The True METHOD Of Curing Consumptions. Wherein 1. The Vulgar Method is discovered to be useless and pernicious. 2. A New Method, by safe, pleasant, and effectual Remedies is described. 3. The Original and, Immediate Cause of this Distemper, explained. And 4. Several Remarkable Observations on persons lately Cured by the same Method, related. Particularly The Case of Mr. Obrian, whom the Author undertook by his Majesty's Command; with an Account of a Cure performed on a Person of Quality at Paris, and several others. By SAMVEL HAWORTH. M. D. LONDON, Printed for Samuel Smith at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Churchyard 1683. TO Charles II. KING OF Great BRITAIN FRANCE & IRELAND. May it please your Majesty, AS there is no Science, Art, or Faculty, so much improved of late, as that of Physic; so I am certain there is no Prince in the World ever gave so great Encouragement to the Promoters of this Faculty, as your Sacred Majesty. For what greater Reward can a diligent Enquirer into Nature's Mysteries be ambitious of, than the Smiles and Candid Aspect of so gracious a Sovereign upon his painful Endeavours? Among the many Aspirers after some noble Attainment in the Medic Faculty, whom your Majesty hath graciously vouchasafed to take notice of, I the unworthiest of your Majesty's Subjects do here (with all due Submission and Thankfulness to your Majesty) reckon myself one. For no sooner did the rumour of my success in Curing Consumptive Persons by a new and differing Method, arrive to your Majesty's Ears, but your Majesty resolved to satisfy your Royal Curiosity in the truth of it: whereupon your Majesty Ordered me to endeavour the Cure of Mr. Kenedy Obrian, which was accordingly performed to your Majesty's great satisfaction; since which several other Cures have been Effected in Cases of the like Nature. The deplorable Condition Mr. Obrian was in, when I first undertook him, your Majesty well remembers. Now the sense of your Majesty's Candour and Benevolence toward me in this thing, hath encouraged me to prefix your Majesty's Name to his small unpolished Tract; Presuming that I have already (though undeservedly) obtained so great a measure of your Majesty's Favour, as to implore your Royal Patronage. Withal, I cannot but humbly acquaint your Majesty, that although your Majesty's Candour towards me, next to that Divine Providence, which makes my Endeavours successful, hath been my greatest Encouragement; yet my Enemies abroad have been almost indefatigable of discourage me; Envy and Malevolence have so predominated in the hearts of some, that they have made a rendezvous of all their Strength and Forces, those mischievous Machine's and Engines of Malice, Hatred, Obloquy, Prejudice, Lies, Backbitings, and uncharitable Censures to blast and ruin me. So that it is easy to conjecture how this Innocent Partus will be received by the hands of those cruel Censurists, who so malign its Author: It is not hard to fancy how it will be kicked about and buffeted, hissed at and derided, damned and obraided by their desperate Tongues. It is impossible such a pitiful, helpless Infant should survive the successive Clamours of those whose Interests it is to hate and backbite me; unless so Gracious and Compassionate a Patron as your Majesty, will deign to cherish it? It is just now going to run the Gauntlet, and 'twill certainly perish and be knocked down to the ground by the innumerous thumps and blows of those Malevolent Persons that stand prepared to strike it, unless it be clothed and defended by the Coat-Armour of your Royal Favour. It is therefore, Great Sir, with all possible Submission and Reverence, that I lay this Treatise at the Feet of your Gracious Majesty, humbly assuring your Majesty that although it be already Printed, yet it shall never be published to the Eyes of the World, unless your Majesty will first signify your gracious Acceptance of it. The Copies that are now Printed shall either lie dormant till they are eaten by Worms, or else be given to the Flames, as unworthy of humance Inspection, if your Majesty refuse to receive and countenance it. But I have already so far Experienced your Royal Candour, as that I cannot now despair of your Gracious Clemency. That your Majesty may live for ever, that your Royal Blood may eternally Circulate in its proper Vessels, that every part of your Sacred Body may regularly perform their proper Functions to Perpetuity, that your Health and Wealth may be Adequate to your Grace and Goodness, and that a Crown of Glory may be your everlasting Portion; is the real desire of Great Sir, Your Majesty's most Submissive and most Devoted Subject Haworth. November 13th 1682. The Author's Apology for some Invectives in the ensuing Discourse. INvectives are sometimes very opportune, especially when against those whose Malevolent Minds cause their extravagant Tongues to utter such uncharitable censuring Expressions as justly deserve them: That what sharp Invective Expressions may be let fall in the ensuing Discourse, are nothing but what I have been highly provoked to, any judicious person may easily determine; for whatsoever Reflections there may be upon any particular persons, though not therein nominated, they are only upon those persons who have railed against, calumniated, backbited, and belied me; though what I have here dicovered of them is the real truth. There are some Physicians in London, who because some of their Patients have left them and consulted me, have been so wickedly censorious, as to tell the World I was a mere Pretender; and so far from being a Scholar, as that I could not write my own Name, or speak a Word of Greek or Latin; when they themselves never discoursed with me in their lives. Others have made it their whole business to pry into my concerns, to find fault with my proceedings, and if a Patient happened to die under my hands, that perhaps was almost resigning when I was first called for, this is proclaimed by them as a grand Miscarriage; when their Patients do all successively retire into another World, and not the least notice taken. So that the two grand Arguments that they insist upon in their Endeavours to make me odious, and so discourage their Patients from coming to me, are to impose upon the Faith of People that I am illiterate and insuccessful; in answer to the first, it would be impertinence and immodesly for me to tell the World that I am a Scholar; but thus much I am urged to declare in my own Defence, that my Education and Advantages have not come short of theirs; and if I still remain illiterate, I am a Fool and a Dunce for not improving them: besides he that condemns me for an Illiterate Empery, is impudent in reflecting upon the Honourable College of Physicians in London; for I was examined by the Precedent and Electors of that College, and by them deemed worthy to be admitted to Practice Physic, as appears by the Diploma which they gave me with the Seal of the College. In Answer to the second Basis or Foundation on which they build the Superstructure of their Raillery; I must likewise declare that this also is groundless. For it is only the success which attends my Labours, that makes them hate me. I can with a safe Conscience avouch, that since I have Practised at London among the many Patients I have there had, there have not ten persons died under my hands, and those were desperate when I first saw them; yet those Industrious Enemies of mine, when they heard of but one Patient that was dead, did triumph, rejoice and glory, as if the world was little enough to proclaim my ruin and downfall, which they ever insatiably desired: But God knows their Prayers remain yet unanswered; these are those that would put a stop to the improvement of Physic, because they cannot improve it themselves. Let the Impartial Reader therefore now judge if I have not been justly provoked to vindicate myself, and to detectr the ridiculous Buffooneries of these Practice in this Distemper: I only desi●● their Method and mine may be put together into a Balance of serious Consideration, than we shall see which will preponderate, and which is most shallow and impertinent; or if they be both compared by the touchstone of Experience, I am sure ours will appear most successful. I hope now the Reader will not wonder at some passages in this Tract, which if I had not premised this, they might otherwise have seemed a little uncouth. Let them persist in their peremptory abusive Censures. I hope out Care and Industry, with a continued Success attending our Labours, will manifestly contradict them; and in time make them as ridiculous as they would willingly render me: so that indeed when these Squint-eyed and Envious Contemners, have quite exonerated themselves of those Reproaches, which are nothing but the faetid Excrements of a spiteful mind, they must either than hold their Tongues, or again lick up their own Ordure, and swallow it by mouthfuls; and though their chief design and desire is to be-smear me with these turpid and malicious Slanders, endeavouring hereby to destroy my Reputation, and to expunge and obliterate my Name out of the World, and if it were possible to extirpate the very thoughts of me out of the Minds of all Men; yet all the Detriment and Mischief they can possibly do me, is only to excite and stimulate me to greater Diligence and Circumspection, which will at last render me apparently undeserving of such forged Impeachments. Let me also here premise to prevent the Readers misapprehension of what I have exposed to public view in the following Discourse, that I do not in the least design to detract from the Renown, Learning, and Gravity of many Eminent Physicians in and about London; I own their Skill, acknowledge their Worth and Eminence, and honour their Learning: But yet there are many who have attained to a competent measure of Learning, and are become somewhat Famous and Popular, that abhor that any but themselves should have any Esteem in the World; they cannot endure to be outdone by any, and if they hear of any whose success in one particular Distemper goes beyond theirs, they are restless in seeking his Ruin; that there are such among the Physicians of London, their daily abusing and inveighing against me, doth apparently evince: It is against these that the Reflections in this Discourse are leveled: so that those who are angry with this Tract, and damn i● as a pragmatic, conceited, censorious Piece, are the persons I have here been discribing, who because they see their own ugly Faces in this Glass, they presently curse and condemn it. I would not have the Reader think me such a Buffoon as to condemn the whole Tribe of Physicians of Ignorance and Idleness: No, for how many Generous and Heroic Souls are there, who out of a mere Principle of being serviceable in their Generations, have laid out good part of their Estates, spent much of their Time, and not a little impaired their Health in unripping the Bowels of Nature, to find out the Virtue of those excellent Medicaments, which to encourage Industry, are only revealed to the diligent Enquirer? and these Men are of such Noble Spirits, that they resolve while their Eyes remain Susceptive of Visible Objects, and while their Ingenious Souls are cloistered in these Humane Tabernacles, to search and pry into the absconded Mysteries and private Recesses of Nature, their Adored Mistress. While they live among Men who are liable to Diseases, obnoxious to sundry Maladies, often variating in Symptoms and Critic Circumstances, they will think no time lost or misspent in searching out expedient and effectual Remedies, and aspiring after a more particular knowledge of that curious Structure, the Microcosm of Man's Body. These are they to whom the World knows not how much it stands engaged. It is no wonder that the Heathen World adored Aesculapius, when the Worship of the true God was wanting among them. Not undeservedly doth our Harvey's Name still Circulate thro' all the parts of the Knowing World, for the Invention of the Bloods Circulation, though he himself be dead: and we hope our Lower will have his Name perpetuate in the Memories of after Ages for his more exact Account of the Motion of the Crimson Juice, in his most Excellent Treatise of the Heart. Can we ever forget Dr. Willis, another of our own Countrymen, for his great Learning, and his Charity in communicating his Notions, the effects of much Study and Labours; especially those of the Blood's Fermentation, and the Nervous Juice. Is not Dr. Wharton's Fame still continued for discovering the use of Glandules, and Dr. Glissons for his Discourse of the Rickets, and another of the Liver. Can the Honourable Mr. Boil ever die, who hath been so indefatigably laborious in searching into Nature's Secrets, and watching her Motions; to his great Charge and Expense, and to the apparent prejudice of his own Health; and then communicating all to the public in such a Style and Language, as discovers itself to be the Offspring of a Noble Mind. The World already rings of his Rare Experiments and choice Inventions; into how many Tongues are his Works translated? We may read of his Discoveries in his own Experimental Philosophy, and in the Transactions of the Royal Society, and in the Catalogue and Description of the Rarities belonging to the Royal Society, lately published by the Ingenuous Dr. Nehemiah Grew. Several of his Inventions are now to be seen in that Magazine of Rarities in Gresham College: So that we do not question but that there are some such among us, that would willingly sacrifice their Strength, their Time, Estates and Health, and if need be, venture their own Lives for the good and benefit of their Fellow Creatures. Yet such is the Ingratitude of some, that they will sooner encourage Ignorance and Conceit in Illiterate Pretenders; than any way contributeto the Ingenuity of the modest Naturalist: Such is the folly and precipitant rashness of others, that they will sooner venture their Lives in the hands of a bragging Empery, then trust the Veracity of a Faithful, Knowing, and Experienced Physician; and such is the Credulity of many, that a practising Apothecary or an ignorant Quack-salving Medicaster, that never read six lines, or at least never understood two of any rational Physic Author, shall so impose upon their Judgements (I would say fancies) as to insinuate themselves into their favour, and become Eminent in their Esteem, and all this while the confident Impostor is telling Stories of his rare Exploits in Physic: And so the modest Physician, that from his very Cradle endeavoured to improve himself in the Noble Faculty of Physic; because he will not brag, must be contemned: But a true Physician must have other Ingredients in him then a good stock of Confidence, and a considerable quantity of Ignorance: Otherwise he can never become a true Handmaid of Nature, to watch her in every Motion, to assist her when she is impotent and almost overcome by the prevalence of any Distemper, to put forth a helping hand in her greatest Extremity, to refresh her when weary with struggling, by some Rich Aetherial Spirits, to enlighten her when clouded, by some Irradiating Sulphur, to renew Vigour in her by some choice Elixir of Life, to foresee dangers that may befall her, to prevent whatsoever external Accidents may occasion a Relapse, to apply such