AN ABSTRACT OR BRIEF DECLARATION Of the present state of his MAJESTY'S REVENUE, WITH THE ASSIGNATIONS AND DEFALCATIONS UPON THE SAME. All moneys brought into his MAJESTY'S COFFERS from time to time, since his coming to the Crown of England, by what means so ever. The ordinary Annual ISSUES, Gifts, Rewards, and extraordinary Disbursments, as they are distinguished in the several Titles hereafter following. London, Printed for M. S. 1651. The Contents. HIs Majesty's ordinary Annual Revenue with the Assignations and Defalcations upon the same. page 1 His Majesty's ordinary Annual Issues. p. 6 The Inequality thereof. p. 9 What money hath been Extraordinarily raised by his Majesty since his coming to the Crown; by what means and how much. p. 10 His Majesty's extraordinary disbursments since his coming, for what cause, and how much. p. 12 The Inequality between those extraordinaries p. 14 How much ready money hath been given away by his Majesty, when, and to whom. p. 17 Knights Barronets, their priority of place, and the Condition of their payments. p. 36 All Fees and Annuities, paid out of the Exchequer, appertainent to any Office, place, etc. p. 39 The Valuation of a subsicy, and how much is paid in out of every Shire as it was collected in Anno 14 of the King. p. 70 The Valuation of a Fifteenth and Tenth. p. 71 The recompense to the Officers of Vlushing and Brill. p. 71 Reader, be pleased to take notice that the Printer varies not from the Original Copy neither one way or other, and if any worthy Gentleman or man of Quality is not well Satisfied in any of these particulars, but make a question or doubteth of the truth of these following or before, let him repair to the Stationer that hath been at the charge of Printing, or the Gentleman that hath been the preserver of these Original Copies, there they shall have a view gratis of all, and full Satisfaction, to clear some Errors formerly Printed and falsely published. Ordinary Receipts. Great CUSTOMS. Assignations. l. TO the Cofferer 20293 33257 To the great wardrobe 3065 To the Duke of Lenox 9899 Fees to Customers Fees to Officers of the Exchequer Annuities and Creation money Defalcations. l. Wares imported and exported 5425 Building of Ships 1500 Ready money into the Receipt 100718 140000 Impositions. l. Assignation. Earl of Nottingham 2700 Ready money into the Receipt 43300 46000 Three pence upon Strangers goods 2850 Receivers general of the King's Lands. Assignations. l. The Queen in Lands 4000 58314 In Rents 6500 In Fee-farm for her Annuity 9500 To the Prince in Lands and Rents 2906 Coffers. 9200 Fees and wages 1176 Alms 1294 Annuities perpetuities, etc. 4830 Diets of the Lords Precedents 2408 Reparations of Castles, Parkes, Lodges, etc. 1000 Defalcations. Portage of moneys. 500 Ready money into the Receipt 21186 80000 French and Rhenish Wines 200. Tons for the King's house. Assignations. l. Great Wardrobe 13000 20359 Sir Fulke Grevill 300 James Bowey for high Country Wines 1584. Wines for the King's house with Lecage 5475 Defalcations. Impost Bills for 1200. Tons 2520 Ready money into the Receipt 4121 27000 Sheriffs in the Pipe. Assignations. l. To the Queen in Fee-farm Rents 3500 6384 Cofferer 833 Wardrobe 451 Fees to Officers and allowances 1360 Creation money 240 Ready money in the Receipt 3858 10242 SEACOLES'. Assignations. l. A Grant to Sir Baptist Hicks and others for remain of ten years, bought of the Earl of Dunbarre 2000 Defalcations. Coals imported free 2000 Ready money into the Receipt 2300 6300 Court of Wardes. Assignations. l. Cofer 12000 21000 Wardrobe 2000 Treasurer of the Chamber 1000 Annuities 6000 Ready money into the Receipt Duchy of Lancaster. Assignations. l. Cofferer 7500 Treasurer of the Chamber 3000 10500 Alienation and Hanaper. l. Assignations. Wardrobe 200 Ready money into the Receipt 8000 8200 Chief Butlerage. Assignations. l. To Chancellors 96 pounds, Lord chief Justice 13 pounds six shillings and eight pence. Lord Hobart 13 pounds six shillings and eight pence. Lord chief Baron 13 pounds six shilling and eight pence. Master of the Rolls six pounds 13 shillings and four pence. Eton College 15 pounds. King's College ten pounds, the Auditors ten pounds. Sir Thomas waller's Fees one hundred pounds in all 278 Ready money into the Receipt 222 500 Ulnage of Cloth. Assignations. l. Cofferer 173 Ready money into the Receipt 647 820 Assigned l. Newyearsguift to the privy Purse 1100 Impost of Sugars to the Queen 4000 Duchy of Cornwall with the Pension of Tin to the Prince 12000 17100 Sweetwines. Assignations. l. Earl of Southamton 2000 7000 Great Wardrobe 5000 Ready money into the Receipt 2000 9000 Silks. Assignations. l. Lord Privy Seal 500 11000 Eeale of Salisbury 4000 Eeale of Mountgomery 3000 Lord Liele now Earl of Leicester 1200 Sir Horatio Vere 800 Sir Edward Conway 500 Ready money into the Receipt 4977 15977 l. Licence to sell Winds 2700 Tobacco by estimate 4000 Currants 2800 Annual Tenths of the Clergy 11000 Postfines 2272 Unwrought 1000 Jssues of Jurors 1000 Glasses assigned in Fees 1000 Cottons and Bays 200 Silver and Goldlace 200 New Drapery 98 Fines de Banco 133 Original and Judicial Seals 75 Sheep's pelts 30 Smalt 20 Rents ad wardum castri Dover 82 Deal Wines 13 Custom of Carlisle 13 Steel 10 Wool 20. l. Led 5. l. Arethmaticall Instruments 3. l. 28 Allumne by estimate 10000 Estalled debt and Composition of debts 3000 Seizures 2000 First-fruits 5000 Mint 3000 Recusants 6000 Clerk of the Faculties 200 Respite of Homage 500 Kings bounty assigned, being money upon forfeiture, etc. 3000 Sum total of all the Receipts aforesaid, viz. l. Assignations 190265 450863 Defalcations 11045 Ready money 249553 Ordinary Issues. The King. l. Privy Purse 5000 New-year's gifts by assignation 1100 6100 The Queen. l. Receivers general by assignation 16500 24000 Fee-farm rents in the Pipe Office 3500 Sugars by assignation 4000 In ready money 500 24500 The Prince. l. Out of the Duchy of Cornwell and Tyn 12000 24906 In Lands and Rents form receivers general 12906 In Ready money, and New-year's gifts, etc. 21094 46000 Cofferer. l. Out of the great Customs 20293 57058 From Receivers general 9200 Out of the Court of Wards 12000 Out of the Duchy of Lancaster 7500 Our of French Wines 7059 From Sheriffs 833 Out of Ulnage 173 In Ready money 18000 75058 Great wardrobe. l. Out of the great Customs 3065 23716 Out of the Court of Wards 2000 Out of the Hapenar 200 Out of the French Wines 13000 From Sheriffs 451 Out of the Sweet Wines for the Robes 5000 In Ready money out of the Receipt 2284 26000 Treasurer of the Chamber. l. Out of the Court of Wards 1000 4000 Out of the Duchy of Lancaster 3000 In Ready money out of the Receipt 16000 20000 Navy. l. Treasurer of the Navy for Harborrugh narrow Seas and Cordage 30000 Surveyors of marine victuals in ready money 10000 40000 Repair and enlarging Parks, etc. l. From Receivours general 1000 In Ready money out of the Receipt 2000 3000 Dietts ready money. Assignation. l. Lord Privy Seal 626 Star-chamber 1200 Justices of Assize 2000 Lord Cobham 516 Grooms of the Bedchamber 900 Kings Riders 260 Walter Meek the King's barber 100 His Precedents from Receivours general 2408 8010 Ireland. l. In Fees and Annuities out of the Revenue there to the Civil State not inclined to these Issues 14000 In ready money out of the Receipt by establishment 403000 Castles and Forts 4917 Berwick and Comissioners of the North 3440 Lieutenant of the Ordnance 6000 Master of the Armoury 400 Supply of Gunpowder 3200 Lieutenant of the Tower 4000 Keeper of the Gatehouse 300 Gentlemen Pensioners 6000 Provision of Horses 1600 secret affairs 1400 Ambassadors 10000 Master of the Posts 3000 Liveries of the Guard 1150 Works 10000 Repair of Stables 100 Jewelhouse 6000 Revels 300 pounds. Tents and Toilets 200 pounds 500 Rewards to Officers and others 3000 Barons of the Exchequer 300 Liberalities of the Exchequer and Receipt 1400 Blank books for Customs and Imposition 200 Hay for Dear 140 Nonsuch gardens 200 Grooms and Pages 206 Sundry persons out of the Receipt in ready money, viz. in Fees 25927 l. Perpetuities 515. Pentions 41494. 67936 Fees, Annuities, Perpetuities, etc. l. Out of the great Customs 9899 52783 Out of the new Impositions, Lord Admiral 2700 From Receivers general 16006 Out of the Court of Wards 6000 Out of the Impost of Seacoles 2000 Out of the Frence Wines 300 From Sheriffs 1600 Out of the chief Butlerage 278 Out of the Impost of Sweetwines 2000 Out of the Silks 11000 Out of Glasses 1000 120719 Assignations. l. Alms 294 Defalcations. l. Great Customs for Goods Imported free 4525 Out of French Wines 2520 Seacoles exported and imported free 2000 Portage of Monies 500 Building Ships 1500 11045 l. The King's bounty by Assignation out of money for Forfeitures, etc. 3000 The whole Sum of all the Issues aforesaid viz. l. Assignations 190265 487480 l. Defalcations 11045 Ready money 286170 l. Inequalities between the ready Money received and the ready Money issued upon the Ordinary, the said Issues Exceeding the said Receipts 36617 Money extraordinarily raised since his MAJESTY'S coming to the CROWN. l. GIven by the Parliament Anno tertio regis Jacobi three Subsedies, and six fifteenths, and tenths of the Laity, and four Subsedies of the Clergy, payable at eleven several payments, all which by estimation amounteth unto 453000 Given by the Parliament, Anno septimo Regis Jacobi one subsicy and one fifteenth and tenth of the Laity which amounteth unto 106166 Sale of Lands, some in Fee-simple and some in Fee-farm; Mills and Parsonages 755020 Sale of Woods 47543 For Conformation of the Earl of Hartforts' Title unto certain Lands 15534 Compositions made upon defective Titles of Lands 37535 Compositions made for Assart Lands 23608 Fines of Copyholders' and Leases of the Mortgaged Lands 18600 Silver oar out of the Scottish mine 1000 Aid money collected throughout England to make Prince Henry Knight. 21800 Aid money collected throughout England to marry the Lady Elizabeth the King's eldest daughter 20500 Loane Money upon privy Seals borrowed in the ninth year of King James, yet unrepayed 111046 Money repaid by the French King, due to the late Queen Elizabeth 60000 Money repaid by the Lords the State of the Low Countries due to the late Queen 248000 Besides 160000 l. in full discharge of that debt now paid in, which makes the whole payment to be 421000 l. l. Money raised by Creating Knights Baronits', towards the defraying of the charge of the Army in Ireland: Besides some few since. 