A Brief Relation Of some part of the SUFFERINGS Of the True Christians, The People of God (in Scorn called Quakers) in IRELAND, For these last Eleven Years, viz. from 1660. until 1671. With an Occasional Treatise of their Principles and Practices briefly stated, whereby the Innocency of their Cause, for which they so suffer, is not only plainly Demonstrated; but also, from all false Aspersions and causeless Pretences sufficiently Vindicated. Collected by T. H. and A. F. Heb. 10. 23, 25. Not forsaking the Assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is— Heb. 7. 12. The Priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a Change also of the Law— Acts 13. 15, If ye have any Word of Exhortation for the People, say on— Mat. 5. 34. But I say unto you, Swear not at all— Jam. 2. 9 If ye have Respect to Persons, ye commit Sin— Exod. 20 9 Six days shalt thou labour.— Printed in the Year, 1673. THE PREFACE. READER, THere having been a great Defection from true Christianity in the long Night of Apostasy, whereby gross Darkness hath overspread the Nations, foretold by the Apostles, That Antichrist, Deceivers, grievous Wolves, false Teachers, Core-like, false Worshippers should ensue; these ushered in the Apostasy (which began in the Apostles days) and grew so great that they became Persecutors of the True Christians, as indeed false Worship and Persecution are inseparable Companions: For John, by the Revelation of God to him, saw the Beast (which the Dragon had given his Power unto, after he had persecuted the Woman which fled into, and was fed in the Wilderness 1260. days, and the Manchild caught up to God) set up his Worship, and compelling thereto▪ and the false Prophet deceiving them that had worshipped the Image of the Beast: And he also saw the great Whore sitting upon the Beast, which was to be worshipped forty two Months, having a Golden Cup in her hand, wherewith she deceived, and by her Sorceries enticed the Nations to commit Fornication with her; and so corrupted the Earth, and made herself drunk with the Blood of the Saints, and Martyrs of Jesus, etc. Hereby John saw in the Spirit the great and long Sufferings of the true Christians, the Church and People of God in the time of the Apostasy, by the false Christians the false Worshippers, who having lost the Power and Spirit, by which the Apostles and primitive Christians were led and guided how to worship God in Spirit and in Truth, set up fair and gilded Forms of Worship (Jeroboam-like) of their own making and inventing; and at length, lost not only the Power, but the very Form of Truth and true worship; and then (being in the Enmity) did compel to their Worship, and (Cain-like) persecuted to Death the true Worshippers, the true Church and people of God; witness several Histories of the Papal Persecution of the true Christians in all Kingdoms and Countries where the Power of Rome extended itself, and so continues in many places to this Day. And how can we do less than charge the rise of Christians (so called) persecuting for Religion to proceed thence; For they were the first Authors Dr. Tailor late Bishop of Down & Derry. of Force and Vioience in matters of Faith and Opinion in Religion amongst Christians; the Inquisition being chiefly entrusted to the Order of Dominick who first preached this Force, and by whose means many true Christians were put to Death, for not abjuring their Principles and true Faith in Religion: and this was the first Example of putting Erring Persons to Death in the Church of Rome; for Christianity doth not punish Corporally, people for erring Spiritually, but indeed Popery doth. And of the same mind were divers ancient and modern Writes, who said, That people must be informed to embrace Religion Chrysost. Tertul. Haywardus. K. James. with Reason, and not compelled by Violence; for nothing violent or injurious can be Religious, because Reason, and not Force, aught to convince. That God never loves to plant his Church by Violence and Blood; the Condition of Christians being rather to be persecuted, then to persecute. What Cruelty among Christians is acted under the colour K. Car. 1. of Religion, as if we could not be Christians unless we crucify one another? And by Compulsion no man can make a a Hypocrite to be a true Believer; but on the contrary, many may be made Hypocrites: For people in the Matters of Religion and Worship of God, should rather be drawn by the Spirit of the Lord in God's Authority, then driven by the Terrors of Magistrates, or forced by the Penalties and Punishments of outward Laws of Men: And how can that Service and Worship be acceptable to God, which for its Authority hath only the Force and Fear of Man, without the Faith and Fear of God? John also saw the Whore, the Mother of Harlots, judged, and the downfall of her Pride, and the Merchants of the Earth (that were enriched by Trading and Trafficking with her) lamenting her Fall, and the Manchild come to rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron, smiting them with the Sword of his Mouth; and the holy City, new Jerusalem (the Mother of us all) descending out of Heaven from God, prepared as a Bride for her Husband▪ and in this Holy City there was no Temple, the Lord God and the Lamb being the Temple of it, and the Lamb the Light thereof, and the Nations of them that are saved shall walk in the Light of it, etc. Here John the Divine had a Sight of the restoring of the true Church to its primitive Purity and Institution, in Faith, Worship, Discipline and all Gospel-Order. And now the Day of God's great Love and rich Mercy to Mankind is dawned again, after the long Night of Apostasy, since the Apostles days, and the Everlasting Gospel is preached again, and he that made Heaven and Earth is to be Worshipped again in Spirit and in Truth; and many are turned from Darkness to Light, and from the Power of Satan and the Dragon's worship unto God; and the Church is returning out of the Wilderness, and making herself ready for the Marriage of the Lamb; an Invitation to the Supper is proclaimed, and the Way to the Holy City discovered: And it having pleased God to bring us forth in this Blessed Day and Happy Age, wherein the true Light hath appeared, in which we have believed, and are turned thereto, by which we are come to see the first day's Work of God's new Creation, Light separated from Darkness, and to see over and beyond this long and thick dark Night, to God's Day, the Light that manifests Sin, the Deeds of Darkness, the Works of the Devil; and hereby we are come to the Foundation Principle again of many Generations, and to the true Religion, to see and know the true Worship of the primitive Christians again, & so to be led out of all Byways, Will-worship, Rudiments, Traditions and Presciptions of men, to Worship God aright, which is in the Spirit and in the Truth, which Christ Jesus set up above 1600 years ago; for we are of and for the same Faith, Worship, Church and Gospel-Order of the ancient true Christians, for which we are now persecuted, as they were in former days: And indeed it hath been our Portion to suffer (ever since the Lord God first raised us up to bear Testimony to his Everlasting Truth, the Light, Christ Jesus, that lighteth every Man that cometh into the World, that through it they might believe, and to own his true and living Worship, which is in Spirit and in Truth) and to endure not only Reproaches, bitter Taunts, Mockings and Revile; but also, Cruel and Unchristianlike Usages, by Haling, Tearing, Beat, Whip, Wound, long Imprisonments great Fines, excessive Loss and Havoc of our Goods, and sometimes Loss of Life, occasioned (mostly) by the Priests, (whose Merchandise we can no longer buy) and their incensing the Magistrates against us, falsely accusing us, as the Jews did Paul to Faelix, to be Movers of Sedition, and raising new Sects: so that as it was accounted a Crime then with the Jews, to be called a Christian, a Follower of Jesus of Nazareth; even so now is made matter enough against us (by some sometimes) to be called a Quaker, (a term given us in Derision, first by an Independent Justice at Derby about 20 years ago) and for no other cause have several suffered. Neither have we in this Realm suffered for these last 11 Years only, but before, even in the former Powers time, the which hath been already published; and we have found that the most and worst of our Sufferings since the King's Restauration, have been by such of the Professing Priests and Magistrates, that were in Favour, or at leastwise made use of in Oliver and his Son Richard's days, and are now wheeled about, and for Profit or Honour have cringed and conformed to these Times; though we cannot but own and acknowledge, that upon Applications and Addresses, made by us to the chief Rulers of this Land, in behalf of our suffering Friends, they have divers times been pleased to grant us Remedy and Redress. And seeing we hold or maintain no Principle of Religion, or Practice of Worship, or Doctrine of the Gospel, but what is according to the Scriptures of Truth, why will any professing Christianity persecute us? And we can truly appeal to God the Searcher of all Hearts, that according to our Principles, so our Practices have always been, even to seek Peace, and ensue it, and to follow after the Knowledge of God, and to desire the Good and Welfare of all: Where have we wronged any man's Person or Possession? or been found in Plots, or guilty of Sedition? or, Have we made Resistance when men (yea, unreasonable men) with Clubs, Swords and Staves, and other illegal ways, have wronged, beat, cut and abused us, which was no Honour to Manhood, to exercise such severity and Cruelty upon such an Innocent and Harmless People, that will not lift up a hand against them; and wherein we could not (actively) obey for Conscience sake in matters relating to Religion and our Principles, there we have (passively) suffered, and patiently born it? Have we not all along been a Suffering People, and yet not for any Cause of Evil doing, that could justly be laid to our charge; but for things pertaining to our Principles, and the Worship of God, and in Obedience to his Requirings of us; for which Cause we can more freely give up our Bodies a Sacrifice, then to disobey the Lord God of Heaven and Earth, who having kept us Innocent▪ will plead for us against our Causeless Persecutors, who have no more against us, than was against Daniel? Hath not long Experience of us under several Governments and distinct Powers (since we were a People to God) fully and (to any moderate man) sufficiently evidenced our Innocency, and that our Deportment (notwithstanding the many and great Provocations) have been peaceable and harmless in the exercise of our Consciences in Religion and the Worship of God (touching which we ourselves, and none else for us, must give an account to God) let our Neighbours and the whole Nation bare testimony, and the just Witness of God in men judge, and Conscience speak▪ whether our Principles have produced any other Practice then as aforesaid, or our Practices any other Effects in our Conversation, than such as become an in-offensive and well-minded People, professing Truth and Honesty: Well then, What man, as a man, much more as a good man, professing Christianity, will have a hand in persecuting the Innocent People of God? or who will join with cursed Cain (the first Persecutor on Earth) to persecute his Righteous Brother Abel about Worship? Is it not contrary to the Character of a good Christian, and against the Royal Law of God, to impose upon another in the things of Religion and worship of God, contrary to the Faith of the Imposed? or would the Imposer be imposed upon contrary to his own Understanding and Conscience in the spiritual concernments of his soul, seeing that every man must answer for himself, & that none can give to God a Ransom for his Brother's soul: therefore we warn all in love, to take heed what they do herein▪ for its a tender Cause, and its the Jurisdiction of the Lord, his Sovereignty and proper Dominion, and alone belongs to him to rule in the Consciences of people, in order to be served and worshipped acceptably. And to the end Reader thou mayst be informed of the manner of our Sufferings, and the cause thereof, we have collected some part of what we have suffered for these last 11 years, that thou mayst see how, where, and for what (sometimes without and contrary to Law, and sometimes under colour of Law) much Havoc hath been made of our Goods; which we here put to public view in a plain way and manner, for we are a plain people; we have no need to use Arguments to persuade thee to credit the truth of this ensuing Relation, it being so obvious and generally known in Cities, Towns & Countries, where we are conversant. And though some of them may seem small in thine eyes, yet we would not have thee too slightly disesteem thereof, in regard the least of them is for matter of Conscience, and therefore aught to be tendered by all professing Christianity in Truth and Sincerity; of which number we wish thee no worse than to be one, and then thou canst not but reckon us two thy Friends, Thomas Holme, Abraham Fuller. THE CONTENTS. I. FOr Meeting together to wait upon God in his Fear, Service and Worship. II. For not paying Tithes and Maintenance to the Priests and their Clarks. III. For not paying to the building and repair of the Parish Worship-Houses, called Churches. IV. For not going to the public Worship at the Church, so called, and for Exhorting and Reproving people in the Fear of the Lord in the said public Houses of Worship, Markets and Streets. V. For not Swearing, not taking off the Hat, and working on Holidays, so called. VI An Occasional Treatise, relating to the aforesaid Sufferings. First, These following have suffered for meeting and assembling themselves together (in their own Houses) in the Fear of the Lord, and in his Worship and Service, and for exhorting one another, and praying together, to build up one another in the Holy Faith, according to the Command of the Apostles, and the Example and practice of the Saints, and Prophets, and the true Christians in the primitive Times; and for the same have been much abused, indicted, greatly fined, long imprisoned, cruelly used, and much of their Goods taken from them. Ulster Province. Ardmagh County. 1661. WIlliam Bowston, Simon Harrison, and Roger Webb (with several other Friends) being met together at Roger Webb's House, to wait upon god in his holy Fear and Worship, in a peaceable way, as their manner is; were (for the same) taken thereout, and by the Lord Conway, Bishop Taylour, and Arthur Hill, committed to Ardmagh Goal, and there kept close Prisoners five Weeks; and then the said William Bowston died in Prison (whose Death must be given account of by those that caused it) and the other two Friends were kept there six Weeks longer. 1662. Francis Robson, for being at the like Peaceable Meeting to worship God, was fined by Judge Kenedy in 20 s. for which Fine the Sheriff's Bailiffs took from him a Horse worth 5 l. Henry Furnace, for the like cause, was fined by the said Judge 5 s. for which the Sheriff's Bailiffs took from him a Horse worth 2 l. 10 s. Roger Webb, for the like cause, was by the said Judge fined 5 s. and had a Horse taken from him worth 1 l. 10 s. Hugh Stamper, for the like cause, was fined (by the said Judge) 5 s. and imprisoned about eight Weeks, and had a Kettle taken from him worth 14 s. Peter Bess, for the like cause, was fined (by the said Judge) 5 s. and imprisoned about ten Weeks, and had three Pewter Dishes taken from him worth 15 s. William Williamson jun. for the like cause, was fined (by the said Judge) 20 s. and had a Mare and Foal taken from him worth 2 l. 10 s. Edward Towle, for the like cause, was fined (by the said Judge) 20 s. and had a Horse taken from him worth 3 l. William Nicholson, for the like cause, was fined (by the said Judge) 10 s. and had a Mare taken from him worth 1 l. 15 s. Cavan County. 1660. Richard Fail, William Parker, Miles Grace, John Hutton, Thomas Lunn and Isabel Outon, (with several other Friends) for meeting in Cavan, to wait upon the Lord, and to worship him, were imprisoned by John Holland, Deputy Sovereign, and some of them kept Prisoners eleven days. William Parker, Rich. Fail, Miles Grace, Robert Wardell, Thomas Lunn and Thomas Moor, (with several other Friends) being met together (for the end aforefaid) in Belturbet, were haled out, and committed to Prison four days without Examination (by Order of Richard West Provost) and because they could not pay Fees (having not broken any Law) some of them were stripped of their Clothes, and then turned out. 1661. William Edmonson, Tho. Lunn, rich. Fail, Wil Parker, and Thomas Hutchison (with others) having been at a Meeting near Cavan to worship God, were much abused on the Road by George Spicer Sub-Sheriff, attended with a company of rude men, who beat, and cut, and abused Friends; one Friend set upon a Horse, and tied his Feet under the Horse Belly; and another his Hands behind his Back, like Felons; and so had them to Cavan Prison; and at the following Assize brought before Judge Povey, who having nothing against them, but on the account of their meeting to serve and worship the Lord, left them Prisoners. And at the next Assizes Judge Alexander fined them 20 l. a man for the said Meeting, and 7 l. a man, for not taking off their Hats, though he then confessed▪ there was no Law for it; but he called them Rogues, Dogs, etc. and so left them Prisoners till the next Assizes: And then came he himself Judge again, and fined them 5 l. a man more for their Hats; and denied them the benefit of an Order or Proclamation from the chief Ruler of the Nation, by which they ought to have been set at Liberty; and he further said, That they should not have the benefit of the Law. And whilst they were thus kept Prisoners, the said Geo. Spicer sued them for Fees, notwithstanding he had their Bodies in Prison, and (by virtue or pretence of an Order from the said Judge) took from Wil Parker, Tho. Lunn, Tho Hutchison and Rich. Faile, as much Goods as were worth 30 l. And at the next Assizes after, Judge Booth caused the said Prisoners to be proclaimed at Liberty, for which the said Geo. Spicer claimed 15 s. a piece Fees, and for the same kept them in close Prison: And at the next Assizes, Judge Alexander being there Judge, the said Geo. Spicer caused Walter Brady his Servant to swear, serving the Prisoners with Processes, (which thing, as Brady since acknowledged, was false) upon which the said Judge granted him an Order against the Prisoners, which caused to be taken, From Richard Fail, two Horses worth— 4l. 10s. 0d. From Thomas Lunn, one Cow and two Heifers worth— 3l. 10s. 0d. From William Parker, two Cows worth— 2l. 12s. 0d. From Tho. Hutchison, two Cows worth— 3l. 10s. 0d. From Jo. Jay, one Horse, and Household goods worth— 4l. 17s. 6d. From Robert Wardel, one Cow and Goods worth.