ANd without proving what we say, but as saying and doing, which are two, like to a cipher alone: and of more concernment these three witnesses in earth, then supposed, what power endued with, whereof as ensues in relation to the three in the high Court of Heaven (Joh. &c.) they styled judges of the Earth (to wit) the grave and prudent Barons of Exchequer; Et hi tres unum, &c. Mr. Baron Trevare, the Ancient of days in his likeness, His voice gone out into all Lands, &c. Psal. 19 The second like the Son of man, the azure clouds mixed his Foot-Carpet; The third answerable to the holy Ghosts slow operation, Miracles and prophecy for a time ceased, or like that saying of theirs, Have not so much as heard whether any holy Ghost, &c. committed to whose ministry the Mystery of Times and Seasons, by all the world slighted or derided, &c. several days before whom this troublesome trial appearing, of no mean consequence, the Manor and Rectory of Pyreton, by what means and indirect courses taken, thereto the King entitled, by juggling Projectors plots, an old Outlawry revived, caused hereby to stretch itself out by their breathing into it, &c. to overthrow a lawful Purchase and jointure, after enjoyed so many years, waiting their opportunity, the widow's Estate to cut it off, by such trivial encumbrances sifted forth: the very Image of the Beast, Revel. 13. with the Great-Seal faced forth, only paying His Majesty about a Mark yearly such a costly purchase therein by his own officer born out, his Solicitor General. Not unlike that dispute about Moses body, between the Archangel and the other (the Tempter) reported by Jude, this Law point debated so often in open Court, by the advantage taken of her imprisonment, that got into possession: So passing from this to the judges their charge for repairing this no slender breach, appointed to stand in the gap, to take off the Lord's heavy hand from him, namely the King, by conjuring this Spirit down, raised up in his Name, a lie in Samuel's likeness: And how came to pass, for the sin against the holy Ghost committed, showing also forgiven neither in this world nor the other; witness the Archbishop, taking prophecy for no other than madness, gone to his proper place from Towerhil: and yet delivered not groaning so long in travel the Kingdoms three, such distraction under witness in Ecclesiastical and Civil affairs both. As not unknown to himself these, of her coming unto him without manifestation not of a Commission in that case armour of proof, to give him a taste or warning of his judgement at hand, the hand writing (Dan. 5.) served on him in his gallery, was immediately by a reference answered under his hand bearing date, 1633 Octob. &c. Whitehal, committed for that cause the space of two years a close prisoner in the gatehouse, even Octob. 23. when brought first thither, honoured with the same very day of Ireland's Massacre, Octob. 23. and of Keynton-fight, &c. stripped of all ever since, a cup whereof himself since hath drunk the dregs. This is the business that sleeps not. Howsoever he fallen asleep, like them bidden to sleep on, &c. she though then, and since armed with no few sad tokens of that kind come to pass on others no obscure ones; witness the Duke's fatal month of August foretold. With this for another observation, her jointure the Manor of Englefield whilst she in the Gatehouse, bought by the marquess of Winchester, how his of Basing, such an Example not the like, unlucky Babel Towers, toward the increase of widows and fatherless, made to kiss the ground. And impeaced of treason in this kind; no light thing; about their neck a meeter ornament what weight not unknown; then S. George a horseback. Yet for making atonement in that case for such his majesty's folly, like as when Jobs captivity said to return, was appointed to pray for his three friends: So on the other side, the aforesaid judges three to make his peace, to turn his captivity away, fallen so low as hard to judge, whether exposed to the dunghill, or the dungeons Slavery the greater or better Estate, unhapily by his own seeking happened. Nor his Name wiped out of this Record, once a good Confession made, afterward makes as bad an end, opening the very YATES of Hell, like Balaam, loving the wages of