98550 Old debts of King Henry the eights time, paid in by Sir Thomas Shirley upon their grant 10000 Farmers of the great Custom for renewing their Lease 20000 For the fine of the Lease of French and Rhenish Wines 16000 For the fine of the Lease of the Sweet Wines 28500 For the fine of the Lease of Tobacco 2000 The Earl of Northumberlands fine in the Starchamber, compounded for 11000 The Lord Viscount Mountagues fine in the Star-chamber, compounded for 4000 The Lord Stourtons' fine in the Star-chamber, compounded for 1000 For the grant made to Sir Lionel Cranfield, for two years and a half, to grant Licences to keep Taverns 5536 Sale of the Burgundy Jewels left there in pawn 3412 Sale of the goods confiscated in the Ship called the Pearl late returned from East India 8281 Paid in by the Executors of Thomas Sutton Esquire, to be disposed for pious uses 10000 Given by the Lord Wotton of freeguift to his Majesty 1000 For the Fine of the Lease of Chief Butlerage of England 2000 Given to the King by way of Benevolence by the Lords and others 52909 Money raised for fines of Newbuildings in and about London 4000 The total Sum is Two Millions, one hundred ninety three thousands, three hundred seventy and four pounds. His Majesty's extraordinary, disbursments since his coming to the Crown, besides the ordinary Annual Jssues. l. THe expense of his Majesty and his Train in his journey from Scotland to London 10752 The Funeral charge of Queen Elizabeth 17428 The King's Coronation and royal entry 36145 Ambassadors and others sent into Foreign States, besides the charge of Ledgier Ambassadors 20790 The diets of Ambassadors and others sent hither from Foreign States 31400 His Majesty's Household expense over and above the yearly assignments and allowances 232200 In discharge of debts due in Ireland in the late Queen's time, and in discharge of sundry provisions there, over and above the establishment 247433 To the Treasurer of the Chamber over and above his ordinary yearly assignments 21362 The Queen's Childbed, and other necessary provisions for that time 52542 To the Gentleman of his Majesty's Robes over and above the yearly assignment 8680 For Jewels, Pearls, Plate, etc. over and above the assignment to the Jewelhouse 158119 The charge of the Mine in Scotland 3059 The charge of divers Masks besides the provisions had out of the wardrobe, and materials and Workmen from the Office of the Works 7500 For provision of Tents and Toils over and above the ordinary allowance 1800 For making and graving of sundry Seals for his Majesty's service 1514 Purchase of Lands, Parks, Houses, etc. 125705 Building and repairing of Houses, Lodges, Parks, Gardens, etc. 139900 For Secret and extraordinary services 12897 To the Commissioners for the late Borders adjoining to Scotland 7649 9054 To the Commissioners for the I'll of Jersey 905 To the Commissioners for Depopulations 500 Portage of Loane, Aid and Wood money 5600 Allowances out of Assart Lands and defective Titles 17400 For Cordage, Masts and building of Ships above the assignments 63764 Charges about Dear and Fowl 1000 For Apparel, Victuals, Transportations and pay of the Soldiers sent into Swetthland 5775 For the like charges of Soldiers sent into Cleave, Sir Edward Cecil being General, whose allowance was five pounds by the day for himself, the whole charge 17695 Prince Henry's Funeral charges 16016 The Lady Elizabeth's Marriage with the Palsgraves' diets, and other charges appertainent to the same, viz. l. FOr the Palsgraves' diets at his standing house 6000 For his diets at his instalment into the Garter 4000 For diet at the Solemnisation of their Marriage 2000 For Lodgings for the Palsgraves' servants 830 To the Lord Hay to provide apparel and other necessaries for the Lady Elizabeth 6252 More to the Lord Hay for more necessaries for the Lady Elizabeth and for furnishing her marriage chamber 3023 To the Lord Harrington to provide apparel and like necessaries for the Lady Elizabeth 1829 More to him for Jewels for her, and for apparel for her servants 3914 To divers Merchants for Silks and other necessares 995 For charges about the Lords Mask at her marriage 400 To the Treasurer of Navy for the Naval fight performed on the Thames, at the marriage 4800 For the Fireworks of the Thames then 2880 To Sir Edward Cecil appointed Treasurer for her journey to Hedleberg; for her purse 2000 To certain Gentry, to take the assurance of the Lady Elizabeth's Jointure, and for settling of the same 8000 To the Farmours of the great Customs to pay Bills of Exchange, when she arrived beyond the Seas, for charges of her journey 8000 For her Transportation to Flushing 5555 Totall charge of her Diets, Marriage, Provisions and Transportations 53294 Paid over to the Palsgraves' Agents for her portion 40000 To the Earl of Suffolk as so much due to the late Earl of Dunbarre, for so much disbursed by him, by his Majesty's direction 11000 To Sir Thomas edmond's, Ledgier Ambassador in France to be disposed of there, according to direction 15000 To the Earl of Pembroke for his estate in the Iron works in the Forest of Dane, with the materials to the same belonging 4100 For Tombs for the late Queen, the Kings two daughters, and the late Queen of Scots the King's mother 3500 The charge of the Allome-Works in the North and West parts of England since his Majesty took those Mines into his hands 64988 His Majesty's charge towards the bringing of the new river to London from Anwell and Chadwell for the new Waterwork 7856 To the great wardrobe over and above the Ordinary Assignments 319647 Interest money paid by his Majesty since his coming into England, after the rate of ten in the hundred to the Citizens of London 127789 Rewards to Officers, etc. over and above the ordinary issues for that cause 49784 To the Earl of Nottingham for the hang of the Story of the fight in 88 containing 708 Flemish els at 10 l. 6 shillings the Ell, in all 1628. To Pirates lately pardoned by way of Composition for their Ships, etc. restored to the Owners 4930 The whole Sum of these Extraordinary Disbursments 2968970 l. To which being added the ready Money given away in free-guifts, which is 424469 l. as appeareth in its own place will make the total Extraordinaries to be 2393429 l. And so it exceeds the Monies Extraordinarily raised the Sum of 199065 l. To which the Inequalities between the Ordinary Annual Receipts, and Ordinary Annual Issues, being also added; will leave a very great Debt upon the King. Ready Money paid out of the Exchequer, since his Majesty's coming to the CROWN by way of Free-gift to these several persons following, viz. Anno primo Regis Jacobi. l. TO the Lady Mary Countess of Southampton 600 To the Earl of Downbarre, the Lord Howme 1266 To Sir John Ramsey, now Viscount Haddington 900 To Sir Robert Cross 700 To the Lady Arbella 666 To the Earl of Marre 500 To the Earl of Murray 2600 To Master Bevis Bullmere 100 To Sir James Linsey 500 To David Lavingstone 133 To Sir Patrick Murray 300 To Sir George Elphingston 500 To the Earl of Lithcowe 3000 To Sir Robert Melvill 500 To Sir Chales Hales 120 To David Murray 200 To Sir Richard Person, now Lord Dingwell, out of Recusants goods 150 To Sir Roger Aston 2000 To Alison Hay 200 The total sum is 10014935 Anno secundo. l. To Adam Newton Prince Henry's Tutor 300 To Sir John Ramsey, now Lord Haddington 100 To Sir Edward Stafford 100 To Monsire de Sourdeac 1200 To the Duke of Holst, the Queen's botherr 4000 To Philip 'Tice 2000 To the French Ambassador 500 To the Earl of Arroll 1000 To Anthony Balbany 1600 To Henry Hall Esquire 307 To Richard Lecavell 100 To Sir Robert Melvil 1500 To Richard then Lord Archbishop of Canterbury 1333 The total sum is 10014040 Anno tertio. l. To George Zadwadsky sent with horses out of Poland 100 To David Fenwick 200 To David Jenkins 100 To David Moses and William Rider cut of Greenwax 2000 To Sir James Creighton, and Sir George Howme Junior out of Greenwax 2000 To John Gib out of Recusants' Lands and goods 3000 To George Hay out of the profits of Transporting Iron Ordnance 1662. To William Shaa out of fines in the King's Bench 800 To Robert Browne out of goods Confiscated 2000 To Mistress Jane Dormond now Lay Roxbrough 2200 To Adam Newton Prince Henry's Tutor 2000 To doctor Martin 100 To Arthur Mills 100 So Sir John Ramsey now Lord Haddington 400 To Samuel Rickpatrick 400 To John Nesmith 66 To Gilbert Primrose 66 To Sir Melker Levens 150 To the Duke of Holst the Queen's brother 1000 To Alice Dennice 100 To Sir William Steward 600 To Dorothy Steward 200 To Monsire Ottoman 66 To Sir James Murrey 100 To Marian Hipburne 100 To Sir Richard Weston 200 To Michael Borstade 337 To the Earl of Downbarre then Lord Howme, for his interest in the i Manor of Hartington in Com. Derbe. formerly granted unto him 6000 The total sum 10026047 Anno Quarto. l. To Master John Murray of the Bebchamber, not of Recusants Lands and goods 2000 To Sir James Sandilandis out of Recusants 1500 To Robert Walker 100 To Richard Brass 100 To Patrick Morton 200 More to John Murray 100 To the Earl of Essex 761 To the Earl of Arroll 1000 To the Earl of Rutland; his own arrers of Rent due 424 To the Lord Lundourous 500 To David Spence et al. 240 To Sir James Sandilandis more 150 To Samuel Rickpatrick 400 To Sir Richard Weston 300 To Sir John Ramsey now Lord Haddington 900 To Levine Stallenge 200 To Alce Dennis 100 Rewards to the King of Denmark's servants 1235 To the Earl of Clanricard out of John daniel's Lands 2000 To John M. Kime out of goods confiscated 200 The total sum is 10012410 Anno Quinto. l. To John Anchmontie out of Recusants' Lands and Goods 2000 To Martin and Abraham Harderet out of Recusants' Lands and goods 3000 To Alexander Hay out of debts due to the King 1000 To Sir Richard Weston 1700 To Peter Vanlore 1625 To Thomas Levingstone 66 To Doctor Neale then Deane of Westminster 200 To Sir Thomas Terringham 1000 To the Lord Danvers 750 To Sir John Lindsey 100 To John Specee 40 To Doctor Martin 100 To Sir Bevis Bulmere 100 To John Nesmith 66 To Gilbert Primrose 66 To Sir Thomas edmond's 240 To William Bellenden 200 To Charles Forty 100 To the Earl of Downbarre 4106 To Sir Henry Broncker 100 To the Lord Lundourus 2500 To Francis