A brief DISCOVERY OF THE Corruption of the ministry of the Church of England: OR, Three clear and evident grounds from which it will appear that they are no Ministers of CHRIST. I. A parallel between them and the Jewish Priests. II. A parallel between them and Simon the Sorcerer. III. A parallel between them and the artificial marchandizing tradesmen, Published for the Information of all By THOMAS COLYER. LONDON, Printed for Giles Galvert, and are to be sold at the black spread-Eagle at the west end of Paul's. To the Reader. READER, the reason why I have brought forth this small Treatise to public view, is for thy information, who hast been a long time deluded with a Ministry of Antichrist, under the name and notion of a Ministry of Christ. 2. Because the Lord hath said it, that we should show no pity to Babylon's inhabitants, much less than to the ringleaders of that mystical confusion, that at this day the world lieth in, under the name of Church, Ministry, Ordinances, &c. Some perchance may suppose that the end of this discovery, is to make them contemptible in their persons, names, &c. flowing from a private spirit of revenge. But truly friends it's not so, I can say truly, the Lord hath taught me another lesson, to do good to enemies, pray for them, seek their conversion; and I can say truly, that it would be a great joy to me, to see any of them enlightened, renewed, changed; but when I behold the great confusion that is among the men of the earth, principally occasioned by the Ministers of the earth; thousands, and ten thousands, lying not only dead in trespasses and sins, but in professions and Ordinances, &c. I say not only for Zion's sake, but for the sake of the poor deluded Soul, who live below and without truth; under the profession of something like the external part of truth. I cannot hold my peace, till all these falsehoods and delusions fall to the ground, and the glory of Zion be more known and lived in: read, and judge with an impartial spirit, and I trust you shall not find one word of a malicious spirit; not like Mr. Edwards, reckoning up personal infirmities, for than I could say much more; but clearer and true discoveries of deceivers under the name and notion of Christ. Thus much by way of information, as likewise by way of prevention of thy misunderstanding of that which followeth: by him who remains thy friend, and the truth's servant. Thomas Colyer. The first parallel. BETWEEN The JEWISH Priests and Levites: And those of our times. The Jewish Priests and Levites, and those of our times are as like, as if they had indeed been all the Sons of one Father, the Tribe of Levi; they say the Lot of God's own Inheritance, although in truth, there is no such thing. 1. THe Jewish Priests were to offer Sacrifice, to make Peace and Reconciliation for the sins of the People; and herein they were a Type of Christ, Levit. 9 with Hebr. 9 This hath been one principal work of the Priests of these latter times to offer Sacrifice, to make peace and reconciliation for sin; this hath been their end in praying, and pressing others to pray, that so they might make peace and reconciliation for transgression, although not positively, yet circumstantially, there it ends, though Christ be often mentioned, yet not without prayers, tears, reformation, &c. to fit the Soul for Christ. 2. Hence it is, that sinners are so often pressed to weeping and mourning, that so they might weep and mourn out sin, and never tell of believing, till sin be wept forth, and then believe; nay, that there is no ground of believing till then: a mere delusion, a very lie. Hence it is likewise that prayers, days of Humiliation, have been so much exalted, as peacemakers, and the glory of both of internal consolation as of external deliverances hath been given unto it, and the Priests must have the greatest share of that honour. Why? Because they pray most, and best, they do it by office; it is their trade to offer Sacrifices, to make peace: others may pray well, and do much, but they can pray better, because they do it by office; this I have heard ascerted by them, therefore affirm it; and thus they have not only been peacemakers themselves in their own apprehensions, but have directed others to the same work, to the same way: what is the conversion taught by them but only a legal conversion from sin to duty. If thou canst forsake thy sins, pray, hear Sermons, walk holily, my soul for thine thou shalt be saved; thus setting up self-reformation, duties, &c. in the room of Christ, making peace. Oh wonderful and horrible delusion! And People, look well unto yourselves, if you build upon this foundation, and so live and die, you are like to be undone for ever; If the blind lead the blind, both are like to fall into the pit. 2. The Jewish Priests were to interpret the Law, Nehem. 8. 7, 8. Hence it is that Christ calls them Lawyers, woe be unto you Lawyers, &c. and this hath been the work of the second Tribe a long time, to interpret the Law, to set people a working for life, Preaching the Law, and threatning judgement, to drive to Christ, and not to draw with the cords of love, which is suitable unto the Gospel. True it is of late, that many of them have learned to say something of the external part of the Gospel, because else they cannot be esteemed, neither will their wares go off any longer, people having received some farther light; but this they do with much confusion, some times almost losing themselves; and sometimes thwarting, and contradicting themselves often in a Sermon Although it be well known that not many years since, it was a matter of fact, and deserved censure, to preach Christ freely, justifying sinners without themselves, duties, prayers, tears, reformations, to fetch in love, consolation, &c. not acting to God from the enjoyment of life, peace, love, power, &c. so that they might enjoy Communion with God, and receive from him what is their own in him. 3. The Jewish Priests were to purify their women, Levit. 12. They were to be accounted unclean, until the time of their purification: this is likewise the work of the Priests of these times, to purify the women, until which time they are accounted as formerly, unclean. I wonder what is become of the Lamb and the Pigeon, commanded for a burnt and a sin offering, vers. 6, 7. It's like, the Priests-prayer must pass in stead of it; only note, in one thing they pass the Priests then, though they come short in the Pigeon and Lamb, (that is) they provide a purifying Sacrifice, and sell it unto the women instead of a Lamb, a prayer or two for four pence, although scarce worth it. 4. The Jewish Priests were to live by tithes and offerings, they had no portion given them in the land of Canaan; and this hath the Priests of our times appropriated to themselves, they are Priests of the Tribe of Levi, as themselves say, and they do the work of Priests, and therefore they must have the maintenance of Priests: to wit, tithes and Offerings, and this they plead for by Divine▪ Right, from the Old Testament, because set a part for the Priests then under the Law. It is true, some of them plead for it from human right, because the Parliament (say they) have given it unto them: but it seems it matters not much with them, whether it be of Divine, or human right, so they have it, they desire not much to dispute the business; take him Gaoler is the strongest syllogism they desire to make use of, for confirmation of this, as of all other their Divine human rights. I shall a little examine the business about tithes, before I pass this particular, Numb. 18. 21. You shall find that tithes were given to the Tribe of Levi; And behold I had given the Children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, for the service which they serve, even the service of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, &c. Where you may take notice: First, That tithes were set a part by God, Levit. 27. 3. Secondly, commanded only of the Jews, and none else. Thirdly, To be paid in the Land of Canaan, and no other Land mentioned in Scripture; the Jews were not commanded to pay it, till they came into that Land, where the rest of the Tribes had inheritances given them, and the Tribe of Levi none, for the tenth was reserved for their Inheritance. Fourthly, It was to be paid to that Tribe, (viz.) the Tribe of Levi and none else, if any other Tribe or person had appropriated it to themselves, they had been thieves and Robbers; Mal. 3. 8. How this illegitimate Tribe, that now appropriates tithes to themselves, can free themselves from the like, I leave it to all men to judge. 5. The end of the payment of tithes, was for the livelihood of those who served at the Altar. 2 Cor. 9 They were under a legal administration, therefore they were to live of the Law; but those who are under the gospel's dispensations, they live of the Gospel: that is, free, for Gospel▪ people are a free people; and Ministers who live in a free Covenant of Grace, can trust God for their maintenance, and be content with a little: as Christ and his Apostles, who could say truly, that though they had nothing, yet they possessed all things. Object. It is said, Gen. 14. That Abraham paid tithes to Melchisedeck, which was not in the Land of Canaan, neither yet to the Tribe of Levi. Answ. True, yet note: First, Abraham gave the tenth voluntarily, and freely, not by compulsion, as now the Priests demand it. Secondly, Abraham paid the tenth of the spoil which he had taken in war from the enemy, and none else, which is no warrant for the taking of the tenth of all; therefore all that can be expected thence, is but the tenth of spoil taken in war, if the soldiers are free to give it. Thirdly, This tenth of the spoil was given to Melchisedeck, and not to them; therefore unless they prove themselves to be Melchisedeck, this Scripture will do them no good at all, which I think they will not assume; for he was an immediate Type of Christ: Hebr. 7. as were the Priests and Levites, to whom tithes were due, and that by an Ordinance not of man, but of God. 4. The Tribe of Levi in Abraham paid tithes to this Melchisedeck; therefore no ground for our second Tribe to demand tithes, but rather to pay tithes, if Melchisedeck come to demand them. Object. If tithes were not paid, how should Ministers be maintained, for it is meet that those that preach the Gospel, should live of the Gospel; but we know by experience that many places would scarce maintain their Ministers bread, if they were not compelled by a Law; therefore it is convenient that tithes should be paid. Answ. First it is an evident ground, that they are no Ministers of Christ, that will not trust him for their maintenance, and a principal note of infidelity; a wonderful dishonour to Jesus Christ, to pretend to be his Servants, and yet will not trust him, but will be caring and providing for themselves. It is, as if a servant conditioning with his master to serve him, should not only indent with him for maintenance, but would be caring and providing for himself: nay, not only caring and providing for himself, but conditioning with another man to care for him, and to give him wages; this is the dealings of the Priests with Jesus Christ, they will not trust him: questionless it is because they are none of his Servants, they do not his work, if they did, they would be content with his wages, which is free gift, as well Temporally as Spiritually. Secondly, Those who cannot preach without tithes, or any other stinted maintenance, it is an argument they seek more their own bellies, than the honour of Jesus Christ, like unto your day-labourers, that will be sure to know their pay, or else they will not work: such belly-gods are they, that if any put not into their mouths, they even prepare war against them. Quest. Did ever Christ and his Apostles practise the like? Answ. They never set forth an holy Ordinance for tithes, they never vexed men at Law in all their lives; nor ever were they Wolves unto the Sheep, but rather as meek Lambs, in sufferings deep. It is very just that they should be pined for want, and that for these Reasons: First, Because they would not trust Jesus Christ, but forsake him, and trust to the power of Magistracy to maintain them; the civil Sword is the fundamental of their livelihood; now can they blame Christ, if he care not for those that will not trust him? Did he ever engage himself by promise to such a people, if ever their Masters that set them a work, from whence they expect power to fetch in maintenance, leave them? As such a time will come: Who then will care for them, when their mountains will not cover them any longer? 2. Because they thrust such a people upon Jesus Christ as he never owned, no wonder if such a people starve their Teachers; and just it is it should be so, for they starve, delude, and undo their Souls, telling them they are Christians, a Church, when they are not: was ever such a thing as this heard of, that a Minister of Christ should be in doubt of starving, unless he provide for himself by a Law? A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the Land, The prophet's prophecy lies, and the Priests bear rule by that means, and the people love to have it so, and what will you do in the end thereof? 3. Because the Lord hath said it, The Lions shall lack and suffer hunger, but they that fear the Lord and wait upon him, shall want nothing that is good. Quere. Are the Priests of England Lions? Answ. Yea, For first, Lions get their prey by violence, so do they; witness their holy Ordinance for tithes, witness their taking by violence from those to whom they might better give; witness their greedy desire to devour with open mouth, the Lambs of Jesus Christ, would the Parliament once grant their unsatiable desire; witness their Petition to the Parliament to have them burnt with the letter B. to have them prosecuted as felons for their lives: this was the good will of the Priests to the poor Lambs of Jesus Christ: but when their Lion, the Lord Jesus shall roar out of ZION, all the Beasts of the forest shall tremble, which will be ere long. Thus are they like to be a Generation that must suffer want, at least in their Souls, in the time of drought, when the Towers fall. Isaiah, 65. 11, 12, 13. Yea, (to wit) The Saints shall eat, but they shall be hungry, yea, shall drink, but they shall be thirsty, &c. 5. The Priests were the greatest enemies to Jesus Christ in those times; they it were, who hired Judas to betray him; who cried out, crucify him, crucify him, a way with such a fellow from the earth; they it was who gave large moneys to the soldiers to belie him, and to say his Disciples stole him away by night, &c. This hath been, and is the practice of the Priests in our days, under the notion of heretics and Seducers, to destroy the Saints: And why? Because the Saints discovering truth, will destroy their error and falsehood; we desire not the Magistrate to destroy them, but liberty to profess and practise truth, before which they are not able to stand, no more than a morning dew before the Sun. 6. The Priests under the Law, they loved the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief places in Synagogues, and greetings in the markets, and to be called of men Rabbi, Mat. 23. 6, 7. Quaere. Were the Scribes and Pharises Priests? Answ. Yea, See Nehem. 8. 9 Ezra the Priest, the Scribe, &c. And this is the expectation of the Priests now, there need no Scripture to prove it, they love the uppermost rooms at Feasts, and usually have it; and the Chief Seats in the Synagogues, that was in their places of meeting, now (not for want of ignorance) commonly called Churches, who have the Chief Holy high place, where none may come but themselves, with their consent, with reverence be it spoken: and greetings in the markets, the cap and knee is much expected, and to be called of men Rabbi, that is, Master; although there be no master in a town besides, yet this Priest must be a master: this is one of Solomon's evils that he had seen under the Sun, Servants on Horse▪ back, and Masters walking on foot as servants, on the ground; they are the people's Servants, they expect their wages from them. Oh horrid pride! Was ever such a thing as this heard of? What, Servants become their Master's Master. Servants on horseback, riding, ruling, and their Masters on foot, made slaves unto them. 7. They built the tombs of the Prophets, and garnished their Sepulchers, Matth. 