Chemical Secrets, AND RARE EXPERIMENTS IN PHYSIC & PHILOSOPHY, WITH FIGURES Collected and Experimented, by the Honourable and Learned Sir KENELM DIGBY, Chancellor to the late Queen-Mother of England. CONTAINING, Many Rare and Unheard of Medicines, Menstruums, and Alkahests; the Philosophical Arcanum of Flamel Artefius, Pontanus and Zachary, with the True Secret of Volatizing the fixed Salt of TARTAR. Published since his Death, by GEORGE HARTMAN Chemist, and Steward to the aforesaid Sir KENELM. London, Printed for William. Cooper, at the Pelican in Little Britain, 1683. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE, ROBERT, Lord Paston, Baron of Paston, Viscount and Earl of Tarmouth. My Lord, IT is not my intention, nor indeed my Talon, to Celebrated those Excellent Virtues, which shine so eminently bright in your Lordship: For they are Themes only fit to be treated on by the strongest Pen, and their Native Worth and Resplendency are their own sufficient Panegyrics. Yet such is the Veneration I have for the Excellent Qualities and Endowments of your Noble Mind, and those Heroic inclinations, that move your Honour to make such exact, diligent, and curious search into all the Secrets and Mysteries of Nature, and encourage all others that Labour therein, that I cannot forbear being so vain as to publish my resentments thereof to the World. These Reasons, My Lord, together with the consideration of your inbred Candour and Generosity, encouraged me to the boldness of committing this small Treatise to your Honour's Patronage and Protection: To whom I know it will be more welcome, as containing in it the Choice Observations, both in Physic and Chemistry, of that Famous Man, and great Privy Councillor of Nature, Sir K. D. A Name, My Lord, that hath peculiar Charms with it, to recommend all that are under its great shadow, to the value and consideration of all the diligent, the Learned, and the Honourable: So great a Person (may I assume the vanity to say so) I had the Honour and Happiness for several Years to Serve, beyond the Seas, as well as in England, and to attend on him more particularly in the Production of many of his incomparable Experiments, and so to continued till his dying day; when he left with me those Choice things contained in this little Treatise. And since I fear they suffer diminution of their Worth and Beauty, by passing through my mean Hands, and weak Managery, I thought I could make no better Atonement, than by recommending them to receive Recruits and Reinforcements from the Splendour and Eminency of your Illustrious Name. To that end therefore I take the Boldness to prostrate them at your Honour's Feet, where also in all Humility lies Your Honour's Most Obedient, and Most Devoted Servant, George Hartman. TO THE READER. Courteous Reader, THIS Treatise contains some of the Choicest Collections of the Famous Sir Kenelm Digby (some whereof have been wrought by his own hands, some communicated to him by Learned Men of all Nations) in praise whereof no more need be said, but, that they are his; either of his production, or of his approbation. I shall therefore, omitting other Artifices and Insinuations, only satisfy the Reader with all the clearness and ingenuity I can, how I came by them; and thereby I question not, but I shall very successively recommend this Collection of them to all Ingenious Lovers of Art, whose Ears the Fame of the Worthy Author hath reached. To this End I must acquaint him, that I had the Honour several years to wait upon Sir Kenelm, and to have several of his Manuscripts in my Custody, more particularly this with others was committed to my Charge, when my Worthy Master intended a Journey to France for his Health's sake, and to settle his Affairs there: And he had Progressed in his designed Journey as far as Cittenburn, when a violent Distemper forced him back again to his own House in Covent-Garden; and in three days after his return, left the Learned World to lament the loss of so great a Man. And here besides his incomparable self, his Friends and Country lost also the benefit of his Famous Library he had in France (which for want of his being Naturalised) fell into the French Kings hands, who bestowed it upon a Gentleman, and it was sold (as I was credibly informed) for ten thousand Crowns. In which no doubt were Manuscripts of his own, of very great worth and rich value, and might have much obliged the World, had they fallen into the hands of Generous and Communicative Men. But it was my happiness to have, among some other Manuscripts of his, the sole Propriety of this Choice Manual, which contains rare and profitable Secrets in Philosophy and Chemistry, delivered with more perspicuity and plainness than is yet to be found in any Chemical Book: Yea, such, that any understanding Reader may with great facility be conducted as with an Ariadnean Line into the most intricate and nitherto fatigating Arcana of Chemistry. Here are the true Menstruums and Alkahests, and that hitherto hidden Secret of Volatilizing the fixed Salt of Bohemian-tartar without any Heterogene Substance, being the true Vegetable Menstruum; with many other rare and unheardof Medicines, some whereof I had a mind to reserve for myself, and not to Publish them during my Life, because of the great Experience, and the good Success I have had with them in desperate cases; but Impium est tacere, quae si promulgata essent, multorum misere decumbentium, in levamen extarent. 'Tis Impious and unchristian to forbear the Publication of those things, which being rendered Public, will effectually redound to the Advantage and Comfort of miserable Men. I have Translated most of these Secrets out of the Latin, French, Germane, and Italian Tongues. And if I have committed any indecencies against the Idiom of the English Speech, I hope the Candid Reader will forgive a Foreigner. As for any Ornaments and Embellishments of Language, as the Work requires no such Painting, so the Publishers Foreign Style and mean Talents are not able to afford it. I have no more to acquaint the Reader with, but that these Secrets had been Communicated to him long before, but that I have been most part of my time since my Excellent Master's Decease, abroad: However, I hope they will be now kindly entertained. For it is the height of my Ambition to make the Memory of my incomparable Master to Live, who was my private, and the World's public Benefactor, which can no where do so with such Advantage as in his Learned Works, for thereby being dead he yet speaks and instructs. And though it be no addition to his Glorious Name, yet for the Wit and smartness of the thing, and the Readers diversion, I shall conclude here with that Elegant Epitaph made on him by the Ingenious Dr. Farrar, which is as followeth. AN EPITAPH UPON The Honourable and Truly Noble Sir Kenelm Digby, KING Chancellor to Her MAJESTY THE Queen-Mother. UNder this Tomb the Matchless Digby lies; Digby the Great, the Valiant, and the Wise: This Ages Wonder for his Noble Parts, Skilled in Six Tongues, and Learned in all the Arts. Born on the Day He Died, The Eleventh of June, And that Day Bravely Fought at Scandaroun: 'Tis Rare, that one and the same Day should be His Day of Birth, of Death, and Victory. R. F. THE INDEX. A. ANimation and Preparation of Common ☿. Page 26. 83, 84, 85. Aurum Potabile, from the Marchioness de Beck. 245. A. R. Philosophical. 94. An unheardof Arcanum. 188. An AEthereal Aurum potabile. 177. The Arcanum of Flamel, Artefius, and Pontanus, etc. 117. B. BUtter of antimony to extract the Tincture of ☉. 61. Butter of antimony without Sublimate. 78. A Work with Butter of antimony. 58. A Precious Balsam. 264. C. CAlx of ☉. 129. Cosmetick prepared out of ☽. 132. Coppels how to make. 140. A Work upon Cinaber. 52. Cray-fish to engender. 131. A great Corroborant and Sudorific. 173. Convulsion Fits to Cure. 226. Cancers to Cure. 231. A Laxative and Emetic Cream of Tartar. 248, 249. D. THE Danes Work, wrought by Sir K. D. 33. Monsieur Dandre's Work with ☉, ☿, and Sulphur-vive transparent, with Observations thereupon. 5. A great Diaphoretic of antimony. 213. Decoction Sudorific. 216. Dropsy to Cure. 200, 201. 24. Deafness to Cure. 262. E. EXtraction of ☿ of antimony., 80, 81. Elixir of ☉, antimony, & ☿. 69. Elixir of ☉ & ☽. 70. Elixir Album. 16. Elixir Rubrum. 71. Elixir of Sulphur. 210. Extraction of ☿ of ☽ or ♄. 73. Essence of Sulphur. 209. Epilepsy Cured by Sir K. D. at Frankfort. 197, 198. F. FLux or Looseness to Cure. 257. Fixation of ☽ into ☉. 116. 21. 26. 62. 65. Monsieur R's. Fixation of ☿ by the Salt of ♄. 103. To fix a quarter part of ☽ into ☉. 52. malus his Process to fix ☽. 63. Fixation of ♄ into ☽ with good Profit. 43 Fixation of ☿ by the Salt of ♄, by Captain Zeigler. 49. Fixation of ☿ of antimony. 44 46, 47. Fixation of Common Sulphur, and its Tincture. 193. Fixation of ☿ into ☽ by the Salt of ♄ & ☽, by Monsieur de R. 103. A great Febrifuge. 220. 230. 216. Riverius his Febrifuge. 223. A Furnace for many Uses, etc. 138. G. To burn holes in Glasses. 136. Gout to Cure. 260, 261. The Eagles Gluten, or ☿ of the Wise. 178. L. LApis Ignis. 242. Laudanum Germanicum. 266. Liquor Mercurial with ♃. 229. Lauremberg's Observation upon Angelus Sala his Synopsis of Aphorisms. 115. The Lunar Pills against the Dropsy. 199. A Lunary Emetic. 230. Lac Sulphuris. 211. M. MAtthews his Work. 19 Mercurial 🜄. 160. A Minera of ☉. 41. Minera of ☿ of antimony, ad infinitum. 74. The Menstruum Coelicum Exuberatum. By Dr. Clodius. 156. Mercury of all Metals. 16. 81. To make Metals Vegetate visibly. 130. Concerning May Dew. 116. A great Medicine. 238. A rare Medicine for an Ague. 205. Metalline Menstruum. 178. A great Medicine, etc. 238. An Universal Medicine of ☉ and antimony, etc. 167. O. OIL of Talc. 132. 135. Oil of ☿. 126. Oil of ☉. 231. An Operation that Monsieur de Loberye wrote from Monsieur John's Mouth. 122. An Operation with a Martial Regulus of antimony. 60. Observations about Snyder's Secret. 17. Operation upon Saturn. 87. Oil of Sulphur. 207. An Operation with Spirit and Salt of Urine, ☽, and ☿ Precipitate, wrought by Sir Kenelm's Operator. 153. A Precious Oil of antimony. 217 An Operation upon Jupiter. 104 Monsieur Van Outer's Secret. 8. 11 An Operation upon Regulus of antimony, by Monsieur Toysonnier. 60 An Operation with ☉ and ☿ of antimony; wrought by Monsieur Chambulan, and given m● by him. 65 An Operation upon ♄, sent me by Monsieur Boucaud. 87 P. A Short and clear Description of the Philosopher's Stone. 107 The Countess of Kent's Powder after Sir K. D. Method. 125. An Excellent Panacea. 218. Sir K. D's. Sympathetical Powder. 270. Cornachinus his Medicinal Powder. 247. Plaster of Lead. 258. Q. QUintessence of ♄, an Universal dissolvent. 88 R. A Reality upon ☽. 45. A Reality from Abbot Boucaud. 101. S. THE Volatile Salt of Tartar. 252. Saunier's Work, wrought by Sir K. D. 31. Snyder's Secret, as he himself gave it to Sir K. D. 16. Salt fusible. 59 16. The best way to make Spirit of Urine. 236. Sigillum Hermetis. 227. Scrofula's to Cure. 232. 234. The True Sulphur of antimony. 218. Stone to Cure. 205. An Excellent Physical Salt. 254. A white Spirit of Sulphur to dissolve ☽ and ☿. 166. The best and easiest way of making a Spirit of Sal armoniac. 250. The Metalline Stone of a Spiritual Lunary. 191. An Excellent Sudorific. 231. Sol and Luna out of ♃. 105. Sulphur of ☉. 121. A particular Spirit of Nitre. 85. T. Ticture of Mars. 55. Tincture of ☉ by antimony. 64. Tetters or Herps to Cure, etc. 236. Tincture of ☽. 65. Transmutation of ☿ into a Regulus. 128. Tincture of fixed Sulphur. 193. A Tincture of the Flowers of antimony. 255. The true Tincture of Coral. Ibid. Tincture of Glass of antimony. 164. V Volatilised ☽. 22. Venus' into ☽. 123. The great Work out of Virgin Earth. 37. A Work Copied out of the Original of Monsieur de la Violette's own hand, whereof he made great account. 13. The Secret to Volatilize the fixed Salt of Tartar. 147. 151. Monsieur Vignault his Process with ☉ and ☿. 24. A subtle Volatile 🜄 from Sulphur. 208. W. WAter of Paradise, etc. 179 to 186. An Explication of the Characters which are used in this Book. ☉ Gold. ☽ Silver. ♂ Iron. ☿ Mercury. ♃ jupiter. ♀ Venus. ♄ Lead. antimony Antimony. 🜹 Sal armoniac. A. F. Aqua Fortis. A. R. Aqua Regis. S. V Spirit of Wine. 🝞 Sublimate. 🝟 Precipitate. aaa Amalgama. 🜄 Water. 🜂 Fire. CHEMICAL SECRETS. How to fix ☽ into ☉ by ☿ and ☿ Precipitate. HAving Written so many Processes, and made so many Trials, and heard so many Discourses of Learned Men upon this Subject, I will give you an Account of an easy Method that I have resolved upon for accomplishing this Work. Namely, That all imperfect Metals and common ☿ may be transmuted into ☉ by one and the same Method; to wit, by Maturation and Coction, and not by Generation; for that which is generated, is no more that which it was before it was generated: And that which is Corrupted, is no more that which it was before it was Corrupted. But the base Metals, after they are transmuted into ☽ or ☉ are still Metals nevertheless as they were before, and the transmutation of their kind is done by changing their accidental form, not their substantial, the perfection whereof is Maturity; for by Maturation the Metal is brought to a higher degree of perfection. Now, imperfect Metals are Maturated by external heat, which digesteth their crude Humidity; yea, ☉ itself may be further perfected, and exalted in colour, as when the Stone is made of it, it will communicate this Maturity to imperfect Metals. And Common ☿ is extracted out of Metals three several ways; namely, by Cementation and Digestion, by Fermentation and by Tincture. As for Cementation that concerneth only the digestion of ☽ into ☉ but not the other too imperfect Metals, nor ☿ either, which is crude, and too much alienated from the Maturity of ☉. By Cementation the humidity of ☽ brought to maturity. There are seven sorts of Cementations, namely by Salts, A●●loms, Vitriols, and Metalline-waters: But oftentimes instead of digesting ☽ they burr it; so that this way of making ☉ be with more loss than profit. But there is no better way than ☿ and red Precipitate, which I have learned by the aforementioned Operations. My Process is such. TAke ℥ ij. of ☽, make an Amalgama of it with Mercury by A. F. as you know, wash this Amalgama very well in several waters, than press out so much ☿, that there remain but ℥ iiij. of it with the ☽ which maketh ℥ vj. in all. Add to it ℥ vj. of good read Precipitate, and grinned all to an impalpable Powder; which put into a Matrass, and digest it with a gentle heat in Sand, so that the ☿ do not Sublime, but that it may Calcine the ☽ and leave it in Powder, for ●f you give too great a heat, it will reduce ●he ☽ into a Body. After three days Digestion, take out your Powder, and grinned it as before, so that if there be yet any quick ☿ it may be mortified. Digest it again as before, and with ●he same degree of heat for three days more; ●hen take it out and grinned it again, than digest it only for two days by four degrees of heat, which you must change every two ●ours, to the end, that by the last degree of heat all the ☿ and ☿ Precipitate may precipitate the Powder of ☽, which will begin to grow white. Reiterate the addition of ☿ and ☿ Precipitate in the same quantity as before. Digest two days more by four degrees of heat, as before, and the Powder will grow perfectly white. Than by the same Operation reiterated it will begin to be of a Citrine colour, and fixed. And thus by reiterating the Digestions, you may give it what degree of this colour you please; for the oftener you digest it with the said ☿ and ☿ Precipitate, being separated from it again by the last degree of heat, the more the Powder will be of a Citrine Colour. Than melt your Powder with Borax, and you shall have ☉ at 24 Carrats, without diminution of the first weight of the ☽ which will be rather increased. All may be accomplished in the space of One and Twenty days. A Work with ☉ and ☿ that Monsieur Dandre helped to work in Piedmont, in great quantity: give me by him, June 1660. MOnsieur Dandre saith, he wrought thus: Make carefully an Amalgama of ℥ j of ☉ in Calx, with 7 or 8 of Purified ☿, then squeeze out so much ☿, that there remain ℥ iij. of ☿, and so there be ℥ iiij. in the Globe: To this add ℥ j of Sulphur-vive, which is clear and transparent in pieces, (in Italy, where he wrought this) and grinned all very well together, (in this consisteth the main part of the Secret, for at every time you are to employ three or four hours in grinding) than put the matter into a Matrass, and give a gentle heat, the Glass unstopped, till the moisture and smoke is exhaled out. Than let the Fire go out, and when the Matrass is cold, seal it Hermetically, and set it to Sublime by degrees of Fire, till all that will, be Sublimed, which will be done in 20. or 24. hours. Than the Vessel being cold, break it, and take out the Matter, and grinned all together a long time, both that which is Sublimed, and that which is in the bottom, adding ℥ j of new Sulphur-vive, than Sublime in the same Method as before; repeat this seven times at the lest, adding ℥ j of Sulphur-vive every time, and the matter will become a brown yellowish reddish Powder, which will be very fusible, and even in the grinding it will relent, as though it grew moist: You will have ℥ iiij. of fixed Matter, which project (in parcels) upon ℥ x. of ☽ in good Fustian, than put it to the Ooppel, and separating 🜄 and you shall have ℥ iiij. of pure ☉. You can work but ℥ j of ☉ in one Glass, but you may put 50, or more Glasses in one Sand Furnace with a large Basin of Copper in Sand. Some Observations about the said Monsieur Dandre's Work. THE Operation was made in an Athanor, with the Registers at the end, the hole through which the heat was communicated, was about the bigness of a brick, the plate which held the Sand was of Iron, and contained 32 Matrasses, sixteen on every side: The Tower was in the middle, wherein the Coals sunk down by degrees. They did not mix the Powder with Wax, nor any thing else in projecting, but only wrapped up in Paper, it did enter, and disappear immediately without smoking. The Matrass aught to have 2 third parts empty. The Amalgama was made thus: They took ℥ ix. of ☿ and heated it in a Crucible, until it begun to smoke, than they set it upon hot Ashes, and cast therein ℥ j of Ducats cut in small pieces, and made hot in a Crucible, than stirred it until the ☉ was swallowed up by the ☿: Than took it of, and let it cool. They did not wash the said Amalgama: They used common ☿ only mixed with Quicklime, and than Distilled in a Retort. The Sulphur was transparent and yellow like Amber, in pieces, and to be had at Carmagnole, Turin, Cony, Mondevic, Saluce, Genes: It is a Sulphur-vive, cost four, five, or six pence a pound. The Sand they used was round River-sand, and the Matrass was never read in the Sand: They never put above ℥ j of ☉ in one Matrass, nor never above ℥ x. of ☽ at every Projection. (Hartman.) These Observations were communicated to Sir Kenelm by Abbot Boucaud, but the Process was written by Sir Kenelm himself from Monsieur Dandre's Mouth. Monsieur Van Outer's Secret, Physician of Brussels, with ☉ and Butter of Antimony. TAke equal parts of antimony Mineral, and ☿ Sublimate, and a little Sal armoniac, make Butter thereof: Draw the Spirit from this Butter, which rectify again. (Note, that this Butter, being exposed to the Air, draws from the same what it needeth in an hours time, and thereby is much increased in quantity: That which it draws is the hidden Food of the Life of Man, and all the Being's in the World. And this Butter is the true Magnet which draws it in its purity.) Than put this Spirit into a Glass Cucurbite, of a convenient bigness, fit a Head to it with Limbec and Receiver; lute well all the junctures, and put it thus to putrify in Ashes for two Months, in which time the Matter will become as read as Blood, and afterwards very black, sticking to the sides of the Vessel like glutinous Soot, and the Ethereal Spirit ascendeth and passeth into the Recipient in form of a Spirit, and in Body of fusible Salt, whereof you must also draw the Spirit, and separate them by Distillation with a very gentle fire, until you see a read and sparkling fire upon the Matter, which is a sign of its Maturity, and that you have obtained the Philosophical ☿, which is the true Universal Dissolvent, than let it cool. That which resteth in the bottom of the Cucurbite, is the Terra damnata. Take ℥ vj. of this Menstruum, and put it upon ℥ j of ☉ in very thin plates, which will speedily be dissolved, and they will unite intimately, as being of the same Nature. You must take great care that you loose nothing of the Spirits; it must be done in a Matrass with a Glass stopper, exactly fitted; and being well sealed and luted, digest it with a Lamp fire, with a very gentle heat in the beginning. After fifty days digestion, you must feed and imbibe your Matter with the said Menstruum, whereof you must have store, for to multiply your Work. So soon as you have put in the said Dissolvent, you must stop it again immediately, and seal it as before, than digest fifty days more, the heat a little increased; which time being expired, you must again feed your Matter with the Virginal Milk a little more than the first time, continuing the digestion, the heat a little stronger. Reiterate the Imbibition seven times, and your Matter will become more vigorous, and will be able to bear stronger Food from time to time, and to bear stronger heat, which nevertheless must not be hastened, but well governed, after the Example of the Operation of the Rays of the Sun in the Spring and Summer, for the Nourishment and Maturation of Vegetables. But you must observe, that at the two last imbibitions, there must be but 35 days distance from the one to the other instead of 50 before. At the five first imbibitions you shall see from time to time the wondered effects of Nature, by the internal virtue of the Matter, and by all the Signs written in Flammel, La Tourbe, Le Rosaire, or jubilation of the Soul, and in all those Authors that have possessed this rare Knowledge, which will appear infallibly; to the proportion whereof you must increase the fire, and that is left to the discretion of the Operator. You must observe, that as the Matter multiplieth in virtue and quantity at each imbibition, and always more and more, it might become so fusible, that at last it might penetrate the Glass; so that if you judge convenient, you need not imbibe quite seven times, that you may run no hazard; for you may afterwards multiply the Powder in the same manner, and carry it ad infinitum. And to perform all this, there needeth no more than about nine Month's time, and without much trouble or care. The Multiplication of the Powder. TAke ℥ j of the Powder to ℥ iij. of ☉, melt them together, and leave them until all be reduced to a Powder, which will be done in three days at the most; and thus you may carry it ad infinitum, and that which is made thus, hath the same virtue as the first. The Projection. TO Project upon ☿ you must heat it in a Crucible, until it cast a black smoke, than cast one grain of the said Powder upon ten or twelve Ounces of ☿. And projecting upon other Metals, they must be in fusion, and they will tender in proportion according as they abound in ☿. A considerable Work with ☉ and ☿. TAke ℥ viij. of ☉, melt it in a Crucible with three times as much Tinglass, mix them well together, than cast it out, and beaten it into as small pieces as you can: Take three times the weight of your mixture of good Sublimate, which put in the bottom of a large Cucurbite, and upon that put the said mixture; set the Cucurbite in an Earthen Pot, which put into an Iron Pot with Sand; fit a head with a Limbeck and Receiver to it, lute all well, and give a gentle heat at the beginning for two hours; than increase the heat by degrees, at last a very violent fire of reverberation, during eight hours; than let it cool, and open the Vessel, and you shall found your Tinglass in the Receiver in the form of Crystals, with the Sublimate, and the ☉ will remain in the bottom of the Cucurbite, in the form of light dry Flowers, very fair to behold, and will be much opened and attenuated. Dissolve this ☉ in eight parts of A. R. Distil it of, and put the same quantity of new A. R. upon it, and Distil it of as before. Repeat this three times, at the third time the ☉ will be so opened, that it will ascend with the water, and stick to the sides of the head of the Alembick; so the same will seem to be full of golden Stars. Dissolve this ☉ again in eight parts of A. R. Dissolve also by itself twelve Marcs of ☿ in A. F. Put these two dissolutions together, and let them stand to settle 24 hours, the ☉ and ☿ will be precipitated indistinguishible, in the form of a black Sponge, and will be essentially and radically United. Distil of the water to dryness, you will found at the bottom a grey Powder, which take out, and put it into a Matrass, and pour upon it good Oil of Vitriol, so much as may cover it the breadth of four fingers; Seal it hermetically, and digest for twenty days. Than open the Matrass, and let the humidity exhale by a strong heat in Sand: Break the Glass, and grinned the Matter with a little Borax, than melt it, and you shall have at lest eleven Marcs of ☉ (a Marc is ten Ounces.) Monsieur Carrier gave this Work to his Uncle, Monsieur Ferrier, having had it from an intimate Friend of his, who had arrived to great Wealth by it. Hartman.) The said Monsieur Ferrier did communicate this Process to Sir Kenelm at Paris, 1660. when he returned from Germany, at the time of the King's Happy Restauration. A Work Copied out of the Original of Monsieur de la Violette's own Hand, whereof he made great Account. TAke ℥ iiij. of the purest and finest ♃, and ℥ viij. Spanish ☿ purified with Salt and Vinegar, make an Amalgama. Than take read Minium and AEs stum of each ℥ iiij. Danzick Vitriol lbj lbj. reduced to half a lb. by Calcination, grinned and mix these all well together, and put them into a Retort coated, and pour upon it one pound and a half of the following A. F. Take Vitriol two pound, which reduce to one lb by Calcination, which put into a Retort, and pour upon it a good A. F. made of Vitriol and Nitre, Distil it S. A. and you shall have an A. F. fit for this Work, which having poured upon the said Matter, Distil it of, and it will be very ponderous. Break the Retort (being cold) and you will found on the sides of it, and upon the Caput Mortuum, a very read and ponderous Sublimate, which take of. Take the half of the Caput Mortuum, and as much of Bay Salt decrepitated, reduce all to a fine Powder with the said Sublimate, and than put all into a new Retort, and pour upon it the Distilled A. F. Distil it as before, and the said A. F. will come of very read, and the Sublimate will be more read, and more ponderous than before, and will rise very high at this time. Keep this Water very carefully, break the Retort, and take both the Feces and Sublimate, and reduce it to Powder, and Sublime it by itself without A. F. and the Sublimate will mount but upon the surface of the Feces, which separate, and it will have acquired more redness, and will be almost fixed. Put this Sublimate into the said A. F. and it will dissolve it speedily: Distil or evaporate the A. F. in Sand, and the Sublimate will remain in the bottom like a deep-red Oil. Put into this Oil ℥ iij. of the fixed Sulphur of Vitriol, made according to Art; put it into a Matrass with a short neck, and digest in Sand, until all the moisture is exhaled. Than take an Amalgama made with one part of ☉ and two parts of ☽ Calcined with Salt, and four parts of Spanish ☿ (washed with Salt and Vinegar;) than squeeze out so much ☿ as you can from the Amalgama, than wash and dry this Amalgama, and pour upon it by little and little of the abovesaid A. F. let it stand half an hour, than pour on more of the Water as before, and you will see the Amalgama dissolve visibly, and will be reduced to a very read Powder. Note, that once in half an hour you must pour on some of the said Water, and all will be done in lesle than half a day. Digest it half a day longer in Sand; than break the Vessel, take out this Precipitate, and melt it with a little Borax, and you shall have ☉ at 24. Carats. Note, that if you take equal parts of ☉ and ☽ to your Amalgama, you shall have increase yet forty or fifty per Cent. more. Snyder's Secret, as he gave it me himself the 22 of July, 1664. TAke Nitre eight parts, Sulphur four parts, and Tartar two parts: Reduce all into a fine Powder, and mix them well. Than melt one part of pure ☉ and three parts of purified Regulus of Antimony, in a Crucible; than add to them three parts or more of the said Powder, let it stand in the fire until you see a light Skin upon it, than pour it into an Antimony-horn. Take the Regulus in the bottom of the Horn, and melt it again, and cast more of the said Powder upon it: Repeat this so often until all the Regulus be consumed; dissolve all the scums of the said Regulus, and make a laver thereof, which filter, and precipitate with an Acid, which edulcorate; edulcorate also the Feces which remained in the filter, put these things edulcorated together, with half the weight of Flowers of Sulphur, and calcine them well: Than draw the Salt from it with distilled Vinegar (which will be a golden Salt) draw as much of the said Salt from it as you can. Take one part of this Salt, and two or three parts of good Butter of Antimony well rectified, mix them well in a Matrass, one part filled, and the other two parts empty: Seal it Hermetically, and digest it with a gentle heat; it will grow black and putrify in the space of three days; continued the digestion until the Powder be fixed. The following Observations are from another Learned Man, with whom Sir Kenelm did confer at his return from Bristol, concerning the said Snyders Work. Who saith thus. THis Operation may be abbreviated, in fermenting it with ☉ as followeth: Make a Spirituous Regulus of antimony, as you know, which is precipitated Butter of antimony and ☿, adding to them Soap and Salt of Tartar. Take of this Spirituous Reg. three parts, and one part of ☉, melt them together, and cast it by little and little into the Sulphurous Salt Enixe, & totus solvetur, effunde, solve, filtra, precipita totam materiam in Sulphur pulcherimum: Reverberate this Sulphur with flowers of Sulph. or if you will, dissolve it again, and precipitate; draw the Salt from this Sulphur with distilled Vinegar; add to this Salt or Golden Vitriol, three times its weight of Butter of antimony; digest them together (donec cessent colores.) You may multiply the Work in quality, in dissolving the Powder in Salt Enixe, and Precipitating often: And you may multiply it in quantity, in mixing it with new Butter of antimony, wherein you have dissolved the said Salt, or Golden Vitriol. Note, That this Work will be more excellent if it be done with ☿ of antimony, and Spirituous Reg. It may be also abbreviated in purifying very well the Butter of antimony. Note, That this Work is a Mineral water, which is coagulated by its own Sulphur. Note also, That if you take the Golden Sulphur without Reg. the work will be yet shorter. Note, That in the Multiplication, if the Powder only be dissolved in Butter of antimony, the Operation will be shorter. A great Secret of the said Mr. Snyder's Powder. DIssolve ☉ in Sal Enixe, and exalt it with Sulphur of antimony, than cast in conum, in salem rubicundum; (see that no Coals fall in.) Keep the Salt so long in the fire, that it remain fusible: Grinned it, and let it melt in a Matrass; add a grain or two of the Powder, let all melt in a strong fire twelve or twenty hours, and this Powder will be multiplied; pour out, dissolve, and filter, put therein ☽ and ☿, they will be transmuted into fine ☉. Or, Precipitate the Liquor with Salt into a Golden Sulphur, which digest longer with Butter of antimony. Or, preserve the Sulphur, and ferment it again with dissolved ☉, as is said, in Salt Enixe, and in a Matrass, that the Powder may go ad infinitum. Matthews his Work. TAke Common Cinaber ℥ xij. Crystals of ♂ ℥ ij. Common ☿ Precipitate, made by A. F. and reverberated until it be read, ℥ j Oil of Vitriol ℥ xv. First, reduce the three hard Ingredients into a most fine Powder; ●hen grinned it upon a Marble stone with a little of the Oil of Vitriol, adding the said Oil by little and little, until it become like Pap; which put into a low Cucurbite (taking care that it do not touch the sides of the said Cucurbite, because it would endanger it to break) and put upon it the rest of the Oil of Vitriol, and stir the Matter well with a stick of Glass (which must be massy and not hollow) that all may be well mixed together; digest it with a gentle heat for eight days, so that nothing may go over through the Limbeck: Than distil as much as you can of the Oil of Vitriol, and take the Matter out of the Cucurbite, and grinned it again; put the distilled Oil upon it again, and distil as before, without digesting it; repeat this fourteen or sixteen times. At last, distil as much of the Oil as possibly you can; and that the remaining Matter may be thick, and conveniently handled, put into it ℥ v. or vj. of filing of ☽. Than melt twenty Ounces of ☽, and project your Matter upon the same (being in fusion) in fifteen or twenty parcels, staying every time, before you project until that which you projected be well entered and incorporated with the ☽, and that it be very clear: After all is projected, leave it in good fusion for an hour or two; than put it to Coppel, and afterwards to Separating 🜄, and you shall have about ℥ i ss. of pure ☉. The Crystals of ♂ are made thus: Upon filing of ♂ put Oil of Vitriol, than pour common 🜄 upon it, and the filing will dissolve; filter the dissolution, and evaporate the Liquor usque ad pelliculam; set it in a cold place, and it will shoot into Crystals, which require no further Purification. The Oil of Vitriol for this Work is made thus: Take Danzick Vitriol, dissolve it once in 🜄, filter and congeal it; than Calcine it gently, until it be white: Than distil it in Retorts S. A. forcing it very strongly at last. Dephlegm this Oil in a low Cucurbite, and that which remaineth in the Cucurb. (which will be of a dark red) must be passed through a filter of wool in a Glass Funnel, and the wool will imbibe the unctuosity of the Oil, which if it were not separated from it, might hinder its Operation. To fix ☽ into ☉. THE 15 th'. of November, 1660. Monsieur john Commandaire told me, that Signior Lucca (from whom he now came) had taught him a shorter, and easier way of doing his work, thus: Take the Mother-liquor of Salt-petre, (which is the salt 🜄 that remaineth after as much is shot into Nitre as will shoot) and let it run once through a filter of washed Sand to purify it; than evaporate it to dryness: Grinned the remaining Salt very fine, and set it in a Cellar, or other moist place to dissolve into 🜄 by the Air; filter that by a woollen Languette, coagulate, grinned, dissolve, and filter it. Repeat this seven or eight times, that all foulness may be severed from this fixed Salt of Salt-petre. Than it will easily give its pure Spirits, and not before. Put this into Retorts, not above half a pound into each Retort; distil first with very gentle 🜂, increasing it by degrees, at last, strong 🜂, as when you distil A. F. The distillation will be performed in twenty four hours: Than dephlegm it carefully; when the drops come Acid, cease. In the mean time purify the fixed Salt remaining after the distillation, by grinding it small, dissolving in humido, filtering, and congealing. Repeat this twice or thrice; than put one part of this fixed Salt to three parts of the Spirit, and to this Composition put a tenth part of pure ☉, and though it were in an Ingot, it will dissolve it speedily. Put this into an Egg, and Seal it Hermetically, and digest it, it will putrify, and grow entirely black; than pass all the due colours, during which time increase the heat by degrees, and when it requireth strong heat, use Coal. An Observation about Volatilised ☽. MOnsieur de L'oberie, and Mons. de la Nouë wrought the first Process upon ☽ (which is after those upon ☉) that is in the handgrif of Bas. Valent. which maketh the fourteenth Book of his Test. But instead of a due Calx of ☽, they took one made with A. F. (the ordinary made of Vitriol and Nitre) and Precipitated it with Salted 🜄 (Salt dissolved in Common 🜄) and for the rest, did as the Process teacheth; which was Reported to me thus. Put upon this Calx of ☽ (they had ℥ iv.) (after it is well dulcified by often ablutions with fair 🜄, till no Saltness or Spirits appear to remain) so much fresh A. F. as to swim four fingers breadth over the Calx of ☽: Distil of the A. F. than cohobate again; do thus four times: At the last distillation give strong 🜂, you will have a grey substance like Marcasite. Beaten it to Powder, and put distilled Vinegar upon it, to swim four fingers over it; digest two days, than boil it three or four hours, after which, distil away all the distilled Vin. and there should have remained blue Crystals, but they were white without tincture: So having failed in their expectation, they would reduce their ☽ back in a body, therefore dulcified it well with distilled Vinegar and fair 🜄, and put it into a Cruc. to melt with a little Borax, and a little Nitre, and a thick smoke flew away, and in the end there remained but ʒij. of ☽. Consider, if this course, and, if need be, digesting longer (at last) with distilled Vinegar and Oil of Bohemian-tartar, 🜹, and Salt of Urine, etc. Than distilling with Bohemian-tartar and Calxvive, might not make ☿ of ☽. A Process from Monsieur Vignault, with ☉ and ☿, etc. TAke ℥ j of ☉, aaate it with ℥ iv. of ☿; grinned this aaa, and wash it well: Than put it into an earthen Pot with its cover to shut it very close, which cover must be like a Funnel at the top: Put it to a gentle 🜂 in Sand for twenty four hours, than give it a strong 🜂 for twenty four hours more, that the Matter may ascend and descend; than take out your Matter (loosning it from the bottom where it sticketh fast) and grinned it, and aaate it again with the same ☿, and proceed all as before. Repeat this Work six times, always with the same ☿, which by degrees will become Earth, and will stick not more to the bottom; you must leave it in Sand every time twenty four hours before you grinned it again; after the sixth time give it strong 🜂, so that it may be red-hot in the Sand for forty eight hours, and it will be a read Powder, which multiply by mixing with it its weight of ☿, grinding and digesting it as before; and in three times twenty four hours it will be in Powder; and if you will multiply it again, proceed as before, with equal weight of ☿. And to make it into a Tree, do thus: When you have made the aaa, and ground and washed it, than put it into a Matrass, which stop only with Paper; than digest it continually, and the said ☿ will ascend and descend: And when you see that at last it becomes hard and heavy, sticking to the neck of the Matrass, put it down with a Quill, and it will become a Tree, which will be read. Note, That your ☿ must be well purified first, and than sublimed with ☉ and ☽, taking ℥ ij. of ☉ to one pound of ☿, for it will be much the