A True Table of all such FEES As are DUE, or can be CLAIMED in any BISHOPS-COURTS, In all Cases; As they were Given in to the Commissioners of His Majesty King CHARLES the First, Nou. 1630. By the Commissaries, Registers, Proctors, &c, UNDER THEIR OWN HANDS IN THE STAR-CHAMBER. Necessary to be known by all Persons liable to be Concerned in the said BISHOPS-COURTS. ●… IS no part of the Scope of this Sheet, to debate the Legality, Expediency or Inconveniency of those Courts and Jurisdictions, commonly called, Spiritual or Ecclesiastic, as they are now managed: Nor ●… whether the Persons that hold them, and grant forth Citations in their own Names and Styles, and not in the KINGS, do not thereby Incur the Penalty of a Praemunire; But its Business is, to Present you ●… an Exact Copy of their FEES, as they were stated by themselves to certain Commissioners, appointed by King CHARLES the First, to Inspect them, Novemb. 1630. Which Table being long since ●…d as much as in them lies, 'tis thought fit to Re-print the same from the Original first Printed Anno Domini 1631. Cases of Instance, that is, be●…ween Party and Party. To the Commissary. To the Register. To the Apparitor. s. d. s. d. d. ●…primis, For Decreeing the Original Citation, and for Sealing of it 00 06 00 06 00 ●… For Decreeing the Original Citation ●… a Matrimonial Cause with an Inhi●…ion, and for Sealing of it 01 00 01 00 00 ●… For the Decree of every Party prin●…al 00 09 00 09 00 ●… For every Decree Viis & Modis 00 09 00 09 00 ●… For every Excommunication or Sus●…sion in Writing 00 09 00 09 04 only at the Release. ●… For every Absolution from an Ex●…mmunication or Suspension 00 09 00 09 04 ●… For Letters Testimonal to be made ●…on a Search, or any other 'Cause 06 08 06 08 00 ●… For the Oath of every Witness upon ●… matter 00 00 00 00 02 ●… For Examination of every First ●…tness upon any matter 00 09 00 09 00 ●… For Examination of every other ●…tness 00 4½ 00 4½ 00 ●… For the Examination of Witnesses ●…on Interrogatories 00 09 00 09 00 ●… For the Examination of every Party ●…ncipal 00 09 00 09 00 ●… For the Oath of every Party princi●… 00 00 00 00 02 ●… For the Copy of every Witness upon ●… matter produced and examined 00 00 00 08 00 ●… For the Copy of the Parties princi●… Answer 00 00 01 00 00 ●… For every Commission for the Ex●…ination of a Party principal or Wit●…ses, or for the Prising of Goods of a ●…ceased, or to take the Oath of a ●…ty upon an Inventory, or Ac●…pts, or any other matter 05 00 05 00 00 ●… For the Constitution of a Proctor 00 00 00 04 00 ●… For Exhibition of every Proxy in ●…iting 00 00 00 02 00 ●… For every Act 00 00 00 04 00 ●… For every Act upon the opening or ●…overing of a Prohibition, Consulta●…, or any others of the King's ●…its 15 00 15 00 00 ●… For every Definitive Sentence, and ●…erlocutory Decree 05 00 05 00 12 For a Delay. ●… For every Significavit to the Chan●…y, For the Taking and Imprisoning of ●… Excommunicate Person in any Cause, ●… well of Instance as Office 05 00 05 00 00 ●… For every Significavit to the Chan●…y, for the Freedom and Enlargement ●… an Excommunicate Person in any ●…se, as well Instance as Office 05 00 05 00 00 ●… For the Copy of every Order of ●…nance 06 00 06 00 12 To see it Executed ●… For Transmitting every Process, Ju●…s a quo ad Judicem ad quem, to the ●…gister, according to the Taxation of ●… Judge ad quem, or according to ●…mposition between the Register and ●… Party Appellant 00 00 13 00 00 ●… For the Seal of the Judge a quo, set ●…he Process Transmitted 06 08 00 00 00 ●… For all Letters of Guardianship un●… Seal 06 08 06 08 00 In Causes of Office, that is, where the Court proceeds of its own Accord, and 'tis not between Party and Party. To the Commissary. To the Register. To the Apparitor. s. d. s. d. d. IMprimis, For every Original Citation and Appearance of every Party 00 06 00 06 04 Item, For every Decree, Viis & Modis 00 09 00 09 04 Item, For every Excommunication or Suspension under Seal 00 09 00 09 04 Item, For every Absolution from an Excommunication or Suspension 00 09 00 09 00 Item, For Letters Testimonial to be made upon any Cause, and for writing them, if the Cause so require 06 08 06 08 00 Item, For the Examination of every Party principal 00 09 00 09 00 Item, For the Copy of every Parties principal Answer 00 00 01 00 00 Item, For the Oath of every Party principal 00 00 00 00 02 Item, For drawing of Proxy for Appearance at all Visitations and Synods 00 00 02 06 00 Item, For the Exhibition and Consignation of every Proxy in Writing at the Visitations and Synods only 00 00 00 04 00 Item, For Registering the Names of the Churchwardens and Sidemen of every Parish 00 00 00 04 04 for warning of them. Item, For every Certificate made to the Bishop by the Commissary for the Commutation of any Penance 06 08 06 08 12 Item, When any