THE INVISIBLE Things of GOD Brought to light by the REVELATION of the ETERNAL SPIRIT who was an ey-witness of the wonders of the Lord in the beginning. Wherein is declared the Felicity of all things in the beginning; and the sad estate of all things after the transgression. How all the reformed Churches, so called, in Christendom are yet in the Apostasy. The estate of the true Church before the Apostasy, and her state in the Apostasy; And the glory that shall appear after the Apostasy. By one, who believes, God will shine out of Zion in perfect beauty, again, after the dark night of Apostasy, called Francis howgil. The Light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sun, and the light of the Sun as Seven days. And he will destroy in this mountain, the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all Nations, Isai. 25, 7. London, Printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659. THE EPISTLE TO THE READER OR Readers▪ TO the upright hearted Reader, in all the Regions of the Earth wherein this may come, who have walked in the thick fogs and mists which hath arisen out of the bottomless pit, which hath been raised up since the transgression, which have dimmed your eyes & hurt your sight, so that you could not behold, the pure Celestial being, nor him that dwells in it, whose presence gives Life, nor any thing within the vail, because the vail hath been spread over all Nations, and it hath been so thick that it hath been hard for any to rend it, and the night of Apostasy and darkness hath been so long, since the woman fled into the wilderness, and since the manchild which was born, hath been caught up to God, that few or none for this many ages past hath come to see the end of the night, but hath mourned without hope, and few or none hath seen or hath been able to discern the time of the woman's return out of the wilderness again into which she fled, and few or none hath seen to the end of the times after which she should return, and men's sight in the Apostasy hath been so dime, and in the vexation, that when the manchild, which was caught up unto God, would appear again, few hath had faith to believe, or sight to he hold him, or an understanding to deserve of the times; But praises be to the Lord God everlasting, who hath opened, is and opening the windows of heaven, and showering down his wisdom as a mighty rain, & his knowledge as the morning dew, and an understanding is pouring forth, as the water out of the bottles of heaven & as the water spouts, so that ages, times, things, days and years is measured and seen. And him that was before all things is beholden, by whom all things was made, who hath been, as in a far country, all this long night of darkness, but the time is fully expired and now is he returning, and his appearance is as a morning without clouds, as clear as the Sun, and as pure as Crystal, and now is he scattering the clouds, fogs and mists, as with the East wind, & his pure breath clears the air, and by his arm which is mighty, is he renting the vail of the covering, according to his promise, & revealing himself in his naked glory, that the solitary may rejoice, and the feeble may be comforted, and them that have erred may come to a good un-understanding; what I have writ thou must read me only in that which is invisible and eternal in thyself, else I am sealed from thee, my words are a riddle, and although the the dreamers of this age in the apostasy say, Imeditate revelation is ceased, and not to be looked for; yet I must needs bear my testimony against them all, for what I have here written I neither received of man, nor from man, nor books, nor other words, but by the eternal spirit, who saw these things, and was an eye-witness of them, and God through it hath revealed them in me, and to me, that I might bear my testimony of the hidden things of God which are eternal although I have made use of the scriptures (and the saints words, and cited some) it is not for my sake, but thine who reads, that so every truth may be confirmed, by 2. or 3. witnesses; If thou wait to know and find the key of David, who opens in what I have declared, thou wilt see the state of things before the fall, and after the fall, & how all men in the fall have corrupted themselves in all administrations, thou wilt see the state of the Church before the apostasy, in the apostasy, and what shall be after the apostasy, and if thou cannot reach into the things as they are declared, judge them not before the day appear in thyself; for till then, they will be obscure to thee, but as it appears in thee, thou shalt bear me witness that these things are holy, faithful, and true, and hath and shall be fulfilled, in that which is immutable; I bid thee farewell. F H. The chief particulars, or heads in the ensuiug discourse treated upon, and opened by the Spirit of the Lord, who was an ey-witness unto these things. 1. THe work of the Lord declared which was in the beginning, when the word was with God, and man in the image of God. 2. Although the heavens and the Earth were created, and all things therein finished; yet the world was not begun, that lay in wickedness, which the Devil is the God of; neither was Christ the mystery hid, nor the Lamb slain. 3. The understanding may read the Wisdom of God in a mystery, and also may see the sottish Doctrine of the apostates. 4. An objection answered. 5. Another objection answered. 6. How peace, joy and delight possessed every thing that God had made; how every thing which he had form glorified him with one consent in the beginning. 7. How man lost his state and dominion and unity with God, and all the creatures, and how the Lamb came to be slain, and the world that lay in wickedness came to be framed in man after the tempter entered; how endless misery can in upon all, after the transgression. 8. How sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and how man is dead while he lives; and all is dead works that he acteth, and the state of all the sons of men, and their works may be seen in the fall. 9 3. Objections answered about this particular. 10. Self righteousness, deeds of darkness also, and dead works, and are to be condemned also, and man who acteth them in the fall. 11. An objection answered, as to the present state of the Ministry of the Nations, their practice and their worship. 12. An objection, as to the Churches so called and their worship in the Nations. 13. The dark and blind Doctrines of the Ranters denied. 14. An objection about reading the Scriptures and conforming to the outward practice of the Saints in former ages. 15. How all men upon the earth in the degeneration & in the fall have corrupted themselves, and have been Idolaters in every administration, being gone from the life and Power of God in themselves, And having lost the Power of God, man can neither worship, honour nor obey God aright. 16. A few words to that which is called Christendom, who profess Christianity. 17. Something about water-baptism, to both Priests and separatists. 18. Something about Rome in the apostasy, and all their worship in the degeneration. 19 The Protestants or Reformed Churches so called, not yet come out of the waters nor from under the beasts Power. 20. The Presbyters and Independants are yet under Antichrists Reign, in the apostasy, and have among them yet the Attire of the Whore. 21. How the woman that traveled in birth, who was clothed with the Sun, and brought forth the man-child, fled into the wilderness, when the Dragon had power, and the manchild was caught up unto God. 22. How the woman comes out again, and when, and he that was caught up unto God, descends again, and appears again to take the Rule to himself, and how he makes war with the Dragon, and all the apostates, and overcomes them. 23. How the glory of the Lord shall appear after the apostasy greater than before, and the ministration into which them that follow the Lamb shall be brought, shall be more spiritual & celestial then before; for that shall appear in which all visible types and shadows ends in, and shall be the last that is to be expected by the sons of men, the sight of which hath appeared which yet cannot be uttered. 24 What the day of the Lord is, and to whom it hath appeared, and how it is seen, and discovered. 25 What it is, and what it will be to the wicked, declared. 26. What it is to the righteous, and how he appears to them, and whether we are to look for it while in the body, resolved. 27. Where it doth appear, and how it cometh, and how it is to be looked for, declared. 28. What the Spirit of the Lord is, and how it comes to be received, which discovers the the things of God. 29. How the spirit of truth worketh, and operateth in them who are convinced, and yet have not obeyed it, showed. 30 How the spirit of the Father worketh in them who harken to it, and are in some measure made partakers of its power, shown. 31 Unto whom the spirit of the Father bears witness, and seals assurance of the Father's love, and of justification with God, declared. 32 What the grace of God is, which is free, and to whom it hath appeared, and where all is to wait to receive it. 33 whether all have received the grace of God or no, and whether it be a sufficient teacher in itself, demonstrated. 34 Some objections answered. 35 A word to the wise men of this world who are glorying in the sound of words. 36 Also another to them who are glorying in outward appear ances, and worshipping visible things in stead of the life. 37 The Kingdom of God and his Christ declared, in some measure as it is revaled by the spirit, what it is, and where it is to be waited for, and how it comes to be revealed in them that believe. 38 Divers Objections answered. The work of the Lord declared, which was in the beginning, when the word was with God, and was the Father's delight, and man made in the Image of God, and lived in the Lamb's Power, and he was man's life, and this was before the transgression of these declared, as God hath manifested them by his Spirit. IN the beginning was the Word; and the Word was with God; and the Word was God; the same was in the beginning before the foundation of the Earth was laid, or the Hills were framed, he was with the Father, and was the Father's delight, and he delighted in the Father, and the Father in him, than did the morning stars sing together, and the Son of God shout for joy. In the beginning were the heavens created and the Pillars theref set; & the earth was framed by the Power, and all things both in the Heaven and In the Earth were created by the Power, God's Son; every Beast of the field, every fowl of the Heaven, and the decreed place for the Sea was broken up, and all things that moveth therein were created by the word and by the Power, and man was made by the Power, and in the Power, and he was the Image of God; as it is written, In the Image of God created he him, Male and Female created he them, and he had dominion over all the works of his hands, over every beast of the field, which were created by the Power, over the Serpent, among the rest, which was created by the Power, and was good, as he was made in the Power; and by the wisdom they were all brought forth, and man made in that wisdom that brought them forth, who was better than them all, and was made partakers of the Power and of the Wisdom more than them all, and by the wisdom called every thing as is was in its nature, so named he everything, and the dominion he had was in the Power over all things, over all the Creation of God, which was good, and the Earth, and all things that are therein, the tree of knowledge good, that stood in the garden also, but not for food▪ so these be the generations of the Heavens and the Earth, in the day when God created them they were all good, made and created by God, in the Power Eternal, which is good, unchangeably good, without variation, and the unchangeable Power, in which and by which they were made, moved in them all, and they all received virtue and Power from the Power, God's Son; and the Power moved in them all, and shined through them all, and ran through them all; and they were all to abide in the Covenant, in which they were made, and not any to move or act without the Power, but only as the Power which was the life of them all moved them and acted them, and so goodness possessed them all; for all was partakers of the goodness of God, and it was the life of them, and they were none of them to move nor stir, but as the life of men, the Power by which they were created, moved them, which was God's Son: the Heavens and the Earth were finished, and all things that therein are, and they were all good; and this saying was true then, which was spoken by Christ the Power, many generations after, I in them, and thou in me, and all was perfect in one, the Father was in the Power, the Power was in the Father, and all the Creatures in the Power: Now was the Father glorified; now was the Son glorified, now was man in Dominion, in Power, crowned with honour, Lord over all the works that God had made, in the Power; and now the whole Family both of Heaven and Earth bowed their knees to the Lamb, to the Power, and this was then fulfilled, at the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow, both of things in Heaven, and things in Earth; and his Name was now the Word of God; and this was in the beginning, and the Word of God is the Power of God: and now both the Celestial bodies and terresterial bodies were all subject to the Power, and all the works of the Lords hands were finished, and he rested, and all, both things in Heaven and Earth rested in the power, and all kept holiday and rejoiced. Though the Heavens and the Earth were created, and all things wrought and finished, yet the world was not begun, that lay in wickedness, which the Devil is the God of, neither was the Power, which is Christ, the mystery hid, neither was the Lamb slain yet. Now after all was made and created, and were good, and blessed, and endued with power, life and virtue, according to the purpose of his heavenly will which is eternally pure, yet was not the lamb slain, nor the mystery hid, which is the power, which is Christ; for what should slay him, or what should hide him? he that reads let him understand; this that I speak of, cannot be reached unto with that Wisdom that stands in time, which was not in the beginning with God, that is shut out, but the wise in heart shall understand knowledge, and the prudent shall know what hath been in the beginning, and of his wonderful works in the days of old, and of the mystry which was before the world began, when the Lamb was in glory, the Son in glory, Christ in glory, the first born of every creature, and was born before the world began, he that hath an ear to hear let him hear; when all that God had made and brought forth by the word, by the Power, was blessed, and stood in the Power, than did the Lamb sit in his throne, than was he the delight of God, and God in him, and all that was made by him rejoiced in him, here was love, here was glory, here was purity, unity and a sweet harmony, joy, peace, love, eternal life, God's power ran through all; All was good, Christ was not now hid, he shed himself abroad, and all things was partakers of his power in which they were made, here was happiness, blessedness, joy, dominion, everlasting and eternal felicity, innocency, purity and perfection, and man in it, God in it, the Lamb in it, man in it after his own image, the Mystery of godliness was not hid, there was nothing to hide it, or overshadow it, no vail, no covering, but righteousness was manifest, and was the covering of all, inocency, the clothing of all, purity the robe of all, and life the dwelling place of all; and all the works of his hands rested with the Father, with the Lamb, with the Word, with the power, with Christ in glory, with the Father, in the etenall glory, whereby all was upheld, in purity, unity, harmony; answering the pure will of God, and man had power to answer the will of his Maker, which he received from God the Father of life by the power in which he was made, and to abide in the will of God for ever, and herein he and all things in heaven and the whole family thereof, and all the holy host of God bowed to the lambs power, and he reigned, & the Angels were subject to the first born of every creature, before the Angels or before any thing was made, he was; his age who can declare, or his generation? his age runs parallel with eternity, with immortality, and came from the eternal womb, & from the bosom of the Father, where he is, even where he was before the world began; he that reads let him understand, now the power ruling in all, and over all, all was in peace, and was blessed. Now the Angel stood in his power, moved in his power, and all the Celestial bodies went in and out at his command, and moved not, nor stirred not, but when he moved; & this was then fulfilled, let all the Angels worship him, and so they did, reverenced him, were subject to him, sang and rejoiced in him, triumphed in in his power, and all the Holy Host moved at his command, and marched on in his strength to perform his will, & to accomplish his everlasting purpose, and to fulfil his eternal decree, and gave glory to him who sat upon the throne of righteousness, and judged in righteousness for ever, and ruled in righteousness for ever, there was joy in heaven, the Father rejoiced, the Son rejoiced, the Angels rejoiced, the morning stars sang, the the Sons of God shouted for joy, the holy Host gave praise, and all praised in the firmament of his power, in which they stood, moved, walked, lived, and accomplished the pure perpetual & eternal decree of their maker, Moreover, the terrestrial bodies were all subject to him, he reigned in all, over all, moved all, gave Life to all, and was the Life of Adam, of the male, and the Female, and then was this fulfilled, even then, which was spoken in time, though by him who was before all time, who was the life of all things; I say he lived then, and because he lived, man lived also, for he was his Life; now Christ the power reigned over all, and all in the Lamb's power were subject in a sweet harmony, answering the pure will of their Lord, their King that lived for ever, who was upon his throne in the heavens, and now his kingdom was over all, there was joy in heaven, there was peace on earth, the good will of God was done; In Earth as it was in heaven. Oh beautiful, oh glorious, oh comely, oh admirable, oh incomprehensible was the glory, my tongue can not express, and time would fail me to declare the eternal excellency which God hath revealed by his spirit, and that which I see is not Lawful now for me to utter; now was no mountains nor hills to hide the mystery, but it shined upon all, in all, over all, and above all, was not hid; As I said there was now no hiding place that could or did overshadow the mystery of godliness, for the eyes of all things looked upon him, whether Celestial or Terrestrial, and all and every thing according to its kind rejoiced in the Light of his countenance, and of his power was glad, and gloried in him, for then there was not an other; he that can hear let him: Now the Earth rejoiced, and the floods clapped their hands; now the great deep smiled, & all things that was therein, the springs thereof laughed which flowed forth as though they had issued out of a womb, now every thing that had breath & lived, praised the Lord; neither was there any thing but bowed and submitted to their Maker; and he Lord and King over all, yet in eternal glory: yet let the wise in heart understand, this was in the beginning, and though it was in the beginning, yet this was when the heavens and the Earth was created, and all things that therein are, even then the Lamb of God was alive, and the Son of God glorified with the Father, and man in happiness, and in pure perfection, without sin in Inocency: for nothing that was nocent or hurtful had yet appeared, neither was there any such thing in all that God had made. Here the wise may learn, and they that have a good understanding may read the wisdom of God in a Mystery, and also see the dark sottish doctrine of the blind Apostates, who have lost the power, and are keeping people ignorant of the Mystery of God. NOw this hath been a common doctrine, and received to be orthodox, and as they call it authentic, that while we are in this life, there can not be an overcoming of all sins nor no expectation of it in this life; and their main ground hath been this, because we have natural bodies. Now I say, had not Adam a natural body when he was in purity and perfection, in innocency, in Paradise, in the garden, yet was this any hindrance to him to answer the will of his Creator? No; For as the soul, spirit and body was moved by the power out of which power he was not to stir, than I say he had ability to perform the will of his maker in the body, for as he was created by the power in the inward man, that led about the natural & earthly or outward form according to its will, which will was pure, and kept the body acting in its place in the power, for than I say all was good, for the Celestial power in which he was made, moved the whole man according to its will, and while he stood in the power, he was in innocency, and purity, and without blemish, & in the power was his health and peace, and he knew no evil. Ob. But some may say, what is this as to the confutation of the doctrine which hath been taught, as to the freedom from sin in this life? Ans. This declares that there was such a thing in being, to wit, a natural body, and an earthen vessel, and yet without sin, as he stood in the power; for the earthen vessel was good, as all the rest of God's creation was in its place to serve the power, as the rest of God's creatures did in the beginning, and who ever comes to know that state again, may come to glorify God in soul, body and spirit, though in the body, in this tabernacle; but take their own phrase for the clearing of the thing, not to be freed from the committing of sin in this life, I say in the corruptable life, or the life of unrighteousness, which may be properly called death, there is no freedom from sin, neither of soul or body or spirit, but who comes to know regeneration or the Life of men, in which Adam was created in the beginning, in that incorruptable Life, there is no transgression, and if he live in man, the body is dead because of sin, and I know none who have preached any other 〈◊〉 Life, who hath spoke by the spirit of God, in which freedom from all sin is obtained, but only the life of Christ, and whosoever comes to know the Lord from heaven, who ruled over all in the beginning, and was the life of all, and all moved in his Life, before the fall, whether they were things visible or invisible, & that same power or Life of Christ, the Lamb of God, who was alive then, if he live in man, & man come to be guided by his power, as in the beginning he living in man, the soul and body and spirit being quickened by his power, and raised from under the bondage of corruption, than death hath not power over man (but life) and because he lives in them, they live also, their souls to praise him, and their bodies and the members thereof to be servants of righteousness, and so that unbelieving Doctrine of the world is turned into the pit, and truth is set above it. Object. But further it will be objected, that our bodies are not like adam's, in innocency, we are in the fall, and therefore we say they hinder from being freed from all sin, and ever will, while upon Earth. Ans. That the naked truth may appear to them that seek after true knowledge, I answer freely, that I grant that the soul lies in death, and the creature is subject to vanity, and the whole Creation groans in travel and in pain, and waits for the manifestation of the Son of God, and the Redemption of the body; and in this state is all mankind upon the face of the whole Earth in the first Adam, but he who is the second Adam, the Lord from Heaven, who was in the beginning, and is now what he was, and shall be for ever, I say, as man comes to believe in the Son who hath life in himself, and he come to be revealed in man, and man subject to his leading, he brings the soul out of death, to have union and communion with himself, and restores the creature from his bondage, and and breaks the bond, and knocks that down which hath embondaged, and so changes the body, I do not mean the form of the body, but the quality and nature thereof, for the form of Adam's body was not changed, but the quality, and it was degenerated from its pure nature, wherein it glorified God, as he stood in the Power; so I say, Christ who is the life of men, the true light which lighteth every man that comes into the world, he changes all that follow him into his own nature, and restores the creature into his first estate again into purity, that like as the inward man is renewed and restored by the power, and serves the Power, so the members of the body, is also yielded servants unto righteousness, and they receive virtue and Power, from the power the Life, and so the whole man comes out of condemnation, to glorify his maker; & the will of God is done in earth, as it is in heaven, and he saves to the utmost them that comes unto him; now if he save the soul and not the body, than he saves not to the utmost; But this is a high state, blessed are they who waits in the faith, to the end are happy, that they may see and know the redemption of their souls, and also the redemption of their body; For I deny redemption in the grave, or in death, or after this life; for the holy men of God never mentions a cleansing from sin in the grave, nor after men be dead, for they that have served sin in their life time, and served the devil as long as they live, and have yielded their bodies to be temples for uncleanness while they live upon earth, eternal misery will be their portion, and not redemption; think on this you who are holding this forth for an article of your Faith in the world, among poor ignorant people, that they must not expect redemption from all sin in this life, and so leads them on to Perpetual misery, misery will be your end, and in the day of the Lord you shall witness this to be true; But to return to the beginning again, where there was no sorrow, but pure joy and peace, both in heaven and earth, but I go hither and thither, as the spirit leads, and shall speak as it gives utterance, though but here a little and there a little, yet shall it be in truth and righteousness. How peace, joy and delight possessed every thing that God had made, every thing which he had form glorified God their maker with one consent, in the beginning, before the world was framed, that lay in wickedness. NOw the Lord rejoiced in all the works of his hands which he had made, and rested, and all that he had made rested in the power, whether Celestial or Terrestrial, and rejoiced in him, walked in him in the motion of the power, of the life, they were happy, and partaked of the life that endures for ever, and happiness immortal, and knew no evil, for there was none, there was no hell yet prepared, Tophet yet was not ordained, neither the Devil had yet any being at all, there was no wrath, no sorrow, no condemnation, no death, vexation, grief or perplexity, no pit of darkness, no Angel of the bottomless pit, no shame, no tribulation, no anguish nor pain, no misery; and in a word there was nothing that did destroy, but all in quietness, in peace, in life, in power, in wisdom, glorifying him which sat upon the Throne, the Lamb, who was living, and the life of the male and the female, and of every thing that God had made, by the power subsisted in the power, and in the motion thereof was good, purely good; and here was the goodness of him who was eternally good, manifest in all, above all, and over all, God blessed for ever, even than the heavens rejoiced, and the innumerable company of Angels was hearty glad, and all the holy host sang for joy, with a living voice, which none that stands in time ever yet heard, or can learn, than the earth and all things therein that moved & had life were in pure solace and mirth, and pleasant joy unspeakable, all knit together in unity and harmony in one consent, as one family, and were one body, and there was health in the body, and it was pure and comely, and perfect, and pleasant to behold, crowned with Dignity, covered with righteousness, beautified with the comeliness of the Lamb who was the life of all: and now man had right to the tree of Life, while he moved in the power, and went not our. Oh happy state, oh beautiful state, oh admirable state, eternal felicity, oh glorious state, life itself, the life of all, and all in the life, moving in the power, and man right to the tree of Lif●, while he lived in the lambs power, had unity with his maker & with all the Creatures that God had made, & was in God's pure dominion, and authority, and ruled all, over all things that God had made, in God's wisdom; thus in short was the state of all things in the beginning, as they were created, and brought forth, and these be the generation of the heaven and of the earth, and of all things that therein are, in the day when God created them, when the Father was glorified, when the Son was glorified, and when man was in glory and honour, and in dominion, created in the Image of God, and yet there was no evil; Time would fail to speak of the state of all things in the beginning as it was, and as it is revealed by the spirit of truth, but in that which I have declared, they who have a good understanding may take a glimpse of the happy state of all things, as God hath revealed them by his spirit, which I never received of nor from man, but by the holy spirit of God which was in the beginning with God, which saw all this, and was an eye witness of this before the world, that lies in wickedness, began; and he that hath an ear to hear, let him hear, and blessed is his ear. How man lost his state and dominion and unity with God and all the creatures, and how the Lamb came to be slain, and the world that lies in wickedness came to be form, and founded, and how the curse came, and the woe upon the Serpent, which was blessed before, and upon man and woman, and the ground that received the temptation, which was blessed before, in the motion of the Power, came to be cursed and how endless misery came in upon all, in the transgression, declared to them who have a good understanding. NOw the Serpent was more subtle than all the Beasts of the field; for that was his nature in which he was created, and it was good in the motion of the Power, and therefore Christ said, be wise as Serpents, yet as harmless as Doves; and though the Serpent was wise and subtle, more than all the beasts of the field, till he acted and moved without commandment; and out of the motion of the Power, he was not cursed; he that can receive it, let him. But he moved in the subtlety, and wisdom, out of the light, out of the Power, and went out of the truth; out of his place without commandment or authority from the Power, and acted and spoke of himself out of the Power, and out of the truth, as it it written John 8. 