Remedies as may promote, and not thwart her Intentions. Having thus apologized for whatsoever in this Treatise may seem reflecting, there remains nothing more to add, only to beg the Readers Candour in the perusal of it; desiring him to excuse the plainness of its Style, and overlook what may not be so congruously worded as it might be expected, for I wrote most of it since I returned from France, and that at several times, and in haste; for when the former part of it was Printed, I was called into the Country before I had composed the latter; therefore the Method may not be so exact, nor Style so smooth, nor Words so pertinent, as they might otherwise have been. Having desired this Favour of the Courteous Reader, I must assure him that I am. His Real Servant Samuel Haworth. From my House at Brumpton near Knight-bridge November 13th 1682. In virum Clarissimum Dominum SAMVELEM HAVORTUM, Medicinae Doctorem Expertissimum; Carmen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 OVtinam merit is possem te xtoll ere Musis Havorte, O Patriae gloria magnatuae! Nam tibi dant veteres palmam pariterque recentes, Qui morbis medicas applicuêre manus. Corpora restituis longis tabentia morbis; Languentes Animae relliquiasque foves. Pellis et innumeros vario Medicamine morbos, Aegraque latifico Membra vigore novas. Ergo jure tuae celebrat praeconia laudis Rumor, & altisonâ tollit in astratubâ. Nectantum in Patriâ splendet tua gloria Terrâ Sed resonant landes Gallica Regna tuas. Galliate propri is Medicis diffisa vocavit, Arque salutiferae senserat artis opem. Rursus & ad proprios quibus es carissimus Anglos Vertis iter, placidaes puppe s●can evias. Gratus ades cunctis: Regagratissimus ipsi Nam stupet Ingenium CAROLUS ipse tuum. Ipse oculis namque ipse suis conspexerat agrum Pallentem a stygiis te revocare vadis. Saepe etiam laetus Regali exceperat aure Morbida te Medicâ Membra levass● manu. Vsque Adeo innumeras volitat tua fama per urbes Et celebrant nomen dulcia rura tuum. Alma salus tibi juncta manet, comitatur cuntem. Et rapiunt morbi, te veniente, fugam, Vive diu Patriaeque salus & gloria Terra: Nestoreos utinam transgrediare dies! G. H. In Authorem. O Patriae lux clara tuae, lux clara Parentum Gloria praesentis, veteris victoria saecli! Quis merito celebrare potestte carmine? vel quis Digna salutiferae referat praeconia dextrae? Hippocratis priscique, tibi jam fama Galeni Cedit, nee meritam Paracelsi industria Palmam Invidet, & tacitis rubefit jam victus in umbris. Quicquid enim veteres Medici, Medicive recentes Ingenio invenere suo, comprendis in unum. Magna quidem, sed non satis hac; nam summa tuarum. Non ibi consistit laudum: quippe arte novata, Antiquis ignota, tibi patefacta salutis Est via: languidulae pellis contagia tabis, Atque novo miseros superas Medicamine morbos. Quosque alii liquere, tuae solertia dextrae Restituit, revocatque suum per Membra vigorem. Nen veterum jam more putes Mendacia vatum Fingere me, mihi testis adest Terra Anglica, nee non Gallica, quae miseris oppressa est utraque morbis Donec Havortaeae sensit Medicamina dextra. Namque novas nunc ille vires Artesque medendi. Repperit, & diram procul omnia limine mortem. Ille abigit, vitamque ipsis afaucibus orci Eripit: Idcirco in cunctis memorabile terris Nomen habet, lateque suum diffudit honorem. Quâ redit, & liquidas quâ sol descendit in undas. Hunc vulgus proceresque colunt, hunc CAROLUS Ingens Ardit & ingenii miratur pignora docti, Vive, precor, longumque trahas feliciter aevum, Tempora tu Pyliae superes aetate senectae, Cum dulcis consorte tori, lectique jugalis Participe eximiae decorat quam gratia formae; Foemineum quae sola genus splendore corusco Praeradiat, stellas v●lutinter Luna minores Eminet, aetheriae decus & Regina Ch●raea. Spectantum illa oculos ad se trahit undique cunctos Offunditque stupore animos & pectora, posses Credere saxificae faciem vid sse Medusae: Etveneres roseis insunt charitesque labellis, Cum loquitur, dulcique canit cum vocc marinam. Seirena innocuae superat dulcedine linguae. Sit longum comes illa tibi multosque per annos Floreat, & pulchrafaciat te proleparentem. Et proles vos prole nova sine fine perennet, Vestraque perpetuis revirescat Gloria Saeclis. The True METHOD Of Curing Consumptions, etc. IT is not here necessary to entertain the Reader with a long Preliminary Discourse, or to perplex him with strained far-fetched Apologies to usher in this Tract; but I shall thrust it naked into the open World, knowing its Design and Intention to be innocent: Let the Critic Censurists of this Age carp and snarl at it, let the envious, malevolent Backbiter sputter what he pleaseth against it, he may assure himself, I imagined what he would say before I began to write it, knowing the Principle that actuates him to be nothing but spite. The impartial and genuine Reader will see, that I him at nothing but the Improvement of the noble Faculty of Physic, and the real benefit of Mankind, he will candidly pass by the Enormities which may unwittingly be committed in it: So that the Censurist may as well surceass his Scoffs and Calumnies, and believe, that we are more encouraged by the Candour of the courteous Reader, by the daily Success which attends our Labours, and by his Majesty's Gracious Favour in taking notice of our Endeavours, that we can be discouraged by those base Reflections that he spews forth from his sordid Mind, which are the products of nothing, but Hatred and Malevolence. I shall therefore here present the Reader with some Observations of my own upon Consumptive Persons; and by those Observations, make it evident, that the trite vulgar Method will never reach the bottom of this Disease, but that another kind of Method is absolutely necessary. 'Tis not the Pectoral Decoction, so much used by Physicians, that will remove the Cause of this spreading Malady. What doth it signify to dawb and plaster the inward Parts with Balsams, Lohoches, or Eclegms, and such like nasty, sticking Medicines? When all their Virtue (if they have any) is gone before they can attach the part affected, what benefit can be expected from greasing the Whistle with Oils? And what do the cooling Emulsions, the insipid Snail-water, and other refrigerating Slops profit? None of these things are refined enough, to penetrate into the obscure Recesses where the Seeds of the Distemper lurk; nor do they consist of Particles any way adapted to relieve distressed Nature. Thousands are every day hurried out of this World, for want of better Remedies. Is it rational to believe, that feeble Nature is any way cherished by such dull and clogging, or cold, spiritless stuff? Are there no Etherial Spirits, nor Eradiating Sulphurs, nor rich Mineral Tinctures, nor brisk Elixirs to be foud by Art, which may prove Restoratives? O the idleness of slothful Man! Can a Physician, who would be esteemed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Minister of Nature, content himself to go on in a trite beaten road, and prescribe for weak emaciated Bodies, nothing but fulsome Hodge-podges, and loathsome Mixtures? Certainly the true genuine Sons of Aesculapius are more diligent and conscientious. Is it not a shame to our Profession, for a Patient to languish under a Physician's hands, perhaps for a whole year, in a deep Consumption, and have nothing prescribed but mixtures of Oil of Almonds and clogging Syrups, Milk-water, Snail-water, the nasty Syrup of Garlic, Conserve of Roses, the Syrup or Juice of Turnips, the fulsome indigested Syrup of Brimstone, and such like Medicines? Perhaps a stinking Issue may be prescribed, or a troublesome Seton, as if the Distemper would jump out at the Vent; sometimes cruel tormenting Blisters, and the Head must be shaved forsooth, because we would not prescribe out of the Fashion; and Plasters must be applied, which by a Magnetic Influence keep the Rheum from falling upon the Lungs. But will this cure a Consumption? No sure. I do here challenge any Physician that dares to say he ever cured one Patient of a confirmed Phthisis or Consumption, by any of the abovementioned things, notwithstanding the are so much applauded and used. Now, what can the reason be, that those Physicians, who pretend to be exactly Methodic and Dogmatic in their Practice, will still persist in their old threadbare Method, notwithstanding they find no success in it? I am apt to fancy the reason is, because they know no better Medicines, and are very loath to bestow the pains to find them out: and perhaps, they being so unaccustomed to search into the hidden Mysteries of their Mistress Nature, think it but in vain to begin, and so content themselves with the Medicines of honest old Galen and Hypocrates, and their followers; and so let them go on, we know better things. I can by my own particular Experience declare, that there are such Medicines in the World, which by degrees will exterminate and destroy those male-figured Particles, which are the Tormentors of Man's Body in this Distemper; provided the Body be not reduced to so infirm a condition, that Nature cannot be supported till such Remedies have affected what they would otherwise undoubtedly do. There is a particular Remedy, which immediately abates that Fever which usually attends this Malady; which is no cooling Medicine, but is impregnated with a Faculty of stopping the motion of those Particles which create that fervour in the Blood, and in time, of freeing the Blood of them all. This is the Fever which Physicians improperly call a Hectic Fever, or an Habitual Fever: They will tell you, it is a Fever in the Flesh and Muscular Parts of the Body, and not at all in the Blood; though I cannot for my life but think, that there is no such thing as an Habitual Fever, nor a Fever of the Flesh; a Fever being an actual Ebullition of the Blood, which in a Phthisis is not constant, but ariseth at some particular times, especially an hour or two after eating, or in an evening; and this Ebullition of the Blood (I should say of the Flesh) is caused by the motion and agitation of some incongruous Particles. Besides, the little Logic that I have obtained, tells me, that an Habitual Fever, which is an much as an Habitual Motion, Ebullition, or an Habitual Action, is no less than a contradiction. There are other safe and most potent Medicines, which I frequently exhibit in these difficult Cases, that will absorb those tickling and pricking Particles which produce the Cough, and hereby great ease to the Patient is immediately procured. We have other penetrateing Medicines, which reduce the Functions of the Body to their Eutaxy and regular Order; and so when the Cause of the Malady is removed, and the Functions regulated, Nutrition is again augmented, and the Body grows fatter and stronger every day, the whole Crasis of the Body is meliorated; at last, all bad Symptoms cease, and the wont and desired sanity doth then ensue. Is it not most censentaneous to reason, that those Medicines, whether Vegital, Animal, or Mineral, wherein the pure, balsamic, lively Parts, are separated by Art from the more impure, grossy and dreggy Feculencies, are most effectual Medicines to answer the Indications of this Malady? Certainly, the most refined and depurate Medicines, the very Quintessences of Drugs, excel those that retain in them their earthy and phlegmatic Parts, which are exhibited without any Depuration, either by Digestion, in which is comprehended Fermentation, Solution, Extraction and Putrefaction, or Distillation: which Preparations are not easily performed, and therefore so much rejected. There is required no small Labour and Diligence to the true Preparation of any good Medicine; but to find out Remedies which do exactly quadrate with the Symptoms of any one particular Distemper, is a work of extraordinary pains, study and scrutiny, and is to be endeavoured by none, but such as are resolute, fixed and indefatigable in diging in the secret Mines of Nature. 'Tis reasonable, that those who seek Gems and precious Minerals, should dig to find them; and what Jewel is comparable to a duly prepared Medicine, effectual in the Cure of any one Distemper? The several Remedies which I exhibit in a Phthisis or Consumption, are most refined and purified Medicines, which indeed were not obtained without much labour and industry. Now in the sequel of this Discourse, it cannot be expected I should divulge the Ingredients of which those particular Remedies are compounded, and the manner of their Preparations, they being Elixirs, Tinctures, Powders, Extracts, etc. adapted to every particular Symptom of this Malady, and not one particular Receipt or Medicine, as some have ignorantly conjectured. Yet, thus far I shall gratify the Reader, to acquaint him in what kind of Method I proceed in these cases; which Method I esteem most Dogmatic, and I am sure, it is most effectual and beneficial, how methodic soever the dull common Method may seem to those that dote upon it. I do likewise here declare, that the following Method hath cured several persons, when they have been given over by eminent Physicians, after they had used their utmost endeavours for their Recovery. I do also aver (that by God's blessing) where the Distemper hath not made too great a procedure, and so far vitiated the Functions of the Noble Parts, as to render the Parts themselves putrid, rotten and exulcerated; which doth not usually happen, till the Patient hath laboured a considerable time under this Malady, or perhaps received prejudice from the unprofitable and pernicious Medicines vulgarly exhibited; this Method will in a short time perfectly restore them: and if they come in the beginning, the expected Success will certainly ensue. To this purpose, as soon as I am sent for to a Patient languishing under this Distemper, or labouring under any particular Symptoms of it, I first inquire what Physicians he hath made use of, and what kind of Medicines he hath taken? I commonly find a whole train of Galenic Medicines upon the Table or Cupboards-head: I then adjure him, by his expected future health, to meddle with none of them, but to throw away all those stuffing Electuaries, Lohoches, Eclegms and Bolus' contained in the Galley-pots; and likewise whole Bottles of raw, cold, phlegmatic distilled Waters; also the thick, muddy, pectoral Decoction, and the stupefying Narcotic Pills or Potions, and all manner of crude indigested Drenches: for these are the only Medicines I ever find, where a Galenist had been tampering. I likewise forbid him the use of all salt Meats, all Food hard of Digestion; as Beef, Pork, Bacon, etc. and all crude Salads, Herbs and Roots; all Beer and Ale, unless now and then one small Draught to gratify him; all sorts of Wine, unless sometimes a Glass of good old Malago, qualified with the Yolk of a raw new laid Egg, which I allow but to some, in some particular cases. The Diet I prescribe him is Capons, Chickens, Veal, Lamb, Rabbits, Partridge, and such like easily concocted Flesh, but to be eaten in a small quantity once a day; at other time's Water-gruel, Milk-pottage, Rice-milk diluted with a proportionate quantity of Water, and such kind of Spoon-meat which is soon assimulated: and to gratify a Patient, we permit him to eat Jellies of Trotters, Calfs-feets, Hartshorn and Ivory, though they signify little in reference to strengthen or nourish, as