better, and will be sooner done. If you mix ℥ ss. of ☉ with ℥ ss. of the said Powder, and grinned it well with ℥ ij. of ☿ revived from Cinaber, and animated with ☉, as is said, and digest it forty eight hours, you will do more in fifteen days, than otherwise in two Months, and the ☉ will not stick to the bottom of the Pot: You must continued the digestion as is said above, and at the end strong 🜂. The ☉ will serve for to animate the ☿, and to melt it, and reduce it into a Calx, for to aaate aaate it with animated ☿, taking ℥ j of ☉ to four of ☿. Fixation of ☽, wrought by Father Bening de Baune, and by him communicated to me. FIrst, he animated Common ☿ for this Work, thus: Take ℥ iv. of Common Sulphur, melt it in an Earthen Poringer, than cast into it by little and little lbj lbj. of ☿ (purified with Salt and Vinegar, and squeezed through Chambo-leather) stir it continually; than take it from the fire, and keep it stirring until it is reduced to a black Powder, which grinned, and add to it lbj lbj. of antimony in Powder, and lbss. lbss. of Quicklime also in Powder; mix all together, and put it into a coated Retort, of such a bigness, that a third part may remain empty. Distil it, and let the Nose of the Retort lie in a Poringer full of 🜄, distil by degrees of 🜂, as you do A. F. the ☿ will distil into the 🜄: Mix this ☿ again with new Materials, and distil as before. Repeat this Operation with the said ☿ seven times, every time with new Materials. Take of this ☿ ℥ iv. aaate it with ℥ j of ☉ wash the aaa so often, that the 🜄 come from it clear, than dry it. Put this aaa into a Matrass, and digest twenty four hours in Ashes: Than take it out, and grinned it in a Glass Morter, and add to it ℥ xx. of the said ☿; grinned them well together, than wash it and dry it, and put it into a Retort, and distil over all the ☿ in Sand. Take ℥ viij. of this ☿, aaate it with ℥ j of a light Spungy-calx of ☉; wash this aaa well with warm 🜄, than dry it, and put it into a Matrass; Seal it Hermetically, and digest it in Sand the space of twenty four hours: Than grinned it again with ℥ viij. more of ☿, and digest as before. Repeat this Operation once more with ℥ viij. more of ☿, so that there be ℥ xxiv. of ☿ to one of ☉. Put them into three several Matrasses, which Seal Hermetically, and put them to a suppressing heat in an Athanor, for the space of two Months: Than put all into a Retort, and distil it in Sand, with a heat of Suppression, so that the 🜂 above be stronger than that below, and if any of the ☉ remain in the bottom of the Retort, you must aaate it with twenty four parts of ☿, and distil it as before, until all the ☉ be distilled over. Repeat the same as before, until the ☉ hath taken in sixty parts of ☿, and if it taketh but twenty four of ☿, the ☉ will be better, and your ☿ will be animated. Take ℥ j of Calx of ☽, and three or four of your ☿ animated, aaate them together, wash the said aaa with warm 🜄, than divide it into two parts, and put them into two Matrasses; Seal them Hermit. and digest in an Athanor with very gentle heat for forty or fifty days, than increase the heat for forty or fifty days more: Than continued the digestion with the third degree of heat (stronger yet) unto the end of eight Months, counting the time of the first and second degree already past. Than digest a Month longer by the four degrees of 🜂, which will make it nine Months in all. The Calx of ☽ is made of equal parts of ☽ and Regulus of ♂ melted together, and reduced to Powder. Note, that the Reg. is not to be reckoned; so that you must take ℥ ij. of this Powder. Observations. THE Athanor was of a digestive Furnace, with a Tower for the Coals, and between both, there were two Registers of heat, the one gave the heat under the Vessels, and the other above: The Matrass stood in Sand in a Basin of Copper, which held ten or twelve Matr. At the beginning the 🜂 was given only below, and so gentle, that the ☿ never Sublimed. The Basin with the Matr. was covered with a cover like a Dome, and after that the heat was given also above, and that stronger than before: And it aught to be always continued without interruption. After nine M. digestion, all the ☽ will be transmuted into ☉, and besides that, you shall have an augmentation of a third part of ☉. Note, That you must not put above ℥ ij. of Matter into each Matrass. The ☉ which he used in this Operation, was three times purified by antimony. He told me since, that the greater proportion of Reg. you put to the ☽, the better your work will succeed, and you shall have the more ☉, and the sooner. Hartman.) The said Father B. de B. was the Apothecary in the Convent of the Capuchins at Lions: He was an able Chemist, and had been for some Years Operator with the Chancellor of France, in his Laboratory. When I went from Paris to Italy, after Sir Kenelm's Death, passing through Lions, I went to see him in the Convent of the Capuchins, where I had some Discourse with him concerning this work; he confirmed it to me, assuring me that he had done it, and that it was a real truth, and that is all I know of it. A 🜄 which changes ☿ as read as Blood, which abideth the Fire. MAke an A.F. of equal parts of Vitriol and Nitre, which cohobate and distil three times upon its Caput Mort. Take of this A. F. ℥ iij. ℥ j of ☿, and ʒij. of Sulphur-vive; put all into a Retort, let it stand twelve hours, than distil it, and cohobate so often, till you see the ☿ as read as Blood, which will be in five or six times; than bring it into a Powder, which imbibe with Oil of Roman Vitriol, dry and imbibe it three times: Than divide this Powder into eight parts; than take ℥ j of ♄, which put to Coppel, when it boileth, put into it a Ducat of ☉, then put into it one of the eight parts. Drive it of, and you shall have ℥ j of fine ☉. Hartman.) This Process was written in the French Tongue; at the bottom was written Probatum, the 2 d. of July, 1658. The Process saith, it must be done on Thursday and Friday, and at the Full of the ☽. Saunier's Work, as I wrought it. Purify ☉ three times by antimony; than reduce it into a subtle Calx, by Calcining it five times with Sulphur and ☿: Than burn S. V upon this Calx, and reverberate it again, that all the extraneous Spirits may be driven away. 2. Sublim ☿ seven times with Vitriol and Salt, reviving it with filing of ♂ after every 🝞mation. 3. Make an A. R. S. A. out of the fixed Salt, after the extraction of Salt-petre, which after some days must be dephlegmed with great care, and rectified, so that it have neither phlegm nor terrestrial feces. Dissolve ℥ j of your ☉ in as small a quantity of this A. R. as you can, keeping the Vessel well Sealed (and therefore it aught to be large) in a very gentle heat in B. M. where it must be digested (after the dissolution) for some days: The dissolution being very clear, decant it from the white residue. Dissolve ℥ ss. of fusible Salt in as small a quantity of the said A. R. as you can (which is not done suddenly, but by digestion) and being clear, mix these two dissolutions together, namely, that of the ☉, and of the Salt, and if any thing 🝟tate to the bottom, keep it in digestion with a gentle heat (the Vessel close stopped) until all is dissolved and clear; than keep it in the same digestion for fifteen days. Than with a very gentle heat abstract the phlegm, until a Spirit ascend; than cease, and put into the Vessel ℥ ss of the 🝞mate before mentioned (in very subtle Powder) shut the Vessel again immediately, and put it in digestion as before, until the 🝞mate is well dissolved. Than dephlegm again the dissolution; in doing of which you aught to attend very diligently, jest there come over some part of the ☉ and ☿, which now easily will be raised with the A. R. And this you may know, not only by the drops falling yellow, but also by trying with a white woollen cloth, which the drops will slain yellow if the ☉ ascendeth. Than Seal it Hermetically, and digest in Horse-dung: After six Months we opened the Vessel, and with a gentle heat distilled of the Liquor, and the remaining Golden Salt we projected upon restricted ☽, and for ℥ j of ☉ we had seven. Another Vessel, after twelve Month's digestion, rendered ℥ x. of ☉ for one put in: And so to two and twenty for one. I do not remember all the time precisely, but I should think, it would be better, after sufficient digestion in Horse-dung, to coagulate the Matter in dry heat until all be completely fixed, and than multiply the Matter by the same Process, as you did with ☉. The fusible Salt is made thus: Dissolve Salt (first well purified) in the said A. R. distil and cohobate until it is fusible. The restriction of ☽ you will found in a Book Published by john Saunier, which he calleth, the almost fixation of ☽, because it hath the weight and sound of ☉. Hartman.) This Process was wrought by Sir K. D. himself, as the Title Shows; it was written in Latin in his own hand, and the words are his own. Abbot Boucaud told me at Paris, that he knew Sir K. had wrought it. The Danes Work. CAlcine plaits of ♂ and ♀ with Sulphur; than grinned them so subtle Powder, which boil in 🜄, filter and evaporate, usque ad pelliculam, and put it to Crystallize in a cold place: Than purify these Crystals by dissolving them in 🜄, filtering and evaporating. Make also a Sulphur of the said Metals, by boiling Plaits with Vitriol and 🜄 in a Kettle, and the Sulph. will adhere to the Plaits. Purify ☿ first by Dist. and than by boiling it in an Earthen Pot with Vitriol, Ashes, and Powdered glass well mixed together, and boiled until you see the ☿ appear upon the Surface of the Matter: Than let it cool, and grinned all well together again, and boil it as before. Repeat this three times: Than take of this ☿ four parts, of the Sulph. of ♂ and ♀ ana one part, grinned them well together until they be well incorporated; than 🝞m and grinned again what is 🝞med with that which remained in the bottom, and 🝞m as before. Repeat this seven times: Than is the ☿ prepared for this Work. Distil an Oil s. a. out of the Vitriol of ♂ and ♀ joined together, which will be Blood-red. Make a light and Spongy Calx of ☉, by Calcining it four or five times with Sulphur and ☿. Take of this Calx ℥ j and of the ☿ prepared ℥ iv. Make an aaa, which grinned very well; than add of the Sulphur of ♂ and ♀ ana ℥ ss, grinned them well together with the aaa, than put it into a Matrass of such a bigness, that three fourth parts may remain empty, stop it slightly with Paper, that some moisture from the ☿ may exhale, (which otherwise might hinder the 🝟ation of the ☿) give 🜂 by degrees, first in Ashes, and than in Sand, but so gentle, that the ☿ may never rise, but that it may be always in a disposition to 🝞m, which you may know by a little Cloud upon the sides of the glass, such as appears when one breatheth upon a Looking-glass. The end of the digestion is, when you see the Matter converted into a very read 🝟tate and glittering, which endureth a very strong 🜂. Than take it out (being cold) and grinned it with four parts more of the said ☿, and the same quantity of the said Sulph. as before; digest as before, until all be converted into a read 🝟tate as before, except that it will be of a darker colour: Grinned this 🝟tate with the Oil of Vitriol beforementioned until it be like a pap: Than put it into a Cucurbite, and digest for fifteen days, than distil it, and the Phlegm will come over; and the Matter remaining dry in the bottom, you must grinned again with new Oil, and proceed in all as before. Repeat this so often, till the Oil come of as sharp as it was put on, which is a sign of Saturation: Than digest this Matter in Sand until all be resolved into a very read Oil in appearance (which in a cold place will congeal into a hard and brittle Matter.) At last give very strong 🜂 for three days, in which time the Matter will be entirely fixed, except a small quantity, which will be exhaled. Project this Matter upon ☽ in fusion equal parts. Thus far reacheth my Experience; but the Dane told me, that if this Matter were Amalgamated again with new ☿ prepared, and in all things proceeded as before, taking this Matter for the Foundation, instead of the ☉ which you took at first, it would become a Medicine, which in Projection would convert a great quantity of ☽ into ☉. And the oftener you should do this, the more Power it would have in Projection. Out of ℥ x. of this Matter, and as much ☽, I had ℥ xvij ss. of perfect ☉. Hartman.) Dr. Astell, an English Physician, shown me a Copy of this Process, which Sir K. D. had given him, who had assured him that he himself had wrought it, and that it was true: And having ℥ x. of fixed Matter, he divided it into ten parcels, and having melted ℥ x. of ☽, he Projected the said parcels one after another upon the same; than left it in fusion for three hours, than cast it in Ingot, which having weighed, he found the quantity of ☉ above mentioned. Opus Magnum ex Virginea Terra. TAke reddish rich Virgin Earth in ♈, impregnate it with ☉, ☽, serene and due, till the end of May: Than imbibe sprinklingly with dew gathered in May, and dry in ☉, expose all Night to the ☽ and Air, securing it from Rain. Still when it is dry, imbibe and turn the Earth often. Continued this till 🝞mation. The hot ☉ (especially in the Dog-days) will make a pure Salt shoot up, which mingle back into the Earth, by turning it all over. Than distil by graduated 🜂 as A. F. forcing all the Spirits over at last; you must give forty hours' 🜂, extreme at last. Put all the Liquor and Salt that cometh over, to digest and circulate a Month in fimo, in a great balon close shut. Than separate the several substances out of this Chaos; first, cometh an extreme subtle, ardent, AEthereal Spirit, than white ones with veins like S. V than Phlegm. Thus far in B. in a Cucurbite, than in a Retort: Than white fumes, than read ones, and a reddish brown Salt remaineth in the bottom, and a Volatile Salt will be 🝞med about the neck of the Retort, as also to the head and sides of the Cucurbite. Than purify every substance by itself; the fixed Salt by Solutions in the Phlegm, Filtrations, and Congelations, till it be perfect pure, clear, and cast no more Feces: The Volatile Salt by often Sublimations: The first Spirit by thrice distilling, and the fixed white and read Spirit likewise, both together. Now join all the three parts, beginning with the fixed Salt, whereof take three parts, and one of the fixed Spirit; digest eight days, distil in Ashes, and the Liquor will come of like Phlegm. Imbibe with more fixed Spirit, and repeat this till all of it be coagulated with the Salt. Than put one part of this to three of the 🜹, taking it all, and humect them with the Volatile Spirit. Digest eight days or longer, than distil in a Cucurbite; a stinking phlegm will rise, and a pure Salt 🝞m up, and if any Spirit distil over, keep it, putting it to the rest of the Spirit. Than add more of the fixed Salt to it which hath not 🝞med, making it one third to the 🜹, which humect with Spirit as before, circulate and 🝞m, and the 🜹 will be increased. Do thus till all the fixed Salt be 🝞med. Circulate the remaining Volatile Spirit with the 🜹, till all the Spirit be converted into 🜹, and nothing but a stinking phlegm come away. Than 🝞m this Salt by itself, till it leave no Feces, and be most white, transparent, and pure, which will be in four or five times. Take seven parts of this 🜹, and one of pure ☉ in leaf, Seal it Hermetically, and digest in B. The Matter will become a green 🜄, like an Emerald, with an Oriental esclat: (and in a Retort will pass all over, leaving a few grains of brownish-gray styptic Earth, like Tobacco-pipe Earth) And after a while black like Ink, and continued so two and forty days; when the blackness beginneth to wane, put it in dry 🜂 in an Athanor. It will pass the colours, and become a read Elixir, and is now best for Health; but it will not have good ingression into Metals, till it have been multiplied four or five times with new 🜂, taking every time after the first, only three to one; and it will be done every time after the first in a shorter space. After every fixation of the multiplication, and the first also, give strong 🜂 for three days, and a black Earth will separate from the read Powder, lying like a Cake under it. Before you Project upon inferior Metals, ferment anew with three parts of ☉ to one of the Elixir, giving three hours of extreme fusion, and all will be read Powder. You may proceed in the same manner for ☽. Note also, That when the Work of ☉ is at the white, it will Project upon Inferior Metals, to make them like ☽, but in truth white ☉, enduring all the trials of ☉. If you digest in B. V ten parts of Pearl in Powder, with one of the perfect 🜹, it will become an Oriental Liquor, whereof a few drops is admirable for Health. If you take four parts of such 🜹, and grinned it well with pure read Coral in Powder one part, and 🝞m, putting what riseth upon as much of fresh Coral, repeating this four or five times, the 🜹 will be read like a Ruby, and an admirable Medicine. All the Corals will dissolve in a Cellar. If you grinned one part of it with ten parts of green Venice Talc, and put distilled dew upon it, six fingers over, and digest in fimo, all the Talc will dissolve, and a splendid Oil of rare effects swim upon it. Hartman.) Sir Kenelm D. said, that a Person of Quality beyond the Sea (whom he named) wrought this Process, and it happened at that time that his Wife was dangerously Sick, and like to die; she was given over as a dead Woman by the ablest Physicians: Upon that he opened the Vessel, and gave her one grain of the Elixir; whereupon she Recovered, and lived many Years after it in perfect Health. This Process, and Saunier's Work were together in a small bundle of Papers tied up together by itself; upon the outside of it were written the following words, Perfumes, Curiosities, My great Arcane of this Note. A Miniera of ☉, wrought by a Person of Quality in Champagne. TAke Sulphur-vive lbss. lbss. melt it in an Earthen Poringer, than squeeze into it lbj lbj. of ☿; stir it continually until the ☿ appear not more in the Sulph. Than let it cool, and grinned to Powder, which digest in a Matrass for two days with a strong 🜂. Than take it out, and grinned it again; add to it its double weight of filing of ♂; mix them well together, and put them in a Retort, and distil over all the ☿: Mix this ☿ again with new Sulphur melted as before; digest in a Matrass as before for two days, in the mean time grinned the filing of ♂ (that you distilled the ☿ from) and wash them well from all the foulness and blackness: Than dry them and grinned them again with the Sulphur and ☿, and distil them in a Retort as before. Repeat this so often, till the filing of ♂ come to be of a yellow Golden colour, which will hap at the seventh distillation: Than take this ☿ and put it in a Retort, and distil only ℥ j of it, and with the remaining ℥ viij. make an aaa with ℥ j of ☉, digest this aaa in an Athanor for nine Months, it will pass all the due colours, and will become a Miniera, as followeth. To this ℥ ix. of Matter put ℥ iij. of ☿ prepared as before, and digest, and in six weeks you shall have ℥ xij. ready to melt: And to these ℥ xij. add ℥ iv. more of ☿, and digest, and in six weeks you shall have ℥ xuj. of Miniera. Note, that you must always use a ☿ prepared, as was said for the multiplication of the Miniera: For if you should take crude and unprepared ☿, you would have but an ordinary 🝟tate after one or two multiplications. Note, That the filing of ♂ is to be changed after three times, and new to be taken, which is to serve also three times: After which six times, you must join both the parcels of filing, and use them both at the seventh time, and if the sign given you (of the yellow Golden colour) hap not at the seventh time, continued and repeat your Operation, with all your filing, until it do appear. When your Miniera is completed, it will be a deep-red Powder, very shining, and at every time it is to become such: If you multiply it with crude ☿, it will loose its lustre after twice, and not increase in fixed Metal. The first time, you must put into one Glass not more than ℥ j of ☉, and ℥ viij. of ☿: But when the Miniera is made, you may work even to fifty Ounces in one Glass, keeping always your due proportion. Fixation of ♄ into ☽, with good Profit. MElt lbj lbj. of ♄, then put in ℥ ss. of ☽, and some scories of ♂, and a little read Arsenic; keep it in a strong 🜂 for three or four hours or more. Than the Crucible being cold, break it, and take out the Matter, and put it in a new Cruc. which must have a little hole in the bottom; put this Cruc. in a wind Furnace, and melt the Matter again, putting under the Furnace a Basin with 🜄 to receive the Matter as it melteth and runneth through the Cruc. Take this Matter and melt it again with the same quantity of ☽, and new scories of ♂; keep it in fusion as before. Reiterate this Operation ten or twelve times, until the ♄ is very hard, being impregnated with ☽; than put it to Coppel with ℥ j of ☽ to every lb. of this Mixture. The goodness of the Operation consisteth in the fixation of the ☿ which is in the ♄ by the Sulphur of ♂: Therefore you must keep the Matter a long time in fusion, that the Sulphur of ♂ may act strongly upon the said ☿. To fix ☿ of antimony, or the Common ☿. TAke ℥ j of ☉ in leaf, and ℥ iv. or u of ☿: Make an aaa, which put in a Retort, and digest it in Horse-dung for eight days, than distil in Sand, giving strong 🜂 at last, and the ☉ will go over with the ☿, and if any of it remain in the bottom, aaate it with the same ☿, and digest three or four days, and than distil as before, and all the ☉ will go over with the ☿, and you shall have a ☿ well animated. Take ℥ iij. of this ☿, aaate it with ℥ j of ☉; grinned the aaa, and put it in a Matrass half luted; digest for eleven days by graduated 🜂, and all will be a read Powder. Take ℥ iij. of this Powder, and project it upon ℥ j of ☉ in fusion, and all will be transmuted into ☉. Than take the remaining ℥ of Powder, and aaate it with ℥ iij. of the ☿ animated; digest as before, and in nine days your Powder will be perfected as before. Take these ℥ iv. of Powder, and unite it with ℥ xij. of new ☿ animated; digest without ☉, and you will have a perpetual Miniera; part whereof you may reduce to a Body when you please, by projecting it upon ☉; and the other will serve for a Ferment, which will never fail, being itself all ☉. This ☿ animated may be fixed without ☉, by a gentle heat, being itself a liquid ☉; but to shorten the Work, you may add ☉. A Reality upon ☽. TAke ℥ ij. of ♀ in thin Plates, and ℥ j of small Nails, put them in a Cruc. in a Furnace, and when they are very read, cast in some Sulphur upon them at several times, that they may melt well; when they are like Paste, cast in some antimony, and stir it with an Iron Rodriguez to make them well incorporate: Leave it in good fusion for five or six hours, stirring it sometimes. Than take out the Cruc. and let it cool; than break it, and you shall found but a little Reg. at the bottom, but many yellow lumps at the top, which beaten to Powder. Than melt ℥ ij. of fine ☽, and project ℥ iij. of the Powder; stir it with an Iron Rodriguez, keep it in fusion for eight or ten hours. Than put it to Coppel, and separating 🜄, and you shall have fine ☉. Hartman.) This Process is also confirmed with a Probatum. Fixation of the ☿ of antimony, as Monsieur de la Noüe wrought it at Paris. TAke ☿ of antimony and ☉ ana ℥ j Oil of Vitriol ℥ vj. Distil to dryness; take what is 🝞med, and join it again to the Feces, and put the Oil upon it again that distilled over; distil as before. Repeat this so often, till nothing more 🝞m, distilling every time in a new Retort; at the twelfth or fifteenth distillation, all the Matter will remaim in a read Powder. Take Sulphur-vive, and Ashes of Alican ana equal parts, of which make a lixive with common 🜄; filter and evaporate, and you shall have a Sulphurous Salt: Take of this Salt and of the said Powder ana gr. vj. ☿ of antimony ℥ j filing of ☉ ℥ ij. mix and grinned all well together, and put them into a Matr. with a long neck; make a 🜂 about the middle of the neck of the Matr. in an Iron pan with a hole in the middle through which the neck of the Matr. may pass; let this 🜂 be stronger than that below; continued the 🜂 for six hours: Than cast your fixed Matter into a Bath of ☉. Preparation of the Powder, with which Claudius the Montrouge, and Abbot Oberye at Paris fixed ☿ of antimony. THey melted ℥ iv. of Sulphur in an earthen Poringer, than they squeezed into it through a leather ℥ j of ☿ of antimony made of Regulus of antimony, 🜹, and ☿ 🝞mate (the ☿ of antimony without addition had been better, but they had none) and whilst the one squeezed the ☿ into the Sulphur, the other kept stirring continually with an Iron Spatul so long until the ☿ did not more appear in the said Sulphur, and that all was converted into a grayish Citrine Powder (the colour is variable, according as you govern the 🜂, sometimes it will be read like Cinaber.) To this Powder they took ℥ j of ☉ in Calx, and ℥ j of the Salt that is found in the Pots at the Glass-Houses, which Salt they dissolved, filtered, and congealed: They grinded all well together, the Powder, the ☉, and this Salt: Than they put all into a Retort, and put upon it ℥ xxiv. of good Oil of Vitriol well rectified; to this Retort (being put in Sand) they adapted a large Glass-receiver, the junctures being well luted, and the lute dry, they distilled by degrees of heat, at last gave strong 🜂. It was ten or twelve hours before the Oil came over. All being cold, they broke the Retort, and took out the Matter which remained in the bottom, which they did put into a new Retort, pouring upon it the Liquor with the flowers of Sulphur which were in the Recipient: Than joining again the Receiver, and luting well, and the lute being dry, they distilled as before. They reiterated this Operation twenty times, grinding every time the Matter, and joining it with the Liquor and Flowers. At the twentieth distillation, the small quantity of Liquor that came over, was almost all phlegm; than they took out the Matter that remained in the Retort, and put it into a Viol, which they stopped very close, and kept it in a dry place, because that so soon as it felt the Air, it grew moist. With this Powder they fixed the ☿ of antimony, which being mixed with the Calx of ☉, and held in the hand, grew so hot, that they were not able to hold it in their hands, not more than a piece of Iron red-hot, as every one of them made Experience, casting it into a Basin full of 🜄, which they had standing by for that purpose. They wrought the said Fixation in an Iron barrel of a Gun, thus. They put about sixty grains of the aforesaid ☿ only (because they had not more) into the said Barrel, than they gave the 🜂, first above for two hours, and afterwards below for one hour, keeping that above always stronger than that below; than they heard the said ☿ begin to roar, and make a noise in the Barrel; than they cast into it a little more than one grain of the fixative Powder, wrapped up in paper; and than they continued the 🜂 for seven or eight hours, after which time they heard no more noise at all; than they judged that the Work was done, and let the 🜂 go out; and the Barrel being cold, they found about twenty grains of good ☉, which endured all the Trials of ☉. Hartman.) This Relation is of Sir K. himself, written in the French Tongue. A Process to fix the Common ☿ by the Salt of ♄; wrought by Captain Ziegler at Ments, and sent me by him. MElt ♄ in an Iron pan, let it be red-hot, than cast in some Salt, stir it until it be reduced to Powder; sift this Powder finely, and that which will not go through the size, must be Calcined as before: Than edulcorate this Powder with warm 🜄, and you shall have a Calx as white as Ceruse, which put into a Matrass, and extract the Salt out of it with distilled Vinegar s. a. after three or four days digestion, decant the distilled Vinegar, and put on fresh; digest as before, shaking the Vessel often: Repeat this three or four times, or so often, till the Sp. of V hath extracted all the Salt. Than put all your Sp. of V together and filter it, than distil it of in a Retort, until you see the Salt of ♄ remain in the bottom like deep-red Oil, which being cold, will be white like Sugar-candy: Grinned this Salt, and put it into a Matrass, and extract it with Sp. of V as before. Repeat this purification three or four times, and you shall have a Salt of ♄ well prepared for this Work. An A. F. to be used in this Work. TAke Salt ℥ iv. Nitre lbj lbj. mix them well together with lbij lbij ss. of Powder of bricks; put all in a Retort, and distil by graduated 🜂, forcing over the Spirit strongly at last: The distillation will be performed in sixteen or eighteen hours. Take ☿ seven parts, fine ☽ one part; make an aaa, which put into a Retort, and pour upon it so much of the A. F. as may cover it a large finger's breadth: Let it stand twenty four hours, than distil it in Sand; when it is cold, cohobate the distilled A. F. upon it again, and distil as before. Repeat this three or four times; than break the Retort, being cold, and take out the aaa, which grinned to a fine Powder, and put it in an Iron pan, and hold it over a coal 🜂, stirring it continually with an Iron Rodriguez, until it be almost red-hot, and that it be converted into a read Powder, like read 🝟tate. Take of this read Powder two parts, and of the aforesaid Salt of ♄ one part, reduce them to a fine Powder, which put into a Matrass, and digest it in Sand for eight days: Than put it to Coppel, and you shall have half your aaa fixed into fine ☽. Hart. When Sir K.D. was at Franckfort in Germany, where he lived a year and half, in the Year 1659. he went often from Franckfort to Ments (being four Germane Leagues distance) to Visit the Prince Elector there: Than he conversed also with this Captain Ziegler, who was a famous Chemist. And when Sir K. returned to England about the time of the King's happy Restauration, the said Captain sent him this Process written in the Germane Tongue, assuring him that he had done it: He said, that the ☽ which he got, he put to separating 🜄, and he had some ☉ out of it. He said also, that he thought this Salt of ♄ would fix ☿, in ☉ if the aaa were made with ☉ instead of ☽. A Work upon Cinaber, wrought by Monsieur Sauvage. TAke Nitre and 🜹, ana, which dissolve in Rain 🜄; filter and evaporate to dryness: Than grinned this double Salt to subtle Powder; take a large Crucible, in the bottom whereof put a bed of Quicklime in Powder, upon that put a bed of this Salt, cover it with another bed of Quicklime the same quantity as before, taking two parts of Quicklime to one of Salt. Cover the Cruc. with another, without luting them; put this in a Baker's Oven after the Bread is drawn, let it stand as long as there is any heat in the Oven; when the Oven hath been heated again, and the Bread drawn, set it in again; do this three times: Than keep it in a strong 🜂 for six hours, and being cold, take it out, and put it into 🜄, and let it boil in an earthen Pot eight or ten walms. Than filter it hot, and evaporate to a dry Salt, which put in a strong Bottle, and keep it close stopped in a dry place: Than take two parts of this Salt, and of Salt of ♄ one part, mix and dissolve them in distilled Vinegar. Than take Cinaber, pulverize it, and make a Paste thereof with the yolk of an Egg; of this Paste make little Cakes in the shape of the heads of Horse-shoe-nails; make them pretty thick, and put them in an earthen Pot, pouring upon them of the aforesaid dissolution, so much as may cover them the breadth of three or four fingers; boil this together until it come to be like Honey: Put more distilled Vinegar upon the Cakes, and boil it as before. Continued this for three days; than wash the Cakes in fair 🜄, and you will found them something Metallized. Filter the 🜄, and evaporate to a Salt, which will serve again for the same use, adding Salt of ♄. Take of the fixed Salt without Salt of ♄, and of good Venice Ceruse ana equal parts, grinned and mix them well together; than put a bed thereof about the thickness of a Crown, into an Iron Box, than put a bed of Plates of ☽ upon that, and than the Powder again upon the ☽, the same quantity as before; upon that put a bed of your lumps of Cinaber, than Powder, than Plates of ☽, then the Powder again; and thus continued stratifying until your Box be full, the Powder being the first and last: Than put on the cover of the Box, which you must fasten, and secure it well with Iron hooks. Than you must have another Box of Iron, made big enough to contain the first, and that there be the space of a finger's breadth between, at the bottom, on the sides, and at the top; the Boxes must be square, and you must have two Iron hoops made in the shape of a Crown with crankles; put one of them into the bigger Box, turning the teeth or crankles downwards, upon which set the lesser Box; put some pieces of Iron on the sides, to keep the lesser Box at an equal distance from the sides of the bigger: Than put on the other hoop upon the lesser Box, keep it down with some heavy thing whilst you pour in some melted ♄ into the bigger Box, so much as may cover the lesser Box a finger's breadth. Than put on the cover of the bigger Box, and fasten it with Iron hoops and wedges to keep it close: Than the Box being yet hot, put it into an Athanor where the 🜂 is kindled, let the Registers be shut, so that there be but a very moderate heat, such as where you may endure your hand; continued the first degree for three days, so that all that while the ♄ may be but melted, than increase the heat for three days more; and so increasing the heat every third day, continued in all three weeks; the last three days the 🜂 must be very vehement. Than let all cool, and take out your lumps, and reverberate them with very gentle heat for twelve hours, and they will be of a whitish-gray colour. Than melt ♄ in a Cruc. and cast these lumps into it, digest this Matter together for three days, than put it to Coppel. Note, that if you cast this Mass into melted ☽, and digest it three days before you Coppel it, you shall have more profit than if you test it without digesting it. Note also, that if you will continued your Work, you need not use any more Plates of ☽, but only the Cakes as they are, and before they are reverberated, using them instead of the ☽, being pulverised, and they will be the more fixed, and the profit will prove very considerable. You must have of ☽ and Cinaber ana ℥ vj. and of the double Salt and Ceruse ana ℥ iv. Tincture of Mars. DIssolve filing of ♂ in A. F. made of Vitriol, Nitre, Allom, and Cinaber; than pour upon this dissolution distilled Vinegar, double the weight of the A. F. shake it well together, and digest in B. for three days, than decant the clear, and filter it; evaporate it gently: Than grinned it with two parts of ☿ 🝞mate, Sublime the ☿ from it four times; than dissolve it again in distilled Vinegar, and evaporate it gently; than dissolve it in distilled Rain 🜄, and congeal it gently: Repeat this last solution till it is not corrosive upon the Tongue; than in ℥ iv. of Rectified Spirit of Vitriol dissolve ℥ j of this Sulphur of ♂, and ʒij. of Sulphur of ☉ made the same way, except the first solution of the ☉, which must be an A. R. made of Salt, Nitre, and Vitriol; mix these two last solutions together, and digest in fimo, than coagulate it gently, dissolve again in Spirit of Vitriol, and coagulate: Repeat this seven times, and if any feces remain at last, leave them out. Try this Medicine upon a hot Plate of ☽, if it penetrate and tinge it throughly without smoking, it is a sign of its perfection; but if it smoke, you must dissolve it again, and gently coagulate. Than melt ℥ j of ☉, and cast upon it by little and little ʒj. of this Medicine, and when all is entered and incorporated with the ☉, cast it in Ingot, and you shall have a Matter as brittle as Glass, and transparent like a dark Granade stone, and fusible as ♄. Than melt fine ☉ and fine ☽ ana, and project of this Medicine upon it, and you shall have pure ☉. To fix a quarter part of ☽ into ☉. TAke filing of ☽ ℥ j aaamate aaamate it with ℥ iv. of ☿, put this aaa in a Retort, and distil of the ☿; take the ☽ and re aaamate aaamate it with the distilled ☿; distil as before. Repeat this three or four times, and the ☽ will be a Powder impalpable. Take 🜹 and Cinaber ana ℥ jss. ☿ 🝞mate ℥ ss. grinned and mix them well together with the ☽: Than 🝞me it with gentle heat, mix what is 🝞med with that which remaineth in the bottom, and Sublime as before. Than take both Feces and 🝞mate and mix it with Sulphur of ♀ and Crocus Martis, and of a Regulus made of antimony, ♂, and ♀, ana ℥ ss. grinned all together with a little 🜹. Than Sublime it four times with gentle heat, adding every time a little 🜹, because it openeth the body of ♂ and ♀, and uniteth them with the ☽. Than grinned all well together, and digest it in the following 🜄. Take Nitre, Vitriol, ana lbj lbj. antimony, Sulphur, Verdigrease, and Auripigmentum ana ℥ iv. Make an A. F. of this, s. a. Or take common A. F. lbj lbj. distil and cobobate it three or four times upon the said Materials, giving strong 🜂 at last: Than put your Powder into a Retort, and pour upon it so much of the A. F. as may cover it the breadth of three fingers, distil it of with a gentle 🜂, than cohobate and distil three or four times: Than put fair 🜄 into the Retort, and digest for five or six days in Sand; than evaporate to dryness: Than take out this Matter and pulverize it, and weigh it. Than melt as much ♄ as you have Powder, and cast your Powder upon it by parcels, melt it with a strong 🜂, than let it stand in the 🜂 until the 🜂 go out of itself; than take it out, and you will found a Regulus in the Cruc. which Coppel, and than put the ☽ to separating 🜄, and you shall have a fourth part of fine ☉. A Work with Butter of antimony. THE Work, which Monsieur Perdussin of Lions communicated to P. A Dieudoné, is to make a Butter of antimony with antimony Mineral, and ☿ 🝞mate, ana lbj lbj. Of this take ℥ ij. and digest it in a Matrass sealed Hermetically in an Athanor, and it will putrify, growing as black as pitch; than pass the Colours: That done, take one part of leaf ☉, and three of this Powder; grinned them well together, and digest as before, it will become black as at first, and pass all the Colours. This proportion of ☉ for ferment, you may divide into several parcels, for several times, so each Revolution will be shorter, when the whole dose of ☉ hath fermented the first stone: This product serveth for ferment to multiply in quantity and quality. The P. wrought the first part, and had perfect putrefaction. An Excellent fusible Salt. P. Benin de Beaune maketh his fusible Salt thus: Decrepitate and Reverberate Salt, than dissolve it in fair 🜄, filter and congeal. Repeat all this Work four or five times: Being perfectly pure, dissolve it in Spirit of Vinegar, filter and congeal; repeat this with distilled Vinegar once again: Than it is perfectly fundant. Another fusible Salt. DIssolve Salt in Rain 🜄, filter and congeal; when the 🜄 is almost evaporated, and that the Salt falls to the bottom, take it out with a wooden Spoon by little and little, until the 🜄 is exhaled: Grinned this Salt (being very dry) and reverberate it in an Earthen Vessel close luted; let the