THE DANGEROUS SCHISMATIC CLEARLY DETECTED, and fully CONFUTED; For the Saving of a Distracted Nation from that which would destroy Christian Love and Unity. Occasioned by a Resolver of Three CASES about CHURCH-COMMUNION. By RICHARD BAXTER a Catholic Christian, who is against confining Christian Love and Communion to any Sect how Great soever. Mark 16. 16. He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved. John 13. 35. By this shall all men know you are my Disciples, if ye have Love one to another. 1 John 4. 16. He that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God, and he in him. Rom. 14. 1. 17, 18. Him that is weak in the Faith receive ye, but not to doubtful Disputations: for the Kingdom of God is not Meat and Drink, but Righteousness and Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost: for he that in these things serveth Christ, is acceptable to God, and approved of Men. LONDON, Printed for Thomas Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns at the lower end of Cheapside near Mercers-Chappel, 1683. The English Schismatic, detected and confuted: Occasioned by a Resolver of Cases about Church Communion. CHAP. I. SAITH THE RESOLVER, §. 1. THE Church is a Body or society of men separated from the rest of the World, and united to God and to themselves by a Divine Covenant. A. He saith this is the plainest description he can give: That is not the fault of his Auditors or Readers. 1. As to the Genus, a Community of equals without Rulers is a body: but I suppose he meaneth not such. 2. Is it enough that it be of Men? sure now they should be Christians? 3. Many are separated from the rest of the World, secundum quid, that are no Christians; some in one respect and some in another, and none in all respects. 4. United to God, is an ambiguous word, no Creature is United to him perfectly so as to be thereby what he is, God, in the created Nature. Only Christ is united to him Hypostatically in his created Nature. All are so far united to him in natural being, as that in him they live and move and have their being: And the Nature of man is one sort of his Image: All things are united to him as effects to their constant efficient. The Church should not be defined without any mention of Christ: The Church's Union with God is by Christ. 5. Christ himself as Head is an essential part of the Church, and should not be left out of a Definition, though the mere Body may in common speech be called the Church, as the People may be called a Kingdom. 6. Will any Divine Covenant serve? or must it not be only the Baptismal Covenant? 7. Is it called Divine only as made by God, or as commanded by God and made by Man, or as mutual? Certainly Gods Law and offered or Conditional Promise is most frequently called His Covenant in Scripture; and this uniteth not men to God, till they consent and Covenant with him. Their own Covenant Act is necessary hereto: And that is a Divine Covenant, only as commanded, and accepted and done by Gods assisting Grace. 8. The form of a Church is Relative, and the Terminus is essential to a Relation. It is no definition that hath not the End of the Association: Therefore this is none at all; and so the beginning tells us what to expect. This description hath nothing in it but what may agree to divers forms of Society, and so hath not the form of a Church: And if he intended not a Definition, but a loose description, I would a defining Doctor had had the Chair, during this controversy. Let us try this description upon a Mahometan Kingdom, Army, or Navy, or suppose them mere Deists. 1. Such a Kingdom, Army, or Navy may be a Society. 2. Of Men. 3. Separated from the rest of the World secundum quid & ad hoc (and none are separated from it simpliciter & ad omnia: e. g. No man is separated from the common humanity; No Deist from any but Atheists, and no Christian in believing a God and the Law of Nature and Nations.) 4. They are United to God so far as owning a God and Worshipping him amounts to, besides the Union of the Creature with the Creator in whom he liveth, etc. And no unregenerate ungodly Christian is united to him savingly. 5. They are united among themselves. 6. This is by a Covenant: 7. And by a Covenant Divine, as to command, approbation and object. It is God that they Covenant to own and obey: The common Profession of the Mahometans, is, There is one God, and Mahomet is his Prophet. It is Divine in tantum as commanded. For God Commandeth all men to Own him; to believe that Godis, and that he is the Rewarder of them that diligently seek him: And God so far approveth it: St. James saith, (Thou dost well) to him that believeth there is a God, much more that is professedly devoted to him. Let us by this examine the Jewish Church: Jews now may be 1. A Body, 2. Of Men, 3. Separated from the rest of the World, even in Religion and Church pretensions. 4. United to God as Creatures, as Men, as the corporal seed of Abraham, and as professing Belief, Love and Obedience to God, as their God. 5. Strictly united among themselves: 6. By a Covenant, 7. Which God once commanded, and still approveth so far as they own God. Let us consider whether this description take not in, those in every Nation that fear God and work Righteousness, that never heard of Christ, (being thus combined.) And whether the Kingdom of God, be not larger than his Church: Join the Head and Tail of this man's book together, and by the Head (the description) for aught I see, Jews, mahometans, if not almost all Heathens, are the Church: But at the End, I think none on Earth is the Church: At least none that separate from a pair of Organs, or an ignorant Curate, Nor can any man know who. Page 2. §. 2. He explaineth his Word [Body] as opposed to a confused Multitude. A. But a Community of Equals, that have no Governors, may have order, and 〈◊〉 s no confused Multitude. And he himself after pleads over much for a●ecessi●●v of Rulers. P. 3. §. 3. And in many places, his Confusion and grand error is repeated, that the Christian Church is but one: p. 7. We know no Church but what all Christians are members of by Baptism, which is the Universal Church: p. 8. There is but one Church, of which all Christians are members, as there is but one Covenant; p. 19 If there be but one Church and one Communion, of which all true Christians are members, etc. p. 23. I am no otherwise a member of any particular Church, than I am of the Universal: p. 40. It's a schismatical Notion of membership that divides the Christian Church into distinct memberships, and therefore into the distinct Bodies: And p. 19 and often he saith, those Churches which are not members of each other, are separate Churches and Schismatics. A. I had hoped that no man but Mr. Cheny had talked at this rate. I. It's agreed on, that there is but one Universal Church: The contrary is a Contradiction. 2. It is agreed, that there is no lawful particular Church which is not a part of the Universal. 3. That whoever hath just Union and Communion with a true particular Church, hath Union and Communion with the Universal: 4. That all men in their Worship of God, should accordingly perform it (and do all that they do) as Men in that Relation to the Universal Church: None of this is controverted. II. But I had hoped never to have heard any but Seekers say, that there are not many lawful particular Churches, distinct from the whole and from one another, though not disjunct in the Common Essentials. For the proof of the contrary, 1. I begin with that which I expect should be most powerful; The man's own after-Confessions, to which he is oft brought. Pag. 8. Distance of Place and the necessities and conveniences of Worship and Discipline, has divided the Church into several parts and members, and Particular Churches, etc. So pag. 14. pag. 19 All Christian Churches ought to be members of one. More fully p. 20, 21. This is ad hominem, Yea and Nay is his Resolution. 2. But I'll bring other Arguments that prevail more with me. The Sacred Scriptures oft tell us of many Churches, therefore there are many. Act. 9 31. The Churches had rest; and 15. 4. Confirming the Churches; 16. 5. So were the Churches established in the Faith; Rom. 16. 4. All the Churches of the Gentiles: So ver. 16. 1 Cor. 7. 17. So ordain I in all Churches; 11. 16. Neither the Churches of God (have such Custom;) 14. 33. As in all the Churches of the Saints; 34. Let your Women keep silence in the Churches. So 16. 1. 19 & 2 Cor. 8. 1. The Grace of God bestowed on the Churches of Macedonia: 18. Whose Praise is in the Gospel through all the Churches. So 19 23, 24. and 11. 8. 28. The care of all the Churches; 12. 13. Inferior to the other Churches. Gal. 1. 2, 22. 1 Thes. 2. 14. 2 Thes. 1. 4. Rev. 1. 4. To the seven Churches, ver. 11. 20. Angels and Candlesticks of the seven Churches. And 2. 7, 11, 17, 29. and 3. 6, 13, 22, 23. and 22. 16. His Concordance might have showed him all these in order, Phil. 4. 15. No Church communicated with me (concerning giving and receiving) but ye only. The dispute now must be, whether the Apostles or this Resolver be to be believed: They say, there are many Churches, parts of One; he saith, There is but one, and it's Schismatical to divide it into distinct memberships or Bodies, etc. It's no Schism here to say, I am for Paul and the Holy Scripture: Let who will believe the contradictor. 3. My next Argument is this: Where there are many Political Societies, consisting of Christian Pastors and People, professedly associated for the ordinary Exercise of those Relations as such, in holy Communion, in Christian Doctrine, Worship, Order and Conversation, for Edification in true Faith, Hope, Love and Obedience, and the Glorifying of God therein. There are many distinct true Churches, parts of the Church Universal; But on Earth there are many such Societyes, etc. Ergo, etc. Either the controversy is De re or de nomine (for we called Separatists use to separate these.) 1. If the re; Let the existence of the thing defined be tried by Scripture, Reason and common Experience: 2. If the nomine; Forma quae dat esse dat Nomen: Here is the true specific form which is found in many single Churches, ergo the Name of such single (or individual) Churches is due to them. 4. Again ad hominem, from the consequences: 1. If there be not many single Churches in the Universal, then there are not many Patriarchal, National, Provincial, Metropolitical, Diocesan, or Parochial Churches: For non entium non datur numerus: Many nothings is a contradiction. Multae sunt ergo sunt; Ab est tertij adjecti ad est secundi valet argumentum. But if there be not many, than 1. All the Parish Churches in England being but one, and not many, a Patron can have right to present to no one as a Church, more than to another. 2. Then the Parson, Vicar or Curate is no more the Parson of one Church than of another; nor bound to no more Care and Duty; for there is but one. 3. Then no one is bound to go to one Parish Church more than another; for there is but one. 4. Then the Temple and Tithes belong no more to one than another. 5. Then no Bishop is the proper Bishop of one Diocesan Church, more than of another. 6. Then all the revenues of the Bishop of London, are no more appropriate to one Church than to another. 7. Then you owe no more Obedience to the Bishops of one Diocesan Church than another: 8. Then you make the King no more Head or Governor of the Church of England, than of another. 9 Then a Diocesan oweth no Reverence to a Metropolitan Church (if there be none such.) 10. Then many Churches cannot have Communion nor send Bishops to Councils; (if there be not many.) 11. And the charge of Separation from a Church that is no Church, is a contradiction. 5. I add, from Parity of Reaon, if many distinct subordinate Societies may make one Civil Body Politic, so they may one Universal Church: But the Antecedent is undoubted. If it be Learnedly said with Mr. Cheny, that one whole cannot be Part of another whole; One may attain the perfection by that time he hath worn the Breeches but a few years, to know that a whole Family may be part of a whole Village, and a whole Vicinage be part of a whole City, and a whole College be part of a whole University; and a whole City part of a whole Kingdom; and a whole Kingdom part of the whole Earth. And if it be objected, that the Names of the whole and parts are here divers; but a Church and a Church are the same Name. I Answer, at the same age one may learn that the same Name proveth not the sameness of the things Named; and that ex penuria nominum the Genus and Species, the Totum and Parts have oft equivocally the same Name, with the Addition of just Notes of distinction. Sometimes an Academy of many Schools is called Schola, and so are the single Schools therein: The City of London is a Society; and so are the Societies of Merchant-Taylors, Drapers, Mercers, etc. therein. §. 4. But these Churches must be members of one another, or they are Schismatics. A. 1. How can that be, if they be all but one. 2. This is also above or below the ferula age. They are no members of one another, but all members of the whole: Yet how oft have we this with the sting of Schism (as Damning as Murder or Adultery) in the Tail of it. The hand is not a member or part of the Foot, or the Foot of the Hand, or the Liver a member of the Lungs, etc. but each one of the Man: If ever I were a Schoolmaster again, I would persuade my Boys, that A is not a member of B, nor B of C, etc. but each of the Alphabet; And that one leaf of their Book is not a member of another, but both of the Book; And if they were ripe for the University, I would persuade them that Exter College is not a member of Corpus Christi, nor that of Lincoln, etc. but all of the University of Oxford. And I think that Bristol is not a member of Exeter or Gloucester, etc. but all of England; and that the Company of Stationers are not part of the Society of Merchants or Drapers, etc. but all of London. What a Privilege is it, that a Man may believe this about any such thing without Schism and Damnation! And how dreadful to fall into such Church-mens hands that in their Case make it Schism, Separation and Damnation. But there is a Remedy. §. 5. But he hath reason for what he saith: p. 3, 4. [Indeed it is extremely absurd and unreasonable, to say, that the Christian Church, which is built on the same Foundation, etc. who enjoy all Privileges in Common, should be divided into 〈◊〉 distinct and separate Bodies, though of the sa●e kind and nature, as Peter, James and john are distinct Persons— It's absurd to say, That where every thing is common there is not one Community. Ans. Let us not swallow this without Chewing: 1. Whether all be extremely absurd and unreasonable which such Doctors call so; I am grown to doubt as much as whether all be Schism which Schismatics call so: Ipse dixit is no Proof. 2. What the meaning of this great, Decantate Word [Separate] is, must anon be enquired: But, may not Churches be distinct and not culpably separate? He confesseth afterwards both local distinction and separation. 3. How far are the Universal Church and Particular Churches distinct? As Whole and Parts? Must the World at last learn that Whole and Parts are not distinct? If you take if for absurd to distinguish a Man from a Body, or from a Liver, Hand or Foot, Dissenters do not; nor to distinguish a College from an University, a House from a Street, a Street from a City, etc. But how are the Particular Churches distinguished one from another? Reader, so constantly do such men fight with themselves, that it's meet to ask, whether they that thus say there are not many distinct Churches, do not assert a far wider difference between many, than those they descent from. We affirm that there are many, and that they differ not in specie, but numero, as Colleges, Cities do among themselves; but these men, after all this, hold not only a numerical, but a specific difference, even as Parochial, Diocesan, Provincial, Patriarchal, National; at least Presbyters and Diocesans differing Ordine vel Specie with them, the Church denominated from them must do so too. § 6. But he confirms it. [Peter, James and John, though they partake of the same common nature, yet each of them have a distinct Essence and Subsistence of their own, and this makes them distinct Persons; but whether the very Nature and Essence of a Body or Society consists in having all things common, there can be but one Body. Ans. I hope it's no culpable Separation to distinguish things as differing specie & numero; and this is the Doctor's meaning, if his words are significant: and the common way of expressing it would have been, [Peter and John differ numerically but not in specie; but two Churches differ neither specie nor numero.] And 1. Reader, whereas he said before, that the Church is not divided into distinct Bodies, as James and John, etc.] did you think till you, that James and John, and the Doctor, and the several Bishops had not been distinct parts of the Church in their distinct natural bodies? 2. And why may there not be distinct Politic Bodies, or Compound in one whole as well as natural? certainly, all things corporeal save Atoms are Compounds: A Muscle, a Hand, a Foot, parts similar and dissimilar in man are all compounded of lesser Parts. If many Students may make one College, why may not many Colleges make one University? It's strange if a Doctor deny this. 3. But let us consider of his Reason, and inquire 1. Whether the Church have all things Common. 2. Whether the very Essence of it consist in this. I. It is granted that the whole Essence of the Genus and Species is found in every individual of that Species, Natural or Politic; but did we ever hear, till Mr. Cheny and this Doctor said it, that Politic Bodies differ not numero as well as Natural? The Kingdom of England and of France are two; the Church of Rome and Constantinople long strove which should be uppermost, but who ever said that they were not two? II. Have they all things common? Dissenters would have excepted Wives and Husbands, (though the Canons called Apostolical do not;) Why should the Essence of a Church lie in this, and not the Essence of a City or Kingdom? Tories in Ireland would have all common; Merchants and Tradesmen, Knights, Lords and Princes here would not. But it's no Schism here also to distinguish simpliciter & secundum quid, Propriety and the use of Propriety: There is no Community without Propriety: Men have first a Propriety in themselves, their members, their food, the acquests of their Labours, their Wives and Children, and Goods. And they consent to Community to preserve this Propriety, because every man loveth himself: And yet they must use their Propriety, (even of Life) for common good, because all are better than one: But if they had no Propriety they could not so use it for the Commonwealth. And I never conformed to the Doctrine that denyeth Propriety in Church Members and Particular Churches, and thought all simply common. I'll tell you what Particular Churches have to individuate them, not common to all. 1. They consist of individual natural Persons, many of which as much differ from many other Persons, (those in England from those in Spain) as one man doth from another. 2. Their Graces and gifts are numerically distinct (Faith, Hope, Love, etc.) from those of other Churches though ejusdem speciei. 3. England and France, London and Oxford, have Churches of different place and Situation 4. But the formal individuating difference is their nearest Relation to their several Pastors; as several Kingdoms, Cities, Schools are numerically distinct by their distinct Kings, Majors, Schoolmasters, so are several Churches ●jusdem speci●i. 1. Thess. 5. 12, 13. Know those that are among you and over you in the Lord, and esteem them highly in love for their Works sake. As every man's Wife, Children and Servants must be used for the common good, and yet are not common, one man's Wife and Children are not another's; So the Bishop of London, of Oxford etc. must govern his Church for the good of the Universal; but he is not the Bishop of Gloucester, Norwich, Paris, Rome. These are differences enough to constitute a numerical difference of Churches: Paul distinguisheth the Bishops of Philippi, Ephesus, etc. from others. Do you yet see no Privileges that one hath Proper, and not common to all? none that make a difference in specie, but both numerical and gradual▪ 1. All Churches have not Bishop Jewel, Bishop Andrews, Doctor Stillingfleet, Doctor Sherlock to be their Teachers: All Churches be not taught all that's in this Resolver. 