AN ACCOUNT OF THE DOCTRINE AND DISCIPLINE OF Mr. Richard Davis, of Rothwell, in the County of Northampton, And those of his SEPARATION. With the Canons of George Fox, appointed to be Read in all the Quakers Meetings. LONDON, Printed in the Year, 1700. Reader! THere have been great Contentions, and various Disputes concerning the Doctrine and Proceed of Mr. R. Davis, of Rothwell, and those of his Separation; and as well the Magistrates and Ministers, as the People of England, are yet in the dark concerning them. Wherefore, having in my hands a Copy of their Church Covenant, together with the Explanation thereof, as it was Printed, by their Order, in the Year 1694, and delivered to divers whom they style Church-Officers, and others in Fellowship with them; I deemed it not amiss to communicate the said Covenant, with the Explanation, to the end the Nation in general may be acquainted with their Doctrine and manner of Discipline among themselves; that, for the future they may not lie under any false aspersions; nor the People of England under any mistakes with regard to them. I would not hereby intimate, that every individual Member of this Separation lieth under the obligation of this Covenant in terminis: For I'm informed, that very few, besides their Church-Officers, are acquainted with it; and that the new Members are admitted by a shorter Covenant: But the Mystery lies here, That the People (as occasion serves) are, by the Officers, informed of the meaning and design of their entering into Covenant with them, from the Contents of this Covenant and Explanation: So that, it is the same thing (in their sense, and as the Officers manage the matter) as if they had expressly obliged themselves to all and every thing contained therein. This is all I think fit to say on that Head. Let the Covenant plead its own Cause, especially coming into the World with the advantage of so large a Comment from its own Masters. You have here likewise an Account of the several particulars of their Discipline; wherein, I hope, and I verily believe, I have not injured or misrepresented them in any respect. If I have, and they please to give public notice of it, I will be obliged to retract all such particulars, and to give them public notice thereof in another Edition: For, as I design nothing hereby but the service of the Church of God in general, and of this Excellent Established Church of England in particular; so I could not hope that God would permit me to be instrumental in either respect, should I be found in the number of those who wilfully or negligently Slander or Misrepresent their Brethren. And if the State of that Separation be, indeed, such as is set down in the following Account (which I take to be the case of the greatest part of the Independent-Congregations throughout the Nation) I would humbly propose it to the Reverend the Clergy, to consider what Methods are most probable to reconcile this Branch of the Separation to the Communion of our Church; and, among others, whether the present endeavours of forming the Clergy into Societies, pursuant to the Advice of His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, may not prove a probable means, through the Blessing of Almighty God, to secure so great an happiness to this Church and Nation? The most effectual way to deal with an Enemy seems to be to turn his Weapons upon himself. If these Men secure the interest of their Societies by a mutual Correspondence, what hinders but we may do the like? Were they dispersed as the Ministers of the Church are; or did they neglect to acquaint each other with those things which relate to their common Interest, it would be impossible for them to Subsist. Indeed the several Sects among us are so many form Combinations against the Established Church; and, tho' in many things they differ from each other, as much as Light doth from Darkness, yet they seem universally agreed to Crush the Church of England. If so, the consequence is plain; You Gentlemen of the Church of England look about you, and suffer not yourselves to be undone by piece-meal; which you must necessarily be without a joint Union among yourselves. Nothing is more confirmed by Reason and Experience, than that every public Work is best carried on by a friendly Union and Correspondence among the Undertakers; and certainly the great Work of the Salvation of Souls deserves our Consideration in the Methods of the most prudential Polity. God Almighty has distributed his Talents variously among us; and the only way to make them all useful, is, first, by frequent and familiar Conferences with each other, to discover where they lie, and then to employ them as the public judgement shall determine. After the Copies of these Papers were sent to the Press, Francis Bugg delivered into my hands a Copy of the Canons of George Fox, which are judged proper to be Printed with the Account of the Davisites; they being a farther Confirmation of the Agreement of the Sectaries, in endeavouring to distress the Church of England; and for that reason among many others very obvious, I have here presented you with a just view of the said Canons. A Church Covenant. WE the Members of the Church of the Living God, having greatly revolted from our dear Lord, in the deep sense of both former and latter Miscarriages against his Love, Blood, also Honour, Crown and Dignity, as King of Souls, Churches and Nations; firmly believing all these blotted out, by the Blood of the Lamb, and that we have an undoubted Right to our Father's renewed Manifestations of his Pardon and Favour. Do now again give up ourselves, and all ours, in a most solemn manner, in this our renewed Act of Covenanting unto the Lord, to be his for ever, solemnly promising, and engaging in his awful Presence, and his Angels, in the presence of Professors, and of the World, to walk continually in him, and with him, and for him; maintaining every manner of way the Faith once delivered to the Saints, as to Act and Doctrine, against all Opposition and Opposers whatsoever: And we will in the strength of Christ endeavour, that all our Holiness shall flow from Faith in Exercise working by Love: And thus we subject to him as King of Souls. We also solemnly Promise in the strength of Christ, to observe all the Forms, Fashions, Statutes, Laws and Ordinances of his House, especially the great Law of Love to our Lord, and to his Members; resolving in the Grace that is in Christ Jesus to bear a becoming Evangelical Testimony against what is contrary to Love, or any other particular Form, Statute, Ordinance, or Law of his whatsoever, either in ourselves, or any of our Brethren and Sisters of this Church, or any other. We farther Covenant with our dear Lord, and with one another, to discharge all relative Duties in this House of God, or in any other Relation we stand in whatsoever. And this is our professed Subjection to him as King of Zion. Finally, We promise in the strength of Christ, and in the presence of our Royal Husband, to profess our Allegiance to him as King of Nations, and to * The asserting of the Kingly Power of Christ over Nations, does assert also the Rights and Authority of Kings, and these Magistrates that Reign under him. maintain his Rights and Prerogatives, as the King thereof, (to whom the Kingdoms of the World belong) with our Lives, and all dear to us every manner of way, as his Word, Spirit, and Divine Providence, shall from time to time call us thereunto. And in all those things, we in the Grace that is in our dear Lord, shall endeavour to walk according to his Word, and the Explication of this our Covenant, which is annexed thereto. To the only Wise God be Glory and Dominion for ever, and ever. Amen. AN EXPLANATION OF THE COVENANT. WE the Covenanted People, and Church of God, being greatly humbled, that in our former and latter Covenanting, we were so ignorant and legal; and that it came to pass, thence, that we have been guilty of so many Breaches thereof, both we and our Officers; now in the steadfast believing Views, that all those Breaches are blotted out, and Transgressions pardoned in him, and for his sake, who is our constant a 1 John 2.1. Advocate, at the Father's Right hand, Jesus Christ the Righteous; and being constrained by the Sense of the boundless Love of the Father and the Son, and the past and present Testimonies thereof to our Souls, do professedly and publicly b Deut. 26.17. this day avouch again solemnly the Lord Jesus to be our c Isa. 33.22. Judge and King, and Lawgiver, and d John 8.36. compared with Rom. 6.8.22. profess ourselves his Subjects, according to the Tenor of his blessed Word, and our former Covenant: And for as much as many of us, if not all of us, were then more or less ignorant, how extensive our former Covenant was, when we engaged to obey e Exod. 19.8. all his Voice f Heb. 12.25. that speaks from Heaven g Rev. 19.10. in his House; and because since through Grace, we are more enlightened by his Spirit from his Word concerning our Generation-work: We think it highly Necessary, now to declare our Sense of those several particular h Ezek. ●3. 10. Ordinances, Laws, and Judgements, that we now are engaged to maintain and to perform by the Bowels of his tender Mercies, his holy Word, and our consent thereto in our former Covenanting: And First, We do judge that our then solemn Covenanting as a Church, was a public Declaration and i Rom. 1.9.10 Confession with our Mouths, that we had by Faith with our Hearts laid hold of Christ Jesus, as k Rev. 22.16. 1 Cor. 15.45. our Root l Heb. 7.22. Surety and m Rom. 5.12. etc. Representative. The Grace of Election as being from Eternity fixed on a certain number of n Ep. 1.4.5. Persons; and that those determinate number of Persons, for the most part should be of a Race, Kindred's, Families and Fatherhoods, not excluding the Seed of Strangers in all Ages, but especially in the latter Age of the World, when the Partition-Wall was to be broken down between Jew and Gentile. This is abundantly witnessed to by the Word of God, Deut. 4.37. c. 10.15. which words though they speak literally of literal Israel, and of the Election of their Seed to succeed in their then Church; yet Israel and their Seed was typical, inclusive and expressive of the whole Election, Rom. 9.6. and the Election and Separation of the Seed of Abraham out of the World, was to prove and exemplify God's Eternal predestinating a certain number for himself, to the Adoption of Children. This Truth also was attested to by the series of Divine Providence in all Ages, chief causing Electing Grace to run through Godly Families, and filling up the Old and New Testament Church with their Seed, yet never excluding the Seed of Strangers. We likewise judge, that in our Covenant, we profess that by Faith we laid hold of the Eternal Compact, made with our Lord the Redeemer, as our Root, Surety and Representative, and with us in him and ours too, that were of the true Israel, Isa. 59.21. which words though they be spoken by God the Father, to our Lord Jesus, the Surety and Dispensator of the New-Covenant, and Testament; to his Seed, and Seeds Seed in him; yet he therein is also the Messenger or Angel of the Eternal Compact. And the New-Covenant itself, in its most glorious Administration▪ is but a fuller Copy thereof, promulgated and published. We professed then, and now do also, to lay hold of this Eternal Compact, as promulgated in a more comprehensive way in the Old and New Testament, as running with Noah, Abraham, the Patriarches, David, the Righteous, the Godly, the Church, and their Seed. Rom. 4.16. compared Gal. 3.8. Gen. 17.17. compared 2 Cor. 6.18. with Acts 2.39. 1 Cor. 7.14. Gen. 12. & compared with Heb. 14.8. with Rom. 11.17. 2 Kings 8.19. 1 Kings Psal. 132.12. Psal. 1 Kings 1.2.33. Psal. 37.25, 26, 89.28, 29.36. 2 Sam. Deut. Psal. Num. 24.7. Deut. 30.6. ver. 19 Psal, 105.6. Deut. 4.10. Prov. 11, 21. Psal., 4, John 5.25. Isa. Psal. Prov. 14.25, 26.20.7. Gen. 17.13. Deut. 7.9. Psal. 122.28. Isa., 4, Joel. 2.28. Heb. 8.10.11. compared with ult. pars 11. Rom. 11.16, 17. Acts 2.16, 17. vers. 39 1 Cor. 17.14. Matth. 10.12, 13. Luke 10.5, 6. Luke 19.9. Acts 16.31. Matth. 19.14. Mark 10.14. Luke 18.16. Being therefore convinced that in our first believing, we laid hold on the Covenant, in the most comprehensive extent of the Grace thereof for us, and ours: And filled with joy and wonder at the Manifestations of this Covenant-blessings and Privileges declared in the Gospel, as we have in our former Covenanting, so in this our Renewal, do now again publicly and solemnly give up ourselves and ours to the Lord Jesus, our Royal Head and Husband, to be his for ever, now again publicly declaring that he is our Lord, a Psal. 45.11. and we will Worship him. We likewise do judge, that in our former Covenant with the Lord, we being b Pet. 18. Col. 1.13. Chosen and Redeemed by him, c Mat. 19.27, 28 translated into his Kingdom by his Spirit, at Effectual Calling, gave up ourselves to follow him in the Works of our day, to be Assertors of his Spiritual, Ecclesiastical and Temporal Interest in the World, and to be witnesses of this threefold Interest of his against all Oppositions or Opposers whatsoever. And now, considering we are not our own, but bought a 1 Pet. 18.19. with a price, and redeemed from a vain and fruitless Conversation to serve him. Moved with a sense of his unspeakable Love to us ward, being greatly humbled, and filled with self-Abhorrence, that we and our Fathers have too much declined, and forsook the Cause of our Blessed King Jesus, as King of Souls Churches and Nations, do, firmly trusting to the sufficiency of Grace we have in him, promise and resolve to maintain and abet his Spiritual, b Heb. 3.8. Psal. 2.6. Rev. 19.16. his Ecclesiastical and Temporal Rule over our Souls, his Churches and Nations to the utmost: And shall be ready, as the Lord shall call us to testify against the Opposers and Usurpers of this threefold Prerogative belonging to his Crown and Dignity, carrying our Lives, Liberties, Estates, and all that is dear to us, in our hands to Sacrifice at his Feet for this end and purpose. We also now are convinced, that in our former Covenanting, to perform all Duties required, we chief engaged ourselves to that first and great c Joh. 6.29.40. c. verses. Command of the Gospel, viz. believing on the Person and Righteousness of Christ, for d Heb. 11.4. Eternal Life, Acceptance with God, e Rom. 5.1. 1 Pet. 1.8, 9 Peace of Conscience, f Joh. 6.53.56, 57 Spiritual Light, Life and Strength, and every thing else necessary. Therefore being greatly g Jerem. 3.13. ashamed of the constant and notorious breach of the Command of living by Faith, and of our turning aside from the h Rom. 1.17. Gal. 3.11. Ez. 20. Heb. 3 12. vers. 28. Living God, the Fountain i Jerem. 2.13. of Living Waters to our own Cisterns, that will hold no Water, being under deep sense of the Gild, of our k John 2.15. Spiritual Adultery, and Idolatry, with the World, and the things thereof, our own l Gal. 3.1. comp. Gal. 3. legal Performances, or that called Gospel-Obedience, our inherent m Jerem. 2.17. 2 Cor. 12.7. compared with Cor. 9.19. Qualifications and Spiritual-Enjoyments, which we advanced in the n Cor. 2.2. room and throne of the Mediator his Blood and Righteousness. We now constrained from a sense of his pardoning Grace, and in the strength and virtue of the Blood of the o Zach. 9.11. Heb. 19.14. Everlasting Covenant, sprinkled on our Consciences, do resolve to abide by Faith in Exercise in the p Joh. 15.2, etc. Person, q 1 Joh. 4.16. Love and r Ex. 28.35.43. Psal. 89.15, 16. Righteousness of Christ, and as we have a Col. 26, etc. received him our Root, Surety and Representative; so walking in him by Faith b Rev. 7.14, 15. that we may continually walk with him c Phil. 2.1. in the Fellowship of the Spirit, constantly d Jam. 1.25. beholding ourselves by Faith in the glass of the perfect Law of Liberty, e Eph. 4.30. Members of his Glorious Body, f Col. 2.10. complete in him and presented by him in the Body of his Flesh, through Death, g Eph. 5.27. not having spot or wrinkle, or blemish, but always h Col. 1.22. holy, unblamable and unreprovable in his, and his Father's fight; and hereby deriving all Influence and Virtue i Joh. 1.16. from his Fullness for all manner of holy Conversation, and Walk that thus a ●●hn ●5. ●●. acting continually in his presence, constrained by his b 2 Cor. 5.14. manifested Love, c Heb. 4.14, 15. 1●. c. 10. ●●, 20, etc. 1 John 18. encouraged by the blotting out of Gild, and Imperfection from our Persons, Graces and Duty, and they made perfect in him and his Grace; we may always seek those things that are Above, where Christ is, having our d Ph●l. 2.20. Conversation in Heaven, whence we look for the appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and being all the day e Rom. 8.6.13. thus spiritually minded, watching over our vain wandering Thoughts, we may f Isa. 62. ●. continually make mention of his Name, g Psal. 71.6. Righteousness and h Isa. 63.7. loving Kindness, having our Speech always i Matth. 5.13. seasoned with Salt, administering Grace to the Hearers. And being as the Salt of the Earth, and of the Families we dwell in, we may be day by day dying to Sin, and living to Righteousness, Rom. 8. k Tit. 2.12. denying Ungodliness, and Worldly Lusts, and living righteously, soberly, and godly in this present World; and with a Conversation l Phil. 1.27. becoming the Gospel. We also do believe this direct acting of Faith on the Person of Christ for all things, is m Judas 3. the Faith of the Gospel, the Faith once delivered to the Saints, which we ought earnestly to contend for, and to resist all Oppositions thereto n Heb. 12.4. even unto Blood, whether in our Souls, in the Churches, or other Sister Churches, from the World and Carnal Professors. Hence therefore, laying hold on the strength of Christ, (though we know Unbelief will cleave to the lest of our Performances,) yet we will not plead for it, nor indulge it as a little Sin, much less as a Virtue or Grace; but continually watch against it, mourn over and loathe it, and slay it on the Head of the Sacrifice, as the greatest o 1 John 5. Immorality, because it gives the God of Truth the Lie, and p Heb. 10.29. treads the Blood of the Covenant under foot, and more especially the greatest Unbelief of q Mat. 14.31. questioning the Ability and Fullness of Christ to save us to the utmost. And though we think it our present Duty not to reject all Preaching, whose Doctrinal part treads in the steps of the first Reformers; though the Application be mixed with some self-Darkness and Legality a Judas 22. putting difference between them and others, pulling them out of the fire by love and familiarity; yet b Judas 23. detesting every Garment of Doctrine, so far as it is spotted with the Flesh of Man's Wisdom: Yet notwithstanding all those, under what Name or Denomination soever, whose Tenants corrupt the Doctrine of the Person of Christ, either denying or lessening his Godhead, his Humane Nature, or mystical Union of both Natures in one Person, or else separating the Natures, or confounding them. As likewise all those that add the least mixture to Christ's Righteousness, though it be their own acts of Faith in point of Acceptance, Acquittance, and the obtaining of Peace of Conscience, and who * T … 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and infinitely free in the purpose of God in Election, in the public and indefinite Manifestation of it in the a Rom. 56.10. Person of Christ, by Redemption, and in b Rom. 4.5. Ephes. 2.8. 