THE GREAT MYSTERY OF THE GREAT WHORE UNFOLDED: AND ANTICHRISTS KINGDOM Revealed unto DESTRUCTION. In Answer to many False Doctrines and Principles which Babylon's Merchants have traded with, being held forth by the professed Ministers, and Teachers, and Professors in England, Ireland, and Scotland, taken under their own Hands, and from their own Mouths, sent forth by Them from time to time, against the despised People of the LORD called QUAKERS, who are of the Seed of that Woman, who hath been long fled into the WILDERNESS. ALSO An Invasion upon the great City BABYLON, with the spoling of Her golden Cup, and delicate Merchandise, whereby She hath deceived the World and Nations: And herein is declared the spoiling of her prey, in this Answer to the multitude of Doctrines held forth by the many false SECTS, which have lost the key of Knowledge, and been on foot since the Apostles days, called Anabaptists, Independents, Presbyters, Ranters, and many others; who out of their own Mouths have manifested themselves not to be of a true descent from the true Christian Churches: But it's discovered that they have been all made drunk with the Wine of Fornication received from the Whore which hath sitten upon the Beast, after whom the World hath wondered. By GEORGE FOX. And the Merchants of the Earth shall weep and mourn over her, for no man buyeth their merchandise any more, Rev. 18.18. And they cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, what City is like unto this great City: And they cast dust on their heads, and cried weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great City, wherein were made rich all that had Ships in the Sea, by reason of her costliness, for in one hour is she made desolate, Rev. 18, 18, 19 LONDON, Printed for Tho: Simmons, at the Ball and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659. THE EPISTLE TO THE READER. TO all the world to whom this may come to be Read, that they read with a good understanding, and hereby they may come to the perfect knowledge of the ground of difference between the Priests, and Professors, and all Sects in these Nations; and Us, who are in scorn called Quakers, showing that the conversie on our pa●● is just, and equal, against them all, and t●●● we have sufficient cause to cry against them, and to deny their Ministry, their Church, their worship, and their whole Religion, as being not in the Power and by the Spirit 〈…〉 ●●●ng God, as commanded of him or ever practised by his Sain● 〈◊〉 ●ut 〈◊〉 declareth the g●●und, and foundation thereof to be anothe●●●●●g, applot the same, on which the true Church, and Ministry, an●●●actice 〈◊〉 worship, and true Religion was builded in the daye● 〈◊〉 Apostles; And also this is an Invitation to all Sects, and profession of People to come forth, and try if what they hold, and profess be according ●o the Scriptures of truth; and to do this in trial, by evident, and sound Arguments, and by the best spiritual weapons they have, and to la●●●●e all this persecution and unrighteous dealing, and stocking, and w●●pping, and imprisoning of us for speaking against their Religion, and that they come forth in fair dispute, to contend in the Spirit of meekness, for what they profess, and practice, and to prove according to the Scriptures, their Ministry, Church, and whole Religion, that it is in, and by the spirit and power of God, or otherwise to renounce, and deny all their Religion, and the profession, and practices thereof, that every man may be satisfied who it is that are in the true and right way, and of the true worship, and true Religion, and who it is that are not, and this is desired by us who are called Quakers, and also a true account, of our first beginning and coming forth in the world; and of that great sufferings we have sustained, and how we have been carried on and are preserved to this day. The Lord God everlasting, who is true, and faithful, hath fulfilled his promise in us, and unto us, and we are gathered from the mouths of all dumb Shepherds, and out of the mouths of all Hirelings, who have made a prey upon us, and fed themselves with the fat, and devoured souls for dishonest gain; And we are come to the fold of Eternal rest, where Christ Jesus is the chief Shepherd, and he is the Shepherd, and Bishop of our souls, that feedeth his Flock with living bread that nourisheth us unto life eternal; he hath called us by his Name, and put us forth, and he feedeth us in green pastures, and we are fed with hidden Manna, and lies down at Noon with his gathered Flock; and out of Nations, kindreds, multitudes, and peoples are we Redeemed to God, and are come out of the world, and out of great Babylon, and out of spiritual Sodom, and Egypt, where the Lord Christ was, and is crucified, and lieth slain to this day, and a top of the world hath the Lord set us, on the mountain of his o●n house, and dwelling; where we behold, and feel the life, and glory, & Crown of the world that hath no end; and the world that hath an end is seen over, and its Crown and glory is his footstool that Reigns among us, And as for all that which this perishing world brings forth, which men seek after only, It's reckoned our temptation, though all the sons of Adam are seeking its glory, its Riches, its Crowns, its contentments, But of that birth are we which hath no Crown, no glory, nor rest under the Sun, and a birth is brought forth amongst us which is heir of another Kingdom, and possessor of another Crown, whose glorying is in the Lord, all the day long, and he is ou● Refuge, our Rock, and our fortress against all our Enemies, and what though the wicked arm themselves, and the ungodly bend their b●w, what though all sorts of people from the Prince upon his T●●● 〈◊〉 ●he Beggar upon the dunghill, exalt themselves against th● d●●pise●●●ople of Lords inheritance, who for his Names sake are ki●●●d all the ●ay long; what though the wisemen bring forth their A●●●●●nts, an● what though the Rulers bring forth unrighteous Judgements again 〈◊〉 ●eed that God hath blessed; what though the revilers, and scorners open their mouths; and reproachers, and revilers cast out their bitter words as a flood against the remnant of the woman's seed, that hath long been fled into the wilderness; and what then, if the Teachers, the Prophets, and the Elders, and the heads, and wise men of the world set themselves to pray, and Preach, and Print against the chosen seed of Jacob; yet notwithstanding all this, though this is come to pass, and hell open her mouth, and her floods break forth to overflow, and be much more increased; yet shall the King of righteousness rule among his people, and his presence will not forsake his chosen one's; But the Lord is with us, a mighty, and terrible one, and the shout of a King is amongst us, and the dread, and terror of the Almighty covereth us, and it goeth before us, and compasseth us about; and the Lord is working a work in the Earth mighty, and wonderful, he is gathering the scattered, and binding up the broken hearted, and his people shall dwell in safety, and none shall make them afraid, and no weapon that is form against them shall prosper, nor no hand that is lifted up shall prevail; For Zion shall arise out of the dust, her beautiful garments shall be put on, and mourning, and sorrow shall flee away, and her light is risen that is everlasting, and the Sun shall never go down, but his day shall remain for ever, and the night shall not again cover her brightness, nor the Sun set upon her habitations, the City that hath long laid waste, shall again be builded; and the dwelling that hath long been without inhabitant, shall be replenished; for the numberless seed of Jacob is coming out of Egypt, that will replenish the whole Earth, and the seed of Esau shall become bondmen, and wherefore are you gathered together? and to what purpose have the wicked spent their strength to oppose what the Lord is bringing to pass? shall not all our Enemies be broken to pieces, and will not the Lord grind them to powder? will he not mar their beauty, and slain their pride? will he not bring down their crowns, and corrupt their glory, and slain it with his fire of wrath, and make them ashamed of their ways, and Doctrines? Hear this ye Priests, and howl, and lament for the misery that is coming upon you, the Lord hath laid you naked, and made you bare, and you are seen as you are, and the Elect is risen amongst us which ye cannot deceive; but alas, woe is me, how have you caused the people to err, and how have you led the blind out of the way, and how is truth fallen in your streets, and you have daubed falsely with untempered mortar, and have cried peace to the wicked, and condemned the righteous, and all this hath vexed the righteous soul, and the Lord will now arise, and is risen, and you shall not resist, and escape the stroke of his hand, which will come upon you, and bruise you as a millstone, for you have caused the wicked to rejoice and the righteous to mourn, and you have made sad his heart, whom God hath not made sad, have not you fed yourselves with the fat, and clothed with the wool, and hath not the people's souls been starved, and leanness been upon them all, your plant's a●● dry, and barren trees that brings forth no good fruit, and your p●●ple are like a wilderness that is untilled and unploughed and undressed, and your flocks are like wild asses upon the mountains that is untamed, as rude as the Horse, and mule, that knows no bridle and now it is seen what the end of your Ministry is, and what fruit it hath brought forth, the Lord hath taken notice, and he hath beheld, how you have loitered, and laid idle, and the Nations lies yet like fallow ground, that bears no fruit, and men's hearts are untouched with absence of God's word, and there is no sound, true, and perfect sense amongst your people of the deal of the Lord, nor of the operation of his spirit, but they remain in great blindness and ignorance, void of the knowledge of God, for ye have not caused them to hear his word, but you have told your dreams, and your false visions, and you have spoken imaginations of your hearts, and not from the mouth of the Lord, neither have you stood in his Counsel, nor harkened to his voice, and therefore people remains unprofited; but what they and you know, it's naturally, and not by the spirit of the Father, but as dry trees you are, not taught of the Father, and as rough goats in the nature of swine that is polluted in the filth of the world, and in the nature of dogs and Lions, devouring another, and biting one another, and killing one another, which things were not in the Churches of Christ, and we have a great controversy with you, and that from the Lord; we have tried you, searched you, and disovered your foundation, and it's not found, nor will not stand in the trial; we have fetched your Line from the first original, and we have found out your beginning, and we find yours of that Race, which Christ prophesied of that should come, which should deceive many, having the sheep's clothing, but inwardly ravening, and which john saw was come, and went out from the Apostles, and true Churches, which went from the truth, and went into the world, and had the form of godliness without the power; here began the Race in the Apostasy of the Churches, and when they Apostatised from the true faith, then came your original up, and the world went after them, and all that dwelled upon the earth worshipped the beast, that hath reigned through all this time of Apostasy, which hath been since the days of the Apostles; and we find your original go no further then to the false brothers, and false Apostles, which went out from the true Apostles, and run for gifts and rewards, and preached for filthy lucre, and through covetousness made merchandise of souls, seeking money and gain to themselves; I say we find your Original gins there, and your Line goes no further, and never came your first rise so far as the true Apostles, you were not in your beginning of their life nor birth, nor cannot be reckoned from their Original, for you succeed not them; but you truly succeed the false Apostles, and falls brothers, which Christ prophesied should come after his days, & john saw was come, and coming in his days; and we find you of this stock and generation, and now you are discovered to be contrary to the true Apostles, and agreeing with the false Apostles, in call, in practice, in maintenance, and in all things; and the Line of true judgement is laid upon you all, and you are measured, and found too short, and weighed and found too light, and we will deal truly with you in judgement; first we do hold controversy with you as concerning your call, your Ministry, it agreeth not with, but is contrary to what the Apostles call was; they were called by power from on high, and were made Ministers by the gift of the holy spirit received from God, and their Ministry was an absolute gift from God, and not to be bought and sold for money, and they were anointed of the Father, by his spirit of promise, and to preach the Gospel; but your call is at schools, and Colleges, in such, and such orders, which are attained through natural industry, such, and such arts, and sciences, and degrees, having been so many years brought up in studying natural arts and natural Languages, this is your ordination and your call, having no respect to receive, or to wait for the gift of the holy spirit to be made Ministers thereby, and this is different from the Apostles and true ministers, and equal and according to the false prophets and deceivers. Secondly, Again you are not according, but contrary to the true ministry and Ministers of Christ in practice; for they were led by the spirit of the Father which dwelled in them, and they preached the Gospel by the spirit, and spoke as the spirit gave them utterance, and went up and down the world through Nations, converting people to the knowledge of the truth, and what they had handled, tasted, seen, and felt of the word of life in them, that they declared to others, and preached the Gospel, which they had not received from man, nor by man, but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ in them; But your practice is not such, but contrary, for the spirit of this world leads you, and it you follow in all your works, in your preaching, praying, and in your whole worship, in form and tradition, what you have studied for, out of books and old Authors, you preach to people, and what ye have noted in a book, that you preach by an hourglass, and not as the spirit of God gives you utterance; and you seek out and inquire after great benefits, and much money by the year, and where there is much Tithes and Gleab-lands, and such like, thither and to such a place you go, and seek after, to be Ministers there, and there you remain 20. 40. more or fewer years as you can agree with the people, and while they will give you so much as will content you, and maintain you, your wives, and families as you say, & respect not whether any be converted to God by your preaching, but people remains always in blindness and ignorance generally, and without the knowledge of God; for you preach other men's words, and what you have collected in your imaginations from the Saints words an hour by a glass, leaning upon a soft cushion, and for money and and hire, preaching to the people, and this is your manner of practice, and Ministry, in these Nations, but thus did not the Apostles, nor Christ's Ministers; but the contrary; and by your fruits and works it appears that you are not followers of that spirit that Christ and his Ministers were guided by, neither are lawful successors of the Apostles, but by your fruits and practise you manifest that the Lord never sent you, nor Christ never called you into his service to be his Ministers, for in all your practices and in your whole performances of worship you differ, and doth not agree, but are contrary to what the practice and worship of Christ's Ministers, and Churches were in the days of the Apostles; this I charge upon you, in the Name, and by the Authority of the Lord God, and am able to prove it against you, face to face, or otherwise to show that you are not of the same spirit, but contrary to the Saints and Apostles of old, and so not true succeeders of them, nor lawful Ministers of Christ, as to all people it is, and shall be made manifest. Thirdly, You disagree and are contrary altogether to the true ministry, and to the Apostles, in respect of your maintenance and wages, for the wages which Christ allowed his Ministers, was, into whatsoever house they entered, that was worthy, they might eat such things as are set before them, for the workman (saith he) is worthy of his hire, and the Apostles eat only of the fruit of the vineyard that they had planted, and of the milk of the flock which they kept; by a free gift of the people, which they had begotten to the faith, and to whom they sowed spiritual things; it was but as a small matter if they reaped their carnal things, yet as a free gift they would do it, and the Apostle said he would not make the Gospel of Christ chargeable; And in this manner were Christ's Ministers and Ministry in wages and gifts, upheld and maintained outwardly in the world. But your practice and maintenance is not such, but contrary, as is fully made manifest, for you will have so much by the Year promised to you in Tithes, money, or Gleab-lands, or stipends, and of drunkards, and swearers, and profane worldly people, who are not sheep of Christ's flock, nor plants of his vine-yard, you will have so much of each of them, and of every man, in such a compass as you call your parish, and if any either out of covetousness or good conscience, cannot pay you, you sue at Law, and cast into prison, for wages, and spoil their goods, and take triple, nay some times 5. double damage, and through violence and injustice, and cruelty are you maintained in such a manner, and not as the true Ministers and Apostles of Christ were, but in a way and manner quite contrary as it is manifest, and so herein it is proved, that you are not lawful successors of the Apostles and Ministers of Christ. Fourthly, Again you follow not the Apostles, and true Ministers of Christ, but are contrary to them in doctrine, as this following volume will clearly manifest, which for this very end is collected from your own mouths and pens, that all men may see what you are, and what you hold and profess, and being truly laid down, and answered, let yourselves, and all sober men compare your doctrines and say with the doctrines of the Apostles, and they may see you agree not with them, but are contrary to them; and now friends to all you that profess yourselves to be Ministers of the Gospel, I do hereby declare unto you, in the name and authority of the Lord, that we have controversy with you, and a great charge against you in all these things, in your call, in your practice, and in your maintenance, and in your doctrines, and our mouths hath the Lord opened, and they cannot be shut, from declaring and crying against you, as such whom the Lord never sent, but are contrary to Christ, his prophets, and Apostles in all your ways, and practices, and the hand of the Lord is certainly against you, and his power and dread will come over you, and lie upon your consciences. Now Reader, whosoever thou art that reads this following volume if thy mind be sober, and thy heart right towards God, thou may come to a good understanding of the ground and cause of this great controversy, between the Priests and the professors of this Nation, and us, who are in scorn called Quakers, for it is not unknown to Nations, of this great debate and battle, now for some years of continuance in this Nation, no man can be ignorant, what putting in prisons, and what persecuting, and what preaching, and printing against us, and what reports and same hath been through this Nation for some years past; and the Quakers so called, have written, and spoken, and printed, against the Priests and their worships, and ways, and doctrines, and declared against them, as deceivers and false prophets, and such as never were sent of God; & on the other hand, thus have the Priests, and more abundantly cried out against, and printed against the Quakers as heretics, and deceivers, and witches, and all what they could say that's evil, and these things being not unknown, but public brought to pass; therefore it will be good to discover unto every man, the first ground and cause of this great strife, and the matter of it, and its beginning, so that all may know the certainty of these things, and know they are not without good ground, and sufficient reason on our part, to wit, that we have just cause to do, and strive against that generation of Priests and Teachers, and that we do nothing rashly, and without sufficient reason. It is now about seven years since the Lord raised us up in the North of England and opened our mouths in this his spirit; and what we were before in our Religion, profession, and practices is well known to that part of the country, how generally we were men of the strictest sect, and of the greatest zeal in the performance of outward righteousness, and went through and tried all sorts, of Teachers, and run from mountain to mountain, and from man to man, and from one form to an other, as do many to this very day, who yet remains ungathered to the Lord, and such we were, (to say no more of us) that sought the Lord, and desired the knowledge of his ways more than any thing beside, and for one I may speak, who from a child, even a few years old, he set his face to seek and find the Saviour, and more than Life and treasure, or any mortal Crown sought after with all his heart, the one thing that is needful, to wit, the knowledge of God: And after our long seeking, the Lord appeared to us, and revealed his glory in us, and gave us of his spirit from heaven, and poured it upon us, and gave us of his wisdom to guide us, whereby we saw all the world, and the true state of all things and the true condition of the Church in her present estate; first the Lord brought us by his power, and wisdom, and the word by which all things were made to know and understand, & see perfectly that God had given to us, every one of us in particular, a Light from himself shining in our hearts & consciences, which Light, Christ his Son, the Saviour, of the world had lighted every man, and all mankind withal; which Light in us we found sufficient to reprove us, and convince us of every evil deed, word and thought, and by it, in us, we come to know good from evil, right from wrong, and whatsoever is of God, and according to him, from what is of the Devil, and what is contrary to God in motion, word and work; and this Light gave us to discern between truth and error, between every false and right way, & it perfectly discovered to us the true state of all things, and we thereby came to know man, what he was in his creation before transgression, & how he was deceived & overcome by the devil; & his estate in transgression, & in disobedience, & how he is driven & banished from the presence of the Lord, and the sorrow and anguish which he is in, & to undergo; & also by the Light in us, we perfectly came to know the way of Restauration, and the means to be restored; and the state of man being come out of transgression and restored, these things to us were revealed by the Light within us, which Christ had given us, and lightened us withal, what man was before transgression, and what he is in transgression, and what he is being redeemed out of transgression, and also the Light which shined in every one of us, as to it our minds became turned, and our hearts inclined, the perfect estate of the Church we came to know; her estate before the Apostles days, and in the Apostles days, and since the days of the Apostles, and her persent estate we found to be as a woman who had once been clothed with the Sun, and the Moon under her feet, who brought forth him that was to Rule the Nations; but she was fled in the Wilderness, and there sitting desolate, in her place, that was prepared of God for such a season, which season in the very end thereof, when the time of her sojorning, was towards a full end, than were we brought forth, if any have an ear they may hear, so that all these things concerning man, and concerning the times and seasons, and the changing and renewing of times, and all things that pertains to salvation, and Redemption and eternal Life, needful for man to know, all this was revealed, discovered, and made known to us, by the Light which was in us, which Christ had lighted us withal. And we found this Light to be a sufficient teacher, to lead us to Christ, from whence this Light came, and thereby it gave us to receive Christ, and to witness him to dwell in us, and through it the new covenant we came to enter into, to be made heirs of life and salvation, and in all things we found the Light which we were enlightened withal, and all mankind (which is Christ) to be alone and only sufficient to bring to Life and eternal salvation, and that all who did own the Light in them which Christ hath enlightened every man withal, they needed no man to teach them, but the Lord was their Teacher, by his Light in their own consciences, and they received the holy anointing. And so we ceased from the teachings of all men, and their words, and their worships, and their Temples, and all their baptisms, and Churches, and we ceased from our own words, and professions, and practices in Religion, in times before zealously performed by us, through divers forms, and we became fools for Christ's sake, that we might become truly wise; and by this Light of Christ in us were we led out of all false ways and false preach, and false Ministers, and we met together often, and waited upon the Lord in pure silence, from our own words, and all men's words, and harkened to the voice of the Lord, and felt his word in our hearts, to burn up and beat down all that was contrary to God, and we obeyed the Light of Christ in us, and followed the motions of the Lords pure spirit, and took up the Cross to all earthly glories, Crowns, and ways, & denied ourselves, our relations, and all that stood in the way betwixt us and the Lord, and we chose to suffer with and for the Name of Christ, rather than all the pleasures upon earth, or all our former zealous professions and practices in Religion without the power and spirit of God, which the world yet lives in. And while waiting upon the Lord in silence, as often we did for many hours together, with our minds and hearts toward him, being stayed in the Light of Christ within us, from all thoughts, fleshly motions, and desires, in our diligent waiting and fear of his Name, and harkening to his word, we received often the pouring down of the spirit upon us, and the gift of God's holy eternal Spirit as in the days of old, and our hearts were made glad, and our tongues loosed, and our mouths opened, and we spoke with new tongues, as the Lord gave us utterance, and as his spirit led us, which was poured down upon us, on Sons and Daughters, and to us hereby was the deep things of God revealed, and things unutterable was known and made manifest; and the glory of the Father was revealed, and then began we to sing praises to the Lord God Almighty, and to the Lamb for ever, who had redeemed us to God; and brought us out of the captivity and bondage of the world, and put an end to sin and death, and all this was by and through, and in the light of Christ within us, and much more might be declared hereof, that which could not be believed if it were spoken, of the several and particular operations, and manifestations of the everlasting spirit that was given us, and revealed in us; but this is the sum; life and immortality was brought to light, power from on high and wisdom was made manifest, and the day everlasting appeared unto us, and the joyful Sun of Righteousness did arise and shine forth unto us and in us; and the holy anointing, the everlasting Comforter, we received; and the Babe of glory was born; and the heir of the promise brought forth, to Reign over the earth, and over Hell and death, whereby we entered into everlasting union, and fellowship and Covenant with the Lord God, whose mercies are sure and infinite, and his promise never falls; and much might be spoken, but this is the sum, we were raised from death to life, and are changed from Satan's power to God, and gathered from all the dumb Shepherds, and off all the barren mountains, into the fold of Eternal Peace and rest, and mighty and wonderful things hath the Lord wrought for us, and by us, by his own outstretched Army. And thus we became followers of the Lamb whither soever he goes, and he hath called us to make War in righteousness for his name's sake against Hell and death, and all the powers of darkness; and against the beast and false Prophet, which hath deceived the Nations; and we are of the Royal seed elect, chosen and faithful, and we War in truth, and just judgement, not with weapons that are carnal; but by the sword that goes out of his mouth, which shall slay the wicked, and cut them them to pieces; and after this manner was our birth, and bringing forth, and thus hath the Lord chosen us and made us as an Army dreadful and terrible before whom the wicked do fear and tremble; and our standard is truth, justice, righteousness, and equity; and all that comes unto us, must cleave thereunto, and fight under that banner without fear, and without doubting, and they shall never be ashamed nor put to flight, neither shall ever they be conquered by Hell or death or by the powers of darkness; but the Lord shall be their armour, weapon and defence for evermore, and they that follow the Lamb shall overcome, and get the victory over the beast, and over the Dragon, and over the gates of Hell; for the Lord is with us, and who shall be able to make us afraid? Then having thus armed us with power, strength and wisdom, and Dominion, according to his mind, and we having learned of him, and being taught of him in all things, and he having chosen us into his work, and put his sword into our hand, and given us perfect Commission to go forth in his Name and Authority, having the word from his mouth what to cut down and what to preserve, and having the everlasting Gospel to Preach to the inhabitants of the earth, and being commanded in spirit to leave all, and follow him, and go forth in his work, yea an absolute necessity was laid upon us, and woe unto us if we Preached not the Gospel, for when we looked abroad and beheld the world, behold it was altogether darkness, and even as a wilderness, and desolate, and barren of good fruit; and death reigned over men, and no good fruit was brought forth to God, but leaves we beheld upon every soul; and all men and peoples were made drunk with the wine of whoredoms, and the Whore's cup they had drunk, and was committing fornication with the great Whore, and she reigned over the Kings and peoples of the earth; and the Antichrist was set up in the Temple of God, ruling over all, and having brought Nations under his power, and set up his Government over all for many ages, even since the days of the Apostles and true Churches hath he reigned, while the woman hath been fled into the wilderness, and the man child caught up to God; Christ said Antichrist should come, and put on the sheep's clothing, and be inwardly a ravening Wolf, and John saw that Antichrist was come in his days, and he went forth then from the true Church, and went into the world, and deceived the world; and ever since his Kingdom hath reigned over Nations, for than he begun to exalt himself, and it is sixteen hundred years since; all which time Antichrist that hath had the sheep's clothing, but inwardly a ravener, and hath ruled and reigned; and this we saw and perceived, in the very time of our birth and bringing forth; and we beheld Nations as a wilderness untilled, and men's hearts as the fallow ground unbroken up, and not ploughed nor sown with the good seed of God's Kingdom; so that we saw all states and orders of men corrupted and degenerated from what they ought to be, and from what God had once ordained them: As for the Ministry first, we looking upon it with a single eye, in the light of the Spirit of God which had anointed us, we beheld it clearly (which formerly we had been stumbling at and much doubting of, that it was not the perfect Ministry of Christ for many years before) not to be of Christ nor sent of him, nor having the Commission power and Authority of Christ as his Ministry had in the days of the true Churches, but in all things, as in Call, practice, maintenance, and in every thing else in fruits and effects, we found it disagree, and be wholly contrary to the true Minstry of Christ in the days of the Apostles, and likewise we truly beheld it to be in Call, practice, and maintenance, and all things the very same in fruits and effects; with the false Ministry and false Prophets, and false Apostles, and deceivers of old; and this I do testify, and am able to prove in the spirit and Authority of the Lord, that the public Ministry as now it stands generally, is wholly degenerated from what the true Ministry of Christ once was, and differeth and is contrary in all things to what Christ's Ministers were, and agreeth, and is equal in all things with what the false prophets and deceivers were throughout all ages; and this I charge upon it, in the face and view of all men to whom this may come; for this we saw concerning it, in the beginning, and our first assurance. And as for other places and orders of men and callings we saw them also corrupted and degenerated, and evil and iniquity abounding among all sorts of people, and blindness and darkness covered the face of the earth and of the world, and all people were in their transgressions, and making void the Law of God, and that it was time for the Lord to work, and to arise to ease himself of his adversaries; and as for all Churches (so called) and professions and gatherings of people, we beheld you as all in the Apostasy and degeneration from the true Church, nor being gathered by the spirit of the Lord, nor anointed thereby, as the true members of Christ ever were, but to be in a form, and in forms of righteousness without the power, and in Imitations without life, and perfect knowledge; so that all the practices of Religion we beheld without power, and life, though some had a sencerity in them, and a zeal and a desire towards the Lord, yet all people erred in Judgement and none were guided in Judgement by the Eternal spirit, and because of the error in Judgement that made their zeal blind, and their performances of righteousness not accepted, though acted in some sincerity and zeal, because they were not guided in practice, and led in Judgement by the spirit of the Lord, which only leads into all truth, and none are in the truth but are who led only thereby, so that we beheld all profession, but as cover with fig leaves, while the nature of transgression stood uncondemned, & not crucified. Also than we saw not only the performance and practice in Church state, and in Religious orders were corrupted, but also Government, and Magistracy, and all things in civil state were not aright in the sight of the Lord, nor as the Lord required, neither as he had ordained in the beginning; for Government we know as ordained of God, is to punish, and limit and terrify, all evil doers, and to preserve and defend all that do well; and that men's consciences are to be left free, to be ruled by the Lord alone, and guided by his spirit, and that outward power and civil Magistrates and Laws (so called) ought not to be Lord or Ruler in men's consciences, nor over them; but we beheld how unrighteousness and iniquity, and sin and wickedness was strengthened, and encouraged in the Government, and by such as were in Authority; and how the fear of God and the exercise of a good conscience was abused; so that it was turned backward from what it ought to be; them that did well were punished, and limited as transgressors, and the evil doers were set free, and not made afraid, so, that we could truly cry, truth was fallen in the streets, and justice and true Judgement turned backward, and equity had no place to enter, and the innocent was devoured through want of true and just Judgement, and the needy was spoiled and made a prey, and thus it was framed, for no sooner had we opened our mouths, but the Magistrates begun to put us in prison, and execute great injustice upon us, and became oppressors of the innocent, and laid grievous unjust burdens upon us, grievous to be born, and true justice and judgement was neglected, and wrong judgement brought forth, and good Government abused, and men in authority not ruled by the Lord, neither ruling for the Lord among men, and thus it came to pass upon us, through the corruption and degeneration in Government and Magistrates, which we saw to be, as it was fulfilled by them, to wit, not as the Lord required, nor as he in the beginning ordained it, but quite the contrary, and this we saw in the beginning, when the spirit of the Lord was poured down upon us, and power from on high was revealed to declare against all the the abominations of the Earth, and to make war against all corruption, in all orders, and places, and men. Then being prepared of the Lord, and having received power from on high, we went forth as commanded of the Lord, leaving all relations and all things of the wo●ld behind us, that we might fulfil the work of the Lord into which he called us, and with flesh and blood, nor any creature, we consulted not, nor took council of men, but of the Lord alone, who lifted up our heads above the world, and all fears and doubtings, and was with us in power and dominion, over all that which opposed us, which was great and mighty, and gave us power over it all, and to bind Kings in chains, and Nobles in fetters of Iron, and this is the saints honour, and the word of the Lord we sounded, and did not spare, and caused the deaf to hear, the blind to see and the heart that was hardened to be a wakened, and the dread of the Lord went before us, and behind us, and terror took hold upon our enemies; And first of all our mouths were opened, and our spirit filled with indignation against the Priests and teachers, and with them and against them first we began to war, as being the causers of the people to err, and the blind leaders that carried the blind into the ditch, and against them, as the fountain of all wickedness abounding in the Nations, and as being the issue of profanes, for from them hath profaneness gone forth in all nations, and against them we cried a loud, as being redeemed from their mouths who had made a prey upon us, as they do upon all that follow their ways, and in steeple-houses we did visit them often, and in markets and other places, as the Lord moved and made way for us, showing unto all them and all their people, that they were not Lawful Ministers of Christ, sent of him, but were deceivers and Anti-christs, and such whom the Lord never sent, and we spared not publicly and at all seasons to utter forth the Judgements of the Lord, against them and their ways, and against their Churches, and worships, and practices, as not being of God, nor commanded by him, by which they deceived the world, and this was our first work which we entered upon, to thresh down the deceivers, and lay them open, that all people might see their shame, and come to turn from them, & receive the knowledge of the truth, that they might be saved, and this we did with no small opposition nor danger, yea often times we were in danger of our lives, through beating, abusing punishing, haling, casting over walls, striking with staves, and cudgels, and knocking down to the ground, besides reproaching, Scorning, revile, and houting at, and scoffings, and slander, and all abuses that could be thought or acted by evil hands and tongues, and often carried before Magistrates, with grievous threats, and some times put in the Stocks, and whipped, and often imprisoned, and many hard deal against us, the worst of tongues or hands could execute, sparing life; of this all the North countries may witness, and all these things are sustained and suffered from people and Rulers, because of our faithfulness to the Lord, and for declaring against the false deceivers; for nothing save only the hand of the Lord, and his power could have preserved us, and carried us through all this, neither for any reward outward whatsoever, or advantage to ourselves, would we have exposed ourselves to that sufferings and violence, and dangers, which befell us daily, but the Lord was our exceeding great reward through all these things, and kept us in the hollow of his hand, and under the shadow of his wings, and gave us dominion in spirit over all our enemies, and subdued them before us, and though Rulers and people were combined against us, and executed their injustice and violence upon us, yet the Lord made us to prosper, and grow exceedingly in strength, wisdom and number, and the hearts of the people inclined unto us, and the witness of God in many stired for us, for to that in all consciences in our words and sufferings, and ways, we did commend ourselves to be known and approved. And in the beginning we were but few in number, only a few that thus were carried on and dealt with all and that had received the power from on high in such a measure, and for such a work; and no sooner did the Lord appear to us, and with us, but the Devil and his power risen up against us to destroy us, and it wrought in Rulers, Priests, and people, and all the ways and means invented by the Devil that could be executed by his servants were brought forth, to quench the work of the Lord, and to stop our passage in what we were called to; did ye but perfectly know, as we perfectly found the craftiness and policy, and wickedness of the Devil, how to overcome this new borne babe? and how to root out for ever this plant, that was newly sprang forth? it would make you admire and wonder with admiration; all the priests and Rulers were in an uproar, the Priests they petitioned to the Magistrates, and run up & down from one sessions and Judicatory to another, & took wicked oaths and slandered the just with lies and reproaches, on purpose to incense all people against us, and the Magistrates gave forth warrants for the apprehending of some, and made their orders to break our meetings, and that we should not meet in the night season, and such men might not pass abroad, and such stir and opposition was made against us, it can hardly be expressed or declared, there was uproars in steeple-houses, and uproars in markets, and often haling before Magistrates, and abused, and threatened, and slandered, and all manner of evil done, and spoken against us, and great injustice, cruelty and oppression acted against us, where ever we came, and all through the means of the Priests, who spared not to enact and conceive mischief against us, and sought daily to the Magistrates for persecution, preaching in their Pulpits, and praying against us, and setting days apart to seek their God against us, crying with out ceasing in public and private, heresy, heresy, Error and blasphemy, & that we were deceivers witches, and seducers, & such like the worst they could say and Imagine to stir up the hearts of people against us, and running often to the Assize and Sessions, and Counts to complain, and in form upon false oaths against us, and through them were the whole countries in a rage and madness, Rulers & people often imprisoning and abusing and resisting us with violence banishing us out of towns, and putting of us out of our Inns, and often threatening to burn the houses over our heads, the whole company of rude people in a town, often gathering and besetting a house or Inn about where we were entered to lodge, in our travels; we were often exposed to dificult and hard travels and journeys, giving ourselves to the Cross, to take it up against all earthly, often drinking water, and lying in straw in barns, after a hard day's journey, and yet for all these things, the power and presence of the Lord was with us, and we were carried on in much boldness, and faithfulness in courage, and without fear or doubtings, through the often hazard of our lives many ways in uproars by evil men, and in markets, and Steeple-houses, and also in travels by robbers, and every way were we exposed to dangers, and perils, but through all & over all were we carried, and are preserved to this day. And after this manner it came to pass concerning us, and much more might be said, but this is in short declared how we were entreated, and dealt withal by Priests, Rulers, and People, through all the Northern counties of England in our first going forth, through which counties we first Journied out of Westmoreland, through Cumberland, Northumberland and into some parts of Scotland, and Durham, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Chesshire etc. and in all these counties much opposition we had, and exceeing sufferings, and cruel deal from men of all sorts, every Goal may witness, in every county, how any of them seldom were without some of us, or our friends imprisoned in them this six years, and scarce one steeplehouse or market in all these counties, but may witness what beating, what bruisings, strikings and halings, and abusings, and perils we have suffered and sustained, and not one priest in all those counties can clear himself from hatred and malice, and from envying of us, and doing mischief in words, and works, or thoughts, or desires against us, nor scarce one Justice nor any officer of the peace, can be excused in all them counties from plotting and acting injustice upon us, and threating and enacting cruelty against us; And I call Heaven and Earth to record, and the Light in every man's conscience, and do appeal to that in all sorts and places of people, that by all sorts of people we suffered evil, and unjust works and actions and words from them, and let the witness of God in all men's consciences in all the North, give testimony what deal and cruelty we suffered, and how we have been dealt withal, and also of our patience, and Innocency under all what they have done to us. But notwithstanding, all what was acted against us, and spoken, ma●● hundreds of the honest and sober people owned us, and also many rude and ungodly persons were converted to the truth, I say many hundreds in all these counties in two year's time, were brought to the knowledge of the Lord, and to own us, all which time we laboured, and travelled in patience, giving up ourselves to live or to die, and to all manner of sufferings and reproaches, and hard trials, that we might fulfil faithfully what we were called unto; sufferings without, from open enemies, and from our own kindred and relations, and sufferings within, for the seeds sake, and we are well acquainted with griefs, yet in all our trials and afflictions, the Lord never forsook us, but his wisdom, love, and life, and presence increased in us, and with us. Then in the year 1654. as moved of the Lord, we spread ourselves , and entered into these South parts, and came the first of us into this City of London, in the fift Month that year, and laboured in the work of the Gospel, in continual sufferings and oppressions divers ways, and were oppressed and gainsaid by the wisemen, and by the learned, and had in reproach and contempt by all the high and lofty and proud professors, and we were set at nought and rejected by the fat beasts of the South, and it is well known to thousands in this City and South country, what opposition we have had from all sorts of people, opposed in our own meetings, and scorned, and slandered by envious and reproachful tongues, publicly and privately encountered withal by the wisest of the City, and country challenged, invited, and engaged to disputes by the high Priests and Church-members (so called) & written against, and printed against, by the chiefest of men, accounted wise and religious, which of any sect, and who of all the wisest in profession, and the most zealous in practices of Religion, (so called) have not at some time or other beset us, and encountered with us in high disputes and controversy, opposing of us to our faces, and gainsaying our doctrines, and practices, and denying of us, and resisting of us wholly, and crying against us to be deceivers, deluders and heretics, and blasphemers, and such like, and that our doctrines were deceivable, & error, and factious, and what not, & that our practices were destructive to men, Laws, and Government? these things in the worst nature have been spoken against us without ceasing, by the wisest and men of greatest parts and most Religious (falsely so accounted) for this certain years in the South, aswell as in the North, besides what loss have we sustained other ways in the South, by beat, and strikings, and abuses, and slanders, and false reproaches, and halings before Magistrates, and imprisoning, and all the like dealing from Priests, Rulers and people, as we did in the North, yea, the same hard dealing and cruelty from all sorts of people we have suffered, and do daily, as we did in the North; Insomuch we are now accustomed to the yoke, and well acquainted with sorrows and griefs from all sorts of people, and were not the Lord on our side our enemies would swallow us up quick, and we had been long since devoured by the teeth of the ungodly, so that I may now call to witness all the Goals and prisons in the South, as in the North, and all the Magistrates and Judges, and Rulers, and all officers of the Law, what sufferings we have sustained, and what cruel and heard dealing we have undergone, and what injustice, and unequal and false judgement hath been executed upon us in this five year's time, which of the Goals may appear free, where some of us have not suffered the loss of our liberties unjustly? and who of any Justice of the peace, or any other officer, from the Judge to the Constable, that can clear themselves from guilt in this matter, and that they have not had a hand in our unjust sufferings? and to the witness of God, in all people of all sorts, through this whole Nation, and some other, I do appeal concerning this matter, how we have been dealt withal, & what we have sustained in our persons, and in our names, & how many acts and words of cruelty and in justice we have borne and suffered, and these Priests been as the fountain and cause of all this, and the foremost in all this iniquity and injustice by all what they could do to incense the Rulers and people against us, by Preaching, and praying, and writing, and printing, for the space of this seven years, yet notwithstanding all this, the mighty power and presence of the Lord have been with us, and preserved us from dangers great and many, and carried us through trials and perplexities, and sufferings, and not only so, but he hath increased us in number; so that thousands and ten thousands have and may own us, and the truth which we give witness of, & live therein? for the eyes of all people are beginning to be opened, and the deaf ear is unstopped, and the way of life eternal is made manifest, and the Lord is gathering his flock, which hath been scattered in the cloudy and dark day, whilst these false idle shepherds, (these Priests and Teachers I mean) have fed themselves with the fat, and clothed themselves with the wool, and laid down in slumber, and not gathered the flock, nor fed them, but scattered them, and driven them away; and with force and with cruelty have they ruled over the heritage of the Lord; woe, woe, unto these shepherds, saith the Lord God, they shall be confounded and put to shame perpetually, and they shall be broken down and never builded any more, and the Lord will pluck them up by the roots, and they shall never again be planted. And besides all there Petitioning the Magistrates against us, and Preaching and praying against us, and all the evil & wickedness, in work, word, & desire brought forth against us from time to time; yet here (sober Reader) thou hast a Catalogue and whole number of books Printed & written against us, and abundance of their Doctrines uttered against us, and in opposition to us, gathered up in this volume in a sum, with our answers to them; and if thy heart and mind be single, thou mayst hereby understand, in measure, the difference in Doctrine between them and us, and compare each of them with the Scriptures, and see whether their Doctrines and Principles laid down as the subject of their books, or our Doctrines and Principles laid down in answer to theirs, be according, and agree with the Scriptures, and if thou be impartial in this business, and single in this search and Judgement, I doubt not, but thou wilt in a great measure satisfy thyself, and be resolved concerning their Priests, and Professors of England, and us who are called Quakers, and then when thou thus hast done, own and deny ●●●ther them or us, as the Lord shall persuade thee; for thou mayst fully perceive we differ in Doctrines and Principles, and the one thou must justify, and the other thou must condemn, as being one clean contrary to the other in our Principles; And I wish also, thou wouldst measure us, and compare us in lives and conversations, and truly Judge whom of us, whether they, or we do the more follow Christ and his Apostles in practice and conversation; And in all things lay us and them to the line of true Judgement, and with an upright heart, Judge accordingly; for know this, there is not any Principle we hold, nor any work which we practice in our Religion and worship, but we are willing, and fully desires we might be brought to the Bar of true Justice together, and in every particular, of Principles and practices, examined and tried to the full, and each of us judged in truth and equity, whither it be they or us that are of the true Religion, and true faith, and true worship of God that the Apostles were in, and which of us it is that are in a wrong way, and in a false Religion, and false faith and worship, and in this we will join issue with them, in the sight of the whole Nation, if they will come forth to trial; if what already is brought forth by them against us, and by us against them, for this seven years in disputes, and in printing, and otherwise, be not sufficient for all people to try us in, and judge us by, whether they, or we be in the right, and whether in the wrong. And now to all people in the Nation, I do appeal to that of God in all their consciences, to judge between the Priests and Professors, and all the Sects, and us, ye have heard their Doctrines, and ye have heard something of ours, ye have seen their conversation; and ye have seen something of ours, ye have heard them long, and something of us ye have heard for a little season, and now give your evidence, is it not with them as we have said? are not your Priests in the steps of the false prophets and of the deceivers, and do not they seek for their gain from their quarter, as they did that Isaiah cried against? do not they Preach for hire and Divine for money, as they did which Micah cried against? are not they such by whom you have not been profited, as Jeremiah cried against? let that of God in you answer to these things; and are they not proud men, and covetous men, and envious men, and heady highminded men, and given to filthy lucre? and are they not such as through covetousness makes merchandise of souls, and that by good words and fair speeches deceives the hearts of the simple, such as Paul and Peter declares against? And are they not such as the true Prophets, Christ and his Apostles cried against? and do they not bring forth the same fruits as did the false Prophets, and f●lse Apostles? I leave it to your consciences to be the judge; compare them, and lay them to the line of true judgement, if you shut not your eyes, you may see it is thus; and have we charged them falsely, or have not we spoken the truth concerning them? we have said they are false ministers and deceivers, and not true Ministers of Christ, and is it not so? let the light in your consciences answer; we have said they have run, and never was sent, and that they have not profited the people at all; and is it not so? to the witness of God in you I do appeal, and let that justify that we have spoken nothing but the truth; examine and try in all things that we have charged them with, and are they not guilty in all things that we have charged upon them? let the witness of God in you testify to this; and what do you judge of them, are they not of that stock which Christ said should come, and should be wolves in sheep's clothing, and should deceive many, and which John saw was come in his days, and which the world went after, and the whole world run after them; are not they in the nature of wolves? devouring and tearing the Lambs of Christ? and do they not tear people by causing their bodies to be imprisoned and their goods to be spoiled? and do they not deceive many? and yet they have the sheep's clothing, the Saints words and their practices but inwardly are they not ravening? and doth not the world go after them, and hath not the world run after them for many ages; and is it not thus with them? And have they received the gift of the holy Ghost, or are they not made Ministers by the will of man, and not by the will of God? do they not differ and are contrary in call, in practice, in maintenance, and in fruits and effects to the true Ministers and true Apostles? and do they not agree, and are they not according to the false Prophets, and false Ministers, and deceivers in their call, practice, maintenance, fruits and effects? search the Scriptures, and lay them to that line and then let the witness in your consciences judge and answer, and do not they prepare War against such as doth not put into their mouths? and do not they feed with the fat, and cloth with the wool? do not they oppress the Nation, and the Creation? and are not they such whose Call, and practices and maintenance, and whole Ministry? hath a dependence upon Popery and doth it not all savour of Popery, and in the main and Principal parts thereof, were ordained by the Pope? this may be fully made manifest; And are not all Professors, and Sects of people such as have the form but are without the power of godliness? are not people still covetous, and earthly minded, and given to the world, and proud and vain, even such as profess Religion, and to a separated people? is not Professors as covetous, and proud, as such as doth not profess? and are not they given to the world, and doth it not show that they are unchanged nor translated, but death Reigns among them? and is it not manifest that they have taken up the form, of the Apostles and Christ's words and practices, and are without the life, and not guided by the spirit of Christ and the Apostles in their praying and Preaching? and are not your souls lean and starved; to the witness of God in you all I speak; which may testify that many people have a show of Religion without life, and therefore have not we spoken the truth of them, in what we have said? in the day of Judgement you shall answer it. And as concerning the Quakers, what do you say of them? you have seen their conversation; few Towns but some of them have been and are amongst you; do not they fear God? and do not they walk justly and truly among their neighbours, and speaks the truth, and doth the truth in all things, doing to all no otherwise then they would be done unto? and are they not meek, and humble, and sober? and do not they take much wrong, rather than give wrong to any? and are they not such as delights in the ways of the Lord, and do not they deny the world, and its pleasures, and forsakes all iniquity more than yourselves? and do not they take up the daily Cross of Christ to all its ways and earthly glories? and do not they Preach in the power of God and reacheth to your consciences, when you hear them? and doth not the light in you answer that they speak the truth? and is not their Call and practice and maintenance the same as was the Apostles and faithful Ministers? compare them with the Scripture, and then Judge in your consciences; and do not they suffer many hard and cruel things, even all manner of evil spoken and done against them falsely for the Name of Christ? are you ignorant of their great sufferings through this Nation? and what do you think, is their suffering for evil doing, or is it not for righteousness sake? what harm do they do, to any, by work or word? why are they reproached and mocked and scorned? and why are they put in prisons, and whipped and thus sorely abused? is it for any evil doing, or is it not because they are the servants of the Lord? compare their fruits with the Priests fruits, their conversation with the Priest's conversation, and see whether be liker the Apostles; and these things I leave to you that you may come to consider and judge justly of all things, for the Lord God is risen and his light in people's consciences is shining forth, and it shall answer to what I say, in this world or in the day of Judgement, when we, and all mankind shall appear and come forth to trial, and every man's work shall be tried, and all shall receive according to their deeds. And so gladly would we be made manifest to all the world; if that after the reading of this book any be unsatisfied still in this matter, And if any, especially of the heads and Rulers have doubts or Jealousies raised in them, concerning us, and the Priests, and that they further would be satisfied and resolved; for that end let any wise men propound for full satisfaction of all sorts of people, that we (with the consent of the chief in Authority that have power in this Nation who may preserve peace and safety among people, and thereby to stop all Jealousies) may freely and cheerfully, four, ten, twenty, thirty, more or fewer of us; give as many of the wisest and ablest of the Priests and Professors a meeting for dispute, at any place in England, at what place, time, and for what continuance, as they shall ascribe and consent unto, and to dispute, and controvert betwixt us and them any such thing, and every such particular as shall or may be objected, by any of the heads and Rulers, or other grave understanding men, wherein they are doubful betwixt us, and would thereof be satisfied, that by such dispute and opening of such causes, objected, full, and real, and total satisfaction may be given to the whole Nation, and every particular man and member therein. Otherwise, Let the Priests or professors or any of them object what they can against us, in our principles, profession, faith, and practice, and our whole Religion; And if they shall affirm and allege any one or more things against us, that any principle we hold, or practice we profess in any part throughout all our Religion, are false Principles and false practices, and not according to truth, nor the scriptures, but shall affirm that our Religion is not the true Religion, nor we of the true Church of of Christ, and they shall have free liberty, to give their best proof and reason for what they affirm, and allege; yet by the strength of Christ, and in the power and authority of God, and according to the scriptures we shall confute all their proofs and strongest reasons; and on the contrary we shall join our Principles, doctrines, and practices, and all our Religion, and every part and particular thereof, to be the very truth, and agreeing with the scriptures, and according to that shall maintain by lawful arguments, and plea, that our Religion and worship, and all that we profess and Practice is according to the mind of the Lord, and justified of him, and that whatsoever is and may be spoken against us upon that account is utterly false, and to be condemned, and upon this we will engage with them, and with any of our enemies, of what sect and profession soever, to the intent only that truth may be manifest and embraced, and deceit and Error discovered and denied. And also, upon such an engagement we should agree to have the liberty, freely, and soberly to object against the Priests, concerning their Ministry, their call, their practice, their maintenance, and their fruits and effects, and concerning their Church, and principles, and worship, and whole Religion, and shall hear patiently all that can be said in defence thereof by any or all of them, and shall prove by the spirit of the Lord, and according to the scriptures, that their ministry is not the true Ministry of Christ, nor they true and lawful Ministers of the Gospel, but shall manifest by evident arguments, that their call, practice, maintenance, fruits and effects, are not according nor agreeing, but contrary and differing, to what the true Ministry was, and its call, practice, maintenance, fruits and effects were in the true Apostles, and among the true Churches, and furthermore by the Grace of God we shall prove their Church, their worship, and their whole Religion, in all parts thereof, to be degenerated from what the true Church was, and the true worship, and true Religion, in the days of the Apostles, and true Churches of old, and these things shall we make manifest by faithful and sound arguments according to the scriptures, that all the earth may know, and all people perceive who is in the truth, and of the true worship and Religion, and who are in the contrary, and whether the Priests, and that which they profess and practise for Religion, or the Quakers, and that which they profess and practise for Religion, be of God and according to him, and whether are contrary; that the end of this long travel, and war and controversy may be desided and justly ended between us, and all people may be resolved, and satisfied concerning us, and them that do oppose us. And let all the Priests and professors lay aside and give over their houses of correction, and imprisoning people, and whipping of them, and stocking of us, and dealing in this manner of violence and cruelty, as for years bypast they have done in defence of their Religion, and resisting of ours, and let them lay aside their carnal weapons, and fight against our persons, and imprisoning of us about our Religion, and let them come forth in sound arguments, the best they have, and let us see what spiritual weapons they have to resist us, and defend themselves, & let us try, whether their spiritual weapons or ours be the strongest, and the most powerful, and mighty, & let theirs that are so, prevail against the other, be it ours, or theirs, and this is the way to try the truth, and to make all things manifest, and to decide and end all the whole controversies between us and them, which hath been great this many years, and let the truth be set up and exalted, where ever it is, and all deceit thrown down to the ground, and let us war with the weapons of the spirit, against error and false religion, one in the other, but let's not hurt creatures, nor imprison persons, nor stock and whip creatures, and make them to suffer, but let us thresh deceit, and whip and beat that, and all false opinions, let us throw them down, where they are found, whether in them or in us, and let us fight with the weapons of the spirit, that are spiritual, & let them sight no longer with such cruel carnal weapons, and then let such as get the victory, and overcomes, appear to be in the truth of the Church, and such as falls and is overcome, be manifest to be in the error, and of the false Church and Religion, and let us love one another's persons, and let them act no otherwise towards our persons, than we do upon theirs, and towards them, and let them take the liberty to deal with us, and our persons, as we deal with them, and their persons, and no otherwise. And let such, whether them or us, that cannot prove ourselves to be the true Church of Christ, nor of the true worship, and true Religion, nor in the truth, but is found to be in the error, and out of the truth, let such deny their worship and Church, and renounce all their Religion, and confess to all the world, under their hands, that they are and have been deceived, and for ever hereafter stop their mouths, and never profess nor practise any more what they have done in such Religion; And freely upon these Issues and conditions we will join trial with them, let them appoint time, place, and proffer terms at their own pleasure, and then to all the world it shall be manifest, and to all people discovered, whether we have not good ground and sufficient reason, to war against these Priests, and it may perfectly appear that what we have said and written against them these divers years, have been upon a good foundation, and we have had sufficient cause to speak and write against them, as we have done, and none thenceforth shall have cause to say, or doubt, that what we have spoken and written against them hath been out of malice or envy, and without cause and good reason; but on the contrary all shall know the ground of quarrel is sufficient and full of equity on our part. And upon these or any equal terms and conditions, would we, and are we willing to engage with these Priests, and all, or any one of these Sects, in a lawful trial, in disputes, or writings, for the trial and searching out of the truth, and the true Religion; And were it not equal & reasonable, that we had the same liberty among all these Priests, and in their Church and Assemblies freely to declare our minds, and to let forth ourselves in what we hold and profess, without being violently haled, and beat, and whipped, and sent to prison, as we have been this many years; which liberty we do freely grant and allow among us to all, to query, or declare what is upon them, without such violent dealing, or whipping, or sending them to prisons and houses of correction; and the same and no other do we desire of others in this particular of freedom to declare the truth, and what we hold, than what we do and would allow to others; and that no weapon be used by them against us, nor dealing towards us, but the weapons of the spirit, the best they have, or can bring forth against us, and let them let creatures alone, and not hurt nor do violence to them, and no other weapons shall we use against them, nor deal with them by any other thing, but the weapons of the Spirit of God, which is powerful, and will bring down strong holds; and as for creatures, we shall not hurt, nor do violence, nor imprison them, and whose weapons are the strongest, let such overcome. And such as are overcome, is not the true Church; for the true Church of Christ which is builded upon the Rock, the gates of hell cannot prevail against, and who doth overcome, with such let it be manifest that God of a truth is with them; and let them all cease to defend their Church and Ministry, and Religion with prisons, and whips, and houses of correction, for by such things was never the true Church, Ministry and Religion defended, but only the power and Authority of God preserved them, and resisted all their enemies; and so it is at this day; and let all cease to cry deceivers, and being afraid to be deceived; for if they be the true Church, all, or any of these Sects and Professions of Religions, then if we be deceivers, and come among them, they cannot be deceived, if they be in the election; for no deceivers, nor the gates of hell cannot prevail against the true Church of Christ, nor against them that are elect, which the Devil hath nothing in; And if we be the true Church of Christ, and in the election, then if all the deceivers upon earth come among us, they cannot prevail against us, nor deceive us; for the elect cannot be deceived; and upon these terms, we may engage with any people and Sect upon earth, therefore come to this, and join with us, take you the liberty to declare in soberness what you own and profess, & you shall not be persecuted, nor your bodies nor persons harmed by violence; and let us have that liberty to deelare in meekness and soberness, and in God's Authority, amongst you what we hold and profess, and let us not be persecuted, and dealt violently withal; and then let it appear whether we or our enemies hath a greater testimony, and more powerful in the hearts of people. And were not this a way full of equity for the trial of all things? But doing contrary as you have done these many years against us, by violence and whipping, and persecuting, it shows you have not the spiritual weapons, nor the Authority of God with you, nor among you, and that is the cause of running to Magistrates, and putting in Goals, and whip, and all violence, because the Authority of God's spirit is wanting amongst you, which all the false Sects and false Churches, since the days of the Apostles, have wanted, to defend themselves and resist their enemies; and so all sects have been fight one with another, and kill persons and creatures, and defended themselves, by prisons, and inquisitions, and destroying of lives; and all this have been out of the power of God, and not in it, but by the power of the Dragon, and of the Beast, who hath caused all to worship, and them that would not, he hath had power to kill, and hath killed them, by fires, and tortures, and cruel deaths, and all these have lost the spiritual weapons, and been without the power and Spirit of God; And what a Church is this of yours which hath need to be defended by Goals, and prisons, and whips and stocks, and violent dealing? this Church is not the Church of Christ, for the power and Spirit of God defends her always, and not inquisitions, and prisons and whips, these are cain's weapons, and not the weapons of the Spirit of God, whereby his true Church was ever defended; for because cain's sacrifice was not accepted, therefore he slew his Brother, and persecuted him; and thus you that are of cain's seed do the same, upon the same ground, because your works are rejected and theirs accepted, with which you deal thus; in this violent way of persecution and wickedness. And this is the protestant Church (so called) and her Ministers, with whom I am now dealing, which seems to be the true Church, and more than the Church of Rome; for you Protestant Ministers do deny and cry against the Church of Rome as a false Church, and her Ministers to be deceivers (which in itself is very true) But yet your hypocrisy in this doth appear, and your double-mindednesse; for let me tell you while you cry against the Church of Rome as a false Idolater, and a persecutor of the true Church, and against her Ministers to be deceivers, and contrary to the Apostles, are not your spirits the same, and your works the same in nature (though not in measure) and in particular, this work of yours to imprison people, and whip them, and put them in the stocks, and beat them, and abuse their persons and bodies, who doth but speak against you and your Religion? is not this work of the very same nature as the work of the Romish Church? she to defend her Church hath Inquisitions, and banishment, and many cruel tortures, & with these things her Church she defends, killing and afflicting of people's bodies, that doth oppose her Church and deny their Religion, and you have stocks, and whips, and houses of correction, and putting great fines and tasks upon people, and banishing people out of towns, and spoiling their goods and casting men into Prison who doth oppose your Church, and deny your Religion, and is not this equal and justly according (in Nature) to the persecution that is in the Romish Church? and what difference between the defence of the Church of Rome and your Church of Protestants? they have their inquisitions, and you have your houses of correction; they have their slavery in the galleys, and you have whips, and stocks; they have their divers torments, and cruel deal towards persons that oppose them, and upon their bodies in one manner, and you have your torments and cruel deal towards us in an other manner, though not in the same measure, yet in the same nature; and what difference between you and them? And herein doth the hypocrisy of the Protestant Church and their Ministers appear, in that they cry against and denies the Church of Rome and their persecution and cruelty acted against others, and yet in nature and manner doth practise the very same upon us, as in England this day is witnessed; And not only in this particular may the Church, and Ministers of the Protestants be condemned for hypocrisy, but also in many other things, even the most of their practices in their worship is of the same nature, and by the same spirit, which the practices of the Church of Rome is practised by and in; and not only so, but it may be truly proved and made manifest, that the original and institution of many of your Church practices proceeded from the Church of Rome, and the Church & Pope of Rome did ordain & institute many of your practices, & great a part of your worship, which is performed in the church & by the Ministry of the Protestants (so called) & this in its time & season I may make fully appear, and discover to the Nations, and I may show in the particulars, what particulars of the worship & practice in the Protestants Church had their first rice and beginning and original in the Church of Rome, though they are minced and degressed with diminishings & addings, according as their imaginations have guided them, yet still they retain the strongest taste and savour of the Church of Rome, and had their rice and original there, though in the performing thereof, they may be altered and changed in appearance and form, but are perfectly the same in ground and Nature, as springing from the Church of Rome, and she the mother of the Protestant Church, and of the practices of the most of her performances in worship, and this may be proved, as God willing upon occasion, as the Lord moves, I may let forth my mind, and what I know in these things, and may show though that the Church of the Protestants have disserted the Church of Rome, yet their Ministry, its Call, and ordination, and its practice, and maintenance, hath a dependency upon the Church of Rome, as being the original of that which is by them therein practised, though in some things deviated from the perfect form and practice thereof; And also the whole worship of all the particulars in relation to the Protestant Church, and Ministry, and worship, hath a dependence upon the Church of Rome, as being the first original thereof, and though they cry against her and her Ministers, and have denied her, yet is she the mother and womb in which was bred, and out of whom proceeded the Protestant Church, Ministry, and worship, and practices, and this may be manifest at full that the Protestants Church, Ministry, and worship, chief tasteth and savoureth of the Church and worship of Rome, and had their original out of her; And also further may be showed, that the Protestant Church, and worships and Ministry, are not an other in nature and being, than the Romish Church, Ministry, and worship, but is sprung out thereof as a branch out of the same root, the ground being one and the same though differing in appearance; for in her beginning and first dissenting from the Romish Church, she did not deny her in ground and being, as not being at all the Church of Christ, but only in some particulars dessented always then, & to this day retaining divers of their practices in worship and Church government, which doth show, that the Protestant Church is not perfectly another, nor her Ministry, and Government, and worship another then is the Romish Church; but is the same in ground and being, only digressed and deviated in particulars; and this may be fully manifest in season, that the protestant Church, & worship, & Ministry, is of the Romish Church sprung as a branch out of her, not contrary to her, and against her; and all these things is the Lord discovering and laying open that Nations and peoples may come to behold the mother, of harlots, that mystery of Iniquity, and all her children, and may see the state and turning of times, and things, ever since the days of the Apostles, and true Churches, and how that all these divers sects, and all these Churches, falsely so called, are risen up and sprung out one of another, and coming from one seed and womb, and though divers in appearances, and sundry in practices, and professions, yet are they all one in the ground and nature, sprung from the mother of harlots, all of them, and being her children, and she hath corrupted the Earth with her Fornications and Whoredoms, and made Nations and Kingdoms drunk with her cup of idolatry; But the Lord God is risen and will plead with her, and give her double, and the holy Prophets & Apostles shall rejoice over her, & this is coming to pass, and this have I seen from the Lord, & received it from him, & thus it came upon me to write. THe waters have I seen dried up; the seat of that great Whore, Who hath made all Nations drunk, through her enticing power; And caused the whole earth, she hath, her fornication cup to take, Whereby Nations have long time erred, on whom she long hath sat; But Peoples many are and shall, and multitudes all may, And Nations be converted all, unto another way; And tongues they are confounded now, and kindreds they must mourn, And when this is all finished, her whole seat than is torn; For these all be the great waters, on whom her seat hath been, And over whom she hath governed ', like as a stately Queen; For ages many bypast gone, she hath her Whoredoms played, And Kingdoms hath bewitched, and her power have obeyed, But now her miseries are seen, her witchcrafts are discovered, And sh● no more shall men deceive; for day light is appeared: And the Bed woeful I have seen, of torments great prepared, Whereon she must be cast, and plagues must not be spared, But woe to her, the cup of wrath, is filled her to receive, And as to others she hath done, the same she shall now have: And drink she must of that full cup of God's fierce indignation, And then shall all her lovers mourn, and make great lamentation, And I have seen that City great, once populous, rich, and fair, Laid waste, and all destroyed, and her Merchant's despair, Who thorough her have gotten gain, themselves for to exalt, And from far come to traffic, but now they must lament, For fire in her is kindled, which must her all consume, Behold her smoke ascendeth, day and night, up to Heaven. The Antichrist who hath put on, and covered with sheep's clothing, And long ruled King, on Nations, Inwardly ravening; Who hath devoured God's heritage, and had a Kingdom great, I have seen him made war against, and truth give him defeat; Behold, the Whore, her flesh is burnt, her beauty doth now fall, She that is all Harlots great Mother, whose daughters are Whores all, Behold the City great, who once made Nations rich and high, she's fallen to the ground and burnt, and none more profit her by, Behold the Antichrist once great, his Kingdom is subduing, The Lord alone for ever will rule, his Son's Kingdom is coming; And the woman that long hath fled, into that place of mourning, And rested in the wilderness, she is again returning, And her seed is again springing, and shall replenish Nations, And the man-child must come to rule, for ever throw gen'rations; And when this is all come to pass, O then rejoice and sing, Ye Prophets and Apostles all, and heavenly children, When God hath you avenged, upon your enemies all, Then is the day of praises, for Saints both great and small. London the 9 Mo. 1658. By a Servant of Christ Edward Burrough. HEar are the Principles of Priests and Professors and Pastors in the Apostasy, which have got up since the days of the Apostles, that in this day are risen against the Lamb, and against the Saints, which since the days of the Apostles, the Beast hath had power, the false prophet and Mother of Harlots, which inwardly ravened from the Spirit of God, which hath had the sheep's cloathings, and by that men's hath deceived the Nations, and got in the Kings of the earth, and clothed them with the outside, whereby the Kings of the Earth, and the Beast and false Prophet, Dragon, Devil, Mother of Harlots, and the great Whore hath joined in one, together against the Saints, than overcame them, and cast them into prison, and drunk the blood of the Saints and Prophets and martyrs, but now shall the Saints and the Lamb have the victory, who kills and slays with the sword, which are the words of his mouth, agreeble to the Apostles doctrine who wrestle not with flesh and blood; now the Beast, false prophet and Mother of Harlots, Devil and Antichrist, that drunk the blood of the Saints, that have the sheep's clothing, these are the killers with the sword, the slayers with the sword, the imprisoners and persecutors, which was not the work of the true Apostles, true Ministers that kept the faith and patience of Jesus, the Martyrs suffered, the Saints suffered, the Prophets suffered, now these was in the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures, now the others got the Scriptures, Antichrists, false prophets, Mother of Harlots, the Devil, the beast and all his names, which killed and slew with the sword, these are inwardly ravening from the Spirit of God, the spirit of the Lamb, the spirit of the Apostle, who killed and slew with the sword, which are the words of his mouth; so all these names in the whole Christendom amongst all that are called Christians are got up amongst them since the days of the Apostles, which be gone out of the life, and faith, and spirit they were in which they had unity in, which was the bond of peace, which have had the words but ravened from the life, and so are all on heaps about the words, and giving one another names, so look in whole Christendom and see what abundance of names there be, which should be one family, and all these names, Horns and Crowns, and building up and throwing down, which is all a mark among them that have had the words but out of the life, which now the life is risen which the Apostles lived in, which they since the days of the Apostles have been out of, in many names, and heaps in the Apostasy, now with the life is all this fathomed and comprehended, in which is the unity, which life brings people to know God, and unity with him and with Scriptures, and one with another, and all are one here, if there be ten thousand times ten thousand; And who reads over this book you may read things, and see things, which you never read nor saw Printed; did ever the Lambs worry the wolves? and did not the wolves get the sheep's clothing and ravened after the sheep and Lambs, that they might get among them? pride and wildeness and pleasure hath swallowed up people, teachers and Ministers, that if any be sober, and still, presently he is a Quaker; and thus modesty is eaten up. A TABLE Showing in what page the several principles and answers beginneth. SAmuel Eton his book called the Quakers confuted. Page. 1. john Bunyan, Rich. Spenceley, john Burton, john Child their book book called, A vindication of a book, called some Gospel truths opened. pa. 8. Doctor Glissons paper concerning James Parnels death. pa. 13. Georg Emmot who calls himself a spiritual Quaker converted. pa. 14. Henoch Howet his book called the quaking principles dashed to pieces. p. 14. john Timpsons' book called the Quakers Apostasy, from the perfect rule of the Scriptures discovered. p. 15. Richard baxter's book called the Quakers Catechism. pa. 27. A book called the Quaking mountebank, etc. pa. 31. Elis Bradshawes book called the Quakers whitest devil. pa. 32. Francis Blakes book called choice collections of Scripture against the practice of the Quakers, etc. pa. 33 Luke Fawn, Samuel Gellibrand, Joshua Kirton, john Rothwel, Thomas Underhil, Nathaniel Web, their book called a second Beacon fired. pa. 33. john Toldervies book called the foot out of the snare. p. 34. Thomas Collier's book called the lookingglass for Quakers. pa. 36. john Deacons book called a public discovery of a secret deceit, pa. 39 George Willington, his book called the Gadding Tribe reproved. p. 43. Joshua Miller's book called Anti-christ in man the greatest Idol. p. 45. Ralph Hall's book called the Quakers principles quaking. p. 49. Richard baxter's book called a second sheet to the Ministry, justifying our call against the Quakers etc. p. 52 Thomas Higginson his book called the Testimony of the true Jesus. p, 55 Jeremiah Ives his book called Innocency above impudence, etc. p. 61. Francis Harris his book called, queries to the Quakers, etc. p. 65. Francis Higginson his book called, a brief relation of the Religion of the Northern Quakers. p. 66. Francis Fulwood his book called a true relation of a dispute. p. 72. Thomas Weld, Rich. Prideaux, Samuel Hammond, William Cole, Wil Durant, Ministers of Newcastle, their book called the perfect Pharisee. p. 74. Thomas Pollard a member of the Church about Lichfield, his book called the holy Scripture clearing itself from scandals. p. 78. Ralph Farmer's book called Satan enthroned in his Cheer, etc. p. 82 Magnus Been his book called the scornful Quakers answered. p. 83. Robert Simpson, Robert Purnil, john Andrew's, Thomas Ewen, Brian Hanson, Richard Moon, their book called the Church of Christ in Bristol recovering her vail. p. 92. Jonathan Clapham and William Jenkin their book called a discovery of the Quakers doctrine to the Protector. p. 95. William Thomas of Ubly his book called a vindication of the scriptures and Ministers. p. 104. Jeremiah Ives his book called the Quakers quaking. p. 110. William Dells book called a stumbling-stone. p. 113. Giles Firmin his book called stablishing against shaking. p. 154. Thomas Collier his book called a Dialogue between a minister of the Gospel and an enquiring Christian. p. 120. john Billingsly his book called strong comforts for weak Christians. p. 123. Immanuel Bourn his book called a defence of the scriptures, and the holy spirit speaking in them. p. 127. Priest Gifford of Bedford his principle answered. p. 129. Tho. More his book called A defence against the poison of Satan's design. p 129 Thomas Moor's book called an Antedote, etc. p. 132. Matthew Caffin his book called the deceiving Quaker discovered. p. 139. William Jefferies his book called Antichrist made known. p. 144. The agreement of 58. Ministers of Christ (as they call themselves) in the county of Worcester and parts adjacent. p. 146. john Stalham his book called the Reviler rebuked. p. 150. Ralph Farmer's book called the Great Mystery of godliness and ungodliness. p. 172. Edward Bowls his book called the duty & danger of swearing opened. p. 178. Samuel Hamond his book called the quakers' house built on the sands. p. 182. Priest Bennets Looking-glass. p. 187. Thomas Tillam his book called the seventh day Sabbath. p. 190. john Burton, and john Bunion their book called some Gospel's truths. opened. p. 205. W. P. His book entitled, according to truth, that Quakes not, trembles not nor quails. p. 212. The Elders and Messengers of several Churches in Wales their book called an Antedote against the infection of the times. p. 214. A book entitled the Quakers cause, p. 216. john jackson's paper entitled strength in weakness. p. 217. A book entitled Hosana to the Son of David. p. 219. Ellis Bradshaw his book called the Quakers quaking. p. 223. Thomas Weld, Richard Prideaux, Samuel Hamond, Will. Coles, William Durant their book called a discovery of a generation of men called Quakers. p. 227. Worcester-shiers petition to the Parliament, said to be six thousand. p. 223. William Thomas of Ubly his book called railing rebuked, or a defence of the Ministers. p. 237. R. Sherloch his principles. p. 242. john Wallace Priest of Kendal, William More Priest of Kellet, and Priest Walker their principles. p. 244. Gawen Eglesfield, and Ambros Dickinson their principles answered. p. 245. Christopher Wade his book called Quaking slain. p. 246 Henry Haggers book called the holy scripture clearing itself. p. 251. Thomas Leadger his book called a discourse. p. 254. Thomas Leadgers Antiquakers assertions answered. p. 257. A book called a serious reveiw of some principles of the Quakers. p. 257. James Brown his book called Anti-christ in spirit. p. 259. Philip Bennet Priest of Cartmel his principles answered. p. 260. Adam Sands, Roger Atkinson, R. Stoakes, their principles answered. p. 261. G. Johnson, James Morrison, G. Larcum their principles answered. p. 262. John Owen's Catechism. p. 263. S. Palmer and R. Hook their book called the form of sound words. p. 264. Richard baxter's one sheet for the Ministers. p. 266. John Cole his book answered. p. 272. Alexander Rosse his book called a view of all Religions, p. 272. Richard Mayo Priest of Kingston his Doctrine. p. 274. Seth Bushel Priest of Whitley answered. p. 279. Edward Price and Philip Langford their Principles. p. 279. Enoch Howet and Thomas Hodges their Principles. p. 280. Richard Heath and Daniel Gaudry their Principles. p. 281. Philip Taverner his book called the Quakers Rounds. p. 283. The Brownists Principles. p. 284. John Turner's Principles. p. 285. The Ranters Principles answered. p. 286. Francis Duke his book called, the fullness and freeness of God's grace. p. 286. Enoch Howet his book called the Doctrine of the light within. p. 290. Priest Fergison his Principles. p. 292. Priest Jacus and Edward Briggs their Principles. p. 294. Ellet and Crab and Priest Fowler their Principles. p. 295. Lamb the Baptists teacher and some of his company their Principles. p. 296. William Greenhill Priest of Stepny his principles. p. 297. John Gilpin, Thomas Craster, Thomas Sands, John Archer, Edward Turner, Priest Walker, their book called a relation of the Quakers shaking. 297 Thomas Collier, Nathaniel Strange, Thomas Glasseys their paper to all the Churches, etc. p. 299 Richard Baxter, etc. a paper called the judgement and advice of the Assembly. of the Associated Ministers. p. 301. The agreement and resolution of several of the Associated Ministers in the County of Cork. p. 303. John Stillams book called margin notes. p. 306. P. Taverner of West Drayton his book in reply to Edward Burrough. p. 308. Edward Skip his book called the world's wonder. p. 311. Priest, Baptist, Tombs of Lemster his principles. p. 317. A book called a form of sound, etc. p. 319. Some of the Principles of the Priests of Bishopric. p. 321. Daniel Robert's teacher to the baptists in Reading his principles. p. 323. Timothy Trevers his Principles. p. 324. The Doctrines and Principles of the Priests of Scotland. p. 327. The Principles of 15. Priests of the Isle of Weight. p. 361. W. S. his book called the Parson's guide. p. 369. Thomas Hodges of Soldren in Oxfordshire his book called a Scripture Catechism. p. 369. Several Scriptures Corrupted by the Translators. p. 373. An ANSWER to many Principles held forth by some of those called Ministers, Teachers and Professors in England, taken out of their several Books, with their names at them: And also several other Say and Writings of the Priests and Professors of this Nation, gathered up together, and Answered. Samuel Eton (who calls himself a Teacher of the Church of Christ at Stockeport in Cheshire) In his Book called, THE QUAKERS Confuted, sent to the Parliament, SAITH in his Epistle to the Parliament, then sitting at Westminster, That they are not to judge of Saintship according to the large charity of some who are truly good, etc. Ans. So here is another Doctrine than Christ's was, who said, The tree is known by its fruits, and by their fruits ye shall know them. And the fruits of the Spirit is known from the fruits of the flesh. Again, in the conclusion of his aforesaid Epistle he begs a pardon of the Parliament, for the thoughts of his heart that he hath spread before them, and so puts them in the Pope's place. Likewise in his Epistle to the Reader, because Richard Waller witnesseth his Teacher within, and bids others to mind the Light within them; and that he was come off of all other Teachers, etc. he judgeth this to be delusion; Contrary to John the Apostle, who saith, Ye need no man to teach you, but as the same anointing doth teach you, which is truth, and is no lie, John 2.27. And again in Heb. 8. Ye shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord, for they shall all know him from the least to the greatest: for the Lord will write his law in their hearts, and put his spirit within them, etc. Prin. He saith, he doth not believe that there is any substantial, essential, or personal union betwixt the eternal Spirit and believers? Answ. Although the Scripture saith, the spirit dwells in the Saints, 1 Cor. 6. and he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit, 1 John 1. As though the Saints had not union with God, which the scriptures saith they have. Prin. He saith, It is palpably false, and blasphemy to say, that Saints know all things, and have power to work miracles to the glory of God. Answ. Contrary to the Minister of Christ, John, who saith, But ye have anointing from the holy one, and know all things, 1 John 2.20. And Christ said, Greater things than these shall ye do that believe in me. Prin. He saith, Though we believe that the spirit of Christ dwells in the Saints, yet we assert the spirit of Christ to be distinct from the Saints, etc. Answ. How are they led by the spirit, how are they led into all truth? And how are they sanctified by the spirit, and their unity in the spirit? by which spirit they have unity with God; by which spirit the Saints worship him; And he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit; He that hath not the spirit of Christ is none of his. And so they are distinct from it; but they are not so that have it, and be in unity with it, and one with another with God. Prin. He saith, Although there be the same spirit in all the Saints that gave forth the Scriptures, yet all Saints have not the same inspiration of the spirit, that the Prophets and Apostles had, so as that they should be able to give forth infallible truths, and immediately discover the pure and clear will of God, as the Prophets and Apostles did. Answ. In this his Ignorance of the spirit, he hath showed, and of the holy Ghost: And himself is the false spirit gone out into the world: For the spirit of truth shall lead into all truth, and bring to memory Christ's words, and doth inspire into them the things of God, and doth reveal to every one according to their measure. Pr. The Spirit doth not communicate according to the capacity in the creature. Ans. Then there is none can divide the word aright; and God gives to every man as he will, and reproves the world, and leads the Saints into all truth. Prin. He saith, they had not known the signification of the words of Christ, but by the Evangelists, etc. Ans. I say, he, nor none knows the signification of Christ's words, by the Evangelists words, but by the Evangelists spirit, and the same inspiration which thou sayest, thou looks not for. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures do give their own sense, and is a standing Rule, etc. And yet thou said a little before in page 4. They are dark, and are left to you to give a sense. Ans. Here than thou confoundest thyself; and the spirit of God is the standing rule which leads them to speak forth scripture, and not others words, and the Prophets and Apostles words, did not lead to speak forth scripture, but the spirit. Pr. He saith, They that have the anointing within them, had not an infallible judgement, & c? Ans. And John saith, They know all things; and bid them try the spirits, whether they were of God: And said, they had the spirit of God, which spirit is infallible, and gives an infallible judgement, which spirit was to try the false Prophets that was gone out into the world. Pr In some places thou said, the Scriptures were dark, and hard to be understood; Ans. And here thou saith, it is plain, and easily to be understood, page 8. Mark thy confusion, for the Scripture is not understood without the spirit. Pr. He saith, there is an infallible judgement, which may be made from the Scriptures without the spirit, page 9 Ans. Who can judge infallibly without the spirit? Christ told the Pharisees (who had the Scriptures) They were of the Devil, and judgement they had neglected, and he did not own their judgement to be infallible. And the Apostle saith, what they knew who are separate from the spirit, they knew naturally as bruit beasts, Judas 10. & 19 ●hough they may speak high words in hypocrisy. And there art thou with thy infallible judgement as thou said, without the spirit (which is proved fallible) and there is no infallible judgement to be given that stands without the spirit; they that judges without the spirit, will judge amiss, and not infallible, as the Jews did of Christ, and as the natural bruit beasts did which Judas speaks of, there art thou. Pr. And he further saith there in the same page, That the Scripture is to be judge of the spirit, and a light sufficient to judge of Doctrine and manners, etc. Ans. The Jews had not infallible judgement that had Scriptures, but stood against Christ the Light, and judged him to be a Devil, that judgement was not infallible, and that doctrine and manners of theirs was not right; which stood against Christ the light. Pr. He saith, the conclusion is, that the Scriptures is the foundation of an infallible judgement concerning things contained in them, and not the spirit, page 10. Ans. So he hath thrown out God and Christ, and the spiritual man who was before the Scripture was, who was the cause of the giving them forth, and the inspiring them through the Saints, which the Scripture saith, shall judge the world, yea Angels. And he may say upon this conclusion, that the world and the Devil hath the Judge, for they will get Scripture. Pr. He saith, He that can bridle his tongue is not a perfect man. Ans. Which is contrary to the Apostle James, who saith he is, and so thou art out of James doctrine. Pr. But the Saints have not Christ in the flesh, page 12. Ans. Contrary to Christ and the Apostles Doctrine, who said, they were of his fl●sh and of his bone, and should eat his flesh, and they that eat his flesh have it in them. Pr. He saith, Christ within sufficient for all things to teach them, and to make them perfect as he is, and as God is. Now saith he, such an having of Christ as this is, we assume not, nor dare not assume: And we declare against it as a Satanical delusion, and the Quakers are the poor creatures that confesseth this in them, page 13. Ans. And you that are not made perfect by Christ the truth, you remain out of truth, in the delusion, and so you be out of the Apostles doctrine. Pr. The Pastor saith, That such a voice as comes immediately from God we have not heard, and such an immediate inspiration as this from God we have not received, nor do we wait for it, page 13. Ans. So showing himself to be of them that God never sent: So you are as the Jews that could say, Moses heard the voice of God, and the Prophets heard the Lords voice. But their own ears stopped to the voice. For Christ said, Ye have not heard the voice of God at any time. And ye say ye look not for it: and you that deny immediate inspiration, have denied the powers and the spirit, for that's immediate, and the Ministers of Christ witness it. Pr. All that prays by the spirit, and speaks by the spirit, and doth not show a miracle, these the Pastor saith are Impostors, page 14. Ans. Which many prayed by the spirit, and spoke by the spirit, did not show miracles at the Tempter's command, though among believers there be miracles in the spirit, which be signs and wonders to the world, as Isa saith. But these are the Impostors that prays, and speaks, but not by the spirit of God. Pr. Because the Quakers say, that such as preach and speak, but not by the Spirit of God, are the false Prophets which the Lord never sent, this the Priest saith is an evil design, wherein lies venom and poison. Ans. Which they were and are in the evil design, that spoke not, nor preached not from the spirit of God, and lies in the venom and poison. Pr. He saith, though Christ was then in heaven, and spoke not, page 15. Ans. Contrary to the Apostle, who said, he had spoken to him, and hath spoken to us by his Son, as Acts and Hebrews. Pr. He saith, all that are brought to the faith of Christ, are not built upon an immediate voice that comes from God to themselves, nor to any others who are their Teachers. See page 15. Ans. Who shows he never received faith from God, which from him is given, which faith is immediate: through which faith they have access to God who is immediate, and he goes about to overthrow all Teachers made by the will of God, and by Christ, and the Revelation of Jesus; for how can they be Ministers, if they have not the Ministry revealed to them? So, he doth not know the Son that denies revelation, nor the Father, and denies themselves to be any true Ministers but by man's will, which is not immediate, which is the spirit, which ministers of the spirit, and are immediate in the spirit, which thou art no. P. He saith, That there may be much fallacy and delusion in Revelation. The Pastor saith, That God did not intent immediate teaching, nor to give out an immediate voice in after ages, which should direct and guide men in the ways of salvation, page 16. Ans. Which is contrary to the Scripture, which saith, All the people of the Lord shall be taught of the Lord; and he that is of God heareth God's word; and that is immediate, and lives, and doth endure for ever. And there is no fallacy nor delusion in the Revelation of God, but all fallacy and delusion is out of it. Pr. And he saith, Timothy had not his knowledge immediately, and yet he was in the faith. And he saith there again, the faith which was once delivered immediately from heaven to the Saints, cuts off all from having any faith more delivered from heaven, and of all other immediate voices from thence. Ans. So he hath shut out Christ who is the Author of every man's faith, which every one is to look at Christ which was before Scripture was: That which was once delivered to the Saints, and given to the Saints, the Saints now must know their giver, and deliverer, and must know from whence the faith comes in this age, as well as in the other age. For if they have but words that speaks of the Saints faith, how they had their faith delivered from God; If that the Saints now have not their faith delivered to them from God, as they in ages past, they have but words: And as the Devil had, and stood against the author of the faith, Christ the light and the truth, as the Jews had of the Saints, but out of their faith, and stands against them that be in it. And Timothy had immediate teaching, for he had the testimony of the Lord, 1 Tim. and thou sayest he had not immediate teaching. Pr. He saith, there must not be waiting for an immediate word, but that word which hath been already to the Prophets and Apostles, which none have the word spoken as it was to the Prophets and Apostles, they must have it immediately, etc. pag. 17. Answ. The word that was spoken to Isaiah, the Apostle felt immediately, which the Pastor saith he did not; for there was no Scripture but came by immediate inspiration. And the Word is immediate, and all the Ministers of Christ preach the immediate word, and wait for it, and the outward written words with ink and paper are mediate. Pr. He saith, but an overcoming of the body of sin, such as delivers from all sin in this world is expressly against the Scriptures, and made free from sin, etc. pag. 18. Ans. Contrary to Rom. 6. Contrary to the Apostle to the Colossians, where he had put off the body of sin. And contrary to Christ, who saves & cleanseth from all sin by his blood, blots out all sin: And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin. Pr. He saith, that Christ is in heaven in his humanity, therefore not to be seen, not to be heard, not to be handled by us or any others that live upon earth, and they cannot give their own assurance, etc. pag. 19 Ans. So shows that they were never made Ministers by him, who never saw him, nor heard him, so never handled the word of life from the Father nor the Son, nor saw it, nor heard it, so are the Pastors that spoil the flock. And he is the earthly Adam and humanity, but Christ the second Adam is the Lord from heaven. Pr: He saith, that Timothy was commanded to preach, and yet had not heard, nor seen, nor handled any thing of Christ, etc. page 20. Ans. Contrary to the Apostle, who bid him to stir up the gift in him, and told Timothy he was in the faith, and he was to be strong in the grace of Christ: And whosoever hath faith, knows Christ to be the Author of it, and knows something from Christ, and so thou thyself hast confuted. Pr. He saith, that the Saints doth not see Christ, for the heavens contain him, page 20. Ans. And the Apostle saith, they sat with Christ in heavenly places, so he is contrary to the Apostle: And Christ was in them, and walked in them, and God dwelled in them, and Christ in you, except ye be reprobates? Pr. He saith, the whole mind and will of Christ and God is left them in letters, page 21. Ans. And the Apostle saith, it is passed finding out; the unsearchable wisdom, and the secret things belongs to God, and are revealed by the spirit, and no man knows them but by the spirit. Pr. And he saith, the Gospel is the Letter, etc. Ans. And the Apostle saith, It is the power of God; and the letter kills, and many may have the form, and deny the power, and so stand against the Gospel, which is the power of God. Pr. And he saith, the Devil shows his spite and spleen in them who say they have the word, as it was in the beginning against the Scriptures, etc. page 22. Answ. That is not so; for they that have the word as was in the beginning, own the Scriptures, and are not against them, but are in that which fulfils them. Pr. He saith, that all the Saints receive the spirit of Christ, yet never heard his voice. Ans. This is confusion, for who are the sheep of Christ know his voice. Pr. He saith, they are uncovered, when commonly they have two caps on their heads: and the people are covered when they have a hat on their heads, etc. page 29. Ans. This is according to thy deceitful teaching and learning. Pr. He saith, the Scriptures is the voice of Christ to them, etc. Ans. And Christ said to them that had the Scriptures, They never heard the voice of God at any time, to the Pharisees, John 5. For there thou art un-put forth amongst the sheep, and they heard the voice that gave forth the Scripture, and came to the life, and Christ at the end of them. Pr. And he saith, there is an immediate voice which speaks within, which we have never heard, nor do we know it within ourselves experimentally, and we believe and hope that we never shall know it, etc. page 30. Ans. And so shows that they never knew the spirit of the Father speaking within them, but follows their own dreams and spirits, and stops their ear against that of God in them; and they bless themselves from that immediate voice within, and calls it the voice of the Devil, which is the spirit of inspiration, and the word of God in their hearts, which men must obey and do. Pr. And he saith, to say Christ is within them, doing all immediately and infallibly within them, and so do say it is Christ and the spirit within them, and not they. Ans. Now this he calls a spirit of Delusion: And the Apostle saith, I live, yet not I, but Christ in me. And he works all in us, and for us, after his own good pleasure. And this was not a spirit of delusion in them. And this thou art reprobated from, and found in thy own works. Pr. And he saith, That which is within them is not eternal and infallible, when the Quakers asked him whether it was or no, and he saith nay; that which judgeth in them is not eternal, & infallible. He saith, they assert no such things as that concerning themselves, And he saith, though all the Saints have the spirit of Christ dwelling in them, which is eternal and infallible; yet that this spirit should do all that Saints do, and should say all that Saints say, and should judge for them both for persons and of things after an infallible manner; and that they should neither say, nor do, nor judge any thing by any understanding of their own, but the spirit, all this we deny. These are his words, page 31. Ans. Which is contrary to the Apostle, who saith, As many as are the sons of God, are led by the spirit of God. And Christ acts all in them, and for them; and the fruits of the spirit, etc. and the spiritual man judgeth all things. And that is it which leads the Saints to divide and discern all things both temporal and spiritual, the spiritual wisdom of God which gives them a spiritual understanding, which men must rule withal, but not with their own, that comes to nought; and you that have not that which is infallible to judge in you, know not the spirit of Christ, neither can you judge of persons or things that have not the infallible judgement, nor have the spiritual man. Neither have you the word of God in your hearts, nor Christ which is eternal and infallible, all which the Quakers have to judge persons and things. Pr. He saith, that children are of the seed as to the Church privileges, and external Ordinances of a spiritual nature. Ans. (Mark his confusion) But Christ saith, ye must be born again, or else ye cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven, and such be of the Church. Pr. He saith, If they can but destroy all forms, the power will fall with it; for the form preserves the power, page 37. Answ. Contrary to the Apostle, many have the form, but deny the power. The power preserves the form, sees the end of forms, and destroys them, and brings to see before forms was, where forms is not. For the Apostles who lived in the power, denied the Jews forms, and Gentiles both, as we do now deny the Popish forms, and yours which you have invented and set up. Pr. And an immediate teaching (he saith) of the spirit, and to wait for secret inspiration of God, is to subject men to satanical delusions, etc. page 40. Ans. Contrary to the Apostle, who said, holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the holy Ghost, and they were to wait for the revelation, as in Peter, and all be in the Satanical delusion that be not in the immediate teachings from the spirit: And every one that hath this spirit, and the leading of the spirit hath that which is immediate. Pr. He saith, the Prophets and Apostles drew people to an outward word, etc. Ans. Now is that which lives and endures for ever, outward? and did not they bring them to Christ the power of God, which is the end of words, which is immediate? Pr. He saith, Is not the Gospel an external way, & c? Answ. No, the Gospel is a living way which is revealed within, and is the power of God to salvation. Pr. Are not they seduced (saith he) who are drawn off from the external means by which the spirit is given, and faith wrought, to wait for the receiving of the spirit without any word to convey it to them? which spirit when they have it, is not the spirit of truth, but of delusion, etc. page 41. Ans. The spirit and faith is not conveyed to any man, without the word, and they are seduced that rests in the external from the eternal, and the spirit is not given by external means, neither is faith wrought. Pr. And he saith, They need not any man's teaching them, but as the spirit in the Scriptures teaches, and they need not that any teachings of man should be added. Ans. And so by this he hath thrown out himself from being a Pastor, and all other Pastors and Teachers; and the spirit is not in the Scriptures, but in them that gave it forth. And the spirit which gave forth the Scriptures, which was in the Saints, opens the Scriptures again, and leads into all truth. Pr. And he saith, there is an excess in that Scripture which saith, Ye need no man teach you, but as the anointing teacheth you. Ans. And here he makes as if John did not mean as he spoke, and would make John as false as himself (who spoke truth.) Pr. And he saith, the Apostles say to the Saints, And ye know all things, he calls it an excessive speech, for no one knows all things but God, page 42. Ans. So contrary to John, and would make him a liar, the Minister of God. So he is in the false spirit gone out into the world. Contrary to 1 John 2. who knew all things. Pr. He saith, Outward teaching is the way and means whereby the deep, and profound, and necessary truths of Scripture come to be understood, but not immediate, page 44. Ans. So he hath denied the spirit to open the Scriptures, immediate inspiration by the spirit, and its teaching; and set up an outward in the room of it. Here his spirit is tried again, gone out into the world. For salvation is immediate, and the means that brings to it, and none knows the Scriptures by outward teaching, but immediately by the Lord God. Pr. And he saith, Ministerial gifts are not now to be found in the world, such as the Miinisters of the Gospel had in the Primitive time. Ans. Therefore no such work ministerial now as was then, nor any such officers as Pastor's, Teachers, etc. as was then. Ans. He hath preached himself to be one of the false spirits which went forth from the Apostles into the world: And yet he saith, Christ is with them to the end of the world. And yet saith, no hearing of his voice, nor seeing him, nor handling of him; so he hath confuted himself, and hath showed you he hath quenched the spirit among you all. Pr. He saith, that the Apostle was silent in that point, that men must be endued with extraordinary gifts. Ans. Which the Apostles Epistles prove to the contrary, who saith, without faith ye cannot please God; which is a gift, and an extraordinary gift, and saith, He that hath not the spirit of Christ is none of his, which is an extraordinary gift. So you are another Ministry, and other Pastors and Teachers, and that which is another gift than the Apostle, is not the gift of God. Pr. He saith, How comes the Apostle to raise up a living to some persons for preaching, when he saith, That they that preach the Gospel, must live of the Gospel? etc. page 48. Ans. It was contrary to the Apostle to preach to raise up a living for preaching; but saith, they were not to preach for filthy lucre's sake. But they that preach the Gospel, live of the Gospel, that is not as you raising Live, making a trade of the form, and denying the power, which is the Gospel. Pr. Here he cries out against gifted men's preaching, and saith, Paul prophesied against them, page 49. and names them to be such as have itching ears. Ans. As he is gone out from the Apostles, and so cries up his imagined gifts his own gifts, which the Apostles did not cry against, but said, every one must minister that had received a gift, and thou art one of the itching ears gone out from the Apostles. Pr. He saith, that their Synagogues (commonly called Churches) were not ordained for any spiritual uses, as for serving God in them, etc. pa. 51. Ans. Which is contrary to all the professed Teachers in the Nations, who say they are ordained for the use and service of God, and calls them Churches; but to this I believe he will call his words back again. Pr. And to break Christ's command, be not of men called Master. Ans. He calleth it a civil honour, Pharisee-like, a teacher of the Pharisees. And here he hath proved himself not to be a guide of the way, and the governor of a man's life, for that title, Master, belongs to Christ, and not to any man. These are his words, and the signification which he gives of that title there. See page 52. And yet he dare presumptuously take it, and plead for it (which Christ denied in the Pharisees) and so impudently break Christ's command, and so hath showed that he walks out of his Doctrine, and is a transgressor, and no Minister, but an Antichrist. Pr. He saith, the Apostle never bred up any that they needed no man to teach them, pag. 53. Ans. And so giveth John the lie, who saith, Ye need no man to teach you, but as the same anointing teacheth you. And the Apostle, who saith, ye need not say every man to his neighbour, know the Lord, etc. and denies the effectual work of the new Covenant. But all shall know him from the least to the greatest, Hebr. Pr. He saith, Paul denies perfection to himself. Ans. Paul did not deny perfection to himself nor others; but his work was to the perfecting of the Saints, but your work is to keep men from perfection, and that hath been the Ministers work since they apostatised from the Apostles. And yet Paul judgeth him again, and saith, as many as are perfect are thus minded. Pr. He saith, there is a contradiction in the Letter, speaking of the Scripture, page 60. Ans. Showing that he doth not know to what condition i● was spoken, for there is no contradiction in it: but in them that be out of the spirit, that gave it forth is the contradiction. Pr. And he saith, there is a Perfection that respects Justification and not Sanctification, see page 61. Ans. Now there is no Perfection, but where there is Sanctification. Pr. And he perverteth the Scripture of John, that saith, If we say we have no sin, etc. And he saith, Whosoever saith he hath no sin, deceives himself. See pag. 62. Ans. So he wrongs John's words, and puts he for we, and is charging sin upon the Elect, and so himself is found a Lyar. For there is a time for men to see they have sinned, and a time to confess and forsake sin, and a time to witness the blood of Christ cleansing from all sin, and he that is born of God doth not commit sin: And here the children of God are manifest from the children of the Devil. And Eton, hast thou been preaching and praying all this while and never yet heard the voice of God? The night is upon thee, thou hast no answer from God. And as for the rest of eaton's lies, we let them rest upon his own head, not being worth mentioning; the witness of God in his conscience shall answer in the day of his Judgement. John Bunyan, Richard Spenceley, John Burton, and John Child in their Book that they call, A vindication of a Book called Some Gospel TRUTHS opened. These Principles follows. And as for his Lies and Slanders, they will come upon himself, they are his own Garments. And for the Scriptures which he quotes, they are owned, but not to cover the WOLF withal. IN his Epistle to the Reader he saith, The Quakers will own that salvation was obtained by Christ (this is truth saith he) And but a little before he saith, They do deny that salvation that was obtained by him, etc. And thus he hath shamed his Father of confusion that taught him, the father of lies, who says and unsays, for salvation is owned by Christ and God, and no other. Pr. Again in the same Epistle he denies Salvation is obtained by Christ within, and saith, the Scriptures doth not prove it, and calls it fight against the Truth, etc. Ans. When as the Apostle saith, work out your salvation with fear and trembling, and that is within. And the engrafted word is able to save souls, and that is within. And the Apostle saith, If Christ be not in you ye are reprobates: And that is not opposite to Christ without them, nor contrary to the Scriptures; And no one knows salvation, but who knows this Christ in you who is the salvation, and where he is within there is salvation, and so thou art one of the Reprobates, that can talk of Christ without, and denies him the salvation within. Pr. He saith, the Quakers own Christ Jesus revealed to them in spirit, (and calls it) Delusion. Ans. And yet he saith, others are carried away with error for not receiving Christ revealed in the spirit, and this is his patched up stuff, comprehended with the spirit, and with it is judged, who finds fault with them that have it, and is against them that have it not. Pr. He tells people of the history of the Word; As he saith, some have no other witness nor knowledge but the history of the Word, and the relation of others, etc. Ans. And yet he is against the Revelation of the spirit in the Quakers. But he is one of the Beasts officers to fight against the Lamb, but it is to no purpose, who thus builds up and throws down. Pr. Again, Bunyan is railing against the Priests, and runs up into the Pulpit himself. Ans. And so the Wolf hath got the Sheep's clothing, and they can speak of Christ without, who be reprobates, who have him not within. Pr. He saith, The Lord Jesus Christ is afar off in his bodily presence. Ans. And yet he saith, the Lord is at hand. And the Apostle saith, he was in them. And Christ said, he would dwell with them. Pr. He saith, They were sealed by Christ's death at his offering upon the Cross. Ans. And yet Christ must come to save them at the last day: And the Saints witnessed their salvation while they were upon earth, and said Christ was in them except they were reprobates. And the Son of God was come, and gave them an understanding. Pr. He saith, the Quakers witness the teaching within, which he saith, the Apostles witnesseth the contrary, etc. page 4. Ans. Why dost thou wrong the Apostle, and put thy lies abroad, when as the Apostle said, and Christ said, the spirit of the Father spoke in them. And the Apostle said, the Law and the Covenant of God was in their hearts, and the anointing was within them, to teach them. But why fightest thou against the Apostles teaching, the Apostles doctrine, and Christ's doctrine? Dost thou not see thy weapon now fails thee? Thou hast cast thyself without, and hath not the Apostle and Christ corrected thee here now? Pr. And to prove that the blood of Christ was shed before the world was, he brings a Scripture, which saith, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, etc. An. Here all may see, whether this be a fit man to teach, or whether or no he be not one of the Novices, I leave it to all to judge his measure, who have a just measure; for the Scripture saith, since the world, and thou sayest, before the world was. Pr. He saith, That the son of Mary, God man is absent from his Church. Ans. Contrary to Christ's words, I in them, and they in me: And, I will be with you to the end; so one of the blind Prophets contrary to John, who saith, we are in him, and that is true; and thou sayest he is absent from his Church: And the Apostle said he was the head of the Church: but of your Church we believe he is not the head, but will grind you to powder: And thy words and thy doctrine are corrected by Christ and the Scriptures. And Christ said, where two or three meet together in my name, I will be amongst them, and the Saints were flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone. Pr. He saith, To be justified by Christ is not to be justified by the spirit within, and that Christ within doth not work out justification for the soul, but must look out for salvation unto that man, that is now absent from his Saints on earth, these are his words. Ans. Corrected by the Apostle, who saith, he works all in us, & for us, and yet thou saith that Christ is absent from his Saints on earth, who is corrected again by the Apostle, who saith, Christ is in you, and contrary to Christ, who is the Saviour of the soul; and men are justified through faith, & that is within in the heart, which is held in a pure conscience; and Christ is in the Saints, who is their justification, and the Apostle preached Christ in them, and where he is, there is justification; and who hath his light and receive him not, there is condemnation. Pr. And he saith, The Quakers are deceived because they say, Christ is within them, kept down by something within them. Ans. Corrected by the Apostle, who saith to the Saints Christ is in you the hope of glory; and he was pressed down as a Cart with sheaves; and Christ was in prison, and they visited him not, and hungry, and ye fed him not, and thou never knew Christ form in thee, nor the reigning of the seed, which is the Heir of the promise of God: How was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world bu● among such as thou art? And reprobates may talk of justification, in whom Christ is not, who witness him not within, he is not your justification. Pr. And his principle is, that the place where Christ shall come to judgement, is at the mount of Olives, on the East side of Jerusalem. Ans. Thou hast put him far enough off from thee, and hast not yet judged thyself (and Christ is come to judgement) and so art one of the false Prophets, who bids people look for him beyond the Sea, lo here, be there: But who are come to Christ the light, the life, they need not go forth; who abide here are sealed by the spirit, puts not off the good and evil day. Pr. He saith, It is a delusion of the Devil, and a dangerous doctrine to bid people follow the light within them. Ans. And they be in the dangerous doctrine, and the delusions of the Devil that draws people from the Light within, and thus he doth oppose the foundation of God, the light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. And the doctrine of the Apostle, who saith, the light that shines in their hearts, must give them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus. So he is one of the Devils ministers, opposing the foundation of God, drawing people from that the Apostles drew them too; for no one comes to the Kingdom, but who comes to the light within them. Pr. He saith, That every man hath not the spirit of Christ within him. Answ And John said, Every man that cometh into the world is enlightened. And Christ said, I will send you the comforter, the spirit of truth, which shall lead you into all truth, and he shall take of mine and give it unto you, and he shall reprove the world of sin, the spirit shall. (Mark) all people, here is Saints, here is Disciples, here is the world, get from under this how thou canst, for under reproof thou art come, and that which doth reprove the world is manifest to them; and the wicked quencheth the spirit, but the Saints are led by it, and here are all men. Pr. And again thou sayest, That it is a filthy error to say, that that light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, will lead man to the Kingdom of righteousness and peace. Ans. Thus he is splitting himself against the Rock, and striking against the foundation, which every man that cometh into the world being enlightened, that through it he might believe; and believing in the light, he might not abide in darkness; and this he makes insufficient, which he that doth not believe in the light is condemned: And thus the spiritual Sodomite and Egyptian is blind, raging about the door, and no man comes to the Kingdom of Righteousness and peace but by the light within, and so he is in the filthy error himself, denying the light, and hating it. Pr. Thou sayest, Christ is the light of the world, and yet not in every one that cometh into the world. Ans. So corrected by John, who saith, he doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. And the light shines in darkness, and the darkness cannot comprehend ●t, and he that hates the light is enlightened, and will not come to it because it will reprove him; that which doth manifest to man an understanding of reproof is within him, and that condemns him, hating it, and the Saints believed in the light, and they abode not in darkness which the unbelievers do, and stumbles, which the others do not. Pr. And he saith, Christ was not in his Disciples when he s●id, I am the light of the world. Ans. And so is corrected by Christ, who saith, I in you, and you in me. Pr. He saith, They that will come to justification they must go to Christ's grave without, and to Mount Calvery (page 9) Answ. And the Scripture saith, ye need not go up to heaven, nor to say, who shall go over the sea for us, and bring unto us that we may hear it, and do it, but the word is nigh, in thy heart, Deut. 30. so corrected by the Scriptures. And the Angel said unto them that went to the grave without, Why seek ye the living among the dead, he is risen; and the Saints sits with him in heavenly places, and need not go to Mount Calvary for him. Pr. H● saith, The light wherewith Christ doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world is but a creature, and is not a spirit (p●ge 10.) Ans. And John saith, all things was made by him (made by the light) in him was life, and the life was the light of men: And this shines in darkness, and the darkness cannot comprehend it, but all stumbling at the foundation of God, which was before any creature was made, who is the power of God, Christ Jesus the light, and the Prophets and John's doctrine they stumbled at, who saithe the light is a creature, by which all things are made and created, and so art corrected by the Scripture. Pr. He calls the light conscience, and a poor dunghill creature that will convince of sin. Ans. Which light was before conscience was, or creature was, or created or made light was: He made the Sun, the Moon, etc. and the light was before these were made, and he is both life and spirit too; for that which convinceth of sin is above the creature which checks him, and reproves him, and lets him see when he goeth astray from the Creator, and that's the light of Christ, with which all men may see their salvation, with that which lets them see their sin. Pr. He saith, The law doth not lead men to Christ, but under the curse (page 17) Answ. That is to them that transgress it. Solomon said, the law was light. And David said, the Law was a light unto his feet, and a Lamp unto his paths, and so led him from the curse them that do it, which Christ is the end of, and redeems from under it. Pr. He saith, It is not faith and works together that justifies in the sight of God, but it is faith and good works that justifies in the sight of men only, and saith, Works will not justify in the sight of God. And he saith, that works is only but to justify their faith to be true before men. Answer. Abraham was not justified to men only by his obedience, but to God, and where there is faith, there is justification, which works by l●●●: And the Saints faith and works was not only to justify them in the sight of men, for the work of God is to do what he saith; and his will, which who doth not are not justified in so doing: but to be beaten with stripes, who seeks to be justified by their faith and works in the sight of men, are dead faith and works both. Pr. He saith, They are no Christians that doth not hold Christ absent from his Church, but Antichrists. Ans. Which is contrary to the Scriptures, which say, they are flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone, and they are as nigh together as husband and wife. And thus he is ignorant of the great mystery, Christ and the Church, which Christ is the head of. Pr. He saith, That the light wherewith Christ (as he is God) hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world, is not the spirit of Christ, (page 19) Ans. And so makes that which comes from God and Christ not spirit (as he is God) and thus the man is beating the air: He saith, Christ was God that lighteth every man, etc. And yet (saith he) not with the spirit; how then cometh men to be condemned, not believing it, and so thou hast reproved thyself, and art blind, and into the Ditch fallen. Pr. And again thou sayest, Though Christ as he is God doth give every man a light (which is conscience) otherwise called nature. Ans. A d so thou hast given those new names to the light of Christ, contrary to the Apostles, as thou mayest read, John 1.2. John doth not tell us, that is conscience or natural light, as thou doth; and the light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, which was before all things, and by it all things was made. So it was before any Naturals was, and is that which gives all men the wisdom of God to order the Naturals, so by the Scriptures thou art reproved. Pr. And he saith, Christ will not give his spirit to the world. Answ. And Christ said, he will send his spirit to reprove the world, and that is sent to them; and that which doth reprove them i● manifest to them in the world to their own understanding, and in them, which spirit leads the Saints into all truth: There is no man reproved, but it is within him manifest to his understanding; And if he quencheth the spirit that reproveth him, he is not lead by it, and that is the condemnation of the world, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness, etc. And this thou calls not spirit. Now this is the condemnation of them whose consciences are seared, and of them who have the created and made, and natural lights, the Sun, the Moon, and Stars, which light was afore they was. Pr. And thou saith, The Scripture plainly denies that conscience can justify, though it may condemn. See page 23. Ans. Which is contrary to plain Scripture, where the Apostle saith, Rom. 2.15. Their consciences either accusing or excusing. And again saith he, Herein do I exercise myself to have always a conscience void of offence towards God and towards men: And the light condemns which you call conscience. Pr. He saith, that the Gospel is called the ministration of life, but not of condemnation. Same page. Ans. But they are condemned that obey not the Gospel of Christ: And the Scripture speaks of a savour of death unto death, and a savour of life unto life, and the Gospel is so, the power of God. Pr. He denies that Paul bid the Saints listen within, etc. see page 25. Ans. When as Paul said, that the light which shined in their hearts to give the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. And it was the treasure in the earthen vessel; and Christ was within them. And the engrafted word that was able to save their souls. And the hidden man of the heart. And he had revealed his Son in them, and many other Scriptures. And he saith, he served the law of God with his mind. And yet thou saith, he did not bid any listen within. And he saith, the word was in their hearts to obey it, and in their mouths: And can they obey that, and not listen within, and do that, and not have their minds stayed upon the Lord? Pr. He saith, the light doth not shine in the consciences of them that be lost. See page 26: Ans. But John saith, the light shines in darkness, but darkness cannot comprehend it, and there is that of God in the children of disobedience, and reprobates, as in Rom. 1. and 2 Chap. Pr. And he denies that every man hath the light. Ans. Contrary to John, who saith, that is the true light which inlightneth every man that comes into the world, John 1. Pr. He saith, It is a counterfeiting of the new birth for men to follow the light, wherewith men coming into the world are enlightened withal, etc. Answ. Which none comes to the new birth, but who comes to the light which every man that comes into the world is lighted withal; which believing in, is a child of the light: Believing and receiving comes to receive power to become the Sons of God. Pr. He saith, To say that Christ is risen within, there is no Scripture to prove it. See page 28. Ans. Doth not the Apostle say, Christ form in you? And Christ in you the hope of glory? which hope purifies as God is pure. And Christ within, doth he not arise there before all waves be still? and shall he not arise with healing under his wings? How ignorant of the Letter are the Priests grown, much more of the mystery? Gal. 4. and Malachy. Pr. And whereas thou saith, thou art confident, that while some would persuade others that they have no sin, their consciences will tell them they lie, see page 41. Ans. The Apostle told the Romans that they were made free from sin; and the Romans did not tell the Apostle, that their consciences told them he lied, as thou saith. Pr. He saith, the body of Christ is out of the sight of all his Saints, etc. see page 47. Ans. And the Apostle saith, They sat with Christ in heavenly places: and the Saints are flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone, and the Church which he is head of is his body. And every one that eats his flesh, knows his body given for the life of the world; and the body of Christ is not out of the sight of the Saints that are in the Church: Therefore you Ministers and Teachers that say Christ's body is out of your sights, are not Saints, neither are you of his Church which is his body; neither have you eaten his flesh, nor know that which is given for the life of the world, but are out of the sight of the Church which is his body. Pr. And thou saith, they shall have a greater judgement without them, than they shall have within them, etc. see page 48. Ans. And the Scripture saith, If ye judge yourselves, ye shall not be judged of the Lord. Pr. And that place in Judas he brings, to prove that all men have not the Spirit, etc. See page 49. Where he saith, They walk after their own ungodly lusts, these be they who separate themselves, being sensual, and have not the spirit, who went in Balaams' way. Ans. Who shows that they went forth from the spirit, and turned the grace of God into wantonness. And this doth not make for thee to thy purpose, but rather against thee, and the same spirit that reproves the world leads the Saints into all truth. Pr. He saith, That God did not give the Law that people should live in it, etc. See page 49. Answ. And the Scripture saith, that they that did the Law had life, and were justified by it: For do this and live (saith God to Moses) and therefore thou wouldst make God a liar, who cannot lie; who saith, that God did not give forth his Law that men should have life: Is not the Curse and the Death in the transgression of it? Christ is the end of the righteous Law, who is the light that doth enlighten every man that doth come into the world, which believing in it, he comes to be a child of Light: Which light thou blasphemously calls conscience or Natural, which is Christ the Light, the foundation of God, which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, that with the light they might see Christ who hath enlightened them, the foundation of God from whence light comes. And the Apostle saith, the law is spiritual, and just, and good; and he it was that was the carnal, and so thou art the carnal, not yet come to the Law which is spiritual. Pr. He saith, He that will but observe the motions of that light which every man hath within him (say they) so as to obey and close in with it, to follow it, shall undoubtedly save himself from the wrath to come: Now this is clearly a great error as thou sayest. See page 50. Ans. Contrary to John's doctrine and Christ's, who saith, the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, is the true light, that men through the light might believe. Therefore be they enlightened; and he that believes in the light shall not abide in darkness, nor in error, nor in condemnation, but shall have the light of life. Saith Christ, I am the light of the world; And saith moreover, believe in the light before they be children; believe in the light, that ye may be children of the light: So every man is enlightened with a light before they be children, with the true light. He that believes in the light is a child of the light: he that doth not believe in the light, the light condemns him. Pr. And whereas thou saith, The Law gives not life, nor justifies. See page 50. Ans. It is false, thou art mistaken in the Scriptures, and rebuked with them. The Law gives life to him that obeys it, and lives in it: and he that doth it lives, and is justified, the doer of the Law, and not the hearer only; and it is righteous, and just, and good. But Christ Jesus the Law, and the spirit of life, which is the end of God's righteous Law, is the justification to life; God's righteousness, who is the end of the other law. And the Apostle Paul saith, The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Pr. And thou would make it an error to say, the Saints are saviours of the world: See page 50. Ans. The Apostle said, when he writ to the Saints he should save himself and others, and this was by the power of Christ: And Judas saith, others saving with fear, but hating the garments spotted with the flesh. Now thou art a deceiver, and not a Saviour both of thyself and others, and ignorant of the power and the spirit. Pr. He saith, there is no such Scripture as saith, the light within the conscience. See page 52. Ans. Contrary to the Apostle, who saith, the light shines in their hearts, and is not there the conscience? 2 Cor. 4. And Christ saith, they will not come to the light lest their deeds should be by it manifested, & they by it reproved, and this is not conscience nor nature. And the Apostle Paul saith, Our rejoicing is the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but in the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world. Pr. The new Covenant which God promised to write in their hearts, he calls that the law by nature, see page 52. Ans. And thus he is stumbling at the corner stone, and errs in his judgement; for that which orders nature is above nature, and all naturalists and transgressors do call it natural. Doctor Glisson's Paper concerning James Parnels death in prison, which the Lies that are in it are not worth mentioning, but upon themselves will fall; but here is one of their lying slanders taken off as followeth, who strikes at the Rock, splits themselves, and the blood of that Innocent lies upon their heads. Pr. IN the Preface he saith, That the most knowing part of these Quakers have received their principles from Rome, etc. Ans. It is false, for the Instructions which they have received is from Christ, who was glorified with the father before the world began, and before Rome was, or revilers either, which makes the world to rage. The cornerstone, the light, which lightens every man that comes into the world before it was, which makes the Beast, and the false Prophet, and the Pope, and you to arm themselves against the Lamb and his light, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world withal: And the Priests Instructions have been from Rome, to set up their Schools, to make Miinsters, and Temples East and West, with a Cross at the end of them, and the Tenth which they imprison men to death for, and their preaching by the hourglass, and naming their Colleges and Masse-houses by the Saints names. Your Instructions have been from Rome to do these things; but the Lamb shall have the victory, glory to the Lord in the highest for ever. George Emmot who calls himself a spiritual Quaker converted. Who is turned with the Dog to the vomit, and gone in the way of Core, exalting himself, and gainsaying Truth, and gone in the way of Cain, into his first birth, & turned against the second. DId God smite thee for thy pride? Did God let thee see the false worships in the Steeple-houses in the sheep's clothing? Did God let thee see the deceit of the tithes in the Priests? Did God let thee see the vanity of respecting of persons, and honouring of the creatures? was thou turning from these things (as thou confesseth?) And art thou now turned to them again? By whom the way of truth comes to be evil spoken of. Is thy latter end worse than the beginning? will not all thy words be thy burden, and fall heavy upon thee? thy time is not past George Emmot. And as for all the reviles, scoffs, & mocks in thy Book, they are not worth mentioning, and raking in the dust for among sober people. Hast thou turned the grace of God into wantonness, which had taught thee to deny the ungodly lusts of the world? and would have brought thee to salvation, and so forsaken the Covenant of the Lord God, the law in thy mind, and in thy heart, whereby thou might have been taught to know the Lord: But now thou art run out to Teachers that may be removed into a corner, that will poison thee. And do put some into co●ners and Prison's, because they will not give them maintenance, and then they are them that put into prisons and corners. That which brought thee to leave off thy ribbons and vanities, and lusts of the world, wa● the grace of God which thou hast turned into wantonness, and published it to the Nation, see page 6. And thou art turned in to that the grace taught thee to deny. Pr. He saith, The Steeplehouse is a holy place more holy than a house, see page 8. Ans. The Pope hath taught thee this, and his Teachers and thou art gotten into the holy place like the Pharisees, and says the Apostle defiled it: and thus you and your Pope's doctrine is got up since you have apostatised from the Apostles, which Apostles brought the Jews off the holy places thou speaks of; and while you and them have been in these holy places, you have been in the unholiness. Henoch Howet his Book titled, The Quaking Principles dashed to pieces by the standing and unshaken TRUTH. He hath dashed himself to pieces upon the Rock, as his torn Language in his Book discovers: And his Principles are here as followeth, which a great part of his Book is not worth mentioning, but turned back upon himself, who must bear his own burden in the day, that burns as an oven, that his works are tried, he shall remember, to the witness in him I speak. Pr. HE makes the Scripture to be the only weapon whereby Christ overthrew the Devil, see page 3. Answ. Who bruiseth his head, and was before Scripture was: Yet the Scriptures is for correction and doctrine, furnishing the man of God in his place, and Christ the seed was before Scripture was: And all them that hath Scripture, and not Christ, cannot overcome the Devil, you and the Papists doing his work; for they that overcome him, it is with the power, and those have the Scriptures of truth which the Devil is out of. P●. Here he saith, the Scriptures is the hope. See page 4. Ans. Which is contrary to the Scriptures which saith, Christ is the hope; and they that had the Scripture, stood against the hope Christ. Pr. He saith, there is nothing in man to be spoken to, but man. See page 5. Ans. How then ministered the Apostle to the spirit: And Christ spoke to the spirits in prison; and Timothy was to stir up the gift that was in him: and the spirit of the Father speaks within them, and the light it shines in the heart, which God hath commanded to shine out of darkness. And the Son of God is revealed in me saith the Apostle. Here the Scriptures are for correction of thee, and reproof of thee, who said, there is nothing to speak too ●n man, but man; when the Apostle saith, that which may be known of God is manifest in man, for God hath showed it unto them, Rom. 1. And the Apostle was manifest to every one's conscience in the sight of God, and that was of God which the children disobeyed. Pr. He calls that a dark delusive light. Ans. Which John calls Christ the light, that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, which we speak of, so he is fight against the foundation of God that stands sure. And thus the man is striking at the Rock, and splitting himself, & is not come to John, but is as dark as the Pharisees & Heathen, whose darkness cannot comprehend the light that John saith lighteth every man that cometh into the world, that shineth in the darkness, that is the true light, John 1. chap. So you that deny the light which Christ hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world withal; be the enemies of Christ, that will not that he should reign over you, who are by him to be slain, and so that Scripture which he mentions there in page 10. stands for himself who gets his words, and calls him Lord, but doth not do as he saith, and ye all that be in darkness stumble at the Scriptures, which see not the light that lighteth every one that cometh into the world. Pr. H● saith, They that deny the honour of men are Witches, and Wizards, page 14. Ans. Wilt thou say that Mordecai was a wizard, and had a familiar spirit, that would not bow to Haman? And the Apostle found fault with them that worshipped the creature more than the Creator, who is God blessed for ever. And all the familiar spirits and wizards fell down and worshipped Nebuchadnezars' Image, which Daniel could not bend to their Image nor inventions. Pr. And again thou saith, They that love God and love Christ keepeth his commandments, see page 14. Ans. And thou art bringing many Scriptures to oppose the commands of Christ, who saith, Be not ye of men called Master: So thou art seen not to be of the spirit of Christ, but the spirit that is gone out into the world, that is Antichrist, and opposeth his Doctrine, who is the end of the Prophets, and was before Abraham was, and so hath given judgement of thyself, thou neither loves God nor Christ. Pr. And here he accuseth Paul, and saith, Paul saith, he is not perfect. Answ. When Paul saith, As many of us as are perfect are thus minded, and brings himself in the number, and speaks wisdom among them that are perfect, page 15. John Timpsons' Book, called, The Quakers Apostasy from the perfect Rule of the SCRIPTURES discovered. A True title to his Book concerning his own condition, as his Book doth witness himself in the Apostasy, whose work is to oppose the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world that John bore witness of. So opposing the Covenant of God, of life and peace, and the foundation of God which stands sure, Christ Jesus, which he may as well say nothing, or do nothing. But the stone is set upon his head, and the foundation of God is laid, witnessed by the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles, and the Scriptures are owned (by them in scorn called Quakers) (and the light it speaks of) who out of the apostasy are come, and so from among the apostates. And as for the lies and slanders in his Book, that are not worth mentioning, but they shall turn upon his own head, whose immodesty hath discovered them. Pr. In his Preface to the Reader He saith, It is an expression of a dark deluded mind, to say that God is not distinguished from the Saints. Ans. But God and Christ is in the Saints, and dwell in them, and walk in them; and he is a Reprobate, and out of the Apostles doctrine. Pr He saith, We have broken the everlasting Covenant of God. Answ. Because we own the teaching of God by his spirit. and the light which doth enlighten every one that that cometh into the world, which is the covenant of God. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures is the rule of life. See page 4. Answ. Contrary to Christ, who said, the spirit should lead them into all truth. And they that are the sons of God, are led by the spirit of God. And the Churches was to hear what the spirit saith, for the spirit led them to speak forth Scripture. Pr. Again he saith, It is a contradiction, and a confused senseless thing to preach the word of faith in the mouth, and in the heart, see page 6. Again he saith, Most senseless is this profession of Christ in the mouth, and believing in him with the heart, God that made all things. These are his words, page 8. Ans. It is not a senseless profession to preach the word of Faith in the heart, and in the mouth; and to say, God will dwell in you, and the word is in the heart, and in the mouth. The word is God, and thou art senseless and fallen in confusion in the contradiction, out of the Apostles doctrine; and the Apostle saith, Christ in you, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation. Pr. And he calls it a Notion, to say that Christ lighteth all, and therefore the light is Christ. Ans. So here he is kicking and spurning against the light Christ, that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, which is the Rock, the foundation of God, the cornerstone, which is fallen upon thy head, and all be in the notion that be out of it. Pr. He scoffs at the Quakers, because they say they have the word of God in them. Ans. Christ his name is called the word of God. Pr. He saith, God blessing, or blasting his own Word to some according to the different ends intended by himself, see page 9 Ans. Now the Word of God is not blasted: God never blasts his own Word, but it is they that are blasted that disobey the Word. For the Word of God doth its service, and accomplisheth the end which it goeth forth for, and doth not return in vain: And it is the sword of the spirit, and that is not blasted. It is a hammer and a fire, and it lives, and doth endure for ever: So thou art blasted, who saith, the Word of God he blasts: and art to be cut down by the word of God for thy blasphemy. Pr. He saith, the Quakers are deceivers, because we say that Christ is not in outward observations and forms. And John Bunyan saith, that he is distinct from the Saints, and would have him in the forms, etc. see page 13. Ans. And we say he hath triumphed over the Ordinances, and blotted them out, and they are not to be touched; and the Saints have Christ in them, who is the end of outward forms, and thou art deceived, who thinks to find the living among the dead; and Bunyan is deceived, who said, he is distinct from the Saints; and so you are a company of pitiful Teachers. Pr. He saith, Every true Christian doth believe that the holy Scriptures alone is to be the object of faith, etc. page 17. Ans. So he hath thrown out God the giver of it, and Christ the Author of it; for many have the Scriptures, and deny Christ the Author of faith, and object. Pr. He asketh, Did you ever read of law and testimony in the heart, & c? see page 18. Ans. Yea, God saith, I will write my law in their hearts. The law was in David's heart; the law was in the Apostles heart. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, and that is in the heart. See Heb. 8. Rev. Pr. He saith, The covenant of God is not to all in the Church of Christ, see page 19 Ans. Which is contrary to the Scriptures, for where the Church is, there is the Covenant, the head Christ Jesus: And God saith, I will give him for a covenant to the Gentiles, those are the heathen: And I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah, and these are called the people of God. And therefore thou art in the fall in ignorance, and a man without understanding, and affirms thou dost not know what; and silence would become thee better than to publish thy shame in print, for they are not in the Church of God, that be not in the covenant of God. Pr. And he saith, The Scriptures is the sure and perfect rule, page 20. Ans. And the Scripture saith, Christ is the Bishop of the soul; and God hath all souls in his hand: And many have Scriptures, but their souls the Bishop of them they know not, but they remain in death, and the life they want that gave it forth, and so are all on heaps about the Scripture one with another, and calling them the rule and the spirit; And the spirit of God that led them forth to speak forth the Scripture, was the rule to the Saints and holy men of God: but they that be in the transgression will kill one another about their words, and the spirit leads to see them again, and brings them into unity with them and God. Pr. He saith, It is blasphemy to say that Christ is in them as God and man, etc. see page 23. Ans. How are they of his flesh and bone? And doth not the Scripture say, Christ in you, and God will dwell in you, and walk in you? And are not the Saints of his flesh and of his bone? And are they not partakers of the divine nature? Pr. He saith, It is a fancy to say the eternal word of God is in them, see page 26. Ans. Thou art in the fancy that the eternal word is not in, and witnessed, and under the fire and sword, and hammer to be hammered down. And so art corrected by the Apostle, who saith, Let the word of God dwell in you richly, The engrafted word which is able to save your souls, and immortal word, which is immortal. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures is the only rule of knowing God, etc. See page 26. Ans. Christ saith, none knoweth the father but the Son, who spoke among them that had the Scripture; and so he hath thrown out the Son, the rule of knowing the Father who reveals him. For many had Scriptures who knew not the Father, nor knew the Son, nor heard his voice, as in John 5. Pr. He saith, All those that be without the Scriptures, are without all comfort, and hope, and God. See page 26. Answ. Here then is thy Doctrine, that none have comfort, none hope, none have God, but who have Scriptures. Abraham will tell thee otherwise, and Enoch, for those knew God, and walked with him, and knew hope and comfort: and Joseph and Jacob, and God was with them before the Scriptures was written: And Christ was promised before the Scriptures was written, and many have the Scriptures, and not the comfort, nor the hope, but stand against him as the Jews did against Christ. And many may have the comfort, and not read Scriptures. Pr. He saith, The only judge of all error is the Scriptures, etc. see page 37. Ans. So he hath thrown out Christ, and thrown out the spirit, and the spiritual man, and the Saints, and God the judge of all who was the Author of the Scripture. Pr. He saith, The Apostle doth not say that God in these last days doth speak, or will speak unto us by his Son; but God hath already in time passed spoke by his Son, and that speaking is to these last days, and we are not to look for any other speaking, or revelation, etc. page 39 Ans. And so by this thou hast denied the scriptures, and the authority of them, which is Christ Jesus, and denied the Apostles doctrine, and the new covenant where the law is writ in the heart and mind, and all taught of God. Thou hast thrown down and laid waste Christ's commands, who saith, Learn of me. And the command of God, who saith, This is my beloved Son, hear ye him: And so art ignorant of the scriptures and the power of God. Pr. He saith, It is abhorred dotage they are bewitched with to say, they witness forgiveness within, etc. See page 41. Answ. Thou shows thou never knew a Saint's life, and that which cleanseth from all sin, and the testimony within of forgiveness of sin; for where it is forgiven it is within. The Apostle saith, If Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin. And many may speak of Christ without them, and the body of sin not dead: And so the Wolf may get the form of godliness, and the Devil may confess the son of God in words. Pr. He saith, It matters not much if the sense be in the Scriptures, where the words be there or no See page 47. Ans. And yet he saith, the Scriptures is the rule, and it is the word; and so by that means have all men run into their senses, into confusion from the words of the Scriptures, which is not to be added to, nor taken from, nor can it be broken, nor is it of any private interpretation; and the Scriptures are the words of God, and Christ is the word, and in him they end, and the spirit is the rule. Pr. He saith, Doth not Christ approve of the Jews opinion, in thinking that in the Scripture they should have eternal life: And he saith, Christ refers them to the Scriptures to find life. See page 48. Answ. When as Christ said, They would not come unto him that that they might have life; and bid them believe in him whom God had sent, who was the end of the Scriptures: And Christ did not approve of them that thought to have eternal life in the Scriptures. Pr. He saith, to say that the light of Christ is not received from the Scriptures, it is an abominable thing to be asserted. Ans. But the light is received from Christ; and many had the Scriptures as the Jews, but stood against the Light as you do now, and did not receive it, that had the Scriptures which testified of it: And the Light cannot be blotted out, but it doth condemn, and it leads to the knowledge of God, and to eternal life. Pr. He calls it a fancy of an idle brain, to witness the law of God written in the heart, that is different from the moral law, etc. see page 61. Ans. The Scripture saith, I will write my law in their hearts, and put it in their inward parts, and I will make a new Covenant with the house of Israel, not according to the old; And this is the Covenant with Israel, not according to the old, and so they be in the fancy, and idle brain that be out of the new Covenant of light, Christ, both Jews and Gentiles, and all false Christians. Pr. He saith, This I do deny, that the perfection of the whole law of God is writ in man's heart, so as to know it, and do it, as it is written in the Prophets and Apostles, etc. See page 64. Answ. Here thou hast discovered thyself to be in the unbelief, and limits the Holy One, that God is not the same, Christ is not the same yesterday, to day, and for ever: And none knows the Prophets and Apostles, but who have the same covenant as they had; and the same law and same spirit. And whereas thou art opposing those as say the Word is within them, and the Light is within them, and the Spirit is within: And because they say those be in unity, and be one, which makes thee appear one offended, who must be ignorant still. He that is ignorant, let him be ignorant still; but the light in thee shall see they are one. Pr. He saith, That none have ever had such attainments of Christ a Redeemer, without the help of the Scriptures, etc. see page 65. Answ. Now Abraham, and Enoch, and Noah, and Adam, had the promise of Christ before Scripture was written: And the Gospel is the power of God; and many may have the form, and not the power, and eternal life is not in them, nor the power of God: For Christ is the power of God, who saith, Ye will not come to me that ye may have life, who was afore Scripture was, and all the Attainments is in him the Scripture speaks of, and he is not attained to without life. Pr. He saith, Where did ever any say that they went through the Law to Christ: This he judgeth, and saith, that they be strangers to the life of God that say so, etc. See page 71. Ans. Contrary to the Apostle, who saith, I through the law am dead to the law, but alive unto God. And the law was our Schoolmaster to bring us to Christ. And again he saith, The righteousness of the law is fulfilled in us. Pr. He saith, All notional light is from Christ whatsoever, etc. see page 72. Ans. Now notional is imaginations, and that is not properly called light, and therefore thou mistakest, for light is not notion, but is the thing itself that is from Christ. Pr. Here again he denies, that Christ hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world, with light sufficient if they obey it, to lead them to eternal life, etc. See page 73. Ans. Yet thou saith, every one hath so much light as shall leave all men without excuse before the great tribunal of Jesus Christ. And yet thou saith, that which leaves them without excuse is not sufficient, and so would make God unjust and unrighteous; and the light is sufficient, which doth enlighten every man in the world to lead them to eternal life, believing in it, and receiving it, which not believing is sufficient to condemn them, who all believing in it shall see and receive their salvation. Pr. He saith, It is a contradiction in itself, and a speaking lies in hypocrisy, to deny swearing, and calling of men Master, and to witness the teaching of the Lord, and the spirit to guide into all truth, and to say the spirit is the rule. Ans. They be in the lies and hypocrisy, and transgressors of Christ's commands, that are swearers, and called of men Masters, and the spirit of truth which leads into all truth, is the rule and guide of men into truth, as Matth. 5. & 23 Chap. and these be the Antichrists, contrary to him, that swear and are called of men Masters; which Christ saith, swear not at all, nor be called of men Master. Pr. He saith, Christ was in the world, and the world was made by him, and yet Christ was not in all parts of the world, etc. see page 76. Answ. And he is the light to the Gentiles and Jews, and salvation to the ends of the earth: and yet he saith, that Christ is not in all parts of the world. Pr. The light wherewith Christ hath enlighten every one that cometh into the world, he calls a little spark of reason, subject to error and vanity. Ans. Which is Christ the light, the foundation of God which stands sure, that which makes manifest all error, and his flesh saw no corruption. The greatest part of his work in his Book is to strike at the Rock and foundation of God; and there is no error in the light, which enlighteneth every man that comes into the world, neither is it subject to it, but condemns it, and thee that saith it. Pr. He saith, page 79. All the light is to be understood in words, and an outward dispensation, etc. Ans. The Jews had outward words and a dispensation, and yet knew not the Light Christ, by the words without life. Neither did they understand the dispensation of God. Pr. He speaks of an external Ministry, etc. See page 80. Ans. That which led them to minister was not external, and the external reaches no further than the external, and that is of men, and by men; but the eternal reaches to the eternal, which reacheth beyond external. Pr. John saith, This is the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world: and he saith, this is to be understood with limitation: and saith, Christ was not in all ages & places of the world. See page 81. Ans. How was he the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world? And how did he minister to the spirits in prison? and how speaks he in the Law? and how is he the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever: and that is the Devil in thee that would have a hold for thee to dwell in, that would limit Christ the light not to be in every man. That which darkens every man is the Devil, and that which lightens every man is Christ, without limitation, and he limits that which would limit him, and that understanding. Pr. He saith, He knows not what the true light is, and eternal life, nor the eternal word, the everlasting Gospel, the light which gave forth the Scriptures, and the Judge of the world, and the kingdom of heaven within, and the law of the new covenant, and Christ within, these he saith, he knows not, etc. Ans. We do believe thee. And yet he goes about to oppose them, and knows not what they are, and so he fights like a blind man, who knows not the eternal word within, nor the Light, nor the everlasting Gospel which the Saints did, and doth know within. Pr. He saith, That infants and fools, and such as are borne blind, were never enlightened with the light of Christ, which he calls the light of nature, etc. See page 85. Ans. Which is contrary to John's words, 1 John 9 who came for a witness, to bear witness of the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, which light is above nature, and contrary to Isaiah, who said, Fools shall not err in the way. And a blind man and an infant is enlightened with the light of Christ, for that is the Light in the blind man that reproves his thoughts and words that be evil; which believing in it, he shall not be condemned, but hath the light of life, and becomes a child of Light: And in Christ is light, and that is the life of men; and where there is life in an Infant, there is light. Pr. He calls it a fancy and a pernicious error to say Christ hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world, etc. see page 88 Ans. And thus he opposeth John's doctrine: They be in the pernicious error that deny that light that lighteth every man, according to John's doctrine, John 1. who saith, this is the true light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, and the Pharisees stumbled as much at this true light as you do now, though it shined in their, and your darkness, yet your darkness cannot comprehend it, but it shall be all your condemnation that hate it. Pr. He saith, The commands of Christ within (Christ and the light) is inconsistent with the Scriptures, etc. see page 89. Ans. Which is contrary, for the light within owns the Scriptures without: and yet he said it was the gift of God, and the gift of God doth own the Scriptures in their place as they were spoken; and none knows the commands, and Scriptures, but with the light within, and they be in unity, and the light within gives the knowledge of them, 2 Cor. 4. Pr. He saith, It is a fancy to say the Covenant of God is to all men in the world, and the grace of God hath appeared unto all men, etc. See page 89. Answ. Contrary to the Apostle, who saith, The grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared unto all men. And contrary to the Prophet, who saith, I will give him for a covenant to the Gentiles, a light unto the people, salvation to the ends of the earth, and a new covenant to the house of Israel and Judah; And they that do not believe this are condemned. Pr. He saith, It is most desperate and diabolical to talk of a sufficient light and grace in all to be saved, etc. Ans. And yet thou saith in page 73. of thy book, That every man hath so much light that shall leave all men without excuse before the great tribunal of Jesus Christ, and men shall only be condemned for not doing things which they had power & light to do. And so thou confoundest thyself, these are thy words: And here thou saith, he hath not light sufficient to save. Thou cal●s this a fancy, and prodigious blasphemy, page 92. and no man cometh to salvation but who owneth the light, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, Christ Jesus the salvation. No man owneth his own salvation, but who owneth the grace of God that brings salvation to them all if that they will receive it, to teach them to live soberly, righteous, and godly, and deny the contrary: And this grace and light is sufficient, for it brings salvation; for that which brings salvation is sufficient, and thou art in the diabolical doctrine that art out of this, and contrary to what the Apostle saith, and Christ, which enlightens all men, which says, believe in the light and ye shall not abide in darkness, but have the Light of life, and become children of Light, and so is sufficient; if not, they are condemned by it, and hear his Law. Pr. He saith, The light of Christ we have made it the corrupt spark of reason. See page 92. Ans. But it is he that calleth it the corrupt spark of reason, contrary to John, who saith, It is the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world: And we do not make it the corrupt spark of reason; for there is no corruption in it, but it leads to true reason, and there is no true reason but in it; and thy corrupt spark of reason is out of it, and to be condemned with it. Pr. He calls it an intoxicated notion and bewitching to say that Christ hath enlightened every one that cometh into the world immediately, etc. see page 93. Ans. So he would make the Light which John bore witness of (to the chief Priests and Levites) which doth enlighten every man, etc. not immediate, and gives these ill-favoured names to them that do bear their testimony to it: But let him split himself against the Rock, and thou art in the intoxicated notions, and in the witchcraft that doth not own the light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, and art not a witness of Christ, contrary to the Prophets and John, who said, This was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, to which Light the Apostle bore witness to Jews and Gentiles, which thou a reprobate bears witness against. Pr. And to bring all people to the light wherewith Christ hath enlightened them withal. Such he calls seducing, and sending men to hell, and damnable heresies. Ans. They bring men to hell, and are the seducers, and in the damnable heresy, and corrupts the reason, that doth not bring men to the light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, and so to Christ, but denies it, and such denies life and salvation. Pr. He saith, That none can be saved by following the light of Christ Jesus, which he calls corrupt. Ans. The light of Christ Jesus is not corrupt, who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; that light which they are enlightened withal doth not corrupt, but lets all men see their corruption, which they are condemned not believing, in which believing in, they are saved; and no man sees salvation, or hath salvation, but with the light which comes from Christ Jesus the salvation: And all that hate the light are corrupt in their Doctrines and Principles, ways and words, and such be the Antichrists. Joseph Kellet, John Pomroy, Paul Glisson, Christopher Feak, John Simpson, George Cocken, and Laurence Wise, Their Principles laid open, in a Book put forth by them, called, A faithful Discovery of a Treacherous design of Mystical Antichrist displaying CHRIST'S Banners. But ye may own the sin of your weakness who have published forth this BOOK. Pr. YE say, God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, etc. page 1. Ans. But ye do not say that the light hath shined in your hearts, to give the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. And those were the false Apostles, and D●vills ministers and messengers of Satan, transforming himself into an Angel of Light, that drew people from the light within, which gave them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ, from whom it came, which was the work of the true Apostles to bring people to the light within, that shined in their hearts, to give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus; and told them there was the treasure in the earthen vessel. So in the false spirits that are gone out into the world are ye reproved, ye seven Priests. Pr. Here they call it wine mingled with water, to say the light doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which is Christ, which brings men off of their Teachers, and makes manifest sin. This ye say makes the Scriptures unnecessary. Answ. Which none knows the necessariness of the Scriptures but with light, nor salvati-vation, nor wine from water. Pr. And they say, Doth not the light bring men off the glorious mystery of the Scriptures? etc. page 3. Ans. We say nay, it brings them to it, the mystery Christ Jesus from whom light comes, it brings men off of the heathen to God. Pr. And they say, that the light doth bring men off of the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles, etc. page 4. Answ. Which light is Christ, who is the promise to the Gentiles, the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. And none comes to the foundation, but such as come to the light Christ, that hath enlightened him. Pr. They say, They be all alienated and enemies unto God until faith, etc. see page 4. Answ. So they have denied their Schoolmaster, which is until faith, which will keep them out of the alienation, which is the Law. Pr. And ye call the light Christ, who hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world, a natural light, etc. see page 5. Answ. Contrary to John, who saith, it is Christ by whom all things was made before Naturals was, Sun, Moon, and Stars. Pr. To hold forth Christ the light, who lighteth every man that cometh into the world, they say is to hinder the Gospel, pervert the faith, and at once destroy all good that ever was done, etc. see page 6. Ans. That is unlike that it should do so, that Christ the covenant of God, who came to save, which light doth lighten every one that cometh into the world, in which believing are saved, in not believing are damned; and none comes in to God, but who comes to the Light, nor to the Gospel, and all men's works acted without the Light, are to be condemned and destroyed. Pr. To bring people to the Light, Christ, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, is to bring them from the Mediator, and to draw men from eyeing his death, resurrection, and intercession, etc. as these men say, see page 7. Ans. Here they are corrected, for none knows these things but who come to the light Christ, who hath enlightened them; for with the light they see their Mediator, and see his death and resurrection: And they that come not to the light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, may speak of these things, but cannot know them, the witness in the conscience shall answer in all men; for the light that shines in the heart gives them the knowledge of them (of the Mediator) death and resurrection of Christ. And they say, not every man in the world is enlightened, and John saith every man is, and so here their spirits are corrected again: And I will give him for a covenant to the Gentiles, and for a new covenant to the house of Israel, and to the house of Judah: And they bring these words, Christ in you the hope of glory, to oppose John's words. Pr. You say none comes to God but by Christ, and yet doth not own him that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world. Ans. And so are not like ever to come to him, though you may talk of him in words, as the Pharisees and Devils did, as all the apostate Christians doth now, and yet not own his light, with it you are all to be condemned, Ministers of Satan which are out of the light. Pr. And you say, Far be it from you to say that Christ is equally God, etc. See page 8. Ans. And the Scriptures saith, He is the everlasting Father, and his name is called the Emanuel, God with us: and his name is called the word, which is God, John 1. Pr. And ye say, Whereby man sees the Godhead of God, but nothing of the mystery of the Father, and Christ as Mediator. See page 9 Ans. Can man see the godhead of God, and nothing of the mystery of the Father, and Christ the Mediator? Doth not he that knows the Son know the Father also? And hath not he that hath seen God, seen the Son? Is not the Son in the Father? Here your spirits are corrected: For the light that enlightens every man that comes into the world let's see the one, let's see the other. Pr. You say, For a man to say the light Christ which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, is pure, and justifies them that obey it, he justifies that which God condemns, etc. See page 9 Ans. As you say who are with it condemned; for the light is that which doth condemn and justify both, and God doth not condemn it; for it brings into unity with him and peace, and all be condemned that be out of it, and none be justified but them that be in it, Christ, that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which is the justification of life to every one that believeth in it; and every man receiving the light, receives his justification, and hating of it, receives his condemnation to death. Pr. Again, Ye conclude the light of Christ is not pure before faith. See page 9 Ans. So have concluded you seven, Joseph Kellet, John Pomroy, Paul Glisson, Christopher Feak, John Simpson, George Cocken, Laurence Wise, that ye never knew Law nor Gospel, nor Faith from Christ, nor God: For the law is light, saith Solomon, Prov. 6. and that is the Schoolmaster until faith: And the Law of God is pure, and the Law is just, holy, and good, and perfect; and what is just, holy, and good, is pure. And this ye seven have concluded not pure, the light in the conscience before faith; And the Law is the Light and Schoolmaster until faith: And the Light is given to every man to believe, and while ye have the light believe in it: And so men have this light before they believe in it, and are children: And this ye conclude is not pure, so goes about to take away that men should believe in, they having the Light, and then afterwards to believe in it, and with that they see the Author of their faith, Christ Jesus from whence it comes, and so would destroy the foundation of God, the Prophets and Apostles which standeth sure; and so are ye found in the spirit of error, and corrected, knowing neither law nor faith. Pr. Again they say the Light (which is Christ) with which every man is enlightened that cometh into the world withal, they say doth not discover the sin of unbelief. See page 10. Ans. And did not Christ marvel at their unbelief, and see, and discovered the unbelief of the Jews, of whose Father are ye; And doth not Christ the Light which doth enlighten every man withal, discover unbelief? And doth not the unbelievers hate the light, and know the light will reprove them which they should believe in, that manifests their sin? and yet you say, doth not discover unbelief, which is their condemnation, not believing in it, because their deeds be evil, hating it. Pr. And further ye say, That the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world bringeth in a legal righteousness, etc. Ans. Doth not the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, bring in the righteousness of God? and is it not the righteousness of God? So it corrects you that be in the legal righteousness, and out of Christ, which enlighteneth nevery man that cometh into the world. Pr. Again you say, The righteousness performed by the grace of Christ, the Gospel, teacheth to deny it. See page 10. Ans. Now is there any righteousness wrought by the grace of Christ, but what is by Christ who is the covenant of grace? and the power of God which is the Gospel, which lighteth every man that comes into the world? Pr. They call it conscience, or a natural light, etc. page 11. Answ. Which light was before the word conscience was; or a natural light, the Sun, Moon, and Stars either; for all things that was made, was made by it. The natural light, or made light, are created lights. He made the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars, they were made: And here is the natural lights to the natural eye. And the light that every man is enlightened with that cometh into the word, was before these were made, glorified with the Father before the world began, and before the name Conscience was, or things was made, and then they was named, and the light doth exercise the conscience towards God and towards man; which light cometh from Christ the Author of faith, which is held in the pure conscience, who before the world began was glorified with the Father. Pr. Again, the light which cometh from Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which discovers the evil, which will give thee power against it, man walking in it and yet brings to the rest, to the Father, this they call free will, etc. see page 12. Ans. Which light brings out of the will of man into the will of God, to him that is not born by the will of man from whence it comes, in which light men do his will, and know his doctrine. So here they are corrected again; for the freewill and will-worship, is out of the light which is Christ, which John speaks of: And they that hate the light are out of Christ, and are not made free from the wrath to come; but they that be in the light are made free from the wrath to come, in covenant with God. So you that would set up another light than Christ, are Antichrist, in your own wills; for all will-worship, and feigned humility is out of the light in the transgression. Pr. Here they say, that God made a difference where there was none, see page 13. Ans. And the Apostle said, they were all gone astray. And God puts a difference between the precious and the vile, judgeth righteously, and respects no man's person, and makes a difference in judgement. And they say, God checks and chides the wander of his people; and yet they say, God makes a difference where there is none, and you are to be checked and chidden. Pr. Again they say, The children of God are all their life-time found groaning under sin, etc. page 14. Ans. The Apostle tells you plainly, He that is borne of God doth not commit sin, neither can he, because the seed of God remains in him: and he keepeth himself, that the wicked one toucheth him not; and they are made free from sin: And here the Apostle corrects ye again; for those are not groaning under, when the wicked one toucheth them not, but these reigneth over it. Pr. Here they say, Who puts men to the light of the eternal word with which they are enlightened withal, puts men besides the way of life, and puts men besides the way of salvation. See page 16. Ans. None knows salvation but by the light which comes from the eternal Word, nor the way of life, which is Christ, which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, and so the salvation to the ends of the earth. Pr. Here again they say, That the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world shuts up the Kingdom of heaven against men, and takes away the ministration of the Gospel, and destroys the ministries of man, etc. See page 17. Ans. None comes into the Kingdom of heaven, but who comes into the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; It opens the Kingdom of heaven, but it destroys man's ministration, and brings in the ministration of God and the Gospel: And this light ye call law, or works, that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which he that believeth in it hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his, and comes to the end of the Law. Pr. Again they say, the Scriptures are the means of faith. Answ. And so have thrown out Christ the author of it, and God the giver; and the Scripture is but the declaration of the Saints faith, and it saith men had faith before Scripture was, as instance Abraham and Enoch. Pr. Again they say, As for the expected dictating the Scriptures by the spirit to us as to the writers thereof, it is groundless, etc. see page 18. Answ. So showing of what spirit you are, who with the true spirit are corrected, that have the Scriptures dictated to you, but not by the same spirit as the Prophets and Apostles had. Pr. They say, Instruction in the Scriptures is the way of sowing the seed in Children, etc. Ans. And the Scripture saith, the seed is the Word, and Christ is the seedsman, which was before Scripture was; and yet it doth no good except they eat the book, and so confute themselves. And many had the Scriptures, which stood against the seedsman as you do now, and the Devil out of the truth makes a cloak of those things, who will not feed upon the Word. Pr. So the light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, which we say is the Covenant of God, they say that is to break down the enclosed Garden. see page 20. Ans. This is that which confounds Babylon the great, and brings it into remembrance with God, and brings the great Whore into judgement. The Light which is the way into the garden of God, breaks down their enclosed garden, that from the Apostles have apostatised. Pr. They say, that the power to justle out the form is an error, etc. see page 24. Answ. Which was the Apostles work to bring off the form into the power, the substance Christ, which was not an error. But you being in the error, keep people into forms out of the power, and so not in the Apostles work. Pr. Again they here say, It is blasphemy to say God is in all, etc. See page 30. Ans. And the Apostle saith, God over all, and in you all, blessed for ever, and through all, Ephes. 