HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms By the queen. THE QVEENES MOST EXCELLENT majesty, for diuers good considerations her highnes moving, and specially for the avoiding of the great and excessive prices of wines, of the growing of the realm of france, now used to be sold and uttered within this her realm of England, is pleased and contented by this her highnes Proclamation, to give and grant full licence, liberty, power and authority, to all and every person and persons whatsoever, being of any realm, cofitrey, or deminion in amitic with her highnesse, to convey and bring, or cause to be conveyed and brought into this her majesties realm of England and dominion of Wales, at al times from the day of the date of this present Proclamation, until the twentieth of March, which shalbe in the year of our Lord God, one thousand five hundreth eighty, any maner of wines of the growing of the duchy of Guine, or Gascoine, or of any other part or partes of the said realm of France, in any Ship or Ships, Crayer or Crayers, Bottom, boat or boats, Vessel or Vessels, whatsoever person or persons be or shalbe thereof possessor, owner or proprietary, being of the countreyes in amitic with her majesty, or whosoever be thereof master, or shalbe master or mariners in the same. And the same wines to utter and sel in gross in any part of this her realm of england, or dominion of Wales, Paying to her majesty the customs, subsidies and other dueties to be due for the same: and that without any forfeiture, loss, pain, or penalty for the same to be had or taken, any law, statute, proclamation, usage, custom, or restraint whatsoever heretofore had, made, or used to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. Wherefore her highnes doth straightly charge and command, as well the admiral and 'vice admiral of England, and all his and their officers & ministers, as also al Maiors, Sheriffes, bailiffs, Customers, controllers, surveyors, Searchers, Collectors and farmers of customs and Subsidies, and every other her highnes Officers, Ministers and Subiects whatsoever, that they and every of them, do from henceforth quietly permit and suffer the effect and true meaning of this her highnes Proclamation to be observed and kept in al things without any molestation, trouble, suit, seizure, or arrest, or any other thing by them or any of them to be had, made, or done to the contrary, as they & every of them will avoyde her highnes displeasure, and answer to the contrary at their uttermost perils. given at her majesties manor of greenwich, the xx. day of December, in the two and twentieth year of her highnesse reign. 1579. God save the queen. Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker, Printer to the queens most excellent majesty.