44. when he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it; now he knew there was a law and command not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for God had forbidden it; now he went out of the Power, without commandment, of his own accord, without motion; now he went and talked with the woman, and she was good before, being in the motion of the life and Power, she also looked out, and not in the Power, and reasoned with him out of Power, contrary to Commandment beyond the command, or before the Power, and said unto the Serpent, we may eat of all, but the tree of knowledge of good and evil we may not eats lest we die; this she knew, and the Serpent knew; now the tree of knowledge was good in the Powers motion, though not to live upon or for food, for it was not good for food, therefore God, the truth, the life, the Power, did forbid to taste of it, or to eat of that tree, but the Serpent out of the Power, and the woman out of the Power harkened to him that was out of the truth, who turned the truth that God had spoken into a lie, she joined to the tempter and harkened unto him, and eat of the tree of knowledge without the Power, and she looking out, and the eye ran out from the life, from the Power, and was deceived, and did eat of the knowledge without the Power, without the life; and she also tempted the man, and the temptation entered into a ground which was blessed before, and good, in the motion of the life, of the Power, but she having transgressed, contrary to the command, & the man received it contrary to the command, without the motion of the Power, or the life which all was to move in; he also going out of the power, received it in, and seed upon knowledge without the life, without the power, out of the truth, he became one with the woman, one with the Serpent, who went out of truth, and abode not in it, and they all were disjointed and cut off from the Life, and the power; and hear was the beginning of the father of lies, and of him who spoke of himself, out of the power, out of the truth, and his beginning is without foundation, now he that is wise in heart, read his generation, or who made him; now appeared the Angel of the bottomless pit, and not before, and made war against the power, against the Lamb; and so the heart of man was turned away from obeying and feeding upon the power, to obey and feed upon knowledge without the Life or power, and here was the first transgression out of the power, and the motion of the light which made all things good, and so as this knowledge was fed upon and grew, man died unto the Life, unto the power, and wisdom, and dominion that he had over all that God had made, he lost, and so died unto the power, and lived upon knowledge without the power, and now became afraid of the power, because he was in the transgression of it; And thus the Serpent who was most subtle, went out of the truth, and acted in sin, and led into transgression; and so there became fear where was none, and shame where there was none, and nakedness where there was no nakedness before the power was died unto, which was their clothing in righteousness, and there was a hiding place sought by him, who before iniquity needed no hiding place, and this is the foundation and beginning of that seed in the transgression, which shall call to the mountains to cover them, and to hide them from the wrath of the Lamb. Oh how is man degenerated now, and grown quite out of the pure quality, and kind, and nature in which he was made, now afraid of the power that made him, which before he had union with, & was his Life, and gave him dominion, and this fulfilled upon man, he was planted a noble vine, a holy, right seed, now become a degenerate plant of a strange vine; now when the Lord appeared and examined him, and man knew his fault that he had acted against the power, yet that which acted in transgression would excuse, here is the fruit of the Devils work, transgress, and then hide and excuse it, and so the woman put it off to the Serpent; he was the beginner of it, but if she had stood in the power, he would have had no place, nor his counsel; but they all went out of the light and Life, into the knowledge, without the Power and Life, and so the curse came upon all; Now the man cursed, and the ground for his sake, and the woman cursed, in sorrow to bring forth, and the Serpent cursed, the beginner of iniquity, cursed above all the beasts of the field, to go upon his belly, and dust to be his meat for ever, and an enmity put between the seed of the woman and his seed for ever, and an eternal decree passed against him for ever; and he made war against the seed of the woman, which the Lord promised to bruise his head; now came the miserable estate in, that which led him into transgression, grew, and he in it, and to be at unity with it, than came hardness of heart, and then came the world to be founded in his heart, and he grew in the devouring beastly nature to follow the earthly imaginations of his heart, and became earthly, and fed upon that which the beasts of the field fed upon; And now the Lamb came to be slain, since the foundation of the world, now was man driven out from the tree of Life, and out of the garden, and could no way come there again, he had no right to it, the Lamb being slain, and he was cut off, to wit man, from him which before gave him peace, and from the Power in which he was made he was driven out from, and the sword set, that go what way he could, he could not come into the Life again, the image of God lost, than the joyful day was lost, and rejoicing in the Lord at an end, than the day of peace was finished, and perpetual misery and woe come in, than unity with the Lord of glory gone, and now shame and contempt came, and woeful misery. Now Hell was form and the bottomless Pit sprang up, and the Angel thereof ruled and advanced, and the Lamb slain; and now the Lake was prepared, and Tophet ordained, now came the day of angnish, of pain, of woe, sorrow▪ and misery, blackness and darkness, terror, horror, fear on every side, and the day of great perplexity, Dominion lost, power lost, Authority lost, peace lost, joy lost, health lost, unity lost with God, and unity lost with every creature, and endless misery brought in Alas alas, what is become of him who was the Son of God? now become as the beasts that perish, now a vessel of wrath, a dishonourable vessel. Oh unspeakable loss, forfeited all, Life and all, gone into, plunged into the deep pit of endless misery, driven from the presence of the Lord, from blessedness, happiness, into cursedness and misery, never to come to Life again, but through the loss of Life; man in honour, in dominion, partaker of eternal riches, and the durable riches, now turned out of all, and become vile in the sight of the Lord, and hath forfeited Life and all, eternal life, and he who was in perfect freedom, become a bondman, a slave to the Devil, and to noisome lusts; he who was Lord over all, now become a servant to all and every creature; he who was in dominion, in the power of God, now become base and vile; He who was the Image of God, now become the image of the Devil; he who was heir of life and felicity, now become inheritor of death and endless misery; he was partakers of the unchangeable love, now partaker of wrath; he that was in the covenant of life in which he had union with God, and all the Angles, and all the holy host of God, now hath union with unclean spirits, which are cursed from the presence of the Lord for ever; he that had union with all God's creatures, hath lost the union with all, being gone out of the power in which all was created, and moreover now in enmity to it, and joined to him who hath the power of death, which is the Devil, and now draws iniquity as with a Cart-rope, and vanity as with a cord, and he who was joined to the Lord, and to the Lamb, now joined to the Dragon, who makes war against the Lamb; he that had union with the seed, the heir of all things, now hath union with the seed of the Serpent, the first borne of wickedness, heir of condemnation and everlasting vengeance, who is driven from the Lords presence, and cursed for ever, and to be tormented from the presence of the Lord for ever. Now the world set in the heart, and the heart gone out after earthly things, even things that perish, and now his life grew in that and after that which fadeth, his delight on transitory things, in lust, in pleasure and wantonness, delighting in the flesh, hath forgotten God his maker, and now dishonours him, Oh let the heavens mourn, and let the earth be without joy, let● hills lament, and the valleys be grieved, let gloominess cover the face of the deep, let the floods be sorry, and springs lament, let all thau movable take up a lamentation, and let it be for a lamentation for ever, misery is spread over all, the earth is polluted, and defiled, and all is out of order, disjointed from the Lord, and great confusion and perplexity is come upon all, and the whole creation groans and travels in pain, in grief and sorrow, and all is made subject to vanity, the oppressor bears Rule, the Land mourns, the Lamb is slain, the serpent and his seed rejoiceth and triumphs, all is filled with violonce, the seed suffers, the Lord is is grieved, the Angels mourn, the proud and presumptions is now counted happy, and now the worker of iniquity set up to be a Ruler and a Lawgiver now to man, and in man, who before had the Lord to be his Lawgiver, and his King; Oh woeful change! oh sad state! oh deplorable condition! gone from honour and glory, into perpetual misery and contempt; and here all the whole Earth and all mankind may read themselves, as in a glass, in what state they are in in the fall, in the first nature, in the disobedience; time would fail me to express the misery, and the sad estate of all mankind in the Curse, yea it is unexpressable, and undeclare●ble, and unfathomable, and incomprehensible; by the sons of men in the unbelief, but God hath revealed to me by his spirit, that which is now spoke, and he shall bear me record that my witness is true; also that of God in every man's conscience, when the book of conscience shall be opened, and the secrets of, all hearts revealed, shall bear witness that this is true. How sin entered, and death by sin into the world, and now man dead while he lives, and all is dead works that man brings forth, wherein the state of all the Sons of men may be seen, and their works in the fall. NOw the serpent being more subtle than all the beasts of the field, in presumption of himself, moved without the power, and form a thing without the power, and began his work, and brought a lie; being gone out of the truth, sin conceived, and a lie conceived, ●e is the Father of it, and not the power; he spoke of himself, who was gone out of the light, motion or the powers acting, man also his eye being abroad out of the life and power, l●t in the temptation upon him; but if he had stood in the power, as God had ordained him and commanded him, and had not moved out of it, he would have seen when the serpent or any other thing had gone out of the power, and have still had dominion over it; and though it was evil in the serpent to tempt, who moved without commandment from the Lord; yet if man had stood in the power, he had kept him out; and it had been no sin to him, neither condemned should he have been; and so that blind doctrine of the world, and the teachers thereof is a lie, who have said and taught that, God ordained him to fall, and upon this account that so Christ might be revealed and that his Son might be honoured; for if man had not fallen, say they, there had needed no Saviour. This is ignorance and blindness; he created man in his Image to stand in the power, and ordered and commanded him so to do, and to glorify him, who made him & to stand in the dominion over all the works of his hands: And this doth not make Christ useless, or of no use; yea he was of use before, and was his life, and the life of all things, and what if I say salvation, the wise will understand; the unlearned will say, what needed their salvation, when there is no sin? yes, there needed salvation & preservation, in that state that he was made in, that he might be upholden in that state, and saved from any thing that might hurt him in that state, so as to weaken him, that he might not have power to fulfil the will of God, and to glorify his maker. Ob. But some may say he was not saved and preserved but was created and left to himself, to order himself whether he would stand or fall. Ans. I say, whose was the fault, that he was not preserved, and saved in that state, was it in God? nay, and that he was left to himself, is also as false, and unlearned; he left him in the power, and in the dominion everlasting, and commanded him to stand there, and he was not to go out of it, but to act in the motion of the word, and in the power by which he was made, which was Christ, who was glorified with the Father before the world began; I say according to God's appointment and ordination, man was not left to himself, but to stand in the power and authority of the word, wherein man had power to fulfil the will of God, and keep all in order according to God's appointment, but he going out of the power, contrary to God's command, giving heed to the woman, and the Serpent, who were gone out of the command before; I say he of his own accord going out, when the power commanded him not to hearken to any such thing, but on the contrary forbade him, so let in a lie, and believed the woman, and the serpent, and so went from his preservation, and protection and salvation, & so was catched in the serpent's snare, who abode not in the truth. Ob. But then some may say he had a voluntary will to do as he would, and was not that will good? Ans. The will was good in itself, as it stood and went out in the life's motion, but moving or acting contrary to the motion of the life, was not good; for that was out of God's order, and appointment, for nothing in man or without man, of all that God had made, was to stir or act without commandments; now the Son was not honoured by man's falling, but both the Father and the Son was dishonoured, and now the Son or power was not revealed by the fall, but vailed as from men, so the fogy mists of darkness is scattered, and the blind doctrines of the World laid waste. Ob. Some will be ready to say, how dost thou say he was in dominion everlasting? then, how should he fall? that lasted but a while. Ans. I say he was made by the word which abides for ever, and in it which was in the beginning with God, and was God; and God's Son, and his dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his Throne is established in righteousness for ever and ever; and in itself it is what it was ever, and after the fall, retained the same power and authority in itself, and so will do for ever; man's power stood in it only, out of it he had none, so going out of it, died to it, and not any more power to do, or to will, or to order, or to rule any thing but by it: but he lost the feeling of it, and the guidance of it, the virtue of it, and life of it, and became dead to it, and alive in his heart and mind to an other power, to wit, the power of deceit, and to the power of him which hath the power of death, which is the Devil; so God is clear, no fault in him, nor in the power, nor weakness in the dominion and authority which he had; but destruction merely, wholly, and only of himself, and he is to bear the his own burden. Thus man receiving in the Devil's conceptions, who was gone out of the truth, and became one with it, feeding upon knowledge without the life (this was evil) thus sin entered, and death by sin; man cut off from the power, from life, from the dominion which he had in the power; now man, is dead while he lives, and in the day he eat he died; dead to the power, dead to the life, dead to good, dead to truth, dead to purity, dead to Righteousness, estranged and alienated from it; the grave covers him, death hath prehemenence, and bears rule, and not life, and he gone into its nature, and loves it, and embraces it. Oh sad life! ah sad state! now his life cursed which is death, he cursed, all his actions cursed, all his conception cursed, all his works cursed, labouring in sorrow, in travel, and pain, and grief, and sweat and perplexity; Now all may as in a line read the happy estate of man before the fall, the sad and deplorable estate in the fall, which who can declare, or who can measure, or who can demonstrate the miserable estate of man dead in trepasses and sins? and life swallowed up of death, death and destruction lives, and man in it; and now in the grave God is not remembered, but forgotten. Now the world set in the heart, and the Earth in the heart, the heart becomes earthly, and vain, thorns and briers springs up and the Earth covers the slain; now death lives, and man lives in it, and one with the enmity and in enmity against God, who was before his life, man now in chains of darkness; when any thing moves Heaven-ward, the power of death draws the mind down again to the pit into darkness; Now the nature of all things in the earth set in the heart, Beasts, Rocks, Hills, Mountains, dogs, swine, and brutish creatures, and man becomes brutish and vain, they have all dominion over him, he a slave to all, all rules over him, and death grew; and dead works brought forth, he cannot now perform any thing whereby he can purchase the love of God, nor give a ransom for his soul, now the root of betterness grew, and the enmity, and man in lust, and when his lust is crossed, or his will crossed, than the enmity which liveth in him riseth, he would kill that, and destroy that, imprison that, and bring it into bondage, that the enmity might be Lord over all, and brings the innocent into bondage; that which is nocent is set up, and the higher deceit grows in the heart, the more stir it makes and the greater destruction of that which crosses it; and here came in oppression, murder, cruelty, tyranny, prisoning, imbondaging, revenge, maliciousness, and envy, rage, sury, headiness, pride; this is all in the curse, and springs up from the foundation of the world in the heart, and so being given way unto and loved, grows in strength, and iniquity multiplies, and the beast grows, and the name great and numberless, the Serpent's root spreads forth itself, and sprouts out in the Earth, and comes to grow great, and is admired; now the deeds of darkness and the works of darkness comes to be many, envy, murder, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, riotousness, sporting, covetousness, defrauding, cheating, maliciousness, theft, dissimulation, feinedness, hypocrisy, witchcraft, cursed-speaking, railing, reviling, filthy communication, unsavoury speeches, wantonness, lightness, foolish jesting, idle talking, vain Babbling, backbiting, swearing, lying, cursing, blasphemy, slandering, pride, arogancy, vain-boasting, contention, strife, emulation, mischief; these and many more are now the fruits of the degenerate plant, & dead works, and the works of darkness, in man who was once a noble plant, a holy right seed, now the fruits of Sodom, and the grapes of Gomorah whom God destroyed and overthrew, is brought forth, and the whole Earth is filled with violence, and these be the fruits that grow and are become great over all Nations, which are wrought by the Devil the father of lies; who spoke of himself, and works of himself, in the dark, in the night, out of the light, out of the day, who went out of the truth, and now worketh in all the children of disobedience, who are out of the light, and out of the power; and here are all the sons of fallen Adam in the curse, under the woe and these be the works that are wrought and brought forth which hath stained the earth; and the father of them, and man in whom they are wrought, and the works themselves, is all for condemnation, never to be numbered among the Saints in light, nor among their works. Self righteousness, deeds of darkness also, and dead works which though they be not counted as bad as the former, by them that act in them, yet they are to be condemned also; And man who acts them being in the fall. CAin who was the first begotten in the fall, the similitude, likeness and image of Adam his Father, who had transgressed and disobeyed, and lost the power, and became dead to it; Cain I say his express Image, out of the saith, out of the Power, he brought a sacrifice, and offered in the same nature he slew his brother with, and envied him (who was in the saith, and was accepted of the Lord through faith in the Power of God) I say in this nature he offered and was not accepted, he was in the imitation, out of the life, out of the Power, in feinedness, and this was self, and not the Lord that moved him: The Jews in the Prophet's time, who were in cain's nature, in envy and maliciousness, grinding the faces of the poor, and oppressing the needy and chopping them in pieces as flesh for the pot; they brought sacrifices, oblations, burnt-offerings, kept fasts, and Sabbaths, and new Moons, and all these things, and lied, swore, and dealt falsely, and left no room for the poor, and yet they said the Lord was among them; the Lord sent his servant the Prophet, to tell them the Lord was weary of them and of their oblations; why? they were out of the faith, out of the life, out of the Power, and deceit lodged in their heartts, covetousnese, envy, murder, oppression and violence, as ravening wolves hunting for their prey; the Prophets prophesied for hire, their Priests bear rule by their means, and people was one with it, and liked it, and loved it should be so, the end of those things was misery, the Judgement of God came upon them, they were scattered among their enemies, their Prophets slain, and for their sake Zion became as a ploughed corn field, and Jerusalem a heap, and now he that offered an ox, was no more accepted, then if he slew a man, no more than if he blessed Chemosh, Ashteroth or Baal, all was sin, and to be condemned by the power out of which they were gone. The Scribes and Pharisees in Christ's time, great worshippers, devout men, devout women; zealous men for Temple, Priests, tithes, days, Sabbaths, oblations, and were acting all those things that were commanded in or about the worship of God, yet Christ said unto his Disciplrs, except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the Scrihes and Pharisees ye cannot enter the Kingdom of God: they might have said (which at lest they did in their hearts) this man says he is the Son of God, and yet saith and teacheth his Disciples, another righteousness, then is commanded in the Law, and moreover tells them, except their righteousness exceed ours, they cannot enter into God's Kingdom; where is there in all the earth any better righteousness than ours? we do not as the heathen worship Idol-gods, we keep the Sabbaths, and purify ourselves and pays tithes, and keeps the Ordinances given by the Lord to Moses and our fathers; well these things they were doing, but they were but dead works, they were out of the faith out of the Power and had not God's word abiding in their hearts, from which their Power and ability should have come to have answered the will of God; here was self-righteousness although they did the outward things which were commanded of the Lord, yet they were dead works; their Temple left desolate, worship desolate, Jerusalem compassed about with armies, not one stone left upon another which was not to be thrown down, and they scattered among the heathen, their Priests slain, and their oblations ceased, plagues, Judgement prusuing whithersoever they went; did all those things save them from the wrath? all their works and dead worships & self-righteousness save them? were they accepted? oh! nay, rejected, a seed of falsehood a crooked generation an hypocritical generation: these things with many more, which I could instance, all showing that man in the transgression of the life, of the power, whether he sinned, or wrought that which he might Judge was righteous, yet they were but dead works. Ob. But some may say, what sayest thou to this generation of Ministers, preachers and Ordinances? we live in a Gospel time, and are under Gospel ordinances, and they teach that man is redeemed by Christ, from sins past, present and to come, and the ordinances that we practice now I hope you will not call them dead works. Ans. I say the ministry in these nations, made by man's will, and by the will of the flesh, and that are seeking their gain from their quarter, and are suing men at Law, and throwing men in dungeons, and holes to the loss of some men's lives already, and hundreds have been and are like to be spoiled, only to uphold their greedy devouring nature who have ravened, and devoured like evening Wolves, some men's estates wholly, and some times taken ten fold the value, who ravens from place to place from one end of the Land to another, and into other Nations also, for filthy lucre, or a greater benefit; I say they are in the fall, in the transgression, death rules in them, over them, and they are Ministers of death, and never brought any to God; but of them many other brethren who are in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ hath borne a large testimony which any considerate, wise, prudent, and reasonable man may see them to be Ministers of death, demonstrated by many sound grounds and unanswerable arguments, and the scripture of truth clearly bearing witness to the same; and so I refer the Reader to those things, and shall content myself at present in what I have said in this particular. Now as to the worship, or ordinances or practices themselves I come unto, and shall speak no otherwise of any thing, than God by his eternal light and spirit hath made me understand in the true ground of things, else I know well how to be silent. Now this I say to all sects, opinions, and fellowships (though they be divided into many heads or societies) man acting or performing any thing of worship, ordinance, or any practice whatsoever which the scriptures declares hath been or ever was, though they should do it in the same manner, suitable in every circumstance to that which others did, till all or every man come to believe in the power again, which man went from in the transgression, all that he doth is self-righteousness, and dead works, preaching dead, prayer dead, Baptism dead, their communion dead, their conferences dead, their exhortations dead, their fasts dead, their offerings like as if one had offered a dead beast under the law, or a lame Lamb, which had been abomination; even so I say till man come to that which he hath lost in the transgression, till man find the power, the life, the light, the messiah, and feel him in them, to work, move, lead, guide, and act, all will be accounted with the Lord, self-righteousness, dead works, dead fruit, and if all would examine and try, they might see the Nations almost spread over with dead men in Adam, and dead works abound, and cover which God will rend, and lay all waste together, false rest, imitated forms, and representations without life, I say till men come