A COPY OF AN AWARD Referring to the Public Markets of the City of LONDON. To all Christian People To whom these Presents shall come, Sir Nathan Wright Knt. one of His Majesty's Sergeants at Law, and Sir Bartholomew Shower Knt. Send Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting. Whereas Differences and Disputes have heretofore been between divers Butchers, Gardeners, Fruiterers and others, Resorting to the Public Markets in the City of London, called Leaden-Hall Market, and the Green-Yards, with other Market-Grounds thereunto belonging, Woolchurch, alias Stock-market, Honey-Lane alias Milkstreet Market, and the Market near Newgate, commonly called Newgate Market, and Thomas Burdett and Thomas Kilner of London Gentlemen, and others, Farmers of the said Markets, and the Profits thereby arising, Touching divers Fines, Sums of Money, Rents, Rates and Prizes, demanded and taken by the said Farmers or their Agents, of the said Butchers, Gardeners and others, Resorting to the said Markets for Stalls, Stand and Room in the said Markets for Sale of their Wares and Commodities brought to the said Markets to be Sold. And whereas several Indictments have been heretofore Prosecuted, and yet are Depending against the said Farmers, or some of them, for Extortion in Exacting and Taking several Great Sums of Money of several Persons for Stand and Stalls in the said Markets, or some of them. All which said Differences and Matters by the Rule of Court hereunto annexed, are referred to the Arbitrament and Final Determination of us the said Sir Nathan Wright and Sir Bartholomew Shewer, as by the said Rule may more fully appear. Now Know Ye, That we the said Sir Nathan Wright and Sir Bartholomew Shower having taken the said Matters in Difference into our Consideration, and being Assisted herein by Sir William Hedges Knt. one of the Aldermen of the said City of London, and others the Committee, appointed by the Common Council of the said City for the better Regulating of the said Public Markets, Do Adjudge, Award, Order and Determine concerning the said Premises as follows: I. We do Order and Appoint, That the said Farmers shall within Two Months now next coming, Deliver up all Bonds and Notes, given to the said Farmers, or any of them, or any other in trust for them, or any of them, by any Butchers or other Persons Resorting to the said Markets, either by themselves, or by any other Persons with or for them, for Payment of any Sum or Sums of Money for Fines or Incomes, or advanced Rents, or for admittance or leave to Use or Occupy any Stall, Standing or Room in the said Markets, or any of them, and that no Proceed shall hereafter be had or Prosecuted upon any of the said Bonds and Notes for Recovery of any Sum or Sums of Money thereupon pretended to be due and payable. II. We do Order and Appoint, That the said Farmer's Thomas Burdett and Thomas Kilner shall within Six Months now next ensuing, Pay or cause to be Paid to Peter Parker Citizen and Stationer of London, and Isaac Grevil Citizen and Mercer of London or Order, the Sum of Four Hundred Pounds of lawful Money of England, to be by them Disposed of in such manner as herein after is appointed (that is to say) the Sum of Sixty and seven Pounds, three Shillings, six Pence part thereof, to be Paid to John Scott Gent. Thomas Goodwin, Robert Roundtree and Bennet del Turner, Prosecutors of the said several Indictments, in full for their Costs: And the Sum of Three Hundred Thirty and two Pounds, sixteen Shillings and six Pence, residue of the said Four Hundred Pounds, to be Paid and Distributed to and amongst the several Persons mentioned in a Schedule hereunto annexed, in such Shares and Proportions as therein is appointed, the residue thereof; being in foil satisfaction of all Sum or Sums of Money supposed to be had or received by the said Farmers for Fines or excessive Rents. III. We do further Order and Appoint, That from henceforth the said Farmers, their Deputies, Agents or Servants, o● any of them, shall not Exact, Demand or Take any Fines or Rewards, Sum or Sums of Money for admitting any Person to the Use or Occupation of any Stall, Standing or Room in any of the said Markets, or for Rent of any such Stall, Stand or Room, Except such Rents or Sums of Money as are appointed or allowed to be taken for the said Stalls, Stand or Room, in the Act of Common-Council made the seventeenth Day of September, in the Year of our Lord 1674, and in the Mayoralty of Sir William Hooker Knt. late Lord Mayor of the said City of London, Entitled, An Act for the settlement and well ordering of the several Public Markets within the said City of London. iv We do Order and Appoint, That no Advance or Increase of Rent shall be Taken or Received for any Stall, Standing or Room in any of the said Markets upon pretence of any extraordinary Conveniency or Accommodation hereafter to be made, above or more than the Expense and Real Charge of making such extraordinary Conveniency or Accommodation, Saving that where at the Request of any Occupier any greater number of Feet, or greater Quantity of Ground shall be allotted to any Stall or Standing than is appointed by the said Act of Common Council, Then and in such Case the said Farmers may require and take and Advanced Rend proportionably, and in proportion to the Rates appointed by the said Act of Common Council. V We do Order and Appoint, That the said Farmers, their Executors Administrators or Assigns▪ shall not Remove any of the Occupiers of the said Stalls or Stand now being, of that hereafter shall be by them thereto admitted▪ our of or from the said Stalls or Stand without the free and voluntary consent of such Occupiers, Except for the nonpayment of The Rent appointed to be Paid for the same by the said Act of Common Council, or Breach of the Settled and Established Rules of the said Markets. VI We do Order and Appoint, That the Occupiers of such Stalls or Stand in any of the said Markets, shall not Transfer or Assign over the Use or Occupation of any Stall or Standing in any of the said Markets, to