Steward 100 To Sir Edward Grevill 500 To Sir Roger Aston 1500 To the Merchants of the Levant Seas for a Present to be given by them to the Grand Signieur for establishing Capitulations of Intercourse 5322 To John Patten out of Recusants' Lands, etc. 200 The total sum is 10026681 Anno sexto. l. To Sir Bevis Bullmere 500 To the Lord Hay out of estalled debts and Seizures, due to his Majesty 11500 To Richard Brass 20 To the Lord Gourdon 250 To John Barkley 60 To Master Francis Steward 220 To Robert Carliell 100 To the poor Watermen of London for their relief in the great Frost 200 To John Griffeth 100 To David and Katherine Jenkins 100 To the Earl of Perth 1000 To the Lord Obigney 375 To Henry Gonntrode 250 To the Lord Viscount Haddington 2000 To Daniel Burgrave 2500 To Paul Starling 2500 To James Steward 1500 To the Earl Howme 2000 To Sir Robert Melvill 2000 To John Johnson 100 To John Norden 200 To Sir Oliver Cromewell for relinquishing of his grant of 200 l. by the year out of his Majesty's Lands, given to him of freeguift 6000 To Sir Edward Grevill out of the money raised by Composition for Assart Lands 2000 To Sir Henry Guildford 68 To Rowland Woodward 60 To the King of Denmark's servants in reward 148 The total sum is 10035751 Anno septimo. l. To Contractors for Parsonages, etc. in reward for their pains in taking up divers sums of money for the King 1300 More to them for the like service 1400 To the Earl of Downbarre 2000 To Sir Sephen Proctor 80 To the Earl of Suffolk being an arrearage of Rents due by him to his Majesty 4836 To Sir Patrick Murray and Sir James Ougtherlony for relinquishing their grant of Concealments 1500 To the Lord Obigney for relinquishing his grant of 1000 l. by the year in Fee-simple given unto him by his Majesty 18000 To Thomas Warwick 400 To Sir Patrick Murrey more 300 Paid over to Merchants to be disbursed for the restitution of the Prince of Moldavia to his estate of the King's freeguift 3000 To the King of Denmark's servants for bringing of dear in reward 100 To Henry Mynors 500 To Sir Robert Grace 800 To Arthur Ingram 673 To the Lord Gourdon 1000 To Sir Robert Drewry 500 To the Earl Howme 1000 To William Shaa for relinquishing his grant of old debts 480 To Gilber Primrose 200 To the Earl of Mountgomery for Surrendering part of his grant of Custodies 6000 To Sir Richard Weston 1664 To Sir Charles Cornewallis 1000 To William Belon 250 To George Martial 100 To Sir Thomas Bartlet 170 To the Lord Viscount Haddington 7200 To Sir Robert Douglas 200 To Sir Henry Grace 3000 To Jehu Webb 50 To the Lord Hoth 200 To David Moses and William Damport 450 To Doctor Millwood 66 To John Berwick 52 To Peter la Costa 100 To John Elphingstone 500 To William Browne 66 To Andrew Downes 50 To the Lord Bruce, Lord of Kinlosse 2000 To Sir Alexander Hay 500 The total sum is 10061687 Anno octavo. l. To Thomas Pott 100 To Richard Brass 100 To William Damport 50 To John Barkley 200 To Claud Rolf for bringing of Hawks 20 To Sir Alexander Hay 1500 To John Martial 100 To Henry Gibb 170 To Sir Henry Guntrode 1300 To Adam Newton Prince Henry's Tutor 2000 To William Tipper 600 To William Stirrell 50 To the Earl of Emhdens' servants in reward 60 To Sir Henry Grace out of Sir Thomas Shirles money paid in for debts due in King Henry the eights time 2000 To Sir Edward Apsley, and Edward Woodward out of the same money 4000 To Sir Stephen Proctor 42 To Sir John Hungerford 160 To John Berwick 48 To Richard Hall 160 To Sir Sigismond and Henry Alexander 100 To Sir Thomas Bartlet 100 To Robert Walker and Richard Brass 86 To Claud Russell 40 To Sir Richard Martin 110 The total sum is 10013096 Anno nono 1611. l. To Robert Cunningham 80 To John Eldred et al. 690 To the Earl of Downbarre for relinquishing his grant of Logwood 2000 To Sir Robert Car late Earl of Somersett 500 More to him for his interest in the Manor of Sherborne lately given unto him 20000 To the Lady Helen M. Cartye 40 To Sir Richard Martin 300 To the Earl of Essex 3000 To the Lord Viscount Haddington 8000 To the Earl of Mountgomery 8000 To the Lord Viscount Fenton 8000 To the Lord Hay 8000 To Thomas Warwick 500 To Sir Sigismond and Henry Alexander 100 To Sir John Eyre's 500 To Andrew Melvin 60 To the Lord Knivett 500 To Sir William Lane 50 To William Ramsey 600 To William Stockdale 80 To the Earl of Marre for his interest in the Manors of Hunden and Chipley in Com. Suff. now sold to the Lord Cavendish for 15000 l. and given to the said Earl, as of his Majesty's freeguift 15000 To John Vachell 100 More to the Lord Viscount Rochester late Earl of Somersett 5000 To Patrick Maulde 600 To Sir John Grahame 220 To John Barkley 100 To Katherine Bridges 100 To Patrick Abercromby 40 To the Duke of Mantua's servants 40 To the marquis of brandenburgh's servants 40 To John Murray the Queen's servant 228 To John Howme 50 To Christian Schonero 150 To the Lady Raleighe for Composition for Shereborne 8000 The total sum is 10090668 Anno decimo. 1612. l. To Prince Henry of freeguift 8100 To Roger Polkinghorne 72 To Patrick Gowrdon 66 To the Lord Obigney 2000 To Sir Roger Aston 2000 To the Lord Viscount Rochester 15500 To William Ramsey 600 To Edward Bridges 150 To Patrick Maulde 600 To the Lord Knivett 500 To William Shaa 500 To William Stacy 100 To Julio Cannilla Crema 100 To James Johnson 400 To Sir Patrick Howme 200 To Edmond Bradshaw 100 To the two Alexander's 100 To 〈◊〉 Perundine 60 To Sir Robert Douglas 2000 To Sir Richard Wigmore 310 To Captain William Murray 666 To Robert Buchannon 50 To Laurence Newmeke 30 To John Levingston 1000 To Sir James Howme 500 To Henry Smith 40 To the Lord Viscount Lisle for his interest in Alton Woods, and for his faithful service 3000 To Sir Robert Shirley Ambassador from Persia of Freeguift 666 To the marquis of brandenburgh's servants for bringing of Silks 40 The total sum is 1003945 Anno XI. 1613. l. To William Pinches 120 To Henry Zinzan alias Alexander 100 To David Dormond 100 To Jeronimo Cavalasco 60 To Sir James Areskin out of the money brought by Sir Tho. Shirley, for debts due in King Henry the eights time 1014 To the Earl of Northampton 6000 To Sir David Murray being part of the Lord Viscount Mountagues fine 2000 To the Earl of Clanricarde 3000 To Charles Chambers for relinquishing a grant of 3000 l. out of Recusants 750 To the Lord of Loreston for the like grant of 6000 l. out of Recusants 1500 To Sir William Waade for the like, for 2000 l. 500 To Ralphe Bows for the like, for 1000 l. 250 To Sir Ricatd Wigmore for the like, for 1000 l. 250 To Sir James Simple and Thomas Lee for the like grant, for 4000 l. 1000 To Sir Hugh Beeston for the like grant for 3000 l. 750 To Thomas Wilson out of the money reserved for the King's Bounty 300 To Sir James Oughterlony out of Bounty 200 To Sir Francis Steward out of Bounty 200 To Sir William Constable out of Bounty 133 To Ellis Rothwell out of Bounty 200 To Captain William Steward out of Bounty 666 To Sir John Shaa out of Bounty 200 To Sir william Steward out of Bounty 500 To Archibald Napper 200 The total sum is 10019993 Anno XII. 1614 l. To the two Zinzains alias Alexander 100 To Peter la Costa 60 To Solomon de Caux 50 To monsieur de Tournon 100 To the Earl of Suffolk for Surrendering his grant of the Impost of Currants 10000 To the Lord Viscount Haddington, and the Lord Dingwel, out of Sir Hen. James his Lands, Goods escheated for refusing the Oath of Allegiance 6000 To Sir Richard Wigmore out of the same Lands and Goods 1000 To the Lord Sheffeilde for Surrendering him estate in a pension of one thousand pound by the year formerly given unto him by his Majesty 6370 To the Earl of Nottingham for Surrendering his estate for the Granting of Licences to sell Wine in Taverns 11072 To Franciscus Julius Duke of Saxony of his Majesty's Freeguift 2000 To the Lord Viscount Haddinton out of the arrearages now paid in be Recusants 2000 To the Earl Howme 660 To Ellen Felton 300 To John Barkley 333 To Alexander Mongreif 660 To the the two Zinzans alias Alexander 1000 To David Ramsey 1000 To John Sandilandis 600 To Francis and John Bonham 300 Sent unto the Lady Elizabeth by Master Maxwell, as of his Majesty's freeguift 1100 To Master John Dackombe of freeguift 140 To Sir Edward Cecil 500 To John Murray 150 To Sir James Sandilandis and Patrick Abercromby 100 To Andrew Boide out of Bounty 500 To Sir William Steward out of Bounty 1500 To Sir John Graham out of bounty 1500 To Sir William Constable out of Bounty 500 To John Murray 1000 The total sum is 10048595 Anno XIII. 1615. l. To William Shaa out of Bounty 1500 To Sir George Ramsey out of Bounty 1000 To Sir James Oughterlony out of Bounty 1800 To Francis Tirrell 300 To Sir David Murray of freeguift to pay his debts 5200 To Sir Robert Douglas 1000 To Peter de Moulyn Doctor of Divinity lately come out of France 300 To Philip Jacobson Merchant out of the goods forfeited in the Ship called the Pearl 6000 To the Earl of Nottingham 1500 To John Berkley 250 To Thomas Dempster Historiographer 200 To John Garrett 20 To the Lord Viscount Haddington 800 To Sir Arthur Ingram in reward for his pains taken about the Allome business 666 To William Parkhurst 500 The total sum is 21036 Anno XIIII. 