Vessel be read in the 🜂, but the Salt must not melt; so soon as you see the Vessel read, let it stand until the 🜂 is go out: Than grinned it and reverberate it as before; dissolve and congeal as before. Repeat this until it is perfectly fundant. Note, that you must not decrepitate your Salt. An Operation with a Martial Regulus of antimony, wrought by Monsieur Toysonnier. HE made a yellow Martial Regulus thus: Ignifie ℥ iv. of Nails in a Crucible, than put upon it ℥ viij. of good antimony, and give strong 🜂 in a wind Furnace, to make all melt well, which to promote, cast in some Salt-petre, than cast it in an antimony Horn, and separate the Feces from the Reg. Ignifie ℥ ij. of Nails more, and cast thereon the Feces (this Work must be done presently after the first) adding Salt-petre to make all melt well and clear: Than cast it in a Horn, and separate the scories from it, and wash it clean; it will be first white, but after a day or two will be yellow within as well as without. Take of this Reg. and of ☽, ana ℥ ss. melt them well together (he poured a little ☿ in them when they were near ready to congeal, and stirred with an Iron Rodriguez, but the Mass took in little above ʒj. of ☿.) Beaten it to Powder, add to it eight or ten parts of ☿, and grinned exceedingly till they incorporate, (which required about twelve complete hours, often heating the Matter and Instruments.) Than squeeze away so much ☿, that there remain only six parts; digest it three days in Sand by degrees, at last, very hot. Put the remaining Calx to Coppel with four charges of ♄, adding a little fresh ☽ to make it work better. Put the Mass, au departed, and you shall have twenty six gr. of good ☉. Hartman.) The said Monsieur Toysonnier was Sir Kenelm's Operator; he was a Frenchman, and a very able Chemist, Sir K. brought him over with him from Paris, 1660. Butter of antimony to Extract the Tincture of ☉. DIgest Butter of antimony six weeks or two Months, and than put it upon a well opened Calx of ☉, and digest it, and the B. will extract the Tincture of ☉, which digest, etc. To fix ☽ into ☉; given me by an Intimate Friend, who told me that he wrought it as followeth, taking his hints out of Lully's Experiments. HE made a Mercurial 🜄, as he teacheth, by his Vessel with three Bowls in three Furnaces (which Mercurial 🜄 will return again into running ☿ after a little digestion) and to this he put some pure white Salt of Bohemian-tartar, and some ☿ 🝟tate, that had been 🝟tated by itself with three or four Month's digestion, and some Calx of ☽ exceedingly well opened, and very subtle: This he digested a good while, and drew of the 🜄, and cohobated several times, after which he did put some Tincture of ♂ unto it, and digested and cohobated anew; and in the end he found almost all the ☽ converted into ☉, that endureth all Trials, but it was a little pale. In Lul you may found Directions to make all the things that were used in this Work. The Salt of Bohemian-tartar, was but the fixed, reduced to its highest purity; but it should have been Volatilised, and make to pass over with the Mercurial 🜄, to acuate and animate it. He believeth the great Work is to be made with a Mercurial 🜄, animated with a Volatile Salt of Bohemian-tartar, to serve for a Menstruum or Alcahest to dissolve ☉ and ☽. Weigh well what Lul saith of these things. malus his Process to fix ☽: Wrought by Monsieur Ferrier, and given me by him, 1660. TAke an A. F. made of equal parts of Vitriol and Nitre, pour of it upon Sulphur and 🜹, ana (four parts of A. F. to one of Powder) distil it of to dryness, and make Sublime what william. Melt ℥ iv. of ☽, cast upon it ℥ ss of Sublimed Salt when the ☽ is in good fusion: After it is entered cast in Ingot, melt again, and project a new Packet of Salt, doing all as before: Do this four times, so spending ʒij. of Salt upon ʒiv. of ☽. Than put it au depart. To fix ☽ by a Mercurial Water. MAke Mercurial Water by means of an Earthen Retort that hath a Pipe or Spout behind in the upper part, through which you cast in the ☿ when the Retort is red-hot. Take of this 🜄 (well rectified) ten parts, and one of a well rectified Oil of Vitriol; distil them together, till they be perfectly united: Than take of this Menstruum ten parts, and one of a well Calcined ☉; digest them together in a Matrass (Sealed Hermetically) until the ☉ is well dissolved: Than take it out, and put the Matter into a low Cucurbite, and distil until the drops come Acid. Than let it cool, and put the Matter into a Matrass, Seal it Hermetically, and digest in an Athanor, until it be perfectly fixed into a read Powder. Monsieur Bertaults Tincture of ☉ by Venus. TAke Sulphur and Borax, ana, melt them together three times, grinding the matter every time; than melt ☉ and ♀ ana, and cast upon them of the said Composition, until the ♀ be reduced to aes ustum; than cast in Ingot, and beaten it with a Hammer, to 'cause the aes ustum to scale of from the ☉. Than melt this ☉ again, and project as before. Repeat this three times, and you shall have a ☉ as read as blood, and this Tincture will hold the Test. Note, that when you beaten your ☉, if you see that the aes ustum do not all scale of from the ☉, you must melt it again, and project more of your Composition until it come all of in scales, and be all separated from the ☉, which it aught to do at every time. To fix ☽ into ☉. Distil from ☿ 🝞mate a Spirit, wherein dissolve an aaa of ☉ and ☿ into a white Powder, which digest in Ashes until it be as read as Cinaber. Than dissolve it in A. R. into a read water, which reduce again to Powder, which project upon ☽. Another Tincture of ☽. DIssolve ʒj. of ☉ in A. R. and ʒiij. of ☽ in A. F. Precipitate them, and than unite them together, and distil their Spiritual Essence, which by degrees of heat fix into a Blood-red Powder, which tingeth ☽ into ☉. An Operation with ☉ and ☿ of antimony: Wrought by Monsieur Chambulan, and given me by him. TAke lbiij lbiij. of good Salt of Bohemian-tartar, Calcine it, so that it be glowing hot for twenty four hours, in a Pot close luted; than dissolve it in phlegm of Brandy, filter, and evaporate; Calcine it again as before, dissolve and congeal as before. Repeat all this Work four or five times, or until it leave no more Feces in the filter: Than Calcine this Salt again for six hours, and than pulverize it whilst it is yet hot, and put it in a large Cucurbite, and pour upon it by little and little of good Nants Brandy, so much as may cover it the breadth of four fingers, cover it with a blind head, or with another Cucurbite, that may enter into it, lute well the junctures, and digest in warm Sand for six days; than put on a head with a Limbeck and a Recipient, and distil over with a gentle heat all the S. V than let it cool, and pour on fresh Brandy, digest, and distil as before. Repeat this Operation five or six times, or so often till your Salt of Tartar remain in the bottom like a read and transparent Oil, which will be very fiery and penetrating, reducing all Metals into running ☿, being first duly prepared; keep this Oil close stopped. Than take lbviij lbviij. of the Ashes of burned Vines, whereof make a strong Lixivium with lbxx lbxx. of fair 🜄, than in lbxij lbxij. of this Lixivium; dissolve lbj lbj. of Salt of Bohemian-tartar, filter this dissolution, and digest it in Sand with a strong 🜂 for some time; than cast into it lbj lbj. of Regulus of antimony, that hath been melted and purified six or seven times with Bohemian-tartar and Salt-petre, and than reduced to a subtle Powder: Make it boil for six hours, until the Lixivium be very read and stinking; than let it settle and cool, and decant the clear, and wash the Powder with fair 🜄, than dry it, and grinned it upon a stone, imbibing it with the read Oil of Tartar beforementioned, until it be like a Pap, than dry it, and imbibe it again, and grinned as before. Repeat this so often till the Powder hath taken in double its weight of the said Oil of Bohemian-tartar: Than put this Matter in a Body with a blind head, lute well all the junctures, and digest in fimo for twenty days; than take it out, and you will found your Powder converted into running ☿, which wash well with hot 🜄, than with Salt and Vinegar, and than with fair 🜄, than squeeze it through Chambo-leather. Than take ℥ x. of this ☿ of antimony, and ℥ x. of Common ☿ that hath been distilled over in a Retort with Bohemian-tartar and Quicklime, and than washed with Salt and Vinegar; mix these two Mercuries together and squeeze them through a leather, than put them in a Cucurbite, lute another Cucurbite upon it, and digest in fimo for fifteen days, than put a head to it with a Limbeck, and distil in Ashes, and all the Common ☿ will distil over drop by drop as 🜄, and the ☿ of antimony will remain in the bottom like a clear Oil, and will be of a fragrant scent: Rectify the 🜄 in Ashes, and the Oil with a stronger 🜂 in Sand, and keep them by themselves. Than melt ℥ ij. of ☉, and ℥ j of ☽, than cast in Ingot, and beaten it into leaf, or reduce it into fine filing, and make an aaa with ☿, distil this aaa in a Retort until all the ☿ is distilled over; than put this aaa in a Matrass, and pour upon it ℥ x. of the Mercurial Water beforementioned: Digest it, and in a few hours all will be dissolved. Put this dissolution in a Retort, lute a Recipient to it, and having luted well the junctures, distil in Sand, and all will distil over except a few black Feces; dephlegm it with a gentle heat in B. M. distilling until nothing more come over. Take of that which remaineth in the bottom of the Cucurbite ℥ iv. put it in a strong Matrass, and put to it ℥ viij. of your Oil of ☿ of antimony; Seal it well, and digest it with a Lamp 🜂 in Ashes, and in forty days all will be fixed into a read stone; than take out the Matrass, and put it to a strong 🜂 in Sand to Sublime it for twenty four hours, and all will melt like an Oil, which will congeal in a cold place into a read stone. Fermentation. TAke ℥ iv. of this read stone, pulverize it, and stratify it with ℥ j of ☉ in leaf between two Crucibles well luted; put this to a Circulary 🜂 by degrees for six hours, than cover it with Coals, so that it may melt and unite well together: Project ℥ j of this Powder upon ℥ x. of boiling ☿ (well purified) and all will be converted into a Medicine, which will project upon great quantity of ☿, transmuting it into fine ☉. Elixir of antimony, ☉, and ☿. TAke good Mineral antimony, mortify it with radicated Vinegar; than separate its Quintessence with pure S. V With that Quintessence dissolve ☿ duplicatum of antimony, that both become an Oil, which unite with a subtle Calx of ☉, and bring them to an incombustible Oil, which will transmute ☿ into ☉. Elixir ex ☉ & ☽. DIssolve ☉ (well purified by antimony) in A.R. than reduce it into a blood-red Oil with radicated Vinegar, and Tartarised S. V Than with this Oil imbibe a natural Sulphur of ☽, and fix them by graduated 🜂. This is a high Projection upon ☽. Elixir Album. SUblime ☿ three times from Vitriol and Salt-petre, than in hot Sand fix it so, that in strong heat it may not rise, which may be performed in three week's time: Than Calcine it in a close Reverberatory 🜂, and it will be ready for solution. Than take the Water which distilled over in Subliming the ☿, and dissolve in it a little 🜹, and ☿ 🝞mate; with this solution mix Calcined Vitriol to the thickness of Honey, digest in fimo one and twenty days: Than distil by degrees a little at a time (for it yieldeth a very fiery Spirit) let the Recipient be large. When all is come over that will, rectify it; than in this Spirit dissolve the aforesaid fixed ☿, so is the Menstruum prepared. Than take a white Calx of ♃, pour upon it so much of this Menstruum as will cover it, let it stand eight days as before Repeat this till the Calx will take in no more of the said Menstruum, than let it stand till it become first black, and than white, Subliming itself above the Caput Mortuum, from which carefully separate the white, and that is Sulphur naturae jovis, which put into a little Matrass and fix it, (which may also be done by frequent 🝞mation) make also Sulphur naturae ☽ in the same manner, and with the same Menstruum, which dissolve into Oil in B. with which imbibe the said Sulphur naturae jovis until it be fusible, and than it will transmute ♃ into ☽. Elixir Rubrum. TAke Vitriol of ♀ well purified by Solutions and Coagulations, unite it. with Liquor of ☿ 🝞mate and 🜹, than distil a 🜂 from it in Ashes; than having stood (cold) twenty four hours, distil more 🜂 from it. Repeat this until the remaining Matter be well broken; than join all the distilled waters to it again, and digest it in fimo for 40 days: Than distil its Spirit, with which imbibe the remaining Earth; dry it with a gentle heat, than imbibe again, and dry as before: Repeat this till the Earth hath imbibed all its 🜂. Than distil it, and you shall have a Philosophical ☿, and what Sublimeth is the Sulphur, which keep apart. Repeat the imbibition and distillation, till no more Sulphur will ascend; with this Sulphur imbibe half its weight of the ☿, put them into a Matrass, which Seal Hermetically, and fix them together; and this Work must be repeated four times, every time with the same proportion of the said Philosophical ☿. Than fix this Matter in a Vessel Sealed Hermetically by degrees of 🜂, and all the colours will appear one after another, until it become white, and lastly, to an incombustible red. Take one part of this read Powder, cast it upon ten parts of Sublimed ☿, set it to putrify for thirty days, and it will become Oil, which being Projected upon boiling ☿, will transmute it into pure ☉. The said read Powder being infused in Wine over Night, and drank in the Morning, Cureth most Diseases in Man's Body. The best way to Extract the ☿ of ♀. TAB I The Furnace must be round, and well made every where, than set a cover upon it like a Funnel, and the Pots upon that; than fill the Furnace with Coals, and let them be well kindled before you cast in the antimony, that the Flowers may be pure and white; than cast in the antimony through a hole, which must be on the side of the cover: And thus you shall Sublime lbj lbj. of Flowers in an hour. (See the first Figure.) The Process teacheth to set fifteen or sixteen Pots one upon another; but I think five or six may do as well. To Extract ☿ of ☽ or ♄. DIssolve filing of ♄ in A. F. one part, and fair 🜄 two parts, Precipitate the Calx with Salt of Bohemian-tartar, than add crude Bohemian-tartar to this Calx, and boil them together a long time; at last, revive it with hot 🜄, and you shall have a fluid and running ☿. In the same manner you may proceed with ☽. To make a Minera of ☿ of Antimony, ad Infinitum. TAke of the ☿ revived from the Flowers abovementioned ℥ viij. Sublime it with Salt and Vitriol, according to Art: Than take of this ☿ Sublimate and antimony in fine Powder, equal parts, mix them well together, and distil a Butter thereof, giving gentle fire for four hours, than distil with a strong fire, and the ☿ will distil in great quantity. Note, that when the Butter is come over, before you increase the fire to drive over the ☿, you must change the Recipient, putting on another full of water impregnated with 🜹. Than take the Cinaber and mix it with black soap and a little Salt of Bohemian-tartar; than distil, and you shall have near the whole quantity in running ☿. That which remaineth in the bottom is the true Sulphur of antimony, of which make a Lixivium with 🜄, and Precipitate the Sulphur. Another way to Extract the ☿ of Antimony by an A. R. give me by Monsieur Carton. TAke Salt-petre of the first boiling without refining it any more, and Vitriol and 🜹, whereof make A. R. after the Dutch way of making A. F. where they put an hundred pound of Matter into a large Iron Pot with a large earthen head, to which they join a large stone-receiver or a stone Pitcher: The junctures all well luted with a lute made of Sand, Quicklime, and Water: They gave 🜂 by degrees, at last very strong; the distillation will be performed in twelve hours. Than let all cool, and take out the A. R. Note, that in distilling this A. R. if your Recipient be not very large, it will be needful to keep wet Clotheses doubled upon the Rec. to abate and condense the violence of the Spirits. Than take antimony Mineral in fine Powder, which put into large Jar-glasses, such as they keep thin Sweetmeats in, which are as large at the top as at the bottom: You must have many of these Glasses, but put not too much into one Glass, pour a good quantity of the A. R. abovementioned upon this antimony; stir and shake them well together by turning the Glass in your hands (several times a day) for ten, twelve, or fifteen days, keeping the Glasses slightly covered with a wooden cover: And if you put these Vessels to digest in some gentle heat, it will be the better. Note, that the Secret consisteth in well opening the body of the antimony by the A. R. And therefore when the time of the digestion is ended, and that you see the antimony is dissolved, or reduced into a white Calx at the bottom, stir it well together, that the A. R. which is at the top, may become as white as Milk. Than pour of this white Liquor (which containeth in it the Atoms of the antimony, which are very light, and are easily raised in the A. R. and are well opened) and let it settle, until all the white Atoms are settled to the bottom, and that the A. R. be clear at the top, which decant and put it back upon the antimony, where you poured it of, which was not dissolved; stir it and digest it as before, than decant the white Liquor as before. Repeat this until you have reduced all the antimony into Atoms or white Liquor: Than put all your white Liquors and dissolved antimony together with the A. R. into a Retort, and distil first all the A. R. with a gentle heat, until you see the antimony almost dry, but not hard nor quite dry. Than change the Receiver, putting on another large balon of Glass with four or five quarts of 🜄 impregnated with lbj lbj. of 🜹: Distil by graduated 🜂 for eight hours, than put some coals about the Retort upon the Sand; give at last very vehement 🜂 above and below, for four hours more, at last, as vehement as possibly may be, and you shall see the Rec. filled with white fumes, which will revive into running ☿ in the water in the Recipient, and part of these white fumes will become a thicker substance, like melted ♄, and part like Mercurius vitae; but of what consistence soever they are, you may easily revive them all into running ☿, by washing them in warm water. The ☿ of ♄ is made in the same manner, but in greater quantity, taking Oar of ♄ instead of antimony Mineral. To Extract the ☿ of antimony, or of ♄. Wrought several times by Monsieur Van Outre, Physician of Brussels. TAke Antimony Mineral, (or a Calx of ♄) in subtle Powder, imbibe it with Spirit of Salt until it be like Pap: Digest it seven or eight days, or longer; than distil to dryness: Than change the Recipient, putting on another filled with 🜄, impregnated with 🜹. Distil it gradually s. a. and you shall have running ☿. Sir Kenelm.) This Extraction is upon the same Foundation as that which Monsieur Corton gave me, with an A. R. which he hath done often. Butter of antimony without Sublimate, to Extract ☿ of antimony. TAke antimony one part, Salt decrepitated two parts, and Vitriol Calcined to whiteness four parts; reduce all into a fine Powder, mix them well together, and cast them by little and little into a Retort red-hot through a Spout in the upper part of the Retort, as Glauber teacheth; or distil it in a Glass Retort luted, in a naked 🜂, and you shall have a Butter like unto that which is made of Sublimate. Note, that you may rectify this Butter for other Operations with Soot and Coal-dust. To Extract the ☿ of antimony with this Butter, proceed thus. PRecipitate this Butter with warm 🜄, than dry the Powder, and mix it with one part of black Soap, and two parts of Soot; distil in a Retort into a Recipient full of 🜄 impregnated with 🜹, and you shall have a running ☿, which is the Sperma of ☿ of antimony. Another way. TAke the Precipitated Powder of the aforesaid Butter of antimony, and dry it gently, than mixed it with ℥ iv. of Bohemian-tartar, and ℥ viij. of Quicklime, and ℥ ij. of 🜹 distil this in a Retort s. a. Note, that the Calx of ☽, and that of ♄ may be Precipitated with Butter of antimony, and than a running ☿ may be distilled from them. To Extract a ☿ out of ☽. DIssolve ☽ in A. R. and than Precipitate it with Spirit of Urine, or with a dissolution of 🜹 dissolved in distilled Vinegar, and it will attract what there is of ☿ in the ☽, and the remaining Calx of ☽ is the running ☿, which is transmuted into ☉ by the Shall Enixe. Another way to Extract the ☿ of antimony. TAke lbj lbj. of antimony in subtle Powder, boil it in a Lixivium made of Quicklime and Pot-Ashes, let it boil for two hours, than let it settle, and decant the clear; than put more Lixivium upon the antimony, boil it as before. Repeat this so often till there be no more Sulphur in the antimony, which you may know by pouring distilled Vinegar into the decanted Lixivium, when there Precipitates no more Sulphur, or when it changes no more. Than edulcorate well the residue of the antimony, and dry it, than grinned it with ℥ iv. of Salt of Bohemian-tartar, and as much of 🜹, and ℥ viij. of Vitriol; put this to Sublime with a gentle 🜂 at first, and at last very strong 🜂 for seven or eight hours, and all will be Sublimed. Make this Sublimate, and mix it with equal weight Quicklime, distil it in a Retort into a Recipient almost full of 🜄 impregnated with 🜹, and you shall have a running ☿ of antimony. In the same manner you may Extract the ☿ of ♄, taking Calx of ♄ instead of antimony. Mercury of all Metals. TAke Salt of Bohemian-tartar, and Powder of Pebble-stones, mix them well together, and cast them upon burning Coals, and there will ascend a Spirit, which must be received, which hath a Virtue to convert the Calx of Metals into running ☿. A great Secret, ☿ of antimony, and other Metals, ad infinitum. TAke ☿ of antimony, Sublime it with Salt and Vitriol in the ordinary manner, without Calcining the Materials. Take of this ☿ 🝞mate, and antimony in Powder, ana; distil a Butter thereof: Than take the Cinaber, and grinned it with that which resteth in the bottom of the Retort, and distil a ☿ thereof, which will serve for the like Work. Let the Butter resolve in the Air into a Liquor upon a Marble stone, or upon Glass in a moist place, than pour of this Liquor upon antimony in a Cucurbite; digest in Sand for two days, than distil it, and there will come over a read Oil with the phlegm, which is the Sulphur, or ☿ of antimony, or a natural Oil of antimony: For if you leave this Menstruum with the Oil in the open Air for two or three hours, the Oil will Precipitate to the bottom in a read Powder, which will burn like common Sulphur. Mix this read Powder with two parts of Soot, and one of Soap, put it in a Retort, and distil it, and it will revive into running ☿, which will distil into the Rec. which must be almost full of 🜄 impregnated with 🜹. In the same manner you may also Extract ☿ out of other Metals, mixing this Oil with their Calx, Soot and Soap. The said Menstruum will serve again, putting it upon new antimony, Extracting new Sulphur from the same, or read Oil, which Precipitateth into Sulphur, as was said, or into running ☿ by Revivification. And in this manner you may make a perpetual Minera of ☿ of antimony, and of other Metals, ad infinitum. Note, that other Metals must be in very subtle Calx well opened, that the said Menstruum may act the better upon them. Note, that if the Salt of the Earth be well Extracted, and reduced to a Salt Enixe, wondered Operations may be done with it; and if you take of this Salt Enixe and of Vitriol, and make a Sublimate thereof with ☿ of antimony, and than a Butter of this ☿ 🝞mate and antimony Mineral, and join this Butter with one part of the Lunary Butter, made as was taught, and with that make a dissolution of ☉, you will have an Aurum potabile, and an universal Medicine; and without doubt a Powder of Projection upon base Metals. This Matter is an admirable Chalybs or Magnet of the Spirit of the World, being exposed to the open Air for some time, and than put in a Vessel, and Sealed Hermetically, and digested for forty days (or fifty) you will see such effects, as will promise' a happy success, and yet better, if you add the Sulphur of ☉ drawn with Regulus of antimony: But this requires the Conduct of an able Operator. To prepare the Common ☿, so that it will have all the Qualities and Properties of ☿ of antimony, and will be as Powerful to Volatilize ☉. A Malgamate lbij. lbij. of ☿ with lbj lbj. of ♃, thus: Melt the ♃ in a Crucible, than take it of from the 🜂, and being near ready to congeal, pour the ☿ upon it, and stir them well together with a stick, than cast it into fair 🜄. Than with these lbiij lbiij. of aaa grinned lbiij lbiij. of filing of ♂, and lbiij lbiij. of antimony, and all being well mixed, put it in a Retort, and distil over all the ☿ into a Recipient full of 🜄. Another Excellent Preparation and Animation of ☿. TAke of Martial Regulus of antimony ℥ iij. and ☉ ℥ j melt them together, and make a Regulus, which pulverize, and than grinned it with common ☿, than distil it seven times, and you shall have a ☿ very pure, and fit for any Operation. Another way. A Malgamate lbss. lbss. of ☿ with lbj lbj. of ♃ in a Crucible, and being cold, grinned with it lbss. lbss. of filing of ♂. Than distil over the ☿ with a strong 🜂. Another. Grinned ☿ with antimony, Quicklime, and Bohemian-tartar, than distil it. Another. TAke ☽ one part, Regulus of antimony two parts, melt them together; than reduce it into very fine Powder, which grinned and aaate with ☿, than distil seven times. Another. Join ☿ with Sulphur in the form of a Cinaber, than add Salt of Bohemian-tartar and Soap, to the consistence of a Paste, whereof make little Balls, which distil in a Retort. About a particular Spirit of Nitre. IT is not a common Spirit of Nitre, but it is a Spirit, which by many cohobations and distillations rendereth its own Body Volatile in the form of Snow, which melts with the lest heat, and is congealed by cold; and that is that Acetum acerrimum, which dissolveth all Metals, and reduceth them to their first Matter, and perfect Metals being dissolved therein, will be coagulated, and perfectly fixed, which will change other imperfect ones into perfect by Projection. Take ☽ and ☿, q. u aaate them together, than mixed this aaa with half its weight of ♀ 🝞mate, than put it in a Retort, and pour upon it of our Acid Spirit, and the Matter being well dissolved therein, distil and cohobate upon the remaining Body so often, till all the Matter be converted into a Volatile Spirit, and nothing remain in the bottom; that which doth not ascend, must be made Volatile: Than dissolve that Volatile again in more of our Acid Spirit, and distil and cohobate so often upon that which remaineth in the bottom until all be fixed again, and this fixed Matter tender again Volatile, and the Volatile fix again, until it be tingent and penetrating, and be a fusible Salt abiding in the 🜂. You must have the Spirit of Natural fusible Salt, which is the Principle of all Metals, Vegetables, and Animals; this Spirit being purified and reunited with its Body (also purified) renders its Body Volatile, and uniteth itself unseparably with it, and becometh a Volatile fusible Salt like Butter, which congealeth being cold: This Butter dissolveth all Metals, as warm 🜄 dissolveth Ice, and is the true Matter of the great Work, and the Philosophical ☿. To prepare the Universal Spirit, which is the Universal Salt, you must purify and rectify it well, and by its means, Volatilize its fixed Body, (also purified.) For to tender the fixed Volatile, the quantity of the Volatile must exceed the fixed; and also to fix the Volatile, the quantity of the fixed must exceed the Volatile; but the long digestion supplies the quantity of the fixed, because that which is naturally fixed is contained (although changed for the present) in the Volatile: But the addition of ☉ (which it dissolveth, and uniteth itself radically with) shorteneth the time, and hastens the fixation: And than to tender it from Volatile fixed by a long digestion; when it is Volatile, it will pass over in a Retort like Oil, which will congeal, being cold, and melt with heat; 'tis the Sperma of Metals. For to fix it the better and the sooner, you must add ☉, and digest. An Operation upon ♄: Scent me by Monsieur Boucaud. The Philosopher's Epilogue. SOlution and Ablution are one and the same thing, for by Calcination the Body is divided into small parts; by putrefaction it is corrupted, and when it is distilled, it is reduced into its first Matter, and remaineth dissolved. Congelation is a Fixation, Reunion, or Coagulation of the Volatile and dissolved Body. By Reduction and Fixation, when this Body is Sublimed, it fatneth, and resolveth, uniteth, and at last is perfectly coagulated. Thus in these two Solutions and Coagulations, are contained Ablution, Reduction, and Fixation. Quintessence of ♄; the Universal Dissolvent. Distil fifty or sixty quarts of Vinegar, and before you distil the Vinegar you must evaporate a fourth part of it, which is nothing but phlegm; and for to tender this distilled Vinegar more dissolving, it should be distilled once or twice from Lees. Take lbxij lbxij. or xv. of good English Lithargy of Silver, reduce it into fine Powder, and put it into Matrasses of three or four quarts a piece, put lbj lbj. into each Matrass; than pour upon the Powder so much of the distilled Vinegar, as may cover it the breadth of six Inches; than put them in digestion, with the second degree of 🜂 for two days, shaking the Matrass three or four times a day, in which time the distilled Vinegar will be of a yellow colour, and very sweet. Than decant this distilled Vinegar impregnated with the Essence of ♄, and put on fresh upon the Lithargy; digest as before; than put in all the decanted Vinegar and filter it, and distil in several Cucurbites with a gentle heat three parts of the distilled Vinegar; put the remainder in a Cellar, and in 24 hours the greater part of it will be congealed into a substance like Ice; it will suffice if you distil it of to a Syrup: Than upon this Syrup pour new distilled Vinegar, about the same quantity as before, digest twelve hours; than distil of about the quantity you put on: Put new distilled Vinegar upon the residue, somewhat more than the first time, digest and distil as before. Than pour upon it about half the quantity of the said distilled Vinegar that you put on before, digest and distil as before. Repeat this digestion for twelve hours, and distillation so often, till you found that the distilled Vinegar come of in the beginning of the distillation so strong as it was before, which is a sign of a perfect attraction of the universal dissolvent made by the distilled Vinegar. Than put your Gums which remained in the Cucurbites into one or several large Matrasses, which stop and lute well, that nothing may exhale; than put to digest in B. vapour. or in fimo (which change every six days) for twenty or thirty days, more or lesle; for the sign of a sufficient digestion is, when the Matter cometh to be black, and that it acquireth as it were a stinking scent, which is a sign of its Mortification, by which it aught to acquire a new Life, and a Spiritual vesture. Than divide this Matter or Ceruse into several parts, which put into several Retorts, which you may do by causing the Matter to melt with some gentle heat, and than pouring it hot into the Retorts, for it easily congealeth by cold; and if any of it congeal about the necks of the Retorts, make it melt, and run down; the Retorts must be of such a bigness, that at lest four parts of them may remain empty. Than distil of all the phlegm with a very gentle heat in Sand, and so soon as you perceive any Fumes or Vapours, cease, and let all cool; than change the Recipient, putting on a large one, and having well luted it, and the lute dry, give the 🜂 by degrees, at last very strong and vehement, until you see no more fumes come over, but that an Oil or Gum as read as Blood distil over. Take the feces remaining in the Retorts (which will look like black Ashes) and extract the Salt out of them with distilled Vinegar, as you did with the Lithargy, which Salt will be in long Rocks like Rock-Salt-petre; and this Salt will be more subtle than the first: Distil this Salt in a Retort, putting what distilleth to the first Liquor; out of the feces extract again the Salt, of which distil also the Spirit in a Retort. Proceed thus until the remaining earth, or Caput Mortuum giveth not more Salt. Than take all your Spirits, and mix them together, and put it in a large and high Cucurbite, which cover with a double paper Oiled and dried; tie it well about the neck of the Cucurbite with a pack-thread, than put on the head, and lute well the junctures, put on a pretty large Recipient, with a narrow and a short neck; distil in B. vapour. and the AEthereal Spirit will pass over through the paper, and the phlegm will stay behind, because it cannot pass through the Oiled paper; and if your Spirit be not subtle enough, you may rectify it once or twice with new Oiled paper; than keep it in a Vessel close stopped in a cold place: Than take of the Oiled paper, and distil the rest of the Liquor to the consistence of a read Syrup; put the Cucurbite with the Syrup in a Cellar, and in two days time there will be many little Crystals very white, which separate, and wash them in the phlegm, and they will be white and pure: Than put the phlegm to that which remained in the Cucurbite, and distil to a Syrup, which put in a Cellar to Crystallize as before: Cleanse and wash the Crystals to whiten them, than put them together upon white paper to dry them for two days in the shadow; than put them in a Cucurbite narrow and somewhat high, and pour upon them of the aforementioned AEthereal Spirit, so much as may cover it the breadth of three or four fingers, digest twenty four hours, than distil in B.M. All the Spirit will come over, and in the bottom will remain a clear and transparent Gum, upon which pour again the distilled Spirit; digest and distil as before. Repeat this cohobation and distillation four times, at the fourth time the said Gum will distil over in the form of an Oil as white as snow, swimming upon the Spirit: This Oil is the true and only dissolvent of ☉, separate it from the Spirit by a Funnel. And thus you shall have the Philosophical Menstruum, the Vegetable, and Mineral Salt, Aurora Dianae, and the true Philosophical ☿, and the precious 🜄, dissolving the two Luminaries into a Physical dissolution, with which you may prepare Medicines both for Health, and for Projection to transmute Metals, which will be both short and easy, as followeth. 'Tis not enough to have the Menstruum or Philosophical 🜄, for it serveth only for an Agent or a means to excite the Vegetative quality which is hidden and buried in the occult Secrets of the Metalline Nature. And it doth not suffice only to know that ☉ maketh ☉, and ☽, ☽; but it cannot tender them apparent, except the said Bodies be first discontinued, that is to say, that this Metalline form be reduced into subtle parts attenuated, for to be afterwards opened and reduced into Calx, of which this Menstruum easily draweth the fixed grain or Sperma, the Principle of Vegetation. Prepare than a slight, spongy, well opened, and attenuated Calx of ☉, which put in a small Cucurbite, and pour upon it so much of the aforementioned white Oil as will cover it a finger's breadth; digest two or three days with a gentle heat, than distil over all the Oil, than pour the Spirit upon the Calx: Than pour upon this Matter four or five times as much of the abovementioned Spirit; digest twenty four hours, and the Spirit will be tincted of a pure read colour, more read than any Ruby, which decant, and dry the remaining Matter, and pour upon it the same Oil, and digest twenty four hours, and it will be very read. Repeat this so long till your ☉ will yield not more tincture. Than Circulate all your Tinctures in a Pelican for thirty days, and than separate the clear from an Hypostace which will be at the bottom, and you shall have the true Aurum potabile, which will be of an admirable virtue, taking three or four drops of it at a time in a little Sack, or other fit vehicle. But for the Work, you must separate the Spirit by distillation in Balneo, until the Tincture remain in the bottom in consistence of an Oil, upon which cohobate the Spirit, and distil as before: Repeat this seven or eight times, and the said Tincture will remain like an Oil that will congeal not more, which is the Philosophical Aurum potabile, having a Vegetative virtue, being sown in its own Earth, which is the Calx of ☉, prepared as shall be taught hereafter. The Philosophical Aqua Regis. TAke Nitre and 🜹, ana ℥ iij. reduce them to fine Powder each by itself, than mix them well together, and put it in a Retort of three or four quarts, and distil in Sand into a very large Recipient, the junctures well luted with paper, and passed made of Flower and 🜄; for if you should take a stronger Lute, all would break: Give the 🜂 by degrees, until you see white fumes in the Recipient in half; an hours time all will come over; than let it cool, and you will found in the Recipient about ℥ jss. and about the neck of the Retort a Sublimed Salt, which proceeds from the 🜹, which will not dissolve except in hot 🜄; the Retort being cold, take out the Caput Mortuum as well as you can, and the Retort being sound, put in fresh Matter the same quantity as before; repeat this till you have 🜄 enough: Than digest this 🜄 in Ashes in an Alembick with a gentle heat to separate the phlegm from it, which will be insipid; than distil the rest in a Retort, and keep it for use. Take ℥ j of ☉ well purified by antimony, beaten it into thin Plates, cut them small, and put them in a Crucible and ignifie them: Put ℥ vj. of ☿ in another Crucible, heat it until it begin to smoke, than take it from the 🜂, and pour it upon the ☉, stir it well together with a stick until it be well aaamated aaamated, than cast this aaa into a Marble Mortar, grinned it well, pouring on fair 🜄 to wash it from all its blackness and foulness; than squeeze out so much ☿ of this aaa as you can: Than grinned this aaa with equal weight of prepared Salt; put it in a Retort, and distil over all the ☿ in Sand into a Recipient half full of 🜄: The ☿ being all over, increase the 🜂 for four hours, so that the bottom of the Retort may be always read in the Sand; than let all cool, take out the Retort and pour hot 🜄 into it, and let it stand so for an hour, and the 🜄 will dissolve the Salt; pour it out, and pour more hot 🜄 upon the Matter; do thus three or four times? Than pour out the ☉ with the 🜄 into a Poringer, which will be a very subtle Powder; dry it gently, and put it in a Matrass, and pour upon it of the abovementioned A. R. about ℥ vj. stop the Matrass with Cotton only, and put it to digest in hot Ashes, and in a few hours it will all be dissolved into a Liquor of an Orange colour, leaving some impure Earth at the bottom: Upon this dissolution pour of the ☿ which you drew of by distillation about twice the quantity of the ☉, digest it for two or three days, or so long until the ☿ be all dissolved, and the 🜄 be clear like Rock 🜄, and the ☉ be in the form of a light Sponge in pieces, swimming in the 🜄; separate the 🜄, and wash the ☉ with Salt 🜄 filtered, than wash it in fair 🜄 so often till it be well edulcorated, than dry this Powder of ☉, and it is prepared. For to attenuate it further, and to tender it more Spungeous, mix it with double its weight of Sublimed 🜹, grinned them well together, and put them in a small Cucurbite with its Head, and Sublime in Sand all the 🜹. Than grinned this 🜹 again with the ☉ an Sublime it once more, so will the ☉ be well attenuated and opened, and fit to be joined with the Vegetable Salt. Than put this Powder of ☉ into a Poringer of stone-ware, not glazed, and pour upon it some good Oil of Bohemian-tartar, dry it gently, and pour more Oil upon the Powder, and dry it as before: Repeat this till you have employed ℥ iv. of Oil of Bohemian-tartar to ℥ j of ☉; than put it into a Matrass with a short neck, stop it close, and put it in an Iron Pot in Sand, than cover the Pot with any other Pot, and give 🜂 of reverberation, so that the ☉ may be read in the Matrass, but not melt; continued the 🜂 in that degree for 48 hours. Than take out the Matrass, and wash the Matter with hot 🜄 till the ☉ be well edulcorated, than dry it, and imbibe it again with fresh Oil of Bohemian-tartar; reverberate it as before for 48 hours. Repeat this Work twice more, and you shall have a very light and Spongy Calx of ☉. Hartman.) Note, That instead of this Calx of ☉, you may take one prepared, by Calcining it with flowers of Sulphur, as Sir Kenelm Digby prepared it for Saunier's Work, which see in its place. Than imbibe it once with Oil of Bohemian-tartar, and proceed in all as before. Having reduced the ☉ into an Oil, it will be necessary to have an Earth of its own nature, to make it grow, and produce the Fruit which we expect of it. Now this Calx of ☉ shall serve for an Earth to receive this Seed. But since that in all Bodies there are three things, to wit, the Soul, the Spirit, and the Body; that which hath a Body, cannot receive the Soul, except it be opened by the Spirit: It will than be necessary to reduce the ☉ into a Spirit, which is done by reducing it into ☿, its first and nearest Matter; which to perform, proceed thus: Take ℥ j of ☉ well purified by antimony, reduce it into thin Plates, cut them small, and put them in a Matrass, pour upon them ℥ vj. of our Philosophical 🜄, keep it in digestion till the ☉ be all dissolved, than distil of the 🜄, which cohobate again, and distil as before. Repeat this three or four times, than distil of about three parts of the 🜄, expose the rest with the Vessel to the open Air, and the ☉ will congeal into Crystals, which put in a Glass Bottle, and stop it very close, and keep them in a dry place until they be dry; than grinned them with twice as much 🜹 Sublimed with Salt; put this into a large Matrass, and pour upon it by drops of good Oil of Bohemian-tartar, the double quantity of the ☉, or until it be of the consistence of thin Mustard; than Seal it Hermetically, and keep it in digestion with a gentle heat for two and forty days, during which time the Matter will putrify and smell very strong, and you shall see all the Colours appear successively; take a little of it and wash it well with warm 🜄 several times, than being dry, put some of it upon a thin Plate red-hot, and if it melt without smoking, it is a sign that it is all Mercurial, and well prepared; but if it smoke, you must keep it in digestion until that sign appeareth: Than wash and edulcorate it well from all Saltness, and dry it very gently; than mix it with seven parts of prepared Salt, put it in a Cucurbite, which put in Sand, and give a gentle fire for twelve or fourteen hours, than increase the fire, and continued that degree as long; continued the Sublimation until all the Philosophical Calx be Sublimed: Than gather carefully with a feather this Sublimate, and put it in a Glass Mortar with warm 🜄, grinding it with a Glass Pestle for an hour or two, than let it settle, and pour of the 🜄, put on fresh hot 🜄, and grinned it until the Matter come to be of the consistence of Mustard; than add good Whitewine Vinegar, and grinned it until all be converted into running ☿. Composition. TAke ℥ ss. of your Calx of ☉ prepared and attenuated, as was said, put it in a Glass Mortar, and pour upon it ℥ iij. of the Solary ☿; the ☿ will suddenly swallow up its Body, as one drop of 🜄 mixeth itself with another; than squeeze out so much ☿ of this aaa, that there remain but about two parts of ☿ with the ☉. Put this aaa in a Philosophical Egg, and pour upon it by little and little of your Oil of ☉ beforementioned, hold it over a gentle 🜂, and stir the Matter with an Iron Rodriguez, that all may well mix and incorporate, pouring on so much of the said Oil, that it be of the consistence of thin Mustard, and than you shall suddenly see marvellous things, when the Soul of the said ☉ (which is its Oil) entereth into the Body of the ☉, by means of the Spirit, which is the Solary ☿, and that by means of the said Soul, the Spirit uniteth with its Body, of three being made one; stop the Vessel speedily, because of the fumes. The Body of the ☉ which was dead before, being by this only and admirable means animated, dignified, and filled with a Vegetative Life, will thereby acquire an inward Power of Multiplication, as well as the Sperms and Seeds of all Animals and Vegetables, and be made fit to grow and produce Fruit, (being sowed in a fit Earth) which it could not do before, because of that default. The Vessel being Sealed Hermetically, put it in Ashes in a brass Vessel in the shape of half a boul; digest it with a Lamp 🜂. As for the time, and the colours, mark what Trevesan saith of it; for at the end of forty days you shall see the blackness: Continued the first degree of heat to whiteness, which will appear within four Months: Than augment the 🜂, and continued until it come to be of a Citrine colour, and than there will be no more danger. Increase the 🜂 to the fourth degree, and continued that, till your King taketh his Robe, and that the Matter suffer Ignition without smoking. Hartman.) This Process was sent to Sir K. D. in a Letter from Paris, by Abbot Boucaud, with the following words. Sir, I have sent you here enclosed a great Work upon ♄, which Monsieur de Rouviere hath given me; it cometh from a Man who having been carried away, and kept close in a Castle, made at last his escape, and was conducted to the Duke D'Elboeuf, and Monsieur de Rouviere found the said Process under his Bolster. The said Abbot sent to Sir K. D. also the following Process, which he saith he had from an intimate Friend, who assured him that it was a Reality. TAke of a very good Oar of ♄ that was never wet, or instead of it, take a true and natural Mineral Lithargy, not Artificial; pulverize it and grinned it upon a Marble stone with distilled 🜄 several times distilled: Put your Oar of ♄, or Lithargy in one or more Cucurbites, and pour upon it of the aforesaid distilled 🜄, or distilled Dew, so much as may cover it the breadth of seven or eight fingers, cover it with a blind head, and lute well all the junctures, and digest for forty days with a gentle heat, shaking the Vessel often; when you perceive that the Menstruum is coloured, decant the clear, and put on fresh 🜄, or take new Oar or Lithargy and extract as before; filter the Menstruum and distil it with a very gentle heat. Take this Salt of ♄ and put it in a Matrass, digest it with a Lamp 🜂 with six small wicks, and it will dissolve of itself, and there will settle to the bottom some impurity or feces; break the Matrass (being cold) and take the pure part and put it into another Matrass, dissolve it by digestion as at first, separate the pure from the impure. Repeat so often till this Salt leave not more impurity. Than keep it carefully, until you employ it in the following Work. Take of this Salt ten parts, and one part of ☉ Mineral that hath not been melted, put them together in a Matrass, Seal it Hermetically, and digest with a very gentle heat, and there will loosen itself from the Salt of ♄ some Spirits, which by falling down again will dissolve the ☉ by little and little, and there will separate itself yet some feces which are not useful for this Work, which you must separate. Take what is clear and transparent, and put it in a Philosophical Egg, Seal it Hermetically, and digest it with a Lamp 🜂 with a gentle heat, continued the digestion without ever increasing the heat, etc. The said Abbot said, that this was all he could have, or know of this Work hitherto. The said Abbot sent also the following Process in a Letter from Paris. MOnsieur de R's. Operation, by which he fixeth ☿ into ☽ with the Salt of Saturn and ☽, is thus. He taketh one part of ☽, and three parts of ☿, whereof he maketh an aaa, which he putteth in a Matrass, and putteth upon it Saccharum Saturni (made the common way) about a finger's breadth over the aaa; than he Sealeth the Vessel, and digesteth it with a Lamp 🜂 with gentle heat, increasing the heat by degrees, it passeth through all the colours; and of one Marc of ☽, and three Marcs of ☿, there remained ℥ xij. of fixed Matter that suffered fusion and the Test. He saith, that there should have remained one Marc of the ☿ fixed, but the Operation was not well wrought. In another Letter he saith, that there remained ℥ iij. or iv. of ☿ fixed into ☽, which endured fusion and the Test. An Operation upon Jupiter. Distil a Menstruum out of Vitriol and 🜹, with which make Sulphur naturae jovis: Make also with the same Menstruum Sulphur not. ☽, which dissolve into Oil, and with it insere Sulphur jovis ad fusibilitatem, and than project upon jupiter. Dunston thus: Having taken our white Earth, you may putrify it by itself, or with the Calx of other Metals, and change its colour into a new white or read: Than ferment it with the Oil of ☉ or ☽, etc. Riply (in his Viaticum) thus: Calcine ♃ into a most subtle Calx (for in it there is pure ☿, not brought to its full perfection by Nature) which is easily hardened with the Oil of ☽. Do your Work therefore with Tin (until you are Rich) because so the Work is easily done, and at small charge. Lullius (in his Magia Naturalis) thus: Make Sulphur naturae (without which nothing can be done) and thus of any Metal (which he directeth to do in a very tedious way) than incere it with Oil of Ferment (as in his Pract. Breu. or Sermocinal) until it be fluid; than is it a perfect Medicament. ☉ & ☽ ex ♃. TAke of the filing of ♃ lbj lbj. Salt-petre lbj lbj. mix them, separate the Spirit from the Anima by combustion, Subliming it in so many Pots as you know: Dissolve the Caput Mortuum (which will be fixed as a stone, so that you may strike 🜂 out of it by collision) with ☿, that there may be a Regulus made of it, which pour out and make into Rods, and cement them with store of Calxvive on a Circulary 🜂, than Coppel them with Lead, and add to them fine ☽, what than remaineth upon the Coppel is good, and you will have considerable gain by it, and by the separation of A. F. you will have three parts of ☽, and one of ☉. But when you melt your Caput Mortuum of ♃ with antimony into a Regulus, as before, when you have Precipitated them with Bohemian-tartar, or mixed them, than put your Regulus to Coppel, and in it you will found ☉: See that you do not cast away the Scoria, for you will found Silver amongst it; Coppel it therefore by itself with the following Powder, so you will found ☽, which separate with A. F. (the Powder make thus.) Take Chelamus (Bay Salt) melt, dissolve, filter, and coagulate it; melt it again, and do this Work thrice: Than cast in this Salt into the aforesaid Scoria (from which you separated the Regulus) after you have put it to Coppel, so your Work will be done and accomplished speedily, and with great fruit and profit in the applying the fire. Hartman.) The Famous Tachenius Relates (speaking of the malignity of Arsenic) that there are some who can burn pure Tin into Powder, which cannot again be reduced into Tin by Vulgar Art, as other Metals; yet with Arsenic it is made Scoria, part of which by a singular Skill becometh pure ☽. Sigismond Wan, a Citizen in Voitland, knew and practised this Art of Separation, to his great benefit; for in the Year 1464 he builded and Endowed a great Hospital there, which, as Gaspar Bruschius Relates, is at this day to be seen, with the Epitaph of the aforesaid Citizen. Now, that ☽ may be got out of Tin with Arsenic, Clavious proves in his Apology against Erastus Second Vol. Theatri Chym. Fol. 39 A Worthy Gentleman lately related to me, that he knew one, who told him, that out of lbss. lbss. of Block-Tin he got so much ☉ as he sold for 3s. 6ds. A short and clear Description of the great Philosophic Stone. The first Operation. TAke Salt prepared, Nitre, and Roman Vitriol, ana lbij. lbij. beaten them into a small Powder, mix them, and put them into a Pot upon a slow fire, and moving them, 'cause them to melt, that they may be dried a little. Than take ☿ taken out of the Mineral, lbj lbj. which being put into a Linen Cloth, squeeze it and pour it upon the hot Matter, moving it with a Rod, until the Mercury is hid in the Matter; incorporate the Mass well when it is cooled, in a Marble Mortar; than dry it all in a Pot very slowly, until it be so dry, that a Sword held over the Pot, receive no moisture from it; than put it into a Sublimatory, and Sublime it first twelve hours, afterwards increase the fire, that all the Mercury may be well Sublimed, white as snow: So the ☿ lacking nothing of its weight, will be associated with the invisible Sulphur of Vitriol, and purged from the Earth and its blackness; and if you will Experiment that Conjunction, you may separate Sulphur of Vitriol from ☿ thus: Take distilled Vinegar, q. u quench burning Iron several times in it, let your Sublimate stand therein all Night, afterwards pass it three times through a filter, than set it upon a slow fire; so a black scum will swim above the Vinegar, which take of; than evaporate all the Vinegar with a slow fire, so you will have an Excellent Sulphur of Vitriol, and the ☿ will remain by itself in the bottom. The Second Operation. THis teacheth to Extract the Quintessence from this ☿ Sublimate thus: Make A.F. as follows; Take Salt-petre and Vitriol, ana lbj lbj: beaten them, than mix them together and distil them with a slow fire in a glazen Alembick on Ashes for eighteen hours, so that nothing more can distil (but lute all so well, that nothing exhale;) after the abovesaid 18 hours increase the fire by degrees, that the Water may be distilled, and than continued the same degree of heat until it begin to cease to distil, and so proceed by degrees, until nothing more can come from it: Let the Vessels cool of themselves, and Seal the Recipient with gummed Wax; and when you have put your Sublimate, being well beaten, in a strong Matrass, pour upon it of this Water to the height of one or two fingers breadth, and immediately obturate it well: Set the Matrass in Ashes on a slow fire for the space of twenty four hours; and if it be not than dissolved, if you pour ℥ seven. of Water upon it, add of 🜹 well beaten ℥ j or more; close it up presently, and set it upon Ashes, so it will be dissolved: It is a very great Secret. Than abstract all the Water, (the junctures of the Vessel being carefully stopped) by distillation on a slow fire of Coals, even to dryness: Afterwards taking of the Cap, cover it strait with a glazen Operculum, lute it, and when you have increased the fire, the Quintessence of Mercury and Vitriol will ascend at the sides of the Vessel; at last make the fire yet stronger, that all the Quintessence may be well Sublimed, which, when the Vessel is cooled, keep carefully: Beaten the black faeces, and Sublime it once more, if perhaps any of the Quintessence remain still amongst it, so you shall have purged the Mercury, and imbibed more of the Spirits of Vitriol existing in A.F. Than dissolve and Sublime the Matter (that is Sublimed) twice more after the same manner, that no impurity may be left in it, so it will be whiter than Snow. The Third Operation. Beaten this Matter, and put it into an Earthen Urinal well glazed within, which cover with an Earthen glazed head like to a Paradi, that they may be exactly joined together; lute the junctures well, and digest it eight days or more in an Athanor on a slow fire of Coals; for otherwise it could not be dissolved into Water. The Fourth Operation. PUT your Matter so dissolved into a Matrass, close it, and dissolve it in A. B. into Water with a continual slow heat: Distil this Water in a little Alembick on Ashes with a slow fire of a Lamp, and Water of Paradise will be distilled, (of which alone the stone may be made by the Method after described) one drop of which poured upon a Plate of any red-hot Metal will throughly whiten it within and without; (Note, that the like may be done with the Lunary made of ☽ and ♃ if they be poured on a Plate of ♀.) After the water is distilled, some faeces will remain, which contain in them Earth, Air, and Fire, which you may thus separate one from another: Beaten those faeces, and digest them in an Athanor, as you did the Quintessence before, afterwards dissolve them the same way in M. B. At last distil with a very strong fire in M. B. by an Alembick, a white Oil, which is called Air, which when it ceaseth to drop any more, take of the Recipient, and close well the nose of the Alembick, and so let it cool of itself: Than set the Alembick with a new Recipient on Ashes, and draw of the read Oil (which is called fire) with a strong fire. Cast away the Earth that remains. The Fifth Operation. IF you would make a Stone of Paradise alone, or Virgin's Milk, you need not separate the Elements; but if you have separated them, do thus: Take of 🜂 or read Oil part j of Air, or white Oil parts iv. and of Virgin's Milk parts viij. Put them together in a Matrass with a short and narrow Neck; in two other Matrasses put of Virgin's Milk, q. u Seal them all Hermetically, and so put them in an Athanor on a slow fire of small coals burnt till they have ceased from flaming, and so let them stand till by several colours they attain a perfect white: Than (if you will have the Stone white) you may take out one Matrass, leaving the other two (if you Operate with three at once:) Than increase the fire sensibly, because your Work cannot easily be marred, and so proceed by degrees, until the Matter is perfectly read. The Sixth Operation IS Projection. Take an hundred parts of ☿ purged the common way, heat them in a Crucible, and add to them part j of the white or read stone, and the whole will be a Medicine. Than take of this Medicine part j and Project it upon another hundred parts of ☿, moving it with a Rod, and afterwards melting it. Further, Project of this, part j in an hundred parts, and the whole will be ☉ or ☽, according as the stone is which you took: If you will Project upon other Metals, melt them, or do them into thin Plates, and on them when they are very hot Project part j upon an hundred, and set the Plates in the 🜂 for some time. If you would augment the virtue often as you please in B. M. and coagulate it slowly in Ashes; let jupiter and Saturn be melted. TAB. TWO The Seventh Operation IS the Magistery of an Athanor, which Build thus: Take of Magisterial Lute, Potter's Earth, Horse-dung, Paper carminated, Hairs cut, make them all into a Paste with Salt water and Vinegar, and with that Paste build your Furnace; make a round Wall four fingers breadth in height, with Chimneys, set upon that Wall an Iron Plate which hath four Supporters, by which it may stay upon the Wall, leave some distance between the interior sides of the Wall and the exterior of the Plate, that the heat may ascend by it; than raise the Wall to the height of five Inches: Than make an earthen Cap, which on the one side must have a Window and convenient Door, by which you may feel the heat, putting in your hand at it, (which heat must be so moderate and uniform, that you may endure to hold your hand in the Athanor as long as you please;) the Cap must be carefully luted within and without, and set upon the Furnace and agglutinated with Clay: Afterwards, when the Furnace is sufficiently dried, set upon it Glass Goblets, and set your Matrasses upon them. Mind well all these things, and consider the Figures cut in the Page over against this. Now, by the holes that are made betwixt the Plate and the Wall, you may increase or diminish the heat at your pleasure. But note, that upon the Goblets, above the Tripus and the Plate, you may set an earthen Trencher, and set thereon an Egg, which cover with another Trencher, so that these two Trenchers joined together may be lifted up in the Air, and the Egg not touch the sides of the Trenchers. A Note from one that wrought the Stone. I Have had certain notice of one that made the Philosopher's stone with Leaf-gold and a clear 🜄, that looked like Rock 🜄, but smelled strong. He who wrought it for him (that is, attended the Lamp) said, he had made his Liquor thrice before it would dissolve the ☉. The last dissolved it by little and little, it become a yellow Aureal Liquor, than thickened by little and little, at length become a black thick broth, in the end like melted Pitch: than changed several colours, every one sparkling like Orient precious Stones, and sparks like fire or Stars risen in the Glass (which was a large Egg Sealed Hermetically) than fell down again. It was digested in Ashes made of old Bark of Oak burned (unwashed) and the Author said, no other Ashes would serve. And the heat was never greater, than that he could endure the back of his hand upon the Ashes, which was caused by a Lamp. Hartman.) This Relation is of Sir K. D. Lauremberg's Observations upon Angelus Sala his Synopsis of Aphorisms, 1624. in Quarto, pag. 4. HE saith thus: I did so prepare fluid ☿, that without the mixture of any thing whatsoever imaginable, without any dissolving Menstruum, it did acquire the form of a most pure and transparent Liquor; neither hitherto hath it lost this liquid form, but is so liquid, that you would imagine it had been brought from a Fountain, and which you will more admire, being tasted, it is voided of all acrimony, and merely insipid; (I add also this) that some Months ago I reduced English ♃ into a fluid and moist Liquor, without the lest addition of Menstruum, which humidity it not only continually keepeth entirely to this day, but (so far as I can see) will never loose it. (Afterwards in the same page, he saith,) I confess ingenuously, that not long ago, I had the happiness of seeing at a Friends, and feeling such an unfactitious Liquor (liquorem 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉) whereby leaves of Gold and Silver were dissolved into a pliant and fluid Liquor, without any noise or the lest suspicion of Acrimony. This Liquor can be no other than congealed Air, without which the Life of Animals becomes no Life; and there is no Body under the Sun in that threefold Kingdom that is destitute of it. I had rather search its Medicinal Power with silent speculation, than weary People with tedious and fruitless Discourses. Concerning May Dew. MAY Dew is the true Minera of the dissolvent. Aug. This Liquor is such, that if it be gathered at a certain Season, two Uses, etc. One, that hereby you may infuse Gold in a Liquor of its proper Seed, when you begin first to dissolve it, etc. Cosmop. But this 🜄 is said to be the Menstruum of the World: Speaking of the Element of 🜄, the Menstruum of the World is tripartite, etc. the more pure resolved into Air. There is in the Air an Occult Nourishment of Life, which we call Dew in the Night, and in the daytime 🜄, rarefied, whose invisible congealed Spirit is of more value than the whole Earth, Idem. The principal Matter of Metals is the Humidity of the Air (the Aërial Substance) mixed with heat, ☿ prepared aforesaid is governed by the rays of the ☉ and ☽ prepared in the Sea; not one place or one Country will afford it you. Experience testifieth, that ☉ is not sought for save in Mountains, because it can be seldom had in a Plain. Flamel, Artefius, Pontanus, Zacaire, etc. Their Arcanum. THis Stone is that about which the abovenamed Authors employed themselves: It is composed of the Mineral Gluten, made of ☿ and antimony Mineral, by the addition of the Solary Ferment thus: Distil the Volatile Crystals or Butter from ☿ 🝞mate and antimony, equal parts: Or distil, or dissolve common ☿ in A. F. Precipitate with Salt-water, and you shall have a very white Calx, which dry, and join it with as much of Calx of ♃, and distil the Volatile Crystals thereof. These Crystals are the Magnet, by means of which the Universal form, or Spirit of the World is attracted; which specifieth and determineth itself in this matter, by resolution in the Air in ♈, ♉, & ♊. Put this Liquor in a Cucurbite, and digest for thirty days with a very gentle heat with a Lamp, to the end, that there may be a Natural distillation made of the attracted Spirit, which will begin to come over invisibly the first or second day, with the Idea of that which it draws, to wit, the antimony, and of ☿, or with a universal Mineral form, tending to Metallick. This Liquor will continued coming over even unto the end of fifty days; let not the heat exceed that of ones hand. This AEthereal 🜄 is the 🜄 of Paradise, or the Mineral astrum of Flamel's two Dragons, the one is Volatile (which is ☿) and the other Rampant, which is the antimony, which do not suffer to be touched nor attacked, until their Venomous scum (that is to say, the Butter) have produced the Spirit of the Mercurial-wind, and the scum of the Read Sea. Note, that within fifteen days this Sea or Butter cometh to be very read, with a gentle heat of a Lamp 🜂 in Ashes; and this is Flamel's Read Sea. This AEthereal 🜄 penetrates all Metalline Bodies, (being Luminated and made red-hot) and tingeth them into ☽. Two drops of this 🜄 being dissolved in ℥ iv. of Spirit of Wine, maketh a Virginal Milk, whereof the Dose is a spoonful: It is a very gentle Emetic, because of its crudity, or rather Mercurial Substance, whereof the virtue Operates upwards, because it is moist and Airy. It Cures the Epilepsy by the Character which is imprinted into it, by the word Fiat, and all astral Diseases, as far as human disposition permits. This is the Celestial 🜄 which doth not wet ones hands after its preparation; 'tis the ☿ of ☿, the 🜄 or Centre of the Heart of ☿, and the true extent of antimony, but it requires more Work. Take this 🜄 (you must have a pretty great quantity of it, and therefore you must have ten, fifteen, or twenty pound of Volatile Crystals) and put it in a Cucurbite, and with a very gentle heat of a Lamp distil of all the waterish moistness, which by carelessness it might have contracted from the Air: There will remain in the bottom a Gum, a Syrup, a viscous 🜄, a Radical Mineral moisture, which is the Eagles gluten abovementioned, which did fly the space of fifty days continually; by means of this gentle heat, the Gluten flies not more, but is the flying Crapant and Zacair's Mercurial 🜄, which is congealed by cold, and liquified by heat. The Authors before mentioned have digested this Gluten per se in a Matrass Hermetically Sealed, without the addition of a Solary Ferment; but afterwards they have been forced to ferment the Powder which they made of it. For to shorten the Work, take seven parts, or nine or ten, or more of this Gluten, unto which by heat join one part of ☉ in leaf, or Sulphur of ☉ prepared by the Salt Enixe (which is best) and digest in an Athanor, or in Flamel's Furnace (which is very easy) until all the Matter have passed through all the due colours, and come to be of a purple Citrine colour; than have you the Metalline Salt, the most high Tincture, a Treacle made of Venom, a most Excellent Medicine made of the greatest Poison. This Medicine is multiplied in quantity by new addition of the aforementioned Gluten; in quality, by dissolving in humido into a Liquor, and purifying by digestion, and than by fixation; Experience will teach other things far better. This Method, although it differs much from that of the greatest Philosophers, as Lul, Trevesan, Cosmopolite, etc. (and being but particular in comparison of that high Generalissima) nevertheless it seems to be Universal in regard of Metals and Minerals. Note, that you may also extract a white and read Oil of that which remains, as was said before, and make a new aurifique stone thereof, which those Authors have not understood, or if they have understood it, they have not spoken of it. Note also, that this Mineral 🜄 of Paradise, is the Philosophers live ☉, and the ☿ of the Wise, but not the Generalissima: And this 🜄 will serve against all Maladies, for it drives them out, according to the intention and inclination of Nature. To prepare a Ferment or Sulphur of ☉. MAke an aaa of ☉ or ☽, and ☿; grinned this aaa, than squeeze it through a Leather, the Globe remaining in the Leather, you must grinned again, and than put it in a Poringer, covered with another Poringer, and lute them well together; than put them to a gentle 🜂 for half an hour: Than grinned it again, and digest it between the two Porringers as before. Repeat this so often till the ☉ or ☽ be in Powder impalpable; than incorporate this Powder with fresh ☿, grinned them together, and digest with a gentle 🜂, so that little or nothing may Sublime, and if any thing Sublime, put it again to that which remains in the bottom. Repeat this last Operation (adding new ☿, grinned and digest as before) so often, till the whole Body of ☉ or ☽ be converted into running ☿, and that all may be squeezed through the Leather: Than put this ☿ animated into a Porringer, which cover, and digest with a gentle heat, so that nothing Sublime; continued the digestion so long, until you see a thin skin swimming upon the Matter, which take of carefully (it will be of the colour of ☉ or ☽) put the Matter upon the 🜂 again, increase the heat a little, taking of the thin skin as it riseth; continuing so long until the Matter produce not more thereof: And thus you shall have the Sulphur of ☉ or ☽. An Operation that Monsieur de l'Oberye wrote from Monsieur John's Mouth. TAke the Mother-liquor of Salt-petre, let it run cold through washed Sand, than filter it by Languetes, than through grey paper: Than evaporate with very gentle heat, putting down the skins as they rise upon the Liquor; the remaining Salt being dry, grinned it, and put it to resolve into Liquor in a Cellar, than filter and evaporate as before. Repeat this purification five or six times, or so often, till it leave no more feces in the filter. If you take lbx lbx. of this Liquor, you shall have but lbij. lbij. ℥ viij. of purified Salt: Of this lbij. lbij. ℥ viij. you shall have ℥ x. of Spirit, by distilling it per se in Retorts in Sand; you must put but lbss. lbss. of this Salt into each Retort; deflegm it in B. Take the Caput Mortuum, and grinned it, and dissolve it in a Cellar; filter, and congeal, repeating this two or three times: Than being very dry, join ℥ iij. of it with ℥ j of the rectified Spirit; digest and circulate eight days with gentle heat in Ashes, and all will be a 🜄 of the colour of Amber. Put one part of ☉ into ten parts of this Liquor, and it will dissolve it (cold) in lesle than a quarter of an hour: Decant the dissolution when it is clear; one drop thereof taken in a little broth, is a great Corroborant. Put ☿ revived from Cinaber into the dissolution of ☉, and it will become like a Gum, decant the clear, and put the ☿ to dry, and it will become hard; melt it between two beds of Calcined Eggshells in a Crucible, and you shall have good ☉. Venus' into ☽: Scent me by Monsieur de Beaulieu. TAke fixed Arsenic ℥ viij. fixed Nitre ℥ iv. Oil of Bohemian-tartar prepared, as shall be taught hereafter, ℥ xij. 🜹 fixed, ℥ xv. Let them all resolve into Liquors in a moist place every one by itself; than take these Liquors and mix them together, and filter them, than put to them ℥ iij. of Oil of ☿, and ℥ viij. of ☽ (prepared and dissolved in the Liquor of fixed 🜹 and fixed Sulphur) mix all well together, and put it in a Matrass, and digest in fimo for forty days, changing the dung every eight days: Than decant the clear, and the feces remaining in the bottom, dissolve in the Liquor of fixed 🜹, and put it to the rest of your Liquors; filter it three or four times: Than distil it in a Cucurbite with a gentle 🜂 in B. M. (not boiling) distil to dryness, and you shall have a white Matter like a stone, and clear like a Pearl: And to know whether it be perfected, put a little of it upon a red-hot Plate of Copper, and if it melt like Wax, and penetrate through the Plate without smoking, leaving the said Plate white where it hath touched, it is a sign of an entire perfection; but if you found that it is not yet fusible, and that it smoke yet, grinned it upon a stone with a pint of 🜄 distilled from whites of Eggs, and distilled three times upon lbj lbj. of Quicklime, grinned it with the said 🜄, until it be of the consistence of Pap; than put to it four times its weight of Liquor of fixed 🜹; digest in fimo for eight days only, than congeal it as before, so is it perfect. Project ℥ j of this Matter upon lbv lbv. of prepared ♀, and sometime after cast a little piece of Wax into it, at three or four times; than cover the Crucible, and leave it in fusion for some hours. The Multiplication. DIssolve ℥ viij. of this Matter in lbj lbj. of the 🜄 of whites of Eggs, than add ℥ iv. of Liquor of fixed Arsenic, digest in fimo for fifteen days; than distil and congeal it as before, so is it multiplied. If you reiterate this Multiplication several times, the Matter will remain in a Liquor, which will project upon great quantity of Venus. To fix the 🜹 for this Work. TAke lbj lbj. of 🜹 in small pieces about the bigness of a Walnut; make a Paste with Quicklime and whites of Eggs, with which endew the said pieces of 🜹, let them dry, than stratify them in a Crucible with Powder of Quicklime, let the beds of the Quicklime be about a fingers thick; than put the Crucible to a Circulary 🜂, which increase and approach once in a quarter of an hour, at last, cover it with Coals, and let it stand so for half an hour: Than take out the 🜹 (the Crucible being cold) and wipe of the Powder of Quicklime, than dissolve the 🜹 in fair 🜄, filter and congeal it; dissolve it in a Cellar into an Oil, which keep for use. To fix the Arsenic. TAke equal parts of Arsenic and Nitre, grinned them, than mix them together; fill a Crucible half full with this Powder, fill it up with Salt of Bohemian-tartar; cover this Crucible with another that hath a little hole in the bottom, lute them, and set them in a Circulary 🜂, the 🜂 being half a feet distance from the Crucible; increase and approach the 🜂 once in half an hour about two inches, and when you perceive no more smoke come from the Matter through the little hole, put the 🜂 close to the Crucible, and at last cover it with Coals, and keep it so covered for twelve hours, than let it cool, and grinned it, than dissolve it in a Cellar, and keep the Liquor in a Glass close stopped. To fix the Sulphur for this Work. TAke ℥ v. of Quicklime, slacken it in six quarts of fair 🜄, and having stood twenty four hours, filter it, and put it in a Kettle; than take ℥ viij. of flowers of Sulphur, tie it up in a Linen Bag, which hung in the water in the Kettle, make it boil for an hour, and you shall have a Sulphur incombustible. Oil of ☿. TAke ℥ iv. of Sublimate in fine Powder, put it in a Crucible, and pour upon it lbj lbj. of fine ♃ melted, stir it well together; than being cold, put it upon a clean Iron Plate in a Cellar, and you shall have an Oil or Liquor. To prepare the ♀ for this Work. TAke Arsenic one part, decrepitated Salt two parts, pulverize and mix them together; than stratify with this Powder some thin Plates of ♀, cement them for two days, than put them to a strong 🜂 for six hours; than wash these Plates from the Salts, and beaten them to Powder, wash the Powder with Vinegar, and than with 🜄 two or three times; than with Soap make a Paste thereof, which put in a Crucible, that hath a hole in the bottom, put this Crucible in another Crucible, and so melt down the Powder of ♀, and it will run through the hole into the other Crucible, and you shall have a very white ♀, and well prepared for Projection. To prepare the Salt of Bohemian-tartar for this Work. TAke equal parts of Bohemian-tartar and Quicklime, powder them, and mix them well together, put this in a Pot, cover it close, and put it in a Potter's Oven when he burns his Pots; than make a Lixivium of it with Rain 🜄, which filter and evaporate to dryness, mix this Salt again with the same quantity of Quicklime, and Calcine it in a Potter's Oven as before. Repeat this five or six times; than dissolve this Salt in distilled Vinegar, distil and cohobate so often, till it will not more congeal into a Salt, but that it remain like melted Wax in the bottom, which pour out, and keep it for Use. To prepare the ☽ for this Work. DIssolve ℥ viij. of ☽ in ℥ viij. of Spirit of Nitre, than Precipitate with Salt 🜄, the Powder of ☽ being settled, and the 🜄 clear, decant; than edulcorate the Powder and dry it, than dissolve it again in Spirit of Nitre as before; Precipitate, Edulcorate, and dry the ☽ as before. Repeat once more, three times in all, than put it in a Matrass, and digest it eight days in Sand. So is it prepared, and fit to be further prepared, and dissolved in the Oil of fixed 🜹, and fixed Sulphur. Transmutation of ☿ into a Regulus. PRecipitate Butter of antimony with warm 🜄 once, without further edulcoration; dry it gently, than add a fourth part of ☿, and of black Soap, and Salt of Bohemian-tartar, of each as much as needeth to make a Paste, whereof make little Bullets, which put in a Retort well luted; distil in a naked 🜂, with a strong sudden 🜂, and the Matter being melted, you shall have a Regulus as white as ☽, which must be melted three or four times to have it finer and whiter. Calx of ☉. MOnsieur Le Febore shown me a very subtle and Spongy Calx of ☉, he had made thus: Purify ☉ to its greatest height, beaten it very thin, and cut it into small pieces, heat one part of them in a Crucible, and six parts of cleansed ☿ in another: Make an aaa in due manner, stirring a while with an Iron Rodriguez, than throw it into cold 🜄; squeeze out as much ☿ as you can through Chambo-leather: To the remaining Globe put double as much flowers of Sulphur, grinned them well together: Put this mixture into a capacious Crucible, and gently burn away the Sulphur, and evaporate the ☿, reverberating the Calx three or four hours after all is go away. Repeat all this Work twenty or thirty times; than reverberate it under a Muffle with so gentle heat, that it melt not, the longer the better: Than burn S.U. three or four times from it: Quaere, Of grinding the Calx long with pure Virgin Honey, than dissolving it in a large quantity of pure distilled warm 🜄, and letting it stand warm till all the Calx be settled to the bottom: Also of grinding the Calx with purified Salt of Bohemian-tartar, than reverberating the Mass, and lastly, dissolving the Salts in warm 🜄, and letting the Calx settle, as with the Honey: I think it will be a very subtle Calx, to dissolve the ☉ in A. R. of Nitre and 🜹, than Precipitating it with Spirit of Urine, or with a Marinated 🜄, made by dissolving the fixed Salt of Urine in pure distilled Rain or Spring water. A pretty Curiosity, To make Metals Vegetate visibly. CAlcine white and transparent River Pebbles, extinguish them in 🜄 to have a Calx thereof, which reduce into subtle Powder with equal parts of Bohemian-tartar and Nitre (fulminated together) taking double quantity of this fusible Salt: Dissolve this Matter upon a Marble stone or Glass in a moist place, and you shall have a Liquor, which filter: Take about ℥ ij. of this Liquor, put it in a Viol, and put into it about ʒij. (or lesle) of the Calx of any Metal, dissolved in its Acid Menstruum; Than evaporate to the consistence of a Calx: Let it stand, and so soon as it is cold you shall see the Metal Vegetate, and shoot out into branches, which will be of different colours if you put in the Calx of divers Metals: This is fine and pleasant to behold. Note, that it is to be observed in general, that the cause of Vegetation is the encountering of an Airy Acid with a fixed Alkali; and it is thus, that Quicklime Calcined with common Salt into an Alkali, being spread upon Barren ground, fatneth it, and maketh it fruitful, causing Vegetables to grow, by contracting the Acid of the Air and its Volatile Salt. To engender Cray-fish. IT is to be observed first, that to do this Operation well, you must do it at the increase of the ☽, and in the sign of Cancer, if possible, or at lest in any other Aquatic sign. Than take a parcel of the said Cray-fish, taken in Brooks or small Rivers, being all alive; divide them into two parts, put one part thereof into an earthen Pot not glazed, cover it with its cover, or with another Pot, lute them well, and put them to Calcine for seven or eight hours with a strong 🜂, until they be well Calcined, and fit to be reduced to Powder in a Marble Mortar: Than take the other part, (being also all alive) and boil them in River 🜄, like unto that wherein they were taken, than pour of the 🜄, which being cold, put it in a wooden Vessel, or of Earth, and into about a pail full of this 🜄, put about half a handful of the Powder of the aforesaid Calcined Cray-fish, stir it well together with a stick, than let it stand to settle, without stirring it at all, and within a few days you shall see as it were many Atoms appear in the 🜄, which are the breeding Cray-fish, moving in the 🜄; when you see them as big as a small button, you must feed them with Bullocks blood, casting a little thereof into the 🜄, from time to time, which in time will make them grow of their natural bigness. You must observe, that before you put the 🜄 into the Vessel, you must first put some Sand into it, so much that the bottom of it may be covered about a finger's breadth. To make Oil of Talc. TAke one part of Venice Talc, and two parts of pure Nitre, both in subtle Powder, put them in a Wind-Furnace to Calcine with a strong 🜂 for seven or eight hours: Than take out the Crucible, and beaten the Matter to subtle Powder, and wash it perfectly well with fair 🜄, till you have brought away all the Saltness of it; than dry the Talc well, and Calcine it again with two parts of new Nitre, all as you did before, and dulcify the Salt from it. Repeat these Calcinations, and dulcifications four times, that the Talc may be perfectly white and well Calcined, and in exceeding subtle Powder: Than put it into a strong Glass Bottle, half full, and stop it close, and set it in a great quantity of Ice or Snow, that the extreme cold may penetrate into it (for therein consisteth the Secret) but the Ice or Snow must not actually touch the Bottle, but it must be set in a Box of Wicker, fit for it, made like a Cage, that it be all open between the Barrs or Osiers, and in two or three Months all the Talk will be converted into a pure clear white Liquor, which is Excellent for the Face and Skin, and will make Scarlet white, being dipped in it. An Excellent Cosmetick prepared out of ☽. TAke refined ☽, one part, Sal gemmae, two parts; beat the ☽ into very thin Plates, stratifie them with the Sal gemmae in Powder in a Crucible well luted with another upon it: Cement for twenty four hours, than open the Crucible, and if you found the ☽ well Calcined, it is enough; if not, stratifie it with fresh Sal gemmae, and Cement as before: Than edulcorate the ☽ with warm 🜄; than grinned it into a subtle Powder, pour upon this Powder a well rectified S. V digest until the S. V is tincted blue; than decant, and put on fresh S. V Repeat this until you have extracted all the Tincture out of the ☽. Than evaporate the S. V with a very gentle heat (or rather distil it gently) and there will remain in the bottom of the Cucurbite a Matter like Pomatum: Put upon this Pomatum a Spirit of Wine rectified upon Salt of Bohemian-tartar, and after a little digestion, distil of the S. V in a Retort, and part of the Tincture will come over with the S. V and will leave the Pomatum whiter than it was before. Repeat this Work with new S. V (Tartarized) so often, till the S. V bring over no more Tincture, and that the Pomatum remain in the bottom as white as Snow, which is Excellent to whiten the Face. Another way to make Oil of Talc. REduce Talc of Venice into exceeding subtle Powder, mingle ℥ ij. thereof with ℥ ij. of pure leaf Silver, grinned them exceedingly well together, to incorporate them perfectly well: Than reverberate them for fifteen or twenty days, after which grinned them again very subtly, and put them into a Matrass of Glass, and set it in fimo for thirty or forty days, changing the dung every six or eight days, that the heat may be always in a good degree: You shall found a pure clear Oil, which will blanche Pearls, the Face and Skin in other parts, and do all the things that are said of Oil of Talc. Another way to make Oil of Talc. TAke of Venice Talc in great pieces, as much as you please, make it red-hot in the 🜂, than quench it by cessing it into Oil of Bohemian-tartar; fire it again, and extinguish it as before. Do thus two or three times, and it will be throughly Calcined, so that you may crumble it into small Powder with your fingers; beaten it in a Mortar, and pass it through a fine searse of Silk; what passeth not, Calcine it in a Crucible, and extinguish again: It will be perfectly Calcined by extinctions in fair 🜄, but than it will require ten or twelve Ignitions and extinctions. Take your subtle Calx of Talc (which will be perfectly white) made either way, and put to it some distilled Vinegar to swim two or three fingers breadth over it, and put it to digest in very gentle heat eight or ten days, and you shall see a beautiful Oil or Cream swim at the top of the Liquor, skim it of, and dry it with gentle 🜂, and it will be a saline substance, which put into a Bladder, and hung it in a Well near the 🜄, but not to touch it, and in a few days it will resolve into a pure Oil, which is Excellent for the Face. Or, with long remaining in a moist place, without putting it into distilled Vinegar, this Calx will resolve into Oil: Try to extinguish the Talc in dew, etc. (Be sure that in all this Work you touch nothing with Iron.) To burn holes in Glass. WHen Mr. Gore would make a hole in the belly of a Retort or Matrass, or Receiver of Glass, he did thus: Have some Cotton-yarn well Sulphured, lay it round like a Snake upon the Glass, filling as much space as you would have the capacity of the hole, make a Circle of Tin, or the like, to keep it in (but be sure there be not the lest moisture upon the Glass, nor that it be very cold, for than it will break) set the Cotton on fire with a burning Coal laid upon it, and so let it burn on, putting up within its compass the burning yarn (with a Bodkin) if it chance to stretch, or swell wider than it should, make your heat and burning gentle and moderate at first, that you may increase it by degrees, by crumbling Sulphur in Powder upon the burning Matter, if you found it needeth. When it hath burned a while, try gently by touching it with a little stick of Wood, whether the piece of Glass under the burning Cotton will fall in or out, but press not too hard, for fear of cracking that which should be whole; for when it is enough, it will fall in with the lest touch, and leave a complete hole without any cracks in the Glass besides. If you touch the heated glass with any moisture, you not only make that which you would have separated away to fall in, but you will crack and split what you would have remain solid. You may put a Linen Cloth in the Glass, for the piece to fall upon, jest it should break the Glass when it falleth in. A Description of a most convenient and very useful Furnace, which will not only serve for many Operations, as Melting, Calcining, Vitrifying, Reverberating, Distilling, Subliming, Digesting, etc. But also for Coppelling, in small and great quantity, and that with the greatest facility that can be; so that neither Coals nor Ashes can fall into the Coppel, neither can the heat of the 🜂 incommodate you by reflecting in your Face and Eyes. The Fabric of this Furnace, with its Structure see in the next Figure. An Explanation of this Figure. A. IS the whole Fabric, which may be Built (of good Bricks) about two foot four inches in length; one foot six inches in breadth; and about two foot four inches high. B. Is the fire place, which must be round, of the best and hardest Bricks (it may also be made of a fire stone) it must be eight inches deep, and eight inches diameter; at the bottom of it you may lay either a close grate, or a thick Iron Plate full of holes. C. Is the Ash-hole & Receptacle of the blast or wind issuing from the Bellowss, which must be very close, and the stopper fit the mouth of it exactly, to shut very close, so that the wind may found no vent any where out but upwards through the grate; this hole needeth be but four inches deep, from the grate down to the bottom; the Ashes must be taken out of it from time to time, that they may not stuff up the place. D. Is the Coppelling-place, which may be about seven or eight inches in length, and six inches wide, and about four or five inches deep. E. Is the gap, through which the flame reverberates from the Furnace into the Coppelling-place, it is about four inches wide, about two or three deep, and two inches in length. F. is the Pipe or Chimney, which draweth the flame. G. Is a hole, through which you may put Fuel into the Furnace, to avoid uncovering of it, when it is covered, as it must be when you Coppel; you must have a stopper exactly fitted to it. H. Is a hollow place under the Coppelling-place, which may serve to put Coals in. I Is an Iron Hoop about an inch high, such as the Refiners use to make Coppels in, you may have them of what bigness you please; at the bottom are fastened two flat Iron Bars, to hold the bone-ashes, having no other bottom. To use this Furnace, you must have a pair of Smith's Bellowss, of a middling size; which (if there be not room in your Laboratory to fix them below) you may fix above ground, and so they will not encumber your Operatory below; and for the conducting of the Wind, you may have a square Pipe of Wood, made like an Organ-pipe, to come down from the nose of the Bellowss through the Wall of the Furnace into the Ash-hole; and to the perch you may tie a piece of Rope with a wooden handle at the end, to pull by in blowing the said Bellowss. In all the Operations I do in this Furnace (even when I Coppel) I use nothing but small Sinder from the Glass-House, which are not so heady as Charcoal. Directions how to Coppel in this Furnace; and first, how to make a Coppel. TAke such an Iron Hoop, set it upon a sheet of brown paper to save the bone-Ashes (that else you might scatter;) than fill it with a sufficient quantity of bone-ashes, first moistened with 🜄, so that they hold together TAB: III when you press them in your hand; stamp them well down with the end of an Iron Pestle, and make the Coppel very close and hard every where, than make it hollow in the middle, that it may hold the Matter you mean to Coppel without running over; make it very smooth, than set it into the Coppelling-place, and raise it with any sifted Ashes, or with a piece of a firestone, so that the top of it may be levelly with the lower part of the gap. Than cover the Coppelling-place with two bricks, (I use two bricks, because I can lift up one of them to put the Metal into the Coppel, and leaving the other brick, the Coppel is not all uncovered, as it would be if it were covered with one whole stone.) Than having kindled the 🜂 in the Furnace, cover it as before, and blow the Bellowss, and the flame finding no way out, is forced and driven into the Coppelling-place, where it reverberates upon the Coppel, which when you see that it is well nealed, lift up one end of the hithermost brick, and put in the ♄, the quantity whereof must be proportioned according to the impurity of the Matter you mean to Coppel; if it be Sterling ☽, you must take four parts of ♄ to one of ☽; if it be any other mixture of impure Metal, you must take five, six, or seven parts of ♄ to one of the Metal, according to the impurity of it. Govern the 🜂 so, that the Coppel may always work and flow, and you may leave a little space between the two bricks, through which you may look into the Coppel to see how it worketh, and if you see that it requires more flame than the Cinders, or Charcoal will afford, you may put into the Furnace a round thick piece of wood; but you must observe, that when the Coppelling-place is come to be red-hot all over, and the bricks also that cover it, the Coppel will than work with a very gentle 🜂, so that than you must blow but gently; for if than you should give strong 🜂, the Matter in the Coppel would boil too fast, and would spatter about. Instead of an Iron Hoop, many times I use but an earthen Porringer, to make a Coppel, filling up the Coppelling-place with any Ashes round about the Coppel, and found that it doth altogether as well, only that it serves but for once. Note, that whilst you Coppel, or neal the Coppel, you may make Regulus, if you have occasion, or melt any other Metal at the same time. This Furnace doth far exceed any ordinary Wind-furnace; for I can at any time make a parcel of Regulus, or melt any Metal before the 🜂 would kindle in an ordinary Wind-furnace, and that with much lesle charge. In this Furnace you may distil with a luted Retort in a naked 🜂, by leaving two little holes in the Wall of it to put two small Iron bars in, to set the Retort upon; you may also distil in it, in Sand, both in a Retort and in a Cucurbite, by putting an Iron Pot into the Furnace with Sand, and laying some Brick with Clay about the Pot, to enclose that part of the Pot (or luted Retort) that stands out of the Furnace, and you may give what degrees of 🜂 you will, from the first and lowest, to the fourth and highest degree. The End of the First Part. CHEMICAL SECRETS The Second Part. A Real and True way to Volatilize the Salt of Bohemian-tartar, and Corporifie Spirit of Wine, as it was wrought by a Noble Person beyond Sea, and by him Communicated unto me. HE took but lbj lbj. of Bohemian-tartar well Calcined, and dissolved it in the Air, free from the Sun, than filtered, and congealed in a Glass Vessel, than the Calcined it as the Dutchman doth (in the next Process) to keep it glowing hot for six or eight hours, than dissolved it again in the Air, and filtered, congealed, and calcined as before. He repeated this ten times, than dissolved it in distilled Vinegar (he used Spanish and French Vinegar;) the whole Secret (as he saith) consisteth in well distilling of the Vinegar, which must be done in B. M. but it must be so gentle, that you may receive the phlegm by itself; and as soon as you perceive that the drops come Acid, change the Recipient, putting on another, and than distil the Spirit with a stronger fire, so that you may tell eight or nine between every drop: Continued distilling until it become like a Syrup, than change the Recipient again, and distil with a stronger fire until it begin to smell of the fire, and that it be almost dry. Rectify this last and strongest part by itself, and put it to the weaker part, (keeping the phlegm by itself for another use) and rectify it together so often until there remain not the lest spot at the bottom of the Glass after the distillations, which must be to dryness every time, and every time in a clean Retort: This is not a strong Spirit of Vinegar, nor needs it be, but this will do the Work. Than take ℥ seven. or viij. of your Salt of Bohemian-tartar, and dissolve it in as much of the said Spirit, or more, as will dissolve it; let it stand, and it will settle some black feces; than filter it, and congeal, and calcine it as before, but not with so strong a fire; it must be scarce red-hot, and one hour will suffice; grinned it while it is hot, and dissolve it again in new distilled Vinegar as before, let the feces settle, than filter it, congeal and calcine again as before. Repeat this, till it leave no feces behind, which will be in Seven or Eight times, if you have wrought well; than when it is very dry, take ℥ j of it to make a trial, put it into a clean Glass body, and pour upon it so much high rectified Spirit of Wine, as will not only moisten it, but that it be very thin; let it stand thus twenty four hours close stopped in a very gentle heat, that it may be but Bloodwarm; than distil with a gentle fire. If the Spirit stays, and the phlegm come away, than proceed with the whole parcel; but if not, you must continued the dissolution in distilled Vinegar, Filtration, Coagulation, and Calcination, as before, until you found (by trying) that the Spirit stayeth with the Salt, which it will do in a few times: Than proceed with the rest of the parcel in the same manner as you did with the Ounce; continued the imbibition and distillation with Spirit of Wine so often, till the Spirit of Wine come away as strong as it was put on. Than here lieth the Secret, to Sublime it: Dissolve the said Salt of Tartar impregnated in the phlegm of your distilled Vinegar, or in a very weak Spirit of Wine, using no more of the dissolvent than will dissolve it; shake them well together, and it will instantly dissolve all the best and finest part of the Salt of Bohemian-tartar, and leave the course part of it, for that will not so easily dissolve. Pour of the dissolution, and filter it, than put it into a Cucurbite, and distil of the phlegm of the Vinegar, or the weak Spirit of Wine, and than will the dry Spirit, or Aqua Sicca ascend like the purest Isickles dry that ever you saw; and this is the true Volatile Salt of Bohemian-tartar, and Spirit of Wine, in forma Salis, and is the Vegetable Menstruum, which will dissolve leaf ☉ into an Oylish Substance in a very gentle heat. The Bohemian-tartar which remaineth in the bottom of this Sublimation you must put to that which was left undissolved by the phlegm of Vinegar, or weak Spirit of Wine, and proceed to fix more Spirit of Wine upon that, being first Calcined, but not so long, nor with so strong a fire as formerly; and than dissolve it once in the Air, and it will leave more feces at this time than at any time before; than filter and congeal, and dissolve it in distilled Vinegar as before. And now you shall do more in three times than you did all the times before, for the Bohemian-tartar is altered in its Nature; than proceed with it as before, imbibing with S. V And thus you may fix as much S. V as you please, and Sublime as many pure and clear Crystals as you please. Note, That when your Spirit of Wine is fixed on the Bohemian-tartar, it will be as sweet as Sugar; but when it is separated, as abovesaid, the Bohemian-tartar will be of its old Nature, but fit to be impregnated again with much lesle trouble. The Dutchman's Process of Volatilizing Salt of Bohemian-tartar, and Corporifying Spirit of Wine, is thus: HE dissolveth his Bohemian-tartar Calcined in distilled Rain 🜄, and being settled, filters and congealeth, than Calcineth it for six or eight hours, so that it be only glowing hot, and no more: Than Powder it, and dissolve it, filter, congeal, and reverberate, as before; and this he doth sixteen or eighteen times, until the Bohemian-tartar settle little or no feces. Than take four or eight Ounces of it (or what you please) and put it into a Cucurbite, and pour upon it the best rectified Spirit of Wine, so much, that it may be well moistened, but not to swim over it. Than he digesteth it in B. M. for a day, and than gently distils it of, but the Spirit of Wine ascendeth, and will not stay; when it is dry, he puts the Spirit of Wine back again upon it, and distilleth as before; and this he doth so often (twelve or fourteen times) and than it will hold the Spirit of Wine, and the phlegm will come away: This he doth with new Spirit of Wine; and when he findeth that a pretty quantity is congealed with the Bohemian-tartar, he grinds it (being very dry) and mixeth it with three parts of good Bolearmony, and puts it into a Retort, and distilleth a Spirit from it by degrees of fire, forcing it strongly at last, and it will be a yellow Spirit, which he deflegmeth once, and than dissolveth his Calx of ☉ in this Menstruum, which by digestion extracts all the Tincture of ☉, and leaveth the Body white, ting itself of a pure red. Of this he giveth two or three drops in a little Sack, which doth Miracles (as he saith.) He maketh his read Calx of ☉ thus: DIssolve fine ☉ passed through Antimony in A. R. than put water into it, and than cast in ☿, and all will become like a Hepar; than wash the aaa, and grinned it with three times as much prepared Salt, and distil it in a Retort; than edulcorate the Calx, and grinned ℥ j of it with three of Cinaber, and than reverberate it by degrees gently: This he doth twice a day, and repeateth it eleven or twelve times, and it will be a most subtle read Calx, like Scarlet in colour. Elixir ex vino & Sole. TAke the best Odoriferous Rhenish-wine five Gallons, separate its Spirit and Salt, rectify the one, and purify the other; than acuate the Spirit with another prepared Salt, and at last join it to its own pure Crystalline Salt; than is it a true Aqua vitae Philosophorum. This must dissolve a well prepared Calx of ☉, and by a continued circulation unite with it; than by Sublimation be fixed together, and lastly, by Solution and Coagulation become incombustible Oil, which is a great Medicine. Monsieur Toysonnier wrought thus: TAke fresh Urine of young Boys, fill one Pot with it, and evaporate it away, next Morning put on fresh, and evaporate; do thus three or four days, than evaporate to a Honey, and that you feel a Ponticifie smoke from it, than cease, and put your Honey into an earthen Vessel, and expose it to Celifie in the Air. As soon as it is cold, it will be hard, but the Air will resolve it: Make thus what quantity of Honey you please: Celifie them four days, than have another earthen Pot, covered with a reversed one that hath a hole in the bottom, fasten thereon a neck of a Cucurbite of Glass, ten or twelve inches long, upon which a Retort, with the bottom out for a head, to which fasten a great ballon. He did put fifteen pound of Honey into his Pot, and with a gentle sire first distilled of the Spirit and Volatile Salt; these he put upon new Honey, and in Balneo distilled a purer Spirit and Volatile Salt; (the phlegm that followed, if put upon new Honey, will become pure Spirit and Salt) draw the fixed Salt out of all the Caput Mortuums; put ℥ xij. of the Spirit upon as much pure Spirit of Wine, and it will coagulate it all into a perfect dry Salt: Mingle these ℥ xxiv. of Volatile Salt with ℥ vj. of Salt of Wine, ℥ iij. of Volatile Salt of Urine, and ℥ iv. of ☿ Precipitate, and put them into a Body with Head, Limbeck, and Receiver, and Sublime with gentle heat: Part cometh over in Spirit, and part riseth in Salt. Take ℥ xiv. of Salt, and seven. of Spirit, and ℥ ss. of Calx of ☽, and distil with exceeding gentle heat in a Body and Head with a Receiver, a liquid Spirit will come over, and a white Salt Sublime into the head: Put all back upon the Cake of ☽, and distil as before. He hath now repeated this Work eleven times; at the first, the Spirit and Salt were ten days rising from the ☽, but afterwards seven or eight: The junctures were all perfectly shut, yet above half of the Volatile Matter was vanished. The Salt of Wine was made thus: (Spanish Wine gave none, but French did pretty store.) After you have drawn of the Spirit and the phlegm, evaporate the residue (very gently) usque ad pelliculam, than set in a cold place, and in fifteen days there were many Crystals in it; wash these with the phlegm of the Wine, from the blackness and foulness that is upon them. The ☿ Precipitate was made thus: Dissolve ℥ iv. of ☿ in ℥ x. of A. F. made of two parts of Vitriol, and one of Nitre. Extend the solution, by pouring a great quantity (eight or ten Pints) of fair 🜄 upon it; than pour upon it a Lixivium made of the fixed Salt of Wine and fair 🜄. He made his Lixivium of ℥ iv. of fixed Salt, and but one of the ☿ Precipitate; wherefore he poured upon the Liquor that he poured of from the Precipitate about half a pint of the Spirit of Wine, and than the ☿ Precipitated all down. Take both the Precipitates, and wash them a little from the Spirits of the A. F. Hartman.) This Relation is of Sir K. It was done by his Operator Monsieur Toysonnier, in his Operatory in the Piazza in Covent-Garden. The Menstruum Coelicum Exuberatum, to dissolve ☉, and all Metals, and carry them over the Helm. Wrought by Dr. Clodius, and by him Communicated unto me. PUT lbj lbj. of perfectly rectified Spirit of Urine to lbiij lbiij. of a perfectly rectified Spirit of Wine, and it will coagulate it all to a drop into a firm Salt; Sublime and distil this, and about lbss. lbss. will Sublime up in a most pure active dry Salt, and about two spoonfuls will come over in a fiery Liquor, and the rest will be a stinking flat phlegm remaining in the Cucurbite. Add Spirit of Wine to your two spoonfuls of Liquor, so much as to make it up lbiij lbiij. put this to your lb ss. of dry Sublimed Salt, and all will be a Coagulum, which distil and Sublime as before, and you shall have about two spoonfuls and a half of fiery Liquor, and about ʒij. more than before of Sublimed Salt, and in the bottom will remain a stinking phlegm as before. He repeated this twelve times, still with fresh Spirit of Wine, and every time the quantity of the fiery Spirit increaseth (drawing still some little addition of dry Salt from the Spirit of Wine) till at length all the dry Salt come over in liquid fiery Spirit, which he calleth Menstruum Caelicum; than it will dissolve ☉, and all Metals, and carry them over the Helm with it. This poured upon Salt of Bohemian-tartar, will presently dissolve it, and carry it over the helm with it: You may also multiply it as much as you will with pure Salt or Spirit of Urine. To add ☿ to it, do thus. Take ☿ well purified (if Spanish) shaking and washing well with Spirit of Wine or distilled Vinegar, till it yield no more blackness, will serve; but if other, Sublime it sometimes to perfect purity. Than he put lbv lbv. of it into a Retort, joining a large stone Receiver, and gave strong sudden 🜂. Repeat this till you have Mercurial 🜄 enough, which will be quite insipid: Put this 🜄 upon purified running ☿, and digest them together thirty days, & all will be a viscous Mucilaginous Matter: Distil of the phlegm, and you shall have an Oil remaining; put upon this Oil your fiery Spirit of Urine, and Spirit of Wine (twelve times repeated, as is mentioned) and the Spirit will resolve the Oil; than distil them over together, and you have the Menstruum Caelicum Exuberatum. To aaate Regulus of antimony with ☿, you must pulverize the Regulus grossly, as Bay-Salt; than strew it gently upon the ☿ in a Matrass, and digest three or four days; than grinned together, and it will aaate. Thus you may do with ☽ and Reg. He found difficulty in doing it with ♀ and Reg. but after digestion, he let it stand a little while with 🜄 and Salt upon it, and it aaated aaated of itself with the ☿. If you digest eight days, the blackness you wash away is a Combustible Sulphur, like Powder of Coal: He maketh Mercurial 🜄 thus: Put store of quick dry Sand upon ☿ in a Cucurbite, and distil it in very gentle fire, and most will come over in 🜄: Put this 🜄 upon new ☿, and digest, and it will bring it into an Oily substance; mingle this with your Coagulum of Spirit of Wine, and Spirit of Urine (See Lullies eight Experiments) and make an Alkahest of these, which will be perfect when it is aaated aaated with ☉. Than proceed as Lul teacheth. The said Dr. Clodius told me also, that the great Secret of Purifying all Salts and Vitriol, etc. consisteth in the purifying the Menstruum (i e. 🜄) for if the 🜄 have feces, in which you dissolve them, it rather increaseth their foulness. He doth thus: Set Equinox Rain 🜄 (pure Dew were better) to putrify in Glass Vessels, slightly covered (only to keep things from falling in) in a Cellar; in six weeks the putrefaction will be finished, and all the feces fallen to the bottom; filter it, set the clear to putrify again, which will require longer time than before: If you put some quick dry Sand in it, it will help the putrefaction much the sooner, drawing down the foulness to it. In this purified 🜄 dissolve your Salt, Vitriol, Salt of Urine, etc. And you must have a Gallon of this water to ℥ j of Salt; for such dilating of the Salt maketh the Menstruum lighter than the feces, and therefore they fall down. Mark the end of Isaac Holland's Process upon Vitriol, where he directeth dissolving it in fair 🜄 distilled of; than filter and congeal, and this you may repeat two or three times: Than take nine parts of this pure Salt, and put to them one part of pure Spirit of Wine, digest them together for seven or eight days, than distil of the Liquor very gently, and about fourteen or fifteen parts will come of in insipid phlegm, and only one part, or a little more will remain with the Salt in a dry substance. Repeat this nine times with fresh Spirit of Wine, till you have employed as much Spirit of Wine as you wrought upon Salt, which will be increased scarce one part: Put it than to Sublime, and every whit of it will rise in a pure Sublimate, excepting a small parcel of feces that will remain in the bottom: You may multiply this Sublimate as much as you will, by addition of Spirit of Wine to it; than distilling away the Liquor, for the 🜹 of the Spirit of Wine will adhere to the pure Salt in a pure Saline form, and the rest will come away in an insipid phlegm. But in the end, this Salt will be apt to come over in an Oily Liquor, and sometimes after that, in form of Salt again: But he cannot yet penetrate into the Causes of these Bodies coming over sometimes liquid, sometimes dry. Incorporate some of this Salt with pure Spirit of Wine, and it will dissolve ☉, and all Metals. To prepare a most Excellent Medicine with this Mercurial Water, proceed thus: TAke of the aforesaid Mercurial 🜄, and of Spirit of Wine distilled three times upon Honey, and than rectified upon Salt of Bohemian-tartar, of each equal parts; distil them together, until they be well united: Than to six parts of this Menstruum put one part of a Spongy Calx of ☉, digest them together, until the ☉ is totally dissolved, except a little white Earth, which will remain in the bottom. Than distil in a Retort in Sand, and cohobate so often, until the ☉ come over into the Receiver. Than separate it, by distilling in a Cucurbite, and there will remain a read Oil like a Ruby in the bottom; whereof one drop in some fit Vehicle, is admirable for Health. This dissolution of ☉ hath a most Odoriferous scent, better than Amber and Musk. The Lunary 🜄 of Paradise, or the Celestial Eagle of the Lunar Sphere, which is Lullys true Spiritual Lunary. DIssolve ☽ in A.F. and precipitate it with Spirit of Salt, dry the Calx, and mix it with equal parts of Calx of ♃, and thence distil the volatile Crystals or butter s. a. Expose this butter to the Air to resolve into liquor, that by that means it may make a Dentifique attraction of the Spirit of the World, which specifieth itself by this Magnet. Put the clean liquor into a Cucurbite, and digest with a Lamp 🜂 for 15 days, at the end of which time there will distil over an AEtherial liquor, which is the Lunary; with which you may work Miracles in Physic, especially in all diseases of the head and brain; the dose is the same with the former, mixing it with a fit Vehicle; Note, that it turneth all liquors into milk, and is sometimes Emetic. For transmutation, deflegm this 🜄 as before and you shall have the Metalline Gluten; which being digested per se, will become a white Powder of projection; and afterwards a read one: But it will be better to add a tenth part of leaf ☉ or of the Sulphur of ☉ made by the Sal Enix: It is multiplied by new addition of the Lunary or Gluten. Note, that this liquor is the Sommet of the Lunary: For the Volatile Crystals of ☽ are the simple Lunary; but this Celestial 🜄 is the Spiritual Lunary, or the highest point of the Metalline Salts: Note, that you may draw the read and white Oil of what remaineth, and proceed as before. Water of Paradise of Saturn, or jupiters' Celestial Eagle. DIssolve ♄ in common A. F. and it will precipitate into a Potential ☿; dry it, and mix it in great quantity with equal parts of Calx of ♃ or with antimony: Draw the Volatile Crystals or butter from this, which resolve in the Air: Put the liquor into a Glass Cucurbite, with its head and recipient, digest with a gentle lamp 🜂 the space of 15 days; nothing will come over by distillation, but only the liquor will Maturate, and become read, and afterwards within twenty, thirty, or forty days the Idea of ♄ will rise invisibly, and distil into the Recipient, which is the 🜄 of Paradise. This 🜄 cureth all Saturnian Maladies, and Melancholy, being mixed with S. V You may give it in all Inflammations both inward and outward: The Dose is equal with the former. To use it for Metals, put this 🜄 of Paradise into a small Cucurbite and deflegm it with a Lamp 🜂 and there will remain the Saturnean Gluten, the Philosopher's Gum, or ☿ of the wise, A Lot, etc. Digest per se, or add a tenth part of ☉ This Gum is the true Metalline radical Moisture. About Vitrum Antimonii, and the Tincture of it. MOnsieur Borel told me, that he had observed this in making the Tincture of antimony (by distilled Vinegar upon the Glass of antimony) that when he went to dulcify the Salt that remaineth in the Tincture after the distilled Vinegar is evaporated away (as Bas. Val. teacheth) he could never perceive that the 🜄 evaporating carried away the remaining Salt of the Vinegar, but still when the 🜄 was go, and left the Powder dry, it was as salt as ever before, and was of a brown grey colour. But this he observed, that after four or five times dissolving in 🜄 and evaporating, the Tincture Precipitated down very read, and the Salt of the distilled Vinegar remained dissolved in the 🜄, so that he than poured of the 🜄, and dried the Powder, which than was exceeding read, and perfectly dulcified: But after thus severing of the Salt from it, S. V would not touch upon it, and extract it any further: Peradventure a Tartarized S. V will do it. He also told me, that in making the Vitrum Antimonii for this Work, the Mystery to have it certain and constant, consisteth in this; That after you have Calcined your antimony by long and gentle evaporation and stirring, so that it smoke not more; and when you have put it in the Crucible to melt into Glass, you must put to it a little piece of a Coal to burn with the antimony, and set the Sulphur of it on fire, which will make a little Regulus fall down to the bottom, and the Glass will be pure clear and read, whereas if no Coal fall or be put in, it will be black and muddy: And that which maketh this Work of Vitrifying the antimony prove uncertain, is, that sometimes some Coals fall into the Crucible (as one gives great heat) without the Artists taking notice, and than the Work proveth well, but if no wooden Coals fall in, the Glass proveth not as it should. Monsieur le Feure told me, that when he makes the Tincture of Vitrum Antimoniii, he observes, as Monsieur Borel saith, that if the extract of it made by distilled Vinegar be perfectly dulcified from all saltness, the S.U. will not touch upon it; and if it be put upon it in dry Powder, containing the Salt of the distilled Vinegar with the Tincture of the antimony, it will draw with the Tincture some nocuous Spirits from the Salt; therefore he doth thus: Evaporate fair 🜄 from it two or three times, the last time leave it very moist; than put S. V upon it, and it will presently impregnate itself with the Tincture. A white Spirit of Sulphur to dissolve ☽ and ☿; given me by Monsieur Bugneau. TAke the black Spirit of Sulphur, made per Campanam, put it into a Glass Retort well luted (for fear of breaking) all but a patch at the top as big as a Crown-piece, that you may thereby see (holding a Candle near it) in what state the Liquor, therein contained, is: Distil in Sand, till all the phlegm is come over, and that it begin to drop very sharp, which happens to him after ℥ uj or seven. are come over, of lbj lbj. of Spirit put at first into the Retort. By this time you shall see a little 🜹 Sublime up to the discovered place of the Retort, and a brown Circle of earthy substance swimming upon the Liquor about the sides of it joining to the Glass: You must now give the 🜂 so quick, that the Liquor boil a little, and presently you shall see it turn all white, and the brown Corona of Earth become white: Than let the fire die, and when the Retort is cold, pour out the Spirit, which will look like Rock 🜄, and will leave some dregss behind; you will have about ℥ ix. of this Spirit, put it upon ℥ iv. of ☽ in leaf, and distil it gently of, and after a while you shall see your ☽ quite dissolved into clear Liquor; let it cool, and the ☽ will become a Cake of Crystal, and some Liquor will swim over it; pour of this Liquor, and put ℥ ij. of fresh ☽ to it (which now may be in small grenailles) and it will dissolve this as the former, and become a Crystal by cold: The Liquor that you than pour of will dissolve ℥ ij. more of fresh ☽, doing as before. Now the Liquor that remaineth after this third solution of ☽, will dissolve ℥ ij. of running ☿ into a Crystalline substance as the former. This Spirit of Sulphur thus rectified, being used inwardly (before it is used with ☽) is much stronger than when it is black, at the first drawing, and is much gratefuller to the taste, being mingled with 🜄 or other Vehicle. An Universal Medicine, from ☉ and antimony, etc. TAke of the ☿ prepared, as shall be taught hereafter, ℥ j of the Tincture of ☉, afterwards set down, ʒj. mix them well together in a Glass Mortar, than put them into a small Matrass, and digest them with a Lamp 🜂 with one wick only for ten days; than digest for ten days more with two wicks, than with three, and lastly, with four wicks, which makes forty days digestion in all, at the end of which you shall have a read Powder as read as a Ruby. This Powder is an Universal Medicine for the greatest and Chronic Diseases: It Cures the Gout, Dropsy, Palsy, French-Pox, Plague, Leprosy, the Evil, Smallpox, and