2 Tim. 1.9. actual conferring of it, and manifesting of it in effectual Vocation to a particular Soul, who also make Faith and Repentance foreseen as Conditions of the Eternal Election, and of the Redemption of Christ Jesus, and Faith and Repentance, actual in the Soul, the preparative federal Conditions of possessing the Blessings of Election in Christ our Head; whether it be Christ's actual influential Union to us, Justification, Adoption, or any other Grace whatever: But especially the Perverters of the Gospel, those most refined and subtle reserves of Antichrist, singled out to support its tottering Cause in this his last War with the Lamb, in these last days, who c Gal. 1.7. pervert the Gospel, turning it up-side down, asserting Faith, Repentance and Holiness to be given to the Soul before the Person of Christ, and his Righteousness, denying that blessed Order of the tenders and gifts of the Gospel, which is first the d Rom. 8.32. Son of God freely, and then all things freely with him; refusing him and his Righteousness to have the e Col. 1.18. pre-eminence in all things; f 1 Joh. 5.12. even in their actual bestowment as they ought to have. And besides all this wickedly intruding a new Law of their own Invention, requireing imperfect Faith and Repentance, and Gospel Obedience on Man's part, as the imperfect and sinful Conditions of the Gospel-Justification; thereby g Rom. 3.31. vacating the good old righteous Law of God, setting up Terms of obtaining Spiritual Blessings, exceeding derogatory to the Holiness of God's Nature, Ways and Laws, and contrary to the freeness of his Love and Grace, from the Eternal Purpose thereof in Election, even unto the Execution of Electing Grace here and in Glory. We do declare and protest against them and their Doctrine, and likewise all those that teach us to h 1 Cor. 1.31. 2 Tim. 2.1. glory in any thing but the Lord, or be strong in any other Grace, but that Grace that is in Christ Jesus. And do resolve in the strength of Christ's Grace to testify all manners of ways even unto our Blood, against any other Gospel than the Gospel of our dear Lord, and against all other Doctrines than those that are i Tim. 6.3. Tit. 11.1. according to Godliness, and if Men most noted for knowledge and Holiness, or an k Gal. 1.9. Angel from Heaven preach any other Gospel, and maintain those Tenants beforementioned, we do in the presence and strength of Christ promise and engage to witness against them by public Preaching, and declaring against such Principles, by withdrawing from them, and not receiving them to our Houses, nor bidding them God's speed, according to the Command of the Lord, 2 John 10. and by cheerfully and triumphantly delivering our Possessions, Liberties and Blood, as a Testimony against them and their pernicious ways, if called thereto. We likewise now judge, and are persuaded, that when we Covenanted with one another to follow the Lord in the Observation of Gospel Ordinances, and the performance of all relative Duties in this Church, we professed for all his Ecclesiastical Interest, and * Ezek. 43.11. gave up ourselves to walk with him and one another, in all the Forms, Laws, Ordinances and Statutes in his House, all which Forms and Statutes are most holy, and a Ez. 43.13. tend to promote Holiness in the b Psal. 15. Holy Citizens of Zion. Particularly that we are thereby obliged, and by his Word to love our Lord and King with the c Gal. 5.6. highest love, and to testify love to him, by keeping all his Commands in his d Joh. 14.15. Mat. 10.40. c. 18.17, 18. House, to Honour, Reverence, and bow to his Authority and Power lodged therein, and that Authority also as clothing his e Heb. 13.17. Officers, Ruling in his Name, to f 1 Pet. 5.3. maintain the Rights and Privileges of any particular Church, his Clergy, his Body, g 1 Cor. 12.27. against all Innovations and Usurpations from Officers or Members within, from Sister Churches, or their Officers without, not committing by Delegation the Power and Judgement of the Church to any h 2 Cor. 2.6. minority of it, because thereby the form and fashion of a Gospel Church is altered, and is not according to the Pattern in the Mount. We farthermore see that we ought to maintain towards each other pure Love, and unfeigned in all the Roots and Springs, and Effects thereof; and i 1 Rom. 12.9. 1 Pet. 1.22. to watch against all defects therein, either in Root or Branch. And therefore we being now grieved for great decays on us in our love towards the Lord Jesus, and to one another, do in the presence and might of our Blessed Advocate and Intercessor, promise and resolve to abide in the Love of Christ, k Joh. 15.9. that our Hearts may be stirred up to love him, and in love to obey his Royal Laws; particularly to reverence and subject to his awful Power and Authority in Church Assemblies, as if he were himself personally among us, not affronting his Presence by a slight Carriage, nor his Majesty there on his Throne, by proud rebellious undervaluing Thoughts, by passionate Reflectings, Revile, or contemptuous Speeches, or by any unbecoming Carriage or Gesture whatever; nor despising his Dominion in his House, as the l Jud. 8. 2 Pet. 10.11. filthy Dreamers of old, not grieving nor quenching his Spirit, nor stubbornly, nor rebelliously despising and rejecting his Admonitions in his Church, not thinking his Yoke heavy, nor his Burden weighty, but counting it an unvaluable Blessing to be under his strictest and highest Watch and Care in his Church. Matth. 11.30. And if his Children (which God forbidden) should, err in the Judgement of any of us, we shall by Praying for them, by Reasoning with them, from Christ's Rules, in his Bowels, Meekness, and with our own, bringing the Advice of other Sister Churches, most faithful to Christ, endeavour to reduce them, but shall not slight them, nor uncover their Nakedness, because they are the Throne of Christ's Glory, and the place of the Soles a Ezek. 43.7. of his Feet, lest we should thereby wound his Person, his Honour; affront his Majesty, Crown and Dignity in his House. We that are Rulers do in the presence of Christ engage to rule faithfully, diligently b Rom. 12.8. and courageously c Josh. 1.6, 7, 9 in Faith, in the fear of God, d Sam. 23.3. in Meekness, e Gal. 6.1, 2. Tim. 2.25. Leu. 25.43. and Authority, f Tit. 2.15. hating Covetousness, and Partiality, g Ex. 18.21. having took the over sight of the Flock of God which he has purchased with his own Blood, and not for filthy Lucre's sake, nor out of constraint; h 1 Pet. 5.2, 3. not ceasing to warn them Night and Day with Tears, i Acts 20.29. etc. watching against the Assaults of Satan, and their own Corruptions against grievous Wolves, that may not spare them, and against them that may arise among themselves, speaking perverse things, endeavouring to turn them aside from the Lord that bought them. k Tim. 1. to 8th. Tit. 1. ●. to the End. Ti●. 2.1.7, 8. We also that are ruled in the Church of Christ do before our Crowned King, and strengthened with his might, solemnly promise to obey our Rulers set over us in the Lord, to follow their Faith, and consider the ends of their Conversation, to submit ourselves to them according to the Word of the Lord, for they watch for our Souls as they that must give an Account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief, l 〈◊〉. 13.7, 8.17.18. 〈◊〉. 5.12. and also pray for them. m 〈◊〉. 4.3. 1 Thes. ●. 25. 2 Thes. 3.1. We do now in the presence and Grace of our dearest Lord, that hath redeemed us, likewise engage as a Church of Christ in all respects to endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace, n Eph. 4.3. unfeignedly loving the Persons of one another, without dissimulation, o R●m. 12.11. 1 Pet. 22. even when we bear the greatest Testimony against their sin; and as the effects of that endeared brotherly Love to watch p Thes. 5.15. over our Brethren and Sisters that they do not decline in their acts of Faith, or turn aside from the Faith of the Gospel, considering and getting down into one another's. Hearts continually, that we may mutually provoke one another to love, and to good Works; not forsaking the assembling ourselves together any manner of way, for this good end and purpose. q Heb. 10.24.25 Likewise with the assistance of the Spirit of Grace we shall endeavour to be very tender of one another's good Names, a Psal. 15.3. Bodies, Health, Lives, b Mat. 5.38.39. and outward Estate: c 1 C●r. 1. ad 11 ●ev. 19.17 We shall be ready to assist one another herein to the utmost, being concerned for the particular welfare of each other therein, as for our own. We no less judge it our Duty, not to suffer the least Sin, and the least appearance of evil to rest on one another, d 1 John 1.6. 〈◊〉. 10.17. M●t. 18.17. as knowing, that Sin resting on a Brother or Sister, will mar their present Communion with the Lord Jesus. a 1 Joh. 1.6. If the fault be secret we shall with great Secrecy admonish a Brother or Sister, and out of due regard to their Reputation, forbearing to reveal it to our most intimate Bosom Friend b Mat. 18.15. unless it be to some Officer, if the Case be dubious, provided we can but gain by our Loving Admonition; But if not, we shall in the Strength of the Lord take two or three more c Mat. 18.16. as Witnesses and Associates with us, farther to warn and beseech them, in the Bowels and tender Mercies of God in Christ, to repent of their evil; yet not presume to publish their Faults to any, but those we take with us; and if any among us publish the Miscarriage of any Brother or Sister, unless it be with a design to take the Parties with them as Witnesses, we shall faithfully admonish them for breaking the Rules of Christ in so doing. In all the discharge of our Duties hitherto, we shall carefully watch against any Prejudice to their Persons, by acting and dwelling in the Bowels of Christ, and considering them as clothed with his Righteousness, and clean in God's sight; d Cant. 4.6. We also leaning on Christ's Strength to assist us, shall endeavour to discharge our Duty with great Faithfulness to them, as well as Tenderness, contentedly bearing Oppositions from themselves and others in hard Thoughts, Speeches, Frowns and sinister Constructions, out of sincere love to Christ's Glory, and the good of their Souls. And if we cannot reclaim them by these methods of Mercy and loving Kindness, for the Prevention of the farther spreading of their evil without delay acquaint the Church with it. e Mat. 18. 