A Curious Collection OF PAINTINGS, OF THE Most Famous, Ancient and Modern Masters, viz. Vandyke. P P Rubens. Snyder. Paul Veronese. Rembrant. Lucas van Leyden. Andrew del Certa. jordan's. Frances Flora's. Percellus. Vinkebone. Meerens. De Vos. Melvius. Teneers. Flink. Levens. Van Begas. Goltius. Bonaventure Peter. Froncisco. Moor. Van Hook. Brugel. Mompert. Bryenberg. Muliner. Willebeck. Young Frank. Soft Laven. Bodway. Old Wyck. Hondius. Signior Babtist. Polinbergh. Van Zoon. With many other Great MASTERS. Will be exposed to Sale Friday December 11th. and continue till all are sold, beginning at two a Clock, and hold till nine at the VENDU next Bedford Gate in Charles-street Covent-Garden. Catalougs may be had at the place of Sale. The Conditions are, He that bids most is the buyer, and none to bid less than Sixpence. If a difference ariseth, the Picture must be put up again. And the buyers to fetch away their lots within three days after they are bought. A Curious COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS. 1 A Small Landscape. 2 A Droll of Drinking. 3 Another of Card playing. 4 K. James the First, after Van Summer. 5 Prince Henry, ditto. 6 A piece of Japanning. 7 Another ditto. 8 K. Charles the Second, a half length. 9 Venus and Cupid on Copper, by Van Heyden. 10 Venus kissing Cupid, ditto. 11 Venus whipping Cupid, ditto. 12 A Sea piece, by Vandeest. 13 A piece of Dogs, by Jonk Heer. 14 A Had well done in small. 15 Democritus by Hudson, well painted. 16 Heraclitus, ditto. 17 A Dog and Hare by Hondius. 18 A Beautiful Parrot and stonework, by Stanley. 19 Our Saviour sinking under the Cross, by Van Houke. 20 A spanish Family of Cor. Johnson. 21 A large Landscape well painted. 22 A Two Ladies and a Lamb by Mrs. Carlisle. 23 A Head well painted, of Hony-man. 24 St. Jerome, by Andreadel Certa. 25 A view of Amsterdam by an Ancient Master. 26 An humble Madonna by Walker. 27 Copper Vessels etc. by Hatten. 28 A Cartoon Head by Augustino. 29 A Landscape by Leonard. 30 Venus and Adonis, by Lemens'. 31 A Fruit piece finely painted, by Gasper Verbrugen. 32 Our Saviour betrayed, painted by P P. Rubens. 33 Herodias with St. John's Head by Stretten. 34 David with Golia's dit. 35 A pheasant painted on cloth in imitation of board, by Walden. 36 Europa on a Bull, a sketch. 37 A Shepherd with a Pipe. 38 A Madonna, by an Italian. 39 Christ with the Pharasees. 40 A Bawdy-house, by Vinkebone. 41 David and Barsheba, by Castro. 42 A very fine piece of still life, by Deheems Master. 43 Lucas Van Leydens' head done by himself. 44 A Bishop of Rembrant. 45 A Pilgrim, by a great Italian Master. 46 A piece of Fruit, Rogdane. 47 The disputation in the Temple on Copper, by Young Frank. 48 A Spark & his mistress by Leroon. 49 A Magdelen in small, an Original. 50 A Flower-peice of Signior Baptist, in a Gold Frame. 51 K. William's Mother, by Hony-man. 52 Joseph and Potaphers wife, by Castro. 53 A fruit-peice, and Original wonderfully painted. 54 A piece of Fruit, Plate etc. extreme finely finished by Willebeck. 55 A Head, by Anthony Moor. 56 A Boor piece, of Teneers. 57 A very fine Original, by an Italian. 58 A musical oonversation of Boors, by Soft Laven. 59 An oval Landscape by Griffieir. 60 A Sea-Haven, by Salvator Rosa. 61 A Flower-peice, by Signior Baptist. 62 A curious Garden-peice, by Griffieir. 63 A Musick-peice sinely finished by Muliner. 64 A Man holding a Horse, by Old Wyck. 65 A Society, a curious Original of a great Master. 66 Youth and Age, a night-peice, a curious Original. 67 Wine and Oysters very fine. 68 A Madonna, a lively Original. 69 An Italian Landscape. 70 A Head, of An honey Moor. 71 A Duck, Rabbit, etc. of Stresor. 72 A Head of Rembrant. 73 A Usurer after Teneers, 74 Galatea, after Raphiel. 75 Alexander and Diogenes, very Masterly and Correct. 76 A Battle of Muliner. 77 The Sacrifice of Ephigenia, by Lemence. 78 The Duke of Venice by Rembrant 79 A Sea-peice of Percellus. 80 An old man's Hend of Antony Moor. 81 The four Seasons. 82 Lot and his two daughters, by an ancient hand. 83 Elias in the wilderness, by Francisco Saruge. 