Measles. It's visible Operation is by Stools, by Urine, and by Sweat: The Dose is from gr. iij. to iv. or u in Conserve of borage or Violets. To prepare the ☿ for this Work. TAke gravelled Ashes, (or instead thereof you may take the Ashes of dried and burnt Leeses of Wine) and of Quicklime, of each equal parts, boil them togegether in 🜄, and make a Lixivium, which filter. Take ʒiij. or iv. of ☿ vitae, put it into a Matrass, and pour upon it of the aforesaid Lixivium, so much as may cover it the breadth of four fingers; digest with the second degree of heat, for three or four days, the Lixivium will extract the Tincture of the ☿ vitae; than decant, and put on fresh Lixivium, and digest. Repeat this, till you have extracted all the Tincture of your ☿ vitae, and the Powder be well attenuated: Than mix this Powder with equal weight of Sublimed 🜹, incorporate them well together with double as much of Oil of Bohemian-tartar, than set it to putrify in fimo for thirty days, changing the Dung every sixth or seventh day. Than put your Matter in a Marble Mortar, and grinned it well, adding a little warm 🜄 to it; than add a little more water, but a little hotter than the first, and grinned it well; than let it settle, and decant the 🜄, and put on fresh warm 🜄, and grinned as before, than let it settle, and decant the water; and put Vinegar upon it instead of 🜄, and grinned it, and you will see in a short time the Powder converted into running ☿. Note, that if you Sublime Regulus of antimony with four times as much 🜹, it will Sublime with it in very read flowers; out of which in the same manner you may extract ☿. To prepare the Tincture of ☉ for this Work. TAke fine ☉ in thin Plates, dissolve it in A. R. than pour into the dissolution some ☿, and a fourth part of A. F. keep it in digestion until the ☿ is all dissolved; the dissolution of ☉, which was of an Orange-colour before, will now be white and clear, and the ☉ will Precipitate to the bottom in a very subtle and spongy Calx; decant the clear, and edulcorate the Powder of ☉, till it be freed from all Acrimony, than dry it. Than take fine Pumice-stone, and make it red-hot in a Crucible, than extinguish it in Vinegar; reiterate the ignitions and extinctions five or six times, than reduce it into subtle Powder, which ignifie again for half a quarter of an hour, than make it as subtle as you can. Than put a bed of this Powder into a Crucible, about a finger's breadth, upon that put a Bed of your Powder of ☉: Continued thus stratifying until all the Powder of ☉ be in, than cover the Crucible with another, and lute them well together, and put it into a Glass Oven where they prepare their Matter, so that the Crucible may be always read during twenty four hours, and that the Matter in the Crucible may not melt. Than take out the Matter out of the Crucible, and pulverize it; than put this Powder in a Matrass, and pour upon it of the following dissolvent, so much as may cover it three fingers breadth, digest it in Ashes for 34 days, within a few hours you will see the dissolution Tincted of an Orange colour; after four days digestion decant the Tincture, and pour on more of the dissolvent, digest as before. Repeat this till you have extracted all the Tincture of your Powder; than filter all your Extracts, and evaporate with a gentle 🜂 to dryness, and you will have a yellow Powder of an Orange-colour; put this Powder into a Matrass, and pour upon it a S. V prepared as shall be taught hereafter; digest it, and in two days the S. V will be Tincted as read as Blood, which decant, and put on fresh S. V digest and decant. Repeat this so often till you have extracted all the Tincture out of the Powder: Than distil of the Tincted S. V in B. with a gentle heat to dryness; and thus is the Tincture of ☉ prepared for this Work, to be used with the said ☿ of antimony, as is said above. Note, That if you digest and circulate this Tincture in fimo before you distil the S. V from it, and than distil and cohobate two or three times, and abstracting half the S. V from it, you will have a kind of an Aurum potabile, which is a very great Corroborant in the greatest weakness: The Dose is five or six drops in any convenient Vehicle. The Dissolvent. MElt Salt in a Crucible, than take lbj lbj. thereof and pulverize it; mix this Powder with lbiij lbiij. of Honey, boil them together in an Iron Kettle to the consistence of a Suppository; than cast this Matter upon a smooth stone, and being cold, pulverize it, and put it into a Retort; pour upon it distilled Vinegar rectified, lbiij lbiij. Digest for twenty four hours, than distil in Sand by graduated 🜂, giving strong 🜂 at last for six hours, that the Retort may be read; than let it stand to cool the space of twelve hours: Than distil this Vinegar in a Cucurbite in Ashes, separating the phlegm, rectify it three or four times more, and it will be white and clear; before it was yellow. To prepare the Spirit of Wine, fit for this Tincture of ☉. TAke Salt of Bohemian-tartar well purified by several Dissolutions, Filtrations, and Coagulations, and than reduced to Powder, ℥ iv. which put into a Retort, and pour upon it lbij. lbij. of rectified Spirit of Wine, let it stand so twenty four hours, than distil only lbj lbj. of it in Ashes, and you shall have an excellent Spirit of Wine, fit to draw Tinctures. In the same manner you may extract the Tincture of Coral, putting the Corals whole with the Pumice-stone, which by its dryness will extract the Tincture of the Corals, leaving them as white as Starch. In the same manner you may also extract the Tincture of ☽, which will be blue. Sir Kenelm DOCTOR) This Process was given to Monsieur Vrto, Physician of Burges, by Monsieur Mayo, Sieur de Vancours. This Monsieur Mayo was a great Friend and Confident of Monsieur de la Violet, who gave him this Operation, and they made it together. He said, that this was the solidest and best thing that Monsieur de la Violet had. He gave this to Monsieur Vrto in acknowledgement of a very great good turn he had done him, and after Monsieur Vrto had refused to receive of him a Present of great Value. A great Corroborant and Sudorific, wrought by Monsieur Du Closs, Physician at Paris; given me by him the 16th. of August, 1660. DIssolve ☉ by means of Salt, Nitre, and Allom, etc. after Zwelfer's manner; than evaporate away the 🜄, and put S. V upon the remaining Powder, and it will go all into a Tincture, or rather all the ☉ will dissolve in the S. V leaving the Salts, most of which will Precipitate in the S. V Than he Precipitateth the ☉ with Oil of Bohemian-tartar, and washeth and drieth it, than reverberateth it, and it is in a deep read Powder; and this he called Crocus Solis: (But it is not so, almost all the ☉ remaineth still in the solution (which is yellow) and Oil of Bohemian-tartar will not Precipitate it, so that it is rather the Salts that remained in the S. V and a little mingled with them:) But take Spirit of Honey (the Vinegry Spirit) two parts, and one part of S. V and pour this upon the solution, and all the ☉ will Precipitate like a green Mud; pour of the Liquor, and put fair 🜄 to the Precipitation, and some ☿, and so you may have all your ☉, which when it is dry, will be a deep-red Powder, but if you reverberate it, and aaate it with ☿, and grinned it with Sulphur, and than burn and reverberate it, it will all fly away: And this is his best way of Calcining and opening ☉. Upon this Calx of ☉ he putteth his Menstruum, and in twenty four hours it will Tinct itself as read as blood, which if you digest long, an Oil will swim upon it; he evaporateth the Menstruum till it be thick, and digests that with a Lamp Furnace. His Menstruum is thus made: TAke pure S. V and pure Spirit of Urine, ana, put them together, and distil of the S. V with very gentle heat, there will remain a phlegmatic Liquor in the bottom: Cohobate the S. V upon it till there remain only perfect phlegm in the bottom, and that all the Spirits and Volatile Salt of the Urine be in the S. V This is a great dissolvent and Alkahest; but it will be stronger if you work it again with new Spirit of Urine, and so you may make it as strong as you will: But this hath not the Properties of Helmont's pretended Alkahest, to come of from the Body it hath dissolved, as strong as you put it on, for it leaveth much of the Saline Spirits with the opened Body, if you distil it of: He found some running ☿ in the filters after he had dissolved the ☉ only as far as Zwelfer teacheth; which solution openeth it exceedingly, and rendereth it apt to Mercurialization; but he useth most the following Calx of ☉: Make an aaa of ☉ and ☿ in due manner, which grinned well with Flowers of Sulphur, and set it upon Coals, and so make a Calx of ☉ (ut artis est:) Repeat this Calcination two or three times, than take the Calx of ☉, and grinned it exceeding well with twice as much pure decrepitated Salt; put these into a Crucible, which cover well, and set it to Cement or Reverberate during six hours (or more) in a Furnace where the heat may be increased by degrees, so that in due time the Crucible become read. Continued so a pretty time, but have a care the Salt melt not: When it is cold, take out the Matter, and grinned it well, and pour hot 🜄 upon it, to dissolve all the Salt, and filter it of, and pour on more 🜄, doing so till you have severed all the Salt from the ☉ (as also a white Earthy substance, that will swim upon the 🜄) than dry the ☉, which grinned again with double its quantity of prepared Salt, (the same Salt will serve again when the 🜄 is distilled from it) and Cement it, and work all as before, taking care always, that the ☉ settle well to the bottom after you have stirred it in the 🜄. Repeat this six, seven, or eight times (the more the better) till the ☉ come to be all a grey or white Powder: Than Cement it with double its quantity of pure Salt of Bohemian-tartar, in the same manner as you did with Salt, and do always all as before. Repeat this two, three, or four times, dulcifying it every time very well from the Salt: Than put upon it (being very dry) the Menstruum of S. V and Spirit of Urine, mentioned before, and it will be Tincted Blood-red in twenty four hours: Pour of that, and put on more, till you have drawn out all the Tincture, which distil in a Cucurbite with very gentle 🜂, till it become a Gum, of which he putteth ℥ j into a Pint of Sack, and giveth a spoonful for a Dose. It is a mighty Corroborant, as also a Sudorific, where Nature requireth it. It will make one sweated twenty four hours. The manner of making his Menstruum, is, to put the two Spirits into a long Cucurbite with a narrow mouth, on which he put a Head, fitting it in the Orifice, but very large in the Body of it, and so distilleth of his S. V and cohobateth it upon the same Spirit of Urine, till the Volatile Salt be drawn out of it, or upon new, as you see occasion. Quaere, Of putting this Menstruum upon a Spongy grey Calx of ☉, made after Vandykes way. The Metalline Aureal 🜄, or the AEthereal Aurum potabile, which is a very great Medicine for the Gout: It is the true Hermaphroditick Bath. DIssolve ☽ in A. F. than Precipitate it with Spirit of Salt, than edulcorate the Powder and dry it, than mix it with its weight of antimony (or Calx of ♃) distil a transparent Butter thereof: Take of this Butter one part, mix it with as much of Calx of ☉ (made by dissolving ☉ in Spirit of Salt) digest them together, until they be reduced into a Liquor: Distil this Liquor in a Retort, the Spirit of Salt will come over first, and than will follow a read Butter, which is the great Chalybs, which resolves into a Liquor in the Air; put this Liquor into a Cucurbite, join a Head and Receiver to it, and than digest with a Lamp 🜂 for fifteen days, than an AEthereal Liquor will begin to come over in an invisible form, which will distil into the Recipient: Deflegm this Liquor until you come to the Eagles Metalline Gluten; which is digested (either per se or with ☉) into a true Physical stone: When it is in an AEthereal Liquor you may take two drops of it in some Cordial Spirit. The Eagles Gluten, or ☿ of the Wise, or Metalline Menstruum; with which and Lions Blood is made the Metalline Stone. THE Gluten is of divers sorts: The first is altogether Mineral, and is drawn from ☿ and antimony: If you join Sulphur of antimony with this Gluten, you may make a Medicinal Stone of it. The Second is Metallick, viz. Saturneal, Lunary, and Aureal. The third is partly Mineral, and partly Metalline; as for Example, when one draws a Liquor (which doth not wet) from ☿ of ♄ (that is to say, from its repercuted Calx) and antimony, which is the Magnet of the Spirit of the World; than draw the Gluten as you know. The Gluten is Mineral and Metalline, and is sufficient to make the Physical Stone of it, both Mineral and Metalline. Note, that if you digest per se, what sort of Gluten soever, you may make the Physical Stone of it. But for to shorten the Work, you may add ☉; for all Metalline or Mineral Gluten contains in itself its internal Sulphur, which may be coagulated and fixed into a true AEtherial Panacaea. But it is better to add this Solary Ferment, as shall be said hereafter. Wondered things may be performed (both in Physic, and in Transmutation of Metals) with any sort of Gluten, either Mineral or Metalline. The 🜄 of Paradise differs not from the Gluten, except that it containeth some parts more liquid, and is yet full of phlegm, as shall be showed. Water of Paradise, or of the Hermetick Eagle, whereof are made unheardof Medicines, and Powders of Projection. THE 🜄 of Paradise is a ceatain fiery or AEthereal 🜄 drawn from Celestial Bodies, chief from ☉ and ☽, without the mixture of any waterish phlegm; so that, what is attracted is the Universal Spirit, the Informing form of the Elements, that of the World, Influence of the Stars, Soul of the World, the vital Nutriment, latent in the Air. This 🜄 is most potent to drive out all Diseases, it being altogether Astral, and needeth not be taken by Drams, Scruples, or Grains, but the twentieth part of a Grain is sufficient for a Dose; yea, almost the Vapour only of this Gluten sufficeth, as you shall see: It is attracted by several things, or (to speak plain) there are several things which attract it from the Stars; first, by Sendivogius his Magnet, or Chalybs; but it requires a longer time to have this Gluten, or this Philosophical 🜄, which is all, to all universal; for it requireth seven Months to prepare this Universal Menstruum, after you have the Salt of Nature; which is a thing indeterminate, and requireth a Metallick Ferment, specific, for to specify and determinate it. This most Noble way is clearly and neatly shown by the Author: But there are other ways, which are shorter, by which this Spirit of the World is attracted by several Magnets, whereof shall be spoken hereafter. Note, that the Physical Stone may be made of all sorts of waters of Paradise; for it is the Philosophical ☿ which is sufficient for himself and for thee; for it contains in itself a pure Sulphur, which may be congealed into a Panacea: But for to shorten the Work, the Solar or Lunar Ferment is added, to the end that this Gluten, or fiery 🜄 may be sooner congealed and fixed: So that, besides this Generalissima way, or this Universal Stone of the Philosophers, there are five other Stones; to wit, first, the simple Mineral, made of ☿ per se, or with ☿ and antimony, with the Sulphur of antimony. The Second is the simple Metalline stone, made with ☽ only, with ♃, or with ☉ and Solar Ferment. Thirdly, there is a Stone which is partly Metallick, and partly Mineral, made of antimony, ☿, and ☉, whereof Artefius, Flamel, Pontanus, Zaichair, and others have written. Fourthly, There is a Vegetable Stone. Fifthly, The Animal Stone. We shall treat of all these Stones, under the name of the 🜄 of Paradise, or the Hermetick Eagle, or Virgins Milk. Water of Paradise of Common ☿, or Hermes his Eagle, of the Terrestrial and Celestial ☿. SUblime ☿ three or four times with Salt, Nitre, and Vitriol; than dissolve it in A. F. and digest, than by distillations and cohobations, unite the Salts Armoniac of the A. F. to which (to have it more Powerful) you may put an eighth part of 🜹: Distil and cohobate so often, till the ☿ comes to be like Wax, and that it dissolveth easily in humido. Than dissolve this matter per deliquium, that it may attract the 🜄 which is contained in the Air: Put this Liquor into a small Cucurbite, join its Head and Recipient, and digest with very gentle 🜂 with a Lamp. Nothing will come over during fifteen days, but afterwards, there will come over an AEthereal Liquor, which is the 🜄 of Paradise: Two drops of this 🜄 put into ℥ iv. of S. V is an excellent Medicine against the Pox, for it is the Planet ☿. The Dose is one spoonful. The Physical Stone is made of this Virginal, or Astral Milk, to wit, distil its phlegm, in a small Cucurbite, with the same Lamp 🜂, and the Gluten or Mineral Gum will remain in the bottom; of which by digestion is made the Physical or Medicinal Stone. But note, that if you add ☉, the Operation is sooner accomplished. Note also, that if you cast one drop of this 🜄 of Paradise upon a thin Plate of ♀, or of ♂, it will penetrate and whiten it through and through, before it is fermented with ☉. Note also, that that which remaineth after the distillation, will serve also. If you would than make a Stone, different from that which is made with the Virginal Milk only, proceed thus: After you have distilled the 🜄 of Paradise, distil over with a gentle 🜂 in Ashes what remaineth, and you shall have a white Oil; than force over the remaining part in a Retort, and you shall have a read Oil; cast away the remaining feces. Take one part of the read Oil, and four parts of the white Oil, and eight parts of the 🜄 of Paradise, put them into a Matrass, and digest them in an Athanor until all the colours appear one after another, and that the Gluten be fixed into white. If than you augment the 🜂, it will become a read Medicine, of which you may make Projection thus: Take an hundred parts of ☿, heat it in a Crucible, and cast upon it one part of this fixed Medicine, and all will be a Medicine; whereof cast one part upon another hundred parts of ☿, stirring it with a stick; than melt them together. Cast one part of this Medicine upon an hundred parts of ☿, and all will be converted into ☽ or ☉, according to the Tincture. In this manner, all Metals and Minerals may be reduced into Tinctures by their 🜄 of Paradise, etc. Note, That this Work may be done also with ☿ dissolved in A. F. and Precipitated with Spirit of Salt; the Calx dried and united with Calx of ♃ and antimony, and thence the Volatile Crystals, or Butter extracted, wherewith you may proceed as was said: Or, you may make also a 🜄 of Paradise, made with ♃ per deliquium. The Antimonial 🜄 of Paradise, or the Hermetick Celestial Eagle with two Heads. EXtract a Butter from equal parts of antimony and ☿ Sublimate: Dissolve this Butter in the Air in ♈, ♉, and ♊; put the Liquor into a Glass Cucurbite with its Head and Recipient, lute well all the junctures; excite the Archaeus which is in him, by a very gentle heat in Ashes, by a Lamp 🜂, which will maturate the Matter in the space of fifteen or twenty days: Than drive up its Rays into the Head, which will be seen corporal in the Recipient in the form of a clear 🜄. This 🜄 is all fiery, and is the Celestial Eagle with two Heads. Put it into a Cucurbite, and deflegm it with the same Lamp 🜂, and there will remain in the bottom of the Cucurbite the Mineral Gluten, or the viscous 🜄, which doth not wet ones hands. You may prepare Medicines of this Celestial AEthereal 🜄 thus: Put two drops of it into ℥ iv. of S. V it will turn as white as Milk. This Medicine Cureth the Dropsy, the Epilepsy, Madness, etc. The Dose is from ʒij. to ℥ ss. Now, if you would have the Powder of Projection, you must digest the Gluten per se, as was said; or (which is better) add a tenth part of ☉ in leaf, and digest, or draw the read and white Oil, and proceed as in the former Process, and you shall have a Medicine both for Man, and for Metals. Water of Paradise of Venus and Mars, or ♀ and ♂ Captivated, whence cometh Cupid, or the Solar Panacea. ALthough these Metals cannot take the Mercurial 🜄, nor give Volatile Crystals, as ☽, ♃, and ♄ do, because they are very Mercurial, and the former almost all Sulphurous, nevertheless you may do it thus: Dissolve ♀ and ♂ (each by itself) in the Salt Androgine, which hath but little Sulphur, to the end, that it may dissolve more easily: Than make a Lixivium, which Precipitate with your Liquor of ♄ dry the Precipitated Calx, and sprinkle it with a good deal of Spirit of Salt; than mixed it with antimony, and distil Volatile Crystals thereof; with which proceed as before. The 🜄 of Paradise is made of ♀ only, and is called 🜄, or ♀ his astrum. It Cures the Pox, Gout, etc. The Gluten of these Metals is digested either per se, or with a Solar Ferment, as before, into a Panacea, which is a wondered Medicine, and will Cure Maladies in Men and Metals. The thrice Noble Water of Paradise, or Apollo Medens. Distil the fiery and Volatile Crystals from ☿ of ☽, with Calx of jupiter, which keep. Dissolve ☉ in Spirit of Salt, which join with equal parts of your Crystals; digest, and than distil, the Spirit of Salt will come over immediately first, than will follow the read Crystals: Expose this Terrestrial ☉ to the Celestial, that it may satisfy itself with its Solary Rays, and than dissolve itself into a Liquor, which will be a Magnet and an Amaranth AEthereal and immortal. Put this Solary and Lunary Liquor into a Glass Cucurbite, and distil with a Lamp 🜂 this Noble, Metalline, Radical moisture, those invisible Rays of the ☉, or this 🜄 of Paradise, during forty or fifty days. This 🜄 is 🜄 of Nature, an Excellent Attractive, and its Power is ineffable. This 🜄 drives out all Maladies, and comforts Nature, and is a Royal Medicine; for 'tis the astrum of the ☉, or a ☉ between the Terrestrial and Celestial ☉. Of this is Apollo furens; for its Rays, or its 🜄 killeth ☿, which they convert into true ☉, as also all other Metals. In this Liquor you may dissolve ☉ if you will, but it will not be necessary; for when it is freed of its phlegm, the Solary Gluten remains, which you may digest per se, until it acquire a purple colour. Thus ☉ is exalted to make a Tincture. The 🜄 of Paradise is the AEthereal Aurum potabile; dissolve two drops thereof in ℥ iv. of S.U. the Dose is ʒij. This is the 🜄 of Nature, which is multiplied ad infinitum by new addition of the Gluten, etc. Note, That when this Panacea is fixed, it is the Panacea of Panacea's, which Cureth Maladies, both in Men and Metals. Note, That this 🜄 of Paradise converts all Metals into ☉, if you digest their Plates in the same; yea, one drop thereof penetrates a Plate of ☽, and transmuteth it into most fine ☉. There is also made another Apollo Mede ns, which is joined with Spirituous Regulus of antimony, to wit, the Flowers reduced, or fiery Regulus, and conjoined in the Sulphurous Shall Enixe, and both Precipitated into an Aureal Antimonial Panacea. But this Panacea is not comparable to the other. Apollo furens is the same 🜄 of Paradise, the which are the invisible Solary Rays, by which the Volatility of ☿ is killed, and is converted into ☉; and the same it is with the Solary 🜄. Apollo Moriens is the Eclipse of the ☉ in the abovementioned fiery and AEthereal Menstruums: For in all sorts of Menstruums it putrifies, groweth black, and maturates in the space of fifteen days: But after that, it resuscitates before the Judge Apollo resuscitans. An unheardof Arcanum, or new and unheard of Lunary, wherewith is made the Elixir, or Metalline Stone. DIssolve what quantity of ☽ you please in the Sal Androgine; in four hours' time half your ☽ will be dissolved into a very read Salt, pour it into a vessel of Copper, than make a Lixivium, which filter, reduce into a body what remaineth with ♄, and re-dissolve it in new Sal Androgine as before. Reiterate this, till all your ☽ go through the filter with the Lixivium, and you will be sure to have a ☽ altogether Spirituous and Volatile, which you will found to be true to your loss, if you Precipitate it with an Acid Liquor, and reduce it with ♄; for it will all fly away at the Coppel; the same will hap if it be attracted by Plates of ♀. These two effects have happened to me by inadvertence. Note, That this Spirituous ☽ is a Potential and Spirituous ☉, as you will found, if you rejoin it with its body at the Coppel: There is nothing to say to that. Note, That the corporal ☽ which is added, retains all what is of the Nature of ☉, which renders it afterwards in the separating 🜄. Therefore, take all these filtered Solutions (which are yellow if the Lavers be made with Odour of Metals) and Precipitate them totally into a Lunary Sulphur of a Golden colour, adding a sufficient quantity of that which Precipitates it: That which Precipitates it is of our invention, and is of the Saturnian Juice, which swims upon the ☿ of ♄, when its Solution is repercuted by the Salt 🜄. Dry this Lunary Golden Precipitate gently, and mix it with ana of Calx of ♃, made per se in the 🜄; or if you will, you may draw the Butter or fiery Crystals with ana of antimony; the Crystals are resolved per se in the Air. And with this unheardof Magnet are Miraculously attracted the Influences of the Stars, or the 🜄 of Nature. This is chief done in the belly of ♈; that is to say, in the Month of April and May. Note here a very great Secret, which is, that there is no phlegm attracted by this Magnet, but only the pure Nutriment of Life, or the fiery vital Viand which is hidden in the centre of the Air; which you will found true, if you put some waterish part into this Liquor; for you shall see that it will not mix with it in any wise, but will swim upon it in an heterogene form, as Milk: You must further separate this Liquor, which is the simple Lunary, in which ☉ is easily dissolved: For from this corporal Lunary you must have a Spiritual and unheardof Lunary. Put than this Liquor in a Glass Cucurbite with its Head and Recipient, and digest in Ashes with a very gentle heat by a Lamp the space of one Philosophical Month. Nothing will distil over during the first fifteen days, or more; but it will become a read Sea, and the Matter will maturate, and after that, you shall see that by this gentle heat the Metalline Soul will mount invisibly upon the wings of the Wind, or the Spirit of the World, and will fall into the Recipient in the form of Tears, which are the Tears of Diana. This Liquor is much more precious than pure ☉, and of very great virtue. Continued the dissolution, whilst the Archaeus of Nature chaseth it, which is done in fifteen days at the farthest. In this Operation is done, what Hermes saith, thou shalt separate, the subtle from the Spirit gently, and with great dexterity. This distillation is altogether Natural, and is perfected by the only Archaeus of Nature. This Liquor is the Spiritual Lunary, which contains in itself Body, Spirit, and Soul; 'tis the 🜄 of Paradise, the Lunar Sphere, the Metalline Fountain, and the Universal Metalline Menstruum. It is a most certain anti-epileptick and Cephalick: If one or two drops of it are mixed with ℥ iv. of S.U. all will become like Milk. For it is all 🜂; which changes the moist Element of the S. V as being contrary to it, or at lest not connatural. To make the Metalline Stone per se of this Spiritual Lunary. TAke this Liquor, and put it into a small Glass Cucurbite; leave it uncovered, evaporate it in Ashes with a gentle Lamp 🜂, to the end, that if there be any moisture from the Air, it may exhale, and there will remain in the bottom of the Cucurbite the Metalline Gum, the Lunary Gluten, the Azot, etc. which will liquifie at the lest heat, as Butter, and will congeal by cold. Put this Gum into a Matrass, which Seal Hermetically, and digest per se, it will become black, and after white, and than it is the white Stone; than by increasing the 🜂, it will become of a Citrine colour, and read, without a Solary Ferment: And the King is made of the Queen, or the immersion of ☽ into a Solary Tincture. But for to shorten the Work, add unto this Gluten a tenth part of ☉ in leaf, or Sulphur of ☉ made Spiritual by the Sulphurous Shall Enixe, and digest as was said: The augmentation of this Stone is by addition of new Metalline Gluten. Note, That this Spiritual Lunary tingeth ☿ into true ☽, if you digest it therein; also a Plate of ♀ is perforated by putting one drop of this 🜄 upon it. Note also, That when you have distilled the Lunary, that which remaineth is an eternal Magnet. To that effect, resolve it again in the Air, and manage it by a Lamp as before. Than distil an AEthereal Liquor, which is yet impregnated with a Lunary Soul, and distilleth into the Recipient, and than goeth anew into a Gluten: And this is done ad infinitum. Note also, That that which remains, may be distilled, and you shall have first, a white Lunary Oil (which is the Philosopher's Oil of Talc; for the true Oil of Talc is the Lunary coagulated per se, and fixed into a white Stone, which is fixed and soft.) Secondly, you shall have the read Oil by augmenting the 🜂. If you will make the Stone of these Matters, take of the read Oil one part, and of the white Oil four parts, and eight parts of the Lunary reduced into Gluten: Put this into a Matrass, and digest until all be fixed into white, and after by continuing become read. This Medicine aught not to be Fermented; for it is the true Metalline Soul, reduced into a Tincture. This last digestion must be in an Athanor with a Charcoal 🜂. Hartman.) These Waters of Paradise and Glutens, etc. were given to Sir K. (about eight or nine Months before he died) by a French Gentleman, a great Scholar. Monsieur Barkly's fixation of Common Sulphur, and the Tincture thereof, which is an Excellent Medicine in all affects of the Breast and Lungs. TAke Flowers of Sulphur, or Sulphur pulverised very subtle; put it into a Matrass, and pour upon it so much Spirit of Sulphur per Campanam, as may cover it the breadth of three fingers. Lute the Matrass well, and put it in digestion for fifteen days, or three weeks, or so long until the Flowers of Sulphur come to be very black: Than distil of all the Spirit of Sulphur to dryness; break the Matrass, and take out the Sulphur, which pulverize again, and put it into another Matrass, and pour upon it the Spirit of Sulphur you distilled of, and distil as before to dryness. Repeat this twice more, which maketh three cohobations in all without the first distillation. Than take your black and fixed Sulphur, and reduce it to a very subtle Powder, and put it to reverberate in a Glass Oven the space of a fortnight or three weeks, it will change its blackness into white, and after yellow, and at last come to be of a reddish brown colour. The Tincture of this read fixed Sulphur, is extracted with Spirit of Salt well rectified. He made thus his Spirit of Salt for this: Take Salt lbj lbj. dissolve it in five quarts of fair 🜄, and filter it; put it into a Cucurbite, and pour upon it by little and little lbj lbj. of good Oil of Vitriol, and join the Head and Recipient; when it is all in, it will begin presently to distil over cold: Set it in Sand, and with moderate heat drive over as much as will rise, which rectify from the phlegm: There will remain in the bottom of the Cucurbite a wondered Salt, that is exceeding fusible. After he had extracted the Tincture, he distilled away all the Spirit of Salt, till the Tincture was dry: Of this he gave three grains for a Dose, and found it a great Diaphoretic, but it was somewhat rough and sharp in the Stomach: Whereupon he dulcified it by several ablutions in fair 🜄; than gave the same Dose, and it wrought excellently well in all Colds of the Breast and Lungs. Hartman.) This Relation is of Sir K. Digby. The Countess of Kent's Powder, as it was prepared by Sir Kenelm Digbies Order in his Operatory. TAke ℥ iv. of the black ends of the shares of Crabs, the Sun being in the Sign of Cancer, Crabs-eyes, fine Pearls and Corals prepared, of each ℥ j yellow Amber ℥ ss. Roots of Contrayerva, Virginian Snake-root, anaʒuj. Oriental Bezoarʒiij. of the Bones that are found in the hearts of Stags ℈ iv. Reduce all into a subtle Powder; moisten the Crabs Claws and Crabs-eyes, and the Powders of Pearls and Corals with a little juice of Lemons, to make them ferment a little: Than the next day mix all well together, adding ʒj. of Tincture of Saffron, and pour upon the Mass (when you incorporate it) three or four spoonfuls of Spirit of Honey, or instead thereof you may take Jelly of Hartshorn, and Jelly of the Skins of Vipers dried in the shadow. Than add to this Composition ℥ j of Trochisque of Vipers; grinned it all well together to make it well incorporate: Than make it up into Balls, and let them dry, and keep them for Use. This Powder is a most Excellent Remedy in all Epidemical Distempers, all Malignant, Spotted, and Purple Fevers; to drive out the Smallpox and Measles. It is Sudorific, and resists all Corruption, and is admirable in a Surfeit. It drives the Venom from the heart, and hinders the Vapours to fly up into the Head and Brain. It drives out by transpiration all bad Humours, corroborates and strengthens Nature. The Dose is from six to twenty, or twenty five grains. In an extremity of the Plague, one may take from thirty to forty grains. Hartman.) Sir K. D. had this Powder always ready by him in his Closet; and I remember that many People of Quality sent to him for some of it when any of their Children had the Smallpox or Measles; and never any did miscarry of all those that took it. It is also Excellent against the biting of Mad Dogs, stinging of Vipers, and other Venomous Beasts. A very Efficacious Remedy against the Epilepsy, or Falling-Sickness, wherewith Sir Kenelm Digby Cured a Ministers Son, named Mr. Lichtenstein, at Francfort in Germany, in the Year 1659. to which I was an Eyewitness. TAke of the Skull of a Man that died of a violent Death, of the parings of nails of Man, anaʒij. Reduce this to a subtle Powder, and grinned it upon a Marble stone; than take Polypody of the Oak very dry, ℥ ij. Misletoe of the Oak, gathered in the Wain of the Moon, ℥ ss. Misletoe of the Hasle-tree, Misltoe of the Tile-tree, of each ʒijs. Piony-root ℥ ss. Reduce all into a subtle Powder: Than take ℥ vj. of Sugar, boil it to the consistence of Rose-Sugar; than mix all the Powders with it, and stir them well together over the fire that they may well incorporate together: Than take it from the fire, and make it up into little Tablets of about a Dram a piece; whereof give one in the Morning fasting, and two or three hours after Dinner, and another two hours after Supper: Continued this whilst the Tablets last. Another for the same. SIR Kenelm Digby Relates, that in the Year 1663. the Lady Warwick told him, that a Daughter of her Husbands elder Brother had the Falling-Sickness in the greatest Extremity, so that she fell like a log seven or eight times a day without any motion. They had put her into the hands of the ablest Physicians in England, who in effect could do her no good. A Gentleman, one of their Neighbours, undertook to Cure her, and performed the Cure thus: Take true Misletoe of the Oak, the Leaves, the Berries, and all the tender Branches; dry it gently in an Oven after the Bread is drawn; than reduce it to a fine Powder, of which give as much as will lie upon a shilling for one of ripe years; for middle aged, a sixpence, for a Child, a groat: Give it Mornings and Evenings in Cowslip-water three days before, and three days after the Full of the Moon. Repeat this Remedy for some Months together. This Cured also my Lord Herbert's Son, and many other People of Quality. The best time to gather the Misletoe of the Oak, is in the Month of September, when it bears Berries, and in the Waning of the Moon. The Preparation of the Silver Pills against the Dropsy, as they were prepared by Sir Kenelm Digbies Order in his Operatory. TAke refined ☽ ℥ j dissolve it in ℥ iij. of the best Spirit of Nitre in a Matrass, than evaporate away all the Spirit of Nitre to dryness in a low Cucurbite, or in some other fit Vessel; than dissolve the matter in a sufficient quantity of Rose-water, filter the dissolution through grey Paper, and evaporate it again to the consistence of a dry Salt as before. Than take ℥ ij. of fine Salt-petre, dissolve it in Rose-water, filter the dissolution, and evaporate it in a large wide Vessel of Glass, to the consistence of a Salt. Than mix the ☽ and this Salt together, and put them in a large Glass, pouring upon them so much Rose-water as will dissolve them into a greenish Liquor: Than evaporate it in Sand to the consistence of a white Salt; than take it out of the Sand, and being quite cold, put it into a Glass or Marble Mortar, and put to it ℥ ij. of fine Wheat-flower; grinned them well together, than add so much Rose-water as will make it a Mass fit for Pills: Than make it up into Pills of the bigness of Pease, put them between two Papers, and let them dry in the shadow, and they will be of a Purple colour; keep them in a wooden Box. Directions for the Use of these Silver Pills. THey are a Specific against the Dropsy, the Patient is to take one of them at six or seven of the Clock in the Morning, taking some Broth about two hours after it with eight or ten drops of Spirit of Salt in it. Their Operation is by Stools, and by Urine; you must continued it until the Cure be perfected. Note, That if the Patient be weak, he must take the Pill but once in two days, and in all Broths and Drink, he aught to take some Dose of Spirit of Salt, as is said above. If there be need of Sweeting, you must use some dry Stoves, and give him always of the following Salts: Take Salt of Urine, Salt of Wormwood, ana ℥ ij. add half a Scruple of Oil of Amber, and as much of Spirit of Urine, with ʒij. of fine Sugar; mix all well together in a Glass or Stone Mortar, whereof give ℈ iv. for a Dose in half a Glass of Whitewine when the Patient is Sweeting in the dry Stove, and not in a Bath of Water: And every third day you must repeat this Remedy, and he will be Cured within three days. The evacuation is by abundance of Sweat and Urine. Hartman.) I cannot omit to relate here a Story, which I have often heard Sir Kenelm Digby tell concerning a Famous Cure of a desperate Dropsy, done by Dr. Farrar upon an eminent Lord, who was overgrown with the Dropsy, his Belly and Stomach swelled to a Prodigious bigness, and was given over by the ablest Physicians as incurable. Sir K. D. made the bargain between the Lord and the Doctor, who was to have five hundred pounds for the Cure: But when the Lord was Cured, he would give the Doctor not more than three hundred pounds, saying, that five hundred pounds was too much money, and that all the Ingredients he used could not stand him in twenty shillings. The Remedies were thus: Having first well purged the Patient with some fit Purge (as of jallap, Manna, Sena) to carry away watery humours, he gave him the following Broth. A moderate Broth was made of Mutton, Chickens, and Capon, or Hen, but not Veal; the Broth was not strong of the Meat, nor too weak, but such as the Patient might drink all the day, for he was to drink no other Liquor; they made but about a pottle of Broth at a time, for it would not keep: And for this