1616. l. To Adam Valett and John Tetart 80 The total Sum of all the Free-guifts 424469 Memorandum, most of those persons before mentioned hath or had Pentions with Jewels, etc. Anno XIIII. Jacobi 1616. l. To Adam Valett and John Tetart Frenchmen 80 To John Garratt 20 To the King of Denmark's servants for bringing Dear 100 To Sir William Broncker out of the bounty money 2000 To the Officers (in recompense of their places) in Ulushing upon Surrender of the Town 1915 The like to the Officers at Brill 1785 To Clement edmond's of a grant made unto him of the reversion of Muster-master of Brill 400 To George Thoresby Commissary of the Muster in Brill in recompense of his place 400 To Sir James Simple and Thomas Leighe out of Recusants' Lands and Goods 310 To Morgan Colman 20 To Captain Barnaby Rich 100 To Sir James Hamilton for Surrendering his grant of the Customs and Imposts in the ports of Logh Coin and Bay of Knockfergus in Ireland 1300 To Arch. Napper out of the bounty money 1800 More to him for Surrendering his pension of 200 l. 600 To Sir Thomas Cornewallis 300 To Laurence Dundas 50 To Sir James Sandilandis 150 To Barnard Lindsey 1000 To Sir William Cornewallis out of bounty 2000 To Master Coppier 100 To the Earl of Nottingham 1500 To the Lord Viscount Haddington 6000 To Christian Steward the dwarf 20 To Rich. D'olive 160 To James Maxwell 150 To Sir James Oughterlony out of bounty 800 To Walter Balconquall 200 To Sir Cary Raleighe 100 To Richard Connock 666 To James Chambers the King's Physician 250 To the Lord Obigney 5000 To Jehan de Tour Frenchman 100 The total sum is 29376 Anno XV. to Regis Jacobi 1617. l. To the Lady Elizabeth Murray 100 To Francis Earl of Cumberland in recompense of the loss by him sustained upon the grant made unto George late Earl of Cumberland in the third year of the King for the licensing of all manner of Clothes to be transported beyond the Seas, For 19858. Clothes undressed, now restrained to be transported, which cometh unto (after the rate of two shillings eight pence the Cloth) the sum of 2467 l. 14 s. 8 d. To the Lady Raxboroughe formerly Lady Dormond 3000 To Richard Seimor 100 To the late Earl of Somersett to pay his debts 5083 To the Lady Walsingham 1000 Knights Barronets. Every Knight Baronet paid one thousand four score and fifteen l. (divided into three several payments, to be paid proportionably yearly during three years) towards the maintenance of 30 Footmen (for three years) in his Majesty's Forces, serving in the Province of Ulster in the Kingdom of Ireland, for the quiet Establishment of that Province, every Footman to be allowed eight pence by the day during the said Term. The names of those Barronets and their Priority of Place are as followeth, viz. Suff. Sir Nicholas Bacon. Lanc. Sir Rich. Mollineux. Glamorg. Sir Tho. Mansell. Leic. Sir George Shirley. Glamorg. Sir John Stardling. Derb. Sir Francis Leake. Sussex. Sir Thomas Pelham Lanc. Sir Rich. Houghton. Wilt. Sir John St. John. Sussex Sir John Shelley. Cistria Sir John Savage, Essex Sir Fran. Barrington Leic. Mr. Henry Barkley. Eboru. Mr. Will. Wentworth Westm. Sir Rich. Musgrave. Norff. Sir Henry Hobart. Cestria. Sir George Booth. Cant. Sir John Peyton. Suff. Lionel Talmash Es. Nott. Sir James Clifton. Lanc. Sir Tho. Gerrarde. Stoff. Sir Walter Aston. Norff. Sir Philip Knivett Essex Sr Joh. Wentworth Eboru. Sir Henry Bellasser. Eboru. Mr Will. Constable War. Sir Tho. Leighe. Rutl. Sir Edw. Nowell. Hunt. Sir Robert Cotten Cestria Mr Ro. Cholmonde Devon. Mr Edwa. Seymore. Kancia. Sir Moil Finch. Oxon. Sir Anthony Cope. Lincoln Sir Tho. Mounson. Lincoln Sir Tho. Uavisor. Derb. Mr. George Greisley Glouc. Mr. Paul Tracye. Eboru. Sir Henry Savile. Derb. Mr Hen. Willoughby North. Mr Lewis Tresham. North. Mr Tho. Brudenell. Lincoline Sir George St Paul. Lincoline Sir Phil. Tirwhite. Lincoline Sir Roger Dallison. Lincoline Sir Edward Car. Lincoline Sir Edward Hussey. Norff. Mr Lestran. Mordant Essex. Mr Thomas Bendish. Carmert. Sir John Wyme. Glouc. Sr Wil Throgmort. South. Sir Rich. Worsley. Bed. Mr Will. Gostwick. Warr. Mr Tho. Puckering. Cant. Sir Miles Sands. Nott. Mr. John Mollineux. Eboru. Sir Francis Wortley Eboru. Sir George Savile. Derb. Mr. Will. Kniveton. Norff. Sir Phil. Woodhouse Oxon. Sir William Pope. Rutl. Sir Jam. Harrington Staff. Mr Rich. Fleetwood Oxon Mr Tho. Spencer Kancia. Sir John Tufton. Kancia. Sir Samuel Peiton Hertf. Sr Charles Morrison Kanc. Sir Henry Baker Essex Mr Roger Appleton Kancia, Sir William Sedley Kancia. Sir Will. Twisden Kancia. Sir Edward Hales Kancia. Sir Will. Moyns Essex Mr Tho. Mildmay Essex Sir Will. Maynarde. Buck. Mr Henry Lea. Wiltes. Sir Edward Gorges. Essex. Sir Harbot. Grimston Warr. Sir Thomas Holt. Lincoline Sir Nic. Sanderson. Somerset Sir John Portman. Lincoline Sir John Wray. Berk. Mr William Essex. Eboru. Sir Marmad. Wivell. Wiltes. Sir Fran. Englesfield Staff. Mr John Peshall. Essex Sir William Ayeloffe Warr. Sir Edw. Devourax. Devon. Sir Tho. Ridgeway. Cornnb. Sir Reynold Mohun. Essex Sir Paul Banning. Totall of the Baronet's were 90. Dunolm. Mr Tho. Blackiston. Cestria. Mr Rowla. Egerton. Norff. Mr Rog. Townshend. FEES and ANNUITIES payable out of his Majesty's Exchequer, Distinguished in their several Natures, Titles and Payments, viz. Justices of the King's Bench. TO Sir Edward Coke Knight, Lord chief Justice of England, for his Fee at 224 l. 19 s. 9 d. by the year, and 33 l. 6 s. 8 d. by the year for his Circuits 258 l. 6 s. 5 d. To Sir John Dodridge Knight, one of the Justices of that Bench, for his Fee at 154 l. 19 s. 8 d. by the year, and 33 l. 6 s. 8 d. by the year for his Circuits 188 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Sir John Crook Knight, for the like 188 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Sir Robert Houghton Knights, for the like 188 l. 6 s. 8 d. Totall Sum by the year is 823 l. 6 s. 5 d. Besides their yearly allowances for their Diets in their Circuits. Justices of the Common Pleas. TO Sir Henry Hubberd Knight, chief Justice of the Common Pleas, for his Fee at 161 l. 13 s. 1 d. by the year, and 33 l. 6 s. 8 d. by the year, for his Circuits. Totall is 194 l. 19 s. 9 d. To Sir Peter Warburton Knight, one of the Justices of that Bench, for his Fee at 154 l. 19 s. 8 d. by the year, and 34 l. 6 s. 8 d. by the year, for Circuits. Totall is 188 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Sir Humphrey Winch Knight, for the like 188 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Sir Augustine nicols Knight, for the like 188 l. 6 s. 8 d. Totall sum by the year is 759 l. 19 s. 9 d. Besides their yearly allowance for their Diets in their Circuits. Justices of Assize in the County of Suff. TO Sir Peter Warburton Knight, one of the Justice of Assize in the County of Suff. for his Fee, yearly 12 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Sir James Altham Knight, for the like 12 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Thomas Willis, Clarke of Assize, for his Fee yearly 40 s. In all yearly 26 l. 13 s. 4 d. Masters of Requests. To Sir Roger Wilbraham Knight, one of the Masters of Requests, for his Fee by the year 100 l. To Sir Daniel Dunne, another of the Masters of Requests, for his Fee by the year 100 l. To Sir Ralphe Winwood, another of the Masters of Requests, for his Fee by the year 50 l. To Sir Christopher Perkins, another of the Masters of Requests, for his Fee yearly 50 l. To Sir Richard Williamson, another of the Masters of Requests, for his Fee yearly 50 l. To John Daccombe Esquire, another of the Masters of Requests for his Fee yearly 100 l. Sum is 450 l. The King's Sergeants at Law, and others of the King's Counsel at Law. To Sir Henry Montague, Sergeant at Law 41 l. 6 s. 10 d. To Sir Randolph Crewe, Sergeant at Law 41 l. 6 s. 10 d. To Sir John Davys, Sergeant at Law 41 l. 6 s. 10 d. To Sir Francis Bacon Attorney General 81 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Sir Henry Yeluerton, Solicitor General 70 l. Master Henry Martin, Advocate for all Ecclesiastical causes 20 l. In all yearly 295 l. 7 s. 6 d. The Chancellor, Vndertreasuror, Barons Officers and Clarks of the Exchequer. To Sir Fulke Grevill Chancellor of the Exchequer for his Fee by the year 26 l. 13 s. 4 d. To him as Undertreasuror of the Exchequer by the year 173 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Sir Laurence Tanfeild, Lord chief Baron, for his fee, at 154 l. 19 s 8 d. by the year, and 33 l. 6. s. 8 d. by the year for his Circuits. in all yearly 188 l. 6. s. 8 d. To Sir George Snigg, one of the Barons, for his Fee at 80 l. per annum, and 33 l. 6 s. 8 d. yearly for his Circuits 113 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Sir James Altham, one of the Barons, the like fee 113 l. 6 s. 8 d To Sir Edward Bromley, one of the Barons, the like fee 113 l. 6 s. 8 d. To John Sotherton Esquire, the fifth Baron for receiving the Receivors General their Accounts 66 l 13 s. 4 d. To him for his attendance on the Sealing days 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. To him for his attendance, aswell in the Terms, as after the Terms, yearly 16 l. 13 s. 4 d. More to him, as the fifth Baron, for his fee, yearly 66 l. 13 s. 4 d To Sir John Pointz, one of the Chamberlins for his fee 52 l. 3 s. 4 d. To Sir Nicolas Carew, alias Throgmorton, one of the Chamberlins, for his fee yearly 52 l. 3 s. 4 d To John Bradshaw, one of the Deputy Chamberlins' 10 l. To George Austin, one of the Deputy Chamberlins' 10 l. To Alexander Stafford, one of the Deputy Chamberlins', for the joining of the Tallies 5 l. To William Page, one of the Deputy Chamberlins' for joining of the Tallies 5 l. To John Hunt, one of the Deputy Chamberlins', to write the Counterpell 6 l. To John Best, one of the Deputy Chamberlins', to write the Counterpell 6 l. To 〈◊〉 Fanshaw the King's Rememberancer 55 l. 17 s. 4 d. To Arthur Salway, one of the Secondaries in that Office 4 l. To William Bourchier, one of the secondaries there 4 l. To the Clarks of that Office in reward amongst them, for writing and inrolling the Amerciaments there 15 l. 6 s. 8 d. To John Osborne Esquire. The Lord Treasurors Remembrancer 30 l. To Richard Smith one of the Secondaries in the Lord Treasurors Rememberancers Office yearly 5 l. To Henry Osborne, one of the Secondaries there 4 l. To the Clarks there in reward, for writing the Amerciaments in that Office 22 l. 10 s. To Sir Arthur Manwaring Clark of he Pipe 47 l. 4 s. 2 d. To Robert Baker Controller of the Pipe 40 l. To George Allington, one of the Secondaries there 10 l. To Alexander Williams, one the Secondaries there 10 l. To the Clarks there for writing the Amerciaments 9 l. 3 s. 4 d. To Alexander King, one of the Auditors of the Revinewes of the Crown, for his Fee yearly 20 l. To Sir Thomas Neale, another of the Auditors 20 l. To William Hill, another of the Auditors 20 l. To Francis Neale, another of the Auditors 20 l. To Hugh Sexey, another of the Auditors 20 l. To Thomas Hutton, another of the Auditors 20 l. To Nathaniel Fuller, another of the Auditors 20 l. To Francis Gofton, one of the Auditors of the imprests 66 l. 13 s. 4 d. To Richard Sutton, one of the Auditors of the Imprests 66 l. 13 s. 4 d. To Will. Cholmley foreign apposer in the Exchequer 40 l. To Francis Fuller, clerk of the Extracts in the Exchequer 33 l. 6 s. 8 d. More to him for drawing down and writing the Amerciaments of divers Counties in reward 10 l. To Thomas Allen, Clark of the Nichils, for his fee 20 l. To Thomas Turner, Clark of the Pleas in the Exchequer 5 l. To the Clarks in the the Office of the Pleas, for writing the Amerciaments in that Office 3 l. To Edmon Thorolde, Marshal to the Court of Excheq. 