is vulgarly credited. His common Drink is either Milk and Water boiled, or a Ptisan which we order for him to drink of constantly; if there be no looseness, a Glass of Mead now and then is safely permitted. As for the Therapeutic and Medicinal Part, if we find the Vesicles of the Lungs obstructed, which causeth difficulty of breathing, we then exhibit some Doses of a curious flesh-coloured Powder, dissolved in a fit Vehicle; which Powder is so penetrating, that it immediately opens those grand Obstructions and soon removes that-straitness of Breast, and Astmatic shortness of Breath, which very much afflicts the Patient: and to qualify that thin, salt, corroding Liquor, which creates a Catarrh, falling upon the Lungs, with a kind of tickling upon the Aspera Arteria and Larynx, and fretting the Lungs, we give a few drops of a Golden Tincture, mixed in an apposite and proper Vehicle; hereby that Juice or Liquor which is secerned by the Glandules of the Throat, and not distilled from the Brain, as the stubborn Galenist would have it, (the contrary being evidently demonstrated by some late ingenuous Writers) is qualified, and the Catarrh stopped: But if this hath already proceeded farther, and fixed upon the Lungs an inveterate Cough, very troublesome and painful; we then give several Doses of our grand Antiphthisic Elixir, which being constantly taken, according to order, methodically with other Medicines ordered for other Symptoms, will gradually abate the Cough, and give speedy ease to the Patient. For the Fever which usually attends a Phthisis, which is one grand and wasting Symptom, I prescribe an Antifebrile Essence or Extract, which soon quells that spurious Fermentation or Ebullition in the Blood, and consequently takes off that heat which afflicts the Body, and more especially predominates in the Palms of the Hands and Soles of the Feet. But when the Body is, by a continued accumulation of vicious Particles in the Blood and Juices, rendered lean, the Blood being fraught with them, becomes depauperate, and Nutrition hindered, the Members of the whole Body impoverished and emaciated; we then exhibit our grand Antiphthisic Elixir, with a penetrating white alkalisate Powder, and a restorative red transparent Liquor, of which we order the Patient to drink freely and frequently. By which Method, we seldom miss of the expected issue and success; for those male-figured Corpuseles are abforbed and licked up by our white Powder; all manner of Obstructions opened by our brisk sprightly Elixir; and Nourishment highly promoted and augmented by our restorative Liquor. If a Diarrhaea or looseness attend the other Symptoms, which oftentimes proves very dangerous, and quickly reduceth the Patient into a weak condition; we do not presently bung it up with binding restringent Medicines, which are commonly, but perniciously given; but we order such Medicines as immediately correct the sharp freting Humour, and the looseness ceaseth of itself; we use a sweetening or edulcorating Mixture, and a corrected red Powder. We have several other safe and effectual Medicines, appropriated to other smaller Symptoms and lesser Accidents, which occasionally happen in this Malady. But these being the most remarkable Symptoms, and the mentioned Medicines the strongest Hinges on which our Practice in this Distemper hangs; it is not now requisite to nominate the lesser Symptoms, or our less valuable Remedies. We shall therefore refer the Reader to our Observations, cited in the sequel of this Tract, for a more full Narration of our Method, and a Confirmation of the efficacy of our Medicines. But this I have in short to premise, in vindication of our Method, which is, that all our Medicines do more exactly answer the three grand Intentions of Physic, than any other Medicines in the World ever yet found out. The three grand Intentions are, to cure cito, tuto & jucunde, quickly, safely and pleasantly. As to the first, I can safely say, that whereas consumptive, Phthisic and emaciated Men and Women, have been kept under Cure a whole year, taking the cold, mortal Julebs, the insipid refrigerating Snail and Milk Waters, Medicines devoid of all Life, Spirit or Energy; and the puddle Water, or thick Pectoral Decoction, or clogging, stuffing, obstructing ●ohoch's and Electuaries. I say, when they have taken all manner of these kind of Slops that can be invented, and be continued a whole year in such a Method, without the least benefit or amendment; the very same persons have, by our Method and Energetic Medicines, been restored in less than one quarter of the time, to perfect Health● witness the subsequent Observations. As to the second grand Intention, I dare upon my oath avouch, that there is not one Medicine I use but what is so safe, that a Child of a month old may take it without any prejudice. And though they are pure, refined, volatile, etherial, subtle and penetrating Medicines; yet they are as innocent as Mother's Milk: and to satisfy the incredulity of any, I will at any time take twice the quantity myself, of any Medicine that I exhibit to any Patient. I likewise challenge the whole World to accuse me, of having ever given one Grain of Physic to any particular person, whereby there ensued any apparent prejudice. But that the trite common Method is dangerous and destructive to thousands, is a matter of no great difficulty to prove. As for the third Intention, I must needs declare, that no Medicines in the World can possibly be pleasanter, than those I mentioned. And although in the vulgar Method, such sulsom, nasty Medicines are prescribed, that the Patient loathes the very sight and smell of them, and by taking them, his Appetite is quite obtunded, and a continual nauseating and aversion to all Food and Physic too attends him; nay, besides vast quantities of filthy Potions which he is compelled to gusle down, and the bitter-sweet, maukish Electuaries, and strong-scented Pills which he is forced to swallow frequently, at the very thoughts of which, his Stomach riseth; yet besides all this, he must, and that by all means, have a foetid Issue running upon his Arm or Leg, whereby those Members, especially the Arm, are much weakened and emaciated, the Matter and Steam which reaks from it while dressing, is enough to give a Horse a vomit, the Arm or Leg in the mean time is galled, sore and inflamed; all which, if it would any way conduce to the Patient's recovery, might be dispensed with, but we never find any success attend these formal Prescription; only the Doctor resolves to prescribe something for his Fee, hit or miss; and thinks the most probable way to hit, is to imitate the common Vogue of Physicians: whereby likewise he shall show himself to be a Methodic and Dogmatic Physician, because his Bills forsooth upon the Apothecary's file, do exactly agree with the fashion and custom of other Prescribers, and so he passeth for an Able Man, a Man of excellent Judgement; when all this while what he prescribed is nothing but that which any one may read in Sennertus or Riverius' Praxis. Thus the Patient is to no purpose tormented, and that extensive, noble, and improvable Faculty of Physic is imagined to have arrived at its Ne plus ultra, and these rare Doctors have hoarded up every inch and scrap of it in their profound Noddles, witness their learned Bills in the Apothecary's Shops. But on the contrary, our Medicines are so pleasant and grateful to the Stomach, that never any Patient complained of them, neither do we ever prescribe those unprofitable, painful Issues and Seton's, &c. That which the next occurs to our Consideration and Enquiry before we relate our Practic Observations in Consumptions, is to examine the Cause of this Distemper; which if we a little explain, the manner of the Operation or our Medicines, will the better be understood. The immediate proxim Cause of those Affects which appear in Consumptions tending to Exulceration, saith Riverius, is a sharp eroding Humour flowing in upon the Lungs, or generated in them. The Renowned Franciscus De Le Boe Silvius in his Praxis Medicinae, tells us, That a Phthisis or Consumption proceeds from some Vitiated Lympha falling down upon the Aspera Arteria, and so in time Affecting the Lungs. Both which Opinions are much what the same, and though I am unwilling to thwart or oppugn the Sentiments of either of those worthy Authors, yet I shall endeavour to search more narrowly, and inquire whether the true original Cause of this Distemper may not more probably be somewhat yet unexplained by the above-cited Authors. I am apt to believe that the cause of the sharpness and eroding Quality of this Humour is yet in the dark, and consequently the true Cause of the Distemper as latent as before. It is an easy matter to say Pains in the Head, Belly, Limbs, and other Acute Dolours, proceed from a Humour, as Vulgar Physicians express it; but this is only to stop the Mouths of the Inquisitive Patient, when he inquireth after the Cause of his Malady. That which I have to offer to the perusal of the unbiased Reader concerning the Cause of the Disease we are discoursing of, is this: When God first made Man, he gave him Temperamentum ad Pondus, or such an exact Temperament, that his Body would have been perennial, and have remained as vigorous and sprightly to the extensive duration of perpetuity as it was at its first Creation, had he continued in that State, but when he by his folly had revolted from h●s Maker, he justly reduced him to a State of Mortality; not by immediately altering the Crasis or Constitution of his Body, but by mixing a variety of ill figured Particles inimical to the texture of a Humane Body, with that Air which he must necessarily receive into his Lung and Blood, and also with that Food from which he must expect his Sustenance; and thus these Particles find shelter in our Bodies, some of them being received from our Parents, and so hereditary; others afterward imbibed from the Air, and from our own Nutriment; these were some of the Effect, of God's Curse for our wilful Rebellion: It is from these Particles that our Juices are vitiated, the Vessels of our Bodies obstructed, its Organs impaired, the whole Crasis of the Microcosm reduced to an Ataxy, and the Genuine Functions of Nature diverted, and hereby a Thousand Maladies accost a Humane Body. For as there are several sorts of these Particles differing in Figure and Magnitude, some of which impregnate the Air at some Seasons in some places, and also inhabit some kinds of Diet; and other shaped Particles, either bigger or lesser ones, swim about in the fluid Air at other Seasons in other Places, and are multiplied in some other sorts of Food: So variety of Diseases are hereby created, the Symptoms differing according to the Number, Shape, and Motion of these several sorts of Particles, when they praedominate in the Humane Body. Thus from a great quantity of some Particles heterogeneous to the Particles of the Humane Blood, or to the several Pores which Nature hath form in the Body for Secretion, several great Disorders arise; when from few of the same, smaller Indispositions have their rise and origin; sharp pointed, pungent, crooked and hooky Particles vellicate the Membranes, cause Acute Pains, and are difficultly removed, while the smother ones glide about with more ease, and are sooner exterminated; some are bigger in magnitude, and apt to create Obstructions, especially when their shape is not adequate to the several pores of the Body destined for Secretion, and the small Ductus', some sticking and glutinous Particles of the Blood are linked in with them, and so great Obstructions made; while the lesser Corpuscles cannot so much injure the parts; likewise those that are violently agitated in the Blood cause greater Ebullitions, and consequently do more mischief, when those that are more dull and slow in Motion cannot hurry the Juices about with that velocity, and consequently not hurt so much: For instance, There are some Particles which often affect our Bodies which are Tetrahedic or Pyramidal in Figure, somewhat large in Magnitude, but slow in Motion; these we call Frigorific or Cold Particles: which when our Bodies are exposed to a great company of them, they sometimes enter the Pores of the Body, and join themselves with the serous or phlegmatic Particles of the Blood, and are then secerned by some of the Glandules, and thrown off by the Emunctories of the Body, either upon the palate into the Nostrils, or upon the Lungs, whence Catarrhs, Coryza's and Bronchus' do proceed. Sometimes the Particles quite close the Pores, hinder Perspiration, by not permitting Nature to expel other unwelcome Particles which were before in the Blood, and which she continually thrusts out that way; which Particles when penned in by their pricking Points, corroding Angles, or Velocity of Motion forthwith cause Inflammations; and end in Quinsies, Pleurisies, Reumatisms, Empyems, Fevers, or other Acute Maladies. That there are such Particles as these, and that Cold is no Negative, but a Positive Quality, is evidently enough demonstrated by Gassendus in his. Epicurean Philosophy, and by our own Countryman Dr. Charleton in his Philosophia Epicuro-Gassendo-Charletoniana, and likewise by the Honourable Robert Boil the Mirror of this Age for Learning and Sagacity: That these Particles do not always injure the Body by Obstructing the Pores, and hindering Perspiration, but likewise by entering the Body, and uniting themselves with the Serum or thinner part of the Blood, is manifest, because we often experience the Body to be injured by Cold, when only one part hath been exposed thereto, and the whole Body besides enjoy a free Perspiration; as for instance, let a Man put his Foot or any other Member into cold Water, where I am sure a good number of these Frigorific Particles float, especially in Winter, and continue it there for some, considerable space, and in the mean time let the other parts of his Body perspire, being kept as warm or warmer than at other times, yet he shall receive apparent prejudice from this Experiment. For either a Cough, Running at Nose, Hoarseness, or some other Symptoms, shall convince any one that he hath got a Cold, as the vulgar express it. There are other Particles of a choir differing Nature, viz. sphaeric or round in Figure, exile or small in Magnitude, and swift in Motion; these we call Calorific or Hot Particles. The chief Seminary of these Particles in Unctuous Matter, as Oils, Grease, Fat, and Sulphureous Things. That Hot and Cold Particles are the Seminaries of several Diseases is to me very demonstrable, but besides these there are certainly numerous forts of Particles of different Figures. Now this Hypothesis is so far from being a fois;ted Fiction of my own, that although it was never yet prosecuted with that strict scrutiny and diligence as it might deservedly have been, yet it is that which many of our later Authors drive at: For what reason can we give why one Distemper is Epidemic at one time, another at other Seasons? But because the Air at those Seasons is fraught with swarms of such contagious Particles as are the banes of those dire Pestilential Griefs, as our Exquisite Dr. Sydenham declares in his Learned Treatise of Acute Distempers. Mr. Boil also seems to be a Strenuous Abettor of the Doctrine of Particles in his