The Crafty maid's Approbation. Wherein she shows either black or brown 'tis money makes them straight go down, When pretty girls that gold has none Their Fortunes still to lie alone. To the Tune of, A Fig for France. D●●w near to me young girls so ●ine 〈…〉 means & Portions like to mine▪ If you'll but hear what I have penned I will make you smile before I end: I once had a sweetheart fair and young Tho now from me he's fled and gone; But I'll ●ell you a very good reason why 'Twas money did part my Love and I. When first to me a wooing he came He did ●●●re to know my name, I told ●●n my means was small He said he valued none at all: So that my ●● invour he could win He valued nothing else a pin, But now he's gone and I know why 'Twas money etc. Yet for three years his love stood fe● And he vowed for ever it should last But when my friends spoke of the 〈◊〉 Than he was for another dame: Except so much money they'd give No wife for him I must not be: His words he clearly did deny So money did part, etc. Thus maids may see so may I too It is for money that young men 〈◊〉 Tho great store of love they do prete●● Yet mark what falls out in the end▪ When they find your Portions small Like to a snake from you they'll cra● And to another strait they'll hey So money did part, etc. Yet had I a head like a horse Or a body as thick as a Mil-po●● So but bags came tumbling i●, Then my favour every fool w●'● win: Or was I long-snouted like a Sow Or else crooked backed like our fine Cow ●ave at her then these boys would cry She's money enough, and what care I. Young men don't blush you know 'tis true For let her name be Mary or Sue, The she was blabber-lipped also blear-eyd Yet money all those faults will hide Nay were she the nast ●est dingest slut That a man ●urst not after her crak a Nut Had she but money house or land I'm sure she would not stick long a hand Yet we whose Portions are but small Let us not be dismayed at all Neither let us grieve, lament no: swoon For beauty's worth a thousand pound: Hang't though my first true love be gone I've the same face for another man. And I'll prove honest till I die Tho money, etc. If two young men talk of a wench As they do sit of an Alebench She's a good huswife the one replies But has she money the other tries: If she has none she's not for me Give me the Cash hang huswifrey I love to finger that for why 'twas money did part my Love and I. By this young girls may plainly see By this young girls may plainly 〈◊〉 How deceitful these youngmen be They'll search a maid from top to toe Till all her secrets they do know: Then if her means don't please his mind He quickly can turn like the wind I must have a wife with more he'll e●● So money, etc. Such affection did that young 〈…〉 That often called 〈◊〉 his Dear Such vows & 〈…〉 made 'tis known But now he doth 〈◊〉 quit● 〈◊〉: But since he's gone 〈…〉 I'll slight him more than he 〈…〉 I'll ne'er lament nor 〈◊〉 nor 〈◊〉 Tho money, etc. I am full glad we parted in truth For since I hear he's a crose-grained youth; But had he proved true though ne'er so ●●re In wealth or woe ●'de bear a share But now i'm free i'll let that ●lide And ne'er think more to be a ●ri●e there's nothing like to liberty. Since money, etc. Vhus have I told young maidens all How the weakest must go to the wall But she that is full & her purse well strung She shall have swéet-hearts come ●ing don● It's no matter for breeding nor sense So she has but, Cash he'll have the wenth Black nor brown he looks not o'th' ●ye 'Twas money did part my Love & I. Printed for J. Williamson at tho Sun & Bible upon London Bridge.