quantity they took a Gallon of Water, into which the Doctor put above a handful of Garlic, and Rosemary, Penyroyal, Thyme, Sweet-marjoram, Fennel-roots, Parsley-roots, as also Currans, and a sufficient quantity of Salt. And after some days taking the Broth, they put into every draught of the Broth (the Patient took) above a spoonful of the crude juice of Garlic, stamped and pressed out. But if you cannot bear always to drink this Broth, than use the following Decoction: Take Sarsaparilla ℥ xij. China-roots ℥ v. Sassafras ℥ iij. Cut all these very small, and pour upon them Spring-water, to three fingers breadth above the Ingredients, and let them infuse over a soft fire the space of four hours; than throw away this Water, and stamp the Ingredients in a Stone Mortar with a wooden Pestle: Than pour upon them ten quarts of Fountain-water, and boil it in a Vessel close stopped, till four quarts of it be consumed: Of this Decoction let the Patiented drink, without any other drink but the Garlic Broth. Another Drink. TAke all the aforesaid Ingredients, in the same manner prepared and stamped: Than take a clean Vessel, and fill it with Beer, than put the Ingredients in a bag, and hung it in the Beer; ℥ j of the Ingredients is sufficient for a quart of Beer. Either of these Drinks is only in case the Patient cannot bear the use of the Garlic Broth, which alone will dispatch the Cure much the sooner; and this course of the Garlic Broth is for all Obstructions, and superfluity of Cold, raw Humours, clogging the Brain, or any other part, as well as for the Dropsy. To strengthen and secure the Liver, use the following Electuary. Take of Powder of Turmerick a sufficient quantity, make an Electuary of it with Sugar, and to every Ounce of it add three drops of Oil of Aniseed, made by distillation; and if you put a little Amber-grease to it, it will be the more strengthening. Take of this Electuary two or three times a day the quantity of a Hasle-nut; take not above ℥ j in a day. Besides this, to strengthen the Stomach, use the following Stomacher: Take Wormwood, Marjoram, Rosemary, Rue, ana one handful; Cloves, Cinnamon, Mace, ana ℥ j bruise these Spices, and mix them with the Herbs; of these make a Stomacher, and apply it: And you may likewise anoint your Stomach, and region of the Liver with Oil of Nutmegs and Oil of Roses. I heard Sir K. D. say, that after twelve or thirteen days, the Patient begun to Piss in great abundance, and so stinking, noisome, roping matter, that the Nurse which emptied the Pots, was hardly able to endure the stink and noisomness of it. And he continued the diet till he was perfectly Cured. Another Experimented Remedy for the Dropsy, whereby several People have been Cured, as I have been assured. TAke the Root of Heath, scrape of the first Bark, which throw away, than peel of the next rind, and fill a Glass or a Bottle with it loosely, than fill it up with Whitewine, and let it stand to infuse over Night, and the next Morning drink half a pint of Wine; and so continued until you are Cured. Another Excellent Remedy against the Dropsy. TAke Spiritual Oil of Salt, mix with it so much flowers of Sulphur, that it become like Pap, which distil in a Retort in Sand, and you shall have a Liquor as white as Milk, which is Excellent against the Dropsy. The Copy of a Letter from Abbot Boucaud from Paris to Sir K. D. wherein he relates in what manner he Cured himself of the Stone, and of a Quartan Ague. SIR, I Do not tell you that I have been Sick, (and that I am so still) to Excuse myself for having so long deferred an Answer unto your last two Letters, etc. It is true nevertheless, for I have laboured under divers Distempers; but among the rest, I have been ill of the Stone, and have had a Quartan Ague: I believe you will not be sorry to hear how I Cured myself of both without the help of any Physician. For the Stone I took twelve grains of the Salt made of the Stones which were taken out of Men; I dissolved the said Salt in a little water, and than I put all into a Glass of Whitewine, and drank it of, and walked about my Chamber near two hours, at the end whereof I had a great need to make water, and I voided (with violence) a large Glass full of Gravel, which was so gross, and so rugged, that it caused me to voided near a Pint of Blood; the same thing happened to me three times, and every time I voided Blood, which made me judge that I should have taken lesle of the said Salt; yet I took it but once, but I felt a great pain and heaviness in my Reinss and Kidneys. The said Stones were Calcined in a Potter's Oven, and after they were Calcined, I extracted the Salt out of them with distilled Rain-water: The feces I Calcined again, and extracted the Salt as before, which I repeated so often, till the said Stones yielded no more Salt. Note, That to make this Salt for a Man, you must take the stones taken out of Men, and for a Woman, those that are taken out of Women. And thus was the first Cure performed. As for the Quartan Ague, without having been Purged, or let Blood, at the fourth fit I took a Glass-full of the water of green Walnuts, which I had distilled in their last Season: I took it as soon as I perceived the lest symptom of the Fits approaching; I went to Bed, and caused myself to be well covered, and slept, and had no Fit at all that time, nor ever after. The Water I distilled thus: I took green Walnuts and beaten them in a stone Mortar, than in a Cucurbite in B. M. I distilled the water from them, which I cohobated twice upon fresh Walnuts. Than having Calcined the three Marcs or Caput Mortuums, I extracted the Salt out of the Ashes; this Salt I put into the distilled water. I thus, Sir, I have given you Accounted how I went to work. A Process, how to make a most Excellent Oil of Sulphur in abundance; sent also by the said Abbot Boucaud to Sir K. TAke an Earthen Pan of Stone-ware, in the midst thereof lay a piece of Brick, upon which set an Earthen Poringer full of Sulphur grossly beaten; than put fair water into your Pan, but not so much as to touch the said Poringer: Than kindle the Sulphur, and cover it with a Bell, so that the Bell touch the water, and that the fumes may not come out, but may condense and run down into the water, which afterwards must be separated in B. with a moderate heat. To set the Sulphur on fire, you may put into it a square or round piece of Iron made red-hot in the fire. Hartman.) In my Opinion, if the Bell touch the Water, and that it hath no hole at the top, so that the Sulphur have no Air, it will not burn; I judge the best way to be thus: Let the Poringer stand in the Water, but not so deep, as that the Water bear it up, and make it float; if it stands half way in the Water, it will do, for the weight of the Sulphur will keep it down, and the heat of the Poringer will heat the Water, and the Vapours and steams thereof will mix with the fumes of the Sulphur, and make them condense the better, and so distil down together into the Water. The Bell should be such a one as is now in use, with a long neck, and a hole at the top, which should not touch the Water nor the Pan, but it should be suspended in such manner, that there be some distance between the brim of the Bell and the sides of the Pan. A subtle Volatile Water from Sulphur, which will Dissolve ☉. I AM told by one who hath done it, that when you go to Sublime Flowers of Sulphur, if you give very gentle and moderate fire, and be very attentive, there will come over first, before any Flowers Sublime, a little very Volatile, but altogether insipid Water, which he saith, will dissolve ☉: It is much more Volatile than any S. V A Glass full of it will presently vanish away, if you hold the Glass unstopped upon your hand, by the warmth of it. Hartman.) This Relation is of Sir K. If you would save this Water, you must have a Glass head upon your last Subliming-pot, or a Ludel, wherein you Sublime your Flowers of Sulphur, and instead of a Vessel without a bottom, as that for the Flowers of Antimony, you must have one with a bottom, and without a hole on the side to put in your Sulphur, and than two Aludels besides the said Vessel, and the Glass-head will be sufficient for subliming the Flowers of Sulphur. By means of the Glass-head you save also the Vinegar of antimony in subliming the Flowers, which I have done several times; but I used not above three Aludels one upon another, besides the Glass-head. An Excellent Essence of Sulphur for the Breast, and for the Lungs. TAke Sulphur one part, brown Sugar-candy two parts; pulverize them, and mix them well together, than put it into a Retort of such a bigness, that two third parts thereof may remain empty. Than distil in sand, giving very gentle fire at first; you will have a whitish Liquor, which keep for use. Hartman.) This was given me by a Physician at Paris, who told me, that a Catarrh falling upon his Lungs, which obstructed his Lungs, causing in him a great Fever, he Cured himself with this Essence, taking this, thirty or forty drops of it in some Broth. He told me also, that it was of great effect in Asthma, Physic, old and inveterated Coughs, etc. An Excellent Elixir of Sulphur. TAke Juice of Licorise, Confection of Alkermes, Roots of Elecampane, anaʒuj. Alipta moscataʒiv. Myrrh, Saffron, ana ℥ jss;. Mastic, Benjamin, Cardamons the lesle, Cinnamon, ana ℥ j Sugar-candy ℥ ij. Powder what is to be Powdered, than mix them together, and add rectified S. V so much as to make it into a Paste; than put it into a Circulatory Vessel, and pour upon it so much Spirit of Sulphur, as may cover it the breadth of four fingers: Digest it forty days, than decant the Tincture, and pour upon the remaining Matter fresh S.U. to extract another Tincture. Than mix these two Tinctures together, and keep them for Use. This Tincture is a very great Pectoral, and a Precious Remedy in all affects of the Breast and Lungs. It is Excellent against Catarrhs, old and inveterate Coughs, the Physic, Asthmas; it cherishes and comforts the Heart, and is good against fainting and swooning Fits, preserves from Putrefaction; it is Anodyne, Cephalick, Analeptick, Alexipharmack; and, as the Author saith, preserves Health, prolongs Life, and keeps back grey Hairs, by strengthening Natural heat. It is to be taken in some Pectoral water or Syrup; the Dose is so much as renders the Vehicle of a grateful acidity. Lac Sulphuris. TAke of Sulphur in Powder on part, and of Quicklime two parts, mix them, and put them into an Iron Pot, and pour thereon a good quantity of fair water, let it boil until three parts of the water be consumed, and that the Liquor be as read as Blood by the dissolution of the Sulphur; than strain it whilst it is hot, and let the strained Liquor stand to cool: Than Precipitate with Vinegar, than let it settle, and having poured of the clear, edulcorate the residue ten or twelve times with warm water, the last time with Rose-water; than dry it gently, and keep it for Use. It is a true Remedy in all affects of the Breast and Lungs; it is given with great success to those that are troubled with Catarrhs, Rheum in the Head, Asthma, Physic, Coughs, etc. It promotes expectoration; it hinders the defluxion to the Joints, it prevents and disperses the windiness of the Stomach and Bowels, and Cureth the Colic. The Dose is so much as may change the Vehicle white; the best and fittest Vehicle is the Spirit of Lignum Cassiae, or Cinnamon; taking it twice a day, in the Morning fasting, and at Night. You may make a very good Spirit of Lignum Cassiae thus, which is a much finer Spirit than that of Cinnamon, and much better for this use. Take Lignum Cassiae ℥ iv. bruise it well, than pour upon it three quarts of Malaga Sack, stop the Vessel close, and let it stand to digest for three or four days, than distil it in a Limbeck, or in a Glass Cucurbite, distilling it of all together, as long as it cometh with vigour, and you shall have about three pints and a half of very good Spirit: Thus I make it. But if you will have it richer of the Wood, put this Liquor upon fresh Cassia, and digest and distil as before. Repeat this till it be as strong as you desire. You may if you please separate the run so as to have some of such strength as you wish. A great Diaphoretic of Antimony. TAke good Antimony Mineral in subtle Powder lbj lbj. mix it with lbss. lbss. of ☿ Sublimate; put this mixture presently into a Retort, leave the Retort for some time unstopped before you distil it, for than you shall have more Butter than if you distil it presently. Than distil a Butter from it according to Art, giving strong fire at last, so that the bottom of the Retort may be red-hot; part of it will come over in Butter, and part will Sublime in Cinaber, very hard; if you leave this Butter for some time exposed to the Air before you rectify it, you shall have more Liquor than if you distil it presently; rectify this Butter, than melt it again, and pour it into a clean Retort, and pour upon it by little and little good Spirit of Nitre, continued pouring on the Spirit of Nitre until the Ebullition ceaseth: Than distil it with a gentle fire in Sand, giving strong fire at last, so that the bottom of the Retort may be red-hot; than let it cool, break the Retort, and take out your Matter, which will be very spongy, and of a yellowish colour; pulverize and edulcorate it several times with warm water, than dry it gently; reverberate it for an hour between two Crubles well luted together: Than grinned it again to a subtle Powder, which put into an Earthen Poringer, and pour upon it rectified S. V that will burn all away; fire it, and whilst it burneth, stir it continually with a silver spoon; the S. V being burned away, the Powder will remain dry; grinned this Powder again, and mix it with ʒvij. of Antimony Diaphoretic that hath been Calcined three times with Nitre, grinned them well together, and put them into a Retort, and pour upon them ℥ iijss. of good Spirit of Nitre; put the Retort in Sand, and let it stand thus four and twenty hours; than distil with a gentle fire to dryness: Break the Retort, and take out the Matter, which grinned and edulcorate with Carduus-water warmed, than spread it upon grey Paper, and let it dry of itself: Than grinned it to an impalpable Powder, which put into a Poringer, and pour upon it S. V so much as may cover it a finger's breadth; let it stand thus for five or six hours, than fire the S. V upon it, and stir it continually with a silver spoon whilst it burneth, than grinned it again, and put it into a Viol, stop it close, and keep it for Use. The manner of using this Medicine is thus: Take fifteen grains of it for three Mornings together, mixing with it some Conserves or Sweatmeats, and take it upon the point of a Knife, than drink a Glass-full of the Sudorific Decoction after it warm. Than take twenty grains for three Mornings more; than fifteen grains again for three Mornings more. It is an Excellent Remedy to Cure the Gout, Dropsy, Palsy, the Venereal Disease, the Evil, Leprosy; it purifieth the whole Mass of Blood, and is good in all Scorbutic Distempers. Note, That before you use this Medicine, you must prepare the Body before with some fit Purge, according to the Constitution of the Patient. Those that are careful to preserve their Health, and to keep it in good state, may take this Powder in the Spring, at the falling of the Leaf, having first Purged once or twice; than take the Powder with the Sudorific Decoction for Nine days together, as was said, mixing the Powder with a dram of Confection of Alkermes. It powerfully resisteth all Corruption, drieth up all superfluous moisture in the Body, and is a true concretive of Blood. The Sudorific Decoction. TAke Lignum Guaiacum ℥ iv. Salsaparilla, Sassafras, ana ℥ j infuse them in three quarts of Fountain-water for twenty four hours; than let it boil gently for three hours. A most Excellent Medicine against all sorts of Agues and Fevers, etc. TAke of the Starred Martial Regulus of Antimony lbj lbj. Mercury Precipitate lbjss lbjss. pulverize and mix them well together, than put them in a Retort, and distil in Sand as you do Butter of antimony; than rectify this Oil or Butter once or twice, casting away the Feces: Than put it into a new Retort, and pour upon it Spirit of Metheglin; distil and cohobate four or five times to make the Oil sweet, than pour S. V upon it, and abstract it to the consistence of an Oil. This is a Precious Remedy for the Cure of many Diseases: It is of great Power and Efficacy to Cure all sorts of Agues, Quotidians, Tertians, and chief Quartans. It Operates by a gentle Vomit in some People, and in others it gently Purges without Vomiting, and in some it gently Operates both ways: It hath virtue to eradicate totally both Root and Seed of the Distemper. The Dose is from six to twelve drops, in some fit Vehicle. Note, That having separated the Spirit of Metheglin, if you acuate it with Spirit of Vitriol, it is a great Diaphoretic, far beyond all others. Dose is from half to one whole spoonful in some fit Vehicle. A Precious Oil of Antimony. TAke Antimony Calcined, as for making the Glass of antimony, lbij. lbij. ℥ xij. Sugar lbj lbj. Mix them well together, and put them in a Retort: Distil in sand, first, will come a phlegm, and afterwards a pure dark-red Oil, which keep for Use. This is an admirable Remedy against the Stone and Gravel, the Dropsy, Epilepsy, Asthma, Quartan Agues, and all sorts of Fevers, the Plague, and all Malignant Fevers, and Epidemical Distempers, and Leprosy; and being outwardly applied, it cureth, healeth, and drieth up all inveterate Wounds and Ulcers. The Dose is four drops in Wine twice a day. A most Excellent Panacea of the true Sulphur of Antimony. TAke Leeses of Wine, which you may have of the Wine-coopers' when they have pressed them out, break them into small pieces, let them dry, than burn them to Ashes: Take of these Ashes, of Quicklime, and Nitre, ana; make a Lixivium thereof with warm water, than filter it: Than take Cinaber of Antimony, which is found in the neck of the Retort when one maketh the Butter of Antimony; pulverize it, and boil it in the aforesaid Lixivium for the space of four hours; pour of the Lixivium from the Quicksilver into another Vessel, which lean on the side, that the read Sulphur may settle; than edulcorate it with hot water, and dry it gently; so have you the true Sulphur of Antimony. Take of this Sulphur, and of Regulus of Antimony, ana ℥ j Oil of Sulphur per Campanam, or rectified Oil of Vitriol ℥ iij. Mix all well together, and put it into a small Retort, digest it in Horse-dung, or if you will, in some other gentle heat for eight or ten days. Than distil it, and cohobate the distilled Liquor upon the mark three or four times; than increase the fire to the highest degree, which continued for twelve hours, to force all over, and the Matter will be fixed; than break the Retort, and take out the Matter, which pulverize, and edulcorate it with Rose-water; than dry it gently upon a grey Paper, than reverberate it for four or five hours. Than take ℥ j of this Powder, and of Salt of read Coral ℥ ij. grinned them well together to a very subtle Powder. This is an Universal Medicine to Purify the whole Mass of Blood, and to root out such Distempers as proceed from the corruption thereof, and are Curable by sweat. It Cureth all stubborn, Malign, and Chronic Diseases: It Cureth the Venereal Disease, the most inveterate; the Leprosy, the Evil, the Scurvy, the Plague, and all Epidemical Diseases. The Dose is from ten to thirty grains. The Order of using this Medicine is thus: First, Purge the Patient once or twice with fit Purges, than rest three days, than Purge again; than begin with ten grains of the Powder, which continued for three times, mix the Powder with some fit Conserve, and give it upon the point of a Knife, in the Morning in his Bed, drinking a Glass-full of a Sudorific decoction after it, made hot; let him keep his Bed for an hour or two, than let him be rubbed with warm Clotheses, and the sweat being quite over, let him rise, and eat of good wholesome Food, forbearing to eat of Salt Meats, Saltfish, Salad, Milk, Butter, or Cheese, or raw Fruit. Than for three Mornings more give him twenty grains, and than thirty grains for three Mornings more; than come again to twenty grains for three Mornings more. A great Febrifuge. TAke Mineral Antimony very clean, that hath never been melted, ℥ vj. and as much Salt-petre, pulverize them finely, and mix them well together; than put them into a strong Crucible, which cover with another Crucible that hath a little hole in the bottom as big as a Pea: Than put this Crucible into your Furnace, and let the fire kindle of itself, which increase by degrees, the Matter will fulminate; when you see that no more smoke cometh out of the little hole of the Crucible, take it out of the fire, and take out the Matter that remained in the Crucible, which pulverize very finely. Than take three Ducats of Gold, and six times as much in weight of the aforesaid Powder; melt the Powder first in a Crucible, than put into it one of the Ducats, stirring it until it be melted, than put in another Ducat; and so continued until you have put in all your Ducats one after another: When all is melted and well incorporated, let it stand in good fusion for half an hour, than take it out, and let it cool: Than break the Crucible, and take out the Matter, which pulverize subtly, and mix it with equal weight of ☿ Sublimate, also in fine Powder; put them into a Retort well luted, put it into a Furnace, and fit a Recipient to it full of Water, so that the nose of the Retort may enter into the water; leave the junctures unluted: Give a gentle fire at first, which augment by degrees; part of the Matter will distil into the Water, but the greatest part thereof will stick to the neck of the Retort, which you may draw out with an Iron hook into a basin full of Water: When you see that nothing more cometh over by the last degree of fire, let it cool; than break the Retort, and take out all the Matter that is Sublimed about the neck of the Retort, and put it into the Water in the Recipient, as also that in the Basin; let the Water stand to settle, than decant it, and keep it. It is Excellent to Cure all sorts of old and inveterate Ulcers, etc. Pour fresh hot water upon the residue, and having shaken it well together, let it settle; than decant, and put on more Water. Repeat these solutions seven or eight times; than separate the ☿ from it with a Quill, and put the Powder into fresh hot-water; let it stand thus until the next day, than repeat the Edulcorations as before, which continued for six days, than edulcorate the last time with cold Water; than dry the said Powder, and keep it for use. The Dose is one or two grains for Children; and for People of riper Years, from four to six or seven, according to their strength and Constitution, putting the Powder overnight to infuse in two or three Ounces of Whitewine; the next Morning strain the Wine, and let the Patient drink it, and half an hour after he may drink some warm Broth or Posset: It may also be given in substance. It Operates by a gentle Vomit, and by Stools. It hath been Experimented, and found very successful and effectual in the Cure of all Intermittent Fevers, and in the Gout, as also in the Venereal Disease. Out of the Caput Mortuum you may reduce the greatest part of the Gold. This is a Mercurius Vitae of a singular preparation; it is not white like the common, but of a brownish grey colour. It appears by this to have some of the ☿ in it, that when you rub Gold or Copper with the Powder, it will make it white, which common Mercurius vitae will not do. Another great Febrifuge, which is said to be Riverius his Febrifuge. TAke ☉, dissolve it in A.R. and Glass of Antimony, dissolved in A. F. ana ℥ ss. ☿ washed and purified ℥ iij. dissolve it in A.F. Than mix the three dissolutions together, and put them into a Cucurbite, and distil in Sand, and cohobate the distilled Liquor eleven times upon the remaining Matter, which are twelve distillations; than pour upon the remaining Matter rectified S. V Cohobate and abstract it six times from the Matter; than take it out and grinned it, and that it may be the better fixed, Calcine it in a Crucible in a Circulary fire, until it be almost glowing-hot. The Dose of this Powder is gr. vj. with gr. xij. of Scammony: Let the Patient take it in the Morning, the day before the Fit. Another Febrifuge. TAke Cinaber of Antimony ℥ j common Salt decrepitated ʒij. pulverize them, and mix them together; put them into a Glass Cucurbite, and pour upon them Oil of Sulphur ℥ iij. digest it for two days in a moderate heat in Ashes; than augment the fire to evaporate away the humidity, than having edulcorated the remaining Mass, reduce it into Powder, which mix with ℥ iij. of Flowers of Sulphur; put this into an earthen Poringer, which put upon burning coals; let it kindle, and stir it continually with an Iron Spatula, until all the Flowers of Sulphur be burned away: Than pour upon the remaining Matter so much S. V as may cover it the breadth of two fingers, than burn away the S. V than reduce it to Powder, and keep it for Use. This Powder is much recommended to Cure all sorts of Agues and Intermitting Fevers, giving it half an hour before the Fit, from ten to fifteen or twenty grains, in some Syrup or Cordial-water, taking some Broth two hours after it; but the Patient should be Purged first, and let Blood before the use of this Powder; and if the first and second dose do not carry away the Fit, it must be repeated a third time. Another Febrifuge, which is thought to be Riverius his true Febrifuge. TAke of Mercury dulcis twelve times Sublimed ℥ jss. Mercurius vitae corrected as followeth, ℥ ss. mix them together. The correction of Mercurius vitae is thus: Take of ☿ vitae, put it into a small Cucurbite, set it in Sand in a moderate heat, let it stand until it begin to grow read; than pour upon it rectified Spirit of Wine, which abstract, and pour on fresh S. V Repeat this three times, and you shall have a ☿ vitae which will not Operate upwards, but only downward. This ☿ vitae is to be used for delicate People, but for strong and robust People you may use the Common ☿ vitae. This Powder finding the Humours disposed, will Operate both upwards and downwards if you employ the Common ☿ vitae; but if you employ the Corrected, as was said, it will Operate only downwards. And as this Febrifuge contains in it a reasonable Dose of ☿ vitae, the ☿ dulcis thus prepared, working for his part upon the bad Humours, and serving also for a Corrective to the ☿ vitae, one aught to expect good effects of it. Riverius gave this Febrifuge to People of all Ages and Sexes, in the Morning the day before the Fit. One may give six grains of it to little Children in the pap of a roasted Apple, or in some Sweat-meats, and so increase the Dose proportionably, according to the Age and strength of the Patient, to twenty grains to Adults, and even to twenty four to those that are of a strong Constitution. Hartman.) These Febrifuges were given me by a Friend, a Germane; and I thought it fit to insert them here: But whilst they were Printing, I found them in Mr. Charras his French Dispensatory, which just at that time came to my hand. A Certain and Experimented Remedy to Cure the Convulsion Fits in little Children; as also for the Epilepsy, the Colic, and for the Spleen, etc. TAke Verdigrease, and distil a Spirit thereof, which rectify once by itself, and it will leave some feces and Metalline terrestreity behind: Than take one part of this Spirit, and three parts of fair water, put it upon Lithargy finely searsed, as much as it will dissolve: Deflegm it in Balneo, and than distil it in Sand, and there will come over a pure and powerful Spirit without Acrimony; it will taste a little sweetish, as in the making of Sacharum Saturni. It is Excellent for the Convulsion of little Children, being given in some fit Vehicle, a drop or two for Sucking Infants; but to Men you may give ten or twenty drops. Sigillum Hermetis, Or, a great and Experimented Medicine, which hath done great Effects in the Cure of all sorts of Agues and Fevers. It was given to Sir Kenelm Digby by an able Physician, who had done Wondered Cures with it. TAke ☽ ʒuj. dissolve it in the best A. F. you can get, using no more A. F. than is necessary for the Solution (which will be about ℥ jss. i e. two parts to one) when you see that it is all perfectly dissolved (without fire) cast into the Matrass an aaa, made (after the ordinary manner of Goldsmiths) of ʒj. of pure ☉, and ℥ ij. of ☿; you will presently see a pelagus conturbationis made. Let the Matrass stand still upon a Table, or in some corner, till you found the Matter at that pass as you desire: you will see many beautiful colours appear. After forty days standing, you will see a kind of roughness appear upon the superficies of the ☿, which will daily grow and sprout out more. In twenty days more (sixty in all) it will be shot out into little spears or needles and twigs. When you see that it groweth or shooteth out no more, pour of all the Liquor, and the Mercurial Matter will soon dry of itself. Than with some little pieces of Glass break of these Excrescencies or Needles from the Mass, (whereof you may have about ʒj. or more) and grinned them to Powder, which will be very white. Of this Powder give twenty four grains, or more (according to the Complexion) in a Cherry, or yolk of an Egg, in the Morning very early, or at Night going to Bed, or rather after the first sleep at three or four in the Morning, and in this last case sleep after it. It is seven or eight hours before it useth to work. Sometimes the first Dose will not work at all, otherwise than by strengthening, and than the Author giveth a second Dose two or three days after, which will work either by Stool or Vomit, or Sweated, as Nature shall require, and in due proportion. It Cureth Quartans and other Agues, and worketh admirably in all desperate Diseases. He useth to take it once a Month himself. When there is no peccant Humour in the Body, it worketh not by evacuation, but strengtheneth. The ☿ encloseth and shutteth up the Metals, like a Rose of jericho, from whence he calleth it Sigillum Hermetis. The part of the Needles next the Mass worketh rougher than the ends. Out of the Mass you may draw most of the Gold and Silver, with loss of about an eighth part of the first, and lesle proportion of the last. He thinks this to be a Philosophical ☿, and to be useful in the great Work. A Mercurial Liquor with Jupiter. TAke lbj lbj. of jupiter, melt it in a Crucible, than pour into it lbj lbj. of ☿ revived from Cinaber, and made hot, make an aaa of it, which wash with warm water, wherein you have dissolved a little Salt; wash it so often, till you have washed away all the blackness of it, and the aaa will be as white as snow: Than dry it, and grinned it in a Marble or Stone Mortar with lbij. lbij. of Corrosive Sublimate; than spread it upon a large dish of Glass, which set shelving in a Cellar, putting something under it to receive the Liquor that will run from it, you will found at last the Salts resolved into a Liquor, in which will be also the ☿, which will be revived; separate the Liquor from the ☿, and keep the ☿ for another use: Put the Liquor into a Cucurbite, and evaporate the superfluous moisture of it in B. M. with a gentle heat: Than digest it for fifteen days more in the same B. with a very gentle heat; than pour this Liquor into a Retort, which put in Sand, and fit a Recipient to it; than distil by graduated fire, giving strong fire at last of the fourth degree; you shall have a Liquor like an Oil. This Liquor is much esteemed to Cure the Cancer, Wolf, Fistulaes', and all sorts of old, inveterate, Malign, and gnawing Ulcers, being applied outwardly. Monsieur C. his Lunary Emetic and Febrifuge, etc. DIssolve ☽ in A. F. than Precipitate it with Spirit of Salt, than dry the Calx. Take of this Calx, and of antimony, ana, distil it as a Butter of antimony, you shall have a Butter white and transparent, which will dissolve ☉. If you will make an Emetic of this Butter, Precipitate one part of it with fair water, than edulcorate with Bloodwarm water, and you will have an Emetic Remedy, which will Purge. It Cures all sorts of Agues and Fevers, and is a Catholicum for ill Humours. The Dose is from one grain to three, in some fit thing in the Morning fasting. It must be given with great Caution. To make a most Excellent Sudorific of the aforesaid Butter, that will Cure the Leprosy, and the Venereal Disease, proceed thus: TAke the other part of this Butter, and put it into a Retort, and pour upon it Spirit of Nitre; distil and cohobate three or four times; than edulcorate it with fair water, and dry it; than burn Spirit of Wine upon it, and you shall have a Sudorific, which will do admirable effects, taking from eight grains to sixteen, in the Morning in Bed; drink some fit decoction after it: And after the Sweeting, the Patient must be rubbed with warm Clotheses all over his whole Body, observing a reasonable Diet, and using some fit Purge before. An Oil of ☉, wherewith Monsieur Belieur, a Famous Chirurgeon at Paris, Cured Cancers, all old Ulcers, Cankers, and Venereal Sores, etc. TAke Spirit of Salt two parts, Spirit of Nitre one part; in this dissolve as much ☉ as it will dissolve: Distil of very gently the Liquor in B. M. until the ☉ remain in a Crystalline Gum or Salt; than let it resolve to Liquor in the Air by itself: Than distil again, and resolve. Repeat this till it congeal no more in the Cucurbite, but remain a deep-red Liquor, like an Oil. The manner of using this Oil is thus: Dip a Straw or a Feather in it, and touch all round about the borders of the Sore with it. With this he Cured a very Malignant Ulcer in a Leg (that had been there above three Years) in the space of ten days; and also a Cancer in a Woman's Cheek in fifteen days space, that other Surgeons (without hope of Cure) had given over. With this he also Cured a Woman (that had seventeen Cankers in her private parts, that had been so some Years, and without hope of Cure) in fifteen days. Doctor Havervelt his Remedy, wherewith he Cured the Evil or Scrofulaes', Cancers, and Old Ulcers. TAke Dantzick Vitriol, Calcine it till it be yellow, than grinned it with Salt or Salt-petre, the ordinary proportion: With this Sublime ☿, which Sublime once again by itself; than take only the Crystalline part of it, whereof take ℥ j grinned it to a subtle Powder in a Glass Mortar, with a Glass Pestle; put this Powder into a large Glass-bottle, and pour upon it a quart of Fountain-water, stop the Bottle close, and let it stand thus for some days, shaking it often: Than being well settled and stood without shaking at lest twenty four hours, pour of the clear, and filter it. Than take one spoonful of this Liquor, which put into a Vial, and pour into it two spoonfuls of fair Fountain-water: Shake the Vial well, than pour it out into a Glass, and let the Patient drink it in the Morning fasting; let him keep himself very warm, and stir and walk as much as he can; but let him neither eat nor drink till two hours after the Medicine hath Operated. It will Operate by Stools, and by a gentle Vomit. The next Morning, if the Patient found himself strong enough, let him take the said Medicine again, if not, he may rest a day or two between. With this Remedy the Author abovementioned Cured all sorts of Scrofula's, whether open or shut; the Cancer or Wolf, whether in the Breast, or any other part of the Body; as also all sorts of Pustula's and Old Ulcers and Wounds. The said Doctor Communicated this Remedy to Sir K. D. Another for the same. SIR Kenelm relates, that Dr. Farrar assured him, he had perfectly Cured a most contumacious, foul, inveterate Evil (several times touched by the King, and wrought upon by the best Surgeons, and given over as desperate) by the following means: Take Garden-Snails, that have white or grey Houses upon them, beaten them in a Mortar with a little Parsley, into the consistence of a Plaster, which apply to the Sore or Sores, and change it every twenty four hours. This is also good to take away the raging pain of the Gout. A most Excellent Physical Salt, as it was prepared in Sir Kenelm's Laboratory. TAke Nitre, Sulphur, ana lbj lbj. Camphire ℥ ij. mingle them well together, and cast them by little and little into an earthen Cucurbite red-hote, which shut close immediately with a just stopper of Brick that closeth it firmly; the Cucurbite must have two arms, unto which are fastened two Ballons of Glass (as you see by the Figure in the next page) each balon containing about two quarts of Spirit of Urine (to the quantity of Ingredients here named) which attracts unto it the Spirits, which will ascend and pass by the two Arms on each side: When all is cold, take out the fixed Matter that remaineth in the Cucurbite, and grinned it small, and dissolve it in simple Spirit of Urine, and being filtered and congealed, dissolve it in the Acid Spirit of Urine that was in the Ballons, and hath the Spirit of Sulphur, Nitre, and Camphire in it: Distil and cohobate this (in a Glass Cucurbite) till the Salt have retained in it all the Spirits that were in the Urine. This Salt will be very grateful, and not taste or smell at all of the Camphire, nor is Saturnine, or Anti-venereal in its effect. It is very efficacious in all Fevers, either simple or Malignant any ways, or Spotted: In the Smallpox or Measles, in all the Progress of them, from before their coming out, till the end; and preserveth the Heart from hot and putrid Vapours and Fumes, and purifieth the Blood. The best way to make the Spirit of Urine is thus: LET the Urine stand eight or ten days, in which time it will putrify and ferment; than distil very gently, and that which cometh first is the Spirit. When it beginneth to come weak and insipid (which you will know by tasting a drop) than cease, for all that is good is come over. Thus you shall have near half your quantity of Urine in good Spirit. Sir Kenelm Digbies Excellent Remedy for Tetters, Herps, and Ringworms, Scabby Itches, etc. as it was prepared by his Directions for his own use for a Tetter. DIssolve ℥ ij. of running ☿ in ℥ iv. of the best A. F. pour upon the Solution a quart of fair water, in which is dissolved two handfuls of Salt, and than filtered; this will Precipitate the ☿ to the bottom in a white Calx. When it is well settled, pour of the clear water, which keep for Use. Pour the remaining milky thick substance upon lbj lbj. of Hogs-grease melted in an earthen Pot; the grease must be very hot when you pour in the dissolved ☿; but take the Pot from the fire when you pour the ☿ to it, and stir it well all the while you are pouring it in; and when it is all in, set the Pot upon the fire again to boil the grease, till all the moisture of the Mercurial Substance and Solution is evaporated away, but be sure you stir it all the while, as also after you take it from the fire (which you must do as soon as the moisture is go) till the grease is cold and hardened. The way of using this Ointment and Water, to Cure all sorts of Tetters, Herps, or any Scabby Itches, or Inflamed read Faces or Noses, is thus: First, if the Evil be very great, Purge and let Blood strongly; than begin with the Water, rub the Tetters, and all about it with Linen dipped in the Water made as hot as you can endure it; and