Corpusculorian Philosophy; and the Famous Dr. Willis is a great Friend to this Hypothesis (though I must confess he favours the Doctrine of the Five Chymic Principles) in his Pharm. R●● or a Treatise of the Operation of Medicines upon Man's Body: Whence have Emetics, Diuretics, Diaphoretics, Cathartics, Hypnotics, etc. their various Effects upon the Body, but from their consisting of Particles of various Configurations? What occasions those cruciating pains in the Gout, but some of the more Austere Particles of Claret or pungent Corpulcles of some other ingested Matter sticking to the Nerves or Tendons, and so pricking their tender Fibres? The Phaenomena of many more Distempers might be thus solved. It is agreed upon by all our Modern and Ingenious Philosophers and Physicians, That all Smells are made by the small Effluviums of Bodies, and distinguished by their differing Figures whereby they affect the Olfactory or Smelling Nerves, and cause Sensation; See boil of Colours. That Colours arise from nothing but the different Reflection of Light, according to the Position and Configuration of the Particles that are visible on the superfice of Bodies affecting the Optic Nerves: That Tastes are discriminated by nothing but the differing shapes and figures of Particles in Meats and Drinks, and things offered to the Gust, and striking the Organs of Taste differing ways. Thus an Acid or Sour Taste proceeds from exceeding sharp Particles pricking upon the Nerves destined for Taste, as in Vinegar, the Austere Taste is when those Acid Particles are blunted and made more obtuse by the union of some grosser Terrestrial Particles with them; as in Claret, etc. It is also granted by some of our best Authors, that the Spirits, boil's Sceptical Chemist. Sulphurs, Salts, Phlegm, and Earth, extracted from Bodies, and received for Principles of mixed Bodies, were never praeoxstent in those Bodies from which they are extracted, but are only the Particles of Bodies artificially reduced to that form and fashion by the force of Fire: How do Pearl, Coral, Crabs Eyes and other Alkalis sweeten the Blood, as we commonly tell the Vulgar they do? not from any intrinsic dulcifying property in them, but by their absorbing and licking up those sour and unwholesome Particles mixed with the Blood and Juices; for we find by common Experiment, that an Alkali will unite itself with an Acid, and closing in with its hooks, it will obtund its sharpness and pungency; as may be seen by the mixing of Salt of Tartar with Spirit of Vitriol, and likewise if you Distil Coral, Pearl, Crabs Eyes, or almost any Alkali with the sourest Vinegar, it will utterly deprive it of allits sharpness, and make it an imsipid Liquor, merely by licking up the Acid Particles that gave it that sour Relish. Then if Colours, Tastes, Smells, and other supposed Qualities, which daily affect our Senses, if the Operation of Medicines on Humane Bodies, and the Cure of Distempers, be all performed by Particles of sundry shapes, who will deny that the Basis, Source, Fountain, and Minera of whatsoever Diseases at any time insult over the tightly fabricated Humane Body, is to be attributed solely to the differing Figures, Mixtures, Motions, and Magnitudes of Particles? From hence it is evident that since the Fall Man is continually obnoxious to some Distemper or other, and his Body never free from some or other of these unwelcome Particles; yet the most robust Constitutions, and those that are careful to secure their Health by forbearing those Meats that are most fraught with these Particles avoiding that Air that abounds with them, and preventing those External Accidents that may put them into violent Motions in the Body, I say these persons are less prejudiced by them than others. Thus the Distempers which accost the tender Bodies of Infants proceed from some Male-figured Particles affecting them; for Infants are no more secured from the Influx of such Corpuscles, than Bodies of greater bulk and maturity. The very Seed whereof Infants are generated, is not exempted from all manner of Heterogeneous Corpuscles, neither is that Liquor that nourisheth, the Foetus in the Womb abstracted from whatsoever Corruption; the Air, Food, and Body of the Mother imparting several of these contaminating Effluviums; and when the Embryo becomes a perfect Foetus, and extricates itself from the close confinement of its Mother's Womb, the number of those Particles is augmented, and these hereditary ones are soon visited and accompanied with adventitious ones; every mouthful of Air and drop of Sustenance contains in it some Seminals of future Maladies; unless either Nature by her own natural Evacuations, or else some of her Handmaids, Ministers or Auxiliaries, I mean Physicians, by proper, safe, and adapted Remedies, banish and expel them: For though Nature for the most part doth throw off these troublesome guests thro' her proper Emunctories with the Excrementitious Parts unfit for Nourishment; and this successively as fast as they enter the Body; yet oft times, especially in such delicate Bodies, Nature cannot but be too impotent to engage with them all; being frequently diverted by some external Accidents and Irregularities, from performing her expected Functions; hence several Heterogeneous Particles throng in upon the poor Babe, and affect it according to their Figures, Motions, etc. and if special care be not taken in applying fit Remedies, the Disease soon surpasseth the Skill of the ablest Physician to cure it. They Seminalities of all Diseases consisting in some kind of Particles, Consumptions must proceed from a particular sort, or perhaps more than one sort of Inimical Corpuscles affecting the Lungs, so that the prime and original Cause, which is nevertheless the immediate Cause of a Consumption, is here more than probably demonstrated; for that a Phthisis or Consumption proceeds from some Particles either Vitiating or Impeding some Functions of the Body is evident from the contagion and spreading Quality of the Disease, and from its being Endemic. There is no one Distemper belonging to Man's Body (the Plague, Pox, and Leprosy excepted) so contagious or catching as a Consumption; for we see oftentimes, if a healthful, lusty, vigorous Man marry a Consumptive Woman, he shall hardly live with her many years without some Symptoms of the same Distemper in his own Body: Nay if we will believe Credible Authors, the wearing the clothes of Consumptive Bodies, drinking after them, or sitting near them, and so drawing in some of their Breath, hath been the occasion of several persons falling into this lingering Malady; and which way this can be imagined to be done, unless the Doctrine of Particles be admitted, I cannot conjecture. This therefore (by the way) may caution us how indiscreetly those person's act, who permit young Children to lie with old or consumptive persons, and how dangerous and destructive it is to the Bodies of those tender Creatures. Those Morbific Particles which swarm in the Diseased Bodies of Consumptive Persons, wherewith their very Breath is contaminated, and which fly out thro' the Pores of the Body in perspiration, do enter the Bodies of those who do accompany them, and so create the same Effects in their new Tabernacles. What other Reason can be alleged why this Distemper should be more frequent and endemic in some Countries than in others, but because those Particles which occasion it, Dr. Sidenham De Morbis Acutis. nfluence some particular Climate more than others; being some malign Steams from the Earth or Sea, or else some Venomous Effluvia brought by the Wind from some remote parts of the World. 'Tis by these pernicious Particles that the Noble Ferment of the Stomach is depraved and turned into another spurious Ferment, and hereby the Foundation of the Distemper is first laid; for no sooner is this unparallelled Ferment of the Stomach vitiated, but the Nutritive Juice receives such different Alterations from what it should be, as that it is deprived of its Balsamic Nourishing Faculty: For the Chyle being vitiated in the Stomach, becomes the Seminary of this Disease, which being transmitted, thus corrupted and depraved, into the other Digestions, draws them likewise into consent, and so vitiates one Digestion after another until the Disease itself appears in its full dimensions and latitude of Symptoms. It is by these spurious Particles that the Succus Pancreaticus, or Pancreatic Juice, is also vitiated, which is another step to this Distemper; from hence likewise the Chyle becomes Crass and Viscid, and cannot pass thro' the Glandules of the Mesentery; which Glandules are by Nature instituted for Strainers to Se●●●● that Liqoor from its Feceses or Excrements: Hereby these Glandules become hard and knotty, as it is manifest in the Diffection of Bodies defunct of this Malady; so that now only the more thin and serous parts of the Chyle are transmitted into the Thoracic Dust, and thence to the Heart; hence the Blood in time must needs be depauperated for want of a supply of better Chyle, and hereby a Marasmus or Consumption must needs ensue. 'Tis from some of these Mortal Particles that all Rheums and Catarrhs have their origin, and that a continued Catarrh doth at last produce a Phthisis and Tabid Consumption is confirmed by the woeful Experience of Thousands, who at first slighting this small primary Symptom, it hath quickly terminated in a Cough difficult enough to Cure. That a Catarrh is created from the mixture of Frigorific or Cold Particles, which Particles are very destructive to Man's Health, is evident, because upon the taking of great Cold, a Rheum or Catarrh doth most usually ensue, as likewise a Cough and Hoarseness; this may caution us to endeavour to avoid Cold, as very destructive to Humane Sanity; for these cold Pyramidal little Bodies, mixing themselves with the more thin and serous parts of the Blood, are by the endeavours of Nature to free the Blood of what is Heterogeneous or Dissimular to it, thrown off upon the Glandules of the Throat; this falling upon the Larynx already alienated by the in jury of Cold, is sometimes turned into a copious Mucous Matter frequently expelled by Coughing▪ But if the Layrnx happen to be debilitated thro' a continual Defluxion thereof, than it falls upon the Lungs where it perverts the Alimentary Juice of that part, turns it into a putrelaginous corrupt Matter, which as wormed up by the force of Coughing, still increaseth as fast; so that at length fretting upon the spongy substance of the Lungs, it creates an Ulcer in the Lungs, and hereby renders the Distemper for ever Incurable. Hence we gather how dangerous a thing it is to neglect to seek a present Remedy for a Catarrh or Defluxion of Rheum, which being neglected, frequently throws the Patient ere he is aware into the profound Lake of a confirmed Tabes: We may likewise hence take notice how ridiculous the Opinion of the Galenists is concerning the Cause and Origin of a Catarrh, viz. That it proceeds from Vapours ascending from the Stomach, which being condensed by the coldness of the Brain, Distil thro' the small Channel of the palate down the Windpipe to the Lungs; for if we consult Anatomy, we shall find that the structure of those parts is such as can never admit of any Defluxion or Distillation of Rheum from the Brain, as is tightly manifested by that Eminent Physician Dr. Richard Lower in his Dissertatio de Origine Catarrhi, at the end of his Book, De Cord; besides we deny that Vapours arise from the Digestion of Meat in the Stomach, so as to reach the Brain; for as soon as the Stomach hath received its Food or Pabulum, it's upper Mouth or Orifice is immediately shut, and the Aesophagus closeth itself together, so that no Vapours can pass it. Innumerable are the Absurdities which attend this Opinion of Vapours; for than no sooner would the Meat and Drink be taken into the Stomach, but the heat and moisture would forthwith send up Vapours; we should thereupon be constantly troubled with Catarrhs; also the most sound, strong Stomaches, whose heat is lively, would certainly always breed Catarrhs, because of sending up most powerful Vapours from the Liquld Parts of Food: Also in Cold Winter, from the forcible injury of the cold Air working upon the Brain, and causing a cold Distemper there; we should never be kept free from a Catarrh: Not to say what a constant dropping would there be at the Pipe of the Alembick the Nose, enough to fill a Receiver in a little time, and to make every one go with one hung at his Nose. Also it would follow that all Defluxions of Rheums should have but one taste, and that insipid too, because Vapours, from whatsoever things they may ascend, yet when they are condensed, become Elementary simple Water: Whence therefore according to their Doctrine should the variety of Consistence and Tastes proceed; that one should be salt, another sharp and fretting; one thin, another more thick? So that this Doctrine of Vapours is on every side beset with Difficulties and Absurdities. I might now at large explicate how and which way these Particles, Enemies to Man's Body, do predominate over, and ofttimes conquer several noble Functions of the Body; but the necessity of contracting my Discourse within the limits of a brief Tract will not permit so great a Digression: The cause of this grand Evil being thus explicated, it follows that those Medicines are most rationally and dogmatically used, which consist of such Particles as are most contrary and opposite in Figure to those injurious Particles which are the bane of this grief; or such that are so figured as that they may absorb and swallow up the Morbific Particles by linking their Hooks with the Angels of the pernicious Particles. They must likewise be penetrating, otherwise they will not reach the Distemper, nor be nimble enough for their desired prey, but if a brisk penetrating Medicine, consisting of such shapes as are mentioned be exhibited, the Particles of this Medicine, will like so many little Ferretts pass into all the smaller Vessels and narrow Passages, and rout the Enemies out of their holes: Such as these are the Medicines which I have already mentioned. Having proceeded thus far, it might be expected I should treat more fully of the Secondary Causes of this Distemper, and likewise discourse of the particular Symptoms of it; as likewise the kinds and sorts of Consumptions, and their particular differences; also the Signs, both Diagnostic and Prognostic, but this being a Work besides our present Design, we shall refer our Reader to those Authors that have wrote concerning them, till leisure will permit me to write a more full and particular Discourse of this Malady; which perhaps I may hereafter do if God spare life and health. Therefore now to evince and demonstrate the truth and reality of what he have asserted concerning our Method of Curing this Distemper, and the effectual Virtue of our Medicines; I thought it necessary to publish these Observations, which are no Fictions of my own, I being able to produce sufficient Testimonies to assert the reality of every one of them, and will readily do it to satisfy any scrupulous or incredulous person. Observation the First. THe Case of Mr. Obrian being very Remarkable, and differing ways related, it will not he here amiss to give the Reader a faithful