A general BILL for this present year, ending the 19 of December, 1665. according to the report made to the KING'S most Excellent MAjESTY. By the Company of Parish Clerks of London, etc. Buried Pla. St Alban Woodstreet 200 121 St All-hallows Barking 514 330 St All-hallows Breadst. 35 16 St All-hallows Great 455 426 St All-hallows Honila. 10 5 St All-hallows Less 239 175 St Alhall. Lumbardstr. 90 62 St All-hallows Staining 185 112 St All-hallows the Wall 500 356 St Alphage 271 115 St Andrew Hubbard 71 25 St Andrew Undershaft 274 189 St Andrew Wardrobe 476 308 St Anne Aldersgate 282 197 St Anne Blackfriars 652 467 St Antholins' Parish 58 33 St Augustine's Parish 43 40 St Barthol. Exchange 73 51 St Bennet Fyrch 47 22 St Benn. Grace-church 57 41 St Bennet Paul's Wharf 355 172 St Bennet Sherehog 11 1 St Botolph Billingsgate 83 50 Christ's Church 653 467 St Christopher's 60 47 St Clements Eastcheap ●8 20 St Dionis Back-church 78 27 St Dunstan's East 265 150 St Edmunds Lombard. 70 36 St Ethelborough 195 106 St Faiths 104 70 St Fosters 144 105 St Gabriel Fenchurch 69 39 St George Botolphlane 41 27 St Gregory's by Paul's 376 232 St Helen's 108 75 St James Duke's place 262 190 St James Garlickhithe 189 118 St John Baptist 138 83 St John Evangelist 9 St John Zacharie 85 54 St Katherine Coleman 299 213 St Katherine Creechu. 335 231 St Laurence Jewry 94 48 St Laurence Pountney 214 140 St Leonard Eastcheap 42 27 St Leonard Fosterlane 335 255 St Magnus' Parish 103 60 St Margaret Lothbury 100 66 St Margaret Moses 38 25 St Margaret Newfishst. 114 66 St Margaret Pattons 49 24 St Mary Abchurch 99 54 St Mary Aldermanburic 181 109 St Mary Aldermary 105 75 St Mary le Bow 64 36 St Mary Bothaw 55 30 St Mary Colechurch 17 6 Saint Marry Hill 94 64 St Mary Mounthaw 56 37 St Mary Summerset 342 262 St Mary Staynings 47 27 St Mary Woolchurch 65 33 St Mary Woolnoth 75 38 St Martin's Iremonger. 21 11 St martin's Ludgate 196 128 St Martin's Orgars 110 71 St martin's Outwitch 60 34 St Martin's Vintrey 417 349 St Matthew Fridaystr. 24 6 St Maudlin's Milkstreet 44 22 St Maudlin's Oldfishstr. 176 121 St Michael Bassishaw 253 164 St Michael Cornhill 104 52 St Michael Crookedla. 179 133 St Michael Queenhith. 203 122 St Michael Querne 44 18 St Michael Royal 152 116 St Michael Woodstreet 122 62 St Mildred Breadstreet 59 26 St Mildred Poultry 68 46 St Nicholas Acons' 46 28 St Nicholas Coleabby 125 91 St Nicholas Olaves 90 62 St Olaves Hartstreet 237 160 St Olaves Jewry 54 32 St Olaves Silverstreet 250 132 St Pancras Soperlane 30 15 St Peter's Cheap 61 35 St Peter Cornhill 136 76 St Peter Paul's Wharf 114 86 St Peter's Poor 79 47 St Stevens Colmanstr. 560 391 St Stevens Walbrooke 34 17 St Swithins 93 56 St Thomas Apostle 163 110 Trinity Parish 115 79 Buried in the 97 Parishes within the Walls, 15207 Whereof, of the Plague, 9887 St Andrew Holborn 3958 3103 St Bartholomew Great 493 344 St Bartholomew Less 193 139 St Bridget 2111 1427 Bridewell Precinct 230 179 St Botolph Aldersga. 997 755 St Botolph Algate 4926 4051 St Botolph Bishopsg. 3464 2500 St Dunstan's West 958 665 St George Southwark 1613 1260 St Giles Cripplegate 8069 4838 St Olaves Southwark 4793 2785 St Saviour's Southwark 4235 3446 St Sepulchers Parish 4509 2746 St Thomas Southwark 475 371 Trinity Minories 168 123 At the Pesthouse 159 156 Buried in the 16 Parishes without the walls, 41351 Whereof, of the Plague, 28888 St Giles in the Fields 4457 3216 Hackney Parish 232 132 St James Clarkenwel 1863 1377 St Katherine's Tower 956 601 Lambeth Parish 798 537 St Leonard Shoreditch 2669 1949 St Magdalen Bermon 1943 1363 St Mary Newington 1272 1004 St Mary Islington 696 593 St Mary Whitechappel 4766 3855 Redriffe Parish 304 210 Stepney Parish 8598 6583 Buried in the 12 out Parishes, in Middlesex and Surrey 28554 Whereof, of the Plague 21420 St Clement Danes 1969 1319 St Paul Covent Garden 408 261 St martin's in the Field 4084 2883 St Mary Savoy 303 198 St Margaret Westminst. 4710 3742 Whereof at the Pesthouse 156 Buried in the 5 Parishes in the City and Liberties of Westminster 12194 Whereof, of the Plague 8403 The Total of all the Christen 9967 The Total of all the Burials this year 97306 Whereof, of the Plague 68596 The Diseases and Casualties this year. ABortive and Stilborne 617 Aged 1545 Ague and Fever 5257 Appoplex and Suddenly 116 Bed●d ●● Blasted 5 Bleeding 16 Bloody Flux, Scouring and Flux 185 Burnt and Scalded 8 Calenture 3 Cancer, Gangrene and Fistula 56 Canker and Thrush 111 Childbed 625 Chrisomes and Infants 1258 Cold and Cough 68 Colic and Wind 134 Consumption and Ptisick 4808 Convulsion and Mother 2036 Distracted 5 Dropsy and Timpany. 1478 Drowned 50 Executed 21 Flox and Small Pox 655 Found dead in streets, fields, etc. 20 French Pox 86 Frighted ●● Gout and Sciatica 27 Grief 46 Gripping in the Guts 1288 Hanged and made away themselves 7 Headmouldshot and Mouldfallen 14 Jaundice 110 Imposthume 227 Killed by several accidents 46 Kings Evil 86 Leprosy 2 Lethargy 14 Livergrown 20 Meagrom and Headache 12 Measles 7 Murdered and Shot 9 Overlaid and starved 45 Palsy 30 Plague 68596 Planet 6 Pleurisy 15 〈◊〉 ●1 Quinsy 35 Rickets 557 Rising of the Lights 397 Rupture 34 Scurvy 105 Shingles and Swine Pox 2 Sores, Ulcers, broken and bruised Limbs 82 Spleen 14 Spotted Fever and Purples 1929 Stopping of the stomach 332 Stone and Strangury 98 Surfeit 1251 Teeth and Worms 2614 Vomiting 51 Wen 1 Christened Males 5114 Females 4853 In all 9967 Buried Males 48569 Females 48737 In all 97306 Of the Plague 68596 Increased in the Burials in the 130 Parishes and at the Pesthouse this year 79009 Increased of the Plague in the 130 Parishes and at the Pesthouse this year 68590