❧ By the King. ALthough the Offences committed against the queen our sister deceased, and the honour of he Estate by the carl of Tyrone, were such as al Princes ought to very sensible of, and not by the impunity of offenders so high a nature, give way to others to attempt the like: Yet because we haue understood that before the death of the queen, the said earl having expressed and made known to Her, many tokens of an unfeigned repentance, had so far moved her therewith, as shee had given power to the L. Mountioy her deputy, and now our Lieutenant of that kingdom, to receive him to mercy if he should seek it, which Her purpose, we cannot but commend, as being derived from the virtue of Clementie, of no less ornament to Princely dignity then is the rigor of Iustice: And for that the said carl hath not onely done none offence against us since our coming to this crown, but also, as we are certainly informed by our Lieutenant, hath both abandoned his adherence to all foreign Princes, and offered himself in his own person to do service vpon any other Rebels within that realm of Ireland; Wee could not think him worthy of less favour at Our hands, then he had obtained at Hers, against whom his faults were committed. And therefore he being now admitted by our said Lieutenant, by virtue of the power first given queen, and since confirmed by us, into his State and condition of a good subject, and in the rank and dignity of an earl, And being also come over into this realm to cast himself at our feet, and to testify by his own words, his unfeigned sorrow of his former Offences, and earnest desire of our mercy and favour: Wee haue thought good a signify to all men by these presents, that we haue received him into Grace and favour, and do aclowledge him our subject, and a Noble man of such rank and place as in that our realm of Ireland he is: And that therefore if any man shall by words, or dead, abuse the said earl of Tyrone, or misbehaue himself towards him, and not yield him such respect and usage, as belongeth to a person of his sort received into favour and good opinion, wee shall esteem it an Offence, deserving such punishment, as the contempt of our pleasure so expressly signified doth deserve. given at our manor of Greenwich the eighth day of june, in the first year of our reign. God save the King. ❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent majesty. ANNO DOM. 1603: