A CATALOGUE OF LATIN and ENGLISH BOOKS, both ancient and Modern; VIZ. Divinity, History, and Humanity, Travels, Voyages, Romances, Poetry, &c. In all VOLUMES. Which will be Sold by Auction( or who Bids most) at Walsal's Coffee-House in Naggs-Head-Court in Bartholomew-Lane, on the back-side of the Royal-Exchange, On Monday the 12th. Day of this Instant July 1697. The SALE beginning at Five of the Clock in the Afternoon to Nine at Night; Continuing daily till all the Books are Sold. CATALOGUES are given Gratis, at Thomas beaver, next to F 〈…〉 in Fleet-street, at Richard Parkers under the Piazza of the Royal-Ex●●●ge, W. W●●●●wood at the Crown in Little-Britain, Anthony Feltham in Westminster-Hall, Booksellers▪ and at the Place of SALE. Conditions of SALE. I. THE highest Bidder is the Buyer, and if any Difference arise, the Book or Books shall be Exposed to SALE again. II. That all the Books in this Catalogue( for ought we know) are perfect; but if any of them appear to be otherwise before they be taken away, the Buyer shall have his Choice of taking or leaving them. III. That all Gentlemen give in their Names, and Places of abode after the Buying any Book or Books, paying also Five Shillings in the Pound( if demanded) and so proportionable for all lesser Sums. IV. In all folios above Ten Shillings, to advance 6d. each bidding, and in all quartos 2d. V. That the Money for the Books bought, is to be paid within three Days after the Sale is ended, at the Place of Sale: And all Persons be obliged in that time to take away their Books that they buy, the Buyer paying Porteridge. VI. The Books may be Viewed on Monday, before the SALE begins. SALE will begin o● Monday the 12th. day of this Instant 〈…〉 at 〈◇〉 the Clock exactly in the Afternoon, at 〈…〉 C●ffee-H 〈…〉 Nagge-Head-Court in B 〈…〉 w 〈◇〉 〈◇〉 the back s●●● of the Royal Exchange. BOOKS in Folio, English. 1 THE Annals of Cornelius Tacitus, with a description of Germany. 2 The State of Europe, with a Relation of the many Provinces thereof. 3 Pagit's Descript of the Christians in the World not Subject to the Pope. 4 Eighteen Sermons, by Dr. Richard Allistry. 5 Bishop Richardson's Annotations on the Old Testament. 6 The Book of Common-Prayer, printed at Oxford. 7 Lord Bacon's History of Henry the Seventh, and Natural History. 8 Dr. Goud's Discourses of the Celestial Bodies, their Nature and Influences. 9 Saunders's Physiognomy and Chyromancy, with the Art of Memory. 10 The Works of the ancient Poet Jeffery Chancer. 11 Mercator's Atlas, or description of the World, with Maps. 12 Cardinal Bentivoglio's History of the Wars in Flanders, with Sculptures. 13 Several Tracts, written by John Selden, Esquire. 14 Elise, or Innocency Guilty: A new Romance. 15 Ogleby's Description of China, in 2 Vol. with Cuts. 16 Townsend's Historical Collections of Queen Elizabeths Parliaments. 17 Ashmole of the Institution and Order of the Garter. 18 The History of the Wars in Denmark. 19 Dr. own of the Operations of the Holy Spirit. 20 Hildersham on the Fifty first Psalm. 21 Cotton's Concordance to the Holy Bible, best Edition. 22 Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity, with his Sermons. 23 Lex Mercatoria; or, The Laws of Merchants. 24 Markham's Country Farmer, or complete body of Husbandry. 25 Yorks Union of Honour, or Display of Heraldry, with Figures. 26 The Works of the High and Mighty Prince King James the First. 