23. 29. but they persecuted Christ and his Apostles: so do our Priestly Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites, pretend to have high thoughts of Christ and his Apostles, but are as ready to persecute and kill the disciples & followers of Christ as ever the Priests of old; they build their tombs, and garnish them; they spend all their time, and study to find out the mind of Christ and his Disciples in their writings, and yet come infinitely short of it: Christ a Carpenter, Paul a tentmaker, Peter a fisherman, all of them poor tradesmen: yet these men of Arts and parts, spend all their time, and make use of their Authors, to understand what they write: but if God raise up any fisherman, Carpenter, cobbler, or the like, in him, and by him, to reveal his truth; O away with such a fellow from the earth! he is a mechanic fellow, one of no breeding, he knoweth not the original, &c. I warrant you if Christ and his Apostles were on the earth again, they should find as hard measure from them, as ever from the Priests of old: What do these but Justifie the proceedings of all persecutors that have gone before them, and so bring upon themselves all the righteous bloodshed, even from the blood of Abel, until this time? 8. And finally the end of all was, that they might hold up their Religion, and in that their honour and profits: they knew, if they should let Christ alone, he would destroy their religion, and so lay them open unto contempt. This is likewise the ground of our Priests opposing and persecuting the Saints, to uphold their national Church, Religion, Worships, &c. And therein their Honour, viz. the Cap and Knee of the Vulgar; their profits, tithes, their great DIANA; This they can do, but by the exaltation of their humanity, Arts and parts gotten by their industry at the Universities; and this is their greatest goddess DIANA; by which they uphold all, and hope to keep in their credit, with the ignorant still; but this Diana learning in the things of God, will fall and break its neck ere long, as Dagon before the Ark, it begins to tremble already, it dares not look truth in the face, without the power of Parliament to assist, &c. Second parallel. BETWEEN Them: and Simon the Sorcerer, Acts 8. SImon Magus his sin is looked upon by those who know not what it was, as very horrid and wicked, and it's true, Peter said that he declared himself by it, to be in the gall of bitterness, and bond of iniquity; the Priests give a very high and learned interpretation of it, (that is,) to buy a Parsonage; and this they call Simony, who so buys a Personage as Simon Magus: But I believe if we come to examine what was Simon's sin, we shall find more Sir Simons, than many are aware of. Simon's sin, it was First, to buy the gifts of the holy Spirit. 2. As it is generally understood, to that end he might sell them again, and its likely to be true, for it would have gotten him much credit as well as profit; he should have made a good exchange, for the loss of the spirit and power of divination and sorcery, to have gotten the Spirit of God, by which, he thought quickly to enrich himself. So then, here was Simon's sin, he would have bought the gifts of the Spirit, to that end he might have sold them, that so he might enrich himself by it. See then how the Priests of our time run parallel with him. I argue it thus, Those who buy their gifts, of purpose to sell them, are guilty of Simon the Sorcerers sin. But the Priests of England buy their gifts of purpose to sell them, and get gain; Ergo, the Priests of England are guilty of Simon the Sorcerers sin. That this was Simon's sin, is cleared; that who so doth the like, are guilty of Simon's sin, is unquestionable; that only which remains to be proved, is, That the Priests of England, buy their gifts of purpose to sell them. First that they buy them it will appear, these things considered. First, What gifts and abilities they have, are human, such as they have attained in the Schools, which cost them much money, as well as industry for the gaining of them. Secondly, Their appropriating all abilities of Preaching, to themselves, accounting it altogether impossible for any other to have any gift at all, who have not bought it like themselves; so that they do not only buy themselves, but deny any other way of attaining gifts, to any else; pretending philosophy to be the Mother of Theology; Ah horrible blasphemy against the Spirit, who is freely given, and freely opperates as it pleaseth. Thirdly, Their own confession when they come to sell, that their gifts cost them much money; and therefore they sell them at the dearest rate. 2. That they buy of purpose to sell, appears: First, It was the great end for which they were by their Parents dedicated and set a part a purpose to get a living, even as they bind their children Apprentices, &c. Secondly, It appears by their practice, which is, to sell all, and that at the dearest rate too; witness their looking after the greatest and fattest livings, where there are most▪ Calves, Lambs, and Tyth-pigs, corn, Hay, and Gleb-land, thither usually is their call; witness their often removing from a lesser living to a greater, ten pounds more per annum is a sufficient call from one Parsonage to another; witness