into the power again that Adam went from, and so died in that day, he cannot do any thing well pleasing to God; and whosoever comes to that again, passeth every step through death, and denies himself and all selfe-actions, self-righteousness, and must come to be bare and naked again, even as he was before he came out, he and his wife were naked and were not ashamed; selfe-acting was not known; now self-will, self-worship, self-righteousness; nay, they moved in the power righteousness was their covering, and as I said before, there was no shame, I might speak largely in this thing, and truly my tongue is the pen of a ready writer, oh that all had an ear to hear that their souls might live, and that every one might be unbottomed, of his false rest, false and feigned hope, and faith; and of his own ragged garment, and let go his self-righteousness, and his dead works, and come to Christ the life of men again, that man hath run from, that so he might have life and peace. Ob. But some would say that thou wouldst have all upside down, & unchristian the Nations, and unchurch Churches, and throw down all our worship, and then what should we do, all would be as heathens, and turn into Atheism. I say a time of fanning and ●ifting and trying is come, when nothing shall stand but that hath the image, stamp, and character of the living God upon it, and all that which hath been brought up, and raised up, since man hath been in the transgression, must be turned down into the pit again, and all that have got a name of Christian, and wants his life, to live among them and in them, shall be scattered as clouds with the East wind, and all imitated worships, and will worshippers, and the feigned faith, and the feigned hope shall be confounded, and all will worships and worshippers will be overturned who are not come yet to the true light that lightens every man that comes into the World, and till man comes to the light, and tries his deeds and works by it, he never sees what he is doing, nor what he is working, nor what he works; and so all that man doth here in the unbelief, it is but sin, or self-righteousness which is brought forth by him who abode not in the truth, in the unbelief; and so who be come to the power which was in the beginning, before sin entered, and death by sin, hath and doth measure all deeds and all works, & man that is in the loss, in the fall, & sees that a dead man cannot act a living work, nor bring forth living fruits unto God, nor living works of righteousness, being in the unrighteousness, neither the fruits of faith being in the unbelief, neither the works of the day being in the night, neither the works of charity being in the enmity; in a word, without Christ the power, the light, the life, which was glorified with the Father before the world began; I say (he said it himself who is the beginning of the creation, of God, the first born of every creature) he said, and his testimony will be found true, without me ye can do nothing, nothing that is wel-pleasing to the Lord, nothing that ever shall be acceptable; and here is the true state of all the Earth discovered, and all mankind drove out from God, miserable, naked, hopeless, helpless, faithless, and so can do nothing as to the glorifying of God his maker, or to the ordering of any thing in the creation to his glory, having lost his dominion and God's wisdom, and this being considered seriously by all, and brought to the light in all, and their deeds tried by it, would make the lofty bow, and the stout hearted fear, and the conceited sit down in solitariness, that they should so long deceive their own souls with a conceit of righteousness and redemption, when as death yet reigns in them, and over them, and not life eternal: So the Devil is a distinct being from God, and his works are distinst, and his deeds, from the works of God, and neither he nor his works shall ever be numbered among the works of God, but he and they that obey him, and follow him who is out of the truth, they, their works (of what sort soever they may seem unto men to be, whose eyes the devil hath blinded) so I say all is to be condemned, and shut out from God's presence for ever, and to be destroyed by him who is a consuming fire, and all the righteousness of man burned, as combustible stuff in unquenchable fire. Pr. And by what hath been said, the principle of that ranting crew (who are become vain in their imaginations and foolish, their understandings being darkened) are seen, and their principle overthrown. As that light and darkness is one, & good & evil one, and sin and righteousness one, and truth and a lie one, and that God is all and doth all, and what ever is done is of God, and that there is no evil but to him that thinks it so, and it is only a false apprehension of things, and that there is no such thing as sin, & that sin is nothing: Unto all these things I might speak, but the understanding Reader may by what is before written, see each of these plainly declared, and the true ground of things laid down as the spirit gave utterance, and this shall at present suffice in this matter. Ob. But some may object further, and say, will not reading the scriptures and conforming to the practice of the saints in the use of his ordinances, will not this make us accepted, and bring us out of the fall, and make us good christians? Answ. No, while death hath dominion in man, and over man, and the veil over the heart, man doth not understand the mystery of God's kingdom, neither understands the scripture which was spoken from the spirit of truth, or any thing of truth as it is in Christ, for none understands the things of God, but by the spirit of God, so that every man that comes to have a good understanding, must come to know the pure spirit of God in him to direct him, & inform him; (which spirit) was the original of the scripture; for the holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the holy Ghost; and without the Holy Ghost in some measure be known, ●nd that which is infallible, the sayings, the writings, the scriptures cannot be understood, & because of the want of this, all the Earth is run into heads, & sects, & opinions, & large treatises and volumes, & expositions have been written, & yet differing one from another, and all from the spirit, and in all these particular sects, persecuting one another, & envying one another, and hating one another, and would compel others to believe what they believe in what they say, if they had but power; and for proof of this, it is most evident in the scripture of truth, and in latter ages since the Apostles, it hath been, and it is evidently seen, both among the Papists and Protestants, and among all them that are called the reformed Churches; but all this is in the fall, and in the transgression, and in the Apostasy, and is an evident token, that they are all under the power of the beast, who makes War against the Lamb; so all compellation, and they that do compel, are not worshippers of the Lamb, but of the beast which is to be destroyed and cast into the lake. For the Jews under the first Covenant had the Scriptures the good and wholesome words of God, and the Prophets and read the Law and the Prophets, on the Sabbath days, and yet the vail was over their hearts, and and though they did perform many things commanded, yet they being erred from the spirit, did not understand of what the Scripture spoke, nor know him nor his mind, to wit, Christ of whom the Scriptures spoke, neither were they accepted of God, but reproved and rejected by Christ himself, who said they erred, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God, doubtless they did know the words naturally and read them, but the spirits mind, in so speaking they knew not; and Judas reproves all such, and said what they knew, they knew naturally as bruit beasts, and in that knowledge, they corrupted themselves, and therefore Peter well said▪ many things were hard to to be understood; which the unlearned wrested (they that were ignorant of the spirit of the Father, and had not learned of God, who is a spirit) they I say perverted and wrested the good and wholesome words of the Scriptures, and were no more accepted of God, then if they had never heard the words nor read them at all; and as for the Jews conforming to the outward commands, when the vail was over their hearts, and their hearts uncircumcised, these things did not make them any whit more accepted than the heathen, so the Christians since Christ's time, in the Apostles days and after the Apostles days, who held the form of worship, and the form of godliness, and the outward part of worship, and holds and retains it in that part which is above the seed, and denies the power, this no more makes a Christian inward, then outward circumcision, made a Jew inward; neither any of these things do recommend any unto God, but are covers made, & rests form, from that part which is above the seed, & so man comes to be counselled in those things, when alas he is miserable and naked, and hath not the righteous garment on which should make man accepted of the Father, through the beloved, God's righteousness. How all men upon the earth, in the degeneration, and in the fall, and in the transgression, have corrupted themselves, and have been idolaters in every administration; (being gone from the power) in which man had the ability, power, and wisdom to worship God aright, and honour the living God of heaven and earth. IN the state and condition which man was created in, when he was the image of God, and lived in the Power of God in which he was created; He in that Power (which was his life) had wisdom and understanding, and power, to worship the living God, and to glorify his maker, the which thing I have treated on before, but being gone from the power, and grew in knowledge without the power, his thoughts became vain, and his imaginations vain, and his desires earthly, and corruptable, and so the creatures were worshipped in his heart, and not the Creator (the life of the creatures) and he bowed to the creatures, and they had dominion over him, and that nature began to grow and multiply in all the earth, and that seed, which was at enmity with God, and against the seed, which is Christ, and few there were that called upon the Name of the Lord in truth & righteousness; although some, yet few, one in a Nation, or a few in an age, nay in many ages; and men multiplied in the earth, and wickedness multiplied also, and idolatry, and the seed of the Serpent grew great; And God saw the wickedness of man that it was great in the earth, and that the thoughts and purposes, and imaginations of his heart were only evil continually, Gen. 6. 5. and the earth was filled with violence and cruelty and oppression, and the living God forgotten, and not worshipped, but on the contrary they followed the imaginations of their own hearts; and bowed down to every corruptable thing, and to every creature, and did not worship the Lord God in their hearts, till the Lord was grieved at the heart, and repented that he had made man; and this was before the flood, and after the flood, when the earth was a little multiplied, iniquity grew in the earth, and the cursed seed sprang from Hams stock; of whom was Nimrod the hunter (before the Lord) the beginning of his Kingdom was Babel; of the which became great Idolaters, and of this seed came the Philistians who were uncircumcised, who were heathens, and the Jebusites, and Gargasites, and the Canaanites and Hivites; and their generations were great in the earth, & they were great Idolaters; and committed Idolatry with stocks and stones, and with brick, having forgotten the Lord, they began to work exploits in the earth, and to build Cities; and Babel having forgot the name of God, they would have got a name in the earth, and builded a tower, whose top might have reached to heaven; but the Lord whom they had forgot scattered them, and this was the seed of evil doers whom God scattered and drove out of Canaan, who were great Idolaters and gave it to Abraham, who feared the Lord, and to Jacob, and to his seed to possess. And when transgression grew, he added a Law (the sense of God's power and wisdom was so lost in man, and they so gone from his wisdom, that a Law was added after Israel came out of Egypt) which was outward, and written in tables of of stone, wherein was the statutes and the commands, that they should only worship him, and that they should not make them Gods of gold and silver, neither the likeness of any thing in heaven or earth, yet nevertheless, that uncircumcised part which kept the seed in bondage, and that corruptable earthly nature that ruled in them, made gods like the heathen egyptians, and they made a Calf, and bowed to the molten image, and forgot God, and provoked him to anger, till many of them were consumed in his sore displeasure, and tempted him, and lusted, and eat and drank, and rose up to play; and committed whoredoms with the creatures, and abused them; and therefore the Lord sent his Prophets and rebuked them: they abused the gold and the silver, the stone and the wood, which were good creatures, but not to make gods of, nor images thereof, nor idols to draw away their minds from the Lord; but they in whom the seed was not made manifest, they worshipped dead things, and likenesses of things, which were not life itself; and so transgressed the Law, acting from that part, and living in that nature, which the Law was against (which was added because of transgression) to limit the transgressor and to slay him, and to bruise that under, till the seed came up that fulfils the Law, but the seed of the Serpent had so much rule in them whom God had often delivered out of the hands of their enemies, so that many perished, Corah, and many Princes, and many thousands of Israel, who followed their own inventions and were cut off in God's sore displeasure, being gone from that which was upright in which man was created, & followiug their imaginations, & out of that mind form idols and images, and set them up, and answered that part in themselves which transgressed the seed, & not that which doth overthrow all idols & the ground thereof; And after they were come to the Land that God had promised them, they were commanded not to worship idols, as the Canaanites did (that were Hams-stock) who was accursed, and set up cursed idols, yet, nevertheless breaking the Law which was to limit that part which had transgressed; that which was contrary to the Law, was set up in themselves, even the nature of the Canaanites, Gentiles and heathen, and then they worshipped the heathens gods, or else form gods and idols and images of their own, and worshipped Baal, Ashteroth and Chemosh, and the Sidonians gods, & every Nations gods, and Images where they came, and so the Lord sent his true Prophets, who feared his name, and worshipped him, to declare against them, even the house of Israel a distinct people, from the heathen, great professors, Ezek. 14. 4. They set up idols in their hearts, and put a stumbling block of iniquity before their face the Lord said he would answer them according to the multitude of their idols, they being gone into vanity, they harkened to the Idols that spoke vanity. Zech. 10. 2. And baked bread and roasted flesh with wood, and of the same made a God, and they transgressed at Dan, at Bethel, at Gilgal, yea their Idols flood in their hearts, and they form such without as was suitable to their hearts, as you may re●d through many ages & generations before the flood & after the flood in the wilderness in Canaan, & in the Nations where they were scattered. Hab. 2. 18, 19 What profiteth the graven Image, and the molten image and teachers of lies, woe unto him that saith to the wood awake▪ to the dumb stone arise it shall teach, behold it is laid over with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all in the midst of it, seek not to Bethel, nor enter into Gilgal, for Gilgall shall go into captivity, and Bethel shall come to nought. Furthermore, they corrupted themselves in those things which God had commanded, (which were commands in their time) & made Idols of those things which were but figures or shadows of good things to come, which they should have waited for, as the Brazen serpent, temple, offering, oblations, Tithes, Priests, Sabbaths, new-Moons, solemn Feasts, Circumcision, Passeover, and all these things were given to be observed till the seed came (the end of all these things and of the Law for righteousness) but Christ the seed, the heir of all things, when he came (after many Prophets had declared of him from Moses to Samuel, from Samuel till john) they exalted those things above him, and neglected him who had life in himself, & would not come unto him that they might have had life, and then, their Temple, Priests, Sacrifice, oblations became Idols, and their practice Idolatry, and so are in blindness to this day; and so in the days of Christ, they held up those things, and were counselled in their works and observances, and days and times, and came not to believe in him in whom all day's ends in, and so continued in their large observations all along in the Apostles days, and did as they had done in the days of the Prophets, slew the Prophets that were sent of the Lord, and set dreamers, and such as prophesied for hire and divined for money, and said no evil should touch them, and they said the Law should not depart from the Priest's mouth, nor vision cease from their prophets, but believed their lies and prophesied of wine and strong drink, and cried peace to them that God's controversy was against, and so persecuted the apostles from City to City, and from place to place, till the the wrath of God came upon them, and Jerusalem compassed about with armies, and not one stone left upon another, and for their sakes Zion became a ploughed corn field, their Temple burnt, their Priests slain, their sacrifices ceased, and their oblations at an end, and they scattered among the heathen, and they and all their Idols, and their worship blasted and cursed from God, and from being a Nation to this day, and thus hath the Lord brought shame and contempt upon all through all ages, who have worshipped the works of their own hands, or that hath holden up any figure, representation, and have set it up and exalted it above the life, and with it have opposed the power, the life in which all figures, Types, and representations ends in; And thus far I have passed through generations, and also through administrations, that all who have a desire of the true knowledge of God may see, that man in the degeneration being out of the Image of God, corrupts himself in all things, and makes idols of all things, being from the life in which man hath power only to fulfil the righteous will of God. But to descend & to come nearer to our age, because all that which is called christendom, will say this in nothing unto them, because they hold not up the heathens Images nor the Jewish Idols, nor the Jewish Types and worship, and therefore they are no Idolaters; when John the Prophet came and preached repentance in the wilderness of Judea, which was a preparer of the way, he baptised in Jordan, and many believed and repent, and were baptised, and Christ also was baptised, and so was he circumcised and eat the passover, and observed what was written, because he came to fulfil all righteousness, and also bade his Disciples hear them that sat in Moses seats for he was not yet sacrificed up, nor glorified; I say john baptised not in his own name, but bore witness unto Christ the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, who came after him and was preferred before him, whom john said should baptise them with the holy Ghost and with fire, and many of john's Disciples followed Christ the true light, that lighteth every one that cometh into the world, and john was not offended at them for following of Christ but rejoiced; take notice of this, you baptizers who are offended with them that follows Christ the light that lighteth every one that cometh into the world, and excommunicates them like the envious Jews, out of your assemblies, and saith they are deluded, and are so far from john's spirit, that instead of bearing your testimony to him, who is the (light) that you would bind them up, and council your disciples not to go after him, the true light that lighteth every man (the Christ of God) I say to you, you are in the Idolatry, who prefer your water before the (light) but john bore witness to Christ the light, and said he was preferred before him, and some Imitaters and Idolaters say the baptism of water is the door or entrance into the Church of God, when as Christ saith he is the door, none comes into the fold but by him, and none comes to the Father but by him, and he is the way, so who sets up an other entrance unto God, or into the foul or into the Church, which is the pillar and ground of truth, sets up an Idol, and prefers an Idol, above the life, and so are in the Idolatry; But let none mistake, that I say water is an Idol nay, it is a good creature of God, or that I say john's baptism with water was an idol, nay he was in the power and spirit of Eliah, and his baptism a figure of a good thing which was to come, which afterward was received by the diseiples, and Christ's words made good unto them; john indeed baptised you with water unto repentance, but ye shall be baptised with the Holy Ghost, and with fire, not many days hence, that was Christ's baptism. I am not Ignorant of the many and great contests in this age, that have been about these things, and I know many scriptures that speaks of baptism all which I have searched narrowly with the measure of God's spirit given unto me, into the true ground of things, & the true state of each administration, and in this thing I am satisfied fully, that the baptism with water was john's baptism, and not Christ's, and the baptism of the spirit is Christ's, and not johns; I have no desire to wrangle or Jangle about words, or contest about shadows, but that all may come to know him in whom all ministrations ends in, and there will be peace and satisfaction (to wit, in Christ) But to say some thing to the main bassis, and foundation, which Priests, and Separatists builds much of their arguments upon, the last of Mat. and the last, Go teach and baptise all Nations in the Name of the Father, Son, and holy Ghost; as for all the Priests about their baptising of Infants, here is no ground at all, for here is first teach and then baptise, and here's no infants neither, and so I know, what consequences hath been drawn from this by the unlearned in their imaginations, but them that hath the least measure of true light, will not take a consequence to build a foundation on, for this is contrary to their own rule, they say the scripture is the Rule, than their consequence is not the Rule, and if the scriptures be the Rule, let all people of your parishes know if you can by the Scripture show when John or any Disciple of his or Christ's, baptised infants and taught them Principles of Religion ●0. years after, but they are willingly ignorant that sees not you to be idolaters; and as to the Baptists separates, who builds upon this for their water baptism, they are as groundless as the Priests, and all their Arguments are as invalled as the rest; for here is baptising the Nations in the Name of the Father in the name of the Son, and of the holy Ghost, and any who are judicious or wise, and are in any measure of God's pure wisdom, will not say that the Name of the Father is water, or the Son or holy Ghost is water; the name of God is I am, and a strong tower, and the Name of the Son is the word, and the word is the power, but this is not water; but further they say the Disciples had received the holy Ghost, and did baptise with water after, and they were Baptised with water after they had received the holy Ghost, & they bring divers Scriptures to prove this. I shall not deny but Peter Baptised with water, and Paul two or three families, and thanks God he baptised no more, and said he had declared the whole counsel of God, and he makes not mention in all his Epistles that baptism was any part of his command, neither in all his counsel to the Churches any where doth he exhort either Timothy or Titus or Apollo or any of the brethren to Baptise with water; but as for Peter's Baptising with water, I know no more command he had then Paul; as for the commission, which Matthew writes of, Mat. 28. and 19 and that Mark mentions, 16. 15. there is no water, and so it's the Baptism of John, I grant, and Christ bearing witness to John that he was a Prophet and did baptise many, and therefore he or they in honour to John's Ministry might baptise some, as well as Paul did circumcise Titus, and and then in 1 Cor. 7. 19 said it was nothing, and again in another place, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision did avail, but a new creature, and because it was a figure which people did not Idolise so much then, as they did circumcision, for the weakness of the people, for a time; and the wise in heart may understand that when any representation or figure outward was set up, it was not easily denied again, nor an easy thing to be laid down, when the thing, signified was come; for many of the Jews believed in Christ, and were said to be brethren, and yet they came from Jerusalem, and troubled the Church of Galatia, and would have brought them under the figure circumcision again, and the Apostle, in Gal. 4. asks them, now when ye know God, why turn ye again to the beggarly Elements, [Circumcision] observing days, months, times and years; I would ask the moderate a question, whether water be not an Element, and pertains only to the Elementary part in man, which is to pass away and be dissolved when the seed is raised up whose nature is not elementary, but Celestial? I shall say no more to them at this present who are contentions, who are so zealous for their water upon so weak a ground, but take heed that while you are striving about your outward water, you neglect not the washing of regeneration and the cleansing of the spirit; many have been baptised, but which of you hath received the holy Ghost? there is not one among you dare own or witness an infallible spirit, but rather counts it an error that any should speak, or witness, or look to enjoy any such thing in these days; well, I say unto you your day is a day of darkness and gloominess you live in, and thick darkness covers your tabernacle; for who ever have received the holy Ghost or spirit of truth in any measure, are led by that which is infallible and not fallible; and if you look not for this, you are no sons notwithstanding all your washing the outside; for as many as are the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God, and this is witnessed praises to the Lord for ever; the Lord is unto his people an everlasting light, and this is the sum that water is owned to be a figure of the one baptism, and was an Element, and pertained to that which is Elementary; but the Elements shall melt with fervent heat and be dissolved in the day of the Lord, and then the seed comes up which is heir of the promise, which is nourished with the water of life, which is not an Element nor Elementary, but is Celestial, and springs up in them that believe unto everlasting life, and comes to be born of the water and the spirit, and enters into God's Kingdom, dominion, power, life, wisdom, excellency and Eternal glory, happy is he that believes and abides in patience unto the end. Now since the days of John, the Kingdom of God hath been Preached, and as many as were ordained to Eternal life believed, and many in the day when Christ was manifest in the flesh believed, unto whom he declared the mind of the Father, and by him was the Father glorified, he fulfilled the Law, and did many works and miracles by the power of the Father, and herein was the Father glorified, and them that did believe in him, their faith was strengthened; and he opened the mystries of the Kingdom of God unto his Disciples, and bore witness and prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem, and of all their worship, and said, no more at Jerusalem nor at Samaria, but the time was coming when they that worshipped the Father should worship him in spirit and truth, and declared against the Pharisees righteousness, and said to his Disciples, Except their righteousness did exceed the Pharisees they could not enter the Kingdom of God, and yet the Pharisees performed all the outward things commanded, but were in the idolatry, and did not believe in the life; Now he declared of his suffering many things, & also how he would go away, and how he would come again, and would not leave them comfortless, but these things were hard to be believed then, by his Disciples, and further he told them he must be betrayed, and suffer and rise again, and when the hour was come that he was betrayed, when he was with his Disciples, even the same night he was betrayed, he took bread, and broke it, and blessed it, and said, take and eat, this is my body which is broken for you, this do in remembrance of me; and after he took the cup, and after he had Supped, saying, this is the cup of the New Testament in my blood, as often as you drink it; do it in remembrance of me, 1 Cor. 11. 