when you have rubbed and bathed it well, lay upon it Compresses wetted in the water. Do thus twice a day for two or three days, or more, till you see it hath drawn out the Salt Humour abundantly, and that the part is much inflamed, and very sore, and hath little holes or Ulcers eaten in it. Presently after the first washing it will grow very sore and Inflamed; therefore you must not afterwards rub it so hard as at first, but very gently. Some Sores will require that you use the Water five or six days, others more, tender ones two or three days. When you judge that the Water hath drawn out sufficiently the violent Matter, than anoint with the grease as hot as you can endure it, and lay on it a Plaster of the same Ointment, binding it on. This Ointment will presently assuage the pain, and take away the Inflammation. Dress it with it twice or thrice a day. Much Matter will run from the Sore, as from an Ulcer; and by little and little it will heal up. And that which is wondered is, that whereas one would think that such deep holes as the Water will have eaten, should have scars, there will not appear the lest mark of them, but a fine new tender Natural skin will come over it all. A great Medicine, wherewith Wondered Cures have been performed to my knowledge. TAke Bezoar Mineral well prepared, and Antimony Diaphoretic also well prepared, ana ℥ j grinned them together to a subtle Powder, and put them into a small Retort, and pour upon them ℥ iv. of good Spirit of Nitre; distil in Sand with a moderate fire to dryness, than cohobate and distil twice, which are three distillations in all with the Spirit of Nitre upon the Matter. Than pour fresh Spirit of Nitre upon it, and distil and cohobate as before. Repeat this a third time with fresh Spirit of Nitre, the same quantity as before, which are nine distillations (in all) with ℥ xij. of Spirit of Nitre: Than break the Retort, and take out the Matter, which grinned to Powder, and edulcorate it well with warm Carduus-water; than dry it gently, and put it into a Poringer, and burn rectified S. V upon it, stirring it all the while the S. V burneth, with a Silver spoon, until the S. V be burned all away, and the Powder remain dry. Than pour fresh S. V upon it, and fire it as before: Repeat this a third time, than grinned the Powder, and keep it in a Vial close stopped. This Powder Cureth the Venereal Disease the most inveterate, with all its Symptoms and attendencies without exception, and restoreth lost strength and vigour, as Experience testifieth. It Cureth all Rheumatisms, the Leprosy, all interior and exterior Ulcers; it purifieth the whole Mass of Blood, and wonderfully fortifieth Nature, etc. The way of using this Powder to Cure the abovementioned Diseases is thus: First, Purge with some fit gentle Purgative Potion; than, if the Disease requireth, you may let Blood the next day, than two days after that repeat the Purge, and two days after you may begin with the Powder; taking gr. viij. of it for five Mornings together, the Powder being mixed with a little Conserve of Roses, let the Patient take it upon the point of a Knife in the Morning in his Bed, and drink after it immediately a Glass-full of the following Decoction as hot as he can drink it; let him keep his Bed, and he will be in a gentle breathing Sweat for an hour; which being passed, let him be rubbed with warm Clotheses, his Legs, Thighs, Arms, Shoulders, and the Back; than let him keep his Bed for an hour longer, to see if he will sweated any more: The sweat being quite over, he may rise, and go about his business, as at other times. After those five days the Dose of the Powder must be increased, taking twelve grains of it for other five Mornings; and than you must come again to eight grains for five Mornings more. When you begin with the twelve grains after the first five Doses, you must drink a little more of the Sudorific Decoction than before, and taking the Powder than in a little Confection of Alkermes. You may also increase the Dose of the Powder by degrees (as Sir K. D. observes) taking (for example) gr.x. the sixth day, and gr. xij. the other three days following; than gr. x. the tenth day, and so come again to gr. viij. the eleventh day. One may take gr. xx. of it at one time without inconveniency. The first Purge the Author giveth, is a Decoction of Succory and Tamarinds, with infusion of two Drams of Sena, and being strained, dissolveth in it ℥ j of Syrup of Peach-flowers. The Second is the same, adding only of Confection of Hamech, or of Confection of Citron; or you may increase a little the Dose of Sena, and of the Syrup, if one is not willing to take any thing where there is Scammony in. The Sudorific Decoction the Author maketh use of with this Powder, is thus: Take Sarsaparilla ℥ ij. China-root ℥ j Sassafras ℥ ss. Santal Citrineʒij. and a little Licorise if you will, and a little Cinnamon for to aromatise it; let all be infused with three quarts of water for twelve hours in warm Sand; than let it boil gently until a third part is consumed, than strain it. Note, That if you put a little Salt of Bohemian-tartar into the water when you put the Ingredients in, it will extract the Virtue and Tincture out of them much the better; as also in making any Purgative Decoction, if you infuse them overnight with a little Salt of Tartar put in the water, and than boiling it only two or three walms the next Morning, it will be much more effectual. Lapis ignis, for the renovation of Mankind, by the three Principles of Nature, Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury. TAke antimony Mineral, pulverize it, and Calcine it in a close Reverberatory, with sufficient, but moderate heat, so that it melt not, in twenty four hours it will be Calcined, and will be a grey Powder. Take of this antimony Calcined, and of raw antimony Mineral, ana lbj lbj. melt them together in a Crucible; when they are well melted and incorporated, pour it out into a Copper or Brass Kettle, and it will be Glass of antimony, which needeth not to be clear. If you did not add the antimony Mineral, the Calcined antimony would not melt. Pulverize this Glass, and grinned it upon a Marble stone till it be an impalpable Powder, which put into a Vial, and pour upon it distilled Vinegar alcalised with its fixed Salt, digest in Sand; when you see the distilled Vinegar coloured of a Golden colour, decant the clear, and put fresh distilled Vinegar upon the Glass, and digest as before. Repeat this till you have extracted all the Tincture out of the Glass: Than filter the Tincted distilled Vinegar, and put it into a Retort; distil with a gentle fire in Sand until you see there remain a Liquor like a deep-red Oil in the bottom of the Retort, and that you see some drops appear in the neck of the Retort, which is a sign that all the distilled Vinegar is come over. Pour upon this Oil Tartarised S. V digest and circulate for three or four days, or more: Than draw of the S. V gently in B. and as soon as you see any read drops appear, change the Recipient, putting on another; than distil over all the remaining read Oil to dryness. This Oil will be very read, and very precious, and is the true Oil and Sulphur of Antimony, which is a wondered Medicine against the Plague, and all Diseases. To make the Salt of Antimony. CAlcine antimony in a Glass Oven, or in a Reverberatory, until it be perfectly white, without any addition; than sprinkle it with Dew, and dry it in the Sun; sprinkle and dry it seven or eight times, than grinned it to Powder: Take of this Powder three parts, and one of Powder of Charcoal; mix them together, and put them into a Crucible, which set in a Wind-furnace, and give fire by degrees, at last strong fire to make all melt well; than take out the Crucible, and knock it against the ground to make the Regulus fall to the bottom; break the Crucible being cold, and separate the Salt, which you will found between the Regulus and the Scories. So soon as you perceive that the Matter is melted, you must be quick in making the Regulus, and take the Crucible out as soon as you can, for fear the Salt should evaporate in the fire. To make the ☿ of antimony for this Work. CAlcine antimony in a close Reverberatory until it be grey, than Sublime it in an Earthen Vessel; grinned again what is Sublimed, and Sublime it as before. Repeat this Operation three times, or until you see the antimony Sublimed hard and ponderous, wherein is enclosed all the ☿ of antimony. Composition of the said Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury. TAke of the said Salt ℥ j dissolve it in as much of the Oil as will dissolve it, and as much as the said Salt will imbibe, so that it be like an Ointment or Paste; digest in fimo equino for ten days: Than take it out, and add ℥ jss;. of the said ☿ of antimony; and being well mixed and incorporated together, put it to digest as before, until it be converted into a read Powder. The way of taking this read Powder is thus: Take gr. iv. of this Powder in a little Canary Sack in the Morning fasting in your Bed, it will 'cause a gentle breathing sweat for three days together, during which time you must keep your Bed; your Chamber must be very warm and close, you may eat and drink moderately of good wholesome Food. The three days being past, you may rise, and walk about your Chamber, taking good nourishing Food, abstaining from all Labours in Body and Mind; and thus you will renew Hair and Skin, and will be strong and vigorous. It will not be needful to use this Remedy but once in forty Years; but you may use of the said Oil, taking three drops of it in a little Sack in the Morning fasting, for the Preservation of your Health. This Oil may be given in all Distempers with great success. This is from Abbot Boucaud. The Marchioness de Beck, her Aurum potabile, which she much esteemeth. TAke Calx of ☉, and Regulus of antimony, ana ℥ j jupiterʒij. melt them together, than grinned them to a subtle Powder with ℥ iv. of Sugar-candy, Oriental Bezoar, and Sal armoniac, ana ʒj. Mix all well together, and put them into a large Retort, and distil in Sand with a graduate fire for six hours; let the bottom of the Retort be red-hot at last for half an hour. You shall have an Aureal Liquor, whereof two or three drops taken in a little Canary, or other convenient Liquor, is a great Cordial and Restorative. Hartman.) The said Marchioness told me at Paris (where she shown me this Aurum potabile, and gave me the Receipt of it) that when at any time she found herself indisposed, she presently took two or three drops of it, and immediately she felt herself strengthened and cheerful, etc. The Baron de Roche shown me also the Receipt of it at Paris, who also made great esteem of it, telling me, that he esteemed it to be one of the best Aurum potabiles that could be made, and that it was a Sovereign Cordial and Restorative. You may reduce two third parts of the ☉ out of the Caput Mortuum, its Tincture only, and the subtlest part of it cometh over by the distillation. Cornachinus his Medicinal Powder, as it was Prepared by Sir K. Digbies Order in his Laboratory. TAke Regulus of antimony, and of pure Salt-petre, ana ℥ iv. mingle them well together in subtle Powder, and cast them into a red-hot Crucible, and make them burn by casting in a fiery Coal, which repeat as often as it consumeth; for without that the Salt-petre will not burn, there being no more Sulphur in the antimony to set it on fire. Keep it thus in fusion in a reverberating heat for at lest an hour, stirring the Matter often with an Iron Rodriguez; than let it cool. This must not be edulcorated as common antimony Diaphoretic, but the fixed Salt of Salt-petre must remain with it, and must by no means be separated from the antimony, for in that Sir K. says, consisteth the Virtue against Fevers. Of this we gave with the Scammony and Cream of Bohemian-tartar, ana gr. x. diminishing and increasing the Dose according to Age and strength. Hartman.) Sir K. recommended this to me as a very good Purge, telling me, that I might make use of it whensoever I had occasion. The best way to make the Regulus of antimony, is, to put first into the Crucible the Salt-petre and Bohemian-tartar, and when they are well melted, put in the antimony, and proceed in the rest in the usual manner: Thus you shall shall have six or seven pound, or more, of every pound of Antimony. Likewise to make a Martial Regulus, put the antimony first into the Crucible; and when it is in perfect fusion, than put in the Mars. A Laxative and Emetic Cream of Tartar. TAke Glass of antimony, and Cream of Bohemian-tartar, ana ℥ jss. grinned them to a subtle Powder, than mix them together; put this into a Matrass, and pour upon it lbij. lbij. of Rosemary-water; digest it for some days, shaking it sometimes; than filter it, and evaporate to dryness, and you shall have a Salt, which grinned to Powder, and keep it in a Glass close stopped. It is a safe and gentle Vomit, and Operates also by Stools. The Dose is from gr. j to u or vj. in a little Sack. Another most Excellent Laxative and Emetic Cream of Tartar. TAke ℥ iv. of Cream of Bohemian-tartar, grinned it to a subtle Powder, which put into a Matrass, and pour upon it so much Spirit of Sal armoniac as may cover it the breadth of two fingers; stop it close, and set it in a Cellar for twenty four hours, than pour it into an Earthen Pot glazed, and put into it ℥ j of Glass of antimony in subtle Powder; set this Pot in a Furnace in Sand (or upon a gentle Coal-fire) and pour into it a sufficient quantity of fair water; let it cool six or eight hours, still pouring in more water as it consumeth: At last, evaporate until it come to have a thin light skin on the top; than set it in a Cellar, and it will shoot into Crystals, which take out, and keep them for Use. This is a most Excellent Medicine, and one of the best Emetics that can be prepared. The Dose is from gr. j to vj. for Children; and for Aged People, from gr. x. to xv. in a little Sack. The best and easiest way to make a most subtle and penetrant Spirit of Sal armoniac, (as it was made in Sir Kenelm's Laboratory, and as I make it now) is thus: Take Quicklime grossly beaten, put a bed of it about two fingers thick into the bottom of a Cucurbite; than dissolve lbj lbj. of Sal armoniac in as much water as will dissolve it: Pour of this dissolution upon the Quicklime (having first placed the Cucurbite in the Furnace in Sand) so much as may dissolve it well, and swim half a finger's breadth over it. Than be as quick as you can in fitting on the Head and Recipient (for it will immediately begin to distil without fire) lute all the junctures well, and distil with a gentle fire, keeping the subtle Spirit by itself, which cometh first. If any phlegm should come over with the second Spirit, rectify it in Balneo. This Spirit is not only good for benumbed heads to smell to, but also to take inwardly, for it is a most Excellent Remedy: It opens all Obstructions, it is Sudorific and Diuretic. 'Tis very good in Fevers, especially the Putrid, in Palsies, Epilepsies, Hysterical Fits, and the Plague, resisting all Corruption, in Lethargy, and stupification of the Spirits. The Dose is from eight to thirty drops. It also assuages the pain of the Gout, being mixed with S. V or Brandy, and Linen Clotheses dipped in it, and laid upon the parts afflicted. Hartman.) In distilling of this Spirit this way, I have observed several inconveniences; the first is, that if you use a Glass Cucurbite, it will be apt to crack by the sudden heat of the Quicklime, caused by pouring on the dissolution of the 🜹 (and an earthen Cucurbite will imbibe it.) Secondly, by the same Reason you loose a great part of the subtlest Spirit, which will ascend before you have poured in the quantity of the dissolution abovementioned, and before you can fit on the Head and Recipient. To prevent all these inconveniences, I make use of a Tin Cucurbite, with a Spout in the upper part (See it in the third Figure) and having placed it in the Furnace in Sand, I put in the Quicklime, and than I fit a Glass Head and Recipient, and having well luted all the junctures with wet Bladders, or Paste and Paper, I pour in the dissolution of 🜹 by a funnel through the Spout; than I close the Spout, and distil with a gentle fire. When the distillation is over, take out the Caput Mortuum, and make the Cucurbite clean, and wipe it dry, that it may not rust or canker, and it will serve for many other Operations, and will save you the buying of many Glass Cucurbites, which by reason of their thick and knobbed bottoms are so apt to break. The Volatile Salt of Bohemian-tartar, as I have often made it, which is an Excellent Remedy. TAke Leeses of Wine, (which you may have from the Wine-coopers' when they have pressed them out for making of Vinegar) break them in small pieces, and let them dry; than being very hard and dry, bruise them grossly, and fill an Earthen Retort with it, or a Glass one coated; distil in naked fire, fitting any Recipient to it to receive only a sour phlegm, which will come over first; as soon as you see any white fumes come over, (among which cometh the Volatile Salt) change the Recipient, putting on another pretty large; lute the junctures well with Paste and Paper, than increase the fire by degrees, until you see the Recipient filled with white fumes; continued the fire in that degree, until those white Vapours diminish, and that the Recipient beginneth to grow cold: Than augment the fire to the highest degree, to force all over at last; when nothing more cometh over, cease. The distillation will be performed in three or four hours; you will have a whitish Liquor, which contained in it the Volatile Salt, and part thereof will stick to the sides of the Recipient, and a reddish foetide Oil will swim upon the Liquor. Pour out all the Liquor that is in the Recipient, than pour a little warm water in the Recipient, and shake it to get out all the Volatile Salt: Separate the Oil from the Liquor by a Glass funnel; than filter the Liquor, to free it from all Oiliness: Put this Liquor into a Matrass with a long Neck, to which fit a Head and a small Recipient; distil in Sand with a very gentle heat, and the Volatile Salt will ascend into the Head as white as snow; when you see that a pretty quantity is Sublimed, take of the Head, and stop the mouth of the Matrass, if you have not another Head to put on; be as quick as you can to gather the Volatile Salt that is in the head, and put it into a Vial, which stop very close with a Glass stopper, for it is very apt to resolve into Liquor when it taketh Air: Than put the Head on again, and continued the Sublimation until there Sublime not more Salt; gather this last Salt, and put it to the rest: Than put on the Head again, and augment the fire a little, and you shall have a fiery Liquor, which is the Volatile Spirit of Bohemian-tartar, and is also the Volatile Salt, mixed with some phlegm, which makes it come over in a liquid form. This Salt is much esteemed and recommended to purify the Blood by Sweat and by Urine. It is the best of all common Remedies against Hysterical Fits and Vapours, smelling to it, and taking it inwardly. It is Excellent against the Palsy, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, etc. against Quartan and Tertian Agues. It opens all Obstructions, and provokes the Terms. The Volatile Spirit hath the same Virtue as the Salt; it is good for all Obstructions, particularly of the Spleen, and keeps the Body open; it is far beyond the common Spirit of Bohemian-tartar in Virtue. The Dose is from eight to twenty or thirty drops in some fit Vehicle. A Physical Salt. TAke Nitre and Oil of Sulphur, ana lbj lbj. phlegm of Vitriol lbss. lbss. pulverize the Nitre and put it into a Retort, and pour upon it the Oil of Sulphur and phlegm of Vitriol; distil in Sand, and you shall have a very good Spirit of Nitre, and a pure white Salt will remain in the bottom of the Retort. This Salt is much esteemed in Fevers, and to quench thirst, being taken in Juleps, Ptisans, or Possets. The Dose is thirty or forty grains. A Precious Tincture of the Flowers of Antimony. TAke the dark-red Flowers of antimony, digest and circulate them with rectified Spirit of Vitriol; when they are sufficiently united, abstract the Spirit of Vitriol toan Oil, upon which pour S. V digest and extract a Tincture s.a. which abstract again to the consistence of an Oil. This Tincture fortifieth and cherisheth the Heart & Vital Spirits, strengtheneth the Stomach, is good against Agues and Fevers, Hysterical Fits, Hypochondriac Melancholy: It Cures the jaundice, opens Obstructions, provokes the Terms. It is good against the Gout, Scurvy, and Dropsy, Itch and Scabs: It purifieth the Blood, and strengthens Nature. Dose from gr. j to iij. or iv. given in a fit Vehicle. An Excellent and true Tincture of Coral. TAke good read Coral ℥ iv. grinned it to subtle Powder, which mingle with ℥ iv. of Sal armoniac that hath been three times Sublimed from decrepitated Salt. Put this mixture into a small Cucurbite, which set in a Sand Furnace; fit a Head and Recipient to it, and having well luted the junctures, give a gentle fire at first, which augment by degrees. There will come over first, a small quantity of a Urinous Volatile Spirit; after that, you shall see the Flowers ascend and stick to the Head, and upper part of the Cucurbite. These Flowers will be tinged with divers colours, as read, green, blue, very pleasant to behold, they contain in them the true Tincture of Coral; for the body of the Coral which remaineth in the bottom, will be as white as snow; continued a moderate fire until no more Flowers ascend: The Operation will be performed in a few hours. Than gather diligently all these Flowers, and put them in a Matrass, and pour upon them rectified S.U. to the height of four fingers; digest some days in B. the S. V will extract a pure read Tincture out of the Flowers, which will remain white in the bottom; filter this Tincture, and abstract from it three fourth parts of the S. V and a deep-red Tincture will remain in the bottom, which is the true Tincture of Coral. This Tincture is a Sovereign Remedy to strengthen the Stomach and Bowels. It purifieth the Blood by Sweat and Urine. It opens Obstructions, is Excellent in all sorts of Fluxes, etc. Dose from six to twenty four drops, in some convenient Vehicle. The way to Sublime the Flowers of Sal armoniac for this work, is thus: Take common Salt decrepitated and Sal armoniac, ana lbj lbj. pulverize and mingle them together, and put them in a Cucurbite, and Sublime in Sand with a gentle fire at first, which augment by degrees; the Flowers will ascend into the Head like Meal: Continued the fire for five or six hours; than let all cool, and gather the Flowers, which mix with new Salt, and Sublime as before: Repeat this three times. An Excellent Extract of Mars, for Diarrhaea's and Fluxes. TAke filing of Steel (which you may buy at the Needle-makers) ℥ iv. put them in well-glazed Pipkin, and pour thereon a quart of good deep-red Wine, (that which is used to colour Whitewine) let it boil until about three parts of the Wine be consumed, stirring often with an Iron Spatula. Than strain it whilst it is hot. It is a great and certain Remedy for Dysenteries, Diarrhae'as, old Hepatical Fluxes, and such like Diseases; you may give an Ounce of it in Broth fasting, for some Mornings together. This I have sufficiently experienced with happy success. Sir Kenelm Digbies Remedy for the same, as it was prepared by his Order, and much used. TAke Rye-flower, and make a Paste thereof with Juice of Elder-berries; than bake hard Biscuits thereof, which pulverize, and make a Paste again with the Juice of Elder-berries as before: Repeat this three times. Than reduce it to Powder. The Dose is one Dram. Sir Kenelm Digby, his Excellent Plaster of Lead. TAke of the best Oil Olive lbij. lbij. ℥ iv. white-lead, read Minium, ana lbj lbj. grinned them to Powder, and put them with the Oil into a large glazed Pot or Pipkin, with ℥ xij. of Venice Soap shred small, which put upon a gentle Coal-fire, and stir it well with an Iron Spatula for an hour; than increase the fire a little, which continued until the Liquor be of the colour of an Oil: Than drop some of it upon a board, and if it sticks, or that it cleave to your fingers, 'tis a sign that it is boiled enough; than roll it up, and keep it for Use. This Plaster being applied to the Stomach, is good for the weakness and indigestion thereof, and causeth a good Appetite. Being applied to the Belly, it Cureth the Colic; and being applied to the Back, it strengthens the Reinss, Cureth the Bloodyflux, the Gonorrhaea, and tempers the excessive heat of the Liver. It Cureth all Contusions and Bruises, Swell and Inflammations. It maturates and draws all sorts of Apostumes, Wolf's, and Pustles, and Cures them, without Lancing or Incision. Being applied to the Head, it strengthens the Eyesight: To the Fundament, it Cureth all accidents that may hap there, as Piles, etc. And being applied to the Belly of a Woman, it provokes the Terms, and disposeth her for Conception. Dr. Stephen's Plaster for the Gout. TAke Virgins-wax lbij. lbij. Hogs-grease ℥ ss. Mutton-Suet ℥ ij. Oil of Colts-foot, Plantain and Rose-water, anaʒij. Lavender-water ʒij. Dragon-water, and Water of Borage, ana ℥ ss. two Nutmegs, two Cloves, and a little Mace, beaten into Powder; mix them all well together, and let it boil with a moderate fire unto the consistence of an Ointment; wherewith anoint the part grieved as hot as you can endure it, and dip Linen Clotheses in it, and apply them. A very good Ointment for the Gout; and the running Gout, Aches, Numbness, and pain in the joints, etc. TAke the tender Branches of Dwarf-Elder, in the Month of March, when they sprout out of the ground from the root, and are not above a finger long, three handfuls; stamp them in a stone Mortar, than mix them with lbj lbj. of Hogs-grease; put this into a Pipkin, and let it stew upon a gentle fire for two or three hours. This was Communicated unto me by a worthy Gentleman, whom such esteemed it, because he found great benefit by it in the Gout: It taketh away the raging pain thereof, giveth ease, and strengthens the parts afflicted. In the running Gout, Numbness, and raging pain in the Joints, I have had much Experience of the Virtue of this Ointment, after many Remedies used in vain; the parts grieved must be anointed with it as hot as can be endured, and chafed in before a fire. A Certain and Infallible Remedy to prevent and Cure the Fits of the Gout. I Known a Gentleman in Germany, who always Cured and prevented his Fits of the Gout (whensoever he perceived the lest symptom of its approaching) by the following Remedy: He caused a good quantity of the Herb Mullein (Verbascum in Latin) to be gathered every Summer when it was in its Flower, which is in june, it beareth many yellow Flowers upon a long strait stalk with large leaves at the bottom, which are hoary. Than he took a good quantity of this Herb, and cut it small; the Stalk, Flowers, and Leaves, and caused it to be boiled in a pail-full of Forge-water out of a Smith's trough, wherein he quenches and cooleth his Irons; when this was boiled sufficiently, than there was put into it a large piece of Chalk in Powder. In this Water he bathed his Feet, Legs, and Knees, as hot as he could endure it, in a Tub, continuing until the Water grew cold. Than a hole was digged in the ground in his Garden, wherein this Water was put with the Ingredients, and than covered with Earth. This always prevented his Fit, so that he never had any pain, lameness, or swelling at all, to which I was an Eye-witness. And I heard him say, that if he did not use this Remedy, he would have very shrewd and racking Fits, and keep his Bed by it for a Month or six weeks, and that twice a Year, chief in the Spring, and at the Falling of the Leaf. Mr. Locher, an Apothecary of London, his Excellent Oil for Deafness, which he gave to Sir K. D. TAke Oil of bitter Almonds, Oil of Spikenard, anaʒuj. Juice of Onions, Juice of Rue, anaʒij. black Hellebore ʒss. Colloquintida ℈ ss. Oil of Exeterʒij. Boyl this till the Juice be consumed; than strain it, and add two drops of Oil of Aniseed, Oil of Origanum one drop. Pour a drop or two of this Oil into the Ear, and lie upon your Bed with that Ear upwards that you intent to drop into, lie still for a quarter of an hour after; than drop into the other, if it require. It is to be continued a Month, or two or three, as you found benefit. When you have dropped into the Ear, you must stop it with a little black-wool, dipped in the Oil. Many People have found much benefit by the use of this Oil, to my knowledge. Another Experimented Remedy for the same. TAke a good large Eel, flay it, and cut it into round pieces of the length of a finger, stick them full with Rosemary and Sage; than take an Earthen Pan, put two or three sticks of Wood in Crosswise, lay your pieces of Eel upon them, so that they may not touch the bottom of the Pan; bake it in an Oven as you do Meat: Than take the Fat of the Eel that is in the Pan, and strain it through a fine Linen Cloth, measure how much there is of it, and put to it as much S. V Than take Juice of Onions, and Juice of the white ends of Leeks, ana ℥ j of your first mixture ℥ ij. put them together into a Vial, stop it close, and shake it well for an hour. It is in all things to be used as the former, except that instead of one or two drops, you must drop in three or four. Hartman.) This was Communicated to me by a Gentleman at Paris, who had done Wondered Cures with it, and among the rest, he had Cured the Governor of Calais his Secretary with it, who had been deaf twenty Years, his deafness being caused by a Sickness. A most Precious Balsam of great Virtue. TAke Turpentine lbij. lbij. Lignum Aloes ℥ ss. Mastic, Cloves, Galingal, Cinnamon, Zedoar, Nutmegs, Cubebs, Olibanum, ana ℥ j Roots of Master-wort, of Angelica, ana ℥ ss. Figs cut small six in number, Gum Tragacanth ℥ ij. Bruise all the Ingredients, and mix them well together, than put them into a Glass Retort, and having warmed the Turpentine to make it run, pour it upon the Ingredients, and distil in Sand: Separate the Balsam from a little phlegm that will come over with it. 1. This Balsam is a very great preserver of the Health of Mankind, taking every Morning three or four drops of it in a little Beer or Wine; it strengthens the Stomach, and causeth a good Digestion, and a good Appetite. 2. It strengthens the Brain and Memory. 3. It is good against Deafness, pouring two or three drops every day into the Ear, and stopping the Ear with a little black-wool, moistened with a little of this Balsam. 4. It helpeth Rheumatic Eyes, takes away the heat and pain thereof, and strengthens the Sight, anointing the Eyelids therewith. 5. It Cureth all sorts of Scabs, Itches, and Scald Heads, be they never so bad. 6. It Cures Fistulaes', the Cancer, Wolf, and all other gnawing Diseases; and Cures all sorts of Wounds, whether old or new. 7. It Cures the Gonorrhaea, the Whites in Women, and strengthens the Reinss. 8. It is good against the Biting of a Mad Dog, Vipers, and other Venomous Beasts, being both inwardly and outwardly applied; and is a great Preservative against the Plague. 9 It is very good against the Cramp, Numbness, aching, and pain in the Joints, contraction and weakness of the Nerves coming from a cold Cause, as Experience testifieth. 10. It sweetens an unsavoury or stinking Breath, and suffers no Worms to breed in the Stomach and Bowels. 11. It is said, that if a dead Corpse be Embalmed with it, it will never rot nor consume, nor any Linen about it that is imbibed with this Balsam: And that for a trial, one should take a piece of Flesh, and warm it well against the fire, than rub it over with this Balsam, and let it be well imbibed with it, rubbing it with it three or four times. Than lay it away, and it will remain sound and fresh, so that it may be eaten a twelve Month after. Laudanum Germanicum: Being a singular Preparation of Matthew's, or Dr. Starky's Pills. I Thought I could not better finish this Book, than with the Receipt of these most Excellent Pills, with the true way of Preparing them, which far exceeds the common: The Receipt is thus: Take Opium lbj lbj. dissolve it in distilled Vinegar, than filter and evaporate to the consistence of a Mass for Pills: Than take black Hellebore lbj lbj. reduce it to a subtle Powder, which put into a Matrass, and pour upon it so much distilled Vinegar as will cover it the breadth of four fingers; digest for two days, than evaporate with a gentle heat to the consistence of Pills. Than take of the Corrector lbj lbj. Oil of Amber that hath been rectified with fair water, ℥ ij. Licorise dried and reduced to subtle Powder, lbj lbj. Saffron dried and pulverised, lbss. lbss. Put all into a large Mortar (well warmed by putting Coals kindled into it) incorporate them well together by strongly beating and mixing them, adding by little and little (as you incorporate them) of the Oil of Turpentine that hath stood upon the Corrector, and is of a read colour, ℥ iij. Tincture of Antimony ℥ iv. Oil of Aniseed, of Juniper-berries, of Sassafras, Oil of Vitriol, Spirit of Hartshorn, ana ℥ ij. Gum Arabic dissolved in distilled Vinegar, ℥ ss. and if you see that the Composition is too stiff, add a little more of the said Oil of Turpentine, and of the Tincture of Antimony: Than put it up in a Galley-pot, and tie it up close with a Bladder and Leather. The Composition of these Pills is of a very fine consistence, and not so crumbly as the common, but commodious to handle, and make up in Pills like unto warm Wax. The Dose is two small Pills about the bigness of an ordinary Pease, or one Pill about the bigness of a grey Pease swelled, taking them at Night. These Pills are approved of, and are prescribed, and used by the best Physicians, in Consumptions, and in other Cases. I thought to have reserved the Preparation of them to myself, and not to have Published it; but thinking that it is unchristian to keep any thing from the Public good, my Conscience would not permit me. The Preparation of the Corrector differs not from that of Starky's; but because this Book may come to the Hands of some People which do not know it, I thought good to insert it here. Take pure Salt-petre, and Whitewine, or Rhenish-wine Tartar, ana equal parts, pulverize them, and searse them, and mix them well together: Than take a large Crucible, and set it in your Furnace, and being red-hot, cast in some of your mixture by little and little with an Iron Ladle, and when the fulmination is over, cast in more, which continued till you have put in all your mixture; than let it flow in the Crucible, giving strong heat. Than pour it out, and when the Crucible is cold, scrape of all the Salt that sticketh to the sides of it. Dissolve this Salt in boyling-water. Make likewise a Lixivium of Quicklime and Water, which being settled, pour it of: Take of this Lixivium the same quantity with that of the Salt of Bohemian-tartar; mix and filter them, than evaporate to a Salt, which will be pure, clear and white like Crystal; grinned it to Powder, and put it into a strong large Vessel, and pour upon it immediately so much Oil of Turpentine as may cover it the breadth of four or five fingers; stir it well together, than cover it loosely, only to keep things from falling in, and that the Air may come to it; let it stand thus, stirring it three or four times a day with a wooden Spatula, and as you see the Salt imbibeth the Oil, add still more Oil, until the Salt hath taken in and absorbed three times its weight of Oil, or that it will take in no more, and is like a Soap, and the Oil that swimmeth upon it is of a read Colour. The Tincture of Antimony is made thus, according to Basil Valentine. TAke equal parts of Salt of Bohemian-tartar and antimony, melt them together in a Crucible, keep them in fusion for half an hour, than pour it out, and whilst it is hot reduce it to Powder, which put into a Matrass, and pour upon it of the best rectified Spirit of Wine so much as may cover it the breadth of three fingers, set the Matrass in warm Sand, that the S. V may boil a little, and you shall have a very read Tincture, which decant, and keep for Use. This Tincture is recommended to open all Obstructions, of all the Principal parts, as Liver, Spleen, Lungs, Womb, Reinss, and Bladder; it provokes the Terms, Cureth the Yellow Jaundice, Green-Sickness, Scurvy, Dropsy, Asthma, Pleurisy, Melancholy, Ulcers inward and outward, Scabs, Itch, Pox, Smallpox and Measles. Dose gr. iv. to xij. Postscript. The Preparation of Sir Kenelm Digbies Sympathetical Powder, as we prepared it every Year in his Laboratory, and as I prepare it now, is only thus: TAke what quantity you please of good English Vitriol, dissolve it in warm water, but use no more water than will dissolve it, leaving some of the impurest part at the bottom undissolved: Than filter the dissolution, and evaporate it until you see a thin skin upon it, than put it in a cool place, and let it stand without stirring it for two or three days, covering it loosely only, to keep things from falling in. It will shoot into fair, green, and large Crystals, which take out, and spread them abroad in a large flat earthen Dish, and expose them to the heat of the Sun in the Dog days, turning them often, and the Sun will Calcine them white; when you see them all white without, beaten them grossly, and expose them again to the Sun, securing them from Rain; when they are well Calcined, powder them finely, and expose this Powder again to the Sun, turning and stirring it often. Continued this until it be reduced to a white Powder, which put up in a Glass, and tie it up close, and keep it in a dry place. As for the Virtues of this Powder, I will only say, that I have seen great Experience of it in my time, in staunching of desperate bleeding at the Nose. 2. In staunching the Blood of a Wound. 3. In Curing with it any green Wound (where there is no fracture of Bones) without any Plaster or Ointment, in a few days. A Girl about twelve Years of Age bleeding desperately at the Nose for two or three days together, her Mother having used all the means she could device (in vain) came to me, telling me, that she had heard I had a Powder that would staunch Bleeding, she desired me to let her have a little of it, for she feared her Daughter would bleed to Death: I gave her some of the Powder, and bid her put a little of it in three or four spoonfuls of fair water, and to bathe her Nostrils with it with a clean Linen rag, putting it up into the Nostrils, which she did, and her bleeding stopped immediately; the next day she did bleed a little again, and than using it again, it did staunch it, and she never bled again afterwards. I spoke with a Famous Chirurgeon, named Mr. Smith, in the City of Augusta in Germany, who told me, that he had a great respect for Sir K. D. Books, and that he made his Sympathetical Powder every Year, and did all his Chiefest Cures with it in green wounds, with much greater ease to the Patient than if he had used Ointments or Plasters. If the Reader desires to know more of the Effects of this Powder, and the Reason of it, I refer him to the Reading of Sir K. Digbies Treatise of Curing of Wounds by way of Sympathy, where he will found entire satisfaction and full information of the Reasons of its effects. FINIS.