1●. We with him on Thrones of Judgement in his Name and Power, in his Presence and Might; and in his tender Bowels shall admonish any Brother or Sister, thus brought before us, f 1 Thes. 5.14. or any whose Faults are in their own nature public, g 1 Tim. 5.20 publicly backing our Admonition from his Word and Authority, and his Sovereign Grace committed to us. If we see one Admonition begin to take place, we shall wait for their thorough Repentance, till we see occasion: And when ever we see our Administration blest for their thorough Humiliation, and our Endeavours used in a Spirit of h Gal. 6.1. Meekness succeed; we shall be most ready to receive them into the Bosom of our Lord and his Church, testifying in his Name, his, and our declared Forgiveness to them, Forgiving them with all Readiness and Cheerfulness, as God for Christ's sake has forgiven us, i Eph. 4 32. no Man daring to upbraid them in the least, whilst they walk with us in Love, and the Laws of Christ: But if to the dishonour of the Name of Christ, the wounding and hard'ning of their own Souls, and our Grief and Shame, they continue obstinate and impenitent, we having mourned first over them, shall in the Name, and Power of Christ our King, with inflamed Zeal for his Name, Rule and House, in Tenderness, Love and Faithfulness to their Souls, cut them off and deliver them to Satan, for the Destruction of the Proud Flesh, that their Spirit may be saved in the Day of Christ a Mat. 18.17. 1 Cor. 5.2, 3, 4, 5 1 Tim. 1.20. 2 Tim. 3.5. Tit. 3.10. 2 Thes. 3.14. ; and this will we do with the Lord's help in Faith, that this Ordinance shall be blest for their recovery in God's time b 1 Cor. 5.5. , if they belong to the Election of Grace. Nevertheless, we shall continue to love their Persons, and pray for their recovery, not counting them as Enemies, but warning them as those that yet may approve themselves to he Brethren, c 2 Thes. 3.14. when ever we meet them, by charging their Evils on them: And yet will notwithstanding withdraw all manner of familiarity or Communion with them, d 2 Thes. 3.5. even that what may be used with the most profligate Sinners, most conscientiously abstaining from Eating and Drinking with them: e 1 Cor. 5.10.11 All this we shall do in the Exercise of the greatest love to their Persons, firmly believing these are the greatest Testimonies of love that can be shown them under such Circumstances; being assured that such Carriages towards them conscientiously practised in Faith and Love, will be blest in time, to shame, reclaim and reinstate them into Fellowship with the Father and the Son, and his Children; In the conscientious discharge of this Duty towards them, as a Church, and as Members thereof in our respective private Stations. We shall not be afraid of Anger, Revile, nor Persecutions from them, from Churches, Professors, or the World, but willingly and cheerfully submit to all manner of Sufferings f Luke 17.3.4. 2 Cor. upon this Account for Christ's sake; When ever God gives them true Repentance, we shall, with great readiness, cheerfulness and tenderheartedness, forgive them in the Person, Name, and Spirit of Christ, receiving of them to Communion with the Lord and us, with the greatest Demonstrations of Love towards them imaginable, g Eph. 4.1.32. not only forgiving, but forgetting, and never upbraiding them with their faults h Col. 3.13.13. (and if any do so, calling them to an Account for it) whilst these recovered Brethren and Sisters walk with us in the Ways and Statutes of the Lord Jesus. We also being greatly humbled for divers Breaches made among us upon the bonds of Love, do in the Presence, and resting on the Grace that is in our Head for us solemnly promise to our Lord, and one another; watch against all those Evils that destroy, (viz.) groundless Jealousies, evil Surmising, that are the first coolers of brotherly Love: so also against secret Whisper Tale-bearings and Backbitings, which are the cursed Seed of Sedition and Discord sown in a Church, and in like manner against all Wrath, Prejudice and Malice; swell or vaunt over one another, and despisings of one another; Tumults, Seditions, Factions, Clamours, or evil Speaking of, or to one another, forbearing all manner of Reflections, Reproaching and Revile for Christ's sake. a 2 Cor. 12.20. Gal. 5.20.21. Eph. 4.31. And no less do we engage against Wronging one another, as to worldly Goods, Life, or Liberties; against all cowardly and covetous refusings the assisting one another, by Countenance, Advice and Purse, to the utmost of our Ability, b 1 Cor. 6. 1 Tim. 4.16. Rom. Phil. 2.3, 4. etc. Gal. 5.13. 2 Cor. Ch. 1.9. and against any other thing, or behaviour, that is in the least contrary to the Royal Law of Love. We think ourselves in Conscience bound and engaged to love the Persons of those that are under Dealing, and Excommunication among ourselves, so also to love the Persons of the World, and the Professors that we hope are Godly, tho' they hate us for Christ's sake: But above all, not to abate in our Love in the least towards our Brethren and Sisters, differing from us in some Persuasions; c Rom. 14.1. though we Judge we are bound by the great Law of Love to endeavour the Convictions of each other in all things wherein we differ, not by absurd Cavillings, and fleshly Objections for Mastery, but by the Word and Spirit of the Lord in Meekness and Tenderness, without heats and prejudice, purely for the discovery of the Truth, d Gal. 6.1. 2 Tim. 2.23, 24, 25. that we may be still growing to that stature of Fullness which is in Christ: e Eph. 4, 13. And so came at last to speak the same things, to be perfectly joined together in the same Mind and Judgement, f 1 Cor. 1.10. which will be the Crown and Glory on Churches in the latter Day; g Isa. 52.8. and therefore let us pray in Faith and in the Holy-Ghost, using all Endeavours for that end and purpose, that are according to the Mind of Christ, and the Rule of his Word. As to Members of Sister Churches, we judge we are in Dury bound to love them as our own, (they being also of the Body of Christ,) and to use the same Methods towards them in love, when we see them offend, and if we see them impenitent, to bring them before the Church, to which they belong. We also judge the Vows of the Lord are upon us, to walk in Communion with Sister Churches, giving them no just Offence h 1 Cor. 10.32. unless they take Offence at the matters of our God. We judge 'tis not in our power to Un-church them, tho' they do not come up to such degrees of Purity in Reformation, yet we think ourselves in Duty bound, and solemnly engage our Lord to warn them of Errors in Doctrine and Practice, especially to testify against the Opposition to the Faith and Order of the Gospel; to invite them to go along with us in Generation work, and the Work of Reformation, to warn them in the Bowels of Christ, of the carelessness and neglect therein, to manage those kind and brotherly Admonitions, by Messengers, Letters, or by Printing, (yet not publishing their Faults to the World) as shall be thought most expedient, by the advice of Faithful Sister Churches; And if this reforms them not, to declare Non-Communion with them. And furthermore we the afflicted Children of the Lord in this Church, having in several days of Prayer, laid low at the Foot of Christ, for divers Neglects and Remissions, in following him in all the Ordinances in his House, do now in his Righteousness, and the Light and Life that is in him, solemnly Vow to his Anointed King and Lord, to follow him fully in all his Appointments in his House, and to fill his House as soon as we can with such Officers as are mentioned in his Word. a 1 Cor. 12.28. Ep●. 4..11. Acts 20.17.28. Acts 6.1. 1 Tim. 3.12. Rom. 1.16. 1 Cor. with 1 Tim. 5.6. v. 17. We also engage conscientiously and constantly to b Acts 1.14.21. Acts 2.42. Heb. 6.2. Mat. 3.56. attend on the public Ministry of the Church, to join with them in the Ordinances of Christ, such as Baptism, c 1 Cor. 11.23, etc. and the Lord's Supper; d 1 Cor. 14.23.24. to v. 34. Preaching, Prophesying, e Acts 1.14. Acts 2.4.2. Praying, f Mat. 26.30. 1 Cor, 14.16. Col. 3.16. Rev. 5.9. Rev. 14.31. Praising by Vocal Singing, Teaching and Admonishing one another in our Meetings, by Doctrine, Exhortation, or Revelation, also in Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, according to the Command of our Lord Jesus. g Zech. 14.17. Acts 2.42. We also solemnly engage to come up to solemn Days appointed by the Church, and likewise to come up unanimously to Church-Meetings, h Rom. 10.9.10. to govern with our Lord in his House, and keep it clean, to admit Members upon a Confession with their Mouths, that they have believed on Christ and his Righteousness with their Hearts, i Ez. 43.10.11. with also a Profession of their Allegiance to follow Sion's King in the Laws and Statutes of his House, k 2 Cor. 8.5. and for that end their solemn Covenanting with the Lord, and us. Likewise to admonish Offenders, and to cast out, if need be, and to give our joint Advice and Assistance in all cases of Difficulty Therefore we do again come under our solemn Vows to the Lord,. to frequent all the Assemblies of Zion, unless hindered by length of Days, weakness of Body, or such extraordinary Occasions, that may be sufficient Reasons in the balance of the Sanctuary for our absence at any time. We as a Church, and each Member in our private Capacities, do in Christ's Presence and Strength engage to watch over our Brethren and Sisters, that they be not negligent and remiss in attending the Assemblies and Services of the Church. We also solemnly Promise to the Lord and to one another, that we will not keep away from the Lord's Table, upon the account of Satan's Temptations, or our own Unbelief, or upon the account of Offence given to