THE PROPHECY OF GRETNERUS Concerning these Times. GRetnerus was here in England with Queen Elizabeth, and presented her with a fair manuscript in Latin, describing therein the whole future History of Europe; here and there limning in water colours, some principal passages, for touches in the world of after ages. Doctor Nevell than Deane, or clerk of the Closet, and very intimate with the Queen, got this Book of Her, and bestowed it on the Library of Trinity college in Cambridge; where that hath been public to the eye of all persons eversince, till about five years since it was much defaced. The Library keeper hath it almost all by heart, who resorting (after his expulsion) to this City, and keeping company with some sequestered Reverend Fellows of that House, have refreshed their memories so well concerning what they had seen and read before, that they as well as he, were confident of what followeth. 1. In his predictions he describeth the troubles of Russia, and the Election of the Swedish King, Sigismond by name, to be King of Polonia; by which he should irrecoverably lose his own Inheritance. 2. That of the Swedish usurpers race, there should be one Gustavus Adolpus by name, that should take an hint from the distractions in Germany, to enter the Empire with a small Army, and there roll into a mighty force, and fight many battles prosperously, but at the last in a pitched field he should perish. 3. That about that time should reign another Rex Septentrionalis nomine Carolus, qui ducet in uxorem Mariam Papisticam ex qua evadet Regnum omnium infaelicissimus. Tunc Populus ipsius ditionis eliget alium sibi Regem Comitem qui durabit in imperio tres annos aut eo circiter S. X. F. A. X. & postea idem populus eliget alium Regem Equitem non ejusdem familiae nec honoris, qui detrudet omnia sub pedibus suis aliquanto longiore tempore, & post hunc nullum. Paulo post apparebit quidam Carolus ex Carolo descendens ab immensa class in litus ditionis patris sui, & cum auxiliariis Danencis, Swedicis, Holandicis, Francicis, & Hispanicis prosternabit adversarios suos, & administrabit imperium suum perfaelicissime & erit Carolo magno major. Quod faxit Deus. FINIS.