account of all the particular Circumstances of it, which was as follows: About the middle of April last, after I had Cured several persons of Consumptions, two of which had some Relation to the Court, His Majesty came to be informed of this my success by His Royal Highness, who had first had Intimation of it; whereupon his Majesty being immediately willing to satisfy his Royal Curiosity in this thing, Ordered me to attend the Court, and desired that Worthy and Deserving Gentleman Colonel Oglethorp (than altogether a Stranger to me, though since my very good Friend) to find out some person about the Court in a deep Consumption, for me to make an Experiment upon; whereupon after some search the Colonel heard of Mr. Kennedy Obrian a Gentleman of the Guards, who had been languishing above a year, in no Capacity of performing his Duty, and was never expected to be seen upon the Guards again; being so impotent and infirm, that he could hardly stand or walk; extremely wasted and emaciated, perplexed with an inveterate Cough, and a constant Tickling Rheum, a continual Wheazing and Shortness of Breath; and cold, faint, frequent Sweats, with a burning Fever attending all these Symptoms; his Urine was high Coloured, without any Sediment, he constantly complained of a great straitness and oppression at his Breast: While in this Condition he had consulted three Physicians successively one after another, but received no apparent Relief or Benefit; in these direful Circumstances, and while attended with all these discouraging Symptoms, he was brought before the King, his Majesty examined his Condition, and was soon satisfied that his Distemper was a deep Consumption which Distemper was then legible enough in his Looks and Countenance. I being then present, was ordered by his Majesty to undertake him, and to endeavour his Cure; the Nobility that were there looking upon him as a Dying Man, and deeming it utterly impossible, I should ever recover him, admired at my readiness to undertake him; and some of them dissuaded me from venturing my own Credit in undertaking a person so probably irrecoverable; however, though in deed I could not but be doubtful of his Cure, his Condition being so apparently desperate, yet because His Majesty was so graciousin condescending to take notice of me, and had ordered the Patient to be brought to Whitehall on purpose to gratify his Royal Pleasure, I thought I could ●ot refuse to undertake him; besides His Majesties Command obliged me at least to endeavour his Cure: and hereupon I resolved to do my utmost: I than took him home with me to my House in the Country; and the first thing I prescribed him was our Antifebrile Extract, mixed with some of our White. Alkalizate Powder, and made up into Pills, because he chose to take it in that Form; of these he took Six Night and Morning, whereby his Fever, which is called the Hectic, in three days time very much abated; I still continued to exhibit the same Medicine, because I found his Strength and Spirits were most wasted by the continuance of this Fever; and because I hoped when this troublesome Symptom was removed, the others would yield with less Reluctancy; in a Weeks time his Fever was quite gone, his Temper appearing to be as moderate as a healthful Man's; by this I was encouraged to hope his other Symptoms would shortly disappear as well as this; to which end I prescribed him every Night some drops of our Grand Antiphthisic Elixir in a proper Vehicle: likewise ordered him every Morning a Glass of good old Malago with a new laid Egg, without any suspicion that this would occasion a return of his Fever, this Fever not proceeding originally from heat, or the taking of hot things, but from the mixture of some putrid Particles with the Blood, whereby a spurious Fermentation or Ebulition of that Crimson Liquor is created; the Diet I assigned him was Chickens, Rabits, Veal, Lamb, and Meats of easy Digestion; his ordinary Drink was our Restorative Liquor, now and then allowing him a Glass of Ale; by this means I perceived he gathered strength, for by the help of our Grand Elixir his Cough gradually decreased, and the Tickling left him; his Muscles now began to plump, and Calves of his Legs to rise, and he was supplied with a continual addition both of Strength and Flesh every day: The shortness of his Breath, and straitness of his Breast was now hardly perceivable. To finish and perfect this Cure, I prescribed him Three Doses of our White Alkalizate Powder every day, to be taken dissolved in a Glass of our Restorative Liquor; hereby the residue of those malign Particles, which remained in his Body, were absorbed and licked up; he continued ten days to take these Powders. So that in five Weeks by the Blessing of Almighty God he was perfectly restored to his former health; he was now able to walk and run, jump and ride, and was fit for any kind of Exercise; in so much that all that saw him admired at this so great and so sudden Alteration; he being thus restored beyond expectation. I first brought him to Colonel Oglethorp's House, who not a little surprised, rejoiced at his, speedy Recovery: We then, went to Windsor (the Court being then there) to persent him to the King, and to prevent suspicion that he was only patched and not perfectly Cured, the Colonel resolved to make this Experiment, he walked a Mile or two in the Park at Windsor, as fast as he could well go, after that to the Ferry, to wait on the Duke of York, who was then going to London, designing to take Coach on the other side the Water; from the Ferry the Colonel sent Mr. Obrian to the Castle on a Message for the Duke; pretending great haste, Mr Obrian being ignorant of the Design, and imagining the business to be of extraordinary moment and consequence, did run very swiftly to the Castle, and back to the Ferry without resting, which is computed two long Miles; immediately after this, he was presented to the King in his Majesty's Bedchamber, his Majesty being then not perfectly recovered from a Fit of Illness; the Colonel did there acquaint his Majesty what Method he had taken to try whether be was sound; and his Majesty did hereupon declare himself fully satisfied, and in several kind Expressions did manifest his Royal Favour to me. 'Tis now half a year since Mr. Obrian was Cured, and he still continues in perfect Health, and performs his Duty upon the Guards, though some have maliciously reported, he afterwards relapsed and died; which is so contrary to all appearance of Truth, that he hath hardly been indisposed since, though he lost a Considerable Quantity of Blood, not long ago by a Wound which he received in a Quarrel. He is likewise ready to testify the Truth of what I have here Related; and not only he, but Hundreds that were Eye-witnesses of his deplorable and desperate Condition when I first undertook him. Thus I have concisely Related the whole Story. Observation the Second. THe next Case which I design to relate, is a Cure very lately performed upon a Person of Quality at Paris. On the 15th of September last I was sent for to Paris to visit a Person of Quality there; and though I was somewhat averse to the thoughts of so tedious a Journey, and unwilling to leave my Patients here for so long a time, yet the urgent persuasions of a Person in England, whom I esteem and honour, together with the promise of a very considerable Reward, prevailed with me to go: the Person I went to was about five and thirty years of Age, a Man of a Melancholy Complexion, who had about two years ago been visited with a Quartan Ague, for which he made use of various Remedies to no purpose, only now and then upon taking a good Quantity of the Pulvis Patrum or Jesuits Powder, he would miss three or four Fits, but it always returned, and that more violently than before; at last he being weary with tampering, resolved to let it have its Course; and take nothing more to prevent it: thus his Ague continued to afflict him every third day, till a full Year and a Quarter, from the time that it first accosted him, was expired, and then it went off of itself. But in this time his Juices were so vitiated and his Blood reduced to that degree of Sourness, that a worse Distemper succeeds his Ague; for now Myriad of unwholesome Particles are accumulated in his Body, whole Troops of Malign Corpuscles are now concatenated and linked together in every Vein, Artery; and Nerve; whereby he became extremely debilitated: and that which indeed much contributed to, and was no doubt one great occasion, of this vitiated Crasis and habit of Body (besides his Ague) was his excess of drinking, which he had accustomed himself, to, both before and at the beginning of his Ague. He found now an ugly Cough increase upon his Lungs, with a constant faintness and Decay of Spirits: and whereas he was wont to be cheerful, and easy on his intermitting Days, during the Continuance of his Ague, he is now constantly uneasy; his Appetite to his Food is quite obtunded, and a sensible decay of flesh daily atttends him; he was likewise Afflicted with a Looseness, which sometimes was very Immoderate, he made abundance of Water, and had a Diabetes upon him for 10 Weeks before I came to him; he perceived himself very Hot, especially in an Evening, about the Hands and Feet. He spit very much, which was sometimes yellowish and discoloured; he had frequent Sweatings, especially towards Morning, which much wasted and debilitated him; these Sweatings were occasioned by nothing but the strenous endeavours of Nature, to thrust forth (her Enemies) those Venomous Particles thro' her Sluices the Pores of the Body: so a Diabetes or Profuse Pissing, that often happens in this Distemper, is occasioned by Nature's endeavour to expel those Morbific Particles thro' her Floodgates the Reins; so likewise a Diarrhea or Looseness is the striving of Nature to wash them away by the Latex or Serum, and send them forth thro' the Guts. He had made use of several Eminent Physicians of Paris, who had frequent Consultations about him, but from all their Remedies he obtained no Relief what they had exhibited I know not, he having nothing left by him but an Aromatic Electuary and the Relics of a Linctus of Oil of Almonds, mixed with some Pectoral Syrup. In these Circumstances I found him languishing at his Countryhouse, whither he had retired for the benefit of the Air, though he received but small relief by it: I resolved to take what course I thought might be most speedy and expeditious for his Recovery, the time I had to stay with him being very short, my business at London in the mean time being neglected, and I having promised a sudden return to several Patients there. I therefore first prescribed him our Golden Tincture, of which I gave him once in twelve hours a considerable Dose in a Glass of our Restorative Liquor I likewise gave him Four Doses of our Restorative Flesh-coloured Powder every day, and once in three days I ordered a Dose of our Red Powder for his Looseness; in five days his Sweatings and Diabetes cease, in eight days his Looseness left him, and his Fever vanquished; then instead of the Powders I prescribed two Doses of our Grand Elixir every day, and a Pint of a nourishing and strengthening Jelly (not of Trotters or Calves Feet) every Morning: His constant Drink was our Red Liquor, and sometimes a Draught of Goat's Milk was allowed him, his Strength now excreased, and his Appetite became sharp, his Blood and Juices were renewed, and laudable: After this I precribed a Balsamic Pectoral Essence, and an Aetherial Tincture; all which Medicines answered my Intentions exactly, and were exhibited with greater success than I ever expected: for in eight days after I came to him, he was very brisk and cheerful, finding himself in much ease; he went then with me in his Coach to the City of Paris, conveyed me to the University, where several Ingenuous Scholars expressed their joy at the hopes of his Recovery, and were every amicable and courteous to me: from thence he conducted me to the House of a Nobleman, where several of his Friends and Relations met him, and were not a little elevated at the great presumption and strong confidence they had of his future Health, seeing him in so fair a prospect: In three or four days after this, he went with me from Paris to Versaile, and honoured me so far, as to show me the Splendour and Glory of the King's Palace. Some few days after this he was able to Hunt, and found himself more refreshed than tired with the moderate Exercise of Riding. I had not been quite a Month with him, but he was to all apprearance perfectly recovered, having not one bad Symptom upon him; and since my return to London, by a Letter from his own hand I am informed of the continuance of his Health. Thus I have briefly related this Case, and the reason why I inserted it in this place, there being several o their Cures hereafter mentioned which in the order of time preceded this, is because this came more fresh to my Memory while scribbling; neither is it a matter of any moment, to be so unnecessarily curious or exactly methodic, as to pen these Cures down in that Order which they were performed in. Observation the Third. THe next memorable Case that occurs, Is of a Gentleman in Leicester Fields, who by an intemperate Course of Life, and immoderate Drinking, fell into a deep Consumption; a few Weeks ago, he sent for me from my Lodgings in the Pall Mall. I found him very low and weak, having been confined to his Bed for above three Months, and having a very sore Cough, with no small Fever, spitting an extraordinary quantity of fetid yellow Matter, at least a pint every Night; besides this he had profuse Sweatings, with an excessive Looseness; by all which Mortal Symptoms he was reduced to a mere Skeleton, only his Bones were wrapped in skin; he had not strength to sit upright in his Bed, nay he was so feeble that he could not turn himself; before I came he had advised with three Galenic Physicians (one of which was my grand Enemy and Backbiter) who after several Consultations, prescribed variety of Medicines, as I perceived by the Apothecary's Shop upon the Table in the Chamber; there being all sorts of Nauseous Mixtures, Syrups, and strong Electuaries, with which the Nurse was ordered to cram him, almost every moment: But at last these Physicians finding their Remedies ineffectual (as who could imagine they would prove otherwise) were forced to leave him, and passing sentence upon him, they gave him over; likewise limiting his time, they said it was impossible he should live above three days. I finding him in this Condition, had likewise no hopes of doing him good, judging him in no probability of living many days. I therefore refused to meddle with him, acquainting his Friends and Relations that I deemed his Case very desperate; but yet no denial would satisfy their urgent desires of my undertaking him, earnestly beseeching and entreating me, protesting by all that was sacred and dear to them, that they would abundantly gratify me whether he lived or died, if I would but prescribe something for him, and only try my Skill upon him; he himself likewise was restless till he saw me, and was possessed with so strong a fancy I should do him good, that no Arguments could dissuade him from that his settled Opinion: I alleged that my undertaking would be a voluntary throwing