us by any Brother and Sister; Brethren and Sisters, and that we will not in Christ's Strength disobey him our King, despise his Ordinances, sin against our holy Fellowship, and punish ourselves for the Offence of others. We likewise engage to the Lord and one another, to keep the Church visible, as a City set on a Hill, in all its Laws, Statutes and Administrations, and to appear public there in the face of all Opposition whatsoever. We do also resolve as a Royal Priesthood in our Profession Ordinances, Walk and Conversation, with the loss of our Names, Lives and Liberties, our Reputations and Estates, and every thing that is dear unto us; to bear our Testimony against all false Churches and Worship whatsoever. To wit, against the Mother of Harlots and all her Daughters; and we likewise protest against Idolatry, Superstition, Imposition and Persecution, where ever and whatsoever. And in love to him, and Honour of his Crown, who first loved us, we resolve and engage by the assistance of the Grace that is in him, to have nothing to do to go near their false Worship, unless it be to testify against 'em, that we will withdraw from 'em, and that we will not join with those that join with 'em, who are confederates against Christ. And this Testimony we engage in Christ's Presence to bear every way, and in every place whatever, even in Courts of Judicature, and at the Place of Execution if called thereto. Furthermore, we being convinced and humbled, that we and our Fathers have either selfishly neglected or cowardly betrayed the Interest of our Blessed Lord, as King of Nations; and do humbly waiting for his Coming in his strength, resolve that we shall from time to time, as he enlightens us, leads us and calls us, be ready to part with our All, in asserting and maintaining all his Royal Prerogatives and Rights, as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, against all Enemies and Opposition whatever to his Crown and Dignity, to whom the Kingdoms of the Earth belong, and that we shall faithfully testify against any that shall thus betray his Cause and Interest. And also when we in our late Covenant engaged to perform all relative Duties, not only in the House of God, but also elsewhere; we judge that by the Word of the Lord, and our own Vows, we are obliged to fill each his place, and discharge our relative Duties in our respective Stations and Capacities. We therefore greatly grieved for divers Neglects and Breaches therein, do engage in the Presence, Power and Spirit of the Lord Jesus, to have continual recourse to the Blood of Sprinkling, to wash away the Stains thereof, and do in his Presence and Strength promise to watch against all such Breaches of his Rules in ourselves and others. We do also Covenant with the Lord, and with one another, to seek the good and welfare of the Nation we live in, Heb. 2.10. to be subject to those higher Powers the Lord Jesus sets over us, Rom. 13.12. Nor only for Wrath, but for Conscience sake, paying Tribute to 'em as God's Ministers, v. 6. yet as free Servants of God; but not using our Liberty for a Cloak of Maliciousness, 1 Pet. 2.16. and hereby putting to silence the Ignorance of foolish Men, v. 15. We that are Husbands do promise to love our Wives, as Christ does the Church, Eph. 5.25. And as our own Bodies, v. 28. leaving all and cleaving to our Wives, v. 38. not being bitter against 'em, Col. 3.19. dwelling with 'em according to Knowledge; giving Honour to 'em as the weaker Vessels; forbearing to sin afore 'em, and covering their Infirmities, as being Heirs together of the Grace of Life, that our Prayers may not be hindered. We also that are Wives Covenant with the Lord and with one another, to love and submit ourselves to our own Husbands as unto the Lord, Ephes. 5.22. being subject to 'em, as the Church is unto Christ, v. 24. having our Conversation chaste with Fear and Reverence to our Husbands, 1 Pet. 3.2. Avoiding the Pride of Apparel, and conformable Fashions, v. 3. being meek and quiet in our Spirits and Deportments in our Houses, v. 5. our Obedience being founded on love without fear and slavery, v. 6. being Sober, lovers of our Husbands and Children; Discreet, Chaste, keepers at Home, obedient to our Husbands, 1 Tit. 2.4, 5. We that are Parents engage to the Lord and to his Church to discharge all Duties to our Children, as the Lord enlightens us and strengthens us, teaching 'em in the way wherein they should go, bringing 'em up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord, not provoking 'em to wrath by unjust and cruel Carriage, Eph. 6.4. We that are Children promise to the Lord and his Church in the strength of his Grace to Obey our Parents in all things in the Lord, Ephes. 6.1. Col. 3.20. We that are Masters and Mistresses also Covenant with the Lord and his Church, in the strength of Christ, to carry it justly and mercifully towards our Servants, forbearing Threaten, and unchristian Violence, Eph. 6.9. We that are Servants Covenant with the Lord and his People, to Obey them that are our Masters according to the Flesh, with Fear and Reverence; not with Eye-service as Men●leasers, but in singleness of Heart as unto Christ, as having a respect to his Eye on us more than Man's, Ephes. 6.5, 6. c. 7.8. Col. 3.22. endeavouring to please 'em in all things, not contradicting▪ or answering again, nor robbing 'em of their Time nor Goods, but showing all good Fidelity, Tit. 2.9, 10. and thus we will carry it, not only to godly and gentle Masters or Mistresses, but also to those that are Carnal and Froward, 1 Pet. 2.18. Lastly, we promise to the Lord and his Church, to carry it with Justice and Mercy, to the Names, Estates, Bodies and Souls of our Carnal Neighbours, forbearing to Reproach 'em, and wound their Reputation, to do 'em the least Damage in their Estates, or injury to their Bodies, or laying stumbling blocks in the way of their Souls: And thus as much as in us lies we follow Peace with all Men, but with Holiness, which consists in avoiding Joining with 'em in the least Evil, or give up to 'em the least Truth of Christ, or for to please 'em in denying the least thing that relates to the Faith and Order of the Everlasting Gospel. Now to sum up all, we finally Promise and Covenant with the Lord and his Church, in the Presence and Grace of Christ, to obey his whole Will revealed in his Word, explained to us by his Spirit, nor do we by this Covenant limit ourselves to what is herein contained, but engage to wait on the Lord for further discoveries of his Mind and Will, believing he will reveal it to us, and if there be any Wood, Hay, or Stubble, in this Form of Covenant, we are content it should be burnt up by the Holy Spirit. We also solemnly promise and engage in the Presence and Strength of Christ, whatever farther discoveries of Light may be first manifested to the meanest of us, we will examine it by the Word of God, and in fervent Prayer, and shall be far from rejecting or fight against it, unless it be revealed to us by the Spirit, after due search, that it is of Antichrist. We do now solemnly declare, that we do not hereby, not will not impose on the Consciences of our Brethren and Sisters, that are amongst us, in Indifferences of lesser moment, that walk conscientiously up to their Light, exhorting all to be faithful thereto, and of a peaceable Spirit, ready to follow on to know the Lord. We engage likewise, and solemnly promise all of us, that if any of us should hesitate about any Doctrine or Practice, ☜ contrary to the Faith and Practice of the Church; to consult with the Church and its Officers, at least for our own Satisfaction, if not for the Church's Conviction, (provided it be right) or before any of us do cordially and thoroughly espouse it. The whole Will of God revealed in his Word, we solemniy promise and engage in the Love, Strength and Presence of the Lord, and his holy Angels and Believers, to consent to and approve of, to comply with, to study to be found in the practice of, and make the Rules of our holy Walk to be humbled for the least breach thereof, and to have continual recourse to the Blood of Sprinkling, as cleansing from the stains thereof to abide in the Person and Righteousness of Christ by Faith, who in our room and stead, as one surety has perfectly performed these our Engagements and Presents, our Obedience, as wrapped up in his Righteousness, through the hands of our Highpriest, in the Exercise of our Royal Priesthood to our God and Father, for the Honour of his Name, the commendation of his Holy Religion, as the Testimonies of our Love, Thankfulness, and Gratitude towards him. Now to him that hath washed us from our Sins in his own Blood, and has made us Kings and Priests, to God and his Father, to him be Glory and Dominion for ever. Amen. There are some Erratas in this Covenant and Explanation which the Publisher did not think fit to alter, they being the same in the Copy. THE DISCIPLINE. ANno 1692, Richard Davis, who styles himself Pastor of the Church at Rothwell, in the County of Northampton, admitted Members according to the Substance of the Form under-written, which he called, A Church Covenant, viz. Pastor. Do you in the presence of God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and this Congregation here present, Give yourselves up unto us, as we have given ourselves to one another, (a) To justify this they urge 2 Cor. 8.5. to walk with us and only us, in all Gospel Ordinances, and the discharge of all Relative Duties, as God shall help you? Answ. Yes. Pastor. So do we, in the aforesaid awful Presence, Covenant to walk with you in the same, and, if we shall be let into any further Light, to make it known to you. In the time of Thomas Browning, the Predecessor of Richard Davis, the custom, at Rothwell, had been to have their Pastor Ordained by the Elders of other Churches; but when Davis was made choice of for their Pastor, the Church at Rothwell pleaded that they were Independent, and consequently aught to have the privilege of Ordaining their own Pastor, and accordingly Ordained R. Davis. This occasioned some Differences in the Congregation, and, by degrees, others arose; whereupon, about the Year 1694, the other Covenant was Framed and Printed, with the Explanation by way of Renewal of their former Covenant, to which the greater part assented and remained Members: Those who did not, when they had pleaded for a dismission and were refused it, joined with other Congregations according to their discretion, and were cut off by those at Rothwell. Their Church Officers Church Officers. are of three sorts, viz. 1. Pastor. 