2. All Churches have not men of the same soundness nor excellency of Parts: It was once taken for lawful to account them specially worthy of double honour who laboured in the Word and Doctrine, and to esteem men for their works sake. Paul saith of Timothy, I have no man like minded. If those that heard not a Sermon in many years differed not from your Congregation, why do you preach? I am reproached in Print for telling the world this notorious truth; That I lived till ten years old, where four men, four years hired successively were Readers and Schoolmasters; two Preached (as it was called) once a Month, the other two never: Two drank themselves to beggary. After I lived where many Parishes about us had no Preachers: The Parish that I lived in, had a Church with a Vicar that never preached, and a Chapel with a Parson eighty years old, that had two Livings twenty Miles distant, and never preached: His Son a Reader and Stage-player was sometime his Curate: His Grandson, my Schoolmaster, his Curate next that, never preached in his life, but drunk himself to beggary. One year a Tailor read the Scripture, and the old man (the best of them all) said the Common-Prayer without book (for want of sight.) The next year a poor Thresher read the Scripture. After that a Neighbour's Son (my Master) was Curate, who never preached but once, and that when he was drunk, (in my hearing) on Mat. 25. Come ye Blessed, and go ye Cursed;] the saddest Sermon that ever I heard. These things were no rarities: Now my assertion is, That the Church that had such as Austin, chrysostom, Jewel, Andrews, and such worthy men as London now hath many, had Privileges distinct from these, (and many the like) that I was in. If you say that every Bishop and Preacher is as much the Bishop and Preacher to all other single Churches, as to that which is his Title; then 1. He must be condemned for not teaching them all. 2. Then he may claim maintenance from them all. 3. Then he may intrude into any man's Charge. 4. Then no Church is unchurcht for want of a Bishop, for any one Bishop is Bishop to every Church in the World; and so ubi Episcopus ibi Ecclesia, signifieth but that Church and Bishop are on the same Earth; and Ecclesia est Plebs Episcopo adunata may be verified if there be but one in the World. 5. And so Mr. Dodwell and such are self-confuted before you are aware: Geneva, Holland, and all Presbyterians are true Churches, for they have all Bishops; e. g. The Bishop of London is Bishop to them all: For if one man be no more a Member of one single Church than of another, and so no more a Subject to one Bishop than to another, than one Bishop is no more Pastor of one Church than of another. 7. And how can you magnify the Church of England for a Wise, Learned, Pious Clergy above other Churches, if all Privileges be common, and they have no proper Pastors of their own. 8. Do you think that the Church, e. g. Of Hippo, that was in Augustine's days, was the same numerical single Church with that which is there now, (were there any) or with the Diocesan Church of London? if not, then at least distance of time, and change of Persons maketh divers Particular Churches; and it's no more against the unity of the Church Universal to have divers particular Churches in it in the same Age, than in divers Ages. In short, Diversity of matter and form maketh a numerical Diversity (as of Natural, so) of Politic Bodies of the same species: But the Churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Thyatira, Philadelphia, etc. were of divers matter and form numerically; Ergo they were divers Political Churches. Sure God doth not commend Laodicea for Philadelphia's Church Virtues, nor condemn the Church of Philadelphia for the other Church's Sins. And if the Angels be Bishops, why are some Bishops praised as the Bishops of such Churches, and the Bishops of other Churches threatened. But I confess this is a ready way to end the Controversies between the Bishops of several Churches which snall be greatest, if they be all but one. But I hope that when the Bishop of Rome and his Church was corrupted, it is not true that every Bishop and Church fell with him, (or with any that hath turned to Mahumetanism.) To be no longer on this, (which I thought no Prelatist would ever have put me on) if these men speak not notoriously against Scripture, against the constant Language of Canons and Fathers, Historians and Lawyers, and all Antiquity, and all Christian Countries and Divines, (yea, even those that at Trent would have had only the Pope to be of immediate Divine Right) than I know not any thing by Reading. And if poor Nonconformists must be put to defend themselves against such singularities, and be Schismatics unless they will differ from all the Christian World of all Ages, there is no Remedy. §. 7. But p. 5, 6. he tell us, [that a Church is made by a Divine Covenant-God only can constitute a Church: Such Persons, if there be any so absurd, are not worth disputing with, who dare affirm the Church to be an humane Creature, or the invention of men.— And no Church can depend on humane Contracts; for then a Church would be a humane Creature and Constitution, whereas a Church can be founded only on a Divine Covenant— 1. Who would think but this man were a Nonconformist, that talks so like them (e. g. Amesius in Medul. Theol.) against humane Church Forms? But what then will Bishop Bilson, and almost all other Bishops and Christians be thought of, who affirm Patriarchal and Metropolitical Churches (and many of the Diocesane) to be but humane Constitutions and Inventions. And if these be not worth the disputing with, it seems, that you differ from them more than Separatists do: and then were not all these Schismatics? and then, are not you a Schismatic if you communicate with them? yea, your Mr. Dodwel himself maketh Diocesan Churches to be a humane Creature; and A. Bishop Bromhall much pleadeth for man's power to make Patriarchal Churches; and so do such others. 2. But is it true that humane Contracts make not a Church? Ans. Not alone: But I think that all Churches are made by mutual Contracts, and humane is one part of that which is mutual. 1. As to the Universal Church, 1. God as Legislator and Donor, instituteth the species of Covenanting by Baptism, and therein he commandeth man's consent to his offered Covenant; and conditionally promiseth to be our God: But, Conditionale nihil ponit in esse: This much maketh no Christian, nor Church. To command a man to be a Christian, and conditionally to promise him life if he will be one, proveth him not to be one; else all were Christians that reject an offered Christ. 2. But when man consenteth and covenanteth with God, than God's conditional gift becomes actual and efficacious, the man being a capable Recipient, and not before: and in this it is the Contract that is the Fundamentum Relationis; but a single Promise is not a mutual Covenant or Contract. So that it is no wiser Divinity to say, God's Covenant and not man's consent, Covenant or Contract with God, doth make Christians, and the universal Church; than it is sober Reason to say, That God's Institution of Marriage or Magistracy only doth make the Relation of Husband and Wife, without their covenanting consent, or doth make Commonwealths, without the consent or Covenant of Sovereign and Subjects, Did this Doctor think that Voluntariness is not as necessary to the Relation of Christianity as to the Relation of Prince and Subjects; yea, or of Husband and Wife? if he do, he is shamefully mistaken. Baptism delivereth men possession of Pardon, Grace and right to Glory; and can men have this against their wills? One would think by the Doctrine and course of some men, that they could force men to Pardon and Salvation! if I believed that their force could accomplish this, I would never call it Persecution. If they can force men to be true Christians, they may force them to be justified and saved; and then they are very uncharitable if they do not: Let them then cease preaching and disputing us to their Opinion, but bring us all to Heaven whether we will or not. Yea the self-contradictor, playing fast and loose, confesseth p. 6. That no man at age can be admitted to Baptism, till he profess his faith in Christ, and voluntarily undertake the Baptismal Vow: And is not that humane Covenanting? Yea, he knoweth that the Liturgy maketh even Neighbours or Strangers, vow and covenant, both in the name of the Child and for the Child. And so necessary doth the Episcopal Church think humane Covenanting, that without this no Child must be Baptised publicly though the Parents would covenant, and that they can neither for Love nor Money (for many poor men hire Godfathers) get any one (much less three) who examined, will seriously purpose to perform the Covenant for the Childs holy Education which they make II. But is not humane Covenanting a cause of single Church Relation as well as of universal? I see no cause to doubt it; and I am sure that the Church for a thousand years (before and since Popery came in) have declared him no Bishop that comes in without consent of Clergy and People; which Consent is their covenanting act. To make a single Church, manifold consent goeth to the Fundamentum Relationis. 1. God commandeth single Church Officers, order and consent, and promiseth them his blessing where they are met: The Lord and his Angels are among them: No command is vain, and without a virtual Promise. 2. To this a threefold humane consent is needful, Ordinarily: 1. the Persons called. 2. The Ordainers (when it may be had.) 3. The People's. He that formerly, from the Apostles days, for a thousand years, should have said, that neither the covenanting, that is the consent of the Pastor, or People, or Ordainers, is necessary to the Fundamentum of a single Church Relation or Form, would have been taken for a wild-brained Schismatic at least. least. 8. But saith this Doctor (and another of them) [p. 6. But the Independent Church Covenant between Pastor and people, is of a very different nature from this: Unless any man will say, that the voluntary Contract and Covenant which the Independents exact from their Members, and wherein they place a Church state, be part of the Baptismal vow; if it be not, than they found the Church upon a humane Covenant; for Christ hath made but one Covenant with Mankind which is contained in the Vow of Baptism; if it be, than no man is a Christian but an Independent. Ans. Alas for the Church that is taught at this rate! 1. I never saw what Independents do in this case; but I think none of them that are Sober own any other sort of Church but the universal, and single Churches as members of it, and therefore require no Contract but 1. To the Covenant of Baptism or Christianity. 2. To the Duties of their particular Church-relation. 2. And nothing is here of necessity but manifested Consent (which is a real Contract) but a clearer or a darker, an explicit or implicit consent differ only ad melius esse. 3. Is not God the Author of Magistracy, Marriage, etc. And is it any violation of God's part, if Rulers and People, Husband and Wife be Covenanters by his command? 4. Is it any renuntiation of Baptism to promise at Ordination to obey the Archbishop and Bishop, and to take the Oath of Canonical Obedience? Is it not still exacted? Are not the Takers of it obliged? are not Covenants imposed on all that will be Ministers in the act of Uniformity? are not multitudes kept out and cast out for not making these Covenants? Quo reneam nodo, etc. How should one deal with such slippery men? Good Mr. Zachary Cawdry that wrote to have all men to covenant Submission to Bishops and Parish Ministers, did not dream that it was any violation of Baptism. 5. Do not men owe duty to their Pastors which they owe to no others? If not, put them not on it: Why are you angry with them for going from you? Why doth the Canon suspend those that receive them to Communion from another Parish that hath no Preacher? Why are we ruined for not covenanting as aforesaid? if yea, then is it against Baptism to promise to do our duty? 6. But hath God commanded or instituted no Covenant but Baptism? Yes sure, the Matrimonial at least; and I think Ordination is covenanting for the Ministry: Did not the Apostle Acts 14. 23. ordain Elders in every Church? if you would have [by Suffrage] left out of the Translation, no sober man can doubt but it was by the People's consent; and was it without their consent that Titus was to ordain Elders in every City? Could any then come otherwise in? Did not all Churches hold and practise this after, and was it none of God's Institution? If so, God requireth us not to take any of you for our Bishops or Pastors: Who then requireth it? What meaneth Paul when he saith, they gave up themselves to the Lord and to us, by the Will of God. 7. Can the wit of man imagine how it is possible without consent, for a man to be made the Pastor of any Flock? Who ever ordained a man against his will? or for any man to have Title against his will, to the proper oversight and pastoral care of any one Pastor, or the privileges of any Church? If any think they may be crammed and drenched with the Sacrament, or that an unwilling man may have a sealed pardon and gift of Salvation delivered him, he will make a new Gospel. And how any particular Pastor is bound to give that man the Sacrament ordinarily, that consents not ordinarily to receive it of him, I know not. No man is a member of any City, or any Company of Freemen in the City, but by mutual consent; and the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy to the King maketh not the Oath of a Citizen as such or of a Member of a Company as such, unlawful. 8. Doth this Doctor think that he ever yet proved to sober men, that the Covenant aforesaid, of Godfathers and Godmothers, to make Christians, and members of the universal Church, is more (or so much) of God's Institution, than the Contract or Consent between Bishops or Pastors and People to make a single Political Church? 9 If it follow not, that no man is the King's Subject that sweareth not to the City; It will not follow, that none is a Christian, but an Independent, or Church-consenter. 10. How are your Parish or Diocesan Church members known to yourselves or any others? Are all that dwell in the Parish or Diocese your Church members? Then Atheists, Sadducees, Hobbists, and all vicious men and thousands that never communicate are such: Yea those that you call Separatists. If it be every transient Communicant, have you a proper Pastoral care of every Traveller's Soul that so communicates with you? You after plead that his very ordinary Communion maketh him not a member, if he be unwilling to be one. And is not his consent then necessary? Or if ordinary Communion be the test (how few then of great Parishes are of the Church) yet that is because such Communion signifieth their Consent to your oversight of them. §. 9 But it's much to be approved which p. 5. and oft he saith, that to be taken into Covenant with God, and to be received into the Church is the very same thing, as to the Universal Church. By which all his gross Schismatical Accusations afterwards are confuted. No man then is out of the Church that is not out of the Baptismal Covenant, either by not taking it, or by renouncing some Essential part of it? And when will he prove, that to take him, rather than Dr. Bates that was cast out, to be a Teacher or Pastor at Dunstan's, or to take this man and not another to be the Lawful Bishop or Priest, and to obey him in every Oath and Ceremony, is an Essential part of the Baptismal Covenant, or of Christianity? But such a rope of Sand, as Mr. Dodwell and this man tie together, to bind men to their Sect, will serve turn with some that know not who speaks Truth, by any surer way than prejudice. §. 10. His Doctrine of Separation and gathering Churches out of Churches is anon to be considered: But whereas he adds, p. 7. [These men convert Christians from common Christianity, and the Communion of the Universal Church to Independency.] Ans. My acquaintance with them is small, save by reading their Books: And there are few Men of any Common Denomination (Episcopal, or other) that are not in many things disagreed. But I must in Charity to them say, that as far as I can judge by their Writings or Speech, he palpably slandereth them; and that none that are grave and sober among them do separate their Churches from the common Christianity or the Universal Church, any more than the Company of Stationers, Ironmongers, etc. are separated from the City of London, or London from England, or Trinity College from the University of Cambridge or Oxford. I never met with man, and I am confident never shall do, that doth not take his Independent Church to be part of the Universal, and Dependent as a part on the whole. If belying others stopped at words, the wrong were small: But when it's made but the stairs to hatred and destroying, it's his way to cure Schism that is commonly painted with Horns and Cloven feet. If a man come from a Country Village and be made by Covenant a Citizen of London, how prove you that he renounceth King or Kingdom? But he saith, p. 9 Those who wilfully separate from the Corporation to which the Charter was granted, forfeit their Interest in the Charter. Ans. What Reader doth this man presume upon that will not ask him, how he proveth 1. That God's Law or Charter to his Church doth not require them to congregate in distinct single Churches (as London Charter doth to erect several Companies, and the Universities several Colleges?) 2. And that God hath not in his Word given order or command for such single Churches: But that the Apostles and Titus by fixing Elders to their several Churches and Cities, separated from the Universal Church? 3. And that their subordinate Churches have not need of distinct subordinate consent and duty: And that our Diocesan Churches all separate from the Universal? Did he think these things need no proof at all? It may be he will say that the Diocesan depend on the Universal, but the Presbyterian or Independent do not. ● Answer, Dependence is either that of Subjects on Sovereign or Magistrates for Government, or that of a Community of Equals for Communion. In the former respect they depend on none but Christ as Universal Sovereign, Nor on any Foriegners for Governments: In the latter, they depend on all true Churches for Communion: And Doctor Hammond and most Diocesans hitherto have said that Diocesan Churches are thus far Independent or National at most. And if any be for a Foreign Jurisdiction, in Charity before they persuade England to it, they should procure them a Dispensation from all the Oaths, that have sworn all this Kingdom against endeavouring any change of Government, and against a Foreign Jurisdiction: For some fanatics now Dream that PER is the Mark of the Beast, and that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 (which is the number of his Name, is nominal as well as numeral, and refers to CH-urch 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 (and) S Tate] (For as for them that find a man's name in them, I abhor their Exposition more.) §. 11. p. 9 [God (saith he) hath not made any Covenant in particular with the Church of Geneva, France or England, etc. A. 1. God hath made one General Law, for Christian's congregating with their fixed Elders or Bishops in particular Churches all the World over: And his Command is not without Promise of being with them to the End of the World; and that Promise becometh a Promise to every Church so congregate. God hath not made distinct Laws or Promises to every Christian: But the Promise to Justify all Believers justifieth each single Person when he believeth. If the King should make one common Law to command all his Subjects that are Freeholders to live in Corporations or Hundreds, described with their privileges, those privileges would be all theirs that are so incorporated: As one Charter may Privilege every London Company, diversified by subordinate Agreements. 2. And that God who will have them thus incorporated and distributed into several single Churches, doth Covenant (or Promise) according to their demerits to each. Do I need to recite the peculiar Promises and threats to the seven Asian Churches, Rev. 2. and 3. which are Covenants to them? §. 12. Next Pag. 10. He will tell us what Communion is, and in many words, it is to tell us that Communion is nothing but Union: I know that quoad notationem nominis, Communion may signify, Union with others: But they that write Politics have hitherto distinguished Union and Communion, taking Communion for Actual Commnication, or exercise of the duties of men in Union? But to speak cross to other Writers on the same Subjects and give no reason for it, and to confound Union and Communion, is one part of this edifying Resolution. §. 