27 Turner's Military Essays of the ancient graecian, Roman, and Modern War. 28 Bishop Andrews Ninety six Sermons. 29 L'Estrange's Collection of the Liturgies of the Church of England, with Annotat. 30 Sermons, with Religious and Divine Meditations, by Bishop of Lake. 31 Bishop Nicholson's David's Harp Strung and Tuned, in an Exposit. on the Psalms. 32 Bishop Andrews Exposition on the Ten Commandments. 33— Sermons at St. Pauls and St. Giles's in the Fields. 34 Cotton's Commentary on St. John. 35 Smith's Sermons on the Creed. 36 Dyf●eld's Comment▪ on St. Pere●. 37 Samuel Hieron's Sermons, com●●a●▪ 38 William Attersoll on the Book of Numbers. 39 Bishop Cowper's Works. 40 Rastall's Collection of Statures. 41 Bishop Wilkins's Real Character, complete, with the Figure▪ 42 Eusebius's Ecclesiastical History. 43 Veslingius's Anatomy of the Body of Man, with Sculptures. 44 Dugdale's History of the Troubles of England. 45 Leybourn's Mathematical Recreations. 46 Venns Military Architecture, Art of Gunnery, &c. with Sculptures. 47 Dalton's Office of a Justice of Peace. 48 Turner's Description of Plants, with Figures. 49 Crakanthorpe of the Fifth General Council at Constantinople. 50 Ursias's Body of Divinity, with Parry's Annotations. 5● K●ndall ●gainst Goodwin's Redemption Redeemed. 52 St●●●ngfle●t's Original of the British Churches. 53 Beard's Theatre of Gods Judgments. 54 Harrington's Spiritual Pastime, in Divine Meditations. 55 Elton's Military Discipline. 56 The complete Ambassador; in Letters of State. 57 The History of the Empire of China, by Semedo. 58 The Life of Gusman the Spanish Rogue. 59 Pri●rati●'s History of France, Englished by Mr. Brent. 60 Jones's Antiquities of Sone hinge. 61 Woodal's chirurgeons Mate, or Body of chirurgery. 62 Curiae Plitiae, or Apologies of several Princes. 63 Dr. boys Works. 64 Paruta's politic Discourses. 65 Comical History of Francion. 66 The Life of Gusman the Spanish Rogue. 67 The Spanish Bawd: A Tragi Comedy. 68 Knolls Turkish History, with Rycaut's Continuation to the Year 1677, with Sculpt. Books in Quarto, English. 1 PErkin's 66 Sermons on St. John. 2 Sermons on the Festivals▪ 3 Dr. Taylor's Sermons on Titus. 4 History of the Buccaniers. 5 Rules to know the whither, of Thunder, Clouds, &c. Kilway's judgement of Nativities. Ross, The New ●lanet no Planet. A Treatise of the Planetary Ho●ses. 6 The Holy Bible, Cambridge, by Field, 7 Ball's Try●l of the Separatists, 8 Euph●●● and his England. 9 Dr. J●●h●on on the Creed. 10 D●. G●●g● on the Lords Prayer. 11 The History of Independency. 12 The Accidence of armoury, or Treatise of Heraldry. 13 The History of Justin, Eng. 14 Ca●l●t●n of Jurisd●●tion, Regal, Ecclesiastical and Papal. 15 De Greys Expert Farrier. 16 Bishop Reynolds on the Sacrament. 17 Temples History of the Irish Rebellion. 18 Pagits Description of Christians not Subject to the Pope. 19 Mr. Mead's Works. 20 Culverwel's Light of Nature. 21 Dr. Donns Poems. 22 The Villain. The Just Italian. Hamlet Prince of Denmark. Love-sick King. Albumazar. politician Cheated. With five more Plays. 23 Grimstones Hist. of the Low Countries. 24 Sandys State of Religion, and Lord Bacons Advancement of Learning. 25 Virgil, in English. 26 The Manners and Customs of all Nations. 