C R DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms By the King. A PROCLAMATION Requiring the putting in Execution the several Statutes made against the Importation of Iron-Wyer, Wooll-Cards, and other Manufactures made of Iron-Wyer; and for the Encouragement of the Manufactures of Iron-Wyer in this Kingdom. CHARLES R. WHereas by several Acts of Parliament made in the Third year of King Edward the Fourth, the First year of King Richard the Third, the Nine and thirtieth year of Queéns Elizabeth, and the Fourteénth year of His now Majesty's Reign, and other Statutes of this Kingdom, It is Enacted (amongst other things therein contained) That no Iron Thread (commonly called White Wyer) nor Cards for Wool, nor Card-Wyer, nor Iron-Wyer for making of Wooll-Cards, shall be Imported into this Kingdom (wherein the best Iron Thread or Wire is made;) And whereas by the Manufactures of making and drawing of Wyer, and of making Wooll-Cards, very many poor people and their Families have been employed and maintained, and the said Wooll-Cards are of great concernment to this Kingdom for the good making of Woollen Cloth; The Kings most Excellent Majesty therefore taking the Premises into his Princely consideration, and being sensible, that if the Importation of Foreign Wire, and other Manufactures aforesaid should be permitted, the same would tend not only to the destruction of the said Manufactures within His Dominions, and to the great prejudice of the ancient and profitable Trade of Clothing, and divers other Trades which do necessarily depend upon Iron Wyer, and the several Manufactures before specified, but also to the ruin of many hundreds of Families, whose sole livelihood consists therein, is graciously pleased for the preservation of the said useful Manufactures (which he is resolved to encourage) and for the good of his Subjects, by this His Royal Proclamation (with the Advice of his Privy Council) strictly to charge and command, That from henceforth no person or persons whatsoever, Natives, Denizens, Aliens, or others, do or shall Import, bring or convey, or cause to be Imported, brought or conveyed into any place or places within this His Realm of England, or Dominion of Wales, from or out of any part or place beyond the Seas, any of the said Foreign Wire or Wooll-Cards, or any other Manufactures made of Foreign Iron-Wyer, contrary to the Acts of Parliament aforesaid, or any of them, or any other Law or Statute of this Kingdom, upon pain of forfeiture thereof according to the said Statutes, one Moiety to His Majesty, and the other Moiety to him or them that shall Seize the same, or such other Penalties and Forfeitures as by the Laws of this Kingdom and his Majesty's Prerogative Royal may be inflicted upon the Offenders: And that under the like Penalties no old Iron-Wyer taken out of old Wooll-Cards, shall be put into new Leather or new Board's, and put to sale. And His Majesty doth strictly charge and command as well the Governors, Assistants, and Society of the City of London of and for the Mineral and Battery Works, as also the Commissioners, Farmers, and all other Officers whatsoever of His Majesty's Customs, and all other persons whatsoever, to Seize all such Foreign Wire and Commodities aforesaid as shall be Imported or Sold contrary to the said Statutes, and to this His Royal Proclamation, in whose hands soever the same shall be found: And that they and every of them be in all respects diligent and circumspect in the preventing the Importation of the several prohibited Commodities before specified, and in the discovering thereof when Imported, and that they make Seizure thereof according to Law, and cause the Offenders therein to be punished as to justice shall appertain. And His Majesty doth also hereby require all justices of the Peace, Mayor, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, Constables and other Officers whatsoever, to be aiding and assisting in all things touching the due execution of this His Majesty's Royal Proclamation from time to time as occasion shall require, as they will answer the contrary at their utmost peril. Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the Third day of May 1678. In the Thirtieth year of Our Reign. God save the King. LONDON, Printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1678.