13. Pag. 11. [Our Communion with the Church consists in being members of the Church, which we are made by Baptism,] (saith he.) Then the Baptised are still in Communion with the Church, till their baptism be nullified: And hath he proved us Apostates? §. 14. Pag. 12. Should any man who is no member of the Church, nor owns himself to be so, intrude into the Church and Communicate in all Holy Offices, it's no Act of Communion, etc. A. I thought communicating ordinarily in Holy Offices, had gone for an owning of Communion: If it do not, would you would tell us how to know who are of your Church. §. 15. p. 13. Saith he (Church-Communion does not consist in particular Acts of Communion, which can be performed among those who are present and Neighbours, but in membership: Now as a member is a member of the whole Body (not merely of any part of it, etc.) All the Subjects of England who never saw nor conversed with each other, are members of the same Kingdom.] A. 1. That word [merely] hath more Craft than Justice or Honesty: Merely signifieth Only I suppose; and if he would make his Reader think that they that are for single Church peculiar membership and consent, do take themselves to be [merely or only] members of those single Churches, and not of the Universal, it is shameless injury. 2. Will he ever draw men to conformity by making them believe, that because they owe Common Communion to all Christians, therefore we owe no special duty to the Bishops, Priests, Churches or Neighbours where we are settled? Do the Men of one College, School, Corporation, owe no more duty to that than to all others? Do the Freeholders' of Belford-shire choose Knights for Middlesex; or the Citizens of Oxford choose Officers in London? These seem strange Resolutions to us. 3. But doth he remember that [if Communion consist not in Acts of Communion to such, but in membership even with the distant,] then he that is baptised, and no Apostate, and performeth no other Acts of Communion to the Bishops, Parson or People where he liveth, than he is bound to perform to them a hundred or thousand miles off, is not Separatist. Methinks this favours Separation too much. §. 16. Pag. 14. When he denied any Divine Covenant to make us members of particular Churches distinguished from the Universal (as all National, Diocesan and Parochial are, as parts from the whole) he presently confteth all again, saying [The exercise of Church 〈◊〉 as to m●st of the particular duties and Offices of it must be confined to a particular Church and Congregation (for we cannot actually join in the Communion of Prayers and Sacraments, etc. but with some particular Church.] A. Oportuit fuisse memorem,— 1. Reader, doth not this man here confess that there are particular Churches? 2. If these be not distinct from the whole, than each particular is the whole. 3. If the Exercise must be in particular Churches, must not men Consent to their Relations and Duties? Is it a sin to Promise Duty? 4. Sure it is not mere Place, but a mutual Relation of Pastors and People that distinguisheth these Churches. The Presbyterians preached once in the same Places that you do, and yet you take them not for the same Church Pastors. If one from York or Cornwall come into your Pulpit without consent, do People stand as much related to him as to you? Some men are of extraordinary sufficiency to resist and conquer the clearest evidence of Truth. But he adds [every Act of Communion though performed to some particular Church, is and must be an Act of Communion with the whole Catholic Church.] A. And who denyeth this? No sober Independent or Presbyterian that ever I met with. It's a weighty Truth. §. 17. P. 14. Saith he [Praying, and Hearing and Receiving the Lords Supper together doth not make us more in Communion with the Church of England than with any other true and Orthodox part of the Church, though in the remotest part of the World.] A. I think that's not true: With the remotest parts you have only Catholic Communion with the Church Universal: In England and London you have that and more; even special subordinate Communion with your own King, Bishop and Flock. 2. And hath not the Church of England such Communion in obedience to its own Laws; (as the Act of Uniformity,) Convocation and Canons, which you have not with all abroad? Do your Bishops in Convocation make Canon Laws for all the World? Do you Swear Canonical obedience as much to the Bishop of Paris, or Ha●●nia, etc. as to your Ordinary? Do the Canons of all Churches impose our Liturgy, or ipso facto excommunicate all that affirm any thing in it, or our Ceremonies or Church Government, to be against God's word? Sure this is a peculiar kind of Communion. 3. If not, why are all the Nonconformists cast out that offer to officiate and Communicate on such terms as are common to all sound Churches? Pag. 15. Saith he [There is nothing in all these Acts of Communion which does more peculiarly unite us to such a particular Church than to the whole Christian Church.] A. What, neither in these Acts nor any other! Then we are no more bound to hear you, or maintain you as our Pastor, than to hear and maintain the whole Christian Church. § 18. P. 20. Saith he [There is no other Rule of Catholic Communion for Private Christians, but to communicatee in all Religious Offices and all Acts of Government and Discipline with Christians those with whom they li●e. A. 1. Elsewhere you added [sound and Orthodox:] Else they that live with Arians, Socinians, Papists (in Spain, France, Italy, etc.) are bound to communicate with them in all Religious Offices and obey them. 2. This concludeth, that where Presbytery or Independency is the way of the place where we live, all must thus communicate and obey. The King and Custom than may make any way to become our Duty. 3. If you tell us that it's only with the Sound and Orthodox, you were as good say nothing, unless you tell us who must judge that, whether the People themselves, or who for them. 4. But if this be the only rule for private Christians, what shall they do, e. g. in Aethiopa, Egypt, Syria, and many other Countries where the Churches are such as General Councils and other Churches judge Heretics or Schismatics? And what shall they do, when at Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople, etc. one party is uppermost (by the Judgement of Councils and Prince) one Year, and another contrary party the next. And what shall they do where the Prince equally tolerateth both, and it's hard to know which is the more numerous? as in Zeno's and Anastasius Reign, etc. And what shall they do when many Chnrches in one City are of divers Tongues, as well as Customs? Have the Greeks, French and Dutch in London no rule of Catholic Communion but communicating in all Office; with the English, and obeying all your Bishop's Courts? §. 19 P. 21. Saith he [Distinct and particular Churches which are in Communion with each other, must have their distinct bounds and limits, as every member has its natural and proper place, and Situation in the Body.] A. Why may not the Greeks, Dutch and French live in Communion with the Churches London though they live dispersedly among them! In Brandenburg, Hassia, and many free Cities, and Belgia, where Lutherans and Calvinists (as called) live together, and own each other as Brethren, why may not both be Churches of Christ? §. 20. P. 21, 22. A great deal more he hath of the like, making Schismatics at his Pleasure. [This is plain in the Case of the Presbyterian and Independent Churches and those other Conventicles— They are Churches in a Church,— Nothing can justify the Distinction of Christians into several Churches, but only such a distance of place as makes it necessary, etc. p. 22. Distinct Churches in the same place can never be under the same Communion. A. These things are repeated so oft, and the word [separate] so deceitfully rolled over and over, that I will answer all together under his third Case at the End. §. 21. P. 27. See how openly he recanteth most aforesaid: There is a sense indeed wherein we may be said to be members of one particular Church considered as distinct from all other particular Churches: But that principally consists in Government and Discipline. Every Christian is a member of the Whole Christian Church, and in Communion with it, but he is under the immediate instruction and Government of his own Bishop and Presbyters, and is bound to personal Communion with them; and this constitutes a particular Church, in which all Acts of Worship and all Acts of Discipline and Government are under the Direction and conduct of a particular Bishop.] A. Omitting that he seemeth to make the Parochial Churches no Churches, but parts of one, here he saith all that he seemed to write against, and that those that he reproacheth hold, allowing the difference of the extent of Churches. And is it Edifying to read such a discourse, that saith and unsaith by self-contradiction? And he adjoins 28. p. how by agreement Patriarchal and National Churches are made! And is not Agreement a humane Contract? CHAP. II. Of his first Case. §. 1. PAge 31. His first Case, Whether Communion with some Church or other be a necessary Duty incumbent on Christians:] And he thinks the Resolution of this is as plain, as whether it be necessary for every man to be a Christian: For every Christian is baptised into the Communion of the Church. A. In this I know no Christian adversary to him: But it being the Universal Church that he giveth his proof of necessary Communion with, it's odd to say, We must have Communion with some Church or other: As if there were more than one Universal Church. 2. But we grant more, that all that can well, should be also members of some single Church. §. 2. P. 32. He saith [External and Actual Communion is an Essential duty of a Church-member (meaning a Christian.] A. 1. And yet before he denied that Communion lay essentially in this Exercise, but only in Union: Yea and Nay is his Custom. 2. Some few Christians (as those that live where such Communion cannot be had without sin, etc.) are not bound to it; therefore it is not true that it is Essential to Universal Church-membership. And I think sickness endeth not the essentials, that disableth men. 3. Note Reader, that by this man's Doctrine we are all unchristened and damned if we do not gather into disallowed Churches, if we be unjustly cast out of the allowed ones: For all must be Church members that will be Christians, and an unjust Excommunication cannot disoblige us from Christianity, nor bind us to consent to be damned. Now read the 5th 6th 7th 8th, etc. Canons of the Church of England, which ipso facto Excommunicate all that affirm any thing in their Liturgy, Articles, Ceremonies or Government sinful, and answer Spalatensis arguments against Excommunicating ipso facto, and prove all this just, and you may prove what you will just. But you see where he layeth the Controversy: If any be Excommunicated without sufficient cause, or by Lay Civilians to whom God never gave that power, or by such Bishops or Pastors as have no just Authority for want of a true call or Consent; or if any unlawful thing be made necessary to Communion, all such persons must by his own confessions hold Church-communion whether these imposers will or not; for all Christians are bound to be of some Church. §. 3. p. 33, 34. He saith that [None but public Prayers are the Prayers of the Church properly, and acts of Communion, that is, such as are offered by the hands of men authorized and set apart for that purpose, etc.] Ans. Who would have thought that we are more for the Liturgy than he? I undertake to prove, that all the Responsal Prayers, and all the Litany Prayers, in which the Minister names but the matter to them, and the People make it a Prayer by speaking the petitioning parts, are all the public Prayers of the Church, and so are all the petitioning Psalms spoke or sung by the People, and not only that which is offered by the Priest: I do not think that he believeth what he carelessly saith here, himself. But the Independents are stiffer for his first Thesis (of the necessity of Church-communion) than he is, his unfit words I pass by. CHAP. III. Of his second Case. §. 1. THE next question of Occasional Communion as distinct from fixed, he turns out of doors, as if there could be no such thing, and it's very true as to the Church universal; but as to visible, actual Communion with this or that particular Church, it is not true. 1. A Traveller of another Country, who on his journey communicateth with every Church where he passeth, is not a fixed Member of that Church: for, 1. The Pastor or Bishop hath not that peculiar Charge of him as of fixed members. 2. He is not bound where he passeth to take such notice of the lives of Communicants or Pastors, and to admonish the Offenders, and tell the Church, as fixed members are. 3. He hath not the right in chooseing Pastors or Deacons as the fixed Members have. 4. An itinerant Bishop in transitu is not their fixed Bishop; ergo an Iterant Layman is not a fixed Member. The same I may say of one that is a fixed member of another Church in the same City, and cometh to that only to signify universal Communion, or neighbourly; which, though he deny to be lawful, I shall further prove anon. And the same I may say of those that dwell where there is no fixed single Church at all, for want of a Pastor, but they congregate only when some strange Minister passeth through the Town. CHAP. IU. His third Case. §. 1. PAge 48, 49. He resolveth his third Case: [Whether it be lawful to Communicate with two distinct and separate Churches] negatively, and saith, [It is contrary to all the Principles of Church Communion, as any thing can possibly be; it is to be contrary to ourselves, it is Communicating with Schism: That the Presbyterian and Independent Churches have made an actual separation from the Church of England he hath evidently proved;— and they are Schismatics, and to communicate with them is to partake in their Schism; and if Schism be a great sin, and that which will damn us as soon as Adultery and Murder, than it must needs be a dangerous thing to communicate with Schismatics. And p. 42. There cannot be two distinct Churches in one place, one for occasional, and another for constant Communion, without Schism.] Ans. To save those that are willing from the Poison of these Schismatical Doctrines, leapt up in confusion by men that abhor distinction, or understand not what they say; I will first lay down that truth that he sights against, with convincing evidence, and then show you the mischief of his false Doctrine and Application. §. 2. The confusion of these words [Church, Communion, Separation and Schism] which every one signify divers things, is the chief means to blind and deceive his Reader; whether it do so by himself I know not. I. The Word Church signifieth sometime the universal Church; sometime a single Organised Church as part of it, and sometime humane combinations of such single Churches; and that into Diocesan, Classical, Provincial, Patriarchal, National, and Papal. II. The Specification and Nomination of Churches is from the formal cause, and the proper Government is that form: And the Individuation is from matter and form, but principally from the form. III. The Union of Pastor and Flock in Relation makes that which is a form aptitudinal (as the Soul to the Body) to be the form in act (as the Union of Soul and Body) and Gods command and consent with the consent of the necessary relate and correlate cause that union. IV. Union is in order to Communion, which is primary by the exercise of the formal powers on the matter, and secondary by the action of all the parts according to their several capacities and Offices. V. The Union of the Church is of divers degrees. 1. The formal Union of the Head and Body, which maketh it essentially the [Christian Church.] 2. The Union of the parts among themselves as Christian, which maketh them a Body capable of Union with the Head. 3. The Union of the parts as unequal Organised, the Official with the rest, which maketh it an Organised Body, fit for its special use and welfare. 4. Union in integrity of parts, which maketh it an entire Body. 5. Union in due temperament and Qualities, which maketh it a healthful Body. 6. Unity in Commou Accidents, which make it a Comely Beautiful Body joined with the rest. But, 7. Union in mutable Accidents is unnecessary and impossible. VI These several degrees of Union are found in Bodies natural and Politic. 1. The Union of Soul and Body makes a man, and an Embryo before it be organised. 2. The Union of the Body maketh it capable of the Souls further Operation. 3. The Union of the Organical, chief parts, (as Heart, Lungs, etc.) to the rest make it a true humane Body completed to the nutriment and action of Life. 4. That it have Hands and Fingers, Feet and Toes, and all integral parts, makes it an entire Body. 5. The due site, temperament and qualities of each part make it a sound Body. 6. Comely colour, hair, action, going, speech, etc. make it a comely Body. 7. To have all parts of equal quantity and office, would make it uncomely: And to have the same hair, colour, etc. is unnecessary at all. 1. The Union of King and Subjects as such makes a Kingdom. 2. That the People be agreed; for one conjunct interest and Government maketh them a Community capable of Polity or Government. 3. That there be Judges, Majors and Justices, and subordinate Cities or Societies, maketh it an Organised Body, in which Kingly Government may be exercised to its end, the common good. 4. That no profitable part be wanting, (Judge, Justice, Sheriff, etc.) maketh it an entire Kingdom. 5. That all know their place, and be duly qualified with Wisdom, Love, Justice, Conscience, Obedience to God first, to the Sovereign Power next, to Officers next, etc. maketh it a sound and safe Kingdom. 6. That it be well situate, fertile, rich, eminent in Learning, Skill, etc. maketh it an adorned beautiful Kingdom. 7. That all be equal in Power and wealth is destructive; and that all be of one Age, complexion, calling, temper, degree of knowledge, etc. is impossible: And that all have the same language, clothing, utensils, etc. is needless at least. VII. Jesus Christ is the only Universal Sovereign of the Church, both▪ of vital influence and Government; nor hath he set up any under him, either Monarchical, Aristocratical, Democratical, or mixed, Pope, Council, or diffused Clergy, that hath the Power of Legislation and Judgement as governing the whole Chorch; but only Officers that per parts govern it among them, each in his Province, as Justices do the Kingdom, and Kings and States the World; nor is any capable of more. VIII. To set up any universal Legislators and Judge, (Pope or Council) is to set up an Usurper of Christ's Prerogative, called by many a Vice-Christ or an Antichrist; and as bad as making one man or Senate the Sovereign of all the Earth; and to attempt the setting up of such or any foreign Jurisdiction in this Land, is to endeavour to perjure the whole Kingdom that is sworn against it in the Oath of Supremacy, and sworn never to endeavour any alteration of Government in Church or State in the Corporation Oath, the Vestry Oath, the Militia Oath, the Oxford Oath, with the Uniformity Covenants: And if any should endeavour to introduce such a foreign Jurisdiction who themselves have had a hand in driving all the Kingdom to all these Oaths against it, I doubt whether all the Powers of Hell can devise a much greater crime against Clergy, Cities, and all the Land. Good reason therefore had Doctor Isaac Barrow to write against it as he hath done, and to confute Mr. Thorndike, and all such as of late go that pernicious way, by the pretence of Church Union and Communion. As if one universal Sovereign and Legislator and Judge, were not enough to unite Christ's Kingdom, or man could mend his universal Laws, and could not stay for his final judgement; and Churches and Kingdoms might not till then be ruled without one humane universal Sovereign by necessary and voluntary agreement among themselves. XI. To be a true Believer or Christian, (or the Infant seed of such) devoted to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, according to the sense of the Baptismal Covenant, uniteth each Member first to Christ himself directly, and consequently to his Body or Church; and this coram Deo, as soon as it is done by heart consent; and coram Ecclesia, regularly, as soon as he is invested by Baptism; which Baptism, when it may be had so, is regularly to be administered by none but an authorized Minister or Deacon; but if through necessity or mistake it be done by a Layman, the Ancient Christians took it not for a nullity, much less if the Baptizer was taken for a Minister by mistake, being in his place; and if no Baptism can be had, open covenanting is vallid. X. The papists (and their truckling Agents here) have here hampered themselves in a fatal contradiction: To make themselves masters of the World, they would persuade us, that Sacraments only regenerate and sanctify, and that God saveth none (by any known way and grant) but by his Covenant Sealed by the Sacraments; and that he authorizeth none to administer this Covenant but Prelates and their Priests, and none can validly have it from other hands: And so if you will but abate them the proof of many things that stand in the way, Heaven and Hell, Salvation and Damnation are at the will and mercy of such Prelates and Priests. But unhappily they cannot retrieve their old Opinion, but maintain that Laymen and Women may baptise in necessity validly, and that Baptismputs one into a State of Salvation. XI. As he that swears and keeps his Allegiance to the King is a Subject and Member of the Kingdom, though he be no Member of any Corporation; so, though he disown a thousand fellow Subjects; yea, though he deny the Authority of Constable, Justice, Judge; so he that is devoted to Christ truly in the Baptismal Covenant, is a Christian, and a Member of the Universal Church, though he were of no particular Church, or did disown a thousand Members, or any particular Officer of the Church. XII. All faults or crimes are not Treason: A man that breaketh any Law, is in that measure Culpable or punishable: but every breach of Law, or wrong to fellow Subjects or Justices, as it is not Treason, so it doth not prove a man no Subject; though some may be so great as to deserve death and make him intolerable: And so it is in the case of our Subjection in the Church to Christ. XIII. To own Christ's Instituted species of Church Officers is needful to the just Order, Safety and Edification of the Church (as to own the Courts of Judicature, Justices, etc. in the Kingdom) but to own this or that numerical Officer as truly commissioned, is needful only to the right administration of his own Province. XIV. As Christ did his own work of universal Legislation by himself and his Spirit eminently in the Apostles and Evangelists, who have recorded all in Scripture, so he settled Churches to continue to the end associated for Personal Communion in his holy Doctrine, Worship, Order and Conversation with authorized Ministers, subordinate to his administration in his Prophetical, Priestly, Kingly and Friendly Relations. And though these may not always or often meet in the same place, their neighbourhood maketh them capable of Personal presential Communion, as men that may know and admonish each other and meet by turns, and in presence manage their concerns; which differenceth single Churches of the lowest order from associated Churches of men, that have Communion only by others at distance. XV. As Logicians say of other Relations, the matter must be capable of the end, or it is not capable of the name and form; so is it here: e. g. It is no Ship that is made of mere Sponge or Paper, or that is no bigger than a Spoon; it is no Spoon that is as big as a Ship: One House is not a Village, nor one Village a City, nor a City a mere House. So twenty or an hundred or a thousand Perishes associate, cannot be a single Church of the first or lowest Order, being not capable of mutual Knowledge, Converse or personal present Communion: Nor are two or three Laymen capable to be such a Church, for want of due matter. But supposing them capable, though a full and rich Church have advantage for Honour and Strength, yet a small and poor one is ejusdem ordinis as truly a Church; and so is their Pastor, as Hierom saith of Rome and Eugubium so Alexandria and Maju●an etc. Gregory Neocaesar was equally Bishop of nineteen at first, as after of all save nineteen in the City. XVI. If the Apostles have Successors in their care and Superiority over many Churches, it will prove that there should yet be men of eminent worth to take care of many Churches, and to instruct and admonish the younger Ministers: But it will neither prove 1. That they succeed the Apostles in the extraordinary parts of their Office. 2. Nor that they have any forcing power by the Sword. 3. Nor that one Church hath power over others by Divine right; for the Apostles fixed not their power to any particular Churches, but were general Visitors or Overseers of many: Yet if the same Man who is fixed in a particular Church, have also the visiting admonishing oversight of many as far as was an Ordinary part of the Apostles Office, and be called an Archbishop, I know no Reason to be against him. XVII. There be essential and Integral Acts of the Sacred Ministry instituted by Christ: These none may take the Power of from any Ministers, nor alter the species or integrity of the Offce, by setting up any such Superious as shall deprive them of that which Christ hath instituted, or arrogating the like uncalled. But as in worship, so in Order and Church Government, there are undetermined accidents: As to choose the time and place of Synods, to preside and moderate and such like: And these the Churches by agreement, or the Magistrate may assign to some above the rest: And if the Magistrate affix Baronies, Honours, Revenues, or his own due Civil forcing Power, and make the same Men Magistrates and Ministers, whether we think it prudent and well done or not, we must honour and obey them. XVIII. Some call these humane Accidental Orders, forms of Church Government, and affirm (as Bishop Reignolds did, and Dr. Stillingfleet in his Irenicon and many excellent men by him cited) that no form of Church Government is of Divine Command. Which is true of all this second sort of Government which is but Accidental and humane; but not at all of the first sort which is Divine and Essential to Christ himself first, and to Pastors as such by his appointment; so that the essential Government of the Universal Church, by Christ, and of each particular Church by Pastors specified by him (if not of Supervisors of many as succeeding Apostles and Evangelists in their Ordinary work) are of unalterable Divine right. But the humane forms are alterable: Such I account 1. The Presidency and Moderatorship and accidental Government of one Bishop in a single Church over the other Presbyters, Deacons, etc. 2. The accidental Government of a Diocesan as an Archbishop over these lowest Bishops and Churches. 3. And the Superiority of Metropolitans and Patriarches over them, so it be but in such Accidentals and within the same Empire, not imposing a foreign Jurisdiction. These tota specie differ from the Divine Offices. XIX. All these single Church being parts of the Universal are less noble than the whole, and are to do all that they do as members in Union with the Whole, and to do all as Acts of Communion with them. XX. The General precepts of doing all to Edification, Concord, Peace, Order, etc. oblige all the Churches to hold such correspondencies as are needful to these Ends: And Synods are one special means, which should be used as far and oft as the Ends require: And if National Metropolitans and Patriarches order such Synods, I am not one that will disobey them. But if on these pretences any would make Synods more necessary than they are, and use them as Governors, by Legislation and Judgement over the Particular Bishops by the use of the Church Keys, and will affix to them or Metropolitans, besides an Agreeing Power and the said Government in Accidentals, a proper Church Government by making and unmaking Ministers or Christians, excommunicating and absolving as Rulers by the said Keys, it may be a duty to disown such usurpations. As the King would disown an Assembly of Princes any where met that would claim a Proper Government of him and his Kingdom; Tho' it were much to be wished that all Christian Princes would hold such Assemblies for the Concord and Peace of Christendom. XXI. The Essentials of Faith, Hope and Loving 〈◊〉, essentiate the Church objectively: And these are all summarily contained in the Baptismal Covenant, explained in the Creed, Lords Prayer and Decalouge; and all with much more, even Integrals and needful Accidentals in the Sacred Scriptures, which taking in the Law of Nature, are Gods Universal Law. XXII. There is no Church on Earth so sound and Orthodox as to want no Integral part of Christian Religion: Proved: There is no man on Earth, much less any multitude, so sound as to want no Integral part: But all Churches consist only of Men; And therefore if all the Men be so far defective, all the Churches are so. It is not their Objective Religion Generally and implicitly received that I mean, but their Subjective Religion, and their explicit reception of the Objective. The Scripture is our perfect Objective Religion in itself, and as an Object proposed, and in general and implicitly we all receive it. But as a man may say, I believe all that's in the Scripture, and yet be ignorant of the very Essentials in it; so a man may explicitly know and believe all the Essentials and more, and yet be ignorant of many Integrals. All things in Scripture proposed to our Faith, Hope and Practice, are the Integrals of our Religion: But no Christian understandeth all these proposals or words of Scripture: Therefore no Christian explicitly believeth them all, or practiceth all. To hold the contrary, is to hold that some Church is perfect in Understanding, Faith, Hope and Practice, without Ignorance, Error or Sin: that is, not to know what a man or a Christian on Earth is. XXIII. Much less do all Churches agree in unnecessary indifferent accidents, nor ever did, nor ever will or can do. XXIV. The measuring out Churches by limits of Ground, Parochial or Diocesan, is a mere humane ordering of a mutable accident, and no Divine Determination: And if all were taken for Church members-because they dwell in those precincts, it were wicked: But if it be but all in those precincts that are qualified Consenters, it is usually a convenient measure: But such as in many Cases must be broken. XXV. If a Church with Faithful Pastors be well settled in a place first where there are not more than should make up that one Church, it is not meet for any there to gather a distinct Church (though of the same Faith) without such weighty reason as will prove it necessary, or like to do more good than hurt: 1. Because Love inclineth to the greatest Union; 2. Because a Great Church is more strong and honourable than a small, if the number be not so great as to hinder the Ends. 3. And the Ancient Churches kept this Union. XXVI. If Magistrates make such Laws about Church Accidents as tend to further the Church's welfare, or are so pretended, and not against it, we must obey them. But if they will either invade Christ's Authority or cross it, by making Laws against his, or such as are proper to his Prerogative to make, or invade the Pastor's Office, and the Churches properright given by Christ, or determine Accidents to the Destruction of the Substance (the Church, Doctrine, Worship or Ends) these bind the Consciences of none to Obedience; but Christ must be obeyed, and we must patiently suffer. XXVII. Self-interest, Self-Government and Family-Government are all antecedent to Public Government, which Ruleth them for the Common good, but hath no Authority to destroy them: No King or Prelate can bind a man to do that which would damn his Soul, nor to omit that which is needful to his Salvation: All power is for Edification: They are Gods Ministers for Good. XXVIII. As it belongs to self-government to choose our own Diet, and clothes, and Wives, and Physicians, (though we may be restrained from doing public hurt on such pretences;) And it belongs to Family Government to educate our own Children, and choose their Tutors, Callings, Wives, etc. so it more nearly belongs to self-government to choose the most safe and profitable means of our own Salvation, which no man may forbid us; and to avoid that which is pernicious or hurtful; and to Family-Government to do the like for our Children. XXIX. It is false Doctrine of those late Writers who tell us, that only Sacraments sanctify or give right to Salvation: The whole Tenor of the Gospel tells us that men are brought to Faith and Repentance, and to be Christians, and Godly men, and by Faith to be justified, by the Preaching of the Gospel: and that God's word is his appointed means of Salvation, which his Ministers must preach skilfully, instantly, in season and out of season, to that End: And if the Gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost. XXX. The Gospel saveth not like a Charm, by the bare sound or saying of the words; nor the Sacrament like an Amulet; But as a Moral means (specially blest by him that instituted it) to work on man as M●n, by informing his Mind, persuading his Will and exciting his Affections, as Men are wrought on in other Cases; (which methinks those called Arminians should least deny, who are said to lay more of the Spirits operation on Moral suasion than their Adversaries; yea and those that account it Fanaticism to expect any other gift of Prayer from the Spirit but what is given morally by use.) And the contrary Doctrine feigneth God to Work even constantly by Miracle: And as the Papists make every Mass-Priest a Miracle Worker in Transubstantiation, so do they that make the bare saying over the Words and doing the outward Acts in the Sacrament, to save us ex opere operato, and the Pastoral teaching and oversight of an ignorant drunken Lad or Reader to be (near) as great a help to Salvation, as the Ministry of a wise skilful, Holy and exemplary Pastor, and the clear affectionate Preaching of God's word: And that tell us (as Mr. Dodwell) how sufficient a man is to administer the Sacramental Covenant that understands what a Covenant is in matters of Common Conversation. XXXI. If a Wise and Skilful and Conscionable Ministry be as needless to Edification and Salvation as some Men pretend, it is as needless that they should study to be such, and vain to Glory that they are such, and that the Church of England hath such a Ministry, and vain to expect that men should pay them any more respect than I owed my Master that never preached but once, and that drunken; (and divers very like him.) Or that they should use this as an argument to draw men to hear them. XXXII. If the King or Law should settle a Physician of his (or a Patrons) choice in every Parish, it were well done if it be but to have help at hand for Volunteers: But if he command all to use them and to use no other before them or against them, where unskilful or untrustly men are placed, no man is bound to obey this command: NO men's Law can dissolve the Law of Nature, nor disoblige a man from a due care of his Life, nor bind him to cast it away upon Obedience to ignorant or bad and treacherous Men. And a man's Soul is more precious than his Health or Life; and he is bound to greater care of it; and is no more to trust it on the will of his Superiors How vast is the difference between an ignorant rash Physician or Pastor, and one that is wife, experienced and trusty? They that scorn Men for going for greater edification from one to another, do not so if a man prefer a skilful Physician to one that kills more than he cures; or a skilful and careful Tutor for his Son, yea or a Farrier for his Horse. XXXIII. If one Preacher be not for Edification to be great●● preferred before another, than One Book is not: And so it's no matter what Book they read or value; and what a Student will this make? And what a Trade for the Booksellers? And why then should their own Books be so valued? And why then do they silence hundreds or thousands and forbid them to preach on pain of ruin, (though no false Doctrine be proved against them) if they think not that the difference is very great. XXXIV. When Councils hereticated and condemned Thousands or Hundreds of Priests and Bishops, whom Christian Emperors and Princes owned as Orthodox, they did not then think every Patron, Prince or Prelate a competent Judge with what Pastor Men should trust the conduct of their Souls: Nor did they think so that forbade men hearing fornicators; Nor Cyprian that required the People to forsake Basilides and Martial (& Peccatorem Praepositum.) XXXV. So full was the proof given in the Book called, The first Plea for Peace, that the Church from the beginning denied Princes and Magistrates to be entrusted with the choice of Bishops, or Pastors to whom the Churches were bound to trust the conduct of their Souls, that he who denyeth it, is not worthy to be therein disputed with. And yet we doubt not but they may force Infidel Subjects and Catechumen to hear sound and settled Preachers and Catechists; And may dispose of the Tithes, Temples and many other Accidents of the Church; and may drive on Pastors and People to their Duty. XXXVI. It is false Doctrine that two distinct Churches may not be in the same Precincts or City; This being a mere Accident which abundance of Cases make unnecessary and unlawful: Which I shall prove. That which is no where commanded by God, is no duty: But that there shall be but one Church (or Bishop) in the same Precincts, is not commanded of God, Ergo, etc. (Divine of Gods making.) They own the Major in the case of Indifferent thing. If they deny the Minor let the affirmers prove any such command. We grant a command of Love and Concord, and a prohibition of all that is against them. But in many instances, to have several Churches in the same precincts, is not against them. If they fly to the Canons of foreign Councils, the reason of them we shall weigh and duly regard; But they were National, and had their Legislative Power only from their own Princes and their Counselling Power only from Christ: And we disown all foreign Jurisdiction. XXXVII. In all these Cases following (and more) two Churches may be in the same precincts (yea and a City.) 1. In Case that several Bishops are called justly to dwell in the same City, or Diocese, and many of their Flock be with them, e.g. Many Bishops of England dwell long, yea mostly in London or in London Diocese: e. g. The Bishop of Eli dwells in the Parish of St. Andrews Holbourn: Qu. Whether there he be a Subject to Dr. Stilling sleet as his Pastor, and bound to obey him? or whether many out of his Diocese (thousands) may not as Lawfully dwell half the Year in London as he? And whether when he preacheth to them, he do it not as their Bishop (in London Diocese.) And so of many other Bishops that here reside. XXXVIII. 2. Either our Parish Churches are true Churches, or not. If not, the Separatists are so far in the right; And separate not from true Churches eo nomine because they separate from them. If yea, than many Churches are in the same City and Diocese. (Of their agreement and dependence on the same Bishop I shall speak anon.) XXXIX. 