THere is now in the Press, a GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION of ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND, with the Isles thereto belonging: which in a compendious Method treateth of such things that are most necessary to be known, and as yet hath not been treated of by any Author. And for the further Utility and Adornment thereof, shall be added a MAP and TABLE to every County of England; besides several general Ones. Which said Volumn, for the conveniency of Portage, shall be Printed in a small-siezed Folio, and finished with all possible speed. And for the better satisfying of all such that have a desire to be concerned in the said Work, it is thought convenient to give an Account as to the Method thereof, which in brief is as followeth: The first Enterprise shall be to give (in a compendious Method) a Description of the Kingdoms in general, as to their Situation, Clime, Temperature of Air, Extent, Division, Fertility, Provisions, Commodities, Manufactures, and Trade; also of their Inhabitants both Ancient, and Modern; their Laws, Customs, Government, both Civil and Spiritual, the Courts of Judicature, the Precedency and Degrees of Honour, etc. And having thus run over these, and the like general Heads; the next attempt will be to take a particular Survey of each County in the Kingdoms of his Majesty's Dominions; and therein to give an Account as to their Situation with other Counties, their Extent, Fertility, what Commodities and Manufactures they produce; their chief Rivers, Hills, and Towns, especially those that have Emunities granted unto them; as Cities, Boroughs, or Towns Corporate; as also, of such as have the Conveniency of Markets, and Fairs: with other Things of Remark both Ancient and Modern: which Geographically shall be treated of. And for effecting the same, an Abstract is first made from all approved Authors yet extant, that have Writ of the same Subject, as well those in general, as those of particular Counties; besides the Assistance of several Manuscripts: Which said Abstracts so taken, (being digested into a Geographical Method) are (and shall be) supervised by those that are known in the said Parts, and accordingly enlarged, or rectified as occasion requireth. And for the better perfecting the said Work, an account of the Nobility, and Gentry that each County is Ennobled with (especially so as Friends to the said Work) as to their Names, Titles, and Seats shall be given: Which for the avoiding of Exceptions, shall be placed Alphabetically; and besides which, all those that are Subscribers, shall have their Coats of Arms affixed to the Map, or Maps of the County or Counties, by them made choice of, (so as allowed of by the Kings of Arms) in a Border encirculing the same, to remain to future Ages. A Work very necessary, and useful for all Men; wherefore these Proposals are humbly tendered by me Richard Blome, Lodging at Mr. Kids, at the Corner of Lincolns-Inn-Fields, near Newmarket. THE PROPOSALS. 1. THose that will be pleased for the Advancement of the said Work, to Subscribe, and pay unto the said Richard Blome the sum of 20 Shillings, shall have one of the said Books presented them, in which they shall have their Coat of Arms (so as allowed of by the Kings at Arms) affixed to the Map of the County to which they are related unto, and by them made choice of, as Friends to the said Work; 10 Shillings to be paid down towards the Charges thereof, and Allowance of the said Coat of Arms; and the remaining 10 Shillings to be paid upon the delivery of one of the said Books as aforesaid. But if mentioned in more than one County, then 5 Shillings more for every other County they are so mentioned in. 2. Those that for the Advancement of the said Work, will Subscribe, or procure Subscriptions for six of the said Books as aforesaid, shall for their Encouragement, upon the performance of the said Subscriptions, have one of the said Books presented them gratis. And that none may take Exceptions, if omitted in the said Work, as having no notice thereof, this Divulgement is deemed fitting: Wherefore all those that will be pleased to be mentioned in the said Work, are desired to bring, or send Directions, or give timely notice thereof unto the said Mr. Blome, for the doing the same as aforesaid; the said Volumn being intended without fail, to be finished by Michaelmas Term, 1671. In Consideration of the Premises aforesaid: I do promise, and engage to take, and receive of the said Richard Blome, or his Assigns, one of the said Books, according to the said Proposition, and to be mentioned accordingly in the County, or Counties of Witness my Hand this _____ day of _____ Anno Dom. 1671.