2. Elders. 3. Deacons. 1. The Pastor Pastors. is chosen by the consent of the major part of the Congregation, and is Ordained by Imposition of the Hands of the Elders of the Congregation. His Office is to Preside, to Teach, to Consecrate the Elements in the Sacrament, and to Baptise. 2. Elders, Elders. who are chose likewise by the Congregation, and set apart by Imposition of Hands, and are of two sorts, viz. 1. Preaching Elders, whose Office is to Preach and Rule. 2. Ruling Elders, whose Office is to Rule only: Not but that they may Preach occasionally, if they please. 3. Deacons, Deacons. who also are chosen by the Congregation, and set apart to that Office by Imposition of Hands. Their Office is to take care of the Three Tables, viz. 1. The Lord's Table. 2. The Pastor's Maintenance. 3. The Poor. They Collect the Alms of the Congregation every Sacrament-Day, which is ordinarily once every three Weeks or Month. They carry the Bread and Wine to the Communicants. They have the Custody of the Money in Bank, and are accountable for it: This is a small Sum reserved to answer any particular extraordinary occasion. Out of these Officers the Elders are generally chosen, not always. They hold, that the Power of each particular Officer is equal with the rest, only the Pastor presides for Order sake; and if the Pastor and Officers cannot agree, the Majority of the Congregation in a Church Meeting determines the matter. The Ordination of the Pastor is by Imposition of the Hands of the Elders: The Ordination of Elders and Deacons by Imposition of the Hands of the Pastor and Elders. Herein they tie themselves to no form of Words; they stand during the Ceremony, and Pray before and after, either the Pastor or Elders, or both. This is always done at their Church Meetings, where none have any Business besides the Members, and where none else usually are present. The Pastor is maintained by those in Covenant with him. Maintenance of the Officers. There is a Book for Subscriptions; and if any Member, able to contribute, refuse, he is required to give his Reasons in public; and if they are not approved of, and he continue to refuse, he is dealt withal as a Sinner. This Subscription Money is by the Deacons collected quarterly and paid to the Pastor. Note, That this Subscription Money is not the whole of the Pastor's Maintenance; because the Women, whose Husbands are of other Congregations, do privately contribute, and that liberally; and 'tis observed, That the separate Congregations have generally more Women than Men. Those likewise of meaner condition among them, who have dependence on any of the Church of England for a Livelihood, are oftentimes excused from Subscribing, tho' not from contributing in proportion to their Abilities. The Members only are obliged to Subscribe; but the whole Assembly is exhorted to contribute when the Deacons on the Sacrament-Days collect the Alms of the Congregation. These Collections are made every Sacrament-Day; and out of these the several Officers, if they want, are supplied. Meetings. Their Meetings are of four kinds, viz. 1. On every Lord's Day, for Prayer and Preaching, and receiving the Sacrament, as often as it is Administered; likewise for receiving the public acknowledgements of those, whose ☞ Crimes have been public. The acknowledgements here made, are generally by such persons as have complied too far with the Church of England. 2. Solemn Days appointed by the Congregation; the usual occasions whereof, are to seek the Mind of God, in relation to any differences in their Church; on the Death or Resignation of the Pastor; when any Officer or other useful Person hath forsaken them; when there are any Calamities befallen them, or any Mercies bestowed on their Church, or the Nation: They say the holidays observed by the Church of England are all Popish. Christmas, Easter and Whitsuntide they regard not. State Fasts and Thanksgivings they do allow of. 3. Church Meetings, which consist only of the Members, i.e. those who are in Covenant. These are for regulating Matters in their Church; and are held some Day in the Week before they Break Bread. They begin with Prayer, advise together, admit Members, admonish Offenders, excommunicate the Obstinate, receive the Penitent, etc. The ordinary Penance required, is an acknowledgement of the Crime at these Meetings, with promise of future amendment. 4. Messengers Monthly Meetings, which consist of the Delegates or Messengers from all the Sister Churches, i. e. those Established after their Model, within a certain Precinct; for which every Church appoints two or more according to its discretion. These are commonly the Pastor and one or two Elders of each Congregation. The manner of appointing them as follows, viz. The Pastor gives public notice in a Church Meeting, That on such a Day the Messenger's Meeting is to be, and desires them to send their Messengers, and ordinarily proposes himself and one more, and, if they consent, desires them to lift up their Hands (the usual sign whereby they signify their consent or approbation.) At these Meetings they Communicate to each other the concerns of their particular Churches; give account of all Members cut off, and of all other proceed that are material. If any difficulties have arisen in the particular Congregations, the respective Messengers report to their own Congregations what was the opinion or determination of the Representatives of the several Churches. Besides these Meetings , ☜ at Rothwell they have private Cabals of trusty Men to prepare matters to be proposed at their Church-Meetings, thereby to prevent any nice canvasing matters of Controversy before the Members, for fear of raising or fomenting Disputes among them. Their method in the admission of Members, Admission of Members. is, viz. At their Church-Meetings the Pastor gives notice to the Assembly, that there are certain persons who design to offer themselves to the Church, and asks their consent that they may be called in and Examined; which obtained, every Person is called in by himself and Examined; touching his Conversion, Faith, Experiences, etc. and then ordered to withdraw: The Examination finished, the Pastor inquires of the Members whether they are willing to receive such and such particular Persons, and, if the Majority signify their consent by lifting up their Hands, they are called in, and by the Pastor acquainted that the Church is satisfied of their Experiences, etc. and will admit them by and by. When every particular Person hath been thus dealt withal; the Pastor receives them according to the substance of the shorter Covenant, and in a Book which they keep (different from that which contains the Subscriptions for the Pastor's maintenance) each Person writes his own Name. This Practice they say is warranted, Isaiah the 44th Chap. the 5th Verse. After the strictest enquiry it appears that the Printed Covenant with the Explanation, hath been delivered to very few, and those Select Persons; so that it seems to have been chief designed for the Elders, with whom the Members are to consult. It doth not appear that it hath been refused to any Member who hath desired to buy it; tho' the generality have either not heard of it, or not seen it. Those who have it are obliged not to Communicate it to any Stranger, or the World (as they term all others) who are not of their way. When the Congregation is assembled, the Preacher (whether Pastor or Elder) gins with Prayer, Behaviour in the Congregation. the People generally standing, (they look upon those as lazy who sit and will not suffer any Man to be covered): When Prayer is ended, they cover their Heads, and sit or stand, as they please, during the Sermon. This is the whole of their Behaviour and Service, unless they Sing an Hymn, which they ordinarily do. Baptism. They Baptise both Children and Adult, in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, without the Sign of the Cross, Praying before and after. None Pray on this occasion but the Pastor, and none but he may Baptise, and that only the Members, or Children of the Members of his own Congregation. No Sureties are admitted. The Parents are charged in behalf of their Children; the Adult takes the charge upon himself. If one of the Parents be a Member, it's sufficient to entitle the Child to their Baptism. Where the Parents are of different Persuasions they Baptise the Children privately. They ordinarily Baptise at a Church Meeting, and in any private House if desired. Children, tho' Baptised by them, are not esteemed Members, unless, when they arrive at Years of Discretion, they enter into Covenant as the other Members have done. Breaking of Bread. Every Member is required to receive the Sacrament as often as it is administered. The Table stands in the midst of the Congregation, near the Pulpit. The Pastor sits in his Chair near the Table, and the Receivers on Forms round about it; the People, as Spectators, at some small distance behind them. The Pastor Prays (all standing) and craves a Blessing on the Bread; then sets it apart in almost the same Words which the Church of England uses; then breaks it into small pieces and puts them on divers Plates, saying, whilst he is breaking, Thus was our Lord's Body torn, mangled, broken, etc. The Bread thus broken is carried in the Plates, by the Deacons, to the several