3. In case that in one City there be resident Stranges, that are sent on Embassies, or live for Merchandise, or flee from Miseries, and are the Subject of other Princes, whose Laws and Customs they are under, e. g. At Frankford, Hamburgh, Middleburgh, Dantzick, Const●●●nople, there have been English distinct lawful Churches: And in London there are Dutch and French Churches: And if the King allowed a Swedish Church, a Danish Church, a Saxon Church, etc. with their several Bishops, who is so weak as to need proof that this is lawful, and they true Churches? XL. 4. In case men of different Language are not capable of mutual converse by personal communion or help: As Dutch, French, Italian, Greeks, Germans, etc. Grotius and Dr. Hammond (oft in Dissert, and Annot.) do maintain that Peter at Rome had a Church of Jews, and Paul a Church of Gentiles: And that the like distribution of Churches of Jews and Gentiles, there was at Antioch, Alexandria and other places: And by this they Salve the Contradictions in Church History about the Succession of Linus, Cletus and Clemens: And the Apostles settled not a sinful Church way. XLI. 5. Yea Grotius maintaineth that the Apostles settled the Churches at first not like the Jewish Priesthood, but in the order of their Synagogues; (de Imper. sum. Patest. and in Annot.) And that as there were divers Synagogues in a great City with their Archisynagogus and Elders, so there were divers Churches in a City with Bishops and Presbyters. XLII. 6. When there are a greater number of Persons in one City o● precinct than can have any just personal Knowledge and Communion, and more than any one Bishop with his Presbytery can perform the needful Pastoral oversight to, it is lawful and a duty, to gather another Church in that City or Precinct: But this is truly the Case of many great Cities, though worldly Wisdom have at Rome, and other places oft denied notorious evidence and experience. He that will gather up all the duties that Dr. Hammond saith were charged on the Bishops (in his Annotations on all the Texts that name Elders and Bishops) if he can believe that any Bishop can perform the tenth part of them to all in the Diocese of London, York, Lincoln, Norwich, etc. I will not dispute against him if he maintain a Bishop's U●iquity, or that at once he can be in twenty places. But if they say, that what then was commanded them to do personally, they may do by others, I say, that if they may change the Work, they may change the Power, that specifieth the Office; and so it is not the same Office in specie instituted in Scripture: And then Laymen may have Power to preach and administer Sacraments, and do the Office of Priest, and yet be no Priest (as Civilians do of Bishops) which is a Contradiction. Certainly if there be more Scholars in the City than one Master can Teach and Rule, it is no Schism to set up more Schools and Schoolmasters, but a duty. And if the Lord Mayor on pretence of City Government should put down but as great a part of Family Government, as those Diocesans do of Parochial Church Government, who allow none under them to be truly Episcopi Grigis, and have the power of their Church Keys, I think that it were no Sch●m to restore Families so that the City might have more than one (entirely.) XLIII. 7. If the Sovereign Power upon Politic or Religious Reasons should determine, that e. g. Dr. A, and Dr. B, and Dr. C. shall all be Bishops in London, to such Volunteers of Clergy and Laity as shall choose each of them to be their Bishop, and this without altering their dwellings, no man can prove it sinful; And of his reasons the King is judge. XLIV. 8. If the Bishop or Clergy of a City, Diocese or Nation, do agree by Law or Canon to admit none to the Ministry or Communion that will not commit a known sin deliberately as the Condition of his Communion, it is a duty to congregate under other Pastors in those precincts. This is confessed: If they should not only hold any error, or practise sin, but require men to subscribe and approve it, and say it is no sin, no man ought to do this; nor yet to live like an Atheist, and forsake all Worship because men forbid him, if it were but to subscribe one untruth: But alas, this is no rare Case: In one Emperors Reign all were Anathematised that subscribed not to the Council of Chalcedon, and quickly after all that did, or that would not renounce it: The same division and changes were made by the Councils against and for the Monothelites, de tribus Captrulis, Images, etc. And when all Men living have many Errors, and the Church of England disclaimeth her Infallibility, and yet will receive no Minister that will not subscribe that there is nothing in her Books contrary to the word of God, the Case is hard. But when all the things mentioned in the Plea for Peace are proved lawful, we shall be more yielding in this Case. XLV. 9 If true and sound Christians mistakingly think one or many things to be heinous sins, (as Perjury, Lying, Renouncing Obedience to God, and Repentance, etc.) which are things indifferent, but of so great difficulty that most Learned and Godly and Willing Men cannot discern the Lawfulness and agree, and yet are not necessary nor just conditions of Ministry or Communion, and so it is the Imposer that entangleth them by difficulty in their dissent, it is not lawful for these men therefore to forbear all Church Worship, but mi●●t use it as they can. XLVI. 10. If any Church unjustly excommunicate such men; or others, they must not forbear all Church order and worship because men so excommunicate them. No man must Sin to escape Excommunication; and every man in the World is a sinner; And therefore all the World must be excommunicated, if all Sinners must be so. As I before said, the times oft were when almost all the Bishops in the Empire were excommunicated by one another: Councils and Popes have oft excommunicated some for trifles and some for Truth and Duty. And such must not therefore renounce all Church Worship and Communion. The Church of England do by their standing Law ipso facto excommunicate all (as aforesaid) that affirm any thing to be repugnant to God's Word or sinful, in their whole Church Government, Articles, Liturgy and Ceremonies, and so to stand till they Publicly revoke this as a wicked Error. Now many Lords and Commoners in Parliaments, have spoken against some of these particulars; and some out of Parliament: Many Ministers have done the like when the King Commissioned them to treat for Alterations; And many when the Accusations or demands of others have called them to give a Reason of their Actions. Some have maintained that it is repugnant to God's word that Lay Civilians should have the decretive Power of the Keys, and that the Parish Minister must cast out of Communnion all that the Lay Doctors or Chancellors excommunicate, and all that dare not receive kneeling, and that they should deny Christendom to all that scruple the English sort of Godfathers' Covenants, and the transient Symbolical Image of the Cross, with abundance such things: Now all these are ipso sacto excommunicate. And though they be not bound to avoid the Church till this be applicatorily declared, yet actually excommunicate they are, and that by a higher authority than the Bishops; and they know the Church's decree; and the Priests are sworn to Canonical Obedience; And he that will not temp● them to be forsworn, nor come into a Church that hath excommunicated him, seems therein excusable: But must he therefore renounce the Church of God? XLVII. 11. If the People are so set against one Bishop for another, as that half being for one and half for the other, and both Orthodox, they cannot be persuaded to unite in one. A Council at Rome determined in the Case of Paul●nus and Flavian at Antioch, that both of them should hold their distinct Churches, and so live in love and peace. And though one or both parties in this were mistaken Sinners, so are all moral men, who yet must not live like Atheists. XLVIII. 12. An undetermined accident must be so determined as most serveth to do the greatest good and avoid the greatest Evil: But whether divers Churches shall promiscuously live in the same City or Diocese or Parish, is an Accident not determined by God, and either way may be for the greatest good, as circumstances vary. e.g. When in a Church half cannot consent to condemn the words of Theodo●●t, Theodore Mo●s●est, and Ibas, and half will condemn them with the Council; if these can serve God quietly in Love and Peace in different Congregations, but cannot endure one another in the same, it is most for the Church's Peace that they be permitted to join with those of their own Mind. ● When one Pope declared that it's sound Doctrine to say [One of the Trinity was Crucified,] when another had declared that it is not sound Doctrine, they that held with one Pope, and they that held with the other might both be true Churches in different Assemblies: When Justinian raised the bloody controversy between the Corrupticolae and the Phantasiastae, wise men thought both sides were true Churches: Yea and so did many wise men think of the Orthodox and Nestor●●ns and many E●tychians. XLIX. 13. It's a common case under Turks and Heathens, that they give liberty of Conscience for Christians of all parties: Now suppose that in Ateppo, in Constantinople or elsewhere, there be (partly for Country sake, and partly for Language, but most for different Judgements) one Church of Armenians, one of Greeks, one of Englishmen, etc. what Law of God makes only one of these to be a true Church, and which is it? L. 14. Suppose that the settled Church e.g. in Holland, Sweden, Saxony, is for Presbytery, or for an Episcopacy that arose from Presbyters ordination, or that had none or a short Liturgy, and the Prince would tolerate English men (as Frankford did) to set up a Church of the English Form and Liturgy, I think few Prelatists would deny it to be lawful. LI. I omit other instances, and come to the matter of Separation, which word serveth this man and such other in so general and undistinguished a sense, as would make one think he were of Mr. Dodwell's mind, That words in dispute have but one signification, which all are bound to know that use them. Even a Bell by the same sound sometime signifieth a call to Church, and sometime a Funeral, and sometime Joy; but [Separate, Separate] is rung over and over with these men, as if it signified but one thing. 1. He that heareth half the Sermon and Service, and goeth out of Church, doth Separate at that time from the rest. When a Protestant Heretic was doing Penitence with his Faggot at St. Mary's in Oxford, and the Friar was Preaching, a mistaken Voice in the street made them think the Heretics had set the Church on fire, and they separated from the Preacher, one Friar stuck by the belly that was going out at the window; the door being wedged with the crowd, a Boy that saw it open above their heads, got up on their shoulders, and went on till he slipped into a Monk's Cowl, and there lay still till the Monk was got out, and felt something on his back, and thinking it was an heretical Devil, began to conjure him in the Name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to tell him what he was, and the Boy cried, O good Master I am the Baker's boy, etc. Quaere, Whether this was Schismatics separation. At Wal●all in Sta●ford-shire, Mr. Lapthorne (known to me in his lusty age) who had been a Nonconformist, but thought it an honour to be converted by a King, and gloried that King James in conference changed him; but being as rustic a thunderer as Father Latimer and more, he was wont to let fly without much fear; one Mr. Martin in the Parish accounted the greatest enemy to Puritans, when he heard what he liked not, would go out of Church; one day (in a path way where Mr. Lane had rode a little before) pelting Crabs with a pole, the ground opened and swallowed him and his pole, that they could never be found (being a Cole-mine long on fire:) ever after that, when any one would go out of Church at a blustering passage, Mr. Lapthorne would call to him, Remember Martin; Quere, Whether all these were separating Schismatics? But this is too far off: In Dunstan's West, where Dr. Sherl●ck Preacheth, when I was licenced twenty years ago, at Christmas, as I was Preaching, some Lime or Stone fell down in the Steeple with the crowd, the Church being old and under suspicion, they all thought it was falling, and most ran out in tumult, and some cast themselves headlong from the Gallery for haste; when they were quieted and came in again, the Boys in the Chancel broke a Wainscot Skreen with climbing on it, and the noise made them run out again; one old woman going out, cried, It's just with God because I took not the first warning, Lord forgive me, and I'll never come again: Quere, Whether these, or at least this resolving Woman was a Schismatic, and separated from the Catholic Church? If not, there is some separation that is not so bad as Murder; and methinks the Doctor should forgive it for the success; for the Parish hereupon resolved to pull down the Church and build it new, a far better Fabric where the Dr. now Preacheth; and it drove me away that I preached there no more; Whether this new Church built where the old one had possession before, be not a Schismatical Separatist, I leave to him. LII. 2. Local Separation without Mental can make no culpable Schism; for Nil nisi Volunt artum est morale; if a man be imprisoned or be sick and cannot come to the Church, it is innocent Separation; I have been at no Church this half year, much against my will, O that God would heal me of this Separation! LIII. 3. If it must be mental Separation that must be culpable, than it is diversified according to the mental degree and kind; and no man separateth from the universal Church who separateth not from somewhat essential to it; to separate from its Integrals or Accidents may be culpable, but it's no Separation from the Church, no more than every breach of the Law is a Separation from the Kingdom. LIV. 4. Some separate as to place, locally and not mentally, some mentally and not locally, and some both: He that daily observeth the outward Communion of the Church, and yet taketh it for no Church, or denyeth it● Faith, Hope or essential Duty, separateth indeed. All those men that live unbelievingly, atheistically, wickedly, that in their converse prate against the Scripture and immortality of the Soul, and that hate and persecute serious Godliness, are damnably separated from Christ, and therefore from the Catholic Church, and are so to be esteemed so far as this is known, though when it is unknown, the Church can take no notice of it. LV. 5. It being only Humane Laws and Circumstantial Conveniences 〈◊〉 make it unmeet to have divers Churches and Bishops living promiscuously in the same Parishes, Cities, Dioceses or Nations; where Laws and circumstances allow it, it is no unlawful separation. LVI. 6. He that liveth in foreign Lands (Christian, Mahometan or Heathen) where various Churches live promiscuously (Greeks, Armenians, Protestants, Papists, etc.) is no Schismatic, if he choose which he thinks best, and be absent locally from the rest, condemning them no further than they deserve. LVII. 7. He that removeth into another Diocese or Parish for his worldly interest, separateth without fault from the Church he was in. LVIII. 8. It is a lawful separation to remove one's dwelling, because the Minister is ignorant, unskilful, or otherwise bad, and this for the better edification of his Soul, and the use and help of a more able faithful Minister, even Law and Custom and reason do allow it. LIX. 9 Tho' the Canon 57 and 28. ●orbid Ministers oft to give the Sacrament to Strangers that come out of other Parishes, even where no Preaching is, yet those many sober People that use this in London, are not taken to be Schismatics, as bad as Murderers: Many that are esteemed the most sober religious Conformists do ordinarily go from their own Parish Churches, some (in Martin's and St. Giles' Parish, etc.) for want of room, and some for more Edification, to Dr. tillotson, Dr. S●illingfleet, Dr. Burnet, Dr. Fowler, Mr. Gifford, Mr. Durham, Mr. H●rneck and such others, and communicate with them; and though these are called by the late Catholics by the Name of Dangerous Trimmers, I think even Dr. Sherlock will think it more pardonable than Murder, if they come to him. LX. 10. If the King and Law should restore the ancient order that every City, that is, every great incorporate Town in England should have a Bishop, (yea or every great Parish) and that the Diocesans should be their Arch-Bishops, and our new Catholics should tell the King and Parliament that they are hereby unchristened Schismatics, as dangerous as Adulterers or Murderers, for gathering Churches within a Church, I would not believe them. LXI. 11. If (e.g. at Fran●ford, Zurick, Lubeck, Hamburgh, etc.) a Church is settled in the Lutheran way, and another in the Bohemian way, described by Lasitius and Commenius, (which is a conjunction of Episcopacy, Presbytery and Independency) or a Church that had no Liturgy, or none but that which the French Protestants and Dutch have, would it be damning Schism, for such as Cox and Horn at Fran●ford to set up an Episcopal Church in the English mode, and with their Liturgy, and so far to separate from the rest? LXII. 12. If it be true that John Mayor, Fordon, and others say that Presbytery was the Government of the Church of Scotland before Episcopacy was brought in, was the introduction of Episcopacy by Palladius a damning Schism by separating from the former, or a Reformation; is just Reformation Schism? LXIII. 13. When the Church first set up Patriarches, Metropolitans, General Councils, Monasteries, Parish Churches distinct from Cathedrals, Organs, New Liturgies, and multitudes of Ceremonies, this was a departing or separating from the contrary Church way which was there before, was it therefore Schism? LXIV. 14. When Socrates tells us of some Countries that had Bishops in the Country Villages (like our Parishes) was it a damning Schism to separate from this custom, by decreeing that even small Cities should have no Bishops, Ne vilescat nomen Episcopi? or when the 〈◊〉 were put down, where they had been? LXV. 15. If a man separate not from any thing essential to the Church of England, he separateth not from that Church, though he refuse that which is its Accidents, or some Integral parts: We are charged with separating from the Church of England, as if it were a matter of fact beyond dispute, and scorned for denying it, even by them that will not tell us what they mean by the Church of England, or by Separation. By the Church of England we mean the Christian Kingdom of England, or all the Christians in England, as living in one land, under one Christian King who Governeth them by the Sword, which includeth their Concord among themselves in true Christianity; we are Christians, we profess agreement in Christianity with all Christians we are under the same King as they are, and profess subjection, and take; the same Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy; yea, we are not charged with differing in any thing called Doctrinal from their Thirty Nine Articles; but we disown certain late Covenants and Oaths which are not Twenty three Years old, and the Subscription to one Canon about the Innocency of all in their Liturgy; now either these new Oaths, Covenants and Canon, Liturgy and Ceremonies are essential to the Church of England, or not; If yea, then, 1. It's a poor humane Church, made by them that made these Oaths, Liturgy and Ceremonies. 2. And then it's a new upstart Church, and no man can answer the Papists where it was before Luther, or before Henry 8. yea, if its essentials were made by this King and Parliament, 1662. then the present Church is no older: But if these things be indifferent, or not essential to the Church, then to separate only from these, is not to separate from the Church. If it be said, That for the sake of these we separate from the Church itself, and therefore from its essence; we abhor the accusation, and challenge them to prove it: If we separate from the Church essentially, it is either Locally or Mentally; not Locally, for we are yet in England, nor is Local distance only a sin; not Mentally, for we own it for a true Christian Kingdom, called a National Church, bound to serve Christ in Love and Concord to their Power: We deny not the King to be the Governor, nor Christians to be Christians, no nor the particular Churches and Ministers to be true (though culpable) Churches and Ministers, nor th●ir Sacraments to be true Sacraments; we profess to hold with them one Catholic Body, one Spirit, one God, one Christ, one Faith, one Baptism (in the essentials) and one Hope, and are ready to promise to live in Concord with them in all other things, as far as will stand with our Obedience to God; so that we separate not from the Church of England as such, but from some of its Accidents, which we dare not be guilty of. LXVI. 16. The same I say of a Parish Church; he that locally removeth, e.g. from a Church that hath Organs, to one that hath none, separateth from a pair of Organs, but not Mentally from the Church, unless the Organs be its essence. LXVII. 17. They that are for the true ancient Episcopacy, (e.g. as much as Archbishop usher's Reduction which we offered did contain) but dislike the Lay Civilians power of the Keys, and Officials, Surrogates, Arch-deacons Government, etc. do not separate from the Church as Episcopal, but from the humane Novelties which they disown. LXVIII. 