THE Catechism OR, BRIEF INSTRUCTION In the Faith AND Order Of the Gospel. For the CHURCH of CHRIST. Meeting at Horsly-Down in Southwark. 1 JOHN II. I have written unto you Fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you Young Men, because ye are strong, and the Word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one: I have written unto you, Little Children, because your sins are forgiven you for his Name sake, and ye have known the Father. LONDON: Printed for the Use of the Church. 1700. THE CONTENTS OF THE Catechism. THIS Catechism contains Seven Lessons which by degrees lead into the Knowledge of the Truth as it is in JESUS: The First Lesson opens with a Discovery of God, that his Awe may be upon the Heart: The Second Lesson speaks of the Decrees of God, and his Creation, that in some measure they may be understood: Afterwards The Third Lesson makes known the Fall of Man, with the Bitter Fruits of it, to humble and abase the heart before God; And then in The Fourth Lesson, Comfort is administered from the Glad Tidings of Redemption by the Person of Christ: And that this Salvation may not only be heard of, but felt The Fifth Lesson explains the Manner of the Application of this Redemption by Faith to the Soul; which savingly experienced, will draw forth Desires to understand The Sixth Lesson, In which the good Old Law and Gospel of God are briefly cleared up, and distinguished; the good knowledge whereof will lead down to The Seventh and last Lesson, containing some Light about The great Duty of glorifying God in his Churches, which hereafter (if God will) may be more fully Explained: This great Duty all Christians should covet to understand, since in the Church only can they give most Glory to Christ, and partake most of his Glory in this Life; And through these Gates of Heaven, upright Souls have an abundant Entrance administered to them into the Eternal Joy of their Lord and Master; with a brief Account whereof the Catechism concludes. The Former Part of the Catechism contains those Truths that are more generally received, which are given in shorter Lessons, and shorter Answers, as Milk for Babes: By the good Digestion of which the Capacity will be enlarged to receive the Truths that follow, which are contained in larger Lessons, and longer Answers, that the Truth might be kept in an entire Proposition, and not mangled by many Questions; and for this there was a more special Necessity in the instruction about glorifying God in his Churches; Which is the strong meat belonging to them that are of more full age, who by reason of Use have their Senses exercise to discern both good and evil: Upon this strong man the spiritual man will hearty feed; for only Babes 〈◊〉 carnal feed altogether upon Milk. The First Lesso n. Of GOD. Question 1. WHAT are You? Answer. By Nature I am a poor lost Sinner against God. Rom. 3.9, to 20. Eph. Question 2. What is God? Answer. GOD is the Eternal, John 4.24. Rom. 1.20. Isa. 44.24. Dan. 4.35. 1 Tim. 6.16. Almighty Spirit, who made All things by His Power, and orders All things by his Providence, whom no Man hath seen, or can see. Question 3. How then shall we know God? Answer. Rom. 1.19, 20. Psal. 19 all. Psal. 138.2. GOD is known partly by conscience within us; and by his Works without us; But more fully by his Written Word. Question 4. How shall we know God Conscience within us? Answer. GOD hath shown all Men somewhat of Himself by Natural Reason, Rom. 2.14, 15. Prov. 20.27. Rom. 1.21. and Conscience within them; witnessing ●ho darkly) that there is a Just and ●oly God. Question 5. How do the Works of God make him known? Answer. Psalm 8. all. Jer. 10.12. Acts 14.17. Rom. 1.20. The Heavens, the Earth, the Seas, and all things therein, show forth the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of GOD the Maker of all, so that All are without Excuse. Question 6. How doth the Written Word reveal God more clearly? Answer. 1 John 5.7. Isa. 43.10, 11. 1 Thess. 1.9. Psal. 83.18. & Psal. 96.5. 1 Cor. 8.4.6. The Written Word of God reveals, That there are Three in Heaven, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and these Three are One Living and True GOD, whose Name alone is JEHOVAH, and all other Gods are Idols. Question 7. How can it be that there are Three Persons in the Godhead, and yet but ONE God? Answer. Job 11.7,, 23, 24. Prov. 30.4, 5. 'Tis impossible for any Man to comprehend the unsearchable Mystery of the Trinity in Unity, or Three Persons in the Godhead: We should therefore readily believe whatsoever GOD reveals of Himself in His Word, since none in all his Creation can find him out to Perfection! 2 Chro. 20.20. The Second Lesson About the Decrees and Creation. Question 1. WHY did God create all things? Answer. GOD the Father, Son, Isa. 57.15. 