4. Pr. They say, It is not a transgression though men pray not, nor preach not for many days, weeks, and months together, though necessity is laid upon them, etc. page 32. Answ. Contrary to Christ's command, who bid them watch and pray; And contrary to the Apostles doctrine, who said, woe be unto him if he did not preach the Gospel. So where there comes a woe there is a transgression: so likewise where Christ's doctrine is denied, and the Apostle, which said, pray always, but without wrath and doubtings; and lifting up holy hands, and pray for enemies. But you pray in the wrath, and hands full of blood, and persecute friends, as your Gaols may witness; so as Pastor Eton saith, you never heard the voice of God: And Micah said, Night is upon Priest and Prophets, that divine for money, and preach peace to the people, if they put into their mouths, if not, they prepare war against them. Such have no answer from God. Pr. They say, That apparel is for distinction of qualities of persons, etc. See page 36. Ans. That is but in the world; for that which distinguisheth persons is the Word, the person of Christ from the persons of Adam in the fall, and who be in the transgression, and who be out of it; and who be vessels of honour and dishonour; and your wearing of gold and costly apparel, it distinguisheth you from the Apostles doctrine. And the holy women of old which was honourable, it was not the apparel that made them so to be, but the hidden man of the heart which was of great price to the Lord, which were brought to do the command of God: That honour which is in the world for and respect, God will slain, which stands in the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, and the lust of the flesh, and there stands the world's honour in transgression. Pr. They say, It is most true, the Jew inward desires not the praise of men, etc. see page 38. Ans. Then all that desires the praise of men, and respect to persons, are not the Jews inward by their own conclusion, but the Jew outward; And so Priest judge your work and fruit, how many Jews outwardly you have begotten; for that which begets the Jew outward, which hath the praise of men, and respecting of persons is the outward Jew, and that which begets the inward jew, is the jew within who hath his praise of God, and Christ who was the King of the Jews, was not the respecter of persons. Pr. Again they say, It was not Christ's command to give your Coats to the next beggar that asketh them. See page 42. Ans. Which the Scriptures say, he that hath two coats let him give to him that hath none; and the rich will give to the rich, and thus they affront the Scriptures: And God doth give wisdom how to distribute, and to whom to distribute, and how to honour the Lord with the substance; and so shows yourselves ignorant of Christ's doctrine, in letting so many poor beg at your doors and in the streets, and yet you will have boot-hose-tops, and double cuffs, and ribbons about you, who are more like Stage-players than Ministers, that are not like to give your Coat to the next beggar; which double cuffs and boot-hose-tops and ribbons you have got for tithes of poor people that have hardly a coat to put on; but they that obey Christ's command, that have two coats gives to him that hath none: Pr. Again they sa●, The Son of man is not come; and these are false Prophets and false Christ's who say he is co●● at page 43. Ans. And so they ●●ll John a false Prophet, who tells that the Son of God was come, 1 John 5. For we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding: And you are the false Prophets and Antichrists in the world that deny Christ come in the flesh. Again we say, you are them that come not in by the door, and draw people from the teachings of God, who draw people from the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. Pr. And you tell them it is natural. See page 43. Ans. The light is the door which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, but ye blind Sodomites are groping for the door, but cannot find it, raging without, and would kill the just; but these keeps you that be in the Light, which is the door, and all be blind; and they be made blind though they say they see that doth not see the light which lighteneth every man that cometh into the world, by whom the world was made. Pr. Ye say, The Apostles went out of their own Nation without money or two coats without a bag either, etc. see Page 44. Ans. Which of all you in your own Nation goes without your Stipends, or Augmentations, Tithes, or Gleab-lands? which of all you will go into your own Nation without this? So not going, have ye not all judged yourselves by the Apostles practice which ye speak of? and with your own words? Pr. And ye say, that the greatest part of the persecution in the Nation is ceased, etc. Ans. Ye say so, that to persecution are turned, whose fruits and persecution hath more been seen within these late years, than it hath been for several scores, nay this hundred years past; and you are turned the persecutors of them that will not put into your mouths that you do no work for, and for speaking to you, as your Gaols bears witness. Pr. Again they say, To be called of men Master, and so to transgress Christ's command, is but a civil respect to their public employment. Ans. Pharisee-like hath he showed that he condemns Christ's commands, and unlike Ministers of him, but Antichrists, that condemns Christ's command, and calls it a civil respect in their employments. For you do not read of Mr. Paul, and Mr. Peter, etc. Pr. Again they say, That is it which makes many ears to tingle, and is a desolation to say God is coming to teach his people himself, and to redeem them from all their Teachers, etc. see page 47. Ans. Now is the Prophet's fulfilling, They shall not need every man to teach his neighbour or his brother. Now is people coming to hear the Son, who is the salvation to the ends of the earth, God's covenant. Now is that coming which shall make your ears tingle; and now is people come to the anointing, that they need not any man to teach them: Now is people ceasing from men whose breath is in their nostrils, and looking to Christ and the Lord, the salvation to the ends of the earth. Pr. Again they say, That Satan transformed into an Angel of light, is helping on good motions and fair compliances with rules of right, to an ill end. See p. 49. Ans. That is like your doctrine, that Satan should make use of good motions, and fair compliances, with rules of right: Now the rule of right and the good is out of his power. Prin. Again they say, Why may not Satan help on Mortification, etc. See page 53. Ans. Nay, that which mortifies is out of the power of Satan; that goes against his power, and that brings down the death of Christ and his resurrection, which they that be out of mortification knows not. Pr. And the persecutors when they have persecuted the children of Light, which light doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, they say, they expose themselves to suffering. Ans. And this light is it which torments them: So striking at the Light, they strike at the foundation, which we find these seven men's work is to strike at the Light, the foundation, Christ Jesus, so Satan's Ministers. And abundance of lies is their Book stuffed with, which is not worth mentioning, which will turn upon themselves, in the day of fire and judgements they shall feel their works: In their conscience th● witness shall answer, and they that prison the just in their own particular, turns against them that be in the covenant of Light, where the Prisoner shows himself forth; for there is no persecution in the general: but first men have stopped their ears against that of God within them, and gone from the Truth in their own particulars, than they turn against them that be in the general, and such were always called to be of the Devil, doing his work out of the Truth. Richard baxter's Book, called, The Quakers Catechism. His PRINCIPLES follows. And his Works which are to the Fire to be condemned: And as for his Lies, and Rail, and Brawling, and Revile, we turn them back to himself; which for them, the greatest will be his own sorrow. Pr. HE saith in a Letter (at the beginning of his Book) to a friend, etc. To say that any is perfect, and without sin, is the Devil speaking in man, etc. Ans. Contrary to the language of the Apostle and Christ, who bid them be perfect, and the Apostle spoke wisdom among them that are perfect, and said, they were made free from sin. And it is the Devil speaking in man that speaks for sin, while men are upon earth, and speaks; for the Devil holds up him who makes men not perfect, which Truth makes men free again from the Devil, and speaks in man, and says, be perfect. Pr. He saith, Christ doth not condemn men for being called of men Master, and it is not the title, but, etc. Ans. Contrary to Christ's words, who saith, be ye not of men called Master, for ye have a Master in heaven even Christ, and ye are all brethren. And thus he tramples upon the commands, and makes the commands of Christ of none effect, which is one of the marks that Christ gives to the multitudes to know the hypocrites by; and so doth not only deny Christ's commands, but teacheth men to break them: so crucifies Christ, and says they are his Ministers, but that's the Antichrist that abides not in his doctrine, as in 2 John. Pr. And he saith, people are tossed up and down like a bundle of feathers, and Novices, etc. Answ. How should they be otherwise but be tossed up and down by you, when ye deny perfection, of being perfect, and calls it the voice of the Devil speaking, that speaks of perfection, and overcoming sin? How should you but be the men that tosseth people up and down with every slight, and blown up and down with your windy doctrine that is not perfect, and so bring the Nations and people like unto waters? For all the unperfection is out of Christ in the first Adam in sin and transgression, and the Devil which is out of the truth; and all the perfection is in Christ the second Adam, the covenant of God, out of sin and transgression, and so who are in Christ are new creatures; and old things passeth away, and all things become new. So in the second Adam, in the Lord from heaven, above the earthly the first man, in the perfection out of the tossing; that's your imitated Church got up since the days of the Apostles, not the true Church: Pr. He saith, a true Church is guilty of injury, etc. See page 4. Ans. Contrary to the Scriptures, where the Apostle saith, the Church is the pillar and ground of truth, without spot or wrinkle, or blemish, or any such thing. Pr. He saith, God hath commanded a sufficient maintenance in general for Ministers, and left it to humane prudence to judge what is sufficient, etc. see page 7. Ans. By this he hath left the spirit to judge, and the wisdom of God which acts by his commands, and so runs into earthly humane prudence. Therefore is there so much oppression for Tithes and maintenance for Ministers, and so much making havoc, and prisoning and persecuting for the same: And the power denied which the Apostles had to eat and to drink, which Christ gave them; and so you run into the lust for the money of whom you do no work for, and the earth; and whilst they coveted after that, they lost the faith; and that is the cause that people have lost the unity, and run all upon heaps. Their Teachers have lost the faith (through coveting and love of money) in which they should have had unity with God, and one with another, and have pleased him, and had access to him, and have given them victory over the world, the Devil, enmity, and corruption. Pr. He saith, all that come into the world are lighted with the light of nature. See page 7. Ans. For so he calls the light, which John calls the true light (which is Christ) that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, so is ignorant of John's doctrine, and the Scriptures; a man not fit to teach, but is gotten up by an usurped authority, and is not able to divide the word aright, but with the Scriptures thou art corrected, and the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world; the natural lights were made by it, the Sun and Moon, and so forth: And men that are born blind, are enlightened with that Light which was before the Sun was, before all things was made, which came a light into the world to enlighten every man, that all men through it might believe. Now all men may see how all men are mad against John, Christ, and the Apostles doctrine, that bore witness to the true light, and Christ bid believe in it. Pr. He talks of, and preacheth up an external word. See page 8. Answ. Which the Scripture speaks nothing of, nor the Prophets, nor christ, but saith, the word that lives, abides, and endures for ever: and of the Scriptures of truth that cannot be broken. And of God's words, and Christ's words, and that is not external, this is not agreeable to sound words that cannot be condemned, but that is like his doctrine that knows not the eternal; but the Ministers of Christ did not tell people of an external word, but an eternal word; but you being made by the will of man, speak to the people of an external. Pr. He saith, He hath not seen God in glory, nor any man, etc. See page 9 Ans. We do believe thee and the Priests have not seen him: but the Saints saw him, and Job saw him, and Isaiah saw him the Lord of hosts, and Steven saw him, and Abraham saw his glory, and the Apostle saw him, and beheld his glory, the glory of God. And you are as the Pharisees that stand against Christ, that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, that Christ said never saw the shape of God. Pr. He saith, The word infallible, is the pillar of the Popish Kingdom, and the master-point of new Religion, etc. see page 9 Ans. Now thou that calls infallibility a Popish point, a new Religion: Thy Religion thou hast manifested, and thy points that are not infallible; contrary to the Apostle who had many infallible proofs of the spirit of Jesus Christ, & they who have not are none of his; and who have the spirit of Christ, have that which is infallible, and lets them see infallible proofs, as thou mayst read in Scripture. And who have the spirit of God, have that which is infallible: And the Religion which is out of the fallibility, and out of the spirit of God is vain, and there is thine, and the Popes, as your fruits have declared, got up since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy fallible, but that which is in the spirit of God is infallible. Pr. And thou saith, Thou hast no such revelation as the Apostles had as thou knowest of, and the Apostles were brought to speak infallibly to the Church by an infallible spirit, and thou nor the Pope hath no such infallibility as the Apostles had, etc. see page 10. Answ. We do believe you, for you are the false spirit, you and the Pope that went forth from the Apostles into the world, that Christ said should come, that inwardly ravened from the spirit, and went forth from the Apostles, and only have had the sheep's clothing, and so are the spirits which the Apostles bids the Saints try (which went forth into the world) that had the true spirit, the record, the spirit of God; and they that have found the record, the spirit of God tries all your spirits, and finds you fallible, ravened from the spirit of God inwardly, only having the sheep's clothing that hath covered the wolf in you all, the devourer. And so we do believe neither yo●●or the Pope hath the infallible spirit, being the false spirits that went forth into the world, and led the world after you. That Nations are come to be like waters, so are you broken all into heaps, and sects, and wants the infallible spirit in which you should have unity: And so hath not the Son of God revealed among you who have not revelation as the Apostles had, which we witness, who are come to that the Apostles were in, and so the Son of God reigns. Pr. He saith, The holy Scriptures are the temporal word, etc. see page 11. Answ. Now see if this be not an undervaluing the Scriptures of truth, and the words of God and Christ, and the Prophets and Apostles, which cannot be broken, he calls it a Temporal word, which the Scripture teacheth no such doctrine, but thy lying spirit. Pr. He saith, The Gospel or Word is the external light flowing out unto us from the Son, etc. See page 12. Ans. Contrary to the Scripture, which saith, the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes, so not temporal, not a temporal light. And the light which cometh from the Son of God, that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, that shines in people's hearts, that gives the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus is not temporal, thou that saith so art in the delusion. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures are able to make men wise unto salvation without any more additions, and there is no more to be expected, etc. see page 12. Answ. Contrary to the Scripture itself, and the Apostles doctrine, who saith, through faith they are able to make wise unto salvation. So there is an addition which the Apostles adds, and all the Saints and true believers, which is the faith which thou art reprobated from, and so no Minister of Christ, in the un-victory, so in the world's lusts. Pr. He saith, The soul of man is a spiritual substance, etc. And Magnus been saith, the soul is not infinite in itself, but it is a creature: And Richard Baxter saith, it is a spiritual substance. etc. See page 13. Answ. Now consider what a condition these called Ministers are in: They say, that which is a spiritual substance, is not infinite in itself, but a creature; that which came out from the Creator, and is in the hand of the Creator, which brings it up, and to the Creator again, that is infinite itself; which the hand goes against him that does evil, in which hand the soul is, which is immortal and infinite; which hand is infinite, which brings it up to God is infinite. Pr. He saith, Do not they blasphemously make Christ an Idol, that call our Temples, Idols Temples, & c? See page 15. Ans. Christ's body was and is the Temple of God, who ended all outward Temples made with hands, and so that is no Idol, but others are Idols, held up by you and the Pope, Jews and Gentiles, that prison the seed of God in yourselves. And Stephen was stoned to death for denying the Temple, and for witnessing the substance: so have you almost stoned many to death for denying your Idols Temples. Pr. He calls that most ignorant and sottish dealing to own Christ's commands that bids be not called of men Master, etc. page 18. Answ. And thus he shows his ignorance and sottishness, and doth not read Mr. Paul, Mr. Peter, and they transgress the doctrine of Christ; and he hath not the spirit of Christ, but is gone out into the world, where all the false spirits are opposing Christ's commands, and the Spirits commands, and so no Minister of Christ. Pr. He saith, All the Ministers since the days of the Apostles was to be ordained and called, which the Apostles were not, etc. See page 21. Answ. Doth not the Apostle speak of them that usurped the authority? Yes, we say that all of you and the Pope since the days of the Apostles are called by men, and made by men, who are the false spirit that went forth into the world, that ravened from the true, so have not heard the voice of God at any time: So he hath not sent you, but you have usurped the authority being made by man: And as no prophecy of Scripture came by the will of man, therefore all as do get the Scripture in their own wills out of the holy Ghost, are made by man, such are out of unity with God, with Scriptures, with one another, and all upon heaps about words, and such men make and sets up. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures is God's law, and a sufficient rule for doctrine and worship itself, etc. See page 22. Ans. Now many may have the Scriptures; and if they have not the spirit that gave them forth, they do not worship God in the spirit; And they that have the Scriptures, and do not do the will of Christ, they know not his Doctrine: And the Law is light. Pr. He saith, But I must tell you, that our Bells are not carnal, if they were, they would scarce sound so well, or last so long, etc. See page 23. Ans. If they be not carnal, than they are spiritual, and in that all the world will judge thee, that they are things seen, and so they are temporal and carnal; and what is temporal is not eternal, nor spirit. The Apostle speaks of carnal weapons, 2 Cor. 10.4. and carnal ordinances, Heb. 9.10. And whereas thou speaks of baptising your Bells, & c? Have not many Bells in England been baptised? And was not the Pope the first Author of it? And we do say that they are carnal and not spiritual, let them sound never so well, and last never so long, though in many Towns you have made them to tune Psalms; yet we cannot say that these are spiritual that can tune Psalms, neither dare we, but do judge them that do say they are so. For the Scripture calls those Ordinances, which were Ordinances of God once, worldly and carnal, and the Sanctuary is called a worldly Sanctuary when the substance was come: And so we see, and say all your sorts of Bells, though they may be tunes of Psalms, yet they are carnal, and not spiritual, that is our conclusion; though indeed poor people being ignorant, may well, when such as thou saith they are not carnal, when they be, yet they stir up the fl shly nature in people. Pr. He saith, To say a man is freed from the body of sin while on earth, is part of the Papists dung which they have taught you to feed upon, etc. page 24. Ans. Contrary to the Scriptures and the Apostles words, who saith, they were made free from sin, which was before you or the Papists was. And contrary to John, who bids them try the spirits (who saith, the false spirits gone out into the world which are you and the Papists) he saith, he that is borne of God doth not commit sin, neither can he, because the seed of God remaineth in him, 1 John. And you are in the P●pists dung spoken of, who pleads for sin; and thou art contrary to the Apostles and Christ, who preached perfection and freedom from sin. Pr. Again he saith, Christ's Kingdom is an Hospital, and hath no subjects in it but diseased ones, etc. see page 24. Ans. We read of no such thing in Scripture, that Christ's Kingdom is an Hospital, and his subjects are diseased ones. But they that follow the Lamb, in their mouth is no guile, nor spot, nor fault before the Throne of God, and are the elect which God lays no sin too; and they are the faithful, and called, and chosen that overcome the world, and his kingdom stands in power, and in righteousness, and joy in the holy Ghost, and is not an Hospital, nor his subjects diseased one's, for he heals them, and converts them, and washeth them, and therefore thou art a Liar, and a man that doth not divide the word aright. The diseased, or such as come unto Christ to be healed, them who comes to him he heals them of what infirmity soever it be, and cures them and them in the right mind. Therefore thou art corrected, and worthy of correction, and all the diseased ones are in your Kingdom, physicians of no value. Pr. What can keep the soul from the enjoyment of God but sin, etc. See page 25. Answ. It is the unbelief in Christ the Light, and the offering, and in his blood that keeps from the enjoyment of God, who is the way to God, which the Light let's see that. The Author of the Book called, The Quaking Mountebank, etc. His PRINCIPLES followeth. His words are seen in the Light, and are condemned for the Fire: The day is coming that thou (whosoever thou art) wilt suffer, and the witness in thy Conscience shall answer. Pr. HE saith, the Quakers are no Conjurers, and yet he calls them Mountebanks, in his Libel called The Quaking Mountebank, etc. see page 5. Answ. They have discovered his works and fruits, and the Fire is over his head, and proves that he hath the Language of a Mountebank, by his revile and raylings, which among sober people is not worth mentioning. And the Quakers mountain is the house of the Lord, established upon the top of all the mountains in the earth: And their Rock is Christ, which will split all Mountebanks that make war against him in pieces: And now it is seen what is risen against the Lamb and the Saints; and the mouths of the false Prophets are opened, and the Inhabitans of the Earth are drunk, and the Beast doth make War against the Lamb and the Saints, but the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory. And Quakers are not Mountebanks, but the Lords children. Pr. And this Mountebank calls the Quakers beasts, that have the spirit of God in them feeling it, etc. See page 7. Ans. So that it hath discovered his spirit whether he is gone; and his words shall be his burden, and the Lord will find him out, though he have not put forth his name: And those that know the mind of Christ, such he calls Beasts that do know the mind of Christ, and so hath discovered himself that he knows it not; but the Saints knows the mind of Christ, and spirit of Christ, and are the sons and daughters of God. Pr. Here he maketh the Steeplehouse the Ark, and calls it the house of God, etc. See page 9 Ans. A place which Papists set up for Mass; so he shows his ignorance and profaneness against the Saints whose bodies are the Temples of God. Pr. And the Mountebank saith, that the Quakers are not a kin to the Egyptians, but yet he saith, they love darkness rather than light, etc. page 12. Answ. And thus his spirit is rebuked, and they that be in Egypt love not the Light. Pr. Again he saith, That Learning is the prime ornament of the soul. See page 13. Ans. And so hath thrown away the power, and Christ the Bishop of the soul, who is its ornament, in which it hath its joy; and men with their Learning prison the soul which is immortal. Pr. And he saith, The Quakers are no Pharisees, etc. see page 16. Ans. And the Priests of Newcastle calls them Pharisees. Here is Gog and Magog in battle together against the Lamb, and the royal seed called Quakers: Witness that which cannot be shaken, and the royal seed is atop of their head. Pr. He saith, The Quakers scorn to creep into houses, etc. See page 19 Ans. Which doth not agree with the rest of his company, who say they do creep into houses. The Quakers are in the power of God, and in the authority of the Lamb, above all houses, and into houses creep not, but are upon the Throne: but you that be in the form that deny the power, creeps into houses. Ellis Bradshaw's Book called, The Quakers Whitest Devil. His PRINCIPLES as followeth. And hath unvailed himself in what spirit he is, and how he hath gone from the Prophets, and Christ, and the Apostles, fight against the Rock. But the stone is fallen upon his head, which will grind him to powder, whose words shall be his burden. Pr. HEre he saith, We do utterly deny all their ways and doctrines who exclude all teachings of men. See page 5. Ans. Contrary to the Prophets, who bid people to cease from men whose breath was in their nostrils, therefore there is a teaching beyond it: And who comes to that, shall come to hear the Son: And the Apostles went to bring people off, to the end of the Prophets, and off of the Priests, and off the ordinances which the Prophets had established in their place, and the Lord is come to teach his people himself, where they need not say, know the Lord in the new covenant. Pr. He saith, The Quakers spirit doth teach them to honour no man, etc. see page 6. Ans. That is a lie, for it teacheth them to have all men in esteem, and to honour all men in the Lord: Yet they are convinced by the Law to be transgressors, if they respect men's persons; and they are not to hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with respect of persons as you do. And whereas thou saith, The spirit of God doth not teach to judge before the time, etc. See page 6. And others say, the Saints shall not judge while they be upon the earth. Answ. But the spirit did teach the Apostle to judge, and his time was come: And he tells some, that they were of old ordained for condemnation, and their damnation slumbered not, and they went on to eternal judgement, and it is high time not to judge. Pr. And this he calls a mistake, to deny all those that say they have faith in Christ, and yet their righteousness is not perfect, as the righteousness of Christ is perfect. Ans. Who hath faith in Christ is in the perfect Righteousness, and so you are in the mistake that have a faith and a righteousness that is not perfect; for righteousness and faith which is the gift of God is perfect. Pr. For to say, that he that saith he hath hope in himself, and yet is not purified even as he is pure, is the hope of the hypocrite, etc. This he calls a mistake, see page 8. Answ. And here he is corrected, and his spirit is corrected, being in the world, for the hope purifies as God is pure, but the hope of the hypocrite doth not. Pr. He calls it a subtle delusion that owns not the Law without in Tables and Books to try the spirits within, etc. See page 8. Ans. And the spirit of Christ within is the end of the Tables, Law, and Works, and Books: Therefore in this is discovered his own White Devil, and corrected by the spirit as he speaks of; and the Law is now in the heart, the new Covenant is witnessed and the Pharisees had the Law in Tables, as thou hast Scriptures, and stood against the life, and in the subtle delusion as thou doth, who brings the external to try the eternal, which it is the eternal that tryeth the external, as Christ did the Pharisees, who told them when they wronged it; And so are you the wronger's of it, who hath not the eternal to try withal, so as the Devil who is fallen out of the power: And it was the eternal that led forth the Saints to speak forth Scripture, and with that they are tried and seen who wrongs them, and wrest them to their own destruction; and Peter was one of those tryers who was in the Spirit of God, and could not read letters; and the Pharisees they had the letter without the life, and could not try. Francis Blake's Book called, Choice Collections of Scriptures against the practice of the QUAKERS, etc. His Principles follow. Pr. HE saith, Repent and become sinners, because the Quakers say, they are made free from sin by Christ, see page 6. Ans. Contrary to the Apostles Doctrine, who said, repent, and forsake sin, that they might receive the remission of sins, etc. And contrary to the Apostles doctrine to Simon Magus. Pr. Francis Blake hath printed a Letter, which shows, that those that are in scorn called Quakers owns the blood of Christ. And John Bunyan saith, they deny it. Ans. And thus they are in confusion; but the blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God we own, but their Lies we disown, and we witness the repentance which cannot be repent of; but we say to you, Repent and turn from your sins: And they that bid people repent and become sinners, are Satan's messengers. Luke Fawns, Samuel Gellibrand, Joshua Kirton, John Rothwel, Thomas Underhil, and Nathaniel Webs, in a Book called, The Second BEACON Fired. Sent to the Protector. Their thirst is after blood and persecution; over all such spirits we see, there is that in them shall Answer it. Pr. THey say, The Quakers Principles are Blasphemous, Paganish, Antichristian, anti-scriptural. Ans. Because we hold out the foundation of God, Christ Jesus, who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. Pr. He calls this loathsome, poisonous, and blasphemous error, etc. See page 3. Answ. You are poisoning the people, and are of the Whore's stock, who would have blood to drink, which drunk of the blood of the Prophets and Martyrs, and Saints, and so lies provoking the zeal of the Magistrate against them, as the Pharisees and Priests did in ages past; but that was the blind zeal that persecuted in all Ages, and they are anti-scriptural, Antichristian, and Antiministerial that deny the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, which is the end and substance of the Scriptures; and who is in that, owns the Scriptures, and is not against them, and are the true Manisters and Christians; and so you are the Pagans and Heathens that deny the light that all men are enlightened withal. Pr. They say that the Quakers are in an error, to say, that none are the Ministers of God, and called of him, who are sent forth by the authority of man, etc. page 7. Answ. So shows their ignorance of the Apostles doctrine and words; Not of man nor by man he saith he had received it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ, and so you that are made by men deny this. Pr. They say, That is another error of the Quakers, that say, he who is not infallible in his judgement, when he gives counsel and advice, is no Minister of Christ. See page 7. Answ. Now he that is not infallible in his counsel, and judgement, and advice, is not he in error? And are not the Ministers of Christ the Ministers of the spirit? And is not that out of the error which is infallible in counsel and judgement? And are they Ministers of Christ that are fallable? and is not the power, the Gospel infallible? You may well creep and go to the Magistrates for help, who denies infallibility, and so natural men knows not the things of God with the earthly spirit of the world. I say that is infallible which must order all the Creation to the glory of God, by which they were made and created. Pr. You say again, You are laying and spreading their errors and blasphemies before the Magistrates, that they may stop their mouths. See page 9 Ans. Now you show that you have not the spirit of Stephen, nor the Apostles (whom their enemies could not resist) but the spirit of them that was against Stephen, etc. persuading the Magistrate, and so your weapons ye show are carnal, not the mighty weapons to pluck down the strong hold, and spiritual wickednesses, which weapons are spiritual. Ye are fain to fly to the mountains to cover you, to hid you from the presence of the Lamb which is now risen: And where did ever the Apostles go to the Magistrates for help, and complain against Errors and Blasphemy; and such as did so, judged Truth to be blasphemy, running to the Magistrates as you do now, who are apostatised from the Apostles; but many of the Magistrates are come to see you, and will not be your packhorses nor Executioners any longer. And your whole intent is to brand the light of Christ Jesus, with the same expressions of Error and Blasphemy, as the Jews did in Ages past, who are begging to the Magistrates with Petitions, provoking, stirring up the blind zeal where it is, against Christ, where he is in his Saints, such as keepeth his Testimony, whose thirst is after blood and persecution, who would stop the Press that Truth should not be published to the Nation: Showing ye have not the spirit that is able to gainsay, nor able to contradict the spirit that is in the Quakers. Therefore do you beg with your Petitions and feigned humility, for the powers of the Earth them to stop: But where the spirit of wisdom, and of God, and of a sound mind is ruling, the intents of your minds are seen, such as was then in all ages that brought upon heaps, and stirred up tumults, and made Insurrections among people, and casting mists before Magistrates eyes, whereby they might be blinded, and turned against the just: For which cause brought God's judgements upon such as you, and Magistrates both, and rebuked KINGS for his Anointeds' sake. John Toldervyes Book called, The Foot out of the Snare. His Principles: And these whose names were subscribed to the Book, viz. Thomas Brooks, Thomas Jacomb, George Cockayn, William Adderley, John Goodwin, John Tombs, William Jenkins, and Matthew Poole, Priests. WHom the Priests, and his intent is to father the work of the imagination that was in John Toldervy, upon the spirit of the living God, and of Christ that is in the Quakers. But all their work and imaginations is with the Light, and the spirit of Truth judged, and him, and his Priests, and all them their feet fast in the snare. And all that is in this Book which is contrary to the truth, and the Scriptures is judged; but all that is truth is owned: And here is some of their Principles as followeth. John Toldervy, and the rest in the Book entitled, The foot out of the snare, he and they would lay all his actions upon the Light, but they split themselves against the Rock, and he himself hath split himself upon the Rock, which made him recant again, and deny all his foolish actions, and so these great high Priests come off with shame. Pr. He saith, the declaring against all sin is nothing of the mystery of the Gospel of Christ. See page 3. Ans. Ignorant are you; for that which makes manifest sin, is the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ the mystery, all his will-worships, and his will-actings, his self-righteousness, and obediences, and motions, and fancies which he followed, the Priests would lay it upon the Covenant in the heart, and Christ within, and doth not clear the Covenant and Christ within from all those actions which was destructive to the creature; which Christ the Covenant preserves, and the creation, and brings the creature into the liberty of the sons of God; and here your madness and blindness appears without distinction. Pr. He saith, Not to call any one Master, nor to pull off the hat to any one, not to you any one, but to use the word thee & thou to a single person, not to use any Compliments or greetings to any, not to bow to any man, to honour the Creature, not drinking to any: and to pull off the points and ribbons from his knees, bandstrings and hat-hand, and buttons that was unnecessary on his Coat, and other things, and burned divers books, etc. And call this that put off all these things which were unnecessary, they calls it seduced persuasions, etc. See page 15. Ans. Now all these that have born record with thee, under the life are ye come, and judged, which abides and remains, and for ever with it judged: For to instance, as for not calling men Master, that is the command of Christ. As for the not fashioning yourselves according to the world in your former lusts of ignorance, that is the command of the Apostle: And as for the forsaking of gorgeous apparel, naughtiness, and superfluity; they are corrected by the Scriptures, and judged by the spirit: And as for drinking to one another, and tempting one another with Beer, and bowing the Hat, and respecting and honouring the Creature, which is earthly Adam's honour in the Fall, which Christ receiveth it not, the second Adam. And as for respecting of persons, they that do so commit sin, and are convinced of the Law as transgressors. And now see where thou wast, and all the Priests in your seduced persuasions, and judgeth good of evil, and evil good: And thou and the Priests may see that all this that which thou did from thy own persuasions, is thy own will: But that which led thee from sin, and from the world, to righteousness, was owned, that shall be recorded for ever against thee and all the Priests, and stand a witness against you, though now thou art in the flower of thy age. And it will be hard for thee John, & the Priests, to get in that which ye have spread abroad; and the weight and the feeling the burden of all thy words, and your words ye are not yet come to feel: But when the fire and the heat enters into your flesh, that ye are scorched with the vehement heat, then remember every word that ye have given forth, comes pat upon you a burden: From a lover of your souls, and a cherisher of truth. And John and the Priests, all the Actions which was done in thy will, and set forth in the same to the view of the world by the Priest which abused the power, and that which was of God rising in thee to the sight of the world, crucifying afresh the Son of God, and so puts him to open shame: Thou wilt suffer, and the Priests, and that which was done in thy presumption which abused the power of the Lord God, that was never accepted of the Lord God, nor never owned by the men of God. But there is a thousand I do believe in the Nation that can see, and do see what thou and the Priests have recorded to the world, and are able to judge when the power moved thee, and when there was imaginations; and see that the Priests took thy part, and are one with that nature in thee which betrayed the just, even Judas like, and mind and take notice those that Judas betrayed Christ to, as thou betrayed the just too. See what friends they were to Judas? and what friends they will be to thee after that Judas has done, and after that thou hast done? now come to the just principle in thee. John, thy flight was in the winter. And as for the word Thee and Thou spoken to a particular, shows they have forgotten the Latin books, that which they call their Learning; for is it righteous to call one many, or many one? That is a sound speech which cannot be condemned. And all people upon the earth that have run out in their imaginations, whereby truth comes to be hurt; if they have done it willingly, the greater shall be their punishment, they shall be whipped however. But all you that have bend your wills, and given your strength to the adversary of God, whereby the way of truth cometh to be reproached: You are such as turn his grace into wantonness, as cause the way of truth to be evil spoken of, and such shall have a reward according to their works, thee and you all. Pr. They say, The fashions of the world, and the Compliments are not sin to use them, etc. See page 45. Ans. Which is contrary to the Scriptures, which the Ceremonies commanded of God, to use them after the substance was come was sin, much more the fashions and customs of the world: Yea, but saith they, this brings us in our living, and by the other we lose our livelihood, so ye may see what mind is up in choosing. And all the zeal in the wills which runs out before the Light guide, that is that which the Priests catch at to make their defence withal against the truth. But the Lord will reward them according to their works, who hath showed mercy to Toldervy, and made him confess in another Book that which formerly the Priests and he had set forth, and vilified the truth, and so is published to the Nation, after the Answer to this Book called, The foot out of the Snare. Such as deny the fashions of the world, which the Priests are in, points and ribbons, double cuffs, and boot-hose-tops, and the honour of men which God will slain, and be called of men Master; Such things as these 8 great Priests justifies and ensnares people under them; and if any forsake them, they will say they are snared and deluded; and it is manifest who is their Master, and whom they serve, that the keeping Christ's command is a snare to them; and because we cannot call them Master, and keep Christ's commands, therefore they rage, who transgresseth his command, and then say they are Ministers of him, but your fruits are seen, and works, praised be the Lord, you eight Priests have discovered yourselves who are the false spirits gone out into the world from the Apostles, and out of Christ's command, Matth. 23. Where do you read Mr. Paul, Mr. Peter, and, etc. And where do you read that Paul and the messengers of Christ were hung about with points and double cuffs, and boot-hose-tops, and ribbons, and made such a stir about doffing of hats, and thee and thou, as the novice Teachers do now, that are found in the lusts and fashions of the world, which the Apostle declares against, and brought to sound words which could not be condemned, and to obey the doctrine of Christ, not to be called of men Master: But you are the transgressors that abide not in Christ's Doctrine, but are the Antichrists, 2 John, which the Apostle speaks of, that hath reigned from their days, but now discovered by the spirit, praised be the Lord God; and they know in their Latin original, it is not proper to say you to a single person, and they know to be called of men Master, is against the command of Christ's in the transgression, and so usurping that authority which Christ forbids. Thomas Collier his Book called, The Looking-glass for Quakers. His PRINCIPLES follows. And as for all his Lies, they will be heaped upon his own head, and to his own sorrow. Pr. HE calls James Nayler a liar, because he said, That by which the just lives, is that by which the creature is justified. See page 2. And he saith, It is another righteousness, because we witness the righteousness of faith which is in the heart, which God is the Author of, etc. page 3. Answ. Now that which we say God and Christ is not the Author of (but gathered from the letter) is a dead faith and righteousness, and there is your justification that stands in the unbelieving state and is condemned: only speaking of the Letter as the Jews did, of a Christ that is come, as they did of a Christ that was to come: & have not heard his voice, nor received faith from him: who is the author of it through which men is justified and cometh to have peace with God, and this faith is in their hearts. Pr. He calls it a harkening to the voice of Satan, to hearken to the voice within, and saith, they cry the light within, the voice of Christ the true word, which he saith, is but their own lying fancies at the best etc. See page 4. Ans. Now to call the light within, the word within, Christ within, the word of faith within, which is to be obeyed and done, lying fancies at the best; here thou may see Collier, how thou divides the word not aright, and art ignorant of the Scriptures. And Christ saith the Spirit of the Father speaks in you, is not this all Scripture, and if they harken to this, do they not hearken to Scripture? and is not the Scripture fulfilled in this? And is thy voice all without thee only in the letter? And judges all delusion that hath any speaking within them, and so hath judged thyself from the holy men of God one of the dumb Prophets, and so contrary to the true Prophets and Apostles. Pr. He saith, If the very Christ, of God be within those that are called Quakers, he cannot come down from Heaven, etc. See same page. Ans. Here he stands against the promise of Christ that he shall come and dwell in you and walk in you, I will come again unto you. And he hath revealed his Son in me saith the Apostle. And this thou Thomas Collier, and John Bunyan is ignorant of plain Scripture; the Scripture it declares it, and the Apostle said know ye not that Christ is in you except ye be reprobates, and the Spirit of the Father speaks in you, and see how contrary thou art to the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles. Pr. He saith, The Heavenly bodies spoken of in Cor. 15. are the Sun, Moon and Stars, etc. See page 6. Answ. Let all people read that Scripture and see if it hold forth that. Pr. Again he saith, They abuse the Scriptures, because they say he that is born of God doth not commit sin, etc. page 6. Answ. When the Scripture is witnessed, as it relates, and speaks. And he abuseth it, when he gives private interpretations to it, and owns it not as it speaks. Pr. Again he saith, He that saith he hath no sin deceiveth himself, etc. page 6. Ans. But the Scripture saith, If we say we have no sin, etc. So he perverts the Scripture, for it is not he, for if he say (he) he may put it upon Christ, who is without sin: and upon this account, he may charge the Elect, whom God lays no sin too: and sees no iniquity in Jacob, nor transgression in Israel. And it is Collier's wicked eye that sees sin, in the Elect, they that are born of God: and thus he abuseth the Scriptures, and is not able to divide the word aright; and therefore such Spirits is to be kept out of Scriptures, with the Spirit that gave forth Scripture: For he that is born of God doth not commit sin, and there is a time for men to see they have sin, and sinned, and a time to confess it and forsake it, and their is a time to witness the blood of Christ cleansing from all sin, and then a time to witness the birth born of God which doth not commit sin, 1 John 4. Chap. Pr. He saith, Here is a strange conceit of a person that fills heaven and earth with his presence, and dwells in the Saint's blindness with a witness, etc. See page 8. Ans. Here thy ignorance hath appeared again: for all power in heaven and earth is given to him Christ Jesus who is in them, at the right hand of God, who is in the Saints dwelling; and doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, but this to thee is a strange conceit, and blindness with a witness. Thy witness is blinded with thy conceit, which shows thy ignorance of Scripture, and thy unskilfulness in the word, and doctrine; that all things is upheld by his word, and his power: and that there is no creature but is manifest in his sight: For all things that was made was made by him, that he might have a name above every name: and that to his name should every knee bow, and every tongue confess to the glory of God, and God will dwell in man, and it is he that seethe the heart. Pr. He saith, Sin is in the Saints, etc. See page 10. Ans. Sin is not in the sanctified, but in the unsanctified. And he that saith sin is in the Saints, he is blinded, he is of the Serpent, and he and they be in the pollution themselves which the Saints have escaped, and are washed and cleansed, and so far as any one is sanctified, it is from the sin. Pr. He saith, That we will not enter into the Kingdom by the Blood of the Covenant, that hath been often proved, etc. See page 10. Ans. And Francis Blake did publish it in Print, that the Quakers did witness the blood of Christ that cleanseth from all sin, and so thou Prints against us, and he prints for us, thou Prints that we deny the blood of Jesus, and he Prints that we own the blood of Jesus; and so ye are devouring the innocent betwixt you; and the blood of the seed we own, which cleanseth from all sin, which doth not you, which say sin must be in the Saints, but make his blood of none effect which cleanseth from all sin. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures shall be our judge one day, which we call the letter, etc. See page 11. Answ. And the Scripture saith all judgement is committed to the Son, and God will judge the world, and the Saints, and the spiritual man judges all things, and thus thou art ignorant of the letter, and this shall judge thee at the last. Pr. He saith, That the Kingdom is not come, nor refreshing from the presence of the Lord, etc. Answ. Which shows they are like unto the Pharisees unconverted, gazing here, and there, and Christ told them the Kingdom was in them; And they that are not turned to the light which comes from Christ the refresher, whereby refreshing might come; so are not come to repentance yet. Pr. He saith, They that say they have no sin makes God a liar, See page 12. Ans. Which the Scripture saith no such thing, but saith on the contrary the Scripture saith many were made free from sin: And if Christ be in you the body is dead because of sin; and they that are Christ's have crucified the lusts, and all things are become new, and they that sin and lie, are not in Christ the truth. Pr. He saith, All that have been, are, or shall be converted since the Gospel ministration are converted by the Apostles words, etc. See page 13. Ans. So he hath thrown out the spirit that doth regenerate, and Christ the way to the Father, the word that sanctifieth, and Christ the power of God to salvation. Who said they would not come to him that they might be converted; so if they get all the Apostles words and come not to Christ, they are not converted, and none are converted by the Apostles words, but who comes to the Life that the words come from. Pr. And he opposeth and saith, It will be the Quakers fall, because they say there is no other way to bring people to God, but by the light in them, etc. See page 14. Ans. Which is Christ the way to God from whence it comes, which is man's condemnation not believing in it, and so a saving light. For saith God I will give him for a Covenant, for a lgiht to the Gentiles that he may be my salvation to the ends of the earth, the light shall, and all that be not in the light are in the fall out of the Covenant, in the unsaved state, and knows not their salvation, but as the Scripture declareth, and so there is death and destruction talking of the same of wisdom, and keeping people out of the light. Pr. And he saith. That Christ is not so the light of the World as he is the light of believers, See page 14. Ans. Christ is the light to the World, as to believers, and he that believeth in it shall not abide in darkness, but shall have the light of life: he that follows the light and believes in it shall have the light of life, and shall not abide in darkness. He that follows not the light, but hates it, he abides in the darkness, and the light condemns him, which the believer walks in, and believes in, and hath the light of life, which light is one and the same, which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, believers and unbelievers. Pr. He saith, That the Scriptures is the rule of the Saints; and he saith, the spirit is the guide to that rule, etc. see page 15. Ans. And so would have the Scripture to be before the spirit. Now the spirit was the Saints rule that led them to speak forth Scriptures, and to let them to see to what condition they were spoken too, and so by that they came to the law of Faith; and they was not Ministers of the Letter, but of the Spirit: So in this ye have proved yourselves not to be Ministers of the Spirit, but of the Letter, which the Spirit was before the Letter was. Pr. He saith, That the time of perfection will be when Christ comes from heaven, and not before, till then the Saints must be warring, waiting, groaning, and mourning, etc. See page 20. Ans. And David saith, he had seen an end of all perfection (contrary to Collier) And the Apostle saith, they should hunger no more, nor thirst no more. And Christ saith, He that eateth his flesh, and drinketh his blood, shall hunger no more, and thirst no more. He that believeth is entered into his rest, shall hunger no more and thirst no more. And the Apostles and Saints witnessed Christ in them, and the Kingdom while they were upon earth, and the end of groaning and gruling which thou art in, that art out of this, and keeps people which are apostatised from the Apostle, from the Light which is the Truth. John Deacon's Book, called, A Public Discovery of a secret Deceit. His Principles follow. And as for the rest of his Lies and Slanders in his Book, which are heaped up, they will fall upon his own head, and be his sorrow. And all Liars upon the earth, that are given up to believe & tell lies, are comprehended with the innocency and truth, by which innocency is preserved, and men and people shall heap to themselves sorrow by their own lies and inventions. Nevertheless the Scriptures of Truth are owned in their place to the condition that they were spoken to. Pr. HE saith, That the light wherewith every one that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, is the light of nature, and reason, and sense, etc. See page 5. Ans. Which is contrary to John 1.9. who saith, it was the true light by which all things were made; which as many as received him, he gave them power to become the sons of God, which is beyond natural sense and reason. Pr. He saith, That the work of faith, and the growth of faith is by the natural use of Ordinances, and calls it deceitful sophistry which denies it, etc. page 7. Answ. Faith is the gift of God, and Christ is the Author of it. It cometh not by the natural use of Ordinances: The natural man receiveth not the things that be of God, which faith is the gift of God: And thou art in the sophistry and in the poison, that saith, faith the work and growth of it, is by the natural use of ordinances. Pr. And he speaks of a temporal expressive word of God, etc. see page 8. Answ. But the Scripture tells us of no such thing as temporal word, but speaks of the Word of God that lives and endures for ever, and so the other is but his own imagination: Pr. He saith, The Quakers go about to pick forth the right eye of Christianity. Ans. Because they hold forth the light that lighteth every man that comes into the world, Christ Jesus the Covenant of God which makes all the apostate Christians blind: And your right eye must be plucked out that offends; and this the Christians shall witness when their eyes are open that sees the light, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, the covenant of God. Prin. He saith, The Quakers were never heard of till of late years, etc. See page 12. Ans. Which is contrary to the Scriptures, which speaks of them before Moses, by Moses, by the Prophets and Apostles, and he bids them to work out their salvation with fear and trembling: And now the great Earthquake is coming amongst you false Prophets and Antichrists John speaks of, and Harlots, and Apostates from the Apostle, compellers to your worship: And now are you comprehended, with the spirit of God are you judged, who are ignorant of the salvation wrought out with fear and trembling. Pr. He calls them subtle deceivers and heretics that questions the word Trinity, and says it came from Rome, etc. see page 13. Ans. Which he is justifying, and so he is turning to his Teacher the Pope, and Common Prayer-book, of whom he hath learned it; For the Scriptures have not taught it him: And the Son and the Father is in unity, and this we own that are called Quakers, and deny you and your Pope, and your Common-prayer-book, and your false Teachers got up since the days of the Apostles. Pr. Again he saith, O incomparable hypocritical liars! Is not this the character Paul gives of a false prophet to speak lies in hypocrisy? because we preach Perfection, etc. See page 16. Answ. It is agreeable to Scripture, Christ's doctrine, and the Apostles doctrine, and the life of Christ: And we are made free from sin, saith the Apostle: And again, As he is, so are we in this present world. And as many as are perfect are thus minded, etc. But this thou calls hypocrisy & lies; and thus thou art out of the Apostles & Christ's doctrine and life, and like a mad man rages against them that be in it, and hath denied thy own work, the work of the Ministry, which was for the perfecting, and so art a Physician of no value. Pr. He saith, The enjoyment of immortality is not till they have put off the body, etc. See page 17. Ans. Contrary to the Apostles doctrine, who saith, Immortality was brought to light through the Gospel, this was when they were upon earth, and the word of God was in them, and Christ was in them which was immortal. Pr. Again he saith, They shall not have power over death and the grave until the natural death, etc. See page 17. Answ. Contrary to the Apostle, who saith, Oh death where is thy sting! O Grave where is thy victory! And they were passed from death to life; And he that believes shall never die, and such hath power over death and the grave: And he that believes shall never die, they have passed from death to life. Pr. He calls them secret deceivers to grant perfect purity and perfection, etc. See page 18. Answ. Which is contrary to to the Apostles doctrine, who brought people to perfection and purity, and holiness, without which none shall see the Lord: And they were to stir up their pure minds. Pr. He saith, To witness perfect purity is an alluding to an enjoyment of heaven upon earth, and saith, this is as the world, etc. See page 19 Ans. Which is contrary to the Scriptures, who witnessed the Kingdom of heaven in the Saints, and their conversation in heaven; and thou that brings to the contrary, art a deceiver, and grants not that other. Pr. He saith, He dare boldly assert, that the Gospel is not first made known by the seeing within, but by hearing tidings without, etc. Ans. Contrary to that which they call their Original, which saith, the Gospel is preached in every creature: And there is none cometh to hearing and seeing of the Gospel, but it is with the eye within, that which is oppressed: For the Jews that heard not, and saw not within, they stood against the Gospel: And Christ said, their ears were stopped, and their eyes were closed; and so they heard words, but the Gospel, the power of God they could not hear, but stood against Christ; and so none hear but they that hear within; and he is not a Preacher of the Gospel, which is the power of God, but he that preacheth to the inward eye. Pr. He confesseth, That none of the Saints had ever a particular command; and then again he confesseth they had, and so he is in confusion, page 26. He saith, It is a lie to preach the Kingdom of heaven within unbelievers. Answ. Contrary to Christ's words, who told the Pharisees the Kingdom of God was within them, Luke 17. So in confusion in Babylon, the smoke of the bottomless pit hath blinded his eye, which is got up since the days of the Apostles, the foundation hath been lost among them inwardly raveners, which is the light Christ Jesus, which enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, the rock of Ages. Pr. He saith again, It is a lie to say that any come to the knowledge of the light of God by the light that shines in their hearts, etc. See page 28. Ans. Contrary to the Apostle, 2 Cor. 4. who said, the light that shined in their hearts should give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, and so a messenger of Satan, the Devil's Minister, one that draws from the light that must give people the knowledge, the witness in thy conscience shall answer. Pr. And again he saith, It is a notorious lie to say that Christ preached the Kingdom of heaven in unbelievers. Ans. Contrary to Christ, and contrary to Luke 17. who said, the Kingdom of heaven was in the Pharisees, and so thou art an unlike man to be a Minister of Christ who art of the Letter ignorant, that knows not the kingdom in thyself, that knows it not in the unbelieving Pharisees. Pr. He saith, The greatest of the Apostles were never exempted from the remnants of sin, and the Saints pilgrimage is a continual warfare to heaven while they be on this side the grave, etc. Ans. Which is contrary to the Apostle, who said, they were made free from sin; and said, how could they live any longer therein? And said, their conversation was in heaven, and they sat in heavenly places, and they witnessed the Kingdom wherein was joy in the holy Ghost: So this was the end of their pilgrimage then as he speaks of, who shows he is ignorant of the Scriptures, and of the Apostles doctrine: And it is not a strange thing that the Teachers of the world should cry up imperfection and the body of sin, who are ravened inwardly from the spirit of God that put it off, and gone forth from the Apostles and Christ's doctrine; but who are come to the spirit of God which they ravened from, puts off the body of imperfection and sin, and so you have corrupted the earth with your windy doctrine; for what good hath their doctrine done, that teacheth people they must be in imperfection and in sin while they be upon earth; they can but be so if they never come to them, and they are apostatised from the Ministers of Christ, whose work was to the perfecting of the Saints, until they came to the perfect man, which these apostates work is to deny. Pr. He is judging the Apostle, and saying, The prick in the flesh which the Apostle received, was neither through the want or disability of faith, etc. page 34. Ans. Why then did the Apostle cry out? answer me that. And the Lord said, His grace should be sufficient for him; and his strength should be made perfect in his weakness: and is not weakness disability? Pr. He saith, That no man by that native light inherent in him had power to believe, etc. See page 26. Ans. The light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, he calls it native, and inherent: He gives these names to it, which is the light which doth enlighten every man, etc. there is power in the light given to believe: But now he that hateth the light, hateth the power, and so the light is his condemnation; The names he gives, as native and inherent, are his own out of the truth. Pr. He saith, The Scripture doth not set forth a certain allowance for Ministers, but it is left to humane prudence, etc. See page 12. Ans. So he is flown from Christ's words and the Apostles, who with the wisdom of God set down the Minister's allowance, and did not leave it to humane policy in after ages for maintenance for Ministers: For the humane policy will feed the false Prophets, as the Prophets, and Christ, and the Apostles declare of in Scripture, whose spirits is seen with the spirit that gave forth Scripture, gone out into the earth, who were covetous, and so idolaters, ordering with the earthly policy, which is humane and earthly. Pr. He saith, Abraham's obedience was not an act of the body, etc. Ans. Which any may read the Scripture and see, and judge thee whose body is out of the action of God, serving him who is not of God. Pr. He saith, God doth not work immediately now, etc. See page 43. Answ. So all the works of God are mediate now by his principle; Then none have the spirit of Christ by his conclusion, which is immediate, to work immediately; and none hears God's voice, and none sent from God, and Christ is with none of them then. For who are sent from God hears his voice; and who have Christ in them, they have that which is immediate. Pr. He saith, He utterly declares (as others have done) against not praying or preaching, etc. unless the spirit move, etc. See page 44. Answ. So here then, thou prays and the Spirit moves not, and preacheth, and the Spirit moves not: So than the spirit of error is it that moves thee: And contrary to all them that gave forth the Scriptures, the Prophets and Ministers of God, who spoke as they were moved by the holy Ghost. And thou art never likely to read the Scripture, but by the same that gave them forth, nor know them, nor none upon the earth, nor know God of whom they learned that gave them forth, and was taught of him, and so art no Minister of the spirit. Pr. He saith, Not to preach, nor to pray but as the spirit moves; This he saith, in a sort is to shut up the Kingdom of God from the sons of men, and brings men to neglect their duty, and is the gap where the delusion of Satan comes in, and draws men to sluggishness. And how can glad tidings be known, unless they be told, etc. Answ. Now they are all in the sluggishness, shutting up the Kingdom of heaven against men, under the delusion of Satan, and none can bring the glad tidings, but as the spirit moves them: And they who go when the Spirit doth not move them, they are they that run and the Lord never sent them; who pray, or speak without the moving of the spirit, they are out of the path of all the holy men of God. Pr. He saith, It is the privilege of the Bereans that is to try an Apostle, etc. Again he saith, They are to put up their supplications when the spirit doth not move them, etc. See page 45. Answ. Now see if God ever accepted that which was not moved from the Spirit: God who is a spirit never accepted that; and that which tries the Apostles is the light, and gives the Bereans to believe the Scriptures which the Apostle speaks of. Pr. And he saith, Far be it from me to imagine that the spirit of God moved the Apostles to preach when they did only, and not at other times, and that they always waited in silence till then, etc. See same page. Answ. So he would make it that the Apostles preached when the spirit moved them not, and run without the moving of the spirit, and so would make them like himself: And Peter said, they spoke as they were moved by the holy Ghost. And they that are the sons of God, are led by the spirit of God. And the spirit shall lead them into all truth: And the spirit should tell them what they should speak, and show them things to come, and that was their guide and rule; and thou who speaks, and not the spirit moves thee, art no Minister of the spirit, and says, far be it from thee to imagine the Apostles preached only when they were moved, and so doth not own the Apostles were the Ministers of the spirit, with thy imaginations. Pr. And the singing of the Saints in the spirit and grace, is not like the ungodly singing without the spirit. Ans. And saying, the grace of God hath not appeared unto all men; and all have not the spirit, which is contrary to Scripture. It saith, the grace hath appeared unto all men; and i'll power out my spirit upon all flesh. And the spirit that reproves the world, leads the Saints; and you that sing David's quakings and prayers, is not in the understanding nor grace, but distinct from the Saints, which must be turned into howling. How can ye give them the Psalms to sing then that have no grace? Pr. And the Priests of Scotland say, Cursed is he that says grace is free. These are the Scottish principles, etc. Answ. And yet ye give the Psalms to all to sing, and yet ye say all have not grace, and all have not the spirit of God, and then can they not sing in the grace, and sing in the spirit. Is there any prudent reason or good understanding without the spirit? Pr. He saith, We deny the Scripture to be the Word of God. Answ. The Scriptures are the words of God, and Christ is the word in which the words end. Pr. And he speaks these detestable words, and says, Is not our tongues oiled with a spirit of confused delusion, which is his own, etc. See page 5. Ans. Because we say such as pray or preach, it must be by the moving of the spirit of God; which they be not in, that are in the spirit of delusion. Pr. And he is opposing the commands of Christ, who said, be not of men called Master, for ye have one Master, even Christ (who conquers death and hell) And he saith, Why may they not be called Master? Ans. It is his Master that teacheth him to be called of men Master, that is gone out of the truth; but Christ said, be not of men called Master; and woe be to them that are, Matth. 23. And you are them that are made by the will of man that breaks his commands. George Willington's Book called, The Gadding Tribe Reproved. A right Title to his condition in his Book, who like a wild Beast is gadding up and down; but the Lord rebuke such spirits. His PRINCIPLES follow, etc. Pr. HE himself falls a judging others, and then he cries, Oh man! who art thou that judgeth another, etc. page 9 Answ. And doth not see the work that he is doing himself: But bids others they should not judge, and falls a judging himself, which is like all the rest of his gadding Tribe, and how they run with their horns at the righteous, and push at the upright in heart: But the Lamb is above them all, and the wrath of the Lamb is kindled; therefore the Beasts rage, who against the Lamb makes war; And where judgement is come through into victory, he may judge, and the hidden things of darkness is brought to light, and the counsel of the heart made manifest; and the Lord is come, and the spiritual man judgeth all things, which shows the counsel of his heart is not made manifest, nor his hidden things of darkness brought to light, and the Lord is not come to him, and so cannot judge. And George Willington hath judged before his time, with which he is charging others, therefore his words shall be his burden. Pr. And his principle is, That he is justified by faith alone without good works, etc. See page 10. Answ. What, without the faith that works by love? hast thou concluded those works the works of Popery, which are the works of faith that works by love that gives the victory? How dost thou gad now? whether art thou gadding now? Know, faith that works by love is owned, and he that believes is ceased from his works, as God did from his, and hath entered into his rest: And faith gives victory overall the Popish murdering spirits and thine both and your works; which gives to have access to God, and their works is wrought in him. Pr. He saith, Whilst the upstart sect of Quakers do look after the light within, he saith, we have a more sure word of prophecy, etc. and so would make the sure word of prophecy not the lihgt within. See page 12. Answ. Whose spirit he hath made manifest where it is amongst them that are gone from the Apostle, who stands against the light within. For they that draw from the anointing within are the seducers, and they went forth from the Apostles that went from the anointing within. Art not thou and you all gadded, and the world from the anointing within you, and so seducing one another, therefore have you so many heaps of Teachers, and arming yourselves, and making lies your refuge against them that are come to the anointing, which you are all gadded from, given judgement against yourselves, who will not have people to own the light Christ Jesus, who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; and none owns the anointing within, who owns not the light which you deny, which have apostatised from the Apostles; and the Quakers are risen up in the night of apostasy, and discovers you all what you are in, and what you went from, and what hath been lost since the days of the Apostles; and an Earthquake is coming upon you that hath not been since the foundation of the world, out of which Earthquake we are come into that which cannot be shaken. As the Quakers are not the Gadding tribe, but they have the anointing in them, and as it shall teach them, they shall abide in the Son of God and the Father. But it is manifest that thou and the whole world is gadded from the anointing within you which should teach you, and so are turned against the Saints and the Lamb: And have been the Harlots & the mouths of the false Prophets, blaspheming God in his Tabernacle, and drunk the blood of the Saints and the Martyrs, and the Prophets, and made war against the Saints to overcome them, and have overcome them; but the Lamb and the Saints shall get the victory. Pr. And thou tells us of a Creed and Catholic Faith, commonly called the Apostles Creed, which except a man believe this Creed and Catholic Faith he cannot be saved, etc. See page 16. Ans. Who taught thee all this language? Where did the Apostles teach thee any such things as the Catholic Creed? The Apostle teacheth us no such things as a Catholic Creed, didst thou not learn this of the Pope who apostatised from the Apostles? And the twelve Apostles taught thee no such Doctrine as the Catholic Creed, and thou saith, they signed it. Nay, the Pope signs thee that Creed and the Sacraments, the Pope signs thee that: And we are come to the foundation of God, which was before the Pope was, and we gad not. Thou shouldst not tell lies, to say they gad that come unto God, the Elect of God; Gods Elect and Christ the light is the salvation before thee and the Pope was. Pr. And thou saith, Doth any forsake the Ministry to follow a new light, & c? See page 17. Ans. That Ministry that doth deny the Light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world (as this gadding Tribe of Ministers, and Professors, have done since the days of the Apostle, and do) so by denying the Light, they deny the foundation of God. The Light we own which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, which is the foundation of God: and them deny to be any Ministers of Christ, that denies the Light, that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, and his Ministers we own. Pr. And thou saith do not forsake the Temple, and truth of God to follow the bleating of Jeroboams calves in Dan and Bethel, etc. Ans. Now whither art thou gadded? Art not thou gadded in this from the Apostles Doctrine, to the Temple, which the Apostles brought the people off from, where is thy light now? How owns thou Christ, who keeps people to the Temple? and tells them of Jeroboams Calves in Dan, and Bethel? where is there any people gadding thither? whether hast thou not lost thy reason, and sobriety to publish thy madness to the Nation? And did not Christ say the Temple should be thrown down, Mat. 24. And Stephen witnessed against it, and was stoned to death: and thou art calling people to it; and your Popish Mass house which you call your Temple, you have set up since the days of the Apostles, is like unto the Idol set up at Dan and Bethel. Pr. And he saith your Ancient Divines are them that have entered in at the door. etc. See pag. 20. Ans. How can you, and your Ancient Divines enter in at the door, when you deny the Light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, which is Christ the Door? Therefore it makes you to gad up and down without light in the dark. Now is the stone fallen upon you, and the rock you are splitting yourselves against it. Now shall the Saints know the Song of the Lamb, rejoicing over the Beast, and the false Prophets. Pr. He saith the written word the engrafted is able to save the soul, etc. See pag. 21. Ans. The Engrafted word is able to save the soul, but the letter the written words are not: The Pharisees had the written words, but stood against the Saviour of the Soul. And how art thou gadded here in thy Judgement? how art thou like to own the word that saves the Soul, when thou denies the Light? Pr. He is stirring up the Magistrate to persecute, his own mouth condemns him, who pretends love: etc. Ans. And thou that god's abroad in thy mind to stir up the Magistrate to prosecute, art not in the life of the Apostles nor Christ, but in the Spirit of the false Prophets, and Antichrists, and one in that which all persecutors come from out of the truth. Pr. Again thou saith we ought not to Judge, etc. See pag. 23. Ans. Let all people that read thy Gadding tribe, see if thou doth not Judge, and so comes under Judgement, by thy own words. And the time was come to the Apostles when they went on to the eternal Judgement which we own, But this is not for such as are crying up Temples and Persecutors, nor stumbling at the Light: your measures are all too short of your whole gadding tribe that be from the light that every man is enlightened withal that comes into the world. Pr. Again thou saith the Apostles was to call the Ministers of Christ mediately, and the Immediate call from God is not enough, etc. See pag. 24. Ans. So thou hath set up the Mediate, before the immediate, and judgeth the immediate and not sufficient; But thou art corrected by the Scriptures, and the Apostle corrects thee who saith, I have not received it of man, nor by man: and bad others look at Jesus the Author of their faith: And the Apostle doth not say that they was to call men mediately, he doth not teach such Doctrine that their Ministers was called mediately, nor send them forth so, but it is thou that art gaded from the Counsel of God: and the Apostle confutes thee, who said he was not of men, nor by men, and all that went forth from the Apostles, went forth by the immediate power of God, who was the Church of God, and by the power of that; But you are the mediate fallen from the Apostle, and made by the will of men; But now with the immediate you are all comprehended. Pr. And thou brings many Scriptures to oppose Christ's commands, and the Apostles Doctrine, which saith be ye not of men called master, etc. See pag. 28. For th●●● saith Christ doth not mean as he speaks: for thou saith the meaning is not that it is unlawful to be called master. Ans. Here thou shows whither thou art gadded; one that teacheth to break Christ's commands. But the woe that is denounced in the same Chapter where the command is, belongs to thee. So an Antichrist that teacheth to deny Christ's commands and despiseth his Authority. And one that calls him Lord, but doth not the thing that he commands: but it is not such that enters into the Kingdom of God: and this thou shalt witness at last when thy words falls heavy upon thee. Joshua Miller's Book called, Antichrist in man the greatest Idol. Which is a fit Title for himself; who calls that Antichrist, and Mystery of Babylon that justifies within; Contrary to the Apostles Doctrine who saith we are Justified by faith in Christ Jesus, which is in the heart. As for the rest of his slanders and Lies in his book they are not worth mentioning, but these that follows. Pr. ANd he calls them devout men that denied the light that hath enlightened every man that cometh into the word, etc. He saith the Quakers are the most saddest and deplorable Spectacles of revolted Professors that ever I heard, or read of, since my knowledge of them, etc. See Pag. 2. Ans. The Quakers are revolted from you Apostates, that are inwardly ravened as the converted Jews did that were turned to Christ; for the Jews revolted from the Temple and the Priests, and turned to Christ, from the other Jews, and owned the Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, which you Revolters deny, that have reigned since the days of the Apostles, and so are ignorant what we are come to, and the Apostles were in, and that which was before you and they was. Pr. He saith the Angels of Light which are holy, and without sin, may be devils, etc. See pag. 3. Ans. Which the devil fell from the Light, from the holiness, and so he cannot tansform into that. And all holiness intended which is not in the light; is as the Pharisees was in, and the whole world, and is condemned with the Light. He saith salvation by the Light within is cursed, etc. See pag. 6. Ans. Contrary to the Apostle who saith, the light that shineth in the heart gives the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. And contrary to John who saith, every man that cometh into the world is enlightened; And as many as received him, to them he gave power to become the Sons of God. and the power of God is the Gospel of salvation to every one that believes in the light; And he that believeth in the Light hath the witness in himself: and the Apostle turned them from the Darknss to the Light. And the word was in their hearts of Faith that saves the soul: and there was the glad tidings the Gospel. And Priest Shaw saith the Gospel is the four books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. And the Apostle saith it is the power of God: and saith many have the form, but deny the power. So now here himself he hath cursed; So this same man is a curser, as the Papists are. Both he and them are found out of the doctrine of Christ and the Apostles, who saith, bless and curse not: And the Scotch Priests likewise are cursers, as in the Scotch Principles ye may see; and no one knows salvation but by the Light within, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, who is the salvation to the ends of the earth. Pr. And he calls his Steeplehouse St. Andrews. See page 7. Answ. Which never did Prophets nor Apostles give such names to houses, but the Pope who is his teacher. Pr. He saith, It is an error to say, that the light which every one hath that cometh into the world, is sufficient to salvation, without the help of any other means or discovery, etc. See page 9 Answ. Contrary to Christ, who brought the Jews off of all others helps to himself, who said, Believe in the light while ye have the light; and they that believed in the light should not abide in darkness, And no man cometh to the Father but by me, saith Christ. For he was the way, the truth, the light in men, and the life, and there is no salvation by any other name but by him: And there is none knows the blood of Christ which cleanseth, and the offering for the sins of the whole world, but with the light which cometh from Christ Jesus, who is sufficient, who is the salvation to the ends of the earth; so he is the only means without any other help: And as the anointing in people doth teach people, they shall continue in Christ: and as they walk in the light as he is in the light, they shall have fellowship with the Father, from whence all helps comes; and Christ will dwell in man, and walk in man, and what need they have any more helps? Pr. He saith, It is an error to say, we are justified by that which Christ doth in us, etc. See page 9 Ans. Contrary to the Apostle, who saith, we are justified by faith in his blood; and the faith is in the heart, and the blood is in the heart that purifies it, and held in a pure conscience: And the word of faith is within, Rom. 10. And faith gives victory over the world, and that which gives victory justifies; and Christ is within, who is justifi-fication, and sanctification, and condemnation, either of them is found within, and thou art in the error, and not fit to talk of these things which thou understands not. Pr. Again he saith, It is an error (if not damnable) to say Christ is the means, and that there is no other means of salvation, etc. see page 13. Ans. And Christ saith, No man cometh unto the Father but by me: and he is able to the utmost to save. And he shall be my salvation to the ends of the earth, saith the Lord. And saith the Apostle, God is in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. And he that hath the Son of God hath life, and the Father and the Son are one, and there is no salvation in any other. Pr. He saith, That Christ gives light to no man under that name but believers, etc. See page 13. Ans. Contrary to John, who saith, he doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, that all might believe through the light: And contrary to Christ's own words, such as hated it, and would not come to it, and bids them believe in the light while they had it; and he that did not believe, was condemned already; and he that did believe, had the witness in himself. Pr. He saith, It flatly contradicts the whole Scripture, to say, that the light wherewith Christ hath enlightened every man, etc. will save, etc. See page 14. Answ. Which God saith, I will give him for a covenant, for a light to the Gentiles, & new covenant to the house of Israel and Judah; and he shall be my salvation to the ends of the earth; and believing in it are saved, and not believing are condemned. Pr. The wise heathen Philosophers had a greater measure of light in them (which is the first Adam) than I can think any men have now, etc. See page 15. Answ. Which shows that he knows none of Christ the second Adam, the quickening spirit. And he knows no new creature; For who are in Christ are new creatures. Nor none of Christ the Covenant of God, of light, of life, of peace, who was glorified with the Father before the world began, which is beyond the first Adam, and hath shut himself forth not to be as high as his Heathen Philosophers: and many witness Christ in them in this age, as in the days of the Apostles, which is above the Heathen Philosophers. Pr. The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal is Christ, he saith, this is the light of nature, and of reason. And saith, It is a damnable doctrine to deny all external means of salvation, etc. See page 16. Ans. When as the Apostle saith, We look not at things which are seen, but at things which are not seen. For the things that are seen are temporal, but the things that are not seen are eternal; and that which is to savation is eternal, and is not external. Pr. He saith, Wh●t word did Paul and Barnabas preach in the synagogues, but the Prophets, & c? See page 19 Ans. Nay, they preached Christ the end of the Prophets. Pr. He calls that a monstrous opinion for to compare them to the Heathen, who had not known there had been a God but by the Scriptures, and have no more knowledge but by it, etc. page 20. Ans. For the Pharisees had Scriptures (and here heathen men may get Scriptures) but know not the true God; for none knows the true God, but by the spirit of God, (and the Son of God reveals the Father) though they may have all the Scriptures: and the light that shines in the heart gives the knowledge of him; and this the Apostle spoke to them that had the Scriptures; and who are of faith, are of Abraham, and in the knowledge of him that knew God before the Scripture was written. Pr. And he saith, That the Law and the Testimony is Moses and the Prophets, etc. See page 21. Ans. Contrary to the rest of the Priests, which say, it is the Old and New Testament; and he and the rest of the Priests are contrary to the Apostle, which saith, The law and testimony is the light, and spirit of prophecy; which many may have the Old and New Testament, yet deny the light and spirit of prophecy, as Priests and professors do now, who say prophecy is ceased. There they deny the practice of the Church, where edification, learning, and comforting is, prophesying all one by one, such they prison and persecute; and they are not like to own prophecy, when they deny the light, which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, who is the end of prophecy; and none owns Christ, who owns not prophesy: A Prophet is a Seer, and them that deny Prophets are all blind, and in the dark, and are such as have ravened from the spirit of God, and have killed the Prophets. Prin. He saith, The Prophets are more certain than any other Revelation. See page 21. Answ. Was not the Son of God revealed the end of the Prophets? Did not God reveal him which came in the volume of the Book to do the will of God? And so the Prophets and the Law, and types and shadows, which they that had the Prophets and the Law, and types and shadows, knew not the Son of God that was revealed, that was their end spoken of in the Prophets and Epistles, who is now revealed. Pr. He saith, The Patriarches and Prophets were justified by conceiving Christ without, etc. See page 24. Ans. Now the Patriarches and Prophets had the spirit that did give them an evidence of him, and by faith they saw him, which is beyond a conceiving, by which they were justified. Pr. He saith, Justification by works, and inherent grace we call Christ, etc. See page 25. Ans. We say Christ is the end, the substance, and who believes in him hath ceased from his own works, he is the end of gifts and graces; and man's own inherenting, and no one knows justification, but who receives the grace that brings salvation. Pr. He saith, This justification by a righteousness within us, is man's grand Idol, and Christ's arch enemy, etc. See page 25. Ans. We are justified by faith in Christ Jesus, and that is in us, in the heart, this he calls an Idol, and Christ's enemy, which he is the author of. So what doctrine this man teacheth contrary to the Apostle, erred from the Apostles; and faith it is that purifies the heart, by which we are justified by faith, and not by works, which throws down all Idols, and the enemies of Christ, which thou art one; and none owneth justification but who witnesseth justification within, faith in the heart, and Christ being within, there is justification. Pr. He saith, We miserably wrest the Scripture, because we say, he that respecteth persons commits sin, etc. Ans. Now let all read that in James the Apostle, how that he that respects persons commits sin, and is convinced by the Law as a transgressor; so teaching men to transgress the commands of God, contrary to the Apostles, who teach men to keep them. Pr. He saith, Popery and vain philosophy is the foundation of the Quakers Religion, etc. See page 30. Ans. Whose foundation is the light of Christ, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, which was before Popery or Philosophy was, which you are in, as your books, naming of days, and Colleges, and Steeple-houses, makes it appear. Pr. He saith And to believe, or think our Justification is by something wrought in us, is that Antichrist whose name is mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of Harlots, etc. See page 32. Ans. And the Apostle saith, we are justified by the faith of Christ Jesus, Gal. 2. And faith purifies the heart, and is a mystery held in a pure conscience. This Justification is by the faith of Christ within, and this thou calls Antichrist, and the mystery of Babylon, who art there thyself, that be out of this faith that purifies the heart: For all the holy men of God were justified by their faith, and the faith is in the heart: And thy belief that is without thee, and faith in Christ, is like unto the Jews, who stood against him when he was come. True faith gives victory over Mystical Babylon and the world, in which men please God, in which is unity. Ralph Hall's Book, called, The Quakers Principles Quaking. In it his Principles follows, and lies upon himself turned, whose works are for the Fire, and to be burned. Pr. HE saith, It is delusion to give up to the light within to be the Judge, etc. (which is Christ) and calls it an obscure kind of chemistry, etc. Answ. Which the Apostle commands to judge themselves; which they cannot judge themselves but with the Light, by which they may see themselves. Pr. He saith doth the Light of nature (as he calls it) give liberty to women to teach? And so that he concludes, and calls gross and palpable darkness, etc. Ans. Contrary to the Apostles Doctrine, and the mind of God, and the Prophets, who said God will pour out his Spirit upon all flesh: and his sons and daughters should prophesy. So he is a limitter of the holy one; and a quencher of the Spirit, and in the darkness, and this is above the Light of nature. Pr. He saith the Quakers blame every thing; and convinceth of nothing, etc. Ans. Are ye not all convinced of your hirelings, of your covetousness? of your respecting men's persons for advantage; and your teaching for filthy Lucre: and your gain from your quarters, and your love of money? Are not ye all convinced? Have not the Quakers convinced you all of those things and of your pride, and ambition, and been corrected by, and reproved for this by Quakers and Scriptures? Pr. He saith the Spirit of Light will be Judged by the Scripture, keeping to the Scriptures, etc. Ans. Which is contrary to the Scriptures, and the Apostles Doctrine. But he is there like to the Jews who had the Scriptures; yet they Judged the spirit of Light; But the spirit of Light owns Scriptures, and the Scripture doth not Judge spiritual Light, and are not one against the other, but are in unity. Pr. And whereas he saith Noah's Ark was a true figure of the Church of God, so Noah's Dove is a clear Emblem of such as through affection of new and unknown paths do stray from the Church of God, etc. See page 1. Ans. Now you having strayed from the Church of God which Christ said are the false Prophets that should come, Matth. 24. and John saw was come; and the whole world are gone after you. And ye have brought the Nation to be water, and your tongues are waters, and your multitudes waters, and your people's waters; upon this occasion is the Doves flying abroad, and hath found the Ark of the Testimony, and the Quakers hath found no rest for the souls of their foot amongst you waters, and the opening of the Seals, and the Tabernacle in heaven; For there is nothing but waters among you, the Doves finds ye all waters, not to set the soles of their feet. But according to the eternal Counsel and promise of God, how that the waters should be abated and dried up, and the people of God gins to inhabit: and the Kings of the earth should not pass; and that which you call your Church hath been waters. Pr. And whereas he brings the say of Scripture that speaks of Prophets, and pastors, etc. and names places of Scripture to oppose Christ's Command, which saith be ye not of men called master, etc. See page 7. Ans. Which is to no purpose but to manifest himself a transgressor that abides not in the Doctrine of Christ, that hath not the Father, and the Son. Pr. And he saith the Prophecy of Malachy is upon us, who saith, cursed be the deceiver who do not bring in his Tithes, and offerings, etc. See page 9 Ans. Which we say the Priesthood is changed, and the offerings is denied, and he that holdeth them up is under the curse. Pr. He saith to take the Scriptures as ye speak, brings in all absurdity, as when the Apostle saith the priesthood is changed, the commandment is disannulled that took tithes; Then he saith he would prove that none had Faith to take the Scripture as it is spoken: for if they had it (saith he) as a grain of musterd-seed, than they should remove mountains, and heal the sick, etc. See page 10. Ans. Now by this he hath showed his Ignorance; for Christ's words and the Prophets are true as they speak, and the things they speak of the fruits of the Faith as they speak of is known, and the fulfilling of the promise; And that which the Apostle speaks of Hebr. 7. the Priesthood is changed, and the Law disannulled also, and another Priesthood is come in, not after the order of Aaron, but after the order of Melchisedeck; without Father, without Mother, without beginning of days, or end of life. You run into all absurdities, that gives your meaning to Scriptures, and private Interpretations have brought the world on heaps about the Scriptures; And who are in the Faith, are in the healing of the sick, and removing mountains; and you who be out of the faith have brought whole Nations into sicknesses, and mountains and rough places. Pr. He saith the priest's work is changed in point of Administration only; but in respect of the order, the priesthood is not changed, etc. See page 11. Ans. Contrary to the Apostle who said Christ came after another order, and not after the order of Aaron: but came after the order of Melchisedeck. So the order, and all things pertaining to it falls, which Ralph Hall saith doth not. Pr. He saith the matter is not changed in any one of the Ceremonies, only the manner of Administration, etc. See page 11. Ans. The first Covenant could make nothing perfect, saith the Apostle. The matter and t●● manner changed of all that pertained to the first Priesthood: the matter and the manner fell down when the life came in, the second Covenant where through the new, and living way was felt, whereby we enter in unto God, by the blood, and life of Jesus Christ and the offering; And not by the first Priesthood, first Covenant, Tithes, offerings and sacrifices; so matter, and manner fell all; and Christ came out of another Tribe; that is of Judah: And not after the order of Aaron, but after the order of Melchisedeck, and so after another matter. Pr. And thou brings that concerning jacob's paying a Tenth to the service of the house of God: and why may not ye have tenths for the maintenance of the house of God (which is called the Steeple house) which was the Papists Masse-house. Now see what a suitable measure thou hast, etc. See page 16. Ans. There was a time when the Ark was maintained, and the Tabernacle, and the Temple, and the store-house and Tithes; And there was a time when all these things are utterly denied. So thou art a man that doth not divide thy work aright, but a workman that may be ashamed of thy work. Look on thy book who art crying up Tithes and Priests, and thou saith the order is not changed of Aaron in the substance, contrary to the Apostle, and yet pleads the order of Melchisedeck, and so art in confusion. And as for the order of Melchisedeck ye are as short of that, as of Christ in whom Melchisedeck ends. Pr. H● 〈◊〉 the best of God's people have sin enough to be repent of, and to be humbled for, etc. See page 19 Ans. Con●●ary to John who saith he that is born of God doth not commit sin: neither can be, because the seed of God remaineth in him; and he keepeth himself that the evil one toucheth him not, and they was not to lay again the foundation of repentance from dead works; and saith the Apostle how can we that are dead unto sin, live any longer ●●erein? and so ●hou art ignorant of the Saints state; for sin exalts and doth not humbl●, for that which brings down sin humbles. Pr. He saith he knows not one in the Nation that sues men at the Law, those that will not put into their mouths, etc. And again he saith if they should not sue at the Law such as do not give them maintenance, they would sin in doing so: for it were to uphold covetous minds etc. See p. 19 Ans. Now this is to prove your covetous desires; And the Courts throughout the Nation will witness against thee: and the most suits that be in the Nation for one particular thing is the Priests, and the Parishioners, because for conscience sake they cannot put in their mouths. Therefore are they worrying of them like Wolves, and destroying of them for their dishonest gain which they do no work for. And do not the Ministers of God the Apostles rebuke such as went to law before the unjust, one among another? and bids them set up the least in the Church to Judge such things, and told them they should Judge the world, yea Angels; and not to go to Law one among another about such things. Then where art thou, and thy generation that saith it is a sin if they do not go to Law? if the Ministers do not sue for outward things: let the least in the Church Judge thee. How unlike the Apostles you are who kept the Gospel without charge, and coveted no man's silver nor gold, who Preached the Gospel, the end of the Law, and brought people from under it? And you bring people into it, and your inventions, but the day is come that you are seen, and the night is passed to many, and none can you deceive, but who be in the night, but the Judgement is gone over your heads, the Judge of the world is come. Pr. He saith it was imputed to Abraham for righteousness his Faith: and doubtless Job was a perfect man in God's account, and Christ's righteousness is imputed to us, etc. Ans. Yet thou s●it● none ●oth good no not one, and brings that Scripture in the Rom. comparing them that were in the Faith withal them that were gone astray both Jews and Gentiles, See page 21. Now let all try, and Judge thee here and see thy false measure, art thou a man fit to speak of the Saints and their Faith, who puts them that be a stray, Jews and Gentiles, Amongst them that believe, putting no difference betwixt the precious and the vile, and so art not a man capable of true reason. Pr. He saith God's furnace is the grave, where all the remainder of corruption shall be consumed, etc. See page 22. Ans. Now what differs this from the Papists who hold a Purgatory? And the Saints witnessed, and said, Now they were washed, now they were cleansed, etc. while they were upon earth; and they were sanctified through the obedience of the spirit, & they were justified, and sat in heavenly places, on this side the grave, whiles they were upon earth, and were made free from sin, and was perfect. Pr. He saith, That Paul disclaimed perfection in himself, etc. page 23. Ans. Who said, as many of us as are perfect be thus minded (which wrongs Paul's words) And again he saith, We speak wisdom among them that are perfect. Pr. He saith, If a man were free from sin, he would be free from temporal punishment, and afflictions, etc. see page 23. Ans. Christ was free from sin, and the Saints, and yet he was not free from temporal punishment and affliction: And so here he doth not divide the word aright neither. Pr. He saith, If we attain to perfection here, we should attain to a rest here, and brings the Apostles words, who saith, doubtless there remains a rest to the people of God, etc. See page 24. Ans. And the Apostle saith there, He that doth believe hath entered into his rest; and so he doth not divide the word aright, to know what state and condition it was spoken to: And the Apostle said, they were perfect (the Ministers of Christ) and he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified; and so thou art not a sanctified one, and hath denied the offering that hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified, and so hath denied the Covenant that blots out sin and transgression; and the blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin. Pr. But he saith, That doth not follow, that he that is dead to sin, is freed from sin. See page 24. Ans. So he is contrary to the Apostle, who saith so, He that is dead to sin, is freed from sin, and can live no longer therein. Pr. He saith, The law of God is a standing rule to the world's end, etc. And thou that saith the Law is a standing rule, hath denied Christ the end of it. See page 25. Answ. But the Scripture and Christ saith, the Law must be fulfilled, who is the everlasting covenant in the heart, Christ, and in the mind the end of the Law, which was before the Scripture was written, glorified with the Father before the world began; which many have the Scriptures, and yet from the Law of God written in the heart, and neglect that which brings into Covenant with God, by which the Scriptures is fulfilled; and so here again thou dost not divide the word aright, and brings not people into that which doth fulfil Scripture. Pr. He saith, Because this light doth not lead us to close with God's Ordinances the Sacraments, he looks upon it as a delusion of Satan, page 26. Answ. The Scriptures mentions not such word; and the light was before your invented Sacraments was, and cannot join with them, but condemns them, but it owns the Scripture and the Ordinances of God. Richard Baxter's Book called, A Second Sheet to the Ministry, justifying our Call against the QUAKERS, etc. His Principles follow. Because the Children of God cannot satisfy his ungodly lusts, therefore he is complaining to the Magistrates. So he is one of the Complainers and Murmurers. Pr. HE saith, That Timothy was not to hold fast that which he had immediately received from God, but that which he had received from Paul, etc. See page 5. Answ. In this thou art contrary to the Apostle, who bid stir up the gift that was in him, and keep the faith (which Christ was the author of) and that would not contradict the Apostles words that was in the faith; and that which Timothy received from God, he was to hold fast, in which he had unity with the Apostle. Pr. He saith, The holy Ghost is to help us in keeping that which is committed to us, and not to reveal more. See page 4. Answ. Timothy could not know doctrine but by revelation, and doing the will of Christ. How art thou exalted, and would put lies upon the Apostle, and limit the holy one, and set bounds to the Just, and be a Teacher of the holy Ghost, what it must not reveal? How art thou exalted in this above all that is called God, and sits in the Temple of God blasphemously? who would be a teacher of the holy Ghost, who must be the Teacher, and who tells what it must reveal, and what it must not reveal? Thou must be stopped for thy presumption. If ye have nothing but what the holy Ghost hath given forth, the form of words, the Church of Rome hath the same, and all the false Prophets upon the earth, and Antichrists, and Seducers, and the Devils, they get the Scriptures given forth from the holy Ghost, and holdeth these words in the unrighteousness, and stop, and resist the holy Ghost, and say it must reveal no more: These comes under the judgements of the Almighty, God's decree is against them, and the Spirit, the holy Ghost doth lead into all truth, and doth reveal; and the Apostle bids the Saints wait for the revelation of Jesus: And the grace was brought by the revelation of Jesus, and the secrets are revealed to them that fear God, and the spirit reveals the things of God, and thou saith it reveals no more; which shows thou doth not know Scriptures, nor God, nor spirit. Pr. Whereas thou saith, Ye have the Scriptures of the Prophets and Apostles, & Christ's words, and so are not to look for new Prophets, and that would be a question to the Church, and that would show mutability in Christ. See page 6. A. In this thou hast showed thyself of what generation thou art; For there hath been the Mother, and the Harlot, that hath drunk the blood of the Prophets, and the Martyrs, and the Saints; and such as drink the blood have the form, and get the sheep's clothing, but cries prophecy is ceased, and revelation from heaven is ceased, only they have a standing rule, the Scriptures without; and so there they have their clothing, the sheep's clothing, but ravened from the spirit, and so hath denied the Church in which there is prophecy, and the spirit of God; for where that is, there is prophesy amongst sons and daughters, but not amongst you apostates. Pr. He finds fault with a man that will not believe except he see, as instance, a man will not believe they are Ministers of Christ, except they work miracles, etc. And a man will not believe there is a Parliament, or Holland, or France, or Spain, except he have been in them, etc. See page 6. & 7. Answ. Thou and thy wits are compassed, for Revelations and Prophecies are now spoken forth and witnessed, and thou cannot believe, because thou dost not see; and thou art finding fault with others that do not believe, because they do not see. Thou art seen and disapproved, and so now in that thou judges others, thou art judged thyself, who art blind and out of the life; and many may see there is a Holland, and other Countries, though they have not seen them with an outward eye: And we believe the Ministers of Christ, though they do not work miracles; but from them are you apostatised we do believe and see. Pr. He saith, The Saints were not to forsake the assembling of themselves together as the manner of some was, etc. See page 8. Answ. That was in the time of the Apostles before the apostasy: But since the apostasy, the Beast, and the false Prophets, and the murderers of the Saints are got up, which assemble themselves together, and deceive the Nations, and are breaking the Saints meetings which gather ●ther, that keep the testimony of Jesus, and the spirit of prophecy, and overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and the testimony of Jesus. And Christ who is the Rock, and his Church doth continue: but that which Christ said should come is come, the false Prophets that should get the sheep● clothing, and John saw was come, which went forth from them, which made war against the Saints and the Lamb; but the Saints and the Lamb shall get the victory: And we are come to the assembly of the Saints before you were apostatised; for your assemblies hath forsaken the Saints, your fruits declare it. Pr. He saith, Because they have the people's consent, and the Magistrates allowance, therefore that is true ordination, etc. See page 11. Ans. Balaam he had the people's consent, and the Heathenish Magistrates allowance, when he should have cursed the children of Israel, and so this is no proof of ordination: And the chief Priests had the people's consent; and the Magistrates many of them which turned against Christ, this is no ordination to be Ministers of Christ. And the Beast and the false Prophet shall rise against the Lamb and the Saints, and yet they shall have sheep's clothing, this is no proof of their ordination from God, but all this proves it from man: But all who have their ordination from God, are not owned neither by people nor Magistrates in their wills; but who fear God, and are come to the spirit of God by that, to which they minister, and never went to the Magistrates for their allowance; and here again you are apostates from the Apostles, and in the steps of the false Prophets, whose ordination is by the consent of the people, and your allowance from the Magistrates, who are from the allowance of Christ that he gives to his Ministers, and the ordination of the Apostles, that was not from man, nor by man. Pr. Thou bids us mark the Canon of the Holy Ghost in Timothy. See page 11. Ans. And there is no such word as Canon in Timothy; and thou tells us of a Catholic Church, and we cannot find any such word in Scripture, that it speaks of any such word; but we perceive whom thou hast learned these words of, what centre and stock thou comest of, from the Pope, and not from the Apostles. Pr. He saith, They have an uninterrupted succession drawn from the Apostles, etc. See page 13. Answ. For your succession is from the Pope, apostatised from the Apostles, ye are out of the Apostles Doctrine, in all your whole worship corrected, and reproved by Scripture. Did the Apostle set up a Temple, set up tithes, set up your Schools and Colleges? Is not the Pope the Author of all this? Are not ye his Successors? Pr. Thou says, Ye are the Ministers of Christ, because ye have the Scriptures and books, and such like, and you are not usurpers of the authority, etc. See page 16. A. Now there is never a one of you all that ever durst say, ye have heard God's voice immediately from heaven, or Christ's voice, or have the same spirit as the Prophets and Apostles, and Christ had, or immediate revelations from heaven as they had: So than you be in another ordination than they was in, and usurpers of authority into your ministry, and intruders into those things you never saw: And cannot any one be as good a Pastor or Minister as you, seeing all your teaching is but from books and other men's writings? Why may not others learn the same books, and writings, and so come to be Teachers and Pastors as well as you, seeing you have nothing but from Books and Writings, and old Authors? Why may not all that read those be Pastors and Teachers, and so then where be the hearers? and so with the life are you all judged. The spirit of God which gave forth Scriptures, which was before your old Books and Authors were. Thomas Higginson, his Book called, The Testimony of the True JESUS. His PRINCIPLES follow, etc. Pr. HE saith, The Word is not righteousness without the flesh, etc. See page 3. Ans. The Word is righteous itself, and the flesh righteous as it became. Pr. He saith, Men are presented perfect to God, and without spot, before any work done, or good whatsoever, etc. page 3. Ans. There is none doth the work of God but who believes; and he that believes overcomes the world, and his works are wrought in God, and he hath the word o● reconciliation in him: And by this means of thine all the world is presented perfect to God; for he is the offering for the whole world. But them that believe are partakers, and them that do not believe are condemned. Yet I say the Lord helps the unbelief of many, who is the Saviour of all men, especially of them that believe; and men are not presented to God while they do evil, and afore they are sanctified and holy. Pr. He saith, The invisible things of God, and the eternal power and glory of God may be known by that of God in every man, but not his good pleasure or purpose of grace, etc. See page 4. Ans. Is the glory seen, and that known, the Godhead known? the invisible things of God, and the eternal power, and not the good pleasure of God, nor his purpose of grace? Doth not the Godhead dwell in Christ and his fullness bodily? And is not Christ the power of God? And he that knows God and his glory, and eternal power and Godhead, Doth not he know the Son? Consider that; For he that hath known the Son hath known the Father also, and grace and the purpose of God. Pr. He saith, Man may know God, and his eternal power, and Godhead, and glory, and yet know nothing of the mystery of Christ, nor can that (which thou saith shows these things) lead unto the mystery of the knowledge of Christ, etc. See page 4. Answ. Where the eternal power and Godhead is known, his power, his glory, and the invisible things of God, there is something of Christ known, the mystery. For, there is none knows the Father but the Son, and he to whom the Son reveals him: And he that knows the Father knows the Son. Pr. He saith, To say that Christ is within man, is to worship Angels, and not to hold the head Christ, etc. See page 5. Answ. Which none comes to witness Christ the head, but who witness him in them, that the Angels must worship, that died, and suffered at Jerusalem; and they that worship him in them, worships not the Angels; and they that are not worshipping him in them, are worshipping Men, Devils, or Angels. Pr. He saith, It is a bewitching of the minds, to preach Christ within the Saints, etc. Answ. Did not the Apostle say to the same Colossians, of worshipping of Angels, not holding the head? Did not he preach Christ in them, the same Colossians? And he told them of intruding into things they never saw. Did not he say, Christ in you the hope of glory whom we preach? warning every man, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. How dost thou divide the word contrary to the Apostles and Christ Jesus? and calls this Doctrine bewitching; and thou that preacheth another doctrine contrary to his, art accursed. Pr. He saith, To say (the light in every one wherewith Christ Jesus hath enlightened them withal that comes into the world) is the way to Christ and the Father, and is the sure word of prophecy which people are to take heed unto. He saith, this is to deny the person of Christ, as the object of faith, and the Scriptures as the rule of faith, and faith itself, etc. See page 8. Answ. In this thou hast showed thy ignorance; for none knows the person of Christ but with the light that comes from him: None knows the Mediator, none knows the Author of their faith, but with the light that comes from Christ: And none knows the Scriptures of truth but with the light: And Christ is the rule of faith, and author of it, and giver; And many may have Scriptures and not saith; so in this thou divides not the word aright, uncapable of dividing the word; and that is the sure word of prophecy that shines in a dark place, which people are to take heed unto, till the day dawn, and the daystar arise in their hearts. Pr. He saith, To say that redemption & righteousness is wrought within, is to bring Christ down from above out of heaven, or raise him from the dead, and to make the blood of Christ as another man's, etc. See page 9 Answ. Now Christ is not known to be the justification, but as he is known within, and redemption out of Adam's state in the fall. For he that believes hath the witness in himself, and ceaseth from his own works, and enters into his rest, as God did from his: For the world may profess Christ without them; but if he be not within them, they are reprobates, and shall fall short of the justification and redemption if he be not within them: And if they have not the Son of God, they have not life; and many will say, Lord, but doth not the thing that he commands. And one of thy generation of Professors that writ against the Quakers, and said, That the blood of Christ was corruptible (and so it was like the blood of another man) and thou saith it is not. Now we say, that blood which cleanseth from all sin is incorruptible; and they that witness Christ in them, and justification and redemption, and need not say, who shall raise Christ from the dead, or fetch him from above, as thou says. Pr. He saith, Obedience to the spirit within, and Christ a worker and a Lawgiver in their conscience, and a worker of it in their persons but not as a Saviour: and what of God is felt or wrought in them, that they believe. While the unspeakable righteousness, operation of life in Christ reserved, with faith, liberty, joy and peace, etc. is hid from their eyes, etc. See page 10. Ans. Now can any be obedient to the spirit within, and to Christ a worker, and a Lawgiver, and feel the work of God in themselves, and believe it; and yet the unspeakable righteousness and the operation of life hid in Christ, and faith, and liberty, joy, and peace to be hid from their eyes? Can a man know all these things, and yet not know Christ to be a Saviour? here thou art judged, and thy knowledge; for he that knows these things, knows a Saviour; and let the righteous judge, whose eyes are open, how thou divides the word. Pr. He saith, Faith holds things as true in Christ, though hid from sense and feeling, etc. See page 11. Answ How cometh the just to live then if there be not a feeling in his faith? And how cometh he to have the victory then over the world? And how doth faith purify if there be not a feeling? And how is it holden then in a pure conscience if there be not a feeling? And how cometh he to have access to God through faith? And doth not the Scripture speak of them that was in the faith, felt and handled the word of life? And was this without the faith of Gods elect, or sense? Therefore in this thou may see in this how uncapable thou art to divide the word. Pr. He saith, They that put spiritual working for the grace of Christ, they destroy Christ Jesus. See page 11. Ans. They do not destroy Christ Jesus, that put spiritual working for the grace of Christ, for the works of the spirit doth not destroy Christ; for where the works of the spirit are, there is the grace of Christ Jesus; and none owns Christ, but who be in the works of the spirit, and his graces; and they destroyed Christ, and deny him that be out of the works of the spirit, and his graces are spiritual workings. Pr. He saith, The sight of the Godhead without faith in Christ is the foundation of all false worships, etc. See same page. Ans. Can any see the Godhead? have a sight of the Godhead? and not see Christ, and have faith in Christ? And who have faith in Christ, do they not see the fullness of the Godhead dwells in him Christ. And was not their minds turned from that of God in them (which declared the invisible things of him from the Creation, of his Eternal Power, and Godhead) which the Apostle sound fault withal? Let all examine and Judge, and read the Scripture Rom. 1. and try. Pr. He saith obedience to Christ within is a sentence of the Law not of grace, and denying Christ overwhelming the afflicted in sorrow without hope, and turning the feet of the lame out of the way. And bids beware of such Doctrine, etc. See page 12. Ans. If people must beware of the Doctrine of the Apostles who hath told them, Christ was in them except they were reprobates, And Christ was within them the hope of glory, to whom he Preached; For they turn people out of the way who keep them reprobates without hope, and is a denying of Christ that Preacheth not Christ within, and a keeping people under the Law, which Christ is the end of, and where Christ within is, there is obedience which is the end of the Law, and there is grace. Pr. He saith the Justification and redemption by obeying the Light within, appears to his understanding to be a mystery of iniquity, etc. See page 13. Ans. Thy understanding must come to nought, for he that believeth is Justified from all things, and comes not into condemnation, and he hath the witness in himself. And that lets him see his Redeemer, his Mediator and Saviour the Light, which walking in it, he is cleansed from all sin, and so no mystery of iniquity, for the mystery of iniquity is out of the Light: none sees Justification and Redemption but with the Light within, which comes from Christ who hath enlightened him. Pr. He saith the Ministration of grace cannot he known by the Light which Christ hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world withal, etc. See page 14. Ans. Contrary to John who saith, as many as receiveth him to them he gives power to become the Sons of God, and no one knows the Ministration of grace but by the Light which comes from Christ the Covenant of grace. Pr. He saith none can know the mystery of God in Christ with the Light in them, etc. See page 14. Ans. Which is contrary to Scripture, I will give him for a Covenant, for a Light to the Gentiles, he shall be my salvation to the ends of the earth saith the Lord. So this was the salvation, so it gives the knowledge of the Ministry of salvation, the Light that shines in the heart gives the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, who is the mystery that shines in the heart of them that believe in it; and them that do not, are condemned with the Light. And so they are reproved with the spirit of truth which leads the Disciples into all truth, which spirit the world cannot receive, for they do not receive the Light, and so are not like to receive the Spirit of truth. Pr. He saith the Light of Christ (in natural man) knows nothing of the spirit, etc. And the Scripture was the Image of Christ without, etc. See page 14. Ans. Scriptures without are writings, and endures not for ever, but the power, Christ the power of God endures for ever; And who ever is in the Light, cometh to know Christ in the spirit, him who is the life. And it leads the natural man from his natural state that believes in it, For all by nature are the children of wrath: who believes in it, it leads from the nature; and from the wrath, which who believes in it is made free from the wrath to come, and they that believe not in the Light are reproved by the spirit, and that which reproves them is manifest to them, and so they know it. Pr. He saith to affirm the Light in the conscience (which we say is the Light of Christ) the way or guide to Christ whereto only to attend; is a darksome, fleshly, and most legal principle, and calls it grave wherein Christ is buried, etc. See page 15. Ans. Which is contrary to Christ's Doctrine, who saith he that believes in the Light shall not walk in darkness, but have the Light of life. And he that does believe in the Light, hath entered into his rest and come to the Sabbath, out of the grave and out of the legal and out of the fleshly, and out of condemnation. And none comes to the Son Christ, but who comes to the Light which comes from him which he hath enlightened them withal. Pr. And again he saith to say the Light in every man is Christ the Redeemer is a twofold error, etc. See same page. Ans. Contrary to John who saith this is the true Light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. And he was in the world, and the world knew him not. So shows himself to be one of the stock of the world that knows not him that was, and is in them the Light of the world, and the world knew him not; which he that believeth in the Light hath the Light of life, and he that receiveth the Light, receiveth Christ the Redeemer. And he that receiveth Christ, receiveth his spirit. And he that receiveth not the Light that he is enlightened withal, receiveth not his Redeemer but hates him: it is his condemnation, and he is in the error. Pr. He saith the Light within was not given for righteousness, neither could it reveal or give life, etc. page 16. Ans. Contrary to Christ who saith he that believes in the Light shall have the Light of life. So thou art unskilful in the word and Doctrine of Christ, and Christ within is given for righteousness; who reveals the Father and gives life, and they that have not Christ the Light within are reprobates. Pr. He saith the Light within knows nothing of the precious Gospel Mystery, See pag. 16. Ans. Contrary to the Apostle who said the Light that shined in their hearts should give the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, and the Light within comes from the mystery, and is of the mystery itself, and let's see the precious mystery which none knows but with the Light within, and so the God of the world hath blinded thy mind, and hath showed thyself that thou art of them that hates the Light, and shows that thou comes not to it; for he that comes to it, comes to the mystery, for the least Light of Christ in man is of the mystery, and comes from the mystery. Pr. He saith, to say Christ came to Redeem the Israel from the Law without, to establish the work within, and law in the conscience, in obedience unto which men come to be Redeemed, and the Law in the heart, thus to say he saith is an error, etc. See page 16. Ans. Contrary to the Apostle who Preached the redemption, established the Law in the heart, and Christ within who redeems men from under the Law, who is the end of it, and the word of Faith in the heart, and they that have not this be in the error, though they may talk of Christ. Pr. He saith it is the Divinity of Sophisters, and a blotting out of the glory of the grace of Christ, to set forth Christ as a lawgiver, and worker in us, etc. See page 17. Ans. Which I say, none knows him as a Mediator and a lawgiver, nor an offering, nor his blood that cleanseth them but as they know him working in them, and they be in the Sophistery of their Divinity that knows not the glory of the grace of Christ working in them. Pr. He saith a man shall not see himself dead and buried with Christ, and raised up with Christ by any work or obedience to Christ within, etc. See page 18. Ans. He that believes hath the witness in himself; and there is the work within, and that is the work of God: and Faith is wrought within. And this is contrary to self, for over it, it gives victory, and teacheth to deny himself; So see how thou confounds thyself; and he that believes is passed from death to life, and they that are dead with Christ seeks those things that are from above. Pr. He saith again, the Light within is the spirit of the world, etc. See page 18. Ans. Contrary to John's doctrine who saith he was in the world and the world knew him not, neither doth your spirits of the world know him now, and the world's Spirit knew him not, and the world hates the Light, and darkness cannot comprehend it, though it shines in darkness. And here thou art meddling with things that are too heavy for thee, and the corner stone falls a top of thee, and the Light that enlighteneth every one that cometh into the world, was before the spirit of the world was. Pr. He saith that they that affirm the light in every man that condemns for sin to he Christ the Redeemer, have set up an Idol, etc. See page 19 Ans. Doth not Christ say, I am the Light of the world, which is the true Light, that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, who is the Redeemer and the Salvation to the ends of the earth, and he that receiveth it receiveth Christ. And is not this it that brings off of all Idols? And are not they setting up Idols, that are from the Light? And doth not Christ the Light come to condemn sin in the flesh? and is that the Idol? How dare thou say so! he was manifest in the flesh, to condemn sin in the flesh; and he saith, I am the light, and that is not an Idol. Pr. He saith, Christ comes not down in spirit into our persons to redeem, but to manifest the redemption; and saith, he cometh the second time without sin unto salvation, etc. See page 21. Answ. The Apostle bids them work out their salvation with fear and trembling. And Christ brings not peace on earth, but a sword, and judgement, and comes to make blind, who is the redemption, and makes it manifest by his spirit, and whose light doth condemn him that hates it, for he will not have that which manifests salvation; And whosoever knoweth redemption, knoweth it to be manifest in him from Christ. Pr. He saith, They who had the light within, and pierced into the invisible things, and eternal power, and Godhead, had but the wisdom of this world, etc. page 23. Ans. And so he would make the light of Christ, the wisdom of this world; which light cometh from Christ the wisdom of God: the wisdom of the world, cannot pierce into the eternal power and Godhead. Pr. He saith, The light within denies all things that God hath done for us in Christ, which hath no glory, but spreads a veil over, etc. page 25. Ans. Which none knows what God hath done for us, nor sees the glory in Christ, but by the light which comes from him, who works all both in us and for us, according to his good will and pleasure, and brings not to deny what God worketh in us; and they nullify it that are against his light, and are against his glorious person; for the light that's within let's see his glory. Pr. He saith, Obedience to the light within is another atonement, and a denying the atonement of Christ, and calls it a mystery of iniquity. See page 28. Answ. Which none knows the atonement of Christ but by the light within, and all be in the mystery of iniquity that be out of the Light which cometh from Christ the covenant of God to Jews and Gentiles, and that gives them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. Mark! he saith, the light is that which gives the knowledge, and the Light within doth not set up another atonement; but they do that do deny the light within, set up another atonement than Christ. Pr. He saith, To obey the Law within (which we say is the law of the spirit of life, which makes free from sin and death) in this he saith, we agree with the Papists and Pagans. See page 30. Answ Now in this thou may see where thou art out of the Apostles doctrine: And neither thee nor the Papists, nor Pagans own us in this, that we should be made free from the Law of sin and death, while we be upon the earth: And here the blood of Jesus is witnessed, and the atonement, and the Father and the Son, and this is all seen with the Light within. Pr. He says, He began by faith to behold the love, joy, and redemption prepared for him, before any evil or good was done by him, etc. page 37. Answ. Dost not thou say, thou beheld it by faith? And now is not the work good to behold by faith? And doth not that give victory over the evil? And doth not that do good that beholds by faith? And so what is not of faith is sin. Pr. He saith, He is in heavenly places, and yet in the shadow of death with the earthly. See page 38. Answ. He that is in heavenly places is in Christ Jesus, a new creature: And he that believeth in the light, shall not abide in darkness; so comes out of shadows: And he that believeth, abideth not in the condemnation, and so comes out of the shadow of death, though they have sat in the shadow of death before belief; and comes out of the earth, and so hast proved thyself not a true believer, which comes out of the shadows, and death. Pr. He saith, To purify the members, as reckoning it our redemption, our righteousness, all such purity is sin, blindness, and idolatry, page 40. Ans. And the Apostle calls Christ our redemption, and our sanctification, and our righteousness; and so we can truly say Christ is ours, and no idolaters. And them that cannot say Christ is their sanctification, redemption, righteousness, and mortification, is in the idolising and sin. Pr. He saith, The way to attain the spirit of Christ is not by waiting on the light within, etc. see page 52. Answ. Christ saith, believe in the light, that ye way be children of the light; and he that is a child of the light, cometh to the birth born of the spirit: And Christ doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world; And as many as received him he gave them power to become the sons of God: And none hears faith, but who hears the light within, which is Christ within, who is the Author of it, by which the spirit is received. Pr. He saith, That doctrine or spirit that calls to the Light within, doth but build up the worship of the world, etc. page 53. Ans Contrary to the Apostle, who said, The light that shined in their hearts would give them the light of the knowledge of God in the face of Christ Jesus. And Christ saith, they that worship God, must worship him in truth; And he is the light, and he is the truth, that doth enlighteth every man that comes into the world, and this throws down all the worship of the world. And I say, none comes out of the worships of the world, and the doctrines of the world, but who comes to the light wherewith Christ hath enlightened every man, etc. that shines in the darkness, and the darkness comprehends it not. Pr. He saith, To believe in God as in the Light within men, redeeming from sin, is to deny the witness of the Son, and have neither Son nor Father, etc. page 54. Ans. Which I say, none owns the witness of the Son, but who owns the Light which comes from the Son with which he is enlightened; Nor none knows the Father nor the Son, nor receives them, but who receives the light which Christ the Son hath enlightened them withal, nor knows God to be a Saviour but by the Light within. Pr. He saith, They that seek for righteousness by obedience to the light within, differs nothing from the Jews, but only in the copies of the Law, etc. See page 56. Ans. None sees the obedience of Christ the second Adam, the end of the Law, and copies of it, but with the Light within, which comes from Christ Jesus, that brings in righteousness, and ends sin and transgression, who is the end of the righteous Law, with which light man sees the weakness and unprofitableness of it, and the types and the shadows of it, which Christ is known in the light within, who ends it. Pr He saith, To rest in hope that I am saved from sin and wrath by the blood of Christ the head, and while conscience condemns for sin, this is to hope against hope, etc. See page 57 Ans. Such as are saved from the wrath by Christ the head, and his blood, they are saved from their sins: And then they that are saved from their sins, how can conscience condemn for sin, and the wrath come upon them for sin; and they that are saved from the wrath, they are saved from their sins: But where conscience doth condemn for sin, there is wrath; and he cannot witness a cleansing, nor salvation wrought out, nor saved from sin, but is in the false hope, and not in the true hope which goes against hope, for the true hope is Christ within. Pr. Whereas thou speaks of Christ's working and giving an example, etc. page 67. Ans. Yet thou and the rest are offended at those people that are called Quakers, who say Christ was their example. And so ye can allow what ye speak yourselves; but if another speak the same words, it is an offence to you. Pr. He saith, Such as preach redemption by the light in every man are not of God, etc. See pag. 70. Ans. The redemption of Christ the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; And every man that cometh into the world that seethe his redemption, it is by the light, which he that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world hath enlightened him with, which is Christ the Redeemer, the Saviour, the second Adam, the way to the Father, who shall make every tongue to confess him to the glory of God; but thou that hates the light art condemned. Pr. He saith, Not the light in every man, but the words of the Prophets and Apostles, is that which leads to the Lord Jesus, etc. See Page 82. Ans. Many may have the words of the Prophets, and the Apostles, but none comes to that which leads to the Lord Jesus, but who comes into the light, and life that the Prophets and Apostles was in, which Christ Jesus is the end of, who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. Therefore every man that cometh into the world must come to the light which Christ hath enlightened him withal, before he come to the end of the Prophets and the Apostles, Christ Jesus the Lord of life and glory. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures are the image of Christ; and he that seeks for God out of the humanity of Christ, he shall lose both God and himself, etc. See pag. 82. Answ. The Scriptures are writings, and the writings will not endure for ever; and the image of Christ is the image of God. And all who be in the life that gave forth Scriptures, be in the image of Christ, which was afore Scripture was; and all that have the Scriptures out of the life that gave them forth, they have not the image: And he that is out of the truth may have the Scriptures; but he is out of the image, all are who be out of the truth; but who be in the truth, be in the image. And God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself. And who knows the Son, knows the Father: And he that hath found the Son, hath found the Father also. And he that seeks after God out of Christ, shall never find him. And as for the rest of thy lies and slanders in thy Book, and unsavoury expressions which are not worthy mentioning, upon thy own head they will come one day, and thy own words shall be thy burden. Jeremiah Ives his Book, called, Innocency above Impudence, or the strength of Righteousness exalted above the QUAKER'S Weakness and Wickedness. His Principles are as followeth. Pr. HE saith, It is a rare thing to see any of the seed of the Devil grown up to that degree of impudence to charge a man, that he hath done that which he never did do, etc. Answ. The seed of the Devil always said that which was not true, so not a rare thing to find them; for the Devil and his seed is out of the truth, and when he speaks a lie, he speaks of himself, and so speaks a thing that is not, and there thou art. Pr. He saith, The Apostle in his Catalogue of the evils of the times, etc. page 1. Ans. Is it not better to call the Scripture a declaration (as they call themselves) then to call them a Catalogue? and some of you will say it is a History, and some a Catalogue; and again ye will say, it is the Word of God, which the Scriptures of truth is words; and God is the Word, and thou art in the evil time, out of the good, and thy time and day is evil. Pr. He saith, The Quakers give that name (as quaking) to themselves, and others do not give it them as a Nickname, etc. See page 2. Answ. The first that ever I did hear them called Quakers, and the name given to them of Quakers, was one Gervase Bennet in Derby, a persecutor called a Justice of Peace, though many years before the power of the Lord was witnessed, yet I never heard them have that name of Quakers given, before that corrupt Justice gave it them, and misnamed them so, and in scorn called them so, and thou art one of his Scholars; and Quaking and trembling we own, though they in scorn calls us so; and the salvation wrought out with fear and trembling we witness. Pr. He saith, The Devil speaks truth sometimes, etc. page 2. Ans. Christ saith, he was a liar from the beginning; and when he speaks a lie, he speaks of himself, and hath no truth in him; and so he cannot speak truth as it is in him; And the greatest professors upon the earth are there, of the Devil that speaketh the words of truth, but not as they are in it, as so saith Christ to the Jews, they were of their father the Devil, they speak of themselves. So they that speak the Scriptures, not by the spirit, as was by them that spoke them forth, they speak of themselves, as the Devil doth that abode not in the truth, but a liar from the beginning; and thus the truth comprehended it: For it is one thing to speak the truth in the truth, and to be in it, for he speaks not of himself, but the truth in him; but the other all speaks of themselves, and there thou art (and so doth the Devil) and truth is not in him, nor them, and there with truth they are comprehended. Pr. He chargeth us, Whether ever any gave worse words to us than we did to others, etc. page 9 A. To speak truth is not to give bad words, to tell a Cain, he is a Cain; or an Esau, or an Ishmael, to be an Ishmael; or a Wolf, he is a Wolf: and say the evil Beasts are the evil Beasts, that are worse than the common beasts. And to say, the greedy dogs that can never have enough, are worse than the common dogs that are biting and tearing; and are worse than the common beasts that feed in peace, and eats their meat in peace. Now to speak such words and names as these are to them that are not so, that is a giving of bad names, wrong names: But the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures, it gave such names to such as was found in those steps. It let's see now, and the whole Nation may witness, that friends may answer to his Challenge; and the Gaols and the Courts doth show the greediness of such, and their persecution, and their malice against the Lambs; and so the Saints in the spirit doth give them their proper names, to properties in their places, among which names thou art found. Prin. He saith, Much of the Scriptures may be understood without the spirit, etc. page 12. Ans. The Scriptures was given forth from the spirit of God, and they are the things of God, and the words of God, and they are not known nor understood, but by the spirit of God again, for there is a spiritual understanding. Neither can they understand any of the Scripture of truth which cannot be broken but by the spirit of God within that gave them forth, which is of God of whom they were learned. Pr. He saith Christ was not a Minister of the circumcision, etc. See page 14. Ans. And the Apostle said, they were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands; and the putting off the body of sin, of the flesh, they were circumcised with the spirit; but who was the Minister of this Circumcision? For the Apostle saith, it was the circumcision of Christ, Coll. 2.11. And again the Apostle saith, We are the circumcision that worship God in spirit, and have no confidence in the flesh. Pr. He saith, What man in his right wits would say a wilderness was a City, etc. page 14. Ans. When the people have transgressed the Law of God, they are erred from his ways, they are become a Wilderness, and bears the fruit of brambles and briars, and not seeing any way to get out, till the Lord's mercy be manifest to them; which is further than the Law of justice. And thou hast not seen thy wits end yet, nor seen the Wilderness in thy heart fenced, though a City; and the children of Israel were called a wilderness, in trangression, though in Cities. Pr. He saith, He can tell things to come without the spirit of God: And thou saith, the Pharisees could tell by the skies what should be the weather, and the days should bring forth, and this without the spirit of God, etc. page 15. Ans. That which gives to understand the Creation, and the altering and changing of the Creation, either in weather or days. It is the wisdom of God, and his spirit by which all things was made, that knows these things in the truth; who counts the Stars, and numbers them in their kind; who sets the Sun to rule the day, and the Moon to rule the night. Now who understands these things, it is by the spirit of wisdom who understands them aright; and there may be a wilful rejecting, and a having these things in the form, yet not a knowing these things in truth, and so Christ calls them hypocrites. And a man may know things by the spirit, and go in the error from the spirit, and then hold them in his memory. Pr. He saith, Every man that cometh into the world hath not the light of Christ in him, etc. page 16. Answ. This is the true light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; and it shines in the darkness, and the darkness comprehends it not. Now this light reproves where it is come to, where it is hated, and their deeds be evil, and not loved, it is their condemnation, and so is not that which reproves them, in them; which doth make manifest the heart, and are not those that do quench the spirit, the wicked, and those that are led by the spirit, are not these the good? And is not here both ●ood and bad? Thou art that darkness that John speaks of, that cannot comprehend the Light which shines in darkness, like the Pharisees. Pr. He saith, There may be a light to convince people of sin, and yet not within them. Ans. There is no people convinced of sin, but they are convinced within themselves and with the light within them; and it is the light that makes manifest to a man when he is convinced: It answers to something, and reacheth to something in their particulars, though the words be spoken without them from the Light. Pr. That every man in the world should not have his sins pardoned, etc. page 17. Answ. Christ gave himself, his body for the life of the world; he was the offering for the sins of the whole world, and paid the debt, and made satisfaction, and doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, that all through him might believe; and he that doth not believe in the offering is condemned already. Pr. He saith, It is an error to say that every man hath a light within him, to teach him to worship God, etc. page 18. Answ. Every man that cometh into the world having a light from Christ Jesus the truth: Every man that cometh into the world being in the light which Christ Jesus the truth hath enlightened him withal, and walking in it, he shall worship God aright in the truth, and come into that the Devil is out of, and worship God in the spirit. But none worships God aright but who be in the Light which Christ hath enlightened every man with that cometh into the world; For who is in the light, is in the truth, for it is truth: And all other worships out of the Light is as the Devil is, and there thou art condemned with the Light. Pr. He saith, That is the error that he chargeth us with, that the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, it is an error to say it is within every man, etc. page 19 Answ. Which he is ignorant of the Scripture: I will give him a covenant of light to the Gentiles, a leader unto them; and a new covenant to the house of Israel and Judah, and this Covenant was written in their hearts: And as I said before, the light shines in darkness, and the darkness comprehends it not: And where the light shines out of darkness, it shines in the heart. He that hates the light is enlightened, and he that loves it; and that, reproves the evil deeds of him that hates it which is within him, and it is in the Saint's heart. Pr. He saith, It is miserable darkness to direct people to the Light within them, etc. page 26. Answ. Which was the Apostles doctrine; he was sent to turn people from the darkness to the light. And he told people, that the light that shined in their hearts would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. And Christ bids them walk in the light, and believe in it: and they be in miserable darkness that doth not. Pr. He saith, It is a known error to say that a man was in hell, and in heaven, etc. page 21. Ans. Who in this shows his ignorance of Scripture; for it gives testimony of men that did witness, that they had been in hell, in the nethermost hell; and witnessed again they were in heaven, and sat in heavenly places in Christ Jesus; and such were in heaven as is spoken of in the Revelations. Pr. It is an error to say they have perfection, and they themselves not perfect, etc. And to say they have communion with the body and blood of Christ at the Gentiles Table, etc. page 23. Ans. There is many of the servants and children of God, whose meat and drink is the body and blood of Christ that comes among the Gentiles, and their Tables, to witness against them, yet nevertheless they have communion with the body and blo●● of Christ: And many may witness Christ the perfection in words, though they are ●ot in it, as the whole world doth; yet who are in Christ, are in the spirit, and are perfect. So that it is one thing to be in the thing, and another thing to have sight of the t●●ng, and another thing to profess the thing without the sight. Yet I say, the sight that ●eeth Christ is perfect, and sees perfection; and the faith is perfect, whereby he comes to the knowledge of the Son of God, and to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Pr. He saith, The writings of the Scriptures may be burned, but the Word of God contained in them cannot be burned, etc. page 34. Ans. If he had said, the word that it speaks of, or testifies of, he had spoken proper like Scripture: But to say, the Word is contained in the writing, and the writing saith it testifies of Christ the Word. And there is a proof to thee, that the Quakers are sent of God, who speak to thee of the Scriptures right as they are. Pr. He saith. It is a lie to say every man hath the light of Christ, etc. page 44. Ans. Contrary to John, who saith; every man that cometh into the world is enlightened. And as many as receiveth him, to them he gives power to become the Sons of God: And he that believes in the light, shall not abide in darkness, but shall have the light of life, and so it is sufficient: And he that doth not believe, is condemned already; and he hath it to believe in, or to condemn him. Prin. He saith, Thousands stumble, because they have no light in them, etc. Page 44. Answ. They are such as hate it, and doth not receive it, which hath enlightened them, and not walking in it, and so is their condemnation; and it shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehends it not: And so they are in darkness, and there is the unregenerate state. Pr. He saith, The Pharisees were fare enough from having the Kingdom of heaven within, etc. page 45. Ans. Contrary to Christ's words, who said, it was within them. Pr. He saith, It is a notion to say, the light of Christ is in every one, etc. page 47. Ans. Which is contrary to John's doctrine. It is not a strange thing to the Saints for these Priests and Teachers to question the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; for the Jews, Priests, and Levites stumbled at it in the days of John, and it set them all up in an uproar as it does you; and they examined John, and questioned John, and he said, This is the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, that all men through him might believe. Pr. He saith, None were ever baptised into the name of the Father, Son, and holy Ghost, that were not baptised with water, etc. page 52. Answ. Where was Matthew, or Mark, or Luke, or John baptised, and many more which the Apostle said, he thanked God he had not baptised? etc. which he had begotten many. Baptising is making disciples to the Lord Jesus, and Baptising them into his name, that is his power, and he telleth the Saints that they were Baptised with one spirit, into one body, such he tells that he thanks God he had Baptised but a few: but he told of the spirits Baptism, and brought the Saints off from things that were seen, and water is seen and its Baptism. And as for all thy rabble from thy contentious spirit, and rail, and unsavoury expressions, they will turn home upon thyself; and thy own words will be thy burden; and the witness in thy conscience will answer in the day of thy Judgement. Francis Harris his Book called, his queries to the Quakers, etc. his Principles follows. Pr. THou saith doth not these people that pretend to the light stumble at noon day as in the night, and there be no Gospel Light, we mean of the revealed and written Gospel Light in them? etc. page 9 Ans. The Gospel Light is that which doth enlighten every man that cometh into world: and who hates it, neglects the Gospel Light, and receives not the power from God which is the Gospel, for that is the Gospel Light Christ Jesus that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. The Light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal is the Gospel light, and they that walk in it stumble not; They stumble that be out of the Light which every man that cometh into the world is lighted withal, which Light is the way to the Father: and many may have the written words, yet out of the Gospel Light and the power of God which is the Gospel, as Rom. 1. which brings people to where the sheep lies down at noon day. Pr. He saith what did Christ mean when he bid people search the Scriptures, or Peter when he called the Scriptures the sure word of prophecy, the light shining in the dark place? and yet Scripture without is a dead letter, etc. page 12. Ans. And yet they call it the Light, and the word, which is a dead letter. Christ's bids the professors of Scriptures to search it, that thought to have had life in it (not that they should find life in it) but that they should search it and see how it did testify of him who was the life; that was his end, and those that was come to Christ the life; they was come to him the Scriptures testified of, as John 1. we have found him of whom Moses and the Prophet's writ: and those were them that was come from John: the others were them that stuck in John, and came not to the life, but to the Scriptures to have had life in the Scriptures, and came not to him the Scriptures testified of, and persecuted that. And Peter means as he speaks; he tells them of the sure word of Prophecy, and bids them take heed to it, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day Star arise in their hearts. He doth not say this is Scriptures without; which thou saith it is a dead letter, how can that shine. Pr. He saith doth not this draw people to gross Idolatry; to bid people to take heed to the light in you, which you call the pure Light of God; not the light of nature? And whether you do not delude people, by saying there is a pure Light of God and Christ in every man and woman by nature, etc. page 14. 17. Ans. The light which doth enlighten every man, etc. leadeth from all Idolatry: for all that be out of the Light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; they be in the Idolatry. And every man that cometh into the light, the light which they are enlightened withal, be in that which was before any natural lights was: and the the natural lights are the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars. And they delude, and deceive people that say the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world is a natural light, and they keep people in the Idolatry; And so shut up the Kingdom against men, and go not in themselves, nor suffer others; for all Idolatry is out of the Light. Pr. He saith, to be carried up to the power, and to the Spirit which resembles fire, whether this be not Antichrist like a Lamb; to call fire from heaven to come down in the sight of men? And whether the power be from God or from Satan, that brings people into a trembling and shaking like Belshazar, etc. See pag. 20. 21. Ans. That power was not of Satan that broke down the head of gold, the breasts of silver, neither was that power of Satan that made Belshazar to shake and quake: and that power all must know, before the most High rules in the Kingdoms of men: and to be carried up by the power, and the Spirit of God is not Antichrist, nor is not as the beast which with his lying wonders caused fire to come down from heaven, for the power, and the Spirit of God fathoms all such things; and seethe those were the Spirits that were erred from the Apostles; and the life they lived in that did so. Pr. He saith the most righteous man falls seven times a day the Scripture tell us, See page 22. Ans. The Scripture doth not speak any such thing as seven times a day, but it saith the Just man falleth seven times, and riseth again, but the wicked falls into mischief. Pr. He saith such as have fasted till their neighbours who lived nigh them have not known them; they have been as though they had been come out of the jaws of death: whether this be not as the Pharisees? and an occasion to Satan? etc. page 24. Ans. What would ye have said to David in his days, when that he fasted till he might number his bones? and was a stranger to all his acquaintance; was this an hypocrites fast? and because some now by the same power, are moved of the Lord so to do? Is this now like unto the Pharisees that appears to do so? Have not all Ministers and teachers shown their ignorance of the Scriptures, and the life that gave it forth, and to be such as cannot divide the word aright, nor speak a word in season? But are rather such as burdens the just, and oppresseth; whereby the poor groans, and cries under: not to distinguish between the fasting of the servants of God, and you that appeared to fast. So in this you show you put no difference between the precious and the vile, and are not able to Judge of things that differs; so are Judged with that which doth put a difference in things that differ: and David was a wonder to his neighbours about him. Francis Higginson, his Book called, A brief Relation of the Religion of the Northern QUAKERS. His PRINCIPLES follow, etc. Pr. HE saith in his Epistle, The great number that is fallen away from the Word of God. Answ. The falling away from the Word of God was before the Apostles decease, and since the world is gone after you, and them that are fallen away; and so you put the Letter for the Word, the Scripture which are words, and so run into all opinions, into Sects; but now are people coming to the Light, and so to the Word Christ Jesus, him by whom the world was made, before it was made, from you apostates, to the word and the Apostles are we come. Pr. Again he saith, I do not detest Popery itself more hearty than I do your Religion, Quakers, etc. Ans. I do believe thee, for Popery itself is thy stock: The Tithes, the Universities, the Steeple-houses, Masse-houses, and so I know thou must be a friend to Popery, and detest us before thou canst Popery, the Kingdom would be divided else against itself, and then it were not like to stand: But Popery and you we see is come up since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy, and so with the power of God ye are denied. Pr. Again he saith, Beware of false Prophets, for there shall arise false Prophets, and false Christ's, and if it were possible they should deceive the very Elect, Math. 7. and Matth. 24. Ans. And Christ said, they should come, and they should be inwardly ravening Wolves, but they should be clothed with the sheep's clothing; to his Disciples he spoke this, and before the Disciples decease they saw that they were come, the false Prophets and the Antichrists, as in 1 John 2.4. which went forth from them, that inwardly ravened, that Christ said should come that had gotten the sheep's clothing, which the Apostle saw was come, that went forth from them: And in the Revelations he saith, all the world went after them. All the world wondered after the Beast and the false Prophets: And the Beast had power over all Nations, and Kindred's, and Tongues, and Peoples, and the false Prophet which the world went after, and these made war against the Saints, and overcame them. And so the false Prophets and the Antichrists, you have had the sheep's clothing, but have been the wolves, ravening and devouring the Lambs: Ye could not have deceived, if ye had not had the sheep's clothing upon you: And so the Beast and his names, who have had power over all Nations, and Kindred's, and Tongues, and so the Beast and Whore hath been upon you Tongues, which makes you Orthodox men, which John calls waters: Here have been the beast and his names, who have had power over all Nations. And the mother of harlots, the great whore, which all nations have drunk her cup of her fornication, that the inhabitants of the earth are drunk with the wine of the wrath of her fornication; and the Kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and she sits upon the waters, and the waters are Peoples, and Tongues, and Nations, and Multitudes. Now you have told long (the poor people) that the false Prophets are come but now, and the Antichrists are come but now, and bids them come to Matth. 7. and Matth. 24. and so have showed your ignorance of the Scriptures, which saith they were before the Apostles decease, as in the first Epistle of John, which went forth from the Apostles, the false Prophets, Antichrists, and false Spirits, which Christ said should come, which the world since have gone after them. Now have, and doth your ignorance of the Scriptures appear, and not to be men able to divide the word aright. The discerning now is risen among people, that they begin to see and know who divides the word aright. And so all this hath been but for pretence, to bid people to go to Matth. 7. & Matth: 24. and say false Prophets should come. Now we see you which John said, they were come, and all that dwelled upon the earth went after them: And so ye have had the form of godliness, but the power hath been denied; and so you have burst into names and heaps, and sects; but now is the vials, and thunders, and plagues, and trumpets sounding and going forth, and the seven woes going out: And now are the Kings of the Earth, and the Beast, and false Prophets, and Antichrists, and the mother of Harlots, and the Beast and his names, and horns gathering together, with the old deceiver the Devil, to battle against the Lamb, and the Saints of the Lamb: But the Lamb and the Saints have got the victory, and the rivers of living waters is opening to all that thirst. Sing and rejoice, let us give glory to God, for now is the marriage of the Lamb come. Pr. Again thou makes a great pother, that any one should witness he is equal with God, etc. page 2. A. And in a Catechism of the Assembly of the Priests (called Divines) which they put forth to the Nation, in which they have laid down (for young children, and old men, and all to learn) That the holy Ghost and the Son is equal in power and glory with the Father. Yet if any one come to witness the Son revealed in him, or come to witness the holy Ghost in them, as they that gave out Scriptures; or witness the mind of Christ, and witness that equal with the Father, that equality which you speak of: You Priests destroy that which you have put forth to the Nation, and cry out horrid Blasphemy. And thus ye confound that which you have set up, and kill that which ye have begotten. Pr. He saith, I shall mention their errors. First, they hold their speakings are a declaration of the word Christ in them. 2. That the letter of Scripture is carnal. 3. That Jesus Christ is come in their flesh, that he is in them as man. 4. And that the Scriptures are not the written word of God. 5. That the soul is a part of God, or a Divine essence. 6. That they enjoy God here, and Christ here. 7. And attain to a state of perfection. 8. That sprinkling of Infants is a mark of the Beast. 9 And our Church, and worship, and Temple are Idols Temples, and Beast-houses. 10. And not to be called of men Master. 11. And the not speaking to a single person in the plural number, etc. These he calls Errors. Ans. All your Temples set up (imitating the Temple of Solomon built) since the days of the Apostles, are Idols, for God never commanded them. And have not the Papists had them? And have they not been Masse-houses, Beast-houses, and are they not? Is God worshipped in Temples made with hands? Is not he worshipped in the spirit and in the truth? And the Scriptures are words of the Prophets and Apostles, and Christ; they are words, and so called in the Scripture; they are not called the written word, but words, and Christ the Word cometh to fulfil them: And all you that doth not speak from the Word, if your Declaration be not from it, you are the spirits gone out into the world, apostatised from the spirit that was in the Prophets, Christ, the Word, and the Apostles, that doth not speak from Christ the Word in you. And the Letter written in paper and ink; now paper and ink is not spiritual, but that which it speaks of is spiritual: And (thou) to a single, and you to a single, makes it appear that neither thou nor you never learned your Accidence yet, neither are perfect of the Bible what it saith: For neither the Bible nor the Accidence teacheth to speak any such language as you to a particular. Therefore ye are pitiful men to go to instruct the Nations, & cannot endure sound righteous words, and simplicity of speech but stumble at it. And again, God will dwell in you, and walk in you, and your bodies are Temples of the holy Ghost: And Christ is in you except you be reprobates, saith the Apostle. And again, God breathed into man the breath of life, and he became a living soul; For that which came out from God was the cause that man became alive, a living soul, and is not this of God? And God who hath all souls in his hand, and Christ the Bishop of the soul; And is not that of God which comes out from God? Is not that of his being? the soul which he hath in his hand, and so divine, and is not Christ in man? And doth not Christ say they must eat his flesh? And so if they must eat his flesh, is not his flesh in them, and have they not the spirit? And how can any eat Christ's flesh, if his flesh be not in them. And doth not the Scriptures say, that he was manifest in the Apostles flesh? And how can ye call him Christ in man, without the man be there? And sprinkling Infants, which the Scripture doth not hold forth, but a thing got up since the days of the Apostles, not witnessed by Scripture, they cannot show by the Apostles that it was one of his marks, but a tradition of men, an invention of men: and then they may all see (such as say they have not a command to do it) if it be not a mark of that beastly spirit that is erred from the Apostles, who is out of the power? And Christ saith, be not ye of men called Master (it is his command) for ye have one Master even Christ, and ye are all brethren. So thou that opposest the commands of Christ, and teacheth men to practise the contrary, thou and you are Antichrists, and show your spirit of error from Christ's spirit. Now let all read and see if this man divides the word aright to people? Pr. He saith, They have an unction, need not that any man teach them. And waiting for the Spirit to come down upon them, by inspiration, and give them utterance; And he saith they sit silent, and not whisper among them. And they do not own David's Psalms to be sung, See page 12, 13. these are errors saith he. A. Was it not the Apostles Doctrine that they need no man to teach them but as the same anointing teaching them that abide in it? And was not they seducers that drew from it? 1 Joh. 2. And did not the Apostles wait for the receiving the Holy Ghost the Comforter, the Spirit of truth? And did not the holy men of God speak as they were moved by the Holy Ghost? and so the Gospel and the things of God was revealed to them; what they had heard, and seen, and was revealed to them, and spoke as the spirit gave them utterance; and prayed for a door of utterance, and others was to pray that they might have a door of utterance given to them when they was to Preach; And to sing David's Psalms, without David's spirit; people sings not with the understanding: now in all these things have not ye shown, and made manifest your spirits to be all the false spirits gone out into the world, from the Apostles Spirit, holy-mens' spirit, that spoke forth the Scriptures as they were moved, and waited for the Spirit which led them into all truth, and revealed to them the things of God? so you that be out of this Revelation, and Preach against this, you have Preached up your spirits out from the Apostles; and declared your folly to all the Nation. And then because they wait in silence, and not a whisper among them; Is not that agreeable to the Apostles Doctrine and the Prophets? Is there not a learning in silence? And was not whispering forbidden by the Apostle? And doth such things as these offend thee? and so thou hast showed thy spirit. Pr. He saith they meet in the night, and they make their object of their teaching, of Ministers and Tithes; and of the pure light that is in every man that cometh into the world. And for any man for to know what is in him, by looking at him, or upon him, or discern his soul; this he suspects to be an evil eye. And he saith that the learned men and Ministers, and Physicians to be in the power of Satan, etc. page 16. 17. 18. Ans. Here again ye have made manifest your power, who are gone forth from the Apostles, into the mystery of Iniquity, which hath wrought long since their days. And now is the power of God made manifest, which breaks down the mystery of Iniquity; and raiseth up the mystery of godliness; that of this power, neither the learned men, Physicians or Ministers, are able to Judge of it, but as they do own Christ the power of God. Formerly in the days past, as the learned Rabbis Judged of Christ, so do they Judge of the power now, so not strange to us. And the Saints met in the night, yea till midnight. And we do deny the Ministry that takes Tithes, and say the Priesthood is changed, and the Law is changed by which is was made; and the Commandment disanuled that gave tithes and the Priesthood changed that took them. Heb. 7. And we say Christ is come a Priesthood after the order of Melchisedeck the similitude, and likeness, who ends the similitude and likeness: in Christ is the end of similitudes and liknesses, and wars in whom is peace. So no tithes paid to the similitude and likeness: But all is to come to the Son, and to hear the Son, and honour the Son. I will give him for a Covenant of light unto the Gentiles and a new Covenant to the house of Israel, and the house of Judah. Among the Jews to whom Christ was promised, he told them he was the light of the world; and the Prophet said he would give him for a Covenant of light unto the Gentiles. And Christ bid them believe in the Light, and they should have the Light of life, and they should not walk in darkness. And John saith if ye walk in the Light then have ye fellowship one with another, and the blood of the Son of God cleanseth you from all sin. So none cometh out of the darkness, and out of the stumbling: and have peace with God, but who cometh to the Light. And art thou offended at this object? Dost thou stumble at this Light? at the door, the Rock, the cornerstone, splitting thyself against it, but it is fallen upon thy head. Again the spiritual man discerns and Judgeth all things; And as face answers face, so doth the Spirit of the Lord in man: And man may discern by the Spirit of the Lord God, where the seed is in the Death, and where the seed is not, and where the soul is living, (in which the Lord hath pleasure) and where it is in the death, as the Scriptures of truth doth testify. The holy men of God discern it, and ye being ignorant of this, doth manifest that ye have neither salt, nor savour: nor handling, nor tasting, nor seeing, nor feeling; But what ye know, ye know naturally as bruit beasts and so there is the evil eye not having spirits of discerning and savoury. How should ye minister unto people, to their states and conditions, if ye cannot discern their spirits which is in them? How are ye ministers of the spirit? The natural man, though he have all the natural tongues, doth not receive the things of God, yet the natural man may get the letter: and if he have not the spirit that gave it forth, he is ●ot a Minister of the spirit, but of the letter, and c●red from the spirit that the Apostles was in as you are, and you have made yourselves manifest. Pr. He saith the Quakers will have no Tools taken out of the shops of humane learning to work withal, See page 26. again they call our Ministers States Ministers, or Priests; and some of them quakers go naked through the streets, etc. Answ. How ignorant art thou here of Scripture? will not all people here judge thy ignorance, and your ignorance? which the Scripture lets them see that the Lord did make his Prophet Isaiah to put off his , and go naked for a sign among the Egyptians, and Ethiopians, to Egypt, and Ethiopia; a figure of their nakedness: and if the Lord did make some signs among you, or have made some as signs among you to go naked; a figure of your nakedness; who are of spiritual Egypt, and of their root, and stock; And of those spirits, false spirits that went out into the world from the Apostles. If the Lord make some signs as among you of your nakedness, how you have ravened from the spirit of God, and wants the clothing of that, look upon your own shame; are they not Innocent people that go naked among you, and are an offence unto you, who sees not your shame, that that may be covered? And are not ye State Ministers made by men, and Schools, and Colleges set up by State's maintenance from the State, and Tithes from the State, out of the State's allowance? And ye say ye never heard the voice of God, nor Christ's voice immediately from heaven: whose Ministers are ye then, but States Ministers? and deny immediate Revelation, and inspiration: How can we say ye are Ministers made by the will of God, when as ye tell us ye never heard his voice? Or how can we say you are Ministers of Christ, and deny Revelation, and inspiration, and immediate voice from heaven, and so knows not the Son and the spirit that reveals? As for your tools that comes out of your shops of humane learning, The Quakers deny your shops of tools that comes out of the humane learning. And the Scripture gives no such expressions as a shop of tools that ever the Prophets; or Apostles had a shop of tools of humane learning. But your shops of tools of humane learning hath come up in the Apostasy since the days of the Apostles, and these are your tools that you work withal in the Apostasy; And so ye workmen will fall out with one another's work, and with your tools strick at one another: Ye have had a shop, that inwardly ravened; that went forth from the Apostles; the false spirits that went out into the world, ye have had a shop of tools with which ye have worked, and lived in your old Author's, and books, and studies, and Fathers; and so burst into many heads and heaps; and one destroying another about one another's work since the days of the Apostles who have a shop of tools out of your humane learning. So all your tools ye have wrought withal since the Apostasy hath been taken out of the shops of humane learning which is earthly, this proves ye are apostates, and the spirits gone out into the world. And Luke saith the tongues of the Hebrew, Greek and Latin was set up a top of Christ by Pilate who crucified him. And John saith the beast had power over all tongues. And the whore sits upon the tongues; and the tongues are waters. What hath the beast sat upon our tongues? our Orthodox-men, our Schools and Colleges? what doth the whore sit on our tongues, Original, and upon our tools and shops that which is a top of Christ? It is not unlike but that the Beast may have power over all these. The earth was of one language before they built Babel, and when they imagined to build Babel, God confounded them into many Languages: And so the life is risen, Christ Jesus, which was before Babel was, and when Babylon is not; and before Pilate was that set the many Languages upon him. The life is risen over them and you all, which life is Christ which breaks your shops to pieces of your tools of humane learning, and your tools both, which was before Babel was, and when Babylon is not: and so your glory is marred there, and your pride is stained. The life is risen, Christ the life is risen over you: The Merchants and the Tradesmen rages which hath long had your shops. Sing and rejoice over them ye Saints. Pr. He saith the Apostle saith, The last times are perilous, there should be false accusers, and fierce despisers of them that are good. Again he saith, a Turk or an Indian will deny the light within him. Again, Christ is in heaven with his carnal body. See page 43. 45. 