Receivers. The Pastor sits in his Chair Eating with the rest. As soon as the Bread is Eaten, the Pastor Prays; then pours out the Wine, saying, Behold the Blood of Christ poured out for thee, and for me, and for all of us, etc. Drink ye all of this, drink large draughts of the Love of Christ, etc. as he thinks most proper to express himself. Then he drinks and gives to the Deacons. When all have drank, the Pastor Prays, an Hymn is Sung, and the Assembly is dismissed. They forbidden all private Prayer at this Ordinance, saying, The Pastor's Prayers are sufficient. They esteem ' it a Memorial only: Examine none before they come, saying, There is no need of any more Preparation at that time than any other. In the absence or sickness of the Pastor there must be no Sacrament. If any Member plead Conscience for leaving them, and desire a discharge, and offer his Reasons in public; Dismission of Members. they will not give him a discharge, unless it be with a Testimonial recommending him to some Congregation they approve of. If he refuse to join with such a Congregation as they approve of, and withdraw himself from them, they cut him off as an Apostate. No pretence of Conscience will prevail with them to allow any to join with the Church of England, or the Presbyterians, or Quakers, or the strict Baptists. They plead they cannot discharge them, because those Churches they desire to join with, do not walk accordingly to the Rule of God's Word; saying, should we suffer you, we should comply with you in Sin. Therefore the Officers charge them with their Covenant, and Command them to obey the Authority of Christ invested in them, upon pain of the displeasure of the King of Heaven. When any Member revolts, Excommunication. the method they profess to observe, is, To send for him to give his Reasons to the Church; if he comes they admonish him to return; if he does not come, they empower one or two Messengers to go to him, and admonish him in the Name of the Church; this they do a second time: If this prevails not (after some time allowed according to their discretion) they send Messengers to acquaint him that on such a Day they intent to cut him off; and when they have cut him off, they send to acquaint him with it. This is always done at a Church Meeting. If the Pastor be Living, it is his Sole Privilege to pronounce the Sentence of Excommunication. The Method is, to Pray, and Exhort the People on this occasion, and then to pronounce the Sentence in these or the like Words, viz. I do, in the Presence of God, with the judgement and consent of this Church, To justify this they urge 1 Cor. 5.4, 5. deliver A. B. unto Satan, for the destruction of the Flesh, to be buffeted by him, that his Soul may be saved in the Day of the Lord. They then blot his Name out of the Book of Subscriptions (which they call the Book of Life) and henceforth avoid him, according at it is set down in the Explanation of the Covenant. If any sick Sick. Person desires it, the Pastor and some Elders repair to him and Anoint him, Praying over him. They dip their Fingers in a Porringer or Saucer of Oil, wherewith they rub the Temples of the Sick Person. They traduce the Public Prayers of the Church of England as Idolatrous and Antichristian, the Ministers as scandalous in their Lives, negligent in their Duty, forsaking their own Articles, formal in their Administrations, legal in their Preaching, without the Power of Godliness, etc. They call all Churches and Worship false which are not Established by a Covenant like theirs, i. e. all Churches that are not Independent. They engage not to go near these Churches; and if any of the Members occasionally go, and are uncovered there, they interpret such uncovering an assent to the Prayers, and deal with such Persons as Sinners, cutting them off, if they do not testify their Repentance. They say, That God hath before ordained whatsoever comes to pass, even the worst of Sins, and that Sinners cannot avoid committing them; That it is to no purpose to pray for, or endeavour after Repentance; because the Sins of the Elect, past, present, and to come, are already forgiven; and therefore they ought to pray only for the Manifestation of their Pardon. They look upon themselves obliged to Trade with their own Members, or those of their Way, if possible: When some have done otherwise, the Pastor hath publicly declared, in their Church Meetings, that it was their Sin, and the Elders have joined with him. 'Tis a general Rule among them; Trade with any rather than the Church of England. In order to perpetuate this Schism, Davis breeds up Young Men in his House. According to the best account I can get, There are about Thirteen gathered Congregations of this Separation under settled Pastors; the Members whereof are computed to be between two and three Thousand. Besides these, they have divers Congregations for Prayer and Preaching, which have no settled Pastors, nor any Administration of the Sacraments. When any of the Hearers desires to be admitted a Member of any particular Congregation, notice is given to that Congregation, who, at their Church Meeting, appoint the Pastor, with some Elders and Deacons, to go and hold a Church Meeting near the place where such Hearer dwelleth, and to examine and admit him, as before specified. When they have gained a competent Number of Members in any part, they fix a Pastor among them, and embody them. This was the state of the Separation, at Rothwell, about the Year 1696, which, as I understand, has received no considerable alteration since that time. THE CANONS OF GEORGE FOX. Friend's fellowship must be in the Spirit and all Friends must know one another in the Spirit and Power of God First IN all the Meetings of the County two or three being gathered from them to go to the General Meetings for to give notice one to another if there be any that walks not in the truth, and have been convinced and gone from truth and so dishonoureth God, that some may be ordered from the meeting to go to exhort such, and bring into the next General meeting what they say. 2ly If any that profess the truth that follows pleasures drunkenness gameings or is not faithful in their callings and deal, nor honest nor just but runs into debt and so brings a Scandal upon the truth; Friends may give notice to the General meeting (if there be any such) and some may be ordered to go and exhort them and bring in their answer the next General meeting 3ly And if any goes disorderly together in Marriage contrary to the Practice of the holy men of God and assemblies of the righteous in all ages, who declared it in the assemblies of the Righteous when they took one another (all things being clear, and they both being free from any other, And when they do go together and take one another let there not be less than a dozen Friends and Relations present (according to your former order) having first acquainted the men's meeting, and they have clearness and unity with them, And that it may be Recorded in a Book according to the word and Commandment of the Lord, and such if any walk contrary to the truth herein let some be ordered to speak to them and give notice thereof to the next General meeting 4ly And all that be widows (which have Children) and do intent to Marry let Query be made what she hath done for her Children: If there be no will made then let such part of her late husband's Estate be set out for her Children as is equal and according to truth, and what they can do afterwards let them do also, And where there is a will made let those Legacies and Portions be improved and secured before Marriage for the Children of the deceased with what more they can do for them and then when these things are done let them be recorded in a Book at the next General Meeting 5ly And also all Widows in all your several meetings, let them be taken notice of and Informed and encouraged in their outward business, that there be not any hindrance to them in their inward growth, and so carefully looked after that they may be nourished and cherished, and so preserved in the truth that love may be increased And if they have many Children to put out Apprentices or Servants, that may be a burden to them to bring up: then let Friends take care to ease them by putting them forth as may be meet. Let all these things be looked into by every meeting And notice thereof given to the next General meeting: And then some ordered to see that all things are done according to truth and Righteousness 6ly And all such as Marry by the Priest of Baal who are in the Rough hands of Esau and fists of wickedness, and bloody hands, and who have had their hands in the blood of our Brethren, and who are the cause of all this Banishment of our Brethren And hath spoiled so many of their goods casting into prisons and keeps many hundreds at this day, And such as goes to them for wives or husbands must come to judgement and condemnation of that Spirit that led them to Baal and of Baal's Priests also, or else Friends that keeps their habitations must write against them and Baal both, For from Genesis to the Revelations you never read any of the Priests that married people But it is God's ordinance and whom God joins together let no man put asunder: And they took one another in the Assemblies of the Righteous when all things were clear Therefore let all these things be inquired into, and brought into the General meeting And from thence some ordered to go to them and to return what they Say at your next meeting, And all these, before they or any of them are left as heathen, or written against, let them be three or four times gone to that they may have Gospel order; So that if it be possible they may come to that which did convince them to condemn their unrighteous do that so ye may not leave a hoof in Egypt 7ly And also such as wears their hats when Friends prays and are gotten into the old rotten principle of the Ranters, who sets up the wearing thereof in opposition to the power of God, and therein holds it which is condemned by it, and the power of God is gone over it and them, who are ranted from the truth, And have stopped many who were coming into it, that the very world can say you are in confusion and divided, and gone from your first principle, who said you were of one heart and one mind and one soul and Therefore that spirit must be cut off by the Sword of the Spirit of the Lord that they may come to that which at first did convince them; And notice must be given to the General meeting of all these things, And from thence some must be ordered to go to exhort them that be in such things, to come to the First principle that did at. First convince them, that they may come over such things And Friends must stand up in the noble seed of God to judge the world and all the fallen Angels. 