5 l. To Edward Wardour, Clark of the Bells in the Receipt of the Exchequer, for his fee at 90 l. 13 s. 4 d. by the year, for himself, and 20 l. by the year, for a Clerk under him, for writing the Pell of Exitus, in all yearly 110 l. 13 s. 4 d. More to him for keeping the Pell of Receipt 61 l. 13 s. 4 d. For a Clerk under him to write the Pell of Receipt 5 l. To John Bingley, writer of the Tallies and Counter Tallies in the Receipt of Exchequer 91 l. 13 s. 4 d. To his Clerk under him for writing the Tallies 9 l. To Sir Edward Cary, one of the Tellors in the Receipt 31 l. 13 s. 4 d. To Sir William Bowler, one of the Tellors there 31 l. 13 s. 4 d. To Sir Francis Egioke, one of the Tellors there 31 l. 13 s. 4 d. To Mr Watson, one of the Tellors there 31 l. 13 s. 4 d. To John Rowdon Bagbearer there, his fee yearly 6 l. 13 s. 4 d. To the Underclarks of the Receipt for their attendance in the Vacation times 46 l. To Richard Staunton one of the Messengers there 6 l. 16 s. 10 d To Isaak Bush, one of the Messengers there 6 l. 16 s. 10 d. To Henry Greene, one of the Mess. there 6 l. 16 s. 10 d. To William Taylor, one of the Mess. there 6 l. 16 s. 10 d. To the Boys of the Receipt for their attendance 40 s. The total sum is 2175 l. 8 s. 10 d. Officers in divers Courts of Records. To Sir Francis Bacon, Clark of the Counsel in the Star-chamber, his fee yearly 26 l. 13 s. 4 d. To Fran. Anderson, Clark of the Extracts there 20 l. To Tho. Fanshaw and Will. Mitchell, Clarks of the Crown in the King's Bench 10 l. To Thomas Waller, one of the Prothonotaries of the Common Pleas, being an allowance for poor suitors 10 l. To Sir Thomas Spencer keeper of the writs in the Common Pleas 6 l. 13 s. 4 d. To John Wright, Clark of lower house of Parliament 10 l. In all by the year 83 l. 6 s. 8 d. Surveyors of Lands, etc. To Rebert Treswell, Surveyor of all his Majesty's Woods on this side Trent 50 l. More to him as Surneyor of the King's Castles, Forts, Parks and Lodges 50 l. To John Norden, one of the Surveyors of the King's Lands, for his Fee yearly 50 l. To John Thorpe, one of the Surveyors, etc. for the like 20 l. To Sir William Strode, Surveyor of the King's Lands in the County of Devon, for his Fee yearly 20 l. To Henry Campion, Surveyor of the King's Lands in the County of Southamp. for his Fee yearly 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. To William Duck, Surveyor of the King's Highways 40 l. In all yearly 243 l. 6 s. 8 d. Secretaries, Clarks of the Counsel, etc. To Sir Ralph Winwood, principal Secretary of State, for his Fee yearly 100 l. To Sir Thomas Lake, one of the principal Secretaries 100 l. To Sir John Herbert, second Secretary 100 l. To Sir Thomas Hamilton, Secretary for Scotland 100 l. To Sir Thomas Lake, Secretary for the Latin tongue 80 l. To Sir Tho. edmond's, Secretary for the French tongue 66 l. 13 s. 4 d To Sir Anthony Ashley, one of the Clerks of the Counsel 50 l. To Francis Cottington Esquire, one of the Cerks of the Counsel 50 l. To William Trumbull Esq. one of the Clerks of the Counsel 50 l. To Clement edmond's Esq. one of the Clerks of the Counsel 50 l. To George Calvert Esq, one of the Clerks of the Counsel 50 l. To Sir Humphrey May, for attending his Majesty for causes concerning the Kingdom of Ireland 133 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Sir Thomas Wilson and Ambrose Randall, keepers of divers Records remaining at Whitehall 60 l. 16 s. 8 d. To George Cox, one of the keepers of the Counsel Chamber door, his Fee yearly 60 l. 16 s. 8 d. To Thomas Graves, another of the keepers of the Counsel Chamber door, two shillings six pence per diem 45 l. 13 s. 6 d. In all 1097 l. 5 s. 10. Attendants on Foreign Ambassadors. To Sir Lewes Lewknor Master of the Ceremonies 200 l. To John Finett, his assistant 10 l. To Sir William Button, attending on Ambassadors sent from foreign parts 6 s. 8 d. per annum. In all per annum 121 l. 13 s. 4 d. Totall per annum 331 l. 13 s. 4 d. To divers persons for sundry services. To Sr. Geo. Villiers, Master of the Horse to the King 66 l. 13 s. 4 d To Andrew Zinzan, alias Alexander, for riding the King's great Horses 66 l. 13 s. 4 d. To Sir Thomas Howard, Master of the Horse to the Prince 40 l. To Sir Thomas Penruddock 33 l: 6 s. 8 d. To Sir Edmond Cary, the Knight Harbinger 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Edward Cherry, the King's Merchant 33 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Ralph Gill, keeper of the Lions and other beasts in the Tower of London 18 l. 5 s. More to him by way of increase 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. To George Colmer, the Kings Cockmaster 200 l. To Sir George Moor, Chancellor of the order of the Garter, for his Fee per annum 100 l. To Sir Richard Conningsby Gentleman Usher for bearing the Rodd before the King, at the feast of Sir George, his Fee by the year 18 l. 5 s. To the Earl of Nott. guardian and chief Justice of all Forests, Chases, Parks and Warrens on this side Trent, his Fee yearly 100 l. To him in consideration for his profit of the Justice acre. per annum 66 l. 13 s. 4 d. To Hugh May Clerk of the Market 20 l. To Jehu Webb, Master of the Tennis plays 12 l. 13 s. 4 d. To John Wood and Robert his Son for keeping and breeding of Cormorants, by the year 45 l. 12 s. 6 d. To Richard Putto, for prosecuting of old Debts due to the King, his Fee, besides his fifth part out of all such Debts recovered and brought in 50 l. In all by the year is 893 l. 18 s. 4 d. King's Heralds and Pursivands at Arms. To William Cambden, alias Clarentialx king of Arms in the East, West, and South parts of England, for his Fee per annum 20 l. To Richard St. George alias Norwey, king of Arms in the North parts of England 20 l. To Samuel Thompson, alias Windzor Herald 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Ralph Brooke, alias York Herald 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Robert Treswell, alias Somersett Herald 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. To William Penson, alias Chester Herald 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. To John Raven, alias Richmond Herald 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Nicholas Charles, alias Lancaster Herald 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Thomas Knight, alias Rongecrosse, Pursivand at arms 10 l. To William Smith, alias Rongedragon, Pursivand 10 l. To Henry St. George, alias Blewmantle Pursivand 10 l. To Philip Holland, alias Portcullis Pursivand 10 l. In all 160 l. Sergeants at Arms. To 18 Sergeants at Arms, for their fee to each of them yearly 18 l. 5 s. which cometh unto in all yeary 328 l. 10 s. Musicians. To 22 Musicians, for their Fees and Liveries, viz. to some two shillings eight pence by the day, and sixteen pound two shillings six pence by the year for their Livery, and to the most of them twenty pence by the day and the like allowance for Livery, which cometh unto in all by the year 1060 l. 12 s. 6 d. Physicians, Surgeons and Apothecaries. To Doctor de Mayerne 400 l. To Doctor Craig the elder 100 To Doctor Craig the younger 100 To Doctor Atkins 100 To Doctor Hamonde 100 To Doctor Poe, Physician for the King's household 50 To Gilbert Primrose Sergeant Surgeon to the King 26 l. 13 s. 4 d. More to him as ordinary Surgeon to the King 40 More to him as Surgeon to the Prince 33 l. 6 s. 8 d. To William Goddourous Sergeant Surgeon to the King 26 l. 13 s. 4 d. More to him as ordinary Surgeon to to the King 40 To Duncan Primrose Surgeon to the King, yearly 40 To Alexander Baker ordinary Surgeon to the King 40 To Peter Chamberlain Surgeon to the Queen 40 To Archibalde hay Surgeon ordinary to the King 40 l. To Lewes Roger's ordinary Surgeon to the Prince 40 To William Clowes ordinary Surgeon to the Prince 40 To John Wolfgango Rumlero Apothecary to the King, his Fee by the year 40 More to him as Apothecary to the Queen 40 To Gedeon de Lawn Apothicary to the King 20 To George Shires Apothecary for the King's house, his Fee by the year 40 More to him provider of sweet waters for the King's service, his Fee by the year 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Ralphe Cleyton Apothecary to the Prince, his Fee by the year 20 To Jolliffe Lownes Apothecary to to the Prince, his Fee by the year 20 The total sum is 1450 l. Artificers. To Alexander Miller and Robert Arskin the King's Tailors, to each of them two shillings by the day, in all 73 l. To Alexander Wilson and Patrick Blake the Prince his Tailors to each eighteen pence by the day 54 l 15 s. To John Dauson and Edward Thomazin for the Guards Coats for their Fee 12 d. by the day 18 l. 5 s. To Peter and William Bland Sergeant Furriers to the King for their Fee two shillings by the day 36 l. 10 s. To John Bingham Saddler to the King 12 pence by the day for himself, and three pence by the day for a servant under him in all by the year 23 l. 11 s. 3 d To William Broderick Embroderer for the King 27 l. 7 s. 6 d. To Abraham Abereromby Saddler to the Prince 12 pence by the day for himself, and 3. pence by the day for a servant under him in all by the year 23 l. 11 s 3 d. To Ralphe and William Canning, chief Arras maker 6 d. by the day, and 10 l. by the year for their Fee 19 l. 2 s. 6 d. To Randolph Bull Clockkeeper 1 s. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To William and Thomas Mussel Cutters and Razers of the King's apparel 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To Alexander Howme, shoemaker to the King 18 l. 5 s. To Alexander Craiford shoemaker to the King 18 l. 5 s. To Thomas Wilson shoemaker to the Prince 18 l. 5 s. To Richard Sheppeard perfumer for the King 18 l. 5 s. To 〈…〉 Embroderer for the Prince 18 l. 5 s. To Nathaniel Matthew Cutler to the King 18 l. 5 s. To Thomas Pulforld 18 l. 5 s. To Richard Mail Cook in the Starchamber 18 l. 5 s. To Edmond Tomlins Butler in the Starchamber 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. To Thomas Cesar clockkeeper per annem 39 l. 16 s. 8 d. To Thomas Bond cleanser of the hang 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To John and William Lugar maker of the Black Jacks for the King's house 6 d. per diem, in all 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. To Richard Cole, the King's Girdler 6 d. per diem 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. To John and Abraham Bateman the King's Book-binder by the year 6 l. To Robert Barker the King's Printer 6 l. 13 s. 4 d. To John Norton, the King's Printer for the Latin, Greek and Hebrew Tongues 26 l. 8 d. In all yearly 552 l. 7 d. Keepers of the King's Houses, Gardens and Warderobes. To the Lady Helen Marchionisse of Northampton for keeping Richmond house and wardrobe 12 d. by the day, for keeping the garden and orchard there 6 d. by the day, and for keeping the Park there 18 d. by the day. In all by the year 54 l. 15 s. To Will. Lord Compton, keeper of Holdenby house 26 l. 13 s. 4 d. To 〈…〉 keeper of the Robes and Jewels at Whitehall 66 l. 13 s. 4 d. by the year, for keeping the great wardrobe there 10 d. by the day, for keeping the Orchard there 6 d. by the day, and 17 l. 3 s. by the year, for charges there, for keeping the Garden 17 l. 20 d. by the year, for keeping the Coniyard 12 d. by the day, and 12 l. 13 s. 8 d. by the year, in consideration of Rents taken into the King's hands. In all 156 l. 3 s. 4 d. More to him for keeping the Garden at Saint James 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. by the year, for keeping the out lodgings at Whitehall 4 l. by the year, for keeping the Conduct heads 6 l. 20 d. by the year, for distilling of water 3 l. 6 s. 8 d. by the year, for fire to air the Hothouses 40 s. by the year, for carriage of Hay 40 s. by the year, for mowing making and carriage of Hay for the Dear in the Park 3 l. 6 s. 8 d. for Swans and other fowl in the Park 20 s. by the year, for digging and setting of Roses in the Spring-garden 40 s. by the year, 20 l. by the year in recompense of certain lodgings, for keeping of the range trees 6 d. by the day, and for keeping the Rain dear, 4 d. by the day. In all by the year 72 l. 5 s. 10 d. To John Trevor for keeping of oatland's house 27 l. 7 s. 6 d. To Sir Marmaduke Darrell for keeping Maisondien place, at Dover 6 d. by the day 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. To the Lady Barwick and John her Son for keeping the King's house at Thetford 12 d. by the day, and for keeping the garden there 12 d. by the day. In all by the year 36 l. 10 s. To John Winyard keeper of the King's house in the Palace at Westminster 6 d. by the day 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. More to him for keeping the wardrobe at Hampton Court 12 d. by the day, and 33 l. 6 s. 8 d. by the year, for charges about the same. In all by the year 51 l. 11 s. 8 d. To Richard Hammerton keeper of the King's house at Roiston 8 d. by the day 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To John Cotton for keeping of the Wearderobe at Theobaldes 18 d. by the day, for fire 10 l. by the year, and for his Livery 4 l. by the year. In all 41 l. 7 s. 6 d. To Stephen Pearse for keeping the wardrobe at Richmonde 8 d. by the day, and for fire 4 l. by the year. In all by the year 16 l. 13. 4 d. To John Cotton for keeping the wardrobe at Westminster 10 d. by the day and for keeping the Revestry there 2 d. by the day for fire 10 l. by the year, and for of the fustians and Pillowbears 4 l. by the year. In all by the year 32 l. 5 s. To Jeramy Rosse for keeping the Wardrobe at Hichingbrook 12 d. by the day, for fire 10 l. by the year, for his Livery 4 l. by the year. In all 32 l. 5 s. To Thomas Hickson, for keeping the wardrobe at Greenwich 8 d. by the day, for a servant under him 4 d. by the day, and for his Livery 3 l. by the year 21 l. 5 s. To Nich. Pigeon, as Clerk of the wardrobe in the Tower of London, for his Fee by the year 14 l. To John Stephenson, for keeping the wardrobe at Windsor 6 d. by the day, and for a servant under him 3 d. by the day. In all yearly 13 l. 13 s. 9 d. To Andrew Bright and Edmond Doubleday, for keeping the King's Bible at Whitehall yearly 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. More to him for distilling sweet waters 13 l. 6 s. 8 d To George Hopton for the keeping of 〈…〉 at Hampton Court 2 s. 10. d. by the day. In all yearly 51 l. 14 s. 2 d. To Andrew Bright, for keeping the garden door at Whitehall 2 s. by the day. In all yearly 36 l. 10 s. To William Hogan officer of the Stilling-house at Hampton Court, and for keeping of the two new Gardens there, for his Fee, yearly 40 l. To Bristol Pigeon, for keeping the garden in the Tower of London 6 d. by the day and for keeping the little wardrobe there 12 d. by the day, for a servant under him 4 d. by the day and for fire 3 l. by the year. In all by the year 36 l. 9 s. 2 d. To Thomas Sheffeilde, for keeping the garden at Greenwich 12 d. by the day 18 l. 5 s. To Edward lovel for keeping the 〈…〉 and Garden at Richmond 6 l. 20 d. by the year, and for weeding and other necessary charges 4 l. by the year. In all 10 l. 20 d. To Sir Patrick Howme for keeping the King's house at Roiston 12 d, by the day 18 l. 5 s. To William Risbrook underkeeper of Richmond house, for his Fee by the year 30 l. To Jasper Stallenge for keeping the garden for the Silkworms, for his Fee by the year 60 l. To John and Francis Bonnell, for the Attendance, about the the Silkworms by the year 60 l. The total sum is 1020 l. 4 s. 11 d. There are other Housekeepers, paid by the Treasurer of the Chamber, Cofferer, etc. of whom I cannot take notice. Keepers of Stables. To William Thomas, for keeping the Mews 24 l. To Thomas powel, for keeping the Stables at Hamdton Court 8 d. by the day 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To John Braig, keeper of the Stables at Reading, by the year 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To Ralphe More, for keeping the Stables at Saint Albans, 8 d. by the day 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. In all by the year 60 l. 10 s. Keepers of Forests, Chases and Parks. To Thomas Earl of Exon for keeping Rockingham Forrest for his Fee per annem 14 l. 4 s. 8 d. To Sir Robert Harley for keeping Boringwood alias Bringwood Forest in Com. Herff. 6 l. 2 s. 6 d. by the year, for the Pokership 30 s. 5 d. by the year, and for keeping the Forest of Prestwood 18 s. by the year. In all 8 l. 10 s. 11 d. To Edward Lord Denny, and James Lord Hay, for keeping Chinckford walk in Waltham Forest 6 d. by the day, and for keeping the game of Pheasants there 4 d. by the day and for keeping half of Newlodge walk 2 d. by the day. In all per annem 18 l. 5 s. To 〈…〉 for keeping Walthamstow walk in the Forest of Waltham 8 d. by the day, for keeping of Leighton walk 4 d. by the day, and for keeping of Wallwood and Hamfrith Woods 3 d. by the day. In all yearly 22 l. 16 s. 3 d. To 〈…〉 Rranger of Waltham Forest, his Fee by the year 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. To Edward Earl of Worcester and Sir Thomas Somerset his Son, for keeping the great Park of Nonsuch 2 s. by the day and for 〈…〉 15 l. by the year. In all 51 l. 10 s. To Sir Edward Howard, for keeping Bifleet Park and Lodge in the County of Surrey 8 d. by the day 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To Sir Robert Leighe for keeping Woodfurth walk in Waltham Forest 8 d. by the day 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To Sir Edward Cary for keeping Marrowbone Park 8 d. by the day 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To Sir Henry , for keeping Hide Park 8 d. by the day 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To Richard Earl of Dorset governor of the Park called the Broil 6 l. 13 s. 4 d. per annem, for two keepers under him 4 d. per diem and for a Ranger of the Woods there 2 d. per diem, In all per annem 15 l. 15 s. 10 d. To William Smith for looking to the Dear in Cramborne Chase, by the year 20 l. To Tho. Norris under Ranger in Enfield Chace 6 d. per diem 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. To Thomas Earl of Suff. Lieutenant and keeper of Brayden Forest in Com. Wilts 6 l. 20 d. per annum, for a Ranger there 20 l. per annum, and for four keepers there under him, to each of them 10 l. per annum. In all per annum 66 l. 20 d. The total per annum is 284 l. 2 s. 8 d Keepers of Warrens and Games. To John Banks, keeper of the Warren called Wilbraham Bushes in Com. Cantabr. 2 s. per diem, and for keeping the Game ten mile's Circuit 2 s. more per diem 73 l. To Gilbert Wood, keeper of the Hare Warren at Hampton Courth 2 s. per diem 36 l. 10 s. To Alexander Glover keeper of the Game about Lambath and Clapham 12 d. per diem, and 26 s. 8 d. per annum for his Livery 19 l. 11 s. 8 d. To Robert Moor, keeper of the Game about oatland's 12 d per diem 18 l. 5 s To Henry Beswick, keeper of the Swans in St. James Park 12 d. per diem, and 22 s. 6 d. per annum for his Livery 19 l. 7 s. 6 d. To Francis Powton and Edmond Hobson, keepers of the Game about Hampton Court 2 s. per diem, and 26 s. 8 d. per annem for their Livery 37 l. 16 s. 8 d. To Henry Halfehide, and Henry his son, keepers of the Game about Roiston 2 s. 6 d. per diem, and 3 l. per annum for their Livery 48 l. 12 s. 6 d. To Thomas Cockeine, keeper of the Hares at Roiston, and 12 mile's circuit, and for keeping the Game at Thetford and 7. mile's circuit 2 s. per diem 36 l. 10 d. To George Kirkham and Michael his son, keepers of the game about Richmond 18 d. per diem 27 l. 7 s. 6 d. To Richard Stoner, keeper of the Game at Hinchingbrooke, for his Fee 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To Anthony Lewes, keeper of the Game in Waltham Forest 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To Edmond Masters, keeper of the Game at the manor of oatland's 12 per diem, and 26 s. 8 d. per annum for his Livery. In all per annum 19 l. 11 s. 8 d. To William Richbell, keeper of the Game at Nonsuch 12 d. per diem, and 26 s. 8 d. per annem for his Livery 19 l. 11 s. 8 d. To Samson Calvert keeper of the game about Wandesworth 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To Ralphe Smith, keeper of the game about Westminster 8 d. per diem, and 26 s. 8 d. per annem for his Livery 13 l, 10 s. To David Tannet, another keeper of the Game about Westminster 8 d. per diem, and 26 s. 8 d. per annum for his Livery 13 l. 10 s. To Alban Cox, keeper of the Game about Barnet, etc. 4 d. per diem, and 26 s. 8 d. per annum for his Livery 7 l. 8 s. 6 d. To John Coward, and John his son, keepers of the Game at Thetford 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To