48. Answ. Christ's body is a glorified body, and the Scripture doth not speak any where that Christ's body is a carnal body in heaven. Again, the perilous times came before the Apostles decease, they saw them that were false accusers, and fierce despisers of them that were good: They that had the form of godliness, but denied the power, that should be lovers of themselves, and covetous, and these were crept up before the Apostles decease; and since the days of the Apostles the world have been after them: That both covetous, and heady, and fierce despisers have ruled; they have been like Jannes and Jambres who withstood Moses, when the children of Israel were to come out of Egypt. And so do you that crept up since the Apostles decease, who are covetous and highminded, heady, fierce despisers of them that are good, have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof, which are to be turned away from, and so keeps people in spiritual Egypt and Sodom. Are ye not all covetous, and lovers of yourselves? And do not you all deny the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, Christ the power of God; and so keeps people under your teachings all their life time, laden with their sins & divers lusts while they be upon the earth, and the body of it? and telling them that there is no perfection here? That Ministry that tosseth people up and down with your slights and wiles, and windy doctrine, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth; which truth is the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. Are not ye fierce despisers of them that are good? Hath not all the blood which hath been shed since the days of the Apostles, of the Martyrs and Saints been by the stock that you are in, who are the false spirits erred from the true spirit that the Prophets and Apostles were in, and gone out into the world from them, as ye confess ye have not the same infallible spirit as the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles had, and Eton the Pastor saith: And the Indians will not deny the Light, nor Turks neither, that convinceth them of sin; for to the Turks and Indians was the Covenant promised as well as to the Jews, for they are Heathen; and thus your ignorance appears of the Scripture of truth, and Ministers of God, and with them you are judged. Pr. Priest Coale saith, The light which he is justified by is a created light. Page 56. Answ. The Scriptures of Truth which the Saints declared, and Christ, never held forth such a light as was created, as justified them; for the Saints are justified by Christ the light by whom all things were created. Light was not created, that was the Saint's justification. Pr. He saith, Who are washed from their sins by the blood of Christ, and made Priests unto God; and in this sense if they themselves do not once become Priests, they will become companions of Devils for ever. See page 56. Answ. They that become Priests to God, and are washed by the blood of Jesus Christ, are come out of the Devil's power, and overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and owns the light to be their justification, which thou denies. Pr. He tells us of Paul's mediate call, and his extraordinary call of itself had not been sufficient. Answ. The Scripture tells us no such thing of Paul's mediate call; and Paul declares himself (take Paul's own words) not of man, nor by man, but by the will of God: and that was sufficient; which call you are out of since his days, by men are ye called. Pr. He saith, Christ doth not forbid, not simply to be called of men Master, etc. page 62. Ans. It was Christ's command plainly to his Disciples, Be not ye of men called Master, for ye have one master even Christ. And thus thou stands against Christ's doctrine, and commands, and so a transgressor, and an Antichrist. Pr. He saith, Christ's humane nature, etc. Ans. Where doth the Scripture speak of humane, the word humane? where is it written? tell us that we may search for it. Now we do not deny that Christ according to the flesh was of Abraham, but not the word humane. And Christ's nature is not humane, which is earthly, for that is the first Adam. Pr. Priest Coals principle: He saith, His justification is not done within him, but without him in the Court of heaven. Answ. Reprobates may talk of Justification: Did not Christ work Justification without them upon the earth for man kind, and brought righteousness? And where there is Christ made manifest within, is not their Justification wrought there from heaven within? Where faith is witnessed within, doth not that justify? and none knows Justification in truth, but where it is wrought within. See page 77, 78. Pr. Again, Priest Coal saith, The life that he lives is a created life. Ans. So thou hast showed thyself a natural man, not spiritual, nor a son of God led by the spirit of God; nor in the faith, and dost not live by faith, nor a living in the spirit, so hast manifested vain glory. Pr. He calls trembling and quaking the shaking of the soul. Answ. The power of the Lord God cometh to shake down that nature which prisons the soul, etc. and sets it free. And as for all thy other Complaints, Reviles, Rail and Lies will turn upon thyself, and they will be hard for thee to bear; and thou shalt cry out with Cain, when thou and you feel the burden; who are cut of Christ's steps, who is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world; In the day of thy judgement thou shalt witness, and the witness in thy conscience shall answer. Francis Fullwood His Book, called, A True Relation of a DISPUTE. His Principles follows. Pr. HE saith, The Scriptures are able to make wise unto salvation. Again, the Son in whom eternal life is, is only found in Scripture, and they are they that testify of him, and therefore eternal life is found in Scripture. Ans. Many had the Scriptures, but stood against the Son of God; and many may have the Scriptures, and not the Son of God. The Son of God is not Writings, Scriptures signifies writings: And many may have the Scriptures, and not have the Son of God, and so not eternal life: For the Devil hath Scripture, but hath not eternal life; for he that envieth his brother, hath not eternal life abiding in him. So who have eternal life, they have that which the Scripture speaks of, testifies of, it testifies of Christ the life, of the spirit, and so they are the words given forth by the spirit of God, and so are to be fulfilled by the same spirit again. And the Scriptures are able to make wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. For they were not wise unto salvation, who had the spirit without the faith. Pr. He saith, We attain our Gospel another way than Paul did. And it is blasphemy to tell us that what ye deliver is by revelation from heaven, etc. Answ. You have received your Gospel another way than Paul did I do believe, who are apostates from them: And is it not blasphemy for you to speak, and preach that which ye have not received from heaven? & so ye have brought yourselves under the curse, and shown another Gospel. For whosoever receiveth the Gospel which is called the power of God, it is immediate, and by immediate revelation from God from heaven; And so your Gospel which is of men, and after men is another, not the power of God, received from God; for whosoever receiveth the Gospel, the power of God, must receive it immediately, for the power of God is immediate; and that is the glad tidings to poor souls, that sets the souls free, which is immediate. Pr. He saith, We claim Tithes not by the Law of God, but by the Law of the Land, and Tithes seems to be Christ's wages, and Melchisedeck still liveth to receive Tithes in Christ. etc. Answ. Christ is come, the everlasting Priesthood, who ends the true commandment that gave tithes, and the Priests that took them; which ends in him, Melchisedeck that received tithes of Abraham, of whom Christ came according to the flesh. And so Christ doth not any where to his Disciples (who ended the true command that gave tithes) give forth his Disciples an order to set up another Law in the Nations to give them tithes, the tithes of men's estates, and so you are none of the Order of Melchisedeck, never come thither; but of the order of them which Christ said should come, who are inwardly ravened, which John saw was come, & went forth from them, the false spirit that went forth into the world, into the earth; and so ye have set up Tithes, and Temples, and Schools, and Priests by the Pope's authority. Had ye not your Spiritual Courts not long since? And was not the Pope the first author of your Tithes? And are not you of that Order? (far off of that spirit that leads after the Order of Melchisedeck) for ye are ravened from the spirit: For none comes to the Priesthood after the Order of Melchisedeck, but who comes to the spirit of Christ, and these are Kings and Priests to God for ever. So ye have received your Tithes after the order of that spirit that went forth from the Apostles into the world, into the earth, that inwardly ravened, and went forth from the Apostles, which the world have been after since the days of the Apostles, and have had the sheep's clothing, but ravened and devoured the Lambs, and worried the sheep, Ministers, Prophets, and Saints: So your Order will all men comprehend (that be of the royal Priesthood after the order of Melchizedeck) to be come of the Pope's stock, for the Apostles and Christ did not set up Tithes. Pr. He saith, Baptism comes in, in the room of Circumcision, and it is called the circumcision of Christ. Again he saith, that thee and thou is a custom: So if any man be contentious, we have no such custom in the Church of God. Ans. Circumcision is not where said to be a type of sprinkling Infants; and that sprinkling Infants is not where said to be the circumcision of Christ. But the circumcision without of men, was a type of the circumcision within: And that the Apostle witnessed the fulfilling of it in the spirit, and so denies the outward. And the baptism of John was a type of that within; And you to a particular, which is your custom, which the Scripture doth not declare to us, that that custom was in the Church of God. But the Apostle bid them keep to the form of sound words, that could not be condemned. Now you to a particular is not a found word, as they can tell that have but read either the Bible or Accidence: And there is no Heathenish customs comes into the Church of God that will spot or wrinkle it, nor nothing cometh into it (that is the pillar and ground of Truth) that will be condemned. Pr. And he tells us of a word Trinity: And he saith, the only ordinary way to know Jesus Christ is outward Revelation; and to attain to the knowledge of Christ is by the Scriptures; and he may be a Minister of Christ, though he be partly out of Christ's doctrine, and though he be called of men Master. He saith, the Scripture tells us plainly, that Baptism is a Christians circumcision. Again, He that saith that light which is in every man is sufficient to discover and lead men to Christ, is under the darkness of his own fancy, having so far left the true light, the word of God. Answ. The light in every man which Christ hath enlightened him withal, loving it and walking in it, it is sufficient to discover Christ and salvation; and they that be out of that, be in the darkness and fancy. And as for the word Trinity, that comes from the old stock the Pope, the Scripture teacheth us no such word. And none can know Christ by the Scriptures, they testify of him; but none can know Christ but by Revelation; flesh and blood had not revealed it to Peter; and the Son was revealed in the Apostle; and none can preach Christ (that deny revelation) in truth; and they that are Ministers of Christ, they be in his doctrine; For when they are out of his Doctrine and his commands, than they are wrong Ministers which ministers not for Christ, but they preach themselves, and are Antichrists transgressors: And the Scripture doth not tell any where, that Baptism is a Christians circumcision, as sprinkling Infants; but Circumcision in the spirit, and Baptism in the spirit is all one, in which the o●●ward ends. And as for all thy other silly expressions published to the Nation, it bade been better thou had kept silent, and all of you, then to have published your shame to the Nation. But your folly you must bring forth to make it manifest to all men, whose eyes are opening. Are not you in the Devil's snare, who are out of the discerning? For you cannot tell what to bring people into; alack for you who are hung about with rags, and are not covered with the spirit of the Lord, but are all from that which we are in, and so hast kept people in darkness, and not turned them to the light, being all ravened from it, and so think there is life in the Scriptures, which testify of the life: So I say search it, and see if it do not testify of the life: And every one of your words that ye have all spoken that have not been from the life, shall be your burden, the witness in thee shall answer it. Thomas Weld, Richard Prideaux, Samuel Hammond, William Coale, and William Durant, Ministers in Newcastle. Their Book called, The perfect PHARISEE. Their Principles as followeth. Pr. THey say, If they shall say that every man hath the knowledge of Christ by special revelation, and that immediate by the spirit, that which it quite contrary to the common knowledge of thousands. Ans. All that ever come to know Christ (you and all the people upon the Earth) it must be by revelation; for no man knows Christ but by revelation. And all that ever own Christ, they must own the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world to be the covenant of God; which light men are to believe in; which not believing in, they are reprobated. And thousands and thousands I do believe you, who have had the sheep's clothing upon the back of them, and so have covered the Wolf with it; Neither you nor they never knew the revelation of the Son of God; and so never know the son of God until he be revealed, and so hath not the knowledge of him. The Scriptures testify of him, but they that had the Scriptures knew him not, but who was in the light, and in the Covenant; and so ye have all discovered yourselves in the apostasy, apostatised from the Apostles spirit; and all to be the false spirits gone out into the earth, into the world for means, for maintenance, and so ye are all puffed up in your pride; and so that makes all your doctrine to be so dry and so barren, there being no revelation among you, nor no immediate speaking from God and Christ, but feeding people with the husk, with the outside. And have proved yourselves here to be but the Wolf in the sheep's clothing, inwardly ravened from the spirit: But with it ye are comprehended; and if it had not been so, you would never have published your folly to the Nation. But the spirit of love, and humility, and meekness (which bears all things) comes to be known by the spirit. Pr. For people to be led with a light within, this is to make the Scriptures useless. Ans. No, this lets see the Scriptures in their place, and the fulfilling of them, which was given forth to be believed, practised, read, and fulfilled, not for men to make a trade of them, and call people from the Light within, with which they should see the Scriptures; and none comes into Covenant with God, with their hearts and their minds, that they need not say one to another know the Lord, that they may be always living under man's teaching. Pr. How clear (say they) the Scripture is, that faith cometh by hearing, and not by minding the light within. Answer. Doth any man know Christ but by the Light within? And is not Christ the Word? Can any see without the Light, the Word? Doth it not make manifest? Nay, doth it not give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus? read 2 Cor. 4.1. from whence faith comes; and so faith comes by minding the light within, Christ, the author of it, and brings to look as him, and hear him. Prin. And Multitudes were converted by those fair Epistles written by the Spirit. Answ. None are converted but who be in the spirit that gave forth those Epistles, though they may have all the Epistles: For that hath been the Papists and your converting who hath had the Epistles, by the Epistles, out of the life, since the days of the Apostles, and so made proselytes Pharisee-like; For that baptizeth, and that circumciseth, for in that is the fellowship and the unity. People (as I said to you before) may get the sheep's clothing as ye have long time been covered with, but inwardly ye have been ravening wolves, as your fruits have declared, as the Northern part of the nation may make it manifest. The witness in all your consciences shall answer for me, and let you see that your own words are your burden, and an heavy cry will come upon you when ye feel it, who now are fat, and full, and fresh, and lusty; but a day of requiring is coming, and inquisition is made for the blood that hath been shed of all the Prophets, Martyrs, and Saints since the days of the Apostles, and the prisoning, and the persecuting by you and your offspring got up since the days of the Apostles; the false spirits that went out into the world, that are now standing against the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world: So marks that you be inwardly ravened, and that you be the Antichrists and the false Prophets, you are not like to own the light in every man who are ravened from it, and are turned against them that walk in the light, and keep the testimony of Jesus. Here is the Beast and the false Prophet that makes war against the Saints, and overcomes them for a time; but the Lamb and the Saints must have the victory. And you (about Newcastle) Ministers and Teachers, are like to a heap or dunghill, sogged and mudded; but come to the witness, else eternally you will be condemned. Pr. They say, Blessed are they that hear the Word, and keep it; which is a word spoken and written, not the eternal word. It is a notion of the Word of God, to call the Word of God a Declaration. And the holy Scriptures is able to make men wise unto Salvation, to the Law and Testimony. Ans. To the Law and to the Testimony; The law is light, saith Solomon: And the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. And many may have the Old and New Testament, and yet be out of the Light, and out of the Testimony as you, and so out of the spirit of prophecy. For Isaiah had the testimony before Matthew, Mark, Luke & John, and the Revelations was written, and bid them come to the Law and to the Testimony; and you that do not speak according to that rule, it is because you hate the light in you. And the Scriptures, Luke calls them a Declaration, who was a Minister of the Word, and the Scriptures are the words of God, and the words of Christ, and so not the Word, but the words which the Word Christ fulfils. So ye are men not capable, nor of a true understanding to divide the word aright, nor to speak a word in season to the wearied, but do all lead the halt, and lame, and blind out of the way; who for so doing must find misery. Again, they that hear the Word of God, they hear that which lives and doth endure for ever; and this Word is eternal which lives, and doth endure for ever, which they have within them; and with that they see the words, and letters, and writings, or outward Tables may be broken, but still the Word remains. That ever the Ministers of Newcastle should say, that the Scriptures are able to make men wise unto salvation, and leave out faith; you are no more made wise than the Pharisees was with the Scriptures without faith: The Pharisees were not made wise unto salvation by the Scriptures without the faith, neither are you: But who are in the faith, they are made wise to salvation through the Scriptures, and comes to Christ the end of them; for it gives to see the Scriptures, and in it (in the faith) is the unity which Scribes and Pharisees, and Apostates are out of. Pr. That a mediate call since the time of the Apostles; and that the Officers and Elders of the Church are to be ordained by a mediate way, the power without the person, government without governor is a mere fancy. Ans. Since the days of the Apostles, that Christ said should come, and inwardly ravened, that went forth from the Apostles, the false-spirit gone out into the world, and the world hath run after them. They can speak no therwise but of a mediate call; and their Elders and Members are made mediately, and so have all erred from the power and spirit of God (of that which they call a Church) and this is since the days of the Apostles. For all Elders and Officers of the Church of God (the pillar and ground of Truth) they are made immediately by the spirit: For the Church is spiritual, else how should they see the things that are immediate, or behave themselves in the Church of the living God, which is the ground and pillar of Truth, the Church, which is in God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. The power of God rules and orders people when there is no outward government: Nay, it strikes down government of men and governors, as in the days of Daniel and Pharaoh, and in many other places of Scripture mentioned, the power of God strikes down government and Governors out of it, and this is the power that is honoured which strikes down false governor's and Government and which is not a fancy as you ignorantly say. Pr. And ye say Christ doth not forbid to be called of men master in the expression of civil honour, and we will warrant a Pulpit from the Scripture, Ezra's example: and ye say they that stand praying in the Synagogues that are reproached as Antichrist, etc. Answ. They that pray for money, and Preach for money, and get up a Pulpit and plead Ezras' example, They might have pleaded the Pharisees had the chiefest seat; they are ignorant of Christ the Light, and the life, and the power; who came to put an end to Ezra, and the Pulpit both; who Preached up and down the mountains, and wildernesses and denied the Pharisees praying, and all that are got up there without the power, and that is the Antichrist that is got up in the long robe, and praying for money, and pleads Ezras' Pulpit; and saith it is a civil honour to be called of men master, and so slights and transgresseth Christ's Commands, and calls it civil respect; these I say are they that have gotten the sheep's clothing upon their backs, but inwardly ravened from the spirit of God, and deceives the world. But now their hypocrisy cannot be hid, but must come to light, and be published upon the house top, and give light to the whole house, and not under the bushel, and the children of light shall shine that men shall come to glorify their Father which is in heaven; and you Antichrists in the Apostasy has got up in Ezras' Pulpit which comes to end. Pr. They say it is a civil respect to say you to one. Again Christ laid down the very reason why his disciples should take neither gold nor scrip, but wholly depend upon the means due unto them for Preaching, etc. Ans. When saw we the New castle Priests go out in this manner, without gold or scrip, and wholly depending on the Preaching of the Gospel? Or when saw we any of them called Ministers of England do so? go without a scrip, depending only upon Preaching the Gospel? nay are not there Petitions flying up and down the Nations to the Magistrates for maintenance, enough to shame both Magistrates, and Church, and themselves too, if they had any shame; that their flocks, and Vineyards would not maintain them; to shame all the people that ever they have Preached too, and make people so ashamed of them to turn their backs on them. For they cannot say that they have lived upon the Gospel, but they have lived upon the States, and what they have got by ravening, He that lives upon the Gospel gets a flock and gets a Vineyard, ye are found in the Pope's maintenance (which is tithes and offerings from men) and not in the maintenance of Christ which he allowed to his disciples, whom he is with to the end of the world. Now these are States Ministers made by man; and so have their allowance so put in, and taken out by men; so are out of the allowance of Christ which he gives to his disciples whom he is with to the end of the world: which you may see ye are out of the steps of them; and will appear to all sober people to be the Apostates, in the Apostasy ravened from the spirit of the living God; and the power the Apostles was in, who said have not I power to eat and to drink; not great sums of money, Stipends and Gleab-lands, and tithes set forth by the Magistrates. And the Apostles often would not use their power to eat, though they had power. And never did any of the Prophets, or Apostles bring up their people they Preached too with an hourglass, no such form or custom, or when any spoke within their hour glass, they had a law to prison, that is the beast that doth so, that quencheth the spirit, and is not the Ministry of Christ. And doth not many of you shake the glass, and think the time long? And you could not tell when to give over, and you would run all into confusion but for a glass. And is not this carnal glass your limit? See how ye can Preach without it, and so tell well when ye have done without a sickness in your spirits, which must have a carnal to limmit them: which shows man hath not power over his own spirit. And the power of God knows when to speak, and when to keep silent. And so all your Preaching by the glass, which is a limit of your earthly spirits, which went out into the world, forth from the spirit the Apostles were in which they Preached by, but that which ye study out of old Authors, the sheep's clothing, ye sell yearly by the glass. Is that your measure? The Priest's measure that he measures out to people? look in any steeplehouse almost and see if the Priest have not a measure, or it may be two measures a day. Do not call this the weakness of the people; for many people are ashamed of these things that you should give them but two glasses a week. Now is it not more honour to lay by your glass, and come into the spirit, and Preach by the spirit and so speak as it moves, and gives utterance: and quench it not in any, and so that all may learn, and all may be comforted in your Church, and you to one is not a form of sound words, so not civil but to be condemned and shows you have not learned your accidence nor Grammar. Pr. Such as trembles at the word of God; and works out their salvation with fear and trembling, is judged to be notorious, bringing back to the Covenant of works. Ans. Nay the power of God that wo●ks out the salvation with fear and trembling brings off from the Covenant of works, and brings above all the powers of wickedness, and so that is it which brings the people of God to be persecuted, and hated, to live in the power, and the seed of God: and no one knows salvation but who knows fear and trembling. Pr. It is a delusion (with you) for one to witness an Immediate call, and others to witness with them that they are so called. Ans. Was not the Apostles and Saints written in one another's hearts, and one another's Epistles there? and called immediately, and witnessed one another as it is now? Pr. And ye say some of them go naked. And another to come and say he had a call Immediately from heaven to take away the Priests hour glass. And of their mean apparel. And the forsaking the world, though they neglect their families. And they run up and down in places and streets, or Steeple-houses to vent their Doctrine, etc. Ans. These are the marks they give to us, whereby they give to their books the name of perfect Pharisees. And the Apostles Preached as they went up and down in Towns, and Markets, and Synagogues; and those was not Pharisees, but those was Pharisees that held up Synagogues, and Tithes, and Temple, and Priests; so ye have the mark of the perfect Pharisee. The name is entered into your bowels, and hearts. And as for any being moved of the Lord to take away your glass from you, by the eternal power it is owned. And to take away your limit, carnal limit to your earthly spirits, that are gone out into the world from the Apostles, from the spirit. And if any have been moved of the Lord to go a sign among you, to put off their , to show you are naked and want the covering of the spirit. And as for any going in mean apparel, and forsaking the world, and come off from cos●ly attire; was not this the Apostles doctrine? Are ye like unto the Apostles, the messen●●rs of Christ? or the messengers of Satan crying up the world, and its glory, and costly attire. And who are come to forsake the world, are come out of the sinful neglect of their families, into the wisdom of God that preserves the creation, and not destructive. And as ye are speaking of Perfection, so far as men are perfect, they are perfect in glory, and changed from glory to glory, and witness perfection upon earth, and see an end of it, as David did, who had outstripped all his teachers; but among all yours, that are kept under your teaching, there is no talk of perfection among you, nor your hearers, so fall short of coming to see the end of it. And the one offering, and the blood of Christ, and the new Covenant, that perfects, blots out, and cleanseth from all sin. And as for all the rest of your unsavoury and hard expressions in your Book, the judgements and sorrow ye will feel for them; and in the day you are judged, the witness in you shall answer: Thomas Pollard, a member of the Church about Litchfield, in his Book which he calls, The Holy SCRIPTURE clearing itself from Scandals. His Principles follows. Pr. HE saith, It is a cavil to say thee and thou to a single person. Ans. Which shows that he never learned Accidence nor Bible, the Language that the Saints spoke one to another. Pr. He saith, It is wickedness to call the letter of the Scripture, and what is gotten from the Scripture to be brain knowledge, page 4. Answ. The letter, paper and ink; the letters are carnal, and what is gotten from it is brain knowledge without the spirit. But the Scripture, the thing it speaks of is spiritual, the Word is spirit, etc. Pr. He saith, the Lord never said to us as he said to David, that you are after his heart, or any of your way, or that ever went in your way; and do not destroy all by your Doctrine. page 7. Ans. No, David had outstripped all his Teachers, so have we many of us, who have trembled as David did, witnessing the new covenant Christ Jesus, in which we need not say know the Lord: And who witnesseth this, witnesseth the Tabernacle of David built. Again, our Doctrine destroys but mens and transgressors, and doth not destroy the smoking flax, and bruised reed, and we can say we are after his heart, and God hath said we are after his heart. Pr. He saith, And how people may find rest to their souls, take the Law and Testimony. See page 9 Answ. They that had the Scriptures, and have the Scriptures, denied the Light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and say, prophecy is ceased; so than they may say the spirit is ceased, it is all one: For the law is light, saith Solomon, And the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Now cries the world, the Law and Testimony is the Old and New Testament; which many may have the Old and New Testament, and yet deny the Law and Testimony, which is the light and spirit of prophecy; for the Law and Testimony was before Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and the Epistles and Revelations was written, in the days of Isaiah: And so they that be not according to the Law and the Testimony, they be out of the light and the spirit in the darkness, though they have all the Scriptures which the Law and Testimony owns in their places. And many may have the Scriptures given forth from the spirit of God, and yet not have the comfort and rest to their souls till they come to Christ that the Scriptures testifies o●. Pr. He saith, Try the spirits whether they be of God, for many false Prophets are gone out into the world, page 11. And Satan transforming himself into an Angel of light; and false Apostles and Ministers of unrighteousness transforming themselves as the Ministers of righteousness. And he saith, If they bring another Gospel and Doctrine then what is preached, receive them not into your houses, nor bid them God-speed. Ans. That which ye tell people is the Gospel now which ye preach, is the 4 Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John you say, etc. As instance Priest Shaw of Aldingham in Lancashire said so: Contrary to the Scriptures, which saith, the Gospel is the power of God: And many may have the four Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John, etc. the form, but deny the power, and so deny the Gospel, which is the power of God: And so they that deny the power have put the four books for it; and they that have not the Father and the Son are not to be received into their houses, as saith the Apostle John, for they would come in the form, and deny the light as you do: but he that hath the Son and the Father, he is in the power, the substance of the form. Again, the Devil transformed himself as an Angel of light before the Apostles decease, and the false Apostles, Devils messengers, and Ministers of unrighteousness was got up before the Apostles decease; and the false Prophets were gone out into the world, and the false spirits before the Apostles decease, as in John; which since the days of the Apostles they have led the world after them, they have been received into houses, and corrupted the whole earth, of whom you have been. Therefore the Apostles brought the Saints then to the anointing within them, and to the light that shines in their hearts, which would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, which light you bring from it: And now since the days of the Apostles have ye been carried away, swallowed up by such as have not the Father and the Son; and the false spirits that went forth into the world, and the false Prophets, and Satan, who hath transformed himself as an Angel of light, and the Ministers of unrighteousness, and false Apostles, which do confess they have not the same spirit as the Prophets, Christ, and Apostles had, so are erred from the false spirits and false Prophets, who hath been destroying since the days of the Apostles, and gone out into the world, and false Apostles; for the false Apostles, Satan's Ministers, transforming themselves as Angels of light, the false spirits that went out into the world, and the false Prophets, these went all out from the spirit that the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles was in. So these were the spirits that was to be tried by them that had the anointing in them; you who now are seen and tried by them that are come to the anointing in them to be gone out from the Apostles. Pr. He saith, You put out the eyes of poor souls by bidding them to hearken to the light within, etc. page 14. Ans. The eye that sees the soul is the light which cometh from Christ the Bishop of it; and no one knows the eye of the soul, but who comes to the light within, and opens it, which cometh from Christ the Saviour of it, which gives him the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ, 2 Cor. 4. and lets him see his Saviour. Pr. He saith, I do affirm that no man can have salvation by virtue of his obedience, etc. page 17. Answ. He that believes is saved, he hath salvation; he that doth not, is condemned already: and no man hath salvation but by believing; and where believing is, there obedience is to the Gospel. They that obey it not are condemned, and neglect their salvation. Pr. He saith, They lay in wait to deceive, who call the breaking of bread carnal, pag. 18. Ans. We cannot say that the outward bread is spiritual the bread which perisheth, the carnal; and we say Christ is the bread which is spiritual, and they deceive people which say outward bread is spiritual, and not carnal. Pr. He saith, How should we have known sin, to be sin; and righteousness to be righteousness, and a Christ that died at Jerusalem but by the Scriptures; he saith nay we could not have known those things. Page 21. Ans. That which makes manifest sin, is light: and they that had Scriptures knew not Christ that died at Jerusalem; but that they crucified him; And David and Joshuah saw his sufferings, and saw that Judas should betray him: and they that had Scriptures knew not sin from righteousness they knew not the sin of unbelief; they knew not Christ's righteousness who had the Scriptures and knew not the way to the Father, but turned against the light the truth as you do, which makes manifest sin, and as the Pharisees did. Pr. To say, The officers of the Church are invisible its plain of the Father the Devil. Page 24. Answ. The holy Ghost made the officers of the Church overseers, and that made the officers, the overseers to be invisible: for they saw with an invisible eye; and so they was in the spirit, which is invisible and not in the flesh, else they could not be overseers in the Church of God, and you are the visible apostatised from them. Pr. He saith that which is contained in the Bible is spirit and life. Page 25. Answ. That which the Bible declares of, is spirit and life which is Christ, which you are ignorant of that hath the letter, and deny the Light, and so saith life is contained in the letter. Pr. He saith the Scripture is able to make men wise unto salvation, etc. page 25. Ans. Through faith it is: for the Pharisees and chief Priests had Scriptures, yet were not wise unto salvation (neither are you who deny the Light of Christ) and they are seducers, and evil men which the Apostle saw coming in which should wax worse and worse, and have over grown the world with hardness, and prejudice and wickedness that have the Scriptures but have not been made wise unto salvation without faith in Christ Jesus, which have been since the days of the Apostles, who have had the Scriptures without the faith, and so out of unity. Pr. He saith Paul spoke of some men that should be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and his glory, that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. See pag. 36. Answ. Who obey the Gospel obey the power of God and comes to the substance the end of all the Scriptures; and obeys the Light which Christ hath enlightened him withal. And such as disobey the power, disobey the Gospel, and so you have brought judgement upon yourselves who get all the form, and put the form for the Gospel: from the presence of the glorious God and his power, doth the power punish them, which they disobey, which power is the Gospel. And those was coming up before the Apostles decease which have led into disobedience, since the Apostles decease; but now by the power of the Lord manifest that discovers it. Pr. He saith Christ left us an Example, who is our example, etc. pag. 32. Ans. And yet ye are offended at others who say he is their Example: and would have none to own his light, so he is not your example that deny the Light Christ, but him that is out of the Light. Pr. He saith for a perfection in glory to be attained to, on this side the grave, I utterly disown. page 43. Ans. Where glory is in the least degree it is in perfection, and who have not glory, and doth not attain to glory on this side the grave, they are in a sad condition; For the Saints rejoiced with Joy unspeakable, and full of glory, and they witnessed the hope of glory within them while they was upon earth, and of that hope they was to give a reason that was in them, and they saw the glory of God, and the Father, and so came to be changed from glory to glory till they were come into the Image of God. And the Apostle saw before his decease such as would not endure sound Doctrine; such as was given to fables; and had the itching ears, and heaps to themselves teachers, and those forsook the faith, which such have now since the days of the Apostles reigned, whereby none among them comes to be out of all teaching, that they need no man to teach them; and that they need not say know the Lord, and to see the glory of God. None comes into the everlasting Covenant, into the power out of the form, and none cometh to know all things by the anointing in them, but they are all on heaps about their heaps of teachers, and itching ears, and so cannot endure the sound Doctrine, that any should come into the Covenant of God; that they need not to say know the Lord. That is the sound Doctrine to come into the Covenant of God Christ Jesus the substance of all the Prophets, glorified before the world began, to learn of him who is the way to the Father, the truth, and the life: and the heaps of teachers are all erred from him and the Apostles, and so from the true teacher Christ Jesus who saith learn of me. And there people would destroy one another about their teachers, which Christ teacheth otherwise to love their enemies: and so there is men following their imaginations, and not the Lord; and reprobates concerning the faith, in which is the unity, and there are you. Pr. He saith Paul did not commit the Church to the light within them: for he told them deceivers should come, etc. page 39 Answ. Paul when that deceivers was come and false Apostles among the Church of the Corinthians, he told the Corinthians that the light that shined in their hearts would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus; and so hear thou shows thy ignorance of Scriptures, and of the Church, and of Paul's Doctrine, whose work was to bring them to the light within them, when the deceivers was got up, and so committed the Church to the light within them, and told them that that would give them the knowledge, etc. So they that draw people from the light within are the false spirits that the Apostle speaks of that went out into the world before the Apostles decease, which led the world after them, by whom the way of truth came to be evil spoken of, for the Apostle told them that the Light that shined in their hearts would give them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, and not their teachers without them, as you do, who bring them from the Light within them, and so act contrary to the Apostles. Pr. He saith to bring people to the Light within is despising the word: again he saith the Light that is in a man is not able to lead him to happiness, etc. page 50. Answ. No man cometh to happiness but who cometh to the Light within which cometh from Christ the happiness of all man kind, the Redeemer, the restorer of man kind, out of the fall, out of the first Adam's state to God, into the second Adam's state, who is the Covenant of God with man in which they have peace. So in this Light stands every man's happiness; and he that hath the happiness, hath Christ the light within him; and the peace with God. And the light within which cometh from Christ the word is not against the word, nor Scriptures which are the words, but it owns them, and with them hath unity; and no one sees the word but with the Light within. And as for all the rest of thy unsavoury expressions, and childish speeches is not worth mentioning. And thou hadst better have let silence have covered thee, then to have published thy nakedness to the Nation: for thy words will be thy burden in the time of thy necessity, the witness shall answer in thee. Ralph Farmer's Book, called, Satan enthroaned in his Chair, etc. His Principles follows. Ans. Which is a Title suitable to himself, discovered by the children of the day, who is his Seedsman, as to the Nation he hath declared: But them that be in the Truth, Love, and Peace, he doth not touch. Pr. HE saith, We do not pretend to infallibility as you do, which is lying and hypocritical, etc. Ans. We do believe you, that in the infallible spirit of God you are not, but in the false fallible spirit gone out into the world, that went forth from the Apostles, who had the spirit of Christ: And so how can you be Ministers of the Spirit, and not the Letter, if ye be not infallible; For who be in the spirit, are in that which is infallible. This I say, none be Ministers of the spirit, nor none be in the spirit, nor none have the spirit of Christ, nor the holy Ghost, nor the spirit of the Father speaking in them, but who have that which is infallible, and in that which is infallible. And they be in the lying spirit and hypocrisy that be out of it, and all the false spirits that is gone out into the world: So ye do well to confess that ye have not the infallible spirit, ye are not infallible, and so no Ministers of the spirit: And how can they but delude people that are not infallible, and are none of Christ's, which have not the spirit which is infallible, and are not Ministers of the Gospel, which is the power of God, which is infallible. Pr. He saith, We are foretold that false Teachers that shall bring upon themselves swift destruction, and evil men and seducers which wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, should come. And there should come false Christ's and seducing spirits, and the doctrine of Devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, such as deceive the hearts of the simple with their feigned speeches, etc. See page 39, 40. Answ. Hast not thou here brought forth thy ignorance of the Scriptures, which saith the seducers, and the false Christ's, and the false Apostles, the Doctrine of Devils, and the feigned words, and fair speeches, which deceived the hearts of people, came up before the Apostles decease; and doth not thou in this show thy spirit to be that spirit that went out into the world, not able to divide the word aright? but art telling people they are now come, when as the Apostles saw they was come before their decease; which since the days of the Apostles all the confusion hath been among them, and you that deny the light, are in distraction. And yet ye that be not infallible in the infallible spirit, but fallible, are crying to people they are come but now, and so grow until ye are worse and worse. And thee and the Priests of Newcastle, and many of the rest of you are crying against such as say Christ is their example; And yet many of you have published to the Nation in print, that Christ is an example, and the men are respected who speak them, and not the words simply as they are in themselves, and that's the partial and the respecting of persons, not the truth itself. Pr. He saith, If we will but acknowledge their Ministry and Church according to Christ; he will write a Recantation, page 53. Ans. Your Church and your Ministry hath made itself manifest not to be agreeing to the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles; for you say you are not infallible, and you say you have not the infallible spirit: And you say you never heard the voice of God immediately from heaven, which the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles did. And how can you be Ministers of the spirit, who are not in the infallible spirit, but the false spirit gone out into the world? but such as are ravened from the spirit of God, and only have the sheep's clothing, and so cannot gather to the Church in God, but make the Nations like waters. And ye must recant before ever you come into the Ministry of God, the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles was in, and to their Church, and to own the light that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world. Pr. He saith, The wise men of the East came to Christ by a Star, etc. page 64. Ans. You say the Scriptures brings to Christ: and the Jews had the Scriptures, and came not to him (nor knew him not) who was out of the spirit that gave them forth; and so are you by your confession, and so not come to him. Pr. He saith, A man is not justified by that which is within him, etc. page 65. Ans. We are justified by faith, which is a mystery held in a pure conscience that purifies the heart, and this is within. And here again thou hast showed thy spirit to be that that went into the world, which was reprobated concerning the faith held in a pure conscience, without which men are not justified. And so ye are broke into heaps, into sects, and opinions, who are out of this faith which is a mystery held in a pure conscience, by which people have access unto God, through which faith they are justified; which you are out of, on heaps, in which is unity, and gives victory over sin which you plead for while you be upon the earth. And as for all the rest of thy stuff in thy Book, it will be thy own garment, and a heavy load and a burden thou wilt feel it, whose nakedness might have been covered by thy silence, but thy spirit must be tried. I say the Lord forgive thee, for a heavy charge is come upon thee, and you: For in stead of seeking the peace of all men, you have made yourselves manifest to be neither Ministers, nor Fathers, nor Elders, nor sober Christians, but Wolves, that tears and rents to pieces. Indeed the ragged righteousness of men, the world's clothing which hangs on your backs ye may have; but the Elect, and the Saints, and the Lamb's clothing, the righteousness of the Saints, ye cannot touch, but the Lambs are in the fold laid down. Magnus' been, his Book called, The Scornful QUAKERS Answered. His PRINCIPLES follow, etc. Pr. HE saith, Beware of false Prophets that come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they be of God, because many false spirits are gone out into the world. Ans. Must thou show thy ignorance of the Letter? So much a man unlike to divide the word aright? For Christ saith, false prophets should come, & Antichrists, that should be inwardly ravening wolves, that had the sheep's clothing, that John saw was come before the Apostles decease; which went forth from them, which all the world went after them: and they could not have deceived the world, if the Wolf had not had the sheep's clothing upon them: So as you may read in the Revelations, how they ravened and devoured, and drunk the blood of the Martyrs, the Saints and the Prophets; And so you that are crying to the world they are come but now, are the deceivers of the world, as you may read Matth. 7. and 1 John 2.4. Revel. Chap. 13, 14.17, 18. and not men dividing the word aright. For now from them are people come, and coming to Christ the Rock, the foundation of God, and to that spirit which you ravened from; which stands sure, before the world was made, out of the waters; For the Nations are as waters, and the false spirits, the false Prophets, and the mother of Harlots have ruled, and with the sheep's clothing have deceived the Nations; but now the Lamb and the Saints shall rule: For ye have confessed that ye have not the Infallible spirit, as the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles had; so we say ye are ravened from it that they was in, and only have the sheep's clothing: For the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles had an infallible spirit; which the false Prophets, Antichrists, Devils, and Deceivers was always out of; and the mother of harlots, and Babylon, though they might get the sheep's clothing. Pr. He saith, It is filthy blasphemy to say, the spirit of Christ that dwells in the Son, dwells in man, and he must be infallible, and he must be perfect, and sinless: and saith, Let them alone to their Father the Devil, etc. See his Epistle to the Reader. Answ. He that hath not the spirit of Christ is none of his; and who hath the spirit of Christ, hath that which is infallible, and this is out of the spirit the Devil is in: And they that were not in the spirit, and are not in the spirit that dwells in the Son, though they have all the Scriptures, are in the spirit of blasphemy, and there thou art that will blaspheme against the Son: And the false spirits that be in the world are on heaps about the Sons, the Prophets and Apostles words out of the infallible spirit of those that gave them forth, who was perfect and sinless; as in Rom. 6. they were made free from sin. The Apostle said they were perfect, and he spoke wisdom among them that were perfect. And this you deny who are ravened from the spirit of God, and the one offering which perfects for ever them that are sanctified, and so the unsanctified. Pr. He saith, There is many ways to Zion. Ans There is but one way to God, and that is Christ the Light, out of the Fall, into the Paradise to the tree of Life, out of the Condemnation; and that is the Light, the Covenant of God. Now with the light the way to the Father is seen. In the first Adam is many ways, fight about their ways, and destroying one another about their ways; which Christ the light, the way to the Father teacheth otherwise, to love enemies, and to do good to them, and to overcome evil with good, and heap coals of fire upon their heads; which way is but one which you are out of, who deny the Light in the many ways, and names, horns, and heads, and images, which is the Beasts number, who are ravened from the spirit of God, and are from the one way, Christ the Light, in which is unity. Prin. He saith, The Scriptures may be understood by the help of Tongues, Page 12 Ans. All Scriptures was given forth by inspiration; and so without the same inspiration it is not understood again. Pilate had the Tongues, and yet did not understand the Scripture, nor Christ the substance of it. And this you have set up since the apostasy, your Tongues, ye raveners from the spirit. Pr. H● saith, Tithes is not his infirmity, the Lord hath given him Tithes: And he doth take them as the Lord giving him maintenance and it is his liberty. Ans. Tithes to the first Priesthood was allotted by God; but Christ the second Priesthood ended that Priesthood and Tithes both, and the Priests that took them made by God's law, and the commandment that gave them disannuled. And Christ is come, the everlasting Priesthood, not after the order of Aaron, but after the order of Melchisedeck, the similitude in whom the similitude ends, Christ the end, the substance, the end of W●r. So thou that takes Tithes art (out of the substance of Melchisedeck, and the first Priesthood that took Tithes) in the Transgression, and in the Imitation, and the veil is over thy heart, and thy liberty is bondage in the unsanctified state: But the sanctification is in the Son of God, who ends types and similitudes: And he it is that sanctifies; And who preacheth the Gospel, lives of the Gospel, and the Pope hath given thee thy tithes by his command, and not by the command of the Lord, for Christ and his Apostles established them not. Pr. He saith, That the Scriptures are the sure Word of God: and that the Scriptures are a precious light, page 17. Again he saith, The Son of God is the first principle of the pure Religion. Answ. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in the Son, and he is in the Father, and he is the Author of the first principle and the end of the Law, for he is all and in all; for many may have something from him, yet cannot say he is come; but he that hath him, hath life eternal, hath the substance, the end of things. And the Scripture declares, and testifies of the light which is Christ; and many may have the Scriptures, but stand against the light, for they are them that testify of me the light: So Christ is the precious light, and the Scriptures are the words of God; which Christ the word was before they was given forth, the word in whom these words of God end●: So thou may see thy ignorance. Pr. He saith, While we stay in Sodom, we crucify the Lord of glory. And Christ is buried in us, etc. Ans. And John Bunyan a Teacher there fights against him; and thus they are not only against the Truth, but one another. But he must know the suffering of Christ in the spiritual Sodom in him, and to see the seed that suffers there before it reign, and he reign with Christ in glory. Pr. He saith; It comprehends our suffering in the flesh after his example. Page 21. Ans. At this doth the Priests of Newcastle, and John Bunyan, and many others of the Teachers of the Nation rage: and here you are one against another; but Christ saith, why persecutest thou me? And he was in prison, and it is your work to put him in prison. Pr. He saith, He hath the tithes of two Parishes; and it is the old man that minds the eathly things, page 23. Again he saith, and those that take tithes are not Antichrists: And the Scriptures is a choice vessel of the Lords Sanctuary, and it is the letter and the history, etc. page 25. Answ. Well may people be all in confusion, when ye say the Scripture is a History. a Declaration, the Letter, a Vessel, the choice vessel of the Lords Sanctuary, a light, and yet the Word of God. Now is not this to break people to pieces? The Scriptures of Truth are the words of God, and it is called a Declaration and a Treatise: And the choice v●ssels were them that gave it forth, of mercy, and of honour; and they that take tithes, and pay them, they be out of the substance Christ, who is the end of Tithes; for he is the sum of tithes, and all other figures that did pertain to the first Priesthood, first Covenant, and all similitudes: so thou taking tithes of two Parishes, it is the mark of the old man. For the Apostles did preach up and down in many Synagogues where the Priests was, yet they did not seek for the tithes that did belong to them, that did pertain to the first Priesthood: They preached the Gospel, and lived of the Gospel, and said, they were evil beasts, that did mind earthly things; amongst whose spirits ye are found, judged by the Word, which is Christ. Pr. He saith, He is called of men Master through man's courtesy, and calls them blind and sinful, and in error that speaks against it. Again he saith, it is not oppression in him to take tithes of two Parishes, etc. page 28. 30. Ans. Here under the woe of Christ art thou come; who said, woe unto them that was called of men Master; and said, be not you so unto his Disciples, etc. For ye have all one Master, which is Christ, and they abode in his Doctrine. And we do not read of Mr. Paul, Mr. Peter, Timothy or Titus, or Mr. James or John; but among you the Apostates we read of such titles. And to set up that which Christ (him by whom the world was made before it was made) came to fulfil and end, in the world which typed him forth, Christ the way to the Father, out of the world, and tithes in the first Priesthood is not the way, they are oppressors that cries them up, and bvilders up of that which Christ ended, so transgressors; So have not the Son nor the Father: and they bring not the glad tidings, for the Gaols may witness in the Nation, that glad tidings is not brought; and the Courts and the oppressed Parishes of which ye take triple damages of many people ye do not work for, and cast into prison; and so this is not the Gospel, this is not the glad tidings, nor the Gospel. Pr. He saith, I find not this power of binding Kings with chains, and Nobles with fetters of iron, which is the honour of the Saints, this Scripture I find not fulfilled, etc. page 35. Again he saith, A Saint may be found in that which is sinful, though this man (the Quaker) will not allow of sin. Again he saith, the people of God are more than conquerors in the Lord which gives them rest and peace in the midst of their wars. Again, hope keeps the soul groaning and waiting all the while in the earthly tabernacle, etc. Ans. I know the power, and spirit, and sword of the Saints that executes the judgements, to bind, and chain, and fetter Kings and Nobles, thou art out of it, which is now among the Saints; and that Scripture is fulfilled, yea in England among the Saints: And such as are more than conquerors, they see the end of Wars, and that which causeth Wars. He that is a Conqueror may be in the War; but he that is more than a Conqueror, he is in that which takes away the occasion of Wars, and is come to that which was before Wars was: And he that hath this hope (which is Christ) he hath that which purifies himself even as he is pure, and comes to witness the Kingdom of God that stands in joy, peace, and righteousness, and so is not always groaning in the earth, under the earthly tabernacle while he is upon the earth, but comes to know the body of sin put off, made free from the body of sin. And the Saint is not sinful, neither doth the Saints ever allow nor approve of sin; he that allows and approves of that is out of the sanctified state. Pr. Notwithstanding thy passing the first and second resurrection (as thou saith) there remains a torment for thee at the last day, and woe, page 42. Answ. They are blessed that have part in the first Resurrection, the second Death hath no power over them, but are made free from wrath that is to come, and are passed from death to life, and are translated into the Kingdom of the Son of God, and are in unity with the Son of God and the Father both, and so thou utterest forth lies. Pr. He saith, To declare against such as are called of men Master, is a matter of his faith. Answ. They had not faith that were called of men Master, which Christ cried woe against; nor the Jews neither have you who breaks his commands. Pr. He saith, The Spirit that declares in the Letter, keeps me from vanity, frees me from the law of sin and condemnation. Ans. The spirit that was in the Saints that gave forth the Letter, did free them from the Law of sin and condemnation, and kept them from vanity. The spirit is not in the Letter, for many may have that, and not the spirit: and they are in the sin and vanity, and are not freed from the Law of Condemnation, none is, but who be in the spirit. Pr. He saith, They are to feed the people who are ordained over a particular place, over which the holy Ghost hath made them overseers, and they are covetous wretches and worldlings that keeps back their Tithes. And no more wages he receives than what the Gospel allows. And he is a thief that keeps back the hire from the Labourer, and the Lord gives man tithes as a portion in the earth, etc. See page 57, 58, 59, 60. Ans. The holy Ghost made the Apostles overseers of the Church, and the Elders. But that which hath made you overseers hath been men, and the Pope, by your Schools and Colleges; so thus you deceive the people, by telling them the holy Ghost made you overseers. For ye say ye have not the same infallible spirit as the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles had (as witness Samuel Eton in his Book, and divers others) and Tithes was allotted by God to the Priests and Levites and people in the first Covenant and Priesthood, and they were Robbers that kept it back. But Christ is come, the everlasting Covenant, who ends Tithes and Priesthood, and the first Covenant, and blots out the Ordinances. Therefore they that be covetous, will take them by violence from the people. But them that are come to the Gospel allowance; freely ye have received, freely give: What they set before them, of that they are to eat, preach the Gospel, live of the Gospel; these triumph and trample upon the first Priesthood, types, figures, and shadows, sees the Priesthood is changed, the Ordinances blotted out, the Commandment disannuled that gave them, Do witness the one offering for the sin of the whole world, and are of the royal Priesthood: Such as these cannot pay tithes, covetous and worldlings may do it, and take them that are apostatised from the Apostles, set up by the Pope's authority, by which the true seed is oppressed; who went forth from the Apostles by a usurped authority, under whom you are sheltered for your tithes; But now you are seen by them, who are come to the Apostles that you went from, and judged. Pr. He saith, The Lord hath given tithes for the maintenance of the Ministry of this Nation. Again he saith, This light within is turned into utter darkness, page 62. 65. Ans. It was the Pope and the apostates from the Apostles since their days that hath given Tithes; from the spirit that the Apostles was in they are ravened that take them, for the Apostles took none, their fruits in the Nation declares it; which if they will not give the Priests Tithes, how they cast them into Prisons, Dungeons, until death: For Christ's maintenance which the Apostles witnessed; freely they had received, and did give again freely; and he that preached the Gospel, to live of the Gospel, and coveted no man's silver, goods, nor apparel. But do not ye covet men's silver and goods, when ye take triple damages of them, and cast them into prison? Is not this the work of the Ministry of the Nation? Is not the overflowing scourge of the Almighty gone over you? and the Rod and the Lash come upon you all? Again, the Light within hath led to the light of life, and leads to the light of life out of utter darkness, in which thee and thy generation is seen that stands against the light. So all you Apostates are whelmed under in the apostasy since the days of the Apostles, who are out of the allowance of Christ his wages and maintenance, the giving freely, which shows they have not received of God, but bought, and sells, yea and after great rates too; and so are the Merchants that John speaks of in the Revelations, and this cumbers the creation, yea Nations; Ye bring not the glad tidings to them, but burdens them; ye are seen and felt. Pr. He saith, Away with your bodily, fleshly, literal trembling and quivering. See page 70. Answ. Habakkuk his lips quivered, David's flesh trembled, Daniel trembled, Paul trembled, David's bones quaked; and this man the Lord regards that trembles at his Word, though cast out by thee and thy generation in this age, as was in the days of Isaiah. So thee and thy generation, who saith away with trembling of the flesh, and bodily. Away with the power of God that throws down that which defiles the flesh; so before fl●sh, sin is condemned in it, and the powers of darkness wrought out of the flesh. You must know trembling, thou and all thy generation, before the Devil be dispossessed out of your earthly Tabernacles: you must all know trembling, and thou and thy generation have showed your ignorance of the mighty power of God, the salvation that is wrought out with fear and trembling. And that power that threw down in all ages, the nature that captivated the seed of God, and defiled the flesh, and darkened the understanding, the sense and reason, and warred against the soul; ye have showed your ignorance of that power that throws all these down, and that which defiles the spirit and the body, whereby the body, the soul, and the spirit comes to be sanctified: And before this be so, ye must know a bodily trembling and shaking; and he cries away with it before ever he came at it, lest he should be tormented before his time; who is one of them who ever was against the holy men of God, but the power of the Lord God has overtaken thee, and with that are ye comprehended, and ye are in the press, and your cluster is full, and the sickle is gone out. Pr. He saith, The Priesthood is changed, but not the Tithes abolished by the coming of any substance; and they that keep back tithes of God, he hath preferred his mammon before his God, & is guilty of the sin of Ananias: And denying to pay tithes is weakening the hands of the Ministers: and God in wisdom hath required by an outward Law, in the absence of the inward, for the maintenance of the Ministry by tithes or other maintenance, and so they own a tribute unto God; and so they must pay tribute, and custom to whom custom is due. Again he saith, custom, tribute, Tithes, etc. love will teach thee these things are due, therefore covet not another's portion. Ans. When the Apostle had spoken of tithes before the Law to Melchisedeck like unto the Son of God; and spoken of Tithes to the Priesthood made by a Law, had a command to take them: he saith the Priesthood was changed, the Law was changed, the command was disannulled that gave them Tithes, the Son of God was come the end of the similitude and the likeness before the Law. Now saith he of the things (for tithes were things before the Law, and in the Law) of the things which we have spoken this is the sum, Christ a Minister of the Sanctuary which God hath pitched and not man. So there is the sum of the things and the substance: and the plenteous Redemption that leads men out of the earth, that brings them to lay down all at the feet of the Apostles, which is beyond tenths which was to the service of the Lord due; Here the earth cometh to be known to be the Lords; it is given up here, and man Redeemed out of it, of this glorious Gospel are ye all ignorant; and so Tithes is not as Annanias, to be compared with Annanias, not now; and not as a tribute, but as a custom, which since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy, that the Nations have drunk the whore's cup, there have been Queens and Kings that have made Laws, that is gone out of the power of Christ which the Apostles was in, into the beasts power, and made Schools to make their Ministers, and have set up Tenths; So this custom of the sin, hath taken away the sense of it, that people have been hardened that they have torn people, spoiled their goods, and cast into prison, and taken triple damages, and kept them in prison, and haled them before Courts and Sessions, Assizes, and Benches; which is not like the Ministers of Christ; for the law is changed of God that gave tenths, and since that was changed, the Law in the heart, and a new Covenant; And since the apostasy from that, men have got the sheep's clothing ravened from the spirit, wolves whose fruits declare it; who have deceived Nations, and the world, and have got up a Law from man, and a command from man, the Pope being the Author; and the Law of God is changed; and the command of God is changed that gave tithes, and they have got up this to take them, the Law of man, the command of man; and the Law of God and his command is denied, spoken by the Apostle Heh. 7. which all that be in the wisdom of God sees over these things, and feels over them, and Judges you all, and executes Judgement, and is in the power and Authority to execute Judgement, and convince all, and are in the honour of Saints. So your Ministry, if Tithes fall, is weakened; but the Ministry of Christ came in, when Tithes fell, and that Ministry fell that held up tithes, and that Priesthood which the Priests lips was to preserve the people's knowledge. So by the fall of that Ministry that took Tithes, the Ministry of Christ came in, is the rise of this Ministry since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy that is made by Kings, Bishops, Popes, Schools, and Colleges? in the fall, this Ministry that takes tithes, (which Tithes falling say they, and saith thou the hand is weakened of the Ministry) it is not the power that strengthens the hand but the earthly. Now I say in the fall of this maintenance which weakens this Ministry, weakens you Ministers in the apostasy, ye have showed what ye are covered withal in the rise of the Lamb, and his Ministry, in the Preaching of the everlasting Gospel, and the everlasting Gospel shall be Preached to them that dwell on the earth, which is the power of God: and though the Devil, and the beast, and the false Prophets, and the Kings of the earth do make war against the Saints and the Lamb, yet the Saints and the Lamb shall get the victory, and that's come to that the Apostles were in before you was, and so in your fall, this riseth. Pr. He saith Christ without the Church, doth not comprehend all the Elect; and we are not elected, though we receive Christ because we are elected in him, etc. Page 80. Ans. Thou art meddling with things too weighty for thee, Christ is the Elect who God upholds, and the election obtains it, (the victory) and Christ knows his, and said he had other sheep, and he knew all the Elect; and is the wisdom of the Father, the Light, the Life, and the power of God, the offering, the sacrifice for the whole world, the Redemption of mankind; and who receives him, and are in him, are the Elect; and out of their own works, and have possessed him, and his Image and glory; and are come to the throne of grace who is in all and over all; the salvation to the ends of the earth, and who are elected receives Christ, and are in him. Pr. He saith thy denial of sin, and Satan, and Antichrist to be, where they are in power and part is the old trick of the evil one, etc. page 83. Ans. Who are come into the Lamb's power, they are come out of the power of the beast, sin, and Satan; into the City, the midst of the Paradise of God where no unclean thing enters; but the tree of life is the food, and they are a top of sin, Satan and Antichrist, and all thy tricks; and witness against all sin. Pr. He saith when the dissolution comes, he bids farewell to all the Saints of God. pag. 94. Again if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves; and the truth is not in us: if we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar. page 89. Ans. The Saints are in Christ and God; and at the dissolving of the earthly or sin, they do not bid all the Saints farewell; for than they come into unity with them, with the Elect. And John doth show there was a time to see they had sinned, and a time to see they had sin, and a time to confess it and forsake it and a time to witness the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse from all sin, a time to witness the birth of God born, which doth not commit sin, and the seed of God remaining in them, that the wicked one could not touch them. Pr. He saith the Saints are neither in the fullness of the Godhead, nor part: away with this Blasphemy that saith this is, etc. page 92. Ans. The work of the Ministry was to bring people to the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the unity of the faith; to the measure, and stature of the fullness of Christ, and Christ will dwell in the Saints, and God will dwell in them; and thou saith they have no part of the fullness of the Godhead; and John saith of his fullness have we all received; in whom dwells the Godhead bodily. And ye be all in the Blasphemy that be out of this part of the fullness. Pr. He saith the Quakers knows a man whether he be a Saint or a Devil, as soon as they see him, or hear him speak, or act, and they are beyond all our forefathers; And the Apostle saith, what man knoweth the things of a man saving the spirit of a man that is in him: so we are not as Christ in this respect; and thou saith thou art as Christ in this present world: and no man can be without sin in this house of clay, and saith I was shapen in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me; and my flesh is sins freehold, etc. page 94. 95. Ans. Here thou hast showed that the Quakers have a spirit given to them beyond all the forefathers (which we do witness) since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy, And they can discern who are Saints, who are Devils & who are apostates, without speaking ever a word, they that be in the power & the life of truth. And the natural man knows not the things that be in another man: but with the spirit within him may know what is in himself: but the spiritual man searcheth all things, yea the deep things of God. Here thou hast made no distinction betwixt the spiritual, and natural; And as Christ is, so are we in this present world; and where Christ is manifest, he destroys the sin in the flesh, where they come to be as he is; they come to be above clay and mortal, and fading, and so the flesh comes to be put off which thou calls sins freehold, and the body of it, and cometh to be made free from the Law by the body of Christ; and this the Saints witnessed while they were on earth; And the creature comes into the liberty of the Sons of God. And as thou was born in iniquity thou shows thou was born in the unregeneration, there was some sanctified from the womb, there is some children clean who are believers; he that can receive it let him; so thou art an ignorant man not able to divide the word aright nor canst Minister unto the people, not knowing the condition they be in, unless they tell thee, and so apostatised from the Apostles, and not Ministers of the spirit, that Ministers to the spirit; for could not the Apostles Preach and speak to the Jews and Gentiles, unless they come and told them what condition they were in? or did all the Jews and Gentiles come and tell the Apostles what condition they were in before they Preached to them? Pr. He saith the Light in man is imperfect, a weak, faint light, page 97. Again the light in the Gentiles is called a natural light. page 88 Ans. The light that every man hath that cometh into the world, is not an Imperfect light, a weak, or faint light, or natural light; but who are weak, go from it, and faint, and hate it, and despiseth it, as Esau, and run into the earth, And who believe in it, have the light of life; and receives it, becomes the Sons of God. And the light in the Gentiles which brought them to do the Law, was spiritual, not natural, which the Apostle sets up to be the Circumcision, and the Jew inward: and throws out the Jew outward, and Circumcision both: and this he brings to have the praise of God, which the Jews had not in the outward, and this makes the Jew no Jew, and their Circumcision no Circumcision, and Judged them. And all professors upon the earth that be from that that doth the Law in the heart, and the Jew inward, you be from that who stands against the Light of Christ that doth enlighten, etc. Pr. He saith, If an hypocrite reign, his power is of God: and Saints are to yield to the power and it must be honoured, and have obedience from the Saints. Page 101. And so they that call them corrupt Magistrates are the filthy dreamers that Judas speaks of. Pag. 102. Answ. Such as are turned into corruption, and are hypocrites they are gone from the higher power, which the soul should be subject to, and it's gone over them; and so for the Lords sake the Saints cannot be subject to that power, but that power that brings down the hypocrisy, and the corruptions in Magistrates, and as they come to be clothed with the power of God, they are able to put a difference betwixt the precious and the vile, and that they own; those are a praise to them that do well. The Jews of old time could not obey the heathen Magistrates, bow to their gods, that feared God, that lived in the Law of God; nor to their Commands nor their power nor authority; nor the Apostles could not bow to the Authority of the Jews, to their ordinances, their power that held them up, which Christ came to put an end to; which was held up by Magistrates: nor that among the Gentiles held up by Magistrates. For Christ was come to reign who had all power in heaven, and earth given to him. And since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy the Saints cannot now bow to that which the Pope, and Kings, and Queens set up; though they call it a Supreme power that commands the things, which who be in the power of God, that destroys that which defiles the flesh and the evil speaker, and that is the dignity which the Saints own and live in, and speaks not evil of, but they do that transgress the Spirit of God, and goes from it as Judas speaks of; therefore have the Martyrs, and Saints, and Prophets suffered since the days of the Apostles by the Beast, and the false prophets and the great whore which have been in the power of the Devil that went out of truth, and that the Saints was not subject to. But now Christ is come to reign, the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory, and the higher power is owned, that is higher than all the transgressors upon earth, that reaches to the soul; and the transgressed principle of God in every man upon the earth: for the Beasts power hath set up your Tithes, Temples and Colleges, and compelled men to worship, which the Saints could not, and therefore have suffered by it, that have worshipped God in the spirit and truth, that the devil is out of; and such was in the higher power. Pr. He saith there is a kind of Infiniteness in the soul; and it cannot be Infiniteness in itself. Pag. 103. Ans. Is not the soul without beginning coming from God, returning into God again, who hath it in his hand, which hand goes against him that does evil, which throws down that which wars against it; And Christ the power of God, the Bishop of the soul, which brings it up into God which came out from him; hath this a beginning or ending? And is not this infinite in itself, and more than all the world? Pr. He saith the soul is a creature: and yet it is a noble power, and an Essence, and is the appetite, fancy, etc. Again he saith he knows that the soul is a spiritual thing; and cannot be divided into parts and powers, as being one single entire essence. Page 107. Ans. The soul being in the death in transgression, so man's spirit there is not sanctified, and the soul is in death: And fancy, and the appetite, and anger, and pleasure, etc. which thou saith is taken for the soul usually, and called the soul, are them that wars against it; so thou divides the soul into parts, which is one, and art ignorant of it, and yet thou said it cannot be divided. So thou art in the Babylon, and confusion. So the living of the soul, and the spirit sanctified, that diligent harkening is come to where the Counsel of God is stood in, his voice heard, his hand felt, that the soul comes up into, that comes from him from God; that's living and Immortal, and gives a Creature its feeling, and sencibleness through things: and so the Covenant of God comes to be received wherein the soul lives, the Bishop of it which is immortal, and then the new creature born is known, whereby the spirit of man is sanctified, whereby the God of the spirits of all flesh is known. Now where the power and life guides up to God the Father of life, that works down, and directs the mind up to God where the soul hath the issue, the immortal, to the immortal, whereby light springs in Christ is known, the soul praiseth God the Saviour; the low estate that God hath regarded and reached down to it. Now where the light is hated, that of God within transgressed (that doth pertain to the righteous Law of God, and answers it) the spirit of man is not sanctified and man's understanding darkened the higher power is denied, the soul comes into death, transgressing of the Law is known; the witness buried which should guide the mind whereby the soul should live in the diligent harkening; thereby comes man to be defiled, and his spirit and body and mind, whereby he glorifies not God in his body and soul, and spirit, and glorifies not the God of the spirits of all flesh; thereby he comes to be an alien and a stranger to the life of God, and his ways and Covenant, and thou says the soul is a spiritual thing, and yet a creature, an appetite and fancy. And every man that cometh into the world having a Light from Christ the second Adam (though they be in the first Adam) the Bishop of their souls; So every one being turned to the Light which Christ the second Adam hath enlightened them withal, they shall see the Bishop of their souls Christ the power of God, which is immortal, brings the immortal soul into the immortal God, Christ their sanctification, who sanctifies their spirits, and bodies, and brings the soul up into God from whence it came, whereby they come to be one soul: For in the lusts of the world, and the affections of it, is the war against it, and there is the powers of wickedness; the soul must be in the higher power, higher than the flesh which stains the man, spirit and body, and powers of wickedness. So the light being turned to, he receiveth the spirit of God which sanctifies him, the spirit of Sanctification in Christ Jesus, the Sanctification and Redemption. So every man that cometh into the world having a light from Christ Jesus the way out of the fall, the second Adam; receiving the light they receive their Redemption, and Sanctification, whereby their spirits, bodies and souls are sanctified. Pr. He saith, The binding of Satan shall not be by a personal reign of Christ in a body. He saith, the Quaker denies the light written in Scripture: And he saith, when ye that pretend most love to Christ within, and light within, ye deny the Lord that bought ye: And the high talk of a Light within goes out for ever into utter darkness. Ans. The Light within, and Christ within; who owns this, and are come into it, owns the Lord that bought them, Christ and no other; and they that receive not this within, are Reprobates without him, and deceives him, yet talk of him as the Devils, false Prophets, and Deceivers: And they that go from the Light within, go into utter darkness, and stumble, and do not know whether they go, and wants the garments, and the Lamb's clothing. And so the Light within, he that believes in it hath the witness in himself, abides not in the darkness, nor in the condemnation, but hath the light of life. And the light within that shines in the heart, gives the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. And who knows Satan bound, and false Prophets, and Antichrists, and Beasts, and mother of Harlots taken and cast into the fire, and Christ reign, and know his bodily presence, they know his flesh, and are of his flesh and of his bone, and his spirit, and mind, and power, who hath all power in heaven and earth given to him over the Devil, over the Antichrists, false Prophets, Beast, and mother of Harlots reigns above their power, triumphs, tramples above their power, and this is known by the Light within. And now doth Christ reign in his Saints, and the Paradise of God is known, and Eden, where all things are sanctified and blessed, and good; where there is no curse, but blessing: and he that went out of this did transgress, and disobeyed, which brought the death upon all his posterity, earthly Adam: But who are come in through the obedience of another, the second Adam, Christ Jesus, who became the Curse, and took away the Curse, who is the sanctification, and brings the blessing and redemption; by whom and through whom are many entered into the Paradise of God, and have the right to the tree of Life. And they are not come into this, who are yet in the disobedience, the unbeliever, and liar, and reviler, and whoremonger, and Adulterer hates the light in the disobedience, and cannot touch the tree of life, for the sword turns every way upon them. And as for all thy hard expressions and reviles in thy Book, they come from the Disobedience, over which the sword is that keeps it in awe, over whom goes the higher power, and that cannot touch, nor taste of the tree of Life in the Paradise of God, in the Ancient of Days, thou shalt feel my words to be truth. Robert Simpson, Robert Parnell, John Andrews, Thomas Ewen, Bryan Hanson, and Richard Moon, In their Book called, The Church of Christ in BRISTOL recovering her VEIL. Their Principles as followeth. Answ. It is a true word to you: And that you are recovering the veil more than the life, and substance (that takes away all vails) as your Principles that follows in your Book makes it manifest. Pr. YOu say, Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall departed from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of Devils': And also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things, and draw many Disciples after them: And they went out from us, it is manifest they are not of us, 1 John 2, etc. Ans. You have brought these words to show your ignorance; for the Apostles saw such as should departed from the faith, and the false Prophets and Antichrists that Christ said should come, John saw was come, and went forth from them before the Apostles decease: And they went forth from the Church, and departed from the faith, in which faith the Church had unity, and this they apostatised from; which since the days of the Apostles they have had the sheep's clothing, and so got up an imagined Church with a vail on it (in the apostasy) and these were they that drew Disciples after them, which caused the way of truth to be evil spoken of; and the seducing spirits, and the doctrine of Devils have been up since the days of the Apostles, which they saw come in before their decease; and such went from the faith, in which is the unity. And thus they be in the enmity, destroying one another, persecuting one another, prisoning one another about Religion, and Church, Doctrine, and Scriptures, and Christ's, and the Prophets, and Apostles words; which show they be out of unity with God, with the Scriptures, and there you are; and out of the faith that works by love, by which they should heap coals of fire on the heads of all the adversaries. And so this is the dawning of the day, the ending of the night of apostasy; you who be of the skirts of the great Whore are seen, as you have manifested by your tale you have told to the world in your Book, who styles yourselves, The Church of Christ, which is made up by the Letter. How want ye the life the Saints lived in that gave forth the Scriptures? Oh! ye want the covering of the spirit of the Lord God. And now are all your spirits and men departed from the Faith, and false Prophets that should inwardly raven, that Christ said should come, that got the sheep's clothing, but inwardly ravening wolves, whose fruits should declare them; which John saw was come, which went forth from them, which led the world after them; and the false Apostles, and Satan's Ministers and messengers, which the Apostle saw come up before his decease: These since the days of the Apostles have been the guides and leaders of the world, and Teachers, and gatherers of people into Names, into Heads, into Horns, whereby one hath been against another, that they have gathered people out of peoples; and brought people to a head, and not to Christ, and yet all have professed themselves Christians: So they have had the sheep's clothing, but inwardly ravened from the spirit of God, and so have been Wolves clothed with the sheep's clothing, tearing the Lambs to pieces, yea and many Gaots and Beasts too sometimes, which the fruits of this hath declared sufficiently since the days of the Apostles, and in this Nation: And these have deceived the world, and have been the wrestlers against flesh and blood, strikers at the Creature; such as have departed from the faith, ravened from the spirit, went forth from the Apostles, had sheep's clothing, such have been the Teachers and gatherers into Sects, and Names, and Heaps; and every one will cry, his Church, his Church, and all against the light which comes from Christ where the Church stands. But now he is redeeming and recovering that which hath been lost since the days of the Apostles, in this night of the Apostasy. The light is come, the night is gone, the Lamb and the Saints are going on conquering, and to conquer. The Throne of the Lamb is set up; and all those false Prophets, Beasts, Antichrists, and mother of Harlots, great Whore, and Kings of the Earth, and the Devil, are making War against the Lamb and the Saints. Now are all the Antichrists appearing, and are in arms, and rising against Christ and his light. The Lamb is on the white Horse, who slays with his Sword, which are the words of his mouth, and the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory. Glory in the highest, and rejoice ye holy Prophets over her. Pr. They say, The mystical body may sometimes be subject to distempers, and humours, and wants, page 1. Answ. Are you Judges? Can you judge of the mystical body which the Saints are baptised into? Is their humours, wants, and distempers in the body which the Saints are baptised into? Is not the wants, humours, distempers in your body? Do you here in this divide the word aright? Distinguish things in the ground, and speak aright of things; and yet ye would not be judged, and say Judge not; and is not mystical, spiritual? Pr. You say The Scriptures are the word of God. Answ. The Scripture saith itself, the Word is God; Christ, whose name is called the Word of God; and the Scriptures are words, the words of God, the words of Christ, the Declaration which the Ministers of the Word set forth; which words ends in Christ the Word who fulfils them: And it is called the Scriptures of Truth which cannot be broken; and so ye do not speak as the Church did that gave forth Scripture. And the spirit of God was the rule that led them to speak forth the Scriptures, which brings to know the right use of them again. Pr. They say, To call that light in every man Christ, is to slight Christ's glorious person in heaven, and to nullify it. Ans. In this have not you shown your ignorance? And to be them that went forth from the Apostles, and so are hardened from the spirit they was in; which said, Christ is all in all, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; And none seethe the person of Christ in heaven but who be in the Light, that he hath enlightened them withal; yea, the Covenant of Light to the Gentiles and Heathens as well as Jews, and so God is not a respecter of persons. And all that be from this Light are now making war against the Lamb and the Saints, and the accuser of the Brethren is cast out, and the light which doth enlighten every man which comes into the world, is Christ. Pr. They say, It is a delusion for them that are in the light to see what men's inward states are before God. page 29. Ans. Have ye given yourselves a name of the Church of Christ, and is there not a spirit of discerning among you? Have ye not manifested here that ye are harlotted from the Church of Christ the Apostles was of? And how can ye minister, or teach people if that ye do not discern their states, how they stand before God? How can you commend yourselves to every man's conscience in God's sight? How can ye present the souls of men to God, and see not their states how they are in his sight. How come ye to have fellowship in the Spirit? How can you or any Minister to the state and condition that people be in, and see where they are, and doth not know how they stand in God's sight? in this how have you shown your ignorance of the Scriptures, and the Epistles written to the Saints which speaks to the state and conditions the Saints were in? How have ye a name, but declared yourselves dead from the life? How have ye stained your own glory, and marred your own beauty, and sets yourselves out of the steps and paths of the Church of Christ? Pr. Simpson he saith, If my heart deceive me not, I could wish that God would recover you out of the Devil's snare. page 40. And ye speak of breaking of bread, and Ordinances, and the Lords Supper, and Baptism, page 35. Ans. The prayers of the faithful are acceptable that are in the spirit; but he that doubts, he knows not his own heart, and prays without discerning, being out of that which purifies it: And for Baptism, and Ordinances, and the Lords Supper, and the bread that the Saints broke, ye have all been ignorant of in this night of apostasy since the days of the Apostles; who had spoken to the Corinthians, what he had received of the Lord, he delivered unto them: And as oft as they did eat that bread, and drink that cup, they did show forth the Lords death till he come, and they were to do it in remembrance of him. And afterwards the Apostle writ again to the said Corinthians, & tells them, the light that shined in their hearts would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus: And said, while we look not at things that are seen, but at things that are not seen: For the things that are seen are temporal (Bread, Wine, and Water are seen) but the things that are not seen are eternal; And bids them examine themselves, and prove their own selves (and said) Know ye not that Christ Jesus is in you except you be reprobates? Pr. He saith, He hath been a Preacher of the Gospel at Bristol and Wells, and he hath not need to seek a proof of any man, page 43. And he saith, I am no Preacher to bid every man turn to the light within him, neither did I ever read or hear, that any of the Apostles or holy men of God preached such a Gospel. And they said, Sarah Latchet (who was excommunicated, who had been one of them) it was fittest to send her to Bridewell. Answ. This was not the Ministers of the Gospel's work to wrestle with flesh and blood, which is yours. And they in the sight of God had witnesses, and they could seek them; which thou saith thou needs not: And they turned people from the darkness to the light; and Christ bid them believe in the light while they had it, that they might become the chilldrens of the Light And the Apostles doctrine was, that the light that shined in their hearts would give them that light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, and this thou never heardest of (as thou sayest) And thy Gospel that is not this, and agrees not to the Apostles, is another, and so accursed: And the Saints was one another's Epistles written in one another's hearts, read and seen of all men; And thou hast been a bad Preacher at Wells and Bristol, that knows not the Light. Prin. They say, A man may be a Christian, a believer, a converted soul, he may be in Christ, and yet not not have received the spirit of sealing and establishing, page 53. Ans. This is like to the rest of thy Doctrine who are out of it themselves; they are not able to judge of the state of babes, believers, converted souls which are in Christ: For they that are in Christ have the spirit; and they that are converted, are converted by the spirit: And he that believeth cometh to be sealed with the spirit of promise. Prin. They say, The light in every man is a notion, and yet they seek God by prayer solemnly. And they shut up the Kingdom of heaven against men, that bid all men turn to the light within them, and from the believing on the person of Jesus Christ, page 60. Answ. None opens the Kingdom of heaven to all men, but who turns people to the light which Christ Jesus hath enlightened every man withal that cometh into the world. Nor none believes in Christ, but who believes in the light which Christ the light hath enlightened them withal, and such have the witness in themselves, and can set to their seals that God is true: And they see their Sanctification, Justification, and Redemption; and none ever prays the acceptable prayer of the Lord, but who be in the light that cometh from Christ; and such calls not the light a Notion, for all notions be among such that be out of the Light, which Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world withal: They are from the Rock, the Foundation, and Sanctification, and see not Christ. And this is not to deny Christ, but receive him, and believe in him. And all upon the earth be Antichrists, that denies the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and be from it. Pr. And as for your speaking of judging, and not to judge before the time until the Lord do come, etc. Answ. That was spoken to the Corinthians, who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of the heart. Now the same Apostle said to the same Corinthians, that God would dwell in them, and walk in them; and they were not to judge before the time until that he did come. And he told them the Saints should judge the world, and the world should be judged by them. Now where the Lord is come, such as have the Son, and the Father, and bring this Doctrine, they are to be received; and they know where sin and transgression is finished, and where it is standing: So if any man have an ear to hear this, and can receive it, let him. And as for the rest of the things in your Book, your silence might have covered your shame, for every man's words shall be his burden. Therefore he that hath the word of God, and speaks that that shall not be so, which now comes to be richly known, and is known among the Saints and Believers, the true Church which is come out of the Apostasy, since the days of the Apostles, to that the Apostles was in. Jonathan Clapham, a labourer of the Gospel (as he saith) and William Jenkin: Their Book (called, A Discovery of the the QUAKERS Doctrine) to the PROTECTOR. Their PRINCIPLES, etc. Pr. HE saith, I dare not say that I am infallible (as the Pope and the Quakers) And the Magistrate in this external politic Kingdom is a Mediator, though he is no Officer nor Magistrate in the Spiritual Kingdom of his Church: And if this be received by Magistrates, that they have nothing to do with the worship of God, Christ is little beholding to them: Then they may protect the worship of Mahomet, as well as Christ's. And yet ye say, That the Magistrate is the Officer of Christ. See his Epistle to the Protector. Answ. How is it then if the Magistrate be no officer of the Church, that you make use of Magistrates to prison, to persecute, to give you Tithes, and to quench the spirit when any thing is revealed to another that sits by? Was not the Magistrates in all ages stirred up by the blind Priests, and Prophets, and Teachers, to persecute, and to prison such as they judged to be blasphemers? And so did not all the Saints in all ages suffer, not as for Truth, but as for blasphemy; yea by them that had the form, covered with the sheep's clothing? Now the Magistrate that is in the power of Christ, he is beyond an external Kingdom, and sees over the Kingdoms of the world; and that as he is a Help-Governour for Christ, he is a member of the Church, and he knows who worships God, and who worships Idols. And who worships God be in the power of God; He is in that which sees over all external Kingdoms, that's the higher power which the soul must be subject to, and that's the true Magistrate: And thou not being infallible, thou art not in the spirit, and so art not a Minister, and art not able to judge of powers that is not infallible, nor Magistrates, nor Kingdoms, nor Churches; For who is in the infallible, is in the spirit that Christ was in, and the Apostles and Prophets that gave forth Scriptures. But we say, that thou nor the Pope thy elder Brother (in the apostasy from the Apostles) are neither of ye infallible, nor in the infallible spirit that the Apostles was in; but ye are both erred from it in the apostasy, as your fruits declares, contrary to the Apostles. Pr. They say, The Magistrates are to protect the Church from the ravenous Wolves: for ye to stop the freedom of the Quakers in your Dominions, and their Licence, and the Lord bless your Highness. See his Epistle to the Protector. Answ. Before thou saidst they were not Officers in the Spiritual Church, and now wouldst thou have them to limit and quench the spirit? and to be your Executioners, by telling them the Quakers seduce people? Ye have manifested your own spirits that ye have not the spirit to resist their spirits, but are crying to the Magistrates. And did John bid the Saints call to the Magistrates, to the outward powers of the earth, to try Seducers, or did the Saints? And have not you manifested yourselves to be them that cry, help men against Christ and the Saints? and cries to the mountains to cover you; crying to the Magistrates, Help men of Israel, these are the men that will turn the world upside down, and so go to the arm of flesh? Have not ye here showed your spirits to be them that should come, who were inwardly ravened, which John saw was come, and to be the Wolves in the sheep's clothing, and the blasphemers, such as you cannot tear yourselves, you would have the Magistrates to tear. But the Lord hath opened an understanding among many of them that they see you. Pr. He saith, We dare not contest with the Quakers, they teach men by minding the light in the conscience, to attain a moral righteousness, that is the highest; and as if they had accomplished it wholly now, and not to be fulfilled in another world. See Epistle to the Protector. Answ. We do believe that you are not able to resist the Quakers, who have appeared in that that cannot be shaken. Therefore is it not a shame to you to say you are a Church and Ministers, and to say the Magistrate is no Officer in the Spiritual Church? And yet you to fly to the Magistrate, and tell him you dare not contest with the Quakers, and bless him if he will but stop them? Think ye not the Magistrate will see you in these things? And the light which Christ the righteousness of God hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world withal, leads man from the end of the righteousness of the Law that comes to be fulfilled in all its righteousness whatsoever, and so the light is too heavy for thee, and hard for thee; and it is the precious stone thou stumbles at: And things fulfilled in another world, the Prophecies, the Parables, the Types, the Figures, the Shadows, the Gifts, the Revelations, the Dispensations, these things was in this world manifested: And Christ who is the end of all, who comes to him into the power of the world that hath no end. What is there, to fulfil there, in the world that hath no end. Things are to be fulfilled in this World, that hath an end: And thus thou hast showed thy ignorance. Pr. He saith, The Scripture is the Word of God. And he saith, Christ is not properly the Word, but figuratively, page 3. And the Scripture is in more proper sense without figure called the Word of God. He saith, without the Scripture we do not know how to worship God aright, and serve him, and therein attain to eternal life. Again they say, God is not pleased to use this way of immediate Revelation now: Neither indeed is it the work of God's holy Spirit to discover things unto us now immediately, page 5. Ans. Christ's name is called the Word of God properly, and not figuratively, and more properly than the Scripture, as in the Revelations. And the Scriptures are the words of God, and words which Christ fulfils (the Word.) So it is properly to call the Scriptures the words of God, and properly to call Christ his name the Word of God; and the Word that became flesh, that is proper Scripture: And they that had not the Scriptures worshipped God before the Scriptures was written, as Abraham and Enoch and others; and they attained to eternal life. And if people have all the Scriptures, and not the Spirit (which was before they was given forth) they want the standing rule; they cannot know the Scriptures; they cannot worship God aright; they cannot find eternal life; they have not unity with God, neither do they worship God aright; but who be in the spirit that gave them forth: And we do believe you, that immediate revelations now by the holy spirit of God revealing things to you im-immediately ye have not; and you say it is not the work of God's spirit now, nor the way of God now, etc. You that have ravened from the spirit of God inwardly, have been the Wolves which Christ said should come, which John saw was come, which the world hath gone after you, and ye have burst into Names, and Heads, & Horns, and Sects. And the power was given to the Beast, and the false Prophets, and the great Whore hath corrupted the earth: All Nations have drunk her cup of fornications, and the Kings of the Earth. So they have flown to the Kings for help against the Saints and against the Lamb, but the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory. And so when you have been ravened from the spirit of God, it hath not been like ye should attain to immediate Revelation by the spirit of God. But now who are come to the Lamb, are come to that ye ravened from, they witness immediate Revelation. They are come to that the Apostles was in, the spirit of Christ, the spirit of God, they witness immediate Revelation. Who are come into the fear of God, the things of God is revealed unto them; who are come into the spirit of God, it reveals to them the deep things of God. So you that deny immediate revelation by God's holy spirit now, and discovering things to you immediately; you have showed your spirits to be the false spirits, unclean spirits that be in the earth, like the Frogs that go out of the mouth of the Beast and the false Prophet, which was discovered by John, and revealed to John, discovered and made manifest; which now with the same holy spirit of God are you all apostates revealed and discovered to the children of the Light, to the Lambs and the Saints, who witness the spirit of God which reveals the things of God to them, and immediate revelation. As ever the false Prophets, false Apostles, false Teachers, in their false prophecies and teachings did, who had gotten the form, and denied the power, immediate Revelation by God's holy spirit. And was it not they then that cried to the powers of the earth for help against the Saints in all ages, which was discovered and judged by the spirit of God, and must go into the fire. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures are able to make wise unto salvation, and they are a more sure word of prophecy then any voice that we can hear from heaven, page 6. And we will call them the Word of God whether the Quakers will or no, and we are to go to the Law and Testimony, page 7. Ans. In this ye are contrary to the Ministers of the Word, who calls the Scriptures the words of God, and Christ the Word, and calls the Scriptures a Declaration and a Treatise, which Christ the Word came to fulfil. And the Law and Testimony which ye say is the Old and New Testament; which many may have, and yet stand against the Law which is light, as saith Solomon; and stand against the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy, and crucify them that be in it, in the Law and Testimony, they that have the Old and New Testament, as witness the ravening Wolves that have had the sheep's clothing, but inwardly ravened from the spirit; which Christ said should come, John saw was come, went out from the Apostles, which since the world have gone after them: And many may have the Scripture, and stand against the voice from heaven, as the Jews did him that spoke from heaven, which was more sure; him that spoke from heaven who was the end of the Scriptures, and comes to fulfil them. And the Scriptures are not able to make wise unto salvation, as you say, who leave out the Faith; but through faith they are. Pr. Let the Quakers show where ever Christ or the Apostles bid people look to the light within them. And the Quakers say they write from the spirit of the Lord, and speak from God immediately and infallibly as did the Apostles, and doth not this bring them under the curse in the Revelations? page 8. And say the Letter is a dead and kill letter, these he calls wicked errors. And to say the light within is sufficient, an old Popish argument. Answ. The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, is the salvation to the ends of the earth, and sufficient; for he that believes in it shall have the light of life, and come to witness the Law of God in his mind and in his heart; and the new Covenant, which he shall not need to say, Know the Lord. And the letter of Scripture, paper and ink is a dead letter: And thou and you all that speak and write, and not from God immediately and infallibly as the Apostles did, and Prophets, and Christ, but only have gotten the words, you are all under the, Curse in another spirit, ravened from the spirit that was in the Apostles, only have had the sheep's clothing, inwardly ravening wolves; so deceived the World and the Nations, and have been held up by the powers of the world, the powers of the earth. And the Kings of the earth have drunk the cup of fornication, and they were like to maintain that which they have drunk. And so power hath been given to the Beast over all Kindred's, Tongues and Nations, and they should make war against the Lamb and the Saints, and continue it till the words of God was fulfilled: And the Apostles told the Corinthians, that light that shined in their hearts would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus: And so all people upon the earth that have gotten a knowledge, and if the light that shineth in their hearts hath not given it them; what they know, they know naturally; in these things they corrupt themselves. And so thou and you that be ignorant of the Apostles doctrine, the light that gives people the knowledge, and the immediate infallible spirit that the Apostle was in, and that the Scriptures was given forth from, are and the Pope together in another fallible spirit then the Apostles were in, comprehended with the spirit that gave forth Scriptures. Pr. And what a dreadful Judgement is upon them that leave the Scriptures, to look to the light within them. Page 9 And many deceivers should come into the world that confess not Christ come in the flesh, receive them not into your houses. And the man Christ is testified against by the light. Pag. 13. and he saith they publicly deny the resurrection of the dead body. And he saith, Christ in the flesh his sufferings was but an example and a figure. Ans. Christ ended all figures in suffering and examples, and patterns; yet he is the Saints pattern, and example as the Scripture witnesses, and there is no other example nor pattern to be heeded but Christ alone, which they are to learn of, but to say he is nothing but a figure, for that thou, and you all will be judged: for he ended all figures and is the resurrection, and the life both; and thy dead body shall live with my dead body, this is Scripture, and they that said the resurrection was passed in the days of the Apostles, overthrew the faith of some. That which overthrows the faith denying the resurrection kept the seed in death, where it hath been in you all since the days of the Apostles; for who are of faith, are of Abraham, of Christ according to the flesh; and so if the dead arise not, their Preaching is vain, and their faith is vain. So I say mortal must put on immortality, and corruption must put on incorruption: the first man was made a living soul; the second was made a quickening spirit, there is earthly bodies, and heavenly bodies: and there Is a resurrection of the just, and unjust, the one to eternal life, the other to condemnation. And the Judge is the man Christ Jesus to Judge the quick, and the dead, who both died, and risen again that he might be God of the dead, and the living. And the light which every man hath that cometh into the world doth not testify against Christ; And the light doth not bring to deny the Scriptures but to own them; And none owns them aright, nor Christ, but who are in the light which cometh from him. And all that do deny the light that doth enlighten every man, etc. are the wolves, and the false Prophets, and Antichrists that have gotten the sheep's clothing, and such cannot be received into the houses of the Saints, that are from the light which every man is enlightened withal. And none confesseth Christ come in the flesh, but who is in the light which Christ hath enlightened them withal. And so now is all Professors, and teachers upon the earth; and Kings of the earth ravened inwardly from the light which Christ enlightened them all withal; standing against the light, and the Lamb, and the Saints, that be in it; and are not to be received into the houses of the Saints, neither to bid them God speed, for they be out from God that be out of the Light which Christ the Son hath enlightened them withal. Pr. And he saith Christ hath a humane reasonable soul. Again, Christ the Eternal Son of God distinct from the Father Eternally; before he was made flesh, his spirit was distinguished from the Father and the Son from Eternity; and not only when he was manifested by descending on Christ in the likeness of a Dove, or by falling upon the Apostles like cloven tongues, etc. page 17. Answ. Christ saith he is in the Father, and the Father is in him, and he will send them the Spirit of Truth the Comforter that proceeds from the Father and the Son, and Christ saith he was glorified with the Father before the world began; and yet ye say, the Son is distinguished from the Father from Eternity: and the Son saith he is in the Father, and the Father is in him: and you say the spirit is distinguished from the Father and the Son from Eternity, and Christ saith it proceeds from him and the Fathers and he is the God and Father of the spirits of all flesh, and the substance of all things; And is not a humane soul, earthly? for you say that Christ had a humane soul, and is not humane earthly? and hath a humane body, and is not a humane body an earthly body? Is not his body of the seed of Abraham according to the flesh? and is not his body a glorified body? was not the first man of the earth, earthly, and had an humane body, the second man the Lord from heaven? And is not the soul immortal which cometh out from God which is immortal and goes into God again? and is not humane, or earthly mortal? And are there not three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Spirit, and are not they all one? how then are they distinct, and three that bear record in earth, the spirit the water, and the blood, which agree, in one? And Christ saith. I and my Father are one; and I in the Father, and the Father in me, and he is in the Saints, and so not distinct. Pr. He saith it is impudence in the Quakers to deny the word Trinity and three Persons. And the Church ever denied such as denies the Doctrine of the Trinity. Page 18. 19 Ans. As for the word Trinity, and three Persons we have not read it in the Bible, but in the Common-prayer Book or Masse-book which the Pope was the Author of; but as for Unity we own, and Christ being the brightness of the Father's glory, and the express Image of his substance of the Father we own; That we own which agrees with the Scriptures, and for that which the Scripture speaks not; which men speak, and teach for Doctrine their own words, that the Scriptures speaks not, nor teacheth, such the Scriptures shut out, and we deny. Pr. He saith that is the weak, ignorant, dark, and the wicked Sect of the Devil, that maintains an equality with God; the soul to be one being with God or part of God. And saith (the Quakers say) there is no Scriptures speaks of a humane soul, and the soul is taken up into God, and God is all, in all. Answ. The Assembly, or Synod of Priests put forth a Catechism, and say that the Holy Ghost and the Son is equal with the Father in power, and glory: and this they put forth that people should learn it: what than if any come to witness the Holy Ghost, they come to witness that which is equal in power and glory with the Father? what if any come to witness the Son of God revealed in them (which he that hath not him, hath not life) do they not come to witness him who is equal in power and glory with the Father? (this is your own Catechism) and is it blasphemy to confess your own words, that ye have given people to learn? God breathed into man the breath of life, and he became a living soul. God, who hath all souls in his hand. And is not this that cometh out from God, which is in God's hand, part of God of God, and from God, and to God again? which soul Christ is the Bishop of, and doth not thou speak of a humane soul, an earthly soul, and is earthly, immortal and cannot die nor be killed? And is not that which came out from God, which God hath in his hand taken up into God again, which Christ the power of God is the Bishop of, is not this of Gods being? And doth not the Scripture say, God is all and in all? And how dost thou here divide the word of God aright? who shows so much ignorance of the letter of Scripture. Pr. He saith, It is a wretched doctrine to say men have not a humane soul in them, and to say that the soul is a part of the Divine Essence. Ans. Is not that of God that come out from him? and is not the earthly and humane of the ground? and is not that mortal; and is that which is immortal humane? And dost thou say it is humane, and is not that earthly? And where doth the Scripture of the Prophets, Christ or the Apostles tell people of a humane soul; and of Christ having a humane body in heaven? and doth not the Apostle speak of his glorified body? Pr. He saith that God should dwell in his Saints, and Christ inhabit in believers; how can this be? the heaven, of heavens cannot contain him, how much less shall the straight heart of man? Answ. The Scripture saith God will dwell in men, and walk in men, and Christ that fills heaven and earth is in you except ye be reprobates, and so in this thou hast showed thyself one not able to divide the word aright, and the bodies of the Saints are the Temples of God, and God will dwell in them, and walk in them, and he will be their God, and they shall be his people. Pr. He saith, Nor is it an essential indwelling of the Divine nature in God's people, etc. Answ. Doth not the Apostle say the Divine nature the Saints was made partakers of? and God dwells in the Saints, and Christ in them, except they be reprobates? And doth not the Saints come to eat the flesh of Christ? and if they eat his flesh, is it not within them? Pr. He saith God dwells not in the Saints as a personal union, etc. page 22. Answ. How comes the Saints then to eat of his flesh and to be of his flesh and bone, and God dwelling in them, and have unity with the Son and the Father, and to be of his body, which is the Church, and Christ the head. Pr. To say a man is justified and made righteous (by Gods putting righteousness into us,) and by righteousness wrought in the creature, confounds Justification and Sanctification, etc. See page 25. Answ. The Apostle brought the people to the faith by which they was justified, that was in their hearts, for with the heart man believes unto righteousness, etc. And the light they was to believe in, that was Christ. And the light that shined in their hearts gave the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus their Saviour. Now Justification by the works of the Law, was, do this and live: Circumcise the children; if they did not, they was to be cut off: and they was to keep the Law, and the works of the Law, the faith of Christ ended: for it took away the nature that the Law went upon; now the Papists, and Priests be out of the works of the Law, or the works of faith that works by love, for they are slaying one another about Religion, though they pretend works, and this was ever out of the faith of Christ Jesus to kill one another about Religion: Now the Apostles was in the works of faith, who neither prisoned, nor persecuted any that was a contrary minded that did so, nor wrestled not against flesh and blood, but against the power that captivated creatures. And so all this work about works doth show you and the Papists both be out of the faith that works by love, where love should overcome all things, and bear all things. I do not measure Priests, and professors, nor Papists by the works of the Law which the Apostles speaks of, which the false teachers were bringing people to, in the days of the Apostles; Neither do I compare or measure Papists, or Priests with the works of faith that works by love, that becomes all, to all, for the winning some of them. Papists, and Priests and professors will kill one another about their faith, which is not the faith that works by love; and contrary to the Apostles, and Quakers faith. Pr. He saith our warfare cannot be expected to be over as long as we are in the body: and the best of Saints do not live free from sin. Pag. 27. Ans. The Apostles said they was made free from sin, and the blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God cleanseth us from all sin; and such as witness the everlasting Covenant of God, that blotted out their sins, and transgressions. And they did witness the one offering that perfected for ever them that are sanctified; And the Saints did witness the Kingdom of God which stands in righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost; and were new Creatures, and the old man put off, and they were more than conquerors. So thou art ignorant of the Scriptures, And it is the Doctrine of Devils that Preacheth that men shall have sin, and be in a warfare so long as they be on earth, that is not the Doctrine of Christ which brings people to the faith, the which gives the victory, in which they have unity one with another, and please God. Pr. He saith to witness heaven within and hell within, and the resurrection, is the mystery of Iniquity. Page 31. Ans. Which shows thou never knew heaven in thyself, nor hell there, nor Christ the resurrection and the life, which they are blessed that are made partakers of the first resurrection, on them the second death shall have no power. And the Scriptures doth witness heaven within. And if Christ that was offered up the resurrection, and the life, be not within thee, thou art a reprobate. Pr. He saith, We shall have incorruptible, powerful, glorious and spiritual bodies; and yet they say Christ is in heaven with a humane body (which is earthly) See pag. 34. Again the spirits can enter into heaven, while the body is upon the earth, etc. And he saith the fourth Commandment commandeth the keeping of a seventh day: and he that breaketh the least Commandment and teacheh men so to do, is least in the Kingdom of Heaven. Page 41. Answ. Have not all the Priests and teachers in England, denied the Jews Sabbath, the seventh day? and do not you work on it? And do not you meet together on the first day of the week? And do not you all teach men to break the Commandment there? And you keep markets and fairs on the seventh day; the Jews Sabbath? ye meet together on the first day of the week: (which is the eight day and so not one in seven. And if the Saints-sat in heavenly places with Christ Jesus; And if the Saints in heaven must have a glorious body, and Christ an humane body (which I say is earthly) how doth this agree with Scripture, that says Christ's is a glorious body? And is it an earthly body the Saints eats, when they eat the flesh of Christ? And is not people in their first state, in the earthly, before they come to witness a spiritual body like unto his glorious body? How do you divide the word aright? and they that have the spirit of Christ, their spirits are in heaven, and they have unity with the Father. Pr. We have no such immediate converse with God now, as to see him face to face, page 42. Ans. We do believe you have not, who are gone from the spirit that the Prophets and Apostles were in, ravened from it since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy, and so are not in the counsel of God, and are out of his teaching and instruction, and so fare off of having fellowship with God; for who have fellowship with him, comes to see him; and you are not of Abraham's seed who saw God face to face, but are of the Pharisees stock, who never saw his shape, John 5. Pr. And you say, In the last days false Prophets should arise, and show signs and wonders; and if it were possible they should deceive the Elect. And the coming of the man of sin is after the working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders, etc. page 44. Answ. Christ said they should come, the false Prophets and the Antichrists which John saw were come; yea, many Antichrists were gone out into the world. And the Apostle Paul saw the man of sin before his decease, the coming of him with the lying signs and wonders; which since the days of the Apostles in this night of Apostasy, they have ruled and reigned, the man of sin with his lying signs and wonders; and these are not the true signs, but lying. And when they were ravened from the spirit of God they got the sheep's clothing, inwardly ravening wolves, which if it were possible, they would deceive the very elect; which went forth from the Apostles in the apostasy, and since, they have deceived the Nations, the wolves, the inwardly raveners, though covered with the sheep's clothing. And here these things have been among you in the apostasy: And the Apostates have reigned and ruled, and have had the dominion since the days of the Apostles; But now (with that which ye all have ravened from) are ye made manifest and comprehended. So this man of sin with his lying signs and wonders, who ravened from the spirit of God as the Devil did, who went from the Truth, is he that compels all his members to plead for the body of sin while they be upon earth, and so to keep them out of the faith of God's Elect, that gives the victory over the world: And such he cannot deceive, nor none of his members, that ravened from the spirit of God. Pr. He saith, The Quakers, the despising the fashions of the world, contemning the honours and pleasures thereof, and their sober carriage and deportment among men, and willingness to suffer; all these he calls wickedness. See page 49, 50. Answ. But it seemeth this practice, soberness, denying the fashions of the world, and contemning of honours and pleasures thereof, and the sober carriage offends him and the world, and the rest of the Priests and Professors, and to deny their lusts which they be in. Pr. He saith; The Devil is not an Adulterer, page 51. Answ. Did the Devil abide in the Truth? And did not he go out of it? Are not all that go out of the Truth of him, Adulterers, who begets his own image? and is the foundation of adultery? Pr. He saith, The light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, is a natural light, or law, page 56. Ans. Which light is the end of the Law, Christ Jesus, before any natural light was made or created; for all things that was made, was made by him, and he doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, who is the end of the Law. Pr. He saith, the light will not bring men to salvation, page 56. Answ. The light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, is Christ the salvation to the ends of the earth. Pr. He saith again, The light is not sufficient to lead men to salvation, page 60. And to witness Sanctification within, and Justification there, is to confound justification and sanctification. And grace, and justification is a created thing, and the sight within is mere darkness which the Quakers speak of. See page 61. Ans. The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal comprehends all darkness, and leads out of it, and there is no occasion of stumbling in it; for as many as receives him, to them he gives power to become the sons of God. And the light is not darkness; but he that saith the light is darkness, is out of the light, in the darkness. And Justification and Sanctification within doth not confound it without, but is the same that is within as is without: And grace is the gift of God, and Sanctification both, Christ Jesus, who was before any creature was created, and the grace comes from the Throne. Pr. He saith, They are the unstablished people that are running after every way of error, that owns the Quakers in these Nations, page 62. Ans. In that the Nation will witness against thee; for them that own the Quakers, it's known that they have been the most knowingest, seeking people that have been in the Nations, and the most sincerest people; and none comes out of error, but who comes to the Quakers light which they follow, which is Christ. Pr. He saith, That Christ hath a humane created soul, See page 63. Again, and the light in the conscience to be Christ is a false Doctrine. And the Quakers seek to bring people from all other teaching but the light within them. page 65. Answ. The soul of Christ is witnessed; But to say it is humane, earthly, and created (when the Scripture doth not teach us that doctrine) we cannot own your words, nor believe, but deny them. And Christ is the light in the conscience, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, who was before any creature was; which he that receiveth it comes to him to be his Teacher, and feels him reign. And every man must come to the Light which Christ hath enlightened them withal, etc. who is the Covenant of God, to feel the Law written in their hearts, and in their minds, to bring them off all other Teachers, whereby they need not teach one another, nor to say, Know the Lord. Pr. He saith, Men may be called of men Master, and it is but a cavil to deny it. And they may deny to be called Father, as well as Master, etc. See page 68 Answ. Thou hast in this denied the doctrine of Christ, and slights it, who saith, be not ye of men called master; for ye have all one Master, which is Christ, and ye are all brethren. And thou hast showed thyself out of the Brotherhood; and there is a birth to be born, which can call no man Father upon earth, which thou art ignorant of. Pr. He saith, There is lawful respects of persons, and it is said God himself is the respecter of persons: and the Quakers overthrow all authority, because they do not respect persons, because they deny that, page 71. Answ. God is not a respecter of persons, as saith the Apostle, for his Covenant he gives to the Gentiles as well as to the Jews. And the faith of Gods elect is held without the respect of persons; and he that respects persons commits sin, and transgresseth the Law. And so thou divides not the word aright. Pr. He saith, False Prophets shall arise, and damnable heresies, and many shall follow their pernicious ways, by which the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. Ans. The Apostles saw them come up, the false Prophets that brought in the damnable heresies, that was covetous, etc. and many followed their ways. And the false Prophets goes from the light that Christ hath enlightened them withal, and raveneth from the Spirit, and gets the sheep's clothing, and through their covetousness makes a trade of that: and you are such which causeth the truth to be evil spoken of, which are come up, manifest since the days of the Apostles. Pr. And the Quakers are not to be received into their houses, nor bidden God-speed, and such as creeps into houses, leads silly women captive, laden with sin, and led away with divers lusts. Ans. The Apostle saw such as crept into houses, and saw such as transgressed the Doctrine of Christ, that was not to be received into houses, and saw the deceivers that walked after their ungodly lusts, before the Apostles decease; and such as led people always learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, as it is manifest now in the world, they are learning 40. 50. or 60. years, and yet there is a cry among them, that they must have the body of sin while they be upon the earth, and live in their sins, and none can be without it; and this is the height of your doctrine it leads too, which is now in the mouths of all people that be under your teaching that teach that Doctrine; and yet you will say, the work of the Ministry is for the perfecting of the Saints, to the edifying of the body of Christ, till all come into the unity of the faith unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: And this work ye have denied yourselves to be in; but such that are as Jannes and Jambres, how should it be otherwise? that ravened from the spirit of God inwardly; that went forth from the Apostles, that be covetous, that keeps people always learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. So you are them that keeps people from the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and keeps them in spiritual Egypt, Sodom, and Gomorah, where they be always learning, having the form of godliness, and never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth; and this to you all will be a sad cup at last. And as for all thy lies and slanders in thy Book which are not worth mentioning, they will come sad upon thyself one day for the grievous lies thou hast uttered in it unto the Nation; which thousands in the Nation that are not under the name of Quakers knows, and sees the contrary to what thou hast published; but they will fall upon thy own self, and be thy own burden: And then thou shalt say, when thou feelst thy own works burn, thou hadst better have been silent, and not have published forth thy folly, and made thy name to stink, and brought thy name upon record, who hath made lies thy refuge; but the hail is come, and coming, that will sweep them away. William Thomas, called Minister of the Gospel of Vbley; His Book called, A Vindication of the SCRIPTURES and MINISTERS. His PRINCIPLES followeth. Pr. HE saith, Christ directs to look for life in Scriptures, because they testify of him; and that the Scriptures are the ground of Faith, and the Saints rule. And again, We are justified by Christ without us, and not within us. See his Epistle. Ans. The Scriptures many had, and searched them, and found not life in them, for Christ is the life; and if men have all the Scriptures, and have not Christ, they have not life. And so Christ did not say they should have life in Scriptures; but he saith, they thought to have life there, and they testified of him: And they would not come to him that they might have life. How ignorant art thou of the Scriptures, and of Christ's words, to divide them on this manner? And Christ is the Author of the Faith. And many if they have Scriptures, they have not the ground of faith, until they have Christ the Author of it, and God the giver of it, which is able to make wise unto salvation through the faith which Christ is the Author of. For Enoch and Abel, etc. had faith before the Scriptures was written, and so before thy ground was. And the Saints had a rule before the Scriptures was written; for the spirit was their rule that led them into all truth, and to speak forth Scriptures; that is the rule that mortifies, circumciseth, baptizeth, and leads into all truth: The Word of God that fulfils Scriptures, leads into all truth; that is the truth that leads into all truth. Now the Scriptures cannot lead into all truth, but it testifies of that that doth so. And if Christ be not within people, they are reprobates: And is a reprobate justified? And if Christ be within, is not the Justification there, redemption and Sanctification witnessed, Christ the same yesterday, to day, and for ever? Pr. He saith, We consider how few there be in the Church that belongs to God. See his Epistle. Answ. This is your own Church, which is not the pillar and ground of truth. For who be in the Church of Christ, the pillar and ground of truth (where there is not a spot nor wrinkle, nor blemish, nor any such thing) they are them that belong to God; they are living stones built up together a spiritual household, but this thou art afar off. Pr. He saith, We willingly acknowledge we are fallible men, that may be deceived; and to find infallible Teachers is against experience. None pretends infallibility but the Pope. See page 9 He saith, The Scriptures is the Well, and living Fountain from whence living waters have been drawn this hundred or thousand years, page 8. Answ. If every one that hath the Scriptures hath the fountain, hath the Devil the fountain? for he can bring Scriptures: Hath he the Fountain and Well of living waters? Nay we say, God and Christ is the fountain of all good: And saith David, all the springs are in him. And so many may have the Scriptures, and yet want the waters, want the fountain; which hath had them since the days of the Apostles, which have had them this many hundreds of years in the Apostasy, the sheep's clothing, and have known no other Fountain but it, nor no other Well: So there hath all the leanness of souls been among people, that they have not known the Fountain of whom they learned that gave forth Scriptures. And we do believe you that ye are fallible men, that say the Scriptures is the well and fountain of living waters, and you are not infallible. And it is contrary to your experience to be infallible: And we say the Pope is not infallible neither, though he be your Father, the Ancient. Yet we say, he and you are apostatised from the infallible spirit that the Apostles was in, in which we are come, with which ye are seen and judged. So not to have the spirit of Christ Jesus, not to have the spirit of the Prophets and Apostles, not to be led by the spirit of truth into all truth; not to be in the spirit, not to speak as ye are moved of the Holy Ghost. But to be such as ravened from the spirit of God inwardly, and have gotten the sheep's clothing, ye and the Pope, and so have devoured Nations for this many hundred years, so have all been like ravening Wolves. For who witness these conditions that they were in that gave forth the Scriptures, they witness infallibility, an infallible spirit; which is now possessed and witnessed among those called Quakers, glory to the highest for ever. That your folly now should be made manifest, the morning is springing in, the night of apostasy is going. So I say the Devil, false Prophets, Antichrists, Deceivers, Beast, mother of Harlots, none of these can witness an infallible spirit, nor the Well nor Fountain, but the Letter; though they may get all the sheep's clothing, and come in likeness of a Lamb or a Sheep to deceive people withal. But being out of the spirit that Christ, the Prophets and Apostles was in that gave forth Scriptures, they are not infallible as they were; but with that they are all judged out, which will answer that which they are all gone from where the key is known, and the Well was, and is in believers. Pr. And the Scriptures is the rule; and the Quakers dream of the Light to be their Rule to walk by. Page 14. Answ. The word of God which lives, and endures for ever (which came to the Saints of old, which caused them to give forth Scriptures, and to write them) which fulfils all the words again, is the Rule: which word was spoken to the Saints before Scripture was written: which lets all people see that declaration and fulfils that declaration to them, Christ the leader of the people, the Covenant of God, who is the light and they are in the dreams that denies it. Pr. He saith, But Christ by his Magistrates hath appointed Tithes a maintenance for his Ministers. Page 21. Answ. Since the days of the Apostles the Pope did give Tithes: and other Magistrates that followed him: and he hath had the tenths of the Tithes since this night of apostasy, and the reprobation hath been from the Apostles Doctrine. And many have had the sheep's clothing, but have been raveners from the life that they lived in, that gave it forth: so have not seen to what state, and condition the Scriptures was spoken from, and to; being out of the life they was in, that gave it forth; And sees not the substance Christ Jesus who came to end the first Priesthood, and the Ministers that took Tithes tolerated by the first Covenant which the Apostle witnessed the end of, an everlasting Covenant and another ministry, and another maintenance to them: which since the days of the Apostles, such as are ravened from the spirit of God, have lost the maintenance the Apostles and Christ gave; and so set up another, Tithes and a ministry; which is neither agreeable to Jews, nor Gentiles; nor Christ's, but more darker. But the night of apostasy is going over, the true Light shines, and the light of the living springing in. Pr. He saith, The immediate spirit excludes the word to be the rule. Page 38. And the word, and the spirit he saith are different things; And the Pharisees thought right, that eternal life was laid up in the Scriptures. Page 39 Answ. Christ told the Pharisees they would not come to him that they might have life: and he was the life, and he was the way, and no one cometh to the Father but by him: he doth not say he was scripture, but he bids them search it, for it testified of him: and no one hath life but who are in him. And the word, and the spirit are one: and the spirit doth not exclude the word nor the Scriptures for they was given forth from it, and owns them again, with it are they seen, given forth in time, fulfilled in time, cannot be broken, and the Saints, life is hid in Christ who ends them. Pr. He saith, Men are saved but not by Christ within us. Page 42. Ans. How is man's salvations wrought out, but by the power of Christ wihtin? How is the old man destroyed, but by Christ within? How is the Justification felt, but by Christ within? And the seed Christ made manifest that suffered without; is made manifest within, there is redemption, and life. He that hath the Son of God, hath life, redemption to God out of the first Adam, and who feels Christ within feels salvation; and who doth not are reprobates though they may talk of him. Pr. He saith, It is a fond sign to depend upon an unwritten word immediately within themselves: and say from that word is the life manifested within. Pag. 43, And Christ is not come to them in the flesh, and he saith Timothy had the gift of God freely; and Elders are called ordinarily, and not Immediately. This call ordinary is common to all Ministers, to continue to all ages in the Church. Page 47. Ans. All they that have not the unwritten word in their hearts, which is immediate, knows not the word of faith, knows not the word of reconciliation: knows not the Engrafted word that is able to save their souls, knows not that which lives and abides and endures for ever; knows not eternal life, neither have they it that hath not the word, the immediate word within them; knows not the immortal seed. And such be in the fondness, and have the Scripture and put that for the word, which is words. And since the days of the Apostles in your Churches; your Ministers, your Elders, your makers of your Ministers, have been all mediate, and so it is ordinary as ye call it. But before the Apostasy, in the days of the Apostles we say neither Elders, nor Ministers, was mediate: But that which made the elders, was the Holy-Ghost, to oversee; and that which brought them to minister was immediate: and so they was Ministers of the spirit, and all Elders made by the mediate, is carnal, earthly, and their weapons are earthly, and their rule which they oversee withal is earthly. Therefore hath your Church broken into so many pieces: and they divide, and cannot hold together like earth, because ye are not in an Immediate spirit. And so we do see it is so since the days of the Apostles, neither your Elders nor your teachers are called Immediately. But only have the sheep's clothing, ravened from the spirit of God. And so are the wolves tearing one another to pieces about the letter, and your apprehensions of it. And Timothy, which many of you say had not an immediate call, and yet thou saith, he had the gift of God. Doth not that which God gives to men, bring to do his will? And that which is given from God to man, is not that immediate, and perfect? And we do believe you, ye do not witness that ye are of his flesh, and of his bone, that ye have not eaten it, nor drunk his blood: therefore do you say the Scriptures is the fountain of life, and have been this hundreds or thousand years, which the Pharisees had Scriptures in their ages, and had not life: ye have had the Scriptures which ye call the well and fountain of life many hundreds, or thousand years; yet though you and the Pharisees have all Scriptures, except ye do eat the flesh of Christ, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you, neither you, nor the Pharisees; which flesh is our food, and blood is our drink, which we do believe you, this many hundred of years ye have not eaten his flesh, nor drank his blood: and so are not of his flesh, nor of his bone; therefore cry ye so much against immediate, and infallibility. Pr. He saith, The holiest man that is, is not able to give an infallible Character of another man. Pag. 49. we do grant, that our Ministers came from Antichrist, and past through him. And he chargeth people for leaving their callings: and say that the Quakers are like to them that fly from the wrath to come. Answ. We do believe that your Ministers came from Antichrist, and through Antichrist, for he was the Channel; But the Quakers are neither of you, nor of Antichrist, nor of the Pope: but they are of the Apostles stock, and of Abraham, and of Christ before the Pope was, Antichrist was, or you was and so with the spirit of God and the Apostles you are fathomed. And the Quakers do witness they are made free from the wrath to come, which the Pharisees did not that fled to John. And there thy measure is too short; all may see it that be in the light, and thy ignorance of the Scriptures thou hast discovered and showed, and thou saith that the holiest man is not able to give an infallible Character of another man: hast not thou in this discovered thyself to be no Minister of Christ or of the spirit? who cannot give an infallible Character of another man, how canst thou minister to his condition? how canst thou see where he is? how canst thou see them that be turned from the darkness? and that be in the darkness, and distinguish the one from the other, and a holy man, from an unholy man, that canst not give an infallible Character of any man's state? How canst thou know when men be in the spirit; and that they are Epistles written in one another's hearts; not with paper and ink, but with the spirit of the living God? oh a divider of the word aright hath been wanting among you dark ones, thou may say right enough, your Ministers came from Antichrist, and through Antichrist; And did not the Saints leave their callings? Pr. He saith, It is a fancy to witness the righteousness of Christ within us. Page. 61. and to maintain persecution, he brings Ahabs slaying the false Prophets, and for the laying on of hands, he brings the practice of the Apostles. And to stop the liberty of conscience, he saith must Saul be permitted to do what he will against Jesus of Nazareth? Answ. False Prophets are enemies, yet they are not to slay them; now the Apostles did not wrestle against the flesh and the blood, with the false Prophets, at you Ministers do now; though Saul did before he was Paul, and shown himself of your nature you be now in unconverted; And who ever be not in that state to witness Christ in them manifest in their flesh: and there condemning sin in the flesh; that they may through him become the righteousness of God; they be in their fancies: And Christ destroys the ground of all fancy, and brings to see where there is no shadow nor changing, and brings their conscience into liberty, and washeth it and sprinkling it, where the Ministry of faith is held in it. And your laying on of hands, (since the apostasy from the Apostles) is not as the Apostles, who have not an infallible spirit, nor are infallible, (nor called immediately) as they were; none of them you lay on your hands can receive the Holy Ghost, who you yourselves are not in the immediate spirit, nor infallible, nor called immediately. So all in the apostasy is from the Apostles hands, and calling; your folly is made manifest, the light hath discovered you, at which ye are stumbling; and every one is wrestling against the Lamb, and the Saints that are wrestling against the Light: and such are Antichrists that shall be slain with the sword, the words of his mouth: and the Lamb, and the Saints shall have the victory. Pr. He saith humane learning helps to understand heavenly things. Page 70. Again Christ inlightens men no more ways but one, to wit by a natural light. Page 71. And the righteousness within is not that which justifies, and we are not freely justified, and saved, and redeemed (that is) through that Redemption, and righteousness that is within us. Page 74. 75. He saith, We are justified freely, but not by the grace wrought in us. Answ. By grace ye are saved and that not of yourselves, is is the gift of God; and this in the heart manifested before it be known, and possessed. And every one that knows Justification, Redemption, righteousness and salvation, this is all known within us, else people be in the first Adam, drove from God, not come to the second Adam, not knowing salvation in the ground, Justification in the ground, Redemption in the ground. If Christ the righteousness of God, Redemption, Justification, and salvation, the righteousness be not felt within, and found within, they are Reprobates. And the Reprobates may talk of it without; but where that is, there is salvation, righteousness, Redemption, Justification, etc. And Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world him by whom the world was made before it was made, which light people are to believe in; which is not natural: which gives to see over the nature, before the natural was? for the natural lights are the Sun, the Moon, and Stars which may be seen with a visible eye: which Christ the light, the Covenant of light to Jews and Gentiles, the salvation to the ends of the earth, which doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, that all men through him might believe. Here is God no respector of persons; he that believeth in the light, shall be saved: and he that doth not, is condemned. And he comes to be a Child of light, who believes in the light: and now shall the world be reproved, for not believing in the light, and humane learning is that which is earthly, and natural; that doth not open the heavenly: that which reveals the things of God, is the Spirit of God, beyond all the world's wisdom. For that you call humane learning, and humane soul, and humane body, is earthly, not heavenly, nor understands them. The earth is below, so they that are of the earth, and they that is from above speak of the things above, and so they that are below measure by the earthly wisdom below, and so that which gives to understand the heavenly things, is the spirit of God and the spiritual wisdom; which is not of man, nor from man; for saith the Apostle neither knows any man the things of God, but the Spirit of God. Pr. And the righteousness of Christ by which we are justified (he saith) is not within us: Again the Lord will pour out his Spirit upon all flesh; but that is not meant that all should have the spirit, for some have not the spirit, as in Judas. Page 79. He saith he desires God to lighten with a better light than that which lightens every man, etc. and to lead them out of these gross delusions. See page 80. Answ. You that are not justified by that Christ that suffered without, manifested within you shall never know Justification; if the Justification be not within, you are reprobates. And the Lord hath fulfilled his promise, by pouring out his spirit upon all flesh, Sons, and Daughters, handmaids, old men though they quench it: And they in Judas, prove they had the spirit which went in Balaams, Cores, and cain's way, but they erred from it; where you are in the sensual state, in the sects, and seeing not the promise of the Father pouring out of the spirit upon all flesh, Apostatised out of the life the Apostles was in, and the Prophets; manifest yourselves to the whole world. And so you that owns not the Light Christ Jesus that God sent into the world, and gave his only begotten Son into the world, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that all through him might believe: but thou that desires a better light of God than he, (to wit, Christ) shows thy tempting, and Blasphmy. For there is no other way to the Father but by Christ the Light of the world, that doth enlighten every one, etc. and he that doth not believe in that light is condemned. Pr. He saith, And Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that is meant the Church. See Postscript. Paul and Peter instructed by immediate Revelation, which we are not so presumptuous as to expect. And he saith, Reproaches are cast upon the Ministers, because they are not infallible, and preach not by immediate inspiration as the Apostles did. Postscript. Ans. You that do not instruct and preach by the same immediate infallible spirit as the Prophets and Apostles was in, you be all in an usurped authority, out of the spirit, run, and not sent from God: For whom God sends, he sends immediately; and teacheth, he teacheth immediately, and they know his infallible spirit. And none knows the Scriptures of Truth of you all since the days of the Apostles in this night of apostasy; but who are in the infallible spirit, and immediate, which the Prophet's and Apostles was in, which you from it are gone forth, and it is presumption in you to teach without it. And so you are not reproached, nor the Pope that are the false Prophets, and Antichrists that Christ said should come, and the Apostle John saw was come, that inwardly ravened, and have gotten the sheep's clothing, have the form, but deny the power; who deny infallibility, and the immediate call, and the immediate Ministry, have denied the power of God, and so keeps people always learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, in the usurped authority, which the Apostles stopped and rebuked before his decease: And so you do not see the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which Christ faith, I am the light of the world, not of Saints only. And saith the Prophet, I will give him for a Covenant to the Gentiles, not a new Covenant to the house of Israel only; and there he was prophesied of before John came, the greatest Prophet who was born of a woman, who said, This is the true light that doth enlighten every man, etc. And when Christ was come, he said he was the light of the world: And whosoever did believe in him, should not abide in darkness, but should have the light of life. And so since ye ravened from the spirit of God, and have only had the sheep's clothing; ye have brought people upon heaps and Sects: and they that be not in the infallible, are they that reproach; for they be in the reproachful spirit, which the spirit of God never did, which was immediate and infallible, which the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles were in, which always judged the reproachers, which was from the infallible spirit. Pr. And thou saith, To the Law, and to the Testimony: and how that he gave some Apostles for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the Ministry, for the edifying of the body, till all come into the unity of the faith, to the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature and fullness of Christ. Answ. Thou, and you all that have denied infallibility and immediate inspiration and teaching, have shut yourselves out of the Law and Testimony, and the work of the Ministry, which is for the perfecting of the body, and bringing them to the unity of the faith, to the knowledge of the Son of God, etc. For the Law is light, that is infallible and immediate. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, that is infallible and immediate. And ye may have the Old and New Testament, and say that is the Law and Testimony; which the Law and Testimony was before Matthew, Mark, Luke & John, the Acts, the Epistles, and the Revelations was written in the days of Isaiah, see Isa. 8 chap. And that which perfects the Saints is infallible; that gift which was given to the Ministry is infallible and immediate; that which edifies the body of Christ is infallible and immediate; that which brings to the knowledge of the Son of God, is infallible, perfect, and immediate; that which brings to a perfect man, to the unity of the faith, is infallible and immediate, and perfect; that which brings to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, is perfect, and infallible, and immediate. And the infallible and immediate you having denied, ye have shut yourselves out of the work of the Ministry in the Apostasy. As for the rest of the lies and slanders in thy Book, will be thy own burden, which uttereth forth thy own folly, and it toucheth not the Saints, but falls off like dust, they are of no weight. And the day is come that tries men's works infallibly, what is for the fire, and what not. Jeremiah Ives, His Book called, The Quakers Quaking. His Principles follows, etc. Pr. HE saith, Have a care of slighting your watchmen, lest the Lord remove them into corners. Answ. Christ the Teacher is witnessed, who is the end of Moses, the Prophets, the Covenant of God with his people, in which people know God if all their Teachers were removed into corners. And they that have their Teachers in corners, their houses are left desolate, from the Covenant of God they are strangers. So in this thy ignorance appears of that Teacher that cannot be removed into a corner, who is the salvation to the ends of the earth. Pr. He saith, It is an error to say the Light within is equal with Scripture, and God's Word. Ans. Christ within is the Light (and he is above Scripture) and Gods Word which was before Scriptures was given forth. Pr. He saith, Is it any more a Nickname to call a man a Quaker that quakes by the power of God? page 3. Answ. Yes, if the power of God doth make that to quake and tremble, that must quake before the salvation be wrought out, and man come out of the Fall of Adam's state in the transgression in the earth, and darkness, corruption, and pollution, and death, he must know the power of God that shakes that which is to be shaken, before he knows that raised up that cannot be shaken; which the world is ignorant of, though they have the form of it. And the first nick-namer of the Quakers that ever I heard was a corrupt Justice in the year 1650, whose name was Gervase Bennet in Derby, that ever named the people of God with the name of Quakers, though the mighty power of the Lord God had been known years before. Pr. He saith, It is an error in those men that will allow nothing to be called God's Word but Christ, page 6. Ans. Christ's name is called the Word of God; his name is above every name, and over all things he must have the pre-eminence, words and names. Yet I say, the Scriptures of truth given forth from the spirit of truth are the words of God: Gods words which Christ the Word fulfilled by him in whom they end, who was before the words was spoken forth. Pr. He saith, It is an error to say they are immediately sent of God, and to have an immediate call from God to go out of their Countries to preach the Gospel, etc. Page 9 Answ. Thou, and all you that speak, or preach, or go to people, but not by the immediate spirit, and a call from God, are them that run and the Lord never sent you; and you profit not the people at all, as all the fruits in the Nation declares upon the house top. Therefore are ye wrangling, and envying such as are immediately sent from God, and left their Callings as the Saints did, and Prophets. I say none can preach the Gospel upon the earth, but who is in the immediate call; for the Gospel is the power of God, and that is immediate. The Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles which gave forth the Scriptures, they all spoke by the immediate spirit of God: and all that be not in that, they are not able to know the Scriptures, as that unsavoury Pearsival saith, he hath not the infallible spirit; yet he will bawl of the Scrip●ur●● that was given forth from the infallible spirit. Though the Devil wandered from ●●e tr●th that compasseth the earth; though the Pharisees compass Sea and Land; though the false Prophets and Antichrists have gone over Nations: Now all these may get Scriptures, but be out of the life of them: Such makes Proselytes, Devils Disciples, and Messengers: But such as be in the power of God, and life that gave forth Scriptures, that comprehends and fathoms the world, they are in that which the Devils, Antichrists, false Prophets, mother of Harlots, and all their proselytes that have Scriptures out of the life, they be in that which they are all out of: Such are the Quakers, therefore doth all the world rage against them, who witness that which cannot be shaken. Pr. He saith, It is an Error to say that every man hath a light within him, that will teach him to worship God aright, page 18. Answ. Christ the truth who hath pre-eminence doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which shall make every tongue to confess him to the glory of God; which if they love the light which cometh from Christ the truth, who is the life, it will teach and direct every man to worship God in the truth, in that which untruth is out of. So every man having a light sufficient to salvation, for it cometh from the salvation; Christ the power of God, the salvation to the ends of the earth. And this light will let every one see the Son of God beyond all external means, wisdom, knowledge whatsoever. It is that which darkness cannot comprehend, this light which John bears witness of, which is the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, which the Jews and Levites stumbled at, which set all Jerusalem up in an uproar, as it doth, the wisest Priests and Professors in this age. And no one upon the earth shall ever know Christ but by the light which he hath enlightened him withal. If he have all the Scriptures that speaks of him come already, as the Pharisees had, that spoke he was to come; yet if they hate the light, they shall all be snared, and stumble, and fall, and split themselves upon the Rock. And such as are now stumbling at the light which every man that cometh into the world is lighted withal, are the bvilders with the words, which saith, Christ is come, as the Pharisees did with the words, that said, he was to come: And so both these bvilders reject the cornerstone, and stumble at the elect stone laid in Zion; and none seethe God but with the light they be enlightened withal. And all the preaching of the Apostles, the substance of it was to bring people to the Covenant of Light, both Jews and Gentiles, to whom he was promised: And all upon the earth that be from this light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, they be in the error, out of the Covenant of God, and strangers from the covenant of promise. Prin. He saith, It is an Error to say, the letter of Scripture is carnal, page 22. Answ. The letter of Scripture (paper and ink) we cannot say it is spiritual; but that which it speaks of is spiritual. Pr. He saith, It is an error to say they are perfect, and without sin, page 23. And another error to say, that none can come to God and Christ, but they that come to perfection. Ans. Whoever comes to Christ, and comes to God, he comes in the one offering which hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified, & who ever comes to Christ, comes to him that is perfect; and without holiness none can see him: And they that pretend coming to God and Christ out of perfection, they be in the error, and all sin is error, and who be in it be in the error; which the Apostle said, that they were made free from sin, and had put off the body of sin, and by the blood of Christ was cleansed from all sin; and by one offering he had perfected for ever them that are sanctified. And so they that say men must have sin while they be upon the earth, and that plead for it, they are not the friends of Christ. For who are the friends of Christ, be in his power, a top of the power of sin, trample it under foot. Pr. He saith, That the Scripture is the Word. And though Christ be the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, yet that light in every man doth not direct a man into the worship and service of God, though it be the true light of Christ, page 35. Answ. Nothing can direct men into the worship and service of God but the true light; for the light is that which doth let them see, and is that which doth make manifest, which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal; which he hating it, and not come to it, because his deeds be evil, that will be his condemnation. And that thou shalt feel it heavy at the last, though now thou mayst roar and rage's for a time, yet the bond is gone over thee, the Chain is set, and the sentence is given. Pr. He saith, It is an error of such as leave Water-baptism, and breaking of Bread, page 38. Ans. Doth not the Apostle bring people off of those things that are seen? And is not outward water, and outward bread the things that are seen? And are not these things temporal? though these things in their places and service is owned. But who comes into the baptism of the spirit, they come into the one, in which all the other ends, the greater. For there was many come to John; but when they should have come to receive Christ the Light, which doth enlighten every man, etc. they stood against him, as you do now. And Christ told them they received honour one of another, as you do now (a mark of the unbeliever) and the love of God was not in them, and the Word of God was not abiding in them; and they had never heard the voice of God, nor seen his shape at any time. And there are you like unto the Jews, whose Table is a trap, sticking in the outward things, standing against the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and so stumbling at the Cornerstone, elect and precious: But it is fallen upon your heads, and will grind you to powder, fight, bustle, and do all all that ever you can do, it is upon you, and all your compliments will do you no good. And none seeks the honour that comes from above, but who be in the light that doth enlighten every man, etc. And none honours the Son, but who be in the light that comes from him though they have all the Scriptures as the Pharisees had in their age. Pr. He saith, Error in life doth not prove error in judgement, page 46. Answ. Who errs in the life, errs in the judgement: For all that errs in the judgement, they are from the life, from it erred. And all the Pharisees that had Scriptures; yet from the life being erred, they all erred in their judgement, and knew not Christ the substance of Scriptures: So all you that be in error in life, you err in your judgement, you all stumble at the light with which Christ doth enlighten every man, etc. And none be out of the error of life, but who be in the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and out of the error of conversation. Pr. He saith, That the Quakers foam at the mouth, etc. Ans. It's a shame that ever men should lose their soberness, and come to be a shame to all modesty; that so many that do call themselves Teachers in this Nation, should publish such odious lies and untruths to the Nation: And how the Quakers have hung Ribbons upon one another, and given Ribbons to one another, as instance G. F. should have from M, F. Oh! that ever modesty should be so lost, and shamefastness quite gone, which should have been a garment to have covered impudence. That ever men, and Teachers of people, and professors should make lies their refuge: But I say, the Lord forgive you, for all these things shall be your own burden; and a heavy burden is come upon you, and coming upon you all in the Nation that trusts in lies. But what if you should see every man with his hand on his thigh, in pain to be delivered. Pr. He saith, The Prophet that shall presume to speak a word in my name, and I have not commanded him to speak he shall die. See page 26. Ans. Here thou hast brought thyself, and you all under thy own judgement, and given sentence upon yourselves, and all the rest of the Teachers, that say they never heard the voice of God immediately from heaven, nor immediate inspiration, nor revelation: So ye all want the spirit of God, and are out of it that the Prophets and Apostles were in, and with it all judged. Though ye may run in pretence of his name (with the form) and say ye never heard his voice, but that Prophet shall die thou saith. So thou hast judged yourselves, and there be all you Teachers in the apostasy since the days of the Apostles. Pr. And Christ said, many deceivers should come in his name, and deceive many: and such as serve not the Lord Jesus Christ but their own bellies. And with good words, and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. See Title page. Answ. Christ said in Matth. 24. and in Matth. 7. that false Prophets should come, and Antichrists, which before the Apostles decease they saw them then come; and such as served not the Lord Jesus Christ but their own bellies; which went forth from the Apostles, which in the Revelation, John saw the whole world gone after them, and those got the sheep's clothing; and so with the good words and fair speeches deceive, who was inwardly ravened from the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and such have good words, and fair speeches, but deceive the hearts of the simple: And gather people into forms and heaps, and sects, and ways, and opinions one against another, which are nothing but the Beast and his names, and all against the light that doth enlighten every man, etc. and so are making war against the Saints of the Lamb; but the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory, who will slay with his sword, the words of his mouth: And judgement is come through unto victory, and set in the earth: And so the Deceivers and Antichrists are telling people, now is the last times; now are they come, and bidding them come to Matth. 7. & Matth. 24. which indeed Christ did say they should come; but John said they was come, whereby they knew it was the last time: And in the Revelations he saith, That all Nations have drunk the Whore's cup, and the Kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the Inhabitants of the earth are drunk with the wine of her fornication; and the earth is corrupted, as ye make it appear, your fruits declare it. And this is that which hath brought the Nations to waters, and Peoples to waters, and Tongues to waters, and Multitudes to waters, which ravened inwardly from the spirit of God, yet have gotten the sheep's clothing to deceive the Nations. Such as drunk the blood of the Saints, the Prophets and Martyrs, did make war against the Saints, and overcame them: But now the Saints and the Lamb have the victory, glory to the Highest: And to that which they ravened from, are people now come. William Dells Book, called, A Stumbling Stone. His PRINCIPLES followeth. Pr. HE saith, The carnal Church is a great enemy to Christ's Church: And they are offended at Christ, because in him there was no humane nor earthly thing, page 13. He saith, It is the greatest error that reigns under Antichrists Kingdom, to affirm that the Universities is the foundation of Ministers. And Peter undoubtedly taxeth the Universities, with such men to be false Doctors, false Prophets, out of which proceeds all the Teachers in the world in their Towns and Cities, under the whole Kingdom of Antichrist, which have such Doctors and Teachers in the University for the whole world, page 27. Answ. The rest of the Priests and Teachers which are come from the Universities, and such as have set up themselves to be Teachers (as in this book ye may see) They say that Christ in heaven hath a humane body, and others say that he hath a humane soul; and thou saith there is no humane or earthly thing in him. And for as much as thy saying it is the greatest error under Antichrists Kingdom, to say the Universities is the fountains of Ministers. That is a true word; it will be well for thee if thou be not catcht in this fountain among these errors, maintaining of them; for such are they that quench the spirit, and speaketh the Scriptures in that spirit which came not by it. And these are them that have deceived the whole world: And all such as make Ministers in their wills, quench the spirit, limits the holy one, despiseth prophesying, makes a trade of Scriptures, which came not by the will of man, for the satisfying of their own wills. And happy would del have been, if he had lived in what he spoke. Gyles Fermin called Pastor of the Church at Shalfor in Essex his Book called, Stablishing against Shaking. His Principles are as followeth, etc. Pr. HE saith take away learning, and England becomes a dunghill. Ans. Peter, and John was unlearned men, yet was no dunghill. Pr. He saith true teachers pleads hard for their people's ears. The Quakers say we are not Ministers, because we Preach for hire, and are covetous and divine for money; and the Apostles took wages, and maintenance, and saith they eat, and drunk, etc. and he saith the Lord did ever be teams his Ministers honourable wages. Pag. 5. and he saith the labourer is worthy of his hire. Page 6. Answ. When the Apostle speaks of taking wages, of eating and drinking to them that examined him, he speaks this among the Saints, gathered out of the world, from among Jews, and Gentiles. This was not spoken to such as held up Temples Tithes, and Priests, but a gathered separated people from them. And the Gospel they Preached, the power of God, it opened the hearts of the people to give unto them, and not by an outward Law. And the great work of the Apostles was not to wrangle about their maintenance, as it is the great work of the Ministers now, (in the world made by men) in our age: and such as do Divine for money, and prophesy for money, And hire, was ever looked upon to be the false Prophet's wages without the spirit of God that gave forth the Scriptures, and the false spirits in the earth; for the Spirit of God would never value, equal, or measure his gift with the earthly things And when the Apostle speaketh of the labourer, is worthy of his hire, he saith who goes a warfare at his own charge; and they that was taught, they was to communicate every good thing to them, this still was spoken among the Saints this was not spoken in Temples, and Synagogues, and them that took Tithes; for those was warred against by them that was in the substance: and the warfare was to bring people to the substance; out of the first Adam, to the second; and out of the shadows. And that whereby the Ministers had the double honour, it was in the life, and in the power: such as measured not a gift with earthly things; which brought them to lay down all their estates at the Apostles feet; which was more than Tithes. But this Gospel we see not among you, nor this power, the power of God; neither Preachers, nor hearers? and the Apostles did not bid the Gentiles, nor the Jews that was in their forms and inventions, and traditions, that had Elders among them; he did not bid the people obey them that had rule over them: but they brought them from under those Rulers, from those Elders to Christ the substance the Elder Brother; and so who was in the life grown more than another, was the Elder; and he watched over the weak. And it doth make it manifest that you never received the gift of God whose work is thus to Jangle for outward things. For the gift of God which is perfect, would break through the unperfect, and raise up the witness to give freely. Pr. He saith, No man can be a good text man unless he have attained to the Languages which hath cost us so much; and he cannot know the errors but by learning. And he saith he may thus speak for the necessity of Arts without which men cannot be sufficient Ministers. Answ. None knows, nor is made Ministers of Christ by Arts, nor by Languages; let them get all the Languages upon the earth, they are still but naturalists; and men learning another's man's natural Language; and he hath learned but that which is natural and he knows but that which is natural; what another natural man can speak, and all their Arts is there. Now that which makes a Minister of Christ is beyond the natural: yea, all the natural Languages upon the earth; and seethe before they was: let it cost them never so much, yea gold, and silver, a wedge of gold and silver to get naturals and the most precious things upon the earth, cannot purchase, nor make a Minister of Christ, that which makes them is the Spirit of God, nor none knows the Scriptures but with the Spirit of God, given forth from the Spirit of God. Nor none knows the errors but by the Spirit of God. Now if all men upon the earth have Scriptures, in every one of their natural Languages: yet none of these knows the errors, nor none of these knows the Scriptures without, the Spirit of God from which they was given forth. Pr. He saith, If the Magistrates could find out any other way for maintenance for Ministers, they would part with tithes, which have been this many hundreds of years. Page 9 And there is many Ministers will not take their Tithes but they compound with the people for their Tithes. And we dare not trust the people for maintenance. But we see care hath been taken for us many many hundred years before we were born, etc. Page 10. And why doth not the Quakers charge us with idleness, as well as with taking wages. Answ. Are ye not all a company of idle fellows, bred up at School in the filthiness of the earth, pride, and filth: and when ye come out ye raven after great Benefices, and troubling Parishes, and stirring up the people to envy against one another, like a company of madmen, and suing, and hailing people up and down to Courts for maintenance; Are not these the works of belly-gods? And is the Magistrate the Lord of the vineyard that he must allot Ministers maintenance and the labourers? Hath not Christ told his Ministers what they must have already? And was not the Apostles to go forth without any thing, and to trust the Lord, and the people, which you dare not trust them? And trust to the Gospel, which ye dare not trust the Gospel to maintain you? but you have a set Benefice, or augmentation, or a Magistrate's power to give you maintenance before you go out to a Parish; Oh how are ye biting, and devouring one another for such things as was not accounted of or, esteemed among the Saints, who suffered joyfully the spoiling of their goods, by such devourers as you are! And is that your deceit to compound with people for their Tithes? and is that your cloak then to say you do not take Tithes? and since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy: since the power of God the Gospel hath been lost (hath tithes been set up) which men should have Preached and lived on. So you that have had the form of godliness, denied the power, (the Gospel) ravened from the life of God: your Gospel will not maintain you; and ye cry help Magistrate, help Law, cast into prison, summon up to Courts and this hath been your work for many hundred years for maintenance. And so all sober men that stands and looks on are ashamed of you. Thus the poor people are deceived with your false covers, wolvish spirits, you have gotten the sheep's clothing upon your backs: but now is the vials, and hail storms fallen upon your heads, which makes many of you gnaw your tongues, and now is the thunders coming out and plagues which makes many of you free yourselves. Pr. He saith, False Apostles and deceitful workers, and Satan transforming himself into an Angel of light, etc. Page 11. Answ. Christ said false prophets, Antichrists the inwardly ravenors in the sheep's clothing should come, the Apostles saw they was come before their decease, which was devouring, as most of the Epistles declare of them, the Apostles saw them before their decease: that made a prey upon the Saints; that served not the Lord Jesus Christ but their own bellies, now since the days of the Apostles hath the world run after them; and they have devoured the world, and they have gotten the sheep's clothing upon their backs: therefore have ye deceived the world. Now you have been the skirts, and the suburbs of this great City; the day hath declared you, your City is besieged, and the Lamb and the Saints have conquered it: by whom the Saints have been slain, and their blood drunk? In which City hath a trumpet sounded, and the piping hath been and the mourners have gone about the City. But now is come Lamentation, desolation, and woe to her, and all her Merchandise, that hath builded up, and thrown down: whereby the world is brought into confusion, the faith and truth, and life; and love being reprobated out of, and from that the Saints was in, that gave forth the Scriptures; that which the Apostles saw coming in before their decease, which Christ said should come, hath ruled, and reigned since their decease, until this day, that Christ hath come and made it manifest. Pr. He saith the devil could not do mischief in the Church where the candle is burning, and light shining: but he gets on his garb: and the weakest of children are carried about with every wind of Doctrine. pag. 17. He saith the prince of darkness is transformed into an Angel of light, he walketh in the Churches. pag. 18. Answ. The Church of Christ is the pillar, and ground of truth, which truth, the Devil is out of, and abode not in it: he walks on the out side, and is not in the Church, and so children thou knows not, that are heirs of the Kingdom of Christ and are of his Church, the pillar, and ground of truth. And the devil, and false prophets, and mother of harlots; though they have all the sheep's clothing; yet cannot get into the Church where the candle is, and the burning shining light: with all his Garb as thou calls it. Let the whore be arrayed never so gorgeously, who hath ravened from the spirit of God, that's the Church, the pillar, and ground of truth that be in the spirit of God, the Candle is burning, and light shining; this the whore, and the Devil, and the wolves, and the false prophets, and Antichrists, and beast, is out of raging on the outside, in the earth? so the Church is the pillar and ground of truth, the Church of Christ and here the elect is known that cannot be deceived. And the Devil, and the Prince of darkness, though he transform himself into an Angel of light: yet he doth not walk in the Church for the Church is in God, the pillar, and ground of truth, and out of that he is, and all his Apostles, and his messengers and truth is a top of him, and them all, and with it are shut out. Pr. He saith honour is the expressing of the inward respect that we hear to persons, and many Scriptures he brings for bowing and for master, pag. 23. and so stumbles at thee, and thou. Ans. Which shows he never learned his accidence, or Bible and is a transgressor of Christ's commands, who saith be ye not of men called master for ye have one master even Christ and ye are all Brethren; and a transgressor of the Law, which they that respects persons commits sin, and are convinced of the Law as transgressors, and reprobate concerning the faith which is held without the respect of persons. And though they bowed in the old time: several that bowed before the Angels: yet Christ is come by whom all things was made, the salvation to the ends of the earth; to whom powers, principalities, Thrones, and dominions must be subject: to whom Angels, and Thrones must bow; yea things in heaven, and things in earth, and every tongue confess him to the glory of God, and every knee bow and there people comes into the unity, and there they hold the head. Pr. He saith the Quakers light teacheth to forsake the Scriptures; and set up a spirit in man, which will not be examined by Scriptures. page 26. Answ. This is he which is out of the truth, speaks it: for the Quakers have not received the spirit of the world, but the spirit of God; by which they know the things which are freely given of God, and know the Scriptures given forth from the spirit of God: and with the same spirit the Scriptures is owned again. Pr. He saith, Paul swore after Christ, and the Angels swore, page 27. He saith, I wonder Paul should so forget himself, and sin so fearfully in swearing, etc. So the Quakers light that denies swearing, is of Satan, and not the light of Christ, page 28. Answ. Christ the Light (which Satan is out of) who is the oath of God, ends all oaths sworn by Prophets or Angels whatsoever: And who swears be fallen into the condemnation of the Devil; and it is not where said that the Apostle swore; but such as thou art, matters not what thou speaks. So that spirit that preaches for swearing is not the spirit of Christ, but is the spirit of Antichrist, preacheth up that which Christ and the Apostles preached down, and preached Condemnation to them that did swear. Pr. He saith, The light in the conscience that takes them from the Law of God, is the light of Satan. Answ. The light Christ in the conscience is the end of the Law for righteousness sake: And that which keeps men from that which doth end the Law, is not the Doctrine of the true Apostles, but the false. And the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which is the substance, leads men off of all types, and figures, and signs: who comes to enjoy him, enjoys the end: who comes off of all outward Elements, as Bread and Wine, and such things, to the substance itself, to look at things that are not seen. For things that are seen are temporal, but the things that are not seen are eternal. Pr. He speaks of a new creature distinct from Christ, and saith while we live sin lives. And saith, I deny that the righteousness of Christ whereby a believer is justified, doth dwell in him, page 36. Answ. Is not the new creature in Christ? He that is in Christ is a new creature, and is not distinct from him, and how hast thou divided the word here? And Christ is justification, sanctification, and wisdom, and righteousness; and if he be not within ye, ye are Reprobates: And where Christ is, he is not without righteousness. Therefore they are not without righteousness, and wisdom, Justification, and Sanctification, if Christ be within, that is within; for where he is, that is not wanting: And the Apostle said they were made free from sin: And let not sin have dominion over your mortal bodies; mind, mortal bodies which sin was not to have dominion over: And old things pass away, and all things become new. Sin is an old thing, from the old deceiver: So while any sin is standing, all things is not made new, and sin hath its dominion. Pr. He saith, He hath not read where a believer dwells in Christ's righteousness, page 37. Answ. Every believer that is true is born of God; and he that is born of God doth not commit sin: And he that dwells in Christ, dwells in righteousness, and truth is that which sin and the Devil is out of, which blots out sin and transgression, where the body of it comes to be put off. Pr. And the light which teacheth men to say they have no sin, is of Satan. And saith, The Quakers light teacheth them to deny prayer. Answ. The Apostles light taught them to say they were made free from sin, they had put off the body of sin, and their sin and transgression was blotted out. Little children their sins was forgiven them that walked in the light, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth them from all sin, taught them to know the saith that gave them victory over the world, that purified their hearts held in a pure conscience. And this is the Quakers light which teacheth them the path of the Apostles; and it teacheth men to be holy, as God as holy, and perfect, as he is perfect. This was the light of Christ, and bid them to be as Christ is, and said, as he is, so are we in this present world. And the light that guides the Quakers doth not teach them to deny prayer, but brings them to pray aright with the spirit, and with the understanding; which all prayers without it be in the hypocrisy. Pr. He saith, We acknowledge there is a thousand of perfect men in England, as perfect as children tossed too and fro, page 40. But he saith, I deny that any man hath that perfect knowledge of Christ in this life, etc. Answ. Christ is in you except ye be reprobates. And the Scripture speaks of such as had both the Son and the Father. And all those children that are tossed too and fro, and are carried about with the windy doctrine, which hath gotten up in the apostasy since the days of the Apostles, that are ravened from the spirit of God: Such their doctrines are windy, and doth not settle, nor doth not perfect, not doth not bring into the unity of the faith, nor the knowledge of the Son of God, the faith that gives the victory; nor to a perfect man, nor to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, which was the work of the true Ministry which was before the Apostasy. Nor none comes to the knowledge of Christ but by the light. Pr. He saith, The Church teacheth to pray without ceasing; but you bid stay till the spirit moves us, etc. Ans. The Church (prays not without the spirit) which is the pillar and ground of truth. And such as prays without the spirit, prays without understanding. And they that pray as the spirit doth move them, they know what they ought to pray for. So every man that cometh into the world, being in the light that lighteth every man, it will direct him to pray, and to pray aright, and to ask in the name of Christ, who is the way to the Father. Prin. He saith, The Children of GOD never assumed to themselves an infallible spirit. Ans. Did not the Apostles say, they that had not the spirit of Christ were none of his? and was not that infallible? And was not all the Scriptures given forth from the spirit of God, and is not that infallible? Pr. The spirit of Christ is a spirit of wisdom, and a rational spirit. The light that brags of an infallible spirit, and cannot speak sense nor reason, is the spirit of Satan, page 46. Answ. The spirit of Christ that was in the Apostles, which led them to speak to the world, who was in their own wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. It was foolishness always judged with that wisdom, knowledge, and understanding; for they ministered to the spirits in prison. And Christ the Covenant of God which was promised to come, and should say to the prisoners, show yourselves forth, who was accounted as a mad man by the wise Jews; & the Apostles and Prophets likewise was as fools. Was not ever the Saints judged by the world to be (by the sense and reason) but just like mad men, and fools? Christ a mad man? the Prophet's fools? and the Apostles mad, a babbler? Who be in the spirit of the Prophets, of Christ, and the Apostles, with this generation are judged the same: So is the spirit of the Quakers, so tried and known of all men, the witness in all men's consciences shall answer them. Pr. Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the Ox that treadeth out the corn: And they that plough in hope, and thresh in hope, are made partakers of their hope: And we are denied of our corn, and are fain to go to the Magistrate, our nursing Fathers. And so we thresh half a year, and can get no wages, then are we fain to go to the Magistrate, page 47. Answ. How can you thresh or blow, and have not the infallible spirit? Can any get out the Corn, the Wheat that hath not the infallible spirit? Now we say, all them that hath not the infallible spirit cannot get out the corn; they may beat the air, they may get the sheep's clothing upon their backs, and go out, and beat the air; and so when their Gospel will not maintain them, than they are fain to fly to the Magistrate and to the hills that must be beaten as chaff, because they cannot live of the Gospel they preach; which doth not open the hearts of people, doth not get out the seed of God. Prin. He saith, The Quakers light condemns such as the light of Christ approves. And saith, Tell us what it is to walk holily, as the holy men of God did, etc. Page 49. Answ. Who walk holily, walk in the spirit that the holy men did walk in, that gave forth the Scriptures which is infallible: And none walks holily, but who are led with that, out of the self-righteousness. And the light which the Quakers be in, is the light with which Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which cometh from Christ, and is one with him. And no one upon the earth owns Christ but who owns the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which the Quakers are in (which thou calls a light from Satan) And they must all come to the Quakers if ever they own the light; and if ever they own Christ the way to the Father, and come into the power of godliness. Pr. He saith, It is wretchedness to say that Christ hath redeemed them perfectly, and now lived in them the Lord of all things, by which they are the sons of God, page 50. Ans. The Scriptures saith he is in all, and through all, who is God blessed for ever. And who are redeemed, are they not redeemed into perfection, into Christ? are not they redeemed perfectly? Are not they redeemed out of imperfection? And doth not Christ say, he will dwell in the Saints, who is Lord of all? And are not all they in the wretched state that will not have him to reign over them? Pr. He saith, The Ministers of Christ received the Gospel not by man, nor are taught it, but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ, but we own no such Revelation as this, page 51. Answ. We do believe you who are apostatised and ravened from the spirit of God, having only the sheep's clothing, and are the Wolves abroad in the world; which if it were possible ye would deceive the very elect: But the elect is kept in the arm of Christ, ye cannot pluck one of them out of his hands: His father and he is greater than all. And none knows the Gospel, but who knows immediate revelation; for the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation, and this is immediate. And so all you since the days of the Apostles are fled from the foundation Christ Jesus that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world in the Apostasy, with it you are all seen, and fathomed over the world doth the light reach, answered with that of God in every one, the salvation to the ends of the earth; which light cometh to fulfil Scriptures. The Apostles were judged deceivers who came to bring the people to the substance the Scriptures spoke of, so they were judged deceivers. Pr. If the Quakers say that the Ministers have not the spirit that the Prophets and Apostles had, then positively we say we have not. And if the Quakers say they have it so, than I say the Prophets and Apostles had it not, page 53. Ans. We do believe you, that ye have not the same spirit that the Prophets, and Apostles, and Christ had: Therefore doth it make manifest that ye be all on heaps about their words, and are fain to run to Schools and Colleges to be made Ministers by men, and not by the spirit. And the Quakers witness the spirit that the Prophets and Apostles, and Christ had, with which they own their words; with which spirit they see you who have gotten their words, and makes a trade of them, and are all on heaps about them, and falls out about Church and Ministers. Pr. He saith, The infallible spirit did not guide Isaac when he blessed Jacob, for he miss the person, page 53. Answ. God with his eternal spirit did direct Isaac what to do, for that stood in his counsel, though of that spirit thou have showed thy ignorance and thy fallibility, and thyself, in whom the Devil is transformed into an Angel of Light; which Christ said should come, the false Prophets, and Deceivers, and false Apostles, which the Apostles saw was come, which since their days they have had the reign over the world. But now to that which they ravened from, and into the truth (the Devil abode not in) is the Saint's com●; and the Lamb reigns that is the substance of the Scriptures, the end of the Scriptures, that hath domin●●●, Glory in the highest for ever. And as for all the reviles, lies, slanders, vilifyings, hard expressions in thy Book, they will fall upon thyself, and to thee they will be sad, and thou shalt feel every one of thy own words shall be thy burden, and they shall come home unto thee, cramed into thee again; for thou must eat thy own dung; and drink thy own piss that comes from thee, for all that in thy book is but dung; in the day of thy Judgement the witness in thee shall answer. All along thou hast showed thy ignorance of the spirit, that is poured upon all flesh that's infallible, for whosoever prays, or hath a humility, or sings, and not by the infallible spirit, they sing not with the understanding, nor pray not with the understanding, And under the Judgement of God thou hast brought thyself, and all thy generation. Thomas Collier his Book called, a Dialogue between a Minister of the Gospel and an Enquiring Christian. In it his Principles are as Followeth. Pr. HE saith that the Scriptures is the absolute rule of Saints that are endued with the spirit and faith. page 7. Answ. Such as were endued with the spirit and faith, before the written Scripture was, they had a rule, and they knew the seed, and they knew the promises, and they knew Christ more than the Pharisees that had the Scriptures: nay more the the Apostates since the days of the Apostles that have the Scriptures, and the Epistles and Revelations. For by faith they saw the glory, they was in the Foundation, they saw Christ the everlasting Covenant and that is the foundation still, Christ Jesus, him by whom the world was made, before it was made, and all that have the Scriptures, and have not him, they can do nothing. And that which ruled the Saints before the Scriptures was written, is the Saints rule after the Scriptures is written; to know the Scriptures what is written, and to know God of whom they learned that gave it forth, or writ it: with that they know to what state and condition it was spoken. And the spirit is the record, and he that hath all the Scriptures, and wants the true record, which is the spirit, he cannot know all things. Pr. And the Scripture is the New Testament of the Saints rule, and the rule of Judgement. page 10. Answ. The Scriptures given forth from the Spirit of God, people knows not to what state they were spoken; but as they come into the spirit that gave them forth. And besides, the Epistles was written to the Saints in several conditions, according to their growth: and some of them grew higher than others, for some of them the daystar was not risen in their hearts, and some of them was children of the Day. So that, still was the rule that led them to give forth the Epistles, and revealed to them the states and conditions of the Saints, and to ages, and to generations, and to Nations, and the condition the world was in, and should come upon it; that was the rule, and is the rule by which all these words are seen again: and there is the record of the Spirit of God. And he that hath found the true record the Spirit of God; with that he shall know all the Scriptures: and is come within the book where all things are written; and which writes all things forth, the spirit. Pr. He saith the Scriptures is that word which makes the Devils to stand in awe, and tremble. The written word for after generations by which men's souls are brought to Christ. pag. 14 15. again that the Scriptures is the sword of the spirit. pag. 16. Answ. The Pharisees had the Scriptures, which Christ said was of the Devil, and was swallowed up in his power; and they stood against Christ the life, the substance. The Devil came with Scriptures (who is out of the truth) to tempt Christ the Word: but the Word, the substance of Scriptures hammered down the devil, and Pharisees that had got the Scriptures, but were out of the life, that gave them forth. And they have the sword that have the word of God which was before the Scriptures was given forth, and they be in that the Devils be out of. So if the Devil, and wicked men bring Scriptures; they hammer them under, and redeem the Scriptures out of their ungodly mouths. And the written word brings no soul to Christ the life, but who comes to the life that the written words speak of: and so it testifies of him the ●i●e, that brings them to Christ that gave it forth. Pr. God is willing that all should be saved; but he worketh not all into a saving condition. page 21. He saith it is true, there is a spirit and life in the Scriptures. pag. 22. Answ. The spirit, and life is not in the Scriptures, but the spirit, and life the Scriptures testifies of, and the light Christ Jesus (the salvation to the ends of the earth) doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world with a saving light. And the light which every man hath that cometh into the world is saving: but many hating the light, and not coming to it, which hath enlightened them; they neglect their salvation, and slight their salvation, and not believing in it, they walk in darkness and come not to the light of life. But they that believe in it, come to the light of life, and abide not in the darkness. And the grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared to all men, such as turns it into wantonness, and walks despitefully against the spirit of grace owns it not for their teacher, but sets up teachers according to their own lusts; so turns against that which brings their salvation and walks despitefully against it, and follows their own lusts, and tramples upon the Covenant of grace, and the blood of the new Covenant. And all that see the Bishop of their souls, Christ Jesus the Saviour of their souls, it is with the light that cometh from him, and God wils that all men should be saved. Pr. He saith to use Christ's name to catch souls, when indeed it is but Juggling, and to stab him, and crucify him a fresh. pag. 42. If Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, etc. If this were truth than Christ died in vain, and in vain hath Christ spoke of himself, saying, I am the way, the truth, the life, the light, etc. pag. 45. Answ. Such as do not believe that Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, are such as mentions his name, and haters of the light that cometh from him, these be in the Juggling state, deceivers of souls and people. And none sees Christ the one offering, but with the light that cometh from him: nor none knows the Saviour Christ Jesus; but with the light that cometh from him: and that let's see the body prepared, Christ who was the seed of Abraham, according to the flesh, the one offering, that ends all offerings; and his blood that is the atonement, which is the Saints drink, which who drinks it shall live, with which their consciences are purged from dead works, to serve the living God. And none knows the foundation of God that standeth sure, nor feels it, nor sees it, but with the light which cometh from Christ the foundation, which breaks down all other foundations; which light that every man is enlightened withal gives him the knowledge of the foundation of God. Pr. He saith, I do believe that there was never a Saint perfectly free from sin here, but they shall have the body of sin and death, which will be their burden to keep them humble. Page 52. And it doth not appear that they do attain purification, or perfection, before the change of the body. Answ. That which is the true humiliation bears the sin, and iniquity, which is Christ; such as are not brought down with the Judgements for their sinful actings, never knew the seed that puts off the body (from which all the roots proceed) in that is the true humility, and the righteousness of Christ and the glory revealed. And the Saints witnessed the body of sin, and death put off, while they were upon the earth; and such as was in Christ was new creatures, all things become new. And the Apostles spoke wisdom among them that was perfect: and that was before the change of the body, as ye look upon. And the work of the Ministry was for the perfecting of the the Saints until they all come into the unity of the faith, (that gives victory) and to the knowledge of the Son of God; unto a perfect man: unto the measure, and stature of the fullness of Christ. This was the Ministers work. Not as children tossed up and down with every slight and windy doctrine of men, who lie in wait to deceive, So ye have tried the work of your Ministry, and brought it to the Light. Pr. He saith such a trembling as a way to perfection, is to set it in the room of Christ, beside the truth, and slight and undervalue the word of God: and justify trembling: let all men beware of this trembling. page 78. Answ. Who ever owns the word of God, that reconciles to the Father, and hammers down, and brings out of the fall, and cuts down and burns up: they must know their salvation wrought out with fear, and trembling. And these owns the word of God, and the words of God the Scriptures: and these owns this trembling: there is a cloud of witnesses in the Scriptures and none will deny this trembling that owns the salvation wrought out, or to be wrought out: but such as be out of the truth; and that gets Scriptures (being out of the truth) and deny the power of God who are with it judged, those that have the form, but deny the power; deny the trembling, so they deny the salvation to be wrought out with fear, and trembling, and none knows the salvation but them that know trembling. And such may say (that are the the Devils messengers) beware of this power that makes to tremble. Pr. He saith the Scripture is truly the Ministry of the spirit to us. pag. 67. Answ. Those were the Ministers of the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures: And those are the Ministers of the Letter, that be out of the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures, and that cannot Minister the spirit. Pr. He saith the Scriptures doth not speak of a general Redemption of all, from the state of sin, and freedom from sin. pag. 75. Answ. There is a general state and redemption of all, and freedom from sin by believing in the one offering the blood of Jesus Christ; and unbelief shuts out. Pr. He saith mystical Babylon shall fall by the Kings of the earth. And many precious Saints shall destroy Babylon with the sword. pag. 84. And he saith, I cannot apprehend that the Saints shall have the Government of the world. pag. 86. And the beast when he ariseth shall give a mark in the right hand, etc. Answ. Christ hath all power in heaven, and earth given to him; who believe in him, and are in his power (who hath all power in heaven and earth given to him) have the government and are in the government the Lamb's government: but the unbelievers are out of it. And that which slays mystical Babylon is not the Kings of the earth and the Saints that be on the earth, slay not with the carnal sword: for they that kill with the sword, must perish with the sword, here is the faith, and patience of the Saints. Their weapons are not carnal, but spiritual, mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. And the Lamb slays, and kills with the sword, and takes them, the beast, and the false prophet and the Devil, and casts them alive into the Lake of fire, where they shall be tormented for ever, that burns with brimstone, who kills and slays with the sword which is the words of his mouth. And the Beast hath been long up, his marks, and his heads and horns with his names, but the Lamb and the Saints is trampling him to pieces under and over him getting the victory. And the everlasting Gospel is Preaching: and the witnesses you are ignorant of: but are them that have been the slayers of them. Pr. He saith, I do not profess myself infallible, but I shall freely give my apprehensions. pag. 110. to contend earnestly for the faith which is the first unto Justification and services of faith. pag. 111. he saith false Christ's, and false prophets shall come. And to the Law, and to the testimony, etc. Answ. The Law is light, and the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, and men may have all the Scriptures of the old, and New Testament: yet being from the light, the spirit of prophecy; from the Light, and from the spirit; they know not the Law, and testimony. And we do believe thee, that thou art not infallible, but art only in the apprehensions, and before thou come to contend for the faith, and to know that by which the Saints are justified, thou must come into the Light that doth enlighten every man, etc. which lets see Christ the Author of the Faith. And false Prophets and Antichrists Christ said should come, which should get the sheep's clothing, and say, lo Christ is here, and lo he is there: These Christ said to the Apostles should come, which before their decease did come; which since their decease the world hath gone after them. So every man that cometh into the world being enlightened, and having a light from Christ the Saviour of the soul; every man being in the Light Christ hath enlightened him withal. Every man with the light which cometh from Christ, with it they shall see a Saviour Christ Jesus, from whence it comes: And the light shining from the East to the West, and the coming of the Son of man, and receive Christ, and so come to the Rock. And so people having been from the Light which every man is enlightened withal that cometh into the world, they have been all brought on heaps. But now they are coming to the Rock. And thy words Thomas Collier shall be thy own burden, and for them thou shalt receive judgement. And this is the word of the Lord God to thee, and thy time is not yet past. John Billingsley, who calls himself Mr. of Arts, Minister of the Gospel, and Pastor of the Church at Chesterfield, in his Book called, Strong COMFORTS for weak CHRISTIANS. His Principles follows, etc. Pr. HE saith, He would have the Mayor and Aldermen of Chesterfield to show themselves to be really affected to the cause of Christ and his blessed Sabbaths, etc. Ans. In this thou hast showed thou art one that keeps people in darkness, and not a Minister of the Gospel of Christ, and the new Covenant, but of the Law, and in the signs and shadows. For the Sabbaths, the Apostles did bring people off of them, and they met together on the first day of the week, and denied the Jews Sabbath; and still it is your practice, and yet thou criest up to show themselves for the cause of the blessed Sabbath: what blind and dark stuff is this? For never did Pastor or Minister of Christ preach up such a Doctrine, as to stir up Aldermen and Mayors, and great men to show themselves zealous for the Sabbath: And thus thou hast showed thyself to be one of them the Apostles was afraid of, that observed the days which he brought the people off to the substance; which they met together on the first day of the week, which Christ risen on, and so was a cross to the Jews, who met together on the seventh day. And Circumcision was on the 8th day, on that day Christ risen. Pr. He saith, The Scripture and the Spirit are unseparable (which he calls the Word) Page 7. and that the spirit is always in the Scriptures. Again, He is in the gall of bitterness, and bond of iniquity, who calls the spirit a dead Letter, page 9 Ans. Every one that hath the Scriptures, cannot say he hath the spirit that gave it forth; for the Devil may have Scripture, who is out of the spirit. And the Apostle which said, the Letter kills, and was old, was not in the gall of bitterness, and bond of iniquity. And the spirit was in them that gave forth the Scriptures: And the Scriptures are the words of God which ends in Christ the Word, who fulfils them. Pr. He saith, Prise the holy Scriptures, through which is all our hopes of eternal life, communicated to us: And I wonder what any soul hath to show for eternal life, but the Scriptures. So I call it Gods warrant. Page 13. And in the midst of thoughts prise the Covenant of free grace: And if ye would have substantial comforts from the Covenant, do not lay hold of Covenant comforts. Page 12. Answ. Thou cannot speak a word to the wearied, who art in the presumption thyself, and to be brought down, who art applying the promises to the wrong nature. And many may have the Scriptures, and many have the Scriptures, and all ignorant of eternal life, until they all come into the life as they was in that gave forth the Scriptures. For the Scripture communicates not the life, but God, of whom they learned that gave forth Scripture; it is it that testifies of eternal life. And the souls comfort is Christ, which it speaks of. Pr. He saith, The Apostle to the Philippians speaks of Saints as Citizens, our trading is in heaven. Now Citizens great trading is Mercandize, as ships go from London to India, etc. So thousands of souls go towards heaven, worth nothing, a poor empty creature. See page 15. Answ. The merchandise is in the earth, in Babylon, and there thou and you are all. The soul is worth more than all the world which goes to heaven; it goes richly, full of all attire and fruitfulness, and not empty. Is not an empty creature, that which God breathed into man the breath of life, whereby it became a living soul? And he hath all souls in his hand, and Christ is the Bishop of it, the power of God, and therefore it is not empty; for the Saints had the heavenly treasure in earthen vessels. Pr. He saith, The Sacrament and Baptism is a most refreshing cup, for we walk by faith, and not by sight, page 18. I can say frequent mention is made of salvation by Christ, without mentioning any act of faith in us, etc. page 19 Answ. Sacraments and sprinkling Infants called Baptism; who walks after them, walks after sight, not by faith, for these things are seen; and they follow their own traditions, and not the Scriptures for them, either sprinkling Infants or Sacrament: And who walks by faith and not fight, comes off the things that are seen. For things that are seen are temporal, but things that are not seen are eternal, saith the Apostle. And he that believeth shall be saved, & he that believeth not shall be condemned (this is the doctrine of Christ to the Apostles) they are condemned already. And where the belief is, there is faith and salvation seen and known; but where belief is not, there is condemnation, there salvation is not known, and every one that is saved, believes. Pr. I do not say that there is perfect victory against every corruption. But that grace will be eating out, and curbing sin in the heart, page 21. And there is no peace nor comfort that is miantained without warring and constant combating, etc. Yea, peace and war against sin are always inseparable companions, page 22. All true comfort hath its foundation from the written Word, they are fancies and flashes, rather than comforts from pretended immediate revelations, page 23. Answ. None knows true comfort but who comes to the immediate Revelation, that is to the spirit that reveals the things of God. If men have all the Scriptures, the written words, and not the word in which they end; they have not comfort, neither can they do any thing without Christ, neither have the wearied rest, neither is the Bishop of the soul known, neither is the burden and the old yoke gone off, though they have all the Scriptures; but as every one doth come to the life that gave forth the Scriptures, with which they see Christ the end, the substance of them, him by whom the world was made before it was made, these have comfort of the words. And the Scriptures are words, not the Word; and such as are here comes to know peace and the end of war, and the occasion of war taken away: And sin and corruption is separated from the precious, and contrary to the Just, with it it hath no unity. And there is no true peace until they come into the Kingdom which stands in joy, in peace, in righteousness. Now where the body is standing, and the root of sin in the heart, not a perfect victory; The Circumcision is not known that puts off the body; the victory is not known while the body stands; which the Apostle withessed the body of sin put off by the circumcision of the spirit which was in the inward man; and he thanked God through Christ who had victory, who was manifested in his flesh to condemn sin in his flesh, that he through him became the righteousness of God: And the life that he lived was by the faith of the Son of God. And such as are made free from sin, and dead to it, and cannot live no longer therein, these had the peace. And such have not the peace where the body of sin is standing, and sin in the heart, there is the war: But such as stand in the faith which purifies the heart, and comes to witness the Circumcision of the heart, they come to have the heart purified, and the victory over the body as the Apostle declares. Pr. He saith, James Naylor deserved to be hanged, page 5. He saith, I tell my people they cannot be free from sin, a perfect freedom from the being of corruption in them, while they are on this side heaven, pa. 9 And your speaking against Ministers, and speaking in Markets is as bad or worse as to bait a Bull, page 8. And he saith, The Steeple house is the Church. Ans. The Ministers of Christ, and the Prophets of the Lord which spoke his word, which spoke in Synagogues and in Markets, in high ways, and under the hedges, and upon the mountains, which disturbed the world; and all professors upon the earth that had the words of truth, which was out of the life, and disturbed the Heathen that knew not God; And all such Ministers of the Letter that have it, and not the spirit that gave it forth, are disturbed by the Ministers that be in the spirit, that preach and speak forth the substance of the Scriptures. And we know you, and do believe you (who saith, your people shall not be made free from their corruption; and tells them, the Steeplehouse is the Church; and say the creature deserved to be hanged) to be such at inwardly ravened, which Christ said should come, John saw was come, and the whole world hath been after you that are wrestlers against flesh and blood, and strikes at creatures, in stead of striking at the power that captivates Creatures, and so have kept people under the bondage of corruption; and led people always learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, and kept them in spiritual Egypt, Sodom, and Gomorrah, in filthiness, and telling of them the Masse-house is the Church, the Steeple-houses. Was it not a place for the Mass, set up for the Mass, with a Cross at the end of it? Look, is it not on yet? And is the Masse-house become thy Church? thou mayst thank the Papists for that. Was not the Pope and the Papists the setters up of all your Masse-houses, and Colleges, which have gotten up since the days of the Apostles, among you inwardly ravenors from the Church which is in God, and so have gotten up the Masse-house for your Church, and there ye do keep up people, telling them they must have corruptions while they be upon the earth? So ye are Ministers of corruption, which is contrary to the Apostles, who said they sat in heavenly places, and had escaped the pollutions of the world; and they were children of the day, not of the night, and the true light shined: So you that are ravened from the spirit of God, have got up the Masse-house, got people thither, and telling of them they must have their corruptions, and they must have sin, and they must not be perfect while they are on this side heaven. Now they can but have sin, and can be but imperfect, if they never came at you, nor at your Masse-houses. Now you are the Devil's Messengers and Ministers that preacheth up sin, and corruption, and imperfection that people must be in, and have sin while they be upon the earth. But the Ministers of Christ preached up perfection, to be perfect, and overcoming sin, and made free from sin; and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin; and they had faith, which gave them victory, and the Circumcision that puts off the body of sin, and the new Covenant that blotted out sin and transgression. And such Ministers as you, that make a trade of Scriptures, as the Scripture itself, the Prophets, the Apostles, and Christ doth make you manifest, your fruits to be contrary to them that gave forth Scriptures. So with it are you disapproved and judged with the life that gave it forth. Pr. He saith, And it seems to me to be no more sin to bait a Bull, than any other recreation. And he saith, The Quakers came into the Steeplehouse, and bid people to look to the light within them, and to tell him that he was an Antichrist and blind guide. And saith, I had rather be a hireling, such as Christ hath hired in his Vineyard, and receive a penny, than some of the Quakers that go naked in the markets. Answ. The Quakers who be in the power of the Lord God, have been moved of the Lord God to go into the world among Apostates, who are ravened from the spirit of God, and so are the Wolves that tears and rents, and are ravening up and down for your Benefices; and would eat one another out if you could, and swallow one another like the fishes to the Sea. Are you contented every one with your penny from Christ? Are not you all fight, and striking, and smiting, and casting into Prisons for means, for Tithes which ye do no work for? Is not Christ come, and hath found you smiting and striking your fellow-servants, eating and drinking like Sodom, and living in pleasure like the old world, some having two hundred, some three hundred pounds, some less, some more; is here equal a penny? Are ye like Christ's Vineyard dressers, Husbandmen in the Vineyard? Blush, and be ashamed! The stones are thrown now at Babylon, and dasheth her children to pieces: And Zion is building, and the Tabernacle of David is rearing up. Come up ye Saints and Prophets, the Lamb and the Saints hath the victory: And all those upon the earth, and you all are the blind guides and Antichrists, who guides not people to the Light within, and bids them not look at that, but leads them from the Light within; ye lead them in the darkness, and you are from the light in your own particulars, and so the blind, guides for the fleece, for the earth, out of the Apostles Doctrine, and Christ's, who brought people to the Light, and bid them believe in it; who told them, the light that shined in their hearts would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. Pr. The Priests bear rule by their means, this is the means of the false Prophets saith he. If there be a burden upon paying of Tithes, lay it upon God and the Magistrates, and not upon me, the Pastor. Answ. Tithes to the similitude Melchisedeck, Tithes to the Priesthood made by the Law of God; Christ is come, the end of the similitude, the end of the Priesthood, and disannuld the commandment that gave Tithes: and all his Ministers, Pastors, and Teachers preached down Tithes, and preached up the substance, and preached down the Priests that took them, and the Law that gave them, and the authority, and the Magistrates both that held them up. And so you that have gotten Tithes since the days of the Apostles, whose root and ground was by the Papists in the apostasy, are such that burdens the Creation, and a grief to all true Christians that be in the life and the power, and the spirit that the Apostles was in before the apostasy. Now if thou wert a true Minister of Christ, if the Magistrate would give thee tithes, thou wouldst not take them; which is got up since the Apostasy came in, them that have got the sheep's clothing, but are ravened from the spirit of God. And doth not thou think that the Priests that were obedient to the Faith, if they would have turned again to the Jews Magistrates, dost thou think they would not have given them tithes? And dost thou think that any of them that was obedient to the Faith, that they took Tithes after they were converted to Christ and his faith, the substance? And dost thou think that any that is out of the apostasy now, will take Tithes of the Magistrates now if they would give them? which were set up since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy? I will warrant thee they will die before they will lose their glory and their Crown: And they that preach the Gospel, shall live of the Gospel. And the Prophets prophesy falsely, and the Priest bears rule by his means. What, doth the Priest receive his gifts by the false Prophet's means? Doth not the people love to have it so? And are not you all found fallen into this Ditch that are inwardly ravened from the spirit of God? The false spirits gone into the earth for money, and for tithes, for lucre, for means, for gifts, admiring men's persons because of advantage; yet covering yourselves with the sheep's clothing, crept up into a Masse-house, and calls it a Church; and tells people, while they be upon the earth, they must have corruptions, and the body of sin, and this is the work of your Ministry: So among the Liars; Whoremongers, Sorcerers, Adulterers, inwardly ravened from the spirit of God, out of the Kingdom are ye found. And as for all the rest of thy rabble, and unsavoury expressions in thy Book, they are not worth mentioning: But in the day of thy judgement thou shalt feel thy own words thy burden, in the trial of the Fire thy works will burn. Immanuel Bourne, who calls himself Pastor of 〈◊〉 Church in Ashover, in his Book called, A Defence of the Scriptures, and the holy Spirit speaking in them, are these Principles following. And Priest Gifford of Bedford his PRINCIPLE. Pr. HE saith, Christ himself sent his hearers to the Scriptures, as the chief judge of Controversy, and of Faith. Answ. Christ did not put the Scriptures above himself; he said, All judgement was committed to the Son, and for judgement he was come into the world. And the Pharisees that had the Scriptures they could not judge of Faith, nor of controversy, nor knew not Christ the Author of the Faith; nor none can judge but who be in the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures. And the Scriptures was given forth from them that was in the faith of Truth; but such as be not in the faith, knows not the Scriptures, neither is it able to make them wise unto salvation without the Faith. For the Pharisees and chief Priests were not, though they had Scripture, and they judged and condemned the Author of Faith, that had Scriptures without the life; and so do all that are out of the life still that have the Scriptures, judge the Author of the Faith, Christ Jesus, who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world: And the holy spirit spoke in them that gave forth the Scriptures, and so they spoke it forth. Now they that be from the spirit of God in their own particulars speaking there, knows not the spirit that spoke in them that spoke them forth; but such are they that saith, The spirit speaks in the Scriptures. Such are the Ministers of the Letter, and not of the Spirit that gave it forth. And the spirit that gave forth the Scripture is that which judged of all conditions, which gave them the spiritual understanding. For people have not the spiritual understanding to judge, and to discern if they have all the Scriptures, unless they be in the spirit that gave it forth: And so the Scripture itself without the spirit that gave it forth, cannot be the Judge of Controversy, nor of Faith, but is a dead Letter in itself, but the spirit is it that gave forth Scriptures. Pr. He saith, Christ within is inherent holiness: And George Fox professed equality with God. page 20. Answ. Christ within is beyond all men's righteousness, or holiness, for he is the righteousness itself. And the Assembly of Divines gave forth a Catechism, presented to the Parliament, for people to learn; wherein they say, that the Holy Ghost is equal in power and glory with the Father. Now every one that cometh to witness the Son of God, and the holy Ghost that gave forth the Scriptures by your account, they witness that which is equal in power and glory with God. And doth not the Assembly give forth this in their Catechism, that people should learn? And is it blasphemy for to come to witness this which you have given forth, and the mind which was in Christ? Yet nevertheless George's words was not spoken as ye preach them; for his words were spoken beyond all creatures, and out of all creatures, and he did not say Geo: Fox. Pr. He saith no natural man, that is darkness, is bound to look to the light within him to direct him to salvation; for it is in vain to look for light in darkness. Page 22. Answ. The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, the salvation to the ends of the earth; which no man cometh out of darkness, out of his natural state but who doth believe in the light; which was Christ's Doctrine, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of the light: and he that believeth in it shall not abide in darkness. And so they come to see the spending of the night and the light shining out of darkness, giving them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus; and the light shining in the darkness which the darkness canno●●●●prehend it. And no one upon earth ever sees their salvation, but with the light ●●ich cometh from Christ their Saviour, who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; that all men through the light might believe: he that doth not believe in the light, is condemned. And so he that follows the light shall not walk in darkness; and he that follows not the light walks in darkness. So with the light thou art comprehended to be a Minister of darkness; in the apostasy, keeping people from the light. And one of the false prophets ravened from the spirit, which Christ said should come, John saw was come, and the world goes after you, that tells people the letter is the word, and the spirit is in the Scriptures, which is contrary to Scripture, and them that spoke it forth, which said the spirit of God was within them. And the Scriptures were words of God: and Christ the word, comes to fulfil the words; who is the word, who was before the words was given forth; in whom the words ends. Pr. The Kingdom of heaven is within you, not as Christ is in every one, but the Kingdom of heaven is within you, or among you. Page 29. Answ. Christ is within except ye be reprobates; yea I say within all Professors is Christ, in Christendom, Christ is within them all, except they be reprobates. And if Christ be not within them all, they are all reprobates, but if Christ be within them all, the body is dead, and there is Christ's reign, and his Kingdom, and no Babylon, nor Antichrist where this is so. And the Kingdom of Heaven is within you saith Christ, yea in the Pharisees: and that is the Kingdom in man that never consents to sin; like a grain of mustardseed, like unto leaven, that leavens the new lump. And he that cometh to know that little Kingdom, and receiveth that little Kingdom as a little child, it makes the Kingdoms of the world become the Son of God's Kingdom: and knows that no unrighteousness, nor ungodliness must enter into it. Pr. And Christ spoke to the multitude when he said be not ye of men called Master, and call no man father upon earth; and did not bid the Apostles not to be called of men master. Answ. He spoke this to the multitude, and to the Disciples both, and said the Scribes, and Pharisees was called of men Master, who had Scriptures: whom he cried woe against. And he said be not you of men called master for ye have all one master, even Christ; and ye are all Brethren, this was Christ's Command. But all ye Pastors, and Ministers (Bourn) and the rest who are apostatised from the Apostles Doctrine, and Christ's Doctrine, ye trample upon the Commands of Christ. It manifests that ye have the form of godliness, and denies the power: and are not Brethren passed from death, to life but are all on heaps about the Scriptures, Christ's, Prophets, and Apostles words; and making a trade of them for your own self-ends in the Apostasy; such as Christ said should come, which John saw was come; which should inwardly raven, which the world is gone after, But now with that which ye all ravened from are ye all comprehended. And Christ saith call no man father upon earth, where Christ is witnessed, the seed of God raised up, no earthly man is his father, nor cannot call no man father upon the earth, according to the Command of Christ, he that is heir of the promise of the world that hath no end; of the second Adam born not by the will of man: but he that is of the first Adam is in another state, and stands against Christ's doctrine, and is the Son of Adam in the fall. Pr. He saith such as pretend Christ within deny the blood of Christ his righteousness for Justification. Answ. Who witness Christ within, they are not reprobates; Justification and Sanctification is possessed, the thing that was imputed to the believers. Pr. And giving honour to men, etc. Answ. Christ the second Adam receives not honour of men, neither doth he respect men's persons, his enemies could say so: and they that received honour one of another was the Pharisees, the great Professors, which was a mark of the unbelief: which Christ would not receive their honour, the second Adam which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, will not receive the honour of men. Now he that receiveth the honour is out of the light, in the first Adam; is out of the power. And where humility is, which goes before the honour, there is no want of honour; for he cometh into the power that maketh him honourable in the hearts of all people, answering the humble principle in every one; a terror to the evil doer; and here Magistrates that fears God, attain the honour that is without the respect of Persons in the humility answering with the higher power the just principle in every man: so come they to be honoured in the hearts of all people in the sight of God, and a praise of them that do well, which he that respects persons, transgresseth the Law, and commits sin; and is convinced of the Law as a trangressor, he that respects persons is out of the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ which purifies the heart, which is held in the pure conscience, and gives victory over the world; which who are of faith are of Abraham. And so for all thy lies, and slanders, and reviles, and unsavoury and bad expressions which are loathsome before all sober people, and stinks; who hath published thy shame to the Nation in Print, it shall cover thyself, and be thy own garment; and every word be thy own burden, and lay a weight upon thee in the day of thy misery, and calamity, and in the day of thy Judgement when thy works are tried in the fire, the witness in thy conscience shall me answer. Gifford who is chief Priest at Bedford his Principle. He said (openly) That faith was not perfect, etc. Ans. Faith is holy, and the gift of God, and purifies, and justifies, and is a mystery in which is the unity, by which God is pleased; and this is perfect being the gift of God; and from this he hath showed his reprobation, and his ignorance. Thomas Moor in his Book called, A defence against the poison of Satan's Design. These are his Principles Following. Pr. HE saith Christ Jesus is personally absent from a believer. And Christ is in, and to our hearts the hope, but not the possession, nor do we possess the glory. Again he saith, The grace of God which brings salvation to all men; instructs them not to look into themselves or to any light or spirit in them. Pag. 5. Answ. Christ in you the hope of glory, saith the Apostle. And if the Saints sat with him in heavenly places, they are not absent from him. And if he say I in them, and they in me, so not absent from them. And the Son of God was revealed in the Saints. And he that hath not the Son of God hath not life, such may say they are absent from him. But such as have him revealed, have life, and he is not absent. And such as be absent from him have not eaten his flesh, nor drunken his blood; and so are not of his flesh, nor of his bone. And they may talk of him, and say he is come, as the Jews did that he was to come, and he not in them, and so reprobates. And the grace of God that brings salvation which hath appeared unto all men which is the Saints teacher, whose hearts are established with grace, this is within them, which brings them to know the hidden man of the heart; and a strength in the inward, and comes to look at the light within them; agreeable to the Apostles Doctrine, who said the light that shined in their hearts, would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. And such as have Christ in them have the possession, have the substance, have the glory which was with the Father before the world began. Pr. He saith there is none here hath yet ceased from their own works, as God did from his. pag. 9 And the Apostles received the last Revelation to be given forth immediately. And such as slight the word, and call it a dead letter; and brings people to the light within them, a spirit within them, this is a strange doctrine. And if there be not something to be added, and given forth by men, and another manner of Preaching then by the Apostles, what need is there of Printing? etc. Page 15. Ans. He that believes hath entered into his rest, and ceased from his own works as God did from his. And since the days of the Apostles there hath got up another Ministry by man of man, made by man (which is not as the Apostles who received it not of man, nor by man) And these stands against the light within, and the spirit of God within, which none knows true teaching, nor true instruction, nor opening of the Scriptures, but as they come every one to the spirit of God in them, as was in them that gave forth Scriptures. And who be here, have the thing within them, as they had that gave forth the Scriptures; enjoying and possessing it; And these Fathoms the Apostates, out of the Apostles Doctrine, and witness the Preaching as the Apostles was in, which all they since the days of the Apostles, that ravened from the Spirit of God, be out of, and this doth not deny the Scriptures, but sees them all in their place, and to what condition they were spoken. And the letter is a dead letter of itself and gives not life to any, but who comes to the Spirit of God in their own particulars, as was in them that gave it forth. For the Jews had not life, though they had Scriptures, until they came to Christ, which the Scripture testified of. Pr. He saith Christ is not natural. Answ. Yet some of ye say he is humane. And as for thy speaking of his mortality; ye speak, ye do not know what; Christ is the same to day, yesterday, and for ever. Pr. He saith, It is the Apostles sense of them that served their bellies they pretended to an inward light: and this is the Apostles sense of belly who did cause divisions contrary to the Doctrine they had learned, and here their belly maybe understood their mind, heart and spirits, or also their experience of these inward, etc. To rejoice in any thing under the Sun, is opposite to the Apostles who had their conversation in heaven. Page 42. Answ. None comes to witness their conversation in heaven, but who is come to witness Christ within them, the substance, the second Adam who redeems out of the earth, and the Apostle which brought the Saints to the light that shined in their hearts, etc. this was not a serving of Bellies that walked in the light, that light shining in them, and believing in the light Christ, out of whose belly flowed rivers of living waters, and such made not divisions, but were in unity in the light, and fellowship. But those were they that made the divisions that inwardly ravened, and went from the light, which Christ had enligtened them withal, and such went from that which should give them the knowledge, and enjoyed the earthly things; and served not the Lord Jesus Christ, (that be out of the light which comes from him) but their own bellies. And they act contrary to the Apostles Doctrine; and rejoiceth in things under the Sun, which who doth, serves their bellies. Pr. He saith yea, when enlightened by that heavenly light even from Jesus, yet they are of themselves deceitful, etc. pag. 44. And the light is something else besides the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. Page 45. Answ. The light which every man is enlightened withal, etc. is not deceitful, but leads men out of all deceit. And it is of God that gives them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, etc. and it is one, and the same that let's see to the beginning, and ending; which comes from the beginning. Pr. He saith, That none may expect to receive the word immediately from Christ as the Apostles; but mediately. Page 46. Ans. Such as receive not the word of God immediately from Christ as the Apostles did; they are not Preachers of the living word that lives and abides for ever. And we do believe you, that since the days of the Apostles, ye have not received the word immediately from Christ as the Apostles did, but are only Ministers of the letter. And such were they in all ages that closed their eyes, and stopped their ears, and inwardly ravened from the spirit. That marred the face of Christ above all men, who was the spiritual Sodom and Egypt where Christ is crucified. These got Scriptures, but were from the spirit of God within, that gave them forth, and such was the hypocrites that Judged all ways the spirit of God that gave fo●th the Scriptures, ●nd shut out of the Kingdom, in which spirit now ye are found in these last days. Pr. He saith, That Christ ascended without material blood, and the Apostle d●●●●t Preach both the word, and faith in the heart. pag. 50. and that the new Jerusalem is 〈◊〉 come down from heaven. pag. 51. and a brief discovery of the wolves in sheep's skins, etc. Page 57 Answ. The blood of Christ which satisfies the Father which the Saints ●●ink, and his flesh which they eat, which in so doing have life; is that which the world stumble at; which who drinks it, lives for ever. And the Apostle Preached the word of faith in their hear●● and in their mouths, and the word reconciles to the Father, and hammers down, ●●d cuts down, and burns that which separates from the Father; and over it gives victory. And the word material, the Apostle doth not call it so, but precious, and Jerusalem is come down from heaven and witnessed among the Saints, heavenly Jerusalem and the Babes knows their mother. And who are in Christ, and Christ in them, see it, possesseth it. But all such as are against the light within, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, are the Antichrists, the false prophets, the wolves which have gotten the sheep's clothing; (which may deceive the world, but not the elect) as thy book hath declared ●hee. And such Christ said should come, and John saw was come: and since the days of the Apostles the world hath gone after them. And they inwardly ravened from the light and so have gotten the Kingdoms of the earth into a profession, and form which are now standing against the Light within, and gathering against the Lamb, and the Saints that are in the light, and is the light, which they ravened from, making War against them, but the Lamb, and the Saints shall get the victory. Pr. He saith, And the righteousness of God wrought by Christ for us; which need not to be wrought over again in us. pag, 58. And that Christ our Justification should be in us, that died, and suffered, that ascended, this he calls a fancy, to fancy him in a particular person. Page 59 Answ, Whosoever hath not Christ within, are Reprobates; and whosoever hath Christ within, hath the righteousness. Now Christ that suffered, Christ that was offered up, is manifest within, and the Saints are of his flesh, and of his bone, and eat his flesh, and drink his blood; and not another. The Christ that ended the Priesthood, ended the offering, ended the Temple, ended the Law, and the first Covenant the seed of God, Christ Jesus, this manifest within; he that hath him, hath life, Justification, Sanctification and Redemption. And so Christ the same to day yesterday and for ever, who is the hope, and the Author of their faith. And so all be in the fancy that be out of the state of witnessing Christ (that suffered) within them and risen again: and who be in this, they be out of the fancy and shadows: and comes to see where there is no changing, but possesseth righteousness, glory, substance, the end of their faith, and Christ their hope that remains, that abides. Pr. He saith, There is something of God in man that will render the light which the Quakers speaks of natural. Page 67. Answ. That which is of God in man captivated, viz. life and immortality; who are not come to the light, will not render the light (when he cometh to it through the Gospel) natural, which the darkness now cannot comprehend though in it it shines, and that of God in man will not call Christ (the light) natural which the Quakers speaks of. Pr. He saith, Ye may remember in the last times, false Christ's and false Prophets shall arise, and shall bring in damnable heresies, etc. and will show signs and wonders, and if it were possible they would deceive the very Elect. And such as follow strong delusions, and believe lies, and be damned, who obey not the Truth, nor receive it in the love of it, page 68 Answ. Christ said false Prophets should come, Antichrists should come with signs and wonders, which the Apostles saw was come, which inwardly ravened, and went forth from them; which since the days of the Apostles they have got the sheep's clothing, and the world is gone after them, and have deceived the world by their lying signs and wonders, and have brought them to be all on heaps about Religion. And the damnable heresy, and the lying signs and wonders, and strange delusions; ye may look into the whole Christendom, among yourselves, and your own stock of Papists: For none obeys the Truth, but who owns the Light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which cometh from Christ the truth; and all false Prophets are from that, and all Antichrists are from that, which hath reigned since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy, and inwardly ravened, have gotten the sheep's clothing; which have made war against the Saints, and overcome them; but now to that which they ravened from, are the Saints come: And the woman hath been in the wilderness, and the manchild is brought forth to rule the Nations with a rod of Iron. And all such now that inwardly ravened from the Light, are standing up against the Lamb and the Saints: But the Lamb and the Saints have the victory, and the rejoicing over the Beast and false Prophet is come, who kills and slays with the sword, which is the words of his mouth: And the Saints which are with him, their weapons are spiritual. And none lifts up the Son of God, as the Serpent was lifted up in the Wilderness; but as every one is in the Light that the Son of God hath enlightened him withal, and then they know him that draws all men after him. Thomas Moor, In his Book, called, An Antidote, etc. Are these Principles following. Pr. HE saith, God doth not give the Revelation of these things now immediately, as he did by the first Apostles, nor in such manner as he did to the Prophets of old. See his Epistle. Answ. All that have the Scriptures, and are Ministers, and not by the same power and spirit as the Apostles was in, knows not the Scriptures; and all who be in it are in the immediate, and in that which reveals, and in that which fathoms all the Ministers of the Letter, who saith, God doth not give forth now immediately as he did to the Prophets and Apostles: Since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy, such as have ravened inwardly from the spirit of God, the time of Antichrist, Beast, and false Prophet's reign, and the mother of Harlots, who have had the sheep's clothing, such immediate Revelation hath been hid from them; and such should continue until the words of God was fulfilled, and the fulfilling of the Prophets: But now is the fulfilling of the words of God, and that come into, which the Prophets and Apostles was in, with which that is seen and known, and him that hath been slain from the foundation of the world. Pr. He saith, To look to the Light within, that is in opposition to looking at Jesus. That the light in every man is natural. And if ye turn your eye inward, ye shall presently see their mover and teacher: and this he calls foolish and Antichristian. And saith, That no man hath in him, as of him, that light spirit and wisdom in the inward parts. See his Epistle. Answ. All upon the earth that ever comes to the knowledge of the glory of God, they come to the light in them, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which light was before any natural lights was made or created; which light gives the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus; and this is of him, and from him: And all that be from this, be in the foolishness, and be in the drunken spirit drunkning. And all that ever comes into Covenant with God, to have God's Law written in their hearts, they must come into the light which Christ Jesus hath enlightened them withal, which brings them into him who is the life and knowledge of Christ, and there they shall find their Teacher within them. Pr. And he saith, To the Law, and to the Testimony. Answ. Many may have the Old and New Testament, yet stand against the Law and the Testimony, and put the Old and new Testament for it: For the Law is light, saith Solomon. And the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. And many may have the Scriptures, and stand against the Light, and say prophecy is ceased, as the world doth now, who are inwardly ravened from the spirit of God; and despiseth prophecy, and so quencheth the spirit: And the light within doth not deny Jesus: And none knows him nor owns him, but with the light that comes from him: And the Pharisees and the Jews were opposite to Christ that doth en-lighten every man that cometh into the world; and was from that of God in their own particulars, their eyes closed, and their cares stopped, as you are now. Pr. He saith, Take away the Word of the Lord as declared by the pen, and then what wisdom is in them. Epist. He saith, If a believer should turn his eye into himself to look for counsel and direction, be may be led to walk in the flesh as other Gentiles in the vanities of their minds, and follow their abominations. Answ. There is none upon the earth hears the counsel of God, or Christ's teaching, but who are come to the spirit of God within, and to the Light within: And all people upon the earth, that are led from the vanities of their minds, and walking in the flesh, they are come to the spirit within, and led with it; which all the Jews and Gentiles was astray from, while they walked after the vanities of their minds, and then crucified the Just: And none hears the counsel of God, or comes into the faith of Jesus, nor the grace of God that brings their salvation, but they come to feel it within, the grace in their hearts, and the word in their hearts, and the faith in the heart, there's that which purifies. And all that be from the light and spirit of God within them, they are in the vanity of their own minds in the flesh, out of the counsel of God, and the wisdom of God which the Saints had, and was in before the Scripture was penned or printed. And the wisdom of God, Christ Jesus; them that had the Scriptures stood against the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, as all you do now, and never come into it; But as ye come into it that doth enlighten every man, etc. the wisdom of God; which none cometh out of the sin and the evil, but who come into that: And that is not opposite to the Scriptures without, but owns it given forth from the life in the wisdom of God. Pr. He calls Perfection a Devilish doctrine. That the Scripture is the absolute rule, and medium of our faith, page 2. And Timothy did not receive his furniture and service of the Gospel immediately from the person of Christ. And he saith, If I had seen Christ as Paul did, I might have received the Word in the same manner immediately from the person of Christ. Answ. Timothy had faith and the gift of God; and Christ is the Author of Faith, and so that is received immediately, whereby he was made wise unto salvation through faith, with which he knew Scripture, and so by that he was furnished. And we do believe thee, and you all, that ye have not seen Christ as Paul did, nor the Apostles: So ye be out of the faith, and show he is not in you, neither do you sit with him in heavenly places. Who ever receives faith from Christ, or knows Christ the power, knows immediately; which from God thou hast showed thyself a reprobate, and under the judgement of it thou art come. And the Apostle preached Perfection; and Christ bid them be perfect, as their heavenly father is perfect, and the Saints was to grow to perfection: And the work of the Ministry was for the perfecting of the Saints, till they all come unto a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. And thou in this hast denied the work of the Ministry, that calls the Doctrine of perfection a devilish Doctrine. And the Scriptures is not the Author, nor the means of it, nor the rule, but Christ who gives it, and he increaseth it; and Faith was before Scripture was given forth: And all they that gave forth Scripture had faith from God, and they are able to make wise unto salvation through the faith which is in Christ Jesus. But them that have the Scripture, and deny the light that doth enlighten every man, etc. and hate it, have not faith, as the Pharisees had not; and so such as the Apostle spoke of which was reprobate concerning the faith before his decease, that had got the form of godliness, are them that say, the Scripture is the Medium of Faith, and absolute rule; but that which rules it, and increaseth i●, is Christ. Pr. He saith, Christ his grace brings salvation, but not by any such light or power dwelling in them. Page 6. Answ. The grace of God which brings salvation, that teacheth the Saints, is in their hearts, and stablisheth it: That dwells within them, which brings salvation, is their Teacher; the grace of God which brings them every one to say, this is the Lord which I have waited for, where the everlasting life runs, and fl●ws. Pr. He saith, Such as cause divisions are to be marked, that serves not the Lord Jesus Christ, but their own bellies, their lusts, will, or light within them, page 12. Answ. The light which doth enlighten every man, etc. Christ Jesus the second Adam, leadeth men from their lusts and wills, and serving their own bellies, to serve the Lord Jesus Christ from whence it comes: For such as serves their own bellies are out of the light, in the transgression, in the first Adam, in their own lusts and wills, where thou art among the Apostates deceivableness, mystery of Iniquity, which the Apostle saw was coming in, which since the days of the Apostles it hath reigned; but now with the light discovered and made manifest. And such as have served their bellies, and serves their bellies, which the Apostles saw coming in before their decease, are now manifest, such as deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which is the salvation to the ends of the earth: Are not they casting into prisons, and haling before Courts, such as will not put into their mouths, that they do no work for, for their own bellies? and these cause divisions among all people. Do not these serve their bellies? And are not people come to mark them what a division they have set among people? yea for Tithes, and maintenance, and persecuting, and prisoning for it, and haling before Judges and Justices, by Writs into Courts, and at Assizes and Sessions? Doth not these serve their bellies, that makes all this division, and not Christ? but they deny the light which doth enlighten every man, etc. and so deny Christ the Lord that bought them. And the light that every man hath that cometh into the world; and the light that shines in the heart, it gives the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, and brings all off from serving their bellies, and leads out of the lusts in the fall, which came by Adam in the transgression. Pr. He saith, To speak the Word of God immediately, and that which I speak I speak it immediately. I am strengthened against that, and admonished by God, to hold fast the form of sound words. And that which is able to make men wise unto salvation through faith. And Timothy was to stir up the gift of God that was in him mediately, and the putting on of the hands, and the neglecting not the gift that was in him. And God hath published his last dispensation, and nothing more to be added or altered. page 15. Answ. It thou art strengthened by God against speaking his Word immediately; or if thou speaks immediately, thou being strengthened by God against this (as thou saith). In this thou shows thou never knew him; who ever is strengthened of God, it is by his power, and that is immediate; who ever speaks his word that lives and endures for ever, it is immediate. In this thou, and you all have showed yourselves to be Ministers of the Letter, and not of the Word of God, which is immediate, which lives, and abides, and endures for ever, and is immortal and fades not away; and this thou and you speak not immediately, and therefore have ye indeed put the Letter for it, that be from the Word of God in your hearts, not born again of the immortal seed, the Word of God. And whosoever stirs up the gift of God in them, it is immediate, and by the immediate. And who ever holds fast the form of sound words, the Scriptures, they are made wise unto salvation by them through the faith, they are in the immediate gift of God; and gift which brought Timothy to lay on the hands upon the Presbytery, and see and divide the word aright, and kept him out of partiality, it was immediate, and the immediate Word of God that he was to preach in season and out of season: And since the days of the Apostles from this have you all been apostatised, and asleep in the night of apostasy in the great City; though there hath been Pipers among you, and sounding of Trumpets, and the voice of th● Brid●●●d the grinding of Mills, and the light of Candles. And the time is coming that B●●ylon shall fall, and become the habitation of Devils, and the Saints shall rejoice and sing over her, etc. Pr. He saith, It is not properly, and absolute in a full sense that God is manifest, or glorified in the flesh of his Saints, page 29. Ans. The Saints are the Temples of God, and God dwells in them, and walks in them; and they come to witness the flesh of Christ, and they glorify him in their souls and bodies, and the Lord is glorified in their bringing forth much fruit: And they witness the seed, the one offering for sin and transgression to be manifest within, and such are not Reprobates, yet witness the one offering Christ Jesus; and them that have not him within, they are Reprobates. Pr. He saith, The body is dead because of sin, yea it is, yet in itself is but a wretched vile body, page 30. And Christ is in, or among believers the hope of glory. And that person Christ is personally absent from the believers: And we do not possess the glory of this glory Christ in us. page 32. Answ. I do believe you that are not come to the Light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, ye do not possess the hope of glory in you, ye are absent from Christ, and do not feel him. But the Saints in the light receive Christ the hope of glory, and so he is not absent from them, for they have unity with him and the Father, and knows a change in them from glory to glory; and witness Christ in them as believers in the light, which walks not in darkness, that have the light of life. And where the body of sin is destroyed and put off, they glorify God in their souls and bodies and spirit which is the Lords, and those are not wretched. Prin. He saith, CHRIST is absent from us while we are in the mortal body. Answ. Contrary to the Apostle, who saith, the life of Christ is manifest in their mortal flesh. Pr. He saith, Christ is in heaven with a spiritual body. Answ. And Priest Higginson saith, he is in heaven with a carnal body. And thus ye are confused, and discerned, who are from the Light, and can speak of the body of Christ by the Letter, and tell where he risen by the Letter, as the Priests of old could tell Herod where he should be born; but Christ's body is glorified. Pr. He saith, The first Resurrection we desire not to account ourselves to have apprehended, page 44. Such as magnify their belly to be some eternal operation, and making it withal deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, glorying in their shame, minding sensual earthly things: All since the Apostle have not the Ministry of the Gospel immediately, but mediately from the person of Christ in their believing through their word, page 46. And the Text saith, not the word of faith in the heart. Answ. Rom. 10. The word of Faith which they Preached was in their mouth, and in their heart, nigh them even in their heart. And all since the days of the Apostles we do believe you have not received the Word immediately from Christ, as the Apostles did, who have erred and apostatised from them. (So none are Preachers of the Word in the Truth, but who are Preachers of it immediately) and such all are the false Apostles, and such as serves not the Lord Jesus Christ, but their own bellies, which mind earthly things sensually, and are in the deceivableness of unrighteousness, deceiving the people with the good words; forcing, and taking maintenance of people they do no work for, and keeping of them all from the immediate teachings of God, they themselves being out of it, and concluding all under their own dominion, and shall all agree in one against the immediate teaching. And they that be out of the immediate teaching, is under the power of the Beast, and Antichrist, and the great whore the mother of Harlots: And so they served their bellies, when they went from the immediate teaching into the strong delusion, as since the days of the Apostles it hath discovered it. How are people all on heaps, out of the life, and spirit, and power of God? And so all that perish in the deceivableness of unrighteousness, they are from the light which Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world withal; for none perisheth who be in the Light. And the Saints witnessed they were risen with Christ; and them that were risen sought the things that were above, and not the things upon the earth. And they that know the first Resurrection, and are in it are blessed, the second death hath no power on them: and they are a top of Adam, and they are in Christ the resurrection, and the life. And such as be in the first Adam drove from God, and loveth to live in the Fall, looks not after the first Resurrection, neither desire to come into it. Pr. He saith, The glorious bringing down of the Kingdom and glory is yet to be waited for even by the Disciples all the time of this mortality. page 54. All believers are personally from Christ in their mortal bodies: and none of the Fathers saw the day of Christ as actually revealed, accomplished in their time. Ans. He that believes is born of God, and overcomes the world, and abides in the doctrine of Christ, and hath the Son and the Father, and the spirit of Christ, the life of Christ in the mortal flesh: And the Kingdom of heaven Christ said was in the Pharisees, and the Saints comes to, and possesseth the Kingdom: And the Kingdom of heaven is within them, is in righteousness, in peace, in joy in the holy Ghost, and in power, and they were changed from glory to glory; and they rejoiced with joy unspeakable and full of glory; and that was in the Kingdom, and this was while they were upon the earth. And Enoch and Abraham saw the day of Christ, and David saw the betrayer, and whose feet should be snared, whose eyes should be blinded, and whose back should bow down; and he saw Judas that betrayed Christ: And Isaiah saw the suffering of Christ, and how God laid the iniquity upon him. And Isaiah saw his name, and made his soul an offering for sin. And Daniel said the Messiah should be cut off, but not for himself, which the Apostles witnessed fulfilled. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures is the power of God unto salvation, page 59 Answ. Many may have the form, but deny the power of God, which is the Gospel. And the Letter doth not give life, neither is it the power of God unto salvation. Pr. He saith, That Christ is distinct from every one of us, and without us in our particular persons, page 61. Answ. The Apostle said, Christ was in them except they were reprobates; and they were of his flesh, and of his bone; and they eat his flesh, and drank his blood, than it was within them; and he is distinct from none but Reprobates, who hates the Light. Pr. Nor are we to wait for a further Revelation to us to be given forth, than the Scriptures. For the Word of GOD came not first to the Gentiles immediately, but to the Apostles, page 77. Answ. The Apostles that preached the Word of God, it was immediate to whomsoever they preached it, for they had received it immediately. For the Word itself is immediate, for it is the savour of death to the death, and of life to the life, and none knows the Scriptures but by the spirit that doth reveal them: So all that witness the spirit of God, witness the Revelation, and the revealing of the Scriptures to them by it, and the things of God, laid up for them that love God, which the eye hath not seen; which the eye may see the Scriptures outwardly. And none knows the Son of God, neither knows any man the Father but the Son, and he to whom the Son reveals him. And so people may have the Scriptures, but not the revelation of the Son of God by them. For the Pharisees had the Scriptures, but not the thing they testified of. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures are the Word of God, and the key of knowledge page 79. and the opening of all things contained in the Scriptures. Answ. The Scriptures are the words of God, and that is his Word who fulfils them, Christ Jesus, whose name is called the Word of God. And that which opens the Scriptures is the spirit that gave them forth, that is the key of David, who in the light saw more light. For the Pharisees who crucified Christ, had that which testified of Christ, the Scriptures. And you that be in the apostasy since the days of the Apostles; but ye want the key, and have taken away the key of knowledge: And all that dwells upon the earth, that stops their ears, and closeth their eyes against that of God in them, that doth deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, wants the key of knowledge. Pr. He saith, He gives gifts unto men for the work of the Ministry, some Prophets, some Evangelists, some Pastors and Teachers, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the edifying of the body of Christ, until all come into the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, Page 81. Answ. And yet he said before, Perfection was a devilish Doctrine, and a fancy: so out of this work, and this Ministry thou hast thrown thyself; For this work, and this Ministry hath been lost since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy; but now is appearing in the end of Babylon, the knowledge of the Son of God people are coming to, and the unity of the faith from among the Apostates, who have had the sheep's clothing, but all on heaps about it, being ravened from the spirit of God inwardly. Among whom the Proclamation hath been in the Steeple-houses, and Pulpits, in Markets, Towns, Disputes: No perfection, no overcoming of sin; Perfection is a Doctrine of Devils, a devilish Doctrine, and a fancy, etc. And this hath been proclaimed among the Apostates in the apostasy since the days of the Apostles, by the Beasts authority, under Satan's power, the deceiver of the Nations, where the mother of Harlots is; But I will reward her double, and shall take the Devil, and with him the Beast and false Prophet, and cast them alive into the fire. Rejoice ye holy Prophets over her, and Saints, who are come into the unity of the Faith, and to a perfect man, and to the knowledge of the Son of God. And the everlasting Gospel shall be preached to them that dwell upon the earth, and God shall be feared, and glory given to him. And none comes to the knowledge of the Son of God, the salvation to the ends of the earth, the Covenant of Jews and Gentiles, until they come into the light which Christ doth enlighten every one withal that cometh into the world, that gives him the knowledge of the Son of God, of the author of his faith, and the taste of his fullness, and to become a perfect man. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures is the means whereby the righteousness is revealed from faith to faith, page 82. Answ. The Pharisees had the Scriptures read every Sabbath, and the form of godliness, denied the power, and was reprobate concerning the Faith and the righteousness of Christ Jesus. And God it is that reveals the faith, and gives the faith, and the righteousness; and many have the words, and yet not it; who hath it, hath the word in their hearts, and the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures, and seethe God the original of all good; and the Scriptures cannot reveal it, but they testify of it: and all must come into the spirit, before they know revelation, or know the Scriptures either. Pr. He saith, New Jerusalem is not come down from heaven, and be will make all things new; not hath made, page 83. He saith, The body is dead because of sin, yet there is a remainder of the old man in the members, page 84. Answ. Where the body is dead because of sin, and that put off by the Circumcision of the spirit; If the root be holy, the branches are holy also; and such comes to glorify the Lord in their bodies and souls which are the Lords, who hath redeemed them out of the sin. So they that are Christ's, have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts, and all things are become new. And the new Jerusalem is witnessed come down from heaven among the Saints; for who witnesseth Christ, and know Christ, knows the Tabernacle of God, and knows the new Jerusalem, and knows the place where there is no curse. And many knows their Mother now, and that which had led captive, is gone, and going into captivity. Pr. He saith, The Apostles gave the last and full revelation of the Gospel to all Nations. And Timothy learned Doctrine mediately, and since none may expect to receive so immediately as Paul did, but all mediately, page 88, 89. Again, God now gives, and teacheth mediately and spiritually by the testimony of him mediately, page 90. It is a little necessary to show the vanity of their pretence of immediate revelation from God's spirit, page 91. Answ. All them be in a pretence, and in vanity that are from the immediate revelation of the spirit of God: And if all people have all Paul's Declaration; and if they have it not immediately revealed to them by the spirit of God as Paul had, they have not the comfort of Paul's words, neither have they the comfort of the revelations. And John saith, the everlasting Gospel must be preached to them that dwell upon the earth since the apostasy from the Apostles (mark that) And that which Timothy preached, who was in the faith, the gift of God, and spoke his word, and divided it aright, it was immediate. But since the days of the Apostles hath the immediate been lost; and I know ye cannot expect it in the state ye all stand in, inwardly ravened from the spirit of God, and truth. But now is the Saints come to that which ye ravened from, and the Apostles were in, who witnessed the immediate teachings of God; and Gods teaching is immediate, and the testimony of Jesus is immediate, which is the spirit of prophecy; but many have that which testifies of him, and be from the immediate spirit as was in them that gave forth the Scriptures. And all upon the earth that be from the immediate spirit of God, as was in them as gave forth Scriptures; and their Ministry be but mediate, and they be but in the mediate, they are all Ministers but of the Letter made by man; and what they have it is but from man, and not from God immediately. Such have nothing but the sheep's clothing, and inwardly ravened from the spirit of God in them. And here is Babylon the mother of Harlots, and the Beast, and his names: but over all have they victory that be in the immediate, in that which the Apostles was in, and answer that in them all which they ravened from. Pr. He saith, Even now, in the days of their adversity, while the person of the Lord, the fountain of their teaching, for whom they wait, is personally absent from them, Page 92. Answ. All they that hate the light, sees not Christ the fountain of teaching, and these be them that inwardly ravened: Such have their teachers in corners, and are in the days of adversity, and eat not the flesh of Christ, nor drink his blood, and are not of his flesh and bone, and receives not his spirit. But all who wait in the Light which Christ Jesus hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world withal: Every man that cometh into the world, with which light he hath enlightened them, their eyes shall see their Teacher that cannot be removed into a corner. Salvation they shall see, and days of adversity shall end, and his guiding they shall know, and come to be in unity with Christ, and eat his flesh, and drink his blood, and be of his flesh and bone; which thousands do witness this, and the Prophet raised up, the end of the Prophets; and they that hear him not are to be cut off. And none lifts up the Son of God, but who be in the Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, and that brings him to understand the Scriptures, and the substance of them. Pr. He saith, The grace of God that brings salvation, it is a fancy to say it is stirred up in them; but is a thing wrought in another for them: And to say the Word of the Lord is within, and the spirit within, is men's following their own brain, and visions of their own hearts. And he saith, whereas they imagine of a light within them, all that knows God, shows the light in them to be darkness itself. See Postscript. Answ. All that knows God, owns the Light within them, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, which light shines in their hearts, And all that knows God, owns the Light that doth ●●lighten every man that cometh into the world, Christ Jesus, and believes in the Lig●●, and hath the witness in themselves. And all that be from the Light within them, be in the darkness, and stumbles, which have been in this night of the apostasy from the Apostles Doctrine. And all Gog, and Magog, and the Beast, and false Prophets, and the Kings of the Earth are making war against the Light that doth enlighten every man, etc. but the Light shall get the victory. And all that be from the Word of God within in their hearts, and their mouths; though they speak of the Scriptures without, yet they use their tongues, and follow their own dreams, and visions of their own hearts and brains, and be from the Word of God that lives, and abides, and endures for ever. And all that ever witness the grace of God that brings salvation, they feel it in their hearts, stablishing of them, and seasoning of their words, and knows the throne of grace from which it cometh: And this doth not deny what Christ hath done, but owns him all along from the foundation of the world; and what he wrought, and what he did, and what he said for us. And all upon the earth that have the Scriptures, and are out of the spirit that gave them forth, they are all in a confusion here, and on heaps about words: And the Word of God within, and spirit within, it leads people from following their own dreams, and following fancies of their own brains, which all have done many hundreds of years past, in the apostasy, since the days of the Apostles. And as for all thy lies and confusion in thy Books, they will be thy own burden, and the witnsse in thy conscience will answer in the day of thy judgement; thou shalt feel a smart work thou hast to go through, who art now in the pack, and body of confusion, buried under the body of iniquity. But thy folly is discovered sufficiently to the Nation, and thy spirit is now tried, who art one of the heads risen up against the Lamb in his day, and his Light, but it is thy condemnation. Matthew Caffinn, In his Book called, The Deceiving QUAKER Discovered. His Principles are as followeth, etc. Pr. HE saith, Nothing will cure the soul but the knowledge of salvation which is made known by outward means, because the will of the Lord in order to soul's peace and rest was discovered by outward means. page 4. Answ. The Pharisees had outward means, Reading, praying, and expounding, and yet knew not the soul's comfort and peace: For Christ bid them come unto him, that their souls might have r●st, all that was weary and heavy laden. So if people have all the Scriptures upon the earth, hearing, and praying, and all the outward means, and be not in the power, which is the Gospel, which is immediate, not outward, they have not their souls comfort and rest: And if they be not in the life that gave forth the Scriptures; for the soul is in the hand of God, and Christ the Bishop of it, and the Minister of the spirit watcheth for it; and they that harkened what the Spirit said, their souls lived, and this was not outward. But when men stop their ears, and close their eyes to that of God in them as the Jews did, and all the inwardly raveners, false Prophets, and Antichrists in the apostasy, since the days of the Apostles, such harken not diligently, and their souls live not. And all such as deny the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, seethe not Christ the Bishop of their souls, nor their salvation. Pr. And he saith, The Quakers cry wait upon the light within you, and this is another report then that of the Scriptures. And he saith, I do not find where it is spoke that God spoke in this people. pag. 5. And t●● Apostle which was to go to preach to all Nations, did not turn the people to a teacher within t●em, to teach them all things. And the Apostle affirms that they was to give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, etc. and not their teacher within them. page 8. Answ. It was the Lord that spoke in his Prophets, by their mouths, and in his Son, and they were the mouth of the Lord. And where God dwells in his people, he speaks. And the Apostles were to go into all Nations to preach the Gospel, and preached the Covenant of God; which who came into it, the thing they preached, the Law written in their hearts, needed not any man to teach them, nor needed not to teach one another, saying, Know the Lord, as it had been in the first Covenant, people had been taught to know the Lord; and the Priests lips was to preserve the people's knowledge. But who are come into the Covenant of God, Christ Jesus the second Covenant, they are come into the treasury of wisdom and knowledge. And the Apostles told the Saints, that the light which shined in their hearts would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus; and this is not another report then the Scriptures, but this is the Scriptures report; And John told the Saints, that the anointing which abideth in them would teach them all things; and the word was in their hearts and in their mouths, to obey it, and do it, and this was the Ministers work: and to the hearing of Faith, which Christ is the author of, whereby they receive the spirit. And the Apostle brought the people to their Teacher within them, which is the Light, and turned people from the darkness to the Light, and from the power of Satan unto God; which light shining in their hearts, it gives them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, etc. See 2 Cor. 4. Chap. Now light shines in the darkness, they being turned from the darkness to the light, it gives knowledge: So such come from under the power of Satan unto God; for while they be in the darkness, they be under the power of Satan, and nothing gives nor makes manifest the knowledge of the Saviour, but the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which shines in the darkness; and they being turned from the darkness, and from the power of Satan, such the God of the world cannot blind: But they in whom this light shines, and they in the darkness, the God of the World blinds, and the light of the glorious Gospel they do not know. Pr. Saith Antichrist, If you will believe in the Light within you, it will lead you to Christ. To wait upon the teacher within, there will be such an eternal light that will make known all things. page 9 And the Quakers exhort all ignorant people in the world to depend upon a light within them. Wherefore be counselled not to be carried away with strange doctrines. page 11. Answ. The light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, is not a strange Doctrine; the light to the Gentiles, the teacher of the Gentiles, the salvation to the ends of the earth, the new Covenant to the house of Israel and Judah. And this was a strange Doctrine to the Jews and to the Gentiles, though to them is had been promised: So this light shines in the darkness, and the darkness not comprehending it, such are ungodly wicked men, and they must be turned from the darkness to the light, before they come to retain God in their knowledge, or come to that which must give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. And all that come to witness their Teacher within, Christ, are possessors of the Prophet Christ Jesus raised up, the teacher of this people according to the promise: And that is Antichrist which keeps people from the light, and the false Apostles; for that was the true Christ, and the true Apostles that bid people believe in the light, and walk in the light, and brought them to the light within; and the true Prophet and Prophets said, that he would give him a Covenant to the Gentles; and this is the true light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and all that denies this are Antichrists and Deceivers. Pr. He saith, How beautiful are them that preach the Gospel, etc. not by the light within. And the word of faith cannot be said to be in men's hearts and mouths. page 14. And the sure word of prophecy spoken of in Peter, is the Scriptures which people must take heed unto, as unto a light shining in a dark place: and the Saints received the words of the Apostles not as the words of men, etc. Wherefore the Quakers suppose that God himself is their teacher, and so err, not knowing the Scriptures. page 17. Answ. They that preach the Gospel which is the power of God, which gives relief to that which was captivated in every creature, they are in the light in their own particulars, with which they know the glorious Gospel, and answer the light in every man that shines in the darkness, and life and immortality there comes to the light, through the power which is the Gospel, and this is that which is beautiful. And the word the Apostle preached of faith, was in the heart, and in the mouth, and is so understood by all the regenerate. But by all them that have only the form, and inwardly gone from the spirit, knows it not, but are of this ignorant; they cry, how should this be so? As the Jews said, how is it that thou maketh us to doubt? Yea, the Word was it that made them doubt. And the sure word of prophecy, which people do well to take heed unto as unto a light shining in a dark place (mark) in the dark place, until the day dawn, and the daystar arise in their hearts. This was it that let them see that no prophecy of Scripture came by the will of man: and this lets them see that such as went in cain's, Cores, and Balaams' way, which were Preachers of the Form, but wanted the power, but lost the holy Ghost, and such admired men's persons because of advantage, and came to be dead, twice plucked up by the roots; which those dead have long reigned, laid upon the earth, whose carcases stinks, since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy; so many may have the Scriptures, and quench the prophecy. Pr. He saith, Christ is not yet so the Word, but be himself testifies the Scriptures is the Word of God. page 21. Answ. Christ his name is called the Word of God; and the Scriptures are the words of God, which Christ the Word of God fulfils, in whom the words all ends: And such as the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness comprehends it not, they are not like to see the spirit until they be turned to the light. Pr. He saith, They err, not knowing the Scripture, when they affirm that the only means of faith is the immediate teaching of Christ dwelling in them. page 23. Answ. Can the Apostle preach Christ until he was revealed in him, who is the Author of every man's faith? And the doers of the Law are justified, and not the hearers only. Pr. The Quakers will not own the Scriptures to be the touchstone to try the spirits withal. page 28. And the Scriptures are not the rule: Oh shameful deceit! And George Fox said, that he knew Christ come in him page 29. And this is the deceiving of many; and this cannot be till first the true faith of his coming be made void, which these men endeavour to do. page 29. Answ. The holy men of God before the Scriptures was, had a rule, and a touchstone; and the Pharisees had Scriptures, but were out of the life that the holy men was in that gave it forth, and wanted the rule, and the touchstone: But the Apostles that was in the life, and the substance of what they spoke, they had the rule, and touchstone. And all in the apostasy since the days of the Apostles, that are ravened from the spirit of God, have had only the sheep's clothing; but have lost the touchstone, and so have destroyed one another about Scriptures, the Saints words, which was not the work of the spirit that gave it forth. And Christ is in you except you be reprobates. So reprobates witness it not, therefore they stand against it, and therefore are against them that witness it. And all the false Christ's, and the destroyers of the Faith of people, are such as draw people from the Light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and keeping them from witnessing and receiving Christ in them, the substance and the author of their faith, and such never knows him come in the flesh, nor the spirit. And such as witness Christ within them, receive the author of their saith, and destroy the faith of none. And the spirit was the rule of the Saints that led them to give forth Scriptures; and it lets them see in all ages who got the form of godliness, who used their tongues, who lived in the spirit, who erred from the spirit, who run when the Lord had never sent them, whom the Lord had never spoken to: and this was the rule, and this was the spirit of discerning, and this was the touchstone to try withal. Prin. And they say, they own Christ that suffered, meaning the Spirit within. page 36. Answ. There is none knows Christ nor his suffering, but with the spirit of God within; for with the spirit of God in the Prophets, and the holy men, they knew Christ that was to come to suffer; with the spirit of God in the Apostles, they knew that was the Christ that did suffer; with the same spirit of God within people, they now come to see him, and enjoys him, and receive him the same that did suffer, which none doth that are out of the spirit. And the Pharisees that had Scriptures knew him not, who were gone astray from the spirit; nor the Gentiles, though they had Scriptures: Neither doth the Apostates, who are inwardly ravened from the spirit of God, though they have all the sheep's clothing, know the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, though they be for multitude as the sands on the sea shore; nor doth any know it, and receive it, but who comes to that which they ravened from. Pr. He saith, That Christ is a distinct being from the Father. page 40. They that hold that they are now in the possession of the Kingdom of Christ, and that they have eternal life now in possession, perverts the right way of the Lord. Page 42. Answ. Christ is not distinct from the Father, for he and the Father is one; the Father is in him, and he is in the Father, and the Father and the Son dwells in the Saints who are out of the transgression of his Doctrine; and he that hath not the Son of God, hath not life: and he that hath the Son of God, hath life eternal, really in possession, and such perverts not the right way of the Lord; but such as have not the Son of God, they are all in the first Adam, in the crooked ways, and crooked by-paths in the world, n● witnessing life, but standing against the Light which shineth in the Darkness, which their darkness cannot comprehend; which are all the inwardly raveners since the days of the Apostles, among whom hath been the apostasy and the Apostates, from w●om the light of life hath been hid: But he that followeth the Light, he cometh to have the light of life: And he that receiveth the light, receiveth life eternal and to receive the Son of God: And he that receiveth the Son of God, hath eternal life in substance and possession. Prin. He saith, Death which hath passed over all men is not a spiritual Death: page 51. Answ Thou and all you shall feel it as a spiritual Death before ye know life and immortality come to light, and the spiritual wickedness wrestled against, whose weapons are spiritual, and not carnal, that wrestles not against flesh and blood, but spiritual wicke●nesses in high places: And that is it which causeth the life of all creatures to groan, and oppresseth it, whereby life and immortality is hid from the eyes, and the power transgressed, whereby the spirit and soul of man must be sanctified before he witness thorough purification, before he come from under the death, and spiritual wickednesses: For sin brings death, and that is the spiritual wickednesses that is to be wrestled against, and transgressing the pure Law of God, the commands of God, brings death. And so he entertains the spiritual wickedness which brings death upon his life, so comes oppression on his body, and on his spirit, and his soul burdened and wearied, and unsanctified, and polluted, which Christ gives rest to, who is the Sanctification, and Redemption, and Justification; which the Law goes upon man, agreeable to that of God in him: but Christ's body makes free from the Law, and redeems from under it: So as the power of God, the Gospel is known, and Christ known, the creature comes from under the bondage of corruption, and life and immortality comes to the light through the Gospel, whereby the death is known, which who believes shall never die, and the life is known, which shall never die. Pr. The Quakers deny Water-baptism, and slight it, and call it a carnal thing. Answ. Outward water is not spiritual, but it is a carnal thing as it is in itself; and it is the spirit alone that baptizeth into the body, which brings off of things that are seen, which are temporal, as the Apostle said, while we look not at things that are seen; for the things that are seen are temporal, etc. and water is seen. Pr. He saith, False Prophets and Antichrists should come in sheep's clothing. Answ. These Christ said should come, to his Apostles: And before the Apostles decease, they saw they were come. And the Apostles saw before their decease the Devil transform himself into an Angel of light; and Satan's Messengers and Ministers come up, such as had a feigned humility and will-worship got up, and the abstaining from meats, neglecting the body; and such as Jannes and Jambres, that crept into houses, which had the sheep's clothing, the form of godliness; and such were the seducing spirits, the doctrine of Devils, which ran into the strange delusions, bringing in the damnable heresies; which went in cain's, Cores, and Balaams' way; and they saw the coming of the man of sin; and the Apostles all saw by the spirit of God before their decease, which Christ said should come, which inwardly ravened, which since the days of the Apostles the world hath gone after them. All this which Christ said should come, which the Apostles saw was come, and coming, before the coming of the just One: But the Just One now is come, who hath revealed it, the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. Cain, Core, Balaam, false Prophets, Antichrists, such as goes into strong delusions, and brings in the damnable heresies, and forbidding the eating of meats, and Marriage; these all inwardly ravened, an● these all have been up since the days of the Apostles, and these have been covered with the sheep's clothing; and the false Prophets and Antichrists, they inwardly ravened, and the Devil the man of sin he went out of the Truth, and abode not in it; which Truth which he went out of, all they that have the sheep's clothing; and he, and they all can get Scriptures, but inwardly ravened and gone from the spirit of Truth in their own particulars, such are the destroyers of the creatures, and of the Creation: But with that which they all ravened from, are they all manifest and discovered, which to that are now people come, and coming, which these inwardly raveners have had the sheep's clothing, which have been the Beast, and false Prophets, Devil's messengers and Ministers out of the truth, which have reigned since the days of the Apostles, having had the sheep's clothing, which have long deceived the Nations. But now the Devil, Beast, Antichrist, and false Prophets are all discovered with the light, and life, which they all went from, and the truth. And the place is seen where there is no Curse; and the Beast, and the false Prophet is taken, that they shall deceive the Nations no longer, and is cast into the lake of fire, under whose dominion thou art, whose words shall be thy burden. Pr. He saith, Let us mind the Law and Testimony. Answ. Then ye must all mind the Light; for the law is light, saith Solomon, than ye must all mind the spirit, for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy; which many may have the Old and New Testament, yet be from the Law and Testimony; for the Law and Testimony was before Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, the Acts, Epistles and Revelations was written, as in the 8. of Isaiah, which the Prophet minded. And they that say the Old and new Testament is it, shows themselves to be ignorant of the spirit, and ignorant of the Law and Testimony. And the Law and Testimony doth not deny the Scriptures, but owns them in their place, and sees the fulfilling of them with the Testimony of Jesus, they see Jesus who was afore Scripture was, and comes to fulfil it. William Jefferies, his Book, called, ANTICHRIST made known. In which these PRINCIPLES are following, etc. Pr. HE saith, Men are mistaken in saying, the Romish Whore of Babylon is Anti-christ. And the chief City of this great Whore, the mother of Harlots is the City of Rome, the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, and Clergy. And the spirit of Antichrist denies Christ come in the flesh, and say the light within them is Christ, when at the best it is but the light of nature. And this is the spirit of error and darkness, and their light is become darkness. See page 63, 64. 68 Ans. The light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, is Christ, and none can confess him in Truth, nor see him, nor lift him up, as the Serpent was lifted up in the Wilderness, but who be in the Light which cometh from him. And by this thou hast overthrown thyself; for them that confess the light in them to be Christ (which Christ saith he is the light) these doth not deny Christ come in the flesh. And the Devil may confess the Son of God, and the Jews may confess him he is come, as the Apostates confess him he is come: But none of all these knows him in the flesh, confess him come in the flesh, or knows his flesh, or the flesh of the Son of Man, but who be in the Light that comes from him that doth enlighten every man, etc. which light was before any natural created lights was made, glorified with the father before the world began: and in the light walking, it leads into the day where there is no night, which light is Christ the Covenant of God, and such here cometh to know darkness past. Now I say, neither Apostates nor Jews, whose cares were stopped, eyes closed to that of God in them; and the Apostates that are inwardly ravened, having sheep's clothing, which are Babylon, which are the Harlot, who ravened inwardly from the spirit of God, brought the world after them, which was the mother of them all: None of all these can confess Christ come in the flesh, but only from the Letter, for these knows not his flesh; the Devil is out of the truth, and truth is a top of him. The Jews eyes must be opened, and their ears unstopped before they know his flesh. The Apostates must come all to that which they have ravened from inwardly, before they come to know Christ's flesh, and are of his flesh, and eat his flesh, and confess that Christ come in the flesh, who is the offering, and the sacrifice of the whole world that makes the peace between God and man, and perfects for ever them that are sanctified. The top-stone laid a top of all sin, and transgression, Death, Hell, and Grave, bruised the Serpent's head. Here is no Babylon, nor here is no Antichrist, and this the Quakers confess with the Light within them. And all upon the earth are Antichrists, and knows not Christ, not Christ come in the flesh, that be from the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and owns not that, but denies it. And all Sects. Bishops, mother of Harlots, Antichrists, Popes, Cardinals, and Clergy, Babylon, Romish Whore, which is gotten up since the days of the Apostle, inwardly ravened having had the sheep's clothing; they are not like, none of these that are ravened to own the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. And so Babylon and so Harlots, and so waters, and so from the Rock. Pr. And he saith the Whore will confess Christ come in the flesh. Satan transforming himself into an Angel of light, he maketh the fountain of waters bitter, the sweet promises, the water of life; which maker glad the City of God like wormwood, and changeth the taste of them. Page 72 74. Answ. Antichrist, the mother of harlots, false prophets which went forth from the Apostles as in John's Epistle. These will confess Christ come in the flesh as ye do, and all Sects upon the earth; else ye could not deceive the Nations, but as ye get the sheep's clothing. So ye have brought the Nations, tongues, people, Languages and multitudes to be like waters; But these are the waters which now gins to grow bitter, for neither the Devil, nor Antichrist, nor false prophets nor mother of harlots who are gone from the Truth, and are inwardly ravened, though they may have the sheep's clothing; they cannot touch the waters of life, nor the fountain to make them waters better that makes glad the City of God. For ye that inwardly ravened, which got the sheep's clothing, are as the Devil which went out of the Truth, get Scriptures, and their confession of Christ is as his is, which since the days of the Apostles the world hath been after them. The inwardly raveners have gotten the Scriptures; who are out of the Truth which the Devil who is out of the Truth the deceivers of the Nations. And there the beast, false prophets Antichrist, mother of Harlots, deceivers, man of sin, Devils messengers and Ministers, damnable Heresies, their tongues are waters, their peoples are waters, their Nations waters, and multitudes waters: all on heaps about Scriptures destroying one another, about the prophet's words, the Apostles words, Christ's words, Minister's maintenance. Now the Devil, the Beast, false prophets and Antichrist is taken, and mother of Harlots, and cast in the Lake of fire, and Babylon confounded, and the everlasting Gospel shall be Preached to every Nation, kindred, tongue, and people. And as for all the rest of the stuff in thy book, thy pack of confusion, Babylon's children, it will fall heavy upon thyself, and be thy own burden, and press thee under; which in the day of thy Judgement thou shalt remember that I am a friend to all souls. There is neither Jews that professeth a Christ was to come, nor Christians that professeth a Christ is come; nor none upon the earth (though ye have all the Scriptures) knows the flesh of Christ, but who owns the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. For the Jews knew not the flesh of Christ, though they had Scriptures, (but crucified him) whose ears were stopped, and eyes closed to that of God in them: the Gentiles knew not the flesh of Christ who was astray from the life of God, neither do those called Christians know the flesh of Christ who are inwardly ravened from the spirit of God in them, though they have gotten all the sheep's clothing, and talk Christ is come, and died at Jerusalem, as the Jews could say of him to come, and to be born at Bethlehem; yet they could not confess him come in the flesh, nor did not know his flesh, no more do these Christians know his flesh, though they have all the form of godliness; But who cometh to the seed Christ himself, they know it in them, than they shall know the one offering (a top of all the world's Sects) for the sins of the whole world, which none knows the flesh of Christ, nor Christ, nor as God was in Christ, but as every one comes to the light with which they are enlightened: which who hate it, knows him not, but it is your condemnation, and that ye shall all feel at last. So the one offering which is Christ is set over the whole world, and his flesh the world knows not, nor the Princes of the world, which where the seed is come out of the grave, it knows him, the seed knows him, and are of his flesh, and of his bone, it is their meat and drink. And Christ is come now, who treads the winepress alone without the City, though all the Beasts and false prophets and Antichrists upon the earth rise against him, yet the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory, and the Nations shall be ruled with a rod of iron, and he that was dead, is alive again, him by whom the world was made is manifest, and he rules in his Saints and the Tabernacle of God is with men. Pr. And whereas thou saith that Antichrist will be a single person. Answ. which is contrary to the Apostle 1 Joh. 1.18. who saith, even now there are many Antichrists whereby we know it is the last time; and they went out from us, but they were not of us the Antichrists which is against Christ. The agreement of Divers Ministers of Christ so called in the County of Worcester and parts adjacent which are 58. in Number. Some of their Principles follows. Pr. THey have sought God's direction out of the Scriptures which they call his holy word, and what is the greatness of their work, and edification and salvation of souls, etc. And do humbly bewail our too great neglect, who have not frequently, and earnestly laboured in so great a work: and especially that we have done no more in Catechising, and personally instructing, etc. Page 3. Answ. It was the Ministers work before the Apostasy to go from house, and warn all both small and great, yea with tears; this was the work of the Ministry in the Spirit; And they was in the spirit that gave forth Scriptures: and so brought people into the life that gave it forth, with which they was able to instruct one another, and to stir up the pure in one another. And the work of the Apostles, the Ministers of the Gospel and Christ was to bring people into the life that gave forth Scriptures, and into the substance Christ Jesus that the Scriptures testified of; But you who are fain to seek in the letter for it, in the Scripture for it; and have it not from within, as they had that gave forth the Scripture and received it of God: ye are never like to beget to God; And when truth comes, as it did among the Pharisees, which came to end their forms, and their shadows, the bvilders stood up, and rejected it in their forms. And now since the days of the Apostles, such as have had the Scriptures, but inwardly ravened from the Spirit of God, are standing against the light Christ Jesus that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; And so ye may get people into a form, and cover them with sheep's clothing. Now Christ is come, Reigns and Rules, his Saints with him, all rise up in arms against him, Kings of the earth, beast, and false prophets, the Dragon and his Angels; but the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory, glory to the highest. And so that is but the blind zeal that is stirred up in the Apostates, against Christ in this age, as it was in the Jews against Christ in their age. But Jew's must come to that which they closed their eyes, and stopped their ears against, and the Apostates must come to that which they ravened from, before they be stirred up in the pure zeal. Pr. And you say aged men are commonly more ignorant than the younger sort, and our unskilfulness, and others unfitness for the work, etc. Page 7. Answ. Your unskilfulness, and ignorance of your old men that is the cause of that ye have been ignorant of the work of God, therefore is there so much ignorance among you and the old men; and this you may publish to your shame to the Nation. And who will be Catechised by unskilful men, and ignorant men? But this is it, that your folly might appear, and that ye might publish it forth, and set it upon the house tops, that all that run might read you 58. Pastors and Teachers, and your young men as your old men. Pr. You say ye receive the public maintenance to this end that you may be enabled to lay out your endeavours for the good of the whole Parish from whence we receive it. And we are further obliged in justice to do our best for their salvation. Answ. How can men that are ignorant, and unskilful, (and the old men are yet foolish) and your unfitness do good for the salvation of men, when that the old men are so ignorant, yea, more than the young? But it is the public maintenance that enables you, which did not enable the Apostles; And that is the thing which you in the Apostasy have looked at; For take away that from you, and pluck down your Schools and Colleges: we should have but a few Ministers in England among you; a few instructers. So these are all made by men, since the days of the Apostles in the Apostasy, and teaching for filthy lucre, and the love of money which he ought not, disapproved of by Paul and Timothy. And take away but your public maintenance, and few of you would be able to Preach the Gospel freely; if this trial, and proof was among you, to prove you, it would be found that your God was your belly, and him it was ye served; and him it is that means, helps; and enables; which Christ and God was the enabler of his Ministers, and Prophets, and Apostles; whom the earth was his, and they trusted in him: in Christ by whom all things was made, that was made and Created. Pr. It astonished us many times (ye say) when we have talked with some of our hearers that they know so little of our Doctrine, which we have taught to them many years. It is sad to us to hear many men that can talk so about matters of the world understandingly, that can scarce speak a word of sense about the matters of their salvation, or scarce give a reasonable answer of a Question of the Foundamentals of Christanity. Page 19 Ans. Thus you have spoken to your shame and it is manifest that here is like people, like Priest, that shows ye have not profited them at all: and it shows that the Apostles words are fulfilled among you, the doctrines of men, the commandments of men, they perish in the using of them; And who are greater in the world in striving for the earth for maintenance, for Tithes, casting into prison, hailing before Courts, and Sessions, than you that have called yourselves Pastors, and Ministers of the Gospel, which your fruits have declared to all the Nation? and so unlike the Ministers of Christ, as your hearers are unlike Christians (by your own relation) without reproving one another, which the Apostle reproved them that taught for filthy lucre: Christ reproved them that were called of men master, and reproved them that taught for money, and for means, and those that minded earthly things, But how can ye reprove these things and live in the things yourselves, one to reprove another, and be in the same thing himself; this will stink among all sober men, and set you all on heaps among one another, as ye are. So how can ye, or they know any thing of the foundamentals of Religion, or salvation, or your people either? that deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. Christ Jesus the foundation of God, the wisdom of God, the end of the Prophets, and the Law, types, figures, and shadows; ye have denied the very key that opens to it. Therefore ye all come short of the glory of God: and Teachers, and people are all fallen into ignorance; since the days of the Apostles in the Apostasy: but now Christ is come, and coming to reign. Pr. They say upon the sad experience of men's ignorance, we have been brought to consideration of our neglect, etc. And our hearts have been brought low to think how we have wronged Christ, lest God should require your blood at our hands. Pag. 19 Ans. Repent, repent for ye have long deceived the people, and the blood will lie upon you, and the blood of many that hath been shed in the Nation, and have died in prison, and whipped, and stocked, and beat through your means: the blood lies upon you all. Repent: the Judgement of the great whore is come. The Magistrates begin to see you, and you shall not ride upon them. And your ignorance and all your hearers, you may well cry out of them, Repent, and come to the light which Christ Jesus hath enlightened every one withal that comes into the world, to give you the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, out of the ignorance: which none cometh to the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, etc. but who comes to the light that shines in their hearts (yea in darkness) Christ hath enlightened them withal; Where it shineth out of darkness, it gives them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. And all are ignorant, who are from the light, and wrongs Christ, and you have all wronged him that have denied the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, who are inwardly ravened from it, and have had the sheep's clothing: and so have kept people in ignorance, blindness and darkness. But now the true light shines, the day of glory is dawning; Christ and the Saints is reigning, and have the Kingdom, glory to the Lord for ever. Pr. They say, Alas that any reasonable soul should be so brutish, most of their lives is spent in ignorance, and worldliness, living in the flesh, etc. Page 24. Ans. Here is the fruits of your Ministry. Are not ye ashamed to manifest your fruits thus now to the whole Nation? Is this like a vineyard, that your people that you have taken maintenance of, and the Magistrates, that they should give you maintenance all this time, and your people spend most of their lives, in ignorance, worldliness, and the flesh? Is this like the fruits of the Ministers of Christ, or the fruits of the false prophets, that have not profited the people at all? Did not the Apostles keep them from them that bewitched them, and would have brought them into the flesh. And ministered to the spirit, got out the wheat, and the corn. And are not you ashamed to publish such a thing to the Nation, you 58. Ministers. To say a reasonable soul should be so brutish? can that which is reasonable be brutish? that which is brutish Wars against the soul. But this is but to discover your Ministry, and what ye minister to, and that the soul ye are ignorant of it. Pr. They say, Is it not pity that God should have any reasonable Creature that knows not his maker, or his Laws, or his own happiness? Is it not pity, that after all that Christ hath done, and suffered for the world, that any that calls themselves Disciples, should so little know him, and the salvation, and should set so light by him. Pag. 26. Answ. In this you all Pastors and Teachers have showed your work; what doth not the creatures yet know their Maker? what are they heathen yet? what do not the creature yet know Gods Laws? what worse than the Jews, heathen, and them that call themselves the disciples of Christ, and Christians so little know him, after Christ hath suffered for them? what hath been your work all this while, what have ye been doing, what have ye had wages for, that they so little know him that hath suffered for them, and their salvation? and should set so light by him how can they prise him, or see any light from Christ, when ye keep them from the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world? which none seethe salvation but with it; and by it; and none seethe Christ that suffered, but with it, and by it: and none cometh to see, and know Christ's end, and the end of God's Law, and prise him, and set much by him, but by the light. And doth not reasonable creatures know the Law of God? Are not reasonable creatures in the faith? are not the unreasonable out of the faith now that knows not their Maker, nor his Law, nor little of the suffering of Christ, or their own happiness, and little know their salvation, and set light by Christ? Are not all these your fruits? Are not all these your hearers, that ye complain of to the Nation? Have not ye now discovered yourselves in this that have the form of godliness, but denies the power? that keeps people always learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth? But such as be led away by with divers lusts and laden with sins. And now are ye complaining that your people serves the lust of the flesh, and the earth, not knowing their Maker, nor knowing his Laws, nor their salvation, and setting light by Christ: this ye may complain of with shame, who are such as crept into houses before the Apostles decease, and since ye have gone over the world; But now ye are discovered with that which gives to see the end of the Apostasy and Apostates, which gives to see before the world was made. Prin. They say if the Gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost; whom the God of this world hath blinded their minds, of them that believe not, lest the light of the glorious Gospel should shine unto them; who is the image of God. And the people perish, when visions fail, etc. Page 28. Answ. Who believes not in the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, the God of the World blinds their minds. Every one that cometh into the world is enlightened, that through the light they might believe. And every one that believeth in the light, hath the witness in himself, and abides not in the darkness, but hath the light of life. And you that keep people from the Light that doth enlighten every one, etc. are the messengers of Satan out of the truth; And the God of the world blinds the minds of such as do not believe in the Light that every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, that all through it might believe. And who believes in it that doth enlighten every man, etc. the light of the glorious Gospel shines in them, which is the mage of God. Prin. And you say, Visions are ceased, and Revelations, and immediate Inspirations. Answ. But I say, Repent every one of you, and come to the Light; for the burdensome stone is fallen upon you, and all that stands against the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, shall split yourselves against the Rock, and be ground to powder. And every one that cometh into the world, Teachers, Professors whatsoever, must come unto the light which Christ Jesus the salvation, that saveth the souls, hath enlightened them withal, before they come to life, or know the light of the glorious Gospel shining in their hearts, or come to the end of the Law, or end of the Prophets, or end of the Revelation, or out of the apostasy, or out of the Jews state, whose ears was stopped, and eyes blinded, out of the Gentiles state that goes astray after the vanities of their mind. So all you, and all upon the earth, Jews, Gentiles, and Christians of what sort soever, must come to the light which every one of you is enlightened withal, before every particular comes to see their salvation or satisfaction; yea, the salvation to the ends of the earth, the glory of Israel, the light of the Gentiles, which the apostate Christians have ravened from the spirit of God within them, have got the form, but stands against the Light that doth enlighten every man, etc. such have caused the way of truth to be evil spoken of, yea among other Nations of the Heathens. They have been hot, and broiled in their lusts, having had the form of godliness, and sheep's clothing; but all standing against the Light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, smiting, striking their fellow-servants. (Now the Lamb is come, and the Saints to reign with him.) Such their portion must have with the hypocrites, who to every one will give a reward according to their works. And the Lamb, and the Saints shall have victory, him by whom the world was made before it was made, glorified with the Father before the world began. Now is the seed Christ come to reign, and the Just have pre-eminence. And I say to you all Subscribers to all these Books, Priests, Professors, Teachers whatsoever, your patience would have better covered your shame and folly than your haste, extremes, and rashness, But your folly must come forth, that to all men it might appear. Abundance more of Stuffe is in it which is not worth mentioning, whose words shall be your own burden, the witness in all your consciences in the day of your judgement, when your works are all tried with fire shall answer, to a friend of your souls, and your goods eternal; but judges your fruits, words and actions, for the day of the Lord is come that will try every man's work. John Stalham, who calls himself a Servant of the great Bishop of Souls, who watcheth over a Flock at Terling in Essex, In his Book called, The Reviler rebuked. These are some of his Principles following. Pr. HE saith, Immediate Ruptures and Revelations seduceth simple people's minds, etc. And the perverse Principles of their self-adorning light. And the Quakers deny all external worship of divine Authority, as not to be found among us: And let Learning be advanced among pious men, for God hath his witty, and learned ones. And the life of their Religion is the rule of the holy Scriptures, the glory of the blessed Trinity. See his Epistle to the Protector. Answ. The life of Religion is the spirit that gave forth Scriptures; for all that have the Scriptures, and be out of that, be in the feigned Religion. And the Scripture no where speaks of a Trinity, but the Papists, who be apostatised from the life of the Scripture. It speaks of Father, Son, and holy Ghost, and the water, spirit, and blood; and the learned ones upon earth never knew Christ with all their natural learning. And if one get all the Naturals upon the earth, and the Scriptures in all the natural Languages, and one supreme power of a Nation tolerate all these Languages to be the Original, and they have the Scriptures in all these Languages, these are witty ones; but these knows not God nor Christ by all this, though they have all the Scriptures, while they are from the spirit of God that gave forth Scriptures: For that which brings to know God, is by the revelation of the spirit of God, the light which doth not deceive the mind; but their minds be deceived that be from the light. And all worships that be in the spirit, and in the truth, that gave forth the Scriptures, called the Old and New Testament, that we own, and is owned among the Quakers. For God who is a Spirit, who led his servants, and Prophets, and Son by his spirit to speak forth the Scriptures, which Christ the Son is come to fulfil, who saith, they that worship God, must worship him in spirit, and in truth, and that among the Quakers is owned. And the light which cometh from Christ leadeth from perverse Principles, and adorning self, for it leads out of its righteousness; But perverse men ever stood against it in all ages, and so spurned against the foundation, and overthrew themselves. Pr. He saith, The spirit speaking in the Scriptures. And them that say they have no sin, a gracious heart will slight and despise. He saith, the Kingdom of God is not within them, Luke 4. And he saith, The soul prepares itself for death. See Epistle to the Church. Answ. Such as had gracious hearts, never despised him that had no sin, but the ungracious did. As for example, all the Pharisees against Christ, and against the Apostles, and Saints, and the holy men: And the Apostle which told the Romans, they were made free from sin; and they that were dead to sin, how could they live any longer therein? he slighted them not, but encouraged them. So we find thee not to be a Minister of Christ, and have proved and tried thy spirit to be of such as say they are Apostles, and are not; And the spirit spoke in them that gave forth the Scriptures, so they were declared forth. And men may have the Scriptures, and not know the spirit that spoke in them that gave forth Scriptures: So that is the cause that all people be on heaps about the words, and saying, the spirit speaks in the Scriptures, which spoke in the holy men of God that spoke them forth, and learned of God the Father of spirits. So who have not it, the spirit, have but Letters, and are Ministers of the Letters, and not of the Spirit. And the Kingdom of heaven is within you, saith Christ in Luke 17. to the Pharisees, and thou saith with, or among them. And I say, that is the Kingdom within them which never consented to sin, and in you all, which one day ye shall witness; which the gazer, and observer abroad, his eye and ear is closed, and stopped too, which he must come to, before he be as a little child, and know the leven that levens up the new lump; and knows the Kingdom, which is like unto a grain of mustardseed; and where the diligent waiting is, the soul comes to live, and the everlasting Covenant felt. And thou that brings souls to be prepared for death, thou art more like to do that, then to present them to God, a slayer and executioner, so not a servant to the Bishop of souls, where the soul liveth, and rejoiceth, and comes out of death, and magnifies God the Saviour: And so all the Ministers of Christ their work is to prepare souls out of death, for life. Pr. He saith, The Bible is the soul's physic: And people must depend upon the spirits speaking in the Scriptures. He saith, the person of Christ is not his manhood: and the natural light the Quakers call Christ within, and nature grace. And he saith, The body of sin is in the believer till he lay down the body. Epistle. Answ. The souls refreshment is Christ, and Physician Christ. Many may have the Bible, and not know it, and the Scriptures, as the Pharisees had. The soul's Physician is that which the Scriptures speaks of; which many may have the words, the Bible, and yet have not the thing it speaks of; and they that have the thing it speaks of, have both. And many holy men had their souls Physician before the Scriptures was written and printed: and they that had the spirit that gave forth Scriptures, they had the souls Physic; and they know all the springs is in God, and the Lord, who in his hand was the souls: And such as are in the spirit they depend upon that, and they come to see the Scriptures by the spirit given forth from it; and such comes into the unity of the spirit, and the light which is Christ within, by which all things was made and created, was before the natural Lights was, and Nature: For all the Naturals that was made, was made by the Light Christ Jesus, the wisdom, who is the wisdom of God, by which all things was made, with which wisdom we see over the natural Lights, and over Nature. And the grace (that comes from the Throne) that brings salvation, which is the Saints Teacher, teacheth not to call Nature grace. And he that believeth is borne of God, and he overcometh the world, and entereth into his rest, and shall never die. And he that believeth hath victory, yea while he is upon the earth, he cometh to witness the Circumcision that puts off the body of sin, and makes free from it, which the synagogue of Satan cannot witness. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures are the Word of God, page 4. And the Spirit is given by the Letter. And he saith, the spirit proceeds from that which is put within the Book or Bible. page 5. And I judge them that pretend the spirit without the Scriptures. And the Scripture is a more sure rule then visions and revelations. pag. 7. And God that gave the letter, gives the spirit with it, and by it. page 9 Answ. God gave the spirit before he gave forth Scriptures: And the Devil and wicked men may get Scriptures, but they have not the spirit, nor none have it, but as they come to feel it given from God, as it was given to them that gave forth Scriptures. And so people are to find the spirit of the Father speaking in them, as it did in them that gave forth Scriptures, than the spirit answers to the spirit that gave forth Scriptures; then there is an unity with the words, and with God of whom they learned; which many may have the Bible, and not know the spirit that spoke it forth, but be erred from it: And the Scriptures are the words of God, of truth, God spoke all these words. He that adds to these words, the words of God is pure. Christ is the Word, his name is called the Word of God, who was before the words were spoken forth, who comes in the volume of the Book to fulfil the words: And the spirit was before the Scripture was given forth; for it led them to speak it all forth, the words of God, as they had learned of God: So the spirit comes not by the Letter, but the Letter comes forth from the spirit. And many had the Scriptures, and knew not the Revelation, and judged the Revelation of the Son of God, and judged Christ who was come, the end of the vision, which was for an appointed time. So therein thou hast concluded thyself to be among them that have the Scriptures, and sets up that beyond the Revelation of the Son of God, which is the end of Scriptures; which none knows the father but the Son, and he to whom the Son reveals him, though they may have all the Scriptures. And the things of God is revealed by the spirit of God. Pr. And he saith, The Scriptures is the rule and the guide of Saints. And saith, the old administration of the Covenant of grace is abolished. page 13. He that understands, Matth. 11.2 27. of immediate revelations only, shuts out all mediate revelation by the Scriptures, and falsely accuseth the Lord of the Scripture. page 14. And the Apostle saith, not that the spirit reveals the deep things of God. If we should deny the Scriptures to be the rule, we should deny the Scriptures of God. page 18. Answ. The Saint's rule was the spirit that gave forth Scriptures; and the Word of God which fulfils the Scriptures, without him they can do nothing, if they have all Scriptures. And the spirit of truth shall lead into all truth. And none knows the Scriptures, nor God, nor can be a Minister of the spirit by a mediate Revelation, but a Minister of the Letter; for who are Ministers of the spirit, are immediate, and are in the immediate revelation of the Scriptures to them by the spirit that gave them forth; and these ministers to the spirit, and brings people to God the Father of spirits, that they may know what to reveal to others they minister to. And all they that have the Scriptures, and not the spirit that gave them forth, they are on heaps about words, and wants the rule. And the Covenant of grace, which is the end of the old Covenant, is witnessed and established, and cannot be abolished, which ends the decaying Covenant. And as for abolishing the Covenant of grace, thou dost not know what thou speaks of. And the Apostle said, the deep things of God was revealed by the spirit of God; & no one knows the Scriptures and the things of God, but as God unto them doth reveal by his spirit; which in this thou hast showed thy ignorance of that spirit guided the Saints to God the Father of spirits, which revealed unto them the deep things of God, with which spirit again the Scriptures are known. And the spirit which always rules the Saints, and guides them up to God, and to speak forth the Scriptures. They did not deny the Saints words spoken before them, but was in unity with them in the spirit, and so came to the spirits of just men; which none doth but who are come into the Saints rule that gave forth Scriptures. And so people have had the Scriptures, but inwardly ravened from the spirit, thou and the rest of thy fellows, and have been all on heaps about words, and so void of the revelation that they were in that gave forth Scriptures. For all are unlearned upon the earth that are not in the immediate inspiration as they were in that gave forth the Scriptures, and in the tongue of the unlearned, like the Egyptian Sea. Pr. He saith, Printing was a rare invention, and it was the gift of God. page 21. And only God's servants preached by the written Copies, and since by the printed volume. page 22. Answ. That which is invented, and men have invented, it is not the gift of God; and men only preaching from the Copies written, and since by the Volumes printed. in this hast thou shown that you have had only the sheep's clothing; and that hath been it which hath made you Ministers: For they that were the Ministers of the spirit, their only preaching was not from copies and volumes, that did not make them Ministers, but what they had received from the Lord, that they declared forth, and was not Ministers of copies and writings only. But the copy and writings of the Scripture, had you them in the life that gave them forth, you would have gathered people into the unity; which being ravened from it, you bring them all upon heaps. Pr. The letter or writing of the spirit of God is the Law, and touchstone. page 23. He saith, the Scriptures is the spiritual sword. page 26. And the Scriptures is the ground of all Saints actions. And have not I written unto thee excellent things in counsel and knowledge? page 32. Answ. The Pharisees had Scriptures, and had not the spirit that gave them forth; so they wanted the Word of God, the sword of the spirit, and they stood against the substance of the Scriptures. And they had Scriptures, but they were out of the Saints actings; for they turned against the Just: And so doth all upon the earth that have the Scriptures, but out of the spirit that gave them forth, they are out of the ground of the Saints actings. And none knows the excellent things written of knowledge nor counsel, but who be in the spirit that gave forth Scriptures: Though they have the Scriptures in their own knowledge and wisdom, yet they understand not the excellent things written, but as they come into the spirit that gave them forth. So thou art a man not dividing the word aright; and many may have the Scriptures, yea the whole world may have the Scriptures, and not being in the spirit that gave them forth, they break into Sects among one another. And the Devil may come with Scriptures, but hath not the spirit to fight withal, who is out of the Truth. Pr. He saith, Women are excluded from speaking, though endued with more than ordinary gifts, and they are not allowed to teach. page 34. And the Canon of the Apostles is the key to open the Scriptures. And the sure word of prophecy is the Scriptures. page 38. which is a more sure word than an immediate voice from heaven. He saith, the word which the Apostle speaks of to the Romans, in the mouth, and in the heart, is the Gospel promises without, Deut. 30. And the Scripture, Books, & Chapters, is the light that shines in man's heart, and the new Creature is too narrow for a rule. page 44. A. The new creature is subject to the Law of God, for he is in Christ who is the end of Law, Types, Figures, Shadows, Parables, and there is rule, direction, counsel, wisdom; and the old man cometh to be subjected, which is not subject to the Law of God, and here comes the blessing and the peace of the Israel of God, who walk according to the rule of the new creature; for he walks in the life that gave forth Scripture, which the old man walks out of. And he may say, the Scriptures is his rule, but he is not subject to the witness of God in himself; nor owns not the light which Jesus Christ hath enlightened him withal, but doth the evil, and loves the darkness, which light is his condemnation. And the law is light, and the Testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. And many may have the old and new Testament, and stand against the light, the spirit of prophecy within. And many may have the Scriptures, Books, and Chapters, and stand against the Light Christ Jesus, that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world: And so put the Letter for the Light, and walk from the light in their own particulars, which should lead them into a new life: Such comes not to know the new life, nor the blessing of the Israel of God. And the woman (the Evah) must be silent, for she was first deceived; and the woman Jezebel, that calls herself a Prophetess, that must not be suffered to teach, or to usurp authority; But Christ in the male, and Christ in the female, is beyond the first Adam, or Evah, or she that calls herself a Prophetess, or the great whore that reigns over the Kings of the earth, there is all their languages under: Christ in the Females shall comprehend this as well as in the Male, and give judgement, and the daughters shall prophesy as well as the sons. And such as limit or quench the spirit in the Males or Females, are them that are apostatised and ravened inwardly from the spirit of God, and despise prophecy, only have the sheep's clothing (such as thou and you) and knows not the spirit, but are ravened from it, the spirit of God that hath power over all flesh, and so makes yourselves ignorant of it, & are such as quencheth it in others. And the spirit of God in the Apostles being witnessed, it opens the Scriptures, is the key, lets to see what hath been since the days of the Apostles, and ruled, and reigned, and had the dominion, the Wolf in the sheep's clothing; which have deceived the Nations, and such as have led the world, and brought them all upon heaps, and have never heard the voice of God, and have published it in the Nation in print, nor the voice of Christ, and have not the same infallible spirit as the Apostles had, and no immediate revelation nor inspiration as they had: so these have taken away the key of knowledge from among people since the days of the Apostles; and as for the word Canon, ye may go to the Papists. The Apostles shown the fulfilling of the Scriptures, that Christ was come, and the Apostles saw what Christ said should come, which inwardly ravened, went forth from them, which the world hath gone after; which now we, with the same spirit the Apostles was in, which you all ravened from, do see ye, and what hath reigned since the days of the Apostles. Now is the fulfilling of the Prophets; And the word was in the Apostles, and in the Saints, yea the word of faith, and this comes to fulfil the Scripture, this word of faith which was preached in the heart, and in the mouth; and which was promised before. And the light was in the Apostles heart that shined, and the sure word of prophecy that did let see, and foresee, was in the hearts of people which led them to give forth Scriptures, and that which fulfils the Scriptures, the prophecy, is of Christ, who ends it; and the spirit led them to speak it forth, the spirit of prophecy: which many may have the Scriptures, and not have the more sure word of prophecy; And many may have the Scriptures as the Pharisees had, and stand against the Revelation of the Son of God from heaven, which is surer, for he was before Scripture was, who ends the Scriptures. for many may have Scriptures and be out of the life, and not know him, the Revelation of the Son of God; as the Jews did not, and so say the Scriptures is more sure than Revelation from heaven, so more sure than the Son of God who is greater than all; and the Scripture was given forth by Revelation, and none knows it but by Revelation. Pr. He saith Christ doth not give to every man the light that leadeth to the Father, and there is not in every man that redeeming light, which leadeth to the Father. And it is false to say the light which John speaks of, is a salvation light; he saith the light in every man is but the candle light of natural understanding. pag. 56. And the light which every man hath, is a low common benefit, and no drop of this immortal seed. pag. 57 58. Nor is the light which every man hath, his Mediation. And I call the light which every man hath, natural. pag. 59 And the light which every man hath, teacheth nothing of the way, truth, and life of Jesus Christ. pag. 60. And the light which is in every man is opposite to Scriptures, pag. 61. This is the light which is in every man's conscience which is but natural. And the Apostle saith he warneth every man, and teacheth every man that he might present them perfect in Christ Jesus. But he saith the Apostle did not warn every man: he did not level the Saints light with every man's. page 62. It is not meant that every man is enlightened, but the Church. Page 63. Answ. I am the light of the world, and doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world saith Christ the life. So the light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, will let them see the life which it cometh from, will let them see their salvation Christ Jesus, will let them see their Mediator, will let them see the truth, for the light is truth, which cometh from Christ the truth. And the light is Christ the way, the truth, the life that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world. In him was life, and the life was the light of men, in him by whom the world was made, which light was before any natural lights was; the Sun, Moon and Stars are natural lights; and these was made by Christ the light, who doth enlighten every man, etc. which men having a light from him by whom the world was made, by whom all things was created, who was afore any things was created, Let's them see before any created light, natural light, made lights, which gives every one the knowledge of life: which lets every one see the salvation to the ends of the earth; which lets every one see the Covenant of God that love it, and believe in it, they come to the life Christ, him from whence the light cometh. The light is of the immortal seed of Christ Jesus, one with the Saints light, the Saints believe in that the world hates, and receives that which the world hates: so it is the world's condemnation: it is the condemnation of them that hate it. And so was he promised a Covenant to the Gentiles, aswell as to the Jews and so doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, according to John's witness and testimony, to the Priests, and Levites which came from Jerusalem to examine him. So the Priests now examine us in this age and professors which the Quakers are witnesses of, and bears testimony to, which Paul warned every man, and taught every man, that he might present them perfect in Christ the light. So the light is one with the Saints light, that condemns the unbelievers. And the light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal; that through it he might believe, and who believes in it, and receives it, he hath the light of life, and they become the Sons of God; and who hate it, it is their condemnation: and they are against Scriptures, but the light is not against Scriptures, but owns them. And so the light is not so low as ye esteem it, for it was before any thing was made or created: as for the word Trinity, there is no Scripture for it: without ye find it in the Common-prayer Book. And the light in the converted shines out of Darkness in their hearts, and gives them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, etc. And the light in the unconverted shines in the Darkness, and the Darkness comprehends it not. Pr. He saith that the light without the Scriptures is no light. Pag. 64. And to call the light that doth enlighten every man the word of God, is contradiction. And there was no light before the Scriptures, which is now revealed in Scripture. pag. 64. That God is light, not the light in every man's conscience. pag. 68 And the best light that every man hath, is but created. Not one man in the world knows God till he find him in Scripture. pag. 69 The Lord Christ the Eternal Son, the Essential word of the Father, is more in Scripture, then in every man; or any man. pag. 70. They that speak from the Scripture rightly understood, speak more from Christ, than they that speak from the light within them. Answ. The light was before Scripture was given forth: the light was before the Created lights was, and makes manifest all created lights: for all created lights, was created by it, and all that ever had the Scriptures, and are not in the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; the light by whom the world was made, He knows neither the word of God, nor Father, nor Son, nor Christ, nor the Lord, nor Scripture; and the word, and the Father, and the Son, and Christ, these are to be found in man, the Lord searcheth the heart, and is not to be found in the letter; but it testifies of these things. And they that speak so much of Christ from the letter, which gives not life because it speaks of him; and are from the light within them which cometh from Christ which doth enlighten every man, etc. they speak as the Devil doth; and the Pharisees preaching a Christ is come, as they did he was to come and stood against the light that doth enligthen every man that cometh into the world; and sent their Priests, and Levites to examine John, as they do now who be professors, and Priests. And many may have the Scriptures, and yet be from the light, and deny the light; the Devil who is out of the light may bring Scripture, and he hath not the light; And that is light, and that is the word which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. So he is all, and in all, and through all, God over all blessed for ever, which shall make every tongue to confess, and all stand guilty before him that hate it, and say he is righteous. And Christ which is called the word of God which doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, is not contradiction. And many may have the Scriptures, and yet never know God, till they come to the light which comes from the Son who reveals him. Pr. He saith Christ saveth by the declaration, or by Scripture; and makes the Declaration saving. Answ. Christ is the Saviour, and that the Scripture declares of and speaks of; and many may have the Scriptures, and declaration and reject Christ as the Jews did, and all do, that deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, from their Saviour which is not Scripture. Pr. And to say the light in every man gave forth Scripture, and will open Scripture to us is palpable darkness, and contradiction to Scripture. page 74. Answ. All be in the utter darkness, and know not the Scripture, until they come to the light, that every man was in that, gave forth Scriptures, for the light lets them see to what it was spoken, and Christ the end of them. Pr. And to say every man's light is the sure word of prophecy, is an old fable, pag. 75. No man shall be able to spell out a syllable of the Gospel, by all that is written in man's heart. And the universal light, lays waste the free grace of God, so never was it every man's light, or free gift. And the light in every man's conscience is a bill of condemnation, discovers no salvation. pag. 76. And that which Adam had before the fall was imperfect. Answ. The light that every man is enlightened with, is Christ Jesus the gift of God; the Covenant of God, the way to the Father, that all through the light might believe in him who is the way to the Father, out of the first Adam, the state in the fall, who fell from that which was perfect, and so became unperfect. And the light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, which shineth in the darkness, will be his condemnation if he hate it, and a sure word of prophecy to him he shall find it, and condemn him for all his faults, and it was found in the heart which brought them to know God that gave forth Scripture. He goes unto fables when he goes from the light: which all ye, and the world is in the fables. And the light which every man is enlightened with that cometh into the world, doth not lay waste the grace of God: but he that is in the light, seethe the Covenant of grace, and receives it. And all that deny the light tramples the new Covenant under their feet. And the light which every man is enlightened withal, is the light of the Gospel; which all men shall be Judged according to, and it is it that discovers the Saviour, which doth condemn. Pr. He saith the light is an imperfect light; and it is mixed with darkness. And if the Saints should say they have no sin, no darkness, they are more dark, and sinful. page 78. And every man is in Christ while he hath sin in him. p. 79. and the light in every man is none of the six principles in the Hebrews. Page 81. Answ. The S●ints witnessed the darkness was past, the true light shined; they was not in the night: and the S●ints was made free from sin; and the night was over, and they were children of the day, not of the night. And the light is perfect which doth enlighten every man, etc. And all lights that was made, was made by the light Christ Jesus that was before any thing was made; this is it that discovers them, and le●s see them, and this is perfect. And all be in ignorance that be out of it. And who be in Christ, doth not commit sin, is a new creature; old things pass away the old man and his deeds. And in the light which every man is enlightened withal, all the principles in the Law, in the Prophets, in the Hebrews, ends: for it was before any words was spoken forth glorified with the Father before the world began. Pr. He saith no man will ever be saved by his best obedience to the light which doth enlighten, etc. pag. 85 Christ hath satisfied, and merited for a certain number of sinners their deliverance. Page 87. Ans. No man is saved, or doth witness salvation, but who are in the light Christ Jesus doth enlighten them withal. And who are in the light, they are in obedience of faith, and they neglect not the Gospel, nor the hearing the voice that speaks from heaven. But who hate the light, they neglect the Gospel, and him that speaks from heaven, and doth not come into the obedience of faith, but be in their own works, in the dark, without light. Christ is the offering for the sin of the whole world, not for the sins of a people, but the seed Christ the second Adam, overthrows all the sins, is the offering for all the sins that was brought in by the first Adam, and reconciles to the Father, and is the restorer; and nothing shuts out, but the unbelief in the light, for Christ saith believe in the light. And so Christ is the offering for the sins of the whole world, and not for some only. Pr. He saith Christ the surety pays the elects debt. Pag. 103. Answ. Christ is the surety for all that dwell on the earth that believe in him, as he doth enlighten every man. And God lays no charge of sin to the elect, for it is not possible that they should be deceived. And the cause of all bringings into Sects is that people be out of the light, and so out of unity, and seethe not the Saviour, the Redeemer, the substance of all types, figures, Parables, the end of the Law that goes upon the man of strife. And so being out of the light, out of the unity, out of the Covenant with God; In the light is the Covenant of God. Pr. He saith the whole soul and body of Saints and every faculty of the soul, and member of the body there is some presence of sin in them all their days. Page 113. Ans. The Saints are sanctified, and washed, and cleansed, body, soul, and spirit, and they are made free from sin, and then can live no longer therein; and the body of sin is put off; And they witnessed the darkness was passed: so than the works of the true light shined, and the day was come, and they was of one soul, And they witnessed as he was, so was they in this present world. And he that is in Christ is a new creature. And where Christ is within, the body is dead because of sin. And he that is born of God doth not commit sin. And the Saints was upon the earth, when they was made free from sin, and not all their day's sin in them, as thou speaks of. Prin. He saith sin dwells in the Saints; if any Saint think otherwise he knows not himself: and if he be one really sanctified, he is under a strong delusion, and drowsy dream Page 119. Answ. He that is sanctified is sanctified from sin, and washed, and cleansed, and he that is out of this sanctification is in the drowsy dream; For who are in sanctification, are in Christ the righteousness of God, and they are awakened to righteousness, out of the fall, in the second Adam, and drowsiness, and dreams, and delusions that come in the first Adam. And sin, and drowsy dreams, and delusions dwells in them that pretend that they are sanctified ones, and not really. Pr. He saith it is a Popish Tennent that sanctification is wrought within men and Justification, or a believers being justified from sin, and ungodliness, and not in it; but the mystery of iniquity lies in this qualification. pag. 120. And they that are justified by their sanctification, it is a falsehood. And that none are justified but Saints perfect in holiness, is a notorious contradiction. Page 121. Answ. He that is the sanctification, is the justification, and so by their sanctification are they justified; it is one and the same, that which sanctifies, justifies. And every man that cometh into the world having a light that cometh from Christ the sanctification, redemption, justification; but them that be not in the light, are with it condemned. And such as be in the light, they come into perfect holiness, and their sins are not imputed to them; But them that doth not believe in the light, the spirit of truth that leads the believer into all truth, reproves them for their unbelief, and their righteousness, and their judgement, and so doth not justify them, but reprove them. And the justification within, roots out all Popery, and all contradiction. But to speak of justification, and sanctification without, and not manifest within, ye are yet in the first Adam (in the Popery, where ye must have a Puratory to cleanse) and not the righteousness of Christ within, and sanctification within and Justification. So such be reproved that can talk of it without, sanctification without: so there is the old Adam, in the sin and transgression. And all falsehood is among them that can talk of justification without them, and not witness it within them; For who witness Christ within them, they witness justification there, and sanctification; for Abraham believed, and it was imputed to him for righteousness; and his belief was within, and he saw Christ his glory. And such as believe they come to witness the imputation; But such as come again to witness that they are nearer than when they did believe; and to witness that they have received Christ within, is the end of their belief, there they witness the righteousness itself without imputation, which is the substance, that which the promise ends in, and all the fathers hoped for, who stood in the imputation, and all the believers in him: But Christ being come, the end of man's belief, the righteousness itself; here is a justification alone, without the imputation, Christ the righteousness of God's blessing, and glory for ever. And a believer that is justified, he is a new Creature, and is passed from the death which came by the sin; comes to enter into his rest where sin is not. And all the falsehood and the contradiction is without the possession of justification and sanctification which reprobates talk of it in the mystery of iniquity, and unbelievers in the mystery of iniquity; which have the sheep's clothing the outside, the clothing of the Saints, yet ravened from the spirit inwardly; These have not been like to own justification within, or sanctification there, that inwardly ravened from the spirit of God: which all must come to that which they ravened from, and they themselves before they feel the justification, sanctification, Christ within them, and have received the substance, the thing the Scripture speaks of: which not believing in the Light, and going from it; though they get all the sheep's clothing, yet are they not thereby justified; though they get all the good words, and the form of godliness, and obey not the Gospel, the power of God; for none obeys the Gospel, but wh● obeys the Light within. And who are justified it is by the faith of Christ Jesus, and without faith they cannot please him; And who are in the Faith, are the believers in the Light, and so the Justification and the Faith doth qualify from their old nature, and minds. Pr. He saith, They are not justified because they are new borne, nor for their believing. page 122. And I can say I am crucified with Christ, and yet I have a corrupt rotten heart, and an old lying heart (as before he saith) and Christ lives in him, and there is a body of sin and death dwells in him: And the life that he now lives in the flesh, is by the faith of the Son of God. Page 124. Answ. Where Christ is within, the body is dead because of sin; and where the saith of the Son of God is lived in, it gives victory over sin. And the life of Christ is out of Adam, in the Fall, in sin and transgression; And the Circumcision comes to be witnessed that puts off the body of sin. And where the life of Christ is lived in, the new Covenant is there, the new heart, rotten, corrupt, lying is put off, the old man and his deeds, with his deceitful lusts. And he that believes is borne of God, is justified, and he comes into the faith by which he pleaseth God; and he that doth not believe is out of the faith, and it is impossible he should please God, and is out of that which should justify him. Pr. He saith, Christ's works in us are not to be joined with our faith in Christ's works, for that brings into the wilderness. page 131. And to say that men are justified no farther than they are sanctified, is to deny Protestant doctrine, etc. Answ. Men are justified by the believing, and in the faith, and by the faith, and in believing they overcome, and have victory; and there is Mortification, and Sanctification, and Redemption, and Justification, all possessed together in the one which is Christ, and this to the particular satisfaction. And all Protestants or whatsoever that have a Justification and Sanctification, and they in the unmortified state, unsanctified, they are out of the faith that purifies, out of the belief that is born of God, who hath passed from death to life, and so is out of the substance that justifies, and is without Christ, and so are reprobates; but where Christ is within, there is Justification, Sanctification, and Redemption. And they are they that blaspheme the Tabernacle of God, and them that dwell in Heaven, that call good evil, and evil good; and leads into snares, and into the wilderness, that go about to confound the Justification, but split themselves upon the Rock that denies the Light; and Christ is the offering for the sin of the whole world, who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that all men might believe in him, the offering, and they are justified in him from all things which the Law could not do. And here is the Covenant of God to the Jews and Gentiles, the light of the Gentiles, the glory of Israel, the new covenant to the Jews, the Law in the heart, and in the mind, by which the people should not need to say, Know the Lord; for all should know him from the least to the greatest, the salvation to the ends of the earth, where the way of redemption is the way for the ransomed to walk in, in which the fools shall not err in it; in which way there is no wilderness, nor slippery places; but the path of life, the way of the Just, and of holiness, and the way of Sanctification, and the way of Redemption and Justification. Pr. He saith, Christ was a sinner by imputation. page 132. A. The Scripture doth not speak such kind of words; but that he knew no sin, no guile was found in his mouth: A Lamb without spot or blemish, though it pleased the Father to lay the iniquity upon him, by his stripes we are healed. And by the one offering, perfected for ever them that are sanctified, made himself an offering for the sins of the whole world; who breaks down the partition wall betwixt Jews and Gentiles, slays the enmity among men, reconciles in one unto the Father by his body, his death upon the Cross. Of his body are all the Professors, Protestants & Papists upon the earth ignorant of, this seed that breaks the enmity; therefore be all in the enmity one among another, having sheep's clothing, but the sheep in you is not put forth; but the Wolf is ravening abroad against the sheep, tearing them where the seed is risen. Pr. He that throws off imputed righteousness, may go shift for his justification where he can get it: and Christ shall profit him nothing, though he be in faith or love, and self-denial. page 133 And it is not the work of Christ in us that justifies and reconciles our persons. I can detect this for an error, that Christ's works in us, is that which justifies our persons before God. page 134. Answ. Christ works in us Faith, and is the Author of it, and by faith is every one justified in the blood of the seed, the flesh of Christ the Lord from heaven, shed for the sins of the whole world: And this faith in this blood of the seed, not of the first Adam, nor the Beasts, but the blood of the seed Christ, the precious blood which is the life of Saints, and his flesh which is the food of Saints, which whosoever eats it, and drinks it, hath life in the Son of God, and lives in him as he lives in the Father. And this is wrought within, and no one knows it, but as it is wrought within by the faith in the blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, the great sacrifice for the sin of the whole world, overthrew Death and Hell, bruised the Serpent's head, Devil, and sin, the sacrifice for the whole world, the blood shed upon the Cross for the sins of the whole world. The blood of the seed, which is the life that cleanseth, and this blood is felt within, for it purgeth the conscience from dead works to serve the living God. And here is the great mystery of God, and the wisdom of God, which covers all the wisdom of the earth, the knowledge and the wisdom of the understanding one's of the earth. The seed and the blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, which sacrificed and offered up, the body prepared, who fulfilled all types, figures, offerings, ends them and all other bloods, whom Death and Grave could not hold, dead, raised again, set at the right hand of God, manifest in the Saints, and in the midst of his Church, singing praise, was dead, and is alive, and lives for evermore, manifest in the Saints. And he that hath him hath life, and he that hath not him, hath not life. And whosoever witnesseth Christ within, they witness the end of Imputation, they witness the thing itself, the end of their belief, and they possess the sanctification, and such comes to know faith and love. And such as may have all the Scriptures, and preach of Justification and Sanctification without them, and not within them be as the Jews, be as the Witches and Reprobates. They are reprobate that witnesseth not Christ within them, nor Sanctification there, nor Justification there, and so witnesseth not faith, and love, nor the faith that works by love, and they be in the error and shifts thou talks of, and Babylonish; and none comes to witness the reconciliation, but who witness Christ within: So out of Justification and Sanctification there; if he be not within, they cannot witness reconciliation: If they be not believers in the Light of Christ, they cannot witness justification, but condemnation. B●t in the light, in Christ, Christ received in them justification, sanctification, reconciliation is received, Christ Jesus the Light, that which reconciles to the Father. Pr. He saith, The body of sin is the natural body, consisting of flesh and blood, and bones, and the living soul is immortal. page 140. And sin will dwell in the house, until the house be plucked down over its head, which is the natural body. And there is not one Saint that is absolute free from the indwelling and working power of sin. page 140. To plead for Perfection is inherent holiness, and to serve under Antichrists colours, and to make void the suffering of Christ. He that holds the Saints perfectly fulfilling all the Law, in all degrees of obedience and conformity to it in this life before death, hath drunk Antichrists cup. page 144. Answ. The Saints after they witnessed the body of sin put off, and made free from sin, they glorified God in their bodies, souls, and spirits. And so the body of fin is not the creature, for that causeth the creature to groan, before it cometh into the liberty of the Sons of God, that causeth the body of sin, the clothing that comes upon the Creature, the old man, which cometh by transgression, the first Adam, that leads out of transgression, brings the creature into the liberty of the sons of God, and so who is in Christ is a new creature; And old things pass away, and the body is the Temple of God, a holy Temple; And the living soul is immortal; yet many of thy generation say it is humane, that is earthly, yea, that Christ's soul was humane, as ye may see in this Book, in the rest of your Principles, of them that call themselves Teachers and Pastors, whose souls are in death, and life; And immortality, not come to the Light, through the power of God which is the Gospel, and so have showed your ignorance of the soul. And whosoever witness the perfect holiness, and preacheth up that, they come from under Antichrists Kingdom. They that preach up Imperfection, they wear Antichrists livery, and his colours, and sounds the Trumpet of Antichrist; and who be in the righteousness, are in the perfection itself, without a thing merited by man in his will. And who loves God, keeps his Commandments, and to him and them they are not grievous: And this was the seed that kept the Commandments of God, that Antichrist, Beast, mother of Harlots, and false Prophets made war against, as you may read in the Revelations: But this seed is a burdensome stone (unto yo● all) t●at keeps the commands of God, that loves God; and they that be born of God doth not commit sin: And the natural body which is flesh, blood, and bone, is not the body of sin, it was never read so in the Scripture, that that was the body which was to be put off; for the Saints had bodies, after they witnessed the body of sin put off, and made free from sin. Pr. He saith, That R. F. is against the doctrine of sin continuing in the godly till death, page 148. Answ. That doctrine of Sin was never preached up by the Apostle, that it should continue in the godly till death, I say it continues not in the godly; for the godly are like God, out of sin; it continues in the ungodly, that is not like God. And he that is in Christ, is at the end of the Law, and the Precepts, and the Statutes, and the Ordinances, and the Commandments, and is in the substance, God's righteousness. Pr. He saith, The Letter is no dead letter, and it hath life in itself. And if there be but this letter or Ministry, it is Christ's two-edged sword. page 153. 155. It serves unto his design of searching hearts. And the Apostle would take people off from the conceit of perfect attainments. pag. 162. And may not filthy hearts transform themselves in the fancy of perfection, as the Devil into an Angel of light? Answ. The Devil transforming himself into an Angel of Light, or into a similitude, is like unto all the filthy hearts who fancy perfection without them, not within th●m, and speaks of Christ without them, not within them, as the Devil did; But the Doctrine of the Apostle, who preached Christ the Covenant of God, and brought people off of that which made nothing perfect, to that which was perfect, and bid them be perfect, and of one mind; and he spoke wisdom among them that were perfect, so he did not bring the people from it, but to it: And the Letter itself is dead, as it is of paper and ink: And all Ministers of Letters and Books written in paper and ink, and speaks from letters of paper and ink, and have not received from God what they preach, are Ministers of the Letter, and they are the Ministers of death, though they minister all the Letters written in the Scripture, and have only but the sheep's clothing, and begets not to God; but only making Proselytes as the Ministers did in old time, as the Jews did, But they that were Ministers of the Spirit, that gave forth the Scriptures, they have the sword of the Spirit, which the Jews, the Ministers of the Letter had not: Nor they that be out of the spirit, though they have all the Scriptures given forth from it; they that be out of the spirit, be out of the spiritual weapons▪ And that which searcheth the heart, is that which gave forth the Scriptures, which led all the holy men of God to speak them forth, who is the Lord, the searcher of the hearts; which spirit owns all the words of the Scriptures of truth declared forth from the spirit; but the spirit was before the Scripture was given forth. Pr. He saith, Men that are redeemed from all earthly worships perfectly justified before God, sincere in their sanctification, yet they are in concupiscence, and blemishes, and conflicts. page 166. And the Word of God doth not abide in them that say they have no sin. page 179. Answ. Who are redeemed out of all earthly worships, and sanctified, they are redeemed from the blemishes, from the conflicts, from the concupiscence, and by their redemption they come to witness the Kingdom of God that stands in righteousness, peace, and joy in the holy Ghost, out of the conflicts; and who are in the spirit, they are in that which mortifies sin. And the Word of God it makes clean where it dwells, they are sanctified by the Word, and made clean: It comes, and finds the sin, and takes it away, and makes clean, and hammers it down, cuts it down, burns it up, reconciles to the Father, which sin and iniquity separated from. Pr. He saith, Sacramental water, and sprinkling Baptism and water, etc. shows our being engrafted into the body mystical. p. 176. 178. which consists of a sign of a thing signified. Answ. Sprinkling Infants is a sign of your own making, and Sacramental water which the Scripture doth not hold forth, but it is a thing presumed above what it written. And that sign, a tradition, doth not bring into the body mystical, but leads from it, neither doth any elementary thing; But that which baptizeth into the body is the spirit, whereby all cometh to be one: And that baptizeth not into an elementary body, but into a glorious body, the spiritual body. For there is lying signs come since the days of the Apostles, which is out of the Apostles practice. You can show nothing for your sprinkling with your Sacramental water; but the Baptism that the Scripture declares of, and the spirit is owned in its place. Pr. He saith, Bread and Wine are spiritual Institutions, and is not carnal in a sense as set in opposition to spiritual Institution: and that is not mere carnal bread and wine after Christ's institution to be used, nor an ordinary bread and wine. And he saith, In the Lord's Supper is Christ's body, and it is his blood. page 188. And this is my body and blood, the word of a Command, do this. page 191. And Christ fed not the souls with wheat bread, and red wine, etc. Answ. By all this what differ ye from the Papists? have not ye laid their foundation, and laid their ground? Bread and wine, is but bread and wine, a temporal thing, a thing seen, and may turn to ashes; but the body and blood of Christ will not do so. And the bread is not spiritual, and the wine is not spiritual, but is a thing seen, and visible. And who eats the flesh of Christ, and drinks his blood, hungers no more, and thirsts no more; but who eats temporal bread and wine, hungers more, and thirsts more. And Christ did say, as often as ye do eat this bread, & drink this cup, ye show the Lords death till he come. And that which the Apostle had received of the Lord, he delivered to the Corinthians: As often as they eat that, and drank that, they were to do it in remembrance of him, showing the Lord's death till he come. But than saith the same Apostle to the same Corinthians in his last Epistle; Examine yourselves. Know you not that Christ is in you except ye be reprobates? And said, while we look not at the things which are seen; for the things that are seen are temporal: So bread and wine are things that are seen, are things temporal, but the things that are not seen are eternal. Now bread and wine is but bread and wine, not spiritual after consecration, it is but the same bread as it was before; and it is no nearer the body of Christ after they have consecrated it, than it was before. Who is in the life and power of God, that gives every creature its being, and causeth every creature to come forth, is in the life and virtue of all creatures, and the being of all creatures, and the wisdom of all the Creation, that is spiritual: He giveth every creature its being, and causeth every creature to come forth, and gives the sense and feeling of all creatures that is spiritual. And there comes up the soul to be known, and the seed CHRIST, his body, and his blood. Pr. He saith, The worship of God in the spirit stands out of man's will, and they must wait in the light to feel the Spirit; but let all lost souls beware of this counsel: And to bring people to the commands of the Spirit is opposite to the Scripture Letter. page 204. Answ. All true worshippers of God that he seeks to worship him, is in the spirit, in the truth, that which the Devil is out of, and in the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures; that is that which man's will is out of, where all poor souls comes to worship God aright, and magnify God, and glorify God, and to pray in the spirit, and to stand in the counsel of God. For no prophecy of the Scriptures came by the will of man: It was that which led them to speak forth Scriptures, which was beyond man's will: So mens will getting the Scriptures, which no prophecy of it came by it, they cannot worship God in the truth, nor in the spirit, but in their own wills: But who be in the spirit and truth that led them to speak forth the Scriptures, that learned of God the Father of spirits, and God of all truth, this is not will-worship. Now will-worship is among them that have the Scriptures given forth by the spirit of God in their own wills, which no prophecy of it came by it: and can sing, pray, preach, read in their own wills, and be out of the spirit that gave it forth; they are in a will-worship, out of the worship of God in the spirit: And such are opposite to the Scriptures, and cannot agree with the letter of the Scriptures, that are fight about words, falls into sects and heaps about the words; which the worship of God is in the spirit that gave forth Scriptures, which learned of God the Father of spirits, owns all the Scriptures in their places, and nor opposite to it. Pr. He saith, Never was Psalms sung as they ought to be, but had some musical tune or Poetry. page 205. And the holy Ghost made overseers and Elders over the Church, but that was not immediate. page 207. That no man can read out of Scripture that Paul was free from covetousness, etc. Answ. Paul saith, Let not covetousness be once named amongst you as it becometh Saints. And no covetous one should enter into the kingdom; and he saith, it is idolatry. And the Apostle lived the life of the Son of God through the faith, and witnessed he was made free from the body of sin, and had victory over it, thanks God, and said, there was no condemnation to them that were in Christ Jesus; and Paul was in Christ, where there was no condemnation, which covetousness is out of. And the holy Ghost is immediate that makes the officers in the Church. It is the same as was in them that led them to speak forth Scriptures. And the holy Ghost that leads men to speak forth the Scriptures, and makes Elders and overseers in the Church, these are not made by men; but these see the fulfilling of the Scriptures, and comes into that which fulfils it, and are in it. And your singing your Psalms, and your Poetry, and setting them in frame and a musical way, these are come up since the Pope, as Tunes, Organs, since men have ravened from the spirit, and gone from that, they got up this Poetry, and turned David's conditions into a Meeter, and given them to a people who are ignorant of David's conditions: And Psalms are spiritual songs, and all are ignorant, when they are from the spirit of God that led the holy men of God to speak forth the Scripture; with which spirit of God, all the Psalms, and Spiritual Songs, and Hymns are seen, which from it was given forth, and all the Scriptures, and in that is the singing in the spirit. And the Ministers maintenance which the Apostle said, Have not I power to eat, and power to drinks? And as Christ said, freely ye have received, freely give. This was not spoken to the Heathen, nor Jews nor Gentiles, who were unconverted, but spoken among the Saints who was a Vineyard, and spiritual things sown, and to such as they were made partakers of their hope; which hirelings and those that taught for filthy lucre, the love of money, that minded earthly things, that seek for their gain from their Quarter, that bear rule by their means, was all out from this, judged with the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles, to be such spirits, and have got the form, and taught for the earth, and made the earth a Wilderness, and such got not out the Wheat, nor ploughed but in vain, which is the ploughing of the wicked which is sin. So there is a great difference between them that Preach the Gospel, the glad-tidings to all nations which relieved the oppressed: for the oppressed b●ing relieved, immortality comes to the light, and life through the Gospel: the wheat was gotten out, the spiritual things sown the vineyard planted, the flock was known, the milk was known, the corn gotten out: among such some used their power to eat, some did not, (mark) that power that did not oppress, that did not hurt. But all you that preacheth for Tithes, and will take money of them that ye do no work for, by a Law, and cast into prison if they will not give it, and take triple damages; you bring not the glad tidings to the Nations, you are the oppressors of the Nations, of the Ju●t; and are not helpers, and relievers of the oppressed: and so have made manifest your Apostasy: and to be Apostates out of the Apostles Doctrine; and out of the Gospel the power of God, which the Apostle was in. But now shall the Gospel be Preached that gives liberty to the oppressed, and strikes down all the oppressors. Pr. He saith, God sends either mediately, or immediately: and he sends by man's Ministry mediately, pag. 211. He saith, they pretend to no such call of an Apostle, an officer in every Church as Paul, etc. pag. 213, And some are converted mediately sent by man, with their mediate call. Page 214. Answ. All who are converted, are brought into the mediate, and converted with the immediate: there is none converted upon the earth, but it is with the immediate Spirit of God that mortifies. And all Ministry that is sent of God, and from God, and called of God, where that speaks to them, it is immediate, for whosoever hears his voice, it is immediate and powerful. And all Ministry of man, sent out by man (which is mediate) never converts any souls to God, for the soul is immediate, and mediate reacheth not to the immortal soul; but the immediate Ministry reacheth to the immediate immortal soul, and so Preacheth the immediate Gospel to it the power of God. And all Ministers that are sent forth in the power of God; who are moved of God to speak to any by the power of God, and the eternal Spirit of God, by the Holy-Ghost, that is immediate, and not of man, and that begets unto God, and converts them; that is immediate, not mediate, and they do as the power of God moves them which is immediate, and that is for God in that place. And they shall feel the Spirit of God in them witnessing with that power, and the Spirit of God in another that speaks to them. And the power of God is eternal, where it moves it is one, and the spirit of the Prophets, subject to Prophets. And all you since the days of the Apostles that do not not pretend to such a call as the Apostles had, and to be such officers as the Apostles in every Church; which we do believe you have not: you have showed that the Holy-Ghost hath not made you overseers; And you have declared yourselves to the world to be such as inwardly ravened from the spirit of God: and all to be but Ministers of the letter, not of the spirit, and so only have the sheep's clothing; So ye are such as have brought people, and Nations to be all on heaps, and like waters: not made overseers, as the Apostles was, not having the call as the Apostles had, so not by the Holy-Ghost, as the overseers was by, not in the immediate power of God, as the Apostles was called withal, and was in; and so not Preachers of the Gospel as the Apostles was, who was immediate, therefore these things have been wanting, the Holy-Ghost to make you overseers, and the spirit the Apostles was in, which would cool and quiet all the spirits of the people. For want of this are ye all on heaps about Scriptures; But the Holy-Ghost opens it again to overseers. And so ye that have ravened from the spirit of God inwardly, there is no talk among you to have the call as the Apostles had, and to be overseers (as they were) over your Churches that we do believe, your fruits declares it. But the spirit it is witnessed which the Apostles was in, which hath discovered you and your Church glory, be to the Lord God for ever. Pr. He saith immediate teaching in the least degree of God immediately is contrary to Daniel 9 and Timothy. And saith I am yet to learn the promise of immediate teaching of God. pag. 216. And women are excluded from this kind of prophecy. 218. He saith Ministers, pastors, teachers having the grace of God, gift of prophecy, called out among Brethren to office, to oversee a flock, as Bishops, of the Lords institution: these are not so taught immediately. Page 220. Answ. All Bishops, overseers, officers are taught immediately that are of God, by the the same spirit, and the power that the Apostles was in, and owned, and allowed, by them: for the Holy-Ghost is immediate that gives them to oversee: and all who feels the grace of God, and turns it not into wantonness, feels that which is immediate. And such as have turned the grace of God into wantonness, and walketh despitefully against the spirit of grace, and set up a heap of teachers after their own lusts, they are gone from the immediate grace of God that brings salvation. And all the teachings of God in the least degree, is immediate, which brings them to open Parables, speak forth Parables to the nature that is a top of the witness, that spirit is immediate, though they take a mediate Parable or comparison, yet that spirit is immediate that gives them to understand the Parable aright. And the gift that was in Timothy that he was not to neglect, was immediate, whereby he came to discern on whom he was to lay on his hands, and on whom he was not, suddenly to lay upon any man, that was immediate. And that which brought Daniel to understand by writings in books was immediate; and that which brings to understand the Scriptures is immediate. I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and that is immediate, and prophecy is not to be quenched in the daughter, as well as in the son, in the male, and the female is one. And we do believe thee, and you all, who are Apostatised from the Apostles Doctrine, in the Apostasy, ravened inwardly from the spirit of God, ye are yet to learn the immediate teaching. So are the Antichrists standing against the light which Christ Jesus hath enlightened every one withal that cometh into the world, the Covenant of God in the heart with which all people shall come to know the Lord, and be taught of God, that they need not say know the Lord. Pr. He saith I conclude that immediate teaching did not only furnish men for a teachers or Ministers function, but mediate ways also. pag. 211. And the Quakers think it a lie against God to say the spirit is in the Letter, and Scripture, and is given by it, and makes a jangling about immediate teaching Page 222. Answ. There is no one is furnished for the work of the Ministry of God, but who is in the immediate Spirit of God, which is to Minister to the Spirit. And there is no one made a Minister of God by the mediate; but by the immediate, For who hath the spirit of God, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, to sing in the spirit, or pray in the spirit, it is immediate. And all that be out of that be in the earthly, sensual, and Devilish, perishing knowledge, and that understanding must come to nought, and wisdom must be confounded, and as for the word Function, it is thy own, and must come to nought. And the spirit is immediate that led the Saints to give forth Scripture. And the spirit is not in the letter, but it was in them that gave it forth. And them that have not the spirit in them, that was in them that gave it forth, and are disobedient to that, are them that say the spirit is in the letter. And such say that the teachings immediate is jangling, that be from the spirit that is immediate, ravened from it in their own particulars, such are never like to beget to God: but are the Ministers of the letter, not of the spirit; and by that which the Devil, and they are out of, are they comprehended who be in the jangling, and in the lie. Pr. He saith Christ took up a Bible, and Preached on a text. And as for uses, points, trials, and motives, you must go to Titus 3.16. Answ. Christ who came to fulfil, took the book, and read, and said it was fulfilled. He did not take a Text as you do, and lay half a year in it, as some of you: and have ten shillings a day for your pains, or more, or less; but he said it was fulfilled. And that place in Titus there is no word of motives, nor points, nor trials nor uses, as you pretend: though he who was in the faith did study to divide the word aright, in whom was the gift of God which was perfect. This is not like your divination of your brain, for money, which ye sell weekly, nor your taking a text, and laying half a year in it; And thou hath showed yourselves to be the novices. Pr. He saith, Though the righteousness be wrought in us by the strength of Christ and be found in us that are sanctified: yet as to Justification of a person Paul would not be found in it for a world. p●ge 229. Answ. The righteousness of Christ fulfilled in us, and be found in the righteousness of Christ, that was the thing the Apostle strove after (not in his own righteousness) in that which ended the Law. And that righteousness which is wrought in us by the strength of Christ is Christ's where sanctification is witnessed, this is Christ's who is the end of the Law, and in this was the Apostle found, and stood for, which was out of the world. Pr. And honour all men. And the fifth Commandment he brings for bowing the knee, and he saith putting off the hat is but a token of respect. Page 234. Answ. Honour all men, that is to have all men in esteem, all men are had in esteem, for Christ hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world, that they might all through this light believe, and he that doth not is condemned; and that will bring all men to seek the honour that comes from above that love it; but if they hate the light, they seek the honour that is below, that is of the first Adam in the transgression, and that's the hat. But Christ the light that doth enlighten every man, etc. receives not honour of men; and the light of Christ which every man hath, etc. will not receive the honour of men. Now he that receives the honour of men, is of the first Adam, from the light in the transgression. Earthly Adam looks for honour of the earth, these are the marks of an unbeliever. And the fifth Commandment doth not speak of bowing the knee. And jacob's bowing, and David's bowing to Saul, etc. There is a time the elder must serve the younger. And Joseph and abraham's bowing before the heathen, and the rest of bowings which thou speaks of in the Scriptures, the old Testament. Christ is come, to whom every knee must bow, and tongue confess to the glory of God; and not the Angels bowed down to, nor worshipped. So ye have showed whose Ministers ye are of, that are crying up bending and bowing the knee, is not this like kissing of Baal, and bowing the knee to Baal? Now Christ is come, to whom every knee must bow down to him. And as for Master, ye have thrown yourselves into that transgression; (for Christ saith, Be not ye of men called master, for ye have one master even Christ, and ye are all brethren) and excluded yourselves from among the brethren. Pr. He saith Swearing is a part of God's worship. pag. 235. And Christ was far from overthrowing the worship of God, And it was the formal part of an oath, when the Apostle Paul said, God was his witness. pag. 238. Answ. Christ who said God was a spirit, and would be worshipped in spirit, and in the truth, said, swear not at all, who was the oath of God that ended oaths; but said, in all your communication let your yea be yea, and nay, nay, for whatsoever is more cometh of evil. And the Apostle was so far from swearing, who in the doctrine of Christ abode, as he saith above all things my brethren swear not at all, not by heaven, nor by the earth, nor by any other oath. Neither did any of the Apostles, though men that were in strife swore, and their oath ended the strife among them; and they swore by the greater, that is the true oath; But Christ, in whom is the peace, the covenant of peace, where souls comes to be one, and hearts one, who are the true brethren in him, are in the oath of God, the end of all oaths. For God when he could not find a greater, swore by himself that did not change, concerning of his Covenant with men that doth not change, in which men come to have peace with God. And so men swear by the greater, whose oath ends their strife and controversy. But God could not find a greater, swore by himself concerning of his Son the Covenant of God, which ends the strife among men, and between God and man, and is the peace on earth, and good will towards men. Now the swearing of the Angels, the swearing of the Priests, the swearing of Jacob, and Joseph, and David, and Solomon. Christ is the end of all these, the oath of God, in which their faith stood; and to which all the Angels must bend and bow to him that saith, swear not at all. But your swearing now is not like to the Jews, for they swore by the Lord, not swore by the book of the Prophet's writings; neither did they swear by the Tables in which the Law was written. Neither did the Apostles nor the Saints swear by the Epistles nor Christ's words after they were wri●ten, and recorded: Now this is worse than the Jews, for they were to swear by the Lord from whom the Law came; they were to swear by the Lord of whom the Prophet's learned, and not by the Tables, nor by the Prophet's words. Now the heathen was to swear by Moloch, and to swear by Baal, and kissed Baal; and the children of Israel to swear by the Lord, not to swear by any Writings or Declarations of the Prophets, or Moses: Neither do we read that the Saints swore by the Epistles, or the Revelations, or Matthew, Marks, Luke or John, and kissed it: For the true Christians that witnessed Christ the end of the Prophets, the end of Moses, a greater than Solomon, Him by whom the world was made before it was made, before Abraham was, which reigns over the house of Joseph, and Jacob, to whom the Angels must bow, saith, swear not at all: This is my beloved son saith God, hear ye him. Pr. He saith, A believer hath both the rise and furtherance of his faith and evidence from what is written. And if the Scripture be a dead letter, and the word in the heart be one with the Scripture, then that in the heart is dead. page 246. Let them tell the world how the Scripture is the Declaration without contradiction, and yet the word in the heart. page 247. Answ. The Scripture as it lies, and is in itself, is a dead letter; but as the word is felt in the heart that gave it forth, than it is its own words. Now to them that be from the Word within, the dead mind, the dead letter. And so the words themselves there gives not life to that, but as the words is raised up within; as it was in them that gave it forth: and that is it which gives life, and that sees the Scriptures, and the fulfilling of them; and then that knows the Scriptures that cannot be broken, and in that the words ends, the word Christ: And that's it that gives life to all people, and saves the soul, which the Letter doth not, as it is in itself, without one have that which gave it forth, and that is not dead. And a believer, the author of his Faith is Christ, and the giver of it: And if he have all that is written, and be not in the light Christ, who is the author of his Faith, he wants the foundation of God that stands sure, Christ Jesus, that all the Fathers and holy men of God rest in, in the faith before any Scripture was written, in him stood their faith, the foundation of God, Israel's glory, the light of the Gentiles, this is that which fulfils all Scriptures, and ends the faith, the salvation. And the Ministers of the Word that comes to fulfil the words, those Ministers of the Word, they took in hand to set forth in order a Declaration of the things wrought among them, which had a perfect understanding from the very first, of what Christ both said and did: And so this Declaration was given forth to be read, believed, fulfilled, and people to enjoy the thing it speaks of, that which the Apostles preached to Jews and Gentiles, the new Covenant, the one offering, the blood of Jesus Christ, him the end of the first Priesthood, that Abraham saw, and David saw, and Moses had the type of, the Prophets wrote of. Now who enjoys him that these all spoke of, saw, and preached, they have the end, the comfort of the Scriptures. And here is the Declaration seen, and known; and here is the substance possessed, and here is the words of God, and here is the Word of God that fulfils the words, which word was before the words, in which word the words end, and are all summed up into. Pr. For to say Christ and faith is not to be found in Scriptures, He saith, I hope no humble Saint will pin his faith upon this, etc. And they crying up thee and thou to a particular, etc. pag. 247. Answ. Christ was before the Scripture was written; and Christ is life (not found in a dead letter) nor faith, and he is the end of the Scriptures, and the substance of them; and many had the Scriptures, and could not find faith in them, nor Christ, nor life. And Christ told the Pharisees he was the life, the Scripture testified of him, but they would not come to him that they might have life, who is the end and substance of the Scriptures, by whom the world was made. And as for the words thee and thou, and you who are stumbling at it, shows they have never learned their Accidence or Bible. So short o● the language of the spirit that teacheth to speak sound words that cannot be condemned, who are ignorant of the literal knowledge. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures was breathed forth by the spirit of God; but we receive the spirit another way than they did as gave forth the Scriptures, and the Scriptures was given forth immediately: but thus the Scriptures comes not to us, nor the understanding of them. We have Books, and Canons, and printed Translations in the Mother Tongue. page 248. Answ. All your Books, and Canons; and if ye have all the Scriptures printed in all the Languages of the world, and if ye have not the same immediate inspiration that gave them forth, ye understand not the Scriptures. And we do believe you, that ye have not an immediate inspiration as they had, nor do not receive the spirit as they did that gave forth the Scriptures, who are ravened from it; But who ever knows the Scriptures of truth, it is by the same spirit as gave them forth; with this, and by this is the Scriptures of truth, the excellent words known again to what state and condition they were spoken. Pr. He saith The spirit is in the Letter, or the whole Scripture. Page 254. And they that writ forth the Scriptures were imperfectly holy; but God's Word was holy. To conclude the spirit is in the Letter, and given by it, daily experience demonstrates it. And they that owns not the spirits dwelling in the letter, have lost their faith of the spirits presence, and runs to other Gospels and Doctrines, the spirit of error is in all men's Doctrines that have not the spirit in them. page 255. Answ. The holy men of God that gave forth the Scriptures as they were moved by the holy Ghost; but the Apostle said they were holy, and we shall believe him before we believe any of you apostate Teachers, which say they were not holy. And the spirit was in them that gave forth the Scriptures, received of God the Father of spirits, and dwells in God: And they that be from the spirit of God within which gave forth the Scriptures, are such as follows their own spirits, and useth their tongues, and gets the good words, the sheep's clothing, deceives the hearts of the simple, and tells them the Spirit is in the Letter; which never did none of the experienced Saints say the spirit dwelled in the Letter; But did conclude the spirit dwelled in their hearts, the faith in their hearts, the light in their hearts, the word in their hearts, the anointing within them, God dwelled within them, Christ within them, the Law in their hearts, the witness within them, the engrafted word that saved their souls; the gift within, the hidden man in the heart, strength in the inward man, the holy Ghost moved them, the spirit of the Father spoke in them, this led them to speak forth Scriptures: And these never said the spirit was in the Letter, as all the filthy dreamers say, who are in the sensual separation from the spirit of God, and in cain's, Cores, and Balaams' way, turning the grace of God into wantonness, ravened from the spirit of God inwardly, but wolves in sheep's clothing; These are such as have got the good words, but deceives the hearts of the simple, makes a trade of them, tells people the Spirit is in the Letter; and that is them that ravened from the spirit of God in their own particulars, and so they deceive people, and keep them from the spirit of God in their particulars; But the spirit that gave forth Scriptures is witnessed, by which that is known, they cannot deceive any longer: who are reprobates concerning the faith, which crept into houses before the Apostles decease; which have kept people always learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, led away with divers lusts. So have kept people in spiritual Egypt, and Sodom, and Gomorrah, and have been guarded with Magistrates and powers of the earth all over the world: But now is the Light breaking forth, and shining, that ye are all discovered. And so they have set up other Gospels, and lost the Faith, that tells people the Spirit is in the Letter, when the spirit and the faith was in them that gave it forth, and is to be in all them that knows it again, and knows God the giver of it. Pr. He saith, He that is borne of the Spirit, is borne of the holy Word written. page 257. Answ. He that is borne of the spirit, is borne of that which gave forth the Scriptures, of the Word, which was before the Scriptures was given forth, which lets them see the end of the words: so cometh to dwell in God of whom they learned that gave forth Scriptures. Pr. He saith, If setting the Scripture in the heart of every man be nothing else, but telling people they have a light of conscience within them, and stirring up that light which every man hath that cometh into the world: They delude poor people, who never heard that light called Scripture before. page 257. Answ. Them that never heard the Scripture outwardly, the light that every man hath that cometh into the world, being turned to it, with that they will see Christ, with that they will know Scripture; with that they will be led out of all delusion, come into covenant with God, with which they will come to worship God in the spirit, and serve him, and that is more than conscience. Pr. He saith, The light which John speaks of, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, is a dim light, and it is a piece of the mystery of Iniquity, as subtle as any Antichrist, to say that the light shines in the darkness, and shineth out of darkness, the light of Christ for salvation. page 261, 262. He saith, Christ in you, the light in every man, is a poor, base, beggarly scrap. Page 264. Answ. And the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, is Christ the substance, the righteousness of God, and not beggarly; but all the beggarly, they be out of the light, and it is not dim, but all be in the dim that be out of him the Light, that with which he hath enlightened them. And all be in the mystery of iniquity, and are Antichrists, that seethe not the light that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, where it shines, and where it shineth out of the darkness. This the true Ministers, who be in the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures, Ministers of Christ within witnessed and saw. And John was not antichrist, nor Paul, who said, Light shined in darkness; and who said, light shined out of darkness; and who said, this was the true light that lighteth every one that cometh into the world. Now ye are all ignorant of the Prophets before John, who said, I will give him for a Covenant, for a light unto the Gentiles, and a new Covenant to the house of Israel, and to the house of Judah; mark! here was every man; and John the greatest Prophet born of a woman, saith, this is the true light that lighteth every one, etc. Christ Jesus, him by whom the world was made before it was made, in whom is life, and the life was the light of men: and the light shined in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not. Pr. The law written in every man's heart doth not condemn all sin, nor the branches of it, not original sin, nor unbelief. pag. 266. He saith, To say that every man in his first state is natural, and every man in his first state is as a beast, is a contradiction. And I every where deny the natural light of every man; but I deny the highest degree of light to be here attainable: And the Saints light is not to be seen while we are under the Sun. And he saith, he knows he is more brutish than a man, and hath not the knowledge of the holy. pag. 272. And the light that shineth in the Scriptures, I profess myself to know nothing; the least degree of it is above the highest degree of the light that every one that cometh into the world is enlightened withal. pag. 273. Answ. The light which every one that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, was before degre●s, and ends degrees, and is not natural; for it was before the natural was made, or created; and this bears not witness against the natural, the Sun, Moon, and Stars, but owns them in their places; And the light which every one that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, which comes from Christ the Son, they not believing in it, it is their condemnation. And that which doth make manifest sin, is light, and doth reprove, is light; yea, all sin, branches, and roots, and original, and unbelief, that which doth make it manifest is light; and where this light is that makes all this manifest, there is the law in the heart, and new Covenant written, the law and the spirit of life that makes free from the law of sin and death. And the light which every man is enlightened withal, they believing and receiving it, they come into covenant with God, they come to know the Law of God in their hearts; that is the law of God in their hearts; the light which doth enlighten every man, etc. And every man is in his first state, in the transgression, many are worse than Beasts, and brutish; and what they know they know naturally, as bruit beasts: And thee, and all of you, who are ravened from the spirit of God inwardly; what ye have known, it hath been natural, as bruit beasts; for ye are gone from the Spirit that should give ye to know and understand, and so that is no contradiction. And we do believe thee (who looks for the light in the letter of Scripture) thou art brutish, and saith the light of Scripture is higher in the least degree, than the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. Alack for thee, the light which doth enlighten every man, etc. was before Scripture was given forth. And the Saints that do receive the light that doth enlighten every one, etc. receives Christ the perfect light, and doth receive God, and Christ, the substance, the end of degrees. And thou shalt never see the Saints light, while thou art looking at the Letter from the life within, which was in them that gave it forth; and the light shined in the hearts of them that gave forth the Scriptures. Pr. He saith, The Scripture light, that is a standing rule for our faith, and there is present light in it to guide men to salvation, and so are not immediate revelations and teachings. And the knowledge of Christ and eternal life is given forth in the letter. page 283. Answ. They that had Scriptures knew not salvation, and they knew not the rule, being erred from the spirit of God. And none knows salvation, but by the immediate teaching and revelation of Christ Jesus the Son of God, the salvation. And if men have all the Scriptures given forth from God, they themselves are not able to make men wise unto salvation without faith, which Christ is the Author of, who is the substance of what the Scripture speaks of, and so they are not able of themselves to guide men to salvation. Neither are they a rule of faith, but Christ is the Author of Faith, and the Spirit is the rule that gave them forth; and all that have them, and is not in the Immediate, knows them not, neither the Gospel. And none knows eternal life, nor Christ (which is the Author of life and faith, which was before Scripture was) by the Scriptures, but as they come into the life that they was in that gave them forth: And there is the life found, Christ found, Christ seen, him by whom the world was made before it was made; for the life, was in them that gave forth the Scriptures, by which they knew God, and eternal life, and Christ the Saviour, Abraham, the Prophet, and Moses; So the life must be in all now, before they know Scriptures, or Christ, or God. Pr. He saith, If the letter declares of Christ's fulfilling, than we should need to know no more of Christ then what for substance is in the Scriptures, than there is no need of immediate teachings. page 284. He saith, new Apostles, and doctrine discovered of a righteousness within them, and that is their justification. And this is as the ringleaders of the Jews among the Galatians. page 286. And the salvation which is to be wrought out with fear and trembling is not the same as made Moses and David, Habakkuk and Paul tremble. page 287. Answ. The power of God is one, which threw down Paul, shook Habakkuk, and Moses, and David, whereby these all came to know Christ; which power, who cometh into it, and into the infiniteness of it, which raiseth up the seed which is Christ, whereby the salvation is known, and wrought out with fear and trembling. And when ye all come to know this power that works out the salvation with fear and trembling, your reproaches will be laid aside, for reproaching of such whose salvation is wrought out with fear and trembling. And righteousness within, and sanctification within is a new Doctrine to you that are inwardly ravened from the spirit of God since the days of the Apostles, and so from the spirit of faith, from the hearing of faith; which they that drew the people to the Circumcision without, went from the hearing of faith within, by which they should be justified. So they that are come to the hearing of faith, they are come to the justification, and sanctification within, and looks not to the Circumcision and Baptism without: So this is an old doctrine, and not new, but to you Apostates. And though the Scriptures declares of Christ's fullness, and if people have all the Scriptures, that speaks and declares of his fullness (which you say you need know then no more of Christ then what for substance is in the Scriptures, and so no need of immediate teachings) we believe you; But none knows the fullness of Christ, but who comes into the immediate teachings. Your mouths may be full of Scripture, and use your tongues about the ●aints words, and running up and down, and the Lord never sent you, saying, Thus saith the Lord, in Chap. and Verse: And it is sufficient that the Scripture speaks of his fullness; yet I say, you, nor none upon the earth never knew his fullness, but as ye come to the light wherewith Christ hath enlightened you withal, in every one of your own particulars, though ye may have all the Scriptures; for they that knew the fullness of Christ, and they that gave forth the Scriptures, had the spirit of God in them: So must every one that knows it, and them again. Pr. He saith, If the Scriptures be a rule for thee and thou, than it is a rule for respect to superiors: And keeping on the hat shows the pride of the heart, and a lying spirit. He saith, they have not a growth of Perfection in this life, but a pressing on. page 290. And he saith, the Prophets took Texts, and raised motives. And he saith, he that believes not our points from Scripture, shall be damned, that he must tell him from Christ. page 299. Answ. Who are standing up against thee, and thou, and the Hat, shows the pride of their hearts, and be out of the humility, looking for an earthly honour, which before the honour is the humility. Nay, the Scripture is not a rule for the respecting of persons, neither is the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ; they that do are out of the faith, and are convinced by the Law to be transgressors, and committers of sin, and so out of the Law, and Faith, that respects persons. And David, he saw the end of all that perfection, so he was past the growth of it, when he saw it end. And the Scriptures, and Christ, you know not, who are not come into the immediate teachings, nor have no need of that; who saith, the Scripture it is sufficient that declares of Christ. And the Prophets did not take Texts, and raise Motives, and Uses, and Reasons, and lay in them half a year together, and sell them for money, as ye do now since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy; But now I am come to reckon with you, and you shall have a portion, a reward according to your works: And I will slay you with the sword, the words of my mouth, saith the Lamb. And your Points, and Reasons, and Imaginations, which ye fetch out of Scripture, is but to lead people under condemnation, and keep them from the immediate teaching, and the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world: And James parnels blood who died in the Prison, that righteous man, his blood lies upon you, and that shall lie upon your heads sparkling, and from under it ye shall never come, but ye shall own it. And the spirit of God levels down all the proud and lofty hearts of men, by which people are brought into unity with God, and one with another. And the first day of the week which ye call the Sabbath, ye never read it in the Scriptures as a strict command among the Apostles. Pr. And the Magistrate is not to level the Laws with the light in every man's conscience. Again, If the Magistrate be in the Light, and discern into the mind of Christ, and understand his law. Is he to compel all the Nation, and Commonwealth, to come to the practice of his light? page 308. Answ. The Magistrate of Christ, the help-government for him, he is in the light and power of Christ, and he is to subject all under the power of Christ into his light, else he is not a faithful Magistrate. And his Laws here are agreeable and answerable according to that of God in every man; when men act contrary to it, they do evil: So he is a terror to the evil doers, discerns the precious and the just from the vile, and this is a praise to them that do well. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures is the more sure word of prophecy that shines in the dark heart until enlightened by the Law. And every man's light, etc. is the shimmerings of the law, and not of the Gospel light: and it is the voice of the spirit of unbelief that saith, the spirit and the power is not in the declaration. See his Appendix. Answ. The spirit and the power was in them that gave forth the Declaration, and many have the Declaration, and wants the spirit, and wants the power, as the Pharisees did; as all you Apostates inwardly ravened from the spirit of God, have had the Declaration, but not found the power in it, nor spirit in it, and so are in the unbelief, and are all on heaps about it: For if ye had found the power and the spirit in it, ye had been all one, and quiet before now about Religion; yea, whole Christendom, in power, and in the spirit, and in the bond of peace, and in fellowship one with another, and the Scriptures, and the spirit, and God. And the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, every man being in the light which hath enlightened him, he shall feel the word of prophecy; he shall feel the light shining in his heart; he shall feel the Daystar arise there in his heart, he shall see that no Prophecy of the Scriptures came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke them forth. He shall see that many may have the Scriptures, yet quench the spirit & despise prophesying; he shall see the Scripture is but the Letter declared forth from the spirit of Prophecy, by the Prophets, and the spirit of God in the Son, and in the rest of the Apostles. And the light which doth enlighten every one, etc. is the end of the Law, and all shimmering lights, and it is the light of the Gospel. And none knows the Gospel, the power of God, Christ Jesus, but with the light that cometh from him. And here cometh every man into his particular comfort; And that is the voice of the unbeliever like the Pharisees, that thought to have had life in the Letter, and would not come to Christ the life, the substance of Scriptures, but stops his ear to the light of God in him. Pr. He saith, Let all know, that the work within is not the ground and purchase of true peace: And that God is more pleased with that which Christ works without for them, then that which he worketh within them. And those that Peter speaks of, that had escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of Christ, yea clean, and yet are in the natural state, first, and last. See Appendix. A. Them that have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and are clean, are out of the natural state, for they have escaped out of that state which they were in first. And such as witness their Sanctification & Justification wrought within them, they witness in this they please God, by the faith in the blood of the Son of God. Now they feel not the comfort, nor the benefit, but by the faith of Christ Jesus, the one offering, in which God is pleased withal, which is acceptable, which is Christ's offering, his sacrifice, his flesh, his blood, his life, his mind must be manifest, and received within, before they come to Justification, Sanctification, and Redemption, and the serving of God in the new life. And herein is God glorified, to believe in the only begotten Son of God; and here they honour the Son in believing in him whom the Father hath sent. And so they that feel not christ in them, are Reprobates. And as for all the rest of thy lies and slanders, and strife, and confusions, who would set one against another; all cool, and quiet sober spirits will see thy confusion, and so thy words shall be thy own burden, and the lies torn upon thy own self. And no man shall establish Zion, nor lay a stone there, as he is in himself; but the Elect makes up Zion, and the living stones, where the elect and precious stone is in the midst (which is Christ) laid in Zion. And all thy Babylonish ways, actings, do, and the rest of all thy Brethren, and who are begotten with the same spirit of the great Whore, that inwardly ravened from the spirit of God, which long hath had the sheep's clothing upon your backs, who all come from one Popish flock, are comprehended now by the spirit of God which ye all ravened from inwardly, with it are ye all fathomed. And how the Whore hath been arrayed with the sheep's clothing, and hath had power over Kindred's, Tongues, and Peoples, and Nations, and Multitudes, and brought Nations into waters, and Peoples, and Tongues, Multitudes like waters, which have drunk the blood of the Prophets, and the Saints, and the Martyrs. And so thou art flattering the Authorities of the earth, and crouching under them, out of whose mouth goes the unclean spirit; But that is stirred and stirring, and rising in people, which ye all ravened from, and went from, with which ye are all comprehended. And the judgement of the great Whore is come, and her garments shall be plucked off, and that which ye all ravened from, high and low, shall answer the judgement, and it is set a top of you all. For such as ravened from the spirit of God inwardly, got the sheep's clothing, but turned against the Saints, and the woman fled into the wilderness; but now the Lamb and the Saints shall get the victory. Though now the Beast, and false Prophets, and mother of Harlots, and the Devil, and the Kings of the Earth●●ake war against him; He that was dead is alive, and lives for evermore. The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, who rides on conquering, and to conquer, who slays with the sword, and kills with the sword, which is the words of his mouth. Now woe to the Dragon, and false Prophets, Beast, and mother of Harlots, and them that worship the Beast, the unclean Spirits, Woes, Vials, Thunders, Plagues, Earthquakes is come, and coming upon you: And he is manifest and come, that treads the Winepress alone without the City; who is the Wonderful, Counsellor, the Prince of Peace, whose name is called the Word of God. With him are the Saints singing victory over the Beast, and the false Prophets, great Whore, mother of Harlots, Babylon, Antichrists. Babylon is fallen, the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory. The body of witchcraft in it thou art found, that all that reads thy Book, that be in the spirit of discerning, may see; whose body is redeemed, and reigns over thine in the glory and victory. Ralph Farmer, his Book, called, The great mystery of Godliness, and Ungodliness. In which these PRINCIPLES are following, etc. Pr. HE saith, The soul is of an immortal, and spiritual nature. And GOD hath made man to serve him in an outward and visible way of worship. Answ. Christ saith, God is a spirit, and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit, and in truth, and is the Spirit without, and visible, the Spirit that makes all that is contrary to bend, in that is God worshipped? And others that say they are Teachers (as ye may see in this Book) say that the soul is humane, yea the soul of Christ, and thou saith, the soul of man is immortal, and a spiritual nature. Now the soul that gives the sense and feeling of all things, is spiritual, and immortal, as it comes out from God, which is in God's hand, whom Christ is the Bishop of, the noble Principle that guides it, is the light and life. Prin. He saith the eternal word enlighteneth all men with the common light of nature. Answ. The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal; is not natural. For the light was before any thing was made, and all things that was made, was made by it which lighteth every man that cometh into the world; though he be in the first Adam, in the sin, and transgression: which light to him doth make it manifest, which cometh from Christ the second Adam, the way to the Father who was glorified with the Father before the world began: to restore that which the first lost, and this is the obedient Son; and the other the disobedient one, which brings the death upon him, and all his posterity and all his house. So the sons of Adam in the transgression may say, and do say, that the light which Christ (the second Adam, the Redeemer, and the Restorer, the salvation to the ends of the earth) doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world withal, say this is natural. And so that is to deceive people to keep them from the light, with which they might all see their salvation; and come to receive Christ by which they might have power to become the Sons of God. Pr. The measure and degree it must be without thee. And it is a cheating to tell people of God within, and Christ within, and a word within, and they are without; which he calls a mystery of mere confusion, and emptiness. Page 27. Answ. The degrees, and measures was in the Saints which spoke forth Scriptures, and knew the Scriptures; But those that have the Scriptures, and are from their degree, and measure in themselves, are without them. And Jesus Christ is within except ye be reprobates. And where Jesus Christ is within, the word is there and God is there; And this is the great mystery of godliness. And where the power of God is set, the Cross of Christ is felt: for the Cross is the power of God. And if it be not the same Christ as did ascend, it is Antichrist, it is against him, and false: which now many hundreds, and thousands do witness Christ within, him the Apostles preached; who have their Joy, and reward; who do possess that which they long looked for. And all that stands against Christ within and God within, and the word within, and the Cross within, the power of God; they be reprobates, and in the mystery of confusion. Pr. The Apostle bid Timothy to Preach the word in season, and out of season, etc. not immediate Revelation. pag. 32. And the time will come, they will not endure sound Doctrine, but after their own lusts they will heap up to themselves teachers, having itching ears, turning to fables, immediate Revelations. Page 35. Answ. There is none can Preach the word in truth, but who Preach it immediately and by the immediate spirit, and knows immediate Revelations. And all that be in the Faith as Timothy was, they be in the immediate Revelations, the gift of God. But the Apostle seeing such as would not endure sound doctrine, would get up teachers after their own lusts, as covetous, and minded earthly things, and evil beasts, that serve not the Lord Jesus Christ but their own bellies. Such the Apostle bid Timothy, and Titus examine before they Ministered, prove them, and lay hands on no man suddenly and keep himself clear, not preferring one before another. And such as went into their own lusts got up heaps of teachers; lost the immediate Revelation, and the immediate word of God, and erred from the faith that purifies the heart and gives victory: in which people have unity. And such now that are got into the lusts that cannot endure sound doctrine, lost the Revelation, and speaking the word immediately have ruled, and reigned: of whose generation thou Farmer art. And people have heaped to themselves teachers after their own lusts; and that is the cause of all the strife, and wars amongst them: and teachers denying the immediate Revelation; and Preaching the word of God immediately have declared yourselves to be the false prophets openly to the Nation, that never heard the voice of God, nor Christ's voice; nor the voice of the spirit, nor Ministry of the spirit, which all s●eak immediately, And the Apostle saw them come up before his decease. Therefore he chargeth Timothy to Preach the word in season, and out of season; which word is immediate; And so since the days of the Apostles (ye have reigned) of Timothy, and Titus; and transformed yourselves as Apostles, as the Ministers of Christ, and gotten the form, the sheep's clothing, the outside; but no immediate Revelation, we do believe you really it is so. So you are all Ministers of the letter in your own lusts, for the word of God is immediate. And ye are ignorant of the grace of God which is brought at the Revelation of Jesus; And ignorant of the Son of God who reveals the Father; And ignorant of the spirit of God which reveals the deep things of God, to the Ministers of the spirit. But Revelation is ceased say you, and the rest of your generation do discover it. And thou says they went after the fable●, itching ears, immediate Revelation. Nay they that went from the immediate Revelation and turned into fables they had itching ears, as all whole Christendom may, witness the itching ears, how are they itching abroad, their ears without and cannot endure sound Doctrine; and all inwardly ravened from the light which doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, whereby with which every man might see the Author of his faith, in which is the unity. And how have you broken into Sects, and heaps, and into fables, and heaps of teachers after your own lusts, and there burning after them, and broken wedlock with Christ: and ready to burn, and prison one another about Minister's maintenance, Churches, as whole Christendom discovers it. But I say it is better to marry then to burn. Pr. He saith, That this God who is the Creator, is eternally distinct from all creatures. pag. 53. That Christ being God only in one man's person, remains a distinct person from all creatures and Angels. Page 55. Answ. This is contrary to Scripture. The Saints bodies are the Temples of God, and he will dwell in them, and walk in them, and he will be their God, and they shall be his people, and this is to them that witness the new Covenant and Christ in you the hope of glory; and he is within you except ye be reprobates. And them that eat not his flesh, and drink not his blood, have no life in them: and they that eat his flesh, have his flesh in them. And the Saints are not distinct from him, for they sat with him in heavenly places, and he is in them, and they in him; And Christ in you the mystery, the hope of glory, and he is the head of the Church, and so not distinct. Pr. He saith God is distinct in his being, and blessedness from all Creatures; And that God who is the Creator is eternally distinct from all creatures. Page 62. Answ. God is a spirit, and he dwells in his Saints, and the heaven of heavens cannot contain him; In him we live, and move, and have our being, who is in all, and through all, and over all, God blessed for ever. And the spirit of the Father speaks in the Saints, and he makes his abode with them; And the Saints have fellowship with the Father, and the Son, so not distinct; so these keep people from unity with God, and out of his knowledge, which the knowledge of God shall come to cover the earth, as the waters cover the Sea. And while any are separated from the Lord it is their misery; and distinct from him they are from the Spirit of God in their own particulars, and are not Saints; But such as come to walk in the spirit, they have fellowship with him, and lives in his presence, and seethe his face, and behold his glory, and stands in his Council, and hears instruction, and they are one; he that sanctifyeth, and they that are sanctified are all of one. And so God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, though sin and iniquity had separated, who breaks down iniquities bonds, and brings light, life and immortality to the light, through the power which is the Gospel, whereby fellowship and unity comes with God, and not distinct, and his blessing and blessedness felt; for they that have unity with God, they have unity with his blessing, and they that have fellowship with God know his blessedness. Pr. He saith if any man that cometh into the world have a sufficient light within him to lead him unto salvation, than there is no absolute need of a Saviour, and this is to offer violence to Christ. Page 73. 74. Ans. Every man having a light from Christ the Saviour of the soul; him by whom the world was made before it was made, which none sees the Saviour but with the light which comes from him. And none seethe the offering, and the blood of the offering; but with the light which cometh from him, the blood of the second Adam the Lord from heaven. And all that doth deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, knows not Christ nor salvation. But they being from the light, and out of the light which Christ hath enlightened them withal, they are out of the truth as the Devil is. And so he can confess Christ without as they do, not within: now none seethe salvation, the Saviour Christ Jesus but with the light which he hath enlightened them withal, that is within. Pr. That the holy Scriptures is the rule of knowing God. Answ. The Pharisees had the Scriptures but knew not God, knew not Christ, nor none doth but who be in the life that they was in that gave forth Scriptures, with which they learned of God the Father of life, and stood in his Council. Pr. He saith, Christian, wouldst thou have another righteousness then that of Christ wrought in thee? I know thou wouldst, and must have, if ever thou be saved, than the righteousness of Christ wrought within thee for thy sanctification, but to rely upon another righteousness for thy justification, the righteousness of Christ without thee. p●g. 70. And it is a blasphemous opinion and filthy puddle for to say the righteousness of Christ within. And I had rather be a Papist, then a Quaker. Answ. The righteousness within, sanctification within hath been lost since the days of the Apostles in the Apostasy amongst you and the Papists; And they that witness a righteousness within, sanctification within they are not in the blasphemous opinion, raking in a puddle. And I know, that thou hadst rather turn to the Papists, then to the Quakers: for they was your root which ye came from (the Papists,) who first erred from the faith, and so lost the righteousness within, and justification and sanctification. And I say, none comes to witness salvation, and to be saved, but who witness Christ within, their sanctification, and justification, and redemption, and the others are reprobates. And all upon the earth that can talk of a righteousness without them, and sanctification, and justification without them, and a Christ without them, and not within them, they are reprobates; for Christ is the righteousness of God, and the sanctification and the justification of man from the Law, and its works, who stands between God, and man. So he is the redemption, who Redeems man out of the fall, which he fell into; and he doth sanctify him, and he doth justify him, and this is all found within: and this not being, found within, he is reprobate. And so none are saved but who witnesseth this within. They have the letter, (the wolves,) the sheep's clothing, the ravenors inwardly from the Spirit of God, and those are them that denies it within. Pr. He saith, The spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall departed from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and Doctrines of Devils speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their consciences seared as with a hot Iron forbidding to marry, and abstaining from divers meats. Page 73. Ans. Before the Apostles decease he saw these things come up: and the spirit speaks this, mark! it speaks exprestly. Now since the Apostles decease the things have been fulfilled; the faith hath been departed from the unity among all Christians hath been lost, in all Christendom, on heaps have they all run, destroying one another about the Scriptures, Churches, Ministry, yea for maintenance, from the spirit ye have departed to speak, so out of the unity of it, which is the bond of peace, which should have kept peace in all Christendom, and all the Professors of Christ, it should have kept them in peace, and in it is the unity. From that ye have ravened, you and the Papists, and all Sects upon the earth. So some forbidding of meats, and forbidding to marry, whose consciences are feared as with a hot iron. The Devil's Doctrine, speaking lies in hypocrisy, and giving heed to seducing spirits, you are the spirits that inwardly ravened from the Spirit of God, that deny immediate Revelation, and hearing the voice of God immediately, these are the seducing spirits, and keeps all people in the burning and heating lusts, from the marriage of the Lamb, all the seducing spirits doth that deny Revelation, immediate inspiration, hearing the voice of God immediately from heaven now as ever. And therefore their fruits declares they are burning one against another, destroying one another about their Religion, and Ministry, their consciences seared as with a hot iron, tenderness lost, and gone, destroying people, and casting into prison for their bellies, for maintenance, for Tithes. So ye have got up your Church which was a Mass-house and Tithes, and sprinkling Infants who have had the time of compelling others to worship. But the day is breaking, the light is springing, life is rising, and glory is appearing, your Torment is coming, and you can be no longer hid. Pr. He saith, Beware of false prophets, there shall be false prophets among the people, which shall bring in damnable heresies, denying the Lord that bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction, and many shall follow their pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken. As Jannes, and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these resist the Truth: but they shall proceed no further; for their folly shall be made manifest to all men, as theirs was. Answ. Christ said Antichrist should come, false prophets should arise, to his Apostles before their decease, they saw they was come, as Peter and John declares already in the world, whereby they knew it was the last time, and they went forth from them, (the Apostles) and in the Revelations the whole world went after them, that the Nations come to be like waters, and the people's waters, and their tongues waters, and multitudes waters; so many followed their pernicious ways, by whom the way of truth hath been evil spoken of by you and them both, And they brought up the damnable Heresy: and are as Jannes, and Jambres, being men of corrupt minds, and are Reprobates concerning the faith; But they shall proceed no further, for now is their folly made manifest, and shall be made manifest to all men. Doth not the very heathens cry out against Christendom, of the hardness of their hearts, and of their unrighteous deal, of their actions, and causeth the way of truth to be spoken of by you that are called Christians! Is not the damnable Heresy among you? Are not you run into all heathenish ways, to set up Temples and Tithes, and Priests, and Schools, and Colleges, and never heard the voice of God, as ye confess, as may be seen in this book? Is not all this trumpery, and trash come up, and fables among the Papists, and you since the days of the Apostles? And do not you deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, The grace of God which brings salvation which hath appeared unto all men, to bring every man to a teacher? And doth any one know the Lord that bought them but who owns the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world? Doth not all deny the Lord that bought them that doth deny the light? Doth any see the Lord, and his blood that bought them, and purchased them, but with the light that cometh from him? And are not you all as Jannes and Jambres that withstood Moses to have kept the people in Egypt? Are not you all denying the light that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world? And was not all them that inwardly ravened, got the sheep's clothing; which Christ said should come, which the Apostles saw was come, went forth from them, the whole world went after, are not all these in the witchcraft, Sorcery, Enchantment, Negromancy, wizards, familiar spirits, witches that doth deny the light, that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world? Hath not Babylon, the mother of Harlots, Beast, false Prophet, unclean spirits, Dragon, and Antichrists, and deceivers, all these been up since the days of the Apostles? And the great whore that deceives the Nations, dressed with the sheep's clothing, and hath not this been the mystery of Iniquity, which hath ruled since the days of the Apostles? That cries prophecy is ceased, and slays the Prophets, and none can keep the commands of God, and made War against them that keep the commands of God, and calls the Scriptures the testimony, and the Law, and makes War against them that have the Law in their hearts, and the spirit of prophecy? and hast not thou manifested thyself to be of this number, and of the stock of the great whore, that hath drunk the blood of the Saints and Martyrs and the Prophets? Pr. Art not thou crying to Magistrates, Help; stop the mouths of Blasphemers? In page 23. And stirring up the zeal of the Magistrates, and showing them the zeal of the Jews Magistrates; how they did tear their clothes off at blasphemers in thy page 31. And saith thou could rejoice that they would breathe such an air throughout all the English Quarters and wouldst not that the Quakers should have Countenance from the Magistrates. Answ. Now thou hast made thyself manifest, that thou hast not the spiritual weapons: And thou mayst well deny immediate Revelations; was it not in all ages such as pretended themselves to be Ministers, that had not the life that gave forth Scriptures, that called to the Magistrates, to stop the mouths of Blasphemers? was not the mouth of the Priests against Christ to the Rulers at the Counsel, And against the Apostles, and against the Prophets? And is it your mouth now to your Magistrates in the Apostasy since the days of the Apostles? But do you think that the Magistrates will let you get a top of their backs, and gallop upon them, to be their executioners? If ye be Ministers that have the Spirit of God; stop the mouths of the gainsayers, for never did the Apostles, nor the true Church wrestle against flesh and blood; But they struck at the power that captivated the Creatures, to the intent that the Creatures might come into the Liberty of the Sons of God. But thy fruits hath stunk about thee, and your fruits; how Barbarously the Saints have been used among you, (and true Christians in the spirit) and so them that make War against the Saints, are such that inwardly ravened from the spirit, and so got the sheep's clothing, and turned against them that had the Spirit of God: ravened from the Spirit of God inwardly, lost the spiritual weapons, and had only the sheep's clothing, and that would not carry them out in the time of need, and so was fain to fly to Magistrates, to the carnal weapons: and so by this means in all ages the righteous have been slain by them that had the Scriptures; but from the spirit that gave them forth, and all the Saints upon the earth have been slain by them that have been from that of God in their own particulars, which now that is awakened by which men come to be turned unto God. And so you now that do deny the light that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, that preach, men should have sin while they be upon earth, and the body of it, and imperfection are such as have led people captive all their life times, with the form of godliness without the power; And keeps people in spiritual Egypt, Sodom, and Gomorah in filthiness, and darkness, where Christ was crucified by them whose ears were stopped to that of God in them, and that was spiritual Egypt. And so are all you that be inwardly ravened from the Spirit of God in your own particulars: yet having a form of godliness, denying the power, you are from that of God ravened inwardly. Ye are like to be reprobated concerning the faith, ye are not like to lead people to the knowledge of the truth: but like to keep them in the divers lusts, laden with their sins, and always learning, never able to come to the knowledge of truth; there is all the witchcraft, and sorcery, and enchantments, and familiar spirits; and such doth deny the light which doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world. And as for all thy lies, and all thy slanders, and reviles, they will be thy own clothing: and wear thy own garments thou must; and they will cover thee in darkness in the day of thy judgement, when thy works are tried with fire, the witness in thy conscience shall answer, I am a friend to thy soul. And thy shame, and folly and wickedness thou hast published to the Nation, which all sober people see thy folly; and thy silence had been better to have Preached thee a sober man. But novices, and fools must utter their folly. And the Truth is gone over ye, and thou shalt feel it one day when thou and thy works are tried with the fire. And Eternally shalt thou witness ●●ey are Judged, and condemned. Edward Bowls, who calls himself a Teacher of the Gospel at York, in his Book he calls, The duty and danger of Swearing, opened as he saith, in a Sermon preached at York, the day of swearing the LORD MAYOR. This is the Title of his Book which he directs to Stephen Watson, Lord Major, the Aldermen and Common Council of that City; whose work is to teach them to break the commands of Christ, throughout his Book, in that which he calls a SERMON. Pr. FIrst, he says, Christ brought down the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, and how that the Pharisees wrists the Scriptures, or made the Scriptures to bend to their own righteousness. Answ. This is your own condition, and the Papists, who cannot own the Scriptures as they speak; but you will make the Scriptures bend to your own wills, and wrists them as the Pharisees did, and as you and the Papists do Christ's words, who says, Swear not at all, and you say swear. How now, Edward Bowls, who makes the Scriptures bend now? Thou teaches men should swear, and Christ said, Ye shall not swear at all, and so art an Antichrist, and against the Doctrine of Christ, and teachest thy own tradition for doctrine, and makes the commandment of Christ of none effect. He that's against the doctrine of Christ, is an Antichrist, and so the Papists and Protestants, and Pharisees all are found swearers out of Christ's Doctrine, that says, swear not at all, and yet in your pride will make a trade of his words, and a talking of his words to get money by. Pr. Thou says, Christ came not to destroy the Law; and it hath deceived some to say, Swear not at all. The Scriptures must not be taken in general terms; for Paul said, he became all things to all men: And Christ, and our Saviour his intent is this, that we should not swear as we were wont to do, for the word General, not at all must be interpreted: so that you see it is the scope and circumstance of this place, that this Swear not at all be interpreted, vain and unnecessary customs, and abuse of swearing among the Jews: and it is not unlawful to swear, but to all men not only a liberty, but in just cases a duty of swearing, and part of divine worship, not Ceremonial or Mutable, there's no shadow or type in it. An Oath is for confirmation and the end of strife, it gives the last peal to all differences, and gives a great honour to God, and is the proper end of worship, and consequently a great honour. Answ. They are deceived that breaks Christ's commands; for when he says, swear not at all. He says, in all your communication let your yea be yea, and your nay, nay, for whatsoever is contrary is evil. So he layeth down no other Doctrine that men should practise then not to swear at all, but yea, yea, and nay, nay, them that goes any further, go into the evil; whatsoever is more is evil. So mind these 3 things, and the Apostle becoming all to all men, yet not without the Law of Christ [Mark] the Law Christ, which was Swear not at all, so still that's agreeable to Christ's words; the Scripture is taken general, and Christ said, It hath been said to them of old time, thou shalt perform the oath of the Lord. Christ said so, that comprehended time that was the end of that old time where had been the swearing; But I say unto you now, Swear not at all; and so it was not the frivolous oaths that was among the Jews that swore, but it was true oaths that Christ brought them off, the oath that was to be performed to the Lord, which Christ the oath of God ended, who comprehends time, and told them the danger, if they went any farther than yea and nay: And so your interpreting the Scripture, which are the private Interpreters, is but to wrest them to your own earthly wills; and that which opposeth the commands and doctrine of Christ, brings not honour to God, is not a part of his worship, nor is not divine, but in that which is out of truth (for none worships God but who is in Christ, who says, swear not at all, who is the end of the Law and the Prophets, and Oaths) and is but one of your dark consequences, and so it is not men's duty in any case to swear; for the duty of man is to keep the commands of Christ, and there is none that is just that will swear, that obeys the commands of Christ; but such swears who are unjust, and they be out of that which gives the last peal, and ends all differences, which ends all oaths, and all strife, and all controversy, which is Christ Jesus the covenant of God; for strifes, controversies, and differences is without the covenant of Light and Life, Christ Jesus, the oath of God; and so thou art not a Minister of Christ, that brings people back to the Law, and tells them it is lawful to swear: Here the Papists and thee art one, both opposing the commands of Christ, which would make people believe it was the frivolous oaths among the Jews that Christ brought them off, and not of the true oaths, and says it was not a shadow. I say yes, it made peace, and ended the strife amongst men, the oath of God that was sworn by the Lord; but Christ the oath of God ends the strife, and ends those oaths that men were to swear by the Lord: So it was typical and ceremonial, and was to change, and was mutable; for Christ that comprehends time, says in the old time the oath must be performed to the Lord; but I say unto you now Swear not at all: So that was to be changed, and it did type forth something. There you may see the substance of it, Christ the oath of God, in which men have peace, who ends the strife between men and God, who makes all things new: And so they that bring men to the swearing, bring men into the evil; And they that bring men to the Law and Prophets that speaks of swearing, brings men from Christ who is the end of the Law and Prophets into the old time. Pr. The ground and occasion of Oaths yet remains, and so a usefulness of Oaths for the ending of Controversies, which must be established by Oaths for the ending of humane societies. The Apostates taking for granted, that the Christian Religion did forbid all Oaths, it is false and ridiculous; for the Prophet said, every tongue shall swear: And thou shalt swear by my name, Deut. And men verily swear by the greater: And men and Angels have made use of Oaths to confirm the truth, and avenge falsehood. I see not how swearing by any creature can be exempted from idolatry: He that sweareth must do it righteously in a lawful just matter Those that swear falsely are highly guilty of offence against the God of truth. Can a Blackmore change his skin, or a Leopard his spots? Answ. Christ who hath ended oaths, who ends controversies amongst men, and brings them to peace one with another, and with God, and ends the Law, and fulfils it, and doth not break it, and ends the Prophets who swore, and Christ is the end of the Law to every one that believes; and your humane societies, which be of the earth from the ground, amongst whom is the oaths, the swearing, be out of the doctrine of Christ, and knows not the end of the Law and the Prophets, and they be the Apostates, and false, and ridiculous, apostatised from Christ and the Apostles doctrine, that swear, and teach men so, and are not the true Christians: and so you that will swear, will forswear, which be out of the truth; for the truth Christ saith, Swear not at all: And the Apostle says, above all things my brethren swear not at all. So you be the false brethren apostatised from the truth, and are come to be as black as the Aethiopians and the Black moors, and the custom of the sin of your swearing doth take away the sense. And men and Angels swearing, and the swearing by the greater: And to the Lord every tongue shall swear, and perform their oaths to him; and they were to swear by the name of the Lord. Now Christ, to him the Angels must bow; and as the people had sworn by Baal, so the Prophet brought them to swear by the Lord to change their form, to swear by the Lord as a true oath, and perform it to him; But Christ the end of the Prophets and the Law, as I said before, and the true oath; for saith he, It hath been said to them of old time, thou shalt perform thy oath to the Lord; that was a true oath, not a false oath, let all take notice of that. But I say unto you now, swear not at all: So he came to end the true oath Christ, the oath of God. And so though the Angels, or men in strife, or Prophets, or Moses, the Law said swear: Yet christ, who comprehends time before the world was made, who came to end that old time, says, Swear not at all, but yea and nay in all your communications, and whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. And many men are undone by these false oaths, and by swearing: And you that call yourselves Ministers of the Gospel, and teach men to swear; and Christ says swear not at all, have brought another Doctrine, and so are to be accursed. And again, do not you swear by the Bible, by the Prophets, and Moses, & Christ's, and the Apostles words? and swear by the Evangelists, and Christ says, swear not at all? What a perverse generation of people, of men, are ye Professors and Teachers and people? What an unchristian spirit have you? And see, have you not brought the judgement upon yourselves to be the Idolaters? For the true oath was by the Lord among the Jews, and you swear by the Evangelists, and the Bible that tells you you should not swear. Did ever the Prophets swear by Moses words? or Moses by enoch's? or the Apostles by the Prophets or Christ's words? Now is not this a frivolous oath to swear by the Bible, which says, swear not at all? And worse than the Jews that swore by the Temple, who was to swear by the Lord, and to perform the oath to him? Which that oath Christ ended, and brought men out of strife, and the earth into peace with God to the beginning, to the glory which was with the Father before the world was begun, who brings the peace on earth, and good will towards men. And do not you that swear by the Bible, swear by all that's contained in it? like as the Jews swore by the Temple? and so hath not the Bible judged you? Here Christ's words and the Apostles that tells you ye should not swear, and yet you swear. And if ye say the Prophets, and Moses, and Abraham, and Jacob, and Joseph, and the Angels swore, and men of Strife swore; Doth not Christ and the Apostle tell you he is the end of the Prophets, a greater than Solomon? David called him Lord Before Abraham was; reigns over the house of Jacob and Joseph, to him the Angel's bow, says swear not at all. This is my beloved Son, hear him, is the end of the Law and the Prophets to him that believes, which hears him; But it seems you will not hear him that are the swearers and forswearers: And the Apostle brings that concerning an oath is the end of controversy among men of strife; and men swear by the greater: Yet they swore by the Lord, he brings the example, not that men should swear; but showing how God could not find a greater, swore by himself concerning his Son, who is the oath of God, the end of Oaths, and the true oath that men swear that ends the strife: He brought peace on earth, and good will towards men, that ended that oath, and brought men to unity to God, and one another, out of the Earth to the beginning. Pr. That Oaths are to be performed if the Scriptures were silent: The Law of Nature and Nations would speak loud in this point, because of the particular miscarriages in humane Societies: Therefore says the Lord, Mine oaths ye despised, and my covenant ye have broken. It would be a great dishonour to the nature of an Oath, if it should tie any man to disobey the commands of God. Governors are ready to think it their great security to establish themselves by Oaths. Answ. The commands of Christ, let the Law (as ye call it) of Nature and Nations cry never so loud for swearing, who establish themselves by sin and trangression in the earthly humane societies, the commands of Christ forbids swearing: And I know that the Law of Nations, and the Nationall Laws have sworn by several Heathen gods and Idols, as the Jews swore by the Temple, and you by the Evangelists; and Christ says, swear not at all, and his Apostles. And here's great out-cries for oaths, but here is a cry from the Lord Christ, says swear not at all: And oaths was in the Covenant, which Covenant was to change (mark that) Oaths despised, and Covenant broken. This was the first covenant in which were the oaths that was to change and decay; which Christ came to end both Covenant and Oaths, and bid them swear not at all, and took away the first covenant, that he might establish the second. And so as the Jews broke the first covenant, and despised the Lords oath which was to swear by himself, who is the greater, and to him to perform it: So you despise his covenant, his Son, the everlasting covenant, that ends oaths, and the first covenant, that are teaching men to swear, and so there is swearing and forswearing. The lamentable work and do as you may see in your Courts, how they will swear a man hath so much when he hath not half so much, as the Writs and Indictments, and all their bad stuff declares it. And so you that swear do break the commands of Christ; though it was the command of God in the old time to swear, yet it is the command of Christ who makes all things new, swear not at all. And the Governors that are established by Oaths are out of the doctrine of Christ, that establish themselves by that which Christ denies, and so establish themselves out of the power, command, and authority, and doth not hear the Son, and are not the true christians, but are apostatised from the true Church, hath only his name, but are dead to the life. Now Christ that takes away oaths, and shown the danger of them that went into oaths, more than yea and nay in all their Communications, bid them swear not at all, and that they went into the evil that did, he established a way; by two or three witnesses every word is established: So they that would have any more than yea and nay, may take the order of Christ, mind the order of Christ, two or three witnesses, that ye may establish every word: And this is a● way for all Tradesmen, and Magistrates, and all whatsoever, that they may follow and practise the commands of Christ, yea and nay in all their communications; and if they will have any more, two or three witnesses, that every word may be established: And such are the true Christians, the true Brethren, that abide in the Doctrine of Christ, they are not transgressors, but hath the Son and the Father, which the other hath not; and that's a practice for all true Christians, Cities, Countries, and Magistrates upon the earth. Pr. Thou saith, Those that be engaged take oaths, and they must be circumspect in taking of it, and this is the word thou adds: And you my Lord Major and Sheriffs under the bond of an Oath shall execute your office. Answ. The command of Christ, the doctrine of the Apostles, engageth men they shall not swear, and doth not engage any to swear, nor Christ who is the end of the Law and the Prophets; but you Ministers of unrighteousness, and false Apostles, teach men to disobey and transgress the commands of Christ, which are the false Prophets and Antichrists; which Christ said should come, John saw was come, went forth from them, the Apostles, and since the world is gone after you, and so you have taught the world to swear, and men to swear, and Christ and his Apostles teach them not to swear: And so here's the Land mourning because of oaths, among boys and girls it's become common in your Streets, Courts, and Houses: Swearing, forswearing, and profane swearing, and that which is out of the command of Christ is profane; for they bewitch people, that draw people from the command of God. The Apostle instances Circumcision which Christ ended; and what are they that draw people to those things which Christ forbids, but such as would not have him to reign; but Antichrists which hath been from the Apostles: And so you and the Papists are one here, doing what you do by an oath; and the Apostle saith (which you are apostatised from) Above all things swear not at all, neither by heaven, nor by earth, nor by any other oath [Mark] [this was to the brethren, true christians, true believers, such as obeyed. Christ's doctrine] for he tells them the danger, lest ye fall into condemnation. Let all your communication be yea, yea, and nay, nay, what ever is more, is evil: Not by heaven, nor by earth, nor by any other oath. Now there was true, and false, and profane, whatsoever was comprehended in these words, Not by any; but keep to yea and nay in all your communications. Now tell the Apostle he doth not mean as he speaks, give him the lie, pervert his words, and Christ's words, who says swear not at all, and says, he means profane oaths: And Christ brought the people off the true Oath which was in the old time, that was performed to the Lord, a profane oath was not performed to the Lord; that's not meant of that, but that as was sworn by him. Christ says now, Swear not at all; and so they that break the oath, break the covenant, the true oath; and so they that swear now, do not own the new covenant, which ends the true oath and covenant in the old time; The profane oaths, they were judged by them that lived in the first covenant, and they did not type out any thing, but a true oath did which ended controversies among men; which the oath Christ ends, which is the peace between God and man, and reconciles them to God and one another. These be true brethren, true christians, that's come to yea and nay in their communications, and cannot swear by heaven, nor by earth, nor by any other oath, lest they come into the evil; but yea and nay in all their communications, lest they come into condemnation: So you that teach men to swear have brought them into the evil, and a great outcry to break the commands of Christ, and under condemnation. He that teacheth them to swear any oath whatsoever, cast behind your backs the commands of Christ, and doctrine of the Apostles: And the Apostle that bid the Saints keep to yea and nay in all their communications, and swear not at all, said, if ye will have any more, take two or three Witnesses. And for all thy other confusion, and thy perverting and wresting of Scriptures, to bring people into the condemnation and evil to swear, is not worthy the mentioning, and will but come upon thyself in the day of thy condemnation and judgement, thee and all upon the Earth that are departed from the Apostles shall witness how ye have transgressed the commands of Christ, and teach people to transgress them, and to sin, have hath brought them into the evil and condemnation: So repent, and while ye and time, prise it. Samuel Hammond, In his Book called, The Quakers House built on the Sands. A very fit Title for himself and the rest of his PRIESTS. These are some of his Principles following. Pr. YOung men and women having some convictions and awakenings of the Law, and have followed the light of an awakened conscience, and sit down before they have closed with Christ, and there be not a distinction between the righteousness imputed, upon the account of the blood of Christ, and the righteousness inherent wrought in us by his spirit: and this inherent righteousness they confound the attainments brought forth by the Light in every man, not being able to distinguish the working of Satan. Answ. Inherent righteousness is a word of thy own and the Papists inventing, and thou art a man that cannot distinguish between the workings of Christ, and the workings of Satan. For the light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, which brings men and women to know the Law, and the convictions of it, it brings them to the end of the Law, Christ, and to see that appear that cannot be shaken, and the Righteousness imputed to a believer that is within felt: For he that believes hath the witness in himself, and feels it there; and the blood of Christ is felt within, justifying and cleansing the conscience from dead works: And the righteousness of Faith is found within, and that righteousness which is wrought within is found within, and no man sees this but with the light which Christ hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world withal, and this Light is that which confounds all thy attainments for Christ's righteousness, and his blood and spirit are all one which justifies and sanctifies. Pr. They dream of a perfection to obey the light within, and this is delusion; they are not able to distinguish, between justified freely by grace which is the favour of God upon the account of Christ's satisfaction, and the grace that wrought by Christ's spirit in the soul: that natural light within, being improved, they call grace the work of God upon the soul, leads into Covenant of works, than it is no other than to tread in the Papists steps; so this is delusion, and the ground of their delusion is their not distinguishing between saving light given forth by Christ in conversion, and the light of conscience that every man hath. Answ. None come, to the perfection out of the delusion, but who comes to the light within, and follows that; it gives him the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ; the Covenant of grace is one, that which was wrought without is within in the soul, for Christ in you, &c, and he is the Covenant of grace, of light, of life, and of peace: and none knows him without, nor Justification by grace, but who knows it in the heart, and it is the one and the same thing, it is not another grace, nor another Covenant, nor another Christ, but the the same Christ in you: the Saints are in his spirit and in his mind and are of his flesh, and of his bone; And thou who art so full of thy delusions; Art out of this, and thou always have been in the dreams, and never knows perfection, till thou come to the light within. And God's work in the soul leads to the end of the Covenant of works, who works all in us, and for us; as says the Apostle, who works faith, grace, commands the light to shine out of darkness shines in the heart to give the knowledge of the Son; and so thou art in the delusion and the Papists doctrine, that knows not this within, but calls it the Covenant of works, dost not thou tread in their steps, and have crept up in their great Masse-houses, and the light given forth by Christ in conversion, and the light in the conscience is one, and it is not natural, it was before natural was, it exerciseth the conscience towards God, and towards man in them that love it; but in them that hate it, they are not converted, but they live in the many ways out of the one way to God; for he that's the Covenant of light is the Covenant of grace; and thus thou art blinding people with many things. Pr. The owning not the imputation of Christ as the matter and formal cause of Justifications is damnable doctrine: to make our reconciliation to God to be wrought by our improving the light within, and renewing the image of God in us is damnable doctrine, to take men off from going to the fullness of Christ at the right hand of God, and send them to look to a light within, which they say is in every man, is a damnable doctrine, this is to forsake the fountain of living waters and dig to themselves broken Cisterns: dangerous principle is that of perfection by improvement of the light within. Answ. The imputation to a believer is owned; and this imputation is within, for he that believes is born of God, and hath the witness in himself; now Abraham believed, and the Romans, and to such the imputation was spoken in the belief; and Abraham saw his glory, who is Christ Jesus the righteousness itself; and the Apostle says ye are now nearer than when ye believed, and again he says, Christ is in you, and God will dwell in you, and walk in you, so such as hath Christ in them, they have the righteousness itself, without imputation, the end of imputation, the righteousness of God itself Christ Jesus; No man knows the reconciliation, and his reconciliation made with God, but by hearing and doing the word of God, that's in the heart and mouth, which divides thy bad words [Hammond] and thy bad thoughts [that's the word of God] and cuts them down, and Hammers them down, and burns them up, that's the word that sanctifies and reconciles to God, and makes clean, and the word is Christ, called the word of God, and Christ is the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and that is it that renews man into the image of God; for the light that comes from Christ is the Image of God, the light of the glorious Gospel which is the Image of God, and so this is within, and thou that knows not this within, and feels it not, thy lips are polluted, and art in the damnable doctrine, and the light that shines in the darkness, and thou cannot comprehend it; and indeed thou art too proud, high and lofty, and thou must be brought down, the Lord God will abase thee; and no man comes into the image of God, and renewed, and hath reconciliation with God, but which comes to the Light which Christ the Word hath enlightened him withal, and that's within, and they that believe in it have the witness in themselves, and they that do not, the light condemns them And the light that every man that comes into the world is enlightened withal, doth not take them from Christ's fullness at the right hand of God; but the light let's see him lifted up, and there's none upon the earth comes to Christ at the right hand of God to receive of his fullness, but who comes to the light which Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world withal: that's the eye, the light with which he sees Christ, and in that he receives him, and comes to be engrafted in him in the Vine Christ Jesus. And so thou that draws men from the light within which Christ hath enlightened every man that comes into the world withal, thou draws them from Christ at the right hand of God, that they cannot receive this his fullness, and so thou takes away the key of knowledge from people, who art in the doctrine that's damnable, that's from the light, to be condemned; and none comes to the Fountain of living mercies, but are all broken Cisterns, that are from the light within them, which comes from Christ the Fountain of living mercies which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that with it all might come to see the Fountain and believe in it, so they that do not are condemned; And no one knows perfection, nor comes into the perfection of Christ, but are in the dangerous estate, where thou art which doth not come into the light which doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world; for the imperfection comes by the first Adam and Eve, and the Devil going out from the truth; the perfection comes again by Christ to destroy the Devil, death and his works, and sanctifies man and reconciles man again to God; which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, that in the light all men might see the perfection of God Christ Jesus; which none doth but such as come to him, the Light. Pr. That there is so much light in every man that will reveal Christ, and save them that believe in it: and that an Indian hath it, and to send to this to lead to perfection, and to neglect the Fountain of wisdom at the right hand of God, is a soul-destroying principle. Ans. The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, is saving to them that believe in it, t●ey are saved, them that do not are condemned, and this leads to perfection, the light, to the Fountain of wisdom, Christ Jesus the light of the world, to know the Bishop of their souls; and all that are not come to the light in their own particular, which comes from him that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, their principles are destroying, which are thine that stands against the light, thou art Antichrist kicking against the light, with which Christ hath enlightened thee wi●hall; no man knows a Saviour, nor sees salvation, but as every man comes to the light, wi●h the same light they come to see Christ the light and Saviour, to save them from their sins, and that light is sufficient; I will give him for a Covenant of light to the Gentiles; and I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and Judah, them that had the old; (and here's all the world,) and he shall be my salvation to the ends of the earth; and the Gentiles was heathen: call them Indian or what thou wilt, I will give him for a Covenant to the Gentiles, a leader of the people, which many Gentiles have found their leader the Covenant of light; and in this light, Jew and Gentile are one, and in unity if ye walk in the light as he is in the light, then have ye followship one with another, and this breaks all your Sects, the Covenant of light Between Jew and Gentile, and brings them to one in believing in the light. Prin. That light that is in every man is the Relics of the first Covenant of works which cannot reveal Christ as Mediator. Answ. The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, which is Christ by whom the world was made, ends the Covenant of works; the creation was made by him, and he was before it was made, so he is not a created light; But that by which all things was created, and thou art in thy works, the Covenant of works, and thy created lights that calls the light that enlightens every man that cometh into the world (Christ Jesus) a Covenant of works, or natural light, which was before the Covenant of works was, or a natural light was created; which ends the Covenant of works, and thou art to be judged for thy words, and with that light every man sees the Mediator, believing in it, if not, it condemns him. Pr. That all the light they have is but the light of a natural conscience, and that is a blurred one too. Nay how comes it to pass that in old England we see so many hundreds, that manifest no other light but a natural conscience; and New England, that have conversed with the Indians, and never saw the least breaking forth of the light. Answ. The light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, by whom the world was made, was before natural conscience was, or natural light either, or the blurred light as thou calls it; And many of the Indians do show forth more in their conversations of the light than you do; and as for old, England what have you been doing all this while, if you see so many hundreds manifesting no other light but a natural conscience? But how should they manifest it, when you keep them from it: your work is to keep them from the light within; But now there's thousands that are manifesting the light on the house top, by which the world was made; which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; and you Ministers of Satan out of the light and truth, are them that stands against it; for the Devil that went out of the light and truth, who sowed his seed in the hearts of people: he would not have them to own the light in them; and he would confess a God without him, and so he teaches them in whom he sows his seed not to have the light within them, the seed Christ, the tree of righteousness, the root of God. Pr. I charge the Quakers to show one Scripture that bids look to the light within, the old trick of Error, the righteousness of faith doth not direct people to look for a Christ within, this Scripture bids weary laden souls, go to Christ, is this to the light within them? I am amazed at their ignorance. Answ. The righteousness of faith brings people to look at Christ within; and what abundance of ignorance hast thou shown, who hath been a teacher of the people these many years, and shows how contrary thou art to Christ and the Apostles in doctrine, for in 2 Cor. 4. the Apostle tells the Corinthians, the light that shined in their hearts to give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, this was the work of the true Apostles, when the false Apostles, and Devils, Ministers and messengers was got among them: for the Devil is out of truth, and so are his messengers, and they will draw people from the light within, and blind their minds that they should not come to the light within, to see the glory of God in the face of Christ, from whence it comes; so thou dost conclude thyself among the Devil's Ministers, and false Apostles and messengers, and no wearied soul that is burdened, that comes to Christ who is the souls rest, but first comes to the light within, which comes from Christ who is the souls Bishop, with which light they see him, he shines in their hearts, it gives them the knowledge of him, and the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus; and thou that leads them from the light within, leads them from Christ and the glory of God who should save them from their sins, and give them ease rest and peace. Pr. I said looking to the light, and living upon the light within, will lead men to Hell; and going to, and living upon a muddy puddle of natural light. That Christ is the light in all in a saving manner, I deny; for Christ to be the righteousness of men in Justification differs; and to send a man to live upon a light within, it not to send him to Christ; and if he live upon it, upon the light as it is Justication, it is a plain Covenant of works. Ans. There's no man lives but in the light which comes from Christ the light by whom the world was made, in whom was light, and this light is the life of men, and this light and life is manifest in us; for he that hath the Son of God, hath light and life: he that receives not this, though he be enlightened, hath not life that hates it; such as lead people from it, go from it in their own particulars, they lead people into hell, into its gates, it prevails against them; but who be in the light, the gates of Hell cannot prevail against them; and believes in it, they are not condemned, and so they live in the muddy puddle, and goes into the natural light that denies the light within, which Christ hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world withal, they live not upon the life, but in the muddy puddle of darkness, and are Antichrist out the light, and are against it in their particulars, and against them that walk in it, and such are unlike the Ministers of Christ: Every man that cometh into the world is enlightened with the saving light, and he that believes in it is saved, he that doth not is condemned. There's no one comes out of the covenant of works, but by the Light within, which Christ the covenant of God hath enlightened him withal: And there's no one lives out of the covenant of works, but who lives in the Light; and who lives in the Light, lives in Christ, and Christ in him. I in you, and you in me; and who hates this Light, they live not in Christ, it condemns them, for they be in their own Covenant o● works. Who believes in the light, hath entered into the rest, and ceased from his own work as God did from his: And righteousness and justification is one, where Christ is known, and felt in man, they are both felt in one; For Christ the righteousness of God, and the justification, and Christ in you, and see if thou canst read this; who says they differ? Pr. What warrant have you to go out to the Quakers? Shall a man go hear the Jews and Popish Mass, because Paul bid try all things? No, no. Answ. Paul bid us quench not the spirit: and where the spirit is not quenched, they may try Papists, Jews, Protestants, who quenches not the spirit; but who quenches the spirit, and draws people from the light within, they draw from that they should see withal, than you stuff them up with old Authors, and lying stories, as you print abroad. Pr. Christ's revealed Will is the word of Reconciliation. Answ. The Scriptures is not the word of Reconciliation; But Christ is the word of Reconciliation, who reconciles man to God, and satisfies the Father, and giveth men peace with God, and this the Scripture declares. And as for the Ministers of Newcastle, who hath persecuted the people of God because they met there, and banished them out of their Town, this doth not show the spirit of Christ, nor the love of God among you, but the works of the Pharisees and Cain: And thou never knew the Gospel that denies the Light of Christ that hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world withal, but found among the Monkish-holinesse thou speaks of, and the Pharisees and the Papists; for the Pharisees, the Papists and you do not own the light Christ Jesus that enlightens every man that cometh into the world, so with the Light you are all comprehended and condemned in one body: Not to be true believers that believes in the true Christ the Light, who bids people believe in the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that all men through him might believe, that's the end, that he that doth might be saved, and that he that doth not might be condemned. Pr. Thou saith, The Saints laid down their estates at the Apostles feet. A. Now you Priests say you are Ministers of Christ and the Gospel, and you are fain to cast men into Prisons because they will not put into your mouths. Now all people may see that you have a contrary power to the Apostles; for when did a people, your hearers lay down all at your feet? N●y, you are fain to cast into Prisons, hale before Courts a hundred, or two hundred miles, and take triple damages. Now do you not think that most people begin to see you apostatised from the Apostles, and the power that they were in, with which you are fathomed, and with the life the Apostles were in are you judged. And whereas thou speaks of Circumcision, and tells people, that they that are circumcised cannot be saved; the Quakers bring no people to circumcision but that of the spirit, which puts off the body of sin, which you say they must have while they be upon the Earth, and so hath ravened from the spirit of Circumcision; and such keeps people in the covenant of works from the spirit within that puts off the body of sin. And as for all the rest of thy torn confused Stuffe w●ich is given forth from thy v●in thoughts, it is not worthy the mentioning; But in the day of thy judgement, the witness in thy conscience shall answer it, and all thy Works is fuel for the Fire. Priest Bennets Looking-glass. These are some of his Principles following. Pr. JAmes asks the question, Can one fountain send forth sweet water and bitter? He says, it's a new fancy to say there's a light in every man which will guide him to salvation. He says, there is a fancy of perfection. A. One fountain cannot send forth sweet w●ter & bitter, and yet it's bitter to them that be in the transgression; for the righteousness of God being revealed to the wicked, is a terror to him; which the righteousness of God being revealed to the Saints, is their joy and the truth; which speaking truth to the deceit, it's bitter to him, but to the Just it is not; and the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world Christ Jesus, the salvation to the ends of the earth. Thou art in the fancy that stumbles at this cornerstone; and this light that enlighteneth every man, is the perfection of beauty, and they that be out of this, be in the fancy of a perfection, where thou may see thyself and the Pharisees that stood against Christ [the Light, the covenant of God promised to Jews and Gentiles] though they had Scriptures, them thou art like, that art now at the Light stumbling at which they did, so a mark of an unbeliever, one that hath the form, but denies the power, and art not a Preacher of that which people should believe in, that is the Light. Pr. The Scriptures are the Lanterns of Israel: The Scriptures are the wisdom of the Cross. Answ. The Word of God is the Lantern of Israel, as says David; and Christ Jesus is the wisdom of the cross; Christ the wisdom of God, and the cross of Christ the power of God: And Abraham had a Lantern, and Enoch and Abel, before Scriptures was written forth. Pr. Thou saith, The corruptions of the damned in Hell shall never be destroyed; and it would be good news, if the Quakers should go and preach to the spirits in Hell. And thou says, David would open his mouth in dark say of old. Answ. The Scriptures, and David's words to thee that art in darkness, they are dark, but not to them that be in the Light. And the Quakers have been among the prisoners that be in Hell, and ministered to that, and the corruptions shall go into the Fire that hath no end; and they that do wickedly, and forget God, sh●l● go into Hell and Death, an● Hell shall go into the lake of fire, and there's more in these words yet then thou canst receive: For God is the salvation of all men, but especially them that believe. But I must tell thee, thou and thy flesh is for the fi●e thou art speaking of; And when thou art burning in it, remember thy judgement in thy life time, and what thou didst: And the end of Ezekiel is known, and the Prophets, and Moses, Christ Jesus the Saviour and Redeemer of the world. Pr. That a natural man may preach the Gospel in the History. And thou brings Judas for an example. Thou sayest, Christ said, destroy ye this Temple, and I will build another. Answ. That which led Judas to minister was not natural, for the same condemned him when he went from Christ: And a natural man cannot preach the History of the Gospel's truly, for he cannot receive it; but natural men are giving other meanings to it, & that brings all the confusion in the world about the Scriptures; For Judas was made partaker of the Ministry, and when he went to the Priests from Christ, than he was condemned. And Christ did not say, Destroy ye this Temple, thou perverts his words. Neither did he say, he would raise up another of Lime, and Stone, and wood, which you dark Priests of the world blind people's eyes withal; but he meant the Temple of his body in whom God dwelled, which the outward Temple was a figure of. Pr. That it's an absurdity to say the Light is in every man to teach him. Answ. The light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which is Christ Jesus, is the Teacher: and he that believes in it receives Christ, and it teaches him that hates it to see his evil deeds, to see his evil ways, and he hates it because it reproves him, because his deeds are evil, and so hates Christ, and hates his Teacher, and sets up Teachers without him, and doth not come to receive the anointing within him, and so that light is his condemnation, and so he sees not Christ the head. Pr. Thou saith, The Ministers may receive a courtesy, and the Scripture thou brings for it is, the earth shall help the woman. Answ. The courtesy the Saints received, which was from them whose hearts was opened, that the Lord had opened by his power that is not condemned; But your taking Tithes of people you do not work for, and casting into Prison till death, for not giving it you; How are you like the Apostles, or like the Ministers of Christ, or like the woman thou speaks of, the Church that was persecuted? Now you persecute, this signifies she was persecuted; And you persecute for means, and hale up and down in Courts and Sessions, and will take triple damages, triple tithes of them you do no work for, and so you will not stand to the courtesy of people, nor wait for the power to open their hearts; but are in a power that will take it by compulsion, and by violence away from people: So you have given judgement against yourselves, and are not of the number of them the Lord opened their hearts that ministered to their necessities, and so unlike the Ministers of Christ that received the courtesies of the people, whom the Lord opened their hearts. Pr. Thou saith, When people have no guide but what is within, and that this principle be rooted, it will turn all into Babel. And thou questions, whether it be not a principle of sedition to say, that every man hath a light within him. Answ. All people in the world runs into Babel and Babylon, and are building up, and throwing down, and so goes into confusion about Law and Gospel, Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles words, when they be from the spirit within, of truth, to lead them into all truth, and up to God the Father of Truth, of whom they learn that gave them forth, and with that spirit are they seen; in which spirit is unity, which is the bond of peace. And the light which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, leads all men out of sedition; and they be in the sedition that denies it, and says to the contrary, and in darkness, and cannot comprehend it, as John says; which says, this is the true light that enlightens every man that cometh into the world. And Christ says, Believe in the light. And the Prophets said, God gave him for a Covenant of light to the Gentiles, and a new Covenant to the Jews, and he shall be the Leader of the people, and salvation to the ends of the earth; and every man that comes into the world is enenligtned. He that believes is saved, and he that believes not is condemned already. Pr. Thou queries, When the Act of the Commission for the Ministry was repealed, since Christ said, he would be with them to the end of world. And thou sayest, It is not said simply, they shall teach no more every man his neighbour; but it is added, Know the Lord. Thou sayest, that every man is enlightened only with a natural reason, and the elect are enlightened with a saving knowledge. Thou sayest, I bring John 4.23. to overthrow all outward worship. Thou sayest, You can praise God with your bodies and spirits. Answ. The 7th of Matthew, & Matth. 24. Christ said, false Prophets should come, and should be inwardly ravening wolves, having sheep's clothing; and John said, they was come, Chap. 2. & Chap. 4. And in Revel. All that dwelled upon the earth went after them, and such killed the Saints. When they had gotten a head they killed the Saints and the true Ministers, and they that were of the false killed the true: and since those days the false hath reigned, which hath wrestled with flesh and blood, prisoning, killing the creatures, and warring against them, and not with the Principalities, and spiritual wickednesses, and powers of darkness, and such hath been out of the power, the Gospel the Apostles were in, hath killed them that kept the testimony of Jesus the spirit of Prophecy. And it is said plainly, Heb. 8. They shall not teach every man his neighbour, nor every man his brother, saying, know the Lord, for they shall all know me from the greatest to the least, saith the Lord: And so thou perverts the Scriptures, and art judged by them, for it, that belies them. And the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, is the same Light that the Elect lives in; which the world not believing in the Light, Christ Jesus the Elect, and covenant of light, and life, and peace, promised to the world, they are condemned already; but he that believes in the Light is saved, so that saving is sufficient. And Christ says, they that worship the Father, must worship him in spirit and in truth: Not at Jerusalem, not at Samaria, nor at the Mountain. So say I, not at your Masse-houses, with a Cross at the end of them, which the Popes set up, and you since the days of the Apostles. So they that worship God, must worship him in the spirit and in the truth. Truth doth not change, neither doth the Spirit, and these be them the Father seeks to worship, and hath found many: And Christ overthrows the outward worship at Samaria and Jerusalem, and the Mountain, and so do we at your Papists Masse-houses, and tell you God is worshipded in the spirit and in the truth; and those are the true worshippers that God seeks to worship, and that will stand when Masse-houses, Samaria, and Jerusalem is down, the spirit and the truth that remains. In the mouth of the wicked praises is not comely; And as for your singing David's conditions, or the Saints conditions given forth from the spirit, when you confess you are not in the spirit as they was that gave them forth: So then judged with it to be such whose mouths the praises are not comely, that be in another state than they where that gave Scriptures forth. And Adam's state before the Fall thou knowest not, but art found in the steps of the Pharisees and Papists: As the Pharisees got words of the true Prophets and Moses out of the life, so the Papists and you have got the words of Christ and the Apostles, and be out of the life, and persecuting them that be in the life, as the Pharisees did, and killing the just, the just being imprisoned in your own particulars, as it was in the Pharisees. And you with your dark eyes have looked upon the Scriptures ever since the apostasy, and ravened from the spirit of God the pure eye, and so with that you are comprehended, felt over, and seen over, and with that shall the principle of God in you all be answered, that you are apostatised from the Apostles in life, and power, and doctrine, and so are in heaps about their words, out from that which is the ground of communion, the bond of peace. And all thy confusion in thy Book, is thy own garments, who with it is for the fire, the witness in thy conscience in the day of thy condemnation shall witness it. Thomas Tillam, his Book called, The seventh-day-Sabbath. His Principles answered as Followeth. Pr. ALl sacrifices did type out Christ, but the Sabbath did never type out Christ, and therefore never to be abolished nor changed. Answ. Ezekiel saith, the Sabbath should be for a sign which is spoken of among the Statutes. Cham 20. and the Apostle says let no man Judge you in meats or in drinks, or in respect of an holiday or of the new Moon, or of the Sabbath day, which are all shadows, [mark] of good things to come, but the body is Christ, Colos. 2.16, 17. Now they are called shadows here, the Sabbath called ● shadow, the body is Christ, and Ezekiel calls them signs, and such as rest in those things in the shadow, may beguile people in a voluntary humility, and worshipping of Angels, intruding themselves into those things that they never saw, not holding the head, and neglecting the body to the satisfying the flesh; which would live in the signs and the shadows, for the Sabbath in the beginning it was not a command to men to keep it, as to Adam and Evah; you do not read it was a command given to them, but in the transgression and fall, when the children of Israel came out of Egypt, then to them the Lord gave the Sabbath as a sign, the Lord said unto Moses speak to the children of Israel, and say, nevertheless keep ye my Sabbath for a sign between me and you, in all your generations. Now in all the generations of the Jews, in the first Covenant here was a sign between them and the Lord, and he that defiled it, was to die the death. Now the body is Christ the end of the sign, and the shadow Christ the sanctification, so he that goes from Christ goes from the rest, from the sanctification, and he dies, for he that hath not him hath not life, he shall die the death, and shall be cut off from the people; so when the children of Israel came out of Egypt, then was the Sabbath given to them as a sign, not commanded to Adam and Evah, the Scripture doth not declare it before the fall, but given to the children of Israel after they came out of Egypt, who received the Law, added because of transgression; upon the transgressors: to such was given the Sabbath as a sign amongst them that had the offerings; and such was to keep it, and to sanctify it, but before the fall, when the Law and power was in man, before the transgression, there was no mention of a Sabbath to keep it; Now Christ came which was the end of these offerings, and the end of these Sabbaths, which are the shadows, for the Apostle says (except any will dare tell him he lies) he says the body is Christ, and who are not Judged concerning such things, in respect of Sabbaths and meats and drinks, but are come to the body Christ which ends all those things and before those things were, to him by whom all things was created and made Christ, the sanctification; and are come to him in whom there's rest; as the Jews was to rest upon the seventh day, is come into Christ the body, the head, the substance, they are come into the rest, the sanctification and the glorification who was glorified with the Father before the world began; where no changing nor shadow nor variableness is, need not have a shadow nor a sign or change, who is come to the body, Christ the substance, now if thou says Christ was a sign: yes, but he ends the sign and shadows, to the unbelievers he was a sign, as the people of God was signs formerly, to such as stood in outward things, so Christ the body the end of the shadow, the head known and felt, him that is Lord of the Sabbath, Christ, which is a mystery; so they that be out of him be out of the life, and dies as they died that went from the Sabbath; so do they that turn from Christ the souls rest and peace and life: and this Sabbath was to be observed in the Jews generation for an everlasting Covenant, and he that did any work upon the Sabbath day was to die the death: now this Covenant which stood in shadows and types Christ came to take away, The End; and he that believes in Christ hath entered into his rest, and ceased from his own works as God did from his. And the Apostle said, the first Covenant was to decay, as in Heb. Pr. Thou saith, Such as obstruct the Gospel-priviledge of God's Sabbath, rectified by the Son, and observed by the Saints. Answ. But did ever Christ or the Apostles give a command to the Jews that they should observe it strictly, as it had been in the Law before the substance was come, the body which was Christ? Nay, you read not where that among them the Apostles preached the Gospel, that they laid any command upon the Saints that they should keep the Jews Sabbath day, but t●ld them they were shadows, and the body was Christ, and said, Let no man judge one another in such things. Now are you not come under the judgement of such things? and so the Lord of the Sabbath that ends the types in him, and in the Saints, and so are come to him who is the substance, the body and head Christ Jesus. Read Colos. 2. And so whereas thou speaks of changing of Laws or Sabbaths, this thou mightest have charged on the Apostles, who told the Saints no where of keeping the Sabbath-day, but told them they were shadows, and told them such as was there was in their will-worships, neglecting the body; for the body and substance was Christ, and such were intruders, and so thou art comprehended to be one of the intruders into those things thou never saw, which will puff up thy fleshly mind, not holding the head and the Lord of the Sabbath. The Son of man is come, and the Saints go not about to blot out the name of the Sabbath; for the pure Sabbath, the sanctified day was a sign and a figure of the pure Christ, the sanctification, by whom the day was made, and which day the people was to rest, and the beasts, which was to be sanctified, the pure day, the pure Christ, who was before the day, was the sanctification in which all the Lords people have rest, who is Lord of the Sabbath, before the day was made, fulfils the type, the shadow, the sign, the body is Christ, the head is held: So you that are running to observe days and times, are them that the Apostle speaks of, that he was afraid of, that his labours he had bestowed in vain, and so gone from the body into the shadow and the sign. Neither do you keep it as you ought to do, and profess a Sabbath; your Horses and your Cattles is doing work, drawing you to your worships; your making fires through your Congregations, your bearing burdens, your gathering your meat on that day as you call your Sabbath. Now to all people you are dissemblers to what you profess, and pretenders to a thing to which you are not faithful; and so by the Law according to your own judgement, to be cut off, and to die as Sabbath-breakers; for they were not to make a fire, gather any meat, bear any burden, Ox or Ass, manservant or maid-servant, or stranger, but was to keep holy the Sabbath of the Lord, if they did, the Law took hold of them; for six days they were to labour, and do all they had to do. Now the Law being received by the disposition of Angels: So now the Law, the first Covenant, the shadows, types, and figures, ye may run into those things from the body, and so neglect the head, and neglect the body, and go into the Signs, and so come into the will-worship, and the worshipping of Angels, intruding yourselves into the things you never saw, neglecting the body to satisfy the flesh, by which your vain minds are puffed up. Now the enemies of the Sabbath are such as neglect the body, the substance, he that's Lord of the Sabbath. Pr. And whereas thou sayest, they had eaten the bread of Christ, and they had turned the heel against Christ. And thou says, the Quakers, some Notionists, and others are against it. Answ. Our rest is in Christ ●he body that ends the shadow, that ends the signs, who is the substance of the shadows and signs, and those Notionists are of thyself, and so the Saints rest is in the substance Christ, the end of the signs and shadows, who was before the sign was, the day was, in him is rest. Here all men rest from their works, and every soul that believes hath entered into his rest, and hath come from shadows, signs, and types into the body Christ that ends them, and holds the head, and out of the will-worship, worshipping of Angels, and satisfying the flesh, for such are blinded as concerning the body, and come to be judged about the days, and they hold not the head; But such as are come to the body and head Christ Jesus, to whom all Angels bow; for they that neglect the body will satisfy the flesh, and live in signs and shadows, and will-worship, and intrude into those things they never saw, and worshipping of Angels, which come to be judged in respect of days, which is but shadows; and such as are in those things satisfy the flesh, and keeps them from the body Christ, and the head holds not; and they that will rest in a shadow after the substance is come, the Son of man, the Lord of the Sabbath, ●ill rest in that which decays, and a false rest. Pr. And whereas thou sayest, A filthy shift of God's Sabbath, to say Christ is the Sabbath. Answ. This Sabbath was rest, and they were to rest on that day, and it was a sign, and given as a sign and shadow, and in the first Covenant; But Christ the second Covenant, the perpetual and everlasting rest, the soul's rest of his people. Come unto me and ye shall have rest; and so he is the end, the substance of the sign and the shadow, who was [as I said before] before the day was, in whom is a rest for the people of God; for the Sabbath being given as a sign, wherein all Strangers, Servants, Beasts, Horses, Oxen, Asses, and all Cattles whatsoever might rest upon the day, it was given forth, sanctified, and given to be a sign, for the whole Creation being burdened, both horse, man, cattles, servants, and all things was burdened, and mankind was oppressed by transgression: So the Sabbath was a sign of rest, yea to the stranger, to all that was within the gates, a figure of the restauration, and the sanctifier Christ Jesus, which destroys Death and the Devil, and the power of Death, and his works, who is the cause and the Author of the burden of the whole Creation, and of mankind. So the rest, the Sabbath was a sign of its rest from their labours, Christ the restorer, and Redeemer, and Deliverer of all the whole Creation, and bringing it to unity and reconciliation again to God, who is the rest both to man and beast; and the Stranger should rest within the gates of the Sabbath, within Christ. And much more is to be said of these things, which this is but a touch of, that which is further in the words, which might be declared. Now as for the ten Commandments, amongst which the Sabbath is spoken, he that covets, he that steals, he that commits adultery and kills, he that sets up graven Images, he that covets his neighbour's house, wife, or goods, or any thing that is his, or commits Adultery, is from that principle of God in his own self; so the Law was added upon him: He that's led with the spirit doth not transgress, nor doth not oppress, nor doth not covet, nor steal, nor bear false witness, and so love fulfils the Law, and his Commandments; And he that believes comes to Christ, the rest, before the day was, by whom they was made; and so Christ telling them what was done in the old time, for following the Oath the Lord, he brings them now not to swear, into himself, the Covenant of God, he brings them to the Covenant of God, the oath of God, and so into himself who is the Restorer, before days was, as I said before: And the Apostle likewise brought them off from Circumcision without, which was an everlasting Covenant, as well as the Sabbath was a sign, he brings them off of that to the Circumcision within, and so to that that answers the power, the life of God which hath been transgressed, where love is felt in the heart, that remains, and so the thing comes inward; for as it is said, he that believes hath entered into his rest. And so Christ came not to break the Law, but to fulfil it every tittle, who is the rest of his people, yea and gives rest to to the Creation, destroys the oppressor of it, and the foundation of the oppressor; and so he was the Lord of the Sabbath that fulfils it, for the Sabbath was in the Law, and Christ is the end of the Law to every one that believes; he that is in Christ before days was, profanes no day, is in his rest, and will give rest to his creatures, will not oppress any thing at all, and comes in the wisdom of God by which they was created, to order and use them to God's glory. And whereas thou says, that Adam being in honour, did not abide a night, and brings Psalm for it, which doth not mention Adam, nor night nor day; And I said before, thou who art in the shadow, art intruding into things thou never saw; for thou never saw where Adam was before he fell, and therefore art corrected and judged. Pr. And thou says and confesses, The Jews Sabbath was given to the Jews for a sign. Answ. The Apostle will tell thee that the body is Christ: If the Sabbath be a sign to the children of Israel, it was a sign of something to them; for the other signs given were signs of something, and so something those signs did signify forth, which thing did end them. Sabbath signifieth rest; for the earth shall enjoy her Sabbaths. Pr. And thou saith, That the inventions of men's hearts have blotted out the remembrance, of the Sabbath day, they first cast it out of Paradise, and shut it out till Moses time. And thou saith, the Sabbath was not at all a type or ceremonial. Answ. What is a shadow is a type, and a shadow and type is ceremonial; when the substance comes it ends, and in him is no shadow, as in james the first, who is the body before the days was; and thou never read that the Sabbath was spoken of from Paradise until Moses, and then it was given unto him for a sign through the generations of the Congregations of the children of Israel, not to gather meat, make a fire, bear burdens: So who comes to Christ the body, the end of the sign, the rest, who was before days was, bears no burdens, gathers not their meat, makes not a fire. Pr. Thou saith, It's an absurd confusion, that we must offer sacrifices if we will keep a Sabbath. Answ. Thou shalt offer sacrifices made by fire of a sweet sacrifice unto the Lord on a Sabbath day, Numb. 28. Now offerings was a shadow of Christ the offering, and the Sabbath was a shadow; and so if ye will observe one, you must observe the other, and so deny the body, the substance Christ, the one Offering, and so that is ceremonial. And thou saith, the Law justified the Disciples, and brings Deut. 23. for plucking the ears of corn upon the Sabbath day, which speaks nothing to the thing, and doth not mention the Sabbath day: And so Christ the end of the Law who comes to fulfil it, who is the Lord of the Sabbath, that the Disciples followed, in whom they had rest, saw over the day and the shadow to Christ the substance, which forbade them not gathering the meat on that day, the Sabbath, the shadow that was the Law; But Christ the end of the Law and shadows, the substance, the Disciples as was in him plucked the ears of corn on that day; and so Christ did not break the Sabbath, but came to fulfil the shadow, and was the substance, who was the end of it, the Lord of it, and therefore might do what he would being the Lord of the Sabbath, what had any to do to question him. Pr. And whereas thou sayest, the cripple carried his bed on the Sabbath day, which the hypocrites speaks against our Saviour for. Answ. The Law says, thou shalt not bear a burden on the Sabbath day. Now Christ the end of the Law, and the end of the shadow that fulfils it, and is rest, often gives rest upon that day: Yet not a breaker of the Sabbath, but a fulfiller, and convinces the gainsayers, with this; Which of you having an Ox or Ass fallen into a ditch, would not pluck him out on that day: And the Circumcision was to be on the eighth day, on which Christ risen, and on which the Saints met in the circumcision of the spirit, in the spirit which circumcises, which puts off the body of sin, which hath laden them in; which spirit they have rest, and are led withal up to God the Father of spirits, and so comes to know the first day and him, before it was made. Pr. And thou says, and brings the Apostles words, Men esteeming one day above another, and another esteeming every day alike. Answ. Now the Apostle here did not lay any burden upon the Saints, or tell the Saints of the Sabbath day, nor burden them concerning it; that, if they did not keep it, they should die, as the Law says, but that every man be fully persuaded in his own mind, and not to judge one another in such cases, but that every man stand or fall to his own master. Now these words were spoken among Saints, who was leading from meats and drinks, and days, to the truth, to the body Christ; and so he judged that judgement as was judging one another about the days, but brought every one to the truth in his own particular, wherewith he should stand or fall to his own Master: For about shadows and signs until they come to see clearly, there's the weakness of the meats, of the days before they come to see him which was before the days was, the Lord of the Sabbath, and the everlasting offering, where ends the judgement, in which they have peace. Pr. Thou saith the Apostle says, Ye observe meats and drinks, and days, and months and years. And thou saith, Will any be so bold as say he doth reproach the Sabbath? Answ. The Apostle doth not t●ll the Galatians that was running into Circumcision and days, that they was to keep the outward Sabbath; for Circumcision was an everlasting Covenant as well as the Sabbath to the Jews, throughout all their generations: So they that draw people to Circumcision without, and to days, they draw them from the body [mark his judgement] and the Apostle was not a reproacher, and was out of the nature of a reproacher. Pr. Thou saith, Let no man judge you in meats and drinks, and in respect of any Feast, new Moons or Sabbaths, which are shadows of things to come, but the body is Christ; But in this bold absurdity some will cast off the Sabbath, the seventh day. Answ. The Apostle says, the body was Christ, and the Sabbath was a sign and a shadow of good things to come: So than this fulfils Moses words, the body is Christ, the Sabbath a sign: So the good things being come, Christ, it ends the shadow, the the sign, that is the substance; and risen on the first day on which the Saints met, and the Apostle doth not call that a Sabbath, nor doth not establish the other Sabbath among the Christians, nor bid them keep it, that ye read of no where; For if that had been observed as it was in the Law time, the seventh, which signifies perfection, the Apostle would have spoken of it some where; for those things that were observable was often spoken in Law and Gospel, and this being no where spoken of, nor to the Saints as that they should keep the seventh day as a Sabbath, for offerings was on that day, and offerings changed; and the offerings being changed, the Law also changed, and the offering cam●, Christ Jesus, and the Law came within, and the Circumcision came within: And Christ the rest, who is the Lord of the Sabbath, and the rest for the people of God; and he that holds up Sabbaths, Offerings, holds up Circumcision and Works, and so keeps people from the body and the head in the signs and shadows, and so the works of the Law, which the Law commands. Pr. And thou saith, Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy works of sin, but the Sabbath day thou shalt not sin, thou nor thy son, thy daughter, thy cattles and stranger within thy gates. To keep thy Son, Daughter, and Stranger from sin, as for the poor Cattles they are not capable of such a rest. Answ. In the six days thou was to do that which was just, and that which the Law commanded, which was justice, and to do to all men as thou wouldst be done to. Not to covet, steal, bear false witness, nor kill; the seventh day was the rest, that signified Christ Jesus the end of the Law, the rest. If any man can receive this, let him. And the Sabbath-day, that all servants, strangers, cattles, son and daughter might rest upon it the seventh day, the sign, the shadow, which Christ the body ends, was a figure, and a sign, and a shadow of the restauration of the Creation to the rest, whereby the Gospel might again be preached to every creature under heaven. This is a touch of the thing, more might be said in it. The Sabbath was everlasting to the state wherein it was, and Circumcision was everlasting to the state wherein it was through their generations, and it was in the first covenant, shadows, types and figures; but the body is Christ that came to do the will of God, which ends them all, and sanctifies man, and brings him to rest and peace with God before days was. Pr. And thou saith, J. E. was instructed in the Old Testament, which is able to make wise unto salvation through faith; therefore be instant in season and out of season. Now the only moral season the Scriptures enjoins us is the seventh-day sabbath, never changed till the little horn arose. And the holy spirit in the Apostles highly approves us in our fulfilling the Royal Law [which as to the season of worship] is none other than the seventh day-sabbath. Answ. They who are made able and wise to salvation, they know the Scriptures through the faith, they see the substance of them Christ Jesus; and they see while Moses was read, the vail was upon their hearts '; for the Sabbath was the sign, type, and circumcision, and this was in Moses, and this was the sign read, the shadow was read, the type was read, and the figure read, the vail over the heart. Now as the seed Christ the body comes to be known, the sign, the shadow, the type is ended, the body is known that doth the will of God, that brings people to the rest. So who knows the Scripture that is able to make wise unto salvation (mark that word) through the faith that is in Christ Jesus they have salvation, which are able to make wise unto salvation that testifies of it; and so Christ the seed, the body takes off the veil of men's hearts, that ends the types, figures, and shadows: And such as come to know the fulfilling of the royal Law according to Scriptures, he comes to the body Christ, in which the Law ends to every one that believes; and so they as be in days, Sabbaths which Moses speaks of, was a sign, and Ezekiel and the Apostle said was a shadow, they be not yet come to the body which is Christ, that was before any days was, who is the sanctification and rest of his people, and who are in him that is the truth, worship's God in the truth and in the spirit which never changes; but shadows, signs of a thing is not the thing that's signed too; for signs and shadows will change, but the spirit and truth doth not change, in that is God worshipped. Pr. And thou saith, It cannot be that horn, except he change your times also, and that he had no time to change but the seventh-day-sabbath, and the Sabbath is perpetual a rule of righteousness. Answ. Christ made all things new, he ends the Law, and brings it in the heart; he ends the Covenant, and changes things as was in the old time, changing circumcision, offerings, Priests, and ends the Sabbath, which was perpetual to the Jews in that generation among the types, as the Covenant was, and Circumcision, and the Law was a rule of righteousness for them; but Christ who is the end of the Law comes to redeem them that are under the Law, and ends their covenant, and ends their shadows, and changes those times, him by whom time was made; and so thou that knows not the time in his hands shows thou art not in the time that are in his hands, and so not of the body of Christ. Pr. And whereas thou saith, No other time but simply the seventh part, must from week to week be devoted to God's worship; for whensoever the seventh part of time is altered, the morality must be destroyed. Answ. They worshipped God that said the body was Christ, and the Sabbath day was a shadow of good things to come, and so they that worship God must worship him in spirit and in truth; and in that which all figures and shadows, and signs doth end in the spirit and truth before they was, and not one day in seven, a signification of rest, sanctification, the Lords sign he gave to the people in transgression. Before transgression ye do not read it was to men given, as a command to the first Adam, but of the earth, earthly; But who comes to the second Adam, the Lord from heaven, he by whom the world was made, comes into that that all types, figures, shadows ends, and so doth not destroy nothing of the Law, but comes to that which ends it. Pr. And thou saves, It's a great stumbling block as to believers in Christ, because Christians violated the Sabbath. Answ. Christ is the body that ends the shadows and the signs, and fulfils the Law, him who was before the world was made, in him are the Christians, the body that ends the shadows and the signs, in whom the vail is come off of their hearts; and so Christ did not break the Law, but fulfilled it, and in him that fulfils it the Saints met, who met together in him, and gathers together in him; Who is the body, they are the members, he is the head, who is the Church, in whom he is in the mids of. Pr. And thou saith, So that to produce the world of wonder, manifest it is that night was the beginning of time. Answ. That's false; the beginning of time was God and Christ, and times and seasons are in his hands, and God is Light, read that who can. Pr. And thou saith, Thou supposest it will not be questioned in Moses time. Answ. This was while Moses was read, while the body was not come, Christ Jesus, that ends the sign, the shadow, the type, and blots out the Ordinances and Commandments that held them up, from which veil the Apostle brought the People to the body Christ Jesus, where no shadow was, nor changing. Now days are changing, but Christ doth not change which is the body: And you that hold up the sign, the shadow, the type, the figure, you hold up the dead, and come not to Christ the life, the body, the Sanctification itself before days was, by whom they was made. Pr. And thou sayest, The unthankful Christian ought to sanctify the Sabbath. Answ. Here thou brings them into days from the body which is Christ, and so brings them into days, and shadows, and types, where the veil is over their hearts, and the false Christian may run into signs and days that be out of Christ's life, and the Apostles; But who be in the life of Christ and the Apostles, that be in the body, out of the signs and shadows, and offers up the spiritual sacrifices, such be in the rest, and have the High Priest, the everlasting Priest Christ. Now if ye have the Sabbath, ye must have the offerings, the Priest to offer, and your Altars, and to offer upon that day; which the Christians that witnessed the body Christ Jesus, the one offering, comes in the volume of the Book to do the will of God, this substance that the shadow and signs, and figures gave forth, ends them all, and brings people to see to the end of the shadow, to Perfection, Christ Jesus. Pr. Thou says, We should not grudge to give God every first day as an addition to God's seventh-day-sabbath. Answ. The Priests call it a Sabbath, and you call it a first day, and you would have a Sabbath besides. Now this is your cover, but the life takes away all your shadows. 'Tis true, the Saints did meet together every first day on the week; And the Saints do so, though they do not say it was a command: And so the Apostles that brought people off their observing of days and times, and told them the body was Christ, and the Sabbath was a shadow of good things to come. Thou mayst say the Apostle was the little Horn that changed times, we find not where he commands the Saints to observe it; but brings people as you may read in the Romans, from the Law, being justified by the Law; for if they keep the Sabbath, they were justified, it not, they were condemned: So Christ the body, the end of types, figures, signs and shadows is the Justification without, the works of the Law, and the Sanctification itself, and sanctifies man to God, and so the Christians not where, as you may read through the Epistles, did observe the days, the shadows that was believers in Christ's that owns the body. Prin. Thou says since the blessed Creator celebrated the seventh day, Man thinks to be wiser than his Maker, in altering and disobeying, pretending spiritual observances; poor worm, dust and ashes, who in expounding his own Law, sums up all in this; be ye therefore perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect, that is in quality not in quantity. Answ. He that is perfect, as his heavenly Father is perfect, is perfect as he is perfect; if thou or any have an ear to hear, let them hear, and lay away thy qualities and quantities, and take, the words as they are, and all that are come into Christ, are come into life from the dust and ashes, and are the spiritual men. But him that talks of celebrating days, and Sabbaths are celebrating signs and shadows, and be in their own works from the body of Christ, and keeping others, and such, if they do not all the works contained in the Law, are accursed. Pr. And thou says Christ confirms the seventh day Sabbath, and assures us it shall continue every jot and title, and Paul says he established the Law, which cannot be ceremonial, therefore let such as slight the seventh day Sabbath, take warning and make sure work that it be not broken, in no point of the Law, which every jot and title is established by Christ, and his Apostles; when the Lord of the Sabbath, and the Saints endeavoured to observe every jot and title of it to the ●●d of the world, and our Redeemer particularly owns the Sabbath, above all other days by his works, and Miracles and great wonders on that day, and God forbidden that Saints should side with evil seducers, and reproach our Saviour for putting on his glory on that day, but rather let that Sabbath be celebrated. Answ, Christ came not to break the Law, the Apostle said the Law was good in its place, and he established it, yet the Apostle says that the Sabbath was shadows and the body was Christ, and he brings them to the Law in the heart, in the mind, and there he established it; and Christ did not come to break one jot, or title of it, but [Mark] to fulfil it, and he said not one jot, or tittle of the Law should be broken until fulfilled: and Christ which is the rest to the Jew, which had the Sabbath day a sign of rest (Christ) the rest give the people rest on that day often, that was bound, that was burdened, or that was wearied of that day, and Christ that did give them rest on that day, and the Apostle which establishes the Law, which was good in its place, neither of them doth bid keep the Sabbath day; he doth not say the Sabbath day must be kept, after him the Apostle no where commands it, but says it was a shadow, and the body was Christ; and so them that came to the body Christ in the days of the Apostles was come to the end of the shadows, in that age in their days, and for example thou may see it, for some did observe a day, and some did not, and they was not to judge one another about those things; and Christ giving rest on that which the people was to rest on, was a figure of the everlasting rest, and of the Restauration: who did the work of God on that day, and gave rest to the burdened on that day; that signifies an inward rest, that Christ was the rest and Lord of the Sabbath, and of rest both to the people of God, and them that celebrate the Sabbath day, must celebrate a sign and live in the shadow, and keep them from the body, and so from the Church which Christ is the head of, and who are celebrating Sabbaths must also bring their offerings, and then they must have the first Priesthood to offer, and deny the body that doth the will of God, the everlasting Priesthood and the one offering, and holds with the first Covenant that must decay, in which those things stood: and deny the everlasting Covenant, and he that blotted out Ordinances, and ends types and shadows: and so Christ is the end of the Law to every one that believes in every jot and title and print in it, and signs and shadows that was held up by the Law, Christ is the end of that; yet the life of the Law, the power remains, though the outward changing shadows and things end, the body is that that ends them all. Pr. Thou says the Sabbath was honoured with the conversion of souls on this day, and the day before did they break bread together. Ans. Was that the Sabbath day that Christ and his Disciples broke bread together on; did the Apostles, and the Saints establish the Sabbath day, when they said it was but a shadow, and brought them to the body which is Christ? Pr. Thou says the Sabbath is mentioned with new Moons, and sacrifices, that the Actions, Baptism, and breaking of bread, are the signs of a Christian Sabbath; its high presumption to alter the word of God, in calling every day the Lords Sabbath; and honouring any other day as the Sabbath. So if we be followers of God as dear children, and take the spirit to be our guide, we must honour the Sabbath withal holy devotion. Answ. The Sabbath is mentioned with new Moons, and sacrifices but the Apostle says they were shadows of good things to come, when this is come, which was before the shadows was, which is the body Christ which was before days, new Moons, or sacrifices was, the body, who be in that ends them all: and to that the Apostle brought people, and not to the days; now there was some brought them to observe days, and he was afraid of them that did observe them, and he brought them to the body Christ, to whom all the Angels did bow, for they as did observe the days, new Moons, and Sabbaths are worshipping of Angels, neglect the body which is Christ, and this was for the satisfying of the flesh, and now what art thou satisfying, which art teaching to observe days, signs and shadows which the Apostle brought people off, to the body and to the head Christ Jesus? and to worship God in spirit, and brought them into that, that ended all shadows; for the devil will lurk in a shadow, or a type, or a sign, or figure, and creeps into those things after the substance is come to keep people from the body, and they will persecute such as will not bend to the shadow and come from the substance; and breaking bread and baptism, is no sign of the Sabbath day, of the Jewish Sabbath day; the Sabbath was a figure of the rest, and sanctification of the Creation, and breaking of bread among the Saints was a figure of the bread Christ, which the Saints eat, and live for ever: and the word of God cannot be altered, and the word of God cannot change, man may alter, but the word of God cannot be altered, but abides and lives for ever. And the Saints which comes to the body Christ, comes to honour him who ends the Sabbath which is a sign, and a shadow, and such honour's God the Redeemer and Creator and Christ by whom all things was created and made, and which are the dear children of God the Apostle speaks of, he did not bring them into days, and to observe Sabbaths, and signs, but brings them to the body Christ the Lord of the Sabbath; and doth not set up that which thou calls devotion; in holding up the Jewish Sabbath, which was a sign, on which they should rest; the rest of the creation, and the rest of all man kind, , and beasts, that God would restore, and redeem all things by Christ who is the word, and gives rest; and is the sanctification, and gives rest to the whole creation. Prin. Thou says, this is the time of God's worship observing the seventh day; Christian look well to thy walkings, see that thou make all things according to the pattern in the mount. Answ. They that whorships God they come into Christ, the truth, the body which ends the sign and the shadow: and the end of Moses who made a pattern which was a figure of that which was to come, and he made it at the command of God, and the Christians are not to make the pattern, which was showed to Moses in the mount, for while Moses is read, the vail is upon the hearts of Christians, and all people whatsoever, and the sign, shadows and figures: the body is not seen, nor come to, which is Christ; And Paul, and the Saints, the true Christians worshipped God in the spirit, and in the truth, who witnessed they was in the body, that ended the shadows, and types, and Moses, the Law, and the Prophets, Christ Jesus him by whom the world was made, before it was made; and a pattern is not the thing, there is the thing the pattern is of, and that ends the pattern and lives in the thing, and they need not have the pattern, for the pattern was made of a thing that was to come. Pr. Thou says if the Apostle of the Gentiles who was the rejecter of the ceremonies, did constantly celebrate the seventh day Sabbath, then much more them Apostles among the Jews, there's not a plainer precept in all the Scripture, than Paul's practice herein, for the seventh day Sabbath: if we tread in the steps of Paul, he was but a man, and sometimes a very angry man, and he strictly requires all believers to follow his example, as he followed Christ, and certainly in observing the Sabbath: and Paul reasoned with the Jews on the Sabbath day; and Christ's custom and Paul's was to go into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day, and was there difference betwixt Christ's preaching and Paul's? and where is the difference between Christ's observing the Sabbath and Paul's? Answ. The Apostle never taught the Christians, Neither Jews nor Gentiles to celebrate the seventh day, nor never mentions it to them to keep it not in all the Epistles: there's not such a thing; but tells them, they were shadows, the body was Christ, and Christ's and the Apostles going into the Synagogues and temple on the Sabbath days, was to fulfil and show the fulfilling of the types, and figures of him, and brings to the substance of the signs, types and shadows, not to hold up days, times, offerings, but to bring them to the body Christ; as Colos. 2. and so Paul and Christ doth not disagree, for he Preached Christ the end of the Law, and the substance, and though Paul went among the Jews and circumcised and did several things, went into the Temple, yet tha● was not to hold up the Temple, or to hold up the offerings, types, and shadows, but to bring them to the substance. And mind, what the anger was, as Paul was in, and Paul followed the substance, and was more than a man, there was more in him then a man; Paul nor the Apostles no where commands the Saints to observe the Jews Sabbath day, though he went into the Jews and consented to many things to the intent to bring them out of them, not to keep them in them, but to bring them to the substance, and that was the end of Paul's going into the Jews Synagogues, and Temple, to bring them out of the shadows, types, and signs, to the substance, and the end of Christ's going thither, was to bring them to the substance of which was typed forth that people might believe in him who was the body, which was before heaven or earth was, who fulfils every jot and tittle of the Law, and to him did the Apostle bring the people, to this body, which types, signs and shadows, signed, shadowed, and typed forth, which the body of them all is Christ; and in thy principles thou art confused; and so who follows the Apostle comes to the body out of the sign, and the types, and figures, and shadows which as every believer follows, comes to the body, and from the observing of signs, and shadows, Sabbath days to Christ the Son, the end of them all. Pr. Thou says fancy is no fuel for a Christian faith. Answ. Fancy and fuel is out of a Christian faith; which thou art in that is got among the signs, types, and shadows in the fancy, and so from the body Christ. Pr. And thou says if the Lord be thy God; thou must observe the seventh day Sabbath. And thou says its Antichrist that persuades to change the day, And thou charges them to do no manner of work on that day; And thou says it is not ceremonial, but was before Jew or ceremony had a being. Answ. The Sabbath was not before Adam was, and the Apostles served the Lord God, that had the Law of God written in their hearts, he was their God, and they his people, which witnessed the end of the first covenant; which stood in ceremonies, and so shadows, and signs are ceremonies, and the Sabbath was spoken of, before ceremonies was, that's true; but not as a command then, but when ceremonies came up in the days of Moses, the Sabbath was given as a sign amongst the other signs, and a shadow amongst the other shadows, and he tells you plainly, if you will believ● him, the body of all is Christ; and this Sabbath, which was before ceremonies wa● given among them that had the ceremonies, a day of rest; for , man and beast, strangers, and servants, which the body of this shadow and sign is the rest, that gives rest to all the Creation, man and beast, stranger and servant, and so rest to the whole creation. And the Apostle was not Antichrist that said the body was Christ, & the Sabbath was shadows, and brought them off of days and off of signs, types and ceremonies, and the first Priesthood, first covenant and offerings, and brought them to the body Christ, that ended them all, and takes off the vail that's upon the hearts of people while Moses was read. Now they be the Antichrists that be setting up signs, shadows, and brings people from the body which is Christ the substance, & are keeping people in the observing of a day in which people should have rest for a day, cattles rest for a day, servants rest for a day, not minding the substance, the body of Christ, who restores the creation into unity as it was in the beginning; and gives rest to man and beast, servant, stranger, and cattles, and is rest to them all. They that are come to the body knows the substance, the end of the Sabbath days work. But then again thou says in thy charge, Ye may not do any work on that day. How is it then that ye make fires through all your congregations? How is it you keep Markets on the Sabbath day, which God commanded? How is it that Ox and Horse bear burdens on that day, and you both? How is it that you gather sticks and make fires on that day, and gather your meat on that day, in which meat was not to be gathered on that day, and he that gathered sticks was stoned to death? And how is it that ye profess a day, and do not observe it according to the day, are ye not all hypocrites in this, professing that as ye do not practise? for by th● Law ye should be stoned to death, ye should die all. And how is it that you Professors likewise, that professes the first day to be the Sabbath, and yet will not go to your worships, abundance of you, except you be drawn with horses? Why pollute you the Sabbath day? ye are all polluters according to your own words: And why gather ye your meat, and make fires on that day? Keep it according to the Law, & be not dissemblers and mockers of God and man. If ye will keep a Sabbath, go according to Scripture and the law of God. And the poor creatures must bear a burden to lug you to your worships; and yet if a poor man be found but carrying a loaf of bread, or a burden of sticks to make him a fire, he shall it may be fined for it. Now by the Law of God he should be stoned to death, and your horses should do no work on that day; And you will fine some for going to a Meeting of the Lords people, yet you must have your Horses and Coaches, and Coachmen, and put them to labour to draw you to your worships, and so here is your confusion. And so are judging one another in days, which was not the Saints work, Nor the Apostles, who witnessed the body was Christ, and met together in him who was the end of days. Prin. Whereas thou sayest, The Sabbath is perpetual, and fenced above all other Laws. Answ. If it had been perpetual; the Apostle would not have said it was a sign, and the body was Christ; but the Jews that had the types, to them it was perpetual, it was highly to be observed; but Christ that ends the Law, ends that, and the things that's in the Law, the shadow and sign that's in the Law, who was the body of it. Pr. The Jews received the lively Oracles from Mount-Sinai. Whether was it given us to be broken or kept, slighted or observed? If to be kept and observed, than we must either deny the seventh-day-sabbath to be one of Mount-Sinais lively Oracles, or deny Stephen's Doctrine delivered to the Jews. We must sanctify this lively Oracle of the seventh-day-sabbath. Answ. Stephen he preaches Christ the end of the Law, types, figures, and shadows, the substance, and shown the Jews that they had not kept the Law, in which was the shadows of Christ, and so Christ is the end of the Law, and the Signs, and the Similitudes, and the Days. And Stephen saw the end; Hagar or Sinai is a Mount in Arabia, and answers to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children: Now read where you all are; But Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all [now mark] us all, who are come to the body Christ the end of the signs, shadows, and figures. Jerusalem below had types, had figures, had shadows, had signs, when that resteth that is in bondage: Hagar with her children, and here you may come to know the Allegory of these two Covenants; and so who is come to the Son, to the body, is come to the end of all shadows, and before any shadows was. And Stephen held not up the shadows, but preached Christ the end of them, only he judged the Jews that had not kept it, which Christ is the end of it to every one that believes. And Stephen was a believer, and they accused him for speaking against the Law and Moses, who witnessed the end of it. Pr. Thou saith, There is a conceit, that the Disciples in assembling on the first day, did celebrate the Sabbath: And they were so far from believing as Christ was risen, that it seemed to them as idle tales. The first day was finished before they believed, and so they could not have faith to do any such thing. Answ. The Scriptures speaks no such thing, and tells us no such conceit, that the Disciples did celebrate the first day to be the Sabbath; but this is thine and your imaginations got up among you that owns not the body Christ, that ends all signs, types, and shadows. Christ, who was before days was, and who lives in him doth not celebrate days. Pr. Thou saith, John intends a single day, it's much like it was the Sabbath day; and he speaks of the Lords day, judgement-day, and this he calls the day, and this day he must show unto John in the vision. The ancient Christians who call it the Lords day, did never term it the Sabbath; But religiously celebrated the 7th. day with it. Answ. john doth not call it the Sabbath-day, nor the Christians did not celebrate the Sabbath with it, but said the old was signs and shadows, the body of them was Christ; But since the days of the Apostles and the Apostasy, ye have wanted the body Christ, and ye have fell into the days; for Christ saw those as should come up, and draw people into the days. And the day of the Lord is light, and in the day of the Lord was john. Pr. Thou saith, Old things are passed away, and all things are become new. Answ. Then the Sabbath was a thing, and it must pass away; and it was a rest, and must have a new rest: and the Sabbath was in the old time given as a sign, and a command, and given by God to be kept since the Fall. Pr. Thou saith, There remains therefore the celebrating the Sabbath to the people of God. Answ. But the Scripture, the New Testament doth not say so. The Apostle says, there remains therefore a rest for the people of God, such as come off the signs to Christ the body, the soul's rest, there remains in him a rest for the people: And such as celebrate the Sabbath, rest in the shadow, and doth not come to the body Christ, and such are not the Believers that do enter into the rest Christ: And such as rest in the sign and shadow, and there remains, celebrating the Sabbath, come not into the body Christ the rest of God's people. Pr. Thou says, Christ rested, or ceased from his great work, and entered into his rest, and this is laid down as a Gospel-reason why the Sabbath remains to the people of God. And he lays the Believer under a double engagement to sanctify the seventh-day-sabbath. Answ. Christ speaks no such thing, nor the Apostles neither, that they should sanctify the seventh day, he speaks no such thing to the believers; But the Apostle brings them off of the shadows, off the signs, and shows them the body of all, and he doth not mention a double engagement; and the Sabbath the Jews was to rest on, which was death if not kept, was a figure of the redemption, Christ jesus the rest, who was put to death on the sixth day. Man was made on the sixth day, and he was put to death on the sixth day, and he was crucified through the means of them that had the shadows, the outward day, the outward rest, from which day they should have come, from the signs and shadows, to the body Christ, who was the rest and restauration of the Creation. Pr. And thou saith, To hold forth the passage over of that rest which prevented the women of the application of their spices, that was the Sabbath, and I am satisfied the seventh day is the Sabbath day. Answ. Now though the women did rest on the Sabbath-day, and came with their Spices on the first day, there was many of them did question whether this was the man that should redeem Israel, and so that's no ground at all to hold up the Jews types and shadows, for Peter denied him, therefore that's no ground; But what did they do after the Holy Ghost was come to endue them with power from on high? And what says Paul, he brings them off from the signs and shadows to Christ the body, though there's much more to be said to this; for while the questioning stands, the questioning part doth pertain to the shadow and types, which the body ends, and with that is felt and seen, there's no changing, nor shadow, nor variableness, nor altering, and that overthrows the questioner, unbeliever, stumbler: The great stumbler was the Jews thats resting in the shadows, types and signs, they stood against the body Christ Jesus. Pr. Whereas thou saith, The seventh-day-sabbath is one of the lively Oracles Israel received from Sinai, given to us. O Christian! Remember it, and love it, in thy bosom. A. Here thou wouldst bring the Children from her Mother above, which is Jerusalem, to Jerusalem below, and Sinai, and so to Hagar into the shadow, and the Christians witnessed the end of the shadows and Sabbaths, and witnessed the body Christ Jesus and jerusalem that's above, and come to Christ the end of the Law, and into God by him, from whence the Law came, and so Christians cannot put signs in their bosoms, no type, shadow or figure in their bosom, that have Christ within them, and cannot touch the Doctrine, Commandments, Ordinances of men, which have a show of wisdom in the Will-worship; and that which the Jew, the outward Jew, had types, shadows and figures; the Jew inward witnessed the substance, which is the true Christian, the Law in their hearts, and circumcision there, and the end of the Law comes into, and enters into the rest Christ Jesus, that is not an outward seventh day; but entered into his rest, ceased from his works as God did from his; which man enters into his rest, and ceased from their own works, the type, the figure, the seventh-day-Sabbath: Do no work, thou nor strangers, nor the Cattles, and so the Sabbath was a rest from all: This was a type, and God gave them the Sabbath for a sign, who hath ceased from his own works, enters into his rest, a figure of the restauration of the creation (of Christ) the rest, the Restorer, Redeemer, and Saviour that brings peace on earth; And so they that believe hath entered into him, into the rest Christ, the rest to all wearied souls, and helps all creatures upon the earth, man and beast, and destroys the cause of all oppression, and so many is come from Hagar: And though the seventh day the Law was a rule among the Jews a true type, yet the Apostle that preaches Christ the end of the Law, brings people to the body, Christ. Pr. Thou saith, Circumcision nor Uncircumcision, but keeping the commands of God (viz.) of sanctifying GOD'S Sabbath. And thou saith, The seventh Angel sounded forth the Ancient of glory, the Lords Sabbath, swearing that time should be no longer. Answ. Circumcision was a command of God, and so was the Sabbath, and they that love God, keep his Commandments. And did not the Apostle bring people off of circumcision, and off of the signs and shadows, the Sabbath days, and told them the body was Christ? And was not Offerings and Sacrifices the commands of God? Now they that love God, keep his commands, and those are believers that have passed from death to life, and hath come to the end of the Law and the Prophets. And the Angel in the Revelations, makes no mention of a Sabbath there; but many are come to witness him to whom the Angels must bow down to, and saw the end of time, and the beginning of time, and the supper of the Lord, and the Rest, and the Temple of God with them, and heavenly Jerusalem come down from above. Pr. Thou sayest, It cannot be but God's people must bethink themselves of this Doctrine delivered by Stephen to the sanctification of the Lord of the Sabbath. Answ. Stephen no where mentions the Sabbath day in his Examination, though he judged the Jews for not keeping the Law which they had received, but persecuted the Just one: so he preached the substance, Christ, the end of the Law, and said they had not kept the Law, but turned against the Just, and persecuted him; he did not establish the Jews in their Ceremonies, signs and types; But Stephen brings them to the substance, and so God that gave forth the Law with types and figures, and shadows in it to the weak capacity of people in their transgression, sent his Son to redeem them from it, and to end the types, figures and shadows in the first Covenant, who is in the new and living way; which is no changing and shadows, no variableness nor altering, no turning. Pr. And thou says, Sin is double on the Sabbath-day. And thou saith, I conceive a Sabbath day's journey is so fare as a person may ride to go without toil to a meeting: So where there's no law, there's no transgression, and the extent is left to the conscience. Answ. How now, must the Beast bear a burden? Where doth the Scripture say that thou was to ride upon the Sabbath day? Do the Beasts work then? He says, Thou shalt do no manner of work: But six days shalt thou labour, and do all thou hast to do. And you that make Sabbaths, and set the up old Sabbaths, and do not keep it according to the Law of God, with the Law of God are you judged and condemned, if ye do not fulfil it in every point; and they that believe Christ is the end of the Law, to them he is the body, which is the end of the shadow. Pr. Thou says, That the Jews that were not to make a fire on the Sabbath day, this was mentioned of the Ceremonial Law, and so concerns not Christians, and so not in danger of stoning. The revealed will of God, that we should not turn our foot to the defiling the Sabbath. When the six days is done, be sure thou do not turn thy foot to pollute the Sabbath. A. And dost not thee confound thyself in this, and turn thy foot to pollute it, and says, it is the Ceremonial Law that commands it? and they that gathered sticks and made a fire were stoned to death: Did not they pollute it? And doth not thou say it doth not concern the Christians, & they was not in danger of stoning? And so hast not thou taught them to break the Law and the Sabbath both, and pollute it, and so hath overthrown all thy doctrine in thy Book, and confounded thyself? And doth not he that goes out and gathers sticks and makes a fire, turn his foot from the Sabbath? For he that went out to gather sticks, broke the Sabbath day, and was cursed, and stoned to death: For no fire, no me●t, no burdens was to be borne on that day of rest, a figure of the everlasting rest, wherein no meat is gathered, no fire is made; no burden is born, and there is no turning the foot, but all walking in rest and peace, and so I find thee neither in Law nor Gospel. Pr. Thou sayest, But to be sure, the Law was made for Christ's Disciples. Whosoever boasts of a Light within, and speaks against this Law of the Sabbath, hath no light in him. And thou saith, Quakers will not admit of this Royal Law as a rule of righteousness, but perverts the Scriptures, which says, The Law was not made for a righteous man. Answ. The Disciples of Christ, the Law was not made for them that came to witness Christ the end of the Law; for they said plainly, the Law was not made for the righteous: And Christ is the end of the Law to them that believe for righteousness sake. And the Quakers witness Christ the end of the Law, for their rule of righteousness, and do not pervert the Scriptures but are the believers in him who ends the Law, and before it was, and is the body which ends types, shadows and figures, and they that draw people under the Law, and the types, and shadows, and figures from the light within, doth not know Law nor Gospel; for the Law is light, and the Gospel is the power of God, and such as witness Christ the end of the Law, witness the end of the Sabbath. Pr. Thou says among all God's Laws, none sets the soul more at liberty then the fourth lively Oracle. Answ. And yet thou says men may make a fire, and not be stoned, and so thou teaches to break it, and thy Horse may bear a burden, and so dost not thou pollute it here, and destroy thy own soul by thy own Judgement, but I tell thee; Christ is the Bishop of the soul, who ends the Law, and brings the Law within, into the mind, and heart, so now the soul being subject to the Higher power; the power by which all the changeable things is held up by: that power remains when all the changeable fails, and decays and ends, and the soul witnesss that, and the body of Christ the power stands. Pr. The Sabbath was intended to righteous Stephen and all his followers, and is designed to all persons, to whom the Supper is joined; the Sabbath is a precept, ancient and universal both for Adam a public person, and for all his posterity, but none can sanctify the Sabbath saving Christ's disciples. Answ. Stephen suffered death for witnessing against the shadows and witnessing the substance, and the Apostle no where joins the Sabbath, with the Supper, but Stephen saw Christ the body in whom was the rest, in whom he entered, and the Saints that come to sup with the Lord, and is supping with him, comes into the body which is the end of all types, and shadows and signs, which are Sabbaths, and hath seen them flee away, and are come to the beginning, before the world was made, him who was before signs, shadows and types was. The Sabbath was not given to Adam in the beginning who had the dominion over all creatures living, but given to Adam's posterity in the fall a sign, when they came to receive the Law of God; the types, and shadows and figures, which they was to rest on, a sign of rest. But when Christ came, who gives rest to the day from the inward burden that men were bound; the Apostle that Preached him who was the body, Preached the end of the shadows, types, and figures, that took off the nature, which caused the oppression and transgression, and so the Disciples which was in the rest Christ, in the body they was in the sanctification, and the Apostle no where speaks that the Disciples did sanctify the seventh day and bid people do it, but thou dost not sanctify the seventh day, that bids people make a fire, and so art a breaker of it, and Preaches up that people should break that, which thou affirms should be kept holy. Pr. Thou says there's already many signs of displeasure upon Sabbath breakers, against the Oracle of God: labouring wtih all their might against it, in the Birth upon Quakers: yea, the Galileans were great sinners, but I tell thee except you repent ye shall all likewise perish; and thou compares them to the sow wallowing in the mire that goes from the Sabbath of the Lord. Ans. This thou mightest turn upon the Apostles who brought the people off from types, figures; signs and shadows: to the body Christ, and to the end of the Law, and told them all things must become new, [Mark] all things become new, what, wouldst hold up any old thing, what a new Sabbath then? and hath the Quakers been persecuted as thou calls examples and signs for witnessing the body Christ is he persecuted? They go in the wallowing mire like swine, and like the Prodigal feeding upon the husk, as goes into the signs and shadows, and from the body Christ the life the substance, and comes not to the rest the body and holds not the head, and so they satisfy the flesh, and runs into the mire and wallows there, and are satisfying it, and such are the intruders worshipping Angels; will worshippers, without the body. Pr. Thou says the seventh day is a perpetual royal rest established by precept and precedent: for God's praise and Saints privilege, the unchangeableness of the seventh day Sabbath. Ans. It was so to the Jews in their generation; perpetual to them in the generation where they was and so was circumcision, and so was the offerings; but Christ by whom the world was made, came to end the offerings, who is the rest to weary souls and takes of all burdens, is the everlasting rest, and restores the creation and ends the Jewish signs: given as a sign and shadow of the body, Christ, him by whom the world was made before it was made, and so he changes the covenant and Priesthood, ends the Law, ends the shadows; the body Christ, who believes in him are entered into his rest, and there's the Saint's privilege. Pr. Thou says when will the the new Moons be gone that we may sell corn, and the Sabbath day that we may set forth wheat. All the Discipline of the Gospel calls for self-denial: as this weekly duty of the holy Sabbath; The Christian complains for want of spiritual enjoyments with Christ and acquaintance with Christ, the Sabbath opens the door of the Holy of Holies, and is as a spring of the spiritual joys. Ans. In the time of the Law and Prophets they was crying up new Moons, and Sabbaths which were shadows, types, and signs: But the Saints denied themselves and was come to the body, and did not set up weekly duties of the Holy Sabbath, but said they were shadows and came to see the end of Sabbaths, and new Moons, and witnessed the body Christ; before the day was made in whom is the rest: and the Christian complaining for want of spiritual enjoyments and acquaintance with Christ; are such that is among thee; that is in the shadows; and come not to the body Christ in whom there's Communion and life, for the body is the light of the world: the body is the life given for the life of the world in whom there is rest, yea to them that had the true Sabbath, which was the sign which they was to rest on: a sign, a shadow is of something that is to come, therefore the sign and shadow is not the thing; and they that lives upon the sign, and shadow and cries up them, keeps from the door of Holies where all the springs of Spiritual Joys are in, which all the signs and shadows and types, and figures ended in Christ before they was; in Christ by whom the world was made, before shadows and types was. And a great deal more confusion is there in thy book not worthy mentioning, but will fall into the mire, and the dirt with thyself, therefore now thou hast time prise it, and give over deceiving the people; for thou art wallowing in the mire thou speaks of, and would bring people thither into the shadows from Christ the body, the substance and Life. John Burton and John Bunian, calls themselves Ministers of the Gospel in their Book called, Some Gospel truths opened. Their Principles are as Followeth. Pr. THey say, To witness Christ manifest in our flesh, is to deny Christ come in the flesh, and saith, that Christ saith he shall be absent from his Apostles touching his body. Ans. Contrary to Christ who said that they might eat his flesh, and contrary to the Apostle who said that they were of his flesh and bone, so they do not divide the word aright, and to witness Christ within, is not to deny him come in the flesh, but to witness him, and such are not absent from him. Pr. And they say, Others have been depending upon something that they call the righteousness of Christ within, and Christ within them; and this they say is opposite to Christ without, and this they call the spirit of the Devil. Ans. Which is not agreeable to the Apostles doctrine, but contrary to the Apostle, who said, he was manifest in his flesh to condemn sin in the flesh, that he through him might become the righteousness of God, and this is not opposite to Christ that died at Jerusalem; but it is the same that's manifest, and not the spirit of the Devil, but that which destroys him; For the Devil and Reprobates may talk of him without, but the Apostle said, that Jesus Christ was in them (that's the Emanuel, God with us) except they be reprobates, and none knows righteousness but within. Pr. And they say, This is one of the Devil's lies, to deceive, to bid people follow the light. Answ. That's contrary to the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles, who bids them walk in the light; and Christ, who bids them believe in the light. And I will give him for a Covenant of light, a leader of the people. And Christ said, I am the light, he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life: And that's the Devil and the Liar that leads people from the Light, for he abode not in it. Pr. They say, Faith is not perfect in respect of its degree and measure in us. Answ. The faith of God is the gift of God, and it is perfect in us in its measure and degree, though thy measure and degree is not perfect; and here thou hast tried thy faith and thy gift which is not perfect, for the gift of God is perfect. Pr. And yet they say, The work of this faith is for purifying and justifying, and not perfect in the degree and measure of it in us. Answ. Can an unperfect thing purify and justify? And doth not the Scripture speak of one Faith that gives victory? And doth not the Apostle say, that faith abides? And can that abide which is not perfect? And Christ saith, He that hath faith as a grain of mustardseed shall remove mountains, and is not that perfect? Now here all men may see if you who call yourselves Ministers divide the word aright. We say, faith is perfect in the least measure and degree, the righteousness of faith, Rom. 10. And it is that with which men please God, which faith works by love, and so brings off the works of the Law by which faith men are justified, which is in the heart. Pr. They say, It's a manifestation of the deluding of poor souls to hold forth a crucified Christ within, risen within, ascended within, and Scriptures within, and saith, this is a new Gospel. Answ. If Christ that's crucified be not within, and Christ that's risen be not within, I say that you all are Reprobates; and if the Scripture be not within, which was spoken forth from within, you all want the spirit that gave it forth, and Christ the substance of it; and you have not eaten his flesh, neither are you of his bone, and this is not opposite to Jesus Christ without, that died at Jerusalem, but the same; for who eats his flesh has it within them, and this is not a new Gospel. Pr. And they say, False Christ's hath a new false faith to apprehend this crucified Christ within. Answ. Which is contrary to the faith of the Apostles which preached Christ that's crucified within, and not another, him that was raised up from the dead, was risen, that Lord Jesus Chr●●● within, the same yesterday, to day, and for ever, by whom the world was made, glorified with the Father before the world began. It was he that was manifest in the Sa●nts that was, and is, and not another, for the other is the Antichrist. Pr. And they say; It is a Scripture of the Devils making to apprehend this crucified Christ within. Answ. Now I say, if there be any other Christ but he that was crucified within, he is the false Christ, and the Scripture holds forth this, and the Devil never made it, but he and his messengers are against it; And he that hath not this Christ that was risen and crucified within is a Reprobate, though Devils and Reprobates may make a talk of him without. Pr. They say, The light of revelation renders God's Christ odious. Answ. None knows the Son of God but by revelation, and with the Light, and they are them that renders Christ odious that be out of the light, of revelation of the Son, as the Pharisees did, as now the Beast and false Prophets doth, in making war against the Saints in light, and the Lamb; but the Lamb and the Saints shall get the victory, glory to the highest: They that walk in the light are not opposite to Christ, but to the Beast and the false Prophets, but are in unity with the Son, and with the Father. Pr. And they say, What a sad doctrine is that which saith, follow the light with which Christ hath enlightened all which cometh into the world. A. This is contrary to the Apostles doctrine; which was to go into all Nations to turn people from darkness to light, and preach the new Covenant to Jews and Gentiles, the salvation to the ends of the earth, a leader of the people; and contrary to the Apostles doctrine, which bid the Saints walk in the light, and they should have fellowship one with another, and so not sad, but fellowship; but thou and you that are Apostates are from this light gone, and that which doth make manifest is light, and with it are you that are apostates from it, seen, and so follows not the light that every one is enlightened with that comes into the world, and so be out of unity one with another, and fellowship with the Son, and with the Father, and be out of his covenant, all on heaps in the apostasy, that walks not in the light, but calls it a sad doctrine, to bid others to follow it. Ye children of the light, ye are the light of the world, let your light shine before men, that they may glorify your Father which is in heaven, like lamps burning; for ye are as a City set on a hill that cannot be hid. And Christ saith, he that followeth the light shall not walk in darkness. Pr. They say, It is a rendering of the Scriptures odious, and Law, by telling of the Scripture within, which Christ never taught, nor his Disciples; but God hath given them up to a reprobate mind. Answ. Was not all the Scriptures from the spirit within? and was it not there before it came out? And must not all upon the earth have the spirit within that gave it forth, before they can understand the Scripture without, given forth from the spirit of God within others? And was not the Apostles and Christ's preaching of the Scripture within, the Law in the heart, and the Word in the heart. And the Kingdom within, and the spirit within leading into all truth, the spirit of the Father speaking in you, and Christ within? and is not this extolling Scripture of truth? and are not all they reprobates that have Scripture without, and not within? Pr. And they say, But this is the Devil's design by pretending that people may attain a more excellent way, following what is made known to them from the Light within them. A. I never read such a Doctrine that the Devil taught, that any should follow that which the light made known within them, and I know he did not; for he is out of the light, and that which it makes known within; for the light which shines within makes known the glory of God in the face of jesus Christ, whereby men come to be changed from glory to glory, till they come into the image of God, and this the light makes known within, 2 Cor. 4. Pr. And they say, God hath a Christ distinct from all other things whatsoever, whether they be spirits or bodies. Answ. God's Christ is not distinct from his Saints, nor his bodies, for he is within them; nor distinct from their spirits, for their spirits witness him: And God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, who is the head of every creature. And there is not any creature but its manifest in his sight; and he is in the Saints, and they eat his flesh, and sit with him in heavenly places. Pr. They say, They are deceived that think to obtain salvation by the conviction of the Law which they call Christ, page 37. & 39 Ans. Christ is the end of the Law, and who follow him are not deceived, but comes to witness the Law of life, and him revealed in them; and they are deceived that calls the Law without by Christ, that doth convict, and gives it that name; But who follows Christ the end of the Law hath the righteousness of God revealed in them from saith to faith, which the just lives by, and Christ revealed in them, as the Apostle witnessed whereby they have eternal life Pr. And they say the Quakers would obtain salvation by the obedience of Christ the Law which gives the knowledge of sin. Answ. The Quakers obedience is Christ God's righteousness the end of the Law, which makes them free from the Law of sin and death: Christ the seed, the second Adam. Pr. They say, Now every man that cometh into the world receives a light from Christ, as he is God which light is conscience, and this will show a man that there is a God, and discover the eternal God which some falsely calls Christ. Answ. Christ saith I am the light of the world, and doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; as saith John, and doth not say that (its conscience for the light was before conscience was; which shows thy ignorance; Not knowing what conscience is) for conscience was since the world: but light was before the world was made, and he that evil doth, hates the light; and so conscience is seared, and so light condemns, and the light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened with, is God's Covenant to Jews and Gentiles, and salvation to the ends of the earth, so you have given Christ a new name, that calls him conscience: contrary to Scripture, and is conscience eternal that may be seared: and will that show that which is eternal? will conscience blot out sin and transgression (Christ will) God's Covenant that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which light believing in it, they serve Christ the Author of their faith which faith is a mystery held in a pure conscience. Pr. And they say that every man hath not the spirit of Christ, and he brings Judas to prove it. Answ. That proves that they had it, but went from it, and the spirit that leads the disciples reproves the world. Pr. John Burton saith John Bunian is furnished with spiritual gifts, which gifts the Ministers of Christ must have whether learned or unlearned; as to humane, and John Bunians preaching he saith is not by humane art; yet he saith, Christ is humane. Ans. The Scripture hath ne●ther taught John Burton nor John Bunian this Language, To say this knowledge is not humane, and yet to affirm Christ is humane is to say thy knowledge is not from Christ, but we shall try his gifts whether they be from God, and whether or no he divides the word aright, and whether they be agreeable to the Scripture, which fills up his book with mentioning the word humane twenty times over, which humane is from the earth, to say Christ is humane thy knowledge is from the ground earthy, and he hath no Scripture for it, he saith that the soul is immortal. Pr. And he saith it is the Devil to keep people to live and die in their sins, and he that cries free grace through the death of the man Christ Jesus; that sinners doth attain to eternal life, and deny his own righteousness, this he saith is a notion, and saith he is empty of sanctified grace. Answ. The grace that comes from Christ it seasons the heart and the words are sanctified, and this is not a notion, but all be in the notion that speak of the thing, and be out of the grace and salvation, and you that believe people must have sin, whilst they are upon the earth, are them that keeps people in their sins, and so hath judged thyself to be the Minister of sin, as thou mayst read the fruits in thy own book. Pr. John Bunian saith he that confesseth Christ come in the flesh, and was crucified, taken from the Cross and risen, he that believes this is not Antichrist. Answ. The Pope and all the profane people in Christendom called Christians will confess this in the form without them, and they that denies the power, for Christ is the power of God; and that I say is Antichrist, he that hath not Christ in him is a reprobate, and so would make thyself, and all Professors, the Pope and all hirelings not to be Antichrist, and are all on heaps one amongst another: that's a mark of Antichrist: though they may have all in the form, Christ and the Prophet's words: which denies the power, yet confess Christ without; he that denies the power, denies Christ, and so he is Antichrist who denies the light which Christ hath enlightened him withal. Prin. Man at his coming into the world he hath conscience, but he hath not the spirit of Christ. Answ. Man at his coming into the world hath a light from Christ, him by whom the world was made, which is more than conscience, but he that hates the light abids in darkness, and so is not like to receive the spirit, but is reproved with it. Pr. They say them that are carried away by the convictions of conscience are misinformed by the devil. Answ: This light that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, which he calls conscience, teaching and misinforming by the devil, is the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that through it they might believe (and is not conscience) and he that believes hath the witness in himself, and that all might hear the Son and confess him to the glory of God; and therefore are enlightened who was glorified with the Father before the world began; and Christ bids them believe in the light, which believing in, hath the light of life, but he that believes not is condemned already; and them that hate the light are them that are informed by the devil. Pr. Now they say he converts a new birth, persuading them it is wrought by following the light, and this he says is like Baal's Priests. Answ. That's contrary to Christ who saith I am the light, and he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness: but shall have the light of life; he that believes in the light shall become a child of the light, and this is far above Baal's Priests, and all that hates it, hates Christ, and these are Baal's Priests that hate the light. Pr. And they say that the spirit of Christ convinceth of sin, and yet they say all hath it not, and yet it shall convince and reprove the world. Answ. Now it's one thing to be reproved, and another thing to receive that which doth reprove, for the believer in the light is led with the spirit of truth into all truth, and he that believes not in the Light, is with the spirit of truth reproved. Pr. They say for one to be convinced of his sins against the Law, and have some power against them; these they call miserable blind Pharisees. Ans. Them that was blind Pharisees transgressed the Law of God, lived out of the power, and that which convinced of the transgression of the Law: so they said and did not, and woe was pronounced against them, and so judgement came to be neglected, and the doers of the Law was justified and not called blind Pharisees; and that was in (its) place, but Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness sake to them that believes, and those was not called blind Pharisees which followed that which shown them the transgression of the Law; for those was the doers. Pr. They say the spirit shall convince all men and women sufficiently of that righteousness which Christ fulfilled. Ans. That which doth convince of righteousness, all men and women as thou confesses, if they believe in the light, which Christ hath enlightened them withal, it will lead them from their own righteousness, and be their teacher, and come to be taught of God. Pr. They say the light convinceth of sin against the Law, but will not show a soul a Saviour or a deliverer. Answ. That's contrary to the Apostle, who saith the light that shined in their hearts will give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, who is the Saviour, and he shall be my salvation to the ends of the earth, covenant to Jews and Gentiles. Pr. They say the light will not show a man his lost condition, righteousness, blood, death, resurrection and intercession of Jesus Christ. Answ. There's nothing makes manifest but light; Nor none knows the blood, death, righteousness, and resurrection of Jesus Christ but with the light which comes from Jesus Christ who hath enlightened, every man that cometh into the world, and that's it shall give all men assurance that he is raised from the dead; the light of the body is the eye, that lets see salvation. Pr. They say Christ went away into heaven, from his Disciples and so not within them. Answ. Did not he say he would come again to them, did he not say he was in them, I in you: and did not the Apostle say Christ was in them, except they were reprobates, the hope of glory; was not he revealed in the Apostle and so in him, and did not the Apostle Preach Christ within, and you Preach Christ with out? Prin. They say that those believers that are in the body now at this day are absent from the Lord. Answ. Doth not the Apostle say that Christ is in them except they be reprobates, and he is in them the hope of glory, and they have fellowship with God, and God will dwell in them, and walk in them, and he that believes, believes in him, in Christ, so not absent Pr. And they say he is absent from them, as touching his flesh. Answ. Doth not the Apostle say that they are of his flesh, and of his bone, and he that eats not his flesh, hath no life in him, and they fit in heavenly places with him, and he that eats his flesh hath it within him. Pr. They say that there is not any heaven within, into which the man Christ is ascended; for can any man contain a man four foot long? Answ. Christ is a mystery and is not he to be revealed within, who is a mystery, he who did ascend to be revealed, and made manifest in his Saints, in flesh and spirit, that did descend, which is now manifested, that the world wonders at, that is ascended far above the heavens, who is the Saints life, living bread, and drink, and where ever used the Ministers of Christ any such expressions, as thou doth, which shows that Christ is yet to thee a mystery? Prin. They say, Stars falling from heaven is professors falling from the faith to the earth. Answ. This is fulfilled upon you all who have given Judgement upon yourselves, and so from the faith in which is the unity, in which men please God and hath victory over the world, and this you may read since the days of the Apostle who are fallen all down into the earth for money, and stipends. Pr. They say that God hath given assurance to all men, and commands all to repent every where, in that he will Judge the world in righteousness by the man Christ Jesus. Answ. That every man that cometh into the world is enlightened by Christ the light of the world, him by whom it was made, who will give them a reward according to their works that denies his Light and are found in the works of da●kness. ●r. They say, That the end of Christ's coming is, that the people of God should shine as the sun, and the cause that hinders them for shining is the body of death. Answ. The righteous and the Saints comes to witness the body of sin put off, and thanks God who hath given them victory, and comes into the second Adam, the Lord from heaven, out of the first Adam, where the shining state is witnessed, the holy mount of God, the city that cannot be hid. Pr. They say, If a man's obedience flow not from the faith, it is but sin in the sight of the great God. Ans. And yet they say, faith is not perfect in the measure and degree. Pr. And they say, Four times that Christ ascended away from his Disciples, and was not in them. Ans. And Christ said, I in you, & you in me; and he would come and dwell in them, and make his abode with them, which the Apostles came to witness, and sat with him in heavenly places. Pr. They say, that the man Christ that was crucified, his body is now in the presence of his Father, absent from his people, as touching his bodily presence. Answ. Doth not the Apostle say he is the head of the Church? And doth not the Apostle say, they are of his flesh and bone, and sit with him in heavenly places with Christ. And Christ saith, they must eat his flesh, and he is in them. Pr. And they say, that Christ is absent from the Saints in the world, its clear. Answ. When the Apostle saith, Christ was in the Saints; and Christ in you the hope of glory. And the Apostle saith, he hath revealed the Son in him: And he that hath not the Son of God hath not life: And after the same Christ which was crucified and risen, came to be manifest in his Saints, and not another. And so the Saints come to feed upon his flesh, and drink his blood which is their life, which body Christ gives for the the life of the world, and which blood appeaseth the wrath of the Almighty. And as for the rest of John Burton, and John Bunians lies and slanders, they are not worth mentioning, but the Scriptures are owned. And john, art thou finding fault, because men wears no hatbands, and eats and drinks bread and water, and casts by their pride? Now thou mayst see who thou hast taken part with, and who is the scoffer, and showeth thyself, and who is thy Master, short of all good: And as for all your bad names, and misconstruing of Scriptures, it will come upon yourselves; and thou hast showed in all thy Book that thou art not able to divide the word aright, nor an instructor of Babes. Pr. And thou saith, that Christ died for the sins of the elect. Answ. And the Scripture saith, he was an offering for the sins of the whole world; and who shall lay charge to Gods elect whom he justifies. Pr. And thou speaks of God destroying men for their ignorance, and they shall find no favour in the day of judgement. Answ. Whereas the Scripture saith, in the time of ignorance God winked at, but now he commands all men every where to repent, and every man that cometh into the world is enlightened: And the spirit of truth shall reprove the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgement, which leads believers into all truth? And the grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared to all men, but they turn it into wantonness, which is the Saints teacher: And this shall make every tongue to confess to the glory of God, and every knee to bow at his name; which is the Emanuel, and so none shall plead ignorance, as thou sayest, who art in the ignorance thyself, but inexcusable because convicted, and hast rejected the tender mercies, who hast lifted up thyself against the Saints and the Lamb; but a stone is set over thy head that shall grind thee to powder, and the Saints shall have the victory; and the Kingdom that is an everlasting Kingdom, the witness in thy conscience shall witness against thee for all thy hard speeches, and let thee know that you and thou had better have been silent, then to fight against the Lord, the Lamb and his Saints, that's the word of the Lord God to thee and you all. When ye are judged, the witness in all your consciences shall answer. W. P. his Principles, in his Book entitled, according to truth, that quakes not, trembles not, nor quails. Pr. THey say, If the Apostles had been put to preach upon a short Text, or methodically, as by a long practice in the Church, it is expected from us that they might oft time's have studied for it. Answ. In this you have showed your spirits, and made manifest you are void of the revelation from God, and your ignorance of the Scriptures; for the holy Ghost shall not speak of itself, but take of his: And the Apostles, what they had seen and heard they declared: And Christ, what he had received of the Father, he declared; and the spirit, that which speaks in the Church, and it shows the fulfilling of the Scriptures, and it keeps not people long in Texts, as the world doth, that wrists Scriptures up and down, and keep people in sects; and so there is the spirit leading into all truth, and the spirit of the Father speaking within, and the holy Ghost that moved men to give forth Scripture, that teacheth to divide the word aright, which is the spirit of prophecy in the Church, not studying. Pr. They say, Every man that hath the spirit in some measure, doth not attain to the great height and degree that they did that gave forth Scriptures, that therefore may not lawfully and infallibly teach as they did. Ans. Every man that hath a measure of the spirit of God in the least measure or degree, it is infallible, and so far may they teach infallibly, and know Scriptures; but they cannot know all Scriptures, but as they attain to the full measure of the spirit of the Prophets and Apostles, and to the measure and stature, and fullness of Christ: and if they do not attain to all this, they are not able to know all the Scriptures; and the work of the Ministers of God was to bring people to this, to the measure, and stature, and fullness of Christ, and saith, Let every one minister as he hath received the grace; And take heed of any of you going beyond your measure, and them that deny the grace of God appearing to all men, cannot minister. Pr. They say, The greatest part of professors in the visible Church were, and are always earthly minded, nor can rightly value spiritual and heavenly things. Ans. In this you and your Ministers hath showed your fruits like Balaams, which withers and are earthly, such as Judas speaks of that separateth themselves, sensual, and had not the spirit, but went forth from the Apostles, that are got up since the days of the Apostles, Church and Ministry, like Priest like people, and to be such as was coming up before the Apostles decease, as he speaks on in Timothy, which minded earthly things; like Teacher, like People, that preach themselves thorough with many hurtful lusts, while they coveted after money, they lost the faith, and so came people to be all on heaps (out of unity) in the earth, being out of the faith of Gods elect: so this is all in the apostasy since the Apostles. Pr. And he saith, That he is not a hireling that takes wages. The wages are allotted to him for his work. Ans. But do not all you preach for hire? and is it not for hire you preach? Now the least in the truth may see you. Is there ever a Priest in the Nation but he is hired to work, or if he have it not, he will not stay? Now to prove that you do preach for hire, where many Steeple-houses in many Parishes that hath no Priest, thither you go not, because there is but a little Benefice, and they have souls as well as others; and where there is agreement for so much a year, thither you go, is not this for hire? and so the Prophet's words fulfilled, the Priests preach for hire; and all these great sums of money which has lifted you up, and gathered a great deal of it out of poor men's labours, this hath been the undoing of you all (and Nations) and many poor people because they cannot put into your mouths; but now is God come to judgement upon you all in the apostasy, apostates. Pr. And thou calls the Steeplehouse a Church. Ans. Which is the Church which is come up since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy; for the Church is the people of God, the elect seed, which Christ is the head of, who in the midst of this Church doth sing praises, which is the pillar and ground of truth, without spot or wrinkle. Whereas the Steeplehouse you call your Church will spot, wrinkle, and blemish, and decay, and fall down, and wicked men may prevail against it; but the gates of Hell cannot prevail against that Church which is built upon the rock. Pr. And thou sayest, Thou dost not speak in that degree of the holy Ghost as the Prophets and Apostles did that spoke forth Scriptures. Answ. Then thou must take heed of exalting thyself above thy measure; for thou canst not know Scripture, but by the same degree of the spirit the Prophets and Apostles had. Pr. And he saith, He hath no command in Scripture to sprinkle Infants, and he holds it not absolutely necessary, & he hath no command in Scripture against it, and he hath a commandment of the Governors, and so he is subject to every Ordinance of man. Answ. An ordinance of man that is not of absolute necessity, consider what it is, and that which the Scripture no where commands, nor thou hast no example for it, consider what that is; and to say the Scripture no where forbids it, it forbids all the traditions and doctrines of men: so that is judged by the spirit of God that is set up by men. Pr. Thou sayest, The Lord may give with the outward washing the spirit to the child. Answ. Can man receive the spirit of God by following traditions of men and outward things? Was not they all from it, and from the spirit? and doth it not judge them for setting up such things God never commanded? Pr. And he speaks of David's Psalms given to the world suitably. Answ. The world must repent and be in the spirit, for it lies in wickedness, before they can know David's singing; for the Prophet saith, their songs must be turned into howling, and David's condition is not the worlds. Pr. He saith, men may respect persons in their places. Answ. That's contrary to the Apostle, who said, God was without respect of persons, and that the Gentiles should be accepted as well as the jews. He that doth righteousness is accepted with God; who holds the faith of Christ it is without respect of persons, it is in the unity, and they that be out of that, be out of the unity: So thou hast pleaded for that which art out of his Doctrine. He that respects persons commits sin, and is convinced of the Law for a transgressor, as saith the Apostle. W. P. thy works are tried and weighed, and found too light, and condemned for the fire, the witness in thy conscience shall answer; but now in thy security thou art asleep, but the wrath of the Lamb shall find thee out. And as for all thy lies and slanders thou heaps up in thy Book, they are not worth mentioning, but will come upon thy own self, for they are thine own covering, which is judged, the witness in thee shall answer. The Elders and Messengers of the several Churches of Ilston, Abergevenny, Tredingnoge, Carmarthen, Hereford, Bredwerden, Cledacke, and Liangors, Meeting at Brecknock, whose Book is Titled, An ANTIDOTE against the Infections of the TIMES. Which hath showed yourselves full of poison, and such as infect the Times, but with the spirit of Truth ye are comprehended and judged. Your Principles are as Followeth. Pr. YOu say, you are conceived in sin, and brought forth in iniquity, Psal. 51.1. Answ. David doth not say, you who were conceived in sin, but (I) and W. P. saith, John was sanctified from the womb; and the Scripture speaks of such as were sanctified from the womb, and children that were clean: And so you do not speak as Elders and Messengers of true Churches, or men dividing the word aright; but you are one against another, though you are all against them you call Quakers that be in the truth. Pr. They say, They observe the design of Satan to cast down the walls of Zion, and to remove the living stones thereof from the sure foundation, the rock of ages, the Lord Jesus Christ, and draw them to build upon the sands. Answ. Is this like that the Elect should be deceived? living stones should be drawn from the sure foundation, the rock of Ages, the Lord Jesus Christ? for these living stones to be built upon the sand, and drawn from the Rock of Ages? this Doctrine doth not sound like men of understanding; For the living stones are the spiritual household, and the royal Priesthood; and there's the foundation that stands sure, the Rock, the Devil is out of, and the gates of Hell cannot prevail against it, you in your Notions let living stones alone, for none can pluck them out of the Father's hand. Pr. And they say, No man can redeem the soul of his brother. Answ. Solomon saith, the fruits of the righteous ●s a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise: And he that saves a man from his evil ways, saves a soul from a multitude of sins. Again thou sayest, No man, the greatest of men can redeem the soul of his brother. Ye should not have left out Christ the Saviour, the Redeemer, the man Christ Jesus, the elder Brother: so you are a company of blind Pastors, contrary to them that gave forth Scriptures. Pr. To say heaven and glory is in man, which was before man was, they are sottish and blind. Answ. There's none have a glory and a heaven but within them, which was before man had a being. Pr. Wherefore take heed of depending upon any righteousness within you, or any righteousness done by you. Answ. This is a strange Doctrine, that men must take heed of any righteousness done by them, or within them: This is contrary to Scripture, which saith, the kingdom of heaven is within, that stands in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, and the fruits of the spirit is righteousness and goodness, and this is that which ends the righteousness of the Law; and he that doth righteousness is righteous and Christ the righteousness of God is with them. Prin. Man hath received a light from Christ as a creature: but not as a Redeemer. Answ. That's false; For whosoever hath received a light from Christ hath received a Redeemer, and a Saviour, and he that doth believe in it is saved, and he that doth not is condemned. Pr. And they say, If you love your souls beware of such delusions, lest ye perish eternally, that say it is the true light that enlightens every man that cometh into the world; following it, it is sufficient to bring men to heaven, which light is natural reason and conscience. Answ. The light that every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, cometh from the salvation Christ which is the way to the Father, whose throne is in Heaven, and Christ saith believe in the light, that ye may become the children of the light, and he that believes in the light shall not come into condemnation. All men is enlighened, that through the light they might believe, so you are not able to divide the word aright, and all that be from this light are lo here, lo there: and so are in the natural reason and conscience, which the light is not; the light was afore they was. Pr. They say none should never have known a Justification nor a Sanctification, if it bade not been written. Answ. I do believe you had not, but hear you have laid aside the Holy Ghost: how knew they before they gave it forth; hear thou hast denied Revelation of the spirit, for though a man has all the writings, yet he knows nothing of God, but by the the Spirit of God, nor sanctification, nor justification which is Christ, and the light which comes from him. Pr. You say, You are, fallen into the last times prophesied of by Christ, and you are to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the Saints. Answ. The faith delivered once to the Saints ye are out of, in respecting persons, and are Apostates from it; and the last times which Christ spoke of should come, which John saw was come, when the false prophets which Christ prophesied of was come, which went forth from the Apostles which since their days the world went after them; and now from them is the Lord God bringing his people to the rock of ages, into the faith they are out of. Pr. Foolish man would have his righteousness in himself. Answ. Every one that hath Christ hath the righteousness of God wrought in him, and none owneth the righteousness of Christ but who owneth the light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world; and they are foolish that know not this, and the righteousness of faith in them. Pr. It is blasphemy they say and colourable pretences to witness an infallible spirit in them. Answ. The spirit that leads the Saints into all truth, is infalliable and that shall reprove the world, and he that hath the spirit of Christ, hath that which is infallible, and he that hath not the Spirit of Christ is none of his; but are in the colourable pretences. Pr. They say, The Scriptures is the quick and powerful word. Answ. Many may have the Scriptures and the form, and deny the power, and the Scriptures are words of God, and the word is God; and this word is in the heart, which led them to speak forth Scripture; And many Scriptures they bring to oppose the Doctrine of Christ, who saith be not ye called of men Master: for ye have one Master even Christ, to whom every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess to the glory of God: will men receive worship, when Angels would not receive it, but bade them worship God? Pr. They say, They rail and cavil at the lawful maintenance that God hath ordained for them. Answ. God hath suffered the beast to make havoc and spoil the Saints goods: but where doth God ordain that you should take (Tithes) and triple damages, Easter reckon, and Midsummer deuce, and that you should sue men at the Law, and cast them in prison till death, where did God command this? they that Preach the Gospel should live on the Gospel, and they bring glad tidings to people, and this is not glad tidings to cast into prison till death, and hale up and down to Courts and Sessions for outward maintenance: if these men bring glad tidings let the spiritual judge, or whether they do not make their folly manifest to all men that can but read the Scripture. Pr. They say, Such as trust in their own inherent righteousness compass Sea and Land to make prosolytes. Answ. It was so in the days of the Pharisees, it hath been so since the days of the Apostles, since the beast and the false prophet got up, who deny the light that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, God's righteousness (Christ) and such as denied the light had the form, and such gather people into the form of Moses, the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles words; establishing their own righteousness, and denying the righteousness of God, the light that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, and all you that doth deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, hath trodden the blood of the Covenant under foot: and you tell us of humane and inherent righteousness, which the Scripture tells us no such words: and as for all the rest of the lies in the book, we let them go home again upon their own heads, and every word shall be their own burden, and that in your conscience shall witness; and the Scriptures are owned by the Quakers, and denied by you, but owned for your own ends that deny the light. A BOOK Entitled, The Quakers Cause. But no name is found in it, but is a Book of darkness, railing, and lies, is come to light, and because some who leave father, and mother, and wife, therefore he rages who is out of the Light and Doctrine of Christ. And the Principles are as followeth. Pr. SUch as forsakes husband and wife to do the will of God; this he calls a breaking of relations. Ans. And thus ignorantly speaks evil of those things he knows not. Thus ignorant of the command of Christ and the Scriptures, but hath showed himself to be a member of the world, and not of Christ, who saith he that doth not forsake father, and mother, wife and children is not worthy of me. Pr. He saith, Because he saith thou to God, it doth not follow that he should say thou to his earthly father, to speak to God as he doth to man. Answ. Now mind what proud flesh would have of whom thou hast learned to speak you to an earthly man or to a particular person, which the Scripture hath taught no such Language, nor (the accidence) that which teacheth thee to give more to man then to God is the spirit of the world, but the Spirit of God teaches to speak righteously, and when there is but one, not to say as of many, and so there is thou to one, and you to many; And so here is the form of sound words that cannot be condemned: now you may see where your Original stands, which cannot endure the form of sound words. Prin. He saith, To be justified by grace which is Christ in them, this is a kind of Popery. Answ. Contrary to Scripture and the Apostles Doctrine; Before the Pope was, and them either, which saith Christ was in them, who are justified by faith; and faith was in the heart, and justified in the spirit, and who witness the spirit, the spirit of grace; and by grace ye are saved, and that which saves, justifies, and being justified by grace, and thou that art of the Pope, and in the Apostasy denies this. Pr. To say, Christ is within, is never to mention Christ without. Answ. There's none knows Christ within, but he knows him without, the same yesterday, to day and for ever, and there's none knows him but they know him within revealed of the Father, which is beyond flesh and blood. Pr. And he says, To run upon new birth: self-denial, light within, Christ within man, if this be not a kind of Popery, and a fair gate for Rome, he is deceived. Answ. Light within, Christ within, new birth, self denial is out of your works and Rome's, which was the Doctrine that the Apostles held forth and the Saints witnessed Christ within, light within, and new birth: such were they that came into the the Kingdom of God, over the Kingdoms of the world; and because some have been moved of the Lord to go naked among you, a figure of your nakedness and want your clothing, at which you rage; that you may appear more naked of the spirit of God. And as for all thy lies and slanders and hard expressions in thy book, though thou hast hid thy name, yet truth will bring thy works upon thee, and make the witness in thee to answer; who, and which is for the fire, and to thee this shall be thy burden who art like a man that scorns and scoffs, and thou hides thyself. Pr. And thou sayest, That good woman called which went naked. Answ. Thou hast justified her to be good, and thou canst not say that that which was good, called that which was good beastly or bad that went naked, which was your figure, than thou talkest of higher power and honour of men, like thy brethren the Pharisees, and not like one that knew the higher power, which respects no man's person, and the good women are those that fear God, that have the adorning of the hidden man of the heart, that hath the Array of Sarah. John Jackson, Entitled, Stength in weakness. His Principles are as followeth. Pr. ONe thats kept groaning and waiting for the adoption, for the adversaries assaults and contests within her; and yet she's in the kingdom, thou sayest, and union with Christ and spiritual Sonship. Answ. Spiritual Sonship, and in the kingdom, and yet groaning for adoption: how hast thou brought thyself to the light to be judged? for the least in the kingdom was greater than John, he that's in the kingdom is in righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy-Ghost, and thou sayest in the Kingdom of grace groaning, that is but a notion of the Kingdom that keeps them groaning for adoption. Pr. And as thou sayest false prophets, and Christ's, and deceivers many should come: if it was possible to deceive the very elect. Answ. Yea Christ said they should come to his Apostles, which before their disease they did come and went forth from them, which Christ said should inwardly raven: and get the sheep's clothing, which since the days of the Apostles all the world went after them as thou may read in the Revelation, and now are people but coming from them to the Rock, and now shall the everlasting Gospel be Preached to them that dwell upon the earth, over the heads of the beast, and the false prophet and they shall be taken, and the Lamb and the Saints shall have victory. Pr. He saith, I hope you will not condemn the generation of the righteous because they are not perfect. Answ. That which condemns is righteous, it condemns that which is not perfect, and that which is righteous is perfect, and the generation is righteous and not to be condemned. Pr. A son or daughter that's translated into the kingdom of the dear Son, hath filthiness pollutions of flesh and spirit to put off, and the members to be mortified. Answ. How is he translated into the Kingdom of the dear Son of God or grace if he have that before mentioned to put off, and what is he translated out of, that when he is translated into the Kingdom he hath filthiness of flesh, and spirit, and members to put off and to mortify there, after he is translated into the kingdom, the which filthiness of flesh and spirit, and unmortified members comes not into the kingdom: for they are mortified in their passage to it, for no unrighteousness enters into the Kingdom, and as saith the Apostle, nor no unmortified thing comes into the Kingdom of God; for it consists of joy and peace in the Holy Ghost, and unrighteousness and all filth of flesh and spirit, and unmortified, is without it. Pr. It is the comforter that convinceth the world of sin, but all men have not the spirit neither are they convinced so, of their unbelief. Answ. Every man that cometh into the world is enlightened that he may believe in the light, and he that believes in the Light receives the Comforter, and he that believes not in the light, the spirit of truth reproves him for his unbelief, for his righteousness and his judgement, and I say the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world is sufficient believing in it, and shall have the light of life, and shall not abide in darkness, and come to the rock Christ, and all being in the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, shall in the light see their salvation, to the ends of the earth; and need not say, lo here, or lo there: and as for all the wrangling stuff in thy book, what he said, and what she said, and what sayest thou, a garment to cover, you had been better silent and not have laid open your nakedness to the Nation, I say unto thee this stuff, and bush will burn in the fire, and the witness in thee shall answer, which shall witness me, and judge thy contentious spirit, which shows you are far from the Kingdom, and silence had Preached more, and the patience, than the strife which stands in self justification, and to justify that ●o be mortified and put off which never came there; And all men that doth not believe in the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, the spirit doth convince them, and is manifest to them, and in them. A Book, Title Page called, Hosanna to the Son of David. But the Book is nameless, and so reviles and rails, and hides himself in the dark; and his intent and drift in his Book is to make the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, a Covenant of works, or Law without; which Christ the Light is the Covenant of God, the end of the first Covenant and its works, and end of the Law to Jews & Gentiles, in which they have peace one with another, and with God. And secondly, he goes about to make the Comforter above Christ the light, that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; which Christ the light saith, that he will send to them, that hath the light, the Comforter, and he shall take of his, and give to them, and not speak of himself; which Christ had not spoken of himself, but as he heard and saw of the Father, he spoke. And the rest of his Principles are as followeth. Pr. THou sayest, The lying murderer, he hath sent forth his Instruments, which goes under the name of Quakers, and disguised with piety and purity to preach the everlasting Gospel: and they hold forth a light, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, what it doth in every man, and what it is in every man; and how it will lead men to purity and righteousness, and from drunkenness and taking God's name in vain, and check them when they do wrong, and make manifest all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and it will bring to worship God. These things among others are the scope of the lying murderer, and bids them believe not every spirit, but try them whether they be of God or no; for many false Prophets are gon● out into the world. Answ. The false Prophets and Antichrists came up, which Christ said should come, came up in the days of the Apostles before their decease, and went forth from them into the world, which since the world went after them, and they had the sheep's clothing, but ravened from the spirit, and so broken into sects and heaps one amongst another, which made war against the Saints and overcame them; but then again the Beast and false Prophets, and the Kings of the earth, the Devil and the Dragon should make war against the Lamb and the Saints; but the Lamb and the Saints should get the victory over the Beast and the false Prophets, Devil and Dragon, and the everlasting Gospel should be preached to them that dwell upon the earth: So it is not a strange thing to us that the whole world should be standing against the light, and against the Saints and the Lamb, but their garments they cannot touch; and so wickedness hath budded forth into a rod; but he is brought forth to rule the Nations with a rod of iron, which was dead and is alive: And ye discern not the times, like Prarisees; and the light which leads men from the world, their lusts, and taking God's name in vain, and all ungodliness: You never came into this, the Devil never came into this, nor none comes into it but who be in that which the Devil is out of. Nor none sees the salvation which is to the ends of the earth, but who be in the light that John bore testimony of, the witness in thy conscience shall answer it, and condemn thee for thy hard speeches; and the light by which all things was made, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, it is the end of the Law, and before a natural Light was, and changes men from their natural estate believing in it, into the Covenant of life and peace with God. I say the Law of God that came by Moses, is above conscience, much more Christ the end of the Law, that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, the righteousness of God. And the Devil is out of piety and purity, who is the lying murderer, and never brought people to the light within, who himself is out of it, and he cannot disguise himself nor thee neither from the children of Light. Prin. And the light simply considered, makes not any thing that is done good or evil. A. Did not Christ the light testify against the world that their works was evil? and doth not the light make manifest evil? And is not he that hates the light reproved, and so with it condemned? And doth not the Scripture say the Law is light? And doth not that make evil of that which is evil, and own that which is good, and judge it? Nay, and doth it not grieve the spirit of God? Them that act contrary to the Lord, did not God bring evil upon them that did evil? Is there any evil in the City, and I have not done it? Though it was evil to them, yet it was justice, for they went from that of God in them first: And doth not Christ the light distinguish between the good and the evil? And doth not Christ make that which is good to be good, and that which is evil to be evil? Pr. He saith, The law of faith did not make void the law of works, but established it. Answ. That's contrary to the Apostle, that said, the Law was changed, and the first Covenant was to decay; So with it their outward works, whereby the Law of faith came in, which works by love, where the boaster is excluded, and the Law of life witnessed; and there comes the living in the spirit, which makes free from the Law of sin and death. Pr. He saith, Neither the new man nor the renewed man is endued with the principle of light and life, according to the image of him that created him. Answ. In this thy ignorance of the Saints conditions thou hast showed; for they was in the image of God, of him that created them; and they was not in the flesh but in the spirit. And the Apostle tells them, that they was renewed, and the light that shined in their hearts was to give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus; And the Saints had put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created them: And he that believes hath the light of life; and if they have not the spirit of Christ, they are none of his: And God will dwell in man, and walk in man, and Christ in them the brightness of the Father's glory, the express image of his substance. Pr. The natural man retains not the things of the new Covenant. Ans. That is while natural men are from the light and that of God in them, there is that in the natural man, harkening to that, which will bring him to do the thing contained in the Law, which shall be justified before the Professors of the Law, and not doers of it; which is one with that ye professors acts contrary to; But no man can know the things of God, save with the spirit of God: So natural man's eyes is in that which is natural, from that which is spiritual; but there is that in the natural man which answers the Law of God which is spiritual, though he be sold under sin; and as he comes to see the seed (Christ) he shall see the end of all that. A natural man's estate, and the Law of sin and death by the faith in Christ, and there's our justification and life, though the other things are owned where they were in their place. Pr. Man is not able to discern the things of God till he be born again. Answ. And the Scripture speaks of discerning the eternal power and Godhead, and that was a thing of the spirit of God: And the Apostle saith not, that they were born again; and yet I say, that none knows the things of God, but the spirit of God, and that which may be known of God is manifest in them, which God hath showed unto them; for that of God in them was of his spirit, who is the God of the spirits of all flesh, which brings them to discern his eternal power and Godhead. Pr. He saith, That the light by which all things was made, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, is not the powerful word of faith. Answ. Is not the word, Christ, the Author of Faith, by which all things were made and created? Is not that the powerful word of faith? Is not he the Author of it, which faith that comes from him gives victory over the world? And is not the Son of God him whom the Father hath sealed, that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world? And whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have eternal life, and are sealed. So every man in the light shall see the new Covenant and the Mediator, before he hath power to become the Son of God; and there is prophecy before the Son is born, and openings from the Lord, and those are things of God. Pr. No man can ever see God who is invisible, with the light by which all things were made, and calls it a little light. Answ. This is contrary to John, who saith, he that walks in the light shall have fellowship with the Son and with the Father, and so sees him; and it is not a little light by which all things were made and created. Pr. The unction in every man is not the light. Answ. It is far from the Apostle to say, that the Unction in men is the light. If the Unction be Christ in the man, it is light; and every man that comes into the world he must receive the light that Christ hath enlightened every man that comes into the world withal, before he can receive the unction; and he that hath the Unction, hath the light of life. Pr. The sure word of prophesy the Apostle speaks of is the prophecy of Scripture, or Scriptures. Ans. Doth the Scripture shine in a dark place until the day dawn? Are they them that must be taken heed unto, as unto a light? Can any see the Scripture, and know the Scripture, but with the light within? Cannot a Cain, or a Balaam, or Core bring Scripture that is gone from the spirit of prophecy within, and then put the Letter for it. Pr. They know not absolute perfection that are admitting of measures and degrees: Nor come to the day, nor the bright morningstar is not risen. Answ. Did not the Apostle speak that they were children of the day, and night was over, and knew the whole body, and yet said he would not go beyond his measure? And doth he not speak of the stature, and measure, and fullness of Christ? And were not they come to perfection, and spoke wisdom amongst them that was perfect? Pr. He saith, The evil done can never appear to be evil by the light. Answ. Doth not the light make it manifest, and reprove the evil done, and condemn it? Pr. He saith, It is not in the power of the light to call any thing that's done good or evil. Answ. This is contrary to Scripture, that saith, whatsoever doth make manifest, and reprove, is light; and there's power in that that doth make manifest and reprove, and call that which is evil to be evil, and that which is good to be good. Pr. He saith, The light convinceth man not, for not believing in Christ. Answ. It condemns him, and convinceth him, and reproves him. Pr. He saith; The light or law as he calls it will convince a man of sin, and there leave him inexcusable before God. Answ. Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness sake to every one that believes in the light, and so comes to witness the Law of faith and of life; the hope, and the promise of this brings from under the Schoolmaster to the Sonship, and to know and see his salvation, which none doth but with the light. Pr. He saith, That Scripture in John is misapplyed, which saith, that Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. And saith, it meddles with none but the children of the new Covenant. Answ. This is contrary to Scripture that saith, one loves the light that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, & the other hates it: He that hates it, it condemns him, and he hath it, (to the other the light of life) and he is a Covenant, a light to the Gentiles and to the Jews, whether they own it, or believe in it, or receive it or not; he is so nevertheless, according to the promise of God, and it is the covenant of light which doth enlighten every man believing in it, and he shall not need to say, Know the Lord; for he shall find the Law in his mind, and the Law in his heart, and the Saints witnessed the light shining in their hearts, and that gave them the knowledge of the glory of God, and they are passed from death to life, and from darkness to light; and the unbeliever abides in darkness, and in the death, and the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness doth not comprehend it, and there thou art; and such know nothing as they ought to know, but naturally as bruit beasts. Pr. He saith, The light in every man which cometh into the world, will not open all Scripture, nor lead men out of the fall to God the Father, and to eternal life. Answ. The light which doth enlighten man that cometh into the world, is the substance of all Scriptures, and the way out of the Fall up to eternal life, out of the first Adam, and is the life, and that opens all Scriptures, and that all Scriptures ends in; man being in the Fall, in the first Adam drove from God in the sin and transgression; Christ the second Adam, which doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, who is the way again to God is he who bringeth in righteousness, life and immortality, and finisheth sin and transgression, and ends the Prophets, types, figures, shadows, and opens and lets see all Scriptures. Pr. He saith, The light tumbles men into the grave, and rolls a stone upon them, and tumbles them in transgression, and he shall act against the anointed ones of God, and against the Lord. Answ. Nay, the light leads men out of transgression, and from wallowing in their blood, whereby they have life; and leads them out of the graves, and from under their stony hearts and rocks, whereby the new Covenant of light is known, and the new heart which is pure, with which God is seen; and the light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, will prick them that persecute the anointed ones, and act against the Lord, though they kick against it. Pr. He saith, To what purpose should Christ be preached dead and risen, to be believed on for life if the light be in every one. Answ. Mankind being in the fall, Christ being made manifest to witness that he should come, and made manifest to many witnesses when he was come; and John came to bear witness to the true light, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. Then these witnesses that did believe that Christ was come, was to go into all the world, all Nations, Jews and Gentiles, and preach the everlasting Covenant of God to them, which was promised, and was witnesses of his Resurrection: And to turn people from darkness to light, and the power of Satan to God; and then told them the light that shined in their hearts would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God. And the Law was in their hearts, and the Word was within them, and the anointing; and such had the gifts for the work of the Ministry, for perfecting the Saints, for the edifying the body of Christ, till they all come to the knowledge of the glory of God, and to a perfect man in Christ Jesus. Pr. He saith, Christ is without his Saints in respect of his bodily presence. Answ. How then are they of his flesh and of his bone, and eat his flesh, and drink his blood? And how have the Saints his mind and spirit, and he with them, and they with him, and sit with him in heavenly places; and he is the head of the Church, how then is he absent? Ye poor Apostates from him, who feels not Christ with you, but he is with the Saints, and they feel him. Pr. He saith, Salvation and faith are the gifts of God distinct from Christ. Answ. They are all of him, and from him, and with him: And how is he the Author of Faith, in whom it ends, from whence it comes? Pr. He saith, The light which discovers sin and iniquity in man's heart, is not Christ the light, the door. Ans. The first Adam was the door where all sin and transgression entered: Christ the second Adam, the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, saith, I am the door, the way, & the life which finisheth sin and transgression, and brings in everlasting righteousness, and the way of life out of death, which Light discovers sin. Pr. He saith, To call Christ the light, the gift, the door, the way, is to take the Gardener for Christ as Mary did. Answ. Christ the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, we do not put him for the Gardener: We know him, and as many as receives him, he gives them power to become the sons of God, and this thou sayest is not used power, but prerogative authority, and thus thou art wresting Scripture: So thou should have been more meek and low in thy heart, and then thou wouldst have bridled thy tongue, and so have learned of Christ, and so come to the light, the sure foundation, out of the error of thy ways, and have kept in the footsteps of the flock; and if thy tongue had been shorter, and thy bridle streigher, then wouldst not thou have mixed the Covenant of God with man's spirit, and have compared it to the Law of works, which Christ the light which doth enlighten every one that comes into the world is the end of: And man's spirit in the Fall is polluted, and his body; but as the light is believed in, and the mind changed; his spirit is sanctified, and his body, and so comes to be a child of the Light, and his spirit witnesseth with our spirits that we are the Sons of God: And none owns the Door, Mediator, the Life, the Way, but with the light which Christ doth enlighten every man that comes into the world withal, which light is the door, the way, and the life. Ellis Bradshaw, His Book, called, The Quakers quaking. Principles which he directs to the PROTECTOR. His Principles are as Followeth. Pr. HE saith, That Christ who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world by an immediate illumination, not the Elect themselves to bring them to salvation. Answ. Doth not Christ say, I am the way, the truth, and the life? And he is the Door, and no man cometh to the Father but by him, and learn of him. This is my beloved Son, hear ye him, saith God. And is not he the new Covenant in the heart, by which men need not say, Know the Lord? And there is no other name by which men can be saved, but by the name of Christ, who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that all through him might believe: And he that believes in the light, abides not in darkness, but hath the light of life; and they that believe not in it, but hates its the light is their condemnation; and the light that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world is the salvation, though men neglect it, which the Elect walk in, which condemns the unbeliever, which is immediate; and no man sees salvation but who comes to the light. Pr. He saith, The Word that was made flesh is visible, and the Word is the Letter, and they never received the spirit of life from it, and that's the Quakers error. Ans. Such as had the Scriptures, which was the words of God to them in old time, and the ordinances the Apostle calls carnal, which the Jews stuck in, and would not come to him that they might have life, not to Christ; And so if men have all the Scriptures, and have not Christ, they have not life: For the Devil he may have the Scripture, and hath he life therefore? And the power of God, Christ, his name is called the Word of God. The Word of God lives and endures for ever, and the Spirit is not in the Letter, and the Letter is not the Word which was made flesh, and they be in the error that thinks so, for the Word is invisible. Pr. Paul adviseth not only to the Light within, but is bidding them bring his cloak, books and parchment, and give attendance to reading. Answ. The Apostle did tell the Saints, that the light that shined in their hearts might give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, and bids them walk in the light: And Christ bids them believe in the light, and they should not walk in darkness; and there is no other name under Heaven by which men can be saved, but by the name of Christ; And the Scriptures none sees the substance of them, nor the fulfilling of them, but who walks in the Light, whom God speaks to by his Son, who is the end of the Prophets, and there is the true reading and knowing of all books and p●rchments; which none knows the Scripture, but by the light which comes from Christ, in whom they end. Pr. And again thou sayest, there is more words than one. Ans. God is the Word, and the Scriptures of Truth are his words, which Christ fulfils. Pr. He saith, They have fellowship with the Father, but not in the like measure of the gifts of grace the Apostle had. Answ. Then you are not like none of you to understand the Apostles words, nor to be judges of them; but as you do come into the like measure and gifts as they was in, else you will not be able to judge of their conditions, nor know their words. Pr. He saith, There is no man justified through the faith in Christ that owns the Scriptures to be but a dead letter; But that owns them to be the Word of God, in which there is spirit and spiritual life, as words of eternal life. Answ. The spirit and the life is not in the Scriptures, but was in them that gave it forth, and many have the Scripture, and not the spirit of life. The Devil may get Scripture, and therefore hath he spirit and life who is out of it? This is like the Pharisees that thought they had had life in the Scriptures, but would not come to Christ the life which the Scripture testified of; and the Scriptures are words of God, but many have the words, and deny the Word itself: and none are justified that hath the Scriptures, and out of the life that gave them forth. Pr. He saith, It's a sottish Doctrine to direct people only to the Light within, and what an absurd thing it is to tell our children of the Light within their conscience, and to bid them obey and follow it; that light and word that's in their hearts and mouths, and so fully neglect the teaching of the Scriptures. Answ. Is not this Soul's zeal, kicking against the pricks, who had Scripture? And this is not the neglecting to teach the Scriptures, nor the Apostles doctrine, to bring people and children to the Light within, and the word in their hearts and mouths to obey and do it, which was the Apostles doctrine; and they are sottish that be out of it; and they were them that made Proselytes, that brought not people to the word within, nor to the light within, but from it. Pr. He saith, The Apostle thought to do many things against the Church, and thought he ought to do so, and the light within did not inform his conscience. Answ. Did not Christ say it was hard for him to kick against that that pricked him, and was not that within him that pricked him? Pr. And thou sayest thou art too ignorant of the ways of God, and witnessing the meaning of his spirit. Ans. We do believe thee, therefore you had better have been silent, and have harkened to the Light within thee, and the Word within thee, and the word of faith and wisdom; which none hears the word of faith, but who comes to the light within. Pr. Thou sayest thou art too much troubled with carnal thoughts and vain imaginations, and addicted to the world. Answ. Those dictates are not like to own the light within, word within. It is not a strange thing that thy spirit should stand against the Apostles doctrine, that is, light within? Cor. 2.4. Pr. Thou sayest, It is a disparaging the Scriptures to direct people to the light within, rather than the Scriptures, to direct them to eternal life. Ans. The Scriptures many may have, and be from the light and spirit of God that was in them that gave it forth; which none hath eternal life, but who comes to the light within, and the spirit that was in them that gave forth the Scriptures, and to you this is the word of the Lord. Pr. Thou sayest, The light within is gross darkness, and what darkness and blindness is there where the Scriptures are not minded and known? Ans. The Apostle who did direct to the light within, did not call that gross darkness nor blindness; but turned people from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God: And Abraham and Enoch was not in gross darkness and ignorance, who had not the Scripture to mind, which was in the spirit and faith as they were in that gave forth the Scripture, who comes to witness the same spirit as was in them that gave forth the Scriptures, they shall come to witness the Covenant of God written in their hearts, and shall not need say, Know the Lord, and cease from man whose breath is in his nostrils; and they that comes into this, owns the Scripture without, and be in Abraham's faith. Pr. He saith, The elect may be deceived, and fall from their own steadfastness for a time, and come under the death and power of Satan. Answ. The elect seed is in the grave, which it is not possible to deceive, and the elect shall be brought from under all the deceivers, and death and bonds, and the gates of Hell they shall come over, and on top of them, although the seed hath been in captivity; and it is not possible to deceive the Elect, it is the world that is deceived, that which hath led captive shall go into captivity. Eve, and the first Adam may be brought into transgression; but Christ the second Adam, the seed in you all you must know which is that which bruiseth the Serpent's head, and the ground of all deceiving, and so the Elect may lie under for a time, and suffer; but the election shall obtain, and not him that wills, nor him that runs, but come over to the crown of honour and glory. Pr. He saith, Satan deceives men into bringing them to a self-denying posture. Answ. It is not the Devil that brings men to be humble, and to deny themselves; that which teacheth self-denial is Christ; that which keeps out of self-denial is the Devil, for that he went into himself out of the truth. Pr. He says, They can never be clear of a degree of blasphemy that hath the spirit of God in them, and speaks against Ministry, Magistrates, and Ordinances, and bid people listen to the light within them, and to the spirits teaching, and that they are all taught of God. Answ. They that witnessed the spirit and light within were taught of God, and were moved of the Lord to declare both against Ministers, Magistrates, and Ordinances that stood against Christ the power of God, and these were called blasphemers, which were not, the Scripture declares it; but owned the power that ended all changeable things, which upon all the heads of the transgressors and blasphemers came, which power was a praise to them that did well. Pr. He saith, That Scripture may be bought and sold they say, and it doth not profit; but the Light within is of an eternal nature, an infallible guide: So obeying it, they shall be sure of perfection and eternal life. Now he saith, those that say so are the poor ignorant and unstable souls. Answ. Cannot ye buy and sell the Scriptures, and your Sermons, and Prayers? And can any have the comfort of the Scriptures, and an infallible guide, perfection, and eternal life, and the soul established, and come out of ignorance, but who comes into the light and spirit of God within that gave forth the Scriptures, with which they came to know God the Father of spirits, of whom they learned that gave forth the Scriptures, and so come into the spirit, and the bond of peace and unity with the Scriptures, with God, and one with another: And the sp●rit of God doth not bring men to dislike of Scriptures nor Ministers of Christ, But to see what estate and condition they were spoken forth too. Pr. Thou sayest, The measure of Christ must be so, that you ought to lay down your lives for the brethren, and love one another, much more to lay down your estates. Answ. When was there a Priest in the Nation that did lay down his estate for the love of Christ or his brethren, but he had a selfish principle in another thing? Or when saw you a Priest lay down his estate to save others out of prison; but he is rather casting into prison till death because they cannot give them Tithes? The Apostle doth not say, have not we power to take Tithes? But have not we power to eat and drink? And they that preach the Gospel, live of the Gospel. And they bring glad tidings to them; but that is not glad tidings to cast into prison, and hale before Courts; and they that preached the Gospel lived on the Gospel, that opened the hearts of people without men's compelling power. Pr. He saith, You must not give ear to the Quakers, for they tell you your Ministers look for their gain from their quarters, and are Hirelings, and this he saith is deceiving, and the depth of Satan, and a lying malicious spirit. Answ. The Prophet's spirit was not a lying and malicious spirit that cried against them that sought for their gain from their quarters, and said they were Hirelings, in which spirit is the Quakers, and sees you walk in the same steps, and take away your gain from you, and your hire; and you are suing in the Courts, and haling up and down, which shows your spirits to be the false spirits the Apostle speaks of which went out into the earth. Pr. Thou sayest, Above all things beware of covetousness. Answ. If you had heeded that, you would have been better examples to the Nations about you; but in covetousness you are swallowed up, and so are excommunicated out of the life of the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles was in, and so your reward from him you shall have. And you are finding fault that the people are covetous, and thus complains to the whole Nation: You should have complained of yourselves for being out of the power of God that should have struck down that, and that you are not in the life and power the Apostles was in, and it hath not such an effect with it as the Apostles had: So you have manifested and shown your spirits to the Nations, and shows you want your covering. And the Apostles did not write abroad to the world, that they and their Church was covetous, and send it to the Magistrates, and complained to them, had not they here dishonoured their power of the Church, if they had done so, and shamed it, as you do yours? Pr. He saith, Many false prophets are gone out into the world, believe not every spirit; and Satan transforms himself into an Angel of light. Answ. These things the Apostles saw come into the world before their decease, the Devil transforming himself into an Angel of light, and false prophets and false spirits gone out into the world, which since the days of the Apostles all that dwelled upon the earth went after them, the false Prophets and the Beast: but who hath their names written in the Lamb's book of life before the foundation of the world; and the Apostle when Satan was transforming himself into an Angel of light among the Corinthians, he brought them to the light, in them which would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ; and John saw they was come which Christ said should come, the false Prophets and false spirits, who bid them not go after them; and John told them they had the anointing within them, to teach them, and needed not any man to teach them, but as the same anointing taught them; and they should continue in the Son, and in the Father, where no false spirit was: these false spirits, Prophets & Antichrists which Christ said should come, which John saw was come, and went forth from them, has drawn tongues, peoples, multitudes, and Nations to be waters, and there is the fruits of them, as Revel. 17.18. And now are people but coming from these waters, and false spirits to the R●ck, and these are them that draw the Nations to waters; As has turned against the Saints and the Lamb; But the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory; nevertheless these false prophets, beasts, Antichrists, false spirits, all inwardly ravened from the true spirit, hath had the sheep's clothing, else they could not have deceived the world, and led the world after them, and could not have brought Nations to waters, and herein hath been the beasts power over all kindreds, tongues and Nations, and his heads and names in the Nations and among the tongues, yet all these heads and Names hath agreed together in one against Christ the light which enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world; and the Devil, beasts and false Prophets, which made War against the Saints and overcame them; but the Saints and the Lamb shall overcome them, and the Devil shall be taken, and with him the beast and the false Prophets, and Babylon confounded, and the Lamb, and the Saints have victory. rejoice ye Saints and holy Prophets over them, the Lamb and the Saints shall have the Kingdom and power over all kindreds, tongues and Nations who are redeemed from them, and from the earth, to reign with Christ, and a top of the Devil and his Angels, which cannot get into the seed. Pr. He saith, It is a boast of the Quakers to say that they have the eternal Spirit of God in them, and saith they may properly use the word you to one, and taking off the hat is reverend, due, and honour, and he must not quench the smoking Flax, but be courteous, and custom to whom custom, and to the Law, and to the testimony. Answ. He that hath not the Spirit of Christ is none of his, and that's Eternal; and he that saith you, to one, shows he hath neither learned accidence nor Bible, and the hat is the honour of men below in the earth; Adam's honour in the transgression which Christ the second Adam saith I received not honour of men; how can ye believe that receive honour one of another, and seeks not that honour that is of God only; and so the mark of an unbeliever and the Apostles did not observe the Jews customs nor the heathens customs, for if they had, they needed not have been persecuted by them. Courteous is good, and to do one another good; but how is this practised amongst you when you cast into prison these that cannot put into your mouths, and you do no work for them? Where is your courteousness? here; they break not the bruised reed nor quench not the smoking Flax, that owneth the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and these neglect not their salvation, but they that deny the light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, neglects their salvation, and such be they that breaks the bruised reed, and quenches the smoking Flax, and that brings to own the Law and testimony, which many may have the Scriptures, and not the Law and testimony; for the Law is light, and the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, and this was before the New Testament was written, as Esay the eight, and that was before Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John or any of the Epistles was written; and as for the rest of thy lies, slanders and hard speeches, they shall fall upon thyself, and be thy own burden, the witness in thy conscience shall answer me in the day of thy judgement; And they that have not the Eternal Spirit are none of his. Thomas Weld, Richard Prideaux, Samuel Hammond, William Coles, and William Durant, their Book called, A discovery of a generation of men called Quakers. In it are their Principles as followeth. Pr. FIrst, That the soul is a part of the Divine Essence. Asw. That which comes from God, which God hath in his hands, which Christ is the Bishop of, is of God, and Divine and immortal, which many of the Priests say is appetite, lust and pleasure, and the soul of Christ, say they, is humane, which is earthy, and so you that are come from one mother are not agreed here among yourselves, and people gins to see you, the time hath been they knew not which of you to believe, but now they believe in Christ, who is the Bishop of their souls. Pr. There lies a Mystery of iniquity for to say, The world calls them so, by such and such names, or gives them their Christian name. Answ. There are names given by the heathen, the heathen outwardly, which men are called, there is a new name which the world knows not; written in the Book of life; here is the new man? known, after God in rigteousness created and true holiness; Now who is this new man? and this new name? the world may call him by the old; So it is not a mystery of iniquity to say the world calls him so. Pr. It is a sinful neglecting of their families to wander up and down; And the forsaking of apparel changeable, he calls it monkish holiness. Answ. When people runs into transgression from the life of God into the earth; Then comes up the lusts of the eye, the lusts of the world, and the pride of life, which leads them into all the fashions of the world; which is not of the Father but of the world; Now the lusts and the affections must be mortified, which have outwardly transgressed the pure principle of God within, whereby the minds hath gone out into the creatures, and things without, whereby it falls under the creatures, and so comes to worship the creatures thereby more than the Creator, who is God blessed for evermore; being gone from the Principle of God in their own particulars, that is it which mortifies the world, when men turn to it; and this brings off all the lusts of the world, and excess, and affections, and professions, whether they be such as thou calls monkish, or notionists, or whatsoever, it brings into the possession, into the life which mortifies; for this which thou calls monkish holiness, is like unto your own, who have not the spirit as they lived in who gave forth the Scriptures; so all holiness which stands out of that, is self righteousness; And the Apostles and the faithful in all ages that wandered up and down, did the will of God, spoke the word of God, were commanded and moved of the Lord, forsook all for Christ; Christ did not teach men sin; And he that doth not forsake all, is not worthy of him, House, Lands, wife, children, whatsoever, he that esteems any of those more than Christ, he lives still below, he lives still not given up, he is not worthy of him, and they that do not forsake all and come out of all, are in the sinful neglect of the family of the Lord of heaven and earth, and they stick below in their own cieled houses, habitations, nests, holes and rocks, falling into the mountains, and there garnishing the Sepulchers, and living in all fashions, customs, honours and pleasures of the world; And the Priest's work hath been this, to teach the people to keep in the lust, and not to forsake and come out of all their lusts to Christ who are not worthy of him, and if any do, they look upon them to be sinful neglecters of their family; which wisdom was before all things were made, and is the preserver and finisher of all things, and not the destroyer, but than it rebukes, and in this are men ordered to God's glory. Prin. The Quakers deny the imputed righteousness, prayer, baptism, Church-government, Ministry. Answ. That ever ye five that are called Ministers should ever thus publish your lies to the Nation! The higher powers, the one government, the Church, the Pillar and ground of truth; The Ministry that is in the spirit, that Ministers to the spirit in the prison, baptised with the spirit into the one body, prayer in the spirit, the Lords Supper, who dwells in the Saints and walks in them, and Sups in them, the Gospel the power of God, imputed righteousness to the believer; Abraham believed, and it was accounted to him for righteousness, and Christ come, and Christ in you, who is the end of the belief, who is the justification itself, and righteousness itself, nigher than when they did believe; And so here is justification itself without imputation the righteousness of God, here the belief ends; And all these things are owned according to the Scriptures; but all such teachers that be in the earth, and teaches for money and means, we deny; and baptiseth, and sells your prayers, and Preaching and Supper for money, we deny. Pr. Will a discerning of the Gospel mysteries, prove a power to discern the state, and condition of souls, what it shall be to all eternity? is not this a large ignorance? Answ. The Ministers of the spirit did watch for the souls, the Prophets and Apostles knew its state, and knew Christ the Bishop of it; and saw when the soul was in death, and saw when God had pleasure in it, when it lived, and saw the soul in God's hand, for who have the mysteries of the Gospel, which is the power of God, which gives liberty to the captive, to the soul, and all that is imputed in man; this is glad tidings to the Just, this is a true workman, that divides his work aright, and is not ashamed of his work, of his building, but presents the soul to God, and knows when it is in death, and when it is living; And so who are come up into the Bishop Christ, they are one soul, they know the hand of God which the soul lives in (which is the power) and so knows it from eternity to eternity; And so ye Priests which do not discern the soul and its state to eternity and from eternity, ye are not in the mystery of the Gospel which gives liberty to it, neither have ye it; for ye are stumbling at the light, which enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, which comes from Christ the Bishop of the soul, & so your darkness cannot comprehend that, and so what fellowship hath the light with darkness? it is not a strange thing; It hath no fellowship with it, for your darkness cannot comprehend it, though it shines in your darkness; So for you to talk of Saints judging the world, and meddling with such things, who are to be judged with the Saints, who are that darkness that cannot comprehend the light that shines in you, who have not light to comprehend the Saints that be in the light, who have the just weight, measure, and balance, who are the Judges of the world, reaching, measuring, answering, agreeable to that of God in every man; And are stumbling at such as are become the Sons of God, Adopted Sons and heirs, and of the flesh and bone of Christ, and of his mind and spirit, who are in the possession of the Scriptures, the durable life of the Saints, which makes you (darkness that cannot comprehend the light in your own particulars) to rage's; which none comes to witness Sons-ship, heir-ship, Sons of God, but who comes to the light in their own particulars, and receives it, and with it comprehends darkness, It expels it away, sees over the night, and are the children of the day. And you five Priests have shamed yourselves that do not know the soul from eternity to eternity. Pr. It is blasphemy to say the soul is a part of the Divine Essence. Answ. Ye may read in this Book how the rest of the Priests that are called Ministers, some of them say Christ is humane, the soul is a creature, some again say it is part of the Divine Essence, it is immortal; and again, it is appetite and pleasure, and in this now is their confusion made manifest; The soul is that which came out from God, and is in God's hand, which hand goes against him that doth evil, and transgresseth against the Principle of God that is in him, which goes against the lust, which Wars against the soul, which hand the soul being in, praises God, the hand felt, the power felt that turns against that which Wars against it; here the soul magnifies God, and the soul rejoiceth in God the Saviour, the soul praiseth God, here is God's pleasure. The living Lord taketh pleasure in the living soul, and appetite and pleasure are humane; these are not immortal, which the soul is, and so you five have judged yourselves to be blasphemers who said the soul was part of the Divine Essence, and yet 'tis blasphemy to say so. Pr. Christ is to rule as a King; but in all he doth not. Answ. Those and you that hate the light will not hear him, nor have him to rule over you and them, such are for the sword, and to be slain before him. Pr. And the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, is not sufficient to salvation, nor gives a light sufficient to bring to the Gospel, know the Mediator, and that light which hath enlightened all men withal, is not the way, but a created light by Christ. Answ. The light which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, all lights were made by it, and created, and this is the eye of the soul, which gives to see Christ the Bishop of it, from whence it comes; and this light is the Covenant of God which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and this light doth let see the Mediator, the salvation, the Gospel: And all that be from the light are out of the truth; they that went out of the truth, the god of the world hath blinded their eyes, lest the light of the glorious Gospel should shine in them, which is the image of God. So created Lights were created by it, and none knows the truth but by this light; and all men's professions be but from that nature, that be from this light which hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world, which all men must come into, before they come into unity with God: And none can know the Mediator nor Christ by the created and made lights, which were made by the light Christ; but as they come into the Light by which they were made, that gives them the wisdom of the Creation, and lets them see how they were made; and so they that hate the Light, receive not the spirit of God, but remain in their natural state; and what such know, they know as natural, from Books, Authors, and Studies: So men come not to the Author of their Faith, Christ, who hates the Light. Pr. How ridiculous is it to say, Christ dwells in all, so in all. Answ. Christ is the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; and the Scripture saith, Christ he is searching the hearts of the wicked, and trying their reins, and bringing to them their thoughts to the light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness comprehends it not. He was in the Saints, and the Saints were in the light, so he is in all, over all, and through all, and blindness, darkness comprehends it not, who fills heaven and earth. If thou goest to the utmost parts of the earth he is there; if thou goest to the deep, and to the nethermost hell, he is there, where wilt thou fly from his presence? Have not the holy men of God found this? Are all ye Ministers of the Letter so ignorant of the Letter? so short, and come short of the state that gave it forth? And I say, such as sit under the shadow of darkness shall feel if they do but hearken & listen; and such whose hearts be bad, shall feel him searching of them, and knocking such as go down to the nethermost Hell, and to the utmost parts of the earth, they shall feel him if they never stirred forth, present, and should not need to wander for a habitation, but should feel their habitation. Such than should come to know their soul's progress, which is an inward travel, before it come into its Bishop Christ the rest, him by whom the world was made before it was made, and was glorified with the Father before the world began. Pr. And it is an error to say, that the righteousness of Christ, justification, sanctification, and redemption, that this is all within. Answ. If Christ be within, if not they are Reprobates; and reprobates can talk of Christ, and them that be out of the truth and the life, they can talk of Christ, and bring the Scriptures; but who have Christ within, they have sanctification, redemption, and justification, they have the wisdom and power of God; for Reprobates are talkers without, for he that hath Christ hath all the other, redemption, sanctification, wisdom, righteousness is spoken to man, and the work is known within as he comes out of the fall of the first Adam. Pr. Its error to say the light that discovers sin, justifies. Answ. The light which is the Covenant of God that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, discovers sin, makes it manifest, blots it out, justifies, sanctifies, redeems, and condemns them that hate it. Pr. It's an error that the light within men will bring men to the fear of God, and lead men to justification, sanctification, and righteousness. Answ. None comes to Justification, to Righteousness, who are out of the fear of God, nor to receive his righteousness; but who comes to the light within, which comes from Christ the righteousness, the wisdom, the justification, and sanctification; and ye be in the error that be not in this Light that leads too, and let's see it. Pr. Perfection in holiness cannot be attained in this life, for Adam was under such a Covenant, he had no Mediator upon the breach of the command. Ans. God said to Adam, the seed of the Woman should bruise the Serpent's head, Christ, the Promise, the Mediator made the way, which was the way in again to God of man's redemption, and got down the Serpent's head which got up in transgression, that Christ the head should bear rule; that the seed of the woman should have dominion, the second Adam, the seed Christ Jesus, the Lord from heaven. Perfection is not to be attained to by the life ye live, until ye come to the principle of God in you; but the life that David lived in saw an end of all perfection: And all who come to Christ the second Adam, they come to perfection; and all who attain to him, they attain to perfection in the life of God out of the first Adam; but who deny the light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, and rest in the first Adam; the life they live in, denies perfection, and never owns it in the life they live in; But who comes into perfection, comes into Christ a new life out of Adam in the Fall, in transgression. All Physicians to sick men are to make them perfect; And do ye say, make none whole, make none perfect, make never a man perfect? For being made whole, they are made perfect, for sin wounds; for the Ministry of God was to bring people to the perfect man, to present them perfect. These were Physicians of value and of worth, whereby the body, soul, spirit and all were cured, and they glorified God in the body and spirit. Now ye that say they shall not be perfect, and that none shall be without sin upon the earth, no perfection in the life we live in; These are Physicians of no value, ye are not worthy to have the name of Physicians, Ministers nor Teachers, Thomas Weld, Richard Prideaux, Samuel Hammond, William Cole, and William Durant; for ye are pleading while men be upon earth they must have a body of sin, and he that saith otherways is a deceiver, and so ye keep them in their wounds and sores, putrifying and imperfect, and not makers up of the breach, and binder's up of the wound; And the Lord saith, Though their sins be as red as crimson, I will make them as white as wool, and will blot out sin and transgression. And this tender love and kindness of the Lord, and mercifulness to sinners & transgressors, hath the Lord made manifest amongst them which the world in scorn calls Quakers; and it is not a strange thing that you would not have people to forsake the fashions of the world, who are thus hung about with ribbons and cuffs, and scarves, and your double Boot-hose-tops, and more like unto Stage-players than Ministers. Pr. Perfection is a fancy, those were not words of true Physicians who brought men to a perfect man, to the growth up in perfection amongst the perfect ones who speak wisdom. They say, It is not where said that the Law is fulfilled in any Saints in this life. Answ. They that love God keep his Commandments. Christ is the end of the Law to every one that believes, and who be in him be in the end of the Law; And all that dwell in love, dwell in God, and love is the fulfilling of the commandment; who are of the seed of God keep the words of God, which the Beasts and false Prophets since the days of the Apostles, who have inwardly ravened and turned against the royal seed of God, and keep the Commandments of God; and so none of you that raven from the spirit of God cannot keep Gods commandments, though ye have all the Saints words; for the Saints witness the end of the Law, and witness perfection and a perfect man, and spoke wisdom among them that were perfect, and growing up to perfection. Pr. That Christ gives to every man a saving light, we utterly deny. Answ. He is the true light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world (saith John the Minister of God) and he is salvation to the ends of the earth, and they that hate the light, neglect their salvation, and turns the grace of God into wantonness, and denies the Lord that bought them; And every one that hath heard and learned of the Father cometh to the Son; and none heareth or cometh to the Father, that cometh not to the Son; But who comes to the thing that is transgressed in them, and the light that every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, nor hears nor learns of the Father, nor comes to the Son but by that, and the light that lighteneth every one that cometh into the world is the salvation to him that believes, and he that doth not, it is his condemnation. Pr. But how dare these men lift up themselves in their blasphemous pride, to say they are pure as God. Answ. Doth not Christ say; Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect, is that blasphemy? and to be holy as I am holy? is that blasphemy? whose Ministers are you, is not this the work of Christ and the Apostle, without Holiness ye shall never see God, and as he is so are we in this present world? Pr. The word of God is contained in the Scriptures. Ans. The Scripture saith God is the word, and the heaven of heavens cannot contain him, are ye not more like void of reason, than Ministers, whose ignorance thus appears of the Scriptures? which saith God is the word, and the Scripture is the words, and Christ is the word who fulfils them. Pr. The Scriptures were given forth, some more darkly, some plainer. Answ. They which gave forth Scripture, and they that be in that in which it ends, to them the Scripture is not dark; but such as be from the Principle of God in their own selves, they be darkness, so darkness happens to them, which blinds their minds, and the Scriptures was not given forth darkly, but in the light; but you who be from the light be dark. Pr. The Apostles ordained them elders by a mediate call: and we are convinced clearly of a mediate call to the work of the ministry and of the word. Answ. That which made the Officers and overseers in the Church amongst the Saints, before the Apostasy, It was the Holy-Ghost; which holy men spoke Scripture from, that made them Overseers, that was not mediate but immediate, that did oversee in the Church of God; And we do believe that you Elders and Members called Ministers are all mediate, and your order and Gospel since the days of the Apostles who are such as Christ said should come, inwardly ravening forth from the Spirit of God, and have got sheep's clothing; which since the days of the Apostles they have walked after you, who have deceived the world and Nations. But we see, that the false Ministers, the worshippers of the Beast, Antichrist and the deceivers, among whom is the Devil to deceive, is now taken, with the false prophets, the Beast and Antichrist the Mother of Harlots, and confounded and cast into the lake of fire, and the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory; And the Gospel is immediate, and he is cursed that Preacheth another, the word I say is immediate, it lives, abides and endures for ever, and the Ministers that are in the spirit are immediate, and these are furnished with the mysteries of the Gospel, and their calling is immediate, and the Overseers of the Church which the Holy-Ghost makes, are immediate, and all that be in the life that gave forth Scripture (which nonce knows the Scriptures but by it) they are all immediate; that which doth convince of sin is immediate; But now your mediate Calls, your mediate Ministry and Overseers, knowledge, Word, Gospel, and people, Church are mediate, we do believe you, all this is so amongst you since the days of the Apostasy from the Apostles Doctrine, power, life and spirit which they were in, with which ye are judged, and who are in the life they are in that gave forth Scriptures; which you are ravened from; and are not like to talk of immediate. Pr. The Scripture is the Word and the Rule. Answ. The Scriptures are the Words of God, and Christ is the Word in whom they end; and the Word of God is the end which fulfils all Scriptures, which came to the Prophets, which the Apostles Preached, which they discerned and spoke forth the words, and the fulfilling of the words; which the Scriptures of truth cannot be broken, but fulfilled by Christ the word: and the spirit is the rule that gave forth Scriptures, and that led the Saints into all ●ruth. Pr. Thomas castle went naked in the streets of Kendal, and Thomas Holmes of Kirkby Steven. Answ. This hath been a figure of your nakedness; who are Egypt spiritual and the Ethiopian black, and the Prophet Esaiah did not put off all his clothes (say they) conrary to the Prophet's words; and he was to go among all the transgressors in Ethiopia and Egypt, a figure of their nakedness; so since the days of the Apostles and the Apostasy ye have gone from the spirit of God, inwardly ravening from that, ye have wanted the clothing with the spirit, ye have had only the outside, the sheep's clothing, but have been naked of the life, such the Lord hath moved his servants to give a true sign amongst you, and not a lying; who have their clothing of the spirit, which ye want; which ye shall witness the truth of the Lord God in the sign, if ever ye come into the true clothing of the spirit of God. Pr. And ye say Christ did not mean as he speak, when he said, be not ye called of men Masters. Answ. Which shows they are none of his Ministers which trample upon his Commandments, and teach people that it is lawful to break them, showing the lawfulness of them to be called of men Masters; so as for their calling of men Masters, standing praying in the Synagogues, their long robes, salutations, their Tithes and their Pulpits, these are the works of the perfect Pharisees, which all people may look upon their fruits, their works and practices, and see the very image, and that they have their very garments and places, according to their condition, fruits and works; and as for all the rest of their hard speeches, lies, slanders, villifying and rail which they have poisoned people withal, will be their own burden, and fall heavy upon them, and turn upon their own heads; Their way is compassed, their bounds is set and their limits, and in this the day of their account, every one shall feel his words to be his burden, And their patience had been better then to have uttered forth their folly, and published it to the Nation; But the day is come that tries every man's work; and a witness is rising in people, the morning is broke, the Sun is rising, the daystar is risen, that lies people do not make their refuge, neither do feed upon them, nor upon any thing, but what comes from God, but the living bread that comes from God above; which who eats of it, lives for ever; Many have their bread and their water, that hunger no more, nor thirst no more. The Worcestershire Petition to the PARLIAMENT, which are said to be six thousand. Pr. HE hath made a Law commanding all people to whom we Preach the Gospel to allow us a sufficient maintenance, that we may not be hindered from or in his work. Answ. The Scriptures and the Apostles did not speak of any such thing, that Christ did make a Law for them, commanding all the world to whom they Preached to allow them a sufficient maintenance, that they might not be hindered from or in their work; What! will maintenance hinder them if they have it not? was not this the command of Christ to give freely as they from him had received freely? and than if any set meat before them they might eat it; But if this Law commanding all the world, a sufficient maintenance and allowance to the Apostles and Disciples had been first (which they might have been sure of maintenance) this had been the way to have clogged the the people's minds, & have brought them into trouble; which the Gospel was otherways, glad tidings; but if the Apostles had not Preached to the world without this law which ye speak of, w●ich commands all the world to give them sufficient maintenance, what a condition would all people have been in? But they that had received freely, was to give freely, so you have manifested your spirits to be the deceivers of the people for means, That ever 6000 people should say he made a Law commanding all the world to whom they Preach the Gospel to allow them sufficient maintenance; When Christ saith they were to Preach as they went, as the disciples went, and they were to Preach if they did not receive them; and they were to go into all Nations; yet the Apostles did not plead a Law where they came that they were all to maintain them; no, they were in fasting often, and would not use their power to eat among many people, though they had power yet they would not use it, and so the maintenance did not hinder the Apostles from their work, for they Preached often in fastings, and sometimes their own friends communicated to them when they were up and down among the heathen in other Nations Preaching; the Apostles did not plead a Law to the Nations whom they Preached to, and thus they brought glad tidings, keeping the Gospel from charge: are not you six thousand men ashamed to Petition for a maintenance for your Ministers, that you should publish in a Petition your nakedness to a supreme power of a Nation, that you are not able to maintain your Ministry, that the Churches are not able to maintain their Ministers? doth not this show your beggarliness, and to be of the seed that is begging bread? which the Scriptures saith the righteous are not forsaken, nor their seed begging bread; and in this have you not shamed your Ministers that they have no better vineyards, ploughs, and flails, or did ever the Apostles or their hearers when they came into a Nation Petition to the powers of the earth for means? Pr. And ye say where any man will not do justly, and pay the labourer the wages he owes him, The Magistrate must see justice done, or else I know not what he hath to do. Answ. The Apostles Ambassadors and messengers of the Lord Jesus Christ which were to go to all the Nations to Preach the Gospel, they had not a Law at the Magistrates hands to give them wages, hale their hearers before them to give them wages, or put up Petitions before every Supreme of the Nation before whom they came, this was not the work of the Apostles, messengers and Disciples, who were to go into all Nations to Preach the Gospel, when they had Preached the Gospel to the Nation, they did not Petition to the Supreme powers of the Nation, Powers or Principalities or Kings for maintenance from their hearers as you do now; Oh! this stinks and shows it is out of the power which the Apostles, disciples and messengers of the Lord Jesus Christ were in. For they would have made their Gospel to have stunk, if they had come into all Nations to Preach the Gospel, and then after they had Preached it, if their hearers would not have given them maintenance, to have Petitioned to the Supreme authority of the Nation, and have haled their hearers into Courts, to Assizes, Sessions and Benches, would this have been glad tidings to the Nations, or trouble to the Nations? and have been but deceivers, and pretenders of glad tidings, and bringers of trouble to the Nation, and seekers of themselves, and for themselves? and not to do the work which the Lord Jesus Christ sent them about, Preachers of the Gospel that live of the Gospel, might use their power and would not, and the power of God is the same now as ever it was, and it tries all the spirits that are gone out into the world which have Apostated since the days of the Apostles, out of the Apostles power; and now with the power the Apostles were in, are they comprehended, which are gone out of the power which the Apostles were in. Pr. And ye speak of Ionas temptation and yet of your comfort in your studies. Answ. The power that Ionas was in, ye are far off, or them that are to divide the word aright, but swallowed up in the great temptation of the world, pride and covetousness, in that are ye drowned, and hard heartedness, as the Goals in the Nation are your witness; such as cannot give you maintenance, and such as are moved of the Lord God to come and speak to you, by you are cast into Goal, which shows that you are in another power then the Apostle was in, who said quench not the spirit, and the Prophet was in, who said Limit not the holy One; and denying prophecy; so now your power and authority to your Ministry with the spirit of the Lord God is fathomed, and you to be out of the spirit the Apostles were in, and to be spirits that are gone out into the world and into the earth and fall, and so you usurp the authority, and usurp the Ministry, in usurping the authority as yourselves may see, read the Scripture of the Prophets and Apostles, and there read the fruit of your Ministry and Actions, try them by plain Scripture. Pr. Ye say that the Ministry hath no power to put you out of the Vineyard, but to persuade others to do it. Ans. Are the Ministry in the Vineyard of God, and have they no power, have they no authority there in the Vineyard? Are the Magistrates then to put them into the Vineyard, and to take them out? And all them that are labourers in the Vineyard must persuade to put into the Vineyard, do not you in this show your ignorance of the Apostles Doctrine, and of their work, who rebuked, stopped the mouths of gainsayers, had power to silence, had power to try spirits, had power to judge, had power to defend? Now have you not in this (if you be Ministers) dishonoured your power and authority; and have showed that you be out of the power, and to be them that cries to the mountains fall on us, and hid us from the glorious presence of the Lord, which is arising to shake terribly the earth. Pr. So if the Minister's maintenance be taken away, there is little likelihood of a Ministry long. Answ. It seems the maintenance hath been that which hath caused them to Preach, and held them up, so take away their maintenance, down falls their Ministry. But I say the power will stand, and the Administration of the spirit, and the hearing of Christ, and the teaching of God, if men take away all their maintenance, and cast them into prison for speaking; But this holding up of Ministers by maintenance is that which came up before the Apostles decease: which taught for filthy lucre's sake and through covetousness made merchandise of the people, through the love of money they erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many hurtful lusts, and admired men's persons because of advantage, and taught for gifts and rewards, these were come up before the Apostles decease, now these Teacher's admired men's persons, taught for filthy lucre, the love of money and covetousness, which the Apostle saw before his decease, which since the world run after them; take away their money and their lucre, and their gifts, see how long these will Preach: Now have you shown your Root, your offspring is found out. Now the Apostle Preached, and the Ministers stood up which judged the Root from whence ye are sprunge, for your Root was come up before the Apostles decease: And now try ye, if maintenance be taken away, there is no likelihood the Ministry will stand long; And we say so too, we know it, take away your maintenance, down falls the Preacher. Therefore with Petitions are you troubling the Courts and Magistrates for your livelihood, which if ye were true Ministers ye would be in the work, in the Vineyard of God, and would be ashamed of such things, and with the power of God, cover your nakedness, and not be Beggars, and Petition for outward things, ye dishonour the power of the Lord God, and cause his name to be blasphemed among the heathen. And so for shame let your mouths be stopped for ever, for saying you are Ministers. The power would open the hearts of people if ye were in that, and make them to give you, that there would be no want; And then the Gospel would be Preached and you live in that, and glad tidings be known to all Nations, and men would not be cumbered about Courts, and put in prison by you, whom you do no work for. P●. Ye say shall men have leave to Preach, railing against Christ's Ministers and Church? reproaches to the world, and hath Gyles Calvert owned his name at them? and ye speak of your liberty of the Pulpit; But that the Pulpit should be Satan's Oracle; as Apthecaries' shop keeps open poison● so Gyles Calvert doth for soul-poison. Answ. This is not the way by railing, to stop poison; but your Pulpits have been like shops of poison even to poison Nations; for have you not poisoned many people and made their minds envious, and most of your stuff hath been railing one against another? which had ye been Ministers or spoken the truth in the love of it, it would have preserved people in peace and unity, and not have sought yourselves. And Gyles Calvert (as you call) an Apothecary's shop, hath been a place whereby many of your actions and fruits have been discovered, and made manifest, not against the Church of God, not against the Ministers of God and Christ, not against the Magistrates that live in the fear, and life, and power of God, but against the injustice and the persecution; and the apostates gotten up since the days of the Apostles as ye confess, if your maintenance be taken away, the Ministry will fall. Now the power is that that causeth people to minister to any that ministereth to them, not by compulsion, but freely, and this is acceptable and pleasing to God, which the Lord loves. And so all your poison of your Pulpits, as Satan's oracles, hath been like such a thing; for the Pulpiters' are them which have caused the great persecution and imprisoning for speaking to them; and because they will not give them maintenance, and so quenching the spirit, and that which quenches the spirit is not of God; for in the true Church all may prophesy one by one; and if any thing be revealed to him that sits by, the other must hold his peace, that all may learn and be comforted. The spirits of the Prophets are subject to the Prophets; And this was the order in the Churches of God, before the Apostles decease: But since their decease amongst you that are apostatised from them, this is disorder, and sets you all on an uproar and confusion; So your Church and Pulpit is more like Satan's oracle, than the Church of God; and you have been in your Pulpits more like women's scolding to the Cuck-stool, which you speak of, than men that preach the Gospel; as the Parishes may witness how they have been burdened with your railing against other people which have not been present with you: And when any of them have come to you, you have cried take them away, they disturb you. Is not this worse than women's scolding; for women will stand and scold one with another, but ye will scold behind their backs, and cannot endure to speak to their faces, but cry to prison with them. But the Rod is gone over you, and you are come under the scourge, the whip and the lash for your evil words, which have corrupted your manners, when ye should have been preaching the peaceable way to the Kingdom of God, ye have been bringing people to strife, throwing them into prison for speaking a word to you, that cannot give you maintenance, which you do no work for. But the sentence spoken in Matth. is coming upon you, ye cast into Prison to death because they cannot give you maintenance, therefore ye are far short of visiting them which be in Prison; And these covers will not cover you, and all your hard speeches which you have vented forth in your Book, which is not worth mentioning; but they will come upon yourselves; for every one of your words shall be your burden. Now fools may subscribe their hands to things they know not, and go with a multitude to do evil; but wise men consider and ponder the things beforehand: So all your Petitions, the holy Scriptures of the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles, read and try them, whether ye have ever an example amongst any of the Ministers of the Gospel, that ever put up a Petition to any supreme of a Nation; or that Christ ever gave them any such command, that his Disciples should go and beg with a Petition to the supreme powers of the Nation for maintenance? Have not you in this dishonoured the Gospel and Christianity, and shown that you are not of the royal Priesthood, nor of the royal seed, nor everlasting Covenant? nor you Ministers to them that do freely give, which have freely received? but to be such whose spirits be in the earth: And you Petitioners are not able to maintain them; which all Magistrates that stand in the fear of the Lord God will judge, and so see that you have shamed yourselves, your Ministry and Church, and that you are not a Vineyard, that you have not a Flock to give you milk, to give you fruit, but they must be fain to give you fruit: And the Magistrates must be fain to give your Minister's milk, and so shown the slothfulness of them that have ploughed, and are not made partakers of their hope, but have lost it. In vain have they ploughed and threshed, and not got out the Corn. And in all this have not you shown your idleness, that ye have not laboured & got a Vineyard, and thresht and got no corn; and have not ploughed and sowed the seed? And will not the Magistrates see you in this? and have not they wronged you in maintaining you in idleness? Will not the Magistrates see that they have done so to you in this, and become packhorses no longer, and executioners, who hath executed your malice upon them you do no work for, neither have hired you? and cast them into prison when they have spoken to you to repent and fear God? and so it's time for the Magistrates to do justice, and execute the Law upon you idle vagabonds. William Thomas, a Minister of the Gospel at Vbley (called) in his Book called, Railing rebuked, or, a defence of the Ministers. His Principles are as Followeth. Pr. HE saith, His Epistle reflects upon two sorts of persons, and how many false Prophets have risen. Ans. The work of the Ministers of the Gospel was not to reflect upon persons, or strike at creatures (as thou sayest) two sorts of persons; but they struck at the power which captivated the creature, to the intent that the creature might come into the liberty of the sons of God: And so thou that art reflecting upon persons, dost show a mark of thyself to be a false Prophet; in stead of speaking of the power, thou art reflecting upon persons; and this reflecting upon persons was never the way to beget to God; but that which strikes at the power which captivates creatures, reacheth to the witness in prison, and brings people into unity with God and one another in the spirit, which is the bond of peace. Pr. To love the Word, for the good parts, that in regard of the Christian is a dangerous thing, and in regard of the Word of God, a dishonourable thing. Answ. Where the good parts are not in the Christian, that is a dishonourable thing to the Word, and causeth the Word of God to be evil spoken of: As the whole Assembly of you Ministers have done by your bad conversations, earthly, covetous, impatient spirits, that cannot endure any should speak but yourselves in your places, so by you hath the Word of God been dishonoured, and not honoured; for the Apostles did write that they were to show themselves Patterns and Examples to the Flock of God in life and conversation, that the Word of God might not be evil spoken of. Now where the Word is evil spoken of, and the bad parts in a Christian proceeds, this grieves the righteous, and causeth the truth to be evil spoken of, and the Word makes them vessels of honour in whom it is. Pr. Now when Christians leave the Word and Sacraments and Sabbaths, it is a dangerous pride, lifting up the Light within, as they do. Answ. The Christians that denied the Sabbaths, and witnessed Christ the substance, the rest, said, The light that shined in their hearts would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. And they lifted up Christ the Light, and they walked in him the Covenant of God, and of light to the Jews and Gentiles come; which who walk in it, are in peace with God, and unity one with another, and have the light of life and rest, and all be in the dangerous state that be out of that. And as for the word Sacrament, there's no Scripture for it, but one of the Papists common words, and the Light brings off it, and the Jewish Sabbath. Pr. Buy the truth, and sell it not, not pleading for sufficiency of a common light, and leaving their Callings as the Monks, and their books flying abroad, their wings unclipt, and no mention of eternal salvation from the wrath to come. And he saith, he loves the word Sacraments, Sabbaths, and Ministry. Answ. Christ came to put an end to the Jewish Sabbaths, and the Apostles preached their end, and forsook all for Christ, and so to revile such as are in the same power, and to call it by the unsavoury expression, Monkish, thou and ye are more like to that, that tells us of Sacraments, which is from the Monkish holiness. And for speaking of clipping the wings of our Books that flies abroad, that's another unsavoury expression, and shows that spirit, that it is not able to resist that spirit that gives forth the Books. As for the Word and Ministry, that thou hast showed thyself against, though thou professes the Scripture to be the Word: And those are the words of God, which Christ the Word fulfilled, and this the Ministers of Christ witness; And ye never read that the Ministers of the Gospel said they loved the Jewish Sabbaths, and held up the Sabbaths; those were the Ministers of the Law that held up the Sabbaths which Christ the Rest came to put an end to, by which the world was made before it was made, glorified with the Father before the world began. And you sell the Truth, and take the world, which deny the Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, which is sufficient to him that believes in it. Pr. We exercise and order our preaching for the getting of money and maintenance: And the greetings in the Markets, is but that which humanity requires, nor to be called of men Rabbi, else Christ would not have taken it. Must a Minister lose the members of his Church, and the maintenance of his place both at once? Answ. Christ said to his Disciples, they should know the false Prophets by their fruits, and said be not ye called of men Master, to his Disciples, for one is your Master, even Christ, and denied the Pharisees greetings in the Market, which thou calls humane right: And the Apostles ordered not their preach to get money by them; but they laboured to keep the Gospel without charge, and the Ministers of Christ brought the people off the Jews Assemblies, and their maintenance both: And ye that be found out of the Apostles Doctrine in the apostasy, such as come from you, that you do no work for, how can you expect that they should give you maintenance? or how can you in righteousness take maintenance of them that you do no work for? So if ye lose the members, will ye take the maintenance? which of the Apostles did so? Nay, is it not the way to gain members, to deny the maintenance? Is not that the way whereby the power of God may be known that raiseth the seed of God, whereby the hearts of people may be opened, and whereby the seed is known? And the Apostle declared against such as taught for filthy lucre, and made merchandise of the Word, and that which thou calls humanity, which is your earthly right, seeing your conversation is in earth, and not in heaven. Pr. It cannot be concluded that there is a light in every man teaching unto Christ, and unto salvation. And if Christ put a light in every man that cometh into the world, to guide him unto the Father, and unto life. I deny that to be true; for that's a natural light which is only the light which Christ the Word communicates to all men. Nay, the light that all men have, though it seem to make them to know God, as God, yet it is not sufficient to make them to know that there is a Father or a Son, or the holy Ghost, that there is a Gospel. And saith, I am the light of the world, that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that is both Jews and Gentiles. And he that walks in the light shall have the light of life. Now here lies the deceit. Answ. The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, the Covenant of God to Jews and Gentiles, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; which they that walk in the light, walk in Christ, and come to see before any natural light was; And he that walks in the light shall not abide in the darkness, but shall have the light of life; and with the light he shall know God, he shall know the Son, he shall know the Gospel, he shall know the holy Ghost, and that light is not natural. And he that knoweth God, knoweth the Father; and none knows him but with the light of Christ Jesus who reveals him; for God is the Father. And I will give him for a Covenant, a light to the Gentiles, a new Covenant to the house of Israel and Judah, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, a leader of the people, a leader of them from death to life, to God, out of the fall, the first man Adam, a bringer in of righteousness, peace and joy, and truth, and grace to all that believe and receive him; but them that hate the light it is their condemnation. The light, Christ, the Covenant of God is the leader of the People out of the fall, out of all deceit unto God, and it is sufficient; It is the end of the Prophets and the Apostles teaching, the fountain of life, in which every one sees life. Pr. Hath every man a light sufficient to bring him to God, when none comes to God but by Christ? If there be a light sufficient within for the enjoyment of life, For direction to the Father the fountain of life; the holy Ghost saith, Ye shall teach no more every man his neighbour, ye need not that any man teach you. He doth not speak absolutely and strictly. Answ. Jews and Gentiles who witness the new Covenant of God promised, the Law in their hearts, it is absolute, they need not say to one another, Know the Lord, in the Covenant of life and peace with God, in him by whom the world was made before it was made; But they that have these words in a form, are they that set to themselves heaps of Teachers: And the teachings of the Apostles to all Nations were Ambassadors of this Covenant, declaring the substance to the bringing of people off all Teachers, that they needed not be taught by any man to know the Lord; and the light Christ which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, is sufficient to guide to eternal life, and he that believeth in it shall not abide in darkness, but shall have the light of life, and shall come out of condemnation; and he that hates it abides in darkness, and knoweth not whether he goes: And it is sufficient to let every man see his salvation; For I will give him for a covenant of light, saith God, he shall be my salvation to the ends of the earth, the Covenant of light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. Pr. What Christ and the Apostles saith, swear not at all, neither by heaven, or earth, or any other oath. They did not mean as they spoke, but that men should swear; and they did not speak against all swearing: And the Quakers may blush, for it is, as if God should speak as he meant by Moses in the Law. Answ. Christ and the Apostles meant as they spoke, to what state and condition they spoke, the words was truth to that state, if it was by parables, or patterns, or figures. Now Christ being the end of Oaths and Types, saith, Swear not at all, who is the Covenant of God, the end of the Prophets, of Abraham, of David, of Solomon, of Jacob, of Joseph. Oaths and swearing, and Angels which must bow to him, who s●ith, swear not at all. And the Apostles preached this Covenant, this Oath of God, Christ Jesus; and the Apostle that was in the Doctrine of Christ, bid them above all things my brethren swear not at all, but in all your communication let your yea be yea, & your nay, nay, for whatsoever is more cometh of evil. And they spoke as they meant; for they came into condemnation that broke the doctrine of Christ. Now Apostates, and Hypocrites, and false Brethren may swear, that be out of the light, the Covenant of God, that have the form of godliness, and denies the power, and such be Antichrists, against his doctrine, and wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction, and say that Christ and God, and the Apostles did not mean as they spoke; which God did mean as he spoke, when he spoke to Abraham: And Christ meant as he spoke, when he said swear not at all: And the Apostle meant as he spoke, my brethren, above all things swear not at all. Pr. We are Ministers under the new Covenant, and have the allowance of the Gospel; and the tithes being only designed unto us, we may with a good conscience take it. And the tithes are not in themselves Ceremonial. Abraham paid tithes to Melchisedeck. If there be not a maintenance settled out to the Ministry, we know we cannot subsist to do service to their souls without a worldly support, a sufficient maintenance. They call us greedy dogs, because nursing Fathers and Mothers have provided for our nourishment a maintenance for us. To work or to beg are two straits, whereof the world might be ashamed, but especially the Saints. Answ. The world would not be ashamed, nor the Saints to see you work, who have taken the people's bread for whom you do no work, and the Saints do witness against you. The Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles declares such to be greedy dogs, that can never have enough; And Christ came to put an end to tithes before the Law, to Tithes in the Law, to a Priesthood made by the Law, which had a command to take Tithes, who is a Priesthood for ever after the order of Melchisedeck, who was the similitude and likeness (and not after the order of Aaron) who continues a Priest for ever: And so when the first Priesthood was ended, Tithes and all ended, and the command that gave them; and the Priesthood, and the Law which was made when Christ reigns over the house of Jacob, who afore Abraham was, I am, that Abraham paid tithes too, the similitude and likeness, which Christ is the end of; here the Rock, and the substance. This is my beloved Son, hear him (saith God) who was in the bosom of the Father: So they that know him, come to preach the Gospel, and live of the Gospel; who breaks down the earthly part, and opens the hearts of people; who breaks down the earthly part, and reaches to the seed. And as for your nursing Fathers and Mothers, such as give you maintenance, else you could not continue your Ministry without a worldly support, That is it which hath held you up long, and who are fain to fly to the old worship, among whom the Tenths were paid, and so roving up and down in sheep's clothing for your own ends to get maintenance; and if that falls, your Ministry falls: And your nursing Father and Mother was the Pope, the Pope was the Author that set forth your Tenths at the first, since the apostasy from the Apostles, and the Apostles doctrine hath been lost: Therefore that life the Apostles were in, is people now come to, by which ye are seen and comprehended: And a worldly support is not that which holds up the Ministry, but Christ which is with them to the end of the world; and they that preach his Gospel, live of it, and they are far above shaming the Saints or the world either, for maintenance; but ye have both shamed yourselves, and the Saints are ashamed of you, and many of the world, and your own hearers are ashamed of you, and will not justify your practices; and so ye have showed your consciences who take the tenths, that you are not exercised with the light, neither be in the mystery of the Faith which gives to see the end of all changeable things: And are not you begging with your Petitions for more maintenannce? with your Petitions flying up and down for Glebe-lands and Augmentations to the powers of the earth? and sending for Writs, summoning up to the Courts people that you do no work for? and this hath been the end of your fruits. Pr. He that scorns to make use of the labours of men for his improvement in the things of God, shows himself proud; If there be occasion to make use of humane Authors, which we offer to our Hearers. Answ. Humane Authors are from the earth, from the fallible nature, to mix and mingle that, with that which is received from God, he shows that he hath not discerning, and makes that not sufficient which he hath received from God; and this is contrary to the Apostles, what the Saints of the Lord had delivered, they did not mix it with men's enticing words of wisdom, neither did they speak it in the words which man's wisdom taught, but which the holy Ghost did teach them: Therefore this is to teach from men's labours or humane Authors; for men's Labours, and the humane authors invented come out of that nature which prisons the seed of God; and so that is not agreeable to that which is received from God; but every ones words there shall be his burden; and so humane authors are not to be mixed with the word of God, for the word is pure, & nothing is to be added to, or taken from it, he that doth shall be proved a liar, and the higher power is not humane nor fallible. Pr. Paul and Pe●er were instructed by an immediate revelation, which we are not so presumptuous to expect, or to make the Ap stles condition our condition, humane learning will not acquaint us with the mind of God, yet being sanctified, it is a great assistance to that end. Ans. Are not ye in the presumption & usurp authority to preach or to teach that have not the immediate revelation, as the Apostles had, but have got their words, and usurps the authority, and are out of their power, is not this usurping? Are not all who be not of the power, in the words of the Apostles, such as are to be turned away from by the command of the Apostle? And are not all who be of God and in the power & the life that the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles were in, the immediate revelation of God? Can any know the Scriptures, or the truth given forth from the spirit of truth, learned of God the Father of truth, but by the immediate revelation which is the spirit of God, which reveals the things of God? And thou speakest of study and prayer, can any dvide the word aright or pray aright, but in the spirit? and where that is, is not there immediate revelation from God? and this thou calls presumption to be in the revelation as the Apostles were in, which it is presumption to meddle with their words, and not to be in the condition they were in, that is presumption, and to usurp authority, and so ye are them that are got up since the days of the Apostles, ravening inwardly from the spirit of God that they were in, & have sheep's clothing, which Christ said should come, john saw was come, & went forth form them, which since the days of the Apostles, the world have gone after you, all but who have their names written in the book of life before the foundation of the world, & keep Jesus testimony; And humane learning doth not help in the way and things of God as it is in itself, but as the spirit doth open through all things, and beyond all things, and comprehends all Languages, and sees before languages were, that is it that ministers to the spirits in prison, and that is not called humane learning which sees over languages and beyond languages, and comes to have power over tongues, languages and speeches, and sees before they were. Pr. Custom hath made it the civility of our language, to say you to one, and not to say thou to a Superior, except it be a Familiar, It is no great fault to respect men's persons, and the Scripture only makes men wise to salvation; And it is a pernicious error in placing justification and salvation in righteousness within. Ans. That the righteousness of Christ might be fulfilled in us, and where Christ is within, there is sanctification, and there is justification, & there is salvation known; for there is no salvation known nor felt without, but first it is found within; Faith evidenceth it, the spirit witni●sing, the spirit comes to witness it, the light sees it, & this is within; And so they that have these words of righteousness, of sanctification of Justification without, & not within, are in the error, & none knows them without but first they know them within: and you to a superior, and Thou to a familiar. Is not God the Superior, the supreme? and dost thou say You to God? dost thou esteem man higher, in a place beyond God? is not this ambition and pride and presumption and foolishness, must thou not come to be judged here, and be humbled for your miscarriages? and Thou to a familiar, a person of low degree, canst thou speak more familiarly to God then to man, Thou to him, and You to man, is this righteous and sound speech that cannot be condemned? Dost thou not in this show that thou never learned the Accidence or Bible he that respects persons, commits sin; dost thou respect the poor and the rich in thy words, and is by the law reproved to be a transgressor, and is out of the faith that is held without respect of persons; And as for the rest of all thy lies and hard expressions in thy Book, they shall come upon thyself, and to thee be a heavy burden; And the day hastens upon thee apace, to the witness of God in thy conscience I speak, which will let thee see that it had been better for thee, if thou had never opened thy mouth, then to have opened thy nakedness to the Nation; and this is not the way to convert souls, to rail; for railing never converted any, but brought them into a form out of the power, and so increased knowledge, which was their sorrow. R. Sherlock, His Principles as followeth. Pr. HE saith, They do not attain the knowledge, and understanding of the Gospel by the same means as the Apostles did, saith he we Preach the same Gospel, as the Apostles preached, but do not attain to the knowledge and understanding of this Gospel by the same means. Answ. That which the Apostles received, they received from God; so ye receiving it not by the same means, have received it from men, and not from God. Pr. He saith, The Apostles were eye witnesses, and understood by immediate Revelation from God, inspired with the gift of the spirit, more than any man could hope for since, and he saith they do not pretend any such gift, nor depend upon any such immediate miraculous Revelation from Heaven. Answ. Then all may see now in this what ye have received, that hath been from man which is not from Heaven immediate, nor the gifts of the spirit, nor received the Gospel by the same means the Apostles did, who are not the eye witnesses, as the Apostles were, neither have ye attained to the same knowledge and understanding as the Apostles did, nor received it from heaven; now let all people question, whether it is the same Gospel, which is not received from Heaven, nor immediately, nor by Revelation; for the Gospel is immediate, which is the power of God, Rom. 1. they are in the same power, understanding, knowledge, and immediate Revelation from Heaven, that the Apostles were in, that understand the Gospel, and they that be in another, cannot understand that Gospel; so he confesseth to the Nation in his answer to some Queries, and in his discourse upon the holy spirit, that they have not the same knowledge, gift nor immediate Revelation as the Apostles had; so he hath made himself manifest, and the rest of the Priests, that he is in the Apostasy, not to have the Gospel the Apostles had. Pr. He saith page 11. An external means enables them to open the meaning of the Gospel. Answ. An external opens not the eternal, this all may judge that is in the fear of God, and that is it which keeps them from being deceived, and seduce: the external which opens the eternal, he saith so, which is false; for the eternal opens the external, and the Gospel is eternal, and that which reacheth to the soul which is immortal, and all they are seduced and seducers that thinks and saith the external must open the eternal. Prin. He saith, Learned men are them which must give the sense of the Scripture. Answ. Pilate was a learned man, and had Hebrew, Greek and Latin, and knew not the sense of the Scripture, which crucified Christ; And the learning of God is that which knows the Scriptures by the spirit that gave them forth, and not the confounded natural Languages; and the Querie to him was, whether any was to be called Master, his Answer is, Master is a Title of civil honour, a Pharisee, a transgressor of Christ's commands, Mat. 23. that tramples upon Christ's command and his doctrine, and makes the doctrine of Christ uncivil, and this is your Lordship and your usurped Authority, who would lord it over God's heritage, but he is throwing you out as dung upon the face of the earth. Pr. He saith, The Pharisees paid Tithes when they neglected the Law of God. Answ. Do not all you so? Is not this your condition that takes Tithes, whose fruits in the Nation make it manifest, and the Apostle said the Priesthood was changed that took Tithes, and the Apostles denied the Pharisees that took them; but you take them by compulsion, and carry to prison till death if you cannot get them, and in this you are worse than the Pharisees and first Priesthood that took Tithes, which denied Christ was come in the flesh. Pr. He saith, That children are of the Kingdom of God, and yet they must be born again before they can enter into the Kingdom of God, page 17. and sprinkling of Infants is Baptism. Answ. Which there is no Scripture for, he saith Christ commanded both his disciples and them to take and eat this, and yet they never heard his voice. Pr. He saith, To give an answer without imagination, or consequence, is without reason or Judgement. Answ. There is a reason and a Judgement out of imaginations and consequences to be given, which is in truth, and out of the doubtful dispute. Prin. He saith, While men be upon the earth the body of sin is not wholly subdued. Answ. Contrary to the Apostles doctrine, who saith they were made free from sin, and this is to deny the Circumcision which puts off the body of sin; this is to keep out of Christ the second Adam, in the first Adam, in the fall. Pr. He saith, The contents of the Gospel are things of the spirit of God attained by an external means, and the Apostles was called of God immediately, which he saith no man must hope for since. Answ. Then you have all followed your own spirits and are found amongst the number of the false Prophets, and them that ran and the Lord never spoke to them; and the things of the Gospel and of the spirit are not attained by an external means. Pr. He saith, We must not look for an immediate extraordinary miraculous teaching from the Lord. Answ. Yet he saith all men are taught of God; what confusion is here? the grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared unto all men, and teacheth us, and this he calls an outward teaching by the Lord Jesus Christ. Is that which brings salvation outward all in the truth may Judge this and try thy spirit, and the teachings of the Lord is not mediate, but extraordinary, above all yours, which are men got up since the days of the Apostles. Pr. He saith, They shall teach no more every man his neighbour, saying, know the Lord, but they shall all know me from the least to the greatest; and he saith again, the most knowing man hath not attained such a perfection of knowledge in his gift, as not to need teaching. Answ. So he is one that believes not in the promise, they that love, are of God, and they that loveth knoweth God, and they that loveth not God, knoweth not God, here are the spirits of the world made manifest, and the spirit of God in his Saints, from thy confusion; so them that know God are taught of him. Pr. He saith, The anointing within people, is a measure of spiritual wisdom. Answ. And yet they attain to the Gospel by an external means, and it is only all they that give heed to such spirits as these, that go from the anointing within them, that did not take heed to the anointing, so going from the eternal means to the external means, and from the immediate to the mediate, with which they are now tried which the Apostle saw come in, which hath been since over the world, but now made manifest. Pr. He saith, Sprinkling of Infants is God's Ordinance. Answ. For which they have no Scripture, but a tradition which hath been taught men for a doctrine by them who cannot show where God commanded it. Pr. He saith pag. 31. For the spirit within we are not so blind folded to follow the dictates thereof, and we draw men from the spirit within; It is humane learning that distinguishes the naked Truth, whereby it is clearly seen, and calls them blind that saith otherwise: and cannot distinguish persons from houses, he confesseth it is contentions to go to Law. Answ. Here he hath given Judgement upon all the Priests the rest of his fellows, who in most coasts of the Nation are troubling people for Tithes, and their maintenance, and you are blindfolded who leads people from the spirit within who are ravened from it, and hath the sheep's clothing in the humane learning, which is from the earth, from the ground, and that cannot distinguish the naked truth, and with that the Pharisees could not see Christ, as you be, that cannot see the light which hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world, nor the Sons of God who are led by the spirit. Pr. He saith, The Scripture was given forth in the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin which we truly say is the Original, and to attain spiritual wisdom by depending upon miraculous Revelations from heaven, is attempting the good Spirit of God. Answ. And here he is contrary to the Apostle, what he had received from the Lord he declared, and David waited upon the Lord, and all the Prophets of God for Counsel and teaching and Revelation, and this he calls a Temptation, which no one knows the Son but by Revelation, nor the Father, nor the Scripture, not a Hebrew, nor a Greek, nor a Latinist, but they that think to find it out by natural Languages, are in the temptation from the Spirit of God which reveals the deep things of God, which to all you inwardly raveners, is miraculous; and as for the rest of thy confusion and lies, it is not worth the mentioning, but shall cover thyself, thy Judgement, the witness shall answer and manifest thy clothing. John Wallace Priest of Kendal, William Moor Priest of Kellet; Priest WALKER. Their Principles as followeth. Pr. THey say, That the Devil is transforming himself into an Angel of Light, and this is to oppose the Light of Christ. Answ. The Light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, is that which Satan is out of, and you that be out of the Light, which Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world withal, in you may Satan transform, who tranformed before the Apostles decease, which since their decease it hath been him that hath made this work among all creatures, which you be under his power, since the days of the Apostles in the night of the Apostasy, and he hath been the cause of destroying people, which be out of the Light, in which is the unity; To sing without the spirit, to sing words made ready to their hands as the Jews could, whose song● might be turned into howling; and to sing in ●he spirit, there is the melody made to the Lord, where hymns, Psalms and spiritual songs are known; but to say that Christ and the Apostles sung David's Psalms turned into Meeter as you do now, a thing made ready to their hands, this would make as though the Apostles and Christ could not sing without David's Psalms, and would put every one besides the spirit; for Christ was Lord of David, and the Apostles Preached the end of David, in that they sung: and every man that cometh into the world having a Light from Christ, and that which may be known of God is manifested within man, though Jew's and Gentiles be from it, it guiding all minds, it will bring them to sing in the spirit, as David, Solomon, Christ, the Apostles, and the Saints; and in this let all make melody to the Lord in their hearts, all having moving and breath from the Lord. So let all praise the Lord in the spirit, and in it unto him sing, who in him moves, and lives, and have their being. Gawen Eglesfield, His Principles as followeth. Pr. THat his call into the Ministry is mediate. Answ. So is not a Minister made by the will of God which is immediate; nor a Minister made by the spirit, which is immediate. Mediate is natural, and the natural man knows not the things of God, for they are spiritually discerned. Pr. And he saith, The Law is not changed that gave tithes. Answ. The Law of God is changed, and the Commandment disannuled, though the Pope set up another Law since the apostasy from the Apostles. Ambrose Dickinson, His Principles as followeth. Pr. HE saith, That there is nothing within man, but what puts him on a Covenant of works. Answ. First, there is faith within man, and there is Christ within man, that works by love, and God will dwell in man, and walk in man, and the Son of God is revealed within. Dost thou liken all these to things without in the Covenant of works which ends them all, and was before they was? Pr. He saith, There is no knowledge of Christ in this generation but by the Scripture. Answ. Many may have the Scriptures, and not know Christ; they will not give the knowledge of Christ, that which comes from him, and shines in the heart, doth give the knowledge of Christ the light. And the Jews had the Scriptures, but had not the knowledge of Christ, as you that doth not know the Light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, the ear being stopped to that of God in you, and eyes closed; and it is not the spirit; and the letter of it, cannot give life. Pr. John Stockdale said, the Scriptures must try the spirits. Answ. The spirit was before the Scriptures was; and the Jews had the Scriptures, yet knew not Christ, but crucified him, and that must try the spirits that gave forth Scriptures. Pr. He saith, The spirit and the Scriptures are one and the same thing. Answ. Scriptures are writings as the Priests and professors say, and Christ was before it was given forth which owns it, and is when it ends, and is fulfilled. Pr. Priest Heywood in Lancashire said, It was blasphemy to say that the Church was in God. Ans. Contrary to the Apostle, 1 Thes. 1.1. who said, the Church was in God. Prin. Again he said, It was blasphemy to say, that God dwells or walked in his Saints. Answ. Contrary to the Apostle, 2 Cor. 6.16. Eph. 4.6. which saith, God will dwell in you, and walk in you; and ye are the temples of God. Christopher Wade, His Book called, Quakery Slain. His Principles are as followeth. Pr. He saith in page 3. Oh horrible! to say the infallible spirit must open the Scriptures. Answ. Which hath shut himself out of the spirit that gave forth Scriptures, and must open them again, in which is the unity, and that is infallible; and he that hath the spirit of God, hath that which is infallible; and he that hath not the spirit is none of his; so out of the infallibility where thou art in the horrible state. Pr. He saith, It is whimsical to say, Christ, God and man, flesh and spirit is in them. Answ. Contrary to the Apostles Doctrine, who said, they were of his flesh and of his bone; and Christ in you, and he would walk in them: And he that hath not the spirit of Christ is none of his, and they are of his flesh and of his bone, and Christ in you the hope of glory. Pr. He saith, It is a Devilish doctrine not to forsake quaking and trembling. Answ. So in this thou mayest say, it is Devilish doctrine to say, salvation must be wrought out by trembling and quaking; so thou showest thou never knew salvation; for before men have salvation wrought out, they must know trembling and quaking; and so thou hast shut thyself out from Moses and David's condition, and such as the Lord regards and trembles at his word. Prin. He saith, Flesh and bone cannot be a measure in one, and a measure in another. Answ. Whereas the Apostle saith, we are of his flesh and of his bone. Here thou art contrary to the Apostle, and that was more than one that had the flesh of Christ and his bone, and his spirit. Pr. He cries, Oh Luciferian pride to save souls! Answ. What good doth all your preaching do? Here thou spoilest all the rest of the Priests, and shows thyself to be contrary to the Apostles, who watched for the soul, and saved souls, that turned people from a multitude of sins. Pr. He saith, God the Father never took upon him humane nature. Answ. Contrary to the Scripture, who saith, God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, and art ignorant of the great mystery, God manifest in the flesh, and his name is called the everlasting Father. As for the word Humane, which is from the ground, it comes from thy own knowledge which is earthly; and Christ took upon him the seed of Abraham and David according to the flesh, and this is Scripture-Language. Pr. He saith; The holy Ghost is a person, and that there was a Trinity of three persons before Christ was born. Answ. Thou knowest not him that is in the Father, and the Father in him, glorified with the Father before the world began: And the Scriptures doth not tell people of a Trinity nor three persons; but the Common-prayer-Masse-book speaks of three persons brought in by thy father the Pope, and the Father, Son, and holy Spirit was always one. Pr. He compares immediate revelation from heaven like unto the false Prophet's dreams. And again he saith, the Scriptures is the word of God. Answ. Here he fights with the rest of his fellows, who saith, Scriptures signifies writings, and writings are not God; but the Scriptures of truth are God's words, which Christ, the Word, fulfils: They are not the word of God which thou hast blasphemously affirmed, but Christ is the word of God; and they be out of the fear of God and the spirit, and knows not the Son nor the Father that denies Revelations, but are among the false Prophets and false Dreamers. Pr. He saith, The Scriptures are the Word, except you dare to deny Christ is God. And he brings a Scripture, Let the word of God dwell in you richly. Answ. So he makes the Scripture Christ, and God, and he doth not say, let Christ dwell in you, but means the Scripture and God dwells in you: And the Apostle said, Let Christ dwell in your hearts by faith, and God will dwell in you; but thou saith, Christ doth not dwell in them personally. Doth not Christ dwell in his Saints, as he is in the person of the Father, the substance? and are not they of his flesh, and of his bone? Pr. They that hear the Word of God do not hear the Son, the holy Scriptures are the mediate Word of God. Ans. Now all people, where ever did you read of a mediate word of God? Doth not the word of God endure for ever, and is it mediate? And that he calls God heavenly Father, and never heard his voice, nor his Sons, and denies immediate teachings; and he that knows the spirit that gave forth Scriptures, hears the Son. Pr. He saith, God limits the supreme holy one by the inspired writings of the Apostles; and that is his third dispensation of his mind to men: And he saith, they are taught by inspired Scriptures, which is mediate; not by Letter, which is literally, the Letters or Letter. Answ. Inspired Scriptures, and yet mediate, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy; and the Spirit inspires, which the Letter doth not; and Gods teaching is by his spirit, and the holy one is not limited by the words of the Apostles who fulfils them, and many words the Apostles spoke which he did not write. Pr. And he calls the Devil the tutor, to say, not made Minister of the Letter. Answ. So we speak the Apostles words, and he makes the Devil the Apostles tutor, who said, the letter killeth, but the spirit gives life, who was not a Minister of the Letter, but of the spirit, said, and says this, that makes the Devil the Apostles tutor, which is a lie, and his own; and the Devil is the Tutor of the Ministers of the Letter, and not of the Spirit; who can run into it, who is out of the truth. Pr. He speaks of a moral Law. Answ. Which he hath no Scripture for, the Scripture speaks no such thing, but darkens counsel by his words. Pr. He saith, The Scripture contains the mediate inspired teachings, written word of God, that was and is God. Ans. Which the Scriptures say, the heaven of heavens cannot contain him; and God and Christ was before any written words was; and the mediate teaching of the whole Scripture-letter he speaks of, which he calls God and Christ; and all the mediate teaching is carnal, and the Scriptures doth not continue the immediate teachings of God's inspiration, but testifies of those things. Pr. He saith, The written word is the sword of the spirit. And he makes another rule, besides the Scripture's, false. Answ. Which we say is the spirit that gave them forth, whereby peace is known upon the Israel of God; And the Pharisees had the Scriptures, but had not the sword of the spirit, the Scriptures testifies of the sword of the spirit. Pr. He saith, It is a lie to say the Saints shall judge the world. Answ. So he would make Christ and the Apostles liars, and would take the judgement from the Son, and make Christ at a distance from the Saints, so he is ignorant of the Saints and Christ both, and knows not the time of the Saints judging when the Lord is come; but stands in the counsels of his own heart, and in the hidden things of darkness. Pr. He saith, No Saint can be a judge of the world. Answ. Contrary to Cor. 6. where the Apostle saith, Do ye not know the Saints shall judge the world? And they abide not in the truth that affirms it as thou saith; so hast showed thy ignorance, and one of them that is judged by the Saints. Pr. He denies the Son of God to be revealed in man only by adoption, and cries against equality with the Father. Answ. And that is contrary to the Apostle, who had the Son of God revealed in him. And the Assembly of Divines gave forth a Catechism, which children, old and young was to learn, and said, the holy Ghost and Son was equal in substance, and power, and glory with the Father; What, than all that have the Son and the holy Ghost, hath that which is equal in power and glory with the Father. In this thou hast not only judged thyself, but all the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, 1649. Pr. It is a false thing to say Christ's person is in man. Answ. Which is as much as to say, none are of his flesh or of his bone, nor eat it, nor had not his substance. Pr. For denying all meritorious works that cast men out from enjoying any thing from G●d for their salvation. Ans. And ne'er they are turned to the Pope, who are in their own meritorious works, out of the faith that works by love. Pr. And there is no other way to salvation but by meritorious works. Ans. And there is no man attains to salvation by his own meritorious works in his will, but they that attain salvation comes to the light which Christ hath enlightened them withal. Pr. He calls that Satanical, to say, as he is, so are we in this present world. Ans. Contrary to John, who saith, as he is, so are we in this present world, so thou hast denied John's words. Pr. That God doth exclude all works wrought in man and by man, by what spirit soever. Answ. So here is thy spirit tried, and works are totally excluded without any distinction, and so the works of God and Christ his Son are excluded by thee; and the Apostle bids them work out their salvation with fear and trembling; which he opposeth, and gives another sense to it; and the works of God, Christ, and the spirit are not denied by us, as thou dost by the Devil which is in thee. Pr. To be justified by Christ alone, he calls it a justified self-quaker. Answ. There is no man self-denied and justified in the sight of God, but by Christ alone: And they that are not justified by Christ alone, are in themselves, and its justification. Pr. It is against the Scriptures to say men must be without sin, and that men must be perfect. Answ. That's contrary to the Scriptures, for they mention that there was just men, perfect men, and holy men upon earth, for they that gave forth Scriptures were holy men; and Paul spoke wisdom amongst them that were perfect; and Joseph was a just man; And the blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin, and are perfected by the one offering for ever (mark the words are) and he that is borne of God doth not commit sin. Prin. He makes people believe, that false Prophets and Antichrists are come but now. Ans. Which Christ said should come in Matth. 24. which John saw were come, 1 Epist. 2. And in the Revelation he saw the world go after them, which he is one of them; but the Quakers own but one Christ, which is the seed, which is now risen on top of them all, and witness the Lamb; He that was dead, is alive, and lives for evermore. Pr. That the Quakers are of the Devil. Ans. And it hath been the Devil in him that hath testified against the Quakers, and so makes his Kingdom divided against himself; and it is Christ that is in the Quakers, and hath appeared, that cannot be shaken, whom he calls Belzebub, like some of his old Fathers, but his reward will be according to his works. Pr. H● saith, No other people upon the earth go about to save souls but the Quakers. Answ. So he hath judged himself and all the people upon the face of the earth to be deceivers of souls, and not saviours of souls; but the Quakers are so (the preservers and saviours of souls) and yet he calls them equivocating, deluding hypocrites, which he hath proved himself, and all others to be so, except Quakers. Pr. He denies, and says that the Saints bodies are not Christ's body. Answ. And how are they Christ's? how dwells he in them? and how are they of his flesh and of his bone then? and how brutish are you become in the knowledge? hath not he bought them with a price? and are they not his? Pr. He saith, That neither God's Essence, nor the heaven, nor Christ's person was in Peter's holy body. Answ. But the Apostle said, God will dwell in you, and walk in you, and Christ in you. And again he saith, our conversation is in heaven. And here thou art striving against the Apostles Doctrine; and the Beas● is blaspheming against the Tabernacle of God, and they that dwell in heaven; And thus thou wrangles with the Apostle, who said Christ was in them; and is not his power that which thou calls his essence? Pr. He says, There is not whole Christ God and man, in men. Answ. Then how must men grow up in the measure of the fullness of the stature of Christ, and Christ and God will dwell in man, and walk in man, God that made all things, and Christ by whom all things were made. Pr. He saith, It is a shame for the Quakers to say, as he is, so are we in this present world. Ans. Which is the Apostles words, and the Apostle was not ashamed to speak them, but thou that lives in the power of darkness art ashamed to hear them. Pr. He saith, Christ had not appeared unto the Saints in his second coming to them, much less in them. Ans. Contrary to the Apostles Doctrine, 2 Colos. And Christ said, he would dwell in them. And the Apostle said, the son of God was come: and Christ said, he would come again to the Apostles, which he did according to his word; and God did dwell in them, and walk in them: and John in his Epistle said the Son of God was come. Pr. And he saith, The Saints are not as Christ is. Answ. So he denies John's Doctrine, who said, as he is, so are we in this present world. Pr. And he said, The righteous man sins seven times a day; and that David nor no man living is justified in the sight of God at any time, so long as he was a living man upon earth, and that the Prophet's were not made free from sin. Ans. And there is no Scripture that saith, a righteous man sins seven times a day; and David said his sins were removed from him as far as the East is from the West, and yet thou saith, David was never at any time free from sin, of having sin in him while he was upon the earth. And God said, I have found David a man after my own heart● fulfilling all my will. So here he was justified: And the Apostle said in Rom. 6. that they were made free from sin, and were justified by faith in Christ Jesus. Pr. He saith, Paul was not made free from all sin. A. Yet Paul said he had kept the faith, he had kept that which purifies and gives victory over sin, and yet he goes about to disprove Paul's words, and saith, Paul had sin when he had finished his course: so his great work is to prove the Saints sinners, which they witness against him, and charging Job, Paul, and David with sin, which God justified, and said, Job did not sin with his mouth. Though Paul did cry out of the body of sin, yet he found victory over the body of sin, and knew the redemption which the creatures waited for, the liberty of the Sons of God; and said, they were made free from sin, in Rom. 6. and they were justified from all things; and by the one offering for ever he had sanctified. Because the Quakers own the light Christ, and are come into the spirit that gave forth Scriptures, and heard the voice of the Son of God, and denies all them that says, they have not heard the voice of the Son of God and Christ to be in them, Therefore he saith, they have forsaken the truth, because they deny them that have the form, and are out of the life, and despises, and denies the power that shakes that which is to be shaken; for no one knows salvation but by the light. Pr. He said, God did not come in his spiritual Essence with his Son on the earth. And he saith, that God the Father was not in his spirit with his son upon the earth. Answ. And the Scripture said, the fullness of the Godhead dwelled in him bodily; and the Father is in the Son, and the Son is in the Father, I in thee, and thou in me: so he was not alone, but the Father was with him. Pr. He saith, The Quakers are lying deluders in saying the Kingdom of heaven is within them. Answ. That's contrary to Luke 17. which saith, the Kingdom of heaven is within you. Pr. And he hath not heard of any other people in the world taught immediately by Christ, but the Quakers. Answ. And the two witnesses which he calls them, he brings against truth, which opposed truth in London: So showing what he and all people are taught by a mediate use of the Scriptures, all may judge where that is; and the Devil rules such that be from the immediate; and all that are not taught immediately, are not taught by God, nor by his spirit. Pr. This sort of people that are for immediate Revelation, and it is dangerous for any man to trust to immediate Revelations, and preach Christ within man, and the two Witnesses preached Christ without. And this he saith is a hellish snare to please every man's palate. Answ. And thus he may charge all the people of the Lord who were taught, and are taught of the Lord: And thus he fights against them that were taught immediately, and his teachings and man's teachings are mediate, and they are in the snare that be out of the immediate teaching; and all that know God and the Son, are taught immediate by the spirit that is immediate. And so it is not a very strange thing that he should give forth so many ill-favoured railing expressions, which his Book is stuffed full withal against the people of God, whose work in it is to charge the Elect with sin, but we say, the Lord rebuke him. Pr. And he saith, The Saints are not any time without sin, even when they were borne of God. Ans. So not knowing the creatures coming into the liberty of the sons of God, nor the birth born of God. Pr. And saith, Sin is in the saints for their humiliation. Ans. Contrary to the Scripture, which saith, Christ is their humiliation, and bears their sins, and destroys it; which humility is not like man's, being brought down by sin, for sin exalts. Pr. That the inward man, and the power of God in man, never brings the outward man so subject as to be without sin. Answ. This we say, God wrought salvation by Christ alone, without man's works; and who believes in him, are saved, and who doth not, are condemned; and the power of God and Christ subdues the sin in man, and destroys it, that man becomes the Temple of God. His Query is, Whether God could not have saved man without Christ's dying. Ans. God can do what he will, who was in Christ reconciling himself to the world; and Christ did not save the world without God. And thou hast showed in thy Book stuffed with lies, how thou hast been tormented, and of the filthy air come out of thee; And the Devil was in thee, and thou saith thou art saved by Christ without thee, and so hath recorded thyself to be a Reprobate, and ignorant of the mystery of Christ within thee; for without that thou dost not know salvation: And these before mentioned be thy Principles which thou to the Nation hath published in print, and all sober people may judge thee; as for thy lies, they are not worthy mentioning, neither are they worth reading of them, but upon thy own head they will fall, and a heavy weight and burden thou must bear, who goes about to sow discord among the brethren, but the accuser of the brethren is cast out, but the witness shall answer me in the day of thy judgement. Christopher Wades Principle in his book called Quakery slain irrecoverably, who himself hath slain irrecoverably, and the same judgement wherewith he judgeth us, he hath brought upon himself, and the Quakers are recovered out of his snare, and hath taken him in his own, and hath chained him and bound him. Henry Hagger's Book called, The holy Scripture clearing itself. His Principles in it as followeth. Pr. DAvid never boasted of perfection, nor Paul, nor John, and such as say they are free from sin, it is their whole work to carry away poor souls from truth Answ. There is none comes into the truth, nor no soul comes out of the deceived estate, but who comes out of the sin, and is made free from it, as the Apostles speaks of to the Romans, such as served God in a new life, was made free from sin, and God said, Job was a perfect man and eschewed all evil (mark all) and David said he had seen the end of all perfection, and Paul spoke wisdom among them that were perfect, and said the life that he lived was by the faith of the Son of God, though the Apostle had cried out of a body of sin, ye the saith he was manifest in his flesh to condemn the sin in his flesh, and through Christ he hath victory and witnessed the Circumcision that put off the body of sin; and saw where there is no condemnation. Pr. The Scripture is the sure word of prophecy, and the Scripture will bring men to the knowledge of God. Answ. The spirit is the rule that gave forth the Scripture, and the Word of God gave them to discern and to savour, who spoke the word of the Lord; and who stole their word from their neighbour when the Lord had never spoken to them, where the spirit was in the prison, where the spirit was out of prison with whom they had unity, and who had the form of godliness but denied the power, and who was the false spirit that went out into the world, and the Antichrists and the false prophets, and such as was turned from the faith, and such as lived in the faith, and such as quenched the spirit, and despised prophecy, and such as despised the holy One, and slaughtered the seed of God, and such cast the law of God behind their backs, this was the spirit and the Word of God which was the rule that led them to discern and savour, to try and taste and handle, this was the touchstone, and this was the rule, and this brought them to the knowledge of God, and they that had the Scriptures had not the knowledge of God without this, nor the prophecy, as the Pharisees that had Scriptures yet knew not Christ. Pr. To the Law and to the Testmony. Answ. Yea, as we say, to the Law and to the testimony, the Law is the light, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy: but it is tried in this our day, the Letter is the Light, amongst the Ministers of the Letter, against the light, and they say prophecy is ceased, and so puts the Old and New Testament for it, and brings Isai. 8. for the Law and testimony which was before Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but this, is that their ignorance may appear. Prin. And likewise he saith, There is not a just man upon the earth and sinneth not. Answ. Read the words above in the 12. verse, be not just over much, neither make thyself overwise, now mark this, just, this wise man upon the earth which doth good and sinneth not; that was the estate of the Law which Christ is the end of, who is a greater than Solomon, who is the just and righteousness itself, and makes men free from sin. Pr. I do not affirm that any man can have salvation, by virtue of his obedience, and thus you put out the eye of poor souls, and bids them hearken to a light within them. Answ. The eye of the soul is the Light which cometh from Christ the Bishop of it, and he that believeth is saved, and there is his obedience, and he that doth not, is condemned already, and he hath the promise of life and salvation that believes in the Light. Pr. He saith, the Commission of Christ holds to the end of the world, who gave some Prophets, some Evangelists, and some Pastors for the perfecting of the Saints, and the edifying of the body of Christ, till all come to the faith and knowledge of the Son of God, and to a perfect man in measure and Stature and fullness of Christ. Answ. Have you not all denied this work, Pastures? Teachers, Prophets perfecting of the Saints and bringing to a perfect man? saying that none must be perfect while they be upon earth, and to the unity of the faith which both you, and your teachers be all of heaps about it, and that none must witness the measure and stature, and fullness of Christ, and the knowledge of the Son of God, that none must have him revealed; have you not denied Revelation, how have you been in this work tossing people to and fro like chaff, and carrying them about with every wind of Doctrine? and that is your wind that is not perfect, that is not in the spirit that gave forth Scriptures, and there lodgeth all men's subtlety, cunning, and craft within lying and waiting to deceive; this doctrine was coming up before the Apostles decease, which since in the world hath reigned, which all the heaps of Profession in all Christendom discovers it how people are tossed to and fro, and changed about, and every one stands against perfection, and overcoming sin while they be upon earth, so throwing themselves out of the work that the Ministers of Christ were in, so from it Apostated, and hath denied the Ministers work which is the perfecting, and you cry no perfection. Pr. He saith, They call breaking of bread carnal; faith comes by hearing of the Scriptures, and it is the way to teach men to Christ to convince and convert souls, how should we know sin to be sin, or righteousness to be righteousness but by Scripture? Scripture hath been a fit rule to walk by, and guide into truth and peace. Answ. Breaking of outward bread is not spiritual, for the Papists they say it is spiritual, and you say it is not carnal, what differs Priests and Baptists from Papists, and you say it is not as other bread is, and thus you deceive people, and make them believe a lie, and the Pharisees had Scriptures and knew not the way of truth and peace, nor was not guided in it, neither any upon the earth, Except they be in the life, that gave it forth, and the Pharisees had Scriptures read every day among them, and hearing not the word that they heard that was in them, that gave forth Scriptures, they heard not the word of faith, and the word of faith they have not, neither hath any upon the earth; for faith comes by hearing the word, the word Preached, not by hearing the Letter: he that hath the Word of God may speak it daily, for they were Ministers of the Letter which begot people into a form, and they were more ten fold the children of the Devil than they were before there was any Profession, after they were got into Profession: and all upon the earth do not know righteousness to be righteousness, but as they have the life that gave forth Scriptures; for the Pharisees, chief Priests and Jews had the Scriptures, and read them every Sabbath day among them, and they knew not righteousness to be righteousness, Jesus Christ the righteousness of God, neither did they know sin to be sin, for they crucified the Lord of life, they denied the light, the Covenant of God, the Covenant of light, the Jews whic● had Scriptures, so none doth know sin to be sin, but as they do by the light which comes from the Lord Jesus Christ, that makes it manifest, and Abraham and Enoch knew sin before Scripture was. Pr. Again he saith, Try their own hearts by Scriptures. Ans●. They that tried their hearts, it was by the spirit of the Lord that searcheth them, which led them to speak forth scriptures; for before Scriptures were given forth, there was that in the heart to try it, which led all holy men of God to speak forth scriptures, if all men upon earth had the scriptures, and have not that which gave it forth, they have not that which will try the heart; for the Pharisees had the scriptures, and they could not try their own hearts, and so they turned against the light as the world do now; that have the scriptures, for that is it which brings to stand approved of God, and tries their hearts with it. Pr. He saith the overseers of the Church are visible. An. That which doth oversee and maketh to be overseers was the holy Ghost, before the Apostles deceased, which was invisible, but since the days of the Apostles men have made officers by the letter, & such are visible, therefore have all men come into divers forms, out of the unity, and have lost the bond of peace. Pr. Likewise he saith, That which is contained in the Bible, is spirit and life. An. This is as much as to say that spirit is in the letter, and life is in the letter now hadst thou said, that which is declared of, is spirit and life, these words had been true, and the letter itself death, and the life was in them that gave it forth, that is sound; now the people have it among them as a general word, that the Bible is a History or a treatise, or a catalogue, or calls it the letter, these are the common words among professors and preachers: now we say they are the words of God, and a declaration of the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles; and Christ is the word in whom they end, & that is agreeable and according to scripture which cannot be broken, and sound words. Pr. And the words was confirmed to them by signs. A●. Them that had the scriptures knew not the word, by signs and wonders they were declared, and signs and wonders showed unto them that had the scriptures, from the word, now to them that had the scriptures, which the word to them had showed maricles, when they desired a sign of the word, he told them that had the scriptures no sign should be to them but that of Ionas. Pr. And they say thee and thou to a particular is a proper speech, but it is not a sin to say otherwise, and so not to give offence to Jew nor Gentile, but you is the national speech, and the Devil said thou, and Cain said thou, and this was the bad man's language as well as the good. An. Though the Devil and bad men got the form of true words, yet the form of sound words is to be held fast, and though Paul said, give no offence to Jew or Gentile, yet we do not find that Paul spoke out of the form of sound word●, as you to one, and because it is a national form of speech, and ye not come into the form of sound words, which hath professed both Scriptures, Christ, and the Apostles, which show they never learned either, nor comes into the practice of either; you to one is not righteous, and all unrighteousness is sin: for one to say thou Henry Hager, art many men, would not thou say they spoke unrighteously? now Judge thyself. Pr. You call all men dead and carnal in the serpent's Nature, in what form soever if they differ from you. Ans. All that be not in the light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world which is the way to the Father, Differeth from us: such be dead, such be carnal in the serpent's nature: for none comes to the life, but who comes to the light, in what form soever they be in, and such as differ from us, differ from Christ, for none comes from under the Serpent's head and nature but who comes to the light. P●. Likewise he saith: But for a perfection in glory to be attained on this side the Grave, I utterly disallow. A●. We do believe thee, but a perfection in the glory is attained to, while the Saints be upon the earth, for they were changed from glory to glory, so there is a perfection in the least glory, and that glory which the saints was changed from into glory, was not glorious, but as it was in the perfection in the le●st degree or measure as it is in itself, and so for the rest of thy lies and slanders, and unsavoury expressions which are not worth mentioning, will thyself, and they cover not thy shame but make it manifest: they shall be thy own wounds in the day of thy indignation: the witness within thee me shall answer, and thy silence had been better, then to the nation to have uttered forth thy folly, and whereas thou speakest of the Church, that to thee is a mystery, which is the pillar and ground of truth; but men have gathered together a form in the apostasy, and the seed in the grave since the days of the Apostles: but now is the seed risen which treadeth such out and down that are gathered together in the words of scriptures, but out of the spirit that they was in, that gave it forth, and that is the seed with which all the promises is to, he doth not say it is to the visible Church, but to the seed, and who are of the seed are of the Church of Christ which is the pillar and ground of truth, and so it is not the running up and down the scriptures, from place to place, and bringing people chapter and verse, and telling people what the prophets said and did, and what the Apostles said & did, & so to be approved of in the sight of men, but such are approved of in the sight of God, as be in the life that they were in that gave forth scriptures, and be in unity with the Saints that gave them forth, with Christ the substance of them, and with God. Pr. He saith, An Unlearned question to ask●, whether your Baptizers cast out devils and drink any deadly thing, and it not hurt you, and whether the house where you meet was ever shaken, and where he did give the holy Ghost to you. Ans. This is to show that you are not belivers nor in the power that the Apostles was in, and as for your saying the Apostles speaking, wicked men should grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived, now since the days of the Apostles, who saw those things come up, those wicked men being deceived and deceiving, now since their days it is manifest, that they have grown worse and worse, till they have grown all to heaps; and killed one another about religion, the whole Christendom can witness it, such as have had the form of godliness but denied the power, out of the power and life that gave forth the scriptures and out of the bond of peace in the poison, one poisoning one another, & out of the holy ghost that gave forth Scriptures, and out of the healing, and the belief that cast out Devils, and the devil the murderer, but he hath been your teacher to murder one another about your Religion, which did not Christ teach, but to love enemies, and to save men's lives. Thomas Leadger his book called a discourse, his principles in it as followeth. Pr. HE saith, Such be in an error that sets up a light within above the scripture or equal with the scripture, and knows no Christ but a Christ within. Ans. The light Christ by which all things were made and created, glorified with the Father before the world began, which the scripture testifies of, is above the Scripture before the Scripture was. They that be not in this Christ within, are reprobates, in which the scripture ends and testifies of, and so it is Christ the same to day, yesterday and for ever that the Saints come to witness within them, not another Christ, neither many Christ's. And they that professeth a Christ without them, have a Christ without them, and another Christ within them, here is two, for if it be not the same Christ that ended all types and figures and shadows If it be not him that is within, they have not the possession, the substance, nor the comfort of the true Christ, but who hath not Christ the end of the tips, shadows & figures in them, they are among Ante-christs and false Christ's, and they that have the form of godliness can confess a Christ without them, and notwithin them. Pr. Again he saith, The Saints have a glorious light within them, but imperfect, and it is an error to say they have an infallible light within them, that they must follow which will show them all things, and to Judge of Scripture that it must be fulfilled in them, and these are them that are brought up in dark places of the earth that are as saul's that go to the witch and not to the Law and testomeny. Ans. None comes to the Law and to the testimony, though they have the old and new Testament, but who comes to the light in them for the Law is the light and who comes to the spirit within them, which is the spirit of prophecy & all that go from this, they go into dark places of the earth, and such are they that go into the paths of Sau, l to such spirits that go from the light within them, and the spirit, that is the testimony of Jesus, and the light, and the glorious light of the Saints which they are enlightened withal is Christ which is perfect, and they are changed from glory to glory, and so the light which thou sayest the saints are in, and yet not perfect, and yet glorious, mind thy words, consider thy measure, thy Judgement, the infallible light which every one that comes into the world is enlightened withal, is the leader of the people and the light they are to follow, and it is the way to the Father out of the way from the Father that is in the first Adam in the transgression, which light is Christ the second Adam that every man that comes into the world is enlightened withal, and they who follow this and believe in it, and walketh in it, abideth not in darkness, but have the light of life, and the light within, and the spirit of God within, that gave forth the scripture, is the trial of the scripture of truth, for men without that may wrest the words, and wrong translate them; so the light within, the spirit of God is the Judge of the scriptures and knows scripture which gave it forth, and is the rule and ruled and led them to speak them forth, and is the rule that leads them again to open them again, and to lead into all truth, as saith Christ. Pr. He saith, That which they set up above the scriptures is heathenish, and the scriptures is the ground of Faith, without it faith cannot act, and faith hath no bottom to rest upon but scripture, and scripture is more than faith, the sure word of Prophecy, the balm of the conscience, it satisfies doubts, heals wounds, discerns the thoughts. Ans. The Pharisees and the chief Priests, they were not healed except they came to Christ, they found no rest for their souls, though they had the scripture, yet they came not to Christ the light, which was before the scripture was given forth, The Pharisees had the scriptures, they had not faith, stood against the author and the ground of it, Christ, so they had not faith, the Pharisees had the scriptures but it was Christ and God that shown them their thoughts, so the scripture knew not their thoughts but who are in the spirit that gave forth the scriptures, it is that which shows men's thoughts Enock & Abraham had faith, and had not scripture, all are heathens that are not in the light which was before scripture was written, though they have all the scripture, and the holy men of God acted in the faith, in obedience to it before the scripture was given forth, and they were all in the faith that gave forth the scripture, and they did not act as from the scripture but from the spirit of whom they had learned who is the author of faith which the Just lives by, and God and Christ the substance of the scripture. Pr. And the scripture is an infallible rule of worship. Ans. The Jews and Pharisees they had the scripture, and the Apostates since the days of the Apostles they have had the scriptures & been out of the life that gave it forth, they want the rule which is the spirit, in which God the father of spirits is worshipped, & that was the rule which all the holy men of God was led by to give forth scripture in which they worshipped God, for the Pharisees had the scriptures & not the spirit which gave them forth, that worshipped they did not know what, they wanted, the rule, the spirit of God that was in them that gave forth the scriptures, in which they should have worshipped God, so saw not the substance the ground of faith, and author of faith, Christ Jesus. Pr. They will not put off their hat●, they writ thee and thou one to another, they will not say master. Ans. The honour of the hat, the putting of it off, is an earthy honour of the earthly Adam in the fall, in the transgression, which Christ the second Adam the Lord from heaven not of the earthly, comes to redeem man out of the sin and transgression, receives it not, he will none of it, but have the honour that comes from above, & cometh to slain that honour below, and sees it a mark of an earthly honour of Adam in the transgression, and not of the second the heavenly, and as for thee and Thou, you to a number, and Thou to a singular, who stumbles at this, shows they have neither learned Accidence nor Bible; so short of the spirit that spoke the sound words that cannot be condemned, and speaks proper which is the plant of renown, and as for being called of men Master, which Christ saith be not you, ye have one master, even Christ, you are all brethren, they be in the error that slight his commands and tramples them underfeets, and hypocrites that after they have trampled his commands under foot, and after makes a profession of his words, Thomas Leadger thou professeth thou esteems the scripture highly, above ordinances, above Angels, and is not this scripture which saith, be ye not called of men Master, and Christ's command? yet thou denies scripture and tramplest them under thy feet. Pr. The scripture is the lantern of obedience, and it directs men to Jesus, and he calls the scripture the word of God, the sum of truth, and they could not have known there had been a Christ, or a mediator, or grace, or glory, or worship, or father, or spirit, or light, but as it is declared in scripture. Ans. I do believe you who are got up since the days of the Apostles in the Apostasy inwardly ravening from the spirit of God, you had not known there had been a father or spirit or grace or worship, if the scripture had not declared it, but they that had not scripture, had faith, had the Ho●y Ghost, had the Father, knew the Father, knew Christ, knew the spirit, they that had the scripture, the Pharisees knew not the father, knew not the holy Ghost, nor the Redeemer, but resisted (as it was in Steven, knew not father nor Christ the author of it, knew not him that was borne of the spirit. Now they that had the scriptures knew all these things that had the spirit that gave them forth, they that had the scriptures, and not the spirit knew not these things they that had the spirit of error that were in heaps about the saints words, now they had the scriptures, the Pharisees walked in darkness had not David's Lantern to their feet, and so could not see Christ as David did, saith the Apostle their table was their trap, there they struck David that had the life that gave forth the scriptures, who had the lantern to his feet, and had not they a lantern before the scripture was written? Abraham, Enoch, what led them all to give forth scripture, are not all they that have the scripture, and out of that that they was in, that gave them forth, out of the light, and out of the Lantern? and they had a rule of obedience before the scripture was given forth, the word of God, that lives and abides and endures for ever, that is the word of faith in which the scripture the words of God ends. And man had the scripture and knew not Christ that was from the life that they were in that gave forth the scripture, Pr. The Gospel is the scripture. Answ. Many may have the Scripture and deny the power of God which is the Gospel, many had the Scripture and the form, and stood against the Son of truth, Christ Jesus, the power of God, the Gospel; And as for thy other lies and slanders which are not worth mentioning, which comes from thy drunken spirit, when the spirit is awakened that suffers by it, thou shalt feel every word of thy own, thy burden, and thou that doth set the Scriptures above Christ and God, and the spirit, art a heathen. THOMAS LEADGERS Antiquakers Assertions. His Principles in it as followeth. Pr. HE saith, The Divine nature is without mixture of sin, but it doth not destroy wholly, the sinful nature that is in us, and the being of sin dieth not until the body die, and sin hath been in us to humble us. Answ. Sin is that which doth not humble, but lifts up, That which humbles people, which brings down the sin, Is the humility which bears the sin and iniquity, which is Christ, And the Saints were made free from sin while they were upon the earth, and had the body of sin put off, And the Divine nature they which have received it, knoweth it, and have escaped the pollutions that is in the world, and the lust of it, and so the Divine nature destroys sin in its being. Prin. Again he saith, The Scripture is a quickening spirit, the wisdom of God, the power of God unto salvation, the words of the blessed Scriptures every Line of it I have had (saith he) the righteousness of God revealed in my soul, I have had the love of God, the grace of Christ, the Communion of the Holy Ghost manifest in me, but I trample upon all attainments, the highest, as dung. Answ. Many had the Scriptures, and stood against the wisdom of God, and stood against the power of God, yea, killed and persecuted the Lord of glory, of life; They that had the dead Letter without the life, and many got the form and denied the power, and denied the quickening spirit, and the Spirit of Christ doth not bring to trample upon attainments, not the love of Christ, nor the righteousness of Christ, the love of Christ, the grace of Christ, the righteousness of Christ, this was never esteemed on as the dung, trampled upon as the dung, such as was transgressors was as dung, and they trampled upon the love of Christ, the righteousness of Christ, but who comes into this, tramples upon their own notion. Pr. He saith again that perfection is a golden dream, and the Scriptures is the word of God. Answ. Perfection is over all dreams be they never so golden, and it ends them all, and is above them all: and Christ's name is called the word of God, and the Scriptures are the words of God, which Christ the word of God by which all things were made came to fulfil. A Book called, A serious review of some PRINCLES of the QUAKERS. Pr. NO man hath reason to say that the spiritual substance is in the creature, the Divine Essence is subject to change as is the soul of man, and every one is enlightened that comes into the world by the light of Christ, and this he calls a natural light, and that some persons are come up out of the fall, is an error: I do not own a perfection without sin, and it is an error to say there is any perfection without sin. Answ. All erring is in the fall, and that which is come up out of the fall is come out of the error into the second Adam where no error is which many witness, for all error is in the first Adam in the fall, and in him that tempted. And the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, by which the world was made, which was before the world was made, by which all things was made and created, in whom is life, and this life is the light of men; which men being in the light which they be enlightened withal, they coming by the light to him from whence the light doth come, they come into the perfection out of sin; for all sin and imperfection is in the first Adam in the earth; And perfection is in the second Adam, Christ Jesus, who bruiiseth the Serpent's head, the Author of imperfection. And who be in him, are in a perfection without sin, and there is no sin in the perfection, nor any error in the perfection of Christ, and all who be in the unreasonableness are ignorant of the spiritual substance, and power of God, and Holy Ghost the spirit of truth, the Spirit of Christ, the nature that dwells in the Saints, which all this is substance and not shadow, and the Divine power, and the power of the Lord God, and G●d doth not change nor his spirit, nor the soul, nor his power; so read thyself: God doth not change, in his being, neither doth that which comes from him, that which he hath in his hand, and in his power. Pr. H● saith, That which is imperfect can be reconciled to God, and that they are poor blind creatures that say the light doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and needeth no light and discovery to help, and the Scripture doth no where call Christ the word, but the Scripture is the word, and so these poor creatures err not knowing the Scripture; to speak in the singular number is nonsense, and they that translated the words (thee) and (thou) might have translated them you. Answ The spirit gave to speak the proper Language, singular and plural; and spoke such words as cannot be condemned. And if translators that be out of that, translate the words given forth from the spirit into what form soever they will, yet the spirit will find it out, and the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, by which all things were made, made lights, and created lights, Christ Jesus the light, whi●h doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, need not have these outward lights or discoveries, they were all made by the light, which light was before these were made, and they which are come into the reconciliation with God, are in perfection out of the imperfection, from under the wrath; and the Word reconciles, hammers down, cuts down and burns up, that which is contrary and sanctifies, and makes clean, and Christ Jesu● his name is called the word of God, the Scripture saith so, and they say that the Scriptures are the words of God, which in Christ the word which was before they were given forth comes to fulfil them, and that which is imperfect is done away. Pr. To say that God is substantially in man, as Essentially one with him, can be no other but the man of sin, the Devil himself having transformed himself into an Angel of Light, and if it were possihle would ●●●●●ve the very Elect. Answ. The Scripture saith that God will dwell in man, and walk in him, and the Saints had unity with the Father and the Son, and all that hates the Light which Christ the Light hath enlightened them withal, hath not the Father, and the Son, in such the man of sin reigns, and in such the Devil may transform; but the Elect he cannot deceive, the Elect hath the victory and Dominion which were elected in him before the foundation of the world, glory for ever, and as for all the other words in thy book, they are not worth mentioning, they will be thy own burden, they will fall heavy upon thee in this day when thou shalt shalt give an account to God. James Brown, His Book called, Antichrist in spirit. His expressions and Principles as followeth. Pr. THat the light in every man is a certain guide and rule in all things, this is the means whereby Scriptures are slighted. Answ. No one knows nor owns the Scriptures but as the light of Christ that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, doth guide and teach them the light of Christ within, which gives them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus (and Scriptures) and to see the Scriptures, and doth not slight them. Pr. To witness God and Christ's glorious resurrection, and heaven, and the happiness of new Jerusalem, this is looked upon as an error. Answ. Christ within, who is the resurrection, the glory, the kingdom of heaven is there; and David who witnessed him was in hell, he was upon the earth too, and he that witnessed the new Jerusalem, and that happiness was upon the earth: And they that have all these words, not possessing the life, they have no comfort in what they speak, nor in what they profess; and the babes and the children that are free, knows their mother that is from above. Pr. If there be no outward means but light within, what need of the Scriptures. Answ. The light, Christ within, was in the Saints before the Scriptures was given forth, and that was it which was their guide to give forth the Scriptures, wherein they walked, and did not stumble; and that is it which gives to see the Scriptures again to what condition they are spoken, and the use of them. Pr. The day is not yet dawned, nor the daystar, the bright, and morning. Answ. The Apostle tells the Saints of the Daystar, and they were children of the day, and the night was over, the true light shined, and the darkness past: Though some indeed were not come to the daystar, and the light shined in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not. Where darkness rules, there be the works that are out of the light, and among such as have apostatised since the days of the Apostles, the daystar is not risen to them, they see it not; but amongst the children of light it is seen, and they that see it not, are comprehended. The daystar is risen, and they are children of the day. Pr. And them that bring people to look at the light within them, are as Corah, Dathan, and Abiram. Ans. All that go from the light within them are as Corah, Dathan, and Abiram amongst the Lords Prophets, exalting themselves, and persecuting. Pr. All men are not so taught of God as they shall be at Israel's return. Answ. All men are taught of God that be in the Covenant, whether Israel hear or not. Pr. I know that many of the Quakers are temperate, sober, self-denying people, but this is but the tything of herbs. Answ. It was the Doctrine of the Apostle, who preached Christ the end of tithing and herbs, and self-denial, soberness, temperance was not called the tything of herbs, for the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures brought to this. Pr. And the light within is darkness, and I never read of the Churches of the Saints that spoke by two. Answ. The Apostles doctrine to the Corinthians was, that they might speak by two or three; And the light within, which is the light of Christ, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, the darkness cannot comprehend it, though it shine in it, till it shine forth in the heart, to give the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Pr. And that the Kingdom that is in the Saints is in the Pharisees, I deny. Answ. The same that is in the Saints is in the Pharisees in the measure, though it be but as a grain of mustardseed, which is like to the leaven, little. Pr. The state of arising from sin to grace is never called a resurrection. Answ. They that arise from sin to grace out of the first Adam into the second Adam, comes into the resurrection, the second death shall have no power over them, and the Saints comes to judge the world. Pr. Such as trust to a light within them, forsake the holy oil, the Lords spirit that speaks in the Scriptures. Answ. The Lord's spirit spoke in them that gave forth the Scriptures, who had the holy oil, the light within them: And the spirit speaks not from the Scripture, but by that which gave it forth, which is the Author of it. Pr. I deny that any have a light within them to attain to the measure of God and Christ as they that have the writings. Ans. None attains to the mystery of God but by the light which comes from Christ the mystery, though they may have the Scriptures. Pr. They that will not put off the hat, but say thee and thou to people, this is a sin of their own devising. Ans. Thee and thou is proper language, and a form of sound words; the hat is earthly, Adam that's earthly, his honour which the second Adam never looked for, but gives this mark to know an unbeliever by, who seeks it, and looks for the honour below. Pr. Is it not a shame for a boy to say thou to his Father, thou to his Mother? Ans. Jephtha's daughter thou'd her Father the Judge of Israel, and he did not look upon it as a shame. And the children of God thou'd their Father, and the Lord never rebuked them for it, as we read in Scripture. And as for all the rest of thy lies and slanders in thy Book, they are not worth mentioning, but to redeem truth from them; and that none at all may make them their refuge, for they shall feel it if they do, at the day of judgement. Some of Philip Bennets Principles, called Minister at Cartmel in LANCASHIRE. Pr. HE saith, That none knew another to be the child of God. Answ. Which is contrary to the Scripture, 1 John 3. Ye are the sons of God. And the Apostles knew others to be the children of God; as the Ministers of God doth now. Pr. Again he saith, That he did not know why God did make a difference amongst men, etc. Answ. So is ignorant of the Ministry, which puts a difference betwixt the precious and the vile. Pr. And he said, None can give a reason of the elestion, or know the elect of God. Answ. And so is out of the Apostles Doctrine, who said, they were elected before the foundation of the World, and ignorant of the Scriptures, which saith, Christ is the Elect. Pr. Again he said, He would never exhort people to take heed to that of God which is made manifest in them. Answ. Contrary to the Apostles Doctrine, Rom. 1. Cor. 2.4. Colos. 1. 1 John 2.27. Rom. 10.8. which brought people to the light within them, and to the Son within them, Christ within them. Some of Adam Sands His Principles. Pr. He said, He hated that which may be known of God made manifest in man, which God hath showed unto him who said, that was the Quakers foundation (And it was told him it was the Apostle Paul's words, and shown him the place in the Bible to read, and bid him see it) he said again he hated it. Answ. So he is found in the nature of the Jews and Gentiles that went astray, who were not like to retain God in their knowledge, while they are Reprobates from that which may be known of God made manifest in them, and hate it; Neither art thou, nor no Professor upon the earth, like to receive God or Christ, Spirit or Faith, while thou hates that of God in thee. Pr. And he called those with him brethren and servants of God; and yet a little before he said, they had no grace in them. Answ. Contrary to the Apostle, who said, the brethren's hearts were established with grace: And the grace of God which brought salvation appeared to all men, which taught the Saints, which you have turned into wantonness. Pr. And he confessed, That they were more and more ignorant of God, and blinder and blinder every day than other. Answ. We do believe it. How should it be otherwise with you, who say ye are brethren, and have no grace in you, and hateth that of God in people? But the grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared to all men, which lets them see ungodliness: So in that the Liar speaks in thee; for that which lets every one see ungodliness is the grace. Roger Atkinson, Reader at Turver Chappel in Lancashire. Pr. THat the letter of Scripture was God (and it was asked if the letter, paper, and ink was God) and he said it was God, and brought 1 John to prove it. And again he said, The letter was the Word of God. Answ. The Scriptures of truth they are the words of God, and were all learned of God, and are writings; and Christ the Word comes to end all these words, and all ends in him, so the Scriptures are not God; but they were holy men of God which learned of God that spoke them forth, for he was afore Scripture which gave them forth. Richard Stoaks, called Minister at Grayrig-Chappel in Westmoreland. Pr. He said, That the Scriptures is God. He said, that the Scriptures is a God. And after he set his foot upon it, and stamped upon it, and he said, It was but Hebrew Copies, and Greek Copies, and were not the Scriptures, and said they were not true, before near an hundred people. Answ. And yet a God, and they God; which the Scriptures of truth are the words of God; and the carnal man, and the Devil (which is out of the Truth) may get Scriptures; but the word, Christ, that fulfils them, stand against. And the Scriptures of Truth are not God, nor a God, but are his words that cannot be broken, and must be fulfilled by Christ the Word. George Johnson Priest of Orford, said, Pr. THat the light which John bare testimony to, is the light of Nature. Answ. Which is contrary to the Scriptures; For the light which doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, was before any natural lights or created lights were. Pr. That the Americans were never ordained for grace and salvation; and that the grace of God had never appeared to the Americans. Answ. Which is contrary to the Scriptures, which saith, The grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared to all men, etc. And I will give him for a light, a Covenant to the Gentiles, a new Covenant to the house of Israel and Judah, and that he may be my salvation to the ends of the earth. And many in America have received truth and salvation. Pr. That none can be free from sin, nor perfect whilst they live upon the earth; and that none is able to keep the commands of God. Ans. So he hath denied the one offering, and himself to be out of the love of God, and the Circumcision in the spirit, which puts off the body of sin, and the blood of the new Covenant. These be the Principles of the Priests of Orkney. Pr. JAmes Morrison said, that Christ which is within men is a Devil: and all who said they had Christ within them, were Devils and Witches, and so bid the people take notice of it. Ans. Contrary to the Apostle to the Colossians, who said, Christ in you the hope of glory. And to the Corinthians he said, Christ is in you except ye be reprobates. And they be in the witchcraft and of the Devil that have not Christ in them, and reprobates, and this was and is the doctrine of the Ministers of God. Witnessed by Luke Liddall, Soldier, with all the rest of the Priests hearers. G. W. George Larcum, His Principles as followeth: Priest of Cockermouth in Cumberland. Pr. HE said, He would come to Christ, and never own the light within him. Answ. None comes out of transgression to the second Adam, but who comes to the light within, which is the way to the Father, and that is it which gives the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, which comes from him. Pr. George Larcum said, I would to God I had power, thou shouldst be severely punished. Answ. Here thou hast showed thou art limited, and thy weapons and thy Armour, and art not a Minister of Christ in the armour of God, the shield of faith, nor shod with the Gospel; but such is the Priests and false Prophets, who got the Magistrates into the form, that denied the power of God, on their side, that they might be ready to help the false Prophets against the truth when ever it ariseth. Thomas Warwick, Priest, came to the meeting of those called Quakers, on a Green, and struck John Grave, and plucked him off the Green; and his wife struck and beat sore, and drew blood of friends. And the same Pri●●t said, If the Law were rightly executed, thou might not stand there, it would cut off all your necks. Thomas Dentham Priest, called me out of the meeting to him, and said he would stand to prove his practice, and then he went his way, and bade the people take me away, hang me; and at his words the people did beat me, and pulled the hair off my head. John Grave, witness. Answ. You show yourselves not to be Ministers of Christ, ●ut to be such that ever was out of the Saints life, who was found in the spirit of murderers, and persecutors of him you are, that is out of the truth, would drink the blood of the Saints, this is the mark of the Beast and false Prophets, that would kill creatures, and wrestle with flesh and blood. Pr. That the Devil is a Minister of Christ in some sense. Answ. Christ the seed of the wom●n bruises the Serpent's head, and destroys death, and him that hath the power of it, and destroys the works of the Devil, and judges the Prince of this world, and takes him, together with the false Prophets and the Beast, and casts them alive into the lake of fire, that he shall deceive the the Nations no more, and so he will not suffer the Devil to minister; and thus the Devil and his Apostles are bound under with the Truth, which he is out of. Pr. The Scribes and Pharisees were Ministers of Christ in the same sort as Moses was, when Christ commands to hear them, though in a lower degree of manifestation. Ans. The Scribes and Pharisees were not as Moses; for Moses was in the life and light, with which he saw Christ: The Pharisees had the words of Moses, and the Law and Prophets, but out of the life that Moses was in and the Prophets, though got up in Moses Chair, they stood against Christ, and saw him not as Moses did, whom Christ cried woe against: So they were not the Ministers of Christ, but against him who was the end of the Prophets. John Owen, who calls himself a Minister of the Gospel, his principles as followeth, in his Catechism which he gives forth, 1657. Pr. ALl truth concerning God and ourselves is to be learned from the holy Scripture, the Word of God. Ans. There was truth learned before the Scriptures were written, and the Scriptures of truth are the words of God which ends in Christ the Word; and there is no truth learned, bu● as the spirit doth lead into all truth, which comes from Christ the truth, which was before the Scripture was written: And the spirit of truth leads into all truth of the Scripture; And many has the Scriptures, but knows not Christ the Truth, but as the spirit leads them, and reveals them, and so he hath thrown out Christ and the spirit. Pr. There is one God in three persons, etc. Ans. Where doth the Apostle tell us of three persons, but tells us of Father, Son, and holy Ghost; but thou, out of the Masse-book, and old Common-prayer-book, who are the mutterers about three persons. Pr. I am conceived in sin, and borne in iniquity. Answ. Then thy Parents were not believers, so children unholy; for by nature children of wrath, that is in the unconverted state, in the transgression, unbelievers; for they who by nature are children of wrath, are not borne of the believers; for the unbelievers are sanctified by the believers, else were their children unholy, but now are they clean. Pr. We have not kept the Commandments of God, but are all sinners and transgressors of them. Ans. We do believe thee John Owen, and the rest of you, who call yourselves Ministers of the Gospel, and yet have not kept the ten Commandments, and would conclude all men in with you to be sinners and transgressors of them. Nay, John was separated from you, who said, He that loves God, keeps his Commandments. But what, are not you false-witness-bearers that calls yourselves Ministers of the Gospel, and coveters after other men's goods, houses, & c? Are not you committers of Adultery and stealing? Are not you murdering men in holes for goods like a troop of Robbers, as the company of Priests did in the day of the Law and Prophets? Do not you live in dishonouring your parents and God, and taking it to yourselves? And do not you all come short of keeping the Sabbath, bearing of burdens, making a fire, gathering your meat when you should be at rest? Are not you all taking Gods holy name in vain both in Pulpit, Town, house, Alehouse, Streets, Market-houses, and naming Christ's name in your iniquity, so not held guiltless? Are not you all making Images, and graven Images, and hanging them up in your Steeple-houses, and signs, and houses, and gardens, and high ways, and things above, and things that are beneath? And do you think that people do not believe you, when you tell people in your Catechism, that you have broken all the ten Commandments, when we see your fruits have declared it? And are you not ashamed to set forth such a Catechism, who say you keep not the Commandments? Pr. The Sacraments are the seals of the Covenant of grace. Answ. It's God that seal's the Son, and sent him into the the world, and not outward shadows: And as for thy word Sacraments, the Pope was the Author of them in his Common-prayer book. And as for the rest of thy work in thy book of Catechism, is like unto the old Doctors of the Jews that broke the commands of God; that loves him not whom Christ cried woe against. S. Palmer, and R. Hooke, who say you are the servants of Christ, your Principles which follows, in a Book called, The form of sound words; And who directs their Book to the Friends, Neighbours, and Parishioners of Gedling and Sowdham. Pr. THat henceforth ye be not children tossed too and fro, and carried about with the sleights of men; which is in reference to false Prophets, of which this Land is now full. You say. That a man cannot be made free from sin, and cannot keep the Commandments of God perfectly. Answ. Are not you in the tossing too and fro, and tossing people too and fro? And are not you the false Prophets which Christ said should come, which John said was come, and the world hath been after you, who tells the people that they cannot keep the commandments perfectly? Contrary to John, who saith, he that loves God keeps the commandments of God. And the Beast made war against them that kept the Commandments of God; and herein is the love of God perfect. Pr. You tell people of a Sacrament, a Creed, and three persons. Answ. Which the Scripture tells no such thing, But the Common-prayer-book doth, and so you do not teach the form of sound words in your Catechim. Pr. Out of the Scriptures we may learn the knowledge of the true God. Answ. That which gives the knowledge of the true God is the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures; for the Pharisees that had the Scriptures knew not God. Pr. The state of man in this life is threefold, Creation, Corruption, Regeneration. Answ. In Regeneration the life is changed out of that life which is in the Fall: So Regeneration and Corruption is not one in the new life. Pr. A man by his own power cannot get into regeneration, for they are dead in sins and trespasses. Answ. Some are sanctified from the womb, and some children are holy, so all are not dead in sins and trespasses; for they that are so, are but unbelievers. Pr. All men have not salvation by Christ, and there are many that have no share in salvation purchased by Christ. Ans. This is contrary to Scripture, which saith, that he is the offering for the sins of the whole world, and the Saviour of all men, and especially of those that believe; And they that turns the grace of God into wantonness, denies their salvation; and they which hate the light which enlightens every man that cometh into the world, hates their salvation to the ends of the earth. Pr. The Scripture is the Word, and God is in his Word, and God in the Scripture offers Christ: God in his Word offers Christ, which you call Scriptures. Answ. The Scriptures of truth are the words of God, and Christ the Word comes to fulfil them; and God was in them that gave forth the Scriptures, and Christ was in them who gave forth scriptures, and the Scriptures testify of him; and the Scripture doth not say that God is in the dead Letter, Paper and Ink; but his power ye are ignorant of, and errs, not knowing Scriptures, and the Scriptures are not God. Pr. You say, That God works inwardly by his spirit, and outwardly by his Word, and our faith is summed up in the Apostles creed. Answ. Christ is the Author of the Faith; and the Apostle doth not tell us of a Creed, the spirit and the word are one, and they are inwardly known, sanctifying. Pr. The rule of Christian obedience is the Law of God. Ans. That which is the end of the Law is a Christians life and rule, who comes to the obedience of faith, in which they please God, and are justified, which no flesh by the works of the Law is justified. Pr. Brethren, be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind. No man is able to keep the commandments of God, we break them daily in thought, word and deed, in the best of our duties we are unprofitable servants. Ans. Here is your confusion laid open; them that were perfect had a new mind, and their deeds wrought in God, and their thoughts were changed that witnessed repentance, and they kept the commands of God; and their fruits are of the spirit and of faith, which are not unprofitable; But your works and fruits, who are out of the faith, and out of the spirit of God, are unprofitable, who breaks the Commandments; but they that love God, keep his Commandments. Pr. Christians must attend upon God's Ordinances and Sacraments, to know their duty toward their neighbour, which Sacraments are the seal and the covenant. Answ. The Apostles tell us of no such signs, sacraments, nor such words; but that which fulfils Law is the Son of God, which brings him to do his duty towards God, and towards his neighbour, which is Christ. Pr. There are two Sacraments, and the Covenant of grace is to all that believe and receive Christ; and the two Sacraments are Baptism and the L●rds Supper, which are visible signs. Ans. The Scripture doth not any where call them visible signs, nor sacraments; and the Covenant of grace is to all, whether they believe, or not believe; receive, or not receive; and the Scripture doth not call Baptism and the Lords supper Sacraments. Pr. Because Infants of the Jews were circumcised, therefore are children baptised: Christ hath ordained this Sacrament as bread and wine, and the Sacrament is the food of the soul. Answ. This is a Popish doctrine; that which feeds the soul is immortal, and that is the souls food which finds rest in Christ the bread of life, the food for the soul; And the Scriptures doth not tell us that the bread and wine is a Sacrament, and the Scripture doth not tell us that Circumcision was outwardly a type of Baptism outwardly, but of the inward; and you bring a Scripture which is the 23. of Luke and the 43. vers. and saith, that it saith, that the souls of the wicked are cast into Hell, which that Scripture speaks no such thing. Pr. We are not to seek for happiness in this life. Answ. The Saints were, and are made partakers of the heavenly riches, and of Christ's fullness, and of his unspeakable joy, and full of glory, in Christ's Kingdom, which is in them, who are upon the earth; and for the rest of your lies and confusions is not worth answering. Richard Baxter, His Principles in that which he calls one sheet for the Ministers, which is two sheets, in whose mouth is found a lie, as in his Title Page is to be seen. His Principles in it as followeth. Pr. THat we are hated of all men for the Name of Christ who are but Ministers, who gave some Pastors, Teachers appointed for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the Ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to a perfect man, To Disciple Nations, Baptise and Teach them, so cut down the Ministers, the Pillars, and the buildings will fall. Answ. In the steps of the Ministers of Christ you are not found, but in the steps of the Scribes end Pharisees, called of men Masters, in the chiefest seats of Assembles, in your long robes, uppermost Rooms at Feasts, causing the Ministers of Christ to be haled out of your Synagogues, and thrust out, and haled, and persecuted and prisoned, which are in the generation of the Serpents that should fulfil Christ's words, Mat. 23. And the work of the Ministry, and Pastors and Teachers, you throw yourselves out of, who have received their gifts from Christ; you who deny perfection while men be upon the earth, or coming to a perfect man, you are not with them that edify the body of Christ, but throw yourselves out of that work, and you are not them that are for the perfecting of the Saints, for none are the Ministers of Christ, and haled for his sake, but who brings people to a perfection, out of imperfection, and to a perfect man, and these are the Ministers that were haled by these Priests that had the Law, and Tithes, and Temples, and Synagogues, that made nothing perfect, but your Temple, and Tithes and Syagogues hath been invented by such that went forth from the Apostles, whose successors you are, that had the form of godliness, but denied the power, and so they denied that which was perfect, and this you have held up since the Apostles in the Apostasy, whose work and Ministry and Foundation is to be overthrown with the power of God, which hath been that, that hath drunk the blood of the Saints and Martyrs since the day's o● the Apostles, but in the rising of the Lamb and the Saints you are all overthrown, and rejoiced over, and slain with the sword which is the words of his mouth, though you all beasts, false prophets, Antichrists may rise in battle against him, the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory; you have been the Pillars that have held up Antichrists Kingdom in the usurped Authority, out of the power and life the Apostles were in, who were sent to Preach and Baptise, whom you baptise and then Preach, which is quite contrary to all reasonable men who have quite lost the true understanding; For first they must be Preached to before they be Baptised. Did not John rebuke the vipers, & asked them, who had forewarned them to fly from the wrath to come, and bid them bring forth fruits meet for repentance, and think not to say you are of Abraham, for God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham, now where is your measure you Priests? Pr. He saith, I Send thee to open the eyes of the blind, and to turn them from darkness to light; How many millions of souls would these wretches sweep away to hell if they had there will while thousands are in damnation for want of the Light? Ans. You all Priests and Teachers who calls yourselves Ministers since the days of the Apostles, who inwardly are ravened from the spirit of God, are turning and have turned all people from the light to the darkness, and so have kept thousands and millions of souls in damnation, and turning them and keeping them in the path and way unto Hell, who are Satan's messengers and Ministers, stopping the eyes of people from the Light, and their ears from hearing of it, and this hath been the work of your Ministry and hath been ever since the days of the Apostles, as this day, the people of the whole Nations have witnessed, and may witness. Now Christ's Ministers were sent to turn people from darkness to light, and to bring them to perfection, to a perfect man, out of that which was not perfect. Satan's Ministers who went out of Truth, and so are his Ministers and messengers whom he sends out from his Authority is to turn people and keep people from the light to the darkness; And this hath been your fruits, and your works as your Pulpits and the Nations declares. So brings not people into unity and fellowship one with another; which is in the light, but se●s people at enmity one with another, and keeping them from the light, who are with it condemned. Pr. The enemies of the Ministers of Christ are playing the Papists game; That it will be easier for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgement, then for them to despise the Ministers of Christ. Touch not mine anointed, and do my Prophets no harm, and the enemies do reproach the Ministers of Christ, which is the Devil's game, and the Sects are against the Ministers of Christ, and do the same work the Drunkard and Whoremongers do, etc. Ans. This thou hast brought upon thine and your own heads, though thou art blind and seest not thyself, and all Drunkard's, Whoremongers, and Idolaters, the proud and covetous joined with you called Priests, against them called Quakers the only Ministers of Christ not made by men, but by the will of God; Is not all Sects joined with you against them; Are you not reviling them, and railing upon them in your Pulpits, and is not this the Devils game you are doing? And if any come amongst you to prove you, either in season, or out of season, you are they that cannot endure sound doctrine, nor able to resist their spirits, or stand against them, but cries, take them away; so they are beat and knocked down in your steeple-houses, sent to stocks or prison; are you not like Sodom and Gomorrah in this, and like the Pharisees, and the beast, and the mother of Harlots, and false prophets which John speaks of, which takes the blood of the Saints, doing their game? Hath not the Lord reproved many of you, yea, and Magistrates both for harming his Prophets, yet you go quite contrary to Scripture which saith, Do my Prophets no harm; And is not this the Papists game, to prison and to persecute, and was it not the Papists game to set up your Masse-houses which you call Churches, and their game to call out and to persecute and make a Law, and decree that none should speak to them in their time, of Preaching, reading, or singing Mass? and are not you quenching the spirit, when any are moved of the Lord, to speak to you, was not this the Papists game, which you are now doing? Did ever the Apostles hale any out of the Synagogues, but were so done unto themselves, but the Jews game, and the Papists game, and your game are like one another here, Unlike the True Christians, Christ and the Apostles, who wrestled not with flesh and blood, striking at the creatures, but at the powers which captivated creatures, to the intent that the creatures might come into the liberty of the Sons of God: so you that are striking the creatures, wrestling with flesh and blood, are playing the Devil's game, like your mother from the beginning; Was it not the Papists game to set up all your Schools and Colleges, and give your names to them, and your Houses, and set them in the figure of the Temple, and when altered you them? Do you not go on in the Papists game, was it not the Papists game to set up Tithes? and are not you playing the same gain in taking them? was it not the Papists game to set up your hour-glasses, and preach by the hour, and marking with your Cross, and setting your Godfathers and Godmothers? and are not many of you playing this game yet? what game are you playing in your Steeple houses, but the papists have taught you it? The Papists were persecutors, & so are you; they haled out of Synagogues, & so do you; they took tithes & so do you they preached by the hourglass, & quenched the spirit, & so do you; They preached for means & gleab-lands, & so do you; They had the cross on the top of steeple houses, & so have you in many places; they had Trinity College, Emanuel College, and Christ's College, & so have you; They named the Saints days, & so you follow them; they called their houses by the name of Trinity, Jesus, Emanuel, and their Masse-houses by Peter, and Paul, and Mary, and so do you. Is not this the papists game? do not they called Quakers deny this game, and you both, and Christ thou art ignorant of, who is come to reign, and rule, and teach his people himself. Pr. Ministers are spurring on the Magistrates, to cast out the bad and scandalous Ministers; Have not Lawyers and Physicians an easier life, and more honourable in the world than the Ministers? and have not the ministers been the principal instruments to pluck down Deans and Chapters, Bishops, & c? We ministers break our health and all our worldly interests for you. And I had rather be a ploughman or the meanest tradesman, but for the greatest necessity and the truth's sake. Ans. Have not all you Ministers in this manifested yourselves? did ever the Apostles fly to the Magistrates, or spur up them to cast out scandalous Ministers? had not the Apostles authority and the spirit and power to cast out, reprove and rebuke in the Church? Had they not denied their power if they had gone to the Magistrates and fallen on the mountains, which is the papists game, and not the Apostles? was it not the soldiers that were the cause of pulling down your Rails and Surplices, and your Deans and Chapters and Bishops, was it not the Magistrates work? but have you had a hand in it, have you killed and taken possession? have you put out Bishops, and got into their places, who are in the Bishops & Deans and Chapters maintenance? will you needs make yourselves so foul and odious to all people? were not many of you tradesmen and ploughmen's sons, poor men, and yet now gotten up into great interests, and takeing great sums of people, of many whom you do no work for? How can you for shame say you leave your worldly interest, when you are but running into them when you come to be Priests and ministers? who are the proudest people in the parish in the glories and vanities of the world and honour of it but the priest, and his wife, and his children? Are not you worse than Lawyers and Physicians, taking the people's money, & yet cannot make them perfect men, but say they must not be perfect. The Physician is to make one perfect, do they take money of people they do naught for? are they not ashamed to do so? but you take money of them you do no work for, are you not worse than the Lawyers who are bad? do you not take money of such people you do not work for, and sue them and cast them into prison? Are you not the unreasonablest men upon the earth? and this is the Devil's game you are playing; and do you not live in more honour in the world, greater gain, and no work done for it, than any people in the Nation again, as the Goals in the Nation may witness your fruits. Pr. All nations that are of the Christian world are for the ministers to this day, and they that are not, are the dry branches that are out from the Church. Oh how have I besought the Lord that he would convert you to remember them that hath the rule over you, they that hath spoken the word of God and rules well, are worthy of double honour. Ans. You are apostatised from those Elders among the Apostles, and from the Apostles in an usurped authority, Ministers made by the will of men at schools and Colleges, not by the will of God, as the Apostles were; so your honour must be defaced, and you are the dry branches cut off from the true Church, your Church and Ministry, both wanting the virtue and life of God among you; so broken into heaps, and sects and names among yourselves, wanting the unity and bond of peace, the nations have gotten the names of Christians, but are dead, are from the life, and your prayers are as the Pharisees, you being found in their steps, as Matth. 23. read you all. You say none must be perfect upon earth, how then converted? who are converted are converted into Christ, who is perfect, out of the first which is not perfect. Pr. The enemies of the Ministers are the forerunners of the heavy wrath of God, and the Jews were quite cut off from the Church and made vagabond upon the earth, they mocked the the Messengers of God, until wrath came upon the people, Ministers are either their Fathers or Nurses in the Lord, their sins killed, and grace is quickened by the ministers means. Ans. It was the forerunner of the wrath of God upon the Jews, that they had Temples and Tithes, and stood against the Ministers of Christ, it is so to you, as it was with them that saw not the substance, that now stands against the light and fight against it. And was not Railers, envious men, and persecutors always the vagabonds? and are not all you vagabonds from the life of the Apostles, as the Jews were from the Law of God? and are not you all on heaps about words and scriptures, showing you are without life? and is not the wrath and plagues of God and over flowing scourge come upon you who are thus standing against his Ministers in this his day, that are sent among you, cages of unclean birds, who the people comforts not, their sins kills not, their grace quickens not, keeping the people in their sins, telling them they must have the body of sin, while they are upon Earth, they are crept into houses before and since the Apostles decease, dispersed over the Nations of the world? Are not you mocking the messengers and ministers of Christ? hath not the wrath come upon you? many of the people stricken dead for so doing? you that are out of & Apostatised from the Church of the Apostles, that are persecuting and mocking the Ministers of Christ which in scorn are called Quakers, who are sent freely amongst you, not for Gleab-lands, Tithes, Easter reckon, nor Midsummer deuce; nor like unto you that puts the Papists out of Gleab-land, Tithes, Easter recokning and Midsumer deuce, and gets into them yourselves that puts Papists out of their Masse-houses & run into them yourselves, so in this you are not like the Ministers of Christ, the Apostles, who seeks not these but them, but you are seeking these, not them, but are putting them out, this causeth plagues to come upon you; and so it is Papists and drunkards, and them that are now called ministers which are seeking the people's means, not the people, which makes the true Ministers of Christ odious, which are in scorn called Quakers, who seeks not theirs but them, and you are neither the true Fathers nor the true Nurses, but in the Apostasy from them, and kicking against that which pricks you, going in saul's steps, who went with Priests that had Tithes, who were strayed from the life, saw not the substance, as you Raveners from the spirit of God have set up Tithes, who see not the substance, you harden yourselves, not hearing the voice, from whose eyes repentance is hid, posting on for your earthly interests and means, posting to Courts, Sessions, Assizes, Benches, and this is the work you are doing, and posting on in the Nation, as the Courts Sessions, and Assizes declares, your hurrying the people thither, seeking theirs not them, your spirits are tried at Courts, Sessions, and Assizes, to be the false spirits that went forth into the world, which Peter, Judas, and John speaks of, which went forth from them, and separated themselves, which since the world went after you, who have been in Caines, Cores, and Balaams' way. Pr. Tradesmen and princes labours preserves health, but mine consumes it. Ans. Here thou hast showed that thy labour, work, and ministry is not of God, that preserves health and strength, for the work of the ministry is to bring into the saving health, and preserve it, and not consume it, as thy work doth, that they may honour God with their substance, and serve him with all their strength. Pr. The law gives Tithes say the priests, and allows We may forbore working, and we are content with food and raiment; and to give away our tithes, if the people will allow us food and raymet for us and our children, as is fit to make them serviceable, yet the Q●akers call the ministers covetous. Ans. The Jews priests who were made obedient to the faith which had a commandment, while they were under the Priesthood to take Tithes according to to the Law, but the ministers now turn again from the faith to the Law, and says the Law of God gives it them, and says the Tithes are not the peoples but the Lords, Did not the Apostles cut off tithes afore the Law and in the Law, the priesthood and law both? and have not you here showed yourselves Apostatised from the Apostles, so in the Apostasy, who have set up a Law, the first author whereof was the Pope, and say the Law gives it us, and you would not leave tithes unless the people would make a bargain with you to maintain you, your wives and children, was this the work of the Apostles Ministry? what shameless words are these, what, set yourselves thus that all people may view your folly? what the Apostles did give was it upon this condition the people should give them food and raiment for it? D●d not the Apostles say, he that will not work let him not eat? but from the whole practice of the Apostles you are apostatised, and is not your covetous practices discovered through all the Courts, Sessions, and Assizes in the Nations, you posting up thither, and suing, and causing them to go thither you do not work for what is this but covetousness and unrighteousness. Pr. That the Quakers say, that the priests are persecutors like the priests and phari, sees of old, but they shall be taught one day to know, that if the Magistrates stop their mouths, he does no more persecute them, than a thief when he is hanged, &c you say, you wish all the Lords people were prophets. Answ. This is a lie found in your mouths; for you say prophesying is ceased, this you sound abroad all the world over as fare as you can. This shows that you are not able to stop their mouths, nor resist the spirits of them whom you say, it will be no more persecution for the Magistrate to stop their mouths, then to hang a thief. And thus to all Magistrates that fear God you appear with shame; and all may see what you crouch for under the mountains, for blood, Jezebe like, and makes the Magistrates your packhorses and executioners of your malice; but the Lord God of heaven and earth in his wisdom is opening the eyes of many; that moderation appears in such in whose hearts the fear of the Lord is placed, that tries many of you, and turns many of you to your own weapons, to see what weapons you have, and they find you but wrestlers against flesh and blood, striking at the creatures, not at the power which captivates them, to bring them out of it into the liberty of the sons of God. The true Minister's work was to beat down blasphemers errors, false Prophets, and stop the mouths of gainsayers: Rebuke, exhort, teach, instruct with all authority, cut off occasions with spiritual weapons: And this power had they in the Church, and cried not to the Magistrate, take them away, they disturb me! Oh shameless! shame thyself before all the people in the Congregation! This was not the work of the Ministers of Christ to do so; And this authority in the Church before mentioned, had the Ministers of Christ to stop the mouths of Gain-sayers, silence false Prophets and blasphemers. This power and authority they had from God, and looked not at men to help them; but they which apostatised from the Apostles, the Beast, the false Prophet, the mother of Harlots that deceived the Nations, that be out of the power of the Apostles and Christ, & have their power from men, all the false Ministers upon earth are seeking to them to stop blasphemers as they imagine, being but contrary to their minds, while they themselves are the blasphemers, as weighed and judged by the Scriptures and spirit of Truth. And the Magistrates work, the power which he receives from God, is to punish profane open sins, and the Ministers work is to bring people from under that occasion. Pr. The Magistrates sets their guards at our doors, and lets in none but who they please. Let the Kings of the earth show an uninterrupted succession, giving them right to their Crown, and I will show a more undoubted succession to the Ministry. All the Christians in our Parishes are our Flock, we undertake to prove the truth o● such Churches. Answ. Your church is guarded with carnal weapons, and the succession of your ministry is like unto the succession of earthly King's Crowns, which are all made by the will of men: And the Magistrates have been but your servants, and through ignorance have quenched the spirit; and your work hath been to destroy the order concerning edification, practice and doctrine of the Apostles in the true Church, which said, let all speak one by ne. If any thing be revealed to another that sits by, let the first hold his peace. The spirit of the Prophets are subject to the Prophets. From this you are apostatised, and have gotten a law to stop the practice of this in your Church-apostacy, whose doors many of them you keep with clubs and staves, lest any should be moved from the spirit of the Lord to speak amongst you from the Lord. And your Parishes and Flock which you undertake to prove to be a true Church; alack for you, that people should be so impudent to say these are pillars and ground of truth, or the Steeple-houses be the pillars and ground of truth? A company of Drunkards, Swearers, covetous, proud persons, given to pleasures you are, like them that said they were Jews, and were not, but the synagogue of Satan, a nest of unclean birds. Pr. We expect not perfect unity, till we have perfect knowledge and holiness. Ans. Have you cried up yourselves to be the ministers of Christ all this while, and have not perfect knowledge, perfect holiness, perfect unity? The least unity is perfect in the spirit, and the least knowledge, and the least holiness in the spirit, and this you acknowledge you have not perfect unity, perfect knowledge, perfect holiness, and this hath been the cause you have kept all people since the Apostles in blindness, out of the unity in that which is unholy, who say you have not the perfect knowledge, for the least of holiness is perfect, and in the holiness is the unity, in is the perfect knowledge, though in the least degree, and this thou hast confessed you have not, and we do believe you, and so out of thy own words thou and you are proved unsanctified; for who are sanctified, have perfect unity, perfect knowledge, perfect holiness. Pr. I use notes as much as any man, when I am la●y or busy, etc. Ans. This is it which holds up your lazy minds, which you gather out of books, selling it again by the hourglass, and make that day you call sabbath, your market day, selling both prayers, and preaching, who have not the spirit of the Lord to lead you to speak as it moves, and to lead you to all truth as it did the Disciples, so it is laziness indeed that hath set up your notes, and reads them by the glass for money, and who have learnt seven years out of books & Colleges, and then gather up out of your authors & books in notes, and thus make a trade of them, and then te●ls the people you are sent, and it is the word of the Lord, which it is but the reading of books, and yet you tell people you never heard the voice of God if any ask you; & thus deluders are judged out of their own mouths, who have a law, if any are moved of the spirit of the Lord, while they are reading their notes, or speaking before or after, none to speak against, what they have gathered out of their books and studies, which was not the works of the true ministry, but the work of those who were out from the true spirit, and so were ministers of the letter, and old authors, and notes. Pr. He saith, They are unmerciful men that say, more glorious days are appearing, and that the Saints shall rule the world. Answ. In this thou hast judged thyself, and there need no more words be spoken to it. And the rest of thy lies and slanders in thy Book, which are not worth mentioning, they will fall upon thy own head. John Cole, His Book (printed 1658.) His Principles in it as followeth. Pr. IT's a common thing for the young Harlot to say, mind the Light within. Answ. The light which doth enlighten every man which cometh into the world, all Harlots draws from, and be out of it; and such may beget proselytes, and father them upon God, which are not in the Truth; but the day is come that all things are made manifest, and by it doth appear; and the light which every man which cometh into the world is enlightened withal, is the offence to all the evil doers who be out of salvation and the Covenant of God, and none sees salvation but by it. Pr. The young Harlot can but mend evil old Adam by her exhortations and instructions, and do, and threaten, and she doth fright some to her obedience. Ans. The Harlot is in that which evil old Adam is in, in the transgression; and so they which be harlotted from the spirit of God, cannot mend and instruct the transgressor, they themselves being in the transgression: They may tell them of the Saints words, and speak them, as the Devil doth, who is out of the Truth; but thou John Cole art fallen into the earth, and there art quarrelling. And as for the rest of the stuff in thy Book which is not worth mentioning; but when thou feels the root and tree burn and fall into a fire about thee, and thee in it, then remember thou hast not that which doth not savour withal, as thy confused, childish work● do appear, which in print thou hast published to the world. Alexander Rosse, his Book, which he calls, A view of all RELIGIONS. His Lies and Principles. Pr. GOd is not in the quaking of the body. Ans. Was it not God that made the body of David to quake? and Daniel, and Habakkuk, and Job? and the mountains quake at the giving forth of his Law. And doth not God say, He doth not shake the earth, but heaven also? Now dost not thou manifest thyself to be one of them that cast them out that tremble at the Word, and tells them that God is not among them. And as for Alexander Rosse his lies and slanders, in saying the Quakers said Christ had failings, and distrusted God; which thousands of thousands that can witness to thy face thou art a liar, it is a sufficient proof to them that thy book is made up of such stuff, of lies, which is thy view from the Creation. And the rest of thy Book is much like unto that, and the false prophets studying a divination of their own brain, to get money by, we deny; but such as divide the word aright we own; and all that pray and preach, and sing for money, and make a trade of the Scripture to get money by, we disown; but such as pray and sing by the spirit we own, and all your Readins for money we deny; but who reads freely we own, and all your ceremonies we do deny, and are come to the substance Christ Jesus, before the world was made. Pr. The leaves of a tree are not the fruits thereof, and yet without them the fruit would not prosper. Answ. Art thou a fit man to give a view from the Creation of the World, who errs thus in Naturals? For pluck off the leaves of the Vines, and see if the grapes will not prosper? Art thou a fit man to give a view of Religion and blasphemy, and error from the Creation, who art not able to give a true view of the Naturals? Pr. Thou sayest, It is horrid blasphemy to say the Scripture is not the Word of God, and to say the soul is a part of God. Answ. The Scriptures are the words of God in Exodus, and the four Books of the Revelations, but Christ is the Word in whom they end; and it is not horrid blasphemy to say the soul is a part of God, for it came out of him, and that which came out of him, is of him, and rejoiceth in him. Why wilt thou lie, in saying the Quakers deny the Word? we say, it sanctifies them. His lies. Christ is not ascended into heaven; That there is no Heaven, nor Hell, nor Resurrection of the body; That we have no Sacrament nor no Trinity. Answ. As for the word Sacrament and Trinity is from the Pope, and the Masse-book, the Bishop's Common-prayer; but Unity and the Lords Supper is owned; and Heaven, Hell, Christ, and Ascension, and Resurrection is owned by the Quakers, as the Scriptures declares it: And your old Masse-house, with the Cross atop of it, which you call your Church, that the Beast hath set up since the days of the Apostles, with his lying sign at the end of it, the Pope's Cross; And Christ did come to destroy self, and reconcile into one; and Christ forbidden men to be called of men Master, and said the Pharisees did so, and Magistrates are owned in their place; But all such Ministers that teach for filthy lucre, that serve an Apprenticeship at Schools and Colleges like Tradesmen, such we deny, such are not fit to study nor expound Scripture; for they bring people into heaps and into blood, as their fruits in whole Christendom declares it; but the Prophets, Christ, and his Apostles and Ministers, their practices are owned, and Elders, and their honour, but the honour of the false Prophets and Apostles is defaced by the true; and the Scripture doth not speak a word of sprinkling of Infants, but the Baptism of the spirit is owned; and all your prayers in your Masse-house, Pharisee-like, and your songs in the Temple shall be turned into howling; but that which is according to the spirit of God is owned, and private and public instructions are owned who be in the spirit of God; and David's Psalms in their place are owned, and the Saints singing with understanding also we own. Pr. They say, The Church is in God, therefore God is not in the Church they may say. Answ. This is like thy reason, and thy measure and weight, the Church is in God, and God is in the Church; and where two or three are gathered together, He is in the midst of them. Pr. He says, We speak against Tithes and Clarks wages for saying, Amen, and this thou sayeth is an absurd opinion. Answ. Tithes before the Law, and in the Law was owned, that they should give the tenth of the spoil and the tenth of the earth, for the services ●hat were required, widows, strangers, fatherless and Levi who had no portion therein, that there might not be a beggar among them, this tenths preserved them from beggars, and this was the Law, and Melchesedeck before the Law took the tenth of the spoil, who was without father or mother, and Christ the end of the Law, who put an end to all spoils and Redeems men out of the ninth and tenth parts of the earth to God, and here the day of salvation is known to Reign upon the earth, for man transgressed, being driven from God in the earth, ●hen the Law came, that was over all transgression, and led out of it, by that Law was they to offer up the tenth, and Melchesedeck before the Law had the tenth of the spoils, but Christ who ends the Wars, ended the spoils, who is the heir of all things, and the tenths, the Covenant of God, who reconcils all things in one, things in heaven, and things in earth, and this the Apostles Preached, who was in the power of God, brought men out of the ninths of the earth and tenths to, and brought men out of the occasion of the Wars in that which ended, who was the power of God; but they which went forth from the Apostles into the earth, that had the form of godliness and denied the power thereof, which lead the world after them, set up ninths and tenths, unlike the Ministers of the Gospel, who brought them out of the ninths and tenths into unity, with the power of God, and the Son, and to reign upon the earth; and them that took Tithes now, are unlike them that took Tithes under the Law, or afore the Law, who met them with bread and water that Abraham gave the tenths of the spoil to, and who now have no store-house for widows, strangers, and fatherless, that there need not be a beggar among them; so you who are called Christian Priests, are worse than the Jews, who cannot get their tenths without prisons, Courts and writs, and triple damages, and cast into prison until death for them; this is called the Christian practices in our days, who are Apostated from the true Apostles and Church, and from the power of God they were in, but the maintenance that Christ speaks of to his Ministers is owned, but all that make a trade of the Prophets, Christ and Apostle words, who laid down their lives for speaking them forth, we deny; and the Apostles did not give a Clerk wages to say Amen, but that came up since the Apostles days, and judged by the spirit of truth, and whosoever will make Alixander Rosses lies their refuge, are in a sad condition, in his book called, A view of Religion, which he and his lies are condemned to the fire and Lake by the power of God, glory in the highest, rejoice over them ye Saints. Richard Mayo, Priest of Kingston, his Doctrine, And PRINCIPLES as followeth. Pr. THat the Light within is the light of Nature which teacheth to do all things that the Law commands, and to deny all things that the Law forbids. Answ. That which teacheth to do all things the Law commands and deny what the Law forbids, is above nature, that is it which keeps nature in its course, that it shall not be of a fire; but we see thy nature is gone out of its course; and is all of a fire among you Priests and professors. Pr. That God set up a dim light in every man. Answ. The light that God set up in every man is not dim, but men grows dim when they transgress the light, which God hath set in them, to give them the knowledge and feeling of himself. Pr. He said the Devil was the power of God, and that Christ was made manifest to destroy the power of God, and to destroy him that was the power of God. Answ. The devil that went out of the truth, went out of the power of God, and Christ was manifest to destroy the works of the devil, and not the power of God, though Christ came to put an end to all figures, types and shadows, Priests, first Covenant and Temple; Christ, who is the power of God, did not come to destroy the power of God, the power of God is not divided against itself and the devil that went out of the truth, the power of God went against him: so he is not the power of God that went out of the truth, that tempted others out of the truth to transgress and to sin, by which came death, by which the devil hath the power of death, that went out of the truth, so is the power of death, which Christ the power of God destroys death, and him that hath the power of it. Prin. Mayo saith, To say the Gospel is the power of God is but a Metapohrical speech. Answ. The Apostle doth not say so; for the Apostle saith the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation, to every one that believes, in plain words, Rom. 1. Chapter. Pr. He said, That Lantern and that Light spoken of in the Psalms, which was a light unto David's path, was not meant Christ the word. Ans. Why then doth the Apostle bring often David's words, to prove that David did speak of Christ; And spoke of the sure mercies of David, the everlasting Covenant of light, and in his light should see more light, and called him Lord? and David saw his flesh that should see no corruption, and see his resurrection, and many other Scriptures might be brought to prove this. Prin. He said, The Scriptures was the seed which the sour went forth to sow, Mat. 13. Answ. The seed is that which the Scripture speaks of, which Christ said is the word, which many have the Scriptures, which knows not the seed nor the thing it speaks of, nor the seed that is sown which is the word, as instance the Jews and you Christians, which put Scripture for it; for if the Scripture be the seed, it is sown already, it is printed, and what need you go out to sow it. Pr. He faith, That Paul in the 5. of the Ephes. 