— 4l. 09s. 0d. worth in all— 23l. 08s. 6d. supra— 30l. 00s. 0d. So that this Geo. Spicer, for the Fees of these six Persons, hath taken away from them Goods worth,— 53l. 8s. 6d. 1665. Ricchard Fail, Wil Parker, Robert Robinson, Tho. Lunn and Tho. Hutchison, with several other Friends, being at a Meeting of the Lord's People, at Nicholas Starkey's House, to wait upon God, were haled thereout, and thirteen of them had before Matthew French, Provost of Belturbet, who caused some of them to be set in the Stocks, and other some to be put in the Cage for several Hours; and the next day sent and committed them to Cavan Goal, (without Examination) where several of them were Prisoners above a Year. Leinster Province. Dublin City. 1660 EDward Cook, Robert Lodge, John Burnyate (with several others) being met together in their usual Meeting-place, to worship the Lord, had their Meeting broken up by James Boy,———— and a rude company of people and Soldiers, who took away John Burnyate, Robert Lodge, and about twenty Friends more, and imprisoned them in Newgate, where they were kept five days, and then brought before Robert Dee Mayor, who after Examination returned Fifteen of them back to Prison, where they were kept five days longer. Samuel Clarridge, Robert Turner, William maine, and several other Friends, being assembled in their usual Meeting-place to worship God, were haled thereout by a rude company of Soldiers; and eight of them Imprisoned in Newgate for five Weeks, by order of the said Robert Dee Mayor, Thomas Holme, Robert Wastfield, Joseph Cadle, Rebecca Rich, Elizabeth Gardner, and divers other Friends, being assembled in their usual Meeting-place, for the End aforesaid, were violently taken thereout by a Guard of Soldiers, and seventeen Men and six Women of them were put into the main Guard, and from thence committed to Newgate Prison, where they were kept several days by Order of the said Mayor. 1661. Robert Turner, Tho. Holme, James Fade, and eighteen more of their Friends, were taken out of their said usual Meeting place (being then and there met to worship God) by a Guard of-Souldiers, and committed to Newgate, where they were kept several days by order of Hyberd Adrian Mayor. 1662. Edward Cook, Robert Turner, Samuel Clarridge, and four more Friends, were taken out of their said usual Meeting-place by some Soldiers, and had before John Cranwell Mayor, and (by the means of Wil Davis Recorder) sent to Bridewell; and after several day's imprisonment there, were released by the said Mayor. 1669. Mathias Foster, John Savage, Wil Steel. Wil Cleaton, John Windor, Dennis Rochfort, Joseph Sleigh, Wil maine, and Samuel Clarridge, being with others of the Lord's People assembled in their Meeting place in Bride-street, to wait upon God in his Fear and Worship, were taken thereout, and had before the said Wil Davis Recorder, who committed them to Prison, where they were kept five Weeks; in which time they were indicted at the Kings-Bench, for being at an Unlawful Assembly; but the Bill not found by the Grand-Jury, they were discharged by the Court. Westmeath County. 1660. John Taylor, William Slade, and several others being met together in the Fear of the Lord at the said Wil Slade's House in Athlone, had their Meeting broken up by order of Cap. St. George, who committed Five of them to Prison for one day, and the next day released three of them, but kept the said John Taylor and W. Slade in Prison seven Week, and then they were released by order from the chief Rulers: and the Marshal, for the 13 s. 4 d. demanded by him for Fees, kept and detained as much Clothes as were worth 2 l. Nicholas Starkey, for speaking to the said Capt. St. George, then Sovereign of Athlone, in behalf of his Friends, that were then Prisoners for meeting as aforesaid, was drove and forced out of Town by the Bellman, by order of the said Sovereign. 1661. Wil Slade, Joan Burton, and several others being met together to worship God in Athlone, had their Meeting violently and rudely broken up, and the said W. Slade and six Friends committed to Prison, and the said Joan Burton was put in the Stocks, and afterwards they were turned out of the Town by the Beadle, by order of the said Sovereign. Henry Fuller, Abraham Fuller, John Ball, John Cleburne, Nicholas Starkey, James Wasely, Anth. Robinson, John English, John Wilson, Tho. Beale, and Giles Harrison, as they were ready to go, and going to their usual Meeting-place, to wait upon and worship God, were taken up the 22th day of the 10th Month by several Troopers; some of the Friends being taken out of their Houses, some out of the Fields, others out of the Highways, as the Troopers met them, and brought to Kilbeggan, and committed to Patrick Henry the Marshal, for that Night; the next day (by a Mittimus from Walter Lambert) they were sent from Constable to Constable to the County Goal at Mullengar (but before the Marshal delivered them to the Constable, he demanded 2 s. 6 d. Fees of the said Hen. Fuller, which being not paid, he took his Hat, and toar John Ball's Coat in striving to strip him; he also stripped off a Coat from another of the Prisoners, and thrust him out of Doors to the Constable; and with the help of some wicked people (Men and Women) he had with him, he threw John Wilson, another of the Prisoners, upon the Floor, gripped him by the Throat, took his Coat, searched his Pockets for Money, and finding none, took away some Linen and his Hat; and after he had much hurt and cruelly used him, threw him out of the Doors into the Mire) and after the said Prisoners had been kept six Weeks in Prison at Mullengar, they were released by Order from the chief Rulers of the Nation. Henry Fuller being at the High Sheriff's House, to speak for his Friends in Prison at Mullengar, was very much abused by Walter Lambert (called a Justice) who threw a Cup with Beer in it at the said Henry's Face, which broke his Nose, and spilt his Blood, for saying, That when people met quietly together to worship God, they are Haled, Abused, and sent to Prison; but if as many meet in an Alehouse, and Sing, Drink, Swear and Roar, there is little or no notice taken of them. Abraham Fuller, Hen. Fuller, John Cleburne, John Ball, George Castleton, Philip England, Hugh Smith, Eliza. Hunter, Edward and Lucretia Cook, and four Friends more, were taken out of their usual Meetings, at three sundry times, by several Constables, and had to Mullengar Prison; and after several days being there, the said Abraham and Henry Fuller, John Cleburne, John Ball, Gee. Castleton, and Edward Cook, were sent by Troopers (by order of the said Walter Lambert) to Dublin, as Ringleaders of the Quakers, where after a few days they were released by John Cranwell Mayor: And shortly after, at the Quarter-Sessions at Mullengar, the rest of the Prisoners were set at Liberty, after four Weeks Imprisonment. Queen's County. 1660. William Edmonson, John Edmonson, Wil Capton, Richard Jackson, Wil Archer, and several others, being met together at Mountmelick to worship the Lord, were taken up, and made to appear at the following Assizes by Walter Warnford, at which Assizes Judge Booth fined six of them 2 l. a man, for which they were kept in Prison about fourteen Weeks. 1661. Tobias Pledwel, Godfrey Cantrel, John Gee, Wil Capton, Wil Archer, Richard Scot, Thomas Stalker, being (with several others) met together at Mountmelick to worship God, had their Meeting broken up, and committed to Prison by the said Walter Warnford; and at the next Assizes Judge Alexander fined eleven of them 40 l. a man, for meeting as aforesaid; and they were kept in Prison about five Months. Caterlough County. 1660. Thomas Weston, Thomas Chawders, Henry Rose, and nine more Friends, for meeting together in the Fear of the Lord in Caterlough, were apprehended by order of John Masters, than Portriff, and (without Examination or Mittimus) committed to Prison till the next Sessions, and then indicted, and by the Jury found Not Guilty; yet on pretence of Fees were kept Prisoners several Months; and an Order was obtained from the chief Rulers (called Lord Justices) of the Nation, for their Enlargement, & showed to the County Justices, who refused to release Friends: And at the following Assizes Friends were brought before Judge Alexander, who reviled them, calling them, Rogues, Rascals, Villains, etc. (which is well known to their Neighbours that they are no such Persons, being Honest and Industrious Men) and caused a Bill of Indictment to be drawn up against them, and (for Meeting together, as aforesaid, to worship God) were by the said Judge fined 320 l. Wexford County. 1660. Francis Randal, with several Friends, being met at James Becket's House in New Ross to wait upon the Lord, had their Meeting broken up by a Guard of Soldiers, who much abused the said Francis, knocked him with a Musket, tore his Clothes, and thrust him violently out of the Town, by order of Lt. Col. Jones, who bade his Soldiers do any thing to Quakers, saying, They are worse than Dogs, use them as you will. 1662. James Becket, Thomas West, and others, for meeting together for the End aforesaid in New-Ross, were sent and committed to Wexford Goal, and there kept several Weeks. Thomas Lo, Marry Lo, and Sarah Holme▪ for visiting their Friends in Wexford Prison, were there detained in Restraint, and the said Thomas Lo kept in Prison until the next Sessions. 1670. Robbert Cuppage, Nathaniel Ruby, James Taylour, Francis Randal, Samuel Grundy, Daniel Fossey, William Brown, John Sottenham, Ionas Chamberlin, John Haydock, and John Edward's, being (with several other Friends and People) peaceably assembled (as their manner is, no Disturbance nor Breach of the Peace being ever known on their parts at any of their Meetings) to wait upon and worship the Lord God, at Nathaniel Ruby's house in Wexford, the 14th of the 7th Month, were disturbed by William Russel Sub-Sheriff, attended with Constables, Wardens, and a rude Multitude, and violently haled out of their Meeting, and brought before John Bond Mayor, Richard Clifton Governor, Fran. Harvey, Tho. Hart, and Edward Withers (called) Justices, who committed the aforesaid eleven Persons to the County Goal, till delivered by due course of Law, where they continued until the 13th of the 11th Month following, and then released by Order from the King's Lieutenant General and Council of Ireland. Anne Chamberlin, Wife to the aforenamed Ionas Chamberlin, was apprehended and committed to Goal by the said Wil Russell Sub-Sheriff, for being at the aforesaid Meeting, and continued Prisoner about two Weeks without any Mittimus, and then discharged by the Justices, who censured her committal to be Illegal. Leonard Kerley was by the aforesaid Wil Russell taken upon a Capias, and committed to Goal, for being at the said Meeting, and there kept about four Weeks, and then discharged, the Capias being issued against the Order of the Sessions. Munster Province. Cork City and County. 1660. WIlliam Morris, William Brimsby, Walter Castle and John Exham, being (with others) met at Edward Cook's House in Bandon-Bridge, to wait upon God in his holy Name and Fear, were haled thereout, and committed to Goal by John Laundon Provost, who was so cruel that he was offended with the▪ Gaolers Wife, for suffering Straw to be brought to the Prisoners, that were put in a Nasty Dungeon, where they were kept two Weeks, during which time they were cruelly used by Robert Stowers the Gaoler, who did not admit Friends to bring the Prisoners any Food, but what was given them through the Grate. Some of the Lord's People being met together at Daniel Mossey's House in Bandon-Bridge, had their Meeting broken up, and committed to Prison by the said Provost, who caused Susanna, the Wife of Bishop Worth, to be haled out of the said Meeting, and dragged her to Prison in such a brutish manner, that many cried Shame upon such barbarous Usage to such an Aged and Sober Woman; insomuch that some of the Officers said, They could raher go to Prison themselves, then be Actors of such Cruelty. Philip Dymond, Alexander Atkins, Stephen Harris, George Neno, Christopher Pennock, Geo. White, Ananias Kello, Wil Steel, Wil thorn, James Puckridge, John Edwards, David Williams, Richard Jordan, and George Pett, for meeting together (with some other Friends) in the City of Cork to worship God, were committed to Goal, and there detained till the next Assizes by order of Christopher Oliver then Mayor. Thomas Cook, Richard Br●cklsby, Tobias Wear, and Francis Rogers, etc. being met together in the City of Cork for the End aforesaid, were committed to Prison by William Hodder Deputy Mayor, and kept Prisoners until the following Assizes. 1661. Alexander Atkins, Philip Dymond, Tho. Cook, Philip Godfrey, and several other Friends, for meeting together in their usual Place in Cork City to wait upon God, were committed to Prison; and at the following Assizes Twenty Five of them were fined by Judge Alexander in 1190 l. for their said Meeting, and for wearing their Hats before the Judge, and so remanded to Prison. Christo. Pennock, Tho. Lo, Phil. Dymond, John Workman, Edward Cook, and twelve Friends more, for meeting in Cork City, as aforesaid, were committed to Prison by Walter Cooper Mayor, where they were kept several Weeks. 1662. Geo. Gamble, Phil. Dymond, James Adamson, Alexander Atkins, and about sixteen Friends more, for their meeting in Cork City for the End aforesaid, were committed to Prison by the said Mayor till the following Assizes, and then indicted, and though not found by the Jury, yet by the rule of Court they were to remain in Prison till each of them paid 10 s. a piece to the Judge for Traverse; and to the Crier, and other Fees, some 14 s. and some 20 s. apiece more: And at the same Assize, most of the Friends were indicted again for not going to the Church (so called) and such as said, they did not go, were presently fined; and some that stood silent, were recommitted without Bail or Mainprize till the next Assizes; and all in general were returned back to Prison, where they were kept several Months. 1667. George Webber, Wil Penn, Fran. Rogers, John Taylor, Philip Dymond, Wil Hawkins, Geo. Gamble, John Gossage, Christo. Pennock, Thomas Mitchel, James Knolls, Stephen Harris, Henry Bennet, James Dennis, William Steel, James Toghill, Richard Pike, John Moor, and Thomas Robins, for meeting together the 3d of the 9th Month to worship the Lord God, were committed to Prison by Christopher Rye Mayor of Cork. Geo. Gamble, James Dennis, John Smith, Arthur Johnson, Christopher Pennock, Geo. Neno, and Philip Godfrey, for meeting together the 24th of the 9th Month for the End aforesaid, were taken out of their Meeting-place, and sent to Prison by the said Christopher Rye Mayor. Francis Rogers, Geo Gamble, Philip Dymond, William Fletcher, Stephen Harris, Alexander Atkins, Richard Pike, Rob. Whetstone, and Tho. Godfrey, for meeting the 8th of the 10th Month, were committed to Prison by the said Christo. Rye Mayor. 1668. Tho. Cook, Geo. Webber, John Taylor, James Knolls, Rich. Pike, Geo. Neno, Tho. Mitchell, Tho. Wight, Christopher Pennock, Arthur Johnson, James Dennis, Wil Bigley, and Wil Burchfield, being met together at their usual Meeting-place in Cork, City to wait upon and worship the Lord, were taken thereout, and committed to Goal by the said Christo. Rye; and the Gaoler told the Prisoners, That he was forbid to give them a Copy of the Mittimus. Thomas Cook, and several other Friends, being met together to worship God the 13th of the 10th Month, had their Meeting broken up, and committed to Prison by the said Christopher Rye; and the said Tho. Cook was then much abused by William Sexton Constable, who struck the said Thomas with the Staff of his Office (with his full strength, as he himself hath since said) on the side of his Head, which for a time deprived him of his Senses. Thomas Wight, George Gamble, Alexander Atkins, Geo. Webber, Thomas Cook, John Gossage, and Geo. Neno, for meeting together as aforesaid, were haled thereout, and committed to Prison by order of the said Christo. Rye Mayor. Geo. Webber, Geo. Gamble, Fran. Rogers, Alex, Atkins, Thomas Cook, Jo. Gossage, Christo. Pennock, James Dennis, John Workman, Thomas Wight, Tho. Ridge, Charles Sinderby and James Toghil, for meeting together to worship the Lord at their usual Place in Cork City, on the 28th of the 12th Month, were sent to Prison by order of the said Christo. Rye; eleven Seats or Forms carried then away, and still detained, worth about 50 s. by the said Mayor's Order. 1669. Philip Dymond, John Stubbs, George Gamble, etc. for meeting together the 15th of the 4th Month, in Cork City, to wait upon God, were committed to Goal by the said Christo. Rye Mayor. Geo. Gamble, Alexander Atkins, Thomas Cook, Christo. Pennock, James Dennis, Steph. Harris, Jo. Gossage, Rich. Brocklsby, William Steel, Phil. Godfrey, Martha Webber, Susanna Michael, Lucretia Cook, Joan Cook, Thomasin Gossage, Elizabeth Erbery, Hannah Wear, and Jane Morris, for meeting together in the Fear of the Lord, and to worship him, were committed to Goal (by the said Christo. Rye Mayor) where some of them were kept a long season, in which time Susanna falling exceeding sick in the Prison, Eliz. Erbery went to the said Mayor, and desired his leave to remove her said sick Friend (if her strength would bear it) and he not only refused, but much abused her, call her, The Old Witch of Endor, with other opprobrious words, much unbeseeming a Magistrate: He also caused some of the Friends Children that were at the said Meeting to be carried to the Stocks, and there kept a while by the Whipping-Beadle. About this time Richard Pike (through Cold and Distemper got in his Imprisonment) Died a Prisoner. James Taylor and James Knolls, for being at a Meeting of the Lord's People in Cork City, were committed to Prison by the said Christopher Rye Mayor, and kept several days before their Mittimus was made, and afterwards detained long in Prison; and almost every First-day, towards the end of his Mayorality (having been Mayor two years) he caused such of the men Friends as were at the Meetings to be imprisoned. Samuel Thornton being visited by several Friends at his Lodging, at Elizabeth Erbery's in Cork City (being newly come thither on a Journey) and after Supper he spent some time in Prayer, for which he was taken thence by the Constable, and had before Matthew Dean then Mayor, who committed him to Goal, where he was kept close Prisoner about Eight Weeks. Geo. Webber, Steph. Harris, and several other Friends, being at their usual Meeting-place to wait on the Lord, were taken thereout, and committed to Prison by the said Matthew Dean Mayor, who would not suffer Meat, Drink, or Bedding to be brought them, causing a Maid Servant of Stephen Harris (that was carrying a Bed to her sickly Master in the Prison) to be set in the Stocks, and the Bed to be taken away from her, and Geo. Webber's Maid-Servant carrying Food to her said Master in Prison, the said Mayor commanded his Sergeants to take away the Food, and to set her in the Stocks; but got to the Prison before the Sergeant over-took her. While Samuel Thornton was Prisoner in Cork, divers Men and Women Friends, and others of the City, went one First-day to sit together with him to wait upon the Lord, who is worthy to be feared and worshipped at all times, and in all places; and— Quinnall the Gaoler shut the Doors, and locked them all in, being about Eighty Persons, and carried away the Key (as it was said) to Matthew Dean Mayor (a suitable Successor to Christopher Rye for Persecution) who gave Command, That the said Prisoners should not be admitted to have Meat or Drink (as the Gaoler alleged) neither had they any in at the Door, being forced to draw it up with Ropes, and take it through the Grate, and some thrown in to them at a Hole: And that Night the Soldiers, who kept Guard under the said Prisoners, made so great a Smoke, that it was like to have smothered the Prisoners: And notwithstanding that Application was made to the Mayor, in behalf of the Prisoners, and their Conditions; yet as a man without Pity and Mercy (forgetting Humanity, or the Bounds of common Civility) and without any regard to Age or Sick, (as to Women with Child, and Women Nurses, not suffering the one to come at the other) with Scoffing Language, ill-becoming him, said, They are all Brethren and Sisters, let them lie one upon another; and if they are choked, it's their own Faults: and thus were they kept together about Twenty Four Hours. John Hull, William Bigley, and some others, going on a First-day to visit Friends in Prison, and to spend some time with them in waiting upon God, the said Matthew Dean Mayor charged the Gaoler not to suffer them to go out again; and so they were kept Prisoners several Weeks, and then released by an Order from the King's Lieutenant General, and Council of Ireland. 