27 Amsworth's Comment▪ on the 5 Books of M●se. 28 Eight Volumes of Speeches. Petitions, Declarations, News Books, Church and State Government, and several other Tracts, from 1641, &c. 29 Rogers Practical Catechism. 30 Cradocks Divine Drops, in sever. Serm. 31 Sermons by Higgins, Dr. King, with a large Letter by Sir Edw. Hoby. 32 Stirrup Use of the Quadrat. 33 Bishop Cowper on the 119 Psalm. 34 Robinson's Essays, Divine and Moral. 35 Greenhil's Sermons on Ezekiel. 36 Allen's Glass of Justification. 37 Brightman on the Revelations. 38 Baxter of Infants Baptism. 39 Bishop Sanderson's Ten Sermons. 40 Dr. Gardner's Vindication of the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of Eng. Four Sermons of the Antiquities and Superiority of Bishops. Several Sermons, by Dr. King, Walsal, &c. 38 Dr. Slater's Exposit. on the Romans. 39 Dr. tailor on the Parable of the sour. 40 Mr. Hull on the Lamentation of Jeremy. 41 Seven Sermons, by Bishop Andrews, the Bishop of Chichester, &c. 42 Dr. Benifield's Comment. on Amos 43 Parr's Exposition on the Romans. 44 Dr. Slater on the Thessalonians. 45 Mr. Byfeild's Sermons on St. Peter. 46 Bishop Sanderson's 12 Sermons. 47 Christ Tempted, in several Sermons, by Mr. Gumbleden. 48 Bishop Abernethy's physic for the Soul. 49 Dyke of the Deceit of Mans Heart. 50 Mr. Hind's Use of the Moral Law. 51 Six Sermons, by Mr. Adams. 52 Smith's six Sermons on Hosea. 53 Dyke on the Epistle to Philemon. 55 Burrrugh's Gospel-Worship. Jewel of Contentment, and Gospel-Conversation. Books in Large Octavo, English. 56 BOyle's Christian Vertuoso. 57— Aeria Noctiluca. 58— Cosmical Quality of Things. 59— Of flamme and Air. 60— Hydrostaticks. 61— Of Languid Motion. 62 Dr. Barrow, the Reward of Bounty. 63 Mrs. Behns History of Oracles. 64 Lythotomy, or Cutting the ston, with 20 Figures. 65 The Alchoran of Mahomet, Eng. 66 The Conduct of Persons of Quality. 67 Carter's Heraldry, with Sculptures. 68 Bastingius on the Catechism. 69 Bethel's Interest of Princes. 70 Cradock's Knowledge and practise. 71 Crashaw's Divine Poems. 72 Cocker's Decimal Arithme●●●● 7● Description of Samos, P 〈…〉 ●4 epitome of Eccle●i 〈…〉 ●● Excellency of the 〈…〉 ●● Dr. Fuller's Triple R 〈…〉 77 The Gentlemans J 〈…〉 78 The Fr●nch Ro 〈…〉 79 M 〈…〉 s T 〈…〉 cts. 80 〈…〉 of the Jews. 81 Bishop King's Translat. of the Psalms. 82 Lives of St. Basil and St. Chrysostom. 83 L'Estrange's Tracts. 84 Purchas's History of Man. 85 Dr. Petty's Trial of Spirits. 86 Dr. South's Sermons. 87 Dr. Sherlock's Case of Resistance. 88 Bp. Sanderson's 5 Cases of Conscience. 89 Sandys Christs Passion. 90 Salisbury's Learned Man. 91 Xenophon's Hist. of Cyrus the Great. 92 The Art of Speaking. 93 An Account of Denmark. 94 Baxter's Cure of Ch. Divisions. 95 Blount's Observat. and Discourses. 96 Cerbet's Interest of England. 97 The Earl of Carlisle's 3 Embassies. 98 D●wn●●g's Christian Liberty. ●●●spal●ses, by the Wits of France. ●●a●●'s French and Eng. Grammar 〈…〉 d Miscellany Poems. ●●● H●●●ory of the Wars of Cypru● ●●●— of the House of 〈…〉 e. 104 Dr. Hammond's Practical Catechism. 105 Historical Collection of 2 ●a●ham. 106 H 〈…〉 s Account of the Charles-H●●se. 106 Killigrew's three Plays. 107 Life of Monsieur Colbert. 108 Bish. Stillingfleet's Letter to a Deist. 109 Malbranch of Nature and Grace. 110 Milton's History of England. 111 Mead of Early Obedience. 112 National Excellencies of England. 113 Plautus in English. 114 Parker's Ecclesiastic Polity, in 2 Vol 115 The politics of France. 116 Play●●rd's introduction to music. 117 Rump S●ngs. 118 Seeing and Believing are two Things. 119 Temple's observe. on the Netherlands. 120 Bp. tailor against the Real Presence. 121 Wash's Letters. 122 Wilkins's Mathematical magic. 123 Dr. Falkner's Vindic. of the Liturgy. 124 Tate's Poems, last Edit. 125 Mather's Sermons. 126 Reynolds of human Actions. 127 own of Peace and Love. 128 The Reformed Presbyterian. 129 Anarchy, or Art of Self-Governm. 130 The Illustrious Lovers: a Novel. 131 Essays and Maxims, Moral& Divine. 132 Waller's Poems. 133 The Famous Chinois: a Novel. 134 Judge Hales Life of Pom Attricus. 135 rapine on Aristotle's poesy. 136 Howel's Letters. Comp. 137 Ray's three Discourses. 138 Bl●unt's Glossograph. of Dictionary. 139 Dryden's Miscellanies, in 3 Vol. 140 Comment. on Chaucer's Tales. 141 Dr. Moor of the Jews Caballa. 142 R●mer on the late Tragedies. 143 Clarkson of Episcopacy. 144 Observations on Ecclesiastical Juri'd. 145 Bishop Sanderson of Episcopacy. 146 The Parallel, or Cataline's Conspiracy. 147 Brooks Heaven on Earth. 148 Turner's British Physician. 149 The Monks Hood pulled off. 150 Present State of the World. 151 Northern Memoirs, or a description of Scotland. 152 Abbot's Trial of the Separatists. 153 Wills of Baptism. 154 History of the Heathen Gods. 155 Cotton's Wonders of the peak. 156 Life of Theodosius the Great. 157 History of Don John of Austria. 158 Mauger's Grammar, Fren. and Eng. 159 Hobbs's to Dialogues of philosophy. 160 Pettus's History of Adam and Eve. 161 Milton's Poems. Books in Octavo, &c. English. 162 BRown's Natures Cabinet unlocked. 163 Amours of K. Henry: a Novel. 164 Blount's Academy of Eloquence. 165 Baxter's Vindication of the Church. 166 Henry cares Letters. 167 Cotton and Hayward's History of King Henry the 3d and 4th. of England. 168 Court and Character of King Jame● 169 Collection of Love-Letters 17● Captain Drake's Voyages. 171 The English Dictionary. 172 Englands Jests. ●●3 Entertainment for Lent. 174 Dr. Featly's Devotions. ●●5 The English Expositor. ●76 The English Orator. 177 A D●●cour●e of Prod●g●es. ●●● 〈◇〉 's Great Assize. ●●● 〈…〉 h Rogue. 180 Gifford's Sermons. 181 John Goodwin's Sermons. 182 Hermas the Disciple of St. Paul, his three Books of Divinity. 183 Hermes Trismegistus Divine Pimander. 184 The Historians Guide. 185 Naufan's Essays. ●8● Hist. of Monastical Conventions ●●●— of the Wars in Hungary. ●●● The Generous Lover: a Novel. ●●●R●●dal's R●●dal's Mathematical Tables ●●● L●●●es Travels into Spain. ●9● T●e Legend of St. Cuthbert. ●92 The Landlords Law. ●93 〈◇〉 Translation of Lu 〈…〉 ●. 19● M 〈…〉 of the Chr●●tian Relig●●●. ●95 T 〈…〉 H●●p t● Discourse ●●● 〈…〉 B●●k●●●●●●●●, ●●g●●●●. 1 BIshop Morion on the Sacrament against the Romish Mass. 2 Weaver's ancient Funeral Monuments in England, Scotland, and Ireland: 3 Elton's Sermons on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians. 4 Mason of the Consecration of Bishops in the Ch. of Eng. against Belliarmine, Sanders, &c. 5 Xenophens History of the Life of Cyrus the Great. 6 Babington's Artificial Fire-works, with Sculptures. 7 The Dial of Princes, or History of the Rise and Fall of Illustrious Persons. 8 Orlondo Furioso in English Verse, by Sir J. Haringt●n, with Sculptures. 9 Causin's Holy Court, in four Tomes, two Volumes, with Figures. 