1 Tim. 6.16. Col. 1.16. Rev. 4.11. and Holy Spirit, Blessed and Happy in the Enjoyment of Himself from all Eternity, Decreed to Create all things, to show forth his Glory in Christ Jesus. Question 2. What are God's Eternal Decrees? Answer. Acts Isa. GOD's Eternal Decrees are his Purpose, and his Counsel in himself, before any thing was, fore-ordaining all Persons and Things that ever should be. Question 3. When did God make all things? Answer. Gen. 1.1.9, 10, 31. In the beginning God created the Heaven, the Earth, the Seas, and all things therein in Six Days. Question 4. Of what did God make all things? Answer. Job 26.7. Heb. 11.3. GOD made all things of Nothing, so that the things which are seen, were not made of things which do appear. Question 5. How did God create all things? Answer. John 1.3. Heb. 1.2, 10. Col. 1.16. GOD created all things by his Son Jesus Christ, whom he appointed Lord and Heir of all. Question. 6. In what State did God make all things? Answer. Gen. 1.27.31. Eccl. 7.29. GOD made Angels and Man, and all things very good. Question 7. What are Angels? Answer. Heb. 1.7.14. Psal. Angels are Ministering Spirits, mighty in Strength, to wait about the Throne of GOD, and to do all his Commands. Question 8. What Creature is Man? Answer. GOD formed Man of the Dust of the ground, Gen. 2.7. Matth. 10.28. Gen. 1.27. Eccl. 7.29. Gen. 3.20. and gave him an immortal Soul; so God created Man in his own Image, upright, Male and Female Created he them, and they were called Adam and Eve. Question 9 What did God do with Man when he made him? Answer. The Lord God took Man, and put him into the Garden of Eden, Gen. 2.8.16, 17 and gave him a Law * Note, 'Twas a Law given to Man, not a Covenant of Works made with Man. , forbidding him to eat of the Tree of Knowledge; for in the day he eat thereof he should surely die. The Third Lesson. About the Fall, and the Fruits of it. Question 1. HOW long did Man continue Upright? Answer. Man that was in Honour, Ps. 49.12. Heb. Gen. 3.6. Eccl. 7.29. abode not for a Night, but by sinning against God, self from his Innocency and Uprightness. Question 2, How came Man to fall by Sin? Answer. Man being left to the Freedom of his own Will, Goe 3.6, 7, 8, 13 fell into Sin through the Temptation of that old Serpent, John 8.44. the Devil, in transgressing the Law given him by God. Question 3. What Creature is the Devil? Answer. The Devil was once an Angel of Light, but rebelling against GOD, Job 4.18. 2 Pet. 2.4. Judas 6. 1 Tim. 3.6. 1 Pet. 5.8. and drawing other Angels with him, they were all condemned into Hell for their Pride; and now these Devils go about as roaring Lions seeking whom they may devour. Question 4. What was that Sin by which the Devil tempted Man to fall from God? Answer. The Devil in the Serpent tempted the Woman to eat of the forbidden fruit, Gen. 3.1. to 7. 1 Tim. 2.14. 2 Cor. 11.3. and She, being first deceived, tempted her Husband to eat with her, by which they both fell from God. Question 5. What followed Man's falling from God? Answer. Adam and Eve falling from GOD, Gen. Rom. received the Sentence of Death, that is, dreadful Misery to themselves, to their Posterity, and to all the Creation subjected to them. Question 6. What special Misery came on Adam and Eve by the Fall? Answer. Assoon as Adam and Eve fell they died spiritually, Rom. 3.24. Gen. 3.7, that is, they lost the Image of GOD in their Souls, and they saw that they were Naked, or exposed to all manner of Death, and were driven out of Paradise. Question 7. What Misery came on Adam's Posterity by his Fall? Answer. 1 Co. 15.21, 22 Rom. 5.12, 14, 17, 18. All Mankind being the Sons and Daughters of Adam, and in his Loins, sinned in him, and so Death passed upon them all, therefore all are born in spiritual Death, under the Sentence of eternal Death, and undergo the natural death of the Body. Question 8. I find then that the death of the Body is the fruit of Sin; But what is that spiritual Death all are born in? Answer. The spiritual death all are born in, Rom. 3.9, 19 Psal. 51.5. Rom. 3.10, 14. Ephes. 4.18. Titus 1.15. Zech. 7.12. Titus 3.3. Psalm 58.3. is the loss of God's Image in the Soul, all being conceived in Sin, and born without any Righteousness, full of all evil, having their minds blinded, their Consciences defiled, their Hearts hardened, their Wills corrupted, their Affections perverted, and going astray from the Womb; and all this is called Original Sin. Question 9 What is that Eternal Death to which all are exposed? Answer. Rom. 3.9. with 6.23. Rom. 5.12, 14. Isa. 1.9. Rom., 7. 1 Thess. 5.9. All the Children of Adam by Nature are born under the Sentence of Eternal Death, which is, being separated from GOD for ever in Hell; this all deserve, and would feel, if the Lord had not chosen in Christ a remnant, to escape the Wrath to come. Question 10. What Misery came on the rest of the Creation by Adam's Fall? Answer. The Ground was cursed for Adam's sake, Gen. 3.17, 18. Rom. 8.20, 22. and so brings forth Briars and Thorns; yea, because of this the whole Creation groaneth. Question 11. Can any Man help himself out of this miserable State? Answer. There is no Man can by any Means redeem his own Soul, Psal. 49.7, 8. Hosea 13.9. nor give to GOD a Ransom for himself, or for any of the Creation from this dreadful Misery. The Fourth Lesson About Redemption by the Person of CHRIST. Question 1. DID God leave all Men in this miserable condition to perish for ever? Answer. GOD did not leave all Men to perish in their Misery, Gen. 3.8, 15. with Heb. 2.14, 16. but presently upon Adam's Fall, revealed to him Salvation by Jesus Christ, the Seed of the Woman. Question 2. Who is Jesus Christ? Answer. Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son of God, John 3.16. 1 Tim. 3.16. Matth. 1.21, 23 God and Man in One Person, the only Saviour of Sinners. Question 3. How can Jesus Christ be God and Man in One Person? Answer. This is the great Mystery of Godliness, 1 Tim. 3.16. Heb. Matth. 1.23. that Jesus Christ being Very God took on him the Nature of Man, yet without Sin, and so in One Person is both God and Man. Question 4. How did Jesus Christ the Son of God take our Nature upon him? Answer, Luke 1.35. Matth. The Holy Spirit overshadowing the Virgin Mary, she conceived, and that Holy Thing that was Born of her in Bethlehem in Judea, Luke 1.32. was Jesus Christ the Son of the Most High God Question 5. Why was Jesus Christ Born into the World? Answer. Jesus Christ came into the World to save Sinners, 1 Tim. as being Mediator between God and Men. Question 6. How doth Jesus Chrisi save Sinners? Answer. Jesus Christ saves Sinners freely by his Grace, Ephes. 2.8. Titus 3.4, 5. 2 Tim. 1.9. Isa. 52.3. Heb. 7.24, 25. Acts 3.20, 26. Psalm 110. all and 2.2, 6. without any Conditions or Qualifications done by them, he being the only Priest to atone for them, by the Sacrifice of himself; the true Prophet to teach them by his Word and Spirit; by which also as King he Rules them. Question 7. How is Jesus Christ Mediator between God and Men? Answer. Jesus Christ is the Mediator between God and Men, Heb. 9.14, 15. Eph. 2.13, 16. as he makes up the Breach between an offended God, and offending Men, according to the Everlasting Covenant of Grace. Question 8. What is the Everlasting Covenant of Grace? Answer. The Covenant of Grace is the Eternal Agreement of the Father with the Son, Psal. 89.3.28 to 38. Isa. 53.10, 11. Psal. 40.6, 8. in which the Father on the part of the Godhead promised to the Son, Eternal Life for all the Elect, upon his performing all Conditions, Isa. 26.12. for and in them that shall be saved. Question 9 But is not the Covenant of Grace made with Men? Answer. The Covenant of Grace is made only with Jesus Christ as the Head and Representative of the Elect, Zeeh. 9.11. Isa. 42.6. Eph. 1.10. Isa. 55.1, 3. Ezek. 16.6. Psal. 50.5. Jer. 31.31, 33. Heb. 8.6, 13. to whom, when they believe, 'tis made over as a Promise in a gracious Church-Covenant; founded upon it, and made with the Saints before Christ came in the flesh; and since by him renewed to the Church, and their Seed; which is called the first and second Covenant. Question 10. But are not Men to perform some of the Conditions of the Covenant of Grace? Answer. No Man can perform any one Condition of the Covenant for Salvation; 2 Cor. 3.5. Isa. 26.12. Phil. 2.13. Eph. 2.8. 2 Tim. 1.1. 1 Cor. 11.25. Isa. Jesus Christ doth all for his People that procures their Salvation, and all in them to make them lay hold of this Salvation, and so gives the Covenant of Grace, as a Free Promise, or Testament to them in his Blood, therefore he is called the Covenant. Question 11. How doth Jesus Christ according to the Covenant of Grace, make up the Breach between God and Man? Answer. Heb. 7.22. 2 Cor. 5.21. Jesus Christ makes up the Breach between God and Man as his People's Surety in their Stead; being made under the Law, obeying it perfectly in his Life, Gal. 4.4, 5. Matth. 5.17. Gal. 3.13. 1 Cor. 15.3, 4. Rom. 1.3, 4. and 4.25. and dying the shameful Death of the Cross under the Curse of it, and rising again the Third Day, he so fulfilled all Conditions of Life, and Salvation for them. Question 12. Why was it needful that Jesus Christ should be God and Man to make up this Breach? Answer. It was needful that Christ should be Man to obey the Law, Heb. 2.14, 16. and die under its Curse in the same Nature that sinned; and also God, to support him under, Acts 20.28. and give a value to all that he did, and suffered for the Salvation of his People. Question 13. Is there no Salvation to be had but by Jesus Christ God-Man? Answer. There is no Salvation in any other but Jesus Christ; Acts 4.12. Isa. 43.11. Rom. 4.25. for there is none other Name under Heaven given among Men, whereby we must be saved but by Jesus Christ, who died for our Sins, and rose again for our Justification! The Fifth Lesson. About the Application of Redemption. Question 1. WILL Jesus Christ save all Men? Answer. Jesus Christ so saves all the World from present destruction, Psal. 36.6. with 1 Tim. 4.10. Heb. 2.9, 10. Rom. 9.27. 1 Tim. 4, 10. that all men have some outward Benefits by his Ransom; but he doth only save a certain number from Eternal Death, whence he is said specially to save them that believe. Question 2. Who are those that Jesus Christ will save from Eternal Death? Answer. Jesus Christ saves none from Eternal Death but the Elect, Joh. 17.2, 9, 12, 19 Rom. 11.5, 7. 2 Thess. 2.11, 14. those that were chosen to Salvation before the foundation of the World; the rest die in their Sins and are damned, notwithstanding all the good things they enjoy in this life by Christ. Luke. 16.25. Question 3. How comes it that only some are elected? Answer. It pleased God of his own Will, Ephes. 4.5, 11. Rom. 9.11. to 24. Prov. 16.4. 1 Pet. 2.8, 9 for the manifestation of his glory to choose some to everlasting life, and to appoint others to Condemnation, nor doth he give any other account of his do, Judas 4. Job 33.13. but his own Sovereign Will and Pleasure. Question 4. But did not God choose the Elect for some good he saw in them more than in the rest? Answer. There could be no more good foreseen in the Creature than what God did fore-ordain; 2 Tim. 1.9. therefore God chose not ●●y for foreseen good in them; Rom. 9.18. Matth. 20.15. Job but he had Mercy on whom he would have Mercy, and whom he would he hardened; and who may say to him what dost thou? Question 5. What difference then is here between the Elect and others, that we may know them? Answer, There is no difference between the Elect and others by Nature, Rom. 3.9. Gal. 3.10 22.23, 24. and are alike the Children of Wrath, under Sin, shut up under the Law till Faith comes; Rom. 11.5, 6. 1 Cor. 4.7. Gal. the difference is made only by Grace, which causeth the Elect in the time appointed to believe in Christ, that they may be justified by Faith in him. Question 6. But if I am Elect, may I not live as I will, and yet be saved? Answer. All that are elected to Salvation, are elected also to the Means of Salvation, 2 Thess. 2.13. 1 Pet. 1.2. being chose to be saved 〈◊〉 Faith in Christ, and Sanctification of the Spirit unto Obedience, which Faith all the Elect shall have to purify their hearts, Rom. 6.17, 18. Acts 15.9, 11. Rom. 8.1.14. so that they cannot live after the flesh! Question 7, Are the Elect then saved for their Faith and Obedience? Answer. The Elect are not saved for their Faith and Obedience, Titus 3.5. Eph. 2.8, 9, 10. Rom. 8.6, 14. Joh. but they are saved through Faith in Christ in a way of Obedience unto him; and whosoever live all their life as they list, and do never come to Christ by Faith, nor obey him, they are not elected, and can never be saved! Question 8. But are none saved without Faith in Christ? Answer. GOD hath appointed only one way of Salvation, John 3.18.36. Eph. 2.5.8. Gal. 3.22.24. Acts 13.39, 48 2 Sam. 12.23. Psal. 22.9, 10.71.5, 6. Luke Rom. 4.16. Heb. 11.6. and that is by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ; so that without, or before Faith, none are justified; even the Elect that die in their infancy, have Faith wroed in them by the Spirit of GOD, by which they trust in Christ; and all that do not thus come to Christ by true Faith, being already condemned, the Wrath of God abideth on them. Question 9 How did the Elect of Old come to Christ before he was born in the World? Answer. The Elect of Old came to Christ, Heb. 13.8. Acts 15.9, 11. and were saved by faith in him even as we are now, Rom. Heb. only they believed in Christ as to come, and we believe in Christ as already come, and now in Heaven at the Right Hand of God, where he ever liveth to make Intercession. Question 10. What is that Faith by which we come to Christ? Answer. Faith is a Grace wroed by the Spirit of GOD through his Word, 2 Cor. 4.17. Rom. 10.10, 17 1 Thes. 1.5, 9 Phil. 3.3, 8. Eph. Joh. 17.20, 21. 1 John 5.12. in the heart of a poor Sinner, by which the Sinner is made to renounce all Sin, and other Confidence, and to trust to, and rest upon Christ alone for Salvation, whereby he is united to Christ, and so having the Son hath Life. Question 11. What accompanies the Souls believing in Christ? Answer. Every one that believes in Christ with the heart is effectually called by the Spirit of Christ, 1 Cor. 1.9. 2 Tim. 1.9. John 1.12 Gal. 3.26. Rom. and so is by Faith a Child of God, justified, adopted, sanctify'd, and shall be glorified. Question 12. How is a Sinner justified, what's Justification? Answer. In Justification the Righteousness of Christ is by the Free Grace of God imputed to the believing Sinner, Rom. 3.21. to 27 4.23, 24. Gal., 23. Acts 13.38, 39 2 Cor. 5.21. Isa. 60.21. Rom. 5.1.19. and only to him that believes, for which Suretiship-Righteousness all his Sins are pardoned, and he is accounted perfectly righteous in the sight of God; and so being justified by faith, hath Peace with GOD. Question 13. How are we Adopted, what is Adoption? Answer. In Adoption GOD by his free Grace takes the poor Sinner out of the sinful Family of the First Adam, Acts 26.18. Rom. 8.15.17. Gal. 4.7. John 1.12. 1 John 3.1, 2. Matth. 3.17. 1 Cor. 3.21, 23 and makes him a Child of God, and Joint-heir with Christ the Second Adam, his wellbeloved Son, in whom he hath a right to all the Privileges of the Sons of GOD. Question 14. How are Believers sanctified, what is Sanctification? Answer, Rom. 8.29. Eph. 4.23 24. 2 Cor. 5.17. 1 Joh. 4.19. 2 Cor. 7.11. Ezek. 36.31. Rom. 6.17, 21, 22. In Sanctification the Holy Spirit restores the Image of GOD in the heart of a poor Sinner, making him a New Creature, renewing the Spirit of his Mind in all Holiness, and true Righteousness, to love God, to repent of all Sin by loathing it, and turning from it; and with the heart to obey the Law of God. Question 15. When are Believers glorified, what's Glorification? Answer; Glorification is the enjoyment of God for ever in Heaven, by them who have in this life done his holy will, John 17.5, 24. Acts 13.36. 2 Cor. 5.1, 2, 4. Heb. 2.10. 1 Cor. 15 chap. Phil. 3.21. Matth. 25.34. etc. 1 Thess. 4.17. whose Souls at death are made perfect in Holiness, and their bodies being raised in Glory at the great day, both Soul and Body shall be united, and they being openly acknowledged by Christ, shall be for ever with the Lord! The Sixth Lesson. About the Law, and the Gospel. Question 1. HOW shall we know the whole Will of God, that we may do it? Answer. The whole Will of God is revealed in his written Word, Hos. 8.12. Isa. 8.20. Eph. 2.20 1 Tim. 4.7. Tit. 1.14. Gal. 6.16. 2 Tim. 3.15.17. containing all the Books of the Old and New Testament; the Apocrypha being to be rejected as profane, Old Wives Fables, which turn from the Truth: This Word is the perfect Rule, or Canon, which is able to make even a Child wise unto Salvation, through Faith which is in Jesus Christ. Question 2. Why are the Scriptures called the Old and the New Testament? Answer. The Scriptures are called the Old and New Testament, as they testify of the whole Will of God, Isa. 8.20. both under the first Testament, Heb. 8.6. to 13. or Church-Covenant, before Christ came in the Flesh, and since under the Second Testament, or Church-Covenant, enlarged and renewed by Christ, wherein, 1st, Col. 2.14. All the outward Levitical Ceremonies in the first Church-Covenant are taken away. 2dly, Rom. 15.8. Yet all their Spiritual Privileges in that Covenant are confirmed to us and our Seed. 3dly, 2 Cor. 3.7, 11. And glorious Additions are made of Gospel-Grace to the Church. Question 3. How shall we know the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God? Answer. Mat. 16.17. John 16.3. 1 John 2.20. ch. 5.6. Luke 24.32. 1 Cor. 2.14. 2 Pet. 1.19.21. The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are only known aright to be the Word of God, by the witnessing of the Spirit of God in the Heart, to the Testimony which they give of their heavenly Majesty, and undoubted Divinity. Question 4. How shall we come to understand the Mind of God in his Word? Answer. 1 Tim. 4.13.15. Acts 37.11. John 5.39. Ps. 119.9, 18. Eph. 1.17, 18. 1 Cor. 2.12, 13. We shall come to a right Understanding of the Mind of God in his Word, by diligent reading, hearing searching, and meditating therein, will constant Prayer to God for Wisdom comparing Scripture with Scripture by the help of the Holy Spirit. Question 5. But will not the Learning of Men help to understand the Word of God? Answer. A knowledge of the Hebrew, and the Greek Tongues, in which the Scriptures were first written, may be of use to understand the Letter of them; Col. 2.8. 1 Cor. 8.1, 2. ch. 1.19, 21. ch. 2.4, 10, 11. Luke 24.45. but Philosophy, and other Learning puffs up, and leads from a dependence on the Spirit, who only can open our Understanding in the Scriptures. Question 6. What are the chief Parts of the Word of God? Answer. The whole Word of God may be divided into Law and Gospel, Isa. 8.20. with 1 Cor. 2.1. Luke 24.27. with Act. 10.43 Gal. 3.8, 10. Psal. 119.96. both which are to be found both in the Old Testament, and in the New; the Historical, and every other part of the Word referring, and having a respect some way or other, either to Law or Gospel. Question 7. What is the Law? Answer. The Law consists of all the Commands and Threaten in all the Bible, Psal. 119.96. 1 Tim. 1.8, 9.10. Gal. 3.10. Exod. 20. all. Mat. 5, 6, and 7 chap. not only in the Old Testament, but in the New also, all which are briefly summed up in the Ten Commandments given by Moses, and explained by Christ, his Apostles, and Prophets. Question 8. What is the Sum of the Ten Commandments? Answer. The Ten Commandments briefly sum up our Duty to God and Man; Eccles. 12.13, Deut. 10.12, 13. with Mat. 22.37, 38, 39, 40. Rom. 13.10. all which are contained in these Words of our Saviour, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, and with all thy Soul, and with all thy Mind, and with all thy Strength; and thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thyself; for Love is the fulfilling of the Law. Question 9 How shall we aright understand the Ten Commandments? Answer. By knowing these three Things we may come to a good Understanding of the Commands: 1st, Psal. 119.128. Deut. 6.13. with Leu. 26.1. That every Command for Duty forbids the contrary Sin, and every Command which forbids Sin, obliges to the contrary Duty. 2. By knowing that every Command reacheth the very Heart, Rom. 7.5, 7, 8, 14. Mat. 5.21, 22, 27, 28. Prov. 24.9. Gen. 6.5. 2 Cor. 10.5. not only forbidding the outward Sin, and commanding outward Obedience, but even the Thoughts and Motions of Sin within us are forbidden, and the Obedience of the Heart is required therein. 