than following their example. The Sun may rise gloriously, and yet suffer an Eclipse, before it mount the Meridian. Good beginnings may make us expect, cannot assure us of good proceedings. Many run in a race, 1 Cor. 9. 2●. but he which perseveres to the end obtains the prize. Mankind doth commonly ascend one degree towards Heaven, where frozen with ignorance and folly, they afar of, with the Owl, wonder at the Light, not caring by their approach to enjoy its heat, or to be enlightened with its brightness; like silly Birds hover over the Devil's blaze, N. B. (that fowler of Souls) or with ignorant Travellers, eyeing and following that false and wandering Light of Worldly Vanities, until they be plunged in their own destruction. Historical Faith. Ezek. 49.3. Genes. 28.12. Genes. 3.1. Amongst these, give me leave to point out the Historical Believer, who hath waded, and in the deep, in Ezekiel's River; hath ascended one step of Jacob's Ladder; yea, with the Serpent in Paradise (that Devil incarnate) hath found out the Tree, of whose sweetness he shall never be a happy partaker. O the folly and madness of rational Souls! who having spied out the good Land of Canaan, choose rather, with the murmuring Israelites, Numb. 13. to wander in the Wilderness of Vanity, the Deserts of Evil, not only Forty Years, but their whole life time, then to go in to possess that fruitful Soil, with faithful Joshuah. Tell me, O Man, why the affection doth as it were lose its appetite, change his Channel, and descent from that Rule in Heavenly things, which in terrene objects it both allows, and follows. The Covetous Man having begun but to taste of Riches, continues a Midas, ever after, wishing to touch and feed on nothing but Gold. The Voluptuous Man having had but an Airy view of Pleasure, is enamoured with it, and devotes his strength, his time, his life to its service. And the Ambitious Man having once kneeled on the Footstool of honour, never rests, until he hath ascended the Throne. On the other side, change we but the Place, Earth for Heaven (although the objects differ much in worth) and our minds change also. The Historical Believer, by his general knowledge and observation of the Principles of Nature and Justice, cannot but confess a God; next, that his Eternal Being is only the unexhausted Ocean, from whence all Rich Streams of Graces, Revel. 22.1. and Rivers of Life proceed. The everlasting Mine, and Treasure of Treasures, which are as infinite in their quantity, as their value. Yet for all this proficiency in the theory of Divinity, he still remains a drone, like a lazy Mathematician, only viewing upon his Globe, those magazines of wealth, (the Indies) without endeavouring, or taking pains to enjoy them. He knows that Princes are but Viceroys, Tenants at will, Commissioners, whose Power lasts not beyond God's will, or the date of their life; The Almighty only being the Fountain of Honour, according to that of the Psalmist, Promotion cometh neither from the East, nor West, nor from the South, but God is the Judge, he putteth down one, Psal. 75 6, & 7. and setteth up another. Notwithstanding this knowledge of God's pre-eminence, he either like the Barbarians exchanges Gold for Glass, his golden Hours for frail and glassy Titles, terrene and empty favours, which are but the counterfeits of true honour, a row of Characters, by which we should spell out Heavenly things, the substance of these shadows. All Earthly honours are either mediately, that is, by course of Blood, derived from our Parents to us, or else immediately by the present favour of the Prince, conferred upon Us; the worth of them consisting in the height of Title, Place or Privileges above others not so dignified. Look then O Glow-worm towards Heaven, and thou wilt soon confess how infinitely all Earthly vanities are overmatched; they being but rude Patterns, helping us to judge of the Original; degrees to raise, not weights to depress our Meditations; a Mount Nebo to view Mount Zion. Have we on Earth Kings to create us honourable? Behold, their Breath is in their Nostrils; whereas in Heaven, the Lord is King for ever and ever, Psal. 10.16. who hath said and verified it, that though they are Gods, Psal. 82.6. yet they shall die like Men. Further, the World gives to its favourites, large and magnificent Titles, adorning them with splendid Robes, which are (as it were) the Superscription of their Place and Estimation. Pharaoh named Joseph, Genes. 41.45. Zaphnath Paaneah, which signifies Prince. Daniel is named Belteshazzar, according to the name of the Chaldeans God. Dan. 1.7. David must be styled the King's Son in Law. 1 Sam. 18.21. Esth. ●. 15. Mordecai goes out from the presence of the King in Royal Apparel, of blue and white, and with a great Crown of Gold, and with a Garment of fine Linen and Purple. We see here how liberal Earthly Kings, yea Kings of the Earth, have been in the expression of their favours: and can any conjecture, the eternal God, the only Jehovah, and King of Heaven and Earth, can, or will be wanting to his favourites? No, his Word, which is truth itself, shall be our assurance; Fear not little Flock, for it is your Father's pleasure to give you the Kingdom. Luk. 12.32. Nor are we only Kings, but dignified above such expressions; the Image of the only true God being renewed, and imprinted in us. For through our Lord Jesus Christ 's most great and precious promises are given unto us, 2 Pet. 1.4. that by them we should be partakers of the Divine Nature. Hath Saul chosen David to be his Son in Law? yea, and he esteemed it an honour worth the hazarding of his life? But behold what love the Father hath given to us, that we should be called the Sons of God. 1 Ep. Joh. 3.1. Was Mordecai so publicly honoured by Ahasuerus? God doth far exceed in his free favours towards his: Witness St. John, saying, Rev. 4.4. I saw round about the Throne four and twenty Seats, and upon the Seats four and twenty Elders sitting, clothed with white Raiment, having on their Heads Crowns of Gold. Come hither O thou loitering Soul, that carest not to ascend the Mount with Abraham, and Isaac, but stayest below with his Servants, and Asses: that choosest rather to stand still, and become a barren, and unmovable Pillar of Salt, with the faithless Wife of Lot, then with no less haste than good speed to travel toward Zoar, a place of safety, with her righteous Husband. The Poets tell us a Fable of one Tantalus, whose hungerstarved Mouth covetously gasped after Golden Apples, which continually fled from him. I would (O half Believer) thou hadst his hunger, his thirst, than would our Saviour's loving invitation be joyfully obeyed: John 7.37. If any Man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink such living Waters which shall not fly from, but into the longing Soul. Art thou Adam's Son? O here behold a Tree of Life, whose Root is only transplanted from Paradise to Heaven; that so the Fruit might hang down to Earth. Here is now no prohibition, to restrain thy ambition, but a commission to warrant thy affection: (Take and eat:) O take it, even Christ in his Word, and Sacraments; not carnally as Adam, but spiritually, with the hand of thy Soul, which is a saving and applying faith. Next relish it by Meditation, and digest it by prayer. Then shall thine eyes be enlightened, and thou shalt perceive thy nakedness, that so Christ may clothe thee with his righteousness here, and his glory hereafter. Then shalt thou behold the vanity of earthly pleasures, riches, and honours; confessing that God is all these, yea all in all unto thee. That the happiness of Divine knowledge, consists most in fruition. That it is better to acknowledge God to be Immanuel with Isaiah, than Daniel's God with Darius. To embrace Christ in our arms by faith with Simeon, Esa. 7.14. Dan. 6.26. Luke 2.28. Num. 23.17. Luke 1.47. Mark 5.7. than to see his Star afar of with Balaam. To rejoice in God our Saviour with the blessed Virgin, then to confess Jesus to be the Son of the most high God, with the Legion of Devils. Then shall that virtual and spiritual Figure of God, which according to our capacity, the holy Spirit hath shadowed out by attributes in his Word, and Works, be appropriated unto us by Faith. That so those glorious rays of his, to wit, his Holiness, his Justice, his Power, which (before our Souls were Eagle-fighted, our minds illuminated) rather scorched, than cherished; dazzled than enlightened us; meet all in the centre of his mercy, Jesus Christ; and from him as it were by reflection, powerfully work upon us, and comfortably refresh the whole Man; renewing, justifying, and sanctifying thee here, and glorifying thee hereafter. All this while, O my Soul, thou hast been viewing the first draught of Faith, rudely painted after a Landscape fashion, and therefore ever beheld at distance. Now observe a second model, limbed out more exactly, having in every part a seeming perfection. O that the Colours would be but as lasting as lively. The defect then of this Portraiture is a false ground, manifested and proved by its short continuance. The truth of which, since it cannot aptly, or charitably be demonstrated, or discovered by any extant piece I know, lest I should seem to be my own Judge, or judge my Brother, I will with reverence look into our Ark, the sacred Scriptures; wherein, as there is the two Tables of the Law for our instruction, so there is a Pot of Manna to encourage and strengthen our obedience. An Aaron's Rod to tell us what we have been, are, and should not be. There I doubt not but to find some Antiquities of the infant Age before the Law, or the middle Age under the Law, and some in the old Age of the World, that last measure of time under the Gospel. Which, although dusted by death, survived in those living characters for instruction, and our purpose. All humane judgements may err. Neither is there any Seat of Judicature upon Earth, Temporary Faith. no not Peter's Chair, altogether free from injustice and false opinions. If it be the certain condition of Man to be uncertain in all his ways; Nam humanum est errare, it is his Custom to err; How can he then which is a stranger at home, make a true discovery abroad? He that stumbles in a known and even path, cannot choose but fall headlong, if he ascend craggy passages. He that is ignorant of earthly things, cannot be spiritually judicious. The best ofttimes are deceived by their own hearts. (For the heart of Man is deceitful above all things, who can know it?) much more by others. Those which in the false Balance of our understanding have seemed down weight, being placed in the Scales of the Sanctuary, have been found wanting, as may appear in these following examples. Who, although they outwent the prospect of Men in the right way towards Heaven in the outward acts of Faith, yet afterwards either stood still, or wanting Oil for their Lamps, were benighted and strayed in the broad Paths of prosperity. Cain the first draught of humanity that ever Man drew; Genes. 4.3. the first born to whom hereditarily belonged the blessing, and the double portion; the fourth part of the then visible Church, and a sacrificing Priest before God; viz. by his birth, education, & offering, proved to be a Member of the Church; a Professor, by his Prayers; (employed as the inseparable Companions of Sacrifices;) the fruits of that profession are manifest; so that to the superficial view of Man, he seems not only practically Religious, but also to parallel faithful Abel. Yet behold, in process of time, his want of perseverence, shows his defect of Sincerity; the murder of his Brother, his former Hypocrisy; and afterwards concluded of, and punished with the Curse of God; the Hatred of good men, and his self Despairation. Lot's Wife was a member of the apparent Church, Gen. 19.1. and as it is probable, forsook her native Country, her Father's Gods, to be a sojourner, a stranger in a remote Land with Abraham. And no doubt (while she lived in that sinful Sodom) was a frequent Hearer of that Doctrine of Repentance, which her Righteous husband Preached with so unhappy success. Yea, in conclusion, she forsakes Sodom, being not only aided by the presence, but led by the hand of an Angel toward Zoar, that Type of Heaven. But no sooner did the Angel leave her, but her eyes reversion, discover her mind's aversion. Which herself would have seconded, had not the Almighty, in Favour to her Husband, and in Mercy to Us, made her an exemplary Monument, in a Pillar of Salt. Next, under the Law, behold Saul, not only a Member, 1 Sam. 10.1. but chosen of God to be the Captain over his Church. A man every way well qualified; first, for his Body, his Proportion was so excellent, that there was none like him amongst all the people. And for his Mind, 1 Sam. 10.24. it was endowed (it seemed) both with Divine and Moral Virtues; witness his joining in Prophecy; 1 Sam. 10 10. 1 Sam. 11.15. his performance of many Pious Duties, as his Sacrifices at his Coronation, his ask Counsel of God, and inquiry after Sin; 1 Sam. 14.38. 1 Sam. 15.24. 1 Sam. 10.21. 1 Sam. 10.27. 1 Sam. 11.6. 1 Sam. 28.3. confession and humiliation after samuel's Reproof; his humility at his Election, his patience and mercy at his Rejection and Defamation; his Fortitude against the general and open Enemies of the Church the Ammonite; his Zeal against the private and secret Enemies of Religion, 1 Sam. 28.7. viz. all Witches and Wizzards. Here then is a spring of Piety; a profession, and expression of Religion; a Gourd, whose glory may not only serve as a Canopy of state to Saul, but as a shade to one of the Prophets. A gourd indeed, and so it faded. For the eve of his last day ruined that frontispiece of Virtue, which his whole life's best Actions had raised towards Heaven. For, had he been with the Prophets, and joined with them in Prophecy? His ignorance and wants now send him to inquire of the Devil. Did he Sacrifice before to God? Now behold, the reward of Divination and Witchcraft are in his hand. He whose custom was to ask counsel of God, now seeks after a Witch; and he whose seeming Zeal condemns his Righteous Son, for tasting of an Honeycomb, although ignorant of any restraint; now, contrary to his Oath and Covenant made with God, without humiliation and judging of himself, or confession of his fault, willingly and wilfully swallows down the very gall of Sin. His Humility did not more grace him, when he lay buried in the people's Stuff, than his Pride did debase him, when he presumed to be one of God's Council. That patience, fortitude, and mercy which abounded, yea, was extended towards others, is now deficient to himself: For, he falls all along upon the Earth, becomes sore afraid; no strength is left in him, and yet he refuses to Eat. For, having no conscience towards God, no wonder if his Body wants the charity of Nature: When the Creature abuses the Mercy of the Creator, he must expect to taste of his Justice: And when he ceases to know Himself, he shall be made to know his Punishment. Saul hath forgotten both his God and himself, and therefore justly is he now forgotten, and hears his Funeral censure pronounced by him who never spoke nor wished better to man, To morrow shalt thou be with me. 1 Sam. 28. 1●. Forewarning fore-armes not Sinners; he that doubted of his Choice, though from the mouth of God's Prophet, credits his refusal and death from the Devil's Oracle. Extraordinary Blessings are the free and voluntary gift of God, and not believed of Sinners before enjoyed. But his punishments are the due Burden of sins desert, and therefore are expected before divulged. The Soul being oftentimes aforehand sensible of that which the Body afterwards endures. None but a false, or temporary Faith hath a final cessation; but such is this of Saul, he now believes only that he might despair. The first degree of a true Faith, being usually, the false ones last step. God lifting up the one from the sense of judgement to the faith and sight of Mercy. Sin dragging the other from the belief of punishment into the gulf of Despairation. Though Saul hath his last day marked out, even the morrow; yet neither the love towards his Sons (whose Lives bore the same date with his) nor care for himself, begets the least endeavour, by delay, or otherwise, to outlive the foregoing Prophecy (inevitable are the Judgements of God); nay rather, he hastens it, shortening his flight, that he might shorten his life. And, that sin (according to its nature) might have a companion, he moves his Armour-bearer to be a traitor to his own Soul by example, whom his precept could not force to be a traitor to his Prince. For, he falls upon his Sword, which, instead of Defence, becomes a weapon of Offence. So oftentimes God deals with the Wicked; who, as in life, themselves are their worst Enemies, so in death they prove their own Executioners. Thus the Sacred Annals, before and since Moses, hath by the Deads' example, given most lively arguments to prove this falsehood, of the deadness of this seeming life of faith. O admire here the infinite extent of the Mercy of God who out of the carcase of this Lion (Sin) this Eater (Death) brings forth both meat and sweetness for his sampson's, his Nazarites; making the Downfall of the Fathers, the Rises of the Children; their Ignorance our Knowledge; their faults and blindness, apt spectacles to help the weakness of our sight! It now remains, that the holy Records of the faithful and powerful Gospel, as the Echo of the Old Testament, consort in the like precedents; that by so consonant an Harmony, the dissonant, and ungrounded judgement of the most hypocritical and temporary Believer, may be convinced, if not converted. The purest Gold hath its Dross; the best Wheat its Tares: Yea, the Moon is then most full of Spots, when least empty of Light. The Church of God in the Primitive times, in its Infant Age, had many, who although they were deemed Members of Christ, had not yet put off the Old man, The Old Adam. Many, whose Image and outward Superscription seemed to be our Caesar's, yet proved to be false, and unvaluable Coin, when they came to their test, or exchange. Witness Ananias and Sapphira, Acts 5.1. (a pair doubly united, by Sin and Wedlock) who, before their trial, were esteemed as Members of the True Church, as Believers of the Apostles Doctrine, and no doubt baptised in that Faith; the effects of which seemed to lead them on to forsake the world; for, they sold their possessions to works of Charity and Piety, And laid it at the Apostles feet. Who would not here have paralleled these with sincere Joses, since both parties did the same duty, though not with the same heart; the one acting truly that Christians part, which the other only played. Man's natural light is comparatively darkness, and the height of his Knowledge advantageth him only with a larger prospect of his ignorance; he knowing most that confesses to know nothing. The conscience of our want being the perfection of our science. Only thou, O Lord, art the Fountain of Knowledge and Wisdom; thou triest the Heart and the Reins, and seest not as man seeth. Shalt not thou who planted the Ear, Psal. 94.9. hear? Thou that form the Eye, see? Thou that teachest man Knowledge, know? Thou, O Lord, knowest the thoughts of man. For what end therefore, O Ananias, tends the subtle compact with thy Wife? The strength and ripeness of Sin, hastens the harvest of Judgement, wherefore then this bare notion of Religion? Matth. 24.51. This worst Sin, hath Hell's worst Punishment. What serves for, O Sapphira, the impudent defence of this act, which is as lightning before the thunderclap of Justice; since the spirit searches all things, 1 Cor. 2.10. yea, the secret things of God? He knew thy untruth, thy lie, and therefore at once pronounced and executed the truth of thy Judgement. Behold the feet of them that have buried thy Husband, are at the door, and shall carry thee out: Whereupon she fell down at the Apostles feet, and yielded up the Ghost. Justice depriving those of life (God's gift) which any way detain man's gift to God, to wit, their Offerings; or whatsoever else is set apart for an Holy employment. The indulgent Parent fears that the life story of that child, will prove but a compendium, whose Infant years are an Abridgement of Man's stature. The like observation will be proved true (if doubted) in many preposterously forward Christians, who are like to children's Bubbles, which, while they last, are but Topographies to the Beholders: Or, like Lightning; which, though it invelop Heaven, hath nought remaining; yea, scarcely time and place to bear witness of its glory. So these hypocritical and temporary Professors, seem a perfect Map of Christianity, the splendour of Religion. Yet at the appointed time they vanish, becoming so much further off, by how much nearer they seemed to Heaven. View the experiment of this truth in the Scribes and Pharisees, (from the opinion of whose Righteousness, the Jews drews this Maxim, That if any two on Earth should be glorified in Heaven, the one must be a Scribe, the other a Pharisee.) That their Purity was but a Blaze, this vulgar conceit a Falsehood. Hear and believe the Word, yea, the Word of Truth, Matth. 23.13. concluding these Wise men, Fools; these Guides, Misleaders; these Patrons of the Commonwealth, unnatural Vipers; sealing them up with a seven fold Woe, for manifest an hypocrisy, to eternal Damnation. Our Saviour was many times guarded with troops and multitudes of Disciples, whose momentary affections proffered Him an Earthly Crown. Yet he, which knew all Hearts, knew the unconstancy of theirs, and therefore committed not himself to them. For, had they been as Powerful as Willing, had their affections been as sincere and durable, as they were fervent, yet could not any earthly Monarchy allure him to Reign, who lest his Heavenly Throne to Suffer; exchanging a crown of Glory for a Crown of Thorns, that his Humiliation might be be man's Exaltation. O here behold the Unchangeableness of God's Love, the Vanity and Unsteadfastness of Man's best Resolution. Those Disciples, which even now would have Crowned him, those which traced him through Sea and Land, and having found him, said, What should we do that we might work the Works of God; yea those, who, as it were filled with a passionate desire of possession, John 6.30. prayed, Lord, evermore give us this Bread; these now, instead of honouring him with a Diadem, deny his Regal descent, saying, Is not this Jesus the son of Joseph. These whose appetites desired evermore to enjoy this Bread of Life, John 6.42. think there is now no living with this Food; as being too hard for their digestion, their tongues testifying their distaste, saying, This is an hard saying, who can hear it? To conclude, they that so fast followed him, now as fast depart from him; Witness our Saviour's question to his Chosen ones, Will ye also go away? John 6.60. O blessed Saviour, Let my Soul be a follow respondent with Peter, and say, Lord, to whom shall I go? John 6.68. Thou hast the Words of Eternal Life. My Meditations have spent much time in the discovery of this outside of Faith. I should now proceed, did not the hateful example of Apostating Demas stand branded in Holy-Writ, for my observation and conclusion of this Point. Knowledge is the foundation of Faith, but God only is the Master builder of it. Christians are Priests, imputatively and derivatively from our Saviour, as offering up the Evangelical sacrifices of Prayer, and Praise; but the Ministers of the Gospel, in a more especial manner. Demas was a Priest, because a Christian; Learned, as being without doubt, a Teacher; Paul's scholar and companion, one whose eyes were daily witnesses of Signs and Miracles; whose ears were frequent auditors of God's Word: yet this man wanted the witness of the Spirit in his Conscience. Therefore no marvel if his actions were destitute of its power. The Wisdom of this world is Foolishness with God, 1 Cor. 1.20. and proves at length so to Man. Demas' worldliness discovers his Folly; and his second choice shows the Hypocrisy of the first. That affection which towards Christ hath an end, had never a beginning. The Love of God is Lasting. And though our weak understanding, through the interposition of some great Afflictions, may conceive it to be extinct; yet, that eclipse past, this overture of falling out, proves the renewing of Love. He that perseveres to the end, shall endlessly be Beloved. But he that grants God the Major, his youth and strength; and of his full age the Minor, the lesser part of that time, and yet at last doth in fact deny the conclusion, is as little a Christian as a Logician. The Word of God, as it is the great luminary of Divinity; so likewise the Sun of our Souls, which discovers unto us those glittering counterfeits, which the false and weak lights of our depraved understandings, would present as blameless. This is that Star which guides all Wise men to Christ. A Pole Star, directing only all Heavenly Observers; being either unknown, or else not useful to worldly Stargazers. This Word, as it makes us know ourselves, which is the principal of wisdom, so it makes us discern (in some sort) others, which is the Divinity of Knowledge. Which of the Devout Jews would have thought the Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites, had not the Word of that All-creating Word, Christ Jesus, anatomised their shameful Corruption? Who amongst us would have judged a Miraculous Faith, less than a Saving; had not the same Verity assured us, That many which have Prophesied, cast out Devils, Matth. 7.22. and done many wonderful Works in his Name, should be excluded Heaven with a Nunquam novi vos; Depart from me ye workers of Iniquity? Miraculous Faith. That a man may be a Conduit-pipe to convey Water of Life to others, and yet prove a vessel of Dishonour, the Religious care of Paul witnesseth, who subjected his body, lest when he had Preached to others, 1 Cor. 11.27. be himself should become a Reprobate. But that they, whose Word aided by the power of Faith, was mighty to cast Satan out of others, should be possessed themselves, is both Lamentable and Wonderful. These indeed have cropped the Leaves of Faith, leaving the Fruit and Root behind: seeking therewith, like Adam, presumptuously to hide their Nakedness, and want both of Application and Justification. Thus these, whilst they think to deceive others, the Devil deceives them. Charity, the most fruitful, lasting, and most eminent Grace, begins first at home. The affection which we bear to ourselves, being the best pattern for direction of our loves towards others. Witness the approbation of our Saviour Christ, whose abridgement of the whole Law being Charity; the Rule of it was, To love our Neighbours as ourselves. Matth. 22.39. From this Expression, or short Paraphrase, who concludes not a primary and most natural Duty, necessarily to be employed and commanded, [a self-loving] though not a self-love as being the manner, quantity, and just weight of all our external actions. Of this want, are those guilty, reproved by our Saviour; who (too publicly officious) offer to pull out their neighbour's Mote, not being sensible of the Beam in their own Eyes. Also the unhappy Miracle-worker must here plead Guilty, of whom that Jewish saying, falsely applied to our Lord, may be truly verified, He saved others, himself he cannot save. God's Power is the chiefest agent in effecting Miracles; an Attribute most necessary to beget Fear, Admiration, and Humiliation. But alas, the Knowledge of God's Omnipotency, shall rather affright, than comfort us, without the apprehension and self-application of His love towards us, in Him, for whose Name sake he wrought such Signs. Yea, our Fear will prove slavish, and servile; our Admiration frightful and terrible; our Humiliation distracted and desperate, without the sense and feeling, promise, and assurance of his merciful Love. For God is Love, John 4.16. and works by Love. His Love being the only cause of ours to Him, and to others. The truth of this, made Paul account all Faith, though able to remove Mountains, 1 Cor. 13.2. nothing without Charity; further intimating, that how glorious soever such outsides might seem, they would prove empty shells, void of the kernel, the substance, and true essence of Faith. Charity being the left hand of Faith, as Faith the right eye of Charity. There needs no other witness of this Faith's insufficiency than Judas Iscariot. Who was elected to be one of the Select Disciples, and dignified with the Highest of Callings, even to be the Apostle of Jesus Christ. One who, both under the Law and Gospel, had participated of those initiating Sacraments, Circumcision and Baptism, as also of that which was for Confirmation, the Passeover. Further, he was a Preacher of the Covenant of Grace, by Word as well as by Name, by Deed as well as by Word; as appears by our Saviour's large Commission. He gave them Power, Matth. 10.1. viz. his Twelve Disciples against unclean Spirits, to cast them out, and to Heal all manner of Sickness, and all manner of Diseases. The Execution of this, the joint Confession of the Twelve, and of the Seventy Disciples, doth manifest, saying, Lord, even the Devils are subject unto us through thy Name: Luke 10.17. Lo, here Judas miraculously casting out Devils. Will it not be a wonder, yea, and seem an untruth, that this Saint is become a Devil? No. John 7.6. Such a Faith to have such an End, is but natural; a stinted Faith wants enlargement to continue. Through Faith in His Name we may do Miracles; but through Faith in His Blood, Acts 4.30. we and Judas only can be Saved. The light and fruit of Faith, and all other good Works must shine, not to me, nor to others alone, but to both: Men may be instruments of Heat to others, and yet Cold themselves. Many are made Executioners of God's Power, which never enjoy his Grace. Nebuchadonezzar was his Rod, Cirus his Servant: Neither his Son. Yea, Miracles and proofs are not wanting in our days; there being those (I fear) whose words have powerfully cast Satan out of others, their own Souls being not delivered from his Tyranny. Stories, the monuments of Art, preserve in black and white, what once was done in Colours, by a Grecian Painter; whose Skill was so much an Ape to Nature, that his lively Draughts deceived the double senses of Birds; causing them to prefer the shadows of Fruits, before the fruitful Substance. The Devil in his subject is not less void of Art, although they both differ in their ends; the one Deceiving, but to show his Skill; the other being Skilful to deceive Birds who have not reason to correct their Sense, nor to discover the Shadow of Shadows; one is only a Laughfing-stock of that Artists innocent Craft; But Man, whose incorporeal parts parallel the others Essence, yea, now transcend it, (by how much a positive is better than a depravation) is the stage which Satan's derision tramples on. The least of Scorns, is not the least of Injuries; the height of it, the greatest of Cruelties. Such is his, for it wounds the wounded, seeking to deprive those of Heaven, whom he hath already defrauded of an earthly Paradise. O my Soul, thou art one of this world's Commonwealth, to whom this busy Impostor, variously disguised, offers his service. Each mind at first, whiles unhabituated, is in that respect an empty Tablet, on which some portraiture must be drawn. A good and a bad Artist, strive for the Employment. Divers excellent beginnings are there Blurred by the one. Divers bad ones amended by the other. The good Models having only this advantage, that once dry, and fixed, they may suffer a Blot, never an utter Defacing. Death lastly brings to light, the work, which challenges the Master, and the Master it. Wouldst thou then know what is Drawn, and whom thou hast Employed? Let thy following Meditations search out, and observe the Original; which (the shadows withdrawn) most opportunely, and in order, meets thy next Contemplation. The pleasingness of Objects, begets a Delight; the delight, an affection; the affection courts an enjoying. Eve, the Mother of Sin, and of Mankind, before ●he took that Forbidden, and Sacramental Fruit, or tasted the Bitter-sweet, saw that the Tree was good for Food, and that it was pleasant to the Eyes. Gen. 3.6. The Scripture thereby intimating, that had not the Flesh afforded entertainment to the Temptation, nor the Eyes been windows to let in the superficial beauty of that knowing Fruit, nor the mind brought forth, and nourished desires so rebelliously ambitious, no powerful assault, nor subtle stratagem of Satan, could have prevailed, or been sufficient, to enter a Citadel so perfectly framed, and strongly fortified. As the Body, so the Soul hath its several Objects; according to which diversity, it may be capable of a threefold sight; in all which, the cause, medium and instrument of seeing, with its object, is most considerable. In the first, the sight of sense, there is the Light proceeding from the Sun, occasioning the operation: 2. The fleshly nerves which contain the optic faculties, employed about all objects, and visible substances. In the second, the sight of Reason, there is the light of Nature: 2. The luminary o● instrumental receptacle, the mind of Man: 3. The things obvious, which are chiefly, moral Justice, Virtue, and earthly Wisdom. In the third, viz. the spiritual and supernatural sight: There is first, the Light of Grace; ●. The Eye of Faith, whose object is the only begotten, infinitely Glorious, and merciful Son of God, Christ Jesus, with all his faithful Promises, numberless Merits, saving and incomprehensible Graces. This then, O my Soul, is that Sight and Light; in comparison of which, all other is but Darkness, or as Torch-lights to the Sun. By this alone, a true Christian shall as much transcend the rational, as the rational the sensual Creature. Doth the momentary splendour of terrene things entice us to affect and prefer them? And shall the everlasting, and perfectly glorious Vision of Heavenly things; even of Him, who gave Beauty, Form, and Being to thee, and all things, prove less deserving, less effectual? Was the carnal eyes of my First Parents so overpleased with the transitory Beauty of an earthly Fruit, that they forgot their Creator, whose Image they bore, and entered the death, threatening the breach of his Commandment, though open to the fury of a double Curse; exchanging the eternity of Happiness, for a momentary taste? And shall not the Pearless splendour of Heavenly things, animate me to prepare a hand, a heart, to receive, and taste, the Manna of Souls, the Fruit of a Tree of Life, not guarded with a Cherubs Fiery sword, but obvious to all; not rooted in Earth, but sprang from Heaven; being grafted into Humanity, that his Living Fruit might become the saving and eternal nourishment of Man? O Lord, I earnestly cry out with those at Capernaum, Give me evermore of this Food. John 6.34. Have mercy upon my Infirmities; for, being Adam● son, I have a withered hand, a carnal heart; Rom. 8.7. Psal. 51.10. which carnality 〈◊〉 enmity with thee. Therefore, Create in me a clean Heart, and renew a right Spirit within me. Relieving my Spiritual wants with this apprehensive Grace, by which supernatural gift I may be made able to apply thy saving Promises▪ with all their dependences. O Adam, I cannot blame thee for the loss of this Grace; since thou deprivest thy Posterity of those Treasures only, which thou was possessed of. But in thy Innocency this thou hadst not, yet wert thou not therefore defective; for thy created purity needed not any imputative righteousness; being of itself sufficient, because accepted. The beauty of thy first Purity was so far from Leprosy, that not the least Stain was then apparent to deface its Candour. Thy Innocency, void of Sin; and therefore required not a Saviour. Thy Soul was the Resemblance of thy Creator; and therefore a pleasing, and most proper object for his All-glorious sight. There was without Wrath; Atonement; without Enmity, Mediation; without Debt, satisfaction; without Jesus, Application is unnecessary. Infidelity was the first means of Death, Faith is the only instrument of Life. By the one, came our Descent to Hell; through the other, our Ascent to Heaven. That made us Fly from God offended, this makes us Run unto Him appeased. Man had his first Spring in the Creation, his Summer in Paradise (which should ever have continued, had not his meridianal height suffered a declination. So shortening his happiest days▪ he changed both Place and Season. As after the Fall, Winter ensues, so did his. For, what are our untimely times, but as a Winter quarter; wherein every Tree is Fruitless; we being not seemingly, Ephes. 2.1. but really dead in Sins and Trespasses. And if there be any Sap in the Root, or Understanding, Rom. 1.20. it serves for no other use, nourishment, or comfort, but to leave us without excuse. If any Leaves, as Moral actions, and outward Professions; alas, these may hide from men, our Nakedness, producing a supposition of Fruitfulness, but cannot deceive God, who shall cause such Levy Figtrees to wither. Mat. 21.19. O Saviour Jesus Christ, my Years increase, my Life decreaseth; neither know I how soon thou wilt visit me by Death, or Judgement, when if only as outwardly glorious thou sendest me, my Portion is with Hypocrites; if defective of Fruit, thy sentence hath already awarded me, fit for the Fire. Lord, Mat. 7.19. I am a stem of sinful Adam, sprung from a barren Root, and therefore a Plant which but Cumbers this Ground. O thou which only art Lord, and Husbandman of Souls, Luk. 13.6. Joh. 13.1. so shine on me by thy favour, mould and manure me with thy Grace, prune me with thy Fatherly chastisements, that the old Man may be rooted up, and the new Man spring up, and grow: that so the Winter of Sin past, a Spring of Faith may ensue, which in thee being only fruitfully perfect, I may with a happy certainty, expect an Autumn of Glory. Whosoever believeth in me hath everlasting life, Joh. 6.47. The means of Faith. are the words of our Saviour: from whose graciousness every Soul may receive infinite encouragement to pursue the condition, or instrumental means of so unvaluable a gift. For what is more desired than life? What more abhorred than deprivation? Let this offer therefore of Immortality, the height, and accomplishment of Man's happiness, like the streams of Paradise, direct thee (O wandering Soul) unto the Eden of Glory. In the midst whereof thou shalt find the Spring of Faith, the Fountain of Life, even God himself: From whom alone, all Graces have their right ebulition, and procession: for God deals to every one the measure of Faith. Rom. 12.3. As in the first Creation, he gave a Being to what was not; so in Man's Regeneration, his immediate Word wrought the one, his written Word the other. Pulpits are Heavenly Conduits from whence by Earthy Vessels, the Ministers Voices, (as in smaller Pipes) the Waters of Grace are conveyed into every open Ear. Faith comes by hearing, Rom. 10.17. and hearing by the Word of God. The life of the Body is the Soul, the Soul of the Soul is Faith. As the Infant lives not till God hath infused a Soul: so the Christian lives not without his gift of Faith. O thou whose gifts are the effects of thy free Mercy, Ejaculation. not our Merit, and therefore without Repentance or Changeableness, thou being Wisdom itself, and therefore Unalterable; Omnipotent, and therefore above all contradiction, and resistance; give to me this Seal of thy love, this first fruit of thy favour, and my Conversion. O bestow on me the Grace I ask; because thou hast given unto me Grace to ask. For thy bounty is not closed up, because thou hast been liberal, like to Man; since thy love is without measure; thou therefore give me, because thou hast given. Thy former favours being but earnests of thy future mercies. The Body of Man, like to the Pool of Bethesda, hath five Porches, or senses, through which all external pleasure and delectation enters, as it were to comfort the imprisoned Soul. They being as so many Crannies dimly enlightening her Dungeon, that so their poor and weak expressions might make her ambitious of a perfect liberty. Amongst these, the seeing faculty in comparison of the rest, may be styled the beautiful Gate, for its Grace, and Ornament; and the Body's mirror, wherein with delight it views the perfection of itself, and others. So that indeed, the better half of Man's temporary felicities consists in outward objects. O have these fleshy eyes of ours, such various presentations of pleasure, to delight these Bodies of Clay with! and can we imagine Faith (the eye of the immortal Soul) can be destitute of a subject worthy its view and contemplation? O no, my Soul. The weakest-sighted Faith enjoys a far better, and more excellent prospect; viz. with Eagles eyes looking abroad upon the glorious Son of Righteousness, and Son of God Jesus Christ. Christ the object of Faith & Son of God. The Life of the Body gives the first power, and motion to the Eye, but this Heaven-aspiring sight gives the Soul its first Life: Hear me, saith God, that is, believe in me, Esay. 55.3. and your Soul shall live. The Earthly Sun suffers sometimes an Eclipse; so did ours once for all. An interposition caused the one; the other, not any defect in his own Body or Light, but a condense Darkness; an Orb of Sin, for a time obscured his brightness. Women and Children, whose shallow reach fathom not the depth of Nature's works, may with a flying fear hide themselves, not daring to behold the labouring Sun; when a learned Artist by Water, or reflection searcheth out the cause and greatness of an Eclipse. Worldly and carnal Men may mask their understanding with a wilful ignorance. But do thou, O Lord, Ejaculation. which hides these things from the Wise, Matt. 11.25. and revealest them unto Babes, make me to apprehend the reason, and admire the infiniteness of thy suffering. Earth affords not a nearer Union or Relation than friendship. That mysterial incorporation, and perfect conjunction of Wedlock, is but an inclusive of this; that being more particular, this more general. Society is the happiness of Man's life, this is the height of that Conjunction, and the perfection of that happiness. He is either most miserable, or undeserving, that hath not had some taste of this reciprocal felicity: Since vice, and virtue have both their favourites, the one exceeding in number, the other in worth. Thus far hath my Meditations roved on Earth, ascending this height of temporary delight, that from such a rise, my Soul may take a quick flight to Heaven. The friendship of the World and all things else in it eminent, or praiseworthy, are but dark shadows of Heavenly things; beams derived from that eternal Light, to give Light to Man. Doth not the Holy Spirit express the exceeding love of the eternal Father to us his Children by the tenderness of Earthly Parents? His infinite and free mercy, Esay. 49.15. by the charity and friendship of the Samaritan stranger? The ardent and unparallelled affection of our Saviour Jesus Christ, to us his Church, Mark 10.33. ● by a Matrimonial and espousal love? O all ye that have any illumination of Faith, Canticles. come, and witness with me if there were ever, or can be any love, amity, or affection like unto this, which God hath showed towards us. Lord, I would fain express thy acts of mercy, the witness of thy love, and object of my Faith, but who is sufficient for these things? or able to express what he cannot sufficiently conceive of? How, or where shall I begin? when Lord my beginning was from thee? Yea, from all beginnings hast thou chosen me, and in time hast thou called me, void of love, desire and freedom of will, or any other congruity, remote, or sufficient to answer thee, call; being the servant of Satan, and Bondslave of Sin, and therefore an Alien from thee and the common wealth of Israel. One not only sick, Ephes. 2.2. but dead in sins and trespasses, and therefore unable to move towards thee. A natural Man perceiving not the things of God, and therefore ignorant of thee. Thy love alone was the cause of mine, Ephes. 2.1. for herein is love, not that we loved thee, but that thou lovedst us first; Nor foreknowledge of my after works or willingness to receive grace, Ephes. 2.2. 1 Joh. 4.10. occasioned this free Election: For not of works, which I had done, but according to thy mercy, didst thou elect, and save me. From thy free and gracious predestination my faith with a devout affection makes haste to behold the Foundation, Titus 3.5. thy dear Son Jesus Christ my Saviour. O wonder, O infinite Love, O admirable friendship! He whose glory and greatness the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain, Christ was born of the Virgin Mary. was enclosed within the Womb of a poor though pure Virgin. God descends in humility from Heaven, that Man might ascend Heaven in Glory; becoming like to Man, that Man might be like to him. Not Rome the Metropolis of the World, nor Jerusalem the glory of Judea, must triumph in the birth, or be made more honourable by the first presence of Emanuel; but Bethlem, the least of the Cities of Juda. Which poor place, either ignorant, or regardless of so high a favour, was not only void of thankfulness, and common courtesy; but of neighbourly hospitality. A Stable, a Manger, and brute Beasts being the Palace, the Cradle, the company, it prepared for the entertainment of the World's Saviour. Behold here a mystery of mysteries; He who knows no beginning, now begins to be, that his being in nature might give us a being in grace, in glory. And in his Infancy did our gracious Redeemer begin to suffer; the entrance of his life being but the Prologue of his sorrow, and the total thereof a continued passion. His innocent Childhood is, made the subject of treason; Persecuted by Herod. and nought but his slaughter must allay the Tyrant's suspicion. What needed any, unjustly, or violently to have sought his Death, who willingly came to Die; only living the life of Man, that for Man he might be capable of Death. This Herodian cruelty hath a deeper dye than Nero's Tyranny. For he destroyed the World only in his wish, but this Man by one act would have made not our Bodies only, but our Souls mortal. O sweet Jesus, thou fleddest into Egypt, not to preserve life, but to die daily; avoiding his merciless Power, that thou mightest declare thy powerful mercy. Thy Death, by which we live, must not be constrained, least ungrateful Man should esteem it no gift. The strength and policy of Herod are unable to wrest that perforce from thee, which thou purposest freely to give. Infancy must not suffer for Manhood, since the greater includes the less; but the lesser cannot comprehend the greater. That perfection of Age, that made Man's rebellion, and sin more full, more hateful, must make thy obedience and sufferings more complete, more acceptable. Not Bethlem, but Jerusalem the centre of the World, must be the Theatre of infinite mercy, of merciless cruelty; that thy passion being acted in the place, wherein the Legal Ceremonies were celebrated, the Types and Figure might more clearly point out the substance. All those bloody Sacrifices being abolished by one Sacrifice of blood. After this escape of danger in his Childhood, and reprieved of his life for a time, did not the increase of his years multiply his sorrows? No doubt he suffered, as well as fulfilled the Law for us, during those thirty years he obscured himself. At twelve years of age we find him disputing in the Temple, Luke 2.46. when surely he wanted not opposition; that time of his Youth being a gradation, and introduction into a height of suffering, and a private preparation to a public Office and Ministry. Which he no sooner enters, but he is encountered by Temptations, Mat. 4.1. and those none of the least, they being fortified with the greatest subtlety of Satan, which overblown, Man seconds the Devil; heaping upon him whatsoever injuries humanity can possible be capable of; beginning with his good Name, which they seek to scandalise, and make approbrious with their blasphemous tongues; reporting him to be a Glutton, a Wine bibber, Mat. 11.19. a friend of Publicans and Sinners. Disparaging his birth, and calling him the Carpenter's Son, affirming his miraculous power to be the effects of a Satanical confederacy, saying, that he cast out Devils, Mat. 12.24. by Belzebub the Prince of Devils. Poverty to all, is a misery full of miseries, yet not alike to all. Circumstances alter much the state of things. He is poor, that is born so; but he is truly poor, that is made so; since the one knows most of his misfortune is from, and by reason of others. When the others woeful experience makes him more sensible of his woe. A Mans own censure, more than the judgements of others, makes him more or less unhappy. Deprivation and loss is the extremity of poverty, and most grievous to humanity. But, who can lose what he never had? In nature, want is as it were a part of Man's nature, and therefore less wretched. The first works most upon the body, this last upon the Soul; and therefore far more unsufferable, by how much that purer substance hath a deeper apprehension of pain, than the more gross and outward senses. O my Soul, is this outward indigency, so full and overflowing with sorrow, how infinite bound art thou unto him, who being rich, became poor, that thou through his poverty might be made rich. 2 Cor. 8.9. The greater the height, the more miserable is the dejection. The more eminent the state, the more unsupportable the humiliation. O behold, James 1.12. and see if there be any sorrow like unto this sorrow, wherewith the Lord afflicted him in the day of his fierce Wrath. Was he rich in beauty? had he the dew of his youth from the Womb of the Morning? Psal. 110. ●. Behold, for our sakes he is become as a Root springing out of a dry ground, he hath no form nor comeliness. And could we now view him as he was then, Esay. 43.2. there would be no beauty that we should desire him. What thing so without measure glorious, and unexpressible, as the simple, and infinite essence of the Godhead? what Element more vile, and base than Earth, the principal ingredient of our bodily substance? O miracle of love! behold, God is made Man, the Word was made Flesh, John 1.14. and dwelled amongst us: Immortality putting on mortality, that mortality might become immortal. A King of Caesar pays tribute to Caesar, and will be subject to his Subjects. The Master of all, as a Servant to all, washes the Feet of all his Disciples. Is there any comparison betwixt Heaven and Earth; a Crown of glory, and a Crown of Thorns? yet how willingly doth this, not to be equalled love, accept of this unequal change. Such Lord were the honours which the World gave thee. The story, and contemplation of my Saviour's sufferings, leads my Soul into a Garden, not fraught with joy, Christ's Agony in the Garden. pleasure, and delight, but with grief, sorrow, and perturbation. O who can by a true faith look upon his humbled Saviour, and not be humbled in Spirit? Who can behold the clodded drops of blood falling from his blessed Body, with a dry Eye; not sorrowing for the sin that caused this sorrow; not shedding plenty of tears, in apprehension of his love; who shed plenty of blood in the imputation of our sin? If his external parts were thus pressed, and oppressed with pain, how painful were the pressures of his Soul, the internal cause of this outward Agony? Surely, as the Power was infinite which sustained him, so the Passions were infinite which he endured, and are as far above the height of Man's expression, as above the height of Man's sin. In a Garden Adam sinned, and Christ suffered: Satan in the one deceiving our first Parents by a Serpent; in the other betraying our blessed Saviour by a Judas. The unsupportable wrath of God, the immense weight of Man's transgression, and the ebb and flow of his humane will being all expressed in that significant, and passionate Prayer of his. O my Father, if it be possible, let thus Cup pass from me. Mat. 25.39. He had now thrice bowed his blessed Knees to Earth (to whom all knees do bow in Heaven and Earth) when a wicked traitorous crew, under the conduct of a most ungrateful Leader, enter the lists, adding affliction to his affliction; and becoming a party against him, took their parts. Thus merciless, and unthankful is the disposition of ignorant Man; thus free and undeserved is the mercy of God. Lord Jesus, shall my faith lose sight here, forsaking thee with thy Disciples? No Lord; I will yet follow thee, even to the high Priests Hall, not denying thee with Peter, but confessing thee. Can any, better or more lively express thy cruel usage there, Esay. 50.6. than thine own spirit doth in the mouth of the Evangelical Prophet Isa? I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that pulled off the hair, I hid not my face from shame, and spitting. Lo, how this Heavenly Chronologer, by Divine Inspiration, even as an Eye-witness, describes the several cruelties inflicted on our Saviour. Although the judgements of the Lord are unsearchable, Rom. 11.33. and his ways past finding out, yet such is his goodness towards his People, that he reveals these his secret decrees before they come, that when they are come, we might, with a more firm assurance, believe them. A Christians Faith hath a double confirmation, as from the uncontrol'd truth of History: so from the Divine testimony, and presage of prophecy. Some hundred years before his passion, our Saviour, by the mouth of the Prophet, told us what he would do. Now behold, in the fullness of time, his own Person, and Act, makes good his own Word; Mat. 26.67. Witness the true Relation of his sufferings. Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him, John 19.1. and others smote him with the palms of their hands. Then Pilate took Jesus, Esay. 53.5. and scourged him; thus by his stripes we are healed. I am now in Spirit before the Judgement Seat of Pilate, where I view the Judge of the World arraigned before a Judge of a Province; Christ's Condemnation by Pilate. and hear at once an unheard of injustice; the most righteous of Men accused, acquitted, condemned. If there be any power, as well as form of godliness; any lively, and applying faith, besides a bare Historical belief in you, let the patient Perusers of these my thoughts (unworthy this subject) read no further, before ye have called with me a private Sessions in your souls. Where a diligent search and enquiry being made after sin, and the whole Man arraigned, and found guilty: Our own consciences (although our Judge) will censure us, and our transgressions, as the occasion of our Saviour's sufferings will inform us; that this his arraignment is the reason of our acquittance, his unjust condemnation the cause of our pardon, and salvation. O let not the infinite passions of our Saviour, the privation, and actual offences of our Souls, which made him obvious to the wrath of his Father, the malice of Men, and Devils, inflicted on his blessed Body, be remembered without a flood of tears, to wash his Feet, without a thunder of groans to pierce his Ears, without an ecstasy of admiration, a fervency of affliction to meet the liberality of his mercy, the immensity of his love. Though I have somewhat digressed, yet am I not out of the way. They that appear before God in Zion, Psal. 84.6. must pass through the Valley of Baca, making it a Well. My fa●th hath now again overtaken my Redeemer, hurried to his Execution, by the fury of the Jews; but more swiftly carried by the wonderful efficacy of his love; which makes him not to fear his torment, but to bear it. Blessed Christians! behold your General, your Standard, your Vocation. Whosoever follows Christ, must take up his Cross with Him. Mat. 10.38. What though the Circumcision mock us with our crucified God? He, of his own free will, suffered this only, and by his own Power overcame it, and lives to Judge their lives, who thus contemn his Death. The place assigned for this unparallelled impiety is Calvary, a place of Sculls. What was the whole World before this act of mercy, but a Golgatha, a Mansion of dead Men? the Sphere of this Centre, a large Field like that of Ezechiel, Full of dry Bones. Ezek. 37.1. O thou who gavest power to the dead Body of Elisha, to revive a breathless Corpse, be merciful to us dead in sins, and trespasses, admit us to touch thee dead, by faith, that so we may arise here to the first Resurrection of Grace, hereafter to the other of Glory. The second Adam must resemble the first, that the one might gain what the other lost. For as through the first offence many be dead, Rom. 5.15. so much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace hath abounded unto many by the last. As they were alike in the publickness of their Persons, and extent of their actions, so also in many other respects; that by so lively an assimulation, our faith might have a more firm assurance, and quick apprehension of the truth of our Redemption and Redeemer. Adam was a Man, and the workmanship of the blessed Trinity; Christ conceived by the Holy Ghost. so was Christ according to his humane nature. He was endowed with a complete innocency and purity▪ So was our Saviour, although in a far higher degree of perfection; it being requisite that that righteousness, which must justify many, should much exceed that which only was sufficient for the preservation of one. This excelling plenitude, is clearly to be observed from St. Paul's comparisons, about the same subject. Not as the offence, so is the free gift, Rom. 5.16. For the judgement was by one to Condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences▪ unto justification. The salvation of one sinner is a far greater Donative of grace, than the perseverance of a World of Righteous; as may be deducted from that Celestial Jubilee, expressed in the Gospel. There is more joy in Heaven for the repentance of one sinner, Luke 15.7. than over ninety nine just Persons, which need no repentance. We read that Adam was naked when he eat of the forbidden Tree. And do we not find our Saviour naked upon the accursed Tree? Those impious Soldiers, which in derision unclothed him in the City, excited by covetousness, again disrobe him in the Field: Christ's crucifying. Adam's naked innocency ushers in his fall, Christ precedes his rise, his victory. O gracious Saviour, thus didst thou suffer thyself to be divested of thy Raiment, Ejaculation. that we might be invested with thy merit; willingly putting off the covering of this body, that thou mightst put on the covering of our Souls; which invisibly did enclose and over-whelm thy whole Man, benighting for a time thy apprehension, and clothing both thee and the whole World with a hideous darkness. Well might the World's great eye close itself, as being ashamed to carry light to such impiety. And no marvel, if the Sun of God's favour was not perspicuous to the Son of his love, whilst the little World, Man, interposed its dark shadow of sin betwixt thee, and thy Father's rays. Misery is usually the parent of Pity. That body which in some measure is not sensible of compassion, when others suffer, hath nought from Christianity, but a name; from Nature, but a Carcase. Yea, so unmanlike is such a disposition, that it deserves not the society of Dives Dogs. Charity, the most durable and amiable grace of the mind, is commonly moved by pity; which, Luke 16.21. Musitian-like, produceth that sweetest harmony of Souls. The one would soon freeze, did not the others condoling, melt us both into passion, and action. That Patient is most miserable, yea, doubly afflicted, that, destitute of friends, finds not a hand to relieve, a word to comfort, a tear to bathe, a groan to echo forth and keep time with his sorrows. But how unsupportable is that grief, which meets with Job's comforters, who instead of balms, apply corrasives; of ease, reproach; of consolation, derision? Job 16.2. O blessed Saviour! as thou endurest more pain, so thou foundest less friendship than any other. Those that cried heretofore Hosanna, Luke 19.38. and would have made thee their King, even now roar out a Crucify; and will have no other King but Caesar. Those Elect Disciples, Luke 23.21. which heretofore accompanied thee in all thy Persecutions, are either fled, or dumb for fear. Like as the sense, life, and feeling, is as it were fled and banished from a stupifyed, and overburdened member; so did thy Godhead, the Pillar of thy strength, (a ready help in time of trouble) seem now to sleep, hide, and separate itself from thy humanity. Witness that loud Ejaculation, O my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Matt. 27.46. Lastly, the Devil, with all the infernal Spirits, did now triumph over thee, as their captive; supposing that all our hopes were crucified with thee. Yea, to aggravate thy endure, his agents, the chief Priests, Scribes, and Elders, at once deride, and tempt thee. Their mocking is expressed in the first part of their Sarcasme; Matt. 28.42. He saved others, Himself he cannot save: Their temptation, in the conclusion; If He be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the Cross, and we will believe in Him; He trusted in God, let him deliver him now, if he will have him, for he said, I am the Son of God. How many dangerous Darts are at once delivered from these blasphemous mouths, against the Resolutions of our Saviour, the welfare of our Souls. His humane will (which from the fearful, and deadly apprehension of the bitterness of his Cup▪ did in the Garden, rather express an excess of pain, than an unwillingness to suffer: rather declare his Humanity, than contradict his Divinity) might by these Speeches, have been afresh molested and invited to a self-deliverance, even in this entrance of death. Further, they might also thus suggest, that he should not only by such 〈◊〉 giversation be freed from the present and unsupportable torment; rescued from the all conquering Monarchy; but also without controversy be received, and acknowledged the Son of God, the King of Israel. Yea, which is more miraculous, than all the rest, those that even now were impious Traitors, will instantly become obedient Subjects; those that ere while were execrable blasphemers, will presently be changed into righteous converts; those whom John rightly styled a Generation of Vipers, our Saviour, a faithless Generation, will in a moment be metamorphosed into believing Christians. O blessed Redeemer, had not our lives been more dear unto thee, than thine own, these Diabolical charms might have raised up such a self-love, as would have forced a repreeval from death. But thou O Lord searchest the heart; yea, thou knowest how exceeding full of hypocrisy the minds of these Men were. So that if thou shouldest have descended from the Cross, or sent unto them one from the dead, they would neither have trusted in thee, nor credited the other, since they believed not Moses, Luke 16.31. nor the Prophets. Three hours, measure out this last act of our Saviour's sufferings. That mass and full measure of sin, which many thousand of years had treasured up, must not be abolished, or annihilated in an instant. Why was not the infinite sufferings of Man deified, though dated but for one minute, of more rate, price, and estimation, than the offences of Man mortal? yea, surely. Wherefore then this overplus? O it is the overflowing of this Fountain of love. The immense disparity betwixt the offender and satisfier, the Creature and Creator, causeth this disproportion betwixt the debt and satisfaction. Man cannot sin, but finitely, God cannot love but infinitely; Man's actions, to which his sin cleaves, are finite, God's Attributes (one of which is his love) are infinite. Rom. 11.33. O the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom, and knowledge of God Lord grant that I being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all Saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; Ephes. 3.18, 19 and to know the love of Christ, which passeth all understanding, that I may be filled with the fullness of God. The friendship of Man is momentary, fickle, and unconstant, as wanting measure, perseverance, and a true foundation; But the mercy of God, expressed to Man, his most unworthy Creature, is the very quintessence, compleatment, and perfection of all other loves, being not defective in quantity; for in him doth all fullness dwell; nor in quality, for it is the love of God; nor in stability, for he is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end; the great Jehovah, who is not changed; James 1.17. With whom is no variableness, nor shadow of turning. And lastly, the cause of it is his own free grace; the ground of it Jesus Christ. So that the Foundation of God standeth sure, as having this seal: 2 Tim 2.19. the Lord knoweth who are his. The glorious and infinite Attributes of the Almighty, are so many glasses, through which, at distance, the Creature in some sort may perceive the Majesty of the Creator. Amongst which, none is more usefully transparent, than that of his love. The mirror of which mirror, is the passion of our Saviour. The Centre of all which is this very point of his death. Of Christ's Death. O gracious Lord, was it not enough that thou forsookest the Heaven of Heavens, thy Throne of Glory, to live amongst Worms, on this Dunghill, Earth, the unworthy footstool of thy greatness? Nay further, was it not sufficient that thou endurest the stings and persecutions of those Muck-worms, suffering such infects, (even the corruption of nature) to brawl and triumph over thee, but that thou wouldst also pray, forgive, and die for thy Persecutors? For a righteous Man perhaps some would suffer, Luke 23.34. but thou diest for sinners, the just for the unjust. Lord Jesus, let the apprehension of thy wonderful affection be as delightful to the taste of my Soul, as thy last draught of Gall and Vinegar was displeasant to the relish of thy palate. As thy sense of my sin, and thy Father's wrath made thee cry aloud for assistance; so, let the sense of thy mercy, my happiness, make me lift up my voice in thankfulness. Yea, let me conclude my hours each day of my life, with that comfortable, and Swanlike ditty of thine; Father, into thy hands I commend my Spirit; Luke 23.46. Death is swallowed up in Victory; O Death where is thy Sting! O Grave where is thy Victory! the Sting of Death is Sin, and the strength of Sin is the Law. 1 Cor. 1●. 54, etc. But thanks be unto God which giveth us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Finis coronat opus, the last acts of our Saviour are not the least. Christ's burial. In the foregoing encounters he was a Combatant: In these following actions, a glorious and peaceful Conqueror. The account cast up, the compleatment concludes the operation, He was buried. O my Soul, should thy faith be so weak-sighted, as to make thy Saviour's Death the utmost extent of thy prospects, thou mightest then as one without hope, uncomfortably weep with the Ave-maries, at the Foot of his Cross. But thanks be unto God, thou mayest overlook that fear, being assured that the Grave of thy Champion is not his Prison, but his resting place; the conclusion of the fight, being the beginning of his victory. Upon the Cross, our blessed Saviour accepted the challenge of Death; fulfilling that of the Prophet, O Death I will be thy Death. And here in the Sepulchre beginneth his Triumph. Hosea 13.14. For, No Man can enter into a strong Man's House, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong Man, Mark 3.27. and then he will spoil his House. The Grave is the Metropolis of Death, which our General enters, that so the place might both assure us of his Combat, his Victory, and add glory to his Triumph. Hadst thou (O blessed Saviour) been led into this Cytadel of Death, as his Captive, the Gives of corruption would soon have made thee his bondslave. But behold the greatness of thy Power, the innocency of thy Person tramples on this last Enemy, that is to be subdued; and makes thy Tomb, his Grave, Death being swallowed up in Victory. As the Sun's Eclipse makes us the more acknowledge the brightness and benefit of his light, so the clouding of our Saviour by death, teacheth us his Disciples at once, the felicity of his presence, the uncomfortableness of his absence, and the perfection of his Person. The descents of Man's misery are the degrees to Christ's victory. As we in this World inherited sin, so he upon Earth merited righteousness. As we in the Grave, are subjects to death, so he in the Sepulchre makes death his subject. And lest Hell should triumph over us in punishment, he in Person triumphs over it with Victory. In Person I say. Christ's victory over Hell. Although his Body lay still in the Grave, since its local absence, contradicts not his personal presence, the inseparable union of the Godhead, with his Body and Soul, even in Death, permitting only a separation in nature; not of natures, a mutation of order, no disunion. If the Devils fear, forced his Prince to supplicate, when our Saviour sojourned on Earth, what unexpressible terrors did then possess them, when the World's Great Monarch reigned over Hell? If in his humiliation they doubted his sudden judgement, How did his exaltation assure them of their certain execution? Here behold acted, that Vision figuratively, after manifested unto St. John, of Satan's imprisonment for a thousand years, Revel. 20.1. although literally it was to be fulfilled many ages after. For who hath the Key of the bottomless Pit of Heaven, and Hell, but he to whom all power is given both in Heaven and Earth? He who openeth, and no Man shutteth. Or when should these Principalities be subdued, if not at this general and most glorious Conquest? Can any imagine this great Victory to be maimed, or imperfect, since he then led Captivity captive, trampling over all those, that resisted either his Power, or our Salvation? So conclude this; what time since his coming doth so evidently demonstrate this truth to be by our Head in part fulfilled, as the after events. I mean the tranquillity and delight of the Church amongst themselves, those hundred years immediately succeeding his suffering. What though the ten Persecutions did exceedingly rage against the Saints, according to the 4th. verse of that 20. of the Revelations? The blood of the Martyrs is the Seed of the Church. Yea, they did even then reign most gloriously with Christ. As the Kingdom of our Saviour, and the brightness of the Church, shined most perspicuously, when the purity thereof broke forth in their profession and constancy; so the miseries of Christians, and the liberty of Satan is never more apparent, then when the damnableness, and obscurity of capital Heresies Eclipse the visible face of the Church. For in the first, we may truly be said to live, and triumph even in death: in the last, their supposed freedom is the greatest slavery; and their seeming life, but a cursed, and eternal deprivation. Three Days continued, though not complete, was the proportion of time allotted, to measure out my Saviour's last sleep. Had he died, and presently revived, unbelieving Man would have termed such a Death but a Transe. Yea, the scandalous Rulers would have blasted the wonderful Miracle of his Resurrection, with an accusation of self-contradicting, and not performance of his former protestation; Destroy this Temple, and within three Days I will build it up again. Wherefore O my Soul, that thy faith might be confirmed in the sure belief of his dying; The Jews convicted, by the truth of his performance; and his own Power, magnified by the Divinity of the act; he is content to lodge, (as it were) in a second Womb, viz. of Clay; that all things being perfected; the third Day, he might lead his the way, to a birth of Glory. The victorious Soul of my Saviour, after the reliction of his Body, having trampled upon Death, triumphed over Hell, and took a full possession of Heaven; that his actions, as they were the means, so they might be (as it were) the story, and prophecy of our succeeding. All the Souls of the faithful, when they part with this hollow Clay, in like manner (though through his right) conculcate Death, and Hell, enjoying the new Jerusalem. Of Christ's Resurrection. Behold, he now proceeds by the raising of his Body, to assure us, that our Bodies shall be like our Souls, immortal; as our Souls shall be made like unto his most glorious, through the re-creation of his beautiful Image in us. The object of my Faith hath hitherto been a Night-piece, full fraught with Persecution, and suffering, tears, and strong cries, dying, and burial; but now the all-flourishing Rays of the Immortal Deity, personally in the Son of Righteousness, at his rising, breaks forth, changing that Darkness into Light. To this may be applied that of the Psalmist. Mourning may continue for a Night, but joy comes in the Morning. Noah's Ark, the true Figure of a Christians faith, must be drenched in the Waves, and driven by the Wind, a long time, before it shall rest dry, and safe upon the Mountains of Ararat. The humiliation of my Saviour, was his night, wherein the humanity did most manifest itself: So his exaltation, in which his Resurrection hath a part, is his Day, wherein the brightness and power of his Godhead did show itself most apparently. Adam (the destroyer of Man) first enjoyed a blessing, a Paradise, before he merited a Curse, a Hell. But the Messias (the restorer of Man) must first be made an execration, before he can purchase for us a re-possession. Not long since, I besought all true believers to weep with Christ, who wept not for himself, but for them. But now my Soul breathes forth a more pleasing request, which I prefer not to all, but to those only which are mourners in Zion. That as they have grieved with Him, and for themselves in him, so now they would be filled with his solace, and triumph in his Victory. That as they have sowed in tears, they may now reap in joy. Every Man was a debtor unto the Almighty, until Christ our surety paid the mortgage, and redeemed our Souls. He satisfied the debt on the Cross, lest we should doubt of the sufficiency of his satisfaction. For, behold here our acquittance, and the Bonds rend, even the Bonds of Death, torn asunder in, and by his Resurrection. Have we not then cause to rejoice for so great a deliverance? The mirth of Moses, Myriam, and the Israelites was expressed in a Song of thanksgiving, when the Egyptians were entombed in the Sea: The joy of Barak and Deborah was proclaimed in an Anthem of praise, Judg. 5.1. when Sisera and his Chariots were discomfited: The Virgins of Israel were not silent, when David overthrew Goliath: And shall we that are delivered from the slavery of a spiritual Pharaoh sin; from the tyranny of a hellish Sysera; a strong Goliath, Satan, the Prince that ruleth in the Air; and over all the Children of disobedience, be empty of gladness, and gratefulness? when all the Creatures land, and praise, our Moses, our Barak, our David, our Jesus, shall not all the People, especially the redeemed of the Lord, say Amen? Let us now walk forth with those of Emmaus, to meet our Saviour, after the Resurrection of his Body; Praying earnestly, that through the Power of his Spirit, he would open the eyes of our faith, that we may believe, confess, and rejoice in his Resurrection. The infinite affection of this Saviour of ours, is apparent in every action. His love made him depart from glory, when he descended from the bosom of his Father; his love made him conceal his glory, when he masked it with humanity; and the same love makes him as it were disesteem his glory, that he might confirm his Disciples. The Rulers lie, (saying his Disciples came by Night and stole him away) might perchance have been received generally as a truth. Or else the believers might have proved as incredulous as Didimus; Had not his bodily presence Nonplussed falsehood, and controlled unbelief. Christ's Ascension. Forty Days, the time appointed for his last sojourning on Earth, being now expired; Let my faith, as it hath followed Him from Heaven, so ascend with Him to Heaven. The Angels that questioned the Disciples, with a Why stand ye gazing, Acts 1.11. did not intend the closing of the Souls eye, but the bodies. No act of Christ ever wanted a Witness; the Foundation of Christianity thereby being as it were semented for ever. Whereas all other fabulous Religions, moulder away, as laid with the untempered Mortar of Man's devices. The Wisemen, and Sheepwards are Witnesses of his birth; John, and the multitude of his Baptization and Circumcision; Pilate of his Innocency, the Centurion of his Deity, and Crucifixtion, the Soldiers of his Resurrection, and his Disciples of his Ascension. The affection of Christ towards Man, is like himself, always the same. That free and good will of his, that brought Him down to suffer, lifts Him up to mediate. The unspeakable comfort and truth of which office, since I am both unable, and unworthy to express, I refer myself, and others to the Scripture of God. Rom. 8.33, 34. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect? It is God that justifieth, who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea, rather that is risen again, who is even at the right Hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. Whilst the glorious Sun is clouded or eclipsed▪ Man may with an open and undazled eye behold its luminous Orb; But when free from all interpositions, it shall re-ascend the top of its Meridian. What seeing Organ is there, that can behold it, without being bleared with a review, in sign of weakness; or encumbrance within itself, as uncapable of such brightness? The eternally begotten Son of the everlasting Father, our Son of Righteousness, and the only Son of Glory, hath been made manifest to the eye of my faith, whilst veiled with an unglorified Humanity, he continued his unchangeable course, through the darkness of suffering; Cloudiness of Persecution, and Eclipse of Death. But now that he hath remounted his solsticial of Glory, weak faith, thou must with a humble and closed eye, endeavour to admire (which is thy homage to his Divinity) what, thou canst not conceive of; not being discouraged, as though thou hadst lost all, with his bodily presence. For as we possess light, though the Sun be not visible, his brightness being conveyed unto us in his beams: So thy Saviour, though corporeally absent, he in his glorious rays, shines forth unto thee, that thou mightest enjoy light, warmth, and comfort. O how am I ravished with this Vision! 'Twere the worst of unthankfulness to conceal such unspeakable favours. With David, therefore I must proclaim Man's Jubilee; Come hither all ye that fear God, and I will tell you what he hath done for our Souls. But I beseech you bring with you Stephens as well as David's Ear, Acts 7.56. else you may (perhaps as blind Men) know my happiness, not see it: that is, not to receive and apply it as your own. As in the Divine Essence, there is three Persons, each of which is God, yet not three, but one God; so in the Person of Christ, there is a Trinity of offices, each of which is proper to whole Christ; as to be King, Prophet, and Priest, not many of them; the Manhood being separated from the Godhead (as some would.) But in all, Christ being one, the same, and all these▪ O these, are those solacing rays, (I before spoke of) so beneficial to pernicious Man. O suffer not (O Lord) the Bodies middle Region, my Heart, to be cold and uncompact, like that of the Air; lest thy beams shine thorough, and not warm me. But purify it, and create in it such a solidity and soundness by faith, that it may be capable of their virtue; and inflamed with zeal and gratefulness, for, and to the glory of thee the giver. Christ Jesus is the Christians Sanctuary; and these his offices, the three precious, and unexhaustible Fountains, from whence Ezechiel's healing Waters plentifully flow. Ghrist Jesus is our Physician; Ezech. 47.8. and these three are those beautiful Boxes, in which the pure balm of Gilead (which cures all putrified sores) is enclosed. Is here a Physician? Is here a mundifying River? Is here a most approved Balm? O my Soul, thou must also find out, and that by Faith, a diseased Patient; a deadly wound; a corrupted Cancer; for, The whole have no need of the Physician, but the sick. O my Saviour, is there any Man living so sound, Mat. 9.12. that he hath no need of thee? yea sure, there are some, whose stinking sores, which the Devil, and their own pride have skinned over. Others, whose wounds he hath too deeply searched, pouring into them, instead of comfortable Balsam, the deadly corrasives of desperation. O Lord, the nature of every one of us, at the first is to be Satan's Apothecary: aiding him with ingredients, even from our own corruption, to stupefy our sense of sin, and mortify our Souls. O thou which art the only skilful and spiritual Cheru●gion, search with thy spirit, and tent with thy Law, my gangrened and ulcerated Soul, that I may live, though with an issue. For, though the stopping of Bodily issues, often times procure death, yet my death shall stop my issue. The noblest knowledge of things, is from their causes, not from their effects. Lord make me know the state, and danger of my Disease, from both, but from the first, even my fall in Adam. This self-inspection, is a grace by faith, conveyed to us from the Prophetic office of Christ. And aught, Ezek. 36.31. according to my method, there to be handled. But the agreeableness of the Meditation to this place, and the profit which by God's grace will flow to me in the Meditation, to others in the perusal, makes me insert here this Anatomy of a dead Man, which cannot be too large, since none can enough know himself. In the profundity of a Well, even at midday a Man may view the Stars. And in the Sunshine of prosperity, (if our Soul's fathom this our depth of misery) we shall, free from all impediments, more perfectly apprehend our Lucifer, Christ Jesus. God, the universal Creator, being perfection itself, it must needs follow, that the beauty and happiness of the Creature consists in being like to him. It being always remembered, that what in them hath its measure, degree and proportion, in Him is boundless, unexpressable and infinite. If the impression of God's Image, in his Creatures, as the King's Image upon their Coin only makes it Royal, and gives it pre-eminence, and excellence; it must needs be granted, that whatsoever piece of his workmanship hath this glorious stamp, or portraiture erazed, or defaced, must needs remain useless, naked, and without honour. To apply this to my own Soul. Is it thus? How miserable then and deformed is the Person of every Man by Adam, with, and in whom we have lost our God, Man's misery by nature. ourselves▪ and all our perfections. Hast thou heard O my Soul of that material, 1. In his mind. and obscure darkness which the Egyptians felt? On thee there was, and upon all natural Men there is, the like obscurity, Only they differ in this, Man feels it not. That darkness being no more empty of light, than the mind of Man is vacant of the knowledge of God, the worship of God, and his own eternal happiness: witness that of the Apostle; The natural Man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto Him; 1 Cor. 2.14▪ neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned; that is, by the light of the Spirit. In Egypt's deficiency of light, no doubt it was a part of their torment to mistake one thing for another; so in this sinful deprivation; such is the vanity of the mind, that it calls good, evil; and evil, good; It takes sweet for bitter, and bitter for sweet▪ Salvation, the contrary to damnation, being in his understanding in the end only, free from its mistake or fruition. Noah was not more drunken with the strength of Wine, than the understandings of wretched Men with the strength of sin; 2. In his understanding. to which the Prophet alludes, saying, They are drunken, Esay. 29.9. but not with Wine; they stagger, but not with strong Drink. Acts 20.9. Neither was Eutichus more dead asleep, when he fell even into Death, than the prodigal Sons, to whom justly God hath given the spirit of slumber, Rom. 10.8. Eyes that they should not see, Ears that they should not hear: Sin, as sleep, deprives Man of the true use of all those senses, which should serve for the use of his Soul. The Man possessed in the Gospel, is the miserable, and true Figure of an unregenerate Soul. 3. In his Conscience. Mark 5.2. We find him possessed with a Devil, and tormented with a Legion of Devils. And is not the accusing conscience of a wicked Man, as a thousand Witnesses? We read that he only lived unto himself, avoided society, the Tombs being the fittest mansions for such unsociableness. His actions there, were, to be his own Executioner, and enemy, Night and Day, crying, and cutting himself with stones. O my Soul, proceed but to bring the substance to the shadow, and thou wilt confess how lively this Satanical lunary acts the tragical part of a depraved conscience. Cain, the first that received, and took away life from Man, affrighted with the terror of his bloody conscience, was forced to fear, and fly the face of Man, his own tongue bellowing out his own misery, in that tormenting Exclamation, Gen. 4.13. My punishment is greater than I can bear. The distempered, and melancholy ●its of Saul, (which the Holy Ghost calls an evil spirit) we are partly occasioned without doubt) by the barking fury of his conscience; 1 Sam. 18.10. Such Hell of mind, being seldom without a Devil, to add fuel to the flame, and torment to the tormented. Let Judas conclude all, and by the conclusion of his life (who went out and strangled himself) preach to all the conclusion, of that Soul; which spurred with guilt, Matt. 27.5. thinks to fly from its self, and from the uppermost Hell of despair, leaps into the nethermost Hell of pain. Bearing still about him, what he shunned; even that only immortalised Worm, of insect, sprung from corruption, which then shall gnaw more furiously; Eternity, and despair of remedy, doubling the unmeasurableness of the torture. Should my thoughts now pass from the conscience, some consciences would (at least in their own conceits) account themselves like those of Laodicea, to be rich, and increased with goods, and to have need of nothing, when as they are indeed wretched, and miserable, and poor, Revel. 3.17. and blind, and naked. Therefore, that we may all know that we are miserable, the better to confess God's mercy, the more to thirst after his salvation, we must know that there are hardened Pharaohs, aswell, as a despairing Judas. As that Body is most dangerously diseased, whose external parts (the vital and animating spirits having, as it were, made a recess) are left insensible, and without feeling. So that Soul is in a deadly (that is, damnable) estate, whose conscience (the quickening power of the holy spirit, being utterly with-drawn) remains speechless, and cauterised. Of this condition were many before the Flood, notwithstanding the preaching of righteous Noah. After the Flood, the Sodomites. Under the Law, Pharaoh, and some of the Israelites in the Wilderness. Under the Gospel, the Scribes and Pharisees; of whom our Saviour observes, that God had blinded their eyes, Matt. 13.14. and hardened their hearts, that they should not see with their eyes, and be converted, that he might heal them. He is no friend that is not an eye, a hand, a tongue unto his friend, to foresee his peril, and to fore-warn, and assist him in danger. Nor can that conscience be a faithful inmate to the soul, whose searching sight the sunshine of the World hath bleared; whose awakeing touch, custom in sin hath deadened; and whose sharp point and wounding edge, the Devil hath rebated; the delights of the Flesh proving a Sibyls sop unto this Cerberus, a Dalilah unto this Samson. That part which the Chirurgeon intends to cut off, he first benumbs. And those Persons whom the Lord determines to rescind from the visible Body of his Church, he commonly hardens: as were those, spoken of by the Apostle, whose Consciences were seared as with an hot Iron. Lord, let my conscience be, neither like Nabal's heart, dead as a stone within him; Nor yet like Dives tongue tormented in merciless flames. But like Peter's Cock, never ceasing to crow, until I weep bitterly. Yea, let it be my Nathan, who am as David, a sinner: my Samuel, who am disobedient as Saul. So shall my conscience be unto me a happy copesmate, one whose words are better unto me as a friend, than her kisses as an enemy. Of all the faculties of the Soul, the will is most dependent; In his will. its act and operation being moved by the determination, or suggestion of the rest; viz. the mind, understanding, and affections. For, before any thing is done by Man, there is a consultation had in the Soul; where, after a disputation pro & con, at length, this thing, or that, is agreed of to be the bonum, which in due season the will (as the ●ouls agent) puts in execution. Now there is God's bonum, such a one as we shall find in holy Chronology, expressed in the Frontispiece of every good King's life. Instance in Hezechiah. He did that which was right or good in the sight of the Lord. 2 Kings 18.3. And there is Man's bonum also, so called, not because positively, or simply so in itself; but in relation to purblind Man, who so esteemeth it. Witness that sacred and historical annotation. That when there was no King in Israel, every Man did that which was good in his own eyes. Judges 17.6. In this last Scripture, the truth of my former discourse is observable, and confirmed: as that a natural Man's will usually attends his judgement; so that the mind, and understanding being totally depraved, and corrupted (as before hath been declared) it must consequently, yea, impulsively follow, that the activity of the will keeps the same position. In Adam's Sons there is a continued Earthquake. The debauched faculties of the Soul being as so many pestilent, and tumultuous Airs within the Bowels of this wretched Microcosm; which, together with the impetuous violence of the will, rends us; belching forth continually Man's actual sins; which are not only dead in themselves, but also to others, by example. Doth a ●ountain send forth at the same place sweet Water, and bitter? Can the Figtree bear Olive-berries, or a Vine, Jam. 3.11. Figs? They cannot. Neither can an unsanctified mind be f●llowed with a will, free, and full of good resolutions. Hence therefore, O my Soul! with all ability in thyself, lessen not thy loss, and poverty, lest by such a proud, and presumptuous bragging, thou lose thy gain, Jam. 1.13. and forestall Gods charitable benevolence. Lord, I account myself to have no will, because not a good one. Therefore let thy own will anew beget me, with the word of truth; that I may be a kind of first fruits of thy Creatures: Lord, it is thou which workest in Men, both to will, and to do, of thy good pleasure. Therefore let me rather, in an humble ignorance bury what proud Men say is Man's right; (for love it I cannot, if mine. Thy perfect justice giving to every one his due) then for the nothing of my merit, to lose the infiniteness of thy mercy. To derogate from my own desert (had I any) is a plausible error, a commendable humility; But to detract or steal from thee, horrible sacrilege, and abominable heresy. Let my humility strive to make proud natures something, nothing, rather than to suffer any vain boasting, to arise from such imaginary abilities, worth nothing. So that though both shall as (in themselves they are nothing) end in nothing, yet the company of a virtue shall in thy sight make the one to me something, when the other shall be by thee adjudged as full of sin, as it is wanting in worth. Man, in his first Creation, The affections. was like to a strong and beautiful Cyttadell, whose external and carnal part, I may term (and that not unfitly) a defensible Rampire, or Earth-work, his senses the Cinque-ports of this fortification, his Soul (an incorporeal part) methinks resembles the habitable, and innermost part of the Fort; or to speak more plainly, the Palace of the Governor, the Court of the Prince; for so indeed it was, even of the King of Kings, before its unhappy and accursed defection. Herein the principal faculties, as so many expert Commanders, did exercise their several offices. The affections also (the subject of my ensuing thoughts) had their places of eminency, and authority. Love being the Leader of the Band, or the Ensign-bearer; and Fear the Sentinel, to prevent sudden surprisals. In this happy order, freedom, and condition, was Man at first; until the Apostate-Angel, Satan, envying that felicity in others, which himself had lost, unlocked the senses by the beauty of the forbidden Fruit, and after parley with the Guardians of the Soul, tempted them with the fair promise of Dii eritis, to be Traitors to their Sovereign▪ that had made them little less than so: For In his own Image created he them. This beautiful structure being become the Cage of unclean Birds; Gen. 1.27. no wonder, if the Holy one of Israel refuse to dwell there. If the glory of Israel departed, when the Ark was taken from amongst them, sure I am, the glory of Man vanishes, when God forsakes him. Histories and Politicians have observed the misery 〈◊〉 that Country. I dare not call it a Government, 〈◊〉 the Hydra-headed multitude give Laws unto themselves▪ Experienced Soldiers can bear witness, what Floods▪ Tragedies, and Disorder follows the unheading of 〈◊〉 Army, and the Regiments. Such Men (for only he th●● hath been delivered from such calamities, can best judge of them) will confess, that both these are but weak de●scriptions of the wretchedness of the Soul, deprived 〈◊〉 the life of God. Nay, the small remainders of those disorders, and corruptions, which in comparison are but 〈◊〉 scars of those great wounds, will enforce the best, daily with Holy Paul to cry out, Rom. 7.24. O wretched Man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death? This misery of Man, this his civil War, hath been briefly touched and discovered already in the former faculties of the Soul. It now remains, that I observe, Of the disorder in the affections in particular. and that with brevity, how the affections particularly stand affected. O Love, which wert once the Spirit, the fervour, the marrow of the Soul. Its Ambassador to her Creator, Of Love. lying Ledger in the Court of Heaven, as long as that happy, and mutual amity remained unviolated. How art thou now degenerated? yea, how wretchedly hast thou lost thy happiness, by changing thy object? There is no whit of life, spirit, or freedom in thee now. For thou art dead, and entombed in Earth: nor nearness, or relation to God; no not in the least degree; for the wicked (saith the Apostle) are haters of God. Thou art now so far from being Man's Agent to God, that if God, in the infiniteness of his mercy, would renew his peace with Man, he must be his own Agent, and thou his Patient; witness St. John, We love Him, because he first loved us. How comes it to pass, 1 Joh. 4.19. that thou hast forsaken the living Fountain, and hewn out unto thyself Cesterns, that will hold no Water? Jerem 2: 13. Is Earth to be compared with Heaven; or the Creature with the Creator, that thou hast forsaken the one, to embrace, and marry the other? The Mole, that of all other Creatures delights to undermine, and root within the Earth, wants the Organ of sight, thereby illustrating this truth; that where a carnal, earthly, or sensual love is, there must needs be a blind and ignorant understanding. O Lord, is this affection of love, being rightly placed, Contemplation. the Prince of all other our affections? Is it the sum and compendium of thy whole Law? Is it that which gives life to the actions of the Soul? Matt. 22.37. Is it the trial of our Adoption? That by which faith works? Is it an old Commandment, as being from the beginning; a new Commandment, as being renewed, 1 John 2.7. and straight enforced in the Gospel? Is it the mark of our perfection, John 3.11. and of the truth? O give me sighs, give me words, yea give me those unutterable groans of my Spirit, raised by thy Spirit, wherewith I may daily importune thy Majesty for the right fixing, and direction of this affection of my Soul: That so my love inflamed by thee, may not henceforth be sub-lunary, but like the Sun, sending forth beams upwards towards thee, and rays downwards amongst my Brethren. Then shall thy will be done by me on Earth, as it is done in Heaven. Of Joy. The ground and occasion of all true joy, is either assured hope, or a present fruition of some extraordinary benefit. Now no natural Man can be said to possess this affection aright, as being deficient in the ground thereof; Sin making him uncapable to receive any thing as a blessing or benefit either from God, or Man. 'Tis true, wicked Men spend their Days in Wealth, In riches Men cannot joy. heaping up silver as the dust, and preparing Raiment as the Clay. But observe, Job 21.13. their riches cannot be properly termed their goods. These may possess treasures, but shall never enjoy them. Job 27.16. For, The innocent shall divide his Silver, and the just shall put on his Raiment. Job 27.17. It's as certain, that the wicked walk on every side, Nor in honours. when the vilest Men are exalted. Eccles. 10.7. That Servants ride on Horseback, and Princes walk as Servants upon Earth. But note also, that honour is to them, as the Hebrew word signifies, weight, heaviness, not rejoicing; producing, as the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 imports Fear, which excludes joy: God giving worldly Men preferments, Non ut honoraret, sed ut onoraret. Nor in pleasures. Have they not pleasures also? Yes verily, if we understand them according to their acception, or Etymology, (that is) things pleasing them. Look upon the description of them in Job, drawn to the life; and we shall view them, Job 21.12. Taking the Timbrel and Harp, and rejoicing at the sound of the Organ. This their pleasure (to be bold with that word pleasure, that it may be the more bold with them) is a pleasure, wherein things seem what they are not. The word delight, methinks is very significant; teaching us that true pleasure, only springs from that true light, and only doth give light, life and joy to the Soul. That so empty are all voluptuaries of these ingredients, that I may say of them, as St. Paul of the wanton Widows, They that live in pleasure are dead whilst they live. 1 Tim. 5.6. Now death excludes joy, therefore it is impossible that Man so dead, should rejoice. Lastly, To silence all Objections, and to conclude; the Earthly minded Man is the only melancholy Man. Not in wisdom. The very subject and object of Lamentation. Take the height, and learn the nature of those that blaze like meteors, being placed in the highest region of carnal Men; I mean those, that are second adam's in the knowledge of the Metaphysics, and both Philosophers; Machivels in Policy, and solomon's in the generality of humane Learning, and see what they are. But lest it should seem presumption in thee (O my Soul) to censure, or detract from such shining Lamps of the World; Let the King of Israel, who excelled in wisdom all the Children of the East Country, and all the wisdom of Egypt, for he was wiser than all Men, give up his experimental judgement; 1 King. 4.30. proving by an undeniable argument a Majore ad minus, what I formerly laid as my ground, That no natural Man can possess a genuine joy. Hear his own words; I gave my Heart to know wisdom, Eccl. 1.17, 18. and to know madness and folly; I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit: For in much wisdom is much grief, and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. O gracious Creator! Contemplation. with what a deluge of misery is wretched Man overwhelmed? In how deep an abyss of sorrow is he plunged? Cannot riches, honours, pleasures, wisdom, the content and compleatment of the whole World's felicity, excite or beget one true smile of joy in the Soul? Nay, do they not with Man stray from the end of their Creation, administering (instead of solace) vexation, and infelicity. O who but Man hath ruined Man! who but himself is the Thief, and betrayer of himself! Matt. 16.11. what occasioned the parting of this good from the Creature, but the departing of Man from thee his Creator? O thou, In whose presence is fullness of joy, and at whose right hand are pleasures for ever more; Psal. 51.12. Restore unto me the joy of thy Salvation, that in thy light I may see light. Then shall those streams of gladness accompany thy many benefits, and continually and plentifully flow into my Soul; when to others they shall be dried up, as being separated from thee the Fountain. Be thou my Sun, and let thy blessings, as so many beams proceeding from thee, irradiate and rejoice my Soul; that so I may see thee in them, and them in thee, and by such a double aspect of thee, be moved to give a double praise unto thee of Glory in thyself, of mercy to my Soul. Fear is now become a continual Palsy of the Soul, an Earthquake of the Body. Of Fear. The object of it is commonly either some eminent danger, or unresistable force in a Superior, particularly apprehended, with such a fear, as did the Creatures observe Man, before his own hands canceled his large Patent of Dominion. And with the same affection (though much more enlarged, and in a far greater measure, as looking through the perspective of reason) doth natural Man adore and tremble at the feet of his Creator, armed with the thunder of Omnipotency, and breastplate of Righteousness, crowned with Majesty and arrayed with Glory. Who can behold the Lord God thus, and live? Let Belshazar's thoughts, Cain's words, and Judas last action express the terror of those Souls, Dan. 5.6. that thus apprehend God. Look upon the preying Claws of the Lion, Gen. 4.13. the Stubble in the midst of the Furnace, Mat. 27.5. the Malefactor quaking at the Bar of Justice; and in them my Soul view thy fearful estate by nature. If any Soul (as a sinner) was ever endowed with so perfect an Organ, as it could look abroad upon God, as a Judge, or discover one smile in the face of anger, or mercy in the midst of incensed justice, surely the first and second Adam would have done it; one of which had the strength of nature, the other of grace. But alas! even the Son of God, (when in the place of sinful Man, Hebr. 5.7. he stood before the Justice of God feared. Witness the Apostle; witness his exclamation, though his astonishment and fear were temporary, the wickeds eternal. His occasioned by a recess of the Divinity, and paternal comforts, beyond the reach of his present sense; Theirs is a cursed effect of sin, and utter privation of that infused love from God, that begets a love to God; which indeed is the very form of a filial fear. If then the second Adam, which came from Heaven, having put on our transgressions, conceived that God had forsaken him; No marvel if the first Adam of the Earth, Earthy, together with his offspring, personally, and by nature sinful; 1 Cor. 15.47. forsake, and hide themselves from God; flying from him, Gen. 3.8. to whom only they should fly; fearing him as a Judge, whom they should reverence as a Father; perfect love casting out fear. O my God is there a necessity of fear? Contemplation. must all the Creatures tremble before thee? as being all witnesses externally or internally of thy essential, and judicial power. Psal. 2.10. & 114.7. Is the fear of the Lord the beginning of wisdom? and will he withhold no good thing from him that fears him? Psal. 34.9. O let my Soul bear a comfortable part in this affection. Let my flesh tremble for fear of thee, because thy Creature; and let my heart be enlarged in love towards thee, Psal. 119.110. because thy Son. Let my manifold sins humble me, as beholding thee a righteous Judge; and let my faith raise me, as apprehending thee a merciful Saviour. Let me work out my salvation with fear and trembling, Phil. 2.12. as considering my weakness, and mutability; and let me press towards the mark with confidence, and assurance, as believing thy free election, omnipotency, and immutability. Lord, if thou dost know me by name, Rom. 11.29. if I also have found grace in thy sight, show me now thy way, Exod. 33.13. how to know and see thee. There is a place by thee, O do unto me, as thou didst unto Moses, set me upon a Rock, even my Rock Christ Jesus; that so my life being hid in him, through the Clists his wounds, I may see thy glory passing by; and hear, and apply this thy loving Proclamation, The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness, and truth, Exod. 34.6. keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquities, transgressions and sins. I have now made a short progress through the Soul, once a Paradise, Of the Body. as being watered every where with grace, even as the Garden of the Lord. But now being like Sodom and Gomorrah, which the Lord destroyed, even a furnace of brimstone, and a vail of tears: It now remains, that I take a general view of the Body, which is as it were the superficies of Man, the Palace, the Shell, the Garment of the Soul. That so having observed their union in sin, aswell as in nature, from the joint, and voluntary acquired curse of imperfection, I may be the more enlarged to magnify Gods free gift of perfection. As the Lord in the Creation made Man after his own Image, as concerning the Soul, that he might be capable of Divine Visions, and enjoy a communion with him: So also he made Man like himself, as considering the Body, in respect of Dominion, and Majesty; no Creature being like God, but himself. That according to the present Commandment, one Man might love another as himself: such a similitude of parts, inducing a communion of hearts, love being the fulfilling of the Law, since the fall. Because there needed not Law when love was perfect; before the fall, the defect of the one necessitating the constitution of the other. Every member of the Body in the state of innocency, being made willing, and ready to perform all good actions, respecting either God or Man, by the quickening and agitating Power of this predominant affection in the Soul. But what have I now to do with the state of Innocency, that am now discoursing of Rebellion? Our self-love in Adam hath depraved us of that true love, which (seated in the Soul) moves the Body to act any goodness. Of which miserable loss of ours, that we may be more sensible, it is necessary that as the Souls, so the Bodies defects be particularly meditated on. The curse and judgement of the Body is, that it should be a ready instrument to execute the sinful commands of the Soul; these two parts constituting, Man, being as it were Master and Servant, Husband and Wife. Yet observe, as in the happiest unions amongst us, we shall find, that though the Nobler Sex hath the Superiority and Power of Rule, yet so prevalent is the nature of conjugal love, that it sweetly allures the superintendents will to join issue in many actions by that which is subjected. So in Man, though the Soul be the Head, the Monarch, yet (by reason of the near conjunction) the Body oftentimes inclines the Soul to be active, according to its disposition; making good that Philosophical maxim. Moors animi sequuntur temperamentum corporis. By this it appears, that the Body is not only instrumentally, but also in a kind potentially evil, since the Fall; being then changed in an instant of time, from its beauty to deformity, from its perfect composition (which was equal ad pondus) to an unequal mixture of the Elements and humours. Hence followed termination of life, millions of Diseases, and Death, the malady of Diseases. Hence the necessity of daily nourishment, and the peccancy and abounding of humours (descried in the four Complexions) and those excess, aided by the constant bent of nature to do ill, do cause that aptness, and proclivity of several Men to particular Vices; as the choleric to malice, blood, and anger; the melancholy to desperation and discontent; the sanguine to lust; the phlegmatic to sloth and idleness. In this cursed depravation of our erring nature, Of the Eyes sinfulness. the senses (which are the Body's Pentarchy) have no small proportion. For what is the Eye, the seat of the optic faculties, but an open Window, apt to give entrance to thievish lusts. A two-leaved Door, prepared by treacherous nature to receive in deadly Enemies? The life of Man would be far calmer, did not these ri●ts let in tempests of pride, and vanity. The presumptuous opening of these, made Eve open her hands to receive, her mouth to taste, the forbidden fruit. For, when the Woman saw, that the Tree was good for food, Gen. 3.6. and that it was pleasant to the Eyes, she took off the fruit thereof, and did eat. Mark here, what assistance this sense gives to the temptation. Had not the Sons of God, made their Eyes Floodgates, Gen. 6.2. to let in the deceitful beauty of the Daughters of Men, (an Idolatrous union) could not so soon have procured a dis-union from God; which moved the Lord to an effective repentance, changing the Globe of Earth into an Orb of Water. Gen. 9.22. Ham's mocking, and curse, proceeded from a carnal discovery. Sem and Japhets blessing, from a dutiful and willing blindness. Lastly, David's heart had never been his concupiscencies Captive, 2 Sam. 11.2. had not Bathsheba bathed in his Eyes, aswell as in the Fountain. O thou which illuminates Man's darkness, and hast the oversight of my sight, suffer not that sense, which thou hast made to give my Body light, to be the inlet of my Souls obscurity. But if I cannot see, but I must sin, Lord, let me cease to see carnally, and be enabled to see spiritually; that so the one may be swallowed up in the Vision of the other. In the next place, what are the Ears, but the roads of Blasphemy, Of the Ears. the Labyrinths of obscenity, an open passage to the mind, through which, Traitors, as well as true subjects pass without examination, or controlment. Proud Herod had never been a God in heart, had not he willingly consented to be one in Eare. Acts 12.23. Had not Joash harkened to the Princes of Judah, when they made obeisance unto him, he had never left the house of the Lord, and served Groves and Idols. Had Aaron heard the People, 2 Chro 24.17. as the three Children heard Nabuchadnezzar, the one had been as free from Idolatry as the other. Exod. 32.1. Could Pilate have given the like attention to the Jews persuasions, Dan. 3.14. Matt. 27.24. that David gave to Abishai, the Lords anointed had not been crucified. 1 Sam. 26.8. To conclude, had Solomon's Gallant entertained the Harlot's allurements, no further than Joseph his Mistress' enticements, Prov. 7.21. Adultery would not have proved his ruin. Gen. 39.7. Lord, though evil words by reason of the commonness of sense, will perforce enter my Ears, O suffer them not to Inn in my heart, Contemplation. lest they make thy House of Prayer, a Den of Thiefs. To proceed, though this sense of Smelling next to be searched into, hath no objects which properly in themselves considered, Of the smelling. can be said to be evil, yet hath it (since the Fall) a sinful property and inordinate, which is always ready to assist the pride and inward corruption of the heart. As he is as well a Traitor that lets in the Enemy, as he that fights for him; So this sense, by an excessive admission, is oftentimes guilty of as much evil, as the others, by a depraved and actual commission. The Pride and immoderation contracted, by this sense, is to be gathered out of the judgement pronounced by the Lord in the Prophet Esay, against it, where he threatens thus, That it shall come to pass, Esay 3.24. that in stead of sweet smells, there shall be stink; and in stead of a girdle, a rent. Lord, since thou hast created this sense for pleasure, Let me not, by a depraved use thereof, gain thy displeasure: But let me by the fragrancy of the Creature, be made sensible of the excelling sweetness of the Creator, that so by joining Heaven and Earth together, I may enjoy thee here, and hereafter, now, and ever. The taste (which next ensues) was given to Adam in his Innocency, for two respects. First, Of Fasting. for a distinguishment of the Creatures. That as the Eye, so the palate in such a rare diversity, might glorify the Creator. Secondly, for pleasure sake, and to prevent loathing. The regulated Appetite being thereby harmlessly incited to perform (and that with a temperate delight) the charitable act of nourishment. This was the gift, and the use thereof in the state of Innocency, until Adam by tasting too much, so extended, and wracked this sense, that it could never since be well set, or find a mean. The taste now enticing the appetite, and the appetite again encouraging to taste, the whole Man is by this means irrecoverably plunged in intemperancy. Ezek. 16.49. Instance in the People of Sodom, Luke 12.16. one of whose capital offences was fullness of bread: In the rich Glutton, whose immoderation hatched by this senses provocation, caused the one to forget their end, the other his brother. O Lord, is this sense thus propense to ill? Luke 16.19: Contemplation. O let my Soul be fed with thy grace, and taste thy sweetness, that so my spiritual appetite being unmeasurably enlarged, it may (like Moses Rod) devour the carnal. Lastly, Of the Truth. that I may conclude with that ubiquitary sense the handmaid of life, I mean the touch; Know O fallen Man, that this is no less friend, than the rest, to wickedness. Nay, to give it the due, it is not only a constant conductor of sin in all actions, (wherein the Body is an Agent) but also is a nourisher of sin, until it grow exceeding sinful. Instance this, in the long-continued, and tall-grown lusts of Holy David. 2 Sam. 11.2. For no sooner had Pride, Security, and Idleness lulled asleep the graceful warders of his Soul, and let in through his wandering Eyes, lust, and beauty; but the will captived by such Potent Enemies, obeys and enjoys. What satanism, Hypocrisy, Murder, and Impenitency, succeeded his touch; as being hatched and pampered by its sensual fruition; is known to all that are read in the Scriptures. As lust, so covetousness, is much assisted, and hath a secret confederacy with this sense. There being in such Midass' a certain con-naturalness betwixt their Fingers, and the Gold; which so forceably moves the affections of the Soul, that a real fullness seems with them a want; their gross Arithmetic consisting only of Addition and Multiplication. Contemplation. O merciful Creator, are my Eyes become skilful perspectives, and representative Mirrors to bring sin near unto my Soul? Are my Ears set wide open to feast lewdness? Doth my Nostrils (Spider-like) suck Poison from the sweets of thy Creatures? Is my taste the Cook to drunkenness and gluttony? And my touch the bedfellow and companion of all uncleanness? To conclude all, is my whole Body con-natural with sin; an abettor and open friend to all iniquity; a Loadstone, cleaving rather to the base metal of sin, than to the pure and tried gold of grace? Clay it is indeed, both in substance, and quality; as being hardened, and not mollified by the rays of thy mercies, pressing always to its own Element of Earth, though never so often elevated by the motions of thy good Spirit towards Heaven? Lord, what is Man that thou art mindful of him, Psal. 8.4. or the Son of Man that thou visitest him? Is it not Chaff, and therefore to be blown to and fro with the tempest of thy wrath? Psal. 1.4. Is it not stubble? and therefore apt fuel for that unquenchable Fire; yea, undoubtedly it is this; yea, Luke 3.17. worse, and less than all this; being not only vanity, but lighter than vanity; so vain is every Man. O wretched Adam that I am, who shall deliver me from this Body of sin, Rom. 7.24. and death? I thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Lord, my Soul, guided by a Pillar of Fire (thy spirit) hath now with faint paces passed through a Vale of misery, a Wilderness of sin, full of temptations, murmurings, and rebellions. It now remains, that having received the Law in Mount Sinai, even the sentence of Death, in, and against myself, I now with the same Moses from Mount Nebo view the Land of Canaan, the Gospel of Peace, that promised possession, of every true Israelite. Lord, let my misery, though not my merit, Luke 10.30. provoke thee to this mercy, as being a Man naked and wounded, and fallen among Thiefs; as being a wretch, Ezek. 16.4. whose Navel conveying original corruption, was not cut, neither was my fleshly appetite suppled with the Water of Sanctification in the Day of my Nativity. O pour into my gaping wounds the Oil of consolation, and the strengthening Wine of thy promises; and bind them up with an humble assurance. O have compassion on me, and say unto me, live. That is, forgive all my offences, that am cast out into the open Fields, to the loathing of my Person. Cloth me also with broadered work. Put a Jewel on my forehead, and a beautiful Crown on my Head, even the righteousness, and merit of thy Son. That so I may be practically enabled to meditate of these next objects of my faith, viz. Satisfaction and intercession, the two parts of my Saviour's Priesthood; which according to order, requireth my succeeding thoughts. No sooner was Man created in the Image of God, Of Christ's Priestly office. but he became a Priest unto God, not to offer up for himself, or for others, expiating Sacrifices, because sin than was not; for God saw every thing that he had made, and behold it was very good. But his sweet incense, Gen. 1.31. was Prayer, proceeding not from want, but from love, and duty: his Kids were the Calves of his Lips, inflamed with praise, and sparkling with admiration from the Altar of a pure heart, (an un-bloody Sacrifice.) But this Jubilee continued not a Year, a Month, a Week, I think scarcely a Day. God's first Sabbath of rest (I suppose) was the utmost date of Man's freedom from sin. For no sooner had temptation voluntary leave to enter through the senses, into this holy Temple, but the ambush of sin rushed out of Satan's imposture, as the Grecians from their Horse, and overthrew and polluted the Priest, the Sacrifice, and the Altar. If the Clay works not according to the mind of the Potter, no marvel if he bruise it to powder. And if the Creature honour not the Creator, 'tis Justice in him to destroy it. When the House of God is become a Den of Thiefs, the Priest of God an Idolater, and servant to sin, and the Altar of God dedicated to Satan; It must needs follow that the curse of God fore-threatned, shall now be executed, Ye shall surely die. Gen. 2.17. O wretched Man, hath God pronounced that thou shalt die? Be ascertained thou must die, since his unchangeable Decrees are shadowed out unto us by the Laws of the Medes, Dan. 6.12. and Persians, which alter not. Must Man die? and hath God enacted it? who then can deliver us from this Body of Death? Be of good comfort, we have mercy for our Esther; the Son of God for our Mordecay; who hath, without reversing, qualified, and fulfilled the decree of his Father. Who now can lay any thing to the charge of God's Elect? it is God that justifies, Rom. 8.33. who is he that condemneth? it is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again; who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us, being the only Mediator betwixt God and Man. 1 Tim. 2.5. All Priests, since the fall, within the Church of God were the Types of our high Priest, Christ Jesus. For no sooner was there a breach made betwixt God and Man; the Creator and the Creature, but mercy pleaded for a reconciliation; and that reconciliation in Justice required a Mediator, which is the Lord Jesus. A principal part of whose Mediatorship is this his office of the Priesthood. Before the Law typified in Melchizedeck; in the Law pre-figured by Aaron and his Sons; and in the Gospel really executed and fulfilled by himself. The acts of this his office are chiefly two, as being proportionable to the defect and necessity of Man the offendor; viz. To satisfy, to intercede. Go forth now my Soul, and bid defiance to all thy Enemies. For the Shield of thy faith shall receive all their darts, without any danger to thee; retorting them back, even into the adversaries faces. Appear now with confidence before the judgement Seat of God; bringing with thee to the Bar of Mercy, thy Advocate Christ Jesus: Thither summon Sin, that Tyrant; Rom. 6.23. whom whilst thou wert a Traitor to thy Maker, thou didst serve; together with those Homicides, Death, and Hell; Let him bring his Parent with him also, even Satan his Agent, thy Accuser; yea, let thy own conscience be called as a Witness; Lastly, let the Law be preferred as thy Indictment. Against all those, let thy Saviour oppose himself and maugre their objections and accusations plead thy innocency, that so thy righteousness may break forth as the light, Psal. 37.6. and thy judgement as the Noonday: For, he shall trample thine, and his Enemies under his feet, and destroy them with the two-edged Sword of his Word. Doth Sin challenge a right on thee? Our Saviour answers, That the old Man is crucified with him, Rom. 6.6. that the Body of Sin might be destroyed, that henceforth thou shouldst not serve Sin. Doth Death and Hell cry out, we are thy wages? The Almighty Conqueror replies, O Death where is thy Sting. O Grave where is thy Victory? And that thou mayst never hereafter fear, 1 Cor. 15.55. 'tis added, Rev. 20.14. Death and Hell shall be cast into the Lake of Fire. Doth Satan accuse thee? behold thy Michael shall chase this malicious Dragon from the judgement Seat; witness that voice of triumph, that the Accuser of our Brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God, Day and Night. And as for thy conscience, Rev. 12.10. fear not its testimony, since it ceases to accuse, when Sin is not imputed. For, whosoever is born of God, sinneth not. John 5.18. Again, a spotless, and blameless conscience, cannot be a blaming and condemning conscience. But, Christ through the eternal Spirit, Heb. 9.14. hath offered himself without spot to God, Heb. 10.21, 22. that he might purge thy Conscience from dead works: Wherefore, having such an High Priest over the House of God, draw thou near with a free Heart in full assurance of Faith. Lastly, doth the severe justice of the Law threaten to swallow thee up? strengthen, and comfort thyself in Christ, Gala. 3.15. who hath redeemed thee from the curse of the Law, being made a curse for thee: for it is written, cursed is every one that hangeth on a Tree, etc. Yea, let this following immunity (The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, Rom. 8.2. having made thee free from the Law of Sin and Death) dismiss thy fears, and silence all thy adversaries. O my Saviour, who art only the true Melchizedeck, the compleatment of Aaron's Priesthood, Contemplation. and the end of the Law: Rom. 10.4. How much praise is thy due from me, thy redeemed; since to me is thy saying verified, Blessed are those Eyes that see those things that I see. And the Ears that hear those things that I hear. Luke 23.20. Abraham saw thee in Isaac; David saw thee in Solomon; but I see thee in thyself; yea in these, and in all other thy Types. I see thee also, and that with much comfort and confirmation in (a) Heb. 5 6. thy Calling, (b) Exo. 30.30 Unction, (c) Heb. 9.7. Bloody Sacrifice, (d) Heb. 9.14. Sanctification, Redemption, (e) Heb 9.12. Ascention, (f) Heb. 9.24. and Intercession, which were heretofore mysteriously bound up in the Levitical Priesthood, are now fulfilled, and to me graciously manifested. Lord Jesus, since of thy free mercy thou hast made my deafness, to hear, and hast given me sight, that was blind, for the strengthening of my faith; As I have seen thee in thy types, so let me see thee also in that eternal decree of thy Father: So shall salvation appear, God's act, and not Man's fantasy, viz. Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee; Thou art the Lamb slain, Heb. 1.5. that takes away the sins of the World. Rev. 13.8. Lastly, let me behold the execution thereof, wherein the Lord is both offered to me, and accepted for me. viz. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Mat. 3.17. O my Soul, what canst thou now more desire; as having the Decree of God for thy Foundation; the merit of God for thy Salvation, and the voice of God for thy acceptation? Who, but an experienced Christian, can express the sweet of these? yet how far short are his expressions of these streams of comforts, which flow through the Priestly Office to every true Believer, from the unexhaustible Fountain of God's mercy? What spots doth not this wash off? What soars doth not this Jordan heal? Yea, what lameness, and imperfection doth not this Bethesda cure? O the consolation of Christ's intercession, in this imperfect state of grace! Of Christ's Intercession. Is my love weak, and unstable as Water? This love O Saviour, is stronger than Death. Is my obedience imperfect? John 3.16. By thy obedience, many are made righteous. Rom. 5.19. Is my zeal defective? (Lord) Thy zeal of thy House hath eaten thee up. Is my Faith small, John 2.17. and subject to doubting? O Saviour, thou wilt give a blessing, even to a grain of Faith, as of Mustardseed. Luke 13.19. And hast promised not to quench the smoking Flax, nor to break the bruised Reed. Is my Prayer full of weakness, Mat. 12 20. ignorance, and imperfection? Rom. 8.26. Thy Spirit itself maketh request for us, with sighs which cannot be expressed. Yea, thou art entered into the very Heaven of Heavens, to appear now in the sight of God, Heb. 9.24. Heb. 7.25. ever living there to make Intercession for us. To conclude, Is my inherent righteousness imperfect? And am I a transgressor of the Law? Thy imputative righteousness is perfect, and thou art a fulfiller of the Law. Rom. 10.4. For thou art the end of the Law for righteousness unto every one that believeth. Yea, that all further objections may be answered, that all other defects may appear supplied; behold here a gift, as large as Man's wants, and as full of mercy, as he of sin: Christ Jesus of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, 1 Cor. 1.30. and sanctification, and redemption. Our Saviour Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life; that Jacob's Ladder, John 14.6. whose foot (as expressing his humanity) toucheth the Earth; and whose top as respecting his Divinity, reacheth unto Heaven. This threefold▪ office may be considered, as the parts of this Heavenly ascent. Upon whose first degree, my faith, which is the eye, the hand, and the foot of the Soul, hath begun to ascend. It remains now that I mount the next staff, belonging to his Priestly office, which is satisfaction▪ the inseparable consequent of which is Justification. Of Christ's Satisfaction. The parts of which, forgiveness of sins, and imputation of righteousness, do necessarily follow the former. Our merciful High Priest and Redeemer satisfying by suffering, that our sins for which he suffered might be forgiven, fulfilling the Law is continually interceding, that his righteousness might be to us imputed. So that to our comfort and confirmation, be it spoken, that, when faith hath gained footing upon satisfaction, and intercession, it must needs have hand-hold on remission, and imputation. Can the Lord be less righteous, than Man? Doth not the cancelling of the Bond, succeed the absolving of the debt? The satisfaction, and releasement of the Prisoner follow the not guilty of the Jury. O the perfection of all the ways of God, especially of this his great work towards the Children of Men! wherein mercy and justice do sweetly kiss each other; He being just towards Man, in his fall into Death, that he might be merciful, in raising him to life. And that he might spare his adopted Sons, he spares not his only begotten Son. O what is Man that thou art mindful of him, or the Son of Man that thou visitest him? Psal. 8.4. Of Justification. To proceed, Justification (by some Divines made an act of Christ's Kingly office) is that merciful, and yet just, sentential act of God the Father, whereby a believer is absolved from sin, and death, and the inherent righteousness of Christ is imputed unto the faithful applyer, for the attaining of life everlasting; Hereby, waving our debt, and supplying our want, at once, delivering us from guilt, and corruption. Behold, here is an Olive Branch, which faith, the Dove of the Soul, brings home, unto it in the time of God's vengeance, and in the midst of the great Waters of Sin. Here's a Golden Sceptre held forth by the incensed King of Kings, to every faithful, and humbled Esther. Now I may say to my Soul, as once the multitude to the blind Man; See, he calls thee. Not in his strong Wind, by which he rends the Mountains of pride; 1 King. 19.11. Not in his Earthquake, by which he shakes secure and presumptuous sinners: No, nor yet in his consuming Fire, with which he devours unexcusable Hypocrites: But in his mercy, even with a still, small voice of compassion and pardon. O my Soul, Thou art not come unto the Mount that burned with Fire, and that might be touched; Heb. 1●. 18. nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest; nor to hear the voice of those words, which voice they that heard, entreated that the Word should not be spoken to them any more; Verse 19 But thou art come to Mount Zion, and to an innumerable company of Angels, and to Jesus the Mediator of the new Covenant, Verse 22. and to the blood of Sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel, and to God the Judge of all, whom thou mayst hear with comfort, Verse 24. proclaiming Himself unto thee, as once before Moses, thus, The Lord, the Lord God, merciful, Exod. 34.7. and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, Verse 8. forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin. Forgiving sin? O what good news is this unto my Soul! Forgivenesses of Sins. How truly is this called the glad tidings of the Gospel? Tell me, ye which shall hereafter read my thoughts, even from the testimony of your own Souls (For only experience can make you fit Judges in this case;) If there be any joy like to the joy of a justified sinner? Any blessing like that of David? Can I consider into how fearful an estate sin hath cast me, and unto what punishment Justice hath condemned me, and not from thence proportion out, Psal. 32.1. and acknowledge the greatness of this deliverance? Doth not the truth-speaking Word of God, which is neither cruel, nor partial, tell me that I am a sinner? For there is no Man that sinneth not. That I am a debtor? Since we must all pray, 1 Ep. Joh. 1.8. forgive us our debts; That I am a condemned Person? For by the offence of one, Mat. 6.12. judgement came upon all Men to condemnation. That I am a bondslave to death, Rom. 5.18. and to him that hath the Power of Death, the Devil; all my life time being subject to bondage? Heb. 2.15. Eph. 2.1. Rom. 5.10. Eph. 2.3. That I am a dead Man; For, We are all dead in sins, and trespasses. That I am an enemy to God, and Christ, and lastly by nature a Child of Wrath? And shall I account remission of all my offences, Satisfaction of all my arrearages, Liberty from servitude, Life in stead of death; Nay more, resurrection from death, no mercy? Can my powerful Enemy be made my friend, and Father? my ireful Judge, become my Mediator and Saviour, and I not highly favoured, graciously, yea, wonderfully delivered, O thou which hast wrought all these things for me, work in me an experimental, and sensible knowledge, a continued and enlarged thankfulness. So shall I give to thee the praise, Psal. 32.1. and receive from thee the comfort of that benediction; Blessed is he whose transgressions is forgiven, and whose sin is covered. No sooner had the power and wisdom of God pulled off the Wizard of the Chaos, Of imputative righteousness. and discovered the form of Heaven and Earth, but he adorned and clothed them with beautiful Creatures; all his works having not only in their Being a naked existence, but a fullness of goodness, which is their perfection. If these things (which God made for the use of Man) were exceeding good? Surely Man, Gen. 1.31. whom he made for his own use, and glory; was in his first Creation in Nature, and shall be in this second of Grace, endued with a plenitude of excelling graces. To be, and not to be good, is to be evil; as wanting the Character of the Creator. Who is a most pure Essence, there is no mean betwixt good, and evil: every Soul being either conformed to the Image of God or deformed after the similitude of Satan. Now to them upon whose foreheads the Seal of the living God is placed, is given a twofold righteousness; the one inherent and imperfect; not (if simply considered) as the work of the Spirit, but as it is accompanied, and mixed with the corruptions of nature. Our best performances, being like unto those strange births which receive their life and being from God, their deformities from some defect or vice in nature. But of this in another place. The other is, that infinitely perfect, legal supererrogating, Definition of imputative righteousness. and inherent righteousness of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, which God the Father beholding his Sons sufferings▪ and fulfilling the Law together with his own promise, and Covenant, which is a due debt in Justice, imputes to them, to whom in his unspeakable mercy he gives faith to receive, Exposition. and apply it. This I call infinitely perfect, as being the righteousness of God, as well as Man, by reason of the communication of properties, from the union of nature. I call it legal, because the Law was the object, and rule thereof. Supererrogating, because it superabounds, and is made the sole merit of Saints. Lastly, I term it inherent, as being the actual righteousness and obedience of the Man Christ Jesus. All his sufferings, by reason of the spontaneous and loving offer of himself, being also the acts of his will, as well as the passions of his nature. O wonder of love! O miracle of mercy! O divine charity! which in the lowest depth of our misery, and swelling height of our Rebellion, clothed not only our Body's nakedness, but our Souls; as that first hid our outward pollutions from ourselves; so this our inward corruptions from God. For ever blessed be thou O Lord, Proofs of our right to Christ's imputative righteousness. for that union of thy Spirit and gift of faith, by which I put on, nay more, am made one with Christ. What suggestion of Satan, or contradiction of depraved nature (granting me a member of this Head, a branch of this Vine) can make it difficult to prove, or dares deny my right to possess, this spotless Robe? As the union of Soul and Body, of Head and Members, produceth a sympathising property, and joynt-propriety to every thing; so my union with Christ, as being the Soul of my Soul, the Head of his Church, entitles me to, and gives me whatsoever is his. And (no doubt) as it is horrible blasphemy to account any part of the Lords humane Body, as sinful and unclean: So it is unreasonable infidelity, and shameful impiety to think any true member of his mystical Body can be (as in him) unrighteous and defiled: his perfect, and abounding righteousness, being like to that precious, and sacred anointing Oil, Psal. 133.2. which according to the Psalmist was poured on the head of Aaron, and went down to the skirts of his Vesture. This, O this his innocency, and merit, Revel. 6.11. Demonstrations from Scripture. Revel. 12.1. is that white Robe which was given to them that were slain for the Word of God, and the testimony which they held. This is that glorious Sun which clothes the Church, that Woman in travail. Yea, this is that beautiful wedding garment wherewith Christ our Bridegroom, Mat. 22.11. invests every true invited and elected Guest. The Linen Vestments of the Jewish High Priest were comely enough to minister in at the ordinary and daily Sacrifice. But they were accounted too mean and poor, Exod. 41.28. when he entered into the holy of holiest. The Raiment of Joseph a Prisoner (though good enough perhaps for that place) must be changed, Gen. 41.14. when he is presented before Pharaoh, a King. Yea, the Prodigals Rags may serve him, whilst he serves the Devil, Luke 15.22. and feeds with the Swine of the World, upon the husks of vanity. Every true Christian is a Priest unto God, the Sanctum is the Church militant, wherein we minister, and that but for a year; Man's whole life being but a revolved year. Again, we are all Stewards to the World, to whom our flesh in nature, our Mistress, hath plighted her troth; so that if we once became joseph's, in denying her lusts, we must with Joseph undergo slander, affliction, and imprisonment. Lastly, we are naturally Prodigals also. Our portion is the common goods of the mind, of the body, of education. The waisters and consumers of this our first patrimony, are the Dallilahs of Sin. Now though we may minister on Earth amongst our brethren, clothed in the white Garments of a good report and profession (though whilst we are imprisoned in affliction, or spoilt by sin, and Satan, the tattered Rags of sorrow and lamentation may serve us) yet when we are converted, and ascend afterwards into the Sanctum Sanctorum, the Heaven of Heavens, when we shall appear before the Lord Jesus our King, and return unto God our Heavenly Father, we must be clothed with the Golden Garments, the clean Vestments, the best Robes, even that meritorious righteousness of our loving Saviour, which being the Raiment of our elder Brother, may assure us (with Jacob) of a blessing and acceptance here, of Glory hereafter. Away then from (my thoughts) that perfection and merit which some dream of, in renewed nature. That scant sacrilegious and unthankful opinion, of our Saviour's active and passive obedience, such Tenants (as it were) halt, and disgracefully curtail, the ample and large Garments of our Lord, that so vain pride might patch it up with the old Rags and rotten performances of Man's desert. Lord, thy Word teacheth me, and my own infirmities enforces me, to another, yet better Plea. Can Man be justified in thy sight, or how can he be clean, that is born of a Woman? Job 25.4, 5, 6. Behold, even the Stars are not pure in thy Sight, how much less Man, that is a Worm? We are all thy Creatures, thy servants. The observance of thy commands is the work we are made and hired for. Luke 17.7. Now could we (as thou knowst we cannot) perfectly obey thy will, (there being no Man that sinneth not, 1 King. 8.46. whose best self-righteousnesses are not as filthy rags:) Would we therefore as our due, Esay 64.6. presume to sit down with thee in thy Kingdom? Lord, let such pride be far from us, and do thou cause us in an humble acknowledgement of our wants, and merit, readily to confess, that we are unprofitable Servants, Luke 17.10. having done that which was our duty to do. Now if of Servants we are made Friends, of Bastards we are Adopted Sons, Luke 15.15. Rom. 8.16, 17. of Bondslaves we are appointed Heirs, shall we not cry out, that our merit is thy grace, and that thou O Jesus Christ art the Lord our righteousness? Jerem. 33.16. 1 Cor. 1.30. Rom. 10.4. Art made unto us righteousness? And art the end of the Law for righteousness, to every one that believeth? Question not here my Soul, General questions or objections answered. 1 Quest. why God doth not by his omnipotent, and supreme Power, in one and the same instant Call, justify, sanctify, and glorify his Elect; since as he did not condemn us, so he will not save us without ourselves. Saves us without our merits, indeed, not without our work. He hath therefore in his infinite wisdom, annexed conditions to his Covenant, and ordained faith, repentance, John 15.16. and all other good works to be as so many degrees, in our ascent to happiness. That so Earth might be our School, to fit us for Heaven, and the life of grace, which is imperfect glory, might prepare us for the life of glory, which is grace in perfection. Neither be thou too curiously inquisitive, 2 Quest. to ask the reason why the Lord God, in this his gracious looking back upon us, doth not again build up that wide breach which Sin hath made in Man's nature; That so according to our first beginnings in Adam, we might have continued that course, enjoying happiness here, and attaining after translation, glory hereafter? Since that the Lord, the great Architector, suffered this specious (yet brittle building) of unstable Man to fall down flat, that upon its foundation he might raise up, to the glory of his grace, a more beautiful edifice, in which admirable structure he uses the same matter, and that it might be stable for ever, he Himself becomes the Head of the Corner. Further, the Builders of this spiritual Temple are God's Spirit, and Ministers; the cement, Mat. 21.42. faith and all other graces; the Buttresses or Pillars, his Election; and the tegment or covering, his Providence. In all this, Man as of himself hath no work, other ways grace would be no grace. Rom. 11.6. The perfect work of Redemption (like that of the Creation) being as above the resistance, so without the assistance of the Creature. Again, had Man been only placed in a renewed estate, there would have been a possibility of falling, and of plunging Himself into a double curse, whereupon Satan and evil Men would have taken an occasion to derogate both from the mercy, and power of God, according to those Objections of the Heathen, rehearsed by Moses; That because the Lord would not, Exod. 32.12. Numb. 14.16. Object. or could not save them, he suffered them to be destroyed; But some will say, he might have confirmed them, as he did the Elect Angels; I answer, that if it should have pleased God thus to have bestowed his mercy towards us his Children, yet the Devil and wicked Men (if in these days of our weakness, much more in those of our perfection) would have derogated from God's grace, that they might have attributed all, or the best part to Man's merit. Lastly, in this our Justification by Christ, mercy counterpoises justice; yea, in these there are, to the eternal praise of our all wise God, an admirable and due proportion. The spirit of God observes it, and shall not we, in whom it is wrought, with unspeakable joy, and thankfulness remember? That as by the offence of one, judgement came upon all Men to condemnation: ●●m. 5.18. Even so by the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all Men unto justification of life. O the miserable necessity of our nature, the boundless compassion of God's! Doth Man want holiness, merit and obedience, and will his Lord confer purity, and offer up his own Life for him? will no other security but himself, Necessity of Justification. be accepted for the payment of sin? Surely this will serve, not only to express his love, but to inform our judgements, how impossible it was, (considering God's holiness, the Laws rigour, and the least imperfection) for Man to be justified before God. This work belongs to the Creator, not to the Creature. If in our first being, the glorious Trinity were in an especial manner sole Agents, much more in this our Eternal well-being; Wherein God the Father imputes and accepts, God the Son becomes Man, obeys, and fulfils, and God the Holy Ghost calls and sanctifies. That Man in the last place, may apply, and put on by faith, this spotless Robe, and Imperial Crown of Righteousness. To whom it may be said, as of Mordecay, Thus shall it be done to him, whom the King of King's delights to honour. I should now proceed to observe what streams, and blessed effects flow from this Priestly Fountain, did not the near and inseparable relation of the Prophetical Office, unto it sweetly invite me to unite them also in my Meditations. I am assured, that every true Christian Soul that hath followed me hitherto in my weak, yet sincere Meditations, is here together with me ravished in the apprehension of these infinite Privileges, and in tasting of these Waters of Life, which flow from the Throne of God, and of the Lamb. Is any so welcome to the poor indebted Widow, as merciful Elisha? 2 Kings 4.1. Is any so to be esteemed of rebellious Israel, as interceding Moses? Exod. 32.11. Was there any Speech so pleasing to the Paralitique, as Man thy Sins are forgiven thee? Or any vesture so needful, and acceptable to those naked Beggars in the Gospel, Luke 5.20. as the Wedding Garment? And is not Christ, Mat. 22.10. who unto us is all these (even the welcome Man, the only Intercessor, the Word, remitting Sins, the Royal Clothing,) our Wish, our Aim, our Crown, our Glory? No doubt but he is. Why go we not then on to possess him? O Lord, we are all like unto those unbelieving Israelites, that are over joyed with the good report of the Land of Canaan, and delighted with the taste of the pleasant Fruit thereof; and yet stand still, even at the border, discouraged. As they cried out, because of the Sons of 〈◊〉, so we of our Giantlike corruptions; those opposed them, the●e us. Thou hast showed us, and we have read this thy gracious Covenant, and we know thee both willing, and able to perform thy part thereof. But alas, when we descend to the conditions on our part, what have we, or what can we do? Thou requirest faith in us, but behold doubting▪ Repentance, and behold hardness of heart. O wretched Men that we are, who shall deliver us from this Body of Death? Rom. 7.24. O let all that have such hungry Souls, thank God for our Lord Jesus Christ. Prophetical Office. Who is a Joshua to overcome all these our mighty adversaries, an Angel pointing out a living Fountain, to all thirsty Hagars, even that Spring of grace, his Prophetical Office. Thirsty I say, for none but such taste present, and perfect comfort, and refresh●ing, from hence. Encouragement indeed all others may have from this Office; which are not yet called to en●deavour, and exercise themselves in the means, which beget faith, and repentance, notwithstanding the resisting impossibility of their nature, as beholding the free promise▪ and enabling gift of God in Christ. But the Covenant and the blessing, belongs, and is effectual to those, sensibly and chiefly, That hunger and thirst after righteousness: Mat. 5.6. For they shall be filled. To proceed then; let all Men observe with me two spiritual streams, or works, flowing from this Office. The first is the Divine Revelation of the will of God, (so far as it was necessary for his Church) by the Mouths and Pens of the Prophets, and Apostles, and that through the immediate inspiration, and instinct of the third Person in Trinity, his most Holy Spirit▪ All which issuing from the living Fountain▪ the Lord Jesus, (who is in the midst of his Garden the Church) as so many Rivulets, do make glad the City, and water the Paradise of God. This is that work, that is wrought without us, yet with an end to work within us, and upon us; all being, according to St. Paul, that Foundation of the Prophets and Apostles, upon which the Church is built, Jesus Christ himself being the chief Cornerstone. Ephes. 2.20. O Eternal Being, who art as merciful as great, a Father God, Contemplation. to me thy unworthy Creature, should I in this prospect of my weak faith, carelessly, o● silently, pass by so high a favour, so gracious a work of thine as this, towards my Soul: Thou mightest justly take my object, or my sight, or both from me, for such unthankfulness? Is the revelation of secrets the greatest expression of friendship? And to be of the King's Council the chiefest honours? And shall not I as a Christian, apprehend, apply, and be grateful, for such ●avours as these, conferred by a far greater Person, in a far greater manner, and measure; upon a far unworthier object, than ever they can sample? If the Letters and mandates of Princes are received with so much reverence, preserved with so much care, esteemed, honoured and obeyed: How much more the Words and Scriptures of God, the Prince of Princes? Are Books but the Soul in Print, the Beams of Man's wisdom, what is this but the life of the Soul, the Book of Wisdom, and the Book of Books? Here is the height of Metaphysics, as revealing what so ever can be known either of God, or Angels. The use and sum of both Phylosophies, in the Creation, and Decalogue. The knowledge of Astronomy in Job. The exactest Geography, and truest Chronology in Genesis, and Chronicles. The mystery of Numbers in the Levitical Ceremonies, Daniel and the Revelations. The exercise of Rhetoric, throughout the Prophets, especially in Esay; The marrow and art of Logic, in Saint Paul's Epistles, and in all, which is above all, as the Sun amongst the Planets, the whole Body of Divinity. Here are Politics for the Statist, in Ecclesiastes. Economics for the Housekeeper, in Proverbs. Instruction for the Woman, from Solomon's Mother. And David's Poesy for the Poets. Lastly, here's wisdom for the ancient; for, it maketh wise unto Salvation. 2 Tim. 3.15. Here's a beautiful Spouse, and love Canticles for the youthful and religious Amorist. And here is Milk from the Sacramental Tea●s, for the newborn Babe. Yea, what can my heart seek, (Lord) which thou hast not placed in this Book of Life; in this library of my Soul. It remains n●w only that I beseech from thee the true use thereof, viz. the knowledge and worship of thee. So shall I be not only a hearer, and Reader, but a doer of thy Word, not deceiving my own Soul. From this work of God's Spirit i● the Word without us, I proceed to that second work of the Spirit, wrought within us, viz. (Sanctification) being a conformation of our will● unto his. O my Soul, here is that thou seekest for. The knowledge of the greatest happiness, without possibility of fruition, is not the least of torments. And to behold the Crown, Robes, and Privileges of a Christian, without either visible means to obtain, or a true propriety of wea●ing them, makes but our misery more miserable, Thou wert even now lifted up, and cast down, exalted with joy, and humbled with sorrow. For looking upward, thou beholdest with holy Stephen, Heaven open, and the Lord Jesus Christ standing at the right hand of God. But alas! whilst thou wert ravished with this Vision, a multitude of thine Enemies, (not much unlike, nor less cruel than his Persecutors) thy original Corruptions) have blindfolded thy eyes, and manacled thy hands, separating for the present, both it from thee, and thee from it. But now be of good comfort, though thou liest dead in sin, and intranc'd in astonishment, the Lord of life is come down unto thee. Who (manger all these Hellhounds that watch over thee) will give thee part in the first Resurrection. 2 Kings 4.34. He is thy spiritual Elisha, and the Prince of the Prophets, who will lay his Mouth to thy Mouth, that so thou mayst praise and confess him; his Eyes to thy Eyes, that through faith thou mayst behold him; his Hands upon thy Hands, that in deeds thou mayest obey him; yea, his whole and living Body upon thy dead Body, that so thou mayst revive and live in him. Behold there, Him, of whom his own saying concerning John the Baptist, is evidently verified, A Prophet, yea, and more than a Prophet even the God of the Spirits of all Prophets. Numb. 27.16. Who, lest thy weak and sinful nature should fear to approach unto, or lend an Ear unto his Word, hath vailed his glorious Deity, with humanity, therein, being typified by Moses when he covered his shining Face, as well as prophesied of him, saying, A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you amongst your Brethren like unto me. Acts 3.22. Like unto Moses indeed, as being a Man, an Israelite, a Prophet, full of Miracles, meekness of the Spirit; yet with this difference of degrees, the one was comparatively, the other perfectly full: the one a Vessel, the other a Fountain: the one the Servant, the other the Son; according to that of the Apostle, This Man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, Heb. 3.3. in as much as he who hath builded the House, hath more honour than the House, Moses being faithful as a Servant, but Christ as a Son. Next, whereas (O my Soul) thou objectest the deadness of thy nature, thy sleeping in sin; I confess indeed thou art so. But harken unto thy Saviour's Triumph, which doth not only pierce, but give thee Ears, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, Eph. 5.14. and Christ shall give thee light. The hour being come, and now is, Joh. 5.25. when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live. Object. O but sayest thou I am spiritually dead, how then can I hear? Know poor wretch that thy Saviour's Ephata, works as powerfully on the Soul, as upon the Body. Yea, the Apostle, reciting the prediction of Moses, saith not, him may you hear; But him shall ye hear. Even so be it Lord Jesus Christ, that so loving me a Lazarus, thou mayst raise me though a Lazarus, and be unto me a Jesus. Notwithstanding these saving and comfortable promises, methinks I feel my Soul still heavy, and sorrowful within me, Object. Objecting that these indeed are favourable and sweet expressions; but they are too general, considering her several defects; grievous soars, and Ulcers. Requiring not only external, and powerful Baths, and washings, but particular application of Remedies, and Medicines. She confesseth that from these, she is assured of the abilities and sufficiency of her spiritual Physician; but she desires to have experience of his skill, and to apply his several Medicaments, unto her special infirmities. Is this thy further request, O my Soul? Be strong, and of a good courage. Lo he calls thee; Mat. 11.28. Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Again, I came not to call the righteous, Mat. 9.13. but sinners to repentance. For, The whole need not a Physician, but the sick. Mat. 9.12. Nay, that thou mightest not have the least doubting, or fear, harken to the voice of his Prophet, seconded and expounded by himself, and that in a full Auditory; The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Luke 4.18. because he hath anointed me (there's his calling) to preach the Gospel to the Poor, (there's his Office). He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance unto the Captives, and recovery of sight unto the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised; to wit, thee O distressed Patient, with all thy Diseases. Well, thou art now, even by his own most gracious Call, admitted into his presence. Be not ashamed, but with boldness, approach unto his Throne of Grace, un●bareing thy sores, and discovering all thy spiritual wants▪ That so▪ the two estates in Adam fallen, and in Christ risen, being compared; all may behold with thee a revival from death, even that first resurrection, spoken of in the Revelations▪ As also the difference, and disproportion that is betwixt a Man in grace, and a Man in sin. And lastly be ravished in the apprehension of such infinite mercy, which administers Plasters to every sore; and in the conclusion works a general cure, effecting in a good measure, though not in absolute perfection, those two great works of mortification and vivication in us. For the more accurate perception, and meditation of which great works, I presume in all humility of Soul to speak Dialogue-wise unto my Saviour; and according to my weak ability, to describe him answering, in, and according to his Word. That so both myself, and others may the better understand, how excellently, and powerfully, a true faith (begotten and strengthened by God's Spirit) doth apprehend, and apply the saving and spiritual promises: Doth mortify our corruptions, silence all objections, and overcome all kind of temptations; by degrees, perfecting holiness, in the love and fear of God. A DIALOGUE betwixt Christ and the Soul. O Gracious Saviour, and skilful Physician, seeing thou called'st me, I come, although ashamed to come. I have brought, if not a dead, yet a deadly sick Soul, unto thee. The Souls complaint against the mind and understanding. If illumination be the antecedent of faith, and faith the eye of the Soul, and seeing a symptom of life, in how dangerous an estate am I, who walk in the vanity of my mind, having my understanding darkened, being (in my own apprehension) alienated from the life of God, through the ignorance that is in me, Eph. 4.17. because of the blindness of my heart. Poor Soul, faint not, nor despair, thou wast once dead, but now thou art alive. I find no signs of death, Christ. but of life in thee. A Trunk, or senseless Corpse, perceives not, nor complains of its misery, as thou dost. Neither art thou hopelessly sick; for in thee (witness these strive) there is the strength of a renewed nature, to co-act with the work of Grace. Take then these receipts out of my Book, and apply them; Joh. 1.9. I am the true light that lighteth every Man that cometh into the World, and am come for Judgement into this World, John 9.39. that they which see not might see; and they which see might be made blind; 1 Cor. 1.30. I am made unto thee wisdom, and will enlighten thy darkness; yea, if thou criest after knowledge, Psal. 18.28. and liftest up thy voice for understanding, thou shalt understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God: For I the Lord give wisdom, and out of my Mouth cometh knowledge, Prov. 2.3. and understanding. Again, faith is the gift of God. O then ask and thou shalt have, seek and thou shalt find, Eph. 2.8. knock and the treasury of all good and perfect gifts shall be opened, and bestowed upon thee: Mat. 7.7. Jerem. 31.33. Even the holy Spirit whom thy Heavenly Father will give to them that ask Him. Luke 11.13. The voice of my beloved! Thy Mouth is most sweet, Soul. yea, thou art altogether lovely. Cant. The roof of thy Mouth is like the best Wine, that goeth down sweetly, causing the Lips of those that are asleep to speak. But alas Lord, Against the Conscience. how can I be delighted in these thy gracious promises, or take comfort in this cure, as long as the tormenting worm of Conscience, feeds upon my entrails, inditeing bitter things against me; Job 13.26. and making me to possess the sins of my youth; being both my Judge, and Accuser. O my Patient, Christ. I confess this thy pain and grief is unsupportable, for the Spirit of a Man may sustain his infirmity; But a wounded Spirit, who can bear? Prov. 18.14. Yet for thy comfort, know that there is balm in Gilead, for all wounds; and a Physician there, for all Diseases; Deut. 32.39. And I, even I am he, and there is no other God with me; I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal; yea, I will restore health unto thee, and will heal thee of thy wounds. And as for this gnawing Worm, Jerem. 30.17. which thou complainest of, know that it as other infects are, generated, of a putrid matter, even thy sin, and corruption. Yea, it is nourished therewith. If then this cause of thy torture, be withdrawn, the effect will undoubtedly cease; For, I will forgive thy iniquity, and will remember thy sins no more; making them, Jerem. 31.34. though as red as Scarlet, to be as white as Snow. Esay 1.18. Through my blood thou hast redemption, even the forgivenesses of Sins. If the Blood of Bulls and Goats, and the Ashes of an Heifer, Colos. 1.14. sprinkling the unclean, Sanctified to the purifying of the flesh; How much more shall my Blood (that through the eternal Spirit offered myself without spot to God) purge thy Conscience from dead works? Heb. 9.13, 14. Soul. Against hardness of heart. O my spiritual healer, as thy Word assures me of thy ableness to cure, so it also informs me of my uncapableness of cure. In the sickness of the Body, so of the Soul, there are some conditions, and estates so vitiated, and overcome with maladies, that they are forsaken of the Physician, and left as desperate▪ and past remedy. In such a condition methinks I seem to be, of whose heart (by reason of festered corruption) it may be said, as Job of Leviathan, That it is as firm as a Stone; yea, as hard as a piece of the nether Millstone, Job 41.24. of whom also thine own speech to the Jews may be verified, That my heart is waxed gross, and my ears are dull of hearing, and my eyes are closed, least at any time I should see with my eyes, and hear with my ears, and should understand with my heart, Mat. 13.15. and should be converted, and thou shouldst heal me. Is then (Lord) my heart such a Rock, and the imaginations thereof wholly and continually evil? How can then the pure streams of Repentance, Gen. 8.21. Gen. 6. ●. flow from thence? (which is the condition on my part in thy Covenant of mercy and pardon) witness thy own words delivered by the Prophet, Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions, Ezek. 18.30. so iniquity shall not be your ruin. And that in thy Gospel preached by thy Apostle, Repent ye, Acts 3.19. and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out. Fear not my redeemed, nor be dismayed, as though any thing was impossible unto God. Christ. What seems difficult because of thy nature, shall be made easy through my grace. Think not my Word (which is the word of life) shall become the savour of death unto any of mine. Thou complainest that by it, thou hast found thy hardness of heart, which thou sayest excludes repentance, and consequently pardon. O be not deceived, here's no cause of despair, but of hope, and thankfulness: since my Word hath wrought that blessed work upon thee, for which I ordained it. Having not only selected, but prepared thee for my cure. There is a reprobate and sick sort of Men, I confess, Rom. 2.5. Who after their hardness and impenitent Hearts, treasure up unto themselves wrath against the Day of wrath. Such were those Jews, whose insensibleness did sufficiently prove their deadness. But thy Ears are bored, to give my Word entrance. Thy Eyes are opened to behold therein, as in a Mirror thy spots, and many defects. And thy Heart is agile and willing to know, and accuse thyself. Therefore thou shalt be converted, and I will heal thee. If there should be impossibilities imposed on thee in my Covenant, how could I then be just? And shall not the Judge of all the World do right? Or if thy work should either precede or assist mine, should not that act of thine (though the least) detract from my free mercy, and make my grace no more grace? O cursed be such Sathan-like pride of dust and ashes, that thus lifts up itself against my omnipotency, mercy, and all other my attributes; aspiring even unto my Throne of Glory. O know that those commands proclaimed in the Old Testament by my Prophets, were given as preparatives to the New. What I require of thee, is my due: why I require it of thee, is my mercy; that so running from me as a Judge, thou mightest run to me as a Saviour; Who grants both to Jew and Gentile repentance unto life. Which conversion, [Acts 11.18. since it hath wrought it on thee; receive, and apply, what my mercy out of the same word hath extracted for thee. Are thy thoughts only evil? Ezek. 36.25. I will sprinkle clean Water upon thee, and thou shalt be clean from all thy filthiness. Is thy Heart a Stone, which cannot relent? I am he that turns the Rocky Heart into a Well, Psal. 114.8. as the Rock in Horeb into standing Water, and the Flint into a Fountain of Waters. Yea, a new Heart also will I give thee, Ezek. 36.26, 27. and a new Spirit will I put within thee; and I will take away thy stony Heart out of thy Flesh, and I will give thee a Heart of Flesh. And I will put my Spirit within thee, and cause thee to walk in my Statutes. For I dwell with him that is of a contrite and humble Spirit, Esay 57.15. to revive him. That so all my Enemies with shame here, and torment hereafter, may be enforced to confess, that it is I, that worketh in thee both to will, and to do, Phil. 2.13. of my good pleasure: quickening those that were dead in sins, Col. 2.13. and trespasses. As also that I am Lord Paramount over all my Creatures, Having mercy on whom I will have mercy, Rom. 9.15. and whom I will, I harden. O my Lord, Thou art my refuge, and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Souls complaint of its unfaithful memory. Psal. 46.1. Psal. 119.103. How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than Honey to my Mouth. O that they were so fixed in my mind, and imprinted in my memory, that they might remain with me for ever. But blessed Saviour, this is my misery, that though for the present, I may rejoice with David, yet for the future, I cannot promise, and say with him, I will not forget thy Word. For whereas in my Primitive nature, thou didst endue my Soul with a serviceable and faithful memory, Psal. 119.16. to be as it were, her treasury, or magazine; from whence, like that wise Householder in thy Gospel, she might upon all occasions bring forth things new and old. Matth. 13.52. I find that Cyttadel battered, and possessed by my corruptions. Who have foreclosed and lodged themselves therein. So that the complaint of Jeremy is verified of me, as well as of that People, that have forgotten Thee, Days without number. Jerem. 2.32. O Lord, if the Cistern be broken, where shall the thirsty be refreshed? my barrenness watered? what doth it avail that my Ears, as Buckets, do continually draw up, and are filled from thee the Fountain of life, with quickening promises, and saving directions, if the receptacle and Cistern my memory be faulty, and faithless? As the Body which wants the retentive faculty, and vomits up its sustenance, giving neither time of Chilefaction to the Stomach, nor of making blood to the Livour, can receive little nourishment; So that Soul which retains not the spiritual Manna (thy Word) in the memory, that there it might be digested by Meditation, and converted into practice, can never thrive in holiness, and live spiritually. It may be for the present, I may say of thy Word, as Shimei of Solomon's, Thy saying is good, When as soon after, 1 Kings 2.38. it will be forgotten, and without thy mercy prove to me, as that to him, death and bitterness in the end. Further, this holy retention is not only of excellent and necessary use in thine, but also highly by thee commended, required, and commanded. Luke 11.28. Thine own Mouth pronouncing Him to be rather blessed, that bears thee in his heart, than her that bore thee in her Womb; a spiritual enjoying, being far above a corporal. Yea, for this cause, and to help this dangerous defect, didst thou engrave thy Law upon Tables, and commanded it to be written upon the most perspicuous places of the House. Deut. 6.8, 9 And in the glorious and holy Decalogue itself, thou didst place a Memento, in the midst, and as it were in the front thereof. Further, Exod. 20.8. thy holy Spirit in the Prophet doth brand, and note this privation, as the root and cause of all Rebellions; Because (saith he) my People have forgotten me, Jerem. 18.15. they have burnt Incense unto vanity. Lastly, which adds to, and most aggravates this my languor; wicked Men are in thy Word thus described and painted out. To be without God in the World, Eph. 2.12. and not to have thee in all their ways, to cast thy Laws behind them, and to forget thee, as I have done. O Lord, Psal. 50.17. Job 8.13. since I have lost this precious gift in the first Adam, let me receive it again in thee, the second, that my Soul being adorned with holy impressions, may become the Temple of thee my Saviour. Strengthen thyself in Me, O dejected Soul, Christ. and in these thy wants, Look unto me, Phil. 2.13. who works in thee both the will and the deed of my good pleasure, and will myself also freely give thee all things. As I am not ignorant of thy defects, so I am not to seek of thy cure. Rom. 8.32. I know there is a double forgetfulness in corrupted nature, the one of thy sins, to repent, the other of my Word and Laws to practice. But know thou this also, that although for a time my Elect may forget me, yet they shall never be forgotten of me. Can a Woman forget her sucking Child, that she should not have compassion on the Son of her Womb; Esay 49.13. yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee; for I will remember my Covenant with thee, and will establish unto thee an everlasting Covenant. Ezek. 16.60, 62, 63. And (because I will do thus) thou shalt also remember thy ways and be ashamed, and thou shalt loathe thyself, in thy own sight, for all the evil which thou hast committed. And as for the other defect, Ezek. 20.43. be assured, that the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost, whom my Father will send in my name, he shall teach thee all things, John 14.26. and bring all things into thy remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto thee. For, This is the Covenant that I will make with thee, I will put my Law into thy inward parts, and write it in thy Heart, Jerem. 31.33. and will be thy God, and thou shalt be my Servant. O my Lord, I can never sufficiently admire thy power, thy free Love, Soul's Complaint against her will. and the healing virtue of thy sacred and refreshing word; But what sweetness, or relief, what hope of remedy, and recovery, can my diseased Soul receive from it, that wants a will to receive, or apply thy comfortable Plasters unto my festered sores? Can the knowledge and sight of Meat feed the hungry? Can the beholding of riches satisfy the needy? or the Physician's Medicament cure without application? No Lord, they cannot. How then can thy Holy Word work upon me any gracious effects, that have a wretched will, refractory to hearing, reading, meditation, or any good use thereof? If the mind and understanding be evil, the will, which is their servant, and agent, must needs be so also. And if it hath its work in all evil actions, it must not be left out (nay cannot be idle or wanting) in those that are good. But my will is continually opposite to thine, which is the rule of equity and justice, and therefore cannot work the works of God. It is true, thou canst not. For as I said before, I work in thee both to will and to do. Christ. Phil. 2.13. But because thou canst not, wilt thou limit my power also? Cannot I that at first gave thee a will, now at the last give thee a good will? Is it not as easy for me, to bend, move, and change thy nilling will into a willing one, as to enlighten and quicken the other dead faculties of thy Soul? Or, is my free grace and love, less benevolent unto it, than unto the rest? No surely. It is not for my honour, nor is it in thy power, to be primarily and voluntarily assistant in this work. For of my own will I beget my Children, James 1.18. that those that glory may glory in the Lord; humbly confessing, that it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, 1 Cor. 1.31. but of God that showeth mercy. Rom. 9.16. Merciful Saviour, I know thou canst cure dangerous, yea desperate diseases. But Lord, Soul's complaint against her affections. I fear that I am too far gone, that I have lost and let slip my opportunity, and time of grace, even that Day wherein thou wilt speak, and be spoken to. So that now I may justly expect, that thou wilt swear in thy wrath, that I shall not enter into thy rest. And that this my fear may not seem groundless, be thou pleased to feel the Pulses of my corrupted Soul; and thou shalt find that they beat not at all; or if they do, their motion is either exorbitant, Against Love. or full of intermissions. Is it not thy command, that I should love thee, love my God with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind? Mat. 22.37. For thou wilt love them that love thee. Is it not negative also thus, Deut. 11.1, 13. Love not the World, neither the things that are in the World; For if thou lovest the World, Prov. 8.17. 1 John 2.15. John 3.16. the love of the Father is not in thee. What then Lord will become of me, who have loved darkness rather than light, and have been a lover of pleasures more than a lover of thee, my God? Further, 2 Tim. 3.4. if at any time I be in love, or ravished with thee, as beholding that excellent beauty, which streams forth from all thy glorious attributes, especially thy mercy, how weak, and of what short continuance are these flashes? being like lightning, which gone, make but the night the darker. So that in their so long absence, I have just cause to fear their return; doubting lest thou wilt say of me, as once of the Laodiceans, that because I am neither hot, Rev. 3.16. Against Joy. nor cold, but lukewarm, thou wilt therefore spite me out of thy mouth. Rom. 4.17. Again, doth not thy Kingdom within us, consist in righteousness, in peace, and in joy of the Holy Ghost? which kind of joy, for the excellency thereof, thou callest thine; John 15.11. as also because of its procession from thee, and from thy spirit; it being that unparallelled, and unconceivable mirth which admits no mixture of sorrow, no higher pitch of solace. This, this was it which so ravished thy holy ones, making them breath forth seraphically with Habakkuk, I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my Salvation; Habac. 3.18. with the Spouse we will be glad and rejoice in thee; Cant. 1.4. with David, in thy presence is fullness of joy; Psal. 16.11. and with Peter, we rejoice with joy unspeakable and glorious. Now O Lord, in what rank shall I place myself, who being carnal, and sold under sin, savours not the things that be of God, but those that be of Men; Mat. 16.23. not rejoicing in thee, but in my own vain and sinful imaginations; proudly boasting and rejoicing with those reprehended by the Apostle, in those few gifts thou hast endued me with: as though I had not received them? 1 Cor. 4.7. Further, as thine have many objects of holy joy within them, so have they many also without them; David preferred Jerusalem above his chiefest joy. And the spiritual prosperity and welfare of the Church, Psal. 137.6. was St. Paul's hope, joy, glory, and Crown of rejoicing. But such O Lord, 1 Thes. 2.19. is the natural depravation of my affections, that instead of wishing well unto Zion, I am ready (did not thy grace restrain me) to persecute thee with Paul in thy members, and to cry with those wicked, concerning thy Jerusalem, Raze it, raze even to the Foundation thereof: Psal. 137.7. rejoicing on the contrary part with those reproved by Job, and the Apostle, who make Gold their hope, and whose God is their Belly; hungering, and thirsting after momentary honours, Job 31.24. like Balaam, and Haman; taking the Timbrel, Phil. 3.19. and the Harp, and rejoicing at the sound of the Organ. Lastly, as within, and without, so also above themselves, Job 21.12. they have their objects of joy; even thy glory. What else made that royal Prophet so piously nimble? and so cheerful and public a dancer before thy Ark? what caused the Songs of Moses, Myriam, and Deborah? yea, what occasioned those joyful expressions of thy blessed Mother, of Simeon, Zachary, and Anna? together with those two transcendent and affectionate wishes of St. Paul, and Moses? I say what, but the joyful magnifying of thy glory, in vouchsafeing thy presence, in destroying thy enemies, in fulfilling thy promises, and in the Salvation and Conversion of thy People? But in me Lord, instead of this lightsomeness, in seeking of thy glory, there is naturally the sinful popularity of Absolom; yea, the hypocritical zeal of Jehu; the vainglorious formality of Magus; and the self-seeking pride of Herod. So that (considering these wants, and disorders in my affections) no wonder if I distrust myself, and cry out to thee, with the Publican, Lord have mercy upon me a sinner. Poor Soul, let not these fears, and doubts, Christ. discourage thee, they make thy state the better, not the worse. Ignorance of want, is the more dangerous, Luke 1.53. when stomachless and silent; as being thereby disabled both to ask, and to receive relief. Thy many complaints of defects, are the true effects of those graces thou desirest. Neither canst thou mourn, because of no affection, without some affection. But to answer all thy objections; wert thou emptiness itself, am not I he that made Heaven and Earth of nothing? Do I fill all things with my Essence, and cannot I fill thee with my grace? Can I be love itself, (for God is love, 1 John 4.8. ) and not be both willing and able to impart some rays thereof to thee my Creature? The fruits of my Spirit is love and joy, which Spirit I give unto all that are mine. Gal. 5.22. What though the Chaos of thy corrupted nature, yields no such fruits; Rom. 8.9. The Paradise of God, in which thou art replanted, doth, as being watered with those Rivers of love, which flow from me, the Fountain. Thou therefore loving me, 1 John 4.19. because I loved thee first: as I am the only cause of thy love (for I loved thee freely) so I am the continuer. For, Hosea 14.4. John 15.10. John 13.1. thou shalt abide in my love; yea, I will continue to love thee: for whom I love, I love unto the end. Wherefore fear thou not the Eclipses thereof. Natural Men do not more certainly expect the one, than all my Saints the other. As their Sun is not extinct, no more is thine: I thus ordaining it, that in my absence, thou mightest have a longing for my presence, and in my presence mightest lovingly fear my absence; these intermissions preceding the increase, not the dimunishment of affection. And since thou canst cry with David, Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation, Psal. 51.12. doubt not, but thou shalt also confess with him, that my anger endureth but a moment, weeping may endure for a Night, but joy cometh in the Morning. Psal. 30.5. Again, whereas thou objectest, and bewailest, the want of the true spiritual mirth; Be not discouraged, for this thy humble craving, argues that thou art free from pride, and self-conceitedness, which usually so swells the hearts of natural Men, that no place is left for grace. Further, it assures thee of a present possession, for thou couldst never have heartily longed for that, which thou never tasted; nor have hated this false joy, hadst not thou had some experience of the true. Lastly, thou hast an interest in my promise; for I fill the hungry with good things. As I am always filling, so my servants are always hungry. A good Archer is not by thee condemned for sometimes missing his Mark; neither will I reject thee for some miscarriage, since thy affections are bend towards me, and thy constant aim is my glory. To conclude, Longest thou for the joys of Habakkuk, David, and the rest of my Saints? continually petition me to be endued with the same Holy Spirit, which my Father will give to them that ask him; Luke 11.13. and to support thee in thy Prayers? Remember, and rely upon these my promises, John 16.14. Ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. For, I am sent to comfort all that mourn, to give unto them beauty for ashes, Esay 61.3. the oil of joy for mourning. The ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with Songs, and everlasting joy, and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall fly away. Esay 35.10. Soul. Lord, Kiss me with the kisses of thy Mouth, for thy love is better than Wine. But O diseased Creature that I am, Cant. 1.2. what shall I do? or what will become of me? The uncovering of one malady discovers more; and my infirmities, like the Oil in the Widows Cruse, multiplies upon me: So that in me is verified, the complaint of thy Prophet, The whole Head is sick, and the whole Heart faint, from the sole of the foot, even unto the head, there is no soundness in it, but wounds, bruises, Esay 1.5. and putrified sores. I had no sooner bewailed my want of love, but my misgoverned hatred torments me. No sooner I accused myself for worldly and exorbitant mirth; but carnal sorrow and servile fear overwhelms me. Whereas those that love thee, hate evil; yea, every false way, with the workers thereof, and that with a perfect hatred. Psal. My cursed nature, with the fool, hates knowledge. Yea, and him that rebukes, being like to those wicked Israelites, Prov. 1.22. Amo. 5.10. Micah 3.2. the Prophet Micah speaks of. That hate the good, and love the evil. Whereas I should be humbled, and penitently chatter, thus with David, I am troubled, Psal. 38.6. I am bowed down greatly, I go mourning all the day long, neither is there any rest in my Bones, because of my sin. And also be so much affected for thy glory, as to cry out, yea to die with Phineas his Wife, 1 Sam. 4.21. because the Ark of God was taken. Or be able to say, that Rivers of Waters have run down my Eyes, because Men keep not thy Laws? Psal. 119.136. My carnal and sinful disposition is ready to make me mourn, and hang down the head with Haman; Esther 6.12. to be sick and heavy with Ahab; yea, to grieve and die with Nabal, and Achitophel, for being crossed in momentary honours, 1 Kings 21.4. 1 Sam. 35.27. 2 Sam. 17.23. in covetous desires in my estate, or any other my designs. And whereas the filial fear of God should be continually in my heart, and before my eyes, (for, Happy is the Man that feareth always) following herein the blessed example of holy David, whose daily Song was, Prov. 28.14. Fear the Lord all ye his Saints; of pious Joshuah, whose tender Heart feared, and trembled at the words of the Law; 2 Kings 22.11. and of Religious Nehemiah, who was zealous for the Commandments of the Lord. I have, Nehe. 13.8. with those Colonies of strangers planted in the City of Samaria, 2 Kings 27.33, Feared the Lord, and served my Gods, that is, My pleasures and vain lusts. Or if at any time I have dreaded thee, or been humbled, it hath been either whilst thy Judgements have been threatened with the numerous Ninivites; or, when they have lain sore upon me, Ionas 3.5. with the Philistines; or, 1 Sam. 5.12. Exo. 10.17, ●0 until they were removed with wicked Pharaoh. Thus (dear Saviour) do all my affections degenerate, and err from that end for which thou hast placed them in my Soul. O thou which by thy omnipotency didst convert Water into Wine; work the like miracle in me also. So changing me in quality, relish, and use, that I may both now, and hereafter, be thought worthy to be admitted unto thy Table, O spiritual Bridegroom. Christ. Raise up thy dejected Spirits, and disconsolate Soul. For such is the goodness of my nature, and the infiniteness of my mercy, that these thy grievous maladies, instead of provoking my displeasure, move me unto pity, and convert my justice into compassion. I am the Physician of the Soul, and come to heal, not the whole, but the sick. Mat. 9.12. I am he that grants Resurrection to the Dead in Sin, as well as to the dead for sin. And am as able to give Manasseth newness of life, as Lazarus a new life. Therefore be not faithless, but believe. Thou complainest to me of an evil and degenerated hatred, that is ready upon all occasions to take up arms against God, Goodmen, and goodness. Indeed this is dangerous, but not incurable. Was not my Servant Paul a cruel Persecuter before a zealous Martyr? yea, and thousands of the Jews, my Murderers, before my Converts? Be confident then, that my love is also able to swallow up thy hatred, and to perfect this grace of love in thy life, which it hath begun in thy desires. Further, whereas thou art troubled and molested with the frequent inundations of carnal, and worldly sorrows; Know that the reason thereof is the want of depth or scouring of the lower watercourse, even that Channel of thy Repentance, which is as it were the drain of this filthy Lake, and muddy affection. Acts 5. ●1. To the performance of which duty, that thou mayst be enabled, and assured, Know it is I that gives Repentance unto life, Acts 11.18. Ezek. 33.11. 2 Pet. 3.9. not willing the death of a sinner, but rather that he should repent and live. Lastly, Let not thy former slavish fear discourage thee; since all things (even these thy corruptions) through my mercy shall work together for thy good. Rom. 8▪ 28. My Law having by these terrors prepared thee for my Gospel, which, seeing by my grace, thou hast received, be assured, that that perfect love which it produces, casteth out fear, and will free thee from all such base affrightments; 1 John 4.18. possessing thee of that legitimate fear, which flows from duty, and adoption. In further assurance of which, receive, and apply this my promise; They (namely thee, and all my faithful) shall be my People, Jerem. 32.38, 39 and I will be their God, and I will give them one Heart, and one Way, that they may fear me for ever, for the good of them, and their children's children. O thou my spiritual Elisha! what shall I render unto thee, for this thy great cure wrought upon my Soul? Soul. for this thy miraculous cleansing of my sinful Leprosy? Are the Talents of Ophir, the fruit of my Body, of my ground, or of my Flocks, a fit Sacrifice for thee? No, Thine is the Earth, and the fullness thereof. Psal. 24.1. I will therefore imitate that religious Proselyte, Naaman, and give Glory to the Lord God of Israel, 2 Kings 5.15. I will offer unto thee thanksgiving, and pay my vows unto thee, O most High. Yea, my understanding which thou hast enlightened, Psal. 50.14. my mind which thou hast instructed, my conscience, which thou hast pacified, my memory which thou hast strengthened, my affections which thou hast ordered, and my stony heart which thou hast mollified, and all things else that are within me, shall bless thy Holy Name. Yea, Psal. 103.1. I will invert the speech of thy Servant David, and say who am I, and what is my poor Soul, 1 Chro. 29.14. that I should be able to offer unto thee thus willingly? and after this sort (Lord I confess) all things come of thee, and of thine own have I given unto thee, wherefore let what's mine of grace, and thine of merit, be thy only glory. And now since I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord which am but dust and ashes, Let not the Lord be angry, Gen. 1●. 27. and I will speak yet again. Thou hast been pleased to give unto me light, in darkness, and to make known unto me thy great Salvation; Thou hast filled me with thy goodness, and mercy, and laid up in my heart the infinite treasure of thy promises; But what avails all this (Lord) when as the Thief (Satan) may break through and steal, the Moth (my inbred corruptions) may devour and consume these my spiritual riches; there being no defence nor power in me to resist. The Souls complaint of her senses, tongue and members of her body. For those Cinque ports, and Windows of my Soul, my senses, stand wide open, not only admitting, but inviting my cruel Enemies to enter. Yea, every Member of my body is not only assistant, to my adversaries, Sin, the World, and the Devil; but also takes up arms against me, and seeks my destruction. My eyes, which from outward objects (even thy beautiful works) should be instruments of begetting admiration, praise and worship to thee in my heart, are full of vanity, lust, and adultery. My ears which should only be open to thy Word, are thereto deaf, and receptacles, of oaths, blasphemies, lies, slanders, and all obscenity. And those other senses of tasting, smelling, touching, which thou hast given to be helps in piety, and thanksgiving, through the more ample fruition of thy Creatures, are become the factors of pride, covetousness, and epicurism. Further, my Tongue, which should speak of thy praise all the day long, Psal.. 35.28. Psal. 51.14. Psal. 10.7. Psal. 12.3. Psal. 5.9. Psal. 50.19. James▪ 3.6. and sing aloud of thy righteousness, hath mischief under it, and speaketh proud things. Is full of flattery, and frames deceit. And is fraught with naughtiness, and lying. Yea, it is a Fire, a World of iniquity, setting on Fire the course of nature, and is set on Fire of Hell. So that, that Member which was once my glory, is now my shame. Lastly, my hands and feet which ought to be Barnabasses, and Barjonasses, Brethren, and Sons of consolation, in respect of righteousness, and charity, towards my poor Brethren, are rather like Simeon and Levy, Brethren in cruelty, full of iniquity, and ready to shed blood. So that O Lord, having so many wide breaches in this Bulwark of my Soul, through which mine Enemies continually enter, how can I with quiet, and comfort of heart, relish, and feed upon thy promises, obey thy Commandments, and cease to grieve thy holy spirit? May I not justly fear the miserable lot of that wretched back-slider in thy Gospel, into whom the unclean Spirit which was gone out, Luke 11.24. returned, bringing with him seven other Spirits worse than himself; So that the last estate of that Man was worse than the beginning? Wherefore, sweet Jesus! since thy Body as well as thy Soul suffered for me, let thy Consolation, Sanctification, and Salvation be extended to both in me also, that being not particularly, but wholly thine, and at one in myself, and with thee, I may wholly and only praise and serve thee. That sin hath miserably metamorphosed thy Body, Christ. and shamefully deformed, misled, and corrupted thy Members, is true, (O my wellbeloved:) And no marvel; For thou wast shapen in iniquity, Psal. 51.15. and in sin did thy Mother conceive thee. And, Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one. Yet be not thou discouraged, Job 14.4. nor dismayed, for though thou art a Naaman, I will be thy Elisha. Yea, to save such sinners am I come. What though thou be'st even white over with Sins Leprosy, 1 Tim. 1.15. I am thy High Priest to heal thee, and pronounce thee clean. Have I cured thy Soul, doubt not the cure of thy Body, since all my works are perfect. And if I gave freely, and unasked, forgiveness of sins, together with health of Body to many, whilst I walked upon Earth, shall I not much more give thee spiritually both also? When as I raised up Lazarus, I could have left his Soul, still spiritually dead; for I give many health of Body, to whom I deny Salvation. But to whom I grant spiritual life, Mat. 6.33. (as unto thee) I bestow all lesser things, as included in the greater. So that having said unto thee, as once unto the Cripple, Thy Sins are forgiven thee, thou mayst be confident that thou art healed of thy spiritual lameness, Mat. 9.2, 6. strengthened to arise from thy couch of Sin, and enabled to walk in the ways of godliness, towards thy heavenly home; as having the Image of holiness imparted upon all thy members, and the marrow thereof running throughout all thy bones: The Trees root being quickened, the Body thereof must needs flourish: And thy Soul being sanctified, all the parts of thy outward Man must needs wax green in an holy conversation, and bring forth fruits unto righteousness. Jam. 3.12. As a Fountain at the same place cannot send forth sweet Water and bitter, no more can the members, and consequently the actions, which as streams proceed from a regenerate Soul, be polluted, and impure. Notwithstanding what hath been said, that thou mayst be firmly established, and assured of this truth, receive, apply, and lay up these my gracious and particular promises. Have thine Eyes been full of Sin, vanity and Idolatry? Esay 17.7. thou shalt now look to thy Maker, and thine Eyes shall have respect unto the holy one of Israel. Art thou spiritually blind, and canst make no good use of outward objects? Revel. 3.18. I will anoint thy Eyes with Eye salve, that thou mayst see my goodness. Are thine Ears closed up to my Word? Now shall the Deaf hear the words of my Book, Esay 29.18. and the Eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and darkness. Yea, thine Ears shall hear a Word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk thou in it, when thou turnest to the right hand, Esay 30.21. or to the left. Further, have thy Nostrils been inlets, and entertainers of vanity? Exhautasting the sweet of my Creatures for the serving of sinful pride, and voluptuousness? Henceforth thou shalt make them serviceable to thy Soul, not thy sense only, but thy mind also, being by them delightfully recreated; imitating herein my beloved Spouse in the Canticles, Who from the natural perfumes of Spices, and sweet Flowers, Cant. 5.13. and the distilling sweetness of fragrant Lilies, doth affectionately meditate of, and set forth the excellencies of my Word, and Ordinances, and the mellifluousness of my promises and instructions. Yea, thou thyself also shalt be sweet unto me in thy obedience, and good works, which are an odour of a sweet smell, Phil. 4.28. a Sacrifice acceptable, and wellpleasing unto God. Next, thou complainest that thy palate is naturally the Cook, and factor of Epicurism, Drunkenness, and Gluttony; be of good cheer, for thou shalt now experimentally confess, That Man lives not by Bread only, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God. Mat. 4.4. Neither shalt thou labour any more for the Meat which perisheth, John 6.25. but for that Meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which I the Son of Man will give unto thee; for my Flesh is meat indeed, and my Blood is drink indeed. John 6.55. But in this spiritual nourishment, remember, that it is the Spirit that quickeneth, the Flesh profiteth nothing. Hast thou formerly pleased and glutted thyself with dainties, even to my dishonour, John 6.63. and the abuse of my Creatures, Thou shalt now hunger and thirst after righteousness, and be both blessed, and filled: Mat. 5.6. For I am the Bread of Life, he that cometh to me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. Yea, thou shalt be able to make a spiritual, John 6.35. as well as a natural use of my Creatures, cheerfully, and tastingly, saying with my Espoused Church, that in respect of my delightful, and all-surpassing graces, Cant. 2.3. I am as the Apple Tree amongst the Trees of the Wood, and that my Fruit is sweet unto thy taste. And with my Servant David, that my words and judgements are sweeter than the Honey, Psal. 119.103. Psal. 19.10. and the Honey Combe. Further, hath thy Touch been a snare unto thee? and administered fuel to thy corruption? Have thy Hands and Feet been slow in my ways, but swift to commit iniquity? Hath thy Tongue been silent in my praises, and a ready Advocate, and Pleader for Sin? Know, my command is gone forth, and my gracious Decree is now efficatious, to strengthen the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees, to make the lame Man leap as an Hart, Esay 35.3, 6. and the tongue of the dumb to Sing, and say, Praise the Lord, call upon his Name, Esay 12.4. declare his doings amongst the People, make mention that his Name is exalted. Now shall thy hands with my Spouse in the Canticles, drop with the precious and sweet smelling Myrrh of holy and fervent endeavours; shaking off their former sinful sloth, Cant. 5.5. and drowsiness. Now shall all those Members which thou hast heretofore yielded as Servants to uncleanness, Rom. 6.19. and to iniquity, be Servants to righteousness unto holiness. For, whilst thou wert in the flesh, The motions of Sin, which were by the Law, did work in thy Members to bring forth fruit unto Death; Rom. 7.5, 6. But now thou art delivered from the Law, that being dead wherein thou wert holden, that thou shouldest serve me in newness of Spirit, and not in the oldness of the Letter, as being a Member of my Body, of my Flesh, and of my Bones. Lastly, Eph. 5.30. Art thou ashamed of the nakedness of thy Body, as being the Mirror, yea, the effect of thy Souls wants? Know that thou (in the loins of thy first Parents) wert not more willing to lose and cast off that robe of righteousness, than I am to restore, and give thee a better. As I then clothed thy naked Body, so I will now clothe thy naked Soul. Hast thou been a Prodigal? behold thy Heavenly Father (for my sake) doth embrace thee, in the arms of his mercy, Luke 15.22. and covers thee with the best robe of my righteousness. Hast thou been a vagrant, and wanderer in the Highways of sin, and by-paths of iniquity, an Alien to the Commonwealth of England? Mat. 22.9. Lo now thou art an invited Guest unto my Heavenly Palace, Eternal Feast, and endless Nuptials, being arrayed with the Wedding, and glorious Garment of my Immaculate Holiness. These are those Garments, whose smell is like the smell of Lebanon, and whose scent is Myrrh, Aloes, and Cassia. Cant. 4.11. Whose excelling sweetness doth overcome the stench of thy sins; Psal. 45.8. perfumes thy best actions, and makest thee an acceptable Sacrifice to God. Yea, it makes thy Body like Moses, and Stephen's face, glorious upon Earth. Esay 52.1. Psal. 132.16. Is it not I that gives beautiful Garments to Zion, and that cloth her Priests with Salvation? That council Men to buy of me white Raiments, that they may be clothed, and that the shame of their nakedness do not appear? Revel. 3.5, 18. That have promised to Him that overcometh, The same shall be clothed with white Raiment, That appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, Esay 61.3. to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the Garment of praise for the Spirit of heaviness. Wherefore O my redeemed, be thou no longer solicitous and doubtful of thy blessed estate, only believe, and thou shalt see the Salvation and glory of God. John 11.4. Psal. 51.1. O Lord thou hast opened my Lips, therefore my Mouth shall show forth thy praise. Soul. I will greatly rejoice in thee O Lord, my Soul shall be joyful in thee my God; for thou hast clothed me with the Garments of Salvation, thou hast covered me with the Robe of Righteoousness: Esay 61.10. Even as a Bridegroom decketh himself with Ornaments, and a Bride adorneth herself with Jewels. Therefore as thou hast freely given me all, so I desire thankfully to enjoy all to thy glory. To which end, assist me with thy grace, that these Eyes which thou hast enlightened, may always devoutly behold, and admire thy works. That these Ears which thou hast opened, may be for ever dutifully attentive to thy words. And that these other senses which thou hast rightly disposed, and ordered, may continually obey thy will, and exalt thy praise? Yea, these my weak hands which thou hast lifted up, my feeble knees which thou hast strengthened, my sliding feet which thou hast kept from falling, shall readily observe thy precepts, and run in the way of thy Commandments, because thou hast enlarged my heart. Finally, Psal. 105.1. Not unto us Lord, not unto us, but unto thy Name give glory. For of thee, through thee, and to thee, Rom. 11.36. are all things, to whom be glory for ever, and ever, Amen. I have here Dialogue-wise (for the more profitable and particular handling of things) briefly and plainly showed, how many rare and precious gems are treasured up in this Ark of the Covenant, the Prophetical office of our Saviour, as also how graciously, and comfortably, they are offered to, and received by the hand of faith, to the benefit, and Jubilee, of every true Believer. It remains now, that according to my former method, my Meditations pass on unto the last object and foundation of faith, the Kingly office of our Saviour; which is as it were the tegment, and compleatment, of our salvation. For we are therefore reconciled, and justified by our Priest, taught, and sanctified by our Prophet, that we may obey, and be protected, and governed, in this life, by our King, and be for ever glorified with him in the life to come. If Men enter the presence of Earthly Princes with much civil reverence, with what divine worship, honour, Of Christ's Kingly Office. adoration, and admiration, O my Soul, oughtest thou to enter the presence of the King of Kings; and meditate upon his wonderful acts, and office? This is one of those glorious mysteries, which the Holy Angels desire to look into, yea, with which their sublime understandings are, and shall be for ever delighted, busied, and ravished. How fervent then, should thy thoughts be, yea, in humility how earnestly shouldst thou like Jacob, strive with God by Prayer, to give thee this blessing also; that with the Eye of thy faith (together with those blessed spirits) thou mayst pry into this Supreme, and perfect Monarchy of the Prince of peace and righteousness. A King is the desire of most Nations; yea, those Barbarians which are ignorant of all other rules of life, and civility, do notwithstanding acknowledge the Maxim of a Sovereignty, and (as bound by a Cannon Law of nature) do willingly subject their Necks to this Yoke▪ Is rule and dominion then necessary? so desirable, and profitable in civil societies? So much conducing to the flourishing of a Commonwealth? Surely it is much more requirable, and beneficial for the well-governing and flourishing of the Church. In which as in a Kingdom, there is a mixture of good, and bad; Enemies within, and without; and those the most powerful, pernicious, and malicious of all others. As also many Laws to be observed, rewards to be conferred, corrections and punishments to be inflicted. Granted then it must needs be, (for these respects sake) that the Universal Church which is a Body; a spiritual, holy, and glorious Monarchy, must have a glorious, a wise, and omnipotent King, and Protector. Wouldst thou now, O my Soul, see him, and know him? Lo thy Mother, and his Spouse, calls thee, and all other longing Souls, to view his triumphs, in these words: Go forth, even with fervent affections, O ye Daughters of Zion, that is, all ye pure and fruitful ones in the Church of God; and behold, that is, apprehend with a lively faith, King Solomon; that is, the Lord Jesus Christ, Cant. 3.11. the true Solomon; with the Crown wherewith his Mother crowned him in the day of his espousals; that is, in his glorious state, wherewith his Father hath invested him; after that by his death, and resurrection, he hath redeemed, and married us unto himself in holiness and righteousness. And that thou mayst have further knowledge, assurance, and testimony, of this thy King, and Saviour, hear the joyful Predictions, and unerring demonstrations, of the Prophets. In the life of old Jacob, we have that he spoke at his death, these faithful words, The Sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a Lawgiver from between his Feet, until Shilo come, Gen. 49.10. and unto him shall the gathering of the People be. Heb. 7.14. Now it is evident, that our Lord sprang out of Juda. Further, Moses drawing near to his dissolution, Prophecies, and that from the Mouth of God, That God will raise them up a Prophet like unto him. Deut. 18.18. Now Moses was not only a Prophet, but a King. He was King in Jesurun. Deut. 33.5. In the next place, harken to the melodious and foretelling Hymns of the royal Psalmist, David; who knowing that God had sworn with an Oath to him, that of the Fruit of his Loins, according to the Flesh, Acts 2.30. he would raise up Christ, to set on his Throne; At once beholds his Seed, his Saviour, and becomes the Herald of his King, Psal. 132.11. his Son, thus Proclaiming; I have set my King upon my holy Hill of Zion. And again, The Lord said unto my Lord, Psal. 2.6. set thou on my right hand, Psal. 110.1. until I make thine Enemies thy Footstool. Of him also the Prophet Esay, thus Prophesieth, Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the Government shall be upon his Shoulders, Esay 9.6. and his Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace; of the increase of his Government, and peace there, shall be no end. Zachary also remarkably points him out, and that not only verbally, Zac. 9.9. but by certain actions of our King; Rejoice O Daughter of Zion, behold thy King cometh unto thee, he is just, and having Salvation, lowly, and riding upon an Ass, and upon a Colt, the Foal of an Ass. Lastly, lest the testimonies of Men should seem weak, the premulgation of Angels shall conclude, and that undeniably, this holy and comfortable truth: Behold saith the Angel Gabriel to the blessed Virgin, Luke 1.31. Thou shalt conceive in thy Womb, and bring forth a Son, and shalt call his Name Jesus, he shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God shall give unto him the Throne of his Father David, And he shall reign over the House of Jacob for ever; Mat. 2.2. And of his Kingdom there shall be no end. Again, as his Birth and Kingdom over the Jews, yea, over the whole World, was foretold by the Angel, Luke 2.11. so correspondently they were proclaimed by an Angel, and seconded by a multitude of the Heavenly Host; saying, unto you is born this day in the City of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. O my Soul, I have hitherto like John by the finger of the Prophets, pointed out unto thee, thy King, thy Saviour, John 1.36. The Lamb of God which taketh away the Sins of the World. It is expedient, and time now, that with Andrew thou follow him home, and by the eye of thy faith takest a particular view of his excellencies, administrations, John 1.39. and government: That thy heart being bedewed with those many comforts, benefits, and blessings, which descend therefrom, may with those ravished Jews in the Gospel, Mark 11.9, 10. cry out, Hosanna, blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord; Blessed be the Kingdom of our Father David, that cometh in the Name of the Lord; Hosanna, in the highest. And also sing with that Heavenly multitude, Salvation unto our God, which sitteth upon the Throne, and to the Lamb; Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, Reve. 7.10, 12. be unto our God, for ever and ever, Amen. Proceed then O my Soul! and diligently consider, first, how thy King governs amongst his Subjects; Secondly, how he rules and reigns over his Enemies; and lastly, how in that great Assize, he shall execute his last Judgement, and translate his Kingdom on Earth to Heaven; there establishing, and fixing, a glorious, and triumphant Monarchy, even for Eternity. The wisest Heathen (whose choicest flowers of learning and knowledge were gathered out of our Paradise of God, the Scriptures) styled their Kings, Pastors of the People. That the Spirit of God useth the like Metaphor, and that it might well be, that they stole it from thence, may be supposed from these places amongst others. The Psalmist glorifying God for the deliverance of his People out of Egypt, concludes thus: Thou leddest thy People like a Flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron. Psal. 77.20. And the same Moses, near the ending of his life, desires God to appoint his Successor, Numb. 37.17. That the People be not as Sheep which have no Shepward. Michaiah Prophesying of Ahab's death, and the overthrow of his Army, saith; That in a Vision, he saw all Israel scattered, a Sheep that have no Shepward. And the Lord, by the Prophet Esay, 1 Kings 22.17. promising his People a deliverance from their Captivity by the means of Cyrus; even many years before his birth, ●aith thus of him, He is my Shepward, and shall perform all my pleasure. Esay 44.28. Surely, as there is good cause to commend the Heathens choice and application of this Metaphor: So a-above all, to admire the infinite wisdom of the Spirit of God, as the Original; who under this similitude comprehends and discovers the whole duty of a religious Prince, and Governor; as that like a Shepherd, he is to feed his People, to lead them, to fold, and keep them from straying, and to protect them from those Wolves, and wicked Enemies that seek to destroy them. See all this expressed in that woe pronounced, by the Spirit of God against the Shepward of Israel, that do feed only themselves. Should not the Shepwards feed the Flock? Ezek. 34.2, 4. The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have you healed that that was sick, neither have ye bound up that that was broken, neither have ye brought again, that that was driven away, neither have ye sought that that was lost. But with fierceness and with cruelty have ye ruled them. Seeing then that the Lord himself commends unto us this humble vocation, offering it as a Glass unto Princes, his Viceroys upon Earth, therein to see their duties; It will neither be unfit, nor unprofitable, to meditate and consider the office and actions of the Lord of Lords, even our Lord Jesus Christ under the same Metaphor. And the rather, 1 Peter 2.25. because St. Peter gives us a Precedent; who styles him the chief Shepward, and Bishop of our Souls; and more especially for these reasons: First, because God the Father so calls him often in Scripture; witness that Prophecy of Ezekiel, saying, Ezek. 34.23. I will set up one Shepward over them, he shall feed them. Secondly, he so names himself, and with abundance of affection, and delight, and prosecutes and applies the similitude, saying, I am the good Shepward, and know my Sheep, and am known of mine. And lastly, whatsoever he in that Chapter, John 10.14. or elsewhere applies to himself, in the office of a Shepward, doth most aptly agree with his Kingly administration. But to make this more clear, Is it the duty of a King to govern, and direct his People by good Laws? Which though written, yet are as it were his lively, fixed, and continued voice. And is not this verified of our King, the Shepward of Israel? Who saith, that to Him the Porter openeth, and the Sheep hear his voice; John 10.3. that he calleth his own Sheep by name, and leadeth them out. Is it the duty of a King to protect his subjects, to reward them, as well as to restrain, and overcome their Enemies? And is not this true of our good Shepward, Who giveth his life for his Sheep? being not like the hireling, John. 10.12. who seeing the Wolf coming, flieth, and leaveth the Sheep. Yea, all blessings temporal, and spiritual, abound to them that are admitted into his Fold. For he promises, that if any enter therein, he shall be saved, John 10.9. and shall go in and out, and find pasture. Lastly, is it the office of a King to see and judge of the actions of inferiors; to give dignity and honour to the well-meriting, and obedient; and to inflict punishment, and death, upon rebellious offenders? See this also made good by God's promise unto us, under the rule of our only Shepward, Christ Jesus; Saying, Behold, even I will judge betwixt the fat Cattle, Ezek. 34.20, 25, 26. and the lean; and I will cause the evil Beasts to cease out of the Land. And I will make with them a Covenant of Peace. And I will make them, and the places round about them, a blessing. And I will cause the showers to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessings. And as concerning the last, and General Judgement, our Saviour speaking of the ordering of Persons before his Trybunal; and the parting of his true Subjects, from Rebels, the good from the bad, still alludes to the office of a Shepward; and saith, that he will separate them one from another, as the Shepward divideth the Sheep from the Goats. Mat. 25.32. Having, for the better and more comfortable illustration of our Saviour's Kingly Office, thus far traced this similitude; let us now O my Soul, by faith take a nearer and more serious view of this his glorious function, as it manifests itself in the excellency of his Person; and in the uprightness, and perfection of his Laws; as also in all those gracious effects which flow from so divine a dispensation. That from them (God assisting in the application) thou mayst reap that saving fruit which grace offers, and thou expectest. As the Basis, and Pillar of Peace, and tranquillity, Of Christ's Government. in a Commonwealth is good Government, consisting of upright Magistrates, and just Laws: So the defect of either ushers-in present ruin, and destruction. This position is not only verified in civil estates, but in the spiritual Regiment of the visible Church. Which whilst it was governed by the Spirit of Christ, and was obedient to his injunctions, attained to a Meridional height of quiet and glory; witness the times of Solomon, Hezechiah, and Josiah. But on the other side, when that there was no King in Israel, and every Man did what was right in his own Eyes, how was their Land and Church filled with bloodshed, Idolatry, and vanity? witness the Book of the Judges. O let their miseries, make us beware, and let us learn wisdom from their destruction. ●et their ill-succeeding rebellions, incite, and hasten us to do Homage at his Footstool, whom the Lord hath set King upon his holy Hill of Zion. Psal. 2.6. And to kiss him with the kiss of reverence, obedience, and worship: Let us meditate of him all the day long, and let our Mouths be filled with his praises. O how truly are we happy in thee O Lord Jesus! according to that of the wise Man, Meditation of the excellency of his Person. Eccles. 10.17. blessed art thou O Land, when thy King is the Son of Nobles. Is there any Nobility like unto thine, will any boast of, or derive his Pedigree with thee, who art the ancient of days? the dew of the Morning? the Morningstar, and in a word, ●he Fountain of honour? what are the greatest of earthly Princes, but thy Viceroys? Conduit-Pipes to convey ●ny favours unto the Children of Men? For, Prov. 8.15. By thee Kings Reign, and Princes Decree justice. And from thee pro●●eds the sentence, which makes poor, and makes rich, 1 Sam. 2.7. ●rings low, and lifteth up. For thou art that only begotten Son of the Father, before all beginnings, who then can declare thy generation, for thy Birth is hid in Eternity? Nor art thou not only glorious in thy Father, but in thyself also? for thou art God of God, equal with God, and therefore art not only a wise, merciful, just, and holy King over us: But wisdom, mercy, justice, and holiness itself unto us. Witness this, in that thy gracious invitation to thy spiritual Feast, where wisdom hath builded her an House. Prov. 9.1. As also in the former Chapter, I am understanding, I am strength. Further, thy Spirit, in the Mouth of thy beloved Apostle, 1 John 4.8. testifies, that thou our God art love. Jerem. 23.6. And thy Prophet Jeremy foretold to us, that the Name whereby thou shouldst be called, is the Lord our righteousness. As for the last, the Prophet David styles thee so in many of his Psalms, Psal. 13.4. singing thus, O ye Saints of his, give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. To whom the Saints in the Revelation answer, and second with this triple acclamation, Revel. 15.4. Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Sabbath. O my Saviour, my King, my beloved, let me feed a while here amongst these Lilies. Cant. 2.3, 5. Let me sit down under this thy shadow, and let thy fruit be sweet unto my taste! O stay me with Flagons, comfort me with Apples, for I am sick of love? Who is like the Lord our King on all the Earth? Is there any People, or Nation alike happy with us Christians, whose God and King is the Lord? I should now proceed to view and admire that golden Sceptre, those his righteous Statutes, by which he governs and directs us his People. But that my Soul possessed with a holy fear, lest any thing should nullify my right unto my Sovereign's protection, stops me with these objections; As that I am not only the Son of rebellious Adam, but also an Alien to the Commonwealth of Israel; as being not sprung from the loins of Abraham, nor from any of the Sons of Jacob, but from the unbelieving Gentiles. Lastly, that I am outlawed by my own actual transgressions; and therefore may rather expect punishment, than any favour, happiness, or privilege by his Government. As to these, I answer with the Apostle; The Jews, because the Seed of Abraham are not all Children: But the Children of the promise, Rom. 9.7, 8. are counted for the Seed; Wherefore Abraham is called the Father of the faithful; Neither is he a Jew which is one outwardly, neither is that Circumcision which is outward in the Flesh: But he is a Jew which is one inwardly, and Circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, Rome 2.28, 29. not in the letter: Also he is a light to enlighten the Gentiles, as well as the glory of the People Israel. Again, my being a sinner, is so far from disabling my right to the Lord Jesus, that by the hearty and penitent confession thereof, I am entitled unto his pardon, and mercy; witness his own Proclamation, He came not to call the righteous, Mat. 9.13. but sinners to repentance: as also that Prophecy of his Office, That he should be a light to them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death, Luke 1.79. to guide their erring Feet into the ways of peace? Since than my Lord the King, I have ten parts in thee, and thou art Bone of my Bone, and Flesh of my Flesh. Since thou tookest not on thee the nature of Angels, Eph. 5.30. but the Seed of Abraham, Heb. 2.6. that thou mightest be as a merciful High Priest, so a true and natural head of thy Body, the Church; that King that shall reign in righteousness, Esay 32.1. Psal. 2.6. and whom God hath set upon his holy Hill of Zion: Let me find favour in thy sight, and be enrolled as one of thy Servants. Let thy glorious Sceptre moderate me, and let me be acknowledged one of thy Subjects. Then shall I sit under my own Vine, and my own Figtree, then shall I be truly happy, yea, my Soul shall be filled as with marrow and fatness, for what King is like unto thee in all the Earth? The Walls and Rampires of a Commonwealth are good Laws, by which, as by a fortified horn-work, God's Laws comm●nded. or Cyttadel, the good are preserved, and the enemy hindered, and repulsed. Is this an approved truth? How happy, and how safe then is the Flock of Christ, the Monarchy of the Messias, the Commonwealth of Christians, the spiritual Jerusalem, to whom that promise is made good, as signifying the presence, and righteous government of our Emanuel: That the Lord will be unto her a Wall of Fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her. Zac. 2.5. The Statutes of other People are but the weak inventions of Men. But the Ordinances by which we are swayed, are the words of holiness, of wisdom, even of the Lord himself. From God the Author. So that no desirable quality can be wanting, in such Laws, wherein exact justice, and religious policy, kiss each other. So that to us now, made one Church with the believing Jews, may those gracious speeches of Moses be applied, Surely this great Nation is a wise and understanding People; For what Nation is there so great, Deut. 4▪ 6, 7, 8. that hath statutes, and judgements so righteous, as his Laws, which he hath set before us; or who hath God so nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things, that we call upon him for? Yea, he loved his People, all his Saints are in his hand, they sat down at his feet, every one shall receive of his words; For the Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir, unto them he shined forth from Mount Paran, and he came with ten thousand of Saints; Deut. 33.2, 3. from his right hand went a firery Law for them. From their Antiquity. The Heathen gave no small honour to Antiquity, as supposing it had something in it of Divinity; and therefore they would willingly forget the Original both of themselves, and of their Laws, that to after Ages they might set upon them the stamp of a Deity. What they affected vainly, we must affirm truly, both of ourselves, and Laws: For the proof of the first, we have not only a sure word, viz. that God made Man of the dust of the Earth, Gen. 2.7. after his own Image, and breathed into his Nostrils the breath of life; But also the witness of their own Poets, * Aratus. honourably backed by an Apostle. In Him we live, Acts 17.28. move, and have our being, for we are his offspring. For the other, I will not only say what Laws, but what Learning expressed in characters can be vouched so ancient as the Penteteuch of Moses? Wherein observe not only our Laws of venerable Antiquity, but also most clear, manifest, and undeniable proofs, and demonstrations of their Divine fluence and constitution. As the burning, and quaking of the Mount Sinai, the summons of the Heavenly Trumpet, Exod. 20.18. the visible presence of the Lord God, like consuming Fire on the top of the Mount▪ But above all, the audible voice of God, pronouncing those ten words, by which we are governed, as containing his whole will, and our whole duty. Lastly, all these wonders, are not confirmed unto us by the bare witness of Moses only, (although he being God's Penman had been sufficient;) but as then six hundred thousand souls were Auditors, and Spectators, so ever since, that whole Nation, and now the Universal Church do receive, believe, and reverently obey them; as the undoubted truth of God, and rule of holiness. Now that these happy Laws, From their Holiness. recorded in the whole Book of God, are not only the first, ancientest, (and therefore the foundation, original, and fountain of all other constitutions) but also the best, and holiest, as being the lively Oracles of prudence, and sanctify itself, appears first by the matter which is perfect, according to that sweet Psalmist, The Law of the Lord (that is the whole Word of God) is perfect. If perfect, Psal. 19.7. then free from all carnal imperfections. Here's no Political winking at the least, or at some commodious offences; nor hiding places for any sinner, nor exception and prerogative for Kings and Princes. The wilily head of Man cannot invent sins, without its precinct, neither can the critical wits of Atheists, or worldly wretches, blemish it▪ with the least aspersion of injustice, or severity. So that as there is in them no defect, so no redundancy, being profitable for Doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, 2 Tim. 3.16. That the Man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished to all good works. Further, as they are perfect, so are they sure; so that holy Singer, The Testimonies of the Lord are sure, Psal. 19.7. making wise, the simple. The Ordinances of the World are subject to change, as being the inventions of unconstant Man, and not only in their frame and substance, but also in their number, construction, and execution. So that true experimental wisdom can never be learned from them. But the Laws of God, as flowing from an everlasting, and wise essence, who is without change, or shadow of change, admits of no alteration, misinterpretation, sleeping, or repeal. And therefore teaches a Man wisdom, Prov. 23.3. a priori, in the cause of punishment (Sin.) So Solomon; A prudent Man foresee the evil, and hides himself. Again, The Commandment is a Lamp▪ and the Law is light, Prov. 6.23. and reproofs of instruction, the way of life. In the last place, let holy David, as he began to prove this truth, so conclude it, even upon his own experience; Through thy Commandments thou hast made me wiser than my Enemies, Psal. 119.98, 99 for they are ever with me, I have more understanding than all my Teachers, for thy Testimonies are my Meditation. Again, as the Laws of God are sure and perfect, so they are right; as sings the same Prophet, The Statutes of the Lord are right. Psal. 19.8. And can there be a greater excellency; since the justice of a Law, is the sinnues thereof, they binding but so far forth as they are righteous? Who is there then amongst the Rulers of the Earth,) that in a proper sense dares give this title to their Ordinances? Comparatively indeed, and as paralleled with others, they may boast of their equity. But none in a superlative height, in the abstract, and truth of perfection, can be said to be just, but the Commandments of God; which by common consent are the best rule, and touchstone of all others. To prove the indirectness of humane constitutions, reason itself demonstrates. For Man cannot be righteous, Job 15.14. that is born of a Woman; much less his actions, his behests, as being also the offspring of a sick brain, and streams flowing from a most impure Fountain. If we desire examples to confirm this, we need not wander out of Divine History, where we shall read of the cruel edict of a Pharaoh, Exod. 1.22. to drown the innocent males. Of a Nabuchadnezzar, to burn to Ashes religious Idoll-haters. Dan. 3.6. Of a Darius, to devour with Lions the frequent worshippers of God. Dan. 6.7. Matt. 2.16. Of a Herod, even a second Pharaoh, to offer up by death those Lambs, the happy Proto-Martyrs, and Contemporaries of our Saviour. Should I convert my Meditation into an History, as I could never want examples of Man's unjust Decrees, so never Ink for my tears would supply that defect. O if the bare Relation, move to pity, and to mourning? how great is the sorrow and anxiety of my mind, that oppresses those Souls, which lie under the burden of such a tyranny? surely it is ineffable. From hence, by the rule of contraries, I conclude the exceeding mirth, and happiness of that People, whose Laws are Maxims, and Patterns to all others; whose God and King is the Lord, whose judgements are true, and righteous altogether. So that if happiness can be separated from joy, then may joy be divorced from such a Government. Wherefore as the Prophet extols the divine quality, the Statutes of the Lord are right, so he omits not to point out unto us the no less gracious effect, Psal. 95.1, 3. they rejoice the heart. O come therefore, and let us sing unto the Lord, let us make a joyful noise unto the Rock of our Salvation, for thou Lord art a great God, and a great King above all Gods; thy Throne is for ever, Psal. 45.6. and the Sceptre of thy Kingdom is a righteous Sceptre. Thus O my Soul, passing by, thou hast taken a view of the beauty of those divine Laws, by which Christians are governed. If the Heathen Ptolemy accounted them the Jewel of his Library, and at their translation into the Greek Tongue, was even ravished in the observation of their supernatural wisdom, and Majesty: How ought we Christians to be affected, who by more than an Historical faith, (as I have proved) look upon them as the Statutes enacted, pronounced, and engraven in lasting Tables, by God himself, and also confess them. As for antiquity, to be the ancientest, and most venerable; so for their matter, the perfectest, purest, and most righteous of all others. It remains now, that thou glance over some of their effects, and so proceed. I have observed already their work upon the understanding. They make wise the simple; as also upon the affections. They rejoice the heart. I will note only three affections more which they beget in us; Love, fear, and hatred of all wickedness. That they frame in us even an ecstasy of love, the Psalmist proves by that his Pathetical expression, O how I love thy Law, Psal. 119.197, 127. I love thy Commandments above Gold, yea, above fine Gold, they are sweeter also than the Honey, or the Honeycomb. That they create in us an holy filial fear, appears, in that the holy Spirit makes it a chief motive to stir us up to the hearing of them, Psal. 19.10. Psal. 34.11. Come ye Children, harken unto me, and I will teach you the fear of the Lord. As also the confession of David, My Flesh trembleth for fear of thee, and I am afraid of thy judgements. As fear, so hatred of all wickedness, springs out of this Seed-plot of grace; As the offer, and fruition of a most beautiful Wife, is the best remedy to make a Man hate an unclean strumpet, so the discovery of the pure splendour of God's Law, unveils the nakedness, and pulls off the Wizard of Sin. So the same Psalmist, Through thy Precepts I get understanding, Psal. 119.104. therefore I hate every false way? Lastly, as these powerful Statutes of God are thus effectual in the illumination of the understanding, and the inflaming of the affection; So also in the subjecting, and changing the will, making it of a nilling, a willing will. But here forget not (as also in all the rest) that the Law works only these effects in us, as being the Sceptre of Christ's Government (and linked with the Gospel.) Which considered, we may confidently aver, that the Prophecy is fulfilled; That the Lord shall rule (by his Law) in the midst of his Enemies, Psal. 110.1, 2, 3 and the People shall be willing in the day of his Power. Thus having viewed by the eye of faith (according to the weak measure of grace given unto me) my gracious Sovereign in his presence Chamber of the Prophets, and also learned out of that Magna Charta, that Royal Statute-Book, God's Word, not only what is his revealed will, and rule of Government, but also the unparallelled and excellent properties thereof; I proceed to meditate of, and to be instructed in those three principal actions of our King towards his natural and true subjects, viz. his Protection, and victory over their Enemies; Correction and Remuneration; Of our Protection. of which, severally and succinctly. Man once the Lord of Earth, a favourite of Heaven, travelling from the peaceful Jerusalem of God's gracious instructions, to the accursed Jericho of his own sinful lusts, and appetite; and in that way destitute of the Allmighties guide, and protection, fell amongst these Thiefs, the Devil, the Flesh, Sin, the World and Death, who having spoilt him of his greatest treasure, his Graces; and devested him from all his former honours, leaving him not half dead, but altogether: Left him, did I say? I would to God they were in this so Thief-like; But alas! such is our misery, that our loss concluded not, but began our wretchedness; and our Enemies, Haman-like, slaughtering us not out of gain, but out of envious malice, are so far from leaving us, that they are always vigilant to smother even the least motions of life in us. But blessed be the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath sent his only begotten Son into the Wilderness of this World, clothed with our flesh, and made like unto us, a merciful Highpriest; who (like that good Samaritan) finding us thus wallowing in our own blood, hath not only restored us to a new life, but poured the Sovereign Oil of his comfortable promises into our wounds. Making us safe all the time of this life's sickness, under his own royal, and gracious protection; until his next return to our glory, and all our Enemy's confusion. Fear not then (O my Soul) the strongest of thy Enemies: No, not that Leviathan, that great Dragon▪ A Protection from Satan. that crooked Serpent, King over all the Children of pride. For, The Seed of the Woman hath broken this Serpent's Head: And the Devil shall be cast into Hell. Gen. 3.15. What though he be the Prince that ruleth in the Air? for his number, Legions; for his strength, a Principality, a Power, a Lion; and for the depth of Policy and malice, styled the Ruler of Darkness, and also the accuser of the Brethren; yet know, he is but a Creature, and thy Saviour's Vassal. For, By Him were all things created, Colos. 1.16. that are in Heaven, and that are in Earth, visible, or invisible, whether they be Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, or Powers. And he that made him, can make his Sword approach unto him. And though the number of fallen Angels be great, yet the number of the Elect Angels, its likely are far greater, at least, their Power greater, as the issue of that great battle in Heaven, if literally take●, Rev. 12.7. illustrates. So that thy eyes being opened by faith, there are more that are with us, than against us. Rev. 5.5. Christ is that Lion of the Tribe of Judah; 1 Cor. 1.24. our Samson, to destroy that roaring Lion the Devil; the wisdom of the Father, and the light that not only enlightens our darkness, John 1.5. but dissipates, and puts to flight the darkness, and subtleties of Satan; 2 Tim. 2.5. the only Mediator betwixt God and Man; the Son of God, Col. 1.13, 15. the lover, and friend of Men; The Brother of the Brethren. To conclude, he it is (to thy comfort) whom the Father hath set at his own right hand in heavenly places, Heb. 2.11, 12, 13. far above all those Principalities, and Powers, Eph. 1.20, 21. and all might, and dominion: Who hath spoiled these Principalities, Col. 2.15. and Powers, and made a show of them openly, triumphing over them, even on his Cross. Therefore rejoice ye Heavens, and ye that dwell therein; for now is come salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our God, Rev. 12.10, 12. and the Power of his Christ: For, The accuser of our Brethren is cast down, which accused them before God day and night. From Sin. Do I expect thee O my Soul, to be a companion of this Heavenly Choir? Why then do I hear thee utter nothing but mourning, and as it were keep time with sighs? Such a Song admits not of a burden, I will not bear a part with thee, since in thy tears, (as in a mirror) I see Hannibal ad portas, another Enemy at thy Gates. At thy Gates, did I say? nay entered, and within thee; so that now thy sobs methinks are vocal and articulate, groaning out nothing, but such sad captive complaints as these, I am carnal and sold under sin; O wretch that I am, Rom. 7.14, 24, who shall deliver me from the body of this death? O my Soul, though thy fear questions, yet let it not make thee despair of a Deliverer; say, I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord, 25. whom he hath sent to be thy Saviour, even in the midst of this fiery Furnace. So that like those Votive Martyrs, though with the Flesh thou obeyest, and art environed with sin, yet with the Mind thou servest the Lord. I am not ignorant, that like to the City of Ai, Josh. 8.9. there are behind thee ambushes of thy first Parent's transgression; before thee, the Armies of thy many actual offences; on both hands of thee, the wages of sins, of commission, and omission; yea, that the Infantry of thy inbred, and original corruptions; have not only taken, but begun to Fire thy outworks: Yet fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, Exod. 14.13. for these spiritual Egyptians, thy Enemies, which thou hast seen in this short day of thy life, and travail, thou shalt see no more for ever; since the Chariot-wheels of their strength shall be taken off, and in conclusion, their selves shall be drowned, and hid in that red Sea of thy Saviour's precious blood. Wherefore, armed with a holy and Jehu-like severity, command, 2 Kings 10.25. Josh. 10.22. as Joshua once the five Kings, so these, the heads, and chief of these thy Enemies to be brought forth, and let them be slain with a Christian magnanimity, even with that two-edged Sword which proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord. Revel 19.15. Fear not with gedeon's stripling, Christ overcomes Adam● sins Judg. 8. 2●. that Goliah-like transgression of Adam, though as a second Briareus his many Armies of Pride, Blasphemy, Rebellion, Unthankfulness, Discontent, Curiosity; yea, all manner of wickedness seem to threaten Heaven. Neither quit thy ground, though he brandish against thee that curse, that Cherubs flaming Sword, in the day that thou eatest thereof, Gen. 2.17. thou shalt surely die. Let him strike, yea, let the stroke wound thee, and bring thee upon thy knees; yea, let the wound send forth floods of penitent tears, for this thy fall shall be thy rise; this thy humiliation, thy greatest exaltation. This is that Weapon that gives both death, and life. For this thy misery is become the object of that infinite mercy, which not only rescues thee, but sheaths this his mortal Sword in this thy Enemy's bowels. Since by Man came death, by Man came also the Resurrection of the dead. For, as in Adam all die, 1 Cor. 15.21▪ ●●. even so in Christ shall all be made alive: And lest he should again revive, as Joab did to rebellious Absalon, He again pierces his heart with these three Darts; As by the offence of one, 2 Sam. 18.14. judgement came upon all to condemnation; Rom. 5.18. even so by the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all unto justification of life; for as by one Man's disobedience, many were made sinners; so by the obedience of one, Verse 19 many shall be made righteous: That as sin reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. Verse 2●. From Original Corruption. That Cloud is dispersed. But behold a greater storm arises: even such a one, as not only shakes, and endangers the Battlements of a Christian conversation, but blows up the foundation. When an Enemy besieges, he ever is within view; But if he take a Bulwark, he gains possession, and the loss seem irrecoverable. Adam's sin imputed, like a furious adversary surrounds, beleagures, and shatters the whole Fort of Man. But that Original corruption, that holy David complains of, as conceived, and born in, by propagation, makes nearer approaches, and undermines the Mud-walls of our Flesh, taking possession of the Tryangular, and chiefest Cyttadel; which once yielded, he fills every sconce of the sense, with Armed Lusts, and mounts through every Loophole, a murdering piece, which continually roars against Heaven. And as for the Chief Commander, Colonel, and Mustar-master, the understanding, will, and memory, having put out their Eyes, it makes them in the Dungeon of Ignorance, grind (like Samson) at the Mill of Lust, and fleshly desires. Thus miserable, and seemingly irrecoverable, is our estate in Nature, whilst our inbred corruption, that strong Man, keeps the hold. But let us not be discouraged, for the Lord Jesus, who is stronger than he, is come upon him, Luke 11.22. and hath overcome him, taking from him all his Armour wherein he trusted, and dividing his spoils, being sent by God in the likeness of sinful Flesh, and for sin, Rom. 8.3. to condemn sin in the Flesh; which Victory He obtained by his Death. For in that he died, he died unto sin once; Rom. 6.10. so reckon we also ourselves, as being baptised into his Death, to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God, Rom. 6.3. through Jesus Christ our Lord; Thus being made free from Sin, Rom. 6.11. we are become the Servants of righteousness; Rom. 6.18. neither hath Sin any more dominion over us, as being not under the Law, (which is the strength of Sin) but under Grace, Rom. 6.14. 1 Cor. 15.56. the moving cause of our Salvation. Further, this total and spiritual Leprosy is in Scripture termed a general pollution of the whole Man. Ezek. 16.6. In which sense, how many sweet and gracious promises, doth the Old Testament offer to the faith of every true Believer; pointing out unto us (with the Angel) when in a far more despicable, and desperate estate than Hagar's Ishmael, a Spring, a Well of living Water. Zacha. 13.1. In that day (which is the day) there shall be a Fountain opened to the House of David, and to the Inhabitants of the Spiritual Jerusalem, for sin, and for uncleanness. And lest with that Cripple in the Gospel, we should be unable to make trial of the Virtue; nay, because we are with that miserable Infant in the Prophet, Dead in sins, Ezek. 16.6. Eph. 2.1. and trespasses. Therefore he adds, he will say unto us, live, which agrees with his immediate Word, in St. John's Gospel, The dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear, shall live. Nay, which is more, John 5.25. he will become our spiritual Physician, and Chirurgeon to heal, to wash, to cleanse, to circumcise, to anoint us; witness this his own promise, Ezek. 36.25. viz. Then will I sprinkle clean Water upon you, and ye shall be clean, from all your filthiness, Verse 26. and from all your Idols will I cleanse you; a new Heart will I give you, and a new Spirit will I put within you; and I will take the stony Heart out of your Flesh, and I will give you an Heart of Flesh; and I will put my Spirit within you, Verse 27. and cause you to walk in my Statutes, and ye shall keep my judgements, and do them. O thou which art my Joshua, my Jesus, and hast cast out, and destroyed my Cananitish lusts; Ejaculation. leaving only some few tributaries to try my obedience, and to be as pricks in my sides, that I might not sleep to death in security; grant me thy strength of grace, more and more to prevail over them, though they have Chariots of Iron, Judg. 1.19. as being strong corruptions, and inhabit the Valleys, as being ambushed in a deep, and deceitful heart. Enable me O Lord, either to destroy them, or to make them Hewers of Wood, and Drawers of Water to the House of my God; that is, serviceable to thy spiritual Building, and Temple, which I am. Let Avarice be turned into a coveting of spiritual things; Excess in thy Creatures to a repletion with thy Spirit; Worldly sorrow, which worketh death, unto godly sorrow, not to be repent of; Love of Earth to a love of Heaven. O my gracious Physician, what ●ee have I, or is great enough for this spiritual cure, or rather miracle? a resurrection from the dead; Lord thou hast given me all, therefore I have nothing to give. Yet though I cannot give, I will do right, and render as to Caesar, so unto God, what is his. My Soul bears thy impress, thy Image, and is therefore passant in Heaven. Wherefore when thou pleasest, embanck it there in glory. From actual Sins. The greater an offence is, the more severe, and weighty the punishment. This rule of proportion giving both a being, and splendour to distributive Justice. Whisperers and murmurers against a State, are not prosecuted with so much rigour, as the openly rebellious; Nor according to the judgement of truth itself; Luke 12.47 shall the ignorant Servant be beaten with as many stripes as the presumptuous offender. Blessed Saviour, even in this maxim of humane Justice, there is (though in weak and faint shadows) a glimpse and representation of thine, (Man's well doing and best of action, being but an imperfect imitation of thee, a most pure and universal act) which balances our faults, and retributes to each, his due weight of punishment. Thus righteously judging, that if causeless anger, be in danger of the judgement, then approbrious, and disgraceful speeches, such as thou fool, Matt. 5.22. being a further degree, and an accursed fruit of the former, shall be in peril of an Hell-fire. So Paul, because a Persecutor through ignorance, received mercy, when as Julian an Apostate, and wilful sinner, died a Blasphemer. Lord, I have laid this train, to blow up myself. O let thy conviction in justice, (like a storm before a calm) forego thy absolution in mercy. Righteous Judge, if that thy mortal sentence hath already attached me, as Adam's Son, as Adam's Image, yea, I have pleaded guilty; shall not my numberless actual transgressions, meriting that other curse of thy Law, make me therefore as deserving thy double curse, liable to a double punishment? Yes surely, unless miserable wretch, infiniteness, and eternity, will not admit of an addition. If one single act, the breach of one Injunction, that which the Papists, and others (though erroneously) would have no sin, or at the most a venial sin, that which is mine, not by personal commission (as not then in esse) but as it were by consanguinity, by imputation, from Adam, my root, fountain, and transactor; If this O Lord, as formerly it is sufficiently evinced, hath not only arraigned me at the Bar of Justice, but cast me as guilty of high Treason, and worthy of eternal punishment; and not only me, but those without the Pale of the Church (unless God be merciful to them) who have not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgressions, that is, Rom. 5.14. as some interpret) actually; How ponderous and excessively weighty, shall my judgement appear in Justice scale? How shall her Rods be converted into Scorpions? How shall the same hand, and power that inflicts, in respect of durance, an eternal, yea, in all respects (if we measure by the Creatures weak apprehension) an infinite suffering, magnify itself in the augmentation of pain, according to our increase, actuality, and agedness of sin; adding as it were infinite, to infinite, and making me to be unhappily so also, that is capable of it, and able to subsist under its just pressure. O my God, I walk in this my vale of misery, like the Egyptians through the red Sea, before me is thy clouded countenance, and wrathful indignation, ready to give the watch word to my execution. On the right hand, and the left, stand the towering, and threatening Waves of my sinful omissions, commissions, and deficiencies, ready (as the Psalmist speaks to swallow up, and flow over my Soul; and behind me the pitchy darkness of horror, and punishment waits to entomb me for ever. O my Saviour, being thus like Abijah, 2 Chron. 13, 14. encompassed with the Ambushes of my Enemies, like fallen David, immured within his triangle of judgements, what shall I do, but imitate them, in their crying, and conversion unto thee, saying with him, I have sinned, 2 Sam. 24.14. I am in a great strait, let me fall into the hands of thee, O Lord, for thy mercies are great. O faith, as thou hast an eye, so thou hast an ear too; wherefore give attention. For thy King named thy Jesus, because he shall save his People from their sins, even he who only on Earth hath power to forgive sins, Matth. 1.21. makes his answer in the mouth of the Psalmist, Matth. 6.6. even to be the echo of thy submissive Petition: The Lord forgiveth all thine iniquities, Psal. 103.3, 4. and healeth all thy diseases, and redeemeth thy life from destruction, and crowneth thee with loving kindness. O miracle of goodness! how experimentally, and thankfully ought I, with that penitent Saint, to publish thy excelling mercy, since I had no sooner said, Psal. 32.5. (that is intended) I will confess my transgression, but thou forgavest me the iniquity of my sin. Come hither, come hither all ye true Israelites, whom the sight of these Philistines, and their armed Troops (ready for the Battle) have made you to tremble, 1 Sam. 14.1. and to hide yourselves; Behold your Standard-Royal, your Prince, your true Jonathan; for him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince, Acts 5.31. and a Saviour; for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins; who hath trodden the Wine-press of God's wrath alone, and of the People, there was none with him: And Jonathan-like, with incredible pains hath assaulted the Adversaries, our sins ruining their Fort, Isa. 63.3. viz. the curse of the Law, for the strength of sin is the Law, 1 Cor. 15.56. being made a curse for us: where by dying, he hath put to death, all our Enemies, according to that of the Apostle, in whom we have redemption through his blood, Gala. 3.13. even the forgiveness of sins, Ephes. 