18. If a Parishioner fall out with his Priest, and they go to Law about Tithes, Glebes, Words, etc. and the Suit be long, and the man dare not Communicate with him believing that he hateth him, th● the animosity should be culpable, being but personal, his going from him to another Church is not separating from Christ; (for I hope that even Mr. Dodwell himself will not say that every Priest is Christ) LXIX. 19 Ex qu●●is ligno non fit Mercurius, surely there is some qualification essential to the Ministry; if a man want that qualification, it is a Duty to separate from him as no Minister, e.g. When I came to Rederminster, (after my subjection to six or seven worse) I found the Vicar, one reputed ignorant of the Fundamentals, (he was brought in by Sir Henry Blunt a P●pist) who Preached but once a quarter, which most thought he might better have forborn, and his Curate Mr. Turner at Mitton Preached once a day, whom I found ignorant of the Catechism Principles by Conference, and he confessed he had but one Book, Musculus common places in English, and he said some of that to the People, and they took it for a Sermon; he lived by unlawful Marrying, infamous for Drinking and Quarrelling; he that had taken these for no Ministers, and separated from them, had not thereby separated from Christ or his Church Catholic. LXX. 20. If it prove as hard to know who is the true Pastor in a competition of Pretenders, as it was to know which was the true Pope, when there were two or three, (above twenty times) or whether, e.g. Optandus was true Bishop of Geneva that knew not Letters, or whether Duke Heriberts' Son consecrated in Infancy was Archbishop of Rheims, or any other Infant consecrated be a Bishop, (officiating per alios, Surrogates, Chancellors, Off●cials, etc.) it is not here a Separation from Christ to separate from either of the Pretenders: He that mistaketh not, is not liable to the Charge, he that mistakes, doth not err in an Article of Faith, but in a difficult point of humane title, and the qualification and right of a single man; and my Opinion is, that if such a title were tried before our Judges or King, and they should mistake and give Judgement against him that had right, this were no separating from Christ, nor proof that they are Infidels. LXXI. 21. If the Case of two contending Bishops or Presbyters come before a General or Provincial Council, and they mistake and give it to the wrong, and so separate from the right, I do not think that thereby they separate from Christ or the Church Catholic, e.g. The Constantinopolitan Council first gave the Church of Constantinople to Nazianzen, and after judged him out as having no right; if by this they separated from Christ, they that take them for the Catholic Church representative, must say that the Catholic Church separated from Christ and itself. When another Council wrongfully deposed chrysostom, and separated from him, and Cyril Alexandr. persuaded the continuance of it, did the universal Church separate from itself and Christ? If a General Council which should be wisest, be excusable from damning Schism, whenever it misjudgeth and separateth from a rightful Bishop, sure every Layman and woman that doth the same, doth not separate from Christ. If it prove that a General Council deposed Nestorius as unjustly as David Derodon thought, or Dioscorus as unjustly as others thought, or Flavian as unjustly as the Orthodox think, this proveth them Guilty of some Schism, but not of separating from the universal Church. When Menna of Constantinople, and the Pope excommunicated each other, when a Synod in Italy renounced Vigilius, and all his Successors were an hundred y●●rs deposed from their Primacy, and a Patriarch at Aquileia set up in his stead for a great part of Italy, because Vigilius subscribed to a General Council, de tribus Capitulis, this was Schism (somewhere) but not separating from Christ. LXXII. 22. If a man in England should think that all the old Councils were obligatory, which decree that he shall be taken for no Bishop that comes in by the choice (yea or Mediation) of Courtiers, Princes or great men, or any that have not the true Consent of Clergy and People, and thereupon should conclude that Bishops, Deans, prebend's, etc. so chosen and imposed are Laymen and no true Bishops and Pastors, this were a separating from those Persons, but not from Christ and the Universal Church, when as Mr. Thorndike saith, that till the right of Electing Bishops by the Clergy and People be restored, we need look no further for the reason of the Contempt of Episcopacy here. So if a man think that God never trusted every Ignorant Wicked man that can but get Money and buy an Advowson, to choose those Pastors to whose conduct all the People are bound to trust their Souls, (and the Bishop to admit them for fear of a Quare impedit, if they have but a Certificate and can speak Latin) This is not damning Separation. LXXIII. 23. If a Bishop set up a seeming Convert, really a Papist (e.g. Mr. Hutchinson alias Berry, or one of them that lately Confessed themselves Papists,) the People that find by experience what the man is, are not damned Schismatics for not taking him for their Pastor, or for going from him. If Godfrey Goodman Bishop of Gloucester was a Papist, did he separate from Christ that separated from the Diocesan Church of Glouc●ster, while he was an Essential part? Or that did not implicitly trust all the Priests that he ordained? LXXIV. 24. If in a Cathedral Church one withdraw from their Service, because of their difference in ●●●ing, Ceremonies, etc. from the Parish Churches, though it be the Bishop's Church that he separateth from, it is not as a Church, nor from anything essential to it, e.g. Miles Smyth Bishop of Gloucester (the famous 〈◊〉, and ●hief in our Bible's Translation) declared and performed 〈…〉 he would never come more to his Cathedral, because the Dean (in 〈◊〉 time) kept up the Altar. Qu. Whether he separated from himself or his Church? V●i Episcopus ibi Ecclesia: Who were the Separatists? They that followed the Bishop, or they that separated from him and kept to the C●hedral? The same ●●ay of William's Bishop of Lincoln that wrote against 〈◊〉. LXXV. 25. If faithful Pastors and People are settled in concord, and the higher Powers make a Law to depote and eject them without jast cause (as Multitudes were in many Emperor's days, and Multitudes by the Interim in Germany in Charles the fifth's time; and Multitudes in the Palatinate by Ludo●icus, and in too many other Countries) those that leave the Temples and Tithes to the Magistrate, but cleave to their old Pastors in forbidden meetings (called Conventicles) supposing the Pastoral Relation not dissolved (as the 〈◊〉 clavae to Chrysostom) do not thereby separate from the Catholic Church: Had the Power been lawful that set up another way, when Dr. Guying kept up his Meetings at Exeter House, it had not been a Separation from Christ that he then made. LXXVI. 26. If the Law command all to take one man for his Pastor, and a Parent command his Child, or a Husband his Wife to take another and not that, and the Child or Wife know not which should be obeyed, and whether the choice belong more to the Domestic, or the Public Government, it is not a separating from Christ, which way ever such an one shall go. LXXVII. 27. Yea if I should think that self-Interest and self-Government bind me rather to choose a Pastor for myself, than to stand to such a choice by Prince, Patron or Prelate, which I think intolerable, as well as (against their will) I may choose a Wife, or a Physician, or a Tutor, or a Book, or my daily food, this is not separating from the Universal Church. LXXVIII. 28. If owning the same Diocesan make them of one Church who differ more than Nonconformists and Conformists do, then owning the same Christ, Faith, Scripture, etc. maketh them of one Catholic Church who differ less. But, etc. Jesuits, Dominicans, Jansenists, and all the Sects of Papists are taken for one Church, because they own the Pope and Councils. In England the Diocesan Conformists are taken for one Church, though some of them are as much for a Foreign Jurisdiction, as Archbishop Land, Archbishop Bromhall, Bishop gunning's Chaplain, Dr. Saywell, Mr. Thorndike, Dr. Heylin, and many more, have manifested in their words and writings. And some that subscribe the Articles of General Councils erring in Faith and against Heathens Salvation, and against free will, and for Justification by Faith only, etc. do show that they differ in the Doctrines of Religion, (unless the sound or syllables be its Religion) while one and another take the words in contrary senses. Some are for Diocesans being a distinct Order from Presbyters, some (as Usher and many such) deny it: Some hold them to be of Divine Right, and some but of humane; some think the King must choose them, some rather the Clergy and People; some hold them Independent, others rather subject to the Archbishops and Convocation; some think all that bear Office in their Church Government are lawful, others think Lay-Civilians Government by the Keys unlawful (and so are ipso facto excommunicate by their own Canons;) some that promise Canonical Obedience to their Ordinary, take the Judges of the Ecclesiastical Co●rts for their Ordinaries; and others only the Bishop●; some think they are sworn to obey their Ordinaries, if they 〈◊〉 according to the Canons (and so to pronounce all Excommunicate that he Canon excommunicates, if commanded;) Others think otherwise, that they are judges themselves whether the Canons command 〈◊〉 & hon●sta; some take the Pope to be Antichrist, and the Church of Rome no true Church; others think otherwise. Many more (Arminian and other) such differences there are, and yet all of one Church, both Catholic, National, Diocesan and Parochial (oft:) Much more are those Nonconformists that di●●er from the Church in nothing but what the Imposers call ●●different. LXXIX. 29. If one that prayeth in the Litany against false Doctrine and Sch●●m, and ●e●deth the Conformists telling him of the danger of it, should verily think that Dr. S. printeth and pr●●heth false Doctrine, and such as plainly tendeth to serve Satan against Christian Love and Peace, and to the most Schismatical dividing and damning of Christians, should hereupon separate from him for fear of Schi●m and false Doctrine, and go to a safer Pastor, I think it were not to separate from Christ. LXXX. 30. If a Bishop in any Diocese in London should openly write or plead for a Foreign Jurisdiction, and we are told that none are true Ministers that depend not obediently on the Bishop, he that for fear of the Law, or of Personal or common perjury, should separate from that Bishop and his numerical Diocesan Church, doth thereby neither separate from the Catholic Church, nor from the Church of England. As if the King's Army should have a Colonel that declared himself an obliged Subject to the King of France and bound to obey him, the Regiment may forsake that Colonel. Yea if the General of the King's Army should give up himself in subjection to the Enemy or a Foreign Power, and say, I will take a Commission from the Turk, and my Officers shall only obey me, and the Soldiers obey them, were not this an Army of Traitors or Rebels, though none but the General took a Commission from the Enemy? So if the Bishops should all take Commissions from the Pope, or declare themselves Subjects to a Foreign Jurisdiction, it were no separating from Christ, to separate from them all, in Loyalty to Christ, and to avoid National perjury and Schism. LXXXI. 31. If a man think that he is bound to use all Christ's instituted means of Salvation, and live in a Church that wilfully omitteth any one of them, e.g. either Infant baptism, or singing Psalms, or Praying, or Preaching, or the Lord's Supper, or all Personal care, and discipline to exclude the grossly intolerable, to resolve the doubting, etc. He that in Obedience to Christ goeth to a Church and Pastor (in the same Diocese or City) that omitteth none of these, is no damned Schismatic. LXXXII. 32. He that is unjustly cast out of the Church, and by its very Laws excommunicated ipso facto, is no damned or Sinful Schismatic for Worshipping God in a Church that will receive him: Nor any one that is denied Communion unless he will sin; Much more if they should prove half as many and great Sins as the Nonconformists have said they fear (in the first Plea for Peace, etc.) LXXXIII. 33. If a Foreigner that doth but half understand our language, withdraw to a Church and Pastor whose tongue he understands, obeying God and Nature is no damning Schism. LXXXIV. 34. If one that is erroneously conceited of the obligation of General Councils, should think it a sin to kneel at the Sacrament on any Lord's day in the year, or any Week day between Easter and Whitsuntide, because Tradition and the twentieth Canon of the first Council, and that at Trull, etc. do forbid then to adore kneeling, this separating on that account to another Congregation is not damning. If it be said, that Mr. 〈…〉 us that it is not necessary that we do the same things which the Supreme Catholic Power commanded, but that we subject ourselves to the same, Power which may change their own Laws. I answer, 1. The asserting of that Universal Sovereignty is the greatest Crime and ●●eresie of all. 2. By this it seems that our Religion is very mutable, 〈◊〉 very uncertain, and a man hath 〈◊〉 to take heed of obeying any old Canons, till he know the mind of the present Church; (and who those be▪ and how to know it.) 3. But what if the same man read Dr. Hey●●● of Sab.) telling him that this custom against Adoration-kneeling continued a thousand years, and was never revoked by any true General Council, but changed by little and little by men's practice: And what if he question who those Changers were, and whether their practice was Rebeilion at 〈◊〉, and whether they had power to repeal the Canons of the greatest Councils without a Council. Sure they that are for such Councils universal sovereignty, when they have cast men into these snares, should scarce tell them that they are damnable Schismatics, for joining with such Churches as obey these Councils, rather than with those that ruin men for not disobeying them. LXXXIV. And now Reader if thou art one that thinkest of these things with Christian Sobriety and impartiality, I appeal to thee whether if I should be of the mind of Mr. Dodwell, and such selfconceited resolver's, I should not write my own Condemnation, and be one of the grossest Schismatics that any History hath mentioned, unless ever there were any man so mad as to hold himself to be all the Church: Yea, when he no more distinguisheth of Separation and Schism, but involves almost all Christians in his Condemnation, and tells us that Schism will damn us as soon as Adultery and Murder, is it not obvious for all men to infer that we are as odious as Adulterers and Murderers? and doth he not Preach Christians into the hatred of each other? and can any wonder if Rulers should think the Punishment of Murderer's is not worse than we deserve? It is not Newgate only, but Tyburn that these healing men do seem to assign us; it would be too tedious to look over all these again, and show you how great the number is that these men damn, and how few on Earth in any Age they excuse from being so far like Murderers. LXXXV. 1. It seems to me that he virtually damneth all Christians on Earth as such Schismatics; for it is most certain that all men have sin, and culpable imperfection in Knowledge, Will and Practice; and if any say, That he hath no sin, he is a Liar, saith St. John; and it is certain that all two persons on Earth have many errors, and many differences from one another; it is certain that the Love and Duty of Christians towards each other is culpably defective in all men: It is certain that no man living is so perfect in knowledge as to know all the indifferent things in the world, which may be imposed, to be Indifferent! And long and sad experience hath told the Church, that both gross errors and sins, and things called Truths or indifferent, which few can be sure of, may be imposed. What follows from all this, but that all men on Earth may easily fall under the imputation of disobedience to Prelates, and so be Excommunicate, and then they have their choice (when no man is perfect, and they cannot change their minds) 1. Whether they will be damned as Excommunicate 〈…〉 that give over all Church Worship; 2. Or as damma●●●● 〈…〉 worshipping God in Churches when they are excommune 〈…〉 Liars, that will make false Confessions, Pro●●●● 〈…〉 to get off an Excommunication. When Mr. Do●●el 〈…〉 with Schismatics that [suffer themselves to be excommunicate,] 〈…〉 no other means in their Power to hinder it, it seems these great 〈…〉 to absolute reprobation, do think all Christians being avoidable 〈◊〉 to imperfection of Knowledge, are as unavoidably born to damnation whenever Prelates or Priests please thus to precipitate them. LXXXVI. 2. Particularly, 1. The first and second Canon's ipso acto excommunicate all that say [that any manner of Obedience and Subjection within 〈◊〉 Majesty's Realms and Dominions is due to any usurped and foreign Power:] By this all Papists and all pretended Protestants (such as Dr. Barrow confuteth) who hold any manner of Obedience and Subjection due to Pope or Foreign Councils, are Excommunicate. 2. Those that say that the Book of Common Prayer containethany thing init repugnant to the Scriptures, are ipso facto excommunicate. Which now by the new Laws are interpreted of the present Books. 3. In this all are excommunicate who say, the Mis-translations (in Psalms, Epistles or Gospels, of which many instances have been given) to be any thing repugnant in the Scripture. 4. And all that say, It is against the Scripture to deny Christendom to all Infants that 〈◊〉 not such Vo●ers in their Names and for their Education as we call Godfathers, and Godmothers, though the Parent (who is forbidden it) offer his Child by Sponsion. 5. And all that say it is against Scripture to deny Christendom to all that refuse the Covenanting transient Images of a Cross. 6. And all that say that it is against Scripture for all Ministers to profess [that it's certain by God's Word that baptised Infants (without exception) so dying are undoubtedly saved] when no word of God is cited that saith it, and adding to God's word is dreadfully threatened, and when it's certain that 〈…〉 are not certain of any such thing (and I think no one.) 7. All are ipso facto excommunicate that say, It is against God's Word to deny Church Communion in the Sacrament to all that dare not take it kneeling, for fear (though mistaken) of breaking the second Commandment by Symbolising with Idolaters, that are seeking to reduce the Nation to their Sin, and that live round about us. 8. All are excommunicate that say it is against Scripture to pronounce all saved that are buried, except the unbaptized, self-murderers and the excommunicate, while thousands of Sadducees, Hobbists, Infidels, Papists, Perjured, Adulterers, Drunkards, etc. dwell among us. 9 By the fifth Canon all are ipso facto excommunicate that say, [Any of 〈◊〉 Articles are in any part erroneous, or such as they (perhaps as doubters) may not with a good Conscience subscribe to,] and consequently 〈…〉 Conformists that think the sense erroneous while they 〈…〉 and shall affirm, e.g. that Canons are made necessary to 〈…〉 matter cannot be proved by Scripture, contrary to Art. 6. Those that contrary to Art. 8. say, any thing in Athanas●●● 〈…〉 be subscribed. Such as Bishop Taylour that against Art. 9 deny Orginal 〈◊〉 Those that say contrary to Art. 10. that the Word 〈…〉 Common natural Power, or maketh Nature to be Grace. Those that write against our being accounted righteous, only for Christ's ●●●rits, and say that another subordinate Righteousness is named many hundred times in Scripture, contrary to Art. 11. Those that contrary to Art. 13. say, that works done before the Inspiration of the Spirit may make men meet to receive Grace. Those that with Dr. Hammond write for works that are not commanded but counselled, and Free-will-offerings, contrary to Art. 14. All they that take Infants and new baptised Persons to have no sin, contrary to Art. 15. All that say, that after we have received the H. Ghost, we cannot depart from Grace given, contrary to Art. 16. Those that deny the Doctrine of Election, in Art. 17. Those that say, any on Earth may be saved by diligent living according to the light of Nature, without knowing the name of Christ, contrary to Art. 18. Those that contrary to Art. 19 reject that Description of a visible Church, which reacheth to such as our Resolver damneth. All that contrary to Art. 20. say, that the Church [may not enforce any thing to be believed for necessity to Salvation, besides the Scripture] even those that say, it's necessary to Salvation, by avoiding Schism to believe that all imposed Tyths, Covenants Practices, and Ceremonies are not sin. All that contrary to Art. 21. say, that General or other Councils may be gathered without the command and will of Princes, and deny they may err, and things ordained by them as necessary to Salvation have neither Strength nor Authority, unless 〈◊〉 be declared that they are taken out of Holy Scripture. Those that deny Art. 23. that those are lawfully called and sent into the Ministry, who have public Authority given them in the Congregation, to call and send Ministers into the Lord's Vineyard, are chosen and called hereto, (for want of Canonical Succession.) Those that contrary to Art. 24. would have God's Worship performed to them that understand not the language, to avoid the Schism of having many Churches in a City. Those that take Confirmation or Penance, or the other three for Sacraments of the Gospel contrary to Art. 25. Those that contrary to Art. 26. would not have it believed to be the People's duty, who know the Offences of Bad Ministers, to accuse them. All that contrary to Art. 27. are against Infant Baptism, as agreeable to Christ's Institution. All that contrary to Art. 28. say, the Body of Christ is given and taken and eaten in the Sacrament otherwise than in a Spiritual manner by Faith. All that say, that in some wise the wicked are Partakers of Christ in the Sacrament, contrary to Art. 29. All that contrary to Art. 30. say, There is other satisfaction for Sin besides Christ's Blood. All that say, that Men justly Excommunicate may be reconciled and received by the multitude without open penance (which is ordinary) contrary to Art. 33. All that contrary to Art. 34. think that a General Council may ordain such Traditions or Ceremonies as shall in all places be one or the like: and that every Particular or National Church may not abolish those Ceremonies or Rites which the General Council or College ordained. Many things in the Book of Homilies [especially against peril of Idolatry] are blamed by many Conformists, contrary to Art. 35. All that contrary to Art. 36. say, that the Book of Ordination wants some things necessary. All that contrary to Art 37. think that Pope or foreign Bishops have any Jurisdiction by right in this Land: And all that (by mistake) say, the King hath not chief Power in all his Dominions, meaning in France, of which he professeth to be King, and we so call him even in our Prayers to God. All that say, contrary to Art. 38. that it is not their Duty liberally to give Alms, according to their ability. All that contrary to Art. 39 think men in conforming may swear upon trust of their Superiors words, without judgement, and true understanding of Justice and Truth. All these are already ipso facto Excommunicated by this one Canon, and if they elsewhere worship God, are called Separatists and Schismatics, in danger of Damnation, as Adulterers and Murderers are: And how great a number are these? 