18. Exhorts the Ephesians to follow a light which was not the light of the Gospel, and it is said in plain Scripture, in so many words, he could not prove that any of the Ministers of Christ doth exhort the Saints to follow a light which was the light of the Gospel. Ans. We herein see his confusion who confounds himself; and Paul and that in the Ephesians which he saith was not the light of the Gospel, let all people read, who bids them not be drunk with wine, but be filled with the spirit; And this is the light of the Gospel, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which darkness cannot comprehend, where the God of the world hath blinded the minds of the Infidels, lest the light of the glorious Gospel should shine into them, as the minds of all the Priests of the world doth appear, to be blinded, with the God of the world, that the light of the glorious Gospel which is the image of God, which shines in the hearts of believers, which they do not behold, and though the light shines in darkness, there darkness comprehended it not; therefore they rage like the Jews, and are professing the Letter as the Jews did, standing against the light, with which Light they are comprehended which was before ages was. Pr. He saith, That Paul persecuting the Saints was a righteous thing in the sight of men and he said, that he denied that any doer of the Law is justified, so as to be saved. Answ. Paul persecuting the Saints was not a righteous thing amongst righteous men that was in the righteousness of God, for Christ the righteousness of God saith, Paul why persecutest thou me? now Paul's persecuting was justified by them which were in the self righteousness, out of the righteousness of Christ, and such that be in that righteousness may justify thee and thy persecution; and the doers of the Law are justified, and who are justified are saved, and Christ the end of the Law they come to know salvation itself, who redeems from under it; so I through the Law, am dead to it, and know it a Schoolmaster, and the righteousness of the Law fulfilled in me. Pr. That a man may be a righteous man, and not a godly man. Answ. A righteous man in the righteousness of Christ is a godly man, who have the righteousness of the Law fulfilled in him, but a righteous man in self-righteousness is ungodly. Pr. That a man may be justified by God, and yet condemned by his own conscience, and justified by his own conscience, and condemned by God. Answ. A man that is justified by God is not condemned by his own conscience, for the mystery of faith is held in a pure conscience, in which men are justified in the sight of God, and a man that is condemned in his own conscience, is not Justified in the sight of God, that which condemns is the light, and that is the cause of condemnation, the hating of it, and not believing of it, and that is the cause the conscience comes to be seared, whereby comes condemnation, and that in the Romans, proves no such thing which thou lays down. Pr. That every believer hath not the witness in him. Answ. That is contrary to Scripture and the Ministers of Christ's Doctrine, which saith he that believes hath the witness in himself, (mark he) and after he believes, he comes to be sealed with the spirit of promise, and can set to his seal that God is true, and comes to believe the record of his Son, which is the spirit that recordeth all things. Pr. That the Gospel is not the power of God. Answ. The Gospel is the power of God; in this thou art contrary to the Ministers of the Gospel, which said, the Gospel was the power of God to salvation to every one that believes, and in this thou ha●t proved thyself to be an unbeliever. Pr. He would make Christ speak blasphemy; leaving out half his words. Answ. That is false thou couldst not make Christ the power of God, the light, the life, the truth, speak blasphemy in leaving ou● many of his words, for all blasphemy is out of the truth, and the power of God, and in the power and life of God there is no blasphemy. Pr. That a man may persecute Christ in the Saints, and be a righteous man, and that the Scriptures saves instrumentally. Answ. A man cannot persecute the Saints, and be in the righteousness of God, or the righteousness of the Law, but they that persecute Christ, are in their own self-rightrousness, and the Scripture saves not instrumentally, but as men be in the faith; and men knows not salvation, but as they be in the Life that gave it forth, and Christ the Saviour it speaks of, and there's the instrumental saving that the Scripture owns, for Christ asked them that had Scriptures how they could escape the damnation of hell that were out of the life of it. Pr. They that did not swore broke the Law of God and man. Answ. They that swore are not come to Christ the end of the Law, and they are out of Christ's Doctrine and the Apostles, who said swore not at all, not by heaven, nor by earth, nor any other oath, but let your communication be yea, yea, nay, nay, lest thou fall into condemnation, for whatsoever is more than this cometh of evil; so all swearers are in the evil, false brethren fall into condemnation, out of the Doctrine of Christ, and breaks his command, and are none of his Ministers. Pr. He did believe in a Christ that died at Jerusalem, but not in a Christ within. Answ. He that believes not in a Christ within, doth not believe in a Christ at Jerusalem, and he that doth not believe in a Christ within, and Preach Christ within, is a reprobate, and out of the Apostles Doctrine, Col. 2. 2 Cor. 13. and he is not in a true belief of Christ without, who believes not in a Christ within, but is in the Devil's belief and believes as the Devil doth. Pr. That if there be one grace within, it is created, and he believes not in any created thing. Answ. The grace that is within, that stablisheth the heart, is brought by the Revelation of Jesus, the loins of the mind being girded up, knows it, the grace by which they are saved, which brings salvation, which is sufficient, this comes from the Creator; which grace teached us, said the Saints, to deny ungodly lusts, and to live soberly. Pr. That light which Christ hath enlightened every man with, is carnal and darkness. Ans. The light which Christ hath enlightened every man that is come into the world with all, was before carnal or darkness was, and believing in it, it leads every man from darkness & his carnal estate, into unity with God; for no man sees his carnal estate and darkness, but by the Light which makes it manifest and the light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, is that which all professors in all ages stumbled at, that were without life. Pr. He knew no scripture that the world was in the heart of man, and that it was nonsense. Ans. Thou art ignorant of Solomon's words, who saith, 3. Eccles. he hath set the world in their hearts that they cannot find the beginning or ending of the work of ●od, and here thou hast showed thyself of the bottomless pit, without the beginning or ending of the work of God, and he is in the nonsense, that is not in the beginning or ending of the work of God. Pr. That men cannot be saved that have no other light. Ans. The light which hath enlightened every man that is come into the world, is the Saviour, and no man is condemned, but for not believing in that Light and no man is saved, ●u● who believes in t●at light. Pr. That there is no perfection attainable in this life. Ans. There is no perfection but in wickedness in the life of Adam in the transgression, and there men live in sin, and hath it in their body, and carries a body of it, which came by the devil, sin and transgression, but Christ, the second Adam, that destroys the devil the power of death, and death and his works, who saves men from sin, and blots out the sin and transgression, and redeems from the Earth, and who are in Christ the second Adam, are in perfection, and in that which is perfect, and makes free from sin, and the body of it, and death, and him that hath the power of death, and comes to be perfect as their heavenly father is perfect, and the work of the ministers of Christ, was to the perfecting of the Saints, and thou that dost deny perfection, have denied the ministers of Christ's work, who preach Christ within, and preached every one perfect in him. Pr, That the scripture is the word of God. Ans. The scripture is the words of God, as you may read, Exod. and Matth. Revel. and Christ is the word of God, in whom the words end, before the words were spoken forth, and man without the spirit cannot interpret scriptures. Pr. That the ministers of this nation, are the ministers of Christ and the Gospel, and that it is a sin to despise them. Ans. And the ministers of this Nation, or no where else, are not the ministers of Christ of the Gospel, that deny the light that enlighteneth every man that comes into the world, and holds up swearing, neither are they the men that are to interpret scripture, they cannot see without the light, which inlightneth every man that comes into the world, before it was made, who is the end of the Prophets, with that they see the Prophet's words, and the end of them, and so such afore mentioned are to be turned from, that turns from the light, and it is no sin to obey the Apostles commands, 2 Tim. 3. to deny them which come up since the Apostles decease, having the form but denies the power. Pr. That they may lawfully ta●e Tithes of the people. Ans. And you that takes tithes of the people, are of the Pope's tribe, got up since the days of the Apostles, which said the priesthood was changed that took the tithes, the Law was changed by which the priesthood was made, and the commandment disannulled that gave tithes, and Christ the sum, the end of all similitudes which comes before Abraham was that paid tithes, Heb. 7. the ●ope is your author in taking tithes since the days of the Apostles in the Apostasy, and Christ is the end of the Law. Pr. Richard Mayo saith, That it is not unlawful to say You to a single person. Ans In this thou showest thou never readst the Accidence or Bible, and it is unlawful to speak unrightously, and to say there is many when there is but one to call one many (you one.) Pr. That Ministers may exhort men to walk by the light of Reason, as well as the light of the Gospel. Ans. No man walks by the light of reason, but who be in the faith, are in the light of the Gospel, and all other reason is as the beasts of the field, that which makes men reasonable is faith, and all that be in the faith are in the light of the Gospel, and this is one, which all unreasonableness is out of it, in the transgression, for none are in the reasonableness, but such as comes out of transgression, and such as be reasonable walks by the light of the Gospel. Pr. That the Gospel itself is but a dead letter. Ans. The Gospel itself is the power of God, that which the letter speaks of, which many may have the letter, the form, and deny the power of God, and so have not the Gospel, Pr. That the Gospel is no more the power of God than the rose cake that lay in his window. Ans. The Gospel is the power of God preached in every creature, more than a rose cake; that gives every creature its living and being? for it relieves the oppressed, turns against the oppressor; so is called glad tidings, for the Gospel is preached unto every creature in heaven, which is the power of God, which turns against that which bondageth, to wit, the corruptions, and so gives liberty and freedom to the captives, and this is glad tidings which is the power of God, and is more than any Creature, and all the creatures, that which gives liberty and freedom to all, is glad tidings. Richard Mayo further saith, It was no matter to him if the devil was the original of Tithes, if the Law of the Land would give it him, he would have it. Ans. We do believe thee, his servant thou art, thy seared conscience and hardness of heart discovers it, but the ministers of Christ and the Gospel never preached nor held forth such doctrine, nor would never act any thing from that which the Devil was the original of, which thou dost say thou would take tithes though he was the original of them, if the Law of the Land would give it thee; he hath been the original of them, and the Pope's Laws first set them up, whereby the Saints goods are strained and spoiled and made havoc of, and art not contented with the spoiling of their goods, but you bring their bodies into your priest's den; and thus you eat up people, and swallow up the needy for a thing of nought, as they did of old, your as forefathers did transgress for a pair of shoes. Pr. He saith, Cain was no vagabond after he had built a City, and he said, there was no scripture as that the Apostles had no certain dwelling place; and that the steeplehouse was the Church. Ans. This is contrary to scripture; for Cain was a vagabond, though he builded a City, and disobeyed the command of God, and lost his habitation in God, so all great men upon the earth, though they build a City, and are Lords, and Earls, and Dukes, and Princes, and Kings, if they do disobey the command of God, and do not dwell in him, they have no habitation, but are all vagabonds; and Paul had no certain dwelling place, 1 Cor. 4 11. and yet he had a habitation in God, and was no vagabond, and the steeplehouse is no Church, but the old Masse-house set up since the days of the Apostles, since they lost the true Church, Thess. the 1. Priest Bushels Principles. These words were given forth by Seth Bushel Priest of Whitley, as follows, the 25 day of the first month, 1658. Pr. MEn are not converted by the light within them. An. If Christ be not in you, the body is dead, and he is light within: And the light that shines in the heart gives the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. And none are converted but they that be in him, and by him within; and the light that shines in the heart, gives the knowledge of conversion and unconversion; and there is none comes to conversion but by it, the light which is Christ. Pr. He saith, That he denies that the light that lighteth every man is Christ, as John speaks, 1 John. Answ. In this thou hast denied john's, Doctrine, who said, he is the true light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. And as many as received him, he gave them power to become the sons of God: and thus thou art ignorant of the Scriptures, much more of the power of God. Pr. He saith, The light which every man is enlightened withal never converted any man to God. Ans. Here thou goest about in thy Doctrine to prove that Christ never brought any to God, who is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, who is the way to the Father, that saves men from sin, and destroys death, and he that hath the power of it, and brings men into that the Devil is out of. Thou, with the light and thy Doctrines art comprehended and condemned; and no man is converted to God but by the light which hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world. Pr. He saith, That the light which lighteth every man is the broad way. Answ. Here people may all see this Priest a Minister of darkness and wickedness; for the light which doth enlighten every man is Christ Jesus, who is the way to the Father, and leads people out of the broad way, which is come up by Adam, sin, the Devil and transgression, which all be in the broad way that deny the light. Hereford, the 8. day of the first month, 1658. these words were spoken in a meeting by Edward Price and Philip Langford, which is their principles. Pr. PHilip Langford said, Paul was not freed from the act of sin whilst in this life. Answ. And Paul thanks God he was made free from the body of sin, and saw where there was no condemnation; and thus he wrestles and fights against Paul, who said he was made free from sin, and could live no longer therein; and the body of sin was put off, and their conversation was in heaven. Pr. We do affirm, that they that be in this faith that turns from sin, be subject to sin, the act of sin, whilst in this mortal body. Ans. This is confusion and contradiction, and not sound doctrine; for faith that purifies the heart from sin, over it gives victory, in which men please God, and have access to him, by the which they are justified whilst on earth, and by the faith the just lives; and the life the Saints come to live which gives them victory over the world, is by the faith of the Son of God. Pr. Priest Price saith, faith in Christ Jesus purifies not from the in-dwellings of sin whilst in this body. Ans. In this the Scripture hath corrected thee; for it saith, faith purifies the heart; that which purifies, takes away sin: Sin, which being unclean in its self, makes unclean. Pr. He saith, The guilt of sin may be taken away, but the act of sin may remain. Ans. A silly man, one of the old Doctors the Scriptures speaks of. Dost thou act sin, and dost not thou feel the guilt of it? Thou brings the whole world upon thy head, the principle of God in them all will witness against thee: And ask all the Thiefs that are condemned to the gallows, and the Drunkards, and such as act sin, such as profess Scriptures, which are not in the life of it, whether or no they have not a guilt upon them for acting sin; but this is one of the blind Priests principles, none but mad men will believe them, wicked liars against that of God in their own conscience, and thus they preach up the Devil's doctrine of Lies. Pr. Edward Price saith, that all men should be judged by the Scriptures, and that the Scriptures is the power of God. Answ. The Scripture saith, Christ is the power of God; And the Apostle said, the Letter kills; and all judgement is committed to the Son, saith the Ministers of Christ. And the Scriptures are the words of God, and Christ is the Word, and Judge, in whom the words end, whom thou hast thrown out, and set Scripture in his room: And as for the rest of his words, they are not worth mentioning. Enoch Howets Principles. Pr. THe doctrine of perfection in the creature is a lie. Answ. The doctrine of Perfection in the creature is Christ, who destroys the Devil and his works, and binds the strong man, and spoils his goods, and takes the possession of it to himself, and the creature is a perfect creature out of transgression: He that is borne of God doth not commit sin, being the seed of God remains in him, and that is the doctrine of Perfection in the creature, and Christ makes all things new; and thou that cannot witness any thing made new, art in the old things, crying up imperfection, and that is perfect that brings men to confess their sin, and that is in the creature. Thomas Hodges, Rector in Oxfordshire, Bachelor in Divinity, saith, Pr. THat the holy Ghost speaks in the Scriptures. Ans. Here all may see his ignorance, whether this man be fit to be a Rector who is thus corrected with the Scriptures, which saith, that the holy Ghost moved in them that gave forth Scriptures, which led them into all truth, and did not say, the holy Ghost moved in the Scriptures; but said, the letter was dead, and did not give life. And thus he Rects into darkness, in telling the people the holy Ghost is in Scripture, when the Scripture never gave forth that speech, but said it was in them that gave it forth; for many may have the Scriptures, and want the holy Ghost, as the Pharisees. Pr. To the Law and to the Testimony, and thou shalt not make to thyself any graven Image that is in heaven or in earth. Answ. I say to the Law and to the Testimony, before Matthew, Mark, Luke & John, Epistles and the Revelations were written, The law is light, the testimony of Jesus the spirit of prophecy, as in the days, Isaiah the 8. And you have told the people that it is Old and New Testament; which the new was not written in his days, in the days of Isaiah. And why do you make likenesses of things in heaven and in earth, and hang up in your houses, and signs, yet thou saith we should not make them, for it is a breach of God's command: Of whom have you learned to make all these Images of things in heaven, and things in the earth, since the days of the Apostles, but of them that went forth from the Apostles, of whom ye are of, the Pope's tribe. Richard Heath, Priest in Shrewsbury: His Principles as follows. Pr. THat the drawing people to a light within them, you draw them from God t themselves, from the instruction of the spirit. Answ. Here thou art an unlike Minister to the Apostle, who brought people to a light within them, Cor. 2.4. and told them, that the light that shined in their hearts would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ; And so none comes to the knowledge of the spirit, but such as comes to the light within (and from themselves) though they have the Scriptures as the Jews had. Pr. If we Ministers should send people from all other lights to the light within them, they should then turn them from light to darkness, from God to the power of Satan. Answ. None comes to God, but who comes to the light within, from the power of Satan and darkness; And God will dwell in man, and walk in man, and make his abode, who is light, and the end of all other lights before they were: And ye that turns people from the light, turns people into darkness, the power of Satan, and there keeps people under his dominion, from the light Christ Jesus that hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world, with which they might see their Saviour. Daniel Gaudry, Priest of great Billing in Northamptonshire. His Principles as followeth. Pr. THat the Saints are partly sinful, and failing in their best works, and subject to continual lustings one against another. Answ. The life of the Saints is Christ, not sinful at all; and they are ceased from their own works, and are true believers; and the works of faith are not sinful, nor the works of the spirit which the Saints are led withal; and they come into Christ in whom they have peace, and not lust one against another, but live in the spirit in which there is unity, in which is the bond of peace; and the lusting one against another is in the transgression of the spirit of God: So who be in Christ, be in peace; and who be in the world be in trouble, in wars; but who be in Christ, be in him who was before Wars was, inward or outward, of whom thou art ignorant. Pr. The blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin; the guilt of it instantly and perfectly from the stain and power of it gradually. Answ. Where sin is, there the guilt of it is felt at that instant; but whoever feels the sin, shall feel the guilt of it; and the blood of the seed cleanseth, it makes free from that which the Law takes hold of; And the blood of the seed it cleanseth from sin, the power and slain of it, and then the guilt is gone of it; and where this is known, the seed that destroys death and him that hath the power of it, which is the Devil, the fullness is known which is above degrees, that which degrees ends in. Pr. It is the tang of Popery that a man may fall from saving grace. Answ. The grace of God that appeared to all men which brings salvation, is saving, and such thee and many Papists turns into lasciviousness and wantonness; That which brings salvation is saving: So you are turned to be murderers of one another about Scriptures, which was not the practice of them who lived soberly, righteously, and godly, who deny the worldly lusts and ungodliness, but their hearts were established in grace which was their Teacher; but you and Papists that live wildly and ungodly, unrighteously in the lusts of the world, that from the grace (and the saving grace) are fallen, your fruits, your actions daily declares and shows it; and so you be talkers of grace which is turned into wantonness among you and the Papists both, your unseasoned hearts and words makes it appear. Pr. We shall not see Christ as he is till he comes to judgement, then and not before we shall see him. And then he adds, Every man that hath this hope purifies himself, which also argues that he is not pure and perfect, but only in hope. Answ. You, where you are, sees him not, nor know him not as he is, we do believe you; but the Saints, the true Church whom he is the head of, whom he is in the midst, and in whom he is: (And Christ told his Disciples, they had known him, and) they knew the Son, and had the Son, and they had the Father also; and he that had not, had not life: And they had handled and seen, and hope in itself is pure, and that is it which purifies man, and makes him pure, as God is pure. The hope now is pure in itself, a distinct thing, and that is to make man pure as God is pure. Pr. God may justly require his due of man, though man cannot give it. Answ. God requires no more of man than he gives. Pr. That the Quakers sends men to the light within them to be perfected, which is no better than darkness, Answ. Thou that sendest men to any thing, but not to the light within them, thou keepest them out from Perfection in utter darkness; And none comes out of utter darkness to perfection, but by the light within them; and so growing up in the light, they grow up in that which is perfect, and so in the fullness which is Christ, which is the perfection of God. Pr. Christ saves his people from the guilt of their sins here in the state of justification: The state of the best Saints here, are imperfect. Answ. Who are justified are saved from the guilt of sin; and who commits sin feels the guilt, and cannot say they are justified in the committing of it; for he that saves, sanctifies, redeems, and destroys the Devil and his works, and death where he hath power, where he keeps up his authority: And if the best Saints here are imperfect, than they are not brought out of Adam's state in the transgression; for a Saint is one that is sanctified, and one that is redeemed, and one that comes to know the works of the Devil destroyed, and washed, and cleansed, and sanctified through the name of the Lord; and that which justifieth takes away sin and its guilt both; For as it is written, he shall save his people from their sins, and from the guilt, and from the wretched state. Pr. Surely they cannot be perfect here or hereafter in equality, but only in quality. Ans. Christ makes no distinction in his words, but saith, Be ye perfect, even as your heavenly Father is, and be ye merciful as he is; And as he is so are we. And that which is perfect and merciful, as he is perfect and merciful, is in equality with the same thing which is of God and from him. Pr. The Saints they were come to the spirits of just men made perfect, but not on earth. Answ. The just men's spirits that led them to give forth Scriptures was the spirit of God, and that was perfect; and was while they were upon earth; the Saints were come to (which was Christ the end of all words) and so to God the Judge of all the Earth. Philip Taverner, called Preacher of the word, in his Book called, The QUAKER'S Rounds. These are his Principles as followeth. Pr. WE distinguish between the Essential word, and the declarative word, we own Christ to be the Essential, and the Scripture to be the Letter. Answ. The Scripture tells us that Christ is the word; the Scriptures of truth that was given forth from the spirit of truth, were the words of God, in whom they end in Christ the word; and you talk of a declarative word, and the Scripture you call a History; and you call it a Creed, and you call it a Catalogue; and these Titles and names you have given to the Scripture of truth, the words of God, which as I said before was the Scripture of truth the words of God given forth from the spirit of God which ends in Christ, and doth not speak of a declarative word, but you in your nicety. Prin. There is a twofold coming of the Gospel, the one in word, the other in power. Answ. The blind people here thou wouldst make believe that the word was not the power, which the word and the power is one, for Christ the word, and Christ the power of God, his name is called the power of God, and he that Ministers the word, Ministers the power of God and the Gospel. Pr. The Saints that stood upon mount Zion that followed the Lamb; those Saints that was without guile before the throne of God, is to be understood in the justification and not in sanctification, that is spoken of in the Revelations 14. Answ. Here thou hast manifested thyself to be an accuser of the Brethren who are justified, and said to be without fault; now who are justified, are sanctified, and are justified; it was said, in their mouths was no guile; they were not defiled; and now these that have no guile, and are justified, and were not defiled with women, such are sanctified; so that thou Judgest of things that are too mighty for thee; and medles with things that are two weighty, and brings Judgement upon thy own head; whose measure is measured and weights are tried; and thou art of them that art found too light. Prin. He that is born of God sins not, after the same sort as them that are of the Devil. Answ. He that commits sin is the servant of sin, and he that commits sin is of the Devil; and he that is born of God doth not commit sin, for he cannot, because he is born of God; born of that nature which cannot sin; and those who doth sin is of the Devil, is of the same nature of their father; but he that is born of God doth no● commit sin at no rate, for he is of the same nature of his father. Pr. As John saith; as he is, so are we in this present world, that Scripture, saith he, cannot be so in the latitude of it. Answ. I believe you, for from the men of your generation, it was not given forth but them that are the Sons of God understands it as it is, and believes it as it speaks. Pr. Christ was holy from his conception, so are not we, saith he; but we are sanctified; in time, Christ was holy, and so are not we, for there still remains the in dwelling of sin in us. Ans. And some was sanctified from the womb, and some children was holy that were born of the believers, Christ in the male and in the female, is as he was in his eternal generation; and is the same and remains; and is the sanctification, sanctifies the unsanctified Sons of Adam in the transgression, and who hath that without, and not within, are hypocrites, and Christ changeth them and makes them like himself. Pr. That the Saints are complete in point of justification, and not in sanctification. Ans. They that are not complete in sanctification, they are not complete in justification, for they are one; they that are complete in the one, are complete in the other; and so fare as a man is sanctified, so far is he justified, and no farther; for the same that sanctifies a man, justifies him; for the same that is his sanctification, is his justification, and his wisdom, is his redemption; he that knows one of them, knows all; he that doth not feel one of them, feels none of them at all, for they are all one. Pr. Faith justifies only instrumentally; neither doth it justify instrumentally as a work wrought in us by the spirit. Answ. The man is blind, he is angry there, and fretting himself about things that are too weighty for him, about things that he knows not; For faith is the gift of God which purifies the heart, which brings people to have access to God; In that, and by that which purifies men, men are justified, and in that's virtue, by the hearing of that, men receive the spirit; so that this is confusion, and contrary to the Scripture, and confuted by it; for ye are justified through faith, and by the spirit, and that instrumentally from God, in which men please him, and without which they cannot; therefore that is instrumental, and in that they have victory, and in that they have unity one with another, and in it have access to God: But saith he, faith doth not justify instrumentally by any virtue that is in it any more than is in love. Love and faith is one, without faith there is not love: Love is the fruit of faith, flows from it, without it there is not unity, and without faith there is no victory, and without victory there's no love, and it justifies and is wrought by the spirit. Pr. A perfect conformity to the Law of God wrote in the strength and power of grace, the spirit working all in us and for us, and all this is no more than the righteousness of the Law. Answ. That's the end of the Law that brings to the righteousness of the Law, and to a perfect conformity to it, and fulfils it; that's the seed Christ in the male, and in the female, by whom grace comes by Jesus Christ, which brings to live in the righteousness of it, which is the righteousness of faith, by which the spirit is received, which works all in people, and for them, who ends the Law. The BROWNISTS Principles. Pr. THey never heard God's voice from heaven, nor see his shape: And yet they affirm, they have the same power and spirit that the Apostles had, though much below; and yet they have the Word abiding in them. Answ. You that never heard the voice of God, nor see his shape, you have not seen him who is a spirit, nor his power, nor his Word abiding in you; for who hath the spirit of God, and the power of God, and the Word of God abiding in them; with the spirit of God, with the power of God, sees God's shape; and who hath God's Word abiding in them, hears the voice of God; for God is the Word, and God will dwell in them, and walk in them. Pr. That they are brought to the Church that is in God, the pillar and ground of truth, where there's neither spot nor wrinkle, nor any such thing. Ans. And yet you never heard the voice of God; and how can you be brought to the Church that is in God, and never heard the voice of God? for none comes to the Son, but through the drawings of the Father; and none knows the drawings of the Father, but they heard his voice. The Jews that came not to the Son, Christ told them, they had not known the voice of God; and none come to him, but whom the Father draweth. Pr. We do not look for any such thing as revelation from heaven, or speaking as they are moved, or waiting for the power as the Apostles did, we say we do not look for any such thing. Answ. This shows that you have not received the grace; for the grace comes by revelation, and you have not received the Son; for the Son comes by revelation; Nor you have not known the Father whom the Son reveals; You are not come to the holy Ghost whom the Saints witnessed, that led them to speak forth Scriptures, which no prophecy of the Scriptures came by the will of man; so you are among those men that have the Scriptures in their wills, and wants the thing that the Scriptures were given forth by, that is the holy Ghost, for holy men of God were moved to speak them forth, who learned them of God, and spoke them forth as the spirit gave them utterance; Therefore how can ye say, that you are come to the Church in God, and waits neither for the power nor revelation as the Saints did, and were in; for if you have all the Scriptures, and have not that, you have not revelation, and have not the holy Ghost; for the Scriptures are not known but by revelation, and they are revealed by the spirit that gave them forth: And though men have all the Scriptures, yet the Son is not known but by revelation of the Father. Pr. The Scripture is the Gospel, the Scripture is the Light, the Scripture is the Word. Ans. The Scriptures are the words of God given forth from the spirit of God, learned from him: The Gospel is the power of God, the Scripture declares it. A man may have the form, and deny the power, and so deny the Gospel; Christ is the light of the world, the life and the light of men by whom the world was made; and many have the Scriptures, but denies the light, the life and power of it, Christ Jesus, who is the life, and power, and the authority of them. Pr. That they knew no law of God against praying and preaching by an hourglass; and that the Apostles did perform the Ordinances of God at set times; and Daniel and David prayed customarily, and how this can be said to be will worship, and to be seen of men, we shall leave it to the Lord. Answ. The Lord judgeth it to be will-worship, that which limits the holy one to an hourglass; and the spirit of the Lord that taught the Saints to pray never limited itself to an hourglass: so you by an hourglass pray and preach as the Papists with their beads, so that that limits the Lord to a set time, those are traditions and vain customs of the heathen, and traditions of men, which always the spirit limited; which spirit gave freedom to the just in every one, which said, quench it not, nor limit it; but knock down vain customs and traditions of men, which was set up by men, which had quenched the spirit in themselves, and would limit the holy one in others, and such were always judged of the Lord, and them that had his spirit to be Idolaters, and in the will-worship, and not in the spirit, which are got up since the days of the Apostles. John Turner's Principle. Pr. THat light which convinceth a man of sin was a wicked conscience. Ans. The wicked conscience doth not convince of sin, than Satan were divided against Satan: That which doth convince of sin, is not wicked, nor sin; but the spirit of God, the light of Christ Jesus, that convinceth of sin; and the Elect hath faith; where faith is, there is obedience. The Ranters Principles. Pr. CHrist without comes to destroy Christ within. Ans. Christ is but one, and it is the devil that he destroys and his works, the Antichrist and not the true Christ, the seed in male and female, and it is the false Christ he destroys in the male and female, and he comes to end the types and figures and shadows that people might live in him, the end of the types, and figures and shadows, the substance. Pr. And the woman that Paul speaks of that is forbidden to speak in the Church, but must learn of her husband at home, is the whore that drinks the blood of, the Saints in Revelations. Ans. That is false, for the woman the Apostles speaks of there, that must learn in silence, and must be in subjection & ask her husband at home, is in the state of Eve, who must not teach, but learn in silence, as also said the Law, for she was first found in the transgression; now the woman here hath a husband to ask at home, and not usurp authority over the man, but Christ in the male as in the female, who redeems from under the Law, and makes free from the Law, the man may speak, Christ in the male and female who are in the spirit of God, are not under the Law, but the whore who drinks the blood of the Saints, is gone, from her husband from under the Law, to ask the whoremaster that doth drink the blood of the saints, which Christ the seed judgeth upon to whom he gives judgement. Pr. And the outward creatures which God had made, and created, and blessed are the serpent's meat, as the old Ranter of Bristol, when he was gnawing a piece of plum pudding, said he was eating the serpent's meat. Ans. The Serpent's meat is dust, and he goes on his belly, and so hath proved himself to be a serpent, who eats his meat; which the children of God, the seed doth not, and Christ who eat of the bread, he did not eat the serpent's meat, he did not call it serpent's meat, and that is cursed and judged that doth so. Francis Duke his book entitled, The fullness and freeness of God's grace; his Principles are as follows. Pr. GGod made man perfection of parts in this life, but not perfection in degrees. Ans. Perfection of parts is perfection of degrees, for where there is a part there a degree, so in this thou meddlest with things that are too heavy for thee. Pr. That God did elect that drop of humane seed to be personal God man, as the text is; the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head. Ans. The elect is Christ, the seed and Christ the second Adam is not humane, for humane is earthly, so thou errs in thy judgement, for as Christ the seed says, he that is born of the flesh, is flesh, and he that is born of the spirit is spirit, and the election obtains it, and he that is of the earth is earthly, but he that is from above, is heavenly. Pr. Men may obey imperfectly, but truly. Ans. Truth is perfect, Christ is truth who is perfect, and they that obey truly, obey perfectly, for perfect obedience, and true obedience is one. Pr. The seed of the Serpent and the Devil's seed remains in the best of men in this life, for without this seed of the Devil issuing in humane nature, it is not capable of Eternal life. Ans. This seed of the Devil hinders men to be capable of eternal life, and such as are sanctified from the womb, was capable of eternal life, and such as were made free from sin and the body of death, and sin put out of them could not sin, because the seed of God remaineth in them, and witnessed redemption, the works of the Devil destroyed, and Christ manifested in their flesh, condemned sin in their flesh, and Christ in them, the body being dead because of sin, which was borne of God, and they did not commit sin, they were passed from death to life, for sin brought death, and where the Devil had the power of it which went out of truth, but the seed having destroyed death, and him that hath the power of it, which is the devil, and God the God of all peace have bruised Satan under the faints feet, such is a top of the seed of the devil, and they are capable of eternal life, and tells thee thy doctrine is a lie. Pr. Man may believe truly, but never rightly. Ans. He that believeth truly, and is in the true belief, believes rightly, and he that believes truly is borne of God, and he whose belief is false, and not born of God, it is as his that is out of truth, which is not right, which the true belief in truth is over him, in that the Devil is out of; & all his generation that stands in an outward belief. Pr. The will of man remains in good men and bad men in heaven, and in hell, and in earth. Ans. There's no prophecy of the scriptures came by the earthly will of man, but that man's will be subdued, & denied with the Cross and power of God, whereby he that doth the will of God abides for ever, but he that doth his own will abides not ever, and flesh and blood enters not into the kingdom of God, and they that go down into Hell, go down into their own wills and wilfulness, but he must be born again before he can enter into God's Kingdom, he that is borne of the flesh is flesh, and will persecute him that is born after the spirit, for there's the two wills and earth is their footstool. Pr. The Saints affirm themselves that they are all unclean things, and their righteousness as filthy rags. Ans. The Saints are clean, and are sanctified, and are washed, and are cleansed, now are you clean saith the Lord, ye were such, and such; and the saints righteousness is Christ, such as never will grow ragged, which was before the world was made, which was before rags, and ragged righteousness was, this is the Saints, righteousness, and true believers, and the saints are not unclean things, for it is the unsanctified that be unclean. Pr. The Saints have a twofold righteousness in this world. Ans. The righteousness of the Saints is one Christ, and is in one in God, from whence all righteousness comes, and the true believers righteousness is Christ Jesus, the end of the Law. Pr. Thou sayest that, James envies those that brag of their faith without works, thou sayest, the Lord attributes that to the eye, which is not proper, the eye is the light of the body, but yet the eye hath no light in itself to enlighten the body; so he attributes that to the eye which is not proper to the Light Ans. James did not envy, for envy was of Cain and of the devil, and of the wicked one, he did not envy them whose faith was dead without works, and Christ's speech was proper, who said the light of the body was the eye, and without the eye the body hath not light, look of it either inward or outward, 'tis proper within, and proper without, for when the eye is blinded within, the body is full of darkness, when the eye is blinded without, the body is dark, and he wants the light, and the light of the body is the eye, that being single the body is full of light, and that is perfect. Pr. That God redeems his church with his blood, yet bleeds not. Ans. Here again thou cavellest with the Apostles words, and art a perverter of the Scriptures, who art with it corrected, the Apostle speak of the blood of God, and the blood shed, and the conscience sprinkled with the blood. Pr. Justifying faith, simply considered in itself, as to justification of a sinner, is but 〈◊〉 dark body till it hath received Christ, and his righteousness. Ans. Where & justification is, & justifying faith, there is Christ and his righteousness felt, for he is the justification, and this is not a dark body, neither justifying faith, nor justification of a sinner, but thou art the dark body, that those hath so judged, for it is all one. Pr. It is but perfection of parts, but not of degrees that people attain to, beware you dream not that you attain to perfection of degrees, as the Quakers do, for when you so think of yourselves that is the hour and power of darkeness, and fall into temptations and abominations. Ans. Where perfection is in parts, there's degrees, and that which is perfect keeps out of darkness, out of the temptation and abomination, he that speaks of perfection of parts, and not of degrees, he doth not know what he speaks of, but is in a dream, and the hour of tentation and the power of darkness, and in the tentation and abomination, and doth not know what he speaks of, for perfection of parts is perfection of degrees. Pr. The Saints inherent righteousness, is but imperfection of parts, as filthy rages! Ans. Where dost thou read of the word inherent righteousness, but the righteousness of Christ wrought in us, is not filthy rags, but that which thou pretends to work in thyself, by dreaming imaginations, is filthy rags and not true righteousness of Christ, which is without rags, but where dost thou read of inherent righteousness but of thy father the Pope. Pr. Job had too high esteem of his uprightness wrought by the spirit of Christ in him, who also assisted him to perfect patience. An●. A man cannot be too high esteemed in uprightness, wrought by the spirit of Christ in him which will assist to perfect patience, and thus thou confoundest thyself. Pr. If Job had hanged himself, he might have said in this case, it is not I but my deep, distemper which strangled me. Ans. Thou wicked liar of thy Father the Devil, the murderer, had Job consented to the wicked one with his mind to have done the thing, than it had been Job, and this is not comparable to Paul's state, he saith it was no more he but sin that dwelled in him, who did not consent with his mind, so thou art no true measurer, but a false measurer, for to say it had been the infirmity of the members, but not Job, yet there is the eye which was before the word Job was, which the Devil hath nought in, so both thee and thy measure is judged according to Scriptures which came not by the will of man, which is of no private interpretation. Pr. That the written scripture is a more sure word of prophecy, than the excellent speech from heaven to Jesus upon the Mount, as your Quaking doctrines, which is bottomed, upon the Light within, which neither you nor no man else knows what it is. Ans. The voice that spoke upon the Mount, the excellent speech was the same, and was to them that gave forth Scriptures, now the written scriptures many may have, and deny the spirit of prophecy, and knew not the light shining in the dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in their hearts, and the Quakers light within, which thou nor no man else knows what it is, as thou sayest, then why do you judge of things you do not know? we do believe that your darkness cannot comprehend it though it shineth in the darkness, but where light hath shined out of darkness & shins in the heart, it gives the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, but all that be in the light, & walks in it, have followship one with another, and knows what light is, and comes to life, Christ from whence the light comes, which you nor no man knows what it is, which are ravened from the spirit of God and so knows not Christ the light. Pr. The Scripture is the ground of Faith. Ans. The ground of faith was before written Scripture was, God and Christ Jesus who were the givers of Faith, and the authors of it; as Abel, Enoch, Abraham had Faith before that which you call your ground of Faith was written, but I say its able to make wise to salvation through the Faith in Christ Jesus, who is the author of it, thou goest about to lay an other ground than God and Christ Jesus that gave forth to them that spoke forth the scriptures of truth. Pr. You call a light within, and tell us it is God's word, and calls the thing everlasting word and spiritual, King, and Christ, and this lie is the ground of your faith. Ans. The word is light, and Christ is light, and the everlasting word, and King, and he rules the hearts of the Saints, and is in the midst of his Church, and dwells in his people, and in them he makes his abode, and all that be not in this, be in the lie, and be not in the true foundation Jesus Christ. Pr. When Christ told the devil, that man should not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, that was believing the scriptures; and this, the word of God in the scriptures was the ground of Christ's faith, and so to all that were his. Ans. Many may have the Scriptures, and never hear the voice of God, as the Jews in the fift of john & they said they believed the scriptures, though they were out of the true belief, but receiving the word from God, is, as they that gave forth scriptuers, which man lives by, & not by bread alone, & so knows him which was before scripture was given forth, and for saying that the scripture is the ground of Christ's Faith, he was afore the scripture was writ, and fulfils their words, and is the author and finisher of the saints faith, which was before the scripture was given forth, him by whom the world was made, and is the author of the Saints Faith that bruised the serpent's head under his feet, which was before scripture was. Pr. For the Lord Jesus Christ himself who was personally God-man, simply created nothing, yet you would have your light, called Christ, to be a Creator. Ans. God was in Christ, and they are one, the Creator, the Father in the Son, and the Son in the Father, and Christ in you, and God in Christ, the Creator the maker of all things, and God will dwell in the saints the Creator, he creates in them right minds, new hearts new spirits gives them understanding and knowledge, to know him which is eternal life and wisdom, to walk in his ways which are perfect; where God's dwelling is in Saints, there is light, and they have fellowship one with an other in it, and with the Son and the Father. Pr That although the essence of God be within, yet it no way conducts to the happiness of man. Ans. Man feels not the happiness, but as he is in the power of God, in which he hath communion with him, and thou speaks thou dost not know what. Pr. john said, he had heard and handled Christ and looked upon him, but your Idol Christ your light and everlasting word, you say is within, so that you nor any man else can say what it is, except whimsies. Ans. Thou that hast not handled, seen nor heard Christ nor felt him within, art in the Idols whimsies and blasphemy, for we witness that Christ, and hath handled him and seen him, and heard him, and knows the everlasting word, and him within, which torments thee and thy ground, and thy seed, because he cannot reign, but Christ is come to take possession, to destroy him and his works, and reign; and none sees this, bu● they that own the light within, which comes from Christ the King. Pr. By letters and witness without, we will oppose your lying light within, there to maintain against the best men whatsoever, your light within is a lie, for you say the light within, is Christ, I deny the scriptures are a witness to bear to your light within, which is your Idol, and this word of God within to be no more nor less than a lie. Ans. The scripture bears witness to the light within, for I know that's thy work and the devils which is out of the light which is the truth, to oppose it, who rules in the Children of disobedience, but cannot rule in the children of light, and the scriptures saith Christ in you, and God will dwell in you, he is light and they are light, the light that shines in your hearts to give you the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, and this the Scripture bears witness to, as in Cor. and the word is nigh thee, in thy h●●rt, and in thy mouth, Rom. 10. and as for all the rest of thy stuff, confused parsell of ignorance in thy book, as this before mentioned, which is not worth setting pen to paper, but for the simple ones sake it is given forth, for the day is appeared that all your works are seen and come to light, praises and glory to the Lord God the Highest for ever; in the day of thy fullness thou hast been in the mischief of iniquity, but in the day of thy poverty, when the witness of God stirs and rises in thee, and judgement enters upon thee, then remember when thy works burn, and thou in the fire, what thou didst in the world, in thy life time against the Saints and the elect, and spoke of things thou couldst not know nor weigh, but were too heavy for thee, and how thou actest against the light of Christ within, which would have led thee to salvation. Enoch Howet of Lincoln, His Principles in his Book as followeth, as he calls the Doctrine of the Light within. Pr. I Have taken upon me as my duty to forewarn all men of the Doctrine, that teach men to look at the Light within them. Answ. We do believe thee, here thou art not only Ante-Christ, but Anti-Apostle, that's against him, who taught people to look to the light within them, and told them that the light that shined in their hearts to give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, and this is the Doctrine which thou forwarnest all men of, and said it is thy duty, so thou mayest see whom thou servest, that turns men from light, and warns people of the Apostles Doctrine, in that all may Judge what thou turns them to, and whose duty thou art doing, and whose messenger and Minister thou art, them that be in the fear of God, see thee. Pr. To look to the light within, is to look at his deceitful heart, and it will offer thee darkness for light, and its evident, if thou look to that which thou calls the light within, he brings thee to take council of a corrupt heart, the prince of the Air, the prince of darkness. Answ. The light that shines in the heart, that thy darkness cannot comprehend it, is not the Prince of darkness, nor the Prince of the air, nor the deceitful corrupt heart; but by the light within is all discovered and made manifest, for its the light within that discovers a man's thoughts, a man's counsels of his heart. And Christ within is light and that the Apostle bid the Corinthians examine themselves, and prove themselves, and know not they their own selves how that Jesus Christ was in them except they were Reprobates? Now where Christ is within, there is light; now Reprobates cannot endure to hear it talked of within, but calls it blasphemy, corrupt heart, and deceitful heart, and so forth; and the Apostle told the Saints that God would write his Law in their hearts, and put them in their minds, & the law is light, and God would dwell in them, and walk in them, and where God is, there is light, and in him is no darkness, and the Saints are his Temple, and this Doctrine the light within, it's thy work and Ministry to teach and warn all men against. Pr. To look at the light within, leads men to look at a judgement here in this life, and to take off men from eternal judgement. Answ. There's none sees the judgement in this life, nor the eternal judgement, but with the light within; for the light makes manifest, what must be judged, and what must not. O that thou shouldst be so blind! and who judge themselves shall not be judged. Pr. The people which depended upon light within fell into shameful enormities, and when they pretended the light within, they pretended an Angel of light which cousin's us, which at the best is but a broken cistern, the Ephesians were sometimes darkness. Answ. They are the broken Cisterns that cannot hold the water of life, and they are under the pretended Angel of light, that deny the light of Christ within; and shameful enormities that be from the light which makes manifest all those things; and though the Ephesians were darkness, yet the light shined in the darkness, and the darkness could not comprehend it, John 1. Pr. The light within draws from the expecting of the assurance of Christ by working in our hearts, the children of disobedience; so that we wait not upon God for assurance, but to trust to the light within. Answ. None comes to assurance of Christ Jesus, but who comes to the light that shines in his heart, which Christ Jesus hath enlightened him withal who is the way to him; none comes from under the power of the Prince of the Air out of the disobedience, to the thing he had disobeyed, but who comes to the light within, which shines in his heart, which gives him the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, and there is none knows the working of Christ but by the light within. Pr. When they were pricked in their hearts, the Apostle did not bid them look to the light within them. Answ. Did not the Apostle bid them repent? And was not there something in them that did give them to understand their trangression who might repent, and come to receive remission for their sins by Christ the light, who lightened every man that cometh into the world, which shines in the darkness, and the darkness comprehends it not, which light shined forth, it gives the light of the knowledge of God in the heart, and that which pricks them is within them. Pr. To look at the light within puts us by the experience of the created word. Answ. The light within brings to look at Christ, whose name is called the word of God, by whom all things was created, and the light within gives experience of him, which is beyond all created experiences that are changeable; and the Scripture doth not tell us of the created word. Pr. To follow the light within, the natural man that is said to lead to perfection, draws from and puts us from waiting upon the commands of God. Answ. No natural man comes out of his natural state to perfection, to know the commands of God, that which discovers all these things to him is the light within, which comes from Christ, and brings him to know the Covenant of God; who are kept from the light within, are kept from perfection, and the commands of God, and the Covenant of God, and Christ. Pr. There can be no reproof for breaking of a Law if it were not written. Answ. Adam broke the Law before it was written, and was reproved. Prin. Light within, and watching in that light to bring us to perfection will be a vain watch. Answ. None sees perfection, nor none comes to the true watch, but they who come to the light within, which doth manifest that which must be stood against, and not received, and all watches are vain that be not in the light within, for they will put evil for good, and good for evil; darkness for light, and light for darkness, that watches not in the true light that shines in their hearts, which makes manifest. Pr. Let us leave leaning on the light within for direction. Answ. Then you turn yourselves from the Apostles doctrine, the light that shines in your hearts, to give you the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, 2 Cor. 4. and you turn into darkness from that which should give you the knowledge. Pr. To look to the Light within draws us from or puts us past the blood of the new Covenant the application of it. Answ. There's none sees the new Covenant; Christ Jesus, to Jews and Gentiles the covenant of light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and the blood of it, he that sees this, his eye is opened, and is a believer, for who sees the blood of Christ and his righteousness, and comes to the blood of Christ who hath enlightened him, he comes to life; and none doth come to life, but who comes to the light which Christ hath enlightened him withal: For in him was life, and the life was the light of men; and the light shines in darkness, and the darkness comprehends it not, though all things were made by him; And them that live in the darkness, hate the light, and do not believe in it, and so they are condemned by the light. Pr. That this doctrine, the light within, draws us from Christ. Answ. None comes to Christ, nor is drawn unto Christ but with the light, and that's within, and gives them to know what they are come from, and what they are come to, for it gives them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. As for all thy other works of darkness in thy Book, they are not worth mentioning; but whose messenger he is, the day doth bring him to light, the witness of God in his conscience shall answer in the day of his condemnation and judgement, who is under the spiritual wickedness, and in whom is the high places of it, who stands against, and denies the doctrine of the Light within, the saints and Apostles hath judged him to be a messenger of Satan, a false Apostle, a Minister of unrighteousness out of the light, the truth, as you may read in the Corinthians; for the true Messengers, Ministers, and Apostles of Christ Jesus made by the will of God, brought people to the light within, that shines in their hearts, and told them, that the light would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus. Priest Fergison, his principles as followeth, who is a Teacher in Kent, confessed to Ambrose Rig. Pr. THat the scripture was the Law and Testimony. Answ. This is contrary to the Scripture, for the Scripture saith, the Law is light, Prov. 6. and the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy; and the Law and Testimony was before Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the Epistles and Revelations were written, as in the 8 of Isaiah. Pr. That the Scripture is the rule of life and doctrine, and that it was the Word of God. Answ. Adam, Abel, Enoch, Abraham, and the holy men of God had a rule for their lives, before the Scripture was written, the spirit was the rule of their lives, that led forth Saints to speak forth Scripture: And they that have the Scripture, and not the spirit of Christ, they are none of his; and the Jews had Scripture, but wanted the rule of life. Nevertheless the Scripture which was given forth from the spirit of God, is profitable for Doctrine; and the Scriptures of truth are the words of God, learned of God, and not the word, and Christ the word before the Scriptures were given forth, by whom the world was made, is the word of God, who fulfilled the words, the Scriptures in him ends, who was before they were spoken forth. Pr. That the Scripture is the way to God, and that the Scripture was the ground of Faith. Answ. The ground of faith is Christ; the Apostle bids the Saints look to him which was the Author and finisher, not the Scripture, but Christ the Author of their faith, the ground of it: And Abraham, and Enoch, and Abel had faith before Scripture was written: so who hath faith, are of Abraham, and they witness Abraham's ground; and the Jews had Scriptures, but had not faith, nor the ground: so your faith that hath no other ground but Scriptures, is like unto the Jews: And Christ is the way to God, who was before Scriptures were written, who fulfils the Prophets, Abraham and David's words; and the Jews had Scriptures, but stood against the way to God, Christ Jesus the light, as all you do that stand against the light; And Abraham, and Abel, and Enoch had the way to God before the scripture was written, and Christ Jesus is the way to God. Christ saith, I am the way, to the Jews, who had scriptures. Pr. That there is no perfection to be attained to, while people live upon earth. A Then by thy doctrine Christ is not attained to while man lives, which is contrary to the Apostles and Christ's own doctrine, who said, I in you, and you in me: and Christ in you the hope of glory; and then none abides in the Vine by thy account, which is Christ, and none bears fruit to the glory of God who abides not in the Vine; and who abides in the Vine, abides in the perfection of God; and thou art contrary to the Ministers of Christ, whose work was for the perfecting of the saints. Pr. That Justification and Sanctification differs. Answ. Justification and Sanctification is one; for Christ who is the justification and sanctification is one, and it is thou that differs from him. Pr. That the word of faith in the heart spoken of, in the 10●h of the Romans, is the Scriptures. Answ. The Apostle doth not say so; for many had the scriptures, and were under the Law, and knew not the word of faith, the gift of God. Pr. He said, the Scripture leads into all truth. Ans. This is contrary to Scripture; for the Scripture saith, the spirit of truth shall lead you into all truth; this is the promise of Christ, and Christ's words: And Abraham had his leader, and Enoch, to Christ and to God before the Scripture was given forth. Oh that ever men should be set up to be Teachers, that are so blind concerning the Scriptures, and receive so many thousand pounds a year for teaching: And the Jews had scriptures, and were not led into all truth as you Christians are now; therefore are you all in heaps about them, wanting the spirit to lead you into all the truths of them. Pr. He said, That Christ and the Father, and the holy Ghost are not one; but they are three, therefore distinct. Answ. This is the denying of Christ's doctrine, who saith, I and my Father are one; and the holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son, and he was conceived by the holy Ghost, and they are all one, and not distinct, but one in unity; that which comes out from him, leads the Saints into all truth (that ever was given forth from the spirit of truth) and so up unto God the father of truth, and so goes back again from whence it came. Pr. It is blasphemy to say the Son is one with the Father, and not distinct from him. Answ. The Father and the Son are one, the Son is in the Father, and the Father in the Son, so that which is in him, is not distinct from him; and they blaspheme that say the Son is not in the Father, and deny Christ's doctrine. Pr. He said, The Father is a distinct incommunicable being from the Son, and the Son a distinct incommunicable being from the Father, and the holy Ghost a distinct incommunicable being from the Son. Ans. The Son is one, and in unity with the Father, and not distinct, but equal, and thought it not robbery: The holy Ghost is in unity with the Son and the Father, which proceed from them, and they are one in unity, and not distinct. Thy doctrine is dross, and you Priests are not fit to judge in such things as they are, they are too weighty, and too heavy for you. Pr. He affirmed, That the Scripture is the power of God, and that the Scripture is the Gospel. Answ. The power of God leads them to speak forth the Scriptures; and the power of God is Christ, and the power of God endures for ever; but Scripture is writing, and doth not; and the Gospel is the power of God, saith the Scriptures, and doth not say that the Scripture is the Gospel; for many had that, and witnessed not the glad tidings, and so thou art here distinct from the Ministers of the Gospel, and art not a Minister of it, the power of God, but puts writings for it; which power of God was before writings were. Pr. He affirmed, That the Father was the Creator, and not God. Answ. This is contrary to the Scripture: For in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth; the Father and God is one, the maker of all things; for God the Father that made the world saith the Apostle, Gal. 4.6. One God and father of all. Pr. He said, That Christ was not his rule, but the Scripture was his rule. Ans. I do believe thee that Christ is not thy rule, so life is not thy rule, wisdom is not thy rule, truth is not thy rule; and so Christ not being thy rule, thou art ignorant of Scriptures, and knows them not; for he who is the substance of the scriptures, is not thy rule; so thou knowest them not, neither art subject to them. Pr. He saith, That God justifieth them that are not sanctified. Answ. He that is justified is sanctified, for he that justifieth, sanctifieth. Pr. And another Priest saith, That Christ was not the resurrection of the body. Ans. Christ is the resurrection and the life, and the Saviour of the body, who brings the creature into the liberty of the Sons of God. The Priests of Lancashire, their Principles. PRiest Jacus the foreman of them said, the letter and the spirit were inseparable. Answ. Contrary to the Apostle, 2 Cor. The letter kills, and the spirit gives life: And we are Ministers not of the letter, but of the spirit: so the spirit that ends the letter, was before the letter was; and men may have letter, and not the spirit, and deny the Ministers thereof; And the Apostle said, they were one another's Epistles written in one another's hearts, and not with paper and ink, but with the spirit of the living God, & so you are contrary to the Ministers of Christ; and if every one which hath the letter, have the spirit, what need you teach? your teachings are at an end, for the spirit will open to you the scriptures. The Professors Principles at Westmoreland, Edward Briggs the leader of them, said, Pr. IT was heresy and deceiving the people, to bid people believe in the power of God. Ans. Then they must not believe in Christ who is the power of God; and it is not heresy nor deceiving of people, to bid them believe in the power of God which is Christ, and they are in the heresy and deceiving state, that do not believe in the power of God; and deceiving people, and keeps them all in heaps under the power of the Devil, and so to believe in that, which is the cause of people's destroying and persecuting one another. Pr. And others of the Professors said, That God had no hand in working out his salvation. Ans. This is contrary to scripture, for God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself; And God is the Author of salvation, who sent his Son into the world to be a Leader, a Captain, a Teacher, and a Redeemer, and a Covenant: And there is no name by which men must be saved, but by this Name. Ellet and Crabs Principle, who are Baptists. Pr. THat it was blasphemy for any one to say, he was justified by a Christ within him; and that if they should look to a light within, they should not have peace an hour. Ans. If Christ be not within you to justify, you are Reprobates, for he is justification and sanctification both; and the light within, you looking at that, it will not let you have peace, but let you see your works, actions, deeds, thoughts and words which you have acted and spoken. Now the Saints peace is in the light which is within; for the light is Christ, the Covenant of God. Priest Fowler of Reading, his principle. Pr. HE said, That the Scripture was the foundation of foundations. A. Here thou hast thrown out Christ who is the tried stone, and the sure foundation, and not the scripture; but the scripture declares of it by the Prophets and the Apostles; and no other foundation can any man lay, but what is laid, Christ Jesus, and so thou hast laid another foundation, and so art contrary to the Prophets and Apostles, and thy work will come into the fire; For God laid the foundation of the waters, which is not Scripture. God laid the foundation, that all the lost state of men, the sons of Adam that be in the transgression, that all might come to build upon him the foundation, Christ Jesus; when wise men are turned backward, and the soothsayers and enchanters are gone mad, and the chaff scattered, and all makers of trades of Christ and the Apostles words, Babel, and the bvilder's fall, the foundation of God remains, Christ Jesus; who are built on him are sure, and doth remain. Pr. Priest Goodgroom and the Priest of Ware affirmed and said, the Scriptures were both the writings and the thing signified. Answ. By this the Scripture is Christ, and God, and spirit, and life, and saviour, and Devil, and Hell, and error, and blasphemy by your Principle and Doctrine, which is all false, which is not error, nor blasphemy, nor heaven, nor hell, nor Christ, but declares of these things. How have you led people in the ditch ye blind guides? their wallowing in their sins in the mire, and crying out of them, and then you tell them they shall never be made free from them while they be upon earth, making a trade of saints words. Prin. That Christ justified persons, secluding and setting aside the new birth and work of sanctification. Answ. Justification sets not aside the work of sanctification, nor new birth, but is one with it; for justification is sanctification; for they who are justified, it is by Christ, who is the sanctifier, and who are in him, witness the new birth; for as many as receive him, Christ, who doth enlighten every one that comes into the world: And as many as receive him, to them he gives power to become the sons of God. And those which hates the light which they be enlightened withal, which is their condemnation: For this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world; but m●n love darkness rather than light, because their deeds be evil. Prin. That the Letter is the Word: and denies that any were converted by a light within. Answ. The principle of God hath been transgressed within, so comes unconversion going from God, and the higher power added upon the transgressor, the Law, which who had it, had the types, figures and shadows, which made nothing perfect; but the bringing in of a better hope, which hope is Christ within; and none is converted to God out of types, figures and shadows, out of transgression, Adam's state in the fall, and knowing the renewing of the inward man, life and immortality come to light; but as they come to know the light within, Christ, who is the way to God, and who is in him, is in conversion, translation and regeneration, in a new life serving God; and the Scripture or Letter is not the Word, Christ is the Word; And they that had the Letter, killed him who was before the Letter was, who were the blind Priests and Pharisees, like yourselves. Pr. ●hat Christ ju tified sinners as sinners. Answ. Christ justifies them as they have been sinners, and come from it, in the faith; for by faith are they justified, and faith purifies them from their sin; but them that hate the light which Christ hath enlightened them withal, they are condemned by it, and that is the world's condemnation, the light, in which light the saints witness their Justification, and see Christ the Author of their Faith. Lamb in the City of London, the Baptists Teacher, and some of his company, their principles as follows. Pr. HE affirmed, That the Scripture was the Kingdom of heaven, and that the scripture was the light of the Lamb. Ans The kingdom of heaven is within people, as in Luke 17. And the Pharisees had Scripture, and knew not the Kingdom of heaven within them, but were gazing for it without them; as thou, who art gazing without, and saith, the scripture is it, when the scripture doth but declare of it, and tells people it is within them, and saith, Christ is the light, and the scriptures is a Declaration of it. Pr. Two of the Baptists said, That the light which doth enlighten every one that comes into the world is a natural light, and Christ was a natural man. Answ. The light which doth enlighten every that comes into the world, is Christ the Covenant of God, which was before the Sun and Moon and Stars was, which were made by him, which are natural lights; and Christ is not a natural man, nor was not; for a natural man receiveth not the things of God, but they are foolishness unto him; and the things of God, Christ did receive, and they were not foolishness unto him. Two Baptists affirmed, The Quakers denied the Scriptures, because they did not speak with a book in their hands. Ans. This is ignorance; for a man may speak the Scripture, and have never a book in his hand; and though he do not name Chapter and Verse, which is set up by men's wits; which the spirit that gave them forth did not set them in a frame to please men's wills withal. And the Quakers do not deny the Scripture, because they do not tell people Chapter and Verse, and hold a book in their hand, but are come into that it speaks of, which are come into that which cannot be shaken: And here the blind ignorance of the Teacher appears, who can get no further than the Chapter and Verse, and Book in the hand; this is like the horse which can find the pasture again when he hath been there: So when he hath seen Chapter and Verse, he can find it again; this is not like them which gave forth Scriptures, which be learned of God, and what they had received of God, afterwards recorded; which now you and the Priests fall out about, and are in heaps, and have no unity with it nor God, nor one with another, and would tear one another's flesh to pieces about it; and here your spirits are tried. William Greenhill Priest of Stepny who makes a trade of the Scripture, his principle as followeth. Pr. THe scripture is the Divine word and wisdom of God. Ans. Thou hast thrown out Christ in this, and put scripture in his place, and given the scripture his name, who is the Word, as in the Revelation, Whose name is called the word of God, who is the wisdom of God, and this the scripture testifies of, as in the Corinthians; john, and the Revelations. Pr. William Stanley a Tutor to children said, That some had a privilege to sin, and yet were free from the condemnation of the Law by the sufferings of Jesus. Ans. But none have a privilege to sin from God, but from the devil; for it is contrary to the Law of God; for the Law doth not tolerate any such thing, nor the Son of God, who was made manifest to destroy the Devil and his works, and to condemn sin in the flesh, so no one hath a privilege to commit sin, but from the Devil, and it is no privilege to sin, from God. A book called, the Relation of the Quakers shaking, those whose names are at it, are john Gilpin, Thomas Craster, Thomas Sands, john Archer, Edw. Turner, Priest Walker. WHo are like unto Jannes and Jambres who resist the truth, being men of corrupt minds, who blaze abroad in the Nation to make truth odious, and to posess the hearts of people, by some that turn from truth: first john Gilpin who by truth was made to confess his sin, and had openings, and then turned from it again, and turned to the persecutors, and this Gilpin was these men's convert, which was most of them, all the greatest persecuters in the North, which after john Gilpin had turned from these people called Quakers, to these men whose names are to the book, he turned drunkard, being drunk, a warrant was granted out for him, by a justice of peace and yet these men whose names are at this book, styled this man one of their high converts, but according to their works their reward will be. john Gilpin said, While he was with the Quakers, he never found such effects among the Ministers of England, as he did amongst the Quakeres, of the discovery of his sin, in particular, of his Covetousness, which had a great long root in him. And this all these men whose names are in the book, terms it to be of the Devil, and this is their judgement, because john Gilpen run out in his imaginations, therefore that which discovers to a man all his sins and his covetousness, that is of the Devil too. O! no my friends, you have wrong judged, and you will fail at last, whom you have judged, and what you have justified, that which discovers your sin and filth, and covetousness, that which discovers the Devil which is the author of it, that is the light and life of Jesus Christ, and so in stead of saying the Quakers are shaking, you are shaking yourselves, and your foundation made known, not to be the foundation of Jesus Christ, And the light that discovers sin; and when the true thing did convince and work in john Gilpin, than his imaginations run out, and you, and he, calls it delusion to hearken to the voice within, and yet you and john Gilpin saith, that he was in some measure raised to believe, that God would deliver him and yet it is delusion, to hearken to the voice within. Ans. What confusion is here amongst you and your convert, doth any believe or come to deliverance or faith, but who hears the light within, and who hears the voice within, and bears witness within? doth not he that believes hearken to the witness in himself, and hath he not it there? and is not faith in the heart, and any deliverance is it known, but what is known from that within? and thus you poor deluded creatures are glad to trust in lies, and make them your refuge. Pr. He saith, He began to consider how he had offended God, by his neglect of the use of external means, reading, hearing and prayer, and rejecting the revealed will of God in his word, and harkening to the voice of God only within. Ans. Is reading and praying in the spirit external means? is this your judgement all you Priests, and teachers and great professors found in this book? can any pray but in the spirit, and Read the scriptures, and know them again but in the spirit, and is not that eternal? can any man know the revealed will of God, and his word, but it must be by the spirit? is not the word in God, is not Christ the word? his name is called the word of God, and can any know these things but by the voice within? which voice is the spirit, the spirit of the Father speaking in believers, the saints, which led them to speak forth Scriptures, so when that voice was neglected, then was john confused, as you are all now that speak against it, that whatsoever filth and dirt you run into, you will father it upon the voice within, or the light, and Christ within, but you are comprehended and seen, who are now flown to your external means you tell people of, and your prayers and Reading are external, we do believe you, who be all out of the spirit, but if ever any of you come to know God, and true praying in the spirit, you will deny your principle, and we do believe your means is external, and your prayers external without the spirit of God; and this Gilpin who had been thus covetous & grievous sinner, whom the Lord smote, that he came to be almost a distracted man, after he had got a little ease from under the judgement, his flight being in the winter, he goes to the Priests and professors, which be here mentioned in this book, enemies of all righteousness, and presently turns a drunkard, and a Justice of the peace granted a warrant to set him in the stocks, and so he passed away about thirty miles off to Cacebie, and this is Gilpins' Lord, who was convicted, by the truth, of his covetousness, and his sin, who run into his imaginations, whose latter end is worse than his beginning; And this is the convert of this many persecuting professors and teachers, who to their shame have published it, which comes a top of their own heads, and truth is clear, and filth is wiped away, and wiping, and the refuge of lies is flying away that people shall not make them their refuge, and those persecuting professors and Priests take occasion to speak of one James Miler, in whom the Lord did open true prophecies, and mighty things to him, in some things his mind runned out, and that he condemns, and yet these wicked men will go tell the Nation of it, so what will they have more of a man but his life, for abundance they have cast into prison, and again these persecuting professors and Priests hath published in one of their books to the world of one Hugh Bisbrowne of buggery, who had some time come to the Quakers meetings, but was turned from them, and durst not meet them, for he had been judged by the Quakers, before such things were heard of him by them, and yet these filthy men will vilify truth with such things, that they might make it odious to the world, but the sober people see all these things is but their envy, and again these persecuting professors and teachers hath put in their book that they have published to the world one Cotten Crosland, and they say he was a professed Quaker, and that he knew higher things than the Ministers, and that he hanged himself, and he was buried in a Cross way, and a stake was driven through him, that passengers might take heed of Quaking. This man I saw him once at a meeting, & another time in the rude multitude he was amongst the Quakers, the first time he said little, & the second time he spoke something amongst the rude multitude, which the Quakers did not own him, and he raised a grievous lie agianst G. F. and said, he said he was Christ, which was on a market day among the market people. This is the third time that ever I saw him amongst any of the Quakers, and he told G. F. he had witness to prove it, and G. F. told him, he was Judas, And he went away, and after a while hanged himself. And Christ in the male, and female, if he speak he was Christ the seed, and the seed was Christ, but he did not speak it, as a creature, and here's the Priests, and Professors Quaker, which turned against the Quakers, and would have betrayed them, but Quaking we own, and trembling, which you all must do, before you know your Salvation wrought out with fear and trembling; And a many lies you have gathered up together and stuffed up your book withal, and make them your refuge, and think the world will refuge under them, but a lack for you, people begin to see it was nothing but envy in you; And it was known that Gilpen was never no long Quaker, though the Devil was made to tremble in him; And the Lord will reward you according to your work. The witness in your conscience shall answer it in you all in the day of your Judgement. Thomas Collier, Nathaniel Strange, Thomas Glasseys; who calls themselves servants of Christ in his Paper to all the Churches, called Saints, through the immortal seed. Answer; The Churches and Saints who be of the immortal seed hath viewed your paper and your principles in it As FOLLOWETH. Pr. YOu say, You have taken upon you to speak to God, though dust and ashes, and yet you said, you are Saints through the immortal seed. Answ. Thou hast forgotten what thou hast written before in thy Preface: who hath taken upon you to speak to God, though dust and ashes, yet says through the immortal Seed; such as be Saints though the immortal seed, are not dust and ashes; for the immortal seed lives and abides and endures for ever. Pr. You say, You have been bewailing Congregation-iniquity, family, iniquity, personal-iniquity; and close-iniquity; for by your Search you have found Zion full of unsoundness from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot, all puterified sores, and now call upon them that tremble at the word of God, to come to us. Answ. You have cast them out that tremble at the word of God, and made them your byword, and written and Printed against them, and the Lord hath appeared to their glory: and what, Saints, close iniquity, family iniquity, Congregation iniquity, and personal iniquity, and Zion from the head to the foot all full of putrified sores, and no soundness from the head to the foot, and now do you call to them that tremble at the word of God, whom you have cast out whom in scorn you have called Quakers? will you now turn Quakers? do you begin to be ashamed? Pr. O come and sit down in the dust, and weep bitterly before the Lord for your abomination, you have but as it were played with God, you have not trembled at his presence; you have been wanton before him, and have forgotten what manner of men, and women you were; and thought no more of your prayers: O how often have you mocked God; how doth the world canker your affections, while you have been asleep, in the lap of this delia? Answ. Thou hast even shamed thy Church, dost thou call them Saints through the immortal seed, and say they mock God, and are asleep in the lap of this delila? and the world hath cankered their affections? thou hast shamed thy Church, and called them Saints through immortal seed, and yet they must weep bitterly for their abominations, and sit down in dust and ashes, are these like Saints, sanctified one's, of the immortal seed? or like transgressors the unsanctified ones; not worthy to have a name to be called Saints; for such as mocked God, and was in abominations, must lament for it; was not sanctified, nor was not come to know the immortal seed: but the Saints and the immortal seed, reigned over all mockers, and such as was cankered with the world, and mocked God, and was in their abominations, they came to reign over all that in the wisdom of God, with which they ordered the creation to his glory, you call yourselves servants of Christ. If your people be cankered and mockers of God in the abominations, you have laboured in vain, and shows you have not profited them at all, but are the false teachers. Pr. Thou sayest you have reigning abominations, cruelty to servants and children, exating labours; taking no time to counsel them, we have mourned that we have had so great a hand in this trespass, and not born testimony against our Ministers. Answ. This hath been your condition, your fruits hath declared it, therefore it is time for you to repent, and amend your lives and do, and turn to the Lord; for while you have time, prise it, for you that have stood against the Light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, are not of the Church of Christ, for none comes to it, but through the light. Pr. Though slavish fear, had stopped our mouths, until the mouth of iniquity, hath almost devoured the poor Church of Christ. Answ. The Church of Christ is the Pillar and ground of truth, it cannot be devoured by the mouth of iniquity, the gates of Hell cannot prevail against it; but through your mouth of iniquity, enmity, and envy, you have almost slain yourselves, who is against the tru●h turned: who hath been slavish for it; but against it mad in your blind zeal, the mouth of iniquity hath been open in you with all the world, against the truth, but with it, in a great measure it is stopped. Pr. The evils hath been so strong that they have wrestled all weapons out of the hands of Saints, and Ministers, that have been form against them. Answ. These have been pitiful weapons, that you Ministers and Saints have had in your hands, that the evil wrestled them out they have been carnal not spiritual; for the spiritual weapons the evil cannot wrest out of the hands of Saints, and Ministers of God; but with them they are plucked down, his holds and high places and spiritual wickednesses; the evil dares not come nigh the Saints weapons, which are spiritual. Pr. You say, We desire no longer to rest in a testimony of words, but take an effectual course that sin and sinners may be purged, out of the house of God; we desire the Church would set some days apart wherein they may bewail iniquity and pollution, that Ministering Brethren would without respect of persons, from house to house, night and day bear their testimony to fly from those abominations. Answ. The Church of God you cannot, which is the Pillar and ground of truth, which Christ purchased with his blood without spot or wrinkle, or blemish; and the house of God you know not, who talks of purging of it, who is established a top of all the mountains; and all your abominations, and pollutions, and respecting of persons, is out of the Church and the Law both, transgressors of it, and it is time to begin to stir up yourselves and turn from the evil of your ways, and turn to Christ the Light, who hath enlightened you, that you may bear testimony against yourselves, and your Ministers, and lightness and abominations in your own families; and do not say it is the house of God, and the Church of God, but amongst yourselves; and we do believe it is but the testimony of words who have denied the light, and so denied the power. Pr. They may deliver themselves from the blood of souls, having declared the whole counsel of God. Answ. Can dust and ashes declare the whole Counsel of God, and cankered ones, and pollutions and abominations, can such declare the whole Counsel of God such be out of it, for they that come into the counsel of God declares that and come out of pollutions and cankered with the world, to him by whom the world is made, who is perfect, and makes them perfect who declares his perfect will and counsel. Pr. Another evil we thought to have spread before you, but wanting opportunity shall now omit, and that from Chard, we have laboured in vain, that which hath been brought forth hath been to little purpose. Answ. This you may speak to your shame, and show forth your own nakedness that you have laboured in vain, and that which you have brought forth hath been to little purpose, in this the Church of Christ believes you, who hath been them that hath beaten the air: and why do you Print abroad that there is another evil among you which you have not laid open, had you not been better have held your tongues; except you had mentioned it? is not this Hams spirit who lays open one another's nakedness to the world in Print? but how can you do otherways who hath denied the light that hath enlightened every man that comes into the world, which comes from Christ Jesus; and so wants the covering; and as for all your dirt, and dross, and dung which is not worth mentioning in your Epistle, and confused words which you set forth, thinking to your glory but it is to your shame, had you been in the life that gave forth, Scripture, which the Saints was in that was of the Church, you would have covered your nakedness, and would not have said pollution was in the Church, and in the house of God; but for all these things you are judged, and you and your Epistle, and your words to be unsavoury, and is judged with the life of God that gave forth Scripture, and them that be of the house of God, and the Church of God, where no pollution is, nor comes, nor canker; the witness in your conscience shall answer it in the day of the Lord. By us Richard Baxter, etc. Pastor of the Church at Kederminster. In their Paper called the Judgement and advice of the Assembly of the Assosciated Ministers. In it their Principles, as followeth. Pr. THat ever there should be so much to do among Christians, yea the leaders of Christ's flock, and to bring them to so clear a duty, that after all there labour there is no more done. Answ. Ye have been them that God never sent, and found to be such as Christ cried woe against, and so you have not profited the people at all, And you have not been the leaders of Christ's flock, but been such as turned against them, that hath been your duty; so therefore be all the people on heaps. Pr. That all men must know that we are Christ's followers if we love one another, for he that saith he loves God, and hates his brother, is a liar. Answ. In this poor men, you have judged your own selves; for is not debate, and strife, and vain glory, and persecution and prisoning found among you? Cain turning against his brother Abel, and slaying and killing him, whose blood cries for vengeance upon you? so it is a proof that you are out of the faith that works by love, in which is the community and Love with God, and one with another; And so in stead of making up breaches, you are wounding, and bringing confusion, being out of the faith and life that Christ and the Apostles were in, so in heaps about their words. Pr. It is not our business to change men's minds, from infidels and heresy, to the faith, but to bring the Churches of Christ to understand each other to be true Churches, which take the holy Scriptures for our Rule of your faith and lives, and believe it to be the infallible word of God, and this Rule is Divine, so our faith is Divine, had we but a humane Rule, we could have but a humane faith, proud men thrust their opinions into the Church's Creed. Ans. Your business it is true, is not to change men form infidels and heresy, and to bring them to the faith, so not into the unity, for you bring no people into that, nor to the Faith, and you bring no Church to know one another in the faith, and the Churches of Christ knows each other to be a true Church, and you whose business is not to bring men off heresy to Faith, know not the Church of Christ, which is the pillar and ground of truth, built upon Christ who is the faith's author, and the scriptures which signifies writings, as you say outward writings, paper and ink, is not infallible, nor is not divine, but is humane, and a humane knowledge from it men get; and so writings, paper, and ink, that is not infallible, nor the scripture is not the ground of Faith, but Christ who was before scripture was written, that the scripture tells you so, and saith God is Divine, and the scriptures are the words of God, which Christ the word ends, who is the author of the faith, and Abraham and Enoch had a rule; and had faith before scripture was written, and the spirit is the rule that leads people into all truth, so saith Christ, and you that put the letter for the ground of your faith, your rule, paper and ink, that will come to dust, it is humane as you call it, and give it that which the scripture doth not. And as for your creed, that you have learned of your Father the Pope, the scriptures tells you not that, nor doth not teach you the word humane, neither, so you and the Papists hath creeped into the Apostles words, but be out of the life, who are proud and covetouss Pr. That its Heresy to say there is an other Rule of Faith then the scripture, if any are proved to teach any doctrine contrary to Scriptures, the Ministers and pastors do their parts to correct and restrain them. Ans. You by your judgement have judged yourselves to be corrected by the Ministers and pastors; and are to be corrected by the true Pastors, and to be restrained by your own judgement: who hath taught contrary to the scriptures; for the scriptures saith Christ is the author of Faith: and Faith is the gift of God, and you say scripture is the rule of it, and Abraham and Enoch and Abel will tell you they had Faith before they had the scripture, which you say is your rule: so have you not thrown out the true rule of Faith, and the giver of it, and put up the words in the place? & so are ye not corrected here by the true pastor, Christ the author of faith? and Faith the gift of God did not say scriptures was the ground of it; but bid look to Jesus the author of it; and the Apostles did not turn them to the ministers to correct them that did oppose them, or did not believe them, nor receive them as they spoke, or as went from them; And all they be in the heresy, that have not Christ the author of their Faith, which was before the the scripture was given forth, though they have all the scriptures, and be not in the life of them that gave it forth, in which was the unity, and therefore you being out of this faith and unity, and from the author of it, put the letter for the rule, be all on heaps about the Saints words, being out of the life that they had that spoke forth the scriptures; and then after, was written and printed; and so ye Wolves in sheep's clothing put that for your rule of your dead Faith; and have no other, and are killing and mangling one another about it, and so death and destruction talks of the fame of the scriptures, and knows not the author of Faith, nor that there had been a Faith, had not the scripture declared it, the Priests confess it. Pr. We deny not to teach people, young ministers to stop the mouths of slanderous adversaries; to cure jealousies of distempered minds, we all are ready in every Protestant Church, to give men a full account of our faith, in plain confession: but with this protestation, that only that the holy scriptures is the rule of faith: if any thing in our confession, be found disagreeable to that rule, we are ready when we understand so much, to disowne it, and to Correct it. Ans. How do you stop their mouths in haling them before Magistrates, and casting them in prisons, is this your stopping? is not this your work? let the Goals witness, the houses of correction witness how you have stopped their mouths, and convinced gainsayers, now that which is truth and speaks plainly to you, ye call that adversaries or slanderers. Now it is not a slander to call a Lamb, a Lamb, a Dog, a Dog, or Swine, Swine; But to say a Lamb is a Swine, a Dog is a Sheep, that is a lie; or a Wolf is a Sheep, though he hath got on a sheep's clothing on him, and is covered with them, and therefore would be called a sheep that he may deceive; and would not be called a Wolf, though his fruits declare it. His reviling, devouring, having sheep's clothing, casting into Prison, and yet is offended if ye call him not a sheep, or a Minister of the Gospel of Christ. Nay the truth, the Lambs, the Sheep cannot do so, but they must speak the truth to you; and though you do devour them, and tear them, they will not tear you again: And though you Wolves have on the sheep's clothing, which cast into prison because they will not feed you. Did ever the Lambs do so, the Ministers of Christ? Were not they fed in his pasture? followed him, and knew his voice, and did not want? But how have you cured the jealousies and diseased minds all this while? Ye have wounded them, made them sick, and filled them full of jealousies; therefore are the people broken into heaps and sects, that's the fruit of jealousies one of another. And how have you been ready, you called Teachers, apostatised from the Apostles, to render to every Protestant Church a full account of your faith in plain confession, when many hundreds have been moved of the Lord God to come in those places called Churches, and asked you a question, cry take him away Mngistrate, to prison with him, he hath broken the Law, neighbours? and this hath showed your faithlesness: And many have been moved to come to the Steeplehouse, and look the Priest in the face, and he hath cried take him away, I cannot go forward, I cannot speak as long as he stands there; and here you have showed your faithlesness again, wanting the weapons, the shield of faith. But you say again, they must own the holy Scriptures to be the rule of faith: So than not Christ, not God the Author. What rule might Abraham, and Abel, and Enoch own, was not God the author of their faith? And is he not the same now? Had not the Pharisees the Scriptures? had not they the rule that stood against Christ the Faith's Author, and the rule which the Saints looked at? Are not they that are of faith, of the faith of Abraham, which was before Scripture was written? Is the Scripture the ground of these? Nay, the ground of this is that which was before Scripture was written, and they were in the faith that stood in God that gave it forth, and the Scriptures; and so here you be corrected by the Scriptures, and your Churches both. For all may speak one by one in the true Church; but this authority you have thrown down, who are such as preach for the fleece, and the filthy lucre, and gain from their Quarters, called of men Masters, suing for Tithes, going to Law about earthly things, which did not the Apostles, but rebuked such: And so you are corrected by the Scriptures, and you are judged with the life of the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles, and both Church and Ministers are departed from it. The agreement and resolution of several of the associated Ministers in the County of CORK, for the ordination of MINISTERS. Their principles in it as followeth. Pr. TO minister the spirit it is not promised to teach any thing, but what Christ hath spoken. John makes it an infallible trial of spirits, to convince gainsayers, and stop their mouths. Answ. Many may have Christ's words, all that ever he hath spoken; and if he hath not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his: And gainsayers may have Christ's words, that gainsays the spirit, and the light that comes from them: So the spirit tries spirits that gave forth Scriptures, and lets men see whether they pervert Christ's words; for Christ saith, the false Prophets would get the sheep's clothing, therefore could Antichrist and the false Prophets try spirits. Nay, they put them to death that were in the spirit, they did, that had the sheep's clothing; and the spirit of Christ, who hath it, can tell who wrongs Christ's words: And why did not the Ministers of Ireland which had Christ's words, Prophets & Apostles, stop the mouth of Edward Burrough, and Francis howgil, but suffered them to be banished out of the Nation, or caused them: You looked upon them to be gainsayers, which be the servants ot the Lord; and yet you were not able to stop their mouths, though you had all the sheep's clothing, neither were able to resist their spirit which shows your spirit; And that you are not fit to send forth Ministers, nor make Ministers, nor try Ministers; and the Apostle doth not say, that the Letter is the only rule or trial; but if people have not the spirit of Christ, they are none of his, and have not Christ in them, they are reprobates. And we do witness the spirit is come, whereby we are Ministers of that, not of the Letter: For the spirit that once established Circumcision, the same spirit ended it again. Now the Jews that tried by the Letter, judged the Apostle to be a deceiver. And those that have the sheep's clothing, and have not the spirit of Christ Jesus, they are crying lo he is here, and lo he is there. Pr. You tell us of a Sacrament, and that the world lies in wickedness, in gross Egyptian darkness, and false Apostles and Jezebel, making herself a Prophetess to teach and seduce, and men loving pre-eminence, and to be called Masters. Answ. In this state you are called of men Masters, loving pre-eminence, Jezebel-like, usurped authority, setting up yourselves to teach, keeping your fasts, persecuting and banishing the righteous in the steps of the false Apostles, spiritual Egypt in gross thick darkness, rejoicing with the world that lies in wickedness, telling people of your Sacraments, which you had from your Father the Pope, and the false Apostles your forefathers, who were got up before the Apostles decease, and so you are judged with the life of the Apostles and Christ, and them that be in it; which shall answer the witness of God in you all. And the wickedness of the world declares your fruits, that you have not profitted the people at all. And your Iezebels do hath declared itself, and your loving pre-eminence, being called of men masters, which the Apostle judged, and Christ cried woe against. These marks are found in your foreheads, that all may read you to be out of the life of Christ and the Apostles, that can read Scripture. Pr. Unless some Preacher of righteousness be then living to warn the sinful world of their wickedness. Answ. Such as warn you and the sinful world of their wickedness, who are the Preachers of righteousness, you banish, there is your fruits. Pr. The purest grain hath its chaff, the best needs a fan to cleanse them, the best needs a Nathan, all flesh is liable to fly-blows. To run without office and power argues presumption. Ans. The wheat that is gotten out of the chaff, hath not its chaff, that comes into his Garner: And such as are cleansed, need not the Fan to cleanse them. Them that are borne of God they do not commit sin, for the seed of God remains in them, that they cannot. And all need not a Nathan, all are not adulterers, and the flesh of Christ is not flyblown, which sees not corruption: And the Saints of Christ are of his flesh and his bone; and you run without the power that the Apostles were in, so you judge yourselves to be the presumptuous ones. Pr. The keep are apt to wander, ordinary Ministers receive their Ministry from the Lord. Paul chosen immediately by God, Stephen mediately. Answ. In the cloudy dark day the sheep wandered, who were made a prey of by you who seek for the fleece, Ezek. 34. But the Lord will seek them, and gather them, and feed them a top of the mountains; And the sheep of Christ hears his voice, and follows him, so saith Christ, so they do not wander. And they that receive their Ministry from the Lord, are above all you ordinary Ministers of the world made by men. And Paul was made immediately, and all the Ministers of Christ and God that be in the spirit, it makes them immediately; But all you since the days of the Apostles that have got the sheep's clothing, and ravened from the spirit of God, are mediate. Pr. Such be in the self-conceit that are against Ordinances and Sabbaths. Answ. Every one that is in the spirit of Christ sees him who hath blotted out the hand writing of Ordinances, and triumphed over them, cannot touch them, and such as are come to the body of Christ, sees the end of new Moons and Sabbaths. And such as be out of the body, and doth not see that, are crying up their Ordinances and Sabbath, which the body of Christ comes to end, who is the substance and end of them, and before they were. Now Antichrist cries up that which the Apostle preached down, who be blind and sees not the body, and sets up Sabbaths of their own making, and keeps Markets and Fayrs on that day, which the Lord commanded, and call it Satur's day, which was the jews Sabbath, which was given to them as a sign, but the body is Christ. Pr. Vice may be nourished with the milk of virtue, the Gospel's Ministers; and we find that the harvest is great, and the labourers are few: We conclude with a few words to the readers of our principles and intended practices. Ans. The Readers have viewed your practices and principles both, and tell you that they are corrupt, the milk of virtue doth not nourish vice. This was not the Ministers of Christ's language; the milk of virtue nourisheth the babes; and the Labourers that have been sent amongst you from the Lord God, you have banished out of your Nation: But if one come in his own name, him you, will regard and receive; but if one come in the Name of the Lord, him you put out; so you will not have the Lord, nor his Christ to reign, neither his servants to labour in his Vineyard. Pr. Ministry is like a mighty tree, whose fruit the Lord hath appointed for the healing of the Nations. Answ. But your Ministers and the Papists hath been them got up since the days of the Apostles, that brings Nations all into heaps, and into blood, and doth not heal the Nations, but wounds, and burdens, and kills, and casts into prison, as this your fruit declares it, who casts into prison such as you do no work for. Pr. To the Law and to the Testimony, pray to the Father of lights that he would enlighten us with his truth, and show us the way that he would have us to walk in; and pray for us who watch for your souls, as those that must give account. Answ. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy: And the Law is light; and the Law and Testimony was before Matthew, Mark, Luke and john, and the Epistles were written, and the Revelations, which outward Books you call Law and Testimony; which the Scripture saith, the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy; and the Law is light, Prov. 6. Are you them that are the makers of Ministers, and Ministers, who watch for the souls of people, and yet do you bid people pray to the Father that he would enlighten you with his truth, and show you the way that you may walk in it? How can you present souls to God, that doth not know the way, and are yet to be enlightened, and yet to have the way shown so you, that you might walk in it? Is this your conclusion of all you Ministers in Ireland? Now I say, Christ hath enlightened every man which comes into the world, which is the way, and though your darkness cannot comprehend it, and yet you pray that he would enlighten you. When John saith, he doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and that is the true light: Have you the light to seek, and the way to seek, and truth to seek, and yet watchers for souls? And the soul, you that are called Ministers saith it is humane; yea, the soul of Christ, the soul of man is appetite, and lust, and pleasure, and humane, from the earth, from the ground; Is Christ's soul from the ground? and appetite, lust, and pleasure wars against the soul, in them that be in the unreasonableness. You that have the light to seek, truth to seek, and way to seek, are in the earth, and so gives the soul the name of that which comes from the ground. Now the soul is immortal; God breathed into man the breath of life, and he became a living soul. It is that which came out from God, who hath all souls in his hand, that's his power; which hand goes against him that doth evil. And Christ the power of God which is immortal, is the souls Bishop, which is immortal, from whence it hath its nourishment, and the immortal, which is able to save the immortal soul. And as for all the rest of your ignorance and nonsense in your Book, which comes from your confused earthly spirit, who are found in the nature, spirit and stock of your Father the Pope, who hath apostatised since the days of the Apostles; with all the rest of your stuff, which is but fuel for the fire, in that day of your account, the witness in all your consciences shall answer it. John Stillom, his Book called, Margin Notes. His Principles as followeth. Pr. He calls it the Quakers adoring their own light, magnifying the light of nature: The Church is ashamed of your doctrine and walking, saith he. Ans. The Quakers light is Christ the truth, in whom they worship God; which light was before natural lights were; and this the Church owns, and is not ashamed of, in which stands the Doctrine, by which light the Church is gathered up unto God the Father of light; but the imitated Churches in the Apostasy are ashamed of it. Pr. Not any man knows him, speaking of Christ to be God, till he find him in Scripture, and saith, as deep things as the spirit hath revealed, they are all in the Scripture. Ans. Many knew God, and knew Christ, and yet had not written Scripture to tell them of those things, as Enoch and Abel; and many again hath Scripture speaking of God and Christ, and yet doth not know God and Christ, and doth not find him in Scripture: As instance, the Pharisees knew not God and Christ which had the Scripture, and had not life, until they came to Christ the Scripture speaks of and many things the spirit did reveal which was not written in the Scriptures, and was spoken to the Saints. Pr. John meaneth not that there was any substantial truth necessary to be known to salvation, which is not revealed in the written Word; but the spirit that ordered the Copies and mysteries of the Gospel to be contracted within a narrow compass of lines. Answ. Many knew their salvation as in the days of Noah, Enoch and David which had not the written Scriptures: And though people have the Copies that speaks of the Gospel, of the mysteries of the Gospel put together, and compassed and contracted into lines, yet they do not know the Gospel, nor the mysteries of it, nor the Word, though they testify of these things; and the Pharisees did not that had Scripture; which Scripture doth not tell us of written words, but that the Word is Christ and God, which was in the beginning before words were given forth; And Gospel and salvation, and the mysteries of it is known by the Spirit and the Light which come from Christ Jesus, which none knows it, but by that. Pr. Stillom adds, not only heart rising prophecy, n●r breast-prophesie in the mind, but written down in books. The Apostle excludes not heart-prophesie, so he includes Scripture-prophesie; but till the daystar did arise in their minds by the reading and heeding of the Scriptures, that is plain meaning. Answ. The Scriptures were given forth by prophecy, and the spirit of it, and no man knows but by the same spirit; and the Apostle did not exclude heart-prophesie; and the Daystar doth not rise in the heart by men's reading and heeding the Scriptures in their own wills, and having them in books written down; but as men do come to the life and spirit as they were in that gave them forth, and heed that, with that they heed Scripture, and knows Scripture, and with that they know the Daystar, and Christ who is the end of them; and so men must come to take heed of the light that shines in a dark place, before they know the Daystar arise: For the Jews had Scripture, and did not heed that; for the spirit within of prophecy doth not deny any tittle of the Scripture without: And in thy Principle thou hast confounded thyself, who saith, Not heart-prophesie, heart-rising, breast-prophesie; and yet thou sayest the Apostle doth not exclude heart-prophesie. And thus thou with new names, and thy words darkens counsel and knowledge; but the children of light with truth sees thee. Pr. The Father, Word and spirit is to justify the word Trinity, not to make the holy Spirit and the Saints one person. Answ. The word Trinity is not in the scripture, but in your old Father's book, the Canon book, the Pope; and the Father, Son, and Spirit are one, and the Saints are in the spirit; and who are joined to the Lord, are one spirit. And the Scripture doth not tell us of three persons; but as I said before, the old Cannon book of thy Fathers, the great Apostate, the Pope. Pr. The light that Adam was qualified with before the Fall, which every man hath a spark of since the fall, was and is given from the Creation by things that are made. Answ. The light Adam had before the Fall, did not come by the Creation, nor by the things that are made; If it were given from the Creation, it comes by nature. This word is contrary to Scripture; for God made man in his image, and placed him over all the creatures, and gave him an understanding capable of his Law, and to know dominion; but when man lost his dommion, he transgressed his Law; and that light that he had before the fall, was of God, from him that made all things. Pr. The Scripture is the means of regeneration. If the blind lead the blind, what will follow? it is proof sufficient against absolute perfection in this life, as Adam and the Angels. Answ. The Scriptures, them that had them, and out of the life that gave them forth were the blind, and what followed then: And though Adam and the Angels fell; who is in Christ the perfection of God, he shall never fall, as also saith the Apostle. Pr. He saith, It is ignorance that saith, the light that makes manifest sin, condemns sin. Answ. That which makes, manifest a man's sin, and, he hates it, that condemns him; And he is ignorant that sees not Christ's doctrine, and believes not in it. Pr. To deny that sin dwelleth or remaineth in all the Saints upon earth, hath been the Quakers doctrine, the consequence whereof is to disclaim all godly sorrow for sin dwelling in them. Answ. It is the Quakers Doctrine to deny all sin dwelling in the Saints upon the earth, and to know Christ who destroys the Devil the author of all sin, and the Saints comes to witness their joy and pleasures for evermore over their sin, and the body of it put off, and a Kingdom which stands in joy and peace in the holy Ghost, and the godly sorrow, before they come to this; and they do know victory over their sin, and Christ he had the godly sorrow, who had no sin, and that many of the Saints knows. Pr. His Word is not his spirit. Ans. The Word and the Spirit are one, which was before the written words were declared forth, in which word they all end, given forth by the spirit of God; and the Word lives and abides, and endures for ever, and that is spiritual; And so the mystery of Iniquity is found in thy Doctrine who art blind, and reads blindly, not with the spirit which was in them that gave gave forth Scriptures. And so thou art found a false Prophet in the steps of the Pharisees, one of the Masters that Christ sets the woe on their heads, who art ravening with the sheep's clothing upon thy back to deceive; but now the Lambs and the Sheep have discovered thee, who is got up since the days of the Apostles into their words, not into their life, with that judged. And whereas thou art offended, because Edward Burrough speaks Chapter and Verse, the spirit that gave forth Scriptures will lead to speak it all over again without offence, but to the evil doers. Pr. And if your teacher cannot but be public, how will you find him in so private a place as your beds? Answ. The spirit that leads to speak forth publicly, or to minister to themselves and others, the same is a private Teacher to them on their beds, as he did David, whom the Lord instructed in the night season: And that which the Minister of the Spirit doth minister unto, is a private Teacher to every particular in his own particular. And the anointing which abideth in people, John saith, was their Teacher, and they need no man to teach them, but as it did teach them, and they should continue in the Son of God and the Father. And here was public teaching and private, which thou blind canst not see. And as for all thy lies and heap of confusion shall upon thy head stand, which thou wouldst blind people withal; For the Son is risen, and the mist is gone, and going; in the day of thy judgement, the witness in thy conscience shall answer. Philip Taverner of West Drayton, in the County of Middlesex, his Principles as follows, in a Reply to to a Book to Edward Burrough, whom he in scorn calls QVAKER. Pr. WHo art thou that judgest another man's servant, such who Lord it over the faith and consciences of their brethren, a spirit wholly disowned by the Apostle. Not that we have dominion over your faith, and in this sin is that of Christ to be understood. Call no man your Father upon earth, neither be you called of men Master; that is, have no men's persons in admiration, as to count them your Oracles in the things of faith. Ans. Such as serve the man of sin, are to be judged that are the servants of sin, that hath been servant to the man of sin. We judge that man & servant both, and such as are spoken of in the Romans, to judge another man's servant in the truth, standing and falling to his Master, every one in his measure, such we do not judge; but every one shall stand or fall to his Master, who are scrupling about meats, and drinks, and days, that the life is leading them through such things, and you that be called of men Master, it's a great Oracle amongst the people so counted, and you do both Lord it over men's faiths and consciences both, therefore hath so much blood been shed through you, and so many cast into prison by you who are Lording it over men's faiths and consciences, Pharisee-like called of men Master, who would have dominion over the Apostles faith, as you who are called of men Master, would have dominion over the Saint's faith, who are admiring men's persons because of advantage, to help you. And this people see since the days of the Apostles, how you and the Papist have Lorded it over men's faiths, your Jails, inquisition and prisons may witness it, how you would Lord it over men's faith, and conscience that cannot give you Tithes, you will cast them into prison, are you not here Lording it over men's faiths? doth not your practices show it, and so another spirit then the Apostles that is in you, who are got up since the days of the Apostles, and such as are born of God and begotten of him cannot call any man father upon the Earth, which is born of the immortal seed, heirs of the world which hath no end. Pr. We through patience and comfort of the Scriptures have hope. Answ. Who hath Christ in him, in whom the Scriptures ends, and he hath the hope hath the comfort of the Scriptures, who was before the Scriptures was given forth, Christ Jesus, who hath not him, hath not comfort. Pr. The Scriptures is able to make wise unto salvation. Answ. Not without the faith the Scriptures are not, for the Pharisees had Scriptures, and was not wise unto salvation, and was out of the faith, and knew not Christ the salvation. Pr. Fear hath its rice from faith and hope in God, by the means of Christ which is made known in the Scriptures. Answ. The Scriptures testify of faith, of God, of fear; but people receive not hope, nor faith, nor God, nor fear, from the Scriptures, but from God, as they did that gave forth the Scriptures, who feared him; for many that had Scriptures, were out of the true fear of the Lord, and called Christ a devil, and was from true hope and true fear, though they had the Scriptures given forth from them that were in hope and fear, but their ears and eyes was stopped to that of God in them, and such are never like to receive God and Christ until their ears and eyes be open, to that of God in them. Pr. If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us, and there is not a just man upon earth that doth good and sinneth not, and in many things we offend all, and the state is not attained in this life, but that men shall be growing under weaknesses, the highest attainments of Saints, is but a spark, but the dawning of the day, that highest enjoyments is not to the attainment of desires. Answ. The truth it is that lets men see they have sinned, and lets them see they have sin, that is within them, and it brings them to confess it, and forsake it, and the blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, cleanseth from all sin, than he that is born of God doth not commit sin, neither can he, because the seed of God remains in him, here in the children of God are manifest, and the children of the Devil, which makes him to roar, in whom he hath no habitation, he that is born of God which doth not commit sin, nor cannot, because he is born of God, he is not born of the Devil, nor by the will of man, nor flesh nor blood. And Solomon saith, in Eccles. 7. speaking to the just man, that doth no good under the Law, where no flesh is justified, saith the Apostle, but he that comes to Christ, the just, the end of the Law, his faith gives him victory over sin; and the word, whereby he becomes dead to it, and comes to the end of the Law, which faith the just lives by, by the life, and the faith of the Son of God, & the Apostle saith in the Epistle to the twelve Tribes, in many things we offend all, Mark, in the many things, we offend all, but we are come to the one thing, Christ Jesus, the end of the many things and in him there is no sin. And who is in him sins not who put an end to the many things that must end and change, and the Saints was come to the day, and the children of the day, further than a spark; And they witnessed the night was gone, and some again was not come to the daystar, that was according to their growth. And the Saints again was made free from sin, Rom. 6. And had put off the body of sin, by the Circumcision of the spirit, Colos. 2. And they was complete in Christ, and they witnessed the Kingdom of heaven, that stood in joy, and peace in the Holy Ghost, and so not groaning always, and the Saints witnessed the Marriage of the Lamb and Christ in them, and their bodies the Temple of God, and the end of their desires, and so was not always desiring, but they witnessed their bread from above, which they that eat of it, should hunger no more, nor thirst no more. Pr. The Light which is in every man is but darkness, being compared with a Revelation of Christ in the Saints, our Justification hath its rise from what Christ hath done and suffered for us, not from what he hath done in us, Justification and Sanctification are ever distinct in their nature, distinct one from the other, Justification is not Sanctification, nor Sanctification Justification, but two things real distinct in their nature. Answ. The light which every man that cometh into the world is lightened withal, is Christ, and this light reveals Christ, and the Saints light, and this light is condemnation to the world which hates it. And no man knoweth justification, but as he knoweth it wrought within, from Christ, and no man knows the seed that was offered, the sacrifice of the whole world, but as he knows it within, through the faith, and who are of the faith they are of Abraham, they are of the flesh of Christ, the flesh of him that suffered, and if men have not Christ within them, they have not justification, and though they may talk of him without, and have him not within, such are reprobates, that hath not Christ within them, reprobate from Christ, from justification and sanctification both, but are of the generation that caused him to suffer, and justification and sanctification are one, not distinguished the one from the other in their natures, but are one in nature, not two things really distinct in their nature, but really one, for Christ our sanctification, and justification, he that sanctifies and justifies, they are one in nature, which is Christ, which is sanctification and justification both, and thou art rebuked which makes two of them, and distinct, when it's but one thing, the same that justifies, sanctifies. Pr. If the fulfilling of the righteous Law in us be Justification, than Christ died in vain, Justification is the direct opposite to condemnation, that which makes a change in the heart of the creature, is sanctification and justification, faith doth not save nor justify by virtue of any worth or excellency found in it, nor merely because Christ is the object of it. Ans. He that fulfils the righteousness of the Law in us, is Christ the justification hereby men come to know him, that he redeems them from under the Law, and they are led by the spirit; And they know he is their intercession, and died not in vain: and he ends the Law, who fulfils it. And he is the justification to every one that believes. And this is known in us, that do believe to the justification of it, whereby a tittle of it is seen not to be broken, whereby the body of Christ is seen, which makes free from the Law, and Christ is the light that condemns him that hates it, that will not come to it because his deeds are evil, nor believe in it, and that is the condemnation of the world, that light is come into it, and men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil. And he that believes in the light is justified from all things that the law could not justify him, and comes not into condemnation, but lives in that which doth condemn; so these are one, and not directly opposite, that doth condemn the unbeliever, and justify the believer. And people are saved through faith, and justified; and faith is the gift of God, and there is an excellency in it, and a worth, because it comes from Christ, and God who is the Author of it, in which faith men please God, and are justified and are saved through faith, and by faith, as the Scripture witnesseth. Pr. Faith doth not save nor justify by its virtue, but of the gracious good pleasure of God which hath appointed faith. Answ. That which God hath given to men which is his gift, in that faith there is virtue, and the grace is known with which men are justified and saved, and there is virtue in the gift of God, and so through this faith he knows the purpose of the Lord, and his counsel, and Christ is the Author of this faith, and no man is justified but through faith that is received, nor wise unto salvation, but through faith in Christ Jesus. Pr. The Ministers in England in many places, are no better than Wolves in sheep's clothing, and the ministers taking what the States allows them of particular persons, this is not preaching for hire, divining for money. Ans. The Ministers which are so called, in England, hath gotten the name, but are found the Ministers of unrighteousness, and are wolves indeed in sheep's clothing, out of the lives of the Apostles; for how are they tearing the lambs before courts and into prisons for speaking to them whom they do no work for? what greedy dumb dogs are these, how do they whorry the people? and where is there any one of them, if the people doth not put into his mouth, that hath the sheep's clothing, but he will tear them into his courts and dens, his prisons; how unlike the Apostle are these who would not use his power o●ten times to eat, and thyself is found in the number of them; and doth not the States and particular men set you out so much a year for your preaching? and is not this preaching for hire, and divining for money? do you not know how much a year you must have? and is not this preaching for hire? and if they do not give you money, you will not divine, so much a year, and yet will you make people believe that you are not diviners for money, and preachers for hire? alack for ye, you cannot be hid, and are not you here judged with the life of Christ and his Apostles to be the hirelings that will fly? whose sheep are none of your own, that care not for the sheep, except you make a prey upon them, to all people who are in the fear of God; your lives are discovered contrary to the Saints, let the states and the great men take away your maintenance, and we shall find but a few diggers, threshers, and planters among you, a company of idle men; so the judgement of the Apostle is come upon yond, that those that would not work, should not eat. Pr. Christ made use of the Scriptures to resist the devil. Ans. In Christ the scripture ends, and the Devil who was out of the scriptures, left out of the scriptures, so Christ bruised his head, who was before scripture was; and as for all the rest of thy stuff in thy book, it is not worth mentioning, and it will come upon thy own head, the witness in thy conscience shall answer it. Edward Skip Teacher, who said that he is a servant in the Gospel services, his book called the World's wonder, in it his principles, as followeth. Pr. WHo saith there shall be false Christ's, and false Prophets, and shall show you great signs and wonders, in so much, if it were possible they should deceive the very Elect. Ans. Christ saith false Prophets should come, Mat. 7.24. and John saw they were come, 1 john 2, and 4. cap. they went forth from them, in the Rev. all that dwelled upon the earth went after them, and when they had gotten a heads they killed the Saints, than power was given to the beast over all tongues, Kindred's and Nations, and that which whored from the spirit of God, sat upon the beast, and all Nations drunk of her cup, and she hath corrupted the earth, and made the inhabitants drunk, and the Kings of the earth hath committed fornication with her, and the woman fled into the wilderness, and the manchild caught up unto God, and she sits upon the waters, and the waters are people, and nations, and multitudes, and tongues, and there hath been the mystery of Babylon, with all their merchandise, which hath decayed the nations by their lying signs and wonders, and again the Judgement of the great Whore ●●ould come, the manchild should be brought forth into the world to rule the nations with a rod of Iron, and she should be taken and cast into the fire, who hath sat as a Queen, and had seen no sorrow, and the beast should be taken, and with him the false prophets that sets up the lying signs and wonders, and wi●● him the devil that deceived the Nations, the man of sin, that the Apostles saw coming up before his disease, in the Thessaly. These should be taken and cast alive into the fire, and the lamb and the Saints shall have the victory, that they should deceive the nations no more, for the elect it is impossible they should deceive with all their lying signs and wonders which they have got up since the days of the Apostles; And Christ said they should come, which the Disciples saw was come before their decease, which signs the world hath been after them, which hath not been possible to deceive the Elect; for the Elect over all that, Reigns, for Christ said they should come, to his Desciples, which desciples before their deease did see he was come, amongst whom thou art found, and over thee and them, now hath the lamb and Saints victory, and the Tabernacle of God is with men. Pr. I have presented to thee my New-year's gift, and desire thy judgement towards it to me. And thou sayest, The Lord who hath delivered thy soul from under those observances that thou mights stay and direct an unstabled soul of those horrible delusions and mysterious deceits, for false Apostles, translating themselves into Apostles of Christ, deceitful workers, and Satan's Ministers, transforming into the Ministers of Righteousness. Answ. In this thou art among the false Apostles and ministers of unrighteousness, deceitful workers, false Apostles, transforming yourselves into the Apostles and Christ's words, and minister of unrighteousness, transforming yourselves into the true ministers words, whose souls is under the horrible delusions and mysterious deceits, under the observances o● the world, who would beguile the soul, that is not established, but light is broke forth, that few you can deceive, and thy New-year's gift is judged, and proceeds from Cain, and is his sacrifice from the earth, for t●e Apostles saw such as was transforming into the false Apostles and false ministers, he brings the saints to the light that shined in their hearts, to give them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, which you deny; to the false transformed into their words, and judged with their spirit, which brought people to the light within, and you bring them from it, so from that which should give them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Chri●● Jesus. Pr. The Devil is called the Prince of darkness because he lives in the darkness, as to the apprehension of divine love, an enemy to all the Image of God, which is light and purity, and the devil transformed himself into the likeness of God, under a fair pretence, heavenly words, self-denial actions, righteous conversations. Answ. This is like your fruits, who hath deceived the people, but is your divine love to the devil, who is out of truth? doth not Christ come to destroy him, and his works, and there is none that can apprehend the divine love of God, but who be in the truth? And the Devil cannot transform himself to be like God, not in his image nor in his righteousness, that is out of truth, and his conversation that is out of truth is altogether unrighteous, and is but in the pretence of self-denial, but is not the thing, though he and you may get the words that be heavenly, and stands against the light and Image of God, and purity itself, for all you be of the devil that doth deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, for you come not into the truth which the devil is out of, nor into the pure conversation which is in heaven, and purity. Pr. Thou sayest, Thou hast many occasions offered by the Quakers upon thy poor weak and sinful heart; the Lord hath filled my heart with moderation in giving my own once uncomfortable experiences. Ans. We believe thee, that thy heart is weak and sinful, and a weak and sinful heart, is not filled with moderation, and thy experiences which are uncomfortable, are not the experiences of the Saints, for the Saints experiences are comfortable, and their heart is a pure heart, that is filled with moderation, and the Quakers will torment all sinful and corrupt hearts, for such the Lord is against, and so be his Saints; not to take his words into their mouths. Pr. Thou sayest, Thou hatest hypocrisy when thou livest in the light, life and power of the first Adam, and because the Quakers say they know my conscience better than myself, I see they are acted through delusion; I am able to to speak this truth from my own heart, which is better known to me. I do know that a natural man may make a large progress in the Gospel profession and conversation, and that which the Quakers call back-sliding, is my turning to my God. Ans. In the light, and life, and power of the first Adam, as he was in the beginning, thou art not, in which he was in before the fall, and the Apostles knew the state and condition of Jews and Gentiles and people, better than they did themselves, and so doth the Quakers that be in their spirit, and this is not delusion, and thy own heart, yet thou dost not know as thou ought nor the truth, but first thou must come to the light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, which is the truth, and a natural man doth not make a progress into the Gospel, nor doth not come into the conversation of it, whilst he lives in the natural estate; and thy God thou art turned too, which is the God of the world, as all hirelings and diviners for money, and teachers for filthy lucre did that went forth from the spirit of the Apostles, and prophets, and Christ, and back-slided from them, and so went from the true God, and thou serves the God of the world for love of thy benefice, and see if thou will not look upward, and downward, and curse thy God. Pr. I would have all the world to observe how that the Quakers that Antichrist hath cast that blindness upon their understandings, for their reproving men sharply, and rebukeing them, crying woe to the hypocrites, it's the devil's policy to keep close to the scriptures. I used arguments to people to look for the glorious way, and discovery of the divine light and power to be brought forth among all the children of the most high, O mystery, Babylon of this delusion. Ans. Hears thy confession, for the spirit of God, where it is, doth rebuke, reprove sharply, and tell them that are hypocrites, the woe is to them, and the Quakers ante-christ cannot blind them, they are come from under his power and authority, but you are them that cannot fear reproof; and the Lord may send a man as he did Philip to such a place, and he not know what he shall do, nor whom he shall speak to, till he come to such a place, and the devil is out of the life that gave forth scriptures, though he and you may pervert the words, who may get them, but not own them as they speak, and thou calls good evil, and evil good, for the children of the most high doth wait for the most glorious discovery of divine light and power, which delusion and mystery Babylon is out of, and so the Quakers is come to that which ante-christ is ravened from, with that they comprehend him. Pr. And thou sayest, These people that thou callest the Quakers, will send most railing accusations against the pillars of the Church of Christ. Ans. That is false, but antichrists Church and his pillars, which are waters, which you call tongues, which is your original, that john calls waters, the Quakers do judge according to truth, and declare it in full power and majesty, and can make it good, which you call railing, which they deny, for a company of greedy drumb dogs can never have enough, that will prison and pesecute men till death, for speaking to them, and for means, such as are apostatised from the true church, and is a false Church, who hath transformed themselves into the true Churchs' words, but now the true Church hath discovered you to be the false apostatised from the true, and reigned since the days of the Apostles. Pr. I see no conviction the Quakers hath wrote by their speaking, or any subjection of fear, or love or any such thing wrought by them, and to tell such that be praying, reading, or in meditation, to say it is the power of the first Adam; O mystery of deceit, the deceitful unfolding by antichrist, to say that Christ sayeth the hour is coming, now is, that neither at this mountain, nor as Jerusalem shall the Father be worshipped, but he that worships him, must worship him in spirit and in truth. Answ. Thousands in the Nation may witness the work the Quakers hath wrought, and thousands are convinced of you to be the gainsayers of the truth, and the ante-christ come up since the days of the Apostles, and all your praying, reading, and meditations, is but the first Adam's state in the fall, where the mystery of deceit is, for yet you are not come to own the light, Christ Jesus, the second Adam that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, and so you be the ante-christs, standing against Christ the light, the truth, and so are not come into the worship of God in the truth and in the spirit, but are crying up at your Masse-houses, is God worshipped as the Jews did the Temple, and Samaria the mountain at Jerusalem, which Christ saith not at Samaria, nor the Mountain, nor Jerusalem, nor the Temple, but in spirit and in truth, and so we say, not at your Masse-houses, nor at Samaria, nor Jerusalem, neither, not the Mountain, but God hath seeked us to worship him in spirit and in truth, and therefore you rage that hate the light. Pr. They reckon their perfection and happiness to be deprived of all, the spirit doth neither so act or so teach, and I was kept from this temptation, and they that are overcome by it, are brought into bondage, a vain deceitful waiting for a power, when the Apostles saith ye must pray without ceasing and not quench the spirit, the Thessalonians, they must cease from their own words, and wait for the immediate striving and working of the spirit, as they fancy it. Ans. This thou calls fancy, who saith the spirit of God doth not teach men, nor so act, to be deprived of all things; Yes, I say to thee thou must be deprived of all things before thou come to happiness; and thou art in the bondage, and in the temptation, that hath not forsaken all things, and come to Christ the on● thing, and thy praying and prophesying, and not waiting for the spirit and power, for to pray withal, art in the fancy, and following thy own Spirit, and out of the perfection of Christ. Pr. It is blasphemy to say we must fill up the sufferings of Christ. Answ. And so thou art unlike the Apostles, an● hast not drunk the cup of the wrath and judgement of the Almighty, and that you must drink before you come to know the ●eed of God come from under all the power of wickedness in thee, and that is the world▪ And Christ who bore the sin of the whole world, felt it, and was under it, and was offered, and over it all, and makes his enemies his footstool. Pr. The false interpretation of the enemy, he saith that every man's work must be tried with fire, what sort it is, and you shall hardly gain a speech of one sort or other, sometimes from the Quakers, and this thou calls dumb devil. Answ. And thus thou showest where thou art, who hath not known a time to be silent, before thou didst know a time to speak, and the dumb devil hath been found amongst yourselves, your Priests; for when many of the Quakers have been moved of the Lord to come to speak to you in your Pulpits, you have proved the dumb devils, turned your backs, and have gone your ways, and spoken never a word to them; and thy works and all men's shall be tried by the fire, and that is not perverting scripture, as also saith the Apostle, and thou never hast passed through the wrath of God, but it is yet to come, and the sufferings of Christ thou knowest not. Pr. And it will be a lie and delusion, for the spirit when it sanctifies the hearts to go about to tear their hearts out of their bodies, when David's bones was broken, and his flesh would scarce to cleave; it is far from me to think that this was under the apprehension of wrath; shall a man think that he suffered for his sanctification? Answ. The spirit of God tears out the old hearts, and so before men be sanctified throughout, he must know suffering, and his wretched state; yet Sanctification, that brings him peace in the end, and life. And David's condition thou art ignorant of, and knows not; for he was sensible of the wrath before his sins were removed, as far as the East is from the West, and he had joy and peace; but trembling and quaking is become a mock and scoff amongst you, for there is a trembling and rejoicing, and there is a trembling in the sorrow. Pr. When the Quakers are commanded many times to go, they have not that leisure to dress them, this is a hard Master surely, not Christ, therefore by Satan, for the Lord is not wont to do things ignorantly to deceive his servants, and they are brought to fast from all manner of food three nights and three days, most feeble wretched creatures contrary to the Law of nature, so they are not capable of bearing the glory of God, so Ministers of Antichrist, and they are made to deny their callings, and possessions. I would eat more than I desired, because I would give no offence. Answ. In this thou hast showed thy ignorance of the Scriptures, and Christ, for he that is on the house top, let him not come down to put on his ; And they that went on his message were not to take two coats: And when they went on his message, they did not go to dress themselves with boot-hose-tops, and double cuffs, and ribbons, and rings, as the Priest doth; and what God doth, it is in his wisdom, beyond the ignorance of mankind, and they that receive it must be in his fear; And Christ is not a hard Master, as thou thinkest, because some goes, not dressing them in their apparel, which goes to do his command; but thou who art wicked and slothful, hath so judged with the wrong and false judgement, and many of the Saints have fasted till they might number their bones; and Christ fasted, and this was not contrary to the Law of nature, and did not make them uncapable of receiving the glory of God. Neither was it Antichrist: and thou who art of him, canst eat and drink more than thou hast desire, because thou wouldst not offend others, and that is contrary to the Law of nature. And the Saints forsook their callings and possessions, and the world; but you Priests runs into great possessions, which you get out of poor people's labours; so like the false Apostles and Antichrist, not like Christ and his Apostles. Pr. They have a gloss put upon Christ's words to his Disciples, when he bids them that they should take no care what to speak, it should be given them in the same hour. And of their g●ing naked, I never knew the mind of the Lord discovering by any of his servants, neither under the old nor new Covenant. And these dreamers go to a place, and doth not know what to say till they come to the place. Answ. Philip was sent to a place, and then it was told him what to say, when he came to it: And he was not a dreamer, but thou art, who goes without a command from God, and runs when he never sent thee, and follows thy own spirit▪ And they that speak as the spirit gives them utterance, and moves them, and takes no thought, but it is given them in the same hour; and thou that art out of this, art in the glosses. It was the mind of the Lord for Isaiah to go naked, and to strip himself in Egypt and Aethiopia, as many are moved of the Lord to go naked among you spiritual Egypt and Ethiopians, and to put off their ; which is a figure to you, that the sheep's clothing must be taken off of your ravening wolves backs. Pr. Thou sayest, For the present thou dost not apprehend any thing more, but that the Devil shall transform himself into an Angel of light. And there are hardly a people to be found that cry out more against sin, and the appearance of sin and unrighteousness, than they do, as far as I know, or have heard, to declare them to be carried forth as Ministers of righteousness. Answ. Thy apprehension is vain, and judgement false; for the Devil transformed himself into an Angel of Light before the Apostles deceased, and so is transformed into you who have the words, but out of the life; for the Devil could not transform into the Apostles, while they were in the life; and you are Antichrist, that are crying out against sin and unrighteousness, and lives in it; but the Quakers are the sins enemy, and the soul's friend, which are the Ministers of righteousness, and declared so to be in all your consciences, to be in the life of all the Prophets, Apostles, and Christ, and do see that you be transformed into their words, but out of the life, with that judged. Pr. I am persuaded the Quakers do not tell a lie, that Satan he will either choose to do some things, as healing some infirmity, and turning water into wine, and the like, this is a deceitful way enough, that all the belly-gods in England may become Quakers, this labour of mine may make thousands to refuse their errors and delusions, because it can be done through a great light that is in Antichrist. Answ. The Quakers are in the truth, and out of the lie, and see you are in it, for Antichrist is turned from the light, and the Devil is not he that turns water into wine, and heals the sick and infirmities, nor Antichrist, but the true Christ; where did you read that they turned water into wine, or heal the sick? therefore thou, and you by your delusions and errors, your labour is to deceive thousands; And thou hast cleared the Quaker from being in the error or delusion, for thou sayest, they dare not lie, than they are not of the Devil, who is the ground of all error and delusion, and you Priests are the greatest belly-gods in the Nation, for you devour up the tenths of the N●tion, of poor husbandmen, and so you cannot endure the power that makes to tremble, so cannot endure the salvation. Pr. What if one of these Quakers should be sent to a blind leader of the people, and a man is not able to reply a word and it may be a good Scholar. Answ. Them in scorn you call Quakers hath been moved by the power of the Lord God, to come against such as thou art, leaders of the blind, and though you have been great Scholars, and when you have not been able to resist their spirit, but found naked from the spirit of the Lord, you have cried to your Rulers and Magistrates, to help take them away, cast them into prison, and there hath been your weapons, and Antichrists Court and Fort, and the wolves in the sheep's clothing, strong against them that be in the Apostles and Christ's power, and life and doctrine, and now you are discovered. Pr. The crucifying the Son of God afresh, that is, Christ without, or else in the heart of another, not in his own that doth it, and thou saith thou engages thy affections to the seekers, because of their attainments. Answ. He that crucifies Christ afresh to himself, first crucifies him in his own heart, before he crucifies him in another's heart without him, and it is the affections that thou art joined withal to people, and not with the spirit, to the notional attainments; for hadst thou been in the spirit, thou wouldst not have writ such a book as this is against the truth, or affections above, or answered the principle of God in the seekers, or minded the life in them, or in thy own particular, in which you might have lived in unity with God and Scripture; but whither art thou turned now, to thy great fat Benefice? and didst steal some words from the seekers, and sell them to poor people to make a trade of them. Pr. Thou sayest thou wouldst have all people take a right way in opposing the Quakers, with a strong understanding in the Scriptures to reason with them. Answ. All your understanding and your reasoning, if you get all these Scriptures in it, yet you are not able, being out of the life that gave forth Scriptures, not to resist the spirit of the Quakers, which is that which was in them that gave forth Scriptures, though you may gainsay and oppose like Cain, Core, and Baalam, but woe unto you. Pr. I shall give my consent, if the Quakers transgress our Laws they might have double punishment, and if you will not believe the truth that comes from them, I hope you will believe it as it comes from the mouth of God; with speed forsake the Quakers society, wholly, public and private. Answ. Here is thy confession again and judgement, and thy unjustice, wouldst thou have double punishment inflected upon them that breaks the Law? and dost thou say that the Quakers are the mouth of God, and if you will not believe the truth as it comes from them, believe it comes from the mouth of God, and yet must people wholly forsake the society of the Quakers, public and private and call this overcoming strong questions? This is the strengthening of strong questions, overcoming you that be in the deceit, who are to be Judged. Pr. That God is all, and in all. Answ. The Scripture saith so, God is all and in all, and through you all, and over you all, blessed for ever, and this is not to justify any profaneness nor wicked actions, but it is you that would not have the Lord to have no Room in your hearts, that would not have him to be in people, nor have him there to Reign. Pr. I have sometime told the Quakers that I did conceive the design of Antichrist was to bring them in the end to work all manner of uncleanness; I now judge, they be carried from one degree to another to act righteousness. Answ. Here thou confounds thy imagination, and hath showed thou hast followed thy own spirit, and thy false prophecy is come to an end, and proved thyself to be a dreamer, for they are in the righteousness, which comprehends thee. Pr. Thou sayest, The Lord doth not regain any of our age to walk so they that are called the Anibaptists, and yet thou ownest them. Answ. Dost thou own that which the Lord doth not require, and do they practise that which the Lord doth not require? and so thou hast given Judgement upon tny self, and them both. Pr. I having also Communion with my former society, which is broken of through the mysterious working of Antichrist, I would have spared my pen for a few lines, but for the sake of a very few in the Nation, and I have not time to write one line, from first to last, twice, expect not from me an army of reasons and arguments. Answ. Thou hadst been better spared thy pen and tongue both, then have written from that which thou hast written, whose Communion is with the mysterious working of Antichrist, and there is but a few in the Nation but will see thy work is but fuel for the fire, and abundance of stuff thou hast in thy book, which is not worth mentioning, but will fall upon thy head, In the day of thy judgement, the witness shall answer. Priest Tombs Baptist of Leo-Minster. His Principles as FOLLOWETH. Pr. THe words Joh. 1.9. [enlighteneth every man] are meant of a natural life or light. Answ. Christ that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, this light is not natural, neither is he natural that is called the power of God; who was before all natural light was made, Sun, Moon and Stars, and so this light that doth enlighten every man that believes in it, and is their condemnation that doth not believe in it that is above all natural, for the light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, is that all men might believe, that is not natural life or light, but of the Divine nature, which is above nature, for in him was life, and the life was the light of men, and is the salvation to the ends of the earth: and in this thou hast showed thy ignorance, and dost not Preach that which people are to believe in. Pr. Thou says the Ministers of Christ may seek what they shall have by the year, and are not to go up and down to Towns, and eat and drink, what is set before them, as those did, Luke 10.7. Answ. We do believe such Apostate Ministers from the Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles as you are who have thrown aside the Doctrine of Christ, & trampled it under your feet, and sees up yourselves in great Benefices, which lives in a Town, doth not go up and down to eat and drink such things as are set before them; but how are you then those that Christ said he would be with to the end of the world? and how do you then observe all things that he hath commanded? for lo I am with you to the end of the world, and they were to observe all things that were commanded; and how are you here out of Christ's doctrine, and are you not the wolves among the sheep, with sheep's clothing, deceiving the world, but not the sheep? And how are you them that Christ said was to go into all nations? and Io I am with you to the end of the world, and this is not your work as you say, and so judged out of the Apostles practices and Christ's Doctrine. Pr. Thou says, That in the 1 Cor. 9.14. is meant of natural food, which is to be obtained by civil Laws, and our declaring against such Shepherds as in Isai. 56. doth not touch thee, and that thou hast received the Gospel from the Epistles of Paul, and that thou owns not Revelations, tremble and quake. Answ. The Saints did not by civil laws, or the Laws of the Nation, nor the Ministers of Christ, get maintenance, neither doth the Scripture than brings speak they did, [read it over again] and let all sober people read it, & the Gospel thou hast received from the Epistles, the Epistles doth not give thee the power of God, and the Gospel is the power of God, here thou hast showed thy Ministry is of the Letter, and of man, and not from God, for the Gospel is the power of God to salvation to every one that believes, Preached to Abraham before the Epistles was written, and that's everlasting, not received from Epistles: and Paul an Apostle, not of men, nor by men, but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ; and thou that denies Revelation denies the Son of God, and the grace that was brought by Revelation, and denies knowing the Father; for none knows the Father, but whom the Son reveals him, and thou hast denied the ●ear of God, and the Lords secrets; for the secrets of the Lord are with them that fear ●im, they are revealed to them; and thou that denies trembling and Quaking hath denied thy salvation, and the Apostles Doctrine, and denied thyself to be a Minister of Christ; for the Apostle says, work out your salvation with fear and trembling, and thou that denies trembling, denies salvation as is wrought out by it; And Esa. 56. doth judge thee, for thou art one that seeks thy gain from thy Quarter, a greedy dumb dog, can never have enough, as witness thy Eggs, and how thou didst hale before the Justice for not paying of them. Pr. Thou says, Thou dost not uphold such as Mic. 3. speaks of. Ans Art not thou one that Divines tor money, and prophecies for money, Preaches for money? and if people will not put into thy mouth, thou prepares War against them, as I said before, witness thy Eggs, and give thee Eggs, thou wilt say they are good Churchmen, and stop thy mouth with Eggs, but if not, thou hast them before Magistrates. Pr. Thou says, If any of the Church joined to me, leave me because I take maintenance, it will be their sin. Answ. The true Prophets left the false prophets, and the true Apostles did the false, as taught for covetousness, and means, and declared against them, and such as goes out from the spirit, goes into the earth, and such as comes to the spirit, comes from the earth: and teaching for gifts, rewards and hire as thou Tombs dost, upon whom is thy old garment. Pr. Thou says, Thou denies an absolute perfection of degrees in this life. Ans. In this thou hast denied the work of the Ministry, which is for the perfecting, and doth none come to perfection in a degree of perfection? doth none come to Christ who is perfect? doth none come to the spirit? who comes to the spirit, comes to be perfect; for who comes to the spirit and to Christ comes to that which is perfect, who comes to the Kingdom of heaven in them, comes to be perfect, yea to a perfect man, and that is above any degree, and thus thou art blind and ignorant of that which the Scriptures declare. Pr. Thou wouldst have it proved that they are false prophets that declare the true Prophet's words. Answ. They that make Merchandise of the true Prophet's words were the beast, false prophets and great Whore, but they that speak freely as they had received, was the true Prophets and true Apostles, and such in all ages was distinct each from other, known by the spirit of the Lord, who had received from the Lord what they spoke and declared freely, and who had got the Saints words, and had not received them from the Lord, but spoke them forth for money, these were distinct one from another. A Paper I have received, the Title of it is, A form of sound words, containing the first Principles of the Oracles of God, framed for the use and benefit of the Inhabitants of two adjacent Parishes in the County of NOTTINGHAM. Their principles in it as followeth. Pr. WHen for the time you ought to be Teachers, you have need that one teach you again, which be the first Principles. Answ. How can you teach the first Principle of pure Religion, when you deny the light that Christ hath enlighten every man that comes into the world withal? And this may whole England witness, and so your Doctrines that you have taught them, and commandments are such as perisheth, being not men sent of God, so have not profited the people at all. Pr. And you say, False teachers, this age is too full of: and that you may henceforth, be no more children tossed two and fro, and you entreat to except a word from us your Ministers; for what profiteth a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul. Answ. Who hath tossed people more up and down then you, and carried them about with your windy doctrines, and so the multitudes of the false teachers, the world have been too full of you since the days of the Apostles; who is more for gaining the whole world than you, that calls yourselves Ministers? hath not and doth not your fruits declare it to the whole Nation, in prisons, there lies your fruits, for where may people see the Priests fruits but in prisons; And how your Congregations be all on heaps, when any comes in the Name of the Lord amongst them, and hath showed that your Exhortation hath not profited the People at all. Pr. We entreat you to take heed of that dangerous deceit, in hoping to be saved by your own works, or in any thing in ourselves. Answ. He that believes hath ceased from his own works, so not said by them, and he that believes is saved, and this belief is within him in Christ. And the engrafted word is able to save the soul, and Christ the Saviour revealed and manifested within. Pr. Out of the holy Scriptures Old and New Testament, which it the word of God, we may learn the true knowledge of God. Answ. The Jews had Scriptures, and did not know God nor Christ, nor did not know themselves; And the Scriptures is not the word, but the words of God, and so you teach Parishes, and your children to lie, as you may read in Exodus, God spoke all these words, and said. And whosoever shall add to these words, Revelations. and Christ saith my words. And would you make people believe the Scriptures were but a word, when they say they are words. And Christ is the word, as in the Revelation. And so that which brings to the knowledge of God is the spirit; And the Son reveals him, Christ Jesus, who is the light which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, and every man that comes into the world receiving the light, Christ will reveal the Father to him. Pr. There is three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. And we entreat you to take heed of the natural Popish conceit. Answ. The word three persons is the natural Popish conceit, which is out of thy Father the Pope's Canon-books, where thou hast learned it, but Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, that is sound Scripture, but thou canst not take it as it speaks, but thou must add three persons to it, so brings the plague upon thee. Pr. There is many that have share in that salvation purchased by Christ. Answ. Christ was the offering for the sin of the whole world. And he gave his body for the life of the whole world. And he came a light into the world, and doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, he that died for the sin of the whole world, was an offering for the sin of the world, that all through this light might believe. And so many are condemned for not believing, that which they should believe in condemns them. Pr. God works faith in us inwardly by his spirit, and outwardly by his word. Answ. Here thou goest about to make the spirit and the word not one, is not the word spiritual, and Christ called the word? who is the Author of the faith, which mystery of it is held in a pure conscience? and is not this word of faith in the heart? Pr. The whole word of God in general is summed up in the Apostles Creed. Answ. Where hast thou been for the word Creed, but out of the Masse-book, and Pope's Canon-book, not out of the Apostles Epistles. And the Apostles Epistles declares of the word, and the Saints writings, and saith it was in the beginning, and saith the Letter kills, for the Jews had Letter, and did not find the word in it, but stood against it, and you have the Letter the Apostles words, but you do not find the word in it, it speaks of the word, the word was in the beginning, and in the heart, before the words. Pr. Brethren be perfect, be of good comfort, no man can be made free from sin in this life, God's children have sin in them. Answ. The Devil's doctrine is, that men shall not be perfect while they are upon earth, and all his Ministers; but you that say they must be perfect and yet must have sin, that makes them unperfect. And the children of God that was born of God, did not commit sin, neither could they, because the seed of God remained in them, and they were made free from sin, and had put off the body of sin, as in Romans the 6. and John the 3. Pr. No man is able to keep the commands of God perfectly, we break them daily in thought, word and deed. And in all our best duties we are unprofitable servants. Ans. Here you show that you do not love God, for who loves God, keeps his Commandments, and love fulfils them: and all your best duties and deeds be but unprofitable servants, in that we do believe you. So your Preaching is unprofitable, praying unprofitable, so you judge yourselves out of your own mouths, singing, instructing, praying, all is unprofitable, and they are the slothful servants, who are Reprobates to every good work, but the Saints that prayed, Preached, sung in the spirit, such was profitable, that loved God and kept his Commandments, which you that do not love God, do not keep his Commandments; So your fruits are unprofitable that keeps not the Commandments of God. And there is your mark, that you do not love him. Pr. The Law is a rule for a believers life; we must attend unto the Sacraments. Answ. Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness sake unto everyone that doth believe, so Christ is the rule who ends the Law to believers; And thy Sacraments must go again to the Common-Prayer Book, to the Masse-book, the Scripture doth not teach us those words, as Sacrament and Creed, but the old Masse-book, thou art running to it, and so leaving the Scriptures, So thou art judged with the life of God. Pr. Who are ordained, lawfully, or called to the Ministry. Ans. Your ordination and call is by men, contrary to the Apostles and Christ, who saith, not by man nor of man, and Christ saith, pray to the Father that he may send labourers into the vineyard, and such you persecute; And thou sayest there is two Sacraments in the Gospel, which the Apostles tells us of no such thing, but the Pope in his Masse-book. Pr. We may not learn for to seek for happiness in this life, these words I command thee this day shall be in thy heart to teach thy children and to talk of them in thy house. Ans. These words hath spoken long in your hearts, therefore have you led the world in wickedness, but the children of God finds happiness in this life, being changed from the old in this life, for they find God, and they find Christ, and find rest for their souls; And who is in Christ is a new creature, and such hath happiness. Pr. This form of sound words taken out of the best and soundest Catechisms that we could meet withal, and our mouth is opened boldly. Ans. This is your form of unsound words, and if this be the best stuff you can find, out of your best Catechisms, it is pitiful, dirty, dark stuff, and you had better have kept your mouth shut, If this be your Catechisms, they are for the fire, the children of light who are come into the light comprehends and sees the Cathchismes and you both, and you are to be Catechised, and if you will but read over the Priests and professors Catechism, you may learn some thing out of it. This is a ralation of some particulars and principles, affirmed by some of the Priests of Bishopric, at a public dispute in Branspirth Castle upon the 21. day of the 7th, month 1658. Pr. JOsias Dorker affirmed, that immediate Revelation or inspiration is not to be expected in these days. Ans. Then you are from the spirit, that saith so, which the spirit of God doth reveal, you are them that have ravened, the false prophets and ante-christ, that inwardly ravened from the spirit of God, having the sheep's clothing, in the darkness, the King of the bottomless pit hath been your king, for the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords is not known but by revelation, for none knows the Son, but the father, and he to whom he doth reveal him, that shows that you be out of the fear of God, for where the fear of God is, God reveals his secrets, but the fear▪ God is now witnessed, and the Son of God is now witnessed, and revelations is now witnessed, in our days as it was in the Apostles, but not amongst you, who have inwardly ravened from the spirit of God, which hath Apostatised from the Apostles. Pr. That it is needless and also diabolical (that is to say devilish) to expect any such thing now. Ans. And so you be in the diabolical devilish, that expects not that now, which was in the days of the Apostles, and be out of the fear of God, and the spirit which doth reveal, and the Son you know not, which said to them, the Pharisees, that knew him not, they were of the devil, and so he is known by revelation. Pr. That they had the scripture and the Gospel (as he confessed) not from God, but from men. Ans. You know not the scriptures, nor no man upon the earth, but as from God and the spirit, as they did that gave them forth, who learned them of God, and so, who knows scripture, must know revelation and the Gospel, for they are known not, but by the spirit which gave them forth. Pr. That the Bible was the Gospel. Ans. The Gospel is the power of God, which was before the scripture was written, preached to Abraham, & many may have the Bible, but the power of God; the Gospel, glad tidings which is to the salvation of every one that believes; and the scripture is a testification of the Gospel, of the glad tidings, and it is not called the power of God, and Christ is called the power of God, and the Gospel; and many had scripture, but would not come to Christ, the power of God, and so not to the Gospel. Pr. That the flesh of Christ is not in them. Ans. The saints eat his flesh, and they that eat his flesh, hath it within them. Pr. That Christ had and hath a carnal body. Ans. And Christ's body is not carnal, but spiritual, the first man was of the earth earthly, the second man is the Lord from heaven heavenly, and is a glorious body, and the saints are made like unto his glorious body, therefore the first state is carnal, the second glorious, so there is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. Pr. That Christ is now in heaven with a carnal body. Ans. Carnal indeed is death, saith scripture, and it saith that corruption must put on incorruption, & mortal immortality, so Christ's body that is in heaven is a glorious body, a and not carnal, nor of the flesh corruptible. Pr. That Christ hath a carnal humane body, united to his divinity. Ans. And carnal humane is from the ground, humane earthly, the first Adam's body, and Christ was not from the ground, let all people read what thou sayest, but he was from heaven, his flesh came down from above, his flesh which was the meat, his flesh came down from heaven. Pr. That Timothy retained his ministry, not from God, but from Paul. Ans. Timothy did retain his ministry from God, and knew the gift, that which he did retain from Paul was not as man, but Timothy was in the faith which Christ was the author of, and he had the gift, which every good and perfect gift comes from God, and this was not by man, nor of man. Pr. That there it as much difference between a body and a spirit, as there is between light and darkness. Ans. Christ's body is spiritual, and that which is spiritual, does not differ from the spirit, and so there is a spiritual body, and there is a natural body, and there is a spiritual man, and there is a natural man, and each hath their body. Pr. Henry Liver said, that they knew no such thing at prophesying by immediate revelation or inspiration in these days. Ans. Then thou never knew the scriptures, for none knows scripture as I said before, but by the spirit of revelation, which doth reveal the words, but by the spirit of prophecy, mark which spirit lets see into the words, and he that hath not the spirit of Christ is none of his; and he that hath the spirit of Christ hath immediate revelation, and prophesy, and the spirit of God is immediate, and it doth reveal, and the Gospel is immediate, which is the power of God. Pr. Richard Franckling said, they had it by scripture. Ans. And it was the spirit that brought them to give forth scripture, which things of God was revealed to them by it, and the scripture does not reveal the spirit, but the spirit the scripture. Pr. That the light which lighteth every man was not sufficient to lead up to Christ. Ans. The light Christ, that doth enlighten, every man that comes into the world, that which he doth enlighten them every one withal, which they are to believe in, is sufficient to lead up to Christ, for they that do believe in the light, becomes the children of light, passes from death to life, from darkness to light, and comes out of condemnation and shall never die, and so it is sufficient, that he that doth not believe in the light, by it is condemned, for this is the condemnation, that light is come in to the world, and men love the darkness rather than the light, because their deeds be evil, and so you and they that love the darkness rather than the light, because your deeds are evil, and will not come to it, because it will reprove you, are them that live in the form of godliness, and denies the power, and teaches people to say, that the light is not sufficient that every man is lighted withal that comes into the world, that all might believe, which not by it are condemned, and the light is sufficient to lead up to him that comes from him. Pr. That Grace was not conveyed from the Lord to any man, without the ordinary outward means. Ans. The Grace of God hath appeared to all men, which teacheth the saints, and the grace is brought by the revelation of Jesus, as saith Peter by revelation, and the grace is the gift of God, and not attained by an outward means, by man's will, and they that turn it into lasciviousness, the grace of God that hath appeared, are them that deny the Lord that bought them, which goes from the grace, which is the saints teacher, which brings salvation. Pr. That the scriptures is that only which they are to have recourse unto, to inform the minds of people from. Ans. Before the scripture was written or given forth, Abraham, Enoch and Abel had that to inform their minds, and let them see Christ and the Jews had scripture, and knew not Christ, they had the testification, and did not come to him they testified of, and so had not life, so that which is to inform the minds of all people is the spirit and the light which Christ hath enlightened them withal, and such their ears and eyes must be open to that the spirit of God in themselves, before they hear his voice, which spirit informs their minds to God, and then they shall come to know the operation of the spirit, which many may have the scriptures, and not know that, and that which is to teach people is the grace Christ, and God, and the light and life, and that it is which informs the mind to know scripture. Pr. Priest Dorker said, That the word of God was the ordinary outward means, and that the scripture is the word, they all affirmed. Ans. The word of God is not outward nor ordinary, but extraordinary, it is that which lives, abides & endures for ever, and the scriptures are to be fulfilled & that which doth fulfil them is the word, and the scriptures of truth learned of God the Father of truth, are the words of God, not a word God spoke all these words, and said, in Exodus, and my words, saith Christ; and whosoever shall add to these words, saith john in the Revelations: and so the words are the scriptures of truth, that cannot be broken, Christ the word fulfiles them, who was in the beginning, before the words was spoken forth, who is and remains to the words end, who fulfils them in whom they end. Daniel Robert's Teacher to the Baptists at Reading in Bark-shire did affirm. Pr. THat Baptism of water, (that is to say) Elementary water doth wash away sin. Ans. Here thou puts water in the room of Christ's blood which cleanseth from all sin, and what need of that, if water doth it, outward water can but wash the outward. Pr. That God had committed all judgement to the scriptures. Ans. That is contrary to the Apostle, who saith, God will judge the world by the man Christ Jesus, according to the Gospel, and that is the power, and all judgement is committed to the Son, (mark) to the Son, and the saints shall judge the world, and he is in them. Pr. That the new Covenant is the words of Christ and the Apostles, and every one that hath the Bible in their house, have the new covenant. Ans. The New Covenant is Christ the scriptures speaks of, and the Jews had the scriptures that stood against the Covenant, and many may have the Bible, and not in the thing it speaks of. Pr. An other Baptist said at the same time, If they had not had scriptures, they had not known how to walk nor order their conversation. Ans. How knew those to order their conversation, and walk before scripture was given forth; the life which led them to give forth the scripture, did order them to walk acceptable to him, for the Pharisees had the scripture given forth from the life, but being out of the life, their conversations were not ordered by it. Pr. Daniel Roberts affirmed, That he knew no other spirit, than what was in the scripture, and that he carried it in his pocket. Ans. The spirit is not in the scriptures, but in them that gave it forth, and that the scriptures testify of; which many got the scriptures, but wanted that which gave it forth, and so were not in unity with the scripture, nor one with an other, nor with God, and this is wanting in all Christendom (so called) the unity of the spirit, in which is the bond of peace, for many have the words, but not the spirit. An answer to Timothy Trevers his principles propounded by way of queries. Pr. FIrst, That the light in every man, as in every man, teacheth not the way to the Kingdom of God, nor giveth the hope of eternal life. Ans. The light in every man which doth enlighten every man, doth teach the way to the kingdom of God, and no other way it teacheth but to the Kingdom, and though men hate it, and will not come to it, because their deeds are evil, yet that is the teacher in all men that gives them the sense of transgression, and an understanding of reproof, and knowing if they come so that, they are reproved, and there is the kingdom in men, and that is it which lets all men see the most high reigning, and shall make every tongue to confess Christ to the glory of God, and is that which gives every man assurance, that God hath raised Christ from the dead, who hath enlightened them, and that is it which gives every man the hope of eternal life, and in the light it is received. Pr. That the seed to whom the promise of salvation is made, is, or hath been sinners. Ans. The promise of God is to the seed, which hath been laden as a Cart with shaves by the sinner, which seed is the hope Christ, that purifies even as God is pure, and here is the creature come to know its liberty amongst the sons of God, and the seed Christ never sinned in the male nor in the female, in the Jew nor in the Gentiles, and of this mystery was the great high professors ignorant of, that stood at a distance from the Gentiles, that Christ had no room among them, though they talked of him, but in the stable, in the manger, and in their mouths, to talk of him with their lips, and such Christ calls graves and Sepulchers, and whited walls, and the wall is not the seed, but the seed is Christ, and not the Sepulchre, nor the grave; so this promise is not unto seeds, as many, but to one, the seed, which is Christ. Pr, That there is no man doth possess the Kingdom of God, whilst he is in the mortal body. Ans. In this thou art like Nebuchadnezer, who must graze like the Ox, thy mouth downward, who knows not the most high ruling in the children of men, and God will dwell in you, and walk in you, and where God dwells and walks in men, they are his temples which is holy, there is his Kingdom, his power, his authority, and the Tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell in them, and walk in in them, and this is the state of thousands; that be in the new covenant, that knows the power of God, of the most high, his law put in their minds and hearts, and they that do not know that they are the Temples of God, and God dwelling in them, and walking in them, they are worse than the Corinthians. Pr. That he that doth not preach the death and Resurrection, and the man Christ Jesus, that risen from the dead at Jerusalem, preacheth not the Gospel, whatsoever else he doth declare. Ans. He that preacheth Christ, must preach that Christ that died at Jerusalem, for he is the same to day, yesterday, & forever, & the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, which seed, Christ, breaks the Serpent's head, and destroys death and the Devil, that went out of the truth, and death being destroyed, the captivated one comes out, by the power which is the Gospel, and the prisoner of hope shows himself forth, and then the covenant of light & life is felt, and peace with God, but the Reprobate, Devil, death, and destruction, anti-christ, Beast and false prophet, may talk of Christ without, and he not within felt, such are then the Reprobates, and thou saying the seed is not in all men, first know it in thyself, he is not in the man of sin, that is to be destroyed, who hath blinded thy mind, and hath taken possession of thy heart, and so first judge thyself. Pr He that doth not expect the Resurrection from the dead, of his own person, as Christ risen from the dead, literally understood, hath no true hope of Eternal life borne in his understanding Ans. The Saints rising is in Christ, and he is the Resurrection, they are of his flesh, and of his bone, and of his spirit, and the Saints are of the flesh of Christ that saw no corruption, and of his bone, and hath the hope of eternal life promised of the Father, and now the flesh of Christ, the Jews did not know, that were the Idolaters, and fornicaters, for Christ according to the flesh was of Abraham, who came out of all that Idolatry and generation of Fornicaters, and in this the saints rise, live, and remain with Christ for ever, and such come to know the resurrection of the just, and unjust according to the scriptures, the one to eternal life, and the other to condemnation. Pr. That Christ by his death overcame him that had the power of death, and thereby made way to life. Ans. But how is death overcome in thee, when thou dost not see the kingdom of God in thee, and saith it shall not be whiles men are in their mortal bodies, and how short art thou of the Holy Ghost, and the power, and the joy, and the righteousness, which the Kingdom stands in? and Christ which overcame death, he is the life, and the way to God the Father of life, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that by the light they might see it, and believe in it, that they might be children of light, and come to the light of life, which they that do not believe in it, with the light are condemned. Pr. That the unchangableness of God's purpose, of his love, is the only ground of man's obedience, & stability, or continuance in obedience, not man's obedience the ground of his stability. Ans. Man's stability is Christ, the light the life, the foundation of God that stands sure, the hope in him that remaineth, the faith given to him of God, the seed comes to be known, the Son of God in the male and in the female, which abideth in the house for ever, which is the heir of the promise, and there the unchangeableness of God is known, he that doth not change is seen, that is appeared, which cannot be shaken, that seethe an end of all changeable things, and variableness, and turn, and here is the obedience felt. Pr. God hath ordained to eternal life every one that are or shall be saved before they had a being in this world, but none come to possession of this salvation but through the obedience of the spirit. Ans. The ground of man's belief and obedience is Christ, who doth enlighten him, to the intent that he might believe and obey the truth, and who knows the seed, knows the election, before the world was made. Pr. That the seed of Israel are men, and not only something in man, that the seed of the Serpent are men, and not only something in man. Ans. If the seed of Israel be men, then by thy account the seed of Israel is the seed of the Serpent, for they are men; and Christ who came to destroy the work of the Devil, and him that hath the power of death; it is not said he came to destroy all Israel, and all men upon the earth, but thou errs in thy judgement, and in thy understanding; for I know it is the seed of the Serpent that speaks in thee, that puts no difference between the precious and the vile, and when Israel thought Christ had called them serpents, many of them were converted to the faith; their outward creatures were not destroyed; thou talks foolishly, and given up to the Devil's power, and who works wickedness and mischief, and if men be the serpent's seed, as thou doth say, who shall be saved, for the Serpent and his seed must be destroyed; and if men be the seed of the serpent, then must the seed of the serpent obey the spirit, must not the spirit destroy him, and the brightness and breath of the Lord consume him; and it is men whose lives Christ came to save, that are captivated by the seed of the serpent, and redeemed and turned from the power of Satan, to God; and thou must be threshed, and feel the weight of the Lords hand, before thou be'st humbled; and what hast thou to do to talk of ordination before man had a being in the world, and would make men like thyself, and say they are the serpent's seed, which man is not so, as he is man, and we and thousands do witness election and salvation before the foundation of the world was laid, and are come into that which comprehends time and being, which are since time, in which power the elect reigns where salvation is known. Pr. The woman that the Serpent deceived, her seed breaks the Serpent's Dominion. Ans. The seed of the woman doth bruise the serpent's head, where ever he is found in any male or female, that Christ may rise in the male and in the female, and this seed is a top of thy head, and thou hast no power but to reach to his heel, and thou art the house of darkness, and the seed is yet in Egypt, not come forth yet, and there is a strong man must bow himself, and them that keep the house must tremble, and hath kept thy heart from the Lord God, and hath carried it a whoring abroad, and a stronger he is, than he that keeps the house, that spoils his goods and takes possession, who comes to rule, and will rule and reign. Pr. That the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man in the Church to profit withal, and not to every man in the world. Answ. The manifestation is given to every man to profit withal, without distinction, I will power out my spirit upon all flesh, for the spirit of truth shall lead the Saints into all truth, and he shall reprove the world, and that which doth reprove the world, is manifest to the world. Pr. That no man hath received a measure of the spirit of Christ, but such as do believe in Christ, and that no man doth believe in Christ, but such as Christ is revealed to in time; and that he is revealed to none, but by the manifestation of his spirit. Answ. The true believers that believe in Christ the revelation, knew him in time and out of time, and the unbelievers are reproved. Pr. Which of the people of God, Prophets, or Apostles, did direct all people to a Light within them for their instruction and guide, before the manifestation of the spirit unto them, or the work of Regeneration wrought in them. Answ. The Prophet said, I will give him for a Covenant of light unto the Gentiles, and a new Covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah will I make, and write my Law in their hearts, and put them into their minds; and this was in general, directed to them before they was converted, and Regenerated, and this light was to enlighten the Gentiles, whereby the prisoners should come out of the pit where there is no water, and the new Covenant was held to the Jews before they were converted, that all may see who can read but the outward letter; and the Apostle was sent to turn people from darkness to light, and john the highest Prophet borne of woman, said, that was the true light which did enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which he was a witness of, and shined in the darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not; and Christ directed the Pharisees to the kingdom of heaven in them which were not converted; read the pearl, and the lost piece of silver, read the talon, and the pearl hid in the field, read the slothful servant, his talon, and then read thyself how blind and ignorant thou art in the things of God, and be silent, that thou may come to know the Lord, and his fear, that the witness of God may stir in thee, that thou may do righteously in the fight of God and men, lest the judgement of God be upon thy head; for thou art manifest to all that be in the light. THE DOCTRINES & PRINCIPLES OF THE Priests of Scotland, CONTRARY to the DOCTRINE OF CHRIST and the APOSTLES. Here all may see, The Priests of Scotland, and their Church, and their Persecution, against the Saints, and Lambs, Servants, and Children of God, which the Lord moved to go among them, to visit the Seed of God, in that dark wilderness-Country, who has been as Sheep among Wolves. Also, How pure Religion is turned upside down, and vain Religion got in its place. And the pure Doctrine of Christ and the Apostles, which saith, Entertain Strangers, Love Enemies is lost among you; In stead of entertaining strangers, and loving enemies, they Imprison and Persecute, and have made their Church unsavoury: And the Teacher's fruits declares to be false, who are wrestlers against flesh and blood, and strikers at creatures which Christ and the Apostles did not. George Wear. John Hart. William Grey. William Lowry. William Mitchell. Richard Isamaell. FIRST, These Presbyterian Priests of Scotland, which Excommunicate and puts out of the Synagogues, knows not the Father and the Sun, John 16. so no true Christians; for how can they be true Christians that knows not the Son of God, nor the Father? Secondly, They are no Ministers of Christ; for Christ saith, When they curse, bless ye; so they be out of Christ's doctrine and teaching, not blessing but cursing, and giving forth curses, and all the people must say Amen to their Curses. Thirdly, They be out of the Apostles doctrine, who saith, Bless and curse not, Rom. 12.14. so are no Ministers of Christ that curseth, and gives forth their Curses, to the people to say Amen to them: and here they are shut out of the Apostles doctrine, and Christ's, all people mark, and take notice, them they are that curse; which the Apostle saith, Bless and curse not; these are the Cursers and not blessers, that Excommunicate you out of the Synagogues. Hugh Archball Priest of Stravan. John Hume Priest of Lesmabaga. William Hambleton Priest of Glasford. James Durram Priest of Glasgow. John Castaires Priest of Glagow. Francis Ard Priest of Discert. Matthew Mackel Priest of Bothell. Henry Foreside Priest of Lingiah. James Nesmith Priest of Hambleton. Robert Semple Priest of Losmahaga. Thomas Garony Priest of Edenbrough. John Burnet Priest of Hilbride. Hugh Archballs' Doctrine and Principles, Priest of Stravan in Anandale, These are his Principles, as follow. Pr. THat Christ hath not enlightened every one that comes into the world. Ans. Which is contrary to John's doctrine John 1.9. Pr. That Christ doth enlighten none but those that do receive him. Ans. Contrary to John 3. speaking of them which hate the light, and are enlightened and will not come to it, because the light will reprove them; so he that hates the light is enlightened, and will not receive Christ. Pr. That it is blasphemy to say, that the true light doth enlighten and condemn the world. Answ. Contrary to John 1.9. & 3.19. that saith, This is the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. And this is the condemnation of the world, that light is come into the world. Pr. To say, that which reproves for sin is from Heaven, is blasphemy. Answ. Contrary to John 16.8. which saith it is the spirit that reproves, which comes from the Father, and the Son, which is from Heaven. Pr. He cryeth up a natural light, as Sun, Moon and Stars, and the light of Christ was before these was made, and saith, it is blasphemy to say, they that did the things contained in the Law was blessed in the deed, and the Apostle said the doers of the Law was justified; and said he would leave the Friends that spoke to him, to the mercy of the people. Answ. Upon which they struck bitterly with books, fists, and stones, to destroy, but that some moderate people and Soldiers stayed the Persecution. John Hume Priest of Lesmahaga, His Principles as follows who got into a Steeple house, and shut the door upon him; thus he taught the people. Pr. THat which was to be known of God, was manifest by the the things that are created. Answ. Contrary to the Apostles doctrine, Rom. 1.19. For whatsoever may be known of God is manifest in them, for the invisible things of him from the Creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. So with that of God in them they know the invisible things from the foundation of the world, and with that they see the Godhead. Pr. That God was to be known by the things that were made, as the Sun, Moon, and Stars. Answ. But Jesus Christ said, Mat. 11 27. No man knows the Father but the Son, and he to whomsoever the Sun will reveal him, and the heathens know not God, nor the Jews had not seen his shape. And his servants and workmen did throw water, stones and lime, and persecuted, and dirtted, and abused the people called Quakers, and threw a pan full of water in a Soldier's neck, and he the said Priest never reproved them; and these be the fruits of him, and his own Family, in stead of gravity: well may the whole Parish be out of order, when his own Family is thus. So he is one that is reproved by the Apostles doctrine. 