A PROPHECY Lately Transcribed From an Old MANUSCRIPT Of Doctor Barnaby Googe That lived in the Reign of Qu. Elizabeth, PREDICTING The Rising, Meridian, and Falling condition OF The States of the United Provinces, Which started up immediately after the appearance of the new Star in Cassiopoeia. In which Prophecy it is predicted, that that State will suddenly be brought to that mean and low condition they were in about an hundred years since. Now Published and Explained. LONDON: Printed by J. C. for R. Robinson, near Gray's Inn, Holborn. 1672. The Prophecy. WHen a new Light shall shine whose name none ken, Ne hath beheld the like all Christian men; A Lion from a Castll shall break loose, Who shall a Maiden for his Guarden choose: She by her Skill and Might shall guard him too From Foes that eagerly do him pursue. But this vile Viper, after myckle time, Shall Foster harm geust them that succoured him. This happens, when within a Solar year Three Starry Lanterns in the Sky appear: And to his help he subtly shall draw The Lily, Fir-trée, and the Eagles Claw. But the just Heaven against them all shall fight, And thrice shall cause this villainous Lion's flight. Then will again this Lion Couchant lie, But yet shall ponder Mischief privily, Till the High lights of Heaven Aspected are By Opposition from the Maiden Star: Then shall the Virgin's Kin this Lion make, For his false plays and Fiendlike Villainies quake: Then will he seek for Aid, but all in vain; He is begirt with Foes by Land and Main: His privy Wiles Heavens Justice will disclose, Which makes his former Friends to be his Foes: He woos the Eagle; but the Crescent Moon With her sharp Aspects quickly calls him home: He will the Heliotrop eke to his Aid pray, But he will only Feed him with delay: For, former faults, that Flower of the Sun Will cause to be espyer of his Doom. From henceforth Heaven foretells this Lion shall Like to his Astral Guarden, backward crawl, Till jove five times Chronos oppose, and then Three Lions shall confyne him to his Den. The Explanation of the Prophecy. When a new Light shall shine, whose name none ken, Ne hath the like beheld all Christian men. BY this is meant the appearance of a new Star in Cassiopoeia, which the famous Tycho exactly observed; and from which appearance, the Astrologers of that Age did predict the rise of some new Government that should trouble and vex the world. A Lion from a Castil shall break loose, Who shall a Maiden for his Guarden choose. By the Lion, is meant the United Provinces, who bear a Lion in their Arms: by from a Castil is meant Spain, which was anciently called Castille: shall break loose, that is, shall throw off that Government. Who shall a Maiden for his Guarden choose: by this Maiden is meant Queen Elizabeth, to whom the then Poor distressed States came for Aid, viz. in the year 1581. Who by her Skill and Might shall guard him too, From Foes that eagerly do him pursue. By the prudence and valour of her Commander and Forces which she sent to their assistance, the Spanish Armies were overcome, and They acknowledged and established by the King of Spain to be a Free State. But this vile Viper, after much time, Shall foster harm genst them that succoured him. They shall forget, after some time, them that set them up, and shall supplant their Trade, and deal treacherously with them; as it hath been verified in Amboyna, Surinam, and other parts of the East and West-Indies, where they treacherously burned our Stores, and murdered our Men, committing outrages that the world cannot parallel. This happens when within a Solar year Three Starry Lanterns in the Sky appear. By the three Starry Lanterns, is meant the three Comets that appeared in the latter end of 64, and the beginning of 65. This is so remarkable, as the like no History relates. And to his help he subtly shall draw The Lily, Fir-tree, and the Eagles Claw. By the Lily is meant France; the Fir-tree, Denmark; the Eagles Claw, Munster: all which were assistants to Holland in the years 65 and 66. But the just Heavens against them all shall fight, And thrice shall cause this faithless Lion's flight. Heaven shall defend the Justice of our Cause against all our Enemies. This was verified in the years 65 and 66, when we obtained three remarkable Victories over the Dutch Fleet. Then will again this Lion couchant lie, But yet shall ponder Mischief privily. They shall come to Articles of Peace, and couch their Lion when they see ours passant. But yet they will follow their old treacherous Designs against the lives and fortunes of the King's Subjects. Till the high lights of heaven Aspected are By Opposition from the Maiden-Star. That is, till Saturn and Jupiter oppose each other; which happened Octob. 25. 1671. Then shall the Virgin's kin this Lion make, For his false plays, and all his treacheries, quake. By the Virgin's Kin is meant the King of Great Britain, being of the Kindred of the Maiden-Queen Elizabeth. Then will he seek for Aid, but all in vain; He is begirt with Foes by Land and Main. They shall send their Ambassadors to the Princes round about for Aid; but they shall refuse to assist them; and on the contrary, shall become their Enemies. His privy Wiles heavens justice will disclose; Which makes his former Friends to be his Foes. Their former Friends, that before assisted them, now discovering their frauds, become their Enemies. He woos the Eagle; but the Crescent Moon With her sharp Aspects quickly calls him home. They court the Emperor's Aid; but the Turkish Forces making some attempts and inroads into Hungary, finds him work enough to secure his own Dominions. He will the Heliotrope eke to his Aid pray; But he will only feed him with delay. They will court the Spaniard; but he must take care of his own Territories. For, former faults, that Flower of the Sun Will cause to be espyer of his doom. The Spaniard will remember their former Revolt, and for that reason will rather stand Neuter then assist them. From henceforth Heaven foretells this Lion shall, Like to his Astral Guarden, backward crawl. That is, from the time of the first Opposition of Saturn and Jupiter, they shall decline, and go backwards, like their Astral Guarden, which is the Crab, the Celestial Sign that rules over Holland. Till Jove five times Chronos oppose, and then Three Lions shall confyne him to his den. That is, till Saturn and Jupiter oppose each other five times, viz. the first Opposition Octob. 25. 1671. the second Opposition, Jan. 15. 1671-72. the third Opposition, Sept. 12. 1672. the fourth Opposition, April 20. 1673. the fifth Opposition, August 6. 1673. Then, by the Force and Valour of the Fleet and Armies of his Majesty of Great Britain, who bears in his Arms three Lions passant, they shall be brought to that low and mean condition in which they were, in the year 1580. For by the Prognostication of the famous Astrologers that have calculated the Horoscope of the State of Holland, it should last but one hundred years, which will be completed in the year 1680: of which year the Learned Cardanus writeth these words: Incipiet mutatio Legum, cui nunquam fuit similis, & consurget una nova Lex, & cum his alia multa. FINIS.