their first quere, what it is worth per annum, and if that pleaseth them, than they go, never querying what Saints be there: nay, so far are they from that, if they hear that Christ and Saints be there, than they dare not come there, for fear that light will discover their darkness; witness their indenting for thus much by the week, in case they supply any place that wants, which is so much clear gain unto them, for their own pay goes on nevertheless at home; witness, their Petitioning the Parliament for increase of maintenance, where they judge it is too little, although some of them have 40. pound, some 80. li. some 100 li. some 140. li. and besides a great wrong to the Parliament, or at the least to the Subject; witness the common practice of Towns and populous places, who beholding their temper, dare not attempt the getting of a Minister, as they desire to be called, until they first make up, either by petition to the Parliament for the state's money which poor shoulders want, or some other way, a round sum of money; which being effected, puts courage into poor simple Country men to adventure into their presence with all lowly submission. Sir, we have maintenance for an honest man, perhaps 100 li. per annum, if that be too little, wait a while, and perhaps 200. or 300. appears, which will serve to make up the bargain: just as a servant who puts forth himself for a year will make the most of his service; although it's true, the conditions are contrary. Conditions. INprimis, I will be your Minister (which signifies a Servant) or rather your Lord, on condition that you will engage to give me thus much by the year in money, or tithes, as the condition is. Ergo, the Priests of England preach for hire. 2. I will be your Minister in name, provided I may be your Lord; for so they are indeed, and rule over you, and you will become subjects and slaves unto me, bow down before me, and call me your Master. Ergo, the Priests of England are the people's Lords. 3. I will be your Minister, provided you will not contradict me in what I preach and teach you, if you will believe as I believe, and teach you; or rather than this Article shall make a breach, they will get an Ordinance from the House of Lords, which will serve their turn to prevent any from objecting against their Orthodox Divinity, although never so human: O horrible impiety! Men may now preach lies by a Law. 4. And finally, I will be your Minister, provided that I may have my liberty to remove again when I see a call: which is like to be the next Parsonage tendered, wherein 10. or 20 li. per annum be augmented to his yearly maintenance: as the hired servant keeps himself at liberty for his own advantage, at the end of every year. Thus the bargain is made, and the condition is drawn, the Priests now with much comfort and alacrety, falls a preaching, for he knows to a penny what he hath coming in for every Sermon he makes. One thing by the way I cannot omit, which I have known: in case any one be so simple as to limit himself for thus much by the year, while he live, unto a people, they have a way to fetch him off again with credit as thus: refer it into the hands of a Jury of Divines (as they call them) although indeed but human, the simple people agree unto it; judging these men, if any, will be honest. This Jury of humans queries into the business, find that their brother hath engaged himself for life, perhaps for some 70 li. per annum, the more simple man he: Now within a year after, some 6 or 7 score is tendered, the conclusion it delivered in, he may lawfully suspend with his promise, and former engagement, being called unto another place. 1. There is more maintenance, the great Lord that draws; he is by the Scripture to provide for his own, or else he is worse than an infidel. 2. There are perhaps more Souls, and so more need of a Preaching Ministry, &c. And thus the man may lawfully remove, his brethren so determine it: And why? It possibly may be their own turn next; that this is truth: witness Master Swayn's at Tradbrook in Suffolk, (with others) thus the minor appears, that the Priests of England buy, that they may sell for advantage; therefore guilty of the sin of Simon Magus: so that the truth is, we have many Sir Simons amongst us, though under fair pretences and colours: only note one word by the way, wherein it will appear, that they exceed Simon in wickedness. 1. Simon would have bought the gifts of the spirit, that so he might have done something for his money: but these men buy human gifts instead of the spirit, and set up, and sell that, as if it were spirit. 2. Simon had good thoughts of the spirit, he would have bought it: but these cry down the spirit, calling it a spirit of giddiness, and its like they know no other spirit, but that which comes from Oxferd, or Cambridge: Horrible blasphemy against the spirit! Mat. 12. 