AN ACT FOR The better advancement of the Gospel and Learning in IRELAND. FOr the Encouragement and increase of Learning, and the true Knowledge and Worship of God, and the advancement of the Protestant Religion in Ireland, Be it Enacted by the Parliament of England, and by the authority thereof, That all Honours, Castles, Lordships, Manors, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Revenues, Rents and Profits, which did heretofore belong unto the late Archbishop of Dublin, and which did belong unto the late Dean, Dean and Chapter of St. Patrick in Ireland, or to either or any of them; and the Farm of Ardbrackan, with the Parsonage of Trim, belonging to the Bishopric of Meath in Ireland, shall be, and are hereby settled, established and vested in and upon Henry Ireton, Precedent of the Province of Munster in Ireland, William Basile Esq Attorney General in Ireland for the State, Col: Robert Venables, Sir Robert King Knight, Col: Henry Cromwell, John Cook Esq Doctor Henry Jones, Doctor Jonathan Goddard, Col: Hierome Sanky, Doctor John Harding, James Whitelock Esq John Owen Clerk, Robert Stapleton, Gent. Jenkin Lloyd, and Ralph Cudworth Clerk; To hold to them the said Henry Ireton, William Basile, Robert Venables, Sir Robert King, Henry Cromwell, John Cook, Henry Jones, Jonathan Goddard, Hierome Sanky, John Harding, James Whitelock, John Owen, Robert Stapleton, Jenkin Lloyd, and Ralph Cudworth, their Heirs and Assigns for ever, in trust to and for such uses, intents and purposes, for the settling and maintenance of the College now in or near the City of Dublin, commonly called, Trinity College, and of a Master, Fellows, Scholars and Officers there; and for the erecting, settling and maintenance of one other College in the said City of Dublin, and of a Master, Fellows, Scholars and Officers therein, and of public Professors in the University there; and also for the erecting, establishing and maintenance of a Free-school, and of a Master, Ushers, Scholars and Officers there, in such manner, as by the said trusties or any five or more of them, by and with the consent and approbation of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, signified under his Hand and Seal, shall be from time to time directed and appointed: And the said Lord Lieutenant of Ireland is hereby Authorized and Appointed, by Warrant in writing under his Hand and Seal, from time to time to place in the said University, Colleges and Free-schools respectively, such persons to be Governors, Masters, Public Professors, Fellows, Scholars and Officers; and to appoint unto them and every of them, such yearly Allowances, Stipends or Salaries out of the premises during their respective lives, or for such lesser time as he in his judgement shall think fit; and likewise to remove and displace such of them as he at any time shall hold expedient; and also by like Warrant in writing under his Hand and Seal, to cause such Conveyances, Grants, and Assignations of the premises or any part of them, to be made by the said trusties or any five or more of them, unto such person or persons as the said Lord Lieutenant by such Warrant as aforesaid shall from time to time direct and appoint. And the said trusties, or any five or more of them, are hereby authorized and appointed to make such Conveyances, Grants and Assignation of the premises, or any part thereof, as they shall be from time to time directed by the said Lord Lieutenant as aforesaid: And all such Grants, Conveyances and Assignments as shall be made by the said trusties as aforesaid, shall be good and effectual in the Law. And the said trusties, or any five or more of them, by and with the consent and approbation of the said Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, signified by writing under his Hand and Seal, are hereby authorized and appointed to consider of, and to put in writing such Rules, Directions, Statutes, Ordinances and Instructions, as they in their judgements shall think fit, for the erecting, settling, maintaining and Government of the said University, Colleges and Free-School, and of the Masters, Publique-Professors, Fellows, Scholars and Officers there, and to be in them and every of them; and the same to send over in writing to the Parliament of England, there to receive such alterations, addition or confirmation, as by the said Parliament of England shall be thought fit. And in the mean time, and until such alterations, additions or confirmation shall be made by the Parliament of England; the said Lord Lieutenant of Ireland is hereby authorized and appointed, by Warrant in writing under his Hand and Seal, to put in execution all or any of the Rules, Directions, Statutes, Ordinances and Instructions, as shall be so agreed upon and put in writing as aforesaid; and the same shall be good and effectual to the intents and purposes aforesaid, until other order for the alteration, addition or confirmation of them or any of them, shall be given by the Parliament of England as aforesaid. Provided always, That this Act shall not extend to take away the Right, Estate or Interest of any person or persons whatsoever, other then of the said late Archbishop, Bishop of Meath, and of the said Dean, Dean and Chapter; and of any that have been in Arms against the Parliament of England, or voluntarily assisted or adhered to the Enemies thereof; and other than such who claim by any Lease, Grant or Conveyance from the said late Archbishop, Bishop of Meath, or from the said Dean, Dean and Chapter, and from any that have been against the Parliament, such Grant, Lease or Conveyance having been made since the First day of October, in the year of our Lord God, One thousand six hundred forty and one. Die Veneris, 8. Martii, 1649. ORdered by the Parliament, That this Act be forthwith Printed and Published. Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti. London, Printed by Edward Husband and John Field, Printers to the Parliament of England, 1649.