1670. Thomas Wight, for being at a Meeting with the People of God, was committed to Prison by Order of the said Matthew Dean Mayor, and there kept close Prisoner Fifteen Weeks, until the next Assizes; and then, for Fees claimed by Robert Fletcher, as Clerk of the Crown, etc. was sued, and Execution got against his Body, being then a Prisoner, by means whereof he was kept in close Restraint about Six Months. And the said Matthew Dean Mayor of Cork (generally) every First-day broke up Friends Meetings, and imprisoned most of the Men Friends in the City; and would not suffer poor Men (that were Tradesmen) to work in Prison, that had no other way to get Bread for themselves, Wives, and Children, but by their daily Labour; giving Order to the Gaoler, to take away their Tools from them: And to add to his Cruelty, as one that would outdo his Predecessor in Persecution, and to make Havoc, as it were, as much as in him lay, he took account of Friends Names, how oft they were at Meetings, and thereby made occasion of multiplying Indictments against Friends at the Assizes, where some had two, others three, six, or more Indictments drawn up and framed against them; the effects whereof, through Fines and Fees, etc. proved very prejudicial to them. These following Distresses were taken for Fees claimed by Rob. Fletcher, as Clerk of the Crown, and Town-Clark, occasioned (originally) for Meetings, besides what he got by the many Indictments last before mentioned. Alexander Atkins, for Fifteen shillings demanded, had taken from him a piece of Stuff worth 1 l. 12 s. Christopher Pennock, for the like, had forty nine yards of Stuff taken from him worth 2 l. 3 s. Thomas Cook, for thirteen Shillings six Pence, had Iron taken from him worth 1 l. 16 s. Limerick City. 1661. Thomas Phelps, Richard Pearce, John Cobb, James Craven, (with other Friends) being met together in Limerick to worship the Lord God, were haled thereout by Bartholomew Garnet Constable, and others with him, and committed to Prison by Thomas Miller Mayor, and there kept till the next Assizes, and then ten of them were fined by Judge Alexander in 40 l. a man, and remanded to Prison, where they were kept about four Months, and then released by order from the chief Rulers (called, Lord Justices.) Waterford City, 1661. William Blanch, William Wright, Samuel Mason, and Eight Friends more, for meeting together in the Fear and Worship of God, were imprisoned, and at the following Assizes fined by Judge Alexander in 580 l. Secondly, These following have suffered (who (for Conscience sake) cannot pay Tithes, bearing Testimony to the Everlasting Priesthood, which endeth the First, that took Tithes) by having their Goods spoiled, and excessively taken away sometimes Three, Six, Ten or Twenty times the value (besides, sometimes their Bodies imprisoned for the same) after being sued in temporal Courts, contrary to the Law of the Land; and though the Statute hath been produced to the Court and Jury, yet have the Priests and Court given under their hands to secure the Jury, and thereupon near Twenty times the value hath been taken away. Also they have suffered for not paying to the Maintenance of the Priests, and their Clarks, whom they have no need to hear, or hire, having Jesus Christ for their High Priest, who said to his Ministers, Freely ye have received, Freely give. Ulster Province. Ardmagh County. 1660. MAtthew Horner being sued for Tithes, in the Primates Temporal Court at Ardmagh, by Thomas Burrell and Henry Wilkinson (employed by James Threlfall Priest of Kilmore) for the value of about 16 s. 8 d. had taken from him (by the Bailiffs) two Horses worth 4 l. Margery Atkinson being sued for Tithe to the value of about 8 s. 4 d. by the aforesaid Persons, and in the same Court, had taken from her by the Bailiffs) two Cows worth 3 l. 10 s. Edward Towle being sued by the aforesaid Persons, and in the same Court, for Tithe, to the value of about 8 s. had taken from him (by the Bailiffs) a Mare and two Colts worth 3 l. 5 s. William Williamson sen. and William Williamson jun. being sued for Tithes, as aforesaid, to the value of about 18 s. 9 d. the Bailiffs took from Wil Williamson, jun. four Cow's worth 7 l. 10 s. Thomas Browne, for 5 s. demanded for Tithes, had taken from him (by the Bailiffs) Bed-clothes worth 2 l. 10 s. notwithstanding that he was a poor man, and had five small children; and that all the Bed-clothes that they left him were not worth 1 s. Wil Brownloe, being sued, as aforesaid, for Tithes, to the value of 1 l. 5 s. had taken from him (by the Bailiffs) six Cows, and a web of Cloth worth 13 l. 5 s. Francis Robson being sued, as aforesaid, for 2 l. demanded for Tithe, had taken from him (by the Bailiffs) two Horses worth 8 l. 10 s. 1664. Roger Webb for Tithe, to the value of 7 s. had taken from him (by Patrick oh Hagan) a Horse worth 3 l. 1665. Wil Souldon, being sued for Tithe, to the value of about 2 l. 10 s. in two Actions, in the Manor Court of Legacory, by George Walker Priest, had taken from him four Cows worth 5 l. Francis Hobson being sued for Tithe in the Primates temporal Court at Ardmagh, by the said Priest, had five Cows and a Bull taken from him worth 9 l. John Winter being sued for Tithe, in the said Court, by the said Priest, had taken from him two Cows worth 3 l. 1666. Francis Robson, for Milk-money of ten Cows, had taken from him (by Patrick oh Hagan) a Horse worth 3 l. Archiball Bell, for 4 s. demanded for Tithe, had taken from him (by M. Murrough) seven Sheep worth 14 s. Francis Hobson being sued for Tithe in the Primates Temporal Court at Ardmagh (by George Walker Priest) had as many Cattle taken from him as were worth 7 l. 10 s. John Marsh being sued for Milch-money, and Offerings, to the value of about 3 l. at the Manor Court of Loughall (by Humphrey Pettard Priest) had taken from him so many of his cattle as were worth 18 l. The said John Marsh being sued again, in the said Court, for five years' Tithe of sixty two Sheep (by the said Priest) had the very whole number of sixty two Sheep taken from him (being all he had) worth 12 l. John Fletcher being sued for Tithe, to the value of 7 s. in the said Court (by the said Priest) had a Horse and Cow taken from him worth 2 l. 10 s. 1667. Wil Steer being sued for Tithe, to the value of 1 l. 10 s. at the Sheriff's Court, by George Walker Priest, had as much broad Cloth taken from him as was worth 3 l. 19 s. John Blackburn being sued for Tithe to the value of 2 s. 1 d. 2 q. in the Manor Court of Laughall, by Humphrey Pettard Priest, the said John produced the Statute against all proceedings in Temporal Courts for Tithe; notwithstanding the Jury said to the Seneschal of the Court, and the said Priest Pettard, that if they would give it under their hands, to be Endemnified and saved harmless, they would proceed (here is like Priest like People, both contriving and consenting against the Law, and how to make Spoil and havoc of the Innocent) and accordingly the Seneschal and Priest gave under their hands as followeth. June 14th, 1667. We do hereby promise to Secure the Jury from what Damage they shall incur, for proceeding in the Action of John Blackburne, as witness or hands▪ William Hart, Humphrey Pettard. Upon this the Jury proceeded, and cast the said John in 2 s. 1 d. 2 q. for which the Bailiffs took from him a Horse. worth 2 l. 1668. William Kenningham being sued for Tithe and Clark's Wages, in the Primates Temporal Court at Ardmagh, by Robert Smyth, Farmer of the small Tithes, had taken from him (by the Bailiffs) a Horse out of the Plough, worth 3 l. George Hall being sued in the said Court for Tithe and Clark's Wages to the value of 4 s. 2 d. by the aforesaid Smyth, had taken from him, his Wife's Gown, and other Good's worth 1 l. 16 s. 6 d. John Blackburne being sued for Tithe and Clark's Wages, in the Sheriff's Court, for the value of about 6 s. by the said Smyth, had taken from him (by the Sub-Sheriffs and Bailiffs) as much Yarn as was worth 2 l. John Fletcher being sued for Tithe and Offerings, to the value of 2 s. 1 d. at the Manner Court of Loughall, by Humphrey Pettard Priest, and had a Cow taken from him worth 1 l. 10 s. Patrick Robinson being sued at the said Court for Tithes, by the said Priest, had taken from him, a Tub, a Pot, a Frying-pan, and a parcel of Yarn (being most of what was in the House) worth 1 l. 6 s. 1669. John Marsh being sued for Priests and Clarks Dues (so called) and other such like things, to the value of 8 s. 3 d. in a Temporal Court at Ardmagh, by Thomas Blevin Clark, had taken from him by the Bailiffs, a Brass Pot, and four Pewter Dishes, worth 1 l. 17 s. 1670. Widow Bartrim had taken from her by Hugh Belton, Clark of the parish of Killmore, and John More, one Pot worth 3 s. for Burying her Husband, and Sprinkling her Child, as they said, though they did neither: And for 1 l. 4 s. which the said Belton and Moor demanded for Tithe, alleging it was due before her Husband died, had taken from her one Cow worth 1 l. 15 s. she being a very poor Woman, and had a Charge of Seven Children: Thus that which was first instituted as a Maintenance for the Widows and Fatherless is now made use of for their Ruin and depriving them of a Livelihood. William Steer had taken from him by the said John Moor Constable, for two years Clark's Wages, for the said Hugh Belton, one piece of Broadcloth, worth 15 s. Roger Webb, John Garvin, Mark Wright, James Bradshaw, Francis Robson, Archeball Bell, Elizabeth Riggs, Thomas Calvert, Elinor Kenningham, Jonathan Woods, William Souldon, William Brounloe, Francis Hobson, William Williamson, John Williamson, Edw. Towle, Alexander Rigg and John Marsh, have had (amongst them) much Wheat, Barley, Oats, Hay and Lambs, taken from them by the Priests and Tythemongers, on pretence of Tithes. Cavan County. 1660. Richard Fail being sued for Tithe to the value of 16 s. 6 d. in the Town-Court of Cavan, by John Walwood Priest, had taken from him (by the Sergeants) several Goods worth 3 l. 1661. The said Richard Faile was sued by the said Priest in the same Court for 7 s. value of Tithe, for which the Sergeants took several Goods from him worth 3 l. 10 s. 1662. Thomas Lunn being sued for 7 s. value of Tithes, in the same Court by the said Priest, had several Goods taken from him worth 2 l. 10 s. 1670. Robert Vnthank, Anthony Jackson, Thomas Lunn, Richard Fail, Wil Parker and Tho. Hutchison, had taken from them by the Priests and Tythemongers much Barley, Hay, Oats and Hemp, upon pretence of Tithe. Thomas Lun and Anthony Jackson were taken up and carried to Prison, by the appointment of Ambrose Barecrost Priest, upon a difinitive Sentence for Tithe, and remain now in Prison. William Parker and Thomas Hutchison were also taken up and made Prisoners for the like things, by the means of the said Priest, and are now Prisoners. Antrim County. 1668. Thomas Cooper of Maghermisk, not setting forth Tythe-Corn, Lemuel Mathews Priest went into his Field, threw much of his Corn abroad; and after he had taken the Tenth part, continued taking away more, until a Neighbour hindered him. Tyrone County. 1670. Thomas Francis had Eleven Stoaks of Wheat and Rye, and Two Cartload of Hay taken from him worth 14 s. Leinster Province. East-Meath County. 1666. WIlliam Chanley of Killnacross, for not paying Tithe to Priest Crookshank, was (upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo) committed to the Goal at Trim, where he remained Prisoner two years and five Months. 1668. The said Wil Chandley, for Tithe to the value of 15 s. had taken from him 8. Carr-load of Hay worth 30 s. by the said Priest, notwithstanding the said Wil Chandley was then in Prison. Dublin City. 1661. Elizabeth Gardner Widow, for not paying 6 s. 4 d. demanded for Priest Chamber's Maintenance, had taken from her three pewter Dishes worth 11 s. 1662. The said Elizabeth, for not paying 3 s. 6 d. for the like use, had three pewter Dishes more taken from her worth 9 s. 1663. Samuel Clarridge hath had, for several years, divers Goods taken from him for Priest Goburne, by four times in the year, and usually there was taken three or four times the value of the sum demanded; and one time for 3 s. demanded for the said Priest, there was taken from him a Cloak worth 2 l. 1667. William Maine, for not paying 5 s. 4 d. demanded for Priest Goburne, had a pewter Dish taken from him worth 14 s. 1668. Mathias Foster, for not paying 5 s. demanded for Priest Rigby of Katherine's Parish, had a pewter Flagon taken from him worth 12 s. 1669. The said Mathias for not paying 2 s. 6 s. demanded for the Priest, had taken from him (by Daniel Gaken and Samuel Knott) a pair of Tongues, a Brass Skillet and Iron Bar, worth 12 s. William maine, for not paying 28 s. demanded for Priest Yarner of Bride's Parish, had taken from him (by the Wardens) two Silver Spoons, a Brass Chafing-dish, and four Brass Candlesticks, worth 2 l. 4 s. 6. Samuel Clarridge, for not paying 4 s. demanded for Priest Goburn, had taken from him a pair of Iron Racks worth 8 s. Robert Turner and James Fade have had also several Goods taken from them for the like use. Westmeath County. John Cleburne being sued in the Sheriff's Court for Tithe, and cast in 1 s. 6 d. had taken from him (by order of Richard Smyth Sub-Sheriff) a Kettle worth 10 s. John Ball in the Barony of Clonlonnan, being sued for Tithe in the said Court to the value of 14 s. had taken from him (by Order of the Sub-Sheriff) a Horse worth 40 s. 1661. Nicholas Starkry, for 10 s. value of Tithe, was sued in the said Court, and had a Horse taken from him (by Order of the Sub-Sheriff) worth 40 s. John Cleburne had much Corn taken from him for Tithe, by Charles Laughlin, who for all that, sued John for the same years Tithe of Corn in the Sheriff's Court, from one Court-day to another, for above a Year; where at last (contrary to the Law) he was sentenced to pay 20 s. for which James Garret Sub-Sheriff took from him a Mare worth 4 l. 10 s. William Elliston, for not paying 9 d. to the Priest's Clerk, had a pewter Dish taken from him, by Edward Carton, worth 4 s. 1669. Antho. Robinson, for not paying 10 d. demanded for Tithe, had taken from him by Robert Fox (Priest Clampton's Proctor) a pewter Tankard worth 3 s. 4 d. King's County 1662. John Wilson, for not paying 12 d. demanded for Milch-Money (by Edward Careton) had a Cloak taken from him worth 30 s. Queen's County. 1661., Godfrey Cantrel, for not paying 9 s. demanded for Tithe, had taken from him (by Edmund Dunn) a Horse worth 40 s. 1662. reins White, for not paying 15 s. demanded for Tithe, had a Horse taken from her worth 3 l. and besides, her Son John White was imprisoned, for the same thing, a Year and six Months. Thomas Chanders, for not paying Tithe to Bishop Price, was Excommunicated, and (by a Writ Excom. Cap.) imprisoned in the County Goal at Caterlough, amongst the Felons, where he remained Prisoner near the space of four years. William Edmonson, for not paying 6 s. demanded for Tithe, had a Heifer taken from him worth 40 s. The said William for not paying 6 s. at another time, demanded for Tithe, had taken from him (by Edmand Dunn) wearing Apparel worth 20 s. 1663. Godfrey Cantrel, for not paying 9 s. demanded for Tithe, by Edmand Dunn, had taken from him two Heifers worth 2 l. 10 s. John Edmonson, Rich. Jackson, Godfrey Cantrel, Wil Capton, Tobias Pledwell, John Gee, John Thompson, John Pym and Wil Archer, for not paying Moneys for Church-Dues (so called) Priests Maintenance, and the like, were Excommunicated and Imprisoned at Mary-Borough, by Bishop Price of Kildare, by the means of Go. Clapham Priest of Mount-Melick, who published their Excommunication in the place of Worship and Market; and to show his Malice, charged the people, That they should neither buy nor sell with them; and when any did, he summoned them to the Bishop's Court; and to excite the people to Cruelty, he told them, Whatsoever they did to those Excommunicated, they could have no Remedy by Law; also he forbade the Miller to grind Corn for their Families; besides several other Acts of Envy and Cruelty he did towards them, which would be too tedious here to insert. 1664. Godfrey Cantrel and William Edmonson, for not paying 12 s. claimed for Tithe by Priest Clapham, had Goods taken from him worth 6 l. 1665. The said Godfrey and William, for the like sum demanded for Tithe, had taken from them (by the said Priest's means) so many Cheeses as were worth 3 l. 2 s. 6 d. 1666. William Archer, for not paying 2 s. Garden Tithe, Offering Money, and the like, had taken from him (by means of the said Priest) Serge and Pewter worth 17 s. Richard Jackson, for not paying 15 s. for such like uses, had taken from him (by the said Priest's means) Goods worth 16 s. 1670. John White's Sheep were driven into a Pen by six men, in the name of the Bishop of the Diocese; and the said John and his Wife were held by some of the said men, whilst the rest robbed and took away six Lambs, and shore six Sheep, and took away their Fleeces, on pretence of Tithe. Daniel White had by the same Persons, and in the like manner taken from him, twelve Fleeces of Wool and nine Lambs, on the like pretence of Tithe. Kildare County. John Bennet, for not paying Tithe to Dean Moson, was Excommunicated, and by a Writ Excom. Cap. imprisoned in the common Goal at Naas, where he was put in a nasty close Dungeon, and there kept Prisoner above four years, under— Leason, a cruel and inhuman Gaoler; and whilst thus a Prisoner, Priest Wilkinson of Athy (with his Clerk and Proctors) went unto the said John Bennets House, and kicked, beat and abused Man and Women there, calling them unseemly names, laying hands on the Goods in the House, etc. but the Clerk and Proctors being ashamed of the Priest's carriage, refused to assist him in carrying away any Goods. ☞ This Priest lived in the County of Wexford, at and after the time the King was restored, and then and there said, He would burn before he would read the Common-Prayer, and wear the Surplice; but now this greedy Priest hath turned his Coat, and for his Belly is become a seeming Conformist. Wexford County. 1662. Israel Davis, for not paying Moneys to Priest Edward's of Einscorthy, demanded for Christening his Children and Churching his Wife (though he did neither of them) was Excommunicated, and by a Writ Excom. Cap. imprisoned in Wexford Goal above a Year. Richard Pool, for not paying Tithe to the parish of Taghmon, where he lived, was cited to the Bishop's Court, and by the means of Priest Wilkinson and Priest Humphrey Good, he was Excommunicated, and cast into Prison at Wexford, where he was kept Prisoner above two years, even until his Death, finishing his Testimony with his Life against the payment of Tithes, which were commanded to be paid by the Eleven Tribes of Israel only, and made null by the coming and offering up of Jesus Christ, and so never did concern the Gentiles (of whose race we are) much less any true Christians. Francis Randal, for not paying Money for Christening (so called) his Children, and not going to the public Worship, was Excommunicated, and upon a Writ Excom. Cap. imprisoned in the Goal of Wexford for above two years. 