AN ACCOUNT OF THE TRIAL AND EXAMINATION OF JOAN BUTTS, For being a Common WITCH and INCHANTRESS, before the Right Honourable Sir Francis Pemberton, Lord Chief Justice, at the Assizes holden for the Burrow of Southwark and County of Surrey, on Monday, March 27. 1682. SHE was indicted by the name of joan Butts, late of Yoel, in the County of Surrey, for that she being a common Witch and Inchantress, and not having the fear of God before her eyes, but moved by the instigation of the Devil, she did by her wicked and devilish Art, bewitch Mary Farmer, and brought her into a languishing Condition; in which languishing Condition she continued until she died. She was indicted a second time, for that she being a common Witch and Inchantress, etc. she not having the fear of God before her eyes, but guided by the Instigation of the Devil, she had by her wicked and devilish Art, bewitched Elizabeth Burrige, and brought her into a languishing Condition, etc. To both which Indictments she pleaded Not Guilty; and for Trial, put herself upon God and her Country. The Witnesses being sworn, the Parents of Mary Farmer swore, That their Child being taken ill in an extraordinary and violent manner, the Neighbours told them it was bewitched, and p●swaded them to go to Dr. Bourn, which they did, and Bourn told them, That their Child was under an ill Tongue, and advised them to save the Child's water, and put it into a Bottle, stopping it close, and bury it in the Earth, and to burn the Child's Clothes, assuring them, that then the Witch which had done her the hurt, would come in; and that accordingly they did so; and when the Child's clothes was burning, joan Butts came in, and sat her down upon a Stool, looking with ● most frightful and ghastly Countenance▪ and being asked by a Woman that was there present, what she ailed? she answered, She was not well, nor had been out in seven weeks before; why would you come out now then, said the Woman? I could not forbear coming to see you, said she; and with that, she threw down her Hat and tumbled down, wallowing on the ground, making a fearful and dismal noise; and being got up, she fell a cursing in a most horrid manner. To this purpose swore divers others, who were present at the same time. Elizabeth Burrige, who was one of the persons bewitched, swore, That going out of her Master's house in the evening, towards the Barn-door, she saw a Goose, or some such creature, coming towards her; whereat being much affrighted, she run in a doors, telling them what she saw; whereupon, her Mistress, with some others of the house, went out to see if they could see any thing; and being out, there were stones thrown at them from every side, and they could not see from whence they came; so that they were forced to retire into the house; and hav●ng shut the door, the stones were thrown as fast in at the window, and yet not one Quarrel of Glass broken. Her Master swore, that she being in the middle of the Room, she suddenly screamed out, saying, Something is got into my back, when going to her, he pulled out a great piece of Clay from about the middle of her back, stuck as full of pins as ever it could hold. The Maid swore also, That going the next morning a milking, she saw joan Butts, bedagling herself among the Bushes; whereat being affrighted, she came home and told them, that she had met such a woman that used to come a begging to the house, she not then knowing her name; but they told her, it was Goody Butts. Her Master swore likewise, that sending her up stairs, to fetch him something out of a Trunk, she called out, Master, here is Goody Butts; but going up stairs with several others, they could not see her, but they saw several things in the Chamber move out of their places, there being no body near them; and that coming down stairs, an Andiron that stood in the Chimney, removed out of its place, and flying over their heads, fell down before them; and that the Maid crying out again, that something was got into her back, he took out another great piece of Clay, stuck as full of thorns as the other was of pins. Others swore, That they had divers times taken out pins from the Arms, and other parts of Mary Farmar; which was also proved by divers others that had seen them taken out. And one of the Evidences swore, that he heard her say, That if she had not bewitched her, if all the Devils in Hell could help her, she would bewitch her. She pleaded, she was innocent, and that those things that were sworn against her, were not true. My Lord asked her, if she did not speak those words: she acknowledged she did: but my Lord, said she, I am a passionate woman, and they having urged me, I spoke those words in passion, my Lord, but I intended no such thing. She said of one of the Witnesses, whose name is Hakeing, and reputed to be a very sober man, that he had given himself to the Devil Soul and Body. My Lord Chief Justice asked her, How she knew he had done so; to which not being able to give any answer, my Lord cheked, and told her that she must not abuse the Witnesses at that rate. There was in all about Ninteen or Twenty Witnesses against Her. And the Trial was near three hours long. The Jury having been some time out, returned and gave in their Verdict that she was not Guilty, to the great amazement of some who thought the Evidence sufficient to have found her Guilty; yet others who consider the great difficulty in proving a Witch, thought the Jury could do no less than acquit her. LONDON: Printed for S. Gardener. 1682.