10 Lucian's Dialogues, translated into English by Jasper main. 11 The History and Geography of Italy, with a Map of the Cities thereof, by Ed. War●up. 12 The true Prophesies of Mich. Nostradamus, a Work full of Curiosity and Learning. 13 lloyds Memoirs of the Lives, Actions, and Sufferings of Excellent Persons. 14 A New History of Ethiophia, vulgarly called Prester John, with Sculptures. 15 The ancient Poet J. Gower, his Works. 16 History of the Council of Trent, in Eight Books. 17 The Duke of Newcastle's Horsemanship. 18 Henry Isaacson's Chronol. of the four Monarchies, the Kings and Princes of the World. 19 The Manners of Men described, in 16 Satyrs, by Juvenal, Englished by Stapleton, with Sculptures. 20 The punic War between Hannibal and the Romans, by Silv. Italicus, Englished by Tho. Ross, with Figures. 21 A plain and easy Introduction to practical music, by Tho. Morley. 22 An ancient Chronicle of England, by Rich. Grafton. 23 Pulton of Treasons, Homicides, Batteries, Riots, Forgeries, Assaults, &c. 24 Hollingshead's Chronicle of England, in two Vol. 25 Partbenissa, the most famed Romance, by the Earl of Orrery. 26 Lord Bacon's Natural History, with the New Atlantis. 27 Poems and Fancies, by the duchess of Newcastle. 28 Ingelo's Bentivoglio and Urania, in two Vol. 29 J. Bochas Tragedies of the Fall of Princes. 30 Fullers History of the Holy War. 31 Martins Chronicle of the Kings of England. 32 Almabide, or the Captive Queen; a new Romance. 33 Cardinal Perrons Reply to King James. 34 Heylins History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 35— Life of Arch-Bishop Laud. 36 Five Books of the Church, by Dr. Field. 37 The History of the Council of Trent, best Edition. 38 Book of Common-Prayer, for the use of the Church of Scotland. 39 Heylins Exposition on the Apostles Creed. 40 The Christians Warfare, against the Wo●ld, the Flesh, and the Devil, by Dr. Downam. 41 The assembly of Divines A●n●●a●ion● 〈◇〉 〈◇〉 H●ly Bible 2 Vol. 42 M●mori●ls of Archb●s●p of C 〈…〉 er. ●● B●●hop 〈…〉 L 〈…〉 and L 〈…〉 ●● H 〈…〉 L 〈…〉 d writ by himself. ●● 〈…〉 ●● 〈…〉 ●● 〈…〉 48 Phylostratus Life of Apollonius Tyan●us. 49 Bradys Introduction to the Old English History. 50 Carews History of the Wars in Ireland. 51 Burnets History of Scotland. 52 Memoirs of the Sieur de Pontis. 53 Polybius's History, Englished by Grimstone. 54 The Happy Future State of England. 55 Locks Essay of human Understanding. 56 The History of Guicciardin, in English. 57 Godfrey of Bulloignes Recovery of Jerusalem. 58 Cambdens History of Queen Elizabeth. 59 History of the Civil Wars of Spain. 60— of the Government of France under Cardinal Richlieu. 61 Draytons History of Rivers, Mountains, foreste, &c. in England 62 Leo's Geographical History of Africa. 63 Archbishop Laud against Fisher the Jesuit. 64 Phil. de Comines History of France. 65 Pinto's Travels into Ethiopia, China, Tartaria, &c. 66 The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. 67 Sleidens History of the Reformation. 68 Monmouths History of the Wars of Christendom. 69 History of the Massacres in France. 70— of the Reformed Churches in France, by J. Quick, in 2 Vol. 71 Blomes Geographical Description of the World, with Maps. 72 Howells Dictionary, in English, French, Italian, and Spanish. 73 Heylins History of the World, with Maps. 74 Mays History of the Parliaments of England. 75 Heaths Chronicle of the Wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland. 76 Rycauts Royal Commentaries of Peru, with Sculptures. 