1669. Israel Davis, for not paying 3 s. demanded for Priest Gillyflower of Wexford, had taken from him by Richard Ridgate Warden, a new pair of Boots worth 16 s. Munster Province. Cork County and City. 1664. JOhn Smyth near Iniskean, for not paying 22 s. demanded for Tithes, by John Adis and Peter Taylor, was Excommunicated and Imprisoned in Cork Goal above two years. Thomas Cook, for not paying 6 s. demanded for Tithe Hay, was sued by Samuel Alford Priest of Mitchell's Town, in the Bishop's Court, and Imprisoned in the Goal of Cork. 1667. Henry Faggetter was sued for Tithe by John Boil of Castle-Lyons, and by a Writ Excom. Capiend. taken up, and cast into Prison; where he is still kept Prisoner on that Account. 1669. Thomas Mitchel of Cork City had taken from him, for the Priest's Maintenance, a piece of Linen Cloth worth double the value demanded; and for 12 s. more, for the like use demanded, had a piece of Linsey-Wolsey taken from him worth 25 s. George Gamble, for not paying 2 l. 10 s. demanded for Priest Cross his Maintenance, had 26 els of Holland taken from him worth 4 l. 16. Limerick County. John Barnes had taken from him a Cow worth 2 l. 10 s. for Priest Bartlet of Ballinenagh, and for 17 pence demanded for Tithe, had a Skillet taken from him worth 6 s. Edward Taverner, for not paying 20 s, demanded for Tithe, for Priest Hugh Goffe. of Rakeal, had a Cow taken from him (by John Holpin) worth 3 l. Thirdly, These following have suffered (for Conscience sake) for not paying towards the repairing or building up of Places of public Worship, (called Churches) by Indictments, Fines, Imprisonments and excessive taking away their Goods; which is worse than we read of the Jews, or Heathenish Gentiles, that ever they forced the Christians (converted from them) to repair the Jewish Synagogues, or Diana's Temple, or that they fined them, or took away their Goods. Ulster Province. Ardmagh County. 1663. ROger Webb, for not paying 4 s. demanded for the Church-leavy (so called) had two pewter Dishes taken from him worth 7 s. 4 d. Peter Bess, for 4 d. 2 q. demanded for the like use, had a pewter Dish taken from him worth 2 s. Francis Robson, for the like use, had Yarn, Brass and Pewter taken from him worth 9 s. 6 d. 1664. Roger Webb, for 4 s. 6 d. demanded for the like use, had a Bible, Pot and Pot-hooks taken from him worth 11 s. 3 d. 1665. Francis Robson, for 3 s. for the like use, had five pair of Weaver's Gears taken from him worth 12 s. Mark Wright, for 10 d. 1 q. for the like use, had a Pan taken from him worth 6 s. John Garvin, for 4 d. 1 q. had a Wimble-brace taken from him worth 1 s. 6 d. Jam. Bradshaw, for 3 d. 2 q. had Yarn taken from him worth 1 s. 1666. John Eliner, for 6 d. had a pillion taken from him worth 3 s. William Matthews, for 6 d. had a Saddle and Furniture taken from him worth 9 s. Peter Bess, for 4 d. 2 q. had women's wearing Linen taken from him worth 3 s. 6 d James Bradshaw, for 3 d. 2 q. had a pewter Dish taken from him worth 4 s. 1667. Peter Bess, for 4 d. 1 q. had a Chamber-pot taken from him worth 2 s. James Bradshaw, for 3 d. 1 q. had a Tankard taken from him worth 1 s. 8 d. Henry Furnace, for 2 s. 2 d. demanded towards a Cushion for the Priest (to lean on) had a Churn and two Axes taken from him worth 4 s. 6 d. Besides much other Good taken from other Friends for such like uses. In the Years 1665, 1666, 1667, 1668, 1669. the following Persons had Goods (excessively) taken from them, for the Repair of Kilmore Parish Worship-House. William Williamson sen. and William jun. had Yarn taken from them worth 15 s. and for 1 l. 3 s. demanded, had two Bullocks, Yarn and Cloth taken from them worth 43 s. Edward Towle, for 1 l. 5 s. 2 d. demanded at several times, had a Cow, Cloth, Corn, Pewter, Shoes and Plough-Irons taken from him worth 2 l. 5 s. 10 d. Richard Fletcher, for 1 l. 3 s. had a Cow, two Bullocks and a Cadow taken from him worth 3 l. 7 s. William Souldon had Cheese taken from him worth 7 s. 4 d. and for 8 s. 7 d. more demanded, had Pewter, Yarn and Cheese taken from him worth 15 s. 2 d. William Steer had Money taken out of his Shop-Box, also a Hat, and other things worth 7 s. 2 d. and for 2 s. 2 d. more demanded, had Cloth and Pewter taken from him worth 11 s. Christo. Anderson, for 2 l, 12 s. 6 ●. had a Horse and Cheese taken from him worth 3 l. 8 s. Francis Hobson had Yarn, Bed-clothes, etc. taken from him worth 3 l. 5 s. John Winter had Cheese taken from him worth 6 s. 4 d. and for 11 d. demanded more, had Cloth taken from him worth 3 s. Wil Brownloe having 2 l. 8 s. owing him from Geo. Walker Priest of Kilmore Parish, the said Priest refuseth to pay it to him, but detains it for the aforesaid use; and for 7 s. demanded more for that use, had Cheese taken from him worth 10 s. William Kenningham had Cloth, Wheat, Pewter, Cheese, Cadow and a Cow taken from him worth 2 l. 12 s. 4 d. John Marsh had two Sheep, three Heifers, and two Calves taken from him worth 3 l. 7 s. Widow Bartrim, for 2 d. had a pewter Dish taken from her worth 2 s. 6 d. Thomas Calvert, for 10 d. had Yarn taken from him worth 2 s. besides Goods to the value of near 40 s. taken from divers of them; so that there hath been about 30 l. taken from Friends for the repair of the said Parish place. 1670. And they have taken from Wil Brownloe, Wil Williamson sen. & jun. John Williamson, Elinor Kenningham, Fran. Hobson and Christopher Anderson, Pewter, Yarn, and other Goods, to the value of 1 l. 14 s. 6 d. on pretence for the repair, sweeping, and other uses, for the Parish Worship-house of Kilmore. Antrim County. 1666. John Erwin, for not Paying 7 s. 5 d. demanded for the like use, had pewter Dishes taken from him worth 11 s. 6 d. 1669. Arthur Hair, for 5 s. 2 d. had an Iron Pot taken from him worth 8 s. John Greer, for 3 s. had an Iron Pot taken from him worth 5 s. John Erwin, for 7 d. had a pewter Dish taken from him worth ● s. 6 d. Cavan County. Richard Fail, for 1 s. demanded for the like use had Goods taken from him worth 3 s. Tyrone County. 1670. Thomas Sawyeer for not paying to the repair of the Seats and Glass-windows of Benburb Parish Worship-house, had taken from him (by Joseph Smith Warden) a pewter dish worth 2 s. Wil Storkdale, for not paying 2 d. for the like use, had taken from him a pair of Pot-hooks (by the said Warden) worth 5 d. Thomas Baker, for 8 d. demanded, had taken from him by the said Warden a Pan worth 1 s. 6 d. John Whiteside, for not paying 7 d had a Bridle taken from him worth 2 s. Thomas Francis, for not paying 2 s. for the repair of Ardmagh Parish place of Worship, had a Mare taked from him (by Thomas Tate Constable) worth 10 s. John Sheppard, for not paying 4 d. had taken from him by the said Constable, a Spit and Cheese-fat worth 2 s. 4 d. Leinster Province. Dublin City. 1660. SAmuel Clarridge, for not paying 2 s. for the repair of Nicholas Parish Worship-house, without the Walls, had taken out of his house a pewter Dish worth 4 s. 6 d. Elizabeth Gardner, for not paying 6 s. 4 d. for the like use, had three pewter Dishes taken from her worth 18 s. 1668. James Fade, for such a like use had Goods taken from him worth 1 l. 8 s. Westmeath County. 1660. Wil Slade of Athlone, for not paying 11 s. demanded for the like use, had a Brewing pan taken from him worth 40 s. 1662. John Miller, for not paying 2 s. 6 d. had a Rug took from him worth 10 s. King's County 1662. Henry Fuller, for not paying about 15 s. demanded for such a use had a Mare taken from him worth 3 l. Abraham Fuller for not paying about 8 s. had a horse taken from him worth 20 s. Samuel Strongman for not paying about 18 s. for the like use, had a Mare taken from him worth 40 s. ☞ Here note that these 6 l. worth of goods was taken away, by an order of James Wyer, and Walter Lambert (called Justice of the peace) towards repair of the Parish Worship house of Kilmanaghan in the Barony of Kilcorsey, and it's about Nine years since, and not yet repaired; let the Parish inquire for the Monies. Queen's County. 1660. Thomas Chanders for not paying 11 s. for the like use, had a Horse taken from him worth 40 s. 1669. William Edmonson, for not paying 5 s. 7 d. 3 q. demanded for the repair of the old Mass-house, (called the Church) at Rosanellis, had taken from him, by the Wardens and Constable, by Warrant from Geo. Clapham Priest of that Parish, and two other Justices (so called) Goods worth 18 s. 6 d. Thomas Beale for not paying 1 s. 10 d. for the said use had two Cobb-Irons taken from him, worth 8 s. Godfrey Cantrel for 5 s. 7 d. 3 q. had a Rugg taken from him worth 16 s. Richard Jackson for 3 s. 8 d. had Goods taken from him worth 8 s. 6 d. Tobias Pledwel for 1 s. 10 d. had a Pewter Dish taken from him worth 4 s. Wil Capton for 2 s. 6d. had Goods taken from him worth 5 s. 6d. Roger Bosewell for 1 s. 10 d. had Goods taken from him worth 3 s. 6 d. Evan Bevon for 1 s. had Goods taken from him worth 2 s. 8 d. Richard Scott for 7 s. 3 d. had a Whip-saw taken from him worth 11 s. Thomas Stevenson for 4 s. 6 d. had a Saw-taken from him worth 7 s. 6 d. William Edmondson, for not paying 3 s. more demanded for the said use, had a Mare taken from him, worth 3 l. (here's twenty times the value, Horrible Oppression?) whereby his Plough was hindered, and part of his seed time lost. William Edmondson, Godfrey Cantell, John Cantrell, Richard Jackson, Tobias Pledwell, William Capton, Roger Boswell, Evan Bevon, John Thompson, William Barecroft, John Hugg, Thomas Stalker, Richard Scott, and Thomas Stevenson, were presented or indicted at the Sessions or Assizes (by means of the said Priest Clapham) for not paying to the repair of the said worship-house at Rosanellis; whereupon they were served with Capia's and brought to next Assizes, and most of them then Committed to Prison by Judge Aston; notwithstanding their Goods to much more value than the sum levied and demanded, had before that time been taken away from them (for the repair of the said place as aforesaid ☞ And the said George Clapham Priest caused 17 of our Friends (called Quakers) to be indicted at the same Assizes, for not being at his public Parish worship for a year by past, especially the 6th March last passed, although some of them so indicted, had been (by his means as aforesaid) excommunicated and been prisoners above five years on that account, and not yet acquitted. Mark how Envy and Persecution engages this Priest Clapham beyond Law, Reason, Honesty or Equity: Who will not be satisfied with excessive taking away Friends Goods for the repair of his worship-house, but causeth them to be indicted for not paying to the repair thereof, also to endict excommunicated men for not joining with him in his worship, when before he had warned the people not to converse or commerce with them; if he be not both envious and blind▪ l●●…wise men judge; much more might be writ concerning his Cruelty towards Friends, but it would be 100 tedious to mention. Munster Province. Cork City and County. 1661. ALexander Atknis for not paying 24. s demanded for the repair of Pa arish worship-house, had Goods taken from him, worth 2 l. 18 s. 4 d. 〈…〉 had Goods taken from him for the like use, worth 16 s. Thomas Michael, for 30 s. demanded for the like-use, had a piece of Tammy taken from him worth 4 l. 10 s. George Webber, for the like use, had two pieces of calico taken from him worth 40 s. 1669. John Gessage had Goods taken from him, for the like use worth 6 s. 8 d. Robert Sandham of Youghall for not paying 3 s. 6 d. demanded for a like use, had three pewter Dishes taken from him worth 8 s. Limerick City and County. 1661. John Barnes had taken from him, by Bishop Sings Order, for the like use, two pair of Shoes worth 7 s. 1663. Edward Kemp, for not paying 10 s. demanded for the like use, was Excommunicated by James Stern Arch Deacon, and a Writ taken out to apprehend the said Edward, who being then at work about Forty Miles from Limerick City, had his House there (the Interest whereof a little before cost him 20 l.) taken away from him, by the procurement of Bishop Sing (not to his Praise is it spoken) and the House set and let to John Hunt, the said Bishop's Clerk, and possession thereof given by Henry Saltfield, who threw and thrust the said Edward Kemp's Wife, Children and Goods out of the said House. Waterford City. 1669. William Wright, for not paying ●0 s. demanded for great Bells (that keep a needless Noise) had Working-Tools taken from him worth 30 s. John Chamberlin, for not paying 4 s. 6 d. for the like use, had Leather taken from him worth 22 s. Fourthly, These following, for exhorting the People to the Fear of the Lord, and Warning them in public Places of Worship, Streets and Markets, to Repent, etc. as also for not going to the Church (so called) have suffered much by Fines, long Imprisonments, Cruel Beat and loss of Goods; which is worse than in Turkey, where people paying their Taxes are not compelled to the Alcoron Worship. Ulster Province. Antrim County. 1663. Miles' Grace, for exhorting the people to Repentance, and declaring the Day of God's Love unto them through the Streets of Carrickfergus, was put into the Goal there, by Colonel Charles Meredith, and the next day expelled the Town, being driven out by Geo. Spring the Gaoler, who beat him as he turned him out. The said Miles for declaring in like manner unto the people through the Streets of Colrain, was (by Order of Major Durham) very ill used, and bolted in the Guard-house▪ And the said Miles Grace, for the like exhorting the people upon a Market day in the Street of Down Patrick, was cruelly beaten by Cap: Vineyard with a Staff, until it broke in pieces, and so drove unto the Constable's House, where he also violently punched him on the Breast with the end of the broken Staff; and from thence he was brought before Vere-Essex Cromwell, who committed him to the County Goal, amongst Thiefs and Murderers, where he was kept above a year. Fermanagh County. John Edward's, for exhorting the people to Repentance and Amendment of Life, in the public Place of Worship at Newtown, after the Worship was ended, was haled and sent away to Prison, with his hands tied behind his back, by order of one Justice Creaton, and bolted by the Gaoler, who demanded 1 s. for the same, and was put among the Felons, and the Gaoler took away his Coat from him for that they call the Penny-pot; and at the next Assizes he was brought before Judge Alexander, who fined him 5 l. for keeping his Hat on, caused his Mouth to be stopped with a Cloak, and sentenced him to remain six Months in Goal, and to pay 100 l. Cavan County. 1670. Richard Fail, John Jay, and Rob. Vnthank, for not going to the Parish Worship-house (called the Church) was taken up by a Capias, and by Judge Kenedy fined 1 s. and left in Prison, where they remained about eighteen Weeks, & then were released by an Order from the King's Lt. General and Council of Ireland. Leinster Province King's County. 1665. SAmuel Strongman, Abraham Fuller, Richard Hunter and John Wilson were indicted at the Quarter Sessions at Birr, for not hearing Divine Service (as they call it) and fined 1 s. a piece, which Fine, with Fees claimed, came to 11 s. a piece, as Geo. Sanky the High Sheriff did compute it; for which the said Sheriff (by his Bailiffs) distrained and took, From Samuel Strongman, Goods worth 18s. From Abraham Fuller, Pewter and Yarn worth 15s. From Rich. Hunter, a Horse, Bridle, etc. worth 17s. From John Wilson, a Cow worth 28s. Queen's County. 1669. John Edward's, for warning the people unto Repentance in the Parish Worship-house at Ballinekill, was cruelly beaten by Jam. Dunn Sovereign with a Staff, until it broke in pieces, and with the remaining part in his hand, struck him on the bare head, and then haled him to the Stocks, and there set him for Two Hours, in a cold Winter day. Wexford County. Tho. Murford, for speaking in the Fear of the Lord to the People in a public Place of Worship in Wexford, was cruelly beaten, and his Body sorely bruised, and so committed to Prison. 1662. James Taylor and John Blair, for not going to the public Worship-house (called the Church) were taken up by a Capias, and imprisoned in Wexford Goal about twelve Weeks. 1670. Ionas Chamberlin and Wil Chamberlin, for speaking a few words of Soberness and Truth to Edw. Withers (called a Justice) as he was passing to his Worship, on the 25th of the 10th Month, were committed to Prison. Munster Province. Cork County and City. 1660. LVcretia Cook, for exhorting the people in Bandonbridge, to take heed and beware of false Prophets, etc. was committed to the Marshals, and thence to Bridewell, by John Laundon Provost, and there kept twenty days. And another Friend, only for looking on Priest Nycholets in the public Worship-house at Bandon, was violently pulled and haled, the Priest calling to the Magistrate, saying, Take him away, take him away (though the Friend spoke not one word) and it made such an uproar, that the Friend had like to have been smothered in the worship-house. 