1.7. Col. 1.20. having made peace through the blood of his Cross, in the likeness of sinful Flesh, and by sin, condemning sin in the Flesh. Rom. 8.3. Further, he is not only the God of the Valleys, but of the Mountains also; having not only overcome for us our infirmities, but all, even our Mountainous, our scarlet transgressions; witness his promise; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Again, I will be merciful to their transgressions, Isa. 1.18. and their sins, and their iniquities, Heb. 8.12. will I remember no more. To conclude this point, this his great Victory, as it triumphs over all sins, so it is not confined to some times, or Persons, as he, so it, being the same in efficacy, yesterday, to day, and for ever, Heb. 13.8. as testifies St. John; If any Man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, he is the propitiation for our sins, 1 Ep. Joh 2.1. and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole World. O all powerful Victor, Contemplation. upon whose thigh is written King of Kings, Lord of Lords; who art gone forth conquering, and to conquer: leading captivity captive; Revel. 19.16. Rev. 6.2. and receiving gifts for Men; forgiving all our trespasses, and blotting out the hand-writing of Ordinances, Psal. 68.18. that was against us: taking it away, and nailing it to thy Cross; who hast spoilt these Principalities, and Powers, Colos 2.13, 14, 15. and made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. My Soul! thy offspring like Jephtha's Daughter, Acts 17.28. with the melodious harmony of gratefulness, and praise, runs forth to meet thee, my Father, my Saviour; Judg. 11.34. earnestly desiring to be offered up unto thee, as a thanksgiving: Judg. 13.20. and with Manoah's Angel to ascend to thy presence in the flames of pious affections. Did Moses, Miriam, Exod. 15.21. and the rest, with Timbrels, and dances, magnify their delivery, and thy Conquest over the drowned Egyptians; and shall not my Music of gratulation be tuned to an higher key? my Song be raised to a loftier pitch; whose numerous Enemies thou hast drentcht, not in a red Sea of Water, but of thy infinitely precious Blood? Did the Virgins of Israel, by their penetrating acclamations (as it were) engrave this glorious Inscription on their Champion's forehead, Saul hath slain his thousands, 1 Sam. 18.7. David his ten thousands? How ought my ejaculatory Prayers to pierce the Heavens, and meet thy ears, who for my sake, hast slain not thousands, but millions of thousands, yea millions of millions? Those protections were corporal, these spiritual; those by mediate Instruments, this by thyself; those were temporary, this eternal. O omnipotent goodness! since my finite being, cannot extend, nor proportion an acknowledgement requisite to thy infinite merit, accept (as in other duties thou art pleased) my desire, which continually sigheth for an infinite expression. And as thou hast (O thou which art that Stone cut out without hands, Dan. 34.44. that Cornerstone of thy Church) by thyself bruised the Head of the Serpent, that Goliath, Satan; Pet. 2.4, 6. slain and disbanded all his Troops, my sins; yea, Gen. 3.15. choked them in the Sea of thy blood: be further pleased, that their gall being broke (that is their guilt, and bitterness extracted) they may for ever be covered with those crimson waves, and be sunk down deep, and entombed into that gulf of mercy, that the eye of justice may never view them, nor its power raise them again to my destruction. How fitly and consonant to the word of truth is the Church upon Earth, Over the world. called militant; her Children Soldiers, Isa. 40.2. their life a warfare, and their spiritual graces the armour of God? Amongst which, how aptly is faith made our Shield, 2 Cor. 10.4. Eph. 6.16. and preferred before the rest, in the Apostles Discipline? Above all, take the Shield of Faith▪ For whereas the breastplate, safe guards that part, the Helmet secures the Head, the other pieces the inferior Members, the Shield of Faith is a moving, an ubiquitary defence. Sometime it interposes itself (as you have formerly heard) to save the Head, that is, the understanding, and the rest of the Superior faculties, from the fiery darts, which those spiritual wickednesses in high places throw down upon us. Eph. 6.12. Sometimes it is opposed breast high in defence of the affections, against the deceitful allurements and assaults of the World; as shortly shall be showed. And in the conclusion of this spiritual combat, when the Enemy grovelling under our Feet, puts forth his mortal sting of death, etc. descends and receives it, where fixed, it carries it in triumph, to our spiritual home; so that, O death where is thy sting? O Grave where is thy victory? 1 Cor. 15▪ 55, But of this in its place. The particular Church of Israel in her transmigration into Canaan, is a type of the Church Universal, seeking an Heavenly Canaan, and warring for her spiritual inheritance. As it was with them, so with us. There is, during our whole lives peregrination, no intermission of Arms; every true Christian being environed about with implacable, and malicious Enemies; being in respect of malice, as well as local position, in the midst of the World: so that every one of us hath cause to groan out David's Lamentation, Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mese●k, that I dwell in the Tents of Kedar, Psal. 120.5, 6.7. my Soul hath long dwelled with them that hate peace; I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for War. Further, this our adversary the World, is not only numerous, but politic, and treacherous; not only using open hostility, and giving forcible assaults, by the power and persecution of wicked Men, but it lays many invisible ambushes of pleasures to entrap us; and by her plenty of riches, and large offers, and mundane honours, causes ofttimes defection, and treason, in the leading, and chief commanding faculties of our Souls. This is the civil Christians Dallilah, which lulls him asleep, on the Pillow of security, afterwards degrades him of his strength, and glory, his excrementitious, and formal performances; and then delivers him up to shame, and destruction. The Poets Bellona, is but a fiction, a representation of this Monarchess. They ascribed wisdom and arms to their Goddesses. And are not both these (I mean carnal sensuality and Devilish wisdom) backed and seconded with the power and malice of Hell, James 3.15. and wicked great ones, with the glittering Sceptre, and bloody Sword, with which she awes her Empires? The Lord knows, and we are not ignorant of this. O let humility be chief mourner, and our pity write in tears how many of God's Worthies have either been betrayed by her treachery, or overpress, and borne down, by her persecuting power. To give life to Meditation, I will add some few authentic examples, that our hearts being awakened with the fearful thunder of their falls, may watch and pray, lessening, if not wholly preventing the danger. The World's 1 Dart. The Lust of Uncleanness. O Solomon, how do I, admiring thy excellencies, want words to measure or express them. O thou which wast the Son of a Prince, as good, as royal, and in truth, as well as in name a Jedidiah, the beloved of God; whose large and divinely inspired wisdom extended far beyond thy Empire, though great; yea, 2 Sam. 12.24. beyond the World's circumference in thy Metaphysical heights, prying into the secret excellencies of spiritual Essences; yea, of God himself, that unbounded and unsquared Circle, without a Centre; who wast a Pillar in the House of God, yea, a most lively Figure of the Son of God; as in thy knowledge, so in the peace, riches and glorious splendour of thy Kingdom. I might add more, but that this makes thy precipice thy downfall sufficiently, yea, miserably and fearful: Thee did this Sorceress, this gorgeous Strumpet, the World, fascinate, and cause to drink a deep carouse, even to the Dregs of her poisonous, and sinful fornications. Where drunk with Idolatry, and libidinous sensuality, thy bright Sun had set in the black Cloud of shame and damnable Apostasy, had not the unchangeable, 2 Sam. 7.14. and free love of the Father of mercies, raised thee from that deadly Lethargy, and made thee to the comfort of all Elect ones, even in thy lives declination, shine bright to the whole Church, in thy Ecclesiastes, thy recantation. 2 Dart. Riches. Thus far, by way of experiment, and discovery of the dangerous, and bewitching quality of this our Circe's first potion; the second follows. I mean that truly and properly aurum potabile, with which she not only benumbs the Souls superior faculties; but as being the heaviest of metals, depresses it to the Centre (if Hell be there) without repentance. I will instance but in one example of many; and that no mean one; even a Child of the Prophets. O unhappy Gehazi, the more unlucky, because once most happy; 2 Kings 5.20. who amongst the Sons of lapsed Israel, though free born, were blessed like to thee? A servant, yea, a fellow Servant, with Kings and Angels: What Eye in that Infancy, 2 Kings 3.13. and twilight of the Church, was glutted with so many Miracles, like thine? What Ear entertained and devoured so many heavenly Sermons? 2 Kings 6.17. Nay, what Soul had its Wings stronglier imped by holy Instructions, better advantaged in its rise to take a flight from Earth to Heaven, from holy example, then thine? O unworthy proficient! Thy Master unyoakt himself from his Oxen, 1 Kings 19.19. for God's service; and wilt thou forsake thy God, and Master, for the yoke of covetousness? Thou didst, O bewitched wretch; and therefore justly did an hereditary, and visible Leprosy, witness thy inherent and invisible hypocrisy; 2 Kings 5.27. a formal Hypocrite, and a white Leper, being very like and fit concomitants. Although all Mankind consist of one, and the same matter, and constituting parts, yet do not all, yea, few of many, by reason of the defect of Organs, or general grace, attain to a like sublimity of mind and ayriness, of affection. For there be some few, who well▪ winged with natural abilities, and moral virtues, become Creatures of a middle Region, and delight not with the Ant, and Mole, the covetous, and more sensual sort of Men, formerly spoken of; to dig and delve, and crawl upon the Earth; to live to feed upon her guilded entrails. These high soaring Larks may seem at the first view to be free from the danger of our Fowler, did not experience and example show us them taken in her day-nets, whilst they stoop at her ever turning and falsely shining Glass of honour. Oh Naman, blessed wast thou in thy Body's sickness, 3 Dart. Honours. 2 Kings ●. 1. because the occasion of thy Souls health. The mercies of the Lord never go single, or alone. Behold Twins: The Prophet undertakes thy Body, the Lord heals both, and makes thy liberality, and valour shine more splendently, as being fixed in the highest Sphere, Religion: Elisha's God, Jehovah, Verse 17. being now preferred before thy Kings, thy Nations Idols; and the dirt of Israel petitioned for, yea, more esteemed, than the Gold of Syria. Yet the Lord hath a few things against thee, and this strumpet the World, hath given thee a blemish at parting: witness the record transcribed from thy mouth, wherein thou coveted'st (which agrravates thy offence) not the conferring, but the continuation of mundane honours, by a dispensation, to be present at Idolatrous service. The Prophet prayed for thee, as respecting thy Infancy, and God I doubt not was merciful unto thee, as ascenting thy affection, giving thee either a better resolution, or repentance unto absolution. My Meditations might now lead me through some thousands of years, and both from the word of truth, as also from Ecclesiastical and civil Histories cite, many worshippers of this royal Idol. I might point out two eminent and worthy Councillors, Nicodemus, John 3.2. John 19. 3●. and Joseph of Arimathea, who both were Night-disciples to our Saviour, for fear of the Jews, and losing their terrene preferments. As also many other Rulers, and great Men, who the Evangelist taxes to have loved the praise of Men, more than the praise of God. John 12.43. But one trial, as well as many, is sufficient to prove the virulency of this poison, of whose enmity and antipathy to salvation the Lords own words shall both conclude and confirm: How can ye believe, which receive honour one from another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only. John 5.44. Having now laid honour in the dust, the utmost date of her Patent; I should proceed to speak of our last and general Enemy, Death; but that even in the chaws thereof, the World hath laid a fourth ambush, of bloodthirsty and persecuting haman's, and unbrotherly Amalekites, to assault every true Christian in his peregrination to our Heavenly Canaan. Of these therefore next in our Meditation. 4▪ Dart. Persecution. Were the Soul of a Christian corporeal, or could force bend her knees, and elevate her hands, with their Bodies to Idolatry; could it determine, and have an end by the Sword, Gibbet, Fire, or chaws of wild Beasts: or be blasted and defaced by the scandalous reproaches of slanderous tongues: surely the Israel of God had been as Sodom, and Gomorrah; a byword, a nothing, without succession, upon the Earth. And as once the old World, so it; these Waters had overwhelmed it, Psal. 124.3, these streams had gone over our Souls. They (even the wicked of the World) had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us. Then the proud Waters had gone over our Souls: Verse 4. But blessed be the Lord, Verse 5. Verse 6. Verse 7. who hath not given us as a prey to their Teeth; The Snare is broken, and we are escaped; escaped did I say? yet (the Lord knows) many not without a fall, without loss, sometimes of their stuble-works; sometimes of some gems, ornaments; and degrees of grace, and spiritual comforts; sometimes of their good name, precious time, and glorious professions. Blessed Peter, as thou wert the first of the Apostles, so the first of Professors, that denied thy Master. Glorious was thy confession, Mat. 16.16. Mat. 26.74. thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Ignominious thy denial, I know not the Man. Oh that the apprehension of Death should make thee deny thy life! that thou shouldst more fear a Cross, John 14.6. than value a Crown! Yea, the most Orient of Diadems, that of Martyrdom. But when the Lords back was towards thee, and thy self-love had masked his beautiful Image in thy heart, I wonder not at thy tergiversation, and counter motion. As these spiritual desertions obscure Christ, so they discover Man. The same backfriend that would have counselled the Master, Mat. 16.12. persuades and obtains in Peter, to save himself. From what, an incarnate Devil? from Death? No, for who so will save his life, shall lose it; and thus to die, is to live for ever. What then causeth this excentrical motion? Surely self-love which declines that Centre of all things, God, and his glory. This Daughter of the Philistims, our flesh, Judg. 14.15. rather choosing to betray her Spouse, her Samson, than she, and her Father's House; this Cottage of Clay, should be destroyed with the Fire of Persecution. Satan, that Prince of this World, is an exact Tyrant; and therefore hath not only seeming rewards to inveigle some, but racks, and tortures to compel others, to subject to his thraldom. Such are those several sorts of Persecutions, which for a time have made many of the Lords Worthies to seek quarter. Peter fell not alone, though as most eminent, most eminently. Blessed Saviour, was not this the fury, Expostulation. the Wolf that scattered the Sheep from thee the true Shepward of our Souls? Where were the other ten Apostles, Mat. 26.56. when thou wast condemned and crucified? I find none, but John, present at thy Passion; and he there, rather as a Brother, and Kinsman, than as a Disciple. For surely had he professed thee, thou hadst not suffered alone innocently, Isa. 63.3. as it is written of thee. Where were the seventy Disciples, to whose faith, and preaching, thou gavest testimony with so many Miracles? Luke 10.11, 17. Where those many thousands which are said to believe, which they themselves also testified by their acclamations, confessions, and frequent attendance? Were they not all reduced to a few, and as it were, metamorphosed into the weakest Sex; Mat. 27.55. a few Women, yea, and those thine at distance too, they stood afar off? Sweet Jesus! did the faith fail of these ocular witnesses, these Champions of thy truth? Yea, after thy glorious ascension in the Apostles age, do we find a Demas? 2 Tim. 4.10. In the Primitive, and in succeeding times, many holy Professors? yea, in this our age, a devout Cranmer, and others? Who for a time shrunk from thee, or rather from the chaws of this Devourer, this opposite to nature, this highest Pin of Satan's wracks, this last and worst Enemy, Death; Disgraces, slanders, loss of goods, yea, all other bodily tortures included, being but the attendants and degrees to this. The Devil often in the Church makes his observation good, that skin for skin, Job 2.4. yea, all that a Man hath, will he give for his life. What need then have we, O Lion of the Tribe of Judah, which have not seen, yet believe, being therefore destitute of the senses testimony, and want that Christian magnanimity, that measure of grace and faith, which those first Combatants enjoyed, to fly unto thy Standard, and to invoke thy assistance, and strength, against these worldly Enemies? Which though invincible by nature, and the flesh, yet shall lie headless, and vanquished under the Sword of thy Word, and Spirit. Witness these holy Darts drawn out of that sacred Quiver, thy most Holy Word, already thrust through the sides, and heart of this Absalon, this Rebel and Traitor to our Souls; so St. Peter most sweetly, God hath given us exceeding great and precious promises, 2 Pet. 1.4. that by these we might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the World through lust. Our Enemy, the World, marching against us in four battalions, as hath been formerly showed; three of which also the Apostle St. John, as God's sentinel for our safety, hath faithfully given us warning of, by this his discovery; that all that is in the World, 1 John 2.16. the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the World. It is time for us now, not only to prepare for, but to begin the fight, and that with courage and cheerfulness; the Alarm and onset being given by Gods own Spirit, animating and stirring up the affection of our godly zeal, and anger, thus; Love not the World, neither the things that are in the World; If any Man love the World, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2 15. Know ye not that the friendship with this World is enmity with God? James 4.4. whosoever therefore will be a friend of the World, is an enemy of God. Behold also a Banner, even that which we have vowed to fight under, in our Baptism, even the victorious Cross of Christ triumphantly displayed by that great Christian Champion St. Paul; who thus encourages us by this his pious exclamation, and example; God forbid that I should glory, Gala. 6.14. save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the World is crucified unto me, and I unto the World. See also our Leader, the Spirit of God, which if our faith second, will make us trample upon the flesh, and all the volptuous, and carnal desires thereof. For, Gala. 5.18. if we be led of the Spirit, we are not under the Law, (viz. under the curse, irritation, and condemnation thereof) for, they that are in Christ have crucified the Flesh, Gala. 5.24. with the affections and lusts. Yea, this our victory and deliverance is assured to us, in that it was a special end of that great and acceptable sacrifice offered to God by our Lord, and great Captain, Jesus Christ. Who as the Apostle witnesseth, gave Himself for our sins, Gal. 1.4. that he might deliver us from this present evil World. Hast thou such encouragements O my Soul! On then, and assault the glittering front, the foremost batallion of thy Enemy. Let this Arrow, taken out of the Apostles quiver, give him the first encounter. The love of Money is the root of all evil. Against Covetousness. 1 Tim. 6.10. Luke 12.13. 1 Cor. 6.10. Let thy Saviour's words be a trusty Scout to prevent ambushes; beware of covetousness. Yea, let the victorious Sword of the Spirit give the deadly wound; be not deceived, not thiefs, nor covetous, etc. shall inherit the Kingdom of God. Here be not discontented O my Soul, nor slain the glory of thy Christian Victory, by a worldly sadness, as though an ignominious poverty must be the necessary consequent of forsaking the World, and conculcating her trash. No, Christians have riches, which the Men of this World know not of; for they are infinite, Ephe. 3.8. and unsearchable. viz. The riches of faith, James 2.5. Of good works, 1 Tim. 6.18. Of liberality, 2 Cor. 8.2. The true riches of grace, of glory, Luke 10.11. Rom. 9.23. These unvaluable treasures, God who is rich in mercy, and Christ Jesus the Conduit of his mercies gives unto us, Ephe. 2.4. Rom. 10.12. 2 Cor. 8.9. For his mercy's sake, Eph. 2.4. Sometimes immediately by his Spirit, most frequently, mediately by his Ministers. Yet, not without this Spirit. Who as the Apostle speaks, though poor in the esteem of Men, yet make many rich. 2 Cor. 6.10. Thanks be to God for these his incomparable gifts. Against sensual pleasures. The next Troop of the World's Power, that faith proceeds to encounter with, is led by voluptuousness. These (its true) as it were besiege the Christian Soul, and encompass it. And if at any time by her pious force, she break thorough, and discomfit their thickest ranks, even then, by ask quarter, they ofttimes obtain victory, crying out unto the zealous and lust-destroying Warrior, as once the Tribe of Judah to David; thou art near of Kin unto us; 2 Sam. 19.13. and as David to Amasa, thou art of my Bone, and of my Flesh; and with the Syrian King, thy Brother Benhadad. 1 King. 20.33. Therefore spare us, let us live, behold we are the delight of thine Eyes, the Mistresses of thy Ear, the darlings of thy palate, the Paramours of thy touch, the perfumes of thy Nostrils. We are linked in consanguinity with thy nature, age, complexion, and calling. We are thy beloved, thy life, the life of thy life, thy bosom companions. Thus, if they gain by these syrene Songs, but a respite of execution, they shortly presume to become Counsellors, advising in the words of the Preacher; Rejoice O young Man in thy youth, and let thy Heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, Eccl. 11.9. and walk in the ways of thine Heart, and in the sight of thine Eyes. Thus these wicked, and subtle lusts get possession. But doth the faithful Champion here want courage, strength, or Weapons? No, animated with divine assistance, (the regal Power of Christ) he advances the shield of faith, and makes his Enemies feel the edge of that Sword, which they even now wounded him with; viz. But know thou, for all these things, God will bring thee to Judgement. Yea, he further adds, inverting the words of the Prophet, should I let go out of my hand, 1 King. 20.42. you that God hath appointed to utter destruction; my life should go for your life: for that she, or whosoever else, lives in pleasure, are dead whilst they live; yea, 1 Tim. 5.6. in their estates, as well as in their Souls. So witnesss the wise Man; He that loveth pleasure shall be a Beggar, and that spiritually, as well as temporally; Prov. 21.17. Luke 8.14. the good Seed being choked therewith. Further, as Israel to Adonibeze●h, so the Christian Victor, as it were, cuts off the Fingers, and Toes, the speed and power of his concupiscence; by instancing the multitudes of Gods own People, that were overthrown in the Wilderness, which were for our example, as the Apostle speaks, to the intent, 1 Cor. 10.6. that we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted; by calling to remembrance the recantation, judgement and repentance of wise King Solomon. Who having enjoyed not only a common, Eccles. 2.10. but an experimental and moral use of all the delights of the Sons of Men, yet condemns them all as vile, and nothing worth; vanity of vanities, Eccles. 1.2. all is vanity and vexation of spirit. Lastly, Eccles. 2.11. by foreseeing the evil, and unseparable consequents, and Copesmates of inordinate delights, James 5.5. by the Apostle St. James his light, (viz.) wantonness, riotousness, and cruelty. To conclude, every true Christian-Warriour is unconquerable; as being entrenched, and fortified within the promises of omnipotency itself. Who thus assures us, that they that walk in the Spirit, shall not fulfil (that is, shall not be overcome by, or yield to, Gala. 5.16. ) the lusts of the Flesh. Here some Laodicean, some lack-warm Professor, Object. will perhaps sigh; and with Lot's Wife, be ready to look back towards their pleasures, the Sodom of this World; complaining that Christians (by reason of so rigorous a prohibition) are of all Men most miserable; and (as the World esteems them) a sad stoical and melancholy generation of Men. Answ. Let such mount their Meditations with holy David, and they shall enjoy with him a Heaven upon Earth. Witness this his testimony, and assurance, appliable and proper to every faithful Israelite▪ Thou wilt show me the way of life; in thy presence is fullness of joy; Psal. 16.11. at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore. My Soul here closes up this second triumph, with a gratulatory Hymn of that blessed Psalmist, How excellent is thy loving kindness O God therefore the Children of Men put their trust in the shadow of thy Wings; Psal. 36.7. They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy House, Verse 8. thou shalt make them drink of the Rivers of thy pleasures; For with thee is the Fountain of life, in thy light shall we see light. Verse 9 The World's third Squadron, viz. Mundane honours, renews and continues the Fight, Against Honor. with which the chief General, Satan, lays ambushes on the right hand, by glorious Visions and Dreams of Signiories, with large promises of rule and dominion; tempting us, as once our Saviour, Mat. 4.9. All these things will I give thee: and as he did Balaam in the mouth of Balack, I will Promote thee unto very great honour. Numb. 22.17. On the left hand, he assaults us by threatening, as also actual divesting; and degrading us of our hereditary, or acquired titles, and preferments. So he did to Moses. Who as the Apostle witnesses, refused to be called the Son of Pharaohs Daughter; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the Children of God. Heb. 11.24. So also to Daniel and the Three Children, Dan. 3.6. who were deprived for a time of their Principalities, for their refractoriness to Idolatry. In defence against the first assault, the pious Christian marching under Christ's royal Standard, victoriously opposes his Shield of faith, with which, and the Sword of the Spirit, he disorders and puts to flight his Enemies; reverberating, and expulsing Satan's temptations, with the blessed Virgin's Anthem; God scattereth the proud in the imaginations of their hearts, Luke 1.51, 52. and pulls down the mighty from their Seats, and exalts them of low degree. With the curse of the holy Prophet Isaiah, Isa. 28.10. Woe to the Crown of Pride. Yea, he concludes the Victory, with that holy Maxim of St. James, God resists the proud. Jam. 4.6. Now, who amongst us shall be able to dwell with everlasting burning? If the Lord condemns, who can justify? Isa. 33.14. In pride, in all these places, the Spirit of God includeth ambition, which essentially differs not, being connatural, and concomitant with her. As for the temptation on the left hand, the loss of any temporal dignities: The valiant Christian poises them with the glorious promises of Gods faithful word, whereby judging of their lightness, he concurs with holy David, that surely Men of low degree are vanity, Psal. 62.10. and Men of high degree are a lie; to be laid in the Balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity. And therefore returns this or the like counterbuff: Get thee behind me Satan, for I value not thy threats, Mat. 10.30. since thou boasts of that which is not in thy power. The hairs of my Head are numbered, the Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich; 1 Sam. 2.7. he bringeth low, and lifteth up. But, say the Lord should suffer thee, as he did in Job, to be the Instrument of my debasement; I will kiss God's Rod, even in thy hand, and say with that holy Man, The Lord hath given, Job 1.22. and the Lord hath taken; blessed be the Name of the Lord: and with that triumphing Apostle, In all these things (viz. disgraces, and losses, Rom. 8.37. of what kind soever) I am more than a Conqueror, through Christ that loved me: For what things were gain to me, Phil. 3.7. those I count loss for Christ; yea doubtless, I count all things but loss, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, my Lord; Verse 8. for whom I will suffer the loss of all things, accounting them but dung, that I may win Christ. The highest favours of Princes, from whom flow Earthly dignities, are but shadows of true honour. Shadows; for they weakly express them, and vanish when their Sun is set, or clouded. Psal. 107.40. He that pours contempt upon Princes, commands me not to rely upon them; Psal. 146.3. Put not your trust in Princes, nor in the Son of Man, in whom there is no help. (If not in them, much less in their gifts.) For in that very day (in an instant) they, Verse 4. their gifts, and thoughts perish. My happiness is a better hope. My honour is more surely fixed, than by Man, Verse 5. or Devil, to be extirpated, or extinguished. Can all thy power, O Enemy of Man, frustrate my Election, whereby from Eternity, I am enroled a Peer of Heaven? Can all thy policy, or force, dim the splendour, or annihilate that title of being called, and truly adopted the Son of God? Canst thou disrobe me of my honourable red and white Garments of Justification, and Sanctification, in my Saviour? O Father of lies, canst thou turn light into darkness, 2 Tim. 4.8. and truth into falsehood? Deprive me of my Crown, and nullify these glorious and infallible promises? Fear not my little Flock, Luke 12.32. it is your Father's will to give you a Kingdom. Those that honour me, I will honour. If any Man serve me, 1 Sam. 2.30. John 12.26. him will my Father honour: Glory and honour, Rom. 2.10. and peace to every one that worketh good: I am assured, and conclude thou canst not. And therefore I trample under foot, thy power, and vilify thine and the World's menaces, and offers, as believing in the royal might and truth of my Saviour; Rom. 8.38. That neither life, nor death, nor Angels, Principalities, Powers, nor things present, nor things to come, shall be able to separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, my Lord. Verse 39 Having thus routed, and discomfitted the Wings and first Squadrons of the Enemy; From Persecutions. we must not rest here; losing both our hopes, and advantage. A Christians whole life we have heard is a continued warfare. To live unto the Lord, and by self-denial, to overcome former temptations, is a happy progress towards our Victory. But to persevere to the end, to die for the Lord, is the conclusion, the Crown, the triumph of the Christian. By how much the Enemy is more powerful, and terrible; by so much is the service more honourable, and the conquest more glorious. This last Phalanx of the World's force (Persecutions) are her Janissaries, her Praetorian bands, her last refuge, in whom she puts her chiefest confidence; led and marshaled by Satan's Lieutenant General, described and set forth in the Revelations, by him riding upon a red Horse, destroying the fourth part of the World; Rev. 6.8. ● who may be also, (as expressing its mortal effects) figuratively called Death, whom Hell itself follows and attends. Well, is this the last and strongest of our worldly adversaries? Yea, have they begun already? or will they shortly, certainly assault us; and notwithstanding our former Trophies, contend with us for our Palm? For all, that will live godly in Christ Jesus, 2 Tim. 3.12. must suffer persecutions; Let us, like our English Martyrs, with courage, leaping, and rejoicing, run to kiss the Stake, to meet our Opposers, yea, (as the Apostle) our tortures: Heb. 11.35. not accepting deliverance, that we may obtain a better resurrection. Are we hated by the World? It is the surest mark of our Election, by God. So the word of truth; Because ye are not of this World, Joh. 15.19. but I have chosen you out of the World, therefore the World hates you. Have we mourning here? It ushers in, yea, accompanies, an unutterable, and inseparable joy. Ye shall be sorrowful, saith our Saviour, John 16.20. but your sorrow shall be turned into joy, and your joy shall no Man take from you. Yea, Verse 22. do we so far suffer for well doing, that we are delivered over to Death, as Malefactors? Remember, we are not without a companion in our sufferings: our blessed Saviour was crucified, John 15.20. and reckoned amongst the Transgressor's; Now the Servant is not greater than the Lord; if they have persecuted him, they will also persecute you. To conclude, if we be conformable to Christ, in his Death, we shall also be like him in his Resurrection; we shall have a change, rather than a loss. For, He that loseth his life for his sake, shall find it, Luke 17.33. (viz.) Immortality, which is only the true life. This is a faithful saying, If we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: 2 Tim. 2.11, 12. If we suffer, we shall also reign with him; if we deny him, he will also deny us. Thus then have I made good my proposition, 1 Joh. 5.4. that this is the Victory that overcomes the World, even our Faith. Thanks be unto God, who gives us the Victory, through our Lord Jesus. 1 Cor. 15.57. Blessed Saviour, and Sovereign! Contemplation. Now I am assured that thou art a Rock, upon which Man being built by faith, becomes impregnable; so high, that he is far above Honour's battery; so strong, as not to be taken by the assaults of bloody Persecutions; so firm, as not to be betrayed by covetousness, nor undermined by voluptuousness. The Siege of Troy, one of the longest we read of, continued but ten years, and then she was buried in her ashes; whereas the Christians, lasts a life, an age, and even then ascends a triumphant Throne of Glory, upon the Necks of his Enemies. Every Christians life is a Book of the Battles of the Lord, thou being as well, nay more, the Lord of Hosts, in respect of our spiritual Fights, and Victories, as of our corporal; those Enemies fl●shly, these spiritual; those weak, and mortal, their Principalities, Powers, immortal; those below, and numerable; these from above, and innumerable. O thy mercy in thy assistance! O thy power in thy resistance! Divine Monarch, as it is thy sole act, and gift, our victory; so let it be ours, to retribute to thee alone the Glory. The last Enemy that is to be destroyed, is Death, saith the Apostle; Over Death. 1 Cor. 15.26. so in these Meditations. But why a double, death to death? Hath not the Martyr's Sword mortally wounded this Serpent? Yes, but yet he hisses still. And therefore lest he may fright the fearful, we will add more wounds, that so the weakest Christian may with Moses, take this Serpent into his hand. Yea more (which is the Miracle) it shall become a Staff; an assistant in his Heavenly Journey. Exod. 4.4. As there is a violent, and enforced death, such is Martyrdom; so there is a natural, and timely dissolution. In the one, we die in, and for the Lord, as hath been showed; in this other, we die in, and to the Lord; the one is ordinary, the other is extraordinary; the one common, the other particular; with both these Heads, our Enemy Death plays the Tyrant, and Sin the Executioner. The Sting of Death is Sin. 1 Cor. 15.56 'Tis an Observation, that things common, and universal, are less admired, or feared. But what more general, and frequent than Death; what more frightful, and astonishing? This is the Coloquintida, that imbitters all humane pleasures. So that ofttimes the burden of Man's sweetest Song, is that doleful complaint of the Children of the Prophet, 2 Kings 4.40. Mors in olla, There's Death in the Pot. This is the Water of Marach, which the Children of Men murmur to taste of; Exod. 15.23. which will they, nill they, they must drink, and die. But O my Soul, behold a City of refuge for thee, and all that are Children of the Prophets, the Israel of God: behold thy true Moses hast cast Lignum Vitae into this Spring of Sin, to sweeten thy draught; Thy spiritual Elisha hath cast Meat into this boiling Pot, (even himself, broken, and ground by God's justice) that so he might correct the cursed effects of this wild Wine, which God created not. For, He is the Bread which cometh down from Heaven, John 6.50. that a Man may eat thereof, and not die. Wouldst thou have this more illustrated and proved? Hear then thy Champions challenge to this all●conquering Enemy, O Death, I will be thy death; Host 1.14. Joh. 19.28. John 18.11. Luke 12.50. view also his courage before, and in the conflict, I thirst; The Cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink, it? Again, I have a Baptism to be baptised with, and how am I straightened, until it be accomplished. Farther, concerning the conflict itself, hear the Psalmist in the Person of our Saviour, The sorrows of Death compassed me, and the pains of Hell got hold upon me; Psal. 18.4. I found trouble and sorrow. Lastly, in the conclusion of this truth, Psal. 116.3. that thou mayest know that Christ being raised from the Dead, dyeth no more. Death hath no more dominion over him, that he hath abolished Death, Rom. 6.9. and hath brought life and immortality to light, for thee, and all believers, 2 Tim. 1.10. through the Gospel; according to the Apostle. Hear his Conquest, and triumph, first Proclaimed by St. Paul, Death is swallowed up in victory; O Death where is thy Sting, O Grave where is thy Victory? 1 Cor. 15.54. Then published and revealed by himself. I am he that liveth, Rev. 1.18. and was dead; behold I am alive for ever more, Amen; and have the Keys of Hell and Death. Lastly, view his right conveyed to thee in that large and royal Patent of his Word; Whether Paul, or Apollo's, or Cephas, or the World, 1 Cor. 3.22. or Life, or Death, or things present, or things to come, all are yours, and ye are Christ's, and Christ is Gods; Verse 23. Again, God shall wipe away all tears from your Eyes, Rev. 21.4. and there shall be no more Death, neither sorrows, nor crying; neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away. Having thus strongly, under the royal Standard of Christ Jesus, entrenched thyself (O my Soul) against this mortal, and heart-torturing adversary; Let thy faith, placed even upon the Platform of sanctified reason, wait for to make a challenge to the stoutest assailants of the Enemy. From the fear of Death. The van-couriers, of whom is fear, and its concomitants. Pompa mortis (saith one well) magis terret, quam mors ipsa. Against these Light-Horsemen, discharge this murdering piece of the Apostles; Forasmuch as the Children are partakers of flesh and blood, Heb. 2.14. Christ also himself took part of the same, that through Death, he might destroy him, that had the power of Death; that is, the Devil. Verse 15. And deliver them, who through fear of Death, were all their life time subject unto bondage. Examples of worthies, invisibly conveys courage, into magnanimous minds: wherefore, if fear renew its force, and re-assault thee; interpose, as a strong Barracado, the ejaculation of dying Jacob. O Lord, I wait for thy salvation. Gen. 49.18. The Meditation of patient Job, All the days of my appointed time will I wait, Job 14.14. until my change come. The fervent supplication of devout Paul, whose desire was to depart, Phil. 1.23. and to be with Christ. The next assailant and assistant of Death, is grief to part with things of this life. The beauty, goodness, and love of a Wife: The youth, numerousness, and hopefulness of Children; The fidelity, affection, and society of friends; The hundreds, thousands, yea Ingots of treasure, now to be left; together, with all the pleasures, honours, and pomp of the World; being as so many arrows to pierce thorough, with sorrow, the heart of the natural Man; so many racks to his distracted Soul; yea, so many deaths in Death, if we respect its enforced disunion. But the devout Soul, having not only a natural, but a supernatural affection, hath, if ever, than the spirit of Heavenly wisdom, and spiritual discerning, concerning things that differ. And therefore willingly, cheerfully, and resolutely, with Mary, chooseth the better part; forsaking her earthly Spouse for a Heavenly; the Imps of nature, for the Fruits of Grace; for her works follow her. She voluntarily exchanges Earth, for Heaven; even for the City of the ever living God, Heb. 12.22. the new Jerusalem; her Earthly associates, for the beatifical vision and presence of the glorious Trinity; those many Myriads of Angels, the general Assembly of the Church of the firstborn, Verse 23. and the spirits of all just Men made perfect. As for the overplus of her treasure, uninherited, she hath, and doth take order by good works, as by so many Bills of Exchange, for the receipt of them above; herein obeying the precept and counsel of our Saviour, to lay up treasure in Heaven. Mat. 6.20. Lastly, a Sceptre is not a Bar, neither doth the massy weight of a Crown, nor felicity of terrene things, depress the high-soaring affections of this Christian Soul. King David's choice is hers, rather, Psal. 84.10. To be a Doorkeeper in the House of God, than to dwell in the Tents of wickedness. Neither is there fear of loss, where it is The Father's will to give; a Kingdom. For, The Lord God is a Sun, Luke 12.32. and a Shield; the Lord will give grace and glory, Psal. 84.11. no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. O Lord of Hosts, blessed is the Man that trusteth in thee. Verse 12. Man being a compositum, a sensible Creature, is naturally deeply apprehensive of pain; 3 dly. From the fear of Death, pain and separation. therefore impetuously an abhorror of separation. Hence a third fearful, and violent assault of Death; so powerful and prevalent, that it hath brought the strongest of God's Warriors upon their knees, and to a marvelous astonishment. Hence (as some interpret) the reiterated and strong cries, the wonderful and bloody sweat of our great General, Christ Jesus. But because his apprehension and suffering are mysterious, unconceivable, and extraordinary; see the conflict, and hear the complaint of a dying sick Man, Holy, therefore truly royal, Hezechiah. I shall go, Isa. 38.11. saith he, to the Gates of the Grave, I am deprived of the residue of my years; I shall behold Man no more, with the Inhabitants of the World; Isa. 38.12. God will cut me off with pining sickness, from Day even to Night, wilt thou make an end of me. I reckoned till Morning, that as a Lion, Isa. 38.13, 14. so will he break all my Bones. Like a Crane or Swallow, so did I chatter, I did mourn as a Dove. I might further instance here the mournful Lamentation of Job and David, upon the like occasion. But what need I, when every one of us in our healths, can witness, that in our Meditation of our dissolution, we have often felt strong sits of this dead Palsy: I will therefore hast to the Alloy, or Antidote them. O my Soul, I confess I have undertaken a hard task, to persuade against Nature's prescription, and sense. For, what more universal, more common, more necessary, and therefore more natural, than the marriage of Soul and Body? What amity more ancient, or more diffusive, than this, betwixt these two friends? Yea, what expresses the glory, and regal Power of the one; what gives an active being, and lively existence to the other, but this mutual communion, and effectual union. Neither wants there negative arguments, to dishearten, and weigh thee down, my Soul, in this thy Eaglelike flight, as being the unwelcome concomitants, fearful consequents, and direful defects, of this unwilling separation. Such the darkening of the Sun, Moon, Light and Stars (I mean the Eyes; Eccles. 12. ) the obscuring of those that look out of the Windows, Verse 3. viz. the receding of the Soul, by reason of the debility of the optic Nerves, as the holy Ghost elegantly expresses; such the palsyness of our hands, the keepers of our house of Clay; the weakness and binding of the Legs, the strong guard thereof▪ the want of motion in the Teeth, Verse 4. the mills and grinders of our food; such the bringing low of the Daughters of Music, by deafness in the Ears, and hollowness of voice; Verse 5. such thy many and present fears, equal (if thou be'st ancient) unto thy grey hairs, white like the blossoming Almond-Tree; The losing of the silver Cord (viz.) the evaporating of the natural, Verse 6. and vital Spirits, the drying up the marrow, and the relaxing of the Nerves, and sinews, the ligaments of the Bones; such the breaking of the golden Bowl, Pitcher, or Wheel, at the Fountain, or Cistern, viz. the rending in two of the heartstring, those last pangs, disabling it to force the blood (extracted from the Liver, as being the Fountain) into the Veins; and to perform its circular motion. But all these are but the associates, and symptoms of Death; the followers, they are far more terrible, and distractive; such are the privation of life: the Palace of the Soul, being now a dungeon of corruption, the pale hue of the Face, and Body, the breathless Carcase, now, as it were, mourning for her Spouses departure. Such the strange deadness of the late sparkling Eyes, yellowed now like unto a fallen Star. To conclude the whole Microcosm of the Body, deprived of her created light, and of that Spirit, that moved in her, and informed her, the Soul, becomes nothing less than a motionless lump, an obscure, and deformed Chaos. These considerations, O my Soul! at the first sight, I confess, render Death a terrible Goliath; before whom, most of the Armies of Israel turn their backs. Yet do not thou fear; for a stone, or two, chosen, and taken out of those running, and pure streams, of God's Word, from that Rock hewn out without hands, shall from the Sling of every faithful David, not only pierce his forehead, but also swallow up, terminate, and entomb Death in death. Is thy sickbed, through the fury of this adversary, as full of torture, as the hot glowing Gridiron of holy Laurence? yet such a Metamorphosis will thy high-soaring Contemplations, and the power of faith work in thee, that the full sense, and influx of Heavenly joys, and raptures, shall make thee senseless of thy pains, and sufferings. Thy feavourish fits being but Eliah's Chariot, thy cold sweats, but thy passage through Jordan, into the Heavenly Canaan. Hast thou not seen a fierce flame in thy Chimney suddenly to damp and recoil, when the Sun shines full upon it? Did any Conqueror feel, or regard his wounds, when about to ascend his tryumphal Chariot? And can the weak blaze of Death's consumption, outvie the shining of God's face, and not be swallowed up of glory? Can Deaths wounds be felt in the near apprehension, nay, fruition of Immortality? Surely no. Thou mayest (as being in nature) mourn a day or two with Mary, but when thy Christ approaches thus near, doubtless thou wilt forget thy grief, and run, not out of thy Doors, but out of thy Body, to meet him, Swanlike, singing with David; As the Hart panteth after the Water-brooks, Psal. 42.1, 2. so panteth my Soul after thee, O God: my Soul thirsteth for God, for the living God, when shall I come and appear before God? Wherefore O my Soul, Of Proofs and comfort in the Resurrection. or whosoever thou art that readest these Meditations, amidst thy great pangs (as the Apostle exhorts) Look unto, Heb. 12.2. yea follow the example of Jesus, the Author and finisher of thy Faith; who for the joy that was set before him, Ephes. 2.6. Rev. 3.21. endured the Cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God. Where also we shall sit together with him and be then perfectly changed into the same Image, from glory to glory. 2 Cor. 3.18. Thus reckoning that the sufferings of this present life (even Death itself) are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us. Let us not faint, Rom. 8.18. for though our outward Man perish, yet let our inward Man be renewed Day by Day, being confident, that our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding weight of Glory. 2 Cor. 4.16. Verse 17. Looking (as hath been showed) not at the things that are seen, Verse 18. but at the things that are not seen: for the things which are seen, are temporal, but the things which are not seen are Eternal. Dread not then O my Darling, this Lion. Is not he faithful who hath promised, that he will never leave thee, Heb. 13.15. Psal. 48.14. nor forsake thee? That he will be thy guide, even unto Death? Or dost thou doubt his Power, to whom belongs the issues from Death? and at whose voice all, that are in the Graves shall come forth? Psal. 68.20. John 5.28. Behold a Tree of Life, indeed the spiritual Manna, which, do but feed on, by faith, and thou shalt not die; For, He that eateth this Bread shall live for ever. John 6.58. Was it with blessed Paul, to live, Christ; and to die, is gain; and shall thy cowardice and recoiling insinuate, and imply a loss? No, let such thoughts (as Imps of Sin) first die, Phil. 1.21. yea, be annihilated, since every true Believer is assured of a glorious change, and an ineffable reward; Corruption putting on incorruption, and mortality immortality; we dying no more, but being made equal to the Angels: 1 Cor. 15.55. Luke 20.36. For, as we have been planted together in the likeness of Christ's death, so shall we be also in the likeness of his Resurrection. Rom. 6.5. Did many Worthies under the thunder of the Law, and in the twilight of the Gospel, as the Apostle witnesses, undergo, the exquisitest tortures, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better Resurrection? Heb. 11.35. And shall we in this open day, and Evangelical Revelation, when by faith, like Stephen, we behold our Lord Jesus Christ, standing at the right hand of God, ready to receive us, and having as he promised, taken possession, and prepared a place for us, stand back, like Saul? 1 Sam. 10.22. And being near our Coronation, seek still to hide ourselves under the rubbish of our Earthly Tabernacles? No, what was humility in him, will be esteemed shameful, and distrustful pusillanimity in us; yea, which is worse, disobedience to the Almighty's summons. Let the wicked hang down their heads, and cry to the Mountains, and Rocks, Luke 23.30. to cover them, but let all of us that have obtained grace, be faithful, be faithful unto the death, Rev. 2.10. and he shall give us a Crown of Life; lifting up our heads, because the time of our redemption draws near; Luke 14.14. even that day of recompense, when the Lord shall say, well done good and faithful Servant, enter into thy Master's joy. Mat. 25.23. Not it into us, because not enough capable, but we into it, that so we may be, as it were swallowed up in that infinite Ocean of Glory. What though the Soul and Body have been unseparable friends, contemporaries in life; and being, associates in joy, sympathisers in sorrow; two in nature, one in affection: Do we not read of Jesse, and his Darling David? Of an Eliah, and his beloved Elisha? Of an Hanna, and her long desired Samuel? Of a Mordecai, and his entirely affected Hester? All which cheerfully consented to a disunion, and separation; that so the conjunction of hearts, might appear inviolable; which seeks not so much the presence, as the happiness of each other. And shall thy Soul O Earth, 1 Sam. 16.17. be summoned not to play before a mortal King, as David before Saul, Rev. 15.3. but to sing the Song of the Lamb; even spiritual Hymns, before the Throne of Glory? Not to serve before the Ark, 1 Sam. 2.18. Esther 2.15. 2 Kings 2.11. & 21. 2 Cor. 12.2. as Samuel, or to be the Paramour of an Assyrian Monarch, as Esther, but to be ravished up with Eliah, and Paul, into Paradise? To be the Eternal Spouse of Jesus Christ, and to behold the splendour of God, not vailed, 1 Cor. 13.12. and in a type, as under the Law; but face to face, as being changed into the same Image, from glory to glory? 2 Cor. 3.18. shall it I say be sent for by God's Sergeant, and thy Servant Death, once unprofitable, as Onesimus to Philemon, but now most profitable to thee, Phil. 1.11. and all Saints; and wilt thou delay and be unwilling to part? entreating with the Levites Father-in-Law, Judg. 1●. 7. for one Day, nay one Month, or one Year longer? exile, from thy Heavenly home, thy Crown of Glory? O let such unwise, and such unthrifty, prorogations, be far from thy thoughts, farther from thy practice. Rather let both Soul and Body unanimously sing the Song of Simeon, and sigh out the vote of Paul, crying out. Oh how we desire to be dissolved. Luke 2.29. Phil. 1.23. That thy incomplete holiness (O my Soul) might be perfected, and become complete glory. That thy faculties being not only unimprisoned, but heightened, may approve thee according to thy Saviour's promise; Luke 20.36. like, yea, equal unto the Angels in all spiritual excellencies, and Heavenly Prerogatives. Again, how do I desire (O sinful corrupted and mortal lump of Clay) thy reduction into thy first Atoms, and matter, that so sin which hath possessed, and accursed thee, may die, and be entombed with thee, as having no longer work or nourishment in thee. That Heaven's great Chemist, the omnipotent Spirit of God, may cherish, encircle and hover over thee, (as once upon the Waters) separating the pure, Gen. 1.2. from the impure: and producing a body spotless, perfect, and immortal, even like unto the glorious Body of thy Saviour. That so being made a proportionable, Phil. 3.21. and capable Palace for thy Soul, thou mayest enjoy an eternal reunion with it; and both, an everlasting communion with God. To conclude, O Man, Death is a necessary, absolute, and unchangeable decree of God. Therefore it is thy wisdom to make it voluntary. Heb. 9.27. For, It is appointed unto Men once to die, saith the Apostle; and then comes the Judgement. Comes the judgement did I say? at the mention of this word judgement, my Soul recoils again, not daring to peep out of her earthly cabin. For she knows, that this general Assize is an undoubted truth, an Article of her Creed, annexed to that of the Ascension, and Session of our Saviour, at the right hand of his Father; At which we left when we first entered upon the three Offices of our lord And therefore now it fitly, and in order comes, to be the practical object of our faith; as being also the last act of our Saviour's Kingly Office, in the Kingdom of Grace. This being his total victory, and destruction of all his corporal, and spiritual Enemies, his Day of Triumph, reward, and recompense to all his faithful Saints, and Servants. For there, as my Meditations must cease, because faith shall be then fruition, so also the Kingdom of Grace and Mediatorship shall determine, according to that of the Apostle, Then cometh the end, 1 Cor. 15.24. when he shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all Rule, and all Authority, and Power; Then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him, that puts all things under Him, Verse 28. that God may be all in all. To proceed then; Christ's Kingly Office a● the last Judgement. the Christian Soul being about to take her Heavenly flight, upon the apprehension of her particular, together with the General Judgement, starts back, and trembling with a sudden fear, thus revolves, and laments; Alas, why haste I so fast unto the dreadful Tribunal of a just, and sin-revenging God? Am I not an infinite offendor, indicted by Satan, witnessed against, by conscience, yea, found guilty, and convicted by self-confession? Why fly I then so speedily to hear that sentence of condemnation, Go ye cursed into everlasting Fire? Mat. 25.41. Is not this that terrible day of the Lord spoken of? A Day of trouble, of distress, Zeph. 1.15. of wastenesse and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, of Clouds, and thick darkness; The day of Battle, Joel. 2.2. Rev. 6.17. the great Day of God's wrath? Surely if it be not, it is the parallel, the praeludium thereof; for, 16. as the Tree falls so it lies. As Death leaves, Judgement finds. Oh, Eccl. 11.3. how am I astonished, when I but think of the horror, and torment of that Hellish Tophet; those everlasting burnings, Isa. 30.33. Isa. 33.14. merited for me by my sins, roomthy enough for Worlds of sinners. For God hath made it deep, and large, never ceasing in its fiery vengeance for want of fuel; as (sometimes the burnings of Aetna) for the Pile thereof is Fire and much Wood, ever abounding, and continuing in its fury, and rigour of punishing. For the breath of the Lord doth kindle it. Isaiah 66.24. Mat. 13.42. Judas 6. Dan. 12.2. Mat. 25.41. There's weeping, wailing, and gnashing of Teeth. The Worm that gnaws, the Chain that enthralls, the contempt that vilifies, the Fire that torments and burns, is without consumption. All which therefore are infinite, because everlasting; Justice requiring, that our deficient nature, should for our infinite debt, be thus eternally extended. Nor is this Paena sensus, this positive misery, although endless, easiless, remediless, all. Is there not a far greater; because more spiritual, and intrinsical; 2 Thes. 1.9. that Paena damni, that death of the Soul; the banishment, separation, and privation, of God's blessed face; and of all hope of happiness for ever? O the torture of these premeditations! Lord, if the thoughts of Hell, be a Hell, what will the infliction be? Blessed Saviour, John 12.27. which once prayedst to be saved from this hour, as being in all things tempted like us (sin only excepted) be my merciful high Priest, Heb. 4.15. and royal Champion, to deliver me in this hour, and from this temptation; yea, let my faith, in this her last act, and motion, be swiftest, and strongest, because nearest to thee, her Centre. O my Soul! have not I often seen one small Cloud to hide the Sun from our Eyes? and find I not it true spiritually also? that one dram of sorrow embitters a great measure of joy? A few doubtings, to eclipse, and for a time, obscure the bright beams of true believing? But no wonder, for this is the hour of darkness, therefore the fittest time for the power of darkness to act its part; Corruption, and infidelity are now to bid adieu, and to raise their Siege from the Soul, and therefore give the sharpest assault, and battery to the Bulworks of thy faith. Wherefore let not thy vain fear betray the succours which both faith, and reason offer; but recollect thyself, and consider, Is not thy Saviour and King, the same yesterday, to day, and for ever? Are not his promises, yea, and Amen? Are not his gifts and callings without repentance? Hath he loved thee, and will he not love thee to the end? Hath he begun, and is he not able to perfect? Will he even at the point, and in the height of his triumph, be overcome, in thee, one of his Members? Hath he made thee, yea, new-made thee? Hath he paid thy ransom with his precious heartblood? Yea, with infinite sufferings, preserved thee all thy life past, from manifold dangers and Enemies, by his gracious providence? And will he now, to the dishonour of his omnipotency, deliver up his glory, his prize, to his expiring and almost vanquished adversary? O far be from thee such weak and groundless imaginations! but because infidelity and temptation, are oftentimes deaf, and seem to be of proof, even against undeniable arguments, and demonstrations, mount against all thy scruples and timorous unbeliefs; the Canon of God's word, which will quickly levelly all impediments, and through the strongest barrocadoes of Satan's suggestions, make way for a safe, a happy passage, and exit, to thy Soul. As an Introduction to which, let these holy Lights, and examples of departing Saints be premeditated of. Such as that speech of dying Jacob; Lord I wait for thy salvation; such the obedience, Numb. 20.28. and cheerful dissolution of those two unparallelled Levites, Moses, and Aaron, they went up to the tops of the Mount, Hor, and Nebo, and died there; Deut. 34.5. such the cruel and voluntary Martyrdom (though inspired by an extraordinary Spirit) of valiant Samson; Judg. 16.30. such also the last words of royal David, He hath made with me an everlasting Covenant, ordered, and sure, 2 Sam. 23.5. for this is all my salvation. The expressions also of Job, Paul, and others, might be instanced; but I will conclude with pious Simeon's devout wish, Lord, Luke 2.29. let thy Servant depart in peace, for mine Eyes have seen thy Salvation. Further to thy establishment, and comfort, in that day when God shall judge the secrets of all Men by Jesus Christ, according to the Gospel; Rom. 2.16. consider what firm assurance thou hast of the favour, and how near relation, thou hast to the Person, of thy Judge. For herein as the Apostle speaks, is our love made perfect, 1 John 4.17. that we may have boldness in the day of Judgement, because as he is, so are we in this World. Is not the same Lord Jesus Christ, that sole, and universal Tribune, John 5.22. to whom the Father hath committed all Judgement? and to whom all power is given, both in Heaven and in Earth? Mat. 28.18. As being that Man whom God hath, ordained, Acts 17.31. to judge the World in righteousness, even the Quick and the Dead? And before whose Judgement Seat all must stand? Rom. 10.42. Is not he, I say, by the witness of his own word, and undeniable truth, Rom. 14.10. so nearly allied, and endeared to thee, that the strongest ties of nature are by him figuratively taken up to shadow out, rather than to fully express his indissoluble affection? As that he is thy Master; Rom. 6.22. nay, more (O infinite love and humility) thy servant; Luke 22.27. That he is thy friend; yea, more (O ineffable honour and exaltation) thy brother; mat. 28.10. yea more, if this be not enough, Heb. 2.11. he hath adopted thee his Son, and esteemed thee, John 1.12. and styled thee his Sister, and Mother. To conclude, lest these foregoing degrees may admit of a division, he vouchsafes thee this high favour, Luke 8.21. to call thee the branch, He the Vine; John 15.1. 1 Cor. 11.3. Cant. 5.1. thee a member, He thy Head; He the Husband, thee the Spouse; that so a union, yea the perfectest of unions might be expressed, and that sweetest of Petitions be fulfilled, That all may be one, as thou Father art in me, John 17.21. and I in thee: that they also may be one in us. 1 Cor. 6.17. Those that are joined unto the Lord, being one spirit, Rom. 12.5. and one body in Christ. Tell me then O my Soul, can such a Lord, whose love to thee, Short application. made him serve thee, become a cruel Inquisitor to condemn thee? Will thy friend, thy brother be an Achitophel, a Cain to thee? Is it a thing possible, that thy everlasting Father, instead of the Bread of Life, will give thee to the torments of Hellish Scorpions? Isa. 9.6. No, though Parents may forget the Sons of their Womb, Isa. 49.15. y●● will He not forget thee. Is it unnatural for the Root, to suffer the Branches to wither for want of sap? For the Head to deny animation to the Members? yea, cannot there be a true conjunction in Marriage, without the cement of affection? And wilt thou dare to think, that that Root of Jesse, thy Head, thy Spouse, the God of Order, and Nature, will destroy the Principlse of nature, and withhold the sap of his Grace, and Mercy; his all-quickening Spirit of Life, and Glory; his Eternal, free, and unchangeable love, from thee a branch, a member, a beloved? No, account it impious Infidelity, to give such a thought, the least entertainment. Rather, if thou wilt meditate of that day (which indeed is a Christians duty) all being commanded to watch, mat. 24.42. because we know not at what hour our Lord will come; pitch thy thoughts upon the Resurrection, and that happy and blessed assumption of thy Soul and Body reunited to meet thy Judge, and Saviour. The Apostle testifying, 1 Thes. 4.17, 18. that we shall be all caught up together in the Clouds, to meet our Lord in the Air, and that then we shall be ever with the Lord: For, wheresoever the Carcase is, mat. 24.28. there will the Eagles be gathered together: Wherefore, as the same Apostle exhorts, Comfort both thyself, and others with these words. Rely also upon, and apply those golden, and royal declarations of thy Judge. Psal. 37.33. As that he will not condemn thee, when thou art judged: That he that believeth on him, is not condemned, but hath everlasting life; John 3.18. and shall not come into condemnation, John 5.24. & 29. but is passed from death to life. That there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. Since God doth justify thee, Rom. 8.1. & 33. who is he that condemns thee? That we are often times corrected here, 1 Cor. 11.32. that we should not be condemned with the World. Further, is it possible that thou shouldest be saluted with so sweet an invitation, and denomination, as Come thou▪ blessed of my Father, and be accursed? mat. 25.34. Canst thou be the Heir, yea the Possessor of a Kingdom, and also the Slave, and Prisoner of Satan? Will the righteous Judge give to them Torments of Fire, and Brimstone, to whom he hath promised a Crown of Glory? 2 Tim. 4.8. Art thou commanded to pray for, to long for, to wait for, thy destroyer? No surely, but for him that hath promised to deliver us from the wrath to come. 1 Thes. 1.10. To conclude, even amongst Men, none that is a Delinquent, must presume to possess the Bench, the Seat of Judicature. But know you not, saith the Apostle, 1 Cor. 6.11. that the Saints shall judge the World, yea Angels? Wherefore doubtless they must be just; yea, are acquitted and made innocent both imputatively and inherently in their own Persons. Further, if this be not sufficient, to animate, Of eternal life. and strengthen thy hope, let thy faith make the last Article of the Creed, thy object. Where thou believest everlasting life; to take its beginning, or rather, begin its perfection immediately after death, and the last Judgement: The time appointed for the full reward, and coronation of the Saints. I know▪ there are many gracious promises of temporal blessings, and those oftentimes fulfilled, and conferred upon the Saints in this life. Some whereof, though few, of many, as being a remunerating act of Christ's regal, and judicial Office, I will by the way recite, not impertinently; as being earnests to them of future glory, sensible tokens of Fatherly love, a Pilgrim's Staff for our Faith to lean upon, in our life's peregrination. This maxim being first undoubtedly to be believed, that the same promises made to perfect obedience under the Law, had at the first, a respect, and are now truly applicable to faithful sincerity, under the Gospel. Such that Magazene of blessings, in the 28. of Deuteronomy, where to the largest, and several appetites, every true believing and sincere obeying Christian, (as well as to the sacrificing Jew) a most plentiful feast, and satisfaction is offered. Deut. 28.3. Is thy calling in the City, or i● the Field? thou shalt be blessed in them both. Desirest thou riches, and plenty of all the fruits of the Earth, and a numerous posterity, and a blessed use, and enjoying of them? Psal. 12.8. Thou hast a Patent, a great Seat for these also. Art thou a Man of action, and great employment, for the Church, Deut. 28.4, 11. or the Common wealth? yea, hath thy virtue's splendour, a shadow of envious and malicious adversaries? If thou hearkenest unto the voice of the Lord thy God, Deut. 28.6, 7. thou shalt be blessed, when thou comest in, and blessed when thou goest out, and the Lord shall cause them, thine Enemies, that rise up against thee, to be smitten before thy face. wouldst thou have thy forfeited Charter, renewed, and all the Creatures, yea, the most honourable, serviceable unto thee? Behold the Lord shall give his Angels charge over thee; Psal. 91.11. yea, they shall pitch their Tents about thee, and the Heaven shall give Rain unto thy Land in due season. Deut. 26.12. Dost thou wish for (to the further glory of God) a long life, and an honourable place, and esteem amongst Men? The Lord hath promised, that he will set thee on high, that he will make thee the head, Psal. 91.14. and not the tail, and with long life will satisfy thee. Deut. 28.13. Exod. 20.12. Yea more (which is the compleatment of all) he will show thee his Salvation. But a long life, if embittered with sickness, is but a tedious Death. True. But if thou fear the Lord, and depart from evil, Prov. 3.7, & 8. it shall be health to thy Navel, and marrow to thy Bones. Yea, thy light shall break forth, as the Morning, and thy health shall spring forth speedily. Further, Isa. 58.8. dost thou desire wisdom, beauty, strength? The righteous have promises of all these, so far forth as they still perfect their happiness. Whose Daughters so fair as Jobs? Job 42.15. Isa. 61.3. Those that mourn in Zion, have assured unto them beauty for ashes. If the Feet of the Saints are beautiful, Rom. 10.15. surely no part else is deficient. But to make all good in few words, hear thy King, by the Prophet Isaiah: Isa. 28.5, & 6. The Lord of Hosts will be for a Crown of glory, and for a Diadem of beauty unto his People, and for a Spirit of Judgement to him that sits in Judgement; and for strength to them that turn the Battle to the Gate. But this World is a Bed of Vipers, a bundle of snares, a stage of dangers. True; yet if thou trust in him, Psal. 91.3, 13. he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler, from the noisome Pestilence. Thou shalt tread upon the Lion and Adder, the young Lion and the Dragon shalt thou trample under feet. O read ye faithfully, and digest this whole Psalm, which I may truly style the City of David, for strength, and beauty; the fortress, yea Paradise of every true Christian. But the godly have but a few friends. I answer, Comparatively they have but a few Enemies; the whole Creation (except Satan, and sinners) being at peace with a reconciled Soul; such as Job speaks of, Job. 5.23. being in League with the very Stones, and Beasts of the Field. And the malice of the malignant, turns all to their good. Yea, Rom. 8.28. more; if a Man's ways please the Lord, he will make even his Enemies to be at peace with him. Prov. 16.7. But to conclude, a good Wife, and good Children, are amongst the chief blessings upon Earth. They are so, and have not the Saints strong and comfortable evidences for them, if the Lord see them good? witness those twine-like Psalms, Psal. 117.118. the 117. and the 118. which for their excellency and comfort sake, deserve the Readers more full, and perfect Observation. I will not be further tedious: for the Lord God is a Sun and a Shield, the Lord will give grace and glory, Psal. 84.11, 12. no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. O Lord of Hosts, blessed is the Man that trusteth in thee. Having given my Soul, by faith, a taste of some few of those many temporal promises treasured up in the Scripture, being they are to be but as Salads to provoke my spiritual appetite; I will return to feed upon Eternity. O my Soul! what surer Antidote, against the apprehension of the last Judgement, Of eternal life. (whose sting is Eternal Death) than the Meditation, and assured hope of Eternity of life? which is Glory in grain; and the deifying of Humanity. Surely if there be any Spiritual weight that depresseth the Soul, it is Judgement. If there be any Heavenly Magnes that attracts, and quickens it, 'tis Immortality. For, touched with this, though encircled with corruption, thou shalt continue moving with the Needle, until fixed upon the lines of life, thou constantly adhering to the true Flower-de-luce, Christ Jesus. Amongst Moses unfeigned Metamorphoses, we find the Rod changed to a Serpent, a devourer of the Magician delusions. So this hope, a branch of the Tree of Life, springing from the Root of Jesse, swallows up Death in victory, in Eternity. What seems, yea is a fearful truth to all unbelieving Egyptians, becometh a Chimaera, a Phantasm to every true Israelite. If any word is expressive, or an Epitome, of God, of Heaven, of Glory, and consequently of all felicity, it is this of Life. I am the way, the truth, John 14.6, 8, 11, 25. and the life. I am the Resurrection, and the Life, saith our Saviour; and he that hath the Son (that is, believes in him) hath life, saith St. John. Since then, God is life, 1 John 5.12. he that hath life, hath God; and he that hath God, hath all things; even the conflux of simple, and unmixed happiness. And therefore most wisely, and succinctly, those holy Men, Penners of the Creed (called the Apostles) have couched, and expressed, the excessive treasures, and immense pleasures, of the Heavenly Paradise, under that one word, life everlasting. Herein O my Soul! is included, and assured unto thee, the sublimest of Heavenly fruitions, (called by the Schoolmen) the beatifical Vision. Which, so far as I am able to express it, is the Souls full repletion, and apprehension of the excellencies of the Divine Essence; not by the backparts only, and mediately, as Moses, but primarily, and immediately, in himself. Yea, also the Body, being in the very moment of its resurrection spiritualised, 1 Cor. 15.44. 1 John 3.2. (as witnesseth the Apostle) shall there, with open face see, and look upon, the word of life, receiving fullness of pleasure, and satisfaction, by those senses which now are unprofitable, and uncapable of such glorious manifestations. Here, since this last act of our faith, and last Article of our Creed, is so full of comfort, and unspeakable animation, after the hearty, and humble acknowledgement, of my ignorance, and fervent supplicating the assistance of the only illuminating Spirit, I will more largely and particularly eye this Crown, this unvaluable price, even so far as my faith hath visual beams from Scripture, or consequent demonstration. If the Soul of Man in this state of her nakedness, and deformity, hath been by some Christians (though therein Heretical) deified, and by most of the Heathen Magis magnifyed, even to the height of created excellencies; surely in her renovation, and perfect reassumption, of that her first Image, and those first created Ornaments, she must needs be more splendid, and more to be admired. But is this beauty of the first Adam, in his innocency, the height of a Christians hope? No. As our second Adam, in his divine descent, and generation, infinitely transcends our first Parent in Nature; so he hath prepared a far more excellent weight of glory, for his Children, by Adoption, his Members by Spiritual, mystical, and supernatural union. Witness his own Oracle, and declarative, rather than necessary Petition; John 17.22. The glory which thou gavest me, I have given them. Blessed Lord, what a word is this? What a communication? my mind is entraunced, and my weak Meditations swell, even to an Impossibility of expression. Can I not now know my Soul in her humiliation, in the weakness of a Creature? How can I then describe and conceive of her in her exaltation, in the glory of her Creator? Let this be sufficient for me to believe hence, that that glory with which she shall be filled, according to her Spiritual Nature, is for quality infinitely excellent, because Gods, yet allayed, and fitted to be received for quantity, finite, and limited as in her. Not as divided from the Divine Fountain, but by virtue of Inhabitation, in a gracious, real, and inseparable union, communicated to, and made hers, according to our Saviour's Prayer, That we all may be one, as the Father is in the Son, John 17.21. and the Son in the Father; that we may be one in them; John 17.26. as also, that the love wherewith the Father hath loved the Son, may be in us, and he in us. Thus than the Souls of the Saints before the Resurrection, and both Souls and Bodies after the Resurrection, according to their several measures of grace here, shall then have their divine plenitudes of Glory; every Vessel being filled, that is, thrown into that Ocean of Life and Glory. Further, as a Wedge of Iron cast into the Forge, is, as it were converted into Fire, and the body, and substance of the Sun, is, as it were hid, and changed into the light, that possesses it: so shall the Soul and Body, as being in God, and God in it, be absorbed, and as it were transmuted into his Glory. Thus much concerning the Souls external glory. The internal, if it be possible, is yet a Sphere in altitude above this, as bringing the Soul nearer, to the assimilation, apprehension, and fruition of God. The understanding, will, memory, and affections, in the Soul, being as it were Impresses (to speak improperly, and according to the understanding of Men) of the like infinite essentials in God. For then, the understanding faculty, according to its created capacity, Of the understanding glorified. shall be wonderfully elevated, and enlarged, and be replete, with a sufficient and complete knowledge, of all Creatures, yea of God himself. Which shall not then be acquired, and gathered, as now, by a Retrogradation, from the effect to the cause; but then primarily, by immediate Vision, and mutual possession of God, the cause of causes. Be not then disconsolate, O my Soul! nor set thy Bodily Organs upon the Rack, in the study of the Metaphysics, Mathematics, and Physics; farther than thy special calling requires; mispending thy hours, and neglecting that one thing necessary, The knowledge of God, and thyself. The degrees of learning on Earth, are reversed in Heaven; begin here with God, the beginning of all things, and proceed to be Bachelor of Divinity on Earth, and fear not, but be assured, that thou shalt commence a true Master of Arts, yea, a Doctor of Divinity in Heaven. Then shalt thou know perfectly, and not (as now) by supposition, the essentials, spiritualities, and supreme excellencies, and attributes of God, and Angels. The magnitudes, altitudes, motions, and influences of the Heavenly Planets, and fixed Stars. Tradition of secundary and probable Arguments. There shall be no disputing Copernicans. No ignorant Empedocles, nor Aristotle's. The causes of the Aetnaean Fires, the Flux, and reflux of the Seas, the Polaramorousness of the Loadstone, and all other the Magnalia of Nature, shall there be discovered to the Souls eye. For, as a Man placed in the Centre of the Sun, having an Eye or Organ proportionable, must needs see whatsoever it enlightens; so the Soul of every Saint, being fixed in God, the Centre from whom all operations, as so many lines, or rays are emitted, must needs know all (being finite, and within his enlarged capability) the whole frame, and work of Nature; perfection of knowledge, being necessary to the perfection of Glory. As the understanding, so the will, The will glorified. shall be replenished with Glory also; being made then co-voluntary with God's, and answering his, in every particular, as the impression doth the Seal, or as the Image in the Glass, the Original; being according to it's created, and limited measure and proportion, perfectly just, and holy; yea, freely and constantly willing good, without the least constraint, or necessity. This being no thraldom, but a divine perfection of the will, to will nothing, but what is good. The understanding, which is the Leader, and incliner, as a Spring in a Watch, the internal mover of the will, being not left to itself, and created sufficiency, as in Adam, but by an irrevocable, merciful, natural, and therefore necessary consequence, and decree, in Christ, is doubly confirmed; First positively, as being for ever enlightened, and filled with a height of wisdom, truth, and goodness, flowing from the perpetual mystical union, and co-habitation of Christ's Spirit: Secondly, privatively, as being in such a state of perfection, glory, and happiness, as admits not of any temptation, or inclination, to misled the one, and thereby to defile the other. From this ground also springs the Eternal station in goodness, and consequently in blessedness, of all other the faculties of the Soul. Which like so many Stones in an Arch, are unmoveable, because every Stone is unmoveable; Jesus Christ being the Headstone, upon whom the whole Building depending, becomes immutable. O my God I cannot pass this thought of Eternity without a Selah, Contemplation. a note of admiration, as seasonable; although in respect of the benefit, but a temporary acknowledgement. Behold, how wonderful is that mercy, which in Christ, hath not depressed, but elevated, not extinguished, but inflamed, not diminished, but increased Man's excellency. Innocent Adam, being neither in his perfection, nor duration, so happy, as we sinful adam's by Regeneration. Shall I therefore commend sin? God forbid. I extol grace, even that Miracle of thy love, O Lord; whose Mercy hath made Man's Sin, Oil, to inflame thy love; which in its own nature, and ours, was Water to quench thy pity, and drown a World. Let it work one wonder more, and turn my Rock into Springs of Tears, to wash thy Feet in humble Repentance, and Thankfulness; that so my seldom falling here, may be a Praeludium of my never falling hereafter, and Glory begun on Earth in Grace, may be in thy Kingdom perfect and Eternal. But to proceed, and not to forget that faculty, which makes me to remember, Of the memory glorified. viz. Memory: that Magazine, and Treasury of the Soul; (I wish I could say not of evil also.) Wherein now many things lie confused, and obscured by latter Occurences, unless discovered by external objects and circumstances; or raked out by help of discourse. Out of whose Postern, many things are crowded out by trifles; or fallen, through its rifts, and deficiencies; or else worn out by time, and age; or stolen away by that arch Thief▪ Satan; this faculty, I say, though now thus decayed, and imperfect, shall in that never-ending day of happiness, be repaired, and made God's Ark, over which, not Cherubins, but the Almighty shall hover; filling it by means of the Souls divine, and continued Vision of the Glass of the Trinity, with a present sight, and apprehension of (the great glory of God, and in it) all things. I will not call these kinds of actings of the Souls remembrance; for those imperfect ways of its operation, by recollection, and recordation, with other medial helps, shall be then absorbed, in this act of the understanding, as being unnecessary, and only fitted for the state of Corruption; the Apostle teaching us, that we shall then know as we are known, not remember as we are known. The chief Power of the Memory (the retention) remaining, and becoming by this continual beatifical Revelation, and Inspection indefatigable and invincible. Yea, in this Ark shall be always kept the Tables of God's holy will, the Manna, of all his past and present mercies; the Rod ever budding and flourishing, with all his righteous Judgements, and Declarations of his Justice. As the Memory, so each Affection, Of the affections glorified. except what habits, or inmates, sin and corruption have introduced, such (as the servility of fear, the dolorous passion of sorrow) shall then have, not their part only, but their full of Glory. Then excesses, though of the right hand, while in this life, prove the Soul a Prisoner, and make both Soul, and Body, suffer; being therefore properly styled passions; shall in that life, comparatively exceed, but not subjectively; the full, and lasting gale in that Ocean, filling the Sails, not sinking the bottom. O my love, which art now full of repentings, Of love glorified. and unconstant, because unsatisfyed, wishing with Alexander, more Worlds to marry thy affections to: which hadst thou beyond Arithmetical progression, thou wouldst still prove a Harlot, and they insufficient. For though a Creature, thou art fitted only for an infinite object; not to comprehend it, but to be comprehended of it. Wherefore nothing finite can be adequal, or proportionable, to thy extension. Hence, even the World's darlings, the wicked, have this Monument of their lost happiness, and primitive Creation, remaining; viz. they live and die seeking and unsatisfyed. But the Elect, as they are restless in their search, with the Spouse in the Canticles, so at length they find him whom their Soul loves. Cant. 2.9. But as yet, He standeth behind our Wall, he looketh forth at the Window, showing himself thorough the Lattess. With him they enter into a mutual contract in Baptism, and receive continual pledges, and love-tokens by his Spirit. In this life, by reason of seeming absence, clowdings, and intermissions, our loves are violent, yet pleasing passions. But in the other (that day of our Nuptials) they shall be swallowed up in excelling fruitions. Then shall we affect, and enjoy in one, the all of goodness, and loveliness. The love which is here different, and divided, according to the diversity of opinions, and objects; shall be in God, one, and concentred in him, we both affecting, and possessing, the eminency of beauty, the height of honours, the Elixir of pleasures, the perfection of wisdom. So that the then glorified senses, the Windows, and ports of the affections, (though inconceivably enlarged) shall then continually receive in, even, to overflowing, spiritual, and ravishing object of love and delight. For, In his presence is fullness of joy, and at his right hand, Psal. 16.11. pleasures for evermore. Lastly, which ought most to ravish us, neither this, nor any other affection, or faculty of the Soul, shall be limited, or at their height of glory. Not but that in the first entrance, they shall have a present sufficiency, and fullness; for even in Heaven there shall be no Vacuum; but as we have seen a Bladder, filled with Wind, afterward by a second influx, far more extended, yet at all times full. And as our Saviour is said to increase more, and more, in knowledge; yet from his conception full, according to his organical reception; so the glorified Saints, like the Angels, on Jacob's Ladder, according to their several degrees, shall mount, and continually increase and ascend to higher steps of Glory: the influx of all divine excellencies, incessantly, and at once both enlarging, and filling all their faculties, all their affections. So then desire of more, shall never torture us, because ever full; nor satiety cloy us, because our joys shall be ever new, and increasing. The grounds of this Celestial and Eternal growth of happiness, excellency, and glory, arises both from God's Word, and Nature. The Prophet telling us, that those which are wise, Daniel 12.3. shall shine as the brightness of the Firmament. Our Saviour yet higher. The righteous shall shine forth as the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Let Solomon expound both; Mat. 13.43. the Path of the Just, is as the shining light, which shineth more, and more, unto the perfect day. They as the Sun, Prov. 4.18: mounting towards their Meridional height, God; to whom they shall be perpetually approaching nearer, and more and more like in glory, but never shall, nor can reach, or equalise; he being, and dwelling, in infinite and inaccessible lights. Farther, our Saviour teaches us that in Heaven we shall be like the Angels. 1 Tim. 6.16. Now the Angels have accidental joys, in the repentance of sinners; Luke 20.36. Accidental knowledge, by the Church, Luke 15.10. of the mysteries of our Redemption; and no doubt, if their joys, Ephes. 3 10. 1 Pet. 1.12. and wisdom have an accidental increase, through the Creature, then much more from God the Fountain: This being, I conceive, one means, (as respecting them) subordinate, and co-operating, with God's high, and eternal decree, for their confirmation, in Christ; it being impossible, for that essence, to fall away, that is, continually intent upon, and replenished with, new fruitions, and manifestations of God's glory. This being a blessedness both to Angels, and Men, that the Wings of Cherubins and Seraphins, though, they are without labour, and wearisomeness, and with delight, ascending; yet, they can never out-soar the infinite heights of the divine Majesty, and incomprehensible fullness. If the affection of love, O my Soul, Of the affection of fear glorified. shall be perfect in Heaven, as hath been declared, and perfect love casts out fear, as saith the Apostle, 1 John 4.18. what place is then left for the affection of fear in glory? I answer, our divine love, both now, and then, shall exclude all servile, and slavish fear, but not our filial Espousal, and Reverential fear; which if found in our sinless Mediator, who was heard, in that he feared; Heb. 5.7. Isa. 6.2. and a duty of the glorious Angels, that with this reverential fear, serve and praise him, and exhort all others to do it; Rev. 14.7. then also of glorified Saints, Jerem. 32.39. Psal. 72.5. who if commanded to fear God for ever, and as long as the Sun and Moon endureth, shall doubtless thus fear him everlastingly, and in Heaven, as well as here upon Earth. For as love without this fear would be presumptuous; so fear without love, would be painful, and discouraging. But both together, are to the sanctified Soul, as Ballast to a Ship, to keep it steady, and doth grandize, elevate, and enlarge each affection, from the awful apprehensions, and adoration, of so superexcelling an object, of infinite glory, as is the Trinity in Unity, Jehovah, God blessed for ever. Further, if this saving grace, and sanctified affection of holy fear, Prov. 9.10. is by Solomon commended to us as the beginning, Eccles. 12.13▪ and end of divine wisdom, in the Saints on Earth, Acts 9.31. shall they be denuded of it, and excluded from it, in Heaven? Is it held forth in Scripture, as the sum and implication of all religious duties, and worship, and the condition, or rather qualification, of those holy ones, that have right to temporal, spiritual, and eternal promises, Prov. 10.17. Prov. 19.13. Prov. 22.4. in the Word; and shall this grace then cease, when with other graces it is to be Crowned with Glory? Is this pure affection, the Salt, to preserve from corrupting, not only in the Marriage-state amongst Men, but in the conjugal, and spiritual union, betwixt Christ, and his Spouse, the Church; and shall it not be as lasting as that Union, which is everlasting? I conclude, it shall; though with this difference, according to our differing condition, not a fear of offending, because we shall be then in a sinless condition; Rev. 21.27. Cant. 5.6. Not such a fear as was in the Spouse in the Canticles, because of sin, and infirmities, nor of Gods hiding his face, and withdrawing his presence; Rev. 21.4, 5. Mat. 25.21.46. for former things are passed away, all things are made new, we are entered into life, and shall be ever with the Lord. 1 Thes. 4.17. But this glorified fear, is the most bright reflection in and from us, of God's glorious Sovereignty, according to that of the Prophet, If I be a Master, where is my fear; a fruit and an effect of Gods ravishing and transporting excellency: Mal. 1.6. and therefore this heavenly affection, being so necessary a requisite in our heavenly condition, is so far from lessening our perfection in glory, as that without it, it cannot be perfectly glorious. O my Soul, shall thy affections, of love and fear, Soliloquium. be thus glorious in thy Heavenly state; Let them not have a lesser, or lower object than the most high; let not such Highborn Princesses, be enamoured with their Slaves. Use the World as not abusing it, and as though thou used it not. Neither fear any but him, 1 Cor. 7.31. that only can cast both Soul and Body into Hell-fire; Let these two graces, Luke 12.5. be as Jethro to Moses eye in the Wilderness of this World; Numb. 10.31, to admonish, and to keep thee from losing thy way, when thou art turning to the right, or to the left. And like the Lords Pillar of a Cloud by Day, Exod. 13.21. and of Fire by Night, to direct thee, according to his holy will, in thy Journey towards thy Heavenly Canaan. Converse with these two Royal Virgins, continually. So shalt thou have Communion, and fellowship with the Father and the Son, in the Spirit; be partaker of the Divine nature; and begin to enjoy Heaven, here upon Earth. Prepare, 1 John 1.3. and so enlarge these Divine Vessels by a pious use, 2 Peter 1.4. and continued Exercise, that they may be the more capacious of Glory. For according to the measures and proportions of graces in this life, shall be their repletion, in the life to come; where, of Apprehensors, the Saints shall be made Comprehensors, according to their several enlargements. For as one Star differs from another in glory, 1 Cor. 15.41. so shall it be at the Resurrection of the Just, 1 Cor. 13.12. when we shall see God face to face, and know him as we are known, 1 John 3 2. and be made like him in Glory. O my God, my Father, are these two sanctified affections of love, and fear, the two Eyes, Ejaculation. the two Arms of the Soul, with which the Saints behold, embrace, and enjoy thee, in all thy glorious excellencies? Are they the two Sentinels, and Guards, by which every true Christian, discovers, and repels, all sinful thoughts, looks, words and actions? Doth that root of all saving Graces, Faith, work by love, in the application of what the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost hath done for us? Turning our Hearts of Stone, into Hearts of Flesh, and melting them into tears of Gospel-Repentance? Doth love oil the wheels of our universal obedience, so that they run swiftly in the paths of thy Commandments, when thou thus enlargest the heart? And is filial fear, the whip, in the hand of zeal, the holy Chariteer, to drive and carry us, manger all stops of Sin, Satan, and the World, to the end of our race? Is this divine love to thee, and thy Saints, the sum, and the fulfilling of thy Law? The more excellent way? Rom. 13.10. 1 Cor. 12.31. 1 Cor. 13.1, 2, 3, 11, 13. 1 Joh. 4.16. The completing, continuing, and the greatest grace, as most like unto thee? For God is love, and who so dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him? Shall these twinlike graces of love, and fear, not leave the Soul, when it leaves the Body, and accompany both Soul and Body at the Resurrection, to the Marriage-Supper of the Lamb, and to the Marriagebed of Glory? yea, shall they be the measures, and completing of our Glory? O holy Father, who art the essential love, Isa. 8.13. my fear, and my dread, be thou pleased to sanctify, enlarge, and inflame these my affections, that of sinful passions in the old Adam, they may be changed, and Heavenized into active and holy graces in me, thy new Creature. Let them, I beseech thee, be effectual, and useful to all the aforementioned ends. And since it is no sin, but a duty, to be ambitious of, and to covet spiritual things, let them be enlarged and heightened like Heaven, even to the utmost of a created capacity, that I may be, as thou hast promised, thy dwelling place upon Earth; and thou mayest be my inheritance; and my Heaven; in Heaven: Even so, Amen: Lord Jesus come quickly. Of zeal glorified. The sanctified affection of holy zeal, in the glorified Saints, deserves our next Meditation. This to speak properly, is not a simple grace, but the highest and intense degree of every grace, and holy action; which if so famous, Exod. 32.19, 26, 27. and resplendent, in the Saints upon Earth, as in Moses, in his exemplary Justice upon the false worshippers of the Golden Calf; In Phineas, his executing judgement upon that Idolatrous and adulterous pair; Numb. 25.7, 8, 10, 11. Zimry and Cosby, in David, who declares, that the zeal of God's House had eaten him up; In Elijah, Psal. 69.9. when he put to death four hundred of Baal's Prophets in one Evening; In Paul, 1 King. 18.40. who preserved the glory of God, in the Redemption of his Countrymen, the Jews, before his own salvation; Rom. 9.3. and in that highest example of our dear Lord and Saviour, in his purging of his Temple. Then this Heavenly grace shall undoubtedly not only continue, John 2.15, 17. and have then a Being in each glorified Saint, but shine forth, and act in them, much more gloriously. Is that only infinite and pure Essence, our Omnipotent God, who is happiness, blessedness, and life itself; so often declared in the Scripture, to be zealous for his name, and glory? Isa. 9.7. & 59.7. And shall not his Saints, his Image, be like him? Is this grace exercised, by glorious Angels; as when one Angel destroyed all the firstborn of Egypt in one Night; Exod. 12.23, 29. Another destroyed a hundred fourscore and five thousand Assyrians, at the command, and in zeal for the glory of God? 2 King. 19.35. Yea, Luke 2.13, 14. did an whole Host of Angels descend from Heaven, and with a holy zeal Celebrate our Lord's Nativity, and Mankinds Redemption, in an holy Hymn? And shall not the glorified Saints, overflow, and express upon all occasions, to God's glory, the like zealous, and inflamed affections? assuredly they shall. For, though Sin, Satan, and the wicked World (which by a kind of spiritual Antiperistasis, made their zeal here burn the hotter) shall be cast out, and banished thence. Yet the glorified Saints shall not want, nor be without constant objects, and continual occasions, (according to every one's measure, to exercise this grace.) To instance only some successive ones, God's unparallelled flaming Justice upon Gog and Magog, and all wicked Men, Rev. 20.9▪ at our Saviour's second coming, with ten thousand of his Saints; Judas 14. Christ's Crowning, and rewarding every Elect Member in righteousness, according to their works; Math. 16.27. together with all his glorious Administrations, in that his holy, righteous, and personal Reign in the new Heaven, and new Earth, for a thousand years; His powerful raising of the wicked, Rev. 20.4. after the thousand years, and curious Inquisition into, and perfect discovery and bringing to Judgement of all their evil thoughts, Rev. 20.5, 12, 13. words, and actions; and his righteous sentence pronounced upon them, Rev. 20.12. and the Apostate Angels; Mat. 25.41. and his translating his Saints from this Paradise of Earth, to the Heaven of Heavens; These objects, and occasions of holy hatred, 1 Cor. 6.3, 15, 24. anger and indignation against Satan, and Gods Enemies, the wicked, of unexpressable love, John 17.24. joy, delight, praise, and glorious triumphing, the holy Scriptures holds forth, shall be in the state of glory. And can we conceive holy zeal, which is the height, and crown of all these graces, can be absent, or unnecessary? I shall further add, that after our Lords yielding up his Mediatory Kingdom to the Father, all the service and everlasting praises of the Saints in the remembrance of all Gods wonderful works from the beginning unto Eternity, in the Heavens, Earth and Hell shall be heightened and winged with this holy zeal. I shall assert this truth▪ and conclude this ravishing Meditation, with pointing at, and referring the Reader to the frequent, and zealous hallelujahs, of the crowned Elders, and glorified Saints, in the Visions of Saint John, set forth to us as the types, and lively figures of our Heavenly and glorified condition. Revelations Chapter the 4 th'. Verse the 8 th'. And the four Beasts rest not Day and Night, Reu· 4.8. saying, Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, which was and is, and is to come; Rev. 4.10 And the four and twenty Elders fell down before Him, that sat on the Throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their Crowns before the Throne, Verse 11. saying, Thou art worthy O Lord to receive Glory, and Honour, and Power; for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were Created. Like to this, are their zealous Songs and Thanksgivings upon divers occasions, Rev. 5.8. Chapter 5. Verse 8. until the end of that Chapter; Chap. 7.9. and Chapter 7. Verse 9 unto the end thereof; and Chapter 11. Verse 15. unto the end of that Chapter; Chap. 11.15. and Chapter the 14. Verse the 1. unto the end of the 5. Verse; Chap. 14.1. and Chapter the 15. Verse the third and the fourth, Chap. 15.3, 4. besides many more to the end of that blessed Book, which for brevity sake I omit. These being sufficient to prove the use and exercise of this Seraphical grace of holy zeal by the Saints in their state of Glory. O my Soul, Is this most Heavenly grace of zeal, so illustrious, and exemplary, Soliloquium. in the Saints that have lived upon Earth? Doth it shine forth with a Heavenly light here, in the actings of holy Angels, of our for ever blessed Saviour, and of our Almighty Father and Creator? Yea, shall this grace outlive thy hope, and thy faith, be the Crown, and compleatment, of thy divine love, and the height, and perfection of all other thy graces, in glory? Endeavour then to follow their famous examples. Rest not in the cold, and middle Region, Acts 18.17. of bare profession, with the careless Gallioes of the World, 2 Tim. 4.10. and frozen Church-professors. The Demasses, of this last, and worst age, but let thy holy zeal upon all occasions for the glory of thy God, and purity of his Worship, and Doctrine, mount up even to the Fiery Region, and In his cause be Boanerges, and like God's Angels, Mark 3.17. and Seraphins, a Coal, a flame of Fire. So shalt thou excel and exceed, others in this grace, in thy glorified state; Isa. 6.2. as far as thou hast gone before them in this life: Psal. 104.4. And as thou hast been more gracious here, so thou shalt be more glorious hereafter. The larger thy Vessel, the larger thy Receipt. Every Vessel shall be full, 1 Cor. 15.41. and overflow, although much different in their measure. All shall be Stars, although not of the like Magnitude. mat. 16.27. The Saints at the first Resurrection being rewarded according to their works; although not for their works. Ejaculation. O Lord my God; is divine zeal, a holy flame, a Pyramid-like Fire, a Spring towards Heaven, as to its own place? Is my heart my Soul's shop, where it forges affections, and this middle Region of my Body, like the middle Region of the Air; cold, and naturally void of this thy heavenly Fire? Be pleased, I humbly beseech thee, Acts 2 3. to cause the same holy Spirit, that once sat in the likeness of Fiery Tongues, upon the heads of thy Apostles, to rest upon, unthaw, and inflame, my frozen heart, and affections; Then shall not its earthly, and sinful qualities, of coldness, hardness, and ponderousness, i'll, resist, or smother the fervency, and intenseness, of any of thy graces in me: since thy Almighty Power, that produces lightning, in the cold middle Region of the Air, that melts the Rock, and causes the Mountains, Aetna, Vesuvius, and Hecla to breath forth flames of Fire; can, yea will (because thou hast promised it) bring forth and create in me a greater wonder, Ezek. 11.19. even a new heart, and a new spirit; a heart of Flesh, instead of a heart of Stone. Then shall I be not only zealous in all my actings for thee; but frequent, and zealous, in my praises to thee, in this life of Grace, and that of Glory, to Eternity; Amen. Of the affection of holy anger glorified. All affections in this life, as love, fear, zeal, and the rest, (although sanctified) in their heights, and intensiveness, by reason of the weakness of the Organ, and our decayed nature, may put the whole Man to pain, and in that respect, are called Passions; yet it shall cease to be so with us in our glorified condition. Where, whatsoever that flows from Infirmity, or Imperfection, shall be done away. In the new Jerusalem, there shall be neither sorrow, Rev. 21.4. nor pain. We shall then be as the Apostle exhorts, not only (when occasions shall be offered) not to be angry without sin; Eph. 4.26. but without passion, or disturbance. Being herein like to God, and the holy Angels, (whose Image shall then be perfectly renewed in us) and who in the Scripture (although I grant it to be meant not properly, Ezek. 13.13. but Anthropopathos) is often declared, to be angry. But as to the Elect Angels, I conceive they may, as truly be said to be angry, (witness that famous opposition of Balaam) and that action of the Angel, Numb. 22.22. that with his drawn Sword was ready to destroy Jerusalem, for David's Sin) as to rejoice greatly for the conversion of a sinner. 2 Sam. 24.16. Luke 15.10. If then such accidental affections, are testified to be in glorious Angels, why not much rather in glorified Saints? unless by cessation of so eminent a grace (as holy anger) we should irrationally conceive, the Saints less perfect, in this new life, than in the other. Especially, since the sole object of this holy affection, the Sin, Blasphemy, and Rebellion of wicked Souls, and Devils, to the dishonour of God, shall continue, and in that great and long day, or time of their Judgement, be more universally manifested to their view, than ever, as also afterward in Hell to Eternity. Anger here (though for God's cause) may possibly inflame the Eyes, distort the Visage of a Saint, but its lip, as the modest blush of a Virgin, doth add beauty to her Face, so shall this zealous flaming Grace of holy anger, add light to light, and glory to the glory of a Saint, O my Soul, Soliloquium. is holy anger a saving and gracious affection? a part of the glorious Image of God in a Saint? Do the holy and blessed Angels (as the Scriptures witness) in their zeal to God's glory, and hatred of Sin, express it in their constant oppositions, and inflictions of God's Judgements upon wicked Men, and Devils? Yea, is it an Apostolical Precept, and Duty, to be angry, and sin not? Shall this grace have (even in Heaven) continual objects and occasions to exercise itself to God's glory, and thy own? O write after this Copy, and endeavour that this grace may not be seldom, and casually, but habitually in thee here upon Earth. Let it be one of the Mortifiers, and Crucifiers of thy lusts, as they were the Murderers of thy Saviour. Let it dash out the brains of all these Babel Beasts, against the Stones of holy reproofs, Psal. 137.9. even the accursed issue of thy sinful thought, words, and actions. Let this Godlike passion resist the Devil, in all his subtle and powerful temptations, and he shall undoubtedly fly from thee. Yea, let this grace imitate, and second the holy Spirit, John 16.8. in reproving, and convincing the ungodly World of Sin. So shalt thou be preserved from the Commission of all evil, triumph over all thy worldly and spiritual Enemies, and be prepared by thy more full extent, and acting of this grace here, to be of an higher form in the blessed exercise thereof in Glory. O Almighty Creator, Ejaculation. who hast made my heart the seat of my affections, and placed it in the Centre of my Body, that it might affect, and influence every part alike; Let it not, I humbly beseech thee, be any longer like the middle Region of the Air, the coldest part of this Microcosm, and void of this Heavenly heat of holy anger. But let this sanctified affection, flash forth like thunder, and lightning, and burn up, and destroy every crude and evil thought, word, and action, as soon as they appear; and purge this Element of my Heart, and Soul, from all the infectious, noxious, and sinful vapours of vain and sinful thoughts, that arise from this Earth, this Body of Death, and Sin, that incompasses me about, Rom. 7.24. that they may never come to the maturity of wicked actions; or if they do, they may be as it were Thunder strucken, and torn up by the Roots, and not able to stand before this flaming grace: Heb. 12.29. so shall I be like thee, who art as a flaming Fire, consuming all Iniquity. That so being renewed, and fashioned according to thy Image, in this World, by such holy affections, I may be assured of theirs, and my greater perfection in the World to come, when I shall be made like thee, i● thy Image of Glory; Amen. As the light of the Sun to the World, so is the affection of joy to the Soul: Of Joy glorified, etc. when it arises, there is day▪ when it sets, an uncomfortable night. Man in his innocency, enjoyed a polar day, a continued presence thereof; but having lost God its cause, and object, the effect ceased; not that the Soul is disrobed of the affection, but of the true use of it: hence the distinction of a spiritual, and carnal joy. The first is the true, only found, and beginning afresh to bud, in the renewed Saints and favourites of God, (for a stranger shall not intermeddle with their joy) but the other is momentary, and illegitimate; as being begotten in the Soul, by false objects; and is as it were the Moonlight of the wicked. The object then of true joy is God, and that in this consideration, as he is inclusively and exclusively the complete happiness of the Creature. Whereby it comes to pass that the godly, and reprobate, may both rejoice in the same things, as Wives, Children, Honours, Estates, etc. And yet the joy of the one, be holy, and spiritual; of the other, carnal and wicked. Leaving then the sensual mirth, which is deceivable, sinful, and temporary, my thoughts pitch upon the Solace of the Elect, which the Scripture styles the joy of the Holy Ghost, unspeakable, and glorious, the first-fruits, Ezek. 9.3. 1 Pet. 1.8. and earnest of their future happiness. By these glimpse (O ye Saints) of God's may ye judge of that full light you shall there enjoy. Which if unspeakable here, shall surely be there unconceivable. Alas, what can I then think, and meditate of it▪ chiefly negatively thus, that there shall be no cloudings, nor intermissions there, no measure of our joy; for we shall continually behold God, and in him see all the grounds of rejoicing. If here excesses have proved mortal, their exceed shall make us more immortal; this being an increasing, and reviving, not a surfeiting fullness. The capacity of the affection being gradually and continually augmented according to the plentiful infusion; our joys multiplying there, even to Eternity. The growth of our graces here, although God be seen of us, through the cleft of the Rock, as to Moses, teaching, discovering, and evincing; a continued and far greater augmentation in glory hereafter. O blessed and happy estate, which is not diminished by Eternity: but is as unlimitable, as lasting. O happy place wherein all joys meet their objects in one Centre. There shall we possess, and enjoy, not guttatim, but according to the fullness of each Vessel, God our gracious Father, Christ our merciful Saviour, the Holy Spirit our everlasting Comforter, the glorious Angels, and Arch-Angels, our fellow-Servants, the Holy Patriarches and Prophets, our Triumphant Leaders, the pious Apostles and valiant Martyrs our victorious Champions; together with the many millions successively of religious Professors. There shall we meet and rejoice in the like felicity of all our virtuous Parents, Brothers, Sisters, Wives, Children, Kindred and Friends. There shall we inherit unvaluable and incorruptible riches; Be installed in Thrones of unchangeable and incorruptible honours; and be filled with all unspeakable and Soul-ravishing delights. To conclude, whatsoever things either in conception, or possibility, can affect, or rejoice the glorified Soul, are there; not interchangeably, but contemporarily, and continuedly obvious, and present. And on the contrary, all things whatsoever that may lessen, or offend in the least degree this divine ecstasy, have an impossibility of subsistence in this Eternal Paradise. And that not only in regard of the presence, but of the decree of God himself. Therefore needs must this joy be ineffably complete, Rev. 21.4. to which all things concur for its perfection. O Divine condition, which shall thus sweetly imp, and restore these mouldering and broken Wings of my Soul. O blissful Paradise, and Chrystaline Sea, upon which these now maimed Feet of my affections, Rev. 4.6. shall walk, or rather evenly slide, free from all rubs, thorns, and sinful interruptions. O how melodious will the harmony of these Strings be, when mounted to the highest Key, not to Ela, but to Eli! Methinks the very Contemplation of this life, should so ravish my Soul, and actuate these Wings, these Feet, that they should not only broke Prison, but carry her up in an holy ecstasy to these glorious Mansions. O that this pious love, and holy joy, fixed to the Fiery Chariot of a true zeal, moulding this Dust, burning up this Chaff, at least letting fall this fleshly Mantle, would make me a second Elias▪ in a speedy ascent, and present fruition of my God. But alas poor Soul, how are thy Wings limed, thy Feet lamed, thy Chariot-wheels clogged, with Earth, and Sins? O by way of preparation, since certainly Elias shall be parted from Elisha, thy Soul from thy Body, let the sharp beak of the Law, pick and prune thy Wings; the healing Oil of the Gospel, supple thy Feet; and thy Heavenly Conversation of a Christian, disburden thy motion, that when the Whirlwind of Death, shall make a separation, thou mayest cheerfully and swiftly, go up alive unto the Heavens. Of the Body glorified. The Body hath, during these my last Meditations, seemed to sleep in the dust. But since the Body (as hath been showed) shall have a glorious Resurrection at the last Day; so it must be raised here also, by my weak thoughts, as the fit, and next object of a Christians faith. I believe then, 1 Cor. 15.52. that at the shrill sound of the last Trumpet, which is no other, than the mighty, and powerful voice of our Archangel, Christ Jesus, the innumerable Atoms of my Body shall incorporate, Dan. 12.2. and after the reunion of my Soul, stand up a most glorious substance; mortality putting on immortality; 1 Cor. 15.53. and corruption, incorruption. This Worm-hill, this mouldering Hutt of white, and red Sands shall then inherit the name of an eternal mansion, and become not as now a little Cage, a loathsome Dungeon, but the glorious Palace of the Soul. O surpassing glory of this reanimated Phoenix! So excessively radiant, that the Holy Spirit, (who is eloquence and truth itself) pitches upon the most illustrious of visible Creatures, the Sun, the light, to be the resemblance of this divine transfiguration. The righteous shall shine like the Sun, Mat. 13.43. in the Kingdom of their Father: Dan. 12.3. They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the Firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness, as the Stars for ever and ever. The Jewish Temple seems to be a resemblance of this Temple of God; Man glorified; in which the Body may be styled the Sanctum, the Soul, through the inhabitation of the Holy Spirit, the Sanctum Sanctorum; Oh, if that Earthly Temple transcended others, and Heaven be Heaven, because of the more special manifestation of God's glorious presence there, shall not each glorified Saint, be a Heaven of Heavens? It being a necessary and consequent Truth, that the great God will more declare his excellency in his living members, then in his inanimate works, in his adopted Sons, than in his inferior Creatures, and Mansions. If an humble heart, Esay 66.2. contrite for Sin, be now God's dwelling, shall not a sanctified heart purified from Sin, become then his Throne of Majesty. Our Bodies which now Imprison and Eclipse the Soul's lustre, shall then not only be coagile, but like a Chrystaline Lantern transparent, and coruscant, not hiding, but by a radiant concomitancy, augmenting the others splendour. For as in the Sun there is the containing, and the contained, the sphere and the light, yet both conspire, and meet in a height of brightness; or as in sounds, strings apart musical, being struck together, produce a harmony; so though the Body, and Soul are two distinct excellencies, yet being united they shall mutually convey and reflect their beauty, conducing to and effecting a joint perfection of Glory. Further, whereas the Creator is now but in part magnified in Man, because of the partial knowledge of ourselves, as concerning the admirable secrets and excellent curiosities of the humanity: Then not only our understanding but our Eyes, and other bodily senses shall coadjute to make each Saint a most exact Anatomist, a most divine Philosopher. O let not then that better covetousness of secular knowledge, make us bankrupts in spirituals; Let not imprudent pursuits after the shadow, make us overrun the substance. Being confident of this, that a true Christians life, shall not prove then as it is now by the World accounted of, a devourer of time, folly, and madness, but a Tree of Life in the midst of Eternity. Yea, a Tree of Knowledge, whose fruits shall be fully ripe in Heaven. Perplex not thyself then, vain Sophister, in those scholasticals, and endless labyrinths; I mean those difficult, and so much controverted Questions, whether the Soul be ex traduce, or immediately from God? whether it be confined to a Throne, or Tota in toto, & tota in qualibet parte? Whether there be three distinct Souls in Man, or only the rational? How the Soul sees, hears, smells, tastes, touches by those senses? Whether we see Intra mittendo, or extra mittendo of the species? Whether the course of the blood be circular, or direct? whether odours nourish, or only refresh? with many others of the like stamp. Rather, O wandering Disputant, let thy chief study, be to resolve these questions thus, that in our Saviour's sense, thou art born of God; that thou art wholly holy in every part, both of Soul and Body; that he the incomprehensible, three in one, is Soul of thy Soul, and sees, hears, tastes, smells and touches, in thy chaste looks, devout attentions, spiritual relishes, faithful embracements, and in the sweet savour of a pious conversation. That thy holy love, the blood of action, and the life of practice, is circular, and endless, having God to be its Centre, that from him it may receive daily, new Spirits, and new fervour. That thy Prayers, which the learned, call God's perfume, his incense, do not only revive▪ but by the powerful attraction of saving grace feed thee to Eternal life. Such thoughts as these O Man, if practical, shall make thee transcend the natural, and become a divine Philosopher: These exercises, which are the study of Angels, and the liberal Arts of Heaven's Academy, end in the perfection of knowledge. But to proceed, O my Soul, thou now groanest under a Body of Lead, made up of corrupted flesh, and stuffed full with noisome humours, either so fat, as it sweats under its own burden; or so lean, and weak, that it needs wooden supports. In its motion, is so Worm-like, that its contemptible, if compared with the pace of most fourfooted Creatures. But in this thy melioration, it shall become thy winged Chariot, and be as swift as thy thoughts can imagine, or thy wish desire, even like lightning (than which it shall be far more sprightful) passing in an instant from one end of the Heaven to the other, thy whole body shall be then all feet, not moving, as now, but incredibly, swiftly guiding through those immeasurable spaces of the Empyrean Heavens. These Locomotive Mussels, if at all useful shall then only serve for the graver measures of Glory: for our Bodies shall, as the Apostle speaks, be made like unto Christ's glorious body, not only in its splendour, but in its voluntary motion, and other glorified qualities. Now as he ascended▪ so (said the Angels) shall he descend; not step, by step, but as it is most like, with inconceivable celerity; else could not the first Century, have confessed him to be at the right hand of his Father, in the highest Heavens a hundred of years, not being sufficient according to Astronomical discoveries, to have ascended so many millions of miles. Nor could the Saints, after the Judgement past, under the expense of many years, attain those Heavenly Mansions. The glorified Soul being now to re-enter, reassume, and to be reunited to its own body, cheerfully takes possession, and finds it raised, filled and prepared by the Almighty Power of the Creator, for its habitation. Not as formerly, a Prison, hindering and streightning its faculties, and their enlarged operations, by reason of Organical deficiencies; but made in every part, member, and sense, capacious and proportionate to its utmost activity. Not as formerly a natural, weighty, dull, and earthly body, but a Celestial, Heavenly and spiritual body. Not as formerly (occasioned by the curse of sin) corruptible and mortal, Gen. 3.19. but incorruptible and immortal. Not as formerly weak, and infirm, especially at Death, pale, noisome, filthy, and dishonourable, but powerful, and shining with glory, according to the Word of Truth, declared by the Apostle. 1 Cor. 15.42, 43, 44, It is sown in Corruption, it is raised in Incorruption, it is sown in dishonour; it is raised in Glory, it is sown in weakness, it is raised in Power, it is sown a natural Body, it is raised a spiritual Body; As we have borne the Image of the Earthly, 49, so shall we bore the Image of the Heavenly; 50, for Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, neither doth corruption inherit incorruption, 53, for this corruptible, must put on incorruption, 54, and this mortal must put on immortality; Then shall be brought to pass the saying, that is written, Host 13.14. Hosea the thirteenth, Vers. the fourteenth, Death is swallowed up in Victory. From the preceding Scripture, is evidently proved, that the glorification of our bodies shall principally consist; First, in being raised spiritual, and heavenly bodies; Secondly, in being made shining and glorious; Thirdly, in their being incorruptible, and immortal; of all which more particularly, and first of their spirituality, and heavenliness. Our present bodies, although they are compounded of the four Elements, yet are made up in an unequal mixture, the proportion being much less of Water, than of Earth, and much less of Air, than of Water, and of Fire, than of Air. Therefore our Bodies have the denomination from Earth, and not from any of the rest, and are called in the foregoing Text, 1 Cor. 15.34. Earthly Bodies. And much different in their mixture from the Bodies of Fishes, Fowls, Meteors. This also our natural motion declares. For being placed in any one of the three other Elements, and left at liberty, by reason of our Earthly ponderousness, we violently move towards the Centre of the Earth, of which we were formed, and upon which is our habitation. 1 Thes. 4.17. But our state, place, and condition being to be changed, at the resurrection of the just, our bodies (that shall be a live at the Lords second coming) shall be changed. 