of my own Reputation at the Stake, and if he should die under my hands, which in all probability he would do, it would prove so great a Reflection upon me, that my Enemies would hereby have some ground to Censure and Backbite me; but at last the constant urgency of their desires, and the commiseration I had to his Condition, over-balanced this my Objection, grounded on nothing but my own Interest: I ventured to give him a Dose of a very safe Restorative Medicine, though I expected little or no success; the Neighbouring Apothecary who had compounded the Medicines according to the Prescriptions of the former Physicians, hearing that I had exhibited something to him, very pleasantly laughed at and derided me, because I prescribed for him after such able Physicians (which in his Apprehension were little god-a-mighties) had given him over. This Apothecary having no small spleen against me, because I prescribed to my own Apothecary, presently run to his adored Doctor, one that constantly prescribed to his Shop, and told him I had been there, and ordered something for him that night. Whereupon the Doctor, as I am credibly informed, expressed no small joy, not doubting but he should now have advantage enough against me, heartily wishing (as it is easy to conjecture by these Circumstances) that the Patient would die under my hands: But it seems the event proved otherwise; for the next Morning a Messenger came to my House at Brumpton, desiring me to hasten to him, and that he longed to see me. When I came, I found him strangely revived, whereat all his Relations were exhilerated and elevated with joy above measure or expression; this encouraged me to proceed in prescribing for him, I repeated a Dose of the same Medicine the next Night, which indeed was nothing but a Mixture of our Grand Elixir, and some drops of our Golden Tincture in a Glass of our Restorartive Liquor; the next day I found him still better, to the confirmation of our joy, and no small discontent of my Enemies, especially the Censorious Doctor and Pragmatic Apothecary, who were continually listening and enquiring concerning our success. I now ordered him to drink freely of our Restorative Liquor, which being a very pleasant Drink, much pleased him; of this he drank a Quart or three Pints every day: I continued him in this Method for three Weeks, in which time he gradually gathered strength, though but slowly, yet in a Month's time he was able to rise and walk about his Chamber; his Sweatings continued still in some measure, and his Looseness was not gone. I than ordered him our altering Red Powder, and another pleasant Qualifying Medicine, which quite took off the cause of his Looseness in ten days; his Sweatings also ceased. All this while his Cough troubled him, though not with that vehemence which it did before; it being much easier and his spitting not so abundant, I now prescribed a dose of our Golden Tincture to be taken every four or five hours in the Restorative Drink. In eight or nine Weeks after I first undertook him, he being able to ride, came to my House to see me, and can now both walk and ride about his occasions; having an indifferent habit of Body, though he will never be perfectly cured, there being an Ulcer in his Lungs, which by reason of the constant motion of that part in respiration is rendered incurable; yet by the help of our Medicines he may probably live several years. He still continues in a Method of Physic under my hands, and I believe will so do to his dying day, so that I can not boast of this as a perfect Cure, yet I thought it necessary to relate it, it being as undeniable an argument to evince the true virtue and efficacy of our Antiphthisic Medicines, that they will patch, preserve, and in some measure restore a Man, when reduced to a Condition beyond all hope, as well as perfectly restore those that make use of them in the beginning of this Malady; yet I must needs here confess that this Gentleman was in the worst Circumstances of any Patient I ever undertook that lived. If any question the truth of this Relation, upon their desire I will show them the Gentleman, who with all his Relations, Friends, and Acquaintance, will attest the verity of what I have here faithfully related. Observation the Fourth. A Gentleman's Son in the City of London, about Ten years of Age, of a Melancholy Complexion, Mr. John Etherson an Attorney in Sithes-lane. and thin Habit of Body, Weak and Infirm from his very Cradle, having been sensibly Consumptive about three Years, had an extreme Cough, and was much emaciated; but his Parents consulting a very eminent Physician a near Relation, Dr. Demon in Covent Garden. who advising him Change of Air, and some particular Remedies, did in a great measure restore him; but he afterwards returning to London relapsed, and his Distemper seized him more violently than before; the same Worthy and Ingenious Physician was again Consulted, who prescribed for him the same Remedies which formerly reneved him with the change of Air, but the expected success did not ensue; for his Cough increased daily, insomuch that at last his Fits of Coughing were so frequent and violent, that he had hardly respite to recover his Breath, but was black in the Face, and almost strangled several times in an hour; yea at last such was his Condition, that whatsoever he had eaten or drank for almost three Weeks time, was forced up again by the Motion of Coughing; he spit abundance of White Viscid Elegm, which was very troublesome to him, by reason it was tough and roapy; he had a continual slow Fever, frequent Sweats, his Spirits were very low; in fine, he was much debilitated and emaciated: the mentioned Physician, whose Learning I honour, whose Person and Works I much esteem and value, was so Ingenious as to tell his Parents, he thought his Distemper to have got so great an Empire over his Body, as that it could not be routed; at least, by any Remedies that he knew of or had experienced. His Relations were much discouraged when the Doctor gave him over; but the tender Affections they beared towards him, made them still inquisitive after some means, either to prolong his Life, or recover him: hereupon they resove●d to leave no Stone unturned in pursuit of such a Design. It happened ●●out his time that the Cure of Mr. Obrian was just perfected, the rumour of which, in a few days after I had presented him to the King, came to their Ears; at which they did not a little rejoice, and with all expedition went to my Lodgings to inquire for me; but I was then in Devonshire, being called to a Person of Quality in that Country, who then laboured under the same Circumstances; but my stay was not long there, for leaving my Apothecary with him to administer what I prescribed; I came post to London; after I had been two Nights with him, at my return to London, they brought the Child to me in the Condition and Circumstances already mentioned; the Mother with Pathetic Expressions of her Affection to him, and with Tears in her Eyes, related to me how his Distemper gradually came upon him, and what means had been administered; beseeching me to take all possible care of her Jewel (for so she called him) and to use all imaginable endeavours for his speedy recovery; which I promising to do, advised them to take Lodgings for him somewhere near my House, both by reason of the Air, and because I might see him often; he was accordingly placed at little Chelsey, where I attended him, and administered what I thought most requisite: The first thing I prescribed for him was a Doses of an Essential Balsamic Extract, which he took Night and Morning in the form of a Bolus for five days together, which soon gave him much relief, in abating the violence of his Cough; after this I ordered him three Doses of our White Alkalisate Powder every day in a Draught of our Red Restorative Liquor, and now and then a Dose of our Grand Elixir, in an appropriated Vehicle; also some few Grains of an Antifebrile Medicine dissolved in an apt Menstruum: His Fever by this means was gradually removed, he now began to Eat and Drink with some kind of Appetite, and what was ingested stayed with him; his strength increased, and a better habit of Body attended him; after this I ordered a Mixture, compounded of a rich Balsamic Tincture, Restorative Powders, and several sorts of Distilled Waters, of which Mixture he drank freely every day: by all which Remedies in five or six Weeks time his Cough was quite removed, his Fever vanished, his Appetite was sharpened, Digestion facilitated, all the Concoctions meliorated, his Strength and Flesh increased: In short, he now possessed a better State of Health than he had enjoyed before for many years: I than restored him to his Parents perfectly recovered, to their exceeding joy and comfort, and he still remains vigorous and lusty at a School in Hertford-shire; and whoever doubts of the truth of what is here exposed to public view, may if they please inform themselves by Enquiry. Observation the Fifth. A Housekeeper in Arundel Buildings in the Strand, of about Forty years of Age, of a Phlegmatic Temparament and Gross Habit of Body, complained a long tome of a troublesome Stoppage at his Breast, which afterwards terminated in an inveterate Cough and an Astmatic Wheazing; he perceived constantly a Tickling Rheum fall upon his Lungs, hereby he was rendered feeble and unfit for business; in the Night he was always restless by reason of his Cough. Besides these Symptoms, he every day, for some years together, voided a considerable number of strange Worms when he went to Stool, for which he had taken several things, but nothing proved effectual to destroy them; they were about an inch and an half long, their colour was white and glistering, they would contract and shoot forth their Bodies with much Agility as soon as he voided them, but in a little time they died: Thousands of these Animals came from his Bowels; which Worms I conjecture were generated of the same putrid Particles that occasioned the other Symptoms: In this condition, he came to consult me at my House at Brumpton; I first prescribed him our Grand Elixir, and our Flesh-coloured-Powder, which Medicines alone in three Weeks time perfectly freed him from his Cough, straitness of Breast, shortness of Breath, and Wheazing; his Worms likewise came from him dead in great numbers; after this, to exterminate and destroy these Infects, I ordered him a Brown Powder, two Doses of which he took every day, and likewise a particular Mixture every Night, which within one Weed totally destroyed the very Seed of these Vermin. Finally, because his Body was somewhat foul and gross, I ordered him a gentle Emetico-Cathartic Powder, which scoured him both upwards and downwards, and cleared him of all sorts of malign Morbific Particles; so that he now enjoys a good measure of Health, free from all the abobe-cited Maladies. Observation the Sixth. THe next memorable obvious Case which I design to relate, Is of a poor Herdsman in France. I being at the House of a person of Quality near Paris, and the noise of my success there, striking the Ears of the Vulgar about the Neighbourhood; a Farmer's Wife came and begged me to go with her to see a poor Man at her House, whom they all judged dying: I yielded to her entreaties, and went with her, but when I came to the House, I was denied entrance into the Room where the Sick-man lay, there being two Father Confessors with him. I heard them whisper together a great while, and looking through the Crack of the Door, I saw one of them with a Dish of Cold Water in his hand, sprinkle the Face and Body and Hands of the Sick Person; at last I heard one of them say to him in Latin these words, Deus te absolvat, & ego te absolvo: Let God absolve thee, and I absolve thee. I had now waited above an hour with much patience, and when I heard the Absolution pronounced I thought they had done, but they still continued with him; at which I told the people of the House the Man's Condition being in all probability desperate, that their so long continuance with him might prevent the applying of such Remedies as at that instant were necessary, and so consequently occasion his death: whereupon I with some violence thrust open the Door, and with some boldness, in Latin told these Capuchin Fathers, That instead of saving him, they took the readiest course to ruin him. They hereupon immediately left their Devotion, but told me, He was a dead man, 'twas in vain to meddle with him. The Condition I found him in was this, He having accustomed himself to lie upon the ground to watch Cattle, hereby took an extraordinary Cold, the Frigorific Particles from the damp Earth penetrating his Skin, and mixing themselves with his Blood and Juices, occasioned these dire Affects; for the endeavour of Nature to expel these numerous unwelcome Guests, was brought upon him a great Looseness and Vomiting, a tedious Cough, attended with a desperate Peri-Pneumonià, which is an Inflammation of the Lungs; insomuch that thro' the violence of the Cough, the constancy of straining to Vomit, and the acuteness of the Inflammation, he was often almost strangled; they had let him Blood twice, which gave him some ease for the present; but the same Symptoms returned more impetuously in some hours after Bleeding. When I came to him his strength was almost spent, his Pulse very unequal, sometimes scarce perceivable; the pain of his Breast intolerable, his Breath so short, that those that saw him panting, judged him departing; his straining to Vomit continued almost without ceasing: Considering all these Circumstances, I expected not his life, but being willing to endeavour to ease him, I ordered a large Cupping Glass to be immediately applied to the pit of his Stomach, which no sooner was it fastened, but it kept down his Stomach, and so stopped that Motion to Vomit: I ordered him half a score Glisters of nothing but Chicken Broth to be injected one after another, so that as soon as one came away, another was given him; hereby these pungent Particles in the Guts which created his Looseness, were diluted and washed away, and his Looseness then ceased; I likewise ordered him a Powder, which I successfully use in Peri-pneumonia's Pleurisies, Quinsies, and such like Imflamations; continuing all this time the Cucurbitula at his Stomach; all these Remedies succeeded beyond expectation, for his Looseness being taken away by the Glisters, his Vomiting by the Cupping Glass, and his Inflammation by the Powder, he was now in great Ease, though very weak and saint: I now prescribed a Cordial Mixture to refresh him, and a Dose of our Grand Elixir, of which I happened to have a little Glass in my pocket, and so left him; the next day I found him much cheered and revived, his Cough was very easy which before was painful, and he spit a great quantity of thick digested Matter with much pleasure. I ordered him to take more of our Elixir, and prescribed another Mixture for him, and so left him in a very hopeful way of Recovery; and though in two days after this, I came from thence for England, yet I do not much question but by this time he is perfectly recovered. Observation the Seventh. THis puts me in mind of one more Observation upon a Tradesman's Wife at Paris. She was about Fifty years of Age; had been long troubled with an Astma and extreme