1669. Susanna Mitchell, for bearing Testimony against Priest Cross' false Doctrine, in the public House of Worship in Cork City, he being then teaching the Lawfulness of Swearing, which is contrary to the Command of Christ and the Apostle, was committed to Goal, and there kept Prisoner a long time. 1670. Solomon Eccles, for going to the Cathedral at Cork the 16th of the 8th Month, (in Obedience to the Lord's Requiring) and for saying these words (after Ben. Cross, the Priest, had ended his Sermon and Prayer) That the Prayer of the Wicked was Abomination to the Lord; whereupon the said Priest said, Let me Crave a Blessing; so when he had done, the said Friend was about to speak, and the Soldiers began to pull and hale him; but the Priest said, Let him alone; then the said Friend spoke and said, What shall be done to the man that makes Shipwreck of a good Conscience? (though then it was not known to him, that the said Priest Cross had formerly been a Presbyterian Priest in Dorsetshire, and had said (ut ferunt) That he had rather go to a Stake and be Burned, then to put on a Surplice; yet now preached with a Surplice on) So the Friend was laid hold on, and had before the Mayor, who committed him to Prison, where he was kept ten days; and then the Bishop, and Peter Colthrop the Governor (like Ananias and Pilate) accused the said Solomon Eccles to the Earl of Orrery, Precedent of the Province of Munster; for a Vagabond Quaker, etc. and so without any Examination of the said Person, who by Law could not be proved a Vagabond) obtained Order to whip him through Cork City, which was accordingly executed with great severity, the said Solomon being whipped all along the Streets of the City of Cork, from North-Gate to South-Gate, and in that time received at least Eighty Seven Lashes or Stripes, and so expelled. Waterford City. 1660. Elinor Tatlock, for going to the public Worship-house in Waterford, and there bearing Testimony against their Will-worship, was put into Bridewell by John Horton Recorder; and after several days, she and her Husband were turned out of the City from their Children and Family. Margaret Blanch, for exhorting the people to the Fear of the Lord, etc. at a time when she was at a Burial of one of her Relations, was imprisoned six Months, and in that time Excommunicated by Bishop Gore of Waterford, and thereupon kept close Prisoner a long time; and though often very sick and Weak of Body, whilst in Prison, and divers Entreaties made to the said Bishop, for her Enlargement, or going Home a while for Refreshment, yet was (generally) refused by the said Hardhearted Bishop: And during her said long Imprisonment at Waterford, the same Bishop Excommunicated her Husband, William Blanch; and as the said William Blanch was riding upon his lawful Occasions in Tiperary (another County) was there followed and watched, and by Clonmell Town seized upon, and committed to the Prison there, where he was kept above a Year, being there twenty Miles distant from his Wife in Prison at Waterford, and his Family there; so that neither the Husband and Wife could come to one another (as being Prisoners) nor yet either of them to their Family. Conaught Province. Galoway City. 1669. SOlomon Eccles being moved of the Lord to go a Sign, on the 14th of the 7th Month, and that Naked, with Fire and Brimstone burning on his Head, without the Gates of the City, unto a Papists Mass-Meeting, and the Friar and People being upon their Knees, he (in the Spirit of the Lord) said, Woe to these Idolatrous Worshippers; God hath sent me this day to warn you, and to let you see, that if you Repent not, what shall be your Reward: and so he went over the Bridge into the City, warning them also to Repentance; and when done, he was had to Prison, with his three Friends, Randal Consins, Nicho. Grible, and Henry Bloodworth, who accompanied him in his Service; and Eliza. Harper visiting them in Prison, was also there detained, and after several day's Imprisonment were all released. Fifthly and Lastly, And these following, for not Swearing (for Conscience sake) keeping to Yea and Nay, according to Christ's Command, who said, Swear not at all; for not taking off their Hats, and giving men the Honour below; for opening Shops and Working on days (by the World called Holy Days) which the Pope set up; and for owning the Truth, Christ Jesus, the Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the World, have been Fined, Imprisoned, Abused, and their Goods taken from them. Ulster Province. Ardmagh County. 1662. ROger Webb, being Constable, was called at the Sessions at Ardmagh, to give in Presentments, and because (for Conscience sake) he could not Swear, was fined by (Sir) George Atkinson in 40 s. for which the Sheriff's Bailiffs took from him a Horse worth 45 s. 1665. Henry Furnace sen. because (for Conscience sake) he could not Swear, was fined 20 s. in the Manner Court, for which the Bailiffs took from his Son a Horse worth 30 s. 1669. James Bradshaw being summoned to the Manner Court of Lurgan, was fined 5 s. (by John rely Seneschal) for not taking off his Hat, and the Bailiffs took Goods from him worth 7 s. 1670. Christopher Hillary of Shankill Parish, being one of the Militia, under Captain Draper; and afterwards convinced of Truth, which leads out of all outward Wars, and Killing men's Persons, teaching the Royal Law of God, To do to others as one would be done unto, which is not to kill or be killed, and so for Conscience sake could no longer bear Carnal Weapons; for which he was put on a thing called a Wooden-Horse, in Charliamount, with three Muskets at each Leg, and ordered so to sit till four inches of Match was burned, and afterwards committed▪ to Goal (but, quo jure, qua lege, all or any of this was done——) and at the following Assizes he was cleared by Proclamation, but kept in Prison for Fees; and for the same he is still detained Prisoner. Cavan County. 1660. Thomas Lunn being at his honest Labour near his own house, was taken thence by two Troopers, belonging to Major Moor, and dragged between their Horses about two Miles, and cruelly used and beaten, to the astonishment of the Beholders, for no other cause, but being called a Quaker. Leinster Province. Dublin City. 1669. ROger Roberts being summoned to a Court L●et, in Brabson's Liberties, to serve as a Juryman, and because he durst not (for Conscience sake) Swear, and break the Command of Christ, he was (by the Seneschal) fined 5 l. and committed to Prison, where he was kept several days. Wexford County. 1662. Robert Cuppage, for refusing to take the Oath of a Grand Juryman, was committed to Prison by Judge Griffith. John Tottenham, for refusing to take the Oath of High Constable at Wexford Sessions, was fined 5▪ l. and committed to Goal, where he was kept a Prisoner a long time. Munster Province. Cork County and City. 1660 DAniel Massey opening his Shop in Bandon-bridge on a certain day of the Week (called a Holy Day) one John Braley, with a party of Armed Townsmen, went into the said Daniel's Shop, and by Words and Actions much abused him and his Goods, taking an Iron Pot, and with his own hands broke it to pieces against the Stones, threatening not to leave him worth a Groat (which he might have effected in the Shop, had the rest of his party followed his wicked Example) commanding his Men, To throw Dirt and Stones into the Shop (and to spare neither Man, Woman or Child) which spoilt much of his Goods, and himself endangered by Stones, one (of about a pound weight) hitting him on the Breast. And the same day one James Burrel, with another party of Armed men, went into the said Daniel's Shop, and pulled down much of his goods, trampled them on the ground, and throwed them out into the Street, and smote him on the face, plucked the Hair off his Head, and much abused him. And the said Burrell abused another Friend one John Exham, meeting him in the Street, pulled him down to the Ground, kneeled upon him, and beat him so cruelly, that the bystanders cried out, he will kill the man, he would kill the man. 1661. Susanna Mitchell, for opening her Shop on the day called the twelfth day, was put into the Cage, and there kept several Hours by order of Walter Cooper Mayor of Cork. 1667. George Webber, for the like cause, was hailed out of his Shop, and called Dog, and other scurrilous names, by Christopher Rye Mayor of Cork, who sent the said George to the Marshals: and several other Friends, have been much abused often times, and had their Shops and Goods spoilt by the rude multitude of Boys, throwing Dirt, etc. encouraged thereto by the said Mayor, being sometimes personally amongst them. Hugh Scramp, as he was passing along the Streets of Cork City was also much abused by the said Christopher Rye, who fell violently upon him, beat him, call him, Quaking Dog, and Son of a Priest, etc. also saying, He could Cut the Throat of him, and a Hundred such 1669. Philip Dymond of Cork City, being chosen Constable, and because for (Conscience sake) he could not Swear, was fined 5 l. and committed to Prison although he proffered to serve and perform the Place as Faithfully and Honestly as those that did Swear. Limerick City and County. 1661. Richard Pearce, James Craven, John Cobb, and six Friends more being called into the Court, at the Assizes in Limerick, before Judge Alexander, for meeting together (as their manner is) to worship God, were fined 5 l. a piece for wearing their Hats on their heads (which is the proper place to wear a Hat) and so committed to Prison Waterford City. 1666. William Wright, for working and following his lawful Labour on a Week day (by some called a Holiday) was Excommunicated, and after a Harsh and Cruel manner taken up, and had to Goal (by the Bishop's means) and there kept a close Prisoner a long time, and not suffered to go to his Family (it being a great prejudice to him and his Trade, being a Joiner) and the subsistence of his Wife, Children and Family depended on him. ☞ And it is to be Noted, That the said Bishop Gore caused one Jer. Hankes, for the very same cause, to be Excommunicated, and likewise committed to Goal, where he was also kept close Prisoner a long time, and at last falling sick, the Bp. was desired to grant him leave to go home, in order to his recovery, but the cruel Bishop refused, and so the Prisoner died in Goal, leaving his Body there, as a Testimony against the observation of days (set up at first by the Pope, and since commanded to be kept) without Scripture Authority, which allow 6. days in the week to work on) also leaving his Wife and poor Children to the Charity of well-minded people; for the man was but (outwardly) poor, and by Trade a Shoe maker: The reason why we mention this man's Sufferings, is because (though he was not one of us, yet he was so much of our Principle, as to bear his Testimony (with the loss of Liberty and Life itself) against the (originally Papal) Institution of observing holidays (so called) and also, to manifest the cruelty of the said Bp. who would not admit the poor Prisoner to go out of Goal, to endeavour the preservation of his Life; an account of his Death, or loss of Life, in that manner must assuredly be rendered to God: Let the Party concerned deeply consider this & lay it to heart, and repent, & beware of being any occasion▪ or guilty of the like for the future: and will not all sober people judge it just & equal, that the said Party do take care for his poor Wife and Children, that if it be possible this Blood may be expiated, which otherwise cannot but ascend to the Lord God that created him, and the Cry of the Widow and Fatherless reach unto his Ear. AN Occasional Treatise. READER, BY the foregoing Relation, the Fruits of the Persecuting Priests and Magistrates appear, how, when, where, for what, and by whom we have thus suffered; it's now requisite a little to show the Grounds and Reasons of our Principles and Practices, for which occasion is thus taken against us, and then it will be the more easy to discern the Innocency of our Cause, and the Unchristianlike spirit of our Persecutors. And forasmuch as there is not only a great Difference betwixt us and the literal Professors of Christianity, touching the Worship and Service of the True and Living God, but that the greatest part of all our Sufferings is (generally) for, and on the account of our Worship to God (for that God was and is to be worshipped, is owned by all called Christians; but how, and by what, few do understand; and that God had a People that truly worshipped him in all Ages, is recorded in the holy Scriptures of Truth, and though they differed in Manner and Place, yet however, all that worshipped acceptably, 'twas by Faith in the Seed) therefore we shall begin with that Branch, of our meeting together to wait upon and worship the Lord. First, As for our meeting frequently together, to seek the Lord, by waiting upon him in his holy Fear, and to Worship him in the Spirit and in the Truth, which is the only acceptable Worship with God; we have (amongst many more) these brief ensuing Grounds and Reasons. First, BEcause the Lord hath thus prrswaded our Hearts, by his good Spirit, to meet often together, to have our minds exercised in his Fear and Worship, to wait upon him for more Light, to know and understand more of his Heavenly Will (which is revealed Isa. 42. 4. Phil. 3. 15. Gal. 1. 15. 1 Cor. 2. 10. Mat. 11. 25. Luke 4. 23. by his holy Spirit) as well what is our Duty towards him, and all men, as to know his Will towards us; and by the Light, or Manifestation of himself by his Spirit, we come to know and believe that he is a Spirit, and is to be worshipped (in his own Nature) in the Spirit and in the Truth, it being man's Duty to wait upon God in and by that of himself, made manifest in man, which only and truly shows him how, when, where, and after what manner God will be worshipped: For if God (who is invisible) be a Spirit, and therein to be worshipped, than nothing less than of the same Nature will reveal God to man, and show him how to serve and worship God aright; and therefore of necessity for all that intent either to know the Mind of God, or their Duty to him, to be very serious and weighty in their approachings to worship God, in order to conduct the mind of man to seek after, and know the Will of God, it being a weighty Work to worship the Lord God aright; and to the end we may perform a Worship which may be acceptable in his sight, therefore it is we thus meet together, to seek his Face (with our Mat. 5. 16. Joh. 15. 8. 1 Cor. 6. 20. minds waiting and stayed in his Light, and measure of his Spirit) to open our Understandings in the Mysteries of his Heavenly Kingdom, that we may know how to live and walk in this Life, as becometh true Christians, to answer the End for which we were created, that is, To glorify God, and to keep ourselves unspotted of the Word, which is pure Religion, Ja. 1. 27. And thus by Faith was God worshipped before the Law, from Adam till Moses; for God having made man in his own Image, capable to serve and obey him, and to enjoy his blessed Presence; but man by Transgression lost his Place and happy Estate, and so was driven out from God, yet not without a Promise of the Seed (Christ) to bruise the Serpent's head; and though thus expelled, yet was it his Duty to Serve, Fear and Worship the Lord God his Creator, as appears by the practice of Adam's first Sons, who worshipped God by offering Sacrifices each of them according to the persuasion of their Hearts and Understandings; Gen. 3. 3, 4, 5. Cain (the first Birth) offered the Fruit of the Ground; Abel (the second Birth) offered the Firstlings of his Flock, and the Fat thereof, and he, and his Offering, or Worship was accepted; but unto Cain God had no respect, as offering from that which was cursed; and he not finding Acceptance with God in his said Service, than Envy and Wrath arose in him, and he Murdered his Innocent Brother. [Mark] Here is the first Persecution about Religion, here are the two Seeds and the two Births, of which, and from whence springs all the Natures, and Lines, and Worships of all Men in the World ever since, and from hence its easy to know of what Race every Worship is of; Persecutors are of and from envious Cain; And is it not below a man, or at least as a good man, to be ranked of the Race of cursed Cain? for shame then let all men forbore to persecute about Religion; for you see who is the Father; and whosoever persecutes, it's a manifest token that he finds no Acceptance with God in his own Worship, and so seeks to be revenged on his Brother, on him that finds Peace with God in his Offering or Worshipping, even on Righteous Abel. And by Faith in the promised Seed, Christ, not only Abel, but even all the rest of the holy Patriarches, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, etc. performed their acceptable Services and Worships to God, offering and worshipping in divers Places and Manners, and yet without▪ Scripture or written Rules; and though they had not a written Law, or outward Rule, to direct them how to worship God, yet had they the Everlasting Rule, God's Spirit (which was before Writings were, by which they were surely acted and truly guided how to live and walk towards God and towards man, and how to perform a Worship to God, that might be acceptable in his sight, as the Scriptures testify: And thus by Faith, through all these Types, Figures and Sacrifices under the Law was God truly worshipped, a contrite Heart being more esteemed by God, than Burnt-Offerings and Sacrifices, Psal. 51. 16, 17. 1 Sam. 15. 22. Secondly, Because it's our Duty so to meet to seek and worship God, who is worthy to be sought unto, and waited on, by all that make Profession of him, as tending to the Honour of his holy Name, and Advancement of his Blessed Truth, and to the Benefit and Comfort of our own Souls, as appears by the Practice of the Saints of old, who feared the Lord, and spoke often one to another, and the Lord harkened, and heard, and a Book of Remembrance was written before him, for them that feared the Lord, and thought upon his Name; And they shall be mine in that day (saith the Lord) when I make up my Jewels, Mal. 3. 16, 17. So that in consideration of the Omnipotency of God, who (as we are his Creatures, much more his People that fear him, and his Children that believe in him) doth expect our continual dependence on him, as being ready to hear and answer our breathing Desires, and to supply us with every Good Thing needful for us, Lam. 3. 25, 26. We have good Grounds thus to wait and meet, 1st, From the Promise of Christ Jesus, who said, Mat. 18. 20. Where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there will I be in the midst of them; and we have found him faithful that hath promised, read Mat. 7. 7. to 12. 2dly, From the Command of Christ to his Apostles, Acts 1. 4. whose Duty it was to wait upon God for further Manifestation of his Mind and Will; for though they had heard Christ's Divine Doctrine, seen his Marvellous Miracles, and been long conversant with him in the Flesh; yet mark what he said unto them, when he was to leave them, (Mat. 26. 11. for he (as in the Flesh) was not always to stay with them, which they were ignorant of) Its expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; and when the Comforter (the Spirit of Truth) is come, he will guide you into all Truth, and will dwell with you, and shall be in you, and shall teach you all things, and abide with you forever, Joh. 14. 2, 3, 16, to 27. (Mark here, the Spirit was to be their Rule or Guide, and their Teacher in all things) Yet after his Resurrection, they being assembled and met together, were commanded not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait there for the Promise of the Father, or (as Luke writes, Luke 24. 32, 45, 49.) until they were endued with Power from on High, which should open their Understandings, to understand the Scriptures, and the Mysteries of God's Kingdom, which Promise of Christ was fulfilled, Acts 2. for the Comforter, the holy Spirit, did come upon them at their Meeting at Jerusalem, to lead them into all Truth, according to Christ's Promise: Here thou mayst see that the very Apostles, who had the Scriptures before (as we have) and had been so long with Christ, yet they had not learned all things, nor understood they the Scriptures then (no more than they are now) till the Spirit enlightened and endued them. Well then, Have not we great need now to meet together, and wait for Christ's fulfilling this Promise to us, to be taught all things, that we may understand the Scriptures, which are as a Book sealed from all those that are not led by the Measure of God's Spirit (which we do Witness) which only can open them (they being not of any private Interpretation) 2 Pet. 1. 20, 21. And therefore the Apostle enjoins the converted Hebrews, To hold fast the Profession of their Faith without wavering, and not to forsake the Assembling of themselves together, as the manner of some was; but exhort one another, and so much the more as the day approaches, Heb. 10. 23, 24, 25. And we are of the same Faith and Principle, and therefore we cannot but meet together, and exhort one another, as an Expression of our Duty, and thereby we make Confession to the Truth, by holding fast our Profession thereof; and we dare not forsake our thus assembling in the Service and Worship of God, as the manner of some than was, and now is who for fear lose the Testimony of their Profession, creeping into Corners, and sheltering from the Storms; pleading Policy to forbear, and not give Offence, etc. But our Profession being grounded on the Foundation Principle of true Religion, the Light, Christ Jesus, we are made willing (by the good and comfortable Effects we have received by our said Meetings and Waitings upon God (having often in our Assemblies felt and enjoyed God's heavenly Life and blessed Presence, to the great Refreshment of our Souls) and encouraged to continue constant in this Practice without being afraid or ashamed, Luke 1. 