William Marston keeper of the Game at Newmarket 45 l. 12 s. 6 d. The total is per annem 509 l. 10 s. 2 d. Huntsmen. To Sir Patrick Howme Master of the privy Harryers', for his Fee 120 l. per annum. And for keeping one Footman, four Horses, and 20 couple of Dogs 100 l. per annum 220 l. To Thomas Pott Mr. of the Hunt, for his Fee 4 s. per diem; for 3 yeomen prickers, to each 2 s. per diem, for one Groom 12 d. per diem, and for keeping 12. couple of dogs 50 l. per annum. In all per annum 250 l. 15. To Robert rain Sergeant of the Buckhounds per annem 50 l. More to him as one of the yeomen of the Privy Harriers 3 l. per mensem 36 l. To William Battle, another of the yeomen, the like Fee 36 l. To Rich. Barnard, another of the yeomen, the like Fee 36 l. To Nich. Cockeine, another of the yeomen, the like Fee 36 l. To Rich. Lazonby Mr. of the Lyam-hounds per annum 40 l. To Rich. Gwynne, Groom of the Harryers' to the Prince 13 d. per diem, and 20 s. per annum for his Livery 20 l. 15 s. 5 d. To John Water's yeoman of the Harryers' to the King 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To Robert Walker Sergeant of the King's hounds per annum 50 l. To Rich. Brass yeoman of the King's hounds per annum 50 l. The total is per annum 843 l. 15 s. 10. Falconers. To Robert Lord Dormer Master Falconer to the King, his Fee 44 l. per mensem, which is per annum 528 l. More to him as Master Falconer to the King within the manor of Elmer in Com. Buck. 18 d. per diem 27 l. 7 s. 6 d. To Thomas Mongreis' Falconer to the King 2 s. per diem, and 13 l. 13 s. 9 d. ob. per annum for his Livery 50 l. 3 s. 9 d. ob. To Robert Pinkerton, Falconer to the King 18 d. per diem, and 13 l. 13 s. 9 d. per annum for his Livery 41 l. 15 d. To James Quarrier Falconer to the King 16 d. per diem, and 13 l. 13 s. 9 d. per annum for his Livery 38 l. 5 d. To John Barkley, Falconer to the King 12 d. per diem, and 13 l. 13 s. 9 d. per annum for his Livery 31 l. 18 s. 9 d. To Fran. Verney Falconer to the King per annum 40 l. To Lewes Latham Falconer to the King per annum 40 l. To Cornelius Artson Falconer to the King 2 s. 6 d. per diem 45 l. 12 s. 6 d. To Eustace Norton Falconer to the Prince per annum 30 l. More to him by way of increase 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To George Mongreif Falconer to the King, for his Fee per diem, which is per annum 91 l. 5 s. The total is per annum 981 l. 14 s. 4 d. Revels. To Sir George Buck Master of the Revels, for his Fee per annum 10 l. To Edward Kirkham yeoman of the Revels 6 d. per diem 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. The total is 19 l. 2 s. 6 d. Tents and Toils. To Henry Seckford Master of the Tents and Toil per annum 30 l. To Alexander Stafford Clerk Controller of the King's Tents and Pavilions 8 d. per diem 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To William Honinge, Clerk of the Tents and Pavilions 8 d. per diem, and 24 s. per annum for his Livery 13 l. 7 s. 6 d. To Edmund Mussel yeoman to the tents, etc. per annum 10 l. To Robert Bowl Groom of the the tents, etc. 8 d. per diem 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. The total sum is 74 l. 13 s. 4 d. Posts. To the Lord Stanhope, Master of the Posts, for his Fee 66 l. 13 s. 4 d. To Matthew de Quester, Post for beyond the Seas 2 s. per diem 36 l. 10 s. To William Trumbull, one of the Posts for the King per annum 36 l. 10 s. To Edward Davyes, Post for Ludlowe 2 s. 6 d. per diem 45 l. 12 s. 6 d. To John Brooke Letterbearer to the Prince per annum 50 l. The total sum is 235 l. 5. 10 d. Jewelhouse. To Sir Edward Cary and Sir Henry his son Masters of the Jewelhouse, for their Fee per annum 50 l. To Sir William Herrick, Sir John Spilman, and George Herriott Jewellors, for their Fee to each of them 50 l. per annum 150 l. To Abraham Harderett, Jewellor to the Queen 50 l. To Richard Wright and John his son, Clarks of the Jewelhouse, for their Fee per annum 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Nicholas Pigeon yeoman of the Jewelhouse 26 l. 13 s. 4 d. The total sum is 290 l. Officers of the Works. To Inigo Jones Surveyor of the works done about the King's houses 2 s. 6 d. per diem 45 l. 12 s. 6 d. To Thoms Baldwin Controller of the Works 27 l. 7 s. 6 d. To Andrew Kerwin paymaster of the Works 2 s. per diem 36 l. 10 s. To William Portington Master Carpenter 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To William Cure Master Mason 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To James Lee Master Plasterer 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To Abraham Green Sergeant Plumber 18 l. 5 s. More to him as Plumber of Windsor Castle 18 l. 5 s. To Jerimy Talcot Bricklayer 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To William Southis Master Mason of Windsor Castle 18 l. 5 s. To Clement Chapman, chief Joiner of the Tower of London 12 d. per diem, and for his Fee as chief Joiner of all the Kings Works 12 d. per diem, and for his robe 16 l. 2 s. 6 d. per annum. In all 52 l. 12 s. 6 d. To Henry Waller, chief Joiner for the King's Privy Chamber 12 d. per diem, and for his Livery 26 s. 8 d. 19 l. 11 s. 8 d. To Tho. Badveleg, chief Grocer 12 d. per diem, and for his Livery 24 s. per annum 19 l. 9 d. To Tho. Aldridge Wheelwright in the Tower of London 18 l. 5 s. To Maximil. Colt Carver in Stone 8 d. per diem 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To Fran. Cartir chief Clerk of the King's Works 66 l. 13 s. 4 d. More to him as provider of Timberboords and Laths 8 d. per diem 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To Henry Jennyngs provider for the King's Works in the Tower of London 18 d. per diem 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To George Nevye overseer of the King's Works at Portsmouth 16 d. per diem 24 l. 6 s. 8 d. To William Wheatly Master Carpenter in the Tower of London 8 d. per diem 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. The total is 486 l. 16 s. 6 d. Officers of the Ordnance and Armoury. To Sir Richard Morrison Lieutenant of the Ordnance, his Fee per annum 66 l. 13 s. 4 d. To Sir William Pope Master of the Armoury at Greenwich 66 l. 13 s. 4 d. more to him as Master of the Armoury in the Tower of London, and all other places in England 12 d. per diem, for a yeoman under 6 d. per diem, and for a Boy 3 d. per diem. In all 98 l. 12 s. 1 d. To Sir John Kay Surveyor of the Ordnance 36 l. 10 s. To Nedtrary Smart & al. keepers of the Store of the Ordnance, Munition and Empco. in the Tower of London 3 s. per diem 54 l. 15 s. To John Ridlesden Clerk of the Ordnance 36 l. 10 s. To Sir Robert Johnson, Clerk of the Deliveries of the Ordnance in the Tower 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To John Benyon Clerk of the Armoury at Greenwich 2 s. 6 d. per diem, and for his Livery 26 s. 8 d. 46 l. 19 s. 2 d. More to him for his Fee 26 s. 10 d. per mensem 23 l. 18 s. 10 d. To Thomas Lincoln yeoman of the Armoury at Greenwich 15 l. 12 s. per annum, and for his Livery 26 s. per annum. In all 16 l. 18 s. More to him for his Fee 24 s. per mensem 16 l. 16 s. 10 d. To William Lacon Clerk of the Ordnance and Works at Carlisle 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To John Cowper Harnesmaker in the Tower 16 d. per diem 24 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Henry Zinzan Harnesmaker, his Fee per annum 10 l. To Will. Heath, keeper of the Storehouse at Protsmouth 20 l. To Fran. Inglesby keeper of the Armoury at Greenwich 30 l. 8 s. 4 d. To Joh. Parker keeper of the Armoury at Westminster 18 l. 5 s. To Sir John Bingham, keeper of the Armoury at Hampton Court 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To Thomas Laverock maker of Hand-guns 16 d. per diem 24 l. 6 s. 8 d. To William Pickering Mr. of the Works of the Armoury at Greenwich, & to 8. Hammer men there, three Lock-smiths, 3 Mill-men, two Labourers, and one Guilder, for their Fees per mensem, and the allowance of 7 l. per mensem, for ordinary expenses and necessary provisions for the said Armoury cometh unto in all per mensem 32 l. 15 s. 6 d. which is per annum 449 l. 19 s. 6 d. To Thomas Pit Gun-maker 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To Israel Owen Gun-maker 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To Richard Phillip's Gun-maker 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To John Phillip's Gun-founder 8 d. per diem 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To John Heyborne provider of instruments of War 8 d. per diem 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To John Fletcher provider of ropes and matches for the Ordnance 8 d. per diem 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To James Palfreyman, keeper of the Handguns and De mihaggs in the Tower 10 d. per diem 15 l. 4 s. 2 d. To Andrew Kerwin Gunstone-maker 8 d. per diem 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To Tho. Brown, Gunstone-maker 6 d. per diem 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. To John Thomas, yeoman of the Ordnance 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. To John Jefferson Bowmaker 6 d. per diem 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. More to him as Bow-stringer maker 6 d. per diem 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. To John powel Fletcher, arrowmaker 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. To Rodger Chovin Crosbowmaker 4 d. per diem 6 l. 20 d. More to him as maker of Hand-guns 12 l. To Thomas Brown maker of Iron Ordonance 18 d. per diem 27 l. 7 s. 6 d. To Sir Richard Musgrave, Master and Surveyor of in the North parts 5 s. per diem for himself and 2 s. per diem for three servants under him. In all per annum 146 l. To Hugh Price porter at the Minoretts 8 d. per di. 