3. Simon did only desire the spirit himself, not to limit it to himself, as those who know not what the spirit is, who would have none to have it but themselves: no fisherman, as Peter; or tentmaker, as Paul, &c. 4. And finally, Simon was made sensible of his sin, might repent for aught that any one knows; he desired the Apostle to pray for him: but the Simonists of our times are so far from repenting, that they still justify themselves in their wickedness, and I am afraid, it will be a very hard thing to recover many of them to repentance, unless when too late. A Third parallel. BETWEEN Them, and the artificial Merchandizing Tradesman. THe oneness between the artificial Tradesman and the Priests, will appear, these few things considered. The tradesman, before he attains his craft, or calling, must first be an Apprentice seven years, that so he may get understanding and art in his calling, for there is some mystery in every calling; therefore time is required for the understanding of it, which by the Law is not judged less than seven years. So it is with the Priest; he must, before he can be his craftsmaster, spend many years in the Schools, perhaps twice seven before he comes to maturity, at least, he had need be one seven years in the University, commonly called the schools of the Prophets, the nursery of piety, or rather of impiety and wickedness, the wellhead of Divinity, or rather humanity; and then by this time he hath gotten a pretty good head and hand, he is, its likely, able to make a sermon now and then, or else he must needs be a very dunce, for he hath a very dull head that cannot learn his trade in seven years; yet so it comes to pass among these men very often, as well as other tradesmen▪ some are more ready and handy in it than others, one can make two Sermons perhaps, while another can scarce make one: so it is with your shoemakers, tailors, or any other handicraftsman: and so like other tradesmen, they prove differently; some pretty honest in their way, others knaves, some drunkards, others sober, some whoremasters, others chaste, some more wise and crafty, others simple and foolish, and thus now their apprenticeship being expired, they are become Masters of Art. The second thing to be expected, is their freedom to set up their trade: so it is with the handicraftsman especially in the City of London, or other privilege places, for a small matter they are declared freemen of London. So it is with the priests, after they have served their apprenticeships, gained the Art of making a Sermon, and before two, some of them; they now must get their freedom, which is the approbation and ordination of some principle men of the same Art; thus it is with the tradesman, and thus it is with the Priests, that is, either the hands of the prelate, or some other prelatical, episcopal creatures, newly Anabaptizeed into the name of Presbyters, or CL Asses. 3. The tradesman having obtained his freedom, he now opens shop-windows, and sets himself to work: so likewise those Priests, they have their shops, (viz.) their studies full of good old books, Authors, Fathers, all expositures of Scripture, and they set themselves to work, search one Author, and another Author, and for the most part these are the fountains from whence they draw all: come to ask their judgement upon any text of Scripture, you must tarry till they have looked their expositors, and then they will tell you what their expositors say, whether it be true or false; for you must note, they are not infalliable, nor apostolical. 4. The tradesmen must have a time to make their wares, he cannot make them with his word, nor blow them together with the wind: the shoemaker must have his time to make his shoes, the tailor to make a garment, &c. and when it's made, it's made, & not before. So must these tradesmen of another nature have their times to make a Sermon, some a month, some two weeks, some one, some two or three in a week, when like to have good sale, but a time they must have to make it up, they cannot preach by the spirit, alas! they know not what it is, they are strangers unto it, they oppose it, this is that will throw down these Sermon-makers in conclusion; when poor tradesmen, cobblers, tailors, Tinkers, Plow men Carpenters, all sorts of men shall preach the everlasting Gospel, with so much light, life, and power, that will darken all the light of these Sermon-makers; and than none will buy their wares any more. 5. When the tradesman's ware is made, it is then fit for sale, and he hath his free market in his own town, he steps forth sometimes into other markets, that so he may vend his wares at the dearest rates, it is his liberty, and doubtless he may lawfully do it; and sometimes when he wants ware, he buys of another to fit his customers, that so he may keep his calling going: so it is likewise with our spiritual merchandizers when their Sermons are made, they have their market days to set them at sale, their Sunday or their Sabbath, the first day of the week: well might they, as I have heard them formerly, stir up people to come to their spiritual markets; for they sell all, and that at an excessive, excised rate too, and they have their change of markets, if it make for their advantage; they can sell one year perhaps for twenty shillings a Sermon, the next they have found a new market place, where they can sell it may be for 40 shillings or three pound a Sermon, than Sermon-making is worth something, a goodly trade: many Gentlemen of note and quality bring up their children to this craft; and they can besides this, break forth now and then a day into a new market, which adds unto the old store, for this they are sure, their own goes on at home, although themselves keep market in another place; and sometimes when necessity, or idleness drives them to it, they buy of other men, viz. Preach a Sermon of another man's, if the people know it not, it goes for currant, though sometimes they can read along with them as they preach, but I must confess this is something base. Thus it appears, that our spiritual Merchants run parallel with the temporal, and that Preaching is become a mere art amongst men; and truly they have their shops full of godly wares; by which they delude and deceive souls, John in Revel. 