74, 75. (having such Divine Authority for our so doing) though Sufferings (even to the loss of all outwardly) should attend us. And our Duty herein is confirmed from the Practice of Christ Jesus, and his blessed Apostles and Disciples, and also the primitive Christians, (Acts 2. 41, 42, to the end) who, as fast as they were convinced and gathered out of all other Worships (whether National or particular Sects) did thus assemble, or meet together, in Houses, Fields, etc. though the Laws of the Lands, or Power of the chief Rulers, did neither tolerate nor encourage them, but rather edict to the contrary; yet they did neither desist or decline Meetings, knowing it be their Duties, and having found the virtue thereof by Christ's Promise fulfilled to them in & at their Waitings upon God, Acts 4. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. And our Persecutors may as well say, That Christ, his Apostles, Disciples & primitive Christians were dissobedient to the then chief Authority, in not desisting or declining preaching the Truth, or meeting together in the Name of Jesus, as Persecute us for the like now? Acts 5. 28, 29, 42. Thirdly, As the Spirit of God, Scripture Authority, and the Practice of the Saints, Christ, his Disciples and primitive Christians, do justify our thus meeting; so now let us a little reason with men, who (if guided by Reason) cannot but witness for us, to the Innocency of our Sufferings, for this Duty and Practice of our thus meeting to wait upon and worship God: And can any one called a Christian (if moderate) say, That its a Crime to meet to worship God? if not, than our meeting for that end is just and lawful; neither are our Assemblies prejuditial to any: What Evil Act was ever found amongst us at our said Meetings? What Conspiracies can there be in a Silent Meeting? or, what Design can be contrived in a mixed Multitude, where the Doors are open for any to come in, to hear or see what is said or done? or What ill Effects or bad Consequences to the Government in general (either in the former, or this present Powers time) or to any Person in particular have our said Meetings produced? have not both our Principles and Practices sufficiently evidenced our Innocency herein? let our Neighbours, and all that know us give their Testimony in this case. And indeed, if Reason rule men (as it ought) then (upon a strict scrutiny into this thing) there will be no Ground or Foundation (in rerum natura) for any Jealousy of us, who are but a few, mean, innocent People, that fear the Living God, and are not seeking a Kingdom or Power below; but a City, whose Maker and Builder is God; and Power against our inward and spiritual Enemies, Heb. 11. 10, 14, 15, 16. Luke 22. 29, 30. Or can any ingenious or unbyased men truly say, That they are (re vera) in any Terror of our said Meetings, or really in fear that any thing (in such an open and mixed Multitude) can be designed to the prejudice of the present Powers, or Peace of the Country; but rather, all this disturbing our peaceable Meetings, and persecuting us for the same, proceeds (mostly) from such professing Priests and Magistrates (without the Possession) who (that they may appear to run parallel with the high Tides of the Times, and to swim swiftly with the Streams of the Seasons, thereby to ingratiate themselves) are forward to persecute us, because we cannot change and conform (as they do) contrary to our Consciences? And besides, seeing every man must render an account to God for himself, how then will it serve, or, who will stand betwixt God and a man's Soul, if the man hath acted contrary to his own Understanding and Conscience? Can Priest or Magistrate then plead for, or be heard against Conscience itself (which is more than a Thousand Witnesses) to excuse the Guilty Soul before God? or, Would our Persecutors be compelled to a Worship contrary to their own Consciences? So that let our Persecutors pretend what they will or can, it is evidently matter of Conscience, rightly informed and surely grounded, even God's Spirit, Scripture Authority, and the Practice of the Saints and primitive Christians, that makes us thus meet, and wait upon, and worship God, and suffer thus for the same. Secondly, Touching our not paying Tithes and Maintenance to the Priests and their Clarks, we have good Ground for the same. For, First, BEfore the Law Abraham was the first (we read of) who having rescued his Brother Lot, by force of Arms, from the four vanquished Kings, gave the Tenth of the Spoil unto Milchizedeck, Priest of the most High God, Gen. 14. 20. Here the Original of Tithes was a free Gift, and not a general Command; for then all Princes should have paid the Tenth of their Spoils. And Jacob also vowed the giving of the Tenths unto God, Gen. 28. 22. Secondly, Under the Law, Tithes were ordained of God, Deut. 14. 29. for the Levite, Strangers, Widows and Fatherless; and they were to be brought into God's Storehouse, to be dispensed to the Levite, (who had no Inheritance with his Brethren) and Priesthood) for their continual attendance about the Altar, Sacrifices, Offerings, etc. Num. 18. 24. And the withholding of Tithes, or the not duly paying of them, on this account, was no less than a Robbery done to God, Mal. 3, 8, 9, 10. (and incurred a Curse, and not Imprisonment to Death, as they do now, who set them up without Command from Christ) who ordained them (amongst other things) holy, and were to continue in force as long as the Levitical Priesthood, Law, and the Ordinances thereof lasted. Thirdly, But when the fullness of time was, that the Messiah Christ Jesus, Gal. 4. 4.) came, of whom Moses Prophesied, saying, Him shall you hear in all things; and whom the Priests and Jews (by the Scriptures) professed should come, yet when he came, they believed not in his then appearance in the Flesh, no more than the literal Professors of this Age can believe in his now Spiritual Appearance, (Rome 10. 16. 21.) And Christ Jesus did choose Apostles out of the Disciples that believed in him, who were of several Tribes, and not out of the Priests, or Tribe of Levi only, and he ordained them & more Disciples, and gave them Power and Authority, and sent them forth to preach the Gospel, Luke 6. 13. & chap. 9 from 1. to 8. & chap. 10. from 1. to 10. Here was neither Paper nor Parchment Commission, nor their Authority to preach derived from the Jewish Rulers or Roman Power: and for this their Gospel Mission and Preaching he instituted and appointed them a Gospel Maintenance, suitable to their Gospel Dispensation Ministry, read Mat. 10. Mark 6. 8. Luke 9 & 10. where Christ (giving the verbal Commission to the Gospel Preachers) saith, Freely ye have received, freely give; provide neither Silver, Gold, Brass, Scrip nor Bread for your Journey; salute no man by the way; the Workman is worthy of his Meat; and into what Town or City soever ye enter, inquire who is worthy, etc. And after they had performed their Service, and returned to Christ, they rejoiced, they complained not of a hard Master, or hard Commission, or of want in their Gospel Service of Preaching and Journeys, neither asked they for any Augmentation; for they lacked nothing, Luke 22. 35. This was the first Call and Ordination of Gospel Preachers, as also, the Allowance and Maintenance for them, and here is Scripture for it. Come now ye that say, You are the Minister● of the Gospel; and say, (for you do but say) That the Scripture is the standing Rule; let us try you by that Rule; for we dearly own and love the Scriptures of Truth. which were given forth by the Inspiration of God; for they are profitable for Doctrine, for Reproof, for Correction, for Instruction in Righteousness, 2 Tim. 3. 16. and we wish in our Hearts you would come so far as to the Rule of the Scriptures; for than must you deny your Mat. 20. 26. and 23. 10. 1 Pet. 5. 2, 3. Luke 22. 24, 25, 26. 2 Cor. 4. 5. Da. 5 27 Call, Ordination, Commission, and manner of Maintenance; yea, your Doctrine, Discipline, Worship, Manner and Places of Worship, and Compulsion to your Worship, with all your Height, Pomp, Mastership, Lordliness and Court-Powers, as being expressly contrary to the Scriptures: so that in the true Balance you are found wanting, and (by the very Scales and Weights, which you have chosen to be weighed in and by) you cannot hold out Waight and Measure by that which ye yourselves say is the Rule (viz.) the Scriptures. And so Christ in his Gospel Institution of Ministry never ordained Tithes, or any other compulsive way or means for his Ministers Means and Maintenance; but ordered a Maintenance (as before said) suitable to the Gospel, Afree Gospel, and a free Maintenance: and Christ being offered up, ended the Law, and first Priesthood, and the Commandment that gave them Tithes, with all its Ordinances, Offerings, Sacrifices, Tithes, etc. he remaining a Priest forever, Heb. 7. 12. and chap. 9 vers. 10, 11, 14. Fourthly, In the primitive Church's time, when there were many Disciples and Gospel Ministers, that preached to the Jews, and other Nations, at great distances, the Management whereof must needs be supported with a suitable Charge and Maintenance; yet no mention of Tithes, nor petitioning the Rulers, either for Authority to preach, or Maintenance for their Preaching and Service in their Ministry; for they that were sent forth by Christ, were content with his Allowance; and the Churches made provision for all such necessary Supplies, and also for the Poor, by their Free Collections and Voluntary Contributions, and there was no Lack or Complaint, Rom. 15. 26. So that as under the Law God ordained Tithes for the Priests and Levites (that were employed about the Temple-worship, Sacrifices, etc. and for the Widow and Fatherless, etc. so under the Gospel, Christ Jesus (the Saints and true Christians Lawgiver) hath allotted and provided for his Ministers, that he calls, and sends forth to preach the Gospel; and his Church takes care of their Poor, who appointed men to see that nothing was lacking, Acts 6▪ 3. 1 Cor. 16. 12. Is not this good Gospel Order? and this we are for. And the Apostle to the Hebrews (in a great part of his Epistle to them) strives to bring them off from under the Law, the first Priesthood, and all the Ordinances pertaining thereunto, unto Christ Jesus (the Everlasting High Priest) Heb. chap. 3. to chap. 11. showing them the invaliditity of the Law and its Ordinances, in comparison of Christ; as also, how that they are ended and fulfilled in Christ, saying, The Priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the Law, and a change of the Command concerning their Maintenance; the first Priesthood terminating in and by Jesus Christ, the perpetual High Priest: So here's an end of the Levitical Priesthood, Off rings, Tithes, etc. But if all this will not satisfy, and that any will yet plead for Tithes, jure divino, and so deny Christ to be come, and the Law, and Priesthood, and the Command to be changed, than we answer and say, 1st, Be sure that he that claims Tithes be a Levite, of the Tribe (natural) of Levi, that hath no Inheritance with the rest of the Tribes; and that he wholly gives himself to the Service of the Altar, Temple, Offerings, Sacrifices; and he himself to offer his Heave Offerings: 2dly, Let him that payeth the Tithes be an Israelite, of one of the other 11 Tribes, naturally descended of the other 11 Sons of Jacob (afterwards called Israel) Jew's or Israelites: 3dly, Let the very Tithes be brought into a public Storehouse, and part given to the Levite, part to the Widow, part to the Stranger, and part to the Fatherless; and look that the Levite hath no more than his due, a part, that the rest may have their parts (for they have as much Right as the Levite) lest the Levite get all (as the Priests do in our days that take Tithes) and let the Law (that was in force before Christ came in the Flesh) be fulfilled; which if done, yet such do not acknowledge Christ come in the Flesh: But we are of the Gentiles Stock, of another Race or Line natural, and therefore are not in the least concerned in any respect about Tithes, the Law and its Ordinances; for Sacrifices, Tithes, Priest-Maintenance, etc. being given and delivered to the Israelites, and not to the Gentiles. Objection, If Christ, by his coming, ended the Law, Priesthood, Tithes, etc. and ordained another way of Maintenance for Gospel Ministers, as is before showed; and that the Churches, in the primitive Times of Christianity, practised so; how comes it to pass, that the Ministers of our Nations, and perochial Congregations, in these Gospel times, do now not only demand, but force us to pay them Tithes, or other Maintenance, compulsively? Answer, The Apostles in their days foretell and prophesied of the great Apostasy that would ensue them (1 John 4. 1, 3. 2 Pet. 2. 1, 2, 3. 2 John 7. Judas 11, 18.) for in their times, and whilst the primitive Church kept the good Gospel-Order, there was no such thing as Tithes amongst them, nor yet any other compelling way, either of Maintenance for the Ministry, or forcing to worship; but as the Apostasy crept in, and spread itself over Nations, in and by which the Apostates lost the true Power of God, and thereby the good Gospel-order; and then they framed and set up Worship, Orders and Maintenance in their own Imaginations (for their self-interest, and to maintain themselves in Pride) yet not without some likely Imitations, to cover themselves, and delude the people into a belief, that their Ways and Worships were all right, and for a while kept up some part of the primitive Form; and so they (being erred from the Power and Guidance of God's Spirit, that should call and send forth Ministers, as at the first, that would be content with Christ's Allowance; at last, lost the very Form itself, and so invented Forms, Ways, Worships and ordaining Ministers, and then durst not trust to the Charity and free Benevolence of the People or Churches, nor yet to Christ's Allowance; and then (amongst other things) set up Tithes again (that had been ever discontinued among the true Christians) pretending Scripture Plea, viz. That it was the way of the Priest's Maintenance under the Law; and the People being (with their Teachers) in the Apostasy, and so their Understandings darkened, could not tell but that both their Teachers, and their way of Maintenance, together with the Worship, and the Form of Worship, was all well (so great was the Apostasy) Rev. 18. 3. and thus the Whore (Mystery Babylon) with her enticing Cup of Fornication, made Nations and People drink of, and be drunk with her Abominations. And as History relates (Selden) there was in these Nations no mention of Tithes in the first Three Hundred Years after Christ, Free Benevolence being the Maintenance; and then the Pagans much crushed the Christians in England; and after that Popery increased, and by degrees brought not only the Pagans, but the Christians in England (generally) to Popery, and then Tithes (that had neither by the true Christians, nor yet by the Pagans, been ever paid) were set up, yet but as a Gift, and for a while given and dispensed to the Priests and the Poor; but in tract of Time, Prescription was pleaded for payment of them, till at last Ecclesiastical Act. & Mon. Courts were set up to demand and recover them, for the use only of the Clergy, the Poor being then excluded, though the Poor was the Cloak, under which pretence they got so much interest at first, as to set them up; against Thorp▪ Huss. the payment whereof several Martyrs bore Testimony. Then King Henry the Eighth and his Parliament (being Papists) made a Law for the payment of Tithes to the Clergy (than Popish) which was the first Establishment of Tithes by Civil Law; but when the said King fell out with the Pope, and denied his Supremacy, and pulled down many Abbeys and Monasteries, he then appropriated the Title of Supreme Head of the Church (instead of the Pope) and most of the Tithes to himself; and some of the Tithes he kept, other some he gave and sold to Laymen, and so came Laymen first to be entitled unto Tithes; and the rest of the Tithes (not so appropriated) he, and King Edward his Son, confirmed to the Clergy, yet left the Trial of them unto Ecclesiastical Courts. And thus the Maintenance that Christ appointed for true Christian Gospel-Ministers, which was Food and Raiment, came to be slighted and lost, and Tithes set up (as aforesaid) instead thereof; and this is a manifest Token that the Priests now adays (called Ministers, nay, they would be called and esteemed as Gospel-Ministers) are not the true Ministers of the Gospel, or true Gospel-Ministers, because they will not be content with a Gospel-Maintenance, Christ's Allowance; but flee for Refuge and Power to the old Laws of the Land (made by Papists, for the Popish Clergy) for their Maintenance; and thus the Plea for Tithes jure divino, is turned unto jure humano. And if now Laymen plead Inheritance and Law for Tithes, yet in the ground the derivation of them is from their being paid at first in right to the Jewish Priesthood, and since the Apostasy unto the (Popish) Priesthood: for since the Apostasy, tke Clergy were invested in them, in right of the Priesthood, so the Priesthood is the Original; and the first Pristhood being ended and changed (by the coming of Christ) the Law for Tithes, Sacrifices, etc. is also changed and dissannulled; therefore this Plea, of the Transmutation of the property of Tithes from jus divinum to jus humanum, will not serve in sound reason, nor by Scripture, to exact Tithes from true Christians, nor yet for them to pay Tithes either to the Clergy or Laymen. And the Apostles continued in Christ's Doctrine, and preached the Gospel freely, coveting no man's Silver, Gold or Apparel; but laboured with their hands, that neither they nor their Gospel might be chargeable, 1 Cor. 9 18. And Paul lays down in his Epistle, 1 Tim. 3. the Qualification of Ministers and Bishops, That they must not be Strikers, nor Covetous, nor greedy of filthy Lucre, nor Proud, etc. and against such as preach for Lucre, and make Merchandise of the Word, both he and several of the Apostles bore Testimony, as may be seen in the Scriptures. And there having been so many Volumes published of late by several of our Friends against Tithes (enough to satisfy a moderate and rational man) against the use of them (whether by payment or reception) in these our Gospel days, that we need not enlarge hereon; and besides, the Understandings of people in our Nations are so enlightened, that very few do pay Tithes on the account of Conscience or Scripture Authority, but as being constrained thereunto against their Wills; for as people's eyes are opened, by believing in, and embracing the true Light, Christ Jesus, they will easily see over the Apostasy, unto the primitive true Christians times, and so to discern the true Gospel-Ministers, and their Allowances by Christ, from the now (National) parochal hired Priests, and their Maintenance by Tithes and forced ways, set up by men; and that by the Scriptures of Truth Tithes and forced means is not a Maintenance for Gospel Ministers and that he that takes, and he that pays Tithes now, do both deny Christ come in the Flesh. Thirdly, Touching our not paying to the repair of the Parish or public Houses of Worship (called Churches) we have good Ground. First, BEcause there is no Example for this from the Ancient People of God, the Jews, either in building, or re-edifying and repairing of the Temple of Jerusalem (a Place Appointed and expressly Commanded of God to be built) For, neither did David, that prepared abundance for the Building of it; nor yet Solomen his Son, that built it; nor yet Zerubbabel and the Jews that Rebuilt and repaired it, would admit of any of the Gentiles, or strange Nations to help or assist them therein; for when their Adversaries proffered help, they refused acceptance, saying, You have nothing to do with us to build a House unto our God; we ourselves together will build it unto the Lord God of Israel, Ezra 4. 