23. 24. and Matthew, Mark, and Luke declares the same, and this was real bread, and real wine, which was a representation of that which was to be enjoyed in the spirit, and never intended for any further thing, but as a figure or a representation of the bread of life, and of the cup of blessing which afterward they came to be witnesses of, and as oft as they eat and drank, they did show forth the Lords death till he came. Now this was practised among the Disciples after he was risen from the dead and did converse with them at many times, and exhorted them and comforted them, and instructed them, and told them that they should be witnesses of his name unto the ends of the earth; and gave them commandment to teach all Nations and Baptise them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghost, and did promise to be with them to the end of the world, and told how the Comforter would come, and that the Father would send him in his Name; even the spirit of truth which was with them, and should be in them to be their teacher, leader and guide, and bring all things to their remembrance. Now that which he gave them as a figure, and to be a sign unto them, of the clearer manifestation of himself, which afterward came to be fulfilled, and they witnesses of it, who grew up in the pure invisible being, and did see the mystery, through the Revelation of the spirit, which did more clearly show unto them the mysteries within the vail; for as I said of water, it was a sign of a good thing to come, so the bread and the cup was also a sign of a good thing to come, as all outward figures were, but they that did believe, and grew up in the faith, in the seed, Christ, they came to see the substance, in whom all figures ends in, and had communion with him, within the vail after he was ascended, where he was before; now the Apostle he spoke as to wise men, judge ye what I say, 1 Cor. 10. 15, 16. the cup of blessing, which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? the bread which we break is it not the communion of the body of Christ and v. 17. for we being many are one bread, & one body, for we are all partakers of that one bread; mark all they that did believe, though they were many, yet they were one bread & one body, and were all partakers of that one bread, which bread was the flesh of Christ, John 6. 48. I am the bread of life, and Joh. 6. 51. I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if any man eat of this bread he shall live for ever, and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world: Now I speak unto wise men, and let the wisdom of God (in them manifest) judge what I say, for where the body of Christ is witnessed, and the flesh of Christ known, they know that which all the figures ends in, the Manna that God gave to Israel in the wilderness, they died that did eat thereof, which was as pure a type of the hidden Manna, as lively a type as bread outward which was but a type of the of the flesh of Christ, and both they that did eats the Manna, and they that eat the bread outward and drank the cup outward are both dead, but he that eat the flesh of Christ and drinks the blood lives for ever; and he that eats the hidden Manna hath overcome death and lives for ever, and feeds upon the bread of life, feeds upon Eternal life. Now this is a mystery to the Papists, who are idolaters, who have sprung up in the Apostasy, though they have Scriptures as it was to the Jews, John 6. 52. who strove among themselves and said, how can this man give us his flesh ●o eat? and so the Papists, who strives about the flesh of Christ and his blood, and yet have the Scriptures, and they say it's in the bread and in the wine, after consecration, & so they worship the imaginations of their own hearts, not deserning the Lords body, and have killed thousands, and taken away the lives of thousands, because they would not confess their idol to be of God. And the protestants they are setting up the bread and the wine, and contenting themselves therewith, and are making an idol of it, and comes not to discern the body of Christ, but one saying he hath a carnal body, and another a fleshly body, another a mystical body, another says his body is divided from his members, and so speaks out of thick darkness, their own imaginations, and hath not communion with the body of Christ, neither knows the flesh of Christ, which is the bread of life, which is given for the life of the World, john 6. 51. And as godliness began to work, and the mystery thereof in the days of Christand the Apostles, wherein the Lord discovered much of his wisdom and power, & manifested his pure presence, & poured out his spirit plentifully upon, sons and daughters, & fulfilled that which Joel●prophesied ●prophesied of, Joel 2. 28. which came to be fulfilled after Christ's ascension, Acts. 2. 17. and they received the holy Ghost, & spoke the wonderful things of God as they were revealed by the spirit, which shed itself abroad among them that waited for it, so also the mystery of iniquity began to work even in that time, and as the Apostles laid the foundation of truth, and declared the truth, Christ to be the foundation, even so the Mystery of iniquity did work, and a beginning or a foundation of error was laid by them, who were gone out of the truth, the false Prophets, deceivers, Anti-christs who were professors and preachers, but they were such as were covetous and greedy of filthy lucre, and made merchandise of souls for dishonest gain, and denied the power of God, Christ, and were enemies to the Cross, and gloried in the flesh, and spoke swelling words of vanity, and did all live in the lust of the flesh, and were proud boasters, and denied the Lord that bought them; for denying the power of God, they did deny Christ, though in words they preached him, as this generation who are their offsprings do out of strife & contention, as the Apostle writs, & they held the form of godliness but denied the power, and they were they that once were convinced of the truth, and came into the form of truth, but denied the power of truth; but were in craft and deceit, and they subverted whole houses from the faith, and led them back into the world, into unbelief, in the Apostles days, and yet had a worship, and did worship, but not the power, not the life, and this began to work, and wrought more cunningly, and subtly in the latter times: And the Apostle Paul in many of his Epistles, john and Peter and Judas, declares against them, and Paul prophesied of them before his departure, of grievous Wolves, which should spring up, which should not spare to make havoc of the flock of Christ; so the fall Apostles, deceivers, Antichrists, and deceitful workers, they went out then and did what they could to lead disciples after them into the world; inwardly they were ravened from the spirit, and was gone from it into the earth, into the world, and served not the Lord Jesus Christ, but their own bellies, and the God of the world which is the Devil, and they went into the world, and the world received them; and then they and their disciples turned against the saints, and they held truth in words, and the form for a while, but it was in unrighteousness; and here was the beginners, and the beginning of the Apostats, and of the Apostasy; it was begun in the Apostles days by them that went out of the truth, out of the light, and were ravened from the spirit, and erred from the faith, and were enemies to the power of God, and these were the beginners and the layers of the foundation, and then it grew, that root of wickedness faster than the truth; for the Jews resisted, and the heathen resisted and the Apostates and false prophets resisted, and they that were Apostatised they resisted, and they caused many to stumble, to err, to make shipwreck of their faith, and so the world went after them, the World, the Nations, the kindreds, the tongues, & the people went after Kings, Princes and potentates of the earth, & in process of time they had over run-all & killed the saints, the woman fled into the wilderness, & the man child was caught up unto God; then all Nations who were gone from the Rock became as a sea, reeled to & fro, unstable, unsettled; what were they like to settle in the Sea? then a great beast arose with his seven heads and ten horns, and the whore which had defiled the bed, and she sat upon the beast, and she reached out her cup of fornication to the nations, and all nations was drunk with her cup, and then the beast made war, and the nations were drunk, and they loved the beast and received his mark, became cruel, and pushed at the saints (and followed him) and made war with them, and the whore, she drank the blood of the saints, and the Dragon appeared, and with his tail drew the third part of the stars after him to the Earth; the false Prophets they are the tail of the Dragon who were gone from the testimony of Jesus, the spirit of prophecy, and drew after it the third part of the stars from the firmament of his power into the earth, Rev. 12. 4. The man child was caught up unto God, which was to rule all Nations with a rod of Iron, and the woman fled into the wilderness, where God hath prepared a place for her, and then the Dragon went out and made war with the remnant of her seed, to wit, the woman's seed. And so out of the Sea arose the beast, out of Nations, kindreds, Tongues, and peoples, which are waters, and the Dragon gave power to the beast, and his seat, and great authority, Rev. 13. 2. And all the world wondered after the beast, ver. 3. and ver 4. They worshipped the Dragon which gave power to the beast, and the beast likewise; and now the worl● cried (which wondered after the beast) who is able to make war with the beast? and ver. 6. he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name and Tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven, and he made war with the saints, and did overcome them, and all that dwelled upon the Earth worshipped him, whose names were not written in the Lamb's book of life. And the beast's deceived the Nations and them that did dwell on the earth, and now kindreds, Tongues, and peoples, and Nations, and all the world which wondered after him, they who had lost the image of God, now became the image of the beast, that blasphemed God and his Tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven, and now the Kings of the earth that had drunk the Whore's cup of fornication, and the Nations, Kindred's, and Tongues, and people, who were become the beasts image, now the image of the beast spoke, and caused as many as would not worship the beast and the image, should be killed; take notice of that, all who are called Christians, it was not God's image, who compelled to worship or else be killed, but it was the beasts image, and wheresoever compulsion and killing is exercised and practised, they worship the beast. Chap. 13. ver. 16. And he causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, bond and free to receive a mark in their forehead, or in their right hand, and none might buy or sell, but he which had the beasts mark or his name, or the number of his name; here was worship, but it was the beasts worship, and Idolatrous worship, and the Dragon's worship, who sought to destroy the manchild, which all the Angels is to worship; all this worship is in the Apostasy. So let all take notice of this compelling, causing, forcing, kill, and destroying about worship, all they that so do yet are worshipping the beast on which the Whore rides, and this is that generation who slew the Lamb, and they are of the World, and this is the Dragon's brood, who sought to devour the manchild, and this is the Serpent's seed, and a seed of falsehood who made war with the remnant of the seed of the woman through all ages unto this generation, and so all that which is called Christendom, is more or less under the beasts power, and hath his Image, even to this day; and yet some of them are professing the saints words, and imitating their actions, who were followers of the Lamb, and kept the faith; now this that john saw as come in, did grow deceivers, anti-christs, false prophets, who were before & truth Churches at Galatia Corinth, and made havoc, brought in deceit and infected many, as Coloss. Pergamus, Rev. 3. Sardis & Laodicea; but now all Nations were erred and gone from their maker, their husband, and did drink of the cup of the whore, and were adulterated from the life, faith, and power, and now worshipped the beast, and the whole world went after him, there was some of his adultery, whoredom and fornication in the Apostles days, and some had drunken then, but now Nations, kindreds, Tongues, and people drunk the cup of fornication, and now Jesabel who slew the prophets, and drunk the blood of the saints, she reaches out her cup; Kings, merchants, Noble men, great men, Nations, kindreds, Tongues, and people were made drunk, the manchild sought to be devoured, floods cast out after the woman, the saints blood drunk, the world worships the Dragon, and the beast and his great authority, and wonders after him; now Jesabel the whore, who made the nations drunk, she prophesies, all the Nations made drunk with her cup of fornication, and drinks in all her false doctrines, and devised fables, now she is as a Queen, now the Nations worships; after a beast arises, she gets upon him and rides, she and the beast becomes one, she drinks the blood of the saints, the beast makes war, compels, kills, being of one mind with the whore; none to buy or sell but they that have his mark of his name, or at least some of the number of his name; and who were not defiled, were killed (or sought to be killed) this is since the apostles days; so now we have found the whore, her beginning in the Apostasy, having lost the faith and power that the Saints were in, we have found out the rise of the beast in the Apostasy, since the Apostles, that all the World wondered after and worshipped. Now Rome we have found thy foundation, and the beginning of thy rise, and sees how thou art elevated, we have thee and all that sprang out of thy stock and root, betwixt this time and the Apostles, and we read beyond thee, though thou boast thyself of antiquity, and glory in thy counsels, and convocations, for thy proof we have sounded thy bottom, I have thee and all the Apostates sprang from thee betwixt me and the Apostles, the anti-christs false-Prophets, deceivers, false Apostles, they began, they laid thy foundation, who went out from the Apostles, and denied the cross of Christ and the power of God, and the Apostle prophesied of their increase, here thy visible members began to gather, and they went out into the World, and the World received them, according to Christ's saying, out of the light, out of the power, out of the faith, out of the life that the holy men of God were in, being ravened from the spirit, whored from the life, they went out in an outward dress, had a show, a form of godliness, the Nations received the cup, the Kings of the earth, the Nobles and the mighty men, thou boasts of, they drank of thy cup and were inflamed with adultery after thee; and then the Nations over which the whoredoms spread, kindreds, Dominions, tongues Nations peoples and become fornicators, all became as a sea, rolling, tossing, foaming, raging, casting up mire and dirt, unstable reeling; then the Kings, the great men, thy Nobles who were Rulers over the people, being drunk with the Nations cup of fornication, they sprang up as a great Beast with so many heads and horns, and their teeth became as Lions, their feet as Bears, and then thou began to ride in the Nations, and to sit as a Queen, than thou associated thy drunken fornicators together then thou began to usurp authority and then sit as Judge over the heritage of God and of the Saints, of the Apostles, and of them that kept the testimony of Jesus than thou began to kill and destroy and suck the blood of the Saints, and to be drunk with it; and then thy Kings whom thou calls converts and Christians having drunken thy cup, they form Laws and made Laws to guard thy whoredoms and adultries and Idolatries, than they became thy executioners, and what thou said was good, the Beast maintained, and what thou condemnedst by thy Counsels for heresy, they became executioners of; then came in compelling to worship by the Beast that rose out of the Sea, and then thou cried Heretics and condemned the just, and then thou got a cover, thou wouldst not kill, but the beast must upon whom thou rides; then if there was any that kept their virginity and the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ which was in the Apostles days, than thou condemnedst them for Heretics; then the Beast compelled, and caused to worship, but if they would not bow to his image, than thy Merchants cries up, they despise Governors and Rulers, when both thy Doctrine and thy Laws is corrupt, than the Beast must kill, than he blaphemes the God of heaven, and his Tabernacle; and then thou saith thou killest none, but the beast must (upon which thou rides) and shall have a whole Counsel to confirm it to be lawful; And now thou calls thyself the Catholic and Apostolical Church, and thy seat the Apostolical Chair, and the Rulers and leaders defenders of the faith. Nay, we find thee contrary to the primitive Church, and thy seat and Chair is raised up since, and thy bed of whoredoms made since, and the Kings and Rulers in thy Dominions are become defenders of thy idolatries and whoredoms, and are indeed the beast that makes War with the Saints, and hath prevailed, and truth overcome; but he is risen who is able to make war with the Beast, and to take the whore, and to burn her flesh with fire, for he is able to judge her; and thy Beasts weapons and thine are carnal, but the Lambs and the Saints are spiritual, and so thy Doctrine and practice is quite another thing, patched ●uffe, some brought in from the first Priesthood, some borrowed from the Jews, as thy Altars, thy vestments (that thy idolatrous Merchants wear when they celebrate thy great idol the Mass) and the rest borrowed fragments from the heathen, and the rest invented in the night of darkness, and all that you have is invented trumpery, as bad as the heathen; all your Crosses, Altars, Crucifixes, your Cells your Lent, your Fasts, your Feasts, your Haircloth; your Images, Pictures, your Relics of dead men's bones, your Tithes, your offerings, oblations, obventions, your Tapers, Beads, your holy water, your Baptising of Infants, your Purgatory, your Praying for the dead, your visiting of old Walls, and old Tombs, and rotten Sepulchers, your Pilgrimages, your Inquisition; all this is come up since the Apostles days, and thy consecrated bread and wine, which thou calls the body and blood of Christ, about which idol thou (and all that have drunken the cup of fornication,) and the Beast hath slain thousands of men in your blood thirsty cruelty, and all your works you call meritorious they are all dead, & will be sentenced by the Lamb (who is risen,) to be self-righteousness; and so we have found out your visible Church had no being but since the Apostasy, since the Apostles days, and you are erred both in Doctrine and practice, and all your Ordination of your Ministers, your Schools and Colleges is all in the will of man, all this is in the fall, in the transgression, and under the curse. Object. Some of the Protestants or reform Churches (so called) may say we like this well that you declare against po●●●y, we agree with you in that; but we have renounced the Whore's cup, and have denied all the powers of the Beast long since. Answ. Although many of you Priests have denied your mother, because some Kings and Rulers, or Dukes or Magistrates have cast off the yoke, and they protect you, and give you maintenance, yet we cannot but remember you of your genealogy, and decent, and your doctrine and practice shall prove it, and make it manifest, and that you take part with the Beast, and worships his image, and shall be evidenced, more and more, even before this generation pass away; are not you a stem sprung from the same root? doth not the fruits you bring forth evidence it, and practice, demonstrate it? if you grant that Rome is Apostized from the faith which the Apostles were in, and their practice (you must not deny your fathers) who made the Bishops, and ordained them; did not the Pope, who ordained you Ministers or priests, did not the Bishops, who set up your Mass-house, with all the Pictures and Crosses in and upon them, which you call your Church? who established Tithes, offerings, oblations, Easter reckonings, Midsumer deuce, did not the Pope first,, and them that were subject to his power, who invented Schools and Colleges to fit you for the Ministry, and qualify you for the Ministry, as you say, is not this set up in, and since the Apostasy began? your set wages, your baptising of Infants, your consecrated Bells, which the Pope hollowed or his emissaries? do not you preach up the letter for the word, & the letter for the Gospel? & are not you calling your bread & wine a Sacrament? which word you have received from Rome, your Pulpits & your hour-glasses, your cushions, your black robes & long robes, fals-Prophet-like, your funeral for the dead like the Pope's exequys for the dead, your devouring widows houses, and sueing men at the Law, your haling them to Courts & prisons, your taking away men's goods by force, threefold, tenfold; yea, is that which you claim, and from them that you work not for; neither dare you say this was the Apostles practice, or any of the primative churches; If you say yea, all that knows the scripture or the least of God in them to guide them, or to open their understandings, they will see you nearly related to Rome, and to the Apostates, and deceivers, and falls Prophets of old, and that you are greatly inflamed with the Whore's cup; and did not the holy men of God speak as they were moved by the holy Ghost and divine inspiration, & as the spirit of truth revealed itself in them? and do not you all head and tail deny any such thing to be now? and further concludes, that its a great error to look for any such thing? then be convinced in yourselves, you are Apostates and Apostatised from that faith, and hope & spirit that was in the primative times; and now reads old authors, it may be 20. or 30. books before you can get an hours discourse patched up to hold you dreaming till the glass be run; & dare you be so impudent & confident as to say that you ●are not Apostates? and are you not followers of the beast, and have you not his mark, and bear you not his Image? do not you count that disorder which the Apostles and the Churches counted order? if any thing was revealed to him that stands by, let the first hold his peace? are not you apostatised from this order, & cries take him away, and yet you would be called Apostolical? well, these things being true, and obvious enough to behold, to any who knows any thing of God, I need not say much more in this thing, but all wise men will come out from among you, and out of Babylon the Mother of Harlots, which hath made you and your root and genealogy drunk with her fornication, and this is my call to separate from her and you, that are in the apostasy; and wait to know the word which was in the beginning, and the Gospel which was Preached to Abraham, which endures for ever, whose joyful sound is come forth in power and great glory, which will shake the foundation of your great City, even mystery Babylon, and not leave one stone upon another which shall not be thrown down; and then the holy men of God shall rejoice, and the Saints of the most high shall sing, they that have been as sheep for the slaughter shall reign over the earth, and shall say, The Lord God omnipotent Reigns, and let us rejoice and be glad, and he hath taken to himself great power, and is coming to gather his Lambs out of your mouths, and to feed in a pasture you never saw, which was manifest to the Saints in light, before you apostates sprang, and shall be again, when you and all your dark muddy traditions, and inventions, are gone down into the pit, where there is no remembrance. Object. But it may be the pure reformed Church of Scotland, as it hath been called, and the old Episcopal and Prelatical Priests of England, who hath borrowed their images to set up here will be ready to say we have denied, the whore and the beast, and the apostasy, and we have pure reformation, we have denied Bishops which was made by the apostate the Pope, and now we have settled all things according to the Primitive Church. Answ. There never did spring up any deceit since the Apostles or before, but it called itself, by the best name; as for the Priests of Scotland, their doctrine and practice is made manifest, and their Reformation by their principles which I refer the Reader to, entitled the principles of the Priests of Scotland, their Reformation, and discipline is nearly related to the Spanish Inqnisition; for their Doctrine, they say grace is not free, and faith is not without sin, and the Letter is the word of God, and that they are cursed that say there is a light within which will lead up to God; and as one said, although it meant Christ; and if any will not submit to their words, and conform to their practice and traditions, than they call a counsel together, as their forefathers at Trent, and pronounces him a heretic, and within this few years banished them, or else took their whole substance outward from them; and if any out of conscience could not submit unto their invented tradition, then if he ever came to have any converse with them again, be must have a penance before he could get an indulgence from them, like the Pope; and furthermore, if any deny them because they are out of the doctrine of Christ, and are contrary to the Scripture, then, as I said, they excommunicate them, and charges all people neither to buy nor sell, nor eat nor drink with them, nor work for them; and so the beasts power is exercised, compelling to come to their Mass-houses; and as for the denying the Bishops, than you have denied your fathers that begat you, and ordained you, then, you have no Ordination; but may be you have cry●d so for settling your Gospel, you have got a Committee to ordain you, or one company to lay hands on another, but when receive ye the holy Ghost? Oh that is an error in your Church, but are you not got into the old Cathedrals (so called) and into the Steeple-houses, and the old Masse-houses, and where you had, may be 20 pounds or forty in the year, now you have gotten a hundred, it may be two; here's reformation indeed; well, we must needs remember you of your race and stock, the apostates since the Apostle days, and the former practices which is found among the old Protestants and Papists is among you, and you are still drunk with the whore's cup, and are crying for cain's weapons to guard you; well, I say you art part of the dragon's tail, that draws to the earth, and to the pit, which will be the end of all idolaters and Apostates, except they come to repent. And as for the Independants Churches, so called, you are a branch of the same root, you have declared against the Bishops and court Prelates, and said they were in error, and many of you declared against them for pluralists, because they had too great benefits, and declared against Tithes, as to be Antichristian, and whoso received Tithes, denied Christ come in the flesh, who are wheeled about, and now takes them yourselves, and creeps into the old Mass-houses, and hath taken that up which you condemned in others, and so have made your former testimony void, and all sober people sees your hypocrisy and deceit, who have gathered a company together, which you call select people, or members of your Church, and you exclude the rest who have as good right to your Ordinance as you, for they profess Christ in words as you do; And yet you will receive their means, whom you judge not capable of your Ordinance; and your Church will no more maintain you, than it would maintain them that you have denied in words, if you had not the beasts power to compel, your vineyard would starve you, your Gospel and your Preaching is one with the former, and the people is the same in nature they were before; you have got Bishops Lands, agmentations and Stypends more large than your forefathers had, for the most part, and sue men at the Law, and hales them before Judgement seats and takes away their goods whom you look upon to be in error; yet this stands as good with you as any Article of your faith, to force to compel, to sue, to hale into prison, to take away their goods, and get a Scripture for your cover, and say he that Preacheth the Gospel must live of the Gospel, and them that neither hear you, nor receives you, neither believes your Gospel; yet you conclude, its lawful to take their goods and if you cannot get them, hale the party into prison; are not you drinking still the whore's cup? and do not you follow the Beast? and do not you own that Law to be just that compels