3. By considering that any Transgression of the Law, 1 John 3.4. James 2.10. Mat. 23.23. or the least want of whatsoever the Law requires is Sin. Question 10. Can any Man obey the Commandments perfectly? Answer. Those that think the Law forbids only outward Sins, Mat. 19, 20. Rom. 7.9, 10, 11. and know not the Spirituality of it, they think that they can perform all; but such as feel that the Command reacheth the very Heart, Jer. 4.14. Prov. 23.16. Rom. 3.10, 20. Eccl. 7.20. forbidding every sinful Thought, and commanding us even in our Spirit to fear God, they know, and are sure, that no mere Man can perfectly keep the Law. Question 11. Why then were the Commands given by Moses, if no Man can perfectly obey them? Answer. Moses did not give the Law as a Covenant of Works, that we should obey it for Life, Gal. 3.24. but as a Schoolmaster for Three Ends: 1st, To show us our miserable State by Nature, Rom. 3.9, 19 chap. 7.8. that we are all Sinners against the holy Law of God. 2. To make us despair of Salvation in ourselves, Rom. 3.19, 20. chap. 5.20. and to fly to Christ for help. 3. The Law was given as a Rule of Life, Psal. 119.45, 105, 133. to order all our Conversation by at all times. And this is the only right Use of the Law. 1 Tim. 1.8. Question 12. What is the Gospel? Answer. Luke 2.10.11. Acts 20.24. Rom. 10.15. with Isa. 52.7. Acts 13.23, 39 chap. 3.18. The Gospel is the Glad Tidings of Salvation by Jesus Christ, containing all the free Promises and Invitations of Grace, whether in the Old Testament, or in the New. Question 13. But are not Faith, Repentance, and Love, the Commands of the Gospel? Answer. Acts 20.24. 1 Tim. 1.5.10. Psal. 19.7, 8, 9 Mat. 22.37, 40. Mark 1.15. Gal. 3.24. The Gospel strictly taken for Glad Tidings of Salvation by Jesus Christ, hath no Commands; Faith, Repentance, Love, and all Duties whatsoever being commanded by the Law; yet in preaching the Gospel these Commands must be urged to lead to Christ. Question 14. But is not the Gospel a new Law, offering Salvation on the easier Terms of our sincere Obedience? Answer. Mat. 5.17, 18, 19, 20, Luke 16.17. Phil. 3.9. Gal. 2.16, 21. It is the Heresy of the Papists, and their Followers, to say, that the good old righteous Law of God is taken away, to make room for a new Gospel Law by our sincere Obedience whereto any can be saved; for if Righteousness comes by our Obedience to any Law, Christ is dead in vain. Question 15. But are not Faith, Repentance, and New Obedience reckoned for our Gospel Righteousness. Answer. Gal. 2.16. Rom. 3.20, 21, 22. Jer. 23.6. 1 Cor. 1.30. 2 Cor. 7.11. Eph. 4.22, 24. The only Righteousness for which a Sinner is saved, is the Righteousness of Christ received by Faith, and imputed to us; the Act of Faith doth not justify, but Christ the Object by Faith apprehended, and rested upon; and this Faith is ever accompanied with true Repentance, and new Obedience. Question 16. Then those that receive the Gospel, are to do good Works? Answer. Those that receive the Gospel, Tit. 2.11, 12.3.8, 14. 1 Cor. 10.31. 1 Tim. 1.5, 8, 9 Rom. 7.12, 22. 1 Cor. 9.21. Mat. 5.19. should be careful to maintain good Works, done from a Principle of Faith unto God's Glory; but all Commands for all good Works, with all Threaten for the neglect thereof, are from the Law, which is the Rule of Life to all. Question 17. How shall we walk according to this Rule, that we may glorify God? Answer. Christ hath set up his Churches, 1 Pet. 2.3, 5, 9, 12. Luke 1.6. Mat. 12.50. Acts Gal. 6.16. Mal. 4.4. 2 Cor. 9.13. in which we should walk blameless in all the Ordinances and Commands of God, not being partial in his Law, but esteeming the Commands as highly in the Old Testament as in the New, both being our Rule; and such only are called Christians in the Scripture, and to be accounted visible Believers, who profess their Subjection to Christ in his Church. The Seventh Lesson. About Glorifying God in his Churches. Question 1. WHat is the Church of Christ? Answer. The Church of Christ is either, 1st, The Catholic Church, Eph. 1.22, 23.5.25, 27. 2 Thes. 2.1. consisting of all, and only the Elect, which is and will be invisible till the Judgment-Day: Or 2dly, The visible Church, which consisted first in Families, Gen. 17.7, 10. Acts 7.38. Rev. 1.11. then in the whole Nation of the Jews; and since Christ ascended, it consists in particular Congregations. Question 2. What makes a Congregation a true Church of Christ? Answer. More generally, and briefly two Things go to the due Constitution of every Church of Christ, Scripture Faith, Col. 2.5, 6. and Order, without both which there can be no true Church: But more largely, and particularly, to the regular Constitution of every true Church, these * Prov. 9.1. These are the Churches Seven Pillars. Seven things are necessary: Right Foundation, Matter, Form, Officers, Ordinances, Order, and Ends. SECT. I. Of the Right Foundation of a Church. Question 3. What is the Right Foundation of a Church of Christ? Answer. The right Foundation of every true Church, Mat. 16.18. Isa. 26.4. Marg. Eph. 2.20. 2 Pet. 3.2. P s 18.2 2. Col. 2.19. 1 Pet. 2.4.5. 1 Cor. 3.11. is the Person of Christ, the Rock of Ages, on whom the Church is built, according to the Precepts and Practices of the Apostles and Prophets; Christ himself being the only Support and Head thereof, on whom the Faith of the Church stands; and all other Foundations of Money, Power, and Policy, not being of God, will fall. SECT. II. Of the right Matter of a Church. Question 4. What is the right Matter of a Church of Christ? Answer. Rom. 10.9, 10. 1 Cor. Jer. 32.39. Deut. 29.10, 12. 