1 Cor. 15.51. Job 19.26, 27. And though the same bodies for matter, and substance, (as saith holy Job) shall be raised, yet much differing from what they were before, as to their mixture, and qualities. And therefore are said to be raised Spiritual, and Heavenly Bodies. A further proof whereof the Holy Spirit gives us in that Text, wherein he saith the Lord Jesus Christ shall change our vile Body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious Body, Phil. 3.21. according to the working, whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. The same witnesses the beloved Apostle, in that his blessed gradation, and comparison, of our present, 1 John 3.2. and future more glorious condition; Beloved, now we are the Sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be; But we know, that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Whence note, this Apostle, or the rest, did not, yea could not, with their then bodily eyes, behold him, as he was then risen from the dead, he vailing his glory in condescension to their present state. A second Heavenly, and Spiritual quality of the Saints glorified Bodies, is a swift and speedy local motion prophesied of (as many interpret that place) in the Prophet Isay, They that wait upon the Lord, Isaiah 40.31. shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with Wings as Eagles, they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. Which I cannot better manifest to our weak apprehensions, than by comparing it to a flash of lightning; which in an instant, passeth from the East, to West, and from one Port of the vast Canopy of Heaven, to the other. This quality, also, was manifested to be in our Saviour's glorified Body upon Earth, (like to which we shall be raised) by his swift passage from Jerusalem, 1 Cor. 15.5, 6, 7, 8. (being many score miles) to a Mountain in Galilee, when he was seen of five hundred Brethren at once. And from Jerusalem to the Sea of Tiberius, John 21.1. when he did eat with Peter and the rest, after the great draught of Fishes. And from thence to Jerusalem again, Acts 1.9, 12. at his Ascension from Mount Olivet; And which is also most demonstrable, by his descent from Heaven to the Air, when he spoke to, Acts 9.5. and was seen of Paul in the way to Damascus; which, without doubt, was a personal, not a visional appearance; since the Apostle adds, that to his other personal appearances, 1 Cor. 15.8. saying, last of all, he was seen of me; which had not it been real, had been but a slender proof of our Saviour's Resurrection. To which end, Mat. 22.30. he there vouches it. As our Souls are now like the Angels, yea, Angels in the Flesh, so then, our Bodies, as to this Spiritual quality, shall be raised, like our Souls. That so their future union may be lasting, and complete, and this Marriage may continue, and be indissolveable. In which respect the Apostle saith, they shall be raised not only spiritual, 1 Cor. 15.50. but heavenly bodies, as fitted to dwell in that place; 2 Cor. 12.2. which for the matter Philosophers call a Quint-essence, far more refined, than any, or all the four Elements; Psal. 68.33. and which the Scripture calls the Heaven of Heavens, Col. 1.12. and the Inheritance of the Saints in light. O my Soul, shall thy Body at that great change, and resurrection of the just, Soliloquium. be raised, heavenly, and spiritual, like the body of our Lord, be pure as the Essence, of Angels, as speedy, and quick, as to motion, as the lightning, and fitted to inhabit Heaven? Have a high value, and esteem of it, and make not this Vessel of honour, by sinning, a Vessel of dishonour, the Members of Christ, the Members of a Harlot; the Image of God and Christ, the Image of Satan; the Temple of the Holy Ghost, a Sty, yea, a Hell of unclean lusts. But labour as much to be like Christ in holiness, and righteousness, as thou hopest, and desirest, to be like him, in glory. Let thy Members be spiritualised, and heavenized, and made Members of holiness unto righteousness. Col. 3.3, 4. And let thy conversation be in Heaven, where thy habitation shall be. For our life is hid in Christ with God; 1 Thes. 4.17. and when he appears, we shall appear also with him in glory, and be ever with the Lord. Ejaculation. O omnipotent God, and gracious Father, in my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; who in the beginning, madest Man after thy own Image, in holiness, and in righteousness of body, and soul, as having from everlasting decreed, that thy only begotten Son, the Eternal Word, should be made Flesh, John 1.14. and become Man; And therefore thou saidst, let us make Man in our Image, after our likeness; (for to thee all things past and future, are as in their present being▪) in thy great goodness, pity, Gen. 1.26. and with infinite compassions, behold what a sad, and miserable change, Satan, and Sin, have made in thy Image, and Creature. Thou hast made Man upright, Eccles. 7.29. but they have sought out many inventions. Yea, every imagination of the thoughts of Man's heart, are only evil continually. Gen. 6.5. Their hearts are deceitful above all things, Jer. 17.9. and desperately wicked, who can know them? Their bodies are become so like Satan, that they may well be called Devils incarnate. Psal. 36.4. Their Heads imagine mischief continually; their Eyes are altogether set upon vanity; their Ears are soon set open to let in all verbal uncleanness; their Smell is fumed with pride; their Palates are fur'd with gluttony, and excess; and their touch is the pander of lust, and lasciviousness; their Mouths, Tongues, Psal. 5.9. and Throats are open Sepulchers; their right hands are full of bribes, iniquity, and oppression; and their Feet walk in the way of sinners, Prov. 6.18. and are swift in running to mischief. In sum, the whole Body is a Cage of unclean lusts, and the wicked Instruments of all ungodliness, and unrighteousness. O merciful Creator, this is our sinful condition by nature. But thou hast promised to change these vile bodies, and to make them glorious bodies, like the body of our Lord. O begin, I beseech thee, this change, and new Creation, upon my body here; since they only that are sanctified, and made new Creatures, shall be glorified; Rev. 20.6. They only that are raised and have part in this first Resurrection from sin, shall be raised, and have part in the second Resurrection, to Glory. Let it appear that I am born again of Water, and the Spirit; and that Christ is already form in me; John 3.5. and let all those senses and Members, Gal. 4.19. which have been the Members of uncleanness, and to iniquity, unto iniquity, be now the Members, and Servants of righteousness, Rom. 6.19. unto holiness; so shall my glory begin here in holiness, and righteousness, and be completed hereafter in the perfection of Glory, Amen. I proceed next to the second excellency of our Bodies at the Resurrection. Of the glory of our bodies. They shall shine as the brightness of the Firmament, Dan. 12.3. and as the Stars, for ever and ever. Yea, our blessed Saviour far transcends these expressions of the Angel in Daniel, Mat. 13.43. and saith, The righteous shall shine forth as the Sun, in the Kingdom of their Father. Yea, far higher, yet They shall partake of the Glory of God, (which is far above all created Glory) he declaring, John 17.22. that The glory God hath given him, he had given them. All which is comprehended in the forerecited Texts. He shall make our vile Bodies like unto his glorious Body. Phil. 3.21. 1 John 3.2. And that when he shall appear, we shall be like him. To this great truth, the Apostle Paul further bears witness, saying, Rom. 8.17, 30. Whom he justifies, them he also glorifies. That those that suffer with Christ, shall also be glorified together with him. 2 Cor. 4.17. And that our light affliction, which is but for a Moment, worketh for us, a far more exceeding and Eternal weight of Glory. Colos. 3.4. That when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall we also appear with Him in Glory. Of this excelling, and blessed state of the People of God, (in the darker times of the Church, under the Law) the Psalmist gives testimony, saying, Let the Saints be joyful in Glory. Psal. 149.5. And of himself in particular, Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, Psal. 73.24. and after receive me into Glory. I shall conclude the proofs of this most comfortable encouraging, and ravishing Doctrine, with the evidence of blessed Peter, 1 Peter 5.4. When the chief Shepward shall appear, ye shall receive a Crown of Glory, that fades not away. The God of all grace hath called us into his Eternal Glory, by Jesus Christ. Our blessed Saviour in his great love to us, and for our encouragement in his service, hath not only from his own Mouth, and by his Spirit in the Mouths of his Ministers, (as hath been showed) verified this precious truth, and illustrated it, by sensible similitudes; such as the Sun, Stars, and Firmament▪ but became himself (even in his state of humiliation) a Sign, Figure, and example of this glorious shining condition, and change of the Bodies of his Saints, at the Resurrection, in that his wonderful, and miraculous transfiguration, in the presence of Peter, James, and John, upon the Mount; mat. 17.2, 4. when his Face did shine as the Sun, and his Raiment was white, as the Light. A sight so ravishing, and delightful, that it made Peter, although but a Spectator, to forget Wife, and Family, and to look upon this World, as a Dunghill, saying unto our Lord Jesus; Lord, it is good for us to be here, if thou wilt let us make here three Tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. Consider then, was this glorious change in our Saviour so superlatively delightful to Peter to behold? What shall it be to us in the fruition? Certainly true is that Word of the Lord, 1 Cor. 2.9. Eye hath not seen, Ear hath not heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of Man, Isa. 64.4. the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. Our Souls are now immund, or rather imprisoned with in a fleshly Wall, or Jail, of whited Earth, and like a poor Prisoner, hath only the liberty to peep, and look out at the Cinque-ports, or windows of the senses. Neither is it, or can it now be seen, or truly known by ourselves, or others. But then that Image of God, that Angellike Spirit, that most rich and inestimable Jewel, Acts 20 28. purchased with the infinite precious blood of the Son of God, and valued by him to be more worth than the whole World, shall dwell, Mat. 16.26. and be housed in the body glorified, as in a shining, pure, and transparent Crystal Cabinet. And shall be seen, and known, by Saints, (our selves, and Angels) as to its form, to its glorious operations, and perfect beauty. The resplendent body, like a Concave Mathematical Glass, not diminishing, but magnifying, and adding to its excellent glory, and brightness. And moves according to its will, from place to place, like an Angel, with incredible swiftness. The Soul, acting with a more enlarged, and excellent advantage, as to all its faculties, and operations, by the subserviency, union, and concomitancy of the Members, and senses of our glorified bodies, than it could do without them. Of which in their due place (with God's assistance) I shall treat more particularly. O my Soul, shall thy frail fleshly body, Soliloquium. be shining like the Stars, and the Firmament, in all its brightness; glorious like the Sun, yea, like the brightest Son of Righteousness, and be replenished with the glory of God? mal. 4.2. Shall it be thy radiant Garment, and superexcelling Ornament? Thy Chariot of Triumph? Yea more, the completion of thy excellency, and Celestial happiness? O give it now its due honour, and enslave it not to Satan, and to sinful lusts. Thou shalt shortly be thine, and the Angels glorious companion. Debase it not so much, as to put it to dig and delve in the Earth, Hab. 2.6. like a blind Mole. Nor to clothe itself with thick Clay, nor to feed upon white, and yellow dust, which is the Serpent's Meat, and curse; Gen. 3.14. which shall, within a short space of time, shine like the Stars and Sun in the Heavens. Yea, suffer it not to be bespotted, and defiled, with uncleanness. Nor to be joined, or united to an Harlot; which conjoined with thee, shall be a perfect, and glorious Image of God incarnate, 1 Cor. 6.16. and for ever the Spouse of Christ, 1 Cor. 6.19. and the Habitation and Temple of God the Holy Ghost. What though as yet thou art in a state of humiliation, ascend thou with our Lord, into the Mount, into the high Mountain of Divine, and Heavenly Contemplation; being both in Body and Soul raised from above the vanities of this low, and evil World. Let thy converse be with Moses and Elias, the Law, and the Prophets; and by so doing, thou shalt be transformed, and transfigured, yea, thy face shall shine, and thou shalt be changed into the Image of God, from glory to glory, by the Spirit of the Lord. O Lord, my God, who art infinite in free grace, and mercy, Ejaculation. in goodness, bounty, and liberality; and hast abundantly manifested thyself to be all this, to me (a poor and miserable sinner) in my Lord, and Saviour, Jesus Christ; whom thou hast sent in my nature, to purchase for me, not only salvation, from everlasting death; but such a shining, and glorious state, and condition, of Soul, and Body, with thee, unto Eternity: give me a grateful heart, and an obedient life, which is the real thankfulness of thy Children. Yea, let the Meditation and application by faith, of this blessed and transcendent change, not only ravish me in Spirit, as Peter was, at the sight of the representation thereof, at our Lord's Transfiguration; but let me with holy Paul, follow after it, that I may apprehend that, Phil. 3.12. for which, also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus, as counting myself not to have apprehended; and therefore through thy grace, 13. Let me forget, those things that are behind, and reach forth to the things that are before, pressing towards the mark, for the price of the high calling of God, in Christ Jesus. Verse 14. Let me so run, not as uncertainly; so fight, 1 Cor. 9.26. not as one that beateth the Air, but keep under this my Body, and bring it into subjection, lest by any means, 27. when I have instructed others, I myself should be a cast away. Gracious God in order to this glorious, and new life, Rom. 6.4, 5. grant me to walk in newness of life, that I being planted together with my Saviour, in the likeness of his Death, (as to sin) I may be also raised with, and by him, in the likeness of his Resurrection to Glory; 2 Cor. 7.1. and having these precious promises, let me through faith in them, be by thee enabled to cleanse myself, from all filthiness of the flesh, Heb. 12.14. Phil. 3.20. Eccles. 8.1. and spirit, perfecting holiness in thy fear; for without holiness, none shall see thy Face. O Lord, let my conversation be in Heaven, although my body be on earth. And since thy Word saith, Jam. 3.17. a Man's wisdom makes his Face to shine, give me that true wisdom that is from above. And since thou hast, in infinite mercy, given me this blessed hope, that even my body shall shine, and be glorious, like the Stars, and Sun, after this life; Joh. 5.35. give me grace in this life to be a burning, and shining light, with John the Baptist, and to be harmless, and blameless, Phil. 2.15. a Son of God without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. Amongst whom, let me shine as a Light in the World, that they seeing my good works, may glorify thee my Heavenly Father, Amen. Matth. 5.16. I proceed now to the third Heavenly excellency of our Bodies glorified, after the Resurrection; viz. Of the incorruption and immortality of our glorified bodies. Their incorruptibility and immortality. In order to our more clear understanding, of this so wonderful a change, in which, as saith the Apostle, This Corruptible, 1 Cor. 15.53. must put on Incorruption; and this mortal, must put on immortality, I shall from the ground of right reason, and natural Philosophy, humbly offer these considerations: First, that the body of Man is compounded (although unequally) of the four Elements. And that at Death, which is the dissolution of the Soul, Eccles. 12 7. and Body. The Spirit returns to him that gave it; and the Body returns to the four Elements, the first Principles of which it was compounded. This is illustrated, and proved from Scripture, which witnesses, Revel. 20.13. that at the Resurrection, The Sea gave up her Dead; that is, that part of the substance of the Bodies that were in it; and Death and Hell (that is, the Earth, or Grave) delivered up the Dead that were in them. Further, this must be granted, as an undeniable maxim, that as none but God, our Almighty Creator, can make something of nothing; so none but he can annihilate any Creature, or any Atom of a Creature, so as to make that something nothing. If this be a certain truth, (as assuredly it is;) and that the Lord hath declared in his Word, that the same Bodies in which the Soul lived here upon Earth, shall again appear, and be raised at the Resurrection, (as inspired Job attests) saying, I know that my Redeemer lives, and that I shall stand at the latter Day upon Earth, Job 19.25. and though after my skin Worms destroy this Body, 26, yet in my Flesh, shall I see God. 27. Whom I shall see, for myself; and my Eyes shall behold, and not another, though my Reins be consumed within me: Then certainly, at, and after death, that part of our Bodies that is a part of the four Elements, from a Principle, sympathy, law, and instinct of nature, (the compositum and structure being dissolved, and separated) shall return to that Element, of which it is a part; where it shall be kept, and preserved, by the all-governing Power, and providence of God, as in a Womb, or Treasury, until its new birth, at the Resurrection. 2 Peter 3.13. In the next place, consider, that when the Lord makes a new Heaven, and a new Earth, according to his promise; Gen. 7.11. (which I humbly conceive) only extends to this Orb of Earth, and Water, and to the Regions, and Elements of the Air, Gen. and Fire; these two last, are most frequently in Scripture, called Heaven. That flaming and Aetherial Fire (not Elementary) in which the Lord Jesus shall descend, Job 1.16. and appear, with the ten thousands of glorified Souls, 2 Kings 1.10. and Angels, and which shall consume all the wicked that are then in the World, 2 Thes. 1.8. and burn up their works; shall accordingly, as it is the nature, and true effect, and property of Fire, Judas 14. to purge and purify each of the four Elements, from all that dross and corruptible quality, that hath intermixed, and cleaved unto them, by the righteous Judgement, and curse of God for Man's sin. Whence shall proceed that admirable change, as to their qualities, (although not of their substance) deserving the name, in the Scripture promise, of a new Heaven, and of a new Earth; As it is most excellently set forth by Saint Paul in these words; Rom. 8.19, For the earnest expectation of the Creature, wait for the manifestation of the Sons of God. For the Creature was made subject to vanity, 20, not willingly, but by reason of him, who hath subjected the same in hope; Because the Creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption, 21, into the glorious liberty of the Children of God. For we know that the whole Creation groaneth, 22. and traveleth in pain together, until now. The Elements then, are made like unto the Heavenly supreme Orbs; pure, lucid, and incorruptible. Hence I infer, that these four Elements being thus wonderfully changed in their qualities, and made incorruptible; in which, respectively, the several parts, and ingredients of our Bodies are laid up, and reserved, as being naturally a part of them; There must necessarily follow, the same and the like change, and alteration, in the matter and substance of our Bodies also. Whence it will follow, that although the first change, in the Elements, is supernatural, and wonderful; that, in our Bodies will naturally follow, as an effect from that cause. Our great God, as in the first Creation, caused the production of all things, out of their first matter, as so many streams from that Fountain; so in this new, and second birth of things, he as a rational, and natural Agent, produceth this excellent change in the forementioned qualities of our new-raised Bodies, to be a necessary, and certain effect, flowing from the change of the principles, out of which they are compounded. It being more than probable, that the Resurrection of our Bodies, shall immediately succeed, the making of the new Heaven, and the new Earth, the Saints habitation; as it was in the first Creation; when the Lord made the Earth, and all the Creatures, first, before he made Man, the Lord, and Possessor of it, Gen. 1.26. and them. The premises being granted; I thence conclude, that as Mortality, is a necessary effect, and consequent, of corruption, so the immortality of the Body (to use the Apostles phrase) is as necessary an effect, and consequent, of incorruption. For that substance that can never more be corrupted, may truly be said to be everlasting, and according to the Apostles expression, immortal: Death signifying, either in sensible, or vegetable Creatures, a putrid and evil change, or alteration; as also a debasing, diminishing, and deforming separation; as being the curse, and fruit of Sin, and abhorrent to nature. Having hitherto discoursed of this marvellous change of our Bodies at the Resurrection, and given some natural reasons thereof, as a Philosopher; I must now as a Christian, ascend higher, and prove this eminent change, to proceed also from a far higher and nobler cause, than mere nature; even from the spiritual, real, and mystical union, of our Persons, through faith, and the Eternal Spirit, as Members to our Head the Lord Jesus, who is God-Man, blessed for ever. As since sin, God hath enacted this to be one of the Statutes of Nature, It is appointed to Men once to die; And by another Law of Nature, after Death, hath dissolved this Microcosm of Soul from Body; Every part of the body (as hath been showed) returns to its proper Element: John 1.14. so by the Law of Christ, God-Man, the Eternal Word, that was made Flesh, it is decreed and affirmed, John 6.47. as an indubitable truth, That he that believeth in him hath everlasting life. And though he were dead, yet shall he live. John 11.25. Whosoever liveth and believeth in him, shall never die. John 11.26. From hence it is most clear, that in a spiritual sense, the death of the Saints, is no death; they being so united by faith, that although the Soul be divided from the Body, and each Elementary part of the body, be divided from the other; yet neither Soul nor Body, or any grain, John 14.6. or part thereof, can be separated from our head the Lord Jesus, in whom (who is eternal life) is our life. Though we are dead in a natural sense, Colos. 3.3. yet we live spiritually in and by his Spirit. In which sense also the whole mystical body of Christ, the universal Church, and every Member thereof, is said to be joined to the Lord, and is one Spirit; 1 Cor. 6.17. as being by the Holy Ghost (the everliving God, that fills all things, the Spirit of the Father, and the Son) as by an unmeasurable, 1 Cor. 12.13. and everlasting Ligament, tied, and united to the Lord Jesus, our head. So that, like as it is said of the Soul, That it is tota, in toto, & tota in qualibet parte: So it may be said, that the for ever blessed Spirit of God the Father and the Son, in and by this ineffable union, and in dwelling, is wholly and spiritually, both before and after death, in our Souls, and in our Bodies, and in every part of them, although never so far (by reason of a natural death) separated one from another. Here note, that although the Scripture declares, that in God all things live, move, and have their being, as he is their Creator, and Preserver, and in whom, Acts 17.28. and by whom they act, and have their subsistence, yet the difference is very great, betwixt that life of the Creatures on Earth, and this life of the Saints, both as to the nature, and duration of it. That flowing from his Almighty power, and goodness, as a Creator; this from his Eternal love, as our Father in Christ; that life, being temporary; this life Eternal; as flowing from the highest Principle, our spiritual, and real union unto God in Christ. For the further clearing, and proof of which immortality, as well of our Bodies, as of our Souls, consider the words of our blessed Saviour, As the Father hath life in himself, John 5.26. so hath he given to the Son, to have life in himself. John 14.6, 19 I am the way, the truth, and the life; because I live, ye shall live also. Thou hast given me power over all flesh, John 17.2. that I should give Eternal Life to as many as thou hast given me. My Sheep hear my voice, and I give unto them Eternal Life. Joh. 10.27, 28. To these let us for further testimony add the expressions of the Apostle Paul; Gal. 2.20. The life which I now live in the Flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God. Nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me. Our life is hid with Christ in God. Colos. 3.3, 4. When Christ, which is our life, shall appear, then shall we appear with him in Glory. The first Man was made a living Soul, 1 Cor. 15.45, 46. the last Adam was made a quickening Spirit. That was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural, and afterward that which is spiritual. 1 Cor. 12.13. By one Spirit we are Baptised into one Body, whether we be Jew, or Gentile, whether we be bond, or free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. He that is joined unto the Lord, 1 Cor. 6.17. is one Spirit. By these bright Scripture-lights is evidently discovered, and manifested to us; that as the head in the natural body, contains the animal spirit, and conveyeth, and gives animation to all the Members of the Body; so the Lord Christ God-Man in one Person, is the head of his Spiritual, and mystical Body, the Universal Church; and that from him alone, not only that spiritual life consisting in holiness, and righteousness; but also that eternal, and immortal life, in which, both in Soul, and Body, we shall live in him, and with him at the Resurrection for ever, and for ever, is given and communicated into every Member of his body, the Church united to him, in this life, by a true faith, and by the animation and indwelling of the Holy Ghost; who is the life and spirit of God the Father, and of God the Son. Therefore in these, and other Scriptures, God the Father is sometimes called our life; other-times, Christ and the Holy Ghost is said to be our life; thereby evidencing, that this eternal life of the Saints, hath its immediate rise, and Original from the Trinity in Unity, God blessed for ever. Not by participation of the Essence of the Godhead, but by the real, and spiritual union, of their Persons, as Members of Christ's mystical Body, unto the Person of Christ; through faith, and the inhabitation and vivification of the Holy Ghost. The first of which (viz. Faith) shall cease, and be swallowed up (after death) in fruition. But the other shall continue to Eternity. From what I have here offered, although in great weakness, (for who is sufficient for these things?) I hope it is abundantly cleared, that the eternal life of the Saints, and the glorious incorruptability, and immortality of their Bodies, flows from a far higher Principle, or cause, than from only mere nature, made new, refined, and incorruptable. And that though the Elements through their incorruptability, are become Eviternal, like the Superior Orbs; and are in a natural possibility (if God please) so to continue, without change, or alteration, Everlastingly; yet in all this, they fall far short of the Eternal duration, of the glorified Souls and bodies of the Saints; which have not only a perpetuity, arising from the refined, and incorruptible nature, but an Eternity, flowing from the spiritual, real, and inseparable union of their Persons through faith, and the Holy Ghost, to the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ God-man, as Members united to their Head. In which respect, besides the declared positive, and unchangeable decree, and promises of God, (who cannot lie) as these Scriptures witness amongst many others formerly mentioned, viz. Joh. 3.16. God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have eternal life. Who so eateth my Flesh, and drinketh my Blood, hath eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last Day. The Saints I say are placed and fixed in such a blessed and certain state and condition, as living spiritually in God, Joh. 6.54. Joh. 14.19, 20. and God in them, as hath been proved, that it is as possible for God, who is Eternal Life, to perish and die, Joh. 17.22, 23. as for any of his Saints to die or perish, John 6.56. that live by and in his life; according to that unanswerable Argument of our Lord and Saviour. John 6.57. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father, so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me; Because I live, ye shall live also. John 14.19. To conclude, I humbly conceive that this Eternal Life of the Saints, as to the reason and nature thereof, far transcends the Eternal Life of the glorious Angels, in that as far as is revealed in Scripture, their life was given them by an act of God's goodness, will and power in their first Creation, and is preserved, continued and confirmed, to the Elect Angels, by an act of his grace. And therefore, those of them that kept not their first state, Judas 6. are forever separated from God, (who is life) and swallowed up into Eternal Death; whereas the life, even to the Saints, proceeding from God's spiritual inhabitation, and communion, with them, is undeterminable, unchangeable, inseparable; and is therefore Eternal. O my Soul, shall this thy impure, mortal body, immediately after the making of a new Heaven, Soliloquium. and a new Earth; the refining of the four Elements, of which it was form, and out of which it shall again be raised, and reassumed, appear at the Resurrection of the just, as having its substance purified, and made incorruptible? Therefore according to the Scripture-phrase, immortal, and everlasting, like as are the bright and superior Orbs? Yea, which is much more wonderful; shall this incorruptability, everlastingness, and immortality of thy soul, and body, be unchangeable, and eternal, because thy Person is spiritually, and really united, by the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, unto the Person of Christ thy Head, and unto God in Christ, who is Eternal Life? yea lastly, doth this life excel and transcend, as in respect of the cause, and nature of it, the life and being of all other Creatures, even of the ever blessed Angels, as being built, not only as theirs is, upon the Basis of Gods creating power, and goodness, which gives a being to all things, but is established upon his declared promise, and eternal truth; and hath its unalterable duration from our dwelling, 1 John 1.3. and living in God, and he in us, and from that inseparable fellowship, we have with the Father, and the Son, in the communion of the Holy Ghost? O my Soul, are these things true? Have they been evidenst to thee out of the Scripture of truth? O how oughtest thou in all humility, and enlarged thankfulness, to prostrate thyself at the footstool of thy infinite, good, gracious, and merciful God, and Father, in the Lord Jesus Christ, admiring, and adoring him; First, for the Revelation, and manifestation by his Word, and holy Spirit, of so high, ravishing, and stupendious a mystery, the wonder, and praise of glorified Saints, and Angels, and the miracle of divine love. Psal. 42.7. Next, let, (as the Prophet speaks) one deep, call unto another, and from the sight of the bottomless Pit of Hell, Death, and Sin (out of which eternal love in Christ, free grace, and infinite mercy, hath taken thee) Call upon, and bless God for this infinite depth of mercy. Yea, exalt and magnify the height and depth, the breadth and length of this love, which passeth knowledge. O my Soul, Ephes. 3.18. Judas 6. the mighty Angels leaving their first state, as ambitiously seeking a greater, (as the learned conceive) were cast down for their pride, and discontentedness, from the highest Heaven, into the deepest abyss of Hell. And our first Parents, for the like ambition, Gen. 3.22, 23, 24. and desire of bettering their condition, were cast out of Paradise. From which examples, I have reason to think, should Man have had a thought, or design, of, or by himself, to be possessed of so glorious a life, prerogative, state, and condition, as our gracious God hath freely given us in Christ; It had been so high, and unwarrantable a sin, and ambition, as would have justly deserved as great a curse and punishment. O from this experience of infinite love, 1 John 4.16. (for God is love) pray incessantly in return thereof, not only to be enlarged, and raised to the highest, and greatest love, and thankfulness, that a Creature can be made capable of; But that thou mayest henceforth have no will, but his, (which shall be thy great wisdom) in all things, submitting all thou hast, and thy whole Man, solely to his most gracious, and Alwise dispose: whose free gifts, bounty, and unconceivable liberality, are not such, as Creatures bestow on their favourites; but such as becomes the Majesty and immenseness of a God, who gives to his Saints, benefits and blessings temporal, spiritual and eternal; not only above their prayers, hopes and expectations; but as the Apostle expresses, Ephes. 3.20. above what we can either ask or think. O my Soul, shall thy body be incorruptible and immortal? defile it not with lust any more, neither let sin abound, because grace hath abounded. Rom. 6.1. Since thou must know that thy incorruptability and immortality must in a true Scripture and spiritual sense, begin in this life, although they are to be perfected in the next. Therefore our Saviour saith, John 3.36. He that believeth on him hath everlasting life; And the Apostle affirms, Ephes. 2.6. that we are made to sit together in Christ, in Heavenly places. And Saint John declares; 1 John 5.12. That he that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son hath not life. And blessed Paul affirms, Rom. 8.10. If Christ be in us, the Body is dead, because of sin; but the spirit is life, because of righteousness. 1 Cor. 6.19. Again, dost thou live in Christ, and Christ in thee? Art thou even as to thy body, the Habitation and Temple of the Holy Ghost? and spiritually and inseparably united to God in Christ? Colos. 3.3. and is thy life hid with God in Christ? Rom. 6.14. Dally no more with sin; for there can be no communion betwixt light, and darkness. And know this, although thou canst not die eternally, yet thy backslidings in wilful, Cant. 5.6. and presumptuous sinnings, may, through thy Spouse his righteous withdrawing and desertion, cast thee into such a swoon, and transe, that thy life, peace, and Heaven here, may as to thy feeling, be turned into enmity, death, yea, and to an Hell upon Earth. Give not that subtle destroyer, Satan, occasion, or advantage, by spiritual adulteries, and reiterated Rebellions, to sue out a divorce, in the Court of thy Conscience, betwixt thy Spouse and thee. For know this, that although, Whom Christ loves, John 13.1. he loves to the end; And his gifts and calling are without Repentance; Rom. 11.29. and that though thy Husband hath loved thee, with an everlasting love; yet such a suit, Jer. 31.3. will be very troublesome, and chargeable, and may cost thy Spirit many and unexpressible sighs, groans, and lamentations. And may, as it were, break thy bones, or make thy Body a very Sceleton, Psal. 51.8. only fit for a Grave. Psal. 102.3, 5. Lastly, for as much as the Children of God were partakers of flesh and blood: Did the Son of God himself likewise take part of the same, Heb. 2.14. that through Death, he might destroy him that had the power of Death, 15. viz. the Devil; to deliver them, who through fear of Death, were all their life time subject unto bondage; 16. And did not take on him the nature of Angels, but took on him the Seed of Abraham; from which hypostatical union of the two natures, in one Person, and the union of thy Person, to his Person, by the Eternal Spirit, is given unto thee eternal life, in a far higher, and more excellent way, and manner, than to the Elect Angels? Did the Lord of Heaven and Earth, the Heir of all things, not only marry himself to thy nature, but also unto thee? For, Jer. 3.14. I am married unto you, saith the Lord, in the Prophet, and is the honourable Ordinance of Marriage, therefore called by the Apostle, a great Mystery, Eph. 5.32. because even in Eves formation, and in its first Institution, it was to be a Type, and lively Figure of this thy spiritual Marriage, and union to the second Adam? Cant. 2.16. Hast thou through infinite mercy received assurance hereof, that thou art thy Beloved's, and that thy Beloved is thine? Is the Marriage Day, and Supper appointed, and declared? and in the interim, Rev. 19.7, 9 hast thou an Espousal contract, subscribed to, by thy faith, and by his Spirit? O be exceeding watchful, and careful of offending such a loving Spouse, and glorious Bridegroom, by any sinful relapses, and backslidings, into any sin, that may move him to jealousy. Prov. 6.34. For as jealousy is the rage of a Man, so the anger and jealousy of thy God, is said to burn like Fire, Cant. 8.4. against such unfaithful, and spiritual Adulteresses. O, as thou tenderest the love of thy God, and of thy Spouse, and thy peace of Conscience, and thy Heaven upon Earth, venture not to blot or blur so blessed an assurance, and evidence of thy Eternal happiness, union and life in him, by sin, or any presumptuous iniquity, and rebellion. Nor to crust it over by customary sinning, or delay of repentance. But by an holy, chaste, and religious walking. Keep it so fair written and legible, that all other Saints, but principly thyself, at all times, but especially in the time of trouble, temptation, and hour of death, may read it. Then, though thy Eyestrings are broken, the eye of thy faith shall behold it, and see thy Name written in Heaven, Rev. 21.27. and in the Lamb's Book of Life. O blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Ejaculation. who art the Resurrection, and the Life, John 11.25. and hast declared in thy Word of Truth, that this my vile Body shall be raised, and made a Heavenly and spiritual Body, like to thine; 1 Cor. 15.44, 49. give me to behold this wonderful change, continually by faith, the eye of my Soul: then shall I not be abashed or dismayed at the baldness and gray-headedness of old age; at my hollow Eyes, wrinkled Cheeks, blindness, deafness; my toothless Gums, and pale countenance; nor at the Palsiness, lameness and decrepitness of my Hands, Feet, and other Members; as looking upon this weak, diseased, and aged Body, as upon an old and weatherbeaten Tent. 2 Cor. chap. 1. Knowing, that If the Earthly House of this my Tabernacle were dissolved, I have a building of God, an House not made with Hands, Eternal in the Heavens; Verse 2. Groaning earnestly, and desiring (with the Apostle Paul) to be clothed upon, with my House which is from Heaven; Verse 3. with which, if I be clothed, I shall not be found naked; Verse 4. That this Mortality may be swallowed up of Life. Let me not, O Lord, with the Worldling, who hath his Portion only in this Life, Psal. 17.14. be troubled, at the Knell of every passing Bell, sigh at every striking of the Clock; nor be afraid, or unwilling to number my Days, or to cast up the account of my years: but greatly rejoice at the end of every hour, day, and year, as hastening my approach to, and the enjoyment of Eternity: Being most willing to have my Body interred, that after a long time (like the matter of China Vessels) it may be raised, and made lucid, transparent, and a Vessel of honour, 2 Tim. 2.21. fit to be made use of, in the Palace of Heaven. Shall my Body be shining, and glorious like the Sun? let it not now O Lord be spotted with sin, and changeable, and inconstant in its motion, and conversation, like the Moon. Shall it be bright like the Firmament, and Stars? Revel. 12.4. O Lord, let it be a fixed, and not a falling Star; nor cast down to the Earth by the Tail of the old Serpent the Devil; neither let me be a Meteor, and seem to outshine others in a Religious profession, and in a short time vanish, only leaving behind me an hypocritical, and pestilential stench; like those wandering Stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever. Judas 13. O gracious, and merciful Redeemer, shall this corruptible put on incorruptibility, and this mortal put on immortality? Let this supernatural change begin here, as it doth in all thy sanctified ones; 1 Cor. 6.16. and let even my Body, as well as my Soul, be thy dwelling place, and the Temple of thy holy Spirit; 1 Cor. 6.19. in which, let no unclean lust lurk, or wicked Spirit enter. Make me holiness unto thee, (O Lord) and perfect holiness, in thy fear. Jer. 3.3. 2 Cor. 7.1. Give thy Angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways. Let them bear me up in their hands, lest I dash my Foot against a Stone; Psal. 91.11. cause me to tread upon the Lion, and the Addar; 12, the young Lion, and the Dragon. Yea, let them, 13. according to thy promise, be shortly trampled under my Feet. Let sin die in me, by virtue of thy Death, Rom. 16.20. and let the life and immortality of holiness spring up and flourish in me, by virtue of thy Resurrection. Hast thou O Lord styled thy Church, thy Dove, thy undefiled one? Cant. 6.9. And declared that she is fair, and that there is no spot in her? And is that which is spoken of thy Church, Cant. 4.7. appliable to every living Member thereof? John 14.6. O thou that art the Eternal truth, make good this thy Word unto thy poor Servant, thy Spouse, although most unworthy to wash the Feet of the Servants of my Lord. And since thou hast promised that all things shall become new; Revel. 21.5. And declared that those that are in thee, are new Creatures; and hast covenanted, to give me a new Heart, and a new Spirit, 2 Cor. 5.17. and to take out my Heart of Stone, Ezek. 11.19. and to give me a Heart of Flesh; to pour clean Water upon me, and to make me clean; Ezek. 36.25. 1 John 1.7. and hast testified that thy blood doth cleanse me from all sin; and that by thy righteousness alone I am justified. O let all these true and precious promises be fulfilled in me, and to me. Gal. 2.16. So shall the incorruptibility of my Person, as in respect of sin, usher in, and assure me of the incorruptibility of my Soul, and Body, in glory. 1 Cor. 15.31. Let me die daily with blessed Paul, as to all the evil lusts of the Flesh, that I may not die Eternally, but live everlastingly in glorified Flesh. O Lord, who art the life, and my life, let my sinful mortality, even here, John 14.6. put on a spiritual, and heavenly immortality. For thou hast proclaimed it, whilst thou wert upon Earth, That the Day comes, yea now is, John 5.25. when the Dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear, shall live, even to Eternity; For, He that believeth in thee, hath (already) everlasting life. John 5.24. Let my union and communion with thee through faith, and the indwelling of thy holy Spirit, begin to make my Face to shine here, Exod. 34.20. as did the Face of Moses, and thy Proto-Martyr Stephen; since thou hast declared, Acts 6.15. that a Man's wisdom maketh his Face to shine. Yea, Eccles. 8.1. we are said to shine here also, in a holy conversation, Mat. 5.16. since thou commandest us, To let our light shine before Men. And hast held forth in thy Word, that the path of the just, Prov. 4.18. is as the shining light, that shineth more and more, unto the perfect Day; and hast promised in thy Book: That if we let not wickedness dwell in our Tabernacles; our Age shall be clearer than the Noonday, and we shall shine forth, Joh 11.14, 17. and be as the Morning. Lord although I now live in the Flesh, yet let me not, I humbly, and with importunity beseech thee, live unto, or after the Flesh; 1 Tim. 5.6. since such are said to be dead, while they live; yea, twice dead, and plucked up by the Roots. And thou hast justly threatened, Judas 12. that those that live after the Flesh shall die, Rom. 8.13. and that Eternally; But they that live in, and after the Spirit, shall live, and that for ever and ever. But since after this life, there shall be no Devil to tempt, no World to allure, or persecute; nor Sin to entice, or corrupt: Let me with mortified Paul, desire to depart, Phil. 1.23. and to be with thee, which is far better. Yea, since to live is Christ, Phil. 1.21. and to die is gain; Let me with perfect Job, all the Days of this my appointed time, humbly, Job 14.14. patiently, and believingly wait, until my glorious change come, Amen. Of the senses glorified. Having exercised my faith, and contemplation, upon this ravishing, and pleasing subject, the glorification of the Bodies, and Members of the Saints, in general, and in the Gross; I shall now lastly proceed, beseeching the assistance of his most Holy Spirit, John 1.4.9. who is my light, the light of Men, and he who alone enlighteneth every one that cometh into the World, to speak particularly, though with much brevity, of the glorification of the Five Senses. I shall go so far, as I shall receive light from the Scriptures, and right reason; taking that sober, and lawful liberty, (that is granted to all those that have meditated upon the like subjects; where some things are more obscure than others, and not so clearly, and fully held forth in God's Word) humbly to offer, what probably and rationally (although not positively) may be the truth, as not repugnant to Scripture, right reason, or the Analogy of Faith. As an Introduction and substraction to what follows, I shall premise; First, Job. 19.25, 26, 27. according to Scripture, as hath been showed, Job▪ chap. 19.25. That the same Bodies shall be raised, that the Saints lived in here upon Earth; as to their substance. If so, than the same parts, members, and senses, shall then be raised, and have a being also, of which the Body consists, and without which the Body is imperfect, and incomplete, and cannot be truly said to be the same Body. Secondly, that if necessarily, and certainly, they shall then have an existence in the Body, then without doubt, they must be for some most noble use, and end. For this is both a Scriptural and Natural Maxim; That God, and Nature, made nothing in vain. Yea, the Scripture is clear, and express, as to the glorious employment of some of them, in this Heavenly life; as of our Eyes, and Ears, as shall be showed hereafter. What reason then is there that we should exclude the exercise of the other? Thirdly, it is clear and manifest, that the glorified Soul, when again united to the glorified Body, shall not then act singly, and by itself, but organically, as now it doth, in, and with the Body, as having its seat and operation, as to the understanding, will, and memorative faculties, in the head, and brain; and as to the concupiscential appetite, and affections in the heart; and as to its external Instrument of expression, and manifesting itself, and mind, to God, Men, and Angels, in praises, or otherwise, it shall be with the Tongue, as is proved by the discourse betwixt our Saviour, and Moses, and Elias; Math. 17.3: and from many places in the Revelations, and other Scriptures. So also the Soul, shall make use of the Feet to walk with, Acts 1.3. although the whole Body, as hath been showed, Acts 9.4. like the Wheels in Ezekiel's Vision, shall swiftly descend, or ascend, Revel. Ezek. 1.20. according to the will, and motion of the Spirit, or Soul within them. I say then, it's now most truly, as properly said, that not the Body, but our Souls in our Bodies, see, hear, taste, feel, and smell. Can it be rationally believed, that the body that shall be raised in perfection, shall be deprived of either the being, or use of any one of its senses? that the Soul should, in respect of the want of them, be less perfect in glory, than it was in its state of misery? yea, be deprived of those actings or senses by its reunion, to the body, which it made use of in glory, before its reentry into the body? Angels, and therefore Souls, after their manner, have their seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting, when they took bodies, and eat with Abraham. Gen. 18.8. Which senses they make use of at other times also, (for aught we know, or are taught in God's Word to the contrary; The Scripture-allusion, when it calls the Israelites Manna, Psal. 78.25. Angel's food, making more for it, than against it; as also when it saith, that some things, (as wise Observers know) yea many things on Earth, Heb. 9.23. are figures and patterns of things above in the Heavens) from all which, I conclude, that should not the Soul, reunited to the body, have organically the use of all the senses, it would be in that respect, not so perfect in the glorified body, as when it was in the corruptible body; and straightened and deprived of so much of its freedom, excellency, and activity, as it had, and doth without doubt exercise, as to most of the senses in the state of Glory, before its reunion. Fourthly, if at the Resurrection of the just, the glorified Saints shall then enter into the joy of their Lord, Math. 25.21. and into their first degree of Glory, and shall Reign as Kings and Priests, with our Lord Jesus Christ, Rev. 5.10. personally, upon the renewed Earth, Rev. 20.4. 2 Pet. 3.13. which he will then create, according to his promise: And if it be more than probable, that the old furniture being all consumed, the face, and superficies of the Earth, and Rivers (for there shall be no Sea) shall be beautified, Rev. 21.1. and adorned anew, with such several kinds, of vegetative, and sensitive Creatures, as shall be for the delight, and benefit of the glorified Saints; All which Creatures shall be new made, and produced, as they were in the first Creation, out of the several refined, and incorruptible Elements; that so they may have a possibility, if God please, Rom. 8.20, 21, 22. like them, to be everlasting; and be delivered from the curse, vanity, and bondage of Corruption (that the first Adam's sin had, though unwillingly subjected them to) into the glorious liberty of the Children of God, by the second Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ, the restorer of all things, lost by the first, unto their primitive, though far better condition: And if so; shall the great glory, goodness, wisdom, and other excellencies of Christ declared, and held forth, in the sweet-smelling Air, and in the odoriferous, and most rare perfumes, breathed forth (as being an Elixa compared with what they were) from Spice, and fruit-bearing Trees, Plants, and Flowers, be clouded, and as it were lost, for want of the sense of smelling, to convey them to the understanding, that so it, and the whole Man, may therefore, and in these his wondrous works, praise, adore, admire, and worship God? especially, since at this time, this so greatly heightened, and meliorated Book of Nature shall be a glorious, if not (the Scriptures being now fulfilled) the only Book of God. Again, Mark 14.25. shall the new Wine spoken of by our blessed Saviour, in the Kingdom of God, and the promise of eating and drinking with him at his Table in his Kingdom; The Tree of Life, the sweet Springs, Crystal Rivers, and Waters of Life, Luke 22.30. Rev. 22.1, 2. or living Waters, (for so Springs are called) spoken of and alluded to, in the 22. of the Revelations, and in many other Scriptures (wherein I exclude not high and mysterious Allegories also to be held forth;) I say, shall these be in vain, and signify nothing? Shall also all those most mellifluous Roots, Fruits, and Plants, that in this blessed, and new-birth of things, shall be delivered from corruption; and therefore shall not as now they do, defile the body, and turn into putrefaction, nor leave, after all the Concoctions of Nature, a remainder of stinking dregs, which since Sin, Nature, by an instinct of self-preservation is forced to expulse and exonerate itself off; shall they I say want this pleasing and distinguishing sense of tasting, to glorify all the attributes and wonderful name of God, in the use, benefit and enjoyment of them? If the delight and use of this, and all other of the senses now, is not only lawful, but commanded; and the Saints may, and do greatly glorify God in the fruition of them; And these delights are only in a Scripture-sence become sinful, and sensual, to the wicked, whose sin, and mixture of corruption, adulterates, defiles, and turns the use and exercise of the senses, upon their several objects, or subjects into sin; shall they not be much more useful, and necessary to the Saints glorified, in their sinless condition; when the whole Soul, Body, Members, and Senses, shall all cooperate in their several functions and offices, to Gods great glory, and their own? Further, it is not improbable, that although the Root, Fountain, Confirmation, and Eternity of the Saints life, flows primarily, from their spiritual union and communion with God in Christ; yet as a medium, or a secondary, and natural means (for our God is Natura Naturans) this way as it was, Genes. 1.29. and should have been made use of in Paradise, may be still continued to nourish, delight, and be subservient (as the Rain is to the Plants, although the Earth is their great Mother) to Eternal Life in the Saints. And such no doubt, was the Tree of Life (not excluding it to be of a Sacramental nature also) to our first Parents, before their Fall. All which is evident, from the reason God gives, of their speedy exclusion, from their continuance, or return into Paradise to eat thereof, Gen. 3.22, 24. Lest they should eat thereof, and live for ever. Now that Paradise was a Figure, and Pattern, none I conceive will deny this of the Saints, unto which the Lord Jesus was sent to restore us. Although this is much better and higher, as to the degrees of our happiness, and condition; by how much the second Adam, and public head of the Saints, is much higher, and more excellent than the first Adam, or common Head, and Root of Mankind. Fifthly, if no use of the sense of gust, or tasting; or that in this our glorified state, in the new Heaven, and the new Earth; there shall be no eating, or drinking; For I presume not to give here any judgement, as to the exercise of these two senses of tasting, and smelling, in the highest degree of the Saints Glory, in the Heaven of Heavens, when the Mediatory Kingdom of Christ, shall have an end, and shall be delivered up to God the Father, 1 Cor. 15.24, 28. that God may be All in All, I having much less light from Scripture, or reason, probably to know, or guests what shall be the exercise and object of these senses in those superexcelling, and glorious Regions, than in this new Earth, which is to be renewed and restored to us, by our Lord Jesus the second Adam: I say, if the Saints glorified shall not eat, nor drink in that new Heaven and Earth, what shall become of, or what use shall be made of most of the internal Members, or parts of the Body? Of which, as to their most excellent frame, great number, and use, skilful Anatomists, have written large Volumes, to the glory of the wisdom, power, and work of God, in them. Shall the glorified Bodies be like an empty Trunk, void of a stomach, liver, guts, bowels, bladder, and the rest? If so, as it is contrary to the Scripture, which saith, The same Bodies shall be raised; which includes all the internal, as well as the external parts of the Body; so what use shall be made of these, of the Teeth, and the rest; if there be no eating, or drinking, nor employment of them, as a natural and secondary means, still ordained of God, for the nourishment and continuation of a healthful and equal temperament, called by Philosophers Temperamentum ad pondus aequale, and as for the everlasting Wellbeing of the Body? Sixthly, It is a Maxim in nature, and made good by experience, that all animate and compounded Creatures on Earth, are nourished and preserved in their being, by feeding upon such things as are compounded of the like Elements, of the which they partake. And is it not more than probable, that the Saints glorified bodies, the time they continue on the renewed Earth, shall as by a natural and middle way, be delighted, nourished, preserved and continued, as to their Bodies, by drinking the simple and refined Water, and juices of the Vine, and other the then incorruptible fruits (as before in Paradise?) And by eating the superexcelling fruits, Plants, Gen. verse 29. compared with Gen. 9 & 3. and Roots (the subject of our Father's nourishment before Noah's Flood) being a mixture and composition, even of the same repurged matter and Elements of which our new-raised and glorified bodies consist, may therefore both in reason and nature, (God according to his former Method, so ordaining it) be most proper and subservient to the end aforementioned? Which end being finished, these compounded substances being in the body, as in a limbeck separated, may by insensible transpiration, or otherways, revert each part of them again, to its proper Element, and by a circulation (as now) without annihilation, continue and preserve the being of the whole new Heaven, and new Earth, without the least diminution. But it may be objected, that our blessed Saviour declares, in his answer to the Sadduces, that the glorified Saints, shall at the Resurrection, be as, and equal to the Angels; Math. 22.30. but the Angels neither eat nor drink. To which objection, Luke 20.36. I give this double answer, that first, he saith not we shall be like, but as, and equal to the Angel: And besides, it is unknown to us, (as I said before) how their life and being is continued and preserved. We know they live, and believe they shall live ever, and that they are spiritual substances; but what their forms are, whether they can be circumscribed, as our Bodies are, or only defined to be in such or such a place, this is discoursed of, but not ascertained. The curious learned, yea, some possibly too curious, have in their writings affirmed, that they have conversed, seen, and spoken with Angels. That they have bodies, although so spiritual, and like the light, that they cannot be seen, but when they please themselves; and that they have a nourishment, conducing to their being, of an etherial nature, connatural and agreeable to their spiritual substances. From all which, I infer, that unless our Saviour's expression, that we shall be like the Angels; or any other Scripture, had excluded the Angels from eating, or drinking, or receiving any nourishment, by which in their manner their substances are refreshed and continued, (for nothing but God subsists of itself, and from its self) the Angels may be nourished as aforesaid. And as for seeing, hearing, and touching, the Scripture testify the Angels exercise them all; although in a more excellent manner than we do. That expression of our Saviour [ye shall be like the Angels] excludes not, nor proves any thing against the eating, or drinking of the glorified Saints, during their abode in the new Heaven, and the new Earth. My second answer is, that this speech of our blessed Lord, is a proper, full, and positive answer, to the question of the Sadduces, whose Wife should the Woman be that had seven Husbands, at the Resurrection? That since the Saints then shall neither marry, nor be given in marriage, but shall in that respect be like the Angels, that their invincible Argument (as they conceived it) was void, and proved nothing, against the Doctrine of the Resurrection. Therefore it is to be limited, and restrained, and not to be extended, as to exclude the eating, and drinking of the glorified Saints: which was not at all in the question. For if so, it may be brought as well to prove, that they shall in all things else be like the Angels: which I humbly conceive, no Man will, or hath asserted; since, in many things (were it proper to be treated of upon this subject) I could show a manifold difference betwixt the Angels, and the glorified Saints. This being sufficient, and a clear and full answer to that objection, I shall now proceed to speak more particularly, although very succinctly, as having in the six foregoing reasons, or preliminaries, spoken more than I intended, and given sufficient satisfaction to myself, and I hope to others, both from Scripture, and reason, as to this Subject. First, as to the sight, or sense of Seeing; the Eye, Of the sense of seeing glorified. (although by Oculists, Naturalists, and Anatomists, it is now placed in the first rank of the bodies parts, or members, as a subject wherein the most excellent, and wonderful wisdom of God is greatly manifested, and that not only, as in respect of its curious fabric, but admirable way, and manner of conveying, and representing objects, to the Soul, whether Extra, or intra mittendo, or by both, is not my work now to dispute, or determine; yet than it shall, as to its optic use, and faculty, be much more wonderfully bettered, heighthned, and enlarged; and that, first, as to its objects. Now, the best Eye, cannot immediately behold the Sun shining in its brightness, any time, with fixedness, without twinkling, trouble, and danger of blindness; Ezek. 1.28. Dan. 8.17, 18. and as though it was ashamed of its weakness, is presently vailed with a tear. Now a Daniel, an Ezekiel, cannot look upon, or behold an Angel, without astonishment, Dan. 8.9. and falling to the ground upon their faces, as being not able to behold their created glory. But after the Resurrection, we shall with these Eyes (as Job speaks) not only behold the glorified Saints, that shine as the Sun, and are as so many millions of Suns; but the glorious Angels, and our Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ, Malach. 4.2. Revel. 22.4. the brightest Sun of righteousness; and shall see God, as he is; yea, we shall see him face to face, and live. This is that everlasting and glorious beatifical Vision of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the for ever blessed Trinity in Unity, and Unity in Trinity, so much spoken of by the ancient Fathers; in which, as in a most bright clear mirror, the Saints shall behold (their Eyes being herein assistants to their Souls) all things God is pleased to reveal, and so far as a created nature is capable of past, and present, and to come. As also the natures, virtues, and qualities of all the Creatures; not as now, by their effects, but in their cause, Idea, and truth: yea, the high, 1 Cor. 2.10. and deep things of God. The second excellency of this glorified sense of sight, as to its strength, in respect of objects, that are far distant, is, That whereas now our Eyes, without the help of Perspective-Glasses, cannot discern, or clearly distinguish, and inform us of the things upon Earth, some few miles off, and are much inferior to Eagles, and Vultures; of whom Naturalists report, That when by high flying, they are so lessened, as not to be discerned by our Eyes, yet they can behold a little quarry upon the ground, and their prey, although many miles distant from them: and that now, through the imbecility, and weakness of our sight, in a clear day, we judge the sky to be of an azure colour; whereas truly, it hath no colour, but is only so represented; being only by a vaster distance, and the intermediate Air, enlightened by the Sun; and that distance, beyond the extent of our weak Eyes, upon the level of the Earth, seems to be dark or black: But hereafter at the Resurrection, the Eye being the Instrument and Organ, through, and by which, the Soul beholds all things, shall be so strengthened, that it shall thereby behold, things very far distant. Else it should lose by union with the body, that excellency of sight, it had as a Spirit before it reentered into the Body; It being clear, and evident that the Angels and Spirits excel all other living Creatures, as to the activity and extent of seeing; That evil spirit the Devil, being able to behold, Math. 4.8. and represent to our blessed Saviour, from the top of a high Mountain, all the Kingdoms of the World (that is of that Hemisphere, Genes. 21.17. and semicircle of the Earth) and the glory of them (a most vast view and prospect;) so also the Angel of God called unto Hagar, Genes. 22.11. and afterwards to Abraham, out of Heaven. A third admirable excellency of the Eye glorified, is the wonderful life and beauty of it. Now, it is the chief Ornament, and grace of the Face, in Men, or Women; but than it shall super-excell, what it is now, as much as the Eye of a living Man transcends the Eye of one that is dead. Which life, splendour, and beauty, doth not only proceed from the glorification of the Eye, as apart, and member of the glorified body, but from those spiritful and sparkling rays, sent forth from the within glorious Souls: which like the Sunbeams shining through, and upon the purest Crystal; shall cause the Eye to shine with a most delightful, and unexpressible radiancy and splendour; much like to that wonderful and visional appearance of our Head, and sample, the Lord Jesus, to Saint John, of whom it is written, Revel. 1.14. That his Eyes were as a Flame of Fire. O my Soul, shall thy sense of seeing, Soliloquium. attain to such a height of perfection, as to be able not only to behold glorified Saints, and Angels, but the much more resplendent face of thy glorious Saviour, yea, of God himself; shall it be so greatly fortified, as to survey like the Angels, things remotely distant; shall thy eyes be so beautiful, and radiant, as to shine and sparkle like the Stars of the first magnitude; O resolve and endeavour by the assistance of God's free grace, not to vassalage and debase them, by beholding Earthly vanities; much less to make use, and employ them, as the Panders of Satan, and the Dung-ports of sinful lusts, and lasciviousness; like the Men of this World, Whose Eyes are full of Adultery, and uncleanness. But let them, according to the end, for which they were created, be wholly employed, in beholding and admiring the glory of God, in his wonderful works, held forth in the bright-shining Stars, and Planets, and in the splendour of the Moon, and Sun. Let them be also helpful Instruments, to convey unto thee continual matter of praise, and admiration, as to the wisdom of thy Creator, in the consideration and meditation, not only as to the excellent, and universal frame of Heaven and Earth, but as to the great variety and beauty of each particular Creature; so shall this their Heavenly and holy exercise prepare thee and them for a greater measure of perfect Glory. Ejaculation. O blessed Spouse, and dear Saviour, who hast said to thy Church, and to each true Member thereof; Behold, thou art fair my love, Cant. 1.15. behold thou art fair, thou hast Doves eyes; as holding forth by that meek spleenless, and loyal Bird, the sweetness, revengelesness, and purity of thy Saints; Be graciously pleased, I beseech thee, to Create in me a clean heart, Psal. 51.10. and renew a right spirit within me, that my Eyes may be Dovelike, chaste, and faithful to thee, my spiritual husband; remembering thy Word, that whosoever looks upon a Woman, to lust after her, hath committed Adultery with her already in his heart; Math. 5.28. O give unto me therefore such a measure of grace, as thou gavest to thy Servant Job, to make a Covenant with my Eyes, Job 31.1. why then should I think upon a Maid? Shall I in my Flesh see God, Job 19.26, 27. whom I shall see for myself, shall these mine Eyes behold thee my Redeemer, and not another? O make me now careful and watchful, not to defile them, with any vain, or impure objects; But since I cannot now immediately behold thee, let me mediately contemplate, and view thee, and all thy excellencies, and attributes, in the Glass, and mirror of thy Creatures; for by thee all things were made; John 1.3. and without thee, was not any thing made, Colos. 1.17. that was made, and by thee all things consists. So shall my Eyes by this help, and perspective of nature, look into Heaven, and be in a kind, and degree, glorified; and enable my mind to behold thee, so vastly distant from me. Yea, they shall be the two Wings of my Soul, and carry it with happy Paul, into the third Heaven, 2 Cor. 12.2. and behold thee there in thine unutterable, and inconceivable glory. Lord shall my Eyes at the Resurrection, be so lovely, beautiful, and radiant, suffer them not now I pray thee, to be purblinded by unlawful, or unsatiable lust; nor to be put out by bribes, which make blind the Eyes of the wise; nor bleared, Deut. 16.19. nor deformed by excess, or drunkenness. For, Prov. 23.29, 30. Who hath redness of Eyes? They that tarry long at the Wine; they that go to seek mixed Wine. Let them not be blood-shotten with malice, nor stormy with pride, and ambition, nor squinting after the things of this vain World; not fiery with passion, and sinful anger; nor dull, and heavy, through sloth, idleness, and an evil melancholy; nor winking through subtlety, and deceit. But let my Eyes, Prov. 6.13. O Lord, be enlightened by thee, and be chaste, and loving like the Dove. Yea, Ezra. 9.8. let me through Justice scatter away all evil with my Eyes, and shut them from seeing evil. Let my Eyes through faith, wait upon thee, Prov. 26.8. even as the Eyes of Servants look unto the hand of their Masters, Isai. 33.15. Psal. 123.2. and as the Eyes of a Maiden unto the hand of her Mistress; yea, give me pure Eyes like thee, who canst not behold iniquity; so shall not my Eyes betray my Soul, but watch over it; not poison it, but enliven it; be beautiful in thy Eyes, and in the Eyes of thy Saints, and shine here with holiness and purity, hereafter in Glory, Amen. As the Eyes are the Spials, Of the sense of hearing glorified. so the Ears are the Intelligencers of the Soul; by which it receives a general information of all things, and are very useful in this miserable life, wherein sin, ignorance, and all manner of troubles abound; for its reproof, instruction, and consolation. But this is not only their use, together with that grace, and Ornament, they add to the Head, they being in the rank of the principal Members of the Body; For they are not only the common receipt of all vocal sounds, and so of great profit, and emolument to the Soul; But they are the curious ports, inlets, and artifice of nature, to convey unto the Soul, all other sounds; whether they be such as are pleasant, and musical, for the delight thereof; or of such noises as are of use▪ to premonish, and give warning; or of such sounds also, which are wonderful, terrible, harsh, and unpleasant, and aught to raise a holy fear, reverence, and admiration in the Soul; to wit of God, the cause and Creator of them: Such as are the out cries, and screeking of Creatures, rational, or unrational; the hideous bellow, and terrible roar of wild Beasts; the hissing of Serpents, the Cataracts of Waters, the raging of Seas; the blustering of Winds, and Tempests; and the World's astonishing and affrighting noise, of all kinds of Artillery, Earthquakes, and Thunder; besides many other sounds of like nature. Having observed and declared the principal uses and exercise of the sense of Hearing in this life, I shall with the greater clearness hold forth, and distinguish of the much differing use, and far more excellent exercise thereof, after the Resurrection in the glorified body, upon the renewed Earth. Now our sight is far more quick, and extensive, than our hearing, as is demonstrable, in our beholding the flame of the Powder, and the flash of lightning, some time before we can hear the report of the Cannon, or the clap of Thunder, although the light in both is contemporary with the sound. Now, we cannot hear the Voices and Hymns of Angels, by reason of their spiritualness, and the groseness, and earthliness of our sense; unless they in condescension to our weakness, as they did to the Shepwards, Luke 2.13. at the birth of our Saviour, imitate a humane voice; But than I humbly conceive, that sense shall be so strengthened, heightened, and spiritualised, that it shall be as perfect, and quick, as the sight; and by it we shall both hear, and understand the Angels heavenly Language; that we may join in one consort with them, in the praising of God; And in holy Alleluja's, as the Apostle John seems to imply, Revel. 19.6. in his Visions; I heard (saith he) as it were the voice of a great Multitude, and as the voice of many Waters, and as the voice of many Thunders, saying Alleluja, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth; Revel. 5.11. And again, I heard the voice of many Angels round about the Throne, and the Beasts, and the Elders, and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. The like con●unct praises and acclamations of glorified Saints; and Angels, Revel. 7.9, 10, 11, 12. we may read also in the Revelations, Chapter the 7. Verse the 9, 10, 11, 12. which for brevity sake I omit. Now, this sense administers terror, as well as pleasure to the Soul, as hath been showed by tremendous sounds. Yea Adam, after his fall, for fear, Genes. 3.8. hid himself amongst the Trees of the Garden, when he heard the voice of God. And the Children of Israel said, Exod. 20.19. let not God speak with us, lest we die; and holy Paul, and John could not hear the voice of our Lord Jesus Christ without falling to the ground, and astonishment. Acts 9.4, 5. But in the new Earth, Rev. 1.17, 18. (where there shall be no more curse) there shall be no sounds that are harsh, and affrighting, Revel. 21.1. but such as shall be exceeding ravishing, and delightful, Revel. 22 3. and as Music to the Soul; even such unspeakable words, as blessed Paul heard, when he was caught up into Paradise. 2 Cor. 12.4. Then shall we, being placed in glory, at the right hand of our righteous King, and Saviour, hear with boldness, and without fear, or astonishment, that most joyful sentence, Come ye blessed of my Father, Mat. 25.34. inherit the Kingdom prepared for you, from the foundation of the World. Then shall we hear that great voice of God, the Father, Revel. 21.3, 5. who sits upon the Throne, saying, Behold I make all things new, the Tabernacle of God is with Men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his People, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. Then shall these words which are faithful and true be fulfilled, God shall wipe away all tears from their Eyes; Rev. 21.4, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying; neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away; I am Alpha, and Omega, the beginning and the end; I will give unto him that is athirst, 6, of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely; he that overcometh, 7. shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my Son. To conclude, I shall not say any thing as to the Music of the Spheres, as esteeming them to be only groundless dreams, and fantasies of Heathens, and Philosophers. I humbly conceive, that as far as the glorious Heavens and Angels transcend, and excels the n●w Earth, and the Inhabitants thereof; so far shall the ravishing, and musical voices, and sounds, in this glorified state of the Saints, excel all the pleasures and delights of this kind, in this our low and corruptible condition. O my Soul, shall the sense of Hearing in the next life, be as comprehensive and perfect, Soliloquium. in its kind, as the sense of Sight? Shall it be made capable, not only of Hearing, and that with understanding also, the Music of Heaven, the all-ravishing Hymns, the mellifluous speech and voices of Angels, the Language of Glory; as also to hear him, Rev. 1.10, 1●, Hebr. 12.23. Rev. 19.16. Revel. 15.3. Jerem. 10.7. John 1.1. whose voice is as a Trumpet, and as the noise of many Waters; of him who is the Judge of Heaven and Earth, the King of Kings, the King of Saints, and the King of Nations; the Eternal Word, the Lord Jesus Christ, God-Man, blessed for ever? Yea, shalt thou then O my Soul, by the assistance of this glorified sense, hear, not as now the dreadful, and killing, but the all delighting, reviving, exalting, and transporting voice of the ever glorious Trinity, even of the Eternal God, Himself? O let not this so excellent, and useful a sense, be deboist so much, as to be the Gate, or inlet of vain, and unprofitable discourses; of wanton and lascivious words; or of any kind of false, slanderous, or evil speeches; all which are as so many Traitors to thee, and Enemies unto thy God, and Sovereign. Nor let thy Ears be surfeited, and excessively glutted, with any kind of earthly Music, or with the pleasing sounds, or voices of any of thy fellow-Creatures; which although lawful, delightful, and refreshing to the natural and animal Spirits, as being near a Kin to them, yet by the subtlety of Satan, the World, and thy Flesh, do frequently become snares, and an undiscernible, flattering, and therefore the more dangerous Enemy, and means to pollute thee with sin, or to introduce some kind of fleshly lust, or other. But begin (even now) O my Soul, to exercise every sense, and member, upon such objects, and in such employments and actings, as come nearest to those of Angels, and glorified Saints. This is, to make this Earth a Paradise, and to have, even whilst thou art in this World, (as the Apostle exhorts) thy conversation in Heaven. To this end, let thy delight be with holy David, in the converse of the excellent ones upon Earth, yea, watch daily at the Gates of Wisdom, and wait at the Posts of her Doors; Prov. 8.34. yea, with attention hang upon the Lips of her Teachers. Be much in the exercises of the Church Triumphant, in praising God, in the Assemblies of his Saints; in Psalms, Psal. 111.1. and Hymns, and spiritual Songs, singing with grace, Ephes. 5.19. and making Melody in your heart. So shalt thou, O my Soul, by a sanctified, spiritual, and internal sense, he●e frequently, even in this thy state of humiliation, the counsels, and instructions of blessed Angels, the voice of God▪ and of his holy Spirit, viz. thy Father, and Comforter behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk thou in it; Isay 30.21. And the loving expressions, and invitations of thy most sweet and gracious Spouse, and Saviour; Cant. 2.9. who standing behind the Wall of thy Flesh, and looking forth at the Windows of several Providences, and showing himself through the Lattess of thy intervening, and impeding weakness, and infirmity, will often speak unto thee, saying, Arise up my love, my fair one, and come away; For lo the Winter is past, of thy doubts, fears, sufferings, Cant. 2.10. and temptations; The rain of thy tears, and mourning is over, and gone; The Flowers of my saving gifts, 11, which evidence the Spring of my Grace, appears on the Earth, 12, of thy renewed nature. The time of the singing of Birds, the earnest, and witness of my Spirit, and of thy conscience, assuring thee of my love, and salvation, is come; 13. and the voice of me the true Turtle, is heard in the Land, even in thy Soul, my Habitation; The Figtree putteth forth her green Figs, and the Vines with the tender Grapes, give a good smell, viz. thou art fruitful in all holy, and good works; Now therefore arise my love, my fair one, and come away; and inherit the Kingdom prepared for thee before the Foundation of the World. Math. 25.34. O my gracious Lord, and Saviour, Ejaculation. who when thou wert upon Earth, in the zeal of thy Spirit, cried out unto thy Auditors, math. 11.15. He that hath Ears to hear, let him hear; and didst declare and expound the Words of thy Prophet; Ezek. 12.2. That there should be many that hear, but understand not, intimating to us, thereby, that there is a spiritual, and internal sense of hearing, that many want that have the bodily sense, and Organ; O thou which openedst the heart of Lydia, Acts 16.14. as well as her Ears, when she gave attention to Paul's preaching, and said to the deaf Man in the Gospel, mark 7.34. Ephtata, and his Ears were opened, give me an understanding Ear, as well as thou hast given me an Ear of Flesh, that I may both hear, and understand, know, and obey thy will, declared unto me by the Ministers of thy Word. Yea, let my Ears be always open, to receive, entertain, and retain the holy instructions, consolations, reproofs, and encouragements of any of thy faithful Servants, and my fellow-members, and Brethren. But let them through thy grace be turned away, sealed up, and guarded against the Siren Songs of all Sin, and Sinners; And if by force, or surprise, oaths, cur●ing, lying, slandering▪ blasphemies, vain, lascivious, or any other evil speeches, enter, let my heart and Tongue, hate, scourge, and execute thy Law, upon them, by a zealous and holy reproof, (if the Speakers be not Dogs or Swine) giving them a pass, and sending th●● packing. math. 7.6. O blessed Lord, let not the delightful sounds of Music, nor the natural, or artificial pleasing voices of any Creature, be thy rival, steal away in the least my time, or heart from thee. Nor let me with the Whore of Babylon, and her Imitators, carnally, legally, and only outwardly, give thee an unwarrantable, and un-Gospel-like Ear, and service, without my understanding, and without my heart. But give me to join with, and delight to hear the Music of the lower Heaven, the Songs, Psalms, and praisings of thee in the Congregations of the Saints. That being trained up to have a Child's place in this blessed Chore upon Earth, I may be fitted and preferred to have a Man's place, in the glorious Choir of Saints and Angels in Heaven. O Lord, let me I beseech thee, not only externally, but internally, hear thy voice, for it is sweet, Cant. 2.14. that my Soul may be inwardly acquainted with the Dialect of Heaven; so shall my Soul speak and answer thee, in the same Angellike Language, in mental, and Ejaculatory Prayers, and praises here, (a service not only required, but most acceptable to thee) and with Ear, and Heart, hereafter, hear thee, and return unto thee in Soul, and Body, praises, and glorify thee Eternally in the Heavens, Amen. Having in the six foregoing preliminaries, Of the sense of Tasting glorified. in all humility, declared my Opinion, answered the chief objections, and given the reason and ground thereof, both from Scripture, and the light of Nature; As also showed the necessary, happy, and spiritual use and end of the Saints exercise, of all the Five Senses; as tending much more to the glory of God, and the increase of their innocent, and spiritual delight, complete happiness and blessedness, both in Soul, and Body, in that their glorified state: I shall not need to add much more, as concerning the sense of Tasting, which undoubtedly shall, as well, as that of Seeing, and Hearing, be much meliorated, and heightened in this life of Glory: It being clearly evident, and agreeable to right reason, that as the objects and subjects, upon which this Sense shall be frequently exercised, (be they things potable, as Waters, Juices, and Liquors; or things edible, as Roots, Flowers, Plants, Herbs, and Fruits) shall much excel, not only in their powers, virtues, and beauty, but also in their juice and relish, the choicest of that kind, now in being, as hath been formerly evinced, and illustrated, by reason of their new birth and incorruptible nature: so shall our senses, and particularly this of the Taste, be wonderfully enlarged and raised, and proportionably fitted, and enabled accurately, to distinguish and discern of the different, and innumerable excellencies, as to their taste (by which, even now, a skilful Naturalist can give a right judgement, as to their virtues) of such a multitude of simples, and individuals, that so, by the exquisitness of this sense, our Souls and Bodies may not only be made the more happy and blessed, but delighted in the use of God's good Creatures, as the medium and conveyance of nourishment, ordained of God (as formerly in Man's innocency) to be useful, and subservient, although not absolutely necessary to our glorious and Eternal Life; (we having a far more virtual, and higher Root of Life, for our life is hid in Christ with God): Colos. 3.3. And also that by the testimony of this sense, both Soul and Body may be the more enlarged, and lifted up in the praises, admiration, and adoration of the wisdom, power, mercy, and goodness of our God, the Creator, giver, and free restorer of such manifold, and wonderful blessings, in and by his Eternally, begotten, and only beloved Son, our Head, and Spouse, the Lord Jesus Christ. As for the kill or eating of the Flesh of any of the sensible Creatures, (I humbly conceive) and that upon good grounds, there shall not then be any such use of them; they being now made incorruptible, and in their nature as everlasting, as the Elements, out of which they are taken; and so shall continue, by virtue of this new Creation, so long as it pleaseth God. The food of the Saints, in this new Earth, being only a lightning, and exonerating the fruit-bearing vegitives, that so they may be continually bringing forth new harvests to the glory of their Creator, not a bringing in bondage, or unto destruction any of the Creatures, now delivered and admitted to enjoy the glorious liberty of the Children of God. Rom. 8.21. This blessed state being as it were Paradise revived, a new Creation, and restauration of all things, in this new Heaven, and new Earth, (by the obedience, merit, and righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ, the second Adam, although much more transcending) of what was lost by the fall, sin, and disobedience of the first Adam. That last Paradise, being intended in the Eternal wisdom, and decree of God (as I humbly conceive, and seems to me now to be clearly manifested) to be but the Type, John 1.3. Colos. 15 16.17.18. Heb. 1.2. 1 Cor. 15.23. Revel. 3.4. shadow, and figure of this; all things being made by, and for him, who is the Heir of all things, the Head, and Spouse of his Church, the first-fruits of them that sleep; the beginning, and the firstborn from the dead, and the firstborn of every Creature, and the beginning of the Creation of God. I shall now conclude this subject, with this monition to all true Christians, not to suppose or dream here of the Poets Elysian Field, or of a Turkish Paradise, in this glorious state; nor to be so sinfully carnal, as to imagine that the sinless Souls, and Bodies of the new raised, and glorified Saints, either shall, or can abuse this Sense, by any excess, and make it instrumental, as now, to sensuality, gluttony, and drunkenness; nor on the other extreme, let no Christian be so unbelievingly spiritual, as contrary to Scripture, (that affirms the same Bodies shall be raised) to deny what it asserts, as an object of our faith: nor so absurd, and irrational, (as the Papists in their Doctrine of Transubstantiation) to deny to our Bodies raised, the properties, parts, and senses, of which a true Body subsists, thereby to destroy the true nature, and essence of the Body; all that are truly Saints, being practically and experimentally assured, that if in this life, wherein we are encompassed about with a Body of Sin, and Death, this sense, and the rest, may be, and is spiritually made use of, by us, in the enjoyment of God's good Creatures, to his great praise, and admiration; then, much more, will they be beneficial, and He, be honoured in them, by us, in that our sinless condition, and life of Glory. O my Soul, shall thy sense of Tasting, Soliloquium. be not only retained, but exceedingly perfected, greatly enlarged, and elevated, at thy Body's Resurrection, and glorious living with thy Head, the Lord Jesus Christ, upon the renewed Earth? Shalt thou eat, and drink, as our Saviour did thrice after his Resurrection, probably to show, Luke 24.30, 43. Joh. 21.12, 13. not only that his Body was truly raised, and that his stay upon Earth, was a figure, and pattern of his Saints first degree of Glory, here, after their Resurrection, as his, was his first degree of glory, and exaltation, after his: but also, that they should accidentally, and at pleasure, as he did, although not out of a positive, and natural necessity, eat, drink, and make use of the Creatures? Shall thy body, not only have a kind of secondary nourishment, (as our first Parents had in Paradise) conveyed unto it, with a far more exceeding, and extraordinary delight that they had, because of the excelling transcendency of the subjects, and their much more sanctified, and spiritualised condition; But shall the Taste also administer to thee, continually much delight and knowledge from the unexpressible sweetness, and wonderful variety of innumerable Vegitives, as to their admirable natures and qualities, to thy great content and ravishment, and thy Creator's glory? O do not therefore now vitiate, and pollute it, with gluttony, or drunkenness; nor make it a slavish Handmaid, Prov. 23.19. to any fleshly and inordinate appetite: Be wise, and guide thy heart in the way; be not amongst Wine-bibers, 20, amongst riotous eaters of flesh, for the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty. 21, Who hath woe, who hath sorrow, 29, who hath contentions, who hath babbling, 30, who hath wounds without cause, who hath redness of the Eyes? They that tarry long at the Wine, they that go to seek mixed Wine. 31, Look not thou upon the Wine when it is red, when it giveth its colour in the Cup, when it moveth itself aright, at the last it biteth like a Serpent, 32. and stingeth like an Adder; Thine Eyes shall behold strange Women, and thy Heart shall utter perverse things; Prov. 23.33, yea, thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the Sea, 34, or as he that lieth upon the top of a Mast; 35, They have stricken me, shalt thou say, and I was not sick; they have beaten me, and I felt it not; when I shall awake, I will seek it yet again. O my Soul, in that new life thou shalt only eat and drink (as the Apostle exhorts) to the glory of God, and more for pleasure and delight (and that as to spiritual ends) than for necessity; Prov. 23.2. but in this sinful life, if thou be given to appetite, put a Knife to thy throat, and watch over thy gust, eating and drinking more for necessity, than for pleasure, as one that eats to live, not lives to eat; not making (like those wicked ones reproved by the Apostle Paul) thy Belly thy God; But like thy for ever glorious and blessed Saviour, Phil. 3.19. John 2.9. at all seasonable Feast, do thou turn Water into Wine, that is, be a holy and Christian Philosopher or Chemist, extracting Life and Spirits out of every thing, thou eatest or drinkest, as tasting in the various gusts, sweetness and virtues of the Creature, the superexcelling sweetness, wisdom and goodness of thy God, the bountiful giver, and the wonderful Creator; Do not with the Swinish and dropsical Drunkard, turn Wine into Water; but in thy Nonage so train up this Childish sense, in all holy temperance and sobriety, that it may be prepared and fitted for its sublimer exercise, in thy Manhood of Glory. O my Lord and Saviour, who art both our example, Ejaculation. and our Lawgiver, and therefore hast commanded us not to labour for the Meat that perisheth, John 6.27. but for that Meat which endureth unto everlasting life; and doth exhort, and precaution us, to take heed to ourselves, that our hearts be not overcharged with surfeiting, Luke 21.34. and drunkenness, lest that Day (either of Death, or Judgement) come upon us unawares; and hast also declared, by thy Apostle, that Meats are for the Belly, and the Belly is for Meats, but God shall destroy them both; 1 Cor. 6.16. and therefore didst exhort and teach us, how to purify, and spiritualise our fleshly gust, and appetite by faith; offering thyself to be drunk and eaten by us, when thou saidst, My Blood is Drink indeed, John 6.54, 55. my Flesh is Meat indeed; affording to us such an excellent nourishment, that who so by faith spiritually eateth thy Flesh, and drinketh thy Blood, shall not die, but live to Eternity: Yea, further thou holdest forth to us, John 6.58. that thou art that Bread that camest down from Heaven, (of which the Manna in the Wilderness was but a Type) which whosoever eateth (by faith) that is, by believing in thee, shall not die, but live for ever; as also that thou art that Water of Life, of which whosoever drinketh, shall thirst no more: John 4.13, 14. O Lord, I cry unto thee with the Emavites, Lord, ever give unto me to eat of this Bread, and to drink of this living Spring; then shall I be so fully satisfied, that I shall never hunger or thirst more after any of the things of this World; The lusts of the Flesh, the lusts of the Eyes, 1 John 2.16. or the pride of life: yea Lord, I shall not only have enough for myself, but such plenty, as therewith to feast others also, as being enabled to say with thy beloved Apostle, That which was from the beginning, 1 John 1.1. which we have hea●d, which we have seen with our Eyes, which we have looked upon, (yea that which we have tasted) and our hands have handled, of the Word of Life, declare we unto you, that ye may have fellowship with us, 3, (and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and his Son, even with thee O Lord Jesus Christ:) Lord give unto thy Servant an internal taste, as well as thou hast given me an external sense; that I may with holy David, both taste, Psal. 34.8. and see, how good the Lord is; and bind the one Apprentice to the other, making it serviceable to my Soul, and unto thee; Then shall I enjoy a double relish, and sweetness, in every drop of drink, and bit of meat, as being a love-token from thee, and an earnest of Eternal Life, and nourishment in thee; so shall my Earthly palate, at no time injure, deceive, or pollute, my spiritual sense; as Noah's, and Lot's did, by ignorance surprise, Gen. 9.20, 21. Gen. 19.33. and the sweetness of the Grape; but be kept in order, and in obedience; sharpening, not blunting the edge of my Meditation, and Charity, as the full Meats of Nabal and Dives did; 1 Sam. 25.36. Luke 16.19. watering, and enlivening, not drowning my piety, and obedience, as it is probable, Wine, and strong Drink did Nabal and Abihu. O Lord, it is true, that the Beasts of the Field, Numb. 3.4. partake, and have the use of this sense, as well as Man; O that they might not one Day, shame, and rise up in Judgement against the Epicurism of many Men! Doth nature moderate the Horse, and the Oxen, as to their eating, and drinking? O let the addition of thy grace, so order and sanctify my taste and appetite, that in their sweetness I may admire thy delectableness, mercy, wisdom, and goodness; so shall this sense begin my glory here, and be perfected in glory, hereafter, Amen. Whether odours, and sweet smells, nourish, is a great question amongst the learned Naturalists; Of the sense of Smelling glorified. but that they do greatly preserve, refresh, and delight nature, is denied by none; because sense and experience cannot be contradicted, or deceived. For my part, since it is most clear, and evident, that noxious, and poisonous scents, vapours, and pestilential Air, (the effects of Comets, and Earthquakes) as also minerable, and sulphurous breaths, and damps in Mines, and Coalpits, and in the Caverns of the Hill Vesuvius, of Dragons, and Serpents, yea of long immured, and unaired Prisoners, have infected, suffocated, and suddenly killed Persons, in the perfectest degree of health: I conclude, that if venomous and malignant smells, and spirations, have demonstrably, and undeniably, a secret and virulent Power, to destroy life and nature; Then assuredly, by the rule of contraries, and according to right reason, (not to spend time in the vouching of instances, as of that Maid that was preserved in health, strength, and life, many Months, (without taking any other nourishment) by the constant smelling of a Rose; and in Moses, Eliahs, and our Saviour, Exod. 34.28. 1 King. 19.8. Math. 4.2. living 40. Days without any visible Meat, or Drink; which although miraculous, because extraordinary, and above the customary course of nature; yet not so totally miraculous, as to exclude Gods making use of the Air, or same other invisible means of nourishment, for the preservation and comfort of their natures; such, as I am assured was then partially, if not totally, their smelling, and in-breathing of the sweet and wholesome Element of Air: I say again, then assuredly, by the rule of contraries, and according to right reason, redolent, fragrant, cordial, and spiritual odours, scents, airs, and smells, do not only refresh, and exhilerate, but fortify, preserve, and nourish our life, and beings; although subtly, and invisibly, as being thin, and airy, and therefore more agreeable, and suitable to feed, strengthen and increase our natural, and animal Spirits, the innate life of our Bodies, and the medium, and conjugal Bonds, and Ligaments, with which our Souls, (whilst these Spirits continue) are as it were bound and married, to our flesh) as seeming to be in love with them, because of their likeness, and of a spiritual nature, like itself; This secret and mysterious acting of nature, and yet so necessary, as without the vehiculum of all scents, a sweet air, our bodily life, cannot long continue, I conceive, hath occasioned these doubts, and disputes, which I have the longer insisted upon, to manifest what a useful, and necessary Organ, this sense of Smelling is, of life to the Body, as well as delight to the Soul, in this state; and therefore rationally must continue, and have an exercise, and a Being in our glorified Bodies hereafter. From what hath been said, of the sense of Tasting, and of this of Smelling, in order to our nourishment, and as a Medium ordained of God, as it was in Paradise, for the more delightful, and necessary continuance of life; I infer, that it is probable, that this sense of Smelling, shall not only continue, but have the same use, and exercise, although in a far more excellent way, and manner, after the Resurrection of our Bodies, in Glory. Secondly, I argue the probability thereof, from the many most excellent objects, and subjects of this sense in the new Heaven, and new Earth; the blessed habitation of all the new-raised Saints; such as the four refined, and then made incorruptible Elements, of Fire, Aire, Water, and Earth; together with the most odoriferous Plants, Herbs, Flowers, Fruits, and sweet-smelling, and Spice-bearing Trees; the beautiful furniture, constant, and natural perfume of this new Creation, whose most excellent end, God's wisdom, and glory, and use, the Saints delight, health, and nourishment, would be lost, and to little purpose, should this sense of Smelling not then have a being, and be exercised by us. The Levitical and Ceremonial Ointments, Perfumes, and Incense, commanded by God, to be made, used, and offered, Exod. 37.29. Psal. 141.2. Cant. 4.12, 13, 14. under the Law, as principal Sacrifices, and as Figures of saving Grace, and Prayer, and Types of our blessed Saviour's most pleasing and acceptable Merits, and Mediation, show, of what high esteem, odours, spice, and perfumes, had then, even in Religious Services; If so, it is most likely, they shall have the honour, to have a being, and to be a special Ornament of this new Earth, and of civil use, for the delight and benefit of the Saints. If such Creatures, as the curse for sin, hath made noxious, and destructive to Mankind, shall after their Purification by Heavenly Fire, have still a being, or a re-existence, such as the Elements, yea, ravenous, and devouring Beasts, as the Prophet seems to insinuate in those expressions, (wherein I exclude not a spiritual sense also) that the Wolf shall dwell with the Lamb, and the Leopard shall lie down with the Kid, and the Calf and the young Lion, and the fatling together; And the Cow and the Bear shall feed, and their young ones shall lie down together: The Lion shall eat straw like the Ox: how much more shall the harmless Creatures, aforementioned, which under our innocency, were innocent, comforts, and alleys in our misery, have then a being, and by the goodness of God, be made concomitants, and sweet increasers of our happiness. From all which, I infer, that more than probably, these Creatures shall have a being in this new Creation; and consequently the necessary existence, and exercise of the sense of Smelling, in this our glorified condition. O my Soul, shall the sense of Smelling, Soliloquium. be not only continued, at the Resurrection of thy Body, but most excellently rarified, perfected, and glorified? Shall it be then as now, though in a far more inexpressible manner, not only refreshing, and delightful, but probably an additional, accidental, and invisible delighter, preserver, and nourisher of the life of the Compositum; thy glorified Soul and Body? O let it not now be vitiated, and corrupted by sin, and made the usherer in of lust, curiosity, and pride; let not thy treasures be exhausted, nor thy charity be impoverished, sinfully to please this sense, by any too costly excess, in the perfuming of thy body, house, meats, or garments; after the vain and profuse fashion, use, and custom of the prodigious, and prodigal great ones of this World; That by the Devilish witchcraft, and accursed sorcery of Sin, (a true Circe's) are transformed into Beasts and Swine; and who with the venomous Spider, suck and gather a sinful poison out of the choicest Flowers, and sweetest Creatures, abusing them to wantonness, uncleanness, and voluptuousness. But let this so pleasing and useful sense, even now, in the enjoyment of all the excelling sweets of nature, not only delight, refresh, and cherish thy outward Man; thy natural and animal Spirits; but let it be a curious, and heavenly Limbeck, to draw forth, raise up, and extract, out of the fragrant Redolencies of the numerous kinds of sweets, such a Celestial Spirit, as may perfume thy whole Man, with the Divine ravishing contemplation of the infinite Power, and Wisdom of thy Creator, manifested in the multiplicity, variety, and unexpressible excellencies of smells, and odours; as also of his wonderful mercy, love, and goodness, in making them, and communicating them to thee, for thy use, and benefit; that as in a clear mirror, and by this blessed medium, thou mayest behold, and enjoy him, who is essentially sweetness: and by whom through faith, in the Lord Jesus Christ, (which grace, as a spiritual, internal, and common sense, and Architype of all thy Bodily senses) beholds, hears, tastes, smells, embraces, and possesses him: thou mayest, I say, in God alone be delighted, refreshed, and nourished unto Life Eternal. O infinite, holy, ever glorious, and Eternal Spirit, who art the power, Ejaculation. Genes. 1.2. Rom. 1.4. Psal. 103.10. 2 Corin. 6.6. 1 Pet. 4.14. Joh. 16.14, 15. Gal. 4.6. Joh. 15 20. Rome 8.9. 1 Joh. 5.7. and love; the goodness, holiness, and sweetness of the Eternal Father, and the Son, as proceeding from all Eternity, from them; and who art coequal, coeternal, and coessential with them, in the unity of one Divine Essence, and Godhead; who art the Comforter, Counsellor, Preserver, and Sanctifier of all the Elect, and Children of God; give me a new heart, and a new spirit, and make me a new Creature, according as the Father hath promised, Isa. 11.2. Joh. 16.7. John 10.13. Rom. 15.16. 1 Pet. 1.5. Jud. 24. Ezek. in the new Covenant of grace; so shall not only my Soul, with all the faculties, and affections thereof, but my Body also, with all its Members, and Senses, be meliorated, renewed, and sanctified; and this rare, wonderful, and curious sense of Smelling; with the sinfulness of pride, voluptuousness, excess, curiosity, and vanity, hath made not only unprofitable and destructive to me, but of ill savour, offensive, and dishonourable to thee; become, like the laborious Bee, a gatherer of sweetness, out of every object thereof. Of which various mixtures, my Soul shall compound, and make up an holy Incense (in resemblance of that under the Law, prefiguring this) of love, as in return for thy goodness of admiration, in the acknowledgement of thy wisdom of adoration, as declaring thy Omnipotency of praise, and thanksgiving, as glorifying thee, for these thy manifold gifts, and blessings; and be not only Adamiz'd, and like him, as in Paradise before the Fall, but Angelized; yea, like my Lord and Saviour, who from every object, Creature, and occasion, observed, and raised, matter of honour, and glory to God his Father, and mine: yea, by such an holy exercise of this Sense, my Soul, as well as my Body, shall be refreshed, delighted, and nourished, in its Eternity of Life, begun here, and to be made perfect, together with this sense, at the first Resurrection of the Just in Glory. I need not prove, Of the Sense of Touching glorified. that the Sense of Feeling shall continue, and have existence in the Saints glorified state, since to deny it, is tantomount, as to affirm that their Bodies shall not have a being; or which is equally absurd, that they shall in this new life, be sick of a dead Palsy: This Sense being now, and so without doubt, shall be then one of the clearest signs, and demonstrations of the life of the Body; and hath in one respect, a singular preeminency, and difference, above the rest of the Senses. For, whereas every other Sense hath its proper Seat, and Organ; This may be truly said, to be like the Soul, and to Organize, and reside in every part and member of a living and perfect Body. Neither is this Sense less necessary to motion, than to life; insomuch, as that when a Body is totally deprived thereof, it is insensible, and moves not, and is accounted no better than a dead Trunk, and inanimate Corpse. I shall add further, that this Sense, as it is now, (so certainly it shall be then) the Souls chief Instrument, and Inquisitor to discern by, and give Judgement, with much pleasure and delight, of those four principal Elementary qualities, that are respectively inherent to, and in all created things, and bodies, that consist of matter, and are made up, and compounded of the four Elements; as to heat, or coldness; dryness, or moisture; or of those remoter qualities, and adjuncts; soft or hard, smooth or rough, arising from them: So that, as the Soul united to the new-raised Body, without Eyes, and the Sense of Sigh●, may truly be said to be imperfect, and blind, as to all visible objects; so, should the Body want this Sense of Feeling, the Soul may as truly be said, to be incomplete, and ignorantly dark, as to its knowledge, and understanding, as to all Tangible subjects. From what hath been said, I assert, that the Saints at the Resurrection, shall in their glorified Bodies, have both the continuance, and exercise of this Sense of Feeling, and that in an incomparable perfection, as to what it is now. I will not positively affirm, that spiritual substances, as Angels, may be subjects of this glorified Sense, that shall be spiritualised with our Bodies; which though now a Natural Body, 1 Cor. 15.44. shall then according to the Word of Truth, be raised a spiritual Body: If so, is it not probable, that as now, to our natural Bodies, natural things are touchable, Luke 24.39. so to our spiritual bodies, spiritual substances, as Angels, may be Tangible: Our Saviour's expression to his Apostles, not at all contraducing, or excluding this inquiry, or inference, he affirming only, that a spirit hath not flesh, and bones, as he had: not denying that a spiritual glorified body, may touch and feel a spiritual Being, and Essence: But should this not be, I am assured, we shall both touch, and embrace him, and be embraced by him (I speak this according to the Scripture-phrase, with all due and humble reverence) who is far above all Creatures, and Angels, our Head, our Spouse, our Saviour, the most glorious Lord Jesus Christ, God-man, in one Person; as also Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the Holy Patriarches, Kings, Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors, and glorified Saints; as also our formerly near and dear Relations; which then shall be known of us, in that perfection of knowledge, and in this our exaltation; that so their salvation may add such an accidental joy to the augmentation of our blessedness, as the Holy Angels are said, by our Saviour, to have now superadded to their happiness, at the conversion of a sinner. To these, I shall annex and subjoin other more inferior subjects of this glorified Sense; the then refined and well-tempered Air and Elements; the delightful contact of Fowls, Birds, and Beasts, now willingly subject and obedient to Man; the superexcelling, and numerous Trees, Fruits, and Plants; the Arbours of soft and sweet-smelling Roses, the banks of Lilies, the beds of Violets, the Carpets of all manner of rarest Herbs and Flowers; with which this new Heaven, and new Earth, this renewed Paradise, shall be (even to perpetuity) plentifully garnished, and adorned with, to the great glory of God, the Creator, of Christ the Restorer, and of the Holy Ghost the Efficient, and to the unexpressible pleasure, and delightful use, and benefit of the Elect and glorified Saints. As the blessed Canticles, that Song of Songs, hath been, and is reproached, and abused by wanton Amorists; and a learned Man was declared an Heretic, for holding there was an Antipodes, or a new World before its discovery; so may possibly these my weak notions, and contemplations, (although of a Divine subject) because not heretofore searched into by others, that I know of; and therefore if the Lord in his providence shall order them to come to a public view, I only recommend them to the devout perusal, and judgement of holy, humble, regenerate, and practical Christians; who although in the Body, do by divine Meditation, as it were live out of the Body, and have been so far changed into the Image of Christ, and taught, and renewed by his holy Spirit, that they have brought their Bodies, and Senses unto such a spiritual frame, and exercise, as is declared, and exhorted to, in the foregoing discourse; These will rightly judge of this personal Reign of Christ, with his Saints upon Earth; and how uncharitably, and unjustly, and I may add ignorantly, many (in other respects, learned, religious, and to be honoured) have ignominiously, and falsely branded this Doctrine, as though it was New, Epicureal, and Sensual; whereas the truth is, it is * Vide Doctor Homes, Resurrection Revealed; and many others on this Subject. a most ancient and Primative Doctrine, and nothing else, but the declaration and affirmation of that glorious condition of Christ, and his Saints; that he himself, the Holy Scriptures, and Prophets, indicted, and inspired by his Holy Spirit, have throughout witnessed to, and promised, as by the Scriptures quoted in the Margin, Rev. 21.1, 5. 2 Pet. 3.13. Isay. 65.17. Acts 1.6. Acts 3.21. Math. 17.11. besides many others, is sufficiently proved. That he, the second Adam, should come to renew, and restore all things, in this lower Creation, (freed from the curse of sin) to as good, yea, a far better condition, than they had before the Fall; When God saw every thing that he had made, and behold it was very good. Now, Gen. 1.31. did not God make this so excellent a work, for his Glory? and for his Creature [Man] to enjoy, and to serve, praise, and glorify him, in the fruition thereof; and in the admiration of him in this its excellency, and goodness? But did any of Mankind, but only two, Adam and Eve, enjoy the Earth, and the Creatures thereof, in their Primitive, and created excellencies, and that but for a Day, or two? How then shall God have his end, the Glory of his Power, wisdom, and goodness; and Man, the enjoyment of all his liberality and bounty; and be Trumpets and witnesses of his excellencies in the Creatures? How shall Gods promise be fulfilled, Of making a new Heaven, Isay. 65 17. 2 Pet. 3.13. Acts 3.21. and a new Earth; and restoring all things by his Son, the Heir of all things. If Man, I mean all the Elect, in his Soul, Body, and Senses, shall not be renewed, and live personally with Christ, at this Renovation of all things, Revel. 20.4. for a thousand years, according to the Scriptures, to enjoy what God hath made, and Christ hath purchased for them: and to admire, adore, and glorify him in the Primitive end, use, and enjoyment of them; These than that deny this, and in a fervent (I forbear to say ignorant haste, because every Age hath its measure of light) would seat the raised Saints in the highest Heavens, before their time, and before God's promises, and great designs be fulfilled; what do they else, in the declining of this great truth, but force themselves upon false, and Allegorical expositions of clear, and literal Scriptures, making ineffectual his promise? yea, do they not affirm, contrary to that undeniable maxim, that God made these Heavens, and this Earth, and all the wonderful Creatures, and admirable Ornaments thereof, in vain; as not known, nor made use of by them, for whom at first he created it, and again renewed it? I might here add many more Arguments, for the defence of this truth, but I shall at this time, no further digress, but return to my former Method of Meditation, upon this glorified Sense of Feeling: Referring the Reader to those most excellent Treatises of Dr. Homes, Mr. Archer, and many others upon this Subject. Soliloquium. O my Soul, shall this Sense be not only continued, but exercised upon such excellent subjects, in Glory: shall it with thy Body be spiritualised, and as to its sensability, incomparably exceed, what it is now: O be careful not to effeminate, or pollute it; disdaining to vassalage it to pride, covetousness, lust, or vanity: But, as it more than all the other Senses, declares and manifests thy living in the body; So let it, by an innocent, sober, chaste, and holy acting, testify Christ's living in thee. The Lord Jesus hath taken off all legal impositions, Colos. 2.21. such as Touch not, taste not; but not his Gospel, and Spiritual restraining. Therefore abuse not, nor make use of this Christian liberty, which he hath purchased for thee, to fulfil the Lusts of the Flesh; For, if thou livest after the Flesh, Rom. 8.13. thou shalt die; but if through the Spirit, thou mortifiest the deeds of the Flesh, thou shalt live. Take heed of covetousness, which hath not only its seat in the Eye, but in the Hand; desire not with Midas (in the Poet) that every thing thou touchest, may become Gold; but remember the issue, and moral of the Fable, his starving and perishing in his enjoyments. Neither embrace thou the bosom of a strange Woman, Prov. 5.20. Prov. 6.29. Prov. 5.5. Prov. 23.27. for he that toucheth her shall not be innocent; for her ways draw near to death, and her steps take hold of Hell; she being compared by the spirit of God to a deep Ditch, and to a narrow Pit, out of which very few get out, and are delivered. For although as in the Poet, Ixion-like, in the height of thy lustful pleasure, thou thinkest to enfold in thy Arms, a Juno, a Goddess: The conclusion will be, but the grasping of an Airy Cloud; nay, which is far worse, a Pestilential vapour, an inflamed and kill Granado. O my Soul, since whilst thou art in this vain World, and in this sinful body, thou art encompassed about, with Legions of evil spirits, with innumerable snares, and with secret, and subtle temptations; which (with those in the Prophet) call good evil, and evil good; Isai. 5.20. which put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter; which call light, darkness, and darkness, light; abusing lawful things, and turning them out of their right Channel, by excess, that so they may overflow, and drown the Earth again, with a far more dangerous Flood, than that of Water, (which destroyed only a temporal Life) even a deluge of sin, and of flaming Fire, 2 Thes. 1.8. 2 Pet. 3.7, 12. (long since foretold, the cause of that Fire, and without true repentance of Eternal Death) watch thou therefore, and pray, lest thou fall into temptation, and this sense be adulterated by thy pride, excess, and luxury, and made instrumental, to cause those good Creatures, the soft Silks of Persia, the warm Furs of Muscovia, the fine Wools of Britan, and Segovia, given thee by God, to cover thy sinful nakedness, to become a covering of sin, and a Banner of pride, and vanity. Take heed also, that this sense be not bewitched, and overcome through voluptuousness, and corrupt thee by an excessive, idle, and inordinate use, of the Down-beds of England, of the hot Springs of bath, of the fresh, but wanton Air of Hyde-park, of the cool Baths, and Aquaducts of Italy; Remember that ancient, but true Proverb, Latet anguis in Herba; made good, literally, and viciously, in the Egyptian Cleopatra, whose lusts, even her unclean, and immoderate indulging of this sense, procured her Soul and Body's destruction. O my Soul, let this sense fulfil the end, for which it was made, and become (as before hath been observed) thy Instrument, and diligent Investigator to inquire into the wonders, and bounty of God, in the Elements, other natural things, and in all thy enjoyments; That in the pleasing, and sober exercise, of this sense, both thy body may be delighted, and thou mayst be assisted, and instructed therefrom, to glorify thy great and good God, in all his mercies, and attributes, and in all thy liberal fruitions; so shalt thou be like the blessed Angels, who by their spiritual sense, beholding and apprehending God in all his works; are thereby enlarged, and unwearied in his praises; and be also a Companion with them, hereafter, in their Heavenly Hallelujahs, and Celestial Glory. O Lord, my God and Saviour, who hath said in thy Word; Ejaculation. John 17.17. Revel. 21.5. which Word is truth; Behold, I make all things new; fulfil that promisary Word, I beseech thee in me; renew both my Soul and Body, that this sense of senses, this universal sense, that possesses every part and member, may not seem to be alive, and yet not alive, as being by nature, and from my birth, taken with, and under a dead Palsy of Sin; and in danger to be made past feeling, through customary offending, and the frequent strokes, and sharp lancings of thy Judgements; the gnawings, and bitings of Conscience, and of my dangerous condition. Is there no Balm in Gilead? Jerem 8.22. Is there no Physician there? Lord Jesus, thou alone art my Physician, thou hast undertaken my Cure, thou hast begun it, and wilt certainly perfect it; For thou art the Author, Hebr. 12.2. and finisher of my Faith; a God of perfection, and immutable, Rom. 11.29. therefore thy Gifts and Calling are without Repentance. O be thou graciously pleased, to wash both Soul, and Body, in that Fountain, Zach. 13.1. opened in the House of David, for Sin, and for Uncleanness, even in thy own most precious, healing and purifying blood: For thy blood, O Lord Jesus Christ, cleanseth from all sin, 1 John 1.7. and iniquity, and that not only from the guilt, as to God's divine justice: But from the filth of sin, this my body of death, and corrupt Lusts: so shall I have a pure, tender, and feeling Conscience, to avoid, and eschew all evil; and the like Sense of Feeling in my Body, shall be so sanctified, and regulated by it, that neither costly pride, nor penurious covetousness, lustful, and itching concupiscence, wasteful voluptuousness, nor deceivable vanity, shall vitiate, corrupt, or disorder it. O my Lord, since thou hast made a firm Covenant with me, in Baptism, even an everlasting Covenant, the sure mercies of David, Jerem. 50.5. 2 Sam. 23.5. Isay. 55.3. and hast contracted thyself to me in the Communion of thy Body, and Blood, I will now presume to say, as thy Spirit hath taught me, My Beloved is mine, Cant. 2.16. Cant. 1.2. Cant. 2.4. and I am his▪ Kiss me with the kisses of thy Mouth, for thy love is better than Wine. Bring me into thy Banqueting-house, and let thy Banner over me, be love: Stay me with Flagons, comfort me with Apples, for I am sick of love; let thy left Hand be under my Head, and let thy right hand embrace me. Now I have found thee, Cant. ●. 