A farther Brief and True NARRATION OF THE LATE WARS RISEN IN New-England, Occasioned by the Quarrelsome Disposition and Perfidious Carriage of the Barbarous and Savage Indian Natives there. With an Account of the FIGHT, the 19th of December last, 1675. London, February 17th, 1675/6. Licenced, Henry Oldenburg. London, Printed by J. D. for M. K. and are to be Sold by the Booksellers, 1676. BOSTON DECEMBER 28 th', 1675. SIR, 'tIs verily Believed with us that all Generous minds in both England's which concern themselves to inquire after our Affairs in these parts of the World, and wish us well, have a longing desire the Indian Wars might be ended, and we presumed e'er this that the powers of persuasion or force would have made a happy Change, by altering the minds, or restraining the Malice of our Heathen Foes. But so it is, the Rod of God's Anger is still upon us; For the Pocanakit Sachem Metacom, alias Philip, still lives! he lives to be a vexation to us in all places where he comes; Yea he lives, and by his subtlety proves a more forcible and perilous Enemy to us then ever we could have Imagined; He hath drawn into his Confederacy all Indians from Cape Sables Eastward to the Mowhauks, which is about 300 Miles or upwards: And our Fears are (which would to God they were but Fears) that some Traders of Europe for love of gain have from time to time supplied them with Ammunition. At the Eastward the Indians have ruined Falmouth black point, and Saco, and slain in those Towns 30 Persons; some they took alive and sat them upright in the Ground, using this Sarchasm; You English since you came into this Country have grown exceedingly above Ground, let us now see how you will grow when Planted into the Ground. At Ketterey they have slain fourteen Persons, and Burnt Sundry Houses; At Dover they also have killed some, and Fired two or three Houses; Our Enemies proudly exult over us and Blaspheme the name of our Blessed God; Saying, Where is your O God? taunting at the Poor Wretches, which (to make themselves Sport with) they cruelly Torture to Death: But our Affiance is in the God that made Heaven and Earth, who when he Arises will Scatter our Enemies. It hath been the great care of our Council to distinguish between Friends and Enemies; for most of our mischiefs have flowed from pretended Friends; who have Demeaned themselves exceeding fairly with us till they have had the opportunity secretly and suddenly to endamage us; and then they fly to our avowed Adversaries. Many of our Commonalty would have all Indians (quatenus such) declared Enemies; But our Soberest Sort justly fear to Condemn the Innocent with the Guilty; knowing that Justitia est firmitas Regni; not would they draw on themselves the guilt of blotting out the Interest of the Gospel amongst the Indians; remembering New-England was Originally a Plantation more famous for Religion than Trade; And to this day the Massachusets in the impress of their Public Seal have an Indian Engraven with these Words, Come over and Help us; Alluding to Act. 16.9. Much Intestine Heart-Burnings and Complain (not to say Mutinies) have been about these matters; to quiet which, eleven of the most notorious, with whom some English plunder was found, were Arraigned, six whereof being evidently found Guilty, were soon after Executed; and at the Desire of the Honestest of them all, the professing Indians are placed and provided for on certain Islands where they are out of Harms way; And by an Act of the General Court (which is our Parliament there) 'Tis Death for any of them to come oft thence without Licence from the Magistrate. Our People since the loss of Captain Lathrop of Beverly with about 60 Men by Surprise, and the Burning of Spring field, are grown not less valorous, but more cautious: Experience is the Mother of Prudence; and little good comes of despising an Enemy. Yet let not the World censure too much Captain Lathrop: he in the Pequot Wars had done Exploits, not in this would have been behindhand if the Narrow Passage or Causey where his unexpected Enemies set on him would have given him leave to have drawn up his Men; but however, this may be said, to use the Words of a Wise Man; There was never Censor that Judged, Senator that Ordered; General that Commanded, Council that Executed, Orator that Persuaded, nor any other Mortal Man, but sometimes he committed Errors. Let such as are too apt to censure the Conduct of some Affairs here, Remember this. On the 19 of October Philip Assaulted Hatsfield, a Town on Connecticot-River, with about 800 Men: But there were 200 of ours then in the Town, which in two Hours space, with the loss of one Man only, put the Indians to a total flight, and killed about 100 of them, 60 of whose dead Bodies the Indians carried with them on Horses, etc. (for they had several Horses amongst them); After which Philip and the Nipnet Indians fled to the Narragansits; which caused the Council of the Massachusets, to publish in print this Manifesto. To our Brethren and Friends the Inhabitants of the Colony of the Massachusets. Although you cannot be Ignorant, how studious this Government hath been to preserve Peace in this Colony, and have taken up and Compromised divers Quarrels that have Risen between ourselves, our Neighbours, and the Indians; And thereby at several times prevented those Calamities wherewith we are now Pressed: Yet to satisfy you that the same Mind and the same Endeavours are continued in the present Government, we have thought it necessary to let you understand the Rise and Progress of our present Troubles, with our Endeavours to have prevented the same.; IN June last, we were Certified by our Friends and Confederates of Plymouth, that Philip the Sachem of Mount-Hope was in Arms, and had Solicited all the Indians to join with him against the English; and withal, they desired our Assistance to Suppress him: which we by the Articles of Confederation could not deny, and therefore applied ourselves to Raise some Force for their Assistance, but were still desirous to prevent a War with the Indians; and therefore upon a former Experience of a good Effect wrought upon the said Philip, We resolved to use the same Means, viz. sending Messengers from hence to Philip to Treat with him, hoping of the like Issue, which upon the like case about four Years since, we by Good Hand obtained. But our Messengers arriving at Swanzy, in their way towards Philip, found divers English Murdered on the Road, and were informed by the English there, of divers Hostilities of the Indians, which rendered our Design and their Negotiation hopeless: Upon which they returned, and informed us as abovesaid. Whereupon our Forces began their March in Aid of our Friends at Plymouth, and having driven Philip from his Country, we being informed that the Narragansets harboured his Women, and aided him with Men: We ordered our Soldiers to March to Narraganset, in order to keep them quiet, and prevent their Succouring or Harbouring the Enemy: Where, after some delay, they were drawn to consent to our Demands, promising neither to Entertain nor Assist our Enemies, which they since confirmed in a Treaty with the Commissioners of the Colonies; Further engaging, that they would deliver all those of Philip's party, that upon his Rout near Scatoneck, or since were fled to him; but have failed in every particular. You may also take notice, That before any of our Soldiers marched to Mount-Hope, we were very careful to understand the state of the Nipnet-Indians, to prevent Philip's design, and secure those Indians, and therefore dispatched two Messengers well known to them, to certify them of Philip's motion, and of our desire to keep Amity and Friendship with them, according to the Covenants made with them long since, no ways Violated on our part. And by the said Messengers, received fair returns from the most of them, being in ten or twelve Plantations. Some of them pretending fear of us: For their further Satisfaction (when our Forces were sent out against Philip) we to satisfy and secure them, sent them by Ephraim Curtice, a Declaration under the Public Seal, that we had no Design or Intent to disturb them, or any other Indians that would remain in their Plantations peaceably: which Message and Messenger was evilly treated by many of them then Assembled, and the Messenger much endangered by the younger Men, and not with any Satisfaction by their Sachems; as the Event shown, though at that present more moderately received. Soon after this Dispatch, and before Philip's flying from Pocasset, and March up towards the Nipnet Country, some of the said Nipnet-Indians Assaulted and Slew divers of our People at Mendam; whereupon Captain Hutchinson with a small Guard, was sent up to the said Nipnet-Indians, (if possible to keep them quiet) who arriving at Quabaog, whereabouts was a Rendezvous of the Indians, and having sent to them, they promised to meet him in a certain place, whither he at the time repairing, found not the Indians; and being encouraged by the English of Quabaog, that the Indians were peaceable, etc. he advanced forward towards the place of the Indians Rendezvous to Treat them: But in the way, was by Ambuscado, treacherously waylaid, by which himself, with several others, were Wounded and Slain, the English of Quabaog immediately Assaulted, and the Town, except one House, totally destroyed; at which time, as we understand, Philip also with his broken Party came up to the said Indians, and upon the first, or immediately before the arrival of the Forces we sent up for the Relief of those of Quabaog, Philip and his whole Crew retreated (as we then feared, and afterwards were informed) towards Conecticot River, from whence Recruiting himself with Ammunition from Albany, and with Men, partly from the treacherous Indians about Hadly and Spring field; he hath prosecuted his first design to Ruin and Destroy the English. And notwithstanding all the Opposition of our Forces, hath done much Mischief and Spoil; and since the Repulse he received at Hatsfield, withdrew into the Nipnet Country, and since that (as we understand) toward the Narragansets, who we do conclude, have favoured, abbetted, and assisted him therein; and by entertaining and harbouring our Enemies, have dealt falsely and perfidiously with us: whereby we find ourselves necessarily Engaged, with the Consent, Advice, and Assistance of the rest of the Colonies, in a War with them, as well as with Philip, unless they prevent the same by a timely Compliance, and Performance, and Security for the future: for the managing and carrying on whereof, we hope for, and expect (as we have hitherto had) the Assistance of all his Majesty's Subjects of this Colony in their respective Capacities, in the just Defence of the Glory of God, the Honour, Defence and Safety of our King, Country, and ourselves, from the Subtlety, Rage and Treacherous Attempts of our Barbarous Enemies. Dated in Boston, the 7th of December, Anno Christi, 1675. Annoque Dommini Caroli Secundi Regis Angl. Scot Fran. & Hiber. Defensoris Fidei, etc. 27th. By the Council, EDWARD RAWSON, Secret. THe Commissioners of the three Colonies having levied about a 1000 Men, viz. 527 on the Massachusets, 300 from Conecticot, and 177 from Plymouth, sent them all under the Command of Governor Winslow of Plymouth, with Major Appleton of Ipswich in the Massachusits, and Major Treat of Conecticot, with ten Foot Captains, and