people to pay money to you who denies your Ministry, and are none of your sheep? and are not your Ordinances and worship imitated things from the Scripture, the Saints words, and yet out of their life and practice, are not you in the Apostasy? have you not your profession and confession of faith, to make year after year as the Magistrate changes? doth not this evidence, that you are unstable and are yet in the waters upon which the whore sits, and situated in Babylon, the Mother of Harlots, who yet makes you drunk, and that makes all the filth and vomit appear in the earth that stains the earth, and your idols corrupts the earth; and all separates under what name soever, who have not denied the ground of apostasy, but are in the apostasy, for all sects since the apostles days have taken up some part and left another, since the life hath been lost, and the power lost all hath been in idolatry, and the Protestants who have denied the Papists, yet they have not denied them in the ground of their worship, but hath retained some, part and hath kept some part of their worship; and all Sects sprung out of the Protestants, in them all there is some part remaining, for they have not denied the ground of the worship set up in the apostasy the whore's cup i● drunk of, and the Dragon hath power which sought to destroy the man-child, and made war with the remnant of the seed of the woman who was clothed with the Sun; you all stick yet in Babylon, and the best of you all, are but yet in the suburbs thereof. For since the Apostles days their foundation hath been either traditions, Imitations, inventions of their own, or borrowed things from the Jews in the first covenant, or at the best, the letter hath been the ground of their faith and their foundation, which they have twined and translated this way and that, according to the wit, and reason of every particular sect and opinion, and according to the understanding of their private spirits; now all these buildings, and towers that men have builded up in the Apostasy, they would fasten upon the writings of the holy men of God, and so hath raised an imagination of their own, and so would have the scripture prove what they say; and the writings of the Apostles, they all call the Gospel; & the word of faith, & the light of the Gospel, & the foundation & the tryer of spirits, & the touchstone and say its the foundation of their faith and Religion; and so are all in the distraction one envying another, and persecuting one another about the words of truth, spoken from the spirit of truth, which cannot be understood again but by the same spirit; and so all them that have not the spirit of truth, are in the Apostasy, And all Sects Judgements and opinions that hath risen up since the Apostasy, from the faith that was once delivered to the saints, when the woman travelled and brought the manchild, which after, because of the Dragon's power, fled into the wilderness, and her child caught up unto God, all the faith and worship, that since is sprung up since the Whore hath sitten as a Queen in majesty, is all denied, the ground of their worship, Laws, Traditions, Inventions, and all their invented practices, and forms and Images, and likenesses are denied, and disowned, as to be the dress and attire of the Whore which hath alured people through her enticing pretences and shows of holiness, when indeed all is but spiritual adultery, and this must be all turned under again, the Whore's flesh burned, and her attire plucked off, and her nakedness appear, and her shame to them that have committed fornication with her, and they shall be ashamed of themselves, and of her, and abhor themselves, and abhor her, and destroyed shall she be; and the Lamb's wife shall be beautified, and come out of the secret places into open view, out of the solitary wilderness, into the beautiful place that the Lord will bring her into, & the time, times, and half time is out, the thousand two-hundred and four days is at an end; and he bears witness of it who saw her ●fly away upon Eagles wings into the secret place, which was prepared for her, for these days and times appointed, and I say he that knows the counsel, of the most High (in this matter) can account the time, times, and a half, and the days, and what shall be after the days be expired which is at an end; blessed is he that sees, believes, and understands, he shall see that which yet hath not appeared, neither can it be believed by the most, though it were declared; but yet a little while and the Earth grows ripe, and an ear will be opened in many who cannot yet hear, and for a little while in this I shall be silent, and treasure up that which the spirit hath revealed, till the time be fully accomplished which God hath determined, and then his glory shall be revealed, and all the former things which have lived since the man of sin hath been exalted, shall all die, & an utter consumption shall be of all the changeable Laws made since the Apostasy, and the many changeable dresses of the whore, and attires in which she hath appeared, & Imaginary worships into which all have run since they were Apostati●ed from the faith; all this shall be disannulled, and come to an end, and be blasted for ever, the spirit of the Lord saith Amen. How the woman that was clothed with the Sun, and had the Crown of twelve Stars upon her head, which did fly into the wilderness, comes out again after the great whore is judged, and her child that was caught up unto God, comes to appear again. NOw after the time, times, and half a time, and after the thousand two hundred and threescore days she returns after the whore is judged, and the great City Babylon is fallen, which hath made the Nations drunk, and brought forth children in fornication, who had drunk the blood of the Saints in the Apostasy after the Whore was judged; and the voice was heard in heaven, of much people that sang hallelujah, salvation, and glory, and honour, & power; Who witnessed to the righteousness of God's judgement: And a voice came out of the Throne, saying, praise our God all his servants, and ye that fear him both small and great, Rev. 19 5. and verse the 6. And I heard as it were the voice of many waters, and as a great multitude, and as the voice of a mighty thunder, saying, hallelujah, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth; the Whore is now judged, the mother of harlots condemned with all her enchantments, and sorceries. Now the Lamb's wife appears, who is the mother of the manchild which was caught up unto God, she that was clothed with the Sun, with the glorious everlasting Celestial light, she is both the mother and the wife, he that hath an ear let him hear; now Jerusalem that is from above, (spiritually so called) who was the mother of all the Saints before the apostasy, she appears again, and comes to be the wife of the Lamb, and the city of the Saints, & the mother of them that are born from above; this shall be and is made manifest to some, but a numberless number shall see it, and the day hastens greatly, and she is appearing again, and her solitary garments shall be put off; and as she was beautiful (before the whore made the nations drunk) clothed with the Sun, and had the Moon under her feet, and a Crown of twelve Stars upon her head (and though she became childless, and also as a widow, and the remnant of her seed slain, and destroyed) so shall she appear again in glory and beauty as before, and shall be made ready, yea, my eye hath seen it; she is making herself ready as a bride for her husband, and unto her is granted, that she shall be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white, even arrayed in the righteousness of the saints, which is not self-righteousness; the garments of the harlot and her lovers; but in the righteousness of Christ the Lamb, her husband and child also, and she shall now bring forth many more children, though her seed have been slain, yet a numberless number shall appear, and ten thousand thousand shall be brought forth by her, and glory in her, and reverence her, and rejoice in her for ever, and they shall be all clad in the same robe which the husband the Lamb is clothed withal, and the same, the Lamb's wife, this woman is clothed with all, and the same shall all the children be clothed with all, the fine linen the righteousness of the Lamb which was dead and slain since the foundation of the world, but now alive and lives for evermore; and here a heavenly family appears now after the Apostasy, and this shall be seen by all that have an eye, that can see through & beyond the smoke of the pit, that have darkened the air while the beast and Dragon hath had power; but now hath her child appeared again, the manchild hath appeared again, and he that was in the spirit on the Lord's day saw whether he was taken up to the Throne of God, Revel. 12. ver. 5. and on the same Lord's day he saw him after the woman was fled, and the remnant of her seed was made War with and flain in the earth, where the Dragon had power. He that was in the spirit saw him alive again after he was caught up; So he that is in the spirit, now on the Lord's day sees the same man-child who was brought forth by by the woman who was to rule the Nations, but was caught up to the Throne of God before he came to R●le; and then the Dragon ruled the beasts and false prophet, the Whore the Mother of harlots sat as a Queen, and the woman the mother of the heir fled into an obscure and a retired place, and was hid, times and days (as I said before) but as she appeared again in beauty, so the man-child the heir he appears also in glory, Majesty and power, and John saw him, Revelations 19 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him, was called faithful and true, and he doth Judge and make War in rigteousness his eyes was as a flame of fire, on his head were many Crowns, and he had a name written that none knew but he bimself, and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of God. And now the woman's seed is increased again, after the Dragon and the beasts War, and now they become an Army, and follows the Lamb their leader who is anointed with honour, glory, and Majesty and renown, strength, power, wisdom, joy and gladness above all his fellows; yet his followers are anointed too, and the seed of the woman the inhabitants of the City of the great King, they are clothed with the same garment and Armour, and rides on in power strength and Majesty after him, and they are clothed and shall be with the garment of their Mother, and the garment of their Captain their head; and as he road on in innocency, so they ride on after him, and the woman was in heaven, that traveled, and the child was born there, though he was to rule the Nations of the Earth; and so who so are of this woman's seed which is born in the City of the great King Jerusalem unto which the Hebrews were come, Heb 21. before the Apostasy, and before the woman fled, so now the same City comes to be seen again, and the children are free born of their mother the Lamb's wife, who is joined to him, and is to be so for ever in the everlasting Covenant; so they being heavenly children, redeemed from the earth, from under the Dragon's power, they follow the Lamb, the word, God's power, Revel. 19 14. And the armies which were in heaven followed him, upon white horses, clothed in fine linen white and clean, and out of his mouth goes a sharp sword and with it he shall smite the Nations; and now comes he to rule them with a rod of Iron, he was brought forth long before; but was caught up to God again, and the Dragon, beast and whore, and false prophet ruled the Nations, and killed the Saints, but now he appears again after the Apostasy, and a great host with him, and the woman also and her children are many, and they all follow the firstborn; and now comes the woe to the dragon and Whore, beast and false prophets, and unclean spirits, and on them that worship devils, and now shall he tread the wine-press of the wrath of God Almighty. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh written, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. And now appears an Angel standing in the Sun which the woman● was clothed with, and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, come and gather to the Supper of the great day of God, and now must the flesh of the Kings and Captains, and Nobles, and flesh of mighty men who had drunk the Whore's cup, now must drink of the wine of God's wrath; and the Beast and the Kings of the earth, and their Armies gathered together to make War against him that sat on the white horse and his Army; and the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, and the remnant were slain (that took part with the beast by him that sat upon the horse and his Army; whose sword proceeded out of his mouth, and all the fowls were filled with their flesh) the Whore is burnt before, the beast, the false prophet and his Army now slain, and their flesh eaten by the fowls of heaven, and now the blood comes forth to the horse bridles. And now the Angel descends having the key of the bottomless pit from whence the old Dragon, the Serpent, the red Dragon, the Devil came; there is his beginning, there was he brought forth, and there he grew up, he that reads let him understand, out of the bottomless pit; for the Nations were never deceived till he appeared, and he appeared as I have said before, after the heaven and the earth was made, and all things therein (I say after) he was not before, he deceived Eve in the garden, now he is grown old, and so is truly called the old Dragon, grown into a body of deceit; well now must he be taken and bound and cast into the bottomless pit, from whence he came, that he deceive the Nations no more, Rev. 20. 1, 2. and all this War is in the bringing out of the Apostasy, and in order to the Lamb and the Saints everlasting Reign in heaven and over the earth for ever. This I have seen, and my heart rejoiceth, and my mouth shall praise the Lord; & the woman I say is appearing, and she is clothed with beautiful garments, and the holy child, the manchild, hath appeared, and is manifest again among the Saints, and in then; and the Lamb which hath been slain since the world began, is alive, & behold he lives for evermore; and now many are his followers, and an innumerable company shall ride on after him who is King of Kings; and now is God fulfilling that which john saw in the Lord's day, which should come to pass, the work is begun, he hath appeared, out of whose mouth proceeds the two edged sword which shall hew down all the Dragon's army, the beast and his followers, and though the cry be yet among many, who shall make war with the beast? and who shall speak against his prophets? yet a little while and fear shall come, & their vaunts and boasts shall be turned into doubting, and dreadful fear on every side, for Jacob shall be as a flame, and Esau and all his race shall be as Stubble, he that reads, let him understand the wisdom of God in a mystery, and the work of the Lord which shall shortly come to to pass. The manifestation of God's glory shall be as great after the Apostasy, as ever it was in any age, before the rise of antichrist, and the ministrations (into which them that follow the Lamb shall be brought) shall be as spiritual, holy, Celestial, and divine as ever was before; For the end of all our outward visible appearances shall come, which the whore hath decked herself with, and life it shall be known, in the body and God enjoyed, and worshipped, glorified, and honoured in that which shall never alter, but abides for ever; and this shall be & is the last ministration that ever shall appear among the Sons of men. We who are come out of the Apostasy, knows what was before, & sees what shall be after, the everlasting gospel of the Son of God shall be preached again to them that dwell on the Earth, the same that was preached to Abraham before either old or new Testament was written; the latter, all sects since the apostasy call the gospel, and so greatly manifest their ignoance, for that were to make two Gospels to call the scriptures the Gospel, or that which is written, and they who so err in their judgements, are yet among the smoke of the pit, & are yet under antichrists reign, & are ignorant of him who is the saving health of the Nations; And the living, infallible, true, lasting, and everlasting spirit of the Father shall be poured out again, and many now witness it, and a numberless number shall witness it, and the time hastens; And the Lamb shall stand upon mount Zion, and many who are redeemed from the earth and from among men which shall be the first fruits unto God, and to the Lamb, and they shall sit with him, and shall reign with him, and have power over sin, temptation, and the Devil, Hell and the Lake, and this is to come to pass, and is coming to pass, and hastens greatly; and the voice out of heaven shall be heard as the voice of many waters, and the voice of harpers harping with their harps, and the new song shall be sung, the pure song of the Lamb shall be sung by all who are redeemed from the earth in every Nation, kindred, Tongue and people, who have heard, believed and received the joyful sound of the everlasting Gospel again, and now they shall fear God, and glorify him, and honour him, even they who have feared the Beast, and glorified him in the Apostasy, they shall deny his power, and own the Lamb's power, and worship him that sits upon the throne of righteousness, who lives for ever and ever, and is eternal Life itself; the worship shall be now in spirit and truth, where the Dragon cannot come, neither the beast, Harlot, false prophet, nor antichrist, nor none of his followers can come, and here in the ministration shall be more glorious, after the Apostasy than it was before; the worship stood before in many outward visible things, and representations, and outward performances, and ordinances, & I manifestly say, the dragon, beast, whore, and false prophets and Apostates took up these things, and Nations and kindreds, and Tongues, and people who drunk of the whore's cup, & all that were gone from their maker their husband, they have been and are acting and performing, imitating like Jannes and Jambres; but since the days of the Apostles, they corrupted these things, and hath made Idols of them, and painted themselves with them, and have got the sheep's clothing; therefore now will the Lord appear and manifest his power, life and glory in away more invisible and pure, than before, and more divine, celestial and glorious, where never an hypocrite shall tread in the path; & so the restoration is a mystery that shall be after the Apostasy, the glory is not to appear in external things, for there the mother of harlots hath hid herself long, which hath made all Nations drunk; but the clothing of the Lamb's wife and of the bride shall be another thing then the attire of the harlot, for the spouse of the Lamb shall be arrayed, in the same attire, that the Lamb is clothed withal, and with the same vestment, and the Tabernacle of God is to be with men, and he shall dwell in them, even the Lord that spirit, and shall walk in them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and in them, and sorrow shall be done away, and tears wiped away, and that done away which was the cause of sorrow; Rev. 21. 3. and 4. and there shall be no more death, nor crying, nor any more pain, for the former things are passed away, to wit, death which entered in by sin, it shall be destroyed, and the earth out of which the second beast arose, and the sea out of which the first beast did arise & upon which the whore sat, and Hell, and the lake which was prepared, and raised up, when man was degenerated from the Lord, they shall be destroyed, and he also which hath the power of death which is the Devil, he shall be destroyed and his works, (the cause of scorn) and then they shall see the Lord face to face, even them that have but seen him darkly, as in a glass, or as in a cloud, they shall see his pure living countenance, which giveth life, and death, and Hell shall be cast into the Lake of fire, and whosoever is not found written in the Lamb's book of life must be cast into the fire. Then the new heaven and earth shall be seen, and the heavenly City, which shall come down from God out of heaven; which no mortal eye shall behold, neither shallbe able to behold, which hath twelve foundations, and twelve gates, and the glory of God shall be upon her, and her light shall be as a stone most precious, and as clear as crystal, yea all things visible are too short and not to be compared to it; for in it their need neither Sun nor Moon to shine in it, for the glory of the Lord shall lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof, and all who shall be partakers of this glorious Ministration, shall walk in the light of the Lamb; there shall be no night, nor the least appearance of a cloud or darkness, but transparent brightness, and glory which shall be permanent, durable and everlasting; for the Lord God and the Lamb is the Temple of the City, in which the Saints shall worship him that sits upon the throne for evermore, and shall give unto him glory, and honour, and dominion, and eternal praise for evermore, who alone is worthy, who lives for ever in eternal glory, and everlasting light and brightness for cvermore. And his face shall be seen in whom all figures representations, & shadows ends in, and the pure river of water of life which is as clear as Crystal, which proceeds out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb; and all who have kept the word of his patience shall drink thereof, and be nourished up in immortality and life everlasting for ever. And the tree of life that stands in the Paradise of God, them that have overcome shall eat thereof and live for ever; and the Nations, Kindred's, Tongues, people and Regions, who have heard, believed and received the everlasting Gospel shall know his saving health; and the Throne of God and the Lamb shall be seen, and his servants shall serve him who is their Lord and King, who lives for ever, and they shall see his face, and his name shall be in their foreheads, and the Lord God shall give them light and shall be unto them an everlasting light, and they shall reign with him for ever and ever, over the whore, Beast, false prophet, Antichrists, deceivers, seducers, the pit, death, hell & the grave; & shall triumph in his strength over all the powers of darkness, and sing praises to him that abides for ever; these things are true and faithful, and shall be fulfilled, and the time is at hand, blessed are they that wait and watch, that they may discern the signs of the times, and the coming of the bridegroom, that they may enter into the chamber of rest, and into the Palace of eternal life, into the City of the great King to sit with him, and eat with him, and rejoice with him in the glory Eternal, which was before the world began, & shall be when it shall be no more, the end hastens; he is blessed that is come and coming to the end of it; for that which is immutable and Eternally glorious shall appear, the Lord hasten it, saith my spirit. Amen. The day of the Lord and how it is seen. THe Lord God of the whole earth, who lives for ever, even the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and Jacob, whose Throne is established in righteousness for ever; who rideth upon the heavens, and shines forth in his eternal excellency, from the firmament of his power; he is manifesting himself in his power, as in the days of old, and revealing his righteousness as in the years past, and pouring forth his spirit upon his sons and daughters, according to his promise, and they that believe, comes to be made partakers of the blessing of the everlasting Hills, even the Lord, who appeared at Sinai, unto Moses his servant in the bush, who rose up from mount Seir, and shined forth in his brightness from mount Paran, and came with ten thousands of his Saints, even he, from whose right hand went a fiery Law, so that the people could not behold his glory; the same is he who hath now appeared in this the day of his power, and is appearing, whose glory shall dazzle the eyes of the world, whose brightness shall make dim all the world's glory, and slain its wisdom, and shut it up in utter darkness, that it shall not appear to have any existence or being, and the shadow of death shall fly away, and all the haughty and lofty Princes of this world shall be horribly afraid; the beasts shall go into their dens when the day appears, and the Lambs of the everlasting fold shall come forth and be fed in the fat valleys, where the springs of life compasseth about all the banks, and rejoice in their shepherd, and shall say, The Lord is my shepherd; which many at this time doth admire and say, What hath the Lord wrought? who have seen his wonders in the days of old, and have seen his noble acts, which the fathers have told of, who are fallen asleep, and are at rest in the Lord: and now many is God bringing to see their witness to be true, and to have the same fulfilled in themselves; honour and praise unto him for ever, who is the stay and strength of all his people for ever. And the day of the Lord is broken, and the light hath appeared that manifesteth all things which are reprovable; and the daystar is risen in the hearts of many, and they are come to see that fulfilled in their hearts, which Peter exhorted them to wait for, and to take heed unto the sure word of prophecy, until the day appeared, and did down in their hearts; which day when it appears, and to whom it appears, discovereth all things and maketh all things manifest, as it is declared by the Spirit of truth, in the Scripture of truth; and every man's work shall be tried of what sort it is, and of what nature it is; and this day hath appeared to many, praises to the Lord, who have waited for it, and now they see every thing in its ground and rise, and every tree and fruit is seen according to its kind, whether good or bad, and every man's work is obvious to every one who are in the day, and upon whom the morning of righteousness hath appeared, and the Sun of righteousness hath shined upon, whereby that is seen in every one (by the light which is truly called day, by the Lord who causeth it to spring from on high) which is reprovable and condemnable, and also whatever is justifiable and unreprovable, is seen by the day of the Lord appearing in the heart. The day of the Lord, what it is, and to whom it hath appeared, discovered, and how it is seen. GOd is a spirit, his day is spiritual, and is seen with a spiritual eye, its pure light, pure brightness, the pure shining forth of the Lord in his glorious excellency, the pure shining forth of eternity, life putting forth itself in its brightness, holiness shedding itself abroad in its glory, purity spreading itself in its immeasurable excellency, and can only be seen as it is in itself, by the children of the light that are born of it: there is a natural day there is a spiritual day; the natural day receives its brightness from the Sun, the spiritual day receives it brightness from the Son of righteousness, by whom it's brought forth, without whom nothing was made, or is made, or brought forth, but by him who is the fountain of life; and as the natual day receives its clearness from the natural Sun, and is discerned by the natural eye of a natural man; and all things natural are seen and discovered by and in the natural day, and are perspicuous and obvious to him that hath his natural sight; even so, from the Son of righteousness, the Lord of glory, light and purity; the day of God receives its brightness, and is issued out from him by the rays of his brightness, and is discerned and seen only by the spitual eye of the spiritual man, who is the image of the father brought forth in life, and in his own nature and quality; (that is to say) from God the Father of life, by Christ Jesus the life of men, the light of the world; and this is the birth which is born from above, which is of the nature of the Father, and the Son, & of the day; & he only comes to behold this day, and discerns all things of the Father's Kingdom by it, and likewise discerns all the hidden things of dishonesty, and the works of darkness which are brought forth by the Prince of darkness, who is shut up in eternal and utter darkness, which is his dwelling place for ever, which is his residence, and shall be the residence of all the workers of iniquity that bear his image for ever. Ob. But some may be ready to say, It is not yet appeared, and all things are not yet made manifest, and that day is not yet come, neither hath appeared in this age to any. Ans. What if a man that is naturally blind say, that there is no light in the day, nor in the Sun, because he sees none; is therefore there no light in the day, nor in the Sun? And what if all things be alike unto him, day and night, so that he can distinguish nothing, doth this therefore make void their seeing, who do see with the natural eyes, both the Sun and the day, and hinder them from distinguishing or discerning? And what if they who are spiritually blind, and are children of the