To you that are crying, What is become of our forefather's, if the Light be the way which you be in, and what is become of the Martyrs that suffered? ANswer, Many of the Jews suffered death by the Heathen, because they could not transgress the Commands and Law of God, and suffered because they could not eat Swine's flesh. And the Prophets of God, again, Many of them suffered by the Jews, who witnessed Christ was to come, there was one slain between the Temple and the Altar, by the Jews, which had the words, but not the life: Now many of the Jews which had the words, caused others to suffer which had the life; but the Prophets they suffered for the life, and the Apostles they suffered for the denying of the Jewish Commandments, and their Ordinances, and said whatsoever they sold in the shambles, that they might eat; and the Jews formerly, they had suffered for holding up these things, before the substance was come, by them that was out of the Law of God; for the Prophets suffered for many of these outward things, by them who had not the life, who saw and declared the substance; and these was for signs, and for wonders unto both the houses of Israel: And while the Jew's many of them suffered, there was something stirring in them that carried them in to the obedience to the commands of God; and when the Jews went only into the words from the life, they persecuted the Prophets, and killed the just one, and persecuted the Apostles, who witnessed the just one. Now these Jews may say, What is become of our forefather's, that suffered death for obeying the commands of God? These that persecuted the Prophets, and put the Son to death, and persecuted the Apostles, these might complain, and say, What is become of all our forefather's? For that which was in their forefather's, the life of the Law, which brought them to know the Law, and keep the Commandment, those lived, and that suffering was accepted: But those that was from the life, though they held the outward Commandment, Statutes, and Ordinances, they persecuted the life, Christ Jesus, the Prophets, and Apostles; and here is no talk of their forefather's, or of them that suffered, for here is a distinction between them; For Abraham, David, and Moses, saw the end of the pattern, which they that had got their words, which might plead what was become of their Fathers, or them that had suffered of the Heathen; and those that were transgressors was another state from them, which saw through, and saw the end, so they stood not against the substance nor the life, but they did that bad the words and wanted the life; these was with the life, of the Prophets judged, and the Apostles, as People having eyes and see not, and ears and hears not. Now say you that calls yourselves Christians, but be out of the life of Christ and the Apostles, What is become of our fore Fathers, and what is become of the Martyrs that suffered? Alas for y●u! you are not to be compared to them; that have gotten the Martyr's words, and Christ's and his Apostles words: As the Jews was not that suffered death, to be compared to them that Persecuted to death; So you differ from the Martyrs that suffered death, as those that caused death; neither are you to be numbered with them that suffered for the righteous Law of God, with those Jews which Persecuted Christ to death, and the Apostles, and the Prophets. So here, now you be in a wrong measure, which is too short in comparing your selus, and making yourselves of that number that suffered: but the true Measure makes you of that number that Persecuted, and then see what become of all them, how should they escape Hell's damnation, for the least degree, that is pure, that brings to suffer is accepted, but that which getteth the words, and causeth to suffer, is for judgement; so you having gotten the Apostles and Christ's words and commands. Now the Apostles suffered, and some of them that lived in the life, the Believers after them, as the Reco●d of the Scripture doth make manifest: but that being come which the Apostle spoke of, the substance; you that have the outward command, and letter, and not the life, but are standing up prating of the words, you are Persecuting them, and rising up against them that witness the substance, the end of the Apostles words: so you are not to be measured with them that suffered, the Apostles, and Martyrs, that are now Persecuting them that are believers, so it is now, as it was then, in this age, as it was in that age; for formerly there had some suffered for bearing Testimony to God's Commandment, ordinances, and statutes, and the shadows. And when the substance was come among the Jews that had the shadows, and outward commands, and the type, them that had this Persecuted the substance, would not have the substance to rule: Measurable with you that be called Christians which now stands against the substance itself, who hath the outward form and command, but will not have Christ in the Spirit to reign, as they would not have him in the flesh to reign, neither would they have him in the flesh to reign, as they would not: But the substance is come, whereby the End of all things is seen, and Heaven shaken, and Earth shaken; and a new Heaven, a new Earth is witnessed, wherein dwelleth righteousness. G. F. London, Printed for Thomas Simmons.