10. All are ipso facto Excommunicate by the sixth Canon, who affirm, that the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, by Law established, are superstitious, or such as (now commanded) men who are zealously and godly affected, may not with a good Conscience APPROVE, use and subscribe as occasion requireth. That is, all that thus mistake kneeling at the Sacrament, on the reasons aforenamed, to be against the second Commandment, or that judge so of the Surplice, or that think the Cross, as described by the Canon and Liturgy, hath all the Essentials of a humane unlawful Sacrament of the Covenant of Grace. And all that are against the Rites of Godfathers that never owned the Child as theirs, to be theonly Sponsors in its Name, and to Vow its Christ●●● Education (when I never knew one living that so much as made the Par●●● believe that he intended it:) And all that think the words of the Liturgy (making Imposition of hands an assuring sign of God's Gracious acceptance) make Confirmation a humane unlawful Sacrament, and say so. All these are cut off. 11. By Canon seventh all are ipso facto excommunicate that affirm, that the Government of the Church of England, under his Majesty, by Arch-Bishops, Bishops, Deans, Archdeacon's, and THE REST THAT BEAR OFFICE in the same, is repugnant to God's word; that is, all Bishops, Ministers, Noblemen, Gentlemen or People, that say that it is against God's word for Lay Civilians or Chancellors to govern by the Church Keys, excommunicate or absolve: And all that think it unlawful for Surrogates that are not Bishops but Presbyters, either as a Crier proforma to pronounce all excommunicate or absolved who are so decreed by the Lay Chancellor, or else for them (or a Priest-Chancellour) to govern a Diocese by the Keys of Excommunication and Absolution being no Bishops; and all that think it sinful for Archdeacon's, Commissaries; Officials, etc. who are no Bishops, to exercise the same Government by the Keys over so many Pastors or Churches, or for a Bishop to do his Office by others that are no Bishops, any more than a Priest by those that are no Priests; or for a Diocesan with his Lay Court, to Govern many score or hundred Churches under him, without any subordinate Bishop in those Churches, that is, to set up the Name and show, and make Christ's Discipline impossible: Or for Lay Chancellors or Surrogates to publish Excommunications in the Bishop's Name, which he never knew of, nor tried the cause: Or for such Chancellors to oblige all Parish Ministers to publish all their Excommunications which are agreeable to these Canons. What quality and number they are of that call any of this sinful, I pretend not to know: But they are all now excommunicate men. 12. The eight Canon ipso facto excommunicateth all that affirm that the form and manner of making and 〈…〉 any thing repugnant to God's Word, &c:] That is, all those that hold Bishops and Presbyters to be the same Order (contrary to the words of that Book.) Which yet even the Church of England while Papists declared in King Aelfriks' Canons (see Spelman:) And all such as 〈◊〉, who say the People and Clergy should choose their Bishops; or that say the People's consent is necessary to the Pastoral Relation to them, and that the old Canons for 〈◊〉 are in force. 13. The ninth Canon ipso facto excommunicateth the Separatists. 14. The tenth Canon excommunicateth all that 〈…〉 〈…〉 ipso facto is not here.) This reacheth to all that consfine not 〈◊〉 Church in England to the Party that subscribe and their Adherents: If 〈◊〉 say, that if such as Blondel, Rivet, Amesius, or any other the most Learned, holy, peaceable men that dare not subscribe as aforesaid, should with any Christians worship God together, and that these are a true Church (though he judge them faulty) and that these Canons are grievances, such are to be excommunicated: (Though it be gross Schism in others to confine not only the Purity but the Verity of a Church to their own Party:) For such to feel and ●roan loud here is Excommunication. 15. The eleventh Canon much to the same purpose requireth the Excommunication of all that affirm that any Subjects in England may rightly challenge the Name of true and Lawful Churches besides those allowed by Law, though the King should Licence them. 16. The twelfth Canon ipso facto excommunicateth all, that make Rules and Orders in Causes Ecclesiastical without the King's Authority, and submit to them, e. g. All that without the King authority agree to turn the Table Altarwise, to require People to kneel at the Rails, or to bow toward the Altar or East, or to set up Organs, etc. All these are now excommunicate by an Authority above the Bishops, which no Bishop or Priest can dispense with (but only forbear to publish and execute it, but not nullify it) no nor absolve any that publicly repent not of it as a wicked Error. 16. By Canon fourteenth if any Minister shall diminish any part of the Orders, Rites, Ceremonies, Prayers, etc. in regard of Preaching or ANY OTHER RESPECT, or shall add any thing in matter or form, (e. g. If he let the Parent express the dedication of his Child to God, or lay any charge on any Parent) he breaketh the Church Law, and so far separateth from it. 17. By Canon fifteenth when twenty or thirty thousand are commanded to come to a Church that cannot receive six thousand, and the Alleys and Pewes are wedged so that they cannot all kneel, yet all that kneel not at the Prayers, and all that say not audibly the Confession, Lord's Prayer, Creed and Responses, disobey the Laws of the Church, and so far separate from it. 18. When twenty thousand Persons are commanded to come in more than can, if ten thousand of them (or any number) should come to the Churchyard or Porch, to show that they are not presentable, but would yet in if they could, the nineteenth Canon commands to drive them away. 19 The Liturgy and Canon 22. etc. bind all under the penalty of the Law to receive the Sacrament thrice every year: If a secret Infidel, sadducel, Hobbist, Socinian, or any Heretic say, I am not able to charge my judgement, which is inconsistent with the Sacrament, or if one whose Conscience tells him of the guilt of Adultery, and that he is not resolved to confess and forsake it yet; or one that by Melancholy causelessly feareth unworthy receiving to damnation; I say, if any of these will avoid the charge of Schism, they must ran upon worse, till grace recover them, which is not at their command. And yet all notorious Offenders are prohibited it Canon 26. and particularly the Perjured: And if the tenth part so man● be perjured in England in City and Country, as many fear, it's a very great number that are uncapable of Communion with the Church. 20. By Canon twenty seventh on pain of Suspension no Minister must witfingly administer the Communion to any but such as Kneel, or to any that refuse to be present at public Prayers, etc. So that all that Kneel not in receiving are rejected, and if they worship God elsewhere, must be taken for Schismatics, as dangerous as adulterers or murderers. 21. The twenty eighth Canon forbids admitting strangers to Communion, and commands sending them home to their Parish Churches: It's disobedience to violate this. 22. The twenty ninth Canon forbids urging Parents to be Present when their Children are baptised, and admitting them to Answer as Godfathers for their own Children; and any Godfather to make any other Answer or speech than the prescribed. 23. The thirtieth Canon describeth the Cross as a Sacrament, as seemeth to us. 34. By the thirty sixth Canon no man must be a Minister that subscribeth: not that the Book of Common Prayer and Ordination contains nothing in it contrary to the Word of God, and that he himself will use no other form in public Prayer and administration of the Sacraments: By which all that refuse this, or that use the forms made and imposed by the Bishops on occasions of public Fasts and Thanksgivings, seem all to be under disobedience to the Church. 35. By Canon forty ninth no Person not Licenced as a Preacher, may in 〈◊〉 Cure or elsewhere, expound any Scripture, or Matter or Doctrine, but only shall study to read plainly the Homilies: So that all Ministers before Licence to preach, all Schoolmasters, all Parents, or Masters, that do expound to their Scholars, Children or Servants, the meaning of Baptism, or of any Article of the Creed, any Petition of the Lords Prayer, any one of the Ten Commandments (to fit them for Confirmation, or Salvation) otherwise than by plain reading the Homilies or Church Catechism, doth disobey the Law of the Church: And so do all Tutors in the Universities that expound any Scripture, matter or Doctrine to their Pupils, before they are examined or approved by the Bishop; or any Judge on the Bench or Justice that presumeth to do it to the hearers, or any Friend or Neighbour in discourse: For it is [No Person whatsoever not examined and approved by the Bishop of the Diocese.] How few in England separate not from the Church as far as this disobedience amounts to? If by [no Persons] be meant only [no Ministers] it's hard enough, that Ministers may not be allowed out of the Church what Laymen are allowed. 36. All those that deny not the validity of Baptism or the Lord's Supper when they are done by an unpreaching Minister, but yet think that a man utterly unable to Teach otherwise than by Reading, may not lawfully be encouraged in so high a function, (any more than a man in Physic or School-teaching that hath not necessary skill, or is utterly illiterate,) and thinks it a sin to consent to take such an Ignorant fellow for the Pastor of his Soul if he can have better; If this man, I say, go to the next Parish Church for Sacraments, he is to be suspended first and next excommunicate: Specially if he should judge that Ignorant Reader, no true Minister for want of necessary capacity. 37. Surplices, Hoods and Tippets are made the matter of Obedience, Canon fifty eighth. 38. By Canon thirty eighth no Minister must refuse or delay to christian any Child (without exception) according to the form of the Common Prayer, that's brought to Church to him on Sundays or Holidays, though the Parents be both Jews or Heathens or Atheists or saducees: The Minister must be suspended that refuseth it. 39 The seventy first Canon suspendeth all Ministers that Preach in any private house (except to the sick or impotent in time of necessity.) By which had Paul here preached publicly and from house to house, or Timothy in season and out of season as dreadfully adjured, or Christ preached as he oft did, they must be suspended: And every Minister that preacheth to his Family: And no doubt, repeating his Sermon, is preaching the same again. 40. All Ministers must be suspended and then excommunicate, that without the Bishop's Licence appoint or keep any solemn Fasts publicly or in private houses, other than by Law appointed, or be wittingly present at any: Thought it were in time of Plague, or when divers of his Neighbours are sick or troubled in Conscience, or in preparation to a Sacrament, or on some great occasion in Nobleman's Houses and Chapels: He is not to be trusted to fast and pray with his own Flock or Friends, or come among them, lest being excommunicate he be a damned Schismatic. The same prohibition is for holding meetings for Sermons called Exercises: Which Archbishop Grindall was zealous to set up, (Q. Was he than a Schismatic? or is the damning dangerous Engine made since?) 41. By Canon seventy third if any Ministers meet in any private house (as many did by consent in 660. and 1661.) to do any thing that any way tends to impeach the Common 〈◊〉 any part of the Government and Discipline (e. g. to Petition King or Parliament for the least Reformation of it) he is excommunicate ipso facto. 42. Canon seventy fourth brings all Minister's apparel under Church Laws, for the Shape. 43. Canon seventy sixth Excommunicateth all that voluntarily relinquish their Ministry, and use themselves as a Laymen. And man having free will, that is done voluntarily, which is done in Obedience to men's command: And yet we are ruined in the World, if we will not leave our Ministry, at their Command. 44. It's tedious to go over all the rest: ●end at the end of them. Canon 139. excommunicateth all them that affirm that the Synod is 〈◊〉 the true Church of England by Representation: that is, 1. All that take 〈◊〉 for the Church real and not Representative, lest they make 〈…〉 and all) to be Chief Church-governors', while 〈…〉 but as their Representatives. 2. All that say, that it is only the 〈◊〉 and not the Presbyters in Convocation that are the 〈…〉 Church. 3. All that say that the Clergy represent not King, Nobles, Parliaments, Laiety, and that these are true parts of the 〈…〉 All these are ipso facto excommunicate. 45. The 140. Canon Excommunicateth them that deny the Canon 〈◊〉 ligation of absent Dissenters, which yet even many Papists deny of 〈◊〉 Canons. 46. The last Canon Excommunicateth all that contemn these Canons, ● taking them to be the work of a Company of Persons that conspired against Relig●●● Godly men. All this huge Catalogue are here excommunicate. 47. If any part of all this be Schism, Mr. Dodwell and this man seem to teach Separation from the Church of England: Or if the late silencing▪ hunting and ruining of two thousand Ministers were Schism, and 〈◊〉 had as Bishop Taylor in Dust. Dubit. Mr. Hales of Eton, Chillingworth, etc. say of the like, than these men make all the Church of England to be in as damnable a State as Adulterers and Murderers. Yea they make all damnable Schismatics that hold Communion with the Church of England; for that is their Sentence on them that communicate with Schismatics; viz. that they are guilty of their Schism. 48. They unchurch and damn the Churches of Corinth, Gala●ia, La●dicca, Ephesus, Smyrna, etc. in the Apostles days: For the Scripture tells us of many guilty of Schism in all these, and yet the rest communicated with them; for the Scripture speaks more of Schism in a Church, than of Schism or Separation from a Church, Rom. 16. 17. 1 Cor. 1. 10. & 3. 3. & 11. 18. Mat. 12, 25. Luke 12. 52, 53. 1 Cor. 12. 25. Jam. 3. 15, 16. And yet no one was commanded to separate from those Churches; no not from those that had Heresies among them, such as denied the Resurrection, and taught Fornication, and eating things offered to Idols, that were drunk at the Sacrament or Love-Feasts, nor those that had Jewish Schismatics, who talked like ours, 〈◊〉. 15. Except ye be circumcised and keep the Law of Moses, ye cannot be 〈◊〉 The Churches were not all unchurcht and damned that communicated with such. Yea Peter was guilty of encouraging them in Schism, that would not eat with the Christian Gentiles, but he was not unchristened by this. 49. They separate from or unchurch almost all the Ancient Churches in the days of the most famous Emperors and Councils: For I have manifested past doubt that they almost all did Hereticate or separate from one another. It was Schism either in 〈◊〉 to Excommunicate the 〈◊〉 Bishops, 〈…〉 them to deserve it and be excommunicate. The 〈◊〉 or disowning several Councils, specially that of Chalcedon and that at Const. de 〈◊〉 Capitals etc. was the Schism of almost all the Imperial Churches; one part condemning the other. And if either were in the Right, it 〈◊〉 not the Case with them: For most of the same men that went that way called the Right in one Prince's Reign, went contrary in the next, and so condemned each other round; especially abo●t Images adoration. 50. 〈◊〉 they cut off that Succession of that sort of Ordination, which they say must be uninterrupted, while it came down from Churches excommunicated by one another, or make the Proof of it impossible. 51. They separate from all the Greek Church at this day, as guilty of Schism, both in their Succession from Schismatical Bishops, at Constant Alex●nd. Antioch, Jerusalem, etc. and in their excommunicating not only the Church of 〈◊〉 for a wrong cause (the silioque) but other Churches, and for divers Acts of Schism. 52. They must by their Principles Separate from the 〈…〉, and all the Eastern and Southern Churches that are called 〈◊〉, and 〈◊〉 For Councils and other Churches condemn them: And they, condemn the Councils of Ephesus, and Calceden, and all since: And they must separate from and condemn the Churches of 〈…〉, etc. because they separate from others, and are separated from. 53. Their Principles utterly unchurch the Church of Rome, 1. Especially because it is guilty of the greatest Schism on earth, by setting up a false Church form and head: 2. And because they Schismatically condemn and U●church three parts of the Church on earth, even all save their Sect: 3. And for their many other Schismatical Doctrines and Practices. 4. And as being condemned by the Greek Protestants and most Churches, and separated from by the Church of England which they own. 54. They separate in Principles from all or near all General Councils (save the first) as having separated from other Councils and condemned them, and being again condemned by them. 55. Some of them condemn and separate from all the Protestant Churches that have Bishops, in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Transylvania, etc. because they had not their Ordination Successively from Bishops but Presbyters at the Reformation: And because they have been guilty of Schism against others. 56. The Principles of Mr. Dodwel and his Associates condemn the Church of England as Schismatical, 1. Those that claim Succession from Rome, whose own Succession hath been oft and long interrupted, by incapacities and Schisms. 2. For holding Communion with those Protestant Churches which these men call Schismatics. 57 They condemn and separate from all the Churches called Presbyterian in France, Holland, Geneva, Scotland formerly, and those in 〈◊〉 that have no Bishops, Th● some would threat kindness on them by saying that they would have them and cannot? And why cannot they? 58. Their Principles make the Bishop of Oxford, Br●●●l, etc. Schismatics: For their Dioceses are Churches taken out of Churches, being 〈◊〉 parts of other Dioceses. 