1, 2, 3. So that the Jews, for the love and zeal they bore to God, and his Worship, denied those that were not of their Religion (that joined not with them in their Worship) to help them to rebuild or repair the Temple, which was the Place for the Jews to worship at; and this is contrary to you that call yourselves Christians, that compel others (not of you) to build & mend your Places of worship. Secondly, Because there is no Example from the Primitive true Christians; for after Christ came (who ended the Temple Worship, etc.) there were many thousands both of the Jews and Gentiles converted to the Faith, and met in several Places and Houses to worship God, (Acts 11. 26. & 20. 20. & 28. 30.) yet we do not read that they either imposed upon one another, or compelled the Jews or Gentiles (from whom they were turned) to build up Places of Worship; nor yet that the unconverted Jews and Gentiles compelled the Christians either to build or repair the Jews Synagogues, or Diana's Temple. Thirdly, There is no equity or reason for us to pay to the building or repairing of those now Places of Worship (called Churches) for God hath so persuaded our hearts, that we cannot join with them that go to worship there, we having good Scripture ground, both against the Worship itself, the manner of worshipping, and the Worshippers; and therefore we refuse to go to the Place. And can we do less than appeal to the equal Principle of God in men, Whether it is not repugnant to right Reason and Equity, for the Priests, and others to ask, much more to assess and compel (by taking G. Clapham Priest of Mountmelick, and Geo. Walker Priest of Kilmore. away our Goods, excessively) to pay to the building or repair of their Places of Worship, (called Churches) which they themselves (and not we) make use of? for we disown them in their Will-worship, (2 Tim. 3. 5.) where is taught for Doctrine the Commandments of men, Mat. 15. & 9 and where Prescriptions and Traditions of men form out a (compuisive) way of worship, for Time, Place, Manner and Matter, as being contrary to Christ's Speech to the Woman of Samaria, Neither in this Mountain (where the Patriaches worshipped) nor yet at Jerusalem (the place commanded by God to be built for him (once) to be worshipped in) but the Hour cometh, and now is (said he) that the true Worshippers shall worship God in Spirit, and in Truth; for such the Father seeks to Worship him: and he is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship in the Spirit, Joh. 4. 21, 22, 23, 24. And further, doth not this manifest, that the literal Professors of Christianity in this Age are grown very cold, much below God's ancient People, the Jews, who, for all they had been banished out of their own Country, and been Captives in a strange Land, in Caldea and Persia 77 Years, yet at their return to Judea, would not suffer any that were not of their Religion and came not to their Worship, to help them to re-edify & repair the Temple, commanded of God to be built? is not this much unlike this Generation of men, that by force make havoc of us and out Goods, for not helping them to build and repair their now places of Parish-Worship (called Churches) for which they have no Command from God to build or repair? So now this may serve to inform people how innocently, and that for Conscience sake we suffer in this thing; and that our Persecutors have neither Example of God's Ancient People, nor of the primitive true Christians, nor yet Reason or Equity on their sides for what they have done against us herein. Fourthly, For not going to the public Worship, and not joining with them in their Worship at their said places (called Churches) and for Reproving and Exhorting them to fear God in the said Places, and in Streets and Markets, as we are commanded of the Lord, we have good Ground, though we have or may suffer for the same. First, For it appears by the Scriptures of Truth▪ that in the Infancy of the World, even before there was any written Law▪ or outward Rule commanded or prescribed by God, that People then offered or worshipped God each of them according to the persuasion of their own hearts and minds (as is hinted at in the first Branch) For Abel did not join with Cain in offering Sacrifices, nor did either of them seek to compel the other to worship or offer after his way or manner; but each of them (and so of the succeeding People and Generations until the Law) offered and worshipped in divers Places & Manners, according as they were led and guided in their respective Understandings; and such of them as offered in the true Faith of the promised Seed (Christ) were accepted in their performances; and those that did not so offer were rejected: Thus Abel offered, where, what, and when he pleased, offering of the Firstlings of Gen. 4. 4. Heb. 11. 4. Gen. 4. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. Gen. 5. 24. Gen. 6. 9, 18. his Flock, and the Fat thereof, unto which (being in the true Faith) the Lord had respect. And Cain he likewise offered how, when, and what he pleased, viz. Of the Fruit of the Ground, which was not accepted with God; and so he persecuted and killed his innocent Brother, Righteous Abel. And Enoch walked with God, and not after the manner of men's Wickedness then, and thereby pleased God, and was translated. Noah a just man, a Preacher of Righteousness, who also walked with God, and not after the manner of, or with the wicked World then, found Grace with the Lord, and he and his Family were saved from the Deluge of the World; and he built an Altar unto the Lord, and thereon Gen. 8. 20, 21. offered Burnt-Offerings of every clean Fowl, and every clean Beast, which was a sweet Savour unto the Lord. Abraham, God's Friend, believing in God that appeared unto him, obtained Favour, and was called, Gen. 12. 1, 5, 6, 7, 8. The Father of the Faithful; the Lord called him out of his own Country, and from his Kindred and Father's House, and he obeyed, and went with his Family into Canaan, a Land Promised to his Seed, where he dwelled; Gen. 13. 18. Gen. 15. 1. Gen. 17. 1. & 18. 1. and built an Altar unto the Lord at Sichem and Bethel; thence he sojourned into Egypt, and returned into Canaan, and built an Altar at Mamre, and the Word of the Lord came unto him, and God appeared unto him, and made himself known (by his Name, The Almighty God) unto Abraham, and said, Walk before me (walk in my Ways, and not as the Nations walk▪ amongst whom thou livest) and be thou perfect: he also dwelled in the Land of Goe 20. 1, 2. & 21. 33, 34. & 22. 9, 13, 14. the Philistines, but walked not after their ways, for he planted a Grove in Beersheba, and there worshipped the Lord; and in Moriah he offered a Ram instead of his Son; and as he could not walk as the Nations did, who walked not in the Fear of God, nor join with them in their Worship, so neither could he so much as join with them in the burying of the dead Body of Sarah; but purchased the Cave of Machpelah of Ephron the Hittite for a Burying place. And Isaac, in whom the Seed was Genesis 23. 19, 20. Genesis 24. 3, 4. Genesis 26. 25. Genesis 28. 1. 2 Genesis 32. 28. Gen. 33 18, 19, 20. Genesis 35. 7, 14, 15. called, dwelled under Abimelech amongst the Philistines, and joined not with them in their Worship, nor yet in Marrying with them; but obeyed his Father Abraham, who had streighly charged him not to Marry any of the Daughters of the Canaanites; and also charged his Son Jacob, not to mingle in Marriage with the Canaanites, which he also observed; and the Lord appeared unto him at Beersheba, and he there built an Altar to the Lord, and called on his Name. And Jacob, or Israel, the prevailing Prince with God, in his sojourning in Padan-Aran, and in Canaan also he dwelled, and followed not the Worships of the Nations, amongst whom he lived, neither in their Worship (as we read of) nor in Marriage; but erected an Altar at Shalem in Sichem, and he built an Altar at Bethel, and set up a Pillar of Stone, and poured Drink-Offerings and Oil thereon; and he and his twelve Sons, and their Families, dwelled in Egypt, under King Pharaoh; and after he had been there seventeen Years, he died, but charged his Son Joseph, To bury Genesis 47. 28, 29, 30, 31. Genesis 50. 24, 25, 26. him in Machpelah, with Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, and Leah: And we do not find, that although he lived in several Countries, that he worshipped with the National People, nor could he give his dead Body to be buried amongst them: And the like did Joseph his Son. So as they could not join with the strange Nations, or Nations that worship or serve strange gods, that walked not in the Fear of God in their Life time, so they could not give their dead Bodies to lay amongst them. Secondly, Moses, the meek and great Prophet of God, worshipped the Lord on an Altar in Rephidem; and at Mount Sinai was the Law given forth, than the Altar of the Tabernacle Ex. 17. 15. & 19 & 20. & 27. 1. & 30. 1. was prescribed in the Mount, which was a movable Altar, to go along with Israel in their Travels; and in the Law is mention made of several Altars, for several uses; an Altar of Earth, for Burnt-Offerings and Peace-Offerings; an Altar of Shittim Wood, for Burnt-Offerings; an Altar of Incense, etc. And after the Lord had brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt, into the Land of Canaan, which he promised to Abraham and his Seed; they were not to join with the National Worshippers, or serve other Gods; but worship and serve the Living God only, whom they knew: and whilst they continued obedient unto the Lord, in the separation from the false Worshippers, and kept the Laws, Statutes and Ordinances, given by Moses, the Lord was with them and amongst them, in Moses, Josua, and the Elders time, Judg. 2. 7, 8, 9, to the end: And when there arose a new Generation, that turned from the Lord, and so lost the knowledge of him, and turned to the false Worships of the Nations, and took them Wives of their Daughters, and followed other Gods; then the Anger of the Lord waxed hot against them, and he gave them into the hands of their Enemies oftentimes, Judg. 3. and when they cried unto the Lord, he heard, and answered, and sent a Prophet to reprove them for their Back-slidings, Judg. 6. 8. and afterwards Solomon built the Temple at Jerusalem, for the People to worship in (1 King. 6▪ 38.) and (because of the great Idolatry of other Nations, about and amongst them, whereby Israel were often drawn away to serve their Gods) they were confined to the Temple-Worship, and there the Lord promised his Presence, if they continued in his Statutes; but Solomon went after other Gods, and took Wives of the Idolatrous Nations, and turned to their Gods and Worships; and then the Lord stirred up Adversaries against him, and was angry with him, and he rend the Kingdom from him, and gave Ten parts thereof to his Servant Jeroboam, and the rest to his Son Rehoboam, 1 King. 11. thus was Israel divided, and it was then the Duty of all Israel to worship at Jerusalem. But Jeroboam, after he was King, would not observe what the Lord said to him by the Prophet Ahijah, 1 King. 12. 38. but disobeyed, and set up his false National Worship at Samaria, for his own ends, in order to draw the People's minds from the Temple Worship at Jerusalem, and to fortify himself in his new acquired, or rather given Kingdom; for he, for fear the People should worship there (as indeed they (and he too) ought) he made two Calves of Gold, and set up one at Betbel, the other at Dan, and falsely called them the Gods which brought Israel out of Egypt, and it became a great Sin; for the people worshipped them, and went not to the Temple, as they were commanded of God: And he made an House of High-Places, and Priests of the lowest of the people (such as he knew being raised so by him would serve his Ends, and call the dead Images Gods, and his invented ways and worships the True Worship) that were not of the Sons of Levi, and therefore false Priests, and not of God's appointing or making: And he ordained Feasts, Offerings, Sacrifices, Altars, etc. in some resemblance of the Worship at Jerusalem, thereby to please the People, and feed their Fancies with a doing something in imitation of the Worship at Jerusalem, and by offering upon the Altar there Burnt-incense, etc. and feasting the people, that it became a great Snare, and Sin of Idolatry, and turned away their Hearts from serving the Living God, to serve Gods (or rather more properly no Gods) of Gold, and the Works of men's hands; and this very much provoked the Lord, insomuch that whilst Jeroboam the King and the People were at their invented Worship, at the Altar at Bethel, there came a Man of God, a Prophet out of Judah, and cried against the Altar (the false Worship) and the King put forth his Hand, and said, Lay hold on him (as many do in our days) and his Hand withered or dried, which by the Prayer of the Man of God was healed and restored again, 1 King. 13. 1, to 10. Neither did Jeroboam set up this his Worship, as judging it in his Conscience to be the true Worship of God; for he knew it was his own invented Worship, and devised Way, as is plain in 1 King. 12. 27, 33. but rather politicly prescribing a Way and Worship (like in some things to that at Jerusalem) to keep the People from the true Worship, and to busy their minds in an active way of Worship, by Priests of his own making, who would say or do any thing he would have them, their Places and Maintenance depending on him, and also, to strengthen himself in his Kingdom; rather seeking his own Greatness and Preservation, than the Honour and Glory of God, that had bestowed such a Kingdom and Dignity unexpectedly on him, and as the Author● of so fair and gilded a Way of Worship, thereby wholly to allure and engage them to him, and his Idolatrous Worship; who having so sinned against God, knew no other safety or strength then the good will and number of the People: and several of the Kings of Judah and Israel were false Worshippers, and against them and their said false Worships several Prophets of the Lord bore Testimony, and reproved them; as did Zechariah, Michaiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Malachi, and several other Servants of the Lord, which kept the Law of God then, as we do now the Gospel, and served the Lord in their Generations, and knew him whom they served, and could not forsake him and his Laws, to join with the Idolaters and false Worshippers, that knew not the Living God; and for bearing Testimony against the false Worshippers, and reproving them for their Will-worship, Idolatry, Sin and Wickedness, were Persecuted, imprisoned, and some of them put to Death. And it is to be well observed, That not in all the time under the Law, when Sacrifices, Offerings, Temple-worship, etc. (as Types and Figures) were set up by the Command of God, none were liable, or compelled (as we read of) to worship there but the Jews, and them that were of their Religion: So that the true Worshippers were never Persecutors in any Age, but false Worshippers have ever persecuted them that truly serve and worship God in sincerity of Heart; therefore let not Persecutors think, or look on themselves to be true Worshippers, true Christians, whilst they are in that Nature; and let them but seriously examine their Hearts in the Light and Spirit of Christ Jesus, and they will know, that they find not acceptance with God in their own Services, nor Peace of Conscience, and true Satisfaction of Soul in their Worshipping, and that's the very Cause why they malign others, and (Caiu like) envy and persecute (sometimes to Death) them that are more Innocent, and that find Peace with God, and Acceptance in their worshipping. Thirdly, The Lord having been thus worshipped before and under the Law, and having a further and another Way of Worship, in and by manifesting of the promised Seed to be clothed with Flesh, John 1. 17. (For the Law was given by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ, who was the Substance of the Law, of all the Offerings, Sacrifices, Altar and Temple-Worship (which could not make perfect as pertaining to the Conscience) all which he ended by his Coming, and being offered up) a Body being prepared him to do the Will of the Father; and then Sacrifices of Righteousness, and worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth, ordained of God and declared by Christ; for when Christ came, he did not join with the public Worship, but reproved them that drew nigh with their Tongues, and honoured God with their Lips, and their Hearts far from him, Mat. 15. 8, 9 (as many do now adays) and told them, In vain they worshipped, that taught for Doctrine the Commandments of Men; and called them, Blind Leaders (John 7. 28. & 4. 23.) and he often went into the Temple (the public Place of Worship for the Jews) and reproved them, and set up the true Worship of God (over all false worships) in the Spirit and in the Truth, which differed from the National Worships; and as many as came to the Gospel Worship, to worship God in Spirit, were separated from the Jews and Gentiles Public and National Worships, and did often testify against them in their public Places, and reproved them in the Streets, and other Places, for which they were persecuted by Unbelievers and false Worshippers, that knew not God. And Christ Jesus being come (of whom Moses prophesied, and said, Acts 3. 22.) He must be heard in all things; and he being Head of his Church, it's his Prerogative alone to establish the Worship and Order thereof, and he only hath Power in all Spiritual Matters, over his Body, his Church and People, who are obliged in point of Duty to obey and observe his Commands and Institutions, and not the Prescriptions of any other; for God never was, is, or will be worshipped acceptably any otherways then in his own Will and Way. And Christ Jesus, for publishing the Everlasting Gospel, and setting up his Father's Worship, in Spirit and in Truth, by ending the Law, with its Ordinances, and Temple-worship, etc. and for testifying against Sin and Wickedness, the works of the Devil, and for all other his good Words and Works he was persecuted, and put to Death by the chief Priests, Elders, Scribes and Pharisees, John 8. 59 (a great professing people) even by such as professed the Messiah to come: Thus was the Just and Holy One, the Messiah, Christ Jesus, the Seed, the Son of God, and Saviour of the World put to Death by Wicked and Ungodly Men, who are of the Line of Cain's spirit, the seed of the Serpent, the Devil. Peter and John went into the Temple, Acts 3. & 4. 