Shortness of Breath, with a gradual falling away of her flesh; these Astmatic Paroxisms came upon her three or four times every day, in which Fish coughed so extremely, that her Face and Hands were rendered black; I gave her a little Glass of our Grand Elixir, and a few Doses of a curious Preparation of Sulphur, ordering her to take twenty Drops of the Elixir every Night in a Glass of warm Milk, and a Dose of the other Preparation every Morning in a little Marmalade; and though I stay there but five days after I had given her these things, yet the day before I departed, she sent me a Gratuity, acquainting me that she had not had one Fit of Coughing since the first Dose she took: and that her Breath was strangely relieved: I ordered her to continue in the same Method, and I hope by this time those perplexing Symptoms have quite left her. A young Virgin likewise at Paris almost in the same condition, was relieved by the same Medicines. Observation the Eighth. A Gentleman at Westminster a bout 36 years a Age, of a Choleric Complexion and lean Habit of Body, had been long troubled with a Looseness and faint Sweatings, was constantly hot and feverish, he had little or no Cough, but was much wasted and weakened; he came to me, and desired my Assistance in order to his Recovery, upon which Request I ordered him to take a Dose of our Antifrebile extract thrice a day in about six spoonfuls of an altering Mixture; by which Medicines alone in twenty days time his Fever was wholly taken off, his Looseness stayed, and his faint Sweats ceased; he is now become Strenuous and Robust, and enjoys his former Sanity. Observation the Ninth. A Person in Covent Garden of a Choleric Complexion, about 30 years of Age had for several years been de-clining in a Consumption, and was at last reduced to little more than Skin and Bones; he spit great quantities of fetid yellow Matter, and coughed almost perpetually, being very disconsolate about his Condition, and having tried several Physicians to no purpose; he at last came to me, beseeching me to undertake him; he told me he had taken several sorts of Syrrups, Lohoches, Eclegms, Balsams, and Electuaries, but received not the least benefit from any of them. I told him I expected not to cure him, because the Matter he spit being fetid, argued an Ulcer in his Lungs, but I would endeavour to give him ease, and preserve his life; to which end I prescribed him a Correborating Confection of a Scarlet Colour; I likewise ordered him sixteen drops of our Grand Elixir every Night; and by this means in five Weeks time, he was reduced to a good Habit of Body; his Cough was much mended, and that which he spit not so discoloured; he now became brisk and cheerful, and is at this time in a probable way of living many years, though I cannot say sound or recovered. Observation the Tenth. A Tradesman at Lewis in Sussex having Married a Consumptive Wife; Mr. John Warts Linen Draper. after he had lived some few years with her, fell into the same Distemper; she having consulted all the Physicians in those parts without any success, at last yielded to the dire Symptoms of that Malady, and departed this Life; her surviving Husband, not withstanding his being now freed from the Conversation of her, whose Contagigious Body gave him the Infection, still declined: he advised with an Eminent and Learned Physician in that Town, Dr. Benjamin White. and likewise with an illiterate Pretender there; Mr. H. P. but found no Apparent Relief from the Prescriptions of either; at last they both gave him over, and he himself expected nothing but his last Enemy to seize him; his Circumstances were such, that his Strength failed him, his Sleep had left him, his Cough perplexed him, faint Sweats frequently attended him, his Voice was very hoarse, and his Breast sore and straitened; his Breath exceeding short, his Flesh quite wasted, his Countenance an exact Fancies Hippocratica, so that indeed he was hardly a Breathing Ghost, and far enough from a walking Spectrum, being scarce able to stand: He being in this Condition about two year ago sent for me to see him, an Empiric in the Town, that had been tampering with him, hearing of it, declared, That if I ever set him upon his Legs (to use his Expression) he would forfeit his whole Study of Books, which he said cost him Ten Pounds; but how the Medicaster was out in his Prognostic's, the sequel of this Observation will manifest; for the first Dose that I ordered him, put a stop to all those dreadful Symptoms that before seemed to be the immediate Messengers of Death and the Scene was now wholly inverted, for the next Morning I found him cheerful and pleasant, who before was pining and dejected. His Relations were now filled with hopes and presumption of his life; who before had dispairingly resigned him▪ I proceeded in prescribing the same Dose for him the next Night, and accordingly the ensuing Morning I found him still more revived and strengthened; I now ordered him a Suffi●us compounded of several Engredients in a gross Powder, a little of which I ordered to be strewed upon a Chafing Dish of live Coals, and with a Funnel I ordered him to receive the Balsamic Fume or Smoke that ascended, into his Lungs with his Breath, covering the Coals with the great end of the Funnel, and holding the little end in his Mouth, and so by Inspiration draw in, and receive those wholesome healing Particles: I ordered him the use of this twice a day, from which he soon found sensible benefit; I likewise ordered him a sort of small Ale to be brewed with several Ingredients, and a Pectoral Balsamic Mixture: By the frequent use of which Remedies, I had so far patched him in one Month, that I might have lawfully challenged the Ten Pound Library; I should then have been furnished with Culpeppers English Dispensatory, his Midwife, his Legacy, his Translation of Riverius, and perhaps his Translation of Veslmgius' Anatomy; I should likewise have had Salmon's English Dispensatory, his Synopsis, and his Doron Medicum, and almost a hundred more English Receipt Books, out of which I might have picked Recipes enough to cure all the Horses in England▪ For now the Patient had gained such a measure of Strength, that he was able to walk about the Town, and ride three or four Miles at at time; his Cough was much mitigated, his Breath lengthened, and his Breast eased; his Muscles plumped and enlarged, his Rest and Sleep composed, his Appetite sharpened: Himself and Relations not a little transposed with joy and hopes. I still ordered him Medicines of the same Nature, in which method he persisted a Week or two longer, and then found himself so invigorated, that he thought it needless to take any thing more, and therefore desired me to desist; hereupon because he might not suspect that my Design in continuing him in that course and method, was to squeeze his Pocket, as many Patients are apt to mistrust their Physicians of such a design, I accordingly desisted; and though I knew there was an absolute necessity of his persisting in this course and method, his Lungs being putrified and exulcerated, required constant and continual patching; yet such was my temper, that I hated to expose myself to the censure of such base pecuniary Intentions: But in five Weeks after this, that which I foresaw and expected, happened; for by his riding upon those Downs, and walking out in the cool Evenings, such Bodies being very obnoxious to the injury of Cold; he relapsed, and all the former Symptoms returned: I was now again sent for, and entreated to use my skill and endeavour to restore him; to which purpose I repeated the former Remedies with some small alterations, which again so far recovered him, as to enable him to walk abroad or ride as before: But still the Purse being disgusted, grumbled at parting with Fees, and paying the Apothecary's Bills, so that the Patient being possessed that he should do very well without the constant use of those Restoratives which before kept him alive, dismissed me a second time, and instead of living according to prescription, nothing would please his palate but Salt Beef, Pork, Red Herrings, Neat's Tongues, Bacon, Cabbage, and the most unwholesome Food he could invent, he always fancied; particularly one Night he Invited some of his Relations to Supper with him, when sitting up very late, he crammed his Stomach with a large quantity of Salt Roast Beef, where with his Blood was immediately surfeited, and the next Morning a high Fever inflamed his whole Body, and now all the cited Symptoms return with impetuous violence. I was now a third time sent for, but too late; for when I came I found him panting upon the Bed, unable to stir or speak: I ordered him a high Restorative Cordial, but all in vain, so that in a few hours, his Breath being so extreme short, and his Spirits and Strength quite exhausted, he died; his Relations were all satisfied that his days were shortened by his own neglect. From the time of my coming to him to the time of his Death, it was a whole year; all which time he was kept alive merely by Art, and he might probably have been alive to this day, had not his carelessness (I would not willingly mention Covetousness) been his ruin. If any mistrusts the truth of what is here mentioned, his surviving Brother and other Relations now in the same Town were Eye-witnesses of every thing here related, and cannot but attest it. Observation the Eleventh. THe Case I have last mentioned reminds me of a Cure since performed upon a Consumptive Body in the same Town, which was as follows: About Sixteen Months ago a Shopkeeper in Lewis, Mr. Edward Burten-shaw Woollen Draper. Twenty three years of Age, of a brisk sanguine Complexion, by inordinate heating his Blood, drinking while hot, and too suddenly cooling himself, got an extraordinary Surfeit, which terminated in a very Acute Pleurisy. He was then at his Father's House at New Haven, about five Miles from Lewis, whither he sent for Dr. White an eminent and ingenious Physician in that Town, who ordered a considerable quantity of blood to be detracted from his Arm; but his Pleurisy not being quelled by the first Lance, he ordered Phlebotomy to be repeated, and took away several Ounces more from him; he was a third time let blood: At last the Inflammation ceased, and the Pleurisy left him, but by the profuse quantity of Blood, which he lost in so short a time, he was much debilitated, and that Blood which remained in his Veins and Arteries was so depauperated, that it was altogether unable to free itself from those Heterogeneous Particles it had imbibed in the Surfeit; so that the Mass of Blood still remained impure, the Concoctions depraved, and his Appetite obtunded; several altering Medicines were judiciously prescribed, but nothing helped him, he still grew weaker, fainter, and leaner, and instead of Agility, increase of Strength and Appetite, a slow Fever crept gradually upon him, so that three Months were spent in following the Prescriptions of this Physician, without any success (unless in reference to the Pleurisy) at last a Neighbouring Gentleman, Uncle to the Patient, asked the Doctor his real thoughts of him; his answer was, That he had no hopes of his Life, but did believe that he would die in a little time. I mention this not in the least to reflect on the Doctor, but only to evidence the apparent danger the Patient was in; hereupon by the desire of the Sick Person, with the consent and advice of his Friends, Neighbours, and Relations, I was sent for; I found him in a very deplorable Condition, and was the more discouraged, because his Uncle told me that Dr. White (whom I knew to be a Person of excellent Skill and Success) judged him desperate: His Pulse was very quick, but languid; he had a great Catarrh and a very bad Cough, which came upon him by Fits, in a most violent and impetuous manner; he was emaciated in every part of his Body, and that which was the most discouraging Symptom, was his Urine was almost as black as Ink: But notwithstanding all these discouragements which might have justly deterred me from undertaking him, by the prevalence of his own and his Relations Entreaties, I was persuaded to endeavour his Cure: I ordered him a Mixture of some Drops of our Golden Tincture and our Grand Elixir, in a proper Vehicle every Night, which soon stopped his Catarrh; I likewise prescribed him three or four Doses of our Flesh-coloured Powder every day to be taken in a Mixture prepared on purpose; I also enjoined him to drink of our Red Restorative Liquor, with some Balsamic drops in it; for his constant Drink, forbidding him the use of Beer or Ale; by this method he was perfectly restored in five Weeks time: For his Water was now reduced to a laudable consistence and its wont colour, his Flesh was much increased; a fresh Colour was now seen in his Cheeks, which before were covered with paleness; his Fever was quite banished, and his Blood brought to a good Diathesis; and that which is most observable, is that, though he before had frequent Fits of Coughing, and that with such vehemence, that sometimes he could hardly recover his breath; yet from the time he took the first Dose I ordered for him, to the final perfection of his Cure, he had but one of these Fits, and that too was very merciful and moderate: He is now grown very Fat, and remains brisk and lively to this day; as any jealous minded or scrupulous persons may inform themselves by Inquiry. Observation the Twelfth. A Young Virgin of the same Town, who had strange Epileptic and Convulsive Fits, which were conjectured to be the Effects of Love, was by the continuance of these Fits reduced to a Marasmus, attended with a Fever and large Sweatings; she was at last wasted to a perfect Skeleton, and had no Appetite to supply Nature with Nourishment. The Empirical Quack-Salver which I mentioned in the Tenth Observation, came and administered Physic to her, making use of his blind Receipts, but without any success or advantage; for she found after the use of his Medicines a violent pain in her Head, accompanied the other Symptoms; when I first saw her I had little hopes of her life, but she found such Relief by the first Dose I prescribed her, that I was encouraged to proceed, which I accordingly did, and by keeping her in a strict method of such Remedies as I judged exactly to answer her Malady, I perfectly cured her in two Months, and though when I first saw her, she appeared deformed by reason of leanness, yet afterwards she became a fresh coloured beautiful Virgin; and she now remains a living Testimony of what is here related. Observation the Thirteenth. The next is an Account of a Cure performed since my return from France, which was thus: An eminent Merchant in London, about Sixty years of Age, having been always addicted to Catarrhs, being of a Phlegmatic Constitution or Temperament, upon a great Cold acquired an extraordinary Catarrh which increasing upon him, created a great soreness at his Breast, with a very tedious Cough, at last a Fever; Faintness, want of Appetite, and a falling away of his flesh, accompanied his Catarrh; he had all along used a Linctus of Oil of Almonds and Diacodium, whereby he had formerly found benefit, of this he frequently licked, using a Liquorish Stick, but he found not the same success as before; he was then advised to take Mathews Pill, not by any