night, say they see nothing, nor beholds nothing of the day of the Lord, or of the discovery of the things of God, or of his glorious appearance, which many witness; doth this therefore make their sight void, or the discovery of things void to them who have seen into the things that be of God's kingdom? the unbelief of some, doth not make the faith of them that do believe void, God forbid. What the day of the Lord is, and what it will be to the wicked, delcared. AS I have said, though the day of the Lord be pure light and brightness in itself, and mixeth not with the night, which is of a contrary nature, because the Lord in the beginning separated them, & set a decree which will last unto all perpetuity, and that which limited the bounds and circumference thereof now is the same: I say, though the day of the Lord be pure, and keeps its purity, and property, and nature, and is still one and the same in itself; (for nothing can alter its purity) yet it is a day of blackness and gloomynesse, and a notable terrible day unto the wicked, who hates its appearance, and hates the light, children of falsehood and of deceit, whose deeds be evil, it makes them and their deeds manifest; there it is unto them, as it is written in a certain place, The eyes lids of the morning are unto them as the shadow of death; the appearance of the Lord affrights them, and they would run from it as a thief that diggeth through a wall, and breaketh open a house in the night when deep sleep is upon men; but when the day appears, that discovers his actions, he is afraid, because he will then, (if he stays there) be seen; and all that live wantonly upon earth, whose hearts are set to seek after wickedness as for hid treasure; the day of the Lord will steal upon such as a thief, and will come as upon a thief, & they being children of the night, and bringing forth the fruits of darkness contrary to the light, they will have their portion in utter darkness, and eternal vengeance will comcompasse them as a wall, and fury as a fire that devoureth all the fuel, so shall the ungodly perish, and have their portions with hypocrites. Think on this all you railers, and revilers of the light, and of the appearance of God, and repent; For as the wild ass that snuffs up the wind, and they that seeks will not weary themselves with her, yet the time cometh when she may be found and taken; Even so all the ungodly, though they may run as a wild Ass, and traverse their way as a Dromedary; yet the month cometh, and the day cometh they will be overtaken in the midst of security, and they shall not escape: And though the children of this world, and teachers of this world, and professors of this world, who profess the Scriptures, have prayed for the day of the Lord; yet when it comes, it will be as hot burning fire, as devouring fire, and they will fall as stubble, and as burnt-mountaines before it, and will not be able to abide; for as I said, whatsoever is reprovable, is manifested by the day, the light, which is eternal, in which God appears, and it shall appear even to the wicked, to the ungodly, they shall be made manifest; that which is manifest, is not hid, but seen, and brought to light, and beholden: So all you hirelings, who preach for hire, and you people that love to have it so, you shall not be hid; all gainsayers of the truth, you shall be found out, all shall be convinced of their ungodly deeds and hard speeches, and that which makes your deeds manifest will be the day, and that will convince you; for even the wicked shall see his appearance, although to condemnation, shame, & contempt, They shall see him whom they have pierced: And know further, even in the wicked, God hath a witness, which is pure, which checketh often, though they heed it not, because the God of the world hath blinded their eyes; yet when Christ the life shall appear, he will make that see in the wicked which they have put out, and the God of the world hath blinded; yet he by his power will open even the eyes of the wicked, and they shall see him and his coming in dread; and his pure appearance, which shall make them horribly afraid, & his day and appearance will be to their sorrow: Although they would not see, yet they shall be made to see, and to hear that which they would not hear, when God sounds his Trumpet, to give warning to all, that the dead both small and great may arise, some unto everlasting Life, and some unto shame and everlasting contempt. All that hath hated his appearance shall see, though they would not; Put not this far away, all deceitful workers, drunkards, Liars, swearers, whores, and whore-mongers Adulterers, Idolaters, who worship your own Imaginations; and all railers, mockers, and proud, wanton disdainful people that live in wantonness and pleasure, time-servers, flattererers, men-pleasers, cursed speakers, vain talkers, foolish jesters, fierce despisers of those that are good, who are come out of the pollution that you wallow in; his appearance will be to their joy, but to your shame and eternal misery, except you speedily repent. What the day of the Lord is to the righteous, and how he appears to them, and whether any are to look for it while in the body, resolved. THe appearance of God which is eternal Life, in his day, in his immeasurable Light, a great joy and rejoicing to the righteous; for there they come to behold him who is unto his people an everlasting light; and in his light they come to see light; and in his day he reveals the secret mysteries of his kingdom in them, who sees his day appear in their hearts, which maketh all things manifest, even the secrets of the Lord, and his hidden treasure, and his durable riches which never cankers nor rusts, but is fresh, and keeps its pure image and impression, and is still the same; by which all the righteous who have waited for God's appearance, comes to see him and his riches, as it is written, This is he we have waited for, let us rejoice and be exceeding glad; why? What, is he come you waited for? yea, come, and his reward is with him; and they that see him come, find contentment in him, and in his reward; and what is his reward? joy, gladness, peace of conscience, assurance of Gods Love sealed in their hearts by the pure Spirit of the Lord, the streams of life flowing forth continually from the great deep, which refreshes and keeps cool in the greatest extremity and heat of temptation; and this is enjoyed by them that have waited, and do wait for it even in the body, they bear witness of him and of his coming; the disciples, what was their witness? The Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding: Of what? of God, of his day, of his appearance, of his power, of his wisdom, of his Kingdom, of hope, of faith, of assurance, of peace, of joy, of comfort and consolation: what in this Life? yea, a cloud of witnesses I might bring in former ages, and a cloud of witnesses I might bring in this age, blessed be the Lord; But my witness is nearer me, that giveth me assurance, and is surer to me then all their witnesses, although they be all true; Abraham the Father of the faithful, and of the righteous, who believed God, and was accepted, he saw Christ's day, and was glad. Say, literal professors, that's by faith; yea, what else? He and all that ever saw Christ and his day, or the Father, they saw him by faith; By faith they saw him who was invisible. Isa. 12. 2. Behold God is my salvation, he also is become my salvation; what, dost thou enjoy it already? yea, he is become: And Simon who waited for the consolation of Israel, Luke 2. 30 Now let thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation. And this he said, who knew God's comfort and consolation; as our sufferings for Christ doth abound, even our consolation in Christ doth much more abound; and they were made partakers of his Divine nature, and sat together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. For heaven is his throne, and they that are in him, and enjoyeth him who is the power of God, and the wisdom of God knows peace, and rest, and salvation, both from guilt and act of sin; And the Apostle wrote to the Hebrews, After he had purged away our sins (speaking of the atonement) the everlasting high Priest, he sat down on the right hand on the Majesty on high. He saw beyond sin even him who had purged away sin; and this comes to be made manifest unto them, and in them that believe, by the Spirit of Jesus, who is Christ the Lord, the arm that brings salvation, and is the Author of eternal salvation unto all them that believe, who begins it in his day, and perfecteth it in his day; for he works in the day, as he himself said, Hitherto my father worketh, and I work; but the night cometh when none can work. So that he destroys the work of the Devil, which is his work in man; which they that are come to his day feels and sees the handiwork of God in themselves, and his own works praise him, for they only can; and they that are not come to the day knows not God's work in themselves; and they who have not yet heeded that in themselves which manifesteth all things reprovable, neither that which doth reprove, they are not come to know the appearance, or the glimmering of light, or of the day yet in themselves, which the Saints witness in them, even all they that are sanctified. Where the day of the Lord doth appear● and how it cometh, and how it is to be looked for, declared. THey that gaze abroad, whose eyes are abroad, cannot see his appearance, nor his day which appears. He that knoweth not wherein it consists, knows not how to look for it, no more than the Jews who were Scripture Professors, and learned men, knew wherein the kingdom of God did consist; Even no more do the literal professors, whose faith is founded on the Letter, and upon that which is visible, know what I say, First, all must know wherein it doth consist. It is eternal brightness▪ shed abroad through all things, which pierceth through, and searcheth the secretest place, even that which is invisible, and maketh manifest all things; and the nature of every thing, by the day of the Lord comes to be seen, and it appears in the heart; they were to wait for the day to dawn, and to break forth in their hearts, and to wait for its appearance there; and that's it which is to be waited for and upon; that which maketh evil manifest, and brings it to light, and declares against that which is contrary to its nature, and so the day cometh to dawn. Christ the covenant of light, God's gift, who is sent and anointed of God to Preach, and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, & also the day of vengeance he proclaims in the heart; for he comes not to bring peace on earth, but a sword, and his sword is the sword of the Spirit, it's that which divides and discerns the intent of the heart; and his day discovers the desperate wickedness of the heart. And where he finds no faith in the heart, he kindles a fire in the earthly heart, and executeth his vengeance: And his day unto such is a day of great perplexity, their spirits comes to be wounded, the heart comes to be made faint, and sorrow comes to fill their hearts, and trouble to be felt; and in this state are all in, who are unconverted; he finds no faith, no hope in the heart, therefore he comes and takes away peace. Many hath talked of the day of the Lord, but when it comes to draw near them, they will not abide it. Whatsoever makes manifest is light; Now the day makes all things in every one manifest; and when deceit is seen, and wickedness brought to light, than they that have done evil cannot abide, but would run to any thing, rather than abide the day, or to see the Lord of life appear in his day to execute vengeance upon his enemies, and to destroy his adversaries, and to kindle an unquenchable fire to consume all his enemies: And who hath not seen this yet in themselves, never hath seen the day of salvation, nor of gladness; and this made the Prophet cry out, Who may abide the day of his coming? And many have been eye-witnesses of the dreadful day of the Lord which hath appeared, wherein all peace hath been hid from their eyes; and all that ever came to see the day of joy and gladness, first did know the terror and terrible day of the Lord in themselves: Therefore said the Apostle. We knowing the terror of the Lord, do persuade men. Now it cometh not with outward observation; lo here, or there: So the Pharisees looked the Kingdom should come, when Christ told them it was within them. So say I, if ever any do behold the bright shining forth of eternal life, they must wait in that which is● pure of God, through which he will manifest his day, and his power in his day in them; & is thou keepest in thy mind to that which manifests unto thee evil, and shows thee good, thou wilt see how it appears. Even as the light shineth from the East unto the West, so is the coming of the day of the Lord. And the eye which is spiritual sees it, and the power and the glory of the Lord comes to be seen in the day which is pure and spiritual in the heart; and the eye which is pure, doth behold when it comes, where it comes, and how it comes, and it's hid from Vulturous eyes, and from their eyes which are full of adultery, and cannot cease from sin. Now the day of the Lord cometh not where the carnal mind may imagine, nor when; Man will neither (according to the carnal desire of the carnal heart, neither according to the evil eye that looks out) can see it; but it is seen in Gods own light, and by the measure of God's holy spirit. And the day of the Lord is a mystery, the spirit of the Lord is the only discoverer of it, None knows the things of God, but by the Spirit of God; and the day of the Lord and his bright shining forth in the heart of man, is one of the glorious things of God, which only the Spirit of God doth give the knowledge of to man, and in man, and not the letter, nor the Scripture; for the Jews had the letter, and they had neither heard God's voice at any time, neither ever did see his shape, neither did they see the day of the Lord, nor the power; neither in a word, did see or perceive God or any of the mysteries of God's Kingdom at all, but dreamt, imagined, thought and conceived of things in their minds, their foolish hearts being darkened; for the further a man draws from the Light, his heart comes to be more dark, and their understandings closed up, and shut up that they cannot behold the Lord, neither his glory, which is revealed only by Gods holy spirit, which spirit is near man, though he sees it not. What the spirit of the Lord is, and how it comes to be received, which discovers the things of God. THe spirit of the Lord is pure, holy, equal, purity itself, holiness itself, equity itself, and is one with the Father and the Son, The Father, the word and the Spirit are one, its Life, its pure power, pure strength, purity itself, which mixeth not, neither joineth to any thing but what is of its own nature; it's an immeasurable pure substance, its Life issued forth, an active living power, and is everlasting; altars not, changes not, keeps its holiness, its purity for ever; it is unsearchable, unfathomable, undeclarable; words are all too short, too narrow to declare its excellency and glory, but only as it makes itself out to them that believe, and opens itself, and sheds itself abroad in them that wait upon it; it is revealed in its own purity, manifest in its own power, and received in its own Light, felt in its own virtue, the living Father of Life himself is manifested by it, and appears in his power, majesty and excellency through it, to man and to the sons of men, to the righteous and unrighteous, to godly and ungodly, to the upright, and to the deceitful, to the children of darkness and to the children of Light; that which searcheth the heart of man, and sees through all things, and maketh manifest all things, even the hidden things of God, and the secret works of darkness, and reproveth for all evil, all iniquity; that is the pure act of the spirit, which convinceth every man, and as the creature comes to join to it, it arises and shines forth more clearly, and maketh itself known in its power and operation, its power comes to be felt, it checks and reproveth, judgeth and condemneth all actions which is done and passed, and brings them to the creatures remembrance; and as it is waited upon and harkened unto, it sheds its self abroad in its own pure brightness, and bringeth all things to Light, even all the deeds of darkness, and maketh manifest the intents of the mind, and manifesteth all things reprovable: Now as there is a waiting upon the pure appearance of it, and the mind be still quiet, and calm, the creature comes to feel and sensibly to know his own condition, and sees his mind is alive to other things and other lovers, and not to God, and so he sees himself dead to the things of God's kingdom, and in the loss, and in the fall, and in the transgression; now this which shows the vain motions and the vain thoughts, and checketh them, is an operation of the spirit; and purity comes to be felt working in the heart, and as it is loved & obeyed, it leadeth & converteth the heart to the Lord, and draweth towards itself, out of unholiness, and from under the dark power, and brings that under, and so it arises in its strength as it is believed in and waited upon, and judges and condemns for all evils for it is the discoverer of the mind of the Lord to the sons of men; or the Father by it makes known his mind to, and in the creature, and doth discover the things that be eternal in their true property and nature (which only they that have the spirit, and have received it, and are brought out of the sensuality comes to discern him who is invisible, and the things that belongs to everlasting happiness, which is not seen by a natural eye, neither received by the spirit of the world, who never received the things of God, neither the testimony of them, who were in the Life. Now all that comes to receive it (that is to say the spirit of truth) must wait in that which is pure, unto which it joins; it joins not to the corrupt man, neither to the sensual heart, neither to the vile affections, neither to them whose eyes are full of adultery, which cannot cease from sin; neither to the seed of falsehood, neither to the corruptible birth, neither unto that which is born of the flesh, nor unto the will of the creature; yet notwithstanding, though it join not to these, yet it is near man, even the natural man; its manifestation or the shining forth of its brightness maketh all these things manifest before mentioned to be evil; and thus far the spirit of God hath appeared to the world and all mankind, to convince the world of sin, yet still it remains in its own purity; and while the heart of any man is taken up with that, and joined unto that which the light reproves, (that is to say) the worker of iniquity; that man hath not received the spirit, neither is made possessor of it, nor enjoys it, but it stands off man, and from man at a distance, showing the worker of iniquity and the works of darkness, and manifesting to the creature in its light, and letting him see to whom he is joined; for so far as a man denies himself in acting or joining to that which the manifestation of God's spirit (shining forth in its own purity) in him reproveth; so he comes nearer, and comes to join in some measure to the spirit of holiness, or the holy spirit, and to receive it, and to feel the power of God in some small measure, though but weakly working in him, to the purging out those things which the spirit lets him see is evil, which hath been reproved in him, and so in some measure feels in himself what to wait upon, and where to wait, and in what, even in that which gives every one a feeling of their own condition within, and opens their understandings. How the spirit of truth worketh and operateth in them who are convinced, and yet hath not obeyed it, showed. THough God who is a spirit hath appeared by his manifestation unto all, yet all have not received it; he that hates the light hath not received it, The eyelids of the morning are unto him as the shadow of death; that which manifesteth and bringeth to light all evil, the evil doer likes it not, heeds it not, receives it not, but still is without God in the world, that lies in wickedness, and without the spirit, in death, and dead in trespasses and sins a sepulchre in which the just lies slain; in this state God is not remembered, there is no remembrance in the grave, nor no thanks in the pit, yet night shines in darkness, and a man unconverted, yet convinced, in that darkness, and that which convinceth him is the light; so light shines in darkness, in man, in the greatest darkness; and this may convince all vain disputers, who say every one is not enlightened, neither that the spirit of God hath appeared to all; good men have it, bad men it's near them; they that bring forth the fruits of darkness, and bring forth the deeds of darkness, they are lighted, yea, they that are in darkness, and are darkness, the light shines in them, the Spirit of God shines there in darkness, manifesteth their darkness, here man is darkness; the Ephesians were darkness, in the unconverted estate, yet had light shining in them, Eph. 5. 8. the spirits manifestation they had, but were not led by it; once they were without God in the world, but after were turned unto it, ●it showed them their darkness, and it leading their minds, they came to be made light in the Lord, who is that spirit, whose manifestation hath appeared to all, so all are without excuse, for he hath not left himself without witness; and they that have not Gods witness to be theirs, (that is to say) to possess it, they have no faith nor assurance in God at all, but that which should bring assurance of salvation unto them; it assures their condemnation, and also reveals sorrow. Now as every one is turned to the measure of God's holy spirit, and keeps his mind into it, he comes to feel and to see its reproof, and so as the mind is kept still into it, it arises in its purity, and shines forth in the heart in more brightness, still checking man for disobedience, still judging, and as it is listened unto, it appears in strength, and lays every man's heart open, and lets him see how full of unrighteousness he is, how full of imaginations he is, how his heart is full of vain & idle thoughts, and how lust aboundeth in the heart; this makes his trouble to increase and his sorrow to multiply, and this is always present; none can run from it, but it follows him, and shall pursue every one to the pit who obey it not, and kindle his torment; and whatsoever the mind may run into, to take pleasure for a moment, and the heart be exercised in, yet this measure of God's Spirit is always present to condemn it, and judge a man for it; so the strokes of the Almighty is still heavy upon his back, being still in the disobedience of the spirit; it never bears witness unto any man in that state, but God through it still sounds the alarm of War, and terror in his heart; so that fear compasseth him about on every side, and though for moment, the cry may not be heard, and through disobedience it may seem as dead as unto him, yet if ever the mind be but still, and a man sober and calm, and ever mind what he is doing, it appears again; and though a man may take up something, and perform something which is called religious, and pray in words, and read, and talk of the Scriptures, and may take up some carnal outward Ordinance, and there content himself for a time, yet still the witness of God's holy Spirit, for that, shows him his hypocrisy, and that he seeks a cover to shelter himself under, that he may live in disobedience, & be at ease in the flesh, but all in vain, for there is no peace within, but the measure of God's Spirit still shows him that he serves sin, and follows his own will, and in this will brings forth a worship, and this is will-worship; nay, if a man practise all those things which others who were in the life performed, and were accepted, yet this will not satisfy, God hath no pleasure in this, no more than if one slew a man, or blessed an Idol, or kissed Baal, all is abomination to the Lord; and though a man may sin so far against the light of Christ in his own conscience, that the light be to him as though there were no such thing, yet all this well not do; for the Lord will thunder from his holy pla●●●●ough thou have stopped thy ear as to him, and closed thy eyes, yet he will cause his terror to strike into thy heart, so that dread shall compass thee about as a wall, and thou shalt be afraid for that which thou shalt see & hear; & though the spirit strives long, yet being still disobeyed, the long-suffering of God comes to an end concerning him that hath been unfaithful, and then his wrath is kindled as fire, which shall burn to the lowest H●ll, into which all the rebellious and stiffnecked shall be cast, and have their portion for ever among all the children of darkness; therefore all who have been convinced long (& still are by God's holy spirit) of the way of truth, and yet have not submitted to the leading of the spirit; think on this (for its the Lords truth which I declare to you) or else eternal misery will be your end. And if thou still persist on after the imaginations of thine own heart, and in thy rebellious will, thou quencheth the spirit and the motions thereof; & though it be life in itself, yet is as ded unto thee who art in the gainsaying, & resisting that through which Gods eternal power is manifest in them that believe; & thou wilt grow insensible & past feeling, and become as seared flesh, and be senseless as to the things of God, and hardness of heart will come upon thee, and thou wilt be as a stone that cannot be melted, and woe will be unto such where the spirit of the Lord in them ceaseth to strive with them, having so long rebelled against, and gain-sayd the pure drawings of it; that so the Lord is grieved and wearied with their impenitency, that he gives them up to their vile affections, and to follow the imaginations of their own hearts (who receiveth not the truth in the love of it but in the enmyty, still remains obstinate) doing despite unto the spirit of grace, his long-suffering comes to an end, & his fierce wrath comes to be kindled against such, and that which would have led them out of the world, in true pure, and everlasting peace, now becomes their tormentor▪ and they banished from his presence▪ and shut up in eternal misery, where the fire is kindled by the breath of the the Lord that burns for ever, the sentence of condemnation being passed upon them because they had pleasure in unrighteousness, and have sold themselves to do wickedly, and crucifying the appearance of God in themselves; which appearance though it live in the fountain of Life, yet crucified by thee who art out of the Life, yet lives still for ever in itself, to be thy condemnation eternally. How the spirit of the Father worketh in, them who are turned to it, and have taken heed unto its manifestation, and are in some measure partakers of its power. THere are differences of administrations, But the same Lord; and there are diversity of gifts, but the same spirit; and there are diversities of operations, but the same God which worketh all in all. Now the spirit of truth which is Life in itself, putteth forth its own pure act, not only to convince and detect him that transgresseth its appearance, and to manifest evil which hath been committed by man; but also being turned unto, and waited in, it shows man when motions and temptations unto sin ariseth; and as the creature is still, and waiteth in that which manifesteth and singly keeps in his mind to it. It sheds abroad its power, and vanquisheth and subdueth those lusts which do arise, and condemns the ground from whence they do arise, and it purely draweth the mind after it, and secretly worketh & breatheth forth its pure life in him that waiteth in patience and in stillness, not heeding the vain thoughts and imaginations that riseth in his heart; but rather heeds the manifestation of the spirit, at whose bright appearance all the vain desires comes to be extinguished & there comes to be a hunger begot within, to be made partakers of its purity and of its nature; For God through the operation of the eternal Spirit lets forth his power, which turneth and changeth the heart, and cuts a sunder and divides betwixt a man and those lovers that he hath joined unto, and makes a separation within, and carries a man further from those things which the measure of the spirit reproves, and this leads nearer to God: And so they that do believe in the measure of God's spirit, comes to feel what repentance from dead works is, and the works and the worker is seen; and who it is that hath wrought, is manifest in the Light▪ and as there is a diligent waiting upon it; there is nothing that passeth through the mind, but it discerns, and gives a discerning to every particular heart, who singly and quietly waits upon it. But yet after the spirit of truth in some measure be felt, and its living testimony in some thing; yet it may be a long time before there be a clear distingushment in the