Dr. B— 't's Farewell, CONFESSOR To the late King of Poland, Upon his Translation to the Say of Hungary. SInce the fall of our late King Tapsky of famous Memory, our Affairs in Poland have gone down the Wind, and very much against the Stream. The Conspiracy being detected hath turned the Currant against us, for where Rebellion does not thrive, there is no Sanctuary for the Rebel. Then farewell Poland, and hey for the Coast of Hungary, there's the Seat of Rebellion, and therefore the Prosperous Refuge for Rebels. Thither Prince Perkinaski, Grayaski, Armsringcaski, the Chief Princes and Magstrates of Tapskys' Kingdom of Poland are fled before, and thither will I their Spiritual Guide and Confessor follow. I Prophesy a Mortallyty of the Saints, and that some whining Fool will betray all at last with a pitiful Confession in my Absence, or if I should stay, it is Ten to one whither I gain another Proselyte upon the Gibbet. Now for the Disserting Poland to come over to Hungary, is for the likeness of our Humours, Doctrine and Dispositions, there being a kind of Congeniallity between us, the Hungarians being naturally Inclinable to Rebellion, Assertors of the Doctrine of Resistance, and justifying the Lawfulness of taking Arms against their Lawful Prince, and Rebels affect the Persons of Rebels as naturally as they do their Principles. They are Protestants, so are we; they are for Reformation in Church and Government, so are we; they are for Toleration, and Liberty of Conscience, so are we; they are for Routs and Riots, Confusion and Disorder, so are we; they are for maintaining their Factions with their Sword against the Church and Monarchy, so are we, Now our Principles and Interesis being the same, where can I better look for a New Living to vent my old Doctrine of Sedition than among Rebels, they are the Lambs of my own Folds and the Sheep of my Pasture. These are the True Israelites who wade through the Red Sea to the Canaan of their Conquests, to root the Jebusite out of the Land, who for Christ and the Gospel's sake, dare join with Mahomet the professed Enemy of Christ against their Christian Sovereign. What though he has vowed the Destruction of Christianity, and sworn to root out its very Foundation from off the Face of the Earth, we are free, the spirits are exempted from this Persecution which only extends to the Christian Churches, for how can we who justify Rebellion, and Preach the Doctrine of Resistance, pretend to Christianity, that have neither Law, Loyalty, Order nor Conformity, which are the Measures of it? so that it is Evident we are Excepted, our Doctrine as well as Principles being wholly oppugnant to all the precepts of Christianity, Had Tapsky been now alive, how willingly could he join with the Turk against the Emperor, nay his own Lawful King under pretence of pulling down Antichrist to set up his own Kingdom of Schism and Faction? This was the Cause of all that Heat and Contention in the late Diet of Poland, who did all they could to cut off the Succession to make their Kings Elective, under pretence of Religion to lessen Monarchy, and putting the power of choosing their Kings into the hands of the people, which by this means would soon convert to its first Babel of a Commonwealth, but we were Discovered in our design, and yet who could manage it with more Secrecy. Of this great Diet there were several Commits which others called Cabals, or more properly Councils of War, all their Consultations and Debates tending directly to an Insurrection, yet all would not do. To this end several Votes were made which stand in Judgement against us, and others Repealed. Amongst the rest, the Act for crying Milk and Mackarel on Sundays was Voted a Nuisance as a Violation of the Sabbath; Milk, because the Children at that time were to be bred up to the Tap from whence they sucked their first Rudiments of Rebellion. And Mackarel, because the Rebbels had other Fish to Fry. In place of these there were two other Cries, Work for a Cooper, and a Waller, a Waller, Oh! there was the Voice of Farrenden in the Field, and of Baxter in the Pulpit, and was not I myself the Canting Mouth of all the Seditious Members, and said Grace before Meat, for which I was Voted Thanks and a Reward, when all the Orthodox and Learned Prelates of the Kingdom were Voted Useless, and threatened to be kicked out of the House. I profess I cannot tell what Virtue Predominant in me (besides a Religious Cant) could Recommend me to the Cognizance of such Discerning Heads, unless it be Treachery or Lechery for betraying Duke Lotherdaski my Master, or getting my Maid with Child. Hold Doctor, where do you go? Let not thy own Mouth betray thee by a needless Confession of thy faults which thou wilt not allow to others, that's unpardonable in a Cargalite, where Treason is but a Venial Crime, and Confession a deadly Sin. For that Cause when the Brethren were Condemned to suffer in the outward Man I have followed them upon the Sledg, and upon the Scaffold, I have put Words into their Mouths, and Speeches into their Pockets. I have taught them that the Highest Treason is but Mispriston at most, and that Resistance in case of Religion is to fight the Battle of the Lord. That Confession, like a public Malefactor, is abomination in the Saints where there can be no guilt, and to stand in a Lie at the Gallows, is to Persevere to the end. Thus a Noble Peer of Poland held it out upon the Scaffold to the last gasp, till he went off like the Groaning Board, with a hum on the one side and a his on the other. Sure this Martyrd Board had a sense of our sufferings to come, and groaned so exceedingly for the downfall of the Saints. It's well says Towzer it had no Soul, or the Doctor had Damned it. It is a hard case I should be so censured, and yet let 'em say what they will, I had still rather hazard the Ruin of a Man by advising him to perish in an obstinate Denial, than by an ultimat Confession he should betray the Cause. Nor is it only Zeal to the Cause, but self preservation and my own interest to keep them so, for should they Discover it at last, I fear the Doctor would be found as deep in the Conspiracy as Lob or Ferguson. But they are fled, and it is high time for me to follow, I will be no longer Father Confessor in Poland, lest it be not safe for me to stand the Test of another Execution. I will go to Hungary, there I will Plant the Gospel, Preach Sedition to the People, and teach even Rebels to Rebel. Oh! there's your true Protestant, who under the Cloak of Religion dare take up Arms against their Sovereign, Justify Faction by open Rebellion, and assert their Liberties on the point of their Sword. Thither Oh! thither will I fly, where Resistance is a Virtue, and Rebellion Justifiable. This is the Life and Death of a Saint to live a Teckelite in Arms against his Prince, and die a Cargalite glorying in his Treasons. Thither will I go, here is no Promotion here for one of my Principles now but the Gallows. Amongst the Hungarian Rebels a Man may find preferment, perhaps be made Cardinal of Sereni, or Bishop of Munster, in place of Coloigne lately instituted, and from a Seditions Lecturer become an Orthodox Elector. On this score would I put up with the Great Turk for the Alcharon, or with the Pope for Prelacy, and Preach Conformity according to the Letter. FINIS.