4. whom my Soul loveth, I will hold thee, and will not let thee go; O set me as a Seal upon thy Heart, as a Seal upon thy Arm; Cant. 8.6. so my love, in thy strength, is as strong as death; Many Waters, (through thy grace) shall not, 7. nor can quench my love; neither can the Floods of Tentations, Tribulations, and Persecutions for thy sake, drown it. O let me be in thy Eyes, 10. as one that hath found favour; so shall this Sense, my Touch, be spiritualised, by thee here, and glorified with thee hereafter; and be the Handmaid, and assistant to my Soul, to distinguish and discover unto her, thy bounty and goodness, and all other thy excellencies, in thy wonderful works in nature; and cease to be, as in its unregenerate state, Gal. 5.10. a Pander to lust, and Satan: For the works of the Flesh, are Adultery, Fornication, Uncleanness, Rev. 22.15. Lasciviousness; and without the new Jerusalem, are Dogs, and Whoremongers. Lord do thou touch me with the Finger of thy sanctifying Spirit, and let me lay hold, and embrace thee in the Arms of Faith, and love; and then this bodily sense shall be so metamorphosed, by such a union, and communion with thee, that it shall be a real augmentation of my happiness and delight, in this life, and through thy free grace, who proportionably rewards thy Saints, receive from thee, by the holy exercise of it here, at the Resurrection, an answerable increase of Glory, Amen. Of the Tongue Glorified. Having through God's gracious assistance, (although in much weakness) meditated and discoursed of the glorification of the Five Senses; I shall conclude, with the blessed, and excellent use, and exercise of the Tongue; (under which I comprehend the voice, and articulate speech) at our Resurrection in Glory; which although not numbered amongst the Senses, yet is not inferior, but transcends them all; as being the Souls Orator, and Interpreter, to the glory of God, of what is seen, heard, tasted, smelled, or touched by us; And therefore it is styled by David, His Glory; Psal. 30.12. Psal. 108.1. as being that sweet, and most melodious Instrument, that utters, and declares the wondrous works of God, to his great praise, and honour, which is the principal end of our Creation, Redemption, and Glorification. To this member I annex, as necessary assistants; the Air, Lips, Teeth, Throat, and Lungs. And as to the Speech, Language, or Dialect, solely to be used, by all the Saints, at the Resurrection. I humbly conceive, it shall be the Primitive Hebrew Tongue; as being certainly, the Original Language of Adam, in the Creation; and before his Fall, when he gave names to the Creatures, according to their natures, and in which God spoke unto him; and therefore is to be restored to us, by Christ, the second Adam. The rise of all other Languages, being a curse, punishment, and an effect of sin, in their Original, and the confusion at the building, of the Tower of Babel. Besides, this Tongue had the great and special honour, to be the Language of the Holy Ghost, in the old Testament, and in St. Matthew's Gospel, and of our blessed Saviour, the Eternal Word of God; and of the blessed Angels, in all their several missions, and appearances throughout the Book of God. So that in fine, this Tongue hath the privilege and prerogative of all other Languages, and may be called the Language of the glorious Trinity; Holy Angels, and inspired Saints, and Prophets, yea, the Language of Heaven. I proceed next to the Persons, with whom the Saints shall speak, and frequently converse in this new life, on the renewed Earth, (O let it be contemplated by us, with a ravishing, and admiring reverence, and thankfulness). Since it shall be with the most glorious Trinity in Unity, God blessed for ever, with the King of Kings, Rev. 19.16. the Lord of Lords; The Mediator, Spouse, and Head of his Mystical Body the Church, now perfect and complete, redeemed, and raised in their Bodies also, to Glory: If now the Apostle witnesses, 1 John 1.3. We have fellowship with the Father and the Son, How much more then, when We shall Reign with Christ personally, as Kings, Rev. 5.10. Rev. 20.6. and Priests upon Earth. Further, in this Heavenly Jerusalem, this City of the living God, Heb. 12. We shall have communion with an innumerable Company of Angels, 22, and with the general Assembly, and Church of the firstborn, 23. even with all the Elect, from Adam, unto the last Convert: yea, then shall that great truth, in the Psalmist, be fulfilled in this Restauration, by the Lord Jesus Christ; Psal. 7.5. when the Saints shall be Crowned with Glory, and Honour, and made with, and under him their Head, 6, to have dominion over the works of his hands. Then shall all things be put under their Feet; all Sheep, and Oxen, yea, 7. and the Beasts of the Field, the Fowls of the Air, and the Fish of the Sea, 8. and whatsoever passeth through the Paths of the Seas. I come now, to the use and exercise, of this glorious, and glorified Member, the Tongue, speech, and voice; which I humbly conceive shall be then, Musical, and Laudatory, and also precatory, as, and with respect to God, and Christ. Secondly discursive, declarative, and communicative, as in respect of Angels, and their fellow-Saints; as also gubernative, and mandatory, as, and in respect of all inferior Creatures. As to the first, that the chiefest duty, and highest service of the Saints, in this new life, shall be the Loqual, Musical, and melodious singing, praising and worshipping of God, and Christ, is in many Figurative Visions proved, and held forth, in the Revelation; as Chapter the Fourth, from Verse the 8 th'. unto the end of the 11 th'. Verse; and Chapter the 5 th'. from Verse the 8 th'. until the end of the 14 th'. Verse; and Chapter the 7 th'. from Verse 9 th'. unto the end of the 12 th'. Verse; and Chapter 11 th'. from Verse 15 th'. unto the end of the 18 th'. Verse; and Chapter 14 th'. from Verse the 2 d. unto the end of the 3 d. Verse; and Chapter the 15 th'. from Vers. the 2 d. unto the end of the 4 th'. Verse; and Chapter 19 th'. Verse the 1. unto the end of the 8 th'. Verse; I am not ignorant, that the places above cited, do most of them respect the providential actings of God, and Christ, in the Church Militant, before the Resurrection of the just; and the Church's returns of praises, and worship for them; yet as I think, none will deny the truth I assert, so none but will confess, these to be Types, and Patterns of what is done now in Heaven, by the Church triumphant, and shall be done, by the Saints after the Resurrection, to Eternity; which I prove from Revelations, Chapter 21. Verse the 22. which speaks directly of the time I write of, even of the glorified state of the Saints, upon the new Earth, under the type of the holy City, or new Jerusalem; And I saw no Temple therein, for the Lord God Almighty, and the Lamb, are the Temple of it; and Chapter the 22. Verse the 3 d. And there shall be no more curse, but the Throne of God, and the Lamb shall be in it; and his Servants shall serve him. To these, I will only add the expressions of the Psalmist; In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy Name for ever; Psal. 44.8. Psal. 115.18. we will bless the Lord from this time forth, and for ever more. And that of the Apostle, By Him (meaning the Lord Jesus Christ) let us offer the Sacrifice of praise to God continually; that is, Heb. 13.15. the fruit of our Lips, giving thanks to his Name. As to the second particular, that the Saints after the Resurrection, shall converse, and have communion with the blessed Angels, and with the rest of their fellow-members, that Scripture before-cited out of the Hebrews Chapter 12. Verse 22, & 23. doth sufficiently evidence; for if we have communion with them, in this our militant condition, (as is there asserted by the Apostle) how much more shall we have our Conversation with them, in this state of Glory. If the glorious Angels are now our Guardians, and were often visible, present, and discoursed, with Abraham, Jacob, Lot, Joshua, Gideon, Genes. 18.1, 2. Genes. 19.1, 2. Gen. 32.1, 2. Joshua 5.13. Judg. 6.12. Judg. 13.13. 2 Sam. 24.17. 2 King. 6.17, 18. 1 King 19.5, 7 Dan. 9.21. Luke 1.28. Luke 2.9. Revel. 1.7. Mark 12.25. Revel. 21.22. Manoah, David, Eliah, Elisha, Daniel, the Shepwards, the blessed Virgin, John, and others of the Saints on Earth, shall they not be much more intimate, and conversant, when glorified together with them? shall we be as the Angels, and not with the Angels? shall we have a fellowship with the infinite and incomprehensible Trinity? shall God and the Lamb be our Temple, in this period of our reigning with Christ upon Earth, as hath been before proved; and shall any think us then below the society of the Elect Angels? or that the Angels delight not to be present with them, with, and in whom, the God, and Head of Angels, dwells, and inhabits? Did not Angels declare most of the holy mysteries to the Prophets, and to Saint John, and when through infirmity, Revel. 19 10. & the 22. chap. verse 9 he fell down twice to worship them, did they not both times say, See thou do it not, I am of thy Brethren the Prophets, that have the Testimony of Jesus, worship God? As for the communion of Saints, both here, and hereafter, it is one of the Articles of our Faith, and asserted in many places of the Scripture; As that, matth. 28.28. where the Karkass is, Math. 28.28. Luke 13.28. there shall the Eagles be gathered together. That at this time, the wicked shall see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the Prophets in the Kingdom of God, That we shall be taken up in the Clouds, to meet the Lord in the Air. 1 Thes. 4.17. And that then we shall be ever with the Lord: as also throughout the Book of the Revelations: especially in the two last Chapters, where this time, and state, is prophetically, and evincingly set forth, and declared; That the Angels, and Saints exercise, is, and shall be then laudatory, and precatory; a melodious singing and continual praising, adoring, admiring and worshipping of God; I think none doubts; and I have already sufficiently proved. And as to the blessed matter, and subject of their discourse, and communication, one with another; I humbly conceive, it will chiefly respect, and inspect, as to time, (in imitation of our God) things that are past, present, and things that are to come, so far as are promised, and shall be revealed to them. And as to the most excellent matter of their discourse, I humbly conceive it will be, to keep in remembrance, declare and communicate to, and with one another, in lesser, or greater Assemblies, the glorious, fearful, and wonderful Name of the Lord our God; that is, his infinite, and incomprehensible Attributes, by which he is made known to his Creatures; for every Attribute is God in the abstract, as his Omnipotency, wisdom, holiness, justice, love, mercy, truth, goodness, life, glory, eternity, and the rest; As they have been, are, and shall be declared, in his works of Creation, then fully understood, and revealed to us; as to the causes, and effects, nature, virtues, influences, and uses of all things, that God hath made, and that have a Being in Heaven, or in Earth: to the glory of our God their Creator. Which is to me a strong reason, and a great help to interpret many Scriptures; as setting forth the great wisdom, and justice of God, in appointing a certain time for his Saints, for whom he made the Earth, and wherein they have so greatly suffered, and been persecuted for his sake, and to whom, he hath redeemed, and restored it; shall with their Head the Lord Jesus, in this new Heaven, and new Earth, before their second, and ultimate Glory, in the highest Heavens, possess, and enjoy, know, and understand this his lower Creation, in its Primitive excellency; That so they may sing to his praise, and speak thereof one to another, to the exalting God's Name, and Glory, as being the Chief end, for which he Created it and them. The second Chief Head of the Saints exercise of speech, one with another, will be concerning the wonderful providences of God, especially in respect of his Church, from the beginning of the World; a History never to be blotted out, obliterated, or forgotten, by his Saints; but to be frequently remembered, and mentioned to the glory of his power, wisdom, love, and faithfulness, and of the rest of his Attributes. A third and principal subject, will be that which now, and ever shall be, the wonder of Heaven, and Earth, the admiration of Saints, and Angels, that Miracle of Divine love, the Redemption of Mankind, by the Lord Jesus, God-Man in one Person: In which, above all other his works, the Lord hath been pleased to draw near, and to manifest himself in all his glorious Attributes, both to Saints and Angels. This is that mystery of mysteries, of which the Apostle witnesses, That without controversy, 1 Tim. 3.16. great is the mystery of Godliness; God manifested in the Flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of Angels, Preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the World, Ephes. 3.18. received up into Glory: This is that breadth and length, that depth and height, the knowledge of the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, even the fullness of God, and the riches of his Glory. But I must return where I left off, 19 lest I be swallowed up in this Ocean of Divine love, Ephes. 3.16. which both now and then shall far transcend, not only the expressions, but the Conceptions of Saints and Angels. The fourth Subject, about which the Saints Tongues shall be exercised, respects their several employments, and activities, under their glorious Head, and King, in this transcendent Kingdom and Universal Empire, which by way of allusion, I may term their Callings or degrees of Office under him, and in Relation to one another; For, if the Holy Scriptures hold forth, that in the highest Heavens, there is the most excellent Order, and Government evidenced, by the gradual denominations, and titles, given unto those Aetherial subjects: as Arch-Angels, and Angels, Judas 9 1 Thes. 4.16 Revel. 5.11. Philip. 1.16. Colos. 1.16. 1 Pet. 3.22. Ezek. 10.1, 3, 20. Isay. 6.2, 6. Principalities, and Powers, Thrones, and Dominions, Cherubins, and Seraphins; All which have their several Offices, Employments, and Governments, according to the appointment, and establishment of our great and alwise God, in those vast Regions, and innumerable starrified Orbs; yea, if in Paradise, (had our first Parents not fallen) as they, so also their Progeny▪ should have dressed the Garden, Gen. 2.15. 1 Cor. 15.41. and not have been idle▪ so also, it is more than probable, that as the Saints, according to the Scriptures, should have (like the Stars) different degrees of Glory, so shall they have different actings, Offices, and Employments; for the performance of which, the Tongue, and speech, above other parts, and Members of the Body; as being the Souls Image, and Interpreter, will have the greatest share, and honour. As for their Offices, he who is truly the Fountain of honour, our Lord, and Emperor, the Lord Jesus, saith, that the Saints shall be all Kings; Revel. 5.10. Luke 12.32. Luke 22.29. Luke 19.19. yet with a difference, as to the extent of their Governments; For some shall rule over five, others over ten Cities, in this Empire of Glory. Now their several and respective Functions, and achievements in their Governments, none will suppose, can be performed, without the use of the Tongue, and speech. If all things in the Church Militant, must be done with decency, and in order, much more admirable shall be the unparallelled order of this Church Triumphant; The regulation, directory, and carrying on of which, I conceive shall not be as now, by the use and help of any kind of Books, or Canons; but by verbal Orders, and Acts flowing continually from their Souls, now as full of Light, as Life; That gracious promise, and prophesy, being then to be completed, and fulfilled; They shall be all taught of God. Isay. 54.13. Let none mistake me, as though I here hold forth, that Saints shall have any Dominion, or Rule over their Brethren; No, I mean, and intent no such thing; For all here are Kings, and free, and shall be subject to none, but God, and Christ, their Head. But this I conceive, that this Church Triumphant, being that glorious, and mystical Body, whereof only Christ is the Head, 1 Cor. 12.12. to vers. 27. it is (as the Apostle elegantly) concerning the Church Militant, like the natural Body, compounded, and made up of many Members; every one of which hath a different degree of honour, grace, and glory, and are designed for several uses, and actions; which without any servitude, or disrespect, from each other of their Members, they do, and cheerfully execute, in order to the good, benefit, and happiness of the whole; according as they are continually influenced, and directed, 1 Tim. 6.15. Revel. 19.16. by their Head, the Lord Jesus, who is the only Potentate, The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. I come now to the third, and last particular, the gubernative, and mandatory acting of the Tongue, and voice, of glorified Saints upon the new Earth, as in respect of all animate, and inferior Creatures; as Fowls of the Air, Beasts of the Earth, and creeping things: some of all which kinds, as being intelligible, although not rationable; are now subjected to, and obedient to the voice of Man, even to the command of wicked Men: As first, for instance, are not Falcons, Lanners, Gosshawkes', and all kind of ravenous Fowls, brought, and taught to obey the Rulers call, and voice of the Falconer? And as for other Fowls, how wonderful is the subjection, and observance of the Cormorants, and the coy Ducks, as to the Instructions, and designs of their Masters. And as for harmless, lesser, and singing Birds; how speedy and trusty Conveighers of Letters are the Pigeons, called Carriors' in the Eastern Countries, to the Merchants? How do Parrots, and other Birds speak and sing, as they are taught, and when they are commanded so to do by their Teachers? Next, how are all sorts of wild and devouring Beasts made Tame, and obedient to their Keepers; as the Lion, Bear, Tiger, Wolf; especially the Elephants, and Rhinoceroses, so much used, and employed in Wars, and for service by the Eastern Nations? As also those less wild, the Horse, Mule, Ass, the Camels, Dromedary; and Dogs of all sorts; Baboons, Apes, & Monkeys: of which last, a credible Writer reports, that he knew a Monkey to have so well learned, and obeyed the rules of his Tutor, that he would not only play a Game at Chess, but often give a Checkmate to a good Gamester. As to creeping things; although Naturalists report, many strange things concerning their love, and subjection to Man; and daily experience shows us, with what awe and fear they are possessed, when they but hear a humane voice: yet for brevity sake, I will only observe, what is written concerning the Adder, that it hath such a dreadful apprehension of the force, and power of Incantation; that to avoid the Enchanters voice, she will stop one of her Ears with the end of her Tail, and the other by laying it close to the Earth, which as to the actions, although not to the precise manner of doing, the Holy Scriptures witness, That the Adder stoppeth her Ear from hearing the voice of the Charmer, Psal. 58.5. charm he never so wisely. If then there remains, and appears such manifest signs, and testimonies of Man's dominion, and of the inferior Creatures obedience, and subjection to him, even after the Fall, God's curse, the Creatures rebellion, and the vacating of Man's commission: How perfectly entire, and absolute, shall this Dominion be, and the Creatures subjection and obedience, when the glorified Saints in the right of Christ, the Lord, and Heir of all things, their Head, Heb. 1.2. Rom. 8.17. shall be as coheirs with him, restored to this their Primitive right, and prerogative? which promise and act of Christ, could not be fulfilled, or performed to us, in this particular, (although no small privilege of the Saints) unless before their second, and last degree of Glory, They reign with him upon the renewed Earth, Revel. 20.4. a thousand years; according to the Scripture; which Earth, (it is more than probable) shall be furnished as before, with several kinds of Creatures; to the end, that they may be in subjection to, and under the dominion of the Saints, who shall be all Kings: now a King, and subjects, are relatives, so that no subjects, Revel. 20.6. no King. If it be a truth, that they shall not reign over one another, it is as clear a truth, they shall reign over all terrene animals, and inferior Creatures. But it may be objected, how shall the Creature, according to that assertion of the Apostle, Be delivered from Bondage, they now are under, Rom. 8.21. and enjoy the liberty of the Sons of God, if they be under this subjection? I answer; as it is no diminution of our liberty, that we shall then be in subjection to God, in Christ, because his Service is our perfect freedom; so it shall be no impeachment, or contradiction, to the liberty in that Scripture intended, to be restored to the Creatures; For no other liberty, it is clear, is there meant to be given then, but what they had before; their unwilling subjection to bondage, by reason of God's curse, for Man's sin, and it, being one of the principal ends of their Creation, to delight, serve, and obey Man, God's Vicegerent upon Earth, their service therein, according to the Primitive Ordinance of God, (as may be observed also, in the unwearied motions of the Sun, and Planets) shall be their joy, honour, and freedom, not their bondage: This government having no need, or occasion, to make any such harsh, laborious, oppressive, or slautering use of any Creature, as now: all the Saints vocal commands, being then, by the wonderful wisdom, and providence of God, so ordered, and made agreeable to the nature, and will of the Creatures, and that by a certain kind of instinct, as that their subjection, and obedience, shall be as natural, pleasing, and acceptable to them, as it is to the Fire and Air, to ascend; they being as ambitious and ready to obey, as the Saints to rule, govern, and command them; since all their Orders, and verbal Injunctions, shall tend to the great glory of God, ours and their Creator, and of Christ our Redeemer. As to the particular actings▪ and subject matter of the Saints verbal Statutes, and Injunctions in this their Dominion and Government of the Creatures, I shall not further enlarge, (as conducing nothing to the subject I am now upon) although the Holy Prophets▪ in mysterious Figures, and expressions, hold forth some light and discovery thereof. Only I desire it may be observed, That before Man's Fall, the several genusses, or kinds, of all terrene Creatures, were in possession of, and enjoyed Paradise with Adam: else, how could they be brought by the Lord to Adam, to see what he would call them? And whatsoever Adam called every living Creature, Gen. 2.19, 20. that was the name thereof. From which I note, the great use of the Tongue, and speech of Man in that blessed Garden; the certain and clear Figure of our restored and Paradisical Earth? as also that the Creatures were not brought by God to Adam only, and barely, to receive their Names; but that Adam should particularly, and understandingly view them; that so he might take seriously notice of the variety of their kinds, the wonderfulness of their forms, and shapes; and Phylosophically inspect, (as being the wisest of all Earthly Beings) their respective qualities, and natures; that so he might not only give them significant, and proper names, (a Prerogative and Character, declaring him Lord and King over them) but as a Priest unto God, Revel. 20.6. to both which Offices the Saints are to be restored) he might from the daily contemplation of them, praise, admire, and adore; as the Saints also shall do, the great and only most high God, who hath made them, and us, and all things for his own Glory. From this my weak, and short inquiry, and induction, of a few particulars▪ it is made clear and evident how excellent a Member the Tongue is; and also how great and manifold, the use and exercise thereof, will be in this our glorified condition. I shall now therefore, according to my former Method, conclude this subject, and this Treatise, with a few Meditations. Soliloquium. O my Soul, shall thy Tongue, voice, and speech, have such an excellent, and glorious employment, in the state of glory, as to be thy Representee Ambassador, and Prolucutor to God, Saints, Angels, and Creatures? shall it be the most loud, sweet, and full-sounding Organ, and Instrument of the worship, and high praises of the Trinity in Unity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, God blessed for ever? shall it be a vocal Trumpet, in the ravishing, and most melodious Chore of Millions of Millions of glorified Saints and Angels, to sound forth, and speak of, to one another, the wonderful works, and providences of God, past, present, and to come, divulged in the large Maps of our Creation, Redemption, and Glorification, to his continual, and everlasting praise, and glory? Shall it be a principal Engine, and Actor, as to that Office, and Government, thou shalt be placed in, amongst thy fellow Saints, in this glorious and universal Empire of the Lord Jesus, reigning Personally as King, and Mediator, in this his Mediatory Kingdom, upon the renewed Earth? Yea last, shall it be the Expressor, of all thy Orders, and Commands, in the Execution of thy restored Dominion, over the terrene, and inferior Creatures? O with holy David, (that now glorified Saint, Psal. 141 3. ) Set a watch over thy Lips, that thou offend not with thy Tongue; and remember that authentic Declaration of thy Judge, Lord, and Saviour, By thy words thou shalt be justified, Matth. 12.37. and by thy words thou shalt be condemned; Matth. 12.36. and that of every idle word, thou shalt give an account, at the Day of Judgement; Because, matth. 12.34. out of the abundance of wickedness that is within the Heart, the Mouth speaketh. James 3.2▪ If any Man (saith St. James) offend not in word, the same is a perfect Man, and able also to bridle the whole Body. 3, Behold (saith the same Apostle) we put Bits into the Horse's mouths, that they may obey us, and we turn about their whole Body; Behold also the Ships, 4, which though they 〈◊〉 so great, and are driven of fierce Winds, yet are they twined about, with a very small Helm, whether so ever the Governor listeth; 5, Even so the Tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things; Behold how great a matter a little Fire kindleth; And the Tongue is a Fire, 6, a World of iniquity; so is the Tongue amongst our Members, that it defileth the whole Body, and setteth on Fire the course of nature; And it is set on Fire of Hell: 7, For every kind of Beasts, and of Birds, and of Serpents, and the things in the Sea is tamed, 8, and hath been tamed of Mankind; But the Tongue can no Man tame, it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison; Therewith bless we God, 9, even the Father; and therewith curse we Men, which are made after the similitude of God: 10, shall out of the same Mouth proceed blessing, and cursing? O my Soul, these things ought not so to be; Doth a Fountain send forth at the same place, 11, sweet, and bitter? Can the Figtree (O my Soul) bear Olive-Berries; 12. either a Vine Figgs? so can no Fountain both yield salt Water, and fresh. Therefore, James 1.26. If any Man seem to be religious, and bridleth not his Tongue, but deceiveth his own Heart, this Man's Religion is vain. Titus 3.2. Speak evil of no Man: Let no corrupt communication proceed out of thy Mouth, but that which is good, Ephes. 4.29. to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the Hearers; Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, Ephes. 5.4. which are not convenient; but rather giving of thanks; 1 Cor. 15.33. Since evil Communications corrupt good Manners. O my Soul, is cursing, swearing, vain, wanton, and evil-speaking, the Rant▪ and Garb of the wicked; y●●▪ the Language of Hell? And is holy, and a religious discourse and communication, the Character, and Dial●●t of Saints upon Earth? and praises, and thanksgiving, the exercise of the Spirits of just Men made perfect, and of the glorious Angels? Yea, the Language of Heaven? O let not thy Tongue learn, or speak, the Language of Ashdod, Nehe. 13.24. but of Canaan; not the blasphemous roaring of the Devils, and the damned; but the sweet Anthems of the Saints, and Angels. Yea, begin thy Heaven upon Earth, and be warbling and tuning this blessed and useful Instrument, thy Tongue, to Psalms, Hymns, and spiritual Songs, Ephes. 5.19. Psal. 14.7. Psal. 103.1, 2, 3, 4, singing and making melody in thy Heart to the Lord; For it is good to sing praises to our God▪ For it is pleasant, and praise is comely. O bless the Lord▪ O my Soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgiveth all thine iniquities, and healeth all thy diseases; who redeemeth thy life from destruction, 5. who crowneth the● with loving kindness, and tender mercies; who satisfyeth thy Mouth with good things, so that thy Youth is renewed like the Eagles. O my Soul, shall thy Tongue in the next glorious Life, be thy Chronologer, and Orator to God's praise, before; and to thy fellow Saints, of God's works, and providences, past, present, and to come? O be exercising, and cunning over thy Lesson, in this Life: And in●u●e it here, to what it shall do hereafter. Say to my friends, relations, and fellow Christians; Come and hear all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my Soul. Yea, Psal. 66.16. let thy Tongue be thy glory, and as the Tongue of a ready Writer. Psal. 108.1. Let thy Mouth speak of wisdom; and the Meditation of thy Heart, Psal. 45.2. of understanding: Remember the Days of old, Psal. 49.3. meditate of all God's works, muse on the works of his Hands, Psal. 143.5. speak of the might of his terrible acts, Psal. 145.5, 6, 7. and declare his greatness; Abundantly utter the memory of his great goodness, and sing of his righteousness, whilst thou livest; Psal. 146.2. ●raise the Lord, yea, sing praises unto thy God, whilst thou hast any Being. O my Soul, shall the Saints in this glorious Empire of Christ in the new Heaven, and new Earth, be all Kings; and yet as one ●tar differs from another in glory, so they there shall have different degrees of gifts, and graces, offices, and employments; every Vessel being full of grace, and glory, although of different measures, and capacities; not ruling, or lording it over one another; and yet of necessary and excellent use, by reason of their various and different gifts, manifestations and employments, to add an increase of happiness, blessedness, and glory to each other; a pattern, and resemblance of which joint Kingship, under one Head, and King, the Lord Jesus, (as was mentioned before) is seen 〈◊〉 the natural Body, and in the militant, and mystical body of Christ; The Saints glorified, being like so many precious Stones, (which although of different bigness, and value, yet being judiciously set, by a skilful 〈◊〉) to radiate one upon other, that they add lustre each 〈◊〉 other, and without any diminution, to the worth of any individual Stone, serve necessarily, to the greater and fuller perfection of the Jewel? Will it be thus O my Soul, and will thy Tongue be then a principal Actor, in this thy most honourable station, and vocation? Acts 13.36. Serve thy God with David in thy Generation, not hiding any Talon God hath given thee, with the slothful Servant in the Earth. matth. 25.25. Set not thy Candle under a Bushel, but upon a Table, Mark 4.21. that it may enlighten the whole House, thy Family, thy Friends, thy fellow-Members; yea all (except Dogs, or Swine) that thou conversest with; Math. 7.6. speaking unto them, as the Saints no doubt shall do, 1 Cor. 14.3. to one another in Glory, to edification, exhortation, and comfort; declaring to them, (to the praise, and glory of God) thy experiences, thy consolations, and Divine manifestations. And for as much as thou art zealous of spiritual gifts; 1 Cor. 14.12. seek, that thou mayst excel, to the edifying of the Church; that spiritual Body of Christ, whereof thou art a living Member. And since God, as the Apostle excellently observes, 1 Cor. 12.28, 31. hath set some in the Church; First Apostles, secondly Prophets, thirdly Teachers; after that Miracles, than gifts of healing, helps, Governments, diversities of Tongues; Covet thou earnestly the best gifts; 1 Cor. 12.4, For there are diversity of gifts, but the same spirit; But the manifestation of the Spirit, is 〈◊〉 to every Man to profit withal; 7, To one is given by the Spirit, 8, the Word of Wisdom; to another, the Word of Knowledge, by the same Spirit; to another Faith, by 〈◊〉 same Spirit; 9, to another the gift of Healing, by the same Spirit; 10, to another working of Miracles; to another Prophecy; to another discerning of Spirits; to another, di●vers kinds of Tongues; to another, the interpretation of Tongues; 11, but all worketh that one, and the self same Spirit, dividing to every Man severally, as he will; For, 〈◊〉 the Body is one, 12, and hath many Members, and all the Members of that one Body, being many, are one Body; 〈◊〉 also is Christ. If they were all one Member, where we●● the Body? 19, The Eye cannot say to the Hand, I have 〈◊〉 need of thee; 21, again; the Head unto the Feet, I have 〈◊〉 need of you; Now we are the Body of Christ, and Mem●bers in particular. 27. Therefore O my Soul, since 〈◊〉 Tongue, as to all divine, and spiritual gifts, is now th● principal Agent, and Expressor: And shall be then, 〈◊〉 as a Member of Christ, mystical Body, in this his glorious Kingdom, thou shalt be placed in thy Function, and respective administration, be not spiritually idle, but ●it, and exercise thy Tongue continually, in declaring to others, according as it shall be revealed to thee, by the Holy Spirit, the Magnalia Dei, the wonderful ways, and works of God. matth. 10.8. Freely thou hast received, freely give. O my Soul, shalt thou then be as one of Christ's Viceroys, over all inferior Creatures; shall thy Dictates, Orders, and Commands, be received and obeyed by them, as the voice of God? O let not then thy speech, now, to them be mixed with oaths, and cursings, according to the wo●t, and fashion of the wicked of the Earth; whose behaviours towards the poor Brutes, are more like to Devils, than Men, or Christians. Yea, let thy employment of them, and rule over them, be gentle, mild, and moderate; not cruel, or oppressive, since the good Man with the Scripture) is merciful towards his Beast: Prov. 1●. 10. And 〈◊〉 tenderness of thy God towards them expressed as 〈◊〉 of the reasons of his commanding a seventh Days 〈◊〉, That thy Beast may rest as well as thee, teaches, Exod. 23.12. what respect, and considerate pity, and compassion he expects from thee towards them, as being fellow-creatures, suffering what servitude they undergo, for thy sin; and from which they shall be freed and delivered in thy glorious liberty. But instead of speaking evil of, Rom. 8.21. or to the inferior Creatures, do thou now, as thou shalt do, in the World to come; with thy Heart, and Tongue, praise and glorify thy God, after the Example of holy David, Psal. 148. throughout, in, and for them, admiring his love, and goodness to thee, to them, as also 〈◊〉 unexpressible, yea unconceivable power, and wisdom declared in their various forms, wonderful strength, 〈◊〉 qualities, excellent virtues, and uses; as being 〈◊〉 great end of theirs, and thy Creation; as the Lord ●●clares to Job, when he bids him behold Behemoth, Read Job chap. 38. chap. 39 chap. the 40. Cant. 4. throughout. and ●●●iathan, and leaves upon Record, for our Instruction, and Imitation, so large a description of them, and of others of his Creatures. This holy exercise, both of mind and voice, in the contemplation of the Creatures, was without doubt a chief employment of Adam in his innocency. Let it be thine then in thy return, and travailing to this second Paradise; that what is begun by thee here in grace, may be perfected there in Glory. O glorious God, and merciful Father; O infinite, Ejaculation. lo●ing, and gracious Saviour, and Redeemer; O holy and Eternal Spirit, my Sanctifier, three infinitely glorious Persons; One Omnipotent, only wise, and Eternal God, Blessed, blessed▪ blessed, from everlasting to everlasting▪ who hath so highly honoured, and dignified me▪ a 〈◊〉 Worm▪ Psal. 22.6. Ephes. 2.4, 5, 6. and no Man; As to love me freely in thy Eter●nally begotten, and only beloved Son▪ the Lord Jesus▪ God-Man; and in him▪ from before all beginnings, to elect me, 1 Pet. 1, 2. Ephes. 2.10. unto Eternal Life, and Salvation; Creating 〈◊〉 unto immortality and glory, by giving me an immortal Soul▪ and a Body that shall assuredly be raised to life▪ and glory, by thy Almighty Power, and by the virtue of the Resurrection of my Head, 〈…〉. Ephes. 2.1, 4, 5. and Saviour, who hast miraculously raised me from a sinful death, unto a spiritual life, in my effectual Calling, through Adoption, the Sanctification, Rom. 1.6. Rom. 8.15. Rom. 15.16. Rom. 8.9. Rom. 3.24, 25, 26. Jerem. 13.6. 〈…〉▪ John 6.54. Luke 14.14. Psal., 2. and Inhabitation of thy holy Spirit, as 〈◊〉 freely justified me, in thy Son, the Lord my righteous●ness▪ and by this blessed and inseparable union to 〈◊〉▪ in thy Son▪ by the Holy Ghost, given me assurance 〈…〉 Life, and Glory, which shall indubitably beg●● 〈◊〉 my Soul, at my dissolution, and be complete at the ●●●union of Soul and Body a● the Resurrection of the 〈◊〉▪ What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits▪ O God my heart is fixed, I will sing, and give praise, 〈◊〉 with my glory. Awake my Heart, awake my Tongue▪ 〈◊〉 self will awake early and join with the Arch-Angels▪ and Angels, and the Church Triumphant in Heaven and with the Holy Catholic Church upon Earth, in 〈◊〉 Heavenly exercise of praise, and thanksgiving. O Lord▪ whose only prerogative it is, to search the heart; knowest that these are the desires, Jerem. 17.10. and petitions of 〈◊〉 Soul▪ yet with holy Paul I cry out, that to will is present with me, (through thy grace) but how to perform▪ know not. Rom. 7. ●●▪ Blessed Saviour, give me of thy fullness so so●● to receive grace, John ●. ●6. for grace. Yea be pleased to add 〈◊〉 to grace, since thou alone workest in us both the will and the deed; and the Heaven aspiring▪ piercing 〈◊〉 of praise, Phil. 2.13. ariseth only from thy Divine Fire of Knowledge, and holy affections. Eternal Father, let not this noble Instrument of thy Glory, my Tongue▪ be tuned to the vain and wanton Lays of the World, and Sin▪ lest thereby being cracked, unstrung, and made untunable for thy service here, it, and my whole Body, with voluptuous Dive●, be cast 〈◊〉 useless into the Fire of Hell, where a drop of cold Water will not be 〈◊〉 to cool a flaming lascivious Tongue▪ But let me▪ O Lord, Luke 16.14. be continually cha●●ing the Magn●lia Dei, and be singing those Evangelical●▪ and prophetical Songs of the four Beasts, and four and twenty Elders, (the figure and representative of thy holy Church) saying▪ and singing, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was▪ and is, Rev. 4.8, 11. and is to come; Thou art worthy O Lord, to receive Glory, and Honour, and Power, for 〈…〉 Created all things▪ and for thy pleasure, they are, and were Created. Thou O blessed Saviour art worthy, to take the Book of the Providential Decrees, and actings of the Father, as concerning thy Church, and to open the Seal●, Revel. ●. 8, and to discover the meaning thereof; for th●● wast slain, and hast redeemed us, to God, by thy blood, out of every Kindred, and Tongue, and People, and Nation▪ 10, And hast made 〈◊〉 unto our God, Kings, and Priests, and we shall 〈…〉 the Earth; Worthy 〈…〉 O Lamb, 12, ●hat was 〈◊〉, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. Blessing, 13. ●●nour, glory, and power, be unto (thou▪ O Father) That 〈◊〉 upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb, for e●er and ever. Great and marvelous are thy works, Rev. 15.3. Lord God Almighty, just, and 〈◊〉, are thy ways, O King of Saints; 4. who shall not fear thee O Lord▪ and glorify thy Name, Twelve wonderful actings or works of God to be fulfilled. for thou only 〈◊〉 holy▪ For all Nations shall come and worship before thee, for thy Judgements are made manifest, and thy 〈◊〉, in the raising thy Witnesses, Revel. 11, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. thy Magistracy, and Ministry, and pouring forth thy wrath upon the Beast, the Man of Sin, that Western Anti-christ▪ the Pope, 1. The raising of the witnesses. and upon that Mystery of Iniquity, Babylon the great, the Mother of Harlots, and Abominations of the Earth, Rev. 11.11, 13. Rev. 13.1, 2. Rev. 17.5. which is also spiritually called 〈◊〉, and Egypt, and literally Rome, the Throne, and Seat of the Beast, and two-horned Beast, the false Prophet, 2. The ruin of Rome. which is come now into remembrance, before thee O God; Revel. 11.8. Revel. 1●. 10. to give unto her the Cup, of the Wine, of the fierceness of thy wrath: she saith now in her heart, Revel. 13.11. Revel. 19.20. Revel. 16.19. Revel. 1●. 〈…〉. I sit i● Queen, and am no Widow, and shall see no sorrow, therefore shall her Plague's 〈◊〉 in ow● Di●●y, Death, and Mourning, and Famine▪ and she shall be utterly 〈◊〉 with Fire, for strong are thou 〈◊〉 God that Judgeth her▪ And the Bea●●, the Pope that was, 3. The ruin of the Papacy. and is not, that is the Eight Head, and is of the Seventh, shall go into Perdition, and be taken, and with him the false Prophet, Revel. 17.11. the Roman Church, and Hierarchy, Rev. 13.12, 13. that wrought Miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the Beast, and them that worshipped his Image; These both, shall be cast alive into a Lake of Fire, Revel. 19.20. burning with Brimstone▪ First in this life, by a direful excommunica●tion by all the Churches of Christ▪ and after this life, 〈◊〉 the Fiery Lake of Hell. O Almighty Saviour, who 〈◊〉 King of Kings, Revel. 19.16. and Lord of Lords▪ shall my Tongue 〈◊〉 my glorified condition, (as hath been showed) sing thy praises, declare, and perpetuate the memory of these thy wonderful actings, after thou hast done them▪ O 〈◊〉 me now before thou dost them, (as beholding 〈◊〉 very near, through the Perspective of thy Word, by the Eye of my Faith) Sing that new Song of praises, before thy Throne, concerning thy great and marvellous pro●idences, Revel. 14.1, 2, 3, 4. with the hundred forty and four thousand, thy Virgins, and redeemed ones, that stand with thee, o● Mount Zion, (the Figure of thy Church) and tryumphingly declare with the Angel, that the Hour of thy Judgement is come; Revel. 14.7.8. and that Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great City, because she made all Nations drink of the Wine of the wrath of her Fornication. Let me also, as by the same prospect of Faith, beholding the Call, Read Rome 9 Verse 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. and Conversion of thy ancient People Israel, and scattered Jews, to be at hand; and the total destruction of Gog, 4. Israel's Conversion. and Magog, (the blasphemous Mahometan Turk) by their Sword, and in their Land▪ and bless, and praise thy Name, Read Rom. 11. v. 25. to v. 33. for it is wonderful, fearful, and glorious. Read Ezekiel chap. 37. unto chap. the 40. O my Lord, hast thou also declared and promised by thy Holy Apostle John, that thou wilt shortly Lay hold on the Dragon, that old Serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bind him for a thousand years; 5 lie. The Destruction of the great Turk. 6 lie. The binding of the Devil for 1000 Years. Casting him into the bottomless Pit, and shutting him up, and setting a Seal upon him, that he should deceive the Nations no more, until the thousand years shall be fulfilled? And that then all the ends of the World shall remember, and turn unto thee O Lord, Rev. 20.23. 7 lie. The Conversion of the World. and all the Kindred's of the Nations shall worship before thee? And the Kingdoms of this World shall become the Kingdoms of Thee, our Lord, Psal. 22.27. Rev. 11.15. Joel 2.28, 29. Isay 54.13. Isay 32.15, 16, 17, 18. Isay 44.3. Psal. 72▪ 11, 17. Psal. 82.8. Psal. 86.9. Isay 60.3. Isay 2.2. Jerem. 27.7. Dan. 7.14. Hag. 2.7. Isay. 2.4. Psal. 29.11. Psal. 27.11. Psal. 72.3, 7. Isay. 9.7. Isay. 65.20, 22. Isay 54.13. Isay 66.12. Jerem. 31.12, 13, 14. Isay. 2.18, 60, 17, 20. and of thy Christ, and He shall reign for ever? Lord, shall I we see such a blessed, and happy age, as this, when, as a natural, and rational effect of Satan's binding, and thy casting him, and all his Legions of Devils, into the local Hell, and of thy plenteous pouring forth of the gifts, and graces of thy Spirit, according to the Prophets, the whole World shall be converted to Christianity, all Wars and Contentions shall cease, Swords shall be turned into Ploughshares, and Spears into Pruning-hooks, and the Nations shall learn War no more; And long life, and peace, and plenty, shall Crown this Orb; when all Idolatry, Ignorance, open profaneness, and wickedness shall be laid aside; and purity, light, and unity in life and doctrine, worship, and discipline, shall shine forth throughout the Earth, even above the Primitive times, when saving knowledge, and a Salomonial wisdom, shall cover the Earth, even as the Waters cover the Seas? Shall I, I say, behold all this, by faith, through the gracious illumination of thy blessed Spirit, in thy Word of Truth? And shall I not cry out with holy David, Read for further proof of this peaceable Kingdom of Christ. Isay. cap. 60.65. from the beginning to the end. Lord open thou my Lips, and my Mouth shall show forth thy praise? yea often glorify thee, in singing the 96. Psalm, which being a clear Prophecy of this time, thy Spirit indicted to that purpose, as also the 97. the 98. the 99 and the 100 Psalms. O Lord, hast thou foretold, Zeph. 3.9. Zach. 14.9. Isay. 11.6. Zach. 12.8. Psal. 51.15. and promised by thy Prophet Daniel, That Judgement shall be given unto the Saints of the most High, and that the Saints shall possess the Kingdom? Read these Psalms, being a clear Prophecy, of the victorious and peaceable Kingdom of Christ. That then Righteousness shall be the Girdle of thy Loins, and faithfulness the Girdle of thy Reins? That thou wilt give us Judges as at the first, and Counsellors as at the beginning, and that thou wilt make our Exactors righteousness? 8 lie. The Destruction of all Christ's enemies under his victorious Kingdom. That the Judgement shall fit, and the Kingdom, and Dominion, and the greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven, shall be given to the People, of the Saints of the most High, whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, Dan. 7.22. Isay. 11.5. Isay 1.26. Isay. 60.17. Dan. 7.26, 27. and all Dominions shall serve Him? Yea, is this that fifth, and universal Monarchy, and victorious Kingdom, which is by thy Almighty Power, and Spirit, to be acted and carried on by thy Saints, when as it is witnessed by the Prophets, and thy Servant David, Thou shalt break thy Enemies with a Rod of Iron, and shalt dash them in pieces, Psal. 2.9. like a Potter's Vessel, when the Lord at thy right hand, Psal. 110.5, shall strike through Kings, in the Day of his wrath, and shalt Judge amongst the Heathen, 6. and shall fill the places with the dead Bodies, and wound the Heads over many Countries? When thou shalt put a two-edged Sword into the Hand of thy Saints, to execute vengeance upon the Heathen, Psal. 149.6, and punishment upon the People, 7, to bind their Kings with Chains, and their Nobles with Fetters of Iron, 8, to execute the Judgement written; this honour have all the Saints? Yea, is this thy victorious Kingdom and Government, 9 wherein righteousness, peace, holiness, and purity, shall be so greatly exercised, and exalted, by, and under thy Saints upon Earth, confirmed by thee, in a Vision, to thy Apostle John; who declares, that after Satan was bound by thee, Rev. 20.4. a thousand years, He saw Thrones, and they (to wit) thy Saints) sat upon them, and Judgement was given unto them? The Prodromus to which Sessions, he saw, Revelations the 19 from Verse the 11. unto the end of that Chapter? Revel. 19 Verse 11. to the end. And shall not both my Tongue, and Heart, in the certain belief, that these wonderful prophetical promises shall, yea, are now, at the point, to be made good unto thy Church, and to be fulfilled; praise, and glorify thee, in the joyful expectation thereof; in those words, which thy own Spirit Indicted on this subject, and for this purpose; O clap your Hands all ye People, shout unto God with the voice of Triumph, Psal. 47.1, for the Lord most High is terrible, 2, he is a great King over all the Earth, He shall subdue the People under us, 3, and the Nations under our Feet; he shall choose our Inheritance for us, the excellency of Jacob, whom he loved; 4, For God is the King of all the Earth, sing ye praises with understanding; 7, God reigneth over the Heathen, 8, God sitteth upon the Throne of his Holiness; The Princes of the People are gathered together, even the People of the God of Abraham; 9 for the Shields of the Earth belongeth unto God, he is greatly exalted. O blessed Saviour, who art that great Prophet, Deut. 18.15, 18, 19 Revel. 22.6. Revel. 20.1, 2, 3. Heb. 4.9. promised by Moses; yea, the Lord God of the Prophets; Hast thou foretold to us by them, that after the binding and sealing up Satan, and all the Powers of Darkness, in Hell, the bottomless Pit; thy Saints, thy Church shall enjoy a Sabatisme, a thousand years of rest, and peace, 9 lie. The Saints peaceable reign for 1000 years. upon this Earth; which I humbly expect, when their six thousand years of trouble, labour, and persecution shall be expired, typified, and prefigured (as I in all humility conceive) in the Arks resting the 17. Day of the 7. Month, as a Type of this rest in the six Days Creation, Gen. 2.1, 2, 3. Exod. 20.8, 9, 10, 11. and thy seventh Days rest; and in thy appointing us a laborious Week, and six Days of Work, and every seventh Day to be a Sabbath, a Day of rest to us, and the Creatures; And in the seventh Years rest to the Field, and release to Servants; the righteousness, and holiness, peace, plenty, and happiness: of which their reign, and Kingdom, I but lately mentioned, and evidenced, by a few Scriptures of many, that clearly hold it forth to us? O let my Heart, and Tongue, in the assured faith of thy accomplishing this great work, sing with joy the seventy-second Psalm; The lively Prophecy of this thy peaceable Kingdom, under thy Saints upon Earth, under the Type of Solomon; concluding with the Holy Psalmist, Psal. 72.18, 19, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who only doth wondrous works; And blessed be his glorious Name for ever; Gen. 18.25. Heb. 9.28. 1 Thes. 1.8. And let the whole Earth be filled with his Glory, Amen. O Lord, the Judge of all the Earth, hast thou promised to come unto us the second time, without Sin, 10 lie. The Destruction of Gog and Magog, and the World by Fire, at Christ's second coming. unto Salvation; but in flaming Fire, to take vengeance of all that know thee not? Hereby destroying them and Hypocrites, together with the Apostatising Nations, called Gog, and Magog, as Sprung from a Scythian Root, seduced from the true Faith, Revel. 20.7, 8, 9, 10. by the deceits of Satan, at his losing for a season; The number of whom is as the Sand of the Sea, and by him gathered together, to encompass the Camp of thy Saints, Rev 20.4, 5. compared with Luke 14.14. 1 Cor. 15.23. 1 Thes. 4.16. and the holy City, thy true Church, made up of Gentiles, and Israelites. Hast thou then promised a Resurrection of the Just, even of all thine Elect ones, and Martyrs; and that They shall be Priests of God, Rev. 20.6. and of thee O Christ, and that they shall reign with thee a thousand years? For thou hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests, Rev. 5.10. and we shall reign upon Earth: Isai. 65.17. 2 Pet. 3.13. 1 Cor. 15.23. 1 Thes 4.16. Rev. 20.5. Even in that new Heaven, and new Earth, which thou wilt create, shall our Salvation be then perfected, and completed, in that first Resurrection, the Redemption of our Bodies, now sown in Corruption, but then raised in Incorruption; 1 Cor. 15.42, 43, 44. sown in dishonour, but raised in Glory; sown in weakness, but raised in Power; sown a natural Body, Phil. 3.21. 1 Joh. 3.2. but raised a spiritual Body, and glorious, like unto thee O Lord. Vid. my Chronology of the Age of this World, taken out of the Scripture. which will shortly be published. Dan. 12.13. For ever blessed Redeemer; shall I according to Scripture-Chronology (probably) about twelve hundred and thirteen years hence, with holy Daniel, stand in the Lot, at the end of the Days, and in my glorified Body, with the many myriades of Angels, and glorious Saints upon the renewed Earth, behold, and enjoy thee personally a thousand years? shall my Tongue then declare thy Acts, and the wonders of thy love, mercy, and truth, and praise thee with them, for this thy great salvation; as being in a sure possession of Glory? O let my Heart, and Tongue, now praise thee in faith, and assurance thereof; Heb. 11.1. Since Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Yea, let me with thy Prophet and Apostle, 2 Tim. 1.10. Host 13.14. 1 Cor. 15.54, 55, 56, 57 Triumph over that last Enemy, Death; and singing, say, O Death where is thy Sting, O Grave where is thy Victory? The Sting of Death is Sin, and the strength of Sin is the Law, 11 lie. The Day of Judgement beginning with the rewarding the Saints: And ending with the Judging the wicked, and Devils. Death is swallowed up in Victory. Thanks be to God, which giveth us the Victory, through thee our Lord Jesus Christ. O thou whose Name is called the Word of God, who art the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords; the only Potentate, to whom all Judgement is committed by the Father, Rev. 19.13, 16. 1 Tim. 6.15. John 5.22. Acts 10.42. 2 Cor. 5.10. and who art ordained of God to be the Judge of the quick and of the dead; we must therefore all appear before thy Judgement Seat: when thy righteousness shall shine forth as the Light, and thy Judgement as the Noonday; in giving to every one according to their works: Psal. 37.6. And to all thine Elect, called thy Sheep, Mat. 16.27. at thy right hand, Mat. 25.33. Isai. 53.11. Rom. 3.26. (who are freely justified by thy righteousness) according to the goodness of their thoughts, words, and deeds; which, (and not any of their sins as being fully satisfied for, Isai. 44.22. Acts 3.19. Rom. 4.25. 1 Cor. 15.3. and blotted out by thy Death and Merits) shall then be remembered, as being the fruits of thy own Grace; That so thy Saints may be gradually rewarded, according to their works, not for their works, Rom. 5.17. Rom. 12.6. Rom. 2.6. Revel. 2 23. Rom. 2.7, 10. Mat. 25.34. Revel. 20.4. both in the new Earth, and highest Heavens, with Eternal Life and Glory; And inherit the Kingdom prepared for them before the Foundation of the World. After which act of thy remunerative Justice, and thy Reign upon the renewed Earth, with thy Saints a thousand years, thou wilt I believe, raise and Judge all the wicked, Mat. 25.33. Revel. 20.5. 1 Cor. 6.3. called the Goats, at thy left hand, and the Apostate Angels, according as thou hast declared in thy Word of Truth; when, every ungodly one shall be sentenced, and punished, Revel. 20.12. proportionable, and according to the evil of their thoughts, words, and actions; then being all made manifest, Luke 12.2. who with the Devils, their Tempter's and Tormenter's, shall by thy mighty Angels be cast into the Lake of Fire; mat. 25 41. Rev. 20.14, 15. the Local Hell, unto Eternity. This is the second Death. O my King, my Judge, my Spouse, Luk. 21.26, 28. mat. 25.30. shall this dreadful time of Judgement, fearful indeed to the wicked, but a most joyful Day to the Godly, certainly come upon the World, according to thy Word? Shall there be a long tract of time measured out, in the acting, and manifesting thy Judgements, and magnifying the glory of thy remunerative, and vindicative Justice, to the World, as well as there hath been a long space, of proclaiming, and holding forth the Golden Sceptre of thy free Grace, and incomprehensible love, and mercy, to the Sons of Men? Is this truth one of the Articles of the Christian Faith, and as certain to us, as the Day of our death, according to that unrepealable Statute, It is appointed to Men once to die, Heb. 9.27. and afterwards comes the Judgement? Shall the Crowns, dignities, and rewards, conferred upon thy Saints, be one chief subject of praise, and fill the Mouths of Men, and Angels, with continual Hallelujahs unto God; not only whilst they rest upon the renewed Earth, but also in the highest Heavens, after the end of this long Day, and the pouring out of thy wrath, and execution of thy righteous Judgements upon wicked Men, and Devils; when thy glorious justice in both the parts thereof shall be finished, and completed, according to that Prophecy of the Psalmist▪ than perfectly fulfilled, Psal. 58.11. Verily there is a reward for the righteous. Verily he is a God that judgeth in the Earth? O let both my Heart and Tongue, now inure themselves to this Subject, Rom. 1.17. since I live by faith, and not by sense, and sing with the Elect ones in the Revelations, that prophetical Song, Revel. 19.1, calculated for this time, saying, Hallelujah, Salvation, and Glory, and Honour, and Power, unto the Lord our God, 2, for true and righteous are his Judgements; Praise our God all ye his Servants, and ye that fear him, 5, both small, and great; Hallelujah, for the Lord reigneth; 6, Let us be glad, and rejoice, and give honour to him, for the Marriage of the Lamb is come, and hi● Wife hath made herself ready; 7, And to her was granted, that she should be arrayed in fine Linen, 8, clean, and white, for the fine Linen is the righteousness of Saints▪ Blessed are they that are called to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. 9 12 lie. The end of Christ's Mediatory Kingdom, and the translation of the Saints▪ to Heaven, there to be for ever. O King of Saints, and King of Nations, our Almighty Saviour, and Conqueror; who hast fulfilled the Law, satisfied Divine Justice, overcome the World, Crucified Sin, spoiled Principalities, and Powers; and wilt at the Resurrection of the Just, and the Redemption of our Bodies, Revel. 15.3. Rom. 8.4. Rom. 5 9 John 16.33. Rome 6.6. Colos. 2.15. Luke 14.14. Rome 8.23. 1 Cor. 15.26. Psal. 68.18. destroy our last Enemy Death, and after the Judging and Hellifying, of wicked Men, and Devils, wilt in Triumph ascend on high, with thy Elect, and lead Captivity Captive, that the Glory which thy Father gave thee, may be given them, that they may be with thee where thou art, and may behold the Glory which he hath given thee, Joh. 17.22, 24. and possess an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in Heaven for us, 1 Pet. 1.4. where we shall be ever with thee our Lord, and see God face to face, 1 Thes. 4.17. 1 Cor. 13.12. and in thee the perfections of all Creatures, as in their first cause: And know thee (according to our measure) as we are known by thee; Blessed Mediator, this is that time, when, 1 Cor. 15.24. all rule, all authority, and power, being put down, and under thee in the Kingdom of thy Saints; and under thee in thy personal, and glorious reign upon Earth: All Enemies, even Death itself being destroyed, 1 Cor. 15.24, 25, 26. and put under thy Feet; thou shalt deliver up the Kingdom (so far as it is Mediatory, personal, and singly acted, 1 Cor. 15.28. and managed by thee, in thy humane appearance, and Manhood) to God, even the Father; That so thou the Son (as being also as Man, mat. 1.18. Luke 1.32. the Son of God) might be subject, as to thy present kind of administration, unto him, that put all things under thee, 1 Cor. 15.28. that God may be all in all; And the whole Universe and Creation, both in Heaven, and Earth, especially thy spiritual Body, thy Church, may be immediately governed, and influenced by him, who is three in one, God-blessed for ever; To which mystical Body, thy Spouse, and Church, as also to Angels, thou still remainest Head, and Lord for ever: Ephes. 1.20, 21, 22, 23. Colos. 1.10. which being now perfectly, and inherently, sanctified, and graciously admitted, Ephe. 2.18, 22. through the glorious inhabitation, and communion of thy most holy, and eternal Spirit, to an immediate fellowship, real, 1 John 1.3. 1 Cor. 6.17. 1 Cor. 12.13. and spiritual union (although not essential) with the Father, Son, and holy Ghost, one God blessed for ever, Joh. 11.25, 26. John 8.12. Colos. 3.3. Rom. 5.17. John 6.57. Joh. 14.19. shall live eternally in the life of God; and in whole, and in part, as respecting every individual Member, and Vessel, be always full; yet always increasing, in knowledge, grace, and glory, as Eyeing, and enjoying, continually, the Divine Nature, and cast into an Ocean, of infiniteness unto Eternity. This is the Generation of them that seek thee, Psal. 24.6. that seek thy face, O God of Jacob. Therefore let both my Heart and Tongue, even now, O Lord prepare, and begin to praise thee, as from Pisgath, with beholding Canaan; Numb. 23.14. and by faith, the eye of my Soul, from the raised hill of holy Contemplation, 2 Cor. 12.2. viewing this Saint Paul's third Heaven; the Throne of God, and of his glory; and the many, yea innumerable shining, and starrified Mansions, in thy Father's house, (the places prepared by thee for thy Saints) as also their Kingdom, and State of endless glory, happiness, and blessedness: In the ravishing Meditation of these things, their translation, and thy second most glorious and triumphant Ascension, O let me sing and rejoice, in the words of thy Prophet David, foretelling both thy Ascensions; Psal. 47.5, 6, God is gone up with a shout, the Lord with a sound of a Trumpet; sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises. Lift up your Heads O ye Gates, Psal. 24.7. and be ye lift up ye everlasting Doors, and the King of Glory shall come in. Who is this King of Glory? 8, the Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in Battle. Lift up your Heads, O ye Gates; even lift them up ye everlasting Doors, 9, and the King of Glory shall come in. 10. Who is this King of Glory? the Lord of Hosts, He is the King of Glory. Selah. I have now by Divine assistance, according to my weak-sightedness, 1 Cor. 13.9, 12. (for all Men here know but in part, and as in a Glass darkly, and imperfectly) taken a view of the Land of Promise, the Inheritance of the Saints, in light, Colos. 1.12. and presented to the Lord, and to his Spouse the Church, what discoveries he hath in great mercy given me, as concerning Eternal Life, that last and great Article of the Christian faith, begun visibly, in the Saints glorified condition, in the new Heaven, and new Earth, and continued unto Eternity in the Heaven of Heavens. Wherein concluding with the glorification, and blessed use, and exercise of our Tongues, in that happy state, I thought it proper, both as to the general subject, I have been upon, (as being the Vision, exercise, and Triumph of Faith); and as to the subject matter, both lauditory to God, and declarative to one another, about which our Tongues shall, in our renewed life, be employed; to declare in this life, with all humility and thankfulness of Heart, and Tongue, (to both which, my Pen is but the Secretary) in the Ejaculatory part of that Meditation; what by faith I behold, and am assured from the Word of Truth shall come to pass here, and be enjoyed by me, and all God's Elect, in the life to come; and shall be there a blessed Subject, of our praises to all Eternity. In which Song of 12. parts, or jacob's Laddar of 12. Staves, whose foot stands upon Earth, and top reaches to Heaven, we may by faith ascend, beginning here upon Earth in this present Year of our Lord 1666. by twelve successive Steps, wonderful, and most signal periods, (noted afore in the Margint) to the last, and highest ascent, the Glorification of the Saints in the Heavens. Being now come to Hercules Pillars, the Ne-plus ultra, of Faith; beyond which, all sacred Scripture (the light of Faith) is silent: I can proceed, nor walk any further, in these Contemplations, lest walking without a Light, I fall into the Darkness of Error: It being alike sinful curiosity, and presumption, to inquire what God will do after this silence, When time shall be no longer; Revel. 10.6. as to ask what he did before time was, and before this World was Created. Wherefore I shall here conclude these my imperfect Meditations; and with all humility, and reverence, return all Honour, Glory, and Praise, to thee, O glorious Trinity in Unity, and Unity in Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one God blessed for ever, for thy most gracious assistance, by the light of thy Word, and Spirit, in this great Work, a subject too weighty for Angels, how much more for me, a simple, sinful, and weak Worm. Lord, I acknowledge that whatsoever is good, right, and true, in this Treatise, is of, and from thee, who art Goodness, Light, Psal. 25.8. John 14.6. and Truth, and to thee alone belongs the praise; and that whatsoever therein is Hay or Stubble, is mine, 1 Cor. 3.12. who humbly takes shame therefore, and Petitions for thy free pardon, in my Lord Christ Jesus, beseeching thee, that in the assurance of thy love, and mercy in him, and in the faith, light, and assurance of thy glorious Truths, herein declared out of thy Word, I may with Holy Job, all the Days of my appointed time, Job 14.14. wait until my Change come. And with zealous Paul, Phil. 1.23. desire to depart and to be with Christ, that so my faith and hope may be swallowed up in the possession of thee; and Vision, may be changed into fruition. Thy Spirit, and thy Bride say come; And let him that heareth, say come; Thou O Lord that testifieth these things, Rev. 22.17. sayest, Surely I come quickly; 20, Amen. Even so come Lord Jesus. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all. Amen. 21. Soli Deo Gloria. An Advertisement by the Author to the Reader. FOr the more clear, and fuller proof of the Twelve great things, mentioned in the Conclusion of this Work, I refer the Reader to my Treatise almost ready to be published; Entitled An humble Exposition of most of the Scripture-Prophesies, concerning Twelve great Periods to be fulfilled to the Church; beginning to be manifested in the Year 1666. and concluding with the end of our Lords Mediatory Kingdom, and the Translation of the Saints, to the highest Heavens. FINIS. AN ALPHABETICAL TABLE, Of the Things contained in the TREATISE Intitulated, MEDITATIONS ON FAITH. A. THe Affections, lose their appetite, if ye do but change the object, viz. Spiritual for Temporal Page. 4 Christ's Agony as described, should much act upon our spirits Page. 27 The use and abuse of the Affections Page. 45, 46 All Arts and Sciences are in the Scripture, as Metaphysic, Philosophy, Astronomy, Chronologie, Rhetoric, & Page. 71 Christ's answer to the soul, complaining of her Affections Page. 81 The Antiquity of the Scriptures Page. 102 Of the Affections glorified Page. 151 Of holy Anger glorified Page. 160 A Soliloquium upon it Page. 161 An Ejaculation upon it Page. 161 A caution against blotting Assurance Page. 185 B. The Body of man like the pool of Bethesda, with its five Porches Page. 22 The curse and judgement of the Body Page. 52 The Souls complaint against the Body, with Christ's answer Page. 88, 89. etc. Of the Body glorified Page. 164 Of the spirituality, and swiftness of our Bodies, at the Resurrection Page. 169 A soliloquium and ejaculation on those two qualities of the Body Page. 170 The glorious shining of the Body, at the Resurrection Page. 171 A soliloquium on that shining of the Body Page. 173 Item, an ejaculation upon it Page. 174 Of the Immortality of the Body glorified Page. 175 C. The Certain condition of man, is to be uncertain Page. 8 A man may be a Conduit-pipe to others, and be a Vessel of dishonour himself Page. 15, 17 Of Christ's Death and Burial Page. 33, 34 His victory over Hell Page. 35 His Resurrection Page. 36 His Ascension Page. 38 Man in respect of Conscience, is as one possessed Page. 42 A Contemplation on love Page. 47 A Contemplation on the insatisfaction in Riches, Honours, Pleasures, Wisdom Page. 49 A Contemplation on fear Page. 51 A Contemplation on the sinfulness of the Eyes, Ears, Nostrils, Taste and Touch Page. 56 Of Christ's Priestly Office Page. 57 The occasion of Christ's Priesthood Page. 58 A Contemplation upon Christ's Priesthood Page. 60 Of Christ's satisfaction Page. 61 Christ's answer to the poor soul, complaining of his Conscience Page. 75 The souls general Complaint answered by Christ Page. 85, 86 The souls Complaint against her Senses, Tongue, and Members of her body; and Christ's answer to it Page. 88, 89 A meditation on the excellency of Christ's person Page. 99 Against Covetousness Page. 123 An Ejaculation upon the glorious Change of the body at the Resurrection Page. 185 D. Demas described Page. 14 A Dialogue between Christ, and the poor complaining soul in many particulars, which Christ answers and satisfies Page. 74 Our victory by Christ, over Death Page. 130 Our victory over the fear of Death Page. 132 Our victory over the pain, and separation by Death Page. 133 All things fall short of the Duration of glorified Bodies and Souls; and the high principle thereof Page. 180, 181 A soliloquium upon that Duration Page. 182 The Destruction of Christ's enemies Page. 242 E. An Ejaculation for Grace Page. 21 An Ejaculation on Christ's sufferings Page. 30 The sinfulness of the Eyes Page. 53 The sinfulness of the Ears, with a contemplation on them Page. 54 Of Eternal life Page. 146 The destruction of Christ's Enemies Page. 242 F. The Fundamental grace's Page. 2 The definition of Faith Page. 3 The means of Faith Page. 21 Christ the Son of God, the object of Faith Page. 22 The palsy of Fear Page. 50 A contemplation on Fear Page. 51 Of Forgiveness of sins Page. 63 Our victory over the Fear of Death Page. 132, 133 The affection of Fear glorified Page. 153 G. Of the understanding Glorified Page. 148 Of the will Glorified Page. 149 A contemplation upon them both Page. 150 Of the Memory Glorified Page. 150 Of the Affections Glorified Page. 151 Of Love Glorified Page. 151 Of Fear Glorified Page. 153 A soliloquium on Love and Fear Glorified Page. 155 Item an Ejaculation upon them Page. 155 Of Anger Glorified Page. 160 Of Joy Glorified Page. 162 Of the Body Glorified Page. 164 Of the Senses Glorified Page. 188 The destruction of Gog and Magog, and the World by fire at Christ's second coming Page. 243 H. Honour distinguished and defined Page. 5 Many good qualities spoilt by Hypocrisy, exemplyfied in Saul Page. 9 Hypocrisy deciphered to the life Page. 13 Historical faith Page. 4 A short History of the life of Christ Page. 24, 25 A senseless Hard-heart most dangerous Page. 43, 44 Christ's answer to the complaint of a hard Heart Page. 76 Honour, one of the world's Darts to wound souls Page. 119 Of the sense of Hearing glorified Page. 199 An ejaculation upon the glorification of the sense of Hearing Page. 203 I. Judas described Page. 16 Infidelity, the first means of Death Page. 20 Joy distinguished and described Page. 48 No true Joy in riches Page. 48 No true Joy in honour's Page. 48 No true Joy in pleasures Page. 48 No true Joy in humane wisdom Page. 49 The consolation in Christ's Intercession Page. 60 Of Justification Page. 62 The necessity of It Page. 68 Of Imputative righteousness Page. 62 The Definition and Exposition of it Page. 64 Christ's answer to the Soul, complaining against Joy Page. 81, 82 Christ's Kingly-Office at the last Judgement Page. 139 A short Application of Comfort, against fear of the last Judgement Page. 142 Of Joy glorified Page. 162 The Conversion of Israel Page. 240 The day of Judgement, beginning with the rewarding of the Saints, and ending with the judging of the wicked Page. 244 K. The happiness of Divine Knowledge, consists mostly in Fruition Page. 7 Of Christ's Kingly-Office now Page. 93 Kings called Pastors, and the Application of it Page. 96, 97 Of Christ's Kingly-office at the last Judgement Page. 139 Of Christ Victorious Kingdom Page. 242 The end of Christ's Mediatory Kingdom Page. 246 L. Man's natural Light, is comparatively darkness Page. 12 A lawful and useful Love of Self Page. 16 Gods Love infinitely excels man's Page. 33 The commendation and corruption of Love Page. 47 Christ's answer to the souls complaint against Love ●1 The commendation of God's Laws Page. 101 Lust, one of the World's darts, to wound souls Page. 117 Of Life Eternal Page. 146 Of the affection of Love glorified Page. 151 A watch to be set on the Lips Page. 233 M. Miraculous faith Page. 15 Man's Misery by Nature Page. 41 His Mind dark, as with Egytian darkness Page. 41 The earthly-minded Man, the only Melancholy man Page. 49 Christ's answer to the poor Souls complaint, against its unfaithful Memory Page. 78, 79 Of the Memory glorified Page. 150 The end of Christ's Mediatory Kingdom Page. 246 N. All Natural Mysteries, and the Knowledge of them shall be discovered, and heightened at the Resurrection Page. 149 O. An Objection [that God might have confirmed man, as he did the fallen Angels] answered Page. 68 The weak Believers Objections answered Page. 73 The souls Objection, it cannot hear, because dead, answered by Christ Page. 73 The souls Objection [that the expressions of Comfort in Scripture, are too general] answered by Christ Page. 73 An Objection [that professors being forbidden sensual pleasures, are of all men most miserable] answered Page. 125 P. Poverty distinguished and deciphered Page. 26 Of Christ's Priestly-Office Page. 57 Of his Prophetical-Office Page. 70 All Revelations flows thence Page. 70 A Contemplation upon it Page. 70 Our Protection by Christ Page. 106 Persecution one of the world's Darts, to wound profession of Religion Page. 120 An Expostulation touching Persecution Page. 121 Against sensual Pleasure's Page. 124 The forbidding sensual Pleasures, doth not (as the Laodicean thinks) make Professors of all men most miserable Page. 125 An Antidote against Persecution Page. 128 The ruin of the Papacy Page. 240 Q. General Questions answered, 1. Why God doth not in the same instant call, justify, sanctify, and glorify his Elect? 2. Why God doth not build up that wide breach, which sin hath made in man's Nature Page. 67 R. Imputative Righteousness, defined and expounded Page. 64 Proofs of our right in Christ's Imputative Righteousness Page. 65 Riches is one of the world's Darts, to wound souls Page. 118 Proofs and comfort in the Resurrection Page. 135 Of the Ruin of Rome Page. 239 S. The Soul is never unemployed Page. 1 The sinful use of Smelling Page. 54 Of Christ's Satisfaction Page. 61 The Souls complaint against the Senses, answered by Christ Page. 88, 89 The commendation of the Scriptures, from the Author, Antiquity, and Holiness thereof Page. 101, 102, & 103 Christ's protection of us from Satan Page. 107 His protection of us from Sin Page. 108, 109, 110, 111, 112 Against Sensual pleasures Page. 124 A Soliloquium on the affections of love, & fear, glorified Page. 155 Of the Senses glorified Page. 188 Of the sense of Seeing glorified Page. 195 A soliloquium upon that Sense Page. 197 An ejaculation upon that Sense Page. 198 Of the sense of Smelling glorified Page. 210 A soliloquium upon that sense of Smelling glorified Page. 213 An ejaculation upon the sense of Smelling, glorified Page. 214 T. Temporary faith Page. 8 The sinfulness of the Taste Page. 55 The sinfulness of the Touch Page. 55 The souls complaint against the Tongue, and Christ's answer to it Page. 88, 89 Of the sense of Tasting glorified Page. 205 A soliloquium upon the glorified sense of Tasting Page. 207 An ejaculation upon it Page. 209 Of the sense of Touching glorified Page. 215 ●n inference whether spiritual bodies (as Angels) may not be Tangible, by spiritual humane glorified bodies at the Resurrection Page. 215, 216 A soliloquium upon the Touch, glorified Page. 218 An ejaculation upon the Touch glorified Page. 220, 237 Of the Tongue glorified Page. 222 A soliloquium upon the Tongue, glorified Page. 232 Against cursing, swearing, and wicked, or vain Talking Page. 234 The destruction of the great Turk Page. 241 The binding of the Devil, for a Thousand years' Page. 241 The Saints peaceable Reign, for a Thousand years' Page. 243 The Translation of the Saints to Heaven Page. 246 U. Christ's answer to the poor soul, complaining of his Understanding Page. 7● A Contemplation upon our Victory by Christ, over Honours, Covetousness, Voluptuousness, & persecution Page. 129 Of the Understanding glorified Page. 148 Of Christ's Victorious Kingdom Page. 242 W. The excellency of the Word Page. 1● The great dependence of the Will on other faculties Page. 4● Against free- Will Page. 45 The souls complaint against the Will, answered by Christ Page. 8● Christ's victory over the World Page. 11● The World's darts by which it wounds souls Page. 11● Of the Will glorified Page. 14● A Watch to be set upon the Lips Page. 238 Twelve Wonderful Works of God to be fulfilled Page. 239 Of the raising of the Witnesses Page. 23● X. Y. The binding of the Devil for a thousand Years Page. 241 The Saints peaceable reign, for a thousand Years Page. ●43 Z. Of Zeal glorified Page. 15● Zeal not a simple grace, but the intense degree of every grac● Page. 156 A soliloquium on glorified Zeal Page. 159 An ejaculation and commendation of glorified Zeal Page. 159 FINIS — Place this before the Scripture-Catechisme at Folio 259 THE EPISTLE TO HIS Entirely beloved Wife, and Twelve dear Children, and to their children's Children, until the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. MOst affectionately endeared Wife, and Children, one with me by Nature, and by Grace; who therefore may challenge and lay claim to my especial care, love, and respects, besides the discharge of my duty to God, who hath placed you under my circumspection, and government, and commands my const●●t, utmost, and unwearied endeavours, in order to your Eternal Salvation. What my continued pains, and frequent watching over you, have been, whilst I was present with you, yourselves, and the rest of my Family will witness, as to Weekly Catechising, Morning and Evening expounding the Holy Scriptures, and praying with you, besides my constant Repetition of Sermons, preparation, and particular examination of you, on the Lord's Day, and Monthly Sacraments; and often remembrance of you, 〈◊〉 to your Daily exercise of private Prayers, reading of the Scriptures, and the Works of God's faithful Ministers. O let not my above Twenty Years labours be in vain, to any one of you; ●ay, which is far worse, be a great aggrevation, both of your sin, and punishment, should ye offend, and rebel against so much light, and means, and neglect so great salvation. But most dearly beloved; I believe, and hope, better things of you, and things that accompany Salvation, although I thus speak; And therefore during my above Seven Tears Exile, and separation from you, I have not ceased, to put you in remembrance of your duty to God, and to stir you up by Letters, to the continuance in well doing, since you shall reap Glory, and Eternal Life, if you faint not, but persevere and continue therein constant to the end: Witness, that large Epistle, sent unto you, dated from Antwerp, January the first, 1665. Wherein from the Mouth of our most blessed Saviour, (as being in a manner all his words) you are exhorted to, and instructed in, what things you are to believe, and to practise; what you are to embrace; and what to eschew, as to grace and virtue, and as to vice and error: which I earnestly desire you, yea charge you, as a Husband, and a Father, to read often over, or at least once a Quarter. Which were it not all Scripture, and through the grace and mercy of God skimmed, and digested for your edification; I should not by this recommendation have presumed to put so high a value upon it. Since which time▪ having by God's gracious assistance, finished this Treatise of Faith, (being destitute of Worldly gifts to bestow up on you) That in discharge of my duty to God, and to you, I may still continue and express my conjugal, and paternal affection, respectively to the Souls of you all. I have directed and dedicated it to you, and yours; desiring, and requiring your frequent, and serious perusal of it, as being for the subject matter, the most sublime, and holding forth the glorious knowledge of the only Infinite, and most high God; and the wonderful and high Mysteries of Man's Salvation, as they are manifested in the face of the Lord Jesus Christ; who is here lively represented, both to the eye, and to the exercise of your faith, beginning with the promise to Adam, and Man's fall and misery, and proceeding to his Incarnation, Life, Death, and Passion, Resurrection, and ascension, and the exercise of his threefold Office, as Priest, and the Prophet, and King, with all benefits from them, with his Kingdom, considered in its several degrees, and administrations, first as it was legal, and spiritual, under the Law; Secondly, purely spiritual under the Gospel; Thirdly, as it shall be victorious over Satan, and Worldly enemies, in this latter Age of the World; Fourthly, peaceable, holy and righteous during the Sabbatisms, the Saints Reign a thousand years upon Earth; Fifthly, glorious, after the Resurrection of the Elect, and their Reign with Christ personally, a Thousand Years upon the renewed Earth; Sixthly, Judicial, beginning at Christ's second coming, under which the Saints are rewarded, and all the wicked raised, judged, condemned, and cast into the Local Hell, together with the evil Angels, Seventhly, Eternally glorious, when Christ's Mediatory Kingdom being expired, & delivered up to the Father, that God may be all in all, the Saints shall be translated into the highest Heavens; that they may there Reign, & live with God and Christ, the Head of the Saints, and Angels, for ever, and for ever. As the subject matter hath a pre-eminence, as being a discourse of things most excellent above others, the knowledge, belief, and saving application thereof to your souls is of all exercises the most excellent, profitable, and delightful, since without faith, and the true knowledge of God in Christ, there is no light, joy, peace, rest, happiness to your souls here, nor in the life to come salvation. And to have revealed to you the great mysteries, and secret counsel of God, together with their wonderful products to the end of the World, and Scripture-manifestation, which are bid from the ungodly, but discovered by the light of his Word, in the Prophets, in, and by his spirit (to those that fear him) is of all speculative knowledge to Christians the most pleasant, useful, and encouraging, as being through an assured hope, that Helmet of Salvation, which will carry you victoriously through all difficulties, and opposition; to triumph in endless glory; together with what I have ●●re summed up, as the substance and body of this Treatise, I have also intermixed methodically, many Soliloquies, and Ejaculatory Petitions, as necessary to conclude several principal heads in these Meditations, which I earnestly desire you to make a frequent, and sincere use, and application of, praying you to make them yours, as well as mine; and beseech the Lord that they may have a like effect upon you, as to your spiritual food and edification, as the ●irst and second concoction hath in the stomach as to a good and perfect digestion, and turning the Meat into a fit Chile to be santified and made good blood and spirits; besides an after chewing of the Cud, by remeditation and practice in a Gospel and spiritual signification, will much difference and distinguish you that 〈◊〉 clean Christians, from those that are unclean: who for want of the heat of Divine affections, devour but not digest holy things. To include, I desire my great suffering condition, abounding with sorrows, hopes, and fears, and all kinds of Tentations, discomforts and distractions; my above Twenty removes to several Residences, and more than seven years' Exile, and separation from my ●ooks, dearest Friends, and Relations, my ignorance, infirmities, and sinfulness, as being the greatest of sinners, the least of Saints, 〈◊〉 excuse, and apologise for me to any of my Brethren of the church's of Christ, that shall with you read these Contemplations ●● to any defects, or errors therein, as being one of the lowest ●●rms in the School of Christ, and therefore ready in all humility to submit any thing herein contained to the Judgement of the Saints that are learned or judicious; and to give, or receive light, or satisfaction to, or from any that differ from me in Opinion. Which I cannot but expect, because of the diversity, and rarity of a great part of this subject, which may be a reason, that ploughing with no man's Heifer, in some things I may walk alone, yet left not in the dark and without (as seems to me) a clear light of holy Scripture; hoping that this Essay of mine, as to those great future mysteries, and periods of the Church's state, may give some new light, through the free condescension of God's spirit, to me his poor Exile in Pat●os, as to the understanding of many Scripture Prophecies (in my Judgement, much mistaken by former Expositors, both ancient and modern; and that though my weak light be but as a rush Candle, yet it may be an occasion of the inflaming and lighting up of great and shining Tapers, both in this generation and in the Age to come. Most loving, gracious and faithful Consort, and hopeful Children, whom I greatly long after in the bowels of Jesus Christ, And for whom, in the words of the Apostle Paul, I frequently pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge, and in all Judgement, that ye may approve things that are excellent, that ye may be sincere, and without offence, until the day of Christ; Being filled with the Fruits of Righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God. Phil. 1.8, 9, 10, 11. For this cause I bow my Knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole Family in Heaven and Earth is named; That he would grant you according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his spirit, in the inner Man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts, by faith, that ye being rooted, and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all Saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God: Ephes. 3.14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Having the Eyes of your understanding enlightened, that ye may know what is the hope of his Calling, and what the Riches of the glory of his Inheritance in the Saints; and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us wards, who believe according to the working of his mighty Power: Ephes. 1.18, 19 That you all with open Face beholding, as in a Glass, the glory of the Lord, may be changed into the same Image, from glory to glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord: 2 Cor. 3.18. Finally, my dear Brethren, Sisters, and Fellow members in Christ, (for all other Relation, and Denomination▪ shall shortly be laid aside.) Farewell, be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; And the God of peace and love shall be with you. 2 Cor. 13.11. Amen. Yours in all sincere and tender affection, as doubly Obliged by Nature and by Grace. W. W. This 29th. of June, 1666. Sweetnese of Form, & Feature, Heeres Combined, Yet much below, the Beauty, of her mind. The True Effigies of the Lady Katherine Harington Wife to Sir James Harington and Baronet. AN EPISTLE TO THE ELECT LADY, 3 Joh. 1. And her Children; My true Yoke-fellow, 2 Cor. 6.14. and Dear beloved Children, 1 Pet. 1.14. Whom I love in the Truth. 3 Joh. 1. The Salutation 〈◊〉 Exhortation of the Father to his Wife and Children. HEar ye the Instruction of a Father, and attend to know understanding; pro. 4.1. forget it not, neither decline from the words of my Mouth. The Praise and Commendation of the Lord Jesus Christ, under the Name and Title of Wisdom, as being the Wisdom of God. Mat. 6.33. First seek the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. pro. 4.7. Wisdom is the principal thing, the one thing needful; and with all your gettings, get understanding: Luk. 10.42. forsake her not, and she shall preserve you; pro. 4.6, Love her, and she shall keep you; Exalt her, and she shall promote you; she shall bring you to honour when you do embrace her; 8, she shall give to your Head an Ornament of grace; 9, a Crown of Glory shall she deliver unto you; 10, and the Years of your Life shall be many: When you go, your steps shall not be straitened; 12. and when you run, you shall not stumble. 13. Take fast hold of Instruction; let her not go, keep her, for she is your life. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; Act. 16.31. who is the power of God, 1 Cor. 1.24. and the wisdom of God. God, who at sundry times, Heb. 1.1. and in divers manners spoke in times passed to the Fathers by the Prophets, hath in these last Days spoken unto us by his Son, 2. who he hath appointed Heir of all things; by whom also he made the Worlds. Therefore ye ought to give the more earnest heed to the things that ye have heard, The danger of neglecting to hear and obey the voice and Counsel of Christ. Heb. 2.1. lest at any time ye should let them slip. For if the word spoken by Angels was steadfast, 2, and every transgression, and disobedience received a just recompense of reward; How shall you escape, if you neglect so great salvation? 3. If he that despised Moses Law, died without mercy under two or three witnesses; Heb. 10.28. Heb. 12.25. See that ye refuse not him that speaketh; for if they escaped not, who refused him that spoke on Earth; much more shall not ye escape, if ye turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven. An Exhortation of the Father to his Wife and Children, to hearken to the word and counsel of Christ. Hear ye therefore the word which the Lord Jesus speaketh unto you; Jer. 10.1. (who spoke by the Prophets) and is the Lord God of the Holy Prophets; Heb. 1.1. Rev. 22.6. since all Scripture is given by Inspiration of God; 2 Tim. 3.16. even from him who is the Eternal Word of God; Rev. 19.13. and is profitable for Doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in Righteousness, that the Man of God may be perfect, 2 Tim. 3.17. throughly furnished, unto all good works. Counsel is mine, and found wisdom; I am understanding, Prov. 8.14, I have strength: I love them that love me; 17. and those that seek me early, shall find me. A SCRIPTURE-CATECHISME. Here begins the speech of the Lord Jesus Christ, as speaking in his own Person, to those to whom this Epistle 〈◊〉 directed: and 〈◊〉 applicable to all other Christians. Joh. 1.14. I am the only begotten Son of the Father; the brightness of his glory, the express Image of his Person, Heb. 1.3. upholding all things by the Word of my Power. I was by him as one brought up with him; Prov. 8.30, and I was daily his delight; rejoicing always before him; rejoicing in the habitable parts of his Earth, 31, and my delights were with the Sons of Men. Blessed is the Man that heareth me, 34, waiting daily at my Gates, waiting at the Posts of my Doors: For who so findeth me, findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the lord 35, But he that sinneth against me, 36. sinneth against his own Soul; all that hate me, The danger of rejecting Christ. love death. But (if) ye set at naught my counsel, prov. 1.25. I also will laugh at your Calamity, 26 I will mock when your fear cometh; when your fear comes as Desolations, 27 and your destruction comes as a whirlwind, Then shall ye call upon me, 28 but I will not answer; for that you hated knowledge, 29 and did not choose the fear of the Lord; Therefore shall you eat of the fruit of your own way, 31 and be filled with your own devices: 33. But who so hearkeneth to me, shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. The Confession of faith, commonly called the Apostles Creed, held forth 〈◊〉 Christ in Scripture Expressions. Joh. 14.1. Believe in God, believe also in me; I and the Father am one; Joh. 10.30. There are three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, 1 Joh. 5.7. and these three are one. For though there be many that are called Gods, 1 Cor. 8.5, & 6. verse. whether in Heaven, or in Earth; The Lord your God is one Lord, 1. The Doctrine of the Trinity. Mark 12.29. and to you there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things; who Created the Heaven, Gen. 1.1. and the Earth. And one Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Joh. 4.14. the Saviour of the World, by whom are all things; Eph 4.4. and you by him. And one Spirit, 1 pet. 1.2. the Holy Ghost, by whom you are sanctified. 2. Article, that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, and our Lord. Joh. 14.6. Rev. 19.13. 1 Joh. 1.4. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; the Word of God; that in the beginning was with God; and was God, the life and light of Men; 3. Article, as to the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary. Joh. 12.36. Joh. 1.14. mat. 1.20. Gal. 4.4. mat. & 1. ver. Ro 1.3. Heb. 2.16 while ye have light, believe in the light; in me the Eternal Word, that was made flesh, and dwelled amongst you; was conceived by the Holy Ghost, and made of a Woman, born of the Virgin Mary, of the Seed of Abraham, and of the Seed of David. The beloved, and only begotten Son of the Father, mat. 3.17. full of grace and truth. This is the work of God, Joh. 1.14. that ye believe on me, whom he hath sent; 4. Article, concerning Christ's Condemnation by Pontius Pilate, his Crucifixion, Death, and Burial, and all other sufferings in Soul and Body. Joh. 6.29. that was delivered to Pontius Pilate, mat. 27.2. the Governor of Judea, who gave Sentence, Luke 23.24. scourged me, and delivered me to be Crucified; who, that I might sanctify you with my own Blood, mat. 27.26. Suffered without the Gate; Heb. 13.12. being obedient unto Death, even the Death of the Cross; phillip 3.8. died for your sins, was buried, 1 Cor. 15.3, 4. and rose again the third Day, according to the Scriptures, Rom. 4.25. for your Justification. Zac. 12.10. O look upon me whom you have pierced, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, Lam. 1.12. wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the Day of his fierce anger; Mat. 26.38. whose Soul being in an Agony in the Garden, Luke 22.43. was exceeding sorrowful, Mat. 27.46. even unto death, so that my sweat was as it were great drops of blood; Isa. 53.10. And I cried out upon the Cross, my God, 2 Cor. 5.21. my God, why hast thou forsaken me? my Soul being then made an offering for sin, Isa. 53.6. yea sin for you; Psal. 16.10. and upon me the Lord laid the iniquities of you all. Yet did he not leave my Soul in Hell, nor suffer his holy one to see corruption. 5. Article, as to Christ's Resurrection. Joh. 1.12. Luke 24.34. Joh. 20.17. Psal. 68.18. Col. 2.15. To as many of you as receive me, and believe on my name, I will give power to become the Sons of God. 6. Article, Of Christ's Ascension. For I the Lord am risen indeed; And am ascended unto my Father, and to your Father, and to my God and your God, and have led Captivity Captive, spoiled Principalities and Powers, and made a show of them openly, triumphing over them; am received into Heaven; Mark 16.19. Act. 1.9. mat. 28.18. and sit at the right hand of God, (having all power given me in Heaven, and in Earth) where I ever live to make intercession for you, Heb. 7.25. Rev. 1.7. Act. 1.11. Heb. 9.28. Act. 10.42. Joh. 5.22. Eph. 1.22, 23. until I come in the Clouds, in the same manner as I was taken up from you into Heaven, the second time without sin unto salvation; 7. Article, Of Christ's coming to Judgement. as being ordained of God to be the Judge of the quick and dead. For my Father judgeth no Man, but hath committed all judgement unto the Son. 8. Article, Concerning the Holy Ghost, is proved in the 1 saint. Article, concerning the Trinity. I am the head over all things, to the Church, which is my Body (the fullness of him that filleth all in all.) The House and Church of the living God; The Pillar and ground of the truth. As your Body is one, 1 Tim. 3.15. 1 Cor. 12.12, 13. and hath many Members, and all the Members of that one Body being many, 9 Article, Concerning the Catholic Church and Communion of Saints. are one Body, so also is Christ. Therefore by one spirit be ye baptised into one body, 1 Cor. 10.16, and be made to drink into one spirit; the Cup of blessing which you bless, is it not the Communion of my blood? And the Bread which you break, 17. is it not the Communion of my Body? For you being many are one Bread, and one Body; Wherefore let there be no schism in the Body, 1 Cor. 12.25. but let each of you as Members, have the same care one for another, to the increase of the body, unto the edifying itself in love. Eph. 4.16. 10. Article, Concerning forgiveness of sins. Be it known unto you, that through me is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins; Act. 13.38, and by me you that believe, 39 and are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the Law of Moses. Act. 5.31. For God hath exalted me with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, Eph. 1.7. Col. 1.14. for to give repentance unto Israel, and forgiveness of sins, and redemption through my blood, according to the riches of his grace. I am the Resurrection and the Life, he that believeth in me, 11. Article, Concerning the Resurrection of the body. Joh. 11.25, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And who so ever liveth and believeth in me shall never die; 26. For the hour cometh, Joh. 5.28, in the which, all that are in the Graves shall hear my voice; and shall come forth; they that have done good, 29. unto the Resurrection of Life, and they that have done evil, unto the Resurrection of Damnation. 12. Article, Concerning life everlasting. Joh. 10.27. If you then will be my Sheep, hear my voice, and I will know you; 28 and you shall follow me; and I will give unto you eternal life, and you shall never perish, neither shall any Man pluck you out of my hand; My Father which gave you unto me, 29 is greater than all, and no Man is able to pluck you out of my Father's hand; For God so loved the World, that he gave me his only begotten Son, Joh. 3.16. that who so ever of you believes in me, should not perish, but have everlasting life. The Preface to the Decalogue, or Ten Commandments. Joh. 14.23. If ye love me, ye will keep my words; Faith without works is dead; (therefore) follow peace with all Men, Ja. 2.20. and holiness, without which no Man shall see God. Heb. 12.14. And be ye doers of the Word, Jam. 1.22. and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. Mar. 10.19. Ye know the Commandments. 1. Commandment. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other Gods before me. Exod. 20.2, 3. 2. Commandment. 4 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven Image, or any likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the Water under the Earth, thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, 5 nor serve them, etc. 3. Commandment. 7 3. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain, etc. 4. Commandment. 8 4. Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy; six Days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work, 9 but the seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. 10 5. Commandment. 12 5. Honour thy Father and thy Mother, etc. 6. Commandment. 13 6. Thou shalt not kill. 7. Commandment. 14 7. Thou shalt not commit Adultery. 8. Commandment. 15 8. Thou shalt not steal. 9 Commandment. 16 9 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy Neighbour. 10. Commandment. 10. Thou shall not covet thy Neighbour's House, 17. etc. The Conclusion of the Ten Commandments. This is the great Commandment, That you love the Lord your God with all your heart, mar. 12.29. and with all your soul, 30 with all your mind, and with all your strength; Note, that the promises and reasons annexed to some of the Commandments are omitted for brevity sake. 31. and your Neighbour as yourself. mat. 7. 1●. Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that Men should do to you, do ye even so to them; for this is the Law and the Prophets. The Exhortation of the Lord Jesus to the use of Gospel-Ordinances. viz. mar. 16.16. He that believeth, and is Baptised, shall be saved: but he that believeth not, shall be damned. Joh. 3.3. Verily, verily I say unto you, except you be born again of Water and the Spirit, you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God: 1. To Baptism. 5 For that which is born of the flesh, 6. is flesh; and that which is born of the spirit, is spirit. 2. To the Lord's Supper. Joh. 6.54. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed; 55 He that eateth my flesh, 56 and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him; As the living Father hath sent me, 57 and I live by the Father, so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me; I am the Bread of Life that came down from Heaven, 35. & 58. not as the Fathers did eat, and are dead; He that eateth this Bread, shall live for ever; What though I am ascended where I was before? 62 63. It is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing; the words that I speak unto you are spirit, and they are life. I (the Lord Jesus) took Bread and blessed it, and gave it to my Disciples, mat. 26.26. and said, Take, eat, 27. this is my body; And I took the Cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink▪ ye all of it; 28. For this is my blood of the new Testament, which is shed for many, for the remission of sins. This do in remembrance of me; For as often as ye eat this Bread, Luke 22.19. and drink this Cup▪ you show my Death, 1 Cor. 11.26. till I come. 3 lie. To the reading of the Scriptures. Deut. 11.18.19, Lay up my word in your heart, and in your soul; And you shall teach them your Children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way; when you lie down, and when you rise up; And you shall write them upon the Door-posts of your houses, 20, and upon your Gates; 21. That your days may be prolonged, and the days of your Children in the Land, as the days of Heaven upon Earth. Blessed are ye that read and hear my words; Rev. 1.3. my Sheep hear my voice; Joh. 10.27. Yea, blessed are they that hear my word, Luke 11.28. and keep it. 4 lie. To the hearing of the Word of God preached. Let every one of you be swift to hear, slow to wrath; Ja. 1.19. If any of you hear my voice, and open the door, Rev. 3.20. I will come in to him, and will sup with him, Luke 8.8.22 and he with me. Wherefore he that hath Ears to hear, let him hear. My Mother and Brethren are ye that hear the Word of God, 13. and do it. Be ye that good ground, who with honest and good hearts, having heard my word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. 5 lie. To the Meditations of the Word of God, and of his works. Let not the Book of my Law, my Word, depart out of your mouth; Jos. 1.8. but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein; for than shall you make your way prosperous, then shall you have good success. Meditate also of all my works. Psal. 77.12. 6 lie. To Prayer in public and private. Eph. 5.17. Pray without ceasing; And when you pray, say, Our Father which art in Heaven, etc. Also after this manner pray ye; Luke 11.2. Ask and it shall be given you, mat. 6.9. seek and ye shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you; mat. 7.7. Whatsoever ye ask the Father in my Name (according to his will) he will give it unto you. Joh. 15.16. 1 Joh. 5.14. Therefore be careful for nothing: phillip 4.6. but in every thing by Prayer, and Supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. But ask in faith, nothing wavering. And when you pray, Jam. 1.6. mat. 6.6. enter into your Closet; and when you have shut your Door, pray to the Father which is in secret, and your Father who seeth in secret, shall reward you openly. 7 lie. To Obedience to Church-Governors and Discipline. Heb. 13.17. Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves; for they watch for your souls, as they that must give an account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief, for that is unprofitable for you. Mat. 18.15: Moreover, if your Brother shall trespass against any of you, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone; if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy Brother; But if he will not hear thee, 16. then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, 17. tell it unto the Church; but if he neglect to hear the Church, let him be unto thee as an Heathen Man, and a Publican. 18. Verily I say unto you, whatsoever my (Church) shall bind on Earth, shall be bound in Heaven; and whatsoever they shall lose on Earth, shall be loosed in Heaven. I gave some Apostles, and some Prophets, and some Evangelists, Eph. 4.11, 12. and some Pastors and Teachers, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the Ministry, 1 Tim. 5.17. 1 Tim. 3.13. for the edifying of my Body. Let the Elders that Rule well be counted worthy of your double honour, especially they that labour in word and doctrine. Also, they that have used the Office of a Deacon well, purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith, which is in me. The Exhortation of the Lord Jesus to Gospel-saving Graces. viz. Repent ye, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out: Act. 3. 19· Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep; Jam. 4.9. humble yourselves in my sight, and I will lift you up. Job 25.4. Can Man be justified with God, 1. To Repentance. Psal. 51.5. Eph. 2.3. Gen. 6.5. Rom. 7.1. Isa. 1.6. or how can he be clean that is born of a Woman? Behold, you were shapen in iniquity, and in sin did your Mother conceive you. By nature you are the Children of wrath. And the Imaginations of your heart are only evil continually in you, that is, in your flesh dwelleth no good thing. From the sole of the foot, even to the head, there is no soundness in you, but wounds, and bruises, and putrified sores. Ye have sinned and done wickedly, Dan. 9.5. and have rebelled, even by departing from my precepts. Your iniquities are increased over your heads, Ezra. 9.6. and your trespasses are grown up to the Heavens. Rom. 3.13. And the poison of the Asps is under your Lips. Wash you, and make you clean, put away the evil of your doings from before mine Eyes; Isa. 1.16, 17, cease to do evil, learn to do well: Come now, let us reason together, though your sins be as Scarlet, 18. they shall be as white as Snow; though they be red as Crimson, Pro. 28.13. they shall be as Wool. 1 Joh. 1.9. Confess and forsake your sins, and you shall find mercy. For I am faithful and just to forgive you your sins. 7. And my blood shall cleanse you from all sins. 1 Joh. 1.7. Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, Mat. 11.28. and I will give you rest. Joh. 6.37. And you that come to me, I will by no means cast out. But if ye will still do wickedly, 1 Sam. 12.25. ye shall be consumed. And I will rain snares; Psal. 11.6. an horrible tempest. And I will break the hairy Scalp of you that go on in iniquity. Psal 68.21. Psal. 50.22. Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver you. Deut. 30.15. See, I have set before you life, and good, and death, and evil; therefore choose life, that ye may live. 2. To Faith. He that hath received my Testimony, hath set to his Seal, Joh. 3.33. that God is true; The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand. 35, He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; 36. and he that believeth not the Son, shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. 1 Cor. 1.30. I am made unto you of God, wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: 2 Cor. 5.21. And to be sin for you, that knew no sin; that you might be made the righteousness of God in me. Rom. 10.4. I am the end of the Law for righteousness, to every one of you that believeth. And was made a curse for you, that the blessing of Abraham might come to you, Gal 3.13, 14. and that ye might receive the promise of the spirit, through faith in me; which grace comes by hearing, Rom. 10.17. and hearing of the Word of God; Eph. 2.8. and is the gift of God. Col. 1.23. Be not moved away from the hope of the Gospel, 3. To Hope. 27. which ye have heard; for I in you am the hope of Glory. But put on this hope for an Helmet; 1 Thes. 5.8. Heb. 6.9. and let it be as an Anchor of your Souls both sure and steadfast; rejoicing therein▪ firmly to the end. Heb. 3.6. 1 Joh. 3.3. And let every one of you, that hath this hope in him, purify himself, even as I am pure. 1 Pet. 4: 8. 1 Cor. 16: 14. Above all things have servant charity, for charity will cover the multitude of sins; 4. To Charity. yea, let all your things be done with charity, 1 Cor. 13.1. without which, though you speak with the tongues of Men and Angels, you are become as sounding brass, 2. or a tinkling Cimbal. And though you have the gift of Prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; And though you have all faith, 3. so that you could remove Mountains, and have no charity, you are nothing. And though you bestow all your goods to feed the poor, and though you give your Bodies to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth nothing. Charity suffereth long, 4. and is kind, charity envieth not; Charity vaunteth not its self; Is not puffed up; doth not behave itself unseemly, 5. seeketh not her own; Is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; 6. Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. 7. Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things; Charity never faileth. 8, Wherefore above all things, Col. 3.14. put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. 1 Tim. 1.5. The end of the Commandment. The royal Law. Rom. 13.10. And the fulfilling of the Law. If ye therefore fulfil this royal Law, Jam. 2.8. according to the Scripture; Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thyself; Mat. 5.44. ye do well: Yea, I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you; That you may be the Children of your Father which is in Heaven, 45. for he maketh his Sun to rise on the evil, and the good, and sendeth Rain on the just, and on the unjust. 5. To holy courage or fortitude. Eph. 6.11. And put on the whole Armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil. 12. Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Mat. 10.28. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy both body, and soul, in Hell. Whosoever doth not bear my Cross, Mar. 10.21. and come after me, cannot be my Disciple. 29. Verily I say unto you, whosoever of you shall leave House, or Brethren, or Sisters, or Father, or Mother, or Wife, or Children, or Lands, for my sake, and the Gospel, shall receive an hundred fold, now in this time, Houses, and Brethren, and Sisters, and Mother, 30. and Children, and Lands, with persecutions; and in the World to come everlasting life. 6. To Christian-Temperance. 1 Cor. 9.25. Every Man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things; 26. now they do it to obtain a corruptible Crown, but you an incorruptible. 27. Therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight, not as those that beat the Air: but keep under your Bodies, and bring them into subjection. 2 Pet. 1.6. And add to your knowledge temperance. For the fruits of my Spirit is love, joy, Gal. 5.22. peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, 23. faith, meekness, temperance, against such there is no Law. 2 Pet. 1.6. Add to your temperance, patience; And in your patience possess your Souls; 7. To Holy Patience. Luke 21.19. and bring forth fruit with patience. And let patience have her perfect work, Luke 8.15. that ye may be perfect and entire, Jam. 1.4, wanting nothing. Being followers of those, Heb. 6.12. who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Jam. ●. ●●. Ye have heard of the patience of Job. Jam. ●. 10. Also take for an example your Brethren the Prophets, Heb. 12.1. of suffering affliction and of patience. And run with patience the race which is set before you. 8. To Divine-Wisdome. Mat. 16.16. Be ye wise as Serpents, and innocent as Doves. Col. 1.9. And filled with the knowledge of my will, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. 10. That ye may walk worthy of me unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God. See that ye walk circumspectly, Eph. 5.11. not as fools, but as wise, 16. redeeming the time, because the days are evil, 17. understanding what the will of the Lord is. Rom. 16.19. Being wise unto that which is good, but simple concerning evil. 1 Cor. 3▪ 19 For the wisdom of the World is foolishness with God; and 'tis earthly, Jam. ●. 15. sensual, and devilish. But the wisdom that is from above, 17. is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. Wherefore if any of you lack wisdom, Jam. 1.5. let him ask of God which giveth to all Men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given you; but let him ask in faith, 6. nothing wavering. Put on humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing one another, 9 To Christian humility. Col. 3.12. and forgiving one another; 13. if any Man hath a quarrel against any, even as I have forgiven you, so do ye▪ For before honour is humility. Prov. 15.33. And he that humbleth himself shall be exalted. What doth the Lord require of you, Luke 14.11. but to do justly, and love mercy, Mic. 6.8. and to walk humbly with your God. Jam. 4.6. For God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble. Yea, I will hear the desire of the humble. Psal. 10.17. And although I inhabit Eternity, Job 22.29. I will dwell with him that is of a contrite and humble spirit. Isa. 57.15. Wherefore learn of me, Mat. 11.29. for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your Souls. Blessed are you that are poor in spirit, for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven. 10. The Exhortation of the Lord 〈◊〉 to several 〈◊〉 graces commonly called the ●atitudes. Mat. 5.3. That mourn, for you shall be comforted. 4 That are meek, for you shall inherit the Earth. 5 6 That hunger and thirst after righteousness, for you shall be filled. Blessed are you that are merciful, for you shall obtain mercy. 7 That are pure in heart, for you shall see God. 8 That are peacemakers, for you shall be called the Children of God. 9 Blessed are you that are persecuted for righteousness sake; 10 for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when Men shall revile you, 11 and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, 12. for great is your reward in Heaven; for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you. Heb. 13.4. Marriage is honourable in all, and the Bed undefiled; 11. To Religious chastity. but Whoremongers and Adulterers God will judge: Wherefore flee Fornication, every sin that a Man doth, 1 Cor. 6.18. is without the body; But he that committeth Fornication, finneth against his own body; Know you not that your bodies are the Temples of the Holy Ghost, 19, which is in you, which you have of God, an● you are not your own? For you are boug●● with a price; 20▪ Therefore glorify God in yo●● bodies and spirits, which are Gods. Also, 〈◊〉 you not my Members? 1 Cor. 6.15. Will you then take 〈◊〉 Members, and make them the Members of 〈◊〉 Harlot? 16 God forbid. What? know you 〈◊〉 that he that is joined to an Harlot is 〈◊〉 body? 17 For two (saith he) shall be one Flesh▪ But he that is joined unto me, is one spirit▪ This is the will of God, 1 Thes. 4.3. even your sanctifica●tion; that you should abstain from fornication▪ And that every one of you should know 〈◊〉 to possess his Vessel in sanctification, 4▪ an● honour; 5. not in the lust of concupiscence, as the Gentiles which know not God. Ye 〈◊〉 heard that it was said by them of old 〈◊〉 Thou shalt not commit Adultery: Mat. 5.27, 2●. But I say 〈◊〉 to you, whosoever looketh on a Woman to 〈◊〉 after her, hath committed Adultery with 〈◊〉 already in his heart. Prov. 6.29. And whosoever toucheth another Man's Wife, shall not be innocent▪ Whoredom, Host 4.11. and Wine, and new Wine tak● away the heart, Prov. 6.26. and by means of a 〈◊〉 Woman▪ a Man is brought to a piece of bre●● and the Adulteress will hunt for the prec●●● life. Prov. 23.27. An Whore is a deep ditch, and a stra●●● Woman is a narrow Pit. Her House inclin●● unto death, Prov. 2.18. and her path unto the dead. L●● not your heart incline to her ways, Prov. 7.25. go not stray in her paths, for she hath cast down 〈◊〉 wounded; 26 yea, many strong Men have be●● slain by her, 27 her House is the way to Hell, g●●ing down to the Chambers of death. 〈◊〉 that go unto her return again, Prov. 3.19. neither tak● they hold of the path of life. Know this therefore, Eph. 5.5. that no Whoremonger, nor unclean Person, nor covetous Man, who is an Idolater, hath any Inheritance in the Kingdom of God. 12. To Christian Justice, and Righteousness. Psal. 106.3. Blessed are ye that keep Judgement, and tha● do righteousness at all times. Psal. 4.5. Offer to God th● sacrifices of righteousness, Psal 11.7. and put your trus● in the Lord; For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness, his countenance doth behold the upright. Isa. 32.17. The work of righteousness shall be peace, and the effect thereof quietness and assurance for ever. He that followeth after righteousness and mercy, Prov. 21.21. findeth life, righteousness, Rom. 6.13. and honour. Therefore yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as Instruments of righteousness unto God. 1 Joh. 3.7. For he that doth righteousness, 10▪ is righteous, even as I am righteous; but whosoever doth not righteousness, is not of God; And shall utterly perish in their own corruptions, 2 Pet. 2.12. and receive the reward of unrighteousness, 13. and shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 Cor. 6.9. But the righteous shall shine forth as the Sun, Mat. 13.43. in the Kingdom of my Father; And they that turn many to righteousness, as the Stars for ever and ever. Dan. 12.3. ●. To Gospel-●●●●rity, uprightly and truth. Mat. 5.48. Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven, Prov. 10.9. is perfect. For he that walketh uprightly, Pro 28.18. walketh surely, and shall be saved. For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness, his countenance doth behold the upright. Psal. 11.7. Fear the Lord, Jeh. 24.14. and serve him in sincerity, and in truth. Pro. 11.3. For the integrity of the upright shall guide them. Psal. 97.11. Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart. But the hope of the hypocrite shall perish. Job 8.13. Remove from you the way of lying; Psal 119.29. and let every one speak truth to his Neighbour. Eph. 4.25. For I am the Lord God of truth. Psal. 31.5. 4 lie. To Holy thankfulness and 〈◊〉 of God. Eph. 5.20. Give thanks for all things to God the Father in my name; Psal. 50.23. For he that offereth praise glorifieth me. Heb. 13.15. By me therefore offer the sacrifice of praise continually, that is the fruit of your lips. 1 Tim. 4.4. For every Creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving. Psal. 147.10. Praise ye therefore the Lord, for it is good; to sing praises to your God, for it is pleasant, and praise is comely. ●. The Exhortation 〈◊〉 the Lord Jesus 〈◊〉 Divine affecti●●s. viz. Joh. 15.11. These things have I spoken to you, that my joy might remain in you, Joh. 16.20. and that your joy might be full. Verily, verily I say unto you, that ye shall weep and lament, 22 but the World shall rejoice, 1. To Holy Joy and delight. but your sorrow shall be turned into Joy, and your Joy no Man taketh from you. Rom. 14.17. For the Kingdom of God is not mea● and drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost; Gal. 5.22, Yea, the fruit of my Spirit is love, joy, and peace; long-suffering, gentleness, 23. goodness; faith, meekness, temperance, against such there is no Law. The joy of the Lord is your strength. Neh. 8.10. Therefore rejoice in the Lord ye righteous, Psal. 33.1. for praise is comely for the upright; Phil. 4.4. Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice. Psal. 37.4. Delight yourselves also in the Lord, and let his Commandments be your delights, and he shall give you the desires of your heart. & 119.143. Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing. Rom. 15.13. 2. To filial fear of God. I●a. 8.13, Sanctify the Lord of Hosts himself, and let him be your fear, and let him be your dream, and he shall be unto you for a Sanctuary. 14. Be ye in the fear of the Lord all the day long. Pro. 23.17. For it is the beginning of knowledge, Pro. 1.7. a Fountain of life, Prov. 10 27. Prov. 22.4. to depart from the snares of death▪ Yea, by the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, Phil. 2.12. and life. Work out therefore your own salvation with fear and trembling, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. 2 Cor. 78 1. Ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear. Rom. 8.15. Isa. 8.12. Therefore fear not their fear, 1 Joh. 4.18. Rom. 8.15. for perfect love casteth out such fear; But ye have received the spirit of Adoption, whereby ye cry Abba Father. Phil. 4.18. It is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing; 3. To holy zeal and anger. Tit. 2.14. for I gave myself for you, that I might redeem you from all iniquity, and purify unto myself a peculiar People zealous of good works. Psal. 69.9: Let therefore after my example and David's, Joh. 2.17. the zeal of my House eat you up, Psal. 119.139. and consume you. And be like Phineas, Num. 25.17. who was zealous for his God. Be angry for sin (as Jacob's anger was kindled against Rachel) but sin not. Eph. 4.26. Gen. 30.2. Let not the Sun go down upon your wrath; For whoso is angry with his Brother without a cause, Mat. 5.22. shall be in danger of Judgement. 4. To holy hatred. Psal. 97.10. Psal. 139.21, 22. Pro. 8.36. Ye that love the Lord hate evil; yea, they hate those that hate me with a perfect hatred. All that hate me love death. Note, the Exhortation to godly love and sorrow are to be found in the foregoing Exhortations to repentance and charity. The Preface to the Dehortations of the Lord Jesus from several principal Vices. Gal. 5.16, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the Flesh; 17, For the Flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the Flesh; and these are contrary the one to the other; so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18, But if ye be led by the Spirit, ye are not under the Law. Now the works of the Flesh are manifest, 19, which are these, Adultery, Fornication, 20, Uncleanness, Lasciviousness, Idolatry, 21. Witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulation, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revel, and such like; of the which, I tell you before, as I have also told in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. The Dehortations ●●rst from unbelief. Heb. 3.12. Take heed Brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God. Mat. 16.16. He that believeth not shall be damned. Therefore ye ought to give the more earnest heed to the things that ye have heard, Heb. 2.1. lest at any time ye should let them slip; For if the word spoken by Angels was steadfast, 2. and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward▪ How shall ye escape, 3. if you neglect so great Salvation? which at the first began to be spoken by (Me) the Lord, and was confirmed unto you, 4. by them that heard (Me); God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will. Luke 12.46. Take heed that your portion be not among the Unbelievers in the Lake, 2. From Atheism, ●he first branch ●f unbelief. that burneth with Fire and Brimstone. Psal 14.1. Nor say with the Fool in your heart, there is no God: and the Lord will not do good, Zeph. 1.12. neither will he do evil. 3. From Polutheims, or having more Gods than one, the 2 d. Br. unbelief. Exod. 22.20. He that sacrificeth, (or gives worship) unto any God, save unto the Lord only; he shall be utterly destroyed. Exod. 20.3. You shall have no other Gods before me. 4. From Idolatry, the 3 d. Br. of unbelief. Leu. 26.1. Ye shall make you no Idols, nor graven Images, neither shall you set up any Image of them in your Land, to bow down unto it; For I am the Lord your God. 5. From Blasphemy, the 4. Br. of unbelief. Leu. 24.16. He that blasphemeth the Name of the Lord, shall surely be put to death; all the Congregation shall stone him. 6. From Profaneness, the 5. B. Leu. 18.21. Thou shalt not profane the Name of thy God, I am the Lord. 7. From Sacrilege, the 6. Br. Prov. 22.25. It is a snare to the Man, which devoureth that which is holy; and after vows to make inquiry. 