any Person or Persons whatsoever, nor shall Use or Employ the same otherwise than according to the Laws and Constitutions of the said Markets. VII. We do Order and Appoint, That when any Stall or Standing in any of the said Markets shall be vacant, it shall be in the Power of the said Farmers to appoint such Person or Persons to have the same, as they the said Farmers shall think sit, without taking any Gratuity or Reward for preferring one before another or any Advance or Increase of Rents. VIII. We do Order and Appoint, That no Person shall hereafter be compelled to pay to the said Farmers any Rent or Sum of Money for Weights or Scales, Except such persons as sell Flesh, or other Commodities usually sold by Weight, And all Persons uttering Flesh or other Commodities usually sold by Weight, shall pay such Rent or other Sum to the said Farmers for finding such Weights and Scales as is appointed or allowed by the said Act of Common Council, whether such Persons use the said Farmer's Weights and Scales or not, And the said Farmers are to provide a sufficient Number of Weights and Scales for the use of the said Persons, and to keep the same in Public and Convenient Places in each of the said Markets, for the use of the said Persons and others Resorting to the said Markets. IX. We do Order and Appoint, That the said Farmers shall not Let out the Stalls or Stand of the said Markets for the Use or Exercise of any Trade, or Sale of any Commodities thereon, other than the Provisions usually brought to the said Markets, and by the Laws and Constitutions of the City of London allowed to be Sold there; And if the Occupiers of any such Stall or Standing shall employ or use the same for Sale of any other Commodities than as aforesaid, the said Farmers shall upon Notice thereof, within convenient time, use their utmost lawful endeavours to remove such Person from the use of such Stall or Standing. X. We do Order and Appoint, That the Farmers shall hold their Markets only on such Days, and at such Hours in the Day, as by the Laws and Customs of the said City of London for Constituting and Regulating the said Markets are appointed. XI. We do Order and Appoint, That the said Farmers shall not Let out the Streets and Lanes of the said City to Hawkers or other People bringing Food or Victuals not coming unto any Public Market, nor shall the said Farmers take any Money or other Reward from Persons Hawking and Selling Roots, Green Pease, or other Provisions through the said Streets or Lanes or any of them. XII. Lastly, We do hereby Order and Appoint, That in Case the said Thomas Burdett and Thomas Kilner do Pay the said Sum of Four Hundred Pounds, herein before appointed to be Paid by them to the said Peter Parker and Isaac Grevil, according to the Appointment aforesaid, Then all Persons Prosecuting, or concerned in the Prosecution of the said Farmers of the said Markets or their Agents, for or upon account of any supposed Exactions, Extortions, or unlawful Tolls, Duties, Fines or Rents, or any other Matter or Thing whatsoever relating to the said Markets, done, had, or committed, or supposed to be done, had or committed by the said Farmers, their Agents or Servants at any time before the Day of the Date of the said Rule of Reference, shall and do Declare their free Consent before Mr. Attorney General for the Stay of all further Prosecution by reason of the Premises, and shall and do use their utmost endeavours for the procuring a Noli Prosequi to be Entered upon Record at the Charge of the said Farmers, to and upon all Indictments, and Informations upon the Account aforesaid, found Exhibited or Commenced, or hereafter to be Commenced or Prosecuted touching or relating to the said Premises, for any thing done or committed therein before the Date of the said Rule. In Witness whereof, We the said Sir Nathan Wright and Sir Bartholomew Shower have hereunto Set our Hands and Seals the Tenth Day of June in the Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord William the Third, By the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, etc. Annoque Domini 1697. Nathan Wright. Bartholomew Shewer. Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared by the said Sir Nathan Wright and Sir Bartholomew Shower for and as their Award, the same being duly Stamped in the Presence of Randolph Stracey. Stephen Johnson. The Rates, Tolls and Duties, as Settled and Appointed to be Taken by the Act of Common-Council, 17 Septemb. 1674. which the Farmers in the Covenants of their Lease are obliged not to Exceed, on the Penalty of Ten Pounds for every Offence, are as followeth, Viz. FOR every Stall or Standing of Eight Foot long, and Four Foot broad, for Sale of Flesh-Meat or Fish. 2 s. 6 d. per Week. For every Stall or Standing of Six foot long, and four foot broad, 2 s. per Week. For every Stall or Standing of six or eight foot long, and four foot broad, for other Commodities, 3 d. per Day. For every Horseload of Provisions, not upon Stalls, nor under Public Shelter, 2 d. per Day: For every Dosser of like Provisions, 1 d. per Day. For every Cartload, with not above Three Horses, 4 d. per Day. For every Cartload with Four Horses, or above, 6 d. per Day. For all Fruit brought by Land or Water, and pitched in any of the Public Markets; for each Prickel or Basket, holding not above one Bushel, one halfpenny per Day. For each Basket, Dosser or Maund, holding above two Bushels, 1 d. per Day: To be paid by the People that bring or receive them. For every Standing of six foot square, for the Gardeners, 20 s. per Annum. For every Standing for the Poorer sort of Country People, bringing Weeds and Physick-Herbs, of four foot long, and two foot broad, 1 d. per Day. For every Standing for Fruit-Sellers and standing Herb-Women, not above eight foot long and four foot broad, or six foot square, 12 d. per Week. For every Standing for Bakers and Gingerbread Sellers, not above sour foot long, and three foot broad, 6 d. per Week. London: Printed at the Request, and for the Information of the Market-People, 1697.