1 Tim. 3. which saith, If you cannot rule your own Family, how can you take care for the Church of God? Henry Foreside Priest of the Parish of Lingiah in Dunbarton-shire, said in his Preaching to the people. Pr. IF they had any Christian zeal they would stone them whom they call Quakers. Answ. It is the blind zeal that stones, not the Christian zeal, that have the life of Christ; for the Christian zeal is to pray for them that persecute, Mat. 5.44. and not to stone them, & to love enemies: it was the Jews zeal that took up stones to stone Christ John 8.59. they stoned Steven. Acts 7.5.8. and stoned the Apostles, Acts 14.19. In this the Presbytrians have proved their Christianity to be out of Christ and the Apostles. Prin. If Paul and the rest of the Apostles had been alive, they would have stoned the Quakers. Answ. Here all may see his work to be the envious man in cain's way, Judas 11. who would murder, and wrongs the Apostle, who never taught nor intended any such doctrine, but said, Overcome evil with good, Rom, 12.21. and love bears all things, 1 Cor. 13.7. Now see whose Minister this man is, that cannot bear, but would have them stoned, and would have the Apostle as bad as himself, which Apostle said, Christ was his example, who laid down his life for his enemies, Rom. 5.8. who suffered the contradiction of sinners, we will render evil to no man, but say the contrary, the Lord Jesus forgive them, Luke 23.34. and the Apostle said, they wrestled not against flesh and blood, Eph. 6.12. but them and you that stone, do ye not wrestle against flesh and blood? But if the Apostles would have stoned, would they not have wrestled against flesh and blood? And if the Apostles should have stoned all that were contrary to their minds, & bidden the people stone them, & told them it was Christian zeal, what work would they have made? as the said Henry Foreside, called Minister, doth, where would have been long suffering? Gal. 5.22. and loving enemies? Mat. 5.44. and where would he have had any to have converted? and who would have been persecutors? and who would have prayed for persecutors? ye may see what a pit ye are fallen into, and how should they have convinced gainsayers, Titus 1.9. and loved them when they had stoned them. And this is the Presbyterians zeal of Scotland, and not Christian zeal, who would stone, and stir up his Congregation to do so; for Christ, who is clothed with zeal, Isa. 59 17. said, Love your Enemies, but ye are clothed with madness and folly: And the Apostle that was in his zeal according to knowledge said, Overcome evil with good, Rom. 12.21. and vengeance is the Lords, and he will repay it, Rom. 12.19. and love bears all things; but his blind zeal cannot bear any thing, but cries stone them out of the way, and so wickedly and devilishly calls it Christian zeal, which is false, that is, the Devil's zeal. Now the Apostles wrestled not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of darkness, Eph. 6.12. but the Presbyterians called ministers are striking against flesh and blood, whilst ye would stone them, whilst that time spiritual wickedness lies within you. So ye Presbyterian-Priests are as a troop of robbers that would murder in the way by consent, Hos. 6.9. James Dorram, called Minister of Glasgow, his principles. Pr. THat the believers, even the real godly, are not without sin in this life. Ans. Here is one that is charging the elect, and laying sin to the elect that God justifies, Rom. 8.33. that in the godly there should he sin. Sin is out of the godly, in the ungodly, which turn the grace of God into wantonness; and what good doth his preaching do them, if they must never be without sin whilst they are upon earth, they can be but in their sin if they never preach to them: But the scripture saith, He that believes is borne of God, and he that is borne of God cannot sin, because his seed remains in him, 1 john 3.9. But this is of another world to him, who is called James Dorram Minister of Glasgow, Minister of darkness, who puts no difference between the children of God and the children of the devil, 1 john 3.10. They would have sin whilst they are upon the earth, and it is darkness, but the Apostles said they were made free from sin, Rom. 6.22. whilst they were upon the earth. Pr. Christ being sinless, separates him from all others. Answ. Christ being separated from sinners, Heb. 7.26. who are in Christ are separate from sinners and sin both, 2 Cor. 6, 17. But this James Dorram hath made the offering of none effect, Heb. 10.14. which hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified; And hath made the blood of Jesus of none effect, which cleanseth from all sin 1 john 1.7. And he hath made the everlasting Covenant of none effect which blots out all sins & trespasses? And he hath made the faith of the Son of God of none effect, which purifies the heart, and gives victory over the world, Acts. 15.9. 1 john. 5.5. Thou dost herein preach and hold up sin, and doth not preach it down; and yet thou sayest thou preachest not to hold it up, and yet thou preachest they must have it whilst they are upon the earth; here is confusion in thy tongue, Prov. 17.20. Thou shouldst have preached it down, and have brought them to a Church where there is neither spot nor wrinkle, nor blemish nor any such thing, Eph. 5.27. if thou wert a true Minister, but your Church is full of spots, and blemishes, and wrinkles, whilst ye are preaching up zeal to stone people, and sin while they live, as Henry Foreside and james Dorram doth. Pr. God be thanked the scripture speaks nothing for freedom from sin and perfection. Ans. Thou thankest God that thou mayst live in thy sin and imperfection, and art glad of this thy false hope, but thou art a liar, thou art out of the truth in this, for the scripture saith they were made free from sin, Rom. 6.26. and they preached wisdom among them that were perfect, 1 Cor. 2.6. and he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified, Heb. 10.14. So the scripture speaks of freedom from sin and perfection, and be perfect. Pr. That the condemning power of sin is taken away. Answ. The believer doth not sin, 1 john 5.1. 1 john 3.9. but he that the believer overcomes commits sin, 1 Io. 3.8: & 1 Io. 5.5. & if the believer commits sin, who overcomes the believer? and so he that commits sin is under the condemning power of sin which thou sayest not: which thou and all other shall witness Pr. The believer is not in sin as the unbeliever is, he sins not as the unbeliever doth; and in an other place he saith, the Law is the same to the believer, that it is to the unbeliever. Answ. Here any may read thy confusion, but I say unto thee, he that believeth doth not commit sin, but the unbelief is sin, Rom. 11.20. and Christ is the end of the Law to every one that believes for righteousness sake, Rom. 10.4. and yet thou puts both believers and unbelievers under the Law. Lodowick Simerell priest of the new parish of Munckland, his Principles and Doctrines. Pr. THat it is blasphemy to say that the light in man, which reproves of sin, is the light of God, is perfect is the gift of God. Answ. Contrary to scripture, contrary to Christ's words, and contrary to the Apostles words is thy doctrine and Principles, for every gift of God is perfect, Isa. 1.17. Isa. 49.6. john 1.3. john 4. For Christ is the gift of God, and he will give him for a Covenant of light to the Jews, and Gentiles, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, which every one that doth truth comes to it, which every one that doth evil hates the light, and will not come to the light because the light will reprove him; and so, This is the condemnation of the world, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds be evil. So this light is perfect, which doth reprove every man of sin, and is from above, and it is the gift of God, and thou art blind and in darkness that comprehends it not: And the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, Christ Jesus the gift of God, him by whom the world was made, this light was before any natural light was made, Sun, Moon, or Stars; for all things that was made, was made by the light, which came a light into the world, that all through him might believe, for he that believes not in the light, is condemned already, and he that does believe in the light hath the witness in himself, to set to his seal that God is true, and the spirit of truth that doth reprove the world is perfect, & of God. The light which every one that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, is not conscience, for the light was before any thing was made, or conscience named: So the light is that which exerciseth the conscience towards God, and towards man, where it is loved, and the voice heard; but where it is hated, and the voice not heard, the conscience is seared, and the light is their condemnation, whose consciences is seared, which light was before conscience was. The Priest would not have thee and thou to be to a single person, and so is the man that would not endure sound words, that cannot be condemned, thee and thou was the language between God and his Saints, and one another, and you is to many, and thou was to one, and this was the language between Jeptha and his daughter, and between the Saints and the Kings, this shows, thou hast not learned the Accedence nor Bible, nor art come to the form of sound words. john Castaires, called Minister of Glasgow, his principles. Pr. THis is natural folk's duty to pray to God and worship him, although they sinfully keep themselves under a sinful necessity to sin against God through ignorance. Answ. This hath been your work to keep people in ignorance, which you may be ashamed of. A natural man cannot worship God, for he cannot receive the things of God, nor a sinful man, but worship the Devil, for he that commits sin, serves him, and he that serves sin, serves the devil, and worships him, john 8.34. And Christ said the Pharisees should receive the greater damnation, for their pretended long prayers, Mat. 23.14. and so he did not justify them in their long prayers, but rebuked them, and said, Woe unto them who draw near with their lips, when their hearts were far off, Isa. 29.13. And they that pray and worship God, must pray in the spirit, 1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians 14.15. and worship in the Spirit, which the Devil is out of, John 4.21. Pr. If the first Command be in force, and if it be in force negatively, it is also in force, positively, thou shalt have me for thy God, and oughtest to worship me, and if they pray not as they should, let them answer for it, for it is not sin of itself. Ans. The children of Israel that the Commandments were given unto, knew God, but the Heathen knows him not: here all may see what measure thou measures withal. And further thou sayest, if they pray as they should not, and yet not sin, is praying as they should and as they should not, one? by this to call upon God with their lips, and the heart not right, and the prayers and sacrifice of the wicked is justified, Prov. 15.8. and if any pray as they should not, are they not condemned for it? and if in praying as they should not, be not sin, than they do as they should. Pr. If folks should not pray because they are uncapable, than a believer not finding himself in a good frame, may let his prayers alone. Answ. A Believer is a babe of God, and his cry is right, his prayer is right, and his groan is right, 1 John 5.1. And every man that cometh into the world, being enlightened, and coming into the light which hath enlightened him, 1 john 1.7. in that he is to watch and pray, which leads him beyond naturals, which will be accepted in the degree, but he that hates the light, his prayer is not accepted, but is in the hypocrisy. Pr. The Apostles bad Simon Magus, an old witchcarle, pray; and now is there any reason to say we are bidding folk sing, when we bid them pray, although they be grossly ignorant? Answ. The Apostle bade him Repent, Acts 8.22 and he was sensible he had sinned: and that which makes a man sensible of sin, brings him to pray aright, and turns him from witchcraft, and so thou dost put no difference between the precious and the vile, Ezek. 22.26. the accepted and unaccepted. And Henry Foreside, who would have had his People to stone the Quakers, and calls it Christian zeal, he would have his wall up that he might live in safety, who murders, and would be preserved in the murderous estate, and would have the powers of the earth to be his Executioners and packhorses, but the Lord is opening of their eyes, that they will not execute their malice, though he is stirring up the people to do so; so all may see this is not the work of our Lord Jesus Christ, but the work of the Murderer, and one that makes himself drunk with the blood of the Saints, Rev. 17.6. till he reel again in his madness. And Christ called them that took up stones to stone him, of their Father the Devil, for doing his lust, John 8.44. And thou who would have the people to stone, and calls it Christian zeal, thou hast manifested thy Father, and to be of the Devil, who was a Murderer from the beginning, but you are the Serpents and vipers that would kill to fill the measure of your Fathers, Mat. 23.32. and persecute from City to City, and hale out of the Synagogues, John 16.2. that all the righteous blood, shed from righteous Abel, might come upon you, Mat. 23.35. and you are they that kill the bodies of the Saints, and are shedders of the righteous blood, (Mark, the righteous blood) that the righteous blood might be upon you. And Cain slew Abel, because Abel's sacrifice was accepted, and his not, Gen. 4. So it is about the Sacrifice, and worship, ye would murder and slay: So ye are in cain's way, a company of vagabonds, whose Sacrifice God hath no respect unto; if we were enemies, you would not teach the people to stone us, if ye were Ministers of Christ, but love us, Mat. 5.44. And do good to us. If the Apostles should have taught the people to stone all that were contrary to their mind, and Christ should have taught his Disciples to stone all that were contrary to their mind, and tell them that were Christian zeal; but ye may see Christ ●nd his Apostles taught another doctrine, Love your enemies, and thou teachest to stone them, contrary to Christ and his Apostles, we do conclude it to be the Doctrine of the Devil, and not the Doctrine of Christ, who are in scorn called Quakers. For the true Christian zeal never taught to stone, but were stoned. The Priests called Presbyterians summoned some people called Quakers to come be●ore them, and they came into the Steeplehouse where they met, and James Nasmith Priest of Hambleton bade them remove, or else he would make them remove by Club Law, and they asked the Presbyterian Priests for their accusers, and Francis Ard one of the Priests said, they were both accusers and Judges; now whether this be equity, that the same should be both accusers Judges, that summons; and when they have summoned, accused, and judged, saith, they will make them remove by club Law: whether these be not bruits, and beasts, and not Justices, and are not fit to Judge, nor to have the name of Ministers, and Judges that will remove people by club law; and the said Quakers could not own them as Judges, nor doth not look on them as men of equity, but would have had them to have given them a meeting in any place, whereby the truth might be cleared, which they had scandalised and come to light, which they refused, and that lawful witnesses might hear, but they did refuse, and caused them to be put in prison by the hand of a Bailiff, by name Nasmith. And this is the Authority of the Presbyterian Priests, who hath summoned with club Law, but it is denied by the Apostles Doctrine, 1 Tim. 3. they must not be strikers, nor false accusers. These are the Presbyterian Priests of Scotland's weapons, club Law, which is contrary to the Ministers of Christ, they said, We wrestle not against flesh and blood, and they must not be strikers, Eph. 6.12. and after they had violently the thrust them into prison, after their wills were satisfied with violence, they thrust them out again, there ye may feel the Spirit of wickedness. And these Presbyterian Priests, (are people) petitions the Magistrates, with a pretence, they might not be guilty of others blood; which pretence is in their Petitions, to take away their fear, that their wicked p●ace might not be disturbed, not regarding their blood: witness James Nasmith Priest, who would make them remove by club Law. So their Petition is but flattery and deceit, in pretence of not being guilty of their blood, in whose heart it is to shed blood, as witness Henry Foreside Priest, who stirred up the people in zeal to stone them. Those Presbyterian Priests that set up club Law and persecution against the Quakers, who would not have any to receive them into their houses. So this is abominable Doctrine, contrary to the Apostle, whose Doctrine you have trodden under your feet, who said, Be not forgetful to entertain Strangers, for thereby some have entertained Angels unawares, Heb. 13.2. And they say again, They have no certain dwelling places. Here these Presbyterians with their club Law and Excommunications, which say the Quakers have no certain dwelling places, they may inform against the Apostles, which had no certain dwelling places, and against Christ, who had not whereon to lay his head, Luke 9.58. and against Abraham, who had not a foot of ground, Gen. 12. but Cain built a City, the vagabond, of whose stock and offspring you are, Gen. 4.17. and said David, Let their Children be vagabonds, Psal. 109.10. and so this is fulfilled upon you. And you Presbyterian Priests with your club Law, who would club those people scornfully called Quakers away; you would have an Order from the Justices, that none should receive the Quakers into their houses, and stop them of their liberty; and this is contrary to the Law of the Nations: And this is damnable doctrine, wherewith ye poison the people, and stirs them up with madness and folly. And in stead of teaching of them peace, you teach them strife, and in stead of loving one another, you teach them to fight one with another. And Henry Foreside Priest cries stone them. And James Nasmith Priest cries for club Law. And William Hambleton Priest of Glasford said to Andrew Brown, if the Laws were right, they would chop off all the Quakers heads: by William Hambletons' words the Law is wrong, because it doth not fulfil his purpose and envy. Here all may see that you are doing the Devil's work, hunting after blood, whose envy, madness and folly appears to all men; what ye cannot do yourselves, ye exhort the people to do; and what ye and the people cannot do, ye Petition the Magistrates to do, that all unrighteous blood may come upon you, Mat. 23.35. Alas for you, ye poor silly Priests, and mad Presbyterians! Is this your work to set people to stone, and cry up club Law, and Law to chop off their heads? is this the way to convert them? is not this the Popish way of converting them? ye should go to convert them, instruct them, convince them, love them, heap, cols of fire upon them, Mat. 5. Rom. 20. Overcome evil with good, Rom. 12.21. Pray for them, Mat. 5.44. No cry you, chop off their heads, begging by petitions that none may receive them into their houses, stone them, fall upon them by club law, that your folly and madness may be made manifest; and yet imprison them, and such as receive them into their houses: As for instance, ye caused john Hart of the heads of Glasford and Jennet Hambleton widow of Westmanies, to be imprisoned for entertaining them into their houses. Here ye have proved yourselves to be the Wolves the sheep are sent among, Mat. 10.16. that are ravening to devour them; which is one of the marks that ye are the false Prophets Christ said should come, Mat. 7.5. And another haling out of the Synagogues, and Excommunicating, and ye never show for what; which practice ye are in, which is a work of darkness. And upon this bargain that the Magistrates would grant them an order, that none should receive them into their houses, and that they might not have their liberty, and their servants would be much refreshed, who cry stone them, let us have a Law against them, and if the Laws were right, they would chop off their heads, and make them remove by club Law; but how was these Priests the Magistrates servants at Dunbar Fight, when they excommunicated and cursed their now being army and Magistracy? but now they would be their servants, if they would execute their wills upon the innocent: Surely these things cannot but stink to all Magistrates that fear God. These are the servants and servers of the times, that the Prophets calls enchanters, Leu. 19.16. and for their own false ends; ye can never read that the Apostles nor Christ did ever teach any such doctrine that the people should be stoned, or have their heads chopped off, or driven away by club law, which shows you are Apostates, from the Apostasy, and of the Jewish nature. The Synod at Glasgow, in the second month, did ordain concerning these persons in Clidedale, formerly Excommunicated who are called Quakers, that no other people in other parishes should bargain with them, or suffer them to come within their houses, or have enrertainement for money: Upon which the people persecuted and stoned them, and haled them out of their houses in several places, viz. Three of them people called Quakers, were in the night time between 10. and 11. hours, drawn by force out of an Inn, in the Town of New-mills in Aire-shire, and stoned out of the town into the Fields to shift for their lodging. And others, three several times were beaten, stoned, and shamefully entreated, and persecuted in Strawan. And others at Lithmahaga. And others shamefully abused in the Town of Kirkantillough. And others stoned at Kilbride. And others pitifully stoned, beaten, and abused; and some blood shed at Glasford: And at many other places much harm hath been done. These be the Priest's fruits, the bloody presbytery, who would have them stoned, and their heads chopped off; some of the Magistrates did stop the people for abusing of them, so that the priests malice was not altogether satisfied. Andrew Brown and john Lowcock of Glasford, were cast into prison, for ask him a question when he was Catechising, and admonished them when they were far absent, and if they come before them, they will cast them into prison; this makes them peeper's and mutterers', to admonish them when they are not present, and is this like to change them, or do they intent to change them, who admonish them when they are out of hearing, and did Excommunicate them when they were in prison? what an unmanly part is this wicked, devilish, envious, and unchristian Ministry. And john Hart went to a steeplehouse to hear the priest's admonishment, for the Priest said he would admonish him, and he went to hear him, and when he had admonished him, he spoke to him, and bid him prove himself in the doctrine of Christ, and they who he admonished out of it, and then gave them a bill of divorsment: but the Priests went to the Court, and got a warrant from the Justice, and so cast him in prison, and when he was in prison, Excommunicated him, and said he disturbed him; And here his devilish wicked art and doctrine appears, which shows him of cain's stock, where is nothing but persecution, murder, and envious-slayers, vagabonds, and cursed speakers that went on in the way of Balaam, or Core; that makes merchandise of the people through their covetousness, and feigned words to the people; And gives forth their Curses in their Congregations, and all the people are to say Amen, to them as followeth. The Priests first curse that all the people were to say Amen to. Cursed be all they that say Grace is free, and let all the people say, Amen. Answ. And so they curse the Apostles, and the Apostles doctrine, and all that witness to it, who said, The free grace of God which bringeth salvation, hath appeared to all men, Titus 2.11. and was the Saint's Teacher; These things the Apostles commanded to teach with all authority, Tit●s 2.15. but the ungodly men turn this grace of God into wantonness, of old ordained for condemnation. Ye are the raging waves of the Sea, sending and fomeing out your own shame, whose fruits whither, neglecting the common salvation, Read Judas. Ye are like to Sodom and Egypt, clouds without water, who run greedily after the wages of Balaam, going on the way of Cain, and shall perish in the gainsaying of Core, and walking despitefully against the spirit of grace; and they that turn the Grace of God into wanttonnesse, denies the Lord that bought them, 2 Pet. 2. Judas 11. Ye are the trees without fruit, wells without water, carried about with tempests, cursed speakers; teaching the people to say Amen to your cursing the Apostles doctrine, and so willingly ignorant, that your damnation may be just, that your madness and folly might appear to all, and so sensual having not the spirit, waves of the Sea, wand'ring stars, reserved for darkness of blackness, read Judas. The grace of God which bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Titus 2.11. So that which brings salvation and hath appeared to all men ye Curse that which is the Grace of God, which ye with your damnable doctrine, and doctrine of Devils, curse them that witness it, 2 Pet. 2. 1 Tim. 4. upon whose consciences the hot Iron hath come, hardened them that went to the doctrine of Devils, went to them that did not hold forth the Saviour of all men, but especially them that believe, 1 Tim. 4.10. These things command and teach, let no man despise thy youth. Now they that went to the doctrine of Devils, from the Saviour of all men, but especially them that believe, and from the grace of God which hath appeared to all men, which brings salvation; are they which have turned the grace of God into wantonness, ordained of old for condemnation, which is the light, Judas 4. Such be in Cain's way from the command of God, Cores way from the truth, and Balaams' way from the spirit, those be the clouds and tempests upon whose heads comes the Woe. The Priests second curse, which all the people were to say Amen to. Cursed be all they that say the Scriptures is not the word of Gods and let all the people say Amen. Ans. Here they have cursed Luke, who calls the scripture a Declaration of the word Luke 1.1. and Acts 1.1. where it is called a Treatise; and they have cursed their own company, who says the scriptures signifies Writings; and they have cursed John, who did not say the scripture was the word, who said, In the beginning was the word, john 1.1. and the scripture is words, as Revelations the last, he that addeth to the words; and Christ his name is called, The word of God; Rev. 19, 13. And the scriptures are words, not a word, Exod. 20. and which words Christ came to fulfil. The Priests third Curse, to which all the people were to say Amen. Cursed be all they that say Faith is without sin, and let all the People say Amen. Ans. Faith is the gift of God, and the gift of God is without sin, Ephes. 2.8. Faith is that which gives the victory, John 3.4. And that which gives victory is without sin. And here they have cursed the Apostles and their doctrine, who saith, Faith is without sin, and Faith is precious, 1 Pet. 1.7. and that which is precious is without sin. Faith is the gift of God, and the gift of God is perfect, and that which is perfect is without sin, and gives victory over sin: Without Faith a man cannot please God, and that which men please God in, is without sin, Heb. 11.6. And so ye have cursed the Apostle and his doctrine, the just and that which is pure, that by which they were healed, through Faith they were justified, Rom. 3.28. and what is not of faith is sin, Rom. 14.23. So what is of Faith is not sin, and what is righteous is not sin, and the Scripture speaks of the righteousness of Faith, Rom 4.13. Faith is not of sin, but what is not of Faith is sin, Faith gives victory over sin, 1 John 3.4. in which Faith man is justified, and hath peace with God, Rom. 5.1. and it is a mystery held in a pure conscience, 1 Tim. 3.9. The Priests fourth Curse, to which all the people were to say Amen. Cursed are all they that say every man hath a light sufficient to lead him to Christ, and that within him, and let all the People say Amen. Answ. Here they have cursed the Apostles doctrine, who said God would dwell in them, 2 Cor. 6.16. and Christ in you the hope of glory, Col. 1.27. and God is light, 1 John 1.5. And they have cursed the Prophets, who said, I give him for a Covenant, a Leader of the people: I will dwell in them, and walk in them, saith God, Jer 31.31. Heb. 10.16. and he saith, I will send you the Spirit of truth, and it shall lead you into all truth, John 14.17. John 16.13. And I will be their God, to rule them and they shall be my people, Jer. 31.33. Thy curses are but wind, for we are redeemed from the curse; and the Apostles said, the light that shined in their hearts was to give them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, 2 Cor. 4.6. and they that are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God, Rom. 8.14. & the light to guide our feet in the way of peace, and he that hath the Son hath the Father also; And if any bring another doctrine, receive them not into your houses, neither bid them God speed, 2 John 9.30. You have here shown your s●lves in the cursed estate, out of the Apostles rule, the same Spirit of truth that led the Disciples into all truth, that shall reprove the world of sin, John 16.8.13. The Priests fifth Curse, to which all the people were to say Amen. Cursed be all they that deny the Sabbath day, and let all the People say Amen. Answ. Here thou hast cursed thyself, and all the Apostles, and all the Saints, and their own generation; hast not thou and thy own generation denied the Sabbath day, the Jews met on, which is the Sabbath day according to the Scripture? do not ye meet together upon the first day? and was not Christ crucified on the sixth day? and did not he arise on the fi●st day? and did not the Saints meet together on the first day? and not keep the Jews Sabbath day? do not you work upon it yourselves, and keep markets and Fairs on it? but as it is said before, we are Redeemed from the curse. Th●se are the particular sentences whereupon Matthew Markell, and the rest of the Priests present with him, did Excommunicate those people called Quakers, in the pr●●ence of many witnesses, and he required his hearers to say Amen to every particular sentence. JOHN HUMES Priest. Pr. THey who have not the Scriptures, knows not the Attributes of God by the light of nature, but the Scriptures declare the great mystery of the three persons in Trinity, which they who want the Scriptures knows not. Answ. Thy Principle is a lie, and who had not the Scriptures knew God and Christ, as Abraham and Enoch, and the Scripture doth not declare of the three persons; nor of the Trinity, and the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God. Pr. That the Scriptures reveal the great mystery of Election, the great works of the Creation, and the work of Redemption. Answ. There thou hast set up the Scripture in stead of God, and before God and the Son, for it is God that doth reveal to babes and sucklings, Mat. 11.25. and God did reveal by his Spirit, 1 Cor. 2.10. and God shall reveal, Phil. 3.15. and the things of God are hid from the wise and prudent, Mat. 11.25. that have the Scriptures; the Jews had the Scriptures: and God reveals his secrets to the Prophets his servants, Amos 3.7. no man knows the Father saving to whom the Son shall reveal him, Mat. 11.17. now the Son reveals, and the Father reveals, and the things of God are revealed by his Spirit, 1 Cor. 2.10. the Jews had the Scriptures, and knew not the Son, 1 Cor. 2.8. nor the Father, as in John, nor the things of God by a natural light, as they call it; the jews had the Scriptures, and did not know the Election, Isa. 24. because they were from the Spirit. So it is God that reveals the Son, and Redemption and Election, and not the Scripture, the Scripture was given forth from them that had the Revelation from God. Pr. That we and the Papists and Jesuits, and Priests, do agree all together, that the Scripture is the word of God that liveth and endureth for ever. Ans. I do believe that you and the Papists and Jesuits, agree all in one; but ye did not agree with the Apostles and Ministers of the word, for the Ministers of the word calls the Scripture a Declaration, as ye may read Luke 1. and ye do not agree with them that set forth the Acts, that called it a Treatise, Acts 1. likewise ye do not agree with some of your own, who say the Scriptures signifies writings, and writings will not endure for ever, so ye are Babylon, and do not agree with Christ, and ye do not agree with john, Rev. 22. who saith the words; nor with Moses, nor God, who spoke all these words, Exod. 20. In the beginning was the word, and the word is God, and the word liveth and abideth for ever; but the Scripture is words, and the Scripture cannot be broken. John Nasmith Priest of Hambleton, his Principles. Pr. THat the soul of man is a reasonable sinful substance. Ans. How can that which is sinful be reasonable? and if that which is unsinful be reasonable, and sinful be reasonable both, than they are one in unity. The Lord will take the soul for an offering for sin; doth the Lord take that which is sinful for an offering? Isai. 53. see how thou and the Prophet agrees here; But what is that soul that the wicked is not able to kill? is it not that which God hath in his hand? and this is a lie, to say that which is reasonable is sinful, of one that puts light for darkness. God breathed into man the breath of life, and he became a living soul, who hath all souls in his hand, and the soul is immortal and Christ the Bishop of it is immortal, and God hath it in his hand which goeth against him that doth evil, whose hand is immortal, but man transgressing the commands of God, the soul lies in death; so Christ is the Bishop of the souls, so they that came to know Christ, their souls rejoiced in God their Saviour, Luke 1. Pr. That the evil Spirits are both sinful and reasonable. Answ. This is a lie, for reasonable is not sinful, and unreasonable is sinful, 2 Thes. 3. they have not the faith: and if the evil Spirit be reasonable, and the good reasonable, they are both one, who then is unreasonable? If the evil Spirit be reasonable, thou puts no difference between the precious and the vile; thou hast the Mark of a blind guide, and a false Prophet in thy forehead. Pr. That one of them Quakers is worse than the Devil. This is a lie with his strange wonder, for there is nothing worse than the Devil, whose children you are; for when he speaks a lie he speaks of himself, and he is the Father of it. Henry Foreside Priest of Lingiah in Dunbarton-shire, His Doctrine and PRINCIPLES. Pr. THat God commands all every where to repent, to the end that they should not have it to say but they were warned, but not that he would give them grace to repent. Ans. Here thou makes God that he does not intent that he speaks, and so thou would make him unrighteous; though the Lord commands all men every where to repent, Acts 17.30. who hath made all Nations of men of one blood to dwell upon the Earth, and all being concluded under sin and unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all, Rom. 3.9. For both Jews and Gentiles all were under sin, and none of them did good, no not one. And God's intent is, that when he calls men to repentance, they should repent, when he calls them, and many did repent; and you are not fit men to be Ministers of Christ or God. Now if God command all men every where to Repent, and, as thou sayest, does not intent they should Repent, thou and you go about to make God unjust: First the Lord he desireth not the death of a sinner, but that he should turn from his wickedness and live, Exod. 33.11. Now in the turning from his wickedness he lives, but in going on in his wickedness he dies; so Repentance was Preached from dead works, to serve the living God, Heb. 6.1. and Christ came to call sinners to Repentance, not the righteous; for the whole needs not the Physician, but the sick, Mat. 9.12, 13. And as for saying, God did not intent to give them grace, though he calls them to repentance: That is a lie, and unrighteous doctrine, for the grace of God hath appeared to all men, which brings Salvation, Titus 2.11. and so as he calls them to repentance, he gives them grace, that grace which brings salvation, which men are justified by; so it is saving grace that brings salvation, and teacheth to deny ungodliness. Now they that live ungodly, turns the grace of God into wantonness, Jud. 4. and these are the wells without water, in cain's way, Balaams' way, & Cores way, Jud. 11. speaks the high words in hypocrisy, and these are they that separate themselves from the Apostles, sensual, having not the Spirit, Judas 19 and are of old ordained to condemnation, who separated from the light, which turns the grace of God into wantonness; so these are they that neglect the common salvation, it was the charge of the Apostle to Timothy before his decease, 1 Tim. 4.2. 2 Tim. 4.7. Then told him perilous times should come, and Doctrines of Devils, and men speaking lies in hypocrisy; he said unto them, that they should trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, and especially of them that believe; 1 Tim. 4.10. But the Devil's Doctrine leads them from their Saviour and from the grace, 2 Tim. 4.1. And they that are not in the Doctrine, are from the light, which Christ hath enlightened them withal, Io. 1.9: And have turned the the grace of God into wantonness, and pernicious ways, and draws others from it, and we do conclude that to be the Doctrine of Devils, which says God calls all men to repent, and intends not to give them grace, nor would not have them to repent: as thou Henry Foreside doth say, for it was the charge of the Apostle to Titus to speak sound words, and sound Doctrine, and could not be condemned, Titus 2. and told him that the grace of God which brings salvation had appeared to all men, which taught them to deny ungodliness and worldly lust, and to live godly, soberly and righteously in this present evil world, these things speak and exhort with all authority, Tit. 1. But as I said before ungodly men that turn the grace of God into wantonness, are of old ordained to this condemnation, and this is the condemnation of the world, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil, Io. 3.19. he that loves the light, the light is his Saviour, but he that hates the light, it is his condemnation. Pr. That the two parts of the Church must be profane and godless. Ans. The Church is the Pillar and ground of truth, 1 Tim. 3.15. The Church of the living God; for the ungodly are out of its grounds, and that which is ungodly; the pillar and ground of truth, there is no ungodly in it, and the Church is without wrinkle or spot, holy, without blemish, Ephe. 5.27. and the Church is in God, 1 Thes. 1.1. That which is in God is in the light, and out of the ungodly. Pr. That God before the world was, had ordained one little part of the people for eternal life; that sin, or do all the evil they could, they could not lose that which was ordained for them. Here thou goest about to make Christ a liar, for he that commits sin is the servant of sin, Io. 8.34. saith, He that commits sin is of the Devil, saith the Apostle, and thou wouldst make God partial, and hast taught a doctrine contrary to the scriptures, For God is no respecter of persons, Rom. 2.11. Who will give to every one a reward according to their works Psalm. the 62.12. And he that works iniquity must departed cursed from Christ, Mat. 7.23. and Mat. 25.41. And he that sinneth after he hath received the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sin, but a fearful looking for of Judgement, Heb. 10.27. And the elect doth not commit sin, and who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's Elect, Rom. 8.33. and the Elect is Christ, Isa. 42.1. who was elected before the world was, he that is borne of God doth not commit sin, neither can he, because his seed remains in him, 1 Io. 3.9. And he that commits sin is of the devil, and never knew God, ver. 6. And here is the children of God manifest, and the children of the Devil, 1 Io. 3 10. And God hears not sinners, and them that regard iniquity, Psal. 66.18. Io. 9.31. Prov. 15.8. Pr. That the great part of the world was ordained for Hell, that repent, or do all that they are commanded to do, they would not obtain salvation, because God had Ordained them to Hell. Ans. Then he was asked wherefore he preached; His answer was to save the elect: he was answered again if it was so; there was no need of that, seeing they could not be lost; Then he was asked before he preached to them that were ordained to Hell: he answered, to make their damnation hotter; it was answered them again, that they had small friends of them, and they could not make is hotter, seeing they were ordained before: the Priest aforesaid was asked, who had the blame that men went to Hell. His answer was, Seeing ye desire to know, I shall tell you, there is one part of the blame in man, and another part of the blame in the Almighty, that men went to Hell. Ans. In this here is confusion, thou sayest, God hath ordained them, thou sayest God has done it, (than mark) than thou sayest, there is part in man, and thou sayest before it was in God, now if it be in God, as thou sayest, that he hath ordained them to hell, repent or do all that they are commanded to do, thy preaching is needless: and thou cannot add to Hell hotter or colder: Therefore thy preaching is done and ceased: And thou sayest part of the blame that men go to hell is in God; here thou wouldst make God unrighteous, who desires not the death of a sinner, God is not to be blamed in any thing he doth; but praised, and righteous in all his judgements, and God is not to be blamed, for God is truth, so let God be true, and every man a liar, Rom. 3.4. thou wicked one, man's destruction is of himself, Hosea 13.9. and God wills not the death of a sinner, but rather that he would repent, so no fault in God, who saith let the unrighteous man forsake his unrighteousness, and he shall live, so let the righteous man forsake his righteousness, and he dies, Ezek. 18.22. So my ways are equal, the Lord hath no pleasure at all that the wicked should die, but that he should return and live, so man's destruction is of himself; And whereas thou sayest, God hath ordained a great part to Hell, what makest thou of Christ who came to be a Saviour of the world? Io. 4.42. he doth not say the Elect only, but to save the world, and not to condemn it, and God so loved the world (mark the words) Je. 3.19. he doth not say, so hated it, that he gave his only begotten Son into the world, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have everlasting life, and he came not to condemn the world, but that the world through him might have life, but they that hate the light and do not believe in it, are with the light condemned; but thou sayest otherwise, that he condemns a great part of the world, and he doth not say he loves the Elect only, but God so loved the world, and God was in Christ reconciling the the World to himself, 2 Cor. 5.19. he does not say the Elect only; and he through death hath destroyed the power of death, the Devil, Heb. 2.14. and thou art to be reproved for thy judgement, for thy unbelief, for thy righteousness, for thy sin, because of thy unbelief for thy judgement, because the Prince of this world is judged, Io. 16. & so Christ doth not say I am the light of the Saints, of the elect only, but I am the light of the world, Io. 8.12. and saith, that light is come into the world, & this is the condemnation of the world, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than it, because their deeds are evil, Io. 3.19. So its unbelief that shuts out, Rom. 11.20. So the gates stand open night and day, and every one that doth evil, hates the light & will not come to it, because it will reprove him, and he will not come in to the gate, for he that comes to the gate comes to the light, & he that comes to the light comes out of condemnation, & comes to be a child of the light, he that hates the light will not come into the kingdom of God; And for thy saying, God hath ordained a great part of the world to Hell, let them repent, and do all that ever he hath commanded them; he that doth the things that Christ commands, enters the Kingdom; he that reputes his mind is changed, and whosoever believeth shall not perish, and this command is general, Io. 10.28. through the whole world, therefore thou with the Devil's Doctrine, shuts up the Kingdom of Heaven against others, and wilt not go in thyself, who says let men repent, and do all that ever they can, they must go to hell, when God wils not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should turn from his wickedness and live, Ezek. 33.11. but he is merciful and judges not as thou dost, whose eyes are blinded, and hands full of blood, so I say, whosoever reputes, and doth the things they are commanded they shall be saved, and that which thou sayest to the contrary, we conclude to be the Devil's doctrine, and whosoever resists the thing that is commanded, that will be their condemnation, but hates the light which was before the world was, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, that all through him might believe, for he that believes in the light shall not abide in darkness, Io. 8.12. shall not come into condemnation, shall come to be a child of light, Io. 12.36. and they shall have the light of life, and so the light is sufficient to save them, and condemn them, that believe not, Jo. 3.18.14. ja. 4.12. and every one that cometh into the light that they are enlightened withal, such come into the election, and into the covenant of God, and evil consciences thou mayst frighten, them that hates the light, which is their condemnation, but the elect thou can neither save nor deceive, thanks be to God Christ reigns, who will give to every man according to his works, who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, not believing is condemned, and shut out, and such turn the grace of God into wantonness, and are ordained of old that hate the light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, & such be in Cain and Balaams' way, persecutors and murderers, & turns the grace of God into wantonness. Pr. From the words of Judas, 4. they were of old ordained; from these words he said, That God had predestinated one to life, without any cause in the creature less or more, and the other wicked man to Hell, without any cause in the creature less or more; and both wicked men, And before thou said part of the cause that God cast into hell was in the man & part in God; In this 7th. principle and doctrine thou sayest there is no cause in the creature, that God casts into hell & condemns him, & in the other thou said, there was part blame in man, & part in God & 〈◊〉 ●s the devil's doctrine, a lie found in thy mouth, & thou hast wrested, perverted, & wronged that scripture in Judas who saith, there is no part in man causeth condemnation, that all may see that you are liars, he saith, they were ungodly, they turned the grace of God into lasciviousness that brings salvation, that denied the Lord that bought them, Judas 11. 2 Pet. 2.1. They were covetous, made merchandise of the people, through feigned words, so no covetous nor Idolater shall enter into the Kingdom of God, 1 Cor. 6.9. and all they deny the Lord that bought them, but who owns the light that comes from him, which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, and none sees him, but with the light that comes from him, and they go in Cores way, and gain-sayeth the truth, who go from the light that Christ hath enlightened them in the particular, and he that gain-sayeth the truth, there is a fault in him, and they go in Cain's way that are from the command of God, who said if thou dost well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if he did not well, sin lay at the door, now these were of old ordained unto condemnation, which turned the grace of God into wantonness, were in Cain's way, Cores way, and broke the commands as Cain did, in Balaams' way, erred from the spirit, and admired men's persons because of advantage, which Balaam did, and loved the wages of unrighteousness, and so these did not do the things they were commanded, Cain he did not do the thing that he was commanded, nor Core that offered strange fire, and his company, Num. 16. So these of old were ordained for this condemnation, which condemnation is the light, Io. 3. light foresees them and sees over them, and condemns them, when they arise and goes out from the spirit of God in them, and here all may see, here was fault worthy of condemnation, and those were they that sensually separated themselves from the Apostles, and had not the spirit, Judas 19 in their days: which were covetous, which went for the gift and reward, which were like raging waves of the Sea, which were spots in feasts of charity, feasting, feeding without fear, 2 Pet. 2. Which admired men's persons because of advantage, and spoke the high words in hypocrisy, Wells without water, Trees without fruit, raging waves of the Sea, foaming out their own shame, clouds without water carried about with tempests, spots in the feasts of charity, like unto Sodom and Gomorah in filthiness, which go from the light that does convince them, so there is the self-separation, and there is the condemnation that comes over them, the light; and these are they that separated from the Apostles; which said love your enemies, Mat. 5.44. Which are men gone into the world, which be in Cain's way in envy, in Cores way gainsaying the the light, they are like raging waves of the Sea, foaming out their shame in their pulpits, so you are the men that separates from the Apostles, that be in cain's way, who be out of the life, and sacrifice the Saints were in, that would murder, and Cores way that gainsayeth the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, so against the common salvation, and ye be like Cain foaming and raging in your Pulpits, and would murder all that are contrary to you, whose Sacrifice God accepts, and yours he does not, and God would have accepted of Cain, if he had done well, Gen. 4. So God is merciful and a just God, but Cain he did not well; Therefore woe went out from God against him, and so there was fault in him and not in God, which was the cause of his condemnation: so you that be in Balaams' way; for the wages of unrighteousness, admiring men's persons because of advantage, Ye are out of the faith that is held without respect of persons, jam. 2. and so separated from the Apostles, to whom Christ said, Freely ye have received, freely give, and you will not give freely, who are raging and foaming, without you have augmentations, stipends, glebe Lands, or Tithes, great sums of money, gifts or rewards from great ●ouses, so you deny the light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, so gainsays the common salvation, Judas 1. You gainsay the truth, that doth enlighten every man that cometh thto the world, so in Cores way you are, and would have the persons of the Saints murdered, so in Cain's way, as ye confess that ye have not the spirit that gave forth the scriptures, so in the self-separation, and ye deny the the light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, which is the Lord, john 8.12. And so denies the Lord that bought you, 2 Pet. 2.1. And so are for condamnation, who are of that stock that separate themselves from the Apostles, sensually, having not the spirit, who are in cain's way, that would kill and murder, and out of the Apostles way, who said love your enemies; who are in Balaams' way, for gifts and rewards, and admiring men's persons because of advantage, to them speaking high words in hypocrisy, and out of the Apostles way to whom Christ said, Freely ye have received, freely give, Mat. 10.6. And out of the Prophet's way, who said, come without a price, Isa. 55.1, 2. And ye will have the price, or else you will not come, let all that can read jude over, and see if there was not cause in man of his condemnation, & not in God; and so have not you proved yourselves in the Doctrine of Devils, and in lies, and would make God unrighteous, and the Apostles unrighteous? for there was fault in Cain, fault in Balaam, and fault in Core, and fault in Sodom, and fault in them that turned the grace of God into wantonness, which were of old ordained for this condemnation, jude 4. Which condemnation is, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil, and so the Apostles taught that there was fault in man, as ye may read jude, and thou hast taught there is none; so than thou art unrighteous, who would make God and the Apostles unrighteous, like thyself, let all that fear God judge of it, who are now come to the judgement Seat before the Almighty God, who have been them that erred from the Apostles Doctrine, with it is judged, and are judged, and you must have a reward according to your works, and he that comes to life, comes out of his wickedness, and not the wicked man enters into the kingnome of God, Rev. 21. and the promise is to the seed, and he that works iniquity departs from the seed, Gal. 3.16. And the Election obtains it, Rom. 11.7. Not him that wills, nor runs, But God that shows mercy; And whereas thou sayest the wicked man is ordained to life, without any cause in the creature less or more; This is just the Devil's Doctrine again, and to bring every one to hid his Talon, and none neither to watch nor pray; for that is in the creature, that brings him to lay a side wickedness, and to departed from sin and iniquity, which lets him see it, and covetous and drunkenness, so through the obedience of the Spirit, and that is in the Creature that brings him to confess his sin, and forsake it, whereby mercy is showed; the power of God worketh in us saith the Apostle; And as they had been servants to unrighteousness, so came to yield themselves servants unto righteousness, Rom. 6. How comes the commands of God to be obeyed, if there be not something in the creature that causes him to obey it? For thou sayest without any cause in the creature; why were all these expressions spoken in scripture, that they should obey all things that Christ commanded, Mat. 28.20. And all the statutes and Ordinances spoken of in the scriptures, if there be not something in man to cause him to obey it: but thy intent is to make God unrighteous who respects no man's person, but gives to every man a reward according to his works, Rev. 2 23. The one as well as the other, and all shall appear before the judgement of Christ, 2. Cor. 9.10. He will judge the world in righteousness, but there is something in the creature; for every man that cometh into the world being enlightened, whereby he is capable of obeying or disobeying, and not believing comes to be condemned, and in believing he is saved, he hath the witness in himself, john 3.8. 1 Io. 5.10. For he that commits sin is the servant of sin, Io. 8.24. And there is no respect of persons with God, but whosoever doth righteousness is accepted of him, Acts 10.34, 35. The Apostle said, He perceived God was no respecter of persons, but whosoever doth wickedly be hates the light, and is condemned, but whosoever doth the truth, cometh to the light, Joh. 3.21. and so out of condemnation, so thou teaches another Doctrine, so as I said before, The promise is to the seed, the seed is Christ, and Christ all and in all, 1 Cor. 15.28. And all ungodly and wicked men are shut out of the Kingdom of God, where no wicked men enters, one nor other, and man must be turned again from wickedness before he enters, Rev. 21.8. Pr. He being asked what he would do with Quakers, and he said if he had been a civil Magistrate, he would have thought it good service to have cut off all their heads. Ans. There ye may all see if he be not of cain's stock, and what an envy proceeds out of his mouth, and unchristian Spirit, and how would he convert them if they were out of the way? and how would he convince them, who would cut off their heads? hath not this proved the Quakers to be in the truth, and he out of it, and is not the command of Christ, that ye should love your enemies? Mat. 5.44. Now ye may see, he is out of the command and example, but followed the example of Cain the murderer, and doth not his envy show as much against the Magistrates as against the Quakers, because they will not execute his malice, and slay them for him, and be his executioners, and was not these Priests as mad against the Magistrates, (as they are now against the Quakers) at Dunbar fight, and would not they have had their heads off? let their Pulpits witness, though now they admire their persons because of advantage, Judas 16. Who cannot hold in, but their shame must be uttered forth, who would slay the persons of men as Cain did; so woe from the Lord God is gone out against you, who are envious, and strives to make the people envious, but the life of God is risen in the hearts of his people, with which they shall see you all, and the Quakers be out of the way of Cain, who be in the light of Christ Jesus the Saviour of the soul, in which they come to have a habitation in God, the Saviour of all men, especially of them that believe, 1 Tim. 4.10. So you that be out of the light be vagabonds, though ye have great habitations in the earth, for Cain built a City, yet a vagabond, Gen. 4. Pr. It was asked him of a foreordained number to destruction, and for what Christ wept over Jerusalem. He said as he was humane he mourned, and his Godhead decreed them to Hell. Ans. This is a lying doctrine of the Devil, for after many of them of Jerusalem came to be converted, as ye may read in Acts 2. And many of the Priests came to be obedient to the Faith, for all being gone astray both Jews and Gentiles, Rom. 3.9. concluded under sin, the pure, the eternal tendered over them; who had stopped their ears and closed their eyes to that which was pure of God in them, that they might have come to that which is pure, and have been gathered under Christ's wings, Mat. 23.37. who is pure, and so have been converted and healed, and have heard with their ears, and have seen with their eyes. And as for the word humane, that is not Scripture language, it speaks not that Language, & there were converted many thousands of the Jews, and they were pricked to the heart, when that the Apostle said, that was both Lord and Christ whom ye have have crucified, Acts 2. (mark ye) here thou may see thyself to be a liar; for here was of the Jews and of Jerusalem, that he had wept over; thou sayest he had ordained them to Hell (as he was God) which were converted afterwards; so thou would make God unequal, that the Son is not in the Father, and divideth them, that the Son should weep over them, and the Godhead decree them to Hell, and did not Christ command his Apostles that they should not departed from Jerusalem? and was not the mighty conversion at Jerusalem? so hath not Christ wept over Jerusalem, and after was there not a mighty conversion there? And thou sayest he condemned them as God to Hell; There thou may see thyself in the Devil's doctrine, 1 Tim. 4.1. Many thousands were converted at Jerusalem, which Christ wept over, before the Apostles departed from thence, where he gave them command to stay, to see thy Doctrine is damnabl and thou errs from the Scriptures, let thy mouth for ever be stopped: and are not ye, found in the steps of them, Mat. 23. that Christ gives the mark of blind guides to the multitude, unto the Disciples, which marks were such as the multitude might take notice of, and I believe the multitude will take notice of, and know you; first ye bind heavy burdens upon men's shoulders, ye are sayers and not doers; and all their marks they do to be seen of men, Mat. 6. they love the uppermost rooms as feasts, and the chiefest seats in the Assemblies, greeting in the Markets stands praying in the Synagogues, called of men Masters, they were swearers, they should scourge you in their Synagogues, and persecute, do not ye put out of your Synagugues? Christ should send Prophets and wise men among them, and they should persecute, and put out of the Synagogues, Mat. 23.34. They should shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men, and do not ye do so that do deny the light, that lighteth every one that cometh into the world? do any come to the Kingdom, but who come to the light, which every man that cometh into the world is enlihtned withal? may not the multitude take notice of these things, called of men Master, stand praying in the Synagogues, having long Robes, salutations in the Markets, uppermost rooms at feasts, puts out of the Synagogues, and swearers, and Christ said, swear not at all, Mat. 5.34. And be ye not called of men Master, for one is your Master, even Christ, and ye all are Brethren, now here is the marks of the blind guides, as ye may read, Mat. 23. Are they not a company of swearers, and will they not swear for their own advantage? and were not the Priests always envious, and false accusers, provoking the Magistrates against the Disciples, against Christ and against Jesus? did not the Priests say Jesus should die for crying against them, Jer. 26. And were not the Priests at work, when any of the Saints were murdered, to stir up the multitude against them, or the Magistrates? was not the chief Priests and Elders seeking false witness to put Jesus to death? Mat. 26.39. And did not the High Priests say he had spoken blasphemy? it was Pilate that put him to death, did not the chief Priests persuade their multitude to ask Barrabas Mat. 27.20. and crucify Jesus, and did not they mock him? see how the Priests were always busy for blood, that all the righteous blood might come upon them, shed upon the earth, Mat. 23.35. And did not the Priests give money to Judas to betray Christ? and did not the Priests give large money to the Soldiers to tell a lie, and say his Disciples stole him away by night? Mat. 28.11, 12, 13. had not Paul authority from the High Priest to persecute? Acts 9.1, 2. and so get you your Authority from the Magistrates, and the people their Authority from you to persecute, and would not the chief Priests have murdered Paul afterwards, when he was converted? Acts 23. Acts 2.7. did not a company come with swords and staves from the Priests with Judas ●o take Christ? Mark 14.13. as a troop of robbers wait for a man, so doth a company of Priest's murder in the way by consent, and have not ye consented together? Hosea 6.2. Pr. That Christ scorned men when he bade them be perfect, because he knew it was impossible for them. Answ. This is wickedness and impudence to say Christ scorned men when he bade them be perfect. This is Antichrist and the Devil's doctrine, for to say that Christ did command that which men could not come to, for Christ nor God commanded nothing, but what should be attained unto, and it will be attained unto, and hath been attained unto; Christ said, be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect, Mat. 5.4. he knew that they might be perfect if they come into the Kingdom of God, for there no unperfect thing must enter, Rev. 21. and so he did speak that which he knew people should come into, but they should come into it, if ever they came into the Kingdom of God, what is this to thee which cannot love enemies, for they that love enemies, shall know perfection, and perfect love and patience have its perfect work, Jam. 1.4. the Apostles speak wisdom to them that were perfect, but not the world's wisdom which comes to nothing, 1 Cor. 2.6. and the work of the Ministry was for the perfecting of the Saints, till they all come into the unity of the faith, unto the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, and unto the measure and stature and fullness of Christ, Eph. 4. and they should not be any more tossed to and fro with the windy doctrines of men, nor cunning craftiness wherewith they lie in wait to deceive, and there art thou tossed up and down with every wind, and far off the work of the Ministry, when thou sayest blasphemously, Christ scorned men, when he bade them be perfect; Christ did not scorn them, but thy doctrine, it is imperfect, and thou and you that transgress and abide not in the doctrine of Christ, thou and you are Ante-christs, as ye may read, 2 Io. 9.10. Pr. When it was asked him, of the words that Peter spoke of, concerning them that brought in damnable Heresies, and denied the Lord that bought them, he said they did but think the Lord had bought them, but they were not bought, but they thought they had been so. Ans. Here thou again with thy damnable Doctrine, dost go about to make Peter and jude liars, who speaks contrary to scripture, and perverts their Doctrine, and the words of. Peter are thus, even denying the Lord that bought them; 2 Pet. 2.1. and the words of jude 4. denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and thou sayest the Lord had not bought them, but they thought he had bought them, woe and misery, man, will be thy portion, that thou should so wickedly pervert the Apostles Doctrine and the scripture, Acts. 13.10. and bring in such damnable Doctrine, and devilsh doctrine, and speaks such lies in hypocrisy, whose conscience is seared with a hot Iron, 1 Tim. 4. it is time for people to turn away from you, who have so long deceived them. Pr. Concerning these words of Ezek. 18.28. If the righteous man turn away from his righteousness, his former righteousness shall be no more remembered; and he said the meaning of that scripture was, they thought they had been righteous, but they were not, but supposed it had been so. Ans. Here in this thou art a minister of unrighteousness, thou goest about to make God a liar, and the Prophets, and perverts the scriptures, for if he forsakes his righteousness and commits sin and iniquity, and trespasses, he shall die and not live in the righteousness, but if he forsake his sin, trespasses and transgressions, in the righteousness that he hath done and doth, he shall live; so God's ways are equal, Eze. 18. And thou says they thought they had been righteous, but it was not so: And the Lord by the Prophet saith it was so, that they should live in their righteousness, & die if they depart from it, and transgressed, here thou art a diminisher from the prophets and Apostles words, whose name is diminished out of the book of life, read Rev. 22.19. Pr. He denied that Christ died for all men, but for the Elect. Ans. Contrary to john's Doctrine, who saith, he is the propitiation for our sins, and not for our sins only, but for the sins of the whole world, 1 john 2.2. and so it is the unbeliever that is shut out; and not believing in the light that men are enlightened withal, with which light they might see the one offering, who tasted death for every man, Heb. 2.9. and doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that all through him might believe; and they that believe not in the light are condemned, joh. 3.18. but beleving in the light, shall come out of condemnation, and he is the Saviour of all men, but especially of them that believe, 1 Tim. 4.10. and the grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared to all men, which was the saints Teacher, Titus 2.11, 12. and they that turn it into wantonness, shall with it be condemned, jude 4. & they that set up a heap of teachers, 2 Tim. 4.3. after their own lusts & went out from the Apostles doctrine, before the Apostles decease, 1 Io 2.19. and have turned the grace of God that brings salvation, into wantonness, ever since, and saith it hath not appeared unto all men, which brings salvation, which is saving grace, and Christ Jesus doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that they might believe and walk after him, and saith, they that follow him shall not abide in darkness, but shall become the children of light, and have the light of life, Io. 8.12. Now say they that hate the light, it is not sufficient, it is not a saving light, but they shall find it sufficient to condemn them, and their unbelief, for not believing in it; for believing in it, they come to have the light of life, john 8.12. and john 12.36. Pr. He being asked who were hirelings, if they were not that did take hire? his answer was, they were hirelings that did not take hire, and to prove it, he brought that scripture in Philippians of them that preached Christ of envy and strife. Ans. Now all may see what doctrine he brings, to pervert or wrest the scriptures, Philip. 1.15. to prove them hirelings that do not take hire, that in the Phillyipians doth not prove that they were hirelings, neither did they take hire, so that for his purpose makes nothing, though for this purpose he brings that scripture, but that his folly and darkness might appear, and be made manifest by the light, for now to it his deeds are come, who is unfit to talk of the scripture. Pr. He said it was the clear mark of the Devil to go up and down from place to place to preach as the Quakers do. Ans. Now here in this he may charge all the prophets, Christ and his Apostles, which went up and down from place to place, Heb. 11. that this is the mark of the Devil, but this is too manifest to bring to light, and discover the Presbyterian priests of Scotland, who lies in Dens and Corners, and fat benefits, and there stick in the earth, & are crept into houses, who say it is the devils mark to go up and down to preach, but this is that they may manifest themselves to be judged by the practice of Christ & his Apostles, that their folly might appear unto all men, Luke 9.5.8. Heb. 11. likewise the Presbyterian Priests are turned like Ranters, who saith whatsoever man doth, God hath a hand in doing of it, whether good or evil, if a man commit never so much sin, and live never so wickedly, he shall go to heaven if he be ordained there to come; how was God grieved when David sinned? the Lord was angry, the Lord was wrath; when the children of Israel sinned against him, it grieved the Lord that he had made man, when all flesh had corrupted his way, Gen. 6.6. and thou and you go about to make God the author of sin, and saith God hath a hand in it, whatsoever a man doth here, again you and thou be in the doctrines of Devils, what shall we say that God is the author of sin? God forbidden, Rom. 6. they that transgress the commandments 〈◊〉 God, provoke him to anger, and though God created the evil, Isa. 49.7. yet his commandment was to man, that he should not go into it, Gen. 2.17. Gen. 4.7. Eze. 18. but when he did, he transgressed the command of God; so he who saith if ye murder, God is the author of it, if ye persecute, God is the author of it, if ye do unrighteously God is the author of it, you that murder, persecute, and do not righteously are of him that kept not the command of God, of whom ye are, Io. 44. that would persecute and murder, thou art gone out of the command of God, and joined with the devil, 1 Io. 3.8. that went out of the truth, the devil he went out of his estate, and the woman harkened to him, and went out of her estate, and man to the woman, Gen. 3. The Jews went out of their state, when they persecuted, Mat. 27.25. Cain went out of his state, when he murdered, Gen. 4. the Christians went out of their estate, since the days of persecution, who had the name of Christianity; Cain went out of his state when he murdered, and Balaam went out of his state when he coveted the wages of unrighteousness, and admired men's persons, Numb. 22. Judas 11. Core went out ●f his state when he gainsaid the truth, Numb. 16. jude. 11. the false prophet, and the Anti-christ which is the beast, and the mother of Harlots went forth from the state of the Apostles, 1 Io. 2.19. which hath been since the days of the Apostles, and so all wars and fightings and adversaries, is because of being out of the truth, fallen out of it, jam. 4. there is pride, and Lucifer, Isa. 14. and that is it, that is of old ordained to condemnation, Judas. 4. and to be kept down and to be condemned everlastingly, and there the time that shall be witnessed fit for the fire, and death and Hell; and the false prophet, and the Dragon and the Serpent cast into it, Rev. 20.14. but leaven is known that leavens into the new lump, 1 Cor. 5.7. the everlasting fire that burns for ever, Mark. 9.46. how are the professions, forms, and religions fallen from the state, and lost the state, and out of the state that Christ was in, the prophets were in, Abraham was in, David was in, Moses, and the Apostles was in: and remains in a form of their words, 2 Tim. 3.5. and murders them that enjoys their life, and persecutes them; The devil abode not in the truth, Io. 8.44. Adam and Eve abode not in the truth, but transgressed, Gen. 3. Cain abode not in the truth when he murdered Abel, Gen. 4. The Jews abode not in the truth, but crucified the just, James 5.6. The anti-christ, and the false prophets, since the days of the Apostles, and the beast abode not in the truth, 1 Io. 2.19. that made the war against the saints, Rev. 13. And here is the murderers, envious, and persecutors warring and fighters, and their sacrifice God never accepted, Gen. 4.5. in all ages: and these are them that persecuted those that was in the truth, whose sacrifice God accepted; to the witness of God in you all I speak; that you may see your fall from the truth, out of the prophet's life, Christ's life, and the Apostles life; so be out of the commands, and fallen from God, and say that none can keep the commandments▪ that is the word that shall stand for ever, so ye are they that loves not God, Jo. 14 13. 1 Jo. 2.4. but are of the beast and false prophets that makes war against them that keeps the commands of God, Rev. 22.11. so that which saith none can keep the commandments, is fallen out of the truth, and the commandments of God, 1 Io, 2.4. Io. 8.44. And to him the truth is death and the commands of God in which the saints live, to whom the commandments are not grievous, 1 Jo. 5.3. Thomas Garwine Priest of Edinburgh his doctrine and principles. Pr. That the Child that is not sprinkled with outward water is in a damnable state, and worse than an infidel. Ans. Now here he and the rest of the Presbyterian Priests of Scotland may say Abraham was in a damnable state, Isaac was in a damnable state, Jacob was in a damnable state, and Joseph was in a damnable state, and David was in a damnable state, and John the Baptist was in a damnable state, which were not sprinkled by a Priest with outward water, nor named by the Priest, so thou and you with your traditions, that say a Child is in a damnable state, if ye do not sprinkle it with water; and the Apostle bids them not look at the things that are seen, and you are in the damnable state, and the damnable doctrine, teachers of lies; and many simple people have been deceived by you, and given over to believe you, but God hath taken the vail off their hearts: that you begin to be seen: and their salvation shall they know stands not in elements, as though you, with your sprinkling Infants with outward water, could bring out of the damnable state; Oh ye deceivers, did not the Apostle say, they that were. Circumcised, Christ profited them nothing? Gal. 5.2 ye have long deceived people with your beggarly rudiments, and elements, and doctrines, and traditions, Col. 2. hatched up at Schools, and never commanded of God; and say, if people will not observe your traditions, or your elements which you call (a Papist word) Sacrament, and perishing, they not observing it, are in a damnable state, and worse than the Heathen and Infidels; an Infidel is an Heathen, one that knows not God; But your generation says it is blasphemy to say any hath known God, & hath seen God, and spoken to God: so they themselves have concluded to be Heathen: The Heathen know not God: The Heathen observes traditions; and they that know God cannot observe the traditions of the Heathen: but obeys the Apostles doctrine, and touches not, tastes not, nor handles the traditions of men and Ordinances which will perish, so not saving; so they that observe not traditions are not worse than Heathen: but they that observe traditions are as the Heathens, and be out of the Apostles doctrine in their own traditions and rudiments, and are offended at those that will not touch them. Robert Semple Priest of Lasmahaga: came to George Wear of Saffield to reason with him, and he laid down these following things for his doctrine and principles: His first doctrine and principle was to prove the lawfulness of being called of men Master; standing praying in the Synagogues, going in long Robes, and he mentioned Ezras' Pulpit of wood upon which he stood, and read the Law to the people; and for the rest he said nothing, for his mouth was stopped concerning these things, being found in the steps of the Pharisees, Mat. 23. we do grant that Ezra had a Pulpit of wood, but you profess yourselves Ministers of the Gospel and Presbyterians, and are ye fain to run to Ezra, in the Law for a Pulpit? now you have showed yourselves what you are; and brought your deeds to the light; but the Priesthood was made by the Law of God: so were you never; That Priesthood changed, and the Law changed also by which it was made, and Pulpit and Tithes ended; and Christ the everlasting Priesthood witnessed; so thou and you have proved yourselves no Ministers of the Gospel, Christ Jesus, the power of God, and the wisdom of God, the everlasting Priesthood, who is the end of Priests, Pulpits and Tithes, that was true in their place. So you that have got up another Pulpit, Tithes, Temple, like Readers of the Law, and not like Ministers of the Gospel, and Priests, are separated from the Apostles in the delusion, and from Christ the everlasting Priesthood, Heb. 7. and are them that Judas 19 and 2 Pet. 2. speaks of, That separates themselves having not the Spirit that they were in who witnessed against Pulpit, Tithes, and Priesthood, and witnessed Christ the everlasting Priesthood, which Pulpit, Tithes, and Priesthood ye are crying up, and so Antichrist. George Wear bad him prove his practice for sprinkling of Infants, and whether or no they were not to believe before they were Baptised. He said the promise was to Abraham and his seed; George answered him, it was not to seeds, as to many, but to thy seed which is Christ. Robert the Priest said, That seed Christ, was natural, contrary to the Apostles doctrine, Gal. 3.16. who said Christ was the power of God, 1 Cor. 1.14, 15. and Christ the mystery, Col. 1.2.7. The first man is of the earth earthly, the second man is the Lord from Heaven heavenly, 1 Cor. 15. the spiritual man judgeth all things, 1 Cor. 2.15. The seed of the woman bruiseth the Serpent's head, Gen. 3 15. and the promise is to the seed, and the seed is Christ the power of God, And Christ the seed is the spiritual man and so not natural, but the Priest said the seed is natural. Now let all see in this whether he be not given up to delusion to speak lies in hypocrisy, 1 Tim. 4.1. to delude and deceive people for dishonest gain, Ezek. 22.13. Which seed he and all the Presbyterians shall find spiritual to judge them, and bruise the heads of them, and break their wicked cords and bonds of iniquity which they have laid upon the people, Mat. 23. Eze. 34. Acts 15. The day is at hand that their judgement is come; by that man whom God hath ordained, Acts 17.31 and to judge the world in righteousness, & to give to every man a reward according to his works, Ps. 62.12. Rev. 22.12. who shall give to him an account of every idle word that they shall speak in the day of judgement, Mat. 12.36. And William Kenedie came to George Wear and promised him that he should have a public hearing, he hearing what the Priest and the rest of the Elders charged him withal: And when he came they would not give him a hearing; and so found them truce-breakers that are to be turned away from, 2 Tim. 3. and such as creep into houses, and be of themselves, boasters, proud high minded, as James and Jambres, who have a form of godliness, and denys the power, which are to be turned away from: And after that the said Priest did excommunicate George Wear in another parish without any hearing, nor would not let him know for what they excommunicated him, which was a work of darkness to make the people's minds envious against the just: upon which George Wear went to their meeting place to read a paper to him, to show why he denied him; and two Priests, Robert Semple and John Hume being there, bade the people to knock down that excommunicated (Swinger) which is in English (Rogue) upon which the people did obey the Priest, and did beat and knocked George Wear down to the ground; and might have murdered the man, had not the Lords mercy been seen, so they be in cain's way, in envy; Gen. 4. Jud. 11. And George got up again, and the priests bade the people strike him; and they did beat him, and plucked him by the hair of the head; and the priests bade beat them away; and they did so. And after the priest summoned George to the Court; and told the Bailiff he would prove it by the Scripture, he must be stoned to death; now here is the murdering Jew's nature, that stoned the Prophets, and stoned the Apostles; and stoned Steven, and took up stones to stone Christ, Mat. 23.24. Joh. 8.59. Acts 7.58. And bloody Butchers, , no Ministers of Christ: did not the false Prophets go always with the beast to war? Rev. 13. Rev. 16. against Saint and the Lamb; and did not the chief priests stir up the rulers against Christ, and had not the priests a hand to murder? and was not the priest at the examination of Steven, and the Council gave order that he should be stoned to death? and did not the priests stir up the Rulers and Magistrates, though they themselves did not often do it, which had not the power, but they stirred up the Magistrates to do it? And they came to be their slaughterer's, to execute their malice, and be their executioners; ye do not, ye may say, it is the Magistrates which ye stir up to do it. It is not said, the priests did slay & crucify Christ, but Pilate, but the priests had power amongst the multitude to persuade the multitude to ask the murderer, Mat. 27. (which had murder in their hearts) and Pilate did the thing; and did not God overthrow Jerusalem, and destroy the power of the Magistrates there, and priests both & hath not God done it in many ages for executing the Priest's malice, and their envy against the just, and his anointed? have not ye many examples see down in the scripture, which ye may all take notice of it? Therefore take heed all ye Magistrates how you execute and avenge the malice and wickedness, and envy, of any one against the just: for the envy of the envious, and the wickedness of the wicked shall stay himself, Psal. 34.21 and the righteous shall see it. Therefore you that are called Christian Magistrates, execute no●, neither be ye executioners of their madness, and envy of those who calls themselves ministers of Christ. That would have you to slay, to stone, to stock, to prison, and to put to death them that be contrary to them; Those be murderers, in cain's way, man-slayers, wrestlers against flesh and blood, and not Ministers of the Gospel, which saith, love enemies; and render to no man evil for evil, Mat. 5.44. and this differs from the Scribes and Pharisees, who loved their own, and persecuted others, and stoned others, and drew the Magistrates to do it, which saith the Ministers of Christ, we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, and spiritual wickednesses in high places, Eph. 6.12. Now those Ministers that would have the persons of men slain; are like Cain and Jezabel, the beast and false Prophets, that slew Abel, Gen. 4. 1 Kings 21. the persons of men stoned, imprisoned, and put to death, are as the Jews Priests, and those Magistrates that executes their malice are as the Jews Magistrates, unchristian Magistrates. And so those are they that are wrestling, stoning, striking, and imprisoning against flesh and blood. And in the mean time spiritual wickedness rules among them, And rulers of darkness in high places, where flesh and blood are wrestled against; so in this state both Ministry and Magistracy are blind, that be out of the fear of God; They turn their sword backward, whilst they are executing the Priest's malice, and the Priests will strengthen the hands of evil doers: and provoking to slay, and against flesh and blood wrestling, and do not profit the people at all, and stires up the multitude against the just; That he may keep himself in his place for his own ends, and admiring the Magistrates persons, and men's, because of advantage, jude 16. and respects their persons, which shows they be out of the faith, jam. 2. which gives victory over the world, 1 john 5.4. and out of the doctrine of Christ and the Apostles; now the Magistrates is for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of them that do well: which walks in the life, which he that doth evil goes from; where the rulers of darkness and spiritual wickednesses are: and this Magistrate he can see, he turns not the sword backward, he answers that of God in every one; and is for a praise to them that do well, 1 Pet. 2.14. so every evil, doer acts contrary to that of God in them; now a Minister of Christ wrestles not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickednesses in high place; so every one that doth evil acts contrary to that of God in him, so the higher power goes above him, Rom. 13.1. So the higher power is above him and before he was, all power in heaven and in Earth is given to the Son of God, Io. 5.22. above all the powers of the earth, that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, Io. 1.9. but they who does evil, goes from the light, and so the higher power goes against him. The Magistrates that be in the power, is a terror to the evil doers that acts contrary to the light wherewith every one that cometh into the world be enlightened, The Magistrates be in that power which goes over him, and is a praise to them that be in the light, and the Ministers of God is to bring from under the occasion of the Magistrates sword. George Wear being with his friend standing in the field near Ford meeting house, as they call it, he neither speaking nor acting any thing against any man, but standing in the fear of the Lord with his friend; Wlliam Lowry and john Hambleton called justices, committed him to prison, where they lay twenty and three days; and here is his innocency preached. The original righteousness was before the fall; The original of self righteousness was that which fell, and is in the fall; that transgressed. And in the Catechism which is tolerated by the general Assembly, and in the Catechise of Scotland called, a short Catechism; They say that the word of God is contained in the scriptures. Ans. And the scriptures are writings; and it saith, God is the word Io. 1.1. 1. Kings 8.27. Solomon saith the heaven of heavens cannot contain him, & you say he is containned in the scriptures with his writings; & you say there is three persons; & the scripture doth not speak of three persons & the Jews had the scriptures & knew not Christ the word of God; Then ye tell people of an outward ordinary means, by which Christ communicates the benefit of Redemption; The word Sacraments; the scripture doth not speak of three persons, & Sacraments they are Papists words; of them ye have learned them; the means of salvation is not ordinary or outward; but Christ is the salvation, who is eternal, Heb. 5.9. and they that come to him come to the end of the outward, Col. 1.27. ye say the Sacraments are the Effectual means to salvation; and ye say again, they are not as they are themselves: (so here is confusion) but only by the blessing of Christ & his spirit in them. How do ye differ from the Papists? for they say he is in them; and ye say his spirit is in them and where his spirit is, is not he? Oh blind, are ye found out? go ye home to your Mother the Papist; where Christ's Spirit is, he is. And ye say your two sacraments is Baptism and the Lords Supper. The scripture doth not call Baptism and the Lords supper two sacraments; which names you and the Papists adore and worship which you have given to them; again you in your Catechise call the first day in the week the Sabbath day; where did ever any of the Ministers of Christ or the Christians, unapostatized call it so? are not you come unto the breach, and guilty of your own judgement? of the third commandment, when ye give another name to the scriptures than they give themselves, in calling them the word, & calling Baptism and the Supper the Sacraments? Exo. 20. Moses saith God spoke all these words, when he gave forth the commandments (mark words) and the words of Christ are spirit and life, Io. 6.63. God is the word, Jo. 1.1. and Christ is the word, Rev. 19.13. and the word became flesh, and dwelled among us, Io. 1.14. And them that had the words of the scriptures, which cannot be broken, Io. 10.35. the Law and the prophets; they knew not Christ the word before they be brought to the light that Christ hath enlightened them with, and they be brought to the spirit. Io 5 37. Io. 8.19. Can the whole world say the Lords prayer in truth, or was it taught his Disciples, or to the world? doth not people draw nigh to God with their lips that say it, Isai. 20.13. and are not in the light which every man is lighted that cometh into the world withal; can ye say the Lords prayer, which is forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us, without hypocrisy? how do ye for give them when ye would have them persecuted, & would have them stoned? you that be teachers of the people; & how do ye love your neighbours as yourselves? and fulfil the Law and the prophets, Mat. 7.12. to do so as you would be done by? To ye Presbyterians of Scotland, I speak that be teachers, whose principles is to stone, chop off heads, and persecute them that be contrary minded to you, would ye have those that be contrary to your mind's stone you to death, chop off your heads, imrpison, and banish you, and persecute, and excommunicate you? This is the Law and the prophets, to do as you would be done by: as others should do to you; so do unto them: but Christ who is the end Of the Law and the prophets, Rom. 10.4. saith his doctrine is to love enemies, Mat. 5.44. and saith, if men persecute you, pray for them, and bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that persecute you, and despitefully use you, you may be the children of your father which is in heaven: who makes the Sun to shine upon the evil and the good, and the rain to descend upon the just and the unjust, if ye love them that love ye, what reward have ye, the Publicans and Pharisees do so, and the apostatised Christians who are got into the forms of words, but out of the life of the Saints of Christ and the Apostles, and there they are saluting their brethren only, but saith Christ, be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect, which you stand against; so ye are they that have denied the one offering which hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified, Heb. 10.14. And makes the blood of Christ of none effect; which cleanseth from all sin, and the new Covenant, which blots out all sin and transgression; and all upon the earth professors and worshippers, that call yourselves Brothers, and Christians, and offerers, of what sort soever, that have but the name, before thou offers be reconciled to thy brother, go leave the gift at the altar, and be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift, Mat. 5.24. then will the Lord accept thy offering, and all upon the earth that prayeth; so that ye do forgive others that trespass against you, as you would have the Lord forgive you your trespasses. Oh how is the beauty of the Church of Presbyterians marred, and diformed! oh how are they become Cages of unclean birds, Synagogues of Satan! oh how are their Teachers become envious men and murderers, of Cain's stock, in whom the eternal life is not abiding, That would stay, stone, and chop off heads of strangers servants of the Lord God, and Sons, and Daughters, and excommunicate and put out of their Synogogues; these things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended, Io. 16.2. they shall excommunicate you, yea the time cometh that they that kill you shall think they do God good service; these things will they do unto you, because they neither knew the Father nor me. These things have I told you before; that when the time comes ye may remember that I told you of them, Io. 16 4. so the say of Christ are fulfilled by you that excommunicate, and put out of the Synagogues of the Jews, ye are like, and these are their marks; that they neither know the Father nor the Son of God, These Temples, Pulpits, Priests, that are set up, since the days of the Apostles, are amongst the false prophets that Christ said should come, Mat. 7. Mat. 24. and John saw was come, 1 Io. 2.18.19. and 1 Jo. 4.1, 2, 3. which went forth from them, which all the world went after, Rev. 13.3. And these excommunications, from you are, that none should buy nor sell, but such as worship the beast, and receive his marks, Rev. 13.14. And it was the Beast that would kill and destroy, and the Dragon, and the fall prophets, them that kept the testimony of Jesus, Rev. 12. here is the patience and faith of the Saints; that by the blood of the Lamb that overcomes, that have testimony of Jesus, and kept the commands of God, so the Jews excommunications which had the true Temple, true Tithes, and true Priests, which had the figure, the Type, Christ being come the substance, Heb. 10.34. the everlasting Priesthood, Heb. 7. the everlasting Covenant, and the one offering, Heb. 10. so them that went from the priesthood went to Christ; The Jews did excommunicate them out of the Synagogues; now they did not know the Son nor the Father that did excommunicate, Jo. 16. though they had the figures and Types of the Son of God. They held up their outward things; and saw not the Son of God the substance when he was come, so these knew not the Son of God nor the Father that excommunicated and put out of the Synagogues; which Christ bade them that was to be put out of the Synagogues, not be offended at those things; he told them before they came to pass, That when these things come to pass ye may remember that I told you. Now those are they that Christ said should come; and the Apostles saw was come, that went forth from them; which hath got up Tithes, and Temples, and Pulpits, and priests, and the Priests are excommunicating out of their synagogues, and these must neither buy nor sell with them, nor eat, nor drink, nor have nothing to do with them, except they will worship the beast, or his image, and fall down to him; and this is the worship of the Beast got up since the Apostles: who apostatised from the true Church, and went forth from them, which all the world wondered after and worshipped, and received his mark and his image; They that buy and sell, and will let others do so with them, that are of them that make war against them that keep the testimony of Jesus, and the commands of God, and against the Saints and the Lamb; but the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory: But the Lamb of God, the seed of God is risen; the beast and the false Prophet is taken, which hath long deceived the Nations, Revelations 2. The old Dragon, the Serpent, the murderer, the deceiver, the devourer, the Mother of Harlots, Babylon which hath made all Nations drunk with her fornications, which hath corrupted the earth, Rev. 14. which the beasts, and the false Prophets that deceives the Nations, and the Antichrist, the false Prophets; say they are come but now: These are deceivers of the Nations; that say they come but now; for Christ said they should come, and John said they were come before his decease, whereby he said he knew it was the last time; and in the Revelations he said, all the world went after them, and all Nations have drunk of the wine of her fornications, and the Kings of the earth have committed fornications with her, Rev. 17.2. (mark the word have) and the false Prophets say they come but now, and now is the last time. And these are the deceivers of the Nations that say so. Now are people but coming from them; and now is the judgement of the great whore come; and now is the vials of wrath to be poured upon her that hath corrupted the earth, and now shall they go into captivity, Rev 13. Rev. 1.4. and 18. And now shall people come to that which the false Prophets, the beast, and the Mother of Harlots went from, all these heads and horns, and Crowns, will turn against others with their tongues, Language; and Babylon, that hath been amongst them; and now is the seed of God risen, which overthrows all the excomunicators upon the earth, both beast and false Prophets and Jews both, which seed of God brings to see to the beginning. Glory to the highest for ever; and Jew's and Gentiles, beasts and false Prophets, and is at the top of them all, and the corner stone is laid. John Castairs, and James Durram Priests of Glasgow when the Fast was appointed by the English, they kept their Houses, and caused their servants to work, and took notice of all those that countenanced the English Fast, and the first day they preached, then after they said it was necessary that a day of Humiliation should be, and that all people should be humbled for the powers they saw now ruling in the land, for they were giving liberty and toleration to all sects, and blasphemies, as Anabaptists, Independants, and said that the Baptists denied all worship and Ordinances, as they were and aught to be according to the Ecclesiastical Government, which Government is the true hedge of the Church of Christ. Lodowick Simerell Priest of Munkland he said before several persons that no true Justice had been, or was since those enemies came to this Nation, neither would be until the Lord remove them in his own time: Henry Foreside Priest of Lenyey, and if Paul had been alive he would have stoned the Quakers; and it was Christian zeal to stone them; and many friends are stoned and beat, and blood is shed: those that stoned the Apostles and Saints, and haled them before j●dgement-seats and Magistrates; and the chief Priests had a hand in putting Christ to death, persuaded them so to do, and the chief Priests had a hand in stoning of Stephen to death, and the Priest had a hand in casting Jeremy into the dungeon, and into the stocks, and said he was worthy of death; and the high Priest Ananias was examined of Paul, and Peter and John was examined by the Priest, was put out of the Temple by the Priests and Rulers, & charged no more to speak in that name, and such were these who had a form of godliness but denied the power, and such ever stirred up the people to blood and tumults against the harmless, and innocent in the truth; Therefore come to the light you that have tasted of the power of the Lord God, that with it you may see and judge how the Priests blinded the Magistrates by flattery, and so truth came to be their enemies. How do you receive strangers, ye Presbyterians of Scotland, and obey the commands of God, and the Apostles commands, which was, be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for some have entertained Angels unawares: when as ye would have the servants of the Lord prisoned, and stocked, and stoned to death, or their heads chopped off? so you are them that be in cain's way, vagabonds from the Spirit of God, now a vagabond hath not a habitation in God, but wanders from the witness of God in him, like Cain who built a City and called it after his Son's name, Heb. 13.2 Gen. 4. I am the light of the world that lighteth every one that cometh into the world saith Christ the Saviour of your souls, every one going from the light ye be enlightened withal, ye are vagabonds, and have not a habitation in God; and so goes into cain's way, envious and would slay; Balaams and Cores way, which are with the light condemned; and like unto those Jews, That haled out of the Synagogues, That Christ spoke of that goes in long Robes, and are called of men Master, but Christ saith, be ye not called of men Master, for one is your Master, even Christ, Mat. 23. Christ said they that went in long Robes, loved the chiefest places in the assemblies; should hale out of the Synagogues, and they that do these things be gone from the light, Joh. 3.19. Joh. 16.2. All this persuading of corrupt Magistrates to persecute them that reprove sin in the gates, in the Steeple-houses, streets and high ways, is, because men have a selfish end, and a private interest to themselves, both professors of Scriptures and teachers, and them that doth persecute hath a selfish honour, and an interest to themselves, and so the selfish Professors, teachers, Magistrates that persecutes for them; they have a form of godliness, but the witness lies slain in them, and they matter not for that rising: for in that rising all the deeds, words and actions comes to light, and then, if the witness of God arise in them, they will not be offended at such as reproves sin in their gates, Markets, Steeple-houses and Streets; for all upon the earth, while they are from the witness of God in them, they are corrupted, and they may get the form of godliness, the form of Christ's, the Prophets and Apostles words, and live out of the power, and be in the Religion that is vain, for none upon the earth comes to the power of godliness, but first they must come to the witness of God in them, and there is none upon the earth that ever comes to the first principle of the pure Religion, but first they must come to the witness of God in them. There's none knows the Scriptures given forth from the power and Spirit of God, which was in the Saints, but first they are brought to the Spirit of God in their own particulars. Come all you officers and Soldiers, now after ye have ease and have overcome your enemies without; take heed lest you sit down in your ease and fullness, and fall down into the earth, and flesh, and feast, and fullness, and pride, and so corrupts the earth, and yourselves, and not come down to the witness of God in you; whereby the enemy of God and of your own souls might be slain, that you might come to find rest and peace in God, after your outward wars, and so come to the inward wars, which takes away the cause of the outward, whereby you may all come into true understanding, to answer that of God in every one, for them that do evil, act contrary that of God in them, to such the sword is a terror, and a praise to them that do well; which is led by the Spirit of God, up to God who is pure, out of the evil: and all Magistrates swords upon the earth, should reach to that which is pure in every one to the soul, so it takes away that which wars against it, that breaks the outward; so comes the soul to be subject to the higher power that's above the transgressor, which all the Magistrates and Rulers upon the earth must give an account to; and there is none upon the earth that comes to worship God in the spirit and in truth, but who first come to own that of God in them; and there is none upon the earth that are like to retain God in their knowledge, nor his Covenant, while their minds is reprobated from that of God in them. There all may see the Covenant of grace to all men, and the Covenant of light, and life with the Father, he gave him for a Covenant of light to the Gentiles, to the Heathen, I will make a new Covenant with the house of Israel and Judah the people of God, I will write my Law in their hearts, and their minds, so saith Christ, the Covenant of God, I am the light of the world, and doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world that all men through the light of the covenant of God might believe, it is the covenant of God, that every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, and every one that hates the light wherewith they are enlightened withal, hates the Covenant, and the light condemns him, and here all men, may see the free grace of God that brings salvation hath appeared to all men, The grace of God that brings the salvation, the turning the grace of God into wantonness, and walking despitefully against the spirit of grace, they neglect their salvation, and bring punishment and condemnation upon them, as it's written in Judas. Concerning election, and what is elected, the grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared to all men, to the clearing God's Justice, and the fault is in man for his condemnation. There is a precious thing in these Scots, but there is a filthy, beastly dirty thing lieth over. A Book I have received out of Holland the Title of which is called A Catechism of Christian Religion, Printed at Amsterdam by john Frederick Stationer at the sign of the Hope 1639. The principles in it as followeth. Pr. OUt of the Law, they say, they learn they should love the Lord God with all their strength, and mind and soul, and their Neighbour as themselves. Ans. Now these words are said, but where these words are performed, the commandment is known, and God is loved, and his Neighbour as himself, so loves the Creation, the work-manship of God, but where these words are talked of, and not done, and they say they have not power, than they be out of that state as the Jews was in that came out of Egypt, which had the power and ability to answer the law of God, to which the Law was committed, and God is equal and righteous, and commands nothing but what is equal and just, and measurable and reasonable, according to that which men may perform, and such as he gives the Law to, he gives power, but if men transgress the Law, they abuse the power, and such were not justified, and may say they had not power, but that is false, that is a lie. Pr. They say, They are not able to keep the word of God perfectly, that is to say, to love their Neighbours as themselves, and love God; for man is prone to evil-hatred by nature. Ans. That which brings men to keep the commandments of God is beyond nature, to order nature and to rule nature, and above nature, and it is to subject that which is prone to evil, and that nature that the law goes upon; so he that looks into the law and loves God, is turned from the evil nature, for the evil makes the nature corrupt; man in the beginning, which had the law of God within, the commandment, man in the fall had the commandment given to him, and there he had power, as man had in the beginning, the Law and the power; but they both transgressing abusing the power, so became unrighteous, not to make God unrighteous, or a hard taskmaster, to lay more upon a man than he can do, as the corrupt wills of men, and the slothful servants look upon God so to do, as to command them to do the thing they cannot, so to make God unreasonable, they that love the darkness, and the pleasures and the lust more than God, and so have not regard to God and their Neighbour; for man in the beginning lost his uprightness, by transgressing the Law, and so the Devil's seed comes to be sowed in mankind, and the Image of God lost, and the Image of the devil is set up in man, and so comes darkness, hardness, mists, dimness, and blindness, and death reigned from Adam to Moses so then came the Law by Moses that went over all transgressors, answered the principle of God in all men that was transgressed, and the Lord that gave man the Law gave him power and ability, who saith his ways was equal, and righteous, and they then to love God with their strength and their souls, and their neighbour as themselves, and such were preservers of the creation, and lovers of the workmanship of God, but such as were transgressors was destroyers and defacers of the workmanship of God, and not lovers of God nor their neighbour. Pr. That the anger of God is most dreadful for the sins wherein they were borne. Ans. Then you are not the believers which were borne in the sin, nor of believing parents, if you do own the Apostles doctrine, for the unbelieved is sanctified by the believing, else were their children unholy, but now are they clean, saith the Apostle the Minister of God, if you can believe his doctrine, and bear it, and receive it; but if you do object and say, borne in sin and transgression, and all by nature the children of wrath, yea I say this is the estate the Apostle speaks of among unbelievers, Jews and Gentiles gone astray from the life of God, from the Covenant of promise; but who came into the life of God, and the covenant of promise are believers; the believing wife or the believing husband sanctifies the unbelieving, else were their children unholy, but now are they clean, he that can receive this, let him, this was the Apostles Doctrine. Pr. Because the Justice of God requires that the same nature of man which had sinned, do itself make recompense for sin. Ans. All that makes the recompense for sin, is he that never sinned, Christ, the second Adam, and not the first, so in this your blindness and darkness hath appeared, and it is not the same nature that hath sinned, that destroys it, but it is Christ that cleanseth the nature of Man that had sinned and destroys sin itself, that is to say, the Devil that hath defiled the nature of Man, and so Christ is called the sanctification, Justification, redemption, cleansing of man's nature, blotting out of the sin and transgression. Pr. Salvation is not offered to all men who perished in Adam, but only to those men who are grafted in him by true faith. Ans. Salvation is purchased to all men that perished in Adam though they do not believe it, for he is the Saviour of all men, especially of them that do believe, and an offering for the sin of the whole world, mark, the world, and doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that all through him might believe, and he that believes not is condemned by Christ the light, the life, the sacrifice, the offering, that through death, that which in them was the power of death, the Devil, he destroyed: and his power, and so entered into his glory, all that believe in him have life, and all that doth not and receive him not, hath not life, but are condemned through unbelief. Now if if you say that in Adam all died, I say yes, and in Christ all shall be made alive to the Justification of life, I say yes, as in Adam all died, as in Christ they come to be made alive, so them that are the believers are the holy, so the believers children; a new creation, a new generation, new creatures out of Adam in the fall, the believers passed from death to life, that came by Adam and so in that is a clean creation and holy generation. Pr. All things contained in the Gospel is summed up in the Apostles Creed. Ans. The Apostles doth not tell us of a creed, but the Pope's Canon-book, and common prayer book, and many things the Apostles had to say, which was not lawful to utter, and many things Christ had to say, they could not bear, but the Gospel is the power of God, and that the scripture speaks of, but doth not say the Epistles is it. Pr. God hath manifested himself in his word, that these three distinct persons are one. Ans. The word, nor the scripture doth not tell us of three distinct persons, but it tells us of Father, and of Son, and of Holy Ghost, but indeed as I said before the Pope's canon book, and Masse-book doth so, for the Holy Ghost is not distinct from the Son, and the Son is not distinct from the Father, but they are all in one. Pr. Having our chief hope placed in God, being assured that nothing may with draw us from his love. Ans. Yet you say you are not able to keep the commandments of God perfect, than you are drawn from the living God, and you are from the chiefest hope, Christ, for who loves God keeps his commandments, and such have the chiefest hope, Christ, in which the commandment ends, here the love goes forth out of the pure heart, but is not riches your hope? and doth not riches and the glory of the world, and the fashions thereof, drew your hearts away, and your love, and hope stand in them, and hath taken up the possession of your hearts more than God? therefore who keeps them not perfectly, keeps them not at all. Pr. You say Christ hath ransomed your bodies and your souls from sin, and by that one sacrifice of his body he hath redeemed you. Ans. Are your bodies redeemed, and your souls that are immortal, and your spirits sanctified, and do you glorify God in your bodies, souls, and spirits which is the Lords? and is there not sin in your bodies, and are not your spirits corrupted? now who witnesses redemption of the body and soul from sin, these are out of the first Adam's state, and are the holy ones and these be in the end of the law, and that which fulfils the Law Christ Jesus, but now if you come to say that you have sin in your bodies, and the fruits will show itself to persecute, or envy, rage, malice, pride, or such wickedness, this shows not the fruits of Redemption. Pr. You say, That God in Christ hath put out the remembrance of your sins, and of your corruptions within you, wherein you must fight all your life time. Ans. Whilst the sins you are fight withal are not blotted out in your own particulars, this is not the life of the Saints, they are not fight all their life time, but come to the kingdom of God, witnessing sin and iniquity blotted out, & the everlasting covenant of peace and life with God. Pr. You say, You are righteous before God through faith, though your consciences accuse you for your trespasses against the commands of God, being prone to evil, yet notwithstanding embrace the benefits of Christ, as if you never had committed any sin or corruption, and this is as if you yourselves had perfectly completed the obedience. Ans. Where the conscience accuses it is impure, and that the true faith is out of, for the mystery of faith is held in a pure conscience, and that is it that receives Christ, and which is not prone to evil, nor transgresseth the commands of God but you are out of the perfect obedience, and out of the faith both, and are in the corruption, & are not the lovers of God, nor come to Christ the end of the commandments which is loved in a pure heart, and whereas you talk of conscience accusing and yet faith, that is your ignorance, for faith is held in a pure conscience, the conscience doth not accuse, but the unsanctified. Pr. Not that we please God through the worthiness of our faith, for our works, the best of them, are imperfect, in this life defiled with sin. Ans. It is faith that brings men to please God, which Faith comes from him, and giveth victory over that, men have lived in, and not pleased God; so faith there is a worthiness in it, it is the gift of God, by which men please God, and have access to to him, and they are justified, and through it they overcome and subdue mountains, and raise the dead, your best works being imperfect, and defiled with sin in this life, than they are not wrought in God, but out of him in the darkness, they are works of darkness, unperfect, defiled with sin; are not the works of darkness to be condemned for the fire, and to be out of the Law and Gospel? but the works, the Saints works that are in the Faith, wrought in love are perfect, wrought in God, created to good works, these are distinct from the unperfect, defiled with sin, and these good works the Saints witnessed when they were upon the earth, which is the works of Faith which works by love. Ans. Infants that are baptised belong as well to the covenant and Church of God, as they of full age, they by baptism being grafted into the Church of God, so discerned from the children of Infidels, so this baptism succeeds Circumcision. Answ. Then by this all Christendom that are baptised are the Church and grafted into the Church, Papists and Protestants and all; and how is it that your Church is so much in confusion then? for you say they are grafted into the Church of God, and in the Church of God there is no confusion, it is the Pillar and ground of truth, without spot or wrinkle, and how is it there is such killing one another in this Church, Papists, and Protestants, Lutherans, and Calvinists so called, how is it they are not of one body broken into so many heads, now the baptism of the spirit brings all into one body, in which spirit is the fellowship and the unity, which spirit is the bond of peace; and Circumcision outwardly was a figure of Circumcision within, and that it typed forth, and baptism without typed forth baptism within, and many may run into the outward water, that doth decrease, and doth not come to the body of Christ the light, as you may read in the fifth of John; for none are grafted into Christ the body but who comes to the light John bare witness of. Pr. You say though Christ he in Heaven, you on Earth, and you are flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone. Answ. And yet before you said your consciences accused you, and your best works in this life were sinful, imperfect, and you could not keep the commands of God; now this is confusion, who are of the flesh and bone of Christ are with him, and fits with him in Heavenly places, for their conversation is in Heaven. Pr. We are grafted into Christ by the Holy-Ghost now, according to his humane nature on earth. Answ. Humane nature is from the ground, this is old Adam, but Christ who according to the flesh was of Abraham, and of David, the Scripture doth not tell us of humane nature, for humane is from the ground, but Christ is from above, and though he were a Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, yet his nature was not corrupted, nor his flesh saw no corruption, he that is made of the dust is humane, he that is the Lord from heaven is not humane, so you err in your understandings that doth not distinguish. Pr. Teaching the Gospel and Ecclesiastical discipline by which the heaven is opened to believers and shut against the unbelievers. Ans. Christ hath the key which opens to believers which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, that through it they might believe, and they that do not believe in the light which Christ hath enlightened them withal, heaven is shut to them, light condemns them, and they neglect the Gospel upon whom the wrath comes, which Gospel is the power of God; and as for the Ecclesiastical discipline it is got up since the days of the Apostles in the apostasy, which shuts up the Kingdom of Heaven against men, that which they should have believed in; that is the light Christ hath enlightened them withal which is the key. Pr. And such you say that be wicked men, the Sacrament is to them forbidden, and shut out of the Congregation. Answ. Do you not call baptism Sacrament, and hath he given them it, and did not you say they are grafted into the Church by baptism, and cannot Judas take the sop? but for the word Sacrament, that you may look in the old Canon Book, the Masse-Book, and such as you like, you give your Sacrament as covetous and proud, and lovers of gold, and surfeited with the cares of this life, and drunk with it, and such as are in superfluity, and yet such you will give it to; and common outward drunkards you will keep it from, now are not all those forbidden and out of the Church of God, read and judge yourselves, and amend your lives, and repent that you may come into the spirit that baptizeth into the body of Christ. Pr. You say Christ hath redeemed you by his blood, and renewed you by his spirit to his Image. Ans. And yet your works before were sinful, and you broke the command of God; now this shows still that you have but the form, and unrenewed in spirit, unchanged, unconverted, and not in the Image of God, and not in the thankfulness of God out of a pure heart. Pr. To mortify the old man is to be sorry for your sins. Answ. A man may be sorry for the sin he hath acted, but that which puts off the body of sin is the spirit, and purifies the heart is the faith, and that that cleanseth from all sin is the blood of Jesus, and that that blots out all sin and transgression is Christ the Covenant of God, and Christ within manifest in the flesh, condemns sin in the flesh; so having him within, the body is dead because of sin. Pr. Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven image, the likeness of any thing in Heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or worship them, or bow down to them, thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain, etc. and remember thou keep holy the Sabbath day, for six days thou shalt labour and do all thou hast to do, but on the Sabbath thou nor thy ox, servant or stranger shall do no manner of work. Answ. Do you not make graven images and Pictures of things in Heaven, and of things in the water, and of things in the earth, and so make similitudes and representations and adore them, and set them up in your houses? and is not this quite contrary to the commands of God? and hath not the Papists been your examples for these things, and not the Apostles? and do ye not take the Lords name in vain daily in your streets, and markets, in your buying, and selling, and take the Lords name in vain, when you call upon him with your lips, but your hearts be in your covetous practices, and full of hatred, envy, pride, voluptuousness, ambition, self-honour, and deceit? and this is taking the Lords Name in vain, to call on God with your lips while your hearts be after this manner, do your servants, or strangers, or rest on the seventh day? and do you not keep Markets and Fairs on that day, the Lord gave to the children of Israel after the fall of Adam for a sign of the restoration of the Creation that neither man, nor servant, nor family, nor ox, nor Ass should work on that day, but rest? so it was a sign, the Apostles saith the Sabbath day was a shadow of good things to come, which was Christ, the good thing who restores the Creation and giveth the liberty to Horse, Ass, Ox, and all the Creation, unto man and stranger and servant, and Redeems man up into the image of God, and renews it, which hath been lost, and so is restoring of the Creation, and gives rest to his people and all the Creation, and destroys the Devil, death, and all his works, Christ who is the restorer gives rest to the Creation, who was before days was, by which all things was made. Pr. You say, Thou shalt not do no murder, thou shalt not steal, nor thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods, house, or servant, nor any thing that is his, his wife, or ox, or Ass, etc. Ans. Do you do no murder? that was the Law without; do you fulfil it in Christendom? then you do not murder the just principle of God in your particulars; do you not quench the spirit in people, and suffer it not to have liberty? do you not do murder to the just of God in you, in your own particulars? and so, then stop it in the general, for opening its mouth with all your force and might? and are you not murderers there, and do you not steal by Sea, and Land, and cousin and cheat and wrong one another? nay, do you not steal the words from your neighbour, and the Prophets and the Apostles, and Christ, which you never came into the life of; is not this called theft and robbery? for you have not received it from the Lord God, as Prophets, as Apostles, as his Son did, and servants did; so all your profession, Church and Ministry stand in the robbery, and have not received it as they did, as the true Apostles and Prophets did, and Ministers did, ye all stand in the robbery; and do not you covet your neighbour's goods, Oxen, , and servants, and wife? and one getting from another goods, and getting servants one from another? is not this out of the love in which the Commandment ends, where there is serving one another in love; and is not all covetous Idolaters out of the love shut, in which the Commandment ends, and hath not this been the practice in the whole Christendom, coveting men's goods, servants, , and that which is not his? is not that out of the Law and Gospel, and out of a pure heart where the Commandment is done and known, and that which it ends in, is in Christ, and love keeps the Commands of Christ, they that love do not covet, and they are not Idolaters. Pr. We are not to make any images to be tolerated in the Churches, and Chapels, or figures of things made, for it is not seemly for God will have his Church be taught by living Preaching. Answ. How is it that your Churches so called, are so full of Pictures and images of Males and Females representing a figure of Adam and Eve, the Apostles and Christ and your houses and signs of fish in the Sea, and Lions and others creatures upon the earth, and of things as you imagine in heaven, are not all these your inventions, your works and inventions, you have learned of the Papists and they from the heathen, not from the Apostles? and you have daubed your Churches, and them flourished with your Pictures, these things you call your Churches, but the Church is in God, which the gates of Hell cannot prevail against, but a shower of rain, or an earthquake, or a great wind will prevail against your Church, and the devil may come with his carnal weapons and throw it down, but the Church of Christ the Pillar of truth is that the devil is out of. Pr. You say a man may swear before a Magistrate, and that this kind of swearing is ordained by God's word, therefore well used of the Saints, and it is not lawful to swear by the Saints or other creatures. Answ. Here ye be out of the Doctrine of Christ who saith swear not at all, and out of the Magistrates state the Apostle speaks of, and out of Christ's Doctrine and the Apostles, and hath broken the commands of Christ and the Apostles Doctrine, which saith swear not at all, so you wrong Christ Jesus, and the word of God you deny, and though Abraham swear, and Jacob and Joseph swore, the Prophets and Moses swear, David swore, and the Angels swore, and men in strife swear by the greater, and the oath ended the strife and controversy amongst men, yet Christ saith before Abraham was I am, he reigns over the house of Joseph and Jacob, he is the end of the Prophets, he is the end of Moses, he is the end of men of strife, and brings peace on the earth, the Angels must bow down to him, that saith swear not at all, who was before Abraham was, and David called him Lord, who was greater than Solomon and this is my beloved Son hear ye him; now which of you hear him? they said in the old time perform thy vows to the Lord, this was the old time, the day of Abraham, David, Prophets Moses, Solomon, but Christ who was before all time, by whom all things was made, the oath of God ends the time, and saith swear not at all, so doth his true Ministers and the Apostles, above all things my brethren swear not at all, neither by heaven, nor by earth, lest you fall into condemnation, now here were true brethren that kept the doctrine of Christ and the Apostles, and his commands, which swearers break which are got up since the days of the Apostles, which are the false brethren Apostatised from the true, so now the fruits of false and true brethren are seen, who keep the commands of Christ, and walk in the Doctrine of the Apostles and who doth not. Pr. You say, That in the fourth Commandment God doth command that the Ministers of the Gospel, and the Schools of Learning should be maintained, and that on the Sabbath frequent studiously, Divine Assembles, hear the word diligently, using the Sacraments. Ans. Your Schools, your Sacraments, your Sabbath, your Studies by men, you have made these, since the Apostles, your Ministers at your Schools, and not by the Lord, but among yourselves Apostatised from his spirit, for the Apostles had not Shools, and the Apostles said let no man judge you in meats or drinks, new Moons, and Sabbath days, etc. for the body is Christ, and he brought them off of these services to Christ, the substance, the body, who ended the Sabbath days, and the offerings upon them, who was before days, who is the rest for his people, and did not bring people into days, but into Christ by whom all things was made, who was Lord of the Sabbath, and such meet on the first day of the week, and are taught of God, and outstrip all your Teachers made in Schools, and learn of men, and so not of man, nor by man but the outward Schools are of men, and by men. Pr. You say, The fifth Commandment enjoins you to yield obedience to the faithful commandments of them that be over you; and the Catechism. Ans. The fifth Commandment brings that men should obey the command of God, not of men, nor the Catechism, nor such stuff as is in this Catechism, but who are come to Christ the end of the Commandments, the end of the Law, him by whom the world was made, and was before it was made (is enjoyed.) Pr. You say, The meaning of the seventh Commandment, Is that you should live temperate, modest, and chaste, and holy in Wedlock. Answ. Is this so, have you not broken Wedlok both with God and man, and lost the chaste Virgin state? and so gotten up into intemperate, immodest, unchastness, into uncleanness and filthiness, and so show by your fruits that you neither come to keep this Commandment, nor to Christ the end of it? Pr. You say, The eighth Commandment doth not only forbid robbery but covetousness after other men's goods, evil witchcraft, devices to seek after other men's goods. An. Then are you not all found in this seeking after other men's goods, and endeavouring by force, and hath not this been many of your practices both by Sea and Land, of many people in the whole Christendom, and been found in this witchcraft as you say as you speak of, and is not all this to be judged with the spirit of the Lord God to be out of his commands, and out of the love of God and Christ the end of the Law, there-repent and amend all your ways, do and lives, that you may return to the Lord, and find peace and rest in the time of need. Pr. You say, The ninth Commandment saith bear not false witness against any man, and you should shun lying, and not falsify any man's word, nor backbite nor reproach, and shun all careless kind of lives, etc. Answ. How is it then there are so many false witnesses, backbiters, reproachers, rash condemners men living in such careless kind of lives and deceit among you? which is the devils works, this is all out of the commands of God and the Law, and short of Christ the end of it, and the fruits of this now hath showed itself. Pr. You say, No one that is converted unto God perfectly, observes and keeps his Commandments. Answ. Then no man loves God amongst you, nor are you converted neither are you of the seed of the woman that keeps the commands of God, neither are you the children of God that john's speaks of, that keeps the Commandments of God, that love God, neither, are you the believers, for Christ is the end of the Law to them that believes. Pr. You say, There is no man in this life able to keep the Law of God, and why then should God's Law be so exactly and severely. Ans. The law of God is just, is not so exact, nor so severely, but is just and equal, and righteous, and perfect and good, and not as you look upon it exact and severe, now Christ the righteousness of God is the end of the Law, and the man that loves God keeps his Commandments, and comes to the end of the commandments, that is, love out of a pure heart. Pr. You say Christ teacheth you to call God Father in the beginning of your prayers. Ans. Christ taught that to his Disciples which were his children, his sheep, but that was not spoken to the world that did not believe in the light that enlightens every man that comes into the world, for the Pharisees could call him Father and Lord, but did not the things he commanded them, and such Christ said were of the devil, and such their prayers he rebukes; the Disciples could pray this in truth, so you must be born again of God, not committing of sin when you call God Father, like him, else you are Bastards, begotten of the wicked one children of the transgressor sons of the Sorcerer: the Prophet speaks of children of God distinct from such that call him Father in the transgression, applied to God which he hath not begotten, the birth in the transgression, the transgressor's birth, that is a Bastard, a false conception. Pr. You say, Forgive us, as we forgive them that trespass against us. Answ. Is it so, do ye do so, and would you be forgiven no otherwise, but as ye forgive others that hath trespassed against you, would you have God forgive you not otherways who trespasseth against him, but as you forgive the trespasses against you (mark) whether you would have as you say, and whether here be not justice, and whether you can witness you are forgiven that doth not forgive others? whether you have the assurance within you? Pr. You say, The particle Amen means the things sure out of doubt for your prayers is much more certain heard of God, than you feel in your hearts, that you unfeignedly desire the same. Answ. Amen or so be it, for the promise is to the seed, yea and Amen; which fetches up the seed out of time who hath been in prison in time and brings it by the power of God thither where there is no time, and there is yea and amen, and the Lord accepts no prayer from the corrupt heart or such whose works are sinful, their best works are sinful, for the praying is in the spirit, the Lord accepts, and Preaching, singing, hearing, and tasting, discerning, handling, and feeling the Lord knows the mind of the spirit where it groans, which spirit guiding the man, it gives him an understanding of the signification of it, and so every man being reproved with the spirit if he hears it and be at unity with it, and turn to it, it will bring him to turn to God, and be at unity with God, and here his prayers be acceptable to him, and so every man being enlightened that comes into the world, every man being turned to the light Christ hath enlightened him withal, he is turned to Christ from whence it comes, which brings him to know Christ, and to ask in his Name, who is the way to the Father and is in the Father, who is God Immanuel Christ Jesus, and so forth to the end. Robert Tuchin, john Barnes, Edward Buckler, Robert Dingly, James Crosswick, john Martin, Vincent Spark, Joshua Tompkins, Simon Pole, Tho. Clarke, William Harby Martin Wells, Wil Bignall, Rich. Beminster Matthew Hearne: Their Princples are as Followeth who are Teachers in and about the Island of Weight, and these 15. Priests are in the rear of the Army of Babylon against the Lamb. Pr. THat the good tidings, which the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ brings to sinners was first heard at Jerusalem. Ans. The Go●pel which is the power of God which is the glad tidings to sinners, was preached to Abraham, before ever it was heard at Jerusalem, and the shepherds in the field received the message of the good tidings of the glorious Gospel from the Angel, which was sent to them of the Lord; who said, Behold I bring you good tidings of great Joy, and this was before the Gospel was heard at Jerusalem, and all the Fathers and Prophets, that heard the power of God, they heard the Gospel; for the Gospel is the power of God, glad tidings to the seed, and great joy to the poor captives, and this Gospel was preached to Adam, the seed of the woman was promised to bruise the Serpent's head; and that was, and is, the power of God, the glorious Gospel, but as for such as knows no Gospel in manifestation, nor apparation, but only the scriptures which doth but declare of the Gospel, they show that they are without, in the world, and hath no other knowledge of the Gospel, but natural knowledge, which is not unto eternal life, nor can edify the body of Christ, which is immortal. Pr. The good tidings, which the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ brings to sinners, was a great mercy to the Jews, a very gracious dispensation to us sinners of the Gentiles. Ans. The good tidings, the glorious Gospel, is in itself a mercy to all; but only a mercy in manifestation, and operation to them that do receive it, whether Jews or Gentiles, and it is a judgement and a condemnation, to all that do not receive it both Jews and Gentiles. But as for you fifteen Priests, you have included yourselves among the sinners, showing that you are yet unconverted to the precious faith, which brings out of all sin and gives victory over it, and who are converted are changed and renewed from being sinners, to be righteous, and these are not sinners of the Gentiles, (as is manifest you yet are) but they are believers of the Gentiles, who are made righteous in the righteousness of the second Adam, who hath quickened them from death to life, and from sin to God, but upon such that do remain sinner of the Gentiles, and receives not the Gospel which is the power of God, the dispensation of it is judgement, and condemnation, and this shall the testimony of God in every man give witness to. Pr. Dark we are since the cloud of sin overshadowed our minds, our brightest notions are stained, our light eclipsed by nature, we are Chained up into a Cave of darkness; taking mere notions to be things substantial, and substance to be shadows, and as our eyes are dim and can not see much, so our sloth is great and heedlessnes inexcusable, our ignorance of God may be charged on the want of meditation in all men, the sins of teachers being teachers sins: Admit the Minister be sinful, shall the people despise his doctrine? Scripture is Scripture though uttered by Satan. Ans. The Ministers of Christ Jesus who were called and sent of him, were light in the Lord, and were translated from darkness to the light, and from Satan's power to God, and the cloud of sin was not over them, for that was removed, and they were as a City set on a hill, and were the light of the world, and their minds were spiritual and enlightened and not over-shadowed with the darkness nor with the cloud of sin, as it is with these 15. Priests, whose brightest notions are stained and their light eclipsed by nature as they confess, but thus it was not with Christ's Ministers, for their knowledge was in the spirit, and what they knew was in and through the spirit, and they were changed in nature, and their light which was Christ was above nature, and beyond nature, and not eclipsed thereby, neither were they chained up in a cave of darkness but were as candles lighted, and as a city set on a hill that could not be hid, and they delivered forth to the world the pure truths of the Gospel of Christ, which were not stained nor polluted, but pure and holy; And in that you take notions to be substance, substance to be shadows; this is your great ignorance and blindness, but thus do not the true ministers of Christ, neither are their eyes dim, but the Lord is the light, and this promise is fulfilled to his ministers whom he hath sent; the Lord is become their everlasting light, but to you his promise is not fulfilled whose eyes are dim and sloth, great and heedlessnes inexcusable; as it was with the false Prophets and Dreamers of old, whom the Lord never sent, and thus it is with these 15 Priests, according to their own confession; but the Ministers of Christ were not so, neither were they in sin, nor in ignorance, but had received the knowledge of God, and were known of him, and if the Minister be sinful, he is not sent of God, but hath run and never was sent, and his doctrine is despised, and not profitable, for scripture in the mouth of the Devil, is but a temptation, no more is the doctrine of sinful men, as taught by them, for if the minister be sinful, he cannot convert sinners to God, nor turn them from darkness to light, nor from Satan's power to God, which is the work of the true minister that have received the gift of the Holy ghost; as its manifest these men have not by their own confession. Pr. We are presented with a necessity of acknowledging that the Light of the moon with us is as the Light of the Sun, and the Light of the Sun as the Light of seven days. Ans. How doth this confession of yours answer to your last? let all wise & sober people judge, how confusion hath uttered forth itself; what, your light eclipsed, & you chained up in a Cave of darkness, and your eyes dim, and yet the light of the Son with you; as he light of seven days; is there any thing in both these confessions, except ignorance and a heap of confusion and plain contradictions, that all may see your own confusions out of your own mouths? But who are come to the fulfilling of the promises of God where the light of the Sun is as the light of seven days, sin and iniquity is blotted out, and transgression is done away, and life and immortality is brought to to light, and the glory of the Lord is revealed, and they that are in this promise, are come out of the Apostasy, and out of the beasts kingdom of darkness, where you yet remain as its manifest, for you be such as Christ said should come, and as john saw were come, who went into the world and deceived nations, but now the nations are gathering from you again, into the fellowship of the mystery of the Gospel, which Gospel, that hath been lost (I mean the receiving of it by the Holy Ghost, and the preaching of it as the spirit of God gave utterance) for many generations, but that gospel again is to be preached, and it is going forth to nations, tongues, and people, and great Babylon shall be confounded, and all her merchants shall weep and lament for her fall. Pr. We the unworthy Ministers of Christ whose names are under written, having waited upon God in a way of earnest prayer, have jointly agreed to communicate our thoughts etc. Ans. They that are true ministers of Christ are not unworthily so, nor in the unworthiness, and being unworthy, to what purpose do ye wait upon the Lord? for who are in the unworthiness, God doth not hear nor regard, nor give his answer to such, and ye having no answer from God, you must needs agree in your thoughts, but have you nothing to communicate to your people, but your thoughts which are vain? how shall thoughts convert any to God, or establish any in him? and your prayers that are in darkness are not accepted of him; for who are heard of the Father, are in Christ Jesus, and are new creatures, being changed from death to life. Pr. Our deep sense of the ignorance of our hearers puts us upon your prayers to God, and Counsel one to another, what further course to take. Ans. Indeed a sad complaint may be taken up concerning this matter, for ignorance abounds, and many other grievous evils, in your Church, and amongst your hearers, showing that your Church is not the true Church of Christ, nor you Christ's faithful Ministers; but where or what is the ground of this ignorance that is amongst your hearers? is not the Ministry in a great measure the cause thereof, and doth not the blind lead the blind, and have not you been unjust and unrighteous in taking money and wages of People for teaching of them, and yet they have not received knowledge but continues in ignorance? and as for your prayers and council, the Lord takes no notice thereof till you purge yourselves of your iniquities, and how should you profit the people, and bring them to the knowledge of God, while as yet yourselves are shut up in a cave of darkness as you do confess. Pr. Speaking of your children you say; do not they come into the wo●ld with souls naked as their bodies? nothing but filth upon the one, and nothing but sin upon the other. Answ. It is manifest then that you are unbelievers and have not received the faith of Christ, but are yourselves in an unconverted estate; for the Apostle saith concerning the believers children that they were holy, If you can receive it, you may, but as for the soul that is immortal, for God breathed into man the breath of life, and made man a living soul, and sin came by disobedience, and that separates between man and God, who is pure, and hath all souls in his hand; but as for you who are in a Cave of darkness, the mystery of the soul is from you hidden, but you confess it is by your means that sin is conveyed to your children, yea, take it to yourselves it is your work, and the Lord hath no hand in it, not in sin, nor in making sinners, and it is manifest you are out of the power of God, remaining in iniquity, and are our of the Covenant of reconciliation. Pr. For sending children to us, we shall briefly offer the duty of it in these particulars, we are to feed the Lambs of Christ as well as the sheep they are part of our charge who are to watch over souls. Answ. What are children now the Lambs of Christ, and were they in the last, having nothing but sin upon their souls, being begotten and born in sin? sinners are not the Lambs of Christ, but children of wrath, the Lambs of Christ are such as are regenerated and born again, and as for feeding the Lambs, how can ye do it, who are taking substance to be shadows, and shadows to be substance? the bread of life ye know not which feeds the Lambs and the sheep, but how many sheep and Lambs is found in your flocks? do not they by their fruits the rather appear to be in the nature of of wolves and swine? let their fruits witness against them, and as for your charge, who committed any charge to you? and as for watching over the soul, the soul is immortal, which you watch not for, but for money and hire, and casting People into prison if they will not give it you, and causing the servants of the Lord to be persecuted, these and such like are the fruits of the Priests of England, which if you watched for the soul, It would be otherwise with you, but who can gather grapes on thorns or figs on thistles? Pr. We should be full of affection to ourselves if we desired to work upon our hearers, and our Authority in Preaching is marred by unholy living. Answ. We do believe you, and it is manifest to the whole nation; that your unholy living mars your Preaching; for unholy men have not received commission from the Lord to Preach his word, so you have run and not been sent, and there is no possibility of working upon your hearers by words who gives them so evil examples by your practices, by your unholy lives: and no Authority of God's presence can be in your Preaching to convert sinners, till you repent and come to live holily and like God, and this confession of yours hath shamed you for Christ's Ministers never made such a confession but they witnessed the Authority of God's presence in their Preaching, whereby they wrought upon their hearers, and they answered their Preaching by a holy conversation, and did not mar their Preaching by unholy living as ye confess ye do. Pr. Sad one day will be the account of sleepy watchmen, blind seers, and dumb dogs, that cannot bark to fright the wolves or warn the sheep. Ans. Then look to yourselves, for blind seers are such as doth not convert the People who speak imaginations of their own hearts and not from the mouth of the Lord, and useth their tongues, when the Lord hath not spoken unto them, and Preaching for hire and devining for money, and seeking for gain from their Quarter; and that cries peace to them that puts into their mouths, and prepares war against them which doth not, such are blind seers, sleepy watchmen and dumb dogs, of whom you speak, whose account indeed will be sad one day, and these are the wolves that must be frighted that do put on the sheep's clothing, but inwardly are Raveners and devourers, which went out from the Apostles in the days of John, and which Christ prophesied should come, of whose generation you are, and not of the generation of the sheep, who ever were persecuted, and the Lord is beginning to affright you and to gather his sheep, and this is the Lord fulfilling in his day. Pr. Many Congregations still continue waste none compassionate to tell them of the fire and brimstone from heaven for their sins, how many shot off a few Potguns against their gross sins, and then lick them whole with ill applied promises, but the blood of the People, shall be required at their hands. Answ. Many Congregations are waste, and ten thousands of People are as a wilness untilled or unploughed, or unplanted, in the way of Righteousness, and the guilt of this will be laid upon the Teachers, who have long been teaching and well paid for the work; and yet left whole Congregations waste, but it was not so in the Apostles days, nor among their Churches who were in the faith of Christ Jesus, but when the wolves in sheep's clothing entered, then began Congregations to lie waste, which has continued for many generations, even while the Beast, and the Whore hath ruled over the Nations; all Nations hath laid waste and been void of truth to the Lord, and who is it except yourselves that doth shoot Potguns against their gross sins, and then lick them whole? is it not common to cry Peace to them that puts into your mouths, and to prepare War against them that does not? and is it not common amongst you to apply Justification by Christ to People that are unconverted, and unrenewed, and you apply the promises to that birth that is not heir of the Kingdom? and this is ill applied, and though you may cry against their unholy lives, yet yourselves being unholy, this is but hypocrisy, and sewing Pillows under Armholes; and the blood of People will God require at the hand of such Teachers and such Shepherds. Pr. The most faithful Messengers of Christ will acknowledge they came short of their duty. Answ. They that are faithful messengers of Christ, have the answer, well done thou good and faithful servant; where did Paul, or John, or Peter acknowledge they came short of their duty? hath not thou slandered the servants of the Lord, thinking them to be like yourselves, and falsely accusing them that you may seem Justified who are false messengers and comes in his name, when you have no Commission from him? and you come short of every good work, but thus it is not with Christ's true messengers, for they fulfil his will that sent them: and it is the Lord that worketh in them whose they are, and whose duty they perform by his spirit. Pr. The best of us have stammering tongues in this great work, and often times we do it coldly and by halves, like Pellipher we see but with one eye, like Milkes, hear but with one Ear; like Unicorn push against sin but with one horn, place not good Preaching in large speaking, Judge of a Minister by his brains not lungs, by his heart not throat. Answ. This is confessed to your own shame, who doth your work coldly and by halves: it shows you have not the same spirit that was amongst the Apostles, who were zealous, and faithful in the work of the Lord, and not coldly nor by halves as you do: and they saw with their eyes and heard with their ears, and their hearts God had opened, and they were a terror to all unrighteousness where ever it appeared: and the way to Judge of a true Minister is not by his brains, nor Lungs, nor throat, but whether he hath received the Holy Ghost, and whether they have the same spirit that was amongst the Apostles, and whether the presence of the Lord be with them, and effects his own work thorough them? these are the signs of Christ Ministers to Judge them by, so you have miss the true Character to Judge justly, and your Judgement is false, and it shows you are not guided by the infallible Spirit of God. Pr. We must attend to the words of the Minister though himself be fruitless; in which sense we may be said to gather grapes on thorns and figs on thistles, unsanctified Ministers may possibly convert and comfort sinners: though our candle be in a dark Lantern, and the Saints know not what God is a doing. Answ. Christ said either make the tree good, and his fruit good, or the tree nought and his fruit nought, and none can gather grapes on thorns or figs on thistles, but you say the contrary and are pleading for fruitless Ministers that they should be attended to, but the Apostle exhorted to turn from them that had the form of godliness but not the power, and judge in your own selves how your words agrees with Christ's and the Apostles, they appear to be quite contrary; And unsanctified men, are not Christ's Ministers, nor Christ ever sent unsanctified Persons, and they that run and were not sent, should not profit, nor did not profit the People at all, could neither comfort Saints nor convert sinners: but you are pleading for unsanctified Ministers and for sinful Ministers, and saith that People should not despise their Doctrine; Yea, the Doctrine and words of unbelievers are despised and rejected by the Saints, and though thou say Scripture is Scripture though uttered by Satan, yet I say Scripture in the mouth of Satan is temptation and not edification; and it is true your hearts are dark, and minds are dark even as a dark Lantern, we do believe it, and the light in you shines in darkness, and is held in the dark Lantern, and no light in you appears unto the dark world; but unholy lives and unsanctified spirits, and you know not what God is a doing who are unbelievers, but the Saints hath the mind of Christ and knows what God is a doing; for his spirit dwells in them, but you have shut out your selves that you are ignorant of God and what he is doing, but Christ's Ministers their light shines among men, and their good works are seen, but you have showed your folly and ignorance to all the world. Pr. But what if some what in the lives of Ministers, contradict the word they preach; disorderly teachers are pretty well purged out, if any continue, it is the fault of them that do not bring their wickedness to light, that such may be rooted out, who make the offering to be abhorred, the sins of the teachers being teachers sins. Ans. The true Ministers of Christ, their conversations were in heaven, and their good works and holy lives were agreeable to the word they preached on; but disorderly teachers are not purged out; to preach for hire, is a disorder, and to cause people to be put into prison, and to be persecuted, and to be whipped, and to have their goods spoiled, these are disorderly practices, and such are disorderly teachers, many of which there is yet unpurged out, but now the Lord God is arisen to try and to purge, and to bring wickedness to light, and to condemn the sins of teachers, and teachers for their sins, and such shall be rooted out, whose offering is abhorred of the Lord, because iniquity lodges in their hearts, and their lives are unsanctified contradicting in their practices, what they preach in words, such are hypocrites whom God will judge, and the Lord will utterly root you out in his season, you that are disorderly, and out of the order of the true Church of Christ. Pr. We do not thunder in our Pulpits, nor lighten in our conversations as we might, our thunderings are no more heard by glorifying Christ then their Halilujahs are by us. Ans. You want the word of the Lord which is terrible, it is not in your mouths, but the words of your own imaginations, and your words answer not to the witness of God in the people's consciences, but you are like the dreamers the Apostle speaks of, whose conversations are bad examples to all that look upon you, your unholy lives gives an ill savour, and doth not enlighten any man in the way of truth; and Saints, that are glorified doth deny you, and hears you not, excepting to give their witness against you, neither do you know what the Saints hallelujahs are, who rejoiceth over the whore that hath made all nations drunk, but of these things are you ignorant, and you are shut out from the assembly of them that can sing hallelujah to God and the Lamb for evermore. Pr. It is treason to undertake an Embassage without commission, I sent them not, yet they run saith the Lord, not knowing why, nor whether, they can tell no tidings for climbing on high with the Ape, they do but show their own deformity. Ans. There is none more guilty than yourselves of this treason, and out of your own mouths will the Lord judge you, where is your commission, and what is it? any other except such as the Pope gave to his ministers? having your degrees in your schools and attaining from one art and office to another, till at last you profess to be attained to the ministry, but this is not God's way of Commissionating, but antichrists way, and the Lord God is risen who will confound it, for the Lord hath not spoken to you, neither hath he revealed his glory to you, you have neither seen his shape nor heard his voice, neither is the tidings you bring effectual to convert sinners, for you are climbed up another way, and enters not in at the door, and the Ape is truly your figure for your deformity appears to the saints, and all the children of light does see you and your original which came up in the falling away of the true Churches, when anti-christ took the Throne, and the man of sin got up into the temple, which for many generations amongst you hath shown himself to be God, and hath been worshipped as God. Pr. The complices of Corah, Dathan, and Abiram, who usurps the Priest's office were destroyed, a warning-piece for such as usurp the ministerial function uncalled, and unordained, let them take heed, when they presume to vent their illiterate, rude incoherence, and blasphemous stuff. Ans. This belongs to yourselves, ye men of unholy lives, who hath usurped to the ministry uncalled and unordained of the Lord, & by his spirit, and you may take warning at Chorahs' destruction whom the Lord shall as surely destroy with the fire of his jealousy, for while the beast hath had power over nations, and the whore made Nations drunk, all this time hath your authority been exalted, by which you have been set up and your ministers without the life that the true ministers were in, and without that call and ordination which they had, for you are of man and by man and your effects not the work of the true ministry of Christ, but are left desolate, and are desolate of the presence of God, being yourselves unlearned in the doctrine of Christ, venting your imaginations, out of the truth, and out of the power of God, and there stands your ministry. Pr. Unsanctified ministers may possibly convert to God. Ans. No, he that is unsanctified is out of the power of God, and the word of God abides not in him, and he runs and is not sent, and it is not possible that such can convert sinners, who are themselves unconverted from their iniquities. Pr. That some learned Christians have been able to squees the greatest mysteries of our Religion out of the writings of some Heathens. Ans. This is the sum of your principles you 15. Priests, and here is the sum of your ignorance and wretchedness discovered, and the vanity of your Religion, whose foundation is the writings of heathens, and the heathens that knew not God, out of their writings is your religion made up as you confess, this is the whore's Religion that sits upon the beast, that the world hath long wondered after, and not the true religion which the Apostles and true Churches were in, and they are no Christians, no Saints, nor true Christians that goes to the writings of Heathens to squees out mysteries, they that do so, are the Christians in the Apostasy who are fall'n from the life of righteousness, such as you and thousands are at this day being without the spirit, and without Christ, therefore you run to the Heathen for knowledge and shames true Christianity, and true Christians, in reputing the heathen wiser than yourselves, who are feign to run to their writings to make up your mysteries, and such is your religion, deceit and vanity, and the mystery thereof studied for out of the heathens writings, this is Christianity in the Apostasy; and the Religion apostatised from the life of true Christianity, for the true Christian Religion, the foundation thereof is Christ, who is the mystery of God, and of life, and salvation, and the mysteries of our true Christian Religion which we live in, that are come out of the Apostasy, are revealed to us by the spirit of the father that dwells in us, & is in all that are in the true Christian Religion, who denies the Heathens and your Apostatised Christians, and are come into the mysteries of eternal salvation, which is not squeezed by imaginations of men, but revealed by the spirit of God, the great mystery Christ in us, and the mystery of the Kingdom, all this is made manifest to us, and to true Christians whose Religion stands in the power of God, and not in the tradition of men, nor fetched from the Heathens writings, and this Religion will stand for ever, but your Religion and mynistries, and Church will the Lord confound, the author of whom is the heathens writings, and how then shall it stand, it is out of the bottomless pit, and ariseth out of that; your Religion and mysteries, and thither shall it be turned into the pit that hath no bottom; oh how have you blind leaders led the blind, that have been professing to teach Christ this many years, and faith in him? and have you taken so much money of the Nations? and do you now tell us that the greatest mysteries of your Religion are squeezed out of the heathens writings? oh ye unrighteous men, blind leaders, the Lord God Almighty is now risen, and the Nations can no longer be satisfied with this Religion, but the Lord is a gathering out of your mouths, and you must howl and lament, all the Idols dumb shepherds, and they shall be confounded, and the souls delivered, of which they have made a prey, for the souls of men have been the merchandise of Babylon's merchants, they have bought and sold the souls of men, they have blinded the eye of it and trodden it down, and the immortal soul hath not been respected otherwise then to make merchandise thereof to get gain thereby, there has been many traffickers since the days of the Apostles, that have made merchandizes of souls, but the judgement of the great Whore is come, and of Babylon the Mother of Harlots, and the Lord God and the Lamb will plead against her, and the jaws of the wicked shall be broken, and their hearts shall utterly fail in the midst of them, and the Lord will reveal his righteousness from heaven, and by his judgements shall he be known in the earth a mighty God and a dreadful, and his dread and terror shall take hold upon your consciences, come down and sit in the dust, for the Lords controversy is against you; he will bruise you with an Iron rod, he'll break you: as a potter's vessel, and his hand ye shall not escape, for ye are but like Briers and thorns in battle before him, and like the stubble in which the fire is kindled, and you will be as the dross in time of purging, and at reprobate silver, the Lord God hath said it. W. S. His Book called, A Parson's guide concerning of Tithes, and the Law of Tithes. Pr. ANd he saith be supposes, That taking away Tithes from Ministers, but not taking away Tithes from other men, etc. Answ. The Law, that hath set up Tithes, since the days of the Apostles, as hath the Pope, the false Church, the Whore, which the true Church set up none, among the Apostles, and so they must be taken away from men as well as Ministers both, for they have been set up by the Pope's Law, and not by the Law of God, since the days of the Apostles, but by the false Church, the Whore, set up their tenths, and keeps People in the ninthes of the earth, withal their images, for the true Priesthood that took Tithes, where was the store-house, and all the figures and Types and shadows, and took the tenths of the earth, where was a store-house, for all Widows and strangers to come and fatherless, and be filled within their gates? but there is no such thing among the Pope's Church, not in Christendom, no such store-house for Widows and strangers and fatherless, but the Widows and strangers and fatherless begs up and down at the Mass-houses doors, who sets up all his lying signs and wonders, who hath Tithes in the earth, that takes tenths and keeps People in the ninthes of the earth, but God hath discovered them, and the false Church that set them up, and their Law since the true Church went into the wilderness, and the Apostles that Preached Christ, which witnessed the seed of God, which ended all the figures and Types and shadows, and the tenths and ninthes, and Priesthood, and all Types, and figures, and shadows and bowings; brought to the beginning to know the Election before the world was made, and so they witnessed Redemption, and brings up out of the earth, into the everlasting Priesthood, and Covenant out of the ninthes as well as tenths, all offered up to God, for signs was since the fall given to man, and Tithes since man was driven into the earth: so man who comes to Christ the Church, comes out of the earth to the beginning to reign upon the earth, and so the Papists are them which lead the People into the earth, with all their earthly Images set up by the earthly, such as went forth from the Apostles which hath set up Tyths since the Apostles and bring People quite into the earth with all their earthly Images; and the Apostle brought them up out of the earth, and the Redemption out of Types figures and shadows, and out of Tithes to the Election before the worl● was made, and so into the everlasting Priesthood, now the false Prophet, Beast and Antichrist, great Whore, this woman, false Church which went forth from the Apostles, brings People into the earth, from the life and Election both, that none there is assured of it, but brings them into Images, and into lying signs and wonders, and into ninthes and tenths, and there doth Nations stick in the earth, out of the Image of God, and this hath been set up by the Beast, Dragon, Whore, false Prophets who had the sheep's clothing, out of the sheep's life, and now with that seen, and with that judged. Pr. And thou sayest, Tithes by our Law were counted an Ecclesiastical inheritance, oblation, obvention, offerings, this was called mere spiritual as were offered to God and Holy Church. Ans. Here thou hast drunken the whore's cup, since the Church went into the wilderness, and do men hold their estates by the Ecclesiastical Laws, and ecclesiastical inheritance? indeed a Popish superstitious inheritance, and so you may see from whence your inheritance comes now, and who hath given it you, which the Church of Christ never required any such thing, but set up since the days of the Apostles hath these things been, your oblations, obventions, offerings, and this hath been your C oer, to say they were offered to God and holy Church, and thou sayest, Tithes the tenth part hath been given by the Law, to the Ministers of the Gospel. By the Ecclesiastical it hath been given to Clerks and Vicars, and parsons, and his Curates, by his Ecclesiastcal Laws, and thou sayest our Laymen by the Common Law could not have had their inheritance descendable and grantable of Tithe as of other temporal possessions, neither will they pass by the same words in grant, as other temtemporall possessions will do. Then men do not hold their temporal possessions by the Ecclesiastical Laws; but by that which you call your, common Law, so all these Laws since the days of the Apostle, the Pope, the whore, the false Church was the author of, got up since the days of the Apostles, set up by them that went forth from the Apostles into the earth, and there keeps people in the lying signs and wonders in the earth, under the false Prophets, and must give them their Tenths, and put into their mouths, and they live in the ninthes, though they have no storehouses for widows, Fatherless, and strangers, and this is done by the corruptible mystery Babylon, got up since the days of the Apostles, and their Church, by us she is judged, and all their Ecclesiastical Laws and Government, with them that be in the Law of Christ, and the Law of life, and the Church book, and his power, that witness the judgement of the great whore is come, and the Lamb and the Saints have victory, who are come into the power that the Apostles were in, and these witnessed the marriage of the Lamb, Christ Jesus, in whom there is no shadow of his turning, him by whom the world was made before it was made, who was glorified with the Father before the world began, who ends the first Priesthood, and his Tithes and store-house, and redeems men out of the earth, up to God, from whence they have been drawn, to know the word of life, which was in the beginning, by which all things was made, and who be in it, be in the life, and the word of wisdom by which all things were made, and created with which wisdom they know how to use all things again, to the glory of him that created them, and in this men glorify God, in their bodies, ●oule, and spirit, which is the Lords, amongst whom the blessing of God is felt, who in his kingdom reigns, and the life and power of God dwells. Thomas Hodges' Bachelor of Divinity, Rector of Soldren in Oxford-shire, his principle in a book called A Scripture Catechism, as followeth, where he goes about to confute Errors, who confuts himself among them. Pr. THou sayest, What Godly heart without sorrow should see Christ's witnesses prophesy in sackcloth? Ans. In stead of your sorrowing, you are them that kills them, and persecutes them, and prisons them, as many have prophesied in sackcloth, and ashes on their heads in this Nation amongst you the false Church, in sheep's clothing, since the woman went into the wilderness; so instead of sorrowing, you persecute, and so consutes thyself, and thou art finding fault with the Papists and Bishops of Rome, and speaking of their Errors, and found in them, did not they set up the Tithes and the Masse-houses, and the Colleges where thou wast made a Minister, and give you the names of Rectors and Curates, and your means to your Colleges, and old Masse-houses? art not thou found in them and among them, their errors, false Church, great whore, since the true Church went into the wilderness, among them that drinks the blood of the Saints, with sheep's clothing, having not the spirit, as the sheep had, nor in the nature, so in the Error? Pr. Thou sayest, The Scripture speaks of God after the manner of men. Ans. The Scripture speaks of God after the manner of the Spirit, and to the spirit, whereby men might receive him, and know him by the spirit, which natural men cannot. Pr. Thou Queries to know, whether the Holy Ghost be a distinct person, and the worship of God in three persons. Ans. Art thou going about to confute the Papists errors, and hold them up, and justifying of them which the scripture doth not, Mat. 28. but the Papists common prayer book, and old Cannon book speaks of three persons, but the scripture speaks of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and thou speakest of Christ, but yet are not come to the Light which Christ hath enlightened every man which comes into the world withal, and thou speakest of Adam's being the Image of God, and yet art not come to Adam's state as he was in the beginning, so therefore knows not redemption, and knows not predestination, nor election, but found in Adam's state in the fall and reprobation, thou speakest of Ordinances, and yet art a transgressor of the commands of Christ, who art called of men Master, and an imitator of the Pharisees doctrines; thou speakest of the Church, but art found one of those that are dressed with the whores rags, since the true Church went into the wilderness; thou speakest of the Magistrates, yet not in the higher power, which goes over all sin and transgression, which answers the transgressed in every man upon the earth; thou speakest of Dogs, and evil workers, seducers and Heretics, who are doing their work, as your Goals and prisons may witness in the Nation and whole Christendom, the fruits of Dogs and evil workers, and seducers, and heretics, which was not Christ's work nor the Apostles; Thou speaks of the Common wealth, but yet art out of that which is the general good to all men, Christ the light of the world, who is the saving health, all power in heaven and Earth is given to him, in whom men have wisdom, by which all things was made and created, to order the things by the wisdom by which they were created; thou speaks of Soldiers, and yet art not come to john, a man sent from God, but art one from the Colleges, the Papists houses since the Church went into the wilderness, and men made by the will of man, who have been set up by the dragon's power, so art not come to the Light that john came to bear witness to, that did enlighten every man that comes into the world, so art short of rectifying soldiery, who stops up the eye by which they should see; thou speakest of the error of the Quakers, who art found in the error thyself, not come to see that which must be shaken, before that do appear which cannot be shaken, nor come to the trembling of the Devils, not knowing the strong man bow himself that hath kept the house, who is at peace, who is the author and ground of the error, and not he that is stronger than he that kept the house, made the Devil tremble & shake the Earth where he hath had his foundation, yea and the heavens also; thou also speakest of the first birth, whose habitation is in the earth, and propriey there, who made me a divider of men's inheritances, me who am the end of the Law? for the Law is just among you to divide to every man his right, but I who am the end of the Law, redeems you from under the Law, and out of the earth, but you who are found in this first birth in the earth, have set up your tenths, and keeps people in the ninths, your greediness of it your presence declares, thou speaks of mine & thine in collections, so self you are found in, and your coldness incollections, the blind and lame, Fatherless and widows, the streets in London declares you, and the countries abroad, yet you are all Christians and baptised, and you wear rings and scaries, and points, and others crying for bread, thou speakest of buying and selling, etc. who art arming thyself to hold up the honour of the beast, which was simple words spoken, and as for your buying and selling the fruits of the great whore hath declared itself, made merchandise of souls, and all other things, out of the Law of equity, which who acts in, acts in the will of God; thou speakest of good morrow, and good evening, and would blind the world, though thou broughst scripture for it, and makes them believe it is the Quakers error to say the contrary; the morning is good, and the evening is good, and all is good that God created and made, as it was in the beginning, but by transgression they come to be vile and evil, going out of the truth, as things were created; and standing, in the truth are all blessed; thou speakest of giving of thanks, and craving a blessing, and yet you say you must have a body of sin whilst you be upon earth, so your thanks and your blessings, is from the unclean lips, in the mouth that blesses and curses, and so proceeds from the bad fountain; thou speakest of Christian Magistrates, and higher powers, and thou speakest of saluting and honouring, and bowing down before men, who art not come to Christ the power of God, who hath all power in heaven and earth given to him, being not come to the light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, and hath all power, who subjects all Magistrates to himself, who doth enlighten them to see him, and you are not come to the Angel's state, that said to john, see that he did not bow to the Angel, but worship God, john who saw all the World worshipping the beast; in the old time they had bowed to the Angel, but Christ is come to whom the Angels must bow, and who is in him, hath life and worship, and that is honourable which is in the truth, for who honours God, God will them honour, but honour to a fool is not seemly, but like snow in summer, and thou speaks of Christ's Freemen, and thy choosing it rather then to serve Idolatrous Masters, and these Freemen that have chosen their freedom, and cannot serve you, Idalaters, who are spiritual Egypt, to work in the earth for you, to make you brick to set up your building, you persecute them as Idolaters, you Imprison, who have the form of godliness and denies the power; who will talk of the words but deny the freedom, thou speakest of, one sitting and an other standing to serve at meat, and put yonr selves among the Pharisees, and doth not Christ serve the children at the table who is the Master? but in the world there is the Lordship and exercising authority, and doth not know their own brethren; as Paul to Philmon, but Masters and servants as the Scriptures declares is owned; thou speaks of cain's and Abel's offerings, you who are the persecuters and slayers, and prisoners of the just, offerers up of the Earth, and are the City got up since the true woman went into the wilderness, but the City of the living God is known again, and you are judged, and your false Church. Thou speakest of salutations and saluting enemies, how do you salute those that you imprison till death for your Tithes? what a salutation is that? and cause them to be whipped and imprisoned for speaking to you, this is like Judas salutation to Christ when he betrayed him, and not the salutation of the saints. Thou speaks of calling days by other names, than the first, second etc. yes you and your mother the Papists Church, and the heathens, contrary to the Jews, and true Apostles and true Christians, call them Moonsday and Sunsday and Friday after the name of the great Idol in England, and Wednesday and Saturnsday, and this is contrary to the scripture and the form of sound words, and contrary to the Law of God, which Judges the heathen, and every day is the Lords; and many names you give to your Months, which the heathen is fain teach you, thou speaks of Interpreting the word, and giving sense and meanings, and thus with your Interpretations, and senses and meanings, you have brought whole Christendom in heaps, your fruits declare it to be out of the Scriptures, to be out of the Spirit that gave it forth, so your own spirits give the meaning in which lodges the Envy, and serve your own bellies, but it is the spirit that leads into all truth and not you; thou speakest of singular and plural, as though thou neither knew Scripture nor accidence thou speakest of the Ministers going without gold and silver, brass, or purse or scrip, etc. yet you will not go without augmentations, tithes and gleab-lands, amongst them you call brethren, your baptised People, and thou speakest of taking a purse, and scrip and sword, and selling his garment to buy one, Christ did so to fulfil the Law, and bids them put it up again, and said it was enough, who ends it, so are out of the faith and patience of the Saints; thou speakest of good men, and calling them good; yes, I say such as be full of the Holy Ghost and of faith; but wicked men, wolves and beasts would have this title, persecutors, warriors and devourers, in sheep's clothing, therefore is that angry which is exalted above all that is called God, who sits in the Temple of God, that man of sin in you all, who cannot have that given to him which is given to God, by them that is in the deserning; Thou goest about to prove the word Landlord, and would thrust that in the Scripture which the Scripture speaks no such word; but the Law of righteousness which comes from God, which is equal and just, and the Prophets, to do as you would be done by; thou art speaking of the Angels that said, nay, they would tarry all night in the street, and yet went in, the Angels are servants, and their time is not come, and they may say nay, and yet after see their time they must go in, thou speakest of perfect, and yet in your Doctrine say, none shall be perfect while they are upon the earth, and hath denied the work of the Ministry, so Profits People not at all, and thou sayest who can understand the error of his ways, and that which thou dost thou allowest not, and sin remains in a man, than there the Devil hath a habitation, and there is death; but he that believes is passed from death, and so from the sin, and that which gives a man to understand his error, turns him from his sin; such as comes to know the anointing within them, that teaches them that continues in the Son of God, and in the Father, these knows all things, but such as be in the transgression, not denying themselves, know not the error of their ways, as you may see yourselves what you have run into, whose fruits are come to Public view. Pr. Thou speaks of Christ speaking in the Synagogue, and false Christ's, and false teachers in corners and chambers and Ministers must prove by Scripture, for with that they convince the Jews. Ans. Christ went into the Synagogues, and the Apostles to show the fulfilling, and he who was come to fulfil that which they had in the Synagogues, and the Apostles shown them out of the Prophets and the Law that Jesus was the Christ, and the Apostle was not a false Christ nor a false Teacher, who Preached in his own hired house, nor the Saints that met in several houses, which were come off of the Jews and Synagogue, but they are the false Teachers and false Christ's that deny the light that doth enlighten every man that is come into the world, which Christ hath enlightened them withal, and they are them that draw People into corners, and Chambers and deserts, and say lo Christ is here, lo Christ is there, that are gone and ravened from the light in their own selves that Christ hath enlightened them withal, and such are the corrupt trees that cumbers the earth, whose fruits hath sufficiently declared themselves, who are to be thrown down into the fire, who will be condemned with the light which they have ravened from, in their own particulars, and to you that is the word of the Lord, in the day of thy visitation the witness in thy conscience shall answer it; and as for all the rest of thy stuff, to the Papists, who would make People believe thou wast not found among them, and their errors in this book, first come out of the Papists work, before thou find fault with them and cry against them, art not thou one of them that kills and takes possession? but the time is come you are all comprehended, you and the Papists found in one bond, one cord, one City against the elect, but he is over you all set, and the Judgement of the great whore is come, which is got up since the true women fled into the wilderness, and the man-child caught up to God, but now is the man child come again to rule the Nations with a rod of Iron, and the Lamb, the bride, the Lamb's wife is known, and the mystery of iniquity is discovered, and the mystery of godliness is revealed, and the Saints shall have victory, the beast and the false Prophet shall be taken, and cast alive into the lake of fire, and the old Dragon; and the everlasting Gospel shall be Preached to them that dwell upon the earth, to all Nations, and kindreds and tongues, which is the power of God, which brings People into unity with God and Scriptures, and the mystery of God is revealed, and the mystery of iniquity discovered, and he that was dead is alive again, and lives for ever more. SEVERAL SCRIPTURES Corrupted by the TRANSLATORS. Judas 14. BEhold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his Saints, in the Greek it is, in ten thousands, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Heb. 1.3. Express image of his person, gr. Substance, or Subsistence, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Heb. 2.16. He took not on him the nature of Angels, in the Greek, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, which is by true interpretation, he doth not take hold of Angels; as for the word Nature, which is in our English Copies, there is nothing for it in the Greek. Mat. 3.11. In Beza his Latin Testament, and our English Copies, it is rendered, I indeed baptise you with water, and from the word with water, is the act of Sprinkling pleaded for, in the Greek it is, I dip, plunge, or baptise you in water, in it, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Col. 1.23. In the Latin and English Copies 'tis thus, which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; in the Greek it is, in every creature, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Luke 16.15. In the Latin and English Copies it is, that which is highly esteemed among men, in the Greek it is in men, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. 1 Cor. 15.31. In our English Copies it is, I protest by your rejoicing, etc. Now I protest is added, for there is nothing for it in the Greek, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. 1 Cor. 2.6. We speak wisdom among them that are perfect, in the Greek it is, in them that are perfect, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Rom. 8.29. In the English and Latin Copies it is, that he might be the Firstborn among many Brethren, in the Greek it is, in many Brethren, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Mat. 28.19. In the English and Latin Copies it is, baptising them in the name, in the Greek it is, into the name, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Mat. 6.7. In the English Copies it is, for they think they shall be heard, for their much speaking, in the Greek it is, in their much speaking, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. 1 Tim. 3.16. In our English and Latin Copies it is, great is the mystery of Godliness, God was manifest in flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of Angels, preached unto the Gentiles, in the Greek it is, preached in the Gentiles, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Rom. 11.2. In the Latin and English Copies it is, wots ye not what the Scripture saith of Elias, but in the Greek it is, in Elias, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Heb. 1.1. God, etc. spoke to the Fathers, by the Prophets, in the Greek it is, God spoke to the Fathers in the Prophets, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Hath in the last days spoken unto us, by his Son, in the Greek it is, hath spoken unto us, in his Son, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Rom. 15.6. That you may with one mind, and one mouth glorify God, in the Greek it is in one mouth, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Rom. 1.19. In the Greek, Latin, and English Copies it is, (speaking of the Gentiles) that which is known of God, is manifest in them, or made known in them, though some dare say, and do say, among them. Amos 3.6. Shall there be evil in a City, and the Lord hath not done it? this is the English Translation; in the Hebrew it is, shall there be evil in 〈◊〉 ●●y, and shall not the Lord do somewhat? Heb. 5. last. Strong meat belongeth to them that 〈◊〉 full of age: in the Greek it is, Strong meat belongeth to them that are perfect, 〈…〉 john 8.6. In our English Copies it is, Jesus s●oo●ed down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not, as for the words, (as though he heard them not) they are added by the Translators, for there is nothing in the Greek for them, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. john 1.14. The word became flesh, and dwelled amongst us, in the Greek it is, in us, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉: By true interpretation it is, the Word became flesh, and pitched his Tent in us. Heb. 10.20. In the English Copies it is, by a new and living way, in the Greek it is, of late slain, and living way, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 properly signifies, recens mactatus, lately, or of late slain, saith Leigh and Pasor, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. IF any one want Light, let him look upon the Law and the testimony whether they speak after this meaning; If he do not this, he stumbles and suffers hunger, and if he suffer hunger, he is not patiented, but blasphemeth his King and his God, then looketh he upward and downward to the earth, and behold there is trouble and darkness, vexation is round about him, and the cloud of error, and out of such adversity shall he not escape, even like as in time past it hath been seen well this is the old Translation, Isai. 8. New Translation thus. To the Law and to the Testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them; and they shall pass through it hardly bestead and hungry, and it shall come to pass that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their King and their God, and look upward, and they shall look unto the earth, and behold trouble and darkness, and dimness of anguish, and they shall be driven to darkness, Isai. 8.20.21, 22. Old Translation, Prov. 23. when thou sittest at the Table with a Lord, order thyself mannerly with the things set before thee; measure thine Appetite, and if thou wilt rule thy own self, be not over greedy of his meat, for meat beguiles and deceives. New Translation thus: When thou sittest to eat with a Ruler, consider diligently what is before thee, and put a knife to thy throat if thou be a man given to Appetite; Be not desirous of his dainties, for they are deceitful meat, Prov. 23.1, 2 3. Old Translation, Amos 3. Cry they out Alarm with the Trumpet in the City and the people not afraid? cometh there any plague in a City without it be the Lords doing? New Translation thus: shall a Trumpet be blown in the City, and the People not be afraid? shall there be evil in a City, and the Lord hath not done it? Hosea 5.6. In the first Chapter of the Heb. 3. in the new Translation it is said, who being the brightness of his glory, and the express Image of his Person. But in the old Translation it Reads thus: being the brightness of his glory, and the very Image of his substance. The 2 Cor. 2. Chapter the last verse, in the English it is, we do not corrupt the word, but in the Latin it is, we do not sell the word for money.