8. From hypocrisy, the 7. Br. Job 13.16. An Hypocrite shall not come before God; His hope shall perish. The Congregation of the Hypocrites shall be desolate. Job 8.13. Job 15.34. Job 27.8. For what is the hope of an Hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his Soul. 9 From Sabbath-breaking, the 8. Bra. Isa. 58.13. If you turn away your Feet from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on my Holy Day, and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord honourable, and shall honour him, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words; Then shall you delight yourselves in the Lord; 14. and I will give you to ride upon the high places of the Earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob my Servant, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. Leu. 19.13. Ye shall keep my Sabbaths, and reverence my Sanctuary; I am the Lord. I conceive that in all things (some) are superstitious; 10. From Superstition, the 9 th'. Br. of unbelief. Act. 17.22. Joh. 15.14. therefore ye are my friends, if ye do what I command you. Deut. 4.2. Ye shall not add unto the word that I command you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it; that ye may keep the Commandments of the Lord your God, Psal. 119.104. which I command you. But shall with my Servant David hate every false way. 11. From Lukewarmness, the 10 th'. Branch. Rev. 3.15, I know there are many, that are neither cold nor hot, 16 and I will spew them out of my mouth. 12. From hardheartedness, the 11. Branch. Pro. 28.13, He that covereth his sins, shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth, and forsaketh them, shall have mercy. 14. Happy is the Man that feareth always, but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief. Num. 15.30. The Soul that doth aught presumptuously, the same reproacheth the Lord; 13. From presumptuous sinning, the 12. Branch. and that soul shall be cut off from his People. As also the Man that will do presumptuously, Deut. 17.12. and will not hearken to the Priest, that standeth to minister before the Lord your God; or unto the Judge; even that Man shall die. Wherefore, pray with my Servant David, Lord keep back thy Servants from presumptuous sins, Psal. 19.13. let them not have dominion over us, so shall you be innocent from the great Transgression. 14. From sinful swearing, the 13. Branch. Exo. 20.7. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his Name in vain. Let your communication be Yea, yea; Nay, nay; Mat. 5.37. for whatsoever is more than these, cometh of evil. 15. From Incorrigibleness, the 14. Branch. A Preface to the dehortation against despair. Prov. 29.10. He that being often reproved, hardeneth his Neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. Isa. 50.10. Who is among you that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of his Servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light? let him trust in the Name of the Lord, and stay upon his God. When ye are troubled on every side, 2 Cor. 4.8. be not distressed; when ye are perplexed, Joh. 20.27. be ye not in despair. Be not faithless, but believing. 16. From despair, the last Branch. Gen. 4.13. Say not with despairing Cain, my iniquity is greater than that it may be forgiven; Nor go not with him out of the preference of the lord 16. Rom. 14.15. Destroy not your Souls, which I died for; 1 Sam. 31.4. With hopeless Saul, who took a Sword, and fell upon it. Nor do as Judas, who went and hanged himself. Mat. 27.5. A Debortation from uncharitableness. 1 Joh. 3.10. Whosoever doth not righteousness, is not of God; neither is he, that loves not his brother; He that loves not his Brother, 14. abideth in death. Whosoever hates his Brother, 15. is a murderer; and ye know, that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. 1. General branch of uncharitableness as to the Souls of others. Pro. 16.29, Be ye not like the violent Man, who enticeth his Neighbour, and leadeth him into the way that is not good; 30. who shutteth his eyes to devise froward things, moving his lips, he bringeth evil to pass. 1. By tempting to sin. Gen. 39.7. Nor like to Potiphar's wife; nor to the strange Woman that flattereth with her lips; Prov. 7.5. nor to them who say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood; Prov. 1.11. let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause; 1. cast in thy lot amongst us, 14. let us all have one Purse. 2. By evil example. 1 Kin. 15.16. Imitate not Jeroboam, who did sin, and who made Israel to sin. 3. By not reproving. Leu. 19.17. You shall not hate your Brethren in your heart; you shall in any wife reprove them, and not suffer sin upon them. 4. By flattering. Job 17.5. He that speaketh flattery to his friends, even the eyes of his Children shall fail. Pro. 26.28. And a flattering mouth, worketh ruin. 5. By not instructing. Ezek. 34.2, woe to the Shepherd's of Israel, that do feed themselves; Should not the Shepherd's feed the Flock? 3. Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the Wool; ye kill them that are fed, but ye feed not the Flock. 6. By persecuting for conscience. Psal. 10.2. The wicked in his pride do persecute the poor: but they shall be taken in the devises that they have imagined. Rev. 13.10. He that leadeth into Captivity, shall go into Captivity; He that killeth with the Sword, must be killed with the Sword. Rev. 16.6. For they have shed the blood of the Saints and Prophets, and God will give them blood to drink, for they are worthy. 2. General branch of uncharitableness as to the Persons of others. At the hand of Man, at the hand of every Man's Brother will I require the life of Man; Gen. 9.5. whoso sheddeth Man's blood, by Man shall his blood be shed; 6. For in the Image of God made I Man. 1. By murder. And blood defileth the Land. And the Land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, Num. 35.33. but by the blood of him that shed it. 30. Therefore whoso killeth any Person, the Murderer shall be put to death. Ye shall take no satisfaction, 31. for the life of a Murderer which is guilty of death; But he shall be surely put to death. If a Man cause a blemish in his Neighbour; As he hath done, 2. By maiming. Leu. 24.19. so shall it be done unto him; breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: As he hath caused a blemish in a Man, 20. so shall it be done unto him again. 3. By unjust Imprisonment. Jer 37.15. Be ye not like unto unjust Zedekiah, who put Jeremiah into Prison, Jer. 51.11. for speaking to him in the Name of the Lord. Not like cruel Herod, who bound John in Prison, Ma● 6.17.27. and beheaded him for Herodias sake, left you partake of their punishments. Act. 12.23. Jam 2.25. If a Brother or Sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, 4. By not Relieving. and one of you say, Depart in peace, 26. be you warmed and filled; Notwithstanding you give them not those things that are needful to the Body, Mat. 25.31. What doth it profit? When I sit upon the Throne of my Glory, I shall say unto such on my left hand, Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting Fire, 41, prepared for the Devil and his Angels. Verily I say unto you, 45. inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these (my poor Saints) ye did it not to me. 3. General Bran. of uncharitableness as to the Estates of others. Hab 2.6. Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his: Mal. 3.5. I will be a swift witness, saith the Lord, against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the Widow and the Fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right; 1. By Oppression. He that doth wrong, Col. 3.25. shall receive from the wrong that he hath done; And with me there is no respect of Persons. 2. By stealing. Zac. 5.2. Behold a flying Roll, the length thereof is twenty Cubits, and the breadth thereof ten Cubits. 3, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole Earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off, according to it; 4. And it shall enter into the House of the Thief, and it shall remain in the midst of his House, and shall consume it with the Timber thereof, Eph. 4.28. and the Stones thereof. Therefore let him that stole steal no more, but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. 3. By defrauding. 1 Thes. 4.6. Let no Man go beyond and defraud his Brother in any matter, because that the Lord is the avenger of all such. 4. By contentiousness. 1 Cor. 6.5. I speak to the shame of (many;) is it so that there is not a wise Man amongst you? No not one that shall be able to Judge between his Brethren; 6. But Brother goeth to Law with Brother, and that before the Unbelievers; Is any one will sue you at the Law, Mat. 5.40. and take away thy Coat, let him have thy Cloak also. 5. By Usury or Extortion. Pro. 28.8. He that by Usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor. Mat. 23.25. Woe unto such, who like the Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites, make clean the outside of the Cup, and of the Platter; but within they are full of Extortion and excess; Luke 3.13. Therefore exact no more than is appointed you. 6. By depopulation. Isa. 5.8. Woe unto them that join House to House, and lay Field to Field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the Earth. 9 Of a truth, many Houses shall be desolate, even great and fair without Inhabitant; 10. Yea, ten Acres of Vineyard shall yield one Bath, and the Seed of an Omer shall yield one Epha. 7. By false witnessing. Luke 3.14. Do violence to no Man, neither accuse any falsely; Pro. 19.5. for a false witness shall not be unpunished. A false witness shall perish. Behold, if a witness be a false witness, Pro. 21.28. and hath testified falsely against his Brother, Deut. 19.18. then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto his Brother. 8. By cursing, or evil Imprecations. Rom. 12.14. Bless, and curse not. (Those) That delight in cursing, Psal. 109.17, so let it come unto them; As they delight not in blessing, so let it be far from them; 18. As they have clothed themselves with cursing, as with a Garment, so let it come into their bowels like Water, and like Oil into their bones. 4. General Era. of uncharitableness as to the good name of others. Pro. 10.18. He that uttereth slander is a Fool; I will tear those in pieces, Psal. 50.22. and there shall be none to deliver them, ●0. that sit and speak against their Brother, and slander their own Mother's Son: Yea, 1. By slandering, and backbitting, & tale-bearing. Psal. 64.7. I will shoot at them with an Arrow, suddenly they shall be wounded; they shall make their own Tongues to fall upon themselves, 3 who whet their Tongues like a Sword, Psal. 64.3. and bend their Bow to shoot their Arrows: even bitter words, 4 that they may shoot in secret at the perfect. Thou shalt not go up and down as a Tale-bearer among thy People. Neither shalt thou raise a false report, Leu. 19.16. Exo. 23.1. nor put thy hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. A Dehoratation from Intemperance. Isa. 5.11. Woe unto them that rise up early in the Morning, that they may follow strong Drink, that continue until Night, 1. From Drunkenness. till Wine inflame them. Woe unto them that are mighty to drink Wine, 22. and Men of strength to mingle strong Drink. Woe unto him that giveth his Neighbour drink, Hab. 2.15. that puttest thy Bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness. Who hath woe? Pro. 23.29. Who hath sorrow? Who hath contentions? Who hath babbling? Who hath wounds without cause? Who hath redness of Eyes? They that tarry long at the Wine, 30. they that go to seek mixed Wine. 2. From Gluttony. Pro. 23.21. The Drunkard and Glutton shall come to poverty, and drowsiness shall clothe a Man with rags. 2 Pet. 1.6. Add therefore to your knowledge, temperance; A fruit of the Spirit; Gal. 5.23. against such there is no Law: Be therefore sober and vigilant, 3. From Insorbriety. 1 Pet. 5.8. because your Adversary the Devil walketh about as a Roaring Lion, 1 Thes. 5.7. seeking whom he may devour. They that be drunken, 8. be drunken in the Night; but you that are of the Day, Phil. 4 5. be sober: Let your moderation be known to all Men, for I am at hand. And use this World as not abusing of it; 1 Cor. 7.31. for the fashion of this World passeth away. A Dehortation from sinful fear. Isay. 51.7. Harken unto me ye that know righteousness, the People in whose heart is my Law. Fear ye not the reproach of Men, neither be ye afraid of their revile. 8. For the Moth shall eat them up like a Garment, and the Worm shall eat them like Wool; Sanctify the Lord of Hosts himself, Isa. 8.13. and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread; 12. neither fear you their fear, Rev. 22.8. nor be afraid. (For) the fearful and unbelieving shall have their portion in the Lake which burneth with Fire and Brimstone, which is the second Death. A Dehortation from Ignorance, Pro. 1.7. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but Fools despise wisdom and understanding; 1. Affected. 22. How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the Scorners delight in their scorning? Pro. 2.3. and Fools hate knowledge? Cry after knowledge, and lift up your voice for understanding; 4, Seek her as Silver, and search for her as for hid treasures. 9 Then shall ye understand righteousness, and judgement, and equity; yea, every good path. Leu. 5.17. If a Soul sin, and commit any of those things that are forbidden to be done by the Commandments of the Lord, 2. Natural though he wist it not; yet is he guilty, and shall bear his iniquity. 3. Wilful. 2 Pet. 3.5. How much more shall they be guilty, that are willingly ignorant? In flaming Fire (therefore) will I take vengeance on them that know not God, 2 Thes. 1.8. and that obey not my Gospel. A Dehoratation from Injustice. Deu. 27.9. Cursed be he that perverteth the Judgement of the stranger, Fatherless and Widow; wherefore keep ye far from a false matter; Exo. 23.7. and the innocent and righteous slay not; 1. In Magistrates. for I will not justify the wicked. Leu. 19.15. Ye shall do no unrighteousness in Judgement, ye shall not respect the Person of the poor, nor honour the Person of the mighty; But in righteousness shall you Judge your Neighbour. 2. In private Persons. Woe unto him that buildeth his House by unrighteousness, Jer. 22.13. and his Chambers by wrong, that useth his Neighbour's service without wages, and giveth him not for his work. 3. By not giving Obedience justly due to Superiors. 2 Sam. 23.3. He that ruleth over Men must be just; Thou shalt not revile the Judge, Leu. 22.28. nor curse the Ruler of People. Submit therefore yourselves to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord's sake; 1 Pet. 2.13. whether it be to the King as Supreme, 1. As Magistrates. or unto Governors, 14. as unto them that are sent by him, for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of them that do well; 15. For so is the will of God, that with well-doing, you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish Men; 16. As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the Servants of God. Honour all Men, 17. love the Brotherhood. Fear God, honour the King. For whosoever resisteth the Power, Rom. 13.2. resisteth the Ordinance of God; and they that resist, shall receive to themselves Damnation. Render therefore to all, their deuce; Tribute to whom Tribute is due, 7. Custom to whom Custom; Fear to whom Fear, Honour to whom Honour. Owe no Man any thing, 8. but to love one another, for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the Law. 2. As Ministers of the Gospel. Heb. 13.7. Remember them that have the Rule over you, that have spoken to you the Word of God, whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. Luke 10.16. He that heareth them, heareth me; and he that despiseth them, despiseth me; and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me. Whatsoever City they enter, and they receive them not; 10. I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom, 12. than for that City. 3. As Natural Parents. Prov. 1 8. Hear the Instruction of your Father, and forsake not the Law of your Mother; 9 For they shall be an Ornament of Grace unto your Heads, and Chains about your Necks; Pro. 30.17. But the Eye that mocketh at his Father, and despiseth to obey his Mother, the Ravens of the Valley shall pick it out, and the young Eagles shall eat it. A general Dehortation from fleshly uncleanness. Exod. 22.19. Whosoever lieth with a beast, shall be surely put to death. 1. From Buggery. Leu. 20.13. If a Man lie with Mankind, as he lieth with a Woman, 2. From Sodomy. both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to Death; their blood shall be upon themselves. Deu. 23.17. There shall be no Whore of the Daughters of Israel, 3. From Whoredom. nor a Sodomite of the Sons of Israel. 2 Pet. 2.6. God turned the Cities of Sodom and Gomorra into ashes, condemning them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those, that after should live ungodly. 4. From Incest. Leu. 18. read from v. 1. to v. 19 None of you shall approach to any that is near of Kin to him, to uncover their nakedness; I am the Lord; after the doings of the Land of Egypt, and after the doings of the Land of Canaan, shall ye not do. 5. From Polygamy. 1 Cor. 7.2. Let every Man have his own Wife, and every Woman have her own Husband. If a Woman, Rom. 7.3. whilst her Husband lives, marries another Man, she shall be called, (that is, she is an Adulteress) the like is true of a Man, if he marry another Woman, whilst his Wife liveth; Luk. 16.18. For whosoever puts away his Wife, and marries another, 6. From Adultery. commits Adultery: Whoremongers and Adulterers God will Judge. Heb. 13.3. Leu. 18.20. Thou shall not lie carnally with thy Neighbour's Wife, to defile thyself with her. The Adulterer and Adulteress shall surely be put to death. Leu. 20.10. 1 Cor. 6.9. Be not deceived, neither Fornicators, nor Idolaters, 10. nor Adulterers, nor Effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with Mankind, shall inherit the Kingdom of God. 7. From Fornication. Col. 3.5. Mortify your Members which are upon the Earth, fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, 6. evil concupiscence; For which things sake, the wrath of God cometh on the Children of disobedience: 1 Cor. 10.8. And commit not Fornication, as some of the Israelites committed, and fell in one Day three and twenty thousand. Rev. 22.15. Without (the new Jerusalem) are Whoremongers, Rev. 21.8. who shall have their part in the Lake which burneth with Fire, which is the second Death. A Dehortation from Lasciviousness. Mat. 15.19. Pro. 16.26. Psal. 119.113. Jer. 4.14. Pro. 24.9. Psal. 139 2. Heb. 4.12. Out of the heart proceeds evil thoughts, which are an abomination to the Lord. Wherefore hate all vain thoughts, Let them not lodge within you, 1. In wanton Thoughts. for the thought of foolishness is sin. I understand your thoughts afar off; and am a discerner of the thoughts and intents of your hearts. 2. In wanton Words. Eph. 4.29. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouths, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearers. Eph. 5.3. But fornication, and all uncleanness, let it not be once named amongst you, as becometh Saints; 4. Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. For because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the Children of disobedience. 6. 7. Be not therefore partakers with them. Mat. 12.36. I say unto you, every idle word that Men shall speak, they shall give account thereof at the Day of Judgement; For by thy words thou shalt be justified, 37. and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. 3. In wanton looks. Mat. 5.28. Whosoever looketh upon a Woman to lust after her, hath committed Adultery with her already in his heart. Job 31.1. Wherefore with holy Job, make a Covenant with thine Eyes, that thou think not upon a Maid, (to lust after her; Luk. 11.34. ) For when thy Eye is evil, thy Body also is full of darkness. Job 11.26. The Eyes of the wicked shall fail; But chiefly them that walk after the Flesh in the lust of uncleanness; 2 Pet. 2.10. Having Eyes full of Adultery, 14, and that cannot cease from sin, 9, and are reserved to the Day of Judgement to be punished, 17. and to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. 4. In wanton ●●tions. Rom. 13.12. The Night is far spent, the Day is at hand, therefore cast ye off the works of Darkness, and put on the Armour of Light, walking honestly, 13. as in the Day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in Chambering and wantonness; But put ye on me the Lord Jesus Christ, 14. and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof; Rom. 8.13. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die; but if ye, through the Spirit, do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. A Dehortation from lying. Act. 5.3. Let not Satan, who is a liar from the beginning, Joh. 8.44. and the Father of lies, fill your hearts to sin against the Holy Ghost, 1. By denying the Truth. Joh. 14.17. who is the Spirit of truth, Act. 5.5, 10. that ye be not strucken with sudden Death, as was Ananias and Saphira. Ye shall not lie one unto another; but every one speak the truth with his Neighbour; For ye are Members one of another. Eph. 4.25. For I will destroy them that speak leasing; Psal. 5.6. Psal. 63.11. and the mouth that speaketh lies shall be stopped. 2. By breach of Covenant to God. Isay. 24.4. The Earth mourneth and fadeth away, the World languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty People of the Earth do languish, the Earth also is defiled under the Inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the Laws, 5. changed the Ordinance, broken the everlasting Covenant. Heb. 12.14. Col. 2.11, 12, 13. Heb. 10.29. I am the Mediator of the new Covenant, sealed unto you in my Sacraments of Baptism and my Supper. Tread not then under foot the Son of God; nor count the blood of my Covenant wherewith ye are sanctified, an unholy thing; nor do despite unto my Spirit of grace. 30, 31. For vengeance is mine, I will recompense; yea, I will judge my people; It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. 2. Of Vows to God. Eccl. 5.4. When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools. Pay that which thou hast vowed; Deu. 23.21. The Lord thy God will surely require it of thee, and it would be sin in thee. 3. Of Promises and Covenants to Men. 23. That which is gone out of thy Lips, thou shalt keep and perform to God, and to Men, lest thou be excluded my holy Hill, Psal. 15.14. and suffer alike Judgement with King Zedekiah; for shall he escape that doth such things? Or shal● he break the Covenant, Eze. 17.15. and be delivered. Surely where the King dwelleth that made him King, 16. whose Oath he despised, and whos● Covenant he break, even with him in the midst of Babylon shall he die. A Dehortation from Covetousness. Deu. 5.21. Thou shalt not desire thy Neighbour's Wife▪ neither shalt thou covet thy Neighbour's House▪ his Field, 1. In the heart. or his Man servant, or his Maidservant, his Ox, or his Ass, or any thing that i● thy Neighbours. Hab. 2.9. Woe unto him that covered an evil covetousness to his House, that he ma● set his Nest on high, that he may be delivere● from the power of evil. Pro. 28.20. He that maketh ha● to be rich, 2. In Action. shall not be innocent. No covetous Man, Eph. 5.5. (who is an Idolater) hath any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ, Luke 12.15. Jer. 22.13. and of God. Take heed, and beware of Covetousness. For woe unto him that buildeth his House by unrighteousness, 1 Kings 21.19. and his Chambers by wrong. Beware of Ahab's sin, and his punishment. 2 lie. From worldlyness and carking ●ares. Mat. 6.24. No Man can serve two Masters, for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon. Therefore I say unto you, 25. take no thought for your Life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, nor yet for your body what ye shall put on; Is not the life more than meat? and the body than raiment? 32. For after all these things the Gentiles seek; for your Heavenly Father knoweth, that ye have need of all these things. Wherefore having food and raiment, Heb. 13.5. be therewith content; for I have said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. 1 Tim. 6.9. They that will be rich, fall into temptation, and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown Men in destruction and perdition; 10. for the love of money is the root of all evil; which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith; and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Joh. 2.15. Wherefore love not the World, nor the things that are in the World; if any Man love the World, the love of the Father is not in him. 3 lie. From Nigardness. Pro. 11.14. There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, and yet tendeth to poverty. The liberal Soul shall be made fat; 15. and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. Eccl. 6.1. There is an evil which I have seen under the Sun, and it is common among Men; A Man to whom God hath given riches, wealth and honour, so that he wanted nothing for his Soul of all that he desireth; 2. yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but a stranger eateth it; this is vanity, and it is an evil disease. A Dehortation ●rom Idleness. 1 Cor. 7.20. Let every Man abide in the same Calling in which he was called. Mat. 20.6. Let none stand idle all the Day; 1. By having no Calling, or by neglecting a Caliing. Pro. 19.15. For an idle Soul shall suffer hunger; And by much sloathfulness the building decayeth, Eccl. 10.18. and through idleness of the hands the House droppeth through. Ezek. 16.49. Behold, this was the iniquity of Sodom, abundance of idleness. Avoid ye therefore their sin, Gen. 19.15. lest ye be consumed, 24. as was that City; upon which the Lord reigned Brimstone and Fire from the Lord out of Heaven. 2. Idleness in private Persons. Pro. 22.29. Seest thou a Man diligent in his business, he shall stand before Kings; he shall not stand before mean Men: Pro. 23.21. But drowsiness shall clothe a Man with rags. Rom. 12.11.8. Wherefore be not slothful in business, as private Persons. 3. Idleness in public Persons. Rom. 12.8. Let him that Ruleth do it with diligence; lest when I come and reckon with you, Mat. 25.19. the slothful and unprofitable Servant be cast into utter Darkness, where shall be weeping and gnashing of Teeth. 30. The Dehortation of the Lord Jesus from sinful Passions. Eph. 4.26. Be ye angry, but sin not; let not the Sun go down upon your wrath. Like Simeon and Levy, Gen. 49.5. Instruments of Cruelty are in their habitations; 6. for in their anger they slew a Man, and in their self-will they digged down a wall. Cursed be their anger, 7. for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel. I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel. Therefore be not hasty in Spirit to be angry; Eccl. 7.9: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools. 2. From causeless Anger. Mat. 5.29. Whosoever is angry with his Brother without a cause, shall be in danger of the Judgement. A Dehortation from sinful hatred. Gal. 5.20. One of the works of the Flesh is hatred; therefore thou shalt not hate thy Brother in thy heart. 1. Of Persons. Leu. 19.17. Psal. 34.21. They that hate the righteous shall be desolate. 1 Joh. 2.9. He that faith he is in the Light, and hateth his Brother, is in darkness even until now. 1 Joh 3.5. Whosoever hateth his Brother is a Murderer, and ye know, that no Murderer hath Eternal Life abiding in him. 2. Of good things. Mic●. 3.2. Woe to them that hate good, and love evil. All they that hate me, Pro. 8.36. love death. A Dehortation from Malice. 1 Pet. 2.1. Use not your liberty for a Cloak of maliciousness: 16. But let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil-speaking, be put away from you; Eph. 4.31. with all malice; and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one to another, even as God, for my sake, hath forgiven you. A Dehortation from strife and contention. Pro. 17.14. The beginning of strife, is, as when one letteth out Water; therefore leave off contention before it be meddled with. Rom. 13.13. Walk honestly, as in the Day, Phil. 2.3. not in strife, and envying. Let nothing be done through strife; For where strife and envying is, Jam. 3.16. there is confusion, and every evil work. A Dehortation from Envy. Jam. 4.5. The Spirit that is in you lusteth to envy, which slayeth the silly one, and is the rottenness of the bones. Job 5.2. Charity suffereth long, envieth not. Pro. 14.30 Wherefore, laying aside all malice, and all guile, 1 Cor. 13.4. and hypocrisies, and envies, and evil speaking; 1 Pet. 2.1. 2. as new born babes, desire the sincere Milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby. A Dehortation from Revenge. Rom. 12.19. Dear beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay it, saith the lord 20. Therefore, if thine Enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink; for in so doing, thou shalt heap Coals of Fire on his head. 21. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. A Dehortation from Pride. Pro. 8.13. Pride and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. Only by pride cometh contention, Pro. 13.10. and where it cometh, there cometh shame. 1. Branch from spiritual Pride. Pro. 11.2. But with the lowly is wisdom. Wherefore let him that standeth, Rom. 11.20. take heed lest he fall. 1 Cor. 10.12. Be not highminded, but fear. For, who maketh thee to differ from another? And, what hast thou, that thou hast not received? Now, if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, 1 Cor. 4.7. as though thou hadst not received it? 2. Branch from Worldly Pride. Jer. 9.13. Thus saith the Lord, let not the wise Man glory in his wisdom; neither let the mighty Man glory in his might; let not the rich Man glory in his riches: 14. But let him that glorieth, glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord that exercise loving kindness, Judgement and righteousness in the Earth. For in these things I delight, saith the lord 2 Pet. 2.4. Judas 6. Isa. 14.12. Gen. 3.6. Psal. 10.4. Pride cast the Angels out of Heaven. Your first Parents out of Paradise; and the wicked World into Hell. For the wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God. 3. Branch from Ambition. Behold, that which I have built, I will break down; Jer. 45.4. and that which I have planted, will I pluck up. 5. And seekest thou great things for thyself? Joh. 4.44. seek them not. For, behold I will bring evil upon all flesh. How can ye believe, who receive honour one of another, 1 Cor. 10.17. and seek not the honour which comes from God only. He that glorieth, 18. let him glory in the Lord; for not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth. Mat. 11.29. Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest to your Souls. Mat. 18.4. Whosoever shall humble himself, as a little Child, the same is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Whosoever exalts himself, Mat. 23.12. shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself, shall be exalted. (Be ye not ambitious like Absalon, 2 Sam. 18.9.14. and Adonijah, lest ye partake of their Judgements and violent deaths. 1 King. 2.25. ) A Dehortation from Ingratitude. Eph. 5.20. Psal. 147.1. Give thanks always for all things unto God, and the Father in my Name; For it is good to sing praise unto our God; 1. Towards God. for it is pleasant, and praise is comely. 2 Cor. 32.25. Be ye not therefore guilty of the great sin of ingratitude, with Hezekiah, Luke 17.17. and the nine Lepers, who rendered not again according to the benefits done unto them. 18. 2. Towards Men. 2 Tim. 3.1. In these last times, Men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blaspheamers, 2. disobedient to Parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, despisers of those that are good. 3. Traitors, from such turn away. 4. Whoso rewardeth evil for good, Pro. 17.13. evil shall not depart from his House; Example in King Joash, who remembered not the kindness which Jehojada, 2 Cro. 24.22. the Father of Zacharias had done unto him, but slew his Son. 25. Therefore his Servants conspired against him, for the blood of the Son of Jehojada the Priest, and slew him on his Bed. A Dehortation from sensuality, or voluptuousness. Whoso loveth pleasure shall be a poor man; he that loveth Wine and Oil shall not be rich. Pro. 21.17. Woe unto the Land whose Princes eat in the morning; Eccl. 10.16. 17. But blessed is the Land whose Princes eat in due season; for strength, and not for drunkenness, Luk. 6.25. Woe unto you that are full; for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now; for ye shall mourn and weep, Jam. 5.1. For your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, 2. and your Garments are Motheaten; your Gold and Silver is cankered, 3. and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh, 5. as it were Fire: ye have lived in pleasure on the Earth, 8.9▪ and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a Day of slaughter, 2 Pet. 2▪ 13. Behold the Judge standeth before the Door; and my coming draweth nigh, when all such shall receive the reward of unrighteousness; 1 Tim. 5.6. As they that count it pleasure, to riot in the Day time, 13. and living in pleasure, are dead whilst they are alive. Judas 12. Spots they are, and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceive, while they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear; Clouds they are without Water, 13. Trees, whose fruit withereth; without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by thee roots. Raging Waves of the Sea, foaming our their own shame, wand'ring Stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever. 17. Beloved, remember the words which were spoken before of my Apostle, who told you there should be mockers in these last times, 18. who should walk after their own ungodly lusts: 19 These be they who separate themselves, 2 Tim. 3.4. sensual, having not the Spirit. Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. 2 Pet. 3.3. These are those scoffers in these last days, walking after their own lust; and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? 4. For, since the Fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the Creation. 1 Cor. 15.32. Let us eat and drink, for to morrow we shall die. Mat. 24.38. For as in the Days that were before the Flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage; and knew not until the Flood came, and took them all away; 39, so shall also my coming be. 42. Watch therefore, and pray, lest ye fall into temptation; Mat. 26.41. For you know not what hour your Lord doth come. Mat. 24.44. Therefore be you ready, Mat. 24.48. for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh. 49. But if with that evil Servant, you shall say in your hearts, my Lord deferreth his coming, 50. and shall smite your fellow-Servants, and eat and drink with the drunken, I will come in an hour which you are not aware of, 51. and cut you asunder, and appoint you your portion with the Hypocrites; there shall be weeping and gnashing of Teeth. Eccles. 1.1. Solomon the Preacher, the Son of David King of Israel, Eccles. 2.9. was great, and increased more than all that were before him in Jerusalem, 10. who kept not from his Eyes whatsoever they desired, and withheld not his Heart from any joy; For his Heart rejoiced in all his Labours, 11. whose wisdom also remained with him; when he looked on all the works that his Hands had wrought, and the Labour he had laboured to do (as is before at large enumerated by him) makes this acknowledgement: Eccles. 1.2. Behold, All is Vanity, and Vanity of Vanities, and Vexation of Spirit, and there was no profit under the Sun. Therefore love not the World, 1 Joh. 2.15. nor the things of the World; 16. For all that is in the World, the Lust of the Flesh, the Lust of the Eyes, and the Pride of Life, is not of the Father, but i● of the World. And the World passeth away, and the Lusts therefore; 17. but he that doth the will of God, abideth for ever. A Dehortation from Inconstancy. Gal. 6.8. Be ye not weary of well-doing; for in due season you shall reap, if ye faint not. He that soweth to the Flesh, 9 shall of the Flesh rea● Corruption. But he that soweth to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Are there any so foolish, Gal. 3.3. as to begin in the Spirit, and to think to be made perfect in the Flesh? 1. Branch of Inconstancy, Back-sliding. If any Man have run well; let none hinder you, Gal. 5.7. that you should nor obey the truth. Remember Lot's Wife. Luk. 17.32. No Man having put his Hand to the Plough, Luk. 9.62. and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God; Heb. 10.38. If any Man draw back, my Soul shall have no pleasure in him. But ye are not of them that draw back, 39 unto Perdition; but of them that believe, unto the saving of the Soul. Pro 14.14. The back-slider shall be filled with his own ways; but a good Man shall be satisfied from himself. Jer. 3.22. Let back-sliding▪ Children return, and I will heal their back-slidings, Hos●. 14.4. and will love them freely. 2. Branch is Apostasy. Mat. 12.43. When the unclean Spirit is gone out of a Man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, 44. and findeth none. Then he faith, I will return unto my House, from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, 45. and garnished: Then goeth he, and taketh with himself, seven other Spirits, more wicked than himself, and they enter in, and dwell there: And the last state of that Man, is worse than the first. 2 Pet. 2.20. For if, after Men have escaped the pollutions of the World, through the knowledge of (Me) the Lord and Saviour, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning: 21. For it had been better for them, not to have known the way of righteousness, then after they have known it, to turn from the holy Commandments delivered unto them: 22. But it is happened unto them, according to the true Proverb; The Dog is turned to his own Vomit again; And the Sow that was washed, to her wallowing in the Mire. Joh. 15.5. I am the Vine, ye are the Brances, he that abideth in Me, and I in him, bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing. 6. If a Man abide not in me, he is cast out, as a Branch, and is withered, and Men gather them, and they are cast into the Fire, and they are burned. As the Father hath loved me, 9 so have I loved you; continue you in my love. Joh. 8.31. If ye continue in my Word, then are ye my Disciples indeed. And ye shall know the truth, 32. and the truth shall make you free. Jam. 1.25. Whoso looketh into the perfect Law of Liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful Hearer, but a doer of the work, this Man shall be blessed in his deed. I am the Lord, Jer. 17.13. the hope of Israel; all that forsake Me, shall be ashamed, and they that depart from Me, shall be written in the Earth, because they have forsaken me, the Lord, the Fountain of living Waters. Mat. 10, 22. But he that endureth unto the end, shall be saved. 3. Branch of Inconstancy, is the sin against the holy Ghost. 1 John ●. 16. If any Man see his Brother sin a sin, which is not unto Death, he shall ask, and I will give him life, for them that sin not unto Death. There is a sin unto Death; I do not say, that he shall pray for it. Heb▪ 6.4. For it is impossible for those, who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the Heavenly Gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good Word of God, 5. and the Powers of the World to come; 6. If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto Repentance, seeing they crucify unto themselves (Me) the Son of God afresh, and put Me to an open shame. For the Earth which drinketh in the Rain, 7. which cometh often upon it, and bringeth forth Herbs meet for them, by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God; But that which beareth Thorns and Briars, 8. is rejected, and is nigh unto Cursing, whose end is to be burned. Heb. 10.26. If then ye sin wilfully, after that ye have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more Sacrifice for Sin; but a certain fearful looking for of Judgement, 27. and Fiery indignation, which shall devour the Adversaries. 28. He that despised Moses Law, died without mercy, under two or three witnesses; 29. Of how much soarer punishment suppose ye, shall be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot (Me) the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto my spirit of grace? Mat. 12.31. Wherefore I say unto you, that all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men; But the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto Men. 32. And whosoever speaketh a word against (Me) the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whosoever sinneth against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this World, nor in the World to come. Heb. 6.9. But beloved, I am persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany Salvation, though I thus speak. Pray therefore that you may be kept back from presumptuous sins, Psal. 19.13. and that they may not have dominion over you: So shall you be innocent from the great transgression. Pro. 3.1. My Children, forget not my Law, but let your hearts keep my Commandments; The Preface to the Counsels of the Lord Jesus. For length of Days, 2. and long life, and peace shall they add unto you. Rom. 12.11. Be not slothful in business, 1. As to Diligence 〈◊〉 our Calling. but fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord. Gen. 5.24. Gen. 6.9. Heb. 11.27. Eph. 5.8. Phil. 3.16. 1 Joh. 1. 3● 2 Pet. 1.3. 1 Cor. 6.7. As Enoch and Noah walked with God; and Moses seeing him who is invisible; 2. To Holy walking with God. So walk you as Children of the Light, and by the same Rule, since your fellowship is with the Father and the Son. And you are made partakers of the Divine nature, and being joined unto me, are one Spirit. Pro. 4.20. My Children, attend to my words, incline your Ears unto my sayings; 21. let them not depart from your Eyes, keep them in the midst of your hearts. 1 Joh. 2.4. These things write I unto you, that ye sin not; 3. Against Sin. and that your joy may be full: And if any of you sin, 1 Joh. 1.4. I am your Advocate with the Father, 1 Joh. 2.1.2. and the Propitiation for your sins. Whosoever is born of God, doth not commit sin, 1 Joh. 3.9. for his Seed remaineth in him. Have respect therefore to all my Commandments, Psal. 119.6. And keep yourselves from your Iniquity. Psal. 18.23. Repent and turn from all your transgressions, 2 Cor. 10.7. with a godly sorrow not to be repent of; Ezek. 18.30. Psal. 119.136. So iniquity shall not be your ruin. Yea, let Rivers of Waters run down your Eyes, because Men keep not my Law. Counsel against Temptation. Luk. 21.36. Watch and pray always, lest you run into temptation; Mat. 26.41. through (Me) that strengthens you, you shall be able to do all things; Phil. 4.13. And be more than Conquerors; and saved from your Enemies, Rom. 8.37. Luk. 1.71. and from the hand of all that hate you. Counsel against evil Company. Eph. 5.11. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, Pro. 4.24. nor go in the way of evil Men; but rather reprove them. To set God always before us. Psal. 16.8. Set me always before you; 1 Thes. 5.10. And whether you sleep or wake, be together with me. 1 Tim. 6.12. Lay hold on Eternal Life, since the things that are seen, And to have an Eye to Eternity. are temporal; but the things that are not seen, 2 Cor. 4.28. are eternal. For you know, 2 Cor. 5.1. that if your Earthly House of this Tabernacle was dissolved, you have a building of God, an House not made with Hands, Eternal in the Heavens. Counsel as to the watching our hearts. Psal. 119.113. Hate evil thoughts, and let not vain thoughts lod within you. Jer. 4.14. Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life; Pro. 4.23. Yea, out of your hearts proceed evil thoughts, Mat. 15.19. Murders, Adulteries, Fornications, Thefts, Rom. 11.20. False-witness, Blasphemies. Be not highminded, but fear. For God resisteth the proud, Jam 4.6. but giveth grace to the humble. Be angry, Eph. 4.26. but sin not; Let not the Sun go down up on your wrath. Heb. 13.5. Let your Conversation be without Covetousness, and be content with such things as ye have; For I have said I will never leave thee, 1 Pet. 3.4. nor forsake thee. A meek and quiet Spirit is in the sight of God, of much Price. As to the keeping of a good Conscience. Act. 24.16. Exercise yourselves to have always a conscience void of offence, towards God, and towards Men. 1 Tim 4.2. Speak not lies in Hypocrisy, not have your understandings darkened, Eph. 4.18. nor your Consciences feared with an hot Iron. Happy are you, Rom. 14.22. if you condemn not yourselves in those things which you allow; since he that doubteth is condemned: 23. For, whatsoever is not of faith, is sin. Have your Hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience; Heb. 10. ●2. And follow after the things which make for peace, Rom. 14.19. and things wherewith one may edify one another. Not to offend a Brother's Conscience. 20. It is good neither to eat Flesh, nor to drink Wine, nor any thing whereby your Brother stumbleth, 21. or is offended, or is made weak. Counsel as to the wel●rdering of our Tongues. Tit. 3.2. Speak evil of no Man. Take heed to your ways, Psal. 39.1. that you offend not with your Tongues. Isa. 59.7. Let not wasting and destruction be in your Paths, Counsel as to the right using of our estates, Gifts, and Talents. Luk. 15.13. nor waste your substance among Harlots. Wherefore do ye spend Money, for that which is not Bread? Isa. 55.2. And set your Eyes upon that which is not? Pro. 23.5. If riches increase, set not your Hearts on them; For riches certainly make themselves Wings, and fly away, as an Eagle towards Heaven. Eccles. 1.2. Vanity of Vanities, all is Vanity. Pro. 3.9. Therefore honour the Lord with your substance, and with the first-fruits of your increase. Eccl. 11.1. Cast your Bread upon the Waters; for after many Days you shall find it. 2. Give a portion to seven, and also to eight. He that hath pity on the poor, Pro. 19.17. dareth unto the Lord; And that which ye have given, will he repay you again. Luk. 16.9. Make to yourselves friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness; that when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations. Luk. 11.41. Give Alms of those things you have, and lend, Luk. 6.35. looking for nothing again. Say not to your Neighbour, Go, and come again to morrow I will give, Pro. 3.28. when you have it by you. Nor shut your hands from your poor Brethren; Deut. 15.7. Lest, Mat. 25.41. I say unto you, Depart from me ye cursed, into everlasting Fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels; For I was an hungry, and ye gave me no Meat; 42. I was thirsty, and ye gave me no Drink. I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; 43. Sick, and in Prison, and ye Visited me not. 45. For inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these my poor Members, ye did it not to me. Counsel as to the well-improving of our time. Eph. 5.15.16. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as Fools, but as Wise, Redeeming the time: Eat not the Bread of Idleness, Pro. 31.27. for the idle Soul shall suffer hunger: Pro. 19.15. And through idleness of the hands, Eccl. 10.18. the House droppeth through. Counsel against sinful and unprofitable Discourses. 1 Tim. 6.20. eat profane and vain babbling, for they will increase to more ungodliness; Eph. 4.29. And let no corrupt communication come out of your Mouths, but that which is good, to the use of edifying, that it may minister Grace to the hearers. Mat. 12.37. For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned; 36. And of every idle word that you shall speak, you shall give an account thereof at the Day of Judgement. Counsel against profane swearing. Mat. 5.34. Swear not at all; But let your Communication be yea, yea; nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than these, 37, cometh of evil. Let your light so shine before Men, that they may see your good works, 16. and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. Counsel against sluggishness. Pro. 20.13. Love not sleep, lest you come to poverty. Counsel to watch over & reprove our Neighbours, and patiently to receive reproofs. Leu. 19.17. You shall not hate your Brother in your heart; you shall in any wise rebuke your Neighbour, Psal. 141.5. and not suffer sin upon him. Let the righteous reprove you; for it shall be an excellent Oil that shall not break your heads. Gal. 6.10. As you have opportunity, do good to all Men; Counsel to Charity. especially to them who are of the household of faith. Counsel concerning your Tables. Luk. 21.34. Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness. 1 Cor. 10.31. Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God. Eph. 5.20. Give thanks always for all things; 1 Tim. 4.4. for every Creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving. Concerning your Callings. 1 Cor. 7.20. Let every one of you abide with God in the same Calling wherein he was called; Being not slothful in business, 24. serving the Lord. For he that is slothful in his work, Rom. 12.11. Pro. 18.9. is Brother to him that is a great waster. Go not beyond, and defraud your Brother in any matter; 1 Thes. 4.6. for I am the avenger of all such; Col. 3.9. neither lie one unto another. Counsel concerning your Relations. Eph. 6.1. Children, obey your Parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2. Honour your Father and Mother, which is the first Commandment with promise. 1. Of Children towards their Parents. 3. That it may be well with you, and you may live long on the Earth. Parents provoke not your Children to wrath, 2. Of Parents to their Children. but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Husbands drink Waters out of your own Cistern; 3. Of Husbands to their Wives. Pro. 5 15.18.20. Eph. 5.25. Rejoice with the Wise of your Youth. Embrace not the bosom of a stranger. Love your Wives; as I also loved my Church, and gave myself for it. 28. So ought you to love your Wives, even as your own Bodies. He that loveth his Wife, 31.33. loveth himself, for they two are one Flesh. Dwelling with them according to knowledge, 1 Pet 3.7. and honouring them as the weaker Vessels, and as being Heirs together of the grace of Life. 4. Of Wives to their Husbands. 1 Pet 3▪ 3. Wives, let your adorning be not that which is outward, but that of the hidden Man of the heart. Eph· 5.22. 23. See that you reverence your Husbands, submitting yourselves unto them, as unto the Lord, 24. and as to your head; For as my Church is subject unto Me, as its Head; so be you to your own Husbands, in every thing. Love your Husbands, Tit. 2.4. 5. 1 Pet. 3.4. love your Children; be discreet, chaste, and keepers at home, And of a quiet and meek Spirit. 5. Of Servants. Eph. 6.5. Servants, be obedient to them that are your Masters, according to the Flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your hearts, as unto Me; Tit. 2.9.10. Eph. 6.6. not answering again, nor purloining, but showing all good fidelity. Not with Eye-service, as Men-pleasers; but as my Servants, doing the will of God from the heart; with goodwill, 7. doing service as to Me, not to Men. Knowing that whatsoever any good thing any of you doth, 8. the same shall ye receive of Me, whether ye be bond or free. 6. Of Masters. Eph. 6.9. Masters, do the same things unto your Servants, forbearing threatening, knowing that your Master is in Heaven, neither is there respect of Persons with him. Col. 4.5. Walk in wisdom towards them that are without; And let your speech be always with grace seasoned with Salt, that you may know how to answer every Man; 6. That if any Man obey not the Word, they may without the Word be won by your Conversation; And that they of the contrary part may be ashamed, Tit. 2.8. as having no evil thing to say of you. Psal. 101.2 Behave yourselves wisely in a perfect way. Keep your Mouths as with a Bridle, Psal. 31.1. while the wicked are before you. Mat. 7.6. Cast not your Pearl before Swine; nor give that which is holy unto Dogs, lest they trample them under their Feet, and turn again, and rend you. Follow not a Multitude to do evil; If Sinners entice you, Exod. 23.2. Pro. 1.10. consent you not; walk you not in the way with them; 15. Refrain your Feet from their Path. Rom. 14.13. Judge not one another, nor put a stumbling block, or an occasion to fall in your Brother's way. Luk. 17.1. It is impossible, but that offences will come, but woe unto them through whom they come. Counsel as to your Carriage towards those within. 1 Pet. 3.8. Be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another; love as Brethren, be pitiful, be courteous; 9 not rendering evil for evil, nor railing for railing; but chose blessing. Counsel as to the Observation of God's mercies, works, and providences. Psal. 77.11. Remember my works and wonders of old, and forget not all my benefits; 12. Meditate also, and talk of my doings, Psal. 103.2. who hath forgiven your iniquities, and healed all your Diseases, and redeemed your lives from destruction; who crowneth you with loving kindness, 3. and tender mercies; 4. who satisfieth your Mouths with good things, so that your Youth is renewed like the Eagles: 5. who hath heard your supplications, Psal. 6.9. and received your Prayers. Counsel to attend your answer, and return of Prayer. Isa. 21.8. Stand continually on your Watch-Tower, and hearken what I the Lord (that heareth Prayer) will say unto you. Psal. 85.8. You shall call upon Me, Psal. 91.15. and I will answer; Yea, before you call, I will answer. Isa. 65.24. Heb. 12.5. My Children, despise not my chastning, nor faint when you are rebuked of Me; Counsel as to our behaviour under afflictions and persecutions. For whom I love, 6. I chasten, and scourge every Son whom I receive. If you endure chastening, I deal with you as with Sons; 7. For, what Son is he whom the Father chasteneth not? 8. But if ye be with. out Chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye Bastards, 10. and not Sons. Your Fathers chasten you after their own pleasure, but I for your profit, that you may be partakers of my Holiness. 11. No chastning for the present seems to be joyous, but grievous; Nevertheless, afterwards it yieldeth the peaceable fruits of righteousness, unto them that are exercifed thereby. 2 Tim. 3.12. All that will live godly in me, shall suffer persecution. 2 Cor. 1.5. But as my sufferings abound in you, so your Consolations abound by Me. 1 Pet. 4.14. For the Spirit of Glory, and of God, resteth upon you. 2 Cor. 4.17. And your light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for you a far more exceeding and Eternal weight of Glory. 2 Tim. 2.12. For, if you suffer with me, you shall also Reign with Me. Lift up therefore the Hands that hang down, Heb. 12.12. and feeble Knees, and make straight Paths for your Feet. 4. Ye have not resisted unto blood, striving against Sin. Wherefore consider me the Captain of your Salvation, Heb. 2.10 that was made perfect by sufferings, and that endured such contradiction of sinners against myself, Heb. 12.3. lest you be weary and faint in your minds; Mat. 10.24. For the Disciple is not above his Master, nor the Servant above his Lord. Gal. 5.1. Stand fast therefore in that liberty, in which I have made you free; Counsel as to the right use of our Christian Liberty. 13. only use not your liberty for an occasion to the Flesh, nor to the offence of your weak Brother; Rom. 14 21. but by love serve one another: All things are lawful to you, but all things are not convenient. 1 Cor. 6.12. Against the abusing of grace. Rom. 6.1. Continue not in sin, that Grace may abound; Nor do evil, Rom. 3.8. that good may come, whose damnation is just; neither turn my Grace into Lasciviousness. Judas 4. To the Duties of prayer, self-denial, bearing the Cross, and perseverance. 1 Pet. 4.7. Mat. 16.24. Mat. 10.22. Watch unto Prayer; Deny yourselves, and take up your Cross, and follow Me. He that endureth unto the end shall be saved. Counsel to our growing in Grace. 2 Pet. 1.10. Give diligence to make your Calling and Election sure. Add to your Faith, Virtue; to Virtue, 5. Knowledge; to Knowledge, Temperance; 6. to Temperance, Patience; and to Patience, 7. Godliness; and to Godliness, Brotherly kindness; and to Brotherly kindness, Charity. For if you do these things, 10. ye shall never fall; For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into my everlasting Kingdom. 11. The Preface to the Antidotes. 1 Joh. 4.1. Beloved, believe not every Spirit; but try the Spirits, whether they be of God; because many false Prophets are gone out into the World. 1 Tim. 4.1. And my Spirit speaketh expressly, that in these latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing Spirits, and Doctrines of Devils. 2. Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their Consciences seared with an hot Iron. 3. Forbidding to marry; and commanding to abstain from Meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe, and know the truth. For every Creature of God is good, 4. and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving. 2 Thes. 2.3. Let no Man therefore deceive you by any means, neither by Spirit, nor by Word, 2. nor by Letter; For that wicked one is now revealed, 8. whom I the Lord have bgan to consume with the Spirit of my Mouth, and will destroy with the brightness of my coming. Even him, 9 whose coming hath been after the working of Satan, with all Power, and Signs, and lying Wonders. 10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11. And for this cause, God hath sent them strong Delusions, that they should believe a lie; 12. That they all might be Damned, who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. This is that Spirit of Antichrist, 1 Joh 4.3. whereof you have heard, that it should come, and even now already it is in the World. 2 Thes. 2.3. That Son of Perdition, who opposeth, and exalteth himself, above all that is called God, or that is worshipped. 4. So that he, as God, sitteth in the Temple of God, (the Christian Church) showing himself that he is God. Antidotes given by the Lord Jesus against several Heresies and Errors. The Kings of the Gentiles exercise Lordship over them; Luk. 22.25. and they that exercise Authority upon them are called Benefactors; 26. But ye shall not be so; But he that is greatest among you, let him be as the Younger; and he that is Chief, as he that doth serve. Mat. 23.8. Be not ye therefore called rabbi, for one is your Master, even Christ, and all ye are Brethren: 1. Against the Pope's Supremacy. 9 And call no man your Father upon Earth, for one is your Father which is in Heaven: 1 Pet. 5.3. Nor be ye called Masters, nor be ye as Lords over God's Heritage; For one is your Master, Mat. 23.10. even Christ: But he that is greatest amongst you, shall be your Servant; And he that Exalteth himself, 11.12. shall be Abased; and he that shall humble himself, shall be Exalted. 2. Against the Pope's Infallibility. Luk. 18.19. Eccles. 5.7. None is Good save one, that is God: There is not a Just man upon Earth that doth Good, and sinneth not. 20. Therefore, if ye say that ye have not sinned, 1 John 1.10. you make God a Liar, and his Word is not in you. Jam 3.1. Be not therefore many Masters, knowing ye shall receive the greater Condemnation. 2. For in many things ye offend all. Act. 15.39. The Contention was sharp betwixt Paul and Barnabas, Act. 13 9 that they parted asunder; And John fell down to Worship before the Feet of the Angel. Rev. 22.8. 9 1 Cor. 13.9. Ye know in part, and Porphesie in part; Even F●●er who was first, and whom I called Ceph●●, Mat. 10.2. by Interpretation, a Stone; and who seemed to be a Pillar, Joh. 1.42. walked not Uprightly according to the Truth of the Gospel; Gal. 2▪ 9.14 Mat. 14.30. And before the Cock mowed twice, denied Me thrice: How much more Fallible is his pretended Successor? 3. Against the ●●pes Power to for●●ve Sins. Mark 2.7. 2 Thes. 2.3. Why also doth this Man of sin both speak and act Blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only? Exod. 34.6. It is I the Lord, the Lord God, forgiving Iniquity, Transgression, and Sin, that have Power on Earth to forgive sins; Mark 2. 1●▪ And in Me ye have Redemption through my Blood, even Forgiveness of sins. Col. 1.13. 4. Against the ●●opes Power, 〈…〉 from 〈…〉 ●owes, and 〈◊〉. Mat. 5.33. Again, ye have heard, that it hath been said to them of Old time, Thou shalt not Forswear thyself; thou shalt perform unto the Lord thine Oaths; And that if a man Vow a Vow unto the Lord, or Swear an Oath, to bind his Soul with a Bond, He shall not break his Word; he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth: 2 Tim 3.1. But in these last days, the Beast that ascendeth out of the Bottomeless Pit, Rev. 11.7. is a Truce-breaker; and with perfidious Zedikiah, 2 Tim. 3.3. Ezek 17 16. a despiser of Oaths, and a Breaker of Covenants; Mat. 5.19. Whosoever therefore shall break one of the least of these my Commandments, and shall teach men so, He shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. 5. Against the Pope's power, to add to the Scriptures; or to bind Conscience by his Canons, and Decretals. Pro. 30.5. Every Word of God is pure; and the Law of the Lord is perfect, Psal. 19.7. that the Man of God may be perfect, throughly Furnished unto all good Works, 2 Tim. 3.17. Add thou not unto his Words, lest he reprove thee, Pro. 30.6. and thou be found a Lyar. For, neither Peter, nor Paul, much less the Pope, nor the False Prophet, Rev. 16.13. the Roman Church) that other Beast coming out of the Earth, that hath Two Horns like a Lamb; Rev. 13.11. but speaks like the Dragon, (the Devil) hath any Dominion over your Faith; 2 Cor. 1.24. But are Helpers of your Joy; For by Faith you stand: For though they, or an Angel from Heaven, Gal. 1 8. preach any other Gospel than that which my Apostles have preached unto you, Deut. 12.32. let him be accursed: Whatsoever things I command, observe to do them; you shall not add nor diminish from them: Rev. 21.18. For if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the Plagues that are written in this Book; 19 And if any man shall take away from the Words of the Book of this Prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life. Mark 7.7. In Vain therefore do they worship Me, who teach for Doctrines the Commandments of men, Mat. 15.8. drawing near unto Me with their mouths, and Honouring Me with their Lips, Mark 7.9. but their Hearts is Farr from Me: Ful-well they reject the Commandments of God, that they may keep their own Traditions. Let no man therefore Judge you in meat or drink, Col. 2.16. or in respect of an Holiday; 21. for you are dead with Me from the Rudiments of the World: Neither be you subject to Ordinances, 23. such as these; Touch not, Taste not, Handle not; which things indeed have a show of Wisdom in Will-worship, and Humility, and neglecting of the body, not in any Honour to the satisfying of the Flesh; For the Kingdom of God is not Meat and Drink, Rom. 14.17. but Righteousness, and Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost. Eph. 2.20. And ye are built upon the Foundation of the Prophets and Apostles, I myself being the Chief corner Stone. 6. Against the ●●●es power, to canonize Saints, 〈◊〉 to Excommunicate any from being Saints. Joh. 6.44. No man can come unto Me, except the Father which hath sent Me draw him; and I will raise him up at the last day; 37. All that the Father giveth Me, shall come unto Me, and him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out; My Father which gave them Me is greater than all, Joh. 10.29. and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. Zac. 11.17. ● Woe then to the Idol Shepherds that leaveth the Flock, and hath the Instruments of a Foolish Shepherd, 15. in whom, now is fulfilled what I foretold by my Prophet; 16. For I will raise up a Shepherd in the Land, which shall not visit those that be cut off; neither shall seek the young One, nor heal that which is broken, nor Feed that that standeth still; but he shall eat the flesh of the Fat, and tear their Claws in pieces: The Sword shall be upon his Arm, 17. and upon his right Eye; his Arm shall be dried up, and his right Eye shall be utterly darkened. Luk. 10.20. Wherhfore rejoice, because your Names are written in Heaven; Mat. 10.28. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the Soul; But rather fear Me, who am able to destroy both Soul and Body in Hell: The Foundation of God standeth sure; 2 Tim. 2.19. having this Seal, the Lord knoweth who are his (It is I only) that giveth to him that overcometh, Rev. 2● 17. to eat of the hidden Manna; and a white Stone, and in the Stone a new Name written, which no man knoweth, saving he that receiveth it. But (this) Diotrepsi●, Joh. 3.9. who loveth to have the Pre-eminence amongst them, receiveth Me not; neither doth he receive the Brethren, 10. and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them (by his own power) out of the Church. But he shall proceed no further, 2 Tim. 3.9. for (his) folly shall be manifest to all Men. 7. Against the Pope's Power to exercise the Civil Sword against those that will not re●eive his Doctrine. 1 Tim. 3.2. A Bishop then must be blameless, not given to Wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre, but patient, 3. not a Brawler, not covetous. Even when Peter drew his Sword, Mat. 26.51. (in a far better quarrel, than his pretended Successor fights for); 52. I said unto him, put up again thy Sword into his place, for all they that (thus without Commission from Me) take the Sword, shall perish with the Sword. Rev. 13.10. He that leadeth into Captivity, must go into Captivity; and he that (thus) killeth with the Sword, must be killed with the Sword. Rev. 16.5.6. For I am righteous, who have judged thus. That they that have shed the blood of the Saints and Prophets, shall have given them blood to drink, for they are worthy. Mat. 24.48. This is that evil Servant, which hath said in his heart, my Lord delayeth his coming; and doth begin to smite his fellow-servants, 49, and to eat and drink with the drunken; I the Lord of this Servant, 50. will come in a Day, when he looketh not for me, and in an Hour that he is not aware of; 51. and will cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with Hypocrites, there shall be wailing and gnashing of Teeth. Antidotes given by the Lord Jesus against several Heresies and Errors of the Apostate ●●●●●ane Church. Rom. 6.10. I am he that died unto sin once: And by my own blood entered in once into the holy place, Heb. 9.12. having obtained Eternal Redemption for you; Heb. 7.27. who need not Daily, as those High Priests, to offer up Sacrifice for my own sins, and then for the People's: For this I did once, when I offered up myself. Ezek 24.6. Woe to the bloody City, that is filthy and polluted; Mystery Babylon the great, Zep. 3. 1● the Mother of Harlots, and abominations of the Earth; Rev. 17.5. That saith to the wood of my (Cross) awake; 1. Against the Idolatry of the Mass. to the dumb Stone (and wafer Cake) it shall teach. Behold, it is laid over with Gold and Silver, Hab. 2.19. and there is no breath at all in the midst of it. Luk. 22.19. For although I took Bread, Mat. 26.28. saying, This is my Body; and the Cup, and said, This is my Blood; Do this in remembrance of me: And my Flesh is Meat indeed, and my Blood is Drink indeed; Joh. 6.55. I explained myself, 62. and added, Doth this offend you? What, and if ye shall see the Son of Man ascended up, 63. where he was before? It is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing; the words that I speak unto you are spirit, and they are life. Heb. 10.11. Every Priest therefore, of that Apostate Church, which daily minister, and offer up oftentimes the same Sacrifices, which can never take away sins: 12. But after I had offered one Sacrifice for sins, for ever, I sat down at the right hand of God; 1 Joh. 2·2. I am the Propitiation for your sins. 2. Against the false Doctrine of Purgatory. Heb. 1.3. I by myself have purged your sins; and by one Offering, have perfected for ever, those that are sanctified. Heb. 10.12.14. Heb. 10.16.17, Yea, this is the Covenant that I have made with you; your sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now, where remission of these is, 18. there is no more offering for sin: Much-less is there need of a Purgatory-Fire, to purge the Souls of any redeemed ones. Enoch was translated, Heb. 11.5. that he should not see Death; 2 King. 2.11. Luk. 16.22. Elijah went up by a Whirlwind into Heaven; Lazarus the Beggar died, and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom; The Thief dying, Luk. 23.43. was that Day with Me in Paradise. Rev. 14.13. And blessed are they that die in the Lord, that they may rest from their Labours, Psal. 9.17. and their works follow them; But the wicked shall be turned into Hell. Where is then to be found in God's Word, this third place, for the tormenting and purifying of the Saints. 3. Against the Praying to, and worship of the Saints. Psal. 65.1. I am he that heareth Prayer; unto me shall all flesh come, 2. unto me shall the Vow be performed. Psal. 62.5. Wait you therefore only upon God, for your Expectation is from him. You shall worship the Lord your God, 1 Sam. 12.24. and him only shall you serve. Mat. 4.10. Than not Saints and Angels (as doth the Roman Whore) The Woman arrayed in Purple and Scarlet colour, Rev. 17.16. and decked with Gold and precious Stones, 4. and Pearl, having a Golden Cup in her hand, full of abominations and filthiness of her Fornication. Eccl. 9.5. Further, consider the Dead know not any thing, neither have they any more reward; for the memory of them is forgotten: 6. Also, their love, and their hatred, and their envy is now perished; neither have they any more a portion, for ever in any thing done under the Sun. Isa. 63.16. Doubtless God is your Father, though Abraham be ignorant of you, and Israel acknowledge you not: Unto whom you have boldness, 2. Of Angels. Eph. 3 12. and access with confidence, by the faith of Me. Let no Man therefore beguile you of your reward, Col. 2.18. in Voluntary Humility, and worshipping of Angels, intruding into those things, which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind. Rev. 19.10. An Angel, when John fell at his feet to worship him, said; See thou do it not; I am thy fellow-servant, and of thy Brethren, that have the testimony of Jesus, worship God. Judg. 13.16. And an Angel said to Manoath, if thou wilt offer a burnt-offering, thou must offer it unto the lord Joh. 14.6. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no Man cometh unto the Father, 1 Tim. 2.5. but by Me, that one Mediator betwixt God and Men. 4. Against the worshipping of Pictures and Images. Mar. 10.19. You know the Commandments, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven Image, or any likeness of any thing, Exo. 20.4. that is in Heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the Water under the Earth. Thou shalt not bow down to them, 5. nor serve them; For I the Lord, thy God, am a jealous God; Visiting the iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children, unto the third and fourth Generation of them that hate Me; 6. And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love Me, and keep my Commandments. Why then doth the Beast, Rev. 13.1. that rose up out of the Sea, having seven Heads, and ten Horns; and upon his Horns, ten Crowns; and upon his Heads, the Names of Blasphemy; Rev. 14.9. And those that worship him, and his Image, and receive his Mark in their Forehead, or in their Hand, Reject the commandments of God, Mat. 7.9. that they may keep their own Traditions? Blasphemously leaving out of their Decalogue, in some of their Books, this Commandment? Joh. 3 19 As hating the Light, because their deeds are evil. Isa. 40.18. To whom will ye liken God? Or what likeness will ye compare with him? Isa. 42.8. I am the Lord, that is my Name, and my Glory will I not give to another, nor my praise to graven Images. They shall be turned back, 17. they shall be greatly ashamed, Act. 17.25. that trust in graven Images. God is not worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all, life, Isa. 46.6. and breath, and all things. They lavish Gold out of the Bag, and weigh Silver in the Balance, and hire a Goldsmith, and he maketh it a God. Exod. 32▪ 4, 5, 6. Judg. 17.3. 4, 12, 13. 2 King. 12. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. Rom. 1.21, 22, 23. Did not the Israelites thus worship God in the Golden Calf at Horeb, In Mica's Teraphim and Images, and in Jeroboam's Calves in Dan and Bethel? Yea, did not the Heathens formerly, and do not the Pagans now, profess, that they worship not their Idols, as believing them to be Gods? But they worship their Gods in those Idol-Representations. Wherefore, confounded be all they that serve graven Images, Psal. 97.7. that boast themselves of Idols. Worship him all ye Gods. 5. Against the false Doctrine of freedom from Original Sin. Job 15.14. What is Man, that he should be clean; and he that is born of a Woman, that he should be righteous? Job 14.4. Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one. Behold, you were shapen in iniquity, Psal. 51.5. and in sin did your Mothers conceive you. Gen. 6.5. And every Imagination of your Heart is evil, and evil continually: Yea, by Nature you are all the Children of wrath, Eph. 2.3. Eph. 2.1. and dead in trespasses and sins. Who can say, I have made my Heart clean? Pro. 20.9. I am pure from my sin? Eccl. 7.20. There is not a just Man upon Earth, that doth good, Job 2.3. and sinneth not. If my Servant Job abhorred himself, Job 42.6. and repent in Dust and Ashes; And David professeth, that in my sight, Psal. 143.2. no Man living shall be justified; And Daniel confessed, Dan: 9.8. to him belonged confusion of face, because he had sinned against Me; Act. 9.15. And Paul, my chosen Vessel, cried out, O wretched Man that I am, Rom. 17.24. who shall deliver me from the body of this Death? In me, that is, Rom. 7.18. in my Flesh, there dwelleth no good thing; And my beloved John declares, 1 Joh. 1.8. if ye say you have no sin, ye deceive yourselves, and the truth is not in you; Yea, myself commanded my Apostles, and all my Saints, to acknowledge, that when they have done all those things that are commanded them, Luk. 17.10. say, Ye are unprofitable Servants; We have done that which was our duty to do. Dan. 7.8. Then how dares that little Horn, that hath a Mouth, speaking great things, and makes War with the Saints, 21. and for a time prevails against them, with his Abetters, presume to assert and teach these damnable Doctrines? That all Children after Baptism, have no Original Sin. And that in, and by nature, Man hath a freewill, and is able, and may with some help of grace, keep and fulfil the whole Law; And not only that some of them merit salvation, and justify themselves by their good works, before God; but do supererrogate, and merit salvation for others also. 1 Cor. 1.31. Wherefore, let him that glorieth, glory in the Lord; 6. Against the false Doctrine concerning freewill. For it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth; Rom. 9.16. but of God that showeth mercy. Rom. 7.18. To will, is present with me, saith my Servant Paul; But how to perform that which is good, Eph. 2.8. I find not; For it is God that worketh in you, both to will and to do, of his good pleasure. Rom. 6.23. Joh. ●. 25 And your faith is the gift of God; and so is Eternal Life. The Dead shall hear the Voice of Me, the Son of God, and they that hear, shall live. For you hath God quickened, Col. 2.15. together with me, being dead in sins and trespasses. 7. Against the false Doctrine of Justification by Works. Isa 64.6. Wherefore say with my Prophet Isaiah, we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags. In the Lord have I righteousness and strength. Isa. 44.24. In the Lord shall all the Seed of Israel be justified, 25. Rom. 3.20. and shall glory. Therefore by the deeds of the Law, there shall no flesh be justified; For by the Law, 21. is the knowledge of sin. But now the Righteousness of God without the Law is manifested, being witnessed by the Law, and the Prophets. 22. Even the righteousness of God, which is by faith of me unto all, and upon all them that believe; For there is no difference, 23. for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. 2 Cor. 5.21. For, I which knew no sin, was made sin for you, that you might be made the righteousness of God, which is in me; Rom. 10.4. Who am the end of the Law for righteousness, to every one that believes; And am made of God, 1 Cor. 1.30. to you wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. The Preface of the Lord Jesus to his Antidotes, against several other Heresies and Errors of the last times. 2 Tim 3.1. This know also, that in these last days, perilous times shall come; for Men shall be lovers of themselves, 2. covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to Parents, unthankful, unholy; without natural affection, truce-breakers, 3. false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good; 4. Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures, more than lovers of God; 5. having a form of Godliness, but denying the Power thereof; from such turn away. 6. For of this sort, are they which creep into Houses, and lead Captive silly Women, laden with sins, led away with divers lusts; ever learning, 7. and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, 8. so do these also resist the truth, Men of corrupt minds, reprobate as concerning the faith; 9 But they shall proceed no further; for their folly shall be manifest to all Men, as theirs was. Antidotes, first against Atheism. Psal. 14.1. The Fool hath said in his heart, there is no God, they are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doth good. Therefore the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven, Rom. 1.18. against all ungodliness, and unrighteousness of Men; who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19 Because, that which may be known of God, is manifest in them, For God hath showed it unto them; 20. For the invisible things of him, from the Creation of the World, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his Eternal Power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse. 2. Against the Heresy of 〈◊〉. Joh. 17.25. O righteous Father, the World hath not known Thee, Joh. 14.6. but I have known Thee. No Man cometh to the Father but by Me. No man hath seen God at any time; Joh. 1.18. the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. Joh: 14.9. He that hath seen Me, hath seen the Father; Joh. 10.30. For I and the Father am one Believe also my works, that ye may know and believe, 38. that the Father is in Me, and I in him. For in the beginning was I the Word, Joh. 1.1. and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by Me, 3. and without Me was not any thing made, that was made. In me was life, 4. and the life was the light of Men. Joh. 1.14. I the Word was made flesh, and dwelled amongst you, and ye beheld my glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Col. 1.15. I am the image of the invisible God. By me were all things created, that are in Heaven, 16. and that are in Earth, visible and invisible; whether they be Thrones, or Dominions, 17. or Principalities, or Powers; All things were created by Me, and for Me; I am before all things, and by me all things consist. 3. Against the Heresy of denying the Holy Ghost to be God. 1 Joh. 5.7. There are three that bear Record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one. Mat. 28.18. I spoke unto my Apostles, and true Ministers, 19 saying, Go ye therefore, and teach all Nations, Baptising them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. What high blasphemers than are they, that deny the Holy Ghost to be God? Gen. 1.2. The Spirit of God moved upon the Waters; And by the Word of the Lord were the Heavens made, Psal. 33.6. and all the Host of them, by the Spirit of his Mouth. Joh. 15.26. The Spirit of Truth, which proceedeth from the Father, He shall testify of Me. For he shall not speak of himself, Joh. 16.13. but whatsoever he shall hear, 14. that shall he speak; He shall glorify Me, for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you. Act. 5.3. Peter said unto Ananias, In that thou hast lied to the Holy Ghost, thou hast not lied unto Men, 4. but unto God. Wherefore I say unto you, Mat. 12.31. all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto Men, But the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto Men. 2 Cor. 13.14. The Grace of me, the Lord Jesus Christ, Joh. 16.17. and the love of God, and the Communion of the Holy Ghost, Joh 7.20. the Comforter, Rom. 15.16. Preserver and Sanctifier, be with you all. 4. Against the Heresy of Community of Women. 1 Thes. 4.3. This is the will of God, even your Sanctification, that you should abstain from Fornication; 4. and that every one of you should know how to possess his Vessel in Sanctification, and Honour; 5. Not in the lust of Concupiscence, as the Gentiles, that know not God: Wherefore to avoid Fornication, 1 Cor. 7.2. let every Man have his own Wife, and every Woman her own Husband. Mat. 19.4. Have you not read, that he that made Man in the beginning, 5. Against Polygamy. made them Male and Female? Mal. 2.14. I the Lord will bear witness against them, that deal treacherously with the Wife of their Youth; Is she not thy Companion, and the Wife of thy Covenant? And did not I make one? 15. yet had I the residue of the Spirit. And wherefore one, that I might seek a godly Seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit; and let none deal treacherously against the Wife of his Youth. 2 Mal. 16. For I the Lord God of Israel hate putting away. Mat. 9.9. Therefore I say unto you, whosoever shall put away his Wife, except it be for Fornication, and shall marry another, committeth Adultery; and whosoever marrieth her that is put away, committeth Adultery. The Husband is the Head of the Wife (not of Wives) as I am the Head of the Church. Eph. 5.23. Let every one therefore, ●3. in particular, so love his Wife, even as himself; And the Wife (not the Wives) see that she reverence her Husband. 6. Against the forsaking and casting off Gospel-Ordinances. 1 Thes. 5.19. Despise not Prophesying; quench not the Spirit. Luk. 10.16. He that heareth you, (that are my true Ministers) heareth Me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth Me; and he that despiseth Me, despiseth him that sent Me. Joh. 8.17. He that is of God heareth God's words. Joh. 10.3. My Sheep hear my voice; He that knoweth God, 1 Joh. 4.6. heareth my Ministers; but he that is not of God, heareth them not. And as oft as you eat the Bread, 1 Cor. 11.24. and Drink of the Cup in my Sacraments, 25. ye do it in remembrance of Me, 26. and show my Death, until I come. Pray without ceasing. 1 Thes. 5.17. Psal. 14.4. The workers of iniquity call not upon the Lord. 7. Against those who lay aside, and make useless the Moral Law. Mat. 5.17. Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets, I am not come to destroy but to fulfil; 18. For verily I say unto you, till Heaven and Earth pass, one jot, or one title shall in no wise pass from the Law, till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least Commandments, and shall teach Men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven: But whosoever shall do, and teach them the same, shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. 8. Against those who cast off, and despise Civil Government. Mat. 22.21. Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and unto God, the things that are Gods. Let every Soul be subject unto the higher Powers; Rom. 13.1. For there is no Power, but of God; The Powers that be, 2. are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the Power, resisteth the Ordinance of God. And they that resist, shall receive to themselves Damnation. 3. For Rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil; Wilt thou then not be afraid of the Power? Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same. 4. For he is the Minister of God to thee for good; but if thou do that which is evil, be afraid, for he beareth not the Sword in vain; for he is the Minister of God, a Revenger, to execute wrath upon him that doth evil. 5. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but for Conscience sake. For this cause pay you Tribute also, 6. for they are Gods Ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7. Render therefore to all their deuce, Tribute to whom Tribute is due; Custom, to whom Custom; Fear, to whom Fear; Honour, to whom Honour. 9 Against those who prefer a Light within them before, besides, and against the Scriptures. 1 Joh. 5.19. The whole World lies in wickedness. And this is the Condemnation, Joh. 3.19. that Light is come into the World, and that Men love darkness rather than Light, because their deeds are evil. Rom. 3.9. Jews and Gentiles are all under sin, as it is written; 10.11. There is none righteous, no not one; There is none that understandeth; There is none that seeketh after God. Luk· 11.35 Take heed therefore, that the Light which is in you, be not darkness. Mat. 6.23▪ If the Light that is in you, be darkness, how great is that darkness? 10. Against Enthusiasms. 1 Joh. 4.1. Beloved, believe not every Spirit, but try the Spirits, whether they are of God; Because many false Prophets are gone out into the World. If any Man shall say unto you, Mat. 24.23. Lo here is Christ, or there, believe it not; For there shall arise false Christ's, 24. and false Prophets, and shall show great signs, 25. and wonders; insomuch, that if it were possible, they should deceive the very Elect: 2 Cor▪ 11.13. Behold, I have told you before, such are false Apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the Apostles of Christ; And no marvel, 14. for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of Light; 15. Therefore it is no great thing, if his Ministers also be transformed, as the Ministers of Righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works. To the Law, and to the Testimony; Isa. 8 20. If they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them. 11. Against Antiscripturists. 2 Pet. 1.19. This is that sure Word of Prophecy, whereunto you do well, that ye take heed, as unto a Light that shineth in a dark place, until the Day dawn, and the Daystar arise in your Hearts; 2 Tim. 3.16. Knowing this first, that all Scripture is given by Inspiration of God; 2 Pet. 1.20. And that no Prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation; For the Prophecies came not in old time, by the will of Man; But holy Men of God spoke, 21. as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 12. Against those who deny Infant's Baptism, and the Lords Day to be a Christian Sabbath. Mat. 10.13. When I was upon Earth, they brought young Children unto Me, that I should touch them, and my Disciples (like some in these last days) rebuked those that brought them; 14. But when I saw it, I was much displeased, and said unto them, suffer little Children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, For of such is the Kingdom of God. 15. Verily, I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God, as a little Child, he shall not enter therein. And I took them up in my Arms, 16. and put my Hands upon them, and blessed them. Baptism is now the only way for little Children to come to the Lord Christ. Act. 2. 3●. The Promise is made to you, and to your Children, and to all that are afar of, even as many as the Lord your God shall call. 1 Cor. 7.14. The unbelieving Husband is Sanctified by the (believing) Wife, and the unbelieving Wife is Sanctified by the believing Husband, or else were your Children unclean, but now they are holy. Act. The Examples of the Apostles Baptising whole Families, are of great force: And the History of their practice, and of the first Churches planted by them, 1 Cor. 1.16. is to be believed with an Historical faith, Act. 1.3. Luk. 24.15. Joh. 20.19.26. Act. 2.1. 1 Cor. 16.2. Act. 20.7. Rev. 1.10. and looked upon with much reverence, by all true Christians, both in this point, and in the change of the Jewish Sabbath, to the Lord's Day; As holding forth without doubt an Apostolical Institution. 13. Against those who deny propriety of Goods and Estates. Num. 26.52. The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, The Land shall be divided for an Inheritance, according to the number of Names; 53. to many thou shalt give more Inheritance, 54. and to few thou shalt give the less inheritance. Exod. 10.15.17. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not covet thy Neighbour's Ox, nor his Ass, nor any thing that is thy Neighbours. Give to him that asketh; Mat. 5.43. and from him that would borrow of thee, turn not thou away. For the poor you have always with you. Mat. 26.11. I charge you that are Rich in this World, 1 Tim. 6.17. that you trust not in uncertain Riches, but in the living God; who gives you all things richly to enjoy; 18. that you do good, that you be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate. Act. 4.34. (When) as many as were possessed of Lands, or Houses, sold them, and brought the price of the things which were sold, 35. and laid them down at the Apostles Feet, (in that most sad time of Persecution) and distribution was made unto every Man, according as he had need; Act. 5.3. (Even then) Peter said unto Ananias, why hath Satan filled thy heart, to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the Land? Whilst it remained, Was it not thy own? 4. And after it was sold, Was it not in thine own Power? 1 Cor. 10.14. Let no Man therefore seek his own, but every one another's wealth: 2 Thes. 3.11. For there are some that walk disorderly, 12. working not at all, but are busybodies; Now them that are such, I command that with quietness they work, and eat their own Bread; that they may have to give to him that needeth. Eph. 4.28. 14. Against Re●●tization. Rev. 18.4. Come out of Babylon my People; but count not the blood of the Covenant, Heb. 10.29. by which ye were sanctified, an unholy thing. If ye have been once born again of Water and the Spirit, Joh. 3.4. Can a Man be so again born the second time? The Pharisees and Lawyers rejected the counsel of God (as being not Baptised of John) against themselves. Luk. 7.30. Heb. 3.12. Take heed lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the holy Ordinance of God, Mat. 28.19. Seeing you have been Baptised into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, Gal. 3 2. and of the Holy Ghost. This only would I know of such; Received you the spirit, and your Conversion, by, and under the first Baptism, 3. or your second? Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect in the Flesh? Gal. 5.19, 20, 21, 22. Now the works of the Flesh, are hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, envyings; but the fruit of the Spirit, is love, joy, Gal. 5.15. peace. If ye by't and devour one another; take heed that you be not consumed one of another: And that it be not truly said of you, 1 Joh. ●. 1●. by my Saints, They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would, no doubt, have continued with us; But they went out, that they might be made manifest, that they were not all of us. But continue you in the things that ye have learned, and have been assured of, knowing of whom ye have learned them; For evil Men, and Seducers, 2 Tim. 3.13. shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 15. Against Schism, and uncharitable Separation from the Church. Heb. 10.24. Consider one another, to provoke to love, and to good works, not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some is; 25. But exhorting one another, and so much the more, as ye see the Day approaching; Endeavouring to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace. Eph. 4.3. 4. For there is one Body, and one Spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your Calling. 5. One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism; 6. one God, and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 1 Cor. 12.27. Since than you are the Body of Christ, and Members in particular, 25▪ let there be no Schism in the Body. 1 Cor. 11.18. Now I hear that there be divisions amongst those that call themselves Christians; 19 For there must be Heresies also among you, that those that are approved, may be manifest among you; Judas 17. which were spoken before of my Apostles, 18. that there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. 19 These be they, who separate themselves, sensual, having not the spirit. Now, 1 Cor. 1.10. by my Name, I desire you, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no Divisions amongst you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind, and in the same judgement; 1 Cor. 3.4 If you say then, I am of Paul▪ 1 Cor. 1.12. and I of Apollo, and I of Cephas, and I of Christ, 13. Are ye not carnal? Is Christ divided? 1 Cor. 3.5. Who then is Paul? And who is Apollo? but Ministers, by whom ye believed, Even as the Lord gave to every Man. 6. If then such an one, as was Paul, plants; or as Apollo was, watereth; It is God that giveth the increase. Therefore let no Man glory in Men; 11. But do you mark them, Rom. 16.17. which cause Divisions and offences, contrary to the Doctrine you have learned, 18. and avoid them; For they that are such, serve not Me, but their own Belly; and by good words, and fair Speeches, deceive the hearts of the simple. Phil. 4.8. Finally, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, The Conclusion of the Speech of the Lord Jesus. whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any Virtue, and if there be any praise, 9 think on these things; And those things which ye have both known and received, Joh. 16.27. and heard, and seen in me, do; And the Father himself that loveth you, Phil. 4 8. the God of Peace shall be with you. Holy Father, (who hearest me always) This is Life Eternal, The Prayer of the Lord Jesus for ●ll his Elect. Joh. 17.11. Joh. 11.42. Joh. 17.3. to know Thee the only true God, and Me whom thou hast sent; Keep through thy own Name, Joh. 17.11. those that thou hast given Me, that they may be one, as we are one; That they all may be one, 21. as thou Father art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us. 22. And the glory which thou gavest Me, I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one; 23. I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; And that the World may know that thou hast sent Me; and hast loved them, as thou hast loved Me. 24. Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my Glory, which Thou hast given me; I have given to them the words which Thou gavest me; 8. and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from Thee, and they have believed that Thou didst send me. 9 I pray for them, I pray not for the World; but for those that thou hast given me; 10. For they are Thine; and all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them. 15.13.17. I pray that thou wouldst keep them from the evil of the World, and that my joy may be fulfilled in them; Sanctify them with thy truth, thy word is truth. The Father's concluding Exhortation and Prayer for his Wife and Children. 2 Cor. 13.11. Finally, Beloved Wife of my Youth, and dear Children; Farewell, be perfect, be of good comfort, Mal. 2.14. be of one mind, live in peace and the God of peace and love shall be with you. Eph. 5.1. Eph. 3.14. For this cause I bow my Knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole Family in Heaven and Earth is named; 15, That he would give you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man; 16. 17. That Christ may live in your hearts by faith; that ye being rooted and grounded in love, 18. may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth, 19 and length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with the fullness of God. The God of Peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus that great Shepherd of the Sheep, Heb 13.20. through the blood of the everlasting Covenant make you perfect in every good work to do his will, 21. working in you that which is most pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ. Now to him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, Eph. 3.20. according to the power that worketh in us to him be glory in the Church by Jesus Christ, throughout all Ages, World without end. The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, 21. and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all, Amen. A Postscript of the Father to his Wife and Children, concerning the foregoing Epistle, with some further Exhortations to the practice thereof. MY dearest heart, and entirely affected Children, the good and salvation of whose Souls I pray for, and labour for, as for my own; I have I trust (by the direction of the holy Spirit) chosen in this manner to write unto you, as hoping that what is delivered to you in the Person, and words of our Lord and beloved Saviour. For such is every word in the Epistle (except some words not substantial necessary for connexion, explanation and application requisite in a subject of such various matter) You will with the more reverence and affection, delight and obedience, attend to, and receive; For although all the words therein, were not uttered by his own mouth upon Earth, yet were they all indicted by his holy Spirit, who spoke by the Prophets and Apostles, and is the Lord God of the holy Prophets. Heb. 1.1. So that if ye will not hear and obey him herein, Rev. 22.6. speaking to you, by himself, and by them; Neither will you be persuaded, Luk. 16.31. though one arose and spoke to you from Hell, and from the dead; Ye know after what manner I have been with you, Act. 20.18. at all seasons; And how I have kept nothing back that was profitable unto you, 20. but have showed you, and have taught you both in private, 21. and more publicly; Testifying unto you, and exhorting you to repentance towards God, 24. and faith to our Lord Jesus Christ. 22. And now behold I am as one bound a Prisoner, and a banished man, separated from you; not knowing what things shall further befall me: But none of these things move or grieve me; neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy. For I am persuaded and assured that neither Tribulation, Rom. 8.35. or Distress, Persecution, or Famine, nakedness or peril, or Sword, Death, or Life, nor Angels, nor Principalities, nor Powers, 38, nor things present, nor things to come; 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other Creature shall be able to separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus my Lord, 1 Jo. 4.19. or cause to cease my love to him; As therefore loving him, because he hath loved me first. 2 Tim. 4.8. Yea, I am further assured, that when I have finished my course, a Crown of righteousness is laid up for me, which my Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that Day, and not to me only, but unto all those that love his appearing. And now my dearly beloved ones, I know not, God he only knows, whether we shall see the Face of one another any more: Wherefore, that living or dead, I may discharge my duty as a Husband, and as a Father, I take you to record this Day, that I am pure from the blood of you all; For I have not shunned to declare unto you the counsel of God▪ Take heed therefore to your Souls, which God hath purchased with his own blood, for I know that after my departure, grievous Wolves and Enemies, such as the mighty Powers of Darkness, the numerous tempting, and malicious men of the World, and that out of your own selves, which therefore are the most dangerous of adversaries, will arise strong, innumerable and impetuous Lusts, all endeavouring to draw you from the Faith, and to destroy your most precious Souls; Therefore watch, and remember that by the space of these many years, I have not ceased to warn every one of you Night and Day with tears. Phil. 4.1. Therefore my dearly beloved, and longed for, my Joy and Crown, stand fast in the Lord my dearly beloved. 3. And I entreat thee also true Yoke-fellow, help, counsel, and encourage our Children in the way of godliness and righteousness, 1 Tim. 4.8. which is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, 13. and of that which is to come; Hide not thy talon, nor neglect the gifts that are in thee, until I come again unto you. Give attendance to reading, 14. to exhortation, meditate upon these things that I have written, and give thyself wholly to them, 15. that thy profiting may appear to all. Be an example to our Children in Word, 1 Tim. 4.12. in Conversation, in Chastity, in Spirit, in Faith, in Purity: For in doing this, 16. thou shalt both save thyself and Family, now solely under thy charge; and as to the care of whose Soul●, thou must shortly be accountable at God's Tribunal. 2 Cor. 6.11. O ye that are my precious Jewels, my chief and only riches upon Earth, my mouth is open to you, 12. my heart is enlarged, ye are not straitened in me, be ye not therefore straitened in your own bowels; Now for a recompense in the same, 13. I speak unto you as unto my Children, be ye also enlarged. And now dear and beloved Christians, for this is the highest, 2 Cor. 5.16. and shall be my concluding Title, and sweetest compellation, as therein not knowing you after the Flesh; I commend you unto God, and to the Word of his Grace, Act. 20.32. which is able to build up, and to give you an Inheritance among all them that are sanctified; Eph. 1.16. Ceasing not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my Prayers; 17. That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, in the knowledge of him: The Eyes of your understanding being enlightened, 18. that ye may know what is the hope of his calling; 19 And what the riches of the glory of his Inheritance in the Saints; And what is the exceeding greatness of his Power to us-ward that believe. Your most affectionate Husband and Father, J. H. From Antwerp, the First of January, 1665. A Directory Letter (Mutatis Mutandis) scent by the Author to every one of his Twelve Children, prefixed to the Manuscript of the following Epistle, now Printed for the use and benefit of other Christian Families. Dear Daughter Mary, I Commend unto your serious and often Reading and Meditation this following Epistle, a Work which cost me much labour, study, and time in the Collection, yet performed with much delight and cheerfulness, as moved to write it to all my Relations, by the good Spirit of the Lord, as the best means I could use to counsel stir up, and advise them, with Marry, to choose the better part, which shall never be taken from them. Wherefore loving Daughter, let me lay this Paternal Charge upon you, as I shall do upon the rest of your Brothers and Sisters, for whom I am preparing Transcripts out of the Original, written by my own hand: That you read it over at least once a Quarter, as long as you live, as being not mine, but the Epistle of our most dear Lord and Saviour presented to you only by my hands, his most unworthy Instrument. The subject matter thereof being his most sacred Word, who is the Lord God of all the holy Prophets, the Penmen hereof, And the great Prophet of his Church; whose Word, whosoever will not hear and obey, are threatened to be destroyed. My design herein, I hope, through the grace and mighty power of the most holy Spirit of Christ, will be prosperous, and effectual, as being not only a Letter of advice and counsel from an earthly Father, whom I am confident you love, and will obey in the Lord; But the Epistle, and most powerful Exhortations of your heavenly Father, yea, the love-letter of your Head and Spouse the Lord Jesus Christ, who hath married you unto himself in holiness and everlasting righteousness. Dear Daughter, the holy Scriptures being the Foundation of all saving knowledge, and true Religion, I have by the direction and assistance of the Lord, skimed off for you the Cream thereof, and given you a few proofs of many, holding forth, as from his own mouth; First, The excellency of his Person: Secondly, The Fundamental Articles of the Christian faith, and belief in the words of the holy Scripture only: Thirdly, what things are to be practised by you, held forth in God's holy Law: Fourthly, what evil things are to be eschewed, either respecting Doctrine, or manners, wherein you have the Lord Jesus Christ's encouragement and exhortation, to the attaining of all saving graces, and virtues, and his Dehortation from all errors in Doctrine, (especially those that are sown, and professed in these worst of times) and from all sins and vices in practice: Fifthly, You have herein many of his Holy Counsels, directing how to walk holily, righteously, circumspectly, and unblamably in your life and conversation, together with the holy means and Ordinances ordained by him, for the obtaining and strengthening his graces in you, which is concluded with his Prayer and mine to our Heavenly Father for a blessing. O let not then, much beloved Child, This Letter (should you neglect the counsel given you therein) after my decease, bear witness against you: But let it be a Record and lasting Legacy read and practised by you, and your children's Children; which is the fervent Prayer of your Most affectioned Father J. H. Antwerp this first of January, 1665. An INDEX of the CONTENTS of this EPISTLE, And of the Scripture-Catechisme (materially) contained in it. THe Salutation and Exhortation of the Father, to his Wife and Children. Page 259. The Praise and Commendation of the Lord Jesus Christ, under the Name and Title of Wisdom, as being, and that essentially the Wisdom of God. Eadem. The danger of neglecting to hear and obey the Voice and Counsel of Christ. P. 260. B. An Exhortation of the Father to his Wife and Children, to hearken to the Word and Counsel of Christ. Ead. C. The Speech of the Lord Jesus Christ, as speaking in his own Person, to those to whom this Epistle is directed, and is applicable to all other Christians. P. 261. A. The Danger of Rejecting Christ. Ead. B. The Confession of Faith, commonly called the Apostles Creed, held forth by Christ in Scripture Expressions. Ead. C. 1. Article, The Doctrine of the Trinity. Eadem. 2. Article, That Jesus Christ is the Eternal Son of God, and our Lord. 3. Article, As to the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary. P. 262. A 4. Article, Concerning Christ's Condemnation by Pontius Pilate, his Crucifixion, Death, and Burial, and all other Sufferings in Soul and Body. Eadem. 5. Article, Of Christ's Resurrection. 6. Article, Of Christ's Ascension. 7. Article, Of Christ's coming to Judgement. 8. Art. Concerning the Holy Ghost, is proved in the first Article, concerning the Trinity. Pag. 263. 9 Article, Concerning the Catholic Church, and the Communion of Saints. Ead. C. 10. Article, Concerning forgiveness of Sins. 11. Article, Concerning the Resurrection of the Body. Ead. 12. Article, Concerning Life everlasting. P. 264. A. Ead. C. The Preface to the Decalogue or Ten Commandments. Ead. B. & C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Commandments. The Conclusion of the Ten Commandments. Note, That the Promises, etc. are omitted for brevity. 265 A The Exhortation of the Lord Jesus, to the use of Gospel-Ordinances. Viz. 1. To Baptism. 2. To the Lord's Supper. Ead. C Page 266 A B C 3. To the reading of the Scriptures. 4. To the hearing of the Word of God preached. 5. To Meditation of the Word of God, and of his works. 6. To Prayer in public and private. 7. To Obedience to Church-Governors and Discipline. P 267 B C The Exhortation of the Lord Jesus to Gospel-saving Graces, Viz. 1. To Repentance. 2. To Faith. P 268 C Page 270 A B C 3. To Hope. 4. To Charity. 5. To holy Courage or Fortitude. 6. To Christian Temperance. 7. To holy Patience. 8. To Divine Wisdom. Page 271 A B Ead. C 9 To Christian Humility. 10. The Exhortation of the Lord Jesus to several saving Graces, commonly called the Beatitudes. 11. To Religious Chastity. P 272 C P 273 A 12. To Christian Justice and Righteousness. 13. To Gospel sincerity, uprightness and truth. P. Ead. C. 14. To godly thankfulness, and praising of God. Ead. C. & P. 274 The Exhortation of the Lord Jesus to Divine affections, Viz. 1. To holy joy and delight. 2. To filial fear of God. 3. To holy zeal and anger. 4. To holy hatred. P 275 A The Preface to the Dehortations of the Lord Jesus from several principal vices. Ead. 275 276 The Dehortation. 1. From Unbelief. 2. From Atheism. 3. From Polutheisme. 4. From Idolatry. 5. From Blasphemy. 6. From Profaneness. 7. From Sacrilege. 8. From Hypocrisy. 9 From Sabbath-breaking. 10. From Superstition. 11. From Lukewarmness. Page 277 A B 12. From hardheartedness. 13. From presumptuous sinning. 14. From sinful swearing. 15. From incorrigibleness. A Preface to the Dehortation against despair. 16. From Despair. A Dehortation from uncharitableness. P 278 A B 1. General Branch of uncharitableness, as to the Souls of others. 1. By tempting. 2. By evil example. Ead. B 3. By not reproving. 4. By Flattering. 5. By not Instructing. 6. By persecuting for Conscience. Ead. C P 279 A 2d. General Branch of uncharitableness, as to the Persons of others. 1. By Murder. 2. By Maiming. 3. By unjust Imprisonment. 4. By not relieving. Ead. B P 180 A 3d. General Branch of uncharitableness, as to the estates of others. 1. By oppression. 2. By stealing. 3. By defrauding. 4. By contentiousness. 5. By usury or extortion. Ead. A. B 6. By Depopulation. 7. By false witnessing. 8. By cursing, or evil Imprecations. 4. General Branch of uncharitableness, as to the good name of others: 1. By slandering and backbiting and tale-bearing. Ead. C A Dehortation from Intemperance. 1. From Drunkenness. 2. From Gluttony. 3. F●om Insobriety. P 281 B C A Dehortation from sinful fear. A Dehortation from Ignorance. 1. Affected. 2. Natural. 3. Wilful. P 282 A B A Dehortation from Injustice. 1 In Magistrates. 2 In private Persons. 3 By not giving obedience justly due to Superiors. 1 As Magistrates. 2 As Ministers of the Gospel. 3 As natural Parents. Ead. C. A General Dehortation from fleshly uncleanness. 1 From Buggery. 2 From Sodomy. 3 From Whoredom. 4 From Incest. 5 From Polygamy. 6 From Adultery. 7 From Fornication. P 283 C P 284 A B A Dehortation from Lasciviousness. 1 In wanton thoughts. 2 In wanton words. 3 In wanton looks. 4 In wanton actions. Ead. C. P 285 C A Dehortation from Lying. 1 By denying the truth. 2 By breach of Covenant to God. 2 Of vows to God. 3 Of promises and Covenants to Men. Ead. B C and P 286 A Dehortation from Covetousness. 1 In the heart. 2 In action. 3 From worldliness, and carking cares. 4. From Nigardliness. P 286 C P 287 A A Dehortation from Idleness. 1 By having no Calling, or by neglecting a Calling. P 287 C & 288 A 2. Idleness in private Persons. 3 Idleness in public Persons. Ead. B. The Dehortation of the Lord Jesus from sinful passions. 1. From rash anger. 2 From causeless anger. Ead. C. Ead. C A Dehortation from sinful hatred. 1 Of Persons. 2 Of good things. Eadem C A Dehortation from Malice. Ead. C A Dehortation from strife and contention. P 289 A A Dehortation from envy. A Dehortation from revenge. Ead. C A Dehortation from Pride. 1 Branch from spiritual Pride. 2 Branch from Worldly pride. 3 Branch from Ambition. Ead. C Ead. C & P 290 A Dehortation from Ingratitude. 1 Towards God. 2 Towards Men. Ead. C. A Dehortation from sensuality or voluptuousness. P 291 A A Dehortation from inconstancy. 1 Branch, back-sliding. 2 Branch, Apostasy. 3 Branch, is the sin against the holy Ghost. P 292 C P 294 B The Preface to the Counsels of the Lord Jesus. 1 To diligence in our Calling. 2 To holy walking with God. 3 Against sin. P 295 B P 296 A Counsel against Temptation. Ead. B Counsel against evil company. To set God always before Us, and to have an eye to Eternity. Ead. B C Counsel to watch over our hearts. As to the keeping of a good Conscience, not to offend a Brother's conscience. P 297 A Counsel, as to the well ordering of our tongues, and as to the right using of our estates, gifts and talents. Ead. C Counsel, as to the well improving of our time. P 290 A Ead. C Counsel against sinful and unprofitable discourses. Against profane swearing. Counsel against sluggishness. Ead. C Counsel to watch over, and reprove our Neighbour; and patiently to receive reproofs. Counsel to charity. Counsel concerning your Tables. Concerning your callings. Ead. C & 299 A Counsel concerning your Relations. 1. Of Children to their Parents. 2 Of Parents to their children. 3 Of Husbands to their Wives. 4 Of Wives. 5 Of Servants. 6 Of Masters. Ead. C Counsel concerning our carriage towards those without. P 300 Counsel as to the observation of God's mercies, works and providences. Ead. C Counsel to attend the answer and return of Prayer. Ead. C Counsel, as to our behaviour under afflictions and persecutions. P 301 C ACounsel, as to the right use of our Christian liberty against the abusing of grace. Ead. B C Counsel as to the duties of Prayer, self denial, bearing the cross and perseverance. Counsel to our growing in grace. P 302 A The Preface to the Antidotes. Ead. C & P 305 A Ead. B Antidotes given by the Lord Jesus against several Heresies and Errors. 1 Against the Pope's Supremacy. 2 Against the Pope's Infallibility. Ead. C 3 Against the Pope's Power to forgive sins. 4 Against the Pope's Power to absolve from oaths, vows, and promises. P 304 A 5 Against the Pope's Power to add to the Scriptures, or to bend conscience by his Cannons and Decretals. P 305 A Against the Pope's Power to canonize Saints, or to excommunicate any from being Saints. P 306 A Against the Pope's Power to exercise the civil Sword against those that will not receive his Doctrines. Eadem C Antidotes given by the Lord Jesus Christ against several heresies and errors of the Apostate Roman Church. & 307 A Ead. C 1 Against the Idolatry of the Mass. 2 Against the false Doctrine of Purgatory. Ead. C & 308 A 3 Against the praying to and worship, 1 Of Saints. 2 Of Angels. 4 Against the worshping of Pictures and Images. Eadem C. 5 Against the false Doctrine of freedom from Original sin. P. 309 C. 6 Against their false Doctrine concerning Free will. P. 310 C. 7 Against their false Doctrine of Justification by works. Eadem C. The Preface of the Lord Jesus to his Antidotes against several other Heresies and Errors of the last times. P. 111 B· Antidotes, 1. Against Atheism. Eadem C. 2 Against the Heresy of Arianisme. P. 312 A. 3. Against the Heresy of denying the Holy Ghost to be God. Eadem C. 4. Against the Heresy of community of Women. 113 B. C. 5. Against Polygamy. 6. Against the forsaking and casting off of Gospel— Ordinances. Eadem C. 7. Against those who lay aside and make useless the Moral Law. & p 314 A 8. Against those who cast off and despise civil Government. Eadem B. 9 Against those who prefer a light within them before, besides, and against the Scriptures. P. 315 A. 10. Against Enthusiasms. Eadem B. 11. Against Antiscripturists. Eadem C. 12. Against those who deny Infant Baptism; and the Lord's Day to be the Christian Sabbath. Eadem C. & p 316 A 13. Against those who deny propriety of Goods and Estates. Eadem C 14. Against Rebaptization. P. 317 B· 15. Against Schism and uncharitable separation from the Church. The conclusion of the speech of the Lord Jesus. The Prayer of the Lord Jesus for all his Elect. P. 318 A. P. 55. B. The Father's concluding Exhortation and Prayer for his Wife and Children. P. 56 A. A Postscript of the Father to his Wife and Children, concerning the foregoing Epistle, with some further Exhortations to the practice thereof. Eadem C. & P. 57, 58, & 59 ERRATA Of the Printer. FOlio 265, Line 27, (Add) And broke it. Folio 269, Line 28, (Add) Do good to them that hate you. Fol. 276, in the Margin, for, Polutheims, put Polutheismes. For Cap. Proverbs the 22, put Chap. the 20. Fol. 279. Line 31. for from, put for. Fol. 282, Line 21, put (Thy) after of. Fol. 293, Line 38, for Brances, put Branches. Fol. 294, Line 42, Add (He) after shall. Fol. 297. Mar. for Mat. the 5, make it the 25. Fol. 203. Line 22, Add after was. (So) Marg. for Matthew, Mark. Fol. 305. Line 40. for Diotropses, put Diotrephes. Fol. 306. Line 31, for after Sacrifice, add (First) Fol. 313. Marg. for Joh. the 17. put the 7. An Humble ANSWER to a PAPER or QVERY, Given to the Author, by King CHARLES the First, at Hombey; concerning the Observations of Easter-Day A. D. 1647. By the KING. I desire to be resolved of this Question, Why the new Reformers discharge the keeping of Easter? The Reason for this Query is, I Conceive the Celebration of this Feast was Instituted by the same Authority which changed the Jewish Sabbath into the Lord's Day, or Sunday: for it will not be found in Scripture where Saturday is discharged to be kept or turned into the Sunday, wherefore it must be the Church's Authority that changed the one, and instituted the other. Therefore my Opinion is, that those who will not keep this Feast, may as well return to the Observation of Saturday, and refuse the Weekly Sunday. When any Body can show me, that herein I am in an error, I shall not be ashamed to confess and mend it: till when you know my mind. C. R. My Answer to his Majesty's Query. May it please your Majesty, I Cannot but from the blessed example of our Saviour, (who was in his Age a new Reformer of old Errors, Viz. the false glosses of the Scribes and Pharisees, Math. 5.20.) but account all such Reformers in our times, blessed also; But for the keeping of Easter, although I know not any Ordinance of Parliament discharging it, yet with submission to better judgements, I in all dutifulness conceive, That your Majesty's reason upon which your Query is built, hath a great mistake even in the foundation of it, you being pleased to lay this for a ground, That the change of the Sabbath; and the Institution of Easter are by one and the same equal Authority and Ecclesiastical Decree, which with your Majesty's favour, I cannot yield to, for I humbly conceive that the change of the Jewish Sabbath (the commemoration of the Work of the Creation) unto the Lord's day, the remembrance of that great Work, (the Work of Redemption finished upon this Day of the Lord's Resurrection) was by no less than by Divine Authority, because the keeping of one Day in Seven as a Sabbath to God, was not only sanctified and set apart, by God's own example in the Creation, Gen. 2. Ver. 2 and accordingly observed by the Israelites many Weeks before the Law was given, Exod. 16.23. But is One of the Ten Commandments delivered by God's own mouth in Mount Sinai, written by his own Finger in Tables of Stone, commanded by himself to be put into the Ark of the Covenant; which Decalogue or Ten Commandments are also by our blessed Saviour in his Sermon upon the Mount declared to be the rule of his People's moral obedience, unto the end of the World, Math. 5.17. and in the following part of that Sermon, wherein he vindicates the Law from the corrupt Glosses of the Scribes and Pharisees; he instances only in moral duties, and moral Laws. From all which Divines generally infer that the Decalogue is to continue in force unto the World's end; and therefore it seems most apparent that no Authority▪ that is inferior to that which appointed the Seventh Day from the Creation to be the Sabbath, could abrogate that Day, and appoint an other Day to be used instead of it, because neither the Law of Nature, nor the Holy Scripture, doth any where give the least intimation, that any humane Power may change any of the Commandments of God, and indeed so many absurdities would follow upon such an assertion, as I am confident your Majesty will not own it. It remains therefore that the change of the Day must be the work of Christ himself, or of his Apostles, who were divinely inspired, Acts 15. 21. And to prove that it was so, Viz. That the Lords Day by Divine Institution now succeeds in the room of the Jewish Sabbath, I shall use no other Arguments than these which I find in ●●rned Bishop Andrews his Speech in the Star-Chamber, at the ●●●sure of Mr. Traske, who expressly saith, that it hath ever been the Church's Doctrine, That Christ made an end of all Sabbaths, by his Sabbath in the grave; and that presently the Lords Day came in the place of it. And that according to Austin's judgement, the Lord's Day is declared to be the Christian Sabbath, by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which the said Bishop not only saith, but proveth by these Arguments. 1. Because he then began the new World, Heb. 1.2. By whom ●e made the Worlds: The first World which ended with his ●●rial: The second World or new Creation which began with his Resurrection. 2. Because all the four Evangelists say Christ rose, una Sab●ttorum, that is the first Day of the Week. 3. The Apostles kept their holy Meetings on that Day to Preach, and Pray, and Celebrate the Lord's Supper, Acts 20.7. 4. The Day is called the Lord's Day, not only in the Apostles times, but by the Apostle John himself, Rev. 1.10. And he further adds, that this Epithet (Dominicum) in the Scripture is only applied to these two, The Lord's Day, and the Lord's Supper, To show that they are both to be taken alike in Scripture. 