Physician, he having been always averse to a Doctor; this Pill having Opium in its Composition stopped his Catarrh, but made him extreme Drowsy, and so clogged him up that he could hardly breathe. The use of which hereupon he left off, and Drank of the Pectoral Decoction which he had made for him in the house, he having got the Receipt from some old Woman or Receipt-monger; but his Catarrh returned and fixed a hoarseness upon him: at last his voice was scarce audible, and all the mentioned Symptoms were now at their highest Ebb; his Relations all persuaded him to send for a Physician, he thereupon resolved to send for me. I being then in France, but expected every day, he concluded to stay till I returned, and would hear of no other; having a strong fancy I would cure him; at my return I went to see him, and was discouraged at his Age; but finding his Case not apparently desperate, I undertook him: I ordered him first our Grand Elixir in a Glass of a particular distilled Water, with thirty drops of a Balsamic Tincture, which dose the very first night gave him great ease and very much lessened that defluxion of Rheum called a Catarrh. The next morning I prescribed for him a large Dose of our Red Jelly, which was repeated for three or four Mornings; after that he took a Dose of our Alkalizate Powder thrice a day in three or four spoonfuls of proper Julap; his water now which was high coloured, became altered, and had a very good Sediment, his Cough and Tickling every day declined, his strength increased, and by the continuance of this Method he is now almost recovered; and notwithstanding his Age, being much mended both as to his Cough, Tickling, Hoarseness, Fainting, Shortness of Breath, and whatsoever Symptoms of the like Nature. Observation the Fourteenth. AT Tradesman in Southwark, about Thirty years of Age of a very Melancholic Temperament; fell into a Marasmus, which was occasioned not by any intemperance or disorder in living, his converse having always been among sober Persons, and his course of life very moderate; but as it may probably be conjectured by some particular passages and circumstances which I observed (by reason of which I forbear to mention his Name) this Malady was occasioned by some Mental Dolour, by reason of Crosses; it being most certain and observable that great Intenseness of Mind arising from perplexing Cares, are very prejudicial to the Sanity of Man's Body: He was much fallen away in his Flesh, troubled with great Sweatings and Weakness in his Limbs, though he had little or no Cough; his Appetite to Food as well as his Strength and Flesh, was daily diminished: He first advised with an ancient Physician in London, whose method and intentions to recover him I will not censure, neither will I condemn the Medicines he ordered him as ineffectual, yet so it happened, that after he had continued some time under his hands, he resolved to leave this Physician and consult me; whom when I saw in the Condition above described, I advise ●o take Lodgings at Kensington, where by the constant use of our Restorative Liquor and our Flesh-coloured Powder, he recovered in one Month, and returned to his own House in a competent measure of Health; having acquired much Strength; and a very keen Appetite: his Faintness and Sweatings quite ceasing. Observation the Fifteenth. A Person of Qualities Child, about two years of Age, had from its very Birth been frequently surprised with Spasm's or Convulsive Fits, and was at last hereby so much weakened, and emaciated, that it was not expected to live many days; but after several Physicians had endeavoured to relieve the poor Babe, by prescribing it Cephalic Plasters to be applied to the Feet, Blisters to the Neck and behind the Fars, Oil of Amber to anoint the Temples, Spirit and Tincture of Castor, Spirit of Sal Armoniac and Heart's horn, and Compound Spirit of Lavender, to be taken in Black Cherry Water, with other things of the like Nature, without any success or benefit; by some few Doses of our Antepileptic Powder, one or Two Doses of our Brisk Elixir, not only the Fits left it, but also the other Symptoms in a short time vanished, and the Child became as healthful and thriving as if its tender Body had never underwent the rigour of painful Spasms. Observation the Sixteenth. I Was lately called to another Child about the same Age, that fell unhappily into the Rickets when it was but Six Months old, and was so cruelly handled by this unmerciful Disease, that its Spine or Backbone was Inflected, its Breast was sharp and straitened, its Legs crooked; it had a great Cough, difficulty of Breathing, and a constant Looseness: and by reason of the Spinal Marrows being affected, and the whole Nervosum Genus, according to Famous Dr. Glisson, an unequal distribution of Nourishment is hereby caused, and certainly from an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, or improportionate Nutrition, nothing can result but extreme leanness and poverty of Spirits; and although this Distemper be properly termed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, The Rickets, yet it is more than probable that a confirmed Rickets is a perfect Tabes or Consumption; an Example of which is the present Case; for although the original Malady was the Rickets, yet that this terminated in a Phthisis or Consumption, the mentioned Symptoms are a sufficient Manifesto: The Parents of this Child had consulted two or three Physicians, who prescribed an Issue in the Neck, Glisters, Ligatures, Powders, Apozems, and a Diet Drink, Frictions and Unguents; but all proved unsuccessful, the Cause being laid too deep to be routed by these superficial Remedies; after this the Parents were desirous I should try if I had any Medicines powerful enough to extirpate the Cause of this Disease, whereupon I ordered for it some of our Balsamic Drops to qualify its Cough, and a White Powder dissolved in Milk to facilitate Distribution; I likewise prescribed a strengthening Unguent wherewith to anoinr its Back and Breast, Belly and Joints, at least twice a day; and by the continuance of these means, and the help of Nature assisting each other, it out-grew all those dire Symptoms, and was in less than two Months freed both from the Rickets and Consumption. Observation the Seventeenth. A Young Lady in the City of London, having an Hereditary Phthisis, her Parents and Relations having been always addicted to this Distemper, and she likewise from her very Cradle upon the least alteration of Wether, finding her Body alter accordingly; in Winter Coughing and Spitting abundantly, the last Summer got a great Surfeit, whether by eating Fruit, raw Salads, etc. or by over-heating herself in Walking, or taking Cold, I know not; but she hereupon fell into a very desperate Condition, her Cough, which before was usually very moderate in the Summer, was now suddenly become untameable; frequent Faintings and Swoonings, great Sweatings, a constant pain at the Stomach, and an almost intolerable pain in her Head, a Swelling in her Belly, difficulty of Breathing, and a sensible decay of Flesh, all at once surprised her, I having before cured a near Relation of hers, she forthwith resolved to cast herself, into my hands without the least thoughts of consulting any other Physician according to her request, I took her in hand, I found her very exact, strict, and regular in taking what I ordered for her; and though she always had an Aversion to Medicines, though never so pleasant, yet now being sensible of her danger, and valuing the sweetness of Life, she relying on my endeavours, became very punctual and observing, and accordingly both her expectation and mine were fully answered, for by the use of our Scarlet Restorative Confection, our Alkalizate Powder, our Balsamic Drops, and our Grand Elixir; she was in six Weeks time restored to her wont state of Health, and is like so to continue, though she must expect her Cough in some measure every Winter during her Life, by reason it is Hereditary. Observation the Eighteenth. A Gentleman at the Court, that had a sore Phthisical Cough for many years, spiting large quantities of foul discoloured matter, complaining of great shortness of Breath and Faintness, was relieved in six Weeks time by our Corroborating Confection and Golden Tincture, and is now in good Health, and ready to testify the same. Observation the Nineteenth. THere are several more Observations of the like nature which I could nominate, but I hope these may be sufficient to convince any judicious unprejudiced person of the Virtue and Efficacy of our Preparations. I shall therefore in the Epilogue of this Tract only mention the Case of a Patient now under my hands, to whom I was but last Week sent for to visit. A Young Gentleman in Trinity Parish in Cambridge, who from a Child had been inclinable to this Distemper, but then in a desperate Condition, hearing of my success in these Cases desired his Father in Law, a Reverend Divine in Cambridge, to Write his Case and send it me to know my Opinion of him, who accordingly did it in the words that follow: SIR, THe Person is between One and Two and Twenty years of Age: He was from his Cradle very Tender, and always subject to Catarrhs and Colds, and a Wheazing in his Windpipe usually accompanied them when he lay in his Bed. He is of a melancholy and timorous Nature, reserved and thoughtful, and his Mind seemeth to have preyed upon his Body, for this later was always lean and emaciated; the straightness of his Breast contributeth naturally to his shortness of Breath, with which he is much troubled, especially when he stirs. A Cold seized on him the last March, and with that, a great Cough, which hath continued ever since, and cannot be removed by any Medicines he hath made use of. This hinders his sleep in the Nights, together with the disturbance of his Spirits by Melancholy Fumes. He is very Heavy and Dull in the day time, and yet he cannot improve this drowsiness into a Sleep. After Dinner this Heaviness takes place chiefly, and he finds his Head loaded and clogged: Then likewise he feels Gripe and Gnawings in the hole of his Stomach, it is probable by reason of Wind; for upon Belching he findeth Ease, and so he doth when he breaks Wind downward: He can eat nothing but Flesh-Meat, as Mutton, Veal, Chicken, &c and he finds that other things, as Broths, disagree with him. He eateth the former with a pretty good Appetite, but he is ill allt he Afternoon ensuing. The corners of his Mouth are broken out and are sore, and the skin of his Tongue hath been off, or his Tongue hath been sore and tender, and very red ever since his Cough seized on him. He is Hectical, and burneth most towards the Evening, but some part of the day he is also I'll and Shivering. The other Circumstances of his Distemper are such as these, his Urine is high coloured; and comes from him always with a great Sediment. He is very Laxative, and goes to Stool twice or thrice a day or more: He hath had a Hoarseness ever since his Illness, and of late it is increased: He is more lean and wasted in his Flesh than he was before. The Phlegm that he raiseth is generally of a yellowish colour: His Limbs are weak and feeble, and he careth not for stirring from the place where he sitteth. About a Month ago his Ankles began to swell, and they continue to do so still at Night, and the Flesh is soft and dented, but the Swelling goes down in the Morning. I having read his Case, would not venture to prescribe any thing for him at such a distance; upon which they wrote again to me to desire me to come down to Cambridge with all possible speed; I immediately took Post, and when I came to him, I found him in such a desperate Condition that I expected not his Life three days; I acquainted his Father in Law and others with my Opinion, who were satisfied that it was in vain to prescribe any thing for him; but the Mother whose Affections were more than ordinary passionate towards this her only Child, desired me to endeavour to give him some Relief: I being willing to gratify her, prescribed for him some Drops of our Grand Elixir at Night, and about half a Pint of our Red Strengthening Jelly the next Morning and Afternoon; I stayed two days with him, forbidding him to drink Beer or Ale, and confining him to Milk and Water. Before I left him, I found some small Amendment, his Looseness which he had in a great measure when I came to him, was abated, and he was somewhat refreshed; but yet i had little or no hopes of his living many days: I returned to London, leaving the same things with them, which I ordered them to give him: At my return to London I wrote to his Father in Law acquainting him that I did despair of his Life, but for the satisfaction of his tender Mother, from whom I was forced to keep my Opinion, I desired them to continue him in this Method. In Answer to my despairing Letter I had in three or four days this following Answer. SIR, WE received yours, and thank you for remembering us; but when you say in the Close there is very small hopes or probability of Recovery; you forget what I told you: Those words have almost killed them both. I pray by pleased in your next to add a Dose of Comfort, and truly there may be some reason for it, for his Looseness and Cough are both much abated, and he sleeps far better than he did, but is still very Hoarse and Dispirited sometimes, so that you must speedily send him a Cordial; I hope your fears and depair of him will vanish, and beyond your expectation he will get up again: However you have Sir some Encouragement, seeing these Indications abovenamed are ceased, which is a considerable progress; you have some ground to send him a cheering Word, which I desire you would not forget, because he must needs see your Letter: I pray write too morrow, if you can possibly, and order him what you think fit, suit something to his present Temper and Disposition. Sir, Nothing more at present, but that we wish you success in your Undertaking, which if it prove prosperous; will be great Credit to yourself, and Comfort to Mr. L's Relations, especially to Sir, Your Humble Servant J. E. By this Epistle I was not a little surprised, the Contents of it being so much beyond my hopes or expectation: they had before advised with the best and most Learned Physicians of that University, but he found no benefit by all their Prescriptions, yet at the very last, when all probability of recovery was past, all hopes ended, and surprising Death expected, he found more Relief and Comfort by these our Medicines, than by any thing in the World besides; which hath a little encouraged me to proceed, so that there shall be no means, care or diligence wanting on my side, in order to his Recovery, much less expect. I designed not to puiblsh this Observation, yet this small Amendment and Progress toward Recovery, being so abundantly beyond Expectation, it happening while the other Observations were in the Press, I ventured the exposing myself to the Censure of Impertinence in relating it; which although the Young Gentleman shall not recover (as I cannot believe he will) yet what I have here mentioned concerning him, is as great a Manifesto of the real Virtue of our Medicines and Efficacy of the described Method, as any of the preceding Observations. From my House at Brumpton near Knightsbridge November 12th 1682. FINIS.