18. 11, 12. Opens their shops, or rather their pack, where he gives them the term of Merchants; and abundance of good ware there is, and they sell all, and the souls of men too. Quere. How may they be said to sell the souls of men? Answ. In that they own those to be Christians, which are no Christians, and those to be Churches, which are no Churches, for this very end, that they may enrich themselves; thus they sell souls, that is, delude and undo souls under the name of Christians for money; witness their readiness to sprinkle and cozen Infants, if their parents pay them tithes, else not: they sell the souls of men, for five or ten pound, they will forsake their cure of souls, as they call it, sell them for gain, be a shepherd to them this year, sell his Interest in them the next, go whither they will, he cares not, if he can get advantage: a very hireling, that do not only fly from his flock when danger comes, but sells his interest in them for gain, come what will come of them, he cares not; although it's confessed, it's better where they are not, then where they are, for there is some hopes of undeluding poor souls. Thus it evidently appears, that the artificial tradesman, and the Masters of Arts the Priests, run parallel together, as much spiritualness in the one as in the other; I mean in relation to their calling; although it's confessed that the first is lawful, the second, altogether earthly, sensual and devilish; only take notice of a word by the way, wherein it will appear, that the Art and trade of making and selling of Sermons, far exceeds all other arts and trades besides, and that in these following particulars. 1. In their Gentility, they are masters before ever they open their shops, or set up their trades. 2. In their sale, they usually have the highest markets, they often sell their Sermons (when cheapest) for an Angel; when one might buy as good in a bookseller's shop, and it may be a better for three pence, so that their ware comes usually to a good market, especially of late, except some poor ones, or Cavaliers, they it's like would be content with a reasonable market sometimes, but its like ere long that this trade of Sermon-selling will be very dead and low, so low; that they will stand weeping and crying alas! alas! for no man buys their wares any more; and how will their honour, housekeeping and hospitality go forwards then? 3. They have one great advantage more, they do not only meet with the dearest markets, but they can sell one Sermon diverse times, they can sell a Sermon, and yet keep him to make and sell twenty pair of sermons, and yet have never the less. Let any handicrafts man come forth and do the like, if they could, they might well enrich themselves: but was ever such a thing as this heard of? What, sell a thing, and keep a thing, and sell it again? Yea, and again too perhaps. Should I know a shoemaker sell shoes, and yet keep them, and sell them again, I would brand him for an arch cozener, or the like of any other calling. 4. Advantage, They can sell that which is not money nor ware, as the proverb is; so it be something it passes: a tradesman must sell that which is good, or else he shall be counted dishonest, and the buyer hath so much liberty as to try it, to look into the goodness of it, if he like it, he buys it, if not, he leaves it; but these Merchants have gotten an Ordinance to compel men to receive what they bring them, be it good or bad: Oh horrid wickedness! What, must we have it whether we will or no? You Merchants of London, stir up yourselves, get you such an Ordinance if you can, it must needs enrich you: What, sell all manner of stinking wares by a Law? And none durst question it? 5. They are Monopolizers too, they have gotten their patentees to monopolise all to themselves, none must sell, nay, none may give, when they sell; a wonderful way to enrich themselves, Was there ever such a thing as this heard of? What, to monopolise the gift of Preaching! Quere. Is not this against the liberty of the Subject? Answ. Yea, questionless. Quere. Have not the Parliament declared against it? Answ. Yea. Quere. Was it not one end of the Parliaments war to free the Subject from it? Answ. Yea, it was so pretended, and I suppose it was really intended. Quere. Are not Monopolizes and Monopolizers much more dangerous and dishonourable, in spiritual things then in temporal? Answ. Yea, For first, Herein the free operation of the spirit is as much as lieth in man prevented by it. Secondly, Poor ignorant English men are much aabused by it, who know not their liberty. Thirdly, the spiritual Merchants of the man of sin, the kingdom of Anti-christ, are enriched by it. Quere. Did the Parliament think they had made a Patentee, and the Priests Monopolizers, when they gave them that Ordinance, that none should preach but themselves? Answ. I suppose they did not, if they had, they could not have walked in a way so directly against their own principles, their own Declarations, and the Subjects liberty. Quere. May we not expect that the Parliament will call in this Patentee again? Answ. Yea, questionless, when they see the evil of it, and it is the subject's