understanding; so that one cannot clearly discern its moving from all other false motions and high Imaginations which are above: And hence it is, that the hasty and froward minds follows their own motions which leads them into deceit, and then the Questioner gets up, and then they question all that ever the spirit hath made manifest unto them before; a vail than is drawn over, and the enemy lodges in the vail, and in the darkness (which is entered) & then as soon as any hearkens within to that which is the uppermost▪ and doth abound, the enemy that lodgeth in that, presents motion's as to obey this and that, and all is deceit. So therefore all is to keep back, that they may sensibly feel between the pure motions, and the drawing of the spirit, and the vain thoughts that arise out of the earthly heart; and when any thing doth arise which the Light doth not bear witness to, it's not to be followed nor heeded, but a quiet, still waiting that things may be cleared to the understanding; and for want of this many have run out, and have brought forth Satan's work, and acted things forwardly in their wills, and so have clean lost the true sense of that, which would guide their minds, and have followed the spirit of error, and have caused the pure spirit of the Lord to be evil spoken of; But as there is a keeping back, and a quiet waiting out of willing, or running and haste; it arises purely and stilly in the heart, and shineth forth in brightness in the heart, so that it giveth perfect evidence and full Testimony of itself, that there will be no doubting nor questioning of its motion; for it will apparently show forth itself in its own transparent brightness, with full assurance of its own will, and then after it be clearly seen, and its motion, then keep under all reasoning, and keep out all questioning, and give not way to temptation; and that which moves of the Lord of life, will carry thee through in its own operation and power to accomplish the will of God, and so thou wilt have peace (being obedient) and thy strength will be renewed; for as any are brought to submit unto the will of God, when it is known, and comes to obey by virtue of its own power; that which is contrary unto God's spirit in thee, comes to lose its strength, and to decay, and be weakened; but as any disobeyes the pure motions of God's holy Spirit after it be known, the enemy is strengthened, and that which is of the flesh nourished, and the spirit comes to be quenched, that which would give thee power, if thou submitedst unto it: But yet know this, the spirit in itself never loses its purity, neither can be quenched in its self, but will bear its pure witness against thee, and none shall be able to stop its reproof; Thus the diversity of its operation comes to be known as it's harkened unto, obeyed, loved, and believed in; it puts forth its pure power, and giveth strength, and seals peace to the obedient; but disobeyed and resisted, it condemns, judges, reproves and seals condemnation to the disobedient, and yet there is no variation in itself, for it is always one and the same. But as it operateth upon different natures or objects unto which it joins to, or stands at adistance from, that is to say, the good ground it causeth to bring forth fruit unto God, and the cursed ground, out of which briers & Thorns do arise, it kindles a fire in, that shall not quenched; but as there is a submission unto its pure operation, it burns up and destroys that which hinders the growth of the seed, & it purgeth the heart (of them that have confidence in it) from all filthiness both of flesh and spirit, and worketh up the creature into its own frame and nature, and fashions, and makes, and moulds all that are in the Faith into the Image of the Father; and so the Father's love comes to be shed abroad in the heart: and as the wrath was revealed through the spirit and condemnation, so now the peace of God comes to be enjoyed, and his consolation shed abroad largely, in which there is pure rejoicing for ever. Unto whom the Spirit of the Father bears witness, and seals assurance of the Father's love, and of justification with God, declared. NOne hath the witness of God's Spirit bearing witness to them nor in them who have not believed in the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, by whom alone life is begotten, by the powerful operation of Christ in them that believe in him who is eternal light itself, whose word is spirit and life, by which the new Creature is framed & form in them that believe, unto whom he maketh manifest his power; for unto him who is the life of men is all power committed both in heaven and earth; for nothing was made or created but by him, neither is any turned from sin but by him, and by his mighty power: without him is death, in him is life, and the life is the light of men: So that none but they that are born of the light, and are begotten by him who is light, can have the spirit of Christ (who is light) to bear witness unto them, neither the assurance of the Father's love; for only they that are born of the spirit, and walk after the spirit, are justified by the spirit of the Lord; for the assurance of his love is not made manifest to his enemies, but unto them that are born & brought forth in his own image, in his own likeness and nature, which is pure and incorruptible without stain or defilement, the holy seed which is heir of the promise, who knows the living hope which purifies the heart, and bringeth the answer of a good conscience unto them that feel and witness the washing of regeneration, and have known in themselves the clean water poured forth upon them, which hath taken away the stains, and spots, and blemishes, and the defilements; for where these are no washed out, & the heart cleansed from them, & that believed in, wherein God's all-sufficiency is felt, and his power made manifest, there cannot be assurance of the Father's love in the heart, nor in the soul; neither doth the spirit of the Father bear witness unto such, nor assure their justification; but on the contrary, where sin remains unsubdued, and taken away; the spirit of the Father condemneth the sin, and the creature now is joined to it, and is become one with it; for no sin is brought forth, but there is a consent and an assenting to the instigation of the Devil, although when a temptation ariseth either within or without, there may be a resisting and a striving against it for a little; but the heart not being kept close to the spirit, the enemy often enters, and so captivates the understanding, then there is an agreement and a joining to the adversary, and so the spirit pronounceth the sentence of condemnation upon him who is joined to the harlot, and becomes one flesh, and joined unto strange flesh which is not the flesh of Christ the seed; and that which hath joined and consented to drink of the cup of fornication, must drink of the cup of indignation and terror, and bear the stroke of Divine Justice, and lie in patience under it till that be cut down which hath joined to deceit, before there can be the remission of the transgression, or the Creature justified in the fight of God: For sin is not blotted out of the book of God's remembrance till it be turned from, and repent of, neither doth the creature stand clear in the sight of God, when God judges in righteous judgement, which the light in every one's conscience shall answer, Now he that is born of God sins not, for the seed of God remains in him, which is life: And as the creature joins to that seed which is heir of the Kingdom, and of the Crown immortal, he comes to be made partaker of its virtue and operation; which seed is Christ, and by his power by which he limiteth the seed of the Serpent, and weakens his strength in the creature, as man cometh to believe in his strength unto whom all power is committed, the covenant with Death is broken, and that agreement that the creature hath made with death comes to be disannulled by the arm and power of the Lord, and so the creature comes to be delivered from the bondage of corruption, and the new man comes to live, or the new creature which is born of God, which sins not, comes to be framed and fashioned in the image of the Father: and the Father's love is manifest unto him and in him, and he hath the assurance in himself. The Babe that is born from above, of the Spirit which is from above, of which he is born and brought forth of the just, by the just he is justified, by the just God, and the just witness of the spirit sealeth this in him: And he hath the record of his justification; For there is three that bear record in the earth, the water, the blood, and the spirit; and he that is born of that which is pure in itself, hath the witness of all these three in himself, for they agree in one: That which one beareth wit-witness to, and for, the other doth the same, and the record, and testimony, and witness of all these three hath he that is born from above. Moreover, there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the spirit, and these three are one. So he that is born of the Father, and begotten of the Father in Christ the seed through the Spirit, he and he alone comes to feel the Father's love made manifest in him, and is justified in the sight of the Father, and hath the record of all these witnesses before mentioned in himself; so that he hath his assurance and evidence near him and in him, the seal of the Father, the seal of the Spirit: And so when the adversary comes to tempt and to assault, and would raise up doubts in the mind, the evidence is near, which puts him out of all doubt that he is in the love of God, & blessed for ever; and happy are all they who have waited for these things, have felt these things, and are witnesses of these things; for flesh and blood hath not revealed these things. Now let every man who reads, this prove himself, and try himself whether he be in the faith or no, and whether he have the evidence of the Spirit or no, that he is born of it, and knows a birth that sins not, because the seed remaineth in him; who is kept by the power, that the evil one touches him not, and kept in salvation, and in saving health, alive unto him who hath brought him forth to life, to drink of the cup of blessing, and of the cup of salvation, which nourisheth and refresheth up unto eternal life, them that continue in the Faith. What the free grace of God is, and unto whom it hath appeared, and where all are to wait to receive it, declared, as it hath been revealed by the Spirit. THe grace of God is pure, & is the free gift of God, and it is perfect, it is the appearance of Christ, it is a beam of righteousness shining forth, it is a measure of God's strength and power, issued out from himself, and a proportion of his treasure, virtue and sufficiency which comes to be shed abroad in all them that believe in it; it's that through which God maketh known his will, and teacheth his by it, and reveals his saving health (through it) to them that are taught by it, and through it; them that believe in it, are builded up in the truth, and becomes a habitation for God; no man doth any thing to purchase it, none need say, where may I get it, or how may I know its teaching; it's near thee, it is in thee, it hath appeared to all men it shows ungodliness in the heart of man, by its pure brightness; yea, to all men it shows the motions unto sin, and that which is not like God in motions, words or actions; it draweth the heart of man from them, as with a cord, it shows the lusts of the heart and mind, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, it never joined to sin, nothing can alter its purity or property; as in itself, it is always one and the same, it is perfect, and will be always so, it stands off, and at a distance from that which is corruptable and imperfect, and yet beholdeth it; and although some that have turned to it, be again turned from it, and may turn it as in themselves into wantonness, yet it keeps its purity, and still reproves thy wantonness, and will lay it before thee, and will show thee how thou hast abused the appearance of Christ, and hath marred his countenance and his face, & reprove thee for it; many have been the talkers of it in this professing age, but knew not of what they spoke, neither ever informed the mind of man where it was to be waited for, neither how it might be known, or how, or what the operation of it was, but have cried up their own Imaginations, we are justified by his free grace, for all sins past, present & to come, & in this conceit thousands have been led into the pit of darkness, while out of thick darkness they have cried up, we are justified by free grace in Christ, while the free grace of Christ, God's gift, which should have taught them, they never heeded at all, but got up into conceitedness, and carelessness, and presumption, out of the fear of God, and pretending justification, while they themselves were servants of sin, and bondslaves to corruption, and this is the state of thousands at this day, and they that have been publishers and preachers of free grace: Now when the thing itself comes to be witnessed and declared what it is, and as it is, and where it is; now they say it is not sufficient to teach any the knowledge of God; but from all such foolish doaters and blind guides, and ignorant shepherds is God bringing many sheep home which they have driven away, & they would kill them now, that are fed and taught by the gift of God, and says it's not sufficient, and to make them to dislike their food, and dislike their shepherd; so would make them deaf and blind, and then they may lead them into any desert, and feed them among the swine who wallow in the mire, in filthiness, and lust, and pleasure, and ungodliness, and so beguile the sheep, and scatter them from the fold, and lead them from the true shepherd, and from his appearance, which is his grace, and from the shepherds. voice, which is the word of his grace, which is able to save the soul. Oh all you blind guides, and you that call yourselves Orthodox men and Ministers! and all you that have been preaching free grace in words, and now when God hath given them that have waited upon him an understanding to declare the thing itself that you have spoken of, now you cry it is not a sufficient Teacher. Now let me ask you a question, if that which teacheth to deny ungodliness, and shows it, be the grace of God, and the gift of God, then how say you, it's not a sufficient teacher? If it be not a sufficient teacher, then why did the Apostles commit them, and commend them to the word of his grace, which was able to save their souls? And whether is not that which is able to save the soul, a sufficient teacher? Answer ye wise men, and ye literal Rabbis, If that which shows sin and temptation be not sufficient, then declare you, and let us see your skill in the mysteries of God: but to return to them, in whose minds there is a desire to be informed; seeing then that Gods free grace, which is his pure appearance, hath so far manifested itself, or God through it shows sin, and teacheth from sin, that which teacheth from sin is holy, and that which leadeth from worldly lusts is pure, and that which saves from sin is grace, which is saving in itself, and God hath so loved the world, as that he hath sent his Son into the World; & he was and is the light of the world, and hath shed abroad his grace, and hath made it appear to all; and all that waits upon it, and comes to be taught by it, feels its assurance, so all is left without excuse; therefore wait in that which hath appeared in thee, that which shows the lusts and thoughts and motions unto sin, this is God's gift, God's grace, this is sufficient, Though all men in the World say it is not sufficient, yet this makes not my faith void, neither thine who hath received it; but thou hast the witness of thy faith in thyself, which giveth pure and perfect feeling of the operation of the Spirit of the Lord, and all is to wait within, to hear him who condemns sin in the flesh within, which by his grace shows man his transgression and insufficiency in himself, and by the word of his grace saves all them that believe in it, out of sin, & giveth dominion over sin; and this comes to be revealed in the heart of man, and there must it be waited for, in that which is pure, that it may be received, and there the operation it comes to be known, and its virtue partaken of by all that do believe in it, and receive it, and are subjected to it, they see & feel God's salvation revealed through it to their souls, and knows where their strength lies, not in selfe-acting, but in the free gift of God, the gift of righteousness, the righteous gift, by which justification cometh upon all that believe. Whether all have received the grace of God or no, declared; and whether it be a sufficient teacher in itself, to wit, that grace that hath appeared to all, if it be received, demonstrated. THis wise generation is below the wisdom of God, whose wisdom have confounded people's minds with distinctions; as that there is a Twofold grace. First, that which they call common which they say hath appeared to all men. Scondly that which they call special, and saving, which hath only appeared to the saints, and by giving heed to these distinctions in times past (many years ago.) I lost myself and my guide, and went from the appearance of it in myself, to hearken to a thing at a distance from me, and heeded not that at home, which was near, because it was called common and insufficient, & so suffered great loss; and therefore I am moved (by him, in whose sight I have found favour and mercy, and grace) to declare the truth as the Lord hath made it manifest unto me, and in me; that all who seek after the Lord may be informed, and know where to wait upon the Lord; for unto that grace that showed me evil and temptations unto evil, I was made to go back unto, after many years' profession (which they called common and insufficient) before ever I found the Lord, or felt his living power again; For the first they ground upon the letter, as they judge, where it is said, He causeth the Sun to shine, and the rain to fall upon the just and the unjust. And where it is said, in him we live, and move, and have our being health and strength, and an understanding in things natural, and by which men comes to see gross sins and evils; but that which they call special, is that which the Saints are saved by, and are established in, in righteousness, and receive the remission of sins. Now he who hath caused the Sun to shine & the rain to fall, and giveth health, and strength, & nourishment to all things living that are visible, in the outward visible creation, and that discovereth gross sins, and open evils to man; the same is he who is the life of the soul; the same is he that sanctifies, and purifies, and saveth them that believe, and its the same virtue and power that upholds the natural man in his pure nature, that upholds the spiritual man, and by which he liveth unto God: It's the same grace, I do not say the same measure; for the same virtue and power by which all things that are visible and living were made alive, and subsists in their station and covenant, and bound where they are set and placed; the same grace, strength power, and sufficiency upholdeth the heavenly bodies, and moveth and acteth in a higher sphere or degree, and preserveth all that believe, and are quickened by him who is the power of God in heavenly places, and the same power and virtue that discovereth the dark places, and the hellish places, and the horrible pit; it's the same power, life, strength and virtue that leadeth all that believe into the Land of the living, into the holy place, into the peaceable habitation into the holy mountain, into the heavenly Tabernacle made without hands: And in few words, he that discovers open sins, the same grace and the same purity, discovereth hidden and secret sins, (though the measure of its purity shine in one more than another, because them that are in the unbelief, the darkness over-shadowes, and the mountains are high, and the vail is thick, and the clouds are many, and the air dark, so that its resplendency and brightness is not seen because of the vail which shadows it, that it hath not much entrance) but in them that believe, and have received that grace, and is joined to it, in which they believe, it renteth the vail, and maketh the shadow to fly away, and scatters the clouds, and breatheth forth itself in purity, and makes the air clearer, so that its brightness shineth more purely forth to them, and in them, because the heart is more open to receive its virtues in, yet the same purity and virtue remains still, and the same grace keeps its purity and property in itself, and its power and sufficiency is always the same, though it do not appear so to the creature: So this I say, and is my testimony of the grace of God which is the gift of God, which hath appeared in some measure more or less unto all men, and convinceth and shows gross and open evils, even the same grace by its virtue and power, leadeth from the least or impurest thought, and shows the secretest evils that lodgeth in the heart, unbelief, and also every temptation unto sin; and this shall be witnessed to be the truth by the whole earth in the day of the Lords appearing, and is now witnessed by all the children of Light who believe, with whom I have fellowship in the pure living sufficient, perfect grace of God, which is God's free gift, which in some measure hath appeared to all, whereby all are left without excuse: And herein is the wonderful love of God made manifest to all mankind; and all that turneth to his grace, will see he hath long waited to be gracious in his grace, which is near, that all mankind might be partakers of his bounty, love, mercy, favour, and free gift, by which justification cometh upon all that believe. Therefore my bowels and heart is more open in this unto all, because many have erred for lack of knowledge, and have wandered aside, because they have not found a true guide. Therefore in dear love unto all upon the face of the Earth, where this may come, I write and let out my bosom into this thing, that they may also be partakers with me of the free love of God, and the free grace of God, by which I am saved, and know the wall which is salvation, and the gates which are praise, which the Saints are compassed about with, and entered in at; and for the sake of such who thirst after God, and the knowledge him, I write for their information, and not to satisfy critical men, nor them who are in the Philosophy and vain deceit, who are swollen big in their fleshly understandings, & puffeth up in their earthly minds; for by such I desire not any testimony, neither acceptance. But now to come to speak of that which many are doubting about, that is to say, the grace of God which bringeth salvation, which hath appeared to all men, whether this be a sufficient Leader and Teacher of itself if it be received; but in order to the thing in hand, let all take notice of this, that when I speak of the sufficiency of grace, and that it is a sufficient Teacher: I do not speak of it distinct from Christ, or of a thing separated from the power of God, but one with it, and him from whence it comes; for as he is salvation itself, so the grace of God is of the same nature, by which he manifests himself: and his salvation to them that believe, and also reveals his witness in them; for where the appearance and presence of Christ is manifest, there is his power and strength manifest, either to condemnation or salvation; and though his pure appearance and presence is one in itself, yet them that have marred his countenance, and pierced him; his presence always hath been, and will be very dreadful and terrible; but unto them that believe, and have continued with him in his temptation, and have suffered with him, and have longed for him; his appearance and presence will be amiable, beautiful, and lovely, sweet, pleasant, delightful, desirable, glorious, and admirable; so that they who have seen it, have been melted into tears, and dissolved as into water, because of his love and beauty, who is the chief of ten thousand. Oh! that all that long after him may wait for him in patience, in that wherein he will appear, they shall see him, whose sight will be a recompense for all longing and thirsting, and desiring, and waiting; the sense of longing and thirsting will be taken away, when he that makes glad the heart appeareth, who lifteth up the light of his countenance, and maketh whole them whose hearts have been broken for him whom their souls loved; therefore all wait, and think not the time long: Keep in your minds to his grace, which is his appearance, and him you will feel, and see, and be satisfied, and say, This is he we have waited for, let us rejoice and be exceeding glad; for now he is come, and his reward is with him, to give every one that wait upon him in purity full contentment and satisfaction, where peace comes to be felt, and joy unspeable which is full of glory. And though God, out of his everlasting love unto the sons of men, hath followed man, and hath called him to return, yet that nature which is above in man, which hath transgressed the life, doth always resist the drawing of the Lord, and is not subject to the Law of God, neither to the grace of God which teacheth to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts; that hath beset and compassed the creature about as a thick cloud, & always maketh War against the soul; that till there be a listening unto that which showeth ungodliness, (wch hath power in itself) none hath power neither dominion over that in themselves, which leads into the transgression: Therefore, though God who is salvation itself, hath let out himself so far, and hath appeared in his pure and perfect grace unto all men, yet all have not received grace; For, though the Lord proffer his gift intentionally, that the creature might receive it, and so have benefit, and partake of its living virtue and operation; yet while that hath pre-eminence in man, which is contrary to grace, that will never receive it, because it is contrary to the life of the corruptible, and takes its life away; and mortifies and slays the enmity; therefore all must be still and quiet, and wait in that which is pure of the Lord, that they may feel that raised up (which receiveth grace) above the corruptible thoughts and desires of the carnal mind; but many who talk of free grace, have put no difference betwixt the precious and the vile, but hath put them upon doing and working, who are in the enmity, and curse, and in death, and so hath brought forth dead works; notwithstanding all performances, they being dead to the life of God, another acteth in them, even he which hath the power of Death, which is the Devil, and so have not known that which was precious in themselves, could not Minister unto that which was precious in others; but have been Ministers of Death, and have ministered to death, and so Death nourisheth itself in all them who are not yet come to the separation, to see betwixt the precious and the vile. Now though all have not received grace so as to save them from the committing of sin, the fault is not in God; Israel would have none of my counsel they stopped their ears: Neither is the fault in the grace which hath appeared unto all men; Neither is it because of its imbiscility & weakness: but because it is not harkened unto, and waited in, and obeyed, believed in & received: for this eternal truth which shall for ever stand, the least measure of the grace of God hath power in itself to save man from committing of that evil or sin which it shows man: And as it is received, the power comes more and more to be made manifest, where all that believes comes to be preserved out of evil. Object. But some have said, and now say, there is common grace, and preventing grace, and restraining grace, and saving grace; and the former, that hath appeared to all, but the latter hath appeared to the Saints, and to the elect only. Ans. Grace is God's pure and perfect gift, and is but one thing; I speak not of quantity, but of quality; not of so much as that the fullness of grace hath appeared to all; but of a measure of that fullness which is in Christ the head, although I do not divide the least measure from the fullness in quality or nature, for it's one and the same; for that which shows a man he should not lie, nor swear, that is as pure according to its latitude and proportion, as that which shows a man all that ever he hath done; and that same grace which leads a man from drunkenness and excess, is as pure, and of the same kind and nature as that greater proportion which leadeth a man from all sin; I speak what I have seen from the Father, though the dark world cannot receive it: But people have been blinded and darkened with sounds and distinctions which men coin and frame in their natural reason, and by their natural parts, which is out of the life, although I do not condemn natural parts, which are purely natural, if they keep their bounds and compass, that is to say, to the management of natural things of the