84 Diana and Actaeon, by Hondius. 85 A Flour-pot, by Van Voit. 86 Ruben's Head very fine in small. 87 A General's Head, Original. 88 A piece of Fowl, an Original, well painted. 89 Another piece ditto. 90 Venus and Cupid, very fine by Verelst. 91 A Partridge, &c of Lass. 92 A large branch of Fruit admirable painted, by Van Zoon. 93 A Landscape of Soft Laven. 94 A Head of Han's Holbein. 95 A Head supposed of Rembrant. 96 A Season of Bonaventure Peter. 97 A Shepherd. 98 Stillise finely painted. 99 Casmus first grand Duke of Florence. 100 Psyche in Hell after Brugel. 101 A Sea-peice. 102 A Boor-peice. 103 A Parrot and Stonework well painted in small. 104 Judith with Holefernes' head, by Hudfon. 105 King Charles the first. 106 King Charles the Second in small. 107 A Calves-pluc, etc. well painted by Luctine. 108 A Dary-maids head by the life. 109 A Blackamoors head, in small, an Original. 110 Pan an Cyrinx, by Cor, Schutt. 111 A Head by the life in small. 112 A Flower-peice, by Verelst. 113 Peace and Plenty, ditto. 114 A Plower-piece, by Justine. 115 A Frost-piece ditto. 116 A Sea Triumph. 117 Boys a playing. 118 A Young Bacchus. 119 St. Jerome in the willderness. 120 A piece of Dead Birds. 121 A Sea piece, of Percellus. 122 A Sea-piece, of Brawn. 123 A Battle ditto. 124 Cleopatra on Copper, by Van Heyden. 125 Queen Dido, ditto. 126 Venus chiding Cupid, ditto. 127 A Droll. 128 A small Landscape. 129 A Woman drinking. 130 A half length, by Dobson. 131 King David with Goliahs' head, by Hierogoust. 132 Ovid's head, in Imitation of Stone. 133 Our Saviour on the Cross, Curiously painted. 134 The Countess of Bedford, very finely painted. 135 The Lady Rich, Daughter to the Countess of Devonshier, ditto. 136 A Cock Hens, and Guinnypigs, very Curiously painted, an Original. 137 Queen Elizabeth. 138 A Rabbit and Guinypigs, a Curious Original. 139 King James the first. 140 Fruit and Birds, very fine by Michael Angelo. 141 A Moonshine, of Vandeest. 142 A Landscape ditto. 143 A piece of Italian Fowl, by Fracisco. 144 King Charles the first. 145 A Hand and Partridge Curiously painted, an Original. 146 Cromwell. 147 jacob's Voyage, by Tempesteen. 148 Rubences Picture, 149 Lazarus by a great Italian Master. 150 A piece of Birds of Badway. 151 A Sea Storm by Vande Velde. 152 A Quince etc. by the famous Nelvius. 153 A curious Landscape of Mompert, the Figures Brugel. 154 Herodias dancing a very fine Original of Paul Veronees. 155 A Turban with a Paradise Bird finely painted. 156 Susanna with the Elders after Rubens. 157 A small Landscape very fine of Hen. 158 A Landscape delicately painted with figures by Guilewogar. 159 Another very fine ditto. 160 A Falconer and his Dogs by Van Begas. 161 A very fine piece of Griffeir. 162 A Dutch Woman in her Element by Meerens. 163 A Landscape of Bredero. 164 A Landscape by Derue. 165 Fruit and flower by Burringere. 166 A Battle of Florlere. 167 A Landscape by a great Master. 168 Another ditto. 169 A very fine small Landscape Original of Hen. 170 Dogs coursing Swans by a Dutch Master. 171 Wild Fowl Original of Connado. 172 Fowl with a dead Partridge by an Italian. 173 A Landscape and figures extreme fine by Guilewogar. 174 A Carpet etc. an extraordinary fine Original. 175 Diana and Calista delicately painted. 176 Richard Cromwell. 177 A Duck and Mallard well painted. 178 A Buck hunting. 179 A Sea piece of Vande Velde of Anthwerp. 180 Mars and Venus by a disciple of Leress. 181 A Landscape and Figures of Holbein. 182 Tents and horses by Vande Veld. 183 A very fine Winter piece by Destomna. 184 Cattle by Rens. 185 Oliver Lord St John's Ambassador to Sweedland finely painted. 186 3 Kings by Frances Stanaret. 187 A Landscape with Shepherds and Shepherdesses. 188 A Confusion piece of Hemskirk. 189 Dead Fowl and a Hare finely painted an Original. 190 A man and woman making Love. 191 A Fire piece by a Dutch Master. 192 A Flower piece by Hondius. 193 A piece of Harvest by Winselboven. 194 A Woman's Head by Goltius. 195 Figures and Horses by Colen. 