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. The total is 1397 l. 11 s. 11 d. Gunners. To Will. Hamonde Mr. gunner of England 2 s. per diem 36 l. 10 s. To 14 gunner's in the Tower of London to each of them 12 d. per diem, which cometh unto per annum 273 l. 15 s. To eleven gunner's in the Tower of London to each of them 8 d. per diem, which in all cometh unto per ann. 133 l. 16 s. 8 d. To 86 gunner's in the Tower of London, to each of them 8 d. per diem, which in all cometh unto per annum 693 l. 10 s. To two gunner's at Carlisle Castle, to each 12 d. per di. 36 l. 10 s. To two gunner's more there, to each 6 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To Robert Leming gunner at Harwich 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To William Bull Master gunner at Windsor Castle 8 d. per diem 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To Richard Ratcliffe gunner at the Fort of Eastmersey in Essex 8 d. per diem 12 l. 3 s. 4 d. To Richard Portriffe gunner at Rye 6 d. per diem 9 l. 2 s. 6 d. The total per annum is 1244 l. 10 d. Captains of Castles and Forts. To Will. Earl of Pembroke, Captain and keeper of the Town and Isle of Portsmouth 10 s. per diem for himself, and for the wages of 20 Soldiers, to each 8 d. per diem, cometh to in all 425 l. 16 s. 8 d. More to him for the wages of one Master gunner at 10 d. per diem. 15 gunner's each at 8 d. per diem 14 gunner's each at 6 d per diem, one Ancient, one Armourer, one Sergeant, one Drummer, one Fife, and a hundred Soldiers, each at 8 d. per diem, in the said Town and Isle, which cometh unto in all per annum 10062 l. 19 s. 2 d. To Sir George Moor Lieutenant of the Tower of London, for himself 200 l. per annum 16 d. per diem, for 11 yeomen Wardoners, to each 8 d. per diem and 53 s. 4 d. per annum for fire for them. In all per annum 865 l. 15 s. To Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Captain of the new Fort at Plymouth, for himself and Soldiers there, 56 s. per diem, which cometh unto per annum 1022 l. To Sir John Parker, Captain of Pendennis Castle near Falmouth 10 s. per diem for himself, and for the wages of fifty Footmen there at 8 d. per diem, which cometh unto per annum in all 690 l. 16 s. 8 d. To Mr. Fran. Godolphin, Captain of the Isle of Silley, for the wages of one Lieutenant at 4 s. per diem; another Lieutenant at 2 s. per diem; for three Gunners, each at 10 d. per diem. 45 Soldiers, each at 8 d. per diem, being the Summer Company there; which cometh to (for 183 days) for half the year 352 l. 5 s. 6 d. More to him for the Winter Company there, viz one Lieutenant at 4 s. per diem, another Lieutenant at 2 s. per diem, three Gonners, each 10 d. per diem, and 20 Soldiers, to each 8 d per diem, for 182 days for the other half year, which cometh unto 198 l. 13 s. 8 d. To Sir John Trevor Captain of upnor Castle, for the wages of twenty Soldiers there, each at 8 d. per diem, which cometh unto in all per annum 243 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Peter Temple, Captain of the Camber Castle 2 s. per diem for himself, and for eight Soldiers and six Gonners, each at 6 d. per diem. In all per annum 164 l. 5 s. To Sir Robert Lane, Captain of Southsea Castle 2 s. per diem for himself; for one Porter 8 d. per diem, and ten Gonners each 6 d. per annum 139 l. 18 s. 4 d. To Thom. Barker Captain of the Green Bulwark of Arcliff at Dover, and the black-Bulwark there, 16 d. per diem for himself, and for four Gonners and two Soldiers, each at 6 d. per diem, which cometh unto in all per annum 97 l. 6 s. 8 d. To George Fenner, Captain of Sandgate Castle, for his Fee per annum 40 l. To Anthony Lewes, Captain of the Fort of Westilbury, 2 s. per diem 36 l. 10 s. To 〈…〉 Captain of the Fort at Milton, for his Fee 20 l. per ann. and 4 d. per diem. In all 26 l. 1 s. 8 d. To William Binge, Captain of Deale Castle, his Fee per annum 20 l. To John Heydon Captain of Sandowne Castle, his Fee per annum 20 l. To William Boughton Captain of Walmore Castle his Fee per annum 20 l. To Sir John Thorneboroughe Captain of Scarboroughe Castle in Com. Eboru. per annum 16 l. The total is 6081 l. 15 s. There are divers Castles and Forts paid by the King's Receivors general, and Sheriffs of Counties, which I cannot set down because no particular mention doth express it, in the records of the Receipts and Issues. Officers of the Navy and Admiralty. To Charles Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral of England for his Fee per annum 133 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Sir Francis Howard Captain general of the Narrow Seas 20 s. per diem for himself, for one Clerk under him 8 d. pen diem, and for 16 men under him each at 10 s. per mensem, 28 days to each month, which cometh unto in all per annum 481 l. 3 s. 4 d. To Sir Robert Maunsell Treasurer of the Navy for himself 66 l. 13 s. 4 d. per annum, and for two Clarks under him, each at 8 d. per diem, and 8 l. per annum for his Boathire. In all per annum 91 l. More to him an allowance of 6 s. 8 d. per diem for his pains about the affairs of that Office 121 l. 13 s. 4 d. To Sir Richard Bingley Surveyor of the Navy for himself 40 l. per annum; for two Clarks under him each 8 d. per diem and 8 l. per annum for his Boathire 72 l. 6 s. 8 d. More to him an allowance of 4 s. per diem, for his pains about the affairers of that Office 73 l. To Sir Jeffery Slingsby Controller of the Navy, for himself 50 l. per annum, for two Clarks under him each 8 d. per diem and 8 d. per annum for Boathire. In all 82 l. 6 s. 8 d. More to him an allowance of 4 s. per diem for his pains about the affairs of that Office 73 l. To Sir Marmaduke Darrell and Sir Tho. Bludder Surveyors of the Marine victuals for the King's Navy, for themselves 50 l. per annum, and for a Clerk under them 8 d. per diem. In all per annum 62 l. 3 s. 4 d. More to them an allowance of 3 s. 4 d. per diem, and for two Clarks under them each 12 d. per diem, for their pains about the affairs of that Office. In all per annum 97 l. 6 s. 8 d. To Peter Buck, Clark of the Navy for his Fee 33 l. 6 s. 8 d. per annum, and 6 l. per annum for his Boathire. In all per annum 39 l. 6 s. 8 d. More to him an allowance of 3 s. 4 d. per diem for his pains about the affairs of that Office 60 l. 16 s. 8 d. To Thomas Baker Clark of the Store at Deptford 26 l. 13 s. 4 d. per annum, and 6 l. per annum for his Boathire 32 l. 13. 4 d. More to him an allowance of 2 s. 6 d. per diem for his pains about the affairs of that Office 45 l. 12. 6 d. To John Ackworth keeper of the Store at Woolwich 20 l. per annum, 4 l. per annum for his Boathire, and 20 d. per diem for diet. In all 54 l. 8 s. 4 d. To Thomas Wriothesley, one of the Assistants to the Officers of the Admiralty per annum 20 l. To Walter Portriff, another of the Assistants, per ann. 20 l. To Michael Gear, another of the Assistants 20 l. To John Grent Surveyor of the Tonnage per annum 18 l. 5 s. To William Bright, Shipwright 20 d. per diem 30 l. 8 s. 4 d. To John Austin, Shipwright per annum 20 l. To Matthew Baker, Shipwright 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To Phineas Pett, Shipwright 12 d. per diem 18 l. 5 s. To Robert Hudson and Geo. Rands, for clearing the Roads per annum 30 l. The total per annum is 1712 l. 7 s. The total sum of Fees and Annuities is 25928 l. 7 s. 8 d. In Anno Septimo of the King, there was one entire subsicy granted by the Laiety throughout all England, for which was paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer, by the Collectors thereof, the Sum of 69666 l. and so by estimation, a subsicy is so valued, which for more particularity is here distinguished as it is Collected in each several Shire of England, and as each Shire payeth, viz. l. Berk. 963 Buck. 1526 Bed. 721 Cantabr. 1205 Cestria. 871 Cumberl. 516 Cornub. 1784 Dunolme. 61 Dorset 1239 Derb. 644 Devon. 5821 Essex 2653 Eboru. 4070 Glouc. 1748 Hertff. 1221 Hereff. 1105 Hunt. 553 Kancia 3042 Lanc. 978 Leic. 805 Lincoln 2571 London 5178 Midd. 1512 Monmouth 293 Nott. 593 North. 980 Norff. 2840 Northumberl. 129 Oxon. 1109 Rutl. 174 Salop. 787 South. 2412 Staff. 681 Suff. 2824 Surr. 2286 Sussex 1705 Somerset 4249 Wigorn. 1178 Westminster 102 Wiltes 2240 Warr. 918 Of the Nobility 3180 Within the King's house 1101 Shires in Wales. Angliss. Bercon. Carnarvan. Carmarth. 101 Cardigan. Denbigh. Flint Glamorgan Merioneth. 120 Mountgomery Pembroc. Radnor. 44 Totall of the whole Collection in England and Wales, amounteth to 69666 The reason why most of these Welsh Shires stand with blanks is because they pay no Subsedies, now they are charged with the Mizes, they pay unto the Prince of Wales. And until this seventh year of the King, the Shires of Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland, never paid any subsicy or fifteenth, because they were at a Continual charge in defence of the Borders against Scotland. One xvth. and xth. of the Laity cometh unto 36500 l. Every City, Hundred, Town and Village pay in for Fifteenths and Tenths no more than they are chargeable by the Ancient Roll and Tax set upon them, so that their payments are certain. The Dividend of the 13000 l. distributed amongst the Governors and Officers of the Towns of Ulushing and Brill, in recompense of the loss of their places upon Surrender of the said Towns, to the Lords the States of the United Provinces. To Captain Moyle 400 To Edmond Gentille provost Marshal of the Brill 400 To two Waterbayliffs of the Town's viz. to each 400 l. out of which their Deputies to be allowed pro rata 800 To two Comissaries of Musters, to each 400 l. 800 l. To two Clerks of the Ordnance, to each 100 l. 200 l. To two Master Gonners, to each 100 l. 200 l. To two Mr. Gonners' Mates, to each 100 marks 133 l. 6 s. 8 d. To eight quarter Mr. Gonners, to each 50 l. 400 l. To two Assistants, to each 40 l. 80 l. To ten Cannoneers, amongst them 80 l. To the Lady Browne 300 l. To monsieur Block 150 l. To Sir Will. Waade and Clement edmond's, in recompense of the reversions of Offices they had there, to each of them 400 l. In all 800 l. To Sir William Waade, due to him upon a former Warrant, payable out of the Checks 600 l. To two Preachers, between them 76 l. 13 s. 4 d. To be employed for redeeming of so many Pentions as shall amount unto the sum of 2500 l. per annum, granted to the Governors, and some other Officers of the said Towns To be disposed by the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of the Exchequer for that use. 7500 l. Memorandum, this agreeth with t●e Schedale signed by the King. The total Sum is 13000 l. Memorandum, the Lord Viscount Lisle, Governor of the Town of Vlushing and the Castle of Ramakins, hath in recompense of that place, a Pension out of the Receipt of the Exchequer at Westminster of 1200 l. per ann. during his life Sir Horatio Vere, Governor of Brill, hath also during his life, in recompense 800 l. per annum. And Sir Edward Conway a Pension during his life of 500 l. per annum.