A Curious COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS, Of several Rare Masters, WILL BE Sold by AUCTION, at the Middle Exchange; otherwise called Salisbury Change, in the Strand, on Monday the 26th. of this Instant May, at three of the Clock in the Afternoon. The Conditions of Sale as usual, and the time of Paying and fetching away the Lots so bought, to be within Three days after at the said place, and paying Portridge. A Curious COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS. No. 1 A Flower piece— No. 2 A Fruit piece— No. 3 Another piece of Fruit— No. 4 A Battle— No. 5 A piece of Still Life— No. 6 A Landscape— No. 7 A little Dog Chained— No. 8 A Moonshine— No. 9 A Sea piece— No. 10 Another Sea piece— No. 11 A piece of Fruit and Flowers— No. 12 A Hare and Dog's Head— No. 13 A little Sea piece— No. 14 A piece with Sheep and a Ram, after Barcham— No. 15 Sibylla Phirgam— No. 16 King William— No. 17 Joseph with the Butler and Baker in Prison— No. 18 King William— No. 19 Queen Mary by the same Hand— No. 20 A piece with Cocks and Hens— No. 21 A Droll, after Ostade— No. 22 A small Frost with a Church— No. 23 A Usurer, after Teniers— No. 24 The Earl of Lindsey in K. James the First's time— No. 25 A Ruin, after Griffeers— No. 26 A Stag, after Hondius— No. 27 The giving Caesar his due, after Rubens— No. 28 A Lucretia in little, after le Onens— No. 29 Cardinal Woolsey in little, after Holbeen— No. 30 A piece with Sheep and a Goat, after Berchem— No. 31 A pleasant fellow, after Brower— No. 32 King William in little— No. 33 Cupid and Pshysa— No. 34 A Landscape— No. 35 A Ruin— No. 36 A Bottle and Rhenish-wine Glass, by a good Hand— No. 37 The Goddess Diana, by a good Master— No. 38 The God Apollo, of the same— No. 39 Peter Denying Christ— No. 40 A Mountebank, after Teniers— No. 41 A Landscape with a Bridge— No. 42 A Forest, with Cyprus Trees in a Garden— No. 43 An Exe Homo, after Van Dick— No. 44 A Dog and Puppies— No. 45 A Cleopatra, by a good Master— No. 46 A Cupid, of the same— No. 47 A Bacchus, after Van Dick— No. 48 A Buck Hunting— No. 49 A Dog, Cock, and Sheep, neatly Painted— No. 50 A Print upon a Deal-board— No. 51 A Clowns Head, after Rubens— No. 52 One Original Fish piece, very fine— No. 53 A Landscape with Trees— No. 54 A Forest with a Woman with a bundle of Sticks— No. 55 A fine Copy, after Heemskirck— No. 56 A Droll, after Brower— No. 57 John Loudon, General of the Croators— No. 58 Two Original of Flyer— No. 59 A piece of Fruit and Musmelion— No. 60 King William, after Wissen— No. 61 Queen Mary, of the same— No. 62 The Happy Planet, finely Painted— No. 63 A Moonshine with two Oxen— No. 64 Two Ovel Landscapes, of Flyer— No. 65 A Landscape of Flyer— No. 66 Another of the same— No. 67 The Due of Monmouth— No. 68 The Great Seneca, by a good Master— No. 69 A piece of Geese and Ducks— No. 70 Two Originals of Flyer— No. 71 A Witter piece with a Ruin— No. 72 A Frost with Sliders— No. 73 The Fire of Sodom with Lot going out, an Original— No. 74 A little Dog— No. 75 Another little Dog— No. 76 A piece of Fruit— No. 77 James Shore, neatly Painted— No. 78 A Head, after an Italian— No. 79 A Dog and Duck— No. 80 A piece of Fish and Fisherman— No. 81 A piece of Fruit, finely Painted— No. 82 An Outlandish Head— No. 83 An Original piece of Still Life and Pickled Herring— No. 84 A Flower piece, of Verelst— No. 85 A Hunting, after Hondius— No. 86 The Holy Family, by a Dutch Master— No. 87 Diana and her Nymhs— No. 88 An Original, by a Dutch Master— No. 89 A fine Landscape, by a good Master— No. 90 A Print upon a Deal-board— No. 91 An Original of Heemskirk— No. 92 Another of the same Hand— No. 93 Fair Rosamond— No. 94 A fine Landscape— No. 95 A Winter piece, by Ʋander Velder— No. 96 A Fruit piece, an Original— No. 97 A Great Landscape, finely done— No. 98 Two small Birds— No. 99 A Droll, by Heemskirk— No. 100 An Original half Length, of Mr. Hondius— No. 101 A piece of Fruit, an