1. (the place of Worship) at the time of Prayer, and preached Christ, which the Temple-Worshippers could not bear, but laid hands on them, whipped them, and put them in Prison (strictly charging them, To Preach no more in the Name of Jesus) the Priests being the chief Instruments, as also at the kill of Christ. Stephen a true Worshipper of God, (Acts 6.) was accused of many Falsehoods, by men subborned, and false Witnesses, and brought before the Council of the Jews, false Worshippers; and he being full of Faith and Power preached Christ unto them; and withal told them, Acts 7. That God dwelled not in Temples made with hands; further charging them and their Fathers with persecuting the Prophets, and murdering of Jesus, for which he was stoned, and put to Death by the National Worshippers. Paul preached Christ in the Synagogues, Acts 9 20, 23. for which the Jews took Counsel against him, waiting and watching at the Gate day and night (so great was their Envy) to kill him: And he and Barnabas preached in the Jews Synagogues at Cyprus, Antioch, etc. and the Jews persecuted them, and Banished them their Coasts, Acts 13. (as many of God's Servants are served in these days) And at Iconium they were also persecuted, and Paul stoned (near unto Death) by the professing Jews, and false Worshippers, for going into their Synagogues, and preaching Christ, Acts 14. And at Thessalonica, Paul (as his manner was) went into the Synagogues on the Sabbath days, and reasoned with them out of the Scriptures, that Jesus is the Christ, etc. Acts 17. and the Unbelievers and base people set the City on an Uproar against them (as such do now against God's Servants for preaching the same Christ) accusing them with turning the World upside down, and doing contrary to the Decrees of Caesar, and troubled the City, and the Rulers (even as the Priests and worst of People in our Age do concerning us, whom the Lord hath redeemed from their Mouths) And when Paul came to Athens, he did not join to the public Worship, but his Spirit was stirred in him, seeing them given to Idolatry, he disputed in the Synagogues with the Jews, and in the Market daily with them that met with him; there certain Philosophers of the Epicureans and Stoics encountered him, some calling him a Babbler, others a Setter forth of strange Gods (because he preached Jesus, and the Resurrection) and yet they themselves knew not the Living God. Thus Peter and several of the Apostles & Disciples, the true Worshippers, for bearing the like Testimony, were also persecuted, and some to Death. Many more Examples might be mentioned of the true Worshippers of the Lord, even through Ages and Generations, recorded in the Scriptures, who knew God whom they worshipped, and could not join with the false Worshippers (yea, if National Worshippers) in their day, that knew not the Lord; but reasoned with them, and testified against them in their public places, and elsewhere, as the Lord required them; and they were always persecuted by the false birth of Religion, the false Worshippers and seed of Evil-doers, that knew not God, according to the Saying of the Apostle, Gal. 4. 29. He that is born of the Flesh persecutes him that is born of the Spirit. And also, It may be seen in Histories and Books of Martyrs, that many have suffered Martyrdom because they could not join to and with the National and established Worships, then set up by men, and so forsake the Spiritual Worship, set up by Jesus Christ. And as in former times, so in these days, the true Worshippers, who worshipped God in Spirit and in Truth, Jo. 4. 23, 24. (which is the Gospel-Worship, set up by Christ Jesus) cannot join (contrary to their Consciences and Understandings) with the National public Worship, for which there is neither Command nor Example in the Scriptures of Truth for their Practice. Discipline, Manner of Worship and Worship itself. And seeing it is of necessity to know God before he can be worshipped aright, and that none know the Father, but the Son, and him to whom the Son will reveal him, Mat. 11. 27. if none then know God but by the Revelation of Christ Jesus, and that the national Worshippers say, Revelation (which it seems is the only way to know God) is ceased; then by their Doctrine it follows, That the Knowledge of God is ceased; and then in vain do men worship, for they worship they know not what: How then can we join with them in such a Worship, whilst they deny Revelation, & so worship an Unknown Godd? But we come to know God by the Revelation of Jesus Christ (1 John 4. 13, 14, 15, 16.) and therefore we worship him, and fear his holy Name; and for thus worshipping we ought not to be persecuted, especially, not by those that profess Christianity. Fifthly, Concerning our not Swearing, not taking off our Hats, and for Working on days (by some called holidays) we have also good Ground and Scripture Authority. First, AND first, for our refusing to Swear, we have plain and undeniable Scripture Proofs; 1st, from Christ Jesus, the Son of God, in whom we believe, Joh. 14. 1. who in his Sermon to his Disciples, preached and opened the glorious Work and Worth of the Gospel above the Law (though he came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfil it) You have heard, said he, that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not Forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine Oaths; but I say unto you, Swear not at all, neither by Heaven, etc. but let your Communication be Yea, yea, Nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than these cometh of Evil, Mat. 5. 17, 33, 35, 36, 37. And if men were not wilfully bind, and hardened against Truth, how could a Mouth be opened, much less a Hand lifted up against us (by the Professors of Christianity) for our Principles herein, seeing Christ (the Gospel-Law giver) bids us not Swear at all, and him we are to hear and obey: And as they under the Law were to Swear truly, so we under the Gospel are to speak truly; for true Christians are as far to exceed the Jews, as the Gospel doth the Law, because of that Noble and Just Principle in them, which is to lead them and guide them into all Truth, (John 16. 13.) to speak and act truly altogether at all times and in all places; and then a Testimony to speak the Truth answereth unto, and is (in the Ground) as valid as Swearing truly; & that which might be sworn unto in the time of the Law, is now only to be confirmed by Confession, Yea, yea; or Negation, Nay, nay: And as the Jews under the Law confirmed their Testimony to end Strife, Controversy, etc. by Swearing, and bound themselves by an Oath, sometimes by Vows and Curses; so the Christians in the Gospel and New Covenant, are bound in Conscience by the Power and Law of Christ in them (which is a far greater Bond than Swearing) To do to all Men as they would be done unto, and to perform Equity and Righteousness (in that Love which is the fulfilling of the Law) in the Sight of God and Man, without Swearing Oaths, which were but Figures of this inward Bond or Covenant, confirmed by the Oath of God to the Seed of Abraham, which the True Christians are of, who witness the Substance and End of all Oaths without, and of Strife, Doubts and Variances that occasioned the Oaths; for the requiring of an Oath supposeth Doubt or Unbelief in the one Party, which is no more to be pleaded for, than it is to be practised in a true Christian. And we do affirm further for our Principle in this matter, That to Swear at all is against the Law of the Spirit of Truth that dwells in us, and is against the positive Command of Christ Jesus herein, who said, Swear not at all; and this fully and plainly excludeth all the Glosses and Pretences of all men whatsoever, who would take upon them to interpret Christ's Words and Meanings (as they say) in this, as if he meant not to bar taking an Oath before a Magistrate, or to end a Controversy in a Suit of Law betwixt two Parties, etc. but as if he meant only forbidding Vain, Accustomary, and Unlawful Oaths, or Swearing; and such like imagined Stuff many have writ about and pleaded for, which (if well considered) is no great marvel; For if they cannot believe in the Light that lighteth them, the Son of God, and his Covenant, how can they own his Doctrine and Principle in this or other things published by him, or by his Spirit and Authority. 2dly, From the positive Precept of the Apostle, Jam. 5. 12. who preached his Lord and Master Christ Jesus, his fame Doctrine against Swearing, when he wrote to the Twelve scattered Tribes of the Jews, who by the old Law were allowed or commanded to Swear truly; but when they were converted to the Faith, and come to own and believe in Christ and his Doctrine, than they were obliged and commanded not to Swear at all, no not to Swear truly itself, but to speak the Truth, their word Yea to be Yea, their word Nay to be Nay; for the Apostle seeing (may be finding) and foreseeing, that these converted Jews and Israelites, because of former Precepts & Customs in the Law (which they had been under) might use or plead for some sort of Swearing (like People now, who argue for Swearing before a Magistrate) contrary to Christ's Command, therefore he puts a greater weight then ordinary upon this Doctrine, as if the concernment thereby had exceeded his other Doctrine, in saying, But above all things, Swear not— by any Oath— Neither do we read that any of the other Apostles used the like Doctrine to the converted Gentiles at Rome, Corinth, Ephesus, Galatia, etc. against Swearing, there being no such need to them that were not obliged by the Law to Swear in any respect. So here are two plain Scripture Proofs for our Principle and Practice herein; and when any can produce Scripture in the New Testament, to prove (so plainly) their Practice of Swearing▪ in gospel-days, before a Magistrate (which they call a lawful Oath) or yet before any other, or upon any occasion whatsoever, to be lawful, and allowed of, or commanded by Christ or his Apostles, who are the Authors of the Book called the New Testament, than we may give further Answer, or write more about it; but till then, they (especially they that profess Christ, and aught to obey his Command) ought not to blame us, much less to persecute, fine, or imprison us for obeying the Command of Christ, and observing the Doctrine of his blessed Apostle James. 3dly, As Swearing was thus forbidden by Christ and his Apostle, so the primitive Christians observed the same accordingly: For the Bishop of Smyrna (a Martyr for the Truth) refused to Swear, saying, That he was a CHRISTIAN; so it seems the Primitive True Christians did not Swear; and as his Answer importeth, when they urged him to Swear, he used no other Argument to respond or show his refusal, but to say, He was a Christian, that thereby his Persecutors might know, That he would not Swear because he was a Christian, as by that Profession, bearing Jerom, Chrysoft. Ambr. Origen. Act. and Mon. Testimony against Swearing, or breaking the Command of Christ: Hereto agree several old and eminent Writers; as also, the Testimony of divers Martyrs and Sufferers under the Papal Power in Peiedmond, England, etc. who bore witness to our (and the true old) Christian-Principle herein. Bishop Gawden bore the like Testimony, and said, Bish. Gawden. Amongst false Christians Oaths are not to be regarded, and amongst true Christians there was no need of them. William Thorp, his Testimony Wil Thorp, herein was, said he, It is a Sin to Swear well. W. Brute also testified and affirmed, That no Christian Wil Brute. ought to Swear. And so descend to our Times, since the Lord hath called us to be his People, our Principle in this (as in all other things) agrees with the primitive Christians, being like-minded with them; for if we should Swear, and break Christ's Command, his Light would condemn us, as the Apostle James said, lest ye fall into Condemnation. Hereby it appeareth, That our refusing to Swear proceedeth from sufficient Ground, Christ's Command, the Apostle's Doctrine, and the Primitive Christians Practices; so that it is Matter of Conscience to us, not to Swear at all. And because it is urged against us, That hereby we are incapable to serve the King & our Country. To which we say, we make not ourselves incapable, but we are made incapable by the Law of the Land, that requires that of us which Christ has forbid us to give; and seeing we live under such Rulers and Magistrates as profess Christianity, and the Scriptures to be their Rule to believe in, and to walk by, we desire them to excuse us in this matter, and well to mind Peter, and the Apostles Answer to the Persecuting High Priest and his Council at Jerusalem (who had imprisoned the Apostles, and straight Acts 5. 29. charged them, to Preach no more in the Name of Jesus We o●ght to obey God, rather than men, said they; and not seek to compel or persecute us because we cannot, we dare not Swear, nor take an Oath, either to serve in Offices, or upon Juries, or giving Evidence; though we are willing and ready to serve in any Office or Place meet for us, and which we are capable of, & faithfully to perform the same, as also, to give in Evidence by speaking truly, so as that we may not break Christ's Command, or slain our Consciences through Disobedience. And for a further Testimony of our Sincerity herein, we further say and declare, That we are content to suffer as much for not Serving truly, and for not Speaking and Evidencing truly, as those that are Perjured or Forsworn; for we hold ourselves as much (yes more) obliged by affirming or speaking Truth by our word Yea, and Nay, as others do by Swearing truly, or performing their Places by an Oath. And if this sufficeth not, than we must needs say, It's hard to persuade men of a contrary mind to us herein (until they come to own and believe in the Truth, Christ the Light, and then they will (with us) be like-minded with us) that what we say, affirm and witness is really Truth, or truly said and done; seeing they themselves are often doubtful of the verity of what is sworn or testified upon Oath, by such, as worship with them, and are of the same Opinion with them, and hold it (as they do) lawful to Swear; for several times, neither the Swearers, nor the Matter sworn, is believed by the Magistrate; for men of good Fame are called and depended on for the truest Evidence: So that it appeareth, That it's not the taking of a bare Oath (simply considered as an Oath) which obliges to perform or evidence and swear truly, but rather the Honesty and good Conscience of the Party; which proves the Performance from a Principle within, and not from a formal Oath: & then we say, Why should not a man as well be believed in speaking truly, as swearing truly; seeing all that swear cannot be believed, there being so many Perjured & False-sworn? Secondly, For not taking off our Hats (which are part of our Bodily Garments, and put and placed upon our Heads, to keep them warm and dry, as the rest of our Garments are for the other parts of our Bodies) and so not Honouring men's Persons, with pulling them off, which (it seems) troubleth and distasteth the minds of some men, that seek the Honour below, in order to content and satisfy the Pride and Ambition; for curreous and good-natured men contemn and disregard it, looking upon it (at best) but an Alamode Compliment of a late Edition, and rather become a Fashion in our Country, a National or general Custom, than any absolute matter of Duty or Necessity: And besides, it would be no hard thing to prove the use of National or general Customs to be incongtuous with and dissonant unto the Life of a true Christian, who is not to be fashionedunto the World: 1 Pet. 1. 14. so that the not putting them off (to answer the Will, a lofty part in man) is also Matter of Conscience to us; for God knows our hearts, that it's done in the Cross of Christ Jesus, and not in Contempt of Authority, or men's Persons bearing Rule; For we dare not Respect Persons, & act contrary to the Apostles Doctrine, who said, Jam. 2. 1, to 11. If ye have Respect to Persons, ye commit Sin, and are convinced of the Law as Transgressor's: to this agrees Christ's Saying to his Hearers, John 5. 41, 44. How can ye believe which receive Honour one of another, and seek not the Honour that comes down from God only? and we do not read in the Scriptures, that of all that were brought, or voluntarily went before Kings, Duke's Governors and Magistrates, that any were commanded to put off their Hats or Bonnets; nay, Nebuchadnezar was not offended (as we read) with the three Children for their Hats, Dan. 3. 21. for they were cast into the Fire with their Hosen and Hats— Doth not the Turk mock it Christians for putting off their Hats, & showing their bare Heads? Is not this a Reproof to Christians, that Persecute, Fine and Imprison for not putting off the Hat to them, because they have not the Hat-Honour, and Hat-Respect, which they cannot say is the Honour from above, which Christ commendeth to seek? Thirdly, For Working or Opening our Shops on the Weekdays, called Holidays, we have this to say, which, though little, yet may suffice a moderate man, and will a true Christian; We find (Exod. 20. 6.) the Law allowed Six Days in the Week to Work or Labour on, and neither Christ nor his Apostles did ever forbid it, nor yet ordained any such days as holidays to be kept and observed, by the Churches in the Primitive Times. And the Apostle Paul in his Epistle to the Romans, saith, Rom. 41. 5, 6. One Man esteemeth one Day above another, another esteemeth every Day alike; let every man be fully persuaded in his own Mind: he that regards a Day, regards it unto the Lord; and he that regards not the Day to the Lord, he doth not regard it. And he also said, They should not judge one another about such things. And seeing that neither the Apostles, nor the Councils, in their days, made any such Decree or Law, for observing such days; have not therefore these Decrees and Laws been made by the Pope and his Councils since the Apostles days? And who shall be observed, the Apostles, or the Pope, judge ye? So that there being no Institution of such days by Christ, his Apostles, or Primitive Councils; why should we suffer or be persecuted, for following our lawful Labours and Callings thereon, especially by such as are called Christians. AND thus Reader, in this foregoing occasioned Treatise of the several Branches of our beforementioned Sufferings, we have used brevity, in regard divers of our Friends have published much already to the same purpuse, yet we cannot be altogether silent at this time, Prudence prompting us to put thus much to public view, for no other Cause and End, than (so far) to vindicate our Principles and Practices by the holy Scriptures of Truth, Practice of Primitive true Christians, and other good Grounds and Reasons, as that thereby it may plainly appear to any Sober and Moderate Man, that we suffer Innocently, not for Evil-doing, and that our Persecutors are the more culpable, and so much the more for that they profess the Scriptures: And notwithstanding their thus unjust, Unchristianlike Usage and Persecuting of us, we purpose and resolve in the Lord God, That the Powers and chief Rulers of the Nations (as hitherto, so hereafter also) shall never have more against us, than Nebuchadnezar had against Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, Dan. 3. and Darius against Daniel, Dan. 6. 4, to the end; for Daniel and the Three Children were Faithful to the Kings of Babylon and Medea, as their Accusers acknowledged, who sought Occasion against Daniel, but confessed they could find none, except concerning the Law of his God, which was his Worship and Religion. THE END.