1 Cor. 14.23. and 11.20. Deut. 4.37. Psal. 102.27, 28. Ezek. 16.20, 21. Luke 18.16. So many professing Believers of one Mind, and one Judgement, with their immediate Infant-Seed, as can conveniently assemble together to worship in one place, and no more, are the only right Matter of a visible Church of God; who loving the Fathers, chose their Children after them; therefore the Infant-Seed, with Believers, stand in a Relation to God in his Church; for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. SECT. III. Of the Right Form of a Church. Quest. 5. What is the right Form of a Church of Christ? Answer. Psal. 50.5. Deut. 29.1, 9, 15. 2 Cor. 8.5. with 2 Chron. 23.16. and 34.31. The only right forming of a Church is by Covenant, in which all do give up themselves and their Children to the Lord, and to each other by his Will, to be the Lord's People, and to walk after him in all his ways; by such a Covenant were the Churches both in the Old and in the New Testament formed, Neh. 10.1, 29. with Act 11.23. Jer. 50.5. with Act. 9.26. Heb. 8.6.13. Eph. 4.3. with Ezek. 20.37. Neh. 9.38. Ezek. 43.11. called in God's Word the First and Second Covenant, and this being the Bond of the Church's Peace, it is most expedient to have written in our sight, that we may keep it, and do it. SECT. iv Of the right Officers of a Church. Quest. 6. Who are the right Officers of a Church of Christ? Answer. Christ hath appointed for each Church only two sorts of Officers, Phil. 1.1. A Pastor, Deacon. and 1st, A Pastor, Eph. 4.11. 1 Pet. 5.2.3. Acts 20.28. 1 Cor. 12.28. or Bishop, not to Lord over, but to feed, teach, and rule that Flock to which he is related assisted in his Work by Elders, if need be. 2d, Deacons to take Care of the outward Affairs of the Church. Acts 6.2, 3. 1 Tim. 3. all. These Officers to be chosen by the Church from among themselves, Acts 14.23. and by them to be ordained, or set a part to their Work, with Fasting and Praying; without laying on of Hands; Profit not. 1 Cor. 12.7. Edify not. 1 Cor. 14.12, 26 that Ceremony being no more to be used, than washing of Feet, or anointing with Oil; because the glorious Gifts that once attended it, are long since ceased. SECT. V Of the Right Ordinances of a Church. Question 7. What are the Right Ordinances of a Church of Christ? Answer. Typifyed Ezek. 40.39, 40, 41, 42. chap. 46.3. Ezek. 47.12. The Right Ordinances for the Worship of GOD in the Church are Eight; Four being more general, to be dispensed every first day of the Week, in which all may join; And four more special, to be confined to, or kept within the pale of the Church, and dispensed according to the Months. Question 8. What are the Four general Ordinances in which all may join? Answer. The Four general Ordinances are Praise, Prayer, Preaching, And Contribution. 1st. Praise, Psal. 150.6. Eph. 5.19. Col. 3.16. By singing only the Psalms, Hymns and Songs indicted by the Spirit, and contained in the Scripture. 2. Prayer By the help of the Spirit, without humane forms, Psalm 65.2. Rom. 8.26. Matth. 6.7, 9 according to the Pattern given by our Lord to his Disciples. 3. Preaching By rightly dividing, 2 Tim. 4.2. Acts 28.23. expounding and applying the Scriptures of Truth. 4. Contribution By laying by in Store, 1 Cor. 16.1, 3. Heb. 13.16. as God prospers each Week, to be Communicated at the Public Gatherings. Question 9 What are the Four special Ordinances confined only to the Church? Answer. The four special Ordinances confined by Christ within the Pale of his Church, Matth. 7.6. Cant. 4.12. Matth. 16.19. Eph. 4.11, 16. typifyed Eze. 46.21, 24 Acts 20.28. 1 Pet. 5.2. are the Two Seals called Sacraments; and the Two Keys of the Church; the Seals to be dispensed to each Church by their own Pastor only and the Keys by their own Pastor or Elders. Question 10. What are the Seals of the Church? Answer. The Seals of the Church are Two Baptism, And the Lords Supper. 1st. Baptism for every Believer or Church-Member, Act. 2.39, 41. chap. 16.15, 33. Isa. 44.3. Rev. 14.1. Matth. 28.19. with Isa. 52.15. 1 Cor. 10.1.2. and their immediate infant-seed, by sprinkling or pouring Water only on the Face, in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 2. The Lord's Supper, for such only in a Church as can examine themselves, wherein Bread and Wine is received, according to the Institution of Christ by all the Church sitting together in the Evening time. Question 11. How are Baptism and the Lord's Supper called Seals? Answer. Baptism and the Lord's Supper are Seals of the Covenant, 1 Cor. 10.2, 3, 4 (that is, of the Church-Covenant) as they Seal to all an outward relation in the Church; tho' to the Elect only they Seal Salvation: 1st. Baptism Seals to Church-Members, Gal. 3.27. 1 Cor. 1.2. & 7.14. with 12.12. Heb. 12.24. Ezek. 36.25. 1 Pet. 3.21. and their Seed an outward relation to Christ in the Church Covenant; and to the Elect also their saving-relation to Christ by his Blood sprinkled, And his Spirit poured upon them: 2. The Lord's Supper seals to Church-Members, 1 Cor. 10.16, 17 and 11.26. their outward Relation to Christ in the Church; tho' only the Elect are sealed to Salvation therein, by Christ's Body broken, and his Blood shed for them, Luke 22.19, 20. trusted to by Faith, and signified by the Bread and Wine. Question 12. What are the Keys of the Church? Answer. The Keys committed by Christ to his Church are two, Matth. 18.18. Fellowship, And Censure. 1st, Fellowship, Acts 2.42. Isa 2.42. Jer. 51.10. Psal. 40.9, 10.66.16. 