Penance is Commuted by the Bishop, and the Commutation extended to the Commissary 10 00 10 00 00 Item, For the writing of any Bond taken for the Indemnity of the Judge, or his Commissary upon any Cause 00 00 01 00 00 Item, For every Act passed in Court 00 00 00 04 00 Item, For every Faculty that grants Licence, except for Teaching 05 00 05 00 00 Item, For Exhibiting every Bill of Presentments at the Visitation only 00 00 00 04 00 Item, For the Purgation of every Person to whom Purgation is assigned, and for his own hand 00 09 00 09 04 Item, For every Compurgator first sworn, and for his hand 00 09 00 09 02 Item, For every other Compurgator 00 06 00 06 02 Item, For every Intimation sent out for all those that will object against a Purgation of any man and his Compurgators 01 03 01 03 04 Item, For a Dismission of every Man out of the Court for any Cause whatever 00 06 00 06 04 Item, For any Search made by the Register for any Act of Court, or any other Instrument, after a Cause is ended 00 00 01 00 00 Item, For every Sequestration of the fruit of a Benefice, and Publication of the same under Seal 05 00 05 00 12 Item, For Letters Commendatory for a Curate going out of the Jurisdiction 03 04 03 04 00 Item, For every Caveat entered 00 00 01 00 00 Item, For the Copy of every Order of Penance 00 06 00 06 12 To see it Executed Item, For Transmitting a Process, Judice a quo, to Register according to the Taxation of the Judge ad quem, if there be no Composition made betwixt the Register and Party Appellant 00 00 13 00 00 Item, For the Seal of the Judge to the same Process 06 08 00 00 00 Item, For the drawing of Articles against any Man Convented of Office, for lawful Proof made of the truth of them 01 08 01 08 00 Item, For every Act upon the withdrawing of a Caution out of the Registry 00 00 00 11 00 Item, For every Dispensation for Exhibiting of an Inventory into Court 06 08 06 08 00 Item, For an Administration of the Goods of a Deceased, not extending to the Sum of Five Pounds 00 00 00 06 04 Item, For the Administration of the Goods of a Deceased, amounting above the Value of Five Pounds, and under Forty 02 06 02 06 10 Item, For the Administration of the Goods of a Deceased, amounting to Forty Pounds and upwards, let it be as many Thousands as it will, is 06 08 06 08 11 Item, For the Probat of a Will, where the Value doth not exceed the Sum of Five Pounds 00 00 00 06 04 Item, For the Probat of a Will, where the Goods exceed Five Pounds, and not above Forty Pounds 02 06 01 00 10 Item, For the Probat of a Will, where the Goods do exceed the Value of Forty Pounds and upwards, let it be as much as it will 02 06 02 06 10 Item, For the Engrossing of every Will, according to the length thereof, not exceeding eight Skins, for every large Skin of Parchment 00 00 08 00 00 For every Skin Item, For Engrossing every Inventory and Accounts, according to the length thereof, not exceeding Two shillings for every Press of Parchment 00 00 02 00 00 Item, For Exhibiting of every Inventory, and for subscribing of the same 00 06 00 06 00 Item, For the Copy of every Act extracted out of the Registry under the Register's hand 00 00 01 00 00 Item, For the Copy of every Inventory Testament, Libel, Matter, Allegations, or Articles whatsoever, extracted out of the Register under the Register's hand 00 00 According to the length thereof. 00 Item, For Letters of Request made to another Ordinary, to Cite one dwelling out of the Judge's Jurisdiction 01 08 01 08 00 Item, For every Renunciation of an Administration of the Goods of a Deceased, or an Executor of a Will Admitted and Enacted 00 06 00 06 00 Item, For every Decree made upon the distribution of Goods amongst the next of Kin, and for Registering the same 06 08 06 08 00 Item, The Fee of a Proctor every Court-day, in which he is Retained upon any Cause whatsoever, is 01 00 00 00 00 And no more; Therefore they Abuse you, when they take Ten Groats. And indeed there is scarce one of all these Particulars, but the Officers belonging to these Courts, do now Demand, Take and Extort most Unjustly Greater Fees than are here set down, which yet are ●…at themselves had the Confidence to ask or pretend due, in the Time of King CHARLES the First; since which Time, They have not any Colour of Law, Reason or Authority, to have them increased. ●…efore if any of them shall for the future Demand, or Take any Fees, Duties or Sums of Money more or greater, than are here set down, let the Party grieved forthwith Indict them for Extortion; the way to Curb the Avarice and Oppression of greedy devouring Locusts, who, like the Sons of the Horseleech, always Cry, Give! Give! till with tedious Vexations they undo those they can get into Birdlime-Clutches. FINIS. LONDON, Printed for H. J. and are to be Sold by R. Janeway in Queens-head Alley in Pater-Noster-Row. 1681.