two Captains of Horse. These on the 16th of December made their Rendezvous at the House (now made a Garrison) of one Mr. Smith. Captain Apprentice with a Troop of Horse Scouting to discover the posture of the Enemy, discovered about 200 Indians, which were supposed to be the Squaw Sachems' 〈◊〉 these he immediately engaged with, and slew ten of) them and took about 40 Prisoners, (in which Combat only his Lieutenant was wounded) which he brought to the English Camp, and then found where the Indians had buried much Corn (as their custom is) in dry pits in Baskets. By these and some Fugitive Indians our Forces had certain Intelligence where the Enemy lay; which was about 16 miles from our quarters. On the 10th, although it was Sunday, four Men thought they could not serve God Better than to require Justice of the Indians for the Innocent Blood which had been so oft by those Truceent Savages shed; and we were cheerfully ready (as so many Sampsous) to forgo our own lives to be revenged of these Philistines, that had made Sport with our miseries; we marched through the Snow and came to a thick Swamp (i e. a Quagmiry-Wood) wherein were encamped 3500 Indians. We first demanded to have Philip and his Adherents to be delivered Prisoners to us, according to Articles: And had no other Answer but shot; then we fired about 500 Wigwams, (i. e. Indian Houses) and killed all that we met with of them, as well Squaws and Papooses, (i. e. Women and Children) as Sanups (i. e. Men.) In the midst of the Wood was a plain piece of Ground on which the Indians had built a Fort; the Stone-Wall whereof enclosed about four or five Acres, in which Rampart was about 1000 Indians: this Hold we assaulted, they within on the first onset stoutly repulsed us; But our God, blessed for ever, so prospered and encouraged the English, that every one put forth his utmost Strength, and on the renew ●●g the Assault we became Masters of the place, though with the loss of many of our Brave Chieftains, who sold their lives at a dear rate. We were no sooner entered the Fort, but our Enemies began to fly; and ours had now a C●●●ge rather than a Fight, for every one had their fill of Blood: It did greatly rejoice our Men to see their Enemies, who had formerly skulked behind Shrubs and Trees, now to be engaged in a fair Field, where they had no defence but in their Arms, or rather their Heels; But our chiefest Joy was to see they were mortal, as hoping their Death will revive our Tranquillity, and once more restore us to a settled Peace which (through the Blessing of God) we have long enjoyed. This Fight and Execution continued from three a Clock in the Afternoon till night, and then we left the flying Enemy to take care of our Wounded, and to carry off our Dead. We have slain of the Enemy about 500 Fight Men, besides some that were burnt in their Wigwams, and Women and Children the number of which we took no account of; also one of their Sachems is slain: How many we have wounded of the Enemy we know not; But of our own losses this Account was sent to the Council at Boston, as followeth. A List of the Number of the English slain and wounded in the Battle with the Indians on the 19th, of November, 1675. Of the Massachusets▪ In the Company of Slain. Wounded Major Appleton 2 22 Capt. Moseley's 9 10 Capt. Oliver's 5 10 Capt. Johnson's 3 11 Capt. Gardner's 7 11 Capt. Davenport's 4 15 30 79 Wounded, whereof some are since dead, Of Conecticot. Major treats Company 20 Capt. Sealy's 20 Capt. Marshal's 14 Capt. Waite's 17 71 Of Plymonth Capt. Bradford Capt. Corum 20 Troopers 02 Lost in the Woods 05 27 Captains Slain. Capt. Davenport Capt. Johnson Capt. Gardner. Capt. Marshal. Capt. Gallop who Commanded Vncass' Indians. Wounded. Captain Bradford shot in the Eye. Capt. Sealy mortally as is feared. Captain Mason. Capt. Wait. Lieutenants Wounded. Lieut. Savage. Lieu. Ting. Lieu. Swan. Lieu. Vpham. Wounded & Slain in all 207. December the 20th we removed our Wounded Men to Road-Island, and some of our Men are marched with Carriages to fetch to our Camp the Indians Corn, which Captain Apprentice discovered, and they find great quantities, and that some of the Barns, or Cellars rather, have been lately opened by some Indians. December 27, the Council at Boston have ordered forthwith 1000 Men more to march to the Narraganses Country to recruit Governor Winslaw; And Major Waldren commands certain Companies at the Eastward to suppress the Indians there. Ninegret the old Sachem of the Narragansets is separated from his other Indians with a small Party, pretending he consents not with the Englishes Enemies; and that those Narragansets which now join with Philip, are either under other Sachems, or Rebels to him. It may be of some remark to let the World know that in the year 1621. on the 21 of March Massasoiet, (alias Woosamequen) acknowledged himself voluntarily in open Court at Plymouth to be a Subject to King James; he was Grandfather to Philip. September the 25th 1639 he and his Son Mooanam did the same again to King Charles the First and his Heirs and Successors. And August sixth 1662., this very Philip, our most turbulent and implacable Enemy, again renewed the acknowledgement of himself a Subject to our King that now is, and his Heirs and Successors Kings of England; and all three covenanted at the times aforesaid, that they would not Sell or Give any of their Lands to any English, but with the consent of the English Government first had and obtained: The Original Instruments Signed with their own Hands, and the chief of their Men, still remain on Record in the Register of the Court of New-Plymouth. Time, the consumer of all things, we hope will once more Subject this Adversary. Amen. FINIS.