liberty to expect it; it is that for which they have adventured their lives, suffered the loss of their estates; and therefore it cannot but be a great bondage and burden unto the subjects, to see and feel the heavy yoke and bondage of Monopolizers yet remaining. However, God will take their Patentee from them, for the Saints must speak those things they have seen and heard; notwithstanding their engrossing all into their own hands: Thus have I briefly, and plainly discovered the carelessness and corruption of the Priests of England, notwithstanding their fair pretences, not scandalising their persons, but discovering their evil conditions, to that end that Englishmen might not be enslaved, especially in their spirits, unto such a generation, who alone seek themselves. Three queries Answered. QUaere 1. Was not the Jewish Priests and Levites typical: And did not they type forth the Ministry of the Gospel? Answ. It's true, they were typical, but they typed forth Christ, the great high-Priest of Saints, Hebr. 9 Not the Priests of these times. 2. They were a type of all the Saints in Christ, for Christ and the Saints are one, and all the Saints are the Lord's portion, an holy priesthood unto the Lord, 1 Pet. 2. no priesthood by office, but all the Saints are Priests. Quere. 2. Is it not necessary, seeing the gifts of the Spirit are lost, that there should be a getting of those gifts again by human industry, as Tongues, Arts, &c. Answ. 1. It is all one, as if a man should be so simple, as having lost a pearl, should instead thereof, buy a clod of dirt, a good satisfaction for such a loss; the gift of the Spirit being lost, get a little of the wisdom of man, which is but as dung, and dross in comparison of it; the wisdom of the flesh is death, Rom. 1. 6. 2. It's the Anointings of Anti-christ, the Spirit being lost, Antichrist sets up the wisdom of the flesh in room of it, for in all things Antichrist seeks to imitate Christ, as well in the flesh, as in the spirit. 3. The Saints are made partakers of the same Spirit the Apostles were; for if the spirit of Christ be not in you, ye are none of his; Christ is in you, else you are reprobates, if so, than no need of all this Humanity. 4. This Spirit of God manifest in the Saints, will discover and destroy this human spirit of Anti-christ; by things that are not in the world's eyes, will he bring to nought things that are. Quere. 3. If Ministers of the Gospel may not lawfully indent for maintenance for their Preaching, seeing the labourer is worthy of his hire, and he that provides not for his own is worse than an Infidel? Answ. 1. If Christ and his Apostles, or either of them did so, than they may, else not, Gal. 6. 2. If it stands with the fidelity of a servant to his master, else not: freely ye have received, freely give. 3. Christ hath undertaken to care for those that trust him, Luke 10. Matth. 6. Sixteen Queries of concernment, Propounded, with a desire of an Answer from those who can, or please. 1. IF ever the Lord made use of any as Ministers of his mind, unto the people, that were bread idle at Schools and Universities all the days of their lives, without a calling, as the Priests of England, but rather the contrary, as Moses a shepherd, Elisha a ploughman, David a shepherd, Amos a herdsman; Christ himself a Carpenter, Paul a tentmaker, Peter a fisherman? &c. 2. If ever Christ and his Apostles did get a Patentee, viz. an Ordinance from man to monopolise the gift of Preaching to themselves? 3. If ever Universities and Schools of human learning were in Scripture, called the fountains, or well-heads of Divinity? 4. Whether ever Christ and his Apostles did Indent with their hearers, what to have for preaching before they preached unto them? 5. Whether ever Christ and his Apostles built their Churches by human Authority? 6. Whether Christ and his Apostles did at any time gather the profane carnal men of the world into the Church, excluding the Saints, who out of tenderness and light, follow him? 7. Whether ever Christ and his Apostles deterred any from Preaching the Gospel, by the powers of the earth? 8. Whether ever Christ and his Apostles made use of these two great bugbears, so common in use with the Priests of England, to prevent the Saints from preaching the Gospel, and the world from hearing them, viz. 1. The approbation and ordination of the men of the earth. 2. Human learning, the language of the Beast, without which men are in their account altogether unmeet to meddle in the things of God? 9 Whether ever Christ and his Apostles first baptised, and then twenty or forty years after taught them faith? 10. Whether ever Christ and his Apostles deluded the World, viz. the ignorant and profane, with the name of Christians; when there was no such thing appeared? 11. If ever Christ or his Apostles had a hundred or two hundred pounds per annum for Preaching? 12. If ever Christ and his Apostles appropriated tithes to themselves for preaching? 13. If ever Christ and his Apostles did remove from one Parsonage to another? 14. If ever Christ and his Apostles did confirm the truth they delivered by the power of the Magistracy, Authors, Fathers, &c. 15. Whether the Spirit teaching be not sufficient in the things of God? 16. Whether it be not the work of Christ, and that which is to be expected in these later days, to overturn, overturn, overturn, all these things acted by men, contrary to his own mind? FINIS.