5. He saith we have not only example, but express precept for it, 1 Cor. 16.2. That upon the first Day of the Week which was the Day of their Assembly, than Collections or Oblations would be made. 6. And lastly, He affirms that in all Ages of the Church this Day was observed. To this I may add our Saviour's rest upon that Day from his Works, Heb. 4.10. His often visiting the Apostles during the Forty Days, after his Resurrection, upon that Day speaking of the things appertaining to the Kingdom of God, Acts 1.3. Now what more material thing was there to be declared to them than this, The change of the Sabbath, and the appointing a set time for his Worship; he accordingly appearing thrice on the first Day of the Week, (besides his being seen of the Women) to teach and instruct his Disciples. First to the two Disciples that went to Emmaus, Luke 24.15, etc. to the Apostles when Thomas was absent, John 20.19. And the third time when Thomas was present, John 20.26. As also observe, that those wonderful and extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were poured out according to his promise upon the Apostles and Church (then) met together, Acts 2.1. The Day of Penticost being the Morrow after the Seventh Sabbath, to be accounted from the Day of the Sheaf-Offering, Leu. 23.15. By all which, he seems to have honoured and set apart that Day above others, for his service. Lastly, this being a principal Institution, might probably be one of those Decrees ordained by the Apostles (as well as that concerning the Sacrament, 1 Cor. 11.34.) delivered by Paul to the Churches in all the Cities, through which he passed, Acts 16.4. But for the Observation of Easter to be an Annual Festival to Christians, I find not any thing in the Holy Scriptures: And your Majesty is pleased to place it only upon the Church's Authority. And although I will not contend about the Church's Power in the Institution of such things as are simply indifferent, yet I suppose I may boldly assert, that such things as are only Instituted by Ecclesiastical Authority, having no footstep in the Scripture, may by Ecclesiastical Authority be laid aside. Your Majesty's most Loyal Subject, and Humble Servant, H. J. AN EPISTLE DEDICATORY, To the the truly Noble Pair, and my most Religious Parents. MOst Honoured and best beloved Parents, Three Sabbaths of Years (the third part of Man's life) is already Cyphered in my Youths Accounts, and who knows how soon the Divine number of our days, after my times last addition, may conclude the Numeration of my life, thus; Haec summa totalis: Wherefore, lest Death should proclaim me Bankrupt before I had paid the due Debt of gratefulness, which I owe you, next to my Heavenly Father, for my Life, Education, and Preservation; I here presume to present you with this disordered and weak Meditations; the Fruits of some few hours destinated for the Lord's days Preparation, as a testimonial of my thankfulness for those your numberless Merits, which are as far beyond requital, as expression; Let them (I beseech you) obtain a favourable Acceptance, a patient Perusal, and a Fatherly Censure, glorifying God, who with his Grace hath assisted my Weakness, and shall supply the deficiency of all our Meditations, with the fruition of himself; till which Imperfection of Happiness, I rest, Yours in the Lord, and in all filial Obedience, J. H. To the Worthy AUTHOR OF THIS Divine Meditation, The Unworthy Peruser wisheth all Health and Happiness. ON Worthy Sir, and live to view, The like done by your Heir to you. There's one will bless, With interests, this your gratefulness, Sweetening your Budd, Both to your own, and Parents good, Blessing the feet, which I suppose, Would highly grace a full-blown Rose. Oft have I seen those Budds that prove Worm-eaten by that Canker Love; Spending their prime, Of wit in Sonnets, or such Rhyme, As leaves behind, The Savour of a tainted mind. Ma●gre their Wits, I tell you true, I enjoy none but such as you; Not that I know your Birth and Blood Springs high, but that I see a good, That sets you off Beyond the bitter reach or scoff, Of those loose Tongues, Which blast it in their drunken Songs, Think no work lovely, sweet, or witty, That is not tuned to Cupid's Ditty. On Lovely Sir (I speak the truth, From Him you think on in your Youth) he'll not forget, This Labour, or Essay, but set, A mark of note, Upon those Hours which you devote, Unto his Service, and will Pay Richly, at All-Saints Holiday: Mean while he pawns his Word to be A Friend unto your hopes, and he That never Rights, The meanest of his Favourites, Will raise your Stock, And prove your Sun, your Shield, your Rock, Perfume your Name, and make't as dear As his, that died the Hopeful Peire. Long may the Noble Pair, to whom You own your Breath, next God become Suitors for you, That labour to repay the due, You owe to them, From whom you Sprang a hopeful stem; To which you have the Heart, and Hand Of him, that rests, Yours to Command, W. Mews. MEDITATIONS UPON THE CREATION, MAN'S Fall, and Redemption BY CHRIST, Presented to his Parents in the XXI. Year of his Age. Anno Dom. 1627. London, Printed in the Year, 1669. Prayer and Meditation are Twins, therefore A Preparative Prayer. O Almighty God, and most gracious Father, from thy goodness I acknowledge all good gifts do proceed, therefore I humbly, and earnestly do beseech thee, to illuminate my Soul by thy Spirit, that my Understanding, being raised above all Earthly Cogitations, may through thy merciful assistance, so meditate of thee, and thy wonderful Works, that contemning all Worldly Vanities, my delight may only consist in beholding of thy Majesty: The Consideration of it being best able, both to humble my proud Heart, and create in it a love, and fear to all thy Precepts, that so I beginning (although in weakness) to live the life of grace here, I may (through thy favour in Christ) live the Life of Glory with thee hereafter. Amen. DIVINE MEDITATIONS OF GOD'S Majesty IN THE CREATION. ALL sublunary things tend, and press towards their Centre: The Sea-man's Needle always points North and South, Nature thereby (as it were) Lecturing our Souls to behold and move towards none but thee O God, our North-Star, our Centre; Lord, I confess, it had been a vain presumption in Mortality (being defiled with sin) to have once conceived a thought of thy Holiness, had not thy mercy in Jesus Christ, revealed unto us in thy word and promises, not only to give us leave, but commanded us to know thee, that conceiving of thee aright, we might love thee with all our hearts, fear thee in all our actions, and serve thee with our best endeavours. Why madest thou Man with his Face erected towards the Heavens, when Beasts walk grovelling upon the Ground, unless thou hast ordained that all Eyes contemning Earth as tramled under Feet, should stand open towards the Skies, that our Souls through those Casements might behold the Starry outside of the firmament, though but a dark reflection of thy brightness, and might view in the Su●s splendour a petty Emblem to lead us to the Infiniteness of thy Glory, and beautifulness of that new Jerusalem, in which thou crownest the Inhabitants with a perpetual Day of Happiness. These Objects (O Lord) dam up the Mouth of Wickedness, being sufficient though dumb Witnesses, to condemn the wilful ignorance of Senseless Atheists: Who behold much Art in a costly Fabric, and applaud not the skill of the Architector. Who sees exquisitness in any work, and is not forced to acknowledge the Workman's perfection; and what Eyes can be so purblinded with folly and perverseness, as not to spell out in each Leaf of Nature's Book thy Divinity? Open thou my Lips (O Lord) and my Mouth shall show forth thy Praise. Of the Creation. THe beginning of all Created Substances was nothing, who but thou O Lord, Gen. 1.1. Infinite in Power, of no Materials could frame so vast a Chaos? Verse 2. Before each particulars composure, darkness, as a Canopy, covered the confused Lump of intermixed Bodies, when by thy Word (O Father of Light) was light created, Verse 3. the happy Morning to so great a Night; Verse 6. the huge Concave of the Firmament being the purest extraction of that gross heap is made to Circle the Earth, Verse 7. separating the Waters above from those below by thy Command. Verse 9 Where was the naked Earth visible, when the Waters covered the Face thereof, until thy will gave them both name, and bounds? How rude an object were the Towering Hill●, and humble Valleys, Vers. 11. & 12. then destitute of thy Livery, their Ornament, until Grass, Herbs, and fruit-bearing Trees clothed them by thy Ordinance. When the Heavens wanted their Ornament, the Times and Seasons their Order, Gen. 1.16. and distinguishments, thou madest two great Lights▪ the Sun to Rule by Day, the Moon and Stars to Rule by Night; Psal 136.8. For thy Mercy endureth for ever. Were the waste Places of the deep inhabited, or the Regions of the Air fathomed, Gen. 1.26. before thy Power made the Seas bring forth all manner of Fowls, and Fish, even that Leviathan, whose Scales are his Pride, shut up together as with a close Seal, which by his sneezing a Light doth shine, Job 41.15. and his Eyes are like the Eyelids of the Morning, upon Earth there is none his like, who is made without fear? Did not thy Wisdom O God fill the Deserts with wild Beasts, the Earth with creeping things? Job 40. Who made Behemoth, which moveth his Tail like a Cedar? His Bones are as strong Pieces of Brass, his ●●●es are like Bars of Iron, he is the chief of thy ways (O God) thou that madest him, canst make thy Sword approach unto him. What shall I say? Who can express thee, which art far beyond expression? I will conclude with the conclusion of thy Works, the ●●●ation of Man; In his Body rightly termed a little World, as ●●ing a mixture of the four Elements, who can 〈…〉 ●●e symmetry and proportion of each Member, and comeliness of ●●ch part▪ so ●urious a structure, being only a ●i● man●●on 〈…〉 〈◊〉 Tenant as the Soul; in whose praise (which speak● thy p●●ise) I will only say two words, calling it according to thy Word, thy ●●●ge; What is Man that thou art mindful of him? Psal. 8.4. or the Son of ●●an, that thou visitest him? Thou hast made him little lower ●●an the Angels, and hast Crow●●d him with glory and honour; ●●ou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands, ●●ou hast put all things under his Feet: Therefore bless the Lo●d (O my Soul) all that is within m●●less his holy name; Psal. 103.12. bless the ●ord in all his works, in all places of his Dominion; bless the Lord O my Soul. Of Man's Fall, and of God's Mercy and Goodness in our Redemption. THe Object of misery, is mercy: Diseases if known, and felt, 〈◊〉 often obtain remedies; when insensible maladies make Men neglect the opportunity of recovery. Man's worst Disease is sin, originally rooted in us in Adam, nourished and made fruitful by our 〈◊〉 actual transgressions; the feeling and knowledge of whi●●●, ●●st first make us witnesses and publishers of our dangers and 〈◊〉 before God's mercy can be the prospect of our wretchedness, 〈◊〉 goodness our healing. Wherefore (O my Soul) let thy follow●●● Meditations, triply divide themselves; First, behold what thou 〈◊〉 in thy fall, with the fearful adjuncts thereof, that a true humiliation may make thee pliable to receive the happy impression 〈◊〉 God's Seal. Secondly, what thou art through the mercy of 〈◊〉 in Jesus Christ, Revel. 7. that thy heart being fraught with thankfulness, may praise him both in word and action. Thirdly, what 〈◊〉 shalt be▪ The consideration of which may make thee perse●●●● and press towards the mark, only Desiring to be dissolved, 〈◊〉 to be with Christ. The judgements best evidence (to conclude the praise or dif●●ise of things) is by contraries; Man's misery by his Fall. therefore the view of our crea●●d happiness will most aptly confirm, and discover the infinite ●●supportableness of our loss; which a particular demonstration will better illustrate, than a general surview. The principal parts in the composure of Man, is a Soul and Body; of which the Soul as first in degree, The Souls Created Happiness. so in our Discourse: The Heathens esteemed the derivation of their Pedigree from famous Ancestors, their chiefest honour; some even coveting to line out their Originals from the shameful Adulteries of their imaginary Gods: but let us in looking back to our Souls Original, glorify our Creator▪ one not 〈◊〉 not fictitious, as theirs; but the God of Gods, the Lord of Lords. Psal. 136.2. Thus the Soul in its Creation hath its beginning from God▪ For in him we live, and move, and have our Being: Nay, Paul further adds, Acts 17.28. that we are his Offspring. What Creature can be capable of more Honour, more Glory? The Soul is God's offspring, not in respect of its substance, but its qualities, even so far forth as it was then adorned by him with Divine gifts; and therefore called his Image, The Divine Gifts of the Soul. in respect of the whole Man; but especially of the Soul, created of a spiritual and immortal Essence (as St. Augustine divinely glosses) consisting and endued with three supreme faculties; the Memory, Imagination, and Will: that these, yet but one Soul, might symbolise the Trinity in Unity. The Memory could not then be overburdened, but like a constant good Soil naturally received all Seeds of goodness, and returned them with a plentiful increase. The Fantasy and intellect was as apprehensive, as the Memory trusty; like a mirror as it were b● reflection, discovering to the Souls sight, the highest of revealed mysteries; being then a fit perspective, to appropriate and distinguish all far distant and supreme Contemplations: The will w●● constant like the Sun, in a course of goodness, and as a shadow followed the substance of virtue, bowing with Mordecai to 〈◊〉 but God. Thus in respect of himself, was Man the Image of 〈◊〉 Creator; behold him so in his domination over the Creatures, God saying, Let them have dominion over the Fish of the Sea, and 〈◊〉 the Foul of the Air, Gen. 1.26. and over the cattle, and over all the Earth. As if he should say, He is my Likeness, my Vicegetent, you inferior Creatures, obey him; but let him love, fear, and look only towards me. O inestimable favour, O unvaluable privilege! and yet behold, not valued, neglected of Man; all Earthly objects quickly satiate the sight, but who can sufficiently behold thee O Lord? Thus have we glanced over the Compendium of the Souls Happiness; a brief indeed, For who can express it at large? Rare objects are most attractive. The Eye of my weak Meditations hath so long gazed on this now Eclipsed Sun, that it hath almost forgot the Sphere wherein it is fixed, (the Body) than a Chrystaline Lantern fit for such a Lamp, Of the Body in the Creation. now a Prison of a twilighted Soul. Here needs not much illustration; we may guests at Hercules Stature by his Foot, but easily of his Foot by the rest of his Body. God's works are all full of perfection, the whole Creation had not one lame part. In the Souls eminence, view the Body's excellence: Man was God's Image, not the Soul only; the Body was not God's Image in respect of its Form (since he is invisible, incomprehensible, and cannot be by us defined) but as it is the inferior part of Man, and inseparable Companion of the rational Soul▪ so it also enjoyed a right in the same Attributes, and Privileges, the ●●ul then giving a Majesty to the Face, and being made more ●●plendent, by the fellowship and harmonious marriage with the ●●dy; the Body being necessarily most obvious to be employed 〈◊〉 all terrene and inferior actions, as the other in Heavenly Contemplation's. Thus with comfort have we gazed upon Man, glorious in his Creation, as the Sun ascending from Earth; 2 lie. (As 〈◊〉 object to move a religious gratefulness) shining in his Meridian of Happiness; Let us now in the third place (with shame and con●●sion of Face, and hearty humiliation of Soul) behold him sitting 〈◊〉 darkness, quenching his Light in the Ocean of sin, and misery. Of Man's Fall. Which declining subject, that we may more clearly perceive, Let 〈◊〉 first consider the causes of our loss; 2 lie. The fall, or act itself; dly. The fearful effects of so cursed a breach. Almighty God ●●ving Created the great World, and lastly, Man as an Epitome 〈◊〉 the whole, Plants a Garden, Gen. 2.8. therein placing him both to be a ●●esser, and Surveyor of those rarities; that with pleasure each ●●ce might view in their Nature, the Wisdom; in their Form, 〈◊〉 Power of his Creator: The merciful Lord makes him, and ●●●ves him a Freeholder in this Eden, this Heaven upon Earth, ●●ly reserves to himself this small Royalty, the two Trees, the one 〈◊〉 Life, the other of good and evil, in the midst of the Garden: 〈◊〉 we may see it included in that first and general deed of gift delivered to Adam; And the Lord God commanded the Man, Gen. 2.16. ●●ying, Of every Tree of the Garden thou mayst freely eat: But of ●he Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; 17. 〈◊〉 in the Day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. O ●●all command, O easy Yoke, O the free and infinite mercy of ●hee, O Almighty Creator! What? hast thou made Man, and 〈◊〉 the World for Man, and yet for all this, tiest him to no more ●●vitude, than the obedience of one sense, Thou shalt not eat? O ●●retched Adam, Why didst thou entertain such a cursed credulity? believing rather thy Slave, than thy Lord; an inferior Creature, before thy Creator; the Father of Lies, before the Truth itself. Was thy free judgement thus soon captivated? (Lord leave not us weaklings to ourselves, but magnify thy power in our imbecility:) Surely, unhappy Man, had not ambition and infidelity Eclipsed the apprehensive brightness of thy understanding, Judas 1.6. thou mightest have made thy Ringleaders fall, a mirror to view thine own in. O blindness! the more blame-worthy, the less to be pitied, 〈…〉 self didst both willingly, wilfully, and speedily occasion 〈…〉 thy gracious God imprisoned all thy senses within his 〈◊〉 command, all Judgements would have condemned thy ungrateful disobedience; how much more unblamable art thou that mightest have viewed it, touched it, and delighted thyself with the fragrancy of that pleasant Fruit eternally without offence, and ye● still desirest more, even to taste thy Death. O bitter sweet! sweet in thy deceitful expectation, bitter in thy accursed fruition. O behold now what knowledge thou hast obtained! thou knowest now the good thou hadst, and hast lost; the evil thou didst want, and now enjoyest: Momentary was thy imaginary pleasure, certain, and eternal thy procured curse: O the Childishness of Man's perfectest age! The fearful effects of Man's Fall. which sold the little World, himself, the great World about himself, for such a knowledge which made him know good, not more, but less, by knowing evil: All things that are good in themselves, in their first enjoying, gain from us most estimation; but Man, here blest with the fruition of all happiness, which jointly met in him as in its Centre, undervalues it even in the first possession; exchanging pleasure for pain, knowledge for ignorance, Paradise for Hell, and Life for Death. But what nee● is there of my weak descriptions, in delineating the lamentable 〈◊〉 of Man's fall? Since, if every Christian would but deal faithfully with himself, and retire into his own Soul, viewing it in th● state of Unregeneration, he might in that too lively Picture of d●●d Adam, learn the chief point of wisdom, to know himself. I appeal to the witness of thy Conscience, O Christian Reader, whither thou findest not naturally the Supreme faculties of thy Soul, the Enemies of God, and goodness, the bondslaves, and willing Vassals of sin and Satan; the parts of thy Body, the Members of wickedness, and ready Instruments of ill. Is not thy memory a magazine of evil, unhospitable to goodness? Thy imagination and intellect, like the Northern Seas frozen with ignorance, to whom the Sun of wisdom gives so dim a Light, that thy highest knowledge, is to know thou knowest nothing. Is not wickedness the Centre of thy will, towards which it moves with a natural swiftness, all holy motions being contrary to its course? Lastly, do not generally the parts of the whole Man, which did before by their concordance, and harmonious obedience, so sweetly express the due praise of the most glorious Creator, now rebelliously jar, with a hideous and cursed confusion? But what need these questions? I would to God every Man's unhappy experience did not affirm, and ascertain this truth: as there is none free from Death, so none from sin, the cause of Death: we all alike come into this World, all suck in corruption with their first breath; no sooner have our Souls a Being, but they are in a deep Consumption; so that our life is but a continued dying, a Prologue of Death, according to that of Job 1.21. Naked came we into this World: naked of goodness, as well as Clothes, and naked shall we return again, except thou cloth us to Christ: our beginnings, our foundations are laid with untempered mortar, Can then our after-works be unlike the Original? We must all say with David, In ●in hath my Mother conceived me, and I was shapen in iniquity. Psal. 51.5. 〈◊〉 the Root evil, and can the Fruit be good? Is the Fountain bit●er, and can the streams be sweet? Do Men gather Grapes of Thorns, or Figs of Thistles? Hath Adam fallen, Mat. 6.16. and was accursed, and shall his Offspring stand, and be justified? No, assuredly There is none good, no not one, we are all wrapped up in the same condemnation: O wretched Man that I am, Rom. 7.24. who shall deliver me from the Body of this Death? I thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us now, having waded in the gulf of 〈◊〉 miseries, from that depth, behold the height of God's mercy. ●●y mercies O Lord are great, and reach unto the Heavens, Psal 57.10. and ●●y truth unto the Clouds. Thou hast delivered my Soul from ●ell, my Body from Death, thy Mercies are above all thy Works, wondered are they, Who can express them? This World is a Monarchy, the great Emperor thereof is God, no admits of no Equal, nor Partners in his Government: Kings, princes, and all things else, are either Subjects, or Subject to ●●m; nay more, his Creatures, For by Him were all things Created ●hich are in Heaven, and which are in Earth, things visible, Col. 1.16. and invisible. Crimes of the highest nature, are only accounted Trea●ons in terrene States, but the least breach of those general Statutes, enacted by the Earth's great Lawgiver, is not only Capital, 〈◊〉 infinitely punishable: had Man offended either his Superiors, 〈◊〉 Angels, or his equals, as Man; it had been possible to have reconciled the one by submission, the other by satisfaction: but having transgressed the Commandment of God, no created, and ●nite substance can repair his ruins; for infinite is his Justice, inanite our sins, and consequently infinite our punishment. Thus wretched and miserable are we in ourselves, by reason of our ●all; and thus destitute of redress from others, by reason of the greatness of our fault, and unrecoverableness of our loss: and ●●stly, O Lord, do we deserve to be so, since wittingly, willingly, and wilfully we made ourselves so. Of Man's Redemption by Christ. GOD is both infinitely just, and infinitely merciful: as his Mercy hinders not the Execution of his Justice, so his Justice bounds not the extent of his Mercy. Man is here infinitely indebted to God, and utterly unable to pay. God's Justice requires payment, his Mercy places his Son as principal in the Bond, who fully satisfies his Justice, and repeals the Judgement pronounced against our Souls and Bodies. O gracious Father, in this thy Son, our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thy love is infinite, like thyself, boundless as thy Divinity, and so ineffable, that the Tongues of Men and Angels are not able to express it. Mercy implored, hath its first motion or inducement from the suppliant; but thy mercy first beheld us, when we had no power to view thee, being blinded by Satan; thy goodness raised us, when we were dead and buried in sin, and thy free love only procured thee to move in compassion towards us, who were moved through transgression, contrary to thee: unvaluable and extraordinary gifts are assured (although silent expressions) of a fixed and ardent affection: But who O Lord is able to value thy gift, to declare, much less apprehend thy love? Friendship is reciprocal, for a friend can no sooner exhibit any reality of benevolence, but, as it were, by reflection, he is presently apprehensive of the like from the receiver▪ though not in quantity, as being perhaps less able, yet in quality, as being not less loving. But O merciful Creator, thy love met with hatred, the very object of thy favour was thy Enemy, whom thou didst not reconcile with a gift, as fearing his power or ability to resist thee, since he was thy Creature, thy Prisoner, thy just sentence of Condemnation waiting but the watchword of thy will to execute him! O unexhausted Fountain of wisdom, there was no weakness or deficiency in thee, which (Man destroyed) might any whit disable or diminish thy workmanship in a second Creation, since all thy works keep time with thy Word! What caused thee then, O powerful Maker, to give Life, where Death was due; Heaven, where Hell was deserved; Pleasure and Joy, where Pain and Torment was incurred! Why didst thou give mercy and forgiveness to Man, and denyedst it to Angels; honouring the Humanity with a Personal Union, which in Adam was a Traitor by Rebellion? Lastly, Why gavest thou thy only begotten Son to Death, that we might be thy Adopted Sons in Life. Eph. 2.4. Lord, my Soul shall answer with St. Paul; God, who is rich in Mercy, for his great Love wherewith he loved Us, even when we were dead in Sin, hath quickened Us together in Christ, by Grace we are saved. The Mercies of God the Son in our Redemption. O only begotten Son of the Father, the Word by which all things were made; O light of the World, God equal with the Father in Majesty, why from such a height of Glory, didst thou descend to this Vale of Misery, John 1.3. forsaking Heaven for Earth, making thy Footstool thy Throne, being included in the Virgin's Womb, though the vast Universe cannot comprehend thee? Lord, thy own Spirit can best express the reason of this thy wonderful humiliation. Jesus Christ came into this World to save Sinners. Behold, here God made Man; Lord, Mark 10.45. how low is the Foundation of thy Mercy laid? although the height reach above the Clouds, gracious Saviour, who doth not in this Mirror of thy Love, perceive the powerfulness of thy Divinity, as being the first and self-mover in this work of compassion? thy mercy having its first motion from thyself, according to that, thy own protestation made unto thy Children, Hosea 14.4. I will love them freely. But O my Soul, now thou hast viewed this beautiful Gate of the Temple with admiration, reverence, and affection, proceed, for the birth of thy Saviour, is but the beginning of his mercies. All Princes are but Viceroys, God only is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords: Yet who amongst them is not welcomed into his Kingdom, with joyful Acclamations, and royal Solemnities? But lo here, not only the King of Israel, but the great Emperor of Heaven and Earth, born in Bethelem, the least of the Cities of Judah; a City, and yet affords no place, but a Stable, to lodge and entertain the World's Monarch; Heaven must point him out by a Star, Angels must preach him, before any of his own acknowledge him; and then Shepherds are his Heralds to Proclaim him. The sequel, and after-story of his Life, is no less reproachfully miserable, than this Prologue of his birth. Poverty clothes Him with obscurity and affliction 30. Years; in which space, his very Infancy is not free from Persecution by Herod: witness those Innocents' of Bethelem, who suffered for him, who came to die for them; he flying into Egypt, from the wrath of Man, that he might undergo the anger of God, preserving himself not from pain, but for pain. O Lord, had thy Love's Foundation been laid in Earth, the hatred and ungratefulness of Man, might have ruined thy proceedings, and induced thee to have retrograded from thy purposed design; but behold the Root of thy Mercy was in thyself, which brought forth the fruits of thy sufferings, thy love being natural, therefore immutable; none of thy grievous pressures were obscured from thy view, for thy prescience beheld, as present, all forepast actions, and future events; so that thou wert not ignorantly, or contrary to thy will, overtaken by them; no necessity did enforce thee to undergo so difficult a Task, since constraint is only prevalent in a finite nature; but thou art infinite, comprehending all things, circumscribed by nothing. Lord Jesus, let me admire, since I cannot express this thy love, and make me to love thee again in some measure, that thus hast loved me without measure. Here whilst my Soul, full of wonder, desires to stay and meditate, thy goodness leads me still forwards, and as it were reproves my lingering thus. O Man, bound not thy thoughts progress with the first mercies of thy Saviour; to wit, that Light shined in Darkness. John 1.5. The Word became Flesh; yea, that the life of all things received life, and the Son of God became the Son of Man: behold, more mysteries of love not regarded, the Creator rejected of his Creature; John 1.11. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. He who ordained Holes for the Foxes, Nests for the Birds of the Air; Mat. 8.20. he who measured the Earth as with a span, and clothes the Heavens as with a Garment; he who is a self-moving Sphere, whose Centre is every where, whose circumference is no where; He, even the Saviour and Creator of Man, hath not amongst Men whereon to rest his Head. O admirable and unconceivable humiliation, of greater force, because not enforced; freely, not reciprocally undertaken▪ being therefore of infinite merit before God, and worthy of Man's eternal acknowledgement; what could Man suffer, which the Son of Man did not undergo? nay, what anger, torment, punishment, or affliction, could an infinitely enraged Deity inflict, which God made, Man did not endure? for behold, no sooner doth this Son of Righteousness, whose light is in himself, Luke 2.32. arise to be a light unto the Gentiles, dissipating the mists of Superstition and Ignorance, the morning of the Gospel succeeding the Evening of Idolatry, no sooner did he appear to the glory of his People Israel, dispersing those Clouds of Ceremonies, which Veiled the mercy Seat, but that present Generation, preferring Darkness before Light, interposed unbelief to Eclipse his splendour: witness John 3.19. And this is the Condemnation, that Light is come into the World, and Men loved Darkness rather than Light. Also, they retorted the beams of his Priestly Office, Luke 5.21. saying, None but God hath Power to forgive Sins. They shuned the Light of his Gospel-Prophesie and Teaching; witness that loving Lamentation, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the Prophets, Luke 13.34. and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy Children together, as a Hen her Brood under her Wings, but ye would not! Lastly, they denied and rejected his Dominion, with that abnegation, We have no King but Caesar. Joh. 19 15. Lord, were the Children of Israel so severely punished, Num. 16.47. 2 Mach. Chap. 3. for repining against Aaron, though but a ●igure of Thee? Was Heliodorus so suddenly and fearfully tormented for resisting the High Priest? And dost thou, who thus revengedst, and defendest thy substitutes, whilst thou wert in Heaven, as being the sum of all Figures, the substance of all shadows, and an Eternal Highpriest, according to the Order of Melchizedeck: Heb. 5.10. I say, dost thou now, being on Earth, nearer to their reproaches, and yet not further off from thy power, pass over their iniquities, suffering thyself to be crucified by them, whom thy Justice should have crucified, to be sacrificed by the wrath of them, whom thy anger (hadst thou come to destroy, Luk. 9.56. not to save) should have sacrificed? Was Noah, Lot, Moses, Elisha, all Prophets, all Types of Thee, 2 Pet. 2.5, 6, 7. by thee aided and made victorious over their unbelieving and insulting adversaries, and why dost not thou, O Lord, of all Prophets, being now thine own Orator, and yet despised, Numb. 16.32. demolish Corazin, or Bethsaida, with other Cities of Judea, 2 King. 21.24. either by Water or Fire? O Lord, thou art still the same God: then thy Justice was manifested, but now thy mercy is magnified, as appears by that Deploration over Jerusalem, Luke 13.34. where the Floods of Waters are now converted to an Inundation of Tears, the Fire and Brimstone to love-burning, and pitying sighs: though some murmuring, ask, From whence hast thou this Authority? others blaspheming, make thee a Sabbath-breaker, Luke 20.2. John 9.16. Luke 11.15. Mat. 11.9. and esteem thee as a Conjurer, a Glutton, a Wine-bibber, a friend of Publicans and Sinners; yet hast thou not now a devouring Gulf for such Repiners, Teeth of wild Beasts for such calumniating Blasphemers, unless we behold that one alone bottomless Gulf of thy mercy most extended, and most deep, even to Man in the depth of his misery▪ Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Luke 23.34. O Christ, Did fear dead thy revenge due to those Sinners against their own Souls? No, fear is a duty of the Creature ruled by thee, not overruling thee; Passion is incident to inferiors, and therefore below thee, which hast no Superior: Did want of ability smother thy anger? No, thy Power is not extinguished, no less than infinite, although in thy humiliation clouded, during thy pleasure. Lord, why did those many Legions of Heavenly Soldiers suffer thy Enemies to carry thee, their General, away Captive? those Bonds, which could not resist Sampson's force, fetter the Arms of thee the Almighty, who gave him strength; those Nails fasten thee to the Cross, who wert as able to deliver thyself, as thou wert willing to suffer. O Saviour, my thankful Soul, by way of confession, replies thus, The unmeasurableness of thy love patiently swallowed up all these contumelies and reproaches; for love instead of revenge, thou forgavest thine Enemies; instead of calling for power to destroy Man, thou proclamedst his Salvation; crying out, It is finished: the Angels, John 19.30. when thou wert attached by Judas, although within thy Call, must only be admiring Witnesses of thy Patience, not Executors of those Traitors. Lastly, thy Mercy only manacled thy hands, and nailed thee to thy Cross, making Thee a Transgressor, by the bearing of our Sins, that we might become righteous, through the Imputation of thy Merits, 1 Pet. 2.24. according to that of Peter, Who his own Self bore our Sins in his Body on the Tree, that we being dead to Sin, should live in Righteousness, by whose Stripes we are healed. These things, gracious Saviour, yea infinitely more, hast thou done for us; which since we cannot apprehend, let us with reverence admire, rejoicing that we have viewed thee in thy Birth, to be our Kinsman, in thy Life our Example, in thy Death our Saviour, after Death our Resurrection, and Glory, Lord, what art thou not unto us? a Balm for our Wounds, a Laver for our Souls, a Sacrifice for our Sins, and the Life of our Death. What hast thou not suffered for us? Wert thou not humbled in thy Birth, persecuted all thy Life, and though innocent, adjudged to Death, that our Nature might be exalted, our Life enlarged, our Gild acquitted? Wert thou not scourged, disrobed, Crowned with Thorns, lifted upon the Cross, derided, athirst, forsaken, and slain, that we might be delivered from the Judgements of thy Father, clothed with thy Righteousness, Crowned with thy Glory, lifted up into Heaven, freed from the mocks of Satan, satisfied with the sweet draughts of thy Love, received of thee for ever, to Live Eternally? What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me? Psal. 116.12. I will take the Cup of Salvation, and call upon his Name, saying, Glory be to God in the Highest, Luk. 2: 14. Peace on Earth, good Will towards Men: Praise, and Honour, and Glory, and Power be unto Him that sitteth on the Throne, Rev. 5.13. and unto the Lamb for evermore. Soli Deo Gloria. A Concluding Prayer. O Eternal, Infinite, and Everlasting God, by whom all things were Created, that are made, and in whom we Live, Move, and have our Being; I, thy poor Creature, humbly beseech Thee to deal graciously with me, thy Servant, pardoning all my Offences, and passing by all the errors, wants, and imperfections, committed in these my feeble Meditations. O Lord, I praise Thee for thy favourable assistance of my weakness, ever confessing thy great Goodness in my Creation, the Pride, Incredulity, and Weakness of my Nature, in Man's Fall, and thy Infinite Mercy in my Redemption. O let the one rejoice me, the other humble me, and the last make me obediently thankful in the observant performance of all thy Commands; that so I may glorify Thee, which is the end of my Being, repent, and believe in Thee, who art the Resurrection of my Fall, and live with Thee Eternally which is the Compleatment of my Salvation, and fulfilling of my Hope, which is fixed in Jesus Christ: To whom with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, be all possible Praise, Obedience, and Thanksgiving, now and for ever. Amen. Upon several temporal Mercies, Providences, and Deliverances Graciously Vouchsafed, By the Lord, (Infinite in Goodness) To the most unworthy Author; And to many also of his near Relations. EBENEZER HITHERTO hath GOD helped me. 1 Sa. 7.12. Bethel; the House of God, Gen. 28.19. A Pillar of PRAISE Erected by An English JACOB unto the only Infinite, Eternal, and Almighty JEHOVAH, in all Sincerity, Humility, Reverence and filial fear. Hallelujah. Eternal FATHER, Glorious SON, and Holy GHOST, Three Persons, but One GOD, in Essence, who the HOST Of Heaven and Earth didst make, and art Goodness, Power, Justice, Truth, Love, Wisdom, Holiness; To Thee, with JACOB,— SAMUEL, A PILLAR I— ERECT, to tell All Future AGES, to thy PRAISE, Thy MERCIES to Me all my DAYS: Their's, like their Faith, was of firm Stone, Mine, weak, like Me, a PAPER One. O let thy Strength made Perfect be, In my Great— IMBECILITY. Two Mites, Goat's Hair, from Hearts most free, Are JEWELS, in Thy TREASURY: LORD, had I Men, and Angels Tongues, That KEY would be below the SONGS, Of thanksgiving, I owe to THEE, For what in CHRIST thou didst for ME; From which Eternal Love, forth Springs The Temporal Mercies, which these Hymns Commemorate. O let Free— GRACE. Be Adamantine, and my— BASE, And IRON-HEART, to THEE attract Sealed by Thy SACRAMENTAL Act, So shall my Person, and these Sheets, Which I prostrate at THY blessed FEET, Received be, as being PERFVMED By thy sweet SPIRIT, and only Tuned Unto thy Praise; and thy Great NAME, Be blest by ALL that read the same; Who shall, by Favours showed to ME, Be moved to Love, and Trust in THEE. Accept dear Lord in Goodness what's here Thine, And in Thy MERCY Pardon what is Mine. Yea, Let this Humble Work, a future BASIS be, For SAINTS to raise Columns of Glory unto Thee. — Place this afore Occasional Meditations, at Folio 347 AN EXHORTATORY EPISTLE TO THE Nobility, and Gentry of Great Britain. Right Honourable, NOble and generous Spirits of this famous Island: Whose Persons I truly love and honour, both as Christians, and of the same Nation with me; as also for your excellent wits, parts, and gifts; who equalise Tully and Virgil in Eloquence and Poetry; Witness your many Romances, Comedies, Tragedies, and amorous Works, now extant. O consider all you that are thus rarely accomplished, both by Art and Nature, that you must shortly give an account of these deposited Talents; and of your misspent time, and stewardships, at the near approaching Sessions, and Goal-delivery of your Souls, out of the Prison of your Bodies; and at the great Assize, the dreadful Day of Judgement, to our great God, and to the Lord Jesus the Judge of the quick, and the dead; Who hath made all things for his Glory, and the wicked for the Day of his Wrath. O will you not then blush for shame, and be confounded at what you now pride yourselves in; when Satan, your Maecenas, shall then be your Accuser, and produce as evidence against you, Item, so many precious Hours lost, such high strains, and Veins of Witrun waist, such excellent Language defiled, and abused; and such, and such, a happy Muse ravished, and debauched: in the compiling, and publishing so many false, and unhallowed Legions, to stir up, and inflame your own Lusts, and the sleeping passions, and corruptions of the Youth of both Sexes, in these Nations; So many Stageplays, the Scoffers of goodness, and holiness of conversation; the Consumers of useful time, and of the innate Virtue, Modesty, and Estates of all kinds of Persons; as also so many Frothy, and Airy amorous Verses, Ditties, and Songs, the Nurses and Panders of all manner of looseness, and uncleanness, in all sorts of People. Had these precious Stones, and Gems, these sparkling Diadems (I mean your choice Endowments) been set in Aaron's Breastplate, or been offered up as a gift to God, who gave you them; to be for the Ornament and praise of his Church, his Temple: How brightly would they have shined, as in their proper Sphere, for which he created them; Whereas they are now by their fall, from their Heavenly Orb, to this vile Earth, of sin and vanity; become like so many sliding Stars, which whilst they pass through the darkened Air of corrupted, and deceived Observers, give forth a false Light, and suddenly are extinct, leaving behind them nothing but a corrupting Belly, and a Hellish, and sulphurous stink, to the view, and in the Nostrils of all Divine Astronomers. Is it your highest honour to be styled Christians? have you at your Instalment in Baptism, vowed, and promised, to resist the Devil, the World, and the Flesh? And will you by your wanton Poems, and vain Sonnets, offer Sacrifices to Satan, the God of this World, and to his Idol, the World, and blot, and blur your sacred and glorious Title, and dishonour, and profane that holy Name by which you are called? Hath the Lord Jehovah, your gracious God, and Almighty Saviour, who was the first great Orator, and Poet that wrote upon Earth; given you an unparallelled Example, by the Pen of Moses, in the whole Book of Deuteronomy, the very Marrow of Divine Eloquence, Deut. chap. 1. vers. 3. and in that Elixir of Poesy, that Song of the Lord's own composing; Deut. 32. to the end of the 43. vers? Hath his choicest Saints, lest you sublime patterns of Heavenly Poesy, Witness the Songs of Moses, and Meriam, Exod. 15. unto the 22. vers. and Psal. 90. Of Deborath, and Barak. Jud. 5. to the end; Of King David, 2 Sam. 22. from Vers. 2. to the end: Besides his Book of Psalms, upon divers subjects, witness also the 11. Psalms of Asaph, beginning with the 73. Psal. and ending with the 82. Psal? The Psalms of Heman, and Ethan, the Ezrahites, Psal. 88 and 89. The Canticles, or Song of Songs, written by King Solomon, besides One Thousand and Five other Songs; 1 Kings 4.32. The Songs written by the Prophet Isaiah, Chap. 5.1. and Chap. 26.1. the Song of Habakkuk, Chap. 3. to the end; And in the New Testament, the Song of the blessed Virgin; and of Simeon, and the many Angelical, and Heavenly Hymns, wherewith the mysterious Book of the Revelations, is gloriously embroidered? Besides these excellent Precedents, and Examples, the sacred Scriptures are full of Precepts, enjoining and commanding this thankful, cheerful, and singing temper, to be in all his Saints, in these words, and the like; Whosoever offereth praise, glorifieth me; Psal. 50.23. O come let us sing unto the Lord, let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our Salvation, Psal. 95.1. The like, Psal. 96.1. & 98.1. Praise the Lord, for it is good to sing praises unto our God, for it is pleasant, and praise is comely, Psal. 147.1. In the New Testament we are commanded to rejoice evermore. 1 Thes. 51.6. and to sing with Grace in our hearts, Psalms, and Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, Col. 3.16. In which holy exercise▪ our blessed Saviour hath given us his Example after his last Supper, Math. 26.30. And that blessed Poet, and singer of Israel, that Man after God's own heart, King David; Who upon divers gracious providences, deliverances and mercies, as well private, as public, penned many Psalms; As, Psal. 3. upon the occasion of his flight from his Son Absalon, the slanderous words, Psal. 7. and treacherous actings of Cush the Benjamite, the Psalm of thanksgiving before mentioned for his many deliverances from Saul, and all his Enemies; Psal: 18. And at the Dedication of his House. Psal. 30. To these I shall add the Psalm penned by him, when he changed his behaviour before Abimelech, alias, Achish, King of Gath; His Song of loves, or commendation of Solomon's Queen, the Egyptian; Psal. 34. The Type of the Gentile Church; his penitential Psalm, Psal. 45. when Nathan had been with him, after he had gone into Bathsheba, Psal. 51. his Poem concerning Doeg's false accusation of Abimelech the High Priest, his Psalm upon the Ziphims, discovery of him to Saul; Psal. 52. Psal. 54. Psal. 56. Psal. 57 Psal. 142. Psal. 59 Psal. 60. Psal. 63. Psal. 72. Psal. 92. another when the Philistims took him in Gath; Also his two thankful Memorials of his deliverance from Saul in the Cave; and another for his preservation, when Saul sent, and they watched his House to kill him; A third upon his Victory over Aram, Naharaim, Aram, Zobath, and against the Edomites; A fourth concerning his abode in the Wilderness of Judah; to these may yet further be observed, the Song written for his Son Solomon, and his Psalm for the Sabbath Day. To these Scripture examples, which are indeed the very sacred Rhetoric and Poesy of the Eternal God the Holy Ghost; lest you should think it too high presumption to write after so rare a Copy; Let me remember you of, and set before you also, ●s so many laudable, and excellent Patterns, a few of the many famous Works of our own Countrymen; such as the divine, and eloquent Contemplations, and occasional Meditations of Doctor Hall, Spencer's Fairy Queen; Deveout H●rberts sweet guards, and honest Wither's Poems; which are as so many eminent Pyramids, of white and black Marble, whose tops point towards Heaven as glorifying God, as their chief aim, and end; and whose substance, and Basis, shall as their living Monuments, stand fixed and undemolish upon Earth, to their perpetual honour; and as ●eaching Pillars, to Posterity for ever. Here possibly some of you may object, that you are to seek of subjects to employ our parts, and gifts upon, to the glory of God, and the good and Instruction of your Brethren. To whom I answer; View, and contemplate the wonderful Works of our Almighty and most wise Creator, in the vast Canony of the Heavens, and the large Globe of the Earth, and Seas; and you shall find matter enough, for all the Tongues, Pens, and gifts of Men, and Angels; Be not like the bruit Beasts that remain sensual, and dumb in the midst of wonders. Are you professedly Christians, and shall that great and glorious subject, the admirable and stupendious work of your Redemption, by the Lord Jesus Christ, God-Man, the Saviour anointed, the Mysterious work of the Incomprehensible Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; the Eternal God blessed for ever, a work above all expressions and conceptions; yea, above the praises of holy Saints, made perfect, and glorious Angels; wherein is held forth, (if ever you hope to be saved from Hell, and endless torments) your free, and eternal Election, by God the Father, to everlasting Life, 1 Pet. 1.2. Rom. 15.16. Rom. 5●. 1, 9 1 Pet. 1.3. Col. 1.6, 8. ●● 27 Rom. 3. ●●. Rom. ●. 32. Rom. 5.18. Rom. 8.4. 1 Cor. 1.30. Rom. 5.10. Joh. Heb. 1.23. and Glory; your effectual calling, and sanctification by the holy Spirit, your free Justification by the alone righteousness of Christ, and ravishing lively hope of a never ending happy, and blessed state, in the highest Heavens: The blessed fruit, and effect of the infinite▪ and free love of God, of the unvaluable Righteousness, Merit, Death, Passion, Satisfaction, and continued Mediation of Christ our Lord; that Person who is God, in our Nature, the eternal begotten and beloved Son of the Father, the brightness of his glory, and the express Image of his Person; I say, shall this Miracle of divine love, this wonder of wonders, these your chief, and greatest concerns, together with its most beautiful attendants, Faith, Hope, Love, and the rest of the holy Image of God in you be slighted, forgotten, and not thought worthy to be the subject of your choicest Oratory and Poetry, and of the best of your gifts, wit, and parts; (O Jewish Ingratitude) shall a Heavenly Host of Angels, (much less concerned than you) begin, give, and leave you a pattern, in that short, Luk. 2.14. but full Anthem, at our Saviour's Birth; Glory be to God on High; on Earth, peace; good will towards Men? And will you be still wickedly, yea brutishly unthankful, and not follow their holy example; shall not the French Druids, and our own British Bards, stand up in Judgement against you, at the last Day? But possible some of you will say, you are as yet but Babes in Christ, and your Muse cannot as yet mount so high, as these sublime Mysteries: to whom I answer; Is not the large Map of God's great, constant, and marvellous providences, actings, and deliverances, towards his Church in all Ages, even from the beginning of the World, until this Day, spread before your Eyes in the sacred Scriptures of truth, and in Ecclesiastical, and other Histories? Yea, in your own Nation, in this our Age of wonders? All which, in honour, and gratitude to God, and the edification, and encouragement of his Church, calls for from you, in Imitation of God's Saints in former times, (as hath been afore declared) many Triumphant Arches, Pillars, and Monuments of praise; both in Prose, and Verse; never to be worn out by time, or thrown down by the Malice, and slanders of traducing Persons. But probably, some of you, may be Politicians, and time-servers, and therefore (although convinsed of your duty) think it neither prudent, nor safe to discover either your Religion, Judgement, or affection. To such, that like Naman, to the Prophet Elisha, say, God be merciful to me in this; I cannot say, go in peace; but this I will say, that Ingratitude includes all other sins against God, and Man; (Simo ingratum, dixeris Omnia dixeris;) Wherefore that all such may convince, and Judge themselves, notwithstanding all these Excuses, and subter fuges; Let me ask them this question; Have you from your birth, until now, received no mercies, nor blessings from God to your Souls, to your Bodies, or to your Relations? No recovery from spiritual or bodily Diseases, nor deliverances from spiritual and corporal enemies, and dangers? no blessings, temporal, spiritual, and eternal; no gracious, and extraordinary providences to you, or yours? If then you cannot deny, but must acknowledge to have received from the Lord, many favours of this Nature, O may I not say of the most of the English Nobility and Gentry, as once our Saviour of the Ten Lepers, Were there not Ten cleansed, where are the Nine? Only One returning to give thanks. Wherefore lest your unthankfulness, mud and stop up the stream of God's mercy to you, and the Nation for the future; and since it is God's commands, the practice of God's Saints, and your duty, as Creatures, and Christians, to be Praiseful; Yea, lest your Talents be taken from you, and given to others, and you receive that most terrible Sentence, declared by our Lord at his return, to the unprofitable Servant, that hid his Talon in a Napkin; Bind him Hand and Foot, Mat. 22.13. and cast him into everlasting Fire. O let that fearful Declaration, like a Thunderclap, rouse, and awaken you out of your sleepy sloathfulness; Rom. 13.12. the Night is far spent, the Day is at hand, even of your Judgement, and mine; Wherefore walk as Children of the Light, Eph. 5.8.16. and Husband that Inch of your Life, which is behind, redeeming the time, because the Days you live in, are evil. Stir up the Grace that is in you, meditate of, and contemplate the ineffable excellencies, and attributes of our Incomprehensible God, as they are manifested in his glorious actings, and the forementioned particulars; Pen, Publish, Print, to this, and future Generations, his wonderful works and praises: So shall you be Angelical Heralds of his Glory; Grandize, and Ennobilize your Nobility, dignify, and hononourably perpetuate your Gentility: And not like most of the preceding Peers, and Gentry of this Nation, (which is worth your observation) have like them your Names written in the Dust, and buried in oblivion: O join then with Angels, and Ark-Angels, and all the Triumphant, and glorified Saints in Heaven; in spiritual, and divine Hallelujahs here, and you shall certainly sing your part with them, in the blessed Chore of Glory, to Eternity. Right honourable, and renowned Gentlemen; as I have presumed to present and direct this weak Piece to your view, so what I have above written in Zeal to God's glory, and unfeigned love to your Souls, shall be my Apology to the following subject: As that my end therein is primarily the glory of God, whose praises is my duty, as well as his command, to exalt in my own Soul, and others, as hath been declared, and to perpetuate, as much as in me lies, to my Posterity, and to all future Generations, what great, and free love, mercy, and goodness, he hath showed to me, and mine; herein endeavouring to imitate the Holy example of that Royal Psalmist King David, who hath thus in Verse expressed both his resolution and practice; Come unto me all ye that fear God, Psal. 66.17. and I will tell you, what he hath done for my Soul: (I say for my Soul) as may appear in some degree, in the alluzions, and applications in several temporal mercies, and personal deliverances, commemorated in this Book; I acknowledging to Angels, and Men, that God's Fatherly love in Christ, and care of my poor Soul, in supporting, preserving, and delivering it from Sin, Satan, and the World; my mighty Adversaries, and from innumerable spiritual evils, and temptations; Do as far transcend (to the glory of his free grace be it spoken) my temporal and corporal deliverances, and mercies, as the Heaven is above the Earth, and my unvaluable Soul, is more precious, than this poor Hut of Earth, I sojourn in. Here possibly, some great Men, or rare Wits, who (Eaglelike) soar far above my mean parts and gifts, may uncharitably censure, and object, (to say no more) What doth this poor Man's Personal, or spiritual mercies, and deliverances, concern us? To such, I answer; Are you Christians, and fellow-members of Christ's Body, and will you not weep with those that weep, and rejoice with those that rejoice? As God commands you? Rom. 12.15. Can you be living Members, 1 Cor. 12. Vers. 18. until 28. although in the highest rank in this spiritual Body, and not sympathise, and be affected with the grief, or weal, of the lowest Christians, its Feet? O take heed, lest such pride, and insensibleness, declare you to be no living Member of one Church; However, I am assured, all those that fear God, now, and in Ages to come, shall read with delight, rejoice, and praise God with me, for his gracious providences and merciful deliverances, recorded in this following Treatise; Which I although clothed in a plain and low stile, in the Opinion, it may be of some carping Momusses, and overcurious Critics, whom nothing will please, but what's their own, or what is like (Sphynkes Riddles) to be understood by a few; Or that is not embroidered with humane strains of Wit, and Eloquence, or bombasted, and embossed with affected praises, and needless Epithets. For my part, I have not endeavoured to humour such; nor to drown matter in words, but without affectation, vaunting, or racking in Prose, or in Verse, I have desired to keep to my own Genuine, and natural Dialect; And to be understood, rather than to be so obscure, as to need a Comment; What you find is good herein, it flows (although through my Leaden Pipe) from the Spirit of the Lord, the unexhaustible Fountain of Grace, and goodness; what is incongruous or evil, it is the sinful slime, and filth, which naturally cleaves to every humane Aquaeduct, (except the Holy Scripture) (Nam Humanum est Errare) which being in voluntary is pardoned by the Lord, I doubt not of yours; unless, I should be so uncharitable, as to think you disdain to imitate so Divine a Pattern. To conclude, my Lords, and Gentlemen, I confess I was heartily grieved for my own, and your great ingratitude, (when upon a diligent inquiry, I could find few, or none, (Monuments, or Returns) of this Nature; although I am assured, all of you are vastly indebted to our great and gracious God, for numberless, spiritual, and temporal blessings, mercies, and deliverances; and which is worse, many of you have great Incomes given you by him, and to this end, of wit, parts, and gifts, with which you might, and aught, to make to him a just, and thankful repayment; especially, since our liberal Heavenly Father, expects from you, but his own Coin, lent you to improve, to his glory, and but a sincere, praiseful and declared acknowledgements for real, and unvaluable benefits. This serious and sad consideration of my own, and your sinful Omissions, stirred me up speedily (lest I should die ungrateful) to Pen, and publish this Work, not only in discharge of my duty to the only great and glorious God, my loving, and merciful Father; But as an humble Essay, and Copy, for you to write by; which, if but any one of you follow, I shall rejoice much, because such an one, hath received great good thereby, and the Lord by him, much glory; But if none, I shall weep in secret, for your Ingratitude: And have much joy, and peace, in that herein, I have done my duty to God, and to you; But I hope better things of you: In which charitable expectation, I subscribe myself, my Lords and Gentlemen, Your most humble Servant In the Lord, J. H. OCCASIONAL MEDITATIONS. ARGUMENT. Upon the Lord's most gracious Sustentation of Me, when I was Born a Month before my full time. Soliloquium, or Discourse. EVery extraordinary acting of Nature, is not only to be admired, but to be observed by us; wherefore, was I so overhasty to be Born, which the wisest of the Heathen, accounted the beginning of their misery? Was I weary of my Eight Month's Prison, and ambitious of a freer Place, and Air? Or was my heart more hot than others, and therefore sooner needed the refreshing fanning of my Lungs? Or was the Womb weary of such a sinful burden? or rather, did my loving Mother's affectionate longing to see, and enjoy me, occasion this Abortion? was it weakness in her, or too early strength in me, that relaxt or broke in Pieces the silver Bonds of the Womb? was I by the care of the Nurse wrapped in the Skin of a Lamb, (as in a second Womb) to preserve, and renew my heat, and life? were some, or all these the natural causes of my unexpected Birth, and preservation; yet it becomes me, as a Christian, to look far higher, even to him, who is the cause of causes, the being of Beings, Natura Naturans; God blessed for ever; whose Eternal Will and Decree was the first cause, the others, but secondary; Yea, he was the Midwife that brought me forth, thus sooner, into this World of sin, and misery; In sense of which my sad condition (as by a natural instinct (with all other Infants) the first thing I did, then, was to weep, and cry; How much more cause have I now, and that experimentally, with humble Paul, to cry out, O wretched Man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of Death; and to sigh out this my Prayer, and spiritual Hymn unto the Lord? The NEW BIRTH. Ejaculation or Hymn upon the foregoing Subject. O Blessed Creator, let my first Birth (be, A Figure of my second Birth to thee;) Sooner than many others: 'Twas thy grace, That fired my heart, during my youthful race, And caused me, seek, the free refreshing Gales Of thy blessed Spirit, to cool, and fill the Sails, Of its desires; That from the noisome Womb, And dark some Jail of Sin, I might become, A freeborn Son to thee, and change my place, This Earth, for Heaven; the Birth of Sin, for Grace. 'Twas thy free-love, which did desire to see, (Blessed Parent!) thy own Image, born in Me. That poured clean Water on me, washed away My Nature's Blood, and stench, and didst allay, Ezek. 16.6. My shivering doubts, and fears by putting on, Thy Lambs warm Skin, the Imputation 1 Cor. 1.30. Of thy Son's righteousness, that from that heat, A life of grace might spring, and be complete. Lord, since thou mightest have made my Grave in Womb, Or by miscarrying, clo●'d me in my Tomb; Or made my life, through sin, a living Death, A treasury of wrath. Let my new Birth, And life, bring forth to thee, the thankful fruit Of holiness; So shall I Retribute, Thy own in my poor Mite; and to thy praise, Live thankfulness, sincerely all my Days. Amen. ARGUMENT. The REMEMBRANCER. A Psalm for the Lord's Day: Being my thankful acknowledgement of the Lord's many Mercies to me, in my Formation, and Being. LOrd, who giv'st in mercy great, A seventh Day to meditate On thy works of Creation, Give me grace to think upon, Thy great goodness unto me, Who didst bring, From a nothing, Me, a something for to be. Next, that me thou hast not made, As frail Flowers, which quickly fade; Nor a Toad, a Dog, a Swine, Or a Creature Serpentine; But a Being rational, Fit to see, And to know thee, Great Creator of us all. That I was no Innocent, Organ-less Deficient; Nor a Monster from my Birth, Void of shape, a shame to Earth: Thus, and worse, had I been, But thy love, Was far above Such, thy just reward of sin. Thou art he, that gav'st me light, In a Land made free from night, Of dark Antichristian Mists, Pagans, and Mahometists; Where poor Infants with their breath, Sucking are, Infectious Air, Live a Life far worse than Death. Here thou didst unto me give, In thy life, new life to live; Where so many love the Night, And with Owls, do hate the Light; Yea, like Fish in Jordan's streams, Swim with ease, Into dead Seas, Sleep, and perish, in false Dreams; Wherefore, Lord, upon thy Day, I will praise thy Name for aye; Till thy second Sabbath (blest) Gives to me Eternal Rest, Where from World, Sin, Satan, free; I shall ring, And sweetly sing, Hallelujahs, out to thee. ARGUMENT. Upon God's gracious deliverance of me, from the Infection of the Plague, when being a Child, I was present in my Nurse's Hand, at the Bedside of one that was sick, and died thereof: whereby many of that Town were infected, and died. Soliloquium, or Discourse. CHaritable Visits to our Neighbours, many times prove uncharitable to ourselves; such proved this, of myself, Nurse, and others, to the sick Bed of the Vicar of the Town; by which the Inhabitants were infected, and many of his Parishioners followed him, not only to, but into the Grave; whereof many were Children, Plants of my Age, and standing: Cruel Death, as an Enemy to time, and Mankind (Saturn-like) delighting to devour tender Babes, as well as aged Men, which his enmity, our good God converts to our good; that so being forewarned, we might be forearmed, and always prepared to encounter him; as being both the most certain, and the uncertain Adversary. O my Soul, hath Death often by sickness, and danger, shaken thy Glass, and lest Summons and Suppenaes' at thy Door; and hath the great Numberer of thy Sands, and Days, from time to time, sent thee Repreeves, with King Phillip's Motto, written on the backside of them; Mortalis es▪ Is more than three Quarters of thy Years of Life, posted away, in Childhood, Youth, Manhood, sin, and vanity; O let the small remainder with Solomon be thy Ecclesiastes, to preach this his experimental truth, to thy Children, and all following Generations. Vanity of Vanities, all is Vanity and vexation of Spirit; that so thou despising all things under the Sun, mayst soar aloft, and enjoy that only chief good, that is above the Sun; thy God, in Christ, blessed for ever: to whom in a thankful remembrance of this great signal, and primitive mercy and deliverance, I humbly present this following Ejaculation, and thanksgiving. The ANTIDOTE. Ejaculation or Hymn upon the former Subject. FI● lazy Soul! shall the Idolaters give, Unto dead Marbles, praise? and wilt thou live Unthankful? Shall God's Instrument, thy Tongue, Be tuned to folly, not unto his Song? When in thy Youth, an ignorant charity, Led thee into Death's ambush; He stood buy, Could else, one, and the same, infectious breath, Preserve thy Life, which brought to others Death? O in this mercy, greater mercies see, Death swallowing others, swallowed up of thee! Lord, since in dangers, thou new life didst give, Let Souls anew, as well as Bodies live; That filled with praise, faith, hope, and fervent love; Heart, Tongue, may bless thee here, my Soul above. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon a dangerous fall from a Horse, when I was a Child, whereby I received three hurts, one in the Head, another in the Arm, and a third in the Leg, and upon God's mercy in my recovery thereof. Soliloquium, or Discourse. SInful falls are a just cause of falls under Judgements, my first fall in Adam (could my Childhood have pleaded innocency as to all other) deserved not only this, but that which is infinitely worse; a remediless fall into Hell. The indulgency of my Parents in satisfying my childish desires, and my too early venturousness, together with the much mettle and ill qualities of my Horse, were the external occasion of this my sad disaster; which left me not only on the ground, and cruelly hurt, but for a time senseless; and only fit to be carried in a Coach unto my Father's House, whose loving care prepared not only one, to set my dislocated Bones; but applied Balsams unto my wounds, by which means, through God's mercy, I obtained health, strength, and a perfect recovery. YOUTH'S EMBLEM. Ejaculation or Hymn upon the former Subject. O Gracious God, and Father; let my sense, Be spiritualised, and from each Providence, As Bees from Flowers, suck sweetness; then I shall Praise thee for greater mercies, by this Fall; Which was from thee, a mild Correction, For Adam's, and my own Transgression: For hadst thou judged severely, I had fell, Not only from my Horse, but into Hell. O Lord, me thinks, by this sad fall, and fate, Thou mindest me of my Unregenerate State, When I indulged my will, and rid upon A wanton Steed, my loose affection, Which gave me many falls, wounded my Head, My Reason-Faculties; yea, left me Dead, And hurt in Arm, and Leg, senseless, and mad, Unfit to act, or walk upright. Thus sad Was that my Youthful State, when from above, Thou didst in thy Caroche, of Faith, and Love, (Dear Father) draw me home, and for my good, Balsomed, and healed my wounds, with thy Sons Blood. O let those parts, which thou hast doubly cured, Be doubly thankful, and henceforth impoured, To contemplate, walk in, and act thy will, Since real praise is, thy Word, to fulfil. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's gracious preserving of me from any harm, by Eight several Falls, from my Horse. Soliloquium, or Discourse. MY whole Life, O Lord, hath been a Circle, a Map, filled full with thy loving and extraordinary Providences; which should I at any time forget, I might justly deserve to be forgotten of thee. In these eight merciful deliverances, I bear witness, and seal to that great, and comfortable truth, the constant, and powerful Ministration of thy glorious Angels, for the preservation of thy Children; according to those comfortable promises, Heb. 1.14. That thy Angels are ministering Spirits, for the good of thy Elect; And that they shall hold them up in their hands, lest they should dash their Feet against a stone. Psal. 91.11, 12. Who else but they, (as thy blessed Instruments) did put under their Hands, and alleviate such, and so many down-falls, that they broke not into many pieces (such a Venice Glass as my frail Body) nor dislocated in the least, any of the many wheels of so curious a Watch? That is so soon, and easily put into disorder, as appears in the frequent, and sad disasters of others; that by such overthrows, have lost their lives, or the use of their Limbs. O Lord, great and special mercies, call for from me, great and singular praises; which after the example of the Man after thy own heart, I humbly offer to thee, in this Psalm, and thankful memorial of these thy many Preservations. The OCTONARY. Ejaculation or Hymn upon the former Subject. DEar Lord, our Sins, according to thy Curse, Have burdened Earth, and Creatures; yea, far worse. Our God, no wonder then, thy Subjects pay, Vengeance on them, that do thee disobey; And that the Horse, so oft, his Rider throws, For to regain his Freedom, from such Foes; Trampling them under Feet, that he might see That which is burdensome to him, Earth, thee. Eight times (O Lord) have I thus humbled, lain Prostrate; As oft, Thou hast me raised again, (In goodness) safe, and sound; O let these falls, Be, both from Sin, and Mercy, blessed calls, Remembrancers; The one, these dangers brought, And by the other, my Salvation's wrought; Blessed Love, and Wisdom, that thus throws me down To raise me up again, unto a Crown! Lord, let this close be the Echo of that sound; Where Sin exceeds, thy Grace much more abounds. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's merciful Preservation of me from any Harm, when being a Child, and alone in my Father's Coach; the Horses running down a steep Hill, the Boot flew open, by a jolt in the way, and I was cast out of the Coach upon the Ground; and taken up without any the least hurt, or maim. Soliloquium, or Discourse. O Lord God, who hast been a gracious Father to me in my Childhood, as well as now, in my elder Years; How great cause have I to trust in thee continually; and to celebrate thy praise to future Generations? O that Men would praise the Lord for his goodness, Psal. 107.8. and for his wonderful works to the Children of Men. Although violent motions are not perpetual, yet are they very often hurtful, and destructive, as is evidenst, by the sad effects of Earthquakes, Whirlwinds, and Hurricanes, Thunders, and Lightning; Psal. 148.8. yet all these, yea, Fire, and Hail, Snow, and Vapour, stormy Wind fulfilling (O Lord) thy Word, shall praise thee, and declare thy gracious Presence with thy Children; Exod. 14 21. as once in the Red Sea, Dan. 3.25.27. the Fiery Furnace, and now with me the greatest of Sinners, the least of Saints; yea, unworthy to be called thy Son; else, when I was cast violently out of a Coach, by a Jolt that forced open the Boot, Luk 15.21. the swifter and violent motions of the hinder Wheels, had taken advantage of the much slower, and heavy motion of my falling Body, and run over, and broken my Bones, or pitched me upon my Head, to the destruction of my sense, or life, as hath often happened by such accidents: But if an evil spirit was in the Horses, as once in the Gadarine Swine, which is frequently the occult cause, of such sudden and usual frenzies of Beasts: (although taken notice of, or observed, by few Persons) yet I am assured, O Lord, thy good Angels and providence was present to preserve me, from any hurt in so eminent a danger: Wherefore with thankful David, all my Bones shall praise thee; yea, Psal. 35.10. those Bones which thou hast kept from breaking, shall rejoice; yea, I will further record this thy great goodness, in this following Hymn, to all future Ages. The HURRICANE. Ejaculation or Hymn on the former Subject. THy Mercy Lord, is a continued Act, As well as is thyself; witness this Fact, Of Love, which doth succeed the four Last mentioned Blessings, ushering many more. O let my constant Praises, imitate Thee, in thy Daily goodness, that Ingrate, I may not prove; yea, let this Providence, Make me more thankful, as reminding hence, Thy higher favours; for my Soul hath been, Shut up, and hurled in a Coach of Sin; My Flesh full-oft, in which my sinful Will, As Charrioteer, hath driven me down the Hill, Of Worldly Pleasures; on swift moving Wheels, Of raging Passions; (Steeds, whose Mouth near feels, Religious Bit;) Pride, Lust; This Chariot moved, With feerless speed; Till Grace, in thy Beloved, Caus'd thee, as oft, to scotch it, on Some Stone; some blessed affliction: By which, thrown out, cast down, upon the Ground; Thy Child hath lain, as in a spiritual swound: From which thou still hast raised me, by the Arm, Of Mercy, and Me saved from lustful harm. O, let me run no more, in Sins career, But draw me to Thee, by thy Love, and Fear; Nor suffer me, for to run down the Hill Again, of Earth's delights; but let thy will Be mine; so shall my changed Soul aspire Heaven (like Elijah) in a Coach of Fire, True holy Zeal; letting my Garment fall, Of Sin, that thou mayest be my All in All. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's gracious preserving, and preventing me from falling, Horse and Man into a deep Pit, when I was riding in the Night (the Moon only shining) to a Horse-Race: when being upon the brink of it, I was stopped suddenly, by the Call of my Friend, that accompanied Me. Soliloquium, or Discourse. DAy unto Day, and Night unto Night, teacheth knowledge; Thy Mercies, Psal. 19.2. O Lord, are renewed to me every Morning, and thy Providences are circular, and without an end; therefore let nulla Dies be sine linea; no Day pass without my thankful remembrance, and recording of thy many great, and undeserved mercies. Worldly, yea, too often sinful Pleasure, is the Dallilah, and flattering Mistress of our Youth, so that slavishly, and unweariedly we court it Day and Night; else I would not have lost my sleep, nor traveled all Night, only to see such a transitory delight, as a Horse Race; where usually our precious time, our wisdom, and our Moneys, run faster away from us, than our Horses. The night of Ignorance, and the Moonshine of Unsanctified Reason, is of all times most dangerous, to Youthful Travellers; who when they dream that they are galloping on the palfrey of Pleasure, towards Paradise, are, before they so much as think of it, upon the edge, yea, often fall headlong, into that bottomless Pit of Hell. Gen. 2.18. Lord, thy Word saith, It is not good for a Man to be alone, yet Experience teaches me also, that Companions in sinful Vanities are great Incendiaries; Thy merciful Providence, Lord, at this time mad'st my Companion in Vanity, the Instrument of this great Deliverance; and also made thy Word good; for had not my friend, whose Elder Years and Experience gave him knowledge of the way, and danger, even in that instant of time, cried out, and stopped my career, I had unrecoverably fallen, both Horse and Man, into a deep and horrible Pit, even into Death. Wherefore, dear Lord, let me henceforth never be alone, but let a truly enlightened Conscience, which is my best and intimate Friend, be always present with me, especially in the Night of Temptation, to fore-warn me from falling into the dangerous Pit of Sin; which to all thine, is the Figure, as well as the deserver, of the bottomless Gulf of Hell. Amen. The PIT. Ejaculation or Hymn on the former Subject. LOrd, in this Night-piece, there is drawn to Life, The Day-peece of our Youth, wherein most rife, It is for Us, to travel in the Night Of Ignorance; and by the Moonshine light, Of our unhallowed reason; After Sin, And Pleasures, till we fall, Psal. 143.7. are taken in Their Gulf, and snares; Rev. 9.1. how oft in Holy Writ Is Death, Hell, and Affliction called a Pit? Psal. 40.3. Yea, every Sin; especially a Whore, Which Man, and Beast, Soul, Body, doth devour; Isa. 24.17, 18. What cause have I, that in my Youthful Days, Have 'scaped these dangers, Pro. 23.27. for to render praise To Thee, Preserver of Body, and Soul, From Death, Hell, trouble, and from Sins control? Isa. 30.21. Thou, went the Voice, behind me, that cried stay, Avoid each sinful Pit; This is the way, Conscience thou also gav'st me, to fore-warn Me (as a trusty Friend) of every harm; Wherefore I offer Soul, and Body both, A living Sacrifice to thee; by Oath, Covenanting for to serve Thee, whilst I live, That dost new Life, from Sin, and danger give. ARGUMENT. Upon God's merciful deliverance of me in Three great dangers of Drowning, twice upon the River of Thames, and a third time in Rutland, when being a fishing alone, I slipped from off a Tree into a River. Soliloquium, or Discourse. O Incomprehensible Creator, and loving Father! how delightfully ravishing, and comfortably supporting, is the Meditation, and experimental knowledge of thy gracious Omnipresence to thy Children! whereas the thought and belief of it, to the wicked, thy Enemies, is most terrible; for to all such, Heb. 12.29. our God is a consuming Fire. O Lord, thou art not only the God of the Mountains, and of the Valleys of the Earth, 1 King. 20.28. but of the Rivers also; and hast been mercifully present to deliver, 2 Cor. 11.26. and preserve me, as thou didst thy Servant David, and Paul, in Perils of Land, and in Perils of Water, Psal. 124.4. else had I sunk down into the deep Waters; Yea, the Floods had gone over my Head, and Soul, as well as in these three dangers, they fearfully washed my Body and clothes. In the two distresses upon the Thames, when the Watermens were all at a nonplus, thy only powerful providence, preserved, steered, and rowed me into safety; In the third, when my own Feet slipped and betrayed me, and the Tree I held by, broken, and failed me, thy Hand alone saved, and drew me out of a watery, muddy, and perilsome Pit. If every lesser mercy (O Lord) calls for a tribute of praise, how much more such as these, which are thy so sudden and opportune reprieves from Death; since it is a truth, although spoken by the Father of lies, Job 2.4. Skin for skin, and all that a Man hath, will he give for his life. Wherefore since our lives preservation is the greatest corporal mercy, open thou my Lips O Lord, and my Mouth shall show forth, in these Lines, yea sing forth, thy praise; Psal. 51.15. for three so great deliverances, in this following Psalm of Thanksgiving. The TEMPEST. Ejaculation or Hymn on the former Subject. NOt humane Courage, Wisdom did direct, To use, or build, Boats, Ships; The Architect, Of these our floating Chariots, was the Lord, Who framed the Earth & Heavens; he by his word, To Noah first i'th' Ark, a Pattern drew, Gen. 6.14, 15, 16. Unparalleled; that we might it renew, In little, which is now so often done, That in one, first, bold Drake, durst (like the Sun) Encircle Earth, and Seas; live and lie, Within an Intch of Death, and yet not die. Upon a spawn of one of these, I ploughed The back of Themasies; when lo aloud, The Wind beats up a charge, on Sins old Jar, Retwixt these Elements; Renews the War: I interposed by chance, these Combatants, As strangers often fall into made Rants; By which rash act, the force, and strokes I bore, Of both; Ma●gre two seconds, armed with Oars; Who spent, and wearied, gave up to the Wind, My wooden Fort; who entering us, to bind, And drive along; Thames jealous grew, Of such bold Seasures, claimed us, as her dew; And enters with a troop of Waves, our Hull; Erects her watery Streamers, fills us full With churlish Billows; ordering us to lie, In her deep muddy Dungeon, till we die. The Wind enraged with this affront, us tore From out her Bands, and drove us to the shore; Thereby declaring the third Elements right, To us her Subjects, as it were in spight● Thus far, I take a Poet's liberty, To shadow forth my danger. Now untie, O Lord, my Sails, the affections of my Soul, That filled with thy free spirit, without control, Of an unthankful calm, I may launch forth, Into thy Sea of Mercy. praise thy worth; O Lord, my Soul embarked in Flesh, sails in Continually a Sea of Lust, and Sin; On which the Prince of th' Air, that evil spirit, Blows, raiseth fearful Storms by Day, by Night; Filling the Sails of my Affections With evil Airs raising my Passions Like swelling Billows; sometimes watery Waves Of Worldly sorrow, fills me; then the braves Of Earthly joys, o'er lads me, till a Train Led by mad Anger, casts them out again. Next in the Whirl pool of sad doubts and fears, My Bark is whirled about▪ near drowned with tears; But if a calm succeeds these storms, than he Sends forth his Sirens (Women-like) to me, His Tritons ●err●ne Pleasures, and Delights; That harkening to their Songs and Charms, I might In such security▪ run foul upon The shelves of Lust▪ called Love, Presumption, And Pride's high Rocks; or if I take not care, Be swallowed up in the Gulf of Despair. Lord, is it th●● experimentally, With my poor Soul▪ are all these dangers nigh, Incumbent ●● me? during such sad storms, Mat. 8.24, 25, 26, 27. Sleep not, dear Saviour; in me, command Calmes: Be thou my Pilot, Let thy Spirit Gales Joh. 3.8. Fill constantly all my affections Sails; 1 Pet. 5.9. Let Faith, my main most hope, my Anchor be, Heb. 6.19. And all my Passions quieted by thee: So s●all I scape all shelves, all Sirens charms, All Rocks and Gulfs, as embraced in thy Arms, Till that my ●ark brought in my Soul on shore, May praise thee both, for mercies evermore. Amen. The ANGLER. O Lord, thy third and great deliverance Of me from Drowning, (not the Lady chance, The wicked's Goddess) for my Tribute calls, Of P●●ise, deservedly, since such sad falls Have Coffined Men in Water, mud, and Death; Whereas, 〈◊〉, thou gavest me a new breath; Even then, when Angling Tree, Hands, Feet betrayed, And cast me in a watery Pit; no Aid Being near, and I alone; then did thy Hand Double my strength and drew me out to Land. Blessed be thy Name for this, and what thou didst So often for my Soul; when that amidst H●r Angling after Worldly pleasures, she Did fall from her false Confidences Tree, Into the deep and filthy Pits of sin, And Vanity; a state near perishing! Yea, when unto this dangerous fall, My Hands, Feet, Members, did contribute all; Then didst thou Lord appear to me, alone, And helpless▪ Renewed grace, and heard'st my moan; Gave to my hand of Faith, thy hand of Love, Gal. 5.6. In Christ, to draw and lift me out above Such dangers, That with the wise Merchant, Mat. 13.45, 46. I May fish for gems, and the best Pearl buy. Lord, since in thee, both soul and body live, Accept these double Praises, which they give. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon a great Snow, and God's gracious deliverance of Me, and my Servant from being smothered, and lost, when many others perished therein, in our Travel, and return Home. Soliloquium, or Discourse. PRaise the Lord; Fire and Hail, Snow and Vapour, Psal. 148.7, 8. stormy Wind, fulfilling his word: what means this second deluge of Snow? burying our Island (as it were) in an Alabaster Sepulchre; Why are the showers of mercy descending in Earth's refreshing Veins, through the cold of the middle Region of the Air? or rather, of our evil hearts, frozen and turned into Snow, into a Judgement; the Earth seeming to do Penance for our sins and uncleanness. Is our Land become a Romanist, and Prelatic, that she clothes herself with, and so much delights in Surplices, and white Vestures? or hath the Sun (as in Hezekiah's time) reverted ten degrees, whereby our Northern temperate Zone, is become a frozen Polar clime? 2 King 20.10. Hath any Venetian Artist, that can make Glass malleable, in a few Hours christallized the fluid Rivers, and hardened soft Snow, to bear without sinking, the pulsation and burdens of Horse and Man? or are the Clouds turned Levellers, as having covered ditches and hedges, the distinction of every Man's propriety; and turned the surface of our Lands, into a Salisbury Plain; a Berry, as well for Sheep, as Rabbits? Whence was that faith and courage that spirited me, upon the providential call of my necessary return home, Mat. 14.19. (like as Peter's walking upon the Water) to amble over; yea, gallop upon the hollow Snow, not fearing Pit, Ditch, or danger? whence all these Wonders, and above all, my Preservation; when so many perished, and were smothered, not in Beds of Feathers, (as by Tyrants some have been,) but in Beds of Snow? Are they not from thee, O Lord, the great Creator, and prime Agent in all the works, and admirable Prodigies of nature; the only Saviour and Preserver of Man, and Beast, and of me, Psal. 36.6. thy most unworthy Servant? Who therefore desires Grace from thee, to exalt thee, and to perpetuate thy Praises in my own heart, and in the hearts of others, to all succeeding Generations, that shall read this Memorial, and sing this Song of Thanksgiving. The SNOWY LANDSCAPE. Ejaculation or Hymn upon the former Subject. LOrd, let my Souls Eyes open be, As well as Lips, to praise▪ That in each mercy, I may see Thy Presence all my Days. Thou wast my Guide, o'er snowy Plains, Where was no tract, nor way; Thou mad'st the sugarfied Rain, As solid as the Clay; On which I travelled many Miles, In safety, without fear; O'er Hedge, and Ditch, o'er Gates, and Styles, For thou wast with me there. Although I passed o'er many a Pit, Filled and smoothed o'er with Snow, Thou wouldst not let me fall in it, Rom. 6 23. Though sin deserves a woe. Yea, many perishing that Day, Were buried above Ground, Losing their Lines, as well as way, Being choked, smothered, drowned. Through all these dangers, thou me led, Secure unto my place, With goodness, as with Manna fed, Exod. 16.35. Thy Monument of Grace. O Lord, this World's a Ball of Snow, In Hand it melts away; Full of deep Pits, which overthrow, All those that go astray: Covered they are, also from sight, By Satan, and Men's guile; With Snow (that is, pretence of right) White Devils most beguile.) 1 Cor. 11.14. Wherefore, O Lord, let not my Eye, Be dazzled with such light, But be enabled to espy, Their Pits, and works of Night. Let not my Soul, now travelling home, Venture without a Guide, Thy spirit and Word; nor walk (where none, Of thine have gone) aside. Nor let me ride o'er Hedge and Ditch; I mean, the sacred Bound Of righteous Laws; which Devilish Itch, Whole Nations doth confound. Lord, let these Prayers, and Praises be, Accepted in thy Son; So shall my Soul, and Body see Thy great Salvation. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon the Lord's Deliverance of Me, from a Company of Robbers, when I and my Servant having a great Charge of Money▪ was Waylaid by them, at my return home in the Forest of Rockingum, about the Month of May. Soliloquium, or Discourse. IN the space of time, in which the Sun had almost twice measured the vast Concave of Heaven, and taken an exact and curious survey of both the Hemispheres of Sea, and Land; I poor slow Worm and Pilgrim, had only paced about thirty Miles towards my home; Racked with my Journey, roasted with heat, and flowered over with sweat and dust; when on the sudden, my way led me into a most pleasant plain, a second Temple or Arcadia, for delight and pleasure; to guard which, from the hot Invasion of the Sun, or the sudden irruption of Storms; stood round in Rank, and deep Fills, Armies of sturdy Oaks, overlookt by their tall Chieftains, bauld-headed with Age; yea, some of them possibly free Britain's, before the Conquest, and never since subdued, nor subjected; instead of the harsh and Warlike sounds of Drums and Trumpets, there were elevated in their Arms (as being Dwarves) several sets of Nature's Musicians, clothed with coloured Liveries, of several sorts of Feathers, after the America fashion; whose diversity, and sweetness of Notes, and Songs, warbled forth through living Cornets, and entrails; as much excels that of dead Sheep's Guts, as the animate, the inanimate; and Nature doth Ar●, her Ape and imitatrix: As for the Plain itself, which I may well call Nature's great Oval Table, because there she Daily teasted her Guests, and offspring; it was most beautifully spread, as it were with a green Carpet of unshorn Velvet, embroidered with many coloured and Gold like Flowers; For it was now about the Month of May the gladsome and concluding time of her anniversary Feast, in remembrance of her Creation; the Beasts we call wild, as though they had been metamorphized Actaeon's, and had still retained his reason, seemed tame, and civilised, feeding upon her Varieties, cooked and prepared for them there, without intemperance, or gluttony: But O, how short, and temporary are all Earthly delights, and refreshments! for no sooner was I cheered, contented, and revived, (after about ten Hours travel with this new Scene of things, pleasant change, and sweet prospect) but the carreering of four Horsemen, issuing out of several quarters of the Woods, alarmed me to prepare for an onset, and to alight, with my Servant; that drawing our Swords, and cocking our Pistols, and backed by our Horses, we might not be surprised, but secure ourselves, and a considerable sum of Money: This our prepared vigilancy (as I conjecture) being at a near distance, perceived by our adversaries, they stopped; united, and wheeled about, retreating into the Woods again; thereby encouraging us to remount, and to return that Night with safety home. But the true cause of this great deliverance, as being from thee, O Lord, is only known to thee; who struck the Sodomites and Syrians with an intellectual, rather than with an organical blindness, that thou mightest preserve safe, thy Lot, and Elisha; Gen. 19.11. and caused the numerous Army besieging Samaria, 2 King. 6.18. for the sake of a few there; and to make thy Word good, 2 King. 7.6, 7. and thy Power known, to be abused, and deceived also, by their other Sense of Hearing, and to fly, when none pursued them. How, and by what means, these Robbers were diverted, I know not: but this I know, that it is my duty, O Lord, greatly to praise thee, for this preservation, and to commemorate it to Posterity for ever; which, accept I beseech thee in this my poor Sacrifice of thanksgiving, and never-dying Record, dedicated to thy Glory. Amen. The RESCVE. Ejaculation or Hymn on the former Subject. MY Life, from first to last, O Lords, A Pilgrimage, a Journing towards My home; few, evil, are my Days; Gen. 47.9. As wracked with sickness, scorched with Rays, Of Earthly and Celestial Suns; Wearied with care, dusted, undone With slanders; sweeting all my race, Under sad troubles and disgrace. Amidst these travels, thou didst please, Good God, to give to me some ease; An interval, wherein I did A sweet refreshing take, and rid, As on a Plain, adorned with store Of Flowery blessings, green all o'er With mercies; then I Brutes did see, Grown tame and civilised by Thee; Yea there, encompassed with thy Arms, I was from Sun, and other harms, Secured; then did I often hear Music, beyond that of the Spheres, Without, within me: But alas, This lasted not; for soon I was Assailed by a Troop of sly, Eccles. 6.12. And Hellish Thiefs, powers in high Places; spiritual wickedness, Skilfully armed, none weaponless; One Fiend, as I remember well, Had Darts of Lust, inflamed from Hell; Another, Bow and Arrows on, Feathered with Pride, Ambition: A third was armed Cappee, point V●e, With a Coatmail of Avarice; The last, with Sword, and Lance; (excess Of Pleasures;) and Voluptuousness. O Lord, I bless thee, who didst then, And since, counsel, even when, I knew not how for to defend My Soul, and Treasures, from these Fiends, Thou didst advise me to dismount, From my own strength, and to account, Jam. 4.6. Humility, the surest Ground, On which to stand, and to confound These Robbers; yea, thou didst prepare, And cocked my heart, full-charged with prayer, Eph. 6.17. Thou helpest me to draw out thy Sword, The Devil-daunting written Word; They thus repulsed, fled, gave me space, For to proceed on towards my Place Of rest, and peace; That Tower wherein, No fear of Satan, World or Sin; The Soul and Body both, which thou, Didst, and dost still preserve, shall bow, Unto thy Praise Eternally, Rome 8.37. And Triumph in thy Victory. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's good Providence over me, and his Preservation of me, from the Vices of the times, when I was left by my Parents to my liberty, and alone in the Cities of Westminster and London, young, and about Seventeen Years of Age. Soliloquium, or Discourse. O How early, even in the Spring of my Youth, did sin and vanity bud, flower, and bring forth clusters of Sodom, and Apples of Gomorah! no sooner was I mounted for London, (about the year 1625.) but a Troop of Lusts were on Horseback also, ready to attend me thither; Viz. Pride, in a disguise and Garment of neatness; Lust, in a light riding suit of love, and amorousness; Lying, in a divers coloured Coat of Compliment and good language; and Idleness, in a wide-made Suit, slashed, and open-sleeved of recreation; upon which, was a travelling Cloak of friendly Visits: seventy miles as to my labour, seemed but a short stage; but as to my longing desires, five hundred; until I got a fight of the Southern constellation of the English Geminy, Peter and Paul's Churches, and the united Cities of London and Westminster; where I was no sooner settled, but I found myself unsettled through the multitude of temptations, and incitations to sin and vanity. Being almost suffocated with ill scent of pride and vanity, I road out for Recreation, to a Park near it, to find out sweeter Air, but there me thought the Proverb was verified, The World runs upon Wheels; which raised up Clouds of dust, as though the Earth against Nature would take place of the Element of Air: There I saw many Enchanters of both Sexes, raise their familiars, and command and charm them within multiplied circles of Coaches: wherefore I returned from thence, to walk as I conceived, in a more private and reserved Paradise, called therefore the Spring's Garden; but that I was so crowded and shouldered, with the Gallants of both Sexes, which, as so many moving Groves, filled up, and replanted the Walks, that the whole Garden, was (me thought) changed into a wild Wood, and Wilderness; wherefore to avoid this throng, through some solitary Meadows and winding Paths, I sought in the Centre of the Wood, for some place of privacy; and found some little Hermitages, where I hoped to have discoursed with some sober or devout Persons; but found them to be Chapels of ease, dedicated to Bacchus, Ceres, and Venus; which made me think of the truth and reason of that Sentence, (Sine Cerere & Bacho, friget Venus.) The Lord's Day being come, I thought to spend that Day better, than the Days of the Weeks past, and therefore Visited the Church of Peter's Westminster: which, to say no more in its commendation, (according to Relations) I found to be in some things, like St. Peter's Church in Rome. This (being I was a Protestant, and in a Protestant City) did raise my admiration, but not my devotion. After this, having heard extolled the wit and language of our English Poets, and that their Plays, (a fit name for such Airy Poems) were much Visited, and by the Youth of our Nation, preferred above the best of Sermons; As also that they were acted to the life, in the public Theatres; I we●t thi●ther, and was both an Auditor, and Spectator; where I heard wi● and language abused. Being told of the Noble Buildings of both Exchanges, and of the great concourse to them of Coaches, and Persons of the best Quality; I expected better things there, but found in that place an Exchange; but as for the Company, the like, or the same. The Shopkeepers and their Feminines, being like the Company of Players, I saw lately; that know how to act all parts currently and sedantly, especially those of lying, equivocation, dissimulation, and overreaching, when they meet with Country Ignoramuses. After some time, I adventured, at the instance of some of my acquaintance, not therein my friends, to go into a Tavern; I stopped, and thought the fair structure, rich Sign-bush and Basin, had some resemblance to the Roman Triumphant Arches; But my admiration was soon changed into a detestation; for the roaring and singing, bawling and swearing of their Tenants at will, the knocking of Pots, the scraping of Fiddlers, the gaping of Tapsters at the Bar (not of truth and Justice, but too often of the contrary) made me think it to be a Bedlam, a place full of madmen, or the House of Circe's, where by mixed intoxicating, and adulterated Liquors, rational Men are changed into Swine, Dogs, Goats, and Lions; yea, into all kind of Beasts, and bruitishness. My mind tasting no good, nor finding any satisfaction in these things, I thought to entertain it with more private (and as most think (although therein deceived) harmless delights, and recreations; such as Complimental Visits of fair and virtuous Ladies, Balls, and mixed Dance; yea, I assayed by chaste and modest Rules or Bonds, to bind Cupid; as I vainly held forth in an Herogliphical Order: But for, and after all these carnal pleasures, my heart was, and is sad; yea, I found my soul empty of that Rest and happiness I sought after; and being seasonably, and graciously taught by the same spirit of wisdom, that instructed Solomon, I sealed, and that experimentally with him, to that truth of God▪ Vanity of Vanities, Eccl. 1.14. all is vanity and vexation of Spirit. the 12. & 8. And though I saw an end of all perfection in Earthly things, Psal. 119.96. (with holy David) yet the Law and Word of God is exceeding broad, which caused me diligently to attend upon some living Oracles of God in those times; Seraphical Holesworth, devout Tailor, pious Gouge, eloquent Shute, with others; by whose holy woo, and love-tokens, my first love to my Spouse (begun about a year before in the Country,) was now renewed, increased, and confirmed; and these great temptations of the World, and my Enemy, Satan, prevented, and overcome; Mat. 3.16, 17. who thus, a while after my first Conversion, assaulted me as he did my Saviour, as soon as he entered upon his Office; Mat. 4.8, 9 deceitfully showing to me, in these Cities, as in a time, and contracted Map, the Vanities of all the World, and the empty glory thereof; insinuating to me, the enjoying of them, would I fall down, and worship him; that is, yield to his temptations, and enslave myself to him, by the wicked possessing of all these sinful Lusts, and delights: But blessed be the Lord, Psal. 124.7. who hath broken the Snare, and I am escaped. For which great deliverance and manifold mercies, accept O Lord, in my dear Mediator's hand, my multiplied praises, both here, and in this following Psalm of Thanksgiving. The METROPOLIS. Ejaculation or Hymn on the former Subject. LOrd, thy Word is Verity, Psal. 119.142. Child hood, Youth are Vanity, ●ccl. 11.10. Else had not such Troops of Vice Waited on me in Disguise. Blessed be that Power, which from thee, ●osh. 9.3, 4, 5.6. Made them Gibeonites to me; So that they shall henceforth be, Verse 21.17. Psal. 51.17. Hart-hewers, Water-drawers, In my Sacrifice to Thee. When in Courts, I saw Men rise, On Pride's Wings, by Flatteries, Viewed, dear God, their Luxury, Sinful Lusts, and Gluttony, Through thy help, I left that place, As a School of Vice, not Grace; A Quag-mire, where the rich of't, Lose Estates spent at Court-rates, When Poor Beggars mount aloft. When Sins Parks, Vicinity Had almost impailed Me, And those Herds of Women spies, Had near filched away my Eyes, Then thou showest me, Lord, that time, Was not mine to lose, but thine; And that those that spend a Day, On such sights, and vain delights, Do but with white Devils play. In the Garden, called the Spring, Where the Flowers, and Fruit are sin; In which Bound, by Day and Night, Devils walk like Angels bright. Where young adam's, Gen. 3.6. by their suit Eat again forbidden Fruit. There thou call'st me Lord, to thee, From those Groves, Of wanton Loves, Promised better things to Me. Thence, to Theatres I went, Where vain Wits their Poems vent; Herd and saw such Ribaldry, As defiles both Ear and Eye; For Man's mind inclined to ill, Gen. 6.5. Runs not up, but down the Hill: There thy spirit to me told, He's asleep that comes to seek, In a Coalpit, veins of Gold. To Exchanges, Old and New, I repaired, as worth my View; There my Ears were deft with Cries, Lacked you Sir, what will you buy: Pride and Conscience in that place, I saw sold; all things, but Grace. Lord, thou keptest my wit, and purse, From deceits, And lying Cheats, And their Females, which were worse. Then to Taverns I went in, Which I found the sinks of sin; There the Devil's Revels be, Lust, and Drinking, Gluttony; Swearing, Dancing, Carding, Dice, Cheating, and all other Vice. On their Doors, Lord set a Cross, To keep me, All that love thee, From Souls, Bodies, Plague, and loss. Last I thought of a reserve, How to please, and yet preserve Me from all unchaste delights, By a choice of virtuous wights, Who agreed a● modest ●●lls, Oft to meet by mutual calls, By mixed Dancing, will not qual, Satan's wiles, Who Us beguiles, Give an Inch, He'll take an ●ll. Blessed Lord, that modest me see Sin, and dangers misery; And that all things here below, Are but cyphers in a row; That a Father was to me, When my Parents left me free, In my Youth, and in a place, Where all Vice Hath its rise, And true virtues in disgrace. Yet, where Satan hath his Thrones, Rev. 2.13. Thou hadst Churches, precious Ones, Unto which thou leddest thy Youth, Psal 22.22. And declared to me thy truth; Cant. 7.12. There thou gavest to me thy love, Cant. 5. ● Kissed me, called me Spouse, and Dove, Cant. 6. 9· And embraced me in thy Arms, Made me taste, Cant. 2.6. Thy delicates, Cant. 5.1. And delivered me from harms. Cant. 5.1. Is thy love, Lord set upon, Psal. 68.13. Such an Aethiopian? Jerem. 13.23. Didst thou take me from the P●ts, Cleanse me from my Leopard's spots? Let me a chaste comfort be, Now, and ever, unto thee, Till I be, by Angels led, My first rise, To Paradise, Then to Heaven, thy Marriage ●ed. ARGUMENT. Upon God's goodness, and gracious Providence to me, in his choice, and gift of a rich, beautiful, fruitful, and which is above all, faithful and religious Wife. Soliloquium, or Discourse. HAving expended above the third part of my life, in a single condition, both God and Nature taught me, Gen. 2.18. that it was not good for Man to be alone, no not in innocency▪ much less in a state of corruption and temptation; Wherefore after many motions, interviews, and disappointments, the good and alwise ordering Providence of my most gracious God and Father, chose for, and gave to me, as a fit, loving, and helpful consort, and yoke fellow, The eldest Daughter, and Co-heir of a worthy Person that was a Knight, Alderman, and Lord-Major of London; a Wife, not only fruitful in Children, but in many other blessings: As being a builder up of my Family, by a large Portion; One of Nature's best Pieces for beauty, and proportion; Psal. 128. ●. The Psalmists Olive and Vine, for fruitfulness; And which is above all, and the rarest perfection of that Sex; a Person chaste, faithful and religious: For favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain, Pro. 31.30. but a Woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. Of whom, as far as my Observation reaches at this Day, I can truly say with Solomon; Many Daughters have done virtuously, but she hath excelled them all. Pro. 31.29. An eminent Witness of this her Virtue, was her public spirit, care, and love to me, and her family, In her voluntary sale, and parting with her Jointure, and own Land, yielding a considerable Revenue, and an unparallelled House and Seat, for the payment of Debts, and making provision for our Children; yea, which is much more to her perpetual honour, she was, blessed be God, to be his great and chiefest Instrument, for the restoring part of the estate to the Heir, and for the maintenance of the Family, to which, during my above Eight Years separation, she remains to be under God, a most careful Supportress. Which great blessing, O Lord, continue to me, and the Family, in giving her health, and long life, Psal. 128.2, 6. that she may eat the labour of her hands, and see her children's Children, and peace upon Israel: And as my thankful, and perpetual acknowledgement, and remembrance of such a plenitude of blessings, Accept this my humble Hymn of Praise, in the hand of my dear Saviour, in whom thou hast given me these, and all other Mercies. Amen. The Good WIFE. Ejaculation or Hymn upon the former Subject. O Lord, that out of Man, the Woman made; And in blessed Marriage, her, to him repaid; Gen. 2.21.22, 23, 24. Making two, one a new; That he, and she, Might be, one Cabinet of Chastity; A choice Elixir of Society, And fruitful Seed plot of Posterity. I bless thy Name, that dost me dignify, Not only to declare, and testify, Thy gracious wisdom, in this mystery Of Wedlock; But me, Tenant made in Fee, To these rich blessings, by thy choice, and loan Of all these Mercies, Treasured up in one; When in this World's cozening Lottery, Where for one Prize, a hundred Blanks do lie, Myself I ventured; Thou O Lord drawest out, For me a Ring of Gold, set all about With precious Stones; One was a Diamond, Of Chastity; next it, in the same round, Saphires of Faith and Hope, with the Onyx Stone Of Sunlike Charity, divinely shone: A fifth, was a fair Ruby of sweet modesty, Joined with a Jasper of Fidelity; An Emerald next was set of Constancy, With a rich Topaz of true Prudency; Sweet Ametists of Loves, (which loyal are,) Encircled this Ring, and Jewel rare: And for to give a splendour, to each Eye, All those were filled with much Humility. With this thou didst me Wed; givest me to wear, Till now, near Six and Thirty Year. (Blest be thy Grace!) no Hearts dividing far, Disturbing Us, by a Domestic War: She is, O Lord, that blessed Vine, by which, Thou dost o'erspread my House, and it enrich, Psal. 128.3. With Sixteen hopeful Branches; unto whom, Dry Breasts, thou gavest not, nor miscarrying Womb; Yea, thou allaidst to her, the curse of Sin, Host 9.14. Gen. 3.16. The pains of births, and breeding she was in; And which, doth much exceed all Earthly wealth, 1 Tim. 2.15. Thou gavest Us both, a great degree of health; Pelican-like, (thy Instrument of good) Did feed her young ones, thrice, with her own Blood When others lessen portions, through expense, She made hers greater, by her Providence; And was thy help, during my happy fa●e, To more than double our Pattern Estate: And when thou mouldrest it to nought, her pains, Was thy blessed means, for to restore again, A part of what was lost, that she might be, Mother and Father to her Family. To Us, from Parents, Lord, descends our Land, Prov. 19.14. Prov. 18.22. But prudent Wives, are gifts from thy own Hand: What's wanting here, to her perfection, View in her Picture, drawn by Solomon; Prov. 31.10. to the end of that Chap. Lord, hast thou multiplied thy loves; And thus, By doubling Vnits, caused an Overplus Of blessings; Let me not divide by Sin, Thy Mercies, nor subtract them in And by Ingratitude; Let my sum be, Addition of Praises unto Thee, And pious fruits; so shall my Tongue, and Life, Be one, like Soul and Body, Man and Wife; A living Sacrifice of Thankfulness, A freewill Offering, till I thee possess; And in that Union, there most clearly see, Of holy Marriage, the great Mystery. Ephes. 5.32. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon the great, and Holy Mystery held forth to Us, by God, in Marriage. Soliloquium, or Discourse. MArriage is honourable amongst all Men, and the Bed undefiled▪ but Whoremongers and Adulterers, God will Judge; Wherefore, Wives submit yourselves unto your own Husbands, as unto the Lord; For the Husband is the Head of the Wife, as Christ is the Head of the Church; Therefore, as the Church is subject unto Christ, so let Wives be unto their own Husbands, in every thing; Husbands love your Wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave himself for it; so ought Men to love their Wives, as their own Bodies; For no Man ever hated his own Flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the Church; For we are Members of his Body, of his Flesh, and of his Bones; For this cause, shall a Man leave his Father and Mother, and be joined unto his Wife, and they two shall be one Flesh. This is a great mystery; but I speak of Christ, and his Church; Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular, so love his Wife, even as himself; and let the Wife see that she reverence her Husband. Thus far the Apostle, Eph. chap. 5. vers. 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. From whose words, especially his conclusion, (This is a great mystery) I infer, that Marriage (although not in a strict and Popish sense) yet, as to a larger meaning, and construction of the Word, may be called a Sacrament, as holding forth by outward and visible signs, and things, spiritual mysteries, and instructions: Of this nature in Scripture, and many instances, as the Ark, Rainbow, Red Sea, Rock, Manna, and other such like. Is it so, O my Soul? And hath the Lord so extraordinarily, and abundantly blessed this Ordinance, and condition unto thee; as thou hast declared in thy foregoing Memorial, and thankful Acknowledgement? Let, upon this occasion, thy Meditation be further stirred up, and enlarged; and from this great temporal blessing and mystery, behold, declare, and point out, the far greater and excelling blessings, which are, and shall be enjoyed by thee, and the Church, the Spouse of Christ, by our spiritual Marriage, and Union unto Him. As Marriage in the Institution, and in the particular Application, is the Holy Ordinance of God, and the blessed effect of his gracious Providence, and Eternal Decree: All Marriages (according to the Proverb) being made in Heaven, so is that great Architype thereof, the Marriage of the Church, and in it, Gen. 2.22. of every true believer unto Christ. The Father bringing every one of us to him, as he did Eve to Adam. Joh. 6▪ 44. For none comes to me, but whom the Father draws, saith our Saviour Christ; yea, Rom. 8.28, 29, 30. our Election, effectual Calling, and Regeneration, together with our Union by Faith, and spiritual Espousal to Christ our Heavenly Husband▪ is of, and from the Eternal Decree, Love and Election of God our Father. As the Woman was of the Man, and not the Man of the Woman; and the Woman was Created for the Man, 1 Cor. 11.8, 9 and not the Man for the Woman; so was the Church typified by Eve, taken out of the side of the second Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ, that she might be made (as being his Rib, Beloved, and near to his heart) Flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone; his only Spouse, and one with him, (as the Apostle Paul asserts) Eph. the 5. ver. 30. This was effectually done, when being asleep in Death, upon the Cross; the Being, and Redemption of his Church, arose, and sprung forth of his side, in a Flood of infinite, precious, Joh. 19.34. and Cordial Blood, and Water. To conclude, this our spiritual Union and Marriage, is by the Apostle called a great Mystery, Eph. 5.32. as being the blessed effect of the free grace of God, who is assentially love; and therefore it is as to the height and depth, length and breadth thereof, Incomprehensible, and passing all understanding. Eph. 3.18, 19 Col. 2.9, 10, 11, 12, 13 14, 15. Verses. Act. 11.26. Jer. 3.24. Dan. 9.14. By virtue of this Espousal in Baptism, we (as Wives amongst us) change our names into his; and instead of Adamites, are called Christians; And on our part, promise to forsake Father, and Mother, and all things else for him; and to honour, love, and obey him. On the other part, the Lord Jesus Christ thus betrothed to us, in holiness, and everlasting righteousness, becomes thereby our Lord, Lawgiver, and Spouse; our Pattern, Protector, and Saviour, as in the Type, Husbands amongst us, are, or aught to be unto their Wives; and as they, so he endowes us here, not only with all temporal blesing, (so far as shall be for our good; Tim. 4.8. For Godliness hath the promises of this Life, and of that Life which is to come;) But with the rich dowry of all the saving Graces of his holy Spirit, Clothing us with the white Robes of his perfect and immaculate righteousness; As being made of God, unto us, righteousness, 1 Cor. 1.30. wisdom, sanctification, and redemption; Yea, the Lord our righteousness: And as for hereafter, Jer. 23.6. he gives us the earnest and assurance of being Coheirs with him, of Eternal Life, and Glory. Joh. 10.28. Amen. EPITHELAMIUM. Ejaculation or Hymn upon the former Subject. Breathe not this Air, Men of unchaste desires, No Fuels here, for your unhallowed Fires. Heb. 8.5. Lord, I adore thy wisdom, and thy love, That shadow'st, in blessed Wedlock, things above; Eph. 5.30, 31, 32. Teaching Us; that, this Unions Mystical, And sets forth, thine with Us; Before the Fall, Gen. 2.21, 22, 23. A crooked Kib thou streightnest, gav'st it Life, Mad'st it a Virgin pure, first Adam's Wife; That she, of thy dear Spouse, the Type might be, Once crooked by sin, but now made straight in Thee: Eph. 5 26, 27. Yea, in the chaste delights of Marriagebed, Her union thou hold'st forth, with thee, her Head; Gen. 2.21, 22, 23. 1 Cor. 6.15.10. chap. 12.12, 13. Cant. 7.12. 1 Joh 4.19. Cant. 1.2. Joh. 6.63. Cant. 2.6. In which, thou giv'st to her thy loves, that she, Being first beloved, might flame in love to Thee; Kissing her with the kisses of thy Mouth, Quickened with spirit and life, thy sacred Truth; Thou also her incirclest in the Arms Of thy protection; And her frees from harms. For why, thy right hand-power doth her o'erspread, And left hand-care supports her graceful head; Her sp'rit'al senses, ear, taste, smell, touch, sight, Thou satisfi'st with ravishing delight; Her piercing eye of Faith, sees and applies, Cant 4.9. Heb. 11.27. Psal. 119.24.103. Thy excellency hid from Worldly eyes; Her ears being filled with Music of thy Voice, Doth in thy Word and promises rejoice; Thou altogether lovely art, unto Cant. 5.16. Cant. 2.2. Cant. 5.1. Her inward touch, whence mutual love doth flow; She tastes thy Spice, Myrrh, Honey, Milk and Wine, Of Hope, Joy, Peace, Delight; all sweets Divine; Cant. 1.12, 14. Thy Spicknard, Camphire, fills her smelling sense, Psal. 25 8. Also thy Cassida, Aloes, Frankincense, And fragrant Ointments. All which, well express Cant. 3.6. Thy love, truth, mercy, wisdom, holiness; Thy power and goodness, Cant. 1.3. grace, and righteousness, Sweet Oders, which her cherish and refresh. In fine, thy Nuptial-Bed is covered o'er, Cant. 3.10. And paved with love, and filled with Grace's store; Here, in her, thou sheddest incorrupted Seed, 2 Pet. 1 23. Tit. 3.4, 5, 6. Jam. 1.18. Joh 5.1. Gal. 4.19. Rom. 8.20. 2 Cor. 3.10 Eccl. 15.10. 2 Pet. 1.4. Joh. 1.12.13. 1 Cor. 6.15, 16, 17. chap. 12.12, 13. Eph. 5 30, 31. Begets in her a Christ-like form indeed; Whence follows, that, which joys both Heaven and Earth, Divine Conception, and thy Saint's new-birth; So that one Christ, one Spirit, one flesh, and bone, One Body, is thy Church; thus 'twas made one: Hence, as of Faith, and mutual love, the effects; Thou rul'st, and in her dwellest, and her protects; clothes her with Golden Robes, thy righteousness; Mak'st her within glorious, through holiness; Giv'st her the promises of this World's life, And of that life to come; and as thy Wife, Psal. 45.11. 1 Joh. 4.12, 15, 16. Psal. 84.11. Psal 45 1, 3. 1 Cor. 1.30. Zac. 10.20, 21. Rom. 6.19.22. 2 Tim. 4.8. 2 Pet. 1 3. 1 Pet. 5.4. Revel. 2.20. Revel. 3 21. Cant. 2.16. Revel. 5.10▪ Revel. 20.6. Mat 13.43. 1 Cor. 15.24. Crownest her with Glory, sets her on thy Throne, With thee on Earth, as thy beloved One; Next, to thy Father's Kingdom, her translates, To live with God; Thy Church's highest State. Another Hymn upon the same blessed Subject, being Meditations upon my Marriage-Day. The TYPE. Blessed Miracle of Love! whose sacred Rights, Restores to Man his own, and reunites, Nature's Division! Two Bodies were combined In Adam once; Lo here two Souls I find, Knit in a purer union; How doth the smile of one, Attend the others joy? her sighs, my groan? If absence parts us, like as though one breath Did fan two hearts, both seem to suffer Death. If distance Clouds our view, the strength of Love, Doth make our thoughts, as well as Bodies move, In visits to each other: So, though two parts We seem to be, we still are one in Heart. The Anti Type, or Application. MY Love, my Spouse, my saviur! Can the Fires Sprung from weak Nature's notions, and desires, Produce such Sympathies? O let thy flame, Spired by a purer spirit, effect the same, In my unworthy Soul: The Loves of all, Compared with that of thine, the Original Are but as shades, to substances; the Ray, Unto its Globe of light, as Night to Day. Lord, in my Baptism review, how I There plighted troth to thee, and did deny, All other loves save thine; nor was this Act My single deed alone, but a compact: John 4.19. For why? so free's thy grace, Man so accursed, That none can love, except thou lov'st them first. Thou art my Head, O Christ, can I then be A living Member, and not part of thee? The Heavens high distance doth not dim the Eye Of Souls, nor can it lessen, or untie Thy Spirits union: now, nought wants but this, To be unbod'ed where my Saviour is. O let me be unclothed then; And by Angels led, To thee, my Spouse; To Heaven, my Nuptial-Bed. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's all wise, and gracious Providence, in ordering of Affairs, for the preserving and continuing love, and peace betwixt me, and my own Father, and Father-in-Law; in danger to have been interrupted, by reason of some differences, arising from a dispute, in point of my Right, as to the one; and from an act of love towards my Family, as to the other. Soliloquium, or Discourse. AS false Ground, under the Foundation of a Building; a crack in a Master-beam of an House, and a breach in a Wall of a City, is very dangerous and destructive. So are distances, differences, and divisions in Families, and betwixt near Relations: This truth, O Heavenly Father, thou gavest me (even in my blooming Manhood) to know, and to obviate, when as from two very near Relations, my own Father, and Father-in-Law, upon two different accounts, I had deeply suffered, both as to profit, and affection; (and that for the defence of what I conceived to be my right, and for well doing) Hadst not thou (O Lord) been to me a Father, Judge, and Friend, to preserve love, and to order and reconcile us, as to the things in difference. O Lord, thou hast tried me at all times, in all places, by all Persons, that I poor Creature might prove, and have a full, and sweet experience of thee also, as to thy gracious Immutability, Omnipresence, and All-sufficiency in all things concerning me: 2 Cor. 1.10. For thou hast, thou dost, and I trust wilt deliver me, in, and from the evil of all Temptations, and according to thy faithful Word and promise, cause all things to work together for my good. Rom. 8.28. To thee therefore, O infinite wisdom and goodness, do I offer up the Calves of my Lips, and the praises of my Soul, for these thy merciful, preventing, restraining, and commenting providences, in this, and the following Psalm, as a living Sacrifice. Amen. The VMPHIRE. Ejaculation or Hymn upon the former Subject. SAthan, the first divider of himself, And Man from God, is still a forward Else, Gen. 3. To ruin all things by Division, As doth the Jesuit, Pope, his Eldest Son: Yea, to this truth of Christ he sets his hand, Kingdoms, within divided, cannot stand. Of these, his Wyles, thou warnest me, O Lord, Mat. 12.25. And taught me how to cement a discord, 'Twixt me and near Relations, by love, 1 Cor. 13. 7· Which beareth all things, rather than remove, Or break domestic Bonds; since such a rent, Of Friends, widens in time, grows permanent; Yea, as a broken Bone well set, doth grow Far stronger than it was before; Even so, Through thy wise ordering and providence, These breaches made to me a better fence; Rom. 8.28. Working together for my future good, According to thy Word (now understood) In that, Instead of losing what was got, Thou changed my part, gav'st me a better lot. Lord, since Parental loves thus ebb and flow, Give me thy love, which doth for ever grow: Let not my Crimes make mortal my sins wounds, Rom. 5.20. Since their increase, makes Grace much more abound. O bring me to that place of rest and ease, Of Charity, and Everlasting Peace; Where Devils, World, Sin, cannot divide me, From Parents, Fellow-Members, nor from Thee. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's most gracious Answer of our Prayers, in giving Rain after a great Draught, threatening a Famine in Three Summers successively, Viz. In the Years, 1637. 