Great News FROm Middle-RoW IN HOLBOURN: OR A TRUE RELATION OF A DREADFUL GHOST WHICH Appeared in the Shape of one Mrs. Adkins, to several persons but especially to a Maid-Servant at the Adam and Eve, all in a Flame of Fire on Tuesday-night last, being the 16th of this instant March, 1679. With the full account how she discovered to her the Murder of two Children, and where they were Buried, where upon search the Bones were accordingly found, with many other amazing and most dreadful Circumstances. STrange and wonderful are all the discoveries of Omnipotent Providence, when Crimes that blush with cruel Murders do pollute the world, restless Ghosts and Airy forms from their dire Mansions, and compelled to rouse and discover their vile deeds their vile hands have done as may in all's (the Fame of which has reached the Ears of many Thousands) be more dreadful shown. Mrs. Adkins late a Midwife dying in Scroop Court in Holbourn about half a year since, after whose Decease as it is credibly reported by several of the Neighbours of good Testimonies there has been at divers times unusual molestation, and as some affirm strange Apparitions resembling her shape and form, so that affrighted with the ghastly Wonder, many have amazed fled to shelter from the fleeting shade, but being timorous to divulge upon the not as then perfect certainty, this weighty secret has been long concealed, but since the great God has thought fit that such a Monstrous Crime as that Appearance did portend, should be no longer hid or masked in Darkness be forever silent; for the aforesaid Party late Deceased, formerly living in Middle Row, and there professing the Dexterity of a Midwife had been for many years looked upon as a Woman of an extraordinary subtlety and private policy, so that during her life-time she would oft applaud her Wit, and say, her Head-piece had been still her chiefest Friend, and had preserved her from all dangers yet, but these dark Sillogisms being then not understood, were looked upon as vain and frivolous, but since her Transmigration from the Regions of Mortality, a shape like hers, if not her Wandering Spirit, has Alarmed the House in Middle Row where formerly she lived, and noises have been heard, nocturnal Visions and Impetuous Groans have sounded out the dismal Echoes of some strange Event, but the Spirit finding none that would or dare reply, at last began to be more importunate, and bursting from the long incloafing Grave, or from the dismal Regions of the Dead, assumed a Mortal Shape, and would no longer keep concealed what was the cause of its disturbance, but on Tuesday being the 16 of this Instant March about 9 of the Clock in the Evening, a Servant Maid living in the House in Middle row where it appeared, being by her Mistress sent up Stairs to fetch down her Night , no sooner entered the Chamber, but a ●●eadfu●… Ghost in the shape o● her whom we before recited, presents itself unto her view, seating itself sitting as she supposed upon the Cupboard head, and with ghastly Countenance seemed to belch flames of Fire, at which amazed, all pale with fear, she started back, but had not power to fly, yet with a faint Voice cried, O Mistress, The Chamber is all on Fire; When the immortal Spirit bid her not to fear, for its Commission was not to injure her, but charged her to tell Mary (which is since supposed to be her Grandchild) that she should take up two Tiles in the hearth, and under them should find a board and what she found beneath, that she should bury, and so in a Flash of Lightning Vanished, this the Maid after she had recovered, from the great Amazement she was in, imparted to her Mistress and Master, who at first would give no credit to what she said, but often affirming the Truth of the most wondrous Apparition, and there having been a former Rumour of an Apparition, they condecended to dig in the place the Mauled had told them of, first taking up the Tiles, about four Inches deeper they found a Board accordingly, and searching farther found the Bones of two children, as it is supposed, but of one 'tis certain the said Bones being at this time to be seen at the Cheshire Cheese in Middle row, but lying almost underneath the Fire-place, are so dried, that they are reduced to a small substance. It is conjectured that they had been Children Illegitimate, or Bastards who to save their Mother's Credits had been Murdered, and buried there, and in the Opinions of divers Surgeons might have lain there since their first repose, a considerable quantity of years. Therefore let all admire and fear that God who made the world, & views with narrow searching Eyes whate'er is done, though sable-night and veils of darkness cover the most horrid Sceene, yet all lies open, and no secret can overpass his boundless wisdom, nor escape his sight; nay Hell itself has not a depth sufficient to obscond prodigious crimes from him, how often are the Fiends of hell compelled to declare those Cruelties themselves have been the Authors or the Promoters to; and blood of innocents' cried loud for Vengeance from the Earth and their Murders after Ages have revealed. For know, that Murder bears a lasting stain and clogs the Conscience of the Guilty Soul with the restless fears and jealousies which often make despairing Mortals unaccused by Man, betray themselves, or if not so, at least when Death, has closed their Eyes, and as the World imagines, they repose in a long slumber, till the dreadful day of rendering Account, their restless Spirits forced about the Earth, do wander up and down until they have made known those Crimes the Party represented in those thin and Airy forms did in their Lifetimes act, as the holy works of many learned Divines do testify, and some places of Scripture hints upon; so that we may well conclude our strange Relation with the Prophet David, Great and wonderful art thou O Lord, and dreadful to be feared in Heaven and in Earth. FINIS.