77 Torriano's Italian and English Dictionary. 78 Samms of the Antiquities of ancient Britain. 79 Gerrards Herbal, Published by Johnson. 80 beaumond and Fletchers Plays. 81 Bishop Babingtons Works. 82 Dr. Moors Inquiry into the Mystery of Iniquiry. 83 Paruta's History of Ecclesiastical Writers. 84 Du Pins History of Ecclesiastical Writers. 85 duchess of Newcastles Worlds Olio. 86 Minshaws Spanish and English Dictionary. Broks in Quarto, English. ●●●Atri●ks Parable of the Pilgrims. ●● Markhams Masterpiece. ●● Lef●●u●es Ch 〈…〉 ry. ●● 〈◇〉 Hi●●●ry o● Pr 〈…〉 S 〈…〉 ●● 〈…〉 e on t●e Th 〈…〉 ●● 〈…〉 ●● 〈…〉 ●● 〈…〉 95 La●qu●●● A 〈…〉 96 〈…〉 ●● 〈…〉 98 〈…〉 99 〈…〉 100 〈…〉 ●0● 〈…〉 ●02 P 〈…〉 103 Rogers on the two Sacraments. 104 Hales Golden Remains. 105 Balls Answer to can. 106 Common Prayer, Geneaolg and Apoc. 107 Craudons Answ. to Baxters Aphorisms. 108 William Sherwins Works. 109 Charltons Enqu. into human Nature. 110 The Assemblies Confession at large. 111 Markhams way to get Wealth. 112 Austin of Improvem of Fruit Trees. 113 Is. Peningtons Works. 114 Perkins Serm. on the Beatitudes. 115 Barriffs Military Discipline. 116 mirror for Christian State. 117 Gadburys Celestial Ambassador. 118 Dr. Sharrocks Sermons. 119 Dr. own on the 130 Psalm. 120 Baxter of Knowledge and Love. 121 Lavater of Ghosts, Spirits, &c. 122 Leybourns Art of dialing. 123 Hudsons Vind of the Church of Engl. 124 Prynn against Arminianism. 125 Leybourns Art of dialing. 126 History of Tamerlain the Great. 127 Balsacs Letters. 128 The way of Proceeding in the Court at Westminster. 129 History of Roman Antiquities. 130 The seven Champions. Henry the 4th. The Maids Revenge. The Dukes Mistress. The Royal Slave. Valiant Scot, with other Plays. 131 Collection of ancient Histories. 132 Four Tracts, by Ferguson, Vox Populi, Midsummer Moon, and other Tracts. 133 History of Queen Elizabeth. 134 Directions for amendment of Life. 135 Dubartas's Divine Weeks and Works. 136 Dr. Gouges Sermons on St. John. 137 Dr. Mayers Exp. on the Ch. Catechism. 138 Dod and Cleaver on the Commandm. 139 Whites Vindicat. of the Ch. of England 140 Deerings 22 Sermons on the Hebrews. 141 Anatomy of Popish Tyranny. 142 Rob. Harris's Sermons. 143 Yates Gods Arraignm. of Hypocrites. 194 Pembles Sermons on Faith. 195 Dod and Cleavees 10 Sermons on the Sacrament. 196 Exposit▪ on the whole Book of Psalms. 197 Mr. Moors Map of Mans Mortality. 198 Dr. Mayers Sermons on St. James. 199— Exposit. on the Difficult places in Scripture. 200 Dr. Prestons Sermons of Mortification. 201 Mr. Gattaker against Transubstantiation. 202 Mr. Hall against the Atheism of the Age. 203 Mr. Barkers Expos. of the Comamndm. 204 Bishop Bilson of the Redemption of Man, in several Sermons. 205 Mr. Perkins Expos. on the Galatians. 206 Bishop Kings Sermons on Jonab. 207 Mr. Yates Body of Divinity. 108 Descrip. of the Countries in the World. 109 Clarksons Divinity of the Papists. 110 Dyke of Repentance and Christs Temp. 111 Answer to Doleman of Succession. Verses writ 400 Years since, by a Monk, being a satire against the Pope: with several other Tracts. 112 Luthers Comment. on the Psalms. 113 The Policy of the Turkish Empire. 114 Principles of Geometry. 115 Bullingers 100 Serm. on the Revelations. 116 Lams Answer to Goodwins Redempt. 117 Treatise of Spectres, Witches, Appar. 118 A Treatise of Taxes and Contributions. 119 Dr. Featlys Disputes with the Anabapt. 120 Diodates Annotations on the Holy Bible. 121 Calvins Institutions, in English. Books in Octavo, &c English. 122 OVid. Epist. in English with figures▪ Sir Thomas M●●rs L●ves o● K●●g 〈…〉 d V. a●d ●i●●ard III ●●● 〈…〉 to th● H●ly Bi●le. ●●● 〈…〉 Jews. ●●● Th 〈…〉 hy ●●● 〈…〉 ●●● 〈…〉 ●●8 Ti●inghasts Sermons. ●29 〈◇〉 S●cietaries Guide. ●●0 〈…〉 ds Metamy●phis 〈…〉 13● 〈…〉 ●●● 〈…〉 of ●●e City of Paris ●●3 〈…〉 t the W●● o● S 〈…〉 en endi 〈…〉 ●34 〈…〉 r 〈…〉 gay, in Fr and Eng. 135 Broughs Sacred Principles. 136 The Civil Wars of France. 137 Calamys Godly-mans Ark. 138 Sir Will. Da●enants Gondibert. 139 Dr Horneck of Delight and judgement. 140 Relation of the Conspiracy against the City of Ge●●na by Count Lewis. 141 ancient History of the Septuagint. 142 Dr. Harveys Conclave of Physicians. 143 ●●e History of Moderation. 144 B●s● of London on the Sacrament, 145 W●●singham and Nauntons Manual. 146 abridgement of Military Discipline. 147 Dr. Maninghams two Discourses. 148 Merourius Rusticus, or a particular Hist. of the Sufferings of the Royal Party. 149 Merriton of Wills and Testaments. 150 Ramseys Voice of the Stars. 151 Reflections on Bp. Burnets Travels. 152 Rouchefacaults Maxims. 153 The School of Recreation. 154 A Treatise of Spirits, Witches, &c. 155 Venus Looking-glass. 156 Tindale of Obedience to Princes. 157 The Unexpected Choice: a Novel. 158 Wingates arithmetic. 159 The young Clerks Guide, in 3 parts. 160 The History of Ireland. 161 Bishop Halls Old Religion. 162 Dr. Collets Devotions. 163 The Case of Bankers. 164 Present state of Egypt. 165 Filmers Power of Kings. 166 Quevedo's Visions. 167 Charter of the City of London. 168 Life of Mrs. Elizabeth Walker. 169 water-house Gentlemans Monitor. 170 Bishop Wilkins's Prayers and Preaching. 171 Exercise of Foot Companies. 172 Christians Belief against Atheism. 173 R●flectionss on the Greek Historians. 174 History of the Turks Wars. 175 K●●da●s Mathematical Tables. 176 〈…〉 nt Lover: a Romance▪ 177 〈…〉 i●● Poems. 〈…〉 History of Ireland 〈…〉 of Peace. 〈…〉 R●yal Line 183 abridgement of all the trials. 184 B●yers marshal Field of Europe. 185 Bishop Wilkins's Secret Messenger▪ 186 Present State of the Plantations. 187 B●●les Hydrotatious. 188 Alsop Melius Inquirendum. 189 Draytons Battle of Agen-Court. 190 Grotius of the Satisfaction of Christ. 191 The History of Scotland. 192 Rays Miscellan. Discourses. 193 Miltons Poems on several Occasions. 194 Burnet of the Rights of Princes. 195 Jays Tragedies of Sin. 196 History of the Affairs of Scotland. 197 Feasteans English and French Grammar. 198 The Muses farewell to Popery. 199 Saywel of catholic Unity. 200 Life of King Richard II. 201 The Works of King Charles II. 202 Turner of the messiah. 203 Rehearsal transposed. 204 Mr. Hales Golden Remains. 205 Mr. Lock of Education. 206 G. of Bulloigns Recovery of Jerusalem. 207 Plautus Comedies, English. 208 Whartons Mathematical Works. 209 Waltons Lives of Hooker, &c. 210 Van Helmonts Paradox discovered. 211 Du Pins Lives of the Apostles. 212 L'Estrange's Tully and Erasmus. 213 Wallers Poems. 213 Wit and Drollery. 214 Rich Cabinet of Inventions. 215 Parish-Clerks Vade Mecum. 216 Judge Hales of the Loadstone. 217 Earl of Angleseys Memoirs. 218 Charltons Wits of Men and M. 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