Original of Mr. Butts— No. 102 A piece of Fruit, drawn by the Life— No. 103 A half Length, an Original of Mr. Hondius— No. 104 An East-India Raven, drawn by the Life— No. 105 Two Sheep, after Berchem— No. 106 Two Begging Friars, by Heemskirk— No. 107 King David with the Head of Goliath in Triumph— No. 108 The Bath of Diana, finely Painted— No. 109 The Queen of Sweden in the Cradle— No. 110 A Flower piece of, Montingo— No. 111 A Landscape of Mr. Christian— No. 112 A King and Queen, upon Copper— No. 113 A Flower piece, of Montingo— No. 114 King David in his Devotion— No. 115 A piece of a Sickman, by Heemskirk— No. 116 A little Landscape, very fine, by a Dutch Master— No. 117 Another of the same Hand, very fine— No. 118 A Landscape of Christian— No. 119 An Original three quarter of Mr. Hondius— No. 120 A Quakers Meeting, by Heemskirk— No. 121 Another Original, of Mr. Hondius— No. 122 Another Ovel Landscape, very fine done— No. 123 Another, of the same Hand— No. 124 A Fruit piece, finely done— No. 125 Samson and a Lion, by a Dutch Masteer— No. 126 A Sea piece of, Ʋander Velder— No. 127 Another of the same Hand— No. 128 An Original of Mr. Hondius, out of Ovid— No. 129 A Half length Landscape, well done— No. 130 A Flower piece, after Simon Verelst— No. 131 King Charles the Second well done— No. 132 A little Landscape— No. 133 A Landscape finely Painted— No. 134 A Lady, after Van Dick— No. 135 The Woman giving her Father Suck in Prison— No. 136 A piece of Swans and Dogs, an Original of Hondius— No. 137 Another fine Original of Hondius— No. 138 David with the Head of Goliath— No. 139 Aenas carrying his Father out of the Fire of Troy— No. 140 Herodiah with the Head of St. John— No. 141 A History out of the Old Testament— No. 142 Aeneas and Siqilla going to the Elysium Shades— No. 143 An Italian Tomb— No. 144 Two Ruins in Water Colours— No. 145 A piece of Fruit and Flowers, after Boudan— No. 146 A Landscape with Roaches— No. 147 A ruinated Temple at Rome, in Water Colours— No. 148 A Bridge at Rome, Detto— No. 149 A Ruin, of the same— No. 150 A Ruin and Landscape— No. 151 A Bridge in Water Colours— No. 152 St. Sebastian— No. 153 A Crane devouring of Frogs— No. 154 Venus and Adonis— No. 155 A Garden with a House and Fountain— No. 156 A Dutch School— No. 157 Two fine Flower pieces in Water Colours— No. 158 Two others in Gilded Frames— No. 159 Cardinal Mazarine, after Champaire— No. 160 A humour of a Drunken Fellow, after Teniers— No. 161 A Droll, after Brower— No. 162 A Droll with a Woman a Smoking— No. 163 Dutch Boors a Dancing— No. 164 A Frost piece— No. 165 King William finely done— No. 166 Peter denying Christ— No. 167 Queen Mary, of the same— No. 168 The Temple of Death, 7 Foot Long and 6 Foot High— No. 169 King David in his Devotion— No. 170 A piece of Still Life well done— No. 171 The Lord of Devonshire— No. 172 An Exe homo— No. 173 A fine Droll— No. 174 An Original of Hondius, a Robbery— No. 175 Another of the same Hand, an Original— No. 176 A Devout Head of St. Peter, by a Dutch Master— No. 177 A fine Sketh in Water Colours— No. 178 A Phylosopher's Head, finely done— No. 179 A piece of St. John in the Wilderness— No. 180 A Round Picture by Van Dalen— No. 181 A little piece in Black and White— No. 182 A Lady playing upon the Lute— No. 183 A piece of Fruit and Flowers— No. 184 An East-India Raven— No. 185 A piece of Fruit— No. 186 A piece of Sill Life— No. 187 Fair Rosamond— No. 188 A Queen that Beat the Romans— No. 189 King Charles— No. 190 Queen Dowager— No. 191 King James— No. 192 Jane Shore— No. 193 The Flight to Egypt— No. 194 A Landscape with Hunting— No. 195 The Hunting of a Stag— No. 196 A piece of Monkeys shaving a Cat— No. 197 Death and Time— No. 198 A Droll— No. 199 A piece of Witchcraft— No. 200 A piece of Flowers— No. 201 A piece after Vonet— No. 202 A Gentleman Fanning a Lady— No. 203 A Pigeon, of Griffeer— No. 204 A Droll after Tenier— No. 205 A Virgin Mary— FINIS.