1 Cor. 14.12.29, 31.34. in Church-Meetings, is the Key for opening the Door of the Church, to let in the Righteous that keep the Truth, in which their Experiences are given in to the Church, and the Brethren's Gifts are also exercised in Praying, and Prophesying. 2. Censure is the Key to shut the Door of the Church upon Offenders, Matth. 11.15.18. Thess. 5.14. 2 Thess. 3.6. 1 Cor. 5.4.5. Psal. 149.6.9. Judas 22, 23. By Admonition, By Withdrawing, or By Cutting off in Excommunication, as the Offence doth require. SECT. VI Of the Right Order of a Church. Question 13. What is the right Order of a Church of Christ? Answer. All the right Order of a Church must be taken from the written Word of God, Psal. 119.128. Gal. 6.16. with Mal. 4.6. 2 Tim. 3, 15, 17 Ephes. 2.20. 2 Pet. 3.2. Gal. 6.16, Isa. 8.20. Matth. 15.9. Zech. 7.12. Jer. 8.8, 9 both from the Old Testament and New, which together are the complete Rule, and Canon, whereby all things must be ordered in the Church; and by this Rule, or Canon, of the Prophets, and Apostles, the old Testament and the new, the whole Israel of God must walk, as ever they'd have the Peace of God with them, therefore all Orders, Rules, and Canons given by Popes, Councils, or any other whatsoever, are confusion, if not according to this Word. SECT. VII. Of the right Ends of a Church. Question 14. What are the right Ends of a Church of Christ? Answer. The Glory of God, Ephes. 3.21. 1 Cor. 14.26. Col. 2.3, 4. Phi. 25.10, 11 Psalm 110.3. Isa. 45.23. with Rom. 14.11. Ezek. 20.37. Rev. 14.1. 1 John 4.3. Matth. 12.30 and the mutual Edification of his Saints, without any regard to human Interest, are the only right Ends all true Churches should set before them; to advance which, 'tis the Duty of every one that hath Faith in the Heart, openly to profess a willing Subjection to Christ in his Church, so coming under the Bond of the Church-Covenant, they take the Father's Mark in the Forehead, and such only are visible Christians, for he that is not for Christ by open Profession, is against him. Question 15. What time hath God allotted to his Church for worshipping him? Answer. The Lord hath appointed in his word one Day in seven for his solemn Service: Gen. 2.3. Ezod. 20.9, 10. Matth. 12.8. Joh. 20.19, 20. Acts 20.7. Rev. 1.10. Psal. 118.24. Heb. 4.7, 11. typifyed. Ezek. 43.27. and Numb. 29.35. which Day before Christ's Resurrection was the last Day of the Week, but is since by the Lord of the Sabbath changed to the First-Day, in Scripture called the Lord's-Day, because on that Day our Lord rested from his work of Redemption, therefore all Christians should keep the Lordsday as a holy rest from Sin; by attending on Christ in his public Worship, and resting in his Grace. Question 16. But is there no other time for worshipping. God in public? Answer. The Lord hath commanded us to redeem the time, Ephes. 5.16. 2 Tim. 4.2. as Acts 13.42 Margin. Prov. 8.34. Psal. 84.4, 10. and to wait on him out of Season as well as in Season; therefore every good Christian should improve all Opportunities on any Day of the Week, for hearing the Word of God, and worshipping him in the Assemblies of his Saints. Question 17. But is a Christian only to worship God in public? Answer. GOD hath made it the Duty of all Men to study his holy Word, John 5.39. Mat. 6.5, 6, 7. Gen. 18.19. Jos. 24.15. Eph. 6.4, 18. figured 1 Chr. 16.40, 43 Jer. 10.25. and to pray unto him in secret, as well as to worship him in public; Therefore Masters of Families, and Parents should instruct their Children and Servants in the holy Fear of God, praying daily with their Families; for the Curse of God resteth upon all those Families that Call not upon his Name. Question 18. And shall all in Christ's visible Church on Earth, be glorified in Heaven? Answer. There are in Christ's visible Church Two sorts of Worshippers: 1st. Such as Worship God hypocritically in the outward only, Eze. 33.31, 33. Matth. 24.51. who shall be cast down into Hell as Deceivers of others, and their own Souls; 2. Such as Worship God uprightly, John 4.24. Matth. 25.46. John 17.24. with the heart, as well as outwardly, these shall be glorified with God for ever in Heaven. Question 19 But when will the difference between the good and the bad appear? Answer. The Word of God declares that in the latter day Christ shall have a glorious Kingdom, 2 Tim. 4.1. Dan. 2.44. Rev. Mal. 3.17, Rev. 20.12, 13, 14. 2 Cor. 5.10. Math. 13.41, 43.25.31. to end. called the New Jerusalem, when Satan being Chained up a Thousand Years, we shall discern between the precious and the vile; and all the Dead being raised in the day of Judgement shall be Sentenced by him; the wicked into Everlasting Fire, with the Devil and his Angels; but the righteous he will receive into Glory with himself for ever, AMEN! 1 John 5.21. Little Children keep yourselves from Idols. Amen! 2, 3 John 4. I have no greater Joy, than to hear that my Children walk in Truth as We have received a Commandment from the Father. Judas 24, 25. Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the Presence of his Glory with exceeding Joy. To the only wise God our Saviour, be Glory, and Majesty, Dominion, and Power, both now and ever. Amen. FINIS.