1638, 1639. Soliloquium, or Discourse. O Lord, as sin is the substance, so affection and judgement, is the dark shadow that always attends and accompanies it, as the effect doth the cause. This truth was verified to this Nation of England, in the Years 1637, 1638, & 1639. When according to thy Word, a fruitful Land, was turned into barrenness, Psal. 107.34. for the wickedness of them that dwell therein. As the first Rebellion of Adam brought a curse upon the whole lower Creation, Gen. 3.27. so this wicked offspring, by sin, often invert the order, and harmony of the Elements, and makes malignant the influence of the higher Orbs, causing those Celestial Planets, which were Created for blessings to Mankind, to be Executors of thy righteous Judgements. Of this, these Three Years Prodigies, are clear and sufficient witnesses, when as that only Magazine of light, and heat, to the Universe, (thy glorious Sun) which cheers and delights Man and Beast, and gives in our Northern Regions, in the Spring, as it were new life to Vegatives; was made by thee, for England's iniquities, a terrible Curse, as occasioning deadly Diseases, Fevers, and Murrains upon Men and Beasts, through its constant and excessive heat; and like a Globe, and Furnace of Fire, withered, and burnt up all Grass and Vegitives; especially our Grain, the staff of life, destroying by this Heavenly Fire, our Earthly blessings. As thy Sun, so thy watering Pots, the Clouds, which like swelling Paps, used to distil streams of fruitful Rains, according to thy Ordinance; were now vanished, or rather banished to the Antipodes; or if any appeared, they were but dry breasts, and true symptoms of the barren Womb of England; yea, thou madest the Heaven's contrary to their Nature, to become as Brass, Deut. 28.23. and the Earth as Iron; that the one might be as the Hammer, the other the Anvil, whereon to forge thy many Darts, and sharp Arrows of ensuing Plagues. As thy Rod of Justice, O Lord, hath three Cords, or Lashes, which thou callest thy three sore or greatest Judgements; Ezek. 14.21. Viz. War, Pestilence, and Famine; whereof this last is the greatest, as being usually the dregs, and the effect of the two former; So thy mercy also hath a threefold time, or Plea, (as in the Gospel;) Lord let the Figtree alone this third Year also, Luk. 13.7, 8, 9 to try it, whether or no it will bring forth Fruit, before thou cuttest it down. Lord, as England's sin called for, and deserved this greatest Judgement, (Famine) so thy mercy did, during these three Years, successively threatening this grievous Plague, give her three years' warning, and space of Repentance; Yea, did offer thy People's Prayers unto thee, by the hand of our Mediator, for a reprieve, and obtained it; and which is much more wonderful, a pardon, and dismission of so justly deserved, and so long impending a Judgement; for which great condescension, I will bless thee as long as I have a being. And that the Generations to come may praise thee also, I have in all humility and thankfulness, returned and recorded in this, and the following Metres, thy never to be forgotten Goodness, and Mercy. The LAMENTATION. Ejaculation or Hymn upon the former Subject. BRight Eye of Heaven! how doth thine Ire, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. From a smooth Brow, dart forth thy Fire? No Tropics bond, thy torrid Zone, Since Britain's know no temperate one; Why doth those living rays, which grace Thy Tellus brow, now scorch her Face? No Saturn thou; yet the same heats, Which gave thy offspring life, retreats Them into Death, and makes them have Within themselves a withered Grave. See, how black Clouds of dust arise, To blear thy Beams, because the Skies Have none. In Sackcloth, see, thy Queen, Sit; having laid aside her green. Her Spring-paint gone, wrinkles appears, And shows her Aged, five thousand Years. Art thou not jealous for to see, Thy love lie naked forc Company? Or art thou Spaniolized, and would, Through these new Inlets, spy out Gold? Doth Hell keep Jubill, and desires, Thee to shine there with lightsome Fires? See Troops of Blades, whose strength did keep, Whole Cities, Townships scarce dare peep, Or show in Field; yea, in these fears, Some not offending, lose their Ears: Whole Rivers scarce thy thirst doth bound, Whilst Springs, their heads, hide under ground. Tell me, is Phaeton in place, Or Daphne? hath thy Twelve Month's Race, Fired thy Axtell? for didst thou fear, Our Spring's hive would outbrave thy Sphere? But whence this brightening, (hark) my moan Is answered by a Thunder's groan; Wrath, through that Planet burns, Earth, Skies, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Men's barren Hearts, assimuliz's. The Application, and Petition. DRead Lord! I tremble, and now see, The cause of this Catastrophe. Leaves had the Figtree, were pruned, Yet fruitless Vines; yea, like untuned Instruments, whose Notes do jar, And only Briefs, and Minims are, Of goodness; full of stops, which lie, And discord makes, not harmony▪ Were the Microcosmes, on which, Thy love hath shined with a most rich Influx; yet we thy Grace's dew Dry up, and lose both fruit, and hue. Lord, let thy showers on both World's fall, So shall thy Sun not scorch, but all Things fructuate: On us rain blood, No evil Omen this, but good; 1 Joh. 1.7. On that, unbowel Clouds of Rain, So shall both Spring grow green again. Yea, once more Blood, and Water, 1 Joh. 5.8. shall Witness on Earth thy Peace to all; Rivers shall flow then in each Place, John 7.38. And to both, prove the streams of Grace. Blessed Spirit, upon these Waters move, Gen. 1.2. That both may yield Thee fruit, praise, love: And those dry Chaps, that want a Tongue, Shall sing a close unto this Song. Amen. A thanksgiving for Rain, after the forementioned great Drought, Anno 1637, 1638, 1639. ARGUMENT. The God that heareth Prayer, heard ours; And pity seems to weep in showers. Psal. 65.2. The Shower of Mercy. Soul. A Dialogue between the Soul and Mercy. MErcy! If peace, 'twixt Heaven, and Us, Tell me! why roars his Cannon thus? Why do I hear, where e'er I come The Warlike Wings strike up their Drum? Seest thou that Row, so vastly bend, As if the Centre's point it meant, To split through us; that by one Doom, The World might fall into its Tomb, Or Chaos; May be, through Earth's heart, Nature two counter-poles, World dart, Because (as some think) she's decayed, Her Poles worn out, or over-wayed; No drooping Soul, that thunders noise, Mercies Answer. Is Justice murmur, 'cause my voice, Prevails with God. The other sound Musters up Troops of blessings round The Orb. As for the threatening Bow, It's my Triumphant Arch; no woe Portending, since he means no harm, Who turns the Bows horns from his Arm. Witness those orient streaks, which are Gen. 9.12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. verse. The Ensigns of Earth's Peace, not War. Since then the string is in thy power, Dart up by force of love, a shower Of praise; then by that Jacob's scale, Let thy Soul mount with a fresh gale; Take Heaven by force, no danger fear, 'Tis freedom to be Captived there. Earth's Jubily. TEll me, my Soul, when did the Skies, So become Morning to all Eyes? Were ever tears, so timely shed As these, which strangely raise the Dead? Gen. 7.11. Mercy now puts on Justice Gown, And smiles, under the old World's frown: Dame Earth grown frolic, now attires Her front with liquid Pearls, and desires To feast the Creatures; by her lie, Clear mirrons for to dress her by. Young Hairs, she busheth forth, to hide Her baldness; and like Autumn's Bride, Hath over her, by Spike-men born, A Canopy of swelling Corn. The Springs invited; but she grown Feavereth, to Southern Climes was gone For health; yet presents her Queen, By Proxy, with a suit of green; With which Earth spreads her lap, and sets Thereon, her fruits and delicates: The feasts prepared; then in each place, Let us before we eat, say Grace. The Thanksgiving. GOod God, such a new World as this, Deserves, a second Genesis, To preach thy power, and love, which thrice, This Drought was continued three Summers, and was every Summer relieved with Rain. Hath made our health a Paradise; O give us innocency too, So place and blessing shall anew, Through Christ by right of re-intaile, Be ours, and ours, till Issue fail. Lord, make all Heads, Fountains; all Eyes, Limbicks; distilling like the Skies, Through heat of love, a weeping Rain; Let hearts, like Earth, grow soft again; So shall such mutual Harmony, Show grace, as sin works sympathy. And to thee Lord, this truth return, That Mercy melts, though Justice burn; Witness Earth, Heaven, my Heart, Eyes, Pen; May they thus ever melt, Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's merciful restoring me to health, and graciously supporting and comforting me, in a fearful Agony, and Apprehension of Death; by reason of a dangerous Cough, which caused me to spit Blood. Soliloquium, or Discourse. AS Pride, War, and Contention, are the ungrateful Offspring of Peace and Plenty; so are sickness, and affliction, the succeeding and unhappy Daughters of health and prosperity. This is not only my Observation, but Experiment; As having the fresh Spring of my Youth, after an Haltion calm, and time of health; on a sudden turned almost, into an Autumn, or Fall, of that levy beauty, and greenness which my Body (which is but a Tree inverted) was adorned with; and that by an unexpected and dangerous Spout, or Catarrh of Rhumetick Rain, seconded with a fearful Hurricane, or Thunder-storm of a rending Cough; which had not God been very gracious, had undoubtedly ●ink both the Pilot and Vessel, my Soul and Body, I pumping out through the Lungs, much Water and Blood. But with the Mariners in Jonah's Ship, or rather with Jonah in the Whale's Belly, I cried, and prayed unto my God, even in this Agony, and preluge of Death, his Sergeant, wherein, Pompa mortis, magis ●erret, quam mors ipsa; As an addition to these my inward fears, and terrors arising from my dangerous condition, was the apprehension of my Arch Enemy and Accuser, Satan, preparing, and ready to prefer at the Bar of Divine Justice, a long Role and Indictment of my great offences, attested too by my own Conscience, (which is more than a thousand witnesses) as also the legal and just punishment of them; Hell, Eternal Death and Torment; I say again, with all humble and reiterated thankfulness, I then petitioned my Almighty Saviour, who delivered me out of the Belly of this Whale, and gave me a reprieve from Death; stood by me, as he did by Paul in the storm, Act 27.24. and bade me be of good comfort, since Satan the Accuser of the Saints was cast out, and overcome in his Victory; Rev 12.10. Hes. 2.14, 15. Col. Heb. 7.25. Chap. 10.22. Rom. 5.17, 18. 2 Cor. 5.21. his Indictment and Role of my Sins, concealed and nailed upon his Cross: That my Conscience was both cleansed, and pacified, through the washing of his all purifying blood; And that Divine Justice was satisfied to the uttermost, by his active, and passive obedience and sufferings, he being made sin for me, that I might be made the righteousness of God in him; Yea, that he was made unto me of God, 1 Cor. 1.30. Col. 3.3. righteousness, and sanctification, wisdom, and redemption; That my life was hid in him with God: Joh. 10.28. Col. 3.4. And that he had given unto me Eternal Life: And that when he shall appear, I shall appear also with him in Glory. Blessed Saviour, with these Cordials thou didst, thou dost revive and rejoice my Soul; and in great mercy didst answer my Prayer, and restored both my mind and body, to perfect health. For which, I bless thy name, and record thy praise here, and in this following Hymn. The REPRIEVE. Ejaculation or Hymn. Sing this to the Tune of the 100 Psalm. LOrd, how uncertain, full of change, Is our lives state! now well, anon Death's Image; as though man (O strange!) Was Nature's true Chameleon. Our Youth and Beauty, like a Flower, Isa. 28.1. Withers, as soon as looked upon; Much like the Gourd of Jonah's Bower, An one Day lived Hephemeron. Jonah 4.6, 7. Sin is the Nimrod, and the first Tyrant, that did both World's subject; Gen. 3.17. To Floods, Storms, Earthquakes, Gen. 6.5, 6, 7. and accursed Mutations, (Wars) that Royal Theft.) My Microcosm a witness oft, Was, and is still of this sad truth, Shaken, and under Water brought, With coughs & rheums, even from my Youth. The effect of this Earthquake, at last, Like others, (which presage no good, Mat. 24.7. ) Was to make Chasmes, and Waters cast Out of my entrails; tinged with blood. At which aghast, I trembling fell Into a clammy and cold sweat; Was wracked with thoughts of Death and Hell, Of Sin, and God's dread Judgement Seat. Then my Physician, Lord, thou wast; Luk. 5 31. Stopped by opening a Vain 1 Joh. 1.7. Of thy own Blood; and my Soul cast Into that Bath, which cured my pain. Thus Galen, Esculapius, Thou far excel'st; mad'st me all whole, And by o'recoming Death for us, 1 Cor. 15.26, 54, 55, 56. Cured both my Body, and my Soul. Joh. 10.28. Joh. 11.25, 26. Thou gavest to both new life, that I Being freed from fear of shame, and death, Might live in thee, and never die; And praise thee, whilst I have my breath. Thou art, Lord, my Catholicon, A certain Cure of each Disease, 1 Cor. 10.4 The only Rock I rest upon; My Joy, my Cordial, and my Peace. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's Fatherly, and manifold goodness, in delivering me from Death, and giving me a merciful recovery out of five several dangerous sickness. Viz. From a deadly Surfeit in my Childhood, from an inclination to a Consumption, for many Years in my Youth; And in my elder days from a painful Cough and Pleurisy: From two dangerous Agues; And from many other like Disasters. Soliloquium, or Discourse. THe tremendious curse, for Man's sin, and rebellion against God his Creator, Gen. 2.17. is Death, temporal and Eternal. The Quartermaster and Harbinger of Death, is sickness, who prepares as soon as we were born, (for even then we begin to die) matter, or food, (corrupt humours, and innumerable diseases) for this all devouring Monster; together, with unremovable quarters, until according to the Proverb, He hath eaten us out of House and home; So that this our dying Life, is but a living Death. Lord, as all have sinned in Adam, so all in him are dead; witness that thy just Statute, and Sentence, Rome 5.12, 17. It is appointed unto all Men once to die: Heb. 9.27. To which Law (as acknowledging myself a sinful Son of Adam) I humbly submit, and have these five times entertained Death's forerunners, or Vanguard. The first of his Messengers, was a short, yet dangerous Surfeit, in the time of my Childhood; out of which, by thy blessing upon the means, used by a friendly Physician, I was speedily recovered. The second, was a continued defluxion of Rheum, which caused a constant Cough, and inclined me for many years (in the entrance of my Manhood) unto a Consumption. By this correction, Heavenly Father, thou didst most wisely bridle, order, and allay the strong and indomitable Lusts of my Youth; that beholding daily, Death, thy Sergeant, at the Door, I might fear to act wickedness, and submit to thy Discipline: This friend of Death (which thy mercy and wisdom made in a sense, a friend, unto me) by thy special providence, and ordering me to use fit means, was, after many years' space, and at a time, and in a place, where that Disease was always before dangerously afflictive, discharged also, and I wonderfully, and perfectly recovered. The third assailant, was a deadly Pleurisy, the consequent and usual effect of a long and violent Cough, which by a terrible pain, and stitch, made my breathing (the necessary Servant and bellows of Life) painful; which after divers Months suffering, and fruitless use of many remedies, Thou, O Lord, Psal. 65 2. that hearest and answerest Prayer, heard mine; and by thy blessing upon a Plaster laid to my Stomach, and a Purge, didst in one Night and a Day free me from all pains, Coughs and Distempers, to the admiration of myself, and Relations. The fourth Ally, and Spy of Death, was a violent Ague, whose eight Hours hot fits might well deserve the Name of a Fever; This ceased upon me at Homby, where thy providence, O Lord, by this thy Attachment, freed me from a worse, because illegal detainure; These fiery Fits, (the very shadows of Hell) at a certain Hour every other Day, for some Weeks, like a well-ordered Regiment, made their assaults; and as so many Roman Rams, or whole Cannon, battered all my Rampires of Earth, the outworks of Nature, preparing, and making a breach for their General (Death) to enter at. But even then also, O most gracious God, and Father, Jer. 8.22. the only expert Physician, that curest both Body and Soul, Thou freely, without any Fee, (for alas, I had nothing of merit to give thee) Visited me, and didst attend to my cry, and pitied my many sighs, and groans; walking with me in this Fiery Furnace; so that although I was often burning, Dan. 3.25. Exod. 31.2. like Moses Bush, yet I was not consumed: Yea, thou mad'st these Brats of sin, and death, instead of Destroyer's, my Refiners: Diseases and afflictions being not punishments to thine, and beginnings of Hell, as to the wicked; But like the Purges, Vomits, and Blood-lettings of a skilful, and loving Father, and Physician, for prevention; and for the cure, not for the destruction of thy Children, and Patients; according to thy Word, this shall be the fruit, to take away their Sin. Praised be thy Name, O Lord, that in much loving kindness and faithfulness, Isay 27.9. Psal. 119.75. hath always afflicted me; and didst then also, after a few Weeks, give me a perfect recovery, by thy blessing, upon the Medicine of a poor Widow, even after that the utmost endeavours of a skilful Doctor proved uneffectual. The fifth, and last dangerous encounter, was with another Pursuivant of Death, a second painful and perilsome Ague. From this Ague, also, after three very acute fits, thou gavest me a happy and healthful recovery. Lord, what shall I render unto thee for these five most gracious recoveries, and as it were new lives; And for thy deliverance from many other lesser Distempers? Yea, what have I to return unto thee, since all I am is thine, and all my most spiritual Sacrifices are lame, weak, and sickly? Lord, although such were forbidden under the Law, Deut. 15.21. yet under thy Gospel we have a great High Priest, which takes away the iniquity, Exod. 28.38. and infirmity of our holy things; in whom thou hast declared (even from Heaven) that thou art well pleased with us; And who is that compassionate Physician, Mat. 3.17. Mat. 9.12. that came not to heal the whole, but the sick? Blessed Saviour, heal now the infirmities of my Soul, as thou hast done these of my Body; That according to thy promise, the dumb may sing, and the lame may skip, Isa. 35.6. as the Lamb; Yea, open thou my Lips, and my Mouth shall show forth thy praise; Psal. 8.4. O Lord God, what is Man, that thou visistest him, or the Son of Man, that thou regardest him? That as a Father, and Nurse, thou shouldest watch over us, from Morning to Night, and from Night to Morning; That the left hand of thy gracious providence, should be always under my head, and that the right hand of thy unchangeable and fervent love, Cant. 2.6. should continually embrace me; That thou shouldest lead me to Heaven, by the Gates of Hell. That thou shouldest wound me, that thou mightest heal me. Humble me, that thou mightest exalt me. That thou shouldest exercise me with sickness, to teach me how to overcome Death, The height and sum total of all sicknesses. O for ever blessed be thy Name, that gives me not only believingly, but practically, and feelingly, Rom. 5.8. to seal the truth of that cordial Word, that saith, That tribulation brings forth patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope; which makes us not ashamed: Wherefore my heart, which thou hast enlarged; my lips, which thou hast opened; and my life, which thou hast thus often renewed, (through Grace) doth praise thee this Day, for these, and all others thy great Mercies; and desires to perpetuate my thankful acknowledgement in this, and the following Memorial to all Generations. Amen. The BETHESDA. Ejaculation or Hymn on the former Subject. TRue, is that Axiom, since the Curse, (Best things corrupted, become worse, Than others, which are less refined.) By Man, and Angels fall, we find, This truth confirmed; yea, our best meat●, Putrified, are Diseases Seats. Hence came my Surfeit, by that food, That pleased my taste; was sweet, and good. Meditation upon my Surfeit. This tempted me to an Excess, That always brings forth Putridness, Which Nature striving to cast out, By Vomit, made me sick throughout. This first assault, Thou Lord withstood, Of Death, thus withering my Bud Of Childhood; And by Friend's advice, Purged out my sickness, and its rice; Restoring health to me, and joy To Parents; grieved by my annoy. All sins a surfeit, and abuse Of what is good; through our misuse, A Lust, rebelling to Excess, And yet a want of Holiness; Lord, Vomit, Purge me, and supply Thy Grace; so shall I live, not die. Meditation upon my inclination to a Consumption. Man's Life, from Birth, doth hasten on Towards Death, by a Consumption Of moisture Radical; like Lights, We wast this Oil by burning bright; But Rheums, and Coughs accession, Adds Wings to Dissolution. Such was my state for many Years, Which balanced me 'twixt hopes and fears, Until in Mercy thou though'st good, To bles● the means, dry up this Flood Of Mall-concocted humours; So, That it no more my Earth o'erflow. O Lord, the streams, that drowned my Soul, Are wicked Lusts; let Grace control This Deluge, lest it more and more Consume thy radicating store; That Body, Soul, restored again, May be it'h full of Grace, not wain. As Art, by Succours, Forcers, mount Meditation upon my Pleurisy. Waters, upon a like account, Rheum pumping Coughs, raise it, and Air, Above, out of their place. Hence are, Those stiches, pains, and Pleurisies, Which us endanger, and Disease. Such was the cause, such the effect, Of my third sickness; whose Aspect Prefigured, and made way for Death, The Night before my Cure, was a Night of Thunder and Lightning. By Stitches, Coughs, shortness of breath; Yea, all one Night, to add to pain, Thunders did roar, and Lightnings flame. When thus upon thy wrack, I lay, Lord, thou didst turn my Night to Day; And answered from thy glorious Throne, My prayers, tears, my sighs and groans; And bl●st weak means, refreshed my Soul, And on a sudden made me whole. A wonder next a Miracle, Was this my quick recovery, Which merits, Lord, a Pyramid; A Trophy, that cannot be hid, Of praise: That Saints, in after Days, May bless, love, trust in thee always. Lord, frothy Distillations, Lustful Inflammations, Shorten still thy Spirits breath, Threatening to me a worse Death; By pricks of Conscience, and Heart grief, O give unto my Soul relief. Dry up, O Lord, these Springs of sin, That do obstruct thy breathe in My sickly Soul; Let Conscience be Freed from its pains, as cleansed by thee; So shall my Soul and Body live, 1 Joh. 1.7. And to Thee living praises give. The Body's Earthquake, Agues are, Meditation upon his two Agues. Shaking us like a pent-up Air; Then breaking forth, through our Earth's pores, It casts out Flames, and Water's store; Embalming us with sweat, as't were To fit us for our Sepulchre. Such was my two last Sicknesses, Death's prelude, and a long recess Of Health, which no Court-Pagentry Could flatter, for to stay with me; Nor yet my Office, which transfer I did to God's Commissioner. An all-controling Ague, (which Like the Familiar of a Witch) Did haunt me, at set-hours each Day At first, till Mercy did allay: And to each other, changed my fit, Lest I should be burnt up by it. Here sometimes I, as frozen lay, Shaking for cold, as Seamen say Those do, near the North pole; Anon, Burnt up, as one i'th' torrid Zone, For eight Hours space; at whose retreat, I almost drowned was with sweat. Thus alternative, cold, and heat, Predominant were, in the same seat And subject; So the Scriptures tell, Sinners tormented are in Hell; Mat. 8.12. Where weeping, wailing, gnashing Teeth, Show cold, and heat, and easless grief. Out of this Aguish, Hell, in which I twice was cast, some Years betwixt; I cried with David, Jonah; Then Psal. 34.6. Jonah 2.2. Thou savest me, as thou didst them: Wherefore, as they, so I will bless Thee in my Heart, Tongue, Life, and Verse. O Lord, I have (since Life) began, Been sick of a Quotidian, Which sometime doth me greatly shake, With faithless fears, which makes me quake; Anon, mad Anger boyles my blood, Breathes out ill humours, like a Flood. O purge out quite this Malady, And passions tune to Harmony. So shall such holy temp'rament Give health to both, with sweet content; And fear, thus sp'rit'alized shall bring; Phil. 2.12. No trembling, but what's good, against sin: Psal. 69.9. Yea, Anger sanctified, shall still Burn up, and cast out what is ill. ARGUMENT. Upon my sight of a dead Corpse, and the Contemplation, that Death is the Compleatment of all Diseases; and therefore will be (the Lord knows how soon) notwithstanding those my former Recoveries, my last, and incurable Sickness; but not my Conqueror, since Death is swallowed up in Victory. 1 Cor. 15.5, 4. Soliloquium, or Discourse. WHat a lively Moniter is this dead Carcase! the Daily News of Mortality hath not moved me so much, as the fight of this one Trophy of Death. Reports deliver things by whole sail; and from others, when the Eye, more feelingly, gathers a truth from many particulars, as being its own Judge, Witness, and Informer, The common sounds of Death, Posts through our Ears, without any stop; whereas the Spectacle thereof, by a self-application, Inns even in our Hearts. The distressed Soul, being fled, unbodied, unhoused; and the battered Citadel surrendered into the Enemy's possession; Lo, how the Successors of sin do Patrizare, trampling upon these mud Walls, and demolishing this Mansion of Clay; The Luminaries of the Body, which used to shine with a living brightness, like the Jelly of a sliding Meteor, ly● now entombed in darkness; And that ruddy hue, which gave the name of flesh, to this whited Earth, hath either changed its colour, or its place: Every particular Member hath now left off its motion, and rests manacled in a long, and a breathless sleep; Yea, the whole Body is made ready for its Burial, lies imbalmed in a cold sweat. It's better to be in the House of Mourning, than of Mirth; Eccls ●. 2. to be humble, than secure: whilst my Eye amazedly wanders over these dead Limbs, methinks, in them I view the true Anatomy of my own fate; and read in pale Characters, that immutable Decree, It is appointed to all Men once to die. O Lord, Heb. 9.27. since this is thy will, and the Law of Nature; give me grace to seek out my Enemy, rather than suffer my Enemy to seek out me; that so my preparation, may lessen both my fear and danger. Since the sudden assault of ambushments, annoy more, than the open force of pitched Battles; and the unexpectedness of death's approach, terrifies, and hurts more, than his merciless Dart: Wherefore let me die Daily, 1 Cor. 15.31. with Saint Paul, that when I cease to die, I may begin to live; rather than die but once, and ever, with the rich Glutton in the Gospel. Luk. 16 22, 23. The light of the Body is the Eye, and the Eye of the Soul is Faith; the one of these I must lose, the other I may lose. O Lord, which only givest light in darkness, grant that when I cease to see Vanity, I may begin to view thee; not through a fleshly perspective, as now, but spiritually, in a far more excellent manner; And when my Soul is divested of these Rags of Flesh, and freed from her dull, and sleeping Earth, shall appear naked in thy Presence; Cloth her with the Robes of beauty, and glory, as having already given her a new Name, Rev. 2.17. the Wedding Garment, the best Robe; that so when Death shall be swallowed up in Victory, and the numberless automes of my dust, Mat. 22.11, 12. through thy power, new-molded into a Body, Luk. 15.22. my Soul may make a reentry; from which incorruptible and inseparable Union of Parts, 1 Cor. 15.54. may proceed, an Eternal perfection of Immortality, and Glory. Amen. The TRIUMPH. A corollary Poem on the former Subject. OVt-face me not, Grim Death, as though thy hate Ingraved in this dead Corpse, could make my fate Unhappy; bright Metals, aged with rust, Are polished best, by fretting them with dust. And the Refiner, melts with Fire, his Ore, To make it purer than it was before. What, though a poisonous Wasp thou art, as Eved 1 Cor. 15.54. Of putrid matter; Death by Christ, is dead? Or if that Nature's Lion, still thou be, Judge 14.8. A Sampson's Lion (sure) thou art to me. Triumph not then, so proudly o'er this dust, As though it was not laid up here in trust; Nor vainly think that this sad Chaos can, Make me believe no Life, because no Man; Bodies are but the Souls Seat, which in case She leaves, we live still, though we change the place. The naked Grain, which from the Seeds-Man's hand, Falls to be buried i'th' furrowed Land, Corrupts, then Springs in a new form. So we, Once Mortal, put on Immortality; 1 Cor. 15.53. Thou being but God's Chinick, to reverse Man to his first Materials; that his Hearse May be a Phoenix Nest; from whence shall rise, When our Sun shines, a Bird of Paradise. The CIRCLE. Another corollary Poem of Mortality. TEll me, fond Man, what Joy thou hast In Courting Pleasures, or to taste These Earthly vain delights; since all, Add but degrees unto thy fall. No sooner Nature hath begun, and done Her work in thee; but it's undone. Ripe Years no sooner calls thee Man, But Age makes thee a Babe again. Thus Circular, is Man's course, our Birth, Derived from Dust, returns to Earth; Being only Statutes made of Clay, Once to be viewed, then thrown away; Experimental Figures, wherein Features Are drawn, thereby to Limn out rarer Creatures. ARGUMENT. Upon God's merciful Preservation of Me, and my Family in health; in a time of a General Sickness, and Mortality; which broke forth under the Usurpation of Oliver Cromwell. Soliloquium, or Discourse. NAtions, in the Holy Scriptures, are compared to Seas, which have their Calms, and Storms; their Ebbs and Flow: Psal. 93.3, 4. So these have their Peace and War, health and sickness, in a continual Vicissitude. O that these changes would prepare us for our last, great, certain, and yet uncertain Change. England! and I in England, bear witness to all this; as having seen, and experimented its truth: particularly that of health, and sickness; when of a sudden, (as in the Dream of Pharaoh's Kine) our flourishing health was devoured, Gen. 41.12, 3, 4. Psal. 93.1, 2. Deut. 32 39 Psal. 68.20. Psal., 12. by lean and macerating Diseases. Wherefore, let us humbly acknowledge, that the Lord alone Reigns in Heaven, and in Earth; that he wounds and heals; he bringeth down to the Grave, and raiseth up; and that, to God the Lord, belongs the Issues of Death. O Almighty Saviour, thou art not only styled in Scripture, The Lord, and General of animate, Exod. 9.8. but also of animate Hosts; As of the Stars, Hail, Exo. 12.29, 30. Snow and of Diseases; which last sort of thy Militia, during his Rule, (that ambitiously called himself our Protector) I saw quartered under thy Sergeant, Major Death's Colours, for many Months, in the Towns and Houses round about my Habitation. During all which time, thou O Lord, didst most graciously give to me, and my whole Family, a Protection from these troublesome and unwelcome Guests; Blessing us all with a happy and uninterrupted health. O most liberal and bountiful God and Father; singular favours, (such as this) calls for from me; singular praises and acknowledgements; since not any goodness in us, above our Neighbours, caused this distinguishing mercy: For we were, and are sinful beyond others; but thy free Grace, who delightest to do good, Exod. 34.6, 7. as being full of Bowels of pity and compassion, and shows Mercy to whom thou wilt show mercy. Wherefore, Exod. 33.19 O Lord, since thou art not like to ill-natured Man, but givest without grudging; Jam. 1.5. yea, hast promised more to them, to whom thou hast already given much; Add I beseech thee this Grace, Mark 4.25. that I may exceed others in real thankfulness, as thou hast made me to precede many others, in this, and the like favours. In testimony of which great and special Mercy to me, and mine, in our preservation; I humbly present to thee this Cordial acknowledgement in this, and the following Psalm of Praise. Amen. The PROTECTION. Ejaculation or Hymn upon the former Subject. WHen Sin becomes Universal, No wonder Epedemical Diseases answer Justice call, Making each House an Hospital: Such was unhappy England's fate, When a Usurper Ruled our State. Then Lord, unto my Family, Thou wast a healthful Sanctu'ry; Esay 8.14. Thy Mercies great Indulgency, Freed us from this Mortality: Made Us to Goshen-like, when fear, Exod. 8, 22. Chap. 9.26. Sickness, and Death, Triumphant elsewhere. Sad was these times, whon Corn and Grass, Like to their owners, withered was, For want of help to Inn, (alas) And tend them; yea, to such a pass, Were many Households brought before It ceased, three parts were sick, or more. Good God how free's thy Grace? how great Thy Love? how sinful, uncompleat Am I? the Subject, Stage, and Seat Of Favours, which I here repeat With Praise, since thou protection grants To worst of Sinners, lest of Saints. Fevers, O Lord, of Luxury, Tumours of Pride, and Vanity, Dropsies of swelling Gluttony, Agues of sad Apostasy, Most Families do now infect, Make Sick; O do thou mine protect. And let not an Egyptian Night Of Error, now Eclipse the Light Of Goshen; Exod. 10.23. but let thy might Preserve their Families upright; So shall our Houses Churches be, Colos. 4.15. And give all Glory unto Thee. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's gracious Preservation of my Horses, and other Cattle from dying, in the time of a great Murrain, under Oliver Cromwell's Government, when many of my Neighbours were very much damnified. Soliloquium, or Discourse. AS Achan's sin, let Israel blood; So Saul's guilt of blood, made Israel fast perforce, Josh. 7.1, 5. 2 Sam. 21.1. 2 Sam. ●4▪ 1●, 15. in three Years of Famine. David's pride in Numeration, concludes in Israel's humiliation, and Pestilential substraction: And the High presumption of the Princes of the Philistines, 1 Sam. 5.1, 3, 5. in the captivating God's Ark, ends in the shame and reproach, Plague and destruction of the People of their principal Cities, Ekron, and Ashdod: to all which Examples▪ the Poet bears witness, Delirent Reges, plectuntur Achivi. As Israel suffered for Korah, Dathan's, and Abirams Rebellion; So England was punished with several Judgements (as I humbly conceive) for Cromwel's unfaithfulness, Numb. 16.1.31, 32, 46, 47, 48, 49. and ambition; witness the great and strange Plague amongst Horses, and other Cattle; and which was very remarkable, it raged most amongst his Troops, the Pillars of his Pride. Not, but that in all these Inflictions, the People's Sins was the principal cause, and the Prince's offence, as it were, 2 Sam. 24, 1. the shooing-horn, to pull them on them; as the Holy Spirit witnesses, as to Israel's Plague. The anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them, saying, go and number Israel, and Judah. That is, he permitted Satan to stand up against Israel, and to provoke David to number Israel; as it is clearly held forth, in the first of the Chronicles, Chapter the 21. Vers. 1. But to return, This Plague, or Murrain was so contagious, that it cleaved unto the very Walls, Planks, and Mangers of Stables: insomuch, that the fresh and untainted Horses, brought and placed in them, to supply the former loss, were presently infected, and died; alike Mortality was also amongst other Cattle: So that it is hard to say, whether the dying groans of Beasts and Horses, or the Cries of the Husbandmen, and Carriers, and those whose livelihood was swept away by this Beasom of destruction, was the greater. O most gracious God, who in the midst of these general Losses, and Complaints, preserved my Stock untouched, and entire; not for my righteousness sake, which is as filthy Rags, but for thy mercy sake: Accept I beseech thee this my thankful acknowledgement, of thy singular goodness, and Fatherly providence amongst the rest of thy mercies, Isa. 5.1. Deut. 31. 19, 21, 22. Exod. 15.1. Jud. 5.12. 2 Sa. 22.1. which according to thy own example, and thy Saints, my duty, and thy command; I desire to record, and declare to my children's Children, and to all future Generations; that when through the Redemption of my Saviour Jesus Christ, thou shalt translate me to praise thee in the Heavenly Chore of glorious Saints and Angels; Psal. 28.7. Psal. 33.3. Ca●t. 1.1. Rev. 9.9. Rev. 14.3. 1 King. 4.32. Eph. 5.19. Colos. 3.16. They and thy People in succeeding Ages, may continue to praise, and bless thy Name here upon Earth, and be encouraged by thy manifold favours to me (thy poor Servant) to fear, love, and trust in thee for ever. Lord, since thy Glory, and the good of my own Soul, and others, is my only end in this Work; Let it receive a blessing from thee. Amen. The SHAMBLES. A corollary Poem on the former Subject. WHence is it, that the stately Stalls for Horse, Of Noble Men are empty; And perforce, The Grooms do idly wait, bewail the fate Of their dead Steeds; who seem to lie in state, Like some in our proud Age? yea, Gentry fear, No course at Brackly will be run this Year, For want of raceing Barbes; And that their Hounds, Will surfeit with much Horseflesh; be unsound For want of Exercise; and Troopers cry Old pay will not suffice new Horse to buy. Why? are our Fields Untilled? why doth our Grain, Now sow itself, before brought home again, For want of Teams to Inn it? And the Road, Through Carrier's loss of Horse, so thinly's troad? Yea, Dairy-men, and Graziers, throw up Ground, Because their Sheep and Cattle die unsound? Our Oracle, God's Word, gives answer, Thus, All Plagues are fruits of sin; And the first curse, Gen. 3.39. Gen. 3.17. Gen. 3. 1●. Which like the Jewish Leprosy infects, All that is ours, (though Creatures innocent) As being on Us, in part, a Punishment. Thus Rulers, righteously do confiscate, Not only Rebels Lives, but their Estate; And Princes use, for faults in the Nonage, Of a beloved Son, to whip his Page. O let our sinless Brutes, sad dying moans, Stir up in Us Offenders, hearty groans For all our sins, their Plague: so shall this loss, To Us become a blessing, not a Cross. Lord, though my fault did greatly contribute Unto this common harm, yet at thy suit, This Judgement thou on others laid; Let fall; Sparing my goods, who was a principal; Preserving unto Admiration, My Stock, in this so great Contagion. Lord, as thy Mercy here was singular, So let my praise, the common pitch, as far Transcend; That so thy favours magnitude May not bring forth, make great, ingratitude In Me: Who, for thy Preservation, Offer myself for an Oblation. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's gracious Providence, in the seasonable quenching, and preserving, Eleven times, four of my Houses, (then in my possession) from being burnt down, and destroyed; And that without my suffering of any considerable loss. Soliloquium, or Discourse. OF all inanimated Instruments of God's curse for sin, none have been so violent, irresistible, and destructive to Man, as the four Elements; Numb. 16.31.32, 33. because of all sublunary things, they possess the largest extent; and therefore have the greatest power, and influence: Witness the Earth's tremendious swallowing up the Tents, and Families of rebellious Korah, Dathan, and Abiram; and the destructive and ruinating Antiochian Earthquakes; Gen. 7.20.21, 22, 23. Numb. 25.9. The Universal Deluge in Noah's time by Water; The great Mortality and destruction of the Israelites in the Wilderness; and our late dreadful Pestilences in London, proceeding from the corruption of the Air; and the fearful and unparallelled Visitation of Sodom and Gomorrah, Gen. 19.24, 25. by Elementary Fire. Of which four Fundamental Simples, and sole Ingredients of our lower Creation; None is so terrible, so tormenting, so swift, and so indomitable, as the Element of Fire: and therefore not only the unsupportable pains of Hell, are held forth to us in Scripture, by Fire; Isa. 30.33. But flaming Fire is already irrevocably ordained by the Lord (as the blessed Apostle Peter witnesseth) to bring up the rear, and to be the last, 2 Pet. 3.7, 10. and the most desolating Judgement upon this wicked World; The sad, yet lively figures of this last Fiery Destruction, are the Burnings of Houses, Towns, and Cities, particularly that of the great, famous, and ancient City of London, in the Year 1666. Against which City, those Ignation Fires, marched with such a large and fearful front, that they destroyed, and laid in Ashes, in three Days, the glory, labours, and expenses of two thousand seven hundred of Years. O gracious God hath Fire been so raging, unmerciful, and desolating to many thousands of Houses and Palaces, in London and England? hath it now, and heretofore, impoverished, and undone many thousands of Persons, and good Christians? what cause have I (a sinner, above others) to record and acknowledge thy great and continued mercies; for no less than Eleven times quenching the Fires begun in Four of my Houses, (lately in my possession) and for preserving our Goods from any considerable Damage? O let thy Goodness and Mercy, that was virtually Water, to allay, and put out these judicial and terrene Fires, kindled by my sin; as well as though the malice of Enemies, and carelessness of Servants, be as Oil, to cause the Flames of my Love and thankfulness, so to mount aloft, that they may be heard, and seen afar off; even of all that serve, and trust in thee in these three Nations; That they in the consideration of these, and of others thy marvellous loving kindness to me, declared in this my poor work, may praise thee with me also; Yea, let this holy and Heavenly Fire, consume and burn up whatsoever is not thy goods, and furniture in me; and destroy every Image of Jealousy, 1 Cor. 3.16. any Lust that Satan hath set up in thy Temple, my Body; or upon thy Altar, my heart; so shall my whole Man (like thy House consecrated by Solomon) be replenished with thy brightness and glory: 2 Chro. 5.13, 14. yea, being thus filled with the Holy Ghost, my Life and Soul shall shine like holy Stephen's Face, thy Proto-Martyr, Act. 6.15. and Confessor here, and both Soul and Body hereafter to Eternity, shall be made like unto my Saviour's glorious Body: For we know that when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, Phil. 3.21. Col. 3.4. we shall also appear with him in Glory. Amen. The EXTINGVISHER. Ejaculation or Hymn upon the former Subject. HOw blest, and Heaven-like, was Man's State in Paradise; When nakedness, with goodness clothed, was of a greater price By far, than Cloth of Gold, embossed with Diamonds, Rubies, great orient Pearls, and other precious Stones! There was no need, nor pompous use of Houses fair, To live, lodge, Banquet in, or fence from Wind, cold Air, Or Summer's heat; Grass ever green, embroidered With various coloured Flowers, was his sweet Bed; The Earth, his Table was, spread with variety Of gustful Plants and Herbs; yea every fruitful Tree, As Servitors, present his Smell, Eye, Hands, and Taste With all kinds of the varest Fruits, and delicates: Above the rest, was that, Nature-preserving Tree, Of Life, given him to feed on to Eternity. By Day, his large previllion, was the Azure Sky, Glorious like Heaven, through the Sun's light; his Canopy, Also by Night it was, though changed, and altered clean, As being spangled o'er with Stars, like a new Scene. O wretched Man, who by thy own rebelliousness, Hast forfeited this Patent of true blessedness; And art most justly outlawed, and by sin cast out, Of this, thy first condition; And be-set about With miseries: hence is it, that each Element, Of which thou art compounded, is revengeful bent Against thee; that the glorious Sun, whose Heavenly Fire, Was made to warm, and cherish thee, is through God's Ire, By its refracted Beams, thy great Tormentor: Hence The Air is full of Thunders, Tempest; and with cold condensed, Powers forth, the down-Snow, and candied Hail, with Rains, Like Floods. Witness the Indian Spouts, and Hurricanes; The Seas, and Rivers, now have leave to pass their bounds, And make that Sea again, or Lakes that was dry ground. Hence is it that our Mother Earth, out of whose Womb, So many kinds spring forth, unnaturally becomes Their Tomb, before their time; And with a trembling Jaw, Devours her Offspring; swallows up in her vast Maw Whole Towns; yea, Towering Cities, and the swelling Streams, Of Rivers deep, making proud Mountains, humble Plains. Hence is it, that wild Beasts rebel against Man, their Sovereign Lord; Nimrods' oppress, and Brothers fall by Brothers Sword. These fearful fruits of Sin, and of first Adam's Fall, Was the ground Plot, Impulsive cause, Original, Of Houses, Towns, and Cities; Then necessity, Was Man's Surveyor, But now Pride, and Luxury; Which changed hath our Father's Caves, Tents, Cottages, To Castles, Towers, like Babel, stately Palaces, And costly Buildings; Four such, Lord, for my rich lot, Thou gavest me once; built, furnished to my hand, what not? Nay more, that love, and mercy, might thy bounty match, Eleven times thy good providence, kept only watch, And blest the means, to quench those Flames, that had begun To Seize House, Goods, upon sins Execution: Yea once, the side pience of a Garret, was on Fire, put out, Without the knowledge, help of any Person (wonderful throughout!) In all these Fires, our Damages was very small, When Neighbours lost fair Dwellings, Householdstuff, and all Their precious things. Wherefore let this thy goodness be, By me, O Lord, Recorded to Posterity. That what's deficient here, to celebrate thy praise, May be supplied by them in time, and length of Days. Dear God, to give, preserve from harm, Four pleasant Seats, Was thy great act of love, and care; made more complete, In giving, gracing me poor sinful Hut of Clay, To be thy Temple, and thy dwelling Night, and Day: 1 Cor. 3.16. But wretched Man I am, and mad, that in return, 2 Cor. 6.16. Have oft essayed thine; yea my one House to burn, By Flames of Lusts, which from the middle story, my vild heart, Flamed through my Eyes Balcons, and fill the highest part, Rom. 7.24. My mind with smoky darkness; so that Flakes of Fire, Endangered thence, my Neighbour's House, yet hath not thy just Ire, Good God, left me, thus foolishly by my own act, To be burnt down: but in remembrance of my firm contract To thy dear Son, my Spouse, thou didst bind up, restrain, Satan, that unclean Spirit, the Wind that blew that Flame; Yea, poured by th' hand of faith, thereon my Saviour's blood, Which dampt those Fires; repaired, and made thy Structure good. Lord, am I a Bankrupt, unable to repay, My Debt of Gratitude, for favours every Day; Deliverances from many Dangers Temporal; What shall I render for these Mercies spiritual? Lord, I am wholly thine, by right of Creation, And thy Son's purchase, constant preservation; Wherefore accept thy own, my all: Let it suffice, Since Soul and Body is thy living Sacrifice. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's gracious preserving of me from being Burnt in my Lodgings in Summerset House. Soliloquium, or Discourse. DAy unto Day uttereth Speech, and Night unto Night showeth knowledge, Psal. 19.2. as to the constant, gracious, and wonderful Providences of the Lord, for the preservation of his People. Amongst whom, (to the praise and glory of his free grace, be it spoken) I have had a large share, witness the foregoing Records, and this deliverance, when in the conclusion of some Hours spent alone in Fasting and Prayers, and I ready to arise from my Knees, and to change my Cushion for my Bed at Ten a Clock at Night, I heard a great crack, as of a Pistol, issuing from behind the Hangings, and corner of the Chamber, within two Yards of me; at which sudden noise, I arose up, and pulled back the Hangings, saw a Barrel full of small-Cole, all of a flame, occasioned by the innocent carelessness, and thrift of my Fire-maker, who had cast back some live small Coals, into the Tub; the breaking of whose burnt Hoops, gave me this timely Alarm: which had it been delayed but a few Minutes, I, and my Servant had been a Bed, and asleep, and locked up in my Bedchamber, within that Dining-Room; And the Hangings that hung over the Barrel, certainly Fired; together with that Room, and that whole stately Structure. O Lord, whilst we are faithfully employed in thy service, and worship; we are assuredly under thy Almighty Protection; who hast promised to those that make thee their Refuge; Psal. 91.10, 11, 12. That there shall no evil befall them, nor any Plague come near their dwellings; That thy Angels shall take charge of them, to keep them in all their ways, that they shall bear them up in their hands, lest they dash their Foot against a Stone. O how sweet, how comfortable, how encouraging to thy People, is the most firm belief of the constant presence, Heb. 1.14. watchful, and powerful assistance of thy glorious Angels, whom thou hast made Ministering Spirits for the good of thy Elect; As thy Servant at this time found by experience! Such gracious Providences as this, being most probably timed, acted, and discovered by an Angel, as the laying of the Train, and kindling of the Fire, and inflaming of the Barrel, might possibly be, the malicious contrivance of a wicked Spirit; Who, as the Scriptures witness, are as constantly Instruments of evil, to Mankind (although the wicked World are ignorant thereof) as the others are of all good, to thy Children. Lord, probably it was the Devils will and design, that the Barrel should not have flamed forth so soon, by a quarter of an Hour, and then without any noise; that so, the Chamber being empty, and we a Bed, and asleep; and the Hangings on Fire, we might have been first certainly smothered, and afterwards burnt. (A Roman-like Obsequy.) But thy Alwise providence suffered him (as thou didst his Guy Faulkes) to bring his Plot to an accomplishment, and then ordered thy Angel thus strangely and opportunely, to discover to thy greater glory, his disappointment, and thy Servants wonderful Salvation, and serious Observation of this thy most Fatherly love, care, and watchfulness over me, thy poor Child and Creature. Blessed God, and Father, how hast thou, through our Adoption in Christ, meliorated our condition, so that our greatest Enemies, in all their malicious actings against us, are now made but Carriers, to convey thy love-tokens unto us; yea, all our troubles and dangers, are so many choice and faith-strengthning experiences of thy Power, Goodness, and mercy; so that now, instead of fearing of them, we can rejoice and triumph in, and over them; And give to ourselves, and others, a satisfying reason why thou sufferest Devils, and Diabolical Men thus to act, rage, and persecute thy Saints; when thou couldst in a moment cast them all into Hell. Why thou leadest us into various Temptations, afflicts us with Diseases, sufferest us to be Daily encompassed about with troubles, and dangers; when in an instant thou couldst renew, and make again this Earth our Paradise; Is it not, O Lord, (as well as to exercise and brighten our Graces, and to purge out our sins) that in and by these Trials thou mightest also have a frequent, and fit occasion to manifest thyself unto us, (in the face of our Lord Jesus Christ) in all thy glorious Attributes, of Power, and Wisdom, Justice, and Faithfulness, Love, Mercy and Goodness? Thus O Lord, this great danger of Burning, was to me the Mother of a far greater mercy, thy wonderful preservation; and shall now, and for ever be the subject of my praise, and thanksgiving: which I humbly present to thy most gracious Majesty, in this Memorial, and the following Poem. Amen. The DELIVERANCE. A corollary Poem on the former Subject. O Lord, how aptly doth thy sacred Word compare, Eccl. 1.7.3. Chap. 2.23. Chap. 1.3, 10. Chap 4 4. Gen. 3.10. Heb. 9.27. Men unto Travellers, whose toilsome Journeys are Begun, even from the Womb; whence natures pass they have, And make some short, some longer steps, unto the Grave, Our common home; fulfilling thy Decree most just, For sin; That Earthly Bodies shall return to Dust? But is this all's held forth, by this comparison? No, our Life and Way, like theirs, is tiresome; O'er Hills, through Veils; now high, then low; through passages That cragged, Woody are, untrode, where Ambushes Of sundry mischiefs, troubles, (Thief-like) us engage: Such hath my course been, Lord, throughout my Pilgrimage. Instance amongst the rest of my Lifes Narrative, This following danger, and thy love's preservative. Who would have thought dead small Coals, laid some yards from fire, Unused for five Hours space, should as it were conspire, Behind my Hangings, without sight, or scent of fume, Or crackling, me, and a great Palace to consume? Or that my harmless Maid should ignorantly lay, A train o'er Night, to burn us all before next Day; By her too careless thrift, in casting back some Coals, Enkindled, when she made my Fire? Who could control, But thou O Lord, this dreadful fate of causes set, Within few Minutes, to produce a sad effect? Thou forcest the dead Barrels Hoops, i'th' nick of time, To sound Alarm, and discover this design; Else had I quickly slept in Death, been smothered, Consumed (as on a Roman Pile) upon my Bed. At which great noise, which did direct my Eyes and Hand, I rose▪ withdrew the Veil, and cast the flaming brand Into my Chimny-Fire; converting prayer to praise, And vows of gratefulness, unto thee all my Days; Which here I pay, adding this Application, That when one of the Sex, first in transgression, Gen. 3.12. Inflamed, by some wanton Infects, the Gunpowder of Lust, 1 Tim. 2.14. Barreled up in my Heart (like that kindling dust,) I'th' Night, (the Sunset of thy Grace) which Coals did lie Smothering sometimes, behind the graceful Tapestry Of my Christian profession; yea, when that Fire, With noise, and Hell-assisting fury, did conspire, To burn, and break the Hoops and Bonds of Chastity, That so the Dining Room, on Fire, (my Body) suddenly My surprised Soul (its Guest) might sleeping, burn, and ●lie; With all her goods, thy grace, in this Catastrophe: Then didst thou fright my Conscience, by guilts Thunderclap, And raised me up with holy speed, for to draw back The hangings of hypocrisy; And to cast in The renewed Fire of Zeal, (this Hell-like) Fire of Sin, And to pour on the Waters of repenting tears, With Daily Prayers, and Fasting, which this Devil fears, Casts out. O Lord, thy temporal deliverances Of Body, have been great; but thy Indulgences, Mat. 17.21. And Mercies to my Soul, exceeds as far, As doth the Heaven, the Earth, the light of Sun, a Star; For by the one, thou hast spun out the slender thread Of my expiring life; but by the other, thou instead Of Death Eternal, the reward and fruit of sin, Rome 6.21, 23. Rom. 6.22, 23. Col. 1.27. Hast given me Glory, everlasting Life in Him, Who is my hope. O that I had the thankful Tongue, Of Men, and Angels, that I might enrich this Song Of praise, for thy redoubled favours, and free love, Which are beyond expression; yea, which soar above My weak conceptions: Lord, accept this Widow's Mite, Because I offer all I have; for it's thy right. To me, for sin, belongs confusion, shame of Face; But to thee, O Lord, forgiveness, mercy, through free grace. Dan. 9.8, 9 Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's most gracious and wonderful Providence, in preventing, and delivering me, from being Slain, and from committing of Manslaughter, in my Lodgings, in Sommerset-House, about the Year, 1647. Soliloquium, or Discourse. HE that dwelleth in the secret of the most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psal. 91.2. Gracious God, I humbly and thankfully acknowledge, that thou hast performed to me this thy promise, although I come far short of fulfilling the condition: Mat. 25.24. Rom. 8.32. Ja. 1.5. Psal. 23 3. Ezek. 20.9. For thou art no hard Master, (as the slothful Servant slandered thee) but the most liberal and bountiful Lord; whose grace is free, who gives without upbraiding, and who savest us temporally, spiritually, and eternally, for thy own Name sake; Even when there is but a step betwixt Us and Death. This truth was both verified and manifested, when I and my Servant, in my Lodgings in Somerset House, were suddenly awakened out of our sweet, and quiet Night's sleep, about break of Day, on a Summer's Morning, by a great noise upon my Stairs head, seconded by the most forcible breaking open of my Dining Room Door, though defended by two great ●olts, and a strong Spring-Lock: which first assault gave us only time to step out of our Beds, in our Shirts, to my Chamber-Door, with our naked Swords, and woundup, and ready-primed Pistols, charged with Bullets; against which Door, without any Parley, another assault was made, by a kind of a Roman battering Ram, which 〈◊〉 out, and cast into the Flore, three strong Staples, the security of my Lock and Bolts; The Door wide open, a Person unknown to me, with others following him with drawn Swords, would have entered the Chamber, not once answering my loud de● and, of what they came for: Whereupon they pressing upon me even to the point of my Sword, I verily believed they intended to murder me, and the rather, because not long before, reports were spread abroad, of a design of massacring in one Night, all the then Parliament Men in their Beds. Wherefore in self-defence, I presented my Pistol, and struck Fire against the Breast of the Leading-man without effect, which failure in all likelihood might have encouraged, and provoked him and his associates, to have rushed in upon us naked Men, and to have hewed us in pieces▪ but certainly there was more with us, than was against us; else had not a valiant tried Officer, with some Files of Soldiers; for such I understood them to be afterwards, at the sight only of two Men in their Shirts been struck with such a panic fear, that they suddenly and with great speed ran back through the Dining-Room, not stopping in their flight, nor recollecting their spirits▪ until they came to the bottom of my Stairs. To which Stairs top, I in my Shirt with the like speed pursued them; where, upon a second demand of their intentions, and who they were the Officer told me, he was sent by Order from Major General Skippon, to search a House in Somerset-House Yard, and to apprehend two dangerous and disaffected Persons, which before they could attach, were slipped out of their Beds, into the Cellar of that private House, which by reason of the height of that great House, above that Lean too; had a Cellar under the Cellar belonging to my Lodgings; from whence forcing up a board of the Flore they crept up into my Cellar, and from thence to my Stare-case, under which they hid themselves; and after our parley, were there found, and taken. These Persons, he told me, he and his Soldiers pursued through the same Hole, into my Cellar▪ and Lodgings, supposing all to be but one, and the same House; whereupon, I telling him my Name, and rectifying the mistake, The Officer came up to the Stair-head, and craved pardon for his rash and dangerous Error; I returning to my Bed▪ and he with his Prisoners, the same way that he came; (my Door into the House, Court, or Quadrangle, being all this time fast locked, and bolted) as we left it, at our going to bed. O Lord, how did this ignorant, and innocent mistake, by thy all wise permission and ordering, involve me into a double danger, that thou mightest redouble Mercies! had these Soldier's 〈◊〉 more knowing in their actings▪ I had been more ignorant of thine; yea, if I had not been in so great danger, I had not been so graciously delivered; Thus to the answering, and satisfying of all murmurings and objections against thy Government of the World, thou dost exalt and justify thy Holiness, Power, Wisdom, and Righteousness, in bringing forth Light out of Darkness, and that not only out of things casually evil, as here, but out of what is morally evil, as in Adam's fall; which thy Omnipotency could have impeded, did not the conjunction and greater shining forth (in the midst of this black ●oile) of thy Wisdom, Justice, Mercy, and all other thy Attributes, through the darkness and contrariety of Providences, and opposition of Sin and Satan, make more for thy Glory, the Chiet, Just, and Sovereign end of all thy Works; Who, but thou O Lord, who art the God of Nature, canst change, and unnaturalize Nature; So that hungry Lions shall not devour thy Daniel; Dan. 6 22. Dan 4 27. Jon 2 10. Exo. 14.21, 22. Fire shall not burn thy Three Children; A Whale shall not smother, and concoct thy Jonah, nor the fluid Sea flow over, and drown thy Israel! Who, but thou O Lord, at this time didst forbid a Sulphur Stone to spit forth Fire, at the collition and motion of the wheel of my Pistol, or extinguished its sparks with Gunpowder; that thou mightest preserve my Hand from the guilt, my Conscience from the trouble, my Heart from the grief, and my good Name from the reproach of Manslaughter! Who but thou O Lord did cause Man with naked Swords to recoil, and valiant Soldiers to turn their backs, and to fly from two naked Men; provoking them, and in part disarmed; that so Friends might not act as Enemies, nor pour forth the blood, and destroy the lives of one another! Who was it, but thou Almighty Saviour, that gave a right understanding betwixt us, and turned our fears and dangers into a Happy deliverance, and thanksgivings! Which then and now accept O Lord; who at this time didst mercifully prevent my friends, at other times, didst powerfully restrain my Enemies from taking away my life; And as thy goodness hath been continued, so let my praise be perpetuated in this Memorial to future Generations, even till time shall be no more. Amen. The INVISIBLE GVARD. A corollary Poem upon the former Subject. MAn's Life is wholly unsecure; Upon him dangers do attend, Job 5.7. As Shades on Substances; As sure As Sparks fly up; from Foes, from Friends, Asleep, awake, early, and late, In Sickness, Health; In every State. Instance, Loyal Mephibosheth, 2 Sam. 16.3, 4. 2 Sam. 4.5, 6. 2 Sam. 3.27. 2 Kin. 8.15. 2 Sa. 20.9, 10. 2 Sa. 13.28, 29. Judg. 4.21. By slandering Ziba spoiled; the ends, Murders, of sleeping Ishboseth, And Abner, by their seeming Friends, Of sick Benhadad, Amasa, Of healthful Ammon, Sisera. This Axiom, oft hath been proved true, In and by me; Witness this Role, Full fraught with dangers, old and new; And this, which Mercy did control; Else had I Killed, or Killed been; Or both, without malicious sin. That Leaders, should, by Daylight take, A Palace for a Tenement, That Friends, like Enemies, should break open Doors, not showing their intent; Assault, as Foes; no words exchange, But Swords and Pistols was most strange. But this, most wonderful of all, A Firestone struck, no sparks confer; Or if it did, should vainly fall Into a Bed of Gunpowder, As upon Snow; that Powder dry, Should be more merciful, than I That Soldiers, and their Officer, That feared not thundering Cannons Crack, Should fly from naked Men, as 'twere Affrighted, with one Pistols knack; That this should end, without all harm, Was only God's restraining Arme. O Lord, though danger, is sins Lot, By thy Decree, Esth. 1.19. Chap. 3.6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Chap. 7.10. like Persian Law Reversless; yet this Haman's Plot, Against Isr'el, thou dost over-awe, And by assisting Providence, Us safeguard gives, in thy defence. Wherefore, (Purin-like) Feasts of Praise, I will keep Daily unto Thee, Esth. 9.26. Who hast been gracious all my Days, In Peerless Mercies, unto me; That all things work (as saith thy Word) Good unto thine, I here Record. Rom. 8.28. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's gracious preserving Me from the Infection, of the loathsome and dangerous Disease of the small Pox, Four times; and of my Wife, Six times, when some Persons, in the Houses in which we lived in, were sick of it. Soliloquium, or Discourse. AS Sin is the Distemper of the Soul, so is Sickness of the Body; both Maladies ending in Death, the one Temporal, the other Eternal: As every Sickness is the sad effect of Sin, so every Disease Herogliphical and Sumetomical, of some Sin or other, discovering, as well as punishing it. So the Tun-bellied Dropsy, is both the figure, and scourge of Drunkenness; The inflaming Fever, of Fiery anger, and passions; The noisome French-Disease, of filthy Lust; and the fulsome Face engraving and marring, small Pox, of Pride. O how doth our righteous God humble, affright and punish the proud, wanton, and beautiful Persons of our times, by this Tyrant: Who, as the Lord's Bailiff, having seized their whole Bodies upon Execution, for the Debt of Sin; and baffled, and fooled their expected Rescuers, their deified Physicians, binds his Prisoner's Hand and Foot unto their Beds; Regards not their groans, sighs, and tears that falls from their late amorous, and lascivious Eyes; which he seals up with a scab, singing off, (as Peasants do their Swine) even unto baldness, their curiously curled, powdered, and abused Hair; swells up, and greatens their Heads, and Faces, beyond all proportion, even unto monstrousness; clothes their Idolised, and beautiful Faces, and Bodies, instead of Silk, and Tissues; of curious paints, promates, and costly washeses; at first▪ with Job-like Boils, and Ulcerated Carbuncles; afterwards, with a loathsome, ugly, and stinking temporary Leprosy; and when that shakes off, he brands, and stigmatizes them, with most dis-figuring Marks; that so all may know, that looks on them, under whose Tyranny they have been? As for their smiling and enticing Lips, their false Tongues, and Epycurian Throats, the Instruments of Voice; by all which, they used to quaver, and warble forth wanton Airs, and deluding words; He commands to silence, and binds them by the strict, and sore Bonds of outward and inward Tumours, and Imposthumations; to be dumb, and quiet, scarcely permitting them so much liberty, as to send relief, and nourishment, to their almost-starved, and languishing Mother-Nature. O Lord! hast thou no less than four times delivered myself, and six times my second-self, my dear Wife, from this painful, dangerous, loathsome, unsatiable, and dis-figuring Malady, even when it seized upon others of our Family? Hast thou foretell, and fore-threatned, (as I humbly conceive) this destructive Disease, by thy Prophet Isaiah, as thy most just Judgement for pride, Chap. 3. Vers. 7. held forth in these words, The Lord shall smite with a Scab, the Crown of the Head, of the Daughters of Zion; and the Lord will discover their secret parts? yea, hast thou set down, and ennumerated the many Instruments of Israel's pride, and ours; Vers. 18, 19 20, 21, 22, 23. A Scripture worthy to be seriously read, and considered, by the proud Gallants of both Sexes, in our times. Concluding thus, Vers. 24. And it shall come to pass, that instead of a sweet smell, there shall be a stink; and instead of a Girdle, a Rent; and instead of well-set Hair, baldness; and instead of a Stomacher, a girding of Sackcloth; and burning, instead of beauty: Judgements, that seems to me, to be the very lively Characters of the small Pox. O let me, to whom thou mayest say, as once my Saviour did, Joh. 8.7. to the Scribes and Pharisees; If thou be'st without sin, throw the first Stone, at the proud Offenders of these times; (After my humble and penitent acknowledgement of my manifold offences, of this kind) Bless and praise thy Name, for these thy so often reiterated Mercies, and Deliverances. O Lord, thy many favours have so indebted me, that I am a Bankrupt, and unable to repay; Deut. 15.17. Wherefore I humbly beseech thee, to seize upon all that I am, and have, to thy use and service; yea, nail my Ear to the Door of thy House, that I may be thy Servant for ever; so shall I still be a great gainer: for thy service is perfect freedom; And I had rather, with King David, be a Doorkeeper in thy House, than to dwell in the Tents of Wickedness, or to sit upon the Thrones of the KINGS of the Earth. Psal. 34.10. Gracious God, and Father, let me not here forget, that when thou didst thus frequently preserve us from the Infection of this Disease; thou didst then at several times deliver from Death, and dis-figuring Eleven of our Children▪ even when some of them were in great danger thereof, by this Malady. Lord, are my Children living Images, and legible transcripts, of myself; yea, self-multiplyed? Then surely their Reprieves from Death and danger, is mine, and so to be acknowledged by me: Wherefore, in all Gratitude, I offer them up to Thee, as living Sacrifices of Praise; Humbly entreating, that my Sons and Daughters may be thine here, in all filial Obedience; and that thou wilt please to be mine, my Wife and children's Portion in this thy Kingdom of Grace; and our Eternal Inheritance, in thy Kingdom of Glory. Amen. The HOUSE of CORRECTION. A corollary Poem on the former Subject. COme hither, proud white Clay, and sadly view, Pride plumed of all her Feathers, in her new; Denuded of her Silks, and Satins (Webs of Worms) Embroideries, Tissues, and her rich Perfumes; Her precious Jewels, Pearls, (Her Lovers pawns;) Her o're-fine Hollands, Cambrics, Cobweb-lawnes; Her Flanders Lace; all which poor Tenants wrack; She carrying Farms, yea, Manors on her back. This is that Day, that fearful Malady, Isa. 3.18. In, and by which, the sinful Bravery, Of Zion's Daughters, shall be tain away, As saith the Lord; Their Ornaments most gay, Tinklings about their Feet; their Cawles, round Tires, Much like the Moon; their Chains, Bracelets, Attires, Vers. 19, Called Mufflers; Bonnets, Adornments of Legs; 20, Their Head-bands, Tablets, and those other dregs 21, Of Pride; their Earrings, and Nose-Jewels, Rings; 22, Their divers sorts of Clothing, Mantles, Crisping-Pins; Wimples, fine Linen, Glasses, Hoods, and Veils, 23. And whatsoever fills Pride's swelling Sails. Dan. 4.30, 31, 32, 33, 34. Act. 12.23. Luk▪ 2.1. 1 King. 9.30. Mar. 6.17, 18, 19 Jud. 16.5, 18. Act. 25.23. Tell me ye vaunting Nebuchadnezars', Proud Herod's, and ambitious Caesar's; The painted Jesabels', Herodiases, False Delilahs, and unchaste Bernices Of our worst times: What will you trembling say, When Sergeant Pox arrests you? And that Day Confines you to your Chambers, binds you fast Unto your sickly Beds, long time; then cast You into Burnings, like to Hell; next, spots Your Body, like a Toad, confounds, besots Your mind, and senses, makes you speechless lie, Extending Tongue, and Throat, to strangling nigh; Shuts up your Eyes with Scabs, denies your sight, As clouding quite its Medium, the Light; Next, he scalds-off your Absalon-like Hair, 2 Sam. 14.26 That hath so oft been wanton with the Air; And nobler Creatures, swells your Head, and Face, Big, like your minds, and the Gigantic race; Covers your Face with a corrupted Mud, Which eats out your Complexion, all that's good; And lest it should a Resurrection have, He buries it in Pits, as in a Grave; Yea, your whole Body, he scurffs o'er with Scabs, To teach you, Pride shall clothed be with such Rags; Lord, hast thou me preserved unto this Day, And my Consort, from this deformed Hydra Of pain, and evils, this Complication, Of Maladies; (to Admiration,) Yea, when thou Four, and Six times visited Mine, and her dwelling freely ransomed, Eleven Children from dis-figuring; Although the fruit of theirs, and of my sin, Who have been, and still am, most apt to be Guilty, and sick of Pride, Idolatry; As to all Gifts, and Graces, Children, Wife, House, Land, and other good things of this Life; Which are thy Talents, put into my Hand, Mat. 25.14, 15, 19 To use, and to repay, at thy Command; Not mine, who now can nothing call my own, But sin, and its wages, Hell, Death, Corruption; Rom. 6.23. O Lord, accept my thankful heart, thy Gift; Which I return, with Eyes, and Hands up lift, For thy Protections Tenfold Antidote, Against these infections, ne'er to be forgot; Wherefore, let my whole Man, my Life, my Pen, Thy Praises Register for aye, Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's gracious Preservation of Me, and my Wife, from Poisoning, or any Distemper, after we had drank off a Tankard of Beer, at the bottom of which▪ we found dead, a great venomous Spider. Soliloquium, or Discourse. 2 King. 4.40. AS in my former Recovery from a Surfeit of Meat; There was Mors in Olla, Death in the Dish; so here also, Death lay in ambush in the Cup. For no sooner was Nature plentifully refreshed, but that at the sight of a great venomous Spider, which lay dead at the bottom of the Por, we had reason to fear, that our Refresher would prove our Destroyer, and our Drink, our Poison. At the discovery of this Enemy, we were both affrighted, and the more, (which may seem extraordinary, and strange,) because it was dead, whereas usually living, not dead Adversaries are hurtful. Whither this black and ugly Creature, was as full of Malice, as Poison, and therefore burst herself in the Beer, in a kind of Revenge; For, or as the effect of her drowning, I know not; nor had we time to be Coroners; since our present danger did not admit of any delay, as to the seeking for, and taking an Antidote: Wi●d. 17.12. Our fear (as is usual) not neglecting, or betraying such means, and succours, as reason offered; Viz. The taking a good draught of the Oil of Olives, which by the blessing of our gracious God, drowned both our fear and danger; we both remaining without the least Distemper, in perfect health. O Lord, how true is that Proverb, Latet Anguis in Herba; (that poisonous Asps, lie covered in Cleopatra's Basket of Fruit, and Flowers) and that in a spiritual sense, as well as corporal. When hath my Soul been more in danger of the sting and venom of sin? than in prosperity, and in the sweet enjoyments of the lawful, and necessary delights, and refreshments of this life; Such as Meat, Drink, and Clothing, Wife, Children, Relations, great Offices, and Preferments, Riches, Friends, and Recreations; Honours, stately Houses, and great Revenues; In, and under all which, 1 Cor. 1.24, 30. sin, and deadly corruptions lurk, and lie hid. Wherefore blessed Lord, and Saviour, who art the power and wisdom of the Father, and art by him made unto me Wisdom; Teach me, that in the use and enjoying of all these thy temporal blessings, I may neither be superstitiously abstemious, nor presumptuously secure; that so, whensoever I shall discover the venomous Spider of Sin, lie in the bosom of any Earthly delights, or refreshments; I may instantly resort to my Antidote, the Oil Olive of thy Grace, called in thy Word, the Oil of Gladness, Psal. 45.7. the Anointing; So should sin break, and cast out its Poison, 1 Joh. 2.27. in any vicious temptation it shall be corrected, and repelled, and at the worst be but as a dead Spider, a mortified Lust. Blessed and praised be thou O Lord, Mat. 9.12. who only art the all-curing Physician, and hast given to me thy sick Patient: (For thou comes to heal such) Antidotes both for Body and Soul, against both kinds of poisons; for both which experimental Receipts, and merciful Recoveries, and Deliverances; I praise thy Name, with my whole Man, and here declare thy gracious goodness to me, and my dear Yoke-fellow, Psal. 66.16. in this, and other thy Preservations, to all that fear thee, in, and to all Ages. Amen. The PRESERVATIVE. A Thankful Poem upon the same Subject. AS Satan is the Father of all Sin, Joh. 8.44. Gen. 3.17. Gen. 4.7. Gen▪ 3.5. So Sin the Mother is, of dangers; and of death; Both which he acts, as he did first begin, Under the specious show of good on Earth; Which, though he hates, yet under that disguise, This Juggling Cheater, ushers in his Lies: Thus his deluded Agents, falsely stile, To save more than is meet, a virtuous thrift, Pro. 11.24. And to be prodigal in things most vile, A gentle spending, and a liberal Gift; Heresy, they call new Light, Idolatry, A Medium of Worship, and true Piety. Pride, neatness, Swinelike, drunkenness, And beastly Gluttony, good fellowship; Deceit, Trade's mystery, Voluptuousness, Christian Refreshment; Ruining suretyship, A friendly Office; murderous Duelling, True Valour; Justice, right determining. Lust, and Lasciviousness, his Factor's name; Love-Courting Amorousness, Affection; Hell's Patches, Beauties spots; Painting, no stain; But a good Art, to help Complexion▪ Legends of Lies, a pious fraud, base Guile, Good Language, and a Complimental Style. As moral Crimes, so often penal, ill Dangers, and mischiefs, (like the Crocodile) Lie covered under sensual Pleasures still, As under Water; till they Us beguile, And seize upon; Thus Tomaris rich Tent, Was Cyrus' Sepulchre, and Monument. Judg. 5.25. And Jael's Lordly Dish of cooling Drink, Judg. 4.21. Lulled Sisera into a deadly sleep; 2 Sa. 13 28, 29. Esth 7.9, 1●8 Thus Ammon, Haman, when they least did think Of danger; Death, did their own Funerals keep, And the Whores Vassals, Rev. 17.4. drink her filthy Wine, Out of her Golden Cup of Jus Divine. Sweet Lord, thus also, in the lawful Taste Of thy good Creature, in a silver Cup, I, and my dearest, might have drunk our last, Hadst thou not seasoned our poisonous●Sup; 2 Kin. 4.40, 41. Elisha-like, cast out by thy Command, Act. 2●. 3, 4. Its Venom, as the Viper from Paul's hand. In both, fulfilling what thou promised, Mar. 16.18 At thy Ascension, as of Faith, a sigue, That such of thine should not be poisoned, Nor hurt by Serpents, or by deadly Wine; Blest be thy Name, who by one act of Love, Cant. 5.2. Both strengthened Faith, and thus preserved thy Dove. Sin, Lord, of all things here's most venomous, As swelled and badged with deadly poisonous Lusts. Lies in my Heart, not dead, (but vigorous) As was that Spider, ready for to burst; Exod. 25.6. Exod. 30.25. Psal. 45.7. O let thy Grace, by Oil prefigured, Preserve my Soul, (as that) my Body did. So shall I live, here blest, with sprit'all health, And cast out from the bottom of my heart, All spider-like vild thoughts, dead, which by stealth, Creep in, and poison would, my better part; Yea, ever live to praise thee, in that place, Where sin shall be no more, nor want of Grace. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon God's merciful preservation of some of our Family, from being killed, or hurt by a Fowling-Piece, full laden; and unawares discharged, by an unskilful Person, carelessly meddling with the Cock thereof; in the Room, wherein they were diversely Employed. Soliloquium, or Discourse. NO Person, time, place, or Company upon Earth, is free from danger; not Julius Caesar, who was stabbed, and slain, in the Senate-House of Rome; although a Person as fortunate, as great; in a time of Peace, and in a Place, that was the richest, and strongest Piece of the World's head; therefore called the Capitol; and in the midst of an Assembly of the justest, gravest, wisest, greatest, richest, and valiantest Men of the whole Earth. But it may be Objected, that although civil Persons, times, places, and Senates, may be unsecure; yet Ecclesiastical are not so, and therefore they, their times of Worship, and Assemblies, are at the least, by the papal Cannon-Laws, styled and made spiritual, and privileged; their Synods and Counsels, sacred; and their Churches, and Monasteries, Sanctuaries; not only for themselves, but for the most flagitious Persons, such as Traitors, and Murderers. I answer, that as I deny that De Jure, they have any such security, or privilege; so De Facto, they, and others have found it otherwise, to their cost; instance in the three (Cerberus-like) Heads of the Roman Catholic Church; Simsons Church Histo. page 394. as they falsely, and nonsensically call it, Gregory the XII. Benedict the XIII. and John the XXIV. all Three Elected, and acknowledged Popes at one time; and deposed by the Council of Constance, called by the Emperor Sigismond, who there chose Martin the V. Pope, in their Room; which Election is the present Foundation of all the succeeding Popes, and their actings; which if the Papists, and their Champions the Jesuits, deny to be legal, where will they find a Pope, Papacy, and Succession ever since Peter, or since John the XXIV. yea, all actings by, and since Pope Martin the V. are illegal, and therefore Null? If they affirm it legal, than they confess their Church had three Heads, or Popes at once; that the Emperor of Germany hath a right to call together, when he pleases, a General Council: that such a General Counsel hath a right to Depose Pope, or Popes. And lastly, that he, and they did lawfully then Elect their Pope, without his Concave of Cardinals. But leaving them this Bone to pick, I proceed in my Meditations, and instance, together with this, as a clear proof, and Example, (besides many others like (as to the Popes) the sad fate of others, Jews, and Pagans, slain in their holy places; as of Senacherib, 2 King. 19 37. 2 King. 11.20. 1 King. 2.29, 30, 34. slain by his Sons in the Temple of Niscoch his God; Of Queen Athaliath, attached in the Temple, and afterwards slain; Of Joab slain by Benajath, at the Horns of the Altar. I might here add many more, but I conceive these are sufficient to prove my assertion, and to answer the Popish objection; That no Ecclesiastical Persons, holy times, or places, are free, and privileged from danger. If it be lawful (that is fit) according to the Proverb, to compare small things with great; This truth and observation, that all Persons, times, places, and Companies, are subject to danger, was verified to our Family; where Persons of the better rank, and Servants being together in the Kitchen, upon several employments, a Fowling-piece laden with great shot, Bullets, or Slugs; was involuntarily discharged, without the hurt of any Person; it's deadly burden, being by the great force of the Powder, buried, as in a Grave, in a large Hole in the Wall; That it might be a Daily remembrancer of God's gracious providence, and our deliverance, and excite continually our thankfulness. Psal. 6.43. Lord, thy Word likens men's Mouths, to Bows or Quivers of Arrows, which many times unwarily, and unadvisedly shoot sharp Arrows, even bitter words: In the same sense, they may also be compared to Guns, out of which Gun-powder-wits, shoot forth piercing jeers, flouts and slanders; to the blowing up, and firing the good Names and passions of themselves, and those they converse with; O be thou therefore pleased to shield me in, and deliver me from such Company; Yea, set a watch upon my Lips, that I offend not with my Tongue, so shall I not shoot at, Psal. 141.3. or be shot at by others; And join that Mercy, with this other to my Family, in my Thanksgiving; For which I praise thee, as shall my children's Children, when they shall read this; and the rest of thy most gracious providences, and merciful deliverances to me, and mine. Amen. PROVIDENCE. A Poem upon the same Subject. ALl Actings here, are ordered from above, Although they seem excentrical to move; Like Watch's Wheels, turned by a Spring unseen; In this World's Play, Dame Fortune hath no scene; The Down of Snow, and the white Candid Balls Of Hail, do not irregularly fall; Sparrows and Hairs do not upon Earth light, Mat. 10.29, 30. Without Divine appointment, and foresight; No second cause preferred, nor happy chance, Esth. 2.16, 17. Did Esther, to the Persian Throne advance; Not Michals wit, nor Planets good Aspect, 1 Sam. 19.13. Did David from the Sword of Saul protect; But the Almighty's presence, which doth Eye, And Govern all things, (this is Destiny.) Thus was a piece ordered, to wound the Wall, When carelessly discharged, missing them all, Within that Room; unto the wonder, joy, Of our whole Family, freed from annoy. All kinds of Death are fearful, most of all, That which is sudden, since by it doth fall, Souls, with men's Bodies, oft into a Tomb, From whence there is no Resurrection: How great was then this Mercy, Lord, that spared, Some unconverted, others unprepared For Death, leaving to Us, within that Room, Deep Characters of thy protection? Unto thy praise, let's raise Pyramidies; And Print them here, and in our memories; And since thy presence only doth protect, Let it produce in Us this blessed effect; That we may always fear to sin, so shall we be, Free from this double Death, and Cas'alty, Dreading no dangers, fate, or destiny, Because before prepared to live, or die. Amen. ARGUMENT. Being a thankful remembrance and acknowledgement of the Lord's great goodness and bounty, in giving Me by one, and my only Wife, Sixteen Children. Soliloquium, or Discourse. MArriage is honourable amongst all Men, and the Bed undefiled; not only to the Jewish, but Gentile Nations. Insomuch that some Commonwealths have allotted great rewards, privileges, and immunities, to the Parents, (that in lawful Wedlock) have had many Children; Yea, the Holy Ghost records it (no doubt) to the honour of Jaier, the Gileadite, Judg. 10.4. Judg. 8.30. that he had thirty Sons, to whom he gave thirty Cities; and of Gideon, that he had threescore and ten Sons. The poorest Man that hath a numerous Issue, is therein more serviceable, and a greater Benefactor to the Church and State, than the noblest, and richest Subjects, that have few or none; To whom the Scriptures gives this name of diminution, Isa 56.3. that they are barren, and dry Trees in the Vineyard of the Church, and Commonwealth; Host 9 14. The consideration of which sad, and unfruitful condition, 1 Sam. 1.7, 10. caused the Melancholy of Hanna, the passionate speech of Rachel, Gen. 30.1. Give me Children, or else I die; and the discontented reply, Gen. 15.1, 2. (to say no worse) of faithful Abraham, to the Lords most gracious offer, and promise, I will be thy Shield, and thy exceeding great reward; Lord, what wilt thou give me, since I go Childless? On the other side, the happiness, Gen. 15.5. Gen. 22.17. Gen. 46.8. Unto Vers. 28. Ruth 4.11. and blessedness of fruitfulness, is held forth in God's after-promise to Abraham; that he should be the Father of many Nations, and that his Seed should be as the Sand of the Seashore, and the Stars of Heaven; In his blessing upon Jacob, in giving him Twelve Sons, the Roots and Basis of that great and National Church, and of his only people, the Twelve Tribes of Israel. This blessing, as the greatest and richest of temporal good things, is set in the front of the Psalmist's Song of praise; that our Sons may be as plants grown up in their Youth, and our Daughters may be as Corner-stones, Psal▪ 14.12. polished after the similitude of a Palace; Yea, it is held forth, not only as a blessing too, but as a discovering Character (many times) of a godly Man; Thy Wife shall be as a fruitful Vine, by the sides of thine House; Thy Children like Olive-plants, round about thy Table: Behold, Psal. 128.3, 4. that thus shall the Man be blessed that feareth the Lord. O most gracious, and liberal God, and Father; are a numerous Issue, and many hopeful Children a great blessing? yea, the richest of all outward temporal gifts, as hath been here noted, and is observed in the following Poem; How great hath been thy goodness unto me, and how many are my Obligations to thee? that hast given me by one Wife, Sixteen Olive-branches▪ and them circumstantiated, with divers remarkable favours. Many have had Children, but much to their grief, as mournfully falling out of a living Coffin of Flesh, into a dead one of Earth; or expiring, not long after; Whereas, all mine (except four) are in great mercy continued to me in life and health, unto this Day: And as for the four deceased, two of them being Daughters, they departed hence, about the age of four years; (a time of much innocency:) The other two being a Son, and a Daughter, and both gracious Children, slept in the Lord, after they had attained unto years of discretion; and therefore I have good reason in Charity, to hope they are all with God in Glory. Divers Persons have Children, but they, through their Parent's error, or neglect, involuntarily, or voluntarily (which ●●st is most to be lamented) have departed hence, unsealed, unbaptised; But the Lord hath greatly favoured me, in giving me the honour, to offer all but one (born when I was absent in the Wars) to him in Baptism, with fervent prayer and thanksgiving. Many have Children, but they are either redundant or defective in their Members, or Senses, or otherwise deformed; But the Lord graciously gave unto me, mine, perfect and well-favoured; Others have Issue, but they are all of one Sex; But the Lord beneficially, almost equally divided my number, giving me Seven Sons, and Nine Daughters. Several Persons have a large Progeny, but they prove to be pricks in their Eyes, and thorns to their sides, by their wicked lives, and disobedience; (but the good Lord, blessed be his Name) hath given me to see some Characters of saving Grace ingraved by his blessed Spirit, in the major part of mine; and some good hopes of the rest, in God's good time. O Lord, hast thou enriched me with the best Earthly Treasures? sixteen Sons, and Daughters; and multiplied that number of Mercies, as to the many blessings, Temporal, Spiritual, Eternal, conferred upon the greater part of them already; and upon the rest, in that thy Sealed Covenant of Baptism, Gen. 17.7. and in thy faithful promise, made to me, as well as to Abraham; since thou hast given me to believe, and to plead it here before thee; I will be thy God, and the God of thy Seed: Psal. 116.12. What shall I render unto thee, O Lord, for all these thy benefits? Since I, and my Children, are but like seventeen Ciphers, Act. 2.27. Act. 3.14. Rev. 7.4. Psal. 87.5, 6. which signify nothing, unless thou place with, and before us, that only blessed Unite, thy Holy One, the Lord Jesus, in, and by whom we shall be accounted of a great value with thee; and be numbered amongst thy Saints: O let me, and my children's Children, obey and glorify thee, until time be swallowed up in Eternity; that what is wanting now, as to our thankfulness, may be in some measure, (although never enough, for thy mercies are unmeasurable) be supplied in the length of years, and by so many, and in, and by their multiplied Generations; for whose sakes, as well as for this present Age, I humbly Register here, both thy blessings, and my perpetual praises. Amen. The BEEHIVE. A thankful Poem on the same Subject. HAst thou, O gracious God, so highly honoured me, As to co-work, and be thy humble Instrument, To bring forth Souls, arrayed with Immortality, Mat. 16.26. 〈◊〉 worth than this whole world, with its rich ornaments, Gen. 1.26, 27. 〈◊〉 being living Images of Thee, by right, Col. 1.12. Of Christ, in posse, to be glorious Saints in Light? Hast thou by me, O Lord, as thy blessed second cause, 〈…〉, that for their rare excelling frame, Cor. 3.18. Are 〈◊〉 worlds; and through obedience to thy Laws, And Faith; shall be like thee, and truly fear thy Name? Hast thou me given sixteen Tongues, Rev. 2.17. and sixteen pair Of Hands and Feet, to praise, serve thee; for thine they are? Act. 11.26. And shall my Muse be silent? All these Tongues be d●mb, As to thy praise? No Lord, through thy assisting grace, I, and my swarm of Children, Isay 8.18. shall become A holy Choir, a little Church, thy dwelling Place; Col. 4.15. The Trumpets of that Goodness, which gives me to see Sixteen fair Branches from one blessed Tree. Psal. 90.1. Lord, did thy Abraham esteem one Isaac more Than all his Earthly wealth? Are a Posterity, Gen 15.2. The living Monuments of Parents, a rich Ore? Our lively Pourtraictures, in whom we never die; Pillars of Families, and the Foundations, And Builders up of Churches, Cities, Nations. The strength of Kingdoms, Riches of a State; The honour, and defence of their weak aged Sires, As ready for to meet the Enemies in the Gate, Psal. 127.4, 5. A gift only from thee; the fruit of chaste desires, Psal. 11.3, 6. Nature's prime Flowers for beauty; and which long endure, Our choicest Householdstuff, and richest Furniture. Psal. 127.3. O let me, as my properest act of Gratitude, As living Sacrifices, offer them to thee, And to thy Service; since such servitude, Their freedom is, (as once I did in Baptism,) Lord, hear my fervent Prayer, and answer give, Joh. 8.36. 2 Cor. 4.16. Eph. 4.23. Rom. 6.4. Granting them all, in thee, a renewed life to live. Amen. ARGUMENT. Upon the Lord's most bountiful goodness in giving me an Estate of Inheritance, of about Three Thousand, Three Hundred Pounds a Year; and upon his wise and righteous Providence since, in his Reassumption, Job 1.21. and taking it from me: Naked come I out of my Mother's Womb, and naked shall I return thither▪ The Lord hath given, and the Lord hath taken; blessed be the name of the Lord. Soliloquium, or Discourse. HOw wonderful, various, and mysterious, are the actings of God in this World; so that no Man knoweth love, or hatred, by all that is before them: All things come alike to all: Eccl▪ 9.1, 2. There is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; Let no Man therefore rashly Judge himself, or his Brother, Mat. 7 1, 2. as to these mundain, and subsolary Dispensations; lest he be judged of the Lord, and possibly before he dies; in another give Judgement upon himself. Job 43.7, 8. This was the great sin of Job's Religious Friends, Psal. 35.11, 16. and David's wicked Enemies, in their change and low condition; who censured the one for his hypocrisy, and the other as a Rebel, and a Traitor. Wherefore, as private persons Judge not before the time; 1 Sam. 22.8. when the Lord hath promised that the righteousness of all his people, shall shine forth as the light, 1 Cor. 4, 5. Psal. 37.6. and their Judgement as the Noonday. Man's state in this World, is much like the Moon, to Day in the full, glorious and lightsome; to Morrow in the Wane, dark, and scarcely visible: 1 Tim. 6.17. The Holy Spirit styling all our good things here, Prov. 2.3, 5. uncertain Riches, and compares them to an Eagle that hath Wings, and suddenly flies away; Of this truth, the Lord (to his praise be it spoken) (for, Job ●. 1●. shall I receive good, and not evil from the Lord?) hath made me an eminent Example; when he ordered my light to be blown out by one breath; And I, and my numerous Family, Psal. 119.75. to be lest to starving, and darkness; And all this, not in hatred, but in his wonderful love; which I shall here declare, to all the people of God, (from experience, which is the truest demonstration) and to the carnal World, to whom this is a great mystery; My gracious God, since this my suffering condition, having, instead of my Earthly possessions, given me himself, (the everlasting fullness of all things) to be my unvaluable Inheritance; The knowledge, and assurance of which inestimable gift, of being his, and he mine; And of the Concomitants, and fruits thereof; Eternal Life, and Glory (notwithstanding my early Conversion) I would (had it been purchaseable) have given a World for, Mat. 16.26. in my prosperity; For, what shall a Man gain, though he possess the whole World, if he lose his Soul? yea, what shall a Man give in Exchange for his Soul? And as to the present Cloud over me, the World beholds only the dark, not the light-side thereof; Viz. The wonderful providences, and preservations, conferred and accumilated, both upon me, and mine, during my above Eight Years restraint, and separation; which is the Lord give me leave, and life, I shall in all humble thankfulness to God's glory, and his Churches good, 1 Sam. 24.7, 8. Dan. 6.23. Dan. 3.27. 1 King. 17.6. more at large declare; He having preserved me often, as he did David, Daniel, and the Three Children in the Cave, Lion's Den, and Fiery Furnace; and provided for me, and mine, as strangely as he did for Eliath, when fed with Flesh by the Beaks of wild and Flesh-devouring Ravens. Eternal Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Three glorious Persons, One Omnipotent, and Incomprehensible God, and Being; my God in Covenant, my gracious Father, in thy only begotten, and beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, my alone Redeemer; Joh. 4.8. The only Fountain of love, and goodness; for thou art love, and a God of tender mercies: Who didst not only give me a large paternal Estate, but when that was all taken from me, for five Years, in the late Wars, didst in that time of my want, and necessity, relieve me and my numerous Family by the gift of a good Revenue, (the Legacy of my Wi●es Father) who did not only after the end of the late troubles, in the Year 1646. Restore to me my confiscated Estate; but greatly increased it, giving to me four good Houses, most pleasant Seats; which I built, and planted not, (as thou didst once to Israel;) together with a revenue, of about Three Thousand Three Hundred Pounds a Year, Lands of Inheritance. And now Lord, Deut. 19.1. which is a favour above all the rest, thou hast been pleased to exchange my earthly possession, for an Eternal Inheritance, purchased for me, by the infinitely precious blood of thy own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ; And made sure unto me, by thy deed, and new Covenant of Grace; Witnessed, Sealed, and delivered to me, by the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth. Thus Lord hast thou made my loss, my gain, and converted my earthly poverty, into the riches of Heaven; made me to thy people, and to after Ages, a Monument of thy mercy, and a witness of thy faithfulness; in preserving me, when thou leadest me through the Fire, Isa. 43.2. and through the Water, and deliverest me in Six, and Seven troubles; Yea, whatsoever thou didst so largely promise to thine, Job 5.9. Psal. 91. throughout. Psal. 126.13. in the Ninety first Psalm, by thy Prophet, thou hast graciously fulfilled to me. Wherefore, I will take the Cup of Salvation, and call upon thy Name, O Lord; and pay my Vows unto Thee, in the midst of the Congregation of thy People: Yea, by this Paper-Herald, I will proclaim and transmit to posterity, the many great, and unparallelled favours, to me, and mine; that so the future Generations, of those that love, and fear thee, may trust in thee, and praise, and serve thee also, until time shall be no more. Amen. The ROYAL EXCHANGE. A corollary Poem upon the former Subject. WHen the Almighty Power, the Eternal Light, The Abyss of Wisdom, living Spring Of Life, and Goodness, out of Nothing's Night, Brought forth the Seeds of every thing, Gen. ●. throughout. All Creatures were Created good: no change, From their first Law, did then produce, Any defect, in all this lower Range, Of Works, prepared for Man's Use; Till Man, their Lord, by Deviation Gen. 3.17. From God's blessed Rule, brought, through his Curse, A Change, upon this World's Creation; Yea, Death, of all things the worst: Hence is it, that the once pure Elements, Corrupt, imperfect are; yea, fight With one another; not at all content, With Nature's bounds, and their first right. Yea, limping Age, succeeds our frolic Youth; And poverty, a prosperous State; Disgrace, high honours; and disasters, doth Dog our delights; now love, than hate Affects Us; This Day we speak high, The next, we cause have for to mourn; Now we are well, to Morrow sick, and die; Like Seas, our Calms, forego a storm. Psal. 148.6. Thus living Creatures, and Inanimate, Prove, and obey God's just Decree; That Man that was unsteadfast, and ingrate, Might plagued be, with Inconstancy, Of theirs, and of his own Condition; And as in a clear Mirror see, (In order unto his Conversion) Eccl. 1.14. Their Emptiness, and Vanity. These are Gods Hieroglyphics, in which we, By a conjunct Experience, May read all Creatures Mutability, If fixed not in the Eternal Ens. Blessed be our great Mathematician, That from this lower circumference, Draws all these lines, and makes them meet again, Fixed in our Centre, God Immense. Lord, to myself, and others, thou hast me, Ordered to be, a Map of Change; One of these teaching Figures, never free, From some removes, (These last more strange Than all forepast:) As from the second place, Of honour in three Nations State; To be the Object of this World's disgrace, Of obliquy, and highest hate. That after Twenty Years, hard service done, (Upon my Countries call) wherein I lost Five Thousand Pounds; yet asked no boon, Nor wages, whilst I sat therein, Should now a Prisoner be for life; and dead, As to the World, to Children, Wife, From Saints, and public Worship, separated: (My food, and comfort, joy, and life.) That after divers Thousand Pounds a Year Possession, in a Moment's time, I should deprived be of all, and fear, A starving both of me, and mine; That of four noble houses, and sweet Seats, In the prime places of this Isle; I should no Hive have for my swarms receipt, But live abroad, as an Exile. Dear Lord, am I Elisha-like, beset, With Troops of troubles? doth the World, 2 King. 6.14, 15, 16, 17. Like to his Servants, cry, He's lost? a Net Of Misery, is on him hurled. Lord, open thou their Eyes, and they shall see, That more is with me, than against; That Changes, have Exchanges, sent from Thee; By which, my State is much advanst. Instead of Mundane honour's bubble, thou Hast me Adopted for thy Son; Rom. 8.15. And granted me to know it, and to bow Both Knee, and Heart, for what is done; Impris'nment for life, and long restraint, Thou hast converted, made to be, A freedom; much enlarged▪ of which I vaunt, Gal. 5.1. As now, enjoying more of Thee. For Thousands loss of Pounds, and annual Rents, And Houses like to Paradise; Mar. 10.30. Thou hast a Hundred-fold, (freed from events,) Given me; and life, that never dies; 2 Cor. 4.1, 17. An House, not made with Hands, which is above, 2 Cor. 5.1, 2. 2 Tim. 4.7, 8. Eternal, built by Thee: yea more, A Crown, a Kingdom, where there's no removes; Assured, Luke 12.32. reserved for me in store. Psal. 113.5. O! who is like to thee? who but a God, Can gifts confer, so rich as these? Who would not service do to thee, whose Rod Is dipped in Honey, and whose fees, Are, for our weakness sake, set forth, compared, To Empires, precious Diadems, But do as far exceed, Terrene rewards, As Monarches do, our common Men? Let Worldly Princes, then, set a great rate, Upon their Crowns, and Signories; Wallow in pleasures; I'll not change my State, Nor Prison, for their Royalties; Mar. 10.30. Much less my future hopes, and sure entail, On me O Lord, through thy free grace, Of an Eternal Kingdom, not to fail, In Heaven, at th'end of my short Race. Until which blessed Hour, for which I wait, The Days of my appointed time, Job 14.14. With Job, my Prison, I will dedicate Unto thy Service, as a place Divine; To sing thy praises in, for this Exchange Of Earth, for Heaven; So shall I be, On Earth, in Heaven; until I change My Place, but not my Company. Amen. Soli Deo Gloria. AN ALPHABETICAL TABLE. Containing the Subject Matter of the foregoing Treatise, to direct the Reader by the Folio, to find readily any of the distinct Meditations, and Poems, set forth therein. Occasional Meditations. corollary Poems upon each immediately foregoing Subject. (A) Abortion. COncerning the Author's Recovery from the danger of an Abortion, and untimely Birth. The New Birth. folio 348 (B) Breaches. Burning. Concerning God's gracious prevention of Breaches betwixt him and his own Father, and betwixt him and his Father-in-Law. The Vmphire. folio 381 Upon God's preservation of him▪ and his Servant from being Burnt in their Lodgings in Sommerset-House. The Deliverance. folio 410 (C) Coach. Cough. Children. Concerning his preservation from any harm, when being alone in a Coach, he was violently cast out by the Jolt of the Coach-wheel upon a Stone. The Huricane. folio 355 Upon his Recovery from a dangerous Cough, and an Apprehension of Death. The Reprieve. folio 389 Upon God's great Goodness and Bounty, in giving him Sixteen Children by one and his only Wife. The Beehive. folio 428 (D) Drowning Drought. Dead Corpse. Concerning this Deliverance Three several times from Drowning. The Tempest. folio 359 The Angler. folio 360 Upon a great Drought, and the Answer of Prayer in the Removal thereof, Three Tea●●● successively (viz.) in the Tears 1637, 1638, 1639. The Lamentation. folio 384 The Application and Petition. folio 385 The Shower of Mercy. folio 386 Upon his sight of a dead Corpse. Earth's Jubilee. folio 386 The Thanksgiving. folio 387 The Triumph. folio 398 The Circle. folio 399 (E) Evils of Diseases. Viz. Surfeit, Consumption, Coughs, Pleurisy, Agues, etc. Upon his Recovery from a Surfeit; from a Consumption, from a Cough, from a Pleurisy, and from Two dangerous Agues, and other Diseases. The Bethesda. folio 393 (F) Fire. Upon God's preservation of his Houses Eleven times when a● Fire, from being burnt or much dammaged. The Extinguisher. folio 406 (G) Gift. Gain. Upon God's 〈…〉 goodness in giving him an Estate of above 3000. Pounds a Year, and upon his Mercy in ordering the loss thereof to his much greater gain. The Royal Exchange. folio 432 (H) Horse. Concerning his Recovery from several Hurts received by a Fall from his Horse in his Youth. Youth's Emblem. folio 352 Concerning his Preservation from any harm by Eight other several Falls from his Horse▪ The Octonary. folio 353 (ay) Infection. Upon God's gracious Preservation of his Horses and Stock from Infection, in Years of a great Rot and Murrane. The Shambles. folio 403 (K) Killing. Upon GOD's Preserving him from Killing, or being Killed, in his Lodgings in Sommerset-House, through a mistake. The Invisible Guard. folio 414 (L) Life. Upon God's gracious Preservation of him, and his Family's Life and Health, in Years of great Sickness and Mortality. The Protection. folio 400 (M) Marriage. Mystery. Concerning the great and holy Mystery held forth in God's Ordinance of Marriage. Epithelamium. folio 378 (N) Noctious Disease of the small Pox. Upon God's gracious deliverance of Him and his Wife Ten times from the Danger and Infection of that noctious Disease the small Pox, when it broke out in their respective Families. The House of Correction. folio 418 (O) Oversight. Upon God's gracious preserving many Persons of his Family from being hurt, or killed by the careless oversight of a Servant discharging a Gun laden with Bullets in the Room. Providence. folio 425 (P) Plague. 〈…〉 from the Infection of the Plague. The Antidote. folio 351 (Q) Quarry-Pit. Concerning his being preserved from falling Horse and Man into a deep Quarry-Pit in the Night. The Pitt. folio 357 (R) Robbers. Concerning his deliverance from Robbers, when Waylaid by them. The Rescue. folio 365 (S) Spider. Upon God's preservation of Him and his Wife from poisoning by a great Spider found at the bottom of their Cup. The Preservative. folio 421 (T) Travel. Concerning his deliverance in his Travel and Return to his House from being Smothered, as others then were in a great Snow. The Snowy Landscape. folio 362 (V) Vices. Concerning God's gracious preservation of Him from the Vices of the Times, when left young, without an Overseer in the City of London. The Metropolis. folio 370 (W) Wife. Concerning God's gracious providence and goodness to Him, in the gift of a good Wife. The good Wife. folio 374 AN ALPHABETICAL TABLE. Of the Significant Titles prefixed to the several Poems, with their respective Folioes, for the more ready finding, and turning to any of them. (A) folio 351 THe Antidote. folio 360 The Angler·s (B) folio 333 The Bethesda. (C) folio 399 The Circle. folio 418 The House of Correction. (D) folio 410 The Deliverance. (E) folio 378 The Epithelamium. folio 406 The Extinguisher. folio 432 The Royal Exchange. (F) (G) folio 414 The Invisible Guard. (H) folio 355 The Hurricane. folio 428 The Beehive. (ay) folio 386 Earth's Jubilee. (K) (L) folio 362 The Snowy Landscape. folio 384 The Lamentation. (M) folio 370 The Metropolis. (N) folio 348 The New-Birth. (O) The Octonary. folio 353 (P) The Pit. folio 357 The Petition. folio 385 The Protection. folio 400 The Preservative. folio 421 The Providence. folio 425 (Q) (R) The Remembrancer. folio 349 The Rescue. folio 365 The Reprieve. folio 389 (S) The Shower of Mercy. folio 386 The Shambles. folio 403 (T) The Tempest. folio 359 The Type and Antitipe. folio 379 The Thanksgiving. folio 386 The Triumph. folio 387 (V) folio 398 The Vmphire. folio 381 (W) The good Wife. folio 374 (X) (Y) Youth's Emblem. folio 352 The ERRATAS of the Press, which the Courteous Reader is desired to amend. PAge 357. Line 26 for went, wert. p. 361. l. 23. f. in, into. p. 364. l. 11. f. Temple, Tempe. p. 366. Mar. f. Eclet. Ephes. p. 368. l. 4. f. Meadoes, Meanders. l. 26. f (and subjects of) fit subjects for. p. 369. l. 30. f. time, true. p. 372. l. 7. f. by, but. l. 35. f. comfort, consort. p. 373. l. 28. f. be, by. p. 374. l. 33. f. filled, foiled. p. 376. l. 26. f. and, Ar. p. 379. l. 6. f. 'twas, twins. p. 381. l. 24. f. commenting, Cementing. p. 382. l. 22. f. draugt, drought. l. 25. f. Affection, Affliction. l. 33. f. this, his. p. 364. l. 33. f. (for) or. l. 34. f. Hive, Huwe.. p. 386. l. 5. f. wings, winds. l. 11. f. World, would. l. 31. f. morning, mourning. p. 387. l 6. f. feaversh, feverish. l. 16. f. Health, Heath. p. 388. l. 16. f. preluge, prelude. p. 390. l. 23. f. disasters. distempers. p. 399. l. 3● f. Chinicke, Chemic. p. 403. Mar. f. Gen. Lamon. p. 406. l. 4. f. varest, rarest. l. 31. f. down, downy. p. 410. Ma●. f. Ecletias'. f. Genes. 10: Genes. 19 p. 411. l. 28. leave out O. p. 416. l. 30. f. shakes, shales. p. 419. l. 5. f. your, you. p. 424. Mar. f. Psal. 6.43. Psal. 64.3. p. 427. Mar. f. Gen 15. ●7. Gen. 15.5. f. Gen. 22. p. Gen. 22.17. f. Gen. 46. Gen. 16. ●. p. 430. Mar. f. Job 43. Job. 42. p. 432. l. 14. f things, Changes. NOAH'S Dove; OR, AN EPISTLE OF PEACE, Directed to his Entirely affected Brethren, The PRESBYTERIAN, AND CONGREGATIONAL— MEN, As a Probable means for their Agreement and Union. IMPRIMAT. Joseph Carill. LONDON, Printed for T. W. for Ed. Husband, Printer for the House of Commons. 1645. NOAH'S Dove; OR, AN EPISTLE OF PEACE Directed to his Entirely affected Brethren, the Presbiterians, and Congregational-men, as a probable means for their Agreement and Union. Sincerely Beloved, I Have read of Two Children contending in the Womb of their Mother, the one beloved, Gen. 25.22. the other hated, Mal. 1.3. but ye are both Jacobs, both the Israel of God, O far be it from such Brethren to rend and lacerate their Mother's bowels, Gen. 45.24. or to fall out in the way. Are we not one Body, Eph. 4.6. and have we not all one spirit, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, Rom. 12.1. one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 1 Cor. 13.4. I beseech you by the mercies of God, Gal. 5.22. by the excellent effects of charity, by the fruits of the spirit, by the examples and commands of the Lord Jesus, mat. 11.29. Joh. 13.34, 35. and the Character of his Disciples, be meek and lowly, and love one another; So shall the Plots of Rome, and Hell be prevented, and all Sectaries shut their Mouths. Why should it be spoken to our shame, that there is not a wise Man amongst us? 1 Cor. 6.5, No, not one that is able to judge between his brethren. 6. But Brother asperses and declaims against Brother, 7. and that before the Antichristians. Now therefore there is utterly a fault amongst you; Know ye not that Revilers shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? 10. But some will answer, that they have received a new light; O be cautious, that novelty Eclipse not truth, since the last Days foretold and forewarned of by our Saviour, mat. 24.12. are at hand, wherein iniquity abounds, and the love of many waxes cold; hence Father against Son, and Son against Father, betraying one another, and hating one another; hence the Judgements of Famine and Pestilence; Nation rising up against Nation. So that the whole World seems to be on Fire before its time; Vers. 7.10. These Days, not I, but the Lord Jesus the great Prophet of his Church, dictates and points out to be the time when many false Christ's and Prophets (or Teachers of Christianity) shall arise; Vers. 11. & 24. who by their applause or excellency of parts, and external holiness, by which they shall show forth, as it were, signs and wonders, and gather a Multitude of Disciples, Declaring that in such a Meeting, Vers. 26. & 24. be it in Woods or Deserts, or in secret Chambers, the true way of Christ is to be found, deceiving as it were, if possible, the very Elect. Our Lord teaching us from hence, how near a similitude, these new Doctrines shall have to truth and true holiness. But be they as Paul, or Cephas in the Church, or as Angels from Heaven, believe them not; Verse 27. Gal. 1. ●. 2 Cor. 11.13. for as the Lightning comes out of the East, and shines even to the West, so shall also the glorious coming of the Son of Man be; that is, (as I humbly conceive) that his Gospel, which at first broke out like Lightning in the East, shall in this last Age upon the ruins, and through the Clouds of spiritual Babylon dart itself, and shine gloriously in our Western Churches, even to the Indies; that the other parallel Prophecy may be fulfilled by the subjecting and uniting Kingdoms of the Earth, unto the Kingdom of the Lord, Rev. 11.15. and of his Christ. Eph. 4.14. Let us not then be carried about with every mind of Doctrine, but hold fast the Gospel delivered to us by Christ and his Apostles in the Unity of his Spirit, Eph. 4.3. and the bond of peace, since other Foundation can no Man lay, 1 Cor. 3.11. it being a sin so much as to doubt, much more to defend, that the Fundamentals of our Religion, Rom. 14.23. some of which are mentioned by the Author to the Hebrews, and received by the Churches in all Ages, Heb. 6.1. are not to bind, as de futuro, as having a possibility upon new notions, to be nulled or changed, which is to make God a liar, to undermine his Church, and to pull down the Pillars thereof; For if the Foundations be destroyed, What shall? Nay, Psal. 12.3. what can the righteous do? Wherefore my humble suit unto our Master-builders, is, to keep the Foundation unmoveable, not permitting a Resurrection to ancient Heretics before the time, that so whatsoever Men build thereon, whether it be Gold or Stubble, 1 Cor. 3.12. may be brought to the Test in this Fiery Trial. Stand fast therefore Brethren in that liberty wherein Christ hath made us free, Gal. 5.1.13. not making your liberty a Cloak for maliciousness, not for an occasion to the Flesh, but by love serve one another; judging thus of one another, that he that loves his brother, abides in the light; but he that hates his brother, whatsoever he may boast of new discoveries, walks in darkness, 1 Joh. 2.9.1. and knows not whether he goes. Because that darkness hath blinded his eyes, and that whatsoever seems to be religious, and yet bridles not his Tongue, he deceives his own heart, Jam. 1.16. and his Religion is vain. But that I may not only persuade, but offer my Mite, I shall in all humility propose a medium; which if found agreeable to the Word of God, may through the blessing of the Almighty make up the breach, and reconcile your greatest difference. I conceive you both agree in these particulars, That all shall be Members, 1 Cor. 14.34. and have right to vote in your Churches (from which Votes▪ 2 Tim. 2.11. Women are excepted) shall not only be free from just scandal, that is profaneness, and the impenitent practice of any known Sin, 1 Cor. 5.11. but be endowed with a sufficiency of knowledge; 2 Cor. 6.14, 17 to which end (since your accord in the principles of Religion) I hope there will be speedily set forth and established, one short Catechism for Information and Examination. Next, in condescension to the impediments, I hear it is mutually resolved, that the Government of their respective Members, reconciling of inferior differences, and ordering their Conversations, even as far as Ordination, and the Censure of Excommunication, respect being had in Appeals to the Advice and Results of the Classes and Provincial Synods, and saving to the Presbyterians, their right be ordered by their particular Congregations. Eph. 2.21. Thus far we are knit together in one spiritual building and Temple of God. The great difference, if I understand it, is, the Tegument and Covering, which is indeed the Ornament, coupling and strength of the whole Edifice: as where shall rest (as to us) under the same Sceptre, the determinative and concluding Power, the end of Appeals, the regulation of that unlimited Plea, and overmuch extended liberty of Conscience, Joh: 17.21. that so we may be one, as Christ and his Father are one; this, some of you fix in a general Assembly, others limit to a particular Congregation; The first pleads not only Scripture analogically, but prudence for preserving union, and preventing of Tumults; as also antiquity, from the parallel in general Counsels and Parliaments, affirming that the other way, hath no Grounds in Scripture, since Churches were necessarily independent, no State being then Christian, that this way (by reason that our corrupt Nature hath no check) is destructive to the Unity of Religion: Since, according to the number of the Congregations will their Opinions, as also pernicious to Commonwealths; there being no Feuds so bloody and irreconcilable, as those that break out about points of Faith; instance in the Wars between Turk and Persian, Papists and Protestants in the Lutheran Contestations and Arian Persecutions. Lastly, They conclude an inconsistency in this way with Relations and Callings, disaffection and departure from Bed, Board, Families, and Employments, being experimental consequences of Religious differences. On the other side, the contracting party affirm, that a general Assembly differs but in Name from a Conclave of Cardinals, or Prelatical Synod, that every Member of the Church is free, and ought not in matters of Faith, to conclude himself by Proxy, that no Church hath power over another, or brethren (since the Apostles,) have dominion over the Consciences of their brethren, that their platform of Church Government ought to be, and is Jure Divino, that the Evangelical Scripture sets forth theirs, and no other. Now dear Brethren, give me your pardon and leave with Moses, Exod. 2.13. to step in betwixt your Combating with his Abraham's words, Why do ye contend, being ye are Brethren? Gen. 13▪ 8▪ it may be God giving a blessing, and each of you in his hand, I shall in my Preposition be a Medium to unite you, (only despise not my endeavours) since the Lord hides many things from the wise and prudent, Mat. 11.25. and reveals them to Babes. But to proceed, I observe neither of you arrogate to yourselves an infallibility, but piously seek an Orthodox and prudential way of Government, for the attaining and preserving GOD's truth; blessed are your endeavours; yea they shall be blessed. Wherefore I ask the Presbiterians, Why do ye extol and lift up a general Assembly above the rest of the Flock of Christ? To the Independents, I say, Why do ye prefer the Judgement of one particular Congregation, before the joint Votes of all refined Christian Churches of the Kingdom? surely the first will yield to me, that where most of God's People are, in their judgement, there is the greatest measure of his Spirit; and to such Assemblies principally, and to their Votes, are made all those gracious promises (I need not quote the places) concerning Christ's Spirit and Presence; I mean to such a Multitude, not of Men only, but of purged and visible Believers. The other, I presume, both from Grounds of Scripture, and Reason, will grant, that could the Votes of all the reputed and received Members of Christ, of their several Churches, be jointly taken, and in one place, they must be accepted, and are but as the Vote of one great Congregation; which though it hath an increase of Ministers and Elders, yet according to a true definition, for Essence, is a Church, and that more eminently, though not more truly, than the particular Congregations, of whom it consists, even as an Assembly made up of many Families, Col. 4.15. called by the Apostles, Churches of God; Rom. 16.5. is more excellent than its subdivisions. But that I may make good by Scripture, this incorporaing of Church's conjuncture and union of Votes, I shall remember you of these Three Chief Proofs, and Lights of Church Government, both for Doctrine and manners. The first shows the Primitive and Apostolic way of ending Controversies in Doctrine, by the summoning that great Assembly of the Members of the Churches of Jerusalem and Judea▪ of which Churches read Acts 11.1. and Gallat. 1.22. Therefore called a Multitude, Acts 15.12. In which the Apostles (although endued with an infallible Spirit) and the Elders of the Churches did not only Vote, and Decree matters (though that in many cases wherein the People consents, such Votes may be, and are necessary, expedient and lawful) but the whole Church, Verse 22. which compared with Acts 2. Verse 41. wherein Three Thousand are said to be converted; and with Acts 4. Verse 4. wherein Five Thousand were by One Sermon converted, clearly demonstrates, that this Assembly was composed of many Congregations, as further appears from the Apostles Teaching and Preaching in every House, Acts 5.42. How else could Eight Thousand Men, besides Women and Children, be taught and edified. The like is proved from the Election and choice of the Seven Deacons, by the Vote of the Multitude, Acts 6.5. where the Apostles, and Elders also were present, yea those whom the Holy Ghost Acts 2.47. calls a Church in a national respect, Compare Rom. 16.16. with the Postscript of that Epistle. he calls Churches, Acts 9.31. in a Congregational consideration. And lastly, in Corinth there more than probably appears to be many Congregations, else whence or where were these dissensions and divisions? some saying, I am of Paul; others, I am of Apollo, of Cephas, 1 Cor. 1.12. All the Members of which were commanded to meet in one Assembly for the Excommunication of the incestuous Persons, 1 Cor. 5.4. Where note, they were to meet, to whom the Epistle was directed, and who are admonished to mourn: But the Epistle and Exhortation was directed to the whole Church of Corinth, and not to the Elders only; Ergo, the whole Congregation, when they shall desire it, have a right to a Vote and censure. Having thus fully proved by Scripture, that in Cities and Provinces, and consequently in Kingdoms, the Members of particular Congregations may, and were by command to meet for the deciding of any great difference, yea, the Apostles, though of an infallible Spirit, did not contradict, but gave both approbation and institution to that liberty. Act. 1.15.23. I shall with humblest submission offer this following preposition, Act. 21.22. as a right and fit Medium of reconciliation. That in all great Schisms and Heresies, overspreading whole Churches, if the breach cannot be made up by advice, argument, and subordinate Discipline, either Congregational or Presbyterian, an Appeal be made to a general Assembly, who after the stating, disputing, and voting such Points in difference, together with the merit of the offence (the Recusant Church or Churches, notwithstanding continuing unsatisfied) that then the Assembly adjourn that Sessions for Three Months; in which time, the Assembly, Members of each Congregation to be ordered after Fasting and Prayer, to state the Question, and declare their Arguments, and Judgement of the General Assembly to their particular Churches, and so accordingly at that Meeting receive and bring up each Church's Vote and Sentence, with the number (because of the disproportion of Parishes) summed up of those that affirm, and those that descent, that so at the next Session the Question may be decided and concluded by the major Vote, both of Churches and Members; which Scripture-way will not only by a Religious Policy from time to time discover the temper, pulse, and inclination of the whole Kingdom, and consequently administer a great help and direction to Government, but will give full satisfaction to all, (unless to obstinate Heretics) as being the Judgement and Vote (even by the Pole) of all the visible and undividual Christians of the Kingdom politically united, as in one Congregation; yea the disobedient will be left without excuse, and justly liable to their Sentence of Excommunication. But put the Question, a considerable number of Churches in the Kingdom give in their Vote, with a new opinion hazarding a rent and division in the Nation? I Answer, that upon so sad an occasion, our Church (in imitation of the ancient calling of General Counsels, upon the overflowing of Heresy) ought to desire the Judgement and assistance, and that by additional Votes (if it may be) of all the reformed Churches in the World, which comes nearest to the Judgement of the holy Catholic Church, the Body of Christ, to which he hath promised his presence and spirit of truth to the end; and therefore must, Mat. 28.20. as to each particular State or Church, though not infallibly, yet prudentially, end and conclude by obedience, either active or passive, the discenting Churches, whom the civil Magistrate, after the Church's Excommunication, is to order by Banishment or lesser punishment, according as their Doctrines shall be more or less prejudicial to the State wherein they live: 2 Cor. 15. v. 12, 13, 14. Which, since they suffer as evil doers, is (as to that Commonwealth) a civil and necessary act of preservative Justice, not an enforcing of Conscience or Persecution. Mat. 18.17. Thus fervently beseeching the blessing of the Alwise God, upon my poor endeavours, trusting that in the Bowels of love and charity, I have in sincerity and plainness declared unto you the mind of Christ in all humility, I conclude, The unworthiest of all the Servants of the Lord Jesus, J. H. FINIS.