visible creation; but the things of God's kingdom are of another quality and nature, and cannot be reached unto by the natural; but as I said, men through distinctions and names hath wracked people's minds, & confounded their understandings, and have led them into a thick wood, or a wilderness; so they know not where to get forth, neither what the thing is, of which one speaks, because not being spoken through the enticing words of man's wisdom, which darkens the counsel of God. Now that which shows a man evil after it be committed, is the pure appearance of God: And that which shows a man the temptations when they arise, that is the same; now this they call common and that which preventeth a man, and keeps him back, that he lend not his heart, nor puts forth his hand to commit evil, but restrains a man from it, is not that saving out of evil, which stops the adversary in his way that he enter not; but preserveth the creature out of defilement, and saves him from it, is not this saving? is not this the same thing that the Apostle, who was well acquainted with the grace of God, and of its operation, wrote of to Titus? That grace of God which brought salvation, which had appeared, and doth now appear to all men, which taught self-denial, them to deny worldly lusts, and also to live godlily, or like unto God in this present world, and now doth the same; is not this sufficient to believe in, and sufficient to save? Now I do not say but there is a greater measure let out unto them that are converted unto God, then is to them that are convinced of their evil by the same grace, yet still it is one and the selfsame thing; one gift, yet a greater measure of one and the same pure virtue and power which is given to them that obeys the life, which is already made manifest by its appearance unto all. Ob. But some will be ready to say that this is error, and that which is contrary to scripture, and to Orthodox teachers; that the grace which is saving, is near all men, and hath appeared to all men. To that I answer; Though grace be saving in itself, even the grace that hath appeared to all men, and may truly be called saving grace; yet to them that believe not in it, neither are taught by it, it convinceth and shows evil, and checks and judges for it; yet there is no variation nor change in the gift of God, but as it worketh upon different objects; for faith and unbelief are two different things, as light and darkness are different, and so the word of his grace is the savour of life unto life, (that is to say) unto them that believe, and is the savour of death unto death, unto them who are in the unbelief, who indeed are dead while they live; yet there is the same grace, and the same word of grace, yet here is different operations; so the Lord killeth and maketh alive, yet the same Lord; The spirit convinceth of sin, and reproveth for sin, and also consolates and comforts; Here is diversity of operations, yet the same spirit, which never altars. Object. But further, some may say, If that it be saving grace, or at the least a degree, and a measure of saving grace that hath appeared to all men, then how is it that all are not saved by it? Answ. Because I would all stumbling blocks were removed away, that the path might be made plain, that all might come to believe in that which is God's gift, in which there is power and sufficiency; Therefore I am constrained by the grace of God to declare of it, and to bear witness to it thus largely, which I know will be to the edification of all that hunger after righteousness. All are not saved by it, because they believe not in it, neither are taught by it, yet its validity, power and virtue is nevertheless in itself, and though them that are careless, and heedless, say we feel no power nor sufficiency in it to save us from sin, yet this makes not void their confidence who have received it, & knows its power which hath given them power, and also sufficiency to do the will of God; what though unbelievers who are in the alienation, say there is no beauty in Christ, neither form nor comeliness; this makes not his glory void, who is the express Image of the Father, full of grace and truth; the Disciples saw it, and bore record of him, who were in the faith, and the Pharisees said he had a Devil, who were in the unbelief; but in brief, this is my testimony, that the grace of God, the perfect gift of God, which shows ungodliness, and leads from ungodliness all that are taught by it, is a sufficient teacher of itself, I mean, as the power of Christ through it is made manifest unto all them that harken to it; Paul ● Minister of the word of reconciliation, who was wrapped up into the third heaven where he saw things unutterable, came to be tempt●●d and buffetted, with the messenger of S●tan, and fear and doubting rose up in him, & he prayed unto God thrice, and this answer was given unto him, my grace is sufficient for thee; so this is evident to all understandings, who are opened by the Lord, that which showed him the temptations, and Satan's messengers, and Satan's buffet, was sufficient to preserve him; and so is it for all who singly are kept to it and in it, sufficient to show ungodliness because of its purity, and to lead from worldly lusts by its power, and to teach the will of God, and to live like unto God in this present world; and this testimony I bear of it, and to it, even what I have felt, and tasted, and handled of its sufficiency, and virtue, and power of its operation, for the confirmation of the same truth, which is believed by many brethren, and also for the information of them that thirst after the Lord, & for the opposition of all the gainsayers and opposers of it; which testimony I commend to that of God in every man, which will witness me herein in the day of God, when all hearts are opened, and all falsehoods & truth is made manifest, in the mean time shall rest in that which I have declared of, in which there is pure and perfect peace. A word to you wise men of this world, who are glorying in the sound of words, and worshipping outward appearances; to all wise and litter all professors, who think you are worshipping God aright, who think to search in to the deep things of God by your natural wisdom, learning, and parts and study. GOd hath broken open the seals of the great deep, where the wonderful unutterable things of God is revealed, from whence eternal wisdom is flowing forth to his little ones whom he hath sanctified from the womb, and his power and glory is he shedding abroad, and making it to flow forth as though it issued out of a womb, by which power and wisdom you are all weighed, even by one who is swaddled about with righteousness, and girded up with the girdle of truth, you are all measured as with a span, and are all weighed as with a scale; all your parts, tongues, languaguages, interpretations, significations; wisdom, that is come to be enjoyed by them who have believed in the true Light that lighteth every man, which rounds you all as a heap, and measures you all as with a line, your breadth, length, height, and depth; your parts, Tongues, Languages, interpretations is but all natural; words are but empty sounds, although there be many languages, and each have interpretation and a signification, they are all short to declare the life, the immeasurable being of eternal Life; you with all these are on heaps, disjointed one from another; Your Rhetoric, Philosophy, your framed and devised disputations, your Tongues, and the significations of all Tongues cannot know the mind of the spirit, neither knows the original of eternal salvation by all these, and so not knowing the signification of the living eternal spirit in yourselves; you invent, study, devise forms, and frames up things in your carnal minds, by the strength of your learned, studied, devised parts, and framed speeches, and hath filled the whole world with your dark muddy conceptions, and hath led all out from seeking after the living wisdom of God, which is from above, which was before your Tongues and Languages was, and they have sucked in your conceptions and distinctions, and your devised fables, and your imagined worship, that many have lost the sense of any thing of God in themselves to guide them, and when you have come as far as you can in those things, and have divised in your minds (by the strength of those parts natural) you are farther from the knowledge then before; and all that hear you and sucketh in your conceptions and Imaginations into their hearts, they are further off Gods true knowledge, than they were the day in which they came out of their mother's womb; it is a lamentation to see how people are gone out of the pure simplicity which is in Christ, into subtlety and deceit stuffed up full, brimful of that which must be all poured out as water, before they and you all come to the least measure of God's true and saving knowledge. Oh! a dreadful day is coming upon many, & it lingers not, but will come swiftly as a thief upon you, who have taken away the key of knowledge, and gives people that which will not open, and tells them of a literal carnal thing that must give them entrance; you and all they will be shut out together among the uncircumcised as fools; though you count yourselves wise men, your wisdom will perish, and your honour will be laid in the dust; the time hastens, it is the word of truth to you all. And you literal professors, who have got the Scripture into your head, and into the carnal mind to talk on, and are run into so many heads, you are almost past numbering, and hath exalted so many horns; yet the number is read, the number of the heads of the beast, and the number of his name; you have taken up things, and are exalting a visible shadowish practice, and neglecteth the life, and are making Idols of those things which were but a figure and representation, in their purest time; now you, like the Pharisees, are limiting the Lord, that if he will not appear unto you in those things that you have prescribed unto yourselves, and fetched in from the letter, and got it into the fleshly part, which is he●ped up as a mountain in many of you so high, above God's pure witness in you, and so high above the appearance of God in you, that you have quite lost the sight of that in yourselves, which should give you the knowledge of the living God, and make you sensible of his pure presence; I say, if he appear not in the way you would limit him to, in those things you would confine him in, you cannot receive him; the Lord open your understandings, that you may see yourselves, and how frothy, vain, light, and wanton you are; one with the world in all things in the very ground, pretending liberty in Christ, and privilege in him, when you may see you are servants to corruptions, and to many noisome lusts that makes war. Again, what are all outward appearances any more but as a Curtain, or as a vail, and as a shadow, in respect of Christ, God's righteousness within; but you are filled too full of your apprehensions of his righteousness at a distance, that you have forgotten all at home, and your own conditions; for his righteousness will not be a cloak for your self-righteousness and unrighteousness, and if Christ be not form in you, God's righteousness, and live in you, and act in you, and work his work in you, you are in the self-righteousness, and a talk of imputation, will not save you while you are not in that capacity, and nature, and faith, unto whom his righteousness is imputed. Are you not weary with tumbling up and down among the earthly Hills, among which you have situated yourselves? Do you not see your land grows barren, and your possessions dry, and your worship dead, heaven reins not on you, the bottles are stopped, the dew falls not on you; you whither daily as a stick without sap? what, have you found that which will last unto perpetuity? oh! nay it's rusted already, it's cankered already, its moth-eaten already, it's fading, the glory is staining, the renown of all earthly things is fading, and all terrestrial appearances, though never so glorious, they are all to cease; a consumption is coming, blasting is near, there will be no more glory in these things, they will fly away as a shadow when the Sun arises; your riches are wasting, when will ye seek after that which endures for ever? I pity you who have had breathe after God, and hath sat down at ease in that which is not eternal. Be warned, return home, consider, see what corruption thou hast power over now, which had once power over thee. Dost thou rest in that faith, that thou shalt never be cleansed here? that faith is cursed, it's reprobate, it's rather properly unbelief; It's not the faith of Gods elect, by which they were sanctified, and overcame the wicked one in themselves by the power of Christ, who is able to save, and manifests his ability in all them that believe in the light which they are enlightened withal, through which he manifests himself to the creature, and makes known his power in the creature, to redeem the soul out of death, and to redeem the creature from under the bondage of corruption, to serve him in the free spirit of God, in which the sons are made free from sin, from the act and guilt, they become the Temples of the holy Ghost: How far you are from this, consider, who are yet temples of uncleanness, and a habitation for many noisome lusts; repent and mind that which empties you of your thoughts and conceitedness, that you may know poverty of spirit, that the kingdom may come unto you, and be yours in possession, else you are everlastingly miserable; & this is the true state of many of you, own it & repent, that if it be possible you may find a door of mercy yet opened unto you & that you may enter in thereat; for it is not setting up, and conforming to a visible practice without, that will justify you, while that which is in the transgression, and hath transgressed the life, and hath disobeyed the light in your consciences is head in you, and above the pure, that will not recommend you unto God; neither can you have any access, or acceptation with God in that state, till you come out of the waters upon which the Whore sits, which is unstable and boisterous, and reels too and fro, and unsettled; which is all to be dried up, and all the springs cut off that nourishes; and you must come to the Rock, before you know any thing that will endure, to build upon, which rock is Christ, who abides for ever; but you are all gone from that which should give the knowledge of him in yourselves, and doth not retain him in your knowledge; neither that which gives the knowledge of him, the light of his Spirit which shines in your hearts, making manifest in your hearts, the intention of your hearts, when motions unto evil do arise; This must you all come to, before God's salvation or redemption you come to know in yourselves, or have the witness of God's holy Spirit, without which there is neither seal nor evidence, nor assurance enjoyed or felt of the love of God. The time of restoring is come, and many are restored again into God's Covenant, and are delivered out of the jaws of death, and feels him who is the healer of the Nations, and the restorer of the desolate places to dwell in: but first you must come to see those places made desolate, wherein the wild nature lodges, before you come to have a share in the restoration: Come off these barren mountains where you are feeding, to Christ the life of men, who hath lightened you, and wait in it, that you may feel his mind in yourselves, and the signification of the Spirit of truth, from your own spirits, or else you will still err for lack of knowledge, and perish for want of understanding, and so lay down your heads in sorrow. The Kingdom of God, and of his Christ declared in some measure as it is revealed, what it is, and where it is to to be waited for, and how it cometh to be revealed to them, and in them that believe; that all who are waiting for it, may know wherein it consists, and so receive the end of their hope, and the end of their expectation, and know the Dominion which hath no end. THe Lord hath prepared his throne in the Heavens, and his Kingdom ruleth over all; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, and without end. God is a Spirit, his Kingdom is spiritual, his habitation is suitable to his own nature; he is immortal, his Kingdom, is so; he is light, his dwelling place is so, a pure situation in which there is no uncleanness, nor ever shall be: It's eternal dignity, it is an immutable being, that remaineth always in its purity and pleasantness: Eternally glorious, it consists in power, in righteousness, in purity, in joy, in hope, in peace, in life, in virtue eternal: in quietness, it's a quiet habitation, it is incomprehensible, unsearchable, and indeclareable; words are too short, they are but as sounds, as vails: It is unexpressible, in it is the treasure-house of wisdom, out of which all that believe in him, (who is the King of eternal and immortal glory) comes to receive of his wisdom, of his life, of his power, virtue, righteousness, and comes to enjoy him, who is the fullness that filleth all things, whether visible or invisible; whether terrestrial, or celestial; his power is over all, his dominion is over all, who is eternally blessedness itself, and felicity itself; who makes all that believe in him to partake of his kingdom, of his grace, of his power, of his dignity, of his dominion, and of his glory celestial; but these things are hid from the world, who are not redeemed from the earth, neither never looks to be while they are in the body: Unto such I say, God's kingdom you shall never see nor enjoy, while you are in that faith which is reprobate, but may be truly called unbelief, although you imagine a glory, and a kingdom in your earthly minds, and dream of a thing to come, suitable unto that wherein your glory now standeth; but that will all fail▪ and those imaginations will be confounded, and dissolved into nothing, because they are centred in that which is out of the truth, Christ, and so are without ground or bottom, and are out of that which should give you the sight and knowledge of God in yourselves and his kingdom. Christ when he taught them that followed him, exhorted them, that first of all they might seek the kingdom of God, even while they were in the body, Mat. 6. & 36. The Pharisees were gazing abroad in their earthly knowledge, although they had the Scripture that declared of God's kingdom, yet they knew it not; and this generation is the same who are in the same nature, and in the same wisdom which is earthly and literal, and they are imagining as the Jews were, and are, lo here, and lo there, in this observation and the other, and look to see it there. Nay Christ said, The Kingdom of God is within you to the Pharisees: He bade them and others seek it first; what strange doctrine was this, might the Pharisees say; he saith, the kingdom of God is within us, and yet bids us seek it: Need we seek that which is in us, may professors say? Yea, it's like a pearl hid in the field; it's like a grain of mustardseed among many great seeds, which is not easily found; it's like a piece of silver lost in the house among much rubbish, till that be swept away, thou wilt not find it; thou must dig deep, sweep clean, search narrowly before thou find it; although he did say to the Pharisees, The kingdom of God is within you, he did not say they were possessors of it, or that it was theirs; but to the Disciples whom he taught to pray in faith thy kingdom come, and they came to find it; that which they prayed for, that pearl, that groat, that grain of mustardseed which it was like, and having found it, and believed in it, he saith unto them, Mat. 5. 3. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God. And in Luke 6. 20. And he lift up his eyes on his disciples and said, blessed be ye poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. They had seen it, and were possessors of it, it was theirs. And Christ said unto his disciples, There are some of you standing here that shall not taste of death till ye see the kingdom of God come in power. And his words were fulfilled; they declared what they had felt and seen; and some of them said, The Kingdom of God is not in word but in power. And Paul to the Romans writes, Rom. 4. 17. who was also made partakers of the same power and the same kingdom; he spoke his knowledge of it, and said. It's not meat nor drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy Ghost. And the Colossions who had waited for it, and believed in that through which it was revealed; the Apostle was in the same Faith, Coloss. 1. 12. & 13. Who hath made us meet partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light, who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath transformed us into the kingdom of his dear Son: And those things were seen in the body, and witnessed in the body: And the Apostle to Hebrews saith, He that believes is entered into the rest. And this and all these things were feeled within by the seed immortal the birth immortal, and they that witness the birth immortal to live in them: One said, He hath made us joint-heirs with Christ who is the King of eternal glory, and they were Joint-heires with him of the kingdom that fades not away, and all that ever comes to see the kingdom of God in the spirit, which is spiritual, must wait in the spirit, and in its manifestation; that so God and his Kingdom, and the things of God's Kingdom may be felt and seen and enjoyed in the spirit which is glorious. Object. All this which thou hast spoken may some say is the kingdom of grace; and that we hold there is a twofold kingdom, the one of grace here, the other of glory hereafter; which none comes to enjoy glory, or any part of it in this life, or in the body. Answ. People hath long been blinded with confused distinctions about names; and being full of imaginary thoughts and conceptions, have brought forth foolish and unlearned distinctions; and that which God hath joined together, they would separate: grace is glorious, and glory is gracious; he that can receive it, let him; the kingdom of God, which was like a grain of mustardseed, afterwards it became a great tree; the tree in its strength, and glory, and height, is more glorious than when it's in the seed, yet the seed and the tree is in nature, and quality, and kind, one; if the kingdom be in dominion in purity, and power, and glory, is not here unity? yet a greater measure, yet still the dominion is one, the power one, the glory one, and the thing one wherein grace standeth and glory standeth, wherein the kingdom standeth; grace is glorious, Eph. 1. 6, 7. Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children, and to the praife and glory of his grace wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. In the Father's house there are many mansions, places in the kingdom of God, there are many heavenly places, and they that walked to the praise of his grace, came to sit also in heavenly places, Eph. 2 6. through grace, salvation, through grace glory comes to be revealed in the earth, Isa. 6. 3. The Earth is full of his glory; he that makes heaven and Earth glorious, is glory itself, from whence grace and every degree of gloly receives its being; the least measure of God's strength and power is glorious; and to be gloried in, in the Lord by all that have seen it; Things might be declared which God hath revealed, which is not lawful for me now to utter; for as one star differs from another in glory, yet all glorious, even so is it with the children of the resurrection, who are quickened and made alive, and raised from the dead, and fashioned like unto his glorious body, partakers of the glory of God, of his kingdom of his power; the power is his, in which the kingdom stands, the kingdom his, wherein glory stands, the kingdom, power and glory stands all in him who is the glorious God, and the God of eternal glory, who is revealing his power, his kingdom, and grace, and his glory, unto all that patiently wait upon him, in that which yet is as a grain of mustardseed; they will come to feel his presence, his power and glory revealed in their hearts, through the spirit, and enjoy God in his kingdom, in his power, and in his glory, and through faith shall see the weight of his glory, which God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ will reveal unto all that patiently wait for his appearance, and in his appearance. Obj. But some will cry out, grievous blasphemy and error; what, I think you look for no other glory but in this Life, nor for no other Kingdom, but what you enjoy in this life; thus I know dark spirits reasons. Answ. The Saints looked not af● any other glory but that which stood in eternal life, and in the immortal Life, and in the incorruptable life, and the Country they sought after, was that which God was the maker and builder of, and they looked and waited to receive of his power in which the Kingdom standeth, and did in this life (I do not say the full weight of glory) and to know and enjoy, and to be made partakers of his eternal dominion and authority, is that which all the Saints in measure witness, and in due time came to enjoy through faith; for by faith they saw him who was invisible, and the things of his kingdom, which is invisible, spiritual and eternal; but to speak of the carnal corruptable life in the flesh, who are dead while they live there, that life, neither the kingdom, nor the power, nor the glory of God is revealed to them, not till after the death of that life, and till after the death of him who hath the power of death, which is the Devil, which ruleth in the hearts of the children of disobedience, where all the mysteries of God's kingdom is hid from their eyes, and ever shall while in that state; and so let the Serpent be blind, and they that have an ear to hear, blessed is that ear; for the kingdom of God is come nigh unto many, and the salvation of God, and the power of Christ is seen by many, honour and praise unto him everlastingly, who is the only Potentate that puts down all authority under his feet, that God may be all, in all, but first every one must come to feel the kingdom which is as a little grain, in himself, and in it believe, before any can come to know the Kingdom, or wherein it consists, and after it be known in its measure, yet this is far short of glory in the fullness; so many may come to be partakers of the power in some measure, yet this is far short of the eternal weight of glory; He that believes is entered into the rest, and made partakers of the heavenly gift, and of the heavenly power, and of the heavenly grace, which is glorious, and doth witness a heavenly place in Christ Jesus, and yet many enemies to be subdued, and much of the heavenly habitation, which they see not, which comes to be revealed as there is an abiding in the faith, which stands in God's power, in which the kingdom stands; the mysteries of God and of his kingdom comes in due time to be revealed, through death they come to be known, (that is to say) through the death of death; for Israel the true type, after they passed over Jordan, and had taken Jericho and Ai, and had made an entrance into the land, yet there was many enemies to be subdued, and much land and possessions, which they were not made partakers of long after, even so after there be of the true rest enjoyed and possessed, & an entrance made into it, yet there is many enemies to be subdued, and much of the heavenly inheritance to be enjoyed by them that stand in the power which giveth dominion over sin, the devil, hell and the grave, and they come to be made partakers of God, and so the enmity being slain, man comes to enjoy God who is eternal life, and comes to receive the crown immortal, which God the eternal power and strength giveth in due time, to them that wait in patience and in faith, through which the immortal inheritance comes to be revealed to all the children of light. And so to conclude in few words, this I say unto all, who are longing after God, and waiting to feel his power, keep in your minds to the pure measure of God's holy spirit, and therein wait to see his kingdom, and his dominion, and to be made partakers of it, which brings the world to an end; and will let you see to the end of it too, before it was, and him who is now glorified with the Father in the kingdom of God, with the same glory he had with the Father before the world began, and who so comes to the end of the world, and to the beginning again, comes to see him and his glory, and the kingdom of glory which fades not away, which who so comes to enjoy, are eternally happy. THE END. ERRORS. PAge 14. l. 9 blot out of. p. 25. l. 20. for Angei. r. angel. p. 32. l. 24. for presumptions. r. presumptuous. p. 33. l. 8. f. he. r. the the same p. l. 12. for undeclareble. r. undeclarable. p. 46. l. 23. f, hit. r. his. p. 71. l. 27. f. soul. r. fold. p. 86. l 25. f. ntichrists r. Antichrists. p. 99 l. 18. f. power. r. popery. p. 101. l. 11. f. neral. r. funeral. p. 124. l. 10. f. our. r. your. p. 156. l. 3. f. corrupt; ble. r. corruptible. p. 160. l. 24. r. a moment f. moment. p. 208. l. 12. f. cnrst; r. cursed.