196 Stillife by Suten. 197 A very fine piece of Figures by Brugel. 198 A fine horse by Van Baken. 199 Christ's Transfiguration by Seneas. 200 A Landscape Original of Vandeest. 201 A Winter well painted. 202 A small Flower-piece of Verelst. 203 A small Landscape of Van Joast. 204 Another ditto. 205 A Rummer and Olives by Verelst. 206 A Piece of highwaymen. 207 A fine Sea piece by Percellus. 208 A Landscape by old Molena 209 A Seashore by Antonius. 210 Figures after the manner of Brugel. 211 Anothor ditto. 212 Singers Original by Hemskirk. 213 A small Original Landscape. 214 A Fruit piece by Fisher. 215 A Flower-piece by De Bois. 216 A piece of Autumn by Winselhoven. 227 A Three quarter Fruit-piece by young Hondius. 218 A Winter an Summer well painted. 219 A very fine original Landscape of Loten. 220 A fine Landscape of Edema. 221 Venus and Cupid on board ditto. 222 A Head very fine original. 223 Thephrastus Parracelsused head. 224 A Curious piece of Fruit. 225 A Madonna very Curious in small. 226 A Head original. 227 A Child half Serpent by Derike. 228 A Dog and Ox's head a very fine Original. 229 Lucretia by Derike. 230 An Oyster piece. by Van Hatten 231 A Plate and Lemmon very fine. 232 King James the first of Vansomer. 233 Venus and Pallas by a great Italian Master in a very rich Frame. 234 A Magd●len neatly painted. 235 A Duck piece curiously done in small by Van Hatten. 236 Our Saviour in the Temple finely painted. 237 A Buck-hunting by a great Master. 238 A Head thought to be of Vandike. 239 A Cupid after Housman. 240 A Fruit piece by Burguinion. 241 A wonderful fine original Buck hunting. 242 A Venus and Cupid Original of jordan's. 243 A fine Original Curiously preserved of Frunces Flora. 244 Daniel in the Lion's Den by a Disciple of Rubens. 245 A merry company choosing King and Queen. 246 A Drunken frolic by Van Cleve. 247 A naked Woman very finely painted by Mr. Cook. 248 A very fine Madonna of Voit. 249 Diana and Calista of Polinberg. 250 A Curious Landscape and Figures by De Vas. 251 A very fine Consort of Birds by Brugel. 252 A Landscape of Wouters the Figures of Brienbergh. 253 Kitchen Furniture by moonlight. 254 A small Landscape well done. 255 A woman sealing a letter very fine by Meers. 256 A piece of Ducks etc. by Fyt. 257 A large Original perspective by Peter de Neefe. 258 Jupiter and Pomona by Lazarena. 259 A Bear-baiting by a Dutch Master. 260 Saint Anthonies Temptation by Teneers. 261 Constantinople sinely painted by Griffeir. 262 A Cupid representing Vanity by Flink. 263 A Man's head by Vilberd. 264 A Bare and Dogs by Scoof. 265 A Church finely painted. 266 A large Pallas of Lemens. 267 The flight into Egypt curiously painted. 268 A piece of Fruit with a glass of Wine curiously done. 269 Armidas a sleep Original of Vandike. 270 Stillife by a Dutch Master. 271 An Old Man's head finely done by Levens. 272 A madonna's head by Rubens. 273 A Large Flower piece very fine by W. Verelst. 274 The Duke of Munmouth a whole length. 275 A Battle between Turks and Germans by Cliberg. 276 A large piece of Geese & well painted. 277 Cats in a Buttery, a fine Original of Snyder. 278 The three Kings worrshipping, by Van Hook Disciple of Rubens. 279 Samson threatening his Father in law, by Rembrant. 280 A Battle between the Turks and Germans. 281 St. James's-Park well done. 282 A Battle by Van Hop. 283 A Prospect of Dover well painted. 284 A prospect of Nimigen. 285 A Battle. 286 A Sea-Fight by Salemaker. 287 A Landscape by Christianus. 288 A Battle by a Dutch Master. 289 Campaners on the Road. 290 Horsemen in a grotto by young Frank. 291 A pleasant Landscape. 292 Frost on the Thames by Wagoner. 293 The Duchess of Portsmouth. 294 Signior Loorand the Famous Italian, by an Italian Master. 295 Signior Lorentino ditto. 296 Signior Creeks ditto. 297 A Head of Castro Faustus. 298 A Head of Moor. 299 A Sketch of Magdelen's. 300 A Sea piece. 301 A Magdelen well painted. 302 Vandycks head. 303 A pandora on Copper. 304 A Cleopatra. 305 Psyche in Hell. 306 Dr. Huit. 307 A Flora on Copper by Van Heyden.