8ly And in all your meetings let notice be given to the General meeting of all the poor and when ye have hard that there is many more poor belongs to one meeting then to another, and that meeting thereby burdened and oppressed let the rest of the meetings assist and help them, so that ye may ease one another and help to bear one another's burdens and so fulfil the Law of Christ, and so see that nothing be lacking according to the Apostles words (Mark) nothing lacking then all is well; For the Jews outward though they were as the Stars of heaven and as the Sand of the Sea yet there were not to be a beggar amongst them according to the Law of God. And amongst the Christians in the First age there was a men's meeting Set up at Jerusalem to see that nothing was lacking which was the Gospel's order according to the Law of Jesus; And this continued as long they lived in the life, and power and spirit of God: But when the Apostasy came in and the true Church fled into the wilderness who was to continue there 1260 Days, and the witnesses prophesied in sackcloth 1260 Days: And the Beast was worshpped just so long 1260 Days, and then all things went out of order, and every thing was wanting in the time they worshipped the Dragon, and the Beast, And the Devil made the world like a wilderness. But now the Judgement of the great whore is come and of the Beast, and with them the false prophet and the Dragon who shall be cast alive into the lake of fire, And the true Church come up out of the wilderness, and the man child (which was caught up into heaven) come down again to rule all Nations with a rod of Iron, And the marriage of the Lamb is come, and the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory, and the everlasting Gospel is and shall be preached again, as was amongst the Apostles, and the Gospel's order must be set up as was amongst them, and a men's meeting as was at the First conversion to see that nothing be lacking in the Church than all is well, So there is not to be a beggar (now) amongst the Christians according to the Law of * Christ is added in the Co●●, and blotted out. Jesus as there was not to be any amongst the Jews according to the Law of God 9ly And also all men that hunts after women from woman to woman: And also women whose affections runs some times after one man and soon after to another and so hold one another in affection and so draws out the affections one of another, and after a while leaves one another, And goes to other and does the same thing this doing makes more like Sodom then Saints, and is not of Gods moving nor joining where they are not to be parted, For Marriage is God's ordinance and Gods command one to another, and in that they feel the power of God 10ly And that notice be taken of all evil Speakers backbiters slanderers and foolish talkers, and idle jesters, for all these things corrupts good manners, and is not according to the Saints, and holy ones whose words are seasoned with Salt ministering Grace to the hearers 11ly And all such who are tale carriers and railers whose work is to sow dissension are to be reproved, and admonished, for such do not bring people into the unity of the Spirit, but by such do lose their own Conditions 12ly And all such as goes up and down to cheat by borrowing and getting money of Friends in bye places, and have cheated several, all such are to be stopped and judged, as there's a woman tale in her person and fleckled in her face, and also one John Harding who are for judgement and to be condemned 13ly And if there happen any difference between Friend and Friend of any matters if it cannot be ended before the General meeting, Let half a dozen Friends from the General meeting be ordered to put a speedy end thereunto, That justice may speedily done, that no difference may rest nor remain amongst any, And let your General meetings be once every Quarter of a year and to be appointed at such places as may be most convenient for the most of Friends to meet in; So that the house may be cleansed of all that is contrary to purity virtue, light life and Spirit and power of God so that Friends may not be one another's sorrow and trouble but one another joy and Crown in the Lord 14ly and all Friends see that your Children be trained up in the fear of the Lord in Soberness and holiness, and Righteousness, and temperance and meekness and lowliness and modesty in their apparel and carriage, and so to exhort your Children and families: And teach your Children when they are young, then will they remember it when they are old, according to Solomon, so that your Children may be a blessing to you and not a curse 15ly And that Friends do buy Convenient burying places as Abraham did who bought a place to bury his dead, and would not bury amongst the Egyptians and Canaanites and Jacob was brought out of Egypt and Joseph and they were buried in their Grandfather and great Grandfathers burying place; And so Friends to buy decent burying places for your meetings, and to keep out of the Spirit of the Sodomites and Egyptians, and Canaanites which corrupts the earth and let them be Decently and well fenced that you may Condemn the world in all things 16ly And also that Friends buy convenient Books for the Registering of births marriages and burials as the holy men of God did of old as you may read through the Scriptures that every one may be ready to give a Testimony and Certificate thereof, if need require or any be called thereunto. 17ly And also that all the Sufferings of Friends of all kind of Sufferings in all the County be gathered up and put together and sent to the General meeting and so sent to London to Ellis Hoakes That no thing of the memorial of the blood and cruel Sufferings of your Brethren be lost which shall stand a testimony against the murdering Spirit of this world, and be to the praise of the everlasting power of the Lord in the ages to come who supported and upheld them in such hardships and cruelties who is God over all blessed for ever Amen 18ly And let inquiry be made concerning all such as pay Tithes which make void the Testimony and Sufferings of all our Brethren, who have Suffered many of them to death, by which many Widows and Fatherless have been made, and which is contrary to the Doctrine of Apostles, and the Doctrine of the Martyrs, and contrary to the Doctrine of the Righteous in this present age, all such are to be inquired into and to be exhorted. 19ly And let Query be made concerning all Prisoners that are poor that they may be relieved, and so encouraged in their Sufferings, and also that care be taken for their wives and families, that they do not suffer for want of Supply of outward things, And let enquiry be made how many prisoners there are in all the prisons in all your several Counties Let Diligent enquiry be made into all these things at every monthly meeting, and at every Quarterly meeting to take care accordingly Dear Friends be faithful in the Service of God and mind the Lords business and be Diligent and bring the power of the Lord over all those that have gain said it; And all you that be faithful go to visit them all that have been convinced, from house to house, that if it be possible you may not leave a hoof in Egypt, and so every one go seek the lost sheep, and bring him home on your backs to the fold, and there will be more joy of that one sheep then of the ninety nine in the fold Copies of this to be sent all abroad amongst Friends in their men's meetings G. F. All my Friends every where who are gathered in the name of Jesus Christ keep your meetings according as you did in the beginning, between the 10th and 11th hour when the Priest is in the heart of his worship, and so you all to be in your meetings feeding on the bread of life, when the Priest and his company are in his and their dishes and pleasures; and you then to break up your meetings, as you feel the power to order you about the third or fourth hour, when the Priest is in the heart of his worship and so you may go away when he is in his heart, and sit over his dishes and go away in his heart, This was the practice of Friends in the the beginning Therefore continue in it, and do not lose it; keep your meetings on the First days and your weekly meetings in the name of Jesus that never changes And Friends all take heed of sleeping in meetings and Sottishness and dullness, for it is an ill savoury thing to see one sit nodding in meetings and so lose the sense of the Lord, and shamefacedness both, and it grieves the upright and watchful that waits upon the Lord to see such things And for the Priest's people, and others that comes into your meetings and to see you that come together to worship God, And to meet together to wait upon him to have fellowship in his Spirit, for you to sit nodding is a shame and an unseemly thing Therefore be careful and watchful, and let it be amended, and mind the light and power of Christ Jesus in you and that will condemn all such things, and lead you out of and above such things, and make you watchful one over another for your good Let this be read in all your meetings G. F. Mem. This is Spelt and Pointed according to the Copy. FINIS.