59 And they condemn all the Parish Churches in England as Churches distinct from Cathedrals: For they are all Churches gathered out of Churches: At first the Cathedrals were the only single Churches: Next Monasteries were gathered; and next our Parish Churches. And the Parish Church of Covent-garden, is a Church taken out of a Church. 60. Their Principles damn St. Martin that separated to the death from all the Bishop's Synods and them that were near him (save one Man) because they persuaded Maximus to use the Sword against Priscillian 〈◊〉, and brought men of strict Religion under Suspicion of Priscillianism: And sure the ruined persecuted Protestants here, are more Orthodox than the Priscillians. And they damn Gildas that told the English Clergy, that he was not ex●mius Christianus, that would call then Ministers; (Do they not disgrace the many Churches dedicated to the Memory of St. Martin, if he be a damned man?) I doubt they damn Paul and Barnabas for local angry separating from each other: Whatever they do by Peter and Barnabas for the Separation blamed Gal. 2. 61. If all are Schismatics that here conform not, all those called Conformists are such, that conform to the words in a false sense. 62. They separate from all that obey the twentieth Canon of the Nicene Council: And from all that obey the Councils that forbid communicating with a Fornicating Priest: And from all that obey the Councils which nullify the Episcopacy of such as are obtruded by Magistrates, or not consented to by the Clergy and People. And many more such. Abundance more instances of their Separation, and Damnation, I might add: In a word, I think their Principles are, as I first said, for damning and separating from all men living; for all men living are gulity of some sort and degree of Schism, that is, of Errors, Principles or Practices in which they culpably Violate that Union and Concord that should be among Christians and Churches: Every defect of Christian Love, and every sinful Error, is some degree of such a violation. All Christians differ in as great matters as things indifferent: And no man living knoweth all things Indifferent to be such: And these men distinguish not of Schism, nor will take notice of the necessary distinctions given (in the third Part of the Treatise of Church Concord,) And solu●io cont●nut causeth pain: nor do they at all make us understand what sort of Separation it is that they fasten on, but talk of Separation in general, as aforesaid. LXXXVII. They seem to be themselves deceived by the Papists in exposition of Cyprians words de Vnit. Eccles. Vnus est Episcopatus, etc. But they themselves seem to separate from Cyprian as a Schismatic, and consequently from all the Church that hath professed Communion with him, and with all the Councils and Churches that joined with him: For Cyprien and his Council erred by going too far from the Schism and Heresy of others, nullifying all their Baptisms, Ordinations and Communions: And for this error they declared against the Judgement of the Bishop of Rome and other Churches; and they were for it condemned as Schismatics by the said Bishop: And here is a far wider Separation than we can be charged with. 2. And Cyprians words came from the Mind that was possessed with these opinions, and are expressive of his Inclination. 3. Yet they are true and good, understood as he himself oft expounds them; the Bishop of Oxford●iteth ●iteth some instances, many more are obvious, in which he opposeth the Bishop of Rome, saying, that none of them pretendeth to ●e a Bishop of Bishops; and limiting every man to his own Province, and saying that they were to give account to none but God, with much the like. But in what sense is Episcopacy one? 1. Undoubtedly not as 〈◊〉 in the personal Subjectum Relationts: One Bishop is not another; if you should say 〈◊〉 is One, none believe that one man's Relation of Paternity is another's. The Relation is an accident of its own Subject, as well as Quantity, Quality, etc. 2. Nor doth any man believe that many Bishops go to make up one Bishop in Naturals. 3. Nor did ever Cyprian hold or say that all Bishops go to make up one Politic Governing Aristocracy, as many go to make one Senate or Parliament, that hath a power of Legislation and Judgement by Vote as one Persona politica. He never owned such a humane Sovereignty. But Episcop●●us unus est, 1. In specie, all Bishops have one Office; 2. Object●●●: As the Catholic Church is one, whose welfare all Bishops ought to seek: 3. And so sinaliter as to the ●emote End, and are bound to endeavour Concord. 4. And as effects, all are from one efficient institutor. As it may be said that all official Magistracy in England is one: 1. As from one King or summa potestas: 2. As described by one Law, and as Justices of one Species: 3. As all their Cities and Counties and Hundreds are but part of one Kingdom, whose welfare all are for: 4. And as they are all bound to keep as much common Concord as they can; if any mean more, they should tell us what: If any mean that all Bishops make one numerical Universal Government, they are heinous Schismatics, and the Kingdom is Sworn against their Judgement: And these Men da●n them in damning Schismatics. The truth is, Cyprian de Vnitate Ecclesiae (leaving out the Papists additions) is a good Book, and worthy to be read of all; and take Cyprian's Description of the Episcopacy of the Church which we must unite with, and the nature of that Union, and we would rejoice in such. But if Cyprian had lived to see either Arians or Donatists the greater number, or any Sect after call themselves the Church because that Princes set them up, and had seen them depose chrysostom and such other, doubtless he would never have pleaded the Unity of Episcopacy for this, but have judged as he did in the Case of Martial and Basilides; nor did he ever plead for an universal humane Sovereignty. LXXXVIII. If we are damned Schismatics, I can imagine no pretended manner of Separation in which our Schism consists, but first, either Local as such. 2. Or Mental, as such. 3. Or Local, caused by Mental. If Local, as such be it: All Christians are Schismatics, for being locally separated from others, and absent from all Churches and places save one. If Mental Separation be it, either all Mental Division is such, or but some only; if all, than all mortal men are Schismatics, as differing in a multitude of things from others; If it be not all, what is it? is it all difference in the Essentials of Christianity? we grant it; and we are charged with no such thing. Is it all difference in the Integrals or Accidents? so do all 〈◊〉 that are not perfect. Is it all 〈◊〉 of Love, or all uncharitableness to one another? all on earth have some degree of it; and those are likest to have most, that do as the Bishops did against the Priscillianists, bring godly people under reproach, on pretence of opposing Heresy; or that seek the Silencing, Imprisonment, Banishment or Ruin of men as faithful as themselves: For our parts, we profess it our great Duty, to love all men as men, all Christians as Christians, all godly men as godly, all Magistrates as Magistrates, etc. Is it for our separating in mind from any Principles specie necessary to Communion in the Church Universal, or single Churches? let it be opened what those Principles be: We own all 〈◊〉, and all Ministry of God's Institution, and all his Church Ordinances: We own Bishops over their Flocks, let them be never so large, so they be capable of the Work and End, and alter not the true species; and submit to any that shall by the Word admonish Pastors of many Churches of their Duty, or 〈◊〉, or seek their good. Nor do we refuse Obedience to any humane 〈…〉 up by Princes, to do nothing against Christ's Laws, nor nothing 〈…〉 is in Prince's power in the Accident 〈…〉 Is it because we disown any Nur●erical Rulers? we own the King and 〈◊〉 Magistrates; we own all that we can understand to be true Pastor's; and i● we are in doubt of their Calling, we resist them not, unless obeying 〈◊〉 before them be resistance: But our Accusers, loudly profess, that 〈◊〉 are not to be owned; and if they go on the ground, that he hath 〈◊〉 the Prince is for, we would know, whether that hold in Tur●y, in 〈◊〉 Spain, France, or only in England, or where? If it be where 〈◊〉 Orthodox, do they make all the People Judges of their Prince's 〈◊〉 And we would know, whether EVERY BISHOPS and PRIESTS right, 〈◊〉 a tr●e Minister, called of God, and set over us, be necessary to 〈…〉 or known by all the People? if it be, woe to us, that ever such men 〈◊〉 set over us, whose right we cannot know: What abundance of things 〈◊〉 make a Bishops or Priests right known! 1. That he hath capable sufficiency. 2. That he is a just Bishop, that's chosen by the King, the Dean and Chapter obediently 〈◊〉, & that the Clergies and People's consent is unnecessary. 3. That the Diocesan 〈◊〉 (over multitudes of Churches without any subordinate Bishop) is of Christ, or lawful. 4. That their work, according to the Ca●●, is lawful. 5. That all our Patrons have right to choose Patiors for all the 〈◊〉. 6. That they are true Pastor's over them that 〈◊〉 not. 7. That if they prove worse far than Martial and 〈◊〉, and be owned by the Bishops as they were, the people may not forsake them (〈…〉,) which saith Cypr●ian 〈◊〉 most power to choose or refuse. Is every Christian bound on pain of Damnation to 〈◊〉 all these, and then to c●amine and ●idge Bishops and Priests accordingly? or if they mistake one or more men's Commission, do they therefore separate from the Catholic Church? If so, what a case was the East in by the difference between Chrysost●●e and his Competitors? 〈◊〉 and I●natius and hundreds others? and France, about the Archbishops of Rh●●●s, when he was put out that deposed 〈◊〉 4. and when an Infant was put in, and oft besides? What if the Alexandrians, when 〈◊〉 was banished by Constantine himself, were half for him, and half against him? Or Basil at Caesarea was put down, and hundreds more; or when T●codos●●s first and second and Mar●●an, and Valen●●●●an, and Zeno and 〈◊〉 and abundance more, set up and pulied down, and set up again ●g●inst each other? What, I say, if the People now mistook who had the best Title? Is this separating from the Catholic Church? When the Inte●●im cast out hundreds in Germany; When Lud●●ie●s cast out Multitudes in the Palatinate, and half the People stuck to the ejected, persecuted Pastor, and the rest to the Magistrates choice, which of them separated from the Universal Church? Is every Priest the Universal Church, or an essential part of it? then it dyeth when he dyeth, and Apostatizeth when he doth. How many Ages in above 23 Duplicates or Schisms, was the World uncertain which was the true Pope? suppose, e.g. Arthur Jackson, Edmund Calamy, and many such were placed in their Incumbency, by the Bishops, Patrons and Parish consent, according to the Law of Christ and the Land, and by a new Act of Uniformity they be all turned out, the Flock not consenting, nor any Bishop accusing, trying or deposing them (save in Legislation,) and some of the Parish think this dissolveth not their Relation to him, and they cleave to him as before, without any change save of Place and Tithes, and others forsake such a one, and follow the Magistrates choice, may not both these be still of the Catholic Church? If not, I know where the old Canons laid the charge and danger. It's wonderful selfishness in those men, that if they can but get into the Seat, take it for granted, that all must own their right on pain of Damnation. And what if in any such Land, the Prince change his mind, or the next differ, and put down all these same men, and set up such as differ fro● them more than we do, is it damning Schism for any of their People still to adhere to them? LXXXIX. Do you find that Mr. Dodwel, Dr. Saywel, Dr. Sher●●●, 〈◊〉 any of these men, do, in Palpit and Press, ingenuously tell the People the truth of the Case, when they liken men as Schismatics to Murderer's 〈◊〉 danger? Did you ever hear them say, [The Canon, which is the 〈◊〉 Voice and Law, doth Excommunicate you all that do own your Opinions against Conformity, and commandeth us not to admit you to the Sacrament, and yet to pronounce your Excommunication for not taking it: We confess they have been holy and Learned Men that have thought many things imposed unlawful; and therefore we wonder not if it be not in your power to change your judgement, no more th●● to be perfect in knowledge; and we confess if you are unjustly Excommunicated, or any of the things made necessary to Communion be against 〈◊〉, than 〈◊〉 is the Church that is guilty of Schism, but because this is not so, we 〈…〉, even of separating from the Universal Church, and from 〈◊〉. XC. I do admire, that never any one of them would be prevailed wi●● to prove the Canon's Excommunications ipso facto lawful, when even Papists have scorned all such doings; and when the learnedest of all their own admired men, that were for comprimising matters with Rome, even Mar. Ant. de Dom. Spalatensis de R●●. Eccl. hath so confidently, copiously and strenuously damned it: Christ would have none Excommunicate, whatever the Crime be, without Impenitency after due admonition for Repentance, but these Canons ipso facto Condemn and Excommunicate Godly men, without ever admonishing them, or calling them to repent, or hearing or seeing them: Nothing is necessary but the proof of the fact, and then the Law is instead of a Judge; and to oblige the People to avoid them, it must be published. If this and all things named in the first Plea ●●r Peace, 〈◊〉, studying and disputing is not the way to know what is sinful. XCI. But, saith the Resolver, [〈…〉 to be a Member of two separate and Oppos●●e Churches, is 〈…〉 ourselves.] Ans. But I had hoped your Catechised Boys had known, 1. That one Body hath many parts. 2. That particular Churches are parts of this Body, as Corporations are of the Kingdom. 3. That all the parts are imperfect, and made up of none but sinners. 4. That every good man is partly had, and so contrary to himself. 5. That Churches may be so far separate as to be distinct, and yet not so far as to be contrary or opposite. 6. That they may be opposite in Accidents and Integrals, that are one in speech in Essentials. 7. That a man may own several Churches, and Communicate with them for that which they agree in, and yet not own both, (or ●ither perhaps) 〈…〉 which they are opposite in. 8. That there being somewhat op●●● 〈…〉 Church's on Earth, you damn yourselves for Communi●●●● with them. 9 That a man may have more Communion with the Church which he Locally separateth from, even for sin, than with that which 〈◊〉 present with. 〈◊〉 A Congregation or Nation of men of eminent Sanctity and Order, 〈◊〉 Doctrine and Worship, may, by humane frailty take some one false●●● or uncertain thing to be necessary to Ministry or Communion (as they 〈◊〉 some Churches unhappily of late reject all that own not the Antiquity of the Heb●ew Points) I cannot have local Communion with that Church, for they will not receive me, unless I subscribe either a falsehood, (or that which 〈◊〉 false;) but yet I highly honour and love them, and have mental Catholic Communion with them, when perhaps necessity may make me Lo●●lly join with a Church of far worse men and Order, that will impose no 〈◊〉 on me. 10. And I would advise these men, did they not despise 〈◊〉 advice, for the Church of England's sake, and their own, to retract their Errors, and not lay such a Snare before the People. Should you say in the Pulpit, [If the Church be guilty of any Schism by her Impositions, (oft●●● 〈◊〉 Excommunications and silencing of Christ's, Ministers, and afflicting good 〈…〉 just Cause, than I, and all that communicate with it and me, com●●●●ate in the guilt of Schism, and are all in as much danger of Damnation by 〈…〉 Ad●●erers and Murderers] tell not your hearers this, for if you do, some will think you bid them separate or be damned, and only make a doubt whether most men have Noses or not. XCII. Qu. But is not the Inference true? Ans. No, it's false: There are twenty cases in which 1. One may be 〈◊〉 of Schism and not be a Schismatic, as denominated from what predo●●●ateth: 2. And as many in which he is not at all guilty that communicateth with the guilty. And l●t the world (that is sober and awake) judge now whether these men or we be the greater Schismatics, and which more condemneth or separateth from the Church of England. We say that all Churches have some degree of Schism, and so hath the Church of England, as it hath imperfection, Error and Sin; but that it is not therefore no Church, nor is it unlawful to communicate with it; All Christians and Churches must not be separated from that are guilty of some degree of Schism. 〈◊〉 will turn these Serious matters into Jest, and say, as Dr. Say●●, that they will receive Greeks, 〈◊〉, etc. that come to their Com●●●●, his Serious Readers will tell him, that so will most Sects receive those that approve of their Communion and come to them: Joining with you signifieth that they are of your way therein; But will you go to their Churches and Communicate with them? You will receive the damned Schismatics if they come to you, when yet you make it damnable to join in their meetings with them. This quibbling beseems not grave men in great matters. To conclude, Reader, God having allowed more Legislative Power to men in things Secular than in Religion, I may say this case is like ours in debate. I. Some Judges and Lawyers say, that the Oath of Allegiance makes a Subject in this Kingdom; that the Renouncing or Violating it by Treason, or Rebellion, or deserting the Kingdom, overthrows the Relation. But that other particular faults or quarrels against Neighbours, Justices, Judges, yea the King himself, are punishable according to the Laws, b●t are not all Rebellion, nor dissolve Subjection, nor oblige the Subjects to renounce civil converse with each other; though some contempt and obstinacy may outlaw them. Such is our Judgement of Church Relation and Communion, which I need not rehearse. II. Suppose a fect of Lawyers and Judges arise, that say, no men are the King's Subjects, but are Rebels, that break any of his Laws, that Shoot not in long Bows, that Bury not their dead in Woollen, that swear profanely, that eat flesh in Lent unlicensed, that have any unjust Lawsuit, that wrong any Neighbour, that oppress any Poor man, all these are Rebels; yea all that plead opposite Causes at the Bar, and all Judges that judge contrary to one another, and all that misunderstand any point of Law and Practice accordingly, and all that besides the Oath of Allegiance do constitute Marriages, Families, Schools, Societyes by any other Covenants of their own, and all that are of different Cities and Companies, parts of the Kingdom, or all whose Justices, Mayors, Sheriffs, etc. differ from one another in any point of Law and practice: Or all that obey not every Constable and Justice; or that go to divers Justices in the same Precincts, or that go from one Justice to another to avoid unrighteous Judgement, or that go from the Physician of the Place for Health, and from the Schoolmaster of the Town for greater edification, or that Travel beyond Sea for Knowledge, yea all that understand not every word in the Law, that may concern them: If any say, none of these are the King's Subjects, but Rebels, opposite to him and one another, and deserve to be all hanged as Murderers, and so are all that have Communion with them; Quaere, 1. Whether these men are for the Unity of England? 2. And are Friends to the King that deprive him of all his Subjects; as much as those that would have him have no Subjects, that be not of the same Age, Stature, Complexion and Wit 3. And whether they are Friends to Mankind? 4. And whether they condemn not themselves if they live not as Anchorets, out of humane Society. 5. And whether that Nation be not by infatuation prepared for Destruction that would believe them, and would hate, scorn and ruin them that are of the first mentioned opinion, according to the saying, Quos perdere vult Jupiter, hos dementat. As to the more dangerous Doctrine now threatening this Land, that would subject England to a Foreign Jurisdiction, on pretence of a Necessity of either an Universal Church Monarch, or Church-Parliament Senate or Council, or of all the Church on Earth represented by Patriarches or Metropolitans, or that